E 5 2, N O.
6 | $2 2 .5
(Gazal Al Shaqab x JP Extreme Obsession+)
2017 REGION 15 UNANIMOUS CHAMPION JUNIOR STALLION 2018 REGION 15 UNANIMOUS CHAMPION SENIOR STALLION Patricia Dempsey Lakes And Live Oaks, 12961 NE 72nd Boulevard, Lady Lake, FL 32162 Phone: 352-430-3456 | Patricia@BelovedsFarm.com | www.BelovedsFarm.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 2 | Volume 52, No. 6
table of
CONTENTS Volume 52, No. 6 Issue 2
Cover Story: Amazing Horsewoman, Dr. Nancy O’Reilly … She’s All In! by Colleen Scott
2021 Breeders Of National Champions
Dams Of Excellence
Dam of Excellence—Miz Show Biz
ROL Divine Style—The Story Behind Saturday Night At The Nationals by Mary Kirkman
Where Settling Is Not An Option … A Conversation with Nasser Al Mesnad About the Evolution of Al Khor Stud by Jeff Wallace and Evie Tubbs Sweeney
Scottsdale All-Arabian Horse Show Preview
Scottsdale City Guide
Arabian Hunter Pleasure Association … Why Keep Moving The Bar?
*El Tino: The Next Chapter by Theresa Cardamone
40th Brazilian Nationals
Shino Training Center Welcomes New Team Members by Sarah Jayne Johnson
Enriching Lives … Green Acres Ranch, GAIT And Arabian Horses by Catherine Cole Ferandelli
In Memoriam
6 150 154 155 162 164
Comments From The Publisher Faces & Places: Royal Arabians Breeding Giveaway
Guest Editorial: A Lesson On The Integrity Of Maintaining The Character Of The Arabian Breed by Dick Adams
Trainer/Farm Directory
170 171 175
Calendar Of Events Looking Ahead Index Of Advertisers Ar abian Horse Times | 4 | Volume 52, No. 6
E 52 , N O LU M VO
Faces & Places: Mares & Mimosas At Valley Oak Arabians
. 6 | $2 2. 50
Who Knows Who Best?
On The Cover: Phi Beta Kappah (Phi Slama Jama x BRA Quintessence), owned by Amazing Horsewoman LLC.
2022 Experience Challenge #2
WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME PART OF THE ROYAL FAMILY... Cindy McGown & Mark Davis, Owners | Scottsdale, Mesa & Rio Verde, Arizona 480.361.6926 | info@royalarabians.com | www.RoyalArabians.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 5 | Volume 52, No. 6
Owner/Publisher Lara Ames Chief Operating Officer Sara Thomas Director of Creative & Business Development Ashley Gallún Managing Editor Charlene Deyle Production Manager Ed Barredo Advertising Account Executive Lesley Blain Mazur Contributing Editor Mary Kirkman Contributing Writers Theresa Cardamone Ally Edwards Christy Egan Catherine Cole Ferandelli Beth Ellen Hunziker Sarah Jayne Johnson Merrick Miller Colleen Scott Evie Tubbs Sweeney Jeff Wallace Contributing Designers Wayne Anderson Jaime Johnson Emily Maita Cat McKenna Ashley Toye Jenn Trickey AHT Abroad Director of Creative & Operational Development Mieke Opsteyn
Digital Services Manager Cari Kirchner Show Operations & Digital Support Meaghan Estes Sales Coordinator & Accounts Receivable Deb Trebesch Business & Administrative Assistant Hannah Giesen Marketing Assistant Erin Zetterberg © Copyright AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Articles or opinions published by the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times are not necessarily the expressed views of the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times is not responsible for the accuracy of advertising content or manipulation of images that are provided by the advertiser. ARABIAN HORSE TIMES (ISSN 0279-8125) Volume 52, No. 6, February 2022, is published monthly, except April, May, June, August and November, by AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times, P.O. Box 70, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Periodical postage paid at Jordan, Minnesota 55352 and at additional entry offices. Single copies in U.S. and Canada $22.50. Subscription in U.S. $80 per year, $140 two years, $200 three years. Canada $130 one year, $250 two years, $340 three years, U.S. funds. Foreign Subscriptions: $190 one year, $320 two years, $380 three years, payable in advance, U.S. funds. Sorry, no refunds on subscription orders. For subscription and change of address, please send old address as printed on last label. Please allow four to six weeks for your first subscription to be shipped. Occasionally ARABIAN HORSE TIMES makes its mailing list available to other organizations. If you prefer not to receive these mailings, please write to ARABIAN HORSE TIMES, Editorial Offices, P.O. Box 70, Jordan, MN 55352.
COMMENTS from the publisher LET’S IMPROVE OUR SHOWS ... … because let’s face it. No matter how much we enjoy them, we all know they could be better. With show season upon us, what better time to discuss that than now? We’re seeing new horses and new teams, all sharpening up their act, so why not look at the structure of our competition and improve it too? Here’s what I’ve heard—and it gets louder every year. Even the shows we love most are too long, have too many classes, and because of their duration, are more expensive to attend than they have to be. Wrapped up in all of that is the loss of social time with our friends, and our friends are the glue that holds us together, especially when we are between horses or when things aren’t going well. So, what will it take? Overall, a revamp of our competition calendar could include consolidating some shows so that there are fewer events on the schedule. Then, combine some classes and drop others altogether. Cutting days from the length of an event reduces the cost of participation, both in financial layout and days away from work for those who are footing the bill (and let’s never underestimate the value of that). It also gives us more time to relax and enjoy what we’re doing. Let’s also address the elephant in the room: are shows about honing the skills of the horses/riders/handlers and demonstrating excellence, or are they easy ways for people to take home colorful ribbons? Offering so many classes usually so limits the specifications for each that practically anyone can qualify for an award. I contend, as do many others, that not winning in a very competitive class is no disgrace; sometimes just being in the ring with some of our great horses is an honor in itself. Those are some of the benefits for exhibitors and fans; the benefit of shorter and fewer shows for the organizations which put them on is that they will not cost as much to do. I have heard the argument that putting on the marathon U.S. Nationals is what funds AHA activities throughout the year. If that’s true, then I suggest we discuss that. What do we want from our governing body and what are our options for funding those activities? In the long run, what is best for the Arabian horse breed? I don’t have all the answers. I’m asking for your thoughts. Let’s get together, because this is about the future of the Arabian horse as we know it.
The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographic materials. Printed in U.S.A. • POSTMASTER: Please send returns and address changes to Arabian Horse Times, P.O. Box 70, Jordan, MN 55352. For subscription information, call 952-492-3213. Arabian Horse Times P.O. Box 70, Jordan, MN 55352 Fax: 952-492-3228
Ar abian Horse Times | 6 | Volume 52, No. 6
United States National Champion Junior Stallion Scottsdale Gold Champion International Junior Stallion ANBF Gold Champion Junior Stallion
Owned by Stone Ridge Arabians Dan & Maureen Grossman 812.322.5776 Stoneridgearabians.com El Tino x SW Victoria Multi-program nominated For breeding information contact MIDWEST, David Boggs 612.328.8312 david@midwestarabian.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 7 | Volume 52, No. 6
Schatzberg/visel photos
Proud supporter of:
Ar abian Horse Times | 8 | Volume 52, No. 6
For over a decade, Dr. Mark DePaolo has treated horses with problematic issues such as Cushing’s syndrome, allergies, nervousness and chronic stiffness. Through the Horse Hair Analysis Program and its affiliated lab, mineral testing is the perfect solution to help navigate these problems. The easy process of hair sample collection, laboratory testing, and consultation with a veterinarian will result in a customized supplement unique to your horse. When they feel good, you can too!
Ar abian Horse Times | 9 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 10 | Volume 52, No. 6
Canadian National Champion Mare Proudly Owned by Merrilee Lyons Silver Stag Arabians LLC
Ar abian Horse Times | 11 | Volume 52, No. 6
Eden C x So Fancee AF Represented by Andrew Sellman, Orrion Farms www.OrrionFarms.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 16 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 17 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 20 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 21 | Volume 52, No. 6
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Ar abian Horse Times | 22 | Volume 52, No. 6
“I love using Allay on my horses before an event or before we go on extreme trail rides. Allay settles the nerves.” Gail Willis – Willis Performance Horses
Buffers Stomach Acids Antacid & Calming Formula FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED - MADE IN THE USA - @PYRANHALIFE
Ar abian Horse Times | 24 | Volume 52, No. 6
YO U T H , M I D S U M M E R & U. S . N AT I O N A L S
Champion = 20 pts. Reserve = 15 pts. Top Ten = 5 pts. Advance = 1 pt.
Saddle Seat 1. Boisvert Farms LLC
1. Marty Shea
2. Eleanor Hamilton
3. Prestige Farms LLC
4. Boisvert Farms LLC
5. Buckshot Farms
6. Lawrence Jerome
7. Sage Hill Arabians
8. Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.
9. Wolf Springs Ranches, Inc.
10. Tamara K. Hanby
1. Pegasus Arabians
2. Prestige Farms LLC
3. Marty Shea
4. Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.
5. Vicki Humphrey
6. Lindsay Rinehart 7. Cedar Ridge Farm
8. Shawn Stachowski
1. Marty Shea
2. Travis Hansen or Suzanne Acevedo 90
2. Prestige Farms LLC
3. Sam Peacemaker
3. Elizabeth Kubiak
4. Flatiron Springs LLC
4. Jennifer Wilson
5. Boisvert Farms LLC
5. Marty Shea
Stella Bella Arabians LLC
Orrion Farms 6. Carmelle Rooker
6. Dr. Paul, Carole & Gary Dearth
7. Jensen Arabians. Inc.
8. Cedar Ridge Farm
Oak Ridge Arabians
10. Cal Poly Pamona
Tamara K. Hanby
Hunter Pleasure
9. Rodney & Jacqueline Thompson 94 89
Maroon Fire Arabians
Western Pleasure
Working Western
1. Frank & Sara Chisholm
1. Lawrence Jerome
1. Eleanor Hamilton
2. Meagan Friesen
2. Tamara K. Hanby
2. Sage Hill Arabians
3. Linda Pizzonia
3. Setting Sun Stables LLC
3. Wolf Spring Ranches, Inc.
4. Crescent Creek Farms LLC
4. Hennessey Arabians LLC
4. Lauren or Kelly Whyte
5. Oak Haven South Arabians LLC 81
5. Susie & Zach Kahn
5. Wesley Hiser
6. Karen & Kathy Macleay
6. Wil-O-Mar Arabians
6. Richard Ames
7. Ed & Laura Friesen
7. Frank & Sara Chisholm
7. Buckshot Farms
8. Evangelin Miller
8. Edward & Laura Friesen
8. Dusty Morgan
9. Enzo Ltd
9. Varian Arabians
9. David or Joy Buck
10. Cindy McGown & Mark Davis
Larry Schopf
10. Ranch Good Days, Inc.
Ar abian Horse Times | 25 | Volume 52, No. 6
Training Center
Trussardi x Marlene Dietrich
Proudly Owned by Merrilee Lyons | Silver Stag Arabians, LLC Multi-Program Nominated Sire FOR BREEDING INFORMATION: Trained & Represented by Andrew Sellman, Orrion Farms Training Center | 715.760.2466 | www.orrionfarms.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 27 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 28 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 29 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 31 | Volume 52, No. 6
Arabian Horse Times and AHTAbroad are proud to announce 2021’s Dams of Excellence, honoring those mares that are the heart and foundation of our Arabian breed. Having met a strict qualifying criteria in the halter and/or performance arena with a show and/or production record that fulfills a minimum of four of the qualifying championships at the world’s top events, these nominated mares are the keepers of their heritage, the matriarchs of their families, the mothers of the future. They are the promise of tomorrow … they are Dams of Excellence.
Ar abian Horse Times | 32 | Volume 52, No. 6
DA LADY TIFFANY Triften+/ x PA Ultimate Charm | 2000 O: RBC Show Horses, LLC B: Dolorosa Arabians, LTD
RHR Marcedes x GR Catalina | 2009 O: Mulawa Arabian Stud B: Don Manuel Arabians
Fame Maker R x Perfect Harmony | 1998 O/B: Mulawa Arabian Stud
Sundance Kid V x Magdalena V | 2001 O: J. Frank and Sara Chisholm B: Varian Arabians
Parkview Audacious x Perception | 2002 O/B: Mulawa Arabian Stud
Padrons Mahogany x VP Elation | 2000 O: Rob or Lynda Pelliccia B: Paul or Marcella Mehew & Bill or Betty Mehew
MIZ SHOW BIZ 2020 Inductee
RIMARAA Marwan Al Shaqab x Rikkochet | 2005 O: Mulawa Arabian Stud B: Daniel & Kathleen Wilson
Ar abian Horse Times | 33 | Volume 52, No. 6
A BLESSING (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) | 2004 | Strawberry Banks Farm | Stachowski Farm, Inc. A LOVE SONG (Bask x Elkana) | 1979 | Strawberry Banks Farm | Deor Farms ADELAIDA V (Sundance Kid V x Alyce Bey V) | 2001 | Lisa Ethell | Varian Arabians AFIRE CHARMM (Afire Bey V x Beguiled) | 2003 | Cal Poly Pomona | Ventura Farm ALIAGE SSA (El Chivas Regal x Halali Encendere) | 1994 | Richard, Gail or Anne Whitaker | Evert or Marion Schlinger ALWAYS AN ANGEL (SK Shakla Khan x Angel of Fame) | 2001 | Mulawa Arabian Stud | Mulawa Arabian Stud ALWAYS VALENTINE MI (DA Valentino x Always An Angel) | 2009 | Mulawa Arabian Stud | Mulawa Arabian Stud AMES JASMINE (DS Major Afire x G Kallora) | 2000 | Ross or Marjeanne McDonald | Cedar Ridge Farm APSARA OF ROHAN | AA Manhattan x Rhondanecian | 2002 | Rohan Arabians | Rohan Arabians AW FORTUNE NGOLD (Legacy of Gold x Heres Love) | 1998 | Steve & Darla Miles | Rhonda Morris AWA GLORIOUS (Falcon BHF x Winds of Royalty) | 1999 | Mohammed Ibrahim Al Milhim | Battle Hill Farm BASKINS-BELLE (Mon Ta Basko x Mon Ta Lana) | 1986 | Larry & Carla Wright | John E. Monsees BEAUTIFUL JUELL V (Jullyen El Jamaal x Bint Balalinka) | 2005 | Larry Schopf | Varian Arabians BEY SHAHS LADY (Bey Shah x Elegance of Taask) | 1996 | Jennifer Miller | Cedar Ridge Farm BHF SHAHS LULLABY (Bey Shah x Khemoroyale) | 1994 | MLM Arabians | Battle Hill Farms CARINOSA (Serafix x Calliope) | 1963 | Bert and Ruth Husband | John M. Rogers CHLOETTE (Serafix x Chloeyn) | 1956 | John Rogers | John Rogers CP DANCE CARD (Hucklebey Berry x Ima Dancer Too) | 1997 | Cal Poly Pomona | Cal Poly Pamona CP PRINCESS (Barbary x Spring Fiesta) | 1988 | Cal Poly Pomona | Cal Poly Pamona DA SHAHNIA (Bey Shah x Khasmir) | 1997 | Thirteen Oaks Arabians | Discover Arabians, Inc. DANCING RAIN X+// (Barbary x Dancing Melody) | 1995 | Janet Stevenson | DeLongpre Arabians DRAMA QYEEN (First Cyte x Klassic) | 2003 | Donna Hentges | Donna Hentges EA APHRODITIE (AA Apollo Bey x Bint Rafhara) | 1993 | Karlton Jackson | Carolyn Parsons Blanton EA CANDY GIRL (Huckleberry Bey x Candy Hearts) | 1999 | Strawberry Banks Farm | Stachowski Farm, Inc. *ELKANA (Aquinor x Estebna) | 1969 | Deor Farms | Michalow State Stud EMPRESS OF MARWAN (Marwan Al Shaqab x FH Djamila) | 2006 | Lynn or Victoria Tyson | John Vosburgh ERICCA (Tempter x Elegant Crystal) | 1990 | Strawberry Banks Farm | Strawberry Banks Farm FELISHA BHF (Falcon x Tevkah) | 2000 | Robert L & Dixie L North Family Trust | Battle Hill Farm FREEDOM FAME (Fame VF x Forever Krystal) | 1991 | Blinn Salisbury Freedom Fame LTD PTR | Karen & Jeff Reiter GA GWISZ MAHOGANY (Padrons Mahogany x Hal G-Wisz) | 1995 | Linda Mehney | Linda Mehney GHAZALA EL JAMAAL (Marwan Al Shaqab x Foxbriar Parsel) | 2007 | Rose City Arabians | Marlene Rieder HAL ANE VERSARE (Hal Thats Amore x G-Amaka) | 1981 | Linda Mehney | Halberg Arabians HED CARAMBA (Magnum Psyche x HED Cajun Queen) | 2004 | NJ Arabian Horse Ventures LLC | Lerner Diego HONEY’S DELIGHT RB (JJ Senor Magnum x Honeymoon FHP) | 2008 | Aria Prestige Holdings LLC Adriana Espindola B De Moura JR FRANCESCA (Marwan Al Shaqab x Valori TRF) | 2013 | Joanne Gunabalan | Clair & Margaret Larson JURNEEKA (Fadjur x Fadneeka) | 1958 | Bert & Ruth Husband | Richard & Bea Dailey KARESS (Magnum Forty Four x Mulawa Kara Mia MI) | 2007 | Mulawa Arabian Stud | Mulawa Arabian Stud KW SAPPHIRE (Baske Afire x Ames Frolic) | 2009 | Kingswood Farms | Kingswood Farms
Ar abian Horse Times | 34 | Volume 52, No. 6
LADYS DANCE (Sundance Kid V x SDA Lady Jabask) | 2007 | Becker Stables, Inc. | Brett & Marjie Becker MARGARITA PSY (Padrons Psyche x WA Marlaina Lee) | 2008 | Robert L & Dixie L North Family Trust Robert & Dixie North MC ADONIIA (Adoniis x Abha Insolita) | 2006 | McDonald Arabians | McDonald Arabians MC KHARDIA (Kharben x Contented Lady) | 1998 | Ross or Marjeanne McDonald | Ross or Marjeanne McDonald MD MIRKA (AJ Thee Luca x MD Psylk) | 2014 | Manuel Durini | Manuel Durini MIZ SHOW BIZ (Baske Afire x MZ Kitty) | 2006 | Prestige Farms LLC | Prestige Farms LLC MUSTANG’S MAGNUM (Magnum Forty Four x Sahtara) | 2005 | Mulawa Arabian Stud Shane Edward Arabians & Gerard Barry MYSTIC ROSE BHF (Padrons Psyche x NV Ali Bey) | 2005 | Jessie Szymanski-Hoag | Battle Hill Farm NOBLE APHRODITIE (IXL Noble Express x EA Aphroditie) | 2005 | Karlton Jackson | St. Martin Arabians OFW DARK DANCING (RSD Dark Victory x Musickaaa) | 1996 | Laure Kruse | Harold & Dolly Orr PADRONS NIKE (Aristo Kossak x Niya) | 1995 | Donna Hentges | Derrick Arabians PARADA (Magnum Forty Four x Presence) | 2007 | Mulawa Arabian Stud | Mulawa Arabian Stud PERFIRKA (Gazal Al Shaqab x Perforacja) | 2003 | Cedar Ridge Arabians | Bialka State Stud Farm PINGA (Gazal Al Shaqab x Pilar) | 2004 | Janów Podlaski State Stud | Janów Podlaski State Stud PSYANNE A (Psymadre x BA Miss Mindy) | 2002 | Richard, Gail or Anne Whitaker | Richard, Gail or Anne Whitaker PSYCHES AMBER DREAM (Padrons Psyche x Mi Amber Dream) | 2006 | Lisa Markley | Lucy Whittier PWA TUSEA (HF Toluce x Magic Dancer) | 1992 | Kimberley Kay Munro | Paint The Wind Arabians RA NEFERTITI (Marwan Al Shaqab x RA Magic Mae) | 2007 | Humberto Florezi | Cindy McGown or Mark Davis RH TRIANA (ROL Intencyty x Sylviah WLF) | 2010 | Triana Holdings LLC | Robin Hood Farms RIVER DANCE NA (A Major Fire x Rio Rita NA) | 1998 | Sharon L. Keating | Mike Nichols RP MISS SURPRISE (WH Justice x Nefertarji) | 2008 | Aljassimya Farm | Petra Hammer & Rocco Moliterno SAKI (Ferseyn x Ferdia) | 1950 | Marjory F. Tone | Mary Susan Brown SDA LADY JABASK (GG Jabask x SDA Bey Elegance) | 1992 | Brett and Marjie Becker | Sundance Arabians SERENATA ELJAMAAL (Parys El Jamaal x MP Serenata) | 1999 | Ron & Laura Armstrong | Douglas Corp SINGULARCYLECTION (Cytosk x Holli Berry) | 1997 | R O Lervick Arabians | R O Lervick Arabians SOL NATIQUE (Solstice x Natique) | 1993 | Thirteen Oaks Arabians | Interfund Corporation SPECTRA PR (Promotion x Sedgia) | 1988 | Alicia Guzman Pace | Pine Ridge Arabians STAR OF JUSTICE ORA (WH Justice x Star of Gaishea) | 2011 | Oak Ridge Arabians | Oak Ridge Arabians TOI JABASKA (Matoi x MC Jabaskolee) | 1997 | Cedar Ridge Arabians | LaCroix Lake Geneva LLC TRCOPPERCLASSIQUE (Magnum Psyche x Coppertique) | 1999 | Ross, Terri & Jonathan Danielson | Ross L. Danielson VALENTINE MI (DA Valentino x HL Infactuation) | 2009 | Mulawa Arabian Stud | Michele Pfeifer VERONICA GA (Versace x Echo Belle) | 2001 | Inga Applequist | Cathy L. Thomson VERSET (Versace x Saffron) | 2001 | Melessa Jenkins | John T. Brown VTM PISTACHIA (MHR Nobility x RY Fire Ghazi) | 2002 | Joel & Ashton Kiesner | Bill and Virginia Closs WA MARLAINA LEE (Bey Shah x Hanah Lee) | 1992 | Robert L & Dixie L North Family Trust | Mark or Beverly White WC XCEPTSHAHNAL (Xceptshahn x JE Ali Selene) | 2002 | Steve & Darla Miles | Gilles St. Pierre
HALF-ARABIANS SHEZA LODED LADY+// (LBA Lode Star x Aura Spring) | 2003 | Sally Leonardini (and Jamie Leonardini Gotelli) Sally Leonardini (and Jamie Leonardini Gotelli) AUR U OSO SASSY (C A Hermoso x Aura Spring) | 2001 | Shannon Anguiano and Steve & Karen Freeman | Sally Leonardini AURA SPRING (VP Aurabs Legacy x Calibers April) | 1983 | Sally Leonardini | Sally Leonardini KYRIE ELLEISON (Allionce x Sherry Baby) | 1996 | Lisa Gaudio and Anthony Damico | Lisa Gaudio and James Kazanjian GRANI FAFNIR++ (Gamen x Pomona Ahmen) | 2009 | Ron and Joyce Palelek
Ar abian Horse Times | 35 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 36 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 37 | Volume 52, No. 6
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." — Beverly Sills
Consistently making NATIONAL CHAMPIONS in the English, Western, Hunter, Driving, Reining and Ranch Riding divisions.
GORDON POTTS THE BRASS RING, INC. 10312 County Road 1020, Burleson, TX 76028 Office: (817) 447-0001 | Gordon: (817) 312-4017
Ar abian Horse Times | 38 | Volume 52, No. 6
(*Besson Carol x SHF Miss Scarlet+) CA & SCID Clear AWPA, Sweepstakes & Spotlight Nominated
Different from the Rest. 2021 BUCKEYE CHAMPION ARABIAN WESTERN PLEASURE OPEN MID SUMMER NATIONAL RESERVE CHAMPION & U.S. NATIONAL TOP TEN STALLION 2021 Three-Time Western Pleasure Champion in his first year in the Western Pleasure Division Proudly Owned by: Talia Lydick | 817-692-4821 Standing at: The Brass Ring | Gordon Potts | 817-312-4017
S H F S H I LV E R E E . C O M Ar abian Horse Times | 39 | Volume 52, No. 6
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Jack & Alicia Guzman Pace | Metamora, Michigan | 248.240.2124 | Alicia_Pace@yahoo.com Ar abian Horse Times | 45 | Volume 52, No. 6
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E 5 2,
. 5 | $ 22
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2x nal U.S. Natio Champion
PCF Unanimou s National Champio n
nal U.S. Natio M ARES R N JUNIO A BI A R A
SUBSCRIBE ONLINE TODAY! Magazine + FREE Digital Edition W W W. A H T I M E S . C O M 95 2 - 4 9 2 - 3 213 Ar abian Horse Times | 48 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 49 | Volume 52, No. 6
by MARY KIRKMAN Technically speaking, history is written in every class at every U.S. Nationals; any horse who wins is added to the record books of the Arabian horse breed. Sometimes, though, the audience witnesses landmark history, when a “never before” scenario unfolds in the ring. That’s what happened in the last class of the 2021 show, when ROL Divine Style earned the national championship in English Pleasure after winning the title in park just two days earlier. In the more than six-decade history of the show, no horse had won both events at the same U.S. Nationals. Plenty have migrated from one division to the other, but not at one show and particularly not at a one of that level. So, it’s fair to ask, what does it take? And, how did Divine Style, “Duke” to his friends, pull it off?
Here’s how it happened.
Ar abian Horse Times | 50 | Volume 52, No. 6
Schatzberg photo
Horsemen will point out that the two classes require the same basic athletic talent; the key is how an individual horse is ridden and presented, so winning both awards at one show is as it should be for the right horse. For trainers Joel and Ashton Kiesner, who delivered the titles (Joel in park, Ashton in English), and Gene LaCroix, who has advised owners Nancy De Lisi and Carol Sandusky throughout the stallion’s career, Duke is a good example of the right horse. He has the critical mental aptitude, and his level of fitness was off the charts—plenty to excel in two competitions. At the age of 12, he was up for the challenge.
First, the cast of characters. The owners: Nancy De Lisi and Carol Sandusky, of DELSAN Arabians, are known for not only their good horses, but their support of their trainers. While Carol has enjoyed competing in the ring herself, Nancy is content simply to form bonds with their horses. “We have two objectives with every one we own,” she says, “and that’s that they are happy and healthy. If they have that passion to show, they show; if they don’t, we don’t push it. With this guy, he’s a showman. He has always wanted to show.” Last summer Duke added park to his resume, and his whole team agreed—Carol in particular was adamant—that he deserved a shot at the division’s championship. When they rolled into Tulsa, that was their objective. What they hadn’t gauged, she reflects, was the depth of Duke’s desire. “On Thursday night, we won our goal. On Saturday, he won his.” The advisor: Gene LaCroix. He’s so much a part of the ROL Divine Style journey that for Nancy and Carol, he’s like a third owner. Carol smiles, “We call him ‘the maestro.’” The trainers: Joel and Ashton Kiesner. They both train and show, but as a fifth-generation horseman, Joel is more front and center. In the past 20 years, he has won 12 English pleasure national championships and four out of the last five park titles—but he credits Ashton with Duke’s success. The veterinarian: Ty Wallis, of Equine Athlete Veterinary Services, is Duke’s physical care and fitness guru, charged with making sure the stallion is sound and happy.
ROL Divine Style - a.k.a. “Duke”
And the horse: ROL Divine Style, by Afire Bey V, out of IXL Miss Firefly, who is by three-time park national champion MHR Nobility. It’s a five-star pedigree for English and park, and prior to 2021, he had won two Canadian national championships in English pleasure and four U.S. reserves. The first wispy indicator of what might be possible appeared last summer at Kiesner Training, where ROL Divine Style had arrived early in 2020. He’d shown successfully with three training operations, but his list of prestigious titles did not yet include the silver winner’s trophy of the U.S. Nationals. It soon became apparent that for Duke, the Kiesner barn was home: he blossomed in his training, fairly glowing with contentment. Joel worked on fine-tuning his style and Ashton improved his ability to relax his responses to what was asked of him. As she worked him more and more, Joel found himself inviting visitors to “come and watch this horse of Ashton’s …” Duke was, they could tell, perhaps more special than even they had foreseen. Given the stallion’s natural ability, the challenge was refining his understanding of the different tasks he was being asked to do. “For a couple of months, I set a timer on my watch and we walked for 20 minutes,” Ashton says. “I just wanted him to know that he didn’t ‘have to.’ He’s bred to give, give, give, and I told him, ‘No, let’s just walk for today.’ We did that for a couple of months, and then we would just kind of jog. He would want to go faster and I’d slow him down, and then some days we’d go faster and then I’d make him come back and rate. At home, I never did a park trot or anything like that; he learned that he could go hard, but then he has to come back down. Over the course of so many months, he softened—his mind, his body, his mouth, his expression.”
With Ty Wallis
Joel notes the details of her style and how it worked with Duke. “She understands the concept of having a horse move their body to their head softly and with sophistication, and never with force,” he says. “She’s thorough with her legs, with educating their mouths. Anytime I climb on one of her horses, they’re just thoroughly trained; they’re never afraid of their mouth. They understand the bit and they move off it. You can use all your cues and they are never nervous or tense about it, they know how to do everything, and they have good controls. They don’t just do the big trot; they do all kinds of other trots too. You can put them anywhere you want and then when you ask them for the big trot, you have all the control you need. They do it in a relaxed way and we think that’s more beautiful to watch.” “I always had Gene in my head, like a little birdie on my shoulder,” Ashton smiles. “The straight rein, a smooth snaffle, Duke being roundbacked, round-necked—I think doing all that enabled him to do the park and the English.” “He was that settled in his brain that he could go multiple different speeds and impulsions, and that’s why he was able to do that,” Joel observes. “The horse got to accept that he was mentally, physically and emotionally really at his best. Obviously, you have to have a great horse, but Ashton did a fantastic job. I got a lot of enjoyment out of watching the training sessions; it was a beautiful thing to watch.” In July, the team headed out to Region 15, and that’s where things
heated up. Ashton won the English pleasure preliminary with Duke and Joel added the open, noticing so much impulsion and enthusiasm that he remarked, “You know, we might have a park horse here.” Although they had previously focused on English pleasure, Nancy and Carol were agreeable. Early on, they’d regarded English as more of an asset to Duke’s career at stud, but that aspect of his life had taken off (“At latest count, we find that about 86 percent of our breeders re-breed to him,” Nancy says, and the list includes many of the major English breeders in the industry). So at this stage, they had more flexibility. By early October, when they arrived in Tulsa, their target remained the park championship on Thursday night. And in that class, Duke was explosive. “I asked for everything I could from him,” Joel reported, “and he showed me more.” Impressively, he came back to the stalls “with gas in the tank,” as Nancy puts it. Still, they waited until Ty Wallis pronounced him fit to go again before that second round of competition became a reality. For the next two days, Duke’s mental acumen was obvious. He knew how to take care of himself, sleeping and eating through Friday and resting on the day of the class. “He has the intelligence and the work ethic,” Nancy notes. “He was ready for Saturday night. When I talk about temperament, that’s part of it. It’s something you want to reproduce, something that will enhance the breed.” There would be one difference for the English pleasure championship: Ashton would be Duke’s partner.
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With Gene LaCroix
With Nancy De Lisi
Saturday night. “This was the moment that I’d been working for all my life,” Ashton says simply, and but allows with a laugh, “All that work … but when you are riding Divine Style in open English, it’s not a bad gig!” For Duke, it was down now to this one last effort. “He was ready,” she says. “He was so excited and so pumped up as we were walking down the chute to go to the Ford Truck Arena; I’ve never felt a horse like that. I could feel his heart beating between my legs. Honestly, I hadn’t planned on going in that early, but he was ready to go; nobody was stopping him, not even me. I thought, ‘If I hold you back I may get myself in trouble. So, I’m just going to go with you, let you do your thing.’ We hit that ring and he was just a monster (in a good way). He never tired. He did everything I asked him to—on the rail, off the rail, faster, slower. He was perfect, never broke, always cadenced. It was a total thrill, obviously!” All the months of schooling came together. That night, Duke and Ashton were so in tune with each other that they were nearly in their own world. “He is the kind of horse that makes a commitment to the rider if the rider makes a commitment to him,” Nancy says. “When she went through the in-gate, you had to be there to feel the enthusiasm—the crowd was with that horse and was with them the whole time.” “It wasn’t just a win; it was epic,” says Joel proudly, even though he was riding against her. “The crowd went nuts. When we lined up together, I said, ‘Ashton, do you hear that? They’re chanting your name!’ She had no idea. I knew during the class that it wasn’t just that she was
Schatzberg photo
Above: The moment history was made. Right: 2021 U.S. National Champion win passes in Park, with Joel and English Pleasure, with Ashton.
doing good, but that the crowd was really getting behind her.” Gene LaCroix nailed the essence of their accomplishment. “To me, there was a distinct difference between Joel riding him as a park horse and Ashton as an English pleasure horse. I thought the horse looked fantastic both times, but different, and that’s exactly as it should be if the horse is ideally trained and capable of doing it, which he is. Joel could be as aggressive as he needed to be with Duke, and then Ashton relaxed him, but he didn’t change his frame or his motion that much. They looked relaxed, but they were doing a hell of a lot.” “Joel and I are different riders, but we’re under the same umbrella,” Ashton nods. “He can get things out of a horse that not many people can, and Duke is the type of horse who is mentally and physically made in a way that he wants to give you everything. You ask for more, he’ll give you more. I think it came down to the different riders, how Joel asks him to perform and how I ask him to perform. He is such a sensitive horse and his heart is huge.” “There are some moments in there that I will never forget,” Joel says quietly. Two months after the triumph, his voice still reflects his emotion. “The story never gets old—I’m choked up right now, thinking about it all over again; it’s the top of the mountain and not everybody gets there. There are horses that are capable of doing it and he’s one of them, but he hadn’t done it yet. Everything has to come together, and everything came together for Ashton and Duke.” Ar abian Horse Times | 54 | Volume 52, No. 6
For Ashton, Saturday night in Tulsa was a milestone. “I was that little girl who went to Scottsdale when I was 12 years old, and when I touched NH Love Potion, I thought, ‘I’ll never wash this hand again.’ I was the same girl in Louisville, when I turned 16 and I went around having famous horse trainers sign my birthday card: Ray LaCroix, Michael Byatt, Gordon Potts; they were my rockstars. This was important for all the horse crazy girls out there—I’m that girl too. I want to say to them, ‘Anything can happen! Have the courage to take those paths and recognize those opportunities and take them.’”
A quiet moment between the two who shared with us all, something we will never forget.
Above: Big smiles from owners Carol Sandusky & Nancy De Lisi with Karlton Jackson.
“It was a win for the industry and for young women trainers to see what Ashton did,” Nancy says. As to why she and Carol elected to go with her, rather than her mega-titled husband, she responds that there was never a question about it. “She’d earned it.” And with the 2021 trophy, Ashton became only the fourth female trainer to win the U.S. National Championship in English Pleasure. And Duke? He secured his singular place in history. Nancy, whose relationship with ROL Divine Style is based on their conversations in his stall, has a theory that amplifies not only his wins, but the Arabian personality. “The night that he won the park class, when everyone was gone, I went into his stall and said, ‘Buddy, you’ve always been my champion, and tonight you became everybody’s champion. Congratulations!’ He kind of put his head on my shoulder and was as sweet as can be. Then on Saturday morning, after Ty cleared him to show on Saturday night, I went into his stall and I said, ‘Buddy, you’re going to show again tonight.’” She chuckles. “And he looked at me like he was saying, ‘I know, I’ve already had my bath. I know what the drill is.’ I said, ‘But Ashton’s going to be on you tonight and she’s worked really hard for you; you probably wouldn’t be showing at all, if it were not for her. You need to give her the ride of her life.’ And he gave me this look that said, ‘You don’t need to be telling me! I know what I have to do!’ That’s the mentality that they have—they’ll let you know what they’ll do if you just listen to them. “I’m convinced that these are goals he set for himself,” she concludes. “We never said to him, ‘you have to be a national champion.’ We never said he had to be a champion at all. He just looked back at me as if to say, ‘that’s fine, but I have bigger dreams.’” u
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2020 U.S. National Unanimous Champion English Pleasure 2020 U.S. National Unanimous Champion English Pleasure AAOTR 2019 U.S. National Unanimous Champion English Pleasure 2018 U.S. National Unanimous Champion English Pleasure 2017 U.S. National Unanimous Champion Pleasure Driving
2016 U.S. National Unanimous Champion English Pleasure 2014 U.S. National Champion English Pleasure Junior Horse 2013 U.S. National Champion AEPA Saddle Seat Futurity 2012 U.S. National Champion English Pleasure Futurity
Limited embryos available to serious inquiries.
Afires Heir x Noble Aphroditie | Proudly bred by Karlton & Mary Ann Jackson & owned by Karlton Jackson & Emily Shippee
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rg photo Schatzbe
Prosuasion x Heirs Noble Love
2021 U.S. NATIONAL CHAMPION ENGLISH PLEASURE FUTURITY Standing to a limited number of mares in 2022. For breeding information contact Ashton Kiesner 865-556-0412
Undulata’s Nutcracker x Heirs Noble Love
Owned by KGB Texas Marketing/Public Relations Inc.
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JOTR & JTR Elite 14 & Under
Justify x For Goodness Sakes
Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure & Hunter Seat Equitation
Sundance Kid V x Afternoon Prayer BFA
Arabian Hunter Pleasure & Hunter Seat Equitation
Trainer Wendy Potts
IXL Noble Express x RGT Glory Days
Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure
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3x Scottsdale Champion | U.S. National Champion 2x U.S. National Reserve Champion in Hunter Pleasure
+/ KM Bugatti+++/ x Major Primadonna Multi-program nominated | Proudly owned by Tom & Leola Hansen
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x GH Magna 2019 Arabian Stallion Owned by Royal Arabians
x DM Endless Romance 2019 Arabian Mare Owned by North by Northwest, LLC
x She Be Envied++++// 2020 Half-Arabian Gelding Owned by Ashley Toye
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FVF Bucarrdi+/ x Bella Victoria MP 2x U.S. National Champion U.S. Reserve National Champion 2x Mid Summer Reserve National Champion 2x Scottsdale Champion in Hunter Pleasure Owned by Tom & Leola Hansen
For Breeding Information to FVF BUCARRDI contact Justin Cowden | 775.901.3029 Standing at Royal Arabians | 480.361.6926 | info@royalarabians.com www.RoyalArabians.com
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Soul Of Marwan AS x Honey’s Delight RB Standing at Royal Arabians, Contact Justin Cowden 775.901.3029 480.361.6926 | info@royalarabians.com | www.RoyalArabians.com
Aston Martin++ x GC Merpsydita Standing at Royal Arabians, Contact Justin Cowden 775.901.3029 480.361.6926 | info@royalarabians.com | www.RoyalArabians.com
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Stachowski Farm, Inc.
Mantua, Ohio - San Marcos, California Jim 330.603.2116 - Peter 330.620.0194 Sharon 330.235.3444 - Tom 404.304.9955 Jonathan 724.413.2061 - Nestor 805.90Z8907 www.Stachowski.com - info@stachowski.com
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Legendary *El Tino, pictured at 11 years of age | Owned by Desert Sky Arabians, Sylvain Allard & Robyn Andrews
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By THERESA CARDAMONE Great stallions like El Tino are larger than life in the eyes of their many admirers. A National Champion multiple times in Brazil, El Tino matched his success in the show arena with equally impressive results in the breeding shed. From 2011 through 2021, El Tino offspring earned a staggering 19 Brazilian National Gold Championships along with 16 Silvers and 9 Bronze. It comes as no surprise that he has also racked up several Best Sire awards at the Brazilian Nationals. Now turning the page on the next chapter by establishing himself as a leading sire in the United States, El Tino’s towering accomplishments can overshadow his modest beginnings.
BEGINNINGS | Jacki Musser has always been an animal lover, a passion she exercises today as a breeder and photographer. Back in 2006, she had a small Arabian horse breeding program in Illinois and was active in her local breed organizations. She recalls being at the Iowa Gold Star Auction, and being interested in bidding on breedings for a couple of her mares. “I was talking with Gene Reichardt, who I consider to be one of my mentors,” Jacki explains, “and I asked him if there were any breedings I should be considering. He told me about a young colt that he had a great feeling about, and thought he might not get too much attention in the bidding due to his age, in spite of his potential. I took that advice and got the DA Valentino breeding.” Jacki knew exactly which mare she wanted to breed. “As soon as I saw his photo,” she continues, “I had the perfect mare in mind—Imprimista CF. To me, she was the perfect mare! She was elegant and had a beautiful head and neck. We had not used her yet, and I was looking for just the right stallion. Her fault was her croup. I needed a stallion to help lengthen her topline; I just knew she was the one for this breeding!” DA Valentino settled the mare on the first try as part of a limited book that included well-known breeders Stone Ridge Arabians, Dolorosa Arabians, Sam Peacemaker, and others.
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That fall, Jacki and her significant other were attending the United States National Championships with the intent to sell one of their mares. Imprimista was NOT on the list. “I told him not to sell my mare,” Jacki relates. “I had a feeling this baby was going to be something, and I was so excited for its arrival; but unfortunately, he did make a deal and sold her anyway. I was completely heartbroken.” Today, she appreciates the skill with which El Tino’s career has been guided since that day. “Looking back at it now—it was meant to be,” she says. “El Tino would not be where he is today otherwise. I’ve always had a gut instinct when putting breedings together. This one was a win! I’m so proud to have put that vision together. Being a very small breeder, I feel very blessed to be a part of El Tino’s history.”
BRAZIL | Foaled on May 17, 2007, El Tino was first registered in the American Stud Book to Stacey Griffith and Mary Dever. He was the perfect manifestation of the promise of his pedigree. His sire and his dam have the same paternal and maternal lines, which are among the most successful in breed history. Both sire lines trace back to the desert-bred Mirage through Bey Shah, with both dam lines springing
From top to bottom:
from the great Crabbet import,
DA Valentino, sire of *El Tino;
Rodania. It is a family tree of strength
*El Tino pictured prior to his
and substance grafted with grace and
export to Brazil; breeder, Jacki Musser
refinement. And, in El Tino, it bore magnificent fruit. Tragically, Imprimista died from colic just a few months after the elegant colt was born, leaving El Tino the only proof that his breeder’s intuition was spot on. It was clear to everyone who saw him that the colt was something special. He caught the eye of Pedro Amaral and Carlos Mennezes, who purchased him as a baby and immediately exported him to Brazil. El Tino wasted no time establishing himself as one of the most talked-about colts in the country when he was named the 2008 Brazilian National Champion Junior Colt. His subsequent success as both a show horse and a sire in Brazil is now a matter of international record. El Tino added the Brazilian Reserve National Champion Colt title to his coffers in 2009
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*El Tino, 2008 Brazilian National Champion Junior Colt and returned to competition in 2014 to capture the Brazilian National Gold Champion Stallion honors. By then, he had already sired 2011 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt and 2013 National Silver Champion Colt Stig Highlander, and 2012 National Silver Champion Junior Junior Colt HDF Firenze. It only got better from there. El Tino progeny won two Gold, two Silver, and one Bronze at the 2015 Brazilian Nationals. The Gold Champion Junior Junior title went to Dominus Arabco, while another El Tino son, Zahir El Madan, earned the Bronze in the same class. Dominus Arabco was later the 2017 U.S. Reserve National Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. Also earning a 2015 National Gold title was Junior Colt Falak FK, who would go on to achieve Gold National Champion honors in future years as a Young Colt and Young Stallion. El Tino sons dominated the Senior Stallion Championship at the 2020 Brazilian Nationals, with Falak FK earning his fourth Gold as the National Champion Stallion and FT Saeed capturing the Silver.
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One reason El Tino was so immediately successful as a sire was the support of renowned breeder Sylvio Barbosa. Born into the Arabian horse world as a child at his father’s Haras Allah Dinn, he developed his own Rancho Arabco into one of Brazil’s most important breeding farms. Sylvio explains, “I learned from my father that success must be earned, and I established Rancho Arabco to breed the finest Arabian horses possible. It is important to me that horses be balanced and have great movement in addition to their breed type. I took a gamble and invested in El Tino because I thought that with his pedigree and individual quality, he would produce foals that were close to my ideal.” Sylvio bred his finest mares to the young stallion and purchased embryos from exceptional mares to use with him. Before long, breeders from all over the world were following his example. “He crossed very well with my mares,” he continues. “El Tino gave foals with fantastic Arabian type, long necks and shoulders, and excellent motion. I have been very pleased with the outstanding results that I have gotten over the years and expect to keep using him in my program in the future.”
Cindy McGown and Mark Davis heard about El Tino and what he was producing in Brazil from
Rodolfo Guzzo, the resident trainer at their Royal Arabians in Scottsdale. A Brazilian native, Guzzo became acquainted with El Tino 14 years ago when the colt was first brought to Brazil. “El Tino is a unique stallion who produces both show horses and breeding horses,” Guzzo comments. “He has been a great sire and had an incredible show career. And now his sons and daughters are producing incredible babies as well. The El Tino’s are not just great yearlings; they get even better as they mature. He has offspring everywhere…Kuwait, Saudi Arabian, Australia, North and South America; you name it, there is El Tino blood. And, he has generated a high amount of dollars through the sale of his babies.” Cindy made the trip to Brazil to see for herself what all the talk was about. “When I saw El Tino and his offspring in Brazil, I knew he was
STIG HIGHLANDER 2011 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt HDF FIRENZE 2012 Brazilian National Silver Champion Junior Junior Colt STIG HIGHLANDER 2013 Brazilian National Silver Champion Colt DOMINUS ARABCO 2015 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt FALAK FK 2015 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Colt
DOMINUS ARABCO Ar abian Horse Times | 6 El Tino | 2022
needed back in the U.S.,” Cindy states. “He is an incredible producer and a great mover with beautiful eyes; he has been a consistent producer of quality. El Tino is being utilized in the Royal Arabians breeding program both directly and by use of his offspring, of which, in my opinion, I have two of his best. We are attempting to add to that number.” Cindy pauses before offering the following, “I would like to add that for anyone who has not attended the Brazilian National Show, I highly recommend it. As you can see, some of my best horses have been imported from Brazil. It is definitely a memorable experience!” Cindy’s daughter, Amanda Fraser, who manages Royal’s breeding division, accompanied Guzzo on an exploratory trip to Brazil, where they discovered the young El Tino son, Royal Asad. “When Guzzo informed me that he was not returning to America without Asad, I knew he had to be great!” Cindy smiles. “After we purchased him, he was the unanimous 2016 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt. Needless to say, I was not disappointed! Royal Asad is reminiscent of his sire in the breeding barn
*El Tino, 2014 Brazilian National Gold Champion Stallion
SHIVA ARABCO 2015 Brazilian National Silver Champion Junior Junior Filly TINA EL MADAN 2015 Brazilian Naitonal Silver Champion Mare ZAHIR EL MADAN 2015 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Junior Junior Colt
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ROYAL ASAD | 2016 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt FALAK FK | 2016 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Colt ZAHIR EL MADAN | 2016 Brazilian National Silver Champion Young Colt VALENTIN EL MADAN 2016 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Young Colt KISSME EL MADAN | 2016 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Filly RHADASHAH ARABCO | 2017 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Filly RFI SPLENDOR | 2017 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Colt
TITANIUM LM | 2017 Brazilian National Gold Champion Colt DOMINUS ARABCO | 2017 National Reserve Champion 2-Year-Old-Colt RAZEER SERONDELLA | 2017 Brazilian National Silver Champion Junior Junior Colt FT SAEED | 2017 Brazilian National Silver Champion Young Stallion KHAMAL ARABCO | 2017 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Junior Colt INTENSE ARABCO | 2017 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Junior Junior Colt PRINCE VALENTINO | 2018 Brazilian National Gold Champion Colt FALAK FK | 2018 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Stallion RAZEER SERONDELLA | 2018 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Colt RHADASHAH ARABCO | 2018 Brazilian National Silver Champion Junior Filly ROYAL ASAD | 2018 Scottsdale International Gold Champion Junior Stallion RFI SPLENDOR | 2018 Brazilian National Silver Champion Colt JUSTINA ENB | 2018 Canadian Reserve National Champion Yearling Filly INTENSE ARABCO | 2018 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Young Colt Ar abian Horse Times | 8 El Tino | 2022
and is producing beautiful offspring that are winning around the world. His dam is the great Lumiar Ethna, who I first saw at Brazilian Nationals.” After his 2017 importation to the United States, Royal Asad continued his winning ways, capturing the Gold Champion Junior Colt honors at the 2017 Arabian Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas and again at the Arabian National Breeder Finals. In February 2018, Royal Asad was named the 2018 Scottsdale International Gold Champion Junior Stallion. Cindy and Mark were convinced that El Tino was a genetic powerhouse. They wanted to bring him back to the United States to stand alongside Royal Asad. And so, in 2018, ten years after he had left for Brazil, El Tino returned to the U.S. and his new home at Royal Arabians. Royal Arabians also acquired the El Tino daughter, Rhadashah Arabco, the 2017 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Filly, and imported her to America in 2018. “Rhadashah Arabco is a gorgeous daughter of El Tino who will be one of our top broodmares moving forward,” Cindy enthuses. “We first saw her, too, at the Brazilian Nationals, and she is a beautiful example of what El Tino produces.” Rhadashah continued to shine unabated in her new environment, earning the 2020 Champion Mare AOTH and 2021 Champion Mare ATH titles at the Arabian National Breeder Finals, 2021 Scottsdale Reserve Champion Mare AOTH honors, and the 2021 United States Reserve National Champion Mare AAOTH award. El Tino’s latest success is the 2021 U.S. National Champion Junior Stallion, Guardian AS, a truly magnificent example of his sire’s prepotency. Guardian was the unanimous champion in Tulsa, the unanimous Scottsdale International Gold Champion Junior Stallion winner earlier in the year, and was again the unanimous Gold Champion Junior Stallion at the Arabian National Breeder Finals. Guardian AS is proudly owned by Stone Ridge Arabians and stands at Midwest Training Centre, across the street from his sire. David Boggs gave him the highest of praise, saying, “In the show ring, the closest I can compare Guardian to is Padron. When I first laid eyes on him at Arabian Soul in Mexico City, he was a youngster at his mother’s side and was as great a colt as any I had ever seen.”
At 15 years old, El Tino is entering the next phase of his career with the same exuberance that he has
always displayed. Supporting him every inch of the way are his current owners, Sylvain Allard and Robyn Andrews, who are still amazed at their good fortune in being able to acquire such a world-caliber stallion for their up-and-coming Desert Sky Arabians. Only four years into the business, they already own one of the top stallions in the breed. “When the opportunity presented itself,” Sylvain Allard explains, “I couldn’t believe it. We want to stay small and, originally, we planned to use outside stallions to cross with our mares. Then, Guzzo told us there might be an opportunity to acquire El Tino. We got to know him once he came to Royal, where we keep our horses. So, we jumped at the opportunity.” Sylvain appreciates El Tino’s intelligence and kindness as well as his dynamic presence. “He is great to be around,” says Sylvain. “El Tino acts like he owns the place as soon as he’s turned out, but you go to visit him in his stall, and he is quite a quiet guy. He knows when it is time to turn it on. We visit him regularly and have gotten attached to him very quickly. We bred him to all of our champion mares this year; to OFW Jewel of Marwan (2021 U.S. National Champion Futurity Filly), to AJ Kharena (Scottsdale Unanimous Grand Champion Mare), and to Mistic Dominic HVP (Scottsdale Grand Champion Mare/Arabian Breeder Finals Champion Mare). That was our intent when we bought El Tino, to promote him not only through advertising but by breeding our best mares to him and showing everyone what he can do.” Sylvain takes the responsibility of managing such a high-caliber stallion very seriously, which is why El Tino continues to stand at Royal Arabians. “We have been fortunate to get great advice from Guzzo and Royal,” he credits. “In a very few years, we have had great success and are very happy. It was quite exciting! We have our own taste, but we appreciate having experts to learn from, too. Many can recognize good quality, but it is that little ‘extra,’ the charisma…once you see that, it clicks. That is what keeps you coming back, trying to find that again.” Nayla Hayek felt that spark when she acquired the black 2-year-old El Tino daughter Latifa MAM for her world-famous Hanaya Stud in Switzerland. This year, plans are to breed Latifa to both Hanaya’s HL El Ganador and to Ajman Stud’s AJ Mardan son, AJ Yas, who is also black. Elisa Grassi, who works closely with Hanaya, describes Latifa as “Truly a special horse; she is very necky, with a beautiful face and super attitude. It is for sure she is a great addition to Nayla’s string of purebred show horses. And we are excited to see what she will produce with these two stallions.” Ar abian Horse Times | 9 El Tino | 2022
ASWAD | 2019 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt HARIRY MAM | 2019 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Colt INTENSE ARABCO | 2019 Brazilian National Gold Champion Colt MARCELHAH ARABCO | 2019 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Filly LATIFA MAM | 2019 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Filly LUNA HVP | 2019 Brazilian National Silver Champion Junior Junior Filly METEOR ARABCO | 2019 Brazilian National Silver Champion Young Stallion FIERO HW | 2019 U.S. Reserve National Champion ABS Yearling Gelding JUSTINA ENB | 2019 Canadian National Reserve Champion ABS Filly
ALANA HVP | 2019 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Junior Junior Filly
OPUS ONE ARABCO II |2020 Brazilian National Gold Champion Junior Junior Colt FALAK FK | 2020 Brazilian National Gold Champion Stallion MARIA AL | 2020 Brazilian National Silver Champion Filly ASWAD | 2020 Brazilian National Silver Champion Young Colt FT SAEED | 2020 Brazilian National Silver Champion Stallion ALANA HVP | 2020 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Most Classic Head Female GUARDIAN AS | 2021 U.S. National Champion Junior Stallion CALVIN DEL TINO JM | 2021 Brazilian National Gold Champion Most Classic Head Male CASH DEL TINO JM | 2021 Brazilian National Silver Champion Young Stallion CASH DEL TINO JM | 2021 Brazilian National Silver Champion Most Classic Head Male RHADASHAH ARABCO | 2021 U.S. Reserve National Champion Mare AAOTH
RHAYDEE SERONDELLA | 2021 Brazilian National Bronze Champion Junior Mare
Ar abian Horse Times | 10 El Tino | 2022
Abel Leopoldino also has a black El Tino daughter, Maria AL, who was the Brazilian Silver Reserve National Champion Filly in 2020. An ebony beauty with an exquisite face, long, elegant neck, and outstanding movement, Abel credits El Tino for much of Maria’s quality. “He produces show horses,” Abel states. “He gives the great neck and attitude; I like him very much, and I use him when I can. I have a great colt, Haz AL, that is a Royal Asad son, so a grandson of El Tino. This is a OPUS ONE ARABCO II
tremendous colt that I hope to show this year in Brazil.” Luciana Fasano has made her Fazenda Floresta in Brazil an internationally respected Arabian horse breeding program. As a part of her impressive stallion roster, Luciana incorporated the blood of El Tino into her herd, and she remains a lifelong fan and supporter. She explains, “I was surprised when Guzzo called me to say that they had a very, very special horse he thought I should own. I agreed. All of a sudden, we started to see El Tino fillies and colts being National Champions in Brazil. He was the Best Sire in Brazil for three years in a row! The whole world started to call me to see about breeding to him. “El Tino has played a very special role in Brazilian breeding, and now he is definitely playing a big role all over the world. He has progeny now born in Poland, Israel, Australia, the Middle East, in Europe, and his sons and daughters are being exported to countries all over the world. It is interesting to
see how the European and Middle Eastern breeders use him. He is a very special stallion and a sweet horse. I love to see character in my horses, and El Tino has a lot of it, especially attitude. And he is producing extremely well with most bloodlines. I wish the best of luck to Sylvain and Robyn in their time with El Tino.” Thiago Pontes is returning to Arabian horses in Brazil under the name TP Arabians after a 20-year hiatus. “I was 20 years out of touch with the bloodlines and had to learn about the stallions that were in use,” he relates. “I realized that El Tino had been active in Brazil, and I was seeing some wonderful
mares from him. I have a good relationship with Sylvio
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Barbosa from Rancho Arabco. He is a breeder with great mares, and he got me excited. I learned a lot about El Tino from him, and I bought one of my best mares, the El Tino daughter Daleelah Arabco, from him. I was shocked when I first saw her; she has so much type, her beautiful head, and so much attitude! It is a pleasure to have her in my program. I sold Sylvain an embryo of Daleelah is crossed with Marwan Al Shaqab. We believe that the line from Marwan mixed with El Tino blood will be amazing. I am enthusiastic about El Tino and trust it will be amazing to use him with Middle Eastern and European blood.” Future goals for Daleelah include capturing the 2022 Brazilian National Gold Champion Young Mare title in addition to contributing to TP Arabians’ foundation gene pool. “I am buying El Tino daughters because I believe that they will be fantastic mothers,” Thiago continues. “They are easy to use with any type of stallion because of their high quality. I am trying to use linebreeding in my program, as the successful breeders in Europe and the Middle East are doing. They create elegance, movement, and so much type. But El Tino will provide what they need, a great neck and show horse attitude. We think that he will unite the best features from all the continents!” Desert Sky Arabians’ mares, OFW Jewel of Marwan (top), AJ Kharena (middle) and Mistic Dominic HVP (bottom) are all expecting foals by El Tino in 2022.
Sylvain and Robyn were overwhelmed by the flood of positive feedback they received once the news went out to the Arabian horse community that El Tino was now the foundation stallion for Desert Sky. “We are very fortunate and happy to own him,” Sylvain reiterates. “El Tino is known everywhere, which is still surprising to me! Breeders are sending us videos of his babies that they are impressed with in Poland, Qatar, the Middle East; he is very well known throughout. So far, El Tino’s success is greater outside the United States, but now that he is back in America, that will change.” Desert Sky eagerly awaits their first three El Tino foals, due in 2022. “We are just starting and are grateful to have El Tino,” says Sylvain. “We want people in the United States to know and appreciate him as much as the rest of the world does.” It is clear that Sylvain and Robyn are deeply committed to his success, and El Tino could not be in better hands as he embarks on the next chapter of his remarkable life. ■
El Tino is proudly owned by Desert Sky Arabians Sylvain Allard & Robyn Andrews www.desertskyarabians.com Standing at Royal Arabians | 480-361-6926 www.RoyalArabians.com Ar abian Horse Times | 12 El Tino | 2022
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*El Tino x Giuliana El Shawan Bred & owned by Haras Canaã, Brazil
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Royal Asad x Elegance AL Bred & owned by Haras Canaã, Brazil
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Contact Zico Guardia +55 11 98323 2251
*El Tino x FT Havanna El Keav Bred by Haras Rancho Arabco | Owned by Haras Cruzeiro @harascruzeiroarabians
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El Tino x FT Sofia El Bogart by Bogart El Perseus Bred & Owned by Flávia Torres | FT Arabians, Brazil Manager, Cesar Schmidt | +55 15 99755 6255
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*El Tino x Sahara Daleelah Bred by Rancho Arabco Owned by Thiago Pontes | TP Arabians, Brazil
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*El Tino x Xaklinna D’ Pscore JM Bred & Owned by José Alves Filho, Haras JM, Brazil www.HarasJM.com.br Ar abian Horse Times | 20 El Tino | 2022
*El Tino x Stig Justhine Bred & Owned by José Alves Filho, Haras JM, Brazil www.HarasJM.com.br
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2021 BRAZILIAN NATIONAL GOLD CHAMPION MOST CLASSIC HEAD MALE *El Tino x *Marcessa FF Bred & Owned by José Alves Filho, Haras JM, Brazil | www.HarasJM.com.br Ar abian Horse Times | 22 El Tino | 2022
*El Tino x Bretta UB Bred & Owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, Brazil Contact Zetao Rodrigues | +19 97415 0624 Cesar Schmidt | +15 99755 6255 *El Tino x Josephine HVP Bred & Owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, Brazil
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*El Tino x *RD Fabreanna Bred & Owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, Brazil Contact Zetao Rodrigues | +19 97415 0624 Cesar Schmidt | +15 99755 6255
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*El Tino x *AJ Kharena Bred & Owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, Brazil Contact Zetao Rodrigues | +19 97415 0624 Cesar Schmidt | +15 99755 6255
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*El Tino x Faizah Carol
Bred & Owned by Haras Trindade de Minas Cláudia Menicucci Teixeira, Brazil | WhatsApp +55 31 992826604 Contact Nelson Pinto Moreira | WhatsApp +55 19 997747003
Ar abian Horse Times | 26 El Tino | 2022
TM Itaipu x TM Fahdeelah Bred & Owned by Haras Trindade de Minas, Brazil
TM Itaipu x TM Haidee Bred & Owned by Haras Trindade de Minas, Brazil
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*El Tino x SW Victoria Owned by Stone Ridge Arabians, Dan & Maureen Grossman, U.S.A.
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*El Tino x Yasmin HWM Bred by Rancho Arabco | Owned by Royal Arabians, U.S.A. | www.RoyalArabians.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 29 El Tino | 2022
2018 SCOTTSDALE INTERNATIONAL GOLD CHAMPION JUNIOR STALLION 2017 ARABIAN BREEDERS WORLD CUP GOLD CHAMPION JUNIOR COLT 2017 ARABIAN BREEDER FINALS GOLD CHAMPION JUNIOR COLT 2016 BRAZILIAN NATIONAL GOLD CHAMPION JUNIOR JUNIOR COLT *El Tino x Lumiar Ethna Bred by Michel Alberto Morelato | Owned by Royal Arabians, Cindy McGown & Mark Davis 480 361 6926 | info@royalarabians.com | www.RoyalArabians.com
Ar abian Horse Times | 30 El Tino | 2022
Royal Asad x R Arabella 2019 Scottsdale International Silver Champion Yearling Filly 2019 Menton Bronze Champion Yearling Filly Bred by Royal Arabians | Owned by Nesma Stud
Royal Asad x Sophie ELS 2021 U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly Bred by Arabians International Owned by Al Khor Stud
Royal Asad x Royal Dyana 2021 U.S. National Champion Yearling Gelding Open & AAOTH Bred & owned by Royal Arabians, U.S.A
Ar abian Horse Times | 31 El Tino | 2022
“Together we can inspire galaxies of GREATNESS for generations to come. No, Sky is not the Limit ... It is only the BEGINNING.” ~ Donovan Livingston
DA Valentino x Imprimista CF Proudly Owned by Desert Sky Arabians | www.DesertSkyArabians.com Standing at Royal Arabians | 480 361 6926 info@royalarabians.com | www.RoyalArabians.com
$130 per class * Space is limited and subject to availability * https://www.ahtforms.com/video-order
Ar abian Horse Times | 145 | Volume 52, No. 6
Pictured left to right
Maria Helena Vidal (ABCCA PR) Juan Stuckey (Ring Master-USA) Guilherme Santos (DC-BR) Leonardo Pinheiro Machado (BR) Scott Brumfield (USA) Rodrigo Forte (ABCCA President) Mohamed Machmoum (Morocco) Jerzy Bialobok (Poland) Christine Jamar (Belgium) John Rannenberg (USA)
Haras Serondella – Amorosino Family
1. Gold Champion Stallion
4. Gold Champion Young Colt
(Mashoor Al Mohamadia x DOD Fiorella) Breeder/Owner: Marco Tulio Dias Lopes Filho - Haras Imagem
(Vivaldi Al Shawan x NV Georgia) Breeder: Dulce Rosas - Wolf Arabians Owner: Haras FK
2. Gold Champion Young Stallion
5. Gold Champion Jr Colt
(Ibn Farid x SR Aphrodite) Breeder: Mr. W. Brown Owner: Leandro De Aguiar - Haras Cruzeiro
3. Gold Champion Colt
6. Gold Champion Jr Jr Colt
(Emerald J x Sahara Daghirah) Breeder/Owner: Haras Sahara
(*Dominic M x Lumiar Ethna) Breeder/Owner: Cindy McGown & Mark Davis - Royal Arabians
(HP Ali x Khyki HEC) Breeder/Owner: Florivaldo De Carvalho - Haras Estancia California
1. Gold Champion Mare
4. Gold Champion Young Filly
(Bogart El Perseus x Sultana CMC) Breeder/Owner: Flavia Maria Ramalho Torres – Haras FT
(Emerald J x Symphony RB) Breeder/Owner: Adriana Espindola B De Moura - Haras Das Cascatas
2. Gold Champion Young Mare
5. Gold Champion Jr Filly
(*Bandit SRA x Persephone Rach) Breeder/Owner: Rach Stud
(HDF Lugano x HK La Fiesta Power) Breeder/Owner: Cesar A Schmidt Oliveira - Haras Katu and Humberto Florezi Filho - Haras Al Hosçan
3. Gold Champion Filly
(HDF Lugano x *Mystic Angel WRR) Breeder/Owner: Jorge Selume - Haras Santa Marta
6. Gold Champion Jr Jr Filly
(*Bandit SRA x Nahla El Madan) Breeder/Owner: Paulo Marques - Haras Lone Star
In typical “Fun for Everyone” fashion, which they’ve become known for worldwide, Royal Arabians came to the 2021 Brazilian Nationals with a new and exciting opportunity for everyone to win stallion breedings. One hundred “scratch off” tickets offering free and discounted breedings were available for each participating stallion: AJ Radman, Al Malikk, Antar Beni Hashim, El Tino, GM Targaryen, Halyr Meia Lua, Quasim CRH, RFI Raj Almaktub, Royal Asad and Soul of Marwan AS, to those in attendance. It was exciting and stellar fun! Many winners were ecstatic to win the chance to breed to these exemplary breeding sires! Winners included: Zetao Rodrigues, Dulce Rosas, Humberto Florezi, Jairo Queiroz Jorge, Andre Cruz, Fernanda Guardia, Flavia Torres, Rodrigo Forte, Luiz Alvaro Rocco, Haras Das Cascatas, Ahmad Adnan Jaroush,
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Renato Sorvilo, Adriana Moura, Enrico Carlone, Olivia Strauch, Ahmad Mohamad Saleh, Carolina Florezi De Souza and Eduardo Bonilla.
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Shino Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona has welcomed two new members to its team. Owner and trainer, Josh Shino, has brought on Laura Rodel and Stephanie Davisson with expectations of a bright future ahead in the show arena. All three have impressive resumes in and out of the show arena, bringing many horses and clients to the winner’s circle and creates a one-of-a-kind training powerhouse in Scottsdale. Shino shared his excitement of adding his friends and colleagues to the barn. “We plan to continue developing and adding to our great clientele and make it fun and exciting for everyone. We will be able to offer more lessons soon, as well, to grow our industry and gain some new members.” Having all previously worked together, the transition has been relatively smooth. “We have picked right back up where we left off,” says Davisson. “We each have our strengths and areas that we excel, and we let those complement each other. It also helps that we have such a great friendship.” Team chemistry and a solid foundation are vital. Couple this with shared goals and values, essential to growing a successful business, and you have Shino Training Center. Though eager to take on any role needed to get daily work done, Rodel’s main focus will be on the performance side, making sure the horses and clients compete at their best, while Davisson will lead the lesson program after the Scottsdale show. Both bring their passion for Arabian horses and solid work ethic from the Midwest, and are looking forward to new competition and venues such as Scottsdale and California. Shino expressed his glee of their growing team, “I’m excited to have such a talented group of young professionals that work hard to do what we love every day.” With the Scottsdale Arabian horse show around the corner, and goals set to begin the 2022 show season, Shino plans to begin their lesson program to help grow their business and most importantly, the Arabian horse industry, all with the main focus of having fun while doing it all. Ar abian Horse Times | 152 | Volume 52, No. 6
Laura Rodel, Josh Shino & Stephanie Davisson
Ar abian Horse Times | 153 | Volume 52, No. 6
WHO KNOWS WHO Who knows Silver Aspen Ranch’s LaRae Fletcher Powell better? We asked fellow SAR trainers, son Skylar and long-time friend Cheryl Kemp (Fletcher).
Hostess fruit pies
Dark chocolate w/nuts
Cherry fruit pies or almonds
Is there one?
Watching the Olympics
Definitely not Trail
Ranch Riding
Use your leg
Iced tea
Iced tea
Iced tea
Panera Bread
Panera Bread
Panera Bread
Bumper bit
Snaffle & Martingale
In pleasure–Juniors/In Reining–Open
What free time?
Cleaning the house
Watch Homestead Rescue or Hallmark movies
Work at Home Depot!
No idea
Systems Analyst
Weiner dogs
Fixing crap that horses break
Fixing hot wire fence
Does not like to be early to a class
There are too many options
World Champion Saddlebred 5-Gaited Horse
Countess Vanessa or any high-trotting English horse
Night owl
Night owl
Night owl
Her parents
Betty White
Parents/Pete Cameron/ Ann Whitcomb/Metcalfe Family
For more than 60 years, Green Acres Ranch, Inc. of Temecula, California has been a bright light, beaconing horse lovers to the magic of the Arabian horse. Going on four generations, this multi-family member business overflows with equine passion, offering horse expertise from breeding and boarding, beginning riding lessons, youth horse camps and onward, to top levels of national horse show competition and everything in between. One of those integral “in betweens” is Green Acres Interactive Therapy (GAIT), a certified 501(c)3 organization dedicated to “enriching lives by providing physical and emotional therapy through horse and farm animal interaction.” Green Acres’ Arabian horses, many born and bred through their bloodstock program, were a key pillar of the foundation on which the GAIT program was built. Margaret Rich, Green Acres owner and founder of GAIT, is a veteran trainer, breeder and international judge. She smiles while sharing GAIT’s beginnings, a simple idea put forward by Rich’s pediatrician father more than 50 years ago. “When my sister and I were teenagers, we were responsible for the care of our dozen or so Arabian horses at our small ranch property in Whittier, California,” Rich recollects. “Every day after school, we cleaned stalls, groomed, rode and fed our horses. Dad observed that horse chores kept us busy, and taught us responsibility, loyalty and confidence. Long before special needs children were identified, our father would bring home ‘troubled’ kids to benefit from what he saw we gained.” Rich laughs, “Of course, being teenagers, we groaned at the added task of managing these kids, but little did we know, we were building the basics of a viable equine therapy program!”
And Rich passed on that work ethic and love to her children. Margaret’s son, Roy Rich, trains and shows national champions in working western and Katherine Rich-Elzig, Margaret’s daughter, is a top trainer in the Sport Horse/ Dressage disciplines, both growing up ‘under the Arabian horse umbrella’, while appreciating other breeds as well. Recently recognized as Woman of the Year for the State of California-Congressional District 28, Arabian Horse Association’s past president, Nancy Harvey, has known Rich for decades. “Margaret has worked for more than 50 years to promote and preserve the equestrian lifestyle we love. She’s also responsible for planting the seed of loving horses in many of our youth. The GAIT Program at Green Acres Ranch has provided a premier equine therapy riding program for our community’s special needs children and adults. We were pleased and proud to include Margaret in our wagon filled with civic-minded leaders at the 2022 Rose Parade.” Rich has long embraced Arabian horses as her “best friends,” gifted with empathetic human interaction, intuition and intelligence. When Green Acres Arabians relocated to a larger ranch in Temecula, the informal special needs program continued and grew. The community loves bringing their children to a safe and friendly environment that welcomes youngsters from all walks of life and challenges. Rich and Green Acres’ human and horse family are rewarded continuously by “turning a bad day into a great day for so many disadvantaged kids.” Rich maintains, “The kids reward us with their joy just as much as our giving them the opportunity to make horse friends and overcome their unique challenges. It’s been a win-win from the very start.” Today, Green Acres’ GAIT program gives over 1,100 lessons a year with six certified GAIT instructors. Equally valuable to GAIT are its volunteers, more than one 160 individuals who graciously donate thousands of volunteer hours annually.
And then there are the horses. What traits make the best GAIT horses? Rich is specific, “Obviously, safety come first. Arabians make up the majority of our current 20-horse string. Most are retired show horses, and many are former national champions! These invaluable horses have seen and experienced so much through their careers, that a new situation is calmly accepted. Our horses must be curious and enthusiastic to do this work and go through a stringent 30-day trial period before working in the GAIT program. The literal gait of our horses is very important too. A flowing, balanced and lengthy stride is imperative to stimulating students’ hips and improving balance and strength.” Some of the diagnosis that are served at Green Acres Interactive Therapy include: • Emotional Disorders • Multiple Sclerosis • Muscular Dystrophy • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder • Stroke • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) • Autism • Brain Injuries • Cerebral Palsy • Down Syndrome Though children are the primary focus at GAIT, Rich proudly acknowledges their youngest student (20 months old) to their eldest (79). The bond between horse and student is a positive stimulant regardless of age, changing the student’s life through physical, cognitive, social and emotional bonds. GAIT and Green Acres Ranch is truly a community equine treasure amidst Temecula’s bucolic wine and horse country, personifying Winston Churchill’s age old adage, “The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.”
Ar abian Horse Times | 159 | Volume 52, No. 6
50 M E 52 , NO . 2 | $2 2. VO LU
M E 52 , NO . 2 | $2 2.
,N O.
|$ 2
2 .5
0 2 .5 |$ 2 4 ,N O. 52 ME LU VO
.5 0 3 | $2 2 N O. 52 , ME
2x 2x U.S. National U.S. National Champion Champion
0 2 .5 .7 |$ 2 NO 5 1, ME LU VO
5 1,
.7 |$ 2
2 .5
52 ,
N O.
3 | $2 2
.5 0
Unanimous Unanimous National ChampionNational Champion
SophiSeophie *RFI
Ar abian Horse Times | |160 | Volume 52, 352, No.No. 6 3 Ar abian Ar Horse abian Times Horse | 430 Times Volume | 430 | Volume 52, No.
Ar abian Horse Times | |161 | Volume 52, 352, No.No. 6 3 Ar abian Ar Horse abian Times Horse | 431 Times Volume | 431 | Volume 52, No.
Ar abian Horse Times | 162 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 163 | Volume 52, No. 6
A Lesson On The Integrity Of Maintaining The Character Of The Arabian Breed BY DICK ADAMS
e have a unique BREED of horse that has a highly functional quality and ability, NOT a functional quality and ability that has been categorized as a “breed” of horse.
Long before man controlled the breeding of the horse, the horse adapted to its environment. The environment dictated the survival quotient of the individual. The individual that survived with the most vigor became the most prolific pro-creator. But the old adage of “the strongest survive” can only be partially true. The most adaptable survived. This is natural selection. But when we bring in the human factor of “artificial” selection, we intercede with environmental evolution. What we have is genetic control creating a situation for the horse representing less need for adaptation to its environment and more adaptation to the needs and desires of the human. When we consider the term artificial selection, we must not misinterpret the realities of the process. With artificial selection, there are no gradual progressions of evolution that involve minute reactive changes over hundreds of years. What actually happened was an outline of pulsating/surging events that placed emphasis on and demanded change … all relative, primarily, to parallel the cultural development of custodial mankind. Simply because of this rapidly changing domain, the harshness of the environment, relative to predator, terrain and natural climate, became less and less relative to species survival. With this, an ever-changing progression of man-made events would strongly influence and deter the “natural” selection of the Arabian horse breed. The Arabian horse was unique from other breeds of equine, primarily, because of their close association to man. Nowhere in recordable time has both man and horse been so truly dependent on each other than the Bedouin Tribesman and the Arabian horse. It is well documented how the Bedouin developed a joint venture of cohabitation, cooperation and service with this unique horse that far surpassed the dependent relationships of the other nomadic mounted tribes of Native American or Asian Mongolian.
Genetically, there is no difference in the physiological and inherent processes involving artificial and natural selection. While natural selection allows the environment to act as a screening system that will allow only certain distinctions to pass, we/man designate the term “artificial” when human influences have a significant effect on the developmental process of a certain group or species. Artificial selection or selective breeding describes intentional breeding for certain traits or characteristics. The casual exploitation of artificial selection has become very common in the Arabian breed, and it has allowed for certain traits to be tolerated; traits that would have, previously, been detrimental to an individual’s survival. An example of this unintended consequence of artificial selection can be witnessed with the abnormal hoof development as seen in the concave anterior hoof wall of the compressed “club” foot syndrome. In medical genetics (the specialty of medicine that involves the diagnosis and management of hereditary disorders), it is the collection of traits and symptoms that are observed in, and characteristic of a specific condition; a dished or “club” foot. A specific physical condition where the underlying genetic cause has been identified, and the collection of symptoms have a pathogenetic relationship pertaining to the genetic cause of the condition. A condition that, without corrective and counteractive shoeing techniques, would greatly contribute to chronic unsoundness and a severe decrease in the survival ability and, therefore, a decrease in the individual’s capacity to transmit the fault to offspring. A condition that when physically corrected, often, allows for an individual to appear more aesthetically “correct” and more appealing as a breeding and/or show animal. This malady is unseen in wild horse herds, simply because those afflicted would have become the least vigorous for survival and, therefore, the least probable to affect the genotype and phenotype of the herd’s future. So, we see that man’s influence on the development of the horse was the change from evolution’s gradual influences to man’s rapid selectivity and diversion to need. Man’s control of the horse brought the human aspect of need directly into the equation. Man was quick to see how by controlling the mating of select individuals, their offspring would have a high probability of having
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those desirable characteristics. Man was soon to realize that by controlling the environment of the horse, it would become much more compliant with his needs. “Beast of burden” or “service animal;” no matter what the term … purposeful use was the intent. I’m not sure that the first man to domesticate a horse looked at it and thought, “That is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen!” My guess is that the first animal that man attempted to ride and actually rode was not a horse. And, when the horse initially became of practical use to man, its conformation had great need to develop into a suitable mount. I think it would be fair to say that man’s selective influence hastened the development of equus to the point that it became efficiently useable for draft and/or riding. The reality of it: There is no more diversity seen within any species than in that of the numerous breeds of the horse! While genetics are the digital input into the makeup of the individual, domestication’s environmental influences and attitudes are the analog input. Analog, as the faint audible “hiss” on a recording’s tape compared to the “clean” absence of noise of the digital product. One would imagine that two of the first “selective” preferences were the most obvious visuals of color and coloration. A breeder would note a particular color or color pattern in a certain individual and create matings that were of desired relevance. Once this pattern was successful, it was continued to the point where possibilities became probabilities. What environment did was suggest man breed individual to individual for specific traits that were of value to his needs, not the horses. The Arabian horse was bred for thousands of years to provide services for a master who refused and experienced much less change than his horse did. This area of input of the Bedouin’s influence on the Arabian had to be the great religion of Islam. The Muslim belief was one of Islam’s supremacy of all other religions. Their servitude was the martial reaction to the Koran’s dictate for Muslim domination. The very demeanor of the Arabian horse suggests its value to this purpose. The Bedouin’s principle was to establish the word of Allah, most often by the introduction of elimination through warfare. Their vehicles of mobility were the camel and the horse. While the camel had its values of endurance, meat and milk; what it lacked was the expression of intensity and an agility to perform diagonal and lateral movement. Therefore, the Arabian was bred and nurtured to be a war horse; closely associated with his master—intelligence among an unbelievable endurance and stamina; all in a highly maneuverable package that could be sustained on a menu of scarcity. A dutiful efficiency! The point: Arabian horses are SPECIAL! They were back then, and they still are now! The predisposition for a domes-
tication of sincere interaction can be attributed to generations of selective breeding by the Bedouin. The 9th century Arabic poet Al Mutannabi wrote, “The best place to be found on earth is on the back of a galloping horse…” The horse he was referring to was, of course, the Arabian. He also versed, “If you have seen nothing but the beauty of their markings and limbs, their true beauty is hidden from you.” In another poetic verse he wrote, “Riding the two most beautiful horses in the world; the horse of passion and the horse of poetry.” How could it be stated more eloquently? And the less poetic and laconic syntax of Homer Davenport, “Nature, when she made the Arab, made no mistake.” The conclusion and reality of Davenport’s statement must be shifted away from nature to the influences of man; one expression of “creationism” and one of “Darwinism.” Yet, we must conclude that creationism, through the hand of Islam, created the Arabian horse. How much do we care to change these feelings? How much right do we have to change the image that inspired these quotes? A Logical Theory For The Beauty Of The Arabian Horse From the Bedouin’s perspective, if we look at an environment that is so consistent and ever enduring, that its only changes (for millenniums) were the subtle adjustments of seasonal warm to hot, then, we might consider the breed has evolved to maximum function. They would see no need for change. So, we might conclude that the human quality desiring aesthetic beauty might have inspired the breeder to breed for beauty and disposition. This would be evident in the separation of images that we have for the “war” horse and the “tent” horse. Another consideration for the increase of the traits of intelligence and tractability of the Desert-bred Arabian horse might be because of the need for such a close co-existence, it created a strong and continuing interaction that influenced the Bedouin’s selective breeding process to consider these two traits. The Bedouin tribes soon developed specific strains, each having similar breed qualities, yet all possessing a uniquely distinct quality or character of its own. From these strains, certain sub-strains were developed for convenience and specific purposes. And ultimately, from these sub-strains referenced as Keheilan, Seglawi, Abeyon, Hamdani and Hadban, came the future of the Arabian breed. The Bedouin held the horse of “untainted heritage” to the utmost value; there, lies the lesson.
Ar abian Horse Times | 165 | Volume 52, No. 6
C A Ultimo+// (1995-2021)
Randy Meyer Ghazimoto Javier Camacho (1996-2021) (1980-2022)
C A Ultimo+ (1995-2021
Egan Egan
Randy Meyer Ramona D. (Sibbet) Whipps (1924-2021)
A long-time loverD. of (Sibbet) Arabian horses, Randy Bred by Priscilla and lovingly Aowned long-time lover Ghazimoto of Arabian horses, wasGhazimoto no Randy stranger to the horse Bred show by Priscilla an Ramona Whipps of Jordan, Minnesota, passed away on “Don’t worry, I got you!” Randy Meyer CNormington A Ultimo+// Randy Meyer CNormington A Ultimo+ worked passionately to promote the breed for by John and Sheryl Yochum, this beautifulworked chestnutpassionatelyworld. to promote Bred by theesteemed breed forbreeder andbytrainer John and Sheryl Yochum, this December 14, 2021, at the age of 97. decades. Randy fought a long and valiant battle gelding (C(1995-2021) A Hermoso x Citation decades. Of Randy fought Michael a longByatt, and (1996-2021) valiant the bay battle Half-Arabian geldinggelding (C(1995-2021 A Hermoso x A common response heard by many in the horse when asking with cancer, passing peacefully on July 5th, with his Merit) since 2000, honored his trustees with with cancer, the passing peacefully (El Ghazi xon Princess July 5th, Greystone) with industry hiswas a 14x Merit) Regional since 2000, honored his A long-time lover of Arabian horses, Randy Bred by the Priscilla Normington and lovingly A owned long-time lover Ghazimoto of Arabian horses, was noStachowski Randy stranger to the show by Normington Ramona was thehisco-founder of RaDon, Inc. in 1960s Javier. And he always did. Perhaps Jim says itBred best forPriscilla all title wife, Leigh, by side. well-earned title ofalong all-time for most winningest wife, Leigh, Champion by his side. and Reserve winner, 2xhorse Scottsdale well-earned of all-time an m worked with passionately to promote the breed for by John and Sheryl Yochum, this beautiful worked chestnut passionately world. to promote Bred by the esteemed breed for breeder and by trainer John and Sheryl Yochum, her first husband, Don Sibbet, in NewHunter Prague, MN. As show knewtitles him. it be electrical work, Champion/Reserve fixing a stall doorin or Pleasure horse with 41who National in “Whether Champion and 3x National Hunter Pleasure horse withthis 41 decades. Randy fought a long and valiant battle gelding (C AHorse Hermoso x Citation decades. Of trained Randy fought Michael a long Byatt, and valiant the bay battle Half-Arabian gelding gelding (C AHorse Hermoso x Having trained shown Arabians since the early Open, Junior and Amateur/Youth English shown Pleasure Open, since the AOTR/JOTR early for multiple Open, Junior and Am horseand enthusiasts and exhibitors, the couple were disappointed in literallyHaving any other taskand you couldArabians imagine, Javier was the proverbial ‘jack with cancer, passing peacefully on July 5th, with his Merit) since 2000, honored his trustees with with cancer, the passing peacefully (El Ghazi x on Princess July 5th, Greystone) with his was a 14x Merit) Regional since 2000, honored his 70s, Randy, respected amonghorse trainers in (12x Champion/9x Reserve and 20xtrades’ Top 70s, Ten). Randy, respected owners trainer before among finding trainers his final in resting place (12xwith Champion/9x Reserve an theawife, quality oftrainer available sheets and blankets, so decided of all and aamaster of most. by his Meyer side. well-earned title ofCall-time most winningest wife, Champion by his Meyer side. and Reserve winner, well-earned title ofCall-time m Randy AtoUltimo+// Randy A Ulti main ring halter andLeigh, performance, with his wife ran main ring halter andLeigh, performance, Lian with Oteiza hisGhazimoto wife inran 2012.2x Scottsdale pattern and manufacture their own high-quality blankets andhorse related Hunter Pleasure with 41 National titles in Champion and 3x National Champion/Reserve Hunter in Pleasure horse with 41 (1995-2021) (1996-2021) (1995-2 Meyer Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables as Meyer Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables as “He was not only indispensable at Stachowski Farm whereforhemultiple worked accessories. Soon, requests to produce custom Open, products forHorse others Having trained and shown Arabians since the early Junior and Amateur/Youth Having trained and English shown Arabians Pleasure Open, since the AOTR/JOTR early Open, Junior Horse and Am a chief program consultant and farm and a chief program “…consultant my barn aisle andwill farm not and be the same without you in them 70s, Randy, a respected trainer among trainers in (12x Champion/9x Reserve and 20x Top 70s, Ten). Randy, a respected owners trainer before among finding trainers his final in resting place (12x with Champion/9x Reserve an for over 20 years, but he also cheerfully helped out just about every barn followed. Thus, the birth of RaDon. The company prospered and A long-time lover of Arabian horses, Randy Bred by Priscilla Normington and lovinglyAowned long-time Ghazimoto of Arabian horses, wasexpressive no Randy stranger to the Bred show by Priscilla Norming breeding manager. breeding … lover thosemanager. big, kind, loving eyes. You are horse a legend main ringworked halter and performance, with his wife ran main ring halter and performance, Lian with Oteiza his wife in ran 2012. in the horse industry. All had was ask. grew throughout thepromote ‘70s, and death 1980, passionately to theeven breedafter for Mr. Sibbet’s by John andin Sheryl Yochum, thisArabian beautifulworked chestnut passionately world. toyou promote Bred by thedo esteemed breed for andmost bytrainer John and Sheryl Yochum and everyone who knew to you loved you. Ibreeder cherish my Meyer Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables at Rhapsody in Blue as decades. Randy fought both a long andquality valiant as battle geldingof(Ctheir A Hermoso x Meyer CitationShow decades. Of Horses Randy fought Michael a long Byatt, valiant the bay battle Half-Arabian geldinggelding (C A Herm memorable moments inand theStables show ring with you. The energy further improving the and service performance a with chiefcancer, program consultant and farm and5th, with his a chief program “…consultant my barn aisle and will not and be 5th, theGreystone) same without inlike them passing peacefully on July Merit) since 2000, honored his trustees with cancer, passing peacefully (Elinto Ghazi xfarm on Princess July with hisgate wasyou a 14x Merit) Regional you brought thefrequently arena when you hithustling the was no since 2000, honor “Javier neverwith met athe stranger and was seen between products. breeding manager. breeding … those manager. big, kind, loving expressive eyes. You are a legend wife, Leigh, by his side. well-earned title of all-time most winningest wife, Leigh, Champion by his side. and Reserve winner, 2x Scottsdale well-earned title of all-t other … always one with the crowd. The true definition of the show set-ups, turning a block of who stalls into aloved comfortable away everyone youbig Ieasy.” cherishhome most Hunter Pleasure horse with 41 National titles in anda show Champion andyou 3x National Hunter in Pleasure horse w horse. I knew love boy,you. rest Champion/Reserve ~my Lian thinking about everyone else’s comfort. Preceded in death by husbands, Donald H. Sibbet and Elmer from home. He was always memorable moments in the show ring with Having trained and shown Arabians since the early Open, Junior Horse and Amateur/Youth Having trained andEnglish shown Arabians Pleasure Open, since the AOTR/JOTR earlyyou. The energy for multiple Open, Junior Horse a Whipps; and grandson, Shawn Sibbet. She is survived by sons, you brought into the arena when you hit the gate was like no 70s, Randy, a respected trainer among trainers in (12x Champion/9x Reserve and 20x Top 70s, Ten). Randy, a respected owners trainer before among finding trainers his final in resting place (12xwith Champion/9x Rese …performance, always withLian the crowd. The true definition of behind hisother children, sononeJose, daughters Miriam, Donald, Duane and Donna Ranke; “Javier leavesmain mainDarrel, ring halter and performance, withDana; his wifestepdaughter, ran ring halter and with Oteiza his wife inFatima, ran 2012. a show I love you big boy, rest easy.” and granddaughter Angela Camacho. grandchildren, St. inClair, Matthew Meyer Show Horses atSarah Rhapsody Blue Stables as (Sibbet) Aldrich and and Cassandra, Meyer Show Horses at horse. Rhapsody inAyala Blue Stables as ~ Lian a chiefSibbet. program consultant and farm and a chief program “…consultant my barn aisle andwill farm not and be the same without you in them Evan breeding manager. breeding thosemanager. big,children kind, lovingthrough expressivecollege. eyes. You If areyou a legend “It was always Javier’s dream to…help his and everyone who knew you loved you. I cherish my most ever were a recipient of Javier’s good heart and generous spirit, please memorable moments in the show ring with you. The energy consider donating to his Gofundme page, and the future of his family. you brought into the arena when you hit the gate was like no other … always one with the crowd. The true definition of “Javier we will miss your smiling aface ouryouhearts showforever, horse. I love big boy,are restbroken. easy.” ~ Lian
“We got you!”
Ar abian Horse Times | 166 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ultimo+// 95-2021)
Ghazimoto RGA Kouress
Randy Meyer
C A Ultimo+// (1995-2021)
(1996-2021) (1995-2022)
Jake Jamaal JCA++// (2000-2022)
Ghazimoto (1996-2021)
mington and lovingly owned Ghazimoto wasGhazimoto no to the Kouress horse show Bred by Dr. Robert Gutstein in stranger 1995, RGA (Kouvay Bey x The heartbeat of Manny Lawrence’s Jade Creek Arabians, Jake Ultimo+// A long-time lover of Arabian Randy breeder andBred by Priscilla Normington and lovingly owned Ghazimoto was no stranger to the horse show chum, this beautiful chestnut world. Bredhorses, by esteemed trainer Angophora) comes from genetic giants, the likesbyof Eukaliptus, Bey Jamaal JCA chestnut ((Jullyen El Jamaal x Von Herte Onlybreeder One, and by Von 95-2021) (1996-2021) worked passionately to promote the breed for John and Sheryl Yochum, this beautiful world. Bred by esteemed trainer ermoso x Citation Of Michael Byatt, the bay Half-Arabian gelding Egan Egan
Shahthe and Bask. Herte Katssuo), was born on February 19,bay2000. Undergelding the Randy fought a longxand valiant battle was a 14x Regional gelding (C A Hermoso x Citation Of Michael Byatt, the Half-Arabian nored his trusteesdecades. with (El Ghazi Princess Greystone) mington and lovingly owned Ghazimoto was no stranger to the horse show training of Steve Heathcott, Greg Gallun and later Cynthia Burkwith cancer, passing peacefully onand JulyReserve 5th, with his 2x Scottsdale Merit) since 2000, honored his trustees with the (El Ghazi x Princess Greystone) was a 14x Regional all-time most winningest Champion winner, chum, chestnut world. Bred by breeder and trainer by his side. well-earned title of in all-time mostJake winningest and Reserve 2x Scottsdale Markelle Arabians LLC, purchased RGA man, Jamaal racked upChampion an impressive list winner, of National (3x se withthis 41 beautiful National Joel titlesDesmarteau, in wife, Leigh, Champion and 3x esteemed National Champion/Reserve in Kouress Randy Meyer C A Ultimo+// Randy Meyer Ghazimoto CAU ermoso x Citation Of Michael Byatt, the bay Half-Arabian gelding Hunter Pleasure horse with 41 National titles in Champion and 3x National Champion/Reserve se and Amateur/Youth English Pleasure AOTR/JOTR multiple 1999 from Mike Wilson when Open, she was in foal at thefortime to *Soho Carol. Champion, 2x Reserve, 7x Top Ten), Scottsdale (2x Champion, 3x in nored his trustees with the (El Ghazi x Princess Greystone) a 14xplace Regional trained and shown Arabians since the Open, Junior Horse Amateur/Youth Pleasure Open, AOTR/JOTR for multiple (1996-2021) (199 Reserve and 20x Having Top Ten). owners before finding his early final was resting with She had a beautiful filly named Sovannah, and Marajj, the first foal(1995-2021) he andReserve) and Regional (9x English Champion/Reserve) titles in Halter and most winningest Champion and Reserve winner, 2x Scottsdale Call-time A Ultimo+// Randy Meyer Ghazimoto C A Ultimo+// Randy Meyer Ghazimoto C AU 70s, Randy, a respected trainer among trainersinin2012. (12x Champion/9x Reserve and 20x Top Ten). owners before finding his final resting place with Lian Oteiza bred to her followed, whoand went on to begin the RGA Kouress legacy. Western Pleasure Open, Jr. Horse, JTR and Side Saddle. se(1995-2021) with 41 National titles in Champion 3x National Champion/Reserve in main ring halter andlover performance, with his(1996-2021) wife ran Lian in 2012. A long-time of Arabian horses, Randy Bred by Priscilla (1995-2021) Normington and lovinglyAowned long-time lover Ghazimoto of Arabian horses, wasOteiza no Randy stranger to the horse Bred show by Priscilla (199 Nor (1996-2021) se and Amateur/Youth English Pleasure Open, AOTR/JOTR for multiple Meyerworked Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables as passionately to promote the breed for by John and Sheryl Yochum, this beautiful worked chestnut passionately world. to promote Bred by the esteemed breed for breeder and by trainer John and Sheryl Yo “… my barn aisle will not be the same without you in them Reserve and 20x Top Ten). owners before finding his final resting place with Purchased by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi as a yearling, His progeny’s list of accomplishments is long and have sold internaa chief program consultant and farm and “… my barn aisle will not be the same without you in them decades. Randy fought a long and valiant battle gelding (C A Hermoso x Citation decades. Of Randy fought Michael a long Byatt, and valiant the bay battle Half-Arabian gelding gelding (C A H a Normington and lovingly A long-time owned lover of big, Ghazimoto Arabian horses, wasexpressive no Randy stranger to the horse by show Priscilla Normington and lovinglyAowned long-time lover Ghazimoto of Arabian horses, was no Randy stranger to the horse Bred show by Priscilla Nor … those kind, loving eyes. You are Bred a legend Lian Oteiza in 2012. breeding manager. …and those kind, loving expressive eyes. Youaand are aMerit) legend Marajj himself, earned multiple Gold and Silver insince theSheryl UAE, tionally, including Arabian Half-Arabian National winners with cancer, passing peacefully July 5th, with his Merit) 2000, honored his beautiful trustees with with cancer, thepassionately passing peacefully (El Ghazi xon Princess July 5th, Greystone) with his was 14xin Regional 2000,Yo h ryl Yochum, this beautiful worked chestnut passionately toworld. promote Bred the by breed esteemed for and by John trainer and Yochum, this worked chestnut world. tobig, promote Bred by theesteemed breed forbreeder by trainer John since and Sheryl and everyone whoon knew you loved you. Ibreeder cherishmedals my most
and everyone who knew you loved you.Cow, I cherish my most wife, Leigh, by hisand side. well-earned title all-time winningest wife, Leigh, Champion hisTrail, side. andvaliant Reserve winner, 2xHerd Scottsdale well-earned title C A Hermoso x Citation decades. OfGermany Randy fought aMichael long Byatt, the battle bay gelding gelding A of Hermoso xmost Citation decades. OfPleasure, Randy fought Michael aby long Byatt, and the bay battle Half-Arabian gelding gelding (C A of H memorable moments in valiant the show ring Half-Arabian with Thecareer energy Qatar, and France, before ending his you. show in the(C U.S. Halter, Western Side Saddle, Working “… my barn aisle will not be the same without you in them memorable moments in the show ring with you. The energy Hunter Pleasure horse with 41 National titles in Champion and 3x National Champion/Reserve Hunter in Pleasure hor 00, honored his trustees with cancer, with passing peacefully (Elinto Ghazi onarena xJuly Princess 5th, with waswas aHe 14x Merit) Regional 2000, his Cutting, trustees with with cancer, theHorse/Dressage, passing peacefully (El Ghaziand xon Princess July 5th, Greystone) with hiswas a 14x Merit) Regional since 2000, h you brought the when Greystone) you in hithisthe gate likeheaded nosince to with U.S.theNational Champion Stallion 2016. thehonored Work, Sport Hunter. … those big, kind, loving expressive eyes. Youdefinition are aScottsdale legend you English brought into theside. arena whenthe youwinner, hit the gate was no Junior Having trainedwife, and shown Arabians since the early Open, Junior Horse and Amateur/Youth Having trainedwife, and shown Arabians Pleasure Open, since AOTR/JOTR early forlike multiple Open, itle of all-time mostbreeding winningest Leigh, Champion by his side. and Reserve winner, 2x well-earned title of all-time most winningest Leigh, Champion by his and Reserve 2x Scottsdale well-earned titleHo of other … always one with the crowd. The true of shed, and where hiswho sons and daughters are my taking show rings everyone knew you loved you. I cherish most otherChampion … always one with thetrainers crowd. The true definition 70s, Randy, trainer in Champion/Reserve (12x Champion/9x Reserve and 20x Top 70s, Ten). Randy, owners trainer before among finding his final in resting place (12xofwith Champion/9x e horse with 41 National titles ina respected Champion andyou 3xtrainers National Hunter Pleasure in horse with 41 National titles in a respected and 3x National Champion/Reserve Hunter in Pleasure hor a show horse. Iamong love big boy, rest easy.” ~ Lian around the world in their own right andwife areran some theenergy most decorated memorable moments in the show with you.ofThe ashown show horse. I love you bigthe boy, rest easy.” ~ for Lian main ringtrained halterand and performance, with his main ringtrained halterand andEnglish performance, Lian with Oteiza his wife in ran 2012. or Horse and Amateur/Youth Having shown English Arabians Pleasure since Open, thering AOTR/JOTR early forOpen, multiple Junior Horse and Amateur/Youth Having Arabians Pleasure Open, since AOTR/JOTR early multiple Open, Junior Ho show horses competing today, stamping RGA Kouress’ ancestral line as you brought into the arena when you hit the gate was like no Meyer Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables as Meyer Show Horses at Rhapsody in Blue Stables as n/9x Reserve and 20x 70s, Top Randy, Ten).a respected owners trainerbefore amongfinding trainers hisinfinal resting(12x placeChampion/9x with Reserve and 20x Top 70s, Ten). Randy, a respected owners trainer before among finding trainers his final in resting place (12xwith Champion/9x otherperformance, … always one with thehiscrowd. definition of golden byhalter producing future greats. aring chief program consultant and farm and chief program consultant my barn aisle and will farm not be theinran same without you in them main and with Lian Oteiza wife The ran in true 2012. main aring halter and“… performance, Lian with Oteiza hisand wife 2012. a at show horse. I love you bigStables boy, restaseasy.” ~ Lian breeding manager. breeding … manager. big, kind, lovingStables expressive Meyer Show Horses Rhapsody in Blue Meyer Show Horses at those Rhapsody in Blue as eyes. You are a legend and everyone who knew you. without I cherishyou myinmost a chief program consultant “… my barnand aislefarm will not andbe the same without you in them a chief program “… consultant my barn aisle andwill farm notyou and be loved the same them memorable moments in the show ring with you. The energy breeding … those manager. big, kind, loving expressive eyes. You are a legend breeding … thosemanager. big, kind, loving expressive eyes. You are a legend youand brought intowho theknew arenayou when youyou. hit the gate was and everyone who knew you loved you. I cherish my most everyone loved I cherish my like mostno other … always one with crowd. of memorable moments in the show ring with you. The energy memorable moments in thetheshow ringThe withtrue you.definition The energy a show horse. I love youwhen big boy, easy.” Lian you brought into the arena when you hit the gate was like no you brought into the arena you rest hit the gate~was like no other … always one with the crowd. The true definition of other … always one with the crowd. The true definition of a show horse. I love you big boy, rest easy.” ~ Lian a show horse. I love you big boy, rest easy.” ~ Lian
Ar abian Horse Times | 167 | Volume 52, No. 6
Ar abian Horse Times | 168 | Volume 52, No. 6
Kayleigh Meyer 12975 North Territorial Road Dexter, MI 48130 (734) 808-1982 kayleigh@signatureoakstables.com signatureoakstables.com Specialize in Training, Showing and Breeding National Quality English Horses
Mike Grimm 19121 South School Road Raymore, MO 64083 (617) 429-1732 mike@mikegrimmtraining.com mikegrimmtraining.com
LauraKenny RodelMcDonald & Cory Byrne 20335 Sawmill Rd. Jordan, MN 55352 (480) 696-9237 (952) 492-6590 Stephanie@cedarridgearabians.com Kenny@cedarridgearabians.com cedar-ridge.com
C hri S han P ark
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Bridget Fitzpatrick 1350 State Route 88, Suite C Minden, NV 89423 (775) 721-3855 fpharabians@gmail.com fitzpatrickperformancehorses.com
Full-Service Training and Showing for English and Specialty Disciplines
Training | Lessons | Breeding | Sales
Tim Phelan 273 Clonmell Upland Rd, West Grove, PA 19390 (585) 943-4333 tim@kyiearabians.com kyriearabians.com
Elizabeth Marie DeSarle 5156 W Ashfield Dr Herriman, UT 84096 (440) 212-5778 Arabian1203@gmail.com grkfarms.com
Training | Marketing | Sales
Teaching | Training | Showing Ar abian Horse Times | 169 | Volume 52, No. 6
TRAINER & FARM directory
Chris Wilson 2655 E State Highway AA Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 761-2031 chris@chrishanpark.com chrishanpark.com
Training | Marketing | Breeding
Jennifer Sharpnack and Kelley Bitter 9761 Bell Rd. Newbury, OH 44065 (330) 701-6227 Buckeyeperformancehorsecenter@gmail.com Buckeyeperformancehorsecenter.com The Place for Western Dressage
Dan McConaughey 932 Labarge Road Hudson, WI 54016 (715) 222-9528 Danmcconaughey@yahoo.com Training and Showing in All Pleasure Disciplines
CALE NDAR of Events REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS July 20-24, 2022 Region 17 Championships Langley, British Columbia Canada www.region17.com
April 27-May 1, 2022 Region 7 Championships Scottsdale, Arizona|www.aha7.org
June 15-18, 2022 Region 2 Championships Santa Barbara, California|www.ahareg2.org
May 4-8, 2022 Region 12 Championships Ocala, Florida|www.aharegion12.com
June 16-18, 2022 Region 6 Championships Douglas, Wyoming|www.region6aha.com
May 18-22, 2022 Region 1 Championships Del Mar, California|www.aharegionone.com
June 20-25, 2022 Region 4 Championships Nampa, Idaho|www.aharegion4.com
May 31-June 4, 2022 Region 9 Championships Fort Worth, Texas|www.region9aha.org
June 22-26, 2022 Region 13 Championships Wilmington, Ohio|www.aharegion13.com
June 2-5, 2022 Region 11 Championships Springfield, Illinois|www.aha11.com
July 4-9, 2022 Region 15 & 16 Championships Lexington, Virginia www.region15aha.com|www.region16.org
August 18-21, 2022 Region 14 Championships Wilmington, Ohio|www.aha14.com
July 6-10, 2022 Region 5 Championships Monroe, Washington|www.regionv.com
August 28-September 3, 2022 Region 3 Championships Reno, Nevada|www.arabianhorses3.org
June 8-12, 2022 Region 10 Championships St. Paul, Minnesota www.region10arabians.com
July 21-23, 2022 Region 18 Championship Jerseyville, Ontario Canada www.region18.on.ca August 17-22, 2022 Region 8 Championships Denver, Colorado|www.aharegion8.org
SHOWS March 31-April 3, 2022, Arabian Breeders World Cup, Scottsdale, Arizona. www.arabianbreedersworldcup.com May 19-22, 2022, Ohio Buckeye Sweepstakes, Columbus, Ohio. www.buckeyesweepstakes.com August 4-7, 2022, East Coast Championships, Lexington, Virginia. www.eastcoastshow.com September 14-17, 2022, Arabian National Breeder Finals, Scottsdale, Arizona. www.scottsdaleshow.com September 15-17, 2022, NSH Finals, Springfield, Illinois. www.nshregistry.org September 30-October 2, 2022, Minnesota Fall Festival, St. Paul, Minnesota. www.medallionstallion.com
NATIONAL EVENTS www.arabianhorses.org
July 17-23, 2022 Youth Nationals Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 14-20, 2022 Canadian Nationals Brandon, Manitoba Canada
September 12-17, 2022 Sport Horse Nationals Wilmington, Ohio
October 21-29, 2022 U.S. Nationals Tulsa, Oklahoma
*Go to www.arabianessence.com or www.ecaho.org for additional international shows and information. Visit www.ahtimes.com for a calendar view of these dates, locations and more. Calendar listings are subject to change; please confirm dates and locale before making your plans or reservations. E-mail show dates to: charlened@ahtimes.com. *Due to the intrinsic nature of these shows, Arabian Horse Times cannot be held accountable for their validity. Ar abian Horse Times | 170 | Volume 52, No. 6
march S c ot t s da l e c ov e r a g e & leading sires breeding/in-hand horses & leaders S p o t l i g h t F u t u r i t y S ta l l i o n s 2 0 2 1 Awa r d s
Ar abian Horse Times | 171 | Volume 52, No. 6
R.O. LERVICK ARABIANS Home of Cytosk+++ & Out Of Cyte Halter & Performance Horses For Sale
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Call Bob Wilkins BREEDINGS AND HORSES FOR SALE Owned by: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. 800-826-9441
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Ar abian Horse Times | 174 | Volume 52, No. 6
of Advertisers A
Adeptus Nutrition.....................................................................................................................23
Kiesner Training................................................................................................................. 56, 57
AHPA.......................................................................................................................................... 97
Al Khor Stud........................................................................................................................60-67
Lydick, Talia........................................................................................................................ 38, 39
Amazing Horsewoman LLC.........................................................................................FC, 14-17
Arabian Breeders World Cup..........................................................................................49, 174 Arabian Expressions.................................................................................................................41
Midwest.................................................................................................. 28, 29, 28El Tino (140)
Aria Rakeem Group LLC.........................................................................................................41
North By Northwest LLC....................................................................................................... 100
Beloveds Farm.....................................................................................................................IFC, 1 Burkman Centre..................................................................................................................... 106
C Cedar Ridge Arabians, Inc............................................................................................176, IBC Chrishan Park Arabians.......................................................................................................... 89 Congressional Farms................................................................................................................ 40 Copple Show Horses................................................................................................................ 98
Oak Ridge Arabians........................................................................................................... 28, 29 Orrion Farms.......................................................................................................... 10, 11, 26, 27
P Prestige Farms LLC.................................................................................................................. 36 Pyranha, Inc.............................................................................................................................. 43
R R.O. Lervick Arabians.............................................................................................................172 Ramirez Training Center.................................................................................................. 86, 87
Reed Training..........................................................................................................................107
DePaolo Equine Concepts..................................................................................................... 8, 9
Rodgers, Caroline..................................................................................................................... 89
Desert Sky Arabians..........................................................................................32El Tino (144)
Royal Arabians.....................................................................5, 99-104, 29-32El Tino (141-144) RSR Ranch........................................................................................................................... 46, 47
E Earthquake Arabians......................................................................................................... 46, 47
S Scion Arabians.................................................................................................................... 84, 85 Sherman Ranch.................................................................................................................. 82, 83
Frierson Atkinson....................................................................................................................172
Shino Training Center........................................................................................................... 108
FT Arabians........................................................................................................18El Tino (130)
Signature Oak Stables........................................................................................................ 58, 59 Silver Stag Arabians LLC....................................................................................... 10, 11, 26, 27
G GRK Farms........................................................................................................................... 77-81
Slide To Win-Gary Ferguson................................................................................................... 88 Sotheby’s International Realty.......................................................................................... 20, 21
Southwind Arabians & Equine Services................................................................................ 42
Hagale Family Arabians......................................................................................................... BC
Stachowski Farms, Inc..............................................................................................2, 3, 90, 105
Hall, Leigh............................................................................................................................... 106
Stone Ridge Arabians...................................................................................7, 28El Tino (140)
Hansen, Tom & Leola...................................................................................................... 99, 101
Stonehedge Farms.................................................................................................................... 45
Haras Canaa.......................................................................................... 14-15El Tino (126-127)
Haras Cruzeiro......................................................................................16-17El Tino (128-129)
The Brass Ring.................................................................................................................... 38, 39
Haras JM................................................................................................ 20-22El Tino (132-134)
The Hat Lady...........................................................................................................................172
Haras Trindade de Minas................................................................... 26-27El Tino (138-139)
Toye, Ashley............................................................................................................................. 100
Haras Vila dos Pinheiros..................................................................... 23-25El Tino (135-137)
TP Arabians........................................................................................................ 19El Tino (131)
Harris Arabians.................................................................................................................. 30, 31 Hegg, Mrs. Mickey...................................................................................................................172 Heritage Arabian Farm........................................................................................................... 90 Hoffman International Realty................................................................................................ 44
W Western Cross Ranch............................................................................................................. 109 Whistlejacket Farm....................................................................................................................76 Wilkins Livestock Insurers, Inc.............................................................................................172
Island Farm..........................................................................................................................18, 19
Yih, Sophie.............................................................................................................................. 2, 3
Ar abian Horse Times | 175 | Volume 52, No. 6
CHARLOTTE AMES MARION AMES (Brass x Afire Inmy Eyes, by Afire Bey V) 2011 Arabian Bay Mare WIEZA BELLA (Pogrom x Wieza Mocy, by QR Marc) 2015 Arabian Bay Mare | National Top Ten Filly ANTEBELLA AMES (Afires Heir x Toi Jabaska, by Matoi) 2016 Arabian Bay Mare ULTIMATE CHOICE CRF (Arrowhead’s Unlike Any Other x Ames Patina) 2017 H/A Chestnut Mare | Regional Champion Country Pleasure Contact Stachowski Farms MOZARTS SNAPSHOT RA (TA Mozart x Minding Ps And Qs, by Hesa Zee) 2017 Arabian Chestnut Mare | Regional Champion Reining Horse Contact Crystal McNutt CHARLOTTE AMES (Afires Heir x Colette Ames, by A Noble Cause) 2018 Arabian Bay Mare | Contact Joel Keisner THATS AMORE CRF (HA Toskcan Sun x Up In The Heir) 2018 H/A Black Mare ALL SHOCKED OUT CRF (SF Aftershoc x Passionelle) 2018 H/A Chestnut Gelding Contact Stachowski Farms ATOMIC BLONDE RA (Yellow Jersey x Minding Ps And Qs, by Hesa Zee) 2018 H/A Chestnut Mare SUGARSHOC CRF (SF Aftershoc x Undulata’s Nuttin’ Sweeter) 2019 H/A Chestnut Mare PERTORIO CRF (Vitorio TO x Perfirka, by Gazal Al Shaqab) 2019 Arabian Bay Stallion FIRTINO CRF (El Tino x Perfirka, by Gazal Al Shaqab) 2020 Arabian Bay Colt AMES VALOR (DA Valentino x Perfinka) 2021 Arabian Grey Colt BELLA SUPREME (Supreme Justice ORA x Wieza Bella) 2021 Arabian Grey Filly BETH DUTTON RA (Hollywood Dunit x Minding Ps And Qs) 2021 H/A Buckskin Filly UNDULATA’S NUTTIN SWEETER (Undulata’s Nutcracker x Gotta Secret) 2006 Saddlebred Chestnut Mare BETH DUTTON RA
VISIT US AT THE SCOTTSDALE SHOW... Contact Kenny McDonald 480.696.9237 Cedar Ridge Arabians | Jordan, MN & Scottsdale, AZ The Ames Family | Lollie & Lara Ames | 952.492.6590 | www.Cedar-Ridge.com
In 2021 at 16 years of age... Unanimous Scottsdale Liberty Champion (2 Perfect Scores of 50) Unanimous U.S. National Champion Arabian English Jackpot AOTR (18 horses, 3 judges) Sire of 10 Scottsdale Champions & Reserves 9 Youth/Mid Summer National Champions & Reserves 13 U.S. National Champions & Reserves
SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance | Multi-Program Nominated Sire Proudly owned by Hagale Family Arabians Contact Jen Wilson 602.616.6672 | jen@hagalefamilyarabians.com www.HagaleFamilyArabians.com