Signals | Winter 2022

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Cover Your Assets In-Home Business Protection New Exposures: New Coverage Growing In A Pandemic Family Philanthropy Traditions


Here For You (Literally) Dear Valued Partner, Arbella’s offices have been buzzing with excitement lately—and not just because of the new products you’ll read about in this issue of Signals. We’re back together in the office and feeling a renewed sense of energy, camaraderie, and enthusiasm! Being together facilitates a faster turnaround on your renewals, new business, and other requests. We think you’ll find us responsive, friendly, and professional. And, we look forward to proactively helping you with your prospect lists, account rounding, loss control, and audits.

Bill Hughes

William Hughes, CPCU

Our hybrid work model has facilitated the innovation and collaboration to launch new products for contractors, to expand our restaurant guidelines, and, coming soon, to launch our new golf course program. We’ve also worked hand in hand with our Personal Lines colleagues to create innovative solutions for entrepreneurs. You can read more about all of these products on Page 3. Despite the challenges of the past few years, we’ve found new ways to successfully grow our business with you. As a result of our partnership, Arbella Commercial Lines achieved excellent growth and profitability in 2021. We appreciate the solid business opportunities you’ve sent our way. Thank you. If you have questions about Arbella Commercial Lines or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or your underwriter. Thank you for your business. Sincerely,

William S. Hughes, CPCU Vice President, Commercial Lines Arbella Insurance Group (617) 328-2505



Arbella announces a new partnership with New England’s Mac Jones


It’s Easy To Do Business With Arbella! Cover Your Assets (CYA) is a Massachusetts commercial BOP for

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entrepreneurs with Arbella homeowners policies. With coverage of up to


Protection For In-Home Businesses: Cover Your Assets

$100,000 for business personal property and liability, customers can rest assured knowing they’re protected if a home fire damages their inventory or a customer is injured on their property.

Here Fore Good: Arbella’s Golf Course Program: Coming Early 2022 Arbella recognizes the unique insurance needs of golf courses, and we’ve designed a coverage program to help you serve them! Ask your underwriter about our new golf course coverage.

A Competitive EDGE: Tell Your Clients About EDGE For Contractors We’ve increased limits, broadened protections, and added coverage for exposures, including contractors’ equipment, employee tools, forgery and alteration, and more. We’ve also enhanced our Contractor CGL Enhancement endorsement!

More Options For Restaurants We expanded our underwriting guidelines from sale of “beer and wine only” to “full liquor,” including distilled spirits. We also added three casual dining restaurant classes with liquor to our e-app: bistros and cafes, diners, and family style.

CAR Contract Reinstated As a result of our successful, long-standing partnership with the Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (CAR), we were recently awarded another five-year CAR contract. The agreement includes ceded policies for taxis, limos, and other public livery vehicles.

S I G N A LS W I N T E R 2022



Growing In A Pandemic Economy

Jordan Silv erman

Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc. is one of the largest and fastest-growing agencies in the United States. Its attentive service and steady pursuit of client satisfaction make the agency a sought-after advisor across Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Florida. We talked with Senior Vice President, Director of Marketing & Enterprise, Jordan Silverman, CPCU, CIC about how Starkweather & Shepley continues to grow in a pandemic economy. It all starts with good opportunities for people to learn. When someone is new to insurance, the agency ensures they know what they’re in for from the beginning. “We’re honest and upfront about what it’s like in our industry,” Jordan says. “It’s a lifestyle. You’re never going to watch the news the same way again—you’ll always think about what it means for your clients.”


THE BIGGEST HEADLINE OF THE YEAR: COVID-19 When the pandemic hit, Starkweather & Shepley’s new business and retention numbers remained strong. Silverman attributes that to proactive outreach and communication. “We explain everything to our clients,” he said. “We don’t shy away from the hard conversations.” In the end, this attentiveness has strengthened the agency’s client relationships. Today, Silverman says, the name of the game is speed. “This world is moving very, very quickly. People want their answers and quotes fast and our employees meet those expectations. When you respond quickly, clients are very appreciative.”

Communicable disease exclusions, business interruption, EPLI, and the structural integrity of buildings have all been in the news and on clients’ minds lately. Silverman stays ahead of it by “reading, reading, and reading. You never know what’s going to come up.”

Jordan attributes a lot of that quick turnaround to the trust and responsiveness between producers and underwriters, such as the one established with Arbella. “Pam, Jillian, and Kim (our Arbella underwriters) are great people. They have a great sense of humor and are fantastic to deal with,” he said.

When it comes to producers, Starkweather & Shepley is looking for the “super producer,” he said. We hire “someone who can sell but also knows the insurance business. We train our producers on processes, applications, and ratings, and we also encourage them to pay close attention to their colleagues’ tone and speed. We have created a strong culture in which it’s okay to learn from mistakes.”

ADAPTING TO MOVE FORWARD The new normal continues to evolve, but Starkweather & Shepley will always maintain its focus on personal relationships. The company’s adaptable, multilevel approach to talent, training, client satisfaction, and carrier relationships helps it pivot as needed while preparing for the future. That focus on what’s most important keeps the agency strong, even when times are tough.



Why I Chose Arbella:

L-R: Kevin Miller-Parsons, Joshua Wood, Michelle Peterson, Jennifer Kieran, Michael Caruso, Patrick Medeiros, Laura Holmes. Not pictured: Christopher Dworak

Welcome Aboard Michael Caruso Sr. CL Underwriter

Jennifer Kieran Sr. CL Underwriter

Kevin Miller-Parsons Sr. CL Underwriter

“The two key elements that made Arbella attractive to me were the welcoming inclusive culture (exemplified by the managers I interviewed with) and the opportunity to develop the NH territory, which presented an exciting challenge.”

“Arbella does a lot of good in the community and for its employees. It looks ahead and evolves to find new strategies and products for customers and agents.”

“I heard from former co-workers, and from agents, that this is an excellent place to work. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to work at a place with such a reputation!”

Patrick Medeiros Sr. CL Product Analyst

Joshua Wood, Sr. CL Data Analyst

“Arbella’s positive mindset and passion to succeed, as well as focus on people, is something special that I needed to be part of.”

“I’m excited to be included in such an adept and dedicated team and looking forward to developing data tools and analysis to drive Arbella’s Commercial Lines strategy!”

Christopher Dworak Sr. CL Underwriter “I was excited about working for a company with a reputation for strong values and a deep commitment to excellence.” Laura Holmes Sr. Loss Control Consultant “I love all the community work; other employees told me Arbella is a great experience, and it has a great reputation in the industry.”

Michelle Peterson CL Associate Data Analyst “Arbella has lived up to its reputation of being a great place to work.”

RECENTLY PROMOTED: Congratulations to Michelle Nee on her new role as CL Associate Underwriter! S I G N A LS W I N T E R 2022



New Exposures—And Coverage—For The New Normal Cassandra Koegel


lexibility and innovation are keeping businesses afloat today. If there’s anything that defines our “new normal,” it’s that there’s nothing normal about it.

We talked with Arbella’s Vice President of Commercial Lines William Hughes, CPCU, about how agents are supporting their commercial clients during this time of transformational change.

HOME-BASED BUSINESS OWNERS: With home-based business owners, it’s all about asking the right questions. Over the past two years, many people brought their businesses home or have started new businesses from their houses, condos, or apartments. They may be storing equipment and inventory there that they didn’t have two years ago. A loss at home could impact their business investments, liability, and income. When we heard that many of our customers were facing this exposure, our team designed a specifically home-based business owner’s policy. Cover Your Assets (CYA) covers up to $100,000 in business property protection, as well as loss of income, general liability, and more. It can be easily paired with an Arbella homeowners policy. If you have clients running businesses from their homes, give your underwriter a call. We believe that CYA will showcase you as a competitive, go-to advisor to your clients. SHORT ON HELP: “Help Wanted” signs are everywhere these days. Recent reports show job openings in the United States at more than 10 million.* If your clients are operating with fewer employees than usual, you may want to talk with them about preventing workplace injuries. Overworked, exhausted, or hastily trained employees are more likely to be injured at work. Risk managers and loss control consultants can help your clients keep their employees healthy and safe.

WORRIED ABOUT IRATE CUSTOMERS: Mask mandates, product shortages, and other stressors can make frustrated customers more likely to lash out. Our loss control consultants are excellent resources when preparing for these situations. WORKING REMOTELY: Hybrid and remote arrangements are becoming the norm for employees doing office-based work. These work models bring many benefits but also pose some new risks. Ergonomics: Offices are designed for long-term employee health, but kitchen tables, countertops, and couches are not. Arbella’s loss control team is here to help if you have clients worried about ergonomic exposures. Our team can provide recommendations for screen heights, body angles, and chair positioning to help your clients keep their employees healthy. Data protection and cyber security: Employees should protect sensitive information at home the same way they would at the office. Clients may be exposed to cyber attacks, data breaches, or physical file loss if employees are transporting sensitive material to and from their offices. OFFERING OUTDOOR SERVICES OR DINING: When restaurants set up outdoor dining to keep customers safe from COVID-19, they also need to keep them safe from vehicles and bicycles. When tables are placed on sidewalks and streets and divert regular traffic patterns, they can cause significant liability risks. Make sure your restaurant clients have taken all precautions, including proper signage, to prevent accidents involving their outdoor patrons and employees. Arbella is here to listen to your feedback and help you grow your business profitably. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions, please reach out! *




Jay Boyle

Making A Difference By Making Some Noise Lots of companies give back to their communities. For Jay Boyle, president of Salem Five Insurance, formerly Boyle Insurance, giving back is personal. “Nine years ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer,” he said. “I was only 56.” In the days that followed, Jay began his still-ongoing treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Over time, he noticed a troubling trend: many people held events for other cancers, but few raised money or awareness for prostate cancer research. Jay asked his doctor why that was. “He told me men were a little shy about it,” Jay said, “and they didn’t like talking about it. I said, at some point, I’m going to make some noise about this.” Jay followed through on that promise in 2019. He organized the first prostate cancer golf tournament his golf club had ever held, and tickets sold out quickly. More than 130 of his colleagues, clients, family, and friends—including the Arbella Insurance Foundation—raised $75,000 for Mass General’s prostate oncology department in one day. During the pandemic, in 2020, the event raised $30,000 virtually, and was back in full swing in 2021, once again raising $75,000 for MGH’s prostate oncology department. “That first year, I asked [Arbella Insurance Foundation president] Bev Tangvik for help, and she made it happen. The Foundation has given the event $15,000 in total over the years. I really can’t think of a company that’s as committed to the community as Arbella.”

Now 65, Jay has plans to pass the torch to the passionate people within the agency. Giving back is in the DNA of Salem Five Insurance. The agency has upheld a family tradition of philanthropy since its inception in 1945. “Everyone [in the community] looked to Boyle Insurance to support them financially, whatever we could do. That started with my dad,” Jay explained. When it came time for Boyle Insurance to grow through a merger, the value the company placed on community giving played a major role in choosing Salem Five Bank. “It was important to us that the organization we partnered with was generous,” he added. “Our culture has resonated with employees,” Jay said. Salem Five employees frequently participate in food drives, pajama drives, road races, and more, and are encouraged to serve on boards and in service clubs. Jay’s brother helps out at an inclusive ski program that provides ski lessons and equipment to children with disabilities. The agency is a big supporter of Catholic Charities—one of the largest social services providers in Massachusetts. Jay and his father were both presidents of the Boys and Girls Club of Woburn, and have contributed extensively to the organization’s programs over the years. “I’ve been fortunate in a lot of ways,” Jay said. “I have a wonderful family. I have five children, a loving wife, and grandchildren. We have our share of health issues, and we get through them, but there are a lot of people out there who need help. I’m proud to carry on my dad’s legacy.”

S I G N A LS W I N T E R 2022


Talk to the editor Susan Glynn (617) 328–2463 Writer Bethany Bourgault Designer Susan Haskins

When our agents talk, we listen. 1100 C R OWN C O LO NY D R I V E, Q U I N CY, MA 02169 | AR B E LL A.C O M

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