SEASONSHOW2022 Ferrara For updates and event news follow us on Twitter @AHAArabian, Tik Tok @arabianhorseassoc, Facebook @ Arabian Horse Association, Instagram @ arabianhorseassoc & on the AHA APP
2022 CORPORATEAHAPARTNERSThank You for your support! For partnership and sponsorship opportunities, contact the Arabian Horse Association at: ArabianHorses.org303.696.4500
Original Fine Art by Rafał Walendowski e-mail: address:facebook:janow113@wp.plRafałWalendowski63-322Gołuchów,ul. Gorgolewski 2/4, PolandCONTACT Celebrate the
7Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Arabian Horse Association 2022 EVENT DATES AUGSEPTSEPTOCTOCTJULY
8 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS CONTACT INFO Arabian Horse Association 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO AHA OFFICERS Deborah Johnson President Lisa Blackstone ...................... Vice President Larry Jerome Vice President At-Large Peter Conway Vice President At-Large Dave Corning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Jan Decker Secretary Nancy Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immediate Past President AHA DIRECTORS Kathy Callahan-Smith Region 1 Nancy Goertzen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Region 2 Gretchen McDaniel Region 3 Julie Hedden Region 4 Carrie Olson .............................. Region 5 Nancy Rohde Region 6 Marilou Balloun Region 7 John Simmons ............................ Region 8 Mark Himmel Region 9 Mary Smith Region 10 Ryan Chambers ........................... Region 11 Laurie Ann Salmi Region 12 Ann Knopp Region 13 Jeff Caldwell .............................. Region 14 Cricket Gates Region 15 Cheryl Lane-Caron Region 16 Carla Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Region 17 Janet Henderson Region 18 Bruce Johnson Director At-Large TBA .............................. Director At-Large TBA Director At-Large TBA Director At-Large JUDGES & STEWARDS SELECTION COMMITTEE Mary Jane Brown .... Judges & Stewards Commissioner Matt Kwapich, Chair New Mexico Robert Obermiller, Vice Chair South Carolina Ann I Knopp .............................. Michigan Judie Mitten Arizona Carl Malicote South Carolina TheJUDGESJudges & Stewards Commissioner is responsible for handling written and signed complaints relating to the judges’, stewards’, and other show officials’ conduct when filed by exhibitors, show officials, AHA members or others, and when accompanied by a ten dollar ($10) filing fee. (Res. 5-90) Other comments, compliments, questions, inquiries are encouraged when appropriate (no filing fee required). Write to: AHA, Judges & Stewards Commissioner, 10805 E Bethany Dr., Aurora, CO 800142605; call 303-696-4539 or fax to 303-696-7878. EVENT NUMBERS These shows are recognized by the Arabian Horse Association Youth & Mid Summer Nationals .......... #15601 Canadian Nationals ............................... #15602 Sport Horse Nationals ........................... #15604 U.S. Nationals ......................................... #15605 Regular Member United States Equestrian Federation Arabian Division and Recognized by Equestrian Canada. Youth & Mid Summer Nationals .......... 7318 Canadian Nationals ............................... Silver Level 22093 Sport Horse Nationals ........................... 317471 U.S. Nationals ......................................... 206 AHA STAFF Executive Director R.Stanton Morey ...................... (303) 696-4551 Director of Marketing & National Events Kelsey Berglund (720) 648-9220 Event Coordinator Lindsey Phipps (303) 696-4553 Event Coordinator Paige Lockard (303) 696-4535 National Show Secretary Marlene Kriegbaum (303) 696-4501 Senior Director of Competitions Leslie Lockard (303) 696-4521 Graphic Designer Liz Bilotta ............................ (303) 696-4517*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
The one specified person assisting with entrance of in-hand horses into the ring will be allowed to use only the same length whip and appendages as are currently allowed for the individual handling the horse. Rule reference AR114.2: Whips are to be no longer than 6’ including snapper/lash/appendage. Small appendages (no more than 12 inches in length) of ribbon, plastic, etc. are Thepermitted.designated person will not hit or use any other objects, such as trash cans, walls, etc., to make any noise.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
In all breeding classes, the order of go will be determined and posted by birth date of the horse from oldest to youngest. Entries will enter in the order as posted and will be inspected for signs of abuse by the Show Steward immediately prior to entrance into the ring for judging. The manner of inspection will be at the discre tion of Show Management.
9Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF/ EC RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. ANY CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS AFTER THE PUBLICATION OF THE OMNIBUS FOR ANY RULES WILL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME PART OF THIS PRIZE LIST AND WILL APPEAR ON THE AHA listedCommissionsofEverytheArabian,eachrulesCanadianrulesandThe(WWW.ARABIANHORSES.ORG).WEBSITEYouth&MidSummerNationals,SportHorseNationalsU.S.NationalsareconductedinaccordancewiththeoftheUnitedStatesEquestrianFederation(USEF),andNationalsisconductedinaccordancewiththeofEquestrianCanada(EC).Theofficialrulebookoforganizationwillprevailforallshows,particularlytheHalf-ArabianandAnglo-ArabianHorseDivisionandrulesoftheArabianHorseAssociation.participantineachshowisresponsibleforknowledgetheserulesandissubjecttotheserules.TheShowreservetherighttomakechangestowhatisintheomnibusatanytime. For assistance, please call the AHA office at (303) 696-4500 (option #4), or fax at (303) 696-4599, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Mountain Time), or e-mail us at GR 1 AHA INDEMNITY NON-RESPONSIBILITY& CLAUSES All entries are accepted with the understanding that the Arabian Horse Association and State Fair Park, World Equestrian Center and Tulsa Expo Square, their officers, officials, and employees will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any exhibitor, his or her agent or employee, or to any horse or any article of any kind. The exhibitor will be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any person, animal, or property occasioned by him/her, his/her agents or employees, or by any animal owned or exhibited by him/her, and shall indemnify the Arabian Horse Association and State Fair Park, World Equestrian Center, Tulsa Expo Square and Keystone Centre, against any and all loss, damages and liability thus occasioned, including, but not limited to any and all legal costs, including attorney fees, which may be incurred as a result. The submitting of any official entry form to the show secretary shall constitute an acceptance of these provisions by each person or agent signing the entry form.
No person will be permitted to enter the ring except participants in the class, judges, their assistants and show officials. Attendants and grooms may enter the ring only when summoned by order of the judges. Attendants and grooms who enter the ring shall be considered a part of the showing team and must be neatly dressed in proper show attire, wearing unmarked dusters at all times when they are in the ring. Only standard grooming equipment will be allowed in this area. There will be no whips, noise makers or other such equipment, devices or objects in the in-gate area which might disturb or create a hazard to horses or handlers except a show whip carried properly by a handler.
At the discretion of Show Management, order of entry into the ring may be predetermined for any class. A maximum of two grooms and one handler per horse will be allowed at the in-gate area.
In addition, effective immediately, the use of plastic or paper bags of any type or size is prohibited in assisting with entrance(s) into the arena. It is the responsibility of Show Management, along with the USEF Steward(s) to ensure the “designated person” understands this policy and their role. Should this rule/policy be violated, a warning card may be issued to both the handler and the designated person or groom who initiates this violation.
Types of awards are as follows: trophy and championship ribbon to the National Champion; trophy and reserve championship ribbon to the Reserve National Champion; plaques and ribbons for the remainder of the Top Ten for Youth, Canadian, Sport Horse, and U.S. Nationals and Neck ribbons for Mid Summer Nationals.
AWARDS/SPECIAL The National Show Commissions will determine if individual prizes and awards will be presented at the National Shows. AHA is not liable for payment of donated prize money paid by an outside organization. Exhibitors are instructed to contact the individual donors to complete any necessary Sponsored/Specialpaperwork.awards (are to be considered separate from the Arabian Horse Association’s prize list for a national event. Therefore, Arabian and Half-Arabian*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Horse being transferred at less than fair market value (owner to provide proof of the sales amount).
ARABIAN BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES PRIZE MONEY Classes that are eligible for Sweepstakes prize money are designated in the class list and in the time schedule.
In determining whether the transfer was unethical, the EPRB may consider, among others, the following: Horse ending up back in the previous owner’s name within a year of the original transfer.
All awards not claimed by the close of the show will be forfeited with no exceptions. No awards will be mailed.
All Horses entering into Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes (ABS) classes must be Sweepstakes nominated either as a Breeding entry (BE) or an Original Entry (OE).
The number of people other than authorized personnel for award photographs for the Championship and Reserve Championship awards at all the Nationals Shows will be determined by each National Show Commission.
All horses qualifying for the semi-finals will receive a ribbon from Preliminary sections (I,II,III) . In addition, all horses in A/B and SF Sections advancing to the SFF or FNL, section ribbons will be awarded.
Sweepstakes Prize Money is available in designated Sweepstakes classes for horses placing in these classes which are Sweepstakes Nominated as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry and are eligible for prize money.
AMATEUR OWNER ***A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members per USEF AR110.e. 1 – 10 cannot be shown in the ABS AAOTR/AOTR Jackpot Classes, ABS AAOTH Performance Halter Classes or Performance Maturity AAOTR Classes at any National Show. It is unethical to transfer or assist or facilitate in the transfer of a horse with the intent to circumvent the purpose of the rules regarding ownership of horses shown in the amateur owner and/or junior owner classes. It is unethical for any AHA member to not provide information relating to the transfer in question that is requested by the Probable Cause Panel or the Ethical Practice Review Board.
The 50% rule is in effect for all designated Sweepstakes classes, with the exception of the ABS Yearling classes, ABS Green Working Hunter Derby, ABS Dressage Prospect Incentive, the ABS AAOTR/AOTR Jackpot Classes and the ABS AAOTH Performance Halter Classes.
Champion and Reserve Champion will NOT receive Top Ten Plaques. Champion and Reserve Champion may purchase a plaque if they wish to do so in the Awards Room.
The Sweepstakes Commission reserves the right to pay the dollar amounts printed in the online version of the AHA Handbook in the event the incorrect dollar amount is announced or presented in center ring.
See each show for more detailed information relating to ABS classes held at those shows.
The fact that prize money went to a person other than the owner or family member. The fact that the owner or family member did not pay the expenses relating to the upkeep and showing of the horse.
Yearlings must be Breeding Entries (BE).
Any and all disputes which arise regarding the Sweep stakes program will be presented to the Sweepstakes Commission for resolution and their determination will be GRfinal.4
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members per USEF AR110.e. 1 – 10 cannot be shown in the ABS AAOTR/AOTR Jackpot Classes, ABS AAOTH Performance Halter Classes, USN Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes and the SHN Performance Maturity Classes.
Top Ten Awards will be made regardless of the number of competing entries. However, only awards made to the top 50% (rounded up not to exceed 10 awards) will receive AHA Horse Achievement Award Points, Amateur Achievement Award Points, High Point Horse Achieve ment Award points, and High Point Amateur Achievement Award points.
Show Management reserves the right to change the dates and/or the location of the show or to cancel the show altogether. In the event of a cancellation, all entry fees and stall fees will be refunded upon request. (Office fees are non-refundable.) Neither the Show Management nor AHA shall have any liability to any exhibitor, owner, handler or other person, firm or corporation by reason of any change or cancellation of the show, except for the return of the aforementioned fees.
a. Riders in Reining, Trail, Working Cow, Cutting, Dressage, Working Hunter, Jumper, Sport Horse In-Hand, Ranch Riding and Obstacle Driving classes may show more than one horse in the class.
All Scratches MUST be recorded by the Show Secretary and must be made at least TWO HOURS prior to the session the class is to be considered official . At the show, scratches can be done either via the app, web site or in person at the show.
Exhibitors who scratch at the gate and do not fill out a scratch form with the gate person will be charged either the failure to scratch fee or the no show fee.
c. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be sure that his/her horse is at the gate at the prescribed time. Every effort will be made to maintain a working public address system to carry class calls; however, no protest will be upheld, nor will any section be changed on the basis of public address malfunction alone.
If you have multiple classes the same day, it is strongly advised to look closely at the schedule and request a section that will work best for your situation. Many sections have been split up in order to aid in conflicts.
b. In all other classes, a horse may be shown in a class (including sections) by only one rider and only one horse per rider.
Shavings and feed are available for purchase on the show grounds. Outside shaving deliveries are not allowed to the show grounds.
The AHA Convention has established a minimum of three (3) entries for all National classes. The Show Commissions may cancel any class with fewer than three entries.
Additional class entries must be submitted on the Official Entry Form for each show. Please check the box indicating this is not a new horse but added classes for a horse already entered.
11Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Nationals and the Arabian Horse Association are not liable for providing or presenting any award (printed or otherwise) if a sponsor cancels or is unable to provide the agreed upon awards. These awards are subject to GRchange.6
a. The two-minute limit for gate closing will be strictly enforced. The gate will close two minutes after the first horse enters the ring or in cases with large classes taking more than two minutes, after the entry of the final horse in a continuous string of horses.
b. Due to unforeseeable problems with any mechan ical device, the public address system and paddock calls over that system must be considered a courtesy.
A fine will be assessed to any exhibitor who fails to properly notify of any scratch. Exception: official scratches filled out at the gate.
Sections can be requested up to noon 2 days prior to the section running. i.e. if sections are to run Wednesday, request may be submitted up to noon on Monday and sections will be posted Tuesday by Noon. If a section is not specified, then random entry selection will be used for assigning sections. If you miss YOUR SECTION, you have missed YOUR CLASS and will not be allowed to advance further. This policy will be strictly enforced.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
PLEASE refer to the fee chart for each show for late scratch fees.
GR 8 CLASS INFORMATION A class is composed of all its sections including Preliminaries (I,II,III) , Eliminations (A,B,C), Semi-Finals/ Finals (SF/F), Semi Finals -1st Go (SF), and Finals2nd/last Go (FNL). Many National classes are divided into sections depending on the number of entries. Please check with the Show Office regarding if a class has sections and which section you have been assigned. If you miss YOUR SECTION, you have missed YOUR CLASS and will not be allowed to advance further. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Requests for section or working order changes must be handled in the show office as follows:
Substitutions will follow USEF/EC rules. If the owner wishes to use another horse to replace the deceased, sold or injured horse, substitutions may be made after the announced date of the closing of entries and will be handled as follows:
iii. If Show Management creates a conflict with an exhibitor’s scheduled class, due to a time change or other adjustment, a section or work order assignment may be changed by Show Management to resolve the conflict. In such case, every effort will be made by the Show Office to notify the exhibitor involved of the section/work order change.
Exhibitors with possible ring conflicts, should identify section requests on the Official Entry Form. Once at the show, sections and go forward sections can be requested via the AHA App, website or in person at the show office. All requests MUST be submitted BY NOON the day prior to when the sections are to be posted.
12 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS
Any changes to the originally entered rider, driver, handler or equitation horse must be recorded with the Show Secretary least TWO HOURS before the session in which the change is made. Changes can be done on the AHA App, web site or in person at the show office. Once a class section has run, rider/driver/handler changes for advancing sections are not allowed except for a medical emergency per USEF rules. Please make sure the correct rider is listed for your classes. Failure to do so will result in a fine. Refer to Fee Chart for each show.
i. If an exhibitor has a conflict between scheduled classes, the exhibitor must request the change in section or working order at least two sessions prior to the earliest class involved. This change must be requested on the official Section Change Form and be filed with the Show Secretary in the Show Office.
b. A copy of the veterinary letter and/or a copy of notification of death or sale (to the appropriate registry) regarding the death or sale of the horse must be provided with the substitution horse’s entry. For an injury the Vet certificate should give a detailed description of the injury.
b. Cancelations prior to the initial close will be refunded all but the Office fee regardless of the reason. All other refunds will be considered upon receipt of a suitable Veterinarian/Doctors certificate attesting to illness or injury, along with a letter from the exhibitor explaining the circumstances. All fees, except the office fees, will be refunded with a veterinarian certificate received at the AHA office no later than 30 days prior to the first day of the Onlyshow.theclass entry fees, 9-90 fee, USEF fees, EC fees will be refunded, with a veterinarian certificate postmarked between 30 days and 15 days prior to the first day of the show. No fees will be refunded for requests received at the AHA office between 14 day and the completion of the show.
c. Entries paid with a Credit card will be refunded
Example: if the class is Tuesday, sections will be posted Monday, section requests must be in by noon Sunday.
b. GO FORWARD section requests (from elimination sections I, II, III sections to A,B sections) will ONLY be accepted AFTER you make the cut. It must be submitted within 1 hour AFTER the completion of the elimination section.
ii. Show Management reviews all requests for changes and their rulings are final. Exhibitors must return to the Show Office to determine if their request for change has been granted and must sign the request form indicating they are aware of the action taken relative to their request.
a. The Office and the Scoring fee must be paid for the substitute horse, all other fees are transferable.
d. Additional classes may be entered for which the new horse is qualified. Post entry rules apply.
c. The classes must be the same type and rider age breaks or level.
Please refer to each individual show’s rules for dates and post fees for horses and added classes. Post entries may not be listed in the program and may not be stalled with horses from the same barn
a. All refunds will be processed after the conclusion of the show.
Exception – AHA Halter Futurity (FUT 102) and Performance Futurity and Maturity Program fees (PERF 107)
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 12
d. In the case of a deceased horse, a copy of the veterinary letter and/or a copy of notification of death (to the appropriate registry) is required before a refund will be made for all fees with the exception of the office fee which will be retained by AHA. e. All fees paid for classes cancelled by Show Management shall be refunded in full.
It is the responsibility of Show Management, along with
13Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association to the Credit Card used for that entry. Entries paid by check will be refunded by check to the person who cut the check.
GR 9
f. Class entry fees will be refunded for all nonqualified classes only. All qualified horses/riders entered in a class including classes where cross entry is not permitted will not be refunded. CONTROLLED PADDOCK PROCEDURE
Since the controlled paddock was first instituted, the use of large plastic bags and other items has escalated well beyond what is necessary to assist our in-hand horses into the arena. Additionally, we have erred by not clearly stating how this one specified person appointed by either the show committee or the exhibitor is to go about assisting with entrance(s) into the arena. It is well past time for us to establish these parameters and we ask for the support of all our owners and spectators in understanding that these parameters are for the welfare of our horses and our breed. These parameters will also help remove some of the negativity expressed regarding the current practices of how our in-hand horses are presented to the judges and to the public.
In addition, effective immediately, the use of plastic or paper bags of any type or size is prohibited in assisting with entrance(s) into the arena.
The one specified person assisting with entrance of in-hand horses into the ring will be allowed to use only the same length whip and appendages as are currently allowed for the individual handling the horse. Rule reference AR 114.2: Whips are to be no longer than 6’ including snapper/lash/ appendage. Small appendages (no more than 12 inches in length) of ribbon, plastic, etc. are permitted. The designated person will not hit or use any other objects, such as trash cans, walls, etc., to make any noise.
The Arabian Horse Association reserves the right to do DNA testing at ANY National Show by collecting hair samples (or blood sample, if necessary) from Arabian, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian horses. Samples will be collected under the overall supervision of the Registry Services Department. Any questionable results will go through the standard investigation process of that department. Prize money may be withheld pending the outcome of questionable results. All Half-Arabians competing in the Halter Futurity and Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby must have DNA type on file of the horse and horse’s purebred Arabian Parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse has been shown to qualify as an offspring of the purebred sire or purebred dam. DNA must be on file with the AHA office before the horse will be eligible to compete in these classes.
14 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS
the USEF Steward(s) to ensure the “designated person” understands this policy and their role. Should this rule/policy be violated, a warning card may be issued to both the handler and the designated person or groom who initiates this violation HEALTH PROTOCALS
Should any question or dispute arise not provided for in the governing rules of USEF or AHA, the question or dispute shall be referred to the Show Committee, whose decision will be final.
Exhibitors are advised that All AHA National Shows will follow the current guidelines put in place in accordance with the recommendations of the CDC, WHO, USEF, EC and AHA in regard to social distancing and public health that are in place at the time of each National Show. Please check the AHA web site for updates. 11 DISCIPLINE
Exhibitors are advised that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the officials of this show on the part of the owner, lessee, trainer, groom, rider, driver, handler or member of the family of the person participating in the show will disqualify the horse from adjudication. The management reserves the right to remove any horse, owner, lessee, trainer, groom, rider, driver, handler, or member of the family of the person participating in the show from the show grounds without being liable for compensation of damages. Any action(s) against a horse which are deemed excessive by a Judge, Steward or Show Veterinarian, in the show ring or anywhere on the competition grounds, may be punished by official warning, elimination, or other sanctions which may be deemed appropriate by the Commissions or the Judges & Stewards Commissioner. Such action(s) could include, but are not limited to, excessive use of whip, spurs, or bamboo poles. It is a violation of USEF and Equestrian Canada rules to commit any act or make remarks during the show that are considered offensive or made with the intent to influence or cast aspersions on the judging. (Refer to the current USEF and Equestrian Canada Rule Books).
Refer to current USEF and Equestrian Canada Rule Books. For clarification on how a disqualified horse is replaced, refer to the current AHA Handbook.
No dogs will be allowed in the main arena or paddock area with the exception of Companion/Guide Dogs, and in accordance with USEF Rules. Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition grounds and must be on a leash or otherwise contained. Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash while mounted. Dog owners are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from their dogs’ behaviors. Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject to penalty under USEF Chapters 6 and 7, as well as issuance of warning cards. The Show Management further reserves the right to fine any exhibitor or farm whose dog is running loose and has to be confined by show officials. The first offense will be up to $50.00. The second offense will be up to $100.00 and expulsion of the animal from the show grounds. No animal other than horses, dogs or cats are allowed on the show grounds without the express written consent of the National Show Commission. No animals other than horses shall be allowed on the grounds for the purpose of being sold.
Complimentary hoof measurements will NOT be provided by USEF/EC Stewards at any National Show. It is the prerogative of Show Management to require drug testing or to require the inspection of shoes, pads and/or hoof length for any entry at any time during the show. This is to be accomplished prior to the horse leaving a prearranged inspection area. All horses competing in the Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian Hunter, Jumper, Dressage, Eventing, Combined Driving, Pleasure (Carriage) Driving, Working Western, and Sport Horse Sections are exempt from shoeing regulations. This does not exempt horses that are cross entered into any other 14 *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Canadian/International exhibitors must draw checks from a U.S. funds account or preprinted with “U.S. Funds”.
15Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association classes from compliance with applicable shoeing requirements while competing in those classes. See USEF Rulebook for current shoeing and toe length regulations. Per resolution #24-04, mandatory drug testing will take place at the U.S. and Canadian Nationals. Horses will be picked at random. GR 17 DUPLICATE TROPHIES Duplicate Awards may be ordered any time for any National Show. See each show office for details. All prices include shipping and handling. Forms may be picked up at the Awards Room. After the Event contact AHA at (303) 696-4500 (#4), or e-mail NationalEvents@ for more information. GR 18 EMERGENCY CONTACT AHA and the Show Commissioners advise owners and/ or trainers to leave your contact information of where you can be reached for the duration your horses(s) are on grounds for the National Show with either the barn manager and/or on a card on the stall door. GR 19 EXHIBITOR ENTRY INFORMATION All AHA Official Forms can be found on the AHA website for each show under Exhibitor Information. Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure that their entries are received. AHA will accept faxed/emailed entries with a valid credit card. However we strongly discourage faxed entries. Photos of an entry form will not be accepted. Photos and Faxed Copies are often illegible. DO NOT SUBMIT AN ENTRY BY MORE THAN ONE METHOD AS CREDIT CARDS MAY BE CHARGED MULTIPLE TIMES. All entries made by the closing date will be acknowl edged by email to the person signing as trainer unless otherwise noted on the entry form or via the online entry system. Due to the large volume of entries, receipt of entries can not be verified by phone or fax. If confirmation is not received two weeks prior to the first day of the show, please contact AHA immediately.
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee. A Qualification report signed by the show secretary from the qualifying show Must be submitted before a non-qualified class will be qualified when you pick up your back numbers. Failure to qualify for any one class will results in a refund for that class.
METERED MAIL Will only be accepted with an official postmark from country of origin that indicates the location and date the Postal Service accepted custody of a mail piece, and it cancels affixed postage.
Checks and credit cards covering multiple entries need to be accompanied by a detailed description of how the money is to be applied listing all the horses & total fees on a per horse and a contact phone number.
The Show Management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries of any exhibitor, as stated in the current USEF or Equestrian Canada Rule Books and current AHA Handbook. Management reserves the right to deny entry into the ring to any unruly horse or one whose actions threatens to endanger the rider, driver, handler or other exhibitors or entries.
The following will be considered as an invalid entry and *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Please do not split any charges for an entry between exhibitors, horses or stables. All entries must be paid in full when entry is submitted and payments are processed upon receipt. If payment is not received after the closing date the entry will be subject to the post entry fee. Fees are in US funds.
Writing “Payable in U.S. Funds” on the check is NOT will be charged only for the Entry Total amount listed on the entry blank. If you leave the Total amount blank, your card will be charged the amount that AHA totals your entry for.
NOTE: Issuing a “bad check” is a criminal offense. Payment made with a returned instrument will be handled in accordance with the current AHA Handbook SUS 101. Any open checks sent with entries will be made out for the amount of the entry and deposited. NO Post Dated checks will be accepted. Due to AHA policy, payment information in any format via email or attachment is not advised. To ensure secure delivery of private information, please CALL (303-6964500 option 4) OR FAX (303-696-4599) all payment information. Please list detailed information on what show and horse(s) it is for.
i. If there is no trainer the owner must sign the trainer line.
6. INCLUDE WITH YOUR ENTRY a. PHOTOCOPIES of all registration papers. If the name shown on the registration papers is different from the person entering the horse, an affidavit, a copy of the sales contract or authorization form is required. Photocopies of signed transfer are not proof of ownership. In owner classes, Contracts of Sale or Bill of Sale will not be acceptable as proof of ownership. Do not submit your health papers, coggins or vaccinations records with your entries. Keep 16 *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
d. For group stalling for entries completed online, please fill out the Official Stable Request Form listing all the owners and horses. Please only one form per group. See each show for deadlines for when group stall requests must be in to the AHA office.
16 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS subject to late or post entry fees;
a. Online entry is available for all National shows. When the online entry system is ready, an email news flash will be sent. If AHA does not have a current USEF/EC membership on file for you, you may enter “N/A”; however, you must send AHA a copy of all those USEF/EC membership cards. Please include which show and horse it is for.
a. UNREGISTERD HORSES. All Horses must have a certificate of registration when entering any National Show. Entries for pending registrations will be held until the registration is complete. A post entry fee will be charged if the registration is NOT completed by the closing date of the show. See each show for further information.
b. Checks or credit cards for a lesser amount than owed. c. NSF checks, Credit cards that are declined will be charged the current AHA NSF fee (see the AHA Handbook SUS 101.3). If Full payment is not be received by the closing deadline or within 7 days of notification of the NSF, the entry may be subject to additional fees. ONLINE ENTRIES
3. The complete rider information for all riders.
c. Once your online entry is complete, an email from the AHA shopping cart will be sent confirming your entry and payment. If you did not get an email, PLEASE call AHA to confirm your entry.
a cover sheet) Mail to: Attn. (Name of National Show) 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 EMAILED ENTRIES Please contact AHA if you do NOT get a
ii. In addition, Coaches (if applicable) must sign the entry blank.
1. The complete and correct name and address of the registered owner. Owner is defined as the recorded owner as listed on the registration papers. Owners may be listed in the name of a stable or farm only if, the stable or farm is the bona fide owner appearing on the horse’s papers, or the stable or farm has been registered with USEF and the number shown on the USEF certificate is noted in the “USEF Farm #” space provided on the entry blank.
iii. A parent signing for minor need not be a USEF/EC or AHA member, however they must write “Parent “next to their name.
5. Entry Forms are signed in at least 3 places. The Owner, Trainer, and Rider signature lines must be signed. All signatures must be from an adult (18 or older).
4. The complete name (must be an adult) and address of the trainer. If there is no trainer, then the owner for the horse at the show must fill out the trainer information.
PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. Entries not compete may be returned. If the returned entry form is still not complete and is received by the closing date, it will be considered a post entry. Please see each show for the amount of the post entry fee.
2. The complete horse information.
iv. If applicable, the Minor Exhibitor Consent to Show section must be filled in and signed.
b. If you have problems entering a horse jointly owned online, please call AHA to link that joint ownership. Once linked, you will be able to enter online.
Email to: withNationalEvents@ArabianHorses.orgtheshownameinthesubjectline Fax to: (Please303-696-4599include return email acknowledging the receipt of your entry on the same or next business day.
Entry form is completed with the following;
For entry into any Owner class(es) a USEF Farm Certificate is required and must be sent with the entries.
c. UPHA membership cards for UPHA riders and trainers.
7. EXHIBITOR CHECK IN & PACKET PICK UP AT THE SHOW Check each show for the show office hours. All exhibitors/barns are encouraged to make appointments for check in as soon as you know your arrival date. You can Email or call 303-696-4500 option #4 to schedule your check in appointment.
All exhibitors will be required to leave an open check or credit card, separate from their entries at check-in, before show numbers will be released, to cover early arrival, additional stalls, fines or penalties incurred at the show. All open accounts must be closed before the closing of the Show Office before 5 PM on the last day of the show. Exhibitors are encouraged to close out their account in person. If the exhibitor does not close out their account they automatically authorize Management to close their account using the Check or Credit card on file and may assessed a Failure to Close Out fee of $100 and disputes in billing will NOT be considered.
b. PHOTOCOPIES of Membership Cards for USEF/ EC for every Owner, Trainer, Rider, Driver, Handler and Coach (if applicable). WDAA (Western Dressage Association of America) for every Owner, Trainer, Rider, Driver, Handler and Coach if applicable are required for Youth & Sport Horse Nationals) if you are in any Western Dressage class. USEF/EC Amateur Cards for all individuals riding in Adult Amateur classes. Proof of USEF/ EC membership must accompany your entry or you must pay the USEF Show Pass Fee or the EC Temporary Sport License. You can also join USEF/ EC /WDAA at the show. Each participant over the age of 18 must have completed Safe Sport.
Please check with the state veterinarians of all states you are planning on passing through regarding possible restrictions due to current health related problems and outbreaks. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to be aware of any additional restrictions that may be in place at the time of crossing state/country boundaries.
A valid health certificate is required for every horse. All horses six months and older must be accompanied by an official health certificate of state of origin issued by a state, federal or licensed accredited veterinarian, and such certificate must include a veterinarian’s statement that examination was made within the past thirty (30) days. Each horse must have a negative Coggins test, dated within a year of the showing date. Do not submit any Health or Vaccination Certificates with your entries. Keep the certificates in your posses sion until such time as it is requested. You may be required to show health papers and proof of a negative Coggins test prior to being allowed to unload horses.
Current Covid social distancing procedures will be followed, the show office capacity will be limited to one person per actively staffed front desk.
AHA/Show Management will not tolerate illegal activities including any underage drinking, substance abuse, or providing illegal substances to minors on the show grounds. Parents are responsible for their children. Consequences will include removal from the grounds and authorities will be contacted. Alcoholic beverages may only be purchased through the facility authorized concessionaire/liquor license holder. No other alcoholic beverages may be brought onto the grounds, and liquor may be confiscated. Please contact the individual facilities for more information.
d. STALL REQUEST FORM – see each show for the deadline for group stalling requests. Please submit only one form per group to be stabled together. Forms received after the due date on the form may not be honored. Please check each show and form for the due date for that show. All horses that are not entered into the show (non-competing) must be listed on the stall form.
a. At Federation licensed competitions, horses entering the grounds must be accompanied by documentation of Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccina tions within six months prior to entering the stables. Horses not in compliance with this rule may be required to leave the competition grounds upon request by Competition Management. Documentation should consist of one of the following methods mentioned below. The frequency *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
17Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association the certificates in your possession until such time as it is requested. You may be required to show health papers and proof of a negative Coggins test prior to being allowed to unload horses.
Please refer to USEF GR 845
American horses participating in a public recognized show can return to the U.S.A. on the American Health Certificate for up to 90 days, if the owner supplies proof of attending rodeos, horse shows, or race meets. This means you must have a published show program identifying your horse as a competitor in the show.
Health certificate Requirements— ENTERING the U.S.A. All horses require a negative Coggins test, dated and signed by the Health of Animals Veterinarian, within 6 months of entry to the U.S.A.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
A valid health certificate is required for every horse. All horses six months and older must be accompanied by an official health certificate of state of origin issued by a state, federal or licensed accredited veterinarian, and such certificate must include a veterinarian’s statement that examination was made within the past thirty (30) days and revealed the animal to be free from symptoms of any infectious disease or exposure thereto. Each horse must have a negative Coggins test, dated within a year of the showing date.
c. In the case of vaccines administered by a person other than a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide a receipt of the vaccine purchase which is signed by the owner, or agent with care, custody, and control of the horse; name, serial number and expiration date of the vaccine; and date of vaccine administration.
b. In the case of vaccines administered by a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide documentation from the veterinarian on documenting that the horse in question received the vaccinations, name of the vaccines and date of vaccine administration.
All horses require a health certificate, signed by your veterinarian and a Health of Animals Veterinarian within 30 days of entering the U.S.A. The certificate must state that the horse is free of contagious diseases.
Foals that are less than 5 months old and accompanied by the mare, require no testing to enter the U.S.A.
All horses must submit to inspection when entering the U.S.A. If a Canadian horse is sold to an American buyer, the seller must file an export entry form at the Canadian port prior to leaving Canada.
Some American states have permit regulations, so check with state agricultural authorities to obtain a permit prior to entering the state. In many cases, this can be obtained via GRtelephone.22
An official Show Farrier will be available on the grounds. No other farrier will be permitted to work on the grounds without registering with the Show Office. Exhibitors wishing to use their private farrier must have the farrier apply at the Show Office and pay a registration fee before they can work on the show grounds (Refer to Fee Chart).
of vaccine administration should be per the vaccine manufacturers’ or veterinarian’s recom mendations. It is recommended that vaccines are administered by or under the direction of a veterinarian.
d. In the case of a horse that is unable to receive either of the vaccinations due to a history of adverse reactions, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide a letter from the veterinarian on official letterhead stating that the horse in question cannot be vaccinated due to medical concerns and a log of temperatures taken twice daily for the seven days prior to entering the competition grounds. These horses must also have their temperature taken and logged twice daily while on the competition grounds. The log of temperatures should be provided to the Competition Management, steward, or technical delegate when requested.
If Canadian horses are entering the U.S.A. for breeding or sales purposes, a formal entry must be made. This is done through a customs broker at the U.S.A. Port of Entry. There is a fee charged for this service.
Canadian show and rodeo horses entering the U.S.A. temporarily are required to fill out a form at the Port of Entry. This may be done by the owner or agent.
18 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS
An American horse in Canada for 72 hours or less can re-enter the U.S.A. with an American Health Certificate.
All electrical extension cords must be at least 14 gauge of the three-wire type. AUTHORIZED ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR GROOMING PURPOSES MAY BE USED IN DESIGNATED BARN AREAS ONLY. No unauthorized electrical appliances may be used, and if used, the appliances will be confiscated.
All horses must be accompanied by a document indicating proof of ownership. If the horse is registered, a photocopy of the original registration papers must be carried with the horse.
19Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
the stall walls covered with nonflammable material only. Proof of flame retardant material must be verified. Please have certification of flame retardant material. Only stalls for tack storage, entertainment or resting can be covered on the top, and will require a working smoke detector. Absolutely no overhead draping of horse stalls is covering or concealment is permitted over or around a private work or exercise area in your stabling area.
2. Individuals must include their USEF Dispensa tion Certificate with entries if requiring special adaptations. See USEF and Equestrian Canada Rule Books. An exhibitor with a disability (other than hearing) will be provided reasonable accom modation upon submission of a written certification from a treating medical profes sional ‘s office certifying the disability and identifying the accommodation necessary for the exhibitor to compete safely. The medical certification must be provided to the competition Steward within a reasonable time prior to competing who shall attach a copy to the Steward report.
Decoration of stalls: exterior stall decorations, indoor or outdoor, shall not extend more than three (3) feet from the base of the structure unless otherwise allowed in writing by the particular national show management. Movable objects such as chairs can be out another two (2) feet. Fire extinguishers must be provided by the exhibitor. There must be one (1) extinguisher for each two (2) stalls that are covered with nonflammable materials. No aisle ways may be covered overhead. Sleeping areas are to be equipped with a smoke detector and fire Noextinguisher.gas,electric or propane heaters, tanks or hot plates allowed in the stalls or stall area at any time. No exposed element heating appliances such as immersion heaters nor open flames are allowed. NO SMOKING is permitted in any arenas or Parkingbarns. is not allowed in any fire lanes. Combustible trash must be removed at least once a day. All manure and used shavings removed from stalls or trailers must be placed in areas specified by the facility and may NOT be placed in Any vehicle, truck or trailer, within the fenced area of the barn/tent area, or not obeying NO PARKING or FIRE LANE signs in other parts of the grounds will be towed and impounded at the owner’s expense. Absolutely no overhead draping of horse stalls is STALLpermitted.DAMAGE: DO NOT PUT NAILS INTO STALL WALLS. Stalls must be vacated in their original condition. STALLS MAY NOT BE STRUCTURALLY ALTERED IN ANY WAY. Exhibitors will be financially responsible for any alteration/damage to their stalls on the premises.
1. Electronic communication devices used for purposes of coaching exhibitors during a competition are prohibited in all classes in the Arabian Division. Exhibitors with a permanent hearing impairment are permitted to use an electronic communication device upon submission of a written certification from a treating medical professional‘s office certifying the permanent hearing impairment and certifying the requirement of an electronic communica tion device. The medical certification must be provided to the competition Steward within a reasonable time prior to competing who shall attach a copy to the Steward report.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 EXHIBITORS!
Exhibitorsmembership.inleadline classes or parents/guardians signing for minors are exempt from AHA membership
c. Reining – Reining d. Western Trail – Western Trail e. English Trail – English Trail f. Saddle Seat – Park, English, Country English, Show Hack. g. Western Horsemanship/Equitation h. Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump i. Reining Seat Equitation j. Saddle Seat Equitation k. Showmanship GR 28 MEMBERSHIP 1.
3. USEF (United States Equestrian Federation)
Cross entry is permitted into any class in the same section provided qualification are met. A section is defined as a particular seat or discipline. 8/21) Western Pleasure, Western Seat Pleasure AHA (Arabian Horse Association)
GR 26 INSURANCE ADVISORY Due,business or corporation owning and/or showing a horse must be a Business Member of AHA.
2. WDAA (Western Dressage Association of America)
Each competitor (this includes at least one recorded owner and all trainers, drivers, riders, halter handlers, coaches and the person(s) signing the entry blank) in an Arabian Horse Association recognized Arabian division, must have a valid AHA business membership, a competition level card or join AHA.
Each participant over the age of 18 must have com pleted and have a current Safe Sport certificate. Each participant must submit a valid USEF COMPETING membership card or pay the USEF Show Pass Fee of $45.00. Amateur exhibitors must have an Amateur card. Exception: Exhibitors in Walk-Trot & Leadline Classes or Parents or Guardian signing for minors. Junior Exhibitors are automatically considered Amateurs. USEF “NonCompeting” Members must also pay the Show Pass Fee
Riding b. Hunter
– Hunter
Exhibitors in walk-trot classes must have an AHA membership with competition card at AHA competitions.
AHA Show
Companies distribute the purchase of a commercial exhibit booth space in the Shopping Expo. AHA Corporate Partners contracted Event Sponsors may provide products or cash (in the form of added prize money) to exhibitors only through the prior approval of AHA Show Management. presentations must also have prior approval of Management. to the number and quality of at the National Shows, urge each exhibitor to verify their and their livestock mortality with their own ELITE
liability insurance coverage
Exhibitors in the Experience YNL classes must have an AHA membership but it does not need to be a competition level
18 & OVER
Examples: a. Western –
For USEF memberships, contact information is or 859-258-2472.
insurance carrier. GR 27 LEVELED CLASSES SELECT, CHOICE &
All ring
MAY level up to a higher level (USEF AR110.2.g), but rider may only ride 1 level on the same horse. i.e. A Choice Western Pleasure rider may level up to Western Pleasure Elite, but can’t ride both Choice & Elite Western Pleasure.
If a competitor is eligible to compete as a Select/Choice/ Elite Rider in a section on December 1, 2021, said eligibility remains throughout the current competition year.
To be eligible to participate and/or compete as an exhibitor, owner, lessee, agent, coach, or trainer in any Western Dressage class or at any Western Dressage Federation Licensed Competition persons must be active members of WDAA or pay a non-member fee equal to the price of an annual membership for each competition. Lessees are considered owners in connec tion with this membership requirement. In the event of an entry under multiple ownership, only one owner need be a Member or pay a non-member fee. The competition is responsible for listing either the active member or the owner that paid the non-member fee in the results. The competitions will be responsible for forwarding a list of the names of individuals who pay non-member fees at the competition to WDAA with the post competition report. Payment of non-member fees for the purpose of competing does not entitle the individual to any privileges of the WDAA membership.
giveaways through
Single event membership is not acceptable at AHA Regional or National competitions.
20 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 GR 25 IN-KIND PRODUCTSPONSORSHIP/DONATIONS
Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state
4. EC (Equestrian Canada) For EC membership rules please refer to the EC Rule Book Section A, General Rules, Chapter 2 EC Sport Licences. For an EC membership card, contact EC at or (613) 248-3433.
1. If your horse shows under the ownership of a farm or other business entity, the farm or other business entity must be recorded and active with USEF or you must pay a Show Pass fee to participate in a USEF licensed competition. Safe Sport for the business entity, the farm or other business entity is not required.
I have read the United Sates Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation” Entry Agreement (GR 906.4) as printed in the Prize List for the shows listed in this Omnibus (Youth Nationals, Sport Horse Nationals and U.S. Nationals Competitions) and agree to all its provisions. I understand that by entering any of these Competitions, I am subject to Federation Rules, the Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to waive the right to the use of my photos from the competition and agree that any actions against the Federation must be brought in New York State.
3. This offer will be valid from the date that the Individual or Business recording application is received by USEF. By taking advantage of this option, all future points will count.
2. If you have paid a Show Pass fee and provided your email address to the competition, the competition will supply this information to USEF. Upon receipt by USEF, you will receive by email an opportunity to credit your $45 Show Pass fee towards a USEF annual or lifetime Farm or Business entity recording.
21Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered.
I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competi tions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competi tions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $45 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot (exception: Friesian performance FR222) and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes.
4. You may choose not to record your Farm or Business entity and continue to pay the requisite Show Pass fee. Under this option, you are not eligible for USEF points, awards, etc.
By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of AHA National Championship competitions. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules.
The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4
Patronships are encouraged to be submitted before the deadline to ensure availability, seating and stalling priority.
4. Send Full payment with the completed entry form.
5. Be listed on Stabling Request form
See the individual Patron sponsorship available on the AHA website for each National Show for specific benefit and cost information and deadlines. Patronship fees are listed on the patron form for each show, and should be mailed separate from the Official Entry Form.
Any requests to change status in a Patronship, including cancellations, MUST be emailed to NationalEvents@ to use a golf cart will be held responsible for their own cart. Should their cart be damaged or stolen, the patron will be required to replace or repair the golf cart directly through the chosen golf cart vendor.
3. Sign the back of the entry form in all mandatory places.
2. Fill out the official entry form and check the box on the top of the entry form for “Non Showing”
A Non-competing horses must;
National shows have patron programs with various benefits including preferred stalling, class sponsorship, seating and patron’s lounge benefits.
1. Pay for a stall (per availability), Office fee and a $100 fee per horse. Please check with each show for the total fee.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions.
Patron seniority is based on the number of consecutive years a barn/trainer/individual has been Nationals Patron. Stalling assignments will be done based off Patron seniority and when Patronship forms are received. Any year a Patronship is missed will result in the Patron losing their seniority. In order to retain seniority, Patrons must be current every year. The National Show Commissions reserves the right to review special case requests regarding seniority, and their decision will be final. Each special case will be evaluated on its own facts and circumstances.
22 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS
A patron who has maintained a Patronship seniority that is retiring may elect to pass their Patronship on to an immediate family member. The family member receiving the seniority will be required to maintain the Patronship payments annually. Additionally, in order to keep the original stabling area, the family member may not exceed the number of stalls required by the original patron. To confirm the transfer of a Patronship, an email to the barn manager will be required. If a farm associated with a
The parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against those responsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license.
The unsafe use of personal electronic transport devices, as determined by the competition officials and manage ment in their sole discretion, that do not require a driver’s license to operate, including but not limited to segways, hover boards, and single wheeled scooters is prohibited on competition grounds. Operating such devices in areas where people gather may be deemed “unsafe use” if there is a risk of harm to others. If the operator of the device is a minor, the parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating the device in violation of this rule is accountable and may be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. The show security for the duration of the show will impound any motorized vehicle that is operated in an unsafe or hazardous manner or parked in a restricted area. Please drive golf carts responsibly, horses have the right of GRaway.31
A non-competing horse that ultimately enters the show will be considered a Post Entry and must be submitted by the final closing date.
There will be a $750.00 fine per horse for not filing an official entry form with the show office.
The submission of a signed Patron form constitutes an agreement by the signing party for a payment for Patronship After the entry closing date, any cancelled patronship is refundable by 50% if paid in full. If only minimum payment was made and patronship is not paid in full by date stated on form, no money will be refunded. Prior to entry closing date, patron fees may be refunded less the non-refundable deposit. After the entry closing date, patronships may still be available. Please contact AHA National Events Sales for more information.
Patron stalling is assigned prior to any non-Patrons. Priority for Patron stalling assignments will be based on the number of continuous years as a Patron, the prior year’s stalling location, and number of stalls needed. Only the named person/stable on the Patronship is allowed to hang one set of drapes that identify the Patron farm/stable. Piggybacking (stall with) will not be allowed. Patron farms/stables allowing other farms/ stables/trainers to piggyback with them who are not patrons run the risk of being moved to other less desirable areas of stalling.
7. A stabling form for each National Show will be used that lists horse, owner and trainer. The form should include a statement to refer to patron stabling rules for priority stabling procedures in the omnibus.
5. For Patrons that exceed their average number of stalls (over the last three years), the overflow may be in another location.
8. If necessary, a show commission can limit the number of tack stalls should be in the general rules for all shows.
9. Every effort will be made to stable non-patron groups together that have accurately filled out their stabling request form.
3.HORSE STALLS TO TACK STALLS ALLOWED Tack stalls will be assigned subject to their availability. Exhibitors will be allowed to order as many tack stalls
1. The transferring of a patronship to a non-immediate family member will not be allowed.
Farms, stables or trainers wishing to stall with other farms/stables in the patron stalling area must purchase a separate patronship in order to hang identifying drapes.
6. Only one set of drapes with signage representing the patron on record may be displayed.
2. 80% of the stalls must be in the Patron’s barn (for 49 stalls and under). For those with 50 Stalls or over, 90% of the stalls must be in the Patron’s Barn.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 patronship is being retired, the trainer has the right to continue the patronship and maintain the seniority.
23Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
10. Patron stabling will be based first on historical location and secondly on patron seniority. If a patron wishes to move to another patron barn, they will be placed on a waiting list for that barn. as believe will need, however, management reserves the to
right to limit the number of tack stalls due
4. Barns with over 100 stalls may not be stalled together. Every attempt will be made to keep stalls as close in proximity as feasibly possible.
The entry blank (or electronic entry) must be signed by the trainer listed on the Patronship in order for the exhibitor to be stabled with said patron.
availability.10HorseStalls & Under 6 Tack Stalls 11 to 15 Horse Stalls 8 Tack Stalls 16 to 20 Horse Stalls ................ 11 Tacks Stalls xd 21 to 25 Horse Stalls ................ 14 Tack Stalls 26 to 30 Horse Stalls ............... 16 Tack Stalls 31 to 35 Horse Stalls ................ 18 Tack Stalls 36 to 40 Horse Stalls 20 Tack Stalls 41 to 46 Horse Stalls 22 Tack Stalls 46 to 50 Horse Stalls 24 Tack Stalls 51 to 55 Horse Stalls 26 Tack Stalls 56 to 60 Horse Stalls 28 Tack Stalls 61 to 65 Horse Stalls ................ 30 Tack Stalls 66 to 70 Horse Stalls ............... 32 Tack Stalls 71 to 75 Horse Stalls ................. 34 Tack Stalls 76 to 80 Horse Stalls 36 Tack Stalls 81 to 85 Horse Stalls 38 Tack Stalls 86 to 90 Horse Stalls 40 Tack Stalls 91 to 95 Horse Stalls 42 Tack Stalls 96 to 100 Horse Stalls 44 Tack Stalls Over 100 horse you get 1 additional tack stall for every 5 horses. GR 33 PHOTOGRAPHS Anyone who attends any national show automatically grants AHA permission to publish photos taken by AHA photographers and/or staff in which they and/or their horses appear. No written release is required for AHA to publish these photos for its promotional purposes. GR 34 PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY The Arabian Horse Association forbids any pictures taken for the use of paid commercial distribution through websites, social media or other outlets. Professional Photographers or videographers, as defined by individuals who have or will have images for sale, are not permitted to photograph or video without written permission by the Arabian Horse Association. No photographers other than the official photographer may take pictures in the ring or from the rail. Professional photography equipment, cameras with lenses longer than 4 inches, will not be permitted except for credentialed media and those holding press passes (to take pictures outside the ring only). Additionally, watermarked photography will be
3. If that 80%/90% is exceeded, then a new patron ship will be immediately charged to the patron on record.
If Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified.
Refer to current USEF and Equestrian Canada Rule Books.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 considered professional photography and will not be allowed to be posted on any media outlets by any photographers other than AHA or the official photographer. Media credentials may be issued to credentialed journalists, photographers and videographers from recognized non-equine industry magazines, newspapers, and publications. Those issued media credentials must sign an agreement stating no photographs or videos taken will be sold. Credentials will only be issued to media for the purpose of news gathering and dissemination only.
When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however rings will not be held for extensive periods to solve conflicts. Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultaneously that can’t be resolved.
Please note No classes will be moved to an earlier day in the schedule. Classes scheduled with only a SFF that must be divided into section due to the number of entries, will have the sections run in place of the SFF and the SFF will be later in the schedule. If Sections listed in the tentative schedule are canceled, the SFF maybe moved to run where the sections were scheduled for that class.
Updates to the schedules for all the Nationals shows will
You are qualified from the earliest date you earn the participation required. There is no such thing as re-qualifying. Qualifications are required for 2022. Please refer to the AHA Handbook or for the web site the following link: qualifications/
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee.
Elite, Choice and Select riders must meet the definition. Refer to each show and GR 3 for rules regarding eligibility for Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes restricted classes (ABS).
Equine Industry press passes will be issued to photogra phers for the price of $900 and these press passes will allow photographers to shoot on grounds, however, not in any show arenas. Press passes can be purchased in the commercial exhibitor office. Violation of the policy will result in removal from the show grounds. Additionally, commercial photographers found violating this policy will be accessed a $900 fee. This policy extends to violations found post-show through websites, social media, and other outlets.
Qualifications for classes not qualified for by the closing date can be earned up to the start of the show.
It is the policy of the Nationals Show Commissions to not make schedule changes within 24 hours of a class, unless there are extenuating circumstances. No classes will be moved in the schedule once the Omnibus is printed other than sections may be added or cancelled if entries warrant.
The schedules printed in this prize list are TENTATIVE and based on entry projections for each class and the number of sections required. Any change in the number of entries may affect the corresponding number of sections in that class. The Show Commissions will review class entry numbers and sections after the entry deadline and will revise the schedule accordingly if deemed necessary.
Prize money will be paid only to the recorded owner at the time of the show. Checks for prize money shall be mailed within 60 days after completion of the show. The Social Security Number or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number must be on file with AHA before AHA prize money is released. If this information is not on file or is not provided within 120 days after notification, all prize money will be forfeited. If additional prize money requirements are not fulfilled (See Sweepstakes, Halter Futurity and Performance Futurity/Maturity Chapters), the prize money shall be Foreignforfeited.residents winning prize money at an event held in the United States will be subject to income tax of 30% per Internal Revenue Service Regulations. This amount will be withheld from total winnings.
24 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWS
If you have any questions contact AHA Competition Services at (303) 696-4500, option #4 or email
Please check the AHA App, the Web site or with the Show Office upon arrival for schedule changes and posted prepared as no entry fees or other fees will be refunded due to schedule changes. Schedule conflicts between rings are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
GROUP STABLING Exhibitors wishing to be stabled together must send entries together in the same envelope with a stall reservation form listing all the owner names. This form must be sent with the entries, as stalls are assigned using this form. If your name does not appear on the Stabling Request Form – we cannot guarantee you will be with the group.
All National Championship Shows are required to use the AHA approved Majority Opinion System (MOS) (Res. 45-00, Res. 31-07) Scoring System in all applicable classes.
All Breeding/Gelding In-Hand classes will be judged comparatively using the Majority Opinion System (MOS).
Check each show as to when stalls will be available.
Please note that patronships must represent one entity
Scoring Systems are outlined in the AHA handbook under COMP 5 and REQ 2.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 be posted on each shows home page and the AHA App. Please refer to the most current schedule prior to entering the horse show.
Exhibitors are advised that it is their responsibility to secure their valuables and stall area. The Show has a limited number of security personnel on the premises. Please report any issues related to security breaches.
25Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
Sport Horse In-Hand classes that are judged by 2 judges will use the total score system.
Performance Halter will use the AHA score card, the scorecards will be turned into placings and in turn, run through the Majority Opinion System (MOS) to determine the Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Five. Refer to each show for exceptions to the above for AEPA, AWPA and AHPA Futurity and Maturity classes.
For U.S. Competitions (per USEF Rule Book): Show Management will place at least one sharps container per fifty occupied stalls for the disposal of needles and other disposable sharp instruments in convenient locations in barns housing competition horses. It is competition management’s responsibility to replace such containers when full and dispose of them properly. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 plus cleanup costs for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments. Competition management will place a notice of this requirement either in its prize list or on a specific handout given to trainers on check in at the competition. If local law has different requirements, local law will prevail.
Working Hunter, Hunter Hack, Jumper, Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles, Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump, Dressage, Dressage Seat Equitation, Reining Horse, Reining Seat Equitation, Cutting, Reined Cow, Working Cow, Trail, and Sport Horse classes are exempt from using the Majority Opinion System.
Arrival is determined by when possession is taken of the block of stalls; Possession is determined by occupancy of stalls with any of the following: horses, bedding, equip ment/tack/ curtains or mats.
Please submit only one form per group to be stabled together. Forms received after the due date on the form may not be honored. Please check each show and form for the due date for that show. All horses that are not entered into the show (non-competing) must be listed on the stall form. Every horse is required to be stabled on the show grounds at least 12 hours before the start of the first class in which it is to be shown and must remain continuously on the show grounds until it has completed every class in which it is to be shown. If the number of horses entered by a trainer or owner exceeds the capacity of the original stalls requested, those horses will be stabled in the order of space available at the time the entry is received.
All flyers, signs, posters, commercial notices, etc., may be posted in designated areas only. All others will be removed immediately. Check with the show office or the commercial exhibit office for designated locations. Solicitations will not be allowed on the grounds unless a commercial exhibit booth/space is purchased. No company or business will be permitted to exhibit or hold any sponsored activities without the express written permission of AHA. Solicitation of funds for any political, educational, charitable or other corporation, association, group, individual or cause of any kind is strictly prohibited, without prior written consent from AHA. Exhibitors must have prior written consent from AHA and the proper state authority to conduct a raffle or drawing of any kind. Commercial Exhibit space must be purchased using the “Application for Exhibit Space”, which may be obtained from AHA. All Food Concessionaires are contracted by the individual facilities, and Commercial Exhibitors are not allowed to sell food or drinks.
Unauthorized animals are not allowed on the show grounds without prior permission from Show Management. At the discretion of management, owners/agents may be charged $300 per unauthorized animal(s) and unauthorized animal(s) may be removed from the grounds.
A list of Official Vendors for each show is provided in this prize list and on-line at Other suppliers may be used, but deliveries from vendors other than the Official Show Vendors may not be made on the show grounds. See “Solicitations” for information on Commercial Exhibit Space.
Stall walls may not be cut down. Stalls must be vacated in their original condition. Stalls may not be structurally or otherwise altered in any way (including putting nails into walls). Any and all stalls used by exhibitors must be returned to their original condition prior to leaving the grounds.
The Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry onto the show grounds to any horse exposed to, or which may be harboring, a communicable disease. AHA also reserves the right to a postmortem examination free of charge, on any horse, which dies on the show grounds.
The official veterinarian shall be an AAEP member. He/ she shall not rule on soundness in classes he/she or a family member may have a horse or pony entered or measure any horses or ponies where a conflict of interest may arise due to personal or family interest in the equine. The official veterinarian may be a competitor and will cover the requirements of USEF. No other veterinarian will be permitted to work on the grounds without registering with the Show Office. Exhibitors wishing to use their private veterinarians must have the veterinarian apply at the Show Office and pay a registration fee before they can work on the grounds.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Each entered horse must pay for one stall, all others are considered tack stalls. No subletting of stalls will be allowed.
ONLY, and all stalls assigned to any one patron must be designated under a single name (a company, a farm, training stable, an individual, and a family are all considered single entity). Additional stalls requested after the original stalls are purchased may not be assigned in the same location as the original stalls.
Stalls for any non-competing horses must have an official entry form on file with the show office and be listed on the stall request form.
All animals are subject to a physical inspection and may be examined for the use of mydriatic drugs by the show veterinarian at the discretion of the Show Commission.
Exhibitors will be billed for any alteration/damage to their stalls on the premises to or any required cleanup of any stalls they use.
26 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 AHA Nationals GENERAL RULES FOR NATIONAL SHOWSAT
Exhibitors will be allowed to order tack stalls per the individual National Show’s policy. Management reserves the right to limit the number of total tack stalls due to availability. Tack stalls that are cancelled by show management will be refunded to the exhibitor.
All Horses must have a certificate of registration when entering any National Show. Entries for pending registrations will be held until the registration is complete. A post entry fee will be charged if the registration is NOT completed by the closing date of the show
Private Veterinarian applications will be available at the Show Office and must be completed and submitted to the Show Office for written approval. Private veterinarians must be members, in good standing, of the AAEP, licensed in the State or province in which the show is held (proof of license to be submitted with application) and will be required to follow and abide by the AHA, USEF, Equestrian Canada, and AAEP rules and practices.
If you are ordering just tack stalls, Please do not list them only on the stall reservation form or they may be missed. Please use an entry form leaving the horse information blank. Tack stalls will be assigned subject to their availability.
There should be no malicious force during training. Good horsemanship teaches a horse to respond to the aids with confidence. Abusive practices are those that inflict injury or result in intimidation and fear. This may include jerking, spurring, or whipping when employed in a manner that increases a horse’s fear, confusion, or distress.
We, as Professional and Amateur Horsemen of the Arabian Horse Association, pledge to assume a positive role as leaders in the Arabian horse community. While achieving the goals of promoting, showing, and caring for the horse, we shall protect the health, image, and welfare of the breed. Therefore, we set forth the following standards:
27Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
While most types of tack and training methods are not themselves abusive, we understand APAHA PREAMBLE
HORSEMEN’S STANDARDS OF CONDUCT that anything used wrongly, overused, or over done can prove to be abusive or perceived to be abusive by onlookers.
Horsemen will not administer to any horse engaged in competition drugs or medications that give an unfair competitive advantage or serve no required therapeutic purpose.
We shall comply with and actively encour age all Professional and Amateur Horsemen to adhere to all rules and regulations of AHA, USEF, CAHR, and EC. We shall instill confidence, trust, and mutual respect in our clients, fellow exhibitors, and the public by a commitment to ethical prac tice and avoidance of any action conducive to discrediting the Arabian horse, AHA, or our fellow horsemen. We shall ensure that the welfare of the Arabian horse is paramount and that every Arabian horse be treated humanely and with dignity, respect, and compassion. As Horsemen we agree that it is our obliga tion, not only to the horse, but to each other, to have a reciprocal relationship wherein we are compelled to comment to our peers on their actions as well as be receptive of comments on our actions, if those actions might be perceived or interpreted as abusive or inappropriate.
The duration of training sessions should take into account climate conditions, intensity of work, footing and the condition of each horse to ensure there is no undue stress. We shall conduct all business affairs with integrity, sincerity, and accuracy in an open and forthright manner. We shall act with integrity in financial dealings with clients, professionals, and the public. We shall employ a policy of full disclosure to our horse’s owners, as well as potential buyers, about all facts and knowledge regarding a horse they own or are considering purchasing.
Horsemen will never perform, condone, or allow surgical alteration or procedure on an Arabian horse unless professionally prescribed by a licensed veterinarian, and then, only for the survival or threatened health of an Arabian or Half-Arabian horse. This includes the altering of the natural carriage of the tail, which is one of our breed standards and characteristics.
DATE OF SHOW: September 22-26, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO: September 22-26, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: $2.00 per sq. ft.
October 23-31, 2020 LOCATION: Tulsa Expo Square, Tulsa, Oklahoma DATE OF SHOW: October 23-31, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO: October 23-31, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: Inside $7.00 per sq. ft. Outside $4.50 per sq. ft.
July 19-25, 2020
LOCATION: Expo in Ford Idaho Horse Park, Namps, Idaho
28 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022Sales Information Contact: AHA Nationals NATIONAL SHOW COMMERCIAL EXHIBIT INFORMATION 30th Annual YOUTH & MID SUMMER NATIONAL ARABIAN, HALF-ARABIAN & ANGLO-ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIP HORSE SHOW & SHOPPING EXPO July 14-23, 2022 LOCATION: State Fair Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma DATE OF SHOW: July 14-23, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO: July 14-23, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO Inside $5.50 per sq. ft. BOOTH PRICES: Outside $2.50 per sq. ft. EXHIBITORS: Over 800 20th Annual SPORT HORSE NATIONAL ARABIAN, HALF-ARABIAN & ANGLO-ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIP HORSE SHOW & SHOPPING EXPO September 12-17, 2022 LOCATION: World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio DATE OF SHOW: September 12-17, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO: September 12-17, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: Contact facility EXHIBITORS: Over 500 56th Annual U.S. NATIONAL ARABIAN, HALF-ARABIAN & ANGLO-ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIP HORSE SHOW & SHOPPING EXPO October 21-29, 2022 LOCATION: Tulsa Expo Square, Tulsa, Oklahoma DATE OF SHOW: October 21-29, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO: October 21-29, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: Inside $7.00 per sq. ft. East Exchange $8.00 per sq. ft. EXHIBITORS: Over 1750 63rd Annual CANADIAN NATIONAL ARABIAN, HALF-ARABIAN & ANGLO-ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIP HORSE SHOW & SHOPPING EXPO August 14-20, 2022 LOCATION: Keystone Centre, Brandon, Manitoba DATE OF SHOW: August 14-20, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO: August 14-20, 2022 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: $4.20 per sq. ft.
AHA Commercial Exhibit Info Sales Information
SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: Inside $5.50 per sq. ft. Outside $2.50 per sq. ft.
54th Annual U.S. National Arabian, Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Championship Horse Show & Shopping Expo
18th Annual Sport Horse National Arabian, Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Championship Horse Show & Shopping Expo
EXHIBITORS: Over 700 Contact:
LOCATION: State Fair Park, Oklahoma City, OK DATE OF SHOW: July 20-27, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO: July 20-27, 2020
DATE OF SHOW: August 16-22, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO: August 16-22, 2020 SHOPPING EXPO BOOTH PRICES: $4.20 per sq. ft. EXHIBITORS: Over 700 RED-PURPLE
63rd Annual Canadian National Arabian, Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Championship Horse Show & Shopping Expo
28th Annual Youth National Arabian, Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Championship Horse Show & Shopping Expo
August 16-22, 2020 LOCATION: Keystone Center, Brandon MB Canada
September 22-26, 2020
30 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 30th Annual INFORMATION / CLASS LIST / CLASS SCHEDULE / RULES NEW FOR 2022 •The AHPA Hunter Pleasure AOTR Jackpot Classes & AWPA Western Pleasure AATOR Maturity Classes will be held at Mid Summer Nationals •New Class! “It’s All Relative Western Pleasure Jackpot Challenge” The youth will ride the first way of the ring and an adult amateur relative will ride the second way of the ring. FerrarabyPhotography
31Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association OTHER NEW CLASSES: All Entry Forms Available @ WWW.ARABIANHORSES.ORG/COMPETITION/NATIONAL-EVENTS/ •A/HA/AA Western Dressage Level 1 JTR Championship •Arabian & HA/AA Reining Junior Horse Championship •Arabian & HA/AA Performance Halter JTR in the Mares and Geldings •A/HA/AA Herd Work Open & AATR •Arabian & HA/AA Reined Cow Horse Open •Arabian & HA/AA Limited Reined Cow horse AATR Championship
SATURDAY, JULY 23 • Closing Ceremonies w/ Flag Riders EXTRA EVENTS
JULY 18 • Stick Horse Workshop Chill
Sponsored by Hunter Pleasure Association with live band THURSDAY, JULY 21 • Dog Costume Class & 13th Annual Dog Races Jim
WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 • Chuck a Duck Jim
SUNDAY, Norick Arena 12:30 p.m.
• Stick Horse Contest Jim
FRIDAY, JULY 22 • Arabian Horse Times Photo & Ice Cream Social Jim Norick Paddock After Afternoon Session • Graduating Senior Ceremony Jim Norick Arena 6:15
MONDAY, Box 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Norick Arena 6:15 p.m. Norick Arena 12:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Norick Arena p.m. p.m.
JULY 17 • First Time Exhibitor Picture Jim
32 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals YOUTH EVENTS YOUTH ACTIVITY ROOM – come hang out in the AC and play some games or watch a movie ACTIVITY HOUR – daily fun youth activity from 11-noon in Commercial Exhibit Hall FIND THE GOLDEN HORSESHOE – search the grounds daily for golden horseshoes, if you find one bring it to the Chill Box for a prize PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT – make your way around the grounds taking pictures from a list you can pick up in the Chill Box, get all the pictures and come claim your prize. GOOD LUCK PONIES – send your best friend/ daughter/sister/barn friend a congratulatory animal that will be delivered to their barn! TUESDAY, JULY 12 • AHYA Board Meeting Chill Box 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 • AHYA Convention Sales Arena Noon - 1:00 p.m. Pick up your qualifier T-shirts / Pizza Party • First Time Exhibitor Q&A Sales Arena 1:00 p.m.
• Welcome Block Party Starts with Golf Cart Parade
RIVERSPORT Adventures Sky Trail: Experience the tallest adventure course, 80-foot structure features 6 levels of challenges.
National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum: The west begins here. America’s premier institution of Western history, art, and culture.
The Mule: Gourmet grilled-cheese emporium.
Heart-smart food served quickly, offering wraps, flatbread pizza, salads, soups, and yogurt.
Eat Lamb Fries at Cattlemen’s Steakhouse: OKC’s oldest continuously operated restaurant
Blue Garten: Open-air venue for gourmet food trucks.
Hideaway Pizza: State’s most successful pizza chain.
Café do Brasil: Authentic Brazilian cuisine and cocktails.
McNellie’s Public House: Where the locals go for burgers and a beer selection. Nic’swww.mcnelliesokc.comGrill:Thickburgers served crusty on the outside, juicy and tender on the inside.
Oklahoma City National Memorial: Learn about the details and investigation of the Oklahoma City Bombings.
Irma’s Burger Shack: known for serving grass-fed beef. Empire Slice House: Monster pizza slices, a full bar, late-night hours, patio seating and a dining room dedicated to the explanation of popular culture.
The Exhibitor’s Guide to Oklahoma City
Big Truck Tacos: Headquarters in Uptown serving tacos with attitude
Things To Do Dining
TakeOklahomacitynationalmemorial.orgaWaterTaxiAlongtheBricktown Canal: See the sites of OKC’s Entertainment District and learn about the history of the city. Feedwww.bricktownwatertaxi.comtheAnimalsattheOKCZoo:
Prairie Thunder Baking Co.: Great fresh bread, breakfast, lunch, and pastries.
34 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 GENERAL INFORMATION: SHOW OFFICE Office Hours: Phone & Fax will be available during the following Monday - Wednesday, July 11 - 13 ................................ 8:30 AM - 5 PM Thursday - Saturday, July 14 - 23 7 AM - 1/2 hr after last class BARN OFFICE NO Arrivals before noon Saturday, July 9 Office SaturdayHours:-Tuesday, July 9 - 12 ........................................ 10 AM - 10 PM Wednesday - Saturday, July 13 - 23 7 AM - 7 PM FEED & BEDDING INFORMATION Exhibitors are permitted to bring in outside feed and bedding for personal use, HOWEVER, third party deliveries or sales are strictly prohibited State Fair Park Feed and Bedding (405) Advanced948-6786Order form available at FACILITY SHIPPING INFORMATION Packages for the horse show will only be accepted from July 11 - 22. Neither AHA nor State Fair Park is responsible for lost or stolen packages. Fed Ex/UPS packages can be accepted at the followingAttn:Stateaddress:FairParkArabianYouth Nationals (Include Exhibitor/Vendor/Stable Name, cell number of recipient) 333 Gordon Cooper Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Please send US Postal packages to: State Fair Park Attn: Arabian Youth Nationals (Include Exhibitor/Vendor/Stable Name, cell number of recipient) 3001 General Pershing Oklahoma City, OK 73107 SHOW COMMISSION Sharon Richards, Chair California Cynthia Richardson, Vice Chair Florida Katharyn Hart Oklahoma Mark Himmel .................................................................... Louisiana Michelle Pease-Paulson Washington Dan Stevenson California Show Commission can be contacted at: Arabian Horse Association Attn: YNL Show Commission 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 Phone (303) 696-4500 • Fax (303) 696-4599 CLASS ENTRY FEES: Youth Classes $200 Mid Summer Classes $210 UPHA Finals Class Fee (U) $50 Cattle Fee (per horse) ..................... Youth Classes Sponsored ADULT CATTLE FEES Herd/Working/ Reined $100 Limited Reined ................................................................. $80 Education/Evaluation Fee (Res. 9-90) (per horse) $25 Failure to Close Open Show Accounts $100 Non Competing Horse Fee ...................................................$410 Includes stall, office and per horse fee Office Fee (per horse) $75 5 Judge Fee (AWPA & AHPA classes) $50 It’s All Relative Jackpot Fee .................................................. $100 OBSTACLE FEES per class Jump (JO) per class $10 Trail (TO) per class............................................................ $10 POST HORSE FEE per horse Horse entered between 6/1 - 6/23 ........................... $500 Horse entered between 6/24 -7/11 ........................ $1,000 @5 PM (Local Time) POST CLASS FEE for pre-entered horses Per Class Added Class entered Between 6/1 - 7/11 $100 @5 PM (Local Time) Rider/Horse Equitation Change Late Fee ........................... $50 Scoring (per horse) $15 Scratch Fee (if not filed in office, per class) $50 WARM-UPS ARE HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION Trail Warm up Fee (T) New lower fee $15 (warm up for Saturday & Sunday Included in total class fee) Cow Practice (CP) Per Cow (3 min) ....................................... $75 Working Hunter Warm Up (W) $30 (included with each Working Hunter class) USEF Show Pass (per person) $45 WDAA Non Member Fee $35 Adult, $25 Junior STALL FEES Horse Stall (each) $250 Tack Stall (each) $250 Removal of Stall Panel Varies up to $500 (per Panel/Stall) *Please DO NOT split cost of tack stalls on your entry form Farrier Permit (each) .............................................................. $500 Horse for Sale Listing (per horse) $50 Show Program $10 (one free copy is provided to each owner) Veterinarian Permit (each) $1,500 VIP RV Parking ...................................................................... $1,050 Therapist/Chiropractor Fee $500 EVENT SPONSORSHIP/PARTICIPATION: Arena Sign – Video Side ............................................ $600 Arena Sign – Non-Video Side $500 Jacket/Buckle Sponsorship $300 Class Section Sponsorship $50 PATRONSHIPS Package 1 $2,750 Package 2 $3,250 Additional Event Sponsorships are Available –Email or call (303) 696-4500 option 4 for more information Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL INFORMATION *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
35Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association IMPORTANT DEADLINES & DATES The Youth Commission urges exhibitors to enter by the initial close of June 1 and no later than June 23. The goal is to have a more accurate Tentative Schedule earlier enabling exhibitors to plan travel etc., earlier than in past years. ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Entries Post Marked / Electronically Dated on or prior to Tuesday, June 1 Midnight (MT)Regular fees POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Entries Post Marked/ Electronically Dated between June 1 and June 23, Midnight (MT) Dressage entries close June 23 for any new horse or added classes NO EXCEPTIONS New horse .......................................................................... Regular fees plus $500 per horse Added class for horse entered by June 1 Regular class fee plus $100 Late fee per class 2. Entries Post Marked / Electronically Dated between June 24 and July 11@ 5 PM (local time) New horse Regular fees plus $1,000 Post fee per horse Added classes for horse pre-entered Regular class fee plus $200 Late fee per class New horses may post enter online from June 9 to June 23 If you are adding a class for a horse already entered, you will need to use an entry form. NO Post entries will be accepted for the Youth/Mid Summer Nationals after July 11 @ 5 pm (local time) ARRIVAL & STALLING INFORMATION Wednesday, June 23 In-House/Electronically Dated Group Stabling Requests Due Saturday, July 9. NO Arrivals before noon Sunday, July 24, by Midnight Stalls must be vacated *NO EXCEPTIONS Feed and Bedding is available through State Fair Park for ON-SITE feed and bedding purchases. Please order feed and bedding prior to your arrival, with the form found on the AHA website, or via phone number (405) 948-6786. Exhibitors are permitted to bring in outside feed and bedding for personal use, HOWEVER, third party deliveries or sales are strictly prohibited. Please refer to the Time Schedule & Flow Chart for the Judges Panels OFFICIALS Show Manager Sharon Richards Director of National Events & Marketing Kelsey Berglund (720) 648-9220 Nationals Event Coordinator Lindsey Phipps (303) 696-4553 National Event Coordinator II Paige Lockard (303) 696-4535 National Show Secretary Marlene Kriegbaum ....................................... (303) 696-4501 Operations Manager Matt Kwapich USEF Stewards Jean Kraus (Lead Steward) Carrie Olson, Cheryl Tobey, Candy Farley Night Schooling Supervisor Robert Obermiller Hunter Course Designer TBA Dressage Coordinator Carol Spangler Trail Course Designer E.J. Allison AnnouncersNorick- Dan Savage Specialty - Andrew Bailey Performance - Tague Johnson Ringmasters Dennis Eikenberry, Van Jacobsen, Carl Malicote, Juan Stuckey Barn Manager Mike Moak (706) 540-7326 Veterinarian Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd, Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 EMT Equestrian Medical Service Farrier Jim Sproles (602) 309-0670 Photographer Jeff Janson Photography Web Live Streaming Arabian Horse www.arabianhorses.streamAssociation JUDGES The management reserves the right to vary or add to this list. Panels and/or judge order are subject to change. NORICK PANEL (N) Norick Judging panels will rotate using the following 6 judges Bob Gordon Princeton, MN Janet Henderson Port Colburne, ON David Mikosz Bluffton, SC John Ryan Greencastle, PA Joan Shelton-Palelek .................................. Vancouver, WA Ted Carson Allgood, AL UPHA - Cindy Mugnier Belchertown, MA WORKING WESTERN PANEL Kathy Callahan-Smith Temecula, CA Brian Scoggins Tuscola, IL Deb Witty Ellensburg, WA WORKING HUNTER Peggy Beachy Crestwood, KY Ron Beachy Crestwood ,KY Meg Skafgaard Glendale, AZ DRESSAGE (D) Anne Moss (WD) Coatsville, PA Danielle Toscano Kennett Square, PA Karen Winn Lexington, KY Wayne Quarles Lexington, KY These judges were selected by the Judges and Stewards Selection Committee and subject to change.
36 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals CLASS LIST New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class PLEASE REFER TO THE TIME SCHEDULE & FLOW CHART FOR THE JUDGES PANELS MARE BREEDING / GELDING IN-HAND 2100 Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over JOTH $200 2101 ........ Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over JTH ............................................................................................. $200 2 Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over Open CH $210 2776....... Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over AATH CH.................................................................................... $210 15 ............. Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 & Over Open CH ............................................................................... $210 2777 Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 & Over AATH CH $210 2102 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over JOTH CH $200 2103 ....... Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over JTH CH .................................................................................... $200 27 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH $210 2778....... Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH ................................................................................. $210 3113 HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over JTH CH $200 401 .......... HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over Open CH ...................................................................................... $210 2818 ....... HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over AATH CH ..................................................................................... $210 3114 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over JTH CH $200 451 .......... HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH ................................................................................... $210 2819 ....... HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH................................................................................... $210 PERFORMANCE HALTER 2487 ...... Arabian Performance Halter Mare 3 & Over AATH CH ................................................................ $210 2488 Arabian Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over AATH CH $210 2489 HA/AA Performance Halter Mare 3 & Over AATH CH $210 2490 HA/AA Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over AATH CH $210 2758 ...... Arabian Performance Halter Mare 3 & Over JTH CH ................................................................... $200 2759 Arabian Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over JTH CH $200 2838 HA/AA Performance Halter Mare 3 & Over JTH CH $200 2839 HA/AA Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over JTH CH $200 PARK 2104 Arabian Park Horse JTR CH $200 61 .......... Arabian Park Horse Open CH ............................................................................................................. $210 1724 ....... Arabian Park Horse AATR CH ............................................................................................................. $210 2142 HA/AA Park Horse JTR CH $200 501 .......... HA/AA Park Horse Open CH ............................................................................................................... $210 1769 HA/AA Park Horse AATR CH $210 ENGLISH PLEASURE 2477 Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 2478 ...... Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH ...................................................................................... $200 1760 Arabian English Pleasure JTR Select CH $200 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class CROSS ENTRY is allowed between the leveled and the age group classes
37Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 1762 Arabian English Pleasure JTR Choice CH $200 1764 ....... Arabian English Pleasure JTR Elite CH ............................................................................................. $200 76 Arabian English Pleasure Open CH $210 91 ............. Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse CH ..................................................................................... $210 1863 ....... Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 49 CH .................................................................................. $210 1864 Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR 50 & Over CH $210 358 Arabian English Pleasure AATR CH $210 2475 ...... HA/AA English Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH ............................................................................... $200 2476 HA/AA English Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 2443 ...... HA/AA English Pleasure JTR Select CH ........................................................................................... $200 2445 HA/AA English Pleasure JTR Choice Ch $200 2447 HA/AA English Pleasure JTR Elite CH $200 516 .......... HA/AA English Pleasure Open CH .................................................................................................... $210 532 ......... HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse CH ....................................................................................... $210 1865 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 49 CH $210 1866 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR 50 & Over CH $210 359 ......... HA/AA English Pleasure AATR CH .................................................................................................... $210 COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE 2479 Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 2480 ...... Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH ...................................................................... $200 1844 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH $200 1862 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Select 15 – 18 Select CH $200 1845 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Choice CH $200 1847 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Elite CH $200 96 ............ Arabian Country English Pleasure Open CH .................................................................................. $210 112 Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $210 2756 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH $210 2757 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH $210 1868 ....... Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR Select CH .................................................................. $210 1870 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH $210 1873 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR Elite CH $210 2677 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 2678 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 2665 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH ..................................................... $200 2666 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR Select 15-18 CH $200 2645 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR Choice CH ......................................................................... $200 2647 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR Elite CH $200 541 ....... HA/AA Country English Pleasure Open CH $210 557 ......... HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH ...................................................................... $210 2836 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH $210 2837 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH................................................................ $210 2668 .... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR Select CH $210 2670 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH .................................................................. $210 2672 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
38 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals CLASS LIST WESTERN PLEASURE 3124 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH ........................................................................... $200 3125 Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 1963 Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH $200 1964 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Select 15-18 CH ............................................................................. $200 1945 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Choice CH...................................................................................... $200 1947 Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Elite CH $200 191 Arabian Western Pleasure Open CH $210 2816 Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse 3 & 4 Yr Old CH $210 2817 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse 5 Yr Old CH .................................................................. $210 2876 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH $210 2877 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH $210 2697 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Select CH $210 2698 ...... Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH ............................................................................... $210 2699 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Elite CH $210 3179 HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 3180 HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 3161 ........ HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH ................................................................... $200 3162 ....... HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Select 15-18 CH .............................................................................. $200 3145 HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Choice CH $200 3147 HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Elite Ch $200 621 .......... HA/AA Western Pleasure Open CH .................................................................................................. $210 2896 HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse 3 & 4 Yr Old CH $210 2897 ...... HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse 5 Yr Old CH .................................................................... $210 2999 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH $210 3001 ....... HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH .............................................................................. $210 3168 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Select CH $210 3170 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH $210 3172 ....... HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Elite CH ...................................................................................... $210 HUNTER PLEASURE 2987 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH .............................................................................. $200 2988 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 2263 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH $200 2265 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Select 15-18 CH ............................................................................... $200 2245 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Choice CH ........................................................................................ $200 2247 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Elite CH $200 291 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open CH $210 2878 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 3 & 4 Yr Old CH .............................................................. $210 2879 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 5 Yr Old CH $210 2898 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH $210 2899 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH ............................................................................... $210 2268 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Select CH $210 2270 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH.................................................................................. $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
39Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 2272 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Elite CH $210 2989 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 2990 ...... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH ......................................................................................... $200 2971 ....... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Select 14 & Under CH ...................................................................... $200 2972 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Select 15-18 CH $200 2955 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Choice CH $200 2957 ...... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Elite CH ............................................................................................... $200 734 ......... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open CH ..................................................................................................... $210 2679 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 3 & 4 Yr Old CH $210 2681 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 5 Yr Old CH $210 2683 ...... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR 19 - 49 CH ....................................................................................... $210 2685 ...... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR 50 & Over CH ................................................................................ $210 2716 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Select CH $210 2717 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Choice CH $210 2718 ....... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Elite CH......................................................................................... $210 DRIVING 2117 Arabian Pleasure Driving JTD CH $200 117 ........... Arabian Pleasure Driving Open CH ................................................................................................... $210 2155 HA/AA Pleasure Driving JTD CH $200 562 HA/AA Pleasure Driving Open CH $210 2118 Arabian Country Pleasure Driving JTD CH $200 131 ........... Arabian Country Pleasure Driving Open CH ................................................................................... $210 2546 ...... Arabian Country Pleasure Driving AATD CH .................................................................................. $210 2156 HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving JTD CH $200 576 HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving Open CH $210 2547 ...... HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving AATD CH .................................................................................... $210 MOUNTED NATIVE COSTUME 2485 Arabian Mounted Native Costume JTR 14 & Under CH $200 2486 ...... Arabian Mounted Native Costume JTR 15 - 18 CH ........................................................................ $200 2119 ........ Arabian Mounted Native Costume JOTR CH .................................................................................. $200 2569 Arabian Mounted Native Costume AATR CH $210 151 Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open CH $210 2471 ....... HA/AA Mounted Native Costume JTR 14 & Under CH ................................................................. $200 2472 ...... HA/AA Mounted Native Costume JTR 15 - 18 CH .......................................................................... $200 2158 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume JOTR CH $200 2610 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume AATR CH $210 591 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Open CH $210 LADIES SIDE SADDLE 2041 ....... Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English JOTR CH ............................................................................... $200 2121 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English JTR CH $200 2540 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English AATR CH $210 168 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English Open CH $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
40 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals CLASS LIST 2122 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR CH $200 2541 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western AATR CH $210 173 .......... Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western Open CH ............................................................................. $210 2096 ...... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English JOTR CH ................................................................................. $200 2159 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English JTR CH $200 2542 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English AATR CH $210 608 ......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English Open CH................................................................................. $210 2160 ....... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR CH .................................................................................. $200 2543 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western AATR CH $210 613 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western Open CH $210 ENGLISH SHOW HACK 2138 Arabian English Show Hack JOTR CH $200 2532 Arabian English Show Hack JTR 14 & Under CH $200 2533 ...... Arabian English Show Hack JTR 15 - 18 CH .................................................................................... $200 316 .......... Arabian English Show Hack Open CH .............................................................................................. $210 2620 Arabian English Show Hack AATR CH $210 2177 HA/AA English Show Hack JOTR CH $200 2534 HA/AA English Show Hack JTR 14 & Under CH $200 2535 ...... HA/AA English Show Hack JTR 15 - 18 CH ...................................................................................... $200 755 HA/AA English Show Hack Open CH $210 2469 HA/AA English Show Hack AATR CH $210 SPORTSPORTHORSEHORSE UNDER SADDLE 1180 ........ Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle JTR 14 & Under CH ............................................................. $200 1181 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 336 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Open CH $210 1087 ....... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AATR CH ................................................................................ $210 342 ......... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH .................................................................. $210 1106 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle JTR 14 & Under CH $200 1182 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 774 .......... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Open CH .................................................................................. $210 1107 ........ HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AATR CH .................................................................................. $210 780 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH $210 SPORT HORSE SHOW HACK 348 Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack Open CH $210 74 Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack JTR CH $200 1051 ........ HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack Open CH ...................................................................................... $210 1113 ......... HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack JTR CH .......................................................................................... $200 SPORT HORSE IN HAND 386 Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over JTH CH $200 143 .......... Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH .............................................................. $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
41Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 40 Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH $210 388 Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over JTR CH $200 54 ............ Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH ......................................................... $210 149 .......... Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH ......................................................... $210 47 Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH $210 2719 Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH $210 491 .......... HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over JTR CH.................................................................... $200 476 ......... HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH ................................................................ $210 163 HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH $210 493 HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over JTR CH $200 495 ......... HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over Open CH ........................................................... $210 189 .......... HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over AATH CH........................................................... $210 SHOWMANSHIP 917 .......... A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH ............................................................... $200 811 ........... A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 11 - 14 CH ............................................................................................ $200 812 A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 15 - 18 CH $200 1372 A/HA/AA Showmanship AATH 19 & Over CH $210 EQUITATION ***Please Note UPHA Ages Did Not Change 905 UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $250 957 ......... UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup JTR 14-17 CH .................................................................... $250 958 ......... UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup JTR 13 & Under CH ........................................................ $250 SADDLE SEAT EQUITATION 834 ......... Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14 & Under CH..................................................................... $200 835 Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 852 HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14 & Under CH $200 853 ......... HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 15 - 18 CH ............................................................................... $200 HUNTER SEAT EQUITATION 877 .......... Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 14 & Under CH............................................ $200 878 Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 880 HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 14 & Under CH $200 881 .......... HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 15 - 18 CH....................................................... $200 1358 ....... A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump AATR CH ............................................................ $210 WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP 1118 ......... Arabian Western Horsemanship JTR 14 & Under CH ................................................................... $200 1120 Arabian Western Horsemanship JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 1142 HA/AA Western Horsemanship JTR 14 & Under CH $200 1145 HA/AA Western Horsemanship JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 1359 ....... A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship AATR CH ................................................................................... $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
42 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals CLASS LIST REINING SEAT EQUITATION 1101 ......... Arabian Reining Seat Equitation JTR 14 & Under CH.................................................................... $200 1102 ........ Arabian Reining Seat Equitation JTR 15 - 18 CH ............................................................................. $200 1103 HA/AA Reining Seat Equitation JTR 14 & Under CH $200 1104 HA/AA Reining Seat Equitation JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 WALK / TROT / JOG EQUITATION 905 UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $250 909 Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 910 .......... HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under CH............................................................ $200 912 .......... Arabian Western Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under CH ....................................................... $200 914 HA/AA Western Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under CH $200 1005 Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR W/T 10 & Under CH $200 1006 ....... HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR W/T 10 & Under CH .................................... $200 PLEASURE 893 A/HA/AA English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 896 ......... Arabian Country English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH ..................................................... $200 897 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 899 Arabian Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 900 HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 906 ......... Arabian Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH ...................................................................... $200 916 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under CH $200 MISC Additional fee 1549 A/HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH $200 903 A/HA/AA Dressage Intro Walk/Trot 10 & Under CH (Test B) $200 1021 ........ A/HA/AA Walk/Trot Trail 10 & Under CH ................................................................T, TO ................. $240 390 A/HA/AA Short Stirrup Reining 10 & Under CH $200 1599 A/HA/AA Working Hunter Cross Rails 10 & Under CH (18”)J O, W $240 DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION 435 A/HA/AA Dressage Seat Equitation JTR 14 & Under CH $200 436 A/HA/AA Dressage Seat Equitation JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 DRESSAGE 511 A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level JTR 14 & Under CH $200 513 A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 866 A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 869 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level JOTR 15 - 18 CH...................................................................... $200 2530 A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level AATR CH $210 795 A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level Open CH $210 806 A/HA/AA Dressage First Level JTR 14 & Under CH $200 808 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage First Level JTR 15 - 18 CH ................................................................................ $200 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded T / Trail Warm Up @ $10 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class
43Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 814 A/HA/AA Dressage First Level JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 1828 A/HA/AA Dressage First Level JOTR 15 - 18 CH $200 798 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage First Level Open CH ......................................................................................... $210 2531 ....... A/HA/AA Dressage First Level AATH CH ......................................................................................... $210 1436 A/HA/AA Dressage Second Level JTR CH$200 1808 A/HA/AA Dressage Second Level Open CH $210 816 .......... A/HA/AA Dressage Third Level Open CH ....................................................................................... $210 WESTERN DRESSAGE 2212 ....... A/HA/AA Western Dressage Intro JTR CH ...................................................................................... $200 2312 A/HA/AA Western Dressage Basic JTR CH $200 2412 A/HA/AA Western Dressage Level 1 JTR CH $200 REINING 996 ......... A/HA/AA Free Style Reining JTR Exhibition .................................................................................... $200 392 ......... Arabian Reining Horse JOTR 14 & Under CH .................................................................................. $200 394 Arabian Reining Horse JOTR 15-18 CH $200 1648 Arabian Reining Horse JTR CH $200 3187 ....... Arabian Reining Horse Intermediate JTR CH.................................................................................. $200 3188 ....... Arabian Reining Horse Limited JTR CH ............................................................................................ $200 3189 Arabian Reining Horse Rookie JTR CH $200 226 Arabian Reining Horse Open CH $210 235 Arabian Reining Horse Junior Horse CH $210 1459 ....... Arabian Reining Horse AATR CH ....................................................................................................... $210 437 HA/AA Reining Horse JOTR 14 & Under CH $200 438 HA/AA Reining Horse JOTR 15-18 CH $200 1184 HA/AA Reining Horse JTR CH $200 3197 ....... HA/AA Reining Horse Intermediate JTR CH ................................................................................... $200 3198 HA/AA Reining Horse Limited JTR CH $200 3199 HA/AA Reining Horse Rookie JTR CH $200 661 HA/AA Reining Horse Open CH $210 669 ......... HA/AA Reining Horse Junior Horse CH ........................................................................................... $210 1469 ....... HA/AA Reining Horse AATR CH ......................................................................................................... $210 RANCHRIDINGHORSE 1256 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding JTR 14 & Under CH $200 1257 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 3007 ...... Arabian Ranch Horse Riding Open CH............................................................................................. $210 3043 ...... Arabian Ranch Horse Riding AATR CH ............................................................................................. $210 1258 HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding JTR 14 & Under CH $200 1259 HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding JTR 15 - 18 CH $200 3027 HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding Open CH $210 3039 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding AATR CH .............................................................................................. $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class T / Trail Warm Up @ $30 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $25.00 per class
44 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals CLASS LIST # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded T / Trail Warm Up @ $10 per class TO / Trail Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class C / Cattle Fee @ $100 per class RAIL 1741 ........ Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure JTR ........................................................................................... $200 1734 Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure Open CH $210 1742 Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR CH $210 2379 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure JTR CH ..................................................................................... $200 2345 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure Open CH .................................................................................. $210 2380 HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR CH $210 CLASSES THAT REQUIRE EXTRA FEES T - Trail Warm up $15 (new lower fee) Per class TO =Trail Obstacle Per Class $10 Additional Fee TRAILENGLISH TRAIL 2390 Arabian English Trail Horse JTR CH T, TO $225 180 Arabian English Trail Horse Open CH T, TO $235 2481 ....... Arabian English Trail Horse AATR CH ....................................................................T, TO ................. $235 2384 ...... HA/AA English Trail Horse JTR CH .........................................................................T, TO ................. $225 692 HA/AA English Trail Horse Open CH T, TO $235 2483 HA/AA English Trail Horse AATR CH T, TO $235 WESTERN TRAIL 1174 ........ Arabian Western Trail Horse JOTR CH ..................................................................T, TO ................. $225 1536 Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR 14 & Under CH T, TO $225 1537 Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR 15 - 18 CH T, TO $225 1535 Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR Select CH T, TO $225 211 ........... Arabian Western Trail Horse Open CH ..................................................................T, TO ................. $235 2482 Arabian Western Trail Horse AATR CH T, TO $235 1176 HA/AA Western Trail Horse JOTR CH T, TO $225 1589 HA/AA Western Trail Horse JTR 14 & Under CH T, TO $225 1590 ....... HA/AA Western Trail Horse JTR 15 - 18 CH ..........................................................T, TO ................. $225 1888 ....... HA/AA Western Trail Horse JTR Select CH ..........................................................T, TO ................. $225 646 HA/AA Western Trail Horse Open CH T, TO $235 2484 HA/AA Western Trail Horse AATR CH T, TO $235 REINED COW & HERD WORK C = CATTLE FEESREINED/HERD $100 PER CLASS THE CATTLE FEE FOR THE YOUTH CLASSES ONLY HAVE BEEN GRACIOUSLY SPONSORED FOR 2022 CATTLE PRACTICE SIGN UP ON THE APP = $35 PER COW 5 MIN 3044 ...... A/HA/AA Herd Work JTR CH ....................................................................................C NChg ............ $200 1471 A/HA/AA Herd Work Open CH C $310 1476 ....... A/HA/AA Herd Work AATR CH ................................................................................C ........................ $310 537 Arabian Reined Cow Horse JTR CH C NChg $200
45Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded C / Cattle Fee @ $00 per class W / Warm Up @ $30 per class J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50 JO / Jump Obstacle Fee @ $10 per class 260 ......... Arabian Reined Cow Horse Open CH ...................................................................C ........................ $310 538 HA/AA Reined Cow Horse JTR CH C NChg $200 705 HA/AA Reined Cow Horse Open CH C $310 1136 ........ Arabian Limited Reined Cow Horse JTR CH ........................................................C NChg ............ $200 1135 Arabian Limited Reined Cow AATR CH................................................................C $310 1143 ........ HA/AA Limited Reined Cow Horse JTR CH ..........................................................C NChg ............ $200 1138 ........ HA/AA Limited Reined Cow AATR CH..................................................................C........................$310 WORKING HUNTER & EQUITATION OVER OBSTACLES Additional Fees JO = Jump Obstacle Per Class $10 W = Warm Up $30 per class 2187 A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles (2’9”) JTR CHJO$210 330 ......... Arabian Working Hunter JTR CH (2’6”)..................................................................JO, W ............... $240 268 Arabian Working Hunter AOTR CH (2’9”) JO, W $240 1208 Arabian Working Hunter AATR CH (2’6”) JO, W $250 266 Arabian Working Hunter Open CH (3’) JO, W $250 784 ......... HA/AA Working Hunter JTR CH (2’6”) ...................................................................JO, W ............... $240 713 HA/AA Working Hunter AOTR CH (2’9”) JO, W $240 1792 HA/AA Working Hunter AATR CH (2’6”) JO, W $250 711 HA/AA Working Hunter Open CH (3’) JO, W $250 1608 A/HA/AA Working Hunter 14.2 & Under JTR CH (2’3”) JO, W $240 2141 ........ Arabian Hunter Hack JTR CH (2’3”) ........................................................................JO ..................... $210 2179 HA/AA Hunter Hack JTR CH (2’3”) JO $210 361 .......... Arabian Hunter Hack Open CH (2’6”) ....................................................................JO ..................... $220 767 HA/AA Hunter Hack Open CH (2’6”) JO $220 MISC J5 = AWPA & AHPA 5 judge fee $50.00 J = It’s All Relative Jackpot Fee $100.00 3121 It’s All Relative Western Pleasure Jackpot Challenge J $310 2385 AWPA Arabian Horse Times $15,000 Arabian Western Pl AAOTR Maturity J5 $260 2400 ...... AWPA Equine Athlete $15,000 Half-Arabian Western Pl AAOTR Maturity .......J5 ...................... $260 2021 AHPA Arabian Hunter Pl AOTR Jackpot J5 $260 2023 AHPA First Command Financial Services HA/AA Hunter Pl AOTR Jackpot J5 $260 EXHIBITION 2004 A/HA/AA Lead Line 2-6 EXHIBITION $000 CLASS ABBREVIATIONS JTR = Junior to Ride JOTR = Junior Owner to Ride ATR = Amateur to Rider All ages AATR = Adult Amateur to Rider AOTR = Amateur Owner to Ride all ages AAOTR = Adult Amateur Owner to Ride
46 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 202246 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 3/22/22ScheduleTentative class.thatinsectionsofnumbercorrestheaffectmaentriesofnumbertheineresectionsofnumbertheandclass,eachforectionsjentronbasedislistrizetheinrintedscheduleTheppyproquired.Anychangyponding entrclassreviewwillCommissionShowTheynumbersandsectionsaftertheentrydeadlineandwillrevisethescheduleaccordingyifdeemednecessary (D)HANDIN-HORSESPORT&ESSAGE(H)HUNTERWORKING(P)ARENAANCEPERFORMwJudgesNorickNORICKPANELJUDGE(JP)illrotateDR )()(Skaf)()(ScoBrian,)(Callahan-SmithAshleShelton,Joanan,RMikosz,JohnDavidHenderson,JanetGordon,BobyyToyeKathyP1gginsP2,DebWittyP3PeggyBeachy,RonBeachy,MeggaardD1DanielleToscano,AnneMossWD )(UPHAU Quarlesne)(Cind-yMugnier,D2KarenWinn,Way 12JULYTUESDAY,2022 ChAHYA-MEETINGBOARDAHYAillBox-5:30to7:00PM redinare2022forClassesNew 202213,JULYWEDNESDAY NOTEPLEASE PM6:00to2:00ArenaPerformance-UpWarmHorseTrail 202214,JulyMORNING,THURSDAY AM8ARENAARENAOUTDOOR&SPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE TBABreaksArenaPerformance SEC JP AM7:45WALK-THROUGHAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM TBABreaksArenaSpecialty Under&13JTRCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHAPH1AU SECCL# JP SECCL# JP SFPCHHorseTrailEnglishArabianUnderPH1AU&10Walk/TrotCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHA 1COURT UnderPH1B&10Walk/TrotCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHA U SF/FCHUnder&14JTRLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AASFPCHHorseTrailEnglishHA/AA D1 SF/FCHUnder&10Walk/TrotDressageA/HA/AA14-17JTRCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHAPH1AU D1 14-17JTRCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHAPH1BU ThruWalk&courseReset CHUnder&14JOTRLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AASF/F D1 SF/FCHUnder&14JTRLevelFirstDressageA/HA/AASFPCHAATRHorseTrailEnglishArabianAHRSCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureHunterArabian D1 SFPCHAATRHorseTrailEnglishHA/AABHRSCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureHunterArabian SFPCHJTRHorseTrailEnglishArabianATSGCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterArabian SFPCHJTRHorseTrailEnglishHA/AABTSGCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterArabian SF/FGTMCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA 2COURT SF/FGHSCHAATREnglishSaddleSideLadiesHA/AA BREAKLUNCHAPROX SF/FCHAATRLevelFirstDressageA/HA/AA D2 ArenaNorickofNorthside-classes1Phaseaftermin45-meetingUPHA SF/FCHLevelThirdDressageA/HA/AA D2 ThruWalk&courseResetPictureExhibitorNationalsYouthTimeFirst12:30 SF/FCHAATRLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AA D2 PM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONTHURSDAY SF/FCHLevelSecondDressageA/HA/AASFPCHUnder&10Walk/TrotHorseTrailWesternA/HA/AA D2 SF/FGTHCHJTRDrivingPleasureHA/AA CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterHA/AAAMST ThruWalk&courseReset CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterHA/AABMSTArabianWesternTrailHorseJTR14&UnderCHSFP TBAARENASPECIALTY-EVENINGTHURSDAY CHOver&50AATRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FRMHHA/AAWesternTrailHorseJTR14&UnderCHSFP CH-1815JTREquitationSeatDressageA/HA/AACHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianIHTMA D1 CHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianIIHTM ThruWalk&courseReset CH-1815JTREquitationSeatDressageA/HA/AAB D1 SFPCH15-18JTRHorseTrailWesternArabianCHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianIIIHTM CHOldsYr4&3HorseJuniorPleasureWesternArabianSFFGHTHA/AAWesternTrailHorseJTR15-18CHSFP CHJOTRHorseTrailWesternArabianAMSTCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianSFP CHJOTRHorseTrailWesternHA/AACHAHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSFP SFPCHAATRHorseTrailWesternArabianBMSTCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabian SFPCHAATRHorseTrailWesternHA/AACHBHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian CHOldsYr4&3HorseJuniorPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FGHT ThruWalk&courseReset PM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGTHURSDAY CHJOTRCostumeNativeMountedArabianSF/FGTSArabianWesternTrailHorseJTRSelectCHSFP CHSelectAAOTRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FTMSHA/AAWesternTrailHorseJTRSelectCHSFP CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FTHS CHOldsyr4&3HorseJuniorPleasureHunterArabianSF/FGRM TBATIMEPRACTICESTIRRUPSHORTDESIGNATE SF/FMHGCHAATRWesternSaddleSideLadiesArabian upWarmForARENAOPEN SF/FTRGCHChoiceJTRPleasureWesternHA/AA TRGCH49-19AATRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianA TRGCH49-19AATRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianB maClassese*Dressagynotrunintheorderorondaylisted*SHOWHORSECHAMPIONSHIPNATIONALHALF-ARABIAN&ARABIANSUMMERMID&YOUTH2022 claofhours24withinchangesschedulemakenottoCommissionShowtheofpolicytheisItass,unlessthereareextenuatingcircumstances. ARENANORICKJIM ONLYRIDERSUPHATOOPENARENAAM7:30to6:30outPatternsUPHAAM6:00 ALLOWEDHORSESNO~ONLYWALKPATTERNUPHAFOR inrunmightwhichclassesenteringofawarebepleaseentering,When solvetomadebewilleffortEverytime.sametheatringsdifferent toperiodsextensiveforheldbenotillwringshoweverconflicts,these conflictstimeofcaseinforfeitedbeillwfeesEntryconflicts.resolve resolved.becan’tthatsimultaneouslyrunningringstwobycausedforbestworkillIfyouhavemultipleclassesthesameday,itisstronglyadvisedtolookcloselyatthescheduleandrequestasectionthatwyoursituation.inrunmightwhichclassesenteringofawarebepleaseentering,WhenIfSectionsarecancelled,theSF/FMAYruninplaceofthesections.differentringsatthesametime.Everyeffortwillbemadetosolvethese solvetoperiodsextensiveforheldbenotwillringshoweverconflicts conflicts.Entryfeeswillbeforfeitedincaseoftimeconflictscausedbyrings resolved.becan’tthatsimultaneouslyrunning week.theinlatertomovedbetosubjectareSF/Fthedivided,betohaveClassesIf notaresectionsifentires,fordayeachmonitoredbeillwsectionsshow,theDuring thetopriordaythepm6bycancelledbewilltheywarrantedsections. 1:00-12:00Convention/AM11:30Registration-ArenaSales-ConventionAHYA
47Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 202215,JulyMORNING,FRIDAY AM8ARENAARENAOUTDOOR&SPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SFFGHTCH15-18JTRHackShowEnglishHA/AA AM7:45WALK-THROUGH ATSMCHUnder&14JTRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AA BTSMCHUnder&14JTRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AA TBABreaksArenaSpecialtyTBABreaksArenaPerformance CHOver&50AAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FRHT SECCL# JP SECCL# JP SFPCHHorseTrailWesternArabianSF/FGRHCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishHA/AA 1COURT SF/FCH18-15JTRLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AASFPCHHorseTrailWesternHA/AAARHSCH15-18SelectJTRPlEngCountryHA/AA D1 SF/FCHJTRLevelSecondDressageA/HA/AABRHSCH15-18SelectJTRPlEngCountryHA/AA D1 CHSelectAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FTSG DRAG SF/FCH18-15JTRLevelFirstDressageA/HA/AA D1 SF/FHTMCHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterHA/AA ASFPPatternCHUnder&10ReiningStirrupShortA/HA/AA PM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONFRIDAY 15SFPPatternCHUnder&14JOTRHorseReiningHA/AA SEC CH15-18JOTRHorseReiningArabianPattern11SFP SF/FGTHCHJTDDrivingPleasureArabian 2COURT CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterArabianIMSTA/HA/AADressageFirstLevelCHSF/F D2 CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterArabianIIMST BREAKLUNCHAPROX SF/FCHLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AA D2 CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterArabianIIIMST CH49-19AAOTRPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FSRHArabianRanchRidingCHPattern13SF/FP CHJOTREnglishSaddleSideLadiesArabianSF/FSRHHA/AARanchRidingAATRCHPattern8SF/FP PM7:00APROX-ARENASPECIALTY-EVENINGFRIDAY 7SF/FPatternCH15-18JTRRidingRanchArabianSF/FCHAATRHackShowEnglishArabianHRMP CHPH-2UUnder&10Walk/TrotCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHA CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FGTSA/HA/AADressageSeatEquitationJTR14&UnderCHA D1 CHOldsYr5HorseJuniorPleasureHunterArabianSF/FGRM PM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGFRIDAY CHUnder&14JTREquitationSeatDressageA/HA/AAB D1 JackpotAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AA2023AHPAA GHMRS JackpotAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AA2023AHPAB GHMRS SFPCHHorseReiningArabianPattern2 SFPCHHorseReiningHA/AAPattern2 PM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGFRIDAY SEC CHPH-2UUnder&13JTRCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHA CH14-17JTRCupChallengeBreedsArabianUPHAPH-2U CHEliteAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FTHR SF/FGRHCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishArabian SF/FRGSCHEnglishSaddleSideLadiesArabian CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FMGH SF/FGHRCHCostumeNativeMountedArabian maClassese*Dressagynotrunintheorderorondaylisted* AM8ARENANORICKJIM
48 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 202248 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 202216,JulyMORNING,SATURDAY AM8ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SF/FMGHCHAATDDrivingPleasureCountryHA/AA AM7:45WALK-THROUGH CHJOTRHackShowEnglishArabianSF/FSTM CHPleasureHunterArabianATHR TBABreaksArenaSpecialtyTBABreaksArenaPerfomance CH15-18JOTRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FGRT SECCL# JP CHHorseTrailEnglishArabianCHPleasureHunterArabianBTHRFNLW CHHorseTrailEnglishHA/AASF/FGRTCHChoiceJTRPleasureHunterArabianFNLW CH18-15JOTRLevelFirstDressageA/HA/AACHSelectAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianATMSSF/F D1 CHSelectAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianBTMS ThruWalk&courseReset CHUnder&14JOTRLevelFirstDressageA/HA/AASF/F D1 CH-1815JOTRLevelTrainingDressageA/HA/AASF/FTMGCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureHunterHA/AASF/F D1 CHAATRHorseTrailEnglishArabianSF/FMHGCHAATRWesternSaddleSideLadiesHA/AAFNLW CHAATRHorseTrailEnglishHA/AAFNLW PM1:00ARENANORICKJIM-AFTERNOONSATURDAY SEC JP ThruWalk&courseReset CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureHunterArabianAHTMArabianEnglishTrailHorseJTRCHFNLW CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureHunterArabianBHTMHA/AAEnglishTrailHorseJTRCHFNLW CHOver&50AATRPlEngCountryArabianSF/FRMH CHOldsyr4&3HorseJuniorPleasureHunterArabianSF/FGRM BREAKLUNCHAPROX TSGCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterHA/AAA TSGCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterHA/AAB ThruWalk&courseReset CH15-18JTRHorseTrailWesternArabianAMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAFNLW CH15-18JTRHorseTrailWesternHA/AABMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAFNLW CHJOTRHorseTrailWesternArabianRSMSF/FCHoldsyr5HorseJuniorPleasureWesternArabianFNLWA/HA/AADressageSeatEquitationJTR14&UnderCHSF/F D1 CHJOTRHorseTrailWesternHA/AAAMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianFNLWA/HA/AADressageSeatEquitationJTR15-18CHSF/F D1 BMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian SF/FMTHCHAATRPleasureEnglishArabian ThruWalk&courseReset CHAATRHorseTrailWesternArabianSF/FSHTCHJTRWesternSaddleSideLadiesArabianFNLW CHAATRHorseTrailWesternHA/AAFNLW PM7:00ARENANORICKJIM-EVENINGSATURDAY SEC JP ThruWalk&courseReset CHJOTRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AASF/FGTSA/HA/AAWesternTrailHorseWalk/Trot10&UnderCHFNLW SF/FMTHCHAATRPleasureEnglishHA/AA SF/FGTHCHUnder&14JTREquitationSeatSaddleArabian PM6:00BEFORENOT JackpotAOTRPleasureHunterArabianAHPAA GMRST CHUnder&14JTRHorseTrailWesternArabianFNLW JackpotAOTRPleasureHunterArabianAHPAB GMRST CHUnder&14JTRHorseTrailWesternHA/AAFNLW ThruWalk&courseReset CHSelectJTRHorseTrailWesternArabianFNLW CHSelectJTRHorseTrailWesternHA/AAFNLW AM8ARENANORICKJIM maClassese*Dressagynotrunintheorderorondaylisted* 4:30APROX-ARENASPECIALTY-EVENINGSATURDAY
49Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 202217,JulyMORNING,SUNDAY AM9ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SF/FMGHCHAATDDrivingPleasureCountryArabian AM7:45WALK-THROUGH SF/FHRTCHUnder&14JTRHackShowEnglishHA/AA TBABreaksArenaSpecialty TSGSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterArabian TBABreaksArenaPerfomance HMTCHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianA MossAnne1TRIANGLE HMTCHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianB SECCL# JP SF/FCHJTHIn-HandMaresHorseSportHA/AA SF/FCHIn-HandMaresHorseSportHA/AACHHorseTrailWesternArabianSF/FHRSCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureHunterArabianFNLP CHOver&50AATRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FRSMHA/AAWesternTrailHorseCHFNLP AGRMCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA ToscanoDanielle2TRIANGLE BGRMCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA DRAG SF/FCHJTHIn-HandMaresHorseSportArabian CHSelectAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AAATSGArabianSportHorseGeldingsIn-HandCHSF/F CHSelectAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AABTSGArabianRanchRidingJTR14&UnderCHPattern10SF/FP BREAKLUNCHAPROX 12.:30APROX MossAnne1TRIANGLE SF/FCHAATHIn-HandGeldingsHorseSportArabian13SF/FPPatternCHRidingRanchHA/AA PM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONSUNDAY SF/FCHAATHIn-HandGeldingsHorseSportHA/AA8SF/FPPatternCHAATRRidingRanchArabian SEC JP SF/FCHAATHIn-HandMaresHorseSportArabian7SF/FPatternCH15-18JTRRidingRanchHA/AAP SF/FSRHCHUnder&10Walk/TrotJTHShowmanshipA/HA/AA TRGSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian ToscanoDanielle2TRIANGLE CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterArabianAMSTHA/AASportHorseGeldingsIn-HandCHSF/F CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterArabianBMSTArabianSportHorseMaresIn-HandCHSF/F SF/FCHAATHIn-HandMaresHorseSportHA/AASF/FGRMCHUnder&10Walk/TrotEquitationSeatSaddleHA/AA SF/FRMGCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishArabian HSTCH49-19AATRPleasureWesternArabianA 6:00APROXHSTCH49-19AATRPleasureWesternArabianB SF/FTSHCHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureWesternHA/AA MossAnne1TRIANGLE CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FGSTHA/AASportHorseGeldingsIn-HandJTHCHSF/F ToscanoDanielle2TRIANGLE PM7:00Approx.EVENINGSPM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGSUNDAYUNDAY SF/FCHJTHIn-HandGeldingsHorseSportArabian SECCL#SEC JP 8:304SFPAPROXatternCHAATRHorseReiningArabianSF/FTMGCHUnder&14JTHShowmanshipA/HA/AAP SFPCHAATRHorseReiningHA/AASF/FCHAATRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AAMTHPattern4 MossAnne1TRIANGLE 15SFPPatternCHUnder&14JOTRHorseReiningArabianSF/FHSRCH15-18JTHShowmanshipA/HA/AAArabianSportHorseStallionsIn-HandCHSF/F CH15-18JOTRHorseReiningHA/AACHSelectAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianAGSTPattern11SFP ToscanoDanielle2TRIANGLE CHSelectAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianBGSTArabianSportHorseStallionsIn-HandAATHCHSF/FAM8ARENANORICKJIM
50 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 202250 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 202218,JulyMORNING,MONDAY AM8:00ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP CHJOTREnglishSaddleSideLadiesHA/AASF/FTHS TBABreaksArenaSpecialtyTBABreaksArenaPerfomance CHOver&50AATRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FRHT SECCL# JP SECMossCL#Anne JP SF/FCHJTRBasicDressageWesternSF/FP12312A/HA/AACHUnder&14JTRHorsemanshipWesternArabianSF/FMRGCHUnder&10Walk/TrotEquitationSeatSaddleArabian WD SF/FP2CH15-18JTRHorsemanshipWesternHA/AACHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianAHTM SF/FP3AATRHorsemanshipWesternA/HA/AACHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianBHTM CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianARHS DRAG CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianBRHS 8SFPatternCHHorseJuniorHorseReining669HA/AASF/FHRTCHUnder&14JTRHackShowEnglishArabianW CHOver&50AAOTRPleasureEnglishArabianSF/FTSH SF/FGRTCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureWesternHA/AA AFTERNOONMONDAY PM1:00APROXARENASPECIALTYpm1:00ARENAPERFORMANCEPM1:00ARENANORICKJIM SEC JP SECCL# JP SECH/JToscano,CL#Moss, MGHSF/FCHJTDDrivingPleasureCountryHA/AA w31993198,3197,1184,Classesillrunconcurrently SF/FCHHackShowHorseSportHA/AA8Pattern CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FHTMHA/AAReiningHorseJTRCHSFWHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleJTR15-18CHA CHOver&50AATRPleasureWesternArabianARSMHA/AAReiningHorseIntermediateJTRCHSFWHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleJTR15-18CHB CHOver&50AATRPleasureWesternArabianBRSMHA/AAReiningHorseLimitedJTRCHSFWArabianSportHorseUnderSaddleCHA CH18-14JOTRPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FGSMHA/AAReiningHorseRookieJTRCHSFWArabianSportHorseUnderSaddleCHB CHUnder&10Walk/TrotSaddleUnderHorseSportA/HA/AASF/FTSHCHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureWesternArabianA CHOpenHackShowEnglishHA/AASF/FMGR DRAG CHUnder&10Walk/TrotSaddleUnderHorseSportA/HA/AAB CHAHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA235ArabianReining Horse SFFCHAATRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabianSFW8PatternHorseJunior CHUnder&14JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabianCHBHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAA CHUnder&14JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabianCHJTRPleasureRailHorseRanchHA/AACHSF/FSTMUnder&10Walk/TrotEquitationSeatWesternArabianAP1B CHAATRSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AACHJTRPleasureRailHorseRanchHA/AASF/FGRMCHHorseJrPleassureEnglish91ArabianBP1A CHAATRSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AACHJTRPleasureRailHorseRanchArabianAP2B SF/FCHJTRHackShowHorseSportHA/AACHJTRPleasureRailHorseRanchArabianBP2 EVENINGMONDAY PM7:00ARENASPECIALTYPM7:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SECCL# JP SECH/JToscano,CL#Moss, SF/FChampHorseJrSaddleUnderHorseSport780HA/AASF/FP1CHPleasureRailHorseRanchArabianSF/FSRHCH15-18JTRCostumeNativeMountedArabian CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FMGHHA/AARanchHorseRailPleasureAATRCHSF/FP2(Intheclasslist-missedintheschedule) SF/FCHJTRHackShowHorseSportArabianCHHorseReiningHA/AASF/FTSMCHEliteJTRPleasureHunterHA/AAPattern9FNLW -$15,000TimesHorseArabianAWPAA RGHMS CHUnder&14JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AACHHorseReiningArabianPattern9FNLWA MaturityAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleJTR14&UnderCHB -$15,000TimesHorseArabianAWPAB RGHMS SF/FCHHackShowHorseSportArabian MaturityAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianArabianSportHorseUnderSaddleJTR15-18CHA CH15-18JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabianSF/FGTHCHUnder&14JTREquitationSeatSaddleHA/AAB CHSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AAA CHSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AAB AM8:00ARENANORICKJIM PM6:15ArenaNorickJim-CONTESTHORSESTICKPM7:00NORICKJIM
51Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 202219,JulyMORNING,TUESDAY AM8:00-ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SECMossCL#Anne JP CHOpenDrivingPleasureHA/AASF/FMRS TBABreaksArenaPerformance SF/FCHJTRIntroDressageWestern2212A/HA/AA WD SF/FCHAATRHackShowEnglishHA/AAHRM SECCL# JP SF/FCHJTR1LevelDressageWestern2412A/HA/AAWD CHOldsYr5HorseJuniorPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FRMSHA/AAWesternHorsemanshipJTR14&UnderCHSF/FP2 SF/FP3CH15-18JTRHorsemanshipWesternArabianCHSF/FHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian SF/FSTRCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureWesternArabian DRAG CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FHTMHA/AARanchHorseRailPleasureCHSF/FP3 SF/FP3CHAATRPleasureRailHorseRanchArabianSF/FRMGCHPleasureEnglishArabian TSRSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA SF/FTHRCHPleasureHunterArabian POLESSETDRAG 10SF/FWPatternCHUnder&14JTRRidingRanchHA/AA PM1:00ARENAPERFORMANCE-AFTERNOONTUESDAYPM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONTUESDAY SEC JP SECCL# JP CHOpenDrivingPleasureArabianSF/FMRS w31893188,3187,1648,Classesillrunconcurrently 8Pattern SFWCHJTRHorseReiningArabianSF/FSHTCHJTRWesternSaddleSideLadiesHA/AA CHEliteAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FRHTArabianReiningHorseIntermediateJTRCHSFW PM4:30ESTIMATE-ARENASPECIALTY-AFTERNOONTUESDAY CHOpenPleasureHunterHA/AAATHRArabianReiningHorseLimitedJTRCHSFW CHOpenPleasureHunterHA/AABTHRArabianReiningHorseRookieJTRCHSFW SECH/JToscano,CL#Moss, CHSelectAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FTMS DRAG SF/FHorseJrSaddleUnderHorseSport342Arabian CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAARHS(Intheclasslist-missedintheschedule) CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AABRHSHA/AAReiningSeatEquitationJTR15-18CHPattern3SF/FWArabianSportHorseUnderSaddleJTR15-18CHSF/F CHOpenHorseParkHA/AASF/FRMSHA/AAReiningSeatEquitationJTR14&UnderCHPattern3SF/FWA/HA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleWalk/Trot10&UnderCHSF/F CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishArabianAGSMHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleAATRCHSF/F CH15-18JOTRPleasureEnglishArabianBGSM CHSelectAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FGST SF/FTSMCHUnder&14JTRCostumeNativeMountedArabian PM7:00ARENASPECIALTY-EVENINGTUESDAYPM7:00ARENAANCEPERFORM-EVENINGTUESDAYPM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGTUESDAY SEC JP SECCL# JP CL# H/JToscano,Moss, SEC CHOpenDrivingPleasureCountryArabianSF/FRTMArabianReiningHorseAATRCHPattern8FNLWHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleJTR15-18CHSF/F SF/FCHUnder&14JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabian8PatternCHAATRHorseReiningHA/AARMSSF/FCHAATRHorseParkArabianFNLW SF/FCHSaddleUnderHorseSportArabianSF/FGHRCHCostumeNativeMountedHA/AA SF/FRMSCH15-18JTREquitationSeatSaddleArabian -$15,000TimesHorseArabianAWPASF/F GMRST SF/FCHUnder&14JTRSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AA MaturityAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianHA/AASportHorseUnderSaddleCHSF/FAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM
52 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 202220,JulyMORNING,WEDNESDAY AM8:00-ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SECCL# JP SECCL# JP CHOpenDrivingPleasureCountryHA/AASF/FRTMArabianReiningSeatEquitationJTR15-18CHPattern3SF/FP AHCHUnder&10Walk/TrotJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterHA/AA3SF/FPPatternCHUnder&14JTREquitationSeatReiningArabianSF/FGHTCH15-18JTRHackShowEnglishArabian BHCHUnder&10Walk/TrotJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterHA/AAHSTSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureWesternHA/AA CHUnder&14JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterHA/AACHHorseJuniorHoreReining669HA/AACHSF/FGSRUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAPattern5FNLPAH CHSelectAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FTSGHA/AAHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR14&UnderCHBH CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAAHMTArabianRanchHorseRailPleasureJTRCHSFFPArabianHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR15-18CHAH CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AABHMTHA/AARanchHorseRailPleasureJTRCHSFFPArabianHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR15-18CHBH CHOldsYr5HorseJuniorPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FGRM SF/FGHMCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureWesternHA/AA CH15-18JOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FMST PM12:30DuckaChuck AFTERNOONWEDNESDAY PM1:00-ARENASPECIALTYPM1:00ARENAPERFORMANCE SEC JP SECCL# JP SECCL# JP SF/FGRSCHWesternSaddleSideLadiesHA/AA w31993198,3197,1184,Classesillrunconcurrently CHUnder&14JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterArabian14PatternAH CHUnder&14JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterArabianCHJTRHorseReiningHA/AASF/FRHSCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AAFNLPBH CH49-19AAOTRPleasureEnglishArabianSF/FSRHHA/AAReiningHorseIntermediateJTRCHFNLPArabianHunterSeatEquitationWalk/Trot10&UnderCHAH CH15-18JOTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FGRTHA/AAReiningHorseLimitedJTRCHFNLPArabianHunterSeatEquitationWalk/Trot10&UnderCHBH CHSelectAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FGSTHA/AAReiningHorseRookieJTRCHFNLPHA/AAHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR15-18CHAH CH15-18JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterHA/AASF/FMTHCHSelectJTRPleasureEnglishHA/AABH GMRSF/FCHAATRHorseParkHA/AA CHUnder&14JOTRHorseReiningArabianCHChoiceAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianAGTSPattern11FNLP CH15-18JOTRHorseReiningArabianCHChoiceAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianBGTSPattern15FNLP JackpotAOTRHunterHA/AA2023AHPASF/F GHMRS HorsJuniorHorseReining235ArabianePattern5FNLP CHUnder&10ReiningStirrupShort390A/HA/AAPatternBFNLP EVENINGWEDNESDAY CLASSESNOCLASSESNOCLASSESNOPM6:30TRAILCHISOLM-PARADECARTGOLFANDPARTYBLOCK PM1:00ARENANORICKJIMAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM
53Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 202221,JulyMORNING,THURSDAY AM8:00-ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCEAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM SEC JP SECCL# JP CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FTSH TBABreaksArenaPerformance oundrupwarmaincludeassesclhunterworkingAll CH18-15JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FRHS SECCL# JP roundjudgedyourpreceeding CHOpenPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FMGRA/HA/AAShowmanshipAATHCHSF/FP1 HSTSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureWesternArabian SCHOOLINGOPENONLYEXHIBITORSRAILCROSS CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSFFHMT w31893188,3187,1648,Classesillrunconcurrently 14Pattern MIN45Aprox. (18")AHCHO/FUnder&10Walk/TrotRailCrossHunterWorkingA/HA/AACHJTRHorseReiningArabianSF/FMSTCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianFNLP CHBHO/FUnder&10Walk/TrotRailCrossHunterWorkingA/HA/AACHJTRIntermediateHorseReiningArabianCHSF/FRGHUnder&10Walk/TrotEquitationSeatWesternHA/AAFNLP MatAAAOTRPlWesternHA/AA$15,000AthleteEquineAWPA GMRST CHC/FNLHUnder&10Walk/TrotRailCrossHunterWorkingA/HA/AACHJTRLimitedHorseReiningArabianFNLP MatBAAOTRPlWesternHA/AA$15,000AthleteEquineAWPA GMRST CHJTRRookievReiningArabianFNLP 12:00-10:30SCHOOLINGOPEN CHUnder&14JOTRHorseReiningHA/AAPattern11FNLP CH15-18JOTRHorseReiningHA/AAPattern15FNLP STARTPM12:30APROX-ARENASPECIALTY (2'3")CHO/FJTRUnder&14.2HunterWorkingA/HA/AAAH PM3:00Approx.-ARENAPERFORMANCEPM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONTHURSDAY CHO/FJTRUnder&14.2HunterWorkingA/HA/AABH SEC JP SECCL# JP FNLHCCHU/SJTRUnder&14.2HunterWorkingA/HA/AA CHOpenOver&3BreedingMareArabianSF/FGHSCHAATREnglishSaddleSideLadiesArabianSF/FP3 CHAATHOver&3In-HandGeldingArabianSF/FRHSCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FP1 CHOpenOver&3In-HandGeldingSF/FRMG451HA/AACHOpenPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FP3Resetcourse (2'6")CHO/FJTRHunterWorkingArabianCHAATHOver&3BreedingStallionArabianCHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishArabianSF/FTHSSF/FP2AH CHO/FJTRHunterWorkingArabianCHOpenOver&3BreedingMareHA/AACHOpenHackShowEnglishArabianSF/FMGRSF/FP3BH CHAATHOver&3BreedingMareArabianSF/FGRTCH15-18SelectJTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FP1ArabianWorkingHunterJTRU/SCH(C/FNL)CFNLH CHOpenOver&3In-HandGeldingArabianSF/FGTMCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FP3 CHAATHOver&3In-HandGeldingHA/AASF/FHTMCHUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FP1 (2'6")CHO/FJTRHunterWorkingHA/AACHOpenOver&3BreedingStallionArabianTSGSF/FCH49-19AATRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FP1AH CHO/FJTRHunterWorkingHA/AACHAATHOver&3BreedingMareHA/AAAMSTCH18-15SelectJTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FP1BH FNLHCCHU/SJTRHunterWorkingHA/AABMSTCH18-15SelectJTRPleasureHunterHA/AA CLASSCOSTUMEDOG PM7-PM6SCHOOLINGOPEN RACESDOGANNUAL13TH PM7:30Approx-ARENASPECIALTYPM6:00Approximately PM7:00ARENAPERFORMANCE (3')CHHunterWorkingArabianAH SEC JP SECCL# JP CHHunterWorkingArabianBH CHJTHOver&3In-HandGeldingHA/AASF/FCHAATRCostumeNativeArabianMTHSF/FP2ArabianWorkingHunterCHC/FNLH CHJTHOver&3BreedingMareArabianCHEliteAAOTRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FTHRSF/FP2 CHJTHOver&3BreedingMareHA/AACHOpenPleasureWesternArabianSF/FRGMSF/FP2 CHJTHOver&3In-HandGeldingArabianCHEliteAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FRMGSF/FP2HA/AAWorkingHunterCH(3')AH CHHunterWorkingHA/AASF/FMRGCHHorseParkArabianBH JackpotAOTRPleasureHunterArabianAHPASF/F GMRST C/FNLHCHHunterWorkingHA/AA
54 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 202222,JulyMORNING,FRIDAY AM8:00ARENASPECIALTYAM8:00ARENAPERFORMANCEAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM SEC JP SECCL# JP oundSECclhunterworkingCL#Allassesincludeawarmupr JP JTHOver&3MareHalterPerformance2759ArabianCHOpenEnglishSaddleSideLadiesHA/AASF/FRGSSF/FP3 roundudgedjyourpreceeding JTHOver&3MareHalterPerformance2838HA/AACHJOTRHackShowEnglishHA/AASF/FSTMSF/FP1 TBABreaksArenaSpecialty JTHOver&3GeldingHalterPerformance2758ArabianSF/FGRMCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FP2 JTHOver&3GeldingHalterPerformance2839HA/AASF/FMTHCHSelectJTRPleasureEnglishArabianSF/FP2 Equitation.forroundsWarm-UpnoareThere CHJTRObstaclesOverEquitationSeatHunterA/HA/AACHAATHOver&3GeldingHalterPerformanceHA/AASF/FMHSCHUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureEnglishA/HA/AASF/FP1SF/FH SF/FGRMCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA COURSERESET CHEliteAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FRMG MIN30SCHOOLINGOPEN CH18-15JOTRPleasureHunterArabianSF/FMSTArabianWorkingHunterAATRCH(2'6")AH CHAATRHunterWorkingArabianSF/FGRTCHChoiceJTRPleasureHunterHA/AABH C/FNLHCHAATRHunterWorkingArabian (2'6")CHAATRHunterWorkingHA/AAAH CHAATRHunterWorkingHA/AABH C/FNLHCHAATRHunterWorkingHA/AA PM1:00-ARENASPECIALITYpm1:00ApproxARENAPERFORMANCEPM1:00NORICKJIM-AFTERNOONFRIDAY SEC JP SECCL# JP (2'9")CHAOTRHunterWorkingArabianSF/FMRGCHJTREnglishSaddleSideLadiesArabianAH CHAOTRHunterWorkingArabianCHAATHOver&3MareHalterPerformanceHA/AACHOver&50AATRPleasureWesternArabianSFFRSMSF/FP3BH CHAOTRHunterWorkingArabianCHJOTHOver&3BreedingMareArabianCHUnder&14JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASFFHMTSF/FP1C/FNLH CHAATHOver&3GeldingHalterPerformanceArabianCH18-15JOTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabianSF/FRHSSF/FP2 (2'9")CHAOTRHunterWorkingHA/AACHAATHOver&3MareHalterPerformanceArabianCHEliteAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FRHTSF/FP1AH CHAOTRHunterWorkingHA/AACHJOTHOver&3In-HandGeldingArabianSF/FRMGCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FP1BH MaturitySF/FAAOTRPlWesternHA/AA$15,000AthleteEquineAWPA GMRST CHAOTRHunterWorkingHA/AAC/FNLH SF/FMRGCHJTRParkArabian min30SCHOOLINGHACKHUNTER STARTPMAPROX-ARENASPECIALTY4:00 PM7:00ARENAANCEPERFORMPM7:00NORICKJIM-EVENINGFRIDAY 6:15CEREMONYYOUTHGRADUATING SF/FH(2'3")CHJTRHackHunterArabian PM6:45CeremoniesOpen SF/FH(2'3")CHJTRHackHunterHA/AA SEC JP COURSERESETPracticeCattle SF/FH(2'6")CHHackHunterArabianSF/FTSMCHUnder&14JTRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AA SF/FH(2'6")CHHackHunterHA/AASF/FMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian CHUnder&14JOTRPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FTSH SF/FRMSCH18-15JTREquitationSeatSaddleHA/AA APPROXPM7:30-ARENASPECIALTY EXHIBITIONJTRReiningFreestyleA/HA/AASF/FP PRACTICEEQUITATIONSEATHUNTERTOOPENEVENINGFRIDAY
55Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association MAKE SURE TO PICK UP CONVENTIONEXHIBITORYOURT-SHIRTATTHEAHYA ATJULYWEDNESDAY13thNOON 202223,JulyMORNING,SATURDAY AM8:00ARENASPECIALTYAM8ARENAPERFORMANCEAM8:00ARENANORICKJIM SEC JP SECCL# JP SECCL# JP CHOpenWorkHerdSF/FGSR1471A/HA/ACHOpenWesternSaddleSideLadiesArabianSF/FPHA/AAHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR14&UnderCHSF/FH SF/FHCH15-18JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterArabianSF/FPCHJTRWorkHerdA/HA/AACHSF/FRTGUnder&10Walk/TrotPleasureEnglishCountryArabian CHOver&50AATRPleasureEnglishHA/AASF/FTSH1476A/HA/AAHerdWorkAATRCHSF/FPArabianHunterSeatEquitationWalk/Trot10&UnderCHSF/FH SF/FHCHAATRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterA/HA/AACHSF/FHMTUnder&14SelectJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA CHOpenPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FTHR SF/FMSTCH18-15SelectJTRPleasureHunterHA/AA CHOpenPleasureWesternHA/AASF/FRGM SF/FTGRCHChoiceJTRPleasureWesternArabian SF/FMRGCHJTREnglishSaddleSideLadiesHA/AA AFTERNOONSATURDAY PM1:00ARENASPECIALTYPM1:00ARENAPERFORMANCEPM1:00ARENANORICKJIM SEC JP SECPATTERNSNRCHACL# JP SECCL# JP OHorseCowReinedArabianSF/FGHSCHJTDDrivingPleasureCountryArabianpenPattern4SF/FPHA/AAHunterSeatEquitationNottoJumpJTR15-18CHSF/FH CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AASF/FGST705 OHorseCowReinedHA/AApenPattern4 CHSF/FHUnder&10Walk/TrotJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterHA/AASF/FP CHSF/FHUnder&14JTRJumptoNotEquitationSeatHunterArabian1SF/FPatternCHJTRHorseCowReinedArabianSF/FRTSCHEliteJTRPleasureWesternHA/AAP CHChoiceAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianSF/FGTSHA/AAReinedCowHorseJTRCHPattern1SF/FP CH18-15JOTRPleasureEnglishArabianSF/FGSMArabianLimitedReinedCowHorseAATRPattern8SF/FP EXHIBITIONOldYear2-6LineLeadA/HA/AASF/FHSTHA/AALimitedReinedCowHorseAATRPattern8SF/FP 7SF/FPatternCHJTRHorseCowReinedLimitedArabianSF/FTSMCHEliteJTRPleasureHunterArabianP CHOpenPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AASF/FMGRHA/AALimitedReinedCowHorseJTRCHPattern7SF/FP ChallengeSF/FJackpotPleasureWesternA/HA/AARelativeAllIt'sTBA EVENINGSATURDAY ARENASPECIALTYARENAPERFORMANCEPM7:00ARENANORICKJIM PM6:45CeremoniesOpen SEC JP SF/FSRHCH15-18JTRCostumeNativeMountedHA/AA SF/FGRMCHEliteJTRPleasureEnglishCountryArabian CLASSESNOCLASSESNO SF/FMGTCHChoiceJTRPleasureEnglishCountryHA/AA SF/FRTSCHEliteJTRPleasureWesternArabian SF/FGMRCHJTRHorseParkHA/AA
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.5 All Scratches MUST be recorded by the She Secretary and must be made at least TWO HOURS prior to the session in which the class is held to be considered official.
Please refer to General Rules for all shows – GR 8.9 Any changes to the originally entered rider, driver, handler or equitation horse must be recorded with the Show Secretary at least TWO HOURS before the session in which the change is made. Changes can be done on the AHA App, web site or in person at the show office. Once a class section has run, rider/driver/handler changes for advancing sections are not allowed except for a medical emergency per USEF rules. Please make sure the correct rider is listed for your classes. If there is a change of Equitation horse after the order of go has been posted, the exhibitor with the change MAY be moved to the first go. UPHA rules EQ 118.15.4 the SAME horse must be used for BOTH phases except with a vet certificate.
56 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 PLEASE REFER TO GENERAL RULES FOR ALL SHOWS ENTRY INFORMATION Please refer to the General Rules GR 19 for complete rules and information. Online entry for the Youth/Mid-Summer National Championship Show will be available until midnight (MT) June 1, 2021. Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure that their entries are received. If you email your entries, please contact AHA if you do NOT get a return email acknowledging the receipt of your entry on the same or next business day. AHA will accept faxed/emailed entries with a valid credit card. However we strongly discourage faxed entries. Photos of an entry form will not be accepted. Photos and Faxed Copies are often illegible. DO NOT SUBMIT AN ENTRY BY MORE THAN ONE METHOD AS CREDIT CARDS MAY BE CHARGED MULTIPLE TIMES. ENTERING FOR HORSES & RIDERS NOT QUALIFIED BY THE CLOSING DATE Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of Youth & Mid Summer Nationals MUST enter and pay the fee. If Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified. Failure to qualify for any one class will results in a refund for that class. FULL PAYEMENT must accompany your entry. Please do not split any charges for an entry between exhibitors, horses or stables. Checks and credit cards covering multiple entries need to be accompanied by a detailed description of how the money is to be applied listing all the horses & total fees on a per horse and a contact phone number. Mail to: Attn: Youth Nationals 10805 East Bethany Drive, Aurora, CO 80014 Fax to: 303-696-4599 (please include cover sheet) Email to: POST ENTRIES Post entries may not be listed in the program and may not be stalled with horses from the same barn. Please refer to Important Dates & Deadlines for the Championship show. ENTRY REFUNDS Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.10 SHOW ACCOUNTS Refer to GR 18.7 All open accounts must be closed before the closing of the Show Office by 5 PM on the last day of the show. Management will close all show accounts not closed out by the end of the show will be assessed a Failure to Close Out fee of $100. HORSES NOT ENTERED IN THE SHOW (NON COMPETING HORSES) Please refer to GR 31. UNREGISTERED HORSES Please refer to GR 18.2.a and GR 44. EQUITATIONRIDER/HANDLERHORSE
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.6 Exhibitors with possible ring conflicts, should identify section requests on the Official Entry Form. At the show sections can be requested via the AHA App, web site or in person. All requests MUST be submitted BY NOON the day prior to when the sections are to be posted. Sections will be posted one day prior to the scheduled class.
1. To be eligible for either AHPA Hunter Pleasure AOTR Jackpot classes, any previously nominated AHPA horse may enter and compete. A list of nominated horses is available at www.arabian
4. All AHPA Entry payments are final and nonrefundable. Any portion of a payment not
All classes will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book. Any exceptions will be noted as “USEF Exception”. When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however rings will not be held for extensive periods to solve conflicts.
A large RV park with water, electricity and sewer station is located on the Fairgrounds (both 50 amp and 30 amp services). For more information, call the Oklahoma State Fairground Office at (405) 948-6700. Camper space must be reserved directly from the Fairground. No motor homes, travel trailers, campers or other RV’s may park in the Fairground’s parking lots or on the roads of the Fairgrounds. The nightly rate is $25 per night.
STALLIONS Stallions are prohibited from being exhibited in Showmanship, Walk/Trot-Jog and Lead Line classes.
Arena signage may be purchased using the form found on the AHA website. Arena signage space is limited and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. AHA will produce the arena signs as follows: one 3’ x 4’ sign, in the arena of your choice. for the signs must be emailed to NationalEvents or mailed on CD to AHA by June 1, must be in .jpg or .png format. AHA is not liable for exact color match. Artwork must be laid out so that it will fit on a 3’ x 4’ horizontal sign. Please find the Exhibitor Information on the Youth & Mid Summer webpage or call AHA at (303) 696-4500 for more information or questions. refer to General Rules GR 5 for complete will be open from July 14 - 23 from 8 AM until 30 minutes after classes end. All awards not claimed by the close of the show will be with no exceptions. No awards will be mailed. Awards will be for sale in the Awards Room for Champion, Reserve Champion Trophy and Top Ten Plaques for Youth Nationals and for Gold and Silver trophies for Mid-Summer.
57Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 ARABIAN BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES & PRIZE MONEY
Premium VIP Motor Home and Camper Spots are available directly on the show grounds in the VIP lot at the north end of Barn 9 close to all arenas and barns. The lot is paved and each site has full hook-up including power (50 amp), sewer and water. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The reservation form is located on the website at
2 Current AHA and USEF/EC Membership is required for participation in all AHA & AHPA programs.
Each exhibitor will be awarded only one Champion ship jacket or belt-buckle per Youth National show. For example, should a rider receive 3 Championship titles, the rider will only be awarded one jacket or one buckle for the first Championship title earned. Any exhibitor who earns more than one Champion ship title has the opportunity to purchase additional jackets and/or buckles. Additional buckles may be purchased from the Awards Room during the show, or from the AHA Office once the show has ended. Additional jackets and patches may be ordered in the Awards room.
If you have multiple classes the same day, it is strongly advised to look closely at the schedule and request a section that will work best for your situation.
Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultaneously that can’t be resolved.
3. A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non-family owners cannot be shown in an AHPA Jackpot class at any show.
Please refer to GR 3 in the General Rules.
The Highest Scoring Award received in Training or above ridden by a JTR or JOTR will be presented an award.
SECTION If needed, the AHPA AOTR Jackpot section cuts will be run as standard Hunter Pleasure Amateur classes. Eight (8) horses will be selected from each section to move forward to compete in the AHPA Hunter Pleasure Futurity Finals.
58 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 postmarked/electronic transaction dated by the deadlines will cause that entry to be considered a late entry. There will be no refunds on any payment.
5. To be shown in the AHPA Hunter Pleasure AOTR Jackpot, the owner must also pay the AHPA Class Entry fee, as well as all additional AHA entry and office fees by the closing date of the show. In order to receive the prize money pay outs, winning horse owners must send the AHPA a completed W9 form within sixty days of the completion of the show. If the W9 form is not received within that time, no pay out will be issued.
ranked and points applied according to the following table: 1st = 50 2nd = 46 3rd = 42 4th = 38 5th = 34 6th = 30 7th = 26 8th = 22 9th = 18 10th = 14 11th or any Reserve = 10 Judges will complete two cards in the final. One
Horses will show in a standard amateur hunter pleasure class. Horses will be shown at a walk, trot, canter and hand gallop both directions of the ring. They will be asked to halt, stand quietly and back readily on the rail. In the finals only, judges are not to walk the line after the completion of this phase.
a. Horses will be lined up single file along the in-gate side of the arena.
7 Prize money checks must be cashed within 90 days of the date issued. Checks will be considered void after that time.
e The rider must be the handler for the conforma tion portion of the class.
f Judges will place emphasis on correct conformation, soundness, and movement.
b Two headers/attendants will be allowed into the arena per horse to assist in removing the saddle. They will be allowed to bring a saddle rack, one body brush, one tail brush and one rag/cloth to prepare the horse.
g Horses are not to be schooled or stood up before or after they are at the marker to be judged. This may result in an elimination.
following tables. PHASE
final placings. Each
PHASE 1. RAIL WORK (75% of judging)
and points applied
1st = 38 2nd = 35 3rd = 32 4th = 29 5th = 26 6th = 23 7th = 20 8th = 17 9th = 14 10th = 11 11th or any Reserve = 8 PHASE 2 (CONFORMATION & SUITABILITY) 1st = 12 2nd = 11 3rd = 10 4th = 9 5th = 8 6th = 7 7th = 6 8th = 5 9th = 4 10th = 3 11th or any Reserve = 2 III. AHPA HUNTER PLEASURE AOTR JACKPOT CLASS PROCEDURES
The AOTR Jackpot classes are open to five-year-old and older Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses who were AHPA nominated in their threeyear-old year. All AHPA AOTR Jackpots will be run as standard Hunter Pleasure Amateur classes. Judging criteria will be in this order: quality, performance, suitability as a hunter, manners, and conformation. Conduct, appointments and qualifying gaits shall be followed from the Hunter Pleasure Section in the Arabian Chapter of the current USEF rulebook (AR-9). The AHPA Futurities will use a five (5) judge system. Five (5) judges will be randomly selected from the AHA Judging Panel. the sections, each judge’s will be will be completed after Phase 1, and the second will be completed after Phase 2. Points from each card will be combined to determine the judge’s placing will be ranked according to the 1 (RAIL WORK)
d. A header/attendant shall bring a lead into the arena for this portion of the class. A split or single lead made of leather or a similar material may be used. It must be attached through both sides of the bit, with the reins or to the noseband. The reins are to be left resting on the horse’s neck.
h. A marker will be set where each horse will be presented individually to the judges. Horses will
c. Headers/Attendants must be properly attired. Business attire or appropriate show attire is required.
8. Visit for complete program details.
i. No horse may compete with a tail carriage that has been altered in any manner or by any means. An unnatural tail must result in elimination.
j. The next horse to present shall be ready at the marker after the previous horse trots away.
b. A horse may be disqualified, penalized and/or excused at the judges’ discretion for the following:
Entries will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the
c. The Reserve Champion and Champion will then be placed and given their awards.
on eligibility
i. Each horse will trot straight away from the judges and then return to line. The horse may be saddled once it returns to line. The rider may not mount until all horses are saddled.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 be presented in a relaxed and dignified manner. Horses should be positioned with their weight squarely on their feet, not stretched. The legal hunter crop may be used during this portion of the class.
a. After completion of judging, the horses will be retired from the lineup to the paddock or to the in-gate area of the arena in following with the show’s procedures. The Top Ten will be an nounced in numerical order.
iii. Horse exhibits any welt or swelling that look like a whip mark, regardless of how this was caused;
59Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
i. Horse exhibits disruptive behavior such that it or other horses are unable to be inspected by the judge; ii. Horse is crouching, cowering, buckling at the knees, sweating, trembling, racing backwards or sideways to escape their handlers or other behavior indicating fear, stress or intimidation. This rule must be strictly enforced.
a. A horse must be disqualified for the following. They may be allowed to complete the class at the judges’ discretion.
An AWPA representative may choose to meet with the riders at the Mid-Summer National Show prior to one or both sections of the Maturity class. During this meeting the AWPA representative will advise the riders of class procedures, rules, and how the horses are to be presented.
ii. Horse is obviously limping or of impaired gait.
iii. Horse exhibits behavior such that the safety of it, the handler/rider, an exhibitor, a judge, or another horse is in danger.
**You will also need to complete the YNL-MSN Nationals Entry Form and pay AHA fees to compete**
AAOTR Maturities are held each year at the Mid-Summer National Arabian Horse Show. The classes are open to four and five year old horses ridden by Adult Amateur Owner riders only. Non-related co-ownership is not allowed. Prize money is determined by the AWPA. AHA will award a National Champion, Reserve National Champion, and 8 Top Tens in the AWPA Maturity Classes.
The ONLY four- and five-year-olds allowed to compete in the AWPA Maturities will strictly be those who were nominated in-utero by December 31st of their breeding year. The 2016 and 2017 Mare Nomination lists are all available at
If you have questions, please,deadlinesandinformation please visit the AWPA web site at arabianwesternplea Arabian and Half-Arabian Western Pleasure
v. Horse is not under the control of the exhibitor; vi. Horse breaks loose from the exhibitor;
iv. Horses showing signs of inhumane treat ment and undue stress must be penalized.
vii. Shanking is not permitted and must be strongly penalized.
b. The horses will leave the arena in reverse order of their placings (tenth place first and decreasing from there). As they exit, the total of their prize money will be announced.
k. After the individual judging, each horse may be saddled after it returns to its spot in the line. As called by the announcer, riders will mount once all horses have been saddled and walk into a standard lineup. The attendants will be excused from the arena at this time.
60 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES
In all breeding classes, the order of go will be determined and posted by birth date of the horse from oldest to youngest. (Exception: The Youth National Championship Show Commission may modify the order of go to avoid conflicts with other rings) USEF rule change to AR113.2 effective 4/1/2021.
Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore (Refer to AHA Handbook). A five judge total points system will be used. In the event of a tie, the final placings will be determined by the number of highest placings a horse receives across all judges’ cards. If it is still a tie, the call judge will break the tie. Judges will be drawn randomly from the Mid-Summer Nationals judging panels. Quality is the number one criteria for judging, followed by performance, suitability, and Eachmanners.Judgesplacing will be ranked and points applied according to the following table: 1st = 40 2nd = 36 3rd = 32 4th = 28 5th = 24 6th = 20 7th = 16 8th = 12 9th = 8 10th = 4 11th or any Reserve = 0 Class eliminations will be run as standard Western Pleasure Junior Horse classes. Entries will be shown at a walk, jog and lope both directions of the ring. Fourteen (14) horses total will advance to the final. (Example: If the number of entries require two sections of eliminations be run (Section A and Section B), 7 horses from Section A and 7 horses from section B will advance to the final)
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 USEF Rule Book for Western Pleasure Junior Horses, with a change in order of judging criteria listed below.
PHASE 2. THE STAND UP (20% OF JUDGING OR SCORE) Once all horses are in line, two attendants per horse will be allowed into the arena to assist with removing saddles and pads. They are allowed to bring a saddle rack, towel, and brush. They are not allowed to show the horse during judging. Riders are to stand up their horse to be assessed for confirmation suitable for a western pleasure horse by the judges. The horses shall stand relaxed with weight evenly dispersed on all four feet (not stretched). Whips may not be used. Once the judging panel has complet ed their examination of your horse, it should then be resaddled. After all horses have been re-tacked, riders will be asked to remount and attendants will be excused from the ring.
USDF Introductory Dressage Test B Training Level Test 3 First Level Test 3
Exhibitors will be retired to the paddock after the judges turn in their cards. The Top Ten will then be called back into the ring in numerical order. The Reserve Champion and then the Champion will be placed and given their awards. The horses will leave the arena in reverse order of their placings (tenth place first and Champion last). As they exit, the prize money won by each will be announced.
All Breeding/Gelding In-Hand classes will be judged comparatively using the Majority Opinion System (MOS). Controlled paddock procedures in the General Rules for all National Shows (GR 9) will include the following restrictions for Breeding In-Hand classes:
Class eliminations will be run as standard Western Pleasure Junior Horse classes. Entries will be shown at a walk, jog and lope both directions of the ring. Fourteen (14)horses total will advance to the final. (Example: If the number of entries require two sections of eliminations be run (Section A and Section B), 7 horses from Section A and 7 horses from section B will advance to the final).
PHASE 1. RAIL WORK (80% OF JUDGING OR SCORE) Horses will be shown at a walk, jog and lope both directions of the ring. Judging criteria will be in this order: quality, performance, suitability, and manners. After completion of the rail work, exhibitors will be asked to line up head to tail, split evenly by numbers on either long side of the arena.
ONLY TRAINER OR FAMILY MEMBERS PERMITTED NO SHAGGING NO WHIPS NO NOISE MAKERS OR NO ADDITIONAL NOISE ALLOWED IN THE PADDOCK AREA. The above will be strictly enforced by the Youth National ThoseShow. in violation will be removed from the paddock.
NEW FOR 2022 To be eligible to participate and/or compete as an exhibitor, owner, lessee, agent, coach, or trainer in any Western Dressage class or at any Western Dressage Federation Licensed Competition persons must be active members of WDAA or pay a non-member fee equal to the price of an annual membership for each competition. Please refer to the General rules GR 28.2 Tests will be as follows:
Second Level Test 3 Third Level Test 3 Western Dressage Intro Test 4 Western Dressage Basic Test 4 Western Dressage Level
UPHA rules EQ 118.15.4 the SAME horse must be used for BOTH phases except with a vet certificate.
The $100 added Jackpot fee will be divided among the Thewinners.Youth will ride the first way of the ring and an Adult Amateur relative will ride the second way of the ring. Class will be judged using the USEF rules for Western Pleasure Amateur. The Youth will start the class by performing the walk, jog and lope. The class will come to line up at the in/out gate
Refer to AHA handbook REQ 209
In the UPHA 10 & Under Walk/Trot class, the riders will work as a group (or in groups) of twelve (12) or less. There will be no individual workout. Ten (10) riders will be chosen to return for Phase II, which is the Finals Section.
Refer to USEF EQ 107 for class routine, faults & Will1.NOTeliminations.TOJUMPhavearailwork portion and also each compet itor will be asked to perform two or more tests as outlined in the AHA Handbook REQ 209.8. Judges must work competitors in groups of twenty (20)or less. Exhibitors will be excused from the ring following rail work and will perform their tests
All Reining Seat Equitation classes will have (1) one go round.
For UPHA questions regarding rules or qualifications, refer to the USEF rule book EQ 118.15 or contact UPHA at (859) 231-5070,
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 course and then the top four competitors from each judge’s card will be required to perform two or more tests from USEF EQ 113, Test 1-17, as designated by the call judge.
61Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
For the 14-18 and the 13 & under classes, in Phase I, all contestants must work as a group (or in groups) of twenty (20) or less on the rail and complete an individual workout. A minimum of twelve (12) and no more than fourteen (14) riders will be chosen for Phase II, which is the Finals Section. No predetermined number need be selected from each group.
1 Test 4
Course2.OVERindividually.OBSTACLESwillbeposted 24 hours prior to class. Fence heights are 2’9”. This class will follow the procedures outlined in the USEF EQ-2. All competi tors will compete over the Hunt Seat Equitation
UPHA winners receive awards provided by UPHA. All UPHA riders must be a current UPHA Member at the time they qualify.
Complimentary hoof
When cross entry by rider or horse/rider combination is permitted between Dressage and other Arabian classes at a competition, DR120 and DR121 apply only to the designated Dressage warm up and competition areas, or when an exhibitor is actually warming up for Dressage classes. SHOE & HOOF MEASURING refer to the General Rules GR 16 and GR 47 measurements will NOT be provided by USEF/EC Stewards at any National Show.
In determining the Champion and Reserve Champion in the AHA Hunter Seat Equitation Final, the final test may only be completed by the top four riders).
Horses may enter no more than two consecutive levels. Exception; USDF Walk/Trot 10 & Under Intro Level. Only one ride will be used to determine Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten. Readers are only allowed in Introductory Level and Western Dressage. For Reader exception see USEF DR 122.4 and the General Rules GR 24 No Whips Allowed, exception Western Dressage. Award Presentations will be held after the last dressage classes each day in the order they close out.
SADDLE SEAT EQUITATION Refer to AHA handbook REQ 209.5 for allowable tests.
In addition to rail work, all contestants are required to perform three or more individual tests from USEF DR133. HUNTER SEAT EQUITATION
All UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup class entries must be qualified seven days prior to the beginning of the show. Qualifications earned after 7 days prior to the start of the show, will count for the next year – UPHA rules refer to USEF EQ 118.15.
62 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES
Working Hunter Championships have two jumping classes (A, B) followed by an under saddle class (C) that is the Final. Riders may not be different from class to class (A, B and C). Exception: In the Working Hunter Championship classes, if an exhibitor is showing more than one horse, they may appoint another rider to ride their other entries in the under saddle class per USEF AR 165.3. The substitute rider must be in the same age range. i.e for the W/T 10 & Under Cross Rail the substitute rider must be 10 or under. All horses can compete in both jumping rounds; however this is not a requirement.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Please refer to the General Rules GR 27. Cross entry is permitted into any class in the same section provided qualification are met.
If a horse places in Performance Halter class then scratches all performance classes OR is excused or disqualified in a performance class after the placing in the Performance Halter class, that horse will be disqualified from the Performance Halter and GR 117 rules will be followed and no refund of the forfeited Performance Halter class will be issued.
end of the arena. When told by the judge, they will dismount. The adults will enter and may bring their own mounting block if desired. If they need to change saddles, a third amateur person may come into help in the saddle exchange. The judge will ask for riders up and give time for stirrups to be adjusted if needed for those that did change saddles. Youth will exit (with mounting blocks) plus any additional amateurs with saddles. The Youth will remain by the in-gate. When told, adult riders should go directly to the rail at the jog and will have one minute to prepare themselves. At the direction of the judge, the class will be called to order and the adults will be asked to walk, jog and lope the 2nd way of the ring. When finished, they will be directed to line up in the center. Once the cards are turned in, the Youth will be invited back into the ring. Awards will be announced. This class promises to be fun for the exhibitors and the spectators. Come cheer for your friends as we spotlight our horses as the true family horse.
To help avoid conflicts with other rings, once the number of go’s has been determined, there will be a signup sheet with time frames for each class. You will be able to sign up at the show on the AHA APP and website. If you do not sign up by Noon the day prior to your scheduled class, a go order will be assigned to you.
Will be judged using the AHA Performance Halter Score Sheet. Will be scored according as outlined in GR 38. The horse must have been entered, shown and judged in any Performance Class at Youth and/or Mid Summer Nationals. Showmanship Classes do not count as Performance Classes. Performance Halter rules, specifi cations and procedures will be strictly enforced, AND must be entered, shown and judged (per USEF GR 147) in a performance class or section of a performance class at Youth and/or Mid-Summer Nationals for which they are qualified. THIS IS the ONLY qualification required.
Working Hunter Championship classes will be judged using AHA Score Cards and will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook REQ 213 /NATIONAL.
All Sport Horse In-Hand classes will utilize the “Triangle” method of presenting their horses to the judges. The classes may be conducted using a proportionally smaller triangle.
Will be judged using the AHA Sport Horse Score Sheet. There is an order of go for in-hand classes. The Order of Go will be definite, but the times listed are approximate. In the event of a conflict with other rings, management will work with exhibitors within the time frame for each class as much as possible. If you miss your go, you missed your class.
Open to Exhibitors 10 years old and under as of as of December 1, 2021. Stallions are prohibited.
Lead Line classes are open to riders 2 through 6 years of age. Age of rider will be determined by using the age of the child as of December 1, 2021. Lead Line riders may not cross enter into any other class in the show. Riders/ trainers/owners in Lead Line classes are exempt from AHA/USEF membership if the horse entered is not entered in any other class in the show. The Lead Line classes will be exhibition classes only. All participants will receive a specially designed trophy and Pleaseribbon. sign up for this class on the entry form. Post entries will be accepted at the show office up to one day prior to the class. Leaders must be at least 14 years of age. Leaders are to walk on the near side of the horse. (Res. 27-97)
All Entry Forms Available @
A Jump Obstacle fee of $10 per class is included with Working Hunter, Hunter Hack and Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles classes. One Hunter warm up round of $30 is included with each Working Hunter class and will precede your judged round. Warm Up round fees are non-refundable.
RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE Will be judged using the MOS system and in accordance with USEF AR 224.
The Working Hunter schooling time is listed in the time schedule. No sign up or fee required. No horses will be allowed to participate that are not entered in Working Hunter or Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles classes. Trainers and riders will be allowed to ride the horse during the open schooling. Protective Headgear must be worn in both the open schooling ring, in the paddock and other schooling areas designated for Working Hunter/Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles horses.
Please see Brenna at the AHYA booth by July 22 if interested.
HUNTER HACK CLASSES Hunter Hack Championship classes will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook (REQ 210). Fence heights 2’3”.
Want To Carry a Flag During Opening Ceremonies?
*Graduating seniors will get first choice of flags
The first order of go shall be drawn. Riders may be permitted to ride back-to-back rounds at their discretion. A rider may be permitted to compete out of order to minimize delays, but must be approved by management.
This championship is open to any 14.2 and under Working Hunter. Measurement cards must be sent with your entry. Fence heights are 2’3” (USEF AR 162) Championship will run as defined by USEF in Article AR165 & AR166.
FREESTYLE REINING (EXHIBITION) Freestyle reining will have 1 go. The class will be run and judged in accordance with the current USEF Rule Book. Time limit is 3½ minutes per horse. Champion and Reserve Champion will receive an award designated by Show Management. In case of a tie, the number one judge’s score will break the tie. If still tied, the number two judge will break the tie. Entries will be limited to ten (10). Ten (10) slots will be filled based on the oldest to youngest exhibitor and postmarked date. Remaining entries will be put on a waiting list in the event there is a cancellation of one of the 10 accepted rides.
63Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
WORKING WESTERN CLASSES Order of go will be by random draw as outlined in Arabian Division of the USEF rulebook AR 208.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
TRAIL, REINING & SHORT STIRRUP REINING All entries will compete in two go rounds. Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten will be determined by the cumulative score of both go rounds.
Combustible storefront elevations shall be treated in ACCORDANCE WITH THE NFPA 701 to make them flame retardant and certificate or similar proof is supplied to the Oklahoma City Fire Marshal’s Office prior to it placing. Material that is being treated by user must be done in the presence of an inspector from the City of Oklahoma City Fire Marshal’s Office.
64 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES RANCH HORSE RIDING
TRAIL WARM UP Back numbers must be worn. The total fee for each trail class includes the trail obstacle fee and a trail warm up for Saturday and Sunday. No sign up is needed for Trail warm-ups.
HERD WORK Herd Work classes will have 1 go. Entries to be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the NRCHA Rule Book.
COW PRACTICE Back numbers must be worn. The total fee for each class requiring a cow will includes the cattle fee has been graciously donated for 2022. You will need to sign up for a cow practice for 3 minutes (1 cow) @ $75.00 per cow. You will be able to sign up at the show on the AHA APP and website.
Ranch Horse Riding will have 1 go. Run in accordance with USEF AR 222.
REINED COW HORSE Reined and Limited Reined Cow classes will have 1 go. Entries to be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian division of the USEF rule book. Refer to USEF AR 218 for class Limitedprocedures.Reined Cow Horse introduces the rider to the boxing phase of the cow work. Riders may not have gone down the fence in any judged class(es) or event(s) with the exception of horse sales. Being entered in a class that includes the fence work will be counted as going down the fence regardless if the rider boxed the cow and pulled up before the run was completed.
The following is allowed. Any stalls that are covered containing appliances, (refrigerator, microwave, coffee pots) are required to have an operating smoke detector. Any aisle space between stalls can be covered only if equal open space to material does not exceed four (4) feet. If your material is maximum 4 feet, then the open space between the materials must be a minimum of 4 feet. No tents or canopies are allowed inside the barns, arena, or livestock areas. This includes, but is not limited to, EZ-UP pop up tents. No hay, straw, shavings, or similar combustible materials used for decorations are permitted within any facility unless they have been treated in ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 701 to make them flame retardant and a certificate or similar proof is supplied to the OKC Fire Marshal’s Office prior to its placing. (Hay or straw for feed and bedding of animals can be kept in stall areas)
table specifies the dimensions and footing of the competition arenas: ARENA: DIMENSIONS FOOTING Norick Arena (located in the Superbarn) 120’ x 250’ Red Sandy loam Performance Arena 120’ x 250’ Sandy loam Specialty Arena (Barn 8) 130’ x 255’ Sandy loam WARM UP RINGS When classes are in session, the only horses allowed in the paddock/warm up arenas are the horses in the next Superbarnclass. – 100’ x 220’ Barn 3 – 200’ x 80’ Barn 7 – Two 80’ x 170’ warm up rings Outdoor Covered Arena – 100’ x 200’ West Outdoor Covered Arena – 100’ x 400’ Lunging Arenas – 10 dedicated 63’ round pens CONTROLLED PADDOCK PROCEDURE Refer to the General Rules GR 9 and Breeding/Gelding In-Hand classes in this Prize list for additional rules. DOGS & OTHER PETS/ANIMALS Refer to the General rules GR 14 EQUINE HEALTH ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Please refer to the General Rules GR 21 FIRE MARSHAL REGULATIONS Please refer to the General Rules GR 23 Stalls can only be covered in a red rosin construction grade paper or (butcher block paper), cheesecloth, either regular or restaurant type grade. Wood strapping – 3’ max. on center to attach paper
Designated lots will be marked for Patrons, Judges and Officials. You must have a Parking tag for these lots or your vehicle will be towed. Parking is not allowed in any fire lanes or any barn areas.
PARKING INFORMATION There is NO charge for entrance onto the grounds or for parking.
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee.
If Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified.
Please refer to GR 30 and USEF Rule GR1301.7 regarding the motorized vehicles, including golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or other farm utility vehicles by minors.
MUSIC – EQUITATION & FREESTYLE REINING Exhibitors in Equitation and Freestyle Reining classes will be allowed to submit their own music selection for their pattern work in the Semi-finals/Finals section only.
FORMAL NIGHT night is designated for Saturday, July 23.
Elite, Choice and Select riders must meet the definition.
If you were born between 12/1/2001 - 12/1/2002 this is your last year to compete as a youth. We want to honor you! Email for more details.
UPHA classes allow music for phase I only. Music requests with the name of the song and artist must be submitted at least one day prior to the session in which the Semi-final/Final is held. Please check with the show office on how to submit your music. No music will be accepted once the session has started.
65Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
For information contact Fore Wheeler Golf Cars, 3805 S Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73119, (405) 682-8444.
Qualifications for classes not qualified for by the closing date can be earned up to the start of the show.
Calling Seniors!GraduatingAll
You are qualified from the earliest date you earn the participation required. There is no such thing as re-qualifying. Qualifications are required for 2022. Please refer to the AHA Handbook or for the web site the following link:
Please refer to GR 37
If you turn 19 on or after December 1, 2021 this is your last year to compete as a youth. We want to honor Email if you are a last year youth and showing at Youth Nationals.
of Stall Panel Varies up to $500
PATRON STABLING PLEASE refer to the General Rules GR 32.1 & GR 43. Deadline to enroll as a Patron, with fees paid in full to receive stalling preference is June 1.
66 Youth & Mid Summer Nationals GENERAL RULES SCHEDULE & RING CONFLICTS Please refer to the General Rules GR 38. SCORING SYSTEM Please refer to the General Rules GR 39. Performance Halter will use the AHA score card, the scorecards will be turned into placings and in turn, run through the Majority Opinion System (MOS) to determine the Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Five. SEATING Certain box seating areas are designated for Patron, VIP or Judge seating only. STABLING/ARRIVAL INFORMATION & FEED & BEDDING Please refer to the General Rules GR 43. Feed and Bedding is available through State Fair Park for ON-SITE feed and bedding purchases. Please order feed and bedding prior to your arrival on the enclosed form. Contact phone number is (405) 948-6786. Exhibitors are permitted to bring in outside feed and bedding for personal use, HOWEVER, third party deliveries or sales are strictly prohibited. Exhibitors will be financially responsible for any alteration/ damage to their stalls on the premises.
Panel/Stall) Saturday July 9
GROUP STABLING Please refer to the General Rules GR 43. AHA must receive all Stable Request forms for exhibitors wishing to be a part of a group (including on-line entries) by June 24 to guarantee request.
ALL Non-Competing horses must have a stall and be listed on the stall Reservation form.
All stall fees must be paid in full at the time of entry as per stall (12’ x 12’) (horse or tack) One paid stall per entered horse, all others are considered tack stalls. No subletting of stalls will be Whenallowed.ordering just tack stalls, please use an entry form leaving the horse information blank. Please list the tack stalls on the stall reservation form as well.
must be vacated *NO EXCEPTIONS
Removal (per NO Arrivals before noon Sunday July 24, by Midnight Stalls
LAQUINTA INNS & SUITES S. Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.laquintaoklahomacityairport.com702-7720
67Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Youth & Mid Summer Nationals HOTELS / VENDORS BEST WESTERN 4300 Southwest Third Street Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.bwsaddleback.com947-7000
HYATT S. Meridian Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405)
EMBASSY SUITES OKC WILL ROGERS AIRPORT 1815 S. Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.embassysuitesoklahomacity.com682-6000
TOWNPLACE SUITES 4601 SW 15th St Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) HILTON 802 S. Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.tru3.hilton.com609-3955
COURTYARD MARRIOTT AIRPORT 4301 Highline Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405)
HILTON GARDEN INN AIRPORT 801 S. Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.oklahomacityairport.hgi.com942-1400 INN 4401 SW 15th St Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 601-7272
WYNDHAM OKLAHOMAGARDENCITYAIRPORT 2101 S. Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.wyndhamhotels.com685-4000
DOUBLETREE BY HILTON OKLAHOMA CITY AIRPORT 4410 SW 19th St Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) www.oklahomacityairport.doubletree.com789-3600
HAMPTON INN & SUITES 4333 SW 15th St Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 604-8000
HILTON GARDEN INN OKC BRICKTOWN 328 E. Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) www.hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com270-0588
HOTELSVENDORSBook early and mention you are with the Arabian Horse Association block. Visit the Event Page at to book online. CATERING State Fair Park Sarah Schoenhoff, Catering Sales Mngr DECORATOR Midwest Decorating Company 1510 S. Memorial Dr Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 584-0988 FARRIER Jim Sproles Farrier Service 1222 Fairgrounds Rd Duncan, AZ 85534 (602) 309-0670 FEED/BEDDING State Fair Park Feed & Bedding Service PO Box Oklahoma74943City, OK 73147 (405) 948-6786 or (405) 948-6787 See order form on AHA website FLORIST/PLANTS Calvert’s 5308 N. Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 848-6642 GOLF CARTS Fore Wheeler Golf Cars 3805 S Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) www.forewheelergolfcars/rental-cars/682-8444 MEDICAL SERVICES Equestrian Medical Service, LLC 5722 Ridge Rd NW Piedmont, OK 73078 (405) 373-2094 PHOTOGRAPHER Jeff Janson Photography (303) www.jeffjanson.com829-5615 STALL MAT RENTAL Rent A Stall Mat Co. (844)orders@rentastallmat.com628-7787 VETERINARIAN Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 WEB LIVE STREAMING Arabian Horse Association Information subject to change before show dates. Visit the Event Page at for updates.
OKLAHOMA CITY AIRPORT 4521 SW 15th St Meridian & SW 15th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405)
68 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Youth Nationals 56 Omnibus | 2019 | Arabian Horse Association MAP BennettCenterEvent BLACK GOLD EVIRDOIMONREG BLACK MESA DELMARGARDENS KIAMICHI GORDONCOOPERCHISHOLMTRAIL USHRDNAL WICHITAWALK G ENER AL PERSHING GATE6 GATE2 GATE5 GATE7 GATE9 GATE10 CentennialBuilding The P avilion AdministrationOffices Oklahoma Contemporar y Ar ts Center Barn3 Barn4 C apital City C afé FSalesacility Barn5 Barn9 West Covered Arena Barn8 Barn7PerformanceArena MaintenanceFacility Feed & Bedding Barn6 Covered Exercise Area BModernLivinguilding Bandshell Jim Norick Arena SuperBarn Hobbies , Ar ts & Craf ts Building PlazaStage 14 Flags Plaza GATE CLOSED major entrance/ exit gate ENTER AT N MAY & GORDONCOOPER ENTER AT W RENO & GDELMARARDENS N W 1 0 T H N MAY I- 4 4 W RENO ParkingRV ParkingRV GATE 3 ContemporaryOklahomaParking ParkingParkingEventEventEvent Parking EnterHere onlyExit ExpoOklahomaHall STAGECOACH Youth & Mid Summer Nationals FACILITY MAP
69Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Youth & Mid Summer Nationals RV LOT INFORMATION
LAYOUTLOTRVVIP For updates and event news follow us on Twitter @AHAArabian, TikTok @arabianhorseassoc, Facebook @ Arabian Horse Association, Instagram @ arabianhorseassoc & on the AHA APP
9/110 dressage.Fordetails GuideortheFUSD foreignridersand arideror NonMember(NM)identificationnumberandpay withtheirUSDFusinessB.)embershipM (HID)Membership.numberoraUSDFifetimeLorseH thecompetitionsecretarywithverificationofa AffidavitormFandpaythe$5affidavitfilingfee.Acopy (Exception:AffidavitscannotbeusedatGreat horsesinDSHBgroupclasses,wherethosesiresor dressageorDSHBclassesategularRsompetitionC uadrille,qareexemptfromthisrequirement.Also academyandopportunityclasses. requirementsarealsoexemptfromtheUSDFNM InHandorGroupclasses. December1throughNovember30.PMsare availableforindividualswhohavenotreachedtheirst21 licensed/USDFrecognizedcompetitionsandto InsuranceGroup/USDFRegionalDressage submittedtoUSDFthroughanaffiliateGroup tocompeteatUSEFlicensed/USDFcognizedre businessororganizationdirectlybyUSDF.TheUSDF membershipexpires12monthsafterthedate NMcompetition.USDFfeeof53$percompetitionthatmustbe affidavitfeeandCompetitionAffidavitFormifthe rementsarealsoexemptfrompayingtheUSDF horsehasatleastoneownerwhoisacurrent USDFNMfeesnotreceivedwiththeUSDFpost submittheNMfeeswithin30daystotheSDF.UAn NMnumberhasbeenassigned,aUSDFNMcard anHIDnumberwillberecorded,butwillNOTbe GreatAmericanInsuranceGroup/USDFRegional feeof.08$IfahorsehasaUSDFLHRitdoesnot andeligibletocompeteinGreatAmerican rideraremet.IfahorsehasanLHRitdoesnot number,andifetimeLorseHegistrationR(LHR)may faxormailittohetUSDFoffice Competitions,andRegularCompetitionswhichare ingatacompetition,thedateacceptedbythe horseowneronthatsameday
![]( Varian Arabians, Arroyo Grande, California Firelite Arabians, Taylorsville, Kentucky RO Lervick Arabians, Stanwood, Washington Serenity Stables, Port Colborne, Ontario DISCOVER A place to see strength & beauty, A place to hear whinnies & nickers, A place to smell the air & the earth, A place to touch a mane & soft coat. Join with AHA & share your place to the Arabian horse
The effective date of membership is the date the form and correct fees are received in the USDF office or, if applying at a competition, the date accepted by the competition secretary, provided the application is signed and dated by the competition secretary, member, and/or horse owner on that same day.
Participating Membership (PM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. The membership year is December 1 through November 30. PMs are available for 1-year ($90), 5-years ($360), or life ($1,800). A USDF Youth Participating Membership (YPM) is available for individuals who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 1 of the current membership year ($72). A PM allows the member to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions and to participate as a rider and/or owner/lessee for all Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards and the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship program.
Memberships Defined
• Horses competing only in Individual Breed Classes (IBCs) at DSHB competitions, sires and dams of horses in DSHB group classes, where those sires or dams are not actually competing in the same competition, horses competing only in breed restricted dressage or DSHB classes at Regular Competitions (e.g. all Arabian, all Friesian, or all Morgan classes), or in USDF Introductory Level tests, pas de deux or quadrille, are exempt from this requirement. Also exempt are horses ridden in leadline, exhibitions, games and races, classes for 4-H members, walk-trot, academy, and opportunity classes.
Group Membership (GM): A membership issued to an individual by USDF when the member name and dues are submitted to USDF through an affiliate Group Member Organization (GMO). The GM year begins December 1 and ends November 30. A GM allows the member to compete at USEFlicensed/USDF-recognized competitions and participate in the USDF Rider Awards Program and the USDF Regional Schooling Show Awards Program.
Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR): A horse with an LHR ($115) is eligible for Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards, and eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying and championship classes, assuming requirements for the owner and rider are met. If a horse has an LHR it does not need an HID number. An LHR does not need to be renewed.
How to Join USDF
Business Membership (BM): A membership that runs December 1 through November 3 0 and is issued to a business or organization directly by USDF. The USDF BM ($240) offers a wider variety of advertising benefits. BMs satisfy requirements of horse ownership only.
• Riders and owners/lessees competing only in classes which are exempt from the USDF HID requirements are also exempt from the USDF NM identification number and NM fee requirements. Also exempt are handlers of horses competing in DSHB In-Hand or Group classes.
• On the USDF website: You can submit the application online or download the form and fax or mail it to the USDF office.
Horses competing at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions must have either a USDF Horse Identification (HID) number or a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR). Proper credentials or verification certificates must be presented to the competition secretary.
Riders and owners wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition, and not able to present the competition secretary with verification of a USDF membership or NM identification, and USDF LHR or USDF HID, must complete a USDF Competition Affidavit Form and pay the $5 affidavit filing fee. A copy of a completed affidavit form from another competition may also be used for verification purposes for up to 60 days. (Exception: Affidavits cannot be used at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships.)
Membership Requirements for USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized Competitions: Owners and riders, including foreign riders and owners who are not residents of the US, wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition as a rider or owner/lessee, must have either a USDF Group Membership (GM), Participating Membership (PM), or have a USDF Non-Member (NM) identification number and pay the USDF NonMember (NM) fee. (Note: USDF Business Members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with their USDF Business Membership.)
Horse Identification (HID) Number: A one-time tracking number for horses ($35). Scores earned by a horse with an HID number will be recorded, but will NOT be counted towards Adequan ®/USDF Year-End Awards. A horse with an HID number is not eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying or championship classes. An HID number can be upgraded to a Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) for a fee of $80. If a horse has a USDF LHR it does not need an HID number. An HID number is a one-time fee that does not need to be renewed.
• By calling or writing the USDF office at (859) 971-2277, 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Applications for USDF Participating Membership (PM), Business Membership (BM), Horse Identification (HID) number, and Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) may be found in the following locations:
• In the show office at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions classified by USEF as Dressage Competitions, and Regular Competitions which are open to all breeds.
Non-Member (NM) Identification Number: For each USDF NM owner/lessee and USDF NM rider there will be a USDF NM fee of $35 per competition that must be collected by the show secretary and submitted to USDF, along with the USDF Report of Fees document and the $5 affidavit fee and Competition Affidavit Form if the person cannot provide a copy of their USDF NM card. Owners/lessees or riders exempt from the NM number requirements are also exempt from paying the USDF NM fee. If there are multiple owners of a horse and all are NMs, only one of the owners must pay the NM fee. If the horse has at least one owner who is a current USDF PM, GM, or BM there is no NM fee assessed. Competition management will be invoiced for all applicable USDF NM fees not received with the USDF post-competition paperwork, along with a report listing all USDF NMs. Competition management is then required to submit the NM fees within 30 days to the USDF. An individual with a USDF NM identification number is not eligible for any USDF membership benefits. Once a USDF NM number has been assigned, a USDF NM card can be obtained from the USDF website.
USDF Membership Benefits: USDF is dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For details on member benefits, including educational programs, awards, and other opportunities, refer to the USDF Member Guide or the USDF website at
EVERYTHING STRONG BEGINS WITH A SOLID SCHOLARSHIPS!FOUNDATION... The Arabian Horse Foundation is looking to once again provide numerous scholarships at Youth Nationals. To help us support our youth and provide as many scholarships as possible please consider donating to our scholarship fund. If interested in donating please contact interested in donating please thearabianhorsefoundation@gmail.comcontact
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74 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 63rd Annual INFORMATION / CLASS LIST / CLASS SCHEDULE / RULES
The Canadian Halter Futurity Classes include: Arabian Futurity Filly (Class 9977) Arabian Futurity Colt (Class 9978) Arabian Futurity Gelding (Class 9979) HA/AA Futurity Filly (Class 9980) HA/AA Futurity Gelding (Class 9981) These classes will be held separate from the U.S. National Halter Futurity Classes and will be adjudicated by a separate panel of judges.
Horses who have not yet entered the U.S. National Championship Show will be able to enter these classes online. Horses that have already been entered into the Show will need to submit an entry form indicating this is an added class for a horse already entered.
For Canadian residents who were paid up in the Canadian National Halter Futurity Program and are unable to attend the 2022 U.S. National Championship Show can submit a written request for a refund of that horse’s Canadian nomination fees. Refunds will only be issued for the Canadian enrollments for Canadian residents only. The amount of the refund will depend on the amount that was paid in by the current recorded owner of the horse. A written request for a refund will need to be received in the AHA office by Tuesday, August 23, 2022, and can be sent to
Due to the postponement of the 2022 Canadian National Championship Show, the AHA Futurity Commission in conjunction with the Canadian and U.S. National Show Commissions have made the decision to hold the 2022 Canadian Halter Futurity Classes at the 2022 U.S. National Championship Show in Tulsa, OK.
75Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association All Entry Forms Available @ WWW.ARABIANHORSES.ORG/COMPETITION/NATIONAL-EVENTS/NEWFOR2022: •Sport Horse Under Saddle Open & ATR is split by type •Ranch Rail – Open & ATR JansonJeffbyPhotography
The Halter Futurity Program a progressive program for three-year old Arabian colts, fillies, and geldings and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian fillies and geldings. Horses must be registered with the Arabian Horse Association, the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry or the Canadian Partbred Register.
Prize money will be paid only to the recorded owner of the horse at the time of the show. For Arabians, prize money will be divided equally between the filly, colt and gelding classes. For HalfArabian/Anglo-Arabians the prize money will be divided equally between the filly and gelding classes. The renomination fee and show entry fees will go into the jackpot of the class the horse will be shown in. Prize money will be awarded as follows:
Canadian Nationals
• Arabian Futurity Colt (Class (978) • HA/AA Futurity Gelding (Class 981)
Half-Arabian must have DNA type of the horse and horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse has been shown to qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA type testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity classes at Canadian Nationals and U.S. Nationals. DNA must be file with the AHA office before the horse will be eligible to compete in the Halter Futurity classes. If the DNA is not on file at this time, the horse is ineligible to be shown.
• Arabian Futurity Gelding (Class 979)
Foals must be enrolled in-utero by December 31st of the year the mare is bred. The foal can be entered in the U.S. Halter Futurity and/or the Canadian Halter Futurity Program. A renomination fee must be paid for the weanling, yearling, and two-year old year. When the foal is 3 years of age and all requirements have been met, the horse is eligible to be entered into the Halter Futurity Program at U.S. Nationals and/or Canadian Nationals (depending on the nomination).
Horses that have been dropped from the U.S. Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buy back into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for that show. Horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program. See Chapter 19 of the AHA Handbook for additional information regarding the Halter Futurity Program.
• Arabian Futurity Filly (Class 977) • HA/AA Futurity Filly (Class 980)
Shopper’s Drug Mart: 1350 18th Street #3, Brandon, MB R7A 5C4, Canada (about 5 mins from Keystone Centre) Sobeys: 1645 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5C6, Canada (about 5 mins from Keystone Centre)
The Dock on Princess:
Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba:
The Exhibitor’s Guide to
Riverbank Discovery Centre:
Walmart SuperCentre: 903 18th Street N, Brandon, MB R7A 7s1, Canada (about 13 mins. from the Keystone Centre)
Canadian Tire: 1655 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5C6, Canada (about 5 mins from the Keystone Centre)
Landmark Cinemas 9 Brandon: 1570 18th Street #100, Brandon, MB R7A 5C5, Canada Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum:
Forbidden Flavours: Coffee, breakfast, snacks, ice cream and more! Right across the street from the CanadInns. Applebee’s Bar & Grill: A proud sponsor of the Arabian & Half Arabian Canadian National Horse Show! Dine in or out, with Applebee’s take out menu. You can now order online and schedule your pick up! Convenience Shopping
The Home Depot: 801 18th Street North, Brandon, MB R7A 7S1, Canada (About 13 mins from the Keystone Centre)
Blu Kitchen & Bar: Blu Kitchen & Bar is proud to offer the healthiest, unique options in the city of Brandon. Using only the freshest ingredients, including chicken raised though antibiotics and hormone free, come get your steak cut to your preference or choose your doneness of the Beef Tenderloin Burger.
Komfort Kitchen: Komfort Kitchen is located on the NE corner of 9th Street & Princess Avenue, in the heart of the Downtown Hub of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Professionally prepared food is created from scratch and brought to your table hot, fresh and just how you ordered it. Komfort Kitchen also provides catering for groups of 5 to 205 people. They can deliver to you snacks, breakfast, work place lunches, appetizers, hot evening buffets, 3 to 5 course plate service meals & desserts. Marino’s Pizza:
78 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 GENERAL INFORMATION: SHOW OFFICE INFORMATION Phone will be available during open office hours stated below. Show Office will be open: Thursday, August 11 – Saturday, August 14 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday, August 14 – Saturday, August 20 1 hour prior to classes are scheduled to begin to 30 minutes after the conclusion of last class (unless otherwise announced.) FACILITY SHIPPING INFORMATION Keystone Centre Attn: Canadian Nationals (Include Exhibitor/Vendor/Stable Name Cell number of recipient) #1, 1175-18th Street Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7C5 Packages for the horse show will only be accepted August 6th – 15th. Neither AHA nor Keystone Centre is responsible for lost or stolen packages. SHOW COMMISSION Gerald McDonald, Chair British Columbia Allan Ehrlick, Vice Chair Ontario Josh Schildroth Ontario Mark Himmel Louisiana Rob Calnan British Columbia Show Commission can be contacted at: Arabian Horse Association Attn: Canadian Show Commission 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 Phone (303) 696-4500 • Fax (303) 696-4599 U.S. horses may enter Canada on a temporary basis to race, show or breed without having to pay the GST Tax. A temporary entry is valid for twelve months and may be extended an additional six months. A U.S. owner must pay the tax on goods and services that he or she purchases in Canada. If a horse is claimed or sold, the U.S. owner must pay the 5% tax which is based on the selling price of the horse. U.S. owners may register with the Canadian govern ment to obtain a GST Tax Number. Once registered, the owner may seek a refund of any tax paid. This is the only way an American can obtain a refund for the GST Tax paid. NO GOLF CARTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE KEYSTONE CENTRE OTHER THAN OFFICIALS GOLF CARTS. FEES: Class Entry Fees $199 Halter Futurity additional prize money (F3) $100 Office Fee (per horse) ............................................................. $75 Education/Evaluation (Res. 9-90) (per horse) $25 Failure to Close Open Show Accounts ............................. $100 Post Entry Fee (per horse) $525 Non-Competing Horse Fee $435 (includes stall, office fee and horse fee) Scoring (per horse) ................................................................... $15 Scratch Fee (if not filed in office, per class) $100 Late Class Post Fee $100 Rider/Horse Equitation Change Late Fee $50 Trail Fee (T) (warm up 2 rounds per class) $30 Hunter-Jumper Warm Up fee (W) .......................................... $20 EC Drug Fee (per horse) $5 2 Year Old Jackpot Entry Fee (J1) $250 STALL FEES: Horse Stall (each) $275 Tack Stall (each) $275 Failure to Notify Barn or Show Office $100 of Late Departure Early/Late Stabling per stall/per day any use $30 (From 12 PM Tuesday, August 11 to 8 AM Friday, August 14 or after noon Sunday, August 23) To avoid double billing please do not include early/late stabling with your entry *Please do not split cost of tack stalls on your entry form OPTIONAL ITEMS: Private Veterinarian Permit Fee $1,050 Private Farrier Permit Fee $525 Massage Therapist/Chiropractor/Acupuncturist Fee $525 Above fees include GST Tax #895563104. The GST Tax is a 5% value-added tax that is based on the goods purchased and services used in Canada. It is not an income tax. It is therefore applied to commercial transactions regardless of whether or not an American citizen/corporation realizes any income in Canada. EVENT SPONSORSHIP/PARTICIPATION: Class Sponsorship $300 Arena Sign Video Side $500 Arena Sign Non Video Side................................................. $300 Package 1 $2,700 Package 2 .............................................................................. $1,200 VIP Table $750 Additional Event Sponsorships are Available –Email or call (303) 696-4500 option 4 for more information Canadian Nationals GENERAL INFORMATION Changes For 2022 Are Shaded
From Wednesday, June 22 To Friday, *August 12, NOON
New horse –Regular entry fee plus $525.00 per horse
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on perma nent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown.
Stalls will be available at 8:00 am Friday, August 12 and must be vacated by Sunday, August 21. No horses are allowed on the grounds before noon, Tuesday, August 9th Please refer to complete rules for Canadian Nationals. The early arrival fee will be charged from 12 PM Tuesday, August 9 to 8 AM Friday, August 12 The late departure fee will be charged for depart after noon on Sunday, August 21.
Horses that have been dropped for the Canadian Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buyback into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for the show. The recorded owner of horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program.
Last day to enter Dressage Tuesday, July 26 MUST BE IN HOUSE Midnight (MT) NO EXCEPTIONS New horses may enter online from June 22 to July 27 Midnight (MT) After Friday, August 5 –Email or Hand carry entries to the show office NO post entries for added classes or new horses will be accepted after NOON on August 12 Tuesday July 5 –IN HOUSE Group Stabling requests due ARRIVAL & STALLING INFORMATION
79Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association OFFICIALS Show Manager Gerald McDonald Director of National Events & Marketing Kelsey Berglund (720) 648-9220 Nationals Events Coordinator Lindsey Phipps (303) 696-4553 National Events Coordinator II Paige Lockard ............................................. (303) 696-4535 National Show Secretary Marlene Kriegbaum (303) 696-4501 Announcers Kathy Ingram, TBA EC Stewards Jill Barton, Tina Collins Gina McAvoy Course Designer TBA Trail Course Designer Larry Clifford Farriers Zach Morris, James Stavely Photographer Amanda Ubell Ringmasters Derek Jones, Gary Millar Sylvia Carruthers Stabling Manager Tony cynot1465@shaw.caCaughell Veterinarian Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd, Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 Web Live Streaming ..................... Arabian Horse www.arabianhorses.streamAssociation JUDGES The management reserves the right to vary or add to this list. MAIN RING (M) Judging panels will rotate using the following 4 judges Katie Beck Hart Grove, OK John Lambert San Marcos, CA Scott Brumfield ......................................... Newcastle, PA Cathy Vecsey Scottsdale, AZ DRESSAGE Vivian Hemsley Toronto, ON CA WORKING HUNTER Christine Reupke King, ON CA WORKING WESTERN PANEL Beth Hora Moose Jaw, SK CA *Halter class judges will be selected 3 judges from the 4 Main ring Judges, using the MOS comparative judging system. Judging selections for each halter class will be posted at the show. For more information, please refer to the general rules contained within this section of the omnibus. The Canadian National Arabian & Half-Arabian Championship competition is sanctioned as: Silver Competition member of Equine Canada 201-11 Hines Road Ontario, Canada K2K 2X1 phone Equestrian.ca613-287-1515.andis governed by the rules of EC. IMPORTANT DEADLINES & DATES ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Entries Post Marked/ Electronically Dated on or prior to Tuesday, June 21 Midnight (MT) No penalty Refer to the General rules GR 19.4 for metered mail. POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Entries postmarked or Electronically dated between Wednesday, June 22 and Friday, August 12 @noon
ANY added class for horse entered by June 21 –Regular entry fee plus $100.00 per class
80 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals CLASS LIST New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded D / Classes that require DNA testing verified to a purebred parent before being allowed to show *Sweepstakes Allocated Payback BREEDING / GELDING IN-HAND 2 Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over CH $199 10 Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over ATH CH $199 15 ............. Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 & Over CH ........................................................................................... $199 22 ............ Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 & Over ATH CH ................................................................................... $199 27............. Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over CH .............................................................................................. $199 35 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over ATH CH $199 401 HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over CH $199 419 HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over ATH CH $199 451 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over CH $199 469 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over ATH CH $199 YEARLING BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES *971 Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Filly CH $199 *972 Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt/Gelding CH $199 *973 ......... HA/AA Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Filly CH ............................................................................ $199 *974 ......... HA/AA Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt/Gelding CH ........................................................... $199 Yearling must be enrolled as a Breeding Entry, no other qualifications are required for Canadian Nationals Yearlings may only compete in the age specific National Class, cross entry into Open and ATH is not permitted (Comp 1203) TWO YEAR OLD JACKPOT J1 = JACKPOT $250 *874 ......... Arabian 2 Year Old Colt Jackpot ................................................................................ J1 ................... $449 *975 ......... Arabian 2 Year Old Gelding In-Hand Jackpot ......................................................... J1 ................... $449 *976 ......... Arabian 2 Year Old Filly Jackpot ................................................................................ J1 ................... $449 2 Year Olds may only compete in the age specific National Class, cross entry into Open and ATH is not permitted (Comp 1203) HALTER FUTURITY F3 = 3 YEAR OLD HALTER FUTURITY ADDED PRIZE MONEY $100 977 Arabian Filly Breeding Futurity CH HALTER F3 $299 978 ......... Arabian Colt Breeding Futurity CH ..................................................... HALTER .......F3 $299 979 ......... Arabian Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH ................................................ HALTER .......F3 $299 D 980 .... HA/AA Filly Breeding Futurity CH ....................................................... HALTER .......F3 $299 D 981 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH HALTER F3 $299 PARK 61 Arabian Park Horse CH $199 66 ............ Arabian Park Horse ATR CH ................................................................................................................. $199 501 .......... HA/AA Park Horse CH............................................................................................................................ $199 506 ......... HA/AA Park Horse ATR CH ................................................................................................................... $199 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class HALTER FUTURITY WILL BE HELD DURING U.S. NATIONALS IN TULSA, OK. SEE PAGES 136, 143 & 163 FOR FURTHER INFO.
ENGLISH PLEASURE 76 Arabian English Pleasure CH $199 *91 Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 1648 ....... Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR CH ................................................................................................ $199 2107 ....... Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH .............................................................................. $199 2108 ....... Arabian English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH ................................................................................. $199 358 Arabian English Pleasure AATR CH $199 516 HA/AA English Pleasure CH $199 *532 HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 1641 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR CH $199 2144 HA/AA English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH $199 2146 ....... HA/AA English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH ................................................................................... $199 359 ......... HA/AA English Pleasure AATR CH ..................................................................................................... $199 COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE 96 Arabian Country English Pleasure CH $199 *112 Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 2110 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $199 99 ............ Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH ............................................................ $199 2112 ........ Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH .............................................................. $199 2115 ........ Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH ................................................................. $199 1852 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Elite CH $199 1850 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Choice CH $199 1168 Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Select CH $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Country English Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division 541 .......... HA/AA Country English Pleasure CH ................................................................................................. $199 *557 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 2148 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $199 544 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH $199 2150 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH $199 2152 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH $199 2652 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR Elite CH ............................................................................ $199 2650 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR Choice CH ....................................................................... $199 1172 ........ HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR Select CH ........................................................................ $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Country English Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division WESTERN PLEASURE 191 ........... Arabian Western Pleasure CH ............................................................................................................. $199 *205 ......... Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH .................................................................................... $199 2123 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH ................................................................................. $199 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded * / Sweepstakes Allocated Payback 81Omnibus 2021 | Arabian Horse Association
82 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals CLASS LIST 194 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH $199 1649 Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH $199 1178 Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH 1952 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Elite CH ........................................................................................ $199 1950 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Choice CH ................................................................................... $199 1166 ........ Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Select CH ..................................................................................... $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Western Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division 621 .......... HA/AA Western Pleasure CH ............................................................................................................... $199 *637 ......... HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH ...................................................................................... $199 2161 ........ HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH................................................................................... $199 624 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH $199 2163 HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH $199 2165 HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH $199 3152 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Elite CH $199 3150 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Choice CH $199 1170 ........ HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Select CH....................................................................................... $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Western Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division HUNTER PLEASURE 291 Arabian Hunter Pleasure CH $199 *306 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 2133 ....... Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH ................................................................................... $199 294 ......... Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH ............................................................................ $199 2987 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH ............................................................................... $199 2988 ...... Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH ........................................................................................ $199 1654 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14 & Under CH $199 1656 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 15 - 18 CH $199 2250 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Elite CH $199 2249 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Choice CH $199 1169 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Select CH $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division 734 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure CH $199 *749 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH $199 2171 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $199 737 .......... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH .............................................................................. $199 740 ......... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14 & Under CH ................................................................................ $199 2173 ....... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 15 - 18 CH .......................................................................................... $199 2957 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 14 & Under CH $199 2955 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 15 - 18 CH $199 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded * / Sweepstakes Allocated Payback
2962 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Elite CH $199 2960 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Choice CH $199 1173 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Select CH $199 Select Rider MAY cross enter any other Arabian or HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Class Riders May Level up but can only ride one level per division DRIVING 117 Arabian Pleasure Driving CH $199 562 HA/AA Pleasure Driving CH $199 567 ......... HA/AA Pleasure Driving ATD CH ........................................................................................................ $199 131 ........... Arabian Country Pleasure Driving CH ............................................................................................... $199 136 .......... Arabian Country Pleasure Driving ATD CH ...................................................................................... $199 576 ......... HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving CH ................................................................................................. $199 580 HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving ATD CH $199 NATIVE COSTUME 151 Arabian Mounted Native Costume CH $199 157 Arabian Mounted Native Costume ATR CH $199 591 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume CH $199 596 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume ATR CH $199 SIDE SADDLE 168 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English CH $199 173 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western CH $199 174 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English ATR CH $199 175 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western ATR CH $199 608 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English CH $199 613 .......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western CH ........................................................................................... $199 614 .......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English ATR CH..................................................................................... $199 615 .......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western ATR CH................................................................................... $199 ENGLISH SHOW HACK 316 Arabian English Show Hack CH $199 319 Arabian English Show Hack AAOTR CH $199 2139 ....... Arabian English Show Hack JTR CH .................................................................................................. $199 755 ......... HA/AA English Show Hack CH ............................................................................................................ $199 758 ......... HA/AA English Show Hack AAOTR CH ............................................................................................. $199 2176 HA/AA English Show Hack JTR CH $199 SPORTIN-HANDHORSEHUNTER TYPE 2701 Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded * / Sweepstakes Allocated Payback 83Omnibus 2021 | Arabian Horse Association
84 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 2709 Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 2721 Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 2729 Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand ATH Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 2741 ....... Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH ........................................... $199 2749 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Hunter Type 3 & Over CH .................................. $199 2821 ....... HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH .................................................. $199 2829 HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 2861 HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 2869 HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $199 IN-HAND DRESSAGE TYPE 2761 Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2769 Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2781 Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2789 Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand ATH Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2801 Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2809 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Dressage Type 3 & Over CH ............................. $199 2881 ....... HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH ............................................. $199 2889 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Dressage Type 3 & Over CH .................................... $199 2921 HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 2929 HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $199 UNDER SADDLE 2684 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type CH ............................................................... $199 2680 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH $199 2686 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type ATR CH $199 2682 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle HunterType ATR CH $199 342 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH $199 2692 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type CH $199 2688 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH ...................................................................... $199 2690 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type ATR CH ........................................................ $199 2690 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle HunterType ATR CH .............................................................. $199 780 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH $199 SHOW HACK 348 Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack CH $199 1051 HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack CH $199 EQUITATION & SHOWMANSHIP (MAIN RING MOS) 811 A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 14 & Under CH $199 812 A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 15- 18 CH $199 1372 A/HA/AA Showmanship AATH CH $199 432 A/HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation JTR CH $199 New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded Canadian Nationals CLASS LIST # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class
85Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association WORKING WESTERN CLASSES (1 JUDGE) EQUITATION 1185 A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship JTR CH $199 1359 A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship AATR CH $199 TRAIL Two Trail warm ups are included with each Trail Class 180 .......... Arabian English Trail Horse CH................................................................................... T ..................... $229 184 .......... Arabian English Trail Horse ATR CH .......................................................................... T ..................... $229 692 ......... HA/AA English Trail Horse CH .................................................................................... T ..................... $229 696 ......... HA/AA English Trail Horse ATR CH............................................................................ T ..................... $229 211 Arabian Western Trail Horse CH T $229 217 Arabian Western Trail Horse ATR CH T $229 646 HA/AA Western Trail Horse CH T $229 652 HA/AA Western Trail Horse ATR CH T $229 REINING 226 ......... Arabian Reining Horse CH .................................................................................................................... $199 231 .......... Arabian Reining Horse ATR CH ........................................................................................................... $199 661 .......... HA/AA Reining Horse CH ...................................................................................................................... $199 666 HA/AA Reining Horse ATR CH $199 RANCHRIDINGHORSE 3007 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding CH $199 3009 ...... Arabian Ranch Horse Riding ATR CH ................................................................................................ $199 3027 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding CH ........................................................................................................... $199 3029 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding ATR CH .................................................................................................. $199 RAIL 1734 Arabian Ranch Rail Open CH $199 1736 Arabian Rranch Rail ATR CH $199 2345 HA/AA Ranch Rail Open CH $199 2347 HA/AA Rranch Rail ATR CH $199 HUNTER SEAT EQUITATION, WORKING HUNTER & HUNTER HACK One Hunter warm up is included with each Working Hunter Class 947 ......... A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles ATR CH (2’9”) ...................... H..................... $219 1592 ....... A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump JTR 14 & Under CH .................. H..................... $219 1593 ....... A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump JTR 15 - 18 CH ........................... H..................... $219 1358 A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump AATR CH H $219 1002 A/HA/AA Greenhawk Handy Hunter Classic Exhibition H $70 New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded T / Trail Warm-up @ $30 per class H / Working Hunter Warm-up @ $20 per class # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class
86 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 266 Arabian Working Hunter Open CH (3’) H $219 268 Arabian Working Hunter AOTR CH (2’3” – 2’9”) H $219 271 Arabian Working Hunter ATR CH (2’3” – 2’9”) H $219 711 ........... HA/AA Working Hunter Open CH (3’) ....................................................................... H..................... $219 713 .......... HA/AA Working Hunter AOTR CH (2’3” – 2’9”) ...................................................... H..................... $219 716 .......... HA/AA Working Hunter ATR CH (2’3” – 2’9”) ......................................................... H..................... $219 361 Arabian Hunter Hack Open CH (2’6”) H $219 767 HA/AA Hunter Hack Open CH (2’6”) H $219 DRESSAGE 789 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level ATR CH ...................................................................................... $199 795 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level CH ............................................................................................... $199 798 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage First Level CH ...................................................................................................... $199 805 A/HA/AA Dressage First Level ATR CH $199 1808 A/HA/AA Dressage Second Level CH $199 816 A/HA/AA Dressage Third Level CH $199 WALK/TROT/JOG 1008 A/HA/AA English Pleasure All Seats Walk/Trot JTR 10 & Under CH $199 898 A/HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk/Jog JTR 10 & Under CH $199 911 A/HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot JTR 10 & Under CH $199 915 .......... A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Walk/Trot JTR 10 & Under CH ................................................ $199 913 .......... A/HA/AA Western Seat Equitation Walk/Jog JTR 10 & Under CH .............................................. $199 MISC 2004 ...... Lead Line ................................................................................................................................................... NChg New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded H / Working Hunter Warm-up @ $20 per class Canadian Nationals CLASS LIST # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class
Join the GREEN Movement NationalsCanadianAvailablePrizeSweepstakes$58,000Moneyat YEARLING CLASSES – Restricted to Breeding Entries Only • Arabian Yearling Colt/Gelding (Class 972) • Arabian Yearling Filly (Class 971) • HA/AA Yearling Colt/Gelding (Class 974) • HA/AA Yearling Filly (Class 973) CHAMPION - $2,500 RESERVE CHAMPION - $1,500 REMAINING TOP TEN - $750 For the following classes, Sweepstakes Prize Money is available to horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry. **2 YEAR OLD CLASSES • Arabian 2 Year Old Colt (Class 874) • Arabian 2 Year Old Gelding (Class 975) • Arabian 2 Year Old Filly (Class 976) CHAMPION – $450 RESERVE CHAMPION – $350 REMAINING TOP TEN – $150 **Junior Horse Classes CLASSES • Arabian English Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 91) • Arabian Country English Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 112) • Arabian Hunter Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 306) • Arabian Western Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 205 • HA/AA English Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 532) • HA/AA Country English Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 557) • HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 749) • HA/AA Western Pleasure Jr Horse (Class 637) CHAMPION – $400 RESERVE CHAMPION – $300 REMAINING TOP TEN – $100 **If fewer than nineteen horses are in the class, 50% rounded up will be eligible for prize money. It Pays to Play
88 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 202288 Canadian Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE 2022 CANADIAN NATIONALS ARABIAN & HALF-ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIP HORSE SHOW 4/10/22 The Canadian Show Commission will review class entry numbers and sections after the entry deadline and will revise accordingly if deemed necessary. New age splits for Youth 14 & Under and 15 - 18 Scott Brumfield is replacing Mitch Sperte 4/10/22 Class 359 was missin g from Fri aft H1HART, LAMBERT, BRUMFIELD B1BRUMFIELD, VECSEY, HART H2HART, BRUMFIELD, VECSEY B2BRUMFIELD, LAMBERT, VECSEY H3HART, VECSEY, LAMBERT B3BRUMFIELD, HART, LAMBERT L1LAMBERT, BRUMFIELD, VESCSY V1VECSEY, HART, LAMBERT L2LAMBERT, VECSEY HART V2 VECSEY, LAMBERT, BRUMFIELD L3LAMBERT, HART, BRUMFIELD V3VECSEY, BRUMFIELD, HART Working Western (W) Beth Hora Dressage (D) VIVIAN HEMSLEY Wrk Hunter (H) CHRISTINE REUPKE Trail Warm up Reining Warm up WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:00 AM NO. Trail Walk Through at 7:30 AM SEC 180Arabian English Trail Horse Open CH SF 692HA/AA English Trail Horse Open CH SF 184Arabian English Trail Horse ATR CH SF 696HA/AA English Trail Horse ATR CH SF Re-adjust Course ~ 20 min. 211Arabian Trail Horse CH SF 646HA/AA Trail Horse CH SF 217Arabian Trail Horse ATR CH SF 652HA/AA Trail Horse ATR CH SF Remove Trail and Drag 661HA/AA Reining Open CH Pattern 15 SF 226Arabian Reining Open CH Pattern 15 SF 666HA/AA Reining Horse ATR CH Pattern 5 SF 231Arabian Reining Horse ATR CH Pattern 5 SF 2345 HA/AA Ranch Rail Open CH SFF 1736 Arabian Rranch Rail ATR CH SFF DRAG SET POLES 3007Arabian Ranch Riding Open CH Pattern 10 SF/F 3029HA/AA Ranch Riding ATR CH Pattern 15 SF/F DRAG REMOVE POLES NOT BEFORE 7 PM 1185A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship 18 & Under CH SF/F 1359A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship AATR CH SF/F Westman Ag Arena will have breaks between sessions Afternoon and Evening sessions may NOT start at the time listed for the Westman Place Arena. Times TBA Tentative Schdule PLEASE NOTE If Sections are cancelled, the SF/F MAY run in place of the sections. If Classes have to be divided, the SF/F are subject to be moved to later in the week. Please check on the App or in the show office for any changes. The schedule printed is based on entry projections for each class, and the number of sections required. Any change in the number of entires may effect corresponding number of sections in that class. CH - Championship HA/AA = Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian A/HA/AA = Arabian, Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian A,B = Elimination Section SF = Semi Final Section FNL = Final Section SF/F = Semi Final/Final Section SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 2022
89Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association WESTMAN AG CENTRE NO. SEC PANEL NO. Trail Walk Through at 7:30 AM SEC 27Arabian Gelding In-Hand CH SF/FH1180Arabian English Trail Horse Open CH FNL 580HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving ATD CH SF/F L1 692HA/AA English Trail Horse Open CH FNL 99Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH A B1 99Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH B B1 184Arabian English Trail Horse ATR CH FNL 1170HA/AA Western Pleasure Select AATR CH SF/FV1696HA/AA English Trail Horse ATR CH FNL 2146HA/AA English PL JTR 18 & Under CH SFFH1 Re-adjust Course ~ 20 min. 2133Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH AL1 2133Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH BL1211Arabian Trail Horse Open CH FNL 2989HA/AA Hunter PL JOTR 14 & Under CH SF/F B1 1950Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Choice CH AV1 APROX LUNCH 45 Min 1950Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Choice CH BV1 358Arabian English Pleasure AATR CH SF/FH1646HA/AA Trail Horse Open CH FNL 217Arabian Trail Horse ATR CH FNL 652HA/AA Trail Horse ATR CH FNL DRAG REMOVE COURSE & SET POLES NO. SEC PANEL 980HA/AA Futurity Fillies CH SF/FL2 3027HA/AA Ranch Riding Open CH Pattern 10 SF/F 975Arabian 2 Year Old Gelding In-Hand Jackpot SF/F B2 3009Arabian Ranch Riding ATR CH Pattern 15 SF/F $2,000 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $450 RC - $350 TT - $150 1734 Arabian Rranch Rail Open CH SFF 557HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FV22347 HA/AA Ranch Rail ATR CH SFF $1,500 Avaialble Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 666HA/AA Reining Horse ATR CH Pattern 8 FNL 1656Arabian Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH AH2 1656Arabian Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH BH2231Arabian Reining Horse ATR CH Pattern 8 FNL 615HA/AA Ladies Sidesaddle Western ATR CH SF/FL2 2115Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH A B2 661HA/AA Reining Open CH Pattern 9 FNL 2115Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH B B2 226Arabian Reining Open CH Pattern 9 FNL 205Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH AV2 205Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH BV2 506HA/AA Park Horse ATR CH SF/FH2 1173HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Select CH AH2 1173HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Select CH BH2 915A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation W/T 10 & Under Not to Jump CHSF/FV2 Dressage warm up est starting at 7:30 - 8 PM NO. SEC PANEL 973HA/AA Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling F illy CH SF/F V3 $10,000 available to Sweepstakes enrolled Breeding Entries CH - $2,500 RC - $1,500 TT - $750 432A/HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation 18 & Under CH SF/F B2 306Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH AH3 306Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH BH3 2650HA/AA Country English PL AATR Choice CH SF/FL3 2163HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/F B3 316Arabian English Show Hack CH SF/FV3 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00 AM MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 2022 MONDAY WESTMANWESTMANMONDAYAFTERNOONEVENINGPLACE1:00PMPLACE7:00PM
90 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 202290 Canadian Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:00 AM NO. SEC PANEL 795A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level CH SF/F 812A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 15 -18 CH SF/FL1 1808A/HA/AA Dressage Level II CH SF/F 811A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 14 & Under CH SF/FH1 789A/HA/AA Dressage Training Level ATR CH SF/F 1372A/HA/AA Showmanship AATH CH SF/F B1 BREAK APROX 1 HR LUNCH BREAK 191Arabian Western Pleasure CH AH1 191Arabian Western Pleasure CH BH1 816A/HA/AA Dressage Level III CH SF/F 96Arabian Country English Pleasure CH AV1 96Arabian Country English Pleasure CH BV1 91Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/F B1 $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 NO. SEC PANEL 136Arabian Country Pleasure Driving ATD CH SF/F B2 NOT BEFORE 4 PM 22Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH CH SF/FV2 874Arabian 2 Year Old Colt Jackpot SF/FH2 2881HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Dressage Type CHSF/F $2,000 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible 2921HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Dressage Type CHSF/F CH - $450 RC - $350 TT - $150 734HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open CH AH2 734HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open CH BH2 194Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH AL2 194Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH BL2 2152HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH SF/FV2 174Arabian Ladies Sidesaddle English ATR CH SF/F B2 2171HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH A B2 2171HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH B B2 2988Arabian Hunter PL JOTR 15-18 CH AV2 2988Arabian Hunter PL JOTR 15-18 CH BV2 1850Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Choice CH SF/FL2 WESTMAN AG CENTRE TBA NO. SEC PANEL 451HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over CH SF/F B3 2686Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type ATR CHSF/F 1178Arabian Western PL JTR 18 & Under CH SF/FL3 2692HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type Open CHSF/F 755HA/AA English Show Hack CH SF/F B3 294Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH AH3 294Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH BH3 613HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western CH SF/FV3 544HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/F B3 157Arabian Mounted Native Costume ATR CH SF/FV3 2990HA/AA Hunter PL JOTR 15 - 18 CH SF/FH3 TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 2022 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00 AM WESTMAN PLACE 7:00 PM Dressage classes may not run in the order or Day Listed WESTMAN PLACE 1:30 PM TUESDAYTUESDAYAFTERNOONEVENING
91Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:00 AM NO. SEC PANEL NO. SEC 419HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH CH SF/F B1 798A/HA/AA Dressage Level I CH SF/F 291Arabian Hunter Pleasure CH AV1 805A/HA/AA Dressage First Level ATR SF/F 291Arabian Hunter Pleasure CH BV1 2144HA/AA English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/F B1 1166Arabian Western Pleasure Select AATR CH AH1 1166Arabian Western Pleasure Select AATR CH BH1 1173HA/AA Hunter PL Select AATR CH SF/FH2 2112Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/FL1 2987Arabian Hunter PL JOTR 14 & Under CH SF/F B1 Approximately one hour break 2148HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH AV1 2148HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH BV1 APROX 2 PM 2781Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand Dressage Type CHSF/F NO. SEC PANEL 2761Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Dressage Type CH SF/F 469HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH CH SF/FL2 2801Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Dressage Type CHSF/F 1169Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select AATR CH AV2 1169Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select AATR CH BV2 1648Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR SF/FL2 608HA/AA Ladies Sidesaddle English CH SF/FH2 1168Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Select CH SF/FV2 1677HA/AA Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH AV2 TIME TBA 1677HA/AA Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH BV2 2694HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type ATR CHSF/F 1950Arabian Western PL Choice AATR CH SF/FV1 2684Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type Open CHSF/F 2165HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/FH2 898A/HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk/Jog 10 & Under JTR CH SF/F B2 NO. SEC PANEL 977Arabian Futurity Fillies SF/FV3 1641HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR CH SF/F B3 974HA/AA Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt/Gelding CH SF/FL3 $10,000 available to Sweepstakes enrolled Breeding Entries CH - $2,500 RC - $1,500 TT - $750 1952Arabian Western PL Elite AATR CH SF/F B3 2960HA/AA Hunter PL Choice AATR CH SF/FV3 319Arabian English Show Hack AAOTR CH SF/F B3 621HA/AA Western Pleasure CH SF/FL3 1656Arabian Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH SF/FH2 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONWEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 2022 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00 AM WESTMAN PLACE 1:00 PM WEDNESDAY EVEINING WESTMAN PLACE 7:00 PM
92 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:00 AM NO. SEC PANEL NO. SEC 567HA/AA Pleasure Driving ATD CH SF/FV1 35Arabian Gelding In-Hand ATH CH SF/FV1 2889HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Dressage Type CHSF/F 2115Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 18 & Under CH SF/F B2 2929HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Dressage Type CHSF/F 758HA/AA English Show Hack AAOTR CH SF/FH1 2789Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand ATH Dressage Type CHSF/F 306Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FH3 2809Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Dressage Type CHSF/F $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible 2769Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Dressage Type CHSF/F CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 2171HA/AA Hunter PL AAOTR 19 - 39 CH SF/F B2 Remove Triangle and Drag~ 20 min. 1649Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/F B1 2250Arabian Hunter PL Choice AATR CH SF/FL1 Approx 1/2 Hour After Last Class 1051HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack Open CH 348Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack Open CH SF/FSF/F NO. SEC PANEL 131Arabian Country Pleasure Driving CH SF/FH2 10Arabian Mare Breeding 3 & Over ATH CH SF/FL2 981HA/AA Futurity Geldings SF/F B2 194Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/FL2 Set Course and Hunter Over Fence Practice TBA 1676HA/AA Hunter PL JTR 14 & Under CH SF/FL2 2652HA/AA Country English Pleasure AATR Elite CH SF/FH2 2988Arabian Hunter PL JOTR 15-18 CH SF/FV2 2161HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH SF/FH2 2107Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/FV2 614HA/AA Ladies Sidesaddle English ATR CH SF/F B2 637HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/F B2 APROX 6:00 PM $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 266Arabian Working Hunter CH A 913A/HA/AA Walk/Jog Western Seat Eq 10 & Under SF/FH3 266Arabian Working Hunter CH B 266Arabian Working Hunter CH C/FNL 711HA/AA Working Hunter CH A NO. SEC PANEL 711HA/AA Working Hunter CH B 972Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt/Gelding CH SF/F B3 711HA/AA Working Hunter CH C/FNL $10,000 available to Sweepstakes enrolled Breeding Entries CH - $2,500 RC - $1,500 TT - $750 271Arabian Working Hunter ATR CH A 978Arabian Futurity Colts CH SF/FV3 271Arabian Working Hunter ATR CH B 532HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FV3 271Arabian Working Hunter ATR CH C/FNL $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 716HA/AA Working Hunter ATR CH A 66Arabian Park Horse ATR CH SF/FH3 716HA/AA Working Hunter ATR CH B 3150 HA/AA Western Pleaure AATR Choice CH SF/FL3 716HA/AA Working Hunter ATR CH C/FNL 294Arabian Hunter PL AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/FH3 595HA/AA Mounted Native Costume ATR CH SF/FL3 Ring Closed Thursday Night 2110Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH SF/FH3 WESTMAN PLACE 1:00 PMTHURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 18, 2022 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00 AM THURSDAY WESTMANTHURSDAYAFTERNOONEVENINGPLACE7:00PM
93Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association ATTENTION EXHIBITORS! REMEMBER TO PICK UP YOUR AWARDS THE AWARDS ROOM WILL BE OPEN FOR ONE HOUR AFTER COMPLETION OF CLASSES EACH DAY WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:00 AM NO. SEC PANEL NO. SEC 401HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 & Over CH SF/FV1 947A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles ATR CHSF/F 2123Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH SF/FL1 562HA/AA Pleasure Driving CH SF/F B1 268Arabian Working Hunter AOTR CH A 3152HA/AA Western PL AATR Elite CH SF/FV1 268Arabian Working Hunter AOTR CH B 1677HA/AA Hunter PL JTR 15 - 18 CH SF/FV2 268Arabian Working Hunter AOTR CH C/FNL 168Arabian Ladies Side Sddle English Open CH SF/FH1 749HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FL1 713HA/AA Working Hunter AOTR CH A $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible 713HA/AA Working Hunter AOTR CH B CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 713HA/AA Working Hunter AOTR CH C/FNL 2004Leadline SF/FALL 4 1002Greenhawk Handy Hunter Classic Exhibtion NO. SEC PANEL 361Arabian Hunter Hack CH SF/F 205Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FV2 767HA/AA Hunter Hack CH SF/F $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 737HA/AA Hunter PL AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/FL2 APROX LUNCH BREAK 2139Arabian English Show Hack JTR 18 & Under CH SF/FH2 359 HA/AA English Pleasure AATR CH SF/F H2 2701Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Hunter Type CHSF/F 2133Arabian Hunter PL AAOTR 19 - 39 CH SF/FL1 2741Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Hunter Type CHSF/F 501HA/AA Park Horse CH SF/F B2 2721Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand Hunter Type CHSF/F 99Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/F B1 2821HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Hunter Type CH SF/F 911A/HA/AA Walk/Trot Saddle Seat Equitation 10 & Under CH SF/FL1 2861HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand Hunter Type CHSF/F Remove Triangle and Drag~ 20 min. NO. SEC PANEL 2Arabian Mare Breeding CH SF/F B3 Approximately Dinner Break 2252Arabian Hunter PL Elite AATR CH SF/F B3 2148HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH SF/FV1 173Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western CH SF/FL3 APROX 6:30 112Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH SF/FH3 $1,500 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible 2680Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type Open CHSF/F CH - $400 RC - $300 TT - $100 780HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH SF/F 734HA/AA Hunter PL Open CH SF/FH2 342Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse CH SF/F 76Arabian English Pleasure CH SF/F B3 2690HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type ATR CHSF/F 591HA/AA Mounted Native Costume CH SF/FV3 WESTMAN PLACE 1:30 PM FRIDAY EVENING WESTMAN PLACE 7:00 PM FRIDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY MORNING AUGUST 19, 2022 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00AM
94 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE NO. SEC PANEL NO. SEC 576HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving CH SF/F B1 2829HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Hunter Type CHSF/F 979Arabian Futurity Geldings CH SF/F B1 2869HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Hunter Type CHSF/F 624HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over CH SF/FH1 1852Arabian Country English PL AATR Elite CH SF/FH12729Arabian Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand ATH Hunter Type CHSF/F 2962HA/AA Hunter PL Elite AATR CH SF/FL12709Arabian Sport Horse Mares In-Hand ATH Hunter Type CHSF/F 2108Arabian English Pleasure JTR 18 & Uunder CH SF/F B1 2749Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH Hunter Type CHSF/F 1169Arabian Hunter PL Select AATR CH SF/FV2 2150HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 18 & Under CH SF/FH1 Remove Triangle and Drag ~ 20 min. 1166Arabian Western Pleasure Select AATR CH SF/FH1 LUNCH BREAK NO. SEC PANEL APROX 1:00 117Arabian Pleasure Driving CH SF/F B22688HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH SF/F 971Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling F illy CH SF/FH2 2682Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type ATR CHSF/F $10,000 available to Sweepstakes enrolled Breeding Entries CH - $2,500 RC - $1,500 TT - $750 1172HA/AA Country English Pleasure Select AATR CH SF/F B2 !/2 Hour Break 976Arabian 2 Year Old Filly Jackpot SF/FL2 $2,000 Available Sweepstakes Prize Money for those eligible CH - $450 RC - $350 TT - $150 1593A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump 15 -18 CHSF/F 1654Arabian Hunter PL JTR 14 & Under CH SF/F B2 1592A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump 14 & Under CHSF/F 96Arabian Country English Pleasure CH SF/FV11358A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump AATR CHSF/F 2176HA/AA English Show Hack JTR 18 & Under CH SF/FV2 175Arabian Ladies Saidesaddle Western ATR CH SF/FH2 1008 A/HA/AA English Pleasure W/T 10 & Under (All Seats) CH SF/FL2 NO. SEC PANEL Opening Ceremonies 291Arabian Hunter Pleasure CH SF/FV1 15Arabian Stallion Breeding CH SF/F B3 541HA/AA Country English Pleasure CH SF/FH3 61Arabian Park Horse CH SF/F B3 191Arabian Western Pleasure CH SF/FH1 151Arabian Mounted Native Costume CH SF/FH3 516HA/AA English Pleasure CH SF/F B3 WESTMAN PLACE 1:00 PM SATURDAY EVENING WESTMAN PLACE 6:00 SATURDAYPM MORNING AUGUST 20, 2022 WESTMAN PLACE 8:00 AM WESTMAN AG CENTRE 8:30 AM SATURDAY AFTERNOON Varian Arabians, Arroyo Grande, Calif. Firelite Arabians, Taylorsville, Ky. RO Lervick Arabians, Stanwood, Wash. Serenity Stables, Port Colborne, Ont. DISCOVER A place to see strength & beauty, A place to hear whinnies & nickers, A place to smell the air & the earth, A place to touch a mane & soft coat. Join with AHA & share your place to the Arabian horse
SHOW ACCOUNTS Refer to GR 18.7
Please refer to GR 18.2.a and GR 44 ENTRY REFUNDS Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.10
Theinformation.awards room will be open for your convenience
August 14 - 20, from 8 AM until a 1/2 hour after classes end. All awards not claimed by the close of the show will be forfeited with no exceptions.
Failure to qualify for any one class will results in a refund for that class. must accompany your entry. Please do not split any charges for an entry between exhibitors, horses or stables.
Duplicate Awards will be for sale in the Awards Room. Champion Trophy, Reserve Champion Trophy, and Top Ten Plaques.
Prize money will be paid to 10 AT/AO classes which are randomly selected. There will be no prize money paid in ATH/AAOTH classes. Prize money will be paid in the
96 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 PLEASE REFER TO GENERAL RULES FOR ALL SHOWS ENTRY INFORMATION Please refer to the General Rules GR 19 for complete rules and information. Online entries will be available until midnight (MT) June 21, 2022 Fees are in US funds. Checks drawn on Canadian banks must be from a U.S. account or preprinted with “U.S. Funds”. Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure that their entries are received. If you email your entries, please contact AHA if you do NOT get a return email acknowledging the receipt of your entry on the same or next business day. An entry received without payment in full will NOT BE PROCESSED until full payments is received. If payment is not received by the closing date, it will be subject to the post entry fee. See “Entry Information” in the General Rules for the definition of a complete entry. AHA will accept faxed/emailed entries with a valid credit card. However, we strongly discourage faxed entries. Photos of an entry form will not be accepted. Photos and Faxed Copies are often illegible. DO NOT AN SUBMIT AN ENTRY BY MORE THAN ONE METHOD AS CREDIT CARDS MAY BE CHARGED MULTIPLE TIMES. ENTERING FOR HORSES & RIDERS NOT QUALIFIED BY THE CLOSING DATE Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee. If Results can not be verified or recorded with AHA a Qualification report signed by the show secretary from the qualifying show must be submitted before a non-qualified class will be qualified .
Please refer to GR 31
Entries received after June 21 may not appear in the show program and may not be stalled with horses from the same barn. Please refer to the front of this prize list for “Important Dates & Deadlines” for deadlines.
Checks and credit cards covering multiple entries need to be accompanied by a detailed description of how the money is to be applied listing all the horses & total fees on a per horse and a contact phone number. to: Attn: Canadian Nationals 10805 East Bethany Drive, Aurora, CO 80014 to: 303-696-4599 (please include cover sheet) to:
AWARDS Please refer to General Rules “AWARDS” for complete
Non-Competing horses will be accepted at Canadian Nationals If a stall is available and must check with the barn manager on stall availability.
There will be a $750.00 fine per non-competing horse for not filing an official entry form with the show office.
All Open Accounts (early arrival, scratch fees, rider change, etc.) must be closed out before the closing of the show office, Saturday, August 22 at noon. Management will close all show accounts not closed out by the end of the show will be assessed a Failure to Close Out fee of $100.
Futurity class entries at the national level may show in any national class, breeding/in-hand or performance, if eligible. (Refer to current AHA Handbook).
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown.
Sections can be requested up to noon 2 days prior to the section running. i.e if sections are to run Wednesday, request may be submitted up to noon on Monday and sections will be posted Tuesday by Noon. If a section is not specified, then random entry selection will be used for assigning sections.
Once a class has been sectioned refer to the General Rules under the Class Information section for Section Changes.
97Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 amount of $2,000 per class. The Champion will receive $800. The Reserve Champion will receive $400. The balance of Top Ten will receive $100. Prize money will be paid based on 50% class entry rule. If fewer than 19 horses are in the class, 50% of the class, rounded up, will be eligible for amateur prize money pay back. The following classes will receive prize money for 2022: 174 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle ATR CH 358 Arabian English Pl AATR CH 544 HA/AA Country English PL AAOTR 40 & Over CH 648 HA/AA Western Trail AOTR CH 737 HA/AA Hunter PL AAOTR 40 & Over CH 1950 Arabian Western PL AATR Choice CH 2110 Arabian Country English PL AAOTR 19 - 39 CH 2161 HA/AA Western Pl AAOTR 19 - 39 CH 2960 HA/AA Hunter Pl AATR Choice CH 3009 Arabian Ranch Riding ATR CH TWO YEAR OLD JACKPOT & PAYOUT
The recorded owner of Horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program
Please refer to GR 3 for more information.
Original nomination fees will be divided equally between the filly, colt and gelding classes. The renomination fees and $100 of the class entry fees will go into the prize money pool of the class in which the nominee will show. Prize money for each class will be divided as follows: 25% will be paid to the Champion and 15% to the Reserve Champion, remaining Top Ten will receive 7.5%. A full Top Ten will be awarded. Any prize money not distributed shall be equally divided amongst all placings.
Sweepstakes Allocated Prize Money is available in designated Sweepstakes classes. The 50% rule is in effect for all designated Sweepstakes classes. (Yearling Sweepstakes classes are exempt from the 50% rule.)
The Sweepstakes Commission reserves the right to pay the allocated dollar amounts printed in the online version of the AHA Handbook in the event the incorrect dollar amount is announced or presented in center ring.
Please refer to GR 8.6
Horses that have been dropped from the Canadian Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buy back into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for that show.
Jackpot payout will include $250.00 U.S. from the jackpot fee to be placed into the jackpot for every entry showing in this class for each year. Any money contributed to AHA as designated payable for the Canadian National Arabian 2-Year-Old Gelding Jackpot class, Canadian National Arabian 2-Year-Old Filly Jackpot class, and Canadian National Arabian 2-Year-Old Colt Jackpot. Jackpot payout for this class will be divided as follows: 50% paid to the Champion, 25% paid to the Reserve Champion and 25% divided equally between all of the Top Ten places.
All camper reservations will now be handled directly through the Keystone Centre, please send all forms to Dave Mein at
If you have multiple classes the same day, it is strongly advised to look closely at the schedule and request a section that will work best for your situation.
When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however rings will not be held for extensive periods to solve conflicts. Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultane ously that can’t be resolved.
All Sport Horse In-Hand classes will utilize the “Triangle” method of presenting their horses to the judges.
The 15 - 18 Saddle Seat Equitation Division requires all contestants to perform two or more individual tests from EC Arabian Division, Article B3614 for Tests a-o. The exchange of horses is only permitted by the provisions of B3614.4q.
National Breeding and In-Hand Halter Futurity classes shall be judged the same as other National Champion ship classes. A Champion and Reserve Champion and Top Ten and will be chosen using this system, regardless of the number of entries in the class. Futurity class entries at the national level may show in any national class, Halter or performance, if eligible (refer to the current AHA Handbook).
All Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Show Hack Classes will enter the ring at a walk.
All Breeding/Gelding In-Hand classes will be judged comparatively using the Majority Opinion System (MOS).
To help avoid conflicts with other rings, once the number of horses in each of the Sport Horse In-Hand class has been determined, you will be able to sign up for an order of go at the show on the AHA APP and web site. If you do not sign up by Noon the day prior to your scheduled class, a go order will be assigned to you.
For cross entry rules, refer to the current EC Rule Book. Select, Choice and Elite riders MAY cross enter into any other Arabian or HA/AA Class in the same section.
All riders, regardless of age or level or competition, must wear ASTM/SEI or BSI/BS EN approved protective headgear at all times when mounted at any EC-sanctioned Dressage competition at the event location.
Yearlings are NOT permitted to cross enter into the Open or Amateur to Handle classes. (AHA Handbook COMP 1203.1)
Training Level Test 3 First Level Test 3 Second Level Test 3 Third Level Test 3 Dressage ring will be 60 meters arena. Tests will be ridden from memory.
98 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 ARABIAN BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES
Please refer to the General Rules GR 27. Cross entry is permitted into the owner class.
The Order of Go will be definite, but the times listed are EXHIBITORSapproximate. are requested to check the posted order of go EARLY for conflicts. In the event of a conflict with other rings, management will work with exhibitors within the time frame for each class as much as possible. If you miss your go, you missed your class.
Tests will be as follows: Only one test will be used to determine Champion, Reserve Champion, and Top Ten.
Riders 14 & Under shall perform two or more individual tests from EC Rule Book Article B3602.2 tests a-h.
Sport Horse In-Hand classes will be judged using the AHA Sport Horse Score Sheets.
In Hunter Seat Equitation Over Obstacles, the top four from each judge’s card are required to perform two or more tests from EC Rule Book, Article B3602.2 for Tests a-p. Only one rider per horse.
Yearling must be enrolled as a Breeding Entry, no other qualifications are required for Canadian Nationals.
Dressage entries close Wednesday, July 26 In House / Electronically Dated. No Dressage entries will be accepted after this date.
For National Championship Finals classes, the 14 and Under Saddle Seat Equitation Division requires all contestants to perform two or more individual tests from EC Rule Book, Arabian Division, Article B3614 for Tests a-l.
All Riders are required to perform the pattern. Markers shall not be used for picking the spot as part of the class. Riders 15-18 shall perform two or more individual tests from EC Rule Book, Article B3602.2 for tests a-k.
Refer to Achievement Leveling Classes Select for more information. Refer to GR 27 Yearlings and 2 Year Old Halter horses may only compete in the age specific National Class, cross entry into Open and ATH Halter is not permitted (Comp 1203).
No dogs will be allowed in the main arena or paddock area with the exception of Companion/Guide Dogs. Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition grounds and must be on a leash or otherwise contained. Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash while mounted. Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject to penalty as well as issuance of warning cards.
The one specified person assisting with entrance of in-hand horses into the ring will be allowed to use only the same length whip and appendages as are currently allowed for the individual handling the horse. Rule reference AR114.2: Whips are to be no longer than 6’ including snapper/lash/appendage. Small appendages (no more than 12 inches in length) of ribbon, plastic, etc. are Thepermitted.designated person will not hit or use any other objects, such as trash cans, walls, etc., to make any noise.
The first order of go shall be drawn. Riders may be permitted to ride back-to-back rounds at their discretion. A rider may be permitted to compete out of order to minimize delays, but must be approved by management.
99Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 RANCH RIDING
The Show further reserves the right to fine any exhibitor or farm whose dog is running loose and has to be confined by show officials. Each single offense will be $100.00. Show officials reserve the right to expel any animal from the show grounds.
GREENHAWK A/HA/AA HANDY HUNTER CLASSIC EXHIBITION Class is open to Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabians. There will be no qualifications for this class, other than you must have competed in another over fences class at Canadian Nationals in the same show year that you enter this exhibition. Course will vary from the normal hunter class routine to include elements that show rideability and handiness. e.g. turnback, trot fences, option lines, Not recommended for green horses or novice rider. May be shown over one round or two. Each horse being given a numerical score; the first round to be about 12 or more fences and the second round to be held over a shortened course. This class will be set at 2’9”. If a Second Round is held, the Second round will return in reverse order and final placing will be on the accumulated points over two rounds.
Only the ten highest scoring horses from each round (or 50% of each section if fewer than 20 horses) will advance to the under saddle WORKING HUNTER WARM UP.
Each Trail class includes a fee for 2 warm up rounds per class for Saturday’s (August 13, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) warm up. You no longer need to sign up in the show office! After the first round, the rider may be switched for the second round.
Working Hunter Championships have two jumping classes (A, B) followed by an under saddle class (C) that is the Final. Riders may not be different from class to class (A, B and C).
City of Brandon Bylaw #5900/57/91 – No owner shall: Permit his dog or cat to defecate on any public property or private property other than the property of the owner. Where a dog or cat defecates on property other than the property of its owner, the owner shall cause such excrement to be removed immediately and such excrement shall be disposed of by the dog or cat owner in accordance with the City’s Solid Waste Disposal Bylaw. [AM.B/L 6010/47/92]
Working Hunter Championship classes will be judged using AHA Score Cards and will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook.
Riding will have 1 go. TRAIL WARM UPS
In addition, effective immediately, the use of plastic or paper bags of any type or size is prohibited in assisting with entrance(s) into the arena.
One Hunter warm up is included with each Working Hunter Class and will preceed the judged round.
Any person who has immediate charge and control of a dog or cat on public property or private property, other than the property of the owner, shall have possession of equipment or materials sufficient to
Exception: In the Working Hunter Championship classes, if an exhibitor is showing more than one horse, they may appoint another rider to ride their other entries in the under saddle class. Please refer to the EC rule Book for complete rules. All horses can compete in both jumping rounds; however this is not a requirement.
It is the responsibility of Show Management, along with the USEF Steward(s) to ensure the “designated person” understands this policy and their role. Should this rule/policy be violated, a warning card may be issued to both the handler and the designated person or groom who initiates this violation.
Any horse entered in any class at a competition may be selected for equine medication control testing while at the event location. EC Drug Rules are not the same as USEF rules. See the current EC Rule Book Section A General Rules Chapter 10 and the show office for rules and clarification. Please refer to for the most current drug information.
PARKING NO vehicles other than Police, Fire, Ambulance, Service Vehicles, Commission and Judges Vehicles with proper hang tags will be allowed to be parked near the facility buildings during the event. All vehicles and trailers must be parked in designated parking areas only. Violators are subject to the vehicles being tagged and towed at the owner’s expense.
The Keystone Centre is a golf cart, scooter, and bicycle free facility. NO GOLF CARTS, SCOOTERS OR BICYCLES other than pre-approved OFFICIAL GOLF CARTS will be allowed inside the Keystone Centre. Private golf carts can be utilized in outdoor areas only.
Qualifications are required for 2022. Please refer to the AHA Handbook or for the web site the following link. qualifications/
Any person who removes or causes to be removed dog or cat excrement from any property, including the property of the owner, shall ensure such excrement is disposed of in accordance with the City’s Solid Waste Bylaw. [EN B/L 6493]
Person’s not found to be in accordance with this bylaw can be fined $50 for the first offence and $100 for each subsequent offence. Please pick up after your dogs! No animal other than horses, dogs or cats are allowed on the show grounds without the express written consent of the National Show Commission. No animals other than horses shall be allowed on the grounds for the purpose of being sold.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 properly remove animal excrement and ensure disposal of such excrement is in compliance with the City’s Solid Waste Bylaw. Such equipment or materials must be produced upon demand of the Animal Control Officer and be suitable for removal and disposal of such excrement in the opinion of the Animal Control Officer. [EN. BL 6171/20/94]
The standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a person who is informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and competition.
The EC, the National Federation of Canada, supports adherence to humane treatment of horses in all compe titions under its jurisdiction. All Persons shall be committed to: upholding the welfare of all horses, regardless of value, as a primary consideration in all activities; requiring that horses be treated with kindness, respect and compassion, and that they never be subjected to mistreatment; ensuring that all Equestrians including owners, trainers competitors,and or their respective agents, use responsible care in the handling, treatment and transportation of their own horses as well as horses placed in their care for any purpose; providing for the continuous well-being of horses by encouraging routine inspection and consultation with health care professionals and competition officials to achieve the highest possible standards of nutrition, health, comfort and safety as a matter of standard operating procedure; providing current information on Code of Practice for the are and Handling of Equines and other equine health and welfare initiatives continuing to support scientific studies on equine health and welfare; requiring owners, trainers and competitors to know and follow their sanctioning organization’s rules, and to work within industry regulations in all equestrian competitions; and actively promoting the development of and adherence to competition rules and regulations that protect the welfare of the horse.
100 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals GENERAL RULES
Complementary hoof measurements provided by Stewards will NOT be available at any National Show.
Keystone Centre in its entirety shall have restricted area/out of bounds areas that will be posted and strictly enforced. (See marked)
101Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
The Keystone Centre and Canadian National Show Commission will not be held responsible for replacement of damaged feed, shavings or any other personal goods caused from inclement weather in the outdoor stalls before, during or after the Canadian National Arabian Show. Stalls are wood, metal and/or vinyl with half open, pipe or solid fronts and doors. Stabling consists of stalls inside the Keystone Centre building complex as well as outside portable stalls in the East asphalt parking lot. Outdoor stalls are Chinook stalls with roofs.
The MOS Scoring system will be used in all classes except: Dressage, Working Western and Working Hunter. All sections will be ranked to bring forward a predeter mined number of exhibitors to the finals. The number brought forward to the final will be dependent upon the class and arena in accordance with the current AHA Handbook COMP 805.11.
GROUP STABLING Please refer to General Rules GR 43 Stabling.
You MUST make arrangements with the stabling manager Tony Caughell at prior to arriving at the show grounds. $30 (US Funds) per day per stall used for any reason.
Please do not include early/late stabling with your entry.
AHA must receive (In-House/Electronically Dated) all Stable Request forms for exhibitors wishing to be a part of a group by July 5, including on-line entries.
The early arrival fee will be charged from 12 PM Tuesday, August 9 to 8 AM Friday, August 12. The late departure fee will be charged for depart after noon on Sunday, August 21.
If you will be post entering or entering between July 5 and August 13 you MUST contact the stabling manager Tony Caughell at to inform the stalling office of the number of stalls you will need. If the number of horses entered by a trainer or owner exceeds the capacity of the original stalls requested, those horses will be stabled in the order of space available at the time the entry is received.
Patron seniority is based on the number of consecutive
When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however rings will not be held for extended periods to solve conflicts. Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultaneously that can’t be resolved. It is the policy of Canadian Nationals Show Commission to not make schedule changes within 24 hours of a class, unless there are extenuating circumstances. No classes will be moved in the schedule once the Omnibus is printed other than sections may be added or cancelled if entries warrant. Sections will only be posted one day ahead of the scheduled class.
Barns 24, 25 & 26 MUST be vacated prior to 9 AM on Monday, August 22. (Refer to map of facility). All other barns MUST be vacated by 4 PM on Monday, August 22.
Refer to the General rules GR 8.5 and the Fee Schedule for this show.
STABLING Stalls will be available at 8:00 AM, Friday, August 12, and must be vacated prior to noon, Sunday, August 21. No horses are allowed on the grounds before noon, Tuesday, August 9. All stall fees must be paid in full at the time of entry. $275 for each stall (horse and tack). Please do not split the cost of tack stalls on your entry. One paid stall per entered horse, all others are considered tack stalls. No subletting of stalls will be allowed.
ALL Non-Competing horses must be listed on the stall Reservation form. There will be a $750.00 fine per horse for not filing an official entry form with the show office.
Deadline to enroll as a Patron with fees paid in full to receive stalling preference is June 1. Any requests to change status in Patronships, including cancellations, MUST be emailed to as well as sending a hard copy of the request via fax to 303-696-4599 or hard copy to: Arabian Horse Association Attn: Canadian Nationals Patronships 10805 E. Bethany Dr. Aurora, CO 80014 Patrons will receive preferential stalling and will be completed based on seniority.
All late departure stabling requests must be completed at the barn office. The penalty for not declaring late stabling will be a penalty of $100 per stall in addition to the late stabling fees.
for 2022
102 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals GENERAL RULES
The Westman Place Patron Tables will follow the same policy as Patronships.
The Patron’s Lounge is located in Westman Place and it will be open from August 14 through August 20. The submission of a signed Patron form constitutes an agreement by the signing party for a payment for Patronship. Patrons canceling prior to May 1 will not be invoiced. Canceling May 2 until the close of original entry, $500 will be owed. Canceling after the close of entries until the start of the show will require that 50% of the patron package price be paid.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 37 Any class can be entered by the closing date (qualified or not). Qualifications for classes not qualified for by the closing date can be earned up to the start of the show. You are qualified from the earliest date you earn the points required. There is no such thing as re-qualifying.
*Grey highlight
Once all patrons have been stabled, the remaining farms/stables/exhibitors will be stabled in the remaining stabling areas within the Keystone Centre. Stabling in the Patron area is limited and any requests received after this area is filled will be accommodated based on availability. Once stabling within Keystone Centre is exhausted, outside stabling will be utilized.
years a barn/trainer/individual has been a Canadian Nationals Patron. Stalling assignments will be completed based on Patron seniority and when Patronship for current year is received paid in full. Any year a Patronship is missed will result in the Patron losing their seniority. In order to retain seniority, Patrons must be current every year. The Canadian National Show Commission reserves the right to review special case requests regarding seniority and their decision will be final after each case has been evaluated on its own facts and circumstances.
Canadian origin horses returning to Canada and horses for permanent import into Canada must comply with CFIA requirements. It is also recommended that horses travel with a copy of their Certificate of Registration. Requirements can found at english/imp/airse.shtml
Border crossing into and out of Canada requires proof of citizenship by means of a passport.
Only one set of identifying drapes or logos per paid Patronship. Only the named person shall be allowed to hang identifying drapes or logos. Patron farms/stables/ exhibitors allowing other farms/stables/exhibitors to “piggyback” with them who are NOT patrons run the risk of being moved to other less desirable areas of stalling within the Keystone Centre or to outside temporary Thestalling.entry blank (or electronic entry) must be signed by the trainer listed on the Patronship in order for the exhibitor to be stabled with said patron. Any exhibitors wishing to be stalled together must send their entries and stabling request form in together. Exhibitors stalled at the front section of the Exhibit Hall building must maintain their decorations until Sunday morning August 23.
All Trailers must be parked in the designated trailer parking area located in the southwest corner of the Keystone Centre property (South of Westman Place) or as designated by the Show Commission.
1566482031657form/form-cfia-acia-5860/eng/1566482031157/ indicates changes
Use of walkie-talkies in the show ring areas is strictly forbidden. Communication with your barn must be done outside the main arena or show ring areas. All walkietalkies/radios must be cleared with the Canadian Department of Communication before they will be allowed to be operated in Canada.
Only certain Canadian Ports of Entry supply CFIA veterinary inspection. The three closest ports to Brandon Manitoba are: Emerson / Pembina – US highway I-29 becomes Canadian Highway 75 North Portal, Saskatchewan – US highway 52 becomes Canadian Highway 39 Boissevain / Dunseith – US highway 281 becomes Canadian Highway 10 The Boissevain Port of Entry is directly south of Brandon.
103Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
Prior arrangement will need to be made with the CFIA Port Veterinarian for inspection. As the CFIA Veterinarian is not located at the port in all situations, appointments will need to be booked a few days inEmerson/Pembinaadvance. Boissevain/Dunseith1-204-373-2346(BrandonDistrict Office covers this port) 1-204-578-6670
CFIA Veterinary Hours of Inspection at the Port of Entry
All horses that have been in New Mexico or Texas in the last 21 day before entry into Canada must not only have an import permit and US origin Health Certificate, but also require Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) veterinary inspection at the port of entry into Canada. An appointment will need to be set up prior to arrival at the portal. Overtime fees, in addition to the regular inspection fees, will apply if crossing during non-regular business hours.
104 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Canadian Nationals FACILITY MAP 99Omnibus | 2019 | Arabian Horse Association Canadian Nationals KEYSTONE CENTER NATIONALSCANADIAN2019 CentreKeystone ManitobaBrandon,
105Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse CanadianAssociationNationals HOTELS / VENDORS HOTELSVENDORS DESTINATIONCANADINNS CENTRE 1125 18 Street South Brandon, MB R7A 7C5 (204) 727-1422 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES BRANDON 1148 18th St Brandon, MB R7A 5C2 COLONIAL INN 1944 Queen Ave Brandon, MB R7B 0T1 (204) 728-8523 COMFORT INN 925 Middleton Ave Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 (204) 727-6232 (877) 895-5095 DAYS INN & SUITES BY WYNDHAM 2130 Currie Boulevard Brandon, MB R7C 4E7 (204) 727-3600 SUPER 8 MOTEL 1570 Highland Ave Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 (204) 729-8024 TRAVEL LODGE BY WYNDHAM 210-18 Brandon,St MB R7A 6P3 (204) 272-3800 VICTORIA INN 3550 Victoria Ave Brandon, MB R7B 2B4 (204) 725-1532 Information subject to change before show dates. Visit the Event Page at for updates. EMT Ryan Davis FARRIER Zach JamesMorrisStavely FEED & BEDDING Must be purchased thru the show office PHOTOGRAPHER Amanda Ubell VETERINARIAN Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 WEBSTREAMING Arabian Horse Association THE HAT LADY OFFICIAL MERCHANDISER 27754 197 Ave E Kent, WA 98042 (253) 630-0886 DISPLAY MANITOBA 1200 13 Brandon,StMB R7A 4S8 (204) 727-4837 KEYSTONE CENTRE (204) 726-3500 (204) dave@keystonecentre.com726-3556 THE GREEN SPOT HOME & GARDEN 1329 Rosser Ave East Brandon, MB R7A 7J2 (204) 727-5884 phone 204-729-9065 retail@greenspotbrandon.comwww.greenspotbrandon.comfax Book early and mention you are with the Arabian Horse Association block. Visit the Event Page at to book online. For updates and event news follow us on Twitter @AHAArabian, Tik Tok @arabianhorseassoc, Facebook @ Arabian Horse Association, Instagram @ arabianhorseassoc & on the AHA APP
106 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 20th Annual INFORMATION / CLASS LIST / CLASS SCHEDULE / RULES NEW FOR 2022 •New classes for both Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo Arabian •Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Maturity for both for 5 & 6 yr olds - nominaton required
107Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association All Entry Forms Available @ WWW.ARABIANHORSES.ORG/COMPETITION/NATIONAL-EVENTS/NEWFOR2022 •Sport Horse In-Hand 3 Yr old Jackpot “Pay to Play” •ABS Sport Horse Under Saddle Jackpot classes are now open to horses 7 & Over •Sport Horse Under Saddle is now split by type for both Arabians & Half-Arabians/Anglo-Arabians.
PERFORMANCE MATURITY CLASSES: Five to Six-year-old: • Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR
For complete rules, enrollment fees and deadlines regarding the Performance Maturity Program, please refer to Chapter 20 of the current AHA Handbook.
NOTE: Half-Arabians Competing in the Maturity Class must have parentage DNA verified to the purebred Arabian parent on file at the AHA office before the horse is allowed to compete.
Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabians can compete in Performance Maturity Classes at the Sport Horse Nationals. A wonderful marketplace to showcase the best and brightest that the industry offers and earn prize money.
• HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Nomination into the Performance Maturity Program is required and must be made on the official nomination form. Enrollment into the program will serve as the qualification for the class. Nominations will be entered under the current recorded owner of the horse. Nomination fee does not include show entry fees, post entry fees, drug fees, stall fees, etc. Nomination into the Performance Maturity Program does not constitute entry into the Sport Horse National Championship Show. A separate Sport Horse Nationals Show Entry form must be submitted with the appropriate entry fees prior to the close of entries in order for the horse to be shown in the specified Performance Maturity Class.
• CLINTONCOUNTYOHIO.COM • WILMINGTONOH.ORG SportNationalsHorse PlayExplore andCome VISITORS GUIDE Clinton County Convention & Visitors Bureau HomeJeepofJam WorldCenterEqestrian
110 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 GENERAL INFORMATION: SHOW OFFICE Office SaturdayHours:-Sunday, September 10 - 11 ......................... 8:30 AM - 7 PM Monday - Saturday, September 12 - 17 1 hour prior to the start of classes to 30 min after the last class each day BARN OFFICE Office ThursdayHours:-Sunday, September 8 - 11 .............................. 8 AM - 10 PM Monday - September 12 - 17 7 AM - 7 PM FACILITY SHIPPING INFORMATION Packages for the horse show will only be accepted from Monday, September 13 thru Friday, September 16. Neither AHA nor World Equestrian Center is responsible for lost or stolenWorldpackages.Equestrian Center (Fed Ex/UPS only) Attn: Arabian Sport Horse Nationals (Person’s name or company) 4095 OH-730, Wilmington, OH 45177 SHOW COMMISSION Jim Porcher, Chair New Mexico Jill Barton Ontario Wanda Funk Florida Cricket Gates Pennsylvania Mike Moak Georgia Marilyn Weber Illinois Show Commission can be contacted at: Arabian Horse Association Attn: SHN Show Commission 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 Phone (303) 696-4500 • Fax (303) 696-4599 FEES: Class Entry Fees $210 Post Entry Fees (per horse) ................................................. $500 Education/Evaluation Fee (Res. 9-90) (per horse) $25 Failure to Close Open Show Accounts $100 Hunter Warm-up (W) (included per class) ........................... $30 JACKPOT FEES (J1) ABS AOTR Classes $500 (J2) SHN Jackpot $500 Late Class Post Fee (per horse) $100 Office Fee (per horse) $75 Non Competing Horse Fee $380 (includes stall, office and per horse fee) Over Fences Schooling Fee $50 (all day, per horse/rider combination) 9/11 Retuned checks/declined credit card fee........................... $60 Rider/Equitation Horse Late Change Fee $50 Scoring (per horse) $15 Scratch Fee (if not filed in office, per class) ....................... $50 USEF Fees $23 (per horse, includes $8 Admin & $16 Drug) USEF Show Pass ....................................................................... $45 (Exhibitors in Amateur classes must join USEF, show pass is NOT acceptable) WDAA Non Member Fee ..................... $35 Adult / $25 Junior STALLING Patron/Elite Sponsors will receive stalling preferences. Please see the Preferred Stalling Section for complete details. Horse stalls (each) ........................................................ $220 Tack stalls (each) $220 Early Stalling per stall per day $30 To avoid double billing please do not include early stabling with your entry OPTIONAL ITEMS: Farrier Permit (each) $500 Additional Show Program............................................... $10 Therapist/Chiropractor Fee $500 Veterinarian Permit (each) $1,000 Full Hook Up RV Space .............................................. $400 Electric & Water RV Space $350 RV Additional Days (Sep 8 & 9) (per day) $40 SPONSORSHIP/PARTICIPATION:PATRONSHIPS/EVENT Arena Signs $300 Class Sponsorship (per class) $200 Platinum Patron .......................................................... $2,500 Gold Patron $2,100 Elite Sponsorship $1,000 Additional Event Sponsorships Dressage Awards Happy Hour (per class) ............ $300 Decorations & Flowers $200 Class Garlands $150 Class Champion Garland ...............................................$115 Class Reserve Champion Garland $60 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL INFORMATION Changes For 2022 Are Shaded
After Saturday, September 11, 8:00 AM no additional charge. Sunday Sept 18, by 8 AM Stalls must be vacated EXCEPTIONS
111Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association OFFICIALS Show Manager Jim Porcher Director of National Events & Marketing Kelsey Berglund (720) 648-9220 Nationals Events Coordinator Lindsey Phipps (303) 696-4553 National Events Coordinator II Paige Lockard ............................................. (303) 696-4535 National Show Secretary Marlene Kriegbaum (303) 696-4501 Operations Manager ............................................... Matt Kwapich USEF Stewards Nancy Harvey Joan Shelton-Palalek Ring Stewards Matthew Amsden Alison Walk-Sheridan Announcers Hunter/Jumper TBA Sport Horse Andrew Bailey Dressage TBA Barn Manager Dave Daugherty (614) ddaughe1@insight.rr.com989-2385 Dressage Technical Delegate Cheryl Tobey Dressage Coordinators Carol Spangler Driving Course Designer ............................Karen Homer-Brown Farrier Joe Proby Hunter & Jumper Course Designer Mike Puffer Photographer Don Stine / Veterinarian Equine Athlete Veterinary Services Dr. Brad Hill (517) 643-1091 Web Live Streaming ..................... Arabian Horse www.arabianhorses.streamAssociation JUDGES The management reserves the right to vary or add to this list. Panels and/or judge order are subject to change. HUNTER/JUMPER Nancy Seyfried Athens, GA Page Tredennick Wellington, FL DRESSAGE Brian MacMahon (WD) Welborn, FL Donna Longacre (WD) Longview, WA Fran (Dearring) Kehr Magnolia, TX Eleanor Stine-Madek (WD) Marana, AZ Susan Mandas Dayton. OH SPORT HORSE IN-HAND John Abbott (HB) Aiken, SC Stella Prescott (HB) Selma, NC Jos Sevriens (DB) Newnan, GA Anne Moss (DB) Coatsville, PA SPORT HORSE UNDER SADDLE (MOS) Hunter Type John Abbott (HB) Aiken, SC Stella Prescott (HB) Selma, NC The Hunter Jumper Judges, Seyfried & Tredennick will DressagealternateType Jos Sevriens (DB) Newnan, GA Anne Moss (DB) Coatsville, PA Karen Winn (& Eventing) Lexington, KY DRIVING Katie Whaley The judges for Sport Horse Arabian & Half-Arabian National Championship Show were selected by the Judges and Stewards Selection Committee. IMPORTANT DEADLINES & DATES
ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Entries Post Marked/Electronically Dated on or prior to Tuesday, July 19 Midnight (MT) Regular fees
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Performance Maturity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown.
POST ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 23, 5 PM Post entries for new horses may be entered online starting July 20, Noon. If you are adding a class you will need to use an entry form. No Post entries will be accepted after August 22 for any
POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Between Tuesday, July 20 and Monday, August 22, MidnightAdded(MT)class for horse entered by July 20 Regular class fee plus $100 Late fee per class New horse Regular fees Plus $500 Post fee per horse
Enrollment into the National Performance Maturity is required in order for a horse to participate in these classes. Payment can be made in full (postmarked by May 1) or in payments (due May 1, June 1 and July 1). Enrollments made after these dates are subject to late fees. Enrollment into the program does not constitute entry in the Sport Horse National Championship Show. The Sport Horse National Maturity Enrollment Form can be found on the AHA website. See Chapter 20 of the AHA Handbook for additional information.
Stabling due – Monday, August 22 Midnight (MT) In-House/Electronically Dated NO ARRIVAL is permitted prior to Thursday, September 8, NOON Early arrival will be charged from; Thursday, September 8 noon to Saturday, September 11, prior to 8:00 AM $30 per stall (horse & tack) per night for the block
112 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals CLASS LIST New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded D / DNA Required J1 / ABS Jackpot Fee @ $500 J2 / ABS Jackpot Fee @ $500 *Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes Allocated Payback SPORT HORSE IN-HAND *1022 ABS Arabian Yearling Sport Horse Filly In-Hand CH $210 *1023 ABS Arabian Yearling Sport Horse Colt/Gelding In-Hand CH $210 *1024 ABS HA/AA Yearling Sport Horse Filly In-Hand CH $210 *1025 ....... ABS HA/AA Yearling Sport Horse Colt/Gelding In-Hand CH ...................................................... $210 YEARLINGS MUST BE ENROLLED AS A BREEDING ENTRY. NO OTHER QUALIFICATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR SPORT HORSE NATIONALS. YEARLINGS MAY NOT CROSS ENTER INTO ATH OR OPEN (COMP 1203.1) *599 Arabian 2 Year Old Sport Horse Colt In-Hand CH $210 *600 Arabian 2 Year Old Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand CH $210 *601 .......... Arabian 2 Year Old Sport Horse Filly In-Hand CH ......................................................................... $210 *1331 ........ HA/AA 2 Year Old Sport Horse Colt/Gelding In-Hand CH........................................................... $210 *604 ......... HA/AA 2 Year Old Sport Horse Fillies In-Hand CH ........................................................................ $210 2701 Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $210 2709 Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 2721 Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $210 2729 Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 2741 Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $210 2749 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over AT CH ...................................... $210 2761 ....... Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH ............................................ $210 2769 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over ATH CH ................................... $210 2781 ....... Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH ........................................ $210 2789 Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 2801 Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $210 2809 Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 2821 HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH $210 2829 HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 1692 ....... HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding/Stallion In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over CH ............................... $210 2044 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding/Stallion In-Hand Hunter Type 3 & Over ATH CH ...................... $210 2881 ....... HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH .............................................. $210 2889 HA/AA Sport Horse Mare In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 1691 HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding/Stallion In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over CH $210 2043 HA/AA Sport Horse Gelding/Stallion In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over ATH CH $210 1026 Sport Horse In-Hand Supreme Champion $0 ................ (Champions from all Sport Horse In-Hand 3 & Over classes may show in this class) SHN SPORT HORSE IN HAND 3 YR OLD JACKPOT EXTRA FEE 1721 SHN Arabian Sport Horse In Hand 3 yr old Jackpot - Mare J2 $710 1722 SHN Arabian Sport Horse In Hand 3 yr old Jackpot - Gelding J2 $710 1723 SHN Arabian Sport Horse In Hand 3 yr old Jackpot - Stallion J2 $710 D 1991 SHN HA/AA Sport Horse In Hand 3 yr old Jackpot - Mare J2 $710 D 1992 .. SHN HA/AA Sport Horse In Hand 3 yr old Jackpot - Gelding/Stallion ..........J2 ...................... $710 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class
UNDER SADDLE EXTRA FEE 2680 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH $210 2684 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type CH $210 2682 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type ATR CH .......................................................... $210 2686 ...... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type ATR CH ..................................................... $210 338 ......... Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR CH ............................................................................... $210 1679 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Hunter Type CH $210 1678 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Dressage Type CH $210 1505 ABS Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle ATOR Jackpot (7+ Yr olds) J1 $710 Restricted to horses that are enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry D 1743 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Maturity (5 & 6 Yr Olds)** $210 **Two part entry 1. Must be enrolled in Maturity Program and all fees paid prior to the show paid up prior to the show 2. Must enter the class on the official entry form & pay the class entry fee 2688 ...... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH ..................................................................... $210 2692 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type CH $210 2690 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR Hunter Type CH $210 2694 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR Dressage Type CH $210 fg 776 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR CH $210 1767 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Hunter Type CH $210 1766 ....... HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Dressage Type CH ...................................... $210 1506 ....... ABS HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle ATOR Jackpot (7+ yrs olds)............J1 ....................... $710 Open to Sweepstakes Breeding or Original Entries 7 and over D 1744 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Maturity (5 & 6 Yr Olds)** $210 **Two part entry 1. Must be enrolled in Maturity Program and all fees paid prior to the show paid up prior to the show 2. Must enter the class on the official entry form & pay the class entry fee SHOW HACK 348 ......... Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack CH ................................................................................................ $210 352 Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack ATR CH $210 1051 HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack CH $210 1055 HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack ATR CH $210 CARRIAGE PLEASURE DRIVING 1228 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Working CH $210 1232 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Turnout CH $210 1236 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Reinsmanship CH $210 1297 ....... A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Pick Your Route Obstacle CH .......................................... $210 1248 ....... A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Drive & Ride CH .................................................................. $210 1272 ....... A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Scurry Obstacle CH............................................................ $210 1285 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Reverse Psychology CH $210 1322 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Timed Obstacle CH $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded D / DNA Required J1 / ABS Jackpot Fee @ $500 J2 / ABS Jackpot Fee @ $500 113Omnibus 2021 | Arabian Horse Association
114 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals CLASS LIST DRESSAGE ENGLISH 1401 ........ Arabian Dressage Training Level CH ................................................................................................ $210 1400 Arabian Dressage Training Level Junior Horse CH $210 1402 ....... Arabian Dressage Training Level AAOTR CH ................................................................................. $210 1403 Arabian Dressage Training Level ATR CH $210 1411 ......... Arabian Dressage First Level CH ....................................................................................................... $210 1405 Arabian Dressage First Level AAOTR CH $210 1406 ....... Arabian Dressage First Level ATR CH .............................................................................................. $210 1421 Arabian Dressage Second Level CH $210 1409 ....... Arabian Dressage Second Level AAOTR CH .................................................................................. $210 1410 Arabian Dressage Second Level ATR CH $210 1414 ........ Arabian Dressage Third Level CH ..................................................................................................... $210 1501 HA/AA Dressage Training Level CH $210 1404 HA/AA Dressage Training Level Junior Horse CH $210 1502 HA/AA Dressage Training Level AAOTR CH $210 1503 HA/AA Dressage Training Level ATR CH $210 1511 HA/AA Dressage First Level CH $210 1407 HA/AA Dressage First Level AAOTR CH $210 1408 ....... HA/AA Dressage First Level ATR CH ................................................................................................ $210 1521 HA/AA Dressage Second Level CH $210 1412 ........ HA/AA Dressage Second Level AAOTR CH ................................................................................... $210 1413 HA/AA Dressage Second Level ATR CH $210 1417 ........ HA/AA Dressage Third Level CH ....................................................................................................... $210 *1504 ABS A/HA/AA Dressage Prospect Incentive $210 *Restricted to horses 4-5 years old and are enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry 821 .......... A/HA/AA Dressage Third Level ATR CH .......................................................................................... $210 824 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Fourth Level CH ................................................................................................ $210 828 A/HA/AA Dressage Fourth Level ATR CH $210 883 A/HA/AA Dressage Prix St. George CH $210 887 A/HA/AA Dressage Intermediate I CH $210 888 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Intermediate II CH ............................................................................................. $210 889 ......... A/HA/AA Dressage Grand Prix CH .................................................................................................... $210 1427 A/HA/AA Dressage Prix St. George ATR CH $210 DRESSAGE WESTERN 2316 ....... Arabian Western Dressage Basic Level CH .................................................................................... $210 2317 HA/AA Western Dressage Basic Level CH $210 1573 Arabian Western Dressage Basic Level ATR CH $210 1574 HA/AA Western Dressage Basic Level ATR CH $210 2402 A/HA/AA Western Dressage Level 1 CH $210 2414 A/HA/AA Western Dressage Level 1 ATR CH $210 # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded W / Warm-up Round @ $30 per class
2502 A/HA/AA Western Dressage Level 2 CH $210 2552 ...... A/AH/AA Western Dressage Level 3 CH .......................................................................................... $210 HUNTER HACK 361 Arabian Hunter Hack CH (2’6”) $210 365 ......... Arabian Hunter Hack ATR CH (2’3”) ................................................................................................. $210 366 ......... Arabian Hunter Hack AAOTR CH (2’3”) ........................................................................................... $210 368 ......... Arabian Hunter Hack Junior Horse CH (2’3”) ................................................................................ $210 767 HA/AA Hunter Hack CH (2’6”) $210 771 HA/AA Hunter Hack ATR CH (2’3”) $210 772 HA/AA Hunter Hack AAOTR CH (2’3”) $210 765 HA/AA Hunter Hack Junior Horse CH (2’3”) $210 WORKING HUNTER EXTRA FEE 266 Arabian Working Hunter CH (3’) W $30 $240 269 Arabian Working Hunter AAOTR CH (2’9”) W $30 $240 271 Arabian Working Hunter ATR CH (2’6”) W $30 $240 278 Arabian Green Working Hunter CH (2’6”/2’9”) W $30 $240 711 ........... HA/AA Working Hunter CH (3’) ...............................................................................W $30 .............. $240 714 .......... HA/AA Working Hunter AAOTR CH (2’9”)............................................................W $30 .............. $240 716 .......... HA/AA Working Hunter ATR CH (2’6”) ..................................................................W $30 .............. $240 724 HA/AA Green Working Hunter CH (2’6”/2’9”) W $30 $240 1601 A/HA/AA 14.2 & Under Working Hunter CH (2’6”) W $30 $240 All of the above classes include a warm-up round (W = $30) before your judged round *1520 ABS A/HA/AA Green Working Hunter Derby CH (2’6”/2’9”) $210 *Restricted to horses that are enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry HUNTER SEAT EQUITATION 940 A/HA/AA Hunt Seat Equitation Not To Jump ATR CH $210 947 A/HA/AA Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles ATR CH (2’9”) $210 JUMPER 1149 A/HA/AA Speed Jumper CH (0.8M) $210 1801 A/HA/AA Open Jumper Stake (0.9M) $210 1803 A/HA/AA Jumper ATR CH (0.8M) $210 1805 ....... A/HA/AA Novice Jumper CH (0.7M) ................................................................................................. $210 EXHIBITION 873 A/HA/AA Hunter Derby Exhibition (2’6”/2’9”/3’) $100 2500 A/HA/AA Musical Freestyle Calcutta Exhibition (English or Western) $100 1204 A/HA/AA Beginner Novice Combined Training Exhibition $100 Dressage Section A Jumper Section B (0.8M) # CLASS TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded W / Warm-up Round @ $30 per class 115Omnibus 2021 | Arabian Horse Association
116 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022116 Sport Horse Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE SCHEDULETENTATIVE CENTEREQUESTRIANWORLD (HH)HandInTypeHunter PrescottStellaAbbott,John Dressageessage/Western(H/J)Hunter/JumperPoints)TotalJudge(2HorseSportDr (1Team T1 (FK)Kehr(Dearring)FranwjudgesH/JPrescottStellaMoss,Anne=)illrotateandJudge TrORSeyfriedPrescott,SAbbot,Jedennic(callJudgewillrotate) (2Team T2 (SK)KolstadtSueTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSportAbbottJohnScreiven,Jos=) DressageWestern-(ES)MasekStine-ElanorSeyfriedNancy (DD)HandInTypeDressage (3Team T3) (SM)MandasSusanPrescottStellaMoss,Anne=PaigeTredennick DressageWestern-(DL)LongacreDonnaTredennicPagieSeifredNancyMossAnneScreiven,Jos DressageWestern-(BM)MacMahonBrian DrivingCarriage WhaleyKatie=(C) rotate)willjudge(callWinnMoss,Screiven,J (E)TBAEventining WinnKaren WELCOMEEXHIBITORSPARTY6PM am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR # am8:001Triangle SecSECTEAM SF/FDDCHover&3TypeDressageHandinGeldingSH2801Arabian Sec@C1Court SF/FH/J(2'6")CHHackHunter361Arabian am8:002Triangle SF/FCHLevelTrainingDressageSF/FH/J1401ArabianCHHackHunter767HA/AA SF/FHHCHover&3TypeHunterHandinGeldingSH2741Arabian 2Court Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle SF/FH/J(2'3")CHATRHackHunter365Arabian SF/FCHRATLevelFirstDressageSF/FH/J1406ArabianCHATRHackHunterSF/FDD771HA/AACHover&3TypeDressageHandinMareSH2881HA/AA SF/FCHLevelTrainingDressage1501HA/AA (2'3")SF/FH/JCHHorseJuniorHackHunterSF/FHH368ArabianCHover&3TypeHunterHandinMareSH2821HA/AA 3Court ExhATrainingCombinedNoviceBeginnerSF/FH/J1204A/HA/AACHHorseJuniorHackHunter765HA/AA 5:30BeforeNotEVENING AsectionDressage AOTRSaddleUnderHorseSport776HA/AAA/BT2 A/BHTCHTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2680Arabian RoundudgedJYourPrecedeWillUpWarmHunter SF/FCHATRLevelThirdDressage821A/HA/AA A/BDTHackShowHorseSport1051HA/AA CHAOTRSaddleUnderHorseSport338ArabianA/BT11601A/HA/AA14.2&UnderWorkingHunterCH(2'6")A/BH/J /FNLCCHHunterWorkingUnder&14.2A/BDT1601A/HA/AACHTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2692HA/AA SF/FDTCHATRHackShowHorseSport352Arabian SF/FT1 ANDDAYEACHPM5APROXBEWILLARDSAWDRESSAGE OUT.CLOSETHEYORDERTHEINPRESENTED SHOWHORSECHAMPIONSHIPHALF-ARABIAN&ARABIANNATIONALSHORSESPORT2022 required.sectionsofnumbertheandclass,eachforprojectionsentryonbasesisscheduleThis class.thatforsectionsofnumbercorrespondingeffectmayentriesofnumbertheinchangeAnynecessary.deemedifaccordinglyreviseillentrytheaftersectionsandnumbersentryclassreviewwillCommissionShowThedeadlineandw SectionFinal/FinalSemi=SF/FectionSElimination=CB,A,Half-Arabian/Anglo-ArabianArabian,A/HA/AAHalf-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian=HA/AAChampionship-CH 202211,SeptemberSundayextensiveforheldbenotillwringshoweverconflictseseweffortEverytime.sametheatringsdifferentinrunmightwhichclassesenteringofawarebepleaseentering,Whenillbemadetosolveth conflicts.solvetoperiodsEntryfeeswillbeforfeitedincaseoftimeconflictscausedbytworingsrunningsimultaneouslythatcan’tberesolved.Classeswheresectionsarescheduledbutcancelled, wSFFtheandSFFtheofplaceinrunsectionstheavewsections,intodividedisthatSFFaonlywithscheduledscheduledClassesweresectionsthewhererunMAYSFFtheillhillbelaterinthe schedule. changetosubjectisorderJudging/orandPanelsJudging MAYANDTBABEWILLRINGEACHINBREAKSLUNCH RINGSALLFORSAMETHEBENOT listed*dayonorordertheinrunnotmayClasses*Dressage thetopriormorningstheinringhuntertheinallowedbeillwHacking drag.theandcoursethesettingcrewjump allowed.isjumpingNo houroneforhoolingscforeveningtheinopenbewillringsTheevery dayeachfortimesschoolingtheandpermitting,timeandweatherday, nnounced.awill 202212,SeptemberMonday
117Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR # am8:001Triangle Sec@CSecTeam##SecTeam Gelding/HorseSportHA/AA1691 Stallion CHSF/FDDover&3TypeDressageHandIn 1CourtRoundudgedJYourPrecedeWillUpWarmHunter SK am8:002Triangle CHAAOTRLevelFirstDressage(2'6"/2'9")A/BH/J1407HA/AACHHunterWorkingGreen278ArabianSF/F Gelding/HorseSportHA/AA1692 Stallion CHSF/FseHorJuniorLevelTrainingDressage/FNLH/J1400ArabianCCHHunterWorkingGreenCHSF/FHH278Arabianover&3TypeHunterHandIn Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle 2Court (2'6"/2'9")A/BH/JCHHunterWorkingGreenCHSF/FDD724HA/AAOver&3ATHTypeDressageHandInMareHorseSport2769Arabian SF/FCHPrixGrandDressage889A/HA/AA/FNLCCHHunterWorkingGreen724HA/AA CHAAOTRLevelFirstDressage1405ArabianSF/F CHSF/FHHOver&3ATHTypeHunterHandInMareHorseSport2709Arabian1417HA/AADressageThirdLevelCHSF/F A/BH/J(3')CHHunterWorking266Arabian 5:30BeforeNotEVENING /FNLH/JCCHHunterWorking266Arabian A/BHTCHATRTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2690HA/AA 3Court A/BH/J(3')CHHunterWorking711HA/AAA/BDTCHATRTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2686Arabian CHTypeHunterHorseJuniorSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AA1767 CHSF/FHorseJuniorLevelTrainingDressage1404HA/AA/FNLCCHHunterWorking711HA/AASF/FHT SF/FDTHackShowHorseSport348Arabian CHATRBasicDressageWestern1574HA/AA SF/F A/BDTCHATRHackShowHorseSport1055HA/AA oldsyr6&5MaturityAOTRSaddleUnderHorseSportArabian T2 am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR am8:001Triangle Sec@CSecTeam## CHSF/FDDOver&3TypeDressageHandInMareHorseSport2761Arabian 1CourtRoundudgedJYourPrecedeWillUpWarmHunter FK am8:002Triangle SF/FCHATRGeorgeSt.PrixDressageA/BH/J1427A/HA/AA(2'6")CHATRHunterWorking271Arabian CHOver&3TypeHunterHandInMareHorseSport2701ArabianSF/FHH271ArabianWorkingHunterATRCHC/FNL1521HA/AADressageSecondLevelCHSF/F SF/FCHLevelThirdDressage1414Arabian Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle CHHandinColtHorseSportOldYear2599ArabianSF/FT1716HA/AAWorkingHunterATRCH(2'6")A/BH/J elgiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,500 /FNLCCHATRHunterWorking716HA/AA 2Court $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH CHHandInColt/GeldingHorseSportOldYear2HA/AA1331 CHAAOTRLevelSecondDressage1409ArabianSF/FT1SF/F elgiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,500 CHAAOTRLevelTrainingDressage(2'6"/2'9")A/BH/J1402ArabianDerbyHunterWorkingeenGrABS1520A/HA/AASF/F $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH DerbyCH/JHunterWorkingeenGrABS1520A/HA/AA CHIn-HandGeldingHorseSportOldYear2600ArabianSF/FT1 forMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CHelgiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,500 3Court $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH Mare-Jackpotoldyr3HandInHorseSportHA/AASHN1991 SF/FCHATRLevelFirstDressage1408HA/AASF/FT1 SF/FCH2LevelDressageWestern2502A/HA/AA CHHandInFillyOldYear2HorseSport601ArabianSF/FT2 elgiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,500 $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH HInFillyHorseSportOldYear2604HA/AAandCHSF/FT2 elgiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,500 $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH Mare-Jackpotoldyr3HandInHorseSportArabianSHN1721 SF/FT2 5:30BeforeNotEVENING SF/FCCHTurnout-DrivingPleasureCarriage1232A/HA/AA SF/FCCHRide&Drive-DrivingPleasure1248A/HA/AACarrige SF/FDTHackShowHorseSport1051HA/AA CHTypeHunterHorseJuniorSaddleUnderHorseSportArabian1679 SF/FHT A/BHTCHTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2688HA/AA A/BDTCHTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2684Arabian A/BDTCHATRTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2694HA/AA 202214,SeptemberWednesday ONLYpracticedrivingforesenationsprtheafterhour1forclosedbewillScantuaryThe 202213,SeptemberTuesday
118 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022118 Sport Horse Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR # am8:001Triangle Sec@CSecTeam##SecTeam (0.7M)CHJumperNoviceCHSF/FDD1805A/HA/AAATHOver&3TypeDressageHandInMareHorseSport2889HA/AASF/FH/J 1Court SKSF/FT1CHillyHInHorseSportArabian1022ABSandYearlingF EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$10,000 SF/FCHATRLevelTrainingDressage1503HA/AA $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH SF/FCHLevelFourthDressageSF/FH/J824A/HA/AA(0.8M)CHATRJumper1803A/HA/AA SF/FH/J(0.8M)CHJumperSpeed1149A/HA/AA am8:002Triangle CHSF/FHHATHOver&3TypeHunterHandInMareHorseSport2829HA/AA ExhBETrainingCombinedNoviceBeginner21204A/HA/AASF/FTCHYearlingColt/GeldingandHInHorseSportArabian1023ABS 2Court EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$10,000 (0.8M)BsectionJumpngBM $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH SF/FCHATRLevelSecondDressage1413HA/AA CHATRLevelTrainingDressage(0.9M)SF/FH/J1403ArabianStakeJumperOpen$2,5001801A/HA/AASF/F Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle SF/FT1CHillyFYearlingHandInHorseSportHA/AA1024ABS EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$10,000 3Court $$$CH-2,500RC-1500TT-750 Geldin-otSArabianSHN1722portHorseInHand3yroldJackpgs DressaWesternCHSF/FC2402A/HA/AAObstacleTimedCarriaSF/FT11322A/HA/AAgePlDrivinggeLevel1CHSF/F CHSF/FOpenLevelBasicDressageWestern2316Arabian SF/FT2CHColt/GeldingYearlingHandInHorseSportHA/AA1025ABS EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$10,000 $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH RouteOwnYourPick1297A/HA/AASF/FC Geldings/Stallions-Jackpotoldyr3HandInHorseSportHA/AASHN1992 SF/FT2 Sta-Jackpotoldyr3HandInHorseSportArabianSHN1723llions SF/FT2 JogMandatoryProspectDressageABS TBA)Location&(Time 5:30BeforeNotEVENING SF/FDTCHATRHackShowHorseSport1055HA/AA A/BHTCHATRTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2682Arabian CHAOTRSaddleUnderHorseSport776HA/AASF/FT2 SF/FDTCHATRTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2686Arabian CHTypeDressageHorseJuniorSaddleUnderHorseSportHA/AA1766 SFFDT am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR # am8:001Triangle Sec@CSecTeam# CHSF/FDDATHOver&3TypeDressageHandInGeldingHorseSport2809Arabian 1CourtRoundudgedJYourPrecedeWillUpWarmHunter (2'9")CHAAOTRHunterWorking269ArabianA/BH/J am8:002Triangle CHAAOTRHunterWorking269ArabianC/FNL**1504ABSA/HA/AADressageProspectIncentiveSF/F FK CHSF/FHHATHOver&3TypeHunterHandInGeldingHorseSport2749Arabian (2'9")CHAAOTRHunterWorking714HA/AAA/BH/J forMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle CHAAOTRHunterWorking714HA/AAC/FNL $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH CHSF/FDDATHOver&3TypeDressageHandStallionsInHorseSport2789Arabian1411ArabianDressageFirstLevelCHSF/F (2'3")CHAAOTRHackHunter366ArabianSF/FH/J887A/HA/AADressageIntermediateICHSF/F (2'3")CHAAOTRHackHunter772HA/AASF/FH/J CHSF/FHHATHOver&3TypeHunterHandInStallionHorseSport2729Arabian 2Court EforroundsWarm-UnoareTherepquitation. 5:30BeforeNotEVENING CHATRLevelFourthDressageSF/FH/J828A/HA/AACHATRObstaclesOverEquSeatHunter947A/HA/AASF/F SF/FCHATRLevelSecondDressage1410Arabian SF/FCHLevelFirstDressage1511HA/AA SF/FHTCHTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2680Arabian HorseSportHA/AA1506ABS Over&7 SFFT2CHJackpotAOTRSaddleUnder horseper$500@feeJackpotplusSweestakes$15,000toUpCourt3 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH CHSF/FCObstacleScurryDrivingPlCarriage1272A/HA/AA MacMahonStine-Masek, CHTypeDresageHorseJuniorSaddleUnderHorseSportArabian1678 CHSF/FOpenLevelBasicDressageWestern2317HA/AASF/FDT CHAOTRSaddleUnderHorseSport338ArabianSF/FT1 CHATRBasicDressageWestern1573Arabian SF/F SF/FDTCHATRTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2694HA/AA SF/FDTCHTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2684Arabian LOCATIONRobertsAreana ExhibitionFreestyleSF/FC2500MusicalCHsychologyPReverseSF/FHT1285A/HA/AACHATRTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2690HA/AAENTRYORIGINALORBREEDINGSWEEPSTAKESABEMUST** 15,SeptemberThursday2022 202216,SeptemberFriday
119Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association am8:00COURTSESSAGEAM9:00RINGJUMPERHUNTERSANCTUARY-RINGHORSESPORTDR Sec@CSecTeamSecTeam# am8:001Triangle 1Court 2043 GeldingHorseSportHA/AA /Stallion SF/FOver&3TypeDressageHandIn DD SF/FCHLevelSecondDressage1421Arabian am8:002Triangle CHAAOTRLevelTrainingDressage1502HA/AASF/F 2044 GeldingHorseSportHA/AA /Stallion SF/FATHOver&3TypeHunterHandIn HH CHSF/FH/JATRJumpToNotEquSeatHunter940A/HA/AA Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon1Triangle 2Court CHSF/FOver&3TypeDressageHandInllionStaHorseSport2781Arabian873A/HA/AAHunterDerbyExhibiton(2'6"/2'9"/3')SF/FH/J SF/FCHGeorgeSt.PrixDressage883A/HA/AA Noon)Before(NotTBAAfternoon2Triangle SF/FCHIIIntermediateDressage888A/HA/AA CHAAOTRLevelSecondDressage1412HA/AACHSF/FOver&3TypeHunterHandInllionsStaHorseSport2721ArabianSF/F 5:30BeforeNotEVENING SF/FReinsmanshipCarriage1236A/HA/AA C SF/FWorkingDrivingCarriage1228A/HA/AA C 3Court MacMahonLongacre, SF/FCHATR1LevelDressageWestern2414A/HA/AA 2552 CH3LevelDressageWesternA/HA/AA SF/F SF/FHTCHATRTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2682Arabian SF/FHTCHTypeHunterSaddleUnderHorseSport2688HA/AA 1505 HorseSportArabianABS Over&7 SF/FT1CHJackpotAOTRSaddleUnder horseper$500@feeJackpotplusSweestakes$15,000toUp 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH SF/FDTCHTypeDressageSaddleUnderHorseSport2692HA/AA Over&3HandInHorseSport1026SupremeSF/FT3 PresentationAwardStarSenior HuntertheforroundsWarm-UpnoareThere Equitation.theorDerby202217,SeptemberSaturday
Email to:
Fax to: 303-696-4599 (please include cover sheet)
Please refer to GR 18.2.a and GR 44 CHANGES
There will be a $750.00 fine per non-competing horse for not filing an official entry form with the show office. HORSES
Mail to: Attn: Sport Horse Nationals 10805 East Bethany Drive, Aurora, CO 80014
Post entries may not be listed in the program and may not be stalled with horses from the same barn. REFUNDS
Please refer to GR 31
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.10 SHOW ACCOUNTS Refer to GR 18.7 All open accounts must be closed before the closing of the Show Office by 5 PM on the last day of the show. Management will close all show accounts not closed out by the end of the show will be assessed a Failure to Close Out fee of $100.00.
The order of go in all equitation classes is random. If there is a change of Equitation horse after the order of go has been posted, the exhibitor with the change MAY be moved to the first go.
Checks and credit cards covering multiple entries need to be accompanied by a detailed description of how the money is to be applied listing all the horses and total fees on a per horse and a contact phone number.
Please refer to General Rules for all shows – GR 8.9
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.5 CLASS SECTION REQUESTS
120 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 PLEASE REFER TO GENERAL RULES FOR ALL SHOWS ENTRY INFORMATION Please refer to the General Rules GR 18 Online entry for the Sport horse National Championship Show will be available until midnight (MT) July 19, 2022. Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure that their entries are received. If you email your entries, please contact AHA if you do NOT get a return email acknowledging the receipt of your entry on the same or next business day. AHA will accept faxed/emailed entries with a valid credit card. However we strongly discourage faxed entries. Photos of an entry form will not be accepted. Photos and Faxed Copies are often illegible. DO NOT AN SUBMIT AN ENTRY BY MORE THAN ONE METHOD AS CREDIT CARDS MAY BE CHARGED MULTIPLE TIMES. ENTERING FOR HORSES & RIDERS NOT QUALIFIED BY THE CLOSING DATE Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of Sport Horse Nationals MUST enter and pay the fee. If Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified. Failure to qualify for any one class will results in a refund for that class. FULL PAYMENT must accompany your entry. Please do not split any charges for an entry between exhibitors, horses or stables.
Non-Competing horses will be accepted at Sport Horse Nationals If a stall is available and must check with the barn manager on stall availability.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.6 Exhibitors with possible ring conflicts, should identify section requests on the Official Entry Form. At the show sections can be requested via the AHA App, web site or in person at the show office. All requests MUST be submitted BY NOON the day prior to when the sections are to be posted. Sections will be posted one day prior to the scheduled class. If you have multiple classes the same day, it is strongly advised to look closely at the schedule and request a section that will work best for your situation.
Arena signage may be purchased using the form using the Sponsorship form under the SHN Exhibitor Info page on the website. Arena signage space is limited and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. AHA will produce the arena signs as follows: one 3’ x 4’ sign, in the arena of your Artworkchoice.forthe signs must be emailed to NationalEvents
The Dave and Molly Memorial Perpetual Trophy is given in this Class in honor and memory of Dave and Molly Stanley, who founded the Sport Horse show. Their love of the hunter and the jumper, their respect and admira tion for the dressage horse, their welcoming spirit to the carriage horse, and most of all, for contributing their passion and fighting spirit to make the Arabian Sport Horse Division and Sport Horse Nationals the success it is today, we thank Molly and Dave Stanley.
This award is to recognize the value of Arabian horses throughout their often long service years and recognized the value of older horses. Awards will be presented to horses 20 years and older who achieves 30 or more lifetime achievement points at Sport Horse Nationals. Sponsored by The Friends of Akceptional IA+/.
Sponsored by Moss Rose Farm LLC.
121Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 or mailed on CD to AHA by July 31. Artwork must be in .jpg or .png format. AHA is not liable for exact color match. Artwork must be laid out so that it will fit on a 3’ x 4’ horizontal sign. If you have any questions or want more information please email
Duplicate Awards will be for sale in the Awards Room for Champion, Reserve Champion Trophy and Top Ten Plaques.
The awards room will be open for your convenience September 13 - 18, from 8 AM until a 1/2 hour after classes end. All awards not claimed by the close of the show will be forfeited with no exceptions.
Each place will be changed into points. For points see the chart below. No nomination is required. Points shown under Scoring will awarded in the following classes: 1228 Carriage Driving Working 1232 Turnout 1236 Reinsmanship 1297 Pick Your Route
The highest scoring Training Level Jr Horse six years of age or over will be presented with an award. Arabian Dressage Training Level Championship 1402 Arabian Dressage Training Level AAOTR Championship 1403 Arabian Dressage Training Level ATR Championship 1501 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage Training Level Championship 1502 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage Training Level AAOTR Championship 1503 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage Training Level ATR Championship
A Best Dressed Handler and Best Groomed Horse Award for entries in the Dressage Prospect Incentive class will be selected for entries into the jog and presented Friday evening before the start of the classes. These awards are sponsored by MaryJo Hoepner. Sweepstakes is only responsible for Sweepstakes prize money payout.
DRIVING EXCELLENCE AWARD Awards will be presented to the Champion and Reserve ToChampion.rewarda superior turnout demonstrating excellence in cones, presentation, and performance. The awards will be presented to the Champion and Reserve Champion.
MUSICAL FREESTYLE Prize money will be awarded to the top 10. The Champion will receive $2,500, the Reserve Champion will receive $1,300, and the remaining Top 8 will receive $100 each. Highest scoring amateur (regardless of placing) will receive $100. Open to first level and above Dressage and Western Dressage. Will be limited to 15 rides, all entries subject to evaluation. In the event there are more than 15 rides a lottery drawing will be held to select the 15 with preference to the upper levels. Costumes are allowed. Class will be placed 1-15. Will be judged by one judge. Whip is allowed. DR helmet rule.
Sponsored by Summerwood Farms, Jim & Wanda Funk.
Please refer to General Rules GR 5 for complete information
Sponsored/Special awards (including, but not limited to those printed below) are to be considered separate from the Arabian Horse Association’s prize list for a national event. Therefore, the Arabian and Half-Arabian Sport Horse Nationals and the Arabian Horse Associa tion are not liable for providing or presenting any award (printed or otherwise) if a sponsor cancels or is unable to provide the agreed upon awards. These awards are subject to change.
WESTERN DRESSAGE BASIC JUNIOR HORSE HIGH SCORE Awards will be presented to the Champion and Reserve Champion. Sponsored by Moss Rose Farms LLC.
122 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 RIC DESIDERIO MEMORIAL AWARD FOR HUNT SEAT EQUITATION NOT TO JUMP Sponsored by the Friends of Ric Desiderio. PRIZE ARABIANMONEYBREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES PRIZE MONEY (ABS) CLASSES Please refer to GR 3 HUNTER DERBY EXHIBITION The Champion will receive $1,000, the Reserve Champion will receive $500 and the balance of the Top Ten will receive $125 in 873 A/HA/AA Hunter Derby Exhibition Sponsored(2’6”/2’9”/3’).by The Grier School. RANDOMLY SELECTED CLASSES Prize money will be paid to 9 classes [(3) Dressage classes, (1) Carriage Pleasure Driving, (1) Hunter, (2) Sport Horse In Hand and (2) Sport Horse Under Saddle] that are randomly selected each year. The Champion will receive $1,000, the Reserve Champion will receive $500 and the balance of the Top Ten will receive $125 The following classes will receive prize money for 2022: 1. 266 Arabian Working Hunter 2. 821 A/H/AA Dressage Third level AATR 3. 1511 HA/AA Dressage First Level Open 4. 1322 A/HA/AA Carriage Pleasure Driving Timed Obstacles 5. 1692 HA/AA Sport Horse In Hand Geldings/ Stallions Hunter Type 3 & Over 6. 2316 Arabian Western Dressage Basic Level Open 7. 2684 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type 8. 2688 HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Hunter Type CH 9. 2881 HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand Dressage Type 3 & Over $2,500 A/HA/AA OPEN JUMPER OPEN STAKE The Champion will receive $1,000, the Reserve Champi on will receive $500 and the balance of the Top Ten will receive $125 in 1801 A/HA/AA Open Jumper Stake. CAMPER & RECREATIONAL VEHICLE FACILITIES RV Spaces will be available on a first come first serve basis for the entire show. Please find the form on our website, RV_Reservation_Form.pdforg/export/content.export/nat-show/shn-show/22SHN_www.ArabianHorses. CLASS INFORMATION & SPECS When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however rings will not be held for extensive periods to solve conflicts. Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultaneously that can’t be resolved. ARABIAN SWEEPSTAKESBREEDERSCLASSES (ABS) Refer to GR 3 REFER TO SWP 116, SWP 117 AND SWP 118 REGARDING PAYBACK FOR ABS NOMINATED HORSES
The ABS Dressage Prospect Incentive class is restricted to 4 and 5 year old Sweepstakes nominated Breeding and Original Entries.
The two member judging panel will consist of either: One (1) USEF ‘R’ Judge and one (1) USEF ‘S’ Judge or two (2) USEF ‘S’ judges, both of whom will have the Young Horse designation. The panel shall sit together at C. Judges shall give one score and fill out general comments on one Marking Sheet.
The AHA Dressage Prospect Incentive Test will be used and can be found on the AHA Website.
Competition Management shall provide a sound system and microphone to allow the judges to give the audience a short summary after each ride. Horses will be ranked in order of their scores in each test.
Whips are not allowed.
The Yearling Sweepstakes Classes are restricted to Breeding Entries only. This is the only qualification for these classes for Sport Horse Nationals. Yearlings are NOT permitted to cross enter into the Open or Amateur to Handle classes. Yearlings must be shown in a plain leather stable halter as described in AR 178
Breaking of ties for individual classes will be in accordance with AR173. If two or more horses are tied for the same placing, breaking of ties will be at the judging panel’s discretion.
Horses will be examined for soundness. A jog will be scheduled prior to the Championship class at which time all horses must be presented to the treating veterinarian and a member of the judging panel for examination. Horses will be jogged on packed dirt or tarmac. Horses not presented for the jog or who do not pass the jog will not be eligible to show in the class
The ABS Green Working Hunter Derby Championship is
These classes are restricted to Arabians and Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabians enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry and are 7 years of age and older. Each competitor will contribute $500 to a prize money jackpot. The Sweepstakes Program will add $1,000 per horse, up to a maximum of $15,000 to each of the two Sweepstakespurses. prize money and the additional Jackpot prize money will be awarded 20% to the Champion, 10% to the Reserve Champion, and 8.75% to each of the remaining Top Ten. Any Jackpot prize money not distributed shall be equally divided among all placings. Sweepstakes prize money not awarded will be retained in the Sweepstakes principal fund. The 50% rule does not apply to these classes.
This Musical Freestyle Exhibition class in not recognized
The Championship consists of three sections with fence heights offered at both 2’6” and 2’9” and riders choose the height at which their horse(s) compete. First year horses may compete at either 2’6” or 2’9” height but second year horses must compete at 2’9”. All horses compete in the first two sections in which they receive numerical scores.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
123Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members per USEF AR 110.e.1 – 10 CAN NOT be shown in the AOTR Maturity classes. For complete rules regarding the Performance Maturity Program, please refer to Chapter 20 of the AHA Handbook.
The first round is 10-12 fences with the second round over a shortened course of 6-8 fences. The course will include natural elements and options. The second round will be a Handy Hunter Course. The 12 horses (or less), including those tied for 12th, with the highest combined scores from the first two rounds advance to the third Under Saddle section. Only the top four horses overall from the first two rounds are eligible to be named Champion or Reserve Champion. The remaining horses are eligible to be named in the Top Ten. This class is exempt from the 50% rule. Refer to SWP 116, SWP 117 and SWP 118 regarding payback for ABS nominated horses.
Each exhibitor will contribute $500 to a prize money jackpot. Prize money for each class will be distributed as follows:Champion – 25% Reserve Champion – 15% Remaining Top Ten – 7.5% These classes are exempt from the 50% rule. Any remaining Top Ten money will be divided equally between all Top Ten Placings.
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the In hand Jackpot Class. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown. Anglo-Arabians are exempt from the DNA requirement. This is a Jackpot Class only. No additional prize money will be issued from AHA prize money programs.
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Performance Maturity Class. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown.
Enrollment into the program will serve as the qualification for the Enrollmentclass.into the program does not constitute entry in the Sport Horse National Championship Show. You must enter into the Performance Maturity Class at Sport Horse Nationals on an official entry form or on-line at the AHA website by the day of entry close. Enrollments may also be submitted after the deadline all the way up to the final close of Sport Horse Nationals (late fees will apply).
restricted for Green Working Hunters A/HA/AA which are nominated as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry who are eligible to compete as a green working hunter as outlined in the Arabian Working Hunter rules of USEF. No qualifications are required and the class is open to any age horse who is eligible to compete as a Green Working Hunter as outlined in the Arabian Working Hunter rules of USEF.
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members per USEF AR 110.e.1 – 10 CAN NOT be shown in the AOTR Jackpot classes.
These classes are for horses that are 3 years old. Payment of the Jackpot fee will serve as the qualification for the class, no other qualifications are required. No nominations are required.
Enrollment into the Performance Maturity Program is required in order to participate in these classes. Payment can be made in full or in payments. The nomination form and more information can be found on the AHA web site @ Thesecompetition/prize-money-programs/performance/
Will(EXHIBITION)runinaccordance with USEF EV Chapter. Open to horses four years of age or older (EV Appendix 3. 3.1). A combined test is a competition in which you and your horse complete a dressage test and then jump a show jumping course. It’s similar to a three-phase horse trials event, but you don’t jump a cross-country course. This class will consist of 2 sections (phases), a Dressage Section Judged by one Eventing or Dressage Judge and a Jumping Section judged by one Eventing or Hunter/ Jumper Judge. The Dressage section will run first then the Jumping section.
124 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL RULES
For Fence heights that will be 2’7” please refer to USEF EV Appendix 2 under Beginner Novice. The dressage test will be Beginner Novice Test B.
Current USEF / USDF Tests will be used as follows: Level - Test 3 Level - Test 3 Level - Test 3 Level - Test 3 Level - Test 3 Prix St. Georges - Prix St. Georges I - Intermediate I A & B (Not Offered at SHN) II - Intermediate II Grand Prix - Grand Prix Dressage Prospect Incentive Test 2019 Dressage Basic Level - Test 4 Dressage Level One - Test 4 Dressage Level Two - Test 4 Dressage Level
NEW FOR 2022 First Level Exhibitors are now eligible. The helmet rule is in effect. Whips are permitted.
in any Western Dressage class or at any Western Dressage Federation Licensed Competition persons must be active members of WDAA or pay a non-member fee equal to the price of an annual membership for each competition. Please refer to the General rules GR 28.2. No readers or whips will be allowed, exception Western Dressage classes. For Reader Exceptions see DR 122.4 and Handicapped & Electronic Communication Devises in the General Rules. DRESSAGE LEVEL RULES Horses may enter no more than two consecutive levels, Freestyle levels included at any one competition. Please see USEF DR 119.2
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 by USEF or USDF. The Musical Freestyle Application (with complete rules) must be submitted with your entry. Musical freestyle is an exciting combination of the technical and artistic aspects of a highly trained horse.
exhibitor, owner, lessee, agent, coach,
Three - Test 4 DRESSAGE HELMET RULE When cross entry by rider or horse/rider combination is permitted between Dressage and other Arabian classes at a competition, DR120 and DR121 apply only to the designated Dressage warm up and competition areas, or when an exhibitor is actually warming up for Dressage classes. Helmet rule is also in effect for musical freestyle dressage riders. HUNTER HACK CLASSES The fences at National ATR and AAOTR classes will be set at 2’3” and Open Classes at 2’6”. Hunter Hack Championship classes will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook COMP 810. HUNTER HACK JUNIOR HORSE Hunter Hack Championship classes will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook (REQ 210). Fence heights 2’3”. HUNT SEAT EQUITATION CLASSES Refer to USEF EQ 107 for class routine, faults & eliminations. 1. NOT TO JUMP
Dressage Section Please Refer to USEF rule EV136 Section Please refer to USEF rule EV143 This section is timed. Penalty points are added up to produce a final total FINAL PLACING Competitors accumulate penalty points in each section, and at the end of the event, the pair with the lowest score takes home top honors. participate and/or compete as an or trainer chart for the levels.
Carriage driving classes will follow USEF rules for Pleasure Driving (See Articles CP 101-120). Singles and multiples will be allowed in the Carriage Pleasure Driving classes. For multiples you will need to pick one horse to receive all points, awards, and recognition. Wire wheeled, pneumatic tired and combined driving marathon vehicles will not be permitted. No cantering allowed in the obstacle driving class. In the Ride and Drive the rider and driver may be different. A mandatory safety check will occur on all turnouts.
2. OVER OBSTACLES Course will be posted 24 hours prior to class. Fence heights are 2’9”. This class will follow the procedures outlined in the USEF EQ-2. All competitors will compete over the Hunt Seat Equitation course and then the top four competitors from each judge’s card will be required to perform two or more tests from USEF EQ 113, Test 1-17, as designated by the call judge. In determining the Champion and Reserve Champion in the AHA Hunter Seat Equitation Final, the final test may only be completed by the top four riders).
JP148 Table IV. Sec 1 - 0.7M (Optimum Time First Round)
A/HA/AA HUNTER DERBY Hunter Derby Championships consist of two over fence classes with the top horses in the first class returning for a second over fence class. The course should include natural elements and options. The first class is 10 - 12 fences with the second class over a shortened course of 6 - 8 fences. Further the 2nd class will be a Handy Hunter Course. The number of horses returning for the second class can be determined by show management but may not exceed 12 horses nor can it be less than the number of ribbons plus 2 as entries allow. The Derby will be run as a combined hunter competition, with horses competing at 2’6”, 2’9 and 3’. The height that the horse would compete at would be the maximum Hunter height that the horse/rider combination competed at during the show. A horse/rider combination may elect to jump a higher height than they jumped during the competition. It is open to professional, amateur and junior riders; Arabian and Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian horses. An individual rider may not enter more than 3 horses. There is no under saddle final class. All judges will sit together and provide one numerical score to be announced after each horse finished had completed the round. Horses entered will not be required to jog for soundness. Any unsoundness during the competition will be reflected in the scores from the judges (GR 1034.7).
Sport Horse In-Hand classes will be judged using the AHA Sport Horse Score Sheets as specified in the USEF Rule Book. The Half-Arabian/Anglo Arabian-Stallion classes have been combined with Half-Arabian/Anglo Arabian-Geldings. Please refer to USEF rules GR823 and AR 176.1 To help avoid conflicts with other rings, once the number of horses in each of the Sport Horse In-Hand class has been determined, there will be a signup sheet with time
Tables: Refer to USEF JP 145 - JP148 1149 A/HA/AA Speed Jumper
Judges must work competitors in groups of twenty (20) or less. Exhibitors will be excused from the ring following rail work and will perform their tests individually.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022 Pattern will be posted 24 prior to the class. Will have a rail work portion and also each competitor will be asked to perform two or more tests as outlined in the AHA Handbook REQ 209.8).
All Fence Heights are listed in the class list for each class. Working Hunter Championship classes will be judged using AHA Score Cards and will follow the procedures outlined in the AHA Handbook REQ 213 /NATIONAL Working Hunter Championships have two jumping classes (A, B) followed by an under saddle class (C) that is the Final. Riders may not be different from class to class (A, B and C). Exception: In the Working Hunter Championship classes, if an exhibitor is showing more than one horse, they may appoint another rider to ride their other entries in the under saddle class per USEF AR 165.3. All horses can compete in both jumping rounds; however this is not a requirement. The first order of go shall be drawn. Riders may be permitted to ride back-to-back rounds at their discretion. A rider may be permitted to compete out of order to minimize delays, but must be approved by management.
WORKING HUNTER 14.2 & UNDER CH This championship is open to any 14.2 and under Working Hunter. Measurement cards must be sent with your entry. Championship will run as defined by USEF in Article AR165 & AR166
JP145 Table II, Sec. 1 - 0.8M (Time First Round)
125Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
Jump Order: First go-round will be determined by random Jumperselection.Attire: USEF JP111.8
1805 A/HA/AA Novice Jumper
1801 A/HA/AA Jumper Stake JP145 Table II, Sec. 2 (a) - 0.9M (Time First Jump-Off, leave the ring) 1803 A/HA/AA Jumper ATR JP145 Table II, Sec. 2 (b) - 0.8M (Time First Jump-Off, stay in the ring)
Qualifications are not required for Green Working Hunter Championships. However, horses must still be eligible to show in the Green Working Hunter as defined by USEF AR162 b.1a.
USEF AR 115.3 An entry must be penalized for: excessive amounts of oil, grease or other similar substances, excessive use of the whip which might disturb other entries, and balding of the area around the eyes or proximal to the muzzle and nostrils.
Please refer to USEF AR 180 – AR184 for complete rules. Competitors with non-conforming appointments will be eliminated from judging consideration. Appointments (tack & attire) must adhere to one discipline (dressage or hunter) and are not to be mixed. In classes not split by type, each exhibitor must ensure their appointments (tack & attire) adhere to one discipline only (dressage or hunter). In classes split by dressage type and hunter type, each exhibitor must ensure the appointments (tack & attire) are legal for the type shown.
Whips are allowed in Sport Horse Under Saddle Dressage Type per USEF AR107.17. Arabian Breed shows are exempt from rules in DR that are specific to Dressage National Championships where whips are prohibited
USEF Rule AR 176 describes the conduct of sport horse in-hand classes. The commission would remind exhibitors the triangle will be trotted a second time only at the direction of the judge and that the horse is to be shown in an “open position” for conformation judging, otherwise the entry may be eliminated from judging consideration.
The climate-controlled indoor arenas at the World Equestrian Center connect to stable areas by covered walkways, so once you arrive, you’ll never have to go outside. The entire facility is kept at a
The Order of Go will be definite, but the times listed are
SENIOR SPORT HORSE IN-HAND SUPREME CHAMPION Champions from each of the Sport Horse In-Hand 3 & Over classes from both the Arabian and Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian classes will be allowed to show in this class. Only a Supreme Champion will be placed. Horses will enter the ring one at a time at the trot, in back number order and be judged on: Movement = 60 % Conformation = 40 %. Judges will then place 10 horses and a reserve. The total points scoring system will be used. The horses will be shown in-hand at the walk and trot and standing for conformation, but will not be shown on the triangle.
USEF Rule AR 115.2 lists causes for mandatory elimination from the ring, including, but not limited to, removal of eyelashes, changing the natural color of the mane and/ or tail, and the use of anything other than clear or transparent products on the hooves while being shown in Breeding and/or In-Hand classes.
comfortable 68 degrees throughout. The state-of-the-art HVAC systems keep fresh air flowing. Industrial fans keep the air circulating in each arena. The following table specifies the dimensions and footing of the competition and warm-up arenas: R & L Arena 120 X 615, Custom blended GGT Footing, climate controlled The Sanctuary 210 X 350, Custom blended GGT Footing, climate controlled Roberts Arena 108 x 260, Premium footing, climate controlled Roberts Arena schooling Arena 60 X 150, Premium footing Bradley Arena schooling for the Sanctuary 108 x 208, Custom blended GGT Footing WEC Outdoor Horse Show complex: Jumper Ring 300’ x 180’ Hunter 1 280’ x 150’ Hunter 2 285’ x 150’ Schooling 1 220’ x 180’ Schooling 2 280’ x 135’ Lunging Ring 320’ x 220’ The management may move classes to other arenas if weather or class schedule issues necessitate such a move. DOGS Refer to the General rules GR 14 MOTORIZED VEHICLE/GOLF CARTS All Golf Cart rentals will go through the facility of WEC. Please refer to GR 30 and USEF Rule GR1301.7 regarding the motorized vehicles, including golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or other farm utility vehicles by minors.*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
EXHIBITORSapproximate. are requested to check the posted order of go EARLY for conflicts. In the event of a conflict with other rings, management will work with exhibitors within the time frame for each class as much as possible. If you miss your go, you missed your class.
All Sport Horse In-Hand classes will utilize the “Triangle” method of presenting their horses to the judges.
126 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL RULES frames for each class. You will be able to sign up at the show on the AHA APP and web site. If you do not sign up by Noon the day prior to your scheduled class, a go order will be assigned to you.
Two Year Old horses are NOT permitted to cross enter into the Open or Amateur to Handle classes. AHA Hand book QUAL 104.1.d) Two Year Old horses may be shown in a bridle or a plain leather stable halter as described in USEF AR 178.
In keeping with the spirit and tradition of the Sport Horse, the show commission would like to remind exhibitors of the following rules and assure their enforcement.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 38.
ALL Sport Horse Under Saddle classes divided by type will be judged using the 3 judges MOS scoring system (COMP 506). All Sport Horse In-Hand will be scored using the TwoJudge Total Score system (COMP 502). Exception the Senior Sport Horse In-Hand Supreme will be judged with all 4 Sport Horse Judges using Total Points system. Carriage Driving will be judged by 1 judge.
The Two-Judge Total Point system will be used for Sport Horse Under Saddle (NOT DIVIDED BY TYPE), Working
127Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Hunter, Hunter Hack, Hunt Seat Equitation and Jumper classes. Points Table Place Points Place Points 1 20 6 8 2 16 7 6 3 14 8 5 4 12 9 4 5 10 10 3 No points are awarded to any reserve or 11th place horse. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Please refer to the General Rules GR 21 PLEASE DO NOT MAIL any Health papers with your entries. All horses entering the World Equestrian Center grounds mustProofhave:of a current negative Coggins test (within 12 months) A 30-day certificate of veterinary inspection, required for all horses arriving from outside the state of Ohio Proof of mandatory vaccinations, required per US Equestrian rules Horses who fail to arrive with appropriate equestrian forms and paperwork cannot unload on to show grounds. STABLING/ARRIVAL INFORMATION & FEED & BEDDING Please refer to the General Rules GR 43 Feed and Bedding is available through the AHA Show Office. Price will be at the prevailing prices. Shavings may be ordered with your online entry or on your entry form. All Shavings must be ordered by August 22 to guarantee delivery to your stall upon arrival. No additional shavings or feed orders will be accepted after Wednesday, September 14, Noon Exhibitors are permitted to bring in outside feed and bedding for personal use, HOWEVER, third party deliveries or sales are strictly prohibited. QUALIFICATIONS Please refer to GR 37 You are qualified from the earliest date you earn the participation required. There is no such thing as re-qualifying. Qualifications are required for 2022. Please refer to the AHA Handbook or for the web site the following link, qualifications/
A Qualification report signed by the show secretary from the qualifying show must be submitted before a non-qualified class will be qualified.
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee.
The Combined Test will utilize 1 Eventing Judge or 1 Dressage and 1 Jumper Judge. Dressage will be judged by 2 Judges and scored according to the USEF Rulebook and the AHA Handbook (REQ 208).
Horses must still be eligible to show in the Green Working Hunter as defined by USEF AR162 b.1a.
Qualifications for classes not qualified for by the closing date can be earned up to the start of the show.
There will be no warm-up rounds for the Hunter Derby or Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles ATR CH. Hunter Hack horses and riders will have the opportunity before the start of the class to school and warm up over the two fences, in the direction they are to be jumped. There is no charge for this Warm Up. Warm Up will be done in groups of five (5) or less, prior to the start of each Hunter Hack class.
Preferred stalling will be available only to those who are participating as Paton or Elite Sponsors for 2022. Elite Sponsor stalling will be assigned prior to all others. These stalling assignments will be based on the date of the sponsorship form when full payment is submitted to AHA. Stalling seniority from the past sponsorship program will carry over.
Group Stabling due on or before Monday, August 22 Midnight (MT) In-House/Electronically Dated. NO ARRIVAL is permitted prior to Thursday, September 8, NOON
HUNTER WARM UPS One Warm up round is included for Working Hunter classes. It will precede the judged round. If an exhibitor declines to use the warm up, they may fill out a form from the Paddock/Gate person to take to the show office and a $30.00 credit will be applied to their account after the show in the Denver Office.
Deadline to enroll as a Paton or Elite Sponsor to receive stalling preference is July 29.
All stall fees must be paid in full at the time of entry as follows:$220 per stall (12’ x 12’) (horse or tack) One paid stall per entered horse, all others are considered tack stalls. No subletting of stalls will be allowed. When ordering just tack stalls, please use an entry form leaving the horse information blank. Please list the tack stalls on the stall reservation form as well.
PLEASE refer to the General Rules GR 32 & GR 43
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2022
Please refer to the General Rules GR 43 AHA must receive all Stable Request forms for exhibitors wishing to be a part of a group (including on-line entries) by August 22 Midnight (MT) In-House/Electronically Dated to guarantee request.
All Day schooling will be on Sunday, September 11. The fee will be $50 per horse and may be purchased on the Official Entry Form or from the show office. Multiple rounds will be allowed as time permits. Show management has the right to limit the number of rounds per horse. No horses will be allowed to participate that are not entered in Working Hunter, Hunter Hack, Jumper or Hunt Seat Equitation Over Obstacles or Hunter Derby classes. Both trainers and exhibitors will be allowed to ride the horse during the schooling rounds. Back numbers must be worn during schooling rounds. There will be no predetermined order of go.
ALL Non-Competing horses must be listed on the stall Reservation form.
Exhibitors will be financially responsible for any alteration/ damage to their stalls on the premises.
Early arrival will be charged from: Thursday September 8, noon to Saturday prior to 8:00 AM. $30 per stall (horse & tack) per night for the entire reserved block. One stall opens the entire block. After Saturday 8:00 AM no additional charge. Sunday Sept 18, by 8 AM Stalls must be vacated.
128 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 Sport Horse Nationals GENERAL RULES
Please refer to the General Rules GR 23 Show Management and exhibitors of any animal brought to the Facility must observe all State of Ohio animal health regulations. All dogs must be restrained on a leash at all times. Pet owners will be responsible for clean-up of droppings. All horses must be washed in the designated wash areas only. No washing may be done in the stalls or alleyways. Fireworks and firearms are prohibited from the grounds.
Please note that Sponsorships must represent one entity only, and all stalls assigned to any one Elite Sponsor must be designated under a single name (a company, a farm, training stable, and individual, and a family are all considered single entities). The Elite Sponsor name must be used as the Farm/Stable Name on the Sponsor Form and all horses stabled with them must be a part of that farm. Only one set of identifying drapes or logos per paid Patron or Elite Sponsor will be allowed. Only the named Patron or Elite Sponsor shall be allowed to hang identifying drapes or logos. Farms/Stables wishing to “piggyback” with other farms/stables must purchase a Patron or Elite Sponsorship in order to hang identifying drapes or logos.
Horses competing at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions must have either a USDF Horse Identification (HID) number or a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR). Proper credentials or verificatio n certificates must be presented to the competition secretary.
• Riders and owners/lessees competing only in classes which are e xempt from the USDF HID requirements are also exempt from the USDF NM identification number and NM fee requirements. Also exempt are handlers of horses competing in DSHB In Hand or Group classes.
Non-Member (NM) Identif ication Number: For each USDF NM owner/lessee and USDF NM rider there will be a USDF NM fee of $35 per competition that must be collected by the show secretary and submitted to USDF , along with the USDF Report of Fees document and the $5 affidavit fee and Competition Affidavit Form if the person cannot provide a copy of their USDF NM card. Owners/lessees or riders exempt from the NM number requirements are also exempt from paying the USDF NM fee. If there are multiple owners of a horse and all are NMs, only one of the owners must pay the NM fee. If the horse has at least one owner who is a current USDF PM, GM, or BM there is no NM fee assessed. Competition management will be invoiced for all applicable USDF NM fees not received with the USDF post competition paperwork, along with a report listing all USDF NMs. Competition management is then required to submit the NM fees within 30 days to the USDF. An individual with a USDF NM identification number is not eligible for any USDF membership benefits. Once a USDF NM number has been assigned, a USDF NM card can be obtained from the USDF website.
Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR): A horse with an LHR ($115) is eligible for Adequan®/USDF Year End Awards, and eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying and championship classes, assuming requirements for the owner and rider are met. If a horse has a n LHR it does not need an HID number An LHR does not need to be renewed.
USDF Membership Benefits: USDF is dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For details on member benefits, including educational programs, awards, and other opportunities, refer to the USDF Member Guide or the USDF website at
Applications for USDF Participating Membership (PM), Business Membership (BM), Horse Identification (HID) number, and Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) may be found in the following locations:
Memberships Defined
• On the USDF website: You can submit the applicatio n online or download the form and fax or mail it to the USDF office
• In the show office at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions classified by USEF as Dressage Competitions, and Regular Competitions which are open to all breeds.
• Horses competing only in Individual Breed Classes (IBC s) at DSHB competitions, sires and dams of horses in DSHB group classes, where those sires or dams are not actually competing in the same competition, horses competing only in breed restricted dressage or DSHB classes at Regular Competitions (e.g. all Arabian, all Friesian, or all Morgan classes), or in USDF Introductory Level tests, pas de deux or quadrille, are exempt from this requirement. Also exempt are horses ridden in leadline, exhibitions, games and races, cla sses for 4 H members, walk trot, academy, and opportunity classes.
• By calling or writing the USDF office at (859) 971 2277, 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Horse Identification (HID) Number: A one time tracking number for horses ($35). Scores earned by a horse with an HID number will be recorded, but will NOT be counted towards Adequan ®/USDF Year End Awards. A horse with an HID number is not eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying or championship classes. An HID number can be upgraded to a Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) for a fee of $80. If a horse has a USDF LHR it does not need an HID number. An HID number is a one time fee that does not need to be renewed.
Participating Membership (PM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. The membership year is December 1 through November 30. PMs are available for 1 year ($90), 5 years ($360), or life ($1,800). A USDF Youth Participating Membership (YPM) is available for individuals who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 1 of the current membership year ($ 72). A PM allows the member to compete at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions and to participate as a rider and/or owner /lessee for all Adequan®/USDF Year End Awards and the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship program. Group Membership (GM): A membership issued to an individual by USDF w hen the member name and dues are submitted to USDF through an affiliate Group Member Organization (GMO). The GM year begins December 1 and ends November 30. A GM allows the member to compete at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions and participate in the USDF Rider Awards Program and the USDF Regional Schooling Show Awards Program
Riders and owners wishing to participate in a USEF licensed/USDF recognized competition, and not able to present the competition secretary with verification of a USDF membership or NM identification, and USDF LHR or USDF HID, must complete a USDF Competition Affidavit Form and pay the $5 affidavit filing fee. A copy of a completed affidav it form from another competition may also be used for verification purposes for up to 60 days. (Exception: Affidavits cannot be used at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships.)
Membership Requirements for USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized Competitions: Owners and riders, including foreign riders and owners who are not residents of the US, wishing to participate in a USEF licensed/USDF recognized competition as a rider or owner/lessee, must have either a USDF Group Membership (GM), Participating Membership (PM), or have a USDF Non Member (NM) identification number and pay the USDF Non Member (NM) fee. (Note: USDF Business Members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with their USDF Business Membership.)
Business Membership (BM): A membership that runs December 1 through November 30 and is issued to a business or organization directly by USDF. The USDF BM ($240) offers a wider variety of advertising benefits. BMs satisfy requirements of horse ownership only.
How to Join USDF
The effective date of membership is the date the form and correct fees are received in the USDF office or, if applying at a competition, the date accepted by the competition secretary, provided the application is signed and dated by the competition secretary, member, and/or horse owner on that same day
Class intent must be declared at the time of enrollment into the program Example: I intend to compete in the Western Pleasure Maturity AAOTR).
REMEMBER! There are 3 steps to participating in the Performance Maturity classes at Sport Horse Nationals: 1. Enrollment into the Performance Maturity Program 2. Entry into the corresponding Performance Maturity class at Sport Horse Nationals 3. All Half-Arabians competing in the Maturity Classes must have parentage DNA verified to a purebred Arabian parent on file at the AHA office in order to be eligible to compete in the class. Owners wishing to compete in this program must enroll in the program either by making payments or one lump sum. If enrollment is made in payments, the 2022 due dates are: • May 1 st • June 1 st • July 1 st Late fees apply for any missed due dates. Enrollments postmarked/electronic transaction dated after July 1, 2022 assessed a $750 late fee. Enrollment may also be submitted after the deadline all the way up to the final close of U.S. National Entries in Tulsa. (Late fees will apply.)
In addition to the program enrollment, you must enter into the Performance Maturity Class at Sport Horse Nationals on an official entry form or online at the AHA website by the date of entry close. If you do not enter the show or program, a late fee(s) will be assessed.
Adequan® may help improve joint function by: 1, 2
1. Adequan® i.m. [package insert]. Shirley, NY: Luitpold Animal Health; 2008; 2017.
withit. it.Stay ™ Beeman_8.375x10.85.indd 1 1/10/2019 3:48:29 PM
3. McIlwraith CW, Frisbie DD, Kawcak CE, van Weeren PR. Joint Disease in the Horse. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2016; 33-48.
For thirty years, Dr. Marvin Beeman, a founder of Littleton Equine Medical Center, has counted on Adequan® i.m. mare.third-generationownpatients.glycosaminoglycan)(polysulfatedforhisHeevenusesitonhishorse,Foxy,hisbelovedhomebredAdequan®hashelpedkeepFoxyperfomingintoherteens—sotogether,they’restillgallopingstrong.Only
Please see Full Prescribing Information at
2. Burba DJ, Collier MA, DeBault LE, Hanson-Painton O, Thompson HC, Holder CL: In vivo kinetic study on uptake and distribution of intramuscular tritium-labeled polysulfated glycosaminoglycan in equine body fluid compartments and articular cartilage in an osteochondral defect model. J Equine Vet Sci 1993; 13: 696-703.
REVERSING the disease cycle REPAIRING cartilage RESTORING joint lubrication and REDUCING inflammation to help keep joints moving and horses performing When you and your veterinarian start with Adequan® i.m. and stay with it, your horse may enjoy greater mobility over a lifetime.3, 4 with
BRIEF SUMMARY: Prior to use please consult the product insert, a summary of which follows: CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. INDICATIONS: Adequan® i.m. is recommended for the intramuscular treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic joint dysfunction and associated lameness of the carpal and hock joints in horses. CONTRAINDICATIONS: There are no known contraindications to the use of intramuscular Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan. WARNINGS: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children. PRECAUTIONS: The safe use of Adequan® i.m. in horses used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or in lactating mares has not been evaluated. For customer care or to obtain product information, visit To report an adverse event please contact American Regent, Inc. at (800) 734-9236 or email
4. Kim DY, Taylor HW, Moore RM, Paulsen DB, Cho DY. Articular chondrocyte apoptosis in equine osteoarthritis. The Veterinary Journal 2003; 166: 52-57. Adequan and the Horse Head design are registered trademarks of American Regent, Inc. © 2018, American Regent, Inc. PP-AI-US-0184 10/2018
Ask your veterinarian if Adequan® is the right choice for your horse. Visit Thirty years of love and Adequan® i.m. says it all.
133Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Sport Horse Nationals HOTELS / VENDORS HOTELSVENDORSHAMPTON INN & SUITES 201 Holiday Drive Wilmington, OH 45177 (855) 271-3622 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 155 Holiday Drive Wilmington, OH 45177 (877) 859-5095 HOLIDAY INN WILMINGTON 123 Gano Wilmington,RoadOH 45177 (877) 895-5095 WILMINGTON INN 909 Fife Wilmington,AvenueOH 45177 (844) 382-3689 WORLD EQUESTRIAN CENTER LODGING (937) 382-0985 Information subject to change before show dates. Visit the Event Page at for updates. FARRIER Joe Proby (708) 673-9692 EMT Ryan Davis FEED & BEDDING Must be purchased thru the show office GOLF CARTS World Equestrian Center (937) 382-0985 PHOTOGRAPHER Don Stine Don Stine Photography 1886 Highway 330 South Shirley, AR www.donstine.com72153 VETERINARIAN Equine VeterinaryAthleteServices 12630 Merrill Rd Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 WEBSTREAMING Arabian Horse Association Book early and mention you are with the Arabian Horse Association block. Visit the Event Page at to book online. For updates and event news follow us on Twitter @AHAArabian, TikTok @arabianhorseassoc, Facebook @ Arabian Horse Association, Instagram @ arabianhorseassoc & on the AHA APP
Join the GREEN Movement NationalsSportAvailablePrizeSweepstakes$107,500MoneyatHorse YEARLING CLASSES – Restricted to Breeding Entries • ABS Arabian Yearling Sport Horse Colt/Gelding (Class 1023) • ABS Arabian Yearling Sport Horse Filly (Class 1022) • ABS HA/AA Yearling Sport Horse Colt/Gelding (Class 1025) • ABS HA/AA Yearling Sport Horse Filly (Class 1024) CHAMPION - $2,500 RESERVE CHAMPION - $1,500 REMAINING TOP TEN - $750 Horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry are eligible for Prize Money for the following classes: **2 YEAR OLD CLASSES • Arabian 2 Year Old Sport Horse Colt In-Hand (Class 599) • Arabian 2 Year Old Gelding In-Hand (Class 600) • Arabian 2 Year Old Filly In-Hand (Class 601) • HA/AA 2 Year Old Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand (Class 603) • HA/AA 2 Year Old Sport Horse Filly In-Hand (Class 604) CHAMPION – $400 RESERVE CHAMPION – $300 REMAINING TOP TEN – $100 ** If fewer than nineteen horses are in the class, 50% rounded up will be eligible for prize money. The following Classes are restricted to horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry: • ABS Dressage Prospect Incentive (Class 1504) CHAMPION – $4,000 RESERVE CHAMPION – $3,000 TOP TEN – $1,000 • ABS Green Working Hunter Derby (Class 1520) CHAMPION – $4,000 RESERVE CHAMPION – $3,000 TOP TEN – $1,000 JACKPOT CLASSES – Restricted to Horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry *ABS Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Jackpot (Class 1505) *ABS HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR Jackpot (Class 1506) Restricted to horses that are enrolled as a Breeding or Original Entry and are 7 years of age and older. The Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes will add $1,000 per entered and shown horse up to $15,000 per class. Any jackpot money not distributed will be equally divided among all placings. Sweepstakes prize money not awarded will be retained in the Sweepstakes principal fund. These classes are exempt from the 50% rule. Sweepstakes and Jackpot money will be awarded: CHAMPION – 20% RESERVE CHAMPION – 10% REMAINING TOP TEN – 8.75% It Pays to Play
135Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association Sport Horse Nationals FACILITY MAP Paddocks MapSiteCenterEquestrianWorld OhioWilmington, WilburThe Estate
For Canadian residents who were paid up in the Canadian National Halter Futurity Program and are unable to attend the 2022 U.S. National Championship Show can submit a written request for a refund of that horse’s Canadian nomination fees. Refunds will only be issued for the Canadian enrollments for Canadian residents only. The amount of the refund will depend on the amount that was paid in by the current recorded owner of the horse. A written request for a refund will need to be received in the AHA office by Tuesday, August 23, 2022, and can be sent to
136 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 56th Annual INFORMATION / CLASS LIST / CLASS SCHEDULE / RULES
NEW FOR 2022 •Breeding Pays Futurity Association has added a Futurity for 2 yr Arabian Colts/Geldings and Fillies
Due to the postponement of the 2022 Canadian National Championship Show, the AHA Futurity Commission in conjunction with the Canadian and U.S. National Show Commissions have made the decision to hold the 2022 Canadian Halter Futurity Classes at the 2022 U.S. National Championship Show in Tulsa, OK.
The Canadian Halter Futurity Classes include: Arabian Futurity Filly (Class 9977) HA/AA Futurity Filly (Class 9980) Arabian Futurity Colt (Class 9978) HA/AA Futurity Gelding (Class 9981) Arabian Futurity Gelding (Class 9979) These classes will be held separate from the U.S. National Halter Futurity Classes and will be adjudicated by a separate panel of judges. Horses who have not yet entered the U.S. National Championship Show will be able to enter these classes online. Horses that have already been entered into the Show will need to submit an entry form indicating this is an added class for a horse already entered.
137Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association ADDED CLASSES FOR: •Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR had been split for both Arabian & HA/AA into 19 - 54 & 55 & Over All Entry Forms Available @ WWW.ARABIANHORSES.ORG/COMPETITION/NATIONAL-EVENTS/ SchatzbergHowardbyPhotography
Adequan® i.m. actually treats degenerative joint disease, and not just the signs. Ask your veterinarian if Adequan® i.m. is the right choice for your horse. Learn more at
BRIEF SUMMARY: Prior to use please consult the product insert, a summary of which follows: CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. INDICATIONS: Adequan® i.m. is recommended for the intramuscular treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic joint dysfunction and associated lameness of the carpal and hock joints in horses. CONTRAINDICATIONS: There are no known contraindications to the use of intramuscular Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan. WARNINGS: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children. PRECAUTIONS: The safe use of Adequan® i.m. in horses used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or in lactating mares has not been evaluated. For customer care, or to obtain product information, visit To report an adverse event please contact American Regent, Inc. at (800) 734-9236 or email
After 30 years, Adequan® i.m. (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) is still the only FDA-Approved equine intramuscular PSGAG prescription available. And still the only one proven to:1, 2 Restore synovial joint lubrication Repair joint cartilage Reverse the disease cycle Reduce inflammation
Please see Full Prescribing Information at
2 Burba DJ, Collier MA, DeBault LE, Hanson-Painton O, Thompson HC, Holder CL: In vivo kinetic study on uptake and distribution of intramuscular tritium-labeled polysulfated glycosaminoglycan in equine body fluid compartments and articular cartilage in an osteochondral defect model. J Equine Vet Sci 1993; 13: 696-703. Adequan and the Horse Head design are registered trademarks of American Regent, Inc. © 2019, American Regent, Inc. PP-AI-US-0214 02/2019
1 Adequan® i.m. Package Insert, Rev 1/19.
First of its kind. Still one of a kind.
Woodland Hills Mall: 71st St. and South Memorial Drive.
The Linde Oktoberfest: The 2020 Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa will take place October 22-25, 2020! Linde Oktoberfest is located at River West Festival Park, 2100 S. Jackson Ave. in Tulsa, OK 74107.
The Brady Arts District: The Brady Arts District is a diverse, culturally robust district in Downtown Tulsa. Grown from an historic oil-rich past with icons, including the Brady Theater and Cain’s Ballroom, the District has evolved over time to become a creative, community-driven engine of the Tulsa economy. With a variety of retail and service shops, restaurants, bars, clubs, galleries, museums, parks, private businesses, and historic music venues we welcome you to Arrive Early and Stay Late in the Brady Arts District! Gilcreasewww.thebradyartsdistrict.comMuseum:Themuseumhouses
The Brady Arts District: The Brady Arts District is a diverse, culturally robust district in Downtown Tulsa. Grown from a historic oil-rich past with icons including the Brady Theater and Cain’s Ballroom, the District has evolved over time to become a creative, communitydriven engine of the Tulsa economy. With a variety of retail and service shops, restaurants, bars, clubs, galleries, museums, parks, private businesses, and historic music venues we welcome you to Arrive Early and Stay Late in the Brady Arts District!
Blue Dome District:
15th Street between Utica and Peoria is known locally as “Cherry Street” and boasts many of Tulsa’s most popular restaurants and bars.
The Exhibitor’s Guide to Tulsa Things To Do
As one of Tulsa’s most celebrated festivals, Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa has a long and storied history of providing authentic German food, drink, and fun to generations of Oklahomans. What’s not to like about bratwurst, the Chicken Dance, the Dachshund Dash, German beers, Bavarian cheesecake, great music, and thousands of your friends, all together in one place?
Utica Square: Over the years, Utica Square has earned the reputation as the area’s finest shopping center. A dynamic mixture of quality stores and restaurants in an elegant outdoor setting has made this unique destination a hometown treasure. East 21st St. and South Utica Avenue.
the world’s largest, most comprehensive collection of art of the American West, as well as a growing collection of art and artifacts from Central and South America. Philbrookwww.gilcrease.orgMuseum of Art: The vision first made possible by Waite and Genevieve Phillips is now one of America’s finest art museums.
140 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 GENERAL INFORMATION: SHOW OFFICE Phone & Fax will be available during the hours stated below: Monday, October 17 Noon - 5:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, October 18 - 20 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Friday - Saturday, October 21 - 29 .......... 7:00 AM - 30 minutes after completion of the last class BARN OFFICE The Barn Office will be open during the below listed dates and times: Wednesday - Friday, October 12 - 14 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday - Friday, October 15 - 28 24 Hours Saturday, October 29 Midnight - 6:00 PM FEED & BEDDING INFORMATION Shavings can be ordered on your entry form by September 22 or from: • Pete's Feed, Email - • Advanced order form on AHA website FACILITY SHIPPING INFORMATION Packages sent to the horse show will only be accepted from October 18 - 28. Neither AHA nor Expo Square is responsible for lost or stolen Tulsapackages.Expo Square Freight Office Physical address: Expo Square Attn: Arabian U.S. Nationals (Include Exhibitor/Vender/Stable Name) 4000 E 15th St Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 728-3248 Monday - Friday 8:30 - 11:00 AM & 12:30 - 4:00 PM All packages must be picked up at the Freight Office (maintenance building on the north side of the facility) and no packages will be delivered to the show office. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MAINTENANCE BUILDING IS NOT OPEN ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY FOR DELIVERY OR PICK UP ENTRY SHOW COMMISSION Lance Walters, Chair New York Dave Daugherty, Vice Chair Ohio Allan Ehrlick Ontario Tague Johnson Washington Angela O’Neill Missouri Sandra Woerle Missouri Show Commission can be contacted at: Arabian Horse Association Attn: USN Show Commission 10805 East Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014-2605 Phone (303) 696-4500 • Fax (303) 696-4599 FEES: Class Entry Fees: $250 CATTLE FEES C1 Working/Reined Cow $125 C2 Limited Reined Cow ................................................. $80 Education/Evaluation Fee (Res. 9-90 per horse) $25 Failure to Close Open Show Accounts $100 Five Judge Fee. (J5) ................................................................. $50 Halter Futurity additional prize money (F3) $100 JACKPOT FEES (JP5) ABS AAOTR Classes $500 Late Class Post Fee ................................................................ $100 Late Rider Change Fee $50 Office Fee (per horse) $110 Post Entry Fee (per horse) ..................................... $500/$1,500 Non-Competing Horse Fee (Includes Office, Stall & Horse fee) $500 Scoring (per horse) $15 Scratch Fee (if not filed in office, per class)..................... $200 WARMCowUPSPractice (CP) $75 Reining Warm up per horse (R) $40 Trail warm ups per class (T) New lower fee ............ $15 USEF Fee per horse ($16 drug, $8 administration) $23 USEF Show Pass (USEF Non-member per person) $45 STALL FEES : *Please DO NOT split cost of tack stalls on your entry form Horse Stall (each) ......................................................... $300 Tack Stall (each) $300 Turn Back Stalls for Herd Work Exhibitors (each) ................................................................................ $150 Early Stalling per stall per day $25 To avoid double billing please do not include early arrival with your entry. OPTIONAL ITEMS : Private Farrier Permit Fee $1,250 Private Veterinarian Permit Fee ..................................... $2,500 Massage Therapist/Chiropractor/Acupuncturist Fee $500 Shavings per bag $10 Souvenir Show Program ........................................................... $10 *Every Owner will receive a free show program with their entries* PATRONSHIP/EVENT SPONSORSHIP : Class Sponsorship ........................................................ $300 ARENAVideoSIGNSide (Ford, Pavilion & Mustang) $750 Non-Video Side (Ford & Pavilion) ............................. $500 PATRONSHIPPackage 1 $3,800 Package 2 ..................................................................... $1,750 Pavilion Table. $3,500 For Patronships/Sponsorships please see Patron & Sponsor form, Sponsorships vary. Call AHA at (303) 696-4500 option #4 or email nationalevents for Sponsorship opportunities. U.S. Nationals GENERAL INFORMATIONSAA
PRIOR TO 7:00 AM SATURDAY, October 15 Thursday, September 22 In-House/Electronically Dated .... Group Stabling Requests Due
On or after 7:00 AM Monday, October 17 No additional fee
Horses that have been dropped for the U.S. Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buyback into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for the show. The recorded owner of horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program.
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity and Performance Futurity/Maturity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown
New horses may post enter online from August 23 to September 22 @ Midnight (MT)
If you are adding a class you will need to use an entry form Post entries must be IN HOUSE by Thursday, September 22 No new horses or added classes will be accepted after that date FOR ANY REASON
New horse Regular class fee plus $500 Late fee per class
Early arrival will be charged from Saturday, October 15 from 7:00 AM to Monday, October 17 prior to 7:00 AM $25.00 per stall (horse & tack) / per night for the block Monday, October 31, by 12:00 PM Stalls must be vacated EXCEPTIONS
141Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association OFFICIALS Show Manager Angela O’Neill Director of National Events & Marketing Kelsey Berglund (720) 648-9220 Nationals Events Coordinator Lindsey Phipps (303) 696-4553 National Events Coordinator II Paige Lockard (303) 696-4535 National Show Secretary Marlene Kriegbaum (303) 696-4501 Operations Manager Kelsey Berglund Announcers Jeff Rutz, Dan Savage Tuffy Owens, Scott Christmas USEF Stewards Kathleen Callahan-Smith Cricket Gates, Jean Kraus, Kandy Lazarrus, Cheryl Tobey Night Schooling Supervisor Robert Obermiller Barn Manager Tony cynot1465@shaw.caCaughell Veterinarian Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd, Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 24 Hour Emergency Vet Sapulpa Veterinary Hospital (918) 224-6867 Trail Course Designer Tim Kimura APAHA Contacts Deb Witty (206) 999-0121 John Ryan (609) 558-4616 Andrew Sellman (715) 425-9001 EMT Equestrian Medical Service Farrier Bobby Waters Photographer Howard Schatzberg / (480) 595-2865 Web Live Streaming................................. Arabian Horse Association JUDGES The management reserves the right to vary or add to this list. Panels and/or judge order are subject to change. These judges were selected by the Judges and Stewards Selection Committee. HALTER Donnie Bullock Fredericksburg, VA Brian Ferguson ....................................................... Victor, NY Kim Morgan Pilot Point. TX FORD ARENA JUDGES Ford Arena judging panels will rotate using the 6 judges listed below. Karen Homer Brown Georgetown, KY Jody LaSalle .......................................... East Woodstock, CT Louis McKim Richmond, BC Sheri Odom ......................................... Lake Havasu City, AZ Susan Witte Scottsdale, AZ Richard Wright .................................................... Fox Lane, IL REINING/RANCH HORSE/COW & HERD WORK Todd Bailey Ridgetown, ON Leo Fourre ........................................................ Scottsdale AZ Chele McGauly Elm Grove LA Allen Mitchels ............................................. Michigan City, IN Cindi Robbins Big Piney WY PERFORMANCETRAIL/SHOWMANSHIP/HORSEMANSHIP/HALTER Jeff Lee ............................................................. Stanwood, WA Jill Mitchell Marysville, CA Jim Porcher Los Ranchos, NM John Powers Bradenton, FL Scott Schelyi Tucson, AZ For Showmanship, Horsemanship and Hunter Seat Equitation, please refer to the Time Schedule. IMPORTANT DEADLINES & DATES ENTRIES ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS: Entries Post Marked/ Electronically Dated on or prior to Tuesday, August 23 Midnight (MT) Regular fees
Entries Post Marked/ Electronically Dated between August 24 and September 22, Midnight (MT)
Added class for horse entered by August 23 Regular class fee plus $100 Late fee per class
Enrollment into the National Performance Futurity/Maturity is required in order for a horse to participate in these classes. Payment can be made in full (postmarked by June 1) or in payments (due June 1, July 1 and August 1). Enrollments made after these dates are subject to late fees. Enrollment into the program does not constitute entry in the U.S. National Championship Show. The U.S. National Futurity/Maturity/Derby Enrollment Form can be found on the AHA website. See Chapter 20 of the AHA Handbook for additional information.
142 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals CLASS LIST New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded D / Classes that require DNA testing to verify to a purebred parent before being allowed to show FOR THE JUDGES PANELS, PLEASE REFER TO THE FLOW CHART AND THE TIME SCHEDULE D = CLASSES THAT REQUIRE DNA TESTING TO VERIFY TO A PUREBRED PARENT BEFORE BEING ALLOWED TO SHOW * = SWEEPSTAKES ALLOCATED PAYBACK CLASS FEE = $250.00 PLUS ANY ADDITIONAL PER CLASS FEE BREEDING & GELDING IN-HAND TOTAL FEES PER CLASS INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL CLASS FEES 5 Arabian Mare Breeding AAOTH 3 & Over CH $250 11 .............. Arabian Jr Mare Breeding 3 – 5 Yrs. Old CH .................................................................................. $250 12 Arabian Sr Mare Breeding 6 & Over CH $250 18 ............. Arabian Stallion Breeding AAOTH 3 & Over AAOTH CH............................................................. $250 23 Arabian Jr Colt Breeding 3 – 5 Yrs. Old CH $250 24 Arabian Sr Stallion Breeding 6 & Over CH $250 3053 ..... Arabian Yearling Gelding In-Hand AAOTH Champ ....................................................................... $250 30 Arabian Gelding In-Hand 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 3071 ....... Arabian Jr Gelding In-Hand 3 – 5 Yrs. Old CH ............................................................................... $250 3075 Arabian Sr Gelding In-Hand 6 & Over CH $250 410 HA/AA Mare Breeding Saddle/Pleasure 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 414 .......... HA/AA Mare Breeding Stock/Hunter AAOTH 3 & Over CH ........................................................ $250 3076 HA/AA Mare Breeding Saddle/Pleasure 3 & Over CH $250 3077 ...... HA/AA Mare Breeding Stock/Hunter 3 & Over CH ....................................................................... $250 460 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Saddle/Pleasure 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 464 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Stock/Hunter 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 3078...... HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Saddle/Pleasure 3 & Over CH .............................................................. $250 3079 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Stock/Hunter 3 & Over CH $250 ABS YEARLINGS MUST QUALIFY AT ONE OF THE 18 REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS - PLEASE REFER TO THE AHA HANDBOOK SWP 116.13.C Restricted to horses that are enrolled in Sweepstakes as a Breeding Entry *971 ABS Arabian Yearling Filly CH $250 *1015 ....... ABS Arabian Yearling Colt CH............................................................................................................. $250 *1016 ABS Arabian Yearling Gelding In-Hand CH $250 YEARLINGS OPEN (NO LONGER ABS PAYOUT CLASSES) 2062 HA/AA Yearling Filly Open CH $250 2085 ..... HA/AA Yearling Colt/Gelding Open CH ............................................................................................ $250 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class Post entries must be IN HOUSE by Thursday, September 22 No new horses or added classes will be accepted after that date FOR ANY REASON
143Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 2 YEAR OLDS 2088 ..... Arabian 2 Year Old Filly Breeding CH ............................................................................................... $250 2086 Arabian 2 Year Old Colt Breeding CH $250 2087 Arabian 2 Year Old Gelding In-Hand CH $250 3084 ..... HA/AA 2 Year Old Filly Breeding CH................................................................................................. $250 3083 HA/AA 2 Year Old Gelding In-Hand CH $250 HALTER FUTURITY F3 = 3 Year Old Halter Futurity Added Prize Money $100 977 Arabian Filly Breeding Futurity CH F3 $350 978 Arabian Colt Breeding Futurity CH F3 $350 979 ......... Arabian Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH .......................................................................F3 ................... $350 D 980 HA/AA Filly Breeding Futurity CH F3 $350 D 981 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH F3 $350 CANADIAN HALTER FUTURITY F3 = 3 Year Old Halter Futurity Added Prize Money $100 9977 Arabian Filly Breeding Futurity CH HALTER F3 $299 9978 Arabian Colt Breeding Futurity CH HALTER F3 $299 9979...... Arabian Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH ................................................ HALTER .......F3 ................... $299 D 9980 ..... HA/AA Filly Breeding Futurity CH ....................................................... HALTER .......F3 ................... $299 D 9981 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Futurity CH HALTER F3 $299 ABS PERFORMANCE HALTER AAOTH RESTRICTED TO HORSES ENROLLED AS A BREEDING ENTRY OR ORIGINAL ENTRY *2084 ABS Arabian Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 *2093 ABS Arabian Performance Halter Mare 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 *2080 ..... ABS Arabian Performance Halter Stallion 3 & Over AAOTH CH ............................................... $250 *1444 ABS HA/AA Performance Halter Gelding 3 & Over AAOTH CH $250 *1154 ....... ABS HA/AA Performance Halter Mare & Over AAOTH CH ......................................................... $250 PARK 61 Arabian Park Horse CH $250 64 Arabian Park Horse AAOTR CH $250 501.......... HA/AA Park Horse CH........................................................................................................................... $250 504 ........ HA/AA Park Horse AAOTR CH............................................................................................................ $250 ENGLISH PLEASURE 76 ............ Arabian English Pleasure CH .............................................................................................................. $250 2426 ..... Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 49 CH .................................................................................. $250 2427 ...... Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR 50 & Over CH ........................................................................... $250 *91 ............. Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse CH ..................................................................................... $250 516.......... HA/AA English Pleasure CH ................................................................................................................ $250 2428 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 49 CH $250 2429 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR 50 & Over CH $250 *532 HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $250 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded * / Sweepstakes Allocated Payback
144 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals CLASS LIST COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE 96 Arabian Country English Pleasure CH $250 2110 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $250 2627 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH $250 2628 ..... Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH .......................................................... $250 1168 ....... Arabian Country English Pleasure Select AATR CH...................................................................... $250 *112........... Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH ..................................................................... $250 541 .......... HA/AA Country English Pleasure CH ................................................................................................ $250 2148 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH ................................................................... $250 2629 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH $250 2624 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH $250 1172 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Select AATR CH $250 *557 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse CH $250 SELECT RIDER MAY CROSS ENTER ANY OTHER ARABIAN OR HA/AA COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE CLASS WESTERN PLEASURE 191 Arabian Western Pleasure CH $250 2123 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $250 3126 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH $250 3127 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH $250 1166 ....... Arabian Western Pleasure Select AATR CH .................................................................................... $250 *205 ........ Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH ................................................................................... $250 621 .......... HA/AA Western Pleasure CH .............................................................................................................. $250 2161 ....... HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH.................................................................................. $250 3128 ...... HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH ................................................................................ $250 3129 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH $250 1170 HA/AA Western Pleasure Select AATR CH $250 *637 HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse CH $250 SELECT RIDER MAY CROSS ENTER ANY OTHER ARABIAN OR HA/AA WESTERN PLEASURE CLASS HUNTER PLEASURE 291 Arabian Hunter Pleasure CH $250 2133 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH $250 2936 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH $250 2937 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH $250 1169 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Select AATR CH $250 *306 ........ Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH...................................................................................... $250 734 ......... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure CH ................................................................................................................. $250 2171 ........ HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19 - 39 CH .................................................................................... $250 2938 ..... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 - 59 CH ................................................................................... $250 2939 ..... HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH ............................................................................. $250 1173 ........ HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Select AATR CH ........................................................................................ $250 *749 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse CH $250 SELECT RIDER MAY CROSS ENTER ANY OTHER ARABIAN OR HA/AA HUNTER PLEASURE CLASS # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded * / Sweepstakes Allocated Payback
145Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association DRIVING 117 Arabian Pleasure Driving CH $250 120 Arabian Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH $250 562......... HA/AA Pleasure Driving CH ................................................................................................................ $250 565 ........ HA/AA Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH ................................................................................................. $250 131 ........... Arabian Country Pleasure Driving CH .............................................................................................. $250 134 Arabian Country Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH $250 574 HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH $250 576 HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving CH $250 MOUNTED NATIVE COSTUME 151 ........... Arabian Mounted Native Costume CH ............................................................................................. $250 154 Arabian Mounted Native Costume AAOTR CH $250 591 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume CH $250 1190 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume AAOTR CH $250 LADIES SIDE SADDLE 168.......... Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English CH........................................................................................... $250 1188 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English AAOTR CH $250 173 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western CH $250 1189 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western AAOTR CH $250 608 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English CH $250 617 HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English AAOTR CH $250 613 .......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western CH .......................................................................................... $250 618.......... HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western AAOTR CH ........................................................................... $250 ENGLISH SHOW HACK 316 Arabian English Show Hack CH $250 319 Arabian English Show Hack AAOTR CH $250 755 ......... HA/AA English Show Hack CH ........................................................................................................... $250 758 ......... HA/AA English Show Hack AAOTR CH ............................................................................................ $250 RANCHRIDINGHORSE J5 = 5 Judge fee $50 3023 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding Junior Horse CH J5 $300 3038 HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding Junior Horse CH J5 $300 3023 & 3038 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 1240 A/HA/AA RANCH HORSE FUTURITY 3007 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding CH J5 $300 3020 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding AATR 19 – 54 CH J5 $300 3021 Arabian Ranch Horse Riding AATR 55 & Over CH J5 $300 3027 ...... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding CH ..................................................................................J5 ................... $300 3177 ....... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding AATR 19 – 54 CH .......................................................J5 ................... $300 3178 ....... HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding AATR 55 & Over CH ..................................................J5 ................... $300 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50
146 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals CLASS LIST RAIL 1734 Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure CH $250 2845 Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR 19 - 54 CH $250 2846 ..... Arabian Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR 55 & Over CH ........................................................... $250 2345 HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure CH $250 2905 ..... HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR 19 - 54 CH .................................................................... $250 2906 HA/AA Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure AATR 55 & Over CH $250 THE TOTAL FEE FOR EACH TRAIL CLASS INCLUDES THE 5 JUDGE FEE TRAILWESTERN Trail practice is included for each class T = $15 New Lower Fee J5 = 5 Judge fee $50 *220 ........ Arabian Western Trail Horse Junior Horse CH ...............................................T ....J5 ................... $315 *655 HA/AA Western Trail Junior Horse CH T J5 $315 220 & 655 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 1056 A/HA/AA TRAIL HORSE FUTURITY 5 & UNDER 211 ........... Arabian Western Trail Horse CH..........................................................................T ....J5 ................... $315 214 Arabian Western Trail Horse AAOTR CH T J5 $315 1541 Arabian Western Trail Horse AATR Select CH T J5 $315 646......... HA/AA Western Trail Horse CH ...........................................................................T ....J5 ................... $315 649 HA/AA Western Trail Horse AAOTR CH T J5 $315 1894 ...... HA/AA Western Trail Horse AATR Select CH ...................................................T ....J5 ................... $315 ENGLISH 180.......... Arabian English Trail Horse CH............................................................................T ....J5 ................... $315 2045 Arabian English Trail Horse AAOTR CH T J5 $315 692......... HA/AA English Trail Horse CH .............................................................................T ....J5 ................... $315 3000 HA/AA English Trail Horse AAOTR CH T J5 $315 REINING J5 = 5 Judge Fee $50 YOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP FOR PAID REINING WARM UPS ($40) AT THE SHOW ON THE AHA APP *235 Arabian Reining Horse Junior Horse CH J5 $300 235 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 984 ARABIAN REINING HORSE FUTURITY 5 & UNDER 226 Arabian Reining Horse CH J5 $300 1747 ....... Arabian Reining Horse Intermediate CH ..................................................................J5 ................... $300 226 & 1747 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 1386 ARABIAN REINING HORSE OPEN DERBY 229......... Arabian Reining Horse AAOTR CH ............................................................................J5 ................... $300 377 ......... Arabian Reining Horse Intermediate Non-Pro AAOTR CH ..................................J5 ................... $300 378 Arabian Reining Horse Limited Non-Pro AAOTR CH J5 $300 379 Arabian Reining Horse Primetime AAOTR CH J5 $300 CLASSES 229, 377, 378, 379 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY 1441 Arabian Reining Horse Rookie Non-Pro AATR CH J5 $300 ROOKIE RIDERS MAY MAY CROSS ENTER INTO ANY OTHER AAOTR OR OPEN REINING CLASS *669 ........ HA/AA Reining Horse Junior Horse CH ...................................................................J5 ................... $300 669 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 1007 HA/AA REINING HORSE FUTURITY 5 & UNDER 661.......... HA/AA Reining Horse CH .............................................................................................J5 ................... $300 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded T / $15 New Lower Fee J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50
147Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 1748 HA/AA Reining Horse Intermediate CH J5 $300 661 & 1748 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 1387 HA/AA REINING HORSE OPEN DERBY 6 8 YR OLDS # 664......... HA/AA Reining Horse AAOTR CH ..............................................................................J5 ................... $300 381 .......... HA/AA Reining Horse Intermediate Non-Pro AAOTR CH ....................................J5 ................... $300 382 ......... HA/AA Reining Horse Limited Non-Pro AAOTR CH ..............................................J5 ................... $300 383 HA/AA Reining Horse Primetime AAOTR CH J5 $300 CLASSES 664, 381, 382, 383 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY 1442 HA/AA Reining Horse Rookie Non-Pro AATR CH*** J5 $300 ROOKIE RIDERS MAY MAY CROSS ENTER INTO ANY OTHER AAOTR OR OPEN REINING CLASS NOTE: If you enter both the Junior Horse and Working Cow Futurity only 1 cattle fee of $125 is due If you enter both the Jr Horse and Working Cow Futurity (classes running concurrently) only 1 cattle fee of $125 is due THE TOTAL FEE FOR EACH WORKING COW CLASS INCLUDES THE CATTLE REINED COW, WORKING COW & HERD WORK CLASSES WILL BE JUDGED USING 3 JUDGES You will need to sign up for paid cow practice ($60) at the show on the AHA App COW CLASSES C1 = $125 Herd, Working & Reined Cattle Fee C2= $80 Limited Cattle Fee REINED 260 ........ Arabian Reined Cow Horse CH ..................................................................................C1 ................... $375 1198 ....... Arabian Reined Cow Horse AATR CH.......................................................................C1 ................... $375 1135 Arabian Limited Reined Cow Horse AATR CH C2 $330 705 HA/AA Reined Cow Horse CH C1 $375 1199 HA/AA Reined Cow Horse AATR CH C1 $375 1136 HA/AA Limited Reined Cow Horse AATR CH C2 $330 WORKING 251 .......... Arabian Working Cow Horse CH ................................................................................C1 ................... $375 1229 ...... Arabian Working Cow Horse AATR CH ....................................................................C1 ................... $375 *259 ........ Arabian Working Cow Junior Horse CH ...................................................................C1 ................... $375 686 HA/AA Working Cow Horse CH C1 $375 1230 HA/AA Working Cow Horse AATR CH C1 $375 *1921 HA/AA Working Cow Junior Horse CH C1 $375 HERD WORK 1451 Arabian Herd Work CH C1 $375 1456 Arabian Herd Work AATR CH C1 $375 1461 HA/AA Herd Work CH C1 $375 1466 ...... HA/AA Herd Work AATR CH........................................................................................C1 ................... $375 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50 C1 / Herd, Working & Reined Cattle Fee $125 C2 / Limited Cattle Fee $80
148 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals CLASS LIST ARABIAN BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES AAOTR JACKPOT *RESTRICTED TO HORSES ENROLLED IN SWEEPSTAKES AS A BREEDING OR ORIGINAL ENTRY A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members can not be shown in the AAOTR Jackpot classes per USEF AR110.e.1 – 10 PERFORMANCE JACKPOT CLASSES ARE OPEN TO HORSES 6 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER J P = Jackpot F ee $50 J 5 = Judge Fee $50 *2386 ABS Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *1665 ...... ABS Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot .....................................JP ................... $750 *1659 ABS Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *1669 ABS Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *2388 ..... ABS Arabian Reining Horse AAOTR Jackpot ..........................................................JP & J5 ......... $800 *2387 ABS HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *1683 ABS HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *1673....... ABS HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot .....................................................JP ................... $750 *1629 ABS HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Jackpot JP $750 *2389 ..... ABS HA/AA Reining Horse AAOTR Jackpot............................................................JP & J5 ......... $800 EQUITATION & SHOWMANSHIP 1509 A/HA/AA Showmanship AATH 19 – 49 CH $250 1510 ....... A/HA/AA Showmanship AATH 50 & Over CH ................................................................................ $250 2190 A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship AATR 19 – 49 CH $250 2191 ....... A/HA/AA Western Horsemanship AATR 50 & Over CH ............................................................... $250 1358 A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump AATR CH $250 PERFORMANCE FUTURITY / MATURITY / DERBY ** Two part entry; 1. Must be enrolled into the USN Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program and all fees paid by the first day show office is open. 2. Must enter the class on the official USN Show Entry Form & pay the class entry fees. CROSS ENTRY INTO THE CORRESPONDING OPEN CLASS IS PROHIBITED. Refer to the AHA handbook PERF 102.1 EXCEPTION – 6 year old Country English Pleasure horses and Reining Derby horses, MAY cross enter into the corresponding Open class. T = Trail Warm Up $15 New Lower Fee J5 = 5 Judge Fee $50 C1 = $125 Cattle Fee HERD & WORKING COW 509 ........ Arabian Herd Work Futurity (5 & Under) ..................................................................C1 ................... $375 D 510 HA/AA Herd Work Futurity C1 $375 262......... Arabian Working Cow Futurity (5 & Under) .............................................................C1 ................... $375 (will run concurrently with 259 Arabian Working Cow Jr Horse) D 1923 HA/AA Working Cow Futurity C1 $375 (will run concurrently with 1921 HA/AA Working Cow Jr Horse) If you enter both the Junior Horse and Working Cow Futurity only 1 cattle fee of $125 is due REINING 984 Arabian Reining Horse Futurity 5 & Under J5 $300 (will run concurrently with 259 Arabian Reining Jr Horse) 1386 ...... Arabian Reining Horse Open Derby (6 – 8 yr olds) ...............................................J5 ................... $300 (cross entry into the open Reining is permitted) # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded JP / Jackpot Fee $500 C1 / Herd, Working & Reined Cattle Fee $125 J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50
149Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 1389 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 226 ARABIAN OPEN & 1747 ARABIAN INTERMEDIATE D 1007 HA/AA Reining Horse Futurity 5 & Under J5 $300 (runs concurrently with 669 HA/AA Reining Jr Horse) D 1387....... HA/AA Reining Horse Open Derby (6 – 8 yr olds) ................................................J5 ................... $300 (cross entry into the open Reining is permitted) 1387 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 661 AHA OPEN & 1746 HA/AA INTERMEDIATE TRAILD1056 ...... A/HA/AA Western Trail Horse Futurity 5 & Under ..........................................T ....J5 ................... $315 1056 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 250 ARABIAN & 655 HA/AA TRAIL HORSE JR HORSE D 1897 A/HA/AA Western Trail Horse Derby Open (6 - 8 yr olds) T J5 $315 RANCHD 1240 ...... A/HA/AA Ranch Horse Riding Futurity (5 & Under) ...............................................J5 ................... $300 1240 WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH 3023 ARABIAN & 3038 HA/AA RANCH HORSE JR HORSE PLEASURE 982 Arabian English Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 1030 ...... Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (5 & 6 yr olds) ........................................................... $250 1060 Arabian Country English Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 1034 ...... Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (5 & 6 yr olds) ........................................... $250 983 Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 1031 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (4 & 5 yr olds) $250 985......... Arabian Hunter Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) ................................................................................... $250 1033 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (4 & 5 yr olds) $250 D 986 ........ HA/AA English Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) .................................................................................... $250 D 1035 HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (5 & 6 yr olds) $250 D 1061 HA/AA Country English Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 D 1038 ...... HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (5 & 6 yr olds) ............................................ $250 D 987 HA/AA Western Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 D 1036 ...... HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (4 & 5 yr olds) ........................................................... $250 D 988 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Futurity (3 yr olds) $250 D 1037 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR Maturity (4 & 5 yr olds) $250 AEPA / AWPA / AHPA / BREEDING PAYS FUTURITIES AEPA, AWPA & AHPA Futurity Classes require 2 forms to be properly entered in the class; 1. Nomination form submitted to AEPA, AWPA, AHPA & Breeding Pays 2. A US Nationals official entry form submitted to AHA J5 = 5 Judge fee $50 699 AEPA Ames Foundation $100,000 Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity $250 D 690 ........ AEPA Equine Athlete $50,000 Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity ........................................... $250 1260 AWPA Arabian Horse Times $100,000 Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity J5 $300 D 1323 AWPA Equine Athlete $75,000 Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity J5 $300 1507....... AHPA Royal Arabians $100,000 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Futurity ..................J5 ................... $300 D 1508 AHPA $75,000 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Futurity J5 $300 2912 ...... Breeding Pays Futurity Arabian 2 Year Old Fillies ......................................................................... $250 2913 Breeding Pays Futurity Arabian 2 Year Old Colts & Geldings $250 # CLASS ADDITIONAL FEES TOTAL FEE per class New Classes OR Changes For 2022 Are Shaded T / Trail Warm Up Fee $15 J5 / 5 Judge Fee $50
150 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022150 U.S. Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE ScheduleTentative Italics&boldunderlined,are2022forclassesNew unlclass,aofhours24withinchangesschedulemakenottoCommissionShowNationalU.S.theofpolicytheisItessthereareextenuatingcircumstances. necessary.deemedifaccordinglywanddeadlineentrytheaftersectionsandnumbersentryasswandentriesfeweror2withclasshalteranycombinetorightthereservesCommissionShowU.S.Theillreviewclillrevise JUDGESFORD(T)TRAILMUSTANG.(M ) rotateillwJudgesFordTheSchelyiScottPowers,ohnJLee,JeffillMitchel,JimPorcher,JToddBailey,LoeFourre,CheleMcGauly,AllanMitchels,CyndiRobbins (P)HALTERPERFORMANCE (M)McKimLewis(L),LaSalleJody(H),Homer-BrownKaren )(RWrightRichard(W),WitteSusan(O),OdomSherri(P3)ShelyiScott(P2)PowerJohn(P1),PorcherJim (H)HALTERCOWCLASSES(C) (H3)MorganKim(H2)FerguonBrian(H1),BullockDonnieLeoFoure,AllenMitchels,CyndiRobbins (CF)FUTURITESCANADIANHORSEMANSHIP(W) SchelyiScottMitchell,illJLee,JeffMcCreaBruceCanda,JoeyBrumfield,Scott )R(RAILHORSERANCH(BP)FUTURITIESCNLANDPAYESBREEDING CandaJoeyBrumfield,Scott-panelHalterThe (E)EQUITATIONSEATHUNTER )(R3RobbinsCyndi(R2),McGaulyChele(R1),FoureLeo (S)SHOWMANSHIP MitchelillJPowers,JohnPorcher,Jim PorcherJimSchelyi,ScottMitchell,Jilll ARENAMUSTANGARENATRUCKFORDAM8:00PAVILION SECNO.SECNO.WALKTHRU7:30AMPanelPanel CHOpenHorseTrailEnglish692HA/AASF T CHOpenHorseTrailEnglish180ArabianSF T ThruWalk&Re-setCourse CHAAOTRHorseTrailWestern649HA/AASF CLASSESNOCLASSESNOT PartWelcomeLunchy CHAAOTRHorseTrailWestern214ArabianSF T ThruWalk&Re-setCourse SFCHHorseJuniorHorseTrailWesten220ArabianT SFCHHorseJuniorHorseTrailWestern655HA/AAT CHSFUnder&5FuturityHorseTrailWestern1056A/HA/AAT sessionsbetweenbreaksavehwillArenaMustangThe w220&6551056,Classesillrunconcurrently timetheatstartNOTmaysessionsEveningandAfternoon TBATimesrings.2othertheforlisted classperroundupwarmaforfeeaincludesclassTrailEach upwarmdayallWednsdayfor office!theinupsigntoneedlongernoYou Paidwarmups downtakenbewillcoursetrailThe day.eachclassfinaltheafter scforopenbethenwillPavilionThehooling morningfollowingtheA.M.5aproxuntil course.thesetandringthepreparetoneedtheywhen 202219OCTOBERWEDNESDAY 20OCTOBERTHURSDAY,2022SectionFinal=FNLSectionFinalSemi=SFSectionFinal/FinalSemi=SF/FSectionElimination=A,BSectionPreliminary=I,II,III,IVHalf-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian=HA/AAChampionship-CH requisectionsofnumbertheandclass,eachforprojectionsentryonbasedislistprizetheinprintedscheduleThered. PRACTICETRAILDAYALLPAVILION NOTEPLEASE sections.theofplaceinrunMAYSF/Fthecancelled,areSectionsIf theinlatertomovedbetosubjectareSF/Fthedivided,betohaveClassesIf ifentires,fordayeachmonitoredbeillwsectionsshow,theDuringweek. thetopriordaythepm6bycancelledbeillwtheywarrantednotaresections sections. effortEverytime.sametheatringsdifferentinrunmightwhichclassesenteringofawarebepleaseentering,When conflicts.solvetoperiodsextensiveforheldbenotillwringshoweverconflictsesethsolvetomadebewillEntry rringsbycausedconflictstimeofcaseinforfeitedbeillwfeesunningsimultaneouslythatcan’tberesolved. strisitday,sametheclassesmultiplehaveyouIfonglyadvisedtolookcloselyatthescheduleandrequestasection conflicts.inaidtoorderinupsplitbeenhavesectionsManysituation.yourforbestworkwillthat 8/11/22
Omnibus 2022 PanelSECNO.WALKTHRU7:30AMNO.SECPanelNO.SECPanel 15PatternSFGo1st TCHOpenHorseTrailWestern646HA/AASF734HA/AAHunterPleasureCHAMLH1007HA/AAReiningHorseFuturity5&UnderCH1stGoSFM TCHOpenHorseTrailWestern211ArabianSF734HA/AAHunterPleasureCHBMLH669HA/AAReiningHorseJuniorHorseCH1stGoSFM CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureWestern1036HA/AAAOMR w1007&669Classesillrunconcurrently CHOpenPleasureEnglishCountry96ArabianAWMR CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureWestern1036HA/AAThruWalk&Re-setCourseBOMR TCHAAOTRTrailEnglish3000HA/AASF96ArabianCountryEnglishPleasureOpenCHBWMR 11PatternSFGo1st HMLCHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1169ArabianI226ArabianReiningHorseCH1stGoSFM TBALunchforBreakHr1Aproximate OWMCHOpenPleasureWestern621HA/AAA1747ArabianReiningHorseIntermediateCH1stGoSFM TCHAAOTRTrailEnglish2045ArabianSF1169ArabianHunterPleasureAATRSelectCHIIHML1386ArabianReiningHorseOpenDerbyCH1stGoSFM CHOpenPleasureWestern621HA/AABOWM w1386&1747226,Classesillrunconcurrently CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1169ArabianIIIHML ThruWalk&Re-setCourse CHSFOldYear6-8DerbyHorseTrailWestern1897A/HA/AA T1stGoSFPattern6 SFMGo1stCHAATRProNonRookieReining1441Arabian PM4:30BEFORENOT MLHCHOpenPleasureHunter291ArabianA WRLCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishCountry557HA/AAA BREAKHOUR1APROX frameOpencardswithatimetocompletetheclassTBA WRLCHHorseJuniorPleasurelishCountr557HA/AAyEngB CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1037HA/AAAWRH 14PatternSFGo1st P3CHSF/FAAOTHHalterPerformancellionStaArabianABS2080291ArabianHunterPleasureOpenCHBMLH664HA/AAReiningHorseAAOTRCH1stGoSFM eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$25,000 SFMGoCH1stAAOTRProNonIntermediateHorseReining381HA/AACHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1166ArabianIWML $2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH112ArabianCountryEnglishPleasureJuniorHorseCHAWRL382HA/AAReiningHorseLimitedNonProAAOTRCH1stGoSFM WMLCHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1166ArabianII383 CHAAOTRProNonPrimetimeHorseReiningHA/AA SFMGo1st WRLCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishCountry112ArabianB w383&382381,664,Classesillrunconcurrently CHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1166ArabianIIIWML CHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianIWML WRHCH.MaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1037HA/AAB WMLCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianII WMRCH40-59AAOTRPleasureWestern3126ArabianA WMLCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianIII RWHA 202221,OCTOBERFRIDAY, PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM8:00PAVILIONAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM10:00ARENAMUSTANG PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORD
152 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022152 U.S. Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE PanelSECNO.NO.SECPanelNO.SECPanel 15PatternSFGo1stAM7:30THRUWALK SFGoCH1stUnder&5FuturityHorseReining984ArabianTCHOpenHorseTrailEnglish180ArabianFNL2110ArabianCountryEnglishPleasureAAOTR19-39CHALHRM SFGo1stCHHorseJuniorHorseReining235ArabianTCHOpenHorseTrailEnglish692HA/AAFNL1170HA/AAWesternPleasureAATRSelectCHAWMLM CHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter306ArabianIWRM w235&984Classesillrunconcurrently CHAAOTRHackShowEnglish319ArabianThruWalk&Re-setCourseAWLO TSFCHSelectAATRHorseTrailWestern1541Arabian2629HA/AACountryEnglishPleasureAAOTR40-59 C HARML 6PatternSFGo1st SFMGo1stCHAATRRookieHorseReining1442HA/AACHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1170HA/AABWML CH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2171HA/AAHR1APOXUNCHLFORBREAKESTIOWL LHRCH19-39AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2110ArabianB 14PatternSFGo1st TSFCHSelectAATRHorseTrailWestern1894HA/AA306ArabianHunterPleasureJuniorHorseCHIIWRM229ArabianReiningHorseAAOTRCH1stGoSFM SFMGoCH1stAAOTRProNonIntermediateHorseReining377ArabianCH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2171HA/AAIIOWL SFMGoCH1stAAOTRProNonLimitedHorseReining378ArabianCHAAOTRHackShowEnglish319ArabianThruWalk&Re-setCourseBWLO TCHHorseJuniorHorseTrailWestern655HA/AAFNL2171HA/AAHunterPleasureAAOTR19-39CHIIIOWL379 CHAAOTRProNonPrimetimeHorseReiningArabian SFMGo1st eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailaable$1,500 RMLCH40-59AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2629HA/AAB w379&378377,229,Classesillrunconcurrently $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH TCHHorseJuniorHorseTrailWestern220ArabianFNL 11PatternSFGo1st eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailaable$1,500 SFMGo1stCHHorseReining661HA/AA $100-TT$300-RC$400-CH1748HA/AAReiningHorseIntermediateCH1stGoSFM TCHFNLUnder&5FuturityHorseTrailWestern1056A/HA/AA562HA/AAPleasureDrivingOpenCHSF/FHRW1387HA/AAReiningHorseOpenDerbyCH1stGoSFM w220&6551056,Classesillrunconcurrently CH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2133ArabianIOWL w1387&661,1748Classesillrunconcurrently CHSF/FOver&60AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2628ArabianHMW OWLCH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2133ArabianII PM7:00BEFORENOT HMRCHAATRSelectPleasureEnglishCountry1172HA/AAA TBA WRMCHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter306ArabianIII TBAclassthecompletetoframetimeawithcardsOpen FutAPlWesternArabianTimesHorseArabian$100,0001260AWPALHOWR2191A/HA/AAWesternHorsemanshipAATR50&OverCHSF/FW CHAATRSelectPleasureEnglishCountry1172HA/AABHMR P2CHSF/FAAOTHHalterPerformanceMareArabianABS20932133ArabianHunterPleasureAAOTR19-39CHIIIOWL2190A/HA/AAWesternHorsemanshipAATR19-49CHSF/FW eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$25,000 FutBPlWesternArabianTimesHorseArabian$100,0001260AWPALHOWR $2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH CHOpenDrivingPleasureCountry131ArabianSF/FWRH CHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter749HA/AAAWRM CH19-49AAOTRPleasureEnglish2426ArabianALHR CH19-49AAOTRPleasureEnglish2426Arabian B LHR CHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter749HA/AABWRM CHOpenHackShowEnglish755HA/AAARMH SF/FCHPleasureEnglishSaddleSideLadies168ArabianWRH CHOpenHackShowEnglish755HA/AABRMH CHAAOTRHorseParkHA/AA504SF/FHRW22,OCTOBERSATURDAY,2022 AM10:00ARENAMUSTANGAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM8:00PAVILION PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORD
Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association PanelSECAM7:30APROXTHRUWALKNO.NO.SECPanelNO.SECPanel TCHOpenHorseTrailWestern211ArabianFNL1034ArabianCountryEnglishPleasureAAOTRMaturityCHAWMO 11PatternFNLGo2nd TCHOpenHorseTrailWestern646HA/AAFNL987HA/AAWesternPleasureFuturityCHAOHM1007HA/AAReiningHorseHorseFuturityCHFNLM CH40-59AAOTRPleasureHunter2938HA/AAAHLR669HA/AAReiningHorseJuniorHorseCHFNLM CHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1166ArabianThruWalk&Re-setCourseAWML thoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$10,000 $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CHCHBMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry1034ArabianWMO TCHAAOTRTrailEnglish2045ArabianFNL1166ArabianWesternPleasureAATRSelectCHBWML w1007&669Classesillrunconcurrently CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry1038HA/AAARML TCHAAOTRTrailEnglish3000HA/AAFNL987HA/AAWesternPleasureFuturityCHBOHM 2PatternFNLGo2nd CH40-59AAOTRPleasureHunter2938HA/AABHLR226ArabianReiningHorseCH2ndGoFNLM CHAAOTRCostumeNativeMounted1190HA/AAThruWalk&Re-setCourseARWO1747ArabianReiningHorseIntermediateCH2ndGoFNLM TCHFNLOldYear6-8DerbyHorseTrailWestern1897A/HA/AA1190HA/AAMountedNativeCostumeAAOTRCHBRWO1386ArabianReiningHorseOpenDerbyCH2ndGoFNLM RMLCHMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry1038HA/AAB w1386&1747226,Classesillrunconcurrently LUNCHFORBREAKPM:006BEFORENOT FNLGo2ndTBAclassthecompletetoframetimeawithcardsOpenPattern8 CHFNLMProNonAATRRookieHorseReining1441ArabianCHAAOTDDrivingPleasure565HA/AASF/FLMO P1CHSF/FAAOTHHalterPerformanceGeldingArabianABS20841036HA/AAWesternPleasureAAOTRMaturityCHSF/FOMR eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$25,000 WMLCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianA 4PatternFNLGo2nd $2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH1169ArabianHunterPleasureAATRSelectCHAHML664HA/AAReiningHorseAAOTRCHFNLM CHFNLMAAOTRProNonIntermediateHorseReining381HA/AACH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2123ArabianAHOL CHFNLMAAOTRProNonLimitedHorseReining382HA/AACHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1169ArabianBHML CHFuturityPleasureHunter985ArabianAROL CHAAOTRProNonPrimetimeHorseReiningHA/AA383 FNLM w383&382381,664,ClassesCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianBWMLillrunconcurrently ROLCHFuturityPleasureHunter985ArabianB RWHCHOver&50AAOTRPleasureEnglish2427ArabianSF/F BREAKHOUR1 12Pattern SF/FMHorseJr.RidingHorseRanch3023Arabian SF/FMHorseJr.RidingHorseRanch3038HA/AA WRHCHAAOTDDrivingPleasureCountry574HA/AASF/F1240A/HA/AARanchHorseRidingFuturitySF/FM WRHCHMaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1033ArabianAClasses3023,3038,1240willrunconcurrently SF/FCHPleasureWesternSaddleSideLadies613HA/AAOML CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1033ArabianBWRH CH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2123ArabianBHOL CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AAIHML CH19-49AAOTRPleasureEnglish2428HA/AASF/FLHR CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AAIIHML CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AAIIIHMLAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM9:00ARENAMUSTANGAM8:00APROXPAVILION23,OCTOBERSUNDAY,2022
154 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022154 U.S. Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE PanelSECNO.NO.SECPanel 0 CHAFutPlHunterArabian$100,000ArabiansRoyal1507AHPATCHAAOTRHorseTrailWestern649HA/AAFNLHMOWR TCHAAOTRHorseTrailWestern214ArabianFNL1031ArabianWesternPleasureAAOTRMaturityCHAOMR 11PatternFNLGo2nd CHBFutPlHunterArabian$100,000ArabiansRoyal1507AHPAHMOWR984ArabianReiningHorseFuturity5&UnderCHFNLM BREAKLUNCHAPROX5 CHOpenHackShowEnglish316ArabianARMH235ArabianReiningHorseJuniorHorseCHFNLM Re-setCourse CH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2161HA/AAAHOL eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CHCH40-59AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2629HA/AAThruWalkSF/FRML TCHSelectAATRHorseTrailWestern1894HA/AAFNL2937ArabianHunterPleasureAAOTR60&OverCHALMW w235&984Classesillrunconcurrently TCHSelectAATRHorseTrailWestern1541ArabianFNL316ArabianEnglishShowHackOpenCHBRMH CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureWestern1031ArabianBOMR 2PatternFNLGo2nd LHRCH19-39AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2110ArabianSF/F661HA/AAReiningHorseCHFNLM PM:005BEFORENOT LMWCHOver&60AAOTRPleasureHunter2937ArabianB1748HA/AAReiningHorseIntermediateCHFNLM HOLCH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2161HA/AAB1387HA/AAReiningHorseOpenDerbyCHFNLM TBAclassthecompletetoframetimeawithcardsOpen w1387&661,1748Classesillrunconcurrently P1CHSF/FAAOTHHalterPerformanceMareHA/AAABS1154 8PatternFNLGo2nd eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglish1030ArabianSF/FHMW1442HA/AAReiningHorseRookieAATRCHFNLM $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH758HA/AAEnglishShowHackAAOTRCHAWLO SF/FCHAATRSelectPleasureWestern1170HA/AAWML CHSF/FAAOTHHalterPerformanceGeldingHA/AAABS1444 P2 CHAAOTRHackShowEnglish758HA/AABWLO 4PatternFNLGo2nd eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 CHAAOTRHorseReining229ArabianCH40-59AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2627ArabianARWHFNLM $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH2133ArabianHunterPleasureAAOTR19-39CHAOWL377ArabianReiningHorseIntermediateAAOTRNonProCHFNLM CHFNLMProNonAAOTRLimitedHorseReining378ArabianCHSF/FOver&60AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2624HA/AAWHL CHAFuturityPlWesternHA/AA$75,000AthleteEquine1323AWPARHLOW CHProNonAAOTRPrimetimeHorseReiningArabian379 FNL M CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1037HA/AASF/FWRH w379&378377,229,Classesillrunconcurrently CHBFuturityPlWesternHA/AA$75,000AthleteEquine1323AWPARHLOW CH40-59AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2627ArabianBRWH OWLCH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2133ArabianB BREAKHOUR1APPROXIMATE SFFEAATREquitationSeatHunter1358A/HA/AA CHOver&50AAOTRPleasureEnglish2429HA/AASF/FRML CHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter306ArabianAWRM CH19-39AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2148HA/AAALHR CHOpenPleasureWestern191ArabianAOWM CHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter306ArabianBWRM CH19-39AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2148HA/AABLHR CHOpenPleasureWestern191ArabianBOWM CHAAOTRHorsePark64ArabianSF/FWHRAM:008PAVILIONAM9:00ARENAMUSTANGAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM1:00ARENATRUCKFORD24,OCTOBERMONDAY,2022
Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association PanelSECNO.NO.SECPanelNO.SECPanel SF/FCHDrivingPleasure117ArabianHRW CHOver&60AAOTRPleasureWestern3127ArabianALOH SF/FCHFuturityPleasureHunter985ArabianROL JackpotAAOTRHorseReiningArabianABSCHOver&60AAOTRPleasureWestern3127ArabianBLOH2388 Pattern5 SFFM SF/FCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1168ArabianWML horse)per($500JackpotplusSweestakes$15,000 CH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2171HA/AAAOWLCH=20%RC=10%TT=8.75% CHHorseJuniorPleasureWestern637HA/AAAOWR NoonPresentations.HalterPerfomance JackpotAAOTRHorseReiningHA/AAABSCHMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglish1035HA/AASF/FRML2389 5Pattern SFFM CH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2171HA/AABOWL horse)per($500JackpotplusSweestakes$15,000 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CHCHHorseJuniorPleasureWestern637HA/AABOWR BREAKLUNCH 2Pattern CHSF/FOver&55AATRRidingHorseRanchHA/AACHAAOTDDrivingPleasureCountry134ArabianSF/FMOL3178M CH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2123ArabianSF/FHOL JackpotAAOTRPlWesternHA/AAABS1673AMWL 4Pattern CHSF/F54-19AATRRidingHorseRanchArabianCHAAOTRCostumeNativeMounted154ArabianARWO3020M CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry1038HA/AASF/FRML CHFuturityPleasureWestern983ArabianAOHM 2Pattern CHSF/F54-19AATRRidingHorseRanchHA/AACHMaturityAAOTRPleasureHunter1033ArabianSF/FWRH3177M CH19-49AAOTRPleasureEnglish2426ArabianSF/FLHR CHFuturityPleasureWestern983ArabianBOHM 4Pattern CHSF/FOver&55AATRRidingHorseRanchArabianJackpotAAOTRPlWesternHA/AAABS1673BMWL3021M SF/FCHFuturityPleasureHunter988HA/AAROL BPFilliesoldyr2FuturityArabianFuturityPays2912BreedingA RWOCHAAOTRCostumeNativeMounted154ArabianB BPFilliesoldyr2FuturityArabianFuturityPays2912BreedingB HLR40-59AAOTRPleasureHunter2936ArabianA OMRCHMaturityAAOTRPleasureWestern1031ArabianSF/F BPFuturityArabianFuturityPays2913BreedingA CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AAAHML Geldings&Coltsoldyr2 CHAAOTRHackShowEnglish319ArabianSF/FWLO BPFuturityArabianFuturityPays2913BreedingB 40-59AAOTRPleasureHunter2936ArabianBHLR Geldings&Coltsoldyr2 SF/FCHSelectAATRPleasureEnglishCountry1172HA/AAHMR CHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AABHML PartyBrunchExhibitor's PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM7:00EVENINGPAVILIONPM7:00EVENINGARENATRUCKFORD202225,OCTOBERTUESDAY, AM8:00ARENAMUSTANGAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM10:00PAVILION
SF/FCHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1169ArabianHML SeatSFSaddleArabian$100,000oundationFAmesAEPA699HRWLM FOLLOWTORACTICEPCATTLE (Pattern)CHFuturity SeatSaddleHA/AA$50,000AtheleEquineAEPA690SFHRWLM (Pattern)CHFuturity WMLSF/FCHSelectAATRPleasureWestern1166Arabian H1SF/FCHFillyFuturity977Arabian2939HA/AAHunterPleasureAAOTR60&OverCHSF/FLMW CHSF/FAAOTRPleasureEnglishSaddleSideLadies1188ArabianSF/FCHColtFuturity978ArabianH2RHW CHOpenPleasureWestern621HA/AASF/FOWM CHMaturityAAOTRPleasureCountry1034ArabianSF/FWMO CHOpenHorsePark61ArabianSF/FRWH BsectionfollowwillSF/FtheheldaresectionsifRail,RanchtheFor 202226,OCTOBERWEDNESDAY, AM10:00BEFORENOTARENAMUSTANGAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDPAVILION9:30AM PM7:00PAVILIONPM7:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM1:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM2:00APROXPAVILION
156 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE PanelSECNO.SECNO.NO.SECPanel JackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianABSOillyFYearling2062HA/AApenCHSF/FH21669AMOL CHOpenGelding/ColtYearlingHA/AA2085SF/FH31659ABSArabianWesternPleasureAAOTRJackpotAMWL Sweepstongerlnoareclassesabovethe2021ofAsakesclasses SFFCHPleasureEnglishSaddleSideLadies608HA/AAWRH JackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianABS1669BMOL JackpotAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianABSCHIn-HandGeldingOldYear23083HA/AASF/FH11659BMWL RHWSF/FCHFuturityPleasureEnglishCountry1060ArabianSF/FCHeedingFYear23084HA/AAillyBrH2 SF/FCHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter306ArabianSF/FCHandIn-HGeldingYearlingArabianABS1016H3WRM EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$25,000 eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH$2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH OpenRailHorseRanch2345HA/AACH19-39AAOTRPleasureWestern2161HA/AACHSF/FOver&3Saddle/PleasureIn-HandGelding3078HA/AAH2SF/FHOL A/B/SFF R3 CH40-59AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2627ArabianCHSF/FOver&3Saddle/PleasureBreedingMare3076HA/AAH3SF/FRWH OpenRailHorseRanch1734ArabianCHFuturityPleasureHunterHA/AA$75,0001508AHPAH3CHSF/FOver&3Stock/HunterIn-HandGelding3079HA/AAAHLMOR A/B/SFF R1 TBABREAK CH54-19AATRRailHorseRanch2905HA/AAA/B/SFF R1 CHFuturityPleasureHunterHA/AA$75,0001508AHPAH3CHIn-HandGeldingOldYear22087ArabianSF/FBHLMOR H1CHBreedingColtOldYear22086ArabianSF/F1683ABSHA/AACountryPleasureAAOTRJackpotAWRL CH54-19AATRRailHorseRanch2845ArabianA/B/SFF R3 H1CHOver&3Stock/HunterBreedingMare3077HA/AASF/F205ArabianWesternPleasureJuniorHorseCHAOWR H1CHOldYear3-5GeldingJr3071ArabianSF/F2938HA/AAHunterPleasureAAOTR40-59CHSF/FHLR CHOverand55AATRRailHorseRanch2906HA/AAA/B/SFF R2 H2CHOver&6HandInGeldingSr3075ArabianSF/F205ArabianWesternPleasureJuniorHorseCHBOWR CH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2171HA/AASF/FOWL
157Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association 7:30@HerdSettlePanelSECNO.NO.SECPanel CH3CHSF/FOver&3AAOTHSaddle/PleasureBreedingMare410HA/AA2937ArabianHunterPleasureAAOTR60&OverCHSF/FLMW1461HA/AAHerdWorkCH(2SETS)SF/F H2CHSF/FOver&3AAOTHSaddle/PleasureIn-HandGelding460HA/AA986HA/AAEnglishPleasureFuturityCHSF/FRHW H1SF/FCHFillyFuturity980HA/AA1665ABSArabianCountryEnglishPleasureAAOTRJackpotARWM CHANGEHERD H2SF/FCHIn-HandGeldingFuturity981HA/AA637HA/AAWesternPleasureJuniorHorseCHSF/FOWR CeligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$10,000H3CHOver&3AAOTHBreedingStallion18ArabianSF/F510HA/AAHerdWorkFuturitySF/F C$750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH509ArabianHerdWorkFuturitySF/F OWLCH19-39AAOTRPleasureHunter2133ArabianSF/F OMLSFFCHPleasureWesternSaddleSideLadies173Arabian CHANGEHERD JackpotBAAOTRPleasureEnglishountryCArabianABS1665RWM CJackpotAAOTRPleasureWesternHA/AAABS1673SF/FMWL1451ArabianHerdWorkCHSF/F horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH CHANGEHERD RWOCHAAOTRCostumeNativeMounted1190HA/AASF/F CSF/FCHAATRWorkHerd1456Arabian CSETS)SF/F(2CHAATRWorkHerd1466HA/AA ReceptionWesternWorking CalcuttaHorseCow H1CHSF/FAAOTHOver&3Stock/HunterBreedingMare414HA/AA120ArabianPleasureDrivingAAOTDCHSF/FLMO H3CHSF/FAAOTHOver&3Stock/HunterIn-HandGelding464HA/AA3128HA/AAWesternPleasureAAOTR40-59CHAWMR TBABREAK CH39-19AAOTRPleasureEnglishCountry2148HA/AASF/FCHIn-HandGeldingFuturity979ArabianH3SF/FLHR 14Pattern CHOpenRidingHorseRanchArabianH1CHOver&3AAOTHBreedingMare5ArabianSF/F2936ArabianHunterPleasureAAOTR40-59CHSF/FHLR3007SF/FM H2FOldYear22088ArabianillyBreedingCHSF/F987HA/AAWesternPleasureFuturityCHSF/FOHM H1CHAAOTHIn-HandGeldingYearling3053ArabianSF/F2387ABSHA/AAEnglishPleasureAAOTRJackpotSF/FRML horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH SF/FCHSelectAATRPleasureHunter1173HA/AAHML WMRCH40-59AAOTRPleasureWestern3128HA/AAB SF/FCHFuturityPleasureEnglishCountry1061HA/AARHW MOLCHOpenDrivingPleasureCountry576HA/AASF/F CHOver&60AAOTRPleasureWestern3127ArabianCHOver&6BreedingMareSr12ArabianSF/FH1SF/FLOH CHOver&6StallionSr24ArabianSF/FH3151ArabianMountedNativeCostumeCHSF/FLHM JackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AAABS1629AMOL JackpotAAOTRPleasureEnglishArabianABS2386SF/FWMO horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH MOLJackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AAABS1629B RWHCHOpenHorsePark501HA/AASF/F27,OCTOBERTHURSDAY,2022 PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM1:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM2:00APROXPAVILIONAM8:00ARENAMUSTANGAM10:00PAVILIONAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORD PM7:00PAVILION
158 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE PanelSECNO.NO.SECPanel CSFGo1stCHHorseJuniorCowWorking259Arabian CLOHCHOver&60AAOTRPleasureWestern3129HA/AASF/F262ArabianWorkingCowFuturityCH1stGoSF SF/FCHHackShowEnglish316ArabianRMH w262&259Classesillrunconcurrently RHWCHAAOTREnglishSaddleSideLadies617HA/AASF/F JUDGINGYOUTH CWMLSF/FCHFuturityPleasureEnglish982Arabian1923HA/AAWorkingCowFuturity1stGoSF CCHFuturityPleasureHunterHA/AA$75,0001508AHPASF/FHLMOR1921HA/AAWorkingCowJr.Horse1stGoSF SF/FCHPleasureEnglishCountry541HA/AARWH w1921&1923Classesillrunconcurrently PatternsNRCHA Ctowlope10PatternCHOpenHorseCowReined260Arabiana1stGoSF CSFGo1stCHHorseCowWorking251Arabian 251withconcurrentlyrunwill260 H2CHOver&3AAOTHIn-HandGelding30ArabianSF/F91ArabianEnglishPleasureJuniorHorseCHSF/FRWM eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 CToLope10PatternCHOpenHorseCowReined705HA/AAw1stGoSF C$1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH686HA/AAWorkingCowHorseCH1stGoSF MWLJackpotAAOTRPleasureWesternArabianABS1659SF/F 686withconcurrentlyrunwill705 Filliesoldyr2FuturityArabianFuturityPays2912Breeding BPSF/F horse)per($500JackpotplusSweestakes$15,000 CSFGo1stPatternCHAATRHorseCowReined1198Arabian8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH FuturityArabianFuturityPays2913Breeding CBPSF/F734HA/AAHunterPleasureOpenCHSF/FMLH1229ArabianWorkingCowAATRCH1stGoSF Geldings&Coltsoldyr2 CHFNLFutSeatSaddleHA/AA$50,000AthleteEquine690AEPAHRW 1229withconcurrentlyrunwill1198 CHSF/FFuturityPlWesternHA/AA$75,000AthleteEquine1323AWPARHLOW FUTUTURIESCANADIAN CJackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterArabianABS1669SF/FMOL1199HA/AAReinedCowHorseAATRCHPattern1stGoSF CFSF/FCHGeldingFuturityHA/AA9981Canadian horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 CSFGo1stCHAATRCowWorking1230HA/AA CFSF/FCHFillyFuturityHA/AA9980Canadian 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH 1230withconcurrentlyrunwill1199 WMRCHOpenPleasureEnglishCountry96ArabianSF/F BreakHour1Approximate PM6:45CeremoniesOpening 7Pattern PM7:00ARENATRUCKFORD CSFGo1stCHAATRHorseCow(Boxing)ReinedLimited1135Arabian 7Pattern FUTUTURIESCANADIAN CSF/FFutPlWesternArabian$100,000TimesHorseArabian1260AWPALHOWR1138HA/AALimitedReined(Boxing)CowHorseAATRCH1stGoSF CFSF/FCHGeldingFuturityArabian9979Canadian WLOCHAAOTRHackShowEnglish758HA/AASF/F CFSF/FCHFillyFuturityArabian9977Canadian FNLFutSeatSaddleArabian$100,000oundationFAmes699AEPAHRW TBABREAK CFSF/FCHColtFuturityArabian9978Canadian SF/FCHFutPlHunterArabian$100,000ArabiansRoyalAHPA1507HMOWR 14Pattern CHOpenRidinghorseRanchHA/AA3027SF/FM PM2:00APROXPAVILIONAM10:00PAVILION PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM8ARENAMUSTANG PM7:00PAVILION 202228,OCTOBERFRIDAY,
159Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association PanelSECNO.NO.SECPanel SECNO. 262ArabianWorkingCowFuturity2ndGoFC H1SF/FCHillyFYearlingArabian971ABS618HA/AALadiesSideSaddleWesternPleasureAAOTRCHSF/FLMO259ArabianWorkingCowJrHorse2ndGoFC EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$25,000 WRLSF/FCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglishCountry557HA/AA w259&262Classesilllrunconcurrently $2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$10,000 $75-TT$150-RC$250-CH$750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CHH2SF/FCHColtYearlingArabianABS1015 EntriesBreedingenrolledSweepstakestoavailable$25,000 LMOCHSF/FAAOTRPleasureWesternSaddleSideLadies1189Arabian $2,100-TT$3,200-RC$5,000-CH112ArabianCountryEnglishPleasureJuniorHorseCHSF/FWRL1923HA/AAWorkingCowFuturity2ndGoFC eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 FCGo2ndHorseJr.CowWorking1921HA/AA $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH w1921&1923Classesillrunconcurrently MOLJackpotAAOTRPleasureHunterHA/AAABS1629SF/F $75-TT$150-RC$250-CHhorse)per($500JackpotplusSweestakes$15,000 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH 2PatternOHMSF/FCHFuturityPleasureWestern983Arabian FNLCgo2ndCHAATRHorseCow(Boxing)ReinedLimited1135Arabian 2Pattern FNLCgo2ndCHAATRHorseCow(Boxing)ReinedLimited1138HA/AA forBreakLunch OWRCHOldYear3-5eedingBrFillyJr11ArabianSF/FH3205ArabianWesternPleasureJuniorHorseCHSF/F H2CHOldYear3-5BreedingColtJr23ArabianSF/F eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$15,000 FNLCgo2ndPatternCHAATRHorseCowReined1199HA/AA $1,000-TT$3,000-RC$4,000-CH1230HA/AAWorkingCowAATRCH2ndgoFNLC 1230withconcurrentlyrunwill1199 PrWinnersContestJudgingYouthesentation FNLCgo2ndPatterCHAATRHorseCowReined1198Arabiann RMHCHOpenHackShowEnglish755HA/AASF/F1229ArabianWorkingCowAATRCH2ndgoFNLC WMRCH40-59AAOTRPleasureWestern3126ArabianSF/F 1229withconcurrentlyrunwill1198 WRLSF/FCHHorseJuniorPleasureEnglish532HA/AA eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$10,000 PatternCHOpenHorseCowReined260Arabian2ndgoFNLC $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH251ArabianWorkingCowHorseCH2ndgoFNLC WRMSF/FCHHorseJuniorPleasureHunter749HA/AA 251withconcurrentlyrunwill260 eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$10,000 $750-TT$1,500-RC$2,500-CH705HA/AAReinedCowHorseOpenCHPattern2ndgoFNLC RWMJackpotSF/FAAOTRPleasureEnglishountryCArabianABS1665686HA/AAWorkingCowHorseCH2ndgoFNLC horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 686withconcurrentlyrunwill705 8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH WMRCH40-59AAOTRPleasureWestern3128HA/AASF/F LHMSF/FCHCostumeNativeMounted591HA/AA ResultsCalcutta PM6:15CeremoniesOpening PM6:30ARENATRUCKFORD added)($250SpectacularHorseCowArabianRWHCHOpenPleasureEnglish516HA/AASF/F added)($250AATRSpectacularHorseCowArabianRWOCHAAOTRCostumeNativeMounted154ArabianSF/F added$250(Boxing)LimitedAATRSpectacularHorseCowArabianOWMCHOpenPleasureWestern191ArabianSF/F added)($250HorseJr.SpectacularHorseCowArabianWRLJackpotSF/FAAOTRPleasureEnglishountryCHA/AAABS1683 horse)per($500JackpotplusSweepstakes$15,000 added)($250SpectacularHorseCowHA/AA8.75%=TT10%=RC20%=CH added)($250AATRSpectacularHorseCowHA/AAMLHCHOpenPleasureHunter291ArabianSF/F PRESENTATIONCUPBREEDERSSchedulethetoCORRECTIONS added$250(Boxing)LimiteAATRSpectacularHorseCowHA/AA 18-Apr ASSIGMENTJUDGESMISSINGADDED1060# added)($250HorseJr.SpectacularHorseCowHA/AAWMRCHOpenPleasureEnglish76ArabianSF/F 26-Jun 3027&3007foraddedPatterns AwardsSpectacularHorseCowChampionReserve&ChampionAWWA score.HorseCowReinedandWorkHerdoftotalcombinedbydeterminedplacingsFinaleligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,000 eligiblethoseforMoneyPrizeSweepstakesAvailable$1,000 AM8:00ARENATRUCKFORDAM10:00PAVILION29,OCTOBERSATURDAY2022 PM1:00ARENATRUCKFORDPM3:00APROXPAVILION AM8:00ARENAMUSTANG
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of Youth Nationals MUST enter and pay the fee. Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified. to qualify for any one class will results in a refund for that class.
Email to:
FULL PAYEMENT must accompany entry. do not split any charges between exhibitors, horses or stables.
GR 8.10 SHOW ACCOUNTS Refer to GR 18.7 All
Any changes to the originally entered rider, driver, handler or equitation horse must be recorded with the Show Secretary least TWO HOURS before the session in which the change is made. Changes can be done on the AHA App, web site or in person at the show office. Once a class section has run, rider/driver/handler changes for advancing sections are not allowed except for a medical emergency per USEF rules. Please make sure the correct rider is listed for your classes. & NO SHOWS
ENTRY REFUNDS Please refer
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.6 Exhibitors with possible ring conflicts, should identify section requests on the Official Entry Form. At the show sections can be requested via the AHA App, web site or in person. All requests MUST be submitted BY NOON the day prior to when the sections are to be posted. Sections will be posted one day prior to the scheduled class. If you have multiple classes the same day, it is strongly advised to look closely at the schedule and request a section that will work best for your situation. Many sections have been split up in order to aid in conflicts.
Mail to: Attn: U.S. Nationals 10805 East Bethany Drive, Aurora, CO 80014
Please refer to General Rules for all shows – GR 8.9
& Mid-Summer
all classes and
Checks and credit cards covering multiple entries need to be accompanied by a detailed description of how the money is to be applied listing all the horses & total fees on a per horse and a contact phone number.
Post entries for new horses must be in September 22. No new horses classes accepted after that date. to open accounts must be closed before the closing of the Show Office by 5 PM on the last day of the show. will close all show accounts not closed out by the end of the show will be assessed a Failure to Close Out fee of $100. NOT IN THE SHOW refer to refer to GR 18.2.a and GR 45 CHANGES
Fax to: 303-696-4599 (please include cover sheet)
160 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021 PLEASE REFER TO GENERAL RULES FOR ALL SHOWS ENTRY INFORMATION Please refer to the General Rules GR 19 for complete rules and information. Online entry for the U.S. National Championship Show will be available until midnight (MT) August 23 Exhibitors are advised to use a form of expedited, traceable mail service when sending entries in order to ensure that their entries are received. If you email your entries, please contact AHA if you do NOT get a return email acknowledging the receipt of your entry on the same or next business day. AHA will accept faxed/emailed entries with a valid credit card. However we strongly discourage faxed entries. Photos of an entry form will not be accepted. Photos and Faxed Copies are often illegible. To avoid being charged multiple times, do not submit an entry with more than one credit card number. ENTERING FOR HORSES & RIDERS NOT QUALIFIED BY THE CLOSING DATE
Post entries may not be listed in the program and may not be stalled with horses from the same barn.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 8.5 All Scratches MUST be recorded by the She Secretary and must be made at least TWO HOURS prior to the session the class is to be considered official . SECTION REQUESTS
Futurity class entries at the national level may show in any national class, breeding/in-hand or performance, if eligible. (Refer to current AHA Handbook).
For complete rules regarding the Performance Futurity/ Maturity Program, please refer to Chapter 20 of the AHA Handbook. Prize Money Payout is based on the 50% rule. If fewer than 19 horses are in the class, 50% of the class, rounded up, will be eligible for Performance Futurity/Maturity payback.
The awards room will be open for your convenience 21-29, from 8 AM until 30 minutes after classes end. All awards not claimed by the close of the show will be forfeited with no exceptions. No awards will be mailed. Awards will be for sale in the Awards Room for Champion, Reserve Champion Trophy and Top Ten Plaques. this year: A Blue Ribbon Custom Work Saddle will be awarded to the Champion of the Arabian Western Pleasure Open Class in memory of Monaco Jullyen V. refer General Rules GR 3 CLASSES
AWARDS Please refer to General
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, If not the horse will be ineligible to be shown.
The recorded owner of horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program.
Horses that have been dropped from the US Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buy back into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for that show.
Ten Arabian Breeders Sweepstakes AAO Jackpot classes will be held at U.S. Nationals in which each competitor will contribute $500 to a prize money jackpot. Sweepstakes Program will add $15,000 to each of the ten purses. These classes will be for Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabians Adult Amateur Owners and will consist of; Western Pleasure AAOTR, Country English Pleasure AAOTR, Hunter Pleasure AAOTR, English Pleasure AAOTR and Reining AAOTR.
161Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021 ARENA SIGNS
Prize money for each class will be divided as follows: 25% will be paid to the Champion and 15% to the Reserve Champion, remaining Top Ten will receive 7.5%. A full Top Ten will be awarded. Any prize money not distributed shall be equally divided amongst all placings.
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non family members per USEF AR110.e. 1 - 10 cannot be shown in the ABS AAOTR Jackpot Classes.
Sweepstakes prize money not awarded will be retained in the Sweepstakes principal fund. The 50% rule does not apply to these classes.
Arena signage may be purchased using the form included in this Prize List. Arena signage space is limited and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. AHA will produce the arena signs as follows: one 3’ x 4’ sign, in the arena of your choice. Artwork for the signs must be emailed to or mailed on CD to AHA by September 1, Artwork must be in .jpg or .png format. AHA is not liable for exact color match. Artwork must be laid out so that it will fit on a 3’ x 4’ horizontal sign. Please see the form and call AHA at (303) 6964500 for more information or questions. Rules GR
Enrollment into the Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program is required in order to participate in these classes. Payment can be made in full (postmarked by June 1) or in payments (due June 1, July 1 and August 1).
Enrollments made after these dates are subject to late fees. Enrollment into the program does not constitute entry in the U.S. National Championship Show. The U.S. National Futurity/Maturity/Derby Enrollment Form can be found on the AHA website.
to the
Sweepstakes prize money and the additional Jackpot prize money will be awarded 20% to the Champion, 10% to the Reserve Champion, and 8.75% to each of the remaining Top Ten. Any Jackpot prize money not distributed shall be equally divided among all placings.
Classes that are eligible for Sweepstakes prize money will be designated in the class list and in the time schedule.
Original nomination fees will be divided equally between the filly, colt and gelding classes. The renomination fees and $100 of the class entry fees will go into the prize money pool of the class in which the nominee will show.
The following classes will receive prize money for Any be noted as “USEF Exception”. When entering, please be aware of entering classes which might run in different rings at the same time. Every effort will be made to solve these conflicts, however, rings will not be held for extensive periods to solve conflicts.
Prize money will be paid to 15 AAOTR performance classes which were randomly selected. There will be no prize money paid in AAOTH classes. Prize money will be paid in the amount of $2,500 per class. The Champion will receive $1,000. The Reserve Champion will receive $500. The balance of Top Ten will receive $125. Prize money will be paid based on 50% class entry rule. If fewer than 19 horses are in the class, 50% of the class, rounded up, will be eligible for amateur prize money pay back.
The nomination fees will go into the prize money for that class. Nomination fees not designated will be distributed by percentage of the number of horses shown in each class. Prize money for each class will be divided as follows: 25% will be paid to the Champion, 15% to the Reserve Champion and 7.5% to each remaining Top Ten. Any remaining Top Ten money will be divided equally between all Top Ten placings. addition, if a prize money check is issued and not presented for payment by June 30 of the year following the year in which the prize money was won, the prize money shall be forfeited. CLASSES
2022: 134 Arabian Country Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH 378 Arabian Reining Limited Non-Pro AAOTR CH 383 HA/AA Reining Primetime Non-Pro AAOTR CH 565 HA/AA Pleasure Driving AAOTD CH 649 HA/AA Trail Horse AAOTR CH 758 HA/AA English Show Hack AAOTR CH 1189 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western AAOTR CH 1190 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume AAOTR CH 2110 Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH 2148 HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH 2171 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 CH 2426 Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR 19-49 CH 2936 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40-59 CH 3127 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH 3129 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR 60 & Over CH CAMPER & HOUSE TRAILER FACILITIES Camper and trailer hook-ups are available on a reservations basis through Tulsa Expo Square at (918) 744-1113 ext. 2154. Reservations are encouraged. If reservations are not made, spaces are on a first come, first served basis. CLASS INFORMATION & SPECS All classes will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book.
162 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
Entry fees will be forfeited in case of time conflicts caused by two rings running simultaneously that can’t be resolved.
All classes will be adjudicated comparatively using three judge MOS system and one In-Hand Ring Compliance Judge. All classes will have an order of go determined and posted by the birth date, oldest to youngest. Please refer to the AHA handbook REQ 215 for Class Procedure for Comparative Judging Breeding & In-Hand Theclasses.Controlled Paddock will be strictly enforced. Amateurs will be allowed one handler to walk up the tunnel with them. For all classes, there will be a designated bagger that will be located in the controlled paddock, if desired by the handler. The order of go shall be determined and posted by the birth date, oldest to youngest, for breeding entries and In-Hand classes.
In all classes, after the judges’ cards have been handed in and tabulated, the number one Judge will come forward and his/her Top Ten placings will be called out and those horses will step forward in placement order from the line-up. The number two Judge will then come forward and his/her Top Ten placings will be called out and those horses will step forward in placement order from the line-up and so forth until all judges have had his/her placings announced in like manner. Upon completion of the above, the final Top Ten, Champion and Reserve Champion placings will be announced.
HALTER CLASS SECTIONS Depending on the number of entries, the Yearling Sweepstakes and the Futurity Breeding/In-Hand classes may be divided into sections with no more than 16 in the ring at one time.
exceptions will
All classes will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book. Exceptions will be noted as “USEF Exception”.
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non- family members per USEF AR 110.e.1 - 10 can not be shown in the AAOTR Jackpot classes
A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non-family members per USEF AR 110.e.1 - 10 can not be shown in the AAOTH Performance Halter Classes.
If 17 or more horses are entered in a class as of the final close of all entries (the class will use the following procedure. The class will be divided evenly into A & B sections. All sections will be ranked to bring forward a predetermined number of exhibitors to the finals. The number brought forward to the final will be dependent upon the class and arena in accordance with the current AHA Handbook REQ205.11
All Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse must qualify as an offspring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity and Performance Futurity/ Maturity Classes. If the DNA is not on file before the class, the horse will be ineligible to be shown. AngloArabians are exempt from the DNA requirement Nomination into the National Halter Futurity Program does not constitute entry into the U.S. National Show.
If a horse places in Performance Halter class then scratches all performance classes OR is excused or disqualified in a performance class after the placing in the Performance Halter class, that horse will be disqualified from the Performance Halter and GR 117 rules will be followed and no refund of the forfeited Performance Halter class will be issued.
Horses that have been dropped for the U.S. Halter Futurity Program are allowed to buyback into the program to be eligible to show. The buy back is only available to horses that were enrolled in-utero into the program. Horses must be reinstated (buy back) into the program by the original closing date for the show. The recorded owner of horses not reinstated into the program by this date will be notified and given seven days to buy back into the program.
If 16 or fewer horses are entered in a class as of the final close of all entries the class will use the following procedure. Only a SFF will be scheduled for the class. The SFF will be run using a three judge MOS system.
163Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
Will be judged using the AHA Performance Halter Score Sheet. Will be scored according as outlined in GR 38. Horses must be enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry to be shown in these classes. The horse must have been entered, shown and judged in any Performance Class at U.S. Nationals. Showmanship Classes do not count as Performance Classes. Performance Halter rules, specifications and procedures will be strictly enforced, AND must be entered, shown and judged (per USEF GR 147) in a performance class or section of a performance class at US Nationals for which they are qualified. THIS IS the ONLY qualification required.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 27 Select riders MAY cross enter into any other class they are eligible for.
Half-Arabian/Anglo Arabian and Arabian Yearling AAOTH classes are open to Non-Sweepstakes and Sweepstakes nominated horses. *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
Horse must be enrolled as a Breeding Entry in order to participate in these classes.
Two year old halter horses are NOT permitted to cross enter into the Amateur Owner to Handle classes (AHA Handbook QUAL 104.1.d)
Due to the postponement of the 2021 Canadian Nationals, the Canadian Halter Futurity Classes will be held at U.S. Nationals utilizing a separate panel of judges from the U.S. Halter Futurity Classes. Open to 3 year old horses who were nominated in utero.
These classes are restricted to Arabians and HalfArabian/Anglo-Arabians enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry and are 6 years of age and older. All classes will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book
English Performance Futurities, for 4 year olds, are held each year at the U.S. National Arabian Horse Show. Prize money, and the prize money per class placing, is determined by the AEPA.
A panel of 5 will be used to Judge the Pattern Class using the 5 judge total point system and for the Finals 3 judges and the MOS scoring system.
Horses can wear a martingale with a snaffle bit or a full bridle. Any Bit that is USEF legal for any Arabian English Division class is legal for the AEPA classes.
Ten horses from the SF class will advance to the Finals. The horses will be judged according to all AHA and USEF rules and all AHA rules for AHA Class 91 Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horses for the AEPA Arabian Horse Times Arabian Futurity and AHA Class 532 HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse for the AEPA Equine Athlete Half-Arabian Futurity, with the following exceptions: The horses will be Judge using the AEPA manifesto.
The class consists of a Semi Final (Pattern Class) and the Final (Rail Class). 10 Horses will advance to the FNL.
AHA will award a National Champion, Reserve National Champion, and a Top Ten in the Saddle Seat Futurity Class. To participate in the Futurities the eligible 4 year old owner or agent MUST fill out the AEPA Nomination form and sent to AEPA with full payment. Nomination into the AEPA Futurity Program does not constitute entry into the U.S. National Show. The exhibitor MUST fill out and enter into the show on the official entry form paying all U.S. Nationals fees including a separate class entry fee.
An AEPA representative may choose to meet with the riders at the U.S. National Show prior to one or both sections of the Futurity class. During this meeting the AEPA representative will advise the riders of class procedures, rules, and how the horses are to be presented.
The horses will be presented one at a time riding the AEPA Pattern and Judged and scored using the AEPA Score Card. If a horse throws a shoe during the Pattern Class the rider may call a Time Out and exit the ring to have the shoe nail on OR the rider can continue with the remainder of the Pattern Class. If a rider exits the ring to resolve the thrown shoe problem the horses current scoring in the Pattern Class does not count. When the thrown shoe problem is resolved the horse is assigned a new order of go position as described in the Paddock rules. When the Horse returns to the ring the scoring of the horse begins with a NEW score card. If there is a tack problem the rider can call a Time Out to resolve the problem and then continue with the Pattern Class. As the horse enters the ring it is suggested that the horse’s number, horse’s name, rider’s name, sire’s name, dam’s name, and breeder’s name be announced. After the horse’s score has been tallied it is suggested that the score be announced after the current horse being judged leaves the ring.
There will be no line up. However, if the Call Judge observes a horse with a bloody mouth the Call Judge can request that the horse remain in the ring or return to the ring for inspection. If a horse has a bloody mouth then AHA and USEF rules apply. A rider can ride up to 3 horses in the Pattern Class. A horse’s entry into the ring, for the pattern class, is determined by the AEPA Class Order of Go Rules.
Class 91 and Class 532 class specifications will not be Horsesused.can wear a martingale with a snaffle bit, or a full Anybridle.Bitthat is USEF legal for any Arabian English Division class is legal for the AEPA classes. If a horse throws a shoe in the ring during the Rail Class the rider may call a Time Out and the farrier will be brought to the ring to nail on the shoe or the rider can continue with the remainder of the Rail Class. If there is a tack problem the rider can call a Time Out
A five judge total points system will be used. Judges will be drawn randomly from the U.S. Nationals judging panels. Quality is the number one criteria for judging, followed by performance, suitability, and manners. . In the event of a tie, the final placing will be determined by the placing and the number of placing each horse received. If it is still a tie, the call judge will break the tie. Each Judges placing will be ranked and points applied according to the following table: = 40 2nd = 36 3rd = 32 4th = 28 5th = 24 6th = 20 7th = 16 8th = 12 9th = 8 10th 4 or any Reserve = 0 Class eliminations will be run as standard Western Pleasure Junior Horse classes. Entries will be shown at a walk, jog and lope both directions of the ring. Fourteen (14) horses total will advance to the final. (Example: If the number of entries require two sections of eliminations be run (Section A and Section B), 7 horses from Section A and 7 horses from section B will advance to the final)
Entry Form and pay AHA fees to compete** If you have questions, please email
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021 to resolve the problem OR the rider can continue with the Rail Class. The rider of the horse in the rail class does not have to be the same rider that rode the horse in the Pattern Class. If there is a change of rider please notify the show office and an AEPA representative 24 hours prior to the rail class.
Half-Arabian Western Pleasure the U.S. National Arabian Horse Show. The classes are open to four year olds. Prize money is determined by the AWPA. AHA will award a National Champion, Reserve National Champion, and 8 Top Tens in the AWPA Futurity Classes.
Entries will be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book section for Western Pleasure Junior Horses, with a change in order of judging criteria listed below. Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or hacka more (Refer to AHA Handbook section 110.a and 110.b except they must be four years old not three).
An AWPA representative may choose to meet with the riders at the U.S. National Show prior to one or both sections of the Futurity class. During this meeting the AWPA representative will advise the riders of class procedures, rules, and how the horses are to be presented.
165Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
To participate in the AWPA Futurities, the owner or agent MUST complete the AWPA Entry form, and provide payment, on the AWPA website. They MUST also fill out and enter the show on the official AHA U.S. NATIONALS entry form. This includes paying all U.S. Nationals fees, including a separate class entry fee.
A horse’s order of entry into the ring, for the AEPA Arabian Horse Times Arabian Futurity, will be deter mined by an AHA randomly generated list of the horses that are showing in the Rail Class. The random list will be generated the day before the Rail Class is run. As each horse enters the ring it is suggested that the horse and rider are announced as they enter the ring and trot around the ring and wait near the out-gate area until all horse have entered the ring. Once all horses are in the ring the class will be called to order. Horses enter the ring in a normal manner for the AEPA Equine Athlete Half-Arabian Futurity. Any horse that is not present and misses the entry into the ring will have been considered to have missed the class. A horse having a problem in the Paddock area, as described under Paddock Class Rules, can request a Time Out to resolve the problem. After the class has been judged all horses will remain in the ring near the out gate area. The horses placing in the class is announced in reverse order. It is suggested that the following be announced – placing, dollar amount of winnings, horse number, horse name, riders name, sire name, dams name and breeders name. The rider will trot to the point in the ring where ribbons are being awarded and photos are taken. After the ribbon and photo presentation the horse trots out of the ring. The Reserve Champion will depart the ring prior to the announcement of the Champion. The Champion remains alone in the ring, and there may be a brief interview of the Champion prior to the Champion exiting the ring. Nationals arabianwesternarabian-,deadlines and information on eligibility please visit the AWPA website at
Futurities are held each year at
The ONLY four-year-olds allowed to compete in the U.S. National AWPA Futurities will strictly be those who were nominated in-utero by December 31st of their breeding year. The 2017 Mare Nomination list is available at
Membership is required for participation in all AHA & AHPA programs. A horse that is co-owned by two distinct non-family owners cannot be shown in an AHPA Futurity class at any show. No horse will compete in an AHPA Futurity unless the nomination fee has been paid in full.
PHASE 1. RAIL WORK (80% of judging OR score)
Once all horses are in line, two attendants per horse will be allowed into the arena to assist with removing saddles and pads. They are allowed to bring a saddle rack, towel, and brush. They are not allowed to show the horse during judging. Riders are to stand up their horse to be assessed for confirmation suitable for a western pleasure horse by the judges. The horses shall stand relaxed with weight evenly dispersed on all four feet (not stretched). Whips may not be used. Once the judging panel has complet ed their examination of your horse, it should then be resaddled. After all horses have been re-tacked, riders will be asked to remount and attendants will be excused from the ring.
To be eligible to compete, a horse must have been AHPA nominated as a three-year-old and compete as a Currentfour-year-old.AHAandUSEF/EC
Horses will be shown at a walk, jog and lope both directions of the ring. Judging criteria will be in this order: quality, performance, suitability, and manners. After completion of the rail work, exhibitors will be asked to line up head to tail, split evenly by numbers on either long side of the arena.
Visit for complete program details.
The Futurity classes are open to four-year-old Arabian & Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses who are nominated in their three-year-old year. (i.e., for the 2022 Futurities, the horse must have been nominated in 2021.)
= 50 2nd = 46 3rd = 42 4th = 38 5th = 34 6th = 30 7th = 26 8th = 22 9th = 18 10th = 14 11th
1st = Judges10 will complete two cards in the final. One will be completed after Phase 1, and the second will be completed after Phase 2. Points from each card will*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
Exhibitors will be retired to the paddock after the judges turn in their cards. The Top Ten will then be called back into the ring in numerical order. The Limited Open Champion will be announced and given awards. The Re serve Champion and then the Champion will be placed and given their awards. The horses will leave the arena in reverse order of their placings (tenth place first and Champion last). As they exit, the prize money won by each will be announced.
II. Futurity Class Information
Judging criteria will be in this order: quality, perfor mance, suitability as a hunter, manners, and conformation. Conduct, appointments and qualifying gaits shall be followed from the Hunter Pleasure Section in the Arabian Chapter of the current USEF rulebook (AR-9). Junior horse appointment rules apply. Junior Horse classes require a snaffle bit. (Snaffle bit is defined as snaffle bit of at least 3/8” diameter as measured 1/2” from the ring. The snaffle bit may be jointed, double jointed or unjointed. For all junior horse performance classes, all snaffle bits must have a round, egg butt or “D” shaped ring with no attachments to the headstall or reins through a hook (except for keepers for a full cheek snaffle when section rules allow a full cheek). Full cheek (with or without keepers), French and Dr. Bristol snaffle bits are permitted). The following are not permitted: half cheek snaffles, ornamented bridles, browbands or cavessons, saddle seat style colored browbands/cavessons, figure eight, drop, or flash nosebands. The AHPA Futurities will use a five (5) judge system. Five (5) judges will be randomly selected from the AHA US Nationals Judging Panel. For the sections, each judge’s placing will be ranked and points applied according to the following table:
To be shown in the AHPA Hunter Pleasure Futurity, the owner must also pay the AHPA Class Entry fee, as well as all additional AHA US Nationals entry and office fees by the closing date of US Nationals.
166 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES AWPA FUTURITY FINALS CLASS PROCEDURE:
PHASE 2. THE STAND UP (20% of judging OR score)
In order to receive the prize money pay outs, winning horse owners must send the AHPA a completed W9 form within sixty days of the com pletion of the show. If the W9 form is not received within that time, no pay out will be issued. Prize money checks must be cashed within 90 days of the date issued. Checks will be considered void after that time.
PHASE 1. RAIL WORK (75% of judging) Horses will show in a standard hunter pleasure class. Horses will be shown at a walk, trot, canter and hand gallop both directions of the ring. They will be asked to halt, stand quietly and back readily on the rail. In the finals only, judges are not to walk the line after the completion of this phase.
167Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association be combined to determine the final placings. Each judge’s placing will be ranked and points applied according to the following tables. PHASE 1 (RAIL WORK) 1st = 38 2nd = 35 3rd = 32 4th = 29 5th = 26 6th = 23 7th = 20 8th = 17 9th = 14 10th = 11 11th = 8 PHASE 2. CONFORMATION & SUITABILITY 1st = 12 2nd = 11 3rd = 10 4th = 9 5th = 8 6th = 7 7th = 6 8th = 5 9th = 4 10th = 3 11th = 2 III. AHPA Hunter Pleasure Futurity Class Procedures
If needed, the AHPA Futurity section cuts will be run as standard Hunter Pleasure Jr. Horse classes. Eight (8) horses will be selected from each section to move forward to compete in the AHPA Hunter Pleasure Futurity Finals.
PHASE 2. CONFORMATION & SUITABILITY (25% of judging) Horses will be lined up single file along the in-gate side of the arena. Two headers/attendants will be allowed into the arena per horse to assist in removing the saddle. They will be allowed to bring a saddle rack, one body brush, one tail brush and one rag/cloth to prepare the Headers/Attendantshorse. must be properly attired. Business attire or appropriate show attire is required.
A header/attendant shall bring a lead into the arena for this portion of the class. A split or single lead made of leather or a similar material may be used. It must be attached through both sides of the bit, with the reins or to the noseband. The reins are to be left resting on the horse’s neck. The handler may be either the rider or a header/ *Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
All 2 year old Purebred Arabians are eligible to enroll. Please visit for more information. This is a two part entry;
2. Exhibitors MUST also fill out and enter the show on the official AHA entry form. This includes paying all U.S. Nationals fees, including a separate class entry fee and any post fees that might apply. This is separate Futurity payout and is not associated with the Halter Futurity or Perfor mance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Programs.
The handler must wear the correct exhibitor number. Judges will place emphasis on correct conformation, soundness, and movement. Horses are not to be schooled or stood up before or after they are at the marker to be judged. This may result in an elimination. A marker will be set where each horse will be presented individually to the judges. Horses will be presented in a relaxed and dignified manner. Horses should be positioned with their weight squarely on their feet, not stretched. The legal hunter crop may be used during this portion of the class. Each horse will trot straight away from the judges and then return to line. The horse may be saddled once it returns to line. The rider may not mount until all horses are saddled. The next horse to present shall be ready at the marker after the previous horse trots away. After the individual judging, each horse may be saddled after it returns to its spot in the line. As called by the announcer, riders will mount once all horses have been saddled and walk into a standard lineup. The attendants will be excused from the arena at this time.
All current USEF and AHA rules apply. A horse must be disqualified for the following. They may be allowed to complete the class at the judges’ discretion.
168 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES attendant for the conformation portion of the class.
After completion of judging, the horses will be retired from the lineup to the paddock or to the in-gate area of the arena in following with the show’s procedures. The Top Ten will be announced in numerical order. The horses will leave the arena in reverse order of their placings (tenth place first and decreasing from there). As they exit, the total of their prize money will be announced. The Reserve Champion and Champion will then be placed and given their awards.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
A horse may be disqualified, penalized and/or excused at the judges’ discretion for the following:
No horse may compete with a tail carriage that has been altered in any manner or by any means. An unnatural tail must result in elimination. Horse is obviously limping or of impaired gait. Horse exhibits behavior such that the safety of it, the handler/rider, an exhibitor, a judge, or another horse is in danger.
Class Procedure, Judging and scoring system TBA. Handler may show multiple horses. FINALS Judging and scoring system TBA. A predetermined number of horses from the sections will advance to the Final. Horses will enter the ring individually at a trot.
1. To participate in the Breeding Pays Futurities, the owner or agent MUST complete the Breeding Pays nomination form will full payment to the Breeding Pays Futurity.
Horse exhibits disruptive behavior such that it or other horses are unable to be inspected by the Horsejudge;iscrouching, cowering, buckling at the knees, sweating, trembling, racing backwards or sideways to escape their handlers or other behavior indicating fear, stress or intimidation. This rule must be strictly enforced; Horse exhibits any welt or swelling that look like a whip mark, regardless of how this was Horsescaused;showing signs of inhumane treatment and undue stress must be penalized; Horse is not under the control of the exhibitor; Horse breaks loose from the exhibitor; Shanking is not permitted and must be strongly penalized.
In order to receive the prize money pay outs, winning horse owners must send the Breeding Pays Futurity a completed W9 form within sixty days of the completion of the show. If the W9 form is not received within that time, no pay out will be issued.
169Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
Once all are entered, horses will be asked to walk and reverse on the rail. As individual horses are directed, they will walk to the center of the ring and stand up at the direction of the judges or ringmaster. They will then trot off from stand up and return to line up on rail. Once all horses are judged individually and have returned to the rail, they will be asked to stand their horses up in place for one last inspection by the judges. Once all judges’ cards are submitted, everyone will relax their horses.
AWARDS Champion & Reserve Champion and Top Ten will be awarded with an estimated payout for 2022 of $100,000 to be split equally between the current owner and the breeder for each of the filly and colt/gelding classes.
A/HA/AA Trail Futurity, Arabian Trail Junior Horse, HA/AA Trail Junior Horse Working Cow Futurity & Working Cow Junior Horse Working Cow & Reined Cow Reining Junior Horse & Reining Futurity
Reining AAOTR, Intermediate AAOTR, Limited AAOTR
NOT cross enter in the Country English Pleasure Open
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a single snaffle (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF 108.5), cavessons are required. A running martingale is optional.
5 yr. olds may NOT cross enter in the Country English Pleasure Open 6 yr. olds MAY cross enter into the Country English Pleasure Open
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
All horses must have a certificate of registration with AHA, CAHR, or CPAR and possess a current Certificate of Registration in order to enroll in the Performance Futurity/Maturity program.
Reining Open, Intermediate Open, & Reining Derby
Payout will be paid on a sliding scale.
The following classes will run concurrently. If entering concurrent classes, both class fees must be paid. Results will be recorded separately and awards will be given for each class.
All Half-Arabians participating in the Half-Arabian Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby must have parentage DNA verified to the purebred Arabian parent and must be on file at the AHA office before they are allowed to compete.
Nominations postmarked/electronic transaction date after the original close of U.S. Entries must pay the total nomination fee of $745 ($700 for nomination and $45 office fee) plus an additional $900 late fee for each performance class ($750 to be included in the prize money pool for that particular class and $150 to go toward AHA administrative costs). Nominations for the Reining Horse Class must pay the total nomination of $1,045 ($1,000 nomination and $45 office fee) plus an additional $1,150 late fee per Reining Class (with $1,000 to be included in the prize money for that particular class and $150 to go toward AHA administrative costs) (BOD 11/09). Nominations are allowed with the additional $750 late fee or the additional $1,000 late fee for the Reining Horse Class up until the Post Entry Close date of the actual day the show office opens, whichever is later and any additional U.S. National class fees (including post entry fees) must be paid.
Open to horses 3 years old and must never have been shown in a bridle. Bridle is defined as any bit that has a Mayshank.
Nomination into the Performance Futurity/Maturity Program does not constitute entry into the U.S. National Show. Enrollment into the Performance Futurity/Maturity/ Derby is required in order to be eligible to show in these classes. The owner must: Enroll the horse into the Performance Futurity/ Maturity/ Derby Program. Enter the horse into the corresponding Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby class(es) for U.S. Nationals.
Substitution of horses is prohibited. All nomination payments are final and non-refundable. Any portion of a nomination payment not postmarked/electronic transaction dated by the due dates will cause that entry to be considered a late entry. There will be no refund of nomination fee, any portion of a nomination fee or processing fee.
All classes will be shown in accordance with the USEF Junior horse rules. any exceptions are noted under each class.
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a single snaffle (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF 108.5), cavessons are required. A running martingale is optional.
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a single snaffle (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF 108.5); cavessons are required
Open to horses 5 & Under May NOT cross enter into the Reining Open USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or EntrieshackamoreinReining
There will be 1 go round Open to horses 6 & Under Each exhibitor must pay for a class entry fee and cattle fee. Entries to be shown and judged under the classifications set forth in the NRCHA Rule Book. Horses must be shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF 108.4 – will follow requirements for Working Cow Horse Division and PERF 108.6).
AAOTR Open to horses 4 - 5 yrs. old May NOT cross enter into the Hunter Pleasure Open
Open to horses 6 - 8 yrs. old. MAY cross enter in the Open Reining class. All entries will compete in two go rounds. The final results to be based on an accumulative score from both go-rounds.
Open to horses 3 years old and must never have been shown in a bridle. Bridle is defined as any bit that has a shank. Martingales are allowed. May NOT cross enter into the English Pleasure Open
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a single snaffle (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF108.3); cavessons are required. USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a single snaffle (Refer to AHA Handbook PERF108.3); cavessons are required.
Open to horses 3 years old and must never have been shown in a bridle. Bridle is defined as any bit that has a Mayshank.NOT cross enter into the Western Pleasure Open
WESTERN PLEASURE MATURITY AAOTR Open to horses 4 - 5 yrs. old May NOT cross enter into the Western Pleasure Open WORKING COW FUTURITY Open to horses 5 & Under May NOT cross enter into the Working Cow Open
Open to horses
A/HA/AA WESTERN TRAIL HORSE DERBY Open to horses 6 - 8 yrs. old May NOT cross enter in the Open Western Trail class
All entries will compete in two go rounds. The final results to be based on an accumulative score from both go-rounds.
5 - 6 yrs. old 5 yr. olds May NOT cross enter in the English Pleasure Open 6 yr. olds MAY cross enter into the English Pleasure Open WORK FUTURITY
Junior Horse classes who are properly enrolled Sweepstakes horses will be eligible for allocated payback money All entries will compete in two go rounds. The final results to be based on an accumulative score from both go-rounds.
Open to horses 3 years old and must never have been shown in a bridle. Bridle is defined as any bit that has a Mayshank.NOT cross enter into the Hunter Pleasure Open
170 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES
The Jr Horse/Futurity trail course will be used
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore (Refer to AHA Handbook perf 108.4)
A/HA/AA WESTERN TRAIL HORSE FUTURITY Open to horses 5 & Under May NOT cross enter in the Open Western Trail class
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore. All entries will compete in two go-rounds. The final results to be based on an accumulative score from both go-rounds.
Refer to the current AHA Handbook for complete class procedures. (REQ 214) All classes (with the exception of the Open Reining and*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
USEF Exception Entries must be shown in a snaffle bit or Eachhackamoreexhibitor must pay a class entry fee and cattle fee. If entering both the futurity and junior horse class, both class fees must be paid but only one cattle fee of $100 for both classes. Refer to USEF AR 215 for class procedures. All NRCHA rules regarding patterns, scoring and judging shall apply. All entries will compete in two go rounds. The final results to be based on an accumulative score from both go-rounds. WORKING WESTERN CLASSES
171Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
OPEN REINING & OPEN TRAIL (EXCEPTION – INTERMEDIATE OPEN & LIMITED OPEN ALL WILL ADVANCE) Open Reining (classes 226 & 661) and Open Trail (classes 211 & 646) will be run in 2 go-rounds. The first go-round will be run as a Semi Final with the top 16 horses advancing to a second go-round final. All ties for 16th place in the Semi Final will advance to the Final. Exhibitors receiving a “no score” are ineligible to advance. Champion, Reserve Champion and the Top Ten will be determined by the cumulative score of both go-rounds.
RANCH RIDING Ranch Horse Riding will have 1 go. Run in accordance with USEF AR 221 REINING Entries to be shown and judged under the class specifi cations set forth in the Arabian Division of the USEF Rule Book for Reining Horse.
Primetime Rookie Non-Pro AATR — may not have more than 40 AHA National Achievement points in the Reining Section AND Rider must be 50 or older as of December 1, 2020.
Cattle fee of $80.00 must be paid along with the entry fee. Limited Reined Cow Horse introduces the rider to the boxing phase of the cow work.
All entries will compete in two go-rounds. Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten will be determined by the cumulative score of both go rounds. In the event of a tie for Champion or Reserve Champion, the horse with the highest fence score will be named the winner. If a tie remains based on fence score, a work off will be run to determine the placings. Cows will be reused from the Herd work in the Working Cow Divisions.
All NRCHA rules regarding patterns, scoring and judging shall apply. Refer to USEF AR 215 for class procedures.
Rookie Non-Pro AATR- may not have more than 40 AHA National Achievement points in the Reining Section.
In Reined Cow Horse, the exhibitor may obtain a “zero score” in both phases of a go-round but may not place unless they obtain a score in one phase of the other go-round, i.e., In the first go if a “zero score” is awarded in both the reined work and fence work and if in go 2 a zero score is awarded in the reined work and a 65 in the fence work, this constitutes a total score of 65 which is eligible for placement.
RANCH HORSE RAIL PLEASURE Will be judged using the MOS system and in accordance with USEF AR 223
If entering both the Working Cow and the Reined Cow (running concurrently) on cattle fee of $100 must be paid for the combination, but both class fees must be paid.
Follows NRHA Rookie Level 1 Rider criteria as outlined in NRHA. Rookie May cross enter into any other Reining AAOTR/ Non Pro Class.
REINING HORSE AAOTR/NON-PRO AAOTR — Open to all qualified adult amateur owner riders. Must be eligible in the level as an NRHA Non-Pro. Intermediate Non-Pro AAOTR — may not have more than 110 AHA National Achievement points in the Reining Section. Limited Non-Pro AAOTR / Limited OPEN — may not have more than 70 AHA National Achievement points in the Reining Section.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
Open Trail, Herd Work and Ranch Riding) will be run as 2 go-rounds, with the Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Ten determined by the cumulative score of both Allgo-rounds.exhibitors will be eligible to show in both go-rounds provided they do not receive a “no score”. An exhibitor receiving a “no score” is ineligible to receive a placing. Exhibitors receiving a “zero score” in the first Go-Round (Semi Final) are eligible to show in the second (Final) go-round and an exhibitor may receive a zero score in either go-round and be eligible to receive a placing provided they obtain a score, other than zero, in one of the go-rounds and their cumulative score merits such placing.
REINING HORSE INTERMEDIATE OPEN Rider may not have more than 110 AHA National Achievement points in the Reining Section.
Amateur riders may not have gone down the fence in any judged class(es) or event(s) with the exception of horse sales. Being entered in a class that includes the fence work will be counted as going down the fence regardless if the rider boxed the cow and pulled up before the run was completed. This class is also open to approved Non-Pro Limited riders who comply with all eligibility rules (See NRCHA Non-Pro eligibility rules/USEF Amateur rules). After Non-Pro competitors reach the age of fifty (50), they may fall back into the Non-Pro Limited class (Limited Reined Cow Horse). The Non-Pro Limited Competitors; May fall back into the Non-Pro Limited Reined Cow Horse division/class only once.
If entering both the Working Cow futurity and Working Cow junior horse class, one cattle fee of $100 must be paid for the combination, but both class fees must be paid.
Deadline to enroll as a Patron, with fees paid in full to receive stalling preference is June 1.
Refer to General rules GR 32 Deadline to enroll as Patron (with fees paid in full) to receive stalling preference is August 15.
Please refer to GR 32. 1 & 2
Exhibitors stalled in the Oklahoma Ford Dealers Barn must maintain their decorations until after the last class in Ford Truck Arena on Saturday Night. Anyone tearing down prior to that will lose their stalling location in that barn for the following year. There will be no access down the esplanade to the Oklahoma Ford Dealer’s barn for horse trailers until after the last class of the show.
*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
172 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES HERD WORK Entries to be shown and judged under the class specifications set forth in the NRCHA Rule Book. There will be only 1 go. WARM UPS All equipment used in warm up will be in accordance with USEF and AHA Rules. COW PRACTICE You will be able to sign up at the show on the AHA APP and web site. Limited to 2 warm up per horse. Cow Practice = $75 Per DuringCowthe Cow Practice the exhibitor may not switch horses or riders. REINING You will be able to sign up at the show on the AHA APP and web site. During the Reining warm up, the exhibitor may not switch horses or riders. TRAIL NO need to sign up for Trail warm ups. Trail horses will be charged 1 warm up (2 warm up rounds) per class. After the first round, the rider may be switch for the second round. COMPETITION ARENAS All arenas have sandy loam footing. The following table specifies the dimensions and footing of the competition arenas: ARENA DIMENSION Pavilion 92’ x 197’ Ford Truck Arena 150’ x 300’ Mustang Arena 150’ x 250’ Herd work 90’ Diameter CONTROLLED PADDOCK PROCEDURE Refer to the General Rules GR 9 DOGS & OTHER PETS/ANIMALS Refer to the General Rules GR 14 City of Tulsa regulations require that dogs must be on a leash at all times! DRUG TESTING, SHOE & HOOF MEASURING Please refer to GR 15. Complimentary hoof measurements will NOT be provided by USEF/EC Stewards at any National Show. EQUINE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Please refer to General Rules GR 21 FIRE MARSHALL REGULATIONS Refer to the General Rules GR 23 FORMAL NIGHTS Formal nights are designated for the evenings of Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29. MOTORIZED VEHICLE/GOLF CARTS Please check the AHA web site for further details regarding the golf cart vendor. Please refer to General Rules GR 30 and USEF Rule GR1301.7 regarding the motorized vehicles, including golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or other farm utility vehicles by minors.
Patrons canceling prior to May 1 will not be invoiced. Canceling May 2 until the close of entries, a $500 fee will be owed. Canceling after the close of entries until the start of the show will require that 50% of the patron package price be paid. Changes to patron package levels will NOT be allowed after the close of entries.
There is NO charge for entrance onto the grounds or for Designatedparking. lots will be marked for Patrons, Judges and Officials. You must have a Parking tag for these lots or your vehicle will be towed. Parking is not allowed in any fire lanes or any barn areas.
Please refer to GR 37 You are qualified from the earliest date you earn the participation required. There is no such thing as re-qualifying.
Ford Truck Arena takes priority, Mustang second, and the Pavilion third.
General conflict procedure: Exhibitor/agent must contact show commissioner/ show secretary at least 12 hours or a minimum of 2 sessions prior to the session with the Workingconflict.Western conflict procedure: Exhibitor/agent must contact show commissioner/show secretary within two hours of the posted draw (The 2 hours is defined as hours in which the Show Office is open). Exhibitor draw will move to the top of the posted draw go order. Exception: Herd work will follow NCHA Rules. Each order of go for every Working Western class will have three slots available for these conflicts.
For Working Western, the five judge high low out judging system will be utilized One high score and one low score for each horse from each class will be eliminated (Reined Cow is a total of both phases) and the three remaining scores will be totaled to determine the placings in the Performanceclass.
Halter will use the AHA score card, the scorecards will be turned into placings and in turn, run through the Majority Opinion System (MOS) to determine the Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Five.
EXCEPTION: Reining, Trail, Working Cow, Herd Work and Ranch Riding. See the AHA Handbook for information on this scoring system. All sections will be ranked.
For updates and event news follow us on @AHAArabian, TikTok @arabianhorseassoc, @ Arabian Horse Association, @ arabianhorseassoc & on the AHA APP
Select riders must meet the definition.
The U.S. Nationals Show Commission has the right to deviate from this procedure only if the deviation does not create an excessive hold in any class in any arena (Excessive is defined as more than 15 minutes). A Working Western class should never be held once the class has started for longer than it takes to complete an arena drag or approximately 10 minutes.
If Results from a qualifying show have not been recorded, a qualification report signed by the show secretary will be required before a non qualified class will be qualified.
Please refer to General Rules GR 39 The MOS Scoring system will be used in all classes including Breeding and Gelding In-Hand classes.
173Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse Association
In order to purchase a Pavilion Table you must have a full Patronship. The submission of a signed Pavilion Table constitutes an agreement by the signed party for payment.
Horses and riders that are not qualified as of the closing date but intend to qualify before the start of the National Show they are entering MUST enter and pay the fee. Qualifications for classes not qualified for by the closing date can be earned up to the start of the show.
Refer to General Rules GR 38
A Qualification report signed by the show secretary from the qualifying show must be submitted before a non-qualified class will be qualified.
Definition: A class conflict shall be defined as an exhibitor who has a class in which they have to exhibit a horse in another arena at the same time. It may also be defined as a horse with two classes scheduled at the same time in different arenas.
There are 8 seats to a table and cost $3,500 a table; seats cannot be sold individually. Canceling after the closing date to the start of the show requires that 50% of the cost of the Pavilion Table is paid. Pavilion Tables are sold on a first come first serve basis; there are only 16 total tables available.
Refer to ABS classes for Yearlings.
The full Patron package receives four reserved seats and Patron package 2 receives two reserved seats in their Patronspackages.canpurchase additional seating on the official Patron Seating form for $100 per seat. If you do not hold a Patronship but would like to sit with a Patron you may purchase seats with approval from the Patron. All seat sales are non-refundable.
174 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals GENERAL RULES
STALLS – TACK When ordering extra tack stalls, please use an entry form leaving the horse information blank. Please list the tack stalls on the stall reservation form as well. Tack stalls may be used for the following purposes: sitting area, dressing rooms, tack rooms, ready rooms, feed rooms, sleep rooms for staff, equipment storage rooms.
From Saturday, October 15, 7 AM thru Monday, October 17, 7 AM $25/ day/ stall for all stalls ordered. One stall will open the entire block. Fees will be charged for the entire block of stalls reserved by the trainer regardless if they are used or not.
All shavings ordered through AHA must be ordered by September 22. After September 22, shavings must be ordered directly from the supplier. Feed and Bedding is available through Pete’s Feed for ON-SITE feed and bedding purchases. Please order feed and bedding prior to your arrival on the advanced order form. Exhibitors are permitted to bring in outside feed and bedding for personal use, HOWEVER, third party deliveries or sales are strictly prohibited.
If you use a stall that is not assigned to you, you will be assessed a fee of $100 per stall additional.
Please refer to the General Rules GR 43 AHA must receive all Stable Request forms for exhibitors wishing to be a part of a group (including on-line entries) by September 23 to guarantee request.
Please refer to General Rules GR 43 Absolutely NO Arrival for any purpose prior to Saturday, October 15, 7 AM Stalls must be vacated by Monday, October 31 at 12 PM
Turn Back Stalls - $150.00 for each stall. A turn back stall can be reserved ONLY for horses used as turn back horses for Herd classes. Turnback stalls are NOT available with the online entry. Please put a note on the entry form in the misc. fee line “turn back”.
All barns located in the Oklahoma Ford Dealers barn must decorate their stall fronts and may not tear down prior to the end of the show on Saturday, October 30.
Stalls must be vacated prior to midnight, Sunday, October 30 or additional fees may be due.
After Monday October 17, 7 AM No additional charge.
STALLS Exhibitors will be financially responsible for any alteration/ damage to their stalls on the premises. See map for specific locations.
One paid horse stall per entered horse, all others are considered tack stalls. No subletting of stalls will be allowed.
NOTE: Any and all stalls used by exhibitors must be returned to their original condition prior to leaving the grounds. Exhibitors will be billed for the cost of repairing any damage to or any required clean-up of any stalls they Removaluse.of Stall Panel (per Panel/Stall) Varies up to $500. Stalls will not be given to any non-registered Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian without written approval of the Show Commission. Whoever stalls are assigned to will be responsible for any charges and damages incurred for any stalls assigned under their name.
Stalls are wood, metal, and/or vinyl with half open, pipe or solid fronts, and doors.
ALL Non-Competing horses have a stall and be listed on the stall Reservation form.
PLEASE refer to Patronships in this section of the Omnibus.*Grey highlight indicates changes for 2021
There will be no charge for general admission seating, however, there will still be reserved Patron seating
1 & 2 receive four Prime seats as part of their patron package; package 3 patrons receive two Prime seats as part of their patron package. Patrons may initially purchase additional Prime seats. Patron Prime seats are assigned first come first served based on date of receipt of Patron deposit. AHA reserves the right to move or add on patron seating sections in addition to those originally indicated in the seating charts.
Database for Arabian Horses Horse Data & Statistics Available in Real Time Breeding & Ownership / Competition Records • Downloadable Pedigree Information • Day Use Rates Available: members $5/non-members $10 OR Monthly: members $20/non-members $30 Yearly: members $85/non-members $110 DataS urceSM Where the legacy lives on DATABASELARGEST FOR ARABIAN HORSES Search more than 681,000 purebred U.S. Arabians and 409,000 Arabians from foreign registries. Find more than 373,000 Half and Anglo-Arabians to search from. RECORDS&BREEDINGOWNERSHIP Search over 548,000 U.S. and foreign owners and breeders. Plus, new horses and owners added every day! RECORDSCOMPETITION Find official AHA show results, view AJC summary race records, and view AERC endurance records. INFORMATIONPEDIGREE View and print pedigree information on any horse of interest! Plus, search by 'Straight Egyptian', 'Egyptian Sired', 'Egyptian Related', 'Sheykh Obeyd', and 'Al Khamsa, Inc'. 4 The World’s Largest Database for Arabian Horses 4 3 2 1 DATASOURCETOREASONSUSE DISCOVER YOUR HORSE’S HERITAGE ViselApril
• Arabian Futurity Gelding (Class 979) • Arabian Futurity Gelding (Class 9979)
• Arabian Futurity Filly (Class 977)
• HA/AA Futurity Gelding (Class 981) • HA/AA Futurity Gelding (Class 9981)
Foals must be enrolled in-utero by December 31st of the year the mare is bred. The foal can be entered into the U.S. and/or the Canadian Halter Futurity Program. A renomination fee must be paid for the weanling, yearling and two-year-old year. When the foal is 3 years of age and all requirements have been met, the horse is eligible to be entered into the Halter Futurity Program at U.S. Nationals and/or Canadian Nationals (depending on the nomination). In addition to the class entry fee, a $100 fee for the 3 year old year must also be submitted with the National Show Entry in order for the horse to be eligible to be shown in the class.
• Arabian Futurity Filly (Class 9977)
Prize money will be paid only to the recorded owner of the horse at the time of the show. For Arabians, prize money will be divided equally between the filly, colt and gelding classes. For HalfArabian/Anglo-Arabians, the prize money will be divided equally between the filly and gelding classes. The renomination fee and show entry fees will go into the prize money pool of the class the horse will be shown in. Prize money will be awarded as follows:
The Halter Futurity Program is a progressive program for three-year-old Arabian colts, fillies and geldings and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian fillies and geldings. Horses must be registered with the Arabian Horse Association Registries, the Canadian Arabian Horse Registry or the Canadian Partbred Register.
• Arabian Futurity Colt (Class (978) • Arabian Futurity Colt (Class 9988)
• HA/AA Futurity Filly (Class 980) • HA/AA Futurity Filly (Class 9980)
U.S. Nationals
Half-Arabians must have DNA type of the horse and the horse’s purebred Arabian parent placed on permanent record with the AHA Registry and the horse has been shown to qualify as an off spring of the stated purebred sire or purebred dam through DNA testing in order to compete in the Halter Futurity classes. If the DNA is not on file at this time, the horse is ineligible to be shown and all nomination fees will be forfeited.
CHAMPION – 25% RESERVE CHAMPION – 15% REMAINING TOP TEN – 7.5% Prize money is awarded to a full Top Ten. If fewer than 10 horses are shown in a class, prize money not distributed will be divided equally to those placing in the class. See Chapter 19 of the AHA Handbook for additional information regarding the Halter Futurity Program.
177Omnibus 2022 | Arabian Horse U.S.AssociationNationals HOTELS / VENDORS OFFICIAL HOST HOTEL: HYATT REGENCY TULSA 100 E. 2nd St Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) OTHER HOTELS: AMBASSADOR 1324 S. Main St Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) www.hotelambassador-tulsa.com587-8200 COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT Tulsa Central 3340 S. 79th E Ave Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT 415 S. Boston Ave Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 508-7400 COMFORT SUITES TULSA CENTRAL 8039 E. 33rd St South Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 622-6300 EMBASSY SUITES TULSA I-44 3332 S. 79th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) www.embassysuites1.hilton.com622-4000 INN AT EXPO SQUARE 4531 E. 21st St Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) www.innatexposquare.com858-3775 OSAGE CASINO HOTEL 951 West 36th St N Tulsa, OK 74127 (877) 246-8777 RENAISSANCE TULSA HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER 3340 S. 79th Ave Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 660-0646 TULSA SOUTHERNMARRIOTTHILLS 1902 E. 71st St Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 493-7000HOTELSVENDORS Book early and mention you are with the Arabian Horse Association block. Visit the Event Page at to book online. CATERING ExpoServe 4153 E. 21st St Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) DECORATORwww.exposerve.com748-0112 Midwest Decorating Company 1510 S. Memorial Dr Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) FARRIER584-0988 Bobby Waters FEED/BEDDING Pete's Feed Pete Wedelin , PO Box 425 Inola, OK 74032 (918) 630-1306 FLORIST / PLANTS Crestwood Nurseries PO Box Crestwood,175 KY 40014 (502) 387-8888 GOLF CARTS Fore Wheeler Golf Cars 3805 S Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) MEDICAL682-8444SERVICES Equestrian Medical Services, LLC 11413 NW 121st Pl Yukon, OK 73099 PHOTOGRAPHER Howard Schatzberg Photography PO Box 1570 Cave Creek, AZ 85327 (480) customerservice@595-2865 SECURITY Tulsa Expo Square PO Box 4735 Tulsa, OK 74159 (918) 744-1113, ext. 2144 VETERINARIAN Equine Athlete Veterinary Services 12630 Merrill Rd Pilot Point, TX 76258 (940) 686-0112 LIVE WEBSTREAMING Arabian Horse Association Information subject to change before show dates. Visit the Event Page at for updates.
178 Arabian Horse Association | Omnibus 2022 U.S. Nationals EXPO SQUARE PAVILION
From MUSKOGEE (Hwy. 51 21stTurnnorthAtwestAtYaleExitMuskogeewestboundTurnpike)Hwy.51atAve.exitramp,turn(left)on31stStfirstlight,turn(right)onYalewest(left)onor15thStreet
From JOPLIN (I-44 westbound Will Rogers Turnpike) From I-44, exit at Yale NorthAve.(right) on Yale to 21st Street Turn west (left) on 21st or 15th Street
From STILLWATER (Hwy. 51 eastbound) Hwy. 51 turns into Hwy. 412 and then Hwy. 244 Exit Hwy. 244 at Yale Ave. At exit ramp, turn south (right) on Yale Turn west (right) on 21st or 15th Street
From OKLAHOMA CITY (I-44 NorthYaleFromTurnereastboundTurnpike)I-44,exitatAve.(left)onYale to 21st Street Turn west (left) on 21st or 15th Street
From HWY. EASTBOUND244 Exit at Yale At exit ramp, turn south on Yale Turn west (right) on 21st or 15th Street
Join the GREEN Movement $460,000 Sweepstakes Prize Money Available at U.S. Nationals YEARLING CLASSES Restricted– to Breeding Entries Only • Arabian Yearling Colt (Class 1015) • Arabian Yearling Gelding (Class 1016) • Arabian Yearling Filly (Class 971) CHAMPION - $5,000 RESERVE CHAMPION - $3,200 REMAINING TOP TEN - $2,100 Yearling classes are exempt from the 50% rule. Horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry are eligible for Prize Money for the following classes: JUNIOR HORSE CLASSES • Arabian English Pl Jr Horse (Class 91) • Arabian Country English Pl Jr Horse (Class 112) • Arabian Hunter Pl Jr Horse (Class 306) • Arabian Western Pl Jr Horse (Class 205) • Arabian Reining Jr Horse (Class 235) CHAMPION - $4,000 RESERVE CHAMPION - $3,000 REMAINING TOP TEN - $1,000 • Arabian Western Trail Jr Horse (Class 220) • HA/AA Western Trail Jr Horse (Class 665) CHAMPION - $400 RESERVE CHAMPION - $300 REMAINING TOP TEN - $100 • Arabian Working Cow Jr Horse (Class 259) • HA/AA Working Cow Jr Horse (Class 1921) CHAMPION - $250 RESERVE CHAMPION - $150 REMAINING TOP TEN - $75 • HA/AA English Pl Jr Horse (Class 532) • HA/AA Country English Pl Jr Horse (Class 557) • HA/AA Hunter Pl Jr Horse (749) • HA/AA Western Pl Jr Horse (637) • HA/AA Reining Jr Horse (Class 669) CHAMPION - $2,500 RESERVE CHAMPION - $1,500 REMAINING TOP TEN - $750 ** If fewer than nineteen horses are in the class, 50% rounded up will be eligible for prize money. JACKPOT CLASSES Restricted– to horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry • ABS Arabian Western Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1659) • ABS Arabian Country English Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1665) • ABS Arabian Hunter Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1669) • ABS Arabian English Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 2386) • ABS Arabian Reining AAOTR Jackpot (Class 2388) • ABS HA/AA Western Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1673) • ABS HA/AA Country English Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1683) • ABS HA/AA Hunter Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 1629) • ABS HA/AA English Pl AAOTR Jackpot (Class 2387) • ABS HA/AA Reining AAOTR Jackpot (Class 2389) These classes are exempt from the 50% Rule. Sweepstakes and Jackpot money will be awarded as follows: CHAMPION – 20% RESERVE CHAMPION – 10% REMAINING TOP TEN – 8.75% Any jackpot money not distributed will be equally divided among all placings. Sweepstakes prize money not awarded will be retained in the Sweepstakes principal fund. AAO PERFORMANCE HALTER CLASSES –Restricted to horses enrolled as a Breeding Entry or Original Entry • ABS Arabian Stallion AAO Performance Halter (Class 2080) • ABS Arabian Gelding AAO Performance Halter (Class 2084) • ABS Arabian Mare AAO Performance Halter (Class 2093) $25,000 will be available for each Arabian Class CHAMPION - $5,000 RESERVE CHAMPION - $3,200 TOP TEN - $2,100 • ABS HA/AA Gelding AAO Performance Halter (Class 1444) • ABS HA/AA Mare AAO Performance Halter (Class 1154) $15,000 will be available for each Arabian Class CHAMPION - $4,000 RESERVE CHAMPION - $3,000 TOP TEN - $1,000 These classes are exempt from the 50% Rule. It Pays to Play
There are 3 steps to participating in the Performance Futurity/Maturity/ Derby classes at U.S. Nationals:
1. Enrollment into the Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Program
In addition to the program enrollment, you must enter into the Performance Futurity/Maturity Class at U.S. Nationals on an official entry form or online at the AHA website by the date of entry close. If you do not enter the show or program, a late fee(s) will be assessed. Fees!
If you determine at a later date that your horse is better suited to another discipline, you may change the class intent with a class change fee. (Example: I signed up for Western but it turns out my horse is better suited for Hunter).
Owners wishing to compete in this program must enroll in the program either by making payments or one lump sum.
Enrollments postmarked/electronic transaction dated after August 1, 2022 assessed a $750 late fee ($1,000 for reining). Enrollment may also be submitted after the deadline all the way up to the final close of U.S. National Entries in Tulsa. (Late fees will apply.)
Avoid Late
If enrollment is made in payments, the 2022 due dates are: • June 1 st • July 1 st • August 1 st Late fees apply for any missed due dates.
Class intent must be declared at the time of enrollment into the program (Example: I intend to compete in the Western Pleasure Maturity AAOTR).
2. Entry into the corresponding Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby class at U.S. Nationals
3. All Half-Arabians competing in the Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes must have parentage DNA verified to a purebred Arabian parent on file at the AHA office in order to be eligible to compete in the class.
2022 ARABIAN HORSE JUDGING CONTEST 10.29.22 *at U.S. Nationals, horse must be entered in the show Each Horse Shown In The Contest Will Receive a Free Stall Please contact or 303.696.4505
Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabians can compete in Performance Futurity/ Maturity/Derby Classes at the U.S. Nationals. A wonderful marketplace to showcase the best and brightest that the industry offers and earn prize money. PERFORMANCE FUTURITY CLASSES THREE YEAR-OLD: • Arabian English Pleasure Futurity • HA/AA English Pleasure Futurity • Arabian Western Pleasure Futurity • HA/AA Western Pleasure Futurity • Arabian Hunter Pleasure Futurity • HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Futurity • Arabian Country English Pleasure Futurity • HA/AA Country English Pleasure Futurity FIVE YEAR-OLD & UNDER: • Arabian Reining Horse • HA/AA Reining Horse • Arabian Working Cow Horse • HA/AA Working Cow Horse • A/HA/AA Western Trail Horse SIX YEAR-OLD & UNDER: • Arabian Herd Work • HA/AA Herd Work SIX TO EIGHT YEAR-OLD: • Arabian Open Reining Derby • HA/AA Open Reining Derby • A/HA/AA Open Western Trail Derby PERFORMANCE MATURITY CLASSES FOUR TO FIVE YEAR-OLD: • Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR • HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR • Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR • HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR FIVE TO SIX YEAR-OLDS: • Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR • HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR • Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR • HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR Nomination into the Performance Futurity/Maturity Program is required and must be made on the official nomination form. Nominations will be entered under the current recorded owner of the horse. Nomination fee does not include show entry fees, post entry fees, drug fees, stall fees, etc. Nomination into the Performance Futurity/ Maturity Program does not constitute entry into the U.S. National Show. A separate U.S. National Show Entry form must be submitted with the appropriate entry fees prior to the close of entries in order for the horse to be shown in the specified Performance Futurity/Maturity Class. NOTE: Half Arabians Competing in the Performance Futurity/Maturity/Derby Classes must have parentage DNA verified to the purebred Arabian parent on file at the AHA office before the horse is allowed to compete. For complete rules, enrollment fees and deadlines regarding the Performance Futurity/Maturity Program, please refer to Chapter 20 of the current AHA Handbook. U.S. Nationals OSTEEN/SCHATZBERGBYPHOTO