Arabian Horse Times Vol. 43, No. 7

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Volume 43, No. 7 $7.50

s u o m i n a Un

U. S. N AT I O N A L C H A m p I O N ANd

S C OT T S dA L e C H A m p I O N eNgLISH pLeASUre JUNIOr HOrSe

! e c u d o r p o t d e r b . m r o Bred to perf HA

Toskcan Sun

HA Toskcana • 2012 Filly HA Toskcan Sun x VF Fires Alarm

Owners: HA Toskcan Sun LLC Standing at: Stachowski Farm, Inc. Mantua, Ohio • Contact: Jim Stachowski • 330-603-2116

Baske Afire x Matoska, by Zodiac Matador Breeders Sweepstakes, AEPA and Scottsdale Signature Stallion

2 | A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 7 | 3

Contents Volume 43, No. 7 43

2012 Arabian Horse Times Readers’ Choice Awards—Final Nominations


Marwan Al Shaqab—A Global Influence by Mary Kirkman


The Leading Sires & Breeders Of The Arabian Futurities by Beth Ellen Hunziker



The Evolution Of An Arabian Horseman—Josh Quintus by Mary Kirkman


A Happy Arabian Horse Fable—Alicia And Alayna by Linda White


New Leadership At AHA by Linda White


Ecuador—An Arabian Horse Paradise Yet To Discover


Leaders Of The Times—Odyssey SC by Linda White


Firetok (1982-2012) by Linda White


On The COver:

Vortex (FA El Shawan x Bohnytha ATA), owned by Fazenda Floresta LLC.

4 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Comments From The Editor


Step By Step To A Brighter Future by Lori Davisson


From The Table by Jeff Tracy


Calendar Of Events


Looking Ahead


Index Of Advertisers

On the cover ...


FA Al Shawan x Bhonytha ATA

National Champion 2012 • Junior Horse Of The Year in Brazil 2011 A Great Future Ahead Of Him!

F a z e n d a F lo r e s ta • l u c i a n a F a s a n o • i t u , B r a z i l Flávio regis • 55 11 97174-1210 • cell: 55 67 8112-0100 w w w . Fa z e n d a F l o r e s ta a r a B i a n s . c o m

Fa r m m a n a g e r :

Volume 43, No. 7 | 5

Publisher Lara Ames Editor Kevin Ludden Contributing Writers Linda White Mary Kirkman Kara Larson Advertising Account Executive Tony Bergren Production Manager Jody Thompson Senior Designer Marketing Director Wayne Anderson Print & Web Design Tony Ferguson Jennifer Peña Leah Matzke Michael Knepprath Editorial Coordinator Proofreader Charlene Deyle Production Assistant Christa Ferguson Office Manager Robin Matejcek

Sales/Editorial Assistant Accounts Receivable Karen Fell Sales/Editorial Assistant Deb Trebesch

Operations/Interactive Manager Barbara Lee © Copyright AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Articles or opinions published by the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times are not necessarily the expressed views of the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times is not responsible for the accuracy of advertising content or manipulation of images that are provided by the advertiser. ARABIAN HORSE TIMES (ISSN 0279-8125) Volume 43, No. 7, December 2012, is published monthly by AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times, 20276 Delaware Avenue, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Periodical postage paid at Jordan, Minnesota 55352 and at additional entry offices. Single copies in U.S. and Canada $7.50. Subscription in U.S. $40 per year, $65 two years, $90 three years. Canada $65 one year, $125 two years, $170 three years, U.S. funds. Foreign Subscriptions: $95 one year, $185 two years, $280 three years, payable in advance, U.S. funds. Sorry, no refunds on subscription orders. For subscription and change of address, please send old address as printed on last label. Please allow four to six weeks for your first subscription to be shipped. Occasionally ARABIAN HORSE TIMES makes its mailing list available to other organizations. If you prefer not to receive these mailings, please write to ARABIAN HORSE TIMES, Editorial Offices, P.O. Box 69, Jordan, MN 55352. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographic materials. Printed in U.S.A. • POSTMASTER: Please send returns to Arabian Horse Times, P.O. Box 69, Jordan, MN 55352; and address changes to Arabian Horse Times, P.O. Box 15816, North Hollywood, CA 91615-5816. For subscription information, call 1-855-240-4637 (in the U.S.A.) or 952-492-3213 (for outside of the U.S.A.) Arabian Horse Times • P.O. Box 15816, North Hollywood, CA 91615-5816 • Tel: 952-492-3213 • Fax: 952-492-3228 1-800-AHTIMES •


Comments From The Editor

Editorials should be easy to write at this time of year. It’s the holiday season, full of good cheer, an old year ending, a new one ready to begin—easy to draw conclusions, right? Add an upbeat ending and we’re good to go. Yet, it isn’t that easy. Sometimes realistic conclusions are hard to articulate. For example, what does the future hold for the Arabian breed, and how do we make it even better and brighter? How do we bring more people in and show them what fun sharing life with an Arabian horse can be? How do we cope with the world today, where teenagers know more about video games than horsemanship? These are questions that are not easily answered. So, at this point, I contend that we just take the groundswell of positive energy into 2013 and build on it. Also, we need to remember how important our horses and our friends are in our lives. That’s what we have to communicate. Combine those two things, and the future can be bigger and brighter indeed. From everyone here at Arabian Horse Times, I wish you a new year of great hope and potential.

Kevin N. Ludden Editor

Scottsdale Contenders with DAn GrossMAn





2011 bay colt • out of Magnums Glamourgirl C

2010 bay colt • out of LL Albufera

Sired by Stone Ridge ARAbiAnS dan and Maureen grossman FOR VIDEOS CONTACT:

Volume 43, No. 7 | 7


S cot t sda l e 201 3 S ta l l i on H alt e r wi t h D av i d B o gg s On

8 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

DaviD & terry anne BOggs anD Jeff & anDrea slOan

lease tO

QR Marc x Pętla Bred and owned by Stadnina Koni Janów Podlaski, Poland Volume 43, No. 7 | 9


"I was fortunate to have had Baskghazi in my care as a young horse and witnessed, first hand, his work ethic and desire to go forward with balance, cadence and energy. I have seen and worked with his first foal crops, and I am equally impressed with the results of the SMP breeding program. Breeding English trotting mares by such well known English pleasure producers as Apaladin, HF Mister Chips, and Afire Bey V, to Baskghazi, has put SMP in the driver's seat to fill owners and trainers requests for prospects. I am anxiously awaiting my first foals by Baskghazi due in the spring!" —Vicki Humphrey

Baske Afire x RY Fire Ghazi, by El Ghazi U.S. National Top Ten Arabian English Pleasure Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated Region 12 Spotlight Stallion Scottsdale Signature Stallion AEPA Enrolled Sire Stud fee: $2,500

10 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Baskghazillionheir sMP Baskghazi x On Tulsa Time

Quintessential Fire Baskghazi x Afires Quintina

Baskathena sMP Baskghazi x HF Ariana

Basknghlory sMP Baskghazi x GC Madamolselle

Baskadonis sMP Baskghazi x HF Ariana

Rod & Jacqueline Thompson • Lenoir City, TN • 865.388.0507 Trainer Mike Miller • • cell 608.332.0701 Visit us on the web at: Volume 43, No. 7 | 11

The Future Is Bright!

Mantua, OH • ScOttSdale, aZ • San MarcOS, ca • 330-274-2494

12 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

2012 was a great year with incredible show and sales results for us. Topping off the winning year, Stachowski Farm earned 16 National Championships, 5 Reserves, and 34 National Top Ten awards and sold over 50 horses. At Stachowski Farm we are constantly looking for horses for our clients and have discovered that the supply is limited. We encourage breeders to continue to breed and we offer our consultation services to help you determine what is the best cross for your mares. We need to look ahead and be prepared to have the product needed to meet the demand. Contact us today and let us help you with your program— whether it is breeding, marketing horses or stallions, or training and showing. We're ready to help keep the Arabian industry strong now and for generations to come. — Jim & Peter Stachowski

Volume 43, No. 7 | 13

14 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Proudly owned by Claire & Margaret Larson Standing at: ARGENT FARMS Andrew or Angie Sellman • 715.425.9001 Pryme Thyme x Holly Onfire JW Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated Minnesota Medallion Stallion Scottsdale Signature Stallion SCID & CA Clear

Volume 43, No. 7 | 15

Proudly owned by The Blankenship Family

16 | A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

K I E S N E R T R A I N I N G • 8 6 5 . 9 8 4 . 5 2 4 5 • W W W. K I E S N E RT R A I N I N G . C O M Volume 43, No. 7 | 17


Proudly owned by Bill & Shirley Reilich STANDING AT KIESNER TRAINING 865.984.5245 • WWW.AFIRESHEIR.COM

18 | A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

HEIRS NOBLE LOVE Afires Heir x Noble Aphrodite

Volume 43, No. 7 | 19




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JOEL'S CELL 865-556-04 13 • WWW.KIESNERTRAINING.COM • ASHTON’S CELL 865-556-0412 Volume 43, No. 7 | 21


6-Time National Champion

LLIENCE+// *Aladdinn x A Love Song, by *Bask

AHA Breeders Sweepstakes, AEPA Enrolled Sire, NSH Nominated Sire, Show Horse Alliance Sire, SCID Clear

Sire of Multiple National Champions



y Allience

2012 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Park Horse

Sired by Allience 2012 Canadian National Champion Half-Arabian Park Horse 2012 Scottsdale Champion Half-Arabian Park Horse AOTR 2011 Canadian & U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Park Horse Thank you, Matt Siemon, for a great year! 22 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

2012 Unanimous U.S. National Champion Arabian Park Horse


onde Vu

Mamage x Ames Deja Vu

2012 Canadian National Champion Arabian Park Horse 2012 Canadian National Champion Arabian Park Horse AAOTR

Nancy Shafer, Gregg and Lotta Shafer 5865 Oak Hill Drive, W. Farmington, OH 44491 E-mail: ~ 330.847.0776 For breeding information call: 330.274.2039 ~ 440.724.2497

Volume 43, No. 7 | 23

O u r f u t u r e l O O ks B r i g h t...

Ste p up with Ce da r ridg e!

Join Us In 2013!

John and Leah accepting outside horses For training.

Contact Leah Boyd 515-520-7604 or John Golladay 847-668-3538 •

w w w. C e d a r- r i d g e . C o m

24 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, no. 7 | 25


escended from Cha mpions

w w w.oa k havena rabia 26 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

SF Specs Shocwave

Afire Bey V

Spectra PR

H Uc K L eber rY be Y++

a Fi r e be Y V

aU t U m n Fi r e

SF SpecS SHoc waV e


Spec tr a pr


Sedgi a

J dm r a i n da nc e+//

dd m Y da nc e

JDM Rain Dance+//

Owned by:

H Uc K L ebe Y ber rY+/ J dm pen toi a *m a Ligg

V F m aJorca

DD My Dance

Huckleberry Bey++

b t LY dda

VF Majorca

Hucklebey Berry+/

Oak Haven SOutH LLC

For breeding inFormation, contact: blake Krohn 903-539-0260 or Jason Krohn 903-539-3812 Lindale, TX •

w w w. o a k h a v e n a r a b i a n s . c o m Volume 43, no. 7 | 27

w w w.oa k havena rabia 28 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Pr ym e T h ym e Ne ga t ra z x Tou c h A Spi c e , (*B a s k++)

Outstanding Offspring

Multi-National Champion

Multi-National Champion

(Pryme Thyme x Diamond Tribute)

(Pryme Thyme x Holly Onfire JW)

National Champion

National Champion

(Pryme Thyme x Chance To Dazzle)

(Pryme Thyme x Gladys Brown)

Tribute Thyme SA

R ascal Thyme SA

P yro Thyme SA


S h i p p e d S e m e n O f f e r e d Fo r F i r s t T i m e ! F o r b r e e d i n g i n F o c o n tac t: blake Krohn 903-539-0260 or Jason Krohn 903-539-3812 Lindale, TX •

w w w. o a k h a v e n a r a b i a n s . c o m Volume 43, no. 7 | 29

Pr ince


T h ym e

Pryme Thyme x WCA Perfectiming

Owned by: William and laura Bradley

For breeding inFormation, contact: blake Krohn 903-539-0260 or Jason Krohn 903-539-3812 Lindale, TX •

w w w.o a k h aven aw r awbwi . ao na ks .hca ov m 30 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Looking For Your Next Show Horse? Finished Show Horses



(Allience x TR Fait Accompli) 2000 Bay Gelding

(Majesteit x Milady Cognac) 2005 Half-Arabian Black Mare • 16.1 Hands

2012 Reserve National Champion Park AOTR

2012 Top Ten H/A Country English AAOTR 36-54 and Show Hack

NUMEROUS National Championships and Reserve Championships in English, Park and Show Hack, with youth and adult riders. Excellent opportunity for a youth rider!

2012 Unanimous Pacific Slope H/A Country English and Show Hack, Region II Champion H/A Show Hack AOTR. Beautiful with lots of talent.


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALL AROAN AM I


2012 Region II Top Five H/A Western Pleasure Junior Horse as a 3 year old. Great mover with a beautiful neck.

Already started – AMAZING potential!

(LBA Lode Star x Savvy Sierra) 2009 Half-Arabian Bay Roan Gelding 16 Hands

(Undulata’s Nutcracker x Tempted By Fait) 2010 Half-Arabian Liver Chestnut Mare


(Sir William Robert x Tempted By Fait) 2011 Half-Arabian Grey Gelding Great neck and lots of motion!


(LBA Lode Star x Rickashay Rabbit) 2012 Half-Arabian Bay Gelding Beautiful head, big eyes and a pretty neck.

Coming in 2013

____________________________ FoALS By LBA Lode StAr ANd KhontroverSy PGA

Come See Us! 730 West Hwy 246, Buellton, CA 93427 | Gil 805-331-8080 | Joanne 805-331-8081 Volume 43, No. 7 | 31

32 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Faraa Al Shaqab

Š Gigi Grasso

(Marwan Al Shaqab x GW Natorious Star) 2007 Stallion

Volume 43, No. 7 | 33

“He’S extreMely Well bAlANced, ced, WitH A Nicely lAid-bAck SHoulder, GreAt leNGtH reAt At le A NGtH ANd SHApe of Neck ANd He HAS tHee overAll overAll over coNforMAtioN of AN AtHlete,” lete,” declAreS decl JoAquiN de SANtibAñeS of HArAS AS MAyed, A Ayed, tHe leSSee of fArAA Al SHAqAb b for tHe 2011 ANd 2012 breediNG SeASoNS. “ANd tHe fArAA foAlS, predoMiNAtely iNAtely NA NAtely froM dAuGHterS of MAGNuM pSycHe, Are outStANdiNG, beAutiful, utiful, exotic eveN. WHeN breediNG it iS difficult to elAborAte elAborA borAte borA Ate oN WHAt iS Still yet to coMee but it SeeMS, After JuSt oNe foAliNG SeASoN, N, fArAA r rAA could MAke A lAStiNG coNtributioN tributioN to tHe MAyed proGrAM,” elAborAteS borAte borA AteS SANtibAñeS. “froM My obServAtioN fArAA iSS like MArWAN, coNSiSteNtly SiriNG A HiGH perceNtAGe of quAlity offSpriNG,” NG,” coNfirMS MoHAMMed Al SulAiti, iti, Al SHAqAb breediNG & SHoW MANAGer. ANAGer. “tHAt SAid, We Will ill be forever AppreciAtive A Ative to JoAquiN, ferNANdo ANd tHee eNtire teAM At HArAS MAyed for tHeir eir belief iN ANd Support of fArAA Al SHAqAb.” Ab.”

34 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Š Gigi Grasso

Volume 43, No. 7 | 35

© Gigi Grasso

JJ argentina 2012 Bay Filly (Faraa al Shaqab x Diva girl by versace) Bred and owned by Haras Mayed

© Gigi Grasso

JJ Severiano 2012 Chestnut Colt (Faraa al Shaqab x JJ odessa by Magnum Psyche) Bred and owned by Haras Mayed

A Anaza ell farid arid Gazal Al Shaqab kajora Marwan Al Shaqab fame vf little liza fame katahza atahza fArAA Al SHAqAb fame vf lbA lode Star lbA Anastasia GW Natorious Star bey ey Shah Nv Natasham forteynette

StANdiNG At Stud WitH MidWeSt natemidwest@sbwireless.


2 0 1 2 U . S . N at i o N a l ReSeRve ChampioN

H a l f - A r a b i a n 2 - Ye a r - O l d F i l l y with Andy Sellman

F u t u r i t y B o u n d i n 2013 Jay Krusentjerna in AOTH Andy Sellman of Argent Farms in OPEN Also watch for u.S. to p t e n Co lt


(DA Valentino x Faberge AA)

(DA Valentino x Tequila Rose MTC)

with Jay Krusentjerna and Jordan Simons of Mahogany Hill Arabians.

SToNEGaTE FarMS Barb Sink-Krusentjerna 31460 Silverado Trail Waukee, Iowa 50263 515-987-2563 Volume 43, No. 7 | 37

Park and English Pleasure Champion


I Winnigan

Hooligan DGL x Baskoleeta

Hooligan DGL x Mysterious Dancer

Huckleberry Bey Hucks Heritage V Hooligan DGL

In Luvigan

Heritage Montoya Cognac

Hooligan DGL x Mysterious Dancer


Hooligan DGL x JS Bandara

Happy Ours Heritage Montoya

Hooligan DGL

I Winnigan

Hooligan DGL x Mysterious Dancer


Hooligan DGL x Mysterious Dancer

Hucks Heritage V x Happy Ours

By National Champion English Pleasure Hucks Heritage V, and out of National Champion Park and National Champion Formal Driving Happy Ours. Both out of Heritage Montoya, leading aristocrat mare for park bloodlines. Only remaining full-blood sibling left is a leading National Champion producer in South Africa. Excellent conformation for breeding while having a calming nature for riding lessons. Congratulations, Kim Milch of Israel, on your purchase of the Dutch Harness mare in foal to Hooligan DGL! Standing at: RiveR Bottom StaBleS Princeton, IA 52768

38 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contact: DR. liSSa KucheR 563-340-5750

Beauty & Performance Combined ~ Producing The Best Of Both ~

Momentum NA

(Magnum Psyche x Mona Lisa V)

Ready for the 2013 Breeding Season SCID & CA Clear Stud Fee: $1,000 Purebred/$750 Partbred

Proudly Owned by: TBBG LLC For more information, contact: Linda Brown 402-426-2882

Canadian National Reserve Champion Western Pleasure Volume 43, No. 7 | 39


Padrons Psyche Magnum Psyche Estopa WH Justice El Sher-Man Vona Sher-Renea Renea AJA Justified Kubinec FS Bengali Om El Sanadiva Aja Beneja Carmargue G Estarreja Estasha Bint Masri

40 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


BreedinGs now AVAilABle in tHe usA, BrAZil, euroPe And tHe Middle eAst. Proudly Bred And owned By:

MAlcolM And JAne Hickford liPley HAll, cHeswArdine, MArket drAyton, ShropShire TF9 2SG • UniTed KinGdom +44 1630 661209 • Fax: +44 1630 661724 e-MAil: AJAArABiAns@Aol.coM


Volume 43, No. 7 | 41

A d D e sig n | P sax

A ltoget her Desi gn & C ommuni cati ons


You’re Invited! The Readers’ Choice Awards celebration kicks off Scottsdale Week with a gala banquet at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, February 15, 2013, at WestWorld’s Monterra Restaurant. The dinner has sold out in past years; so, we recommend that you order your tickets early. You’ll find all the information you need, along with an order form to make it easy, by visiting our website at

Volume 43, No. 7 | 43



—FINAL NOMINATIONS! Congratulations to the following individuals nominated for 2012 Arabian Horse Times Readers’ Choice Awards! To cast your votes, go to! Voting ends January 23, 2013!

Don’t miss your chance to be heard! In 2012, what was your

In 2012, what was your

favorite advertisement

favorite editorial story

featured in the AHT?

of the year in AHT?

• Arabians International, LLC, September AA, designed by Jenn Trickey • Fazenda Floresta, March, designed by AHT • Lowe Show Horse Centre, June Youth Nationals, designed by Shawn Getty-Lowe • RBC Show Horses, February, designed by Jenn Trickey • Regency Cove Farm, June, designed by AHT • Rohara Arabians, LLC, September AA, designed by Brandy Johnson

44 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

• From The Table—Living On Tulsa Time, by Jeff Tracy, October • Presenting The Personalities—Becky And Bob Nash, by Mary Kirkman, September A • Rescue At Sea—How William The Wonder Horse Attracted Worldwide Attention And Highlighted Arabian Stamina, by Mary Kirkman, June • The Evolution Of An Arabian Horseman—Jim Lowe, by Mary Kirkman, July

• The Evolution Of An Arabian Training Team—Rob Bick And Caralyn Schroter, by Mary Kirkman, September AA • Trainer Confidential—Tales From The Underbelly: Just Keep Going, by Mary Trowbridge, May

In 2012, what was your favorite AHT front cover? • January—Hucks Connection V, owned by Diamond Hill Arabians and photographed by Stuart Vesty • April—Pogrom, owned by Janów Podlaski Stud and photographed by Javan

• May—VJ Royal Heir, owned by Kelli Aguirre and photographed by Stuart Vesty • August—Rrapture, owned by Oak Haven South LLC and photographed by Jeff Janson • September AA—Miss Marwan PA, owned by Al Shahania Stud and photographed by Suzanne • October—Jullye Al Gazal XX, owned by Larry Schopf and photographed by A. Bernier

Favorite AHT Calendar Month Of The Year • January—Gitar MF, owned by C & E Show Horses and photographed by Javan • April—Bey Ambition, owned by RaeDawn Arabians and photographed by April Visel • June—Maasai PVF, owned by Prairie View Farm and photographed by Stuart Vesty • July—Vitorio TO, owned by Oak Ridge Arabians and photographed by Lyndsey Boggs • September—Brass Star and Starr Llight, Cedar Ridge Arabians • November—Sshameless, owned by Sky Ranch Arabians and photographed by Victor Ricigliano

Photographer Of The Year • Mike Ferrara • Brandy Johnson • Howie Schatzberg • Scott Trees • Stuart Vesty • April Visel

• Rooker Training Stable

Show Of The Year

• Springwater Farm

• Arabian Breeders World Cup

• Stachowski Farm, Inc.

• Arabian Horse Celebration

• Buckeye Sweepstakes Horse Show • Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Best Team (Farm) Spirit Award • Chrishan Park Arabians

• U.S. Nationals

• Midwest Training Centre

• Youth Nationals

• Rohara Arabians, LLC • Shada, Inc.

Judge Of The Year

• Stachowski Farm, Inc.

• Scott Benjamin

• Westridge Farms

• Terry Holmes • Van Jacobsen • Paul Kostial

• Pepper Proffit

A/HA/AA Sport Horse Of The Year • Dark Prankster, owned by

• Corky Sutton

Madeleine Hoshizaki

• Everwatch PC, owned by Conley Driediger

Instructor Of The Year

• Mirage V, owned by Elizabeth Conti

• Julie Daniels Adams • Shannon Beethe

• Mojave Kid, owned by Lynn and

• Rick Nab

• Rakhassa Bey, owned by Bill and

• Lisa Jo White

• Soleil CA, owned by Cambria DeMarco

Arnold Myhra

• Jim Lowe

Alexis Doughty

• Kellie Wendling

Arabian Horse Caretaker Of The Year • Ashlee Alford

• Cedro “Chilo” Nunez

Purebred Working Western Horse Of The Year • I m The Real Deal, owned by Audrey Zinke

• Mark Powell

• Navaho Joe BPF, owned by Silver

• Nate Soderberg

• Pretty Boi McCoy, owned by Karen

Aspen Ranch

• Hanlie Scott

and James Gavin

• Richard Tirado

• TA Mozart, owned by Kimberly Kirk Tillman

Arabian Horse Marketer Of The Year

• Take A Spin, owned by Amara Spizzirri

• Vallejo Cylebrity, owned by Vallejo III

• Arabian Expressions

• Arabians International, LLC • Midwest Training Centre

Ranch, LLC

Volume 43, No. 7 | 45

Half-Arabian Working Western Horse Of The Year • Custom Gale, owned by Joe Betten • Dakota Wolf, owned by S A Grove

• Dun Waltzin, owned by Bryan and Cheryl Nelson

• Im Destinees Hobby, owned by Amanda Golestani

• Miss Maximus, owned by Larry and Susan Lease

• TR Texas T, owned by Dennis and Linda Clark Limited Family Partnership

Purebred Specialty Horse Of The Year • Expressly Bella, owned by Karen Mahan

• American Idol, owned by Brianna Williams

• Malieka, owned by Julie and Hannah Feldman • Nepyr, owned by Doug and Kristi Stewart

• PA Lucchese Always, owned by Tiffany Travis Capobianco

• Verucci, owned by Maurene Samuelson

Half-Arabian Hunter Horse Of The Year • Allectri Phi CF, owned by The Russell

Half-Arabian Specialty Horse Of The Year • Baske Is A Genius, owned by Paul Heiman • Glory Got Game, owned by Conway

Debra and Maggie McCarthy Hannah and Tabitha Bell

Purebred Western Horse Of The Year • Alerro, owned by Jerry Newman

• Garth MH, owned by Amara Spizzirri • Khaberet PGA, owned by Nancy and

Stables, LLC

Half-Arabian Western Horse Of The Year

• Adams Fire, owned by Starline Arabians, LLC

• CF Jimmy Neutron, owned by Burrline, LLC • ERA Moonlite Serenade, owned by Norma and John Diver

• Nutcracker Sweet PF, owned by 6D Ranch Ltd.

and Gregg Shafer

and Laura Morton

Purebred Halter Horse Of The Year • Aria Impresario, owned by Sloan Family Impresario Holding

• Luxmere Jizette, owned by Anthony

• Lets Get Loded, owned by Sally Leonardini

• Pyro Thyme SA, owned by Claire and

• Jackee O, owned by Anique Weber

• A Time To Dance, owned by Shoshana

• Napoleon Dynamite SP, owned by

46 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Horse Of The Year

• Caliente Virtuoso, owned by Robin Porter

Purebred Hunter Horse Of The Year and Erica Mark

Mountain Park Arabians

• Toi Slamtastic CRF, owned by Janice

Arabians, LLC

• SA Rapid Fire, owned by L.A. Flynn

Gregg Shafer

Performance Horses

• Zefyr, owned by Laura Koch

• Prince LOA, owned by L. David Pease

Toskcan Sun LLC

• REA My Allience, owned by Nancy

• Klint Black, owned by Setting Sun

• Papa Rhazi, owned by Beth Jupp

Cheryl Doran

Robert Risen

• Khash PGA, owned by Southern Cross

Arabians, Inc.

• Hott Sauce, owned by D C

• Defying Gravity RGS, owned by

• The Renaissance, owned by Smoky

• MWF Benedykt, owned by Fortun

• Vibrato G, owned by Jeffrey Allen

• CP Shenanigan, owned by Katherine Kirby

Family Trust

• Big Time DDA, owned by The Russell

• WD Noble Ladd, owned by Audrey Zinke

Arabians, Inc.

• Bel Heir LR, owned by William Blankenship

• Ronde Vu, owned by Nancy and

• TFA Zimitup, owned by Jennifer,

• TA Prelude, owned by Highland Pride

Purebred Saddle Seat Horse Of The Year

and Christine Leverett

• MM Sabe, owned by Cynthia and

Arabians, LLC

Troy Peterson

• HA Toskcan Sun, owned by HA

• HL Sanction, owned by Hawk Haven

Morgan Kelly

• Tamar Chiaro Di Luna, owned by

Family Trust

• Amazzzing Grace, owned by Michael

• EC Cause To Celebrate, owned by

Farms, LLC

• SF Korbel, owned by Christi Cardenas

Sarah Paripovich

Marino Sr. and Anthony Marino Jr. Margaret Larson

• RD Marciena, owned by Luciano Cury

• RH Triana, owned by Freeland Farm, LLC

• Trussardi, owned by Rojo Arabians

Half-Arabian Halter Horse Of The Year

• Matt Siemon

• Jim Stachowski

Working Western Trainer Of The Year

• Beni TG, owned by Todd and

• Jessica Bein

• Ebony By Valentino, owned by

• Crystal McNutt

• I Believe FF, owned by Perry and

• Tyson Randle

Glena Weegens

• LaRae Fletcher Powell

Sally Bedeker

• Eddie Ralston

Suzanne Perkins

• Koweta Call Me Emmie, owned by Jessie Szymanski

• Maghnus Z, owned by Maddy Conforti and Jay Winer

• VSH Dominic, owned by Texie Lowery

Rising New Star Award • Austin Boggs

• Gabe DeSoto

• Brandon Flood • Katie Garland

• John Golladay

• Jonathan Ramsay

Western Trainer Of The Year • Brett Becker • Liz Bentley

• Tommy Garland • JT Keller

• Josh Quintus • Joe Reser

Saddle Seat Trainer Of The Year • Vicki Humphrey • Joel Kiesner

• Tish Kondas • Jason Krohn

• Thiago Sobral

Halter Trainer Of The Year • Joe Alberti

• David Boggs

• Michael Byatt • Greg Gallún

• Sandro Pinha

• Andy Sellman

Show Hack/Hunter Trainer Of The Year • Ali Brady

• Cynthia Burkman • Wendy Potts • Sally Randle

• Caralyn Schroter • Tom Thiesen

Versatile Trainer Of The Year • Rob Bick

• Cynthia Burkman • Jim Lowe

• Gordon Potts

• John Rannenberg • John Ryan

Youth Exhibitor Of The Year

• Anna Redmond

• Holland Stevens • Mary Wilson

• Sarah Beth Womble

Adult Amateur Of The Year • Lori Foster

• Kathie Hart

• Lori Lawrence • AJ Marino

• Lester Martin

• Amanda Purdin

Breeder Of The Year • Graystone Farm—Nick and Juliet Carden • Jerland Farm—Lawrence Jerome

• Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.—Dave and Gail Liniger

• Palmetto Arabians—Frank and Sara Chisholm

• Rohara Arabians, LLC—Roxann and Karl Hart

• Tamar Arabians, Ltd.—Tamara Hanby Black

Sire Of The Year • Afires Heir, owned by William and Shirley Reilich

• Baske Afire, owned by Strawberry Banks Farm

• Da Vinci FM, owned by Sally Bedeker • Khadraj NA, owned by Lawrence Jerome and Indira Van Handel

• Marwan Al Shaqab, owned by Al

Shaqab Member Qatar Foundation

• Sundance Kid V, owned by Frank and Sara Chisholm

• Sydney Dazzo • Julliette Dell

Volume 43, No. 7 | 47

Marwan al Shaqab

“You hear people say, ‘Well, that’s a Scottsdale-looking horse or that’s a Middle Eastern or European style horse.’ He’s all of that.” “I’ve never been more impressed by a show horse than I was with him as an individual, and he’s able to pass that same type of dynamic on to his foals.” “I’ll bet you if you polled 20 other Arabian halter trainers, they’d say his get are some of the most pleasant day-to-day Arabians to have in the show barn. They continually give strong effort, they’re always quick studies to training techniques, and will not wilt in competition. They are just solid show horses and good citizens.” “His daughters are looking like some of the best producing mares in our program.” “I think that in this day and age—the timing of where the industry is right now, as it pertains to my life and my business—there absolutely has not been a more significant sire than Marwan.” Can any one stallion live up to opinions like that? Remarkably, yes. On the following pages, meet Marwan Al Shaqab, whose global legacy is changing the landscape of Arabian breeding as we know it.

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Marwan Al Shaqab

A GlobAl Influence by Mary Kirkman

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Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab

It was a winter day like many others in Doha, the capital city

program, education, research, sports and all the different activities

of Qatar—sunny, warm and clear. At the Riding and Equestrian

undertaken by Al Shaqab,” says the organization’s Director, Fahad

Club, the country’s 2001 International Arabian Horse Show was

Al Qahtani, “were built on [Chairman of the Al Shaqab Board

on, a competition of more than 200 entries that reflected the area’s

of Directors] Sheikh Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani’s ability to

renewed commitment to breeding Arabian horses. The show

translate the vision of the Emir of Qatar, H H Sheikh Hamad Bin

and the region’s stud farms were attracting growing interest from

Khalifa Al Thani, and transform Al Shaqab from an ordinary farm

Europe and points west, and western clothing mingled comfortably

to a world-class equine center.”

with the immaculate white thobes of the Arab men. What no one

American trainers Eileen Verdieck and Michael Byatt had been

knew at the time was that history was about to be made. This

enlisted to work in the Al Shaqab effort in Arabians, and Verdieck

year was to offer an introduction to its newest star: a personable

had been given the assignment of presenting Marwan. She flew in

bay colt named Marwan Al Shaqab.

a few weeks in advance to work with the farm’s show contenders,

Al Shaqab, officially part of the Qatar Foundation, had been

who had been prepared by Al Shaqab’s resident handlers. Just a

refining its breeding program over the past decade, and the

yearling, Marwan was unknown; his colt preliminary class had

results had been impressive. “All the success of the breeding

been his maiden voyage in the ring, and he had won handily. In the

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Marwan Al Shaqab

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Anaza El Farid *Ansata Ibn Halima Bint Deenaa *Deenaa Gazal Al Shaqab *Naborr Kaborr Bint Kholameh Kajora Exelsjor


*Edjora Edessa

Al Shaqab

Bay El Bey Bey Shah Star Of Ofir Fame VF Raffon Raffoleta-Rose Leta Rose

Little Liza Fame Azraff Aza Destiny Bint Bass Hisan Katahza Al-Marah Radames Afhar Rahza Zakieh

final, his principal competition was the reigning world champion,

Marwan Al Shaqab was just one of several names that came

an imposing 2-year-old, who had won consistently coming into

out of the emerging Al Shaqab program in the late 1990s and

the Qatar Show and already had placed first in his qualifier.

early 2000s. But in terms of worldwide influence, he would be

The day of the Junior Colt Championship, the show stadium

the gold standard; in less than a dozen years, he would have get

was gleaming in a crystalline blue sky, and the white-railed ring

winning on a variety of continents, with a remarkable consistency

enclosed a manicured emerald lawn festive with flowers and

that is at present unmatched. He has sired stallions to carry on his

Qatari flags. It was appropriate for an inauguration, and that is

line, and the record of his daughters, both in the show ring and as

what the appreciative audience got. From the crowd of colts that

broodmares, suggests that his influence there will be significant

entered the ring, the judges tapped Marwan Al Shaqab. “He was

as well.

perfect,” Verdieck recalls. “He just went out and did his job, and we won. It was a really big deal—and it was a lot of fun.”

“Marwan has gone beyond us,” says Arabian Horse Global and Arabian Results’ Christy Egan, who compiles statistics for

“His debut was quite a sensation, and the results were

her clients. “For instance, he was the leading sire at the Salon du

sensational,” agrees Byatt. “There was an enormous buzz about

Cheval last year [2011], and the year before that and the year

this colt.”

before that—for five straight years.” That is in addition to his


Marwan Al Shaqab

routine appearance at the top or close to the top of the leading

Egyptian Event in the United States, as Champion Colt and

sire lists for Scottsdale and the U.S. Nationals.

Reserve Supreme Champion Male.

“This is a global Arabian sire,” Egan concludes. “Sires in that

Little Liza Fame’s foal, Marwan Al Shaqab, greeted the world

category are extremely rare.”

on February 12, 2000. “From the minute he was born, everybody noticed him,” Verdieck reports. “He’s so correct and so put

The STory of Marwan al Shaqab

together and charismatic.”

Marwan’s story actually began in the early 1990s, when

The Qatar International Show of 2001 was the first in what

the Emir of Qatar, H H Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani,

would become a familiar pattern in Marwan’s early career: Al

directed that the breeding program at his stud farm, Al Shaqab,

Shaqab entered him and his sire at the same events. At the

be expanded. The goal was a more successful role in international

International, when he was named Junior Champion Colt, Gazal

competition and the Arabian horse industry. While a number of

was the Reserve Champion Stallion.

American and European horsemen have contributed to the project

One who noticed both horses there was Director Marek

over the years, Verdieck and Byatt were the most involved at the

Trela of Poland’s Janów Podlaski State Stud. “Marwan was an

time, working with Al Shaqab’s then-director, Sheikh Hamad Bin

unknown horse then,” says Trela, one of six judges at the show.

Ali Al-Thani. The three traveled extensively, locating new mares

“He was tall, long-lined, long-necked and had a very modern look.

for the broodmare band.

Altogether, it was a very nice picture. There was no doubt who

Looking back now, Verdieck notes that a key element in the

would be the winner; there was no doubt, against all the rest.”

success that resulted from the restructuring of the Al Shaqab

Trela had been watching Gazal with interest; he was in need

program was the Emir himself. Although they rarely saw him,

of an outcross for his stallions, and Marwan was confirmation

his fundamental understanding of breeding horses provided

that Gazal could sire what he needed. He explored the idea of

the framework for what they did. “The Emir saw it as a bigger

leasing Marwan’s sire from Al Shaqab. Sheikh Hamad, then

picture,” she says. “He loved horses—he had always had horses.

director, knew the value of Poland’s revered broodmares, and

He understood that the mares we purchased didn’t all have

responded, “When do you need him?” Arrangements were made

to be great show horses, but they did have to be good

to deliver Gazal to Janów for the 2002 breeding season. It was a win/win situation. As one observer says, the Polish

breeding horses.” “Qatar has always been a land of the noble Arabian

lease of Gazal was a critical point in the ascendency of Al

horse breed,” explains Fahad Al Qahtani. “The vision of H H

Shaqab on the world stage. It was a potent vote of approval

Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani was to bring them back

from one of the most respected breeding programs in the

to their homeland and to link our heritage to our continuous

world—and Gazal Al Shaqab would affirm Trela’s confidence

development as a nation, to link our generation to their past with

with resounding certainty. But first, there was the 2001 World Championships at the

passion and dedication.” One of the earliest purchases was Little Liza Fame, a 1991

Salon du Cheval for both Gazal and Marwan. Al Shaqab sent

Canadian National Champion Futurity Filly and U.S. National

Marwan to horseman Erik Dorssers, of Bluebell Arabians in the

Reserve Champion in Western Pleasure Junior Horse, by Fame VF.

Netherlands, to be readied. He would not appear in the show ring

Another was 1982 U.S. National Champion Mare Kajora, snapped

until he went to Paris, but in September, Dorssers took the colt to

up when Paolo Gucci’s stellar group of mares became available.

the All Nations Cup to be exhibited to interested horsemen.

Al Shaqab bred her to the Egyptian stallion Anaza El Farid before

Renowned breeder Marieta Salas, of Ganaderia Ses Planes in

shipping her to the Middle East in 1994, and the following year,

Majorca, Spain, recalls seeing Marwan Al Shaqab at that time. “I

she foaled Gazal Al Shaqab. (Also in 1995, the Egyptian mare

had heard in Aachen that this horse was a special yearling,” she

Sundar Alisayyah foaled Al Adeed Al Shaqab, so that by the

says. “He was not shown; he was just in a presentation, but I was

second half of the decade, Al Shaqab had two of its current

not there. Everyone walking through the showgrounds was telling

headline sires in place.)

me, ‘You missed the presentation.’ So I went to the barn, and I

In 1999, Little Liza Fame was bred to Gazal Al Shaqab, who had embarked on a show career that at that point included four championships in the Middle East and two titles at the 1997

said, ‘Erik, would you mind showing me this horse?’ “It was a very dark, rainy day, in the evening; he was cold and he’d been shown to people the hour before, but still I perceived

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Marwan Al Shaqab

something really, really special about this yearling. He had so much class—it just emanated from him. It was his whole presence.” Salas’ interest in the colt did not abate. “After Aachen, I started to think that I should have this horse for my mares,” she relates. “It was even before Paris. He was a yearling, coming 2, and I knew Sheikh Hamad, so I wrote him a letter.” She does not know if anyone else was inquiring about the colt; while he had impressed many people at Aachen, his show record was very limited. “I heard from judges that he was a great yearling [in Qatar], but I don’t think at that time that he was very well known. Of course, a few months later he won at Paris, and he was really known.” At the Salon du Cheval in December, Gazal and Marwan wrote their own headlines. The 2001 World Champion Stallion was Gazal Al Shaqab, while the Junior Champion Colt was his son, Marwan Al Shaqab. Marwan was the highest-scoring horse at the show, the unanimous choice of six judges.


“Marwan is a legend. We are working with history and we are working very hard to produce something from his legacy.” —Mohamed Al Sulaiti, Al Shaqab Breeding and Show Manager

Marwan Al Shaqab

Director Trela smiles at the memory of his inquiry to Sheikh

3-year-old in February 2003. Byatt had been observing Marwan

Hamad nearly a year before, when he had seen the father-son

ever since the colt hit the ground; from here on, he would be an

team in Qatar. “In this way, I received the world champion and the

integral part of the young stallion’s life. That he has been a wise

father of the world champion,” he says. “We were very lucky.”

steward of Marwan’s career is undisputed, but even those who

Salas’ request to Al Shaqab for Marwan was still on the

credit him for his work are quick to add that without Marwan’s

table, and after the Salon, Sheikh Hamad visited Ses Planes. “It

genuine quality as a individual—and Al Shaqab’s enlightened

was windy and cold,” she says, adding that such weather was

management—such a contribution would not have achieved the

unseasonable for Majorca. “We walked in the pastures because the

worldwide standing the stallion came to enjoy.

mares live out. And he said ‘Okay, you can have him.’” She was

“Al Shaqab’s objective was the U.S. Nationals,” Byatt recalls.

allowed nine breedings to the youngster.

“They wanted to make him a national champion, and the idea was

And so while Gazal went to Poland, Marwan wintered in

to sell 20 breedings that first year, which we did easily. The plan

Spain before returning to Erik Dorssers in late spring for the

also was that he would stand here the next year, and then we’d see

European show circuit. In September, Dorssers took Marwan

where it all went.”

to Aachen, this time for more than a presentation. The young

To get ready for the American show ring, Marwan was entered

stallion was named Junior Champion Colt, and then, in November,

at the Region 9 Championships in Fort Worth. From a field of

traveled to Moorsele, Belgium, for the European Championships.

eight, he was chosen the champion unanimously by judges Corky

Again, he was selected Junior Champion Colt. And in December,

Sutton, Mike Budd and Jeff Lee.

at the Salon du Cheval, they made it a Triple Crown. The next stop for Marwan was the United States. Al Shaqab sent him to Michael Byatt Arabians in New Ulm, Texas, as a

Then they waited for the U.S. Nationals, held that year in Albuquerque, N.M. “By the time October hit, there was such a buzz about him that ‘the Marwan phenomenon,’ as it became

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Marwan Al Shaqab

known in the United States, had a lot of traction,” Byatt says. “So many people wanted to buy breedings to him at the 2003 U.S. Nationals that it was opened up a little bit more for the 2004 season.” Stephanie McMahon, who has since used Marwan extensively in the breeding program she and her husband, Roger, maintain, was one who was considering him at the time. She came to Albuquerque hoping that her first view of him would be natural, not when he was

“Marwan’s offspring have integrity. There’s a distinct

showing. So, the night of his class, she went to Michael Byatt Arabians’ Expo New Mexico

look. Although they come in

accommodations and peered into his stall. The effect he had on her was immediate. “I was

different flavors, I would say

instantly in love,” she reports. “It just gave me goose bumps—and I thought, ‘If he can affect me like that standing in the stall, I’m really hopeful. I bought a breeding right then and there.” That night, in the ring, Judges Edwin Sutton, Karlan Downing and Bruce McCrea agreed: Marwan Al Shaqab was the 2003 U.S. National Champion Junior Colt. For the next few breeding seasons, the stallion’s career as a sire took precedence. It would be late 2005 before he was seen again in the show ring, and then, a maturing stallion with foals on the ground and more on the way, he was again focused on competition. The year opened with a promotional trip to Scottsdale. “We took him just for people to see him,” Byatt says. What happened was almost more than they bargained for. “Literally,


that most people that come in contact with the Marwan Al Shaqab legacy have been successful.”—Rory O’Neill

Marwan Al Shaqab

every day at the stalls, it was like a rock star appearing. We had standing room only in front of our entire barn aisle, with people waiting to get to see him. It was a mob scene, and we actually had to put curtains in front of his stall, because people knew he was there and they would come all day long.” In October, Marwan Al Shaqab returned to Albuquerque. He was coming into his own as a stallion, moving beyond the coltish features of his youth, Byatt explained; it was time for people to see that. And again, all three judges—this time Bill Melendez, Rick Moser and Bill Hughes—put him at the top of their cards. He owned another U.S. National Championship in Junior Stallions. That year, Gazal Al Shaqab was also on hand, and was named U.S. National Reserve Champion Senior Stallion (selected by one judge for the top spot). Marwan would not compete again for another three years. Simply put, his breeding career had taken off with such stunning speed that it had to be the priority. It began at Scottsdale 2005, where Abha Myra, from Marieta Salas’ first breeding crop, was chosen Reserve Champion Junior Filly, and the yearling Marajj was named Champion Junior Colt. The following year, Abha Myra was U.S. National Reserve Champion Junior Mare, while Goddess Of Marwan (out of the McMahons’ mare Amety B, the result of the breeding Stephanie McMahon purchased after she saw him in Albuquerque) was U.S. National Champion Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Filly. QR Marc, soon to begin making a name for himself as a sire, picked up the Reserve Championship award in Yearling Colts. By 2007, the statistics were flying thick and fast. At Scottsdale, Aria Impresario was the show’s Supreme Champion; earlier he had won the Junior Championship in Colts, with another Marwan son, WH Patriot, reserve. RHR Marcedes was the Scottsdale Signature Stallion Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, while Angeliccah was the SSS Champion in Yearling Fillies. In some classes, the majority of the top ten titlists were Marwan sons or daughters. The trend continued in Canada, but with a new array of names. NYN Hisani was Canadian National Champion Futurity Colt, while Star Of Marwan nabbed the title in Futurity Fillies and Mi Morena was National Reserve Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. The U.S. Nationals offered an even more impressive record. Among Futurity Colts, Marhaabah got the championship, over NYN Hisani; in Futurity Fillies, Star Of Marwan was the National Champion. And Aria Impresario was the U.S. National Champion Yearling Colt, with WH Patriot reserve. Also in 2007, the Marwans invaded the Salon du Cheval, where Marajj was named World Champion Junior Colt, with Marquis World Reserve Champion. By then Marwan was well-established on the American scene and an increasing presence in international competition; Al Shaqab determined that the world deserved to see him in competition again. Byatt admits to having his reservations. “He was, in my opinion, the Arabian breed’s most valuable asset on the planet, and perhaps one of the most valuable assets and treasures in the breed’s history,” the trainer explains, citing the inherent dangers of travel. Once Al Shaqab’s decision was made, however, he was on board—and although he didn’t know it, he was on the verge of some of his favorite memories in the story that is Marwan Al Shaqab’s. Marwan landed in Europe a couple of weeks before Aachen, and in short order, it was apparent that he had not lost his edge. He marched through the All Nations Cup, winning the title of Champion Stallion unanimously. Then he headed on to Paris, where once again, he was chosen unanimous World Champion Stallion. For Byatt, that was one of the most unforgettable times he had experienced in a 30-year career in the show ring. As they stood in the ring, waiting for the judges to walk the line, the sound of the packed-house crowd rose around them: “Mar-wan! Mar-wan! Mar-wan!” they were chanting. “I have never, ever experienced a climate in any horse show anywhere, anytime, like that,” he says. “If you reach out and try to grab air in an arena, your fingers grab nothing. But in this instance, the air was so

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Marwan Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab

thick, you could actually have a handful of matter in your hands because it was that intense and heavy in the arena that day.”

Looking back, he shakes his head at that 2008 trip. “I felt an enormous amount of pressure because of who he was and

Marwan was the World Champion Senior Stallion. At

what he was,” he says candidly, “but as Marwan always did, he

the Salon, as he had at Aachen, Byatt took advantage of the

came through.” As remarkable as the stallion’s own experience was that of

opportunity to demonstrate that the stallion was not only an outstanding Arabian, but a kind and responsive individual as

his offspring. At the Salon, a vanguard of bay horses (and one

well. When their number was called for the trophy, he looped

grey, his son Baanderos), took to the ring. Baanderos was named

the lead shank around the stallion’s neck, vaulted aboard and

Junior Champion Colt, while QR Marc was Reserve Junior

rode bareback to the presentation area.

Champion; daughter Abha Palma was Junior Champion Mare,

“I did it just because he was such an enormously high

just in front of Reserve Champion Princess Of Marwan. And

profile, famous Arabian stallion,” he says. “I wanted to show

to keep it all in the family, Gazal Al Shaqab’s lovely daughter

the world not only that Arabians in general were not as

Pianissima was named the Senior Champion Mare. Marwan Al Shaqab had one last show ring engagement to

publicized—I wanted to disprove the notion that our halter horses are dingy and highly-stressed—and I also wanted to

honor: in 2009, he returned to Qatar for the International Show,

punctuate it with ‘here is the most famous, decorated Arabian

the venue which had launched his remarkable career. Once

stallion on the planet, who has just won these titles, and look at

again, he won a title, this time as Senior Champion Stallion.

how superbly adaptable he is to any request.’”

After that, he said goodbye to the show ring, flew back to

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Marwan Al Shaqab

Texas, and on behalf of Al Shaqab, took up a quiet life at Michael

well-behaved, dark chocolate bay with no white, she did not

Byatt Arabians.

immediately draw the eye. So, when they approached the judges,

All that was left for Marwan Al Shaqab to do was to burnish his reputation.

he turned to face her, crouched down, and backed slowly away from her. Alight with presence and curiosity, she extended her neck, dropped her head, and followed him with such elegance

The Alchemy Of mArwAn Al ShAqAb’S Pedigree

that it brought the house down.

So, how did it happen? What combination of bloodlines

“It was her expression that did it for her,” he says, “and it was

yielded a horse the caliber of Marwan Al Shaqab? When

a very fluid type of presentation. She electrified the crowd—she

questioned, people who use him in their breeding programs cite

was a great mare.”

different influences. However, while some horses are mentioned

Little Liza Fame also comes up for discussion; Byatt cites her

more often than others, there is a general acknowledgement that

trainability and ride-ability, and Eileen Verdieck compliments her

the stallion’s strength lies in his ability to pass on a blend of the

use with Egyptian lines. “Egyptian horses tend to make very good

better attributes in his genetic background. “He’s really the sum of

show horses,” she says, referring to Marwan’s sire line, “because

everything in his pedigree,” Michael Byatt says.

they tend to be a little bit more interested in things and they’re

A study of Marwan’s heritage

a little more excitable. You add that to the

indicates the recurring match of dominant

coolness of Kajora and Little Liza Fame, and I

characteristics, like a pattern of checks

think it just was a match made in heaven.”

and balances, repeating certain traits but through a variety of bloodstock. The sire line is Egyptian, through the Ruminaja Ali son, Anaza El Farid; that is matched with Kajora, whose grandsire, *Naborr,

QR Marc and now stands R. Kirk Landon and

impressed by a show horse

Rohara LLC’s Majik Of Marwan, goes a step

than I was with him—and then

was one of the most ethereally beautiful stallions in Poland, and whose dam offered both beauty and athletic strength. Marwan’s dam, Little Liza Fame, was

Roxann Hart, who stood the Marwan son

“I’ve never been more

he’s able to pass that same type of dynamic on to his foals.”—Andy Sellman

further back in Little Liza Fame’s pedigree to recognize her dam, Katahza. An Aza Destiny daughter, Katahza also produced the stallion JK Amadeus, who years ago was at stud at Rohara. “Katahza was just a little brown horse,” Hart acknowledges, “but she has

the quintessential American melting pot,

proved so important in producing the beauty

representing some of the best known

the world now expects from this line. I knew

breeding programs in the United States in

that she was always a quality producer.” That

the mid- to late 20th century. Varian and

was one reason Hart was an early patron of

Al-Marah are prominent, offering strong

Marwan, and continues to endorse him; she

Polish, Crabbet and domestic bloodlines proven over decades

believes in the depth of his pedigree, even the less famous names.

of use. Kajora’s calm trainability complements Anaza El Farid’s

When Marwan began his breeding career, the question was

refinement, while Fame VF balances Bey Shah’s machismo. Again

whether or not he could pass on the characteristics that made him

and again, structure and beauty cross and re-cross.

great. That subject, most horsemen agree, has been addressed. “I

“If I was going to characterize the horse that’s most influential

see him stamping himself on his foals with mares of almost any

in his pedigree, I would say it was Kajora, with her extraordinary

pedigree,” says Andy Sellman, who has trained several of the

personality and character and presence,” Byatt notes. “That really

stallion’s get over the last decade (at the moment, Sellman says,

comes through in the style that he conducts himself. He’s such a

roughly a third of his stalls are occupied by Marwan sons and

good thinker.”

daughters). “There are things that he lets come through that are a

Ray LaCroix, who trained Kajora to her 1982 U.S. National

huge factor in why I like Marwan get.”

Championship, remembers the night she won the title. It was

In particular, the Kajora influence is important, he says. “She

the first time he had shown her, and when he surveyed his

has this unbelievable curve to her neck, and Marwan has not only

competition in the ring at Louisville, he knew that he had

the length of neck but also the curve from Kajora. That makes

to do something to distinguish her from the other mares. A

him very unique. He has a very refined quality about his face, and


Marwan Al Shaqab

a really strong, athletic, flexible body. To me, he is, by a margin,

She remembers showing him as a youngster. “What’s nice

one of the most significant sires in the world. I’ve never been

about that type of work is that you just ‘breathed’ your way

more impressed by a show horse than I was with him—and then

through your wins. It’s just how you hold yourself, and how you

he’s able to pass that same type of dynamic on to his foals.

tune up with the horse; you don’t threaten him. Everything is

“He’s also very intelligent,” Sellman adds. “That’s quite

about how he is a show horse. I think that’s one of the reasons he

a special attribute that he passes along, which sometimes

has such longevity with Michael. He didn’t need a lot work—he

gets overlooked from a breeding standpoint. I think it’s very

would just stand up and show until the cows came home.

important to breed for, and the Marwan horses are intelligent,

“He’s very sensitive,” she concludes, “one of the loveliest

very classy animals.”

horses to show, because on the whole, I don’t care who you are, he makes you look good. You barely had to do anything. You just

The Magical Marwan PersonaliTy

stood in front of him and kind of had some sort of energy inside

The stories of Marwan’s personality—his day-to-day presence and attitude toward life—are legion. “He never has looked at

of you, and he’d feel it and would stand up and do his job.” But would he transmit that depth of character to his foals?

people as adversaries,” Byatt says. “He never looked at the world

What would the verdict be on their temperament? In Marwan’s

in the adversarial way. That’s never been taken away from him,

case, a high incidence of foal owners report that their horses

so he looks at everything in a positive manner and that’s the way

exhibit a willingness to train and a very workable temperament,

he conducts himself.

traits that everyone close to the stallion says are reflected in him.

“As an individual, he’s such a great horse to be around as

“He’s not only dominant phenotypically,” Byatt affirms, “he’s

far as work ethic, spirit, everything. He’s innocent. There’s

dominant mentally. It is an exception to be around a Marwan

nothing negative. He’s a little boy, the way he looks at

horse that it’s not really trainable, or one that is not a good

things with wonder. He looks at them with interest and with

horse to be with in the stable. His has the ability to pass on that

enthusiasm. When he comes out of his stall, he’s looking around

trainability in addition to the phenotype, the necks and polls

to see everything. When he’s being ridden down the trails, his

and throatlatches, and the long legs and short backs. You don’t

ears are up, he’s watching the deer, watching the birds.”

sacrifice one for the other.”

A few years ago, Byatt varied his routine with the stallion,

“I think [the Marwan foals] have good work ethic and they

introducing a new activity for him. “I took inspiration in the

enjoy being around people,” agrees Chris Anckersen, who stands

equine production, ‘Cavallia,’” he says. “I thought—and think—

a Marwan son, Marhaabah, and grandson, Marbeau Le Rêve, at

that it is such a dignified, beautiful way for man and horse to

Chattooga Ridge Arabians. He sees the temperament run true in

interact. So, I would use that as inspiration when I practiced and

each generation. “They’re extremely intelligent. You know how

played with Marwan. Whether it was teaching him to follow me

sometimes you look in a horse’s eye and you wonder if anybody’s

while I ran backwards or to respond to hand commands, within

home? They are. We really enjoy having a barn full of them.”

a few training sessions he learned those lessons. He learned the

Rory O’Neill, who stands the Marwan son RHR Heir Of

fairly subtle cues they use. He was so in tuned to everything.” He

Marwan for Karinn Panuccio, of Queensland, Australia, is

smiles. “It was so much fun to play with him that way, because

equally definite. “There’s nothing more trainable than a Marwan

he would learn and do anything that I asked of him, and it was

Al Shaqab-bred horse for the Arabian halter arena. Nothing

just him and me in the arena, playing and learning little tricks.”

compares!” he says. “And I’ll bet you if you polled 20 other

Things like that, he adds, have made living with Marwan for all

Arabian halter trainers, they’d say Marwan get are some of the

these years just plain fun.

most pleasant day-to-day Arabians to have in the show barn.

“Marwan is very charismatic, just like his father,” says Eileen

They continually give strong effort, they’re always quick studies

Verdieck. “When I first picked him up, the biggest concern I

to training techniques, and will not wilt in competition. They are

had with him was getting him to stand confidently. He was

just solid show horses and good citizens.”

intimidated by too much noise and too much everything, so I

Al-Mohamadia’s Bruce McCrea saw Marwan at his first

just built up his confidence. That’s all he needed, you know—

show and judged him at his first U.S. Nationals. “I have worked

everything else he did on his own.”

with a lot of them, and I feel that they are very trainable,” he

12 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

says, which may be one reason that Marwan features heavily

Into the Future Given his level of achievement, the story of Marwan Al

in the Al-Mohamadia program. “They are very trainable and very exciting, very fun to show. They all have the charisma that

Shaqab will be written in many volumes. His get continue to

it seems like he had. I think Gazal has also had a tremendous

win championships, proliferating through the world; they have

influence in the world through horses like Marwan, and of course,

scored on every continent except Antarctica. Halter qualifications

Pianissima and horses like that. So it’s a great heritage through

have been etched in stone, and like a quiet undercurrent, some

that whole pedigree.”

breeders are now speaking of performance. It is not a priority,

One of the most significant endorsements of Marwan comes

they say, but with the record of his get in halter so unassailable,

from Dr. Marek Trela. “Marwan has proven to be a great sire,”

they are intrigued by the possibilities. One observer comments

the Director says. “We did not use him in Janów because we had

that a reason for the more limited exposure of Marwan get in

many Gazal daughters, but we were thinking always about one of

performance classes has been his overwhelming success in halter;

his sons. Our first try was QR Marc, which worked very well—

who needed more? Lollie Ames, whose family owns the 2012 U.S. National

we have his son, Pogrom, and some beautiful mares in the stud. And now we have Marwan son Khalil Al Shaqab in the stud, and

Reserve Champion Futurity Colt Sir Marwan CRF, reports that he

we have some 60 mares in foal to him. I trust this horse.”

has been broken to ride. Out of the Brass daughter Ames Mirage,


Marwan Al Shaqab

Sir Marwan CRF offers an all-trot damline—and Marwan

with so many different types of mares. It isn’t just one kind

is known not only for stamping his foals, but also allowing

of mare that can go to him, and it isn’t just one type of

the maternal influence to shine through as well.

country that loves him and loves his progeny.”

And Roxann Hart sees evidence of Marwan’s ability to

At the 2012 Scottsdale Show, Marwan Al Shaqab

offer more than halter. “[The Marwan son] QR Marc sired

descendants swept the stallion categories: Aria Impresario

champions for me in western, country, English, and, of

was Senior Champion Stallion, with Baahir El Marwan

course, halter, side saddle and dressage,” she notes. “These

reserve; Hariry Al Shaqab was Junior Champion Colt,

horses have been the most trainable and practical as a group

with the Marwan grandson, Invictus PCF (by PCF Vision),

from any stallion that Rohara has ever had in its 50 years.”

reserve. The Scottsdale International Champion Mare was

Another realm of achievement is as a broodmare sire.

his daughter, Abha Myra. And the get fanned out from

His impact as a sire of sires was recognized early on, and

there, winning age groups, placing reserve or top ten,

now, increasingly, breeders are pointing to the value of

testifying to the depth of his contribution. At show’s end,

his daughters in breeding programs. “I definitely think

Marwan Al Shaqab was second on the list of Leading Sires

he’s a broodmare sire,” nods Roxann Hart. “Look at the

of Halter Winners, and third for Halter and Performance.

Goddess Of Marwan line. And I have a Marwan daughter,

This year’s U.S. Nationals saw Hariry Al Shaqab named

a Marwan/*Eukaliptus mare, that I crossed on to Da Vinci

U.S. National Champion Junior Stallion, Aria Impresario

FM. She has moved to the forefront as one of the farm’s

U.S. National Reserve Champion Senior Stallion, and Miss

best producers.”

Marwan PA U.S. National Reserve Champion Junior Mare.

All of that is a human concern; for Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan’s granddaughter, RD Marciena, by QR Marc, was

himself, at this point in time, life is routine and uneventful.

U.S. National Champion Futurity Filly, while Sir Marwan

With the exception of two hurricane evacuations, which he

CRF was U.S. National Reserve Champion Futurity Colt.

took in stride, he has passed from season to season with

The list went on—so forcefully that Marwan was the

little fuss.

show’s Leading Sire of Halter Winners and Halter and

“We try to treat him normally,” Byatt says, “as much

Performance Winners. And at the Salon du Cheval in December 2012, the

like a horse as possible. He gets ridden five days a week, and groomed and rubbed and played with, and just

stallion’s son QR Marc was Senior Champion Stallion,

handled. It is a very basic life, a simple life—always with a

Abha Qatar was reserve, and Wadee Al Shaqab was

notion to who he is, of course.”

World Champion Junior Colt. For the sixth consecutive year, Marwan Al Shaqab was the World Championships’

Breeding goes on year-around, given the magnitude

Leading Sire.

of demand. Even so, the schedule is well planned and not overly-demanding. As of mid-December 2012, in an 11-year

“It is his overall balance and beauty,” Roxann Hart

stud career, the number of his get listed in the Arabian

reflects, trying to describe the Marwan contribution to

Horse Registry of America totals under 550, not even half

Arabians worldwide. She echoes an opinion held across the

that of some other popular stallions.

board of those who know him. “It’s just the presence of

“For me, he is the greatest horse that will ever live,” says Stephanie McMahon. “I know that there are great

the horse—the feeling you have from him. He is one of the great ones.”

stallions out there that have changed the world industry,

“Marwan has changed the criteria of show horses and

but for me, what I see in this horse is that he isn’t just a

raised the bar,” concludes Director Fahad Al Qahtani. “He

stallion that changed the history of Arabians in the United

became a living legacy, showcasing the quality of breeding

States. He is a horse that goes everywhere, and produces

programs of Al Shaqab.”

14 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab

16 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

Abha Palma

Abha Qatar

The Legacy Of Marwan aL Shaqab AbhA PeshAwAr—GAnAderiA ses PlAnes

Abha Peshawar is known not only for his physical

Marieta Salas of Ganaderia Ses Planes was one of Marwan Al

attributes—he is tall, with a lovely, refined head; a long neck;

Shaqab’s earliest supporters and remains the breeder of some of

big, expressive eyes; excellent body and legs—but also for

his most successful get. From her program have come Abha Myra,

his charisma. And she admires his kind nature, which she

Abha Palma, Abha Qatar and a host of others.

remembers in Marwan. “He is a magnificent horse, kind, fun

Her canny decision to use Marwan at her stud was simple,

and magnificent to be around,” Salas says. “He has had a good

she says. “At the time, I had mostly Spanish mares, and I wanted

life, and I think when stallions have a good life, they probably

to get a little bit more refinement. Due to the influence of my

produce better foals.

living in America—I lived there for many years—I always liked

“I think Marwan did wonderful things for me and my

a bigger horse, but with more refinement. But I did not want to

program. I’ve got about 15 foals in all, and probably 10 are

lose quality. When foals arrived, I was amazed. A breeder can

outstanding. Mediocre? Really nobody. And I think he’s done

think whatever he wants, but the reality comes after 11 months—

that all over the world. There are very few special stallions in the

maybe you’ve made good decisions and maybe you haven’t. So,

world, and he is one.”

I was very, very happy. I bred him to many El Perfecto daughters AbhA QAtAr And AbhA PAlmA

and it was a very good combination, I thought.” She still uses Marwan, she points out. She has two Marwan

Al-mohAmAdiA ArAbiAn horse stud

sons at stud, Abha Peshawar and Abha Madhi, with the bulk of

A cursory glance at the roster of stallions and mares at

the work being done by Abha Peshawar. (Abha Madhi devotes

Al-Mohamadia Arabian Horse Stud, HRH Prince Abdullah Bin

more time to his dressage career, where he shows at the Prix St.

Fahd Al Saud’s Riyadh-based breeding and show operation,

George level.) The 6-year-old Abha Peshawar is out of the Ludjin

reveals the prominence of Marwan Al Shaqab. That is by design,

El Jamaal mare ZT Ludjkalba, which makes him a full brother to

says Manager Bruce McCrea. “Our first major purchase was Abha Palma, in the summer of

European Triple Crown winner Abha Qatar, ZT Marwteyn, and the U.S. National Reserve Champion Junior Mare Abha Myra.

2008,” he says. A Marwan daughter out of Abha Ghazali, by El

Salas also patronizes Abha Qatar, whom she bred and sold to

Perfecto, she hailed from Marieta Salas’ Ses Planes program, and

Al-Mohamadia, and ZT Marwteyn, and uses other stallions to

for her new owners, she quickly was named World and European

augment her program.

Champion Junior Filly, as well as All Nations Cup Reserve


Marwan Al Shaqab

FA Rajjah


FA RAjjAh—NelsoN MoRAes

Champion. The next year, she was reserve champion at the U.S. Nationals and Las Vegas World Cup, and in 2010, Supreme

“For me, Marwan Al Shaqab is one of the most important stallions of today,” says Brazilian breeder Nelson Moraes. “He

Champion at Scottsdale.

has been leading sire in the most important shows worldwide

Next came the scintillating Abha Qatar, from the Ludjin El Jamaal mare ZT Ludjkalba. A European Triple Crown winner of

and that means he has produced renowned champions, such

2009, he almost duplicated the feat this year, winning the title of

as he is. He has passed his charisma and show spirit on to all

European Senior Champion Stallion and finishing reserve at the

his descendants, which is what makes him the most acclaimed

All Nations Cup and World Championships.

stallion in the Arabian breed today.” Moraes’ choice to represent Marwan in his breeding

“So we were off to a very good start in our first two years with two world champions by Marwan,” says McCrea. “We now

program is the stallion’s grandson, FA Rajjah (Marajj x Virtuosa

have three other Marwan daughters that were show horses and

MLR, by Versace), imported at the age of 2 in June 2010. In

who are entering our breeding program now, as well as two nice

2012, after prepping with championships at two important

Marwan colts—Mystica Strike, out of an AB Magnum daughter,

regional shows, FA Rajjah was named Brazilian National

and Naif Al Mohamadia, out of a Besson Carol daughter.”

Reserve Champion Junior Stallion. “Rajjah is a very beautiful young stallion,” says Moraes,

The Marwan mares are shaping up to be some of the farm’s best-producing mares, he says. “We’re excited about

“and each day he’s becoming more and more what you would

that. We’re looking forward to the next step in our breeding

expect from his pedigree. His dam, Virtuosa MLR, is out of

program, when we cross them on our young stallion, Van Gogh

Alishahmaal, who is by Ali Jamaal. “What led me to buy FA Rajjah, first of all, was his

AM.” A Magnum Psyche son, Van Gogh AM was recently the Bronze Medal-winning Junior Colt at the Salon du Cheval. Two

pedigree,” he explains. “I’ve always wanted to have in my

Marwan daughters are already in foal to him for 2013.

breeding program a stallion with the Marwan Al Shaqab

“We’re planning to keep incorporating the Marwan horses in

bloodlines. When I saw Rajjah for the first time in the U.S., I

our program,” McCrea confirms. While the stallion’s daughters

straightaway decided to bring him to Brazil. I saw in him one of

are slated for Van Gogh, the farm’s broodmares of other lines

the best representative individuals of the Marwan virtues.”

will be directed principally to Abha Qatar. “He has crossed very

Specifically, Moraes cites Rajjah’s beautiful face, with its

well on a variety of mares, and we have a beautiful filly that

huge black eyes; his long, well-set neck; and his smooth body

we’ll be bringing out in 2013 that is by Abha Qatar and out of

as some of the attributes one can expect in Marwan-line horses.

the WH Justice mare, Abha Opalina. So I’d say that Marwan is

“Also, he’s a great mover, and he has inherited the charisma and

very much the basis of our program right now.”

the show spirit of his grandsire, Marwan Al Shaqab,” Moraes

18 Maarwa rwann 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

adds. “He’s a young stallion, and he is becoming more and more beautiful and like Marwan each day. He is a great example of his royal bloodline.” FA Rajjah’s oldest foals are coming yearlings now, and Moraes likes what he sees. “I really believe Rajjah will bring more ‘show type’ to my breeding program,” he says, “and that is what I’m seeing in his foals—lots of attitude and trot, refinement, a long and well-set neck, and big black eyes.” Already, a precocious FA Rajjah filly has entered the ring and given him reason to smile. “SA Cora was shown in a Brazilian regional show, and was named Reserve Champion Junior Filly,” he reports. “For 2013, we’ll have more surprises.”

MEM photo


Giaccomo and PS andiamo—aradon Farm LLc At Aradon, Don Olvey’s commitment to Marwan Al Shaqab bloodlines is apparent: from four stallions standing at the farm, two are Marwan sons and one is a grandson. “We breed halter horses,”

Magnifficoo. Both PS Andiamo and Giaccomo are nominated to

he says, “and year after year, Marwan stays at the top among all

the Spotlight Futurity.

the sires. His horses are very good conformationally and they’re

“Most of our breeding lately has been to Marwan sons,” Olvey offers, “our own, plus some like Marhaabah and PCF

very marketable. I think that they’re just good horses.” The newest Marwan son at Aradon is the 7-year-old

Vision. We’re getting extremely good results. What I’ve seen is

Giaccomo, out of the Ali-Jamaal mare, G Shamaal, a daughter of

that the Marwan horses have great front ends, and they break at

1987 U.S. National Champion Mare Shahteyna. Giaccomo was a

the poll very well. They can really use their neck. They have great

U.S. National Top Ten Yearling Colt, Scottsdale Champion 2-Year-

tail carriage, and huge eyes. Those are a lot of the things I look for

Old Colt and U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Colt before focusing

in a halter horse, and a lot of others do too.”

on his career as a sire.

The significant difference in phenotype between Giaccomo

“Sometimes you see a horse that just gets in your

and PS Andiamo has opened a new avenue for Olvey. “I just felt

imagination,” Olvey says of the horse who is clearly one of his

like breeding Giaccomo back on Andiamo’s daughters,” he says.

favorites. “And you really can’t get him out of your brain. That’s

“That could be a home run.”

sort of the way it’s been with Giaccomo for me from the first time I ever saw him. He was a ‘wow’ kind of a horse. And, of

maarjan—mauricio cueSta Maarjan became a part of Mauricio Cuesta’s breeding

course, he has a nearly unequaled pedigree.” As it turns out, Giaccomo is also proving to be a sire with

program in Ecuador as a 2-year-old in 2007. Cuesta had done

potential. “He can put an exceptional face on a baby,” Olvey says.

his homework; years before, he had purchased bloodstock from

“In fact, he puts beautiful front ends on everything he sires. He’s

Michael Byatt, and when he decided to acquire a Marwan son,

a tall horse, very upright—a very proud horse.” Still, he says,

he put Byatt in charge of the search. Byatt came back with a few

Giaccomo is easy to handle. “He’s not mean. He’s got a very

choices, and Cuesta, having studied his mares and his goals, was

gentlemanly way about him. Every Marwan horse that we’ve

ready to make his decision. “I selected Maarjan,” the breeder says,

had has been the kind that you like to be around.” He smiles. For

“not only for his appearance, but also for his pedigree on both

him personally, the temperament is important because he enjoys

sides. His dam, Majalis, is a proven mare who comes from Ali

showing horses in amateur competition. In May 2012, he and

Jamaal, an icon of the breed.”

HF Viva La Giacc, by Giaccomo, were reserve champions in the

Maarjan, a handsome dark bay with just enough white to draw the eye, made himself at home in Ecuador, winning a

Region 12 Spotlight Futurity. Along with Giaccomo, Aradon stands the Marwan Al Shaqab son PS Andiamo, from Sidcerelys Echo, by Echo

M ARWAN | 19

succession of titles as Ecuador’s Supreme National Champion— and watching his get score as National Champion Filly and Colt.

Marwan Al Shaqab

Machiavelli MP Marwan Al Shaqab

Machiavelli MP—MP arabians “I produced the music video, ‘Daughters of the Wind,’”

Cuesta, when voicing his concept of a good stallion, lists

says lifelong horsewoman Mindy Peters. “It features Sheikh

correct conformation, type, good movement, elegance and an

Mishary Al-Afasy performing a Bedouin poem written by HRH

important pedigree; Maarjan met all of the requirements. “From

Prince Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud, Governor of Mecca. And I was

Marwan, I see his body conformation, neck, throat and type, and

struck by the worldwide audience that watched it—people were

the ability to sire good foals,” he says. “For me, the stallion not

unanimously drawn to Marwan’s majesty and magnificence.

only should be a winner in the show ring, but also has to be a

It didn’t matter if they knew Arabian horses or didn’t, it was

good sire that transmits his best qualities of the breed. He should

unanimous that people would watch the video and say, ‘Who’s

be consistent on the quality of his foals. The Maarjan foals have a

that horse?’”

lot of type, movement, charisma and refinement.”

Peters, who bred and owns the 4-year-old Marwan Al

In addition to Maarjan, Cuesta owns two Marwan Al

Shaqab son Machiavelli MP, can understand the attraction.

Shaqab mares, both 5-year-olds: MC Lulu (x Aysihaa, by Besson

A granddaughter of Midwestern breeder Ed Brinkert, whose

Carol) and MC Habibi (x Luv N Parys, by Parys El Jamaal). And

program is carried on today by her aunt, Shelley Brinkert Hjelm,

he has retained six Maarjan daughters, the foundation of his

she was brought up on breeding quality.

next generation.

“I’m continuing on with this legacy of greatness,” she says.

For all the attention he pays to the breeding program,

“Being by Marwan, Machiavelli is not only royally bred on

however, Cuesta admits that winning in the show ring is pretty

the top of his pedigree, but he’s royally bred on the bottom of

special. “It has been very exciting to win the supreme national

his pedigree too.” The young stallion is out of Om El Belinda

championship for the last four years with Maarjan,” he says. “He

Estopa, by the Sanadik El Shaklan son Om El Shahmaan, and out

is a horse that has given me and my family so much happiness

of a daughter of Estopa, the matriarch of the renowned Om El

and love for him and for horses. Apart from his own success in

Arabians program.

the show ring, now he is demonstrating that he is a great sire

For Peters, the priority for Machiavelli MP is breeding. “I

of colts and fillies that have won championships.” One stellar

know what he is as an individual,” she says. “We need strong

example is MC Antonela, who was named National Champion

stallions, with strong pedigrees, in this breed right now, and so for

Yearling Filly and then won again as Junior Mare.

me, the focus needs to be on getting him bred to the best quality

Mauricio Cuesta is already thinking ahead. “The influence from Marwan and Maarjan on my breeding program will be

mares that we can.” This year, Machiavelli MP’s first foal, a filly out of Magnum

noticed for a long time,” he says, “but it will be important to

Perfection named Tia Al Jude, was sold to Saudi Arabia soon after

select the correct stallions for the next generations.”

birth; she will be shown for Al Jude Stud. Peters already is excited

20 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

Majik Of Marwan

about the line-up of broodmares for the coming spring. Among

California named QR Marc. “Had I not seen Marwan, I probably

them, she reports, are HL Infactuation, dam of U.S. National

would not have gone so wholeheartedly in that direction,” Hart

Champion Senior Mare Major Love Affair, and Barbary Rose VF,

says. “Basically, the rest is history.”

dam of U.S. National Champion Stallion Millennium LOA. “What I’ve been trying to breed is a global-looking horse,”

QR Marc, from the Magic Dream CAHR mare Swete Dreams, quickly proved himself as a sire, with national and

she says, “a horse that’s pleasing to people in South America, the

international winners; he was used not only by some of the top

Middle East, North America, wherever he might go. That’s what

private breeders in the world, but also by both Janów Podlaski

Marwan is, and what is in Machiavelli’s pedigree. That’s why

and Michalów Stud in Poland. The 2012 World Champion

I love Machiavelli so much—he’s exactly what I was going for

Senior Stallion, he is also the sire of the Salon’s Junior Champion

when I bred Belinda to Marwan.”

Filly and Reserve Champion Junior Colt. “I still use him in my

She laughs. “It was so exciting. You know how everybody

program,” says Hart, “which is, essentially, still using Marwan.”

always prays for fillies? I actually prayed for a colt, because I

After the sale of Marc, Hart and Landon purchased Majik Of

thought if we get what we want, this is a stallion that’ll make

Marwan, a son of Lily Marlaina, by Thee Infidel. “He reminded

a mark in my program. And he could also make his own mark

me a great deal of Marc,” she says. “It’s a phenotype that we

in the world. There are only a few horses in history who’ve

are very comfortable with. There were great similarities in head

significantly changed our breed, who’ve made a stance that will

structure, and just the general bearing of both animals. Majik is a

last for many generations. Marwan is one of those horses.”

phenomenal sire—he just ranked in the top five among first- and second-crop sires at U.S. Nationals.”

Majik Of Marwan

Hart says that another connection to Marwan for her was

r. kirk LandOn and rOhara arabians

a longtime interest in his dam, Little Liza Fame. Years ago, she

“Kirk Landon and I had a number of beautiful daughters of

stood the stallion JK Amadeus, who was out of Liza’s dam,

other stallions together, and we decided we wanted an ‘alpha’ line,”

Katahza, so she knew the strength of the dam line. And then in

longtime breeder Roxann Hart of Rohara Arabians says. “Marwan

the early 1990s, Little Liza Fame was the chief competitor for the

had just come on the scene, and I saw him at Michael Byatt’s.” The

farm-bred western pleasure champion Rohara Moon Storm, so

decision was made. “It was just the presence of the horse—the

Hart had long appreciated the mare.

feeling you had from him. It was his overall balance and beauty, and he just had a bearing about him that the great ones have.” At first, they just bred mares to him, but when they got

For Hart, another attraction to the Marwan line is the temperament she sees in the stallions. “They’re easy to handle. You stand them up to a mare or take them into the breeding

“some incredible individuals,” they decided they also wanted

shed, and they are all stallion—I mean, they are macho men. And

a Marwan son. That was when they found a weanling colt in

yet, you take them back to the stable and they’re just walking


Marwan Al Shaqab



alongside of you, just nice, well-mannered horses. They have

class broodmare. Her son Kanz Albidayer, by Ajman Moniscione,

great stable manners.” In her experience, that demeanor, along

has been highly decorated in three years of competition, with gold

with a willingness to train, is typically passed on to their get.

and silver championships throughout the Middle East and at the

“So I would say that for the last five to six years at least, the

prestigious Mediterranean Championships at Menton.

Rohara program has gone extensively into that direction with the Marwan cross,” Hart says, “and I look forward to staying with

Marhaabah and Marbeau le rêve

these stallions in the future.”

Chattooga ridge arabianS

Marajj—albidayer Stud

influential in the Arabian breed worldwide as Marwan,” says

“You can make a case that there has never been a stallion as One of the early stars on Marwan Al Shaqab’s record, Marajj

Chris Anckersen. That is one reason he and his wife, Paula, stand

has represented Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi’s

Marhaabah (Marwan Al Shaqab x Shalina El Jamaal, by Parys El

Albidayer Stud in Sharjah since he was a yearling. He is known for

Jamaal). Owned by the Marhaabah Legacy Group, he is the 2007

his looks—the total package of refinement, beauty, conformation

U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt and 2009 U.S. National

and movement—but as an individual, Marajj adds more. To

Reserve Champion Junior Stallion.

complement Marwan’s contribution, he offers a predominantly

Also on the stallion roster at Chattooga Ridge, in his first year

Polish dam side of proven ability, featuring such stars as Bey Shah,

at stud, is Marbeau Le Rêve (Marhaabah x Dakars Destinee, by

*Eukaliptus and *Bask. The result is a stallion of uncommon value.

Dakar El Jamaal), who this year was U.S. National Top Ten in

Among the top awards he has earned are: Champion Junior

Stallions 4-5. “Marwan has changed the whole dynamic of halter horses

Colt at Scottsdale, the Qatar International, the Ajman Arabian Horse Show, and the Salon du Cheval (World Championships);

worldwide,” Anckersen explains. “The scope he has to his neck,

and reserve champion at the Dubai International, the Arabian

and the size and length of leg, is just unique. So many horses

Breeders World Cup and the Salon du Cheval. In addition, he was

have gotten a little longer-bodied and shorter-legged, and he’s

a U.S. National Top Ten Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt, and

a more vertical animal, with a higher-set neck and tremendous

in 2011 he was named World Bronze Champion Stallion.

length of leg.” The Anckersens previously managed partnerships for U.S.

Marajj’s ability has been proven as a sire as well, as he has sent out champions in the United States, Europe (Belgium,

National Champion Dakar El Jamaal and his son, World and U.S.

Denmark, France, Germany and Italy), Brazil, and the Middle East

National Champion Stallion Dakharo, and so have clients who

(the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia).

own daughters of the two stallions. When Anckersen spent time

Marajj is not the only gilt-edged representative of the Marwan line at Albidayer Stud; his full sister, DL Marielle, has proven a top-

with Marwan at Michael Byatt Arabians, he was sure the stallion would be a good cross for those bloodlines.

22 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Magnifficoo

Accordingly, both Marhaabah and Marbeau Le Rêve reflect

background in terms of form-to-function,” says Jeff Schall of

variations of the Marwan/Ali Jamaal heritage, and each also

Shada Inc., which stands the stallion. “He really studies where

throws in a dash of Bey Shah in the lower quarter of his pedigree.

he wants to go and what he wants to do in his breeding program

But while Marhaabah adds a line to *Naborr, Marbeau Le Rêve

before he embarks on acquiring his breeding stock.”

traces to El Shaklan. And, of course, Marbeau adds the extra line

And so it may be no surprise that M&M, as Marwan Al

to Ali Jamaal through Marhaabah. Altogether, both pedigrees offer

Magnifficoo is known familiarly, is adept at what is required of

a great deal of history and proven production.

him. In addition to his stud career, he has compiled a show record

In appearance, Marbeau Le Rêve favors his dam more,

that includes the titles of 2007 U.S. National Top Ten Yearling

including her grey color. Marhaabah, Anckersen says, is very

Colt, 2008 Scottsdale Reserve Champion Junior Colt and 2011

similar to his sire. “He’s got a very vertical stature, a real high-set

Canadian National Reserve Champion Stallion. That suitability for competition appears to be something the

neck on his shoulder, with a tremendous shape and length. And the length of the leg is fantastic; these horses are between 15.2

young stallion is offering to his get, Schall observes. “He’s so

and 15.3, so we’ve got a lot of elegance and refinement, but yet

consistent in passing on that carriage and stature to his babies,”

the masculine beauty of both their sires and dams.”

he says. “They all take the world in from such a periscope of

Anckersen is particularly familiar with the Marwan sire line,

perspective, and from a trainer’s standpoint, it’s fabulous to start

having worked at Chapel Farms when Bob and Chris Fauls were

with that in the beginning and then be able to build on it. With

members of the Anaza El Farid Group, and he recalls Ruminaja

their stature and the way they see the world, and how fun

Ali and Shaikh Al Badi as well. “They were great horses,” he

they make it to train them, I think the training process with them

observes. “Those horses all had tremendous quality and a lot of

is great.” For Schall, the Echo Magnifficoo element in M&M’s pedigree

charisma. That’s one characteristic of Marhaabah, as well as the Marhaabah offspring; they’ve got tremendous presence. They’re

is a valuable component. “Echo Magnifficoo was one of the first

‘on’ when they need to be.”

horses, in my mind, to modernize the breed and bring in this sleek elegance that we grew to really like,” he says. “And then, I

Marwan al Magnifficoo—Shada inc.

think, Marwan took it to a whole new level. When you combine

The 6-year-old Marwan son Marwan Al Magnifficoo is out

both of those horses, that’s what I think makes M&M really

of Pacific Echo, by 1992 U.S. National Champion Stallion Echo

stand out spectacularly in the crowd of Marwan sons. His foals

Magnifficoo—and he was not purchased on a whim. His owner,

are super smooth, but they also have that upright elegance about

David Zouch Ross, who lives north of Melbourne, Australia, is

them that is a combination of Marwan and Echo Magnifficoo.

a lifelong student of horses. “David appreciates the horse not

It might also be worth mentioning that there’s also a little dash

only for its beauty, which is paramount to him, but also for its

of the great *Padron, and we think that’s where some additional


Marwan Al Shaqab

Matisse FM

PA Marco

beauty is coming through, because M&M does a really good

Pa Marco—sandsPur arabians Sandspur Arabians’ Connie Cole O’Brien was a

job in the beauty department.”

professional trainer and bloodstock manager in the 1980s,

Schall recognizes the significance of Marwan in the industry. “Marwan Al Shaqab has gained a legendary status,”

but for the past two decades, she has run her small breeding

he says. “His significance is felt the world over. Shada has

program, judged, and shown as an amateur. Back in the day,

been honored to direct the careers of and be involved with

her husband, John, owned the mega-stallion Padron and some

a number of national-award-winning Marwan offspring. In

of the finest Russian mares in the business. Her focus now is a

particular, Shada and David Z. Ross’ latest cornerstone stallion,

labor of love, informed by lifelong experience and directed at

Marwan Al Magnifficoo, is rapidly becoming one of the

both beauty and performance. It was not her intention to stand

genetic giants of the breed. Although Marwan Al Magnifficoo

a stallion again, she says, but PA Marco changed her mind. It began as part of a partnership arrangement between

has an iridescent chestnut color, he embodies all that is

Sandspur and Dr. Istvan Merchenthaler of Pannonia Arabians,

magnificently Marwan.”

who leases mares from O’Brien. One was her last Padron Matisse FM—Haras stigMatas

daughter, Cassandra SS. When Dr. Merchenthaler wanted to breed Cassandra SS to “the best stallion in the world,” O’Brien

Carlos and Jackie Menezes’ Haras Stigmatas is the

said, “No problem.” The choice was Marwan Al Shaqab.

home of the 2011 Brazilian National Champion Stallion Matisse FM, a son of Marwan Al Shaqab, from the Furno

“I was thrilled to have Cassandra bred to the magnificent

Khamal daughter, Selket Promise Kept. Before leaving the

Marwan,” she says. “He’s one of the greatest stallions that

United States in 2009, Matisse FM placed top ten in one of

has ever lived. He has a fantastic pedigree and he passes on

the strongest classes of 3-year-old colts Scottsdale had seen

incredible beauty and quality to his offspring.”

in years, and at the same time, won the title of Scottsdale

But that wasn’t all. There was not only the sentimental tie to Cassandra SS, but the lure of the mare’s pedigree

Champion Stallion AAOTH. In addition to his show ring flair, the young stallion

as well. O’Brien had known or owned some of the major

reflects another combination of Marwan blood. On his dam

players there. “Her dam is a mare named HK Camaya, a

side, he offers an intriguing mix of Russian (Panama Of Tersk,

beautiful, pure white *Muscat daughter that the Kales owned.

Kilimandscharo) and straight Egyptian (Ansata Ibn Halima, El

I loved her all her life; she was regally bred. And there was

Hilal) influence, among other lines.

Panama of Tersk, the Arax daughter who was our greatest mare, in his tail female line. That line produced Ponomarov

In Brazil, Matisse FM has come into his own, rising to the competitive ranks. And perhaps more importantly, he is

and Khadraj NA, who sire great performance horses. It’s all

greeting foals that appear to represent his quality.

about the pedigree. This was a dream match.

24 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

OFW Magic Wan

Marwan Al Shaqab

“For me, loving performance horses, he’s the absolute best

the U.S. National Reserve Championship in the Western Pleasure

outcome I could hope for, because he has the refinement, elegance

Futurity. Then in 2012, they won the Scottsdale Signature Stallion

and quality of a Marwan, and he has the strength and power of

Western Pleasure Maturity. For 2013, PA Marco will stand at Brett

a Russian. (His dam is three-quarters Russian.) He’s the perfect

Becker Stables, as well as continue his show career there.

combination of strength and beauty, and powerful movement and

“I was looking and looking for a great western prospect,”

substance. From both sides he got everything a horse needs to be

O’Brien smiles, “and almost surprised myself when I realized,

a top performance horse.”

‘Oh, you’re the one! He was standing in my own barn.”

O’Brien’s association with PA Arabians is halter-oriented, so in the beginning, she was part of the effort to sell PA Marco—until,

OFW Magic Wan, RHR MaRcedes and MaRcaaysa Fa

looking for a western pleasure prospect herself, she thought,

HaRas saHaRa

“What am I doing? I want to buy him.”

In a remarkably short period of time, Salim Mattar, of Haras

She had been Marco’s biggest fan since the day she helped

Sahara, has assembled a standout show and breeding program

him come into this world, she says, but it was when he was

that includes representatives in both Brazil and the United States.

broken to ride that she really opened her eyes. “When he was 2

The timeframe for the achievement, some observe, may have

and a half, I sent him to a local trainer who trains horses for ranch

something to do with the focus and energy that Mattar personally

work,” she says. “He told me Marco was the smartest horse he’d

brings to the Arabian horse industry. “He pursues the very best

ever been on. I have a tape of him doing a trail course, dragging

and he has the highest goals for himself,” says Michael Byatt.

things around with a rope, opening and shutting gates, and doing

The Marwan Al Shaqab line, through Marwan himself and now

serpentines, intelligently and quietly, all in just 30 rides.”

through his sons, is an integral part of the operation. Haras Sahara stands two Marwan stallions, one in North

The colt also has specific attributes she feels are important to breed on. “He has low hocks and knees, well-formed joints that

America—the rising young star OFW Magic Wan—and one in

are not too small, huge gaskins and thighs, a deep heart girth—I

Brazil, the 7-year-old RHR Marcedes. In addition, last spring

mean, he’s a powerful, speed-burst horse. But then, he also has

Mattar purchased the Marwan granddaughter Marcaaysa FA, by

this amazing neck that can completely curl over, and a Marwan

QR Marc and out of Jamaara FA, by Ali Jamaal, lending further

head. When I look at him, I just say, ‘Wow.’ And he also can

emphasis to the line. The first to join the team was OFW Magic Wan. Byatt recalls

move like a hunter. I have a picture of him trotting level in the pasture. I’m not saying he’s an English horse, but those joints

the fall of 2010, when Mattar and Dr. Mario Zerlotti arrived at his

extend to such a degree, he is a 20 mover.”

farm in search of stallion prospects. He showed them the 3-year-

PA Marco’s training was continued with Brett Becker, and in October 2011, he and Becker fulfilled O’Brien’s vision by winning

old Magic Wan, who was being readied for national futurity competition—and Mattar’s reaction was apparent.


Marwan Al Shaqab

Sorvilo photo

PCF Vision


PCF Vision—PCF ArAbiAns

“It was immediate, it was powerful, it was ‘I must have this horse,’” Byatt says. “It was the recognition of greatness.” OFW Magic Wan was purchased from breeder Dolly Orr,

At PCF Arabians (Peacemakers’ Choice Farms), Sam Peacemaker and his family breed for what they call the “all

and a month later rewarded his new owner by winning the

around Arabian,” a timeless combination of beauty and

title of U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt unanimously.

functionality. Among their preferred bloodlines is that of

From Mattar’s perspective, while the award was

Marwan Al Shaqab; it was their program which produced

gratifying, what was most important was that the young

the highly-regarded young stallion PCF Vision (x Veronica

stallion had more to offer than just his beauty and quality.

GA, by Versace), recently purchased by HRH Prince Saud Bin

“He’s also beautifully bred,” Byatt says. “He’s by one of the

Sultan Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, owner of Almamlkah Farm

most beautiful Magnum Psyche daughters there is, Magnum

in Egypt. Sam Peacemaker recalls his thoughts in 2006 when

Prelude. And his foals are very beautifully made; their construction is great and their type is exquisite. He’s worked

he booked Veronica GA, a U.S. National Futurity Filly, to

on all levels.”

Marwan Al Shaqab. “We were hoping for a horse with

OFW Magic Wan stands at Zerlotti Equine Reproduction

Marwan’s incredible balance, refinement, and that hooky

Ltd., and in 2013, Byatt will show him in stallion halter.

neck,” he says, “combined with Veronica’s gorgeous Versace/

Meanwhile, in Brazil, RHR Marcedes anchors the

Echo Magnifficoo look. She has a beautiful, dishy face at the

Marwan Al Shaqab representation. Out of the Magic Dream

end of a long, high-set neck. We hoped that the combination

CAHR daughter Ellegant Dream, Marcedes is a Canadian

of those two would create a breeding stallion for us. When

National Champion Futurity Colt and U.S. Top Ten Junior

Vision was born, he was everything we had hoped for. “PCF Vision definitely has a Marwan ‘look,’” he

Stallion, and has been successful in the Brazilian show ring as well. “He personifies the Marwan/Ali Jamaal cross,” Byatt

continues. “He has an extremely long, upright, hooky

notes, “and he’s doing a very good job for Salim.”

neck, with a short back, big hip, deep shoulder, and tons

The Marwan/Ali Jamaal combination is seen again in

of charisma. Like Marwan, Vision’s ability to pose, and

the QR Marc daughter Marcaaysa FA. Purchased at the 2012

keep giving more and more of his neck, is amazing. His

Las Vegas World Cup, she promptly won the Supreme Mare

throatlatch, like Marwan’s, is so snake-like. And with

Championship for Mattar, and in the fall, went on to a U.S.

Vision’s beautiful face at the end of that neck, he truly has a

National Top Ten in Senior Mares. “She has a unique flair,

gorgeous stand-up.”

and so much charisma,” Byatt says. “She just does everything beautifully; she’s wonderfully made.”

The next question was what PCF Vision would deliver as a sire, and Peacemaker is impressed. “We notice that he is consistently improving upon the mare,” he says. “Most

26 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

notably, giving them that incredible neck and shoulder, plus a

beautiful face. That combination was so hard to get before we had Vision. Having Versace right there in Vision’s dam line has kept the pretty faces consistent, while Vision’s neck and shoulder keep coming through time and again. We’re so pleased and excited with his babies.” PCF Vision also lived up to expectations in the show ring, in 2010 being named U.S. and Canadian National Reserve Champion Futurity Colt, and Arabian Breeders World Cup Reserve Champion Junior Colt. Now the stallion’s son Invictus PCF is stepping up to the plate. As a yearling in 2012, he was selected Scottsdale Yearling Colt unanimously in his age group, and Reserve Champion Junior Colt. And the trophies don’t belong just to the colts. Visionetta PCF (PCF Vision x Majoretta, by DS Major Afire) was named Arabian Breeder Finals Scottsdale Signature Stallion Gold Champion Yearling Filly.

RHR Heir Of Marwan

“It’s undeniable that Marwan has greatly affected and improved the halter Arabian horse in the last few years,” observes

have to be sure that my breeding program produces the highest

Peacemaker. “Our decision to cross Marwan with Versace/Echo

quality of Arabian horse. “Perignon is refined,” he continues, describing the Marwan

bloodlines has proved very successful in our breeding program, and we are thrilled to be able to use Marwan, through Vision, on

characteristics that he sees in the stallion. “He has a long and

all our mares. We’re excited for more babies from him and are

excellent neck, excellent throat, small ears and excellent eyes.

looking forward to the future!

He’s also tall, with correct legs and excellent movement, and

“Marwan Al Shaqab’s impact has been huge in the Arabian

great attitude. He’s very charismatic.” Alves is also clear about

breed,” he adds. “He upped the ante on the neck game in the

what he believes Perignon can contribute to Haras JM. “Attitude,

halter arena. When Marwan proved successful in passing on

movement, refinement, expressive eyes, short head, shape and

that amazing neck and shoulder, balance, ultra refinement, and

the long neck,” he says, and adds that such characteristics are

that standup of his, the look of the Arabian horse leaned in his

priorities in his program, represented now principally in his Style

direction. He created a truly exquisite profile. Now that his get

SRA and Pscore mares. There is other evidence as well of the growing Marwan

are getting older, I’m sure we’ll see more and more Marwan sons

presence at the Brazilian nursery; Perignon has not been the only

and daughters in the performance ring as well.”

recent addition to the farm. “I have already purchased many fillies Perignon—Haras JM

and mares, daughters and granddaughters of Marwan,” notes

In 2011, when Jose Alves Filho of Haras JM was looking

Alves, “because his successes at the shows are really impressive!”

for a source of Marwan Al Shaqab blood, he selected Perignon (x Psychic Karma, by Padrons Psyche). The young stallion,

rHr Heir of Marwan—rory o’neill arabians

then 4, came with the recommendations of Michael Byatt and

Rory O’Neill remembers when the Marwan Al Shaqab

Sandro Pinha, and a U.S. National Top Ten in Futurity Colts on

foals hit the show ring in force for the first time at Scottsdale.

his record. Under Haras JM ownership, he added another U.S.

“It looked like the Marwan Invitational,” he smiles. “That’s all

National Top Ten, this time in Stallions 4-5, to the list before

anyone talked about—Marwan, Marwan, Marwan.” So great was

departing for Brazil.

the stallion’s impact that many of his best sons and daughters

“I always bring to my breeding program the bloodlines that

were sold abroad. O’Neill is lucky; he stands RHR Heir Of

are in evidence in North America,” says Alves. “Marwan is an

Marwan, who after three breeding seasons in Australia, is slated

icon, so Haras JM will use him and be a part of his success. To

to spend the next two here. The stallion is owned by Karinn

stay among the top breeders in Brazil, I know I have to invest—I

Panuccio of Queensland.


Marwan Al Shaqab

Selket Marque

RHR Heir Of Marwan, now 5, is out of the Padrons Psyche

“Marwan’s offspring have integrity,” O’Neill observes.

mare LC Psychesheiress, and was bred by Roger and Stephanie

“There’s a distinct look. Although they come in different flavors,

McMahon. O’Neill remembers his arrival during the Scottsdale

I would say that most people that come in contact with the

Show of 2009, a fuzzy colt off the cool slopes of Washington

Marwan Al Shaqab legacy have been successful. Whether they

state; within a month, however, he had shed the winter coat and

improved the gene pool at their farm, or bred great horses or had

bloomed so much that he was sent to the Las Vegas World Cup.

marketing success, nobody’s had a bad experience with Marwan.”

“He won his 2-year-old class with no promotion, no advertising, no build-up,” O’Neill recalls, “and he had the highest movement scores of all of the junior horses in Vegas that year. We sold four breedings

Selket Marque—Stonewall FarM arabianS llC David Cains, who owns Stonewall Farm Arabians with

to him online, off the live-feed, to someone who just liked what

Scott Bailey, first saw Marwan Al Shaqab at the 2001 World

she saw.” That August, RHR Heir Of Marwan was named a

Championships in Paris. Like everyone else, he was impressed

Canadian National Top Ten 2-Year-Old Colt, and sold to Panuccio.

(“very, very impressed”), but he was even more intrigued with

In Australia, RHR Heir Of Marwan’s first priority was to

Marwan’s potential beyond the ring. “One of the things that

put foals on the ground, but after his second season at stud, he

really appealed to me was not just his beautiful conformation and

returned to the ring. “He never lost,” O’Neill reports. “He was

his physical beauty, but his pedigree as well,” Cains says. “I know

the first horse ever to win the Triple Crown in Australia.” The

a lot of people talk about the dam side, but I especially liked his

stallion’s third foal crop is arriving now, with the first two just

sire line.” (In particular, he says, he was attracted by the effective

reaching the age for significant Nationals representation. “At a

injection of straight Egyptian influence into other bloodlines, the

lot of the lead-up shows for the national events, they are setting

technique that resulted in Gazal Al Shaqab).

records,” O’Neill says. “Lots of championships in junior fillies and

Then, a few years later, Stonewall Farm belonged to the

colts.” Meanwhile, their sire returned to the ring here, winning

partnership that owned the Marwan son Marajj when he was sold

the stallion championship at Scottsdale’s American Cup and

to Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi of Albidayer Stud—at

preparing for the Scottsdale Show in February and the Breeder

one of the era’s highest prices for a yearling.

Finals in the fall of 2013.

“After selling Marajj, I set out to find what I thought was a

“We are excited to stand Heir of Marwan a second time, after

son that came as close to Marwan in phenotype as I could find,”

his re-importation,” O’Neill says. “We think we bring a unique

Cains relates. “What I found was a beautiful combination of both

style of Marwan son that maybe isn’t obtainable in the U.S.

his sire and his grandsire.” The choice was a bay colt out of the

He’s a really ‘high step and a lot of show attitude’ kind of horse;

Furno Khamal daughter, Selket Khamala, named Selket Marque.

essentially, it’s his extreme movement and show attitude that may set him apart from other stallions and other Marwan sons.

The story which might have been considered charmed in the beginning took a hard turn when Selket Marque broke his

28 Ma arwa rwan n 2 || M

Marwan Al Shaqab

leg in a freak paddock accident; for a period, the first priority was his therapy and recovery, a process which ended hopes of a show career but confirmed his gentle, willing nature. Fortunately, he returned to living a normal life—and building his future as a stallion. Marque’s attributes as a sire were apparent quickly. “He shortens the face from the eye to the muzzle, widens the forehead, and he puts on what we call ‘the Marque eyes,’” says Cains. “They’re the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen on horses, the size of softballs!” And that is not all. A true 15.3, the stallion bestows size, and is known for that user-friendly attitude. “He’s very good-minded, intelligent and gentle,” nods Cains. “He’ll puff up and act like a

Sir Marwan CRF

stallion and call to the mares, but he is a very smart, kind horse, very affectionate with people, and he loves other horses. He is one of those who really wants to please and do the best that he

Ames asked if she could substitute Cedar Ridge’s top broodmare,

can. We ride all of our horses on our farm, and the Marque babies

Ames Mirage, dam of 2003 U.S. National Champion Yearling

are absolutely wonderful under saddle.”

Colt Ames Charisma. Ames Mirage, by Brass and out of the Afire

That added athletic ability is critical, Cains says. Marque’s contributions have to happen within the context of Stonewall

Bey V daughter Afire Inmy Eyes, obliged with alacrity, and her embryos were sent out for transfer. Ames recalls the recipient mares’ arrival at the farm. “They

Farm, and while its owners are comfortable in the top tier of international halter competition, their slogan is “Breeding

had on neck straps saying one was carrying the Marwan foal

Beautiful, Athletic, Happy Arabians.” Marque’s get have to be

and the other, a foal by another stallion,” she says. “They foaled

not only beautiful, but able to hold a job other than that of halter

within two or three days of each other. And Mike, my breeding

champion. Sales have been brisk for halter-bound youngsters

manager, said, ‘You’d better come down here and look at this

on a global basis, and the older get now going under saddle are

foal.’ It didn’t look like anything Mirage had done in the past,

pleasing their owners.

and I was really disappointed. I even said to Mike, ‘We didn’t get

“When I saw Marwan for the very first time, he made the

something mixed up, did we?’” Fast forward six months, and it came time to register the two

hairs on the back of my neck stand up,” Cains reflects. “I just got goose bumps. When I saw Marajj and co-owned him, he was,

foals. The other foal was getting prettier by the day, and Ames

again, a horse that gave me goose bumps. And it has been the

was getting suspicious. She called the Registry and asked for a

same with Marque. I found Marque when he was 3 months old,

DNA test. “Sure enough, the other one was the Marwan foal!”

still on his mother’s side, and he, too, gave me goose bumps.”

she reports. “I had a beautiful Marwan foal—and of course, I gave it to Andy. He said, ‘I’ll do you well with him,’ and he did.” With Sellman, Sir Marwan CRF was 2011 U.S. National

Sir Marwan CrF—Cedar ridge arabianS Cedar Ridge’s Lollie Ames remembers her first step toward a

Reserve Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, 2012 Canadian National

Marwan Al Shaqab halter champion. It was when Michael Byatt

Champion and U.S. National Reserve Champion Futurity Colt.

recommended that she breed one of the farm’s broodmares, G

“I’ve always wanted a national champion halter horse,” says

Kallora, to Marwan. She had purchased the mare from Byatt and

Ames, whose family’s reputation is more in performance horses.

Gene Haskin years before, when Kallora was just 3; a member

A grown up one, she adds. Prior to Sir Marwan CRF, their rare

of the Gucci herd, she was a Kajora daughter—like Gazal Al

national halter appearances had been successful, but only with

Shaqab—except by the Polish stallion El Ghazi. She had been a

much younger horses. “Sir Marwan is beautiful,” Ames smiles. “He’s home now,

very good producer over the years, and Ames was delighted with the idea of Marwan. But by that time, G Kallora was older and

and we have started him in performance. He really likes it. I have

had a problem with transported semen. Things didn’t go well, so

to say, I think Marwan is a very nice sire. I like his offspring!”


Marwan Al Shaqab

RD Marciena

AJ Sawahi

AjmAn Stud

Dream CAHR and his sire, Ali Jamaal. In addition, QR Marc offers a

In its decade-long history, Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al

show record that is gilt-edged. He opened his career as 2006 U.S. National

Nuaimi’s Ajman Stud has written its name in international show

Reserve Champion Yearling Colt, and then, in 2008, was named World

rings, and offers a comprehensive breeding program. The influence

Reserve Champion Junior Colt, the same year he was recognized as

of Marwan Al Shaqab has most recently been seen in two young

having the Salon du Cheval’s Most Beautiful Head. In 2010, he was the

members of its show string, AJ Asyad and AJ Sawahi.

World Reserve Champion Senior Stallion, a title he repeated the following

In 2012, the Marwan daughter AJ Asyad began her year at

year—and then he made 2012 his own, scoring gold as Champion Senior

the Abu Dhabi and Sharjah shows as Gold Champion Filly. Then she headed to Europe, where she added the Menton title of

Stallion at both the All Nations Cup and the World Championships. NW Siena Psyche was equally accomplished; she, too, exhibited

Gold Champion Yearling Filly, scored gold at Elran unanimously,

excellence at every stage of her show career. Entering the ring in1997, she

and came away from the All Nations Cup as its Gold Champion

was U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly; two years later, she was U.S.

Yearling Filly. She finished the year in Paris as the World Bronze

and Canadian National Champion Futurity Filly, and in 2000, she won the

Champion Filly. AJ Asyad is out of the WH Justice mare,

title of U.S. National Champion Mare. Perhaps most importantly for RD

Aja Angelica.

Marciena, NW Siena Psyche, a daughter of Padrons Pscyhe and out of a

A year older, AJ Sawahi was similarly accomplished,

Bey Shah mare, has proven her value as a broodmare. Bred to Stival, she

opening her career in 2010 as the UAE Gold Champion Filly.

produced Barzan Al Shahania, who in one stunning season was named

The following year, she stormed through the Middle East with a

2011 Scottsdale Champion Junior Colt, AHBA World Cup Gold Supreme

series of gold championships before heading on to Europe, where

Champion Yearling Colt, and U.S. National Champion Yearling Colt

she was Gold Champion Filly at Elran, the All Nations Cup, and

and Junior Stallion. In 2012, he returned to win the title of ABHA Gold

the World Championships. She returned to competition in 2012

Supreme Champion Junior Stallion. And there were other champions from

to claim the Dubai Gold Championship in Fillies unanimously.

other crosses for NW Siena Psyche.

AJ Sawahi is by Marwan Al Shaqab, and out of the Nuzyr HCF mare, Siberia SA.

So, the question was, would RD Marciena follow in her famous parents’ hoofprints? The answer has been a resounding yes. The flashy bay filly was 2010 Arabian Breeders World Cup Supreme Champion

Rd mARcienA—LuciAno cuRy, HARAS BoA ViStA It is hard to find a better-bred young mare than Luciano Cury’s RD

Filly before going on to win the U.S. National Championship in Yearlings Fillies. In 2012, she came back to be named U.S. National Champion

Marciena, who is by reigning World Champion QR Marc, and out of U.S.

Futurity Filly. Bred by Murray and Shirley Popplewell of

National Champion Mare NW Siena Psyche.

Rae-Dawn Arabians, she was purchased in 2010 and has been

From QR Marc, RD Marciena inherits the beauty and balance of Marwan Al Shaqab and, through Marc’s dam line, the influence of Magic

campaigned throughout her career by Luciano Cury, of Haras Boa Vista, in São Paulo, Brazil.

|M a rwa 230 |M a rwa nn

Marwan Al Shaqab

Amety B

Running HoRse RancH

“The Marwan/Amety B cross is golden,” she reflects. “Her

RogeR and stepHanie McMaHon

Marwan fillies have a specific look and quality, and they all

Roger and Stephanie McMahon of Running Horse Ranch

are beautiful. They all have extreme type and movement, and

are the other side of this story; they do not stand a Marwan

their show records speak for themselves. This cross has been

Al Shaqab son or grandson. Instead, they have bred mares to

so important to who we are as breeders, just because of the

Marwan since he became available in the United States, and

consistency. We still have Beauty Of Marwan, who’s had a

over the years, they have developed a reputation as one of the

championship in the regionals, and we’re going to breed her.”

most successful breeders in the industry. They represent

The McMahons’ newest project is patronizing Marwan sons;

that critical element in any stallion’s career: the responsible

they are very pleased with their first foals by OFW Magic Wan,

mare owners.

which arrived this year, and now ZT Marwteyn is in the line-

Stephanie McMahon remembers her first sight of

up as well. “Our goal for the program at the moment is to stay

Marwan, in Albuquerque before he won his first U.S. National

within the Marwan bloodline,” McMahon says.

Championship. “I fell instantly in love,” she says. She was

In addition to their success with Marwan mares, the

looking for a cross for Amety B, an Eternety mare she and her

McMahons also have accounted for exceptional Marwan

husband owned who had produced nicely with two other

stallions. RHR Marcedes (x Ellegant Dream, by Magic Dream

leading stallions, but who, they thought, could do even better.

CAHR) was a Canadian National Champion and U.S. National

“We wanted something with longer legs, but with a real short-

Top Ten Futurity Colt before he was purchased by Salim

coupled back,” McMahon explains, “and yet still with a good

Mattar’s Haras Sahara. He has since been named a champion

shoulder, and with beautiful type and movement.”

in Brazil. And RHR Heir Of Marwan (x LC Psychesheiress, by

From that first breeding came Goddess Of Marwan, U.S.

Padrons Psyche), was a Las Vegas World Cup Champion and

National Champion Yearling Filly and dam of U.S. National

Canadian National Top Ten 2-Year-Old before he was exported

Reserve Champion Yearling Filly Goddess Of Da Vinci. After

to Australia, where he became the country’s first Triple Crown

that came Angel Of Marwan (Canadian National Top Ten),

winner. He returned to the United States in the fall of 2012 to

Princess Of Marwan (U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly and

stand at O’Neill Arabians for two years. “Marwan Al Shaqab is the most incredible breeding

World Reserve Champion Junior Filly), Duchess Of Marwan

horse that I think we will see in a long time,” Stephanie

(U.S. National Top Ten Filly) and more. Self-described “huge fans,” the McMahons followed Marwan to Germany to see him win in Aachen, and then to Paris for the

McMahon observes, “and I hope that his sons produce the same as he does.” ■

Salon du Cheval in which he and Princess Of Marwan scored their 2008 titles. Stephanie still sparkles with the memory.


Marwan Al Shaqab

Double NatioNal ChampioN peDigree ...



QR Marc, by Marwan Al Shaqab x NW Siena Psyche, by Padrons Psyche

uSa CoNtaCt: mĂ rio Zerlotti pleaSaNtoN, teXaS uSa 1.830.569.8913 e-mail: mario@ZerlottieQuiNe.Com 32 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab






Marwan Al Shaqab

Exotic by

*Marwteyn ZT

ZT Marwteyn 2012 Colt

Alfabia Akiabara • ZT Marwteyn 2011 Filly

Marwan Al Shaqab x ZT Ludjteyna

conformation unaltered

34 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Michael Byatt araBians

7716 Red BiRd Road, New Ulm, Texas • 713.306.8345 • M ARWAN | 35

Marwan Asyad Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab x Aja Angelica


Marwan Sawahi Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab x Siberia SA



M ARWAN | 37

Marwan RHR Heir Of Marwan Al Shaqab

*Marwan Al Shaqab x LC Psychesheiress


38 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab


Standing at: O'nEiLL aRaBianS, LLC • SCOttSdaLE, aRiZOna USa • 602.821.7151 • WWW.OnEiLLaRaBianS.COM

M ARWAN | 39

Marwan Al Shaqab

40 | M a rwa n

Marwan Perignon Al Shaqab

the Standard of excellence

2009 ScottSdale champion 2-Year-old colt

rua oquira, 325 Sao paulo - Brazil 55 11 3255 9959 or 3021 2147 55 19 3879 2964 or 55 19 3879 1002

M ARWAN | 41


Marwan Al Shaqab

Perignon's future is the result of his

legendary past.

Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid Bint Deenaa Gazal Al Shaqab Kaborr Kajora *Edjora Marwan Al Shaqab Bey Shah Fame VF Raffoleta-Rose Little Liza Fame Aza Destiny Katahza Afhar Rahza Perignon Patron *Padron Odessa Padrons Psyche *Tamerlan Kilika *Kilifa Psychic Karma Khemosabi Kaiyoum Bayanka Kaiynda Special Ibn Awad Rasraina Raswia

42 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Haras JM

9 consecutive years as Brazil's Best Breeder and exhiBitor

rua oquira, 325 sao Paulo - Brazil 55 11 3255 9959 or 3021 2147 55 19 3879 2964 or 55 19 3879 1002

M ARWAN | 43

Marwan Al Shaqab

Baahir El Marwan

Marwan Al Shaqab x HB Bessolea


andreW and angie sellMan 715.425.9001 WWW.argentFarMs.coM

44 | M a rwa n

Marwan - 45

Marwan Al Shaqab

M ARWAN | 45


Marwan Al Shaqab

46 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Magic ThaT DOes exisT

Magic Wan


M ARWAN | 47

Creating MagiC Far BeyOnd tOMOrrOW

Magic Wan


Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid Bint Deenaa Gazal Al Shaqab Kaborr Kajora *Edjora Marwan Al Shaqab Bey Shah Fame VF Raffoleta-Rose Little Liza Fame Aza Destiny Katahza Afhar Rahza OFW Magic Wan *Padron Padrons Psyche Kilika Magnum Psyche *Sasaki A Fancy Miracle *Medina Azahara Magna Prelude Bay El Bey Bey Shah Star Of Ofir Porcelyn Port Bask GA Porta GA Ryna

Marwan Al Shaqab



M ARWAN | 49

Marwan Al Shaqab


Abha Qatar

Marwan Al Shaqab x ZT Ludjkalba • 2007 Stallion


Marwan Al Shaqab


Abha Palma

Marwan Al Shaqab x Abha Ghazali • 2006 Mare

2008 world gold chAMPion Junior Filly 2009 uS nAtionAl chAMPion MAre reServe 2010 ScottSdAle SuPreMe chAMPion And chAMPion MAre

Al MohAMAdiA Stud

hh Prince AbdullAh bin FAhd Al SAud riyAdh, SAudi ArAbiA MAnger-bruce MccreA tel-966504445043 www.AlMohAMAdiAStud.coM

M ARWAN | 51

Marwan Al Shaqab

The heir AppArenT‌

Maraj j Gazal Al Shaqab Marwan Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Marajj Kouvay Bey RGA Kouress Angophora

Marwan Al Shaqab x Veronica GA

52 | M a rwa n

Marwan Maraj j Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab

Sire Of internatiOnal ChampiOnS in USa, Uae, UK, hOlland, Qatar, iran, SaUdi arabia, Germany, belGiUm, denmarK, italy, franCe, brazil,

and iSrael.

Maraj j

Nastya OS

Marajj x AB Nastrapsy, by Psytadel



Marajj x HED AB Maria, by AB Magnum

54 | M a rwa n



Marajj x Miss Yahsminah Elamal, by Antar Elamal WN

Marwan Al Shaqab

Sh 'hab Al Hawajer Marajj x Illuminate, by Iimagine


Raj jah

Marajj x Virtuosa MLR, by Versace

Maharajah HDM Marjan Albidayer Marajj x Miss Yahsminah Elamal, by Antar Elamal WN

Marajj x Pustynna Droga, by Laheeb

M ARWAN | 55

Nabeelah Albidayer

Marajj x Nismat Albidayer, by Ames Charisma

Maryah OS Marajj x AB Nastrapsy, by Psytadel

Marwan Al Shaqab

AristocrAt MAre ‌ Full sister to MArAjj



Marwan Al Shaqab x RGA Kouress

Marwan Al Shaqab x Veronica GA

56 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Kanz Albidayer Ajman Moniscione x DL Marielle • 2009 stallion



Marwan Al Shaqab

In The TradITIon of Marwan ‌

Majik Of Marwan Marwan Al Shaqab x Lily Marlaina

58 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab



RohaRa aRabians, LLC and R. KiRK Landon TRusT STANDING AT:


M ARWAN | 59

Marwan Mindy Peters Arabians Al Shaqab

Mari Belle MP Marwan Al Shaqab x Magic Kisses

Mindy Peters is a third generation Arabian horse breeder whose love and dedication shines through in her captivating Arabian horses. MP Arabians is a very successful breeding program with a well recognized global reputation for its quality and eye for beauty. Notably, Mindy has bred twice to Marwan Al Shaqab with outstanding results: Mari Belle MP (x Magic Kisses by Magic Dream). Arabian Breeders' Final Champion 3 year old filly and Arabian Celebration Reserve Champion ATH. Machiavelli MP (x Om El Belinda Estopa by Om El Shahmaan) . We're eagerly expecting beautiful foals sired by this gorgeous young stallion out of these prolific mares, who are dams of champions and National Champion foals; HL Infactuation, Ladie Magnum, JRH Psychic Lady, Verastrella, Barbary Rose. We invite you to meet our foals this year in the serene and beautiful Santa Ynez Valley. 60 | M a rwa n

Machiavelli MP Marwan Al Shaqab x Om El Belinda Estopa


Marwan Marbeau Le Reve Al Shaqab

Marhaabah x Dakars Destinee

East Coast Champion stallion UnitEd statEs national top tEn stallion

Chris & paUla anCkErsEn and angiE mason Chattooga ridgE arabians 864.647.7588 •

62 | M a rwa n

Marwan Marhaabah Al Shaqab

*Marwan Al Shaqab x Shalina El Jamaal

United StateS national Champion FUtUrity Colt United StateS national reServe Champion Stallion diStingUiShed Sire oF ChampionS WorldWide the marhaabah legaCy groUp Chris AnCkersen, MAnAger • 864-647-7588 • AnCkersen@Aol.CoM www.MArhAAbAh.CoM

M ARWAN | 63

Marwan Al Shaqab


Amety B

Eternety x Amiga-B

64 | M a rwa n

Marwan Beauty Of Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x Amety B



M ARWAN | 65

Marwan Ghazala El Jamaal Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x Foxbriar Parysel

Gazal Al Shaqab Marwan Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Ghazala El Jamaal Parys El Jamaal Foxbriar Parysel Selket Mirror


Paul and Bianca clark

WESTBURY PARK ARABIANS - INTERNATIONAL 14106 carolcrest circle Houston, texas 77079 +1.832.525.5356

66 | M a rwa n

Marwan Goddess Of Da Vinci Al Shaqab

(Da Vinci FM x Goddess Of Marwan, by Marwan Al Shaqab)

2011 U.S. NatioNal ReSeRve ChampioN YeaRliNg FillY

owNed bY aNd StaNdiNg at:

GEMINI ACRES EQUINE Jim aNd SallY bedekeR | 480.513.1246 FoR SaleS, CoNtaCt: ChRiS baRteR | 602.501.9877 oR viCtoR RiCigliaNo | 612.328.1639 www.gemiNiaCReSeqUiNe.Com

M ARWAN | 67

Marwan Al Shaqab

Viva Marwan

region 5 UnanimoUs champion Yearling fillY

ViVa marwan's first foal

Suhail Al Shahania JA Urbino x Viva Marwan

soLd to AL shAhAniA stud

Marwan Al Shaqab x Torrifficoo

EquinE AssociAtEs, LLc cell:

PEtEr & shEiLA stEwArt Port AngELEs, wAshington 360.808.0918 • e-mail:

68 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

ExclusivE OffEring—an EmbryO Out Of thE bEautiful marshantay marwan's Only daughtEr Out Of 4-timE natiOnal champiOn, maggdalina.

Marshantay Marwan Al Shaqab x Maggdalina

a oNe-of-a-kiNd daughter of


with irrePLaCeabLe bLoodLiNes.

Bronze Sculpture by Judy and Kim nordquist Judy Nordquist • 265 Courthouse Peak LaNe, ridgway, CoLorado • 970.626.5863 studio • 970.275.6405 MobiLe JudyNordquist@MsN.CoM • www.JudyNordquist.CoM M ARWAN | 69

MaggdaLiNa Portrait broNze

Marwan Al Shaqab

Sir Marwan


Marwan Al Shaqab x Ames Mirage

2012 U.S. NatioNal ReSeRve ChampioN FUtURity Colt 2012 CaNadiaN NatioNal ChampioN FUtURity Colt 2012 SCottSdale ChampioN 3-yeaR-old Colt pReSeNted by aNdRew SellmaN

StaNdiNg at

Cedar ridge arabians, inC. Ames FAmily • JordAn, minnesotA • www.CedAr-ridge.Com For Breeding inFormAtion, ContACt: mike BrennAn, Breeding mAnAger e-mAil: mike@CedArridgeArABiAns.Com • Cell: 612.202.6985

70 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x Ames Mirage

M ARWAN | 71

Marwan Giaccomo Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x G Shamaal


Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid Bint Deenaa Gazal Al Shaqab Kaborr+++ Kajora *Edjora++ Marwan Al Shaqab Bey Shah+ Fame Vf+ Raffoleta-Rose Little Liza Fame Aza Destiny Katahza Afhar Rahza Giaccomo AHR*618678 Bay 2005 Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Ali Jamaal El Magato Heritage Memory Heritage Labelle G Shamaal Bay El Bey++ Bey Shah+ Star Of Ofir Shahteyna *Fortel TW Forteyna Tapiola

Breeders sweepstakes NomiNated • regioN 12 spotlight stallioN 72 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Midnight PassionAF


2011 Filly


Giaccomo x Passions

Giaccomo x Paris MA



Viva La Giacc


Giaccomo x Vivatious


Marwan Al Shaqab

74 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

M ARWAN | 75


Marwan Al Shaqab


PCF Vision x Que Psarah



PCF Vision x Majoretta

2011 CHEStNut COlt 2012 aRaBiaN BREEDER FiNalS SSS SilVER CHaMPiON yEaRliNG COlt 2011 Bay Filly 2012 aRaBiaN BREEDER FiNalS SSS GOlD CHaMPiON yEaRliNG Filly

76 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Breathless Vision


PCF Vision x Breath Of Spring PSY

2011 Bay Filly


Crystal Vision PCF Vision x MCA Afire Beylee

2010 Bay Filly 2011 REGiON 17 CHaMPiON yEaRliNG Filly PCF CRyStal ViSiON iS OwNED By RaE-DawN aRaBiaNS.

PCF aRaBiaNS llC

www.PCFaRaBiaNS.COM tRaiNER: JOaO RODRiGuES OFFiCE: 509-315-8584 EMail: PCFaRaBiaNS@ME.COM SCOttSDalE lOCatiON: 29607 N. HayDEN RD. SCOttSDalE, aZ 85266 waSHiNGtON lOCatiON: 2034 PiNE CREEk RD. tONaSkEt, wa 98855

M ARWAN | 77


Stonewall Farm Al Shaqab


Selket Marque Marwan Al Shaqab x Selket Khamala


Marwan Al Shaqab


Marissa Bey


Selket Marque x Natalia Bey 2009 Bay Mare


Marsai Mara



Selket Marque x Focus Vejora • 2012 Grey Colt

Selket Marque x Ivory LaVita E Bella • 2012 Grey Colt


M ARWAN | 79

Marwan Al Shaqab

an international Champion Stallion ‌ an international Champion Sire



2010 Brazilian national Champion Young Stallion 2011 Brazilian national Champion Stallion

Gazal Al Shaqab Marwan Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Matisse FM Furno Khamal Selket Promise Kept Preferred Time

80 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab



*Matisse FM x aF Gandola, By *nesPerado

*Matisse FM x elynor el Pyher, By Pyher el JaMaal

Owned By

Haras stigmatas Carlos Menezes & JaCkie Menezes • são Paulo, Brazil Cr-Menezes@uol.CoM.Br • Ph: + 55 11 9631 4451

M ARWAN | 81

*Matisse FM x riadin, By luMiar aMadeus

Marwan Maarjan Al Shaqab

Photo by Maria Emilia Moncayo

Marwan Al Shaqab x Majalis, by Ali Jamaal

Ecuadorian national champion SEnior Stallion ‌ 4 Consecutive Years 82 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Maarjan ... Siring Success

Photo by Maria Emilia Moncayo



Maarjan x Ayishaa, by Besson Carol

Ecuadorian national champion YEarling FillY Ecuadorian national champion Junior marE

criadEro los alamos salcEdo – Ecuador E-mail: M ARWAN | 83

Marwan Al Shaqab


Marwan Al Shaqab x F O Rhiannon



84 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab


Princess Marietta

Marwan Al Shaqab x SH Glass Slipper

6/5/2008 Bay Mare Been SHown only twice in MoSt claSSic Head and waS cHaMpion BotH tiMeS. claSSic car owned By faMouS Big Band director and HiS wife, JoHnny and rutH lewiS.

Sweet HoMe araBianS Ken & cHarlene roBinSon 2628 58tH ave. nw olyMpia, wa 98502 360-866-1103 eMail:

M ARWAN | 85

Marwan Al Shaqab

Raj jah


ExpEct thE ExtrAordinAry

Marwan Marwan Al Al Shaqab Shaqab Marajj Marajj RGA RGA Kouress Kouress *FA *FA Rajjah Rajjah Versace Versace Virtuosa Virtuosa MLR MLR Alishahmaal Alishahmaal

2012 BrAziliAn nAtionAl rEsErvE chAmpion Junior stAllion

86 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab



is producing Very beautiful foals!

Haras aldeia do Vale arabians HaV brazil +55 62 8116-9896

M ARWAN | 87

Marwan PA Marco Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x Cassandra SS, by *Padron

Photo Photo Unretouched Unretouched

2012 Champion SCottSdale Signature Stallion WeStern pleaSure Futurity 2011 u.S. reServe national Champion WeStern pleaSure Futurity AHA Breeders sweepstAkes sire • scottsdAle signAture stAllion scid And cA cleAr proudlY owned BY connie cole o’Brien • winneMuccA, neVAdA

Bred BY pAnnoniA ArABiAns

stAnding At Becker stABles • grAss VAlleY, cAliForniA 530.477.5588 e-MAil: inFo@BeckerstABles.coM www.BeckerstABles.coM 88 | M a rwa n

Photo Unretouched M ARWAN | 89



Marwan Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x NYN Imara Versace










90 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Ali Ghazaan

photo by Suzanne Sturgill

Marwan Al Shaqab x I M Ali

The GOLD STANDARD in pedigree and type. ALI GHAZAAN is a superlative mix of the new via the amazing MARWAN AL SHAQAB, with a huge infusion of old line pre-potent Crabbet and Polish bloodlines, and dashes of Egyptian and Russian. Exploding with extreme type, smoothness, tiny-tip ears, and big fluid eyes, rolling motion and superb temperament, ALI GHAZAAN is destined for greatness as a star sire. His babies are big winners in the ring; daughter GHAZALA SALMA was the winner of the 2011 Michigan Futurity. STANDING AT STuD CLASSICALA FARM, INC. 11304 S. Countyline Rd. • ottawa lake, MiChigan 49267 a. kRiStiina BuRkhaRt: 419-466-3586 • liSa RiChMan: 419.699.8065 • Fax: 419.885.3401 e-Mail: ClaSSiCala@aol.CoM • www.ClaSSiCalaFaRM.CoM M ARWAN | 91

Marwan Al Shaqab

The Ever Captivating Composer of Contemporary Images

92 | M a rwa n

Marwan Marwan Al Magnifficoo Al Shaqab

Marwan Al Shaqab x Pacific Echo, by Echo Magnifficoo






M ARWAN | 93

Marwan Al Shaqab

Index of A dvert isers A

Ajman Stud ............................................... 36-37 Al Mohamadia Stud .................................. 50-51 Albidayer Stud .......................................... 52-57 Aljassimya Farm ............................................. 46 Aradon Farm LLC ..................................... 72-73 Argent Farms ............................................. 44-45 B Baahir Group, The .................................... 44-45 Becker Stables ........................................... 88-89 C Canterberry Arabian Farm ............................. 84 Cedar Ridge Arabians, Inc. ....................... 70-71 Chattooga Ridge Arabians ........................ 62-63 Classicala Farm, Inc. ...................................... 91 Criadero Los Alamos ................................ 82-83 E Equine Associates, LLC .................................. 68 G Gemini Equine Acres ..................................... 67 H Haras Haras Haras Haras Haras

JM ................................................... 40-43 Aldeia Do Vale ................................ 86-87 Boa Vista ......................................... 32-33 Sahara Ltda. .................................... 47-49 Stigmatas ........................................ 80-81

K Kharousel Farm .............................................. 90 KP Arabians, Ltd. ...................................... 38-39 M Marhaabah Legacy Group, The ..................... 63 Michael Byatt Arabians............................. 34-35 Mindy Peters Arabians.............................. 60-61 N Nordquist, Judy .............................................. 69 O O’Brien, Connie Cole ............................... 88-89 O’Neill Arabians, LLC............................... 38-39 P PCF Arabians LLC ..................................... 74-77 R R. Kirk Landon Trust ................................ 58-59 Rohara Arabians, LLC ............................... 58-59 Ross, David Zouch .................................... 94-95 Running Horse Ranch ............................... 64-65 S Shada, Inc. ................................................. 92-93 Stonewall Farm Arabians .......................... 78-79 Sweet Home Arabians ................................... 85 W Westbury Park Arabians International .......... 66

A limited number of hard bound books are available for purchase. Contact Arabian Horse Times at 952-492-3213 or order online at

M ARWAN | 95

Marwan Al Shaqab

u o Y k n Tha

Arabian Horse Times wishes to thank the people in Marwan Al Shaqab’s career for their support in producing this story of his life and a look at the opening chapters of his legacy. Our special thanks go to Al Shaqab—breeder, owner, exhibitor and caretaker of Marwan Al Shaqab—for making him available to the Arabian horse community worldwide. And we thank the trainers, show judges, breeders and fans who have observed Marwan’s career over the years and kindly took the time to offer their memories and thoughts. Finally, we thank the owners of Marwan Al Shaqab sons and daughters who participated in this effort by providing information about their accomplished horses. Some recognized Marwan’s greatness early in his career and have been his supporters from the start; others came to his legend later, and are taking his bloodlines and influence into the future.

96 | M a rwa n

Marwan Al Shaqab

Pre-Order Online nOw Limited edition Hardbound book

Marwan b Al Shaqa

$19.95 plus shipping u.S +$5.50

Canada + $15.00

international + $20.00

order online at: or call 800-248-4637 Volume 43, No. 7 | 145

Show Me The Money More Than $2,000,000 Awarded!

Baske Afire, Futurity Leading Performance Sire Futurity Overall Leading Sire

Da Vinci FM, Futurity Leading Halter Sire

For Arabian horse breeders, futurities, as the name suggests, are an eye on the future. Sure, the name comes from the fact that you have to nominate horses in advance; you are “betting on� the future of their foals. But in reality, futurity classes can be early indicators of which young stallions are up and coming, and how they compare to well-known, well-established sires. The past few years have seen an explosion of futurity shows across the country, with the result that horsemen now have more data than ever before with which to make breeding decisions. If you are looking for a stallion, or perhaps for a breeder whose horses fit your requirements, the chances are very good that you may find them here. From Georgia to Scottsdale, Las Vegas to Minnesota and points in between, the futurity rankings for the 2012 Arabian horse show season tell the story.

146 | A r A bi A n Hor Se T i MeS

2012 Futurity Top Ten Leading Living Halter Sires No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sire ...............................................................................# of Winners ................... Owner Da Vinci FM (Versace x Full Moon Astar) ........................................... 15 ................... Sally Bedeker SF Veraz (Gazal Al Shaqab x Veronica GA) ......................................... 13 ................... Patti Scheier Aria Impresario (Marwan Al Shaqab x GC Echlectica) ....................... 10 ................... Sloan Family Impresario Holding Marwan Al Magnifficoo (Marwan Al Shaqab x Pacific Echo) ............. 10 ................... David Zouch Ross Khadraj NA (Ponomarev x Khatreena NA) ............................................ 8 ................... Lawrence Jerome/Indira Van Handel Magnum Chall HVP (Magnum Psyche x Taamara HVP)........................ 8 ................... Raegen Lurken Sir Fames HBV (Ffamess x Cajun Lady HCF) ........................................ 8 ................... Jose Alves Filho Enzo (Padrons Psyche x RD Bey Shahmpane) ...................................... 7 ................... Dr. Philip Delpozzo/Brent Stone Magnum Psyche (Padrons Psyche x A Fancy Miracle) ....................... 7 ................... Mayed SA Justtice (Justify x Afire Storrm) ........................................................... 6 ................... Dale and Ann Henriksen KM Bugatti (Versace x Sanegors Lady D) ............................................. 6 ................... KM Stables, Inc. MPA Giovanni (Da Vinci FM x Glitzy).................................................... 6 ................... Lawrence Jerome Stival (Gazal al Shaqab x Paloma de Jamaal) ....................................... 6 ................... Peri Lee Wilson

2012 Futurity Top Ten Leading Living Performance Sires No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Sire ...............................................................................# of Winners ................... Owner Baske Afire (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) .............................................. 17 ................... Strawberry Banks Farm Afire Bey V (Huckleberry Bey x Autumn Fire) ..................................... 6 ................... Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Sundance Kid V (Desperado V x Sweet Shalimar V)........................... 13 ................... J. Frank and Sara Chisholm Hesa Zee (Xenophonn x Something Special) ........................................ 9 ................... Eleanor Hamilton IXL Noble Express (MHR Nobility x RY Fire Ghazi) ............................. 9 ................... Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Afires Heir (Afire Bey V x Brassmis) ................................................... 8 ................... William and Shirley Reilich Magnum Psyche (Padrons Psyche x A Fancy Miracle) ........................ 8 ................... Mayed SA Mamage (Zodiac Matador x CF Fire Magic) ......................................... 8 ................... Beth Jupp/Jupp Family Trust SF Specs Shocwave (Afire Bey V x Spectra PR) .................................. 8 ................... Alicia Guzman Pace Odyssey SC (Versace x Latoura Echo).................................................. 7 ................... Stranger Creek Ranch/Jerad Cooper

2012 Futurity Top Ten Overall Living Leading Sires No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Sire ...............................................................................# of Winners ................... Owner Baske Afire (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) .............................................. 18 ................... Strawberry Banks Farm Sundance Kid V (Desperado V x Sweet Shalimar V)........................... 18 ................... J. Frank and Sara Chisholm Afire Bey V (Huckleberry Bey x Autumn Fire) .................................... 17 ................... Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Da Vinci FM (Versace x Full Moon Astar) ........................................... 15 ................... Sally Bedeker Magnum Psyche (Padrons Psyche x A Fancy Miracle) ...................... 15 ................... Mayed SA Khadraj NA (Ponomarev x Khatreena NA) ......................................... 13 ................... Lawrence Jerome/Indira Van Handel SF Veraz (Gazal Al Shaqab x Veronica GA) ......................................... 13 ................... Patti Scheier Odyssey SC (Versace x Latoura Echo)................................................ 12 ................... Stranger Creek Ranch/Jerad Cooper Enzo (Padrons Psyche x RD Bey Shahmpane) .................................... 11 ................... Dr. Philip Delpozzo/Brent Stone Magnum Chall HVP (Magnum Psyche x Taamara HVP) ..................... 11 ................... Raegen Lurken Sir Fames HBV (Ffamess x Cajun Lady HCF) ..................................... 11 ................... Jose Alves Filho Aria Impresario (Marwan Al Shaqab x GC Echlectica) ...................... 10 ................... Sloan Family Impresario Holding DS Major Afire (Afire Bey V x S S Magnolia) .................................... 10 ................... Jennifer Patterson IXL Noble Express (MHR Nobility x RY Fire Ghazi) ............................. 10 ................... Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Marwan Al Magnifficoo (Marwan Al Shaqab x Pacific Echo) ............. 10 ................... David Zouch Ross

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2012 Top Ten Futurity Breeders of Champions

2012 Top Ten Performance Futurity Breeders

No. 1. 2.

No. 1. 2. 3.


Name .................................................. # of Champions Eleanor Hamilton.............................................................. 4 Anthony C. Marino & Anthony C. Marino Jr. ................... 3 Cedar Ridge Arabians ...................................................... 3 J. Frank and Sarah Chisholm ........................................... 3 R O Lervick Arabians ....................................................... 3 Tamara Hanby .................................................................. 3 Victoria Arabians LLC ...................................................... 3 Barbara Sink-Krusenstjerna.............................................. 2 F. Butler, Kay Smith, Ed Crain and Sybil Collins ............... 2 Murray and Shirley Popplewell ........................................ 2 Oak Ridge Arabians ......................................................... 2 Sam Peacemaker ............................................................. 2



Name ........................................................ # of Winners Tamara Hanby ................................................................ 11 Eleanor Hamilton............................................................ 10 Cedar Ridge Arabians ...................................................... 7 Conway Arabians, Inc...................................................... 7 Marty Shea ...................................................................... 7 Bazy Tankersley ............................................................... 6 Boisvert Farms LLC .......................................................... 6 J. Frank and Sarah Chisholm ........................................... 6 Nick and Juliet Carden .................................................... 6 R O Lervick Arabians ....................................................... 5 California State Polytechnic University ............................ 5

2012 Top Ten Halter Futurity Breeders

2012 Top Ten Overall Futurity Breeders

No. 1. 2.

No. 1. 2. 3.

3. 4. 5.

Name ........................................................ # of Winners J. Frank and Sarah Chisholm ........................................... 9 Lawrence Jerome ............................................................ 7 Oak Ridge Arabians ......................................................... 7 Murray and Shirley Popplewell ........................................ 6 Robert and Dixie North Family Trust ................................ 5 Sam Peacemaker ............................................................. 5 Barbara Sink-Krusenstjerna.............................................. 4 Dale and Ruth Henriksen ................................................. 4 Les and Diane Van Dyke .................................................. 4 Pegasus Arabians ............................................................ 4 Richard DeWalt................................................................ 4 Victoria Arabians LLC ...................................................... 4

4. 5.

Name ........................................................ # of Winners J. Frank and Sarah Chisholm ......................................... 15 Tamara Hanby ................................................................ 11 Eleanor Hamilton............................................................ 10 Lawrence Jerome .......................................................... 10 Cedar Ridge Farm ............................................................ 9 Conway Arabians, Inc...................................................... 7 Marty Shea ...................................................................... 7 Oak Ridge Arabians ......................................................... 7 R O Lervick Arabians ....................................................... 7 Victoria Arabians LLC ...................................................... 7

What They Are Saying—A Selection Of Successful Futurity Breeders Talk About Why They Support The Payback Programs by Beth Ellen Hunziker It is no secret that breeder futurity programs are popular. More and more people are signing up their horses and selling foals to people who want to enter the classes. To find out more about why they are so enthusiastic, AHT went to the owners of the “Leading Sires” lists, and to some of the winning breeders to find out what they thought. Why are they so positive about this very welcome bright light in the industry? What’s in it for them? Lollie Ames, Cedar Ridge Arabians Having ranked second in Leading Breeders for number of Futurity Champions, third in number of Performance Winners bred, and 4th Overall, “We are long-time supporters of breeder futurity programs,” Lollie Ames enthuses. “In fact, we were founding members of the Minnesota Medallion Stallion program, the first of the breeder futurities and the model for

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almost every other program in the country. We are still very active in the Minnesota Medallion Stallion program; our stallions are nominated sires and we’ve shown at the annual Fall Festival for over 30 years. “We also participate in the Scottsdale Signature Stallion, Iowa Gold Star, AHA Breeders Sweepstakes, and the AEPA Futurity programs. The Scottsdale program has become the biggest, in terms of nominated stallions, classes and payouts—it is very successful. The Iowa Gold Star is such a fun show and they allow both purebreds and Half-Arabians; it’s becoming a very popular show. We really enjoy the AHA Performance Futurity and Maturity programs. We like the fact that we can nominate our horses when they are older; I think it is worth it to pay a little extra to be able to wait to see if a horse will develop into a national-caliber performance contender. We also like that the

Show Me The Money

Dick and Lollie Ames

Maturity encourages and supports amateur riders. These are some of the biggest and most exciting classes at the shows. “The AEPA has become one of the most important futurities in the breed. The AEPA is deeply indebted to the Scottsdale Show for hosting these classes when they were just getting started. But, like many things, we learn as we go along, and many AEPA members were concerned that showing these young horses so early in the year was putting pressure and stress on them. The classes were moved to October and the U.S. Nationals. I believe the consensus is that it was a wise move; giving our youngsters eight more months to prepare makes all the difference. In my opinion, the AEPA Purebred and the Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Futurities were some of the most exciting classes at the Nationals. “Most important, each of these breeder futurity programs help support and encourage breeders, owners, and amateur riders; everyone in the Arabian industry benefits and that’s a good thing.” Sally and Jim Bedeker, Gemini Acres Equine One of the most popular sires in the breed today is Da Vinci FM, owned by Sally and Jim Bedeker of Gemini Acres Equine. Da Vince FM is the 2012 Leading Living Futurity Halter Sire and 2012 third Leading Living Futurity Overall Sire. The Bedekers enlisted farm manager Chris Barter to express the importance of the breeder futurity programs and their impact on Gemini Acres. “We participate and support a number of programs by nominating the stallions, including Da Vinci FM, to the breeder futurities of the Scottsdale Signature Stallion, Minnesota Arabian Breeders Medallion Stallion, Iowa Gold Star, and the AHBA Breeders World Cup. “The Bedekers feel it is important to support these programs by nominating their champion-producing stallions, making

Jim and Sally Bedeker

them available to breeders, and enhancing their chances of producing potentially great horses. They feel it is of the utmost importance to focus on the breeding of Arabian horses. We need to continue to breed our horses so future generations will be able to enjoy them too. “The Bedekers recognize and value the benefits of breeder futurity programs. Having horses that are nominated to these programs is a great marketing tool. Nominated horses are more appealing to potential buyers because there is the ability to enjoy showing the horse and the extra excitement of possibly winning a big purse. Let’s face it, we all like the idea of being able to have fun and win money! “In addition, these programs bring breeders together, which is something that needs to be highly promoted. If we do not breed, we will not have the potential to create new superstars and have our show arenas full of beautiful horses. “We think each of the futurity programs has something positive to offer. However, if we had to pick a favorite, it would be the Scottsdale Signature Stallion. Scottsdale is still the largest horse show in the world, the jackpots for the champions are the highest, and the show is hosted during the best time of year. Scottsdale is the Mecca of the Arabian horse world. “We have one suggestion to offer. We believe it would be fantastic if all the programs would get together and have a prize for the individual that wins all four events: Scottsdale, the World Cup, the Iowa Gold Star and the Minnesota Medallion Stallion Futurities. This would entice breeders to participate in all of these programs by purchasing breeding rights at all auction events and showing the resulting foals at all the events. This would create tremendous excitement, and again, entice breeders to continue breeding. Imagine the possibilities!”

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Tamara Hanby Black

Tamara Hanby Black, Tamar Arabians Ltd. “I was totally surprised when I was contacted by Arabian Horse Times and told that according to their research, I was the number one performance futurity breeder and second overall futurity breeder for 2012! As a breeder for over 20 years, I consider this a real honor. I am a small breeder and although my program has produced halter champions, my primary focus has been on western, hunt, and English performance horses. A mare I bred, Tamar Chiaro Di Luna, was the unanimous 2012 U.S. National Half-Arabian Champion in Western Pleasure AAOTR 18-35 and unanimous U.S. National Champion in Half-Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Maturity. In addition, I bred Tamar Devine Design, the unanimous 2012 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Stock/Hunter Mare, 4-6; unanimous U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Stock/ Hunter Mare AOTH; and U.S. National Champion HalfArabian Stock/Hunter Mare. “We currently stand five stallions at the farm; all are AHA Breeders Sweepstakes nominated and three are Iowa Gold Star nominated stallions as well. I believe these programs, especially the AHA performance maturities, are wonderful for our breed. The programs benefit everyone in the industry and are an important means of support and encouragement for amateur owners. “As a breeder, I have found that the national futurities and maturities are valuable venues to showcase our young superstars, which has proven to be helpful in our marketing efforts. These programs allow owners to have their horses compete in more than one class, giving them more bang for their buck at the shows. Although the futurity and maturity programs may not always cover the cost of showing, often they help to at least defray the costs. “I am all about breeding. It’s my favorite aspect of owning Arabian horses. I put my heart and soul into my breeding

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Frank and Sara Chisholm

program, but it’s hard work! I am very appreciative of all the trainers and owners who ride and show Tamar-bred horses. I hope they bring you as much joy as they have given to me.” Frank and Sara Chisholm, Palmetto Arabians There is a New York Times bestselling book about the seven traits of highly effective people. Frank and Sara Chisholm must possess them all. These breeders topped the charts, ranking first among Overall Futurity Breeders, first among Halter Futurity Breeders, second among Futurity Breeders of Champions, and top ten among Performance Futurity Breeders. The Chisholms own the stallion Sundance Kid V, who was ranked third among the 2012 Futurity Leading Living Performance Sires, with 13 winners, and tied for first in Overall Futurity Living Leading Sires, with 18 winners. The Chisholms participate in several breeder futurity programs, including the Scottsdale Signature Stallion, Minnesota Medallion Stallion, Iowa Gold Star, AHA Breeders Sweepstakes and Region 12 Spotlight Stallion, which Frank Chisholm declared to be his favorite. “I have a special interest in the Region 12 Spotlight Futurity because it is our home region and I was a member of the committee that formed the program. Our program was patterned after other successful programs, such as the Scottsdale Signature Stallion and Minnesota Medallion Stallion. We have 60 to 70 stallions nominated to our futurity, and last year we paid out over $130,000. We tie our Spotlight Futurity in with the Region 12 Show. The futurity has really boosted the show by increasing entries, participants, classes and exhibitors. Many of the horses compete in the regular classes as well as the futurity classes, so this provides additional opportunities for owners and competitors to show and enjoy their horses. The Futurity was created to increase and encourage amateur participation. Some futurity classes specify that the horse must be shown by the amateur owner.

Show Me The Money

Peter and Lori Conway

However, we didn’t want to exclude anyone, so we added a stipulation that owners 60 years and older, or owners with medical conditions, can have a designated handler. The program has been very successful in achieving our goals and the paybacks have been great. “All the futurity programs have had a positive impact on the breed—look at Scottsdale and what that program has accomplished. Scottsdale is our favorite show; there is never a question about where Sara and I will spend those weeks in February. We are always there in Scottsdale with our horses and friends. We enjoy showing and following the offspring of our stallions Sundance Kid V, Always A Jullyen V, EVG Gentry, and soon our young stallion, a son of Sundance Kid V, PA Kid Khan. We expect 14 foals in 2013—and all are nominated. Sara and I love a beautiful halter horse, but our goal is to breed beautiful Arabian horses that can compete in halter and also be successful in the performance arena. It seems that our stallions, especially Sundance Kid V, are helping us to achieve that goal.” Lori and Peter Conway, Conway Arabians, Inc. According to data gathered from futurity programs across the country, Conway Arabians was among the leading breeders this year. They were tied for fifth among 2012 Top Ten Overall Futurity Breeders and tied for third among Top Ten Performance Futurity Breeders, with seven winners. Although the accolades are deeply appreciated, the Conways explain that their motivation for supporting and participating in the breeder futurity programs runs far deeper. “As both breeders and stallion owners, we make substantial investments in these programs every year, but we believe it is important for the future of the breed. “We think the breeder futurity programs are important for several reasons. Obviously, the prize money is a big incentive,

Eleanor Hamilton

but we also feel that as breeders, we have an obligation to support programs that will add value to our foals and will benefit their owners in the future. Each of the futurities we support has its strengths and purposes, which is why we participate in several programs every year. We do not skimp on nominations, as we believe the benefits reflect the investment. The hope is that every foal will reach our expectations and be able to earn the nomination money back, and perhaps more. Obviously, that does not always happen, but hopefully some of them will earn enough that it all balances out. We support the breeder futurity programs with whatever resources we can muster. For example, we are very involved in the Minnesota Medallion Stallion program. We chair and manage the Stallion Auction committee; Peter is Vice President. Peter also sponsored the AEPA $50,000 Half-Arabian Halcon Saddle Seat Futurity at the 2012 U.S. Nationals, which was a truly exciting addition to the show. “Conway Arabians nominates all our in-utero foals into several programs. We totally support the Minnesota Medallion Stallion program and the Arabian English Pleasure Association Futurity (AEPA) with our eligible mares, the IAHA/AHA Breeders Sweepstakes program with all our mares, and we selectively nominate for the AHA Canadian and U.S. halter futurity programs. It can get very expensive with eight to12 foals a year, but in the end, we believe our participation has paid off with enhanced marketability and the opportunity to regain the investment when the resulting foals get older. As stallion owners, we believe the benefits and incentives for mare owners to breed to our stallions, Proximus CA or Noble Way, who are nominated into several programs, enable them to get a return on their investment. Less risk, more upside, is a good thing for everyone.” Eleanor Hamilton, Eleanor’s Arabian Farm Eleanor Hamilton is an active horsewoman and a strong supporter of several Arabian breeder futurity programs. She

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was ranked first among 2012 Futurity Breeders of Champions, ranked second among Performance Futurity Breeders and ranked third among Overall Futurity Breeders with 10 winners. EAF-owned stallion Hesa Zee was ranked fourth among 2012 Futurity Leading Living Performance Sires. Eleanor has been a member of the Minnesota Breeders and the Medallion Stallion program for many years. She also participates in the AHA Breeders Sweepstakes, the Iowa Gold Star Futurity, and the Arabian Reining Horse Association. All of Eleanor’s Arabian stallions are nominated to these futurity programs. She explained the importance of the futurity programs, “I believe if people are in the horses for the right reasons, they may agree with me that it is the breeders’ and stallion owners’ responsibility to support these programs. At some point, we have to give back to the business—we can’t always be taking. We have to contribute as well, to keep things going. “My breeding program produces 10 to 12 purebred and HalfArabian foals each year. I nominate all of my foals because I have faith in my breeding program. I know the foals will be good quality. I enjoy showing in purebred and Half-Arabian reining, as well as pleasure classes. I always hope for foals that could be champion reiners. However, I am confident that if a horse I’ve bred does not have the aptitude for reining, it will make a great pleasure horse. “There are many benefits to the breeder futurity programs; I believe they build and strengthen our community. I also think nominating our horses to the futurities helps with marketing. Most people who are interested in buying a horse ask if it is nominated. It may not be a deal breaker if it is not nominated, but I think everyone is always happy to hear that a horse is nominated. Even if we are showing our horses just for the fun of it, winning some prize money is icing on the cake. At one

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Afire Bey V

time, people could win enough futurity or sweepstakes money to pay for showing their horses, but that has become more and more difficult. I believe the breeder futurity prize money has helped people continue to show and enjoy their horses. We need to keep our industry strong and the breeder futurities play an important role in supporting everyone in our community.” Beth Jupp, owner of leading sire Mamage At 23 years of age, the nine-time national champion Mamage was tied for fifth place among the 2012 Futurity Top Ten Leading Living Performance Sires. This veteran of the show ring proved he still had the skills and the heart of a true champion as he proudly carried the American flag to cheers and applause at the 2012 U.S. Nationals. Beth Jupp, owner of Mamage, shared her thoughts about the many benefits of participating in breeder futurities and her motivation for nominating her stallion to these programs. “I have participated in quite a few breeder futurity programs over the years, including AHA Breeder Sweepstakes, Minnesota Medallion Stallion, AEPA, National Show Horse Stallion Row Jackpot, Iowa Gold Star and the Scottsdale Signature Stallion. I nominate all my purebred foals for the performance futurities and I nominate my Half-Arabians for the NSH Jackpot. “The breeder futurity programs offer so many benefits, but let’s be honest, everyone who enjoys showing their horses would love to win some prize money too. Many people show their horses for the sheer enjoyment of the experience, but the prize money is an added incentive for owners to attend and participate at these events. I believe an important aspect of the futurity programs is that they encourage mare owners to be more thoughtful about their breeding decisions. These programs offer the highest quality stallions, which allows breeders to select a great sire—the programs encourage breeding excellence. It also adds to the breeder’s excitement and anticipation to know they are expecting a foal from one of

Show Me The Money

Michelle Watson and Cliff McCurdy

these great sires. Also, when it comes to marketing, it never hurts that a prospective new horse is nominated to one or more payback program. “For me personally, I believe that it is important for owners to nominate their stallions for the benefit to the breed. That’s why I nominate Mamage—not for myself, but for the other breeders, the mare owners, and the owners of Mamage offspring. I want to support the breed and to help create good performance horses. It’s not about me. It’s about encouraging others to breed well and ensuring a bright future for the Arabian horse.” Marty Shea, Shea Stables “Recently, we were thrilled to hear that Maroon Fire Arabians’ stallion, Afire Bey V, was ranked second on the list for 2012 Top Ten Futurity Leading Living Performance Sire and Top Ten Futurity Overall Living Leading Sire, with 17 winning offspring. Taking the top spot was Afire Bey V’s son, Baske Afire, and three more of his sons were also ranked among the Top Ten Leading Futurity Sires. The Linigers’ stallion IXL Noble Express was ranked fourth in the Top Ten Futurity Leading Living Performance Sires and seventh in the Futurity Overall Living Leading Sires, with 10 winning offspring. “We were tied for third among the Top Ten Arabian Performance Futurity Breeders and Top Ten Overall Arabian Futurity Breeders, with seven winners. Shea Stables and Maroon Fire Arabians support and participate in most of the Arabian breeder futurity programs across the country. In fact, Tim is a board member for the AEPA, as well as the APHA; we believe it’s a way we can pay forward all the benefits we have received from these organizations. “We participate on several levels. We nominate the stallions for the AHA Breeders Sweepstakes, the Scottsdale Signature

Stallion, the AEPA, and recently, we included the Minnesota Medallion Stallion program. We believe it’s our responsibility to nominate the stallions to these programs so the owners of the stallion offspring have every opportunity possible to participate in programs that will benefit them. “In our opinion, everyone wins with the futurity programs. It helps owners promote their stallion’s services and market the offspring, and it provides trainers with horses and exciting competition in many divisions and disciplines. Futurity programs also offer owners and amateur riders opportunities to enjoy their horses and whenever possible win some prize money—that’s always a bonus! “We especially like the AEPA Purebred and Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity programs. The classes are great marketing opportunities. Everyone knows if you want to find the best up-and-coming young English pleasure prospects, you’ll see them in these classes. Although we enjoyed the AEPA classes when they were held at Scottsdale, we were really pleased when they were moved to the Nationals in October. That gave everyone several more months to work with their young horses, and having the extra time takes a lot of pressure off the trainers and the horses. We all saw the result (better trained horses and extremely exciting competition). These are now the most prestigious performance classes in the industry. The AEPA, and the other breeder futurities, make this all possible.” Michelle Watson, Victoria Arabians, LLC Victoria Arabians LLC, of Florida, are strong supporters of breeder futurity programs. The farm owners, Michelle Watson and Cliff McCurdy, have earned a place of high honor among Arabian horse breeders, as they were tied for second place among the 2012 Top Ten Futurity Breeders of Champions, tied for fifth place among Top Ten Overall Futurity Breeders, and tied for fifth among Top Ten Halter Futurity Breeders.

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Scottsdale Stallion

Michelle Watson shared her thoughts about the impact the breeder futurity programs are having on the Arabian horse industry. “We are involved with several breeder futurity programs, including the Region 12 Spotlight Futurity, Scottsdale Signature Stallion, the Minnesota Medallion Stallion, the AEPA, the U.S. National futurities and The Pyramid Society futurities. The futurity programs are a great way to promote your breeding program. They pay out a substantial amount of money compared to the Sweepstakes program, cost less to nominate the foals, and subsequently it has become much more fun to participate in these programs. I love showing my horses at the Region 12 Spotlight Futurity. We have a lot of wonderful, friendly amateurs that encourage each other, which makes it fun to show.

From the Futurities …

“We participate in the futurity programs on several levels. Shahim Al Nakeeb, the beautiful Egyptian stallion we have leased, is nominated for the Region 12 Spotlight, the Minnesota Medallion Stallion and The Pyramid Society futurities. We also sponsor a number of top stallions to the Region 12 Spotlight program. We now nominate our foals for all the eligible programs. We also attend these shows and present our horses in the classes where they are eligible to compete.

“The Scottsdale Signature Stallions are the absolute best sires from around the world. Breeders who choose these stallions for their mares, and who nominate their foals, are welcome to compete in the Signature Futurity classes. In the past, we’ve offered halter futurity classes for yearlings, two-year-olds, and three-year-olds; as well as English, hunt and western performance futurity and maturity classes. We are pleased to announce the new futurity halter classes for horses 4 years and older at the 2013 Scottsdale Show. We also added Signature Stallion Futurity classes to our new Arabian Breeder Finals show. This is the first show, outside the original Scottsdale event, where Signature Stallion classes were offered.

“In our opinion, the breeder futurity programs are very important. With the success of the programs, there is a demand for even more talented horses. The programs encourage the amateurs, the breeders, and the trainers to nominate, show and train these talented young horses. The futurity programs also help the growth of the shows they coincide with. For instance, since the inception of the Spotlight Futurity Program, the Region 12 Show has experienced tremendous growth. The breeder futurity programs encourage involvement with the horses and truly help promote the breed. We need to do everything we can to encourage more people to get involved with the Arabian horse, and the breeder futurity programs are proving to be very helpful in achieving that goal.”

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AHAA Scottsdale Signature Stallion Futurity The Arabian Horse Association of Arizona established the Scottsdale Signature Stallion (SSS) Futurity in 2002. That year witnessed their first SSS Service Auction and those resulting foals were presented in the first SSS Yearling Futurity classes, held in 2004. Over the years, the program has evolved and grown with new classes added as the horses matured into performance prospects. Today, the Scottsdale Signature Stallion program is the largest and richest breeder futurity in the world. Taryl O’Shea, executive director of the AHAA, attributes much of the program’s success to the quality of their nominated sires.

“The AHAA is proud to say that from our first classes in 2004, through the 2012 shows, the AHAA SSS has paid out over $5,000,000.00! We invite everyone to participate in our programs and enjoy their beautiful Arabian horses. The AHBA World Cup Futurities The AHBA prides itself as an organization created by breeders for breeders. In 2007, they debuted the AHBA Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas, Nev., which has become one of the most

Show Me The Money

highly regarded purebred Arabian horse shows in the world. In 2008, the AHBA offered their first Breeders World Cup Auction Futurity classes for yearling fillies and colts. In 2010, the Auction Futurity classes expanded to include 2-year-old fillies and colts. AHBA board member, Robert North, oversees the organization’s futurity programs. He shared some interesting information about the group’s success, “Although the AHBA World Cup Futurities are among the newest in the industry, after just five years, they are among the most successful programs. We constantly strive to expand and evolve. Like other breeder futurity programs, stallion owner participation is key to the success of our World Cup Futurities. The high quality and international scope of our nominated stallions make this program unique within the industry. “Now that our World Cup Auction Futurities are well established with a sound foundation, we are introducing our new Legacy Futurity classes for yearling fillies and colts at the 2013 Breeders World Cup. The World Cup Auction Futurities are for offspring that result from breedings purchased from our annual Stallion Service Auction. The Legacy Futurities are for offspring sired by one of our nominated stallions. All foals must be properly nominated in order to be eligible to compete in these futurity classes. “We’re excited to be able to offer over $166,000 in the 2013 AHBA World Cup Futurity classes. The AHBA Stallion Service Online Auction will be held January 15-29, 2013.” Iowa Gold Star Futurity Voted as “Best Horse Show Of The Year” in the Arabian Horse Times’ Readers’ Choice Awards, the Iowa Gold Star Futurity has come a long way to becoming one of the most popular Arabian horse events in the country. Kim Matthias is a member and the go-to-person to answer questions about Gold Star

stallion and mare nominations, the stallion service auction, and many other areas of interest. Kim shared some interesting information about the Iowa Gold Star program. “It seems that many people believe that the Iowa Gold Star is a new breeder futurity program. In fact, it’s been around for more than 20 years. However, about seven or eight years ago the program was completely revamped and has since skyrocketed to success. “I think maybe we measure the success of our program in different terms than say the Scottsdale Signature Stallion program, which as we all know is the biggest program in the country right now. Many of us that are involved with the Iowa Gold Star grew up around the horses. We remember all the fun we had with family and friends when we were showing our horses. The stallions, the service auction, and the prize money we generate are crucial to bringing people to the show. But we want more! We want to recreate the atmosphere of fun, families, friends, and sportsmanship we used to enjoy. We want to be known as breeders who help other breeders to be successful. We want to be welcoming to everyone and to encourage people to enjoy their horses and each other’s company. Every year, the Gold Star is growing; more people are attending and really having a great time. “This club is not about personal agendas. Those are set aside, and we try do what is right and good for the breed. We are supporting the breeders and owners, the amateurs and the youth. The classes are fun and very competitive; the performance classes are really growing. We also support other breeder futurity programs because we believe in supporting everyone who is contributing to the benefit of the Arabian horse.” The 2013 Iowa Gold Star is scheduled for Thursday, August 29th through Monday, September 2nd. Each year the show has a theme, and the 2013 show will feature the Hawaiian theme of

Volume 43, No. 7 | 155

Show Me The Money

“Riding The Wave!” No doubt, it will be a lot of fun! The Gold Star always has a great roster of stallions whose services are offered at their annual auction, which is scheduled for Friday, August 30th. They invite everyone to attend the show and participate in the auction. Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders The Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders Medallion Stallion Futurity was the first of its kind in the country. In 2012, the organization celebrated its 31st anniversary—the longest running futurity program and the model for most of the other successful breeder futurities in the industry. MAHB President Greg Brown shared his thoughts about the club’s longevity and success. “I credit the program’s success to the members of this club; they are hard-working innovators. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our program. The experience, wisdom, and unique perspective of our members make the Minnesota Medallion Stallion Futurity different, and many people say that it is the best breeder futurity program available. “First and foremost, Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders is a breeders’ organization. We maintain a limited membership; we believe that by remaining a small group we can be more agile and responsive to the needs of our members. We also limit our roster of nominated sires; we strive to focus on quality, not quantity, but still offer a diverse selection of bloodlines for our members and participating breeders. The result is that we continue to see growth at our show, which is different from many industry trends. “We all hear talk about the depressed economy, declining breedings, and shows being down—yet, pretty much everything at our 2012 show was up! Entries were up, participants were up, and classes per horse were up. In fact, we had to split several performance classes this year because they were so big. The Minnesota Fall Festival has always

156 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

been known for the extremely high quality of the halter competition; many national champion caliber horses are presented. However, the performance classes are reaching an amazing level of quality, too. Although the riders in our classes are all amateurs, they demonstrate a very high degree of horsemanship. I believe the Minnesota breeders are proving that it is possible to breed beautiful, correct Arabian horses that are fully capable of going on to a national level career in performance. “The purpose of our organization is to promote and support breeders, and to encourage amateur owners to enjoy their Arabian horses. Those are our core values, and I believe as long as we keep that focus we will continue to thrive.” Region 12 Spotlight Futurity in speaking with breeders, stallion owners, mare owners, amateur competitors, trainers, and show organizers from coast to coast, the industry consensus seems to be that the region Xii spotlight Futurity is one of the best in the country. That is quite an accomplishment for a program established only seven years ago. region Xii Director eric Wolfe commented on the success of the program. “The original motivation for creating a breeder futurity program was to make the region Xii show something really special—unlike any other show in the country. We already had breeders sweepstakes and the region Xii Futurity. Adding another futurity program and offering exhibitors three ways to earn paybacks at one show was something unheard of in the industry. We contacted the scottsdale signature stallion leadership because, in my opinion, they have the best program in the country. The scottsdale leadership shared their expertise with us and we were able to model our program after their program (with some modification to fit our membership’s needs), and we called it the spotlight Futurity. i believe adding the spotlight Futurity has been a blessing to our show and our members. i

Show Me The Money

know we will continue to grow and prosper, thanks to everyone who contributes and participates.”

will be held Thursday evening, May 9, 2013. The show and the auction will be broadcast live by Arabian Horse Global.

Frank Hennessy, president of the Spotlight Stallion Futurity and a passionate advocate of the Arabian horse, pointed out some unique features of this program. “The Region XII Spotlight program is very proud of the exceptional stallions that participate in our futurity. High quality stallions generate excitement, ensure active bidding at the auction, and sire top quality foals—foals that can win in any show arena in the country and who will be valuable breeding horses in the future. As breeders, we understand that the decisions we make today shape the future of the Arabian horse breed. We want to do everything we possibly can to ensure that the future is bright. In an effort to support the Spotlight Stallions, we allow the stallion owners who donate a breeding, the chance to nominate one of their own foals or sell the breeding to help recoup some of the investment.

“The Spotlight Futurity offers seven halter classes including the Auction Futurity for yearling fillies and colts, and the Spotlight Futurity for yearlings through 2 years of age. In 2013, we will be adding a fourth judge, one with extensive halter expertise, to our panel exclusively for the futurity halter classes. We believe that this is just one more value that our Spotlight Program gives to our exhibitors as they all prepare to compete for the big payouts. Everyone needs to be given the best setting to show their horses and feel as though the people who are judging them are the most qualified in the country!

“In 2013, the club is looking forward to introducing the “Stallions Of Distinction.” There will be a cash prize for the high-point sires of the show, which is a tangible way to support the stallion owners who support the Spotlight Stallion program. We are also working to include another informative and entertaining educational seminar. Last year the subject was judging; this coming year we will welcome world-famous equine photographer Scott Trees and his highly acclaimed presentation titled, “Because Of The Arabian.” Our goal is to inspire ownership of Arabian horses, and Scott’s work showcases the beauty and unique character of the breed.” “Region 12 Vice Director, as well as Spotlight Event and Marketing Director, Janet Searls shared some important information about the upcoming event. “The Spotlight Futurity runs in conjunction with the Region 12 Show, which is scheduled for May 6-9, 2013. The Spotlight Stallion Auction

“In addition, there are six Performance Futurity classes; three Open western, hunt, and country English pleasure for horses 3 and 4 years of age with professional or amateur riders, and three Amateur Futurity classes in western, hunt, and country English pleasure for horses 5 years of age with all amateurs to ride. “Every year the Futurity program is growing. In 2012, the futurity prize money was over $148,000.00, and 2013 will show another significant increase.” 

To obtain the data used in calculating the Top Ten lists for Leading Sires and Leading Breeders of futurity winners, the following shows were contacted: Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, AHBA Las Vegas World Cup, Region 12 Spotlight Futurity, Ohio Buckeye Sweepstakes, Iowa Gold Star, Minnesota Fall Fest, Arabian Breeder Finals, the Canadian Nationals, and the U.S. Nationals. Only futurity classes were considered. Volume 43, No. 7 | 157

2 0 1 2 L e a d i n g S i r e o f F u t u r i t y H a lt e r Wi n n e r s


Dominic M MPA GIovanni MS Enchanted PA Kadre Phire Angel

Priceless Da Vinci Promise WRR Rohara Crown Prince Rohara Daniella Rohara Martina

Serafina FM Solavita Spartacus RA Vitale FM Voltaire FM

Winning at U.S. National Futurities, Scottsdale Futurities, Iowa Gold Star Futurity, Region 12 Spotlight Futurity and MN Arabian Horse Breeders Futurity.

Owned by and Standing at Gemini Acres equine Jim and Sally Bedeker | 480-513-1246 For Sales, Contact: Chris Barter | 602-501-9877 or Victor Ricigliano | 612-328-1639

w w w. G e m i n i A c r e s E q u i n e . c o m 158 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Versace x Full Moon Astar

Volume 43, No. 7 | 159

Our Future with Futurity PrO Pr Ograms is lOO lOO OOking king bright!

160 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Over $70,000 earned in 2012! Available For Purchase

Brass star

rJ ames

Brass x CB Shining Star+

Brass x Toi Jabaska

ames Heart tHroB A Noble Cause x Glamorize

royal toi CrF Matoi x Royal Starina

mr ames CrF Brass x Toi Jabaska

toi FaBulous CrF Matoi x Fantasy Watch

2 0 3 3 5 S a w m i l l R o a d | Po s t O f f i c e B o x 8 | J o r d a n , M N 5 5 3 5 2 | 9 5 2 - 4 9 2 - 6 5 9 0

w w w. C e d a r- r i d g e . C o m Volume 43, no. 7 | 161

It's about Vision. It's about Quality. It's about Results. At Maroon Fire Arabians and Shea Stables, we take our breeding program seriously, and it is a common vision that brings us and other breeders together to produce the talented performance horse. Over the years, we've been fortunate to serve the Arabian horse industry and our many customers with unsurpassed excellence on every level, and we would like you to join us as well. We invite you to come visit and share our vision.


MHR Nobility x RY Fire Ghazi, by El Ghazi

Young performance prospects now available. 162 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Dave & Gail Liniger Tim & Marty Shea, winners of 2012 USEF Breeders Of The Year



Huckleberry Bey x Autumn Fire, by *Bask

All-Time Leading Sire of National Winners.

Maroon Fire Arabians ~ Dave & Gail Liniger • Standing at Shea Stables ~ 810.329.6392

Volume 43, No. 7 | 163

Minnesota Arabian 32 classes...

Over $250,000 Awarded in 2012

Marvellous Xceptshahn

(Marwan Al Magnifficoo x WC Xceptshahnal) Anna, Robert and Roseanne Wiechmann 2012 Auction Colt/Gelding Champion

Mosaic V

(Marwan Al Magnifficoo x Misti Morn V) Varian Arabians 2012 Medallion Colt/Gelding Champion

Sweet Tease

(Marhaabah x Temptation T) Steve and Darla Miles 2012 Auction Filly Champion

Farah La Magnifficaa

(Marwan Al Magnifficoo x Bella Sera PVF) Amanda Solie 2012 Medallion Filly Champion

Take a ChanCe, have a ChanCe 164 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Horse Breeders Make Your Plans For 2013! A NOBLE CAUSE































































































Breed To one oF These

Medallion sTallions We paid out over $250K in 2012. Expect more in 2015 ! Nomination forms at

Volume 43, No. 7 | 165


Sundance Kid V x Verginia by Versace

Desperado V x Sweet Shalimar V

166 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Always A Jullyen V x BP Meditation Bey

Owned by Carole Ann Van Dyke

*Jullyen El Jamaal x

Amazing Grace V

Always A Jullyen V x Lily Dancer V by Sundance Kid V

Sundance Kid V x Kharrea PGA

Frank & Sara Chisholm • 4506 Langston Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 • Phone: 843.346.5874 Contact breeding manager Melissa Bradshaw at 843.346.5874 •

Check out all this news and more on our new website! Volume 43, No. 7 | 167

MSU Flaming Fire x Miz Margeaux V (Dam is a full sister to Hucklebey Berry) 2012 REGION 12 SPOTLIGHT FUTURITY CHAMPION ENGLISH PLEASURE 3-4 YEARS-OLD Sold to Cathy Vincent

Marhaabah x RJM Fathyma, by Pyro Thyme SA 2012 REGION 12 SPOTLIGHT FUTURITY CHAMPION YEARLING FILLY Owned by Victoria Arabians

Available For Purchase

Sundance Kid V x PA Florenza, by Wizjon 2012 REGION 12 SPOTLIGHT FUTURITY CHAMPION WESTERN PLEASURE 5 YEARS-OLD Owned by Beth & Ann Stover

168 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Proud to be listed by the Arabian Horse Times as a Leading Futurity Breeder!

IXL Noble Express x Balquelotta V, by Camelot V 2012 U.S. NATIONAL TOP TEN ENGLISH PLEASURE FUTURITY Owned by Victoria Arabians

Available For Purchase

Michelle Watson & Cliff McCurdy 15625 NW Highway 318 • Williston, Florida 32696 Phone 352.528.6914 • W W W. V I C T O R I A A R A B I A N S . C O M

Volume 43, No. 7 | 169

Maybelline CA Noble Way x Abeline

2012 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Futurity with Tom Theisen

Glory Stealer++// Heir To Glory x Callaways Anythings Possible 2012 Canadian National Reserve Champion Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR 18-39 with Rachel Enns

18080 Cty 2 • Chatfield, MN 55923 507-867-2981 • 507-202-4440 • 507-867-0060 barn or Tom Theisen at 404-304-9955

170 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Proximus CA

Afire Bey V x DA Triffire

2012 Canadian National Reserve Champion Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse with Tom Theisen

B red to Move You.

Glory Got Game Heir To Glory x Savirene B 2012 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Show Hack with Tom Theisen Available for purchase

Conway Arabians Volume 43, No. 7 | 171

THE 2012 NUMBER ONE SIRE OF REINING FUTURITY WINNERS ... Hesa Zee+/ was 4th overall as a Futurity Sire and the ONLY reining sire in the 2012 TOP TEN! The best producing son of the great Xenophonn, leading all-time sire of Working Western Arabians, Hesa Zee+// ended the season with 9 Futurity Winners and 4 Champions.

HESA ZEE+// is the sire of

purebred and Half-Arabian Futurity Winners that have won over $100,000 in prize money to date!

left to right: 2012 U.S. Nat’l Top Ten, Lady Muscana, Minnesota Fall Fest Res Champ Western Jr Horse, Hesa Fire Walker, Canadian Nat’l Res Champ and U.S. Nat’l Top Ten Reining, EAF Pepper, and U.S. Nat’l Champ Reining Prime Time Non Pro AAO, Art By Hesa

Eleanors Arabian Farm Eleanor Hamilton 1-800-328-9923 763-767-1381 172 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Pa r t i e s ★ F o o d ★ H o r s e s

auction ★ Prize Money ★ Fun

Don’ t Miss It!

w w w.goldstar Volume 43, No. 7 | 173



FEBRUARY 14 - 24, 2013

AT W EST W O RLD Each year, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show draws more than 2,200

Arizona and neighboring states. In contrast, the 2012 show featured

of the world's finest Arabian and half-Arabian horses for a week of

exhibitors from all 50 states and 12 foreign countries.

thrilling competition in pursuit of the coveted “Scottsdale Champion” title. T hese magnificent animals and their owners gather from around the world to compete for more than $1,000,000 in prizes in more than 640 colorful classes.

Following the inaugural event, Arabian horse owner Ann McCormick bought 150 acres of land near Bell Road that became Paradise Park, the new site of the Arabian Horse Show. Due to the amazing success of the event, it outgrew Paradise Park in the mid-1980s and moved on to

T he 58th Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show will take place at

WestWorld of Scottsdale, a newly developed, much larger facility that proved to be the perfect locale for

the City of Scottsdale’s WestWorld,

this incredibly popular show.

February 14-24, 2013. T he largest event of its kind in the world, the

Each year the Scottsdale Arabian

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Horse Show raises thousands of

routinely attracts hundreds of

dollars for local charities. Some that

thousands of spectators. In addition

have benefited from recent shows


include the March of Dimes, Cox

exciting competitions,


parties, educational seminars and an


international cuisine court, the event


features more than 300 vendors and

more than fifty years, the Arabian

Distress Fund.

and For

been a supporter of charitable

from lavish jewelry, clothing and

organizations and will continue to

works of art to boots, saddles and

support such endeavors this year.

gifts. Guests also can stroll the exotically


Horse Association of Arizona has

trade booths, offering everything



Club members estimate that over the


years, more than 100 charities have

stabling areas in which the horses are





the event.

Although it’s a grand event today, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Sonoran Desert, the

had very modest beginnings. It all started in 1953 when horse fancier

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is a must-see event that is perfect for

Ed Tweed stopped by the stable of Pearl Grey Clyde, the first person

the whole family. Join us in Scottsdale next February and watch these

to bring a purebred Arabian horse to the Valley of the Sun. At that

magnificent horses compete!

meeting, Tweed proclaimed that he would bring together all Arabian horse owners in Arizona and start an Arabian Horse Association. Two

Tickets to the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show can be purchased

years later, the inaugural Arabian Horse Show was held at the Arizona

through TicketMaster. Tel: 800.745.3000. For more information on the

Biltmore Resort. T he event was organized by an all-volunteer group

show and for local Arabian farm listings, visit the Arabian Horse

and consisted of 50 horses and just over a dozen exhibitors, all from

Association of Scottsdale’s website. Convention & Visitors Bureau

PO Box 13865, Scottsdale, AZ 85267 * 480.515.1500 (O) * 480.515.1122 (F) *

Photo courtsey of, and

174 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

E X P E R I E N C E photo courtesy of Darryl Larson *


ferrara photos

"The Spotlight Program is proud to offer this unique Futurity that so importantly rewards the breeders of today. As director and president of the Spotlight Committee, breeders have our unwavering commitment to offer creative marketing resources, recreational venues and most of all, a worldwide stage to present the excellence of the Arabian Horse.� ~ Frank Hennessey

176 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Photos by Brandy

Not only, is the winning Auction bidder granted the chance for over $144,000.00 in prize money ... ... the stallion owner is also entitled to their own Auction entry!

ferrara photos

For information contact Janet Searls 757-435-7480 • Email:

Volume 43, No. 7 | 177





BROCHURE in february

Annual brochure distributed all year long • 2013 Enrolled Stallions • Latest news from AEPA

Call today to reserve your advertising space for your AEPA Enrolled Sire 800-248-4637 • Tony Bergren 952-492-4542

178 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

for sale by owner

Bald Hill Ranch Lufkin, Texas

Equine Paradise 80 spectacular acres located in the heart of Deep East Texas! Perfect location for a training facility or dream home for any horse enthusiast.

Elegantly Appointed Home 5 Bedroom / 3.5 Bath, 3,275 sq ft Split floorplan with open concept. Gourmet kitchen with professional grade appliances. Covered patios, in-ground pool, professionally landscaped.

State of the Art Facility 20,000 sq ft covered arena with Big Ass fans & sprinklers. 2 barns with 34 horse stalls & separate enclosed shop. Two apartments, storage & tack rooms. Newly drilled water well serves entire facility.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call Paul Clark (936) 414-9564 or email

Priced at $1,199,000.00 bank financing available Volume 43, No. 7 | 179

Step By Step to a

Brighter Future

Promoting Positive Change—Community Outreach by Lori Davisson This year’s U.S. Nationals was arguably one of the most positive that our breed has seen in years. Excitement and encouragement for our Promoting Positive Change (P+C) group has been very promising. Following this buzz out of Tulsa, our rapidly growing Facebook® group was contacted by the Arabian Horse Association staff to host a meeting at the AHA Convention in Denver, Colo.! Although we felt very honored to be asked, the group administrators were not sure that we were quite ready to host an open meeting. We did feel confident in leading a discussion on “Community Outreach,” as long as one of us could be there to lead it. One of the admins, Stacey Dunn, would be attending the 2012 Convention, and this area is very close to her heart. The other group admins agreed that it would work for her to hold this informal meeting. When Stacey began, she prepared an agenda and handouts for 30 people. With the Convention having roughly 300 delegates, the thought was that a 10 percent turnout would be great. When the Promoting Positive Change meeting actually started, we had almost 100 attendees! People really wanted to hear our message! There were delegates, AHA staff, club presidents,

“AHA developed the TAIL (Total Arabian Interaction and Learning) program as a grassroots promotional tool for groups to offer tours during a show. Individuals, barns, clubs, regions, show commissions and almost any other group can host a TAIL event.”

180 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

amateurs, trainers, regional directors and other Arabian horse enthusiasts who were eager to learn and share their experiences. Stacey facilitated the discussion for all who were in attendance. For our talking points, we wanted to stick to a few main areas to help everyone understand what they could do to help with community outreach—the TAIL program and horse fair promotion. Both of these ideas can be done at the local level and are easily adaptable for any group or event. AHA developed the TAIL (Total Arabian Interaction and Learning) program as a grassroots promotional tool for groups to offer tours during a show. Individuals, barns, clubs, regions, show commissions and almost any other group can host a TAIL event. The traditional format consists of a two-hour program; one hour is spent touring the grounds, and one hour is spent watching classes at a

show with a knowledgeable tour guide. Local barns that are attending the event need to be contacted and requested to be a TAIL Tour stop. When planning the tour, keep in mind that you can safely schedule two to three barn visits during that hour. It is best to begin the tours at the stall of a very understanding Arabian horse! Find one that will tolerate 15 to 30 (maximum) people petting, poking, talking loudly and asking lots of questions. Stacey has some good advice on how to get the word out about the tours, too. Advertise on websites and contact home school groups, Girl and Boy Scouts, Big Brother/ Sister organizations, 4-H, FFA, Senior Centers, Chambers of Commerce, business organizations and radio stations. Do not forget to contact newspapers and local network television channels. Be sure that you request RSVPs. If you are not sure how many people will attend, it makes it hard to plan. Prepare “goody bags” for all attendees. You might be able to get local stores or even the barns to donate things (key chains, pins, posters, etc.). There are fun, free activities on AHA’s website: parts of the horse, word searches, and other activity sheets. Always include the local club or show’s logo on these items. It will make it easier to remember who to contact when attendees want to buy their first horse! You should always try to schedule tours when classes are going on in the show arena. It is great if one of the horses that the people met on the tour is showing while they are there. The visitors will feel a sense of connection to the show. They will cheer for the horse and may make it a point to come back to see it show again! If there is anything else fun going on at the show, make sure to let the attendees know. Inspire them to come back after the tour and have even more fun.

“Breed promotion is imperative to the current and future success of our industry. If we can expose our beautiful, intelligent horses to new people, the horses will sell themselves!” The key to a successful event is to do your homework, to plan in advance, and to work with AHA. There is a wealth of information available to you through our parent organization. There are two great pop-up booths that can be borrowed, as well as beautiful brochures and informational handouts. All of these can be obtained just for the cost of shipping. Since the horses are the main event, be sure to screen your participating horses carefully. A seasoned show horse is not always the automatic candidate for an appearance in front of 14,000 very loud non-horse people. The fairs are three to five days of intense schedules and limited warmups, with very little down time. It can be hard on the horses and the volunteers! When thinking about breed promotion, we must realize that it is up to us here at home. Yes, you, reading this article! AHA simply has neither the staff nor the budget to really organize promotion at the very basic level. AHA can help us through ways mentioned previously, but it is ultimately up to us to put in the effort at all levels of the market.

Be sure the show announcer makes a point of welcoming the tour groups. Not only is it a great gesture for your guests, it also lets the exhibitors know that there are some special visitors on hand. You can even hand out “pretend” score cards to let the TAIL visitors judge the class. TAIL tours can lead to Arabian horse ownership, and what else could we ask for!

Breed promotion is imperative to the current and future success of our industry. If we can expose our beautiful, intelligent horses to new people, the horses will sell themselves! TAIL programs and the fairs are an excellent way to do that. The responsibility can seem overwhelming, but it is one of the goals of this group, along with Stacey’s help, to make that task seem less daunting.

Stacey next helped to facilitate a discussion regarding the Arabian presence at major horse fairs and expos in North America. Many visitors are looking for a breed or group where they can belong. It is up to us to make that connection be one that involves the Arabian horse. Helping promote the breed at these events will be very rewarding if the legwork is done properly from the beginning.

Stacey Dunn is one of the administrators for the Facebook® Group, Promoting Positive Change for the Arabian Breed. She has been organizing some of the most successful TAIL programs in the Midwest and has been co-chairing the Region 10 Arabian Horse presence at the Midwest Horse Fair for over 20 years. Stacey is more than willing to help anyone get started in either of these areas. She can be emailed at

Planning for these events can be slightly more daunting than planning a TAIL Tour. It is often a large commitment of time and funding. Budget is extremely important to keep in mind. You will have expenses for insurance, stalls, shavings, hotels, meals, decorating and promotional set up. You never know what other expenses may pop up, either. The appearance of your display needs to be neat, clean, precise, and may need to fit a theme dictated by the fair.

Lori Davisson is a second generation horse owner who fell in love with the Arabian breed more than 30 years ago. She has been involved in her club, the Northern Illinois Arabian Horse Activity Club, for many years. She has shown at all levels in the Arabian show circuit and is dedicated to helping keep AHA strong. Lori has been married to her supportive husband, Dan, for 24 years, has a son Kyle who is an Outdoor Education major at Western State Colorado University, and a daughter, Stephanie, who, after graduating from the University of Kentucky, now trains Arabian horses for Lamb Show Horses in Elma, Wash.n Volume 43, No. 7 | 181

The Evolution Of An Arabian Horseman

Josh Quintus by mary Kirkman

Cadillac Coy, Jazzarado and Shampaine.

Josh Quintus was a senior in high school, a veteran of horse shows with an impressive array of awards and even some Arabian national championships, when he turned to his mother and said, “i’d really like to be an Arabian horse trainer.” 182 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Josh Quintus ruth Quintus counseled a reality check. “Josh, you know, you’ll need to have some other schooling too. There are very few Arabian horse trainers that really make a good living from training horses. You have to be exceptional.” she recalls the incident now. “He stopped and looked at me and said, ‘What makes you think i’m not going to be one of those special trainers?’” nearly three decades have passed since then, and as it turns out, Quintus is one of those headline names. He has owned a national reputation for more than 20 years, has enough trophies to last him a lifetime, and enjoys the respect of his peers. “i have never heard anybody say, ‘i just don’t like that Josh Quintus,’” observes his friend and fellow horseman, Jody strand. “in this business, that says a lot.” Talk to Quintus and you are likely to encounter a teasing wit with a selfdeprecating view of himself—unless you are taking a lesson from him, in which case he has been known to yell and be way too blunt for the faint-of-heart. in between, his friends say, there is the salt of the earth. He is the boy who was brought up by parents who saw to his principles, the kid who lived and breathed horses but sang the lead in his high school production of “oklahoma,” who even played football until its schedule clashed with the U.s. nationals. (“He’s a quarterback?” his mother exclaimed when his father reported in. “Well, he has to be,” Jim Quintus replied blandly. “He can’t run.”) it was an all-American childhood, neither poor nor privileged, and distinguished mostly by the reasoned support of his parents, who took his dreams seriously but expected him to work for them. Looking back, Quintus is clear about how it all started. He couldn’t have done it without his father, but it was his mother who was the real culprit. “Her love for the Arabian horse,” he says simply, “is why i love Arabian horses.”

The Quintus family: Josh, Joel, Ruth and Jim.

Molly Stapleton, with Quintus and Redd Barron.

Half-Arabian Redd Barron (Sir Gazon x Ridgefield’s Flight). Volume 43, no. 7 | 183

The Kid On The Flying Horses Josh Quintus was born in Garner, iowa, in 1965. His father was a farmer at the time, so he was aware of horses early on (he and his brother Joel rode ponies that he calls “little terrorists”), but the family’s Arabians were what caught his imagination. A physical therapist, ruth had owned Arabians or Half-Arabians since her graduation from school; occasionally, she would tell her son about watching some of the breed’s ‘name’ professionals train horses. one, he remembers, was Lee Caldwell at Tish Hewitt’s Friendship Farm. in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the family began purchasing horses from ed and Vivian strand, and breeding to the strands’ stallions, which introduced Josh to their boy Jody. When the two trainers say now that their friendship dates to their childhood, they are not kidding. In 1982, a high school junior with his trophy collection: a U.S. National Reserve Championship, three Canadian National Reserves, and an array of state 4-H Show wins.

Their early Arabian experience, Jody strand notes, was exciting. “my parents bred niga and G-Amigo,” he recalls. “They were really typey, beautiful horses, but they were hotter than a pistol. Until we starting riding horses of other bloodlines, Josh and i didn’t even know there were Arabians who were quieter.” He laughs. “We just thought they were all that energetic and ran the stall 24 hours a day. To this day, i think if there are two people that can ride a nervous horse or a hot horse and get it around the arena and not think it’s that big a deal, it’s Josh and i.” Quintus’ early Arabian experience took a different route from that of most of his contemporaries; instead of main ring showing, he was interested in jumping, so ruth signed him up with minnesota horsewoman molly stapleton (now molly stanley) to hone his skills. stapleton was enthusiastic. At an early show, she asked Josh to warm up over a few jumps, and ruth remembers her comment as she watched her young student: “oh, man,” she murmured, “what a kid.” in the next few years, “the kid” won so many 4-H championships that no matter how nice he was, the other kids sometimes didn’t speak to him after a show. And at the class A shows, he and stapleton often divided up the prizes.

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ruth recalls a moment in Josh’s childhood, when her son had been winning all the neighborhood and

Josh Quintus county fair shows, and they moved up to tougher competition. “on the way there, i said to him, ‘Josh, you’ve been a big frog in a little pond, and that’s not the case tonight. You’re going to be a little frog in a big pond.’ And then he came home with all these trophies and ribbons, and as we were walking back, he said, ‘mom, how big is the pond now?’” in 1977, when Josh was 12, stapleton sold them redd baron, who had been the 1976 U.s. national Champion Hunter over Fences. The chestnut gelding came from old Crabbet bloodlines that Quintus admits he had never heard of. “redd baron was nothing like an Arabian horse,” he says. “He was about 15.1, kind of coarse-boned and plain-headed, with big round feet.” but could he jump! With redd baron, Quintus attended his first national show in 1980 (he still remembers the family’s two-horse trailer and little camper, parked next to a battery of shiny streamliner vans). The following year was more notable; he won the Canadian national Championship in jumping on a mare named raba naa—and uniquely, on redd baron, he won the reserve national championship as well, after enduring a jump-off with himself.

Ahlan Emerah, 1982 U.S. National Champion in Half-Arabian Jumping.

molly stapleton was Quintus’ first mentor, but not his only one during those years. ruth Quintus took him to anyone who could further his equine education. one was an internationallyrenowned horseman who had ridden on the swiss olympic team, Johann (“Hans”) senn. “my whole idea at the time was to ride on the olympic team,” Quintus says, and adds that he learned a lot in his four years with senn, who was a strict disciplinarian. but according to ruth, when the acclaimed horseman once snapped that he “hated Arabians,” her son moved on. senn had done him a favor, though. When they discussed Josh’s dream of the olympics, the trainer was blunt. “How wealthy are you?” he asked them. “Unless this kid can afford to have two $100,000 jumpers, he’ll never be more than a groom. my advice is that he stay with the Arabian horses.” other inf luences in those years were Cathy Cortright, who worked with him in hunt seat equitation, Debbie Kemp, who specialized in open jumping and

Mi-Monti (Mr Mc Coy x Sinn Lynette), 1982 Canadian National Champion Hunter.

MC Gorgeousgeorge (KJ Serageorge x Jullah). Quintus started and trained him to two Canadian National Top Tens in Jumping. Volume 43, no. 7 | 185

Redd Barron

hunt equitation, and Anne Gilquist, who schooled him in dressage. Cortright thought he would be good for madison square Garden’s prestigious maclay Finals, but the money thing got in the way again. it would have required that the family lease a horse for him—to the tune of $50,000. it is worth noting that there were times—quiet times that perhaps Quintus, as a youngster, knew nothing about—that revealed the depth of his parents’ understanding of who he was and what he had a chance to do. ruth recalls that her husband was unquestionably the head of the house, but she exercised “a little inf luence.” At one point, when Josh really wanted a particular horse, he pressed his mother to plead his case. At first, Jim Quintus was skeptical. “‘A year from now, he might not even be interested in showing horses,’” she remembers him saying. “And i said, ‘That’s right.’ He said, ‘Well, why are you pushing this?’ And i said, ‘You have to have faith in the child. if this is what he really wants to do, and we say no, then maybe we’ve destroyed something.’” 186 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

And there was the time in the mid-1970s when the senior Quintus, who had given up farming to attend bible college, had to select a new career path. Jim brief ly considered working in international missions, and one of the reasons he chose another direction was that leaving the country would have ended his son’s dreams of horsemanship. The result was that Josh Quintus continued to develop what would be a lifetime commitment. The first time he had ever been in a training barn other than the strands’ was when he was a young member of 4-H; his club had purchased a series of one-day clinics at meadow Hill stables, and he attended, watching trainer Dick Kiesner work with horses. (He was vaguely aware that one of the people helping Kiesner was a boy named Joel, but there wasn’t much time to talk.) Then, from the age of 15 on, he had his own small training operation at home, where he worked horses as well as showed them. in addition to his jumping titles, he earned top tens and a couple of national reserve championships in hunt seat equitation. Jody strand remembers him during those days. “He was

Josh Quintus aggressive,” strand says. “He was going like a madman, just to break his own record on a different horse.” even so, the time was coming when Quintus knew he would have to choose between riding jumpers and a career in Arabians. He recalls clearly the feeling of being a second-class citizen at that 1980 U.s. nationals because he rode over fences—although, he is quick to point out, it was fun to be in the group of hunt/ jump riders who were competing at the time, which included nicki mcGinness, Wendy Griffith (now Potts), and Joyce Thomas, among others. They all had to ride open, as there was no JoTr competition, and he was thrilled to be a top ten. nevertheless, there was no escaping that the hot divisions were english, western and halter.

(as Josh tells it, his mother specified something “that could be done from a wheelchair, because i’ve seen you ride”). He chose accounting, but anxious to get on with training, he opted to go to the two-year minnesota school of business. in a display of problem solving that suited both his parents and himself, he reasoned that if he needed to get a full four-year degree, it would be a natural sequence to transfer his credits to the University of minnesota later. While he was going to school, he got on with his training career, taking a part-time job at Georgene Holasek’s rock isle Arabians, home to Fire Chief and

And then there was the Lasma phenomenon. in the early 1980s, he watched all the young assistant trainers there hit the big time, earning fat salaries and driving fancy cars, and he envied them. “i didn’t think about whether there was any work behind it,” he grins now. “i thought it was all about riding $100,000 horses and having grooms put them in the trailer for you.” in the end, his decision to stay in Arabians but change his focus involved not only his love for the breed, but also an innate business sense. “You had to look at the marketing side of things,” he says. “There was a smaller number of people doing jumping. A much larger number wanted to do the pleasure horses. To be in the Arabian world of hunter/jumpers, you had to just be satisfied with what you had—and that wasn’t my plan. every time i do something, i want to be as good as i possibly can be. i want to go as far as i can go with it. i wanted to stay in Arabians, so i had to get into western and english.”

The Journeyman Trainer When Quintus graduated from high school with the career goal of training horses, his parents were on board, but they required that he get a college degree

Ahlan Emerah, known as “Honey”.

the young stallion Alada baskin. At the time, Alada baskin was being shown by rick moser, who had just transferred from rohara to Colonial Wood, in Arlington, Texas. in a move prophetic of what was to come, Holasek sent Quintus to Colonial Wood to learn to be a halter trainer. And when moser recommended that Alada baskin be broken to ride, Quintus got the assignment. “right away, Alada baskin threw me off into the shavings pile,” he recalls wryly. His next stop was with Judy Jensen, where he worked mostly Arabians and saddlebreds. now, he notes how he learned on the job. “You know how to drive?” Jensen said to him when he started, and he Volume 43, no. 7 | 187

Padron Perfection, 1988 Canadian National Reserve Champion.

lied brazenly, “oh, sure.” “back then, i never said no—not ever,” he says. “if i hadn’t done it before, i was going to figure out how to do it. You never say no, because you’re starving; as a young trainer, you don’t get customers with multiple horses to put in training. You train anything that pays for a stall.” in 1986, he graduated from the minnesota school of business and opened his own barn, which put his education to work right away—but, he grins, that might not be the best example of what he had learned. “i think i was one of the few people who actually made up a business plan and forgot that i hadn’t bought any grain yet. The person who ended up not eating was me.” it was a grueling time; he did all the work, coming in from the

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barn at 10 or 11 p.m., only to return when the sun rose. His brother Joel came to help out until he could muster enough money to hire a groom. As time went on, Quintus leased a facility and quickly learned a lesson: at that point in his career, he should have leased stalls, not a whole farm. And then there was the broadside that hit everyone. “Who knew ronald reagan would change the tax laws?” he says. “i was 21 and broke. i had about 10 horses in training. so a young guy who was training horses next door came over and worked.” That was Ted Carson, then in his late teens. in the mid-1980s, it was tough doing business. everything was about sales, as owners f led the

Josh Quintus industry that no longer enjoyed lucrative tax breaks. The horses, overpriced earlier in the decade, were not easy to unload. “it’s easy to sell a great horse,” Quintus points out, “but they don’t come along that often. i’ve found that the really nice horses can be hard to sell, because people want the great ones. sometimes the very nice ones are more fun to ride; they just don’t win as many prizes.” He learned something about himself. “i’m a horrible sales person,” he observes, “and the reason why is that i’m not willing to say what i don’t believe.” over the years, he has dealt with that by laying out goals with his clients and being honest with them from the beginning. His next stop was Don and Pat Larson’s meadow Hill stables, and then, in 1988, he moved on to Kansas City to work for the beethe family. “Their barn was full—very busy—and i got to ride a lot of horses in a lot of different divisions,” he says. He also got to do a lot of showing, a whistle stop campaign of regionals that included 6, 8, 9 and 11.

To his surprise, he recognized one of the faces peering over a stall door at him. When he had been at meadow Hill, the Larsons had asked him to train a young mare to be an english horse, but he had concluded that she would be better in western. He and ruth had offered $3,500 for mi-Tiffany, and when he moved to the beethes’, she went with him. “At scottsdale that year i showed a customer’s horse in the junior class, so i put her in open (she was only 4, but at that time you didn’t have to have them in a hackamore). she was top ten at scottsdale, and we sold her to Kevin mcbride in south Carolina. That was in 1989. Fast forward, and at White rock, there she stood. stan had bought her at nationals for an amateur western horse.” However, White’s client had not ridden the mare, so White went on showing her—and one year later, Quintus had just watched the pair win their first national championship. (before she quit showing in 1994, she logged five national championships in open with stan and one in amateur with his wife, Kathy.)

“When we went to region 9, all the people from Texas i’d seen in the magazines were there, all the top trainers,” he says. “i really felt like small fish in big pond.” He pursued his usual strategy. “never let them see you sweat!”

“stan did his normal deal with her,” Quintus says, “which is that everything just glides—everything is as smooth as could be. And that is one of the few horses that i can say, if she was to lope down a concrete street, you wouldn’t hear her. she was just a very gifted athlete, and there was no argument in her. He brought everything out that was good with her.”

Quintus learned a lot during that time and met a lot of people. He also strengthened his acquaintance with many, including stan White Jr., whose White rock Arabians had become a force on the national scene. in 1990, White offered him a job.

How did he feel about seeing his protégé so successful with another trainer? “i was definitely proud of the fact that i was the one who picked that mare out and that i could be part of her training,” he says. “And i didn’t screw up!”

Although he had won a national reserve championship (Canada, 1988, with a mare named Padron Perfection), Quintus knew he still had a lot to learn. “There was no question i wanted to watch stan ride,” he says. “so, i packed all my stuff into a trailer and drove down.” He still remembers arriving late in the evening and walking through White’s barn, where he would stable the one horse he’d brought with him. “it was unreal. They had low security lights on, so everything was in a little bit of a shadow, and i was walking down the barn aisle looking at the pedigrees on the doors—and oh, my. spotsdale was there, and madison and on and on and on.”

He threw himself into his work—and into his education as a trainer. “At that time, not many people were riding on a draped rein, moving the horse off your leg,” he says. “moving them off the reins and not picking your hand up was something that only a few people could do. stan did, and that was what i wanted to do.” Quintus always has been strong in several divisions of the show ring—now he specializes in western, hunter, and the english disciplines—but if there was a time that his reputation began its close association with Volume 43, no. 7 | 189

Shampaine (Alada Baskin x Shana Bey), 1997 Canadian National Champion Western Pleasure Junior Horse and U.S. National Reserve. 190 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Josh Quintus western, it was at White rock. There he developed into a strong member of the team, and by the time he left two years later, he was pretty much White’s number two man. The opportunities, he says, were amazing; it was a sizeable training operation, and it was turning out stars one after another in all kinds of classes. “it didn’t seem like it would ever quit,” he observes. “The horses there were great; the ones we got to work with were phenomenal.” even so, in 1992, it was time to move again. “mike Villaseñor had just been hired as sales manager at Colonial Wood,” Quintus recalls. rick moser was still there, and the farm, long an industry powerhouse, boasted a top-of-the-line facility. Quintus was to take over the performance division, while moser directed the halter horses. “Colonial Wood, in August 1992, was everything i’d ever dreamed about,” he says. The only trouble was, it didn’t last long. Five months later, Villaseñor and moser took him to lunch and asked him if he’d heard the rumors. “What rumors?” Quintus countered. “i hardly leave the barn.” As it turned out, owners Paul and Dody Wood were closing their operation. in the end, moser and Quintus were allowed to remain at the facility at their cost—but then, a year later, moser left to train for rojo Arabians, and Quintus was on his own.

looking thing,” the trainer recalls. He resolved to let the colt grow up—but then he discovered that the colt was bound for Florida, to be evaluated by moser and sold. Quintus, who felt shampaine had more potential even than medal bey, f lipped. “What will you take today for him?” he demanded of Paul Wood. “Give me $6,000 today,” Wood replied. “i’ll be there in 10 minutes,” Quintus said, and drained his bank account. As a 3-year-old of 1996, shampaine was named a Canadian national Top Ten Futurity Colt, and shown by Quintus’ then-wife, added the U.s. and Canadian national Championships in stallion AoTH. Quintus went on to win the snaff le bit Futurity (then a separate show) with him, and in 1997, shampaine was Canadian national Champion Western Pleasure Junior horse and U.s. national reserve Champion. And then there was the gelding Jazzarado, with whom he won the Canadian national reserve Championship in 1995. in 1997, the same year he went reserve in the junior class with shampaine, Quintus won the U.s. and Canadian national Championships in Western Pleasure on Jazzarado. The third was Cadillac Coy; the Half-Arabian gelding

Building A Reputation being responsible for a large facility was not the biggest challenge of Quintus’ life in the 1990s. That would come later. He and moser had had a business plan, and he knew that he could carry on alone, although he wouldn’t be getting rich at it. in the meantime, he was showing horses who were expanding his reputation at the national level. in the latter half of the 1990s, he had a trio of western pleasure mounts that put his name up in lights. one was shampaine, who had been a yearling in Paul Wood’s pasture when Quintus saw him. Quintus was fresh off winning the 1994 Canadian national Championship in Western Pleasure Junior on medal bey, a gelding by medalion and out of the bey shah daughter, shana bey; the yearling was shana bey’s 1993 Alada baskin colt. “He was a great big, tall, ugly-

Bentlee (Medalion x Basks Maria), 1993 U.S. National Top Ten in Park.

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Mighty Aphrodite (Heritage Emir x Precious Property), 1999 U.S. National winners of the Half-Arabian English Pleasure Futurity.

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Josh Quintus developed stif le trouble right before the 1997 Canadian nationals, so he netted only a top ten, but he was on his game at the U.s. nationals, where he was named the unanimous (among five judges) U.s. national Champion in Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Junior. Looking back at that time, Quintus sees it for what it was. in 1997 alone, out of eight major western pleasure titles, he had accounted for four and been reserve in another. “You can’t help but get a feeling that you can’t get beat,” he concedes. but like everyone else who has been through it, he came to accept that even for a skilled trainer, the level of success ebbs and flows, and it wasn’t so much that his training changed for the better or worse. “every now and then, you have all the stars, the best horses you’ve had in the last five, six, seven years, all in their prime. Then some horses sell, and in our case, one also got sick.” Within a year of that white-hot season, he was facing a battery of challenges. it started with a divorce; he went from training 25 horses and sharing management of a barn to a string of 40 horses and sole administrative responsibility. “i had never managed that many people or horses before,” he says, “and i had never done the secretarial bit.” explaining the horse business to a new secretary, while at the same time maintaining all his horses, was, he recalls, nearly impossible.

That is where Jennifer Wilson, who would become his wife, entered the picture. Her family owned marbu Arabians, best known for the sensational Half-Arabian park pony marbu misty, and she was a granddaughter of well-known horseman buford neeley. she had ridden with Texas trainer Kent Caldwell as a youngster, and was helping her friend Karen Caldwell, in the Houston area, when Quintus first met her at a horse show. He grins when he remembers how they started. “i asked her for her phone number and she told me i had to ask Karen Caldwell,” he says. Caldwell, however, did not mince words. “she told me ‘there is no way that girl is going to date a horse trainer.’” Two hundred fifty two miles from one another (he counted), they spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other. eventually more came of the relationship, and they began seeing each other in earnest. “i have a magnetism to me, and she couldn’t help herself,” he deadpans. “i tell her every morning she’s lucky that i married her.”

He was grateful that an understanding customer helped him with entries, and Zac Powell, who was there at the time, stepped up to get him through the first year. (Powell helped so well, in fact, that in 1999 he was the U.s. national reserve Champion in Western Pleasure Junior Horse, while Quintus got the gate.) Jeff brandt joined the staff, and Andy Dearing, who was then an amateur, helped with the riding as well. And there were horses that made that period memorable. Among them, in 1999, was mighty Aphrodite, with whom Quintus won the U.s. national Championship in the Half-Arabian english Pleasure Futurity. eventually, everything worked out, but not without a wrenching adjustment that still leaves him shaking his head at the magnitude of responsibility in a horse operation. “i never really felt like i mastered it,” he says candidly. “it always felt like 1999 and a bit of 2000 were just a little in disarray.”

Half-Arabian gelding MAS Patrick McGee (Damascus Messiah x Summer Bouquet), a titlist at U.S., Canadian and Youth Nationals.

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more accurately, it was Quintus who, on their first date, told his future wife that he was going to marry her. “she didn’t believe me,” he admits. in the meantime, she began helping him with his business. in his words, “it seemed like the whole rat race slowed down. i realized we didn’t have the same business we’d had the last two years, but we still had a lot of nice horses to ride and a lot of good customers we were showing for, and Jennifer was the stabilizing inf luence in the whole thing. she knew everything about the horse business. i didn’t have to explain anything to her.” Canadian National Champion HM Poet (Poirot x FG Eukalele) and owner Mark Schmitz.

Harlem’s Temptation, a three-quarter NSH by Harlem Globetrotter.

Horsing around at a Youth Nationals party with former client Jeremy Harper. 194 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

An unexpected benefit of the growing partnership was Jennifer’s son brandon Walker, at the time 5. At first the learning curve of being a parent was daunting; Quintus hadn’t been there in brandon’s earliest years. but the key ingredient was caring, and he had plenty of that. in 2002, Jennifer and Josh married. by that time, their collaboration in the show ring was humming as well. on a 1999 trip to Ted Carson’s to look at broodmares, Quintus had come home with a young mare named bFA Tequila sunrise. With Jennifer, the Promotion daughter won the U.s. national Championship in Half-Arabian Park AoTr. “she wasn’t very big and my wife’s not very big,” he says, “and that mare was like a rocket.” The pair was reserve the following year to LbC isabeaux, who also won the open title. That same night, Quintus won the U.s. national Championship in Western Pleasure with ZALimited edition. it was a special evening for other reasons as well. Quintus’ parents had attended the U.s. nationals regularly; they would sit for hours, watching all the horses and telling Josh about what they’d seen. but after Jim passed away in 1992, ruth Quintus had not appeared as often, because traveling was a hassle and if the weather turned cold, she had trouble staying warm. but in 2002, the show was in Louisville. Colonial Wood had a skybox, and she could walk most of the showgrounds without going outside. Josh’s Uncle Dean and Aunt Phyllis wanted to come, and so did ruth’s sister, so they made up a party and arrived at Freedom Hall—which made his championship with ZALimited edition even better. They got to see him win.

Josh Quintus

A very memorable win, ZALimited Edition, 2002 U.S. National Champion Arabian Western Pleasure.

Putting It All Together by 2005, well-established both personally and professionally, Quintus came to the realization that he had one fundamental problem. He and Jennifer didn’t own their own facility, and carrying an operation the size of what they had was not building for the future. The catalyst that put them into the hunt for a new home came when bob and becky nash signed on as clients. The

nashes were interested in investing, and between the foursome, an agreement was worked out to purchase the current Colonial Wood Training Center in Pilot Point. They moved in right before the 2007 U.s. nationals. The timing, Quintus admits, was probably nuts, but he wanted everything settled. “if it’s worth having and worth working for, that’s just one of

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those things that you do,” he says. “i had lived on top of a barn for 15 years. i hadn’t lived in a home for a long time, and we finally owned a piece of ground that we could call our own!” What does it all mean to him? it’s stability for your customers, he says; they know he will be there tomorrow. “And it’s having a place in the community, having a kid in the school system. it’s taking a lot of pride in how your place looks, trying to improve what you have because you’ve now invested into it. basically, this is going to be what is going to carry you through in your retirement years. For me, it was a big deal.”

it was a big deal as well that his clients, most of whom had been with him for more than a decade at that point, came with him, and were soon joined by new faces. The champion horses kept on coming, more than he will name for fear of leaving someone out. suffice to say that among them was the sublime Half-Arabian western pleasure horse, Caliente Virtuoso. As of December 2012, the buckskin is a seven-time national champion, six of those titles earned at U.s. nationals and one at Youth. As before, Jennifer anchors the administrative end of Colonial Wood. she is the contact person for advertising, and for horse shows, she does the entries,

Caliente Virtuoso (C A Hermoso x Crystal Blue), 2012 U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure.

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Josh Quintus orders the stalls, gets the hotel rooms and takes care of the horses’ healthcare and management needs. While they do the overall billing together, she keeps track of their services at events and apportions charges. “it’s a fine line, because she is an amateur,” Quintus says, and they are careful to maintain her status because her riding her own horses is important to them both. Clearly, Quintus is good at what he does. but is there one key element that sets him apart, characterizes his skill? “if you had to say just one thing, his talent—obviously, he’s got talent—would be his timing,” Jody strand says. “His timing in what he does with a horse is incredible; everybody talks about it. He has timing that can’t be taught.” And there is his ability in the arena. “it’s a factor that not everyone has,” strand nods. “When he’s presenting a horse, it just demands that you watch him. Josh is my number one go-to guy when i need a catch rider at the nationals for a horse; he understands them and he just adds that little Josh f lair to them. The only problem with it is i usually give him the second best horse and he just damn near always beats me with it.” At this point in his life, it is fair to ask Quintus what, in addition to his family, is most important to him. “Probably the thing that is most important to me is how people have perceived me all these years,” he ref lects. He’s not referring just to an image. “i want to work hard for anything that i have, and i want people to appreciate me as always being honest, being a good guy, being helpful and not trying to be demeaning to anyone in any way—as trying to help other people and our Arabian horse industry, which is always in need of help.” Funny thing is, if you ask his mother what makes her most proud about him, she says much the same thing. recently, someone close to her son commented that he was honest to a fault; that made her smile. And then old friend Dick Kiesner told her, “i have one word for Josh. He’s a gentleman.” “i guess a mother can’t say any more than that,” she smiles. The thought brings tears to her eyes. “There was no question in Josh’s mind how he was expected to live. His character and his honesty were portrayed all his life in his father.”

Josh and Jennifer at the 2011 Reader’s Choice Awards, Western Trainer Of The Year winner.

“i think it is more important to be honest than it is to be competitive,” Quintus says, and he attributes the long-term nature of many of his client relationships to his integrity. “When i talk to my son brandon about what’s important, one thing i hope he takes from his mother and me is that anything worth having is worth working for. You don’t get anything for free, but working for it is always worthwhile in the long run.” Jody strand, who enjoys a take-no-prisoners teasing relationship with his friend, can turn serious when he evaluates Quintus’ value to the Arabian community. “it isn’t just training and showing that he is good at,” he points out. “He runs a super-talented barn and he’s a great judge. And i don’t think anyone knows, but he has a little ‘macGyver’ in him; he invents things.” in particular, a surcingle for small horses and a new kind of Quick stop bit come to mind, items born of necessity that no one had taken the time to work out. “i hate to have him hear all this stuff,” strand adds. “it’ll give him a big head and he’ll expect a hug or something. but he’s always been fearless, and he’s just a wicked-talented horseman. He can do it all. but then, maybe the best thing about Josh is not just that he does all that so well, but that he does it with so much fun.” ■

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by Linda White

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A H Appy A rAbiAn H orse F Able

nce upon a time, in a faraway land, there were two little girls who fell in love with Arabian horses … no, this isn’t a prologue to Walt Disney’s Cinderella, and Connecticut isn’t that far away, but there is a fairytale quality to Alicia and Alayna mala’s story. Their journey began when a cousin bought 7-year-old Alicia a gift certificate for riding lessons. Alayna, Alicia’s little sister, tagged along. Alayna was 3. “i discovered during the first riding lesson that i had a connection with horses,” Alicia remembers. “maybe i was born with it. We lived in Connecticut, and mom told me that when i was very small, we lived across the road from an Arabian horse farm. she said that before i even knew what they were i always would want to go see the ‘forses.’ no one in our family had ever been involved with them, but ‘forses’ apparently fascinated me from the time i was a toddler. “The woman who owned the farm where i took those first lessons only had an outdoor arena, so when winter came, we found a hunter and jumper barn with an indoor arena,” she continues. “i loved riding, so when i was 10, our parents bought me a horse of my own. Ginger was a sturdy little morgan cross. When Dad got a new job in massachusetts, we moved. Ginger came with us.” Her sister takes up the narrative. “There were lots of saddlebreds, morgans and Arabians in massachusetts. Kline View stables, which has an indoor arena, was in southwick, so we took Ginger there. That’s when Alicia and i began showing her on the local fair circuit. i rode Ginger in lead-line, and Alicia showed her in walk/trot.”

“but Ginger didn’t canter,” Alicia reminds her. “i rode her hunt seat, but we never could get her to canter. Holly Turner, who owned Kline View stables, rode and taught saddle seat. i also learned that i like riding saddle seat. Then i fell in love with KV mistress Chloette, or misty, a beautiful 3-year-old Half-Arabian mare. “i was so drawn to her,” she says thoughtfully. “For me, it’s not just, ‘This is my horse.’ it is a partnership—just as if we were breathing together as one. Arabians are so intelligent; you can have a real relationship with them because they just seem to know. They know when i’m happy, sad, angry, or discouraged. When i fell in love with misty it was like, i needed that horse.” “in 2003 mom, Dad, Alayna and i went to the syracuse international Horse show. When we got there, there was a big bow on misty’s stall. What a surprise! my parents had bought her for me! misty became my personal horse, and we still had Ginger for Alayna. We now have five horses, and i have a different connection with each one,” Alicia adds. “one of our horses puts his face against mine, and it’s as if we become engaged; united as one individual. “not having been raised around horses, we really didn’t know what to expect,” offers Gary mala, the girls’ father. “We made it a point to go and visit various barns, observe the happenings and research what was to become a huge part of our family’s life. it became clear to us very soon that people who choose to pursue equine work have to be focused, disciplined, confident, poised in all kinds of situations, and forgiving.

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“We have trusted the adults who have made the Arabian horse experience a real-life fairytale for both Alicia and Alayna. We’re also not afraid to admit that at first we didn’t quite know what to make of the equine world. We underestimated how powerful an influence it continues to infuse into our girls’ lives. What they are gaining through their adventures will be life-long.”

“We have the most supportive parents ever!” says Alayna, smiling. “They will go to the ends of the earth for us. When i outgrew Ginger, mom and Dad leased an older purebred Arabian mare, santessaria (bH santana x TAJ egos Delight, by ego) from Holly Turner for me to show. i showed her at Arabian shows in new York, new Hampshire and Connecticut. We won all kinds of blue ribbons and championships in walk/trot pleasure 10 and under.” “We had moved on to Arabian breed shows,” her sister explains. “Alayna and santessaria won everything in walk/trot pleasure, and i showed misty in Half-Arabian country english pleasure 13 and under, and in national show Horse classes. Alayna was aging out of the walk/ trot division; so, mom and Dad bought her a HalfArabian mare of her own in August of 2004, Afire belle (Afire bey V x societys Child, by Traditio), and she became Alayna’s first walk, trot and canter horse.” “i was 10 years old when mom and Dad bought me my first horse,” says Alayna reflecting. “Dad then took another new job, and we moved back to Connecticut. At first, we kept Afire belle and misty at a local farm. We decided we were going to do everything ourselves and just go to shows when we wanted to. That didn’t last long. We then met Karen baldwin through the Arabian Horse Club of Connecticut. Karen invited us to bring misty and Afire belle to her farm, baldwin stables, in Deep river, Conn.”

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Alicia elaborates on that chapter of the tale. “i was in the eighth grade then, and when we weren’t in school, we were at the barn riding and working with

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the horses. We rode every day. At first, Alayna wasn’t totally engrossed in the horses. We showed all around new england, and we won a few regional top fives and some Class “A” victories with both horses. it was then that Alayna’s gift began to emerge. Although she showed Afire belle, belle was really too much horse for her. We needed to find her a different horse.” “our parents met Cathy Vincent on the plane ride home from national show Horse Finals,” Alayna remembers. she glances at Vincent, seated on her right. The two have joined us at a table in front of Adandy Farm’s stalls at the 2012 Arabian Horse Celebration. “A friend of mom’s had told us about Cathy Vincent. When they met her on the plane, they knew of her reputation and training program. They told Cathy they were looking to buy a horse for me. “When they got home we went to visit Cathy, and she put me on 30 different horses in two days!” Vincent laughs. “she was a humdinger! The first time i saw her on a horse i knew she could ride. i could see it when that gate opened, she would say, “i am somebody!” i knew right then, that she was going to be terrific!” “i put her on a Half-Arabian Young mC daughter, Young and Hot (roxie), and it was uncanny,” says Vincent. “Alayna rode the mare both days she was here, and it was scary how well they got along. They were even better the second day.” Vincent and her mother, edith purchased Young mC (Zodiac matador x Heritage montoya, by el magato) the sire of Young and Hot, in november 2000. The big-trotting grey stallion won the 1999 Canadian national Championship and 1998 Canadian reserve national Park Championship; was 2004 U.s. reserve national Pleasure Driving Champion, and has 13 U.s. and Canadian national Top Ten titles in those divisions.

kept in touch with Cathy. on our school breaks, ‘roxie’ and i would go down to Cathy’s.” both sisters helped with a seminar Cathy conducted at baldwin stables for the Arabian Horse Club of Connecticut. “i was ready to move up from misty,” states Alicia. “We went back to Adandy, and Cathy put me on about 15 different horses. Dansing Queen (Gitar mF x music music music, by Aladdinns spirit) was a purebred hunter. i loved her! We really connected. We took her back to Connecticut, where she joined Young and Hot (‘roxie’) at Karen baldwin’s. i was 16 and a junior in high school. “We were showing in new Hampshire, Connecticut, massachusetts, and all over new england. on weekends, Alayna was working with me at the farm. my sister and i became best friends; we were riding and working together, and sharing our passion for Arabian horses. “it was hard to share our excitement with our classmates, because they didn’t really understand about showing,” she notes. “They would say, ‘oh, you don’t just ride the horse? You show it and help take care of it, too?’ They had no idea.

“Young and Hot was the first real show horse my parents ever bought me,” Alayna explains. “We brought her back to baldwin stables. Alicia was showing in saddle seat equitation and showing some of the clients’ horses. We

Alicia and PF Double O Seven.

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“our parents would take us to Cathy’s to ride, since both horses had come from her farm. in 2009, when i graduated from high school, the two horses went to Cathy’s permanently. Alayna and i lived, rode and worked there all summer. it was my last year as a junior exhibitor. i had earned enough points to take Dansing Queen to Albuquerque. i showed her in purebred hunter pleasure 14-17 and in showmanship. We made the semifinals in both.” “ i showed Young and Hot in country english pleasure,” adds Alayna. “my dad then told Cathy, ‘This girl needs more horse.’” “i thought, ‘Here we go again!’” says Vincent. “Alayna got along great with PF Double o seven (Doubletrees Classic Design Asb x rmr Amber Lace, by Wisdom,) a 16-hand Half-Arabian country english pleasure gelding. He was 8 when Alayna got him, and he already had a show record.” “A week after my parents bought Double o seven for me,” adds Alayna, “i showed him to a unanimous 2009 east Coast Half-Arabian Country english Pleasure JTr Championship. i was still in high school, but i thought, ‘Why am i going back to school?’ Horses were my passion, the most important thing in my life, so i arranged my course work to graduate from high school in three years. i graduated from high school on June 21, 2011. i was 16. on June 22, i packed my bags and moved to Delaware.”

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“At first, we were apprehensive,” admits her mother, “but we knew she needed our support to pursue her passion. We recognized that because she was so driven, it was our responsibility to support that pursuit.” Cathy Vincent agrees with them. “This is a serious kid. she had been working summers at the farm: she would take the train down every weekend while she was in high school. Then she asked me if she could work for me at the U.s. nationals in 2009. she did so in that year, and again in 2010, and she moved to Adandy Farm in June 2011. “What was uncanny was that Alayna demonstrated she was a natural, true horseman, with all the passion in the world.” Vincent smiles at her protégée. “she wanted to learn, and we had become close friends. We connected. she was still living at home and going to school, and each time she had to leave, she would look at me and say, ‘i’ll be back soon.’ she wanted to be a horse trainer and that’s what i wanted for her. The hope and desire were in her heart … and mine. “When Alayna began working here, it was her first experience with young horses,” Vincent adds. “now she breaks all the 3-year-olds. i tell her to have patience and that rome wasn’t built in a day. now, she can take a half-green horse into the show ring and win with it. “Alicia is a beautiful rider. When she went on to college and moved up to the AAoTr division, PF Double o seven became Alicia’s horse.”

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“When Alicia and Alayna began working with Cathy, she made it a point to tell us that their interest, aptitude and commitment were beyond the ordinary,” sheryl interjects. “Like most parents, we enjoy seeing both girls succeed, but our definition of success is that each time they enter the show ring, they succeed. They learn more about life when they don’t get a ribbon. We have always told them that if they do their best, someday they will accomplish whatever it is they desire.” Alicia went on to college, but she, too had equine-related aspirations. “i thought i would become a horse trainer,” she admits. “i was accepted at other schools, but Post University, a small college about 45 minutes from my home, has an equine program i really loved. i applied there and when i got accepted, i cried tears of happiness. “During the summer of 2011, Alayna moved to Adandy, and i joined her in Delaware, working for Cathy. This was my first opportunity to see what it takes to run a full show barn. What a great experience! i learned so much. There is something about Adandy Farm that makes you never want to leave it. “i am now a senior at Post,” Alicia continues. “i decided i needed a backup plan to the horse training, so i’m also pursuing a degree in accounting. The backup plan has become the plan. i’ve arranged my course work so i’ll finish the accounting and equine business management degrees at the same time, and i plan to go on and become a CPA.

Alicia and Dansing Queen.

i will be able to afford my own horses, be able to help Cathy run her business, and someday, to help Alayna run hers.” What about their parents’ dreams and aspirations for their talented offspring? “our dreams are to see Alicia and Alayna continue to pursue their own dreams and to realize that their potential is only limited by their imagination,” their father says soberly. “our commonality as a family is that our dreams are the same.” What of Cathy Vincent’s dreams and aspirations? Publicly, Vincent is the ultimate professional, but anyone who knows her also understands how deeply she loves the horses and how profoundly she cares about her clients and her commitments, both professionally and personally. she looks down at her hands, and then looks over at the mala sisters. “You know, i’ve never married, and i have no children of my own,” she concedes. “so, having Alicia and Alayna to work with and teach over these years has been a kind of blessing.” she looks around her at the Adandy stalls and bustling hospitality area and glances heavenward. Then she smiles, her eyes filling with tears. “Having these girls, and now, having Alayna as my assistant—finding someone who is as passionate as i am about these horses and this work, and passing on my knowledge and experience to her—is a gift to me.” 

Alayna and Scarlet O Butler. Volume 43, no. 7 | 203

New Leadership at aha

New Leadership at AHA by Linda White

At its annual November convention, the Arabian Horse Association elected a new executive board, welcoming as president, Cynthia Richardson; Vice President Nancy Harvey; Vice President-At-Large Robert J. Fauls; Vice President-At-Large Howard Pike; Treasurer David Corning; Secretary Jan Decker; and Immediate Past President Lance Walters. At a time when the phrase “positive change” has become a watchword, the eyes of the Arabian community are on the leadership of the industry’s organization as never before. So AHT sat down with the new president and vice president to get their perspective on the future.

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New Leadership at aha


Cynthia Richardson “A number of people spoke with me about the need for change, and suggested that without new leadership, change wasn’t likely to happen,” says Cynthia Richardson. Her vision of the Arabian horse’s future is realistic and well grounded, but extremely hopeful. “Did I grow up wanting to be president of the Arabian Horse Association? No, of course not, but do I want to see it work? The answer is yes! I am excited because people are taking the initiative and coming up with many great ideas. The Positive Change group is doing a lot of work, and one of AHA’s jobs is to keep that momentum going. We all must work together to support the Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian because we are all in it together. If we don’t create positive new ways to support our

riding, judging and managing shows,” she continues. “My exposure to so many different aspects of the Arabian business allows me to have an idea of what people involved in those areas want and need, and why. “My perception is that people feel they have no voice; that they’re not being heard. They feel like no one wants to embrace their ideas or listen to their suggestions. One of my jobs as AHA president is to make sure people are aware that their input is valuable and that they will be heard. When people see that happening, I believe they will join in to help.”

She realizes that the mission will include some reorganization of AHA’s activities to better fit the industry and adhere to budget requirements. “We are now taking inventory of what programs we already have,” she says. “We’ll trash some, dust off some, and see what new ideas are out there. It is important for people to understand that AHA, the organization, cannot immediately do everything and fix “My perception is that people everything everybody wants. However, if people feel they have no voice; that will work together, then they’re not being heard. They with AHA’s guidance and support, we can begin to feel like no one wants to create change. Change for the better will happen embrace their ideas or listen when people take the to their suggestions. One of initiative and say, ‘Let’s go do something, not just my jobs as AHA president is to sit around and talk about doing something.’ make sure people are aware

that their input is valuable and that they will Cynthia Richardson

breed, there will be no more Arabian horses; no horses at all, in fact. The timing was ‘now or never,’ so when friends encouraged me, I agreed to run for AHA president. “My background includes many different areas of the Arabian horse industry—showing, distance

“What is our market share?” Richardson be heard.” wonders. “Recreational riding is becoming the wave of the future. We have to be sure there is an Arabian horse available for those riders, and we have to educate them about why an Arabian or Half-Arabian is their best choice. More people need to know that an Arabian or Half-Arabian horse is genuinely happy to see you and be part of your life. No other breed has such a powerful, positive interest in human beings. Volume 43, No. 7 | 205

New Leadership at aha

“show horses are our most highly visible market segment, but we need to make the world aware that Arabians can not only be show horses; they can be incredibly wonderful companion animals. These horses can fulfill everyone’s recreational needs. Half a century ago, our primary selling point was the versatile Arabian that could do everything. but once we started specializing, we were no longer breeding for that horse. Today we must recognize that the key is to breed horses that, if they won’t do well in one area, will do well in another. The colt you got may not be the competitive halter horse you hoped for? Well then, what else can he do? “breeders cannot breed unless they can sell the horses they breed,” she notes. “We will always promote and show our wonderful horses at every level, of course,” she says, “but we must develop a strong secondary market, so that there is a place—a job—for every horse. The people who only register the foals that meet their specific expectations must realize that while this horse may not be exactly what they hoped for, this horse will meet somebody’s criteria perfectly. That horse needs to be registered to fulfill those dreams. This Arabian or Half-Arabian you’re raising may never be a national caliber halter or performance horse, but he will make someone a wonderful trail, endurance, 4-H or family horse. she emphasizes the importance of the “family horse” concept. “once upon a time, we became involved in our horses as a family. We no longer have that luxury. now both parents work, and families have less and less time to do things together. but the horse still can be a family activity; we need to work on that message. Arabian horses are good for the mind, body and soul. Let’s make the public aware of how accessible Arabians are! “We also need to educate our existing horse show community to the fact that they are working with a small fraction of the Arabian population,” she continues. “What about all those other Arabians and Half-Arabians? other markets are already there. We just need to recognize that.

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“Then we need to share our successes at the club level, and encourage interest and participation at the grassroots level. There is plenty of opportunity for everyone to get involved, at every level. but no longer can we sit around and wait; things have reached a critical place where we all must assume leadership roles. We need to improve our horse shows (for the exhibitors, the horses and the spectators) and then build a secondary market for the benefit of all. “Do we want a world where our grandchildren can have a horse?” she asks rhetorically. “Then we can’t wait until somebody else comes along who will do something. We have to be proactive. Change isn’t going to happen overnight, but we need to share and exchange ideas and information to ensure that there will be a place for Arabian horses in the future.” richardson pauses, reflecting. “We must embrace our diversity. Diversity is one of our breed’s greatest strengths. There have been a lot of changes in the industry, but we are all under the same umbrella. We must position ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities diversity creates; people are enjoying their horses in different ways than they may have in the past. That means that we should be reinventing ourselves as we go. This is an exciting time!”

Vice President

Nancy Harvey newly-elected AHA Vice President nancy Harvey’s vision for the Arabian breed and its counterparts, the Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian, coincides elegantly with Cynthia richardson’s. “it’s time for us all to step up and help our breed, or there will be no Arabian breed,” Harvey says. “no horses, in general. if we don’t do something different than we’re doing now, i think we’re going to see a return to the way things were in the 1920s, when horses were a luxury that only the ultra-rich could afford.

New Leadership at aha

“Recreational riding is the future,” she suggests, “and we need to be sure that whoever is riding recreationally is riding an Arabian. Many people don’t realize what sensitive and intelligent, yet sane for riding and driving, Arabians can be. And I deal with enough other breeds to see that they are facing the same economic, social and cultural challenges we are. We have to make sure that horses are in kids’ minds. Not video games, not surfing the net, not watching TV or shooting hoops. Horses.

to companion animals.” She recalls an informative symposium that photographer Scott Trees presented at an AHA Youth Convention. “He demonstrated how to go about photographing horses; he discussed the influence Arabian horses have had in his own life, and talked to the kids about showing Arabian horses. ‘But you realize you’re riding the top two percent of the breed’s population,’ he pointed out. ‘What about the rest of the Arabian horse population who never make it into the show ring?’

“It’s time for us all to step up and help our breed, or there will be no Arabian breed,” Harvey says. “No horses, in general. If we don’t do something different than we’re doing now, I think we’re going to see a return to the way things were in the 1920s, when horses were a luxury that only the ultra-rich could afford.” Nancy Harvey

“When many of us grew up, horses were still very much a part of our culture,” she continues. “Books like Walter Farley’s Black Stallion series and films like National Velvet were popular, and every television western starred cowboys on horses, like Roy Rogers and Trigger, Dale Evans and Buttermilk, or the cast of Medicine Woman. We are inundated with massive manipulation by advertisers that crowds out the importance of animals, except for dogs and cats, in our culture. How important are horses? Does the average person even think about horses, except maybe before and during highly publicized races like the Kentucky Derby? “Our present economy and the increasing cost of everything to do with horses are changing the direction many breeds are going, from show horses

“We are not unique. We’re all in the same boat,” says Harvey. “I was secretary of the Reichert Celebration, and I watched the Quarter Horse and Paint guys and the Arabian people all visiting with each other, discussing the problems their breeds are facing, and suggesting how they can work together to get the numbers up—for everybody. And everybody got along. Our presidential election was an indicator that people do want to work together to make a difference.

“Cynthia’s skill set and location give her a real edge at this point in the history of our breed. And she and I have worked together often. We both have coached judging teams, both have judged U.S. Nationals, chaired and served on committees, and worked in managing shows. Her emphasis has included endurance and mine has been in showing, but our combined experience in almost every aspect of the Arabian horse industry gives us both a broad perspective. When I say, ‘We’re all over it!’ I mean that literally as well as figuratively. “We—and that means all of us, working together— can’t make it all better in one year,” she says. “But we can begin to change our image, and to initiate the kinds of changes that will ensure a future for the Arabian breed.” n

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Ecuador —An Arabian Horse Paradise Yet To Discover

On June 2-3, 2012, the Ecuadorian Association of Arabian Horse Breeders held its 15th National Championships, featuring both show and sport horse classes, in Quito. American trainer David Boggs, who judged the show, called the quality of the horses “absolutely outstanding.” Those who attended said the same about the whole event, which took place at the foot of the Pichincha Volcano and attracted an important national and international presence.

Shanghai AA (Shaman AA x SA Sweet Sable) 2012 Arabisimo Cup winner Owned by Santa Cecilia Stud Farm.

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Maarjan (Marwan Al Shaqab x Majalis) 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Senior Male Champion. Owned by Los Alamos Stud Farm.

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SC Passport (DA Valentino x Vianna) 2012 Junior Male Champion Owned by Santa Cecilia Stud Farm.

FS Miss Danae (Marzyan HCF x FS Britts Beauty) 2012 Senior Female (72-96 Months) winner Owned by Medrano Stud Farm. In Ecuador, the equestrian tradition goes back to the colonization of the continent by the Spaniards. Arabian blood can be traced within the Ecuadorian herds to that period, probably around the same time that Andalusians and Barbs were introduced as well. Nevertheless, no straight lines were maintained until the second part of the 19th century, when renowned pureblood Arabian lines in Ecuador began to appear. In the 1960s, Don Luis de Ascasubi, a Peruvian Paso lover, imported straight Egyptian Arabians. However, there was no pure blood progeny, as he preferred to breed his Arabian horses with Criollos. Then, in 1977, Pedro Jose Arteta imported the mare Monallieta (Al Nahr Monelite x Sargina) from the U.S., and she became number 001 in the future Arabian Horse Stud Book for Ecuador. The same year, he also imported the stallion Muzletan (Etan x Muzia), who sired the first Ecuadorian fillies. In the early 1990s, a few enthusiasts met and decided to create the Asociación de Criadores de Caballos Arabes del Ecuador, ACCAE (Ecuadorian Association of Arabian Horse Breeders), which was legally acknowledged by the Department of Agriculture in 1994. From that time on, the main activity of the Association has been to register purebred Arabians and complete its Stud Book, which now contains more than 800 horses, of whom 77 percent were born in Ecuador. Today, 40 breeders are members of ACCAE, the majority located between the two mountain


ranges which divide the country from North to South and make the picturesque “Avenue of the Volcanoes.” Although many known breeders aim at show competitions, some produce lines for sports and endurance, while others keep their Arabian horses for pleasure. Another important activity of the Association is to organize the Arabian Horse Feria (Fair), which reached its 15th edition in June. This year, about 60 horses participated at the Ecuadorian Nationals that took place over two days in a beautiful setting near Quito. The task of choosing among the 50 horses of excellent quality that participated was assumed by three internationallyrenowned judges: David Boggs, Toto Modderman (Holland, ECAHO Judge A and President of the Sport Commission), and Dr. Nelson Moreira (Brazilian judge and veterinarian). For the fourth consecutive time, first prize in the Senior Male category went to Maarjan (Marwan Al Shaqab x Majalis), from Los Alamos Stud Farm; Reserve was SC Arnab (Freelance x Vianna), from Santa Cecilia. In the Junior Male 18-36 Months class, the winner was SC Passport (DA Valentino x Vianna), from Santa Cecilia, with MC Lucas (Maarjan x Luv N Parys), from Los Alamos, Reserve. The Colt Less Than 18 Months class was won by GH Magnum Fakhir (GH Magnum Nice x Psytaniums Fire GH), from Gajualo, while MC Pistacho (Maarjan x Luv N Parys), also from Los Alamos, was Reserve Champion.

ty) ner m.

In the mare categories, MD Hibat Allah-ET (DA Valentino x Anastasiaa), from Medrano, was declared Senior Female Champion, and Escah Serondella (Yllan El Jamaal x Chandrya NA), from Santa Cecilia, was Reserve. In the Junior Female class, the winner was MC Antonela (Maarjan x Ayishaa), from Los Alamos, followed by SC Ruba (Magnum Psyche x Vianna), from Santa Cecilia. Finally, Geisha HC (Maarjan x Shabha HC), from Ana Isabel, was Champion Filly and GH Magnum Baracah (GH Magnum Nice x GH Magnum Femme), from Gajulo, was Reserve Champion Filly. This year’s XV Feria del Caballo Arabe also included, for the first time in Latin America, an Arabisimo Cup. This competition, which finds its origin in France, awards the Arabian horse that best represents all the qualities of the breed—type, functionality and a willing temperament. To win the Cup, horses had to participate in a total of six events including ridden classes, liberty, pole bending, barrel racing, jumping and aptitude for endurance. In this first edition of the competition, Shanghai AA (Shaman AA x SA Sweet Sable), from Santa Cecilia, won the Cup, followed by MD Kimsasha (MD Kimosabi x MD Sasha), from Medrano, and Sue LD (Padrons Pikaso JM x IN Saqqara), from Pisabo.

MD Hibat Allah-ET (DA Valentino x Anastasiaa) 2012 Senior Female Champion Owned by Medrano Stud Farm.

The recent significant growth of endurance in Ecuador is currently boosting the Arabian horse market, and ACCAE is taking advantage of it to promote the breed and invite breeders to participate at the rides. As training for endurance in Ecuador is taking place at an altitude of more than 8,000 ft., it is foreseeable that the country soon will be heard about at the international level of that competition. In the meantime, Ecuadorian breeders are testing their bloodlines at high altitude racing and are starting to mix them with already proven endurance horses.

With the high quality of its horses, the very special environmental conditions and the will of the breeders to keep improving, observers predict that Ecuador soon will be one of the main Arabian horse producers in South America. After this year’s Ecuadorian Nationals, ACCAE President Nathalie Weemaels had a special message for international horsemen. “You are kindly invited to visit this wonderful and attractive country,” she said, “and discover the treasures that lie in the Arabian horse stud farms nestled in the heart of the Andes.” n Nathalie Weemaels – President ACCAE

Volume 43, No. 7 | 211

Leaders Of The Times: December Calendar Feature

Odyssey SC

the influence of extreme promotion and advertising. Every major trainer today has had one or more of his foals in their program.” Odyssey had six babies at the 2012 U.S. Nationals. There were two top ten halter wins, one top ten hunt seat, and three top tens in western. One of his get was top ten in both hunt seat and halter. “When we took Odyssey SC and KA Odysseus to Equifest in 2010,” he adds, “they were the only Arabians there. We had people come over and just stand and look at them, dumbfounded that Arabian stallions of such high quality were in Wichita, Kansas. Odyssey has so much presence when he is asked to show, but at our first Equifest, people were amazed by his kind temperament. They saw “Odyssey is so special that our daughter, Jenna, who was when we first saw him in 2005, 4, go into his stall, walk up and I could only say, ‘Wow!’” admits grab his front leg and pet him. Jerad Cooper. “Odyssey was Odyssey SC (Versace x Latoura Echo, by Echo Magnifficoo) He never moved; he would so well known throughout just bow his head and nuzzle her. We have taken Odyssey SC to the Arabian world that adding him to the Stranger Creek Equifest three times, and each time, we draw in new people.” Ranch Investment Group Program brought notice to us and what we were doing to promote the Arabian horse.” In 2011, Investment Group Members, Perry and Shelby Williams bred Odyssey SC was inducted into the Minnesota Breeders Hall two mares to Odyssey SC and three mares to KA Odysseus of Fame, further recognizing his importance to the breed as (Odyssey SC x Ellure A). “We got five magnificent foals. One a sire. “Odyssey SC is the horse of a lifetime,” states Perry is a bay purebred colt out of our Jullyen El Jamaal daughter. Peden, whose lifetime has been filled with horses. “To date, his Aryes KVA is going to Scottsdale. We took four 2012 foals, foals have earned 158 top tens at U.S. and Canadian Nationals, three colts and a filly, to the American Royal in Kansas City in Youth Nationals and Scottsdale. “Odyssey and his son, KA September. Odasia KVA, the purebred KA Odysseus filly, won Odysseus, have sired some amazing offspring,” Peden adds. her class and was Reserve Champion Mare; a KA Odysseus “I’m looking forward to both stallions’ 2013 foal crops.” Cooper bay and white tobiano pinto Half- Arabian colt, Orryon KVA, continues, “Why did Odyssey SC appeal to us? Because he is a was named Supreme Champion Half-Arabian at 6 months great individual, and a sire of winning halter and performance old, beating out all the older horses.” horses. He earned everything he has accomplished without When Stranger Creek Ranch Investment Group bought Odyssey SC (Versace x Latoura Echo, by Echo Magnifficoo) in October of 2009, he had been named Canadian National Champion Stallion two months earlier. The bay stallion also had five other U.S. and Canadian national titles to his credit, three of which were the 2002 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Futurity Colt, and 2006 Canadian National Reserve Champion Stallion, 2 and Over. The charismatic bay stallion also had been named unanimous 2008 Scottsdale Champion Senior Stallion 8 and Over, and as a yearling, was chosen 2000 Scottsdale Junior Champion Colt.


Odyssey sC

Odyssey SC (Versace x Latoura Echo, by Echo Magnifficoo)

Gynesis KVA (Odyssey SC x Matisse), 2012 Half-Arabian Colt

Odyssey SC is a horse that grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. He is described by an artist as a “living work of art.” He loves the show ring. “As soon as you begin to get him ready, his energy starts to build. By the time the last spritz of show sheen goes on, he’s a dynamo, ready to take on the world,” Investment Group member, Deb Hodge says. As a sire, his ability to pass on the best of his qualities time after time continues to make him a “go to” stallion for breeders who are looking for a foal that will be able to compete as both a halter and performance horse. In 2012, Odyssey was a Top Sire of Regional Winners in Both Halter and Performance. Odyssey SC is an incredible sire for Half-Arabian breeders. He brings to other breeds the exact traits of beauty, athleticism, and endurance that they are looking for when they cross to Arabians. Deb Hodge has a 2012 Half-Arabian Appaloosa colt. Deb says, “He has his father’s balance, attitude, and beauty with a splash and dash of color—everything we could have asked for.” Attempting to come up with a single word to describe Odyssey, she remarks, “Benchmark.” A benchmark is “a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged.” He has proven with his own record, and the records of his offspring, that he is a benchmark against which sires should be measured. At the 2012 Scottsdale Show, 12 years after he thundered into the halter world, Deb Hodge was watching the yearling colt class. She overheard someone say, “That’s the best colt I’ve seen since Odyssey.” That’s a tribute to the impact Odyssey SC has had and will continue to have on all that see him. n

Aryes KVA (Odyssey SC x Magnet El Jamaal SCR) 2012 Arabian Colt

Volume 43, No. 7 | 213

From The Table by Jeff Tracy The year of 2012 is a wrap, as we say in the television business. The last 365 days have been interesting to say the least. The election is finally over, and there were some terrific, and not in the good sense, storms that wreaked havoc on our country. The last shuttle mission made it safely home, and the Mars Rover confirmed that there is no intelligent life on the red rock planet. We said goodbye to Twinkies®, at least temporarily, and we also said goodbye to Big Gulps® in the Big Apple. We lost stars in 2012, Ernest Borgnine, Andy Griffith, Dick Clark, Etta James, Whitney Houston, and Neil Armstrong among others.

As we head into 2013, I hope that we can all take a minute and be grateful for friends and family—those who are still here and those that have gone ahead. This month’s recipes are standards, classics if you will. They are recipes that are tried and true. They will not fail you. Much like Don Burt. I wish you the best in 2013, and good luck in the show ring.

We also lost one of our own, Don Burt, in 2012. Don hung up his spurs for the last time right after Thanksgiving. Don had a huge influence on the horse industry—more than most will ever know. I first met Don when I was 12 years old while he was giving a clinic at Richard Shrakes’. That day had a huge influence on my horse career. Don was more than just a judge, trainer or board member. Don was a father, husband, friend, and a horseman. If you never had the pleasure of knowing Don, you really missed something. You have heard the expression, “They don’t make them like that anymore.” That applies to Don Burt.

Red Velvet Cake

2 1/2 cups self-rising flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 tsp. white vinegar 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil 1 cup whole buttermilk 2 1/2 tbsp. red food coloring Preheat oven to 350. Spray three 9 x 2 round cake pans with cooking spray and line with wax paper. In a bowl, sift together flour and baking soda. Set aside. In a medium bowl, combine sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, vinegar and vanilla. With an electric mixer, beat until

214 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

light and fluffy (about 2 minutes). Gradually add flour mixture and mix on low speed just until flour has been incorporated. Slowly add buttermilk. Add food coloring and beat to combine. Divide batter among pans; each pan will be about half full. Tap pans on counter to remove bubbles. Bake until a cake tester placed into the middle comes out clean, about 30 minutes. Remove the pans to a rack to cool for 5 minutes. Invert pans onto wire rack sprayed with vegetable oil to cook cake completely. To assemble, place one layer, top side down, on a cake stand. Using an offset spatula, spread with 1/4 of frosting. Repeat remaining layers. Store in an airtight container for up to one week.

Red Velvet Cake Frosting 8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature 1/2 cup margarine, room temperature 1 lbs. powdered sugar, sifted 1 cup finely chopped pecans 1 tsp. vanilla extract

Place cream cheese and margarine in a medium bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add sugar, pecans and vanilla. Beat at low speed to combine.

Traditional Prime Rib 10 lbs. prime rib 1/2 cup chopped garlic 2 tbsp. chopped basil 2 tbsp. chopped marjoram 2 tbsp. fresh oregano 2 tbsp. thyme _ cup olive oil 2 tbsp. salt 2 tbsp. black pepper

Combine garlic, basil, oregano, marjoram and thyme into a small bowl and add olive oil, salt and black pepper.* Whisk until blended.

Twice Baked Potato

Ingredients: 6 large russet potatoes 3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese 3/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese 1/2 cup butter 1 1/2 cups sour cream 3/4 cup half and half 1 cup cooked, diced bacon 1/2 cup chopped green onions salt to taste

Place prime rib in a plastic bag and add seasoning mixture. Seal bag and refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Remove roast from bag and place in roasting pan. The seasoning mixture will look a bit like melted butter. Scrap excess seasoning mixture from bag and rub it on the roast making sure it’s evenly applied. Roast should cook for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Let stand for 5-10 minutes before carving. *(Use the measurements of the seasonings as a guide, you may wish to add or subtract a specif ic spice.)

Instructions: Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Wash and slice potatoes in half lengthwise. On a lightly oiled cookie sheet, place potatoes face down and bake until tender. Reduce heat in oven to 375 degrees. Scoop potato flesh into large bowl and mash by hand. Fold in half and half, butter, bacon, cheeses, salt, and onions. Mix well. Stuff potato shells with mixture. Add extra cheese on top. Place in oven and reheat for 8-10 minutes or until tops are golden brown.

Volume 43, No. 7 | 215


(1982 – 2012)

by Linda White

Multi-National Champion Firetok (Napitok x Ssfire) with Theresa Schimmel, up.

When Dr. Robert Barter bred Samir Coureyna, a Courier daughter he had bought as a yearling, to Firedanse in 1975, he named the resulting, 1976 filly Ssfire. Five years later he bred Ssfire to *Napitok (Pirit x Neposeda, by Priboj) who won the 1981 Canadian National Champion Park Horse and U.S. National Top Ten Park Horse titles later that year. Ssfire’s grey 1982 *Napitok colt, Firetok, made everyone connected with him proud beyond describing. Bert Obenland bought Firetok, who was then well-started by Melissa Barter, for his daughter Kathleen in September, 1986. From then through October 1989, Firetok and Kathleen would earn more than 50 championships, reserve championships, blues and regional titles in English pleasure, ladies side saddle, pleasure driving, and the 1987 U.S. National Championship in English Pleasure AOTR. Irwin and Pam Schimmel bought Firetok for their daughter Theresa in October, 1989. Firetok and Theresa Schimmel won four 1990 U.S. and Canadian National Championships in English Pleasure AOTR and Ladies Side Saddle! In 1991, they won a Canadian National Top Ten in Pleasure Driving AOTD, and a year later, the pair carried off the 1992 U.S. National Championship in English Pleasure AOTR, and with sister Mia, the Canadian National Reserve Championship in English Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under. In 1993, Mia and the grey gelding won Youth National Top Ten English Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under honors. Firetok’s final show ring appearance came in 1999, when he was named Region 17 English Pleasure Horse ATR Champion. The Schimmels retired their beloved gelding and sent him back to Kathleen Obenland. Firetok remained with her until his death on October 5, 2012. Obenland described the Firetok experience. She started showing at 10, and had shown many horses, but told us, “I spent some of the finest moments of my life on that horse.

Pictured above, an ocean trip at age 30 for Firetok (Napitok x Ssfire).

“He was a very intense, high-energy horse,” she explained. “I was thrown from him more times that I could count. He would toss you and just leave you there. And walking was always an issue with him. He was unstoppable; he would plow through any obstacle. Theresa Schimmel told me that the first time she showed him, she tried to steer him because the class was so crowded, but no. He knew what he was doing. Don’t interfere with him. He was listening to the announcer!

“When the Schimmels returned him to me, I did miles of trail riding with him, which he loved. He was so game! I finally quit riding him the last few years because, although he was becoming frail, he would exhaust himself. He wouldn’t quit. Even at 30 he would still run to the gate to greet me. “Firetok died quietly in his sleep, on his own terms; it was his final gift to us. At age 30, he was as white as a snowflake. I planted his grave with white flower bulbs—white tulips, white daffodils and white hyacinth. They’ll bloom in the spring, when the show season starts.” n 216 | A R A BI A N HOR SE T I MES

Calendar Of Events

Items for the calendar are run FREE of charge on a space-available basis. Calendar listings are subject to change; please confirm dates and locale before making your plans or reservations. MAIL notices to Arabian Horse Times, Attention: Charlene Deyle, P.O. Box 69, Jordan, MN 55352; phone 612-816-3018 or e-mail: *Due to the intrinsic nature of these shows, Arabian Horse Times cannot be held accountable for their validity.

SeminarS/CliniCS/SaleS/ Open HOuSe/awardS

February 15, 2013, Arabian Horse Times Readers’ Choice Awards, WestWorld’s Monterra Restaurant, Scottsdale, Arizona. Contact: AHT, 1-800-248-4637.


January January 10-13, 2013, Houston All Arab Sport Horse Show, Katy, Texas. Contact: Kayla Roca, 832-971-0991. January 10-13, 2013, Houston All Arabian A and B Show, Katy, Texas. Contact: Kayla Roca, 832-971-0991. January 11-13, 2013, SAAHA 42nd Annual Arab Charity Show, Tucson, Arizona. Contact: Melanni Hershberger, 480-443-3372. January 12, 2013, Show Your Horse All Arabian One-Day Show, Newberry, Florida. Contact: Nannet Read, 352-278-2004. January 22-23, 2013, Central FL Arab Winter Classic, New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Contact: Carlie Evans, 352-215-0710.

January 25-27, 2013, Sierra Empire, Pomona, California. Contact: Janie Fix, 520-508-4063.

February February 3, 2013, AHANM All Breed & Training One Day Show, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Contact: Lois Seibel, 505-345-2244. February 8-10, 2013, Jubilee Of Breeds, Newberry, Florida. Contact: Carlie Evans, 352-215-0710. February 14-24, 2013, 58th Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, Scottsdale, Arizona. Contact: Jean Beck, 559-642-2072. February 23-24, 2013, Central FL Arab Winter Classic, New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Contact: Carlie Evans, 352-215-0710. March March 14-17, 2013, 42nd Annual Carousel Charity, Scottsdale, Arizona. Contact: Melanni Hershberger, 480-443-3372. March 14-17, 2013, Cowtown Classic, Fort Worth, Texas. Contact: Ruth Charpie, 816-765-5683. March 15-17, 2013, Missouri All Arab Horse Show, St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: Pamela Scoggins, 217-369-7753. March 15-17, 2013, Heritage Arabian Classic I, Lexington, Virginia. Contact: Marie Taylor, 804-314-5216. March 16-17, 2013, Ocala 18th Annual Amateur Show, Ocala, Florida. Contact: Carlie Evans, 352-215-0710. March 21-24, 2013, Alamo Arabian Fiesta, San Antonio, Texas. Contact: Sherri Re, 281-513-5745. March 22-24, 2013, Alabama All Arabian B Show, Rainsville, Alabama. Contact: Beth Walker, 225-772-6815.

The Hat Lady dresses Champions

Terri Deering 27754 197 Ave. SE Kent, WA 98042 800-549-0886 Fax: 253-630-0193

The Hat Lady has the hats you need and MORE! Western Hats, Derbies, Homburgs and Snapbrims. Custom hats. Top hats, hunt caps and helmets. Hat carriers: single and multiple. Ultimate Show Apparel by Diane Olsen. Frank Principe Silver Bits. AHA Official Championship Jackets.

Champion Show Horse For Sale.

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March 22-24, 2013, Rancho CA Spring Show A and B, Burbank, California. Contact: Nancy Goertzen, 559-625-2631. March 22-24, 2013, MAHA All Arab Spring Fling, Winona, Minnesota. Contact: Mary Tronson, 763-755-1698. March 23, 2013, AHANM Spring Fever One Day Show A and B, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Contact: Lois Seibel, 505-345-2244. March 28-31, 2013, NW Heritage Spring Show A, Monroe, Washington. Contact: Bonny Braden, 425-338-1431. March 29-30, 2013, Beat The Heat All Arabian Show, Queen Creek, Arizona. Contact: Melanni Hershberger, 480-443-3372. March 29-31, 2013, Golden Gate Arabian Show, Santa Rosa, California. Contact: Nancy Goertzen, 559-625-2631. March 29-31, 2013, Deseret A and B Show, South Jordan, Utah. Contact: Dayle Dickhaut, 208-234-0157. March 29-31, 2013, The Arabian Celebration A and B, Newberry, Florida. Contact: Carlie Evans, 352-215-0710.


On page 128 of the Vol 43, No. 6 issue, Katherine Kirby was U.S. National Unanimous Champion on CP Shenanigan in the English Pleasure AAOTR, not the Maturity.

Visit for current and up-to-date events.

R.O. LERVICK ARABIANS Home of Cytosk+++ & Out Of Cyte Halter & Performance Horses For Sale Roger & Linda Lervick Dennis Wigren - Manager/Trainer P.O. Box 699 Stanwood, Washington 98292 360-652-0108 • 800-669-2745 E-mail: Web site:

Varian Arabians

• Breeder of National Halter Champions • All time leading breeder of English horses • All time leading breeder of Western horses • 70% of the show horses winning today carry Varian blood Arroyo Grande, California (805) 489-5802 |

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218 | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

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John & Charlotte Yates, Owners 575-748-4250 office 575-687-3518 ranch P.O. Box 900, Artesia, NM 88211 QHF-QtrPage-RaeOTM_AHTimes:AHT 1/4 1/13/12 10:49 AM Page 1

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Volume 43, No. 7 | 219

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a collaboration!

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Brazilian Nationals Coverage

AEPA Brochure

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43, No. 6


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Index Of Advertisers

A AHT 2013 AEPA Brochure ...................................................................... 178 AHT Design .................................................................................................32 Aja Arabians ............................................................................................40, 41 Ajman Stud ...............................................................................36-37Marwan Alarab Stud ...............................................................................66-67Marwan Al Mohamadia Stud .................................................................50-51Marwan Al Shaqab Stud ....................................................................................... 33-36 Albidayer Stud .......................................................................... 52-57Marwan Aljassimya Farm............................................................................. 46Marwan Aradon Farm LLC ................................................................... 72-73Marwan Argent Farms ............................................................... 14, 15, 44-45Marwan B Baahir Group, The .................................................................. 44-45Marwan Bald Hill Ranch .......................................................................................... 179 Battaglia Farms ................................................................................. 224, IBC Becker Stables ...........................................................................88-89Marwan Blakenship Family, The..........................................................................16, 17 Bob Jorgensen Training ..............................................................................218 C Canterberry Arabian Farm ............................................................ 84Marwan Cedar Ridge Arabians, Inc.......................... 24, 25, 70-71Marwan, 160, 161 Chattooga Ridge Arabians .......................................................62-63Marawn Classicala Farm, Inc........................................................................91Marwan Conway Arabians ................................................................................170, 171 Criadero Los Alamos................................................................82-83Marwan D Dick Halstead’s Circle H Stables............................................................... 218 Dr. Kucher, Lissa ..........................................................................................38 E Eleanor’s Arabian Farm .............................................................................. 172 Equine Associates, LLC ................................................................68Marwan F Fazenda Floresta ............................................................................. FC, 5, BC Frierson Atkinson .......................................................................................218 G Gemini Acres Equine .........................................................................158, 159 Gil Chavez Jr., Inc. .......................................................................................31 Gold Star Futurity ...................................................................................... 173 H HA Toskcan Sun LLC ..........................................................................IFC, 1 Haras Aldeia Do Vale...............................................................86-87Marwan Haras Boa Vista ........................................................................ 32-33Marwan Haras JM ...................................................................................40-43Marwan Haras Mayed ........................................................................................... 33-36 Haras Sahara Ltda. ................................................................... 47-49Marwan Haras Stigmatas ........................................................................80-81Marwan Hegg, Mrs. Mickey .................................................................................... 219 K Kharousel Farm.............................................................................. 90Marwan Kiesner Training ..................................................................................... 16-21 KP Arabians, Ltd...................................................................... 38-39Marwan L Larson, Claire & Margaret ....................................................................14, 15

M Marhaabah Legacy Group, The ....................................................63Marwan Maroon Fire Arabians ................................................................162, 163, 219 Michael Byatt Arabians ............................................................34-35Marwan Midwest ............................................................................................7-9, 33-36 Mindy Peters Arabians .............................................................60-61Marwan Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders ..................................................164, 165 N Nordquist, Judy ...............................................................................69Marwan O O’Brien, Connie Cole...............................................................88-89Marwan O’Neill Arabians, LLC ............................................................ 38-39Marwan Oak Haven Arabians .............................................................................. 26-30 P P & S Enterprises, Inc. ...............................................................................218 Palmetto Arabians LLC.....................................................................166, 167 Pay-Jay Arabians ......................................................................................... 219 PCF Arabians LLC ..................................................................74-77Marwan Prairie Gem Stables ......................................................................................39 Q Quarry Hill Arabian Farm ......................................................................... 219 R R. Kirk Landon Trust............................................................... 58-59Marwan R.O. Lervick Arabians ............................................................................... 217 Rae-Dawn Arabians ...................................................................................2, 3 Region 12 Spotlight Futurity .............................................................176, 177 Reilich, Bill & Shirley ............................................................................18, 19 River Bottom Stables ....................................................................................38 Rohara Arabians, LLC............................................................. 58-59Marwan Ross, David Zouch ...................................................................94-95Marwan Running Horse Ranch............................................................. 64-65Marwan S Sarata Arabians LLC....................................................................................42 Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show & Shopping Exp ........................... 174, 175 Shada, Inc. .................................................................................94-95Marwan Shafer Arabians ...................................................................................... 22, 23 Shea Stables .................................................................................162, 163, 219 Smoky Mountain Park Arabians ...........................................................10, 11 Southwest Farm Services............................................................................ 217 Stachowski Farm, Inc. .............................................................. IFC, 1, 12, 13 Stone Ridge Arabians .....................................................................................7 Stonegate Farms ............................................................................................37 Stonewall Farm Arabians ......................................................... 78-79Marwan Sweet Home Arabians ................................................................... 85Marwan T The Hat Lady.............................................................................................. 217 V Varian Arabians .......................................................................................... 217 Victoria Arabians LLC.......................................................................168, 169 W Wilkins Livestock Insurers ........................................................................ 219 Windwalker Enterprises LLC ......................................................... 224, IBC

Volume 43, No. 7 | 223

A great offer for the serious performance breeder ...

2011 U.S. National Reserve Champion Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse

MHR Nobility x AlyAskA bey V

W W W. B at ta g l i a Fa r m s . c o m

Your choice of two National winning stallions. $1,000 stud fee

5-Time National Champion Pleasure Driving, English Pleasure, Park & Informal Combination

Afire Bey V x MAtoskette

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Eccentric Valentino DA Valentino x Amelia B

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