Recognizing trainers who successfully introduce young talent into the Arabian breed.
Arabian Halter Fillies RODOLFO GUZZO** Sponsored by Arabian Horse Times
Awarded to the winning trainer from each 3-Year-Old Futurity class (In-Hand & Performance). A three-time winner receives $500 and the Challenge Cup permanently retired at their barn. Introduced in 2019, we thank our sponsors who committed to supporting the Challenge Cup for three years. *2-time winner **3-time winner and recipient of $500 and the Challenge Cup Trophy Photos by Schatzberg Photography
Arabian Halter Colts MICHAEL BYATT Sponsored by Buck Ranch
Arabian Country JOEL GANGI Sponsored by Prestige Farms
Ar abian Horse Times | 48 | Paris Edition 2021
Arabian English JOEL KIESNER* Sponsored by Equine Athlete