Beloveds Farm, 2018, published in Arabian Horse Times

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Beloveds Farm: The Heart of Home By Theresa Cardamone Beloveds Farm is a 160-acre, serene paradise of beautiful pastures and majestic trees in Central Florida. Boutique barns dot the landscape, with adjacent pastures providing abundant space for grazing and play. The idyllic scene is pure tranquility with the physical and mystical elements that constitute the heart of Home. There is a sense of being embraced and secure, a stability that builds confidence and serves as a launching pad for great achievements out in the world. Pat has created an ideal environment to breed and raise a remarkable collection of animals. Be it purebred Arabians, Miniatures or Alpaca—all have proven themselves to be world class. Upon entering the main gate, it is a common sight to see a couple of former champion Arabian show horses scratching each other’s backs as they sigh with pleasure. The gracefully aging grey mare is AP Sheez Sassy, an own daughter of Bey Shah, who won a U.S. top ten as a yearling in 1995. Her pasture mate, Via Donna, earned a top ten of her own as a 3-year-old in 2013. They have long since retired from the show ring and are among the handful of foundation mares Pat selected for the Beloveds Farm breeding program. Both have produced exceptional daughters: Sassy is the dam of 2016 U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly, Beloved Gracious Lady; Via is the mother of 2018 Region 15 Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle, Beloveds Via Luna and her full sister, Scottsdale class winner and 2015 Region 12 Top Four Yearling Filly, Beloveds Viateyna.

Divina, Pearl, Via & Sassy

Angel & Missy

On the other side of the driveway, Magnums Angel JD+ and her best friend MarcAlyssa (Missy) have taken it upon themselves to serve as official greeters whenever guests drive through the gate. Successful show horses in years past, they have provided Pat with a half-dozen highly decorated offspring between them in just three years. Angel is out of the RSD Dark Victory daughter, OFW Heaven Sent, and is by Magnum Psyche. She is five times a National Top Ten Mare in addition to being both an East Coast and Regional champion. A rich red-bay with black points, she is a sharp contrast to the flea-bitten grey of her younger pasture mate, Missy. Before becoming a mother, Missy was four times a U.S. Top Ten in halter and was also the 2015 Scottsdale International Bronze Champion Mare and the Unanimous 2013 Region 12 Champion Two-Year-Old Filly. The mares have become close companions over the years, although they each believe that their own children are just a bit better than those of their friend!

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“It’s pretty quiet around here with the kids gone,” Angel sighed. The mares have each produced offspring who were representing the farm at the regional championship shows over the summer. “Yes,” Missy responded. “I’m anxious to hear how they’ve done!” The girls looked down the long drive to the where they could see two young mares out grazing in the sun. “One thing’s for sure,” said Angel. “They will be bringing home their share of honors, just like those two fillies did last year in Paris!”

Paris ...

2017 World Championships—Paris, France

In her class, Gracious Lady’s perfect score of 20s across the board was

Pat had arranged “a journey beyond” the prior fall for a multi-

the highest score for motion at the World Championships, females and

generational consortium of people—aged 8 to over 80—who came

males alike. However, her fabulous trot was clearly not her only asset.

from widely different life circumstances and experiences. All were

In addition to being lauded for movement, Gracie also scored highly in

invited by Pat to travel together to see Beloved Gracious Lady

other categories, enabling her to win her section of Junior Mares over

(Gracie) and Om El Erodite (who answers to “Mikers”) compete at

a strong field of 10 other international champions. Two of the fillies

the 2017 Arabian World Championships in Paris—an entourage like

ranked below her in that qualifying class wound up winning the Silver

no other! The goal was simply to show up and leave a big hoof print.

and Bronze World Champion titles, and another is the 2017 European

As they waited for take-off, Pat reminded everyone of the trip’s prime

Gold Champion Junior Mare. If there had been an award for Audience

objective with this toast, “To us!” she said. “And to the journey we

Favorite, it would have gone to Gracie.

have all agreed to take together!”

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Mikers had become a sensation in the Arabian business when Pat bought her at auction in February 2017 for $1.55 million. In Paris, the joyous entourage flooded into the ring to celebrate the outcome as Mikers won her class to qualify for the Finale and came away with the trophy for Most Beautiful Head. With a stretchy elegance that she has yet to fully grow into, she returned to the Finale to earn the title and awards of 2017 World Bronze Champion Yearling Filly. With an overflowing armful of garlands, trophies and other awards of excellence to show for it, the entourage headed for Home, “eternally grateful to experience a journey beyond.�

Mikers & Gracie on their journey home.

Seven hoof prints pressed into the sand... a fitting reminder of a journey so grand. Six are for the prizes the fillies brought home, but wherefore are there seven? Seven for the universal print of love at hand, still felt by all, although unplanned. Seven hoof prints for the trip of a lifetime, a trip to 7th Heaven!

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Las Vegas ... 2018 Arabian Breeders World Cup— Las Vegas, Nevada Over the past ten years, the Arabian Breeders World Cup (ABWC) has become an increasingly important international venue, in part because it adheres to a universally accepted scoring system. In the case of this show, what happens in Vegas is broadcast far and wide since an ABWC championship is greatly valued around the world. In April 2018, Pat sent a trio of her finest horses to compete in Las Vegas for a few of those coveted titles. Joining Gracie and Mikers to fly the flag of Beloveds Farm was Beloveds Marc One (Mayo) who, like Gracie, is a homebred. A son of Pat’s Beloved One NA+ (known as “Beau”), Mayo would be making his show debut. Mikers had earned the ABWC Gold Champion Yearling Filly title the previous year and had a tough section of 2-year-old challengers to face in order to qualify for the Junior Mare Championship in 2018. She had grown several inches over the winter and spring, adding to her already elegant length of neck and long, graceful legs. She had also grown in confidence, commanding the judges’ attention with every Mayo

movement, captivating them with her refinement and abundance of Arabian type. As always, she followed Ted Carson’s lead. To no one’s surprise, Mikers was named the ABWC Champion TwoYear-Old Filly with a score of 785.5 points, a figure which would prove to hold up as the High Score of the entire show. Included in that total was a perfect score of 140 for Head…that means all seven judges each gave a perfect 20. No other horse could make such a claim, which gave Mikers the High Score for Head award. Her score for type was almost as high, coming in at 138.5 and earning her yet another High Score trophy, this time for Type.

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Gracie beamed with pride. Her friend had set an incredibly high standard. “That’s what I’m talking about,” she whinnied, pleased to see that Mikers’ fine performance had resulted in such fantastic scores. “Now, it’s my turn!” she snorted, eager to contribute to the glory of Beloveds Farm. Gracious Lady’s spectacular motion had stolen the breath and the hearts of the audience at the Salon du Cheval and had made her the most talked-about horse in Paris. Gracie did not disappoint her fans, turning up the heat to not only win the ABWC High Score for Movement trophy with a near-perfect 138, but also the Three-Year-Old Mare Championship with 783 points, the second highest score of the entire show, (topped only by Mikers). That set Mikers and Gracie up to compete against each other for the first time in the Supreme Championship for Junior Mares. The girls peered over at the crowd rimming the edge of the holding area, each person eager to catch a closer look at horses they had previously only read


about. Mikers stretched her neck around to show off her profile, more than a little enamored of all the attention. She turned to Gracie. “It’s showtime, sister!” she said playfully. The class went off without a hitch, both of the young mares showing themselves beautifully. The judges’ decision was imminent. With such high-quality horses present in the class, there was no telling what the final result would be. While relaxing on the rail, Mikers and Gracie spotted Pat watching from the stands. “Look! There’s Mom!” Mikers exclaimed. She gave a tug on the halter lead, anxious to reach up for a pet from Pat. “This is such fun,” Gracie chortled, smearing Pat’s outfit with her shiny, oily muzzle. The judges’ decision was announced; Mikers had been named the Supreme Gold Champion Junior Mare. As the entire group gathered around the huge, colorful trophy saddle, the filly looked at it with interest. “This saddle is fancy,” she said, “But it won’t be sitting on my back anytime soon!” In the World Cup Championship for yearling colts, Mayo represented himself and the farm brilliantly. In his very first show, he earned a top five—finishing fourth out of 21 competitors. Gracie and Mikers had become very fond of their stablemate during the long van ride from Ted Carson’s training stable in North Carolina. They watched as he took his first strides into the arena, seeming to float over the ground rather than digging into the loamy footing. “He is so graceful!” sighed Mikers. “And he catches so much air!” Gracie nickered in agreement. Ar abian Horse Times | 11 | Beloveds Farm


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Two of Beau’s 2018 Regional Unanimous Champions, BB and Angel.

Beau ... Beau is batting 1,000 as a juvenile sire, with 100% of his foals earning at least a regional championship. Such consistency of progeny is required of any notable sire, which Beau has proven without a doubt to be. As their many Regional wins will attest, Beau’s offspring have consistently risen to the top of their class. Their uniformity is astonishing. Since they were all bred by Pat at Beloveds Farm, it speaks to the knowledge and insights that make her a master breeder. As Pat acknowledges, “Your EYES tell you what a stallion APPEARS to be. His PEDIGREE tells you what he SHOULD be. His OFFSPRING tell you WHAT HE IS!” Beau’s 2018 Regional Unanimous Reserve Champion, Blessing.

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Blessing & Angie

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2018 Region 12 Championships—Perry, Georgia The 2018 Region 12 Championships were a true showcase for the Beloveds Farm breeding program. When the results were all in, Pat Dempsey and Beloveds Farm had the well-deserved honor of being

Region 12 ...

named the 2018 Region 12 Spotlight Futurity Breeder of Distinction. Playing a large part in that result are the offspring of Beau, Beloveds Farm’s superstar stallion. At the Region 12 Championship show, Mayo followed up his victory in Las Vegas with another that put feathers in the caps of both himself and his sire, Beau. With Ted Carson—who manages all of the Beloveds Farm show horses—flying along beside him, Mayo was named the Region 12 Champion Yearling Colt. It was another endorsement for Beau, who has a sterling show record himself. He was the unanimous 2015 Canadian National Champion Two-Year-Old Colt and was also the U.S. Reserve Champion Junior Stallion and Two-Year-Old Colt, earning his Legion of Honor title in the process. Mayo’s paternal half-sister, Beloveds Earth Angel, also represented her father well, earning the Unanimous Spotlight Futurity Champion Two-YearOld Filly title under the capable hands of amateur handler Michaiah Carson, Ted’s teenage daughter. Earth Angel was also the Unanimous Champion Two-Year-Old Filly in the Open competition. In addition, Mayo’s year-older full sister, Beloveds One Blessing, was beautifully shown by another talented amateur, Lisa Gaudio, winning the Unanimous Reserve Championship in the Spotlight Futurity and bringing home the Unanimous Reserve Champion Two-Year-Old Filly honors in the Open class. In his very first show, Earth Angel’s full brother, Beloveds ArchAngel (Dude) faced 20 other yearling colts in his class, making his Reserve Champion Sweepstakes Yearling Colt title even more impressive.

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Angie & Blessing

Beloved Joy to Behold, a half-sister to Mayo and Blessing, was awarded the 2018 Region 12 Champion Mare title over all others after she already earned the 2017 Region 12 Unanimous Two-Year-Old Filly Championship and previous regional and national honors including 2016 Unanimous Canadian National Champion Sweepstakes Yearling Filly. Beloved MarcAngelo, a QR Marc son out of Angel, lit up the show ring to become the Reserve Champion Stallion. Angelo had previously won the 2016 Region 12 Unanimous Champion Two-YearOld Colt award on his way to his 2016 U.S. National Champion Two-Year-Old title.

Missy could hardly wait to pass on the news she had just gleaned from a conversation she overheard. “Angel!” she called. “Beau’s and my son Mayo won the yearling colt championship!” Angel nodded her head in appreciation. “I have news too,” she said. “Beau’s and my son Dude won the sweepstakes reserve championship! And not only that, his sister Earth Angel was the Unanimous Champion Two-Year-Old Filly!” The mares were having way too much fun. “Congratulations!” Missy offered. “And did you hear that my two-year old daughter Blessing was the Spotlight Futurity Reserve Champion?” They paused to smile slyly at each other, each hoping they were looking nonchalant. “Well done,” said Angel, before turning to head back toward the barn. She stopped to look back at Missy before adding, “I did hear that my son Angelo is now the Region 12 Reserve Champion Stallion.” Missy snorted as she followed Angel’s lead and moved down the gentle slope. “Three champions at one Regionals…that’s quite an achievement…Of course, my daughter Joy won the Champion Mare honors, so I know exactly how it feels! We just produced eight Regional Champions between us!”

Joy & Ted

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Angelo & maternal brother Dude (top).

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Region 15 Champions Glory & Luna.

Region 15 & East Coast Championships ... 2018 Region 15 & East Coast Championships— Lexington, Virginia

Beloveds Farm is exceedingly proud of Via’s daughter, Luna. She was

The Region 15 Championship Show is another favorite destination for

to her stablemate Gracie, and has left her success in the halter arena

the Beloveds Farm show string. There, the youngest of Beau’s offspring

behind her to make a name for herself under saddle. In addition to the

to reach the show ring to date made his debut appearance. Beloveds

Region 15 Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Championship,

Behold is out of triple-National Champion Valori TRF+. “BB’s”

Luna also earned Reserve Supreme Sport Horse honors. Considering it

elegance was on full display, the perfect complement to his

was her first show under saddle, it was an impressive achievement.

the 2016 Region 15 Reserve Champion Sweepstakes Yearling Filly,

conformational excellence. The first time he was ever shown, “BB” was the Unanimous Champion Yearling Colt. Joining BB in the 2018

Beloveds Via Luna proved that the strong start to her performance

winner’s circle as a Unanimous Champion was Pat’s Gazal Al Shaqab

career was no fluke, as she added the East Coast Reserve Champion

son, Beloved Call To Glory, whose dam is JP Extreme Obsession (Babe).

Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle garland to her growing list of

Once the judges got a good look at Glory, they were of one mind. Glory

accomplishments. Only a 3-year-old, she is already considered to be

was named the Champion Stallion by Unanimous vote.

one to watch in her division.

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Valori TRF & her Region 15 Unanimous Champion Colt by Beau ~ BB.

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The grand trophy room is already heavily adorned with championship saddles, plaques, garlands, trophies, and other memorabilia earned at the most important shows in the world.

The glass-walled sanctuary overlooks a stunning presentation ring and gives each horse its own section of the space to display their prizes. It is a tangible reminder of the stunning success of the program.

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2017 World Championships, Salon du Cheval ~ Paris Om El Erodite Most Beautiful Head Of The Show Bronze Champion Junior Mare (4 Silver Placings)

Beloveds Gracious Lady Best Movement Of The Show (20’s across the board) Junior Mare Class Champion (Score of 92.58) Reserve Champion Junior Mare (1 Silver and 3 Bronze Placings)

2018 Arabian Breeders World Cup Horse Show ~ Las Vegas Om El Erodite High Score of the Show for Type High Score fo the Show for Head Two-Year-Old Class Champion (Score of 785.5. Highest score of the entire show) Supreme Gold Champion Junior Mare

Beloveds Gracious Lady Best Movement Of The Show (20’s across the board) Three-Year-Old Champion (Score of 783 ~ 2nd highest score of the entire show)

2018 Region 12 Championships Beloved Joy To Behold Beloved MarcAngelo

Unanimous Champion Mare Reserve Champion Stallion

Beloveds Marc One* Beloveds ArchAngel *

Champion Yearling Colt Reserve Champion Sweepstakes Yearling Colt

Beloveds Earth Angel* Beloveds Earth Angel* Beloveds One Blessing* Beloveds One Blessing*

Unanious Champion 2-Year-Old Filly Unanious Champion Spotlight 2-Year-Old Filly Unanious Reserve Champion 2-Year-Old Filly Unanious Reserve Champion Spotlight 2-Year-Old Filly

Spotlight Breeder Of Distinction Award

* Sired by Beloved One NA

2018 Region 15 Championships

2018 East Coast Championships

Beloved Call To Glory Unanimous Champion Stallion

Beloveds Via Luna Reserve Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR * At just 3-years-old

Beloveds Behold* Unanimous Champion Yearling Colt Beloveds Via Luna Champion Junior Sport Horse Under Saddle

Beautifully trained and presented by Ted Carson Training Center

* Sired by Beloved One NA

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Miniature Horses If Pat Dempsey has developed breeding world-class Arabian horses into an art form, she has also perfected the formula for doing the same thing in miniature. The Beloveds Farm herd of minis are beautifully balanced, tiny replicas of the purebred Arabians. And, just like their larger neighbors, Pat’s miniature horses have numerous World Grand Champion titles among them. The King of the farm is Beloved’s dynamic herd sire, NFC Egyptian Kings Creation. Visitors to the farm cannot help but be charmed by the little stallion, whose shrill call demands attention as he gallops across his huge field. When asked if he got enough girls this year, at age 28, he always vehemently shakes his head NO! Foaled in 1990, Creation won two American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) World Grand Champion titles in competition, but it is his prowess as a sire that has become a legend in the miniature horse world. Creation has sired the winners of four World

The Beloveds Minis & Alpaca ...

Grand Championships and two World Reserve Grand Championships along with more than forty World Championships, all of whom are themselves incredible breeders. He has had daughters named World Champion Produce of Dam for the uniformity of their offspring, while Creation himself was the unanimous winner of the largest World Grand Champion Get of Sire class in the history of the AMHA championships in 1999 (99 entries). Creation replicates himself with each and every foal, stamping his progeny with unmistakable quality. Among his finest sons are VF Olympus, who was named the World Grand Champion Junior Stallion as a yearling and the World Reserve Grand Champion Senior Stallion eight years later, and Beloveds Almighty Creation (Ace), himself a World Champion and multiple-National Champion. Olympus and Ace have fulfilled their destiny by siring numerous World Grand Champions, many of whom are doing their part in perpetuating this vibrant sire line in the top miniature breeding programs around the world.

Suri Alpaca Pat is a longtime breeder of Alpaca that match her horses in terms of quality. In particular, she has collected and bred the Suri strain that is renowned for its particularly silky fleece. It should come as no surprise that her top sire, DDF Double Dutch’s American Spirit, is one of the finest—if not the finest—Suri males on the continent. His fleece incredibly fine and silky with exceptional luster.

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Beloveds Farm is located in Lady Lake, Florida.

The Summer of 2018 was a summer of fun and success for Beloveds Farm. The name that endures in the worlds of the Alpaca and Miniatures has become a beacon of light in the Arabian industry—all in just the past five years. There in Lady Lake, Florida, Pat has created a home with a heartbeat for her incredible string of champions. While Beau and the rest of the boys are happy to remain at their home away from home with Ted Carson, the girls are able to enjoy some well-earned rest and recreation, grazing and playing in the immaculate pastures of Beloveds Farm. As they see Pat driving down the lane, the horses race for the fence, their eagerness and playful attitudes bring a smile to her face. For the time being, all the girls are now Home.

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The family ... Beloved One NA+ Beloved Call To Glory Beloved MarcAngelo

Beau Glory Angelo

Beloveds ArchAngel Beloveds Behold Beloveds Marc One Beloveds Earth Angel Beloveds One Blessing

Dude BB Mayo Angie Blessing

Beloved Gracious Lady Beloved Joy To Behold Om El Erodite Beloveds Via Luna

Gracie Joy Mikers Luna

AP Sheez Sassy Beloved DivinaVitoria Beloved Vitoria Pearl Beloveds ViaTeyna BF Magnums Angel JD+ JP Extreme Obsession Rohara MarcAlyssa Rohara Via Donna

Sassy Divina Pearl Teyna Angel Babe Missy Via

Patricia M. Dempsey Patricia M. Dempsey Lakes And Oaks Lakes And LiveLive Oaks 12961 NE 72nd Boulevard 12961 NE 72nd Boulevard Lake, FL 32162 LadyLady Lake, FL 32162 Phone: 352.430.3456 Phone: 352.430.3456

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