May 2-7, 2016
2 0 1 6 PAY O U T S $ 1 8 1 , 3 3 9
W W W. S P O T L I G H T F U T U R I T Y. C O M
Ar abian Horse Times | 105 | Volume 46, No. 9A A
Spotlight Excitement ... FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT REGION 12 SPOTLIGHT FUTURITY Q: WHAT IS THE SPOTLIGHT FUTURITY? A: The Spotlight Stallion Futurity is a nationwide futurity program based in the Southeast in conjunction with Region XII Championships held the first week of May in Perry, GA. Q: HOW LONG HAS THE PROGRAM BEEN IN EXISTENCE? A: The Spotlight Futurity has been in existence since 2006. Q: WHAT IS A RIGHT HOLDER? A: A Right Holder has paid a onetime fee for their inclusion in the Spotlight Futurity and for voter rights. Each Right Holder may sponsor up to 2 stallions for every right owned. Each right, owned by a right holder must sponsor a minimum of 1 stallion per year to maintain their Right Holder status in good standing. Q: CAN I PURCHASE A RIGHT? A: The Spotlight Futurity has a limited number of Rights. At times Rights may become available. Please contact the Secretary kennakayburbeck@aol.com for updated information. Q: DO I NEED TO BE A RIGHT HOLDER? A: You do not have to be a Right Holder to participate in the Spotlight Futurity. Inclusion in the Spotlight program is obtained by Stallion nominations and mare nominations and accompanying foals for the applicable show years. Q: WHEN IS THE AUCTION? A: The auction event is held in the latter part of the week on Thursday evening, during the Region XII Arabian Championships. Q: CAN I COME TO THE AUCTION IF I AM NOT A RIGHT HOLDER, STALLION OWNER, OR BIDDER? A: Yes. Everyone is welcome to attend the Spotlight Futurity Auction Event. Q: ARE TABLES ONLY FOR SPONSORS? A: Sponsor tables are customarily reserved towards the front of the arena, with other tables open on a first come first served basis. Q: WHAT IS A MARE NOMINATION? A: A mare carrying a foal by a nominated stallion in the Spotlight program is eligible to be nominated and allows the unborn foal to show in Spotlight classes at a fee of $100. Mare nominations are due by December 31 of the year of conception. Q: WHAT IS A STALLION NOMINATION? A: The Spotlight Stallion Futurity Auction is open to all purebred Arabian stallions which are sponsored by a eligible right holder in good standing for a nomination fee of $500. Please see program rules for more detailed information. Stallion Nominations are due by January 31 of the Auction year that the stallion will participate.
Midwest Training Centre has always been and will continue to be a large supporter of Region 12 and now their Spotlight program. The Spotlight adds great value to breeders, the marketplace within our Arabian community and to the horses that we all love. We look forward to the auction in early May and to Midwest’s attendance at the event! —David Boggs Midwest Training and Breeding Stations
Ar abian Horse Times | 106 | Volume 46, No. 9A A
Q: CAN I NOMINATE A STALLION IF I AM NOT A RIGHT HOLDER? A: No. Only right holders in good standing are able to sponsor stallions into the Spotlight Futurity Auction. Please contact one of our Directors or Secretary for sponsor availability. Q: HOW CAN I PAY FOR MY NOMINATIONS? A: All nominations may be paid for by check or credit card. In the case of a credit card payment, a 3% service fee is added to the total. Q: WHAT ARE AUCTION CERTIFICATES? A: Auction Certificates are prepared and mailed out during the year that you will be using your Auction breeding. These certificates should be mailed in with your mare nomination to allow the foal she is carrying to be eligible to show in the Spotlight Auction Class. Q: ARE THERE YEARLY RENOMINATION FEES FOR THE SPOTLIGHT ELIGIBLE FOALS? A: No. Q: WHAT YEARS MAY I USE MY AUCTION BREEDING? A: Auction breedings may be used in either of the two years following the applicable stallion auction. Q: WHAT IF I DO NOT GET MY MARE IN FOAL THE YEAR FOLLOWING THE AUCTION? A: Current rules allow for a onetime rollover to the following year for any reason. See above question related to auction breeding. A rollover request notice must be received by a member of the spotlight board or secretary prior to December 31 of the year mare is bred. Q: DO I HAVE TO EITHER OWN A STALLION OR BUY AN AUCTION BREEDING TO SHOW IN THE SPOTLIGHT CLASSES? A: No. The Spotlight Program is open to everyone to nominate foals sired by all spotlight stallions whether auction participant or normal futurity participant. Q: WHAT IF I HAVE MULTIPLE FOALS TO SHOW IN THE SPOTLIGHT AUCTION CLASS? A: If an individual, or household, finds themselves with more than one foal nominated and qualified to be shown in either the Auction Yearling Filly or Auction Yearling Colt class in the same calendar year, the participating owner will have the ability to select any qualified amateur handler to show the additional entry/entries as long as they themselves are showing an entry in the class. The selected amateur handler must be qualified under USEF rules to show any qualified and nominated entries. Q: WHAT IF I BREED TO A STALLION THAT IS NOT CURRENTLY IN THE PROGRAM? A: There may be additional opportunities available to stallions not currently in the program. Contact your Spotlight Board of Directors or Secretary for more details. Q: CAN I HAVE A HALF-ARABIAN SPOTLIGHT HORSE? A: No. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, UPDATED NOMINATED STALLION SPOTLIGHT FUTURIY SCHEDULE AND EVENTS. WWW . SPOTLIGHTFUTURITY . COM
The Region 12 Spotlight Program is an excellent venue for our breeders on the East Coast and across the country to showcase the product of their breeding program and have the ability to gain payback in the process. The fact that this program is combined with the largest and most competitive regional show is a bonus. I feel that support for this program, and other similar programs, is essential for encouraging future interest in breeding Arabian horses and strongly encourage everyone to get involved with the Spotlight Program. —Ted Carson
Ar abian Horse Times | 107 | Volume 46, No. 9A A
The Spotlight is important for many reasons. First it adds value to the babies that are enrolled in the program by giving them a strong futurity program to compete for major cash prizes. This should improve the marketability of any horse enrolled in the program. The Spotlight Program also is one of the few programs that gives the owner of the enrolled breeding Stallions value for their participation. Every Stallion owner receives an Auction breeding eligibility that gives them access to the money classes for one of their Stallion’s designated foals. This is a big benefit for the Stallion owner in that he can compete w/ his foal in Spotlight Classes or use the foal’s eligibility to improve it’s marketability. Stallion owners can also market to potential breeding clients that all foals of their stallions are eligible to show in the regular Spotlight classes and have a chance to win some serious money. —Frank Chisholm
Spotlight Futurity Auction Thursday, May 5, 2016 ~ 6:00 p.m. Reeves Arena ~ Georgia National Fairgrounds Perry, Georgia
W W W. S P O T L I G H T F U T U R I T Y. C O M
Ar abian Horse Times | 108 | Volume 46, No. 9A A