Arabian Horse Journal n°21

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Since 2010

global business MIKA S.R.L. corso Garibaldi, 7 20822 Seveso (MB) - Italy tel. +39 0362 541804 n° 21/2015 Pubb. bimestrale iscr. trib. Milano n° 306 del 03-06-2010 spedizione in A.P. 70% Milano Direttore Editoriale/Editors Direttore Responsabile/Publisher Francesca Messina

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Royal Colours ( True Colours x Xtreme Wonder ) Owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud / UAE

Foto/Photo by Erwin Escher Bucra Photo Radovan Cisar Zuzana Slavikova Lisa Abraham Antonio Caracciolo Testi/Staff Writers Francesca Messina Lisa Abraham Mateusz Jaworski Zuzana Slavikova Pubblicità/Advertising MIKA - Francesca Messina Cell. +39 348 3350708

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Traduzioni/Traslations Dott. Pompeo Lattanzi arabianhorsejournal

Contents SH. Hamad Ali Al Thani - Interview


Abu Dhabi - International Arabian Horse Show


Psyrasic - The Story


Rabab - Championship International B-Show


Ecaho - Annual General Meeting


Bergamo - National C - Show


Paris - World Championship


CittĂ di Castello - Italian National Championship


Verona - Int. A Show


Aachen - The 2014 All Nation Cup


Dr. Nagel - Interview


Lier - European Championship Title Show



Ecaho Annual GeneralMeeting 2|3

" " " "

La mia passione per il cavallo arabo non è cambiata per nulla. My passion for arabians didn't change at all.

SH. Hamad Ali Al Thani Interview

In occasione del 24mo International Arabian Horse Championship a Doha, che ha avuto inizio il 18 febbraio scorso, ho avuto il particolare piacere di incontrare Sh. Hamad Ali Al Thani, nome che in realtà non ha bisogno di molte presentazioni. Pochi infatti nel nostro settore non conoscono la sua storia agonistica, legata a doppio filo al nome Al Shaqab, e la sua proverbiale simpatia. Incontrarlo per me è stato davvero un piacere enorme, legato com'è al ricordo che ho del mio primo incontro, in quel di Sharjah non so più nemmeno quanti anni fa, quando in prossimità dell'ingresso al ring di presentazione sentii uno scalpitio e girandomi mi ritrovai a tu per tu con Gazal Al Shaqab che faceva il suo ingresso in campo. Ho avuto i suoi occhi a trenta centimetri di distanza ed ancora adesso lo ricordo come fosse ieri. Hamad ed il suo team dell'epoca furono gli artefici di una svolta epocale in ambito allevatoriale, il tipo da allora mutò in modo inequivocabile, le vittorie si estesero dal Medio Oriente, in Europa, in America, fino ad arrivare sul tetto del mondo con le vittorie al mondiale. Hamad e Al Shaqab divennero sinonimi di vittoria, bellezza, grandiosità. Ma non è tanto per il passato quanto per il futuro che oggi vogliamo fare due chiacchiere con Hamad che, come sempre, si presta alla nostra intervista con il suo solito amabile fare.

In the occasion of the 24th International Arabian Horse Championship in Doha, which had its resounding start on February 18, I had the very special pleasure to meet the Sheik Hamad Ali Al Thani, a name that in fact does not need much in the way of introductions. Very few are left in fact in our sector that are not aware of his competitive history, inextricably linked to the name Al Shaqab, and of his universally recognized pleasantness. In truth, meeting him was a huge pleasure, linked as it is to the memory of our first encounter in Sharjah, longer ago than I care to remember, when right next to the show ring entrance I heard a trampling noise and when I turned round I was facing, very up close, Gazal Al Shaqab entering the ring. I stared into its eyes at less than a foot of distance, and I remember it as if it were yesterday. Hamad and his team at the time were the makers of an époque-marking turn point in connection with breeding, since then type has unequivocally changed, victories extended to the Middle East, to Europe, to America, up to “the roof of the world”, with the victories in the World Championships. Hamad and Al Shaqab became synonyms of victory, beauty, magnificence. However, it is not about the past but about the future that today we wish to have a chat with Sheik Hamad who, as he always does, makes himself available for our interview with his usual amiable manners.

Assolutamente si, la mia passione per il cavallo arabo non Il mio futuro a breve mi veè cambiata per nulla. drà legato al cavallo arabo E' una indiscrezione o straight egyptian di cui alla possiamo darla come no- progede di Imperial Phanila tizia certa il fatto che col- e del campione del mondo laborerai con l'Al Rayyan Al Adeed Al Shaqab che hanFarm? E se è si, in che no prodotto campioni del mondo nell allevamento Al ruolo nello specifico? Rayyan. Si, è stata una grande responsabilità per me. La Rayyan farm è conosciuta come una delle migliori nel mondo per quanto riguarda gli “Straight Egyptian” e sono felice di lavorare con questi cavalli e aumentare il livello. La tua è una figura a tuttotondo nell'ambito del psa, sei giudice, ti sei occupato di corse e sei stato il manager di quello che, facendo un parallelo con il calcio, possiamo considerare il Maracanà del

Yes, absolutely. My passion for didn't change at all. 2015

Sh. Hamad, ti ho già detto cavallo arabo da morfoquanto ci sei mancato nel logia... ma qual'è il ruolo circuito dei concorsi neg- che senti più tuo? li ultimi anni? Non ho nessun ruolo preferiSono stato contento di incon- to. Ho diversi stalloni e sono trarti.Mi mancano i cavalli e sempre stato orgoglioso di le persone di questo mondo. loro in qualsiasi ambito. Ho Ho avuto problemi di saluti provato a raggiungere granma grazie a dio ora sto meg- di risultati per mantenere la qualità dell'allevameto e i rilio. sultati alti. Non ho nessuna Ti abbiamo visto immorpreferenza nel lavorare in talato tra i fondali più belqualsiasi ambito, che sia per li in giro per il mondo, abarabi o no. La cosa più imbiamo avuto paura che la portante è quello che posso tua passione per l'Arabo ottenere con i cavalli e non il fosse ormai sopita (olruolo che ricopro. tre ad essere un bel po' invidiosi dei posti in cui Svelaci quali sono i tuoi eri ritratto ovviamente).... programmi per il futuera una vacanza lunga ro... Dove ti potremmo prima di tornare tra noi? vedere? Intento, quali show? Perchè torni vero?

Am I indiscreet or can we state it as a sure fact that you are going to cooperate with the Al Rayyan Farm? And if the answer is positive, what specific role are you going to play? Sh. Hamad, have I already Yes, it is a great responsibility for told you how much we did me. The Rayyan farm is known to miss you in the show circuit be one of the best in the world for during these last years?

the Egyptian breed and I am happy I was the happy to meet you . Yes, to serve these horses and Increase I miss the horses and horse people the level. and thank God my health I've been Yours is an all round figure through a difficult but now I praise in the Arabian Purebred all the authenticity

We have seen you photographed all around, against the most beautiful backdrops in the world; we were afraid your passion for the Arabian Horse had by now waned (besides being quite envious of the marvellous places you had been portrayed in, obviously...), or maybe it was just a long holiday before coming back amongst us. Because you are coming back, aren’t you?

sector, you are a Judge, you were in racing and the manager of what, drawing a parallel with football, we can surely consider the Maracanà of the Morphology Arabian Horse... but which one is the role you feel is most properly yours? There isn't any favourite role. I have sundry stallions and I was always proud of them in any field. I tried to achieve great results to maintain the results and the breeding quality high. I have no preference in working in many field and this is either for arabs or not.The most important thing is what I can achieve with the horses and not the role I have.

Please disclose some of your programmes for the future...where are we going to see you? I mean which show... My near future will see me connected to the Arabian horse Straight Egyptian breed, referred to the progeny of Imperial Phanila and World champion Al Adeed Al Shaqab that have produced world champions on the Al Rayyan farm. 2015

There is nothing left but thanking Sheik Hamad for the enjoyable chat, in fact too many years had gone by since the previous

| occasion... Best of luck, and thank you again for graciously granting us this interview, dearest Sheik, welcome back!!! 4 5

BM Dakhir Di Mar ( Out of Akira Moniscione )

Mazaya Domitia ( Out of UL SID Parma )


( Psytadel x Karoba )


a due soggetti di provata qualità ed attitudine non poteva che nascere un soggetto speciale, e Psyrasic speciale lo è davvero! Il padre di Psyrasic è il famoso * Psytadel, un mix internazionale di linee di sangue. Suo nonno, Padron, stallone di Tersk (Aswan x Podruga da Priboj) e di Odessa NSB, di linea Crabbet, ha prodotto 42

Nothing but something really special could be born from two specimen of acclaimed quality and aptitude, and Psyrasic is truly something special! Psyrasic's father is the famous * Psytadel, an international mix of blood lines. Its grandfather, Padron, a Tersk stallion out of Aswan x Podruga from Priboj, and Odessa NSB, of the Crabbet line, produced 42 USA National winners, a number

vincitori nazionali USA, una cifra che lo pone ai primi riproduttori.


Shaina DVA ( Out of Shakira DVA )

that places it right among the top breeders.

Il padre, Padron Psyche ha nella linea materna Kilika, è il prodotto di allevamento dello stallone di Tersk * Tamerlano (Arax x Ptrapecia da Ponomarets) che fa di * Psytadel uno stallone di linea russa per 3/4. Assuan (da Nazir) apporta la linea egiziana. La madre di *Psytadel è Bint Bey Shah (Bey Shah x Musk Angel Eyes). Non è necessario introdurre Beh Shah, il suo nome ha fatto la storia nell'allevamento del PSA, è stato definito "la migliore macchina da soldi mai vista sulla terra" ed a ragione. il suo tasso di monta, per i suoi anni, ha raggiunto cifre inimmaginabili ma la sua progenie è valsa la pena, con 22 Campioni Nazionali negli Stati Uniti a cui si aggiungono quelli a lui riconducibili il cui numero è ben più significativo.

Its father, Padron Psyche has Kilika in its maternal line, and is a Tersk breeding product of the stallion * Tamerlano (Arax x Ptrapecia out of Ponomarets), which makes * Psytadel a stallion with 3/4 russian bloodline. Assuan (out of Nazir) brings in the Egyptian line. *Psytadel's mother is Bint Bey Shah (Bey Shah x Musk Angel Eyes). Certainly it is not necessary to introduce Bey Shah, as its name has made history in the Pure Bred Arabian breeding, so much so it was defined "the best money machine ever seen on Earth" and with very good reason. Its stud fee, given its age, has reached figures beyond any imagination, but its progeny is well worth it, counting as it does 22 USA National Champions, plus many more, the number is even more significant, which are related to it.

La Linea materna di Psyrasic, da Karoba - che è stata Campionessa Europea Puledre nel 1994 - si riconduce a *Kubinec che fu fin dal suo esordio una rivoluzione, diventando Campione Nazionale Tedesco, poi Europeo ed infine Campione del Mondo.

Psyrasic's maternal bloodline, through Karoba which was Fillies European Champion in 1994 - goes back to * Kubinec, which constituted a true revolution since its debut, becoming first German National Champion, then European and finally World Champion. Psyrasic has displayed its excellent aptitude right from the beginning. As a colt in 2006, it was Reserve Junior Champion Colt in Strohen, Germany, then Reserve Junior Champion Colt in Abu Dhabi (UAE) and top ten at the World Championships in Paris. Certainly its list of victories is long, continuing up to today, with the title of Champion and awarding of the Gold Medal in Class A in Verona during 2014. Psyrasic's peculiarity however is not so much in its many wins, as in its character, its aptitude, its intelligence and, last but certainly not least, its capacity as a breeder. Psyrasic had Marajj as stable mate; it was difficult to compete with a "neighbour" so competitive (and


Matrix Di Mar ( Out of Principessa di Mar ) 6|7

Psyrasic - The Story

Psyrasic ha da subito mostrato la sua attitudine. Da puledro diventa, nel 2006 Reserve Junior Champion Colt a Strohen, in Germania, Reserve Junior Champion Colt ad Abu Dhabi (UAE) e top ten al Mondiale a Parigi. Ma la lista delle sue vittorie è lunga, fino ad arrivare ai giorni nostri, con il titolo di Campione e vittoria della medaglia d'Oro nel Classe A di Verona nello scorso 2014. Ma le peculiarità di Psyrasic non stanno nelle sue vittorie quanto nel suo carattere, nel suo atteggiamento, nella sua intelligenza e non da ultimo nella sua capacità di riproduttore.

SG Wendetta( Out of SG Wenusia ) so splendid) in number of coverings, and in fact it did not have too many as a young stallion, but those were surely quite significant: HG Sweet Fantasy (owner: Sweet Fantasy Partnership) was surely one of them. Its

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

Psyrasic ha avuto come compagno di scuderia Marajj; era difficile com-

petere con un "vicino" così scomodo (e splendido) in quanto a monte, ed in effetti nella sua vita da giovane stallone non ne ha fatte molte, ma sicuramente - quelle fatte - furono significative: HG Sweet Fantasy (owner: Sweet Fantasy Partnership) è stata di sicuro una di queste. Ma la sua storia di riproduttore cambia quando nel 2010 è stato preso prima in leasing e poi, nel 2012, acquistato da Scuderia Groane (Italia) che iniziò a "provarlo" sulle proprie fattrici. Sin da subito il suo tipo marcato venne fuori e, cosa straordinaria, tanto nelle femmine quanto nei maschi. Riuscì in questo anche con fattrici che con diversi e provati stalloni avevano prodotto soggetti assolutamente normali quando non scarsi. Psyrasic no. Un suo figlio lo si ricon-

SG Walentina( Out of SG Wenusia )

SG Lotus ( Out of SG Wanity )

story as a breeder nevertheless took a radical turn in 2010, when it was first leased and then, in 2012, purchased outright by Scuderia Groane (Italy) that started to "try" it on its own mares. Right away its remarkable type stood


HG Sweet Fantasy ( Out of Zawaleen by Wan-Khali )

osce immediatamente per le caratteristiche comuni: equilibrio nel carattere, arti e fisico corretti, occhi enormi ed espressivi, stop pronunciato e buon movimento. Con questi risultati fu ovvio che il contratto di leasing fosse convertito in vendita e Psyrasic si ritrovò italiano a tutti gli effetti. Partecipò a qualche show portando sempre a casa una medaglia ma, cosa più interessante, la sua progenie iniziò a fare manbassa di risultati negli show già da futurity.

Mashael Albidayer( Out of Mattharii) out and, rather extraordinarily, both in fillies and colts. It managed such prodigious feats even with mares that with several well proven stallions had produced absolutely normal, if at times not poor, specimen. Not with Psyrasic, they didn't! Its sons or daughters can be immediately recognized from their common features: balanced character, correct limbs and physique, huge expressive eyes, pronounced stop and good movement. Given such results, it was obvious that the leasing contract should be converted to outright sale and so Psyrasic acquired its Italian passport. It took part in several shows, always taking home a medal but, more interesting, its progeny started to clean up show prizes already as futurity. There is another aspect however that makes Psyrasic really special and that is its nature and character.


Ma c'è un altro aspetto che rende Psyrasic davvero speciale ed è il suo carattere. L'equilibrio che mostra è superlativo. Anche in piena staThe balance it displays is superlative. Even gione di monta si può at the acme of the mounting season one can aprire il suo box e metopen its box and saddle it for a ride. It can be tergli su una sella per as performing in the ring as it is peaceful as andare in passeggia- GW Favolosa ( Out of LC Favola) soon as the show is over. ta. Sa essere tanto performante quando è nel ring Psyrasic is one of those rare and special horses that quanto tranquillo appena terminato lo show. Psyraget into your heart and never come out again. sic è uno di quei cavalli rari e speciali che quando entra nel cuore, quello giusto, non ne esce più.


Annual General Meeting of ECAHO 2015 Text by Mateusz Jaworski, Zuzana Slavikova - Photos by Radovan Cisar, Zuzana Slavikova


rague, the hundred-tower capital of the Czech Republic, hosted on 6th – 8th February 2015 the 32nd Annual General Meeting of ECAHO. Though in the middle of winter, Prague welcomed the delegates with sunshine and temperatures only around zero. The whole event started already on Friday afternoon by the meeting of Sport Commission, chaired by Elisabeth Chat. The delegates approved complete change of the Sport rule book (“Green Book”) which will be published in near future. Special courses were presented for the judges of “Ridden classes” which are more and more popular within the show organizers. At the moment there are only few judges withi n ECAHO who are at the same moment


certified by FEI (or other organization) and who are able to judge the saddle disciplines as well as the conformation and type of Arabian horse. This course was greatly welcomed and hopefully there will be enough participants willing to follow it. E. Chat further gave warm appreciation to the organizers of European Championships for Sport horses held in Janow Podlaski (Poland). Thanks to its great success, the 2015 Championships will be held at the same venue (on 10th – 13th September). As last point of the agenda, the general plan to establish the award point system for successful sport Arabians was presented.

and she decided not to stand for re-election due to her many other duties. There were quite important topics on the agenda, such as the discussion about the status of the European Championships. In future, ECAHO tends to take the organization of this event under its umbrella and focus more on European breeders and owners and encourage them to participate. Though some other equally important topics were on the agenda, the election of new Chairman was, without doubt, the mostly awaited issue. The Show Commission is understood as the most important Commission within ECAHO and therefore the position of the Chairman brings lot of responsibility. There were 3 candidates standing for election – Nils Ismer (Germany), Gideon Reisel (The Netherlands) and Francesco Santoro (Italy). The Show Commission finally gave the highest number of votes and the trust to Nils Ismer who will lead the Show Commission for next 4 years. In the afternoon the ECAHO Executive Committee prepared

The Sport Commission was followed by the meeting of Registration and Identification Commission, chaired by Winand Bijnens. Not much was on the program as there are no new rules for identification of horses within the Member countries. The attention was brought to the registration of foals from embryo transfer and the recipient mothers. The main attraction of this meeting was the lecture given by Dr. Steven Janssens (Livestock Genetics, Departement Biosystemen, KU Leuven in Belgium) - "The dangers of inbreeding within the Arabian horse population". In his interesting presentation he stressed out the dangers of decreased genetic variations and gave examples how far the usage of only small number of breeding animals may lead. Very interesting, though also very hard to understand, was the part focused on the DNA studies. Everybody knows the story about 5 mares of Mohammed that established the Arabian strains… but the investigations of maternal DNA revealed about 14 lineages!


On Saturday the Show Commission meeting took place, chaired by HRH Alia Al Hussein. It was her last meeting in the role of the Chairman as her term in office finished in 2015 10 | 11

Ecaho General Meeting

of time during the AGM itself.

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

informational and discussion meeting for all delegates willing to talk about the AGM topics. Almost all delegates used this chance and attended to ask the EC – it was really good idea because majority of AGM topics could be pre-discussed which saved a lot

But Saturday night did not end up on the discussions. The hosting organization ACHPAK with its head Jaroslav Lacina prepared something extra for the guests – unique visit to the non-public premises of Prague Castle, seat place of the President of the Czech Republic. The tour was guided by Hynek Kmoníček, head of the Department of Foreign Affairs Office of the Czech President. He was not only showing the rooms and explaining how they are used nowadays for official foreign delegations, but, with great deal of humour, he made a trip to the history of the Castle, Czech nation, country and Czech language. The splendid Castle halls were most of the time filled with laughter! The pleasant tour was finished in the restaurant Villa Richter just behind the walls of the Castle. The restaurant is situated above own vineyard. It was really pity that the AGM was held during winter month – otherwise the guests of the restaurant had great chance to overlook night beauty of the historical Prague during their dinner. To show part of Czech traditions, Jaroslav Lacina ordered traditional Cimbalom band to entertain the guests not only with traditional Czech, Moravian and Slovak folk songs but also with international “hits”, such as Parisian Cancan, Hava Nagila, Monti´s Csárdás or Russian Kalinka. Unfortunately, the evening ended so quickly… The dinner was kindly supported by KAAHC Saudi Arabia –


The last days of the conference belonged to the Annual General Meeting. Almost all Member countries seized the occasion to attend; the meeting was visited by more than 70 people. In addition to the "mandatory" topics, there were several very important ones – such as approving upgrade of the Royal Cavalry of Oman from Associate to Full Member of ECAHO. After year work, the Code of Conduct for all ECAHO Officials was presented in the final version (with lot of thanks to Annette Dixon from Great Britain for her

work on this topic). This document provides a framework of the expected behaviour during meetings, shows, competitions, and other occasion. One of the most important issues of this year's AGM was the Memorandum of Understanding between ECAHO and AHO (Arabian Horse Organization). This Memorandum sets out the general agreement between these two organizations on cooperation in organizing shows for Arabian horses. According to this Memorandum, horses placed 1st till 5th in the classes of AHO Chantilly show are qualified to ECAHO A and Title Shows. And, vice versa, Chantilly show requires qualification from ECAHO shows. The next topic was the new scheme of the membership fees which should bring more transparency to the division of the payments. The old system was based on criteria set many years ago and was not usable any more for newly accepted Members. Further on, the AGM appointed 2 Member of the Standing Disciplinary Committee whose term in of-


big thanks to them!

12 | 13

Ecaho General Meeting

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

fice ended in 2015 – willing to cooperate, both “old” SDC Members were approved for another period of 5 years (Mrs. Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka and Dr. Abdel Wahab Amira). Finally, the highlight of the AGM came – the elections. First the election of the President took place. There was no other nominated candidate than the current President, Mr. Jaroslav Lacina, and with no contrary votes he got the trust to lead ECAHO for another 4 years´ period. As the delegate of Egypt jokingly added after the election – Jaroslav Lacina did a lot of positive during his first period, but the Members now expect much more! Without doubt, Jaroslav Lacina showed great professionalism and skills and most of the representatives are very pleased that he continues. But the elections were not over. The term in office of 3 Executive Committee members ended up. Christianne Chazel and Claudia Darius could stand for reelection but for Christine Jamar-Demeersseman from Belgium this was the last ECAHO meeting in the position of board member. The situation during the elections to the board was much more complicated. The delegates could nominate whoever they wished and therefore it happened that Claudia Darius and Nils Is-

mer (both from Germany) had chance to be in the EC. However, in accordance with the Constitution ECAHO, there cannot be more than two representatives of the same country in the EC at the same term. Nils Ismer became automatically the EC member since the Saturday´s election. To make the situation easier, Claudia Darius decided to withdraw her candidacy and solved the situation in elegant, though not very pleasant way. Christianne Chazel got enough votes to extend her term for another four years. The two newly elected EC members are Marianne Tengstedt (Denmark) and Francesco Santoro (Italy). The election ended the official part of the AGM. But the program was not over – the last part of the Conference was the lecture "Horse welfare in horses' sport in the 21st century," presented by Mr. Roly Owers (MRCVS, Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare). The lecture focused on the use of the whip at shows and sports. After an intense round of questions, the AGM was closed. In short, the delegates and guests of the AGM spent few pleasant days in the historical Prague.



14 | 15


World Championship Title Show


Con il patrocinio del Re del Marocco, Sua Maestà Mohammed VI, si è svolto tra il 28 e il 30 dicembre scorso l'attesa 34ma edizione del Campionato del mondo del purosangue Arabo



Under the High Patronage of the King of Morocco, His Majesty Mohammed VI, the eagerly awaited 34th edition of the World Championship for Arabian Purebred took place from December 28th to December 30th



Text by Francesca Messina Photos by Escher Rothenberg


a competizione, come immaginabile, è stata serrata; in campo abbiamo visto il meglio di quanto allevato ai quattro angoli del pianeta e la tensione è stata costantemente palpabile, in ogni categoria, raggiungendo l'apice all'inizio dei campionati. Erano molti i

The site was the official one, the great arena at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris. As usual this kermesse saw the numerous attendance on the part of guests whose list would read like an 'Almanach de Gotha' of the best breeders and professionals in the breeding world. With respect to the previous edition no majour changes were recorded, as the World Championship does not need them, even just attending and being able to admire the enrolled specimen in the pre-ring is in itself satisfaction enough for any fan of The Beautiful Race. We shall have to add to all this the always punctual and precise organization of the event, the excellent managing team, the anxious

wait for the Final Championships, the over 150 horses admitted, 25 Countries represented. Just by themselves these figures should already say quite a story about the health status of the sector, but the sheer beauty of the specimen on show effectively amplified what was an already excellent premise in itself. We hope the photos at the end of this article will be able to bear witness to what we are saying, but we certainly believe they will. The competition, as it could be expected, was very close; we were able to see in action the absolute best of what is currently being bred in the four corners of the Earth and the tension was always dramatic, in ev2015


a sede era quella ufficiale, la grande arena al Salon Du Cheval di Parigi. Come sempre la kermesse ha visto la partecipazione del gota dell'allevatoria mondiale e degli addetti ai lavori. Rispetto all'edizione precedente non si sono registrati grandi cambiamenti, il Campionato del Mondo non ne ha un gran bisogno, già parteciparvi e vedere nel pre-ring i soggetti iscritti è di per sé quanto basta per ogni appassionato della razza. A questo dobbiamo aggiungere la sempre puntuale organizzazione dell'evento, l'ottima squadra organizzati-

va, la trepidante attesa per i campionati finali, oltre 150 cavalli iscritti, 25 nazioni rappresentate. Questi numeri da soli dovrebbero già dire tanto in merito allo stato di salute del comparto, la bellezza dei soggetti ha amplificato la già ottima premessa. Grazie alle foto che troverete a fine articolo speriamo di darvi conto di quanto appena affermato, ma siamo certi di si.

16 | 17

Paris - World Championship

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

"volti" noti in questa edizione, molte sono state le conferme di quei soggetti che già avevano messo in mostra il proprio potenziale negli show europei durante l'anno, ma altrettanto strepitosi sono stati gli yearling, su tutti Pustyna Kahil (Kahil Al Shaqab x Pustynna Malwa), nata ed allevata dall'allevamento statale polacco Michalow, ottimamente presentata da Mariusz Liskiewicz, che con classe da vendere si è fatta ammirare dalla platea da consumata frequentatrice degli show-ring. Ovviamente in campionato ha conquistato la medaglia d'oro per le yearling female, seguita da AJ Sawari dell'Ajman Stud (UAE) per la medaglia d'argento e da Victoria Al Shaqab dell'Al Shaqab STud (QAT) per la medaglia di Bronzo. Non da meno il suo coetaneo Ghazwan Al Jassimya (Marwan Al Shaqab x Athina El Jamaal) presentato da Giacomo Capacci, che ha battuto i suoi rivali prima in categoria e poi durante il campionato andando a conquistare la medaglia d'oro nella categoria yearling male. Ottimo il lavoro allevatoriale dell'Al

ery category, reaching its acme at the start of the final Championships, when it could be cut with a knife. The "known faces" in this edition were many, as many were the confirmations of those specimen which had already shown their potential in the course of the various European shows during the year, but just as stunning were the yearlings, one above all others being Pustyna Kahil (Kahil Al Shaqab x Pustynna Malwa), bred and born in the Polish State Stud of Michalow, magistrally presented by Mariusz Liskiewicz, which displayed consummate class while letting itself be admired by the audience, well accustomed to the show-ring. Naturally in her championship she conquered the Gold Medal for yearling females, followed by AJ Sawari of the Ajman Stud (UAE) with the Silver Medal and by Victoria Al Shaqab of the Al Shaqab Stud (QAT) with the Bronze coinage. In the same age range, her colleague colt Ghazwan Al Jassimya (Marwan Al Shaqab x Athina El Jamaal) presented by Giacomo Capacci, was not inferior however, beating all its rivals, first in its category

Paris - World Championship


(DA Valentino x RD Fabreanna), allevata negli States e di proprietà dell'Al Saqran Stud (UAE & KWT) che va a vincere categoria prima e medaglia d'oro in campionato, presentata da David Boggs. D Shahla della Dubai Arabian Horse Stud ha ottenuto la medaglia d'argento mentre Esperanzza Al Ventur dell'Athbah Stud

(KSA) ha conquistato la medaglia di bronzo. L'attesissimo Excalibur EA (Shanghai EA x Essence Of Marwan EA) presentato da Tom Schoukens per l'allevamento uruguaiano Las Rosas Arabians di SAR Laetitia Princesse De Belsunce D'Arenberg, dopo le conquiste dei titoli di Campione Europeo e Campione alla Coppa delle Nazioni ad Aachen si aggiudica anche la medaglia d'oro a Parigi, confermandosi quindi Triple Crown colt dell'oramai trascorso 2014. La medaglia d'argento è invece andato al fascinoso baio FA El Rasheem della Dubai Arabian Horse Stud (UAE) mentre la medaglia di bronzo è stata

conquistata da Kanz Al Nasser dell'Al Nasser Stud (QAT). Per le fattrici la bella Najdah Al Zobair (Marwan Al Shaqab x JFN Bint Ludhan) presentata da Tom Schoukens per l'Al Zobair Stud (UAE) si è aggiudicata la medaglia d'oro, seguita da Badawieh AA dell'Ajman Stud che ha ottenuto la medaglia d'argento e da Emira dell'allevamento Michalow (PL) che ha guadagnato la medaglia di bronzo. Peccato per la sua compagna di scuderia, Pepita, che in campionato aveva vinto la categoria con il punteggio più alto dello show ma si è dovuta accontentare di un top ten. Gli stalloni hanno come sempre

and then in the championship, finally conquering the Gold Medal of the yearling Colts. Excellent is just the right definition for the work done by the Al Jassimya Farm in Qatar, owner of this sensational colt. Morion, also from the Polish State Stud Michalow, conquered the Silver Medal while D Mshary - Dubai Arabian Horse Stud - obtained the Bronze Medal. Among the Junior Fillies, a splendid performance was put up by Donna Molta Bella (DA Valentino x RD Fabreanna), bred in the United States and owned by the Al Saqran Stud (UAE & KWT), which proceeded to win her category first and the championship Gold Medal later, presented by David Boggs. D Shahla of the Dubai Arabian Horse Stud obtained the Silver Medal, while Esperanzza Al Ventur of the Athbah Stud (KSA) conquered the Bronze Medal. The impatiently awaited Excalibur

EA (Shanghai EA x Essence Of Marwan EA) presented by Tom Schoukens for the Uruguayan Stud Las Rosas Arabians of H.R.H. Laetitia Princesse De Belsunce D'Arenberg, having already conquered the titles of European Champion and Champion at the Aachen All Nations Cup, appropriated also the Silver Medal in Paris, confirming itself therefore as Triple Crown colt of the just concluded 2014. The Silver Medal in turn went to the fascinating bay FA El Rasheem of the Dubai Arabian Horse Stud (UAE), whilst the Bronze Medal was awarded to Kanz Al Nasser of the Al Nasser Stud (QAT). As for the mares, the beautiful Najdah Al Zobair (Marwan Al Shaqab x JFN Bint Ludhan) presented by Tom Schoukens for the Al Zobair Stud (UAE), won the Gold Medal, followed by Badawieh AA of the Ajman Stud, which gained the Silver Medal, and by Emira of


Jassimya Farm dal Qatar, proprietaria di questo strepitoso puledro. Morion, sempre dall'allevamento statale polacco Michalow, ha conquistato la medaglia d'argento mentre D Mshary - Dubai Arabian Horse Stud - ha ottenuto la medaglia di bronzo. Nelle junior fillies splendida prova di Donna Molta Bella

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Paris - World Championship

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

emozionato in modo particolare la platea. Dopo le categorie, vederli tutti dentro l'arena a battersi per la prima posizione è stato davvero un bel colpo d'occhio. Su tutti Kahil AL Shaqab (Marwan AL Shaqab x OFW Mishaahl) dell'Al Shaqab Stud, presentato da Giacomo Capacci, ha ottenuto il titolo di campione del mondo stalloni, seguito dal Eden C, completo e possente stallone allevato in USA e di proprietà dell'Alsayed Stus

(KSA), mentre la medaglia di bronzo è stata appannaggio di Equator di proprietà di Michalow Stud (PL).


a parte riguardante i premi speciale è stata, come di consueto corposa. I beneficiari sono stati Bebars Al Farida (EGY) che ha ottenuto il premio Espoir e il premio "Meilleur Cheval Egyptien Male", il premio di "Meilleur Eleveur du Championnat" è stato vinto da Michalow Stadina Koni (PL),

the Michalow Stud (PL), which earned the Bronze Medal. A real pity for her stablemate, Pepita, which during the championship had won her category with the highest score of the show but had to content herself with a top ten finish at the finals. As always, the stallions gave the audience a special emotion. After the categories, seeing them all in the arena battling for first place honours was a real charmer!. Towering over them all, Kahil AL Shaqab (Marwan AL Shaqab x OFW Mishaahl) of the Al Shaqab Stud, presented by Giacomo Capacci, obtained the title of Stallions World Champion, followed by Eden C, a powerful wellrounded stallion bred in the USA and owned by the Alsayed Stud (KSA), while the

Bronze Medal was awarded to Equator, owned by Michalow Stud (PL). The sideshow awarding the special prizes was, as usual, quite substantial. The "beneficiaries" were Bebars Al Farida (EGY) which obtained the prize Espoir [Hope] and the prize "Meilleur Cheval Egyptien Male" [Best Male Egyptian Horse]; the prize "Meilleur Eleveur du Championnat" [Best Stockbreeder of Championship] was won by Michalow Stadina Koni (PL); the Al Shaqab Stud (QAT) won the prize "Meilleur Proprietaire-Naisseur" [Best Owner - Breeder]; the splendid Pepita - Michalow Stadina Koni (PL) - obtained, in spite of her pregnant status, the prize "Meilleur Mouvement Femelle" [Best Female Movement]; Rohara Bacara earned for himself the same prize for males; Marwan Al Shaqab received the prize "Meilleur Reproducteur" [Best Reproducing Stallion];

Kahil Al Shaqab ed Eden Badawieh AA received C. Per il secondo anno abthe prize "Meilleur Cheval biamo potuto ammirare i Egyptien Femelle" [Best soggetti aventi i presupFemale Egyptian Horse], posti per la conquista while FA Starlight, Valendella "Platinum Medal". tino, Absolute De June Paris always Se lo scorso anno i nosand Jahamal De Carthreserves great ery were awarded the tri occhi sono stati deliziati dalla meravigliosa emotions, and prize "Coupe de France Pianissima e dall'etereo this latest 2014 2014" [French Cup]. The Baanderos, di cui ricor- edition made no Best Head prizes, for exception. diamo ancora l'immensa each category held, emozione, quest'anno were won by Zenyatta, AJ Sawari, Delight's Divah RB, Ghazalah Alaalya, Najdah Al Zobair, Ghazwan Al Jassimya, D Mshary, Kanz Al Nasser, Fa El Rasheem, Kahil Al Shaqab and Eden C. For the second year we have been able to admire the subjects possessing the requirements to conquer the "Platinum Medal". If

AA ha ottenuto il premio "Meilleur Cheval Egyptien Femelle", mentre FA Starlight, Valentino, Absolute De June e Jahamal De Carthery hanno ricevuto il premio "Coupe de France 2014. Il premio miglior testa, per ogni categoria che si è disputata, è stato vinto da Zenyatta, AJ Sawari, Delight's Divah RB, Ghazalah Alaalya, Najdah Al Zobair, Ghazwan Al Jassimya, D Mshary, Kanz Al Nasser, Fa El Rasheem,

la possente Kwestura Ajman Stud (UAE) - e lo splendido Marquis CAHR Al Khalediah Stables (KSA) - hanno impressionato gli astanti portandosi a casa l'ambita Medaglia Di Platino, riconoscimento che, ricordiamo, va ai soggetti che già hanno vinto il titolo di campione del mondo. Parigi riserva sempre grandi emozioni, questa edizione del 2014 non ha fatto eccezione.


last year our eyes were delighted by such visions as the marvellous Pianissima and the ethereal Baanderos, and their memory is still very much alive in our hearts thanks to the huge emotion they caused, this year the powerful Kwestura - Ajman Stud (UAE) - and the simply splendid Marquis CAHR - Al Khalediah Stables (KSA) - impressed all attending, taking home the coveted Platinum Medal, an award which, we would like to remind the reader, goes to specimen that have already won the title of World Champion. Paris always reserves great emotions, and this latest 2014 edition made no exception.



l'Al Shaqab STud (QAT) ha vinto il premio "Meilleur Proprietaire-Naisseur", la splendida Pepita - Michalow Stadina Koni (PL) - ha ottenuto, benché gravida, il premio "Meilleur Mouvement Femelle", Rohara Bacara ha vinto il medesimo premio per i maschi, Marwan Al Shaqab ha ottenuto il premio "Meilleur Reproducteur", Badawieh

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Paris - World Championship


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

Kwestura - Owner: Michałów Stud

Marquis Cahr - Owner: Al Khalediah Stables


Gold Champions

YEARLING MALE Ghazwan Aljassimya - Owner: Aljassimya Farm/QAT

JUNIOR FEMALE Donna Molta Bella SRA - Owner: Al Saqran Stud/KUW

JUNIOR MALE Excalibur EA - Owner: D'Arenberg/UY

SENIOR FEMALE Najdah Al Zobair - Owner: Al Zobair Stud/UAE

SENIOR MALE Kahil Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud/QAT 2015

YEARLING FEMALE Pustynia Kahila - Owner: Michalow/PL

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Paris - World Championship

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Silver Champions

YEARLING FEMALE Aj Sawari - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE

YEARLING MALE Morion - Owner: Michalow/PL

JUNIOR FEMALE D Shahla - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

JUNIOR MALE Fa El Rasheem - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/UAE

SENIOR FEMALE Badawieh AA - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE

SENIOR MALE Eden C - Owner: Alsayed Stud/KSA


Bronze Champions

YEARLING FEMALE Victoria Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud/ QAT

YEARLING MALE D MShary - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

JUNIOR FEMALE Esperanzza Al Ventur - Owner: Athbah Stud/ KSA

JUNIOR MALE Kanz Al Nasser - Owner: Al Nasser Stud/QAT

SENIOR MALE Equator - Owner: Michalow/PL 2015

SENIOR FEMALE Emira - Owner: Michalow/PL

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International A Show Championship



Š olly - #62138554

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Verona - INT.A-Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



YEARLING FEMALE SG Walentina - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT





YEARLING FEMALE Aurora HM - Owner: Mr. Bsoul/ISR

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Verona - INT.A-Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


YEARLING FEMALE Nihal - Owner: Mr. Di Giovanni/IT





YEARLING MALE Matrix Di Mar - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT

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Verona - INT.A-Show




YEARLING MALE AG Nobel Marcus - Owner: Arsenault/IT




YEARLING MALE AG Nobel Davide - Owner: Arsenault/IT

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Verona - INT.A-Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



JUNIOR FEMALE SG Wisar - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT





JUNIOR FEMALE ASH Desiree - Owner: Mr. De Vitto/IT

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Verona - INT.A-Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


JUNIOR FEMALE Mr Aylin - Owner: Mr. Testa/IT





JUNIOR MALE Avalon LBA - Owner: MG Arabians

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Verona - INT.A-Show




JUNIOR MALE Bad'e Al Hawajer - Owner: King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Center




JUNIOR MALE Leonardo - Owner: Mr. Gurioli/IT

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Verona - INT.A-Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



SENIOR FEMALE Magic Ma Cherie - Owner: Mr. Gragnaniello/IT





SENIOR FEMALE Fahera - Owner: Viktoria Steinkeller

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Verona - INT.A-Show


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SENIOR FEMALE Aliah IA - Owner: Mr. Fabio Como/IT




SENIOR MALE Psyrasic - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT

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Verona - INT.A-Show




SENIOR MALE Jamaal Di Mar - Owner: Scuderia Groane




SENIOR MALE TF Colours - Owner: Shazin Soc. Agr.

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



YEARLING FEMALE SG Walentina - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT





YEARLING FEMALE Nihal - Owner: Di Giovanni Gianfranco/IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



YEARLING FEMALE Shangri - Owner: Iervolino Gianluca /IT




YEARLING MALE AG Nobel Marcus Owner: Ag Nobel Arabians di Arsenault Ida L. /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica




YEARLING MALE Matrix Di Mar - Owner: Scuderia Groane




YEARLING MALE Ag Nobel Davide Owner: Ag Nobel Arabians di Arsenault Ida L. /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



JUNIOR FEMALE SG Wisar - Owner: Scuderia Groane /IT





JUNIOR FEMALE Mr Aylin - Owner: Az.Agr. La Speranza /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



JUNIOR FEMALE Hassene by Hassan - Owner: Battisti Giuseppe /IT




JUNIOR MALE Feuer Jade - Owner: Vieider Ivan /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica




JUNIOR MALE Leonardo - Owner: Gurioli Andrea /IT




JUNIOR MALE SG Legolas - Owner: Scuderia Groane /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


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SENIOR FEMALE Fahera - Owner: Steinkeller Viktoria /IT





SENIOR FEMALE Naisma - Owner: Zoppellaro Antonio /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



SENIOR FEMALE Grisenda Chandra - Owner: Az.Agr.Montecucco di Gatti Gloria /IT




SENIOR MALE Jamaal Di Mar - Owner: Soc.Agr.Tre Stelle /IT

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Verona - Premio Allevamenti Anica




SENIOR MALE TF Colours - Owner: Shazin SocietĂ Agricola /IT




SENIOR MALE Aja Santana - Owner: Arabian Stars di Massimiliano Rocchino /IT

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Aachen - All Nations Cup


The 2014 All Nations Cup

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21

Photos by Erwin Escher - Text By Lisa Abraham Lisa Abraham is an International Journalist and Photographer from the United States. She is also a breeder of Straight Egyptian Arabians.


from September 27-29th, 2014, was an outstanding show experience. On the IEquine web page it is stated, “The All Nations Cup is held each year on the last weekend in September at Aachen (Germany) and is known throughout the world as the most honest and correct show in the world, as well as the toughest, because of the high quality of its entries.”

As this was my first year to attend this show,

Horse Association (USA), attends this show annually. She shared, “I sincerely love the Aachen show. Breeders travel from all over the world to attend the show. It is wonderful to see all of them and of course the beautiful horses. It's also a great opportunity to share information about what is going on at home in the Arabian world and also to exchange ideas as Registrars and representatives from many countries attend the show. I was able to take care of several business items as well as catch up while there. Wonderful people and wonderful horses come together there. It is also a bonus to be able to spend significant time with Dr. Nagel who is always a

I didn’t know what to expect. I had been

most gracious host.”

advised that it was very casual compared

Show Program

to other shows of similar prestige and that the quality of horses was very high. I found the relaxed environment of the show to be impressive. The arena was small, but very appropriate—both horses and people had enough room. One had the feeling of a cozy, local show, but with the highest caliber of horses, prestigious owners and the most talented handlers in the world attending. There was security, but it was low key and unobtrusive. As the arena was surrounded with seating, socializing and mixing was easily facilitated. Debbie Fuentes, the Registrar for the Arabian

Upon arriving at the show, my first stop was to get the program so that that I could study the entries. I have to admit—this is the best show program I have ever read. It’s not a huge cumbersome book that is difficult to carry. Rather, it is in a light magazine format that presents all the necessary information in a direct manner whose explanation is complete. One particularly nice feature in the Class section is that not only are the parents listed for each horse, but also the grandparents on both the dam and the sire sides.



he 32nd All Nation Cup

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Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

Aachen - All Nations Cup

I was also impressed with the thorough ex-

breeding programs around the world and

planation of rules regarding conduct and

the Arabian show scene. Most importantly,

Besides the Classes themselves, another

presentation of horses, labeled “Conditions

he goes into great detail regarding his own

exciting competition at the Aachen show is

for Entry.” These rules were conclusive. Some

program at Katharinenhof Stud. Dr. Nagel

the Handler’s Cup. Although there are other

of the matters listed included: scoring, de-

also shares his breeding philosophies and of-

shows which also recognize the exceptional

portment of judges, complaints, cruelty, en-

fers advice to newer breeders. It has a wealth

work of the Handlers, such as the Arabian

forcement and soundness. However, most

of information for any Arabian horse breeder

Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas, Aachen

impressively, it went into great detail regard-

or enthusiast.

is quite unique in how it awards this presti-

ing the subject of “Disguising of Exhibits.”

One of my favorite quotes from the book

gious title. It was created by Mr. Jan Calis and

Heavy makeup and clipping are always

is in a chapter in which Dr. Nagel sums up

it is set up like a contest or Class. Each Han-

sources of controversy. Regarding makeup,

various conclusions regarding breeding. He

dler, who has entered him or herself, brings a

the guide advises, “No alteration of the basic

states, “The greatest difference in the un-

horse into the ring and shows it just as he or

colour of the skin, coat or hooves is permit-

derstanding of breeding between Bedouins

she would in a class. Previous recipients in-

ted. Hoof paints, colourless varnishes, coat

and horse breeders of the West consists in

clude: Frank Spoenle (GERMANY), Eric Dors-

dyes, glitter spray and cosmetic operations

the breeding value of stallions and mares.

ers (HOLLAND), Johanna Ullstrom (SWEDEN),

including skin grafts are forbidden.” As for

The ancient breeders of the Arabian Penin-

Mariusz Liskrewicz (POLAND), Mary Lang

clipping, the rules are also clearly stated, “In

sula concentrated their efforts on the female

(AUSTRIA), Giacomo Capacci (ITALY), Nicolas

halter Classes horses may be fully or partly

part. All their strain thinking is based on

Frere (BELGIUM) and Louise Brian (GREAT

body-clipped, subject to eyelashes being

mare and mare lines, and stallions are not


left uncut, hair inside the ears left unshaved

even mentioned. Their riding mounts were

The announcer stated, “You ladies and

and tactile hair left intact around the nose,

mostly mares, as stallion could be noisy and

gentlemen as the audience today here in

muzzle and the eyes. Horses not fulfilling

nervous, and therefore a risk in their silent

Aachen–you are the judge for The Handler’s

these criteria will not be allowed to partici-

attacks at night. This also means that they

Cup 2014, your applause is the basic for the

pate. ‘Balding’ is not encouraged.” It contin-

knew more about the performance of their

success of the Handlers we will present to

ues, “No equipment intended to alter the

mare than their stallions.

you. The louder your applause, the higher

natural appearance of the horse is permitted

"So many stories are told about the feats

the score for the Handler you support.” Later,

in the stables, including neck sweats, nick

of ‘famous mares.’ But nothing like that

he also stated, “We not judging the horse—

collars, tailracks, hobbles or weights.”

about stallions. And such mares were called

but we are judging the Handler.”

I have found these details regarding appear-

‘blessed mares’ due to the quantity and qual-

Three young Handlers competed for this

ance to be refreshing as I personally enjoy a

ity of their foals: these mares were priceless.

award. Individually, all three presented their

more natural appearance in a horse. Several

The question of how they chose their stal-

horses. After they lined up, their names were

years ago Judith Forbis, while judging a ma-

lions remains speculation, but it is known

announced and a measure of applause was

jor international horse show, took a stand

that they were taken only from certain

taken. Although all three did very well with

with a co-judge and refused to judge a horse

strains. Possibly they noticed that certain

the audience, two of the three tied to win.

with excess make-up. Judith shared, “The

mares were excellent stallion producers. All

The 2014 Handlers Award was shared by Mi-

key to the success of these rules is enforce-

this sounds very conservative, but Bedouins

chelle Lyall and Jan Lemmens.

ment.” The condition and presentation of

like to protect their wealth and lived on tra-

the horses competing at the All Nations Cup


was proof that these rules were respected.

On Saturday during the lunch break, Dr. Na-


gel made himself available to sign books,

Dr. Nagel, who is also the President of the All

pose for photos and answer questions. It

Nations Cup Committee, wrote in his greet-

was one of those opportunities that one will

ing, “At the All Nations Cup, horses are pre-

In 2012, Dr. Hans-Joachim Nagel released the

never forget and to have the honor of get-

sented from those countries in which the

book, “The Arabian Horse: Nature’s Creation

ting one’s picture with Dr. Nagel was also

breeding of Arabians is carried out with great

and The Art of Breeding.” It is a wonderful


care and effort; such horses can be consid-

Book Signing

book outlining many of his thoughts regarding various subjects including influential

The Handler’s Cup

ered to belong to the best ones world-wide. This show offers a unique and exceptional


“Just before Aachen, Bob Boggs asked if I

The Silver Medal was earned by Sultana AM

shows and it continuous success from one

might be interested in going to Knocke Ara-

(Maharani HDM X Dana Al Mohamadia) who

year to the other.”

bians and the All Nations Cup to photograph

is owned and was bred by Al Mohamadia

There were six judges for each Class. Before

QR Marc and his foals--I accepted without

Arabian Horse Stud (KSA), while Pustyna Ka-

each Class a random lottery method was

hesitation. I wondered if Marc would re-

hila (Kahil Al Shaqab X Pustyna Malwa), who

used to determine which Judges would de-

member me and the incredible bond we

is owned and was bred by Falborek Arabi-

termine the winners of the following Class.

had shared so many years before. I suspect

ans (POLAND), was the Bronze Champion.

The Classes were judged on a 20-point-sys-

his gentle nicker when I walked in the barn

Although scoring was fairly consistent in

tem while the Championships were com-

and called his name was a common reaction

this class, Judge Rombauer choose Pustyna

parative. The 2014 panel of Judges were:

from this incredibly affectionate horse, but

Kahila for Gold and Judge Moschini choose

Julie Bridges (GREAT BRITAIN), Deborah Cain

it sparked an emotional reaction in me that

Zennyatta (Victorious LD X Love Chimes LD)

(USA), Silvia Garde-Ehlert (GERMANY), Marie-

even I hadn’t expected.

for Silver, making her the only non-medal

Louise Van Wyk (SOUTH AFRICA), Nashaat

“The success of QR Marc’s foals in Aachen

winner to be recognized for Silver or Gold.

Hegazy (EGYPT), Cristian Moschini (ITALY),

was further confirmation to me that my brief

The quality of the Colt Class was evident in

Marco Pittaluga (ITALY), Peter Pond (AUS-

role in his amazing life was something to be

that each of the top seven from the Cham-

TRALIA) and Tamas Rombauer (HUNGARY).

revered. My relationship with QR Marc en-

pionship Class was chosen by at least one

104 horses competed for the top honors.

abled me to see the same traits, qualities and

judge to earn a medal. Ultimately it was D

One thing that stood out for me in this 2014

exceptional character in the eyes of each of

Mshary (QR Marc X FT Shaella) who is owned

competition was the progeny of QR Marc.

his foals. As I photographed D MShary, Pe-

and was bred by the Dubai Arabian Horse

Not only did he have eight progeny compet-

nelope KA and Equator in the winner’s circle

Stud (UAE) who earned Gold honors, while

ing, he sired three of the sixteen Champi-

at the All Nations Cup, I wasn’t paying atten-

Morion (Kahil Al Shaqab X Mesalina), who is

ons—more than any other sire. He was fol-

tion to their perfect pose for the win shot, I

owned and was bred by Stadnina Koni Mich-

lowed by his younger paternal brother Kahil

was drawn to their expression, their inter-

alow (POLAND) earned the Silver—despite

Al Shaqab and their sire, Marwan Al Shaqab,

action with the handlers and owners, and

three judges choosing him for Gold. Lord

each with two progeny earning Champion-

witnessing that same sweet, gentle expres-

El Shawan (Fa El Shawan X Lady Serenada),

ship honors.

sion that their sire had stolen my heart with.” who is owned and was bred by Josef Pietrzak

QR Marx (X Swete Dreams) is owned by

(POLAND) was the Bronze Champion. Im-

Knockle Arabians of Belgium and was bred

The quality of the Yearling Classes was out-

pressively, in his Yearling Class, Lord El Sha-

by Lou & Vicki Doyle of Quail Ridge Arabians

standing. However, I was unfamiliar with

wan received three 20’s and three 19.5’s for

(USA). Someone who has a special perspec-

how several of them, still with their moth-


tive on QR Marc is Riyan. Riyan is a well-

ers, were presented. Several of these babies

The scores from the Junior Mares Class also

known individual who is a lifelong member

were let loose to show themselves. When I

reflected the depth of the competition. Both

of the Arabian Horse Community and works

first saw this, I was uncomfortable. However,

D Shahla (Marajj X FT Shaella), a 2012 filly

as a promotion specialist through her Scott-

it was very safe and it was a far more effec-

who is owned and was bred by Dubai Arabi-

sdale based business, Riyan PR & Marketing.

tive method to show both the movement

an Horse Stud (UAE), and Penelope K.A. (QR

Impressively, she has had personal relation-

and charisma of the babies, without being

Marc X Polonia), also a 2012 filly who is owned

ships with some of our breed’s greatest hors-

lead along by the neck.

and was bred by Knocke Arabians (BELGIUM),

es including: *Bask, *El Paso, *Padron, Bey

The Gold Champion Filly was AJ Sawari (Mar-

were each chosen by three Judges for Gold.

Shah and Padrons Pysche.

wan Al Shaqab X Siberia SA) who is owned

Ultimately it was D Shahla who became the

Riyan has also enjoyed a very special rela-

and was bred by Ajman Stud (UAE). This has

Gold Champion with Penelope K.A. earning

tionship with QR Marc. She shared, “QR Marc

been a successful year for this young filly as

the Silver. AJ Asyad (Marwan Al Shaqab X AJA

arrived at my farm in Northern California

she has already captured Gold honors in Aj-

Angelica), a 2011 filly who is owned and was

newly weaned, bright eyed and a bit timid at

man, Dubai and Menton. Furthermore, as

bred by Stadnina Koni Michalow (POLAND),

5 months of age. His fantastically large and

a side note, she is a full sister to AJ Sawahi,

and who was chosen by Judge Hegazy for

liquid eyes immediately enslaved me. He was

who, before capturing some of the world’s

Gold, was the Bronze Champion. As a note

affectionate, attentive, kind and exception-

highest honors, was also an All Nations Cup

of interest, Judge Rombauer chose Delight’s

ally beautiful.

Gold Champion as a Yearling.

Divah RB (Ajman Moniscione X Honey’s De-


survey of what is happening in breeding and

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Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

Aachen - All Nations Cup

light RB) for Gold.

The Silver Champion Junior Stallion was RP

mare of the show.

The unanimous Junior Stallion Gold Cham-

Burj Al Arab (WH Justice X Pamira Bint Psy-

Pepita (Ekstern X Pepesza), a 2005 mare

pion was Excalibur E.A. (Shanghai EA X Es-

tadel), a 2012 colt who is owned by Agmal

who is owned and was bred by Stadnina

sence Of Marwan). He is a 2011 colt, bred

Arabians (SOUTH AFRICA) and was bred by

Koni Janow Podlaski (POLAND), with only

by Equus Arabians (SPAIN) and is owned

Di Grazia Arabians (GERMANY) while the

.08 points behind Kwestura, was the Sil-

by Las Rosas Arabians (URUGUAY). As the

Bronze went to D Khattaf (Royal Colours X

ver Champion. Pepita who also received

horse awarded the highest score of the

D Jowan), also a 2012 colt who is owned by

straight 20’s for Movement and five 20’s for

show, with four 20’s for Type and straight

and was bred by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud

Type was chosen by Judges Van Wyk and

20’s for Movement--to say he brought the


Moreira for Gold. Thanks to the wonderful

house down is an understatement!

At shows of this prestige, the beauty and

people at Janow, I had the opportunity to

On the Las Rosas Facebook page it was

quality of the mare classes is always a

spend personal time with this mare. She is

posted, “Excalibur EA is more than a horse,

highlight. However, the mares compet-

a kind, sweet mare whose temperament is

Excalibur is a dream. A dream that was

ing at this year’s All Nation’s Cup made it

every bit as lovely as her quality as a Cham-

born and made possible by the dedicat-

an unforgettable show experience. Of the


ed efforts of many.” Ted Carson of Butler

mare Classes, I felt the 11 Years+ to be the

Although Judge Rombauer chose her

Farms (USA) was certainly one whose con-

most beautiful--and the Judges seemed to

for Gold, Emira (Laheeb X Embra), a 2000

tribution was meaningful. In 2011, Ted was

agree as two of the three Champions came

mare who is owned and was bred by Sta-

at the lead when Excalibur EA became a

from this small, but exquisite Class.

dina Koni Michalow (POLAND) became the

US National Champion. He shared, “There

In 2008, at the Pride of Poland Sale, Kwestu-

Bronze Champion. As a side note, Emira

are certain horses that you know they

ra (Monogramm X Kwesta), who was bred

also had a son, Empire (by Enzo), who com-

have what it takes to go all the way--and

by by Stadina Koni Michalow (POL) sold to

peted in the 4-6 Stallion Class.

we knew he had it—so all along we felt he

the Ajman Stud (UAE) for a record price of

The Stallion Championship concluded the

was a US contender. US Nationals was his

1.7 Million (USD). In the sale catalogue she

show with all its usual thrill and excite-

very first show. We prepared him all sum-

was referred to as “the most extraordinary

ment! Although he did not win by unani-

mer and did a lot of last minute marketing.

offering in the 40-year history of the auc-

mous decision, to this journalist, Eden C

However, the competition was deep and

tion.” She has been a European Champion,

(Enzo X Silken Sable), a 2005 stallion who

we were going against horses who had al-

A World Champion, a Polish Champion and

was bred by Rhonda & Rhoda Coleal (USA)

ready made names for themselves and had

a US National Champion.

and is owned by Alsayed Stud (KSA), domi-

been heavily marketed. He was the white

On the Arabian Flashlights web page (Ara-

nated the ring. Both in his Class and in the

horse and yet, as the unknown, he was also

bian Flashlights: The Online Magazine

Championship, he exploded into the ring

the dark horse. That being said—he won

about Shows and Arabian Horses World-

with the confidence of a Champion.

and this is when it all started for him.

wide) it is stated, “Those who have had the

Al Lahab (Laheeb X The Vision HG), 1999

“For me, the biggest thing is this: if we end

opportunity to see this exquisite chestnut

stallion who was bred by Uri Ariela (ISRA-

up with a horse, it’s because we believe

mare FLYING around in the sand paddock

EL) and is owned by Ingeand Hansjurgen

in him—and we believe in Excalibur EA. I

of Michalow Stud's place, full of energy

Friedmann (GERMANY) became the Silver

had him for a year and half and during that

with high knees action and full power from

Champion. While the bronze was earned

time, we committed several mares to him.

behind, yet very elegant and lightly any-

by Equator (QR Marc X Ekliptyka), a 2010

Although it’s obvious, as everyone is now

way - will never forget this moment seeing

stallion who is owned and was bred by

seeing, he is a great show horse, but he is

her in her free spirits.”

Stadnina Koni Janow Podlaski (POLAND).

nailing it as a sire as well! Al Sayed of Saudi

As she was awarded straight 20’s not only

Arabia, the owners of Eden C, just pur-

for Type, but for Movement as well—I’m

chased Alexxanderr—Excalibur’s very first

not sure if anything had changed. Kwes-

baby. We feel that says a lot for his quality

tura, who in 1999 was the All Nations Cup

The All Nations Cup concluded with two

as a sire. In this market, it’s hard enough to

Champion Mare as a four year old, is now

very important Awards. The first of which

sell horses as it is, especially colts—so we

once again the Champion at nineteen!

was “The Lady Harmsworh Blunt Memo-

are thrilled for Alexxanderr’s future with Al

Needless to write but necessary to record,

rial Trophy: The Nations Cup. This Award


Kwestura was also the highest scoring

is given to the nation whose entries score

All Nations Cup Awards


recipient of each award

shared with me, “One

points according to a

was the country of Po-

thing that has contrib-



uted to the success of

The second is the “The

The All Nations Cup

the Aachen show is that

Ian Hedley Memorial

was one of the most

people are constantly

Trophy: The All Nations



entertained. Every min-

Cup Breeders Trophy.”

shows that I have ever

ute should have some

The guide states, “This

attended. It was obvious

form of entertainment.

is a perpetual trophy do-

that the show organizers

I wanted things one on

nated by the Hon. Mrs.

considered all possibili-

top of another and to

Mary Ann Wragg and

ties and came up with

me, this makes the show

Mrs. Annette Hedley.

a format that works—

full. Also, the time table

This award recognizes

both as a healthy envi-

to a show is also critical

the country which had

ronment in which hors-

and for that you need

bred the most prizewin-

es could compete and

good people.” The suc-

ners each year on the

also as a social occasion

cess of this strategy was

occasion of the Nations

for participants from all

clearly evident.

Cup Show.” The 2014

over the world. Dr. Nagel



the highest number of

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Aachen - All Nations Cup

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Gold Champions

YEARLING FEMALE AJ Sawari - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE

YEARLING MALE D Mshary - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

JUNIOR FEMALE D Shahla - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

JUNIOR MALE Excalibur EA - Owner: Las Rosas Arabians / URUGUAY

SENIOR FEMALE Kwestura - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE

SENIOR MALE Eden C - Owner: Alsayed Stud / KSA


Silver Champion

YEARLING MALE Morion - Owner: Michalow/PL

JUNIOR FEMALE Penelope KA - Owner: Gheysens/BE

JUNIOR MALE RP Burj Al Arab - Owner: Hammer-Moliterno/ DE

SENIOR FEMALE Pepita - Owner: Janow Podlaski/PL

SENIOR MALE Al Lahab - Owner: Friedman Family Arabians / DE 2015

YEARLING FEMALE Sultana AM - Owner: Al Mohamadia Stud/KSA

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Aachen - All Nations Cup

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Bronze Champions

YEARLING FEMALE Pustynia Kahila - Owner: Michalow/PL

YEARLING MALE Lord El Shawan - Owner: Pietrzak/PL

JUNIOR FEMALE AJ Asyad - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE

JUNIOR MALE D Khattaf - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

SENIOR FEMALE Emira - Owner: Michalow/PL

SENIOR MALE Equator - Owner: Michalow/PL



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My morning with

Dr. Nagel K

atharinenhof Stud is home to the famous NK herd. It is located in Northern Germany, about 45 minutes from the city of Bremen where Dr. Nagel resides with his wife Nawal. The farm is comfortably situated in a serene country setting that has become an international destination of interest for Arabian horse breeders. When entering the peaceful, wooded drive, one would never know that visitors from all over the world have traveled that same path to see the horses that belong to one of the world's most influential breeding programs.


he farm is meticulously manicured and decorated with art of many forms tastefully woven into the landscape's tapestry. Dr. Nagel refers to himself as a gardener and his love of nature is reflected in the carefully placed plants and trees of various types. It was delight-


Text and Photos By Lisa Abraham Lisa Abraham is an International Journalist and Photographer from the United States. She is also a breeder of Straight Egyptian Arabians.

ful to see the roses which were still in full bloom despite it being late September. His appreciation for detail was also evident as he told me stories about where he acquired certain decorative items. When he purchased the farm, it had only one building. Since then he has added several functional structures that have enhanced the beauty of the property.


udith Forbis, of the internationally famous Ansata Arabian Stud has shared not only a friendship with Dr. Nagel, but also a vastly influential breeding relationship. Judith shared, “For many years I watched the devel-

Claudia Janssen (Dr. Nagel's secretary) and Dr. Nagel

opment of Dr. Nagel's charming and beautiful farm. The first time Don and I went there was to see the stallion Jamil in the early 80's. It was snowing and I will always remember that beautiful white horse stepping out of the red brick stallion barn into the glinting white--his big black eyes were a stark contrast to the silvery backdrop. The farm was still in its early stages of development, but one could feel the vision and purpose behind its construction.

Over the years we became good friends and Don and I had many opportunities to watch the farm's evolution--the colorful rose garden; the small lake he con-

structed for his black swans and numerous water fowl; and the additional red brick barns built in the style of that region were warm and inviting within. I never tired of going there as there was always something new-new foals; new flowers and trees; and horses running free while we sat on the terrace and enjoyed the show they put on for us.

“Over the years, Dr. Nagel has maintained his vision for breeding beautiful Arabians and his eye for beauty is reflected in all of his surroundings. During one of my visits we took a walk in the Bremen square where all types of vendors were selling 2015

© olly - #62138554

74 | 75

My morning with Dr. Nagel

Australian Black Swans who call Katharinehof home their wares. We always stopped for sausages topped with

Then later in the book he explains some of his values as a

hot German mustard, and then went on to the flower stalls. I

breeder. “ To breed an original Arabian type, as a light, fine,

bought him a beautiful yellow rose bush as a small contribu-

noble horse, fully pigmented, and with specific features, be-

tion to his garden, a token remembrance of the cooperation

ing a slightly concave broad head with small, well-shaped ears,

between Ansata and his farm, and the beauty reflected in the

wide open flexible nostrils, a fine small muzzle, impressive dark

foals by his stallion, Jamil and our Ansata Halim Shah during

round eyes, high tail carriage, a good happy temperament and

our joint lease agreements in the l980's.”

a reliable disposition; in all, appealing and exotic anime which

My visit was on Monday, September 29th, 2014—directly fol-

might be formed by a harsh environmental influence and

lowing the All Nations Cup in Aachen. If it isn’t every breeder’s

which would again fit into the Arabian culture and environ-

dream to visit Katharinenhof Stud—it should be. There are not

ment: in addition, to improve its conformation to correspond

many programs in the world that contain the generational

with a correct, healthy horse and to increase the homocygoc-

progress that one can witness in Dr. Nagel’s program. Further-

ity of all these traits, whereby the typical look of each of the

more, the opportunity to observe horses whose relatives have

four female families on which this programme is based will be

created some of the most important dynasties in our modern

breeding environment is priceless as well.

In 2012, Dr. Nagel published a book, "The Arabian Horse: Nature's Creation and the Art of Breeding.” It is an impressive 540 pages with over 400 illustrations and is filled with

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

priceless breed information. In the book Dr. Nagel shared, “It took about 15 years of trial and error until a programme emerged with the limited number of horses of breeding age, always within the limitation of 20-25 stallions and mares. This was already an obvious contrast to so many of the other larger breeders and their approach. However, the smaller Katharinenhof programme allowed a close contact between myself and each of my horses, and therefore I had a precise knowledge of all of each horses’ strengths, weaknesses and characteristics.”

NK Horus - Colt (NK HafidJamil X NK Hind) with handler Liesa Tempelmann


Dr. Nagel's attention is evident everywhere. This is a door he acquired from an old Renaissance house in Bremen. It is 250 years old

of it—my way is different.”

even with the younger ones, the ex-

treme dryness of their faces came

After observing the horses while stand-

through so accurately in the images—

ing, we moved to the presentation area

angles hardly mattered at all. When I

to enjoy them in action—and this, sim-

returned home, I discussed this with

ply put, was a spectacular experience.

Christie Metz of Silver Maple Farm.

Dr. Nagel shared, “Arabians display them-

Christie, who has been to Dr. Nagel’s on

selves best when they move and that’s

two occasions, commented, "For me,

how horses should be looked at.” In my

what comes through in photographs

personal experience, I have never quite

of Dr. Nagel’s horses is the essence of

seen horses move so harmoniously—it

Arabian character ~ their spirit comes

was positively lyrical. Each one propelled

through and it’s as though you can see

deeply from behind and stepped power-

their souls."

fully. I was particularly moved by what

seemed like a flowing line gracefully ex-

My visit to Katharinenhof was educa-

tending from their tail bones to the tips of

tional beyond my wildest dreams. In

their noses—it was balletic.

my short time there, I was touched by so many things that it would be dif-

As a photographer, I was also struck by

ficult to list them all. I was particularly

how amazingly photogenic the Kath-

inspired by Dr. Nagel’s very close rela-

After our lovely tour around the farm, Dr. Nagel pre-

arinenhof horses were. Their bone struc-

tionship with each one of his horses.

sented his horses, beginning with the stallions. It is

tures photographed like fine china and,

The joy each one of them brought him

respected, and, in so far, a healthy variety will remain.”

very important to note that the stallions were not pre-

was obvious as was the happy life they

sented as aggressive fighting machines. They weren’t

shared. He loves them--he genuinely

fidgety; they weren’t anxious; and they showed abso-

loves each and every one of them. Not

lutely no annoying behaviors--instead, they were al-

that there is anything wrong with the

lowed to be at peace. They stood comfortably, with-

term "broodmare,” but not once did

out the demand to perform and patiently allowed

I hear him refer to his mares as such.

themselves to be observed. He shared why each one

Instead, when referencing someone’s

was important and what each contributed to his vi-

female parent, he affectionately used

sion. He noted both their strengths and weaknesses.

the term "mama.” He maintains a par-

ticular affection for his mares, and the

Then the presentation moved to his mare families.

pride he has in his foals is again, clearly

On August 24, 2013, Dr. Nagel and Nawal hosted an


open house at his farm to celebrate the release of his book. The video of this presentation, titled “50 Years of

Also at his presentation, Dr. Nagel

Breeding History: Open Day on Katharinenhof Arabian

shared, "My fascination with and

Stud,” is one of the best farm productions I have ever

why I decided to work with Arabi-

seen and certainly worth purchasing. At this presenta-

ans were two things that are still rele-

tion, Dr. Nagel explained, "A basic element of this farm

vant today: (1) they are the most pretty

is the mare families. Good mare families are a neces-

horse and (2) they are the most reliable

sity when you are working with a closed population—

and friendly horses. And for somebody

when you don’t introduce any other blood from out-

who keeps horses, for pleasure and a

side anymore. I use an old system—it’s not modern at on the stallion—the stallion is the most dynamic part

hobby, the second is an important as

NK Jamal El Dine - 2001 stallion ( NK Hafid Jamil x Ansata Ken Ranya )

the first. Specifically we enjoyed these horses in the beginning as a family.


all. The modern system to breed is to rely most heavily

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My morning with Dr. Nagel

Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

NK Naeem - Colt (NK Nadeer X Bint Bint Nashua)

My children were little and they were

vironment and lifestyle. Then at night,

rectly into the camera regarding a critical

happy to move with the horses here and

the pattern is reversed. Dr. Nagel shared

sentiment that I feel should be heard by

there—and this would not have been

with me that these are his two favorite

all breeders world-wide. “There is a Ger-

possible if these horses were not totally

times of the day--and the pride that was

man word ‘Liebhaberei.’ It means: you

reliable." This is also a critical sentiment

evident in his expression revealed how

do something that you really like to do.

to note as one observes his farm and

much he loves his life with these horses.

I think this is the best answer for the per-

the natural way in which his animals are

To me, Dr. Nagel is more than just a great

son who wants to breed Arabians and

allowed to live and how they were pre-

breeder, he is also a wonderful example

for the Arabian horse as well—for both.


of an Arabian horse owner. His horses are

This so call ‘Liebhaberei’ has lost its im-

In my preparation for this trip, I had

not inventory, but rather family mem-

portance and went from ‘Liebhaberei’

learned that his horses have different


to business. And business is definitely

patterns of living based on the time of

not something you do with your heart—

year and weather. At this time in late

As the recent economy has created dif-

you do with your brain. Then this whole

September, his horses were stalled at

ficult challenges for breeders, industry

method of breeding comes in a different

night and pastured during the day. In

frustration has been high. I would like to

category, which ends in marketing via

the morning, when it's time to go out,

conclude this editorial with a sentiment

showing or winning. Which really means

the horses are gathered together and

expressed by Dr. Nagel in which he ad-

to win, which means the monetary as-

are free to follow a path that leads to

dressed this issue.

pect is there. I’m strongly advising to

their pastures. It's a magnificent sight to

somebody who wants to enjoy Arabians

witness the stampede of happy mares

In his video, after the presentation of

horses—you should think which way

who take obvious joy in their natural en-

horses is completed, Dr. Nagel speaks di-

you want to go."



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European Championship Title Show



80 | 81

Lier European Title Show



82 | 83

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



YEARLING FEMALE Mounira J - Owner: Al Muawd Stud/KSA





YEARLING FEMALE Pustynia Kahila - Owner: Michalow/PL

84 | 85

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



YEARLING FEMALE Al Jazeera - Owner: Janow Podlaski/PL




YEARLING MALE Gallardo J - Owner: Al Muawd Stud/KSA

86 | 87

Lier - European Title Show




YEARLING MALE Morion - Owner: Michalow/PL




YEARLING MALE GT Shardh - Owner: GT Arabians/SE

88 | 89

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



JUNIOR FEMALE Piacolla - Owner: Athbah Stud/KSA





JUNIOR FEMALE Mississipi J - Owner: Jamar-Demeersseman/BE

90 | 91

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



JUNIOR FEMALE Aja Europa - Owner: Royal Cavalry of Oman/OMA




JUNIOR MALE Excalibur EA - Owner: Las Rosas Arabians of HHP Laetitia D'Arenberg/UY

92 | 93

Lier - European Title Show




JUNIOR MALE RP Burj Al Arab - Owner: Agmal Arabians/DE




JUNIOR MALE Ascot DD - Owner: Athbah Stud/KSA

94 | 95

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21



SENIOR FEMALE Primera - Owner: Al Muawd Stud/KSA





SENIOR FEMALE Pepita - Owner: Janow Podlaski/PL

96 | 97

Lier - European Title Show


Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


SENIOR FEMALE Emira - Owner: Ajman Stud/UAE





SENIOR MALE Equator - Owner: Michalow/PL

98 | 99

Lier - European Title Show




SENIOR MALE F Shamaal - Owner: Al Khalediah Stables/KSA




SENIOR MALE Palatino - Owner: Janow Podlaski/PL

100 | 101

Abu Dhabi

International Arabian Horse Show



102 | 103

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21

Abu Dhabi International Show



104 | 105

Abu Dhabi - International Show

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Gold Champions

YEARLING FEMALE Ayat Almuawd - Owner: Al Muawd Stud

YEARLING MALE Riyadh AM - Owner: P.Abdullah Bin Fahad Bin Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Saud

JUNIOR FEMALE D Reem - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud

JUNIOR MALE SQ Kuwaiti - Owner: Alsaqran Arabian Horse Stud

SENIOR FEMALE Panarea By Palawan - Owner: Ajman Stud

SENIOR MALE Aja Justified - Owner: Ajman Stud


Silver Champions

YEARLING FEMALE Sama AM - Owner: P.Abdullah Bin Fahad Bin Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Saud

YEARLING MALE Raoud Al Bidayer - Owner: Sheikh Mohammed Saoud Sultans Alqassimi

JUNIOR FEMALE Aj Sawari - Owner: Ajman Stud

JUNIOR MALE D Hajes - Owner: Al Riyadh Stud

SENIOR MALE IM Bayard Cathare - Owner: Oman Royal Cavalry 2015

SENIOR FEMALE Salwa Al Zobair - Owner: Shaikha Nour Khalid Abdulla M.Althani

106 | 107

Abu Dhabi - International Show

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Bronze Champions

YEARLING FEMALE D Safana - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud

YEARLING MALE D Aasef - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud

JUNIOR FEMALE Najdiya Al Zobair - Owner: Shaikh Sultan Mohamed Abdulla M.A.Althani

JUNIOR MALE Lord El Shawan - Owner: Abdulla Rashed Khusaif Binkhusaif Alnuaimi

SENIOR FEMALE Ghanadir Al Zobair - Owner: Sheikh Ahmed Abdulla Mohd Althani

SENIOR MALE SH-HAB Al Hawajer - Owner: Dr. Ghanem Mohamed Obaid Alhajrii



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Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Championship International B-Show



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Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Championship International B-Show



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Championship International B-Show



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Championship International B-Show



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Photos by Bucra

Purosangue Arabo


n quel di Bergamo, per l'esattezza presso la sede della Fiera in contemporanea con l'annuale Fiera di Sant'Alessandro, si è svolto uno show C internazionale di morfologia che ha registrato un buon numero di partecipanti in gara e di buona qualità. Per il secondo anno abbiamo assistito ad un ottimo show e di questo i principali artefici sono il sig. Fausto Scanzi ed il sig. Mario Fermi, organizzatori tecnici, coadiuvati dal sig. Martino Brizio nel ruolo di Ring Master, e dal sig. Giancarlo Soresini - Collecting ring. Nel ruolo di DC i sigg. Barbara Raso, Manuel Zanchi e Mario Bonomi.

La disponibilità del direttore, il dr. Carlo Conte della Promoberg - organizzatrice della Fiera - è stata massima, ottima base affinchè sia la Fiera in generale che la parte strettamente legata al PSA si attestino in futuro come appuntamento di riferimento nel calendario eventi. Lo show di morfologia è stato intervallato da esibizioni di dressage, disciplina che fatta con un cavallo arabo rende lo spettacolo ancora più affascinante oltre che a sfatare il "mito" privo di fondamento - che un cavallo arabo sia troppo nevrile per una dis-

ciplina complessa come il dressage o per il montato in generale. Un grande plauso va agli organizzatori che hanno fortemente voluto queste prove e ai partecipanti che, nonostante il caldo, si sono impegnati al massimo. Abbiamo chiesto a Manuela Splendori di raccontarci qualcosa in merito alla gara, lei disponibile come sempre ci ha risposto: "Anche quest'anno i nostri Arabi si sono cimentati, davanti al Giudice F.I.S.E. sig. Gigi Marinoni, in una ripresa E 206, svolta su due manches, con somma dei punteggi di ciascuna prova". © pressmaster - #57048405


In premiazione, al gruppo dei cavalieri si sono aggiunti i groom, perché il loro contributo non è mai secondario. Tornando alla gara di morfologia, i giudici designati in questa occasione erano il sig. Daniel Suppat (FR), il sig. Bahram Kheirkhan (IRN) e il sig. Chris-

tian Moschini (IT). Come detto poc'anzi un buon numero di soggetti di varie nazionalità hanno preso parte a questa manifestazione che, al secondo appuntamento ha incrementato numeri e qualità. Essendo un C internazionale abbiamo potuto ammirare soggetti provenienti sia dal resto d'Europa che dai Paesi Arabi. Nella giornata di domenica abbiamo assistito allo svolgersi del campionato finale che ha laureato campioni, per le puledre, D Danat (SG Labib x Angeliccah), medaglia d'oro e vincitrice del premio "Best in Show", D Shahiba (Frasera Mashar x Magic Mon Amour), medaglia d'argento e D Mazaia (Royal Colours x OFW Ezalea), medaglia di bronzo. L'intero podio è stato vinto dalla scuderia emiratina Dubai Arabian Horse Stud, i cui rappresentanti, presenti alla manifestazione, hanno potuto gioire anche per la vittoria della medaglia d'oro con il puledro D Khattaf (Royal Colours

" Per il secondo anno abbiamo assistito ad un ottimo show

" Il cavallo arabo, ancora una volta, ha catalizzato su di se l'attenzione del pubblico

x D Jowan). A vincere la medaglia d'argento ci ha pensato Sty Esstimate (Don Giovanni J x Evita El Javier) della sig. ra Giovanna Steylaers mentre la medaglia di bronzo è stata appannaggio di Asthar Chandra (IM Icare Cathare x Airina Chandra) dell'az. agr. Montecucco. Nella categoria fattrici ha vinto la medaglia d'oro Mystica Antasia (WH Justice x LL Al Bufera) di proprietà di Awaad Mubarak (KWT), la medaglia d'argento è stata appannaggio della tipica Ma Zoara (Frasera Ramses Shah x Glorys) dell'az. agr, della sig.ra Liliana Tottoli mentre Petit PS (Lucky Dream x Petreena) della sig.ra Chiara Cangemi, si è aggiudicata la medaglia di bronzo. Nella


loni la medaglia d'oro è stata vinta dal grigio AG Shalom (WH Justice x OH My Shai) della AG SHalom Partnership seguito, vincendo la medaglia d'argento, dal sauro Makisa Adagio (Vervaldee x Maradisha) del sig. Pietro Re. La medaglia di bronzo è stata vinta da Bourhani Montashar (Simeon Sharav x Sharvarl Montana) di proprietà della Bourhani Arabians (DE). Questo in breve quanto concerne la seconda edizione del campionato PSA a Bergamo. Il cavallo arabo, ancora una volta, ha catalizzato su di se l'attenzione del pubblico, e come potrebbe essere altrimenti... Vi lasciamo alle immagini, appuntamento all'edizione 2015.


Premio Speciale 2015

Per la cronaca, su tutti l’ha spuntata proprio Manuela Splendori con l’esordiente Arc Malik, che ha dovuto guardarsi dalla concorrenza di Amelia Dall’Asta con Al Taer, a sua volta seguita da Alessia Bussolati con Indjra. Questo il podio, ma dobbiamo citare, in ordine di classifica, tutti i binomi, perché si sono sudati e meritati gli applausi del pubblico. Matilde Dall’Asta con Al Taer (il regolamento F.I.S.E. consente che un cavallo possa gareggiare con due cavalieri) Andrea Rago con Cyclone de Ghazal, Beatrice Attolini con Indjra, Giada Longinotti con Cyclone de Ghazal e Jessica Pambianchi con Venere Vallate in una sola manche.

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Bergamo - Purosangue Arabo

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21


Gold Champions

JUNIOR FEMALE D Danat - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

JUNIOR MALE D Khattaf - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

SENIOR FEMALE Mystica Antasia - Owner: Mystica Arabians/ AUS

SENIOR MALE AG Shalom - Owner: Lecchi/IT

SENIOR FEMALE MA Zoara - Owner : Mozzanica/IT

JUNIOR MALE Sty Esstimate - Owner: Steylaers/IT

SENIOR MALE Makisa Adaggio - Owner: Pietro Re


JUNIOR FEMALE D Shahiba - Owner : Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE


Silver Champions

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Bergamo - Purosangue Arabo


Bronze Champions

Arabian Horse Journal n째 21

JUNIOR FEMALE D Mazai - Owner: Dubai Arabian Horse Stud/ UAE

SENIOR FEMALE Petit PS - Owner: Rocca/IT

JUNIOR MALE Asthar Chandra - Owner: Gatti/IT

SENIOR MALE Bourhani Montashar - Owner: Bourdeaux/DE



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ext by Francesca Messina hotos by Francesca Bucra


Città di Castello La 48ma edizione della Mostra Nazionale del Cavallo di Città di Castello ha rinnovato lo storico rapporto con il purosangue arabo, ospitando il Campionato Nazionale Italiano PSA. Questa manifestazione è un appuntamento fisso nel calendario degli amanti dei cavalli in genere, per le principali razze di equidi e per le associazioni nazionali di specialità equestri, che si quali-

fica, al di là delle dimensioni offerte e degli spazi espositivi delle strutture, anche per la qualità delle proposte.

Campionato Italiano

Un buon numero di cavalli ha preso parte alla competizione e di buona qualità. A giudicare le varie categorie ed il campionato sono stati chiamati L'organizzazione sostenuta la sig.ra Anna Stoyanowska da un ottimo staff, presiedu- (POL), la sig.ra Pilar Cavero to quest'anno dalla nuova Pino (ESP), il sig. Raouf Abbas presidenza che fa capo al (EGY) e dal sig. Maagoul Absig. Fausto Bizzirri, ha svolto delouaed (MOR). egregiamente il suo compito, nonostante il vero e proprio A seguire podi e foto a rendiluvio che si è scatenato il dere meglio l'idea di questa venerdì precedente la mani- Edizione. festazione.

Photos by Bucra



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Arabian Horse Journal n° 21

CittĂ di Castello Campionato Italiano



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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21



YEARLING FEMALE SG Walentina - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT





YEARLING FEMALE Naisha Regalis - Owner: Pietro Re/IT

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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21



YEARLING FEMALE CS Khalida - Owner: Marco Sensi/IT




YEARLING MALE Magic Aban - Owner: Fontanella Magic Arabians/IT

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CittĂ di Castello - Campionato Italiano




YEARLING MALE Magic Thor - Owner: Fontanella Magic Arabians/IT




YEARLING MALE AG Nobel Marcus - Owner: Ida Arsenault/IT

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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21



JUNIOR FEMALE SG Wisar - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT





JUNIOR FEMALE Penelope Di Mar - Owner: Az. Agr. Tre Stelle/IT

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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21



JUNIOR FEMALE Basma Al Mar - Owner: Alessandro Marino/IT




JUNIOR MALE Feuer Jade - Owner: Ivan Vieider/IT

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CittĂ di Castello - Campionato Italiano




JUNIOR MALE Magic Moon Cheri - Owner: Fontanella Magic Arabians/IT




JUNIOR MALE Free Ganges - Owner: Gemar srl/IT

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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21



SENIOR FEMALE Fahera - Owner: Viktoria Steinkeller/IT





SENIOR FEMALE Magic Ma Cherie - Owner: Fontanella Magic Arabians/IT

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Città di Castello - Campionato Italiano


Arabian Horse Journal n° 21


SENIOR FEMALE Aliah IA - Owner: Fabio Como/IT





SENIOR MALE ASH Dream Of Glory - Owner: Stigler Stud/IT

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CittĂ di Castello - Campionato Italiano




SENIOR MALE Psyrasic - Owner: Scuderia Groane/IT




SENIOR MALE Jumanci OS - Owner: Fontanella Magic Arabians/IT

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Psyrasic progeny SG Lotus out of SG Wanity

Matrix Di Mar out of Principessa Di Mar by Marajj

SG Wanessa out of Wanity SG Wendetta out of SG Wenusia

GW Favolosa out of LC Favola

owned by Az. Agr. Gondola Wilma

Shaina DVA out of Shakira DVA

owned by Patrizia Pellegrino

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