Lesson_Boarding_Academy-Directory 2017

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Youth Lesson/Boarding/Academy Directory Bringing The Beginnings To A New And Lifelong Friendship by Catherine Cole Ferandelli

According to recent statistics, the equine industry is nearly a forty billion dollar industry. From backyard ownership to showing at the Olympic level, more and more folks are seeking equine knowledge and the unique joy of a hands-on connection that gives to the horse and human alike. If you’ve not been around horses, yet bitten by the ‘bug’, starting out can be daunting, even in today’s information age. The equine industry realizes this, increasingly offering opportunities for young, old and ‘inbetweeners’ to enter the equine sphere. This directory’s purpose is to connect those in the Arabian horse industry who offer beginnings to the beginner—a gateway for meeting and getting to know gentle and loving four-legged friends. Should you be a youngster needing to persuade a reluctant parent, or a grown-up finally having the wherewithal to realize your equine dream, this directory is here to help you join the joys of all that is horse! And…if you needed any convincing to the perks of horse ownership and/or involvement, here are ten persuasive points: 1) Horses Keep Kids Out Of Trouble. Same as any sport or passion, horses involve regular tasks, commitment and consistency. This takes time; time away from boredom and ‘bad’ friends. 2) Horses Are Worth The Cost. This passion is expensive. Some can afford it, others need to work to support being at the barn. Having your child learn to earn is a huge lesson in itself: awareness, confidence and independence. 3) Responsibility=Love. Horses require care, cleanup and maintenance. They are a living, breathing animal craving the attention and affection of a two-legged friend. A mechanical object will not nicker softly upon your arrival. A horse will. 4) Horses Build Self Confidence. Riding horses is an independent sport. Its success depends on successful partnering with your horse. With the onus on you, every hurdle jumped successfully brings creative thinking (horses cannot talk; we have to figure them out), coaching, leadership and a certain amount of boldness. Horses look for us to lead; they love it when that connection is built. 5) Meet New Friends. The stable brings horse and human together in a new and different venue. Shared passion abounds for all things equine. It’s a special sharing by choice. 6) The Barn Offers Role Models Of All Kinds. You’ll likely become close to your barn pals, creating an open door to new ideas, advice and lifestyle. Young and old meet fellow equestrians of all ages, getting exposure to daily influences of new ideas. 7) Horses Humble Us. If something isn’t right, they let us know right away. Figuring it out creates empathy and understanding. 8) Get Fit And Physically Active. There’s more to horse care than shifting gears and go. Riding is strenuous. Care and cleaning takes lots of energy. Work feels pleasurable, while enjoying those special smells only a horse lover can embrace and appreciate. 9) Learn To Be A Creative and Pro-Active Teacher. Every horse is different. The responsibility rides on we humans to figure out a challenge between ourselves and our 1,000 pound friend when it presents itself. 10) Horses Teach A Whole New Way Of Thinking. Academics teach with a certain style. Riding instructors have their own method too. And…horses as individuals are equally as unique. All this new application creates openness and self-awareness. Horses help us all grow into ever empathic, engaged, and responsible individuals. This directory will help make that happen for your daughter, son or you.

Ar abian Horse Times | 146 | Youth 2017

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