WELCOME Dear Distance Riders, Welcome to the 2018 Distance Horse National Championships hosted by the Arabian Horse Association. Thank you to our Ride Manager Lois McAfee and the owner of the wonderful location for this event, Bill Wilson. We are again partnering with the Appaloosa Horse Club and Paso Fino Horse Association, new for 2018 we have partnered with the Performance Shagya-Arabian Horse Registry, the American Morgan Horse Association and the Akhal-Teke Association of American. Your National Distance Ride Commission, with the expansion and inclusion of other breeds, has truly made this event the place to be for Distance riding. Welcome to Henryville, Indiana!
thank all of our volunteers who have worked tirelessly. We would like to thank the AHA Distance Commission for allowing us to host this ride and all their hard work and support to make this event happen. We would also like to thank the Daniel Boone Distance Riders (DBDR) for their enthusiastic support of the event.
Your National Distance Ride Commission, staff and hosts have worked extremely hard to make these rides the best they can be for our competitors. Please help to support our sponsors by going first to them for your equine needs in the future. We greatly appreciate their support which helps to be able to offer this event!
Welcome to the Distance Horse National Championships (DHNC) hosted by the Arabian Horse Association (AHA). This year we are pleased to present a total of twenty events including Open rides, Breed National Championship rides for six breeds and, new for 2018, The Limited Distance Challenge.
Regards, Nancy Harvey, AHA President
While the event is hosted by AHA with support from the Appaloosa, Paso Fino, Shagya Arabian, Morgan and Akhal-Teke breeds, this event would not be possible without the invaluable help and support of many others. First of all we need to extend a special thank you to Bill Wilson for the use of his facility for this event. Of course none of this could happen without the tireless efforts of Ride Manager, Lois McAfee, and her host of volunteers. The support of our vendors and sponsors is also invaluable and greatly appreciated in contributing to a successful event. Please consider them when you make your next purchase.
Dear Competitors: It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 Arabian Horse Association’s Distance Nationals. How our Arabian, Half Arabian, and Anglo-Arabian horses fare in distance rides worldwide is a major source of pride, not only for myself, but of our 84,000 owners in the US and Canada. Therefore, I would like to express my appreciation for your choosing to participate in our ride this year. I would also like to express my appreciation for the planning that our Distance National Commission and staff have expended in preparing for this year’s event. Also to Lois McAfee and Bill Wilson for all the hard work they have done to prepare for ride. AHA has received over 25 Sponsors for this year’s ride and I would like to express my gratitude in their support. In addition, I also want to thank our Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Commission for their continued support of Sweepstakes incentive money for Sweepstakes participants in this year’s ride. This is a major reason for insuring your Arabians are not only registered but entered into the Sweepstakes Program. There is $9,000 in payouts available this year ($1,500 per National Ride). And lastly, a big “Thank you” to the volunteers that make our National Rides a great success. So best of luck to everyone and thanks for traveling to Bill Wilson’s Farm in Henryville, IN for our 2018 competition! Sincerely, Glenn T. Petty, Executive Vice President Dear AHA Distance Nationals Exhibitors, Crews and Spectators, Welcome to Bill Wilson’s place in the tree-covered hills of southern Indiana. You will be riding the challenging trails in the Clark State Forest. There are lots of beautiful scenery to be seen. We want to
We hope you have a fantastic time while you are here, please let us know if there is anything we can do to ensure that outcome and thank you for coming. Lois McAfee (manager) Bill Wilson (landowner)
And finally, thanks to you, the competitors, for without your dedication to this sport there would be no DHNC. So welcome, thank you and enjoy the events. Arthur B. King DVM Chair, AHA National Distance Commission Dear Competitors and Friends of Endurance Riding, The Appaloosa Horse Club is pleased to once again be a part of this important multi-breed event. We appreciate our hosts, the Arabian Horse Association, and its efforts to increase the attention given to distance/endurance as a special interest area. The Appaloosa National Championship Endurance Ride (ANCER) is an AERCsanctioned 50-mile ride that spotlights the stamina, athleticism and disposition of our horses. ApHC members are reminded that registered Appaloosas that are also registered with AHA as halfArabian may enter both national championships. We extend sincere gratitude to all the volunteers and staff responsible for conducting this year’s “Spook Run Ride” in Indiana. To all the participants, we wish you a fun, safe and successful weekend. Thank you for being a part of it! Wishing you the best of luck and safe travels, Sincerely, Steve Taylor, CEO
Appaloosa Horse Club Greetings from the Paso Fino Horse Association! We are incredibly pleased to be a part of the 2018 Arabian Horse Association’s Distance Nationals. This competition represents an excellent opportunity for different breed groups and Associations to continue the trend of combining for endurance and competitive trail riding. Best of luck to all our competitors in this year’s event and thanks for demonstrating the qualities of our Paso Fino horse to such a diverse group. Bill Nelson, Executive Director, PFHA Dear Participants, The American Morgan Horse Association, Inc. is thrilled to be a part of the event this weekend. We feel honored to be asked to host our inaugural Distance Riding Championship in conjunction with AHA and the other multiple organizations hosting championships. AMHA is pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to our Distance Riding enthusiasts and look forward to growing the interest and participation in this particular discipline. As “newbies” to this type of event, we look to you as competitors for suggestions and comments so that we can continue to improve our membership services. We hope to learn much from you and the organizers as well. Good luck! However, more importantly, enjoy every minute of this time spent with your horses! Kindest Regards, Carrie J. Mortensen AMHA Executive Director
Welcome to all friends and competitors! We are honored to be a part of the Inaugural Shagya-Arabian (ShA) National Endurance Championship to be held in North America. Open to all ISG registered ShA and ShA sporthorses, we celebrate the unity and joy of endurance riding among all breeds. We applaud the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) for their insight in creating a true Multi-breed distance championship. A Huge Thank you to the AHA, the Distance Ride Commission, staff, hosts, volunteers and sponsors for all of their vision, leadership and hard work to make this event a success. It is thrilling to have such a talented group of horses here to represent the Shagya-Arabian breed. Known for over 200 years throughout Europe for their endurance, soundness of mind and strong partnerships formed with their riders, this competition will allow an American audience to get to know them better. We look forward to the Championships to showcase these special qualities. To learn more, ask any of the ShA owners, I’m sure they will want to tell you about this rare, but wonderful breed. The Shagya-Arabians will be tough competitors in the 2018 Multi-breed Championship. Best of luck to all! Lucy Stafford, President Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry
WELCOME Hello to all Akhal-Teke and Akhal-Teke Cross competitors! The ATAA is excited to be part of this event and we’d like to say a heartfelt “Thank you” to the AHA for offering us this opportunity. If you would like to learn more about Akhal-Tekes, ask any of the competitors riding one, they all tend to enjoy ‘Talking Teke’. Best of luck to all competitors, both horse and human. Cathy Leddy Akhal-Teke Association of America Secretary
The Akhal-Teke Association of America Newsletter- Website- Awards -Registration- Shows
Cash for competing! $3000* this year! AHA/ATAA Distance Championships October 26-28, Henryville, IN See what Akhal-Teke and Akhal-Teke crosses are all about: www.akhal-teke.org or 425-870-9789 *http://www.akhal-teke.org/incentive-awards.html
LIMITED DISTANCE CHALLENGE - NEW! We would like to offer our limited distance riders a new challenge as we recognize that many individuals do not want to step up to 50 miles a day, but do enjoy riding 25-30 miles in consecutive days. Therefore, we are introducing the Limited Distance Challenge at this year’s, 2018 Distance Horse National Championships to be held on Oct. 26-28, 2018 at the Spook Run Site in Henryville, IN. The care and safety of the horses is our number one priority. The challenge will be over 3 consecutive days. Rules: 1. Open to all equines. 2. The rider must enter the LD Challenge (fill out the entry form and pay the LD Challenge fee of $20) prior to the start of the first ride. 3. The rider must ride the same horse each day. 4. The rider must complete all three days. 5. The pulse criteria will be 56 at each Vet Check and 56 at completion of the ride. 6. The riders must have a CRI as part of the completion veterinary examination at the end of each day. 7. Points will be awarded as outlined below in Appendix A - Scoring for: A. the placings for each of the three individual days; B. the CRI points for each of the three individual days; and C. the placings based on the total of the Veterinary Score and Weight Factor as calculated using the AERC Best Condition system following completion of the ride. 8. All LD Challenge competitors will be given a completion award. 9. Prizes will be awarded to First through Fifth individual/horse combinations. 10. First tie breaker is the rider/horse combination with the highest Veterinary Score and Weight Factor as calculated using the AERC Best Condition system following completion of the ride. 11. Second tie breaker will be the total of the AERC Best Condition scores for each day. 12. Third tie would be the one that finished the most in the Top Ten for all 3 days. 13. If still tied, then the tied competitors will flip a coin.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
22 20 17 15 12 10 9 8 7
10 11th and beyond
CRI BPM Increase 0 1 2 3 4
5 4 3 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
22 20 17 15 12 10 9 8 7
11th and beyond
Lois McAfee....................Ride Manager, Memphis, IN Eric Rueter….Onsite Ride Secretary, Lenoir City, TN Ruth Stewart.................Ride Steward, Martinsville, IL
Brett Hoerr, DVM (Head)............................Morton, IL James Beckman, DVM..............................Prospect, KY Robert Marshall, DVM...............................Kenna, WV Maureen Fehrs, DVM......................Michigan City, IN
DISTANCE NATIONALS COMMISSION Art King..................................................................Chair Tony Troyer....................................................Vice Chair Carla Jo Bass...........................................Commissioner Liz Dagnall..............................................Commissioner Jill Mitchell..............................................Commissioner Cynthia Richardson......................AHA Board Liaison Paige Lockard...................................AHA Staff Liaison Lucie Hess...................................ApHC Representative Lindsay Campbell......................PFHA Representative Lucy Stafford..................................PShR Representative Carrie Mortensen....................AMHA Representative Betsy Wandler.............................ATAA Representative
AHA DISTANCE NATIONALS STAFF Glenn Petty……………...…..Executive Vice President Kelsey Berglund……….....Director of National Events Paige Lockard.........…Distance Nationals Coordinator Stan Morey…......….Judges & Stewards Commissioner
DISTANCE RIDING COMMITTEE Carla Jo Bass.. ...................................................Region 9 Louise Burton, Vice Chair……...…………...Region 9 Cynthia Richardson..................…AHA Board Liaison Paige Lockard …..…………...…...AHA Staff Liaison
This Distance National Championship would not have been possible without the incredible support of volunteers. Thank you to all of you who gave us your time and asked nothing in return, we are all grateful! Please be sure to take the time to thank a volunteer! These rides are produced by the Arabian Horse Association. All Open Endurance Rides are sanctioned with the Arabian Horse Association, American Endurance Ride Conference, Southeast Endurance Ride Association, Ohio Arabian and All Breed Trail Riding Society & the South Eastern Distance Riders Association. Arabian Horse Association 10805 E. Bethany Dr. • Aurora, CO 80014-2605 (303) 696-4500 • (303) 696-4599 fax www.ArabianHorses.org • info@ArabianHorses.org
BIOS James Beckman DVM
Dr. Beckman grew up in southern Indiana. After high school he took Horace Greeley seriously when he said “Go west young man.” Dr. Beckman spent the next eight years in the great state of Oklahoma. He graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2004 with a degree in veterinary medicine. After a couple years in Pennsylvania working as an equine vet he and his wife opened Gas Light Equine Veterinary Practice in 2006. Gas Light Equine is a now a three vet practice servicing horses in 6 counties in two states. Dr. Beckman first was exposed to endurance racing in vet school by Dr. Todd Holbrook who was doing some endurance race work. Then after opening Gas Light Equine he was asked to work a ride for Karen and the late Steve Cummings, since then he has worked at least one endurance ride every year. One of the biggest reasons Dr. Beckman likes to work these races is to see his clients and patients competing at the top of their discipline. It is very rewarding for all involved.
Robert Marshall, DVM
I live in Kenna WV, on a farm with my wife Beth, who rides endurance,8 horses,4 dogs, and 2 cats...I have been a mixed animal veterinarian for the last 38 years here in WV in the same practice. My endurance judging career began in 2009, and I am now working about 20 rides per year, both AERC and FEI as a treatment PTV. I have competed in LD’s and 50 mile rides. I am currently on the AERC Board of Directors, the Veterinary Committee, and am active in local social justice and environmental organizations in WV. One of my primary interests in Endurance is horse welfare and emergency treatment at rides.
Maureen Fehrs, DVM
I am fascinated by the horse’s athletic ability. I rode my first 50 mile distance ride in 1968. After receiving a BS in animal science from Cornell, an MS in animal nutrition and a DVM from the University of Georgia in 1984, I’ve been judging an average of 10 competitive and endurance rides a year. I served on the distance committee for AHA and acted as chair for several years. I currently serve on the board of OAATS (Ohio Arabian and All Breed Trail Society).
Ruth Stewart, Ride Steward
I entered the Arabian business in 1962. We owned, bred and showed purebreds and ½ Arabians in Class-A Shows and in Illinois County and State Fairs. In 1964 I became a 4-H leader dedicated to equine activities that included shows, clinics, trail rides, camps, and the Horse Bowl and Hippology contests at the Regional, State, and National level. As a 4-H leader in Clark Co. we have emphasized that any breed of pony, light horse, draft horse, race horse, mule or donkey has a place as a 4-H project. My daughters and I began to compete in Competitive Trail Rides and as a member of UMECRA and AERC, I began to manage them in 1987. I became an AHA Steward in 2004 to be available to officiate the Region 11 AHA Regionals in both CTR and Endurance. Best of luck to all contestants at the 2018 National Championship Ride!
Kristin Warning, Ride Photographer
Kristen (Kris) got her start as an equine photographer as a hobbyist, when her two children were little, owned an Egyptian Arabian and worked at a White Pines Ranch in northern Illinois. She transitioned to southern Indiana in 2006 and started photographing horses, nature, and people part time in 2011. Through her love of horses, wanting to keep the door open to learning and meeting people, sew continuously expands her photography, riding and knowledge base of the equine world in several ways. She attends local schooling shows and eventing shows, open Western and English horse shows, AERC endurance rides, mounted archery, ranch, trail, and natural horsemanship clinics, as well as Rolex and the Kentucky Derby. Kris is a pro member of the Equine Photographers Network, a member of the AHA, has attended photography workshops, and has won awards in local and state fine art competitions. She owns a rescue TW/QH horse, and also enjoys riding Friesians, Clydesdales and Quarter Horses at Cedar Creek Drafts, where she currently boards her horse. Her equine models for fine art work also include the horses at Split-Ridge Rocky Mountain Horse farm.
2018 GOLD SPONSORS Lisa Blackstone ◆ Mc Cauley’s Feed ◆ OSPHOS
2018 PRODUCT SPONSORS Mc Cauley’s Feed ◆ Hammer Nutrition ◆ Riding Warehouse ◆ Schneiders ◆ Valley Vet
2018 VET CHECK SPONSORS ACE Hardware ◆ Lisa Garrison ◆ Region 14 ◆ Rick Gault Training, LLC The Minnesota Arabian Horse Association….the club that gives back! Western Washington Appaloosa Regional Club
2018 WELCOME BAG SPONSORS Conway Arabians ◆ Diablo AHA ◆ Region 8 ◆ Region 13 ◆ Southeast Endurance Riders Association Texas Arabian Distance Riders Association
2018 PRIVATE/CUSTOM SPONSORS Cynthia Richardson ◆ Higher Standards Leather Care ◆ Micky Hegg ◆ Region 12 Silver Aspen Ranch ◆ The Distance Depot ◆ Wild Side Tights - Cindy Young
2018 VENDORS CQ Equine & Claudia’s Gifts - Claudia Quinn ◆ Swishtails - Janet Alexander ◆ Wild Side Tights - Cindy Young Body Balance Massage - Lisa Spencer
2018 APHC SPONSORS Appaloosa Horse Club ◆ Western Washington Appaloosa Regional Club ◆ Tioga Territory ◆ Schneiders
2018 PShR SPONSORS ACE Hardware ◆ Higher Standards Leather Care ◆ OSPHOS
2018 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Thursday, October 25, 2018 1:00 PM…………………………….……....……………………..………………………………..…………...Registration 3:30 PM……………………....……........…….………………………………………………………………………Vet-In 6:00 PM………………………………………….……………………………………………………….Pre-Ride Meeting
Friday, October 26, 2018 7:30 AM…………….……………….…50 Mile AHA/ANCER/PFHA/PShR/AMHA/ATAA National Championships & AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open 50 Mile Endurance Rides Start (Roll Call at 7:15) 8:00 AM……………. 25 Mile AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open LD End Ride/1st Leg of LD Challenge Start (Roll Call at 7:45) 3:00 PM………………………………………………….…………………….…………………. Registration and Vet-In 6:15 PM……………………………………………………….…………………………………… ……...Awards Dinner 6:30 PM……………………………………………………………………… ………………………….Pre-Ride Meeting
Saturday, October 27, 2018 7:00 AM……………….……100 Mile AHA & PShR National Championships & AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open 100 Mile End Ride Start (Roll Call at 6:45) 7:30 AM……………….………..50 Mile AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open End Ride Start (Roll Call at 7:15) 8:00 AM…………….25 Mile AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open LD End Ride/2nd Leg of LD Challenge Start (Roll Call at 7:45) 3:00 PM……………………………………………………………………….…………………...Registration and Vet-In 6:15 PM………………………………………….……………………………… ………………..……….Awards Dinner 6:30 PM……………………………………………………….………………………………………….Pre-Ride Meeting
Sunday, October 28, 2018 7:30 AM…………………………50 Mile AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open End Ride Start (Roll Call at 7:15) 8:00 AM……….….…25 Mile AERC/AHA/SERA/OAATS/SEDRA Open LD End Ride/3rd Leg of LD Challenge Start (Roll Call at 7:45) 8:30 AM.………………………………...………AHA National CTR/AHA 40 Mile Open CTR Start (Roll Call at 8:15) 9:30 AM………………………………………………………………….…………………………. 100 Mile BC Judging 6:15 PM……………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Awards Dinner *Times and distance are subject to change due to the nature of this being an outdoor event.
NEW FOR 2018
This Challenge will be open to any rider/horse combination that plans to ride all 3 days (25 miles a day) in the Open LD rides. The rider must pay the $20 entry fee for the LD Challenge before the start of the first day. This is in addition to the entry fee for each individual open ride. Because we encourage the very best care of our horses, all LD riders must reach a 56 for pulse down criteria and will have a CRI in the final Vet Check for each day. On the 3rd day, the entries in the LD Challenge will have a final Vet Check score. The placings for the 3 days will be converted into a points score which will be added to the point score for the final Vet Check to determine the 1st-5th winners. All rules are available on the AHA Distance National Webpage under Exhibitor Information which can be found at www.arabianhorses.org/DNL.
The AHA National Distance Rides ARE eligible for Sweepstakes Prize Money. There is now $1500 available for the National 50 Mile Endurance, $1500 available for the National 100 Mile Endurance Ride, and $1500 available for the National CTR. New for 2018 Prize Money will now separate Arabians & Half-Arabians/Anglo-Arabians for each National Rides Sweepstakes payout. Payout does still go off of the 50% rule. For more information on the Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Program please contact the AHA Competitions Department at 303-696-4500 (option #4) or you may go online to https://arabianhorses.org/competition/prize-money-programs/ breeders-sweeps/index.html.
Entries must be submitted on a 2018 Official Entry Form. One rider per entry form. All Championship entries must enter and pay the fees for their corresponding Open ride. All participants must sign the AHA/ApHC/PFHA/PShR/AMHA/ATAA Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement to participate in the event.
Total registration fees. Proof of qualifying rides. Copies of AHA Competition Level Membership Cards. A photocopy of the Certificate of Registration showing current recorded ownership.
• Total registration fees. • Copy of front and back of Certificate of Registration showing current ownership. • Signatures of the owner and rider on the entry form agreeing to the ApHC Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. In the case of a rider under 18, his/her parent or guardian must also sign the entry blank on the minor’s behalf. If the owner and rider are the same, the owner must sign both spaces. • Proof of qualifying rides.
• Total registration fees • Copy of front and back of Certificate of Registration showing current ownership. • Signatures of the owner and rider must be on the entry form. Both must agree to the PFHA Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. If the rider is a junior, his/her parent or guardian must also sign the entry form. If the owner and rider are the same, that person must sign in both places. • Proof of qualifying rides (this should be a print out of both the horse’s and the rider’s AERC record of the qualifying rides; the entire AERC record does NOT need to be submitted, only the page(s) with the pertinent rides.)
• Total registration fees. • Copy of front and back of Certificate of Registration showing current ownership. • Signatures of the owner and rider must be on the entry form. Both must agree to the PShR Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. If the rider is a junior, his/her parent or guardian must also sign the entry form. If the owner and rider are the same, that person must sign in both places. • Proof of qualifying rides
RIDE RULES AMHA ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH: • Total registration fees. • Copy of front and back of Certificate of Registration showing current ownership. • Signatures of the owner and rider must be on the entry form. Both must agree to the AMHA Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. If the rider is a junior, his/her parent or guardian must also sign the entry form. If the owner and rider are the same, that person must sign in both places. • Proof of qualifying rides
ATAA ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH: • Total registration fees. • Copy of front and back of Certificate of Registration showing current ownership. • Signatures of the owner and rider must be on the entry form. Both must agree to the ATAA Terms and Conditions for Entry & Release, Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. If the rider is a junior, his/her parent or guardian must also sign the entry form. If the owner and rider are the same, that person must sign in both places. • Proof of qualifying rides
OPEN ENTRIES- SPOOK RUN RIDES All equines are welcome to enter the Open Rides. Competitors who participate in any of the Open rides must follow the rules/ procedures outlined in this document in addition to AERC and AHA Rules, and will follow the direction of Ride Management, Judges and the AHA Steward. Riders who are not members of AHA with Competition Level Membership are encouraged to carry personal excess liability insurance, but it is not required. Entries for Open competitors must be filled out as completely as possible on the Entry Form. If the horse is registered with AHA, ApHC, PFHA, PShR, AMHA, or ATAA please indicate correct Registry(s) and Registration Number(s); otherwise at a minimum the name and breed of the horse must be provided on the Entry Form. The Ride Secretary will assign numbers based on order in which the entries are received. The Open Rides are sanctioned by AHA (Arabian Horse Association), AERC (American Endurance Ride Conference), SERA (Southeast Endurance Ride Association), OAATS (Ohio Arabian and All Breed Trail Riding Society) and SEDRA (South East Distance Riders Association.)
PAYMENTS Payments must be submitted in full at the time of entry and can be made by check or credit card. Please make checks payable to AHA. Entry fee includes award dinner the day the participant is competing.
• Close of the Early Bird Drawing is October 1, 2018. • Entries received in the AHA office between, October 2 and October 12, 2018 will be accepted. However these entries will not be eligible for the Early Bird Drawing. Entries will also be accepted at the ride site. • Please keep a copy of your entry form (and all supporting documents) for your own records and bring it with you to the ride. Entries can be mailed, faxed or emailed. Mail entries to: AHA Distance Nationals 10805 E. Bethany Dr., Aurora, CO 80014
Fax entries to: Email entries to: Fax: 303-696-4599 Email: paige.lockard@arabianhorses.org
After October 12th all entries must be hand carried to the event. Proof of qualifying rides’ if required, must be brought with the entry at time of Check-In. Entries are accepted up to Vet Check-In for each ride. Please keep a copy of your entry form and all supporting documents for your own records and bring it with you to the ride.
REFUNDS Entry fees less a $25.00 office fee will be refunded only for illness or injury of horse or rider, provided an acceptable explanation of the circumstances is delivered to Ride Management prior to start of the ride. Ride Management will review all other requests for a refund. All refunds will be processed after the event and will be sent by mail or refunded directly to the credit card provided at time of entry.
RIDE RULES REFUSALS Ride Management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or cancel any entries of any exhibitor as stated in the current AHA Handbook.
SUBSTITUTIONS A horse/rider may be substituted if the following conditions are met: • The substitute horse meets all eligibility and qualification requirements. • Veterinarian/Doctor certificate attesting to illness or injury of the horse/rider is received prior to or at Check-In. • A new entry form is filled out for the substitute.
OPEN & LD CHALLENGE MEMBERSHIP Open Ride participants are not required to hold membership with the Arabian Horse Association, the Appaloosa Horse Club, the Paso Fino Horse Association, the Shagya-Arabian Registry, American Morgan Horse Association, or the Akhal-Teke Association of America. Riders who are competing in the Open Rides for AHA program benefits must hold a current AHA Competition Level Membership Card. Please see “Open Entries” for further rules regarding Open Ride participants.
AHA MEMBERSHIP & REGISTRATION To compete in the AHA National Championship Rides, Competition Level Membership is required for the rider and current recorded owner of the horse. A Base Membership does not make you eligible to compete. For Post-Entries at the ride, you must bring AHA Competition Cards and a copy of the horses Registration papers with you to the ride. If you are not a current member, you may sign up online at www.arabianhorses.org, call the Membership & Registration Department at (303) 696-4500 option #2, or complete a Membership application at the ride. The horse must also be registered with the Arabian Horse Association as either Arabian, HalfArabian, or Anglo-Arabian either through the U.S. or Canadian Registry. If you have questions regarding Registration or who is currently listed as the current recorded owner, you may contact the Membership & Registration Department at (303) 696-4500 option #2.
ApHC MEMBERSHIP To compete in the Appaloosa National Championship Endurance Ride the Rider and Owner must be a current ApHC member and in good standing. For more information regarding membership or joining the ApHC Distance Program you may go online to www.appaloosa.com, phone the office at 208-882-5578, or mail questions to Appaloosa Horse Club 2720 W Pullman Rd Moscow, ID 83843
PFHA MEMBERSHIP In order to compete in the PFHA National Distance Championship Ride both the horse owner and rider (including junior riders) must be current PFHA members in good standing. To inquire about obtaining membership, please contact PFHA at www.pfha.org.
PERFORMANCE SHAGYA-ARABIAN (PSHR) MEMBERSHIP In order to compete in the Performance Shagya-Arabian (PShR) National Distance Championship Ride both the horse owner and rider (including junior riders) must be current members, in good standing of an ISG recognized registry, including PShR and/or NASS. To inquire about obtaining membership, please contact PShR at http://performanceshagyaregistry.org/join-us.html or NASS at http:// www.shagya.net.
AMHA MEMBERSHIP In order to compete in the Morgan National Distance Championship Ride, both the horse owner and rider (including youth riders) must be current AMHA members in good standing. To inquire about obtaining membership, please contact AMHA at www.morganhorse.com.
RIDE RULES ATAA MEMBERSHIP In order to compete in the Akhal-Teke National Distance Championship Ride, both the horse owner and rider (including youth riders) must be current ATAA members in good standing. To inquire about obtaining membership, please contact ATAA at www.Akhal-Teke.org.
HORSE must: • Be owned by an AHA member with Competition Level Membership and be registered with the Arabian Horse Association, the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry or the Canadian Partbred Arabian Register and a copy of registration papers filed with ride management prior to start of the ride. • Be at least 5 years of actual age (60 months) by registration papers, with the exception of the 100-mile entries which must be 6 years of actual age (72 months). • Not be currently owned, managed, or trained by the judge or ride steward. • Have qualifying miles in which one or more riders may have ridden the qualifying miles for that horse and a single rider may qualify more than one horse.
• Horses must have completed 100 lifetime miles. • 50 of those miles must be completed in an AHA recognized competitive trail ride or an AHA approved competitive trail ride organization. • Ride distances must be no less than 25 miles.
• Horses must have a minimum of 200 lifetime miles. • Each distance must be a minimum of 50 miles and completed within the maximum time allowed.
• Horses must have 300 lifetime miles. • 100 of these miles must have been completed consecutively. (i.e.: a one day 100 mile or two 50 mile rides back to back in two days.) • Each distance must be a minimum of 50 miles and completed within the maximum time allowed.
The horse must be registered with the ApHC. If non-characteristic, must be CPO or Performance Permit-enrolled Horse must be at least five (5) years of age on date of ride The horse must be currently enrolled in the ApHC Distance Program Both the horse and rider must have completed 100 lifetime distance miles. Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse/ rider team entering. The 100 distance miles can be accumulated from endurance and/or competitive trail rides of 25 miles or longer. However, 50 of those miles must have been earned on a successfully-completed 50-mile endurance ride. Documentation of this mileage will be requested but does not have to be a part of the ApHC Distance Program. • Horses and riders must be qualified just prior to the ride • Riders age 16 & under are not required to qualify, but must ride a qualified horse with an adult sponsor.
• The horse must be registered with PFHA. • The horse must be at least 5 years old on the day of the ride. • Both horse and rider must have successfully completed at least two (2) AERC endurance rides of 50 or more miles in a day prior to the start of the Championship. Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse and rider team entering the Championship.
• The horse must be registered with an ISG recognized registry, including PShR and/or NASS. • The horse must be at least 6 years of actual age (72 months) on the day of the ride with the exception of the 100 Mile entries which must be 7 years of actual age (84) months).
RIDE RULES PSHR 50 MILE ENDURANCE • Both horse and rider must have successfully completed a minimum of 200 lifetime miles including at least two (2) AERC endurance rides of 50 or more miles in a day prior to the start of the Championship. The additional 100 distance miles can be accumulated from endurance and/or competitive trail rides of 25 miles or longer. • Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse and rider team entering the Championship.
PSHR 100 MILE ENDURANCE • Both the horse and rider must have successfully completed a minimum of 300 lifetime miles. • Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse and rider team entering the Championship.
AMHA 50 MILE NATIONAL DISTANCE CHAMPIONSHIP RIDE • The horse must be registered with AMHA. • The horse must be at least 5 years old on the day of the ride. • Both horse and rider must have successfully completed at least two (2) AERC endurance rides of 50 or more miles in a day prior to the start of the Championship. Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse and rider team entering the Championship.
ATAA 50 MILE NATIONAL DISTANCE CHAMPIONSHIP RIDE • The horse must be registered with ATAA. • The horse must be at least 5 years old on the day of the ride. • Both horse and rider must have successfully completed at least two (2) AERC endurance rides of 50 or more miles in a day prior to the start of the Championship. Mileage does not have to be earned by the same horse and rider team entering the Championship.
OPEN SPOOK RUN RIDES The Open Endurance rides are recognized AHA Open Rides and have also been sanctioned with the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC). If you are part of the AHA Achievement Award program or AHA Distance Horse Award program you may NOT submit an Open Ride Reporting Form for the Open Ride(s) as the ride is already recorded through AHA. The Rulebook for AERC may be found at https://aerc.org/static/Rules_Current.pdf. Open Competitive Trail rides will be run under the AHA CTR rules which can be found at https://arabianhorses.org/.content/aha-handbooks/current-handbook/CHAPTER13.pdf and is recognized by AHA alone.
LD CHALLENGE No qualifications are required. Must be indicated as entered in the event on the entry form and pay the $20 additional fee for the event. The LD Challenge is sanctioned by the Arabian Horse Association.
AWARDS AHA CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS There are two divisions per National Championship Event: Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian. Separate awards will be presented to each division as follows: • Champion: Champion Silver Trophy, and Champion Ribbon • Reserve Champion: Reserve Champion Bronze Trophy, and Reserve Champion Ribbon • Top Ten: Top Ten Plaque, and Top Ten Ribbon will be given to the remaining Top Ten. • Completion: Completion belt buckle. Riders have the option to trade out the buckle for a completion cuff (bracelet). Riders are encouraged to designate their preference on the entry form and pay the additional fee for a cuff in advance. Should a rider not complete, the fee will be refunded. • Best Condition: A special award will be given to the Rider whose mount is determined to be the Best Conditioned horse in the Endurance divisions. • Junior Riders: A special award will be given to the Junior Rider (age 18 and under) who is first to finish in each AHA National Championship Ride. • Miscellaneous: Additional awards & prizes may be presented by ride sponsors.
RIDE RULES APHC CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS • The Appaloosa successfully completing the ride in the shortest time will be titled the ApHC National Champion and will receive a National Championship trophy, an Embroidered Award Jacket and a gift certificate. There will not be separate weight divisions. • The George Hatley Cup (a perpetual trophy) will be awarded to the horse, judged by the ride veterinarian, to be Best Condition at the end of the race. Only the first 10 Appaloosas will be considered for the Best Condition award and they must successfully complete the ride within 2 hours from the time the first Appaloosas crosses the finish line. Any horse that comes in after the 2 hour time limit will not be considered for the Best Condition award. The George Hatley Cup is a perpetual trophy that the award winner will keep for a one-year period. The name of the horse earning the award will be added to the trophy. The rider will receive a silver belt buckle. • First Junior will receive a special award • Championship Ribbons are awarded to the top ten finishers • All competitors registering before October 11, 2018 will be given an ANCER t-shirt.
PFHA CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS • The first Paso Fino Horse to successfully complete the Championship Ride will be awarded the title PFHA National Distance Champion and the Championship Trophy and Ribbon. • The second Paso Fino Horse to successfully complete the Championship Ride will be awarded the title PFHA National Distance Reserve Champion and the Reserve Championship Trophy and Ribbon. • Paso Fino Horses successfully completing the ride in third through tenth place will receive a Championship Ribbon. There will be no separate weight divisions. • The Paso Fino Horse earning Best Condition on the ride will be awarded an embroidered PFHA National Distance Championship blanket (this will not be available at the ride since size and the horse’s name will not be known) and a PFHA National Distance Championship Best Condition Plaque. • The first junior rider to successfully complete the ride will receive a special award.
Champion: Champion Trophy, and Champion Ribbon Reserve Champion: Reserve Champion Trophy, and Reserve Champion Ribbon Top Ten: Top Ten award, and Top Ten Ribbon will be given to the remaining Top Ten. There will be no separate weight divisions. Completion: Award certificate will be given to all finishers. Best Condition: A special award will be given to the Rider whose mount is determined to be the Best Conditioned horse in the Endurance divisions.
Champion: AMHA Champion Trophy, and Champion Ribbon Reserve Champion: AMHA Reserve Champion Trophy, and Reserve Champion Ribbon Top Ten: Top Ten finishers will also receive ribbons. Completion: Morgan horses successfully completing the ride will receive a certificate award. Best Condition: A special award will be given to the Rider whose mount is determined to be the Best Conditioned Morgan horse in the Endurance divisions. • Youth Rider: The first youth rider to successfully complete the ride will receive an award. (AMHA Youth Riders are under the age of 22 as of January 1 of the membership year.)
Champion: ATAA Champion Cooler, and Champion Ribbon Reserve Champion: ATAA Reserve Champion Cooler, and Reserve Champion Ribbon Top Ten: Top Ten finishers will also receive ribbons. Completion: Akhal-Teke horses and Akhal-Teke sport horses successfully completing the ride will receive a certificate award. Best Condition: A special award will be given to the Rider whose mount is determined to be the Best Conditioned Akhal-Teke or Akhal-Teke sport horse in the Endurance divisions. • Youth Rider: The first youth rider to successfully complete the ride will receive an award. (ATAA Youth Riders are under the age of 22 as of January 1 of the membership year.)
RIDE RULES OPEN SPOOK RUN RIDE AWARDS The Open rides will receive appropriate awards for First to Finish (Endurance)/Highpoint (CTR); Top Ten (Endurance); Top Six (CTR); Completion; Best Condition (Endurance). Additional awards & prizes may be presented by ride sponsors.
LD CHALLENGE AWARDS The LD Challenge will award appropriate awards for 1st-5th place and will award a completion award for all riders that complete the ride.
GENERAL INFORMATION DRUG TESTING Ride Management reserves the right to require drug testing for any horse competing in the Event at any time during the event.
HELMETS Ride Management strongly encourages all riders to wear protective headgear (ASTM/SEI), securely fastened while mounted. All juniors are required to wear protective headgear (ATSM/SEI), securely fastened while mounted.
INDEMNITY & NON-RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES All entries are accepted with the understanding that the Arabian Horse Association (AHA), AHA Region 13, the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC), the Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA), the Shagya-Arabian Registry (PShR), the American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA), the Akhal-Teke Association of America (ATAA), Bill Wilson, and their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any person, animal or property occasioned by him/her and shall indemnify the AHA, AHA Region 13, ApHC, PFHA, PShR, AMHA, ATAA and Bill Wilson against any and all losses, damages, and liability thus occasioned, including but not limited to all legal costs, including attorney fees, which may be incurred. The submitting of any official entry form to the Ride Secretary shall constitute an acceptance of these provisions by each person signing the entry form.
JUDGES Control Judges are required to score and judge the ride in accordance with the AHA Competitive Trail Ride and Endurance Ride Rules printed in the current AHA Handbook and/or AERC Rulebook. AHA Score cards will be used. AHA reserves the right to substitute a Control Judge. All decisions of the Control Judges are final. Open Rides will be judged as defined in the AERC Rulebook and the AHA Handbook.
JUNIOR RIDERS A junior rider is an individual who has not reached his/her 19th birthday as of December 1st of the previous year (2017). Juniors MUST wear protective headgear (ASTM/SEI). If the junior rider is found to be riding without the proper use of protective headgear, disciplinary action up to and including disqualification may occur. Juniors may participate in a ride only with the written consent of a parent or guardian on their entry form. Juniors are not allowed to ride stallions. For the Competitive Trail Ride National Championship, a junior under the age of 16 December 1st of the previous year (2017) must ride with a sponsor. The sponsor must be a competent adult (21 years or older as of December 1st, 2017) and must be duly entered as a competitor in the event and sponsorship must be documented on the junior’s entry form, complete with the sponsor’s signature. Junior and sponsor must ride together at all times. (See AHA Handbook for more information).For the Endurance National Championship Rides, AHA will also follow the rules outlined by AERC concerning junior riders.
All competitors, volunteers, and attendees at the ride automatically grant AHA, ApHC, PFHA, PShR, AMHA, ATAA and the official ride photographer(s) permission to publish any photos taken at the event. No written release is required for AHA, ApHC, PFHA, PShR, AMHA and ATAA to publish these photos in promotional materials, including but not limited to magazines, flyers, brochures, websites and banners.
Disagreements as to procedure and rules interpretation may be submitted to the Ride Steward for ruling. If there is a disagreement after the Stewards ruling, or if the Steward did not make a ruling, a Protest or Formal Letter of Complaint must be filed with AHA in accordance with the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook.
RIDE RULES RIDE CANCELLATION OR DATE CHANGE AHA reserves the right to change the ride dates and/or ride location or to cancel the ride altogether. In the event of cancellation, entry and meal fees will be refunded. Neither the Ride Management nor AHA/ApHC/PFHA/PShR/AMHA/ATAA shall have any liability to any competitor, owner, or other person, firm or corporation by reason of any change or cancellation of the ride, except for the return of the aforementioned fees.
STALLIONS Junior Riders may not ride stallions. Stallions must be marked with a yellow ribbon on the bridle or forelock and tail at all times. HEALTH CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS Indiana State Law requires a negative Coggins/Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) papers dated within 12 months of the ride, to be presented on all equines in camp. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) must be issued by a licensed and accredited veterinarian within the thirty (30) days immediately prior to the animal entering Indiana.
MEALS A coupon will be provided for the exhibitor’s award dinner(s) on the day(s) of competition (one coupon per ride). Additional meals can be purchased at the ride. Breakfast and lunch will be the responsibility of the competitor.
CAMPING Camping will be on Bill Wilson’s Farm; there is plenty of water for horses and people, primitive camping, no additional charges for camping.
DOGS Dogs must be on leashes or otherwise restrained at all times. Dogs are not allowed in the dining area.
TERRAIN The trails of Clark State Forest offer a wide variety of terrain and scenery. Trails are varied with graveled forestry roads to single track, there are also some switchback trails going up and down the hills. The ride will take you up to the top of the hills where you will have views of the Louisville skyline and the forest and lakes in the area. You will be in the canopy of the autumn leaves throughout the entire ride. There is very little pavement, pads are recommended.
WEATHER Weather in the fall is usually nice, but can be unpredictable. Please come prepared for all weather conditions. Average high is 68F and average low is 42F. Henryville receives about 3-4 inches of rain each month. Arabian Horse Association 10805 E. Bethany Dr. Aurora, Colorado 80014 Phone: 303-696-4500 Fax: 303-696-4599 Email: paige.lockard@arabianhorses.org
RESULTS Arabian 100-Mile National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 100 miles in a maximum of 24 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 15 horses started – 14 completed PLACING
Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian 100-Mile National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 100 miles in a maximum of 24 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 3 horses started – 3 horses completed PLACING
RESULTS Arabian 50-Mile National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 50 miles in a maximum of 12 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 14 horses started – 12 horses completed PLACING
Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian 50-Mile National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 50 miles in a maximum of 12 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 14 horses started – 12 horses completed PLACING
RESULTS Arabian National Championship Competitive Trail Ride In this event horses will travel between 40 & 50 Miles in one day. The must keep a pace of 4 to 7 miles per hour. Mounts are judged based on their on Soundness, Condition and Manners.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 0 horses started – 0 horses completed
Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian National Championship Competitive Trail Ride In this event horses will travel between 40 & 50 Miles in one day. The must keep a pace of 4 to 7 miles per hour. Mounts are judged based on their on Soundness, Condition and Manners.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 0 horses started – 0 horses completed
Appaloosa National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 50 miles in a maximum of 12 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 6 horses started – 4 horses completed PLACING
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RESULTS Paso Fino National Championship Endurance Ride In this event horses and riders will travel the required 50 miles in a maximum of 12 hours. Skilled veterinarians, also called Control Judges will check on the mounts several times during this vigorous competition. Horses are placed in the order that they finish the ride. Only horses that remain in good physical condition will be allowed to continue the race. The horse who finishes in the best physical condition earns the highly esteemed Best Condition Award.
2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS 3 horses started – 3 horses completed PLACING
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istance Riding is a great sport for all ages and skill levels. It tests a horse’s condition and stamina, rider intelligence and horsemanship under veterinary supervision on a cross-country trail. Discipline, dedication and sense of adventure are the most important ingredients for success. Competitive Trail and Endurance are the two most popular distance sports, and Arabians excel at both. The endurance competitor’s motto, “To finish Is To Win,” applies to all types of distance events. Distance Riding may be highly competitive and challenging or simply a recreational activity combining a camping trip with an extended trail ride.
An endurance ride can best be described as a cross-country contest of 50 or more miles. Horses must be at least 60 months old to compete in an endurance ride under American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) and AHA rules. It is an equestrian athletic event with the same horse and rider covering a measured course within a specified maximum time.
Novice Rides are 10-15 miles and average six miles per hour with a total ride time between 2-3 hours. This means that most of the ride will be completed at the trot. Ride management will set an allotted time to complete the ride, and the finisher with the best condition will be the winner, not the first horse and rider team to cross the finish line. This ride is not a race.
Limited Distance rides are between 25 to 50 miles in length according to the AERC Limited Distance Program rules. These are open to everyone and usually supported by beginning endurance competitors, those training horses that aren’t ready to go 50 miles, as well as some individuals who just do not want to ride 50 miles or more.
In contrast to an endurance ride, a competitive trail ride is usually shorter, normally 25-50 miles, although multiple day rides could be up to 100 miles. Riders are required to complete the ride within a minimum as well as a maximum time window. Usually time limits are based on a speed of 6 to 8 mph; however this can be slower due to difficult terrain or weather conditions. Riders MUST complete within the time limit or they will be penalized or disqualified. The winner of a competitive trail ride is the horse completing the course in the allotted time in the best condition.
Competitive Driving is similar to competitive trail, except that the horses are being driven rather than ridden. Of course, the driving trails are going to be dirt or other roads suitable to horse and carriage. The divisions may be divided into single or pairs of horses.
AHA DISTANCE AWARD PROGRAMS Free Programs: (only base membership required) FREQUENT RIDER PROGRAM: (ONETIME $25 FEE)
The Frequent Rider Program rewards riders for the time they spend riding/driving their registered Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses in non-competitive activities. The Arabian Horse Association is committed to recognizing and rewarding the riders who work with and enjoy Arabian and Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian horses in all types of non-competitive riding and driving. The best part of FRP is that the type of riding doesn’t matter as long as it is non-competitive! Whether you use an Arabian or HalfArabian/Anglo-Arabian horse to trail ride, do ranch work, gymkhana, participate in parades, take riding lessons, or just ride or drive for pleasure, you can now be recognized and rewarded for what you love most. COMPETITIVE DISTANCE PROGRAM:
The CDP is for Endurance and Competitive Trail Riders and promotes and rewards riders who use Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses to compete in all distance riding events. Your efforts and achievements will be rewarded with recognition and prizes. The CDP is an on-line based program that tracks mileage and rewards mileage accomplishments.
Ever wonder what the + and / behind a horse’s name mean? This is AHA’s prestigious and widely recognized program for horses that actively compete. Achievement Award symbols printed behind a horse’s name provide a visible sign for honor and prestige. Recognition at each achievement level is published in the Modern Arabian Horse magazine and each horse receives an engraved plaque to display their achievements. This unique program may be the only one in the equine industry that adds achievement symbols that become a permanent part of a horse’s name. There is also a parallel program for riders; it is called the Amateur Achievement Awards Program. DISTANCE HORSE AWARDS PROGRAM:
The AHA Distance Awards Program honors Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses for achieving mileage goals by competing in endurance and competitive trail rides. When your enrolled horse has completed 500 miles, a perpetual plaque will be engraved with the horse’s name and registration number. Participants receive a mileage marker to mount on the plaque for each additional 500 miles completed. OPEN EVENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM:
Do you enjoy participating in all-breed events including competitions hosted by national organizations in Dressage, Endurance, Driving, Cutting, and Eventing? If so, the Open Event Incentive Program or OEIP rewards both riders and horses that excel in all-breed competitions outside the traditional Arabian horse community. As a participant in OEIP, you and your horse will accumulate points based on how you place in competitions and rewarded for all of you achievements and hard work. Riders who participate will earn recognition and awards based on the number of points they accumulate. In addition the horse used in these competitions will automatically have their accomplishments recorded in their permanent event record.
This is a year-end program held in cooperation with AHA recognized competitive trail organizations. AHA provides a nice blanket or cooler award to the high point horses in the Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian divisions selected by participating organizations. Winners must meet the following criteria: (1) ride a registered Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian; (2) must be a current AHA member; and (3) have competed in at least five rides sponsored by that organization. ENDURANCE HIGH POINT:
AERC high-point horses in the 100-mile and 50-99 mile ride categories receive a nice product award at the Annual AERC Convention. Because AERC does not track points specifically in the 50-99 mile category, individuals interested in this award must submit an AHA Endurance Horse High-Point Middle Distance Award Application Form and send it in to AHA by December 31st. DISTANCE HORSE OF THE YEAR AWARD:
This award was created to recognize the significant accomplishment of a registered Arabian, and Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian in distance sports. Any AHA member can nominate a horse, which is selected at the annual AHA convention. The winner’s name is engraved on a perpetual trophy, and received a plaque commemorating the achievement. SWEEPSTAKES ALLOCATED PAYOUT FOR REGIONAL & NATIONAL RIDES
Allocated Sweepstakes Prize Money is available at the Regional and National Level for Endurance (50 Mile and 100 Mile) and Competitive Trail Rides. Sweepstakes prize money will be awarded based on the 50% rule. Results will be recorded in a combined Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Division within the rides. Your horse must be a Breeding Entry in the Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Program in order to be eligible for prize money.
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$1, 5 0 0 F O R A R A B I A N 5 0 MILE ENDURANCE $1, 5 0 0 F O R H A /A A 5 0 MILE ENDURANCE $1, 5 0 0 F O R A R A B I A N 10 0 MILE ENDURANCE $1, 5 0 0 F O R H A /A A 10 0 MILE ENDURANCE $1, 5 0 0 F O R A R A B I A N C T R $1, 5 0 0 F O R H A /A A C T R PHOTO BY BECK Y PEARMAN
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