March 2008 $7.50
Welcome to El Capitan Ranch
In a glorious cove that the sun so gently caresses
harmony. “We have many kinds of wildlife here
with its soft, filtered streams of light, sits an oasis that
… hawks, falcons, mountain lions, deer, bobcats.
feels like a cross between Heaven and Hawaii ... It is
Everyone just leaves each other alone; however, we
called El Capitan Ranch. The peaceful atmosphere
had a couple curious coyotes join us in the foaling
literally overtakes anyone or any creature that resides
barn early this season. We had to let them know they
here. Horses, humans and wildlife all live here in
weren’t welcome,” laughs Barn Manager Allison Glick.
2 El Capitan Ranch
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Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
El Capitan Ranch 3
As the weather blows in and out of the Pacific
flowers. Lavender fields are beginning to take
Coastline, El Capitan Ranch has a gorgeous arid
form all over the Ranch, as this is one of Mindy’s
and tropical climate intermixed and ever changing,
favorite scents. Speaking of scents, one is personally
with billowing soft clouds and starlight that looks
overwhelmed with what smells like tropical flowers
like bowls of licorice and diamonds. But, one
near the ocean. Jon takes to the earthy smell of sage
thing remains … beauty, peace, serenity, and that
and wild anise on the bluff above the ocean, and
inexplicable soft light. Mindy can often be caught
welcomes the reprieve from Hollywood to be the
saying that she feels like she is living inside one of
chief landscape architect of the 3,000-acre paradise.
Monet’s garden paintings. The view of beautiful
“My wife loves Europe so I have created her own
horses surrounded by the impressive gardens would
European-style farm here, complete with stonewalls
make anyone feel as though they were living in a
handmade by craftsmen and thousands of olive
masterful artwork.
trees planted to blend naturally into the California
Upon taking a journey by horseback or fourwheeler around the Ranch, you will pass by some
landscape. You could be in Tuscany or France.” El Capitan, one of the largest private beachfront
of the Ranch’s 15 casitas charmingly surrounded by
properties between Mexico and San Francisco, has
handcrafted stonewalls.
been a welcoming refuge for centuries. It stretches
Wisteria vines climb up the overhang outside the
from the Santa Ynez Mountains in the east, to the
foaling stalls, and hummingbirds are everywhere,
Pacific Ocean in the west. All along the seashore,
plump with the nectar of multitudes of colorful
ranch property slopes downward, gradually
4 El Capitan Ranch
Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
becoming beachfront, then blurring and vanishing
oblivious to mankind’s legal, and sometimes
into the blue water. From vantage points along the
illegal, maneuverings. For a while, bandits and
hills above, you can watch and listen as ocean waves
highwaymen overran the region. Tales of legendary
break gently—or roughly, when it storms—on the
outlaw Joaquin Murietta spread as he swept through
shore. As you breathe in the tangy, salty air, you
the area, robbing fearful settlers and cutting
can almost imagine El Capitan’s ancient grandeur
their throats. Edward Pico, who grew up on the
surrounding you … seeping into your very soul.
neighboring Ronald Reagan Ranch, recalls once
Jon Peters and his wife, Mindy, are El Capitan’s current owners, but those 3,000 acres have been there since the dim mists of long ago. Claims of
digging up six silver dollars and a skeleton from the period, all buried under an old oak tree. Title next passed to a series of families whose
ownership have been disputed since well before the
names resonate throughout California lore: early
first Europeans landed on North America’s shores.
Santa Barbara County settlers A.W. Buell, Juan
The King of Spain became the property’s owner in
Camarillo and Bruno Orella. Upon Orella’s death in
1769. This came about during Spanish occupation,
1901, the land went to his survivors. During both
by designating the property a land grant, under
world wars, the United States government leased El
the laws of the Indies. El Capitan’s ownership next
Capitan to station its troops. The property was next
transferred to the Republic of Mexico in April 1822.
used for agriculture, and later acquired by a major
The huge property remained essentially untouched physically, a central coast paradise, Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
oil company in its exploration and drilling for gas and oil. El Capitan Ranch 5
Life at El Capitan Ranch
6 El Capitan Ranch
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Neal Brown Photo
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El Capitan Ranch 7
The Black Stallion Another kind of show business, similarly fanciful and romantic, and every bit as compelling, has long captivated these two people’s hearts. Because Mindy and Jon each embrace life fully, with passion and profound commitment, the breeding, exhibiting and enjoyment of Arabian horses is a natural avocation for both. Jon Peters bought his first Arabian, a black Half-Arabian gelding, in 1990. Since then, his interest in horses, and in Arabian horses particularly, has only grown. Mindy Peters is a third-generation horsewoman ... and not just any horses. She is an Iowa farm girl who grew into the beautiful, poised, successful businesswoman and former model she is today. Arabian horses have played an important role in her life, too. It all started with her grandfather, Ed Brinkert, a highly-regarded Arabian horse
ATA Bey Starr (ATA Echo Bey x Kirscha, by *Fawor)
breeder whose breeding program produced many champions. The Arabian horse has a rich, colorful history all its own. Through millennia of careful selection by increasingly knowledgeable breeders, he became an ancestor of every light horse breed on earth. The Arabian’s luminous, silky coat, his luxuriant, flowing mane and tail, and gracefully arched neck, tapering to a delicate, finely chiseled face, will forever distinguish the Arabian from the commonplace. His huge, liquid brown eyes truly are the windows to his soul. “When you look into an Arabian’s eyes, there is something very wise in there, looking back at you,” offers Mindy. “My grandfather always loved a beautiful horse. That was why he selected the classic, time8 El Capitan Ranch
Ferrer (Enzo x Regal Fada JP) with Kendyl Peters. Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
honored bloodlines of two stallions, Ferzon and Azraff, as the foundation of his Arabian horse breeding program. Grandfather developed his Arabian herd very carefully, with its anchors, Ferzon and Azraff. He was a knowledgeable stockman, blending the blood of other famous mares and stallions, to produce champion after champion. It is my aunt, Shelley Brinkert Hjelm, who has continued our family’s breeding program, and has nurtured in me an enduring love for Arabian horses.” Jon Peters has owned Arabians, but never gave much thought to breeding or raising foals. Then Mindy came into his life, and all that changed. In 2004, Jon and Mindy Peters acquired their first black stallion, ATA Bey Starr (ATA Echo Bey x Kirscha, by *Fawor), a 2001 and 2003 U.S. and Canadian National Top Ten Stallion, the sire of national, regional and Scottsdale winners in both halter and performance. Mindy describes how his
ATA Bey Starr
purchase came about. “When Jon and I met, I was so happy to learn that he not only loved horses, but that Arabians were at the top of his list,” she explains. “At a show at Ventura Farms in 2005, as we were walking up to the barn, Jon brushed right past me, and went up to look at a magnificent black stallion who was putting on a show in an outdoor arena. That stallion was ATA Bey Starr. Jon is a star maker with an eye for greatness, and at first look, he saw definite star quality in that beautiful black horse.” For years, Peters had dreamed of writing a screenplay about the adventures of a wonderful black Arabian stallion, and the young girl who befriended him. Mindy and Jon’s daughter, Kendyl, would be his inspiration for the girl in the story. In ATA Bey Starr, the couple believed they had found their black stallion. Bey Starr soon became part of the family as his intelligence,
pride and beauty were unmistakable. “We spent time enjoying his gentle nature like when our daughter fed him carrots in the stall and kissed his soft nose. He had a commanding presence as he surveyed the property, a property that he believed was his rightful domain,” remembers Mindy. Tragically, on New Year’s Day of 2007, they were called and informed that ATA Bey Starr had been exercising and had broken his leg. Devastated for him, the family immediately decided to send him to Alamo Pintado, the most prominent equine hospital in California. There was no question in Jon’s mind about bringing Bey Starr back to health. Little did the Peters family know that it would take two years and the best possible medical attention—surgery and rehab included. Yet, with all their efforts, the dream of him starring in their movie was lost. ATA Bey Starr would never run sound again. Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
ATA Bey Starr
El Capitan Ranch 9
Every groom, rehab person, and vet loved Bey
It was this very year at Scottsdale, after Jon and
Starr. “‘This is the smartest horse I’ve ever worked’
Mindy had just arrived at the show for the morning
was the mantra I heard over and over,” Mindy
classes, when Travis Rice said, “I have something
recalls. Bey Starr cleverly learned how to un-
to show you after this morning’s classes.” Mindy
bandage himself from day one and wait patiently
recounts how they sat through the morning classes
just to be re-bandaged. Truthfully, all who worked
with excitement in the air as the new string of
with him knew he was bored in the stall and just
Arabian champion prospects came through the arena
wanted the attention. Mindy recounts how Bey Starr
gate. At the end of the morning, Travis whisked
would stand very sweetly and bend his head down
them away to the beautifully decorated barns at
to watch the bandages go up his legs, and then
Cedar Ridge. With Kendyl in the backseat of their
carefully and painstakingly for hours peel them off
cart, Jon and Mindy drove toward the barns. As they
so as not to hurt himself.
stepped out of the cart, Mindy’s heart filled with
The Peters family had solidly set their dream aside
anticipation even though she had no idea what she
for Bey Starr to be in a movie, and were just happy
was there for. And, then he appeared, in the middle
to have him as a beautiful sire, since he already
of the barn, Ferrer, standing there in all his regal
had Scottsdale, Regional and National winning
glory and presence. Mindy remembers looking over
babies. Little did they know what was in store
at Kendyl, who was looking up admiringly at Jon,
for them in 2008.
and knowing they had found their black stallion.
10 El Capitan Ranch
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2008 Scottsdale Unanimous Champion 4-Year-Old Stallion Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
El Capitan Ranch 11
Om El Beshaan
12 El Capitan Ranch
Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
Morafic Zebeda El Shaklan Tabal Estopa Uyaima Hadban Enzahi Nazeer Kamla Mohena Tunante Morisca V Fabiola White Lightning Burkan Latawica Carmargue Bey Shadow Velvet Shadow Nasim Congo Tabal Hilandera Estopa Barquillo Uyaima Imelina c Shaker El Masri Morafi Zebeda El Shaklan Tabal Estopa Uyaima Hadban Enzahi Nazeer Kamla Mohena Tunante Morisca V Fabiola Shaker El Masri El Shaklan Estopa Sharem El Sheikh Gharib Samanna Scharaya Congo Tabal Hilandera Estopa Barquillo Uyaima Imelina Shaker El Masri
Sanadik El Shaklan
Om El Shahmaan
Om El Shaina
Om El Beshaan AHR*610150 Grey 2004
Sanadik El Shaklan
Om El Benedict
Om El Beneera
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El Capitan Ranch 13
14 El Capitan Ranch
Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
Moon Of Jullyen V
Ruminaja Ali
*Ali Jamaal Heritage Memory Jullyen El Jamaal Ludjin El Jamaal Jullye El Ludjin *NV Justa Dream Moon Of Jullyen V AHR*602263 Grey 2003 Huckleberry Bey++ Bravado Bey V Bachista V Misti V Sanadik El Shaklan Magdalena V Marigold V Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
Shaikh Al Badi Bint Magidaa El Magato Heritage Labelle *Ali Jamaal *Lydira El Shaklan Bey Shah+ Mi Favorite Toi Bay El Bey++ Taffona Ariston *Bachantka El Shaklan Mohena Bay El Bey++ Moska
*Morafic *Bint Maisa El Saghira *Khofo *Magidaa El Gato Marharetta Fadi La Donna Ruminaja Ali Heritage Memory El Shaklan Lydia Bay El Bey Star Of Ofir Toi Soldier Nabielette Bay-Abi *Naganka Raffon Waneta *Bask *Amfibia Wielki Szlem Balalajka Shaker El Masri Estopa Hadban Enzahi Morisca V Bay-Abi *Naganka Khemosabi Baychatka El Capitan Ranch 15
Kendyl and Mindy Peters with Belle Song HVP. “One of my prize possessions is the mare Belle Song HVP (Magnum Psyche x Padrons Love Song),” says Mindy Peters. “Having spent the first six years of her life as a show horse (first being born in Brazil and then being imported into the United States as a yearling), she traveled internationally and was crowned Scottsdale Champion, Brazilian National Champion and Regional Champion. There is a ‘wiseness’ about her that I have not seen in any of my other horses, and I am sure that stems from all that she has seen and done. She is our queen and now can enjoy her reign of relaxation and motherhood.”
16 El Capitan Ranch
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Fantastica HVP
JRH Psychic Lady
Belle Song HVP
*Padron Padrons Psyche Kilika Enzo
Bey Shah+ RD Bey Shahmpane
Bey Shahdar
*Aladdinn *Laddin BA
AH Moonlytnroses Regal Fada JP
*Bay Fayek Firesong JP Nominated Sire: AHA Breeders Sweepstakes
Patron Odessa *Tamerlan *Kilifa Bay El Bey++ Star Of Ofir Bey Shah+ Bold Darling Nureddin Lalage Negatraz *Zdrada *Ramses Fayek AK Shalia *El Mareekh Kamars Shakira
Aswan Podruga Bright Wings Serinda Arax Trapecia Kilimandscharo Kapelka Bay-Abi *Naganka *Bask Llana Bay El Bey Star Of Ofir *Dar Bold Nizba Witraz Norma Gerwazy Lafirynda *Bask *Negotka El Paso Zlota Iwa Nazeer Fayza II *Ak Shahm *Ak Dalia Aseel Rawayeh Shaikh Al Badi Raz Daune
El Capitan - A Different Path
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El Capitan Ranch 23
The Good Works
film A Star is Born, starring Streisand. The film yielded more than $100 million at the box office, and earned four Oscar nominations, including an Oscar win for the song Evergreen. Peters went on to produce a string of best-selling albums for Streisand. He also produced some unforgettable
Mindy and Jon Peters rescued the old ranch. In
movies whose appeal was immediate and
many ways, the couple’s story is as remarkable as
universal. Cinema fans of all ages will never forget
El Capitan’s. Their relationship seems exquisitely
The Main Event, Caddyshack, Missing, Flashdance, The
fitting, even providential. Jon Peters, today
Color Purple, Witches of Eastwick, Gorillas in the Mist,
something of a Hollywood legend, is a California
Rain Man, Batman, and Batman Returns. His instincts
native. Peters made his film debut in the most
for success never faltered. Peters bought several
memorable scene from Cecil B. DeMille’s 1956
television hits–The Gong Show, The Dating Game and
classic film, The Ten Commandments. He was the
The Newlywed Game firmly established his role on
small boy on the donkey, fleeing from Egypt
the small screen. In all, he produced more than
through the parted Red Sea. Peters grew into a
600 hours of memorable television.
hard case, movie-land kid who spent his formative
His talent for identifying projects with great
years in reform school. He entered the family’s
potential and appeal continued seamlessly.
hairdressing business at age 14. This proved to be
Clearly, Jon Peters knew what the public wanted
a perfect showcase for the young man’s intuitive,
to see. He turned his prodigious instincts to
astonishing genius for marketing and promotion.
another challenge. What kind of music did people
He built a huge celebrity following at Jon Peters
want to hear? His keen grasp of this area of show
Salon, a trendy shop opportunely nestled on
business was startling to some, but no surprise
Beverly Hills’ famous Rodeo Drive. One of the
to the people closest to him. By following his
world’s most exclusive, expensive shopping
instincts, his own good taste, and his gift for
areas, Rodeo Drive’s three-block, high-end retail
reading the public, he became a force in the music
cornucopia is irresistible to tourists, film, television
industry. He produced stunning hits for artists
and sports luminaries from all over the world.
Lionel Ritchie, Diana Ross, Donna Summer, the
The unique attraction the salon held for the rich
Village People, the Bee Gees, Prince and KISS.
and famous made it an obvious subject for a feature
Peters and his partner next won a
film. Actor Warren Beatty portrayed Jon Peters in
multi-million dollar, seven-year Warner Brothers
Shampoo, the movie. The 1975 film was a box-office
contract ... but Sony Corporation was anxious to
success, but it never quite captured Peters’ real-life
have that kind of effectiveness at the helm of their
intensity, nor his meteoric rise in show business.
film empire. They wooed Peters and his business
In 1974, Peters fell in love with a client: singer
partner away with a $3.5 billion-dollar deal, in
Barbra Streisand. As manager of her early film and
which the two would assume chief executive
music career, he produced a 1976 remake of the
posts. Jon Peters, that kid on the donkey in The
24 El Capitan Ranch
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Ten Commandments, became chairman of Sony Pictures! To date, he has garnered more than 255 award nominations, and has won multiple Oscars, Golden Globes, and Grammy awards. His marketing and financial astuteness have brought him to the pinnacle of success. Jon Peters is one of the top 10 highest-grossing producers in Hollywood history. This achievement, impressive by any standards, has earned him what may well be Hollywood’s ultimate honor: Last year, he was immortalized with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Appropriately, his star is directly in front of the Chinese Theatre’s box office. Peters has extended his winning touch to his personal life, as well. At a point in life when he might have retired, fortune smiled on him once more. Jon Peters, friend of stars and producer of blockbuster movies, music and television, fell in love with real estate developer Mindy Williamson, and she with him. They married, and together, they formed Peters Entertainment. From this entity they
Jon and Mindy Peters at a function in support of the Christopher Reeve Foundation.
have produced such major films as Money Train, My Fellow Americans, Rosewood, Wild Wild West,
champion basketball player while a student at
Ali and Superman Returns. Peters Entertainment
Hartley-Melvin High, and served as a page in
films’ combined gross receipts presently exceed
the State House of Representatives. Her hard
$8 billion worldwide, and will continue to
work, on and off the basketball court, earned
soar, with two Superman sequels and a remake
her a scholarship to Iowa State University. The
of A Star is Born currently in the works.
next chapter in her life took her to California,
Friends speculate that Jon and Mindy’s
and a successful real estate career. These days,
success at every challenge they undertake is a
Mindy takes great pleasure in the rewarding
product of their boundless energy, their love
task of overseeing El Capitan’s equine activities.
of life, and their sense of social responsibility.
Fine Arabian horses are not the only things
Both are extensions of their sizzling, can-do
raised on El Capitan’s picturesque acreage.
personalities. For example, Mindy became a
Hope is another. Far inland from the seashore,
Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
El Capitan Ranch 25
crops and organically-raised cattle are grown to
The Heartfelt Foundation, the Sheriff’s Youth
help fulfill the organization Urban Farming’s annual
Foundation, and Father Greg Boyle’s Homeboy
commitment to feed more than 100,000 of America’s
Industries. These projects’ inclusion underscores the
most deeply marginalized people: the homeless
wide variety of youth advocacy projects that fall
and the hungry. Vegetables raised at the ranch are
within the Peters Family Foundation’s loving embrace.
also served at the chuck wagon dinners the Peters
Mindy and Jon recently accepted a humanitarian
Family Foundation hosts for various youth groups.
award for generosity from an old friend, California
Other charities and nonprofit organizations the
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, but both really
Peters family helps support include: the Cambodian
prefer to do their good works quietly, and to work
Children’s Fund, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater
on projects that appeal to their hearts. They have
Santa Barbara, Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation,
a single criterion for charity groups and youth who
26 El Capitan Ranch
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California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca present Mindy and Jon Peters with the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation Award.
Jon and Mindy Peters hosted the Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford wedding at El Capitan Ranch.
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El Capitan Ranch 27
Mindy and Jon Peters with (left to right) Mindy’s aunt Shelley Brinkert Hjelm and Mindy’s parents, Roxanne and Gordon Williamson.
Mindy Peters with (left to right) daughters Skye, Caleigh, Kendyl and son Jordan. 28 El Capitan Ranch
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Mindy and Jon Peters.
visit the ranch. Everyone must be touched—literally
spinal cord injuries (SCI). Mindy and Jon discovered
as well as figuratively—by El Capitan’s timeless
the plight of the affected youth when they voluntarily
grandeur. To that end, each must ride a horse, and
underwrote the foundation’s first dinner at which
each must have a dream.
neither Christopher nor Dana Reeve was present.
“No dream is too big or too small,” explains Jon, “but they must have one. This is a family philosophy that
Mindy insists that they see their participation as a calling, rather than a promotional opportunity.
has served us well.” An added bonus is that they use
The phrase “good works” can encompass an almost
only Arabian horses in their interaction with various
limitless range of projects and activities. There is little
groups, thereby heightening the public’s awareness of
doubt that the great varieties of benevolent activities
and exposure to the Arabian breed.
taking place at El Capitan Ranch are precisely that:
Another ranch project is Life Rolls On, a sister
good works. As faithful stewards first and foremost,
organization to the Christopher Reeve Foundation.
Jon and Mindy Peters are making qualitative (and
Life Rolls On is a nonprofit organization that
quantitative) differences, great and small, in the lives
provides advocacy and hope for young people with
of the people, the animals, and the earth they touch.
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El Capitan Ranch 29
After almost three years of renovation, the Peters opened the ranch to this photo shoot incorporating their Arabians with models—Hollywood style. As “type” in the Arabian business seems to be having a comeback, the Peters whimsically titled their shoot, “Bringing Beauty Back.”
30 El Capitan Ranch
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These photos will also be used for many other things that will occur at El Capitan: weddings, the website, concerts, corporate events, trail rides, chuck wagon BBQs, and movie shoots. Mindy echoes the lands untold potential by admitting, “Ultimately, we are creating a destination resort.” Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
El Capitan Ranch 31
A Day at the Beach of El Capitan Ranch
32 El Capitan Ranch
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El Capitan Ranch 33
The Breeding Program Jon and Mindy have profound respect for
Government. It was from the World Champion
the Arabian breeding program that Mindy’s
Mare Emandoria and by U.S. National Champion
grandparents, Ed and Florence Brinkert,
Stallion Eden C. “The Polish Government was
established more than 50 years ago. That respect
very reluctant at first to sell this embryo because
and admiration influence today’s El Capitan
of the anticipated value of this cross,” states
program in a number of ways. El Capitan’s mare
Mindy. “However, after long negotiations we were
collection fairly shouts the first requisite.
able to come to an agreement. The resulting colt
“I remember my grandfather’s saying, ‘Arabians
was born on Easter morning and is a masterpiece
should always be beautiful, because it costs
to say the least.” Mindy also adds, “I have ultimate
just as much to feed the ugly ones as it does
respect for the Polish studs’ breeding programs,
the beautiful ones,’” Mindy remembers with a
and I am honored to have some piece of it that I
smile. “That was one reason the stallion Ferzon
believe will make history.”
played such an important role in the MaRoSh
At this point the Peters have nine foals on the
program. (Grandpa named his breeding program
ground and 10 left to be born. They have babies
MaRoSh for his three daughters, Margo, Roxie
coming from their own stallions, and also DA
and Shelley.) He was always explaining to me
Valentino, Sanadik El Shaklan, Om El Shamaan,
the important characteristics of the Arabian
Eden C, Marwan Al Shaqab, Legacy Of Fame, and
horse, quoting almost directly from the Arabian
Jullyen El Jamaal. “I am thrilled with what we’ve
studbook. Grandfather was very methodical about
accomplished so far this year. My grandfather
the breeding choices he made; he was always
would probably laugh and say, ‘It’s beginner’s luck,’
conscious of Arabian type.”
but he also believed effort equals equity.”
Mindy’s aunt, Shelley Brinkert Hjelm, has
“I would say I’m definitely a student of the
maintained the original MaRoSh breeding
Arabian horse. I read constantly and I study
program since Ed Brinkert’s death in 1997. Hjelm
intently the bloodlines of the horses I respect. I
continues to breed the mares that were bred
also spend a good bit of my time talking with and
over the years in the MaRoSh program to today’s
studying the philosophies of some of the breeders
top sires in the world market. Aunt Shelley has
I most respect,” Mindy adds. “Still, I do my own
provided help and guidance as Mindy builds the
thing and have my own vision and dreams of what
El Capitan program.
I want to accomplish with my horses. There are
“Aunt Shelley is like a computer about pedigrees
several foals that I’m really excited for this spring.
and show records,” Mindy tells everyone. “Her
One in particular is out of an exquisite Magic
knowledge is incredible! I used to follow her
Dream daughter that is bred almost exactly like
around the barns, helping with the vets’ visits and
QR Marc’s dam. This mare is in foal to Marwan Al
helping condition the horses. I could lose myself
Shaqab. Therefore, the baby will be very closely
out there for hours.”
related to QR Marc. Another is a mare by a
“I chose mares that I personally love with
stallion that my grandfather bred that is probably
pedigrees that I understand,” quotes Mindy. The
the most exotic-faced mare I’ve ever seen. She is
Peters have purchased mares like Belle Song HVP,
in foal to National Champion Legacy Of Fame.
Petronella SRA, Fantastica HVP, and daughters of
“I believe we have a ranch where anyone
WN Ultimate Star, Padrons Psyche, Eukaliptus,
interested in Arabians from around the world
Bey Shah, and Sharem El Sheikh. They also
can come and find some of the finest horses
purchased an in-utero foal from the Polish
available anywhere.”
34 El Capitan Ranch
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Eden C (Enzo, by Padrons Psyche x Silken Sable, by Genesis C), owned by Dona Bellinger.
Epic MP
Emandoria (Gazal Al Shaqab, by Anaza El Farid x Emanda, by Ecaho), owned by Pride Of Poland USA, LLC. Arabian Horse Times • March 2008
El Capitan Ranch 35
Galliano MP 2008 Colt (DA Valentino x Gemini Bey UA)
Amorette MP 2008 Filly (ATA Bey Starr x Arianna Bey VO)
Epic MP 2008 Colt (Eden C x Emandoria)
36 El Capitan Ranch
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Grey Starr MP 2008 Colt (ATA Bey Starr x Om El Jameelah)
Galliano MP 2008 Colt (DA Valentino x Gemini Bey UA)
Mindy Peters with Gemini Bey UA and Galliano MP.
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El Capitan Ranch 37
El Capitan Ranch Mindy & Jon Peters 10920 Calle Real Santa Barbara, California 93117 (310) 278-6753 (310) 487-2461 Dr. Bruce Kusis, D.V.M. (805) 696-6784