A Look Back: Halsdon Arabians

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entlemen farmers may be

From a time in the mid-1970s when

1 described as those who farm

Shirley first expressed a yearning to

mainly for pleasure. On a

become acquainted with Arabian

large farm in southwest

horses, Halsdon has grown to a stud

I England, only a few miles

of about 160 meticulously selected


I from the Atlantic Ocean, the


and bred horses and has acquired a

1 pleasure aspect of gentleman


position of international respect for

farming embraces Arabian horses. The


the excellence of its stock.

gentlemen farmers are Shirley and Shirley, the quiet but strong driving

Charlie Watts, their farm is Halsdon Arabians, and their pleasure in the Arabian horses is

force of Halsdon Arabians, is not the typical horse-crazy


girl who realized a childhood dream. Rather, the horses came into her life through her pursuit of a career in

“Horses are a basic essential of my life,” says Shirley.

sculpting as a young adult. Perhaps the lovely curves of

“When I had none, I dreamed of horses. Now, when I'm

Arabian conformation and the splendid motion of the

not with them, I dream of them still. Their gentleness I

breed represented elements she wished to capture in

love, love, love, and my Polish Arabian mares have that

clay. Whatever the case, in about 1974 she asked her

gentleness above all others.”

mentor, sculptor John Skeaping, to find for her a horse of Arabian bloodlines. The part-Arabian fit beautifully

For Charlie Watts, the bonding with the horses is no less

into Shirley and Charlie’s passion for the country life and

intense, but certainly less frequent. For many months of

the quiet they enjoyed in an ancient farmhouse in the

the year, he’s on the road, as drummer with the

Cevennes Mountains in the south of France. The Arabian

perpetually popular “Rolling Stones,” which career

qualities soon convinced Shirley she wanted to know

accommodates his desire for the country life and the role

more about Arabians and to own purebreds.

of gentleman farmer. In those early years of ownership, back in the Wattses’ The contrasts of Charlie’s two worlds are highlighted as

home country of England, Shirley involved herself in the

he walks the barn aisles, touches a horse, inspects a new

schooling and basics of training for her horses, then sent

foal for the first time, or shares a trail ride with Shirley.

them off to professional trainers for showing. The first

Because the moments are few, they are even more

inkling of the prominent place the Halsdon horses would

precious. In spite of his absences, Charlie’s involvement

assume in European showing — and as it turned out,

with the horses increases year by year, as he is a

buying — came in 1985 when Bright Dancer, a mare of

presence at shows and sales. He does enjoy the shows

Crabbet lines, won the European Ridden Championship

and counts them as a necessary, if minor, facet of

at a show at Leiden, Holland. Then a few years later,

owning and breeding Arabians. So, with the success of

Friday The Fourth, a gelding who, according to Shirley,

the Halsdon breeding and show programs over the years,

could be unbeatable on his good days and almost

Charlie’s worldwide recognition is more and more often

impossible on less-than-good days, won the European

as an Arabian owner and breeder, rock star though he

Ridden Championship in a show at Ostend, Belgium.

may be.

Those wins only increased the interest in Arabians, and it 2 -HALSDON-WORLD

Above: The stallion Simeon Sadik, bred in Australia of Egyptian bloodlines, brings to Halsdon the rarity OF THE BLACK COAT COLOR AND THE ELEGANCE ASSOCIATED WITH HIS PEDIGREE. He SIRED CHAMPIONS IN AUSTRALIA AND WAS A CHAMPION THERE HIMSELF. Left: Since his importation in 1995, Simeon Sadik has added European show honors: World Reserve

Champion Stallion at the Salon du Cheval and UK International Champion Stallion. Here the Wattses and Paul Atkinson collect a championship ribbon for Sadik. Previous page: Piechur, the international sire — HAVING SIRED IN POLAND, THE UNITED STATES, AND England — came to Halsdon in 1992 at age 13. The FOLLOWING YEAR, PlECHUR (HERE WITH SHIRLEY WATTS) made his European show debut and he’s collected Nations Cup Champion Stallion, European Reserve Champion Stallion, and UK International Champion Stallion. Piechur sires well on both Crabbet and Egyptian- related stock at Halsdon, and the RESULTING CROSSES HAVE REPRESENTED HALSDON WITH GREAT SUCCESS AT MANY SHOWS.

follows quite naturally that after some

Another major arrival at Halsdon that

years of riding and showing, Shirley

year was that of Paul as manager of

wanted to breed her own.

the farm. Paul and his wife Joan had established themselves on a small

For Shirley and Charlie, the first joy of

farm in Yorkshire where they did

breeding a winner came when their

early training of some of the Halsdon

mare Bintang (Royal Storm x Bint Azsher by Azsher),

horses. Paul brought a background of growing up with

bred in England, produced Mahjid, a 1988 colt (sired by

ponies, then training with Thoroughbreds, a National

Melchior) who won his yearling class at the British

Diploma in Business Studies, then 16 years with Grange

Nationals. Enough to reinforce the thoughts of anyone

Arabian Stud (first as stud groom and later as manager)

only mildly contemplating breeding Arabians.

until the stud closed in 1988. “I am extremely fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time,” says

Shirley would no longer be content to buy, train, and

Paul of his move to Halsdon.

show Arabians. Her challenge would come through careful buying and even more thoughtful breeding.

“Versatility is of course one of Paul's major virtues,” says

Indirectly, the major win of Friday The Fourth in the late

Shirley. “We also value him for his extreme patience, his

1980s pointed the way to the makeup of the Halsdon

depth of understanding of the horses’ needs, and an

breeding program. At the Ostend show, the Polish-bred

extraordinary empathy with the stallions, although he

Penitent (Partner x Penza by Faher) went European

would deny it’s extraordinary. Plus his great compassion

Champion Stallion, and the Polish Pilarka (Palas x

for the horses. All essentials for his role.”Joan — whom

Pierzga by Negatiw) collected the title of European

Paul describes as his greatest friend, supporter, and critic

Champion Mare. “Those two ethereal greys, with their

— does accounting and payroll for Halsdon, along with

floating movement, their type, and their beauty totally

other office management tasks as needed by Shirley.

captivated me,” Shirley remembers, “and we s >on acted By the time Paul and Joan became a part of the

upon that impression.”

operation, the Wattses were well established at Halsdon Shirley and Charlie approached Paul Atkinson, then

House, a seventeenth-century manor house that in its era

manager of Grange Arabian Stud in Lincolnshire,

was the center of a major farming estate of several

England, with a tall order: find for them a colt of

thousand acres. In 1982, the Wattses purchased the

bloodlines similar to Penitent and Pilarka, a colt that had

house and 30 acres of pastureland — all the land that

the potential to become a major show horse and a

had not been sold off in small parcels. Since then, in

breeding stallion. Within a year, Paul had located Platoon

pursuit of Charlie’s goal of restoring Halsdon to its

HT, a 1987 grey bred in Holland. He is a great-grandson

former glory, the Wattses have purchased several

of the Tersk-bred Palas and of Palas’s sire Aswan (by

hundred acres of adjoining farmland.

Nazeer), and a great-grandson of two of Poland’s finest, the fabled Comet and the internationally appreciated

Shirley contributed her artistic eye in the design of the

Bandos (by Negatiw). Platoon came to Halsdon as a

stud, always ensuring the aesthetic appeal of the entire

three-year-old and won the British National Colt

farm. About 400 acres of post-and-railed pastures are

Championship that same year.

bordered by grass walkways which provide useful and 4 ■HALSDON ■WORLD

Above: The colt Ali Khamsin is the product of breeding an English-bred stallion (Carmargue) to an American- bred mare (Liana El Shaklan, by El Shaklan). Ali Khamsin, foaled in 1996, combines Egyptian, Spanish, Polish, and American bloodlines. Right: For Shirley, Gai Radiant (Gai Parada x Zee Radiance by Gai Warsaw) combines many of the qualities SHE VALUES IN ARABIAN HORSES. GAI RADIANT AND TWO OF HIS DAUGHTERS WERE IMPORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES IN 1997. Paul Atkinson describes Gai Radiant as a very dependable SIRE OF THE RENOWNED GAINEY TYPE.

Left: T he staluon P ilot (Fawor x P ipi by B anat), U K International C hampion, is a grandson

OF THE HIGHLY VALUED PlLARKA (PALAS X PlERZGA BY NEGATIW), AND SHE IS IN FOAL TO HIM FOR 1999. A mong the P ilot OFFSPRING, G T a MIN (X S hahteyna by B ey S hah), W orld C hampion J unior M ale at the S alon du C heval .

pleasant riding trails and which

Criterium, and was twice named

expedite the moving of horses from

Polish Racehorse of the Year. The

one field to another. Four Shirley-

year after his purchase, Paul showed

influenced bams house 120 horses;

Piechur to European Reserve

and two outdoor arenas, an indoor

Champion Stallion at the Dutch

school, horse walkers, and a round

International Show. In addition,

pen facilitate the care of the horses.

Piechur has Nations Cup Champion Stallion and UK International Champion Stallion credits on his resume.

The Halsdon pastures, bordered by hedgerows and forestlands, provide a beautiful and natural setting for the

Piechur also bolstered Shirley’s faith in the lines of the

horses. The light clay soil is well drained, and the horses

Polish horses she first admired, as he traces in tail female

thrive on the high-quality grass produced. Many of the

to Piewica, the ancestress of Penitent and Pilarka. In the

mares are content living out day and night, including

breeding barn, Piechur is known as a dual-purpose

most of the winter months.

stallion, one who sires both halter and racing stock. In Poland, he’s recognized as the sire of two Polish

The year 1990 was a milestone for Halsdon for a third

National Champions.

reason, as that year Shirley, Charlie, and Paul made a first exploratory trip to Poland. Shirley wanted to visit the

Soon the Wattses became Polish Prestige Sale regulars,

“nest” of the Polish Arabians she had discovered through

adding the excitement of public auction bidding to their

showing and traveling. In Poland, they walked the barns

buying style. Since 1993, they’ve added 24 mares from

and pastures of Janow Podlaski and Michalow; soaked

the state studs through timely raising of bidding cards,

up the feelings of the Polish breeders for their horses

probably none with more dash than in 1998. In a

and the history and traditions of Polish breeding; and

prolonged bidding duel, they topped the Polish Prestige

drank in the beauty and type they found there. Through

Sale (and many earlier sales) by bidding the lovely

that visit, Shirley selected two mares to come to Halsdon:

Emilda (Pamir x Emanacja by Eukaliptus) to $200,000,

Ceratonia (Probat x Ceratka by Gwarny), in foal to

then, in the second lot of the sale, paying $131,000 for

Europejczyk, and Farma (Partner x Farsa by Bandos).

Maesta (Partner x Maskotka by Bandos).

About two years later, Halsdon acquired a second major

From the Millfield Stables dispersal in the United States

Polish stallion, the well-traveled Piechur (Banat x Pierzeja

in 1994, Halsdon added the noted Pilarka, Pikieta (Probat

by Bandos), then age 13. Piechur, bred by Janow

x Platyna by Czardasz), and the stallion Pilot (Fawor x

Podlaski, was sold to the United States in 1983 where he

Pipi by Banat), Pilarka’s grandson.

went 1986 U.S. Top Ten Stallion and sired 115 foals, including two National Champions. The Poles leased

The Wattses have bred 12 pure Polish mares — or

Piechur back for the 1988 breeding season, and he is

bought mares in foal to Polish stallions — utilizing the

credited with 48 1989 foals; he then went to England,

sires Ecaho, Europejczyk, Egon, Grandorr, Monogramm,

early in 1992. In addition to serving as chief sire in

Platoon HT. Rurnak, Pers, and Pilot. With that

Poland, Piechur proved himself as a racehorse. In 13

concentration, the Halsdon program is now about 70

starts, he won 11 races, including the Derby and the

percent Polish in bloodline.


Left: Pikieta (Probat x Platyna by Czardasz) shows the WINNING FORM THAT GOT HER EUROPEAN CHAMPION MARE, Nations Cup Champion Mare, and British National Champion Mare. Below: Pilarka (Palas x Pierzga by Negatiw), foaled in 1975, represents the Polish breeders’ early use of the Tersk-bred stallion Palas, a Nazeer grandson. Here is Pilarka with her breeder, the late Andrzej Krzysztalowicz, longtime Director of Janow Podlaski State Stud. Bottom: Egina (Palas x Estrada by Burkan), bred by Michalow State Stud, was imported from Poland in 1992. In the Halsdon ownership, she’s been named Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare, British National Champion Mare, and Swedish International Champion Mare.

To Shirley, the Polish Seglawi-type

as a Bask grandson, the Monogramm

Arabians combine the essential

influence was most welcome in

qualities of type, elegance, and beauty,

Poland. The Polish breeders credit

along with traits of most concern to

Monogramm with reinforcing Arabian

her: correct conformation and

type and siring beautiful heads and

temperament suited to riding horses.

extravagant movement.

Halsdon horses must be essentially athletes, but they must also be beautiful and elegant and true to Arabian

Shirley and Paul consider the Tersk-bred mare Piewica

type. Most of the more successful Halsdon imports had

(Priboj x Wlodarka by Ofir), imported from Tersk in 1956,

successful race careers prior to their appearances in the

a most valuable ancestress and her line the most valuable

showrings of Europe. “Race training tests temperament,

at Janow Podlaski. At Halsdon, Piewica is represented by

soundness, and ability, and while racing is important, it’s

six mares, including the world-famous Pilarka. At

only one facet in the overall Polish plan of producing

Michalow, Shirley and Paul find the most appealing the

beautiful and functional riding horses,” Shirley believes.

descendants of Estokada (Amurath-Sahib x Saga by Hardy), a mare foaled at Michalow in 1951. “The family

Through Poland’s use of the Tersk-bred stallion Palas

members are exotic, refined, and correct and are great

(Aswan x Panel by Nil) and the continuing popularity of

movers,” says Paul. The Halsdon broodmare band

his descendants, Halsdon has acquired from Poland four

includes nine mares of the “E” line, among them Egina,

Palas daughters and bought or bred nine Palas

one of Shirley’s longtime favorites.

granddaughters. The Palas blood represents the single largest sire group at Halsdon. Among the Palas

Egina and Pilarka, along with Pikieta (Probat x Platyna by

daughters: Egina (x Estrada by Burkan), 1986 Polish

Czardasz) of the Rodania family, are considered the three

National Junior Champion Filly, British National

main Polish mares at Halsdon. Pikieta, European

Champion Mare, Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare,

Champion Mare, Nations Cup Champion Mare, and

and Swedish International Champion Mare; and Pilarka

British National Champion Mare, has earned a special

(x Pierzga by Bandos), World Champion Mare, European

place as a show horse in Paul’s heart: “The presentation

Champion Mare, and British National Champion Mare.

of Piechur for his Nations Cup win, SHF Pearlie Mae for her World Championship, Egina for her British National

Not far behind in numbers are the female descendants of

Championship, and Simeon Sadik and Pilot for their UK

Probat (Pohaniec x Borexia by Exelsjor): four daughters

International Championships are all memorable

and six granddaughters. Plus the Probat grandson Pilot.

experiences. However, if I had to pick just one horse, it

“In Poland, Probat sired very smooth bodies, fine heads,

would be Pikieta and all her major wins. She is one of

elegant necks, and the long lines associated with his

the great loves of my life, and it is impossible to imagine

pedigree,” says Paul.

a more generous, gracious, and willing show horse. Absolutely unforgettable.”

Four daughters of the American-bred Monogramm (Negatraz x Monogramma by Knippel) reflect the siring

Egyptian blood (about three percent of the Halsdon herd)

success of Monogramm during his several years on lease

comes through the stallion Simeon Sadik, imported from

to Michalow. As a representative of the Ofir sire line and

Australia in 1995; one straight Egyptian mare; and the


Above: Gai Radiant Hope (Gai Radiant x Gai Anastashah by Bey Shah) is on of two Gai Radiant daughters imported from the Gainey program in 1997. Both she and Gai Radiant Dream (Gai Radiant x Gaishea by Bey Shah) are NOWIMPORTANT IN THE HALSDON PROGRAM, AS IS THE GAINEY-BRED MARE GAI Beisha (Bey Shah x Gai Chardonnay by Ferzon), imported in 1993.

Above: Palastrina, one of four Monogramm daughters at Halsdon, was imported from Poland in utero in 1994. Both Palastrina and her dam Palba (by Penitent) added to the strength of the Halsdon show string, Palba going UK International Champion Mare and British National Reserve Champion Mare and Palastrina bringing home UK International Champion Filly. Left: SHF Pearlie Mae (SHF Southern Whiz x Citona by GB Baron), bred in the United States, became one of Halsdon’s WINNINGEST MARES IN EUROPEAN COMPETITION.

lease of four straight mares. Shirley

Piechur’s 1998 grey filly out of Gai

admires the Egyptian lines for their

Radiant Dream (Gai Radiant x Gaishea

intense type and refinement, a part of

by Bey Shah) is probably the best

her appreciation for the impact of the

Piechur filly foaled at Halsdon,

Nazeer grandson Palas and

says Paul.

granddaughter Parma (both sired by Aswan) in Poland. Paul discovered Simeon Sadik (Asfour

The Gainey group at Halsdon includes the stallion Gai

x Simeon Safanad by Sankt Georg RSI), a stunning black

Radiant (Gai Parada x Zee Radiance by Gai Warsaw), a

who had already excited worldwide attention, when he

1990 grey imported in 1997, plus three Gainey-line mares,

judged the 1995 Australian East Coast Championships,

including Gai Beisha (Bey Shah x Gai Chardonnay by

and made Simeon Sadik Champion Senior Stallion.

Ferzon), three times Scottsdale Top Ten in halter.

Shirley was immediately intrigued by Paul’s choice, and she and Charlie flew to Australia for a personal

SHF Pearlie Mae (SHF Southern Whiz x Citona by GB

inspection. Within weeks, Simeon Sadik was grazing in a

Baron), a 1990 grey mare, arrived at Halsdon in 1994, the

Halsdon paddock. After a year of let-down from showing

outcome of Paul and Joan’s serendipitous discovery of her

and acclimation to his new home — which process

earlier that year. For two years, she set European

involved daily grazing and being ridden several times a

showrings alight, going Nations Cup Champion Mare,

week — he was put back into show condition and went

Towerlands Champion Mare, British National Champion

1996 UK International Champion Stallion and 1996 World

Mare, European Champion Mare, and, the topper, 1996

Reserve Champion Stallion.

World Champion Mare at the Salon du Cheval.

“Simeon Sadik was imported to further strengthen the

The Halsdon master plan is quite simple in theory. From

‘desert’ characteristics of the Halsdon stock," says Paul.

the select mares collected over the past two decades,

“His head and eye are exceptional, and he has

Shirley has taken on the challenge of breeding offspring of

outstanding presence and extravagant motion. After two

equal, if not better, quality than their parents. “My goal is

foal crops, we are delighted with his influence, and it is

to breed horses that are not only very beautiful to look at,

interesting that two of the best foals of 1998 are out of a

but also very athletic,” says Shirley. “Arabians, after all, are

Palas daughter and a Palas granddaughter.”

the best riding horses in the world.”

The diversity of bloodlines available through American

Shirley and Paul carry on a continuous dialogue on

breeding programs has encouraged Shirley’s shopping in

breeding decisions. At the end of each breeding season, a

the United States. The most important group, says Paul, is

preliminary covering list is drawn up for the following

that of the Ferzon/Azraff lines. The Gainey/Ferzon

year, but final decisions are made only after each mare

Arabians, with their ethereal quality and wonderful type,

foals. Repeat breedings are based on the gender and

especially appeal to Shirley’s aesthetic sense. In the

quality of each foal. A mare who produces an excellent

breeding barn, they’re valued for their ability to cross

colt may be rebred to the same stallion in the hope of

successfully with the Polish Seglawi lines. (No great

producing a filly. If an excellent filly is produced and is

surprise in that the Gainey horses carry many different

likely to be retained for the breeding program, the mare

crosses to the Polish-bred Skowronek, Paul believes.)

will be bred to a different stallion.


B aija (Ali J amaal x HS M isty M oon by E l H ilal), foaled in 1990 in the U nited S tates , was imported in 1991.

Right: The manager’s residence is on one of the purchased parcels of land that were once part of Halsdon as a large seventeenth century farming estate. Below: The Halsdon round pen, viewing gallery, and show arena fit comfortably into the lovely Devonshire countryside.

In 1999, five Halsdon stallions will be

riding and driving, and it takes no effort

used: Pilot, noted for siring type,

at all for me to acquire horses.”

particularly good necks and an overall symmetry; Simeon Sadik, who fulfills all

For Shirley, that ease of acquisition is

expectations by adding refinement,

not limited to Poland; it extends to the

quality, and outstanding eyes; Platoon

United States. She and Charlie and Paul

HT, noted for siring excellent dry refinement and excellent

often take in the Scottsdale and U.S. Nationals as spectators,

necks; Piechur, already recognized as a sire of champions;

excursions which occasionally become shopping ventures.

and Gai Radiant, who infuses more elegance and

One of Shirley’s first imports from the United States, SF

refinement and transmits the heritage of his intensely

Hidden Jewel (Front Page SF x Brandie Alexandra by SR

Skowronek-based pedigree. The Aswan grandson Galba

Nadom), 1991 Scottsdale Junior Champion Filly and later

(Plakat x Gza Gza by Negatraz) will be at stud for the first

Champion at Baden-Baden, arrived at Halsdon in 1991. In

time in 1999. Galba, like the other Halsdon stallions, is a

1994 Hidden Jewel produced Hidden Charm (by Platoon

show champion. At the 1998 Towerlands show, judges

HT), UK International Champion Filly. Also, in 1991,

gave him a score of 95.8, believed to be the highest score

Halsdon added Baija (Ali Jamaal x HS Misty Moon by El

ever awarded at Towerlands and one of the highest

Hilal), who went UK International Champion Mare.

in Europe. In Halsdon’s showing effort, says Shirley, the horses are Of the 20 foals in the 1998 crop, several emerge as

presented at several county shows in England, a few small

outstanding. Simeon Sadik sired two wonderful colts and a

shows to introduce the yearlings on the show string, and

filly, says Paul, the colts out of Egina (by Palas) and Etenta

several international shows, both in England and in Europe.

(by Monogramm), both greys, both with exquisite type,

“We rarely go to shows as spectators,” she notes. “Personally,

and both out of “E” line mares. “The high percentage of

I am not a devotee of the showring, but I like to support my

Egyptian blood gives the colts short heads and strong

horses. Seeing my horses doing well (at home or at shows)

deep bodies, and they trot up a storm,” says Shirley. “The

and b ein g h a p p y in w h a t th e y ’re d o in g is most important to

Sadik filly, probably his best to date, is an exotic black out


of Baija (by Ali Jamaal). Pearlie Mae gave us a Gai Radiant filly that we consider outstanding, and Gai Radiant Dream

“We enjoy Scottsdale very much because it’s a lot of fun, and

produced a Peichur filly. Although the filly is an active

there are so many wonderful horses to be seen. Last

mover and has Piechur’s size and long neck, she more

Scottsdale we purchased several horses, including FAF

closely resembles the Gainey type overall.” Paul’s personal

Victoria (Khadraj NA x Glitter VF by Bey Shah), brought her

favorite is the dramatic, masculine show-off Hidden Gold,

home and at the UK International Show in Towerlands, she

a dark bay colt sired by Pilot. “He is more Kuhailan in

went Champion Filly. To me, her beautiful head and neck

type with strong conformation, a long hooky’ neck, and a

and her total femininity are especially appealing. Also, I do

fantastic trot,” Paul notes.

love attending the Polish National Show and seeing horses of my favorite mare lines and to see the daughters and

“Most of the Halsdon effort goes into breeding, then

granddaughters of horses I admire do well year after year. A

showing and of course the schooling,” Shirley notes. “We

bonus of shows is seeing friends and acquaintances that

devote the winter months to breaking in young stock,

you’d like to see more often.”


Right: HS Santouna (Simeon Sadik x SCANDALIER BY GONDOLIER) IS A BLENDING OF EGYPTIAN, POLISH, AND American lines, including a Gainey LINE VIA GaFFIZON. Below left: Etenta (Monogramm x Emigracja by Palas), foaled in 1994 at Michalow State Stud in Poland, DESCENDS FROM ESTOKADA (AmURATHSahib x Saga by Hardy), the Wattses’ favorite “E” line mare at Michalow. Below right: Focus Seneca (Padrons Psyche x Focus Alianna by Ruminaja Ali) represents a blending of Egyptian, Crabbet, and Tersk BLOODLINES. THE 1991 FILLY, BRED IN the United States, was imported in 1992. In British show arenas, she WAS UNBEATEN AS AYEARLING AND WAS British National Champion in 1994.

Shirley expresses her concerns about

Halsdon horses do not compete in

the lot of halter horses: “I should

performance classes; however,

very much like to see less severity

Shirley places great importance on

shown in the presentation of many of

their usability on the farm. The

the horses in American and European

Polish-bred horses have race

show arenas. It is scandalous that so

records, and horses at home are

many — even yearlings — are obviously under

developed for riding horses or are driven in single,

severe stress. We all know about the abuse of horses

pair, or team harness. As much as the halter horses are

in training. Why are we seemingly powerless to do

valued for their quality, type, and refinement, they

something positive to help them? Is the cruel abuse

must also possess true riding-horse conformation. The

they suffer any less disgraceful than starving them?”

Polish lines, Shirley believes, quite happily combine the virtues of both. Offspring that do not quite match

Watching Piechur win a strong senior stallion class

up to halter showing standards make wonderful all-

and then go on to Nations Cup Senior Male

around pleasure horses and they have the genetic

Championship gave Shirley one of her favorite show

background for racing and are suitably conformed for

memories of the past few years. “He was in top form

endurance work.

and behaved like an excitable youngster, then became an excitable old man,” she says. “When

One of Shirley’s great joys is saddling one of the mares

Piechur won both his European Championship and

and riding over the Halsdon lands and surrounding

his UK Championship, he saw me at ringside and

countryside. At home at Halsdon House, Shirley has

stared and stared at me, totally fixated. I didn’t know

created her own small stables area where she can

whether to laugh or to cry. Then in 1997 at Aachen,

spend high-quality time with several of her favorites.

Pikieta was totally unforgettable as she walked

"Each evening I go out for rounds of my own small

sedately into the ring and then launched into a

yard,” Shirley relates. “This is my time alone with the

blazing trot where she was lightness and yet power

horses, and we all love it. When I’m looking at a mare

personified. She repeated that entrance at the World

in the barn and a little mare in the loose stall behind

Championships in Paris. There, she did not go

me nudges me in the back to get some attention —

champion, but we didn’t dare tell her! Other special

that’s one of the highs of Arabian ownership.”

show moments: Pearlie Mae with her grandeur, yet kindly manner; Wioleta, with her gentleness and

For Shirley and Charlie, their serenity comes through

femininity; and Pilarka, and her stunning beauty.”

the companionship with their horses, and both find contentment in the knowledge that their horses are

“I’m one of the luckiest handlers alive,” says Paul.

cherished and that they have all that is needed for

“Shirley is adamant that the horses show only if they

their good health and well-being.

enjoy the process; they are never placed under any stress in order to compete. So it follows that I have

All gentlemen farmers should be so fortunate to have

never been under any pressure from the horses’

that serenity, that pleasure, especially that pleasure that

owners to win. A remarkable state of affairs in itself."

comes from knowing Arabian horses.


Above: Wioleta, one of four Palas daughters at Halsdon, was imported from Poland in 1993 and soon added show titles — Wessex Arabian Horse Show Supreme Champion and UK International Reserve Champion Mare — to her credits. Left: A familiar sight at European shows: Shirley Watts with trophy for a champion Halsdon Arabian. Below: Ankara (Europejczyk x Angola by Palas), imported from Poland in 1996, is one of nine Palas granddaughters in the Halsdon herd.

F our Halsdon broodmares reflect S hirley’s belief in blending a variety of bloodlines . L eft to right P rincess M elchia (Melchior x Radwanah by G old R ex ) of E gyptian, S wedish, G erman , and C rabbet bloodlines ; M elisha (Melchior x A l S hamsa by S unlights A llegro ) of E gyptian, S wedish, G erman , and C rabbet bloodlines ; C eratonia (Probat x C eratka by G warny) of P olish and S wedish bloodlines ; and S ilver C apra (Tornado x S ilver C aprice by N aborr ), bred in the U nited S tates of P olish, C rabbet , and T ersk lines.



M r . and M rs . C. R. Watts , O wners Paul Atkinson , M anager

Dolton, Winkleigh, Devonshire, Great Britain, EX 19 8RS Phone: 011-44-1-805-603635 • Fax : 011-44-1-805-603639 • E-mail: halsdarab@aol.com

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