The Magic Of Midwest

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The Seasons of


T h e M ag i c T h aT i s The arabian horse

The Magic of


w w w. Midwes tArA b iAn. coM


idwest pays tribute

to the great

Kings of the past

who through their blood


have given us

the ndustry

2 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

leaders of today.


Patron x Odessa

1982 U.S. National Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs


Padrons Psyche *Padron x Kilika

1991 U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs Marketed by Midwest to North Arabians

4 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Magnum Psyche

Padrons Psyche x A Fancy Miracle

Multi-International Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs Marketed by Midwest to Haras Mayed SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 5

Fame vf

Bey Shah x Raffoleta-Rose

Marketed by Midwest to R-A Aloha Arabians

Bey Shah Bay El Bey x Star Of Ofir

1980 U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallion Marketed by Midwest to Stone Ridge Arabians


Dark Victory Bey Shah x Kamasi Sabaha

Marketed by Midwest to Orrion Farms

*El Shaklan Shaker El Masri x *Estopa

Marketed by Midwest to Nagib Audi in Brazil

*Magnum Chall Magnum Psyche x Tamara HVP

Multiple International Champion Marketed by Midwest to Raegen & Lucky Lurken

Almaden *Aladdinn x La Ambir

1988 U.S. National Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs Marketed by Midwest to Haras Capim Fino


Legacy of Gold Alada Baskin x Khatar Firesember

1995 U.S. National Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs Marketed by Midwest to Wolf Springs Ranch and to Haras Mayed

Legacy of Fame

Legacy Of Gold x Fames Elegance C

2002 U.S. National Champion Stallion presented by Midwest Marketed by Midwest & Longuini to Haras La Catalina

Kharben Ben Bask x Khara Mia Mine

1993 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Stallion presented by David Boggs Marketed by Midwest to Tom Chauncey Arabians

8 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

da Valentino Versace x DA Love

6-time national champion Marketed by Midwest to stone ridge Arabians




Versace x Full Moon Astar

to be presented by david boggs Marketed by Midwest to Gemini Acres

ld Pistal Magnum Psyche x Halan

4-time national champion presented by Midwest Marketed by Midwest to Haras Los Palmares w w w. Midwes tArA b iAn. coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 9

The great

prepares for his return.

Genetically Powerful Exotically Beautiful Created by the Master's hand ...

GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker morriS, illinoiS

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 11

Senior StallionS with DaviD BoggS

www. M i dw e s tA r Ab i An. coM 12 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

uniteD states national chaMpion canaDian national chaMpion brazilian national chaMpion

e x p e c t g r e at t h i n g s !

arabian Futurity colts with DaviD boggs

oAk ridge ArAbiAns Don anD Janey Morse www .o ak r iDge a rabians . coM For Breeding Information, Contact:

www. midwes tArA b SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 15

D a V alentino


s ol n atique

s i r e o f t h e e xot i c . . .

vitoriA Lm 2011 Filly • Vitorio TO x LM Olivia

oAk ridge ArAbiAns Don anD Janey Morse www .o ak r iDge a rabians . coM

vitoriAnA orA 2011 Filly • Vitorio TO x *Lathifa HEM For Breeding Information, Contact:

www. midwes tArA b SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 17


to perfection by

v e r s ac e



versace x fortune in Gold

arabian Mares eiGht & over with david boGGs

HeArtlAnd ArAbiAns Joe, Kathy and david Monroe

www. M i dw e s tA r Ab i An. coM 18 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Greenfield, indiana



of DaVinci da vinci Fm x goddeSS oF marwan

araBian yearling FillieS with david BoggS ScottSdale Junior champion Filly region 7 champion yearling Filly iowa gold Star champion auction Filly GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 20 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS

Sired by the great da Vinci


22 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

S c o t t S da l e J u n i o r c h a m p i o n

Raherra rahere x Dyna hcF

returning to center stage in the u.s. national Futurity Filly class with DaviD boggs

2011 Region 14 Champion Mare 2009 U.S. National Reserve Champion Yearling Filly

oAk ridge ArAbiAns Don anD Janey Morse www .o ak r iDge a rabians . coM

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 23

Mi Grand Valentino

da vaLenTino x Ga Mi GrandLady

a rabian y earLinG c oLTs


d avid b oGGs

Dave Mehney ~ Joy Hatten ~ Linda Mehney

Unanimous Region 14 Champion Yearling Colt Unanimous Iowa Gold Star Champion Yearling Colt GrAnd ArAbiAns Linda Mehney

david and Terry anne boGGs eLk river, MinnesoTa

Grand rapids, MichiGan www . Grandarabian . coM

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 25

26 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

La Baronesa JJ

MagnuM PSycHe x nV angelica

a rabian t Hree -y ear -o ld F illieS witH d aVid b oggS

Arabian Breeders World Cup Silver Supreme Champion Junior Mare Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion 3-Year-Old Mare Scottsdale Champion 3-Year-Old Filly Region 7 Champion Mare expecting foals in 2012 by dA Valentino & Marwan Al shaqab HArAs MAYed Fernando & Joaquin de SantibaneS buenoS aireS, argentina www .H araS M ayed . coM

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 27

28 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Felicity of Laman laMan hVP x Fellicity serondella

arabian yearling Fillies with Midwest 2011 Arabian Breeders World Cup Reserve Champion Filly of 2010 2011 Arabian Breeders World Cup Supreme Top Ten Yearling Filly Uruguayan Supreme Champion Filly Iowa Gold Star Reserve Champion Yearling Filly

HArAs don Piero Fabiana and Franco Vara UrUgUay

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 29

30 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

C a n a d i a n n at i o n a l C h a m p i o n

Tribute Thyme


Pryme Thyme x DiamonD TribuTe

arabian Four & Five-year-olD STallionS wiTh miDweST arabian STallionS aaoTh wiTh JaSon TackeTT

Region 14 Champion Stallion AOTH

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 31

32 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

N at i o N a l C h a m p i o N

Anna Marie


Marwan al Shaqab x bhF anna Tevkah

arabian Four & Five-Year-old MareS and arabian MareS aaoTh wiTh aJ Marino

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 33

34 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

eLegance in white, the exquisite ...




Mirage LM x My choice eLs

ArAbiAn Six & Seven-YeAr-Old MAreS with MidweSt

in FoaL to nationaL chaMpion Vitorio to oAk ridge ArAbiAns Don anD Janey Morse www .o ak r iDge a rabians . coM

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 35


D reAms D o C ome t rue ... M

DA VAlentino x KhArmel Br

exquisite DAughter oF nAtionAl ChAmpion KhArmel Br

A rABiAn Y eArling F illies with m iDwest Scottsdale Signature Stallion Champion Yearling Filly

Marino arabians Anthony, AJ, BrittAny And denise MArino BirMinghAM, AlABAMA

www. Midwes tArA bi An.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 37


Da Vidica da Vinci Fm x Sw JaSmine

araBian yearling FillieS with alcideS rodrigueS

Sired By the great da Vinci GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 38 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS


national Champion ~ SCottSdale Champion ~ World Cup Champion

ryad el Jamaal x BarBara van kaSet

araBian Six & Seven year-old StallionS

GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 40 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS


da ValenTino x kkiSSTheSTarS

araBian Three-year-old ColTS wiTh midweST

Iowa Gold Star Champion — Three Years In A Row Region 14 Champion

GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 42 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS


magnum PSyche x ameS mirage

araBian Two-year-old FillieS wiTh midweST

2010 Iowa Gold Star Champion Auction Yearling Filly 2011 Region 7 Champion 2-Year-Old Filly 2011 Iowa Fall Classic Champion Mare AHT with Jim Bedeker GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 44 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS




Fa el sHawan x Festyna sa

arabian two-year-old Fillies witH midwest

Uruguayan National Champion Filly Region 18 Champion Two-Year-Old Filly Iowa Gold Star Champion Two-Year-Old Filly HArAs Los PALMAres Punta del este, uruguay

www.M i dw e s tA r Ab i An. coM 46 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

www .H aras l os P almares . com . uy


a nnoUncing HLP

a rriVal


Faraon tHe


JUsta MagnUM x Mars siMbayeVa Hec

2010 Uruguay High Point Colt of the Year 2010 Prado Champion Junior Colt 2010 Prado Unanimous Supreme Champion 2011 National Champion Junior Colt, Punta del Este 2011 Iowa Gold Star Top Ten Yearling Colt

HArAs don Piero Fabiana and Franco Vara UrUgUay

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 49



da Valentino x Queen adiaMonds, bY MagnuM

arabian two-Year-old Colts with Midwest

2010 & 2011 Iowa Gold Star Champion 2011 Region 14 & 18 Champion 2-Year-Old Les & diAne VAn dyke Chandler, Minnesota

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 51

Undefeated and ... She's Still

Jammin Half-arabian YEarling filliEs witH david boggs

MonograMM Jd x sHE bE adiva Kbs

Jeff McAlpin

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 52 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

EdEn PrairiE, MinnEsota

2011 Scottsdale Unanimous Supreme Champion Half-Arabian Halter Horse Region 14 Champion Half-Arabian Yearling Filly Iowa Gold Star Champion Half-Arabian Yearling Filly Saddle Type


Ebony by

Valentino da ValenTino x Cf mamieS nigHT ouT

Half-araBian Two-year-old fillieS

2-Time Iowa Gold Star Champion • Region 7 Champion NSH Finals Grand Champion • Scottsdale Champion

GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 54 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

morriS, illinoiS




da valEntino x QuEEn adiaMonds

aRabian FutuRity GEldinGs with alcidEs RodGRiGuEs

Canadian National Champion U.S. National Top Ten Scottsdale Signature Stallion Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding ATH Les And diAne VAn dyke

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 56 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Elk RivER, MinnEsota

U.S. National Champion ~ Canadian National Champion Scottsdale Champion ~ Multi-Regional Champion



AlwAYs A JullYen v x MilleAH

Marino arabians

ArAbiAn Four & Five-YeAr-old GeldinGs And GeldinGs AAoTH wiTH AJ MArino

AnTHonY, AJ, briTTAnY And denise MArino birMinGHAM, AlAbAMA SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 57

He Be A Badazz Jra azul x sHe be noble

Region 14 Champion • Iowa Gold Star Champion Scottsdale Unanimous Junior Champion Colt/Gelding

Half-arabian Yearling Colts/geldings witH Midwest 58 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

DaviD anD Terry anne Boggs elk river, Minnesota

Symphonyof Love

El Nabila b x HED Caramba, by magNum

araBian Futurity FillieS with midweSt

GeMini Acres Jim and Sally Bedeker morriS, illinoiS

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 59


Magnum Storm aRabian GEldinGs opEn and aaotH witH tERRy annE boGGs 2011 UNANIMOUS ScOttSdAle SeNIOr chAMpION GeldING & JOth canadian National champion region 10 champion Multiple National top ten Awards

MaGnuM psycHE x RoHaRa EclipsE

dAvid And terry Anne boggs

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 60 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Elk RivER, MinnEsota


*Magic of

Midwest Stallions SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 61

The Magic of generation aFter generation!

HArAs MAYed Fernando & Joaquin de SantibaneS buenoS aireS, argentina www .H araS M ayed . coM

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 63

U.S. n ational c haMpion J Unior S tallion U.S. n ational c haMpion Y Earling c olt S cottSdalE J Unior c haMpion c olt S cottSdalE S UprEME c haMpion

Marwan al Shaqab x gc EchlEctica

For Breeding Information, Contact:

www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM 64 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

tHe sloAn FAMily Milford, Michigan

La m a n

n aT i o n a l C h a m p i o n

Don El Chall x PaDrons lovE song

T y p e . C o n f o r m aT i o n e l e g a n C e . m oT i o n a n i n T e r naT i o na l sire of Champions

66 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

HArAs Los PALMAres Punta del este, uruguay www .H aras l os P almares . com . uy for breeding information : www . guzzoat . com or

www. Midwes tArA b iAn.coM SEP TEMBER 2011 | MIDWEST • 67

mr. carlos and cHris roizner Proudly announce tHeir PurcHase of ld Pistal ArAbiAn Horse History in tHe MAking. History comes about little by little as one event connects to another on the world’s great stage, and the drama that is life unfolds. some of the best glimpses of history are generational sagas, born of love and carried forth by passion. opportunity for the recognition of excellence, equine contributors have risen –– often to astonishing heights –– against all odds. it was the horses that introduced them, the horses that brought them together, the horses that will run beside them into the future.

HArAs Los PALMAres Punta del este, uruguay

www. M i dw e s tA r Ab i An. coM 68 • MIDWEST | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

www .H aras l os P almares . com . uy



3-Time NaTioNal ChampioN STallioN

2011 SCoTTSdale Supreme ChampioN

The Champion maker


Justice Magnum Psyche x Vona Sher-Renea

Sire of World, European, All Nations Cup, Middle East, Inter national and National Champions.

With more stars in the future ...

Star Of Justice ORA • WH Justice x Star Of Gaishea

Owned By: Equid SyStEm Ltd. Thierry, CaTherine & ThOmas Kerjean Villa Guardia (CO), iTaly w w w. m i dw e s ta r a b i a n. c o m


T h e P o w e r o f h i s T o ry T h e r e s u lT o f D e D i c aT i o n Midwest and the Sloan Family, in association with Stadnina Koni Jan贸w Podlaski Stud, announce the importation of the

2011 NatioNal ChampioN Colt of polaNd Gazal Al Shaqab Marwan Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame QR Marc Magic Dream Swete Dreams Kouream de Ment Naftalin Visbaden Presnia Petla Pepton Petra Pestka

A special thank you to Dr. Marek Trela and Gerald Kurtz. For breeding information, contact: www.M i dw e s tA r A b i An. coM

M i dw e s t t r a i n i n g

a n d B r e e d i n g s tat i o n s DaviD & Terry anne Boggs elk river, MinnesoTa & scoTTsDale, arizona w w w . M i dw e s t a r a B i a n . c o M

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