b y
K r i s t i
H o p p
horse,” says Felix Cantu. “I loved riding, and I used to go to
north of Tampico. This is where our broodmares
Monterrey, Mexico, and ride all day. I loved Arabians. I was
live. We have 24 Arabian broodmares and 60
always reading Arabian Horse World, and I told my father I was going to have
Lusitano mares, plus 45 Arab/Lusitano-cross
a National Champion one day. When I was about 14 years old, he told me
mares. We visit this farm about once a month.
that if I got good grades in school, he would buy us some horses.
Our other ranch is in Tepeji Del Rio, about 40
hen I was about six I started bothering my father for a
“I finally got some good grades, and we went to our first Scottsdale show
“I also enjoy trail riding on our farm in the
minutes from our home in Mexico City. There
— this was around 1982. We acquired our first horses from Karho and Lasma.
we have stables, a bullfighting ring and dressage
We really liked the *Muscat line because of his functionality and beauty. We
training, and we spend our weekends there.”
based the beginning of our program on him, and on First Echo, an Aladdinn Echo son.” The Arabians became an important addition to the family’s cattle
In 1995 Felix got that long-planned U.S. National Championship when a *Muscat son they had purchased as a weanling, Mikhail One
ranch in northern Mexico. “The ranch started as a hobby for my father,”
(x Satin Silver by Tornado), was named U.S.
recalls Felix, “but from the mid-1980s on we had concurrent horse breeding
National Reserve Champion Yearling Colt. With
programs, Arabians and Lusitanos. The whole family became involved with
that success, Felix began searching for more
the horses.
quality show stock. He found some real gems, and
“We really enjoy the Arabians for riding — a bit of dressage — and we use the Lusitanos for bullfighting. We also cross the Lusitanos with the Arabians. This cross is popular all over the north of Mexico because they are incredibly functional horses for bullfighting or dressage. We have a strong market for them. The main thing is to have the best-quality horses and to promote the breed in Mexico. Here in Mexico, we don’t charge stud fees to local breeders in an effort to improve the Arabian and Lusitano breeds in our country.
the barn began to fill with beautiful show horses.
Above and opening page: El Chall WR (Magnum Chall HVP x Major Love Affair), the 2008 stallion recently acquired from Robert and Dixie North. Facing page: Mikhail One (Muscat x Satin Silver by Tornado) brought Felix his first champion garland as U.S. National Reserve Champion Yearling Colt in 1995.
Two gorgeous mares became part of Felix’s collection: JBK Mystic Fawn
entry so that they could walk down to the top of
(Padrons Psyche x Tanzeers Supreme) and RD Shahara Bey (Bey Shah x Gigi
the stairs, but before we knew it, the grooms were
Jubask). They brought home more championship garlands; JBK Mystic Fawn
walking the mares right up the steps. Jerry got
was Canadian and U.S. National Champion Mare in 1996, while RD Shahara
the shot.”
Bey took both U.S. and Canadian Futurity Filly Championships, all shown by David Boggs. Following the “double-double” titles for the two mares, Johnny Downing
The showring successes inspired Felix to continue to build his collection of top horses. Throughout, Johnny Downing, who has shared a
recalls trying to get cover photographs of the duo. “The mares were at Rancho
close friendship with the Cantu family for many
Las Potrancas in Mexico. Jerry Sparagowski and I had traveled to do the photo
years, has served as Felix’s right-hand man in the
shoot. As anyone knows, Denise Hearst expects special photos for the cover
Arabian industry. Says Johnny, “I’m not sure how
of Arabian Horse World. We scouted the site and found a beautiful staircase covered in greenery that I knew would work. The problem was how to get the mares to the top. We considered trailering them a mile to a different farm Left: RD Shahara Bey (Bey Shah x Gigi Jubask), 1996 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Futurity Filly. Below: JBK Mystic Fawn (Padrons Psyche x Tanzeers Supreme), 1996 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Mare.
JBK Mystic Fawn and RD Shahara Bey grace the cover of the September 1997 issue of Arabian Horse World.
I can explain the long-term success that Felix and I share. It’s really based on
Felix next partnered with Fernando de
trust and our love and appreciation of horses. We have a great friendship, but
Santibanes of Haras Mayed, Argentina, and
we don’t let that get in the way of business. I don’t think we’ve ever had an
Michele Pfeifer, of Shellbird, to purchase
argument in all these years. And really, I just enjoy Felix’s positive attitude and
FS Mystique Lady (Padrons Psyche x HS Mostly).
sincerity. There is no phoniness with him!”
She upheld the Rancho Las Potrancas tradition
Johnny was at the Brazilian Nationals with David Boggs when he fell for the filly *Ynazia HCF (AF Don Giovani x NV Tayma). Johnny contacted
by capturing both Canadian and U.S. National Champion Mare titles in 1999.
Felix immediately after Ynazia HCF won Gold Champion Filly, and Felix purchased her sight unseen. David Boggs was equally infatuated with *Europa El Jamaal (Ali Jamaal x SL White Lace). A week later Felix also purchased Europa. The mares were shipped to the United States just in time to compete at the 1997 Scottsdale show. This time, a pair of Rancho Las Potrancas mares took a different double: Ynazia was named Champion Mare, and Europa took Reserve Champion. Europa went on to be named 1997 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Mare. Soon after, Europa was sold to HRH Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. *Ynazia HCF continued her show career, winning 1998 Canadian National Reserve Champion Mare and U.S. National Top Ten Mare, before becoming a noted broodmare. Her exotic son Van Gogh AM (by Magnum Psyche) was named 2015 Scottsdale International Champion Senior Stallion and has numerous wins in Europe.
Felix Cantu riding one of his Lusitanos in a bullfight.
“We can’t believe how long it’s been since we first met Felix. We never imagined that the owner of such legends as RD Shahara Bey and JBK Mystic Fawn would turn out to be such a down-to-earth horseman! Felix is the consummate horseman and breeder, and we are pleased to have his advice and insight about the Arabian horse. He is, more importantly, a great person and a friend.” — Fernando & Joaquín de Santibañes
Felix Cantu II, back row center, with his four sons: Felix Cantu III, left, and Alejandro, right, and in front, Rodrigo and Matthias.
Top: *Ynazia HCF (AF Don Giovani x NV Tayma), 1997 Scottsdale Grand Champion Mare and Junior Champion Filly. Right: *Europa El Jamaal (Ali Jamaal x SL White Lace), 1997 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Mare. Bottom left, from left to right: Johnny Downing, Felix Cantu II, Felix’s sister Martha Cantu, and trainer Rodolfo Guzzo. Bottom right: Felix Cantu II, left, with his father Felix Cantu, center, and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto.
Johnny Downing spotted the next treasure, S Justadream (Justafire DGL x Acquaintance). “It took me about a second before I was on the phone
cards.” Ggisele has since gone on to become Brazilian National Champion Mare for new owners. While the mares of Rancho Las Potrancas have amassed an impressive
with Felix,” Johnny remembers. Again, Felix
list of wins, Felix also loves the power and presence of stallions. In addition to
purchased the mare sight unseen. S Justadream
his first champion, Mikhail One, he acquired RA Mahalo (Padrons Psyche x
went on to be 1999 Scottsdale Junior Champion
Negatique), Ibn Fifth Avenue (LF Fifth Avenue x Georddanna), and Extreme
Filly and U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly,
Echo (Echo Magnifficoo x Lola Hogan). All have multiple National wins.
followed by U.S. National Champion Futurity
“We lost Mahalo last year at the age of 19. He was one of my favorites,
Filly and multiple champion mare titles for new
a big part of our breeding program and a big winner for us.” Felix speaks
owners. “S Justadream is one of the all-time greats
proudly of the horse’s accomplishments. “He was a National Champion of all
in my opinion,” says Bob Boggs, who showed
breeds here in Mexico at the 2000 Equus competition, which is among four
her to those wins. “She influenced my training
breeds — Arabians, the Azteca, Lusitanos, and a Quarter Horse-crossbreed.
career, but as a breeding mare, she is influencing
Mahalo was the unanimous selection of the judges, many of whom were
our breeding program. Not too many National
Europeans, so he made quite an impact. He was incredible.
Champions can do that.” S Justadream holds
“Of the 14 Arabian foals due in 2015, I am most looking forward to the
10 U.S. Youth, Canadian, and U.S. National
RA Mahalo foal out of Ici (Aicyng x Leading Ladee by *Bask). I am hoping
Championships and remains to this day one of the
for a colt.”
most winning halter mares in U.S. history. Felix purchased RHR Ggisele (Echo
In 2010, Felix aimed for the top, purchasing LD Pistal (Magnum Psyche x Halana) to be the head stallion. Pistal already had a number of wins,
Magnifficoo x LC Psychesheiress) through Greg
including 2006 U.S. National Champion Senior Stallion, and a huge fan
Knowles, who showed her to U.S. National
following. He quickly became a favorite of both Felix and Johnny Downing.
Reserve Champion Yearling Filly. Knowles speaks highly of the mare. “RHR Ggisele is one of those great Echo Magnifficoo daughters who has a beautiful neck and the charisma and incredible show personality that demanded attention when she entered the ring, always with tons of carriage and tail. When she won at U.S. Nationals, though she was Reserve, she had two firsts on the judges’
FS Mystique Lady (Padrons Psyche x HS Mostly), 1999 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Mare.
Left: S Justadream (Justafire DGL x Acquaintance), 1999 Scottsdale Junior Champion Filly and U.S. National Champion Yearling Filly. She went on to win many more National, Scottsdale, and Regional Championships with new owners. Facing page: RHR Ggisele (Echo Magnifficoo x LC Psychesheiress), 2004 U.S. National Reserve Champion Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Filly. 9 ▪ RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS ▪ WORLD
Says Johnny, “I thought Pistal was as near
Rancho Las Potrancas has recently acquired three more stallions with
perfection as any stallion I have ever known. And
U.S. National wins, with plans to show all three in Las Vegas: El Chall WR
I always said he was a Mensa genius sort of horse.
(Magnum Chall HVP x Major Love Affair), Brixx IA (Gazal Al Shaqab x Bella
He had an incredible attitude and loved to show,
Versace), and OFW Wan And Only (OFW Magic Wan x OFW Jewelee).
but he was kind and gentle in the barn. Truly a one-in-a-million horse.” Felix purchased another rising star in 2010:
El Chall WR first wowed the crowd at Scottsdale as a yearling in 2009 when he won Reserve Champion Yearling Colt. He took home Reserve Championships at the 2011 and 2014 U.S. Nationals. Felix sees huge
Eccentric Valentino (DA Valentino x Amelia B).
potential in the grey stallion, and he backs up that opinion with almost thirty
He was Canadian National Champion Futurity
years of experience and showring success with top horses.
Colt for Felix and, with Pistal, was to lead the
“I have a lot of faith in Wan And Only. He is a very complete horse. Still
show string and stallion band. But sometimes
young but very pretty and a really functional horse. I see a lot of promise in
change is inevitable, and Felix ultimately sold LD
him for the long term. One of our goals is to bring Wan And Only and El
Pistal to Carlos Roizner of Uruguay and Eccentric Valentino to Luciana Fasano of Brazil. Shortly after the sales in 2011, LD Pistal was named U.S. National Champion Senior Stallion, and Eccentric Valentino was Reserve. “We’ve been a little bit out of the U.S. show scene in recent years,” Felix continues, “but our goals are for Mexican-owned horses to have a presence at the Scottsdale and U.S. and Canadian National shows once again. We are also really excited to show in Las Vegas this month. Don’t laugh, but I have never been there! So this is a big thing, right?”
The stallion RA Mahalo (Padrons Psyche x Negatique), 1997 Canadian National Champion Futurity Colt and U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Colt.
LD Pistal (Magnum Psyche x Halana), 2006 U.S. National Champion Senior Stallion, pictured below and in inset with Johnny Downing, and Eccentric Valentino (DA Valentino x Amelia B), 2010 Canadian National Champion Futurity Colt, on the right. Both were head stallions at Rancho Las Potrancas.
Trainer Fernando Poli, who handled LD Pistal at Double Diamond in Texas, recalls the stallion’s lovely demeanor. “We took Pistal out for a photo shoot in a canyon, where we turned him loose. Even after we got the shots we needed, everyone wanted more. They asked me to catch him and lead him out and over to the canyon creek, which I did with no halter, just my hand on his withers. We walked out, and he went straight into the water. Pistal is just that type of horse — a friend, loving and sweet as can be.” 11 ▪ RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS ▪ WORLD
Chall here to Mexico for dressage and to get them into competitions. They have a lot of ability,” says Felix. “For us functionality is very important, and El Chall is a very functional horse and an incredible mover. Brixx is very pretty and a good mover, too.” After Las Vegas, all three stallions will be prepared for the U.S. Nationals. “We are sending semen from all three to Mexico now, and then the horses will come to Mexico after Nationals,” says Felix.
Facing page and above: Brixx IA (Gazal Al Shaqab x Bella Versace), 2015 Scottsdale First Place Classic Stallions Eight Years Old and Older. Facing page top: Brixx IA at Scottsdale and Felix, far right, with twins Ceci and Maggie Montalvo, who are close friends of Felix and involved in all aspects of his business including the Arabian and Lusitano horses. 13 ▪ RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS ▪ WORLD
“I am bringing a performance eye to halter horses, specifically dressagetype performance,” continues Felix. “I look for elasticity in addition to their being pretty. Hopefully we will organize another all-breed event near Mexico City later in the year in which we can showcase the many virtues of the Arabian.” To show their beauty and their functionality and to triumph over all breeds is no longer just a dream for the boy who once wanted an Arabian horse.
“I have known of Felix Cantu for a long time. Around two years ago our dear friend Johnny Downing introduced to us the idea of helping find beautiful horses for Felix. It’s the first time we have worked together. It has been an amazing journey. Felix knows what he wants to do, and he really knows good horses. It has been tremendous and exciting for us to show his stallions, and we look forward to the future.” — Rodolfo Guzzo
Rodolfo Guzzo with El Chall WR in Scottsdale 2015. 14 ▪ RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS ▪ WORLD
OFW Wan And Only (OFW Magic Wan x OFW Jewelee), above, will join El Chall WR as herd sire for Rancho Las Potrancas. He is pictured at left as a yearling when he was Region 11 Breeders Sweepstakes Champion Yearling Colt.
Brixx IA
Rancho Las Potrancas 路 Mexico City 路 Mexico www.CCC-Consorcio.com Johnny Downing 480.200.7618 johnnyjoed@aol.com
Designed and produced by Arabian Horse World 路 04/15
Front and back cover: El Chall WR
Mexico City 路 Mexico www.CCC-Consorcio.com Johnny Downing 480.200.7618 johnnyjoed@aol.com
Designed and produced by Arabian Horse World 路 04/15