AHT 2020 Western and Working Western Brochure

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In this issue:

Feeding Generations Of Champions Poco Van Star Two, you will be missed by all and your legacy lives on in your offspring.

Innovative Equine Supplements Created By A Veterinarian Ar abian Horse Times | 2 | Western • 2020

& 3X National Champion CEA Comfortably Numb

Ar abian Horse Times | 4 | Western • 2020

D S A TO Y n


“There is nothing more beautiful than a western horse who is collected, pretty in the bridle, shoulders up, tight core and driving from behind. The perfect western horse is relaxed, making it look easy when it is anything but.” — Carrie Doran Fritz

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Texas, but soon to be Arizona

What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? rains, a great hind leg, a exible poll and neck, and one that loves to show. When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? I’ve never discarded a horse on pedigree. s ichael yatt always says, your eyes don’t lie. If they look the part, they normally will do it. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? of my national caliber horses have been made from scratch. I prefer young stock made properly.

What do you hope to contribute to the western division? high uality product to be available to the perspective buyer. t the same time, the ones that don’t sell at first, go on to do great things in the show ring. Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. I respect the team of tanley . White III and ola . If anyone thinks that tan has had an easy road following in his grandfather and father’s footsteps, well they are mistaken. ola is a labor of love produced by arry erome. e too, has been working in this industry for years to create this.



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Where It's All About

Kristian Dior

Indigo BVA

DLC Sonya

Jo Money Linda & Dennis Clark 906 FM 407E | Arg yle, TX 76226 LongMeadowArabian@verizon.net

DLC Thebuckstopshere Ar abian Horse Times | 10 | Western • 2020

The Western!

Jeepers Kreepers

Andrew Ryback Photo

Anadalay J

Ever More NA RDA Midnight Blue

Steven Scoggins 217-649-4807 sscoggins33@gmail.com


Dennis & Linda Clark LONG MEADOW ARABIANS Argyle, Texas

What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? Attitude, movement, willingness and having the heart to do their job. They must be willing to give their all when called on. Since we expect this of them, we also want them to have the best life that they can by having lots of outside time on the farm. This has really helped with the attitude of our horses. Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? There is nothing better than a great gelding, but we have shown all three. Quality, movement and attitude are most important regardless of gender. If we are looking for an amateur horse, we just look for the best horse we can find. How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? That depends on the horse. We are fortunate that we have a fairly large number of horses to ride and show. The older horses can still be very competitive in the show ring, so we are just careful of how much and where we take the older horses. Having new and younger horses adds to the fun. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? If we are looking for an amateur horse, we like one that is already in the bridle so we can begin to show more quickly. For an open horse, being proven is not as important as uality and attitude. hat is teven’s job to find those horses. How has the current pandemic impacted your outlook of showing going forward? Because we are a private barn, the pandemic has not affected us as much as it has others. We do not depend on going down the road to shows like an open barn might.



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Shamrock Farm’s Official Gate Keeper Earlier this Spring, Shamrock Farms sadly suffered the loss of legendary Quarter Horse stallion Poco Van Star Two. Affectionally nicknamed “Willy” to all who knew and loved him, the big-hearted buckskin passed suddenly on Good Friday, healthy and happy until the end. Willy needs no introduction to the world of Half-Arabian Western Pleasure. He is a key contributor, producing a record-setting number of the very best in the business. Willy began his breeding career at age three. To date, he has produced 49 foals of which 37 (old enough to show) have earned an unprecedented 67 National and Reserve National Championships! This computes to nearly two championships per aged “Willy” foal, a statistic that proves the wonderful, winning attributes of this strong, gentle giant. The o ficial patriarch o Texas ased Shamroc


ill happil li ed his da s as the a ored center

o attention, han in his head o tside his stall located next to the room area, all the while o ser in the comin s and oin s, his ind expression con e in his appro al Ar abian Horse Times | 14 | Western • 2020

Joe Reser (Willy’s best friend), is poignant, “I was blessed to know Willy nearly all his life, which coincidently covered nearly all my professional life thus far. Our meeting was one of those random events which ultimately drew you in and completely took hold.” Willy’s sire (Poco Van Star) lived at a cutting horse farm near the Resers’ Indiana farm. Joe met his son, Willy, when he was two and they immediately clicked. “We were looking to breed some nice Half-Arabian western pleasure horses,” Joe continues, “and felt Willy had the conformation and temperament to complement our purebred mares. At the time, we never imagined we were creating a Half-Arabian western pleasure legacy!” Willy’s Half-Arabian get debuted in the show pen in 2008—a banner year. Rocky’s Mighty Honey earned Canadian National Champion in Half-Arabian Western Pleasure ATR and AOTR 18-39 and 2008 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 18-39. Pocos Secret Weapon took the roses winning U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 and Over. Jo Money won US Reserve National Champion title for Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity horse, going on to win seven national championships in Open, Amateur and Youth competition, including Walk/Trot 10 and Under. Willy’s distinct, unique traits were clearly passing on to his get. More than ten years later, Willy’s sons and daughters continue to dominate the Half-Arabian western pleasure show pen. Buckskin gelding We Will Rock U, debuted his show career at the 2018 U.S. Nationals, winning the Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity. We Will Rock U and 2019 U.S. Reserve National Champion AWPA Half-Arabian Western Pleasure horse half-sibling, CEA Comfortably Numb, did his sire proud too, thus far a three-time U.S. National Half-Arabian Western Pleasure champion, winning the 2018 AWPA Equine Athlete Futurity, 2018 Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Maturity, and 2019 Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse. Poco Van Star Two’s get make him the top earning Half-Arabian western pleasure sire, with more than $33,000 in prize money won in just the past four years. What makes an iconic Half-Arabian western pleasure sire? Joe is quick to characterize, “Strength, determination, kindness, a great work ethic and charisma. Willy’s babies are strong, both physically and mentally. Their work ethic is second to none. Their willingness to learn serves them well through intense Futurities and Open competitions, and their kindness and patience makes them an Amateur and Youth partner who will give their all.” Joe smiles, “Willy changed my career and professional life forever. He was proud and opinionated (he hated the heat), yet kind and strong. He was a horse you couldn’t help to love, always ever present. It was a true honor to have Willy in my life and now I’m blessed to be surrounded by his babies who possess his special attributes. “Goodbye, dear friend, you changed our lives forever.” Ar abian Horse Times | 15 | Western • 2020

Proudly owned by Angela Daugherty Blacklick, Ohio Poco Van Star Two x m rin in Sex


Proudly owned by Represent Equine LLC Lewis Center, OH Poco Van Star Two x oc


“My transition into the Western world was partly due to my admiration for the Poco Van Star Two offspring. In my mind, they exemplify what a true Half-Arabian western horse should be. I am honored to get to be a part of his legacy with this new filly.” ~ Lesley

Ar abian Horse Times | 16 | Western • 2020

2019 U.S. National Reserve Champion H/A AWPA $50,000 Equine Athlete Western Pleasure Futurity with Joe Reser 2018 U.S. National Champion H/A Western Pleasure Futurity

Proudly owned by Angela Daugherty Blacklick, Ohio Poco Van Star Two x Im Bringin Sexy Back

“When it comes to breeding Half-Arabians, I have always known who I was breeding to. Poco Van Star Two always put such amazing babies on the ground. Willie made an impact on so many lives and was loved by all. I think of him when I look at my foals and can never thank him enough for his contributions. He will always be in my heart.” ~ Angela

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Poco Van Star Two x Weczendela

8x National Champion (5 Championships & 3 Reserves) Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Open, JOTR, Jr. Horse, Ladies Side Saddle 2020 Scottsdale Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 19-35 with Tabitha Bell Proudly owned by Bel Heir Arabians LLC Blue Jay, CA

Ar abian Horse Times | 18 | Western • 2020

Poco Van Star Two x Kickin N Screamin U.S. National Champion and 2x Canadian Reserve National Champion H/A Western Pleasure AAOTR with Brian Wheeler 3x U.S. Reserve National Champion with Stanley White III, Joe Reser, and Brian Wheeler 3x Canadian National Champion H/A Western Pleasure Open with Joe Reser

“One measure of the greatness of Poco Van Star Two is the number of national champion western pleasure horses he produced. We wish to thank Joe Reser, breeders Susan Al-Abbas & Setting Sun Stables, and Abe Cotton, for allowing us to share in the exciting journey with the success achieved by our two Poco Van Star Two horses!” ~ Susan and Brian Wheeler Proudly owned by Susan & Brian Wheeler Plymouth, MI

U.S. National Champion H/A Western Pleasure Futurity with Joe Reser Canadian Reserve National Champion H/A Western Plesaure Jr. Horse with Joe Reser 3x National Top Ten (3rd) H/A Western Pleasure AWPA Futurity and Jr. Horse with Abe Cotton Poco Van Star Two x Mint Jullya V

Winner of the Inaugural AWPA Open Award

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Poco Van Star Two x

LC Per ect m er

U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity Pro dl owned Argyle, TX

x ational Champion (7 Championships / 1 Reserve) Half-Arabian Western Pleasure pen, t rit , T T

Poco Van Star Two x ic in Pro dl owned


Screamin Linda Clar Argyle, TX

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Linda Clar

WB Poco Van Star Two x Maril n V

2019 U.S. National Top Ten H/A (3rd) AWPA $50,000 Equine Athlete Western Pleasure Futurity with Liz Bentley 2018 U.S. National Top Ten H/A Western Pleasure Futurity with Liz Bentley Pro dl owned Champlain, NY

Trent Trahan


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2018 U.S. National Champion H/A AWPA $50,000 Equine Athlete Western Pleasure Futurity 2018 U.S. National Champion H/A Western Pleasure AAOTR Maturity 2019 U.S. National Champion H/A Western Pleasure Jr. Horse Poco Van Star Two x SL Capaccinos Charmm

Proudly owned by Shamrock Farms LLC Mansfield, TX

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Leslie Doran Sommer & Carrie Doran Fritz o thla e, e as Mansfield, e as


What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? Leslie: My parents would not let my sister and I show the same discipline. Carrie is older (way older!), so she picked English and I went western. Carrie: I am fairly new to western and it hasn’t been an easy learning curve for me. I rode nglish horses for my first years in horses and just added western in the last five years. I love it and can’t wait to learn more! What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? Leslie: Good mover, good attitude and has to be pretty. Carrie: Attitude and movement. There is nothing more beautiful than a western horse who is collected, pretty in the bridle, shoulders up, tight core and driving from behind. The perfect western horse is relaxed, making it look easy when it is anything but.

Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? Carrie: There shouldn’t be any advantages. When I enter the show ring, I hope I’m being judged on the strength of my ride, the quality of my horse and the consistency of the presentation; not the sex of my horse. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? Leslie: I like looking for the next star. I also really enjoy the Junior horses. Carrie: We are always looking for the next superstar. It is even more satisfying when you have bred that star and discover them in your own pasture. Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. Leslie: I really enjoy watching the team of Kim Blackburn and Mmonsignor. hey fit each other perfectly. It looks so easy and enjoyable. monsignor is one of my favorite horses. Carrie: Easy … my sister, Leslie, and Monaco Jullyen V. Monaco is an impressive 16+ hands of solid muscle and a mile-long neck. It is no small task to put all that together, but they have managed to do it for three consecutive years as U.S. National Champions, a feat never accomplished. How has the current pandemic impacted your outlook of showing going forward? Leslie: I believe I will just enjoy it more. These last few months have taught me to slow down and enjoy life.



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Susan Al-Abbas Wakarusa, Indiana


What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? I believe you must start with a brain and great disposition, or you have nothing. I want to see a horse with soft uid movement, is athletic, versatile, well balanced, and has a great neck with a soft bend at the poll. When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? In , ichard aver introduced me to ocky hoda II, a askin obbins daughter that I fell in love with. She was a horse dreams are made of and she made that dream Ima ockstar. I continued breeding this great mare to produce incredible babies and now grand babies.

What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? I look for certain ualities that a mare will reproduce or be recessive enough that the stallion comes through. I always start with brain, then I want to see length of leg, a smooth, well balanced body, great movement and beauty. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? I am always thinking about what cross creates the next star and horse I want to ride. hose brains I speak about include ockys ighty oney, Ima ockin n ollin, o oney, Im o olden, Ima ockin op tar, Ima ockin wo, hes ll hat, oneys ockin Cello, and Ima ocktar II. What do you hope to ontribute to the western di ision I am always striving to breed horses I want to ride and hope to continue breeding horses other owners can enjoy and become that next great broodmare, like ockys ighty oney, Im ringing exy ack, Ima ockin op tar, and ockem ll. y goal is to breed horses that we never forget.



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Tabitha Bell Berkeley, California


What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? I love the technicality of western pleasure because there is always a new thing to learn and figure out. lso, the purchase of my wonderful mare, I ockin opstar sealed my fate of being a western pleasure rider. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? I think it is important to have great conformation and training, but most of all, I want a horse that enjoys the ride with me. y current mare, tella, has a wonderful work ethic and loves to show as much as I do. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? I have my first foal from my show mare. It is fun watching her grow up and I am looking forward to watching rett start her as a western pleasure mare.

Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. eslie ommer and onaco ullyen . eslie and Carrie are two of the kindest and most inspirational ladies I have met. hey always carry themselves with grace and I aspire to ride and be like them one day. How has the current pandemic impacted your outlook of showing going forward? he pandemic has made me value the relationship I have with my horse and the pure joy of riding. t the moment, there are no immediate show goals and I have rediscovered that it is special to just focus on how much I enjoy the sport and being at the barn.



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Angela Daugherty Blacklick, Ohio


What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? It looked easy, or so I thought, until I got a western horse and tried to ride it! I figured out uick, if I was ever going to show, I needed a lot of help! I rode hunter jumpers for years and some dressage, but nothing prepared me for the challenge of western pleasure. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western leasure horse? I start at the feet. If the horse doesn’t have great feet, it’s all over. hen I move to the legs for movement, the body left to right . hey need a strong hind end and the ability to use it. short back helps and a short neck that comes up out of their shoulders. When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? I don’t look at the pedigree as much as I study the genetic characteristics of each horse produced in the pedigree. here are plenty of horses out there that have the best pedigree on both parents, but the foal comes out average. I want to find a sire and dam that produces better than themselves genetically. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? fter having a hard time finding one I liked, I decided to create my own. I found a days old filly that I just had to buy. I loved her sire and dam and I knew she was going to have Champion babies. I picked the uarter orse stud when he was a yearling. ive years later I got my first ational Champion. Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect nd why. hat would have to be my trainer oe eser and any horse he’s on. ike my first time watching western, he makes riding look so easy, but that’s not all. e’s dedicated to winning not only for himself, but his amateurs as well, and he loves the horses most importantly!



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Joe Reser Mansfield, e as





What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? My mom wanted me to ride English horses, but I hated her horse. I always enjoyed watching the beauty and grace of western. My heart was drawn to it. I love the precision of making something very difficult look really easy. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? My ideal western horse must be a good mover and have the desire to want to do the job. Physically, I look for the neck to come up out of the shoulder, a short back, low set hocks, lower tail carriage, soft poll, and good feet.

How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? It depends ... amateurs that breed their show horses have a shorter window of time that they keep them because they have the next one coming up. If an amateur’s budget allows for one horse at a time, they tend to show their horse for multiple years. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? I love the thrill of trying to find the next great one! I enjoy working the proven horses and keeping them prepared for their amateur riders, but I really enjoy bringing a prospect along from first ride to roses in the bosal. How has the current pandemic impacted your outlook of showing going forward? We have a set schedule that we follow each year from Scottsdale to Class A shows to Regionals to Nationals. This year we lost part of that. Having it taken away, it makes me realize how much I took shows and seeing our extended family (customers, other trainers) for granted.



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Liz Bentley IIB FARMS

Oronogo, Missouri

WESTERN, HUNTER AND SHOW HACK What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? I was an English trainer from the start and I even trained Saddlebreds for several years. I then received several high-quality western horses and started winning some big classes, received more in training and that was that. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western leasure horse? Performance conformation, quality, and a great disposition are must haves in a winning western horse. A top western horse must also have an abundance of heart and try because it’s a demanding and unforgiving class.

When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? Khadraj NA and Sundance Kid V are my favorites. I’m getting a chance to train a combo of those two now and I’m crazy about her. What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? To me, the mare is the breeding program. You need to know what she throws and what you need help with then you find the stallion that can help. Sometimes it’s in a different discipline. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? I’ve always from my own prospects and developed my own show strings. I like that because I know everything that’s gone into the horse from start to finish.



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Nicole Reed Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? I love and respect all the divisions in our industry, but western is truly in a world of its own. he level of finesse and timing re uired to turn out a soft, relaxed, and confident western horse is a challenge that I am drawn to. It is so mentally exhausting but extremely satisfying. What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when sele ting a stallion hysically, I look for substantial body si e, a nicely placed neck with good shape and length, short back, uality movement, and pretty. entally, it helps if they are good minded, willing and trainable. o me, a mare puts into the foal, so I then pick a stallion that will improve on the mare.

ow many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they hange horses hat depends on a bunch of factors. What is the amateur’s skill level Is the horse tolerant What are the amateur’s goals preferences ome amateurs like two hands ... some horses don’t like the curb. I think the amateur needs to be on the same page as the horse and vice versa for maximum success. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of dis o ering the ne t star I love the youngsters and having a clean slate to work with. here is nothing like jogging or trotting into the arena on a baby that you brought along! Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. In any division, I hope to contribute happy, sound, amateur friendly, uality horses who thrive in their particular job. I would like to try and make the western division a little less intense for the horse and amateur moving on a little more at the lope or not as big a drape.



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Stop by Nymeyers at Tanglewood to see handcrafted saddles by Miguel Aguilar. P LEASURE | R EINING | T RAIL | R ANCH R IDING Tanglewood1@aol.com - 515-223-6585 www.nymeyers.com Ar abian Horse Times | 33 | Western • 2020

Jullyen El Jamaal x Khantina Girl V, by Desperado V Scottsdale Signature Stallion | AWPA Enrolled Sire Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated Sire | SCID & CA Clear

C Our Zeus x DR Fonda Color

At Franklin Farm LLC 12201 308th Avenue NE, Duvall, WA 98019

Ar abian Horse Times | 35 | Western • 2020

Greg Harris: 805-245-5755 HarrisShowHorses.com

Diane Franklin Woodinville, Washington

FRANKLIN FARM LLC / HARRIS SHOW HORSES WESTERN & ENGLISH What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? I love the softness and beauty of a well-trained western horse. Western is probably the most challenging discipline! What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? A good temperament, the willingness to go forward, and a good work ethic. When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? I have several prospects sired by my stallion Karmel El Jullyen V, that I’m very excited about. My mates are being bred to Khaja J and Kola J and I’m sure those foals will be amazing!

Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? As an amateur rider, I can’t say there have been any advantages for me. I’ve done well on both my mare, STLA C Im Fondau, and my stallion, Karmel El Jullyen V. Greg Harris has done an amazing job with both of them. How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? That depends on the horse. If the horse is successful and stays sound, you can continue showing the same horse indefinitely.



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Devon Benbrook | 541-690-2909 Petroglypharabians@me.com Eagle Point, Oregon

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Devon Benbrook | Eagle Point, Oregon | 541-690-2909 | Petroglypharabians@me.com Ar abian Horse Times | 39 | Western • 2020

Jullyen El Jamaal x Misti V, by Bravado Bey V New foundation sire for Petroglyph Arabians Multi-Program Nominated | SICD Clear For breeding information contact Devon Benbrook: 541-690-2909 Petroglypharabians@me.com

(Monticello V x Ellice E) 2017 Mare AWPA | Sweepstakes | Scottsdale Signature For Your Consideration

(Monticello V x Kharess CCF) 2017 H/A Mare AWPA | Sweepstakes For Your Consideration

(Moon of Jullyen V x Enticing PGA) 2019 Filly AWPA | Sweepstakes | Scottsdale Signature For Your Consideration

(PA Kid Khan x WCF Hynde Cyte) 2017 H/A Gelding, 15’2 H Under saddle. Western superstar in the making. AWPA | Sweepstakes | Scottsdale Signature For Your Consideration

Devon Benbrook PETROGLYPH ARABIANS Eagle Point, Oregon

What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? Western is my first love, probably because I couldn’t afford an nglish horse. I started with western welsh ponies when I was years old and I’ve been obsessed ever since. howing western is a lot harder than people think if you’re in a bad ring position, you can’t just go faster to get a better position. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? trong hind uarters is most important, good shoulders and, of course, overall pretty and balanced. lthough I have seen and ridden horses that just standing in the cross ties were pretty homely, their big heart and great mind to do their job sometimes wins out over big and pretty. Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? I have to say I love the stallions, and a great one always stands out in the ring. It’s hard to beat their presence. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? efinitely finding the next star! I love riding hackamore horses and they usually don’t have any bad habits in the ring. I feel a lot of accomplishment when we get through a class clean and no one expects anything from you. iding a proven one is so much pressure! What do you hope to contribute to the western division? When I started breeding, my main goal was concentrating on pretty, athletic, western horses. Initially, it felt like, Well, it didn’t make it in halter, so we will just make it a western horse, but I want western first and then the bonus if they can show halter also.



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What drew you to the working western discipline vs. others and what is your specialty? When I started showing local, I had great Quarter Horse trainers available to me: Billy Harris, Glen Gimple, Jack and Linda Baker to name a few. I got to catch ride trail and stock horses of great caliber and there was no looking back. Trail horses are the sharpest tool in the drawer—they make you think! What are the important must-haves in your ideal working western horse? Trainability and conformation are important must haves in a working western horse. These attributes make it easy for the horse to do their job and become stars in various divisions, from cow horse, to trail horse, ranch riding and reining.

What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a working western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? Strong hips with a smooth tie in to withers, clean throat latches, well set and big eyes, laid back shoulders, and good legs are essential for a breeding mare. Stallion choices include all the above, plus width and depth with well-set hocks and trainability. What do you hope to contribute to the working western division? Getting old has made it feel like my major contributions are in the past. However, I still consult and have an eye for quality and performance. To this day, I get goosebumps from a great go by a working western star and rider! I can’t wait for live stream shows again!



Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? tallions are eye catching, but all sexes can be fierce and non failing in their attitude to compete and work for their riders.

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Kelli Aguirre Calhoun, Georgia

FARM AFFILIATION: COLONIAL WOOD TRAINING DISCIPLINE FOCUS: WESTERN/ENGLISH What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? They are the same for me in any discipline: beauty, the conformational ability to be soft and do their job comfortably, and a good mind. Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? I don’t feel there are any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring. I have ridden and shown all three. I think if the horse is good at their job and happy to do it, your job as a rider is made easier. What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? he ualities of the mare that I find important when breeding for a western horse are again the same as my must haves in an English horse. It’s like a puzzle, I select the stallion based on the parts that my mare is missing or her areas of deficiency.

Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? I would love to always find or discover the next star, but sometimes I just want something to ride, show and enjoy that someone else has already ridden and worked out all the baby kinks. As a novice western rider, it makes my life more enjoyable. Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. I would love to name a few: Robin Porter and LoriKay Frommann Frye. These ladies are just very knowledgeable, experienced and helpful to other riders. I should know, I’m coached and mentored by both of them!



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Breed something Timeless.

Versace KM Bugatti Sanegors Lady D Out Of Cyte Cyphia SF Joras Honey Queen

Fame VF Precious As Gold Simeon Sanegor Deseret Taos Lady Cytosk Amandi CSA Dallas Jora Tez

U.S. NATIONAL CHAMPION WESTERN PLEASURE JR. HORSE Kelli Aguirre | Jupiter, FL | 561-358-4118 southernoaksfarmfl@gmail.com www.SouthernOaksFarmLLC.com Multi-Program Nominated Sire Standing at Colonial Wood Training Center, Inc. Barn 940-686-5141 | www.ColonialWood.com

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DISCIPLINE FOCUS: WESTERN/ENGLISH/HUNT What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? When I started training, I was not drawn to a particular seat. Your goal starting out, is to fill stalls and train what comes your way, and we still train all three seats today. Western happens to have the biggest numbers compared to other divisions, especially in exas. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? ou’re always searching for the look the arch in their neck, big, a beautiful, smooth body, and a pretty face. It’s always crucial to evaluate how they move. If they’re not good on their feet, they won’t be able to perform at a higher level. ental capacity is also extremely important. When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? I’m not stuck on particular pedigrees. very now and again, something comes out and surprises you. eople can miss out on nice horses if they focus too closely on the bloodlines. ow, owners look for stallions in all of the money earning programs, which adds value to the horse. Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? ome people really believe in having a stallion for the masculine look. owever, my first national championship was won on a gelding that looked like a mare. o, I’m not sure there is any advantage to having a mare, gelding or stallion. I think they all bring something to the table. What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? I look at the mare’s hind leg. orses with bad hind legs have a hard time selling in any division. ares will be the ones who pass along most of the ualities in the resulting foal so, she has to have the right conformation and mental set. reat uality mares produce great babies.



Ar abian Horse Times | 46 | Western • 2020

Ar abian Horse Times | 47 | Western • 2020

$185,0 0 0 IN 2020 PRIZE MONEY!

2019 AWPA winners Joe Reser on We Will Rock U and Abe Cotton on Im The Tru Diva

Ar abian Horse Times | 48 | Western • 2020


U.S. National Futurity Entries Due



Stallion Nominations Due for 2021

DECEMBER 31 Mare Nominations Due for 2020

Ar abian Horse Times | 49 | Western • 2020



Important Dates

Henrietta Ellzey Nicholasville, Kentucky


What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? I won my first Regional Championship performance in Western Dressage. I soon realized that in the sport horse/dressage classes, I would always show against all ages and levels of experience, but in western pleasure, I had the option of my age group and the select rider divisions. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? For me, an experienced horse that is safe and reliable. How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? I believe I found my unicorn “heart” horse when we got Zorrado. I hope to show him for as many years as possible. Our combined ages are 96 years. Maybe we will make it to centennial?

What do you hope to contribute to the western division? I hope to inspire others over 70 to not be afraid to try new things. It was a big step for me because I did not grow up with horses. I was over 65 when I took my first riding lesson. It took a long time for me to understand not only riding, but being comfortable around horses in general. Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. Stanley White III and Kola J, because when I first met Stanley, he was stabled behind us at a show. I was impressed by how much respect he had for us, and my trainer told me to watch him carefully because he was a master horseman. I’ve been watching him ever since.



Ar abian Horse Times | 50 | Western • 2020

Sarah Paripovich SARAH PARIPOVICH TRAINING Buffalo, Minnesota

WESTERN PLEASURE/HUNTER PLEASURE What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? The first time I saw a trainer ride on a drape! I was 15, and the trainer was Mark Bucher. He had recently been the western/reining trainer at Cedar Ridge, but moved to a farm where I had a horse boarded. He was schooling a horse, and he basically never touched its face. I was hooked! What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? Physical build of the horse is so important, but I feel the most important part is attitude. If the horse isn’t a team player, it’s tough. Western is far too difficult a discipline, to try to talk a horse into doing it if they don’t want to be slow legged and minded!

When looking for a western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? There are so many great bloodlines in our western horses these days. I’ve noticed that many of my favorite horses have had *Bask somewhere in their pedigrees. I guess that just goes to show, that an athletic horse is an athletic horse, no matter what the discipline! Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? There is something to be said for proven horses, and pedigrees, but I have the most fun making unknown horse into stars! Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. There are so many amazing western pleasure trainers and riders that I respect! I can say that I have the most respect for Greg Harris as a trainer and horseman. He truly has training horses down to a science, and he’s also a good dude!



Ar abian Horse Times | 52 | Western • 2020

Making Open, Amateur & Youth Champions! SARAH PARIPOVICH Buffalo, Minnesota | 612-718-9530 | khourvette@gmail.com

www.SarahParipovichTraining.com Ar abian Horse Times | 53 | Western • 2020

Rich & Shelly Carn NORTHSHORE ARABIAN HORSES Valley View, Texas

What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? Back in 1973, I (Shelly) got the western pleasure bug after watching Del Taurean campaign before his win at U.S. Nationals that year. Life happened, and we did other things, but when we refocused our breeding program in 2010, we decided that western pleasure was the direction we wanted to take. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? As we breed for our ideal western pleasure horse, we’re looking for foals that are well-balanced and able to handle their own bodies. Expressive faces, well-set necks, long polls, clean throats, and movement that is elastic and soft are traits we hope all our foals possess.

What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? In our mares, we look for balance, good legs and feet, a confident attitude with good expression, and to look like their pedigree says they should. The search for stallions begins with looking at their get, for show ring wins and conformational consistency, and deciding the best match for each mare. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? As breeders, producing the “next star” for someone to discover is what excites us most. Our breeding program is young, but we’re hopeful that people will find that the youngsters coming out of our program are ones that will excite them as well. What do you hope to contribute to the western division? That the horses coming from our program will be seen as stylish, well-conformed, good-minded individuals that will stand out in the show ring, as well as be a pleasure to be around on a day-today basis.



Ar abian Horse Times | 54 | Western • 2020

Ar abian Horse Times | 55 | Western • 2020

Talia Lydick Fort Worth, Texas

TRAINER/FARM AFFILIATION: Gordon Potts/The Brass Ring, Inc.

What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? Western pleasure is a wonderful and challenging discipline and very fun to learn to ride. How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? As many years as the horse is sound and happy! Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? ither one Is fine. I love to show!



Ar abian Horse Times | 56 | Western • 2020

Lori Conway CONWAY ARABIANS Chatfield, Minnesota

What drew you to the western pleasure discipline vs. others? our years ago, we solidified our commitment to go all in with showing and breeding western horses, and en chmitt is to blame for this! heir beauty and the complexity of riding western is challenging and a total change of pace for us. It was eye opening how easy it looks and yet how difficult it really is. What are the important must-haves in your ideal western leasure horse? ll horses must have these components rabian type, well balanced front to back, good legs and a kind and willing attitude. ur ideal western pleasure horse moves slow footed and uphill. he neck is well shaped with a good shoulder, short back and a long, deep hip.

Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? We are definitely into breeding our own or getting a youngster and hoping they turn out to be the next star! everal of our western show mares we did purchase when they were in their uturity year, so we already knew that they were special.

What do you hope to contribute to the western division? Conway rabians is fully committed to breeding incredible western horses. We have purchased several ama ing mares Calypso ancer, halifornia hrome , n ia , ha ana , homance oon, weet ophia, and eautiful uell , that have been bred to the best rabian stallions. We are pumped! Name a current western pleasure rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. We need to give a nod to ody trand for being a mentor to many great trainers in the industry, including ours, en chmitt. en is ama ing in her work ethic, strength of character and talent, and her skills for putting a horse and rider together are second to none! ur rising star is i y eward.



Ar abian Horse Times | 57 | Western • 2020

Jody Strand STRAND’S ARABIAN STABLES Toddville, Iowa

What are the important must-haves in your ideal western pleasure horse? An ideal western horse must possess athleticism and the correct conformation, as well as a willing disposition, and “heart” ... a horse that will try for you! Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? Typically, stallions possess some extra charisma and size, but if they don’t have the rest of the qualities required to be a great western horse, just being a stallion won’t be enough. I have ridden mares and geldings that could compete with a stallion any day! How many years does an amateur ride the same horse before they change horses? I don’t think there is a determined timeframe on how long an amateur should ride a specific horse. If it is still winning and highly competitive, and the amateur still enjoys showing them, they could ride that horse until it was time to find a new one. Do you prefer an already proven western pleasure horse or do you like the idea of discovering the next star? My favorites have always been the Futurity horses and the Junior horses, because it’s all brand new for both of us! The new ones don’t have any old bad habits; they don’t try to line up prematurely or reverse and not walk. I love the fact that they still believe everything we tell them! What do you hope to contribute to the western division? I hope I always present a horse that is well-trained and a superior mover, enjoys their job, and is fun to watch. For amateurs, I enjoy taking riders that have not typically shown in the western division and teaching them the fun and challenge of a great western horse and the art of showing one.



Ar abian Horse Times | 58 | Western • 2020

Ar abian Horse Times | 59 | Western • 2020

2019 National Western Pleasure Leaders Includes U.S., Canadian and Youth National Western Pleasure Champion and Reserve wins.


1. Caliente Virtuoso

3 championships, 1 reserve

2. Khalifornia Khrome J

1 championship, 2 reserves

STLA C Im Fondau

3. Billie The Kid GRK Chablis WA

3 championships, 1 reserve 2 championships 2 championships


Robin Porter

Franklin Farm LLC

Conway Arabians, Inc. Gary Kehl

Laura Gault

Gin J

2 championships

Holly Connaker

Hendrixx WB

2 championships

Richard & Andrea Martoglio

H Verdykt H

Mikhaileys Comet Monaco Jullyen V

2 championships 2 championships 2 championships

Rebecca Marr

James or Makena Echenique Shamrock Farms LLC

ARABIAN LEADING HORSES by number of wins

1. Khalifornia Khrome J 2. Chablis WA

H Verdykt H

Hendrixx WB

Mikhaileys Comet Monaco Jullyen V

3. BSF Elegance DC Gretzky

Greyhawk CW

PA Real Laetitia RD Habanero

1 championship, 2 reserves


Conway Arabians, Inc.

2 championships

Laura Gault

2 championships

Richard & Andrea Martoglio

2 championships 2 championships 2 championships

Rebecca Marr

James or Makena Echenique Shamrock Farms LLC

1 championship, 1 reserve

Buckshot Farms

1 championship, 1 reserve

Chyanne Souders

1 championship, 1 reserve 1 championship, 1 reserve 1 championship, 1 reserve

Joe Betten

Valerie Fearn

Silver Aspen Ranch


1. Caliente Virtuoso

3 championships, 1 reserve

2. Billie The Kid GRK

2 championships

STLA C Im Fondau

3 championships, 1 reserve


Robin Porter

Franklin Farm LLC Gary Kehl

Gin J

2 championships

Holly Connaker

Bob Marley MB

1 championship, 1 reserve

Michelle Blackwell Betten

3. Blue J

Buckshot Dun It Im The Tru Diva Jay Z

LMB Kholt Forty Five

1 championship, 1 reserve 1 championship, 1 reserve 1 championship, 1 reserve

1 championship, 1 reserve

1 championship, 1 reserve

Barbara Cornelius Buckshot Farms

Karen, Brooke or Nicole Pitassi Cedar Ridge Arabians Corinne Gudgeon

Ar abian Horse Times | 61 | Western • 2020

2019 National Western Pleasure Leaders, continued... ARABIAN OVERALL LEADING SIRES by number of winning get

by number of wins

1. Khadraj NA (deceased)


1. Khadraj NA


3. C A Hermoso


3. C A Hermoso


2. Sundance Kid V (deceased) Jullyen El Jamaal Khaja J

Kharismatic PGA Monticello V

4. Allionces Knight Sir Fames HBV SJ Mikhail Zefyr


2. Sundance Kid V


4. C Our Zeus

3 3 2


Monticello V


SJ Mikhail


5. Allionces Knight


Kharismatic PGA



Jullyen El Jamaal Khaja J






3 3


ARABIAN LEADING SIRES by number of Arabian winning get

by number of wins

1. Khadraj NA (deceased)


3. C A Hermoso


SJ Mikhail


2. Jullyen El Jamaal Sir Fames HBV

1. Khadraj NA (deceased)


2. Jullyen El Jamaal SJ Mikhail


by number of Half-Arabian winning get

1. Sundance Kid V 2. Khadraj NA

3. Khaja J

Kharismatic PGA Monticello V

by number of wins


1. Sundance Kid V






2. Khadraj NA



4. Kharismatic PGA



5. Liz Bentley



Ron Copple



3. Khaja J


Monticello V



OVERALL LEADING OPEN TRAINERS (Top Ten included) by number of winners 1. Brett Becker Josh Quintus Joe Reser

Jody Strand

2. Stanley White III

3. Abram Cotton

4. Rob Bick

Thomas Garland JT Keller

7 7 6 5 4

Cynthia Burkman


Sarah Paripovich


Skylar Powell


Gordon Potts

4 4 Ar abian Horse Times | 62 | Western • 2020


OVERALL LEADING OWNERS by number of horses

1. Franklin Farm LLC

2. Buckshot Farms


Corinne Gudgeon

Jeremy Harper


Gary Kehl


Shamrock Farms LLC


Lawrence Jerome


Robert Luton


Lesley Farms LLC



Karen, Brooke or Nicole Pitassi

2 2

OVERALL LEADING BREEDERS by number of horses

1. Lawrence Jerome


2. Gary Kehl


Varian Arabians


3. Bill and Liz Alward

Sandra Arabsky and Herman Steunenberg Buckshot Farms




Jeremy or Chad Harper


Larry Schopf


Marty Lake or Susan Al-Abbas

Setting Sun Stables LLC

Wolf Springs Ranches, Inc.

2 2 2



by number of horses

by number of horses

1. Lawrence Jerome


2. Varian Arabians


Larry Schopf


3. Jeremy or Chad Harper


1. Lawrence Jerome

2. Bill and Liz Alward

Sandra Arabsky and Herman Steunenberg Gary Kehl

Marty Lake or Susan Al-Abbas Setting Sun Stables LLC

Wolf Springs Ranches, Inc.

Ar abian Horse Times | 63 | Western • 2020

5 2


2 2 2 2

The Cowboy Mike McDaniel He was a Cowboy, And lived his life by the Code of the West. Always be honest, And give everything you do your best.

He grew up fast, And left home very young. Cowboyed across Nevada and California, Where he learned about horses, cattle, Hard work and fun. He cowboyed all the way to Colorado, To the town of Glenwood Springs. That’s where he met the love of his life, And gave her a ring. He didn’t settle down, He just had a new partner in crime. There are stories of him riding his horse into Bullock’s Store, That are told from time to time. Then there’s a story of a hot tub, Where he sat in the buff. And stood up naked and shot a bull elk, Sure enough. Too many stories, Just ask around. Bring up his name, And smiles will abound. The Fireman called him Chief, Because he could run the whole station. He was always ready to do what was needed, Without hesitation. He was a Hell of a cook, A pit master without mistake. And he thought the best part of a cow, Was a ribeye steak. Encouragement and kind words with a smile, Come to mind. When most of us remember Mike, We think of that smile and good times.

Mike lived his dream, And did without a regret. He could make a silk purse, Out of a sow’s ear. On this you could bet.

He loved his life, His family, His daughter, The boys, And his wife.

The Region 4 Championship Horse Show will never forget the horsemanship, positive attitude, and complete support of our show. Mike, you are missed on so many levels. RIP Mike!

He was proud of the good, And wasn’t too arrogant to swallow his pride. He made the best of what came his way, And was always ready to saddle up and ride. My friend, we loved you, Know that is true. My favorite memories will always be, The stories we would share together, With Gretchen and you. The whisky, the ice, the mio, Made it all nice. The laughs, the lies, The tears we will cry. Just know Mike, We have a little of you in us all. To us My Friend, You will always stand 10 feet tall. By DOUG STEWART

Mike McDaniel ... husband, father, friend, horseman, mentor, teacher, coach, humorist and western philosopher—he was good at all of them. He appreciated good people, dogs, horses and tack. He was a true gentleman who left this world better for his presence in it. I raise my glass of Pendleton to you, Mike, and drink to your memory and legacy. Thank you for our times together. I, like many others, will miss the hell out of you! —Michael C. Damianos Dear Mike, Every horse show we’ve attended, we could always count on you. You were Switzerland ... always had a smile on your face, offered some BBQ steak after a long day, and helped coach our cow horse riders when we had classes in other arenas and couldn’t be there for them—they felt safe and loved knowing you were always there. Now we will all feel the void that your greatness filled. Know that we are all here for Gretchen, Chase & Tye. Now is your chance to saddle up some of those great ponies in the sky and take a few down the fence for all of us. —Silver Aspen Ranch, Rod, LaRae, Skylar & Trentyn Powell, Donna & Cheryl Fletcher

Our world of peers has lost one of the very special ones. Friends since the early 80s’ he was one of the best! RIP ... you will never be forgotten! —Diamond B, Russ and Mary Jane Brown

Ar abian Horse Times | 66 | Western • 2020

D S A TO Y orking n or

“No matter who is riding, the horse gets the job done. Good ones carry the trainer, the grandkids and the old lady equally well. If you don’t have these two assets, good disposition and conformation, let’s just say, you are going to have a very difficult trip!” — Eleanor Hamilton

Ar abian Horse Times | 67 | Western • 2020

Gail Jensen TRAINER/FARM AFFILIATION: CRYSTAL MCNUTT Steamboat Springs, Colorado

WORKING WESTERN/ENGLISH What drew you to the working western discipline vs. others and what is your specialty? My daughter, Abby, began riding reining in 4-H at the age of 8, and then began showing “stock horse” in Arabian shows. We were hooked at first rides! What are the important must-haves in your ideal working western horse? rains, brains I ! f course, proper form to function for reining maneuvers is essential, too.

Abby Jensen

What qualities of the mare do you find important when breeding for a working western horse, and are those qualities prioritized any differently when selecting a stallion? Intelligence, kindness and athletic ability. Both the stallion and mare must be intelligent and willing to work. Name a current working western rider and horse whose talent you respect and why. y daughter bby! he began riding as a year old and went to her first horse show at age . It’s been uite a ride for the two of us! bby shows reining and working cow horse in the working western division, as well as nglish.



Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? rom a breeder’s standpoint, I’m attracted to mares. hey are loyal and courageous and will give you their heart and soul in the show pen!

Ar abian Horse Times | 68 | Western • 2020

Thank You, Crystal!

MAJOR IMPRESSION (What It Takes+ x Memorable Affair)

Scottsdale Champion Half-Arabian Reining Futurity Classic

Performance Horses

Ar abian Horse Times | 69 | Western • 2020



Ar abian Horse Times | 70 | Western • 2020

Ar abian Horse Times | 71 | Western • 2020

Eleanor Hamilton ELEANOR’S ARABIANS Rogers, Minnesota

What drew you to the working western discipline vs. others and what is your specialty? I have working western horses because I was brought up with them on the ranch where I was born in Nebraska. Later on, my home trainer, Rod Matthiesen introduced me to working western Arabians and Half-Arabians. Our specialty is reiners, but we breed successfully in all working western disciplines. What are the important must-haves in your ideal working western horse? Good disposition and conformation. If you don’t have these two assets, let’s just say you are going to have a very difficult trip!

Are there any advantages to riding a stallion vs. a mare or gelding in the show ring? Stallions, mares and geldings. I’ve ridden and shown them all successfully. It’s in the mix between horse and rider. Consistency is what counts, regardless of gender. No matter who is riding, the horse gets the job done. Good ones carry the trainer, the grandkids and the old lady equally well. What do you hope to contribute to the working western division? I would like people to say that we bred for disposition, conformation, athletic ability, strength, and bottom, and that our horses got the job done. We already have winning horses into the third and fourth generation carrying on our quality working western tradition and I hope it will continue.



When looking for a working western prospect, what pedigrees interest you the most? We’ve used Xenophonn breeding and we look for strong, good thinking horses. You see what you like, and you ask, “how’s that horse bred?” I don’t care if it has 10 national championships, it has to fit in my program. When something works, use it. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

Ar abian Horse Times | 72 | Western • 2020

2019 National Working Western Leaders Includes U.S., Canadian and Youth Nationals Working Western Champion and Reserve wins. Cutting, Reined Cow, Reining, Western Trail, Herd Work and Working Cow. Open/Amateur classes only.



1. Nspiring Forthe Top

4 championships, 3 reserves

3. SS A Noble Star

5 championships, 1 reserve

Michelle Pease-Paulsen

2 championships, 3 reserves

David or Jessica Bein

2. Aantonina SF

4. Khaarga Escobar Slik 5. Wimpys Little Cat

6. My Majec Moment

7. Ima Rowdy Dun 8. Karamat

9. Hezas Sweet Dreams RDR Power Play

TA Khalil

6 championships

3 championships, 2 reserves 4 championships

Ingrid Bentzen

Jessica or Carrie Jacobucci

David or Jessica Bein Silver Aspen Ranch

2 championships, 2 reserves

Gary or Peggy Weems

3 championships

Pamela, Madison or Justin Rose

1 championship, 3 reserves 3 championships

3 championships

The Brass Ring, Inc. Winnifred Furman Buckshot Farms

ARABIAN LEADING HORSES by number of wins

1. Nspiring Forthe Top

4 championships, 3 reserves

3. My Majec Moment

4 championships

2. Aantonina SF

4. Karamat

5. RDR Power Play TA Khalil

6. Adessa SS

HM Phandango KMA Angelo

7. Premium Buckshot 8. Jayded Moon

6 championships


Ingrid Bentzen

Jessica or Carrie Jacobucci Silver Aspen Ranch

1 championship, 3 reserves

The Brass Ring, Inc.

3 championships

Buckshot Farms

3 championships

2 championships, 1 reserve 2 championships, 1 reserve 2 championships, 1 reserve

1 championship, 2 reserves 3 reserves

Winnifred Furman Ashlye Daniel Ashley Zitrin

Karma Arabians

Joyce or Jennifer Palermo Cameron Prowse


1. SS A Noble Star

5 championships, 1 reserve

3. Wimpys Little Cat

2 championships, 3 reserves

5. Hezas Sweet Dreams

3 championships

2. Khaarga Escobar Slik

4. Ima Rowdy Dun 6. BR Mona Lisa LJ Maverick

7. EAF Hesa Little Whiz My Golden Gal

Twylite Zone

8. JSL Hollywood Cystyr

3 championships, 2 reserves 2 championships, 2 reserves 2 championships, 1 reserve 2 championships, 1 reserve

1 championship, 2 reserves

1 championship, 2 reserves 1 championship, 2 reserves 3 reserves


Michelle Pease-Paulsen David or Jessica Bein David or Jessica Bein

Gary or Peggy Weems

Pamela, Madison or Justin Rose

Wendy, Mark, John or Amelia Barkley Claire Robertson

Eleanor Hamilton

Nora Herman and Jordan Hamilton Dusty Morgan

Lea or Elise Mason

Ar abian Horse Times | 73 | Western • 2020

2019 National Working Western, continued... OVERALL PUREBRED LEADING SIRES by number of winning get

1. Hesa Zee (deceased) 2. TA Mozart

3. Kordelas

Los Angeles Robby

4. Al-Marah Matt Dillon AM Good Oldboy Another Hero Baske Afire

Broadway Tstar HH Maxemus

Nobles Top Gun

Rohara Moon Storm Surokhan

TWC Awesome What It Takes

Zee Mega Bucks

by number of wins


1. Hesa Zee (deceased)


3. Nobles Top Gun



2. TA Mozart


4. Aabsolut

3 3



Los Angeles



5. Al-Marah Matt Dillon



Kharga Asal Sukkar




2 2






6. D A Napitov

2 2


2 2 2 2 2

ARABIAN LEADING SIRES by number of Arabian winning get

by number of Arabian wins

1. Hesa Zee (deceased)


1. Hesa Zee (deceased)


3. Kordelas


2. Aabsolut


2. TA Mozart


Nobles Top Gun


3. Surokhan




4. D A Napitov


TA Mozart by number of Half-Arabian winning get

1. Hesa Zee

2. Al-Marah Matt Dillon Los Angeles Robby

Rohara Moon Storm

TA Mozart

TWC Awesome


by number of Half-Arabian wins


1. Hesa Zee


2. Al-Marah Matt Dillon



Kharga Asal Sukkar



TA Mozart




2 2


(Top Ten included) by number of winners 1. Crystal McNutt 2. Eddie Ralston

13 7

Jim Hitt

Nathan Kent

Colby Powell

Lance Scheffel

6 6 6 6 6

Ar abian Horse Times | 74 | Western • 2020

4. Gary Ferguson

LaRae Fletcher Powell Lou Roper

Doug Stewart

5 5 5 5

OVERALL LEADING OWNERS by number of horses

1. Wesley & Madelena Larkin


2. Joe Betten


3. Margaret Albert & Thomas Taylor


Eleanor Hamilton


Dennis & Linda Clark


Buckshot Farms Ashlye Daniel

Karma Arabians


Jessica Jacobucci Kristy Kramer


Allison & Katie Mostowich


Rancho Sonado LLC


Colby Powell



Cotton McNutt

Traci Moseley


Laura Hendricks


Tammy McDonald


David or Jessica Bein

Riley or Susan Lallo



B. Steinberg/S. Turner/J. Hancock


The Brass Ring, Inc.

Vallejo III Ranch LLC



Carol Roberts

Silver Aspen Ranch



Kathie Williams

2 2 2


OVERALL LEADING BREEDERS by number of horses

1. Eleanor Hamilton


3. Sage Hill Arabians


2. Richard Ames


4. Buckshot Farms


Varian Arabians


5. Karma Arabians


Dusty Morgan

Kimberly Kirk Tillman

Toskhara Arabians LP


3 3



by number of horses

by number of horses

1. Eleanor Hamilton 2. Varian Arabians

3. Richard Ames

Toskhara Arabians LP





1. Eleanor Hamilton Richard Ames

Sage Hill Arabians

Ar abian Horse Times | 75 | Western • 2020


4 4

The Ames Family Jordan, MN | 952.492.6590


Mississippi CA Cool River Kid x Khalifornia Khrome J

IXL Noble Express x Brassmis Multi-Futurity Program Nominated Lori Conway at 507.202.4440 Ashton Kiesner at 865.556.0412 Sundance Kid V x Moments To Treasure, by Jullyen El Jamaal | Multi-Futurity Program NominatedConwayArabians.com ConwayArabians.com | 18080 County Road 2, Chatfield, MN 55923 | Lori’s cell: 507.202.4440

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