2 French comFort Foods
H i l l a r y Dav i s photographs by
steven rotHfelD
FirstEdition Edition First 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 18
55 44 33 22 11
Text©©2014 2014Hillary HillaryDavis Davis Text Photographs©©2014 2014Steven StevenRothfeld Rothfeld Photographs Allrights rightsreserved. reserved.No Nopart partof ofthis thisbook bookmay maybe bereproduced reproducedby byany anymeans meanswhatsoever whatsoeverwithout without All writtenpermission permissionfrom fromthe thepublisher, publisher,except exceptbrief briefportions portionsquoted quotedfor forpurpose purposeof ofreview. review. written Publishedby by Published GibbsSmith Smith Gibbs P.O.Box Box667 667 P.O. Layton,Utah Utah84041 84041 Layton, 1.800.835.4993orders orders 1.800.835.4993 www.gibbs-smith.com www.gibbs-smith.com Designedby bySheryl SherylDickert Dickert Designed Printedand andbound boundin in Printed Alsoby byHillary HillaryDavis Davis Also CuisineNiçoise: Niçoise:Sun-Kissed Sun-KissedCooking CookingFrom FromThe TheFrench FrenchRiviera Riviera Cuisine MillionAAMinute Minute AAMillion ForPARAMOUNT PARAMOUNTPRINTING PRINTINGuse usethis thisstatement: statement: For GibbsSmith Smithbooks booksare areprinted printedon onpaper paperproduced producedfrom fromsustainable sustainablePEFC-certified PEFC-certifiedforest/controlled forest/controlledwood woodsource. source.Learn Learn Gibbs moreatatwww.pefc.org. www.pefc.org. more Printedand andbound boundin inHong HongKong Kong Printed ForALL ALLOTHER OTHERPRINTERS PRINTERS(domestic (domesticand andAsia) Asia)use usethis thisstatement: statement: For GibbsSmith Smithbooks booksare areprinted printedon oneither eitherrecycled, recycled,100% 100%post-consumer post-consumerwaste, waste,FSC-certified FSC-certifiedpapers papersor oron on Gibbs paperproduced producedfrom fromsustainable sustainablePEFC-certified PEFC-certifiedforest/controlled forest/controlledwood woodsource. source.Learn Learnmore moreatatwww.pefc.org. www.pefc.org. paper Libraryof ofCongress CongressCataloging-in-Publication Cataloging-in-PublicationData Data Library <TK> <TK> ISBN13: 13:978-1-4236-3698-4 978-1-4236-3698-4 ISBN
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6 French comFort Foods
Contents Contents
IntroductIon IntroductIon
brunch French French style style brunch
the Flavors Flavors oF oF France France the
Frenchtoast toastwith withhomemade homemade French orangeButter Butter orange
WelcomIng starters starters and and WelcomIng savory nIbbles nIbbles savory
Wickedchocolate chocolateomelet omelet Wicked Flamedwith withrum rum Flamed Alsatiantwo-crusted two-crustedmeat meatPie Pie Alsatian
cheesesoufflés soufflésinina amug mug cheese
tartApple Appleturnovers turnovers tart
lightand andcrispy crispyFish FishFingers Fingerswith withremoulade remoulade light dipping sauce dipping sauce
irresistiblePotato, Potato,cheese, cheese,and and irresistible cream casserole cream casserole
Knittingneedle needlespirals spiralswith withPistou Pistou Knitting
Frenchrolled rolledomelet omeletwith withcherry cherrytomatoes tomatoes French andParmesan Parmesan and
ramekinsofofchilled chilledtuna tunaand andcaper caperspread spread ramekins ramekinsofofWarm Warmsalmon, salmon,Wine, Wine,and andshallots shallots ramekins ramekinsofofWarm WarmPork Porkand andApples Apples ramekins escargotsBaked Bakedinincampari camparitomatoes tomatoes escargots trioofofProvençal Provençalspreads spreads trio individualcaramelized caramelizedonion onionand androquefort roquefort individual clafoutis clafoutis niçoisestuffed stuffedVegetables Vegetables niçoise savorytomato tomatoBasil Basilcake cake savory mushroomstew stewininPuff PuffPastry Pastrycases cases mushroom
niçoiseonion, onion,Black Blackolive, olive,and and niçoise AnchovyQuiche Quiche Anchovy eggsPoached PoachedininBurgundy BurgundyWine Wineon on eggs Garliccroutons croutons Garlic softlyscrambled scrambledeggs eggswith withPeppers Peppers softly andtomatoes tomatoes and Bistrosalad saladwith withPoached Poachedegg egg Bistro and Bacon and Bacon crispycinnamon cinnamonWalnut Walnutchocolate chocolatePalmiers Palmiers crispy crustyBaguette Baguettewith withmelted melted crusty chocolate chocolate
champagne with Black currant liqueur French Press coffee with calvados shooters thick hot chocolate
soups, sandWIches, and sImple pleasures French onion soup Gratinée Perigord Garlic and chicken soup creamiest Potato leek soup with chopped scallions and crumbled Bacon roasted Butternut squash soup with candied chestnuts toasted ham and cheese sandwich with Fried egg toasted ham, Blue cheese, and mozzarella sandwich with mustard cream sauce chilled lyonnaise Potato and sausage salad summery salade niçoise sandwiches Baguette sandwich with ham and sweet Butter rustic country Pâté with Green Peppercorns and Pistachios olive oil French Fries with rosemary salt heavenly mashed Potatoes with Garlic and melted cheese
FamIly-style recIpes creamy French mac ‘n’ cheese Vegetarian shepherd’s Pie succulent roast chicken with oranges and Black olives endives and ham Gratin slow-cooker lamb shanks Provençal Potato, Bacon, cheese, and Wine casserole Quick Beef and red Wine stew over noodles chicken marengo chopped steak ovals with roquefort cognac sauce layered meats and Potato casserole from Alsace Pork chops with Apple Brandy cream sauce and Apple compote chicken in Wine with loads of Garlic rib-sticking Pork and Vegetable stew with Giant dumplings creamless creamy Veal stew with mushrooms and Pearl onions
supper For For FrIends FrIends supper FrenchAlps Alpscheese cheeseFondue Fondue French BurgundyBeef BeefFondue Fonduewith withdipping dippingsauces sauces Burgundy slow-cookerBeans, Beans,duck, duck,Pork, Pork,chicken, chicken,and and slow-cooker sausagestew stew sausage layeredVegetable Vegetableomelet omeletcake cake layered seascallops scallopswith withsauvignon sauvignonBlanc Blancsabayon sabayon sea thickGrilled Grilledsteaks steakswith withPeppercorns Peppercornsand andcognac cognac thick sauce sauce Alsatiansauerkraut sauerkrautand andsmoked smokedmeats meatsPlatter Platter Alsatian ForAAcrowd crowd For Freshmussels musselsin inWhite WhiteWine Wine Fresh duckBreasts Breastswith withBlack Blackcherry cherrysauce sauce duck BistroFlank Flanksteak steakwith withPort Portsauce sauce Bistro Gasconyroast roastleg legof oflamb lambwith withAnchovies Anchovies Gascony andGarlic Garlic and Grandmother’schicken chicken Grandmother’s over-the-toplobster lobsterthermidor thermidor over-the-top
sWeet dreams dreams sWeet Bananatart tarttatin tatin Banana no-raw-eggschocolate chocolateespresso espressomousse mousse no-raw-eggs Perfectcrème crèmecarmel carmel Perfect
ricePudding Pudding“empress “empressstyle” style”with withcustard, custard, rice candied Fruits, and Kirsch candied Fruits, and Kirsch meringuesnowy snowyeggs eggson onorange orange meringue custard sauce custard sauce Verylemon lemontart tartin inaaButter Buttercookie cookiecrust crust Very rum-soakedAlmond Almondcake cakefrom fromnantes nantes rum-soaked ProfiterolesBathed Bathedin indark darkchocolate chocolatesauce sauce Profiteroles creamtopped toppedApple Appletart tart cream macaronscookies cookiesfrom fromnancy nancy macarons Walnuttart tartin inWalnut WalnutPastry Pastry Walnut slightlylemon lemonPound Poundcake cakewith withstrawberry strawberry slightly rhubarb compote and Whipped cream rhubarb compote and Whipped cream noelYule Yulelog log noel Almondmini-cakes mini-cakes Almond Briemelted meltedin inBox Boxwith withBrown Brownsugar sugar Brie for two for two
acknoWledgments acknoWledgments Index Index
10 French comFort Foods
thanks to to managing managing editor, editor, Madge Madge yy thanks
ing, but but for for convincing convincing me me to to write write aa chapter chapter about about ing,
Baird, for for encouraging encouraging me me to to do do this this Baird,
doing brunch brunch the the French French way! way! doing
project; to to my my wonderful wonderful editor, editor, Michelle Michelle project;
To dear dear Prudence Prudence May May Plusch, Plusch, aa huge huge thank thank you you To
Branson, for for her her support support and and keen keen eye; eye; to to Sheryl Sheryl Branson,
for generously generously taking taking my my crew crew into into your your beautiful beautiful for
Dickert for for her her inspired inspired design; design; and and to to the the entire entire Dickert
home for for our our photo photo shoot, shoot, for for sharing sharing treasured treasured home
team at at Gibbs Gibbs Smith Smith for for their their professionalism professionalism and and team
antiques, and and for for graciousness graciousness and and hospitality hospitality that that antiques,
eagerness to to create create aa beautiful beautiful book. book. eagerness
was extraordinary extraordinary and and very very appreciated appreciated by by us us all. all. To To was
To Deborah Deborah Ritchken, Ritchken, my my agent, agent, special special thanks thanks To
Judith May May Zouck, Zouck, aa big big hug hug and and thank thank you you for for proproJudith
forgoing goingabove aboveand andbeyond beyondthe thecall callof ofduty, duty,for forbeing being for
viding hospitality, hospitality, conviviality conviviality and and friendship friendship to to my my viding
eternallyenthusiastic, enthusiastic,and andfor foralways alwaysunderstanding understanding eternally
crew as as well. well. crew
and taking taking such such good good care care of of me. me. You You are are amazing amazing and and II am am very very grateful grateful for for everything everything that that you you do. do. and To Steven Steven Rothfeld, Rothfeld, world-class world-class photographer, photographer, To
Huge thanks thanks to to Richard Richard M. M. Plusch Plusch Antiques Antiques in in Huge North Conway, Conway, New New Hampshire Hampshire for for graciously graciously proproNorth viding antiques antiques and and linens linens for for the the photo photo shoot. shoot. viding
my heartfelt heartfelt thanks thanks for for signing signing on on for for another another cookcookmy
To my my treasured treasured friends friends who who are are always always there there To
book photo photo shoot shoot with with me. me. We We are, are, again, again, equal equal book
for me, me, offering offering encouragement encouragement and and moral moral support: support: for
partners in in this this opus. opus. partners
Joanie and and Jeremy Jeremy Frost, Frost, Blandine Blandine Beaulieu, Beaulieu, Foster Foster Joanie
Thank you you to to my my good good friend, friend, French French cookbook cookbook Thank
Thalheimer, Holly Holly Herrick, Herrick, Jennifer Jennifer Cartmell Cartmell (my (my Thalheimer,
author, Hélène Hélène Lautier, Lautier, who who lives lives in in Cannes Cannes and and author,
PR coordinator coordinator and and friend), friend), Jane Jane Cartmell, Cartmell, Helen Helen PR
who translated translated titles titles and and combed combed the the manuscript manuscript to to who
De Prima, Prima, Susan Susan Laughlin, Laughlin, Betsy Betsy Callas, Callas, Ombretta Ombretta De
make sure sure all all French French wording wording was was proper. proper. make
Lanza,Giovanni GiovanniAgusta, Agusta,Rachel Rachel Malé, Malé,Amy Amy Markus, Markus, Lanza,
To my my blog blog followers followers and and recipe recipe testers, testers, espeespeTo
Chef Luca Luca Paris, Paris, George George Sheinberg, Sheinberg, thank thank you. you. And And Chef
cially to to those those who who repeatedly repeatedly tested tested and and tasted tasted and and cially
thanks to to Spike, Spike, Piper Piper and and Fricky Fricky for for their their patience patience thanks
commented and and suggested—thank suggested—thank you!!! you!!! Thanks Thanks commented
waitingfor foraawalk walkbetween betweenrecipe recipetests testsand andtheir theirwelwelwaiting
especially to to Carl Carl De De Prima, Prima, Barbara Barbara Michelson, Michelson, especially
coming tails tails wagging wagging at at the the end end of of the the day. day. coming
Katrina Hall, Hall, Deborah Deborah Ritchken, Ritchken, and and Sandy Sandy Taylor. Taylor. Katrina
To Bill Bill Cochrane, Cochrane, my my love love always. always. To
Thank you you Beth Beth Marinello, Marinello, for for not not only only recipe recipe testtestThank
section title title 11 11 section
28 French comFort Foods
welcoming starters starters welcoming and savory savory nibbles nibbles and
heFrench Frenchexcel excelat atsetting settingthe thescene scenefor foraameal. meal. he Even ifif the the family family isis running running in in all all directions directions and and only only comes comes together together for for weekend weekend Even
mealsor orwhen whenfriends friendscome comeover, over,those thosemeals mealsthey theyshare sharearound aroundaatable tableat athome homehave haveaa meals
traditionalway wayof ofunfolding. unfolding.The Thetable tableisisset setand andcandles candleslit. lit. AAsprig sprigof ofherbs herbsor oraasmall smallflower flower traditional from the the garden garden may may be be laid laid beside beside each each napkin, napkin, aa reflection reflection of of the the time time of of year year or or simply simply to to from provide aa spontaneous spontaneous simple simple decoration. decoration. The The mood mood slows slows down, down, conversation conversation starts, starts, wine wine isis provide opened, and and children children gather gather in in the the kitchen kitchen to to help help bring bring plates plates to to the the table. table. There’s There’s always always aa opened, firstcourse, course,an anopening openingact actthat thatisismeant meantto tobe beaatreat treator orto todelight. delight. first The most most touching touching example example of of this this was was aa lunch lunch II had had with with friends friends at at their their home home in in the the The southof ofFrance. France.When Whenwe wesat satdown, down,there therewere werethree threeappetizers appetizersdisplayed displayedfamily-style family-styleon onplatplatsouth tersdown downthe thecenter centerof ofthe thetable, table,all allaasurprise surprisefor forme mebecause becausethey theywere wereprepared preparedfrom fromrecipes recipes ters inmy mycookbook, cookbook,Cuisine CuisineNiçoise. Niçoise. in Another tradition tradition isis to to relax relax for for aa while while before before even even thinking thinking of of sitting sitting at at the the table, table, for for Another l’heure de de l’apéro, l’apéro, the the French French cocktail cocktail hour. hour. Especially Especially on on Saturdays, Saturdays, it’s it’s aa time time when when friends friends l’heure rendez-vous at at aa café café for for wine wine and and conversation conversation and and nibbles nibbles like like potato potato chips, chips, olives, olives, or or peapearendez-vous nuts.When Whenl’heure l’heurede del’apéro l’apéroisistaken takenat athome homewith withfriends, friends,the thesnacks snacksand andnibbles nibblescan canbecome become nuts. bufferwhile whilewaiting waitingfor fordinner dinnerto tobe beserved servedand andbe besubstantially substantiallymore moreinteresting interestingand andfun. fun. aabuffer sectiontitle title 29 29 section
30 French comFort Foods
cheese souFFlés In a mug Petits soufflés soufflés au au Fromage Fromage serVes serVes88 Petits Inaarestaurant restaurantin inParis Parismany manyyears yearsago, ago,IIwas wasserved servedmy myfirst firstsoufflé. soufflé.ItItwas wasaamagnificently magnificentlypuffed puffedvanilla vanillaone onewith withaadusting dusting In of confectioner’s sugar. Horrified, I watched the waiter attack its center with two large silver serving spoons, deflating it almost of confectioner’s sugar. Horrified, I watched the waiter attack its center with two large silver serving spoons, deflating it almost immediately.He Hethen thenpoured pouredin inaagenerous generousamount amountof ofGrand GrandMarnier, Marnier,smiled, smiled,and andserved servedme meaaportion. portion.The Thecenter centerwas wascreamy creamy immediately. and sweet and so pungent with the orange liqueur that it brought tears to my eyes. I loved it. Ever since, I have made soufflés, both and sweet and so pungent with the orange liqueur that it brought tears to my eyes. I loved it. Ever since, I have made soufflés, both sweetand andsavory, savory,and andit’s it’saafrequent frequentdish dishat atmy mytable. table. sweet This savory cheese soufflé recipe is super easy to make make and and there’s there’s enough enough for for aa group group of of 8—or 8—or for for 44 people people to to have have seconds. seconds. This savory cheese soufflé recipe is super easy to makesaawonderful wonderfulappetizer appetizeror orlight lightlunch lunchwith withsalad. salad.Just Justturn turnover overyour yourcups cupsor ormugs mugsand andcheck checkthat thatthey theyare areovenproof. ovenproof. ItItmakes
Special equipment equipment 88 (8-ounce) (8-ounce) oVenProoF oVenProoF muGs, muGs, cuPs, cuPs, or or rAmeKins; rAmeKins; PAstrY PAstrY Brush; Brush; roAstinG roAstinG PAn PAn or or Special lArGe BAKinG BAKinG PAn; PAn; medium medium sAucePAn; sAucePAn; stAnd stAnd mixer mixer lArGe
tablespoons (½ (½ stick) stick) unsalted unsalted 44 tablespoons butter, plus plus 11 tablespoon tablespoon butter, melted butter butter melted ¼ cup cup seasoned seasoned breadcrumbs breadcrumbs ¼ large eggs, eggs, room room temperature temperature 88 large
tablespoons all-purpose all-purpose flour flour 44 tablespoons ½ cups cups milk milk 11 ½
ounces French French Comté Comté cheese, cheese, 66 ounces grated (about (about 11 ½ ½ cups) cups) grated ½ teaspoon teaspoon cream cream of of tartar tartar ½
teaspoon salt salt 11 teaspoon dash cayenne cayenne pepper pepper dash teaspoon Dijon Dijon mustard mustard 11 teaspoon
prep prep
cook cook
With the the pastry pastry brush, brush, spread spread melted melted butbutWith ter inside inside of of the the mugs, mugs, starting starting at at the the bottom bottom and and ter brushing in in upward upward strokes strokes towards towards the the lip. lip. Coat Coat brushing the insides insides of of the the cups cups with with breadcrumbs breadcrumbs all all the the way way the up to to the the lip, lip, tap tap out out excess, excess, and and place place mugs mugs in in the the up refrigerator until until ready ready to to use. use. refrigerator Preheat oven oven to to 400 400 degrees degrees FF and and place place roasting roasting Preheat pan filled filled with with an an inch inch of of boiling boiling water water on on the the middle middle pan rack of of the the oven. oven. rack Separate the the eggs eggs into into whites whites and and yolks, yolks, discarddiscardSeparate ing 11 of of the the egg egg yolks yolks so so that that you you have have 77 egg egg yolks yolks ing and 88 egg egg whites. whites. Make Make sure sure there there isis no no yolk yolk in in the the and egg whites. whites. egg
Melt 44 tablespoons tablespoons butter butter in in saucepan saucepan to to make make Melt béchamel sauce. sauce. Whisk Whisk in in the the flour flour and and continue continue aa béchamel whisking on on low low heat heat for for 11 minute. minute. Slowly Slowly pour pour in in whisking half the the milk milk while while you you whisk whisk then then add add the the rest rest of of the the half milk and and whisk whisk until until the the sauce sauce thickens thickens and and starts starts milk bubbling. Add Add the the salt, salt, cayenne, cayenne, mustard, mustard, and and cheese cheese bubbling. and stir stir to to mix. mix. Remove Remove the the sauce sauce from from the the heat heat and and and cool to to room room temperature. temperature. cool In aa large large bowl, bowl, whisk whisk 77 egg egg yolks yolks until until pale pale yelyelIn low. Whisk Whisk them them into into the the béchamel béchamel sauce. sauce. low. In aa very very clean clean dry dry bowl bowl of of the the stand stand mixer, mixer, whip whip In the egg egg whites whites and and cream cream of of tartar tartar until until they they hold hold the their shape. shape. Don’t Don’t over over beat; beat; you you want want more more billowy billowy their
section title title 31 31 section
knIttIng needle spIrals WIth pIstou spirals au au Pistou Pistou mAKes mAKes24 24(6-inch) (6-inch)sPirAls sPirAls spirals Whether you you neatly neatly stack stack them them like like logs logs or or heap heap them them in in aa pile pile like like pick-up-sticks, pick-up-sticks, these these crunchy crunchy little little puff-pastry puff-pastry spirals spirals are are Whether the perfect accompaniment for wine at l’heure de l’apéro—that point in the day when work is done, the light turns golden, and the perfect accompaniment for wine at l’heure de l’apéro—that point in the day when work is done, the light turns golden, and eveningisisjust justbeginning. beginning. evening The first time madethem, them,from fromaapicture picturein inaaFrench Frenchmagazine, magazine,IIcouldn’t couldn’tget getthe theshape shaperight. right.So SoII played playedwith withmy myknitting knitting The first time IImade needles and and came came up up with with aa way way to to produce produce the the lovely lovely spirals. spirals. I’ve I’ve filled filled mine mine with with pistou, pistou, the the Niçoise Niçoise version version of of Italian Italian pesto. pesto. As As needles the spirals bake, the scent of basil, garlic, and cheese fills the kitchen and lingers until the guests arrive. the spirals bake, the scent of basil, garlic, and cheese fills the kitchen and lingers until the guests arrive.
Special equipment equipment rollinG rollinG Pin; Pin; PizzA PizzA cutter; cutter; 11 KnittinG KnittinG needle, needle, #11–#15, #11–#15, or or AA choPsticK; choPsticK; 22 BAKinG BAKinG Special sheets lined lined With With PArchment PArchment PAPer PAPer or or silPAt silPAt sheets ounces Parmesan Parmesan cheese, cheese, 55 ounces plus ½ cup grated plus ½ cup grated
¼ teaspoon teaspoon salt salt ¼
large cloves cloves garlic garlic 44 large
tablespoons extra extra virgin virgin olive olive 33 tablespoons oil, plus more to grease oil, plus more to grease knitting needle needle knitting
cup tightly tightly packed packed fresh fresh 11 cup basil leaves basil leaves
dashes cayenne cayenne pepper pepper 22 dashes
sheet frozen frozen puff puff pastry, pastry, 11 sheet thawed thawed coarsely ground ground black black pepper, pepper, coarsely to taste to taste
prep prep Slice the the 55 ounces ounces of of Parmesan. Parmesan. Slice Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
cook cook Pistou Pistou Toss the the garlic, garlic, sliced sliced Parmesan, Parmesan, basil, basil, salt, salt, and and Toss cayenne in in aa food food processor processor and and process process for for 10 10 secseccayenne onds. With the machine running, slowly pour in onds. With the machine running, slowly pour in 33 tablespoons olive olive oil oil until until the the mixture mixture becomes becomes aa tablespoons spreadable paste. spreadable paste. Spirals Spirals Lightly flour flour aa clean clean work work surface surface and and unfurl unfurl aa Lightly pastry sheet sheet on on it. it. With With the the rolling rolling pin, pin, roll roll out out the the pastry pastry until until itit isis 12 12 inches inches long. long. Thickly Thickly spread spread the the pastry pistou over over the the bottom bottom half half of of the the rectangle, rectangle, leaving leaving pistou ¼-inch border border on on the the left, left, bottom, bottom, and and right right sides. sides. aa ¼-inch Fold over over the the top top half half to to cover cover the the bottom bottom half. half. Using Using Fold your thumbs, thumbs, press press down down all all the the way way around around the the your edges to to seal. seal. edges
34 French French comFort comFort Foods Foods 34
Sprinkle the the surface surface with with grated grated Parmesan Parmesan Sprinkle cheese and and ground ground black black pepper. pepper. Gently Gently press press down down cheese with your fingers then, with the rolling pin, roll up with your fingers then, with the rolling pin, roll up and down down until until the the rectangle rectangle isis 12 12 inches inches long. long. Using Using and the pizza cutter, cut crosswise into ½-inch strips then the pizza cutter, cut crosswise into ½-inch strips then cut again again vertically vertically to to make make 6-inch 6-inch long long strips. strips. cut Grease the knitting needle with olive oil and and Grease the knitting needle with olive oil loosely wind wind one one of of the the strips strips around around and and around around the the loosely needle. Slide it off onto a baking sheet. Press the top needle. Slide it off onto a baking sheet. Press the top of the the spiral spiral into into the the baking baking sheet sheet to to secure secure it, it, gently gently of stretch out the spiral and press at the other end. Constretch out the spiral and press at the other end. Continue until until all all the the spirals spirals are are made. made. tinue Bake for 9–11 minutes, until golden. golden. Cool Cool to to Bake for 9–11 minutes, until room temperature temperature before before serving. serving. room
ideaS and and SubStitutionS SubStitutionS ideaS you have have any any pistou pistou leftover, leftover, freeze freeze itit and and use use as as IfIf you topping for for pasta. pasta. aa topping