Pepys' Diary nor as expansive as Boswell's Life of Johnson, this, The Arbutus of 1941, attempts, nevertheless, to combine the intimacy of the former with the personality of the latter into an epitomized review of a year at Indiana University ... the University has grown until a year of its life can hardly be encompassed by the covers of a book, but through a panorama of persons, p1aces, and events this volume has hoped to capture the soul and spirit of the institution as well as to add a chapter to its history. . . .
.... ... · · · · Pilge
... . .. ·· · · ·
... . . . ...
... .....
Mass induction services officially open doors of l .U. classrooms.
An atmosphere of autumn and marching R .O .T .C. 1nen signify October.
Early Nove mber leaves carpet campus an d add to gala g-ridiron event.
Yuletide spirit predominates m spite of snowless December skies .
January comes to the campus amid light snow and basketball thrills.
·-c ..., ..,, ,_
- --
~~~ -~~-=
., ~
Arnheim's melodies pervade the icy bitterness of February weather.
Lunt and Fontaine's acting in dedication cerenionies inspires students.
Baseball practice and star gazing announce the arrival of spring.
l.U . students enjoy the outdoors both in couples and in grou11s .
Commencement exercises climax many pleasant college associations .
th e few short years of his admini strati on, H erman B Wells has inj ected all the yo uth a nd vitality which he perso nifi es into Indian a U niversity. He h as scoured th e co untr y to brin g to th e facult y men of emin ence in th eir fi eld s, and , at the same time, never ceased in hi s promotion of all phases of the University. No di stant leader set apart from th e stud ents, Presid ent Wells truly has his finger on th e pulse of Indiana U niversity, r ecogni zin g its needs and endeavorin g to fulfill th em. He keeps in close contact with stud ents b y means of Tuesda y afternoon "open houses" wh en stud ents are free to come to hi s offi ce and talk over matter s of mutual interest. Leavin g the fi eld of banking, after havin g become a r ecog nized a uthority, he r eturned to th e campus to become Dea n of the Sch ool of Busin ess, of whi ch he was a graduate. Upon th e retirement of Dr. Br ya n as President of the Uni versity in 1937, Herm an B \\Tells was n amed actin g Presid ent and on December 1, 1938, was inaugurated as Presid ent of the University.
1Jn :!lrntnrtam
]Jal 3Ji. Nolatt 1892 - 1940 "WISE in eve ry circum stance, h onest in every fiber , with r e erential fear of Cod in hi s hea rt bu t fea ring no man on ea rth- th er e was a pri celess ma n, Val 1 ola n:· With these words Pres ide nt Em eritu s \Villi arn Lowe Bryan paid trib ute to th e U nited States Di stri ct Atto rn ey wh o h ad been a member of th e ni ve r ity Board o f Tru stees i ncc
1935. As Di stri d Atto rn ey, as a Tru stee of th e University, anLl a a loyal alu m nu s, Val Nola n fulfill ed hi obligati ons in th e best ma nner he kn ew. In spired b y th e vision of a " Grea ter ] ndia na ni versity." he h as p layed a n impo rtant role in th e development of th e Uni versity.
CooKso Treasurer
A. K
with the respon ibiliti es of g uidin g the destini es of Indian a CHARGED niversity are the Board of Tru stees who have worked overtime thi;; past year with details of th e U niversity's ever -expanding develop ment. Alth ough not required b y law to be alumni of th e U niversity, all eight members of th e present Board form erl y atlend ed I. U. Five members of the Board , pictured in the top r ow above, are appointed by the Governor upon the r ecommendati on of the Stale Boa rd of Education and the remaining thre Judge Wi ldermuth , Mr . Teter , and Mr. Ha tin gs- are elected by the alumni of the U niversit . Mr. Biddle a nd Mr. Cookson. both University administrative officials, work with the Boa rd in an ex offi cio capacity as Secretary and Treas urer, respectively. Members of Lh e Board in th e order of th e seni ority a re th e Pres ident, Jud ge Ora L. Wildermuth, who was r e-elecled to his sixth co nsecuti ve term last June, Mrs. anford Teter , Paul Feltu s, William A. Kunkel, John S . Ha tin g:<, J . Dwight P eterso n, Uz McMurtrie, and Frank E. Allen.
RESIDENT Emeritu s o( In d ia na U ni ver sity, Willi am L owe Br ya n. still devotes hi s tim e and e nergy toward buildin g a g rea te r U niver sity. Freed fr om adm ini strative inc urnbran ces when h e re lin qu ished hi s pos iti on as head o [ th e U ni ve rs ity in 1937. Dr. :~ ryan is enjo y in g the opp o rtunit y l o devo te hirnsl'li to his writin gs. T hi s yea r th e Yale Un ive rsit y Press publi shed hi s volum e entitl ed Wars of Families of Minds, co ntainin g hi s P o we ll F o undation philosoph y lectures in 1939. Psychologist, philo,·0ph cr, scholar- Dr. Brya n prov id es an in s piration lo gr eater intellectual ac hi evement a nd to hi gh er id eals . Mu ch in dt>· 111 a ncl as a sp ea ke r at ca mpu s fun cti ons, h e ha ~ th e e nviable ab ility to put the s ubstan ce o( power· ful th o ughts into a few well -ch osen word s.
OUCH Lh e years, Tndiana U niv e r ity has fl o uri s hed beca use of th e e fforts and wo rk o f s u ·h o Efi ial s as ~ a rd G. Biddle. F o r e ig htee n )ears Mr. Biddle ha re nd red faithful and un tirin g se r vice lo Lh e U ni e rs il y. Firs l a 1anage r of th e l ndi ;i 11 1 nive rs it) Book lo re th e n as Directo r o f th e li •L:iana M e m orial ni o n, and now as Co mptrolle r o{ Lhe nrve rs il) and as th e ec re lar y of Lhe Board of Tru sle , Ir. Biddle has co ntribut cl a g reat dea l to th e pr g ress and we ll -be in <Y o f l.1di ana nive r it y. H e has pro m o ted il e xte ns ive constru c ti o n pro <Y ram , a nd o n 1arc h 23. hi s fifti eth birthda y, he wilus 1c u ne sed in th e decl i ·at io n of Lhe Hall of dil o rium Lh e fulfillm e nt of n ne of hi s g reat dream3.
ZoRA G. CLEVE ' GER Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
w. s.
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
Assistant Comptroller
Miss lvY CHAMNF:ss
Alumni Secretary
Editor of University Publications
Director of Service Enterprises and Manager of the University Bookstore
Dean of Graduate School
Associate Director of Extension Division
Director of the Extension Division
J. E.
Director of the Indiana U11io1,
FRA K R. ELLIOTT Director of Admissions
D E. HARRELL Assistant Registrar
L. L.
Cashier and Ticket Manager
E. Ross BARTLEY Director. of University News Bureau
Miss ALICE ELSON irector of Halls of Residence
Business Manager of the Indiana Daily Student and Chief Clerk of the Printing Plant
I s T R
Purchasing Agent
Chief Accountant, Comptroller's Office
Registrar and Treasurer of th e Board of Trustees
Director of Safety
ECAUSE of th e ever -in cr easin g co 111plexity of th e U niver sit y problem s to b e hand led by th e Pres id e nt's offi ce, Presid e nt Wells, in Ma y 194,0, a nn o un ced th e appointm e nt of: He r111an T . Bri coe lo th e ne wly-c r ea ted p ositi o n of Dea n of th e Fac ulti es . In hi s new d ut y Dr. B r.iscoe is r es ponsible to Pres id e nt Wells for th e ge ne ral academ ic ad 111 in islra ti on of Lh e U ni versit y. An In d ia na g raduate with th e degr ees A.B .. A.M .. and Ph. D .. Dr. Bri scoe also is c hairman o f: th e De partm e nt of Che mi str y. H e is Directo r o f th e ne w S tud e nt Gu idan ce program whi ch JS pla1111 ccl lo hel p ne wcom e rs adjus t th e mse lves lo U niversit y li fe.
BOOKS WRITTEN BY FACULTY HE outstanding contribution to Indi ana Un iversit y's fa culty publications this year was Professor Emeritus James A. Woodburn 's Volume I of History of lndianri University, 1820-1902. Th e volume, which revi ews th e formative period in the histor y of l.U., was presented by th e a uth or to th e niversity through President Herman B Wells at a testim onial dinner for Dr. Woodburn on November 30, 1940. Amon g other books recentl y written b y faculty members were Europe's Return to War , 1938-1940, b y Dr. F. Lee Benns; Qnantitative Analysis , Second Edition , b y Dr. Eu gene W. Kannin g ; fl ospital A ccounting and Statist,ics, Prof. Stanley A. Pressler, co-author; Twentieth Century Bookkeepin g and A ccountin g, Prof. Ralph Prickett, co-author; Concept of Public Biisin ess, by Prof. Ford P. Hall ; Studies in Econometrics, Francis E. Mcintyre, co-author; Cases on Criminal Law and Procedure, b y Prof. James J. Robinson; Introduction to Politics, Prof. Roy V. P eel, co-author ; Cases on Procedure, Volumes I and II , and Revision of Browne's Blackston e, all by Dean Bernard C. Gavit ; Cases on the Law of Torts and R eadings on Torts, b y Prof. Fowler V. Harper; In diana State and Local Government, Second Ed ition, b y Prof. P. S. Si kes; Ind iana Administrative Code and Cas es and Materials on Legislation , by Prof. Frank E. Horack, Jr. ; Radio Journalism, by Mr. Paul H . Wa gner ; Cockpit of the R evolution , b y Charles L. Lundin ; and Wars of Families of Minds, b y President Emeritus William Lowe Bryan . In addition to these, hundreds of oth er pamphl ets, articles and special studies too num erous to mention were written by members of the faculty.
TO , PH.D.
Assoc. Prof. of Government
Ptt.D. Asst. Prof. of Physiology BROWN
Professor of Law
Professor of Physics
HAROLD F. LUSK, J.D. Professor of Business Law
Professor of Anatomy
Professor of Psychology
Professor of Marketing ar. M erchandisi11 g
L. PRICKETT, A.M. Professor of Accounting
Professor of Zoology
Professor of Anatomy
Professor of Education
Professor of Fine Arts
Professor of Psychology
Assistant Professor of Music
Professor of Cello
Professor of Geology and Paleontology
Professor of Marketing
Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Economics
E. CLELA D, PH.D. Professor of Botany
Associate Professor of Government
E. Ross. M.M. Assistant Professor of Voice WrLLIAM
E E. M.\ \. P1r.D. Profe sor of Chemistry
Professor of Finance
Professor of Geography
GEORGE w. TARH, M.S. Professor of Business Resear•
T. LA ' DIS. B. Professor of Military Science and Tactics
M. HARMON. PH.0. Professor of Physiolog_y
Professor of Mathematics
0. LYNCll. A.M. Professor of Histor.Y
Josr.:r11 A. WnrGHT, A.B. Professor of Journalism
\\, ILLll\\I
T. HALE. PH.D. Professor of English
'OWLER v. HARPER, S.J.D. Professor of Law
EDGAR R. CUMINGS, Ph.D. Professor of Geology
EDWIN H. SUTIIERLA D, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology
-- 0
,BERT L. KOHLMEIER, Ph.D. Professor of History
STITH THOMPSON, Ph.D. Professor of English
ROY v. PEEL, Ph.D. Professor of Government
FORD P. HALL, LL.M. Professor of Government
FRANK E. HORA CK, Jr., S.J.D. Professor of Law
WILLIAM J. MoENKHAus, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology
SENI0ll 0}FI CEll S 1
Vice- Pres ident
Chainnan , Siwas h Comlllittee
Cliair11La11 , !ti Pmo rial Com millee
] AC K
Cliainna11 , 'f' ree- Pla11t i11 g Co11111Lill ee
Lo u
J3H UC1c lJE C Kl·: H
Chaim1.a11 , f.>eace-Pi11e Co11L111ittce
EM BERS of th e Se nior Class who h ave taken part in extra-c urri c ul ar ac tiviti es fo r fo ur yea rs and h ave g ive n th eir all fo r ho nora ry a nd "rod" orga niza ti o ns ha ve a fo rm o ( co nc rete r ewa rd in th e selecti o n of Seni or class officers. S in ce 1935 it h as been th e c u to m to choose th e Se ni or offi cers h) th e m erit S) stem. Points a re g ive n for sr·holasli c stand in g an d ac ti viti es and th ose pi ling up th e greatest number are selec ted for th e offices . T hi s yea r , Ri cha rd S to ner, ca mpu s leader. head ed th e fi eld of point-getters to carr y off th e title of Seni or P res id ent. Mar y S usan S tull , as hi gh-point coed, was named Vice-Preside nt. The office of Secrelal') was f ill ed bv Margaret Lou Mav , who ranked seco nd among women stud ents. Val Iolan . seco nd a mon g th e rn e n. was selected chairma n o f th e Si wash Comm ittee. Da n Chid di ste r, c ighthrankin g man stud ent, was mad e Treas ure r.
Sec retary
Chairman , /11 vitat iu11s Com111i11
l\llHs. l{ u T11 I MES Chairman , Breal•fasl Cu111mill <
Siwash Com1nittee VAL
I oLAN ,
JR ..
lnv it(ltions Committee Chair-
ma 11
Memorial Com mittee
\ViLL!A l\'[ MENKE
JoH N ] AY
Vmc I IA AusnN
Tree-Planting Committee J ACK FAIRCHILD ,
]. H
lVIRs. R uT 11 I MES,
CH F u
P eace-Pipe Committee Chair-
Breakfast Committee
CAT ll ER I ' E C 11 ERRY
R u nr H EITZ
After th e class officer and ommittee ch ai rm an selections were finally mad e, it seems that th e prom in en t members of the Senio r class were a<Yain on s pea king terms.
Dean S. E. Stout, head of the School of Arts a nd Sciences- symbol of liberal edu cation- acme of cultural development a landmark in hi gher learnin g at Indiana Un iversity.
Prof. Allan C. G. Mitchell in spects the new cyclotron , pride and jo y of th e Department of Ph ysics. Embryo over their the lab.
chemi sts pour exp eriments in
W illi a m C. Abd on
Ca rm a J a n e A lbrcchl
uro ra
A.B. Chemistry
I lo111e11 oo d, 111. A. II . En glish Chi Om c• ga : Th e Folia St a rr: En p:l i, h Cl11h.
Vic lor E. A lclri rlg e , Jr.
T!'rrt' I la 111 c A .B . Cove r11111 e111
Si gma
.\ l pha
~ il u n ;
Ep -
·\ l p h a : \ an; it y Fn·>'h ma n lla> k!'tha ll .
B a~r b a l l ;
Ka rh r y n J a n e Al c x ancl c r
Ma r ga r e t A le Vern on A .B. En glish Chi 0 rn e g a; Pi La mbda Th eta ; Coed Co un se li ng ; Le Ce r c l e Fra nca is; En g li s h C l11b :
B e ll y Lo u A nd e r · o n Ooliti c IJ.S. Ii ome Eco110 111 ics
Virg inia B. A u sl in Zionsv ill e A .8 . J ournalism Pres., Delt a Delt a D e I I a ; J\ f o r I a r Board ; V. Pres .. T heta Sigma Phi : Pleiades; A s o c. Editor, I nd i a 11 a Daily Stu dent : Bu;;. Assoc., A rbut us: Coe d Ca pt a in . P ershing Ri f l es; Coll eg iate " IP ho's T/7 h o"; Memorial Co m. B o nni e Ba k e r Bl 11 ff ton A .B. p eech Kap pa A I p h a Th eta; Ta ps; Lt' Ce r c I e Fra nca is; "Sta ge Doo r"; Co· t'd S ponso r, R.0 .-
Bl oo min gton A.8 . Fr enc h
K a pp a A l p h a T heta; Pres., i\1or· ta r Bua rd ; J\. W.S. Co11 ncil : Pl eiadr' : Alpha l. a m hd a J) " I t a : T.e Cl' rel e Fra ncai ": Der Dt•111 :;che Vert> i n : TrccPl a nt i ng Co 111111i1 tt'«.
ll o •e m a r y A rburn J\ lh a ny 11.S. Home Ero110111ir-s T r ea s., LS.A.: T rea;;., Horn e Econ o mi c>< C 111 h : 'l'reas.. Ed uca t inn C I 11 h : F.T . •\. : P r c• '·· S yc amorr· I Iall ; \ . Prt'> .. Ea>t \J prn oria l I lall. J a n e R. Ax 1e ll
W illi a m M . A l<'x a n rlt•r
\J a r! in ;;v i Ile A .B. Chemis try
D o n a ld As bury Oak Pa rk . J II. A .B. Covemmen t
L y le B a il ey S t. P a 11l A .N. Chemistry
Indi ana polis A .B. H istory Ka ppa Al pha Th r ta.
llob c rl F . Barl •·r .\ It. Y<' rn on A .B. Chem istry Delt a Ta 11 Delt a : Bl11 e Key : Fla me C lu b ; \I a r s i t y C r o ' ' - Co 11 nt ry: Va r>' il y T rne k.
R o be r l D . Ba , h Indi ana pol is A .B . C ovemm e11t
Sigma Chi ; So ph omore T ra ck ?l la nagc r ; P en•li i n g Hi. fi e": Jun ior .\ l a th Club.
T.C.; Y.W.C. A. Martha I . . Ba ssc ll Thornt own A.B. Latin T.S.A . ; A l p h a Lambd a Delta ; Eta S igma Phi ; Phi Beta K a p 1>a; P i L a rn b cl a Tlw ta ; Y.W. C. A. ; W esl ey Foundati on ; K a ppa P hi ; Cla sical Cl11h .
Hu1h L. R e ruin g F1. W ay ne A .13. !.11 emistry Inta Si g nu Pi : Der
De11t sclw Y.W .C:. /\ . :
llu g h lJ. B e rry Indi a na polis
A .13. G eology
\ 'erC'i n: W.J\ ./\ .
Alph a Chi s C i1111ie Lee Ku h11 a nd Belty licholl s ch al with Lh ei r house Pres ident. Bette An ne Tillman as U nion Eleva Lo r Bo). Collins wa its pati enll y.
Joe M. Black
Wi ni fred Bla ck
Sey mo ur
H obart
Ruth F. Blackmore
A .B. Ch emistry
A .B. H istory
Bl oo mfi eld
S ig ma Alph a Ep · sil o n ; Blu e K ey: S phinx C lub ; . e nio r B ase b " ll M a nage r ; Fres hman Foo1b a ll ; Freshm a n Baske1ba l I ; Int e rna l io na l RPla1i u ns C lub ; Bored Walk S 1a rr.
A lpha Om icro n Pi : Pl eia d es; Y .W .C.A. Co unc il ; W .A.A . ; Edu ca ti o n C J u b: 1-1 i s I o r y Cl 11 b : Fre n ch C lub ; Coed Co un elin g; T r n ni~ C lub .
B.S. Hom e Economics
Cerlrude E. Bloome r
And e rso n
Mi sh a waka
D e r
J a ne Bollorff In dianapoli s Phi 0 m ega Pi ; Y.W. C. A. ; W. A. A. ; Le Ce rcle F ra nca is; Fife, Drum , a nd Bu gle Co rps; Sec., Pa nh ell e ni c Co un ci I ; U n i v e r s i l y R a di o Th eatre; Coed Co un selin g.
John Boswe ll
A .B. En glish Kappa S ig ma .
A. 8 . French
k a cl o.,;
Club ;
Y.W .C.A. ; E co no111i c;: F.T.A .
A .8. Psychology
l. S.A.; A I p h a L a mbd a Delt a; Th e Folio S la ff ; C horal Uni o n ; " Th e Mi De ul sch e Vere in: Le Ce rcle Fran -
l. S.A.;
1-1 o rn e
T h omas W. Boyd A lba ny
Rob e rt Boyer
A .R. Chemistry
So ulh B e nd
ca is.
A .8. Chemistry LS .A .; S tud e nt R e li g io u Ca bin e t : Pro testa nt S111d r n1 C oun c il.
R e b ecca J. Bowma n So uil1 Be nd
A.8. History T.S .A.; H i s t o r y C lub ; Pi Th e ta .
La mbd a
Robe rt Brown \' el pe n
A. 8. Chemistry T. S. A.
Bl oo min g lo n
Crow n P o int
A .8 . Chemistry Phi 0 m e g a Pi ; A I ph a L a rn b d a
A .8. Governm ent
Delt a; B oa rd ta ndard s.
Ma rtha J ea n Hunger
ew A l ba n y
Earl E. Buckley
Leo la Brun e r
Eve ly n C. Bur<"h S om e r vill e
A .B. Latin
Alpha C hi Om ega; E co no mi cs C lub ; Y . W. C.A.
A lph a L a m b d a D e ll a; Ela S ig ma Phi ; W .A.A. ; JI isto r y C lub ; Pres id e nl , C l a s s i ca l C lub ; Sec., Inte rna l io nal R el a t i o n ~ Cl11h.
John D. Burney
Frank \ V. Bussa rrl
]lo pe
So uth B e nd
B.S . Chemistry
A.13. Zoolo gy
A .B. Home Economics
l-r o m e
T. . A .; C hem ica l
Ame ri ca n oc ie ty.
l.S .A. ; Varsit y Rifl e T ea m ; G un C lub: S l age l\fana ger, Uni ve rs it y Th ea tre .
Ja ck V. Burch Indi a na poli s
A .8. Psychology
John O. Bu tl er Indi a na poli
A .13. Chemistry
L a mbd a C hi Alph a; Phi B e ta Pi.
Robe rt L. Carpen I e r
Marjorie Carr
New Pa ri ~
A .8. Sociology
Oa k woo d , Illino is
A .8. Governm en t
D elt a C hi ; Soc iol ogy C lub ; A ssocia te C it y Edi1 o r,
A. B. Chemistry
J o hn J. Cali
Piu s burg h , Pa.
Daily S tu de nt .
Ada lin e Ch am b e r s 1
ew Ca stl e
A .B. French
Ca rl L. Chri s lophersen H a mm ond
A .8 . Governm ent D e r
I. S. A.;
V e rein; Kappa; Y..1\1.C.A .; Pr es id e nt , G a mm a D elt a.
De ut sch e Phi Bela
J ean D. Closser H a nna
A.B. S peech C hi 0 111 e g a; Le Ce r c l e Fran ca is; Y.W .C. A.
Ruth Biac krnore a nd A l ice Cloud p ause t o find a r efr eshin g hit o f hum o r in a c urre nt iss ue of th e Bored W' al k.
Roy B.
Cochra n
A nn e Lo ui c Co le
F loyd Co mbs
Hi c hl on, Mi ss.
Bloo rnin g ton
Vince nn es
A .R. Ph ysiology
A.B. Fren ch
A.B. Journalism
B ela Th e 1a Pi.
Mar ian L<'c Co mbs Terre l la ulc
A.B. English C hi Orn ega; A lph a Larn bd a D ella ; Pi Larnbd a Th eta;
W.J\.A. ; Y.W. C.A. ;
Le Cercl e Fran ca is; C lass ical C l 11 b ; Engli sh C lub ; Coed Co un se lin g; Break[as l Co rnrn ill ee . farie D av is S ulli van
A .B. Spanish
Kapp a Alpha Th e ta ; L e Cercl e Fran cai s; Fr e h man Bored Walk Queen; Arb u I tl s B eau l y Queen; Alpha Lamhda
Bl oo rnin g lo n
V irg ini a l .. ee Cowan
Pa oli
A.B. Lalin
Chi :
B e ll y M. C ull North Vernon
Ft. Way ne
A. B. Fren rh
A. B. Philosophy
Kappa K a p p a Gamma; I,<' Cercle F'ran ca io: Ori e ntaL i on Com 111ill f'e;
Alpha Chi Omega: Orc hes tra ; Edi to ri al Asst. , Arbutus; Coed Band ; Coed Co un selin g; Le Ce rr le F' r a n r a i s;
Y.W.C./\. V irg ini a D av is
Tndi a napolis
E lizabeth
D aw~o n
Gar y
A.B. Journalism
A.B. History
Pi Be la Phi ; Th e la Sigma Phi ; light Ed ., Daily S tuden t ; Le Ce rcle Franca is: fnl e rn alio nal Relali o ns C lu b: "Cab aret Shn" "; Y.W.-
De lta Zf'la : T-1 istory Club ; W. f\. Board: Pre•., Pan hellenic Cou n c il ; Fife, Dr 11 m, and Bu gl f' Co rp s; Coed C o u n s e Ii n g: Y. W. C.A.; BreakCast Comm ill rP .
Harry D e nni s P ek in
A.B. Journalism Taps; S igma Eps ilo n Th e ta; W esley Foundati o n Ca b. ine l ; Daily t11de111: T eleg raph E d ., S umm er S1ude11 t ; Le e rcl e Fran ca is; lbd i1J Thralrr.
TT,·lrn F. Dillon
Deli a
n aily Studen t S 1aff.
Drll a.
C.i\. Mary Lou ise D <'a l
Hoger L D o n oghu e Mi chi gan City
A.R. Social S111dies ll islory C lub ; In1e rn a1 ional R e l al ions Cl ub : Cosmopolilan C lu h; ew111an C lu b.
C lare n cr C. Dickerma n Gary
A .R. Soriolngy
W illiam D yk t> .Ft. Wa yne A .8. English B e ta The ta Pi: Phi Eta S igma; FrPshrnan B a s e h a 11 : Orientation C IJ Ill · 111 it I e e; Tr ea • ., Engli sh C luh.
George T. E n ge lm a n H a m mond
A .8. English
E rn e l E bbinghous<' Waba sh
B.S. Chemistry
Is idore E rl t>lman B rooklyn, .Y. A .8. Chemistry ll ill el
Fnund a li on.
Theta Chi; '"S tage D o o r· ·; "Ca baret Show"; Va rs il y Deha te; Camera C: l11b ; Taps; Bryan O ralnri ca l Con I est l\\\arcl: Tau Kappa 1\ Iph a S p r e c h J\ ward.
Ono T. E ngl eh a rt , Jr. Bra zil
A .B. Chemistry Della T a u Delta.
David S. Eva n s Binghamton, .Y.
A .B. Economics I. .A.; A 1 p h a
I va n E sco tt , Jr. P assa ic, N .J.
A. B. Government Delt a U psil on ; Varsity Base ball ; S pa ni ~h Clu b.
Uoyd F. Eva n s Bloom in gton
A. B. English Phi Beta K appa.
K a ppa P si ; Sigma E psil on T h e t a ; Freshma n Debate; Intramural Deba te; Y.M.C.A. ; F res hman Cabinet ; We ley F oundati on ; Tow n Hall. Bettye S. Ferrell F ortville
Charlott e Fie ld s Bloo mingto n
A .B.
B.S. Home Eco nomics P i Beta Ph i.
J ean E sd e n Fayetteville, .C.
A.8. Psychology Pi B e t a Phi ; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; ll o m e Eco nomics Club; Coed Counseling; W.A.A.; Le Cercle Francais ; Coed Rifl e Team. Ri chard Feie rtag Ft. Wa yne
A.8. Chemi try Sigma Chi; Capla in, R ifl e T eam.
Dale F . Fink Seymour
8.S. Chemistry Phi Eta i gm a; Pres., Al pha Chi igma;
dent A ff i Ii a t e, American Chemi cal Society.
lex Louis F inkle Paterso n, .] .
A.B. Chemistry
B e rnard E . F lah e rt y Indi a na poli s
Intramural Debate; Der D eu t sc h e Verein .
A .B. Chemistry I. .A . ; e wma n lph a Phi Club ; Om ega; Y.M.C.A.
Forre t Garderwi n e Terre Jfaute
E mil y Gardner Ft. Wayne
A. B. Journalism E ditor, Daily S t ude nt ; Sec., Sigma Delta Chi ; Editor , igma Delt a Chi
A .B. Government K a pp a K app a Ga mma ; D e r Deutsche Verei n ; \V.A.A.; Y.\V. C.A.
Hell box.
Hil<la F lora P eru
A .B. Hom e Economics
Margare t Ga r y R i ing Sun
8.5. Home Economics Alpha D e lta Pi: W.A.A.; Y.\V.C.A.; F.T.A.; Home Economi c Club; Fi fe, Drum, and Bugle Co rps; Coed Counsel ing.
Audrey F . Gibson Bloomington
A .B.
Pi B e t a Ph i; W.A.A.; R i f I e T e am ; Tap s; Y. \V.C.A.
Frances A. Given Gary
A .B. H istory Margaret J. Gommel Indian apolis
B.S. Home Economics l. .A. B o a r d; Y. W.C.A.; C o e d ponsor, R.O.T .C.; Women's G 1 e e Club ; R ad io Broadcasting; C h o r a l U ni on ; H ome Econo m ics lub ; " Jord an Ri ver Revue".
Tom R. G illiam \Va r aw
A .B. Journalism Delt a hi ; S kull a n d C r esce nt ; F reshm a n Ri fIe T e a rn ; Assoc iate Tight E dit or, Daily S tudent ; P ershin g p a ni s h Rifl es; C lub ; late Fair Indent. Marv in E. Glidewell Indi a napolis
A.B. Chemistry LS.A . ; T r e a s., Al pha hi Sigma; S tu d e nt Affili ate, Am eri ca n Chemi cal • ociety.
J o se Gonza le s Arecibo, Pu ert o Ri co
A .B. Chemistry
Russell A. Gilmore, Jr. 1ichi ga n City
A.8. Chemistry Del ta Tau Delta.
Frieda Gold Tndia napoli s
A .8. Psychology J. . A.; D e r Deur che Ver ein; !li ki ng Cl ub; Sec., J. . tud e nt s ociol ogy Leag ue; Club; W.A .A.
Richard IT. Green Salem
A .8. Chemistry \I. P res., Alpha Ch i Sigma .
L. Gro,·c s Fort\' illP A.H. fiotr1111· \l pha Lambda IJ r· lla : On 0 1· 11 1-1·l1t• \ f'rt ·i n.
Ru <lolph Gr unfc lrl Bro nx. N.Y. A .//. l·:r·o no mirs l' hi Be ta Delta : T Pnni ;:: Eco nom ics Cl 11h ; Cl " ""' T ea m : C:os111 op11 lit a n C: l11h : Helig io1" St 11d e nt Cab ine t.
Lu c· ill a Jan<· Jl all Hpn:.;;;elae r A .II. peech Theta \l pha Phi: Lln iH•r, it i TI H·at rr •: Y.\\'.C. \ . Co11nC'i l : Fi ft'. 0 r 11 111. and B111!lt• Co r p<: Cowd C o1111 ~t' li ng: : \\'11111 1·11 « (;It'(' Cl II b.
B e tt y J o H a n so n l3loo111in p; ton A. B . . Jleel'h Ka ppa Ka ppa Ga mma: .\ lo rt a r Board: Bus. ~1 ,,; r .. l lni ve r,.il y Th ra lrr: Tlw ta \ lph a P Iii : . ec .. Pl eiad t•s; St ud t' nl
Caro l
Govt' rnm t' nl
Ma riauru •
1l ac knc ~· ln dia na poJi , A.8. lournolism l11rlia11a lJail r S1111l1•11t S ta ff.
Holwrt L. l l:.1r111 1' icr Camh r i d ~t'
Ci t y
A. R. Co1•c'n1111 <•11 1
Co m .;
Chai r ma n, .\I !'mor ial Co m. Wi lli am C. Hart ma n Bt'dford A .IJ. r:he111istry l.S. \ .: l.e <:n('lt• Fra1u·ai .....
\Vi ll iam
]far l in~
I.i ni on A .n. r:J1e111 is111·
Ri e h arrl J. Hou k l.oµan, pnrl R.S. Ceogra11h1 Phi Kappa: P n» .. \' el\ man Cl 11li : The ta \ lpha P hi : Phi Eta S ij!ma: S t11 d!' nl Rel ig io11' Caliinrt.
Da l<'
F. ll <•111i:111
Bloom in gton
A.B. Zoolo{!y :\Ten ·, Gire Club: Dr r Dl'11t;:clw \ !'re in .
fl e tt ~·
J ea n H arri:.; \l adi so n A .R. Chem istry Chi 0111 q.(a : S111 cl e n I Cn1ern men l Co rn. : S1°c'.. \. ~ .S. Co 11 nc i I ; \I o r I a r B oa rd : 1\Jplt a L am bd a Delt a: Pn•,. .. I o l a ~ i g m a Pi: T rt•P-Pl an tin g: Cn m. Jam e s A. Ha11•h c tt
i\1n q:rn nt ow n A. 11. History Phi Drl ta Ka ppa: C r a d 11 a I e Cl11h ; Cra d11 a tP I li ~ t nr Cl11lt .
Be lt )' C . ll ars h Hl11fft nn A.B. l·:11 f!lish lklt a D1· lt a Dt" lt a: Boa rd or St a ndard:< Y. W.C. \ . Cahi111·t: Cnr·d C11 11 n::.t·l in ~ : Fre:'11 ma 11 Or i1· 11t at in 11 .
Bt•nja 111i11 }". l la t fit ·lrl l ndiana poli " A. H. (.' hemistr,r Dt· lt a Ta 11 Dt·l ta.
Jol111 (;. H azel Bl oo mington B. , . Chemistry Th e ta Chi ; Band; PPr• hin l! Rifl es.
Huth H e it z \l adi ;o n B. . l/0111 e Ero 110111ics \ .Pre;;., Omicro n '1 11 ; Pi l,a 111bda Th eta : C:o!'d Hifk T P a 111 : \ . P r r >.. 11 o 111 P Eco no111 i1·Cl11lt .
Ear l inf' If Ps ter Cha rl ro to11 n A .n. ociolof!.l'
C harl e s E. 11 ia II S"a)Zt'(' A .8 . F:cono111ics
Y. W.C. A.: \'ii.A .A.: I. . . 1\ . : Soc iol ogi Cl11b: Choral O nio n ; K ap pa Phi .
G e r a rrl
lli111111 P l ~ b ar h
0. Sirin ... ~· Tlif'slanrl, Jr. I ndianapoliA.N. Co1•er11111<•111 Scabbard and Bl adr: .J uni or Ba'· ketltall \l anagl'r: l"a11 Cl 11 h.
Johnni<' Horlgin l\ oh lr;:vi llr A. II. History Crad 11 a t1· 11 i,1o r1 Cl11lt.
\Von dh a1e n, .Y. A.H. ] rl/l rnalism. Sec., D1· lt a Chi : :-iignrn D..J ta Ch i; ~i g ht Edit or, !11dir""' Dail y S tuden t ; P t' r i;; h i n g Rif b. He l<l a l lof' locker LaP or tf' A. H. ./ 011rnalis111 Delt a Dl' lt a Delt a: Th e ta Si gma Ph i: T C" lrp;ra ph Edit o r. l ndia 11 a Daily S tude nt ; Edit ori al A••is la nt . Arbu tus: 8 ored tr'al/; Sta ff :
Y.W.C:. \ .
Mary h': . IIi ;.t•y \I i>ha 11 a ka A .B. Sociology Fi fe, Drn lll . a nd B11 glC' Co rp ': Y.\\ .C.A. : Dl'l' Ot· 11 1'c he \ e rPi n : 'le11 man Cl11b ; 11 1111 '<' Prf"s i den 1· ~ 1\ . .,. ., ,,_ t: iut iun .
.l l e nry lfo gp J effe r<;o nvill t> A .8. S 1w11is!.
B e ll y J. Holl a nd And erson A.B. Chemistry Pres., igrna Delt a Ta u; Pres., Alpha L a m b cl a Del ta ; T reas., Iota S igma Pi; En gli sh Club; 1-1ill el Fo undat ion ; Panh ell enic Council.
J o hn \V . Holla n cl Bloorni ngton A .B. Chemistry
J o hn W. Ho u g h to n l-l 11ntingto n A .13. Governm ent Phi Carn ma Delt a. J uni or Sw imm ing i\!lanager; Va rsily Debat e Tea m; L<' Cc rcle Francai s.
J o hn R. H y ndm a n Bloo mington A .B. Ch emistry P hi E ta igma; P hi Beta Kappa; Ri fi e T ea m; Pres., Fla rn f' Clu b; Der Deutsche Verein ; Y.M. C.A.
R a lp h Im es Wa ter loo A .B. Sociology I. S. A.; A lph a Ka ppa Dt'lta; Co m· mitt ee on Reli gio n ; t11c.l ent Reli gio11• Cabi1wt; Co-cha irman . Tnwn ll all.
Mrs. Ru th Im es Waterloo A.B. French I. S. . ; Ph i Beta K a p p a; T r e a s., Mortar Boa rd; Alpha Lambda Delta; Treas., Le Ce rcle Francai s; Y.W.C .A. Cab inet; Cha irm a n, S t 11 cl e n t Re fu gee Com.
M iri a m J a m es Bloo mington A.B. f o££rnalism P res., Th eta Sigma Phi; Th e Folio S t a f f ; Tel egrap h Editor, I ndian a Daily Studen t ; Edi t o r, Fresh m a 11 Handbook; S tu dent R e f 11 g ee Com.; Bored TPalk S taff.
Ch a r lo lt c An n J ea n es l nd ianapoli • A.H. En glish Sig ma Kappa; Phi 13eta Kappa ; Th e Folio S ta ff ; Pres .. En g li s h C lub: Treas., Y.W.C.A.; T ree- Plan tin g Cn m.
A nn a B e ll J o hn so n Cary A.B. History Alpha Kappa Al pha.
Im o ge n e G . J o hn so n Tampa, Fla. A .B. Zoology Alpha Kappa Al pha; "\lodvil Va ri eties".
J ea n M. J o h n so n ll a mm ond A .8. English Pi Beta Phi ; Y. W.C. A.; E n g li s h Club; Int ernati ona l Re la t ions C l 11 h : le11 man Club.
Ma r y E . J o hn so n W il mington, Del. A.B. English Y.W.C.A. Cou nci l ; egro tu cl e n t C l ub ; Eng l i s h Club ; Coed Coun se ling.
T h o m a s E . J o n es Ru shvill e A .B. History
Eve ly n A. J o nl z Si lve r Lak e A .B. History Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta : Pi L ambda Th eta; Mor tar Board Recog niti on ; 1-1 is t o r y C I 11 b ; Edu ca ti on Club.
Va ra J ucl cl Sturgi s, 1 ich. A .B. Journalism Pres., P i Beta P hi ; Pleiad es; T h e ta Sigma Phi ; Woman·s Editor, In diana Dail y Stu.dent; Y.W.C.i\.
T h e l ma Ka mm e n I ndianapol i A .B. Chemistry
K a th e r in e E . K a mp sch aef e r Evan vill e A.B. ociology Sec.-Treas., Alph a Kap pa Alpha ; W.A.A.; Pres .. Alpha
Geo r ge S. H u g h es New York Ci ty A.B. Zoology
Gamma Si g ma.
Chi O's Closser , Coombs, a nd John on get a kick fro m a ro un d of th ree-hand ed brid ge wh ile "co king" i n the Commo ns.
Shco Min g K eh S ha ngha i, Chin a A. 1/. Eco110 111 ics \.n, 111opulit a n Cl11b: Eco nomi cR C l 11 b ; Cra d11 a te Cl11i>.
Jack E . K c ll cv Ft. Wa yne 11 .S. Chemistry S t 11dent Affili a te, Am eri ca n C:hemi r al Snr iety.
Da vid J, K e nn ed y Bloo min gton A.B. Jou rnalism Df' lt a Up s il o n ; ight Edit or , Jn , dia11a Daily S tude11l .
R ay mon<I A. K e rn Moo resv ill e 8 .S . Chemis try
Pauline King Th oma sv ill e, N.C. A .B. H istory
Willian• A. Kle ifge n Tndi a na pol is A. B. Chemist ry Va rsit y Wrestlin g; Va r, it y Foo tball ; T heta Ka pp a P si.
Ja ne E. Kl e in e rt Elkh arl A. 8 . Speech Clti Omega; Pres., Pleiades; Taps; Pi L am bd a Th eta ; T ennis Cl11b ; W.A.A.; Bored If! alk S ta ff ; Exp eriment al T h ca t re; " J oi·dan Hi ve r Rev 11 e·•; Coed Cn 11n se lin g; Y.W.1..A.
Ph y lli s H. Knapp Mi chi ga n Cit y A .B. E nglish Alpha Omi cr n Pi: Bored W alk S ta ff : U nive rsit y G l e C' Cl11b; E n g li s h Y.W.C.A . : Cl11 b ; Fifi", Dnrm , a nd B11 gle Co rp R.
John D. Kook e n Ga rTC' IL A .13. l'sychology Plri Bl' ta K a ppa ; Cap ta in, Sca bb ard and Bl ade: D e r Dc11t sc lr c Vl'rcin.
V irgini a 'L ee
Kuhn So 11tlr BC' nd A .B. H istory Scr n' ta ry, A l p h a Chi Omega; Y.W.C.A . ; S pani sh Cl11b ; I nt C' rn a t ional Relat inns Cluh.
E li za be th Lanier Ft. Wayne A.13. Speech Delt a Ga mm a; " 011r T ow n'· ; R ad i o Engli sh T hea t re: Cl11b ; T llt' ta A lph a Phi ; Y. W. C. A. ; C l as• i ca l Cluh: " T nni ght a t 8 :30 .. : a n
Knight Bloo mington A .B. Chemistry Pi stol Clu b.
H e le ne Ku e hn So 11th Bend B.S. Dietetics K a p pa K a pp a G a m m a; Pres .. Omi cro n u ; Om i1 11 cro n Awa rd: ] Jome Eco nomi cs C lu b; Edu ca ti on Club ; Y.W.C.A.
Margare t R . Kri ekhau s Eva nsv ill e' A .13. Psychology S igma K ap pa.
"Ceo r g e
I~ eo n ar d
Haro ld L. Lant z Gree nfi eld A .13 . Ero uom irs
1\'1a rga rC'l 0'. Sa nford IL Lawre nce Kokomo A .8. Chemistry
Loui s :Lind Ed inbu rg A. B. 1ieech
Ri ch a rd M. Lo ug he ry Ed inb11rg A .13. Sociology Pres.. Delta Chi ; Band; S k11ll a nd Cresce nt ; l n t e rfrat erni t y Co 11n cil ; Sociology Cl11h : C.A.A. Cor rrsC'.
Irma Le e Ladoga A .B. Die tetics T. S. A. ; Omi cron 1 11 ; Y. W. C. A. : I lomf' Eco nomi c• Cl11b.
Rol.ic rt Linnc mc ier ·11 a mm ond R. S . r!H'mistry
Margare t H . Lore nz Indi a na poli s A. B. E 11 glish D e lt a Gam m a; " Vodvil Va ri et if'•" : Y.W.C.A.
Selma Uff Ft. Wayne A .8 . Eco nomics I. . A.; Alpha Lambd a D e lta ; Mo rt a r Boa rd Recog niti on ;
Jnl ern a·
t i on a I R e l a ti o n ~ Club ; Sec .-Trea•., Eco rrnm icR Cl rrb . Myr tle Li ve sa~ Clove rd alt' A .8. Math ematics l. S. A. ; A l p h :1 L a m b d a Delta ; ,\ l ort a r Boa rd Recog niti on ; C Ir o ra I Uni on ; Ed uca tio n Clrrh ; C l asR i c a l I.I rrh .
Basil Luff Win , Jow 13.S . Ch emist ry Chemi str y C l 11 b: S tude nt Affili ate. /\ merica n Chf' mi cal SociPty.
Tri Delts Babs H oelocker and Ginger A ustin monopolize th e phon e at the Daily tude11 t offi ce.
B e ll y A nn e McCormick in cennes A.8. H istory Pi Be ta Phi ; Wome n's Gl ee Club ; lli story lub ; Le ercle Fran cai ; Y.W . .
H e ll e n B. McLu ca s Ft. Wa yne A.8. ociology
R o b e rt H. Ma rle tte P errysvill e A.8. Chemistry
J o hn F . McCor m ick Tippecanoe 8 . . Chemistry
Shirl ey Ma lo ney P e ru A.8. En glish Treas. Ka ppa K a ppa Ga mma ; Alph a L a mbda Delta; Bu s. Asst. , Arblltus; M o rt a r Board Recog niti on ; En g li sh Clu b ; Le ercle F ra nca i ; Ori e nt atio n om. ; W.A.A . Gr a h a m E. Ma rlin J ndi a na pol is A .8. ocial tlldies T. S . A .; Varity F oo tball ; Freshm a n Track ; " Vod vil Vari eti e ".
Edward B. l\tcFaclcle n B loomington A.8. Ph ysics
T h omas L. 1arianos nd rso n A.8. Journalism
Vera May Ma ssey B loomington A.B. Speech Pres., The ta Alpha Phi; "Outward Bound .. ; " J ordan River R evue"; Act· ing Award Plaqu ; Neizer Deba te Award; M o r t a r Board; ... 11 mn1er
Ma r ga r e t Lou May Bloo min g to n A .8 . Latin Pres., Pi Beta Phi ; ec., eni or Cla ss; M o rt a r B o ard ; The ta lpha Phi ; Phi B la Kappa; Bu . ta ff , U ni ve r· it y Th ea tre; S tu d e n I Governm e nt om. R o b e rl H . Me nke Hun tin g burg A .8. Govemrnent igma hi ; Varsit y phinx Baske tball ; Club ; eni or 'fe. morial Co mmittee.
B r ya nt K. M illik a n Indianapoli s A .8. Math ematics
Theatre ; enior 'it at ions Com.
B e ll y R. Ma yes Vin ce nn es A.8. peech Phi Be ta Phi ; ni versit y Th ea tr e; " Merry Wi ve of W i n d so r "; Gl ee Clu b ; Y.W.C. A. ; Newman lu b.
L u c ill e Meyer hi ca go A .8 . follrnali sm hi Om ega; Th e ta S ig ma Phi ; Indiana Daily tudent ta fT : rt Editor, B ored fl7 alk ; Chor al Uni on ; Le ercl e Fran ca is. E ffi e M. M itch e ll o uth Bend A .B. En glish Pre ., lpha Kappa Alph a; A lph a Lambd a Delta ; Engli h Clu b; oed Co un se li ng; " Vodvil Vari e ti es".
J a m e s W. Meek e r Ft. Way ne A .8. Botan y
Robe r t 1eyer Chicago A.B. Journalism igma Alpha Epsil on; Pre ., S igma Delta Chi; Bl u K e y; Managing Editor. l n dia na Daily S tllden t ; Ed itor, Bored Walk ; The Folio Sta ff ; dve rl isin g Mgr., Athletic R eview. Chri slo T. l\foca In d ianapol is A.13. Spanish
R ay mond Morp h e w Williamsporl A .B. Chemistry
Ja c k R. M un sc •· i\ 1islurnaka A.13. Zoology \ ' a r~ it y
Swi mrnin ~:
l\ len "s G lee Club : Do lp in Club. Ju s tin J. Murtaugh Guilford B.S. U1emistn· Chernis lr y Cl 11b : S1 ud en 1" \ [f ili al<' . \ nw ri can Ch c mi c:tl ~ocit-'I)~ .I 11 n i or \l ai h Club: Nl'\\111an Club.
J a m es \V. Morri s Ca ry A .B. So ciology
Homer H. Murra y, Jr. Blufft on A .B . C h emistry
Viol e t F. Mu se Indi a na poli s A .13. L·." ngli~h
Sophia N ic hola s Bloo111 ing:ton
A.R. Government Sec.. T.S .A.: Sec .. i\lo rl a r Board: Sec .. T a11 Kappa '\lph ·.1 : Alpha L am bda Dl'lla: Floard of S1a ndard " C o 1legial e Who's fTlho: S1udenl Covern11wn1 Cnm .; Pl ciad(',- Sc hola r,.; hip ; S i\\as h Com. Val Nola u , Jr. Jn dianapoli s A .B. History Phi Ga mm a Dell a: Phi Bela Ka pp a; Bl11e Key; Pre• .. ,\ eon s : U n i o n l:l o a rd: Dra go n·, ll cad; Jr. F oo iliall !\I gr.; S i udcnl Cov1· 1· nm c n I Co m. : Cha ir ma n Siwa,11 Co m. Mary M . O ' Donn e ll lndi anapol i,.; A .H. Government Fife. Drnm , and Bu g le Co rps: Co,.;mopolil a n Club ; ·l nle rn ali ona l R elalion" Cl11b : l'\(' \\man Clul 1.
B e ll y N ic holl s Bound Bruuk , N ..J. A .B. Dietetics Alph a Chi Omega: P I e i a cl e s; Pres., Ocea nidcs : H om c Economi c" C ] u b: W.A.A . ; Y.W. C. A. ; I nl t> rnal iona l Rl'la lion s Club .
Mose mill c r Bloo minglo n B.S. Ch emistry
John \V. Murra~· Dunkirk A .B. Chemistry
El e a11or Nicho la s ] ncli a na poli s A.B. French Ze ta Ta 11 Alpha ; A I ph a L a 111 b cl a Deli a; Bu s. Assistanl, Arbutus; Le Ce rcl c F ra ncai s ; l nlern al ional R e l a1ions Club ; Coed Co un se ling ; Y.W. C.A. Willam R. N ichol son Elkharl A .B. Chemistry LS.A.
Mar_jori c D. Nor rnan Bloo min gton
Mildred E. N ysewa nd e r
B.S. H ome Economics LS.A.; Pres., H ome Economics C l 11 b; Om i c r o n N 11 : Y.W.C.A . Cab inel : Dt>r D c 11 I s c h ,. Ve rein ; Ed11 ca lion Club.
lnd ia napol i,.; A .H. H istory 1.S.A . : lli kin g; ll i<lory Cl 11b; LP Cercle Fra ncai,;; SI 11 de nl R c 1 i g i o 11 s Cab in el ; O ri t' nl ali on Con1mill c<'; 1·d Co 11nselin g.
Palri c ia O ' D o 1111e ll l-lnll y11ood. Fla . A .B. History Sec ., A I p h a C hi Om ega; Y. W. C. A. : \ ' . Prt's., R i d i n g C l u b; Span ish Clu b; "ln1 erna1i nna l Rela 1i on s Clu b.
Jam es R. O c xma 1111
Bloomi ngh1n
A .H. H istory
Vera May Massey and Virgini a T ho mas, both U ni versity Th ea tre playe rs, pause on th e first fl oor of Kirkwood, before climbin g to the lop fo r r ehear al.
Jo c ph P. Orn e la s
Robe rt C. Ove rm yer
1ary Paddock
Ca ry
Hartford City
A .8. Home Economics
A. B. Chemistry
A .B. Journalism Tr e a ., I. S. A .; P ershin g Ri fi es; Edit ori al Ass istant ,
Arbntus; Indian a Daily Stud m t S ta ff ; S c a b b a rd and
B l a d e; Ma ry Jan e P a lm e r
Ca ry LS. A.
T e rn · Ha ut e
A .B. Chemistr_v
J ea n
Pare nl
Uni o n Cit y
A. 8. Economics
Fra 1u·i s Pa no s A .8. Sociology
C corgc F. P a rk e r
Treas., Alph a Ch i 0 m eg a ; S pa ni sh C I u b: he mi stry C lub ; ll omc Econ o mi cs l LI b ; Y. W.C. A.; W.A .A.
D e r
De ut sc he Ver ei n ; Rifl e C lub .
.J e ff Prso nvill e
A .R. Sociology
Chi cago
.l ca 11
Parke r
Alph a Chi Om ega ; \Vo rn en's Gl ee C I u b: Y.W .C. A.; W .A. /\ .; Eco nomi cs Cluh.
P endl eton
Calh c rin c Pauon
A.13. Sociology
Rl11n min g to n
Le Cc rc!c Franca i,.
A. B. Latin C: la,s ical C lub .
Mary Ru rh P ec k
J a m e s R. Phillippe
W ald ro n
Du gge r
A .8. ill usic
Rurh J.
Pri ck c 11
Bl oo min gton
Treas., ig: ma Pi: Treas., Th e ta Alph a k u 11 and Phi ; resce n l ; Indian '7 Daily S tud ent S ta ff ; Ra d io Th e a l r e: T a p s; U ni vers it y Th ea I re; "Ca bar et" .
F ran ces E . Proud
A .8. En glish.
o uth B e nd
Pi B e ta Phi ; Y. W.C.A. ; Ori e nta l io n Co mrnill ee: Coe I Co un se lin g; En g li sh Club ; ni · vers i Ly T h ea tr c S ta ff ; " Ah Wild er-
A. 8 . Math ematics
Phi lip H. R ave n scroft Bl oo min gto n
8 .S. Chemistry
Alpha Omi c ron Pi ; Alph a L a mbd a D e lt a; A. W . S. Co un c il ; C o e d Co un c lin g; F . T .A . ; D e r Ve re in ; De utsc he Eu cl id ea n Circle; Y.W. C. A.; Ori enta · li o n Co m. ; Edu ca· ti o n Club .
William V. Pirkin J\ la rlin sv ill e
A .8. Chem istry
R. E . Purce ll Bl oo min gton
A.8. Governm ent Phi Ga mm a Delt a; Juni or Tra ck M a nage r ; R e d 8 o o Ir Ed it o1·ial S ta ff ; Phi Be ta K a ppa; Ed itorial Assista nt , Arbut us; Pr es., Pi Sig ma Alph a .
Phoe be R cvi n g1011
Robe rt G. R e no
Monti cell o
Indi a na poli s
A .8 . Fine Arts
A.8. Geology
Ka ppa A l p h a Th e t a; W .A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Da uber's Club.
Phi Et a S ig ma; ecrel a ry-Treas urer , S ig ma Ga mma Ep s il o n.
Geo r g ia Mac Ric k s
J a n e Rin e hart
Ch ar les C. Rh c ll s Mari o n
S ummitvill e
A.8. H om e Econo mics
8.S . Chemistry S ig ma Chi ; shin g Rifl e .
P er -
H e nry Roger s Bl oo min gto n
A .8. Geolo gy Freshm a n C r o Co untry; Va r s it y Track .
8 .S . H om e Econom ics LS.A. ; A l p h a Lambda D e l ta ; T r e as., Omi cro n u; Pi L a mbd ::i Th eta ; M o r l a r Board R ecog niti o n .
E li za be th G. Rowe G le n E ll yn , Ill.
V. Pres ., K a p p a Alph a Th eta; V. Pre ., Th e ta Alph a Phi ; T a p ; Radi o Th ea tre.
Lo ui sv ill e, K y.
D e lt a Gam m a: 1-1 o m c Eco nomi cs Club ; L e Cc r c I e Fran ca is.
A. T h oma s Rowe A nd e rso n
A .13. S peech. Th e ta Alph a Phi ; ni ver sity Th ea tre; Women's Gl ee Club.
Miss Yo un g checks stud ent's schedule befor e he enrolls for the second semeste r classes.
H o sem a r y Ruffin g Del phi R.S. H ome Eco nomics Sec., Alph a Omi c ron Pi ; Y. W. C.A. ; H o m c E conornics Cl ub ; E du ca tion Cl ub.
Ri ch ard F . Hun ya n S turg is, Mich. A.B. Journalism. S ig ma N u ; Sig ma Delta Chi ; N ight Editor , I ndian a Daily Student.
H ich a rd Hu sse ll Win a mac A .8. Chemistry Acac ia ; Sk ull. a nd C resce nt; Band ; Y. M. C. A. ; Der Ve rein ; Deu tsche St ud ent Affi lia te, Ame ri ca n Chemica l Socie ty.
Mary Huth Sargen t I ndi a na pol is B.S. H ome E conomics
B e ll y Schm idt Day ton A.B. Hi story Ka pp a Alpha Th e ta; Hi s tory Cl ub .
E dn a Schuh z T erre Ha ute A.B. Fren ch W o m e n 's G l ee Cl ub , Chora l Union ; L e Ce r c l e Fran cai s; Sec., Der De ut sc he \ler e in ; Pres., Hill el Foundation.
Ma rga re t B. Sh a w A mh c rsl, l\fa ss.
Haro ld P. S ilverm a n Gary A.B. Zoology
Ma r y Dulin Ru ssell Paris, Ill . A .8. English Delt a De lta D elt a.
M ar~·
A. lJ . P sychology I. S. A. Board; C ha irm a n, T own I I al l ; Adver tisin g; Club.
E li zab e th Schillin g Indianapolis A.13. H ome Eco nomics Pres., A lpha De lt a Pi ; W .A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; llo me Econo mi cs C lub ; S panish Club ; PanlH'll e ni c Co un cil ; Newman Club . B e url. Sc r V a ss India napoli s A.B. History De li a U p s il o n ; Varsit y D eb a t e; Pres., F.T.A.; Hi story Club ; S pa ni sh C J u b ; Educati on C lub.
Harr y M. S h ackel fo rd New Ca naa n , Co nn . A .B. Econo111ics Be la Th e ta Pi .
I r m a J ea n S in c la ir Bl oom in g ton A. B. Sociology P r e s., W e s l e y Fo und atio n ; Y.W.C.J\. Ca bi net; Kappa Ph i ; R el ig io us Ca bin e t ; Cos mopolitan Club .
S te ph e n S k a lski , J r . East C hi cago A.B. Chemistry I .S.A.; Cosmopol itan Club ; S tud e nt Af fil iate, Am eri ca n C he mical Society.
D o r o th a S mith Gos port A.B. English Pi La mbd a Thela; Choral Un ion .
Ma r ga r e t. Lo u S mi1h Philadelphia, P a. A.B. Fr ench P i B e ta Phi ; Th e ta Al ph a Ph i ; Pi Lambda Th eta; V.Pres., Pleiades; Y.W.C.A. Co un cil.
M a r .jory A 1111 Smi1h Fra nkfort A .B. Sociology W. A.A.
Marvi n H. Smith Sou lh Be nd A .B. Sociology Si gma Alpha Mu: P er shin g Rifl es; Alpha Phi Om ega; Sociology C lub.
Philip mith No rth fa nchester A.8. Chemistry I. . A.; D e r Deut che Verein: tu dent Affil iate, Ameri can hemi cal ocie ty; Y. LC.A .
Cla ire Ma ri e S nyd e r Geneva, .Y. A .8. History Ka ppa A l p h a Th eta ; Y.W . . A. ; Hi story Club ; Le ercle Franca is.
Helen Somerville Bound Brook, .J. A.B. History igma Kappa; Le Ce r c I e Francais; Y.W.C.A.
H el e n S purrie r Ea l Chi cago A .8. T extiles I.S. . ; Home Eco· nomi cs Club; Ad· verti sin g and Mer· chandi in g l u b;
Margaret P. S tanl e y Galves t n 8 . . History
J anne Steele Hun ti ngton B.S. Home Economics Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.; H o m e Economics Cl ub.
R o be rt t.e wart Indianapoli s 8.S. Chemistry
B e tt y A. tieh Indianapoli s A .B. Psychology lpha Lam b d a Delta; Le Cercle Francai ; C o e d oun seling; Mortar Board Recogniti on ; Pres., Forest Hall.
Y.W . .A.
Ma r y Ruth te inme tz outhporl A.8. ociology Alpha Omicron Pi ; Pl eiacle ; Editorial Ass ista nt , Arbutus.
H owa rd E. Ste in Bl oo mfield A .8. Government
Mary u san Stull Bl oo min gton A.8. peech Vi ce President , Se n· ior Class; Kappa Alpha Theta ; President, .W.. ; Phi Beta Kappa ; Tau Ka ppa A I p h a ; Th eta Alph a Phi ; Pleiades; Juni o r Prom om.; Homeco min g Que e n ; Mortar Boa rd . Belle Anne T illman 011th Bend A .8. Chemistry A I pha hi Omega : Phi Beta Kappa ; Alpha L a m b d a Delta; Iota igma Pi ; Associat e Editor, Arbutus ; So· cial h a i rm a n, A.W.S. ; Cha irman, Board of tand arcl s. irg inia R. Trickey Indianapoli s A.8. Journalism igma Kapp a; Sec., Th eta igma Phi ; Assoc. ight Editor, In diana Daily t11de11t ; Th e Folio ta ff. R o bert M. Turley Fore t A.8. Chemistry Chess lub ; kel eton lub; Freshman Football.
B e ll y toops P eru A.8. English lpha L a m b cl a Delta ; Pi Lambda Th eta; Eta igma Phi ; Coed oun elin g.
Paul E. Tack P ortland 8 .S. Chemistry Pres., Alpha hi , igma; tu dent A ff ili a t e, Am ri can hem ical oci ty.
Ph y lli ~
S. Tobias Berkl ey, Mi ch . A .8. Government
Morri s J. T umey Bedford B.S. Chemistry
Cla y le n , Jr. Lebanon A.B. History igma u ; Blue K ey; Ph i Ela igma; eni or Football Manager; enior Memori a l Committee.
Mary Jan e traub Evansville A.B. Speech D lta Gamma; Mortar Board; Theta A l p h a Ph i; Pi L a m b d a Theta; Alpha Lambda D e l ta ; Editorial st., A r but us; ni versity Th eatre; P re ., Y.W.C.A.; Board of Standards; Invitations Com. E lea nor Taylor Madi son A. B. Sp eech Phi Om ega Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta ; M o r t a r Board Recognition ; Coe cl Cou nseling; Y.W.C.A. Co uncil. Nelda Trent Bloomington A.8. Sociology
'larie J . Turgi 1ew Ca tl e A.B. French Kappa A I p h a Th eta; Pl eiades.
Bett ye Jo llom Urba na A .B. ociology Alpha D e lta Pi ; AlphaKappa Delt a; igma Alph a Tota ; Fife, Drum, a nd Bugle Corps; Le Cercle Francais; Panhell eni c Council ; Y.W.C.A.
Sop hi e Nie holas a nd Meg S ha w check ove r Lh c li sts for LS.A.
Fa y Va n Ar e ml o nk ln dianapoli s
John C. Va nall a , Jll Brookston
A .8. History '"G o n J o l i c r s";
\V o m c n ' s G l e e C I 11 b ; Y.W.C. .; LS.A.; Hi Lory Club: Der Deut sche \ 'erein ; Coed Counelin g.
A. B. Chemist1T
Va n Du se n Evan sv ill e A .13. Psychology Reta Th eta Pi .
Trca• 11 rcr, D c J t a Ta11 Delta ; Ed it 11rin-C hi e f, Ar h11t11 "; Sku ll and Crescent: 'II arching l l11ndrr d: Dra go n's H ea d.
ll a rha ra Va n Fle it Garrell.
l\'1.a r gare l Va n Ta l gc I ndi a na poli ,.;
Doro th y V au gh a n
8.S. Home
A.B. Home Economics
1~·co 110111i cs
llel e n Voig t J dfer~oll\ ilk
Barb a ra J ea n Voss S1·y1110 11r
Economics 11 o 111 c Economi cs
C lub ;
L S.A . ; \1/.A.A .; J 11 n i u r Prom Qu ee n.
R.S. l-1 0111e
l.S. •\ .; w t) Ill ( ' II . ' Clee Club : Y.W. C. •\ .; ll onu· Ec11n111ui cs Club.
E\'cl y n V ic krey Gospo rt
A .8. English I. .A .; Et a S igma Phi ; Pi Lambd a Th eta ; Vice Pres., l::d 11 ca tion C l11b ; C l a ss i ca l Club ; Eng li sh ClulJ.
ln d ia na poli s
A. 8 . Fren ch Kappa Delt a: I.1· C ,, r " I e Fran<'ai>-;
\V . A. A.: Interna i 11 n a I Rela ti1111 " C lub ; Eng l i ,.; h Club: Coed Hiflt·
Tt •am;
A .13. History Kappa Kapp a C amm a; Y. W.C.A.; French Club.
i\ cw m a n
Cl ub . Buford F. Wa lin g Bloo min gton
John \Va lh1('t' I nd ia napol i"
J ea n \ Va mplcr Bl 0o min gt0 11
B.S. Home Economics 11 o 111 (' Eco nnm ic, Club.
B. . Chemistry
A. 8 . Zoo/of!r
Alpha Chi Sigma ; Affiliate, St 11 de nl America n Chemi cal Society; Der Deutche Verci n.
lk ta T h e t a Pi ; ;\l pha Chi Sig111a; Snphonwre Tr a e k
Ar m a d a J. Warrl Danville
E l1.,1no r \ Vay
A.B. Spanish Y.W . .A.; pa ni sh Club.
A .8 . Home lfro nomics \lph a 0111i cro n Pi :
~ la11 age r.
Alba ny
Robc rl S. \Vca th c rwa x Bloo min gton
A.B. Botany
Y.W.C.A . : 11 0111!' l·:Cn nom ics Cl II b ; Coe d Co 11m,clin g.
Miriam Wed e kin g Dale
A .8 . Zoology Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y.W.C.A.
Frank \Vdr Blnn111ington
A .8 . Chemist ry
Evcrcs l E . \'rihl e Kendallvi ll e
A .13. Geology Sigma Ga mm a E p, il on.
Be tt y J a ne Williams East Chicago A.8. Fren ch ec., Pi Beta Phi ; Y.W . . . ; Le Cercle Francais.
Ma ry J o Wood s Tndianapoli s A .IJ. Philosoph y
J a m es T. Brod e rick Ft. Wayn e A.13. History ew ma n Club; ll istory lub.
H. Hilli ' Kokomo A.B. Governm ent. V. Pr cs., Lambda Chi Alpha ; kull and rescenl.
\ Villia m K e ll e r lndi anapolis 8 . . r:t1 emistry ::ligma Chi.
F lo re n ce Meloy Shelbyville 13.S. Commerce J. .A.; Kappa Phi ; Treas., Alpha Gamma igma ; Omi cro n Delta; Chi Gamma; W.A.A .; Y.W.C.A. ; F.T.A.; Education Club ; Coed Counselin g; M o rtar Board Recognition.
'l a nd a ly n Wi lli am so n olumbus A.B. History
l . .A.
o u n c i I; W . .A. ; Boo s t r Cl ub ; Hi Lory Club; Tenni Club; Y.W.C. .
Mary Jo Wright Odon IJ . . Home Economics Alpha Delta Pi ; Y.'I .C. . ; F.T. . ; 11 o m c Eco nomi c C I u b; Edu cation Club. Mrs. Ruth L. Frober g Bloom in gton A.IJ. Latin A1pha Delta Pi ; Sec., Pi Lambda Th e ta ; lpha L a Ill b d a Delta , Sec., Eta Sigma Phi ; Phi B e ta Kappa ; V. Pr es., C I a s i c a I Club ; En g li s h Club: Y.W.C.A . Eclwin J. Au s Brazil 8 . . Chemistry Band .
Mil<lrcd K. 'l o lvcr lo n Poland A.B. Home Economics I. S. A.; Wom en's Glee lu b; Le CerCle Fran ais; Home Economi c Club. E ls ie M. \Vya ll Bloomington A.R. Home Economics
Paul . Give ns Bedford A .IJ. Economics
Ann e E. John on Orl ea ns A .IJ. German Wom e n ' Gl ee Club; Y.W.C.A.; I. .A.; Der Deutsc he Verein.
\Vc nrl c ll B. 1cKiss ick Indianapoli s A .If. Chemistry l. S.A.; Am eri ca n ChPmi ca l Society; Junior lath Club; Y.;\I. .A.
Clycl c E. Mar lin Elkhart A.B. Economics P r es., Eco nomi cs lub.
Jose Piatos Tanila, Philippine Islands A. ll . Government
Robe rt A. Zimmerman Bloomington A .8. Chemistry Orche t ra; Beights En sembl e.
Damon Arthur Du gger 13 . . Gen eral Bu siness
Bob J ohn son, who wro te th e J ordan River Rev ue," at work with hi pipe and typewriter.
VERA MAY MASSEY ---------------- ------- __________ __ President ]AMl': S PHILLIPPE
--------- ------- ·------- ··------ V ice- Preside11l
H ANSON _______________________ _______________ Secretary
UIE Indi ana Chapte r of Theta Alph a Phi , n ati onal dramatic ho norary, was fou nd ed in 1922 in ord er to promote an appreciat ion fo r , and a participati on i n U ni ve rsity dramati cs . Two major campus or ganization s sponsored by Theta Alph a P h i are the University Th ea tre, o rga nized in 1932, and the Expe rimental Th ea tre, or ga nized in 1937. These or ganizations provide stud ents a n opportunit y to learn th e fundam entals of all phases o f th ea tre work, presenting plays a nd vario us prod ucti ons through out th e yea r. This h onorar y for emb ryo dramatists is growin g in imp orta nce cl ue to the completi on of th e new Mu sic Hall Auditorium , whi ch will give an add ed impetus to dramati cs on the campus. Each yea r Th eta Alph a Phi awa rd s th e N iezer Sch olarshi p to o utstand ing Freshmen actors. Th e Paul H ochgeige r award , g iven for di stingui shed servi ce to th e th ea tre, was estal li shecl in 1930 in memory of Mr. Hoch geiger, a n outsta nd in g fo rm er member of Th eta Alph a P hi. Oth er maj or ac ti vi ti es sponsored by th e or ga nizati on are th e " Vodvi l Va ri eti es," a mus ical produ cti on, a nd the State Dram a Co 11 fe rence, attend ed b y hi gh sch ool stud ents fr om over the state. T he orga nizati on also spo nsors Taps, a Juni or drama tic gro up . Indi ana Alph a Ch ap ter of Th eta Alph a Phi was fo und ed o n St. Valentin e's Day, 1922. Membership is granted to th ose stud ents of drama who h ave obtain ed fift y p oints fo r any kind of stage work an d who r eceive a n un an im ous vo te of the wh ole organ izati on. Dr. Lee Norvell e is s ponsor of th e g roup.
Third Row G. Ro wE
First Row IRGI N IA
Second Row
M m1 M } A:\TES
P UG ll
THETA SIGMA PHI ---------··---····················· ··-· -·-·- President -···-····-···-·····------------- Vice-P resident VIRGINIA TRICKEY ···········---··---········-···--·-- ·-Sec retary GENEVA R EDMAN ·····----------····-·····----···- ...... Tr easurer M1tUAM } AMES
ACH year, Th eta ig ma Phi , h onorar y for women in j ournali sm and sister or ganiza ti on of Sigma Delta Chi, brin gs to th e campus some woman outstandin g in th e field of j ournalism to speak at th e Matrix Table. Evelyn Eaton, a uthor of " Quietly M y Captain Waits," was thi s year 's spea ker a t the banquet. Dread of many a coed, a nd the subj ect of camp us talk for weeks precedin g it, is the annual Razz Banquet "for women onl y" sponsored by Theta Sig. Several awards are given at the dinner whi ch ar e r eceived with qu esti onable enthu siasm . Th e seri ous award of th e evenin g is th e Seni or Ring, given to the girl that Theta Sigma Phi feels is the outsta ndin g Senior woman in the U ni versity. This year Bloomin gton has been chosen as the place for the national convention which will be held th e last of June and will be attended by r epresentatives from chapters all over the countr y. Theta Sigma Phi was founded nationally at the Unive rsity of Wash ington in 1909. Indiana's chapter, Delta, was organized in 1913. The purpose of Th eta Sigma Phi is to join together all wom en j ournalists. To be eligible for membership in Indiana' chapter, a woman must have worked on the staff of The Daily S tudent, and must show an intention of remaining in the field of j ournalism. Members are usually pledged at the annual Theta Sigma Phi- igrna Delta Chi picnic in the sprin g. Mrs. John E. Stempel i advisor for the sorority.
L O WELL FR EELA ND ________ ___________ __ _________________ President R O BERT M EY ER
__________________________________ /lice- President
F ORR EST GA RD EHWI NE _________ _______________________ S ecretary SAM 1\VE LLS ________________________________ ________________ Treasurer
UI DING ha nd s of T he Daily
tud e111 , members of Sigma Delta ti me to sponsor several of Lh e lead in g acti viti es on th e ca mpu s. They sponsor the Bla nket H op which i held on the night of one of th e principal h ome foo tball ga mes. It is Lh e old est co nLinu al trad itional dance on the campu , a nd proceeds go towa rd b uying " l " bl ankets fo r graduati 11 g lettermen. Sigma Delta Chi member s take tim e to razz the U ni versity admini stra Li on, fac ult y members, orga ni zations, a nd " rods" at their annu al Gridiron Ba nqu et. Limited to men onl y, the ba nqu et also in clud es several se rious awards, inclu din g a brown derb y for th e m os t popular member of the fa cult y, a lea th er medal to th e fa cult y member who is voted to have done the most fo r the Uni versity, an d a n award to the outstandin g Senior man. The fraternity maintain s a den in the ni on Build in g in mem o ry of Don Mellett, a Canton, Oh io, editor wh o was killed in 1926 durin g a crusade agai nst rackeleer s. Mellett was a fo rm er member of th e local Sigma Delta Chi chap ter. Besides its other ac tivities, the chap ter also awards a two-hund red dollar scholarship to two outsta nding Sop homore j ourn alist , p resents a book to The Daily S tudent r eporter who writes the best stor y each mo nth, and sponsors a Hi gh School Newspaper Con test each yea r. P rof. J ohn E. Stempel, head of th e Departm ent of .Journ alism, is advi so r of the chap ter. -
GChi , p rofessional jo urn ali sLi c fr aLernit y. never th eless find
First Row
Second Row
Third Row
Fro n t Row: l'rof. Arlin , Prof. \'11 illiam >', Kern , . a1Hl er,;, A11n l?:S I, Prof. l lcnn l' L Da1 i>', Prof. Wt' ll ;;, Wa lthn . .r;;,,co111/ R ow: Li vesa y, tra11b, P ro ud, J\l cClintock. Burn:;. L11>k, La t>ha\\. Prn f. \\lo lft• . Third R ow: Littl e, ~lcBr i d C>, R yan , Dr. \1hyl , l,oc krid g-e, Ed"ard ;;, Wilk P1i-on . Fo 11rth R ow: P11rcC>ll. Toqihy, Prn et t. I I 11d rn n, Gn•p ne. Singe r.
EUCLIDEAN CIRCLE .... ....... . ... ........... P residen/, .Vice-President ............ . .........Secretary
B1:: HNAHD KEHN ·· ·······
rrHE Junior
EMBERS of th e Eu clidean Circle are stud ent who 1 take th eir math ematic eri o usly. They must all b e sl udents of hi gher m athemati c . The Circle i und er lh e lead ers hip of li ss Cora B. Henn e!, wh o thi s yea r ucceeds Prof. Kenn eth P. Williams, wh o had b een fa c ulty sponsor for several ) ears. At the mon thl y meetin gs, di cus ions of tou gh p rob lems, stud ent papers, games and puzzles are presented. The tw o bi g annual fun cti ons are shared with th e " juni or -partn er ,'' th e Juni or Math Club . One of th ese is a Chri stmas party held at th e hom e of Dr. Ag nes Well s. Th e other bi g affair is th e s prin g pi cni c at which the fa culty of th e math ematics department are g ue t .
....................... ..President ..//ice-I-' resident ... .Secretary
Math Club is made up of students wh o are intere tecl in th e fin er p oints of math emati cs but have not taken enough work in hi gher math emati cs to be eli g ible for membership in th e Euclid ea n Circle. At the m o11thl) meetin gs, math emati cal pu zzles and games are stressed fo r th e " Juni or brain -trusts." Th e g ro up spon sors a Chri stmas party and in th e s prin g fa cult member s are the ir g uests at a picnic. Thi s year th e clu b examin ed th e Uni ve r ity's shin y n ew cyclotron al one of its meetin g . Dr. Agnes £ . \ ells is pon or of the group. Th e a nnual Christm as party is held at her h ome, where member s are joined b y those in th e Eucli dean Circle and th e math ematics faculty.
P AUL BARD ........... ,. MARVIN M1LLEH .. ...... SoPlllA N1c n OLAS .. . B ETTY
.... ............. Pres ident
,. .. ....... .Vice-Pres ident . .................Sec retary .................. Treasurer
Foss ...........
Seco 11 tl R ow M AHS H ALL H ANLEY SOP HI A N 1c r-10LAS
i\ f ARY S US AN STlll.L
rl'AU KAPPA ALPHA, h onora ry fo r U niversity debat-
g ional Presid ent. Michi gan , lllin ois, and Purdue were among the schools havin g r epre en tatives. A mock Con· gressional ession with debater making up the mem· bership of th e "Cong ress" was again pre ent d as n fea ture of th e co nfe rence. With the a id of its s pon or, Mr. Robert Huber , varsity debate co ach , Tau K appa Alpha has been able to be of service to man y organization on the campu who h ave been in need of speakers. The gro up also helps to spon or the Bryan Oratorical co ntest whi ch is held on the camp us each spring. A number of member s of Tau Kappa Alph a h ave r e· ce ived awards in state and national debate co ntests in th e past few yea rs.
ers, ha as it underlying purpo e the bringing of debating closer to th e average college studen t. This year the group used two meth ods of attaining their goal. An intramural debate tournament was held in the fall with nearl y a hundred entered. Th e tourn amen t was won b y the Ind ependent tudent Association. Th e or ganizati on is also sp nsor of the Un ivers iL ~r peaker ' Burea u ·whi ch was inau g urated last year. Th e Burea u was organized to provide speakers for campus g roups and at the same time to g ive student speakers practi ce. At the Regional Confe rence held her e thi s year , Paul Bard, Presid ent of Tau Kappa Alpha, was cho en Re-
I-IA RIU S --------------·--· · --- -----· ____________ President DI CKE RSON _______ __ ___________ Vice-President
]o sf:PH I Nf:
__________________ ______ Secretary
-- ----- ·- -- --- ------------ ----- ---__Treas urcr
Seco 11tl Row Bf: TTY H OLLAND
Bi -weekl y lunch eon meetings wi th g ue t s pea kers give th e members an opportunit y to come into co ntact with man y outstanding men and wom en in that fi eld , and also give them a concept of the social valu e of Chem· istr y. A tea was given the Wednesday before Christmas vaca ti on, open to all women taking co urses in Chem istr y, r ath er th a n just Freshm en women as in previo us years. l ota Sigma Pi sponsor s a banquet each spring honorin g th e fa cult y members in the Department of Ch emistry. Mrs. Marth a T. Scott of th e Department of Anatomy is th e fac ulty advisor thi s year.
ROMOTI G in terest in th e practical appli ca ti on of chemi str y by women is the chi ef aim of Iota Sigma Pi , national honorary orga nizati on fo r women majorin g in Chemistry. The requirement fo r membership in the local chapter, whi ch was fo und ed eleven year s ago, is a B average in at least twent y h ours of Chemistry. Iota Sigma Pi was fo unded nationally in 1902. White, go ld , a nd cedar green are its colors and the white n ar · ciss us is it flower. The chap ters are named for elements; Indiana's chap ter is named Indium . The local chapter is one of th e few composed of und ergraduate members. 1ost of the oth er chap ters are formed of women wo rking professio nally in Chemistr y.
LE CERCLE FRANCAIS LUCY PHILLIPP ____ __ ____________ ________________________ Pres ident MARGOT SOUERS _________________________ __ _____ V ice-President J OSEPJI SELTZER ____ ____________________________________ Sec retary MRS. R UTH IMES ___ _____ _____ _____________ _____________ _Treaw rer
TUDENTS wh o have r eceived above a B average in one yea r of French are invited to join Le Cercle Francais. In ord er to promot e the und erstanding of spoken French, the meetin gs ar e conducted entirely in that language. In addition to skits, pla ys, and lectures presented b y faculty members and students, the presentati on of French classical and popular music is included in the club's program . Each year one off-campus speaker is asked to present a talk on some phase of French life of interest to the members of Le Cercle Francais. ocial activiti es are also ponsored b y the club, givin g French stud ents an opportunity to become better acquainted with each other as well as with the faculty member s of the Department of French.
ER DEUTSCHE VEREIN was or ganized thirt y years ago as a club to promote an active interest in the Germ an lan guage. By presenting lectures, German plays, and music at its r eg ul ar meetin gs, the club has succeeded in m akin g the study of Germ an m ore inter estin g to th e stud ents. Students with an active interest in the German lan guage and with a desire to learn m ore about the ways of the German people, are eligible for membership t o Der Deutsche Verein. Th e club's social activiti es attempt to furth er a closer r elationship between the stud ents and the faculty of the Germ a n department I y means of informal club meetin gs.
ROBERT FRANZ Pres ident ELIZABETH FRASER Vice-Pres ident ED NA SCH LTZ Secretary
D a n . rlhur \Vc i111 e r. Lhe pro g r ess ive head o f Lh e rapid ly g ro" · in g c; h ool o f Bus iness- who ha ~ definile id eas o n Lh e co llege g rad ua te' place in Lh e bu s in ess world . and wh o is d o in " a ll in hi s po\\ r r Lo ee hi s b eli ef vind icalr d.
Busin ess slud e nls ga lh e r belween c:la e to hash and re hash th e lcclu res Lhat th e) have jus t h eard . o r sle pl Lhrough. A caree r wo man , in Lhc making . learn arilhmeti c a~ it i tau g hl in Lh c maehin c age o[ Loda y.
H. ichard E. Aikma n Wa $hin glo n 13.S. A cco unting Dell a Up ·il on ; B eta Cam ma S igma; Phi Eta S ig ma ; Blu e K ey; Freshman Debat e; 1-M Debat e w inn er~ P r e s., Alph a K a ppa P si; Pres., Acco unting Clu b; P eace - Pip e C0mm iLLee.
A. Jea n Areh a rt
Jo hn D . Bailev
K e nd all vill e B.S. Comm ercial T eachin g l. S.J\. ; 0 m i c r o n Dt'it a; Y.W.C.A. ; Educa ti on Club; I louse Pres id ent s' Assoc ial ion.
Bedford /J. S . General Nnsi ness
Jo hn M. Ball ard
Gilbert J . Ba rk er So ul h Be nd B.S. A cconntin g
Bl oo n1in glon B.S. General B1lsiness
P a ul K. Ba k er
Coll eg ia te C hamber of Co mmerce; Acco untin g Club .
P a10ka /J .S. A ccounting l.S.A.; \frn 's Gl ee Club : C h or a I ll ni on.
J. Beck
Merrill E. Beck
H.o berla
Ga ry B. S . General Bu sin ess Alph a Omi c mn Pi ; Pl c iades.
Bl oo min g to n B.S. M erchandising Vi ce Pres., Acac ia; Alpha Kappa P si ; Co ll eg ia te C hamh cr o f Co mm erce.
Nort h Vern on B.S. Secretarial Training J. S.A. : 0 111 i c r o n Delta.
P age W. Be nso n
Hu gh F. B illin gs
Geo rge F. Bloom
El Dorad o, K an s. B.S. General Busi ness Be la Th eta Pi , Vars it y F oot ball.
Wa shin gton B.S. General Business
Cnlurnbia C it y B.S. General Business S ig ma Alpha Ep si1 on; Phi Eta Sig111a ; Base ball.
Nao m i R. Ba tes
B e ll y B ow ma n R ay mo nd K . B o lin ger T e rre H a ute B.S. Banking & Finan ce Alp ha Tau Onwga; Alpha Kappa P si : Skull & Crrscent; P er shin g Rifl es.
Ve rnon H. B roe rt jes ll a mrn ond B.S. General Bu sin ess Acac ia ; Blu e K ey; Scabba rd & Bl a de; Vars it y Trac k; Vars it y Cross-Co untry.
Ma ri on B.S. Statistics Treas., LS.A . ; Sec., C hi Gamma; Omi c ro n Delta ; Coed C o u n s e l i n g; Y.W. C. A. ; Jr. l\foth C lub ; Eu clid ea n C ircl e; E co nomi cs Club .
Charles H. B row n l ndi a napol is R.S. General Bn siness
Mo rri s Bric k m a 11 So uth Be nd B.S. Advertising l. S.A . E xec. Co un c il ; Ed it or, In de pendent /I i e w; Daily Stu.den/ staff; Sporis Ed it or, Hillel Bann er ; 1\ dvc rti sin g C lu b.
Ro be rt C. Brow n Dal e B . . Mark eting l. S.A.; C am c r .1 C lub .
Bi ll Wright turn s Lu \V c li ~ L ct fur a little vocabular y.
Roy H. Brun ·
Paul A. Buc ha
Broo kvill e
ll ammond
T e rre H a ute
8 . . Gen eral Bu sin ess
B . . A ccounting
8 . . Insurance
S igma u ; Sk ull a nd C resce nt; ln le rfrat e rnit y Co un eil.
B e ta Gamma igma; Ph i El a , ig ma; Board of Dir c to rs, Coll eg iat e hamher of
Robl'rt S. Cash
co untin g C lub : Flam e lub ; Chess C lub.
Kappa Sigma; A lph a Phi Om ega; Pershin g R i fl e s; Co ll egia te Chamber of Commerce; Y.i\'l. . . ; Pr e Insu rance Club .
C o 111
\ inccnn e
B . . General Bu sin ess Phi Kappa P si.
c r e e:
he lbyvill e
8 . . Commerce l. . A.; V. · Pr A lpha Lambda Delta; Pi L a mbda Th e ta; T r e a ., 1\ .W. . ou n c il ; Treas., Chi Gamma; Omicron D e I ta ; F.T.A. ; Y.W.C.A .; M ortar Boa rd Recog niti on; Br e akfast C mmillee.
B e rnard F. Cinkos k e al parai so
Thomas M. Ca th ca rt _\I ic hi ga n it y 8 . . General Business
B . . A ccounting Sec., Phi K ap pa ; Phi E t a igrna; Pe rshing Rifl e ; Freshm a n Debate; Alpha Kappa P s i; os mo politan Club .
iclney Coh e n . o uth Be nd
8 . . General Bu siness
I. S. A.; Col legia te Chaml H' r of omnwrce; Y. 1.C.A.
Cla ss; Pres., Delt a U p i I o n ; Sec .. ni on B o a r d: . phinx Club ; Blu e Key : ku ll a nd C resce nt ; cco unt · ing Club ; Vars it y T e nni s; Coll eg ia h·
Ma y nard J. C lem e n s City
Tr eas., In s uran ce C Iu h; oll egiat ' Chambe r o f Comme rce; Y.M.C.A.
Co llier
J\l a rtin sv ill e
1artha N. Crum Bl oo min gton
8.5. Commercial T eaching lph a Lambd a Delta; Bela Ga mm a S ig ma ; Pi Lambd a Th eta; Y .W .C.A.: W.A.A.; Omi cron Delta; Chi Gamma; Education Cl ub : Sec., F.T.A.; P eacePipe om mittee.
Rob er t 1\1. Co nn er New
8.5. General llu siness
8 . . A cco unting Phi E t a igma; G lee Cl11b ; Dt"lt a Si gma Pi ; Acco unt ing Club .
Phil Coo p e r Greenfield
LS.A.; Freshm an Foo tball ; Freshman '\ ' rest lin g: e ni or Tra ck a nd Cro · Co untry Manager.
8 . . ln swance
B.5. Fiuan ce and Ban/ring
011 th Bend
B.S. General Business
B.S. General Business
S igma .hi; lpha Kap pa P s i: BILI<" K 'Y; S kull and Cresce nt ; e n i or F o o t b a 11 l\lgr.: Pershin g R i [I e ; Sca bbard and Blade; Interfrat ernit y Co un c il ; Acco untin g C lub .
8. . ales 111/anagem.ent
C ri s more
C11, porl
8. . Insuran ce
Max Coss man
Ba ~ i I
\Va~· n e
If/h o's If/ho.
C. Flo_vrl Coo p e r , Jr. So uth Be nd
P. Chalik
B.-. General Bu siness
Danie l L. Chiclrli s le r Co h n B. 5. Accoun tin g 'l'reas., e n j o r
~\1i c hi gan
J o hn
l,a Port e
Be ta Theta Pi.
Ca th eri n e E . Ch erry
Byron I-. Brown
Si g ma A lph a Ep"i· Ion ; Bl' ta Ca111n1a Sigma: e o n Blu e K 'y; Phi Eta Si g ma~
.. · wimrning
Se ni o r ~l a
E m cro n C. Craig ln dianapoli s
8. . I nsnran ce Alph a Tau Omega: "J o rdan R i v c r R ev ue"; Var s i t y Go lf ; Fr e hman Foo tball ; Ca baret S how; lph a Phi Omega; Y. LC.A.; In suran ce Cl11b.
Louis C. C ulman Indianapoli s
Aca ia.
B.S. General Business
age r ; J11ni or Pro111 Co m. ; Pres., Co lleg iat P hamb e r o f omnH· r e; D e lt a Sigma Pi ; R e fu ge<· Com.; Dra go n's 11 ea d ; i wa sh Comrnill ee .
B . . General Business
Robert l{. Co ·n er
Patri .. ia Cril ey
O" cn> horo, Ky. 13.S. Secretarial Training Alpha Omicron Pi; Omi cron Delta.
Jlarold L. C urli s M i>dia wa ka B . . General Bnsiness I.
Irvin Wasse rman , Fred Case, a nd Edward Szy1n a11 czy k slep up to ca ll for e nroll ment card s.
Bruce D ecker
George P. Da vis
George E. D eal
I ndianapul is
Mar io n
B.S. General lfo siness
H.S. i\larketi11 g Sec., A Ipha Pl1 i
B.S. A cco u11ting
Delia Tau D eli a .
I.S. A.
Herman l\'[. Die te r L o ui sv ill e, K y.
Mary Lou Deit c 111eye1· K 11k o111 0
1:1.S. General /J nsiness
Janw s A. Dilt s Wi na 1nac
B.S. General Business
B.S. Business Law S ig ma Alpha Mu ; Sk ull and Crescent ; 1 n t c r f r a L e r11 i I y Co un cil ; Soph " 111 u re Basketba.11 1\1 g r.; A s s o c i a L c Bu sin ess M g r. , Arlmtus; Boa rd of Di · rec to rs, Coll eg iat e C ha mb e r o f Co mm erce ; La w C lub .
Robe rt A. Dobbins Ha mmo nd
B.S. General Bnsiness
\ ".. Pres ., L S. A. ; Phi l-:1 a S ig ma; A eo ns; Bl 11 e Key; So ph urn o rc Baseball l\'la n· age r ; Ba nd; C ha irman , P eace - Pip e Co mmitl ee; Pres ., l\ I e n 's R es id ence Ce nter; A cco u ntin g C lu b.
Ge r a ldin e Dikl.' B l oo min ~ t on
B .S. General Business
Douglas Doolittle Georgetown
B.S. General Business
Kappa S i g n1 a ; Ru sjness 1\ l a na ger, Bo red Wal k; P erohin g Rifl es. 1
R o b er t F. Down t'v M o nli cell u
/J.S. ill snra 11 cc Phi Cam ma De lia; Kappa Kappa P ,; i ; Kan d ; C a m e r a C I 11 b ; J ns ura nc. · C lu b .
R ay Dumke Si. Jo seph , M ich .
B.S. General Bu siness S ig ma N 11 ; Fr e~ li rn a n F oo l ball ; Vars it y F oo tball ; Colleg ia le C ha mb er o f Co mm erce.
Fra n cis W. E dge rton L a P orte
13.S. Jllarketing l. S.A . ; F rcsi1m a11 Wres tlin g.
Robe rt K. Ei fl er Evan sv ill e
Howard V. E hrhart
B.S. General Bu siness
Frank V. Ellioll
A nd er so n
Acac ia ; Blu e K ey; D elt a S igma Pi ; Phi Eta S i g m a; Bored Walle S ta ff ; Folio S taff; Soph Ba sketball om ore Mana ger; A cco unl in g C lub : Pershin g Rifl es; T h ea t re S1aff.
B.S. Genern f Business
B.S. Generol Business l. S.1\ .
Richard E llwan ger
Sh elbyvill e
13.S. General 73nsincss
13.S. Accounting LS.A.; Y.M.C.A. ;
P h i D elta Th cla.
Lloyd E. E be rhart
J eff crso nvil l<-
Acco untin g Club .
D a le
J ack Fairc hild E lk hart
73.S. Mark etin g V.-Pres., D ell a Up,. i· Ion ; Pres., Phi Et a S ig ma; S e n i o r Tra c k M g r. ; E di lo rial A ss ista nt , A rbutu s: Varsi ty Debat e; Pres ., Bl ue K ey; C h a i r rn a n, Tree - P l a n ti n ~ Co m. ; P ers hi n g Rifl es; D elta Sigma Pi.
}<'ra nk F appiano \Valerbmy, Conn. B.S. General Business
Manon W . Fells Ru shvm e B.S. A ccounting Ph i E ta Sigma.
G. Mara line Ferrier Angola B.S. Commercial T eaching LS.A.; Chi Gamma; Omi cron D e 11 a ; Coe cl Co un selin g; Education C 1 u b; Y.W.C.A.; F.T.A.
\Villiam L. Fi sh er Ind ianapolis B.S. General B1tsiness Bela The la P i ; Phi Ela Sigma; Skull and Cre sce nt; Sop homore Basket1gr.; Assoball ciate B u i n es Mgr., A r b u t 1.L s; 13oarcl of Directors, Co ll eg iat e Chamber of Commerce; Y.M .C.A.
A. Clark Fleeha r l Ru sh vill e B.S. Marketing Beta Th ela Pi; International R e 1 at i 0 n s 1 u b; Y.M.C.A.; Sophomore Track Man a g e r; Coll egiate Chamber of Commerce.
Dolores Fleische r Wes l Palm Beach , Fla. B.S. Secretarial Training Kappa A 1 p h a Th e la ; Omicron Delta; Adverti sin g and Merchandising Club.
Doroth y Forrest Elkhart 8.S. Secretarial Training TrPas., Ch i Omega: Y.\V.C.A . ; Sec. Chi
Harry W. Foster Francesv ill e B.S. General Busin ess Acacia.
Robe rt J. Foellinge r Ft. Wayn e B.S. General Business Th eta C h i ; P ershi ng Rifl es; Ac· coun tin g C] u b ; Y.i\1.C.A.; T nLra11111 ral Manager. John E. Fosler Portl and R.S. General Busin ess Phi Gamma Drlta ; Pershin g Ri fle ; Camern Clu b; Ini' t1ran ce Clu b. Rob e rt W. Fran z Gree nfi eld B.S. General Rusiness Scabbard a nd Blad t>; Men 's Glee Club; P e r hi n~ R i fi es : Pres., German Cl ub.
John W. Fox South Bend B.S. JHark eting Pres., Phi Kappa P si; S k u 11 and Crescent; Sphinx Clu b; Folio Slaff; Circulati on Mgr., Red Book ; Bu sine s Mgr., Bored fTI al k ; Y.M.C.A. Cabi net. John R. Frazie r Milroy B.S. B1tsiness Law Phi Della Thela: "Cabaret"; "J ordan R i v e r Rev ue"; Mcn ·s Gl ee Clu b; S t u cl e n t Co un cil. Law School; Law Clu b.
E dward C. Frey F it chburg, Ma ss. 13.S. General Business \. S. A. ; Coll eg iate Chamb er nf Commerce; Y.M.C.A.
C hri stoph e r C. Fri sh e Cov in gton. Ky. R.S. Statistics
Robe rt Garge tt Ft. Wa yne B.S. General Bu siness
Melvin J,. Garn er Bru ce Lake B.S. Pnblic Administration Y.M.C.A. ; Men's Gl ee Club.
D a ni el F. Gill Hammond B.S. General Business LS.A.
Georgea nna Giovanini Hillsboro B.S. Acconnting and il!/anagement Pres., Phi Omega Pi ; Board of Directors, C o 11 e g i at e Chamb er of Commerce; Y.W.C.A.
Cla yton L. Fraker Logansporl B.S. General Bnsin.ess Pres., K a p p " Sigma ; Y.M.C.A. ; Th eta Ll Epsilon; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce.
J a m es M . }' r eem an La Porte B.S. A ccounting Phi Eta Sigma; Freshman Football; Accountin g Club.
J. Hugh Funk Prin ce ton B.S. Acconnting Bela T h e t a Pi ; ni on B o a r cl; Sphinx Club; Blue K ey; Scabbard and Blade; Junior Prom Commitlee; Senior Tree P 1 a n ti n g Commit.tee; P e rshing Rifles. P er cy R. Ganstine Medora B.S. General Business LS.A. ; Y.M.C.A. ; Accounting C I u b ; Coll eg iate Chamber of Commerce; Pres., Flying Club. James J. Glover Vincennes B .S. General Bnsiness Delta Upsilon; Alpha Kappa P si; Coll eg iate Chamber of Commerce; Advertising Club; Newman Club.
l'aul A . Colrlma11 Fr<'n!'h l,ick B.S . General B usiness
Philip E . Gree n , Jr . Ft. Wa yne /J .S. .I I ark eti ng Pres.. Ph i K a ppa l'>' i: Chee r dcr ; R11 ~ i llt'$$
J\ F:~ i s tanl ,
A rb11t11 s. R ed Book; Y.i\1. C.A.; i\dv c rti !'in µ; and l\ l er .-l1andi :; in g C l 11 b ; 8 ured Wal/;. E ll ogcnc Griffith Scol t ~ hur:;
13.S. Gen eral Bu siness Pn·,-.. Al1)h a Omi c mn Pi : \ '.-Pres., Chi Cam ma: Om it-ro n Dl'lt a : Ed11 ca tinn C l11b .
Rob e rt S. Hall Indianapol is 13 .S. .\la rket in g \ .-P re<<., Alph a T a u Om ega; S k11 ll a nd Cre:;ccn t : Ad vC' rl is1n g C l11b ; Coll c;.!iate Chamber of Co mm erce : Frc:;h 111an Ba se ball ; Y .i\1.C.A . l-l c kn 1la u scl 111 ire Nt·" b11rgh IJ.S. Secretarial Training C hi Ornrga; Chi Camma: Omi c ro n De lt a : Ed11 ca li nn C l11b : F.T. A.:
Y.\V.C..\. Loui s•· A. llc 11111wr Ft. Brandi IJ.S . Comm er cial T eaching l. S .1\ . : 0 Ill i (')'() n Dt' lt a: Chi Calllma: lei fl' , Drn Ill , a nd H11 glc Co rp ,;; Ed11 rnt ion C l11b : Y.W.C.'\. : WA/\.
Hol1t·r1 Good Lint o n H.S. Gen eral lfosi ness Kappa Si g ma .
William R . Grciling La P orte 13.S. ,\/arketing De lt a Ups ilon : Y.,\J. C.A.; ] n t er n aI i on a [ R e lat inn ,; I 11 h ; C1)l leg ial(' ( :ha mlw r o[ Co >111 -
Ma r v E li za hdh Cravt ·~
E\1111 >-V i "" li.S. A {'(·o11nting ·llpl 1a Cl1 i Onwµ; a: B1·1 a Ca 111ma ~iµ:111a : Omi cno n n.. lt a: .i\c 1·1111111in g: Cl 11b.
Mar-" E. Griffi11 No lil,.,-v ill e R.S. Secretarial Trni11i11 g I. S. \ .: Omicro n D1·lta : Y .\V.C ..i\.
rncr ee.
John L. (;ril.. Ct' neva li .S. Genernl H11 si11ess
Ed 1p1 r \ V . ·11 a::f"1 n.- it•r Ed\,a n l ~ pnri
N.S. (; """,.,,/ ffosinl'SS
Jan e l I. Ila m e r , ly \Va~ hin g t 1•n
B.S. Secreta rial T rai ning Trea, ., Pi Beta Phi ; \' . Preo., J\1 ortar Board; \I. Prr, .. Coll egia l<' Cl1a111IH'r or Co mm erce : 1\ 1pha Lamhda Delt a: 1\ cconn t i ng C I 11 Ii: Y. W.C.i\.; \V.A.i\ . : Ori C' nl at ion Com . : P<'ace- Pip e Co m.
Ha rold A. Ha yes, Jr. Owe nsv ille 11.S. l! a11af!e111enl \I. Pre,.. Mana;.!l'· me n! C l11 b: Amnican ~\l a n ag:e nw n l J\ f'.soe iatinn: Ad vf' rti ~ in g: a nd ·\T crc ha ndi ,- in µ; Cl 11 h : Y.\T.C . A.: Co lleg iat l' C hamlwr or C11rnm L· rc<' . Wil liam J. llc11rv Bl11n111inµ:lo11 11.S. Gcnern/ B usiness
Brou..- 0. Harol d Bl ooming-ton li.S. C e1wral Rusi11c . .·s
Mariori .. ll c idP11rc ie h 13i e kn cll 13.S. Secretarial Troinin g D "l t a Gamrna ; Plei a d"': Orni crun Delt a : Coe d Spon """ H.O .T .C. : C hi Cam ma . Jo seph G. Herd I . 11t 't' rl H' R.S. \l ar/;eti11g l.S.i\. <:011nci l : _\1 pha l>Ji i Omt·ga: p..,., hin g Hifl1·,.; Y .J\ 1hn ti,;\ 1.C. \. : i11 µ; a nd \ '11·1-c li a n· cli >< in :~ C l nli ; Col lq! ia t1· C liaml11•r of Cn1111n1 ·rcc·: I nl ra· 11111ra l \ Ja 1u 1g1· r:-. . \ ~. ~0C' iati1111 .
K cv i11 I'. lloolt•y, 11 lnd ianapo li, /3 .S. ,\/arke ting l. S.A . : Co ll eg ia te Chambt•r of Co 111n1erce: 1\d vC' rti sin g a nd J\I n cha nd i;. i ng C l11 b; Y.i\ l. C.A.
Jack F . Holm es l nd ianapoli ' 11.S. Gen era/ R llsincss Dl' lt a Ups il on .
Mary Ja111• HopllCr Bl oo min g ton /3.S. Co mm erce Om icron Delta.
\Villi:1111 Hoppt•r Bl oom in gton /J .S. Cam•11r•1n• l. S.A. ; Ed11calio11 C l11b .
Ralph fl. llol mrloh I l{a .. i11 1-. \Vi ><. 11.S. Ge11r' m / /1 11si11c:·;s
Wi lli am E. llorlo11 \I 11ncit• 11.S. Gc11 era/ /111 siness Si g 111 a C hi: ]11t er fr a ternit y Co11nc il: \ 'an, ily c,,lf; "J ordan R ive r R ev 11 e" .
'\ illi a 111 H. Hunt e r (;rt •(· n ~ bur g
B.S. Fiwmre and Bankin g Pre ~., Alpha Ta11 OnH:"~a;
Trac k: . cab liard and Blade : [nterfraternil) Council: Co ll eg iate C:haml>t•r of Co111 111t·n·c: Y.1\l.C:.A . J o hn J ay Elkh art B. . Jllanagem ent Pres., T.S.A . ; \'. Pres .. Union Board; Beta C:an1ma Sigma; Delia Sigma Pi: Pre~.. lph a Phi Omega; ' I 11 d e n I Govern men I Com.; Indiana Daily S tu dent ~ laff ; Siwa;;h Com.
Ri c h ard A. Hut c hi so n l ndianapoli;; H. . General Busin ess Della Tau Della: I n I c r frat ernil) Co un cil ;
Per.shin ~
Rifl es; Juni or Foot ball \l anager; , 111 Cov'ernnwn l dent Comm illl' e.
P s i~
1\d ve rli 5 in ~
C l11h ; Co ll egia l<' ChambC'r of Co mn1erce .
Bc r11a rcl Ka ufm a n \ hitin g B . . M erchandisin g Treas., Phi Bt' la Delta; Blue K ey; Phi Ela. i g ma ; Skul l a nd Crescenl; , e n i o r Wres1ling J\l gr. ; Bu s. A •s l. , Arbutus; P eacPPipf' Cnm.
Lo is Ki es lin g Loga n port B . . Commerce Alph a Omi cro n Pi ; Omi cro n Della. Ri c h a r <l J. Koc tc r Fi. 'i ayne B. _ 11erchandisin g Pre • ., Phi Kappa; Boa rd of D irec lors; Coll egia te hamb er of Com merce : lnlerf raternily Co unf'lllll811 \. luh . f'il:
V iv ia n D. John ~o n
J ack C. J e nkin s , outh Bend B.S. General Hn siness
Cary B.S. (.'ommercial T eachin g Della Zr la: 0111i cr1H1 Della: Chi C:a1111n a.
Robe rt Karga co• Bi cknell B.S. General Bu siness
J oh n Kattcrh c nry Eva nsv ill e B. . General Business Bela Th ela Pi: Scabbard and Blade; Y. \f. C.A.: C:ol legia lP Chamhn of Co 1nmr rce.
\V. M y ron J o ne s
Fi. \ ayn e B.S. \larketing Sigma lpha Epsilnn ; Alpha Kappa
C lar<' n cc E. J ackso n \Vin;;lo11 11.S. C en era/ Jfo siness
William H. K ce k 11. Vernon 13. . Gen eral Business Trea ., Phi Gamma Delia ; Blu e K ey; Sp hin x Club ; Della S igma Pi; Sr. Ba$l'1en-~ hall Mgr.: Glee Jub; Trr1;. .. S c a Ii b a rd and Bl ade; Bu _ A•st.. A r b u t u s; T r r ePl anting Co m. Kt' 1111 e th K napp Flora B . . General Bu siness K a ppa Si gma.
Rurh 11. Kri cglJa u 111 \ aJTf'n B. _ ecretarial Trainin g
Pre<.. Sigma K appa; lpha Lambda Deli a; A. W. S. Council; P an h r lleni c Co un cil; Chi Gamm a: Omi cron D e lta ~ (:I II h.
J\ ceo untin :.r
J oh 11 L . Ki s tl e r Elkhart 13.S . Mark etin g Aeo n s; J unior Tra c k Mgr. ; J\ ssncial e Editor. Arbul us; Blu r Ke): Alpha Kappa P si: Prrs., i\fon "s Res idence Ce nt er ; ColIC'g ia le If/ho's If/h a: I nvilat ion s Co m. Cecil ,V. Koo 11 Kend al lvill e B.S. 1fcrc handisi11g I. S. A.; Ca mera Club ; Y.M.C.A .: Collegial<' Chamllf' r nf Com nH' rcr.
F r ee m a n l\'J. Lauri Terre ll a11te /J . • General Business Pres., A I pha Tau Omega; cahhard a nd Bl ade : P er,hing R i £ l e •: Y.i\ I. .. 1\ _
Jim ntrim and Rudolph Grunfeld pond er ovl!r somP wei g hL) matter in th e R & E lihrar).
' '' illiam Law les' Cnl11 111 1" '' I/..'\ . General lfosi ness
T homa s O. J, cc l-: a 11 Cl a in'. Wi >'. lf.S. Rusi111•ss (.'hP111is 1rr
Charl i'S R. l~l' e S P ern H.S. A r·r·o11nli11{! l.S. '\ . : Si gma Ep , i· 111 11 Tlll't a; \ y,.. .,., \l ph a Ka pp a P, i: Prr,.: .. Y..\l.C.J\. : Pn ·~ . ,
l\e c o11n1 i11 ~
<: I 11 h :
T r e a s .• Flame Club.
Mary Eliza h r 1h Lc ls i ngf•r
Lint on 11.S. Commercial T ear h i n ~
l.S. J\ . ; F. T. J\ . : 0 111 irrn n I) P l t :i : Ecl11 ca tio11 C ) 11 h :
Y. \" .C. '\ .
l. i v in~!" I OtH'
Bi d .iwll n.s. C en Pml flu siness
Mar ia11 L. L 1•v in \1i chi ga n Cit y H.S. Co mm ercial T eachin g I. .. i\ . : Alpha l.a111hda Delta: Pi l.a mhda D <' I t a: Ominnn D e lta : 1lillt·I l~1111ndati1111 .
H arold i\kM a h o n , Jr. \l11hl .. •v ill <' n.. . Ceneml Bu siness
illi a m (; , Lewi ~ lndi a na pnli ,.: 11.S. llork etin tz \ . Pn·;; .. S igma Ep· - il11n Th l· ta : Alph a Kappa P"i: Y ."i\f.C.. !\ .; l11 ;;11ran<"c 011h ; \ cl vf'l'ti •in g Cl11li .
Mi ldr<'rl V. Mag<'I So uth B(' nd 11.S. Comm ercial T ea(' hing I .S. I\.: Trt·a,. .. Chi C a 111ma : 0111icrn11 l), ·Jt a : Y.\ ' .C.A .
Do11alrl ll . H a ro ld C. Mar•lrn ll Clint on 11.S. Ceneml B usiness Dt·lt a Chi: \ a r,; ty Hifl P T .. a1n .
Fra nk J. M-Pll i ng-t•r
C ary /J.S. General B usin ess Bl'! a Th eta Pi : S.. ninr r n I r a Ill II r a I l\ la nage r ; S c a Ji . ba r I a nd Bl ade; So ph omore B a s ('ba l1 :\l a na ger: Cnlkgi a te Cl1amher of Comm erce. F r a n c is E. M iller \Va rsa11 H.S. General B usiness 1.S.'\ .: Co ll l'g i ~ 1< · Cl1 a mb t' r nf Co111 lllt' ITC' :
Me<'k ~ trolh
11 11111in g ton n.s. l! arf,·{' /iu {! Si gma !\ Ipha Ep:< i· lon: Fre,.: hma n Ba,.:. ketha ll: Y . .\1. \.. A. : C nll q.~ iat t' Chamhn of Comnw rct· : \ d. \t·rti i.. in ~ a nd \11 ·r· cha ndi , in g Cl11h.
'Villi a m C. i\fr nk t'
\Vt ·;; t l lall.
\lt- :1111r i.1I
1 i'~· • · r
I.a Pnrll·
11.S. Ru siness
11.S. C eneml Business
ll an agen 1r•11/
Pn''·· Si f! ma Chi : ll ninn Roa1· d: C r i rn s o n
St aµ:~ :
Pre,.: .. Sphinx Cl11h: Dragon 's Tl ea d : Var• it y Ba, kPthall a nd Traek: Collt-l! ia tr Wh o's Wh o.
Ceorgc F. 1ill er E"a ns' ill l' B.S. Cenem l H11 sin ess Trt' a~ .. ~i µ; n 1t1
C hi.
\d vt" rl i~ in ~
Cl11h. Max L. i\li ll1' r Kokn111 11 8.S. General flu siness Pl1i Ka ppa P "i : S ca hh a rd a nd Bl ade: \ a r " i t ) Rifl e T• •a 111 : Col ll'gia to' Chan il H· r .. r Co111111 r rc('.
ma ~i g m :t: \ ' . Pr• ·~ ..
I I 11111 in gb11 q.!
J\1 e rr h a ndi ~ in ~
a nd
J ca 11 i\fre s•· Ca ry 11.S. (.'01111111' rcioi T N11·hin{! I. S. _\ . : J\ lpl "' I.a 111hda Dt·lt a: \\ '. '\ .!\. : Alph a Ca m·
Lt' Oll J. 1 ill ~ \l a ri on lf.S. (; en no I Hu siur'ss
Marvi11 L . i\'l ill t' I' Bedford H.. . C e11 em/ R11 sin ess Pn ·~ . , Ka ppa ~i:,!rn a: B11 ,. \l gr.. A rbutu s; I) ra g o n·, ll ea d: Sphin x Cl 11b : l ' ni on Boa rd : Hl11c Key: Phi l·: 1a ~ i g 111a :
Pre~ . ,
Kapp a A I p 11 a: Cha irman , I n v i t a t ions Co m. ; Collt-g ialt· Wh o's //'" ho. E rlward A. M ikul a, I la mn11111cl 11.S. r: eneml lfo sin Pss
E r11<'s l L. Mol' k Josep h M. Mi slrov ich Ca ry /J .S. C e11 em l R11sin ess
l.S. \ .
C harl e ~
Mi1che ll Fra nkl in B. S. /n su mn ce l. S. J\ .: Col lep: iat<· Cham lwr o f Com llH'f('( ':
I l1111ting tn n
R.S. Fi nan ce ond Bankin{! S ec .. La111hcla Chi Alph a; lntt·rfni ll'rnit y Co11n r il: Al ph a Ka ppa p , i : Rand .
Beta Fl eeha rt, Be nso n, Gahm , a nd Fi sher hold th e B & E s lairs in place wh il e bor es in g b etween classes.
V irge 11e Moore T e rre H aute B. . Commercial T eaching Phi Mu ; Alpha Lambda Delta ; Pi L a m b cl a Th ela ; Bela Gamma Sigma ; Pre ., C hi Gamma: Omi c ro n D e I t a;
May n ard F. Morri s Tndianapoli B.S. General Business Th ela Chi .
Thoma A. Molle r Ft. Wayn e 13.S. General Business Pres., S igma Alpha Eps il on ; Vars i ty fl a,ke l b3 ll .
F. T . A.; W. A. A. : Y. W. C. . , P eare· Pip e Co m.
Charl es Newso m Eli zg he1h1 own 13.S. General B11 sinPss
Harry Nicka s Bl oo min gton 13.S. General H11 siness
Rach el R. Nor m a n raw fordsvill e 8 . . Management l. .A.; Chi Gamma; Om icron D e lt a; Be ta Gamma igma: .Ir. Prom. Co m. ; Di reclor, Col. C. o f C.; Boa rd o f Sta nd· a r cl s; In vitati o ns Co m.; Coll eg ia le Who's TPh o; A. W .S. Co un c il.
Orv ill e W . Nich o ls, Jr. Kn ox B.S. Acco1.111 ting Phi Ga mm a Delt a: Se ni or B3ske tball 1\l a na gn: " J ordan Ri ver Rev 11 P., ; Alph a Ph i Om ega : Pres., Chess Cl 1111.
Ma rj o ri e E. Nie Tl11111in glon 8.S. Se cretarial Trainin g K a ppa Alp h a Th e l a; A lph a La mbd a D e ll a; Omi cron Del la ; L e e r c l e Fran ca is : W .A.A.; Panh elle ni c Cou ncil: Marla r Boa rd R ecogn ili on ; Y.W.C.A . ; oll eg ial e C h a 111 · be r o f Co mm erce.
'Villiam A.
Eva nsv ill e R.S. General Bu siness Phi Camma Dr l1a .
Ernest Nock I lammond R.S. Personnel \la nagement Pers hin g R if I es; Scabbard a n d fl la de; Coll eg i:lle 0111Chamber of mercC'; Y.l\ f. C.A . ; l\l a n H~e m c nl Cl11h .
Rob ert Old e nburg Evansvill e 8.S. General Bnsiness Ka ppa igma.
Nor rn a n Redford 13.S. General Business Coll eg ia le Cham be r o f Commerc<'.
K a rl Overbeck
J ack Olive r Columbi a City B . . M erchandisin g De lta Chi ; Col leg ia le Chambe r o f Co mme rce; A cl ve r1isi ng Club .
Charl es Nichol son
J ame s G. Orr M 11n s1c r 13.S. illanagem ent T rea•., Th cla Chi : Mana g!' mcnl C l11h .
Indi anapolis
Ii .S. Gen era/ 811siness
G. Robe rt Pe 11dle ton Mark levill e B.S . Mana gem ent cc., Alph a Ka ppa P si ; \I. Pres., Man · a geme nl Clu b; ec.· Trea ., E n g l i h Clu b; ec., F lam e
b; Y.M. C.A .
Cab in et ; Acco unl in g; C l11 b; Col. C. of
Wilma Pi c kard l .yo ns 13. . Secretarial Traint'.ng l. S. A.: Omi cro n D elia : Treas., F . T.A. ; Sec., Edu ca lion Club; Co l. C. of
C.; Y.W.C.A.: Ad ve r1is in g Cl11h ; Coed Co11nsellin g.
Orval R. Partlow ll a rlford Ci ty 13 . . Marketing I. . . A.; Alpha K ap pa P si ; Flame \.l11h .
Jlarri l' I Powers Crt'<'nfield 11.S. Secretarial T raining Chi C""1111a: St'<'.. 0111in1> 11 D~lla .
Jack . Ra y l.011i ,,i ll e, K ) .
R.S. P erso1111el ll arwgemenl I S \ .:
1ar.iori e A. Rahe J\ II !'Ora 11.S. Ce11er11/
Gf•org<" ~ •
Rau,.h , Jr. i\l a rion 11.S. r;,,,,eml
H11si11 f'SS J)1•l1a Ta11 D1 ·l1 :1.
\V illi:1111 J. R cgao; ,\ I ic higan C i1 y
11.S. Gen era/ Ra siness
Y ..\ l. C:.A.
Ru !O;st·I Rf•gt·· 111i11 e l,a p,,rle R.S. C en era! /J11si11ess \l plia Tar: Om" f!~.
~Tan age nH' nl
011 li.
Ri<·h arrl T . Bt· h111 Tndianapol i'
R.S . .l larketin{! Be la Th cla Pi ; \ 'a rsil) Foo 1l1all: T ra <· k; Var;: il y Sca hh ard a nd
Wi lli a m H. l\ lo nli cell o
R.S. General Business
E1lgar L. Bich ard so n B loom in g; 1011
Gen eral R11 siness
C. Charl t•t• 11 Homiou •s T,a\\TC' nct·h11rµ:
Dt•a 11 P. RolH·r ts Illoominglon H.S. Mana{! ement l.S.A.; Sec., Nia n· agr· m <' nl Cl11li: Pers hin g R i f 1 c· s: Y. \l. l..A. ; Collt" l!ial" Chamlwr ,,[ C<•rn1nt-·1-c<·.
F r ank R o bin s on Rlooming;ton
R.S. Gener11/ R11 siness
11.S. /J11si11e 1s f.he111i .11n· C:hi 01111·1,!a: Chi Ga rnma : Omin0n D1' lla: .\l o rtar Boa rd R erog ni1inn: B11 ~. As> I.. Arb11t11 s : P I f' a i d (' ;: : Coed Spon;:or. R .O.T.C.: lnlra· W. A. J\.: n111ral St><'.: J\ c· cn 11n1in g Cl11h ;
E lli s J. Sa ffe r y I las l11'lrnrk 1lr· iµ: hl '. I
.J .
H.S. CenNal
Ma hl o n Sa larli11
-y __
W. C.A.
I ndi a napol i;: 11.S. Gen eral
Loui se Sa mud s on Sprin::dielrl . 0.
Rusin ess
11.S. Secrelf!rid Trainin g Pres., Delia Gamma: Trea;:., Pl e-
ffosi11e ss l.S. \ .
W. A. A. ;
Omicron 0 f'li a.
Ha y mond Sa nrl c r s S ht" Ibyvi 11 "
IJ.S. In surance \ cro11nling CI uh: ln s11ran cp Cl11l1: 1 .. .\I .C. A.
F l o~· rl
M. Saxton Ca r y
Cf'org.-. A. Sch la m e r s<l o rf
11.S. Ge11 era!
\ ' i nCf'llll( '<
lfosine ss
R.S. Ce11<·rnl R11 si11 rs.'
J ac k FaiH' hilcl a nd Bob Swa)Z•' a re "o n Lh e ball" while Rachel No rm a n . mil rs a n<l Bob S ill sh o11·~ hi s prelty prett v leg l o thr pho togra ph e r.
R a lph D. Schn a h e l Tndian a polis B . . General Busin ess J. S. A . ; B a n d : Ca mera \.I 11h ; Fl yin g Cl11h.
J ea n
chroed e r 11 n B . . r.omm erl'ial T eaching I. , . J\.; W. . A. : Choral U ni on; Col leg ia te Cha mhPr nf Co mm erce; Om icron Delta ; F.T.J\ .: r::d11 ca li on Cl11 h. Ri sin g
J o hn R. ee le Co nn ersvill ,, 8.S. General Ru sin es-' Phi Delt a Th eta.
B e rni ce M. Sc h11 e id e r Va lparai so B.S. r.omm ercial T eachin g T.. .A. ; Coed Band ; Fife, Drum. ~nd Bu gle Corps; Pres .. \. hi Gamma; Omi cron Delta ; Boa rd of Direc tors, Colleg iat e Chamber of Co mm erce: Y.W. C.J\ . ; W .A .A .
Da ni el ch ogPr And erso n 8.S. A ccountin g l.S.A.; Acrn11 ntin g Ca 111 e r a Cl 11b ; Cl11h.
Philip M . Sro ll S helb yvi ll e B.S. General Business Sec., Beta Tli 1a Pi ; Sop homore B:1sc. hall Ma nager ; Le Ce r c l c Fran ca il' : ComOri ent al inn mitt ee: Y. f.C. A. 0
J a m e s 0. Sehulth e is Vin cenn f's R.S. 11/arketin g
J o hn
Se m a nc hi k Cary 8.S. Jlfanagem ent l.S . . ; o- Edit or. Sc hool of Bu sin ess Book let ; C h ora l Uni on ; Men's Gl ee Cl11 b ; Treas., J\f anage ment Cl11h ; cwman Club .
J\'la r ga r e l A nn Sh a ul Terre Haut e B.S. Secrelarial Trainin g
D r lta Gamma; 01ni c r o n Delt a; Chi Gamma; Y.W.C.J\.
M arlh a M . S h e rl ze r Bl oom i nglon Tl. . Secrelr:rial Trainin g . ec ., Omi cron Delt a.
R o b e rt E . S hillin g K okomo 8 .S. Advert ising LS.A.; Uni ve rsit y Th e a I r e S taff ; Band ; Acco untin g Club : Adverti sin g C I 11 b ; Coll eg ia te Chamb er of Co mmerce.
H o b e rt W. S ill Ca ry B.S. Marketin g \I .Pres., A ca c i a; Beta Ga mma S igma ; Phi Eta Sigma ; Sec., Bl11 c Key; Va rsit v Coif: Acco untin g C lub : .M t> morial Se nior Committ ee.
a 1h a 11 S il ve rman Derby, Co nn. B.S. Advertising T. S. A. Co un cil; Radi o Th ea 1 r e: 1\fen"s Glee Club: • eni or ou ncil , Hill el F n11n rla1 ion: FrPshm a n Tra ck.
S 1eph e n S liph e r Col11mb11 s, 0. B.S. Finan ce V. Pres., igma Chi ; Beta Gamma Phi Eta Pres., Delta igma Pi ; Co ll e g i a I e Chamber of Co mmerce; Y.M.C.A.
Geor ge E . S m e lhurst \Varren B.S. Marketing I. .A.; Adverti sin g a nd Merchand isin g C I u b; oll eg ia tc Chamber nf CommPrce.
Cliffo rd A. S mi1h Mun cif' B.S. A ccoiulling Alpha K a ppa P si; Flame Club ; Colleg iat e Cha mher of .omm erce; Y.M .C.A.; Acco 11ntin g r:J 11b.
F r a nk JI. S mith Bent on H arbor, 1i ch. n.s. In suran ce
O m e r E . S milh Veedersburg n.s. r.ommerre Y.M.C.J\. ; Choral Uni on ; Ed ucation l11h ; F.T.A.
Ma rlh a S p a rk s Bl oo mfi eld B. . r.omm erce T. S. A.; Omicron Delta ; Ed11 ca l ion Club: F .T .A.
H a r old R. S1affelch S ta r Ci ty B.S. General Hu sin ess
Pi ;
S phinx Club ; son Stag ; Varsit y Foo tball ; Sca bbard a nd Bl ad e.
Ge o r ge , V, S p a uldin g Bl oo min gton 11.S. General Busin ess
Max G. S 1e in I ncli a napoli s 8.S. A cco unting Phi Beta Dclta ; Phi Et a Sigma; J\r ,.,H1ntin g J11h.
R a lph A. S p erry ash vill e 8.S. General B11 siness S igma A lph a Epsilon.
E d wa rd C . S toeckley K end allvill e B.S. General Business l.S.A. : Sca hha rd and Bl ade; Co lleg iat e Chamber of Cn mm ercl'; r wman Cl11h.
Co 111ing up ! Bob l'oll'ers a 11cl R a) Bolin ge r hea,l for a sec ond floor C' lass in B & E.
Me lvin S mith So11 1h Be nd 13.S. r:om 111 errial Teachia g Sigma Alph a i\lu : .I uninr Track .\I an · 3g:cr: S1u dP nl Cn un r- il. 1lill el Fo und ation.
Richard 13. S to n <'r Ti pi on Tl.S. Finan ce and Rankin g P res., Se ni or Class; Pres .,
N 11 :
Pres .. U nion Boa rd : Bela C a 111 111 a S i g ma: Phi El a Si gma: S p h i n x Club ; Blu l' Key : Dra go n·, 11 (' a d : Chairman . .J 11ni ur Pro 111:
1\ ..,~oe i alt>
Edi 1 o r, Aru11 111 s; Sk ull an d C: n''<·c· nl. Joh 11 Sy lvt'l' tf' r l\ li 1chell R.S. G enerol R11 si11ess
R o b e rt
Roh c rt \V.
.. lra esscr
Fra nk for l B .. . ,ll arkeling Acacia; Sca bba rd an d Bl adt' ; Sk nll a nd C r Psce n l: Per, hin g Ri f l es: C:o ll .. gia lP Charn lw r of Co 111 111 " r c P: Y. \l. C.A .
Vincenn es R.S. \lerchandisin g Dell a U p s il o n: Dell a Sigma n : Co ll ,.::da lc Cha mh Pr 11 f Commerce; \l a nag1· 111 Pnl C: luh.
Erlwa rrl A.
J os<' ph T a111bo1w l\t·11· York Ci 1y H.S. General Bu sin ess Phi Kappa; Ed uca· lion Cl ub: C:ns1110po li1 a 11 C: luh : 11' W· man \.lu h.
Szy nu11u;zy k
Cal11111<·1 \.i 1y, Ill. 11. S . r:om111errial Teachin14 l.S.A. : f n<uran cP Cl ub : Edu ca lion Clul1 : S111d<' nl RPli µ; i o11 ~ Cab in f'I : Nf'w111a n \.l ub.
Rolwrl T<'mp li11 Bl11ff1 nn B.S. lfarkelin g BPi a T h c I a Pi : Y.M. C.A . ; C:nll eg ia I e Cham be r of Co mm erce; V.PrC's., ln irarn ura l J\ ssnP ia1 i n n: Fr<'s l1 111an Ifa , k.. 1ball.
Jam e s D. T h o mpso n .hi cag;o R.S. Finan cial /fl rilin g ~i gma Chi ; ~igma Dell a Chi ; Indiana n aily S11ule111 S1a ff.
Mer l<' TT. Ti"'I"
Joy K.
Arlhur W . T ut1lc w..,, I lm C' n. Co nn. 8 .5. A cco1111 1ing Alp ha Kapp el P si ; J\ cco unl ing C lu b ; C:n lll'gial C' C:harn her 11f C omm e r ce; Fl a m!' C: luh.
Rohn ! 11. Va n Ri essc11 So111h Bend R.S. lf erch1111dising Phi Ga mm a Delt a; \ 'a rsil y Coif: Jn. - urancl' Club .
Ton1li11 son
Da nvill e 8 .5. General 811 si11 ns
Ht · n ~~f ·l af' r
R.S. Gennal lfo siness
D.C . pres icl enl Loui se Sa mu elso n lea ds ll'a ril v wilh Ollo En gleha rl. Burl eigh C rim es . a nd Bill Ui ve11 c:o mplelin g Lh c fo ur ome.
Un ion Board pr . y Di ck toner and trackma n Vern Broe rtj c. wiL hclraw boun I knowled ge from Lhe busines lil rar).
Do 11a l<I lL Wa lt z . pc nre r B . . Public Bnsiness Administration Co ll eg iate Charnbr-r of Comnwrce.
Robe rt E . '\ h a ley Ja sper R . . Insurance and Fi nan ce Frc·~ hrnan Ba!'ehall: F r e s h rn a n W restl i ng.
Ri t'ha rd E. Wo lf Ft. Wayn e B . . General Busin ess Ka ppa . igma.
Qu e nlin Yo d e r Goshen B.S. General Business T. .A.; oll egiat e hambe r of Commerce;
Irvin L. ' Vasserma 11
a mue l M . '\
e ll ~
Lo ui vill e, Ky. 13.S. Accountin {! S ig ma A lpha Mu ; /\ eo n s; Phi Eta Sigma; Juni or F o thall ~[ana ge r: Sk ull and Cresce nt; Acr o u n 1 in g Club : 11 ill el Fountlnti o n.
co ll sburg B . . Busin ess] ournali sm Delta U p s i I o n; igma Delta Chi ; phinx lub ; Boa rd of Aeo ns; Editorin - Chief, Indiana Daily S t u d e n t : .rimso n Stags.
Lowell \Vhal ey
Ar n old W ilk e 11
Bloomington B.S. General Ru sin ess LS.A.
ll ammond B.S. Advertisin {! A lph a Kappa P si; Board of Director$. ollegiate Chamber of Commerce: dv e r ti s i n g C lub : Y.M.C.A.; Treas .. \'\fe stminste r Inn.
F r a n ce E. Yea ri c k
D av id C. Yeom a n
R oc heste r B . . Commercial T eaching LS.A.; V. Pre ., C hi C a rn m a; Treas., Omi c ron Delta : Y.W.C.A. ; Co c d Co un selin g.
\'(fa ll e r K. Yo r k Jndianapok B . . General Busin ess "igrna l u.
d ve rt isi ng a n d \1 e r c h a n d isin g luh .
Omi cron Delta '. leader. Jan •'t Ham ersly, takes Lime ou t to g;la nre over a few paper s.
i\1it ch ell B . . General Business DPlta Tau DPlta.
W illiam R. L u ga r i\1ario11 13 . . illerchandisin{! Phi Gamma Delta: Skull and re5ce nt: Va r5i t y T e n n i s : ··Jordan River R evue "Ca baret .. : Blue Key RPcog ni tion.
BE 'f A GA M~I A SIG ~1 A Pn oF.
G. L.
CA 1u 11c 11u : 1. ....................... ...........................
R. E.
I . W. ALM .................................................................. Treasurer
........................................... Vice- Preside11! Secre/ar y
PHor. \V. T. B uCK LI" ............................................ , ergea11/-al-Ar111 s P1rnr.
H . C.
VA I J\ ........................................................... /-/
~1 EMB~RS l-llP in _Beta Ga mm a S ig ma is lim ited l.o Lh e upper ten pe r cell l uf th r
Jun 10r a nd Semo r cla scs
Lh e Sc hoo l of Bu s in ess. On l) two per ce nl o f t lw
Jun iors a nd nol mo re tha ll Len per ce nt o f th e Se ni o rs a re eli gib le lo beco me membe rs. Good bus in ess abi lil). mo ral characte r and sc hola rs hi p a re th e qu a liti e slressr·I for m e mbe rsh ip in th e o rga ni za ti o n. wh ich co rres po nds lo Phi Beta K appa for Lh e Sc hool of Arts a nd Science. H avin g c hapte rs in a lm ost ever ) sc hoo l A~sociation
hi c h ho lds me lllbershi p in the Ame rican
of Coll eg ia te Sc hools of Bu s in ess. th e fr a te rnit 1 was founded llatio nall)
ill 1913 b) th e U nive rs ity of So uth ern Ca li forn ia. the Un iv er~ il ) o f Ill inoi s. a nd th e U ni ver ity of Wiscons in . Th e loca l c hap le r callle into be ing in 1923. The o rga niza ti o n recognizes sc hola rship eac h 1 ea r b) plac ing th e nallle of Lh e ou tstandin g Sop homore Bu s in ess slucl enl o n th e Beta Gamma S ig ma pl aque a nd b) g ivin g the Wil li am A. R awles key to th e Bu s iness stud ent who has th e hi ghest average at Lh c end of hi s f irst two a nd a ha lf years in the School o f Bu si11 ess.
I. W.
F. •\ .
B~ BI O'\I·:
c. w.
J. 1\ . \V. C. \V. T.
C. I,.
B IHKEH H\TCllEJ.0]{ B1uu1.E B1 CKJ.E\' C 1H lllC ll \ El.
D1 TT0 1'\
l::D\l' ,\]{ lb
.I . E. c .1 n:BEll'\ITA CW -ILT'\EY
C. D. II
S 111 rl1• 11t '
.I . E. I l1rn r: 1·:.' .I . F. .\I EE
R1 r: 11 ,11w
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11 \]{(]].])
H. \I.
.\l1 KbEl.I.
I) ~' 1El. B1 w r z
.J. E.
Pi1 I
S. 1\ . P1u :"1.EH .\ . I .. PHICKETT 11. c:. SAi \.\ I '\ C. C. H. .\ . 11.
w. A. E. :\1. B
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0 111 11.1.E
Eu11· 11m
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i\ I.
SEYl'JOJ H C:o11E'
H. CO'\H~ ll l' 111L1.11• CooPrn
NEAi. C11.1 . IA TT
H ICllEL R. \l -1' I El. F. l{om:wr W. STEl'lll" C. H1 c11 IHll B.
:H NoHM •\ 1'\
l{OTll l!E]{(; S11.1. Sl.IP llE]{
P 11 1L1P COOPER ______ ··--·. ·--···----· ----· ____ ··-------·- Pres ident
__ __ Vice -President Secretary
·--·. ____________________________
Do ' D AV IS --------------·--------------------- -- ---·----------------
Tr easurer
Coo Prn
S e co11d R ow 0 0'IALD O A \I S CEOHGE1\ NN A
G I 0 \ 1\ f\ JN I
Nf .\HY
H rn o111 c K ·
CEoncE Kmsc 1-1 KoEsTrn
H.1c 11 AHD
r11HE Colleg iate
l nd iana bu s in ess m en cl isc us with th e stud ents th e ac tu a l nature of th e ir occ upa ti . ns. Th e governin g b od y of th e g ro u p i th e Board of Di r ec tors. pic tured ab o ve, mad e up of a bo y and a g irl elec ted from eac h class, and o ne r eprese ntative each fr o m Be ta Gamma S ig ma. D elta S ig ma Pi, Alp h a K appa P s i. C hi Gamma , Omi c ron D elta , a nd th e Acco untin g Clu b, all of whi ch a re or ga ni zatio ns fo r Business stud e nts. Th ese, with th e three membe rs h eld over fr o m th e pre vious yea r , co ns titute th e m e mbe r hi p of th e Board; a ll B us in ess S ch ool s tud e nts a r e automa ti call y m emb er s o [ th e Colleg iate Ch a mbe r.
Ch a mb e r of Comme rce was found ed in
1927 for th e p urp ose of es tabli shin g a cl ose r re la ti on· s hip between th e fa c ult of th e c hool of Bu s in es and th e stu de nts, actin g as a co nn ectin g bod y be twee n th e two groups. The o r ga niz a tion was mad e a charter m e mber of th e Ia ti o nal Inter -Coll egiate Chamb er of Com m er ce in 1938. The Collegiate Chamber thi s yea r in trodu ced th e S tud e nt Opini o n Questi on naire w hi c h was cli s trihuted to 4,000 Bu sin ess Sch ool s tud ents to obtain th eir o pinion o n th e ins tru c ti o nal qualiti es of th eir p rofesso rs. A no th er fun c ti o n of th e o rg a ni za ti o n is th e a nnu a l Busin ess Career Confe re nce, a t whi ch prom in e nt
Preside11 t Vice- Pres ident DoN DAvis ---------------------------------------------------------- Sec retary KEITH Cox -------------------------- ---- ---------------- ·--·---- Treasurer STEVE
LIPll EH --------------------------- -- ---------------------
_____________ ----------------------------------
ICirst Row EowA HD
Brn \JI Al<IJT
H onE HT l. E~
B l l '\GEH
R o 1n:wr CO\\Ell
Coo l' rn
1> 111 1. 11'
Seco"'f Row D oi\ D Av1 s J ACK EAS0:-1 J AC K
F AIH C ll !Ll)
Coo u
Third Um v J u li N J AY R O BEHT J O ll "\~O'\ \ V II . LI A \ l K ECK
;\ 1 Al lll !CE K 1111'.llOOll
K 1sT'1·.11
G 1-: 011GE M cNA1: 11
IC111trth Row NEl.SOi\
\ -ll< GI L
J 0 11 N
P A I NTlcll
R oBE11T
S T i-: r11 EN Sur 11 rn EDWARD
\ViLi . I A~ I ~
CTl VIT JE S of Della S ig ma Pi , the ho norar y for m en in th e School of Bu sin ess. includ e d ebates b) m e m · ber s of th e o rg aniza ti o n o n bus in ess s ubj ect , a nnual lo urs to th e indus trial planl. of la r ge c iti es. b us in ess lun ch eo ns a t whi ch g ues t s pea ker s add ress lh e gro up . a nd semi -m o nthl y profess io na l meetin gs. Th e o rga n izati o n works in coop e ratio n with the Board of Directo rs of th e Collegia te Cha mber of Co mm e rce. Th e o r gani zati o n, rank ed as o ne of th e larges t in th e pro fess io nal field , was fo und ed a t New Y o rk U ni ve r s it y in 1907. Th e local ch a pte r. Alph a Pi. was es lah lish ed in 1925. Am o ng th e fun cti o ns o f th e na ti o nal gro up a re th e maintainin g of a lar ge a nd e ffectiv e alum n i
or gani za t ion . lh e ad 111 in is tr a ti o n of a pe rso nn el plac i 11 g
se rvice
0 11
a na t io nal b as is. a nd th e publi ca ti on of a
qu a rterl y ma gazin e.
Also pro min e nt in
th eir li st o f
ac hi e ve me nts is th e A lumni Pl acin g Se rvice. a coopera live und ertak ing wh er e by membe r
a r e assis ted i n se-
c u rin g e mplo) me nt in kee pin g with th eir trainin g . A no th er acl ivit) is lh c prese nta ti o n o( a sc hola rship kc1 eac h year to th e graduatin g Se ni o r with th e hi g hes t ave rage in th e Sc hool of Busin ess.
In fo rm a l gct-togelh c rs
a r c held with th e fa c ulLy m e mber s of th e gro up . wh u a rc Professor s Edward Edwa rd s. J o hn
ee. J ames
faL J a mes Ca tes, Cla ire Ba rk e r. a nd H arold Lu sk.
ifo J-
HARD AIKMA ' ______
Lrns ____________
__ :-:
Th e latter is a yea rl y acLi v ity for Alph a K ap pa P i. Th e o rga nizati o n also publi s he. a se mi -a nnual journal. call ed th e Beta Gamma News, edited by J o hn L e ining r. and se nt to o th er ch ap ters.
Bo u -;cm R 1r: 11 AnD BooKou-r R AY
eco11d Row G1L11rn-r Coo P EH JEs~E Cox HEW 5
.J A \1E S
Krn 'I
J O H N L El 'i l NGER l .E 1c 11TON Mo K J A 1 ES J\'! OHGAN
ponso rcrl
Jn ]• eb ruar y. th e or gan iza Li on v is iLed
and in April , th e sa 111 e typ o( Lo ur was mad e lo C hi cag1> .
.1 0 11 -; B A ILEY
th e gro up.
Loui sv ill e o n a to ur of th e indu slri al plants o f Lhat c iLy.
R1 c 11 Anu
n_he n of Lhe ' c: hool of Bus in ess s poke
c ience," an exhibit b) Gen ral Motors, wa b
ecretary Treasurer
dj usl111 e 11Ls Lo Lh c 1a ti o nal Defe nse Proo n " Busi nes o- ram. " ]n Lhe arn e mo nlh. Lh e " 1ira les o f .oclcrn
First Row
--- -- ------- - ------------
vember 17. Prof.
LPHA Kappa P i, co mmer ce frate rnity, li sts a it purposes, furth erin g th e individual welfare o[ iL m mber s; fo te rin g scien Lifi c r e earch in the fi eld o ( co mm rce; and promotin o- and advancing in in tituti o n5 of college rank co ur s leadin g to degr ees in bu ine s ad minis trati o n. Th e o rganizali o n wa founded in 1904 a l 1e w York nive rs it _ th e Indian a ch ap te r. Bela Gamma , comin g to th e campu s in 1927. Ther e a re no w fift y-three activ ch ap ter throu o-h o ut th e cou ntr y. ctiviti e for th is yea r b ga n ' ith a ru h s mo k r on October 2, at whic h Bill S to ut '37. of L. S. yres. s pok on " Publi R lations." A L a profess io nal m eetin rr 1o-
JI ice-President
EBELHOER --------- -
···------------- ---·-·· ·
~- --------- - ----
Al.TEil R OB lll i\S
Fifth Row C LIF FO RD SM ITll
JAi\ l' T MARY
Dr-:1T1~ME YEH
_ ___ _ ______ ___
HARRIET PowEH S _________ --------------------
Secretar y
. ----------------------------------
O\V in ils fourlh ) t•ar 011 th e campus. Omi c ron Delta , hun ora r) o rganization for Juni or and enior wo111 e11 in th e Sc hoo l o f Bus in ess. serves as a n a id to th e coed pre parin g lo enter th e bus in ess world. Th e o rganizati on helps Lo po int oul opportuniti es for wom e n .in thi fiel cl and g ives th e m information a nd pointe rs concernin g th <' futur e. It se rves lo promote fri e nd]) und erstandin g a nd professional inte rest a111011 g busin ess women . Th e 111e111 be rs of th e gro up Lr) Lo ca rr y out th eir purpose wilh
co llaboration with Chi Gamma and gave a Lea in ho11ur of Mrs. Arthur Weime r. wife of the Dea n of th e Schoo l of Busines . Jn addit io n. the gro up meet o nce a 1110nlh to di sc uss th eir affa irs and to hear g uest spea ke r fro1n large business concern s throu ghou t th e slate. Th e gro up was found ed with th e a id of Miss Lule Weste nh aver and Mrs.Ether D. Bra y of th e School of Bu in ess a nd Mi s:o Sa rah Kirb). ass ista nt to th e Dean of th e Sc hoo l of Bu s iness. Th e orga nizati o n is re presen ted in th e Coll eg iate Cham ber o f Co mmerce b) membership 011 th e Board of Directors. Omi c ron Delta 11 as in slrum ntal in th e reestablis hin g o f Chi Gamm a on th e l ndi a na ca mpu .
both a soc ial and a n instru cti onal program. Thi s ) Ca r. Omicron Delta e nterta in ed th e fa c ull) 111
First Row " I LLOI (; ll B \
, \ Li . I·.\
CA-r11rnl\1-: CnrnHY I I ELE.\' D \\I S
Row Loi DE1 °1E11E ' 1-.1:
Cl·. l: A LIJI \E
\I \I
\BY E\l~l l hEH
1111.l\J-: F1-:1rn1E1<
C1-:01:1;1-: \\\ \
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Tlii.-d How
1' 11 nu:-. G1n.Y J·: 1.1.o.J EA\
J \\ET
(;HIFl·' ITll
11 ·11\IElbl. Y
C:AT llEHl ' I·: \J llU O lllJ·:
Lui 1:-1-:
I I Al\CI JJ-. 1< IJ EJIJ E\HE I C ll
ll E11~1rn
Frmrlh Row \I \ HY [. 11 E\OB I C K' \I ABY
J \\E
Kou. 11A'
JI O l'l'E I<
\ IH GE\ E ,\IO OJH : fl.OHE\CJ·: .\I El.O \
\I •\HI \ \
_\1 YJ-: B:<
Fi/1h Row D1m 1:-. l\1c1101.'o' _\I
1H Y Loi
ll ELE\'
President Vice-Preside111
HA ll[ERSLY __________________ ----------------- __________
Lo u
P ow 1-:1:'
\l ~BG •\H ET J\\i\1-: T O Hl'llY
ACCOUN1llNG CLUB ·-··-- __ ·--------------- _________ President __ Vice-President CEOHCEANNA GIOVANINI Secretary _______ Treasurer RoBEHT BALDWIN -·-·----·--RICHAHD AIKMAN ---
First. Row RI C H -~Bll A I KMAN ] O I-I N K EITH
R OBEHT Lo u 1
Seco nd Row CEHALO I NE P 1mcY
.I o:;Er1-1 M 1srnov1 c11 R OBEH T PEN Di.ETO N WILLI A 1 RI CE
fa cturin g Compan y, Indi anapolis. The organiza tion aims to further th e students' intere t in acco untin g b y supplementing their work at the University with actual busin ess contacts. They endeavor to interest accountant employer s in th e students, and they maintain a graduate placement organization. Meetings are held once a month and an annual banqu et is given for the members. Faculty members include Alva L. Pri ckett, Geoffrey L. Carmichael, I. W. Alm , Stanley A . Pressler , and Robert E. Wald en, with Mr. D. Lyle Di eterle ac ting as advi sor to the group.
N its third year on th e campus, the Indiana University Accounting Club has attempted to bring about better r elati ons between students and professors and has tried to further the interest of Accounting students. In order to do thi s, the club brin gs prominent speakers t o the campus, who are conn ected with some kind of accounting work. Thi s year, the club's roster of speakers included Mr. Geor ge Purcell, Bloom in gton Postmaster ; Mr. Geor ge Olive, public accountant from Indianapolis; Mr. H orace Reed of th e Basca Manufacturing Compan y, Indian apo li s, and a representative from th e J. D. Adams Manu-
Clll GAMMA MAHY Eu ZABE'l' JL ll1:: ' ORL C K S
___________ ./:'res ident
____ Vice -President
ifoHR IS
_____ S ecretary
_____ Tr easurer
ROJVLOT IO T o f hi g he r sta nd a rds fo r g irl s i 11 Lli c bu s in e wo rl d is th e aim of Chi Camilla , whi c h wa fo und ed o n th e camp us of Indian a U nive rsity in 1930. An y Freshm an or oph o more girl in th e Sc hool of Bu sin ess who is interested in th e o bj ec ti ve o f t he g roup is elig ible fo r 111 e mber hip . Th e o bj ectives i ncl ud e Llw promo ti o n of hi g her du ca ti o n fo r women in th e fi eld of bu si ne s, th e d evelop ment of soli darity in wo rkin g togeth er , th e advance ment of hi gh standards of b us in ess eth ic and c ulture, as well as the effi c iency, bu s i ne stimul a ti o n of the d evelo pment of profess ional att itud es. Different p h ases of bu sin ess a nd th e duti es and req uireme nts of vari o us voca tio ns h ave b een di scu sed at th e reg ular m eetin gs of th e Cl ub thi s year, b y spec ial . peakers and Lh ro u o-h Lud ent fo rums . The or ganiza ti o n b ecame in ac tive for several years but was reo r ga ni zed in 1939 a nd now m eets r egularl y o nce a m onth. M r . W illi am Bra y is spo nso r o f th e clu b. Membe rs o ( th e g ro up a re : Joanna Archibald , A rlin e Ba ldwin , Ruth Ma rga ret Bailey, 1atalie Blackburn , R osemar y Burka rt. Ire ne Carso n. Emmy L o u Cava na ug h, irgini a Cooper_ Rita Mar Cosgrove, Ma ri a nn a Frakes. Th el111 a Cern stein , Ruth Green, Mart ha Grim es, Ph ylli s H am ilton, Bell y H a rkl ess, irg ini a Hm ley, Ma r y E ll en Hazel, Ma r y E li zabeth H endri cks, R osemar y H endri cks, N an cy L ee .Harkl ess, Bea tri ce Hrusk ovick, M il d red ] nman. T helm a John o n, Jun e Johnston, Barbara Klin e, E lizabeth K oll man . lc.ileen Kru eger , orm a L age na ur, Max in e L owe. M ildred 1addox, Rebe ·ca Mo r r is, Rebecca Mo tt, !Jarlh a Owens, Chri stin e P a te, Bell y Anne R egel. Al ice ch afer , Betty R oss Seiberlin g, H elen Seledso w. Ba rbara S miley. Esth er Soshni ck, Jean S pencer , .Joann e S trau ss, Lu c ille Town send , Geor g ia W ill an .
NDI A A'S Memorial Un ion has been steadily becomin g a center for conventi ons fr om all over the state. Scarcely a week passes that Alumni Hall is not set wi th banqu et tables and the lobby is not full of visitin g delegates. Conferences this year have ran ged from the Bankers Conference to the Alpha Phi Omega conference; from the Real Estate and Managers Conference to a meetin g of the Lion s Clu b represen tatives; from the Indiana Schoolmen's Club, to the Th eta Sigma Phi convention ; and from the writers Conference to the State math ematics contest. The Building is also used for Parent ' Day and the High-school principal conferences and other special events.
lJea n H. L. Smi lh. one Lu i11 sl i II th e des ire lo i 11 . lru et in Lhe
e 111bryo teac hers- a n in s piralio11 Lu th ose wh o wa nl to lf'arn a 11d he lp o th e rs lea rn - h ead of Jn diana ' s Schoo l o f l ·~ du ca li on.
Jim Gridl ey, ig ma Pi Varsity baske tball pla ye rsa unter s do wn U nion Buildin g s te ps e nroute to a o ne o'clock. Experie nce ga in ed i11 a ll lin es in pra ·Li ce tea chin g.
Ruby Allen
Bloomington 13.S. Education \l pha Lambda D..lta : Pi Lam bd a Tllf'ta; Le Cerc le
A u g u s l R. A 11 a 11i a
NPw York Cit y B.S. £duration
Fra n ca i ~.
Rohf'r t J. Antona cci
Chicago II.. . Education D<· lta Chi: Inrra 111 11 r a l Mana ge r: \!id wcst A. A. U.: N.C.J\.J\. WrPst lin g Champion T e am: " I" M <' n 's Cl11 l1: ' . \1. C.I\. ' V illi:1m Baltz
T lwlm a A tk in so n
Bl o0m in gton B. S. J;'d11catio11
1" a r~ 1
Bo 1n n1 c rli n
Buffalo R.S. £duration Pl1i E p, il on Kappa: P1·1lliean Cl11h .
Wa bash B.S. Education W o m en's G l ee C lub ; Ed ucarinn U11h ; Y.W.C.J\.
Rarl B <" n f' <lclli
C lytl e Block<'r
Chicago B.S. /;'durnlion \ . P r Ps .. Dolphin Cl11h: Y arsity
·11 1111tington B.S. l~d11co 1 io11
J a m es R . A nd e r so n Paragon
13.S. Ed11ra1ion l.S.1\ .: Iii t o r y C l ulJ: Education Cluh.
L u ey E . Bach ma n
Syrac u<t' R .•. Ed11r·111ion l.S.J\ .
1le rlie rt L. H e a ll y
.\l oores ll il l FJ.S. Educatio11 Eta Sig 1n a Phi : C l assica l Cluh ; Edu ca ti on Cluh.
Ve r a L. Br<' IZ I l11nti11 g lJt11_·g
Pn•s., Lam bd a Chi Al11ha; Ba nd : D('ha re Tea lll.
B.S. Ednratio11 ZPta Tau Alplia ; Y.W.C.A. : Edu carinn Club.
G<"orge , V, Brooks
1la zd Brooks
E l<'a no r B r ow n
Br dford R .. . f:d11m1ion
11.S. Ed11ration
Mary S . llueha l la111111o nd II .. . l\ d11rntio11 Pi La111lid a Th eta.
Tkl e n F. Ca ll o n
~'' i111111in ~ .
\Va~ liin gto n
Jndi a napolis B . . Ed11 catio11 H. . Club .
J\f 11 n!' ic IL . Ed11rntio11 R. _\. Cluli.
R o b c rl II . Car tw ri g ht Hi sin g
/J. S. Ed11catio11 l.S.J\. ; Pr!'s., Ed 11ca rion Cl11h ; Pn·s .. F.T.J\ .
Bob Dro checks th a t all im portant pa ge of Lh e Daily Student, Lhe sports page .
Th e lm a Child ers
J ack Chri s tm a n
F t. Wa) ne
B . . Ed1tcation
13. S . Education P e mi ca n Club .
Jo se ph J. Cie s ie lski Buffa lo,
ew Yor k
8 . . Education Trea ., Phi Epsil o n Ka pp a ; Ph y ica l Ed11 ca 1io n Cl11h .
Ra y mon d IT. Clark
R nsscl l Cli f1on Bent o nvill e
Zachary J. Corn ea
lndi a na poli
B.S. Ed1tcatio 11
l la mmo nd
8 . . Education
a rs it y Baske t ball ; Va r• it y Baseball.
8 .S. Education
Ph ys icu l C: l11b .
Edu ca ti o n
Eva J ea 11 Crai g Ft. W ay ne
13.S. Ed1tcation Pres., K a ppa Delt a; Edu ca ti o n C l 11 b ; Y.W . . . ; P a nh elle ni e o un ii ; Intern a ti o na l R e l al in ns 111'1.
E l11 ora D. Curlis It.
ern on
A lph a Chi Om ega; Phi E ps il on K a ppa; Yd\J. C \ .: P hysical Ed11 ca t ion Cl 11h.
Wi lliam C. D elph
8 .S. Edu.cation A lph a D e lt a : Boa rd ; I lo use As,oc.;
L a mbd a W.A. Y .\~l .C.A.;
Presid e nt s· oed Co 11n~e lin g; M or la r Bo a rd R Pcog ni l iun.
R ober t Dro
Robe r! J. Duf'rr
13.S. Edu catio n L S.A . ; r . T. I· rcsh ma n W r es· t Ii n g; Ed uca ti o11 Cl 11 b; P c m i ca n Club .
Cc·rtnul e
Durllf' y
Uni on City
8 . . Education
B . . Education
8 . . Educatio n
Alph a T a 11 Om ega ; Va rs it y Basketball.
Hifl e C lub ; Ph ys ica'I Edu cati o n C lub ; l c• " ma n C I 11 b ; T.. .A.
Alph a L a mbd a D e lt a; M o rt a r Boa rd R ecog ni t ion ; . ec., Pi La mb da Th e ta; Sec., W · Ie y Fo un da ti o n ; Sec.. K ap pa Phi ; Y.W. C. A.
Ri cha rd K. E tlward s
Che h·r Fra 11 c is
Jam e s Frazif'r
K o ko mo
B.S. Education
13 . . Education.
Va rs it y Baske tb all ; Va rs it y Baseball.
\Va h e r R. Casi o n i\l u nsler 8 . . Education . 1.C.A.; Cosmopolitan ' lub .
B e ll y Jea 11 Han cock Bl oo min gto n
13.S. Ed1tcatio11
Avo n
Jam es 0. Crirll ey Vevay
IJ .S. Ed11 cation S ig ma Pi .
Carolin e Jl a uC' 11 s1e i11 T ell C it y 11.S. Edu ration
Club .
E mma E. Cutermulh
.I e ffe rso nYill e B . . Hducation l.S.A.
A rchi e H arri s, Jr. Ocea n
' it y,
NJ .
8 . . Educat ion. lph a Phi A l pin; Va rs it y F oo t bal l ; \ ' a rsil y T rack.
A lph a L a mbd a D lta; W .A.A . ; oed o un c il ; Omi cro n Delta ; fo r tar Boa rd Recogniti o n ; Ma nage me nt Club .
Margare l Hill
lt•xa ndri a
R.S . Education l.. . . : P cmican
lli c hard T. Jlill
Lavon Hornockc r
Ma ri on
Tn d ian a pol is
8 . . Education
/J .S. Educa tion
8 .S. Edu ca tion
D Ila Ze ta; lnterna t ional R el a ti o n• C I u b ; E du ca ti o n C lub.
Wo me n s Cle C I u b ; "J o r cl a n R iver R ev ue" ; Ed uca t io n Club .
Ma rga ret Ale find s her;:el f on the oth er end of . orn e xa mi 11 atio11 papers.
E$ lc ll c Ricigli:1110 Buffalo, N.Y. // .. Erl11 ratio11
Hcl c 11 Joh ns Ea f. I Ch ieaµ;o B . . Ed11 cation Kappa Alpha ThPla ; Y. \ ' .C. A.: l~ du c ation l11h.
'clcla J\1. Joh11 so 11 l ndianapoli s 11 . . Ed11 ca tion Trea,.;., Zela T a 11 A l pha ; .\l orlar Boa r d: P r e s .. \V.A.A.; Y.W.C:.A.; •\ . \V. S. Co un cil: Co C' d Co111H·f'lin f!;: l ~ d11 ca 1i o n l11L.
Ml'lvy 11 11. K Prr
Ma r~·
Kirk .\l arlin:., ilk R.S. Ed11cntion Zt'la Ta11 A lpha: Y.W.C.A.: Trea> .. Panhell e ni c; S c c., Pl eiades: ln1 e rna 1 i o n a I Rt' la1ion s Cl 11h.
Cla<l ys J.. aug Roc-IH·,.1r r, 1.Y. R. S. l'°r/11('{(/ion l.S. \ .; \ .A.I\.
Nelson (;, Leh s1.-11 Buffalo, 13 . . Ed11 ratio11 Phi Epsilon Kappa : Perni ca n Cl11h.
13 . . f;"r/11 ra tion l'l1i D!· ll a Kapp3: Ed11c-a1i11n Club: FrP• l11n a n Ha•t•hall.
F ra 11 k A. Klafs C hi cago
11 .. . Ed11 r11tio11 P r ,. "-· Do I p Ii i n C lub ;
Var s it y
~\\immin p;.
\ VP 111lt·ll LPc Pl yrnn11tlt 11.. . t·:duration
"Ed ward L. L eihi11 g{· r
Buffalo. N.Y. H.. . F.r/11 ('(1/ion
llclc n l\1ar 11 a 11
Whilin g rJ.S. Edu ca1io11 C hi Omega; Pored ll"alk Sta ff: india11a Daily tuden t S 1aff; Fn·$hm an Deba te : Wom c n· s Glee Club ; Choral lJ n i on; NC'wman C lub ; ll i s 1o r y Cl11h .
Eff iclce Mar tin ll nion , S.C. 11 .. Education \ ' ./\ .A.: Y.\ .C:. .. Crad11alf' .l11h .
Ba rbara
s hl··~·
Ft. \' ay nr• IL'i. /;'d11ration
Barba ra A 1111 Kc r11 ,\I ar i11n U.S. Hd11ca tion F.T.,\ . : £d11 ca 1i 1111 Cluh: II i"lnry Cl11h.
Mar ia11 K11h11 Cary IL . Edu ca tion I. S. A.; F. T. Kappa Phi : ' "'"· \V P s t ,\ l emorial: \ p,.Jey Fo11nda 1i on <:011n eil.
Lelia H. Lt' <' T!'ll Ci 1y B. . Edu ca tion Zr la Ta11 Alpha: Fife. Dr 11 111 , and H11:,rl C' Co qJs: Y.W.C.A.: Tni Prnal inn al H«lati ons C l11h: Edu ca tion C l11l1 : F.T . \ .
DorotlH•a E.
Lut'aS ln clianapoli ,.; 8 . . Fd11('(/tio11 l.S. \ . Cou n c il: H ad i o Tl lf'a lre; S "c .. C:M mopnlit a n Club: Y . \ ' .C. 1\ .; \ . p,.,.,., ln1 e rna1i onal H!'lali nns C l 11 h ; S <' c .. Adver ti sin g a nd l\l!'rl'handi $in g· Cl ub: F.T ..I\ . E 1hel M.
Bl oo min gton
11 .S. F.duration
Helen. C. M ille r Elkhart
B . . Education Alph a Ch i Omega; Pl eiad es; " J ordan Ri ver R ev ue"; Pan Counci l ; hell e ni c Y.W.C.A.; Internal i o n a I Relati ons Cl11b.
W ilm a F. Mor ga n Bloominglon
B.S. Eda cation
Ma r y B e ll y Moldth a n Indianapoli s
B. . Education Sec., igma Kappa ; D e lla Tau Mu: Y.W.C.A. ; Le Cercle Fran cai s; Ed11 ca 1i on Club ; Enl(li sh CJ u b ; Coed Co un selin g.
Hele n Moor e Gary
B.S. Education Alpha D e lla Pi: Wom e n 's Gl ee C l LI b ; Y.W.C.A. ; Le Cercle Fran ca is; F.T.A.
D o r o thea Neuh auser Bluffton
H e le n B. M uir Ell et lsvill e
B.S. Education
B.S. Education ec., Kappa Alpha Theta; W.A.A. ; Y. W. C. A. ; Edu cati on Club.
T h elm a Ove rbeck H olland B. . Edu cation LS.A.; V. Pres., Pi Lambda Th e ta ; LT.A. ; Education Cl11h ; Y.W.C.A .
1a r y Ruth Palm er L ebanon JI! . . Education P i Beta Phi ; ProM11 ic Club .
D elmar M. Persinger Rockvill e B.S. Ed1tcation T. .A .; Var s ity Cross C o u n l r y; \I a r s i l y Tra ck ; Freshman Baseball; Physical Edu ca t ion Club.
H e le n Lee Ple tch e r F1. Wayn e
J ohn \V . P o we ll Upland
B.S. Education
ig rn a E p sil o n Th e ta; Varsit y Golf; W e s l e y Fo11ndation.
Ma r jorie M. Prop p Bl oomington
Pi Beta Phi; " J ordan Rive r Rev ue"; Y.W . .A.; Wom e n's C lee 111b.
Gt' ncva M . R e dm a n Fre nch Li ck 13.S. Education Treas., Th e ta Sigma Phi; Indian a Daily tu dent S1afT ; Coe cl i lo r, Freshman llandbook; Le Ce rcle Fran ca is. Ruth R oger s Bl oo mi nglon
B.S. Education
B.S. Education R. . Club.
J\1t' r edith E. R eeves Greencastle
8 . . Education
Aida L. Rice Indianapolis
B.S. Education
. Club.
S igma Th e ta T a u ; Pi Lambda Th eta ; R . . Club.
D o ri s R ose rown P oi nt
B runo J. Rolak Chicago, Ill.
B . . Education
B. . Education
Pi Be ta Ph i ; Y.W.-
Alpha Omicron Pi; W . A . A.; "Jo rdan R :i v e r R evu e"; H istory Club; En gli sh Club ; Ed11 ca tion Cl ub ; Y .W.C. A.; F.T.A .
Della Ch i ; Varsity Wrestling ; 1-li Lory C l u b; Edu ca tion Club.
Ad a Schuelke 1'1. Wa yne
J e an Sh e iffclc Hammond
B. . Edncation T. .A.; W.A.A. ;
Delta Delta Delta.
Education Cl u b; F.T.A.; W.A.A.; Pres., Tennis Club ; Dance Club; Coed Co un seling; Wome n's Gl ee Club; " The Mikado"; " Th e Gondoli ers"'; " Th e P i r ales of P enzance."
C. . ,
W. A. A.
Board; Edu cation Club ; Girl 's Rif le T ea m; 1orlar Board Recog nition.
0 ea nid es;
B.S. E(lilcation
rche ry
F rit z ic S tr ud cll pe ncer
Li la F. S tra u ss Wad esvill e
B.S. Education
Mary L. Steven so n Bloomington
B.S. Education
Ba rba r a J . Tayl o r Indianapolis
8 . . Education
B.S. Education
B.S. Education
Pi Lambda Th e ta; R . . Club.
W.A.A. ; Women's G lee Club ; Choral Union .
Delta Zeta; Y. W.C.A.; Hiking Club ; Edu ca ti on C 1 u b ; F.T.A.
J-l e r m Sc ha e fe r a nd Ja y fr. Crea r y of th e Sc hoo l of Ed uca ti ott soo n read y to " take ofr' for llw \Vrs t Coas t haskr t ba ll !ri p.
orga n g
Jdfe rso nvill c
Loi s R.
Ma rgarc·t '\ .
13.S. Education
Thompso11 William s po rt
Va11 Pelt BJ1ffalo, 1.Y .
Pr e~..
Z e ta Ta 11 I p h a: \". Pr .. ~ .. \ . . A.A.: H o m e Eco nomi cs C 1 JI h ; i\ I pha Lam bda Delia: Pi L a mbda Th c t u: Pl eia d t·s; \l o rt a r Boa rd .
11.S. Edu cation \V . J\ . J\. ;
l{if le C lu b.
13 . . Education I. S. A.; Varsit y T t-a m.
\ . . A.; 11 o c· k e y
Loui se E. ill it ow
l'ri st·i ll a '\Va ill
011 .. ns boro. K y.
'\Va ll e~·
B. . Education
Ft. Wa)n e B.S. Ed11c11tion
13 . . Education Alpha Omi c ro n Pi : En g li sh Club: EclJ1· ca ti o n C lub ; F.T.A.; Hi s t ry
C I JI b;
En g li sh Club ; Co 11n ~e lin g;
or d
Y.\V ..
Rehecea A 11 11
K a ppa Cam ma .
K a pp a
l l11il(•rs it y TlwatrP.
L c 11 o ra
\Vi l ki11 so11 Cary
Mar.ior ic W hit e Indi a napoli s
11 . .
'\I ph a Chi Om ega; " \'o dvil Varirtirs.,.
N.S. Education Sec ., Alpha Dl'lta Pi : Alpha Lambda Dl' lta ; Pi L a mbda Th e t a: W.A.A. Board; Ocea n id ' S; Y. \ .C.A .; Educati on lub ; } .T.A .; Coed CoJ1 11 selin g; EJ1d id ean i rcl e; \l ortar Boa rd R ec·
Rohe r!
W illiams f.uga nsp•1 rt
13.S. Edu cation T. . A.; Var s it y F oo l ball ; Ph ys ical Edu ca tion CIJ1b.
o ~ nitit> n.
Ruth C. You ll Buffalo. N.Y.
8. S. Education. I... A.
ll arol<I L. 1r s . V cl m a Youug
B loo min g ton
11.S. Education C:nmm J1t o rs C IJ1h .
Z i11111u·r
Spri ng firl d , 0.
H.S. Edn ration Sphinx C IJ1h ; \'ar· si ty Tra c k : \ arsit) Foo tba ll ; Vars it y Ras k<, thall.
Bi ll Tipm or e a nd Gene \ ' hile of th e hoo l o f Edu cation de mo 11 Lrate th e farn o u ki ck that won " Ye Old e Oaken Bucket" for I 11 d iana.
El ie halfa nl. 0 Pi . of Llw c hoo l of Education runs th e , C'ale w ilh h e r orori ty s i s l r r ~.
OW in its third year of growth , the Uni vers ity School is following close in the foo tstep of its college cousin , still ser vin g its threefold purpo e of educatin g pupil , servin g as a pro vin g ground fo r prospective teacher , and acting as a model for educators throu ghout the state. The buildin g is a stud y in effi cient, stream-lined architecture. It has been designed to make choolin g a advanced and plea ant as possible for the pupils, wh o ran ge from the primary grades to se niors in high school. Modern methods of teaching are applied here, 1 ith the student-teachers deri vin g benefit fr om the class room peri od, as well as th pupils themselves.
PI LAMBDA THETA _________ President __ //ice- President ..... Secretary .Treasu,rer
N DI A A'S ch a pte r of Pi L a m b d a Theta is one of s ixty -t wo sca tte red over th e nati o n. Thi s yea r th e loc:al c hap ter celebrated its twe nti eth a nni ve rsa r r. E th yl F alk. wh o fo und ed th e gro up, spo ke a t th e eve nt, ove 111he r 12. Ga llard o, ommi s io ner of E du ca ti o n in th e Phil lipines, sp o ke a t a dinn er O'ive n on No ve mber 16 in hi s h o nor b y Pi L a mbd a Th eta and Phi D elta K a ppa. Initiati o n wa h eld D ecemb er 14 for twe nt y-e ig ht ne w member s. ] n co nn ecti o n with initi a ti o n th e ch a pter had na ti o nal in s pec ti o n with Carol yn Ga rbe Mitc hell . nati on al me mber a t la r ge, o ffi c iatin g . Oth er o ffi cer s in th e loca l c h ap te r are Ruth Frobe rg. co rresp o ndin g sec reta ry, a nd Betty too p , K eepe r of Reco rds. Composed of tow nswo me n a nd gradu a tes as well as stu de nt me m be rs, Pi L a 111bd a The ta fun c ti o n as a n h on o rar y o rga ni zati o n wh ose p urpose is " to e nco urage a s pirit of fell o w hip a 111 o ng wom en in Lh e p rofess io n o f teac hin g." Seve ral Indi a na ni ve rs it y g radu a te stud e nts in educa ti o n a re no w seekin g th e two hundred fift y dollar ~c h o l a r s hip off r red fo r excell ence in r esearch wo rk.
l .JLLIA:\
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H1 ' '1 1' LF.
. ...
.. .
. ............... President
... Vice- Pres ident . .....Secretary .... Treasurer
HI DELTA KAPPA was established at Indiana Universi ty in 1907 as an honorar y scholasti c organization in the School of Edu cation. Members of the organ iza ti on are selected from th e enior class and from graduate stud ents in the chool of Educa ti on. Eli gibility for membership is determined on th e basis of hi gh scholastic standin g and good personal qualifi ca ti ons. Th is honorar y group has established hi gh id eals and standards for the organizati on to follow, includin g scholarship, lead ership, and service. Althou gh mainly a scholastic group, th e organization finds time to sponsor th e annual Bookmen's Picni c and the All-Men's Round-Up durin;:; the summ er season . Phi Delta Kappa also offers progra ms relating to more recent developments in th e field of eel ucati onal research.
EDUCATION CLUB President Vice- President WILMA PI CKAH D .... .................... ... ... Secretary R OSEMARY AHBUH N .... . .................... Treasurer R oBF.RT CA RTWRI GH T .............. .....
TUDE TS wh o have a sincere interest in the problems of teaching and desire to teach some cla y th emselves have an opportunity to become better acquainted th ro ugh the Education Clu b. The Clu b was form ed on the Indiana campus in 1935 a nd is a n offsprin g of Pi Lambd a Theta and Phi Delta Kappa, honorary organizations of the School of Ed ucation. Th e Club each year has a banquet with Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta Kappa. Officers of th e club are introduced at a picnic in the sprin g. Upperclassmen in th e Sch ool of Edu cation who ex press a sincere desire to teach and who maintain a C average are eli gible for membership, but all pledges must be voted in b y the members of th e Cabinet.
Dean R obert T . Sa nd ers. u[ J n· d iana University's School of Mus ic- in hi s th ree years service in thi s capacity- he has expa nd ed Lh e c urric ulum of thi s schoo l. an d has and is g u.idin g man y loward a successful mu s ical car eer.
Ra ymond Beights a nd his ense mble prac tice for an appearan ce on one of th e Cni versity's radi o program s. Dea n Sa nd ers' secretar y maps out a semester 's co urse in a confe rence wit h o ne of th e mu s ic stud ents.
Harriet Yenn e a nd Ra y111 011d Deights "coking" a t the " Mu s ic Sch ool Ann ex," th e Jordan Gri ll.
Be rni ce Ba rn e s Bl oomin gton B.M. Violin
Everette C . Buskirk R e min gton B.P. SN. In strumental Music S i g ma Ep s il o n Th e ta; " J o rdan R i v e r Revu e" ; Sy mph ony Orches· tra ; Ba nd ; Choral Uni o n ; Co n ce rt C hoir ; P ro - Mu sic C lub ; Phi M u Alph a. Geor ge K. G nagy Hamilt on B.P.S.M. Jlln sic Kappa Kappa P si ; Pro-Mu sic C lub ; Ba nd ; C h o r a I U ni o n ; Vi ol in En semble.
J a m e s B ell El wood
/J .111. Cello
El m ira C. Schi ck ed a n z Duqu oin , Ill. B.P.S.111. Music Pres., S ig ma A lph a I o t a; Pro - Mu s ic Clu b; " Th e Mi ka do"; " Th e Go ndoli e rs"; " J ord a n R i v e r R e v u e"; Y .W .C.A . ; Coe cl Coun selin g; G irl s' Band ; Fife, Drum, and Bu gle Co rp s; ·w o m e n 's G lee C lub ; Choral U ni on.
\ V o m e n ' s C I e t· C lub ; Fife, Dru111 . an d Bu gl e Corp s : C h ora l Unio n ; W.A .A.; P ru - :\lu " i ~ C l u b ; E du ca tion C lub : Mort a r Board Recog niti on.
Ch a rl es E . Coa ts L ynn B.P.S.M . !11 11sic A cac ia; D a u b e r s Clu b ; Me n's Glee C lub ; C h o ral Un ion; S igma Epsil on Th e ta; Y.l\1 .C.A.; V. Pn·,., P ro · J\lu sie Club. F red H e ss In d ia na poli s B.P.S.M . Music Dd ta Ch i.
W illi a m D. Kl e~· l a Windfall
Vivia n Isaacs Kokomo B.P. .!1!. Jll usic
Doro th y L. B o ~· d Th ornt ow n 8.P .S. 11 . M usic· ;\I pha Chi 0111 ega;
B.P.S./11. Clarinet. Ka ppa K a ppa P si ; Treas., Alph a Delt a C hi ; P ro - Mu sic Club ;F r e hm a n \"'\lrestlin g; Choral Uni on ; Orchestra; Drnm Maj or, Ba nd ; Cha irm a n, M u s i c Schoo l S tu d P n t Co un c il.
H a rri e t. A. Ye nn e La kewood. Ohi o
ed E. C arrln e r G ree nsburg
8 .P.S. \I. l'ian o P ro-i\ l usic C lub .
A rthur \V. Jl o wa rd , Jr. J\ lonun BP. .ill . ill nsic 'l' reas., Pro. J\lu sic C I u b ; ·'.J o r d a n Ri ver R ev ue'·; "Th e 1\li ka do·· ; " Pirates nf P e nza nce"; " Th e e rs"; Me n' · Glee 111 b ; Chora l Ll ni un ; Y.1\1. C.A. Mildre d M . McB rid e J dferso nvill c B.P . .ill . illnsic A lph a L a mbd a De lt a; Pres., P ro· Mu sic Clu b ; \'. Pres., S ig ma .Alph a Tol a ; Choral U ni on ; W.A.J\ .; " J o r cl a n Ri ver Re vue "; " Pi ra tes o [ P e nza nce"'; " Th e Co nd o] ie rs"; Coed Co un sPlin g.
BJJI . Pia no Dell a Ga mma.
Margaret Hall ta kes Lim e uut for som e music and a co ke at Lh e J ordan.
Stud ents rest in music loun ge opened especially fo r this picture . . . Lenora Gutstein practises in pr actise room . .. Close-up of French H orn and music student .. . Dave Yellen at the keyboard . .. Herb Laswell and Professor von Zweiber g fold their hands and r elax.
SIGMA ALPHA 101,A ............... President .. Vice-President .............................................. Sec retary
IGMA Alph a Iota , a professional 111usic fraternit y for wo men, is a n ati onal or ga nizat10n co mposed of sevent y- two chapter s. lt was founded at th e U niversity o[ Mi chi ga n, Ann Arbor, Mi chi gan, Jun e 12, 1903. Iota Epsi lon chapter was installed on thi s campus Decem l er 17, 1939, with seven teen charter members. Th e local gro up is n ow co mposed of thirt y-three acti ve members and nine patroness members who ar e se lected beca use of musi cal interest and proficiency. A a national proj ect, Sigma Alph a Iota maintains P an 's cottage, which is loca ted at the MacDowell Colony for Crea ti ve Arti sts at P eterborough, Iew Hampshire. Th e purpose of the colony is to provide a place where composers. poets, writer , painters, and sc ulptors ma y work undi sturbed amid st co ngenial surro undings .
Th e purpose of Sigma Alph a Iota i to promote and d ignify th e musi ca l profession for women; to further th e development of mu sic in America; and to give moral a nd materi al ai d t o its members. P ersons eli gible for membership in Sigma Alpha Iota inc:lud e professional musicians and stud ents in a sch ool of music who a re working toward a degree in music. At Indiana U ni versity th e music stud en t must ha ve a B average, facu lty r ecommendati on, and have sh ow n excell ence in scholarship and musical ability. Every a utumn Sigma Alpha Iota and Pro-Musi c Clu b g ive a joint r eception fo r new music students. Prominen t mu sical visitors on th e campus are en tertain ed by S.A .I. The annual MacDowell Tea g ive n in the sp rin g furni shes fund s for th e maintenance of Pan 's Cottage.
First Row BETTY
ll AU PT
Front Row: B e r n i c e Barnes, Marjori e Northrup , Barbara J ohn son, Elaine Ax , Elmi ra Schi ckedanz, Ruth Dixon, Naomi Bosworlh , J eannette Robbins, Helen Burton, Belly J ane Mowry. Seco nd Row: George Willeford , William Kleyla, Herbert Laswell, Raymond Beights, Mildred McBride, Lenora Gulslein, Belty Lou Grim sley, M a rth a Lewis, Elm yra Holmclohl, Mauri ce Ta ul man , Robert P ence, William Platt, Thomas Hutcheson.
PRO-MUSIC CLUB President Vice-President H ARRIET YENNE .................. ..................... Secretary R UTH DIXON ........................................... ...... ..... Treasurer
MILDRED McBRIDE ........................................... . CHARLES COATES .....................................
RO-M USI C Club was created with the purpose of brin gin g national music fraternities for men an d women students to the campus. Its purpose has been fulfilled at the present time sin ce Sigma Alpha Iota, professional music fraternity for women, was established here two years ago, and Phi Mu Alpha, Music fraternit y for men, is now being organized on this campus. At the present time Pro-Music Club is an hon orary
r equirin g its member s to be of at least Sophomore standing with a B average. They must also possess a fair degree of musical ability. In the past this or ganization has sponsored an annual light opera. Gilbert and Sullivan productions have been their choice for the last four year s. Member s assist at concerts and recitals by performing and by acting as ushers.
ORCHESTRA EAN Robert L. Sand ers conducts the symphony orchestra of Indi ana University in its three rehearsals each week. The orchestra is composed of approximate1y sixty members. Besides giving separate concerts, it frequently plays over the U niversity's Sunday morning rad io program "Everyman's Campus of the Air." In connection with the glee clubs, the orchestra played
at the dedica tion of the new Music Auditorium. Dr. Schaeffer, fa ther of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and Sir Thomas Beecham, conductor of the London Philharm oni c Orchestra , were guest conductors during the year. Bernice Barnes and Tommy Wri ght, violinist and pianist respectively, were soloists with the orchestra.
Dea n Bern a rd C. Gavi t of th e Sc hool of Law- th e backbone of Ma xwell Monaster y- the man who has l1 elped to build th e enviable reputati on of Indi a na's Law Sch ool- a pattern fo r th e local as pi ran ts to th e legal profess ion.
The Law library- scene of man y a b oress an d man y an all ni ght sessio n- deep well of learnin g of " Th e Law".
Phillip J . Ba <l cll
Victor R. Ile ard
John F. Beckman
l lamilton
\V . Dan Bre tz, Jr. ·11 11ntin g h11rg
L.L.B. S ig ma Alph a Eps ilon; B Pta Ga mm a Si g ma: Board of Aeo ns ; Blue K ey: Sp hinx Clu b: Phi Eta S igma: Edit or, of B ored Walk ; Assoc iat e Ed it or, Arbut us; Indiana La w J ou rn al ; l\ l o o t Co urt Finali ~ t: Phi Delt a Phi .
Ru sse ll 11. Fi sh e r Rockv ill e L.L.B. Phi D e lta Phi: Alpha Kappa P s i : K a ppa K a ppa P si : B a nd ; D e b ate tea m: Law Cluh.
L.L.B. K a ppa S ig ma ; Phi De lta Phi ; Varity Deha te; Board o f M a n a g e r s, Law C lub ; Y.M. C.A.; M oo t Co urt Win n e r.
Deli a Upsi lon.
Sey mour Coh e n o uth Be nd
L.L.B. Phi Eta Sigma; B e ta Gamma S igma; Stud e nt R el igio us Cab in et ; In diana Law J ournal.
Ge rald H. Ewbank Lawre nce burg
L .L.B. Phi Delt a Phi .
Arthur H. }' ru echt e nicht
Howard R. Hawkin s
Ft. Way ne
Star Cit y
Phi Gamma D elta : Gamma Eta Gam ma.
Phi Delt a Th e ta; Phi D e lta Phi ; A lph a Kappa P si ; Stud ent Edito r, In diana Law .To 11 rna l ; Sca bb a rd and fll a dP.
A. Marti11 K a tz \li r hi ga n Cit y
Ri chard B. Langohr
Columbi a Cit y
Jam es D. McK esson
Wal ke rt on
M.v les F. Parri sh
Sa muel H. Powe r
William J. Hiley
DPca tur
Fra nkfort
East Chi a go
A lb e rt Rose nb<'rg
Paul Slough
Virgil H. S mith
\ 'incennes
Tndianapoli s
Cory don
Joh11 Thompson BluHton
J ark M. Tharpe l'l ainf ield
l .. l .B.
LLB. Be ta Th e ta Pi; Phi Delta Phi ; Pres .. .Jac kso n Club ; La" choo l S t u cl e n ~ Co unc il.
C laud e M. \Varre n Marshall
L.L.B. Delta Tau Delta ; Vars it y D e bat e : Boa rd o f M a na ge rs. La w C l 11 b ; Der Deut sc he V c r e i n: Tau Kappa Alpha ; Phi D e lta Phi; l\foot Co urt Win ner ; Gl ee Club.
Edward L. Wa<ldlc Ludl ow, K y .
LLB. lph a Ta u Omega.
ETA GAMMA was founded by several stuGAMMA dents at the Universi ty of Maine in 1901 in order to "establish in this and in other schools of law, as well as in the general practi ce of the profession an elevated tandard of personal deportment, a hi gh cod e of professional ethics and a broad development of mental culture and moral character . . ." Since then 33 chapters have been fo unded at various law schools throu ghout the U nited States. Eta chapter was fo und ed at Indiana Universi ty in 1912. Each fall th e members of Gamma Eta Gamm a hold a get-acquainted smoker for Law School Freshmen in order to acq uaint them with the purpose and members of
Fac ult y M embe rs Jud ge Walter S. Trea nor J a mes .J. Robin son
Chapler Roll Eugene Bonec ull er, A. B. DePau w 1orman C. Bra ndt , B. S. E. L. Purdu e J ames F. Coff ee, B. S. C. E. Purdu e J ames J. Farl ow Arth ur H . Fruechtenich t, LL. B. '41 Jose ph S. H e~ t o n , A. B. Tndi a na, LL. B. '41
Gamma Eta Gamma. The annual r eunion banqu et is held on the campus sometime in 1ovember of each year. The Founders Day celebration , call ed the Prandium Cancellarii, is on the 25th of February each year. Socially, bi-weekly luncheons are held on the campus with guest speakers from other schools. Public affairs disc ussion gro ups are also held bi-weekly and a guest ~ pe ak er is also prese nt at th ese meetin gs. Gamma Eta Gamma has also organized stud y gro ups for the discussion of current legal problems and th e analy is of trend s in legal thought.
Jam es Kent, A. B. Waba sh Waller F . Kerri ga n, B. X. Indi a na Ri cha rd B. Lango hr, B. S. £. L. Purd ue, LL. B. '41 Cha rl e S. Leo nard Rola nd R. Li siu s, B. S. E. L. Purdu e Charles J . Mack res, A. B. Indi a na .l ames D. McKesso n, LL B. '41 Sam uel H. Pow er, A. B. Tndi ana, LL. B. '41 Bi chard Ra msey, A . B. Indian a, LL. B. '41 V. Howa rd S mith, J\. B. Tndi a na, LL B. '41 J erry \V. Torran ce
Thirtl Row }AM ES M c KEssoN SAMUJ.: L POWER
Chancellor R ecorder
HOWARD SMITH ---·-------·----
........... ... ............ President ..... .. .. ...... ...... Sec retaty ....... .............. .. Treasnrer ..................... ...................... Stewa rd
for Freshm an mem bers of th e law school. Founders Day is observed nationally on December 13. Durin g the r egular meetings di scussion s are carried on over points of interest which are not disc ussed in the classrooms. At the presen t, th ere are 28 ac tive members a nd 18 pledges of Phi Delta Phi . P aul V. McN utt; H onora r y Member Jud ge George L. Tremain , of the Indiana State Supreme Court; Jud ge Curtis G. Shake, also of the Indian a State S upre111e Court ; a nd Dean Bernard C. Gavit of th e Indiana La w School make up Phi Delta Phi's li st of promi nent alu mni.
HE chapters of Phi Delta Phi are called Inn s after th e old Engli sh Inns of Cou rt. The first Inn was founded at th e U ni versi ty of Michi gan in 1869. Indi ana's chap ter is called Foster Inn alld was es tabli sh ed on thi s campus in 1900. The members of P h i Delta Phi have banded themselves togeth er to oppose corrupt legal practices and to promote a stri ct ad herence to a code of profess ional ethics and culture in th e law profession. On thi s campus, the fraternity holds bi-mo nthl y lun cheons with a prominent guest speaker fr om the campus. Phi Delta Ph i also h as a smoker in January of each year
F ro11l Row: Edward Waddl e, C. Davi d P e lcr s, Cla ud e Warren , J ac k Th om pso n, .J ohn Beckman . Sc co11d Row: W . Dan Bre lz, Howard H awkin s, R obe rl J\11 stin , Willi am Bluurn, Gerald Ewba nk, Paul fl till e r. Third Row: W illi am M oo re, J ohn \ Vida man, Ru ssel Fi s her, Ri cha rd Dafl er , Morr is Wt>ikarl. Fourlh Row : Norman B urn worl h , Edward Ball , Or ville Fox, Forres t Lacey , Charl es Barnhill, Joseph Ken1 in , R obe rt Parr ish.
Bretz M.C .'s at the Law' du ck raffle in the Commons. Harper and Gavit, guest artists picked up on th e mike by Bretz at the Taxi-dance. Shirley Maloney crown ed queen of the Taxi -dance b y " Bus" \\!addle. Miller lead s the Law's " Blitz" on the Meds. The Laws pro test th e draft en masse.
Dea n Willis D. Gatch, of the Sch ool of Medicin e- a perso nality whi ch characterizes the tru e spirit of th e medical profess ion, keepin g it alive in th e hearts a nd minds of hi s students carryin g on th e traditi on of keepin g In diana's Sch ool of Medicine among th e top in th e countr y .
. . And thi s is the way it's cl one . . . feed in g th e rnn er m an.
Cuv B.
E. KR ESLE R Vice- Pres ident
Vice- President
F. DF.PPE ecrelary
F. ALBR IG llT Treasurer
The Sen ior year of Medi cal Sch ool, th e e ncl of fo ur ) ea rs of forma l edu cation for th e profess ion of m edi c ine. is characteri zed by clini cs at th e Medica l Cen ter a nd th e Indi a napoli s City H ospital. H ere Lh e medical stud ent obtnin s practi cal exp erience in exam inin g a nd intervi e win g p ati e nts, and is g uid ed by th e fa cult y i 11 d ing nosis of the pati ents. T11 o weeh of th e Se ni or year are !' pe nt in th e s upeni $ecl practi ce of obstetri cs at the Cily H ospital. Wh en at last Lhe m edi c's forma l trainin g is end ed , a nd he r eceives hi s M.D. degree, h e is r ead y to slar t hi s two years ser vice as intern e at n hos pilal. At the encl of th ese two years, he can say Lh a t he h as co mpleled his training, a nd h as prove n himself capable of Lh e prac tice of m ed ic in e.
Wh en the medi c enters hi s Juni or year of trainin g, he adds to hi s c urri culum a n advanced a natomy co urse the purpose of whi ch is to a id him in assemblin g and s umm arizin g hi s previously gain ed anatomi cal m a teri al. Also he gets hi s first stud y of s urger y, and spends mu ch of hi s time in watchin g killed s urgeons o perate in th e o pera tin g r oom. and in di sc ussin g th e ope ration with Lh e doctor after it h as b een co mpl eted. Al o he begin s hi s work in the clini cs, an d there h e ga in s practice in ta kin g do wn hi stori es, and wr itin g up case re ports. Alth o ugh , math ema ti cally s peakin g, at th e end of th ese three years h e is threefo urth s of the wa) Lra in ed towards be in g a doctor , ye t th e slucl ent ca nn ot help but r eali ze that his trai nin g is still a lo ng wa ys fr o m per fect ion .
Althou gh th e Sophomore year is th e seco nd year of medi cal training fo r th e medi c, it is hi s first year on th e ca mpu s of the In dianapoli s Medical Center. ow he has gotten awa y fr om the anatomy lab of hi s Freshm a n year, but he h as important and diffi cult co urses in biochemistr y, bacteri ology, pa th ology, a nd pharmacology. If in th e Freshman yea r he has not learn ed that he is workin g toward a career , he r ealizes it now, for not onl y does he stud y medi cin e in all of his classes, but at mealtim e,. a nd durin g hi s other spare time he is th rown with other m edi cal stud ents, doctors or internes around th e Medical Center. However , all who enter thi s year have learn ed to enjo y th e fascinatin g stud y of medicine, and in spite of its diffi culty, they would not be co nten t with an y oth er work.
To mos t of th e stu de nts on th e Bloom ington campus th e Freshm an year is characterized by the white lab coa ts, and th e law-medic fights. However, the medi cal stud ent hi mself r emembers his Freshm an year fo r th e long ni ghts of tu dy on Gra y's Anatomy, and th e man y hours spent in dissectin g the cadaver in anatomy lab, to say nothin g of th e countless number of hi stology secti ons that he has peer ed at th ro ugh th e m icroscope. Th e Freshm a n medic has an adva ntage over tht medi c of a decade ago, in th at in th e labs of the new medical building he has the latest and most upto-date equipm en t with whi ch to work . Here the Freshm an medi c obtain s hi s founda tion for hi s later studi es in s urger y, advanced anatomy, and th e like at the Indi a napolis Med ical Center.
Vice -President
President J AMES
Vic lor F . Albri ght Bed ford M.D. T r e a s., S e n i o r Cla ss; Beta Th eta Pi ; Phi Chi.
F re rl eri c k K. Alle n Freder icksburg M.D. D e lta C hi ; Phi Beta Pi; P ershin g Rifl es.
H . B. A nd e r son Indianap oli s M.D. Kapp a Alpha P si.
R o b ert J. Ax tell Indi ana poli s M.D. Bf' ta Tlwta Pi ; Nu Sigma N u.
Howa rrl \V. B eaver Rensselaer M.D. Ph i Beta P i; Varsity Golf.
S te ph e n B el wk Gary
J oe D.
Lee Bray ton Indi anapoli s M.D. Vice-Pres id en t, P hi Rho Sig ma.
K e nn e th Be nn e tt Dill sboro M.D.
B o u g hrn a n K okomo
M.D. Ph i Kapp a P si ; :Medical R.O .T.C.
J ohn Bre tz Huntingburg
M .D.
S tewa rt D. B row n New Albany M .D.
La wre nce Ca ntow New York City M.D. Phi Eta Si g m a; Delta Phi Epsilon : Phi Della Ep silon.
D eW itt B r own Indianapol is M.D. Delta Tall Delta ; S kull and Cresce nt; Ph i Chi ; Medi cal R.O.T.C.
Lela nd G. Brown Mun cie
W illi a m M. Browning Indianapoli s M.D. P 1· cs., Phi Chi ; Lambda Ch i Alpha; Bu siness Assistanl , Arbutus; Medical R.O.T.C .; Skull a nd Crescent ; Bor ed Walk Staff.
Rollo D. Bu rgh a rd Ind iana pol is M.D. Lambda Chi A lpha.
George W illi a m Cl ine Muncie M.D. Ph i Rh o Sigma.
D o r o th y D a rlin g Gary M.D. Treas. , N u Sigma Phi .
Robert Rou en, Carl Ku ehn, and Russel Hummel r elax in the med school loun ge, and indulge in a game of chan ce.
J a m es M. Davi
Charles D e 1>pe
Ho ll a nd D e put y
Anderso n
P a ri s C ross in g
M .D.
S ig ma Alph a Ep· silon ; Interneshi p, Indi a napoli s C i t y Ho pita! ; Pr es., Phi Beta Pi; Sec., oph omore 1edi cal Cla s; Me n's Gl ee Club .
Phi Delta Th eta; Phi C hi ; lntern es hi p, Methodi st H ospital ; Blu e K ey.
Th e ta K a ppa P si ; Medi cal R .O.T.C.; lntern eship , Indi a na poli s C i t y H ospital.
B e tt y J ay Dick e r son
Leo D o brin New York C ity
J ack Dick
Indiana poli s
H untin gton
Phi Delt a E psil on.
J o se ph E llswo rth Dukes
Joseph R. Ea stm a n , Jr.
Du gger
Indi a napol is
M .D. Beta Th e t a Pi: kull a nd Cresce nt ; Phi Chi ; Inte rn e· ship , H e nry F ord H ospital , Detroit.
R o b e rt W . Donne ll y S ul li van
M .D. Phi Chi ; Ph i Beta Pi ; Intern eship , C h ri s t H ospital, C in c inna ti ; S kele· ton l u b; Gl e c Club ; S e min a r Club.
Clifford E . E rn st. Indian a poli s
M.D. Phi C h i; A lph a Om ega Alph a; Jn. l e rn es hip, LU. Medi cal e nter.
J ose1>h F .
Ma r s B . Ferre ll
Ferrara, Jr. Ga ry
F ort vill e
S i g m a Chi ; Phi Chi : Intern e h ip, T. U. Medi cal Center.
Phi Beta P i ; Jn. terneship , Wi cons1n General H osp i I a I, Ma di so n ; Medi cal R.O.T.C .
M .D.
R ob e rt Calliso n F ireb a ugh
R a y F ireste in So uth Be nd
outh Be nd
Valparai rn
M. D.
B ..
I n t e r n e
h i p,
I. . Medi cal ter.
J a m es C. F i h
J ohn E . F r eed , Jr.
Fred e ri c Ga rdn e r
Albe rt Goodri ch
T erre Haute
Indi a napoli s
Bloo mi ng lo n
A .B.
M .D.
S igma A lph a Epsilon.
i11.D. Phi Be ta Pi ; lntern eship, Sp rin gfi eld City H ospital.
J ac k W . H a nn a h
E tha n E . Givaltncy
Indi a na poli s
F ort Branch
La mbd a Chi A lph a; Alpha 0 m e g a Alpha ; Phi Chi .
Sec., 1u S igma . u ; Tnt c rnesh ip, nited Sta les P u b l i c l-1 ea lth Ser vice.
Murray E . H a rd e n Covin gton .illl .D. Phi Chi ; lntern es hi p , Indianapoli s City Hospital.
J ack H a ll
Ri c h a rd
H a rdin g
Indian a poli s
Ri sing
Leste r L. H a rd y Lex in g ton
M .D.
Delt a Tau Delt a; Phi B e t a Pi ; Tr e a s., Fre hm a n Medi cal Class.
Sec., Phi Chi ; In tern eship , I. U . Me dical Ce nter .
Senio rs Wa rrin er, Nonte, Schmidt, a nd Smith pause for a rake in th e clini cal building.
La ura llare .Ind ia napoli s
111 .D. N 11 S i g m a Phi ; S ig ma Xi.
Arv i11 H e 11rle r so 11 Rid gev ill e A .13. Chemistry
Dou H e rrold G ra ss Creek B.S . M edicin e
C arroll W. Ha sewi11k e l lndi anapol is
ilt .D. Phi Beta Pi ; Jn. tern es hi p, l.U. '.\ ledi cal Ce nter.
Philip \V. Herl rick Indi a nap oli s
Joh 11 E. U euh i J cff•· rso n vil le
Phi Reta Pi ; Jn te rn cship . T.U. M edical C>n tt·r.
Tnt Prn cship , C hri st ll os pital , C i n c in nati .
Lowel l L. H c 11derso11 K o komo Jll.D. D elt a Ups ilon ; l 11 Sigma N 11; Pl1 i Eta S ig ma ; Phi Be ta K a ppa ; A l p h a Om ega Alpha; M edi cal R .O.T. C.; Int ern eship , Indi an a pol is C it y H os· pi ta!. No lau A. Hibn er Monti cello Jll.D. Phi Rho S i g ma ; M ed ical R .O.T.C.; Int ern eship , Indian apoli s City I lospital.
Trwi11 S. Hos l e ll e r Roachdal e M .D. Beta Th eta Pi; N11 S ig ma N 11 ; lnt ern cs hip , B a ll M e mori al H os pit al. Munc ie.
Fran c is D. Hummon s J ndi anapolis M.IJ . Om ega P si Phi ; In tern eship , Indiana pol is C it y Hospital.
Paul Ilum[lhrey T erre Haute
Wi ll ia m Huse In dia napol is A .B. Anatomy
E. J oh11so11 R ey nol ds Jll.D. K a pp a P s i ; Phi L a mbda U p silon; I n t e r n e s h i p, T. U. M edi cal Center.
B.S. M edicine
1J/ .D.
Phili1l C. ) lf'll ll eSsee l 11di anapnli s A .B. (hemistrv Sigma Alpha Ep silon.
Mau ri ce C. Jioll ingswo rlh Ri ch mon d
!11.D. Phi Ch i; Intn11P· shi p, St. Vincent 's ll os pital , I 11 di an apoli s.
Ru ssf' I l\'L llunnncl Mar ion
111./J. De lt a L' p,; ilon ; Phi c h i ; rnt e rn f'shi p, W e s L S11burban ll osp ital , Chicago.
Joe 1-lu m p hrf'ys C love rd al e M. O. D elt a U ps il un.
Me rrill Joh n so 11 l\fil I town
B.S. !lfedicin e
Robe rt E. John on Munci e
8 . . Medicine
Jam e Kal e r, Jr. So ulh Whitl ey
C h a rl es A. Jon e Franklin
M.D. Phi Bela Pi ; Intern eship , Indianapolis Ci t y H o pital.
William K e ndri ck Indi a napolis
H erbert. L. J o seph Li go ni er
M.D. Phi Beta Pi ; Zela Beta Tau ; I nl ernehip, LU. Medi ca l enl er.
R o be rt A. Kimmi ck Kokomo
Intern e hip, 1ethodi s1 I lo pital , Indian apoli .
Phi Kappa P i ; 1 u igma u; cabbard a n d Blad e ; Tn1 ern eship , J ndiana poli s C i t y H o pi Lal.
B . . Medicine
Que ntin Kintn e r or th Manche ler
Ch ar les H . K la m er Evansvill e
Burton E . Kintn er orth Manch Ler
ill.D. Phi Beta Pi; Jn tcrn eship, Ball Me111 o r i al H ospi lal. ~ l un c i -
Juliu s M. Klau s Gary
8.S. Medicine
M.D. Phi Bela Pi ; Inlern eship, I . . Medica l Ce nter.
H a r o ld E. Kosank e Hamm ond
A.8. Chemistry
W. W. Kri e hle T erre l laute
ill.D. Phi Rh o igma; Pres., eni or Medi a l Clas ; V. Pres. Sophomore Medi al las ; Intern eship, L Lou is City Ho pital.
Carl Kuehn fun cie il1.D. Phi Rh o . igma ; Editor, M e di c a 1 ccti on, Arbutus; Tn1 erneship, Me1hodi st H osp il al , Ind ianapoli s.
C. '\ . Lambe rt Indi a napolis
Abe L e ff l ndi ana poli
8 . . Medicine
A.8. Chemistry
M.D. Phi Gamnn Delta; Phi Chi ; Jnternes h i p, Me1hocl i t Ho pita] , In cl i anapolis.
Leo n E . Kresler Rens ela r
M.D. p i p s i l 0 n ; v. I re ., Medi cal enior lass; i\Icd ical R.O .T.C.; II igma u; Jnt erneship , t. Loui City ll ospi1al. R o bert E. LaFo lle lte NC'w ali bury
A .B. Chemistry
Ma rcel J . L e wi Mari on
M.D. Skele ton Clu b; InIC' rn cship , Charl es . Wil so n Memorial ll ospilal, John on .Y. it y,
John F. Lin g H ebron
F r ed e ri ck A. Mack e l Clinton
K ap pa Delta Rho; Phi hi ; lnternch ip, I. . ~1edi cal enter.
A.8. Anatomy
John R. Mellen Indi a napolis
John E. M ikloze k T erre l laule il l .D. Med ical R.O.T . ., ·1 n t e r n e s h i p , . I. Loui s U niversit y J-lospilal.
8 . . Medicine
Ri ch a rd L. Ma so n [ari on
A .8. Chemistry
Ch a rles J. M ille r 1ew Ca rli le
M.D. D e r D e ut he erein; Band; Int e r n e s h i p, an Francisco H o pital .
R a leigh S. M iller F arml a nd M.D. Phi Rh o S ig ma ; In lcrn eship , S t. Vin ce nt's H os pital , In dianapoli s.
Ru ssell Morrica l Logan sport ill.D. Phi Beta Pi.
Ottis N. Ol vey No bl esvill e M .D. Phi Kappa P si: N u Sig ma N u: rn1 c rn es hip , I. U. Medi cal Center.
Ri ch a rd K. P a rri sh Decal ur M .D. Phi Chi.
Ch a rles R . P bnk Loga ns port
A.8. A natomy
Lowell G. R e clclin g Ma rkl e Jll.D . Alph a 0 m e g a Alpha ; Interneship , He nry For cl Jl ospital , De tro it. Phili p W . R o throck Bloomin gton M.D. Phi Kappa P si ; u S i g m a N u ; Blu e K ey; Busin ess Ass o c j a t e, Arbut us; Ba nd ; Pres., Freshma n M edi cal Cla ss; Intern eship, Philadelphia C c ncral H ospit al. Lo ui s F. Sand ock So ulh Bend il f .D. Pres., Ph i Delta Epsil on ; Intern eship, Epworth H ospital , ou th Bend .
Ea rl H. M itch e ll, Jr. Marshall , Ill. B.S. 111 edicine
R o b ert H. M it ch e ll Indi a napoli s B.S. M edi cine
R a lph I I.
Leo R . No 111 c Loogool ec M .D. Th eta Kapp a P si ; I n t e r n e s h i p, T.U. Medi cal Ce nter.
Wh eelin g, W.Va.
M.D. Phi Ch i ; Orches1ra ; Medi cal R.0.T. C.; Jn1 e rn eship, 1.ll. Medi cal Ce nte r.
J ay O ve rm yer Win chester M.D. Della U psil on ; Phi Be la Pi ; lnt c rn e"hip , Me morial H ospilal, Mun cie.
D o 11 a ld S. P a int e r Ca rre ll A.8. Chemistry
R oy V. P ea r ce T erre H a ute M.D. P h i Rho S ig ma ; In lern esh ip, M ethod ist H os pit al. Ind ia napoli s.
P e1e r so11 F . Lowell Pl yrn o ulh 8 .S. Chemistry
D a le R a in es T erre Haute B.S. M edi cine
D o n R a 11da ll Bunk er Hill A.B. Chemistry
R o la nd L. R e ppe rt Decatur M.D. N u S i g ma N u; S kel e lnn C lub ; Jn te rn cship , Methodist I los pital, Indiana poli s.
E mbree R. Rose Lin I o n Af.D. Phi Rh o Sig ma ; Alpha C hi S igma ; S igma Xi.
S l<' ph e n J. Rud o lph Tndianapoli s 8. S . M edicin e
Clyd e E . Rush Mun cie 8.S. M edi cin e
J oseph A. Sa nl a n gelo Newark , N .J. M.D. Th e la Kappa P si ; Tnl ern eship , 111 e dica1 Center , J er sey C ity, .J.
Harry D . Sch e ll Rome C i1 y 111.D. Phi Chi ; In tern eship, I.U . j\ fod ical Center .
J ohn P . Sch e r sch c l
Loren F. Schmi<lL
Gabri e l Schu chm a n
Bedfo rd
T erre Haute
Indi a napoli s
M .D.
M .D.
Phi Rh o S ig ma; Jn. tern cship , lndi a na poli C i t y H ospital.
J oe S huga rl
Phi Bela D e lt a; Treas., Ph i Delta Epsil on; Intra mu ral S p o rt M a na ger ; lntern eship , Indian a poli s C i t y H ospital.
J onesbo ro
Ca rl yle Slaba u gh
Law o n F. S miLh
Elkh art
Indi a na poli s
Th eta K a ppa P si.
M .D.
Phi Beta Pi ; 1ed ical R .O.T.C.; Jn . I e r n es h i p, U .S. N a val I los pital.
Phi Chi ; Pr es., So ph o mo1e :M edi cal C lass; Jnterneship , I.U . M edi cal Ce nter ; A lph a Chi igma.
Sn mu e l S mith Wa shin g ton
Ca rl B. S puth , Jr.
ill .D.
Jndiana p0li s
Pres., Th eta Kappa P s i; lnl e rn eship. Tndian a poli s C it y H os pital.
Juliu s T. S te f fe n
M .D. ig ma Chi ;
R. S teele
La fayell e
M .D. ec.,
Phi Chi; Inte rn eh i p, Indi a na poli s C ity H ospital.
D es tin y S torey
Phi Beta Pi ; 1ed ical R.O .T .C.; Jn. le rn e hip , F ort Sa m l-l ouslo n, Sa n A ntonio, T exas.
W a sh ington
Ch es ter A. S tayton
M .D.
Indian a pol is
T n t e r n c h i p, LU. 1e di cal Ce n-
Tn le rn eship , S t. Vin ce nt 's ·11ospi1 al , Jn d ia na poli s.
te r ; Phi Chi.
E dward B. S toeck el
Ad r on S ulle nge r
W illi a m T h ompso n
Lint on
Boo nvill e
Win amac
A. B.
M .D.
Phi D ell a Th e ta ; Phi Chi ; Intern cs h i p , Indi a na poli s C ity H ospital.
Tntern eship, Indian apoli s C i t y H ospital.
F1. Wa yne
J o se phin e Va n Fle il
D ea n T. Verplank
Indi a na poli s
C ar y
A .B.
George A. Va il
Two of the girls in the Freshman medi cal clas don th eir lab jackets, and sit down for a session with Gra y's Anatomy .
Showin g ho1 it is cl one, or , how to stay 1n Mell School.
D o na lo E . Vivian
J a m es B . \Va rrin e r
Ceo rg e R. \Ve b er
Ne w Ca sil e
Indi a na poli s
ill .D.
ill .D.
Phi Ga mma Dell a; Bl 11 e Key; Del ta Omi c ron hi ; lnte rn eship , l. U. M edi cal Ce nt er.
Deli a K a p pa E ps ilon ; G irl' Club ; Inte rn l's hip , Indi a napoli s i I y H ospi1 al.
J . T . \"\1 h a llon .ln d ia na poli
Ch a rl e s E . \ Vi lli a rn s
ll .D.
Pe tc- rs burg
Hu g h L. \Vi lli a m s :i\1 a rl i nsv ill e A .B.
Th eta K a ppa P si.
\V illi a m L. \V iss m a n
Ri c h a rd S . Yoc um
Wi lli a m S . Yoc um
Columbu s
Coal C i1 y M.D. lntc rn C'ship , U nil cd S tal es P u b l i c H ealih Se rvice, a n Fran c isco.
Coal C it y M .D. Alph a 0 m c g a Alph a.
F r a nk A. York
\Voodso n C.
H. H a s k e ll
l\'l idd lclo n A.B.
Yo un g
Z ip f' rm a n
Arlin gton
New Yo rk Cit y
ill.D . P h i Kappa P s i ; Phi Ch i ; S ph inx Club ; Jn1 ern eship , In d ian a poli s C i I y H ospital.
ill .D.
ill .D.
Phi C h i; In1 ern es hip , Indi a na poli s Ci1 y I los pi1 al.
Phi Beta K a ppa ; Om ega A lph a Alph a; Jn1 crn r!'hip , LU. Me di cal Cente r.
Gee! W 011 cl er l'hal il is !
JUNIOR CLASS Front Row Ku e hn e,
ussman , Burn ,
!ward, Ba se ll, Godersky,
rai g, Crandall,
fo ss, l\larks, J\Jartin .
lu enlzc r. Vollrath.
eco ml R ow Powe ll , Bill , Hit ch, Le min g, P ea coc k, Craig, N ill , Ravdin, Be nn ell , Bowe n, W orl ey. Bach mann .
Thir<l Row God e rsky, Snyder, Wool e ry,
c hechl er, Bash, T yner,
c hla egel, J ewe ll , Kurt z, William ~ .
Fourth R ow Roth , Kahn, In g well , Elliott, D av is, Kukn , R end el, Kraja c, Ha vens,
ompton , Bloom.
Fifth Row l la l fa t, Getz, P olh emu s, Bund y, Gaulke, Reide r, l 1umphrey, Pri ce, J ones, K a rse ll. Brink. ixth R ow 111i1h , Appl egate, Dillm e r, holl y, Nor ton, De nny, Roll , Wohlfe ld , Dill ~, 1c Dona ld , . tre ib , l\f. Green, Gree n, Bjorklund, H erili e r, LaFoll ell e, Pryor. Seventh R ow Ma ste r, Burde lle, l\ lcBane, J\!ull er.
SOPHOMORE CLASS Fro n t Row Craig, I loove r, Pat1 er on, Eldridge, I !or ion, Co rn ell . Ross, Campbell, Da nn acher. Schafe r, J ames.
he rfey, Grod ri an, Gerding,
witze r,
eco ud Row chmidt, l lim eba ug h, T t' nn a nt , l aconetti.
sher, Kop p, Katl a ny, Da vid so n, Botkin ,
ormi ca n, KPll y,
1lolma n,
\ ogel. Co nnell ,
Third R ow Sch umak e r, Sh evc hil , VanMete r, Crawford , Bec k, Rowe, Ca rpe nti e r, Millikan , lli111 e ba 11g,h , Dunh a m, Youn g,
Fo1trth R ow Gaunt, Sa lb , F e rgn on, Earl, Barton, Blacksto ne, Re nd el, F a uce ll,
tauffer , Pau erso n.
Fifth Row aton, Twyman, Donh a m, Ro ue n, Lo kh a rt , Schauwecker, Farr, Horan , Dougla s. Funk .
Six th R ow Bl e iw iss, Des] ea n, Bro\\n, Marl o\\ e, Keck, Sca mah orn ,
zokolia, Clark.
eveuth R ow Brewe r, Freed,
luni c, Cra" ford , F e ffer.
First Row Hu mphrey , \Vc slfall , H ardin g, K osa nke, S ulli va n, Bu gel. De Fri es, N ic hol, Moe nkh ouse, Dea n W . D. Ca1 ch, Dr. Kim r, Bade r! Rcher , H a rmo n, Dr. Sco ll , S1ro ng, Robin rn n, H all , K imm el , Dodd , Annslron g.
5 f' coml Row Eu l, l\le ll e n, Rud olph , llin chm an, H errold, Pl a nk, F isher , Rudi cel, Ben ne!! , Brown. J ohn son, Mill er, H a re. Le ff. i\1aso n, Di cker so n, Wi ge nt , Va n F lee!, Barry, Roge rs, Mozingo, Kimmi ch, C rip e, I I use, Boerger, Do nn ell y. Chri stm a n, Klau se, Dagl ey, Duk es.
Third Row Cha llin , S tee le, Se il z, Wood, Freed, R. John so n, Fish , Ru oh , F ireba ugh, De Law ler, K amme n, W isch. E. Mi 1chell , C losso n. Ma cke l, Mo rri s, Bu ckl es. W e in er, Bran do n, Y ork , Orn elas, J. \Veber , Ra ndall , Wall er , Egna lz. S1e ph e ns, R . M i1 chell , Co urln ey, La Foll e u e, F olk e nin g, Rose nthal , J oes l, F oust, Mod isett, Mo rri so n, Wi gen t, McC lell an, Butl e r, Ford , Verplank . Fourth Row Brennan. Blockso n, U nge r. E ttin ger, J ones, P eterso n, Loga n, Be rger , H enderso n, Be lu k, Ferg uso n, S tayto n, Carl ton. i\1artin , Ra in es, Lo hm a n, H enn essee, A rn old, C . J ohn so n, Colli g no n, G ib so n, A nth ony, E rn st, !£asters. Fifth Row Mcsc h u k, O'Ne ill , J ohn ston, Li ndenschmidt , T e mpey, Boyd, C. W eb er, P alm e r, Zin k, Stoeckel, Paint er , P arker, Williarrn,_ Lam be rt , Carre ll , Ca mpb ell.
LL Freshm an medical stud ents automati call y beco me members of
Ath e Skeleton Club, wh ich was found ed in order to g ive stud ents an organization to band th em togeth er sociall y and through th e ti es of th eir common interest. The group also fun ctions as a voi ce of stud ent opini on in questi ons of poli cy that are left for stud ents to decid e. Th e club endeavors to broad en th e medical knowledge of its members by di sc uss ions of medi cal problems at its meetin gs. Meetin gs are h eld ever y three weeks. Th e officers of th e club are ch osen b y the merit system in ge neral use on th e campus. Skeleton Club maintain s a loun ge for th e use of its members on th e first fl oor of th e Medi cal Buildin g. Here the stud ents gather to talk over problems of the profess ion or just to relax. Each spring a dance is s ponso red b y members of th e Skeleton Club. A banqu et shortly fo llows th e dan ce. Thi s banqu et h onor s th e members of th e fa cult y who have been parti cularl y helpful to th e member s of th e Freshm an medical class . Th e sponsor for th e group is Dr. W. Brown Scott, whil e the h onorar y sp onsor is Dr. William J. Moenkhaus.
Commonl y known a "giving him th e works" .. Oh, you beautiful doll . . . Looks like a pla y through cen ter . . . tense moment in the life of a yo ung Med stud en t ... Gloatin g over possession of the prized Thund ermug.
P earce, Snyder, Sputh , and Brown plav a quick hand of ____________________ . ____________________ Schumaker sneaking a look over Stoop's shoulder._ ______________ Eldridge and Crawford talk it over._ ___________________ Kuehne specnlates, K11rtz studi es, Grodrian snoozes. _______________ ____ _ P eac ock gets off a good one.
Presiding Senior Presiding Junior SPUTH ........... . ........................ Sec retary P OWELL .............................................. Treasurer ............
. ........
Fi rsl Row: Victor F. Al bri ght, J. B. Benn elt, Rob ert 0 . Bill , Clyde G. Bot kin, Thomas M. Brown, William M. Brownin g, Merle Bund y, Harold F. Burdetl e, Welbon D. Britton. Second Row: Robert L. Cannon , William A. Cluni e, Herb ert L. Corm ican, William D. Dan· nacher, Pierre DeLaw ler, Charl e:; F. Depp e, J ack Di ck, Melvin H. Denny, T homas Dit tmer. Third Row: Robert W. Don· nelly, Joseph R . Eastm a n Jr., Mars B. F errell , Willi am L. Fran klin, J ack R. Hal l, Murray E. Hard en, Les ter L. Har dy, Oli ver M. Hitch, Ma uri ce C. Hollin gswor th. Fourth Row : J . Guy H oover. J a mes C. Humphrey, Guy B. In gwell , Roger C. I se nh our , Albin A. J a nkowi tz, Jim S. J ewell, Robert S. Jordon , Cha rl es 1-l. Kl a mer, H erschel S. Kopp. Fifth Row : Will iam A. Kurt z, Forrest R. LaFoll et1 e, Ben L. Lemin g, John F. Lin g, John J. Marlowe, Tom Middleton, Ralph H. Nestmann, Ri chard K. Parr ish, Robert C. P eacock. 1'ixth Row: J ames P . P owell, John S. Sc hechter, Harry D. Schell, Dav id J. S mith, Carl B. Sp uth , A. A. Sull enger , William R. Thompso n, C. E. William s, Will iam L. Wi ss man, Wood so n C. Yo ung.
HE Phi Chi medical fraternit y was r eally fo und ed at two differ ent places and on two different dates. Phi Chi was founded at the L ouisville Medical School on Octob er 26, 1894, and also at the U ni versity of Vermont on March 31, 1898. Finally, th ese two fraterniti es which both had the same name, consolidated nati onally, and the former is the so-called South ern division of Phi Chi , while the latter is th e nucle us for the so -called North ern Division. The local ch ap ter was ch ar ter ed in 1903, under the old Indiana Medical College, and h as th e di stinction of b ein g the old est medical fra ternity in th e state. Alumni of the Indiana ch apter number over five hundred, and
many of them ar e among the state's fo r emost clinicians and instructors. The national organi zati on h as gr own in its forty-eight yea rs of existence until i t now h as a membership which to tals more than twen ty thousa nd physicians. The vari ous ch apters of Phi Chi are governed by the grand ch apter whi ch was set up wh en the Northern and South · em divisions combined in 1905. The fraterni ty h as as its aim to raise the standards not only of its ow n group, but also of the medical profession in general, and therefor e imposes requisites of character and sch olastic ach ievement upon its members.
t . . ·----";-· _- . .
f~'1~:c~- B~~~:
__ ________________ _A rchon ____ _vice Archon ______ _______ .. _.Sec retary _________ Treasurer
- --
J o 1-1N
ALwA no
l-l ow~no W . B EAVEH
."iPco11 d Row A . BHYA X ) AMES M. DAVI S R oBEHT L. D1L TS
Frnn AHA
Go o on1 c 1-1
Thirtl Row R1 c 1-1Ano H Ano 1Nc
CA llllOL L J o 1rn
H rnnrnT L. .T OSE Pll
Fourth Row E. K1 NTNEH
B u nTO N
C. J.
M1 LLEfl
Fifth Row
J ,, v
M .
C Ail i.YU:
HI BETA Pl , nati onal medical fraternity, boasts a member ship of close to 19,000 member s. It was fo unded in 1891 at th e W est Penn sylvani a Medi cal College. J ndi ana Un iversity's chapter, Omi cron Alpha Zeta, was establi shed in 190.5. Th e pledge chapter is mad e up of medi cal stud ents on th e Bloo mington campu s, while th e active chapter is made up of men enroll ed in the Indi anapoli s medi cal school. Th er e are now over forty such chapters in promin ent med ical sch ools all over th e co untr y. The fraternity flower is th e white chr ysanthemum , and th e color are green and white. A very acti ve alumni chapter in Indianapoli s a sists the groups in maintainin g a hi gh sch olasti c average. in
promoting good fell owship among medical students, and in workin g together in defeating un ethical medi cal practi ses. Each yea r , the Phi Beta Pi-Frank Mann Lectureship is given which is of great educati onal interest to th e fraternity. Two dan ces are held each year ; one is a Chri stmas formal dinner -dance, and the other is th e spring initiation dance which fo llows the initiation banquet. To th ese are add ed smokers, luncheons, and stag parti es completing the social calendar. The year's acti vi ti es made up a well-ro und ed program of a social and educati ona! nature.
HO STETTER ·· · ·.r~-,_.,,.:-...---·-------- ·····-·---·
President Vice -President _ ------···········----- Secretary --··-·- · - -------······· · ···--·· Treasurer -------·· ··· ····
U SIGMA NU was founded at th e U nivers ity of Michi chool of Medicin e, and th e Beta E ta char ter was gr an ted to Indiana U niversi ty in 1908. Th e nati onal organization is n ow composed of fift y-eight chapters and its membership totals ] 0,000 men. Sch olarsh ip h as been one of it primary aims, as well as fellowship and unity, not onl y within th e chapter, b ut wi thin the sch ool as a whole. The local chap ter of fifty-two m embers h old s its monthl y meetings at the Med ical Center, where outstanding men are invited to lecture. In the spnn g a n
1mtiation dance and banq uet, which is attended by acti ves and alumni from all over th e state, is h eld. Also a state alu mni orga nizati on affords guidance and fraternity fellowship for the several hundred practicing ph ysician s. Nu igma Nu proud ly lays claim to such great names in medi cin e as Osler , Mayo, and Cushin g. The many ch apters in th e various medi cal sch ools in th e Uni ted States a nd Canada are ever striving to justify its exislence as a vi tal for ce among und ergraduates in modern medical education .
Ngan in 1882 by six stud ents of th e
First Row R oBEHT
c. BRI N K
Seco n rl Row
Fifth Row PHILIP W. RoTHno cK
Wonu: Y
Pill RHO SIGMA R OY P EAH CE -----------·--------- ..... ·----·---·-····-- ·---------
L cE BRAYTO N .... ····-··----- -- -· ----·-·-······-·· _____
H AM PSll IHE ----·-··-----·-- ·-- ------ ·-----·-
HI RHO SI GMA i th e nati o nal fraternit y fo r th e profess iona l affi li a ti o n of medi cal stud e nts . In 1890 th e fir st chapter was found ed a l No rthw este rn U niversity; lh e success of lh e new o rg a ni zat ion was insta ntan eo us a nd in th e fo ll o win g yea rs 29 new chap ter s wer e esta bli heel in th e o utsta nd ing med ica l schools of th e nali o n. In 1903 . lhirlec n years after th e or ig inal fo undin g, Dr. icto r T. K ee ne of Indi a napolis esta blish ed th e loca l chapter , P i, at In diana U ni ver s ity. Prom otin g good fe llo wshi p am o ng co nge nial men of medi cal sch oo ls throu g ho ut th e nited S tate and e nco ura g in g a hi g h slandarcl of pro(ess io nal work is th e
JI ice- President
S ecretary-Treasurer
a im of th i fraternity. Emp hasis is also p laced upon social con tact with th e lar ge and powe rful alu mni ch ap ter in Jndi a napoli . Tnformal di scussion o n m edi cal problem s a nd c urre nt events ar e held each mo nth in lh e hom es of Indi a napoli s p h ysicia ns. Th e activ iti es of th e Pi Chap ler begin in th e fa ll wi lh lh e a nnu al rushing; la ter th e member s hold a forma l initiati on , g ive a n o pen dan ce a nd a n A lumni banqu et. Th e sponsorin g o ( a preceptor-a ppr enti ceshi p plan whi ch is o pen to all members of th e Juni or class durin g th e s umm er vaca ti o n is th e f inal proj ect co mpleti ng th e soc ial calenda r fo r th e year.
Fi rst Row l, EE 13H A YT ON
J\ .
J OS EJ'll
£l u c 11\1 El EH Ct11l l' EYl"I E11
w. l.l 'E c. F A HH
C11 \Hu:-;
C 1n :EN
Seco 11rl Row
RI Cll A l!IJ
ll A L FA< T
D O 'I A L!l
11111' 1-:H
W11.1 .IAM
ll A~ll' , lll l!E ll O HA'I K A LB
Will. LI A~ !
KHI El! l. E
1'/ii rtl R ow C ·\H L
K l'E ll 'I
II .
D osHD .l o 11 s
.\ JcC \ HnE Y
IL 1'1 A DEH S . J\llLl .E H
RI Cll A IUl
Fourth R ow A u 1E11T
S. Hnz
R oi:1·: wr
S A Yu:
J o 11 N
Sc 11 rnsc 11 E L
;\ 1.E X ·\ ' D EH S 1! E\ C lllK J\l Al ' HI CE R o urnT
£. W.
SNYD EH \' 1m M 11. Y.-1
THETA KAPPA PSI J. SM ITH ·--- __ __ ___ ___ ------··---- -· _____________ _____________ Pryton C. W. LATSHA w _____________________________________________ _JI ice-Prylon
L. P.
----------------- ···--- -----·- · ---··------------ ___ ____ Bzirsar
M ULLE R -------------·---------·----·------------···- _________ R ecord er
Row E
HETA K APPA P SI was fo unded in th e year 1877 as the first medical fraternity in the country. The birthplace was the Medical College of Virgini a. Since then fifty-seven collegiate and gradu ate ch ap ters have been founded in twenty-six differ ent cities wh er e medical colleges are located. The colors which were chosen by th e fra ternity are gr een and gold and the r ed rose is the offi cial fraternity flower. The primary p urpose of this group is to promote friendship, character, and scholarship among members of the fraternity and all students in medical schools. The Gamma Upsilon ch apter was establi shed at Indiana University in 1924. Chapter business meetin gs and
social gath erin gs are held each month. A t the business meeting, a member of the Medical Center faculty speaks on the problems of th e medical profession. Theta Kappa P si coopera tes with all the oth er medical fraternities in social events. Toppin g the social calendar is the annual initiation, fo llowed by a banquet and dance. Many alumni return at this tim e to r enew old acq uaintances and to make new ones. At the banqu et the Senior , who is deemed by h is brothers as the fraternity's most valuable member, is presented an honorary key as r ecogn ition of his services.
K11erli11{!: :\I Psda mes ll arl ey 1-l iesla nd , \'\lilliam Ross1m n. J . T. Wh all on, Woodson Young. \Vclbon Brillon, J ack Pall erso n, a nd Roger l sc nhaur. Sitti 11 g: Mesdam es J a mes P eirce, Roge r Lin gr man , £. K. S111 cky, J olin Schersc hPI , .Jolin Fli ck, Edpr Thll1111mrn, Ray B111nikel, 01i s Bowe n, Lowe ll l-l end crs1Jn. a nd Char les J on es. Sra 111/i11g : J\'l rsdan1 cs Joe S111i1h , Roland H.cpp crl , Cli ar lc·s Depp e, Ernbrr<' Ro se. Pa ul Ri c1h, 1-lr rb crl Challin , Jolin Brd z. Dona ld Vivi an, William Millik a n, ChHl es Kla111 er. J{nl"·rl Salassa, Ca rl Ku ehn , \Villi arn Stafford. ~1r s . J osrpli Ball , A11 gus1 ll ase " in kel, a nd Ted Gri ssel.
RIOR to 1930, Gamma Phi Zeta was kn own as th e J. U . M cfli c Dame Club whi ch was form ed in 1928. In 1929 th e advanta ge of a Creek sorority wer e r ecognized and o n Ma y 7, 1930, th e Alpha ch ap ter was orga nized. Thi s is a social o rga nizati o n and its ex istin g purpose is to fa cilitate acqua intan ceJ1ip amon g th e wives of medi cal stud ent , interns. res id ents, and practi s ing ph ysicians now in Indi anapoli s and th ose who will arrive from Bloomin gto n in the futur e. Found er 's Da y is co mmemorated in Ma b y a <1inner whi ch th e me mbers g ive fo r th e ir hu sba nd s. Th eir r elat io n hip and inte rest in the medi cal profrssion furni ~h es a common bond amon g th e membe r o f Gamma Phi Zeta that fo rms a basis fo r the s uccess o f th e o rga nizati o n whi ch is 111a11ifested in its . teaclil y increasin g m embership.
NU SIG MA PHI ______________________ __President ___ ______________________ Secretary
rrespondin g Secretary _________________________ Treasurer
is a nati onal medi cal fr aternit y found ed in 1898 at the College of Physicians and S urgeo ns of th e U ni versity of Illin ois. Its chap ters are placed o nl y in medi cal sch ools which h ave had a Class A rating. The guidin g principle of the fraternity durin g its existence has been the indorsement of scientific in ves tigation, •Jf intellectual adva ncement, and of social development. Gamma, the Indian a University chapter , was establi shed in February, 1909, by alumn ae of the Alph a Chapter. Initially there were fo urteen graduate members fr om other medi cal schools, fo ur stud ents and ten graduate physicians. A t present th ere are eleven stud ents, approximately sixty graduate ph ysicia ns, and several graduate member s.
Gamma is r epresented on the national roster of offi cers by Dr. Olga Bonke-Booh er an d Dr. Mary Alice orris, who are Natio nal President and Secretar y r especti vely of Nu Sigma P hi . Th e Indiana Uni versity chapter was h ost to the national organ iza tion in 1927 and again in 1939. Outstandin g affa irs in thi s yea r's calendar h ave b een an au tumn picn ic fo r Freshmen and Soph omore women, a banquet for th e wom en, and banquet and formal initiati on ser vices in early winter. At the mon thl y meetings, prominent members of the profession speak co ncernin g the advancemen ts in medicin e.
T hircl Row F AYE
Above: MISS CORDELIA HOEFLIN Director of the S chool of Nu rsing
MISS LUTE TROUTT H ead of the Department of Dielelics
l r~E Indi a na U ni ve rs ity Trainin g. Sch ool ~or nurses was opened
rn 19.1 4. Th e March class of thi s year will be th e 55 th to enter thi s sch ool a nd co nsists of girls fr om man y states oth er than Indiana a mong .it stud ent bod y. Th e school is un der th e capable directi on of M iss Cordelia Hoef!in a nd represents a fo rmid able portion of th e Indi a na Uni versity Medi cal Center. Prer equi sites fo r adm ission co n ist of 30 h ours of designated col lege wo rk sa tisfactoril y completed. In addition , there a re orien tati on period s held durin g th e months of February a nd Jun e. Durin g th ese periods th e prospedive nurse must show h erself adaptable in profess ion al ac ti vities . To ma inta in a hi gh stand ard of nursin g and to admini ster the bes t type of nurs ing ca re to th e sick are th e p ri me pu rposes of the sc hool. I t proposes to give each of its stu den ts wh o h ave selected nursing as a profession ever y opportunity to b eco me a co mpetent a nd practical mem ber of h er selected community. Practi cal experience in the h osp ital is combin ed with carefull y pl ann ed class wo rk in ord er to g ive the stude nt an i ntelli ge nt a nd und ersta ndin g insight into th e bas ic problems enco untered in the r emedi al ca re of the s ick a nd promotion of co mmunity welfare. Not all ac tivit y is co nfin ed t o 1vo rk and stud y, h oweve r. Extracurricular activiti es are almost enti r ely planned by the stud ent body. T hese acti viti es co nsist of a ch oral cl ub und er th e directi on of Mrs. Martin of ] nd ianapoli ; a basketball team th at plays h ome and r e· turn games with oth er nursin g sch ools; tenni s; dancin g; and teas. Th e departm ent of dieteti cs is und er th e capable supervi sion of M iss Lute Troutt. This division of the In di a na U ni ve rsity Medi cal Center condu cts a postgraduate co urse in h osp ital and in stituti onal di eteti cs. M iss Troutt h as charge of feedin g p atien ts, staff, employees, a nd students at th e Med ical Center.
ews from th e bo ys at h ome ? ____ _____ _____ __ Harri.; gets a kick out of P ricketts' correspondence. __ ___ __ ______ ___ Dan ger ! \Vomen at work! ________________ Street, Martin , and Lathrop prepare to load up on vitarnins.__ __ ___________ _Could thi s be eri ous?
Opal I. Arm s
Cv nthia Ash er
Mary Bole s
Un iver$it y Park , Iowa
CM port
Ri chmo nd
Virginia Brcin C" r D1'ca 111r
Doris Brown
G.N. Chora l C lub; S ig ma Th e ta T a u .
V<'l c n a Boyd Indi a napol is
Coalm ont
G.N. Choral Club.
Pres .. Choral Club ; cc., e nio r Class : S ig ma Th eta Tau.
Indi a na poli s
R o se mary Burkh a rt
Fran ces l. Call c nrl e r
Tip ton
Logan s pMl
Ge n ev ieve
Br~· ant
Choral Cluh Li bra rian.
H e le n M. Cantwell Oakla nd , Calif.
Choral C lub .
Jan e Ch a ri wick e w Ri chmond
Be tty Coolman Uherty Ce nt er
Cho ral C lub .
Choral Club .
Ma rj o ri e D av is
E lizabeth Dorlrl
Fran ces E rlrl y
Jn di a napoli
B loomin g to n
Ru shvil le
G.N. igma Th eta Tau; V. P res., S e n i or Cla ss.
Fe rre l Fe nim o r e .~forth
Jud son
C.N. Choral Cl ub .
Clarl ys E il ee n Fra sch
M a ry Ann H a rpe r
A 1tica
1\Iorri stown
C.N. c ni or T r e a s., C I a s s; V. Pr e s .. Fresh man C ] as s ; R i fl e T eam;
A chat wi th the powers-th a t-be a fte r a hard day's work.
L u c ia D. Ha y n es Troy. .Y.
Eva G. Huhnkc Knox
B e try J an e K e rn s Frankfort
Chora l Club ; S igma Th ela Tau.
J e annett e Kronewitte r outh Bend
Ruth E . La mber so n Co nn ersvill e
B e tty Lehman Bern e
Martha E . McClain Thorn I ow n
Frances B. MeCowe n Terre H a ute
Ca rolin e Maa s ·1ndi a napoli s
igma Th eta Tau .
L 1oral Cl ub.
G.N. Choral
Choral Clu b.
Kathryn Meseke J ndianapolis
E mmacl e ll Myer s Bl11ffl on
E li za b e th A nn O ' Co nn e ll fncli ana poli s
Choral Clu b. Della
Doroth y M. O sborne Wind fall
Mildred Perkin s la d og~
G. .
W ild a Rush Wal Ion
Ge n eva Sims Greenca stl e
A nn a Short Brazil
D ~ll a
Rose R ector Oss ian R.N. PrC' iden I . S c n i o r Cla s.
Martha E. S huffl eb a r ge r Elnora
horal Clu b ; Sigma Th eta Tau .
Vi r g ini a R. S ims Indi a napoli s
Jo yce S mith P or ll a nd
Choral Club.
Ma y Thompson Go wanda, N.Y.
Joan \Vagcr m a n ·Winama c
Choral Club.
JUNIOllS Bottom r01v ; le ft to right
J. So uth ern , A . .f cssur . B. Brammer, B. L. Bro wn. A. P oorm a n. B. Bund y, J. Mit c hel l, W. Mu r ph y. SPco ml row; lP/t to ri{!.hl. M. J. Ru ssell , E. Dehn e, J . Willc11tt s, I.. Swa ngo, L. A. J ohn so n, D. Lathrop , D . R ee d, D. Scea . ToJJ row ; lP/t lo righ: L. 1lessert , M. C. M ill e r, E. Behre ns, S. Fou st, l\l. Morro w, E . S mith, L. A. Arbogast, F. Ki ew ilt.
FllESHM}JN Bollom row; le ft to right F . W ood , D . Zinn , J. A . K e ll t> r, P. Oyle r, Marjori e M ill e r, P . :Vl ye rs, J. Tilloi so n, A. Swi ck, J\ L Dykes. SPco ml row; lPf t to ri g ht C. Bro wn, E . Balfo11r, Z. Martin , L. Mason, M. ll owe, H . H e nry, M. Battram , D . K ollm eyer. Th ird row ; le ft lo rig ht M. M cK ee, R . Wampl e r, M. C. Cla rk , J. Lou cks, M. H arri s. M. H eid ema n, D. S treet, R. S chroer. Fourth row ; /pft lo right B. Beasley, D. Hoc ker, l\T. K ley la, M. M eye r, D. B. Wra , l\L L. Ma ster s, B. C url is. TofJ row; le ft to right C. Kinn ey, R. J a mi son, 11. WPaver, L. Robbin s, J. Crai g, L.A. Brid ges.
DIETITIANS Bottom row; left to right J ea n McFee ly, Fran ces E. P oe, Arn e lla Kn ee r, Doro th y Fa ir broth e r, Mi ss Lute T ro ut t, Mi ss Anna Li ght, Mi s Mary E. Humk e, Mi ss Joan Duff y, Ma ry Jan e Traver , Hett y Brani g in , Daw n H ornbake r, Mi ss Cra ce l\lcl\ lahon, 1rs. H elen Mill e r. SPco ml r01c; le ft to right M iss l\Tar ga ret Dunh am, Mi ss M arie Fl a nigan , Mi ss J ea n Crooks, Mi ss Ma ry Jan e Geo rge, J ami e M c Leo d, La ura J ean Wi IIso n, Robe rta .'d a rtin g, R ober ta Bon e, Loui se Dani el, Ruth Yokel , Edith Ton gre n, Mildred Wa g ner , Mar ga r et P eter so n.
HE trammg school for urses at Indianapoli s is a part of the U niversity chool of Medicine. It is the purpose of the School to maintain a hi gh standard of nursing, to give the best of nursing care to th e sick, and to give to yo un g women who choose nursin g as a profession every opportunity of becomin g competent and broad-minded members of th e community. The didacti c courses are given by m embers of the Faculties of the School of Medicine and of the College of Arts and Science, and th e practical training is obtain ed in the Uni versity H ospitals. After the successful completion of the first year's work the Florence Nightingale Loan Fund is available to those stud en ts who deserve it. The curriculum for the Senior twelve months includes eni or Dietetics, courses in En gli sh Literature, Field of Social Work, Medi cin e, P ediatric Nu rsursm g, Professional Adjustments, Psychiatric rng, Social P sychiatry, Sociology, Senior Surgery a nd Publi c Health Nursing.
A VI G completed her Freshman course, a student nurse looks forward to the Junior term. Wearing her newl y acquired cap she starts into twelve months of very hard work and intensive trammg. Durin g these twelve months the nurse takes the required courses of Nursing, Laboratory Medi cine, N utrition , English and Sociology . In addition to these courses the nurse is r equired to d o a certain amount of practice work in the wards under close supervision. Thi s is the time when a nurse gains her experi ence. fter looking at the imposing list of courses she has to take, perhaps she does not look forward to them, but she realizes that they are the means to the end that she will become a gradua te nurse.
HE course for nurses consists of a preliminar y trial period of six months. The purpose of this period is to give each girl an opportunity to see what nursing is r eally like. With thi s idea in m ind , the stud en t can adj ust herself to the new wo rk, make an intelli gent decision whether or not she would like nursin g fo r a career , and decide whether or not to continue th e course. If th e stu dent decides to continu e, she enter s into her Fresh man year. Her courses now consist of Dietetics, History of N ursin g, Medi cal Nursing, Pharmacology, and Th erapeutics. When the student has completed all of th ese courses, she will have finished the first term which consists of a two a nd one-half year training period.
1HE trainin g whi ch is offered at the Medical Center to the stud ents of dietetics is more comparable to the intern eship which a doctor serves in a hospi tal than it is to an ac tual formal year of schoolin g. Th e students are graduates of courses in dieteti cs, and serve durin g th e course of the year in various capacities ranging from preparin g di ets for diabeti cs to managin g th e cafeterias which are on th e campus for th e employees and the stu dents. As they serve in all of th e various capacities, they are always under the wa tchful eye of Mrs. Lute Troutt, who is in charge of the di etetics department. After the stud ents have completed this year of intern eship, they are then r eady to take over a position as a professional dietitian.
Dean William H. Crawfo rd- Head of th e School of Denti str yrever ed by all hi s tud ents- a ma n who in pires co nfid ence a fri endl y, coo perative p erso naliL) - alread y a leader in Lhe short Lim e he h as head ed th e Sch ool.
I Looks a if it'll have to co me out- th e pretti est im pacted wi do m tooth T ever sa w!
SE NIOR L oui s S r-TANTEAU President
L. HALL President
Vice- President
Rosco i:: L. CHoMrn Vice -President
r1lHE class of
l 942 has m ade remarkaLl e progress in puttin g into practi ce th ose thin gs whi ch were learn ed durin g the past tw o years. Wil li am Hennin g of Boonville led the class in schola rship durin g the year, but was followed closely b y several others. All of the class were kept pretty busy b y their fiftee n subj ects, dail y clini cal practice, and "extra curri cular activities" . Th e Juniors were fo rtunate last year in obtainin g man y assistantships and offi ces in the vari ous school or ganizations. The class mourn ed th e loss of one of its members cl uring th e past summ er. Andrew Larim ore passed away in Jul y, 1940. " And y," as he was known to his class mates, was a jolly good fell ow and is missed by all of us_
,HE Seni or Class co nsistin g of only eightee n stu dents is th e small est class in th e histor y of the Indi a na Un iversity School of Denti str y. Clim axin g s ix years of intensive trainin g, th e members receive th e degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery markin g th e completion of their preparation for a profess ional car eer. Th ro ugh th e past four years this class has bui lt up a ver y united a nd cooperative spirit whi ch has evidenced itself not onl y in the hi gh quality of their work but also in th e close fri end ships and alliances shared by ever y me1nber.
HE Sophomore Class mad e up of twenty-eight member s is the largest of an y class at Indianapolis. With the begin ning of th e year they fo und themselves still the und erclassmen in the school sin ce the Freshm en matriculate in Bloomington. The class has been unique in that th ey r eceived in structi ons from several new additions t o the Dental facult y. They also are th e first cla s t o be ad mitted to the clini c wh ile in the Sophomore year und er the upervision of Dr. H. B. Morrow. Although they have acquired co nsid erable knowledge thro ugh basic training, they are beginning to realize that their experience in the vast fi eld s of Dentistr y needs supplementing th ro ugh clinical operati ons. The Sophomores, r ealizin g the necessity of this fund amental trainin g, and bein g co nfronted wi th hi gh ex pecta tions, have pr oven themselves industrio us, scholas ti c, and inten t on furth er advancement.
Vice-President W ILLIAM
HE opening of the 1940-41 school year found the Freshman dental tud ents comfortably located on the Bloom ington campus. For the first ti me in th e histor y of Dental education in the State of Indiana the Freshman class received its instructi on in the biological sciences in co urses closely paralleling th ose of the Freshman Medical students. The for ty-seven stud ents comprisin g the class spen t th eir tim e in the various laboratories and lecture halls of th e new medical building. An excellent spirit of mut ual interest existed throughout the yea r between th e Medical and Dental students. Medical stud ents welcomed a helping hand from th e Dental stud ents in th e well establi shed fe ud wi th the large stud ent body of the Law School. T he members of the F reshm an class an ticipate with pleas ure th e co ntinu a nce of thi s splendid mutu al coo perati on with th e med ics on th e campus of the Medical Ce nter at J nd ianapolis next year.
Secretary-Treasure r
L e o J. Ch a rki11 s C inc innal i
William 1-J. Evan sv ill e
D. D.S.
Sec .. Al pha Omega.
Jr. A. D.A. ; S iu · de n I Co u nci I ; P res .. Jun ior C lass.
Delia Si g ma Deli a; S 111den 1 Co un c il.
E lli o ll 1-1. Fra11k cw Y ork
William J. H eal e y N a uga l uck , Co nn .
' Villiam Kin 1t Ind ia na pol is
D.D.S. Ph i K a p p a P si ; Dell a S ig ma Deli a; Jr. A. D.A.; Pres., Soph omorp Cla•s.
Ph i Della Th e la; P res.. Deli a S igma De lla; S I u d e n l C 0 II n C i ] ; Jr. J\. D.J\.; Sec.-Trca s., Sop homo re Cla ss.
1icha e l Ko wa l I la ml ramc k, J\1 ich . D. D.S.
P a t H. L ~· rlrla11 Webs1e r, K y. te r Mo sso11 Lod i, Calif.
D.D .S.
Prl'S., X i P s i Phi ; Sec. - T r eas., J r. A.O ./\.: Sec.-Treas ., Senior Class: P res .. Fn»-hman CI a ss ; S 1uclPn l Council.
Sec., Dell a S ig ma De ll a ; Scc.-Treas., J r. A. D.A.; Sec.· Tr eas., F reshma n Cla ss.
Pre>< ., P si O mega; S 1ud e nt Co un c il ; J r. A. D.A. ; V. P r s., • op homore Class.
F ra11k M it ch e ll Ma r ·ha ll. J llin o ig
Ro11alcl S. Pi11 g T e rre l la ute
Byro11 Pri ce T e rre l la u lc
D. D.S.
Psi Om ega; S I ude nl Co unc il ; Sec., J uni or Cla•s; Edi 1 o r i a l Ass ista nt. Arbu tu s ; Jr. A.D. A.
De li a S igma Del ta : V . Pre•., Freshman Cla ss; J r. A .D.A.: Bus inC'ss Ass ista nt. Arbu tus.
R o sc uha rge r Co rydo n
M a uri ce Ro se 11 ste i11 Fran kforl , K y.
Lou is Sha nt cau Loga ns po rt
De lt a S igma Delta ; P r e s., S t u d e n t Co un c il ; Pres., e ni o r C l a s s; J r. A. D .A.
D. D. J r. A. D.A.
.' ,cc. - Treas., P s i Omega; J r. A. D. A. ; V. P res., S e nior Cla ss; St u d e n l Counci l.
E r11 e
De li a S ig ma Del la;
Alpha Onwga.
Jr. A. D.A.
Cc org e S mith No r1 ha mp1on, ~ l a ss .
D.D.S. igma A I pha Ep• il on ; I ;; i Omega: .J r. A .D.A.
F ra 11 c is Fclclma11 N ew Yor k
Da vid S ti e fl er An de r on
D.D.S. S ig ma Alph a M u; J r. A. D.A.; Ed itor ia l Ass isla nl , Ar!Jlltu s; S i url e nl Co unci l.
De nta l s tud e nts d a ll y m Lab.
SENIORS First Row Wil lia m Jose ph H eal y, L ester H arol d J\fosso n, Owe n Lo ui s S ha nteau, Leo Juliu s Cha rkin s, Byron Evan Pri ce, l\1 ic hael Ge rald Kowal , Will ar d H enry Damm.
Seco 11tl Row 1o rman S 1.i efl er , Ronald S tanl ey Pin g, Da vid Wi ll iam Dav id Kin g, Geo rge Malcol m S mi1h , Fran cis F e ld ma n, Ern es t Eu gene R ose nb a rger.
Third R ow Frank S 1a rr M iLchell, Mau ri ce Elli olt Rosensle in , Elliot H erman Frank, Ja c k Zimm e rm a n.
JUNIORS First Row Eldred Willi a m S tout , Robert Wilbert Wurtz, .l ack Sco ll F e inl uch , Marlin F eldman , Roscoe Lee Grom er , Morri s Meyer Sto ner , Geo rge J ames Straga nd , Cha rl e Clayto n L ower y.
Seco n d R ow Auld en Knowlton Bu sh, J ohn William Gilchri st, Ri c hard S he nk Mi c he ner , S heldon L un sford ll al l, Denni s Andrew W elp , Freel Bald win .
Th ird R ow Willi am Fa y H ennin g, Darrell Alfred S1ock, P a ul H era th Prn e lt , Ally evill e Burks, Leo H owa rd While.
SOPHOMORES First Row Frede ri ck McClellan Schaffer , ·1larold Da vid Furs!, W es ley Car l Good, Floyd Way ne W ea th erford, Vi ctor Defrank , Joshua William Lytl e, W illi am Ea rl Dav is, Albe rt Defrank , Mel vin Ma 1th w Kl oLz.
Seco 11tl Row S La nl ey Eu ge ne Epstein , Sam my 1ax S Lar ch e r, Rober! Geo rge Pi ckard , Geo rge W e ndall J a mes, David· Lou is G ro her , Willi am Jaco b Bornm a n, Eu ge ne Fi eld Y od er.
Thircl Row Robert Roy C la rk, Ald e n H arold P oorm a n, Ri ch a rd Elmer Yo un g, J ohn Bernard Shaw, R obert P ell ic ke ls, Geo rge Alb ert Gwinn, Marsh Elli oL Shumaker, Merl e Arthur N iecl erh ofer, Samu el K a ne, Rober! Au s tin Babcoc k, Robe rL Wall er La ngo hr, Edward Bronste in .
FRESHMEN First Row Ha rl a n S hupe rl , Mel vin Rill er , Ru ssell Goeb el, Roberl Roye r, Willi am Ii c hel, I lorace Holl ar, Ja c k N ire ns t.ein , J ose ph Kaufm a n, Jam es Merl z. An gel Garc ia , John Oba , William A i1k e n, J ea n S pea r , Robe rt Berm a n, Ar1h11r 1-lell zel.
Seco n d Row Irving Ru1 k in , Jam es MaLlock, Thnm 3s Arthur. Cha rl es McFall , W a lt er Dunl op, Way ne Kircho ff , Freel H am p, No bl e Sev ier , Cla rk Scholl , Jose ph F iLzpa lri c k, Gi lb ert Melli on, William Comb s, Charl es Walk e r.
Third Row Da vid F e rrell , P a ul 1-la rri s.
Fo urth Row J am es Zimm erm a n, Cha rl es P o pe, Rober! Lind bor g, W a ll er C. McGuire, Da rrell Pi erce, Walt er Raibl ey, Roy K ixmi l! Pr , Ern est Ehbin gho usc, Edw a rd Traf idl o, Rob er t Whit e, Lee Ead s, P a ul Starkey, Wi lliam K e ll e r, Clifford Wi cks.
OwEN S t-tAN'rnA U ------·· ················ President Rosc oE C trn M r::H ...... .......... Vice- J->resident 5 n ELD O
H ALL ........
First Rorv WILLI A M
B o u N~l AN
Seco 11d R orv W ESL EY Gooo
R oscm: GHOMEH ::; ll ELDON li A LI.
Third R ow ~II C H AE L K O W AL
R oB EH T L 11,co 11 u FR~ 'iK l\ l ITC ll ELI.
Ow EN S11 11Yn : AtJ
'l1HE Stu dent Co un cil, e tabli shed
c uss an d act upon s uggesti o ns of th e students and fa c ult y members r elated to stud ent affairs and prob le m . Th e m embers of the co uncil re pre ent th e student bod y in these meetin gs, a nd th ey present befor e th e b od y any problems whi ch ma y aid in the prog re of t he school or alleviate di scord or gri eva nces . Respect for a nd arbi trat io n of stud ent problems is thus recognized as being of vital co ncern fo r th e betterment o f the stu dent b od y a nd th e chool.
in 1939, h as proven to be a worth y a nd success fu l organizat io n. Its purpose is to bring togeth e r throug h a definite medium th e administration, fa c ulty, a nd tud ent bod ) , so th a t a closer associa ti o n ma y be had fo r furth erin g th e edu cati o nal prog ram of the school. At the m eetings, Dea n Crawfo rd , th e Stude nt Affa ir's Committee, made up of th e head of the differ ent departm ents, a nd the membe r of th e Stud ent Co uncil di s-
PRI CE: ...... .......... .... ........... .. ........... .... . President H ENN ING
...... ..................... 1st
Vice-President Vice -President ....... Sec retary-Treasurer
GEORGE GWINN .. ............. . ..... . .. ........ 2nd ERNEST H.o sE: ' BA RGE:H ...............
H E I ndiana University Society of Juni or members of th e A.D.A. is a n or gan ization conducted und er th e auspices of the Dental chool. Havin g been organized in 1ovember, 1940, the society now boasts approx imately seventy-five p er cent of th ose eligible. The membership is limited to Sophomores, Ju niors, and Senior s. The purpose of the association is to contribute to the eleva tion of Dental ed uca tion in the stud ent body b y literary discussions or clinics of s ubj ects relating to den-
tistr y. Man y problems a re di sc ussed which are likely to co nfront the Dental gradua te for the purpose of g uidance along principles advocated by the association for a successful and a worthy career i n dentistry. Th e annual Juni or A.D.A. dance is one of the outstand in g sch ool activities. Juni or members, upon gradua tion , automa ti cally become senior members of the American Dental Association.
First R ow : Ma uri ce Elli oll Rosenstein , Dav id Norman Sti efl er, R ichard Elm er Young, Sammy Max Starcher, Eu gene Field Yod er, Robert George Pickard, George Jam es Stra ga nd, Robert P ell Nickel s, Ally Nev ill e Burks. Seco"'l R ow : Mi cha el Geral d Kowal, Leo Ju li us Charkin s, Sheldon Lunsford Hall , Ja ck Sco tt Feintu ch, Martin Feldman, Owen Louis Shanteau , David Loui Groher , Morri s Meyer Stoner , Harold David Furst, Wesley Ca rl Good, Floyd Wayn e Wea ther ford. Third Row: R ober t Walter Lango hr, Frank Starr Mitchell , Lester Harold Mo sso n, John William Gilchri st, Ronald Stanl ey P ing, Byro n Evan Pri ce, R ichard Shenk Michener, Denni s Andrew Welp, William David Kin g, George Wendall J ames, Willi am Jo seph Healy, Willard Henry Damm, Frederick McClellan Schaff r. Fonrth R ow : Robert Au st in Babcock, Ern est Eu ge ne Rose nbar ger, Robert Wilbert Wurtz, Francis F eld man, William Fay H ennin g, Ell iot Herman Frank, George Malcolm Sm it h, Merl e Arth ur Niederhofer, Darrell Alfred Stock, George Alb ert Gwinn , P a ul H era th Pru ell, Williain Earl Davis. O f fi ce rs: BYRON PHI CE WI LL I AM H EN
DELTASIGMA DELTA Grand Master Wo rthy Master ________________ Scribe
W ILLIAM K ING ________________ __ WILLARD D AMM PAT LYDDAN ------
W ILLIAM HEALY ------- -------- ________
ter of th e fra ternity, is th e deputy in cha rge. Th e late Dea n F. R. He nshaw was also a Past S upre me Grand Master of thi s fr a ternit y a nd man y o [ th e fac ult y me mbers of th e Denta l School are a lu mni of thi s organizati on. Delta Sig ma Delta " Desm os," officia l qua rte rl y publi ca tio n of th e fratern ity, con tainin g fratern al news a nd info rma ti o n both local a nd national, is sent to eac h m ember. Upo n graduation stud ents may app ly for me mbe rship in th e S upreme Chapte r of th e fr aternit y. Graduates ma y thus m ain tain a closer rela ti on with their fr aternit y a nd broth er practition ers.
ELTA S IGMA DELTA was found ed at th e Un ivers itv of M ichi gan in 1882, a nd claims th e di stinction of bei ng th e first denta l fraternit y orga ni zed for dental stude nts and members of the profess io n. S in ce tha t ti m e the fr a te rnity has grown until it i n ow composed of fort y- two a uxiliar y chapters with thirt y-th r ee sub ord in ate cha pte rs includin g a ux iliary chapters in En gla nd and Fran ce. Thi s frat ernity is known for th e fra ternal spirit ex isting between fa cult y and alumni members. Local Xi chap ter was establi sh ed in 1900 and has been ac ti ve in dental sch ool activiti es eve r sin ce. Th e Delta Sigs ow n their own chapter h ouse in Indianapoli s wh e re Dr. F. Wade LaRu e, a past S upre me Grand Mas-
ALLY Bu 1 n~ s Ro1n:1n
WIU . All D D A~ I M AuirnT D EFHA N K \11 c T O H D1SHA NK
R o s co~~ Cno~1rn
Seco 11d Row C 1-: 0 HCE GWI N N
WILl.I A~1
WILLI AM JIE NN l 'i G Wll .LI AM Kl 'IG P AT LYDDA 'I R1 c 11 A 1w l\ l1 c 11 r.,1-:H
Tlrird Row l\ Trnu: N1rnrn 11 on: n R OllE llT P1 CK A llD BYH ON Pn 1cE EH N EST R osi-: NllA HGrn OW EN S 11 A N TEA U J o11N SnAw
Fourth Row l\f,111:.; 11 S I-ll l MAKEB
14 2
Yo uxc
ND ............... ........... Pres ide11l
.....................Vice-Preside11 l ..... Sec retary ELDHED \"l;T. S1 T ........ Tr easurer GEORGE w. ]A MES ..... . ..................... Editor A ULD EN
Seco ml Row W.
I PSI PHI fraternit y began its existence a the first Dental fraternity at the Indiana Dental College with th e installati on of the Th eta Chapter in 1893. It was th e second Dental fraternity to be organized, having its ori gin at the University of Mi chi gan , on F ebruar y 8, 1889. Xi Psi Phi, growin g rapidly since its inception , established fort y-six active chapters. At present, due to mergers and discontinu ance of Dental schools, th ere are
twenty-fi ve acti ve chapters. In th e years 1900-1902 a fraternity magazine was published intermittently. In 1906, th e official publi cation, th e Xi Psi Phi Qu arterly, was fo unded. It has since proved to be a worth y publi cation. ' i P si Phi is the only Dental fraternit y in which every initi ate receives li fe membership in th e alumni chapter upon hi s graduati on. In clud ed wi th this membership is a lifetime subscripti on to the Xi P si Phi Quarterl y.
..... . ...................... Chan cellor
S TA NLEY EPSTE IN __ __ .............. .JI ice
Chancellor JVIA URI CE E. Ro sENSTE I X -··-···-------- ---- -----Scribe JA CK FEI N T UCK --·-------------··--·- ----·-------Tr eas u.rer
SPco 11d Row
First Row WILLIA M
ol ~ e~ t, largest, a nd . foremo st of . J e ~vi sh Dental fr atermtJ es was found ed rn 1909. At thi s time Romach Fraternity (1906 ) and Alpha Omega !1907) of Penn sylvania U ni ver sity and niver5ity of Mar yland , r espec · tively, cornhin ed . Now th ere are ove r fift y ch ap ters fr om coast to coast. and fr om Canada to th e Gulf of Mex ico . lndian a U ni versit y's Alpha Gamma chapter was fo und ed in 1928 at th e School of Dentistr y. T o in still in its members the virtu es of truth and wisdom ; to cultivate th e social qualities of its memb f' r ; to surround each member with tru e li fe-long fri end s; to generall y advance the Dental profess ion ; and to carry fo rth th e fraternit y's id eals of sch olarshi p, fell owship , and Judaism- th ese are th e aims of Alpha Omega.
EowAHD l3110N STEI N
l\ fo1rn1s
RosENsn :1N STO.'IE n
HIS yea r for the first year the Freshmen in th e Dental School took their work at Bloomin gton. Dean William H. Crawford, Dean Gatch, and Dea n B. D. Meyers worked out the plan so th at th e Freshm en Dental Students use th e School of Medi cine building and have the same facult y for th e scien ces as the Medical Students plu s several new dental in structors. At Ind ian apolis the dental stud ent use th e fa cilities of the Departm ents of Pathology, Bacteriology, and Pharmacology that belong to the medical unit. This plan h as been arranged so as t o furth er coordinate th e teaching of Denti str y with th e teachin g of Medicin e and Surgery. Basically this plan is th e same as the two-four year plan used previously except that three ears are spent at Bloomington preparing in th e sciences b efore enter in g th e Indianapoli s Dental Scho ol. The curriculum has und ergone few modifica tions.
David Steifl er makes hi s mark . . . Getting :i little detail work tran sacted . . . 111 ile fo r th e Xra y birdie .. . Stri ctl y a busin ess propos iti on Thi s hurts me more th an it does yo u.
R. E. Cava naugh, di rector o [ th e Indian a U ni vers ity Ex tension Di vision . . . who h andl es th e work of the Extensions capa bl y a nd effi cientl y, even th ough m iles se para te th e di fferent headq ua rters ... m akin g th em a stron gl yunited part of the i nstitution.
W. S. Bittn er , associate direct or of th e Uni versity Extension, h ead of the division on th e U ni versity cam p us . . . one who h as h elped to make Ind iana a leader i n this fi eld of ad ult ed ucation.
HE RE. ar:e two m~in ~ivi si o n s o~ th e college w itl~out a c~mpu ~- th e ] nd 1ana U mver s1ty Extension- the Extens ion of 1 each1 ng Serv ice and th e Pub li c Welfare erv1ce. Th e Burea us of Class In stru cti on, Corresp ond ence Stud y, a nd Lectures are classified und er the first division , whi le th e Burea us of Publi c Di sc ussion , Aud io· Vis ua l A ids, a nd Ch ild Welfare are un der th e latter. Th e Extension Divi sion offers several hundred different co urses 111 0 t of whi ch are und ergraduate co urses of the College of Arts and Science, alth ough a li mited number carr ying grad uate credit are offered. Practi call y th e whole four yea rs' coll ege co urse is available by correspo nd ence. Members of th e classes are r equired to b e reg ular in their attendance and must do defin itely a igned work. Durin g th e first semester of thi yea r , there were 2,879 men and 2,492 wome n stud ents enrolled in th e fo ur Exten sion ce nters of Jn dianapolis, Ft. Wayne, Calumet (East Chi cago- Hammo nd- Gary ) and Sou th Ben d (Mi shawaka), and in classes in other cities. S upplementin g th ese totals were l ,924 correspond ence stud ents. Various facul ty members go out for single lectures any place over th e state wh ere th ere is a r equ est. Last yea r 89 lectures were scheduled to th e Burea u of L ectures. These lecture enable com mu niti es to kee p in touch with the latest th ought and g ive them th e most r eli able i nfor mati on upon th e current qu estion s. Th e Public Welfare Service is th e ph ase of the University Extens ion wh ich h as to do with th e less traditi onal and stan dardi zed meth ods of in stru cti on, employin g th e meth ods wh ich serve b est th e various agencies endeavorin g to meet certain co mmunity needs. The Public Di sc ussion Bureau offers s uch ser vices as th e package li brary loa ns, lendi ng of plays to hi gh schools and other g roups, and clu b stud y package loans . It also h as charge of the State Hi gh School Di sc ussio n League and th e va ri ous hi gh school co ntests. For th ose perso ns who fo r va ri ous reasons ar e un able to attend college, th e U niversit Extension D ivision offers fac iliti es for stud y a nd enables the stud ents to enter into activities a nd recrea ti on wi th ou t the expenditure fo r th e h eavier fees of the University.
Top row: Office of Bureau of Correspond ence Stud y; Louise H . Rogers, executive secretar y fo r the Burea u of Co rrespo nd ence Stud y; Mrs. Edna Hatfi eld Edmondson , assistant professor of Sociology in th e Extension Di vision; Lawrence La rso n, in structor in th e Burea u of Audio-Vi sual Aid s. Middle row: Office of Burea u of Public Disc ussion; Helen Dunca n, office ma nager; Joseph A. H ayes, Dram a Loan Service; Ll oyd Evans, chief photographer. Bottom row: General administrative office; Mrs . Avis Terant Burke, Public Welfare Service; Mrs. Paulin e J. Elli s, executive secr etary, Bureau of Audio-Visual Ai ds; Mrs. Adela Bittner, executi ve secr etar y, Bureau of Public Di scussion.
Upper left: Mary Truelock, assistant m the photographic lab ora tory. Upper right : Lawrence Larso n, instructor in the Bureau of Audi o-Visual Aids, a nd his secretary, Pauline J. Elli s. Middle left : Herbert Radke, assistant in the photographi c laborator y, and Lloyd Evans, chief photographer. Middle ri ght : Harry Ludwi g, assistant, and Edward Hender on, photographer. Lower left: Office of Bureau of Audio-Visual Aids. Lower right: Shipping room of the Bureau.
HE rapid in crease in th e use of visual aids in ed uca tion in the last decade or two has probably been due mostl y to the excellent work of uch organ izations as Indiana University's Bureau of Audio-Visual Aid s, whi ch is a division of the Extension Division. For several years it has provided public schools and vario us com munity agencies with educational motion pictures, lan tern slides, art exhibit , and other object materials. Th e produ ction servi ce of the burea u includes a well-equipped photographi cal laboratory whi ch does special work for faculty m embers, the News Bureau , the athletic department, and s uch campus publications as the Arbutus. Another service is the distribution of pi ctures and projectors to various campu s groups. The bureau operates in an advisory capacity with classes in the Extension centers throughout th e state. It also conducts frequent conferences concernin g visual aid problems. It has equipm ent consistin g of 1,200 different film s, silent and sound, and 600 different lantern slid es. The department h as don e some of its own m otion picture production, and hopes Lo do a gr eat deal more in the future. The majority of the staff of th e organization is composed of students. The bureau is efficiently directed b y L. C. Larson·, who is kn own as the Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Pauline J. Ellis, wh o is secretary of the bureau.
A sight unfamili a r to m ost of the tud ents of th e Bl oo min g ton ca mpu s is th e A th enaeum of the No rm al College of th e Am e r i ca n Gy mn as ti c U ni on, show n at th e top. H owever , th e sce ne a l th e lo wer left is m ore famili a r, as it is an ex hibiti o n a t o ne o f th e basketball gam es by stud ents of th e college. Tn th e lo wer ri ghtha ncl co rn er is Dr. Ca rl B. S puth , Presi d ent of th e Coll ege.
N. C. A. G. U.
N November of thi s yea r , Indi ana Universi ty enlarged its fi elds of inter ests b y merging with the 1ormal College of Ameri ca n Gymnastic Un ion in Indian apolis. Thi s College wh ich is devoted stri ctl y to ph ysical edu cation courses, has been affili ated with the Uni versity for eight years. Previous to th e merger students wer e r equired to go th ree yea rs to th e College and one yea r to th e University after which th ey r eceived a bachelor's degree fr om both schools. U nder the new arran gement, which becomes effecti ve at the begi nnin g of th e 1941-1942 school year, gradu ates will receive a degree of B.S. in physical edu ca ti on after ha ving spent two years at the Indi anapoli s school and compl eted the four year term on the Bloomin gton campus. All alumni of the Normal school a utomaticall y become alumni of I ndiana University, and if they desire ma y r eceive a diploma with the B.S. degree and a maj or of health and physical ed ucati on. Loca ted at the Athenae urn in Indianapoli s, the NCAGU has an approxim ate enrollm ent of 100. Carl B. Sp uth, ' 12, is presid ent of th e coll ege and the instructi onal staff numbers t wenty-three, five of whom are m embers of the Indiana fa culty. Ind iana was fo rtun ate in receiving the library of the Normal College, which is recog ni zed as one of the most complete of its type in the countr y. The scholastic r ecords of the College were also turn ed over to th e U niver sity. Th e CAGU was fou nd ed in 1866 and was a travelin g institu ti on of gymnastics until 1875 when it settled in Milwaukee. The Coll ege tran sferred back an d for th from Indianapoli s to Milwa ukee from 1875 till 1907 when it made its permanent home in the In diana capital. In 1910 the ormal College incorpora ted und er th e laws of Indiana and has since been accredi ted b y the State Board of Educati on. The school is recognized as one of the oldest of its kind in the countr y.
Pasting up volume in the Librar y . . . Y worker le nd s hi mself to science in th e Med b uil din g . . . pamphlets fo r th e Speech clini c ... Compi lation of reco rds . .. Mor e Med ical r esearch ...
1~ · 1
LIST of 650 names compri ses th e N.Y.A. pa yroll fo r the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. The work done b y the students who ar e r eceivin g N. Y.A. assistance vari es greatly. Some of the important proj ects goin g on now are : th e bindery at the library, the rumpus room, the speech clinic, and Mr. Robinson's experiment in the Department of Physiology. This year in the libra r y Miss Moeller has kept ab out twent y-two stud ents busy . Mending a nd r epairin g of books is onl y one part of their job. They also list, r epair, strengthen, and bind manuscripts. The A .W.S. Rumpus Ro om is open to dates fr om 5 :00 to 8 :30 o'clock ever y evening. Her e fell ows and girls may enj oy pin g-pong, badminton , and shuffleboard whi ch are provided under th e directi on and supervi sion of N.Y .A. workers. Mr. Milison in the speech department is in charge of several proj ects. Two stenographers, one general office helper, two car penters, three clinician s help in the examination and treatment of speech and hearing di sorders of Univer sity students. Mr. Robin son 's experiments deal with fatig ue in r elation to age, race, athleti c trainin g, and industry. The N.Y.A. boys assist in the measurement of a man 's fati gue b y actin g as subj ects as well as by helping in some of the technical procedures connected with the experiments. Although most coeds and eds do not r ealize it, their well-kept campus is gr eatly affected by N .Y.A. workers. The landscaping around school buildin gs, planting and car e of lawns, flowers, shrubs, trails, and fo otpaths are looked after b y th e workers. The N.Y.A. student workers benefit the Univer sity in general and help themselves as they learn while they earn.
This isn' t the guill otine- just an X-ra y machin e .. Her e's your card , now just wait your turn , please . . . Dr. Spease does n' t scare hi s pati ent much . . . Slicking up for the Doctor . . . Lad y, yo ur tempera ture is risin g ! Dr. Edith Schum a nn , executi ve head of the health center.
N an effort to help stud ents with . th eir individual problems, th e Stud ent Guidance Comm ittee, under the able leadershi p of Dr. Herman T. Briscoe, Dean of Faculti es, has s ubdivided itself into several gro ups. On e gro up is the fa culty advi sors for freshmen in th e U ni versity, selected with r eference to School. The aims of this gro up have been outlin ed as follows : to stud y the freshmen who meet with diffi culti es of a scholas ti c nature; to cultivate the intellectual and academi c interest of the students, and to provide an easy co ntact betw en each student and hi s fac ulty advi sor. This group does not attempt to advise th e freshmen co ncernin g the co urses th ey are takin g, but simply tri es to solve th e problems of th e students b y givin g ad vice, wh en so ught b y th e student, or r eferrin g the individual to someone wh o ma y help him. Th e g uid ance committee has also in stituted a system of co uncilors in th e dormitories and in some fraternit y and sororit y houses. Thi s is a new venture and so fa r has proved s uccessful. Other gr oups workin g in co nn ecti on with th e guidance program ar e the testin g bureau, whi ch prepares tests for enterin g fresh men; the remedial and reading work for th ose low in effi ciency; the speech clinic ; th e Deans of Men a nd Women and all th e academ ic Deans, and the vocational guid ance committee. The coordinatin g committee for the guidance pr ogram for 194041 is Merrill T. Eaton, chairm an; R. C. Dav is, Charles H arrell, Cora B. H en ne!, Dea n Kate H. Mueller , R. C. Murray, Mary Ruth Palmer , Ted Reglein , Robert A. Royer , a nd Dr. Edith B. chum an. The Committee is to be commended for its competent work thi s past year. Working in a new fi eld for Indi ana U nivers ity, th ey have made progress and laid th e gro und work fo r grea ter work in the future.
HE tud ent Health Center has as ils man y fun cti ons th e complete examination of each stud ent on hi s admission to th e niversity; th e improvement of livin g conditions of stud ents in coll aborati on with th e City and State Health De partmen ts; th e diagnosis of all ailments compl ain ed of b y th e stud ents, and the trea tment of mi nor a ilment . Th e Stud ent Health De partment stron gly emphasizes that th eir policy is not to interfere with th e private practi ce of Med icin e. Th e Cen ter merely provides a complete diagno is and treatment for minor a ilm ents, advisin g th e care of a private ph ysician if th e ill ness is a major one. If trea tm en t in a hospital is r equired, the De partment will pay up to twenty doll ars on the h osp ital b ill. Hav in g treated over 18,000 cases since school opened, the Center h as managed to keep bu sy thi s yea r. Most of the bu siness was durin g th e mon th of Februar y, when 124 cases of influenza were treated , and 3,773 cases in all wer e taken car e of. Th e Center trea ts ever ythin g fr om measles and pn eumonia to s wallowed pins, concussions, and mmnps. Th e small off ice on Forr est P lace is furni shed with mod ern medi cal equipment along wi th a men' and wom en's infirmary for those r equirin g supervi sion o r isolati on. Dr. W . D. Catch is director of th e Stud ent Health Service and Dr. Ed ith Schuman is executi ve secretar y. U niversi ty physicians are Doctors Charles E . H olla nd , R obert Speas, and John H . Smith .
Especially in the Men's Residence Center has the program of Student Guidance been stressed. H ere und er the leadership of Ned Reglein , pictured at the lower right, the graduate advisors h ave coun· selled and advised th e stud ents in r egard to the col· lege courses. Above we see the advisors at work, but disc ussin g problems among themselves, as seen at upper and center left, and also at work h elpin g the students individuall y.
Meeting required. smiles not.
The first line at registration.
"Bo" scou ts via celluloid.
Another Arbutus so ld.
Zimmer gets buoyed up.
Writers' cramp rages rampant.
Please sign on the forty eight dotted line.
September 10 162
• • •
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Pres. F.D.R. " local" pins Tetek.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Time out at Freshman Frolic.
29 30
* * * * *
LOO MI GTOl awakes fr om its lethargic summer doze as students arrive on campus complete with doting parents, h ome town girl, and hi gh hopes ... Sororiti es are on their t oes during rush week as dorms present new rushing probl ems . . . Freshman women are not pledgin g just for a place to live this year . . . Registrati on blues . .. Arbutus salesmen find fresh man registration day much more profitable than when the impregnable upperclas men come around .. . please print, print your name, print only, a dozen registration blanks and two hun dred other superfluous blanks . .. students are urged to hold on to identification cards .. . som e find th em ver y valuable during temporarily enforced prohibition for min ors . . . Classes started ... freshm en officiall y inducted September 16 at exercises on steps of Student building .. . at one required meetin g, freshmen hear as usual , " Get your lessons the first 30 days, and the rest will be easy" . .. Find out the real truth about th e 35th day . . . One per cent more person s couldn ' t find j obs and so enrolled in the University than did in 1939 . . . total students about 5,300.
Indiana team exhibits long range artillery.
Kennard with card, not car.
September 20 • • • 163
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Pa) lo th
order o[ "ard ,. Biddle.
* * * * *
~ ILLKIE anno unces if elected to th e Pres id ency he w ill put Thanksg ivin g Da y back wh ere th e Puritans had it . . . pi cks up several hundred vo te fr o m L . ca mpu . . . At Fres hmen m en's ba nqu et. ept. 23. ·vr..r. Gl enn Th o mp o n. '22. tells new men to be " in bl oodearnest about yo ur work" . . . J ohn Vanatta a nn o unce A rbu tus is a week ah ead of schedule ... " Th e) ' II need it." r etaliate th o e in the kn o w ... " P e nn y a P ound " adm iss io n to the Dolphin Club dance keeps all b ut the slimme t coeds a1 a y . .. Fres hm an .W . . banquet peake rs tre g rad es and ex tra-c urri cular aetivities and especiall y a happ y co mbinat io n o f both . . . Edd ie H erbe rt fo rced o ut of choo l bec ause of knee injuri es . . . th e Lalk of K enn eth Downs. ace war co rre pondent. o n th e fal l of France makes most of u fo r get o ur fa llin g g rade . . . Di ve rion co me from th e usual fudd led r oa r in th e Common as we all r oar togeth e r a t th e tr yo uts for g irl cheer leade rs . . . H n ry I•. c hri cker. Democ ra ti c candidate fo r gove rn or , peaks a t co nvo . . . Republi can joe . . . speak ing o f po liti cs. fi ckl e fam e now fl ee Mc Iutt as fr om Freshmen to fac ulty favor no w follow Willki e
u house.
The Right Reverend J. Hugh Funk.
September 21 164
Judy Jones and ...
• • •
Hundred Men and a girl.
Students file blue cards . . .
Dean Mueller and Mrs. Teter.
Team lays for Texas.
and buy books.
The A.W.S. Freshµien Banquet.
October 4 •
• • 165
Schricker greets Jackson Club Officers.
Briscoe and Bo at Freshmen Banquet.
Hoosiers open Foolliall Season against Texas Longhorns.
elC'Onl(' Marge \V h itC' to Pan Lr).
Evans- Head coach al Lhe Quarter hack Hour.
\'\ells and Ro('k 11 ell Kent allcnd Coll\ o.
McClure leads a clH'f'r.
\Ve d idn'L heal Texa . . bul Norvo beats the X) lop!
Kappas Joe in Commons.
October 5 • • • 166
* *
10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Danielson advocates Statue of Liberty play . . .
27 28 29 30 31
'Il EXA " Outward Bound."
Ginger knights Scabbard and Blade pledge.
invades th e orth to defea t Indi a na eleven , 13 to 7 . . . Texas co wboys take over the spots and sta y until Monday ... Red Norvo plays for the Blanket H op with a little impromptu . . . 1-Ioagy Carmichael makin g two for the price of one . .. P easant's Pantry, new dr y ni ght club , features Bob Barnes who has Annabelle, who has everything .. . October 10, " Outward Bound ," first niversity Theatre prod uction , attempts to explain what to expect from the next life to a lot of peopl e who d on' t kn ow what to expect from thi s one . . . The Commons is crowded d aily from 2 to 5 as the pressure of classes is not yet great . . . There is no noti ceable decline as seme ter advances . . . Indiana University mourns the passin g on October l l of Val Iolan , Beloved Trustee and alumnus ... Second defeat at the hands of Nebraska, 13 to 7, crushes hopes of a brilliant football season predicted .. . The In diana Daily Student wins first class h onors in the judgin g of th e Associated Collegiate Press while the Arbutus receives first class rating for year books by Iational Scholastic Pre s Association . . . Rockwell Kent talks to President W ells after peaking to convo goers on art . . .
" Steering" section fr om Texas U ni vers ity.
October 15 • • • 167
* *
s 5
* *
10 11 12
s 6
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Pc)\\ -\Vow.
* *
CTOBER 16. fatal cla) in th e li ve of man y me n stud e nt who a re ca pable of totin ' a g un . . . L::iws s ta ge a nti-co n c ripti o n dr ive all th e wa ) to th e fi eld h o use, but s ig n th ei r name jus t th e sam e . . . defense mca ure fad e in th e fac e of bea uty as fiv e g irl s are c hose n as fin ali sts in th e H o mecomin g Quee n co ntes t a nd Mar y usan Stull is ch o e n as th e qu een of qu ee ns . . . In diana h as politics c ramm ed down th e ir throats and in th eir ear s as Franklin Roo sevelt, Jr .. De moc rat. Ra ym ond E. Willis, R e publi can , and lo rm a n Th omas. Sociali s t, all s pea k in Bl oomin gto n on th e same ni g ht . . . Be nton J. Bloom , '22. so und s th e war Cr) , " Give it back to th e l ndians," a t th e a nnual Pow-wow preced in g H o meco min g weekend .. . H o mecoming decorati o ns . .. Th e ta Chi's air raid is a bit too r ealis ti c but th e Pi Phi s provid e " warmin g" r eli ef. grass skirts and all . . . l nd iana's vi c tory 10-iJ over Jowa pl eases al urn s, "Bo," stud e nts, and ju t about ever yon e yo u ca n think of . . . Med s w in th e annual softb a ll ga me with sco r e somewh ere around 15-11 . . . Jimm y James s win gs o ut at th e 13and Be nef it ba ll , g rand climax to th e wee ke nd. and eve r) o ne i h appy, but th e la w stud e nts a nd th ose wh o b eli eved th e " n o s ho ol lfo nda y" rumors .. .
Frank and Miller gel Phi
P. i'
TTP) ,
Left. goa l ; right, Bretz.
October 16 • • • 168
Maxwell Brigade registers for draft.
Waddle with waddler.
Dick defies Deadline.
October 31 • • • 169
Presentation: a trophy for a queen.
Yeggs and eggs await shysters.
Yep, another one.
Michigan Stale Pep Session bring Sphinx Club out in ope
Freshmen confer with High School Principals.
Heidenreich and Bates appral lo Law students.
Champ Pelerson shows chumps.
Editor Lewis abdicates Lo Sober Sam Wells.
November l • 170
Annabelle sings.
• •
1940 F
* * * * *
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Two stiffs at the Tri Delt dance.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hayes with that Massey, agam .
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
PETERSON, world's fancy billiard ch am pion, demonstrates trick shots in billiard room of the U nion buildin g . . . we could all " take our cue'' from hi s ability . . . Nati onal Panhelleni c Congress delegate predict changes in sorority rush . . . and soront1es begin to worry about the possibility of deferred ru sh . . . "What A Life," second University Theatre production , rem inds blase college studen ts of th eir yo uthful, carefree hi gh school days . . . shades of the A rbutns, the Red Book is finally o ut, two weeks late . . . The nation's voters reject I.U.'s candidate for the White Hou se, as Roosevelt carri es 38 states, but not Indi ana . . . seems like we'll never get one of our boys to the Presid ency . . . Law taxi dance provides enou gh boys to dance with coeds this year ... foo tball team makes good impression on Dad s as they defeat · Michi gan Sta te 20 to 7 . . . Michigan tale's excellent band and agile cheer leader provide more excitement than does th eir team . . . Ray Herbeck, popular orchestra leader , gives a little lilt to patriotism by playing for the Buntin g Hop, refu gee dance ... students remember Herbeck as the man who almost didn't play for the openin g of the formal season last year .. .
"What a Life" with Julia Ann Cowan and June Brown .
Midterms : cramming cuti es
Comm ons.
November 16 • • • 171
1940 F
* * * * *
s 3
w 6
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Lerner a nd Keene h ave A coke.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
J S~ ONS ! N
~ad gers brin g di saster to Jn . cbana m 21-10 r out . . . football team qui ckl y di smi sses defea t with plan s for r evenge on Purdu e . . . Traditi on al Purd ue game weekend beg ins as Dan Bretz, law '41, buries J awn Pu rd ue fo r th e Lh ircl ti me . .. But it was r eall y goooood th is ti me as Gen e \V hi te's now fam ous educa ted toe lets Indiana stud ents sta y h ome one extra cla y, and brin gs th e Old Oaken Bu cket back home where i t belongs . . . Blu e Key also takes part in fes tiviti es and announces new pledges at burial . . . T ha nksgivin g vacation breaks monotony and eve n Republi cans enjo y sojourn h ome . . . Board of Standards and Board of Aeons se nd th eir plan s of limited parti cipation in stud ent activ iti es to the admi ni strati on . . . day of " rods" fades into background . . . Dr. J am es A. Woodb urn , Professo r Emeritus of America n Hi stor y, presents hi s " Histor y of Indiana U ni versity" to President Herm an B Wells a nd is honor ed al a recept ion on his 84th bi rthd ay .. . Stud ents h old fe rvent pra yer th at smoke- ups will h old off until after vacation but a re bitterl y disappointed b y effi cient ser vice of powers- that-be . .. Ind iana mourns th e pass in g of Frank M. Andrews, Professo r E meritu s of De partm ent of Botan y . . . Spanky Gahm, 205-pound center. named fo otball team's most va lu able pla yer .. . also in vited to play in East-West char il y gam e on New Year's Day.
Jawn Purdu e 1s dead.
ChPss m T own Hall.
November l? • • • 172
Dan'l drones durge.
The Woodburn family.
Dr. Woodburn presents new book to Pres. Wells.
No wonder the Union Lounge is popular.
Coach and team's most valuable player.
November 30 173
• • •
Tubee or not tub-ee.
N ) ads o f th e For e t fo.. fur.
Frank E. All en r ece ives con g ratulati ons on appointment as V ni ve rsil) Trustee.
Style and speed characterize Mac and Macmen's play a nd travel.
Opening of Formal Season- Delts dine.
We won' t g uarantee thi s 1s ri ght sid
Larry leads.
December l • 174
Shore sings.
• •
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Bo and boys before banquet.
29 30 31
HI BETA KAPPA names seventeen seniors to membership . . . Val Nolan , Jr. lead5 class with straight A grades . . . U niversity Theatre tries new angle and presents " Vodvil Varieties," full of campus talent . . . Larry Clinton ushers in Formal eason in Men's Gym . . . followed by Mortar Board's Dames Ball . . . Frank E. Allen, '16, named to Board of Trustees . . . Gene White is named captain of 1941 football team . . . Indiana defeats Butler 39-36 . . . Jan e habin ger i crowned queen of Dolphin Club Folli es . . . Thirteen members of basketball team make flyin g trip to th e West coast, takin g California, U.C.L.A., and Stanford in th eir strid e; droppin g a close one to So uthern Cal. , and defeatin g Kentucky in th e Rose Bowl . . . YM-YW hold traditional carolin g on step of Student Building . . . Un iversity Th eatre chooses cast for "Ah, Wilderness" . . . campus organizations clothe needy children and h old Christmas parties . . . general exodus from th e campus begins Dec. 21 as stud ents go home for holidays.
We know this is backwards- the Dames Ball always is.
Elaine Ax, without tomahawk.
* * * *
Jane Schabinger reigns.
December 28 175
• • •
January T
10 11
* * * 7
s 5
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Chi O's gel midnight snack while crammlllg for finals.
lead to Bl oo min gton! Students ALLtrek roacls back t o campu s via cars, thumb , and trains. Some also use the Monon . . . Ever yone comes b ack to fa ce the awfu l truth . . . onl y ten mor e days till final s .. . Sudd en ru sh on outside-read ing b ooks in librar y r esults in general confu sion . . . Library elates and tutorin g lessons become Common s topics of talk . . . Mac-me n make first bid for Bi g Ten title by defeatin g Suckers fr om Illinois, 48 -38 .. . f\ew " I " Men 's Association nam es Bill Arms lr oi~g, '41, first sacker on baseball team , as its first president . . . Northwestern 's Wildcats fa ll in the p ath of th e H oosier onsla ught, 52 to 32 . .. Annu al anti-cheatin g campaign gets und er way . . . This year it isn' t pencil tappin g, it's " I r efu se to compete in this unfair examination" . .. Res ults ar e ab out th e same for both . .. Arn old Wi lken, '41, is elected n ew presid ent of Coll egiate Ch am ber of Commerce . .. " That's rn y P op," H ank Schri cker, Jr., '42 , gloats as poppa Schri cker is inau g urated as th e 35th govern or of Indian a . . . Belated Prom Com mittee selecti ons are made .. . Chairman Bob Gates is aided b y Nan cy Biddle, Margaret Fargo, Ed Bartley, and John Krueger.
Chemistry students burn the midnight oi l.
A few Business Students start the new semester off right.
D ecember 29 • • • 176
D. Gs. brush up on current events for finals.
A hot fool brin gs a rud e awaken in g.
)ne bridge game--nine men- lots of help.
Pi Phi Study Tab le.
Sigma Delta Taus relax during final week.
The Sigma Kappas hold a private record hour.
Kappas coke.
Such heartless men not to be moved by the feminine half of the choral reading group.
January 31
• • • 177
Wells and LaFollelle amid enthusiastic convo sludenls.
Waiting for dates al dorm dance.
SLudenls cnrnd 1n Complroller·s Office on lasl da) of pa) ing fee~.
The Dance Commillec <'an relax. a~ Lhe dan<'c ha;.. begun.
Spectators lcnsc as lndiana defeats Ohio State.
Red Lriumph$
ith lrumpel.
Delta Chis start sc111estcr 011 righl fool.
February l 178
• • •
February T
1941 F
* * * * * *
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 111
chool at last.
Sti ll. one must o l lain books.
23 24 25 26 27 28
imposs ible has happened ... Purdue slips over a 40 to 36 victor y over Indiana puttin g a defini te crimp into our Big Ten title bid ... Our ego is blown up a bit when th e seco nd string Macrnen take Ohio State 45 to 25 . . . Phil Lafollette, three time govern or of Wisco nsin , tell co nvo rroers " What Is Ahead," Feb. 4 .. . Red Iichol plays for Men' Re id ence Center dan ce Feb . 8 . . . With its usual effi· ciency, th e U ni versity t akes seco nd serne ter fees qui ckly and painlessly . . . Jani e got her gun , and Pershin g Rifles go t Janie as Jane Smith. '43, is chosen th e new sponsor for the club . . . Jowa fa ll s before the Indiana Blitzkrieg 50 to 40 on F eb. 10 . . . Jordan River Rev ue come to ever yo ne' mind as Mark Schackelford , '41, a nd Lu ell a McGuire, '43. are given th e lea d . . . Campus police foil attempt of two Univer ity stud ents to steal th e Brown Derb y to be used in this yea r's Gridiron Banquet . . . Inc i<l entally it's a <Ye nmne derby be, longin g to Al rnith . . .
Bundles for Britain being creale<l.
Forrsl Hall g irl s find Fanill) Tea cnjo)able.
February 14 179
• • •
1941 F
* * * * * *
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Dan cin g. kihitzin g. and card pla) in g a t l nion -A \\ S darl\'e.
Tillman and Stull check minutes of Hoard of Standard~ rn cctin 12-.
R AY AND BRACCIOTTI , duo piano team , play Bach an d Gersh win to please all types of mu sic lovers . . Indi ana takes Minn esota in its strid e . . . and a dd s a seco nd Ohi o Stat e sca lp for th e yea r to its belt, beatin g them, for the first time in ] 1 yea rs o n their home fl oor , incid entall y, 40 to 33 . . . F. Lee Be nns of th e Dep a rtm ent of Hi sto r y, r eceives Al Sm ith\; ori ginal derb y a t the S ig ma Delta Chi. Grid iro n Banquet . .. Bi ll Menke .is ch osen o utstand in g Se ni or man by me mbers of SDX .. . A nnu al Arbutus Beaut y or gy is g ive n in two closes thi s yea r, 2.5 r emain in th e f irst eli mination , .5 in the second , and the winn e r in a qu ee n co nscio us ca mpu s is Ma r gie Bu ckmaste r, '44 . . . Four oth er bea ut y queen are Anne Lo ui se Cole, Barbara Smith , So nya chlee. an d Joan Hi g· g ins . .. Wi sconsi n h an ds In d ia na its walkin g papers eliminating the m fr o m th e Bi g Ten title race for first p lace with a 38 to 30 defea t . . . Dancers enj oy Gus A rnheim and band at the Y.l.ilitary Ball.
February 15 180
• • •
Menke admires m•wl) acquired key chain .
Prof. Benn
rece ives the Al Sm ith Brow n derby.
Commons business boom at Military Ball.
Gridiron banqu et attracts a handful o f women.
Bea ut y promenades.
The five Arbutus beauty queens.
Finals- Bea ut) contest.
February 28 181
• • •
\V ill we make our bid?
Commons al mid-terms.
Fraternit) after mid-terms.
\lenke honored as mo, t 'aluahle pla) er.
Coach T-1 uber and debate team i11vade Purdue.
Speakers· Ta hie
\\ inter Sports Ba11q uel.
Theta Sigs give rau.
ThrPP ThPlas rp)ax from mid-term~.
March l • • • 182
March T
1941 F
* * * * * * 2
Faculty JOe
4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31
commons at faculty night club.
Weimer presides at Banquet.
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
14 21 28
s 1 8 15 22 29
Kearns addresses sport fans.
H! SWEET REVENGE! ! .. Nosed out of th e Big Ten Championship, a wrathful In-
diana team lets off steam by mopping up Purdue 47 to 29 .. . Chi cago falls easily two days later b y a scor e of 49 to 33 . . . Shades of purple ! Theta Sig presents the annual Razz Banqu et "chroni c transgr essors from the paths of righteo usness" receive appropriate awards . . . Mar y Susan Stull is award ed th e rin g as outstandin g Senior woman .. . Award s for outstandin g Juni or, Sophomore and Freshman wom en go to Margaret Fargo, Barbara J ohnson , and Ra chel Stoner ... Andy Zimmer is ch osen captain of the 1941-'42 basketball team at the Winter Sports Banquet March 10 . . . Menke is again honored as th e most valuable basketball player ... Mary Rees, '42, wins the important post as President of the A.W.S. Faculty frolic at their night club.
March 15
• • • 183
T he C rra l SeYilzk).
\rild e rmulh atTe pls huilcl i ng.
Dean S and e rs (' ha ts 11 ith Lehmann and M r lchi o r.
Tin ) Trimbl e Lakes an a1n11 g 111 " T a ke th e Da) .''
Dr. No n el le a nd Lh r fa mo us Lunli'\.
J e~s up d edi ea le" buildin g.
March 16 184
Th e Gove rnor prese nts th e Audilo ri 1
Sti gd o n s ho 11 s
h1 Pres id e nts g row old
Fran('esca lli a nd vio lin.
• • •
1941 F
* * * * * *
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Scabbard and Blade pledges say skirts are getting shorter.
23 30
24 31
25 26 27 28 29
of Spr ing is in th e air and stud enl.5 AdiHINT g deeply into lea n pocketbooks as Ray Noble is signed for th e Prom , and the date is set for April 18 . . . All Indiana becomes Basketball co nscious durin g State tournament time ... Loi s Armstrong is the new Y.W.C.A. prexy . . . Bi ggest news of the month is the dedica· lion of Indiana's new 1,170,000 Music-Auditorium . Pretentiou s cerenionies begin with addresses by Governor Henry F. Schricker, Walter J essup of the Carn egie Foundation, and Ora G. Wi ldermu th . . . Bishop James E. Freeman of th e Washington Cath edral condu cted a r eli giol15 cerem ony th e second night . . . " There Shall Be No ight," by Robert Sherwood , is prese nted March 24 with Lunt and Fontanne as the leads . . . Lotte Lehmann and Lauritz Melchior, Metropolitan Opera Stars, and a beauti· ful co ncert b y th e Indianapolis Symphony Or· chestra fini sh a week of splendid entertainmen t opening to Indiana University its newest and most bea utiful bui ldin g . . .
Bryan , Wells. and J essup at dedi cati on.
Bishop Freeman deli vers addre s.
March 31 •
• • 185
Baseball and spnn g football practice occup) the sports fans.
Business Lihrar) sees use durin g final s.
Students relax o n Dunn Meado11 be for e "go in g out into the 11orld.".
1941 Commen('eme nl : Before the re remo ni e:-,.
Tnvoralion .
Aprill • • • 186
10 ll 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Families and friends pack stadi um for Commencemen l.
29 30
* * * * *
Th e first sprin g r ev iew find s two coed spo nso rs out of step. PRING VACATIO N! Five cl ays of welcome r eli ef, then back for the fin al stretch . . . Seniors suddenl y r eali ze that gradu ati on isn' t somethi ng to talk about a nymore- it's here . . . A flurr y of acti viti es fill up the last weeks of school . .. Ra y Noble makes an ideal Prom b and . . . ver y, ver y smooth . . . As warm weath er comes classes thin out, and th e qu arri es fill up . . . Seni ors h ave d ouble cl ose of wo rr y . . . " How sh all I graduate ? " and , " What sh all I do when I grad uate?" Kent Cooper , former stud ent of l ndi ana a nd now h ead of the Associated Press, gives th e Foundati on Day Convocati o n address May 7 . . . Baccalaureate ad dress is give n b y Dr. Ro y Ewing Vale, Pastor of th e Tabernacle P resb yteri an Church in Jn cli anapolis .. . Commencement, Ju ne 2, Seniors h ear th e old refra in , "a nd as you go out into the world . . .
1350 students say good-bye l o Indian a Un iversi ty.
June 2 • • • 187
l,P ft tn J{igl1 1: Co~c h [. C. !"Bill y"') ll ayC's, ll rad Foo tball Coac h A. N. ('"Bo .. ) J\ lcl\ li ll in, Carl I "S1vedc·· ) A ndr rson, 11 rad Li nc Coac h Ra lph Graham, ll ead Backfield Coac h Pa11 I C. ("" Pooc h .. ! !J ar· rell.
FOOTBALL S ta nd ing : Ju nior ..\ tanagers R ipky, Fisc her, Arnold, and Siegal. Sea ted: Se ni or ..\l anager' l llen and Cooper.
Ass istin g Head Coac h A. r. ("Bo") McMillin is a capable staff of coaches and manage rs. Track co ach E. C. ("Billy") Hayes a nd wrestlin g coach W. H. ("Billy") Th om both devote th e ir fa ll tim e to h elpin g " Bo" mold his gridiron mac hin e. Pau l C. ("P ooch") Harrell, h ead base ball coach, tutors th e freshm an squad. Head line coach is Carl ("Swede") A nderso n, wh o pl ayed un der McMillin at Geneva College and assisted him at Ka nsas State. An derso n ca me to Jndian a three year s ago after being Athletic Director and foo tball coach at Western Kentu cky State Teachers' College. R alp h Graha m, h ead backfi eld coach, also ser ved und er " Bo" at K ansas State. Graham is also fr eshman bas ketball coach and fo rmer tenni s mentor. In charge of th e necessa ry detail work of :running the sq uad were seni or ma nage rs Gilbert Cooper a nd Clay Ulen . U nd er th eir direc tio n travel arran gements. ca re of equipmen t, and cou ntl ess other tas ks were car ri ed o ut by the junior a nd soph o mo re assistants.
Alth oug h Bo's boy wo n onl y th ree games and lost five thi s seaso n, they showed m uch grea ter offensive po wer th a n th eir opponents. " v;Tinni ng" nearl y ever y game in the stati sti cs department, th e Hoosiers rolled u p 88 first downs to th ei r opponents' 63 a nd gain ed a total of 1,685 yard s to ] ,411. Startin g off with th e dismal show in g against Texas, In dia na did not offer mu ch offense during her 13-6 defea t, a nd not until the econd -half of th e Iebraska game when th ey shoved th e Rose Bowl selectees all over th e field did th ey co me Lo life and alm ost overtake th e 13-7 lead of the Cornhu skers. Iowa obli ged by com in g here fo r th e Homecoming game and wen t h ome on th e wrong end of a 10-6 sco re, th e fo ur winning point bein g provided by Gene White. Against orth western White again booted the extra poi nt th at gave I.U. a 7-6 lead th at lasted until th e closin g minutes of th e game when th e Wild cats took ad vantage of th e " breaks" to win b y a 20-7 sco re. Ohi o State fo un d Indi a na down in the " dumps," a nd scored three qui ck touchd owns before Indi ana started to click again . By that ti me it was too late and the Buckeye won, 21-6. Michigan State, co nq ueror of Purdue, came to Bloomin gton fo r th e Dads' Day game with the idea of doin g the sam e thin g to I ndi a na , but went home sadly on th e wro ng end of a 20-0 score. Aga in it was an earl y " Blitz" th at struck Indiana dow n at Wisco nsi n, three fumbles givin g the Badgers coring opportunities in th e second q uarter which they gleefull y seized to wi n, 27-10. Th e score at the half was 27-3. T he well-kn own stor y of the Purdu e ga me, the season's fin ale, is glori ou histor y. The b attle of the stalwart lines in th e mud ; the pun ting duel, in which both teams' ki ckers averaged nearl y 40 yards per punt with th e soggy ball ; Cobb Lewis' pass interception and run back in the fl eetin g minutes; little Red Zimrner's entrance into th e ga me and his sweeping end runs; a nd last a nd perh aps most spectatular, Gene White's crownin g fea t, the win nin g fi eld goal ; all these provid ed a fittin g cl imax fo r th e ah ays courageo us Fightin g Hoosiers.
Big Ten Final Wo n
Mi nnesota .............. 6 Michi ga n .............. 3 I orth western ........ 4 Wisconsin ........ ...... 3 Ohi o State ............ 3 Iowa ...................... 2 Indi ana ................ 2 P urdu e ................. .1 Illin ois ....... ........... 0
l ost
0 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5
1.000 .750 .667 .500 .500 .400 .400 .200 .000
122 94 110 86 62 66 36 54 33
O.l'. 50 20 64 108 95 84 74
73 105
H ead Coach " Bo" McMillin . . . cmne to Indiana in 1934 . . . form er all-American quarterback from Center College ... the original " Prayin' Colonel."
FRESHMEN r1U-lE" rh ini es"
turn ed o ut 70 stron g in earl y Septe mber bidd i ng fo r th e chan ce to pro ve th emselves capable of holdin g do wn pos iti o ns o n th e vars ity for th e next three years. W ith seventeen va rsit y gridders lea vin g vi a graduati o n thi s spring, "Bo" a nd hi s s taff ma y find th e necessary replaceme nts in this squad for next fall. An e ntire new forwar d wall must be developed. T ac kles especially will be in grea t dema nd , as Al Sabol, Emi l U removich , a nd Frank S mith vaca te the posts th e)' have held for three years. Fr eshman coach P a ul C. (P ooch ) H a rrell h ad plent y of exper ienced aid s in Branch McCrac ken, J ohn Widaman, a nd Robert (S pa nky) Haak, all former Crimson lin emen. McCracken spent time with th e ends, Ha a k with th e tackles a nd guard s, and Wicl arn a n, th e backs. " P ooch " acqu ainted the b oys with the McMillin-type pl ays a nd helped th em develop fr o m hi gh school pla yers to college griclm en. T he highlight of th e Fr eshm a n practice seaso n was th e annu al i ntra -squ ad batlle aft er th e P ow wow o n th e ni ght before th e H o mecom in g ga me. Pla yed in th e F ieldh o use un der the li ghts, the ga me proved as fas t and
skillfull y played as m a ny bi g tim e co ntests. Ne ith er the dirt fl oo r no r th e le ngth of th e fi eld , o nl y 80 ya r ds, h ad an y perce ptibl e effect o n the boys' play. Th e two teams, th e R eel s a nd the Grays, were alm os l. eve nly m a tched , th e m ai n difference b ein g that the Gray squ ad boasted Bill Hill enbra nd, fl as hy tripl ethreat h alfb ac k, a nd Lou Sab an , powerh o use fu ll back. Hillenbrand sli ced off ri ght tackle in th e seco nd qu arter and evad ed th e entire Red team scorin g a 40yard tou chd own . Th e Reel s ca me b ack in th e third qu ar ter a nd a fte r a s ustain ed drive led by Bill W ald on a nd Jim Ri form er K okomo stars, r eached th e Grays' 4-ya rd Ii ne fr om wher e Ch arles Jacob y ripped th ro ugh for th e scor e. Th e tid e turn ed aga in a nd th e Gr ays ra n ro ugh-sh ocl cl o wn th e fi eld to th e Reel 3-yar d lin e before a fu mble end ed th e dr ive. Hillenb ra nd r eceived th e p unt a t midfi eld a nd raced to th e Gr ay 20 o n the next pl ay. A p ass to Allen Gi lmore, ran gy e ncl , pu t th e ball o n the G-ya nl lin e and Bi ll K enn ed y put it ove r in two s mash es. Passes fi ll ed th e a ir i n th e fin al minutes. but the sco rin g h ::: d end ed for th e ni ght.
1st Row- Kupec, Gw in , N ix, May, A nd cn;o n, Cli eli u n, Te tck , lc: dwa rd s, Sc hi e nbe in , Ca rpe nt e r, F eldm a n. 2 "'l Row- Wa lt er s, Sclipcea, Dovic h, Ri cke tt s, S ha iku n, K l itzrn a n, J aco b y, W ald en, Dea l, Mace, Dobkin s_ 3rd Row- Moor e, K e nn edy, P owe rs, P e tru ska, Q;; born , S pa uldin g, K enn ell y, Zi el, Rob bin s, Za hrt e, S tout , K ee h n. NPl so n, Gayle. 4 th Row- 1-fasa pes, W ea ver, Coga n, Co ni gli o, Free man, Lockma n, Di al , Wrzes ien. 5t h R ow- Bruner , J ohn oton, Hill e nbra nd , W illia ms, Stocke r, Zi111 ny, Bell , Sa ban, B row n. 6 th Row--Wicl a ma n, McCrac ke n, Cuac li 1-la rrell , H aak , Gall.
First row, left lo r igh t- Fran kinburger , Maycox, Brooks, Willi am s, H ardi sty, Ronzo ne, Bill S mith , Zim mer , Bob Ri cke tt s, Swaim, Rh oda, Gcr stenhaber, Kin sey, Dav is, Lawton. Seco nd row- Bu cchi a neri , fo ell er, Ti pmore, Tofil , Gahm , Rehm , Jurkiewi cz, Ma rtin , Ra y Dumke, McGuire, Gene Whit e, lV!ike Dumke, K en ny mith , Lewis, Bragal one. Third row- Na dd eo, Hu££, Dolaway, Va rn er , Myers, E vans, Alford, Preger . Na sh, Bob Whit e, Elli ott, Bassett , Trimble, F ra nk S mith . F ourth row- Uremovicl 1, Eddi e Ru cinski, H arri s, S teele, Ca mpbell , Hursh , Wi sehart , Al Ru cin ski, Usher, Sabol, Li scin sk y, McGurk , Harrell.
.#1 R
VARSITY Coach A . ( Bo ) McMillin and Compan y went throu gh spring trainin g and fall drills confident tha t the 1940 football squad would prove to be one of the b est in the hi story of Indiana U niversity if not one of th e topn otch teams in the countr y. Th eir confidence was based on several encourag in g pros pects. First, a squad with 22 veterans was on hand around which to build the team; sixteen of these men being seniors with two years' Bi g Nine experience. Secondly, a group of speed y soph omor es gave promise of addin g zip to the Hoosier s' attack. Anoth er r eason for lookin g forward to a highl y successful season was the fact that for th e first time 111 several years Indiana had men in sufficient numbers so that suitable r eserve strength could b e developed. Eddie Herbert's injury was the first blow that stru ck at th e H oosier s' hi gh hopes, but even then, th er e were till the powerful veteran lin e, Hursh and McGuire, fin e passers, and Tofil, Lewis, Dumke, and Zimmer , experienced ball carrier s.
What h appened durin g the seaso n that fo ll owed was a seri es of amazin g form-rever sals and heart-breakin g losses. Th e team clicked b ea utifull y fo r three wellearn ed wins, but th e jo y of th ose vi ctories was blotted out by the loss of the fiv e other games on th e sch edule. The Hoosier s were champions on paper. Thei r statistical r ecords show th at they seemin gly ran r ough sh od over their opponents; h owever , one colum n, the " T ouchdown s Made" column , proves that the H ustling Hoosiers didn' t d o much hustlin g over enemy goal lines. The collegiate fo otball careers of sixteen seniors ended with the Purdue classic in whi ch all of them saw acti on . They fou ght through grim e and m ud for 59 minutes, and finall y their efforts were crowned b y the spectacular playin g that put Gene White in position for hi s winnin g fi eld goal. Probably the m ost pleasant surprise of th e season was captain-elect Gene White's place kickin g. His educated toe becam e a scorin g threat every time Indian a push ed the b all into enem y territory, b esid es adding th ose all-important point after touchdowns.
SMITH • . .
not very big, but-
Longhorns Stampede Hoosiers; Win, 13-6
ll l lHLll\'
ll AL
H t ' H'-11 • . •
only JO ou t of 17 today.
Hoosiers open their season fi11di11 g statistics don't win games . . . outgained the Lon ghorn s 258 y ards to 166 . . . A erial attack by Hursh, McGuire and Co. showed 19 completions in 35 attempts /or 247 yard~ . . . ground attack netted 11 . .. Pete Layden , Steer back, averaged 48 y ards per boot- kept the ff oosiers against their own end zone most of game . . . Little Bill Smith, chun ky guard, was l .U. sparkplug in th e line . . . also was actin g ca ptain . . . " Ja ckrabbit" Crain now has Crimson eleven's vote for all-A m erican . . . he !hreatened tou chdowns all aft em oon, but his pass interce ption nwback of 40 yards was his best performan ce . . . Cowboy rooters with high-heeled boots, ten-gallon hats, and cowbells whooped up the spirit of the Old West at !he game . . ( Below ) McGuire threw 9 comple1io11 s out of 16 ... Dumke blocl.:ing two rne11 on on e of them.
Bloomington, Oct. 5- Und er a broili ng sun th e Texas Longhorn s stampeded over 1.U., ] 3-6, to open th e H oosier s' 1940 football season. Outdrivin g the Indi a na lin e th ro ughout, th e visitors capita li zed on two scorin g " breaks" to lead , ] 3-0, befo re Bo's " po re little bo ys" scored th eir only touchd own. lnd ia na showed plent) of power in th e air, b ut th eir gro und attac k was nil. That mu ch-n eeded scorin g punch just wasn' t th er e until too late. Before th e fan s had settled in th eir seats, Spa nk y Gahm recovered a Texas fumble r ight after th e ki ckoff. Little Red Zimm er scooted to a first d o1 n on th e Texas 10-ya rd lin e a nd th e Hoos ier fan s wer e wh oopin g it up in a nti cipati on of lhe sco re. H owever , th e Texas lin e smoth ered three runnin g plays a nd then batted dow n a pass to take th e ball ove r on downs. P ete La yden's long spirals kept Indi ana deep in its own territor y in the seco nd quarter and set up the second " break" of th e game. Kutn er blocked Hursh's ki ck and r ecover ed on the L U. 15. F our plays later the Longhorn s had stampeded over fo r the score. Th e seco nd half fo und the Texans on the rampage again but th e H oosiers "roped" th em on the 6-yard line. Hal Hursh's pass was inter cepted by p ony back J ack Crai n who galloped 40 yard s back to the six. Thi s tim e the Longhorns raced across on a wid e end sweep . With Mi ckey McGu ire passin g brilliantly, Indiana s urged clown th e field in the fin al quarter , but needed a 15-yard penalty against Texas to move th e ball to th e 1-yard lin e. Ra y Dumke immediately ha mmer ed over ri ght tackle to make th e final score: Texas, 13; J ndi ana, 6.
How squirming little Red Zimmer evaded those two Nebraska tacklers a/ ter catching Hzirsh's long pass for a touchdown is still mysterious . .. picture above shows Red apparently trapped on the sideline after receiving the pass on the Huskers' 5-yard line . . . The Huskers hold the I ndian Sign on " Bo" . . . he has sent 11 teams against them and won only once, a 10-9 decision in 1930 while at Kansas State .. . his Kansas teams lost 5 times to Neb raska and his Indiana teams have dropped 3 and tied 2 . . . The R ose Bowlers have co-varsities, a 1st-3rd quarters team and a 2nd-4th quarters team . . . Twin quarterbacks Herman Rohrig and Harry Hopp each led their elevens through Ho osier territory and threw passes for touchdowns in the fir st half . . . 1oltin' ! oe To/ il, the Crimson acting captain, suffered a shoulder injury in the game.
Huskers Drive To 13- 7 Win Over I. U. Lincoln , 1eb ., Oct. 12- Nebraska's Rose Bowl-b oun d foo tball team today held Indi a na's inspired secondhalf rally in check to win 13-7 on two touchdown passes by Rohri g a nd H opp. The Hu skers, after scorin g twice in th e first half, relinquished th e aggressor 's role to the Hoosiers who had given a listless performa nce up to th at point in the torrid tempera tu re. After scorin g one touchdown on a pass, Red Zimmer just missed tyin g the co unt when he dropped one of Hal Hu rsh's tosses with a clear fi eld ahead in the fin al minutes. Late in th e first quarter " German H erma n" Rohri g, star Hu sker back, led hi s mates on a 64-yard march , and provid ed the climax b y th rowing a 12-yard touchd own pass to Proch aska. With a new lin e-up on th e field , Nebraska made another drive in th e second period , thi s time engin eered by H arry (Hippity) H opp, 2nd varsity quarterback. Th e march end ed on Indian a's 5-yard line, but was r esumed followin g Hursh's wabbly out-of- bou nds punt on Indi a na's 31-ya rd line. Two ebraska plunges p ut th e ball on the 20, from where H opp threw a strike to Allen Zikmund , sophomore halfback, who ran for the scor e. Fullback Roh n kicked th e extra point. In th e third qu ar ter guard Gen e White intercepted a pass and raced 31 ya rd s to th e Nebraska 33. Tofil plun ged to the Husker 18 in two quick smashes. Then Hursh flipped a long cross-fi eld pass to halfb ack Red Zimm er, who elud ed two ebraska tackl ers and sprin ted over th e goal. Shortly afterwards, Zimmer dropped a pass when he was clear fo r a certain touchdown.
BuccmANERI . • •
all-North guard.
] OLTI"'' ]OE TOFIL • . .
need three yards, guys?
oc1.1q. 1940
O[AR IOWA: 1111SIS 110 BULL-YOU AR~ COINC TO GH BE.Ai\ lOVE lllll ¥.1\.\.E\.. e..t~ti:..
•I ~··
HOMECOMING H o meco min g. the a nnual week- end of "g rip· lipping." Gack slappin g. a nd overw orked fr eshm e n, was carr·ied o n in its us ual SL) le thi year. Old g rad s r eturn ed to th e ir Alma Maler in dro ves. brin g ing th e ir bald h ea ds and ba) windows. too . Jn yea rs pa t th e variou s soc ial orga nizati o ns put up bea utiful decora ti o ns to make th e alu ms think th e ho use had improved, but in thi s " m odern " age th e grads a rc treated to deco rations th at range from tree stumps to wo rn- o ut mattresses. Freshm en and barn ya rd c rea tures are rec ruited t o sta nd below all m a nner of od d signs floa tin g in th e breeze. The op pos in g tea m is us uall y th e o bj ect of su btle or just plain nasty crac ks about h ow bad Indiana is goin g to beat th em .
Rand o m views of th e H omecom ing deco ra ti o ns . .. Five Delta Gammas stan d on th e wa te r as S. S. Jo11 a sinks . .. Someo ne lost a Ford .. . it turn s up (a nd over ) on th e Delt fr o nt law n . . . S uch dec or a ti o ns as th e e of A. 0. Pi ma y be ee n else11 he re. but th ey look ver y good ri g ht her e . . . S ig Pi s r ead Es qu ire, and th e n put up th eir decorations . .. t raffic lowed n oti ceabl ~ alo ng thi secti o n of Indian a Avenu e . . . Phi P si g ive Iowa a cold recepti o n ... th e ice proved usefu l la ter on . . . Bo' ni g htm ares pl ay squat tag. e r su111pin ' , o n t hl' S igma K ap pa lawn . . . Th etas' "Elsie"' pro ph es ies lo 11 a·s downfa ll . .. th e girls of K. A. T. d ra nk m ilk with th e ir mea ls that da) ... Sigma Chi s inj ect the war to uch sa ndbags used la te r as pill o ws whe n th e d o rm got crowded . . .
Iowa Hawkey es Bow To Indiana; 10-6 Bloomin gton, Ind. , Oct. 19- Indi ana's twice-beaten H oosiers toda y upset the dope bucket and opened their Bi g in e seaso n with an impressive ] 0-6 wi n over Iowa. A Homecom in g cr owd of 20,000 cheered as a per fec tl y executed fi eld-go al b y Gene White, and a 56-yard jaunt by Red Zimmer gave the H oosiers a 10-0 first-q u art ~ r lead whi ch was never seri ously threa tened by th e H awkeyes . Showing a spark an d drive which had been sadl y lacking in th eir two previous games thi s seaso n, Indi ana did their scorin g in the earl y stages of th e game . Shortl y after th e opening ki ck-off Iowa punted to midfi eld. Hal Hursh promptly rifled a pass to bi g Archie Harris for a first down on the Hawkeye ten. Wh en three lin e pla ys failed to dent the Iowa defenses everyone thought that, as usual, the H oosiers were still impotent at th e go al line; but guard Gene White pulled out of the line and boo ted a perfect fi eld -goal to give Indiana a three-point margin. A few minutes later little Red Zimmer was sent into the fray and on the first play romped 56 yards aro und Iowa's left end for a touchd own. Reliable Gene White converted and Indian a had a 10-0 lead. From then O!l th e Hawkeyes were held in check for one 80-yard march in the third quarter which r esulted in thei r onl y touchdown. Today's vi ctor y gives Indi ana a r ecord of one win and two losses, but since the losses were admini ster ed by non-Conference fo es the Hoosiers have a clea n slate in the Bi g Nin e and once again loom as possible title con tend er s.
Swr11ART . . •
35 yards on first try.
56 yards the first time.
R ed Zim11Ler, who didn 't start th e gam e for which he was actin g captain , took his spite ou,t on Iowa and made his dazzlin g 56-yard touchdown sprint on the first play after leav ing the bench . . . Dale Swihart was so hap py at getting his first startin g assignment that he ripped off 35 yards on the second play from scrimmage of the game . . . Hursh threw 6 strikes ou,t of 10 atte11Lp/,s for 97 yards . . . The overjoyed Homecoming fans carried the l. U. players off the field after the ga11Le and made the first " Snake Dan ce" in years , which ended on the down-town squ,are ... Menke , Armstrong, and Danielson ,lost a close decision to the Board of, Trustees on the " day vacation if we win" issue . . . Pictu,re ( below ) shows Gene Whit e drawing the first blood with his 25-yard first period field goal.
All- Hoosier Day for 53 minutes .. . H ursh kicking out of danger in second period in picture (above) . . . Wild cat officials admitted ln diana gained more yards and held Nort hwestem to less ya rdage than any oppo11e11t in the last five years . . . N orthwestem crossed the midfield stripe in possession of the ball only twice during the entire game . .. both times by passes , and both times they reached the goal-line . . . The Purple backs aternpted only three passes; two were com pleted and set up touchdowns . . . I ndiana's offense click ed almost perfectly throughout th e game ( between the 20-yard lines) . . . Zimme r, Dumke, and Swihart romped through the big Purple forward wall almost at will . . . Eddie Rucinski and Emil Uremovich, acting co- captains, were like twin Gibraltars against the Wildcat o/Jense.
B1c EM 1L
Breaks Avert Wildcat Upset; I.U. Dropped, 20- 7 Eva nston , Ill. , Oct. 26- ln dia na's Hoosiers, playing th eir best game of th e seaso n thu s far , nearly upset the powerfu l Nor th wes tern Wildcats today; but Fate intervened and gave th e Purpl e two scori ng breaks and a 20-7 victory in the fl eetin g minutes of th e four th q uar ter. A long Nor thwestern pass was co mpleted to th e Indiana 10 from where Benso n, Wildcat back, punched the ball over in fo ur plays. Wi th only two m inutes of play r ema mrn g, Mi ckey McG uire's attempted pun t was blocked b y bi g Alf Bauman and scooped up by Ji mmy Smith wh o romped over th e goal for th e Wi ldcats' third to uchd own. Indi a na con trolled th e ball throu gh out th e first q uarter, but wer e held in check b y effective Wi ldcat punting. Soon after th e open in g of th e second period , No rthwestern drove to Indi a na's 44 from whi ch point Hahn enstein tossed the first of th e fatal passes, co nn ectin g with Butheru s on th e Hoosier 9. Th e Purple drove the ball across on two pl ays but th e attemp ted con ver ion was wide. Followin g th e ki ckoff Ind iana started a drive th at completely bewild er ed th e W ildcats. T he va unted Purple line was ripped to shreds by Tof il, Dumke, Zim mer , a nd Swi har t in s uccessive thrusts. Tofil ru shed over from th e 2-yard line to top th e fi eld-l ength march . Gene White kicked the H oosi ers into the lead , 7-6, whi ch th ey h eld at h alf-ti me. Costly fum bles dep ri ved In d iana of two m ore touch downs i n the third q uar ter. Defens ively, Uremovich, Sab ol, Ru cinski, and Bu cchi a neri we re th e stando uts of the J ndiana forward wall.
UnEMov1rH ... lo . the poor halfbacks.
EnorE (RorKY) Ruc1NsKr . . . all-North E nd.
broken finger no handicap.
Ohio State Trounces I. U., 21-6, Before 56,667 Columbus, Ohio , Nov. 2- lndiana U niversity's "stati sti cal champs" clashed with th e Ohi o State powerh ouse today in quest of their econd Big in e win , b ut were dealt a severe jolt in th e form of a 21-6 tro uncing. La nghurst's two tou chd owns plus one by Kinkad e, all in the first half, were too much for the Indian a statisticia ns to cope with even th ough the stor y of the game on paper added up to a n Indi ana victor y. A crowd of 56,667 sa w th e Hoosiers bound back in th e same mann er that characterized their pla y in th e second half of the Nebraska game, which they also lost. The Crim so n managed to punch over a score in the openin g mi nutes of the fo urth quarter on a plun ge by Joe Tofi l after an extend ed drive whi ch showed both gro und and aerial power, but their scorin g for the da y end ed there. The Indiana lin e was agai n outstanding in stoppin g Lan ghurst and Kinkade fo r negli gible gains in the seco nd half, and Hursh and McGuire completed 12 out of 21 attempted aerial for 161 yard , but the Hoosier attack invariably stalled inside Ohio's 20-yard line. Accordin g to Coach McMillin , Archie Harris, gia nt right end , aggravated an old should er injury in the contest, but is not expected to be kept out of the Michigan Sta te game next Saturday beca use of it. The fa ct that Ohio State isn' t includ ed on the Crimson 's 1941 schedule is not likely to ca use much grief in Bloomin gton, because today's thumpin g came on the heels of a 24-0 victor y that th e Scarlet and Gray hung up last year and a 6-0 triumph that th ey managed in 1938.
ABOL •••
they shall not pass.
1'he old baseball adage, " They don 't pay off for men left on bases ," is once again Indiana's "swan song" .. . The Hoosiers still show a powerful second-half comeback . . . but they still let their rivals go too far in the first half .. . Statistics may sound like " sour grapes," but I ndiana made 17 fir st downs to Ohio's 10, netted 328 yards to the BuckeJres' 195, and completed 12 of 21 pass attempts against Ohio's 5 out of 10 . . . Proves nothing except too much Lan ghu rst and Kinkade . . . Spanky Gahm, 3-year veteran at the pivot spot, was I. U.'3 actin g captain . . . Big Al Sabol stopped Bzickeye backs at the scrimmage line more times than he has fing ers . .. T ofil's plun ge for a score in the fourth quarter was Indiana's fir st touchdown against Ohio State in three years . .. Action picture below gives you a good look at Mr. Kinkade (c arrying the ball ) , hard-driving Buckeye leather-toter.
11 ~11nis . . . all-Co11Je re11ce e11d, second team.
An c 111 E 1Co1EH"\011)
Hoosiers Show Power; Rout Mich. State, 20-0
R~Y I Dt,1P-THlC K )
Dl"\IK E - •.
when in doubt , use-
Frank S m ith, acting co-capla i11 , had a fi eld d ay . .. made five consecut ive tackles at 011 (' point of !h e game : also cleared th e palh fo r Swihart's to uchdown gallop ... Ray Dumke, oth er co-caplain , pick ed up th e necessary ya rdage 011 3 rd dow ns durin g Hoosier driv es as regularly as a clock .. _ Hursh lo Harris remain ed th e top notch aerial combination . . . Big A rch ie pulled !hem in from every position; caught !h e /ouc!tdown pass in !he end :;one wilh l wo !acld ers cling in g to him - .. The S parlc111 s co1111ile1ed on e pass fo r 11 0 gain . - . Hw1£11 ' /-/al k epi up his JJassing arerage hillin u 6 oul of 10, two of w hich resu lt ed in louc!tdow ns _ . . Urem ovich was !he 0111 )' casuall y su ff ering a badly bruised hip . . . Piclu re below sh ows Hursh lmwch ing an aerial.
Bl oomin gto n, lncl ., lov . 9- Charley Bac hm an ' Mi chi ga n ta le S partans ran into a crew of a ngr y H oosiers wh o we re still smar tin g from a decisive beatin " a t Lh c hands of Ohi o S tate, a nd co n equ entl y we re hand ed a 20-0 lac in g. A four th qu arter to uchd ow n. res ultin g fr om a bl eked ki ck by A rchie H arri s which was recove recl by Eddi e Ru c in ki , wa s a dd ed to to uchd o wn p asses fr om Hal Hursh Lo Dale wih ar t and H a rri s. p rov idin g Indian a's maro-in of victo r) Th e Spa rtans thre w a scare inLo th e H oosiers in th e first qu arter wh en t hey drove dee p into Cri mso n t e rritor b efo re being stop ped an d the ir fo urth-do wn fi eld goa l a ttempt was wid e. H al Hursh , Bob White, Joe Tofil , and D ale S wihart took over th e Indi ana backfi eld as the eco ncl pe ri od opened , an d an 80- ya rcl drive started at th at point. Tofil crashed thro ug h for a :first cl o wn , th en S wihart add ed anoth er, ca rr yin g th e oval to midfi eld . Hursh went into hi gh , cl ickin g o n an aerial to H a rri s for a first cl o wn on the in vade rs' 28-) a rd li ne. Hursh the n hit Sw ih art fo r a first cl own o n th e 16-ya rcl lin e. Finally Hursh dropped a pass inlo Harri s' arm s in the end zone. White add ed th e po int o n a place-ki ck. J ncliana stru ck t wice in th e fin al quarte r to " ice" Lhe ga me. Hursh tossed Lo Swih a rt o n the partan 4-0 a nd th e hift y back, with beau tiful bro ken fi eld runnin rr, gallo ped to th e end zo ne. Seco nd s la ter H arri s pushed hi blocker lin e inlo the parlan ki cker , effect ively bl oc kin g Lhe punt wh ich ro ll ed inlo the encl zon e where Ru c in ski fell o n it for a to uchd o wn.
Pictured above is Bob Ray, fleet Badge r back , sprinting through the Indiana secondary late in the second quarter ... Red Zimmer is in next position Jor the tackle . . . Ray scored on the next play after lugging the ball 67 yards in fou r plays ... Wis consin capitalized on Indiana Jumbles for three touchdowns in a bulging second quarter . . . R eliable Gene White began the game with the trick he used against Iowa . . . a field goal in the opening minutes of play . . . Frank Smith was acting captain for Indiana because of his outstanding job against Michigan State the week be/ ore . . . Earl Dolaway, So phomore half back, fin ally lan ded a full -time punting job a/ ter steadil)' improving during the season . . . Swihart, shifty ball carrier, and Bob White, blocking back, both Sophomores, also received their share of the backfield duties.
Wisconsin Wins, 27-10; Hoosier Fumbles Costly Mad ison, Wisc., Nov. 16-- Wi sco nsin 's fast-chargin g Bad gers, und erdogs before the game started, bo ttled up Indiana's va unted " Aerial Circus" today and trampled th e black-clad Hoosiers, 27-1 0, before a Dad 's Da y crowcl of 16,000 at Camp Randall field. On the first play after th e kickoff Wi sconsin 's Johnny Tenneant fumbled and Ru cinski recovered for Indian a on the Bad ger 26. Indiana mad e eight yards and then guard Gene White place-kicked a fi eld goal from the 25. Wisconsin cam e back with a 69-yard drive to the In diana four, but fumbled and Hursh punted out. Bad ger full back Paskvan broke off tackle on the next play and raced down th e sid elines back to Indiana's four. In two tries he scored a t ouchdown. It was In diana's tu rn to fumble in th e second peri od. Center Bob Henr y recovered one of them o n th e Crimson 26- yard line and a pass, Hoskin s to Schreiner, put Paskvan in positi on fo r anoth er to uchd own smash. Another Indiana fumbl e, b y Red Zimmer, on his 10yard line, set up a n off-tackle sprint by McFadzea n fo r Wi sconsin's third touchd own . When Indi a na lost possession on Wi sco nsin 's 32 a few minutes later, McFadzean gained five yard s and Bob Ra y, in four successive plays, ran the ball 67 yards to Indiana's goal for Badger to uchd own number fo ur. Ra v also ki cked three conversion s. I ndiana's touchd own came late in the fourth quarter. Startin g from hi s 21-yard line, Hursh passed to bi g Archi e Harris, who eva ded midfi eld tacklers a nd was ha ul ed down from behind on Wisconsin's 10. wihart lost a yard and then Hursh passed to Harri s in th e end zone.
(B1c SMITTY) SMITH • • •
Spartans lhink highly of him.
DoLAWAY • • •
kicks high and far.
Indian a Fir t dow ns ---------------------------------- -------- 6 let ya r ds by ru sh ing ________________________ 80
Lafa yette, l nd. , Nov. 23- In a sto ry-b ook fi n i h l ncliana 's Fi g htin ' H oosiers today wa ited until the last 14 seconds of pl ay before winning th eir a nnu al fe ud with Purdu e by a 3 to 0 sco re in rain -dr enched Ross-Ade Stadium. A fi eld goal, with a mud - oakccl ball , kicked fr om the 26 -yard lin e a t a diffic ult a ngle, b Ge ne White, junior g uard , provided th e three po int th at ga ve Indi a na victo r y and p ossess io n of the traditi onal Old Oaken Bu cket fo r th e first time in fi ve yea r . The lo ng awaited " brea k" finall y ca me in th e final minute wh en Co bb Le wi s. juni or haHback, intercepted a last-qu arter Boilerm a ker p ass on hi ow n 35-yarcl line and return ed 25 ya rd s. Reel Zimmer , H oosier peed m erch a nt, then mad e h is first appea rance in the ga me and perso nall y moved th e ball to the 19-ya rd on three sparklin g encl run s. With time alm ost go ne, White ste pped back to make his seco nd attempt fr o m th e fi eld in th e ga me. Jn qu ick succes io n, th e ball passed fr om th e ha nd s o E center " Little S pank y" Gahm to those of ba ll -hold e r Bill Tip m ore to the toe of White to th e a rm of th e r efer ee. waitin g beyo nd the o-oa l posts. Indi a na's powerful lin e held th e L afayette athl etes almost helpl ess. Purdu e's o nl y real co rin g th rea t ca me in th e third qu a rter whe n. o n be in g sto pped a fte r a dri ve cl o wn the fi eld , th e)_ too . a ttempted a co re fr om th e field. Th e ki ck was short a nd was ca ught a nd n111 back by Lewi . Indi a na 's po we rful ae ri al offens ive wa checked n1 o re eff ectively by th e rain than by an y o ppo nent m et during th e seaso n. Th e usuall y fr ee-tos ing H oosiers m ade o nl y eig ht a tte mpts thro ug h the air. with three of th e m cli ckin g. Ne ither tea m was a ble to reg ister cxten ive ga ins on th e g ro und. th e Bo-m en holdi ng a sl ig ht ed ge in first cl o wns, 6 to 5. The ga me was, for th e most part. a puntin g d uel with In d ian a' Earl Dola way a nd Hal Hursh co unteri ng th e attack o f Purdu e's left-foo ted John ny Gal v: n.
Purdue 5 102
Ya rds lost by ru shin g -------------- ---------- 7 F o rw ard passes attem pted ------------- --- 8 For ward passes completed ---------------- 3 P asses i ntercep ted by ------------------------ 1 Avera ge ard s of p unts ____________________ 39 Y arcl s punts r etu m ed _______________________ 64,
21 3 0 0 39.5 68
Fumbl es ----------------------------------- ----------- 3 Ball lost o n fum bles ---------------------------- 2
5 3
GE'<IE WHIT E - - -
H ero at P nrdue and Captain-elect.
Sidelights The Bucket is back ... after 239 minutes and 46 seconds of battle in four seasons, it was brozight back . . . this year, the often under-publicized line won the game, deserves the honors . . . no Isbells, Davises, Brocks, or Huf/mans awed the crowd with brilliant ball-handlingbut guards and taclcles and ends and centers made their bids j or fam e .. . even the only score, though set up hy Lewis and Zimmer, was made possible by the lin emen for lineman White to execute . . . outstanding play brought " Big Nine" honors to l .U. linemen . . . Archie Harris, giant end, named on all-conference second team . .. " Honorable Mention" to Ed Rucinski, Emil Uremovich, Mike Bucchianeri, Gene White, and Dwight Gahm.
In Conclusion Purdu e (0 ) Indiana (3) Rankin ...................... LE.. .. _.. _________ .................. Nash Neff ------- ....... _.. ____ __ _________ LT._ _ ....... ______ Sabol Miller _ _ _____________ ...... LG .. ______ ........ _ Bucchianeri Axton --------·-----···--··· ········· ·c_ · ___ ______________________ _____ Gahm _ ____ .RG .. ________ ___ _ __________ ___ White Melton ______ __________ Uremovich Temperman ·---------- - --··--- ... RT____ Combs ·- -____ ... RE. _________________ ......... Rucin ski Smerke ........... ................. Q...... ____________ .,_________ Dolaway Carter ....... __________________ .. .LHB. ........................... Brooks Cook _______ ..... __ .. RHB. __ ............ _______ ..... Lewis P etty .... ___ ........... . ..... FB...... _ ..... R. Dumke Score by P eriods P- 0 0 0 0- 0 I- 0 0 0 3- 3 Scoring- placekick, G. White ( 1 ) Substitutions: Purdu e- end, McCaffr y; guard, Winchell ; backs, Galvin, Byelene. Indi ana- ends, Harris, Elli ott ; tackles, Trimble, F. Smith; guards, W. Smith , Bragalone, Steele; backs, Swihart, B. White, Zimm er. Tofil, Tipmore, Hursh, Rucinski , K. Smith. Referee- Mike La yden (Notre Dame); umpire- John Schommer (Chicago ) ; head linesman- }. J. Lapp (Chi cago ) ; field judge-S. V. Wilso n (Minnesota ) .
The Hoosier-Boilermaker struggle was primarily a punting duel between Hursh and Dolaway for Indian a, and Galvin and Petty j or Purdue .. . the four men averaged nearly 40 yards per boot . . . (top to bottom ) , Petty (80 ) kicks for Purdue . .. Hursh (24 ) retaliates for Jn. diana ... Ole ]awn Purdue in his six-feet of pine goes under on Thursday night before the game . . . Petty, Boilermaker back, find s 110 hole, but Sabol (78) and Bucchianeri instead . . . Uremovich (80 ) of I ndiana was just too late to bloclc punt by Petty (80 ) of Purdue.
Macmen Win 17 Out of 20 Games; Big Ten Runnerup Branch s rni les and looks over his Seni ors; the eniors who were r aw Sophomores wh en be return ed to hi s Alm a Mater in 1938 to take over th e r ei ns fr om bi s teacher. Coach Everett Dean. Branch a nd hi s boys have go ne fa r in three year s; have hun g up impressive r eco rd s; ha ve won frorn the best in the land. Th e nati onal champi onshi p of th e 1939-1940 season ; three tirnes runn ers- up for th e Bi g Ten crown , each tirn e with its heart-breakin g mernori es of how clo e the " hard-lu ck Hoosiers" were to the top; a new Conference scorin g record last yea r of 519 points in twelv e games; 26 victori es in 27 non-Co nferen ce garnes, losin g only to So uth ern Californi a thi s year after 25 consec utive non-Co nference victories; won every home game for three yea rs, until Wisco n in 's title-clinchin g victory on F ebruary 24 of thi s year ; these three years co uld easily be called the " golden age" of Indi ana basketball. Th e clas of Seniors has been th e I ackbone of th e Hoosier squad for th ese three campai gns. Th ey ha ve accounted for approxirna tely eighty or ninety per cent of Indian a's total points. Th e startin g lin eups h ave invariably includ ed at least three or four of th ern . Bi g Bill Menke has held down th e pivot s pot and Sch aefer , Dro , McCr ear y, and Armstron g usuall y pla yed th e major portion of ball games in their r es pective po iti ons. A crop of fast-developin g Sop hom ores have lent valuabl e aid in crucial games durin g thi s last seaso n, b esid es Andy Zimmer and Ever ett Hoffrnan , both Juni ors. J ohnny Loga n, Irvin Swanso n, and Eel Denton were especiall y valu able in r elief work after Cu rl) A rrn tron g'3 in eli gibility.
Branch McC racken, head basketball coach . . . Crimson all-Conference center in 1930 . . . sel. Big Ten scoring record of 147 points du.ring that season . . . coached highly successf11.l team.s at Ball State after graduation until 1938 w h en he succeeded Everet.L Dean as 1.U. coach.
Boa DRo
Nirie Crimson Cagers End 3- Year Careers 205
VARSITY Th e crack of th e tim er's g un endin g th e Chi cago ga me also end ed the careers of nin e Seni or members of the Indi a na basketball team . Th ese n in e Sen iors were Soph omores when Branch McCracken ass um ed th e coachi ng d uti es at Indi a na. Sin ce then th eir nam es a nd hi s have become ynonymo us with outstandin g basketb all. Th ey are the sa me crew, with the exception of Huffm a n, who captured the n ati onal champi onshi p in 1940. T hi s year they were bolster ed b y an aggress ive gro up composed of a Juni or and fo ur Sop homores wh o ga ve th e team reserve strength of undream ed-of cali bre. Indi a na's r ecord was seventeen win s a nd three losses . Th e standout of th e win s was th e " p upil vers us teacher " game played again st Stanfo rd. In a 60-59 overtim e win Pupil McCracken's Hoosiers nosed o ut Teacher Dean' Indi an s at Sa n Francisco durin g the fam ous West Coast invasio n. Th e standa rd of th e three losses was the 38-30 defea t by Wisco nsin whi ch gave the Bad ge rs the Western Confe rence cham pionship and r elegated th e Hoos iers to second place.
Fro n! Row - Dro, McCreary, Bill Menke, Scha [er, Gridl ey, Moller, Bob l\ Jenke. Second Row- F erguso n, train er, Franci s, Denton, Dri ver, Zim mer , Hoffman. Forsy th e, Coach McC racke n. Top Row- Schid eler, T orph y, Loga n, Swa nso n, Well man , Hein e.
First row- Holsappl e, J\forris, Sh umaker, Gilmore, Schienbein, Kilby, Long, Charl es Hami ito n. Second row- Coach Graham , Mun son, Marlow, Moore, Lewis, Stei nwedel, Ralph Hamilton, Kin g, Smith, P artenh eimer, assistant Coach McLell a nd. Third row- Dav id , All ey ne, Wiu enbra ker, Royer, Levy, Funk, W ise, Yea ger, Gw in.
FRESHMEN With nin e Seniors of the Indiana varsity graduatin g, those members of the Freshman sq uad who prove thei r worth can well expect to fill the nine vacancies when th e season opens next year. Sophomores played a vital part in the campaign this year, which is noteworth y in that only one regular was graduated last Jun e. Ralph Graham, Freshm an coach, also tutors th e fo otball backfield, so hi s cagers practiced at ni ght. They were grouped in two quad s thi s year, the Reds and Blues. The rhinies often proved valuable in scrimmagin g the varsity, and gave creditable showin gs in most of the engagements with th e McCracken aggregation. Before each home game th e fr osh held intra-squ ad practice games on th e fi eldh ouse court. In these encounters the traditi onal Indiana " firewa gon" style was seen to be developing rapidly in the play of the squad. A few of th e stando uts on th e squad were: Ralph Hamilton, of Ft. Wayne So uth Side; Dick Wittenbraker and Warren Lewis of Newcastle; Ed Schi enbein , of So uthport ; Roy Kilb y, of Muncie Burris; and Jim Funk, of LaPorte.
NON-CONFERENCE ln th e tw o sea o ns precedin g thi s o ne th e Merr y-Macs of ] ndiana had co mpiled a n o n-Co nfe rence r ecord of nin eteen win s in 11ineteen ga mes. OpPnin g th e season thi s year in qu est of th eir twe nti eth stra ig ht victor y, th ey pla yed ho t to th e Geo r g ia Cracke r . Th e easy-goin g So uth ern e r co uldn ' t quite keep up. and numbe r twent y was in th e bag as a r e ult of th e H oosie rs' 44-31 win o n th e Fi eldh o use fl oo r. H ow lon g th e Indi a na strin g of 11 0 11 -Co nfe re nce v icto ri es was to co ntinu e becam e a m uch-di sc ussed to pi t.: in basketba ll c ircles as th e H oos ie rs trekked to l n· d ia napoli wh ere th e Butler Bu ll d og were wa 1t1ng. fan gs ba red. Th e H oosier s appare ntl y wer e a littl e too r elax ed , and barely kept th e ir strin g intact as th ey stru ggled throu g h to a 39-36 win. Th a t made Lwent yo ne. Nex t o n th e Ii L was Marshall Coll ege of W est V irgrnrn. Th ey gave one of th e be t ball-ha ndli ng ex · hibiti on th e lcCracke n cager s ha d seen in so me Li me. b ut th e nati o na l cham ps put o n an eve n better ex· h ibiti o n of basket-s nipin g and wo n go in g away by a 53-22 marg in. Thu s number twent y- tw o was chalked up as th e H oos i r prepa red for th eir Wes t Coast in as io n. I ndiana's e ig ht-da y Wes t Coast i nvas io n will b e lo ng r em ember ed. both here and alo ng th e Pacific sho res. Hailed as th e be t tea m in th e coun tr y. th e H oosiers were co nfronte I in th e first of th e ir fo ur-game sch edul e b y S tanfo rd , th e prid e of th e West Coa t. Thi s ga me was trul y th e " Pres Age nt's Drea m .., Bran ch M cCr ac ke n had hi s team in an Fran cisco t o pla y th e tea m coached b y hi s fo rm er coac h, Eve rett Dean , wh o m he ucceeded at Indi ana U ni ve rsit y. Th e re was a certain dram a about th e two tea ms m eetin g. \ Vho wo uld be th e victo r, pupil or teac her? Thi s iss ue was d ecid ed on th e ni g ht of D ecember 2 1 before a hu ge turn o ut of exc ited fa ns. Two tea ms co uld no t h ave been a n m ore eve nl y ma tch ed tha11 th o e tw o were th at ni ght. fn a to rrid first half th e lead seesawed back and fort h co ntinu a ll y with Indi ana fin all ) ga ining a 22-2 1 lead . Th e seco nd h alf was eve n more bi tte rl y contested , a nd at th e e ncl of th e r eg ula ti o n pla y i11 g time th e co unt was kn otted a t 54-54. l n th e ove rli me p e ri od th at fo ll owed I nd ia na scor ed s ix po ints to S ta nfo rd 's fiv e, and emer ged the victo rs . Th e \ Ves t Coast fa ns still ha ve th e ir hea rts in th eir m o uth s a fter wa tchin g th e H oo ier chalk up number twent y- three.
(Top ) A ndy Zimmer jumps higher than his three rivals from Georgia as he ta/res a rebound. Driver ( 27 ) lends moral suppo rt. (Middle) Bill M enke (38) neatly drops in 011 e of his famous 011 e-li a11ded push shots i11 India na's 39-36 victory over Butler. ( Boll om ) ophomore Ed Denton ( 42) vies with a Ma rshall man fo r a rebound as the Hoos iers wallop Ma rshall, 53-22.
omewhat slugg ish after their battle with Stanford , the MerryMacs were closel y pressed by the California Bears, who wanted to break that victory strin g which had now reached a total of 23. However, th e Indian a spirit won out, a nd the California quad bowed by a close 42-39 score. The Hoosiers then had a 4-da y rest in Los Angeles before tackling U.C .L.A. on December 27. Tales of their experience with th e wonders of Hollywood and its glamorous stars are still told and retold. But like effi cient business m n, th ey were all busine s on the ni ght of the 27th when th ey ro uted the Uclans by a 51-26 marrrin , allowing them only eight points durin g th e seco nd half. To compare the effectivene s of th e Hoosier play on th at night, .C.L.A. proved to be no "weak sister" when on February 1 the Uclans took a 45-44 decisio n from Stanford , to hand the Indians their second defeat of the season. On th e next ni ght the long-cherished non-Conference winnin g streak of th e weary Hoosier was broken b y So uthern California at 25 consecutive victories in thre<! years. Ever sin ce the Trojans lost their chan ce to meet In d iana in th e N.C.A.A. tourney last year, they had been pointing for thi s game. The Tro jans started off fast and built up a lead in the first three periods th at even a pace-killin g Hoosier rally in the final quarter couldn ' t overcome a nd Indi ana tasted their :first defeat of th e year, 41-39. Three days later fo und the hustlin g Hoosiers m the midst of th e Sugar Bowl Carnival in ew Orlea ns. The Macmen fo und th eir " land legs" after a ro ugh air trip from th e Coast and awed the South ern ers with a typical " fire bri gade" victor y over the champi ons of the Southeastern Conference, the Kentucky 'Vildcats, on December 30. Called th e grea te t Sugar Bowl champions in its 6year hi tor y, th e H oosiers led almo t throu gh out th e thrillin g game and won , 48-45.
I.U. '38-'39 54, Ball State 49 Miami 47 Wabash 71 Conn . State 46 Butler 45 West. Re erve 37 Mich. Sta te 48 Xavier
Opp. 28 23 23 38 29 33 33 39
I. . '39-'40
Opp. 24 24. 39 35 3;3 49 33 30 24 30 4.2
37 58 49 51 40 51 45 51 48 39 60
Wabash Xavier Iebraska Pitt Butler Duqu esne Vill anova DePaul prin gfield Duquesne Kansas
Indian a Indiana Indiana Indian a Indi ana Indian a Indiana Indiana
1940-1941 44 Georgia 39 Butler 53 Marshall 60 Stanford California 60 51 U.C.L.A. 39 So . Cal. 48 Kentucky
31 36 23 59 39 26 41 45
(Top to bottom) Zimmer (41 ) maJ,es sure that R obinson (18), U.C.L.A . giant center, do esn't score . . . Armstrong ( 40), Denton ( 42), and Me11J,e (28) go after a free ball, as do three So. Cal. men . . . Schaefer and Armstrong watch for rebound in Tro;an tilt.
Wisconsin Trips I. U., Takes Big Ten Title; Indiana Places Second F e b ru a ry 24 was a co ld ni g ht i11 Hloo min glo n. co ld a nd drea ry. P ro ba bly Lh e cold esl me n in Bloo min glo n we re th e fi ve re prese nlin g Indi a na o n Lh c Fi e ldh o use fl oo r again s t Wi sco ns in ' Ba d ge rs. s a res ull. Lh e Bad gers we nl bac k ho me with a 3B-30 vicloq a nd ..1 cl ear Li ckel lo th e Bi g T e n tille. I nd ia na picked t he wron g o ff -ni g ht a nd e nd ed up in Lh c runn C' r-up spol in th e co nfe re nce fo r Lh e Lh ird co nscc uli vc yea r. Befor e th e ill-fated Ra d ge r ga 111 C'. Lh c C rim so n squ arl had s we pt a ll co nte nd er s exce pl Purdu P o ut of ils p a th with dec is ive win s. Bill 1enkc co red 24 po ints aga in s l Ill in o is in th e H oos ie rs' 48-38 v ic tor y to beg in lh e ca m pa ig n. No rth weste rn Lhrea le ned in Lhe fir st hal f. h ut bo wed bdo re a bas ke t ba rr age in th e seco nd half, S2-32. M ic hi ga n n ex t we nt o n th e v ictim lis t to th e lun e o f 4 1-37. Purdu e pun c tured Lh e H oos ier s' balloo n a l L afa) e lle "ilh .1 do gged 40-36 d ec is io n. On Lh e r e bo und Lh e " fir e wago n ga ng"' put o n th e steam a nd s unk Ohi o S tale, 45 -2.5, a nd l o wa, 50-40, in rap id s uccessio n. Minn eso ta didn ' t p rove too to ugh an d fell 44-34. Th e M acm e n th e n lra veled to Ohi o La le a nd di pped th e m for Lh c seco nd Li me. 40-33 . l o wa agai n fell d efea t at th e ha nd s o f Lh e H oosier s a l IJ rs Mo in es. 4-7-36. Th e n ca me th e s lruggle fo r th e Bi g T e n c row n wilh Wi sco ns in . a nd th e Crimso n squ ad ha d to b e co nle nl with seco nd place a fler ave ng in g Purd ue's d efea t h) humbling Lh e m 47-29, a nd takin g Lh e cell a r-b o u nd Chi cagoan s 49-33.
Final Standings w.
...................... 11
Indian a ______ _____ _________ 10 Uli no is -·----·-····-- -------------- 7 M inn eso ta ·············-···-· .. 7 O hi o S ta le -------------------- 7 Purdu e ---------------------------- 6 1Ii chi ga n ------------------------ .5 l owa -------------------------------- 4 1orthwe le rn --------------···- 3 Chica go --··---·············--···· 0
.520 .'i l 7 .'i l6 .500 473 .5 19 4.'i3 380
501. 4.51 49.) .522 460 538 519 612
Wi sco ns in
.5 6 7
( T op lo boll om ) Bran ch tells th e boy at th e It al/ l o k ee p a/ the m ; h old tltat lead .. . Loga n goes a/ fer his Iowa ma11 all the w ay; Swan son and /-/ of/ 1n a11 look on . .. Fi1tal h om e game against Purd ue . . . Badger coach loo/cs at swollen eye belonging to Englund , allConference cent er and W isco11 sin h igh -poin t m an.
(Top left) Englund (37), Badger star, crowds Dro ( 43) while he is shooting; Me· Creary looks on . • . Bob Menke (29) is held by En· glund (37), Wisconsin, as h.- shoots; Bill Menke (38) awaits rebound .•.. Managers (left to right) John Springer, Dick Morris, and 0 r vi l I c Nichols . • • (lower right) Clasen, Northwestern, fouls Bill Menke as he shoots; Lo· g11n jumps up, Curly watches ... (lower left) Francis drops in 11 fancy one against North· western.
Firsl Row: Ril t·y , Will , Pri ce, J e nkin s. Kend a ll , 11 ilkt· rl. Seco nd Ho11: C.ul'h I lay•·s, B11r· nell , Brn e rlj e ~, Fo:;lcr, <;;f' ni ur Man· age r Coss ma n. Third Row : J ont»', J1d1n >'o n, J\'li k11 las. 1la rri ,, Toll ive r.
TRACK NCE again Coach E. C. ("Billy") Ha yes climbs back to the top of th e lad der wi th a cross-co untry and track team th at just wo uldn ' t be beaten. To add to the long list of champions that Coach Haye has developed will go th e names of Campbell Kan e, th e nati on's outstandin g co ll egiate m iddle-distance runn er today, Roy Cochran , tO-yard clash star, Fred Wi lt. al· read y the Confe rence two-mi le champion though only a sophom ore, and Archie Harri s, giant all-aro und f ield man and form er Big Ten titleholder in th e shot put. Th e ational and Bi g Ten championships garn er ed b y Lh e cross-countr y team last fa ll were th e first indi cati on of a "grand slam " seaso n. Next came th e r emarkable s uccess of Kan e and Cochra n a nd the r elay tea ms again st Lh e cream of th e coun tr y's co mpetition in th e Ea tern I nvitati onal meets before the r egul ar ind oor schedul e began. The cr owning achievement came with the overthrow· in g of the p owerful Michi gan team' dominati on of the Bi g Ten Ind oor Track Meet at Purdu e. Alth ough this publi cation goes to press before the runnin g of the Bi g Ten Outdoor Meet, the o utcome should , b y all indi cati ons, be in favor of th e great Hoosier squad . Th e Crim n machin e would Lh en be faced wiLh de· Lhronin g Lh e outhern Cali forn ia Tr oja ns in th e ICAA meet in Ju ne to co mplete one of the most s ucces fu l years in track histor y.
Campbell Kan e
Roy Cochran
OACH Hayes' proteges made ind oor track history bethe r egular schedule even started. Spectacular victori es in middle distan ce and r elay even ts at the invitational m eets in th e East brought honors to Indiana and h opes of both the indoor and outdoor Conference titles. Kan e and Cochran earned th e titl e of the " Flyin g Duo" at th e third annual Veterans of Forei gn \Vars track meet in Boston J an uary 11 b y winning the half mile and 600-yard run , respectively. Cochran avenged hi s Sugar Bowl defeat b y pacin g Qui gley and Jimmy H erbert, former N .Y.U. flash, and Kane was followed by Jim Kehoe, ex-Mar yland ace. Two weeks later a crack Hoo ier mile-relay team composed of Archie Harris, Marc Jenkin s, Kane, and Coch ran defea ted the vaunted Princeton Univer sity runner s at the Kni ghts of Columbu s-Prout Memorial games at Bo ton. Kan e shatter ed th e Boston indoor track record for 1,000 yards when he ran the distan ce in 2 :11.8, defea tin g the indoor world r ecordh old er, John Borican , speed y New J ersey egro ace, and Kehoe. Cochran added hi s share to Indiana's bi g ni ght b y outrunnin g Qui gley, Charlie Beetham , former Bi g Ten half-mile champion , Charli e O'Donn ell of Hol y Cross and Herbert. Th e third invasion of th e "Flyin g Duo" occurred at th e Millrose A.C. games at Madison Squa re Garden in New York City on February 1 wh en Kane and Cochran breezed throu gh their third consec utive triumphs in th e half-mile run and the 600-ya rd run , respectively. A picked Indi ana medley-rela y team co nsisting of Kan e, Cochran , Dale Burn ett, and Wa yne Tolliver easily won over three other topnotch college teams. Kane chalked up number three over Beeth am and Kehoe in 1 :58, and Cochran led Herbert across th e tape in the fast time of 1 :12. The Crim son r ela y team won handily over Maryland , Manhattan College, and Ohio State, runnin g th e one and seven-eighths mile in 7 :32.9. The Eastern meets wer e also fea tured b y two-mile du els wi th Don Lash , Tomm y Deckard , a nd Mel Trutt, former Ho osier di stance greats, battling for supremacy at th at di stance with Greg Ri ce, form erly of otre Dame. Ri ce finall y broke Lash's World indoor mark and set 8:51.1 as the new ind oor r ecord. Kan e was beaten in a 1,000 ya rd race at Cleveland two ni ghts after the Butler Relays b y John Borican at th e K. of C. meet ; but he end ed the indoor season with a s pectacular 4:11 mile at th e Chicago Da ily News Relays on March 20 to win over \Valter Mehl and Chuck Fenske, former Conference one-mile champions. Cochran also a nn exed ano ther 600-yard victory at Chicago before beginning th e outd oor seaso n.
fl pad Trm·k Coach K C. ("Billy") flayps . . . has been at Indiana since 1924 ... flas deuelo1Jed State, Big Ten, and National Champions; specializes in middle-distance men . . . Won the SDX Leather Medal this year; symbol jor one who has done most to bring distinction to Indiana Vniuer· sity this year.
BIG TEN INDOOU CH tHPIONS On e- mile run- Kan e ( T) ; Eisc nh a rl ( OSU ); K endal l ( r) ; T olli ver (T ): Sc hoe ni ke ( W ) . Tim e- A minul es 16 seconds. 60-yard da sh- Fran c k (J\linn l; Pike r (N); Th oma s ( Mi ch ); H a mm ond \ OSU); Pi el (l\fi c h ) . Tim c--6.3 second s. S hot put - Pa skva n I Wl ; ll a rri s ( l) ; H ook ( l\1 ich ) ; We ber (P ) ; R e nd leman (Cl. Dis tan ce--4 9 fee t 8 in ch es. 440-ya rd da sh- Coc hran ( JJ; U fcr (i\ri ch ); Anth o ny (P ); J e nkin s ( l); Ba il ey (lll ) . Time- 48. -1 seco nds. 70-ya rcl hi ;:;h hurdle s- Wr ight COSU); Ol se n (Il l); ll o rvath (N); F in ci1 ( ) ; S ul zman ( OS U). Tim c- 8.5 second s. (T ies Bi g Ten r eco rd an d hrcab Am e ri ca n indoo r r ecord of 8.6 seco nd s he ld jo in tly by Ca lde meyer, lndi a na, a nd Osgood ~nd Gedeo n, i'vl ichi ga n. B ig T en r eco rd was se t by Sc nlm a n o f Illin ois in 1925.) T wo- mi l e n111- W ilt ( I ); To ll iver ( T) ; Wi s ner (M ); Ki raco fl' ( QS[J ) ; M cLau g hl in (P ) ; Tim e- 1 minu le S4.8 seco nd s. 70-yard low hurdl es- Ol sen (IJ J); W ri g ht ( OSU) ; T homa s ( l\f ich ); H orva1h ( ) ; Rankin (P ) . Tim c- 7.9 secon ds. (Ne w Am eri can indoo r reco rd , breakin g mark o [ 8 seco nd s se t in Fr iday's pre limin a ri es by Horvath. ) Broad jump- Burn e tt ([) : Lc"i s ( Ji l l; M cFad zea n ( W J; S 1oul (Tll) : Fos te r (W J; Di sta nce- 22 fee l 7 5 / 8 in ches. Bi g T e n reco rd. ( E ve n! n ot prev io u, Jy co nt es ted in Biµ- T e n cha mpion ship s.) P ole Vault - W illi am s ( \V); De fi e lcl (Jvlinn ) a nd Dec ker ( Mi c hl ti ed fo r seco nd ; Sch midt (0'.:UJ : Thi 5t lcwa it e <NJ. He igh t 13 fee t 10 .\ in ches . l li gh jump- Canham ( .\li ch ); Jon es (OSUl; J. Sm ith and D. Smith ( 1 ) , R ay ( Cl, and Sper li ng COSUl, ti ed for third. H e igh t 6 fee l 3'~ in ches . On e- mil e rela y- i Run in two hea ts and tim es compa red, fa stest tim e w inn ing. l Michi gan (Barn a•·d, Th o ma s, Dobson, Ufe r ) . Tim e- 3 minut es 20.3 second '; In d iana (Pri ce, Burn ett , J e nkin s, Coc hran ). Tim e 3 minut es 20.8 seco nd s; Oh io S tat e; P11rd11 e; Il lino is.
Pur1lu e Fi Pltllwu se, 'IV llf' rP Bi g Te 11 l11tloor 11 we 1 '!Vas h e ld.
I CHI GAN'S seven-year_ strar_igle-hold _on th e Western Conf~ren ~e Indoor Track ch amp1onsh1p was frnally broken as Indiana s great squad, led by its middle-distan ce stars, forced its way back to the top for the first time sin ce the Wolverines wrested the title from the Hoosiers in 1934. When th e openin g day 's preliminaries were over and the 22 man Crimson team had been cut to nin e, while Michigan was qualifying eleven men, th e same old ' Volverine triumph seemed imminent, but th e Hoosi ers rolled up 44 points and won with plent y to spare. Campbell Kan e displayed unbeatable form in winning his two specialties, th e mile-run and th e 880-yard dash, thus r etainin g his mile crown won in 1940 and adding th e 880 to his record. Bob Burn ett, Senior veteran , won the broad jump; at th e same time establish in g a record , sin ce thi s event had not been co ntested in previous indoor champi onships. Ro y Cochran had little trouble in defending hi s quarter-mil e champi onship, running the di stance in a fast 48 .4 seconds. Fred Wilt and Wa yne Tolliver monopolized the two-mile run to o-ive Indian a first and seco nd place. Wilt, the team's outstanding sophomore, set a gru elin g pace and lapped the entire field . The Hoosier one-m ile relay team lost by five-tenths of a seconJ to Michigan , in a race which consi sted of two heats, the Wolverines runnin o- in one and the Hoosi ers in the other. Michigan won the first h:at and Indi ana th e seco nd, but the defending ch amps were pressed by Ohio State and turn ed in the faster time.
M (Top left ) - Kane winning the Conference indoor mile run for the second consecutive year . . . (Top right ) - Co chran ready to receive the baton from f enkins in the mile-relay . . . ( bottom left ) Co chran again takes the 440yarcl clash with Ufer , Michigan , a few yards behind . . . (center) The second lap of the mile run with Kane in second place; Kane took the lead on the next to last lap . . . (lower right ) Kane adds the 880-yarcl clash to his reco rd as Brown, Illinois , follows for second place.
. OACH " Bill )" Ha yes a nd his I.U . thinli es had a successful inCdoor track seaso n thi s year winnin g fo ur meets and placin g sec· ond in th e Bu tler Relays. In the first meet with Ohi o Sta te th e co mpetiti on was keen a nd only in th e last two eve nts d id In diana gain its victo ry margin . The final scor e was 52~ to 5H. In the Illin ois Relay Carni val, In d iana ti ed the record set b y th e Universi ty of Chi cago in ] 918 b y winnin g th e t wo-m ile, the di stance med ley, and th e fou r -mile eve nts. Archi e Harris, the husk y p rotege of Bi ll y H ayes, broke th e record whi ch was establish ed eleven yea rs ago fo r th e sixteen-po und shot, when he threw it fortyeight fee t 41 inch es. H arris also finis hed seco nd in th e half-mile race a nd third in th e 75-yarcl clash . The third r eco rd set b y the Crim so n thinlies was in the fo ur-mile relay. Paul Kenda ll , Vernon Broe rtj es, Fred Wilt, and Wayn e Tolliver ran thi s event in 17: 34.8, sh atterin g the mark of 17:39.4 set by th e Uni versity of Michi ga n in 1940. Jn th e onl y meet at h ome the runn ers defeated No tre Dame in n close meet. Campbell Kane won th e 880-yard clash and the mile agains t No tre Dam e's b est men. In the mile race Indiana placed first, seco nd , and third while Cochran won the 440- yard clash . Archie Harri s fell sh ort of winnin g by 5/ 8 inch in the sh ot-put event aga inst Delaney of No tre Dame. At th e Purdue meet th e sco rin g was different fr om ordin ar y meets by th e co nsent of both team s makin g th e meet close and excitin g. Th e winner of th e broad jump and the hi gh jump was not decided until the fina l events were fini shed . Bob Burn ett and Ed Mikulas won th ese events. Although th e Crimso n th inli es d idn 't win th e Butler Relays, th ey won two rela) titles in th e two -mi le a nd fo ur-mile events. The di stan ce medley tea m won seco nd while Harri s and M ikulas won second and th ird , respec ti vely, in their divisions.
(Left ) - Fred Wilt , So phomore "iron man , who an nexed the Conference indoor two-mile run ... Cochran a11 d Kan e inspect the S DX Leather M edal won by Coach " Billy" J-1 ayes . . . ( right ) Archie H arris puttin g the shot 49 fe et again st Not re Dame; D elaney's best was 5/ 8 inch farth er.
T (T op left ) Track managers: McA 11ly, K rueger, Cassm an, Conn, Sablosky. ( Bottom left ) T wo-nde relay team: K ane, T olliver, Kendall, Cochran. (T op center ) Ed M ikulas, hurdler, both high and low, and high jum per. (T op right ) Ma rc Jenkins, 440-yard dash and sprinter. ( Bottom right ) R onzone and ] enkins rn the 60- yard dash against Not re Dame.
HE H oosiers were given a good chance of capturin g the Big Ten outd oor title as a r esult of th eir indo or record du r ing the earl y s prin g. Mi ssing onl y Roger P oorm a n, Confe rence javelin th row titleh old er, Eel Hedges, mi ddle-di stance ma n, and Bob Denny, hi gh and low hu r dler , fr om last yea r's main stays, replacements are on h and to fill th e gaps left by th ese boys . The outd oor schedule begin s with th e P enn Relays on April 25-26. A tri a ngul ar meet between Purdu e, Indi a na, and Ohi o State at Columb us fo llows th e nex t week-end. Pittsb urgh is entertained her e on May 10 a nd the Bi g Ten Outd oor Meet will be held on May 16-17 at Minn e ota. Bl oomin gton will be the scene of the annu al State meet on May 31. Th e squ ad will also compete in the Central Colleg iate meet at Milwaukee Jun e 6, the Bi g Ten-Pacific coast meet at Los Angeles Jun e 14, a nd the CAA meet at P alo Alto, Calif., on Jun e 20-21. Kane is expected to co ntinu e hi s streak of wins in the mile and half-mile a nd Cochran should be even better outd oors thi s yea r th an las t year. With H arri s in th e shot put, Mikulas a nd Burnett in the ju mp events, and Mikulas coverin g the hu rdle th e sq uad should be ve ry well-bal a nced. Wilt should sweep every Conference distance race havin g already show n hi s superiorit y in his favori te, th e two mile run.
H E hill and d a lers of Jn d ia na proved to be th e na ti o n's bes t, won back a ll th e h o no rs that las t )ea r fe ll to M ichi g an S ta te, 1939 a li o na l c ha 111pi o ns, a nd W isco ns in . lat )ea r's Bi g T e n ch a111p io ns. Seve n tim es Indi a na's 194.0 c r us. -co untr y team we nt to th e post this fa ll and seven tim s th ey ro111ped oH with th e ho no rs, includin g th e CAA 111eet a t M ic hi ga n S ta le n ovem ber 18 and th e Big Te n meet at Purdu e o n lovemb er 9. Over th e pas t ] 3 ·easo ns, C ri 111so n cr o s-co unlr y tea ms h ave won S6 o ul o f th e ir las t (10 d ua l 111 eet:s. S in ce 1928, th e o nl y year a n o th e r tea m th an lndi a na won th e Big T e n Lill e was last yea r w he n LU. placed seco nd lo Wi sco nsin . Th e ha r riers o pe ned th e seaso n a l Purdu e with a 23-33 Yi c tOr ) ove r th e Do il e rm ake rs o n Octo be r 5. Th e nex t meet with Iowa took th e fo rm of a ma tc hed tw o- mi le race, pittin g fi ve lndi a na m en aga in s t fi ve l owa 111 e n in J ndi a na's M e111orial tad iu m. The H oos ie rs ca me ou t u n lo p. 10-26. M ic hi ga n Sta le, th e defend ing nati o na l c ha111 ps, th e n bowed to th e C rimso n. 20-3.5 . Ohi o tale p roved liLLle be tte r a nd fell , 22-33. Th e a nnu a l late meet was ea y prey, Purdu e a nd 1o tr e D am e fo ll o win g fo r srco nd a nd third. Ohio S ta te. Purdu ·, a nd "Wi sco n in followed In d iana in that o rde r in th e a nnu al Bi g T e11 meet. Wa y ne T olli ve r won first place a nd three oth e r Indi a na me n placed in th e fir s t te n for a low to tal o f 31 po ints. Th e NCA A meet was a nn exed th e nex l week a t D e troit. Tolli ve r was elected ho norar y ca pta in of th e ch a m pio nship 194.0 tPa m beca use of hi s s upe rl a tive pe rformances thr o ugh o ut th e yea r.
FRESHMEN UG H many of th e o utstandin g trac k111 en of th e 1941 squad ALTHO graduate thi s sprin g, a g ro u!' '. ill th e ir hoes has been d el.·.,
veloped durin g th e past ) C"·H b y Torn111 y D eckard , (arm er I nd ia na gr ea t, und e r th e 1rnlc hful e e of Coach " Bill) " H aye . R oy Cochran , h old e r of th e World 's ind oor 44.0-) a rd clash r eco rd , Archie H a rri s, all-a ro un d at hlete and for111 er Bi g T en s hot put titleh old e r, Ed Mikulas, hurdl er a nd hi g h ju 111per, a nd Marc J enkins, sprinter, a ll consistent point-winn e rs, will leave th e fate of th e squad to th e o ncomin g und er classmen. Better-than-th e-avera ge fr e:< hrne n include Ed M itch ell , transfer fr om Butl e r, d i lance m a n ; Charles La botk a of H a 111111 on d , also a di stan ce 111an; Bill E lli ott, Indi anapo lis, 440-yard clash m a n ; Lawr e nce Fa lwell of Trento n, .J., clash man a nd broad ju111per ; L ou Saba n, La Grange, lll. , throws th e shot aLout as well as he p lays fullback o n th e foo tball tea111; W infi eld Jon es, Bi ck nell , high J u111p ; a nd Ji m S teele, hi gh hurdle r. Th e Fres h111an sq uad as a whole is talented eno ug h to fi ll al111ost any vaca nc ies next yea r. a nd with add iti o nal yea rs wo rk und e r Coach J-fa) e, sh o uld cl evel p into a noth er c ha 111pions hip t eam. To111111 y D eckard , n ow track coach a t Bloo111 in gto 11 Hi gh Sch ool, is one of Coach Ha yes' 111any pupils. H e b ecam e o ne of t he g reatest midd le-di sta nce m en in th e co untr y durin g th e '37 a nd '38 seaso ns, and still enters In v ita ti onal meets fr equ entl y.
F irst Row: ll a lgas, icolai, Lang, Roge rs, ·11 c 11ry. Ellio ll , Fa lwell , L abo tk a . . C'concl Row: Lewandowski , S to ber, Burke, Taylor. Tl a in es, Ams te r, BPnckart. Dunca n, J\l it chel l, Coac h D ecka rd.
Shumaker Franci~
lln1ulle .1 Brumwr
m.HM~ Coach Harrell h.e ... k
1st Row- Stostitch, Bloom, Hacker, Logan, Shumaker, Pavis, Aldridge, Watkins, Hundley. 2nd Row- Kosman, LeFavour, Cooper, Gerstenhaber, Coleman, Doolittle, Wellman, Gordon, Smith. 3rd Row- Armstrong, freshman coach, Clifton, Brunner, Boehm, Dunker, Hoffman, Hansen, Crites, Middleton, Coach Harrell. 4th Row- Groh, J ones, Danielson, Vittoz, Dro, Francis, Coona n, Ambler, Gr iffin.
1941 With 10 lettermen on the roster and at least one experienced man for every position except shortstop and catcher , Coach "Pooch" Harrell can afford to expect his team to surpass last year's record of ten wins and nine losses. The pitchin g staff misses Dale Cen ti!, 1940 cap tain and leading twirler, but Don Dunker, Don Hundley, Vic Aldridge, and Clarence Brunner, all of whom saw acti on last year , will be on hand for reg ular mound duty. Bob Vittoz, Bob H ansen, and Bob Coleman, r eserve pitchers, may break into the startin g lin eup before the season ends. Captain Mike Kosman, leadin g h itter of las t season , holds down th e third sack, with Fred Gordon and John Logan ready to relieve him at any tim e. Don Danielson, veteran second baseman , may find competition in Bill Hacker for that posi ti on. The outfield is taken care of b y Bob Dro, Chet Francis, Russell Cli fton, and Charles Shumaker, though Bob Pavis and Ivan Stostitch look promising in center field. On first base is Everett Hoffman , letterman of last year. Soph omores Ralph Cooper and Sid Gerstenhaber are also aspirants for that job. At shortstop Kosman, Hacker , or Gordon may be called upon to fill the vacancy. Guy Wellm an, Marv Watkins, Cecil Furguson, and Marv Groh are ca ndid ates for the wid e-open catching position. The season ope ns with the an nu al Southern trainin g trip. Tilts with Ft. Ben nin g and Auburn University feature the cainpaign, after which the Hoosiers open their home season against DePauw on April 7.
1 94() Diamondvnen Win Ten, Lose Nine; Take 7th in Conference Indi a na fin i heel lh e 1940 ~e a so n in seve nth place in th e Bi g T e n w ilh three Co nfe re nce win s a ga in t f iYe losses . lllin o is a nd Nor lhweslc rn s h a red th e Lill e by win11i11 g nin e o ul of l welve ga 111 es each. O n Lhe annua l S o uth ern lra inin g tri p Lh e Hoos ie rs con fronted th e so ldi e rs of Be nnin g. Geo rg ia. in three ga me . . After s hullin g o ut lh e se rvic:e me n in lh e firs l lilt 7-0. lh e Cr ims o n di amo ndm e n lo L lwo hea rtbre akin g s tru ggles i n a r ow, 1-0. in te nse 111 o und s 111 e n' s d uels. H u nd le y a ll owed o nl y two hils in l he seco nd . but was c ha rged with hi ~ fir sl loss o f lh e seaso n. Th e Co lum bu s Red Bird s of lh e A111 eri ca 11 A ssoc iati o n leag ue did n' t pro ve to o Lou g h in lh e n ex t e nco unte r. a nd we re wa llo ped H-.1. but lh e H oos ie rs dro pped a close o ne lo As hville. 6 -4 , lo e nd th eir pre- easo n t ra inin g sc: hedu le. In d ia na S ta te was lh e fir sl viclim of lhe J ord a n F ield bovs o n th eir hom e g ro und s lo th e Lun e of 11-2. The S1"Ca 111 o re squ ad lo o k an o th e r o ne o n th e chin Lh e fo llow in g week a t T e rr e Haute, 11-4. D e Pa uw was take n in s tri d e by a 7-2 count. T he t lo osier s beal IJ:i c hi ga n 4 -3 Lo o pe n th e ir Bi g T e n seaso n. but dropped a 5-4· d ec is ion Lo Lhe \\1ol ve rin es th e nex l cla y lo e ve n lh e se ri es . Th e H arrel lme n lh e n dropp ed three 111 a row. o ne lo Bu ll e r. 4-3. a nd lwo lo Wi sco nsin. 7-6 a nd 4-2. 11 hi ch loo k th e m o ut o f lh e Co nfe re nce titl e race. N o tr e D a me was lak e n into tow by a 7-4. co unt by th e Hu stli n' H oos ie rs, and Chi ca go 1·1as nipped twi ce .in th e ir nex t l wo e nga ge me nts. 3-1 a nd a n 8-0 shuto ut. Th e fir st Bu ll e r defe a t wa a ve nged b y a C rim on 7-1 v iclor y befo re Illi noi s took lh e H oos ie rs' m eas ure in two gam es. 4-2 a nd 7-0. Da le Ce nli l. c: apla in a nd lead ing p itc he r. 11 as ch ose n for Lh e Ba lfou r J\ 11 a rd. C e nlil won fiv e gam es and was o nh ch a r ged with lwo losses dt1rin g lh e ) Car . Cla re nce Brunn e r wo n o ne and los t non e fo r lh e besl p itc hin g a ve rage; soph o mor e D o n Dunk e r won three a nd lost tw o ; Don Hu nd ley wo n o ne and losl fo ur. a nd V ic Aldrid ge h ad on e de fea l a nd no vi c tori es . Ca pta in -elec t M ik e K os man led lh e Lea rn b a llin g wi th a sp a rklin g .328 av e ra ge. Boziclar tos hitch was seco nd wi th .210 a nd D o n DaniC'lso n third wi lh .254.
(T op lo bottolll ) 1Pi1111i11 g ru11 com es hom e as !ttdia11a lakes Michiga11 , 4-3, i11 series ope11N . .. Do11 .Da11ielso11 co1111 ecls a11d beals it to fir st agai11 sl Michiga11 . . . Dale Ce111 il, leadi11 [!, Crimso11 Hurler, bum s Otte 111 .. . Kos111a11 a wails ball al third while a W olveri11 e decides lo lake to the dirt.
l.U. 7 0 0
4 11 11 7 4 4 3 G 2 7 3 8 7 2 0
Back Row- Kr ise, P eters, Young, Baldwin (J Lill · iors). Front Row--Keck, Black (Se niors).
1!)4.0 Ft. Bennin g F t. Benni ng Ft. Bennin g Columbus Ashville Indiana State Indiana State DeP a uw Mi chi ga n Michigan Butler Wisco nsin Wisconsin Notre Dame Chicago Chicago Butler Illin ois Illin ois
OPP. 0 l l 5
6 2 4, 2 3 ')
4 7 7 4 l
0 0 4 7
March 31- Ft. Bennin g, there April 1-2- F t. Benni ng, there Apri l 3-4--Auburn , there April 7- DePauw, here April 8--DePauw, th ere April 11-12- Illin ois, th ere April 14--Wab ash, th ere Apri l 15- l ndiana State, here April 18-19- Minn esota, here April 22- Butler, here April 25-26- Iowa , th ere April 29- W abash, here May 2-3- Purdu e, there May 6- Butler, there May 9-10- 0hio State, here May 12- Indiana State, there May 16-17- Mi chi ga n, there
Ju st a co upl e of baseball fans; President Emeritu s W illi am Lowe Bryan and H ead Coach "Pooch" Harrell.
Captain Mike Kosman.
(Above) H ead Coach W. H . (" Billy") Thorn.
First R o11: Crn'h)', Rn lak, Gil l, ·W il so n, Spark$. J\ ntona cci. Second Row: Coach Th o m, Lazzara, Lee, AndC' rso n, Tr imble , Dav id 8o n, Tra ster, Burns, Assis tan t Coach Inm a n.
Boastin g a record o f 1 hi ch mos t a ny athl eti c tea m wou ld be prourl . Coach W. H. ("Bill y") Th o m and hi s boys we re still not qui te sati s fi ed with the seaso n. ma inl y becau se th e Bi g T en titl e was rP!inqui shed to M inneo ta a fte r I nd iana had held it two co nsec uti ve yea rs a nd also be· ca use none of th e H oos ie rs scored po ints in th e N.C. .A. to urn amen t at L ehi gh Un iver ity. The grap ple rs wo n seve n of eig ht dual meets, droppin g onl y o ne dec isio n. th a t lo th e po we rful Franklin a nd Marshall tea m, 15-14. Th ey 1rnn fo ur ma tc hes to th e Easte rn ers' three, b ut lost fi ve po ints in each of two ma tches beca use of fal ls. Ben ny Wi l o n. 136 -po un d jun ior, was the o nl y defendin g Bi g T e n cham pi o n to reta in hi s title a l th e Conference meet thi s yea r. H e was also g ive n th e Wh itac re Awa rd fo r be in g th e m ost outsta ndin g wrestler in th e Big Ten . A ngelo L azza ra. 15.'i- po und juni o r. wo n th e indi v idual Confere nce crown at that weight for the seco nd Lim e. th e firs t be in rr in 1939. Wi lso n and L azzara with Bob Antonacc i. na ti o nal 121-po und ch amp ion in 1940, a nd H a rr y Traste r, veteran 165- po und e r, we re pi cked to r eprese nt Indi a na in th e na ti o nal to urn a men t. Wilso n wit hdrew b eca use of a knee injury received at th e Bi g T en m eet. a nd th e other three b oys fai led to place. Last yea r Lh e H oosiers had placed seco nd in th e m eet ))('hind Ok la ho 111 a A. a nd M., wh o successfu lly d efe nd ed th e ir titl e th i,, yea r. The grapple rs ope ned th e season with a wa r mup victor over th e Evan51·ille Y.M.C.A. An all -star Dunca n "Y" tea m fr o m Chi cago th en b o wed lo th e improving Crimson squad. \Vith o nl y three ex pe ri enced me n in th e lin eup, th e Thornm en we nt East to c!f•fea t Ohi o U niversity a nd be nosed o ut b Franklin a nd Marshall. Ohio Stale was the f irst Conference victim of th e Hoos ier rn atm en, and ih cn Mi c hi ga n, llli nois, and Purdu e fel l in th a t ord e r befo re th e po werfu l In diana team. lll ne~s slru ck Antonacc i a nd Joe ~ p a rks . 128-po und so ph o mo re, just befor e th e Bi g T en mee t a nd th e H oos ie rs end ed in a third-place ti e wi1·!i lllin o is behi nd Min neso ta a nd Iowa.
OPPOSITE PAGE (Top l e ft ) H arry Tra stf'r, ve tera n 165-po 11nd l' r . . . (cC' nt cr ) Da il y f'ce nc in th e practi ce rin g: . . . ( right ) Be n W ilso n. Bi g T en 136-po und champi on two co nsec11t ive yl'a r . (CC' nt er lef t ) Ben Wil so n mak es it tn11 g h fo r Lyons o f Oh io S tate.
FRESHMAN SQUA D First Row: Fri sk, Chambe r!:', Farrel l. Seco nd R ow: Brun er, Wakl'la11d, \Vorley. An gelnpolo110, Fres hman Coach Fauce tt.
(Cenl e r ) Bob Antona cc i, form r 121po11nd national champi on . . . (ce nter ri ght ) J oe S parks, 128 po 11nds, r ides Bodk in s o f Ohio S tat e 11 ith a do 111Jl c
sc i ~so r.
(Lowe r left) Th e sq 11 ad wa tches a tl'ammat e in a clo se mat c h ... (cen te r) \ Vi J,o n app li es th r WC'i l-k nnwn press11rc ( ri ght ) An gelo Lazzara, twice Bi g Tl'n 155·po11nd cha mpion.
SWI11 ll INt~
ACE D wilh top co 111pelilio11 thi s ) ea r. Coach Rob e rt A. R oyer's s w i111111 er s won o nl y lwo oul o [ 11i11 e du a l meels a nd sco red but lwo po i1 1ls i 11 th e Bi g T e n m eet. Onl y nin e me n were o n the varsit~, g iving Lh e Hoosi e rs claim to be ino- the s ma ll es t sq uad in Lh e Co nfe re nc e. Ba rt Benede lli , ve rsat il e all -aro und s peed ste r. was lh e m os t rel iable point-gelte r, ave ra g in g a l lcasl o ne f irs lplaee each m eel. Be ned etti cou ld be cl e pe nd ccl up o n lo s wim a ny SL) le at an ) di sta nce ,,-he n needed . T hf' illn ess o[ Mike Paku cko, veleran di sla 1w e man . 111 mid seaso 11 and also th at of Frank Klafs, breas t str oker , h amp e red th e lea m's c hances of a g ood record; b ut nex t seaso n's prospects look good with Lh e ri se to promin e nce of seve ra l und e rclass me n. Ra) Stcffc) a 11d Bob Hall , di ve rs; Ceci l Frankli n , breas l s trok e; and Al Van Dure n, di stance eve nts, ha\ e s ho wn re markabl e i mprov ern e nt. Th e s plas he rs wo n th e ir firs t dua l rn ee l from Ft. Wayne Y.M.C. A. in Lh e seaso n opener. a nd Lh e ir sc1·o ncl in th e c urta in closer with 1olre Da111 e. Th e ) also m d th e Mi lwaukee A .C .. Wisco ns in . lllin o is. Hun lin g lon Y.M.C .A ., Pu rel ue ( twice), and M ic h iga n S ta te.
FRES ll J\ IAN SW l1\l\l l NC SQUAD First Row :
Craig. ~avaµ; ei J\ lil ·
ler. I large r. Elder. R11d olph . S1'cn nd !{ow: Klinrnszcw!'k i, Bor· 011 gh. Joyc e, 1'1cCooe. J\ lorgan , Kl ein.
VARS ITY SW lJ\ l J\ l l''<C SQUAD Fir' t 1\(1\\: Boaz, Bt' nl'dl'tti , K la f,, Pak11 c ko , Stef fPy. ~ec ond
St> nior
J\1an agt ·r
Cooper, Pfromm er, Va n D 11 r c n, Fra nklin , I lali. Coac h Roye r.
Ray S teff Py, dive r. cxcc 111 cs a jack-k nife. Bnh Bnaz. da;d1 man. takr,; off in I he 'eco nd lant' . Ba ri Be nedetti. all -a ro und sw im· 111n. pl11 11>< thruugh. l\ li ke Pak11cko, breast strok e a rl i :-.t. wa it s hi s turn .
J\ la nage rs Bob Cateo;, Phil Coo pe r, a nd Ro ge r Ei singrr \\ ilh Coac h Royer.
First Row: P owell , S ill , H orto n, Schmidt , Va nl-lorn , Caston. Seco nd Row: P enn in g, Brown stein, Murph y, R ose, Corall o, Coach So ul ar.
GOLF Wi th on ly P ete Grant and H arry Timbrook m1ssrn g fr om th e 1940 squad whi ch won six of nine dual meets a nd took the Midwest Ama teur championship at French Li ck, the linksmen will have a well-round e<l team of veteran s Lo drive through the 1941 season. Lettermen Frank P enning, Wilbur VanHorn , Bill Horton , Bob Sill, Juliu s Brownstein , and Wendall Aldrich may all surpass last year's record s with th e additional Lutelage of Coach Jam es Soutar, profess ional at th e Bloomin gton Co untr y Club. Stoutar replaces the fo rm er coach, Prof. Hu gh E. Willis of Lh e La w Sch ool, who resig ned hi s positi on of golf mentor last spring. Additi onal experienced match go lfers are also 111
Bob Sill
Frank Pennin g
abundance. Steve Rose return ed to Indian a after a year at Northwestern. Rose was one of the outsta nding member s of th e 1939 freshman squ ad. Hal Schmidt also r eturn ed to th e squad after bein g out of school a year. Pete Corrallo and Lennis Murph y, nu meral win ners last sprin g, are th e soph omor es with seemingly th e best chan ces to break into the startin g lin eup. Th e easo n opens on April 14 against the powerful Northwestern team. Home matches are with Detroit, Purdue, and Illin ois. Th e remainder of the schedule consists of matches with Ohi o State, Michi gan , and Butler , the State meet at Purdu e, th e Bi g Ten at Chicago , and th e NCAA meet at Ohi o State.
Bill H orton
Wilb ur VanH orn
Firs! R1J11: Ri • ley. L er, L evi n, Wolf , Bo•a rl , W e be r . Coac h Collin s, . eco nd Ro": F eigh ner , Dav is, Chiddi sle r, W oo d , Lu gar.
TENNIS Tew co ach, ne w !'Ourt , ne w hopes- th e wa tchw o rd ::; for l.U.'s nette rs in loo kin g forward to fatter seasons af ter ha vin g been o n th e s hort end of th e victor y columns for eve ra l yea rs. Ralph L. Co llins, fo rm e r te nni s ace at the nive rs it y o f th e o uth at Sewa nee and a t present an in structor in th e English De pa rtm ent. was ch osen to succeed Ralph Gra ham , a s i La nt footba ll coach, as the nPt mento r. Coac h Collin s was a hi gh-rankin g pla ye r in th e So uth in hi s coll eg ia te da ys a deca de ago.
Bill Lu ga r and Dan Chiddi stf'r, . en ior lc11e r111 e n, welcom e new Coac h R a lph Collin s.
Th e n ew m en's co urts o n East Third treet will g ive th e needed trainin g (ac ilit ie to th e squ ad; a nd a lso a chan ce to play home matc hes fo r th e first time i n several year . Th e 1940 sea o n ended with th e no ne- too- impr ss iv<' reco rd of o ne victo ry, o ne ti e. and eight defeats. The team beat Butl er and drew with DePauw. Gil H ay ni e was Lh e o nl y H oos ie r lo sco re po ints in the lndiand tate matches las t yea r by ao in g to the se mi-final 111 s ingles. Jim Wo od, Dan Chiddi ste r, Bill Lu gar, a nd Jack Feig hn er are r eturnin g lette rm en. Th e ho me schedu le includ es DePauw, Cinc innati , otre Dame, \Veslern Lal<', Wabash. and Det ro it. The o ut-of-to wn matche a r•' with Butler , Jllin ois. Ke n) Oll , Oh io State, a nd the Stale m eet at Earlham.
HE campus l -Men 's club, r evived again after several years with no organization, is once mor e a r eality. tarted durin g the win ter m onths b y I-men who sa w the need for uch an or ganizati on, the club has alread y r e-establi shed itself as a permanen t fi xture a mong th ~ campu s organizati ons. Bill Armstrong, baseball first-basema n, was elected presid ent, with Vernon Broertj es, cr oss-co untr y star, as secr etary-treas urer an d Campbell Kan e as vice-president. The purpose of th e club is lo bind th e letterm en of differ ent sports togeth er in a n effort to acquaint them with I-men in oth er sports a nd pledge th eir m utual s upport to teams of Indi a na men in ever y s port. Th e Board of Directors of the organizati on co nsists of one man r epresenting each athleti c team at Indian a. Th e Board r epresentatives speak fo r th e members of their teams concernin g th e bu sin ess of th e club. All athletic coaches are honorar members of the club and their recommendati ons and suggesti ons are weighed heavi ly b y the acti ve member . T he club is not actuall y associated wi th th e I -Men' Assoc iation, which co nsists of alumni letter-winners, but co-o per ates w ith th e ssociati on wh enever possible. Althou gh fo rmed too late in th e sch ool year to have a complete social calendar, th e I-Men plann ed an all-Indiana d a nce for a week-end in May.
Left lo Ri ght : H ori on, go lf ; Broertj es, crQss-counlry; Kan e. I rack; Kosma n, base ball ; Armstrong, President of th e cl ub : Klafs, swimmin g; Antonacci, wrestling; Wood, hae fer, basketball ; Bill S mith , foo tball. tennis;
S Lh e ] 94. I lnlra111ura l sea o n sw un g i11Lo Lh e [in al
As prin g c a111p a ig n, o nl y o ne po int se para ted th e three
leadin g co nte nd e rs . Th e S ig ma C hi s ga rn e red 320 p o in ls duri ng the [al l and winte r seaso ns. and Lh e Della T a u D eltas and S .A.E.'s we re ba rkin g at Lh e ir heels w ith 3191 a nd 3 19, re pec:Livel y. Th e S .A.E.s o pe ned th eir d e [e ndin g b id fo r Lh e titl e whi c h th ey 11·o n in 194.0 with a s weep in g v ic:Lo r) in t he [a ll go lf mee l. Th e De lta C hi s wer e seco nd a nd Della Tau De ltas third . T he 1\1. A.G.U. g) mn as ts o uld is la nced all o lh e r Lea rn s in th e cross-co unlr ) race _ fo ll owed b y Lh e A. T.O.s a nd th e S ig ma C hi s_ wh o wer e th e d e [e ndin g c ha 111ps. J ac k Morri s, Della Tau Delta , too k in dividua l ho no rs by win nin g th e ra ce. Th e code ball c ha 111pi o nship we11t lo th e .A.E. s w ith th e D elta T a u D elta s seco nd , and S ig ma Pi third . Th e po we rful ig ma Chi Lo uc h fo o tball Lea 111 breezed throu g h a ll o ppositi o n to win Lh e Litle fo r Lh e third consec utiv e )ear. Th e) defea ted th e Be tas in Lh e fi nals o [ th e lea g ue pla yo ff . The Raml ler s, re prese ntin g JSA_ d e fea ted th e Betas in th e fin als to a nn ex th e vo ll ey ball cro wn . Mar v in S111 ilh , .A.M. , wo n Lh e pin g- po ng to urn a me nt for th e third co nsec uti ve year a nd tea med wilh D oov id Bars kin in d o ubl es for th e ir seco nd s trai g ht titl e .
.I 11 nior rnanag!'r C harley F<"t'[:C'r a nd DirC'clor of Tntra 111 11 ral" C eo rgr [. ~ch l a fe r . ~l a n agers
C ram(' r.
.\ !orr is. and F'ePge r.
~I L· ll i 11 µ:c r .
J\ rmstn) ng.
Delt ] ack Morris leads all contenders lo the tape in the cross- country race ... Clevenger is an interested spectator al the wrestling workouts . . . Mob scene of the cross -country grind . .. Little Geo rge Rauch takes to bodybuilding devices . . . A erial darts title is always bitterly contested . . . Smith and Barskin, S.A.M., remain tops in the table tennis department.
(U pp er ri ght ) Edn a F . .Munro , head o[ th e Depart 111ent o[ Ph ys ical Edu cat ion for Women . . Ath le ti c tra ini ng in clu des tenn is an d vti"llc y balL
HYSICAL Edu cati on is required of all Freshm en and Soph omore women, and in addition Freshmen must take one peri od a week .in Orientation durin g the fall season. On e hour of cr edit a semester is given for th e work, and b efore completin g th e two-year r equirement, each stud ent mu st have taken on e season i11 a team game, an individual activit y, and in a rh ythmi cal activit y. Before en rollin g
m any Physical Education, every studen t is given a physical examination, and , on the b asis of the information ob tain ed, advice is given and special r ecommen dations are made. Swimming and modern dancing are offered thro ugh out the year ; hockey and soccer in the fall seaso n ; tenni s, volleyball, golf, h orseback riding, and archery in the fall and sprin g; basketball, badminton , stunts, and tumblin g, gro up games and exercises, folk dancing, and tap dancing in the winter, and deck tennis, basketball, and athletic games in the sprin g. This year a new activity was begun. Mixed social dan ci ng was offered t o give men and women an opportunity to learn th e fundamen tal dance steps used today in ballroom dancin g. Th e W.A.A. sponsors numerous clubs pertaining to the ac tivities and also enco urages participation in intramural ac tiviti es . Each of the intra mural tournaments begin at different times, are of different types, and are subject t o different rules and regulations. The teams are composed of girls from the sororities, dormitories, and th e four districts into which Bloomington is divided. The Intramural Board is made up of twen ty-five girls r epresentin g every sorority, dormitor y, and the di stri cts. Miss Helen Grant is the faculty spon sor; Elnora Curtis, the Intram ural Head, and Marcile Irle, secr etar y. This board sponsors tourn aments in volleyball, badminton , swimmin g, basketball , tenn is, softball, golf, deck tenni s, archery, and ping-pong. Dunn Meadow girl s learn th e tri cks of spee dball and fi eld hockey i n fall and spring; d uring wi nter month s, the modern da nce and the Student Building swimming pool take the spotlight.
Lin c up pl ease to awa it th e jud ges' d ec is io n . . . Hm111rn111 111 ! . . . That o ne s melled . . Marg ie Buc kmaster [or Lh e s mil e of b eauty . . . H o w L<J pec k in th e b es t possibl e mann er.
I J l·:AN
2ue&i o/- the 1941 jutUo4 /JJtom 'J:Jede
Tilt' 1911 Juni or Prom Co mmitt ccEdwa rd Bartl ey, a ncy Bidd le, Chnir111311 R1ibe rt. Gat es, J\ la rga rel Faq:?;Cl , and J ohn Kru eger.
1941 PROM COM )flTTEE LTHO C H The Daily tude11 t ·a me o ut with an anno un ce me nt o n Ap ril F ool' Da y that th e P rom wo uld be held in th e A r mor y in lead of A lu mn i H all , things 1 c nt off in th e trad iti o na l mann er. and th 194 1 Jun io r Prom wa held fr o m 10 to 2 o'clock o n Apri l 13 in Alumni H a ll. Th e room wa d eco rated like a Span ish vill a with a ha lco 11 y effect 0 11 th e stage, fr o m whi ch th e Prom Qu een emerged to l e c ro wn ed. The Commo ns was al o decora ted in th e L a tin - me ri ca n mann er. R a) ob le and hi s o rc hestra played fo r th gala
event, whi ch was a tlend e l by a ca pacity rowel. In diana stud ents we re parti c ul a rl y inte rested in th e ba nd , s in ·e Ji mm y Ca th ca rt, an l. . g rad ua te who had hi s ow n band he re o n th e ca mpu o nl a few yea r ago, is fea tured wi th 1oble's o rc hestra. _ fornbers o f th e Prom ·omm ittee, who 1 orked fa ith ful! ove r th e a rr angeme nt for th e d a nce, were Bob Ca les, cha irm a n ; Marg a ret l• a rgo, N an cy Biddle, Ed Bartley, a nd J ohn Kru e"er. Prom dinn e r and Prom breakfast we re held befo r a nd after th e event.
Left to Barbara Gommel, Charleen
ri ght: Jane Smith, Johnson, Margaret Jo Anne Pi erpont, Rom ines .
TARTING on April 17, every Thursday afternoon th e R .O.T.C. military drill was headed by its coed sponsors, dressed in their uniforms of white skirts, and bright, red military coats, and leadin g th eir respective battalions like veteran officers_ The sponsors are presented at the Military Ball, February 22, h avin g been ch ose n previously by a selection committee_ Charleen Romin es, '4,] , was nam ed Colonel of the R.O.T.C. unit, and Barbara J ohn so n, '43, was made Leiutenant-Colonel. Margaret Gornmel , '41, headed th e first batta lion ; Rosalie Doerflein , '42, h eaded th e second , and Jo Anne Pi erpont, '4.2, was made sponsor of th e third. Jan e Smith , '42, was selected as a sponsor for P ershin g Rifles.
1941 L. M ILL E!{ !311 si11 ess Mana ger
c. VAN ,\TTA,
i 11
1941 Arbutu s s taff b eca me so active that it o ve rfl o wed fr om th e offi ce in th e U ni o n buildin g a nd took over a roo m cl ow n th e ha ll. Wo rk o n the staff o ( th e Y car b ook provid es a n excelle nt opportuni ty for exp eri e nce in writ in g, editin g, an d ph o tog raphy. Th e ed itor of th e ) ca rb ook ca n ge nerall y b e id e nti (i ed b y his ha rassed ex press ion a nd th e lin es o{ worr y in hi s face ca used by th e s tate of th e book- lh e dea d lin e of th e printe r's, just m issed-or th e possibility of th e boo k co rnin g o ut o n tim e. Hi s co -wo rke r, Lh c bu sin ess manager, handl es th e finan cial e ncl of th e boo k, sell in g s uhsniptions a nd ad ve rli .:: in g, and managin g th e qu ee n co ntes t-. Th e editorial slaff o ( th e 1941 Arbu,Jus is co mp osed of John Vanatta , editor ; J oa n V e it, J ean Di ckso n, a nd Mad elyn Pu gh , .) u 11 ior assoc iate eel itor s; Fran ces Dun can, Bo b A ncl er son , ·walter L e rn er , So rrn y Schl ee, Bob Bu lm e r, /\ Ima Frey n, Bett y Bates, Ju ne H.ic hard so n, L ynn Van Na LLa, Wi lfr ed Lus her , a nd Bett y Jan e Mowr y, me mber s of th e So ph o rnore staff. Th e bu s in ess s taff co ns ists of Ma rvi 11 M ille r, bu s in ess mana ge r ; Ma r) !~ I s n er. Gob Frank , C harl es Legema n, a nd J oh n Pa inter. Jun io r assoc ia te ed itors; Do r is Co nn e r. P a rker C raves. J o hn H old -era ft. Doro th y L owcy, J ca n 11 e P ie rso n. R o bert R o min e. R ose Steibe r. 1-lcnr) Sc hri cker , Edw a rd S tuart. Jirn S ubl ette. a11d J ohn Swayze. So phom ore a s~ i s t a nt s .
Bu sin ess assistant Rose S teiber gets so me materi al from the files fo r John Hold craft whi le other bu siness stafT member s Jim S ubl ette and Dori s Conn er do th eir offi ce work . . . Bob R om in es, So phom or e Bu sin es.; Assistant; Bob Frank, Juni or Busin ess staff Associate; a nd P arker Graves, Soph omore Ass istant, make plan!:> fo r th e a nnual A rbutus Bea uty co ntest . . . Frances Duncan a nCI Boh Bulm er , Sophomore Editorial a ss i s t:rnt ~, and J ean Di ckso n, member of th e Juni or Ed itori al Staff, look th ro ugh so me pi ctures used in th e 1940 A rbntns ... The Bu sine s Staff at work, Henr y Sc hri cker , So ph omore, John Painter, Juni or, and Ed Stuart, and ] e ann .~
Pi erso n, So ph omores . . . Alm a Frey n a nd Wilfred Lu sher , Assistant Editors, get picture and cardb oar d rea dy for mountin g a panel .. . Members of the Sophomore Editorial Staff- L ynn Van atta, Walt L e rn e~-, and ] un e Ri chard so n- decid e whi ch pi ctures s hould be used .in th e book. Dot L owey, Sophomore; Charlie Legernan , Juni or. and J ohn Swayze, Sophomo re, check so me business staff records . . . Ed ilo rial staff members work to meet a deadline. From left to ri ght- Bob Anderso n, So ph omore; Joan Veit. Juni or ; Mad elyn Pu gh. Juni or , a nd So nn r ~c hl ee, Sophomore.
INDIANAPOLIS STAFF rr HE In d i anapoli ~ staff of th e. Arbutus is the gro~p whi ch
~eeps .th e book up on thrn gs ha ppenrn g o n th e campu s 111 t he capitol city. It is onl y with th eir h elp that th e book is able to r epresent a true c ross secti o n of ever y phase of th e U niversity life, of which th e Med ical and Dental Sch ools at Indi a napoli s are trul y a g rea t pa rt. Th e staff fo r th e Dental Schoo l thi s yea r was Da\-id Stiefler , editor ; Da rrell A. Stock, assistant editor ; Byron Price, bu sin ess ma11 ager ; S held o n L. Hall , ass istant b usin ess mana ger. Th e Medi ca l School sta ff was head ed by Carl Ku ehn , editor , a nd Wi lli am Brown ing, bu sin ess ma nager.
M edical Editor
Dental Editor
M edical Bu sin ess Ma nage r
Dental Bu siness Manager
Darkroom Assistant
Chief Photographer
N the compilation of an y yearbook, the help and cooperation of a great man y people are necessary. Th e work of the photographers is no exception fo r they and th eir staff contribute greatl y to the success or failure of the book. Thi s year for the first time th e Arbutus employed the services of the ph otographi c staff of th e Extension Di vision. Althou gh at times th e burden was very diffi cult to handle, much of th e qualitv of the A rbutus is due to those of the photographic division for their fine coopera tive spirit, splendid photographs, and effi cient service. Robert McConnell, together with Bill Morri s, speciali zed in t aking the pictures which appear in the bea uty section of the book. These pi ctures demand ed the utmost in photographic techniqu e and McConn ell ably handled th e assignment. As in th e past the ro utine work of making th e formal p ictures of seniors and orga ni za tion members was given t o Dexheimer-Carlon Studios who with their fin e cooperation and efficient service supplied the pictures whi ch start th e yearbook on the road to complete publication. The A rbutus, in part, is a collection of pictures of events whi ch transpire during th e year. A photogr apher must be constantly at hand to record these eve nts on film. This year the task fell upon th e staff of th e Extension Division, wh ose work accounts for the completeness of the calendar secti on of the book.
HAT beehive of adivity- th e offi ce of Th e Da ily Student- is t he c:e nler and meetin g pl ac:e fo r all students in the De partm ent o( J o urnalirn1 . Th e little red b ri ck bui ldin g ho uses all th e acti o n of a metropolitan dail y fr o m th e lo west c ub r eporte r to the editor aml fr o m th e " back-shop" lin otype o pe rator to th e busin ess mana ger. Th ere is nothin g quite like workin g on th e staff of th e W.G.C.D. - th e world 's greatest coll ege dail y- to a reall y ea rn est embry o j o urnali st. Th er e is so methin g abo ut co verin g a bea t, writin g cop y, meetin g a dead-lin e, compos in g a hcadline,- bein g a par t of a real live publi cation,- that gets in th e blood of th e Journ alis m stud e nt wh en he writes hi s first stor y a nd sta ys with him. Th er e is a spirit of coo pe rat io n, with ever yo ne workin g to get the paper out, and a foelin g of r esponsibility of each indi vidu al member th a t is seldom fo und in a ny other orga niza ti o n. Th e r ep ortin g staff is divid ed i nto three de partments- th e city, ca mpu s, and sports staffs, eac h coverin g its parti cular field th ro ugh a network of " beats." Eac h staff .is h eaded b y an editor a nd several associa te editors. ] n additi o n to th ese, th ere are spec ial sta ffs o nce a week, to put o ut th e wom e n's page a nd th e church page.
Editor Forrest Gard erwin e co nfers with Virgini a Davis, Gene Hollin gs worth, and Ed gar F crrey . Associate Editors Geneva R edman , Charl es Se ntbower and Virgini a Davis peer over Ed itor Carcl erwine's should er as they check yes terd ay's iss ue. As oci ate Editors Geor ge Kn ox, Winston Fourni er , Alex and er Muir, a nd Dick Run yan hold a boress.
The h orseshoe shaped desk in the r ea r of th e o ffi ce is th e cop y de k, with th e associate ni ght editor siltin g in the "slot. " T her e is a ni ght editor fo r each edition , wh o s its in back of th e co py d esk a nd makes out th e " dumm y" for th e cl ay's iss ue. Each ni ght editor is responsible to th e managin g editor a nd the editor-in-ch ief. Th e staff h as a co mplete tum -over ever y semes ter , and the mor e importa nt p ositi ons a re re-ap pointed twi ce a semester, making fo ur editors a yea r. The editor s- in-chi ef for thi s yea r were Carl Lew is, Sam \Velis, F orrest Carderwin e, and J ames Th ompson. The Daily Stllilent is a member of th e Assoc iated Press and gets its AP news as soo n as an y bi g cit y paper. Each ed ito r h a a spec ial telegraph editor wh o h a ndl es thi s " wire n ews" exclusively. Also on the staff is a n " art" editor , wh o takes car e of obtainin g pictures f11r th e p aper. Prof. John E . Stempel, head of th e Depa rtment of J o urnalism, is fac ult y adv isor fo r th e Student.
Th e evolution of a pi ece of copy from the time th e reporter gets his stor y until th e news appear s o n th e front page of The Daily Student is a process which r equires the cooperation of each individual m ember of th e staff. At top left, the reporter is co mposin g hi s stor y upon r eturnin g to th e offi ce after coverin g his " beat." Stori es are written right on the tvpewriter , with n o first drafts, to save tim e. T op ri ght, the otory is hand ed to th e editor of hi s departm en t for checkin g. Mid· die left, th e story goes t o the copy desk where it is edited aga in , and a headlin e is written for it. Midd le ri ght, it goes to the " backsh op" wh ere th e lino lype man sets it up in type. Lower left, proof is r ea d and errors caught. Lower ri ght, th e fini shed product.
HROUGHOUT th e hot s umm er month s, th e W. G. C. D.- better kn own as Th e Daily Student- still goes to press with the ambiti ous staff swelterin g in the little r ed brick " oven" twice a week for r-J long as summer school is in session. E ven with onl y one-third of the us ual enrollm ent and a limited staff, in between vi sits to the quarrie , the group managed to put out a good paper , full of news interest, had a good tim e doing it and gain ed valuable experience. Th e four-page paper was given free to the public, bein g left around the bui ldin gs for th ose enrolled in summer school. Cop y fr om th e Assoc iated Press was brought down fr om Indi a napoli s b y bu s each day. An unusual feature was th e two column s run on the front page each da y written by member s in the School of Education. Chri s Savage was editor-in -chi ef of the summer S tudent, and Di ck Run yan was managing editor. The r est of the staff was composed of Meredith Bra tton, sports editor ; Cynthia Demaree, W oman 's Editor ; Alexand er Muir, city editor , and David Kenn edy, sports columni st. Reporters wer e Geor ge Kn ox, Bob Kluth , and Win ston Fournier.
State Fair editi on of The Daily Student which a staff puts out during Fair week in September in Indianapoli s provid es plenty of experi ence for r eporters and editors in actual newspaper work in an entirely new fi eld. The m ost important thin g, as it is on ever y newspaper , is th e way in whi ch co ntacts are establi shed the first da y on th e grounds, after each r eporter has been assigned to a " beat." The gr oup is housed in the Indiana Buildin g on the F airgrounds, along with the University Theatre, and educati onal and service exhibits depi ctin g th e acti vities of th e Uni versity. Ever y fi eld of writin g is r epresented on the Fairgrounds, and, throughout the week, the r eporter may write an ythin g fr om a feature on the new Colise um to a listin g of the prize-winning swine for that da , or fr om a cover on th e society hor se sh ow to a 4-H Club style show. Before the week is over , the staff is generall y famili ar with ever y offi cial on the ground s, has taken in ever y exhibit and sid e-show, a nd in general has had a valuable week of go od tim es and practi cal experience. Carl Lewis was Editor-in-chi ef of thi s year'13 staff, and Sam Wells was Ma naging Editor. Th e remainder of the staff was Dan H olthouse, Mad elyn Pu gh, Geneva Redman , Jim Thompson, H oward Wilcox, and H arry Am o n. Virgini a Da vis worked with th e publicity offi ce in the Admini strati on Buildin g at the Fairgrounds. Prof. John E. Stempel, head of th e Department of Journalism , served as faculty advisor fo r th e staff.
rr HJ
A QU..t.R T fRLY
MAR C H , 1941
Seat ed: Li lli an R ma row icz, Mac Lo ui se Kohr , Gertrude Bloome r. Violet Muse, Bell y J a ne Smith. R osemary K ent. Standing: F rederi c Rand all , J ames Lea hy. C. Bradford Mi tchell. facu lty advisor.
yea.r, T~ic Folio fo rmu lated a ne w. p oli cy fo.r stu dent direct10 n and ma na ge menl. lt 1s th e beli ef o ( th ose direc tl y co nnected with Th e Folio th a t uch a p olicy ca n play a s ig nifi ca nt part in c rea ti ve gro wth on Lhc ca mpu s. Th e publ ica ti o n. howeve r, w ill be s up e rv ised b membe rs of th e fa c ulty. Th is yea r, The Folio has bee n und e r th e ca pable g uid a nce of J osephin e K. P ie rcy a nd C. Bradfo rd Mitchell of th e En g li h de partmen l. Th e Folio , a qu a rl• ·,. ly for creat ive writ ing. is a magazin e fo r th e e ntire : n . <r rs :ty publi s hed by th e st uden ls fo ur tim es a yea r. lb a im s ar e lo stimulate a n interest in E ngli s h co mpo iti on. a nd lo encou rage asp iri ng writer s . T he pu bl ica ti o n tri es to sa li s f both th e c rea ti ve a nd th e cr iti cal tas tes of th e stu de nts . Seve ral me mbe rs of th e E ngli sh d e partm e nt ass ist on The Folio sta ff. Ch a rl es Gr een, Robe rt Hubac h, Ruth Smalley, a nd J o ep hin c Pi ercy are g radua tes se rving o n th e edito ri al board. Bern a rd lamb ler and Sa m Y ellen a re m ember s of th e p roofreadi ng staff. Th e book a nd r ernrd r ev iew staff co nsi ts sole ly of stud ents . The Folio is o utsta ndi ng for its cover desig ns and layo uts whi c h a re und e r th e supervision of Frederi c R a nd all.
Viewing a new issue of The Indian a Alumni Magazine are Miss Ivy. Chamnes , head of th e Publications offi ce; G. F. Heighway, alumni secretary, and Andrew G. Olofson, managin g editor of th e magazine.
an effort to provide a more modern and a more interesting way of contacting the alumni, the Indiana Alumni Magazine was born in October , 1939, succeedin g the old Alumni Quarterly and also the bi-weekly alumnus editions of The Daily Stzident. This Magazine is the official publication of th e Indian a University Alumni Association , and is sent to ever y active member of th e Associa ti on each month fr om October through June. Th e Magazine includes articles written both by and about alumni and also co ntains news of U niversity activiti es, alumni club meetings, and a ports review. Each month personal items about approximately 3,000 alumni appear in the classmates secti on. One of the main editorial fea tures of the Magazine is a monthly survey article which examines a different department of the 111versity. These articles, written by Prof. Chauncey antler of the Department of English, interpret the progress of the University for the alumni. The official staff of the Magazine includes the following: George Heighway, editor ; Andrew Olofson, managing editor ; Ivy Chamness, associate edi tor, a nd E. Ross Bartley, Ward Biddle, Alta Brunt Sembower, and John E. Stempel, members of the editorial board.
INDIANA ATHLETIC REVIEW T .eac h gridiron,,and ha rdwood event a ,bo?k let is p~ bcalled l he !11 dw.11a Athletic h eview co ntain in g th e most important facts abo ut th e playe rs a nd th e team. Thi s p ublication was edited by Robert A. Cook who was assisted by R obert Meyer , adve rti sin g manager. Songs and yell s also had a p lace in th e bo oklet pub li sh ed for gri diron eve nts. Stati stics for th e same gam e played the p revio us year supply additi o na l jnfor mati on .
A h shed
1' II E ll ED H00K DlR~CTORY
e~ch ye~r
SJ~O n
shed .und er th e. Asorsh1p of th eisYpoubli un g Me n s Chn stian Association , wh ich is call ed the Red Boole. This yea r , for th e fjrst time, in addit ion to th e na me and sch ool addresses of all stud ents th e home address was also includ ed. Camp us ac ti viti es we re li sted accordin g to th e se rvice which th ey perform . M. Porter Murph y edited the book and was assisted by M ax Woo ler y as busin ess mana ger a nd Glenn E. S mith as circula ti o n ma nager.
ACH fall the U ni o n Board spo nsors a Freshman Han db ook to a id all incomin g m en stu dents. Thi s publi ca ti o n includ es th e details of campu s activities as well as a matric ula ti on schedule. T o provid e informati o n abou t th e campu s or ga niza ti on , a desc ri ption was give n of the work each o ne does and jts part in niver sity act1 v1t1es . Don Batto n co mpiled the information fo r th e handbook, and edited the p ublication.
1' II E C111 ~I ES To
s uppl y new women stud ents wi th valu able info rm ati on, The Chimes appear each fa ll. A s urvey of campus ac ti viti es enables ever y new woman stud e nt who ma tri c ula tes in th e U ni versity to become fam ili ar w ith its va ri ous di visio n . A map of th e campus points o ut bui ldin gs a nd points of interest, and a cale ndar of th e com in g events is in cluded. Miriam Jam es edited The Chimes assisted by Madelyn Pu gh and Geneva Redman.
freshman Hairdbook 1940-41
RoBrnT A. CooK, Editor Indiana Athletic R eview
The Red Book
E. BATTON , Editor Freshman Han dbook
Editor The Chimes
Dr. Wood bum 's hi stor y of Jndi a na is co mpiled at th e Pub licat ions offi ce. Left to ri ght: Mi ss Hild a Henwood, Dr. James Woodburn , Mi ss Myra J ea n Henn on, Mi ss l vy Cham nes, and William Adk in.
reviews and class notes for th e lndia11a Alumni Magazine; th e Commencement program a nd prize fold er, and th e seri e of Indi ana U niversity publica tions on hum aniti es, science, social science, a nd folklor e. W. M. Adkins is assistant to th e editor. The Indiana University ews Bureau is the source which suppli es newspapers, magazin e , and rad io stati ons over th e state with news about Indi a na U niversit) . T he Burea u al o send s r eleases to The Daily Stud ent, takes care of th e athleti c publicity for, and h as charge of pub lication s promoting the University. Thi s year th e offi ce edited th e booklet, " Th e J. U. Auditorium ," concerning the new Mu ic Hall. In addition to th e r egul ar staff, two student assista nts, Ri chard Griffith, '4.1, and H oward Wilcox, '42. help with the news, th e mailing, a nd the r est of th e routin e work.
HE key tone of Indi ana University publications is th e Publi ca tions office und er the direction of Mi ss Ivy Chamness, editor. Practi cally ever y offi cial bit of printin g which goes out from th e University goes through this office first, and is car efull y edited bef r e it appears befor e th e public. Thi year the offi ce was hard at wo rk on Dr. James \:\Toodburn 's " Hi story of Indiana ni versity," carefull y checkin g minu t·e details before its r elease. Mi ss Chamn ess. herself. added many of the footnotes whi ch help to explain and supplement this extensive hi stor y of the University from the time of its foundin g in 1824. Oth er duties of th e Publications offi ce includ e the editin g of the University catalogue each year ; the bulletins of the schools; twelve news letters ea h year ; six bull etin from th e School of Educati on each year ; e ight bulletins from the Extension Division each year ; book
26 2
BUAIt D 0~i AE0NS VAL NOLA N ------------------ ·-···· ----- ·--------- ------------- President RO BE RT MENKF: _________________________________ _____ Vice- Pres ident SAM
______________ ________ ________ ___ _Sec retary-1' reasnrer
EADERSHIP in campus activi ties a nd excepti onal sch olarshi p are th e two r equi sites for me mbership on th e Boa rd of Aeo n5, hi g hest stud ent tribun al o n th e campus. Members are appoin ted a nn uall y by the Pres id ent of the Un iversity fr om r eco mm endati o ns s ubmitted to h im twi ce a yea r hy the Board . Th ose stud e nts chosen represent alm ost every ph ase of campu s activit y. Th e or gani za ti on end eavo rs to promote a close r coo pe ration between the stud en t bod y and th e U ni versity admini strati o n b y uniting their interests in its meas ures fo r improve ment. F o und ed in 1921 by Presid e nt-Emeritus Wi ll iam Lowe Br ya n, it is co ncern ed with matters p ertainin g to stud f' nt affairs and U ni ve rsity rulin gs as r elated to th e stud ent b od y. This yea r, asid e fr crn checkin g each campus organization 's co nstituti o n, revi sing th e Juni or Prom co nstituti o n, and dealin g with man y stud e nt problems, th e Board of Aeon s proposed a limita ti on to th e number of extracurri cular ac ti vities in whi ch an y stud ent ma y parti cipate. Thi s suggesti o n was accepted b y the U niversity Adm inistrati on. Because of th e la rge numbe r of questions wh ich continu all y arise, Board meetin gs are held ever y Monday or Wednesda y night. Membership of thi s Board is o ne of the highest honors a male student can achieve.
First Row K ATHRY
Second Row
VIH GIN IA A USTI N 13 ETTY J oy D rcK rn so
Run r
I M l': S
N ELDA J 0 I l ' SON
V rn A M AY M
Thircl Row
------------·- _______________ ____ Preside11l
_________________ _________________ /lice-Preside11l
So PH IA J IC II o LAS _______________________________________ _Secretory RuT H I MES ____________________________________________________ Tr easurer
ORT AR BOARD, the " honorar y of hono raries for w men," is tops in th e extracurri cular fi eld for coeds. Havin g as its aim th e promotion of the best inter ests of University women , th e orga nizati on bases its m embership on scholarship, leadership, and acti vity, and "caps" th e new members durin g their Juni or yea;· o n Foundati on Day at a Junior-Senior lun cheo n. Indiana's chapter of Mortar Board was brou ght to the ca mpus in 1921 by Dr. Agnes E. Wells, former Dean of Women, who helped with th e national co nstitution of Mortar Board. Dea n Kate H evner Mueller, present Dea n of Women , was made an honorar y member last sprin g. Thi s year , Mortar Board' traditional Dames Ball, th e dance at which the coeds "foo t the bills" and act as escorts for their dates throu ghout th e evenin g, topped all previou records for ti cket sales. Other activities of th e group include compiling a list of tutors r ecomm en ded by th e heads of th e departments in the chool of Art and Science; recognizin g outstanding Sophomore women by givin g a Sophomore "Mortar Board recognition" li st ; collectin g clothing in an "old clothes drive"; the sellin g of Phillips Brooks calendars, and th e awarding of three tuition scholarships. Iew proj ects this year were the joining of th e H oosier Art Salon and the consequent placement of a painting in Beech Hall, and the publishing of " Hygiene and E tiquette for University Women" and distributing it among the Freshmen women.
UNION BOARD _ _______ President
J0 1-1N ,L\ Y
J. E.
Vi:;e-Pr es id ent Secreta ry D irecto r
_____ --- ---- __ _
- ---
PATH I CK ---- ---------
ITH the a vowed purpose of pro motin g t he inte rests of the U niversit) and its stucl Pn ts, the In d ia na U ni o n was fo und ed in 190<) !Jy J ohn W hittenber ger and a gro up of stud e nts. Th e Tndi ana Memo ri al U ni o n Bu ild in g sin ce iLs erecti o n i n 1932 has b een abl e to ful f ill its p urp o5e to ii h igh er d egr '.:e th a n ever befo re. Membershi p to th e U ni on is obtain ed by ever y male white stud ent up on e nterin g th e U ni versity. Function ing us governin g b od y and super visor of th e usa ge o[ th e b uildin g's fac iliti es, th e Un ion Board h as co ntinu ed t o fill thi s capacity sin ce th e very beg innin g. Th e Boa rd co ns ists of fifteen me n, t welve of wh om ar e studen ts; tw o, hculty m embers; and o ne, the Di rec tor o f th e Un ion . Of th e stud ei:t me111be r3, nin e are a pp0inted o n th e b as is o f scholarshi p , interest in th e U n :o n as d emo nst ra ted in ccrn rnittee me:·it sys tem work, a nd lead ersh -p riualiti es. Th e r emain in g three members ar e selected b y a n electi o n held each sprin g. T he va ri ous activiti es an d int er est g:·o ups sp onsored by the U ni on Board serve th e ~ tud e nts in m any wa ys. D ::i nces are held each Friray n ight, join tly sponsored b y th e U ni o n an d A.W .S. Th e U ni o n m a kes possible tw o di sc ussio n groups, T ow n H all and the Open Forum. P ep session s and th e Grid- Gra ph , a play-by -pla y presentatio n of th e o ut- of -town foo tball gam es ar e also super vised by the Board. Vi sitors on th e campu s ar e co nducted o n to urs of in specti on b y U nion Board g uid e servi ce wor kers. Athleti c ban qu ets throu gh o ut th e yea r ar e directed by th e Board. An oth er projec t is the weekl y R ecord H o ur whi ch presents many enj oyable program s of classical m usic. These a nd several other fu nc tion s p rov id e th e U ni versity with a well-directed mea ns of meetin g a nd directin g its students.
First Row
econd Row
Third Row
]Oll ' }Y
J. E. J. J.
First Row K AT llHY
Second Row
Third Row
..... .............................. President
......... .............. .Vice-Pres ident
}ANI:: AR MSTllO '.\'G . .......... .lst S em ester S ecretary
Sem ester Sec retary
............... ..... ..................... Tr easurer
MARY REE S ....... ......... .. ......... ....... ..... S ocial
rr HE A.W.S.
Cou11cil , mad e up of thirteen 111 ember s, is th e go ve rnin g bod y for th e se ventee n hundred wom en stud ents makin g up th e m embership in th e Associa ti on of Wom en Stud ents . Estab li shed in 1921 , A.W.S. is a me mber of th e Ia ti o nal Intercollegia te Associati on of Wom en Stud ents. Th e Coun c il is r eprese ntative of every class, co ntainin g two or ga nized and two unorga nized seni ors, two organized and two un or ganized juniors, and o ne organi zed and one un o rga nized soph om ore, besid es the Pres id ent, Vi ce-Presid ent, and Social Chairm an . W ork o f th e co uncil is carri ed on b y fi ve m ajor co mmittees, t he publi city. clerical, coed co un selin g, fi nance, a nd soc ial co mmittees . At leact once a yea r th er e is a mass rn eetin rr o[ all th e wom en. Thi s yea r's ed itor of the Coed Rep orter , ~ p o n sored by th e Counf" il. was Be ryl Ann Bro wn ell. R ecentl y crea ted is th e Board of Standard s. a n orga ni zati on wh ich enforces th e rulin gs of the U ni vers ity a nd gives advi ce to wome n stud e nts. Th e group spo nsor Frida y ni g ht dan ces in collaborati on with the U ni on Board , h elps with th e Powwow, spo nsors coed counsellin g and edits a Freshman Handb ook.
Boa rd of Sta nd a rds is a co mparatively ) uung o rganizati on o n th e Indi a na U nive rs ity camp us. l n 1939 it began its ' o rk as a n advi so r) co un c il fo r th e Dea n o f Wo men a nd a lso as a ju dicia r y board. I n min o r ·ases of di sc iplin e th e boa rd i co ns ulted. On e of its primary clutie is to co nsid e r a nd make th necessa r ) reco mm endati o ns fo r Lhe betterm ent of camp us activiti es . For the seco nd year th e Board of Standards look a n a -t ive part in tr y in g to sto p th e practi ce of ch eatin g whi c h has bee n preva lent on th e camp u . A pl ea was mad e to all oc ial o rga niza tio n , dormitori e , and to th e studen t gro up as a whole to d esist fr om c hea tin g. L elle rs were sent lo th e fa cult y members soli c it ing their coo pera ti o n in thi ;; campa ig n, whi ch is va lu ab le lo make th is move ment a s uccess. Th e m inutes of th e weekl y meetin g a re avai la ble for r ea din g in th e Dea n o f \ ome n's offi ce a nd th e A.W.S. Co un ci l room_ iiO th at any interested student ma y be fu lly inform ed of all the work of th e Boa rd. P lans a re now bein g mad e to enlar ge th e g ro up so th at th e stud ent bod y will be ass ured of a grea ter re prese nta ti o n. Each e mester the me tin g tim e of th e g ro up is ch a nged clu e to th , cha nge in Lhe programs o f th e membe rs. Meetin gs a re h eld eve r y week at fo ur o'clock on ifo ncla y afte rn oo n. Member of th e o rga n iza ti o n fo r th e S prin g Se me le r are R achel orm a n, Bett y J. M oran , Ma r y ] . Stra ub_ Betty J. Row e, Joan Veit, R osema ry H endricks. Betty F oss. a nd R ose S te iber.
First Row
Second Row
Third Row T
First Row
Second Row
C 1LBEHT Coorrn
Third Row
J. H uc n F R oBrnT JoLL N
Fourth Row
]A y
Brn ' A HD K AUFMA . r
OLAN, ) H.
--- ------ -- .. ---
----·--------·------·- President
·-·· ____ __________ y ice-President ._. _.. __ __ .. ___ _.Secretary· Treasurer
LUE Key was founded at the U niversity of Florida in 1924 by Maj or B. C. Riley with th e purpose of welcoming th e members of Lh e state legislature to th eir campu s. Five years later, the local chapter was founded and proceeded to promote the welfare of th e university and to r ecognize student activities and scholarship. To be eligible for membership in Blu e Key, a stud en t must have compiled at least 100 ac tivity points, must have made a better th an University average in hi s scholastic work, must be a junior or seni or, and must have the endorsement of President H erman B Wells. T he most wid ely kn ow n activity of Blu e Key is the traditional buri al of Old J awn Purdu e. Each year at a pep se sion preced ing the Indiana-Purdue football game, this "solemn" ceremony takes place. Oth er activiti es of Blu e Key includ e : a n an nu al Blu e K ey da nce, a publica ti on of r ecognition lists of outstan din g freshmen , and a n investi ga ti on of sub versive ac tivities on th e campus. Th e organization meets ever y two weeks at a lun cheon to discuss various campus problems. The fac ult y member s of th e fraternity are Dean C. J. Sembower, Dr. L. R. orvelle, Dr. E . L. Yeager , Dr. J. J. Rob in son and (Bo) McMillin. Glen R. Billi , prominent K okomo attorney, was made an honorary member in 1939.
.... ......................... Presid ent .... ...................... .Vice-President
..... .............................. Secretary
MARY CATHER I NE KmK ............................ Treasurer
r11 HI S
yea r , Pleiad es h elped in th e " Bundles for Britain" campaign b y collectin g tinfoi l from all th e so rority hou ses on th e ca mpus. Th e purpose of th e organization is to strengthen Lh e spirit of co· operation and fri endlin ess among social organizations. Th e P le iades member , r ecognized b y her gold and bl ue ca p, must be a g irl who is outsta ndin g socially a nd engaged in ex tra-cur· ri cular activiti es. Th e cap is worn on \Vedn esda ys and on rain) da ys. Pleiade \\'as founded at Indi a na in 1925 by six girls wh o are ig nified b y the ix stars in th e P leiad es ca p. Membershi p is limited lo twent y-fi ve organized girls and th e n ew pl edges are announced at th e ann ual Powwow a nd th e mornin g of the Junior Prom. Th r new pl edges announced at Lh e P owwow thi s yea r are: Paulin e Ta y· l<J r, Winifred Black, Charleen R omin es, Mary Carso n, Gerr y Gates. Mary tuart H ayes, Madelin e Sc ull y, and Mary Kay Weim er. Pleiad es sponsor s an an nual Chri stmas party for underprivileged children of Bloomin gton, and also award s two scholarships to out· ~ landin g un or ganized wome n on th e campus. Pl eiades joi ned with Skull and Crescent h onorary for men, to give a Mardi-Gras Dan ce in January. Meetings are held bi-weekl y in th e Pleiad es room of the Student Buildin g, and several dinn ers are held at the variou s sorority houses of the memb er s r epresented . Sponsor o f th e gro up are Mi ss Agnes E. Wells and Mrs. Lee Iorvelle.
First Row
Second Row
Vrnc1 IA AusTIN
Third Row
E Krn K
Fourth Row
First R ow
J OHN Fox J. HuG n F uN K
Third Row BILL
Fonrth Row
D 1cK
-------------·····---·--· ---··--····-·--·--··--- President ··················-·····-··--···Vice-President 'CST RO ' G ······--····-·--·--··-Secretary-Trea urer
JQUE amo ng the honorari es, Sp hinx Club justifies its ex i tence making itself u eful about th e camp us and b y fosteri ng good will and fellows hi p amo ng men students. Pledge to th e or ganiza li on are announced at the first Conference footba ll a nd baseball gam es, and pledgin g is d one in th e Well H ouse. Th e new men are r equired to have at least a Juni or sla nding. Th e traditional symbol of th e cl ub is the white kull cap with a black band which serve as th e bad ge of a campu " r od. " Th e members of Sphinx Club are chosen on the basis of their part on th e campus in ome form of extra-curri cul ar acli vity, and being " good fellows" as well. Acti vi ti es of the organiza ti on are both n umerous and wid · s pread. A famed traditi on of the or gani za ti on is the Table Wa iters' Ball, sponsored to gain fund s for cholarships g ive n to th e two most deservin g Soph omore men. Oth er acti vili es include the an nual Dad 's Da y fun cti on held on Lh e da y of the Pu rdu e classic. Thi s year th e club in augura ted p rog rams in belween halve at basketball gam es to help ustain the enthusiasm. T he cl ub presenls cups to th e sorority a nd fraternity havin g the best decora ti on s at H omecoming each year. The organization also holds several private dinner and parties durin g th e school year. Sphinx Club was instrumental in whi pping up ent husiasm for foo tball games this fall , thi s be in g an e ample of the wa y in which th e organ izati on ser ves as a nucleus for campu s activiti es and politi cs. Robert Allen is faculty advi sor.
Ub y
STRAUB ________________________ ________ President
ARMSTRONG _______________ -· ·---··· __ _/lice-President
JEAN MOFFAT ··-·------
_________ _ _
________ Secretary
CHARLOTTE }EANES ----------··-··· · ----------· ______ Treasurer
r1UIE purpose
of th e Young Women's Chri stian Association is to help U ni versity coeds adapt th emselves to th e University life and to enj oy full y th e many benefits whi ch th e School offe rs. Throu gh edu cational and special interest groups and social ga therin gs, th e Y.W.C.A. brin gs togeth er th e wom en of th e Universit\ on the common gro un d of tru e fri endshi ps formed through com mo n inter ests. One of th e advantages of th e or ga nizati on is th at it affords a common ground for different per so naliti es t o cooperate fo r the betterment of both. Th e Y.W.C.A. includes monthly meetin gs fo r the membership gro ups, Freshman groups, and discuss ion groups on reli gion, publi c affairs, service, social affairs, and mu sic appreciation. At the beginnin g of the school yea r the group, togeth er with the Y.W.C.A., spon sors a Freshm an Frolic to help the new stud ents to meet others in their class and participate in th e routine of campus activiti es . Durin g th e Yu letid e season precedin g the Christmas holid ays a program of Christmas carols is pr esented on the steps of the Stu dent Building. Each sprin g and fa ll, members of the Y.\V. Cabinet and Council h ave a retreat in Brown County. Campus p roblems and Y.W. matter s are di scussed at these retrea ts. The g roup together with th e Y.M.C.A. sponsors th e University Sing on th e steps of the Stud ent Buildin g in the sprin g. The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. also spon so r four Sat urd ay ni ght parties in th e Stud ent Buildin g.
First Row L OI
econcl Row Cox
} A ' E GAFF
Brc1wc ANN BRowNrcLL
Run e hn: CH RLOTTE J EA
Thircl Row Lo
' ES
Fourth Row MAY
}A E
' on
J OA '
28 1
First Row
Second Row
Third Row
Soc BucKMA N
] ACK Fox
W 1LFRrn L us1-1ER
F1u: D MoHH l S
Fourt.h Row
Fifth Row
B un
------- ------ ------ ------- ----·---- --------- --- -President ------------·---·---- ---- -- -Vice-President
---· ·------- ··---- ---- -- --· ·--- -------Secretary ------- --·--·-·---------- -- ------ ---- ------ ---- .Treasurer
those men who are likely to distin gui sh th emselves in one fi eld or another for th e remaind er of th eir college careers go memberships in Skull and Crescent. Bestowed by each social fraternity upon two of its most outstandin g Freshmen each sprin g, it is a symbol of achi evements, both past and a nti cipated, for those elected to mern bership. kull and Crescent has several duti es to perform: namely, to award a fift y-d ollar scholarship to an outstandin g stu dent of the Sophomore class; to make the Freshm en wear their green " pods" on the campus and keep th em off enior Walk. The members, themselves, may be identified b y th eir green and orange hats . On January 13 Skull and Cre ce nt sponsored with Pleiades the informal "Mardi Gras" dance, at which th ey adequately reproduced New Orleans a t fes tival time. Following in the sprin g were a picnic and date dinner. The group maintains a membership of about forty men , each outgoi ng group of Sophomores bein g replaced b y the incoming group. Skull and Crescent h as a chapter in eight of the Bi g Ten schools. Indiana received its charter in 1922. Following the custom, which has almost become a tradition, the organization again performed its fun ctions without th e aid of an active chapter advisor.
EL DA J OH NSO.' --- ------- -- - -- --------------- --- __ _Pres ident GEO RGI A V o RGANG __________________ _________ _Tl ice-President MA RY ELSN ER --- --- --------·- ___ ______ __ ________ ___ ______ Secrelar;r GE N E VA
--- -------------- ·-- --- _______________ Treasurer
r1lHEWomen's Athleti c Associati on
is an or ganizatio n t o promo te interest in sports, both individu al and group, amo ng Uni versity women . The most important campus ser vice sponsor ed by W.A.A. is th e int ram ural athl etic to urn a ment fo r women each year. Vari ous ca mpus or ga ni za ti ons participate in voll eyball , ba ketball , archery, tennis, swimming, pin g-pong, baseball , and deck tenni s. W.A.A. presents the winner of each tourn ament with a lovin g cup. W.A.A. also ponsors the va ri ous athleti c cl ubs fo r women. The Hikin g Club, the Modern Dance group, an d Ocea nid e , swimmi ng honorary, a re all under the directi on of W.A.A. T he or ga niza ti on ta kes part in " Play Days" several ti mes a year, when girls from all over th e state meet to parti cipate m various sports " just fo r fun ." Membership in W.A.A. is obtain ed thro ugh passing a test in an y of several sports or by becomin g a member of an y of th e clubs s ponsored by th e or ga nizati on. T he group i under th e directi on of a Board, composed of the President, Vice-P r esident, Sec retar y, a nd Tr easurer , the heads of th e va ri o us cl ubs, a nd M iss Clara Fedler , th e fa culty ad visor.
Second Row ELL
Third Row Lors THOl\IPSON
ALPHALAMBD ADELTA CHARLOTTE COOPER ________________________________ Pres ident BARBARA Jo t-IN ON
____________ __ _______ _____ /lice- President
RO SEMARY H ENDR I CKS ___ ______ ___________________ Secretary CARRIE
---------- -- ----------------------Treasurer
Bnow '<
Seco11tl Row R osEMAnY lT EN DRl CK s CA li RIE
~1 A nY
13AHllAH A ] O IJ i\;,0" FHA NCE$ KI NG
No nMA
K1 1Nz
Third Rmv VE ~ TA ] EA"\'
13f: TTY R EED £\' ELY" R OE
y ,,, NATTA
0 fo ter high standards of scholarshi p amon g Fresh men women. Alph a Lambda Delta increases its membership each yea r , accordin g to the ach ieve ments of the new women stu dents. Th e qualifi cation s for membership in this organ iza ti on are a B plus average for th e first semester or the first two se mesters and fifteen h ours of work. The purpose of th e group is to provid e "a stimulus for stud y and hi gh sch olar shi p and a reward for real interest in thin gs and high sch olarship and a r ewa rd for real interest in thin gs intellectu al." Each year th ere are two pledge and initiation services, for if a stud ent does not make th e r equired grad es in her first semester, she may still be eli gibl e if th e grades
for th e seco nd on e are hi gh enou gh. Th e national sorority holds a banquet ann ually in th e spri ng with members of Phi Eta Sigma, the Fresh man h onora ry for men stud ents. It was founded at the U niversity of lllin ois in 1924 and became a natio nal orga nization two years later. At thi s tim e, scholarl y wom en in colleges and universiti es all over the co untry are seen wearin g th e small gold pin of Al pha Lambda Delta. The organization does not neglect its social activiti es, although it is directed primaril y towa rd stud y, but gives va ri ous parties throu ghout th e yea r for its members.
Piii ETA SIGMA ROBERT IEBAUER -- -------- ---------------------- -- President ROBERT WHISLER ---------· _____________ Vice-P resident ROBERT SMART ---- --------------- ----------- ________ Secretary HARRY HALDANE -------------- ---------·----------- - Treasurer
ERHAPS the first and highest distincti on th at every Freshman man in th e U niversity is eli gible to attain is membership in Phi Eta Sigma . T her e are no restricti o ns to membership, except that to become a member average, the first one must make a 2.5 average, a B semester of hi s Freshman yea r , or bring his grades up to this average in the seco nd semester . The purpose is listed as " to promote a hi gher standard of learnin g and to encourage hi gh scholastic attainment among Freshmen men." F ound ed at the U niver sity of Illin ois in 1923, Phi Eta Sigma now boasts twenty-nin e active chapters throu ghout th e co untry. Indiana's chapter was esta b-lished in 1930. Robert Royer , assistant Dean of Men and
swi mming coach, is the faculty spo nsor. Primarily a Freshman organizati on, Phi E ta Sigma fun ctions as a n inspiration to Freshmen, both practicall y by means of stud y aid s a nd Counsellors and b y h oldin g the reward of achi evement in the form of membershi p in the organization. This Counsellors Corps helps Freshmen stud ents plan stud y hours and advises them on m ethods of stud y. A sm oker was held in th e fa ll with President-Emeritus Will iam Lowe Brya n as the speaker , for all Freshmen who had mad e an A average in high school. A banquet is held each sprin g in co njuncti on with Alpha Lambd a· Delta, the correspo nding organization for Freshmen women, in honor of the newly-initiated members.
T hird R ow ] ACK
Fo 1trth R ow R OBERT LETSI NGEll PA
___________________________________________ _____ president
WI NSLOW ________ _________ ____ .Vice-President
R AL PH HoLM DOl IL _________ _____________________ ___ T reasu,rer
J0 1t N
R EDMA N ___ _________________ _______ ______________ _S ecretary
First lfow
l fo11un
W 11. u -1'1
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J, .1\ ' 1-: 1nE W.
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Seco n d
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!-11-: 1.\I S
i I OWAHIJ 11 E\ l> EH I C K ' .J o 11 N D. I I A1111 ..11 1c 11 J .\ M ES Ii . J 0 IUH N \V.
Third Row R. KEH N R AY Krn 'i WILLIA~! D. K L EYl. A
J\ I AH\ I N
J\1<'(01.D J\IAHK S
Pi-: \CE
B1 I.I.
J\ 1.
.J o11 '<
RrnM A'<
Fourth Row B. H1r1 .EY
ll E11s c 11EL ll E\ HY
F. Sc 1111 1c i-:1-: H, G. SELF
APPA KAPP A PSI selects its members from the " Marchin g Hundred" on the basis of attitud e, appearance, playin g, and marching abi lity. T o promo te the interests and to make a better band each s ucceedin g year, th e fraternity sponsors variou concerts and assists oth er or ga ni zations in presentin g musical program:o. In the fall th e Freshm en wer e invited to a moker to acquaint them with th e band members a nd to inspire th em to help make th e band of Indi ana U niver sity a better organi za tion. During th e yea r several pi cnics and banqu ets are
Ro c K
\' 1c TOll
SC ll 'I ABE L Jn.
\V II .KI N'
held to in cr ease the social life of the organ iza tion. Th e "Sprin g Swing" is a dan ce sponsor ed each spring b y thi s organization. Th ere are oth er chap ters of this fraternity located throu ghout th e United States a nd it is the aim of th e group to keep in close touch with these organizati ons to kn ow about th e wo rk that oth er bands are doing. Coopera tion and good fell owship are the foremost aim of the fraternity. Thi s enables its members to both increase th e valu e of membership and to deri ve benefits from its affi liation .
R. N. CL UB President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer
H ELEN CALLO N ------------------------ -------------------------CAROLINE H AUENSTE IN ----------------------- ------MARY
D AY · --------- ------------------- -----
HE the chool of Education offer ed a B.S. degr ee in N ursing, th ey gave the registered nurses taking work here on th e campus the idea of organizing a club. In their th ree years of existence, the group h as grown steadi ly in membership, thi s year numberin g about thirt y- two members. The main purposes of the club are social a nd edu cational advan cement. At th e meetin gs, whi ch are held
once a month at the Student Building, fac ult y members and other outstand in g persons have spo ken to th e members. The gr oup hopes to build a chapter hou e and become a national or ganization someti me in the future, and until th en will simply act as a m edium for drawing those with th e sa me interests closer together. Mrs. Bessie F . Swan of th e School of Education is club sponsor.
Gos H o n N
Secoml Row l I AUENSTE I N
R un1 Kn uz1cK
Fourth Row
·-----·--- ····· Pres ident --------········-·---- -- ---Yice-Pres ide11t H A ROLD BENNETT ····---------···---·---------·--· -5ecretary Wu. LIA M \VA YNE ·---------------·-------- -········Treasurer
DAVID ]011
------ · ··--········ ···
LPHA PHI OM EGA . se rvice fraternity, again s po n-
" T o assen 1hie co ll ege me n in th e fell o w hip of t h1Scout oa th a nrl law, lo develop fri e ndship. a nd t o pro m ote se rvice to hu manit y." The first prerequi s ite fo r memb ership is th a t th e ca ndidate h ave been a registered cout. The orga ni zation s p o n ~o rs a two-d ay co nfe rence of Eagle Sco uts in th e s prin g. Eagle co uts fr om all ove r th e state wh o are se ni o rs in hi gh school meet o n t h::campus, a t which tim e th e fr aternity awa rd a schola rship to one o f th e attendin g Sco uts.
A so red
the Quarterb ac k H o ur. b y m eans of which mov ies of ou t- o f-t o wn foo tball gam es are sho wn , al o ng with expla na ti o ns b y members of th e coachin g staff. Th e fraternit y a lso s po nso rs a "Sco ut Da y" durin g t he foo tball seaso n at whi ch Boy co uts from n e ighbo rin g communities are ente rtain ed o n the campus. Th e frat ernit y was fo und ed in 1929 at Lafa yette College by stud ents wh o felt th e need of an orga niza ti on whi r h wo uld co ntinu e the servi ces of th e Boy co ul movement throug h college. Th e p urp o. e of the gro up
First R ow _\I AHTI" A\ Kf: "\IHll
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Seco 11 rl Row LEO D101rn C 11 A Hl.ES Fl\ ' E\' D o"\ALD F1.EE XOH
D A \lll ] O ll N
Third Row FH ED :\ l c LA uc 11 u
RonrnT L. F.
D oN
\'iliLLI AM
_______ _____ President __ _ Vice-President Secretary Treasurer
Seco ntl R ow Roo ERT PENDL ETON
Tl l AHT
HE Youn g Men 's Christian Association celebrated its Golden Anniversary this year, commemoratin g fifty years of service to the University in bringing together in a bond of fri endship the individual men on the Indiana campus. The organization was brou ght to this campus in 1891, and since then has endeavored to give its members religious and social training, political and economic experience, and an opportunity for training in lead ership. Its main purpose is in attempting to give the student a well-balanced life. The Y.M.C.A. assists the Y.W.C.A. each year in sponsoring the University "Sing" in which interested social organizations compete. Judges choose the sorority and
fraternity who have mad e the best performan ce and each is presented with a silver cup . This colorful event i.s held on the steps of the St udent building in the earl y evening. Other social events are the Freshman Mixer and the all-University parties. The "Y" spo nsors th ~ printing, publishing, and distributing of th e R ed Book, campus director y. This publication gives complete information about the faculty, social or ganizations, campus groups, and the local and home addresses of every student on the campus. From the date of its publishing, the book is invaluable to the students and serves as a campus encyclopedia throughout the year.
SIGMA IOTA VIRGIL NELSON ____________________ ______________________ ______ Pr es ident
__ --------------------------- ________________ Vic e-President ___ _________ --- ------------------------
Sec retary -Treasurer
.Fir.• t Row H onAH T CnosnY
D1 c K
J 0 11 N
1-! 0HVATH
Second Row P AT ll AYS Bon l-1 uN T ] "f J o nDA N WEiil MITC H ELL
• ••
•• •
·- -
• •
The organization whose name stands fo r "Serve Tncl iana ," sponsored a Chri stm as party in th e h all thi s year, clothing seven children, one for each unit in th e dormitori es. Th ey have b een in charge of several social events throu ghout the year, and are makin g pla ns for Lh e wid enin g of th eir interests next year. lnacti ves of the orga nization are Ben Coombs, R ay Eggman , Paul Burroughs, and Dick Falkiner. Actives not appearin g in th e pi cture are Herschel Shelb y an d Ronald Little.
IGMA Iota, an h onorar y for sophom ore men living in the dormitories, was fo und ed at th e Men's Resid ence Center this year. Th e " brainchild" of Ned Reglein , fa cult y advisor, an d R oberts Chickerin g, proctor , th e or ganiza ti on will be kn own on the campus in the future by th eir maroo n and white h ats. Fourteen members are pledged at the beginnin g of the yea r , r emainin g ac tive as lon g as they r esid e in th e dormitories . The membership is b ased upon acti vities, scholarship, and attitude.
INDEPENDENT STUDENTS ASSOCIATION __________ _______________ president
JoHN JAY -----------------BR UCE D ECKARD __ --·------------ __ _____________ Vice-President S OPHIA 11CHOLAS ---------------------- _________________________ Sec retary
------------·· _____________
but big for its age, the Ind epend ent YO tudGentsin years, Associati on celebrated its third birthda y
·----····-----------.Tr easurer
ers are Rosemary Kent, Dor othy Burns, Jessie Routh , Fri eda Gold , Wilma Cain, Donald Farris and J eanne Moore. The third major activity is th e support of Independen t students in campus elections, Prom Qu een and C. C. of C. electi ons, particul arly. Harry Haldane is elections chairman. To get new members and keep the old ones in line are the job of Karl Rahdert, general di stri ct ch airman; Meg Shaw, publicity ch airman; Geneva Paul, membershi p chairman , and Keith elson , personnel director.
on th e campus this year. The association has three major acti vities. The first in importance is t o promote better acqu aintance among th e students by sponsorin g social fun ctions and in formal mixers. Th e two social chairmen are Margaret Gommel and John Krueger . Another fun ction is th e publir:a ti on of a weekly newspaper, th e Independent View, edited by Betty Foss with Quentin Yoder, business manager ; Duane Joyce, ports editor, and Karl Rahdert, circulation manager. Report-
Members enjoy one of th e monthl y mh ers . .. B rajns a nd ha nd s are bu sy promo tin g electi ons ... Boa rd mee tin g - w ha t, nobod y gripin g? President J ay see ms Lo have th e fl oor fo r once . . . And y signs up a ca ndidate fo r P ro m Qu een nomina ti ons . . . Ne ith er ra in, nor snow, nor- we ll , th e Independent View ge ls delivered mos t o f the time.
------------------------------ ___________________ Captain
_________________________________ Jst
WILLIAM KE CK ___________________________________ _2nd ROBERT FE C llTMA N
Lieutenant Lieutenant
--------------------- ____________ } st
Se rgeant
CABBARD A D BLADE, na ti onal honorary 111ilitary frat e rnity, seeks to d evelop in its me mbe rs th e qualiti es of effi c ie nt o ffi cer s- coo peratin g with th e War Departme nt, its ai rn is im provement o f Indian a ni ve rsity's R.O.T.C. units. All men in ad vanced R.O.T.C. , wh ose military and academic g rades are hi gh a nd who show a ge ne ral fitn ess o f mind , body. and characte r, are eli g ible for member hip. ew me111ber are selected eac h yea r by th e rnililar ) (acuity a nd th e aclil'e me mbe rs o( th e frat ern ity. Th e or ga nizati o n a lle111 pls to unite more clo ely th e militar~ departm ents of va ri o us uni ve rsiti es, s pread intelli gent informati on co ncernin g th e mililar , require me nts o{ o ur co untr y, and develop th e traits of leadersh ip, initi a ti ve and coo perati on in its me mbe rs. F ound ed a t th e Univers it y o f W isco nsin in 1904, th e orga nizati on is modeled up o n that of th e . arm y. Company F , of In diana. th e seco nd reg irnen l of th e fr a ternit y, was in stalled at the first nati onal co nventi o n of Scabbard and Blad e a[ler the World War. 1920. Am o ng lhe activities o f Sca bbard and Blad e are th e co-s po nso rship of th e Band Be nefit Ball and th e sponsorsh ip o f the Mi litary Ball. a t which th e fiv e coed s ponso rs for th e yea r a re announced . Company F is h o nor ed o n Scabbard and Blade Da y with a R eg imental R eview. An ann ual Corps , rnok er fo r Juni o r and Senior men in mili tary is a lso li sted und e r its list o f a<" Livili es.
First Row VERNON
Seco nd Row
F. K.
Oirnis S. HrnsTA •o
Jo11 ' D . KOOKEN
J. H
Fourth Row Third Row FREEMA
- - -.
-- -
- - -
First Row J OHN
Second Row
Third Row
JoH N Cun R
Rocrn E 1sTNGEH
Fourth Row
Fifth Row
Sixth Row
"MAX J-To c KEl\H
.. . .... ....... . ........ . . .. ................. Captain
HUGH F UN K ......... ....................... ... ... 1st
Lieutenant L ieutenant Jo H BALLARD ..... .... .................. ......... 2nd Lieutenant ERNEST E. NocK ....... .. .......... ........ ... .. 2nd Lieutenant ROB ERT W. FRANZ ........ . . ............ ....... 2nd Lieutenant JoH LYCAS . ....... . .......................... ... ........ 1st Sergeant ROBERT
....... .. .......... ... 2nd
OLDERS of second place amon g regimental drill teams in 1940, th e local company of P ershing Rifles now boasts a membership of over 100 men. Th e unit was established on the campus about ten years ago. The entire unit drills together for several hours each Monda y ni ght, reachin g ·a proficiency in drill seldom achi eved by cadet compani es. P ershing Rifles marches as a separate company at regimen tal drills each Thursday afternoon and has its own coed sponsor , Jane Smi th. Th e organizati on had its beginnin g at the Uni versity of Nebraska where, in 1894, Li eut. John J. Pershing organized a com petitive drill team from th e army unit there. After the promotion of " Black Jack" in the army the group adopted hi s name. There are now seven regiments in the United States. Each year the local company send a crack drill platoo n for competiti on with other companies in the regiment. After placin g second at Michigan State University last year the group went to U niversity of Illin ois on May 9, h opeful of bringing home a first. The Indiana University company was host at a regimental meeting held on the campus February 21-22. Representatives were present from other companies in the regiment and were guests at the advanced military banqu et and at the Militar y Ball that ni ght. P ershing Rifle members assist members of the advanced corps with the staging of the Military Ball. Lieut. Charles I. Littell of the United States army is advisor of th e gro up .
Lh e tim e involved in carrying o n th e act1v1ty a nd the respon s ibility as determin ed by the o rganizati o n's activiti es . Th e new ly-fo rm ed syste m will also revise the old method of selectin g Senior class officers accordin g lo th eir numbe r of acc umul a ti ve points. Obj ecti ves of the inn ovation are to allow m ore stude nts to participate in major campus activities, to brin 6 more efficiency into the work by sharing r espo nsi biliti es, and to provid e such limitations as will create a n ad dition al ince ntiv e for sc holarship . V iolati o ns of th,~ rules of th e new program will be subject to an admini stra ti ve tri bunal composed of three students appointed by an d fr om th e Boa rd of Sta ndards and Board of Aeons for one year terms.
PROGRAM co mpletely r eo rga ni zin g th e number of ca mpus activities in which a st ud ent ma y part 1c1pate has been adopted by Indiana U niversity. Thi s program was forwarded throu g h the eff orts of the me mbers of the Boards of Standards a nd Aeons, pi ctured above. The program in effect li mits stud e nts' ca mpu s activiti es according to a new point system set up by these Boards. The maximum number of points th at eith er men or wome n may h ave is o ne hundred. Major activiti es are gro uped in Class A, and any activity in thi s class counts seventy points, thus makin g it impossible for one student to retain more than one major activity. Campus activi ti es for men and women are based on
UNIVlJRSl'l'Y 'l'llEATllE persons in charge of costume , and property managers. V. A . Smith and Foster Harm on, both of the department of speech , ar e d irectors, respectively, of stage, costumes, and properti es; a nd of li gh ts and make-up. Th e scener y is all des igned by V. A. Smith . Thi s year th e work of assisting in the techni cal department has been done b y members of several classes on stage prod uction of th e Di vis ion of S peech. These includ e classes in li ghtin g, make-up, and stage craft. Members of th e busin ess staff include a senio r manager , fo ur juni o rs, and eleven soph omores who take care of the sa le of season books for th eatre producti ons and p ublicity, poster s, programs, and ti ckets for the pla ys. Th e staff also handles th e b usin ess pa rt of th e Jordan Ri ver Rev ue, mu ical produ cti on , and s ponso rs pla ys produ ced b y th e Experimental Th ea tre, as well as choral r eadin g programs by th e Division of peech.
OVI JG into th e beautiful new music auditori um in F ebru ary of thi s year , both th e techn ical and bu s in ess taffs of th e University Th ea tre now enjo y complete new facilities in every fi eld of play producti on. En tire new r ooms h ave been devoted t o th e making and stor age of scener y for th e p lays which are presented d urin g th e year in th e new Mu sic Hall Auditori um. Students who a re in charge of costumin g of the plays now have ver y little troubl e in ob tainin g th em, for all costumes are filed in one room accordin g to th e type or peri od of which they are typical. F or th e duties of th e business staff ther e is a special office in th e buildin g. Here it is possible for this group to work out in a more effi cient manner such details as publi city, ti ckets, and programs . Th e technical staff of the Univer sity Theatre has b en ch anged for each producti on thi s year. Th e taff is divided into five secti ons : the light cr ew, make- up crew, stage cr ew,
Mark makes up with Foster Harm on . . . V. A. Smi th does a li ttle sce ne plannin g ... A lberta Shalansk y sews a fin e seam .. . Lou ell a McGuire gets th at school-girl co mplexio n for lh e footli ghts.
Prof. Nor vell e shows F oster Harmo n and Betty Jo Hanso n just how to sta y out of the red. Charle Legeman , juni or asociate, gives a lesson in poster technique to Jane Alexander, P hyllis Burge, Gerry Levin , Jim Piper, a nd Lela Jan e Ross. W orr ying about the ticket sales for the next pla y are taff members .Tack Graves, Jean Moffat, Bob Gates, Berni ce Brown , top r ow; Berr y Bercaw, Bob Ielson , Roger tull, and Mary Elsner , bottom row.
HE ni versity Th ea tre started o ut th e yea r's roster o( pla) s with S ulto n Vane's "O ut ward Bound." a hi g hl y s uccessful produ ction sta rrin g Lou .is Lind as "Scrubb y," Ve ra May Massey as "M rs. Cli veden-Banks," and o ta Sch ool as " Mrs. Midget." Ot hers takin g part .in th e produ cti o n were E li zabeth R owe, Richard Th ornton. George S tro th er , Myron Fox. Martin Go ldste in, a nd R obe rt Lee. In Novembe r. a large cast prese nted Clif fo rd Goldsmith 's "W hat a Life." New talen t appea red in the fo rm of Juli a Anne Cowan , Ju ne Brown a nd Pa ll) Lo u Wingert. R ic hard H o uk played a prominent part in th e produ cti o n. J\n e ntire stud e nt produ cti o n was th e " Vodvil Varieti es," tak in g th e pl ace of the a nnu a l Caba ret Show spo nso red by Theta A lpha Phi. Th e show was presented in three units, th e first of wh ich wa a takeoff on old tim e vaude ill e, complete with a ve rs ion of " Lillie Nell;' a re ndition of " Li ste n lo th e Mockin g Bird." by Vera May Masse); "G in sberg at th e Bat," by Mike Fox. a nd "Wa it Till th e Sun S hin es. elli e," by th e Barbershop Quartet. Th e seco nd unit fea tured a pian o du et h y Barbara Jo hn so n and T ommie Wright, several solo sin gers, Sa ll y Hull, Betty J a ne Prath e r a nd Carolyn Ca111pbell ; a jitterbu g numbe r by Maggie Lo renz and J o hn Boswell, a nd "O pus-X" by Geo rge W ill eford . Also popu lar with th e a udi ence was a n Indian dance by Elaine Ax, a nd a tap number by Marjor ie White. Hi ghli g ht of th e whole Vodvil, h owever. was th e third ac t, " Dark tow n Doin 's" b y an a ll -n egro cast. Th e e nthus iastic a udi ence rece ived a n exhi bit io n of jitte rbu g danc in g, wh ich left th e rn ap plaud in g for mo re, and a di splay of neg ro c hora l sin gin g whi ch far s urpassed any hea rd for so rn e ti111 e in o ri g inality and naturalness. ]i mm Clark, tenor, led th e ch o ru s in "N ight and Da y," and th e fi nale, " Hallelujah." Later in th e sprin g semester th e U ni vers ity Theat re presented " Ah. Wi ld ern ess." "A Mids umm er N ig ht's Dream," a nd " Famil y Portrait. "
A grippin g scene fr om " What a Life" . .. Nota kn ows h er knittin ' and doesn' t drop a stitch in " Outward Bound " .. . a dramatic m oment fr om th e same play . . . It's a fi ght to the finish as " Little Nell" rocks the rafters in the " Vodvil Vari eti es" .. . Inter estin g ac tion in "What a Li fe" . .. A H arlem fa ntasy finale to the Varieties.
1941 Jordan Ri ver Rev ue achi eved new heights in the r ealm of collegiate musical comedies with its presentation of " Take th e Da y,'' March 19, 20, and 21, in the New Univers ity Theatre, precedin g th e dedication cerern on ies of the H all of Music Auditorium. Robert E. John so n, who had the di stin ction of winning last year's Civic Thea ter prize play, wrote the story, depictin g campu s life at Pun y University. The acti on of th e play concern s President Ssud s' efforts to use the mass marriage of the Senior class as p ubli city to attain na tional fame for th e college, providing plenty of opportunity for corned y. Th e mu sical scor e was written by J ohnson, Ra ymond Beights, Stewart Cohn , George W illeford , and Doovid Barskin . Dr. Lee Norvelle, assisted b y Foster Harmon , directed the m usical part of the produ cti on , while rhythmic touches were added by the dance ro utines staged by Mrs. Mary Veletta Miller. Scenery was desig ned by Virgil Smith , assisted by members of the stage craft classes. Foster H armon was also in char ge of make-up. Solo dance numbers featured Elain e Ax, L R Conga tap ; Nancy Ellis, acrobatic ballet ; Ruth Gordon , toe ballet ; Paul Richey a nd Marjorie White, fla sh tap. Th e prem iere of th e musical was presented before an invi ted audi ence composed of University offi cials, guests, and members of the faculty. Und er th e j oint sponsorship of the Indiana U niversity Wom en's and Men's Alumni Associati ons, the show was produced at En gli sh's in Indi anapolis on March 29.
Mark Shack elford a nd Louell a McG uire ... Betty Small , Ph ylli s Burge, Loi s Ruth In gall s, Ruth Gordo n, lean McKee, J a nel Sc henk el, Ph yllis Toy, Marjori e W hit e Charl ott e Fi el ds, Stewart \.ohn .
OR the first time last summer an experim ent was made by the members of the University Division of Speech in the form of a Summer Stock Compan y, which presented four pla ys during the month of July upon Dunn Meadow. Th e compan y was composed of visitin g artists, students and alumni, summer school students, high sch ool p upils, and t ownspeople. All technical work, and make-up was done by students in the summer school session. " A Midsumm er Night's Dream ," th e first play, wa produ ced out of doors on the terraces behind th e Union Building before an audi ence of 2,000 person . Thi s colorful masqu e was directed b y Virgil Smith. Make-up and li ghtin g were directed by Foster Harmon, while special dances featured Bill Scrobel, '40, and costumes were supervised by Mildred Cain. " The Barker" by Kenyon 1icholson , a Crawfordsville author, a play of stark reali sm depictin g traditi onal circus life under the Ti g Top, was anoth er drama presented. Three professional actors took part in thi s produ ction: Jack Duval and Ned Lef evre of Indianapolis and P egge F armer of Cincinnati. A comi c-tragic fantasy, "En chanted Cottage," by Sir Arthur Wing Pin ero was given July 9, 11, and 12 on Dunn Meadow. Its plot dealt with th e id ea that love changes the appearan ces of plain people so that th ey appear beautiful to each other. A modern comedy by Dorothy Bennett, " Fly Awa y Hom e," was produ ced Jul y 16, 17, and 18, starrin g P egge Farmer, supported by alumni and stud ents. Thi s summ er the Uni versity Theatre in th e new Music Hall Auditorium will be th e scene of th e season's producti ons. Plays to be produced are " Yes, My Darlin g Dau ghter" and " Elizabeth, The Queen" by Maxwell Anderson , and again , "A Midsummer ight's Dream ." A fourth play will be chosen later. Virgil Smith and Foster Harm on will direct th e productions, und er the direction of Dr. Lee orvelle, head of the Divi sion of Speech.
Debate Coach R obert Huber checks over a bri e f of a deb ate, as he and Bob Lee attempt to get the squad read y for th e Bi g Ten Debate Tournament.
ter In vitati ona l eight varsi ty men won 16 out of 24 decisions. In the six years th at Coach R obert Huber has been with th e debaters, th e wome n's varsity team h as lost only one decision. Now oth er university's squads will meet th em onl y in non-decision co mpetition. Th e freshman squad of fi fteen deba ted at an Invita ti onal tournam ent here Feb. 8, a nd at th e Manchester In vitati onal wher e they won 25 decision s out of 30 deba tes . Jun e Brown and Elizabeth Dean e made perfec t r ecords of 5 decisions out of five debates at Manchester a nd Paul Martin and Robert Raphael made th e same showing for the m en.
11-lE main objectives of the debatin g program at Indiana U niversity ar e to develop ability in arg um enta ti ve and disc ussion types of speakin g and to provide program s to or ga nizati ons which need them. Va rsity debaters wer e furni shed to b oth the Republi can and Democ ratic parti es .in last fall's electi on, and gro ups of fo ur also debated politi cal iss ues before business men 's cl ubs through out the state. Th e Men's Varsity team last fall won the only decision match debated this year when th ey defeated Iowa. Jn th e sprin g the y lost th e onl y decision meet to Ohi o State. No n-decision meets wer e h eld with Purdu e, Mi chi ga n State and the University of Mi chi ga n. At the Manches-
U1111er Left; Men' s Varsity Squad: Back Row: Paul Bard, Marvin Miller , Harry Haldane, Wayne Minnick. Front Row: Fred Case, Len Bun ger, Morton Goldberg, Marshall Hanley, William Robinson.
Front Row: ard Stoner.
Lower Left; Freshman Squad: Back Row: Mike Fox, Robert Raphael, Robert Rosenbush. Middle Row : Tom Gallmeyer, JoAnn Walsh, Jun e Brown , Paul Martin. Front Row: Edward Landi s, Ann Jackson , Elizabeth Deane, Betty Jane Smith, William Haeberle.
U1111er Right; Women' s Varsity Squad: Sophia Nich olas, Betty Foss, Margaret Fargo , Jo Ann e Pi erpont, Rose Steiber, Betty J ane Roach. Center; Forum speakers: Back Row: George Engelman, Arnold Marks, J ack Holmes_
Roger Stull, Mary Susan Stull, Rich-
Lower Right; Intramural winners: Morton Goldberg, Arnold Marks, Paul Martin , Donald Snepp.
MEN'S GLEE CLUB in the U niversity are eligible for membership in the ALLMen'smenGlee Club, condu cted b y Professor William Ross, provid ed that they pass the tr y-outs whi ch test th e ran ge and qu ality of the voice. During the half-time of th e Indiana-Purdu e basketball game, th e Men's Glee Club, numberin g seventy-five, san g a medley of son gs written by Indiana's composer , Hoagy Carmichael. On December 13, they appeared at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago at a meetin g of th e Indiana Society. At the time of th e purchase of th e new niversity Extension building, th e men sang before th e Board of Regents and Alumni. The Men's Glee Club combines with the Women' Glee Club and town speople to form the Choral U nion. Members of th e organization were chosen as choru s members in the " Jordan River Revue." Ra ymond Beights acted as th e accompa nist for thi s.
CHOllAL UNION EAN ROBERT L. ANDERS of the chool of Mu sic co nducts th e Choral Union , whi ch consisls of 250 members . The Union is composed of th e combin ed Men's and Women's Glee Club , townspeople, and faculty members. At th e annual Christmas co ncert, th e group san g excerpts from " The Messiah" by Handel and " The Chri stma Oratorio" by Bach and the whole of "A Fantas ia of Christmas Carol s" b y Vaughan William , with Bryant Millikan takin g th e baritone solo. At the prog ram on March 23 of the Dedi cati on of the Mu sic Auditorium, the organizati on presented a program of Ameri can mu sic including a choral work, " The P eaceable Kin gdom" by Randall Thompson. Th e Uni on also presented a program on Foundation Day. The University Symphony orchestra accompanies the mon rn all of its performances.
WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB IRECTED by Professor William Ross and accompanied by Mary Ballou, th e Women ' Glee Club, with an enrollment of approximately nin ety, enjo yed an active and successful year. Membership in the organization is on the same selective basis as it i in the Men's Glee Club. Meetin g twice a week the group offers either credit or activity points for participation. Student members took part in th e annual all-campus show, th e " Jordan River Revu e," providing a musical background for the speakin g and ol o parts in the popular production. On Mother's Day, the organization perform ed " The Blessed Damozel," a choral composition written b y the French composer, Claude Debussy. In conjuncti on with the Men's Glee Club, townspeople, and faculty members, the group often appears as a part of th e Choral Union.
S A feature of th e radio department of the Division of Speech of
Aln d iana U niversity, a seri es of three program s is presented for
the approval of th e radi o audien ce. Tw o of these entertainm ent features may be heard on Su nda y morning and th e oth er one o n Thursda y afternoon. Over station WIRE in Indian apolis, the prog ram known as "Ed itorial of th e Ai r " ma y be heard from 9:30-10:00 A.M. on Sunda y mornin g. Thi s broad cast is one of a series which deal in an editorial wa y with news events of inter est to the greatest majority of li steners. Some of th e many topics which ha ve been disc ussed ar e " Th e Balance of Power in th e Balkans," " P eace Tim e Con scription ,-' and " How Conscription Will Affect Me." Th e people who have parti cipated in these programs h ave all been men familiar with the question involved. Faculty members include Professors John Mu eller , John Stoner, Edward Bu ehri g, and Samuel Braden- all of whom were chosen as experts in the parti cular fi eld which is to b e discussed. Anoth er such program is "Ever yman's Campus," h eard over station WHAS in Loui sville, Ky. at 11 :30-12 :00 P.M. on Sunday. A program of musi c, drama, and major questions of inter est to everyo ne is feat ured. On e of th e most interestin g of these programs was a r ece nt intervi ew with Dr. Lee No rvelle by Robert Lee of the Radio Workshop, co ncerning th e new Auditorium. " Campus Notes" ma y be heard from 5:15-5:30 P.M. over the Mutual Network on Thursda y afternoon. This feat ure is a musical program giv ~n by th e Indiana Un iver sity Studio E nsemble under th e directi on of Ra ymond Beights. Professor R obert E. All en is program director and George Strother is director of th e Univer sity Theatre.
GIRLS' FIFE , DRUM, AND BUGLE CORPS The gro up was orga ni zed two yea rs ago un de r th e directio n of Major Ro y N. Ha gert y of lh e M ili ta r) department. A t the tim e it was the onl y :femi nin e R. 0. T. C. unit. Co mposed of abo ut 50 g irl s. it is now und e r th e directi o n of Li e ute nant George L. Ki nnell. also o( th e Military de partme nt. Mrs. Frede ri ck r~. G reen is th e m usical d irec tor.
DD ING color to th e foo t ball ga mes this year was the Girl s' Fife. Drum , a nd B ugle Corps of In d ia na Un i· vers ity. Th e gro up marched in fo rmati o n a t each of th e home foo tball games a 11cl . in addition , re presented th e U nive rsity a t th e Ohi o Sta le-lndi a na an d th e Purclu elndian a games . In th e prin g th e girls march at the mi li tar y r eviews. a ppearin g also at th e F eder al R. 0. T . C. In specti on.
:l l2
HE fam ous " Marchin g Hundred" of Indian a Un iversity, ac tu ally numberin g more th a n 130, is r ecognized nati onall y a one of th e best marchin g band units in the country. Th e intri cacy and th e precisio n of their fo rmati ons are so me of the factors co ntributin g to th eir fame. Under th e directi on of Frederick E. Green, the band appears at all home foo tball games and, in additi on,
represents th e Uni versity at a number of out-of-town games. During th e winter the band plays at th e basketball games a nd at pep sessions and oth er Universit fun cti ons. In th e sprin g the band marches at the military r eviews, includin g the Federal R. 0 . T . C. In specti on. Special funds for the band are raised at the a nnu al Band Benefit Ball.
ui11di11g: Earl Bu ckley, Jo e Pint e r, Ri chard F eier tag, Donald H asty, Va nce Digg in s. K11eeli11g: Robert La ux, E van D. e rin g, Willi am heed y, Di c k L ew is, John Rober t H ynd ma n.
RIFLE TEAM U THE 1 th e wea ther began to get cold in October , ff Li eute na nt O' Neal , th e sponsor of the rifle tea m, call ed for n ew ca ndid a tes. After th e selecti o ns were m ade th e m ar ksmen bega n to practi ce in the Fi eld R o ust! a nd to loo k fo r wa rd to the s prin g trips. D urin g th e season p ostal or telegraphi c m atches wer e held with othe r Big Ten schools. Thi s year th e tea m h as wo n over eighty per cent of these matches. F or th e first ti me in its hi stor y th e I. U. rifle team wo n th e fifth Cor ps area ma tch in whi ch twenty-two teams participa ted. S in ce th ey won b y a one-hundred a nd eight p oint ma r gin th e victo ry was decisive.
T wo trips were taken in th e spri ng. T he fi rst tri p, whi ch lasted fi ve days, was to Atla nta, Geor gia . T he rifl ers add ed more victori es to th eir alread y lo ng string by winnin g fr om th e U ni versity of Kentuck b y a sco re of 1861 to 1812 a nd b1· winni ng a tri a ng ular m eet with Geo rgia Tech and Mi ssissippi Sta te a t Atl a nta, Georg ia . The seco nd trip was to Chicago. T he boys wh o have do ne so well thi s year and h ave ta ke n the tri ps t o A tla nta a nd to Chi cago with Ser gea nt Brooks a nd L ieute na nt O' Neal are: Don Bell, Ri ch ar d F eiertag, R obert H yndm a n, No rri s Kn o y, R obert L aux, J a mes Ma rsh all, Bill Mullins, Evan D. erin g a nd W illi am I. S heed y.
First, Row R1 c 11 ~ 11D A 1KMA N E DWAH D BMiT u : Y SO L BLI CK , 1A 'I
R A f,Plf
SPco llfl Row Rov B n uNs
Lo uis Co'lx Coo PEn
R o BrnT CA T ES
Thirtl R ow TM OMAS li AS llllOOK \~ 1 1Ll. I AVI
l I 11 w r rn
T C ll lSO'>
R1 c 11 A 111J K o1·:sTrn
Fonrlh R ow R1 c H AHD Lo 11c 11rn v L E1c 11 TON
M or.K
CLE'I s~1 1 T 11
VERY tw o weeks the Pre id en ts of th e soc ial frater nities meet togeth er, Thi s gr o up, t he lnte rfraternity Co unc iL di sc usses h o usin g proble ms, sets up rush rul es, a nd in general acts as a clearin g ho use fo r all p roblems which are comm o n to the fraternities on the U nivers ity Ca mp us, It was in 1909 that th e social orga nizati o ns first r eali zed that s uch a coun c il composed of r epre· senta ti ves fro m each of the h ouses o n th e campu s would be benefi cial in solvin g th e proble ms which confront
fraternities, a nd so the Co uncil was th e n fo und ed . Amo ng th e se rvi ces whi ch th e Co uncil perfo rm s is a li censin g of sales men be for e th ey may make di spla ys in th e fratern iti es o n th e ca mpu s, In order fo r a salesm a n to be able lo make a di s play, he mu st fi rst obtai n a license fr om th e Co un ciL Thi s sy tern eli min a te ma 11 ) of th e sales men who wo uld o th er wise be both e ri ng th e fraterniti e wi th di splays th a t a re of littl e interest to th e me mbers th e mselves.
Van Horn says, " look , yo ur credit's no good," but the Phi Psi brethren have thin gs well out of hand . .. Delta Chis demonstrate the various ways of how not to stud y ... Abie deals with a Delt .. D.U.'s praise Allah . . . It's not a strip tease . . . just th e S.A.E.'s takin g life easy.
ACACIA F o unded at U ni versity of Michi gan 1904 Founded at Indi a na Uni versity 1920 Twenty-five chapters
EAD activity man in the Acacia h ouse is Bob Sill, a member of th e University golf team, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Eta igma, Blue Key, and a member of the Sen ior Memorial Commi ttee. Acacia is represented in Alph a Kappa P si by Gene Brown , Gene Rodenberger, and Louis Culmann. Skull a nd Crescen t mem bers are Jack Fox, Hal Driver, Gene Rodenberger, and Dick Russell. Bob Eifler and Vernon Broertjes are other members of Blue Key. Don Maggart is a member of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce. The house is represented in athletics by Hal Driver, Guy Wellman, and Cli ff Forsythe, members of th e basketball team. Bob Rhoda is on th e foo tball team, and Vernon Broertjes is a member of the track and cross-co untry squad s. Active in publica ti ons are Jack Fox, a member of the R ed Book staff and Sophom ore Swimming Manager; Bob Kluth is on the staff of the Indiana Daily Sttident, and Bob Rottinghaus is on the Bored Walk staff. Keith Wilson is Sophomore Swimming Manager and an Editorial assistant on the Arbutus.
First Row
DONALD w. ANDERSON '44, Indianapolis KEITH ATTEBERRY '42, A nd er so n JAMES E. AVERY '43, Bedford MERHIL E. BECK '41, Bloomington ] AMES H. BELL '41, E l wood DAVID C. BLACK '43, Bloomington JAMES A. BRA U ' '44, Muncie VEHNON H. BnOERTJES '41, H ammond
Fourth Row CALVIN H. KLINGELHOFFER '43, Aurora ROBERT S . KLUTH '43, Lafayette RICHARD C. KOWALSKI '44, Ft. Wayn e Jo1rn R . MADDOX '44, City DO NA LD R. MAGGART '44, Ft. Way ne HOWARD L. MACHOW '42, W estvill e ]AMES A. MYERS '43, Elkhart ROBERT B. PLACE '42, Crown P oint RoBEHT L. R HODA '43, Valparaiso
President Vice-President LAWRE NCE: \V E:LC J-J .................... ................ Secretar)' Lo uis CULMANN ............. .. ....................... Treasurer W ILHITE: FOSTER . ................ .....................
STRAE:SSE: R ................................
Seco nd Row
Third Row
EUGENE W. BnowN '42, Indi anapolis RoIJ EHT W. Bu LMEH '43, Gary ROBERT H . BURTON '43, Prin ceton MAX B. COAN '43, Bloomin gto n C11 AHLES E. COATES '41, Lynn Loms C. CuLMANN '41, In dianapolis HAL V. DRIVER '43, Aurora RICHARD W. D UNK IN '44., Huntington
Fifth Row
RoIJEHT K . EIFLER '41, Evansville Jo nN C. FORSYTH '42, T erre Haut e \VII.HITE FOSTER '41, Fran cesvill e ]ACK W. Fox '43, Vevay JAMES GADD IS '44, Frankfort CARL W. GOEBEL '43, Ft. Wayne RusSELL W. GOEBEL '42, Marion PHILIP R. 1ACKSON '43, Bl oomi ngton RoY JO NES '44, Pittsboro
Sixth Row
KEN NETH W. RITTER '43, Aurora MA1m1cE A. Rom soN '43, Frankfort GENE RODENBERGEll '42, Frankfort ROBERT B. ROTTI NG HA US '43, Lawrenceburg R1CHAHD H. R usSE LL '41, Winamac QuE 'TI N 0. SHOCKLEY '41, New Ross Rt'9ERT W. S ILL '41, Gary BRA NSON 0. SMITH '44, Earl Park GLEN G. SMITH '42, Jndjanapolis
JOHN c. SPRINGEH '42, Indianapoli s DA N STEPHENSON '44, Elkhart ROBERT B. STRAESSER '41, Frankfort 1AMES E. TEDFORD '44, Frankfort ]ACK F. T URNER '4 3, Crown Point G uY WELLMAN '43, Val paraiso K EITH WILSON '43, Bloom in gton SwtFT E. WUNKER '43, Lawrenceburg AucusT S. YoucHEM '44, Corydon
Tau Om ega membe rs of . phin x Clu h ALPHA a r Bob Dro, .Her man c haefe r, an d H owd y
H L TEH Bos Ro1rn ...... .
D1 c K
! AN
R oBEH T H A L L ...........
Wilco . ca bbard a nd Blade mem l r in clu d e F rcc~ man L . L a nd , \Villi am Hunle r. and H o wd ) Wilcox. who is al o a me mber of ig ma Della Chi and oc iale Ed ito r o f th e !11dia11a Dail_y 1u rle11/ . Ca r l Chead le, Ray Bolinge r. and Fred \ ' ol[ a re m e 1nbers o f Alph a K appa P i. cLive in Della 1g 111 a Pi a re Robe rt R obb and D o n Dav is. A lpha T a u Omega is r epre enled 1n a thl eli C's b Bob Dro a nd H er man chaefer. va rsily baskclba ll men ; Cha ri leeL var ily foo lball pla) e r. a nd Bob Boaz o f th e swimmin g t ea m. tud cnl manag rs includ e: J erom e P eters. Juni o r Base ball Mana ge r ; Carl Chead le. So ph omore Foo tball a nage r. and Fre l Wolf wh o is Sopho mo re Basketba ll Manager. Carl Cheadle and Fred Wolf a re S kul l a nd Cre cent m e mbers fo r th e o rga ni za li on. wh ile Do n Dav is is a m mbe r o f lhe Co ll eg ia l Chamber f Comm er ce. Phi E la ig ma 111 e111hc r a re Gle nn l rwin a nd Bob Wilham .
........ Pres ident Vice- Pres idenl ... . ... .. S ecretar·y ............................ . Tr easurer
First R ow NOHMA · W. l3 EJSf:1. ·44, lndi anapoli s R AY>10"1JJ K. Bo u,crn ·4 1, Tf' rrC' Jl a 11I C' CRA IG E. BOOllER ·-12. Sul li van RonrnT C. BOAZ ··12. Tnclianapoli s ED WARD A. Bno'"' ·.1.3. Evan;villc LEROY T. CAHTEll '4 4, Whit in::; RO BERT ll ATT I\' '42, Unio n Cit y .ARI. C HE ADLE ·43 _ Ca ry J \\1E \\·. nooK ·4.1. l ndianapoli s E\IEH'iO\' HllG ·11, l ndianapoli s
D0'1 \LD J\ . DA\I ' '42, C11lvC'r ] OE P. DA\ '' ·,12. Indi anapoli s RoBrnT \I. D \\ '' ·4 1, W ~ t Lafayett e H. H \10 "\ll I.. D E \I A~ "..J4, Whitin g NOBLE N. l)dlo1' ·,11 , Indi a napolis J oe F. D1·: wnrnn v '43, K okomo Ro 111-:wr Du o '4 I, Bern e CuFTO'I L. Frnc11so'1 '44. ln dianapnli s A HTlll ll J . FLt . K «n , Bl oom in gton WABHE'I Fo11E\I •\' '·13, Cul ver
Tlrinl R ow PAHKEH CHA \ E' ·,13. Robin;on, ]II. H. nLL \ ~ D E. G1n:E ~11111r. ·.11 , \' hiti ng Eom C. C1n:cc »12. Indianapoli s H. 01mn . . II \LL ·.1J. lndi anapolib R \L.Pll 11 EL \lb ·4 I, K okomo W 11.1 . l\ ~1 J . ll ENDH I CK;.o~ ·43, ·Ind ia napoli s W A1ll1E N I, . '111 CKS '4'1·, "In dian a poli s Joi-: 11 11.GENIJLIHG '43. Jndian a p ol i~ W11 .1.1 \\I II. lli ' 'ITEH ·4 1. ,reen, burg CL E"\'/ \V. l nw1 x ''12, Roachdale
Fo u.rtl1 Rorv ROBF.HT K ALB ·42, C ree nRb 11rg GE'IE KE\''IAJW ·44, Eva ns, ill c FREE \I A'I L A"\O '111. T erre l lau te ROBERT :'llc B1rnn: ·4.1, Ind ianapoli s R ~LPll £. ,\l c DO"\ALD ·42, Indian a polis GEOHCE 'i . Mo 1rn '43. K oko mo H.1 c 11 •\Hll NEL \I A' '42. Ri chmond J rnmrn H . PETEHS '42, J\ larysvill c ] O ll 'I P URCELL PG , Bl oom ington
Pi/th R ow Kr.1T11 . R Ei.:s 1-: ·42, Tnd iana pol i · RoBEHT C. H.01111 '42, WC'o t l3ad1' n Sp rin gs R ov L. H. YA"\ ·4 i, Evansv ill e JI EllMA 'I 11. ll AEFEH '42, Ft. Way ne J o 11'I . . . COTT ·43, Ri chm ond R 1c11;111 0 P. S11 AFFEH ·42, ln dianapoli s Ron rnT F. '1 ITll ·,Ill., Gary Ro nF.HT T AY LOB P ., 11lli va n R1 c 1-1 All1J T EHW ILLI GE ll '44, Ri chm ond
S ixth Row W1u.1°\\1 A. \ AN ll Oll 'I ·,12, T erre H aute ll O\n 1m S. \'i/11.c o~ ·112. Indi a napoli s .J •\ \ ii': ' F. \V1L EY ·4 k RoachdalP Do' \Lil C. \\.1LSO"\ '4 1. Indi anapoli s Ro11EHT L. W1Tll A\I ·42_ Tn dianapol is Farn H. WOLF ·43_ l ndi anapolis W11 .1.1A \I . . WOOLEY '43, Ri chmond LAWHE:'ICE B. Y E ~GEll ·,14. In diana poli s E11~sT J. ZwEH NEH PG , T erre H au te
Secn rrd R ow
ALPHA 11AU OMEGA Found ed at Virginia Militar y Institute 1865 Delta Alp ha chapter found ed at Indiana University
1915 Nin ety-three chapters
~ ~~v
Found ed at Miami Uni versity Hl39 Indian a chapter fo und ed at Indi a na U niversity
1845 Ei ght y-nin e chapt e r~
UGH F U 1K leads th e activity men of Beta Theta Pi , bein g a m ember of th e Un ion Board, Blue Key, S phin x Club , and Scabba rd and Bl ade. Oth e r members of Sphinx Clu b are Page Be nso n, Curl y Armstrong, and Cli ffo rd Wieth ofl. Charle Legeman is a m ember of th e Arbutus Bu sin es staff. th e U nive rsity Th eatre, and Delta Sigma Pi. Fran k Melli nger is eni or Intramural Ma nage r. Dwi ght Ga hm was vo ted th e m ost valu able foo tball pla yer of th e 1940 season and was named winn er of the Balfo ur award. Di ck Rehm is also a foo tball letter winn er. Curl y A rmstron g is a three letter winn er in basketb all an d R oy Cochran holds th e world' r ecord in th e ind oor quarterrni le in trac k. Ja m es Henley was So ph o mor e Swirn mi ng Man age r ; Clark Fl eehart wa Soph om or e Track Manager, whil An so n 1cAdams was Soph omore Track Manager thi s yea r. Hu gh McAdam s is a n "I" man in track. Me mber of th e Interfr a te rnity co un cil is J ames H enley, while ac ti ve in the U nivers ity Theatre are An so n McAdams and J i m Pi per.
First Row P AU i. C. AnM~THOl\G "4] , Ft. Waynl' DALE E. B ELLES '44. Ca ry P ACE W. J3E NSO\f '4-1, Eld ora do , Ka n. ALLE ' C. BnOWI\ ·43, T oledo, Ohio T11 0MAS 1. CAT ll CAHT '41, l\li chigan C ii y R ov B. Coc 1IHAN '41, Ri cht o n, l\1 iss. l-I OHACE W. CooK '43, Bl oom in gton J A~1 ES A. DILT' ·43_ Winamac
Fourth Row AN~O N M cA D~M S
·43, Boswell H uc 1-1 McADAM S '42, Boswell DoN 1cC LELLA ND ·44, Lafaye tt e FnANK MEL LJ'I GEH '~l , Cary R1 CHAHD O'BllYAN ·44, olumhu s CHAHLES OSWALD ·44._ Evan svill C' ROBEllT R ABEil '43, Jndi anapoli 8 G1-:oncE REED '44, Bl oomi ng ton
.. ...... ... ... ... ..... ... .. ................. President
............................. .Vice-President
.......................... .. ............. . Sec retary
Seco nd Row
Third Row
W11.t.IAM L. F 1s 11 EH '•II , l nd ia1rnpuli " A. C1.A HK F LEE HAHT '4 1, R11 shvill e .J . H11c H F UNK ·41, Prin ceton TH0\1A S E. CHEE"\ · J'1., l ndianapoli s Pn EST0:-1 CnF.GOHY ·43, Bloomington .\1 ARSJ-JALL E. l IANLEY ·4 1, Mun cie ] A~l ES W. ll F.\fLEY "42, Ca rth age CEOHCE 111 CHES ·41, New York City
Fifth R ow D1 cK R EI-JM '4 1, In dianapol is CEOHGE REl' JNGTON "114, Bl oom in gto n M ~x Ro:,E ·113. Bluffton LYMA '.\' SANJJEHS ·43, Boswel l ll1 11JEHT Sc 11 EJDLEH '43, Munci(' WAYl\E Sc H ~J J JJT "43, T e rre ll aule PHILIP SCOTT '4 1, Sht'ibyv ill e MAHK S HACKE J.FO!l ll ·41, ew Ca naan. Co nn .
WINFIELD .l O ·'l~:s ·44.. Bicknell .J 0 11 "\ K ·ITTEH HEN HY "41. Evansvi ll e K1 11n K 1n:v 1.1NG '42. Evan sv ill e I I11HOLD LANTZ "41, Gree nfield CHAHLES LF.GE\lAN '42, lndi anapoli J EJ<OM E MATTI-JEWS '4'1, P itt burgh , Pa. i\1.1.\"\ 1AXWELL ·411, San Marino, Cal. L1-:,1.1E .\l11XWELL ·114_ Ft. La uderdal• ·. Fla.
S ixth Row Jm: S1BBITT ·44, Frankfort CA HLETO'-' SM 1T11 ·43, Toledo, Ohio R OBEHT TE\1PLJN ·4 1, Bluffton D1c K THOHl\TON '44, lndi anap<Jli ~ RonrnT TL'HCI ·43, 1ew Cas tle CLIFF W1ETHOFF ·42, ~eymour T AYLO!l W1L>'O '" ·4,1. fn dianapoli s llfAHK WooDWAHD '44, Ca ry
ELTA CHI is rep resented in athletics b) Bob White wh o plays varsity football, baseball, and basketball. He is also a member of Skull alld Crescent. Jim Trimble plays tackle on th e football eleven and is also a member of the wrestlin g squad . Wilfred Lu sher is a member of Phi E ta S ig ma , Skull and Crescent, and is also a Soph ornure assistant on the Arbutus Sta ff. Ge rard Hi111melsbach is ni ght ed itor of th e Daily S tudent and is also a member of Sig ma Delta Chi. Tom Gilli am is associate night ed itor of the S tudent. Bob Antonacci is nati onal 121-pound wrestling champion, while Freel Wilt is a member of th e varsity track team and Bob Bartlett is on th e freshman squad. Bill Cronin is a member of Phi Eta Sigma. Geor ge Lon g is a member of th e staff of th e U niver sity Th ea tre. Membership in Alph a Phi Omega is h eld by John Baldwi n, Charles Fin ney , Jack Clarke, and Jack Salisbur y. Sam Hostetter re presents th e h ouse in Alpha Kappa P si.
RrcHARD LO UG H ERY __________________________________ President S AM HosTETTER ________________ ______________ _Tlice-Presidenl. WILFRED L USHER H AROLD MAR SHALL
_________________ _ __________ _________ Sec retary ____ ______________________________ Tr easurer
'!J-2, Crow n Point BARTLETT ·4 ,1, l3lnomin gton J o 11 N CA LI '4l. Ne" Par is Eow-1n1J C 1HH PC, Kan sa s Cit y, Kan . ] ACK C L AHKE '43, Bri stol R ORF.H T
'43, Brid ge port , Cu nn . Lrn D1111 EB '44, F t. Way ne R ALP H D ucKWAL L '44, E lkhart FoHHEST EI-IF.B ENMAN '43, Warsaw WA1rni-:" ETc 111-:,0 .' I '42, Bai nbrid!,!e J ACK FAHIS '42, Washin gton C 11A1<LES FI 'l ,\ EY '4-2, 1\'la rtin sv i1\ e W I LLIAM
ARC l-IEB '41, Te rre llaut e
Third Row
Seco 11tl Row '41, I la 1111n n11:I
C no"I"
T 11 0M11s C ILJ.1' ~1 '-1-1,
Wan;aw Do\"ALD I IA STY ·42, Vin ce nn es Fni-:D Hi-:ss '41, Indi anapol is CrnA IW ll1 M\1El.,B •I CI-r '41 , 'Woodhave n. N.Y. S ,\M 11 0,TETT EH ·41, Bain bridge Ho1-:I-: w r J 1\f.ELS -~-2, Kokomo llowA1w
K\ lf; ll"r 'cJ4-, LaC rn;;;;~ Lo .'\G
'43, Greenca stl e
Fifth Roiv
F o u rtJt Row
·,1 k Kokomo "44. Elki1 art J o 1I l\' S I MMONS '11.2 . Culurn hu s J A MI-: ,; T1U MB LE ·42, Ll"mn nl F11rna c!', Pa. \V1L1. I AM V A~ Fu:IT "t14, Ga rret t R onrnT W11IT E '42, .l oli PI , Jll. F1mJ W ILT '42. P endl c1nn \VA1rn EN W oOL OHl nGE ·43, Kok omo RoBEHT Ro s E~ 111 1..; 11
'42, E dinburg \5;' 11.F1a:o L 11, 11 E11 ·11.3, Cnl11111b11 s 11.IHOL ll '1 '1 i1n,1111.1. ·111, Clint on D1 ci;: J\ 111.1 .i-:n '42, Bl ou n 'ng ton J ;1ci;: 01.11 i-: 1~ '41, Columbia Cit y Do _'IALIJ P A I S TEll '41, Ca rrell STA 'I LEY P ·I TTO 'I '-1-'I, ·11 ard insb11rg Bin NO ROLA!-: ·.11, Cary
R 1c 11 AB n lo1 1c 11i-:n v
J ACK SA 1.1 su 1 HY
Found ed at Cornell U ni versity 1895 Founded at Indiana U niversity 1925 Thirty-fo ur Chapters
Fo und ed a t Bethan y Co llege, Vi rg in ia Beta Alp ha chapter was fo und ed at In dia na U niver sity 1870 Sevent y-fi ve Chap te rs
ELTS hold many important posilions amon g ca mpu s activiti es. Don Batton is a member of the Union Board and of Blu e Key. The treasurer of Blu e Key is Bob Barter who has also won hi s letter in track. Along athleti c lines, Frank Pennin g is captain of th e golf team; Junior football managers are Ben Shera and Bob Arnold , Don Dunker is on Lh e varsity baseball team. Members of Sk ull and Crescent are Cordon Englehart and Ben Shera, and Don Batton. Robert Lu cas is a ophomore Swimming Manager and a member of Phi Eta Sigma. Di ck Hutchison is a member of the stud ent government committee and was Juni or Football Manager. For four ou t of th e last fi ve yea rs, Delta Tau Delta has won the Intramural Sw immin g Championsh ip .
First Row
D oN
Jo11 N
8eco ml Row
R oBEHT W. AH NOLD '42, Mi chi ga n C ity Sn:vEN C. BACH '42, J ackson, Ky. R OBERT BARTER '4] , Mt. Vern on DO NA LD E. BATTON '42, Marion C HARLES M. CAU DILL ·44, Morehea d, Ky. ] AMES E. COMPTON '44, Frankforl GEORGE P . DAVI S '41, Indianapoli s DONAL D D1 1NKEH '11.3, Sey111n11r
·--------------- -- --------- _____________ __ ____ President
BuHLEIGH CHIMES ________________________ __ Yice-P resident BoB L UCAS ____________ _______________ ______ _________ ______ Secretary VANATTA
_____________________________________ _____ Treasurer
Thinl Row
Co 1rno ' K. E NG LE ll AHT '43, Brazil OTTO T . ENGLEllAln '41, Brazil CEC IL B. Frnc usoN '42, Indi anapo]i,. GEOHGE FOLEY '44, Gar y J o 11 N M. CALLIN NA TTI ·44, Cary R1 1ssuL A. C1LMOHE '41, Michi gan C i1 y fH VJN L. CHIM ES '41, Chicagn FHA~ r- L. Cn1M SLEY ·44, Evan ~v illr F1.0YD J\. ll A'I COf:K ·44, l:: van;wi ll e
Fourth Row B. J AY MA IWOHM '44, Chi cago .l o1-1'i P . Moo N '43, Crawford svill e J ACK D. Mo 1rni s ·44., Akron WELLS S . .McC u nK '43, Ind ianapoli s COH OO N C. McLAllC llLI N '41, T erre Ha11l c> l.1-: 0 D. McS1-IA\I-: ·43, Winn elka, lll. W1u.IAM Pn:ncE ·"12, ]ncli a napol i;; C EOHGE \V. RA1 1c 1-1 '41, Marion Bi-: N M. S 111-: HA ·11.:i, Lebanon
J o1 1N R. ll ATF IELD '42, In dianapoli s l-IAHHY E. 1-ILTF '42, Grand Rapid s, Mi ch. R1C11AH1J A . l-1 UTC111 so'I ·41, Indianapoli s Jo oEP ll L. l-l1 •TTO'I ·42_ Hammond EH'I EST K. ] AMES '113, C rawford sv ill e EuwAIW V. Jon"I STO'I '43, Wilrn ell e, Ill. RoB1-: wr L. K 'l 1c 11 T ·44, Ru "hvill e Rn1m :T i\. L1 - r. ;1~ 'cJ.,) . Car y
Fi/1/, R ow L. S~11T 11 '43, Delphi H E'IHY 8. S"IYllEH '14, Gary
J 011N
Rom-: wr ,\1. 5TI K~llD "42. Brazil H.OB EHT L. SWANK '44,, Gary BLnNA IW M. T ETEK '~4 , Gary J o1 1N VA'IATTA ·41 , Brooks1on C1urn1n , 1. \V11.11EL MllS '42, 1ewburgh DAllD C. YrnMA~ '41 , Mi 1ch ell
E:LT. L I , lLO N is rep re e: 1Lcd on S tud e nt Co\'· e rn1n g Board b y am We ll s. me mb e r o ( th e Board o f Aeo ns. and Dan Chicldi s le r. L"ni o n B oa rd me mb e r. Blu e K e) members a re J ac·k Fairc hild . "h o is Pre id e nl. Bill Tipm o re. Dic k Aikman. Boh Juhn ;;on. and C hiddi s te r. \\fork ing o n ca n1pu s publi ca ti o ns are: \ Ve ils, Ed itor-in-Chi e f o f th e In diana Daily tudent , and Dave K e nn ed) a nd .J o hn B) e rs, me mb e rs o f th S tudent s ta fT ; Wall L e rn e r a nd Bill lVIorri . A rbutus staff membe r, ; an d Por te r Iurph y. l?. ed Boolt Ed itor. Jn a thl e ti c . Delta Upsi lon i re prese nted b) H o wd y E lli o tt and Tipmore o n th e varsi ty football Lea rn ; lr v wan o n i o n l he va r it y basketball team ; lvan E co ll is a vars il ) ba e ball e r a nd C hiddi s le r i. a me mbe r of th e te nni s team. Lhl eti c1n a na ge rs includ e : .J ack Fai rch i Id. Se ni o r Tra<' k : .la('k G ibso n. Juni o r Baseball : Louis Mc-Aul ) . Jun ior Trac k: a nd I\ eel W o hlford . • o ph o rn o re Trac-k. ikman. Be la Gamma • ig ma. is a lso Pre;:; i. Dic k df'nl o f th e AtTo unlin g Cluh a nd J\lpha Kappa
C111DD I STE H ........................ . ............. President
.............................. Vice-Presiden t
F A IH C lllLD
........................ • ............ Tr easurer
First R ow DI CK A1K~ I Ai\ ".JI, \Va,;liin glon Bo11 TZ ·43, K e nd al l,i ll c I lll L BADELL PC. Knox C: 11 ~n1.E, BF. IL L ·.i-1. La Port e .J A~ I E' 13uow> ·.i I, E' ansvi ll e J 01 1> B' Etb ··12. 1lammond \V •lllR t·: 'i CAH~ t O>Y ·..i-t, i\ lanilla n" <:n 1noi-TEH ·4 1_ c'"' "'n
Seco 11d /low HOBEHT Cll'-ACK ·,13, lndi a na t nli f' I lowAn D Eu .10TT ·43, Elkhart ROBEBT ELu,o> ·43_ Win ona Lake h AX E, cOTT ··11 , Pa ~~a i c, l\ .J . J ICK F~tH C llt LD ·41. E lkh art 1\1n F-1n Q1 11111'0 ' "..t 3. Cary .11 11 F 1 "" · 11., l,aP1>rl c .J .11. i;: C: 11N•'- · 12, Elkhart
'l'li ird R ow .I Alll·:S Ct.OIER ·,11. \ ill('('l11H'S \\ ILl.11\1 C11 1E1.1 ><: "4 1. La Porte \~ 11.1 .11 '' 11 ILL "4'1. \ a'hin :,( ton . D. C. l11 11 1n 1111."LI. ·41. Car) ST 1 'LEY 111 >DLEY ·,12. I .a l nrte H<lll f.HT 111 1 r. 11 · 1.3. l':a-t Clr icagn .I 1r.K ll E'- ll Ell,0'> ·,1,~, Cary D111 11 l\: E>>E ln · 11. Bl111111ringt11n
Fourth Row R oBEllT K ES LEll ·,11., \Van-aw .J ,1 ~ 1 E' K111 c K '42. Deca l11r W A1.n:n Kin 11w1EDE "42. Elkha rl W AI.Tm LEH i\Ell ·,13. E lkhart F11 "K LEWI S ·.1 I, l ndianapuli8 J\wr ;\ I \ Y ·4 1, So uth Be nd Loi 1s \l c A >LY ··12. Jndianapoli, J l \IES \ lc\.O">El.I. ·.13, [van,,ill c
Fi/tlr R ow .I ICK :'1111.1.rn PC , \Vin , low J\l1 ci;: 1-: Y J\'111.1.EH ·,12. 1\lon1i ccll11 \\11 u. 11 ~ 1 :\! 0 1rn"' ·,12, J\n dr rso n CEOl!GE ,\!1 Hl'llY '4 1,, F ra nklin Pot:TEH ,\II 1< 1•11Y · 11. \l orga ntown CEOIH:E P1u n : ·,13_ l\appanec ll t.t 1n S1rn \ 1" · I I, l nd ia napoli <
. ixtli Row Ro111-: w1 S 11 onT ·11.1, . "prin g1 ill r P AI 1. Si'LITTOHFF ·112, ban>1ill" 11<1 I ' S\\'A i\~O > ·43 _ La Port e: S I 'I I EL \\ ELLS "1 1. St•il 1 , IJ111· ~ .J o 11 ' W11tT F1t: ui ··12. l ndian a poli-. '\/E11 \ 011 1.FO HD · 1.3. C•1'he n \\'11.1.1 '" \\' mc11T ' 12. Elkhart
Found ed at William s Coll ege 1334 Indi ana Chapter Founded 1915 Sixty-on e Chapters
KAPPA DEl/l1A RHO F ound ed aL Midd lebur y Co ll ege 190.5 N u Cha pter Found ed at lndi a na U niversit y 192G Twenty Chapters
APPA DELTA RHO is rc presenlcd on th e ca mpu s by Joseph WalLz_ who is a membe r of Phi Lambda psilon ; L o ui s Co nn , a member of Phi Eta ig ma , Der De utsche Verein. a nd a Juni or Track Manager. S tan ley S Loker is a member o( Alpha Chi Sig ma , and S ig ma Gamma Epsilon. Dan Banni ste r belongs to Phi E la Sirrma, Skull and Cresce nt, is Sophomore Football Manager a nd Director of th e Colleg iate hamber of Commerce. Charle Frohman a lso belo ng to Alpha Chi Sigma. Member of kull a nd Cre cent are Ed Swets_ Dan Bannister, and John Amb ler. Ambler belongs Lo Le Cercle Francai and is Soph omo re F ootba ll Manager. In the field of a thl eti cs, Ra y Steffey and Fred Pfromm e r are on th e Varsity Sw immin g Team , while J oe Zahrte won hi s fr es hman num eral s in football. Charles Baran is also a member of De r De ulsche Verein. Local alumni o n th e fa cult rn clud e Dr. Robert Hartm a n_ Dr. Eugene Kannin g. Be rnard Iiller and Cla ude Ri ch.
First Row J o 11 N AMBLEH ·42, Wa shin gto n. D.C. JA MES AYNES '42. as hvill e DAN BAN ' ISTEH '42, Avo n, .Y. C11"1lLES BABAN ·4 1, Cary KE'INET ll ]3J.:,-.;ETT PC, Dill ~bo ro
... it ..
EDWAI D S WETS --------------------- ---- __ ____ _______ ___ President
FosTEH ------------------------------ ____ Vice- President
Cll ARL ES O ' BRI EN -------------- -- ----------- --- -------- ecretary ED S w ETS ___________ ---------------- ------------------·---- __ Treasnrer
Seco nd Row Boll HHIGHT -~2, Nashv ill e Lo 111~ Co:- 'I ·42, Dan vi ll e ]AMPi DOYLE '114, ll ebro11 Jo in E\A ·s ·44_ Cary D EA"' Fo;..TE1: ·42, Bell f1011 t'r, l 11. Ro1:rnT Fo11n ·. 1 :~. 1\ l('xa ndria
Fourth Row FRED PFH OMM rn "42, l lammo nd W1u. 1AM S 1FF11\" ·44, Fran kfort EDWAl10 . WETS '42, fl a mm ond \1:1JLLlA'1 WALTO' '43, Cary ELMEH WALTZ PC, New Pal C's tin e C 1,HAJ.ll ZAllHTI·: ·,111, ll a n1mond
Third Row C 11 AHLES FROHMA N '42, Columbu s C 11 AHLES C u MP;,E "44, Oolit ic WILLIAM l-Jo 1-1E "43. l-lunlin glo n ll E'\HY KLD1LEY '44, Rochester , 1.Y. C11AHL1':S 0-BHI E'I ·-12. Danvill e Jo11' O"Hr.IE' ""11. Dan vill e
li( EN of Kappa Sigma a re lf campu s or ganizati ons.
p romin ent in num ero u ~ Skull a nd Cresce nt member s are Harold Corbin and Kay Hilkert. Glee Club members are John Bye rs a nd Jack Bru ner. Marvin Miller is Bu siness Manage r o[ th e Arbutus, a member of Sphinx Club and Union Bo ard ; Bob Dobbin s is Busin ess Manager of th e Bored W allc, Stewart Cohn is a member of the J. U. Symphony Orchestra, Men's Glee Club, Uni vers ity T hea ter a nd R adi o Theatre, a nd has been stud ent di rector of th e J. U. Band fo r two years. Kappa Sigs on th e facu lty are Coach Branch McCracken, Prof. Will iam Kellogg. Dr. Frank G. Bates, a nd Dr. R alph L. Colli ns . Last year the Kappa Sigs won th e Y.M.C.A. U ni vers ity Sin g. Oth er promin ent Kappa Sigs ar e two co mmentato r -column ists, Lowell Thomas and Drew P earson. H oagy Carmich ael, so ngwriter ; Chri stian Gauss, Dea n of Prin ceton U ni vers it y. a nd Man ley 0. Hudso n. onl y U.S. member of the Wor lcl Court at Gen eva arc also Kappa S igs .
-----------···- --- --· ·----·----·---·---- Pres ide11t __________ ________ ______ Vice-P res id en t __________________________________________ Secretary
----------- --·---------------· ___ Tr easurer
Fi rst R ow C ·\H ZA BALDW IN ''12, Vin ce nn e5 J OHN B OS WELL '41, A n der son ] ACK B 1wNrn '44, J efferso nvill e R ALP H W. B1lll'IF.H '42, J e ffer so n vill e .] 01 1'I Bnn s ·43, W c5 t L eh annn .I EFP C:.\DOIT '44. Tn d i anapol i " EDWAIW l.A 111 .,o' ·43_ P ern STEW Al<'I' Co11 1\ ". 12. i\larlin >w ill r
Fourth Row J o i-: ]E l\/ KJ 'IS '43, Ri ch mo nd RAY J1·:N !-;INS '44, Tndi anapnli s RoBEH T Jo 11NSO N "42. Ca r y K E.'11\'ET I! K NA PP '41, F lora Awl'IJll H L1·: \IAN ·4.J. Brem en \V1L1 .l>\M L E\IA\ ·11.4. Brem en R 1c 11 A1w L EWIS ·11.2. Bl ou min gl on Ci-:c 1L l.oci-;woo n ·42, Bl11f[L on
SPco 111l Row
T hirtl R ow
Lo cAv COOM BS '43, Blnnmin g lnn .] 01-rN CO HBI N '43, Sa ndborn I I AHOLU CO BBI N '43, Indi anapoli s J AMES C nosll l E ·43, Vi ncenn es R oB E1n Don Bl NS '41, 1 l ammo n d J AMES Fis1 1 ·4 1, So 111h B end 1.1-.E H oY Fo1m '-14, lnd i anapnl i " J •\ Ci-; C l" \\ 1-:s '4.1 . r.a fayP l l e
Fijth R ow
C. 11. ·11 .\ .ss, J 11. ·11.'J, J d fer so nvill e J "c" 11 A N'E' ·"14, L a Porl e T 11 01V1 "s I I ASBHOOK: '42, ]n dia n apoli s C. K AY 11 11.KEHT ''13, i\ l onlpPlier, Oh io T 1-10M A.' I l1 v 1n 1AN "43, ]ndi anapuli ;; KE N•'< l·: TJJ II 111. L ·11.LI. I 11di a11 ap11li " W. J\Ji Hll>\Y Il l 'E 'LJ] , ln d iana pol i ;;
D "1E1. .IE '"" ·"
Ca r y
Sixth R ow
W ILLI AM McCOMB '44, Ca r y J OHN M c DA NIELS '44, C ary Ci-:111E M Elll SN EH '44, B loom i ng l n n i\'I AH\' IN L M 1L LEH ·4·1, B Pclfu r d J11V1 Mo1rn1so N ·43, Gra nd R apid >', i\ f icl1. HoBEHT Or.JJE NBllBG ·4 L Eva n!'V ill r J o i-: RAnl CAN '1J.4, Ca r y R oBF.RT H. ASO B ".14, W ar saw
R ollrn T R AJ\1-; 1'1 '43. Lo ga n ;; porl .l Ac i-; RYA >I "4-2, L afayel l e .J AMES Sr. 11 ~1A J. Z '43 , Blon1n in g l n11 B1 LL STO GDI LL ·q,;i, Bl u [[1 on ll owA 1rn S·n :1N ·4·1, Bl110111ril'ld H0 DnY STE\"E, sON ·411, l ndianapnli s T(J\'J.\·I Y T A YLOH '44, So ul h Br nd CEJ\E W 1u .JA\1 SOJ\ "411, l ndianap11li " R1 u 1A1w Wo1.FE '· ll , F1. W ay nl'
KAPPA SIGMA F ound ed at th e University of Virginia 1869 Beta Theta chapter founded at Indiana U nive rsity 1887 On e hundred-twelve chapters
F o und ed al U ni ve rs ity of Bosto n 1909 A lpha Omi cr o n chapter fo und ed a t Indi a na ve rsity 1917 On e hun dred seven c:h a pters
111 -
EPRESENTING Lambda Chi in athletics are Emil Uremovich, varsity tackle fo r three years, Ozzi e Lan ge also of the football squad, a nd Charles Shum aker , who won his num erals in baseball last year. Acti ve in the School of Business are Dormas Plank, member of the Economics Club , a nd Joh n H oldcraft and Leighton Mock, who belong to Alpha Kappa Psi, Rolla Burghard and George Parker are members of Phi Chi, medical organ ization. Representin g Lambda Chi on the Arbutus Staff and also on th e personn el comm ittee of th e Union Board is John Holdcraft. Drill-minded members are Charles Clun ie and Dick Spencer, who belon g to the Marchin g Hund red and Pershin g Rifles . One of the establi shed traditi ons of the local chap ter is a St. Bernard mascot. For thirtee n years, " Old Joe" faithfull y fulfilled th ese duties as mascot, a nd upon hi s dea th was r eplaced b y " Josephin e," who di sappeared last year. This year a new dog, " Pard ," r eigns.
First Row CHAHLES F . AKEH S '44, Indi anapoli s Ro BE HT A NDERSO i\' '44, No r lh Vern on CLYD E E. BLOCKEH '41, Huntin glon H AHOLD BON EC LI TTEil '43, Mar ion, 0 . Rou,A D. BuncHAllll PG, Indian apol is Fn AN K W. BussAno '41, So uth Bend
····----·----·-·-- ·----------·---· ------ President
J AY HILLIS ---·----· -··-----------------·----------Vice-President G EORGE J . WALTER ________ ____________________________ Secretary J AMES DEVOL _____ __ _____ __________ ______________________ Treasurer
Se<'o11d Row
Thi rd Row
C11Al1 LES R . CLUNIE '4.3, Cor ydon R1 c 1L~ HD W . H EL D '42. La P orl e J AY H. lcll LLI S '41, K okomo J o 11N A. H o LDCHA FT ·43 , Mun cie OZZ IE W. LA NGE '42, Chi cago JoH N L YON ·43, Willi ston, N. D.
Fourth Row R1 CHAHD B. S PE 'CEil '44, Ga ry E MIL U HEMOvl CH '41, H obart Jo1rn T. V1E '44, Indi a napoli s R oBEH T L. W ALKE H '43, Ander so n G rn nGE J. W ALT EH '43, New Alba ny D1cK W . YABLI NG '43. Shel byv ill e
En NEST L . M oc K '1·1, 1-lunting ton GEOR GE F. P AHKEH '41, T erre H a ute DonM AS L. P LAN K '42, Walton W ALTEH F. RATHFORD '43, Redk ey C HA HLES J _ S 1-rLJMA KEll '42, Dunk irk C1-r AH LES S. S MITH '42, Cumb erl a nd
ca11 1pus organizations. Lh e Phi Del ls a re re p· r ese nted h~ Campbell K a 11 c. me 111he r of Lill' Cni o n Boa rd a nd Sphin x C lu b. a nd J ack Seelc. Pres id cnl o f th e I nte rfra le rnil\ Cou nc il a nd m e m · be r o[ , phin"' Club . J\ Lhle les of Lh e ·' ho use o n Lhe hi lr' includ e : " TufT) " Broo ks. va rs il) foo tball pla)e r : K a ne. lrack s lar ; Bud oss. golf tea 111 111 c n1hc r ; Bo b Bosa rl. le nni pla )c r ; Cco rge K l' n· ncl l). nu1n cra l 11 inncr in foo tba ll . and Di ck S napp and Bo b ull e r. op homore Track a nd Baseba ll Manage rs. r e pecli vel y. Di c k \ - aago ne r. me mber of th e hand. o rch es1.ra. an d K a ppa Kappa P s i. and Dic k napp. ''h o belo ngs to th e o re he lra. head Lh e mu s i c -l ov in ~ me rnbe rs . Expo 11 c nls o f Mi lit<H) Sc ie nce a nd T acti cs a rc Pr rs hin g Rifl e m e n Bob Moorh ea d. Bill So hl. and Bo b Kirk. 1e 111be rs o ( Sk ull a nd C r c~ ee nl a rc I ic k \ aggo ncr. J ack eelc. Bill K e rri gan. a nd Bud Voss . Bud \ illi am be lo ng to D elta S ig rna Pi. Phi E ta . ig ma me mb e r. Di c k na pp. hea rt s Lhc Ph i De ll sc hola rship .
R1 c 11AHO \\ ACCO!\ EH ................................. _l.>resid e11/ \\ ' 1LL1A.i\ I
K EHH I C<\l\
............................. ec r etar y
....................... .................... Treasurer
First R ow .1 0 11 '! E. J\u 1~1 ' ' 11. \ i1 w1· 11 m·, \\ IHHE'! J\ 1m 11•p1. 1. ·,1 :~ . Lafa)l"l lt• Ro1n:1n \'i'. 13 11-. 1-.H ".12. \ inc .. nnt'' HOBEHT C. B<h l HT ·11. lndianapoli.1 \\IE' D. B1<1<;r;, ·12. C f' ll('\ <l C1 111.TO'> P. llH o\\" ·.11. Bl uo rrri11 ~ 1 1111 Rom:wr L HH1 "'" ··I I, I 11diarnp<1]i , lh.1'> J. C11.L ··12. Ca•lon
Fonrtl1 Ro w 13 11. 1. \ll HCll lE "•13, Blnn1ni11 ~ 1 o n \V11.1.1 '" C. \11 1.1·:' ·.1:L Hl11t1111fi1 ·ld Ho111-:1n C. \l oo 1:rn. 1n "t:l. ·111dia 11 ap .. li , C1-.0 1n:1: \\. \l n .H' · 11. Dana .l oll'> OI EH,ll l'>f.H ·1 :{. Co l11111h11• T r-:n P IHKEH · 11 , "- ni :.d11,1011 n C:1.1t nE 0. PrEH n : ·1 1. Fn·nd1, J 1c i.. B 1\1'EY · 11. Ti pion
T h ird Ro rv
S<'co llfl R o w
<:1.\1 11-: C:. C 11 111,rr 1 1-.~E'- '.11. ,\li a rrri , Fl a . To 11 E. Co,<:r<01 E ·.12. I lar1111 1011d D I'> \l. C?< llE '- "13. Fra nk lin l' oBEHT F. C1 Tl.EH ' 13. La Porlt· 1~1 <: 11 \HD '\. 1;: 1.1.11 l'> CH< ·,1I , J df .. n ,or11 illc H1ll!EHT E. EHll\I I"\ · 13, Co l11rnhi a Cil y C r·. OHCI·: .I . CH I E~•l.E ·,13 . s.. ym .. 11r I lo \11 11 11 H. 11111 i.." ' PC , Siar C i1 l
C:1-:01u:1·: K1·: ~ '-l·: l.LY ". 11. l r11lia 11 a p11li , \\"1 1.1.1\\1 1: . Krn1rn. 1-. ·1:{. St·)nr1111r Ho1:EHT E. K11<1' · 1;1. Bloonringlon J 1111._ , L 11 1'1 , · 11. St ') 111011 r Tw B. 1.~. 11 1' ·,12. B1,ec h Cn11t· Ho11EHT \ . .\ J 1y · 11 , Bloorninglon HtHIEH T ~l -1 c l 'l ro,11 ··I I, Tiplon .1 011-. E. \l r·. 11111 ~ ·4 1. l11dia11apoli;.
S ix th R ow
Fi fth R ow Hn 111-:wr HE, 1-:H "12. I .a fayl'l le Lo\" R1 r. 11 ' "'"''' ·41 , F' 1. \Va)nt· .J l' IE' C:. Ho<:J·: H' ·111 , Bl11n nri 11 glorr Ho11rnT 11. H<H .1·. I<' ·4.J. Bl nu rnin g lon H.r Cll ·IHIJ 1{0 111. 1'> ll ·. 11. Bloo111in l(lnn J \CK Sr-:i-: 1.1-: ". ii, c.1rrn!'r,,il le ]{1r. 11 IHD S11.1 EH -.n. Kni glrl slo\\ 11 H1 c 11 \ HD s-. l l'P ·.J:J , \~ lri1in g
\V11. 1. 11\I So111 . . i:J , l lan1111<1 11d <:1. \1 IH. SJ>ll .\I \ ~ ·12. l\rr - l11 ill .. .I 1111-:' V. TE Ei< · 11. l ndiarrapoli , C OHllO'> TrEl!\E Y ·,11. \\ a• lrin g111 n. D.C. l ~rl\\ \ HD To\11.1'> ~0'> ". 11 , Hlo11111 inglon ll1 ll \ o,, ·,13. s,.l 111 011 r R 1c 1111<1J \~ ' 1 c<. O'-EH ··12, Hn ~ l llille Br n W11. u 1'" · 12. Kni l,(lrl•lu11 n
PHI DEL11A THETA F ounded at the Uni versity of Mi ami 1848 Indian a Alpha chapter founded at Indi ana mversity 1849 One hundred ten ch apters
PHI GAMMA DEL11A F o und ed at Jefferson College 1848 Zeta chapter founded at Indi ana U niversity 1871 Sevent y- three chapter s
EADI NG Phi Garn " rod" is Val Nolan , President of th e house, President of the Board ·of Aeons, a member of Phi Beta Kappa , Dragon's Head, Union Board, Blue Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Alph a Phi Omega, chairman of the Student Committee on . Self-Governmen t, former Presiden t of Eta Sigma Phi and the Histor y Club, and chairman of th e Seni or Siwash Committee. Next in line is Bill Keck, Seni or Baseball Manager, a member of Blue Key, Sphinx Club, Scabbard and Blade and Delta Sigma Pi. Other members of Phi Beta Kappa are Rich ard Haskett and R. E. Purcell. Purcell was also Junior Track Manager. Ed Bartley is a member of Sphinx Club , th e Collegiate Chamber of Commerce, Delta Sigma Pi, and th e Junior Prom Committee. Senior Basketb all Manager and a member of Alpha Phi Om ega is Orvill e Nichols. Roger Eisinger is Juni or Sw imming Manager and a member of Scabbard and Blade.
Fil-st Row
VAL NOLAN ----------- -------- ----------------- - ________ __President HAROLD KO SANK E _______________ ______________ _________ Secretary WILLIAM KE CK
Seco m/ RouJ
EowAHD R. ·BA llT LEY '42, B loom in g lun KF.1TH BE NDEH '44, Bl oo min g lon R OBEHT F. BEH NHAllDT '43, Eva nsv ille DEAN D. B1 xu: n '44, Ga1-y J OHN W. BOEHNE '42, Evan svill e J o ~IN C. BoLLE NBACKER '44, Bloomin gton HOBERT F. DOWNEY '41, Monticell o R o 1mn W. E1s 1NGJ::H '42, Wa shin gton, D.C.
----·----- -- ------ -- ----------- -----------Treasurer
Thirtl Row
WILLI AM L. ELDEH '44, Indi ana poli s DAN L. EH HAllDT '44, Sou th Be nd l11 CJ-1 AHD L. Frs HEll '44, Greenwood Jo 1-1 N E. FosTEll '41, P orll and AnT 1-1un H. FnuEntTEN ICHT PC, Ft. Wayne FnANK A . CANS '43, W eston, W.V. S 1-1 ELDON GAYLE '44, H ammond WILLIAM H AHE '41, Eva nsville
Fourth Row
] OHN l'Jo uc 1-1TO N '41, Hu n lingto n R1 c 11 A1w H u NTEH '43, Ma ri on WILLIAM KECK '41, Mt. Vernon H AIWLD KOSANKE '41, H ammo nd T110MA S KR tSE '42, Auburn S 11M. R . LA UDEMA N '43, Elwood W 1LLJAM R. LuGAn '41 , Marion R OBERT D. MAcC 1LL '44, Indianapoli s
Fifth R ow
D1cK L. MASON '41, Mari o n PA UL F. MEYEHS '44, Ft. Wayn e R 1c11AH D B. NEFP '42, Iowa C ity, Iowa RonimT N ELSON ·43, Mar ion OR VILLE N 1c1-JOLS '42, Knox C1-1Alll.ES N ICHOLSON '41, Evansvill e VAL NO LA N, Jn . ·41, lndi a napoli s Il AHllY Pl' ·CE '44, Monti cell o
R onEH T A. PuncELL '44, Bl ,,om in gton .l o1-1N J. R ElNHAHDT '42, Wash ington , D.C. WILLIAM L. R10GWAY '43, Evansvill e R1 CHAll D S rE NCEH '42, Greenf ield J EBEIVl lAll T o 1rnANCE P C, Marion HOBEllT l'J. YA N RIESSEN '41, Sou th Hen.I PETEil WAKELA ND '44, Chi cago, Ill. D OUGLAS WrnEH '43, H unlingtnn RoBEHT ZA NKL '43, ln d ianapoli!!
H I K APPA li sts a mong its ac ti viti es men Di ck H ouk , th e Presid ent of the New man Clu b. wh o 1s a member of Phi Eta S igma. Th eta Alpha Phi . a nd has a ppeared in produ cti o ns of th e U niver sit y Th eatre. Martin Ankenbru ck is Vice-Pres ident of Alpha Phi Om ega, a member of the varsity s wimmin g team a nd th e Stud ent Co mmittee on Reli gion. Di ck Bi ckel is on th e va rsity tenni s squ ad. Jo hn McGreevey, an other dramaticall y-minded 111 ember, is a member of Th eta Alph a Phi. Phi E ta Sigma , the U ni ve r ity Th ea tre staff a nd th e Experi mental Th eatre staff. Bi ll Coo nan belongs to P ershin g Rifl es a nd Skull a nd Crescent. Jim Benni gan belongs to Skull and Crescent and Alpha Chi Sigma . Bern ard Cinkoske li sts Beta Gamm..i Sig ma and Phi Eta S igma amo ng hi s acti viti es. Di ck Koester r epresents th e h ouse in the Co lleg iate Chamber of Co mm erce a nd th e Cosmopolitan Club. Mauri ce Weikart and J ose ph Kerwin a re members of Phi Delta Phi. law fraternity.
M ARTI N ANKENBR UC K ............................... . President Rr c H AR D KO EST E R
···-·····-······-···· _/I ice-President
H OUK ______ .................. ............ .Secretary
.................................. Tr easurer
First Row H.
A 111. EH l ~G
'.+2, ·l ndianapn]i;; MAHT I N ANKENll lll ' CK '42, Ft. W ay ne J ·\ ~ IE S B. BE N"\ I G.\ N ·43_ F t. Wayn e LEONAHD R. BHA SUS ·-14, Mi c hi ga n C it y R AYMO\D B. B1rn, Nrn ·43, F t. Wa yn e CEOHGE
Third Row
Seco 11tl Row
'41, Valparai ;;o .J AMES F. CO FFE E PC, Ft. Wa yne WILLI AM COO\'A'\' '43, Ncw hurg:h, N.Y. Do"''l.ll F. DALI.I E '43, Mi c hi ga n C it y ALFHEIJ II. D1L M ·43, Ft. Wayn e C 1NKOS K E
Fourth Row
H1 c11 A1w P . O'Co "\ NOH '41, Ft. Wa y n e R YLA"\D P. 11 '43, In d iana poli s K ENNET H SAN BOB N ·42_ Ft. Wa y ne .I OSEP ll 1\. T A MllO N 1·: 1\I A L'Hlt:E
1\ . ·wi-:1 K
·,11 , New Y o rk C it y
PC , Ft. W ay ne
.l . ll o11K '4 ] , Logan,pur t PC, El R e nn , Okla. R1 c 11 AHD J. K oESTEll '4 1, ft. Wa yne .1 01 1N W . J\1cG 10-: E1 EY '42, LoganRport Li-:w is E. No wLA '\' ·44_ Frankfo rt R1 c 11 An n
PHI KAPPA F ound ed at Brown Uni versity 1889 Alpha Alpha chapter found ed at Indiana U niver sity 1939 Twenty-six chapters
PHI KAPPA PSI F o und ed at Jefferson College 1852 Indi ana Beta c hapler fou nd ed at Indi ana U ni ve rsity 1869 Fifty- Lw o chapter s
rr HE
Indian a chapler of Phi Kappa Psi finds acti viti es well distributed among the members. Che ter Sta yton i a member of P hi Beta Kappa . Blu e Key claims John Sprin ger, who is also Juni o r Basketb all Ma nager and a mem ber of Phi Ela ig ma . Other Phi Eta Sigmas are James Nola nd , Trum a n R ose, Robert McClu re, a nd Robert Anderson. Charles Feeger, Juni or Intramural Manager , and John Fox, Bu ine Manager of the Red Book, belong to th e Sphinx Clu b. at Hill and John Pearman are on th e Board of Directors of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce. Jay McCrear y, as a Juni or last year, was vo ted a n all-American basketball player and was a mai n tay again this year. Al Sabol is a threeletter wi nner i n football and Reel Wi sehart is also o n the squad. Ben Wilso n, 136-pouncl Bi g Ten wrestlin g champ, and Na t Hill are varsity wrestlers. Wilbur Van Horn a nd Ste e Rose are varsity rrolfers. Head yell lead er is Phil Green and hi s first assistan t is Robert McClure.
F ox
............................... ................... President
NA T HI LL ............................................ Vice-President
WILLIAM BA NON ...................................... J o i.J N
.................... .................... Treasurer
First R ow R 1C1£ AnD ADAMS '44, Bl oo mington Rom:irr A i 'DEBSON '43, A nd erso n ALBEHT BAILEY '42, Anderson W ILLIA M BAN •ox '1J3, Kokomo S HERE N Busc 11 MANN '43, Indi a napoli s R1 c 1-1 ~BD B uTLEH '44, 1ari on J AME> CAHTE H '43, lndi a napolis ROBEHT CA~ ll '41, Vince nn es
Seco 11tl R ow WALTEB C1-JAMBEHS '44-, New Casil e J OHN COGAN '44-, Vin ce nn es B11 ucE CHA CHAFT '44, ln dia napol i H ERBEHT C11AMEH '43, So ulh Bend RJ CHAHD DA\I S '42, Mar ion KENNET H DELANOY '44, Anden:o n J OHN DoL LF.NS '44, No rth Vern on .A 1.A D u-<LA P '44, Bloo min g1011 C11 AHi.ES F1-:1-:c rn '42, Ri chmond
T hird Row .) Oll N Fox '41, ou1h Br nd W ILLIA M Fox '43, So u1h Bend J F.HHY GEHAHD '43, Wa r aw ALLA G1Ll\JOH 1: ·44., J\larion P111LJP GHEEN '41, F1. Way ne C11 AR LES K. GnEENOL'Gll '42, Indianapoli ROBEHT lIAHGEll '44, Indi a napoli s ALLE'< H EN DHE :-< '44 , ln dianapol is 1AT 1111.L '42, Blooming lon
Fourth Row R1 c r-1ARD L AN D '43, Ri chmond TEP11 EN LEO 'AHD 'in , H a nford ROBERT McCLU1H: '42, K okomo J o 11 N MA cF ADDE N '44, Roc kvill e J A, .1ES 1A o: '44, Sheridan R1 c 11 AHD I Ell L ·43, Goshen DABt 11LLEH '43, J\l a ri on MAHTJ N 11LLEH '44, Jn dia napolii; 1Ax Mil. LEH '41, Kokomo
Fifth Row J AMES NoLAN I) '42, Bloomin glon Ronrn T P n1 cF. '44, Ma ri on ToM P1HCE '44, Indianapol is RALP H Pu 1c KETT '44, Bl oomin gton 1-IE'IHY Roll lll'< > '44, Bloo min glon J OH:-< Ro-.E '4--1, Terre H a ut e TEPHEN Ro E '42, T erre H au le T1<L1 IA'< Ros i-: '42, Terre l-'laul e :-IOHMAN CllL E'VIM l·: n '44, Greensb urg
S ix th Row Wr LLlAM S1MMEHMAN '43, Lapel .l o 11 N SPRtNcrn '42, Kokomo C11ESTEB STAYTO'< '41, Indi anapoli s .J AMES THI EME '4-'I, Fl. Wayne R EX W1SEHEAHT '42, nder on WALTEH WOLFE '4-'I, l ndi a na poli s R ICHARD WORL EY ·4 1., In dia napoli s ROBERT Wmcwr '44, E lwood ] 0 11 N ZELLEll '42, Brazil
TDJ TC " Pi Lams" o n th e ca mpus .i nBerni e K a ufman. who is a m e rnber of Blu e K ey, P hi E ta ig 1na. a nd Se ni or Wrestl in g Ma nager. H arold Co lema n is Ju nior Wresllin 3 Ma nage r a nd a member of Phi E ta ig ma. Max S tein , Rud y Grunfeld , J ess Si lber stei n, a nd Lou is Sosin are al o m embers of Phi Eta S ig ma. Al K osnoff is Treasurer of th e Inter-fratern ity Council. Felix Bogart is a member of igrna Della h i and th e Indiana Daily tudent staff. Pi Lambda Phi is repre ented in varsity a thleti cs by S id Ger stenhaber in foo tball a nd Rudy G run feld in te nms. Prom in ent alum ni include the H onora ble Lau r ence T. S teinh ar dt U nited Sta les Arnbassado r l o Ru ssia ; Arthur L oew, of L oew's In c. ; Lo ui s H. Ma yer of Metro-G old wyn-Mayer; Arthur Gar [i eld Ha yes. inte rn a ti o nal law)e L and Da vid A. Cro ll. 1111n 1sler o [ La bo r in Ca nada. Pi Lambda Phi wa" fo rm e r! ) Phi Bela D lla unti l it merged with th e na tio na l o rga ni za ti o n o n February l . 1941 _
Oclu de
________________________ __________ President
_________________________________________ _Tl ice-President C l I \ \"AHTZ K A UFl\lAN
--------·-----·--··---------------Sec retary ---------------------·----------- Treasurer
First Row
.SPC0 11tl
H. 0 11rnT BEGN EH "44, Eva nsv ill e R AY Bt:LLEH ·42, Wi ll irnan li c, Co nn . F ELIX BocAwr ·42_ Bro.: klyn, 1.Y. ll owA1rn Co n" «.i I. i\l ounl Vernon, '\J.Y. JI AHOLIJ Cou: ~; ,, 'LI ~. Trenton. 1•.1 . C H ,I H l . t:~ F"CH ·112, "lndianapoli ~ ~ I ll.TO'\ Fox ·-13, F1. Wayn e l . E~IAH CEL\T ·I\ -,12. J ndianapoli ~
Thirtl Row
E1 rr.El\E Guo~ '4:l , I nclian a poli s J\111.TO\ Go u1 Brnr. --13. Lin111n Rt DOLP H CHt \FELD -,11, Flronx, N.Y. S rD \ T·:Y CEH:iTE\HABEIC ··13. Ri cl1 11111n d ll ill , N.Y. HoBrnT Hni:-c 11 BEH<: ·113, Cary SIJJ\EY lzAi.;: ·114_ lndianapol is D.1 11: J Aco now 1Tz ·4 1, i\ li shawaka S 111 \EY J AFFE ·,11. lndi a napo]i ,
Fou rth Row AT HAN TIT1 r. 1.r.n '42, Pa le rrnn, N.J . J \l l·: liABI\ '4.1 Indi a napoli s Ci-:H,T\\ RAPI · ;·0 1n "42. Brookl ) n. N.Y. II IHOl.ll R I Pl'APr.wr ·.1.1, l nd ianapc·:i, 1\ 1.BEl<T RO,E\llEHG PC , \'in ce nn P ~ lh :H'IAIW RnT HEH -4-1, Cary S1'IF01< D R oT 11 ~c 111 LD ·44, Indi a na pnli ' r\B1·: S 11t CH\\ -\\ ·4 1, l nd ianapoli s
,\l ,11<TIN KATZ PC, ;\Ji clr i;:an Cit y B1-: 1< \<\IW K11 F'll •\ \ ·.11, \Vhi1i11 ;: IHll\G K1-:,,1.E1< ·43 _ _\li cl1il,(an City l.1-:0 KLE I\ -,11 , l ndi anap nli ;, \ lllHI CE KLI TZ~I -\\ -~I. R1,l111ar, \..1. •\ 1.1n:1<T Ko-.. \OFF ·~2 . Cn,h<'n i\1n: l. EFF ·,1i_ lndi a napnli s \1.1 .E\ Lr-:1 Y ··1-1. Sn111 h B.. nd
Fifth Roiv STAN LEY Sc HWA1n-z '42, Brook lyn, N.Y. PH IL S 111 rnl\ ·4 k l nd ianapol is J r-:ssr-: S tLBEHSTEI\ ··I I. Brookl ) n. i\.Y. Lot 1s So'" ·,11. ll a111111ond J\ IAX STE I\ '1IJ. ln di ana poli s .\I EL ll 'I U\r.EH ·,111,_ ln dianapoli e ll r-: 11 11 1-: wr Wr-:1\EH ·.12, Whi tin g . T•\\l.EY Wrn\f·H · 11. ln dianapoli "
PI LAMBDA PHI Found ed at Yale University 1895 Alph a Th eta chapter fo und ed at Indi ana Univer sity 1941 Thirty-four ch ap ters
SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON F o und ed al U nivers ity of A labama 18.'1 6 Indian a Gamm a chapter founded a l Indian a U niver sity 1907 On e hundred-th irteen chapters
ROM! 1£ IT S.A.E.s on th e ca mpu s in clud e Phil Cooper who is Pres id enl of th e Col leg iate Chamber of Comm er ce, a member of Board of Aeo ns. Blu e Key, Delta S ig ma Pi , Beta Gamma Sig ma. 1940 Prom Committee, and i Se nior Sw immin g Manager . Joe Black is eni or Baseball Mana ge~· and a member of S phin x Club and Blue Key . Boh Meye r, Managin g Editor of th e Daily Student , is editor of Bored Walle, a member of Delta Si g ma Pi and Blue Key. Ed Ferrey is a member of th e Daily S tudent and A rbutus staffs. Bob Gates is on th e niver ity Theater staff, ni on Board , is Juni or wimmin g Manager, an d 1941 Junior Prom Chairman. Len Bun ger 1s Sophomore Footba ll Manager , member of Skull a nd Cr escent, and of the varsity deb ating squad . Gen e W hite, 194.1 ca ptain-elect, and J ack Nash play varsity fo otball ; Tom Moller and John Logan a re on th e basketball sq uad; Di ck Hodso n and Grant Moore are varsity swimmers, Hal Schmidt is on Lh e golf team a nd Jim Woocl pl a s tenni s.
First R ow
RoBEHT A UST IN ........................ _................ President TO M
.......................................... Secretary
SPE:HHY .......................................... Treaszirer
Th ird R o w
SPco 11t1 R ow
V1 'TOR A LDRIDC E '4.J, T erre H aut e R ouEH T 11sn N PC , nd erso n TH EODORf: Bo c KsTAHl.Ell '42, B loo min gton TH OM AS BOY 'TO'< PC, Pl caoa nt Plain s, 111. THOMA S BHOWN ·44., Sull i van CEO HG E B UCKNEil '43, Ft. \Vaync f ,EN B JT'IC Ell '43, Bloomin glon H A DALL in El:Y '4-1, St. J o~<' ph. J\li r h.
.................................... Vice -Pre
P11 11.1r CooPrn '4 l , Gree nfi eld R ui 1u:N C11t1 1c '43, K ok omo HOBEHT £1. '1 0 HF. '43, Wa shin gton E DGA H Frn1n:Y '42. Columbi a C it y .l 01-1v F1rn ED '41, T erre ll a11 1e C 11.B EHT C i" IBILL ·114. T Prre H a11le KEi\'\ETll C AHD '<J::ll '43, So 111h Bend R1 c H \HD C11AHST '44, T err<' H aulc
Fo ri rlh Row
R OBERT CATES '42, Col umbi a C ity AHVI N 1-I EN DEHSON '41, Hid gcvill e .l ll LES 1-1ENDlllCKS '43, Bl oo min gl on ~lA x J-l ocKEMA '43, W est Lafayelle \I YHO N J ONES '41, Ft. Way ne R 1c 11 AHD LETSI NGEH '43. Bl oom in gl on H oBEH T L ETS I CEH '43, Bl oo min gton Jo11' L oCA'i '43, Ri chmond
Fi f th R ow
.l oE MAnTI N '113, Munc ie DONALD f ECKSTHOTH '4 1, n 11nlingl on T 110~ 1 As Monrn '41, Ft. W ay ne .! AC K A~ lf '4-3, So ulh B end DEA " 1EED ll AM '44, F t. W ayne TIYHO'i NES BITT ·43_ R enn scla er W11.U AM N 1\ E 1\ '43, Indi anapol is \V1u. 1 A~ 1 SA\DEH> '4--J.. Bl oo min gton
EucENE Sc 11 M IDT '43, Fi. Wa y ne H oBEHT S111 MEL '4-3, Ft. \Vayn c ]A:\rnS SPEHHY '4 1, a h vill e A Lll EHT STEI \WEDELL '44, Seymo ur R ocrn Sn LL '4-3, Bloomin gl on ] OHN S11-AYZE '43, K okomo ] OHN TonPllY '44, Bl oom in gl on Rollf.HT W11.~ 0 \ '42. Omaha , 1t> h.
AS igm a.
JV[ ANU J' L RoT JJ BEHG .................................. .President ED CA H S I EGEL
....................... ............... Secreta ry
R oBE BT GoLDSTE l :'ll .. ... . . .. .... . .........
Firs/ R ow l\AT ll A' F. Au1-:1.\·1" 'I ·111. ~ l a ld(• n. \la "'· J <»EPIJ L. B o\ lrn ETT '4:l , Indiana poli ,; 1)00 1 ID I:!. BAH> KI' "42, ,\ la nin ;;v ill e Ro 1n:wr N. BEH\1 -I N ·4 1, Evamwill(' R1 c 11 IHIJ 11. 81. ICK ·..12, NP 11 Y11rk. .Y. Soi. Bu e.,; 11" ·..1;i, l ndi a napufo· l::lF H'lo\ IW R. BHO, STEI' ·..1~i. ·11 11111inJ! l•11t Slll,f.\ C -111' «-11. l ndianapnli ~
Fourth R ow SAM L E1·v "44 , l~as J Chi cago ,\ H1' 0LD \l o\HK' ·113 . l ndianapul i ~ BE,JA \1 1' .\I A\ ··13 . Claylon, Mo. J 1 r \I rn 1 h · 11. Ea,J Chi cago Ro 111-:wr l\EHE' ll EHC ·43, Koko mo S -1\ILEL \JE \\ -~ :-! . $011 1lt Bend i.f.0' \HD Pin 11·u .1.rn "4 1, . 011111 Bt•nd HOJJE HT R Al'IJ \ El. ·.i,1. E" tll>'I ill 1• 131-: ' RI CIJ'J' EJ< ·11'1. Cary
.Tr easurer
. .M . are I rvin \ra e rm a n. Ph i Eta
S kull and Cresce nt. Junio r Foo tb all Manage r. and me mb e r o f th e Boa rd o( A eo ns; anu e l R o thbe rg. a me mber of Ph i E: ta S ig ma. Blue K ey . Bo a rd of Aeo ns, Bela Gamma Sigma. and th e s taff o ( th e Ar/,u/ us. I o. H erm a n Die te r be lo ng Lo ku ll and C resce nt. Lh c Co lleg ia l Cha m· be r o f Co mrn e rce. th e A rlJ11/11 s sta ff. a nd Lhe J nte rfrale rni l) Co un c il. Sol Bl ic km an belo ngs lo Phi Ela Sig ma. ku ll a nd C rescent. th e Va r it) Sw immin g T eam. th P D o lphin Clu b . Lh e l nte rfra ternil) Co un c il a nd r ece ived Fres h ma n Blu e Key rerng nili on. I ra R11· e nth al is a 111 e mbe r o f !'hi Bela Ka ppa . Mar in ah lo k y is J uni o r Trae! i\ l a n::ige r. whi le Leo n R ose nbe rg is Scp ho 111 o re Ma na ge r o f Lllf' s wi111 111in g lea rn. a mu I Te w is So ph o mo re Footb al l Ma na ge r a nd me m be r o f Blue Kc). Wasse rm a n is a me mb e r o f th e Seni o r Co un c il fo r Lh H ilh' I F o unda tio n. whi le Di clr r acted as . o phom o re Ba. ke lh a ll Manage r.
Secoll(/ Orv J ACO B 1\1 . C 11 \'AT ·411. l] iza be tlt . N.J . Dov -11.u II. D·" ' '42. 1\ e" Ca; il e ll H< \ Ai\ fl l. D1 c 1EH ·4 1, Lo ui sv ill t>. K v. 11 ,11< 01.JJ DH EJJ l 'I "44 . Con ne rsvil ll' B1·. l1'A HIJ F" KL E ·11.3, Oran gl'. N..1. l.0 1 h Fl' KLE "4 L O range. 1..J . .] 1 JJ Fn o~ 11H: H ·112, l ndi a n a p oli ~ l. .\ \\ llE,n: .I . FHO\ l ll EJ< PC . Jnd ia n:tp t>li '
Fifth Row l.EO'I Hos 1-: N11rnc ·1 :~ . Eli za beth , .J . Sf.HIOl 'H Rosi-:•m 1.oO.\ I ·43 _ Eaot C h icaJ!" lin ROsE'T ll •I L PC . " " " York , N.Y. .\I 1" EL RoTJ l JJEHt: PC. F1. \\'a) m · J\ 1111<11 " SA Hl.OS KY ·112, l ndi a 11 a p11l is E11GAH S 11-:r:1·: L ·42, C11nvPrse \I IHI!' S\llTll '<IL South Bend \I El.\I' S'11 -r 11 "4 1. S11111h Be nd 1\J A111 l'I S'Y llEH •4;{. Wim'1011
T hird R ow
.I . W11.,;o ,
C 1 TTLE ~ 1" ·42_ Lu11i ,, ill e. K y. \l owro' P. COLJllJEUG "43, J\p11 c,hJI (' Ro1<rnT P. CouJ,Tl-.1' "12. .\I i,l .,111 aka .P1111.1 P C:oo11 11 1" "I I. Ea.'! Clti eag11 W111T l\E \ J . CHEE,11 1 HG ·42, Jnd ia 11 ap11 Ji , \ 1.1 . " KOH>ll.\K «11. F1. ll ow 11rn l,1·:11 '1 ·,12, War>'aw S -111 S. l.i-:1 Y ··I I. l·:a,1 Citic-ago
ixt h Row l1n1' . S1 \I \1EHFIEl.ll ·-14, ]11 dia11:1 po]i ;; S.\v11 El. T o1no "43. Toronln. Ca nada P1111.1 p I. T1<0CK II" · 12. E\}11\>'\ ill (' J OE T1 c 1111 ' ' ·-12. l ndian a po]i, \1 o wro'I H. T1 HBO\\ ·42, Ea , l <:lti t' agn S ll El. l.E Y R. \VA(;""' ". 13. F1. \ a)ll<' IHll' L. w~,,En\I A' «11. l.oui-,ill1· . 1' ). S11EH\ IA' II. \\ ' El'>TEI' ·44. YI . \\'a 0 n.. J AC K I.. Wl', KI '41-. l.a fayl'it1 ·
SIGMA ALPHA MU Founded at th e College of th e City of
Iew York
1909 Sigma Zeta chapter founded at Indiana University
1922 Forty Chapters
SIGMA CHI F o un ded a t Mi a mi ni ve rs il y 1855 Lam bd a c ha ple r found ed a t lndi a na l; ni vc r iL)
1858 l in ely-seve n cha ple rs
IGMA CHI has men representin g nearl y every campus act1v1ty. Presid ent Bill Menk is President of Sphin x Club , a member of the Union Board and star center on th e varsity basketball team. phinx Club member, Don Danielson, i also a member of th e varsity baseball nine. Membership in Blue Key is claimed by Bob Menke a nd Gi lbert Cooper. Bob Menke is a member of Sphin x Club, th e varsity basketball team and is Vice-Presid ent of th e Board of Aeons, ' vhile Cooper is Senior Foo tball Man ager. Steve Slipher is President of Delta Sigma Pi and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. And y Zimmer ha his letter for varsity basketball. Along journalisti c lines, Jim Thompson is Associate Edi tor of the Daily Student and Dan Holth ouse is a reporter on the paper. John Pa inter is a Juni or Business Assistant and Jim ublette i a ophomore Busin ess Assistant on the Arbutus staff. Di ck Feiertag is the captain of the rifle team and Oral Ri cke is President of Skull and Crescent.
--······-······················--------···-··· Presid ent ----··--··········-·--------·----- Vice-P resident BOB PowERS ----·-············-···--------------·----·-··· ecretary GEORGE MILLER ····-····················------·-···----Trea urer BILL ME NK E
First R ow ROBEHT D. BA Sll '4], Jndian apoli · DAN BASSETT '42, Elkhart JI Al!OLD A. BoR'IEMA 'I '42, Elkh art T11 0MAS R. Bn ADY ·43, Evansv ill e FnED S. CABTEH '44, 1-la mm ond Rocrn S. C11 EST EH '11.2, Elkhart PA UL V. C111 v1NGTON "44, Ind ia napoli s GILBERT F. Coorrn '4-1, So uth Bend DONALD C. DAN IELSON '41, Pierre, .D.
Scco 11d Row R1 c 11 ABD B. F1rnrnT1\G ·41, Ft. Way n" \VILLI AM C. GH1-:conY '44, orth Vernon R \LPll E . J-1 A'ISELL '44, Kokomo ROBEHT 1\1. 1-IOFFMAN '42, Ft. Wayn e DAN C. H oLT HOIISE ·42, Deca tur WILLIAM E. H oHTON '41, Munci e Ron rn-r J-f. J o 11 NSON '43, La[ayeu c W ILLIA M P. K ELLEH '41, Ind ianapoli s J OSEP H E. KEYS Ell '43, l\ ft. Ca rm el, HI.
Third llow J osEP ll G. K1.0Tz '4-'I, obl esvill e R1 c 11 An o L. KosTrn '4.3, Indi a napoli s J AM ES F. LA ND '44. Kok omo Euw1N L. LA NDI S ·--14, E lkhart ROBEBT J. LEfA \ OllH '43, Sou th Bend R ALE IGll E. Li e ' EMAN ·43, Jndi ana pol i J o 1rn C. LYBHOOK '43, Ga ry W ILLIAM LYO N '42, Mad iso n JAMES TL l\lc l NTYnE "44, uburn
Fourth Row G1-:o ncE B. McNA BB, Jn. '42, Car th age ' VIL UAM J. ME NDEN HALL '-1-2, Gree nsburg Ro1mn H. ME'IKE '41, ll unti nglJ11rg WILLI AM MENKE "41 , Huntin gb urg GEOHGE F. M ILLElt '41, Eva nsv ill e R1 c 1-1An1J V. NELSON '43, Mari on J o 1-1N R. PAJ NTEH '4-2, Alc>xan clri a J o 1-1N A. P AHTF. Nll EIMER '44, Iluntin gb urg P111u r E. P oPPLEll PG, Grand Forks, N.D.
Fifth Row Ronm-r G. Powrns ·42, Colu111b11 :;, 0. CHAH LES A. REDDl i\G '44, Evan vill e ] 0 11 N D. R EED '44, In dia napoli s C11 AH LES C. R11 ETTS '4l, l\l ar ion 0 HAL J. RI CKE '43, S hel byville \V1LLI AM K. AINT '44, New Castl e Eu.swo nnr P. ScoTT '43, l\fad iso n RALPH C. SINGEH '42, Indi a na poli s STEP HEN G. S LIPll EH '•J.l , Columb us, 0.
S ix t h Row JACK D. S-runcrs '43, Blufft on .TA ~ 1 F.S F. Su BLETTE '43, ] nd ianapolis E. DALE , W!llABT ·43, E lkhart J A~IE~ D. T1t0\1 PSOX '-14, Ch icago, 11 1. RoBEllT E . TOWNSEND '44, Bl oo min gton F 1!EIJ EIU CK A. W1ECK lNG '43, Indianapoli s J o11N E.'I '43, A rca dia , Cal. MA X 13. WOLLEHY '43, Bloom in gton ANDHEW 1. ZinntE ll '4 2, Goodland
R1 c 11 AHD ' TO NER .. ......... --------- -------· ....... Pres ident Rov BR :- s ............... ····----·-------··--·-.Vi e-Preside11/ J 1~I ·r o \' G . __________ ... . ···------------ ...... . ecretary R EX c 11 ~DI\ IC K ...... ·· ··- ·--·----- -----··-- ·--- .Treasnrer
First Ro w W1u.1AM II . /\1<,•1111<1 'Tm ·42, S!'y1110 11 r W11.1 .1111 S. A1n1'TIH1' G ·,11 , 011en s boro. K ). BILLY K. B\Hl.O\r ··I L .\orth \ t>rnon Hcl\ 11. Bn1 ' ' · 11. Broob ille J ~\IE'' T. Brnu ·.1:3. l adoga Jhx II. C11 11>w1 c K ·.1.2. 1e11 Ca;.11" Ho 1n :wr \V . Co1.1.ETT1-: ·,1.3, l{aw 11na , Ol1i •) J o 11"\ I.. Co\"\ 1-: 1.1 . ·4 1. Na, lt 1i ll t•
Fo11.rth R ow J\ IA11n10: F. L i-: 11 ~IA •' ·.1.:J. Ft. \Va )nt' J o li > LEJ"\J"\ GEH ·112. Akrnn Jl\1 \'i '. .\ l \'1' 11 11- ·.11. .\l ic hi;:;a11 City HoBEHT B. \l cCo"HI. ·.12. lndianapoli, HournT :;_ .\I Co1n11 ci;: ·.12, \ inct'n ne:; J A\1E' 0 . J\l cC t IH E ·112. K al a 111azoo, :\l id1. R. Ho 111-:1n M1Tc 111 ~·1 "44, l ntlian apoli ' Ftn:n F'. ~'1 011111' ·43_ l ndianapol i:; W1 LL1A\J \ . PrJKI"\ ·-1 1. .\lart im-,ille
1 · ) ARTI CIPATJ NC 111 111 a11 y C"a1npu activi Li es. Ri chard Sto ner has Lh e di slincli o11 of bei11 g Sen i r Class Pres icl e11L President of ' igma l\ u. Pres icl en l o[ the l1n io11 Board. memb r of Sp hin . CllJb, Rlu e Key. Dra go n's Hea d. B la Gamma igma . P hi Eta igma. Skull a nd rescent, a nd Cha ir111 a n of th e 1940 Juni or P rom Co mmiltce. Bill rmslrong is a 111 cm h r of Sp hin x Club. pla) ~ o n th e va r ity ba eha ll Learn. and i. presid en t ->f Lh e l nlramural Manaaers' ssoc iali on. Ray and M ike Dumke an d Ji m McGuire hold pos1L1 on 0 11 th e [oolba ll sq uad . Bob McCo nnell hold th e pos iti on of A rbutu s pholog rapher. j5 Pres idcn l o[ Lh e a111era Club. and a member o [ Alp'ia Phi Omega. l a~ -Clen is Srnior Footbal l Mariage r. meml er of Blue 1'.eL a nd Phi l~ l a Sig ma. Henr y Sc- hr icke r pa rli cip ales in i\l ph a Ka ppa Psi. Kappa Kappa Psi. a11cl is a member o( th e Sop ho· more A rbutu s Busi 11 e.. Slaff. Ri chard Ru111 an i~ Ma na gin g Ed ilor o[ Lh e Da il_v llld C'11l a nd ho ld rnemb<"r hip .in Sig ma Delta Chi .
Seco"'l R ow C1-:011r:1-: l\1 . CBO l'I' ·'1-1, S hnal:; H1 c1111m K . D-111, ·4.1., .\l11nc il' .\l 1KE 01 \IKI : · 12. S t. Joor ph . .\ l ieh. R\ Y .\1. D1 ' \IKE ··IL . I. Jo!'eph . .\l ic-h. G 11.1:rnT L. E "1 ··13, Bl oomi ngton Ho 111-:1n H. F'1-:c 11 T111 N ·42, l nrli a napoli , Ho111-:1n E. F11 ANK ·.12, J\n dt"roo n J\ 0 1:rnT E. C AhT ·,11. Warsaw
Fifth Ro w OHIAI . R. P 1.\TT1·: ll ·1M, ur lh Ver111111 HE\FO llll D. P1 Hid:\ ·4:~. Snu lh \Vhill l') I)" 11> '' - Hu :\ I·., ··I I. e11 \ la rk l'I 11 \ 111.EY II . R1 t>Ol.Pll ··13. .\I i ·hi gan Citi DICK Ht' "\Y\"\ · 11. ' turgio, _\li ch . W11.1 .1-1 11 S 11 ~1~1, ·112, l ndia na poli :; l{OB 1-:1n E. SANFOH J> ·114, Ll' bano n lli:"\HY F . Sc 11 111 CKEH, J n. · 13, K nox I)" Ill E. S \'LEH · 11. L adoga
Third Ro w l·:All L V. C11111 1-:" '114, J\ nclt·r,'< 111 C EO ll CE \I. (;11 \"\ ·-11. _\ lil11<111kt·t• ROBEJIT L. (;11 1> ·4.1. Shoal. S '\It EL P. Coon ·.11. \'i"arn·n J o 11 > P. C1nF ·.1.) . l ndianapoJi,., II \HllY II . ll E>ll lU CK,O> ·43 _ J 11rlia11apoli> C1. ,\1 1u1-: D. ll o1 .M1-:s '42, F'1 . K no x, Ky. .\I ll ll lCE R. Klll KWOOll ·,12. Tip11111
S ix th Row Ju11 N W. so~IEll\11 . 1.1-: '.13. Ho1111rl B ronk , H1 c 11 -11m B. STO>Ell "11. Tip1011 J\ 0 1:rnT F. S11 \Ill ·11. ln dianapnli, .1 011> S. \ hlll.H ·12. £,an•\illt> C:1111<1.Es L. \\ 11.i-;rn ·.1-1. \la,ll\ill<' WAI.TE il 1-:. \\'111TE ··I I, \11i nci1· C 1-:o nr: 1-: E. \V11 .1.1 1 \1,0i"\ ·,12, Ft. \Va y11 <' \ VAL"I Ell K. Yo111-. re, l 11dia11ap .. ]i , J .1111-:, P. Yo 1 >r. ' 1:2 . Glen IJl)n, Jll.
.J .
SIGMA NU Founded at Virginia Military In stitute 1892 Indiana chapter fou nd ed 1892 lin ety- nin e chapter s
SIGM A PI Founded at Vin cennes Uni versity 1898 Kappa Chi chapter fo unded at Indi ana University 1905 Thirty-two chapters
IGMA PI'S big social event of th e year is the Orchid Dance. At this affair each girl receives an orchid. Other traditions are an annual banqu et given by the undergraduates in honor of the lofty Seniors, a Founders' Day banquet in February, and a Christmas Dinner for a number of underprivileged boys. Representing Sigma Pi in the extra-curricular fi eld are James Gridley, basketball player, and Frank Smith, football player, both of whom are also Sphinx Club members; Eddie Rucinski and Earl Dolaway are also first-stringers on the football team. Harold Roth and Myers Thompson arc Sku ll and Crescent members. Pat David is President of Freshmen Y.M.C.A. Members of the Men's Glee Club are Dick Samuelson, Raymond Prusiecki, Thomas Fowler, and Gordon Williams. In the I.U. Marching Hundred are Thomas Fowler, Charles Benedict and Gordon Williams. Sigma Pi members on the faculty are Prof. W. C. Lynch and Prof. R. L. Jones. Another prominent member is President Davis of Vincennes University.
First Row
JAME S FISCHER .......................................... Secretary JAMES
PHILLIPPE .. ............................ Treasurer
Seco11d Row
ARTHUR E. DAM ON '4·1, Dugger C 11A1H.ES D. BENEDICT '44, Vevay R onERT BuDGEFORD PG, So uth Bend G EO RG E D. CooK '44, Bird seye MA URlrT A . DAVID '44, Nashvill e EAllL L. Do LA WAY '43, Port All ega ny. Pr·nn.
...... .. .. . ............................ ... President
GLEN SMITH ........... . .. ........ ...... ... .... .Vice-President
Third Row
] OE E . D t1KES '41, Dugger MA UllI CE M. EGAN '42, Indianapolis JAM ES FI SHEll '42, l nclianapoli s RALPH FISHEil '43, Sou th Bend THOMAS FOWLER '43, Evansville J AMES K. GAYNOR '42, Greensburg
Fourth R ow
PA UL H ERTENSTEIN '43, Napoleon H ENRY J ACKOWSKI '42, East Chicago DO NALD KING '43, Columbus JOH N E. KING '42, Seelyville GEORGE Kmsc H '42, Indianapolis EARL M ITCHELL '41, Marshall 1 0 HM .~N NICO LAI '44, Indianapoli s
Fifth Roiv
R OBEHT J. PAHISH PG , Ft. Wayne }AMES R. PHILLIPPE '41, Du gger DA NIEL A. PREGER '43, Sou th Bend RAYMOND J. Pnusrnc K1 '44, East Chi cago WALTE!l S. PRUSIECKI '44, East Chicago H AROLD W. Ronr '43, Evansville RI CHARD K. SAMUELSON '43, Indianapoli s
DAVID SCOTT '44, Huntington RICHARD SMALL '43, Terre Haute FRANK SMITH '41, Benton Harbor, Mich. GLEN E . SMITH '42, Versailles BE N STANDS '43, La Fontaine MYERS THOMPSON '43, Terre Haute GonDON W1LL1A:11 s '44, Indi a napoli s
Found ed at No rwi ch U niversity 1856 Alph a Iota chapter fo und ed at Indi a na University 1921 Fi fty-two chap ters
HETA CHI li sts among its m ember s outstand in g in campus activiti es two Sphinx Club member s, Dan Drain and Kenneth Moell er. Drain is on the baseball team while Moell er plays varsity fo otball. Kenn eth mith is al so a varsity fo otball man. Phi Eta Sigmas are Robert Romin e and Herndon F letcher. Th e latter is also a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Delta Phi , and Skull and Cresce nt. Romine is on the business staff of the Arbutus, is a Skull and Crescent member, and r eceived Blu e Key r ecognition. Joe Maxwell , Kemp Martin , and Robert F oellin ger are all officers of Pershin g Rifles. The latter is also co founder of th e Accountin g and Insuran ce Clubs. In dramati cs, J. David Mann held a lead in the " J ordan River Revue" and William Spencer has had parts in several University Th eatre produ cti ons. Spencer is also a member of the Daily Student and Bored Walk staffs and of Skull and Crescent. Other Theta Chi s are members of P ershin g Rifles and variou s departmental dubs.
F irst Ro1V J AMF.S A 'TRI M '42, Chi cago, Ill . J OHN GERALD BECKHAN '41, Gar y G ENE BUTL ER '44, Gr iffith SAM W . CAMPBE LL '41, Fl ora RI CHAHD DELAY '44, }fornm ond DAN T . DR AIN '41, Li go ni er CF:O ll GE T. E NGELMAN '41, Hammo nd R1 c 1-1AHD S. E NC. LI SH '43, T erre H a ut e
________________ ___ _______________ President
_____________________________ _vice-President
HARRISON N ICHO LAS _________________________ _Secretary JA MES ORR ________________________________________________ Treasurer
Second R ow BE:'< FALIJEll '41, T erre H au te J c•H N D. F ALLS '42 , H a mmond . H ERNDON FLETC HER P G, In d ia napoli s ROBEHT J . F OELLINGER '41, Ft. Way ne ] OHN G. H AZE L ·41, Bl oo min g ton W1LLI AM T. H EW ITT '44, H a mmond LLOYD l-1. HI OTT '43, Indi a na poli s BoB R . l-loL DHE N '44, CicPro
Fourth Row MAYN ARD F. Mo nRIS '41, Indi a na poli s Evrn D. NERI NG '44, Ga ry MORGAN D. NE W '4-2, So uth Bend WIL BU H H. NICHOLAS ·41, Indi a na poli s Fu rn W . N YE P G, Ft. Way ne J AMES G. Omi '41, Mun ster R oBEHT D. ROM INE '43, Bl oomin gton W AYNE L. S HOOK '43, Spe ncerv ill e
Third Row P AUL E. H UMPHREY '41, T erre Ha ute M YLI O S . KRAJ A '43, You ngstown, 0 . LOU IS E. KUN KEL '43, Michi gan City BI LL c. L EONAR D '44, Bl oom in gton .l. DAV ID MANN, J n. '41, Nash vill e, I ll. K EM r F. M ARTI N '44, ln di3 napoli s J oE T . :MAX WELL '41, Del phi K ENNr.T ll W . MoEr.1.rn '42, F t. Wayn e
Fifth R ow SAM F . S ICKENB ERGEH '42, Homer Cit y, Pa . K EN ' ET H L. SM ITH '42, Pi q ua, 0. W 1LLI A~1 A. S PENCER '41, P eru J o 11 N C. STIHLI NG '44, In d ia na pol is ] OSEP H J-1. T 110Y '4~, M ichi gan City ROBERT J . TuRFLINGER '44, Bloom in gton BENJAM if\ J . WOODHULL '43, F t. Way ne FLOYD L. W UENN •,13, M ichi gan City 0
Slanding, left to ri ght : J oe Ki s hel, Robert Add iso n, Ammon Hoover, J ohn Kru eger , Leo n Mills (secretar y I, Ralph S c h n a b e 1 (Bu sin ess Man ager ), Lewi s Johnson, Stephen Skalski. Jr.. Bob J ohnson , Bruce Benward . eated: Ra y Morph ew, Charles Thorso11. Bob Good , Bob S hillin g, Bruce Decker (President ), Bill M in eL Vin cent Lambo , J ack D ec k er, Gene Kern .
LTHOUGH the id ea of a men 's quadran gle was co nceived man) and received par tial fulfillm ent in 1924 wilh tlw erecli on of So uth Hall, th e completi on of th e plan was r ealized with th e openin g in September , 1940, of West Hall and Nor th Hall. Hou sed in three se parate buildin gs, the three hundred eighty re idents of th e Halls find West th e natural cenler of acti viti es; herf" is loca ted th e di nin g room , th e library, Lhe quarters o:E th e res id ent Headmaster , the ae neral offi ce, two large loun ges, a nd hi gh in the t ower , th e Senate chamber. 1 n's R esid ence Cente r operates und er a form of parti al selfgovernment. The chi ef o-overnin g body of Lh e Hall s is Lh e tud ent Se nate, co nsistin g of three members fr om each of th e seven uni ts of Lh e Halls. with th e additi on of a Presid ent, Bu siness Manager and oc ial Chairman. Th e in dividual units have Lh eir local offi cial bodi es, cons islin g of a Governor, Secretar y, Treasurer, Freshrn a11 r epresentative and represcnlative-a t-large. Th e chief admini stra ti ve offi cer of Men's Res id ence Center is th <' Headmaster , who , with th e assistance of the seven r esident F ell ows. co ordinates th e various unit activiti es a nd serves as a guidance coun sell or for th e whole of th e men's dormitory system.
Ayears ago,
Ned R eglcin , Head Master.
First Row
Secou<l R ow
R oa rnT J OH N A DDI SON '42, Ca r y N ICKOLAS ANGE L '44, Eas t Chi cago D ONA LD AsBU HY '41, Oak P ar k , Ill. D AV ID BAEHNCOPF '44, l nd ianapol is W ILLI AM B AKER '44, M un c i e B 1wci,; C HARLES B ENWAHD '42, Ch u rubu sco M o 1m 1s M c DON ALD B EST '42, New A l ban y R oBE HT BETH EA '42, Madi so n H<,H EHT B 1BLEH '44, M11 nc ie
Third R ow
R1 c11 ARD B. B LAC K\H LL '41, Fra nklin Pt UL B o nouc 1-1 '41, So 11th B end C!..ENN B OT HWEL L ·41, Griffith R o BEHT V. Bn owN ·41, V elpen R oBEHT R . B UB LITZ ·44, Car y Ho BEH T B rnrn uss '43, So uth B end A wrn u n B. CMm OLL '44, Gar y ]A CK C HHI STMAN '41, Buffal o, N .Y . R oBEH T Cn ANT C i. EGG '44, M o rri ~ t ow n
H o BAll T CHOSB Y '43, Mi chi ga n Cit y l I Al!O LD Cun n s '41, M isha11 ak a C HAllL ES CUTLER '44, H am mo nd B HUCE D EC K EH '41, Bluffton ALB EHT X. D ESMON D '44, In d i anapoli s MI LAN D UDAS '42, Whilin g E1J WA1w J-1 . E DWAR DS '44, K oko mo J 0 11 N T11 0M AS ESM ON '42, Indi anapoli s
Fifth Row
Fourth Rnw
] ACK CA BL E '42, ew A l bany ] AMES F. CA LE '41, A nder so n R1 c H ~ HD .A.. COBLE '44, Greenfi el d E owAHD J. ConMAN '4·3, F1. Way ne R oBEHT L. Coo n '41, L inl on \~l lLLI AM L. I I AEnE HLE '44, M aywood FHA NK H AM I LTON '44, T erre l-l a11t e M AHSJ·I ALL E. ll ANLEY '41, M11n cie
E . 0. E uTZLER '44, Mi shawaka l-t 1CHAl!ll B. F ALK I NEH, Jn. ·43, Crow n P ninl DONA LD \/. FLE J-:NO H '43, K ok omo JA M ES F LOO D '44, Mi shawa k a SAU L Fwx '44, Columbi a Cit y R1 CHAllD F nAZEB ·41, Buffal o, 1.Y. R o 1mrr Fn ESEN '44, Chi cago, Ill. C HHISTOP HEn FHI Sll E '41 , Cov in gton, K y.
Firsl R nrv RonrnT P. 111 ''E' · 11. Princeton R 1c 11 IHll C. 11 IHllbO \ "1.3. Kokomo DI \ IEI. S. II IH'll ·,13_ Bl11ff1011 F111-n1.H1ci;: J. ll11nu.\ ·11 . .\ l 11nl"il" \ l.HE\E K. 111H1 EY · 11. lnrli anapoli, "\\ .11 HICE D. ll •IW BAKEll ·.1.1.. So11th lknd J 011 \ F. II 1\\10\IJ · 11. Waldrnn \\ 11.H:i: P. II"'· .lie. ·43_ Frankfort WAlllH:\ L. ll1 <:i;:, ·,11 . l nd ianap11l i"
Pco11d R ow R II.I'll K. I lllhCll ·.11. .\li chi::i;an i1 y .J o,El' ll I l on.- ~ 11 \ ·11.1. I lave rh ill , \l a,;,. Bon I lo1.1rnE' ·44 _ Ci"ero l.01 1- II. li mn: ·41. Cincinnati, Ohio HonEllT \V. 111 Yr ·-13. Dyn 01-:1.111-. 11 I'. ll YLTO'I ·112. l ndianapoli ~ F111 i;: I.. .l E'-'l'-G' ·12. Tndianapnli• l101:E11T E. J o11,,o, · 12. 1.aPortl' .I A~ 1 1·>· 11. .l o1u11\ ·,n, l. yn n
Third R ow E11'E'T L. Km> ·.12. Oabille CE'-E B. Km' ·42, Oabillt• J ICK E. KIEWIT "42, Nl'll' Albany .J Oii '- T. Kin Y ·,13. \ ndrn.on Ro11rnT A. Kl\l\11 c 11 "fl. Kokomo .J o,t:P ll J\ I. K1,1 1i-:1. "42. antirokr, Pa . J 011' L. K1-TLEH " fl. Elkhart Do' 11.11 11. K1u EGrn · 11. \l a~ \\ood All\01.D W. f.:1 '!-.LEll ·.ff. Si. An1l1nny
Fifth R ow I ."lDl 1·: \I IHI' "cJ1. Kokomo .J 11n., \\ . .\l u:i;:rn "IL F1. \\'a~ 111· T111-:01JOll E II. ~h:n: n ·1 1. Fra111in1,d1·1111. \f-t,o. \ 0 1rnl'- II. .\ 11 11 i-:1. ·,IJ.. Tipt on Fnl'Cb E. .\! 11.1.rn "ll. War'a" \\ '1t1.1 '" A . .\!1 ,r, 11 ·411. Car) lfo1mn II . .\ltTCllELL ·,! ]. 'fncli an 3poli• Do' un R. .\l oo 1n: · 11 . Tipton H"Y 'I O'-IJ \I OllP ll EW ·,11, Williamsport
Fnu.rtli Rn rv \I IHI I'- T. LICE'- II II "13 . lndianap11lic. \\ . l.111BE11T ·11. lndianapoli, \ f",f.1.'-T I. •\ \Ill(\ "4 f, l::fkha rl ll E'-H\ S. Lrn1on1 ·42. Cary \EL'O' C. 1. rn-n:' "ll. B11ffaln. \ .Y. l.rn' II . L1T1u.. Jn. "•12. Lind!' n .\ LA> E. Lown-n:i-. ·,11. 0l'al. ~.J. B ''"· n. L1 FF "I l. \i i n,](11\ RonrnT E. LYTLE '4-1. r.tarion
First R ow
Seco n rl R ow
.llAllLES E. I UMAW '44., Kokomo \ iuc11. 1ELSO\ ·43, . 0111h Bend J o 11 N A. PA UL,ON '42, ou th B end ROBERT P. P An KIN;.ON '44, Yorklown Ro11rnT l\1. PLATT '43, Aurora RALPll J\l. PBATT '43, Brook sb urg G1-:HALD L. R A'IS '44, Elkhart R1 c 11 AHO B. RAYL ·4.1, Elkharl
Thi rd R ow
STEn:N J. R UDOLPH '41, In dianapoli s Jo11 N i\1. R us 11 ·,13. In dianapol i s ROBEBT J. S \Bl N «12, Dana i\1 cK ' . • AHENGACll ·44, East Chicago RoBEHT I. :5CHAEFEH '43, R ochest er , ·.Y. D11\IO WAHHE'I . CllAl' B ·42, Tampa , Fla. W1t1 .IAM \ . Cll"IPFF '42. Jeffer sonville' HALPll D . • Clli'IABEL '41, In dianapoli s V 1cTOH C. SELF' '43. Braz i l
Fon r t.h R ow
Ho1mrr D. SHAW '44, Ro edale 11 ERC ll EL F. II f:LBY '43, Indiana pol i ROBEHT E. S111Lu NG ·4]. ok omo SnPllE'I SKALSKI ·41 , Ea st hi cago CEOHGE E. METHL'R T '41, W arren HALPH ~I. STEFFY '44, Loga nsport THOMA S TEPHE'ISON '44. P ortland FnANCIS - TOI KOWITZ -~..1. 'I l ammond Eo . STITAHT '43, Elkharl
Fi fth R ow
PA UL TACK '41 , P o rt land J ACK J . Tt H'1Ell '44, Bl oo mfi eld WILLIAM UDEL ·43, Baill e Creek . 1\Ml EL VANA '44, EaRI C hi cago J\HT111 H ""i'IAHSDEL '42, ValparaiRo .l A11E;, \ ' 01.PEHT '44, P ern 'I A.JOB WALLACE ·4 ,~, lndi anapoliR DONALD 'I ALSTllll~l ·44., Whilin g J o11 \ R. WEBsn:n ·44, Kentland
ll AnHY WES ' ELMAN '42, Evan sville CEOHGI·: W111n: ·43, J effer so nvill e .losEP ll W1LEH ·43_ Loga nsport WAnHE ' WrniVI AN '44, N ew Alba n y W1LFHED W1LKl •NS ''14. Cary l::DWAIW C. W1LL1 A~1s '44, Ligoni er ALFBED P. W1 ~1: ·44, Brookvill e T o~ IMIE WHIGllT PC. Indianapoli s 'i AllllE\ ZWE IG '42, Whitin g
Joe McDonald assig ns a room for Ken Harvev . . At ease ! ... Th e Sweetheart Swing with Red Nichols at tim e of broad cast .. . A pressin g m atter . . . Th e sce ne- th e library; th e obj ectstud y . . . Scannin g th e home town paper . . . S teve Skalski a nd a rgum ents aga inst co ncentrati on.
Bublitz and Bibler tr y d ifferent meth ods of relaxing . . . P erfect setting for a good boress . . . Tommi e Wright shows how it's done .. . So up's on! . . . Ralph Schn abel and Bob John so n talk things over with Ned Reglein . . . No brush , no lath er , no rub-in .
Presid ent MARY CARSO N _________ ---------- Vice- Presid e11/ I-kL EN T1uEME ______ ecretary BETT Y N EIC I 1BO RCA LL ___ Tr easurer
MARY J ANE J\RM STHO NC ___________
Firs / Row _\I AHY J A' E 1\1 n 1,THO' G
E1A .I EA'
SPco llll Rmv DETTY .J o
ll A.'" 0 '
<\LI\'\' ;\llLLEI:
R1·: Ell L"r.
i\ I AnY I~ . Sc 111 1.1."c
j OYCE S'i IT ll
T /1ir1/ Row ll ELE"\ T111 E~IE .\l.I HIE
K AT llEHl 'E Tll O\IP,0'\'
BETTYE CEour.1>1
HE purp ose of th e P a nh ell eni c Coun c il is " to m a in tai n fratern it) life a nd inte r-fraternity relat io nship ; to cooperate wilh college a uth o riti es; to be a fo rum fur d isc uss io ns of qu esti o ns o f inte rest to th e college a nd fratcrn it) world." lt is co mposed of represenlali vcs [rorn eac h so rorit1 re prese nted o n th e lndi ana ni ve rs it) cam pus. In ord er to fos ter a g rea te r interest i 11 scholarship, lh e P a nh elleni e Associa ti o n awa rds a s il ve r c up eac h semester to lh e C reek-lelle r so ro rit y which has th e hi gh est average fo r th e se me ter. H a ho use win s th e c up for th ree ) ears rn uccess io n. th at ho use is e ntitled to kee1)
\ OllGA\G
th e c up pe rman e ntl y. Meetin g are held o n lh e Thursday befo re lh e 'f:irsl Monda y in eve r y mo nth. Durin g th e mem hc rsh i p seleeti o n week eac h fa ll th e g roup meets ever y day fo r lu nc h a nd at thi s tim e all infrin ge ments n[ " ru sh" rul es a re d isc ussed a nd dec is io ns g iven. Thi s ) ea r a co mmillee wa. named lo rewrite lh e boo k of rules fo r th e Member Selecti o n Week. Those pe rson s named fo r thi s co mmillee were D o ri Tuttl e. Berni ce Brown . a nd L ela J a ne Ross. Spon sors fo r th e o rg anizati o n are h s. Loui e Kirb y. Mrs. Seth Th o mas . M iss Marga ret Ru fsvo ld , a nd Mi ss J ean Ashm an.
Overba y, Nye, Baker , a nd Eller in the etern al Th eta bridge game . . . A teleph one boress at the Kappa h ouse with Burge a nd Curdes o n the receivin g line . . . What'll it be? Johnso n and Anderso n can't decide . . . Th e b eauties of nature --the A.O.Pis admire their private pond . . . Life with the Sigma Delta Taus ... Freyn an d Nicholls keep up o n th e Alpha Chi correspo nd ence.
ALPHA CHI OMEGA Found ed at DePauw niversit 1885 lpha Mu chapter founded at Indiana University
1922 Forty-eight chapters
ETTE Anne Tillman, Alpha Chi Omega prexy , is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, The Board of Stand ards, was an as ociate editor of the Arbutns a nd is secretary of Iota Sigma Pi. Joan Veit is a sociate editor of th e Arbutus, a nd she and Jane Gaff are members of the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. The girls in the sorori ty who are members of Pleiades are Helen Miller, Pauline Ta ylor , and Betty Nich olls. Betty is also president of Oceanide of which Alma Freyn and Emily Zankl are members. Alma Freyn is also Sophomore Assistant on th e Editorial staff of th e A rbutus. Omicron Delta claims Catherin e Han cher and Mary Elizabeth Graves as members. Mary Elizabeth is al o a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. Th e Alph a Chi s are also the posses ors of the cup fo r t he Uni versity Sin g. Marjorie Buckm aster was a mem· ber of th e Homecomin g Queen's co urt. Mary Lou Carmichael is freshman representative to the Col· legial:e Chamber of Commerce. Alpha Lambda Delta members are Tillman and Virginia Ludwick.
First Row NAOMI ABEL '43, Winchester DonoTHY BoYD '41, Thornt own MARJORIE B UCKMASTER '44, P ortland MARTHA JEA N B UNGER '41, ew Albany EMMY Lo u CAVA NAUGH '43, Washin gton Vrnc1 N1A COWAN '41, Ft. Wayn e M AnGUEH ITE Cox PG, Bl oo min g ton ADELE DAUE R '43, Mi lwa ukee, Wis. H ELEN DAV IS '42, W estfi eld E1.01 sE D EAHL '42, South Bend
Fourth Row MARY LAMPTO N '43, Ft. Wayn e MARTHA LAU DEMAN '42, Elwood VIRGINIA L UDWI CK '42, South Bend BARBARA McPIKE '43, Bl oo min gton P EGGY MYERS '43, Wilkin son H ELEN MILLER '41, Elkhart RO SEMARY M INER '42, P e ndl eton PAT 1uNGOVAN '44, Ft. Wayne BETTY NICHOLLS '41, Bound Brook, N J . PAT O'DO NN ELL '41, In dianapoli s
................... ..... PresUlent Vice-President O ' DONNELL ..... .. ...................... ... Secretary STEVENS .................. ........ .......... Treasurer
JoAN VEIT ··· ··· ···· · ··· ········ ......... . ... .. . PATRICIA VIRGI NIA
Seco 11tl Row
Third Row
.H ELEN DONNELLY '44, Oak Park, 111. P AT D non '44, Evansvill e J UNE £1.K INS '42, Evansvi ll e J UN E E NOCH '43, Ft. Wayn e P AT FELIX '43, So uth Bend M ARY Lou FERG US ON '43, Seymour BETTY Lo u FRALING PG , K oko mo ALMA FREY N '43, Indianapoli s MARY MARGAHET FRO ESC HKE '42, Linton RoSEMAHY FHY '42, J asonvill e
Fifth Row
J ANE GAFF 42, South Bend H ELEN GERY '41, Darlin g ton MAHY E LI ZABETH GRAVES '41, Evansvill e CATHERI NE H A 'CHER '42, Elwood JEAN H1 LllERT '44, South Bend VrnG INIA HITCH '43, Covington, Ky. JANE H OVERMALE '44, Danville S HIRLEY KEYES '44, P eru Et.OI SE KmEGBAUM '43, Ri chmond VmGIN IA K UHN '41, South Bend
Sixth Row
BETT Y ANN OGDEN '43, Loui svill e, K y. .'V!ARY P ADDOCK '41, Chi cago, Ill. ] F.AN PARENT '41 , Union Ci t y CARMEL P EC KI NPAUGH '44, Mt. Summit Lour s E POLLOM '43, Crawford svill e BETTY Pnrnz '43, Lo ui svill e, K y. FR ANCES R1 CHAROS '41, Patri cksburg R UTH RI CH AROSON '43, J effersonville JEA NN E SCHAR NBERG '44, Michigan City MAHY ELLEN STIMPSON '4·3, Bl oomington J A'IE ST INGLE '41, Ashley
CONNIE STOLLMAIER '43, Cincinnati, Ohio M ARY Lo u SWITZER '43, Otterbein P AULINE TAYLOR '42, Columbu s VEHNADELLE TAYLOR '44, Columbus CATHERINE TH OMPSON '42, Evansville B ETTE ANNE TILLMAN '41, South Bend ] OAN VEIT '42, U nion Ci ty l ANC Y WHIPPLE '44, Valparaiso MARG IE WH ITE '41, In dianapolis ] OAN WI NTE HS '42, Atl ant a, Geo rgia EM ILY ZANKL '43, Indianapoli s
a c: tiviti ~s bran ch o ut inlo va 1:i o u ~ fiel ds . Ruth e Edwa rd s 1s a me mber of Ocea n ides, Alph a Lambda Delta. Der De utsche Verei n, th e En glish Club , th e Glee Clu b and W.A.A. Marga ret Cary is a member of th e Fi fe, Drum , a nd Bu gle Corps, th e Hom e E co no mi cs Cl uh , an d th e Y.W.C.A . H elen Gle nn is a m ember of th e Gra duate Clu b. 1arj o ri e Martin so n is also a me mber of A lpha Lambda D elta, th e Pro-Mu sic Clu b. th e Glee Club and the Y.W.C.A. Doroth y J ea n Ma thias belo ngs to Ocean ides, th e Women 's Glee Clu b. and the Y.W.C.A. Mary Jo T enn ell is also a m ember of th e Fife. Drum , and Bugle Corps. as is P eggy T ay lo •·. E ll en Ta ylor is o n th e Y.W.C.A . Co un cil. Bett y J o Ull o m is a membe r of Sig ma A lpha Tota, Le Ce rcl c Fran ca is, th e A.W. S . Board of Standard s, th e Y.W.C.A . and th e Fife, Drum , and Bu gle Corps. Len or e Wi lkinso n belo ngs lo Pi L a mbda Theta. Alph ~t Lambd a Delta. Ocea nicl es, th e Edu ca t ion Club and is o n Lhe 'IJ.T.A.A. Board and is a coed co un selor.
,I LPHA Delta Pi
President Vice- President L rno HE WILK INS ON ---------- -- --- ----------------- -- Secretary ELL EN TAYLOR ---------------------------- -------------- Treasurer
MARY Euz ,\BETH S 111 LL1 NG ----- -------------- -
R UT ll LEFFOR GE ------------------------------
FirM Row R un1 E EoWABDS '43, Ga ry l\1Rs. R UTH FnoBEBG '41, Bloomingto n MARGAHET GA nY '41, Ri sin g S un H ELL' GLE'IN PG , Ma co n, Ga . c~ nlDOYNJ:: C HAY "44, Bl oo min g ton
Seco 11d R ow l\1AHIA " H oFF NIAN '44, P eru RL TH LEFFOHGE ·42, Waba sh :\TAJOH IE l\1 AHT INS OX '43, Jlin es, JI\. DOROT HY J EAX MATHIA S '42, Mi chi ga n Ci1 y HELE:< l\ loonE '41, Gary
Fou rth. R ow BETTYE J o ULLOM '4-1, U rban a L E,OHA WILKI NSON '41, Ga ry SuzA 'l'IE W11.sox '42, S 1. Charl es, S.C . l\L11n J o WH1G11T '4-1, Od on
Third Row JA NICE ROBE Y '42, In d ia na poli s LA VON1'E Ro TI! '43, Boo nvi ll e l\lAR\' ELI ZA BETH Sc111LL1NG 'tJJ , Jndi a na polis ELLE" TH1.on ·42, P earl Cit y. Oahu , ll a\\a ii :\l.~ BY J o TE 'l'IELL '4-2, Bl oo min gto n
ALPHA DELTA Pl Founded at Wesleyan Female College 1851 Beta Alpha chapter founded at Indiana Un iversity
1926 Sixty chapters
ALPHA OMICllO N PI Found ed at Barnard Coll ege 1897 Bela Phi chapter found ed at Indi ana U ni versity
1917 Fifty chap ters
CTIVE A.O.Pis on ca mpu are Mary J a ne Armwho is pres id en t of the Pan-Hellen ic Council and a member of the A.W.S . Co uncil ; Winifred Black, laomi Bates and Mary Ruth Steinmetz, members of Pleiad es . Along publica tion lin es, Dolores Small is a reporter for The Daily Sttident , as is Betty Ba tes . Betty i also on the Sophomore E:d itorial stafT of the A rbutu s. Elsie Chalfant and Ph) lli s Knapp are on th e business taff of th.~ Bored Walk. On the Y.W.C.A. Council are Doroth y Billings orma McClintock. Alpha Lambda Delta and member s are Helen Burton, Mary Jan e Armstrong. and Fran ces Proud. Charter member of Sigma lph a Iota are Helen Burton and Vivian Isaacs. Loi s Ki eslin g, Naom i Bates, a nd J ea n Griffi th belong to Omicro n Delta . Jun e Kohl a nd No rma McC lintock are members of th e Girls' Fife. Drum. and Bu gle Corps. Coed ounsellors are ·Winifred Black, Doroth y Billings, and 1orrna McC lintock.
First Row J\1 AHY J A\'E AHM STl< O\G ·4.2, Jkdf.,rd J1: \I CE BAHTL1 1\G ' 42, Ft. Wa yne BETTY BATE' ·43, Joli e!, 111. \0\11 BATES '·11 , Cary DoHOTllY BILLI NGS '43, Green s burg W1\'IFRE1J BLA CK '41, H oba rt BETTY Bo NATH ·42_ II oba rt 1'1AHTHA ELL Bou c 1H~ ·44, 01H'nf. boru, K y. A\\EsE BROW\' '44, Whitin g
Fou rth Rom V1v!A"I l qAcs ·41, Kokomo Loi~ K 1ESL! \G -~ l , Logan sport P11YLLIS K-..; APP ·41, .\1i chi gan Ci1y JL-J\E Ko1·1L '43, Angola IHE"IE Lrnrn '44, Cary NonMA l\fcCu NTO CK ·42, Tndi anapol is l\ IAHY l\lclLI EE\ '-11 , Bloo ming ton I OHOTllY l\lEI S~J\EH ·44, LaGran ge, lll. Au cE M1LL10 \' '44, J\l onti cell o
President Vice- President MAHY ELIZABETH MclLVE:E N ············-······- ecretary OHl\IA McCu TOCK --··········-·· · ---- --·······- Treasurer GHIFFITJ 1 ·········-·············-·· -- ···· -·· ······ ·
\VJ NIFHED BLACK ·-----···-·············-···- ··
Scco 11cl Row
Tlrird Row
I IELE 'I B t1 11TON 'tl2, :-;a 11dborn Eu, 1E CI·IALF\NT '113. Cr iffi1h P -1T!ll CIA CL-110.:: '4 '1, Cary Do1n s CoBU\' '4 1, Cary .\I •\llJOlllE Co 11 EE '42, Frankfort ELEA NO!l Co\J\Efl '44, Eva nsville FRA \'CES Coo K '44, Bird seye ~Vl1L.DllED CoO PE!l '42, So uth Be nd \ IRGI NIA CooPEH '44 , K okomo
Fifth Row
PATHI CIA CinLEY '43, Owe nsboro, Ky. BETTY Fi-:1 TZ '42, Pari s, Jll. Dono·1 11Y Cni:E-..; ' 41, Cary ]EA" GR IFFIT H ·41, Sco ll sburg \ f; \' ITI A ll ARPSTLR '43, Cary B1-.TTY II ARTB \ \' i;: '43, l\l ichi ga n Ci ty ELSIE l! EISE '•B, P a ri s, Ill. CERALD I" E ll1 cc 1"is ·44 , ngola ll ELE'<: ll uc 11 ES ·43, Washing ton, D.C.
Sixth Row
.\fARCARET rll :\N '43, Owe ns boro, Ky. R rnA PE i\llHY '42, Bl oo min glo n FRA NCES PnoL o '41, So uth Bend BETTY PR UITT ·42, Bloo min gton MARY ELIZABETll RI LE Y '4 4, Vevay Ro sE ~1ARY R uFF1-.:r. '41. Del phi DOLORES S-v1A1.L '4:1, H oba rt I IELE" SPE'ICEH '42, Frankfort
.IE\ " . Pl·: w :rn .,14. Crawfo rd svill e \' rn r. 1J\ 1A STEELE '4 4, Cla ypool .\IARY R UT!! STEI"i'IETZ ·41, So uthport \I ART ll TIEHNA'I ·,l2, Ri chmond LOU ISE \ ITTITOW '41, Owe n bor o, Ky. ELEANOH WAY ·41, Albany .\fARJORIE WEA\'Ell ·44 , Yeo man .\1ARY LEE WIBLE '44, K okomo
ROMI N ENT in th e Chi 0 h ouse is Bett y l:-Iarri s, member of Mortar Board a nd seni or orga ni zed r epr esentative on th e A.W.S. co un c il. S he is p res ident of Iota Sigma Pi . Also active is Mary Sn app, member of th e junior bu siness staff of the Uni ver sity Thea ter a nd a member of P leiades. An· oth er member of P leiad es is Charlee n Romi nes. honorar y cadet colonel, a nd Jan e K lei nert, president of P leiades, is also a member of Pi L am bda Theta . Evelyn Jontz, Margar et Ale, and Marian Combs are also members of th e edu ca tional honorary. The h ouse is repr ese nted on the staffs of the variou s publi ca ti ons by H elen Marn a n, Carma Albrecht, Lynn Van Na tta , and J erri e Werber, who are o n th e staffs of th e Bored Walk , Folio, A rbutu s, and Daily S iudeut , r espectively. Betty J ean Rowe is a member of th e Y.W.C.A. Cabi net. A uniqu e function of the local ch apter is th e grantin g of an award each year l o th e wo man on campus most outstan din g in sociology .
Presiden t Vice- President BETTY J EAN R owE ·-·-··--·····-··-· ··········-·-··-· Secretary DOROTHY FORR EST ···-··········-····· --··-·- ···· -···· Treasurer H EL EN J ANE M 1us ·· ··-·-·· ············-·- · -······-·
MARION COMB S ..................................
First Row
Second R ow
CA llMA Au mEC ll T ·4 3 , ll n111 C'\11J1H I, ]ll. J\1 AnGA BET ALE ·41 , Vern11n MABCUEB ITE BAnNEs ·42, T e rr e J la ul c M An JOHIE BEN"\' l NGllOF F '42, Fl. Wa yne ARLE ·"\'E BiLLEHll ECK ·41., \Vinama c B LTTY BOYEH ·42, Tarpon Sp rin go, Fla . M AB l ·\N BHALI"\' '44, ll an1 ili on, Ohio J EAN CLo;:sER ·41, H anna
Fourth Row
Thi,.,/ Row
J\ IAIU,\ N Co~lll" "4 1, T t' rr e ll a ul e K -ITll HY·; Ecc EH,; ' •1,1, \V h i Ii ng M AHY FAn ls '44, Bl oom i ng: lo n P HY LLI S FAn 1s '42 , Bl oo rn ing lon Do HOTHY Fo1n:1·:.'iT ·41, E lkhart BETTY T-I ALL '43, Tn cl ia na poli s NonMA ll ALSTEAn ·44, In d ian apo li s Bi-:TTY 11 An KLESS '44, Syrac 11 se
F ifth Row
J AN E KL El"\'ERT '41 , Elkhart SYLV IA L EGG '43, T erre l-laul e J\1 AnY 1\ uo: J\'IACCI •\ "44. Flo",;n11111r, Ji!. .HELE"\' J\ IARNAN ·4.1, W hilin g Vmc 11\I A J\ ]ATT HEWs '44 , Nor lh J\l aclis"n BHTE J\fcDoNAUl 42, F l. Wayn e H ELE N } ANE Mn.Es ·42, T e rre l la111e BETTY NE IGHBOil GA LL ·43, Car rel t HELE N O"BHIE'i '44. Cary 0
BETTY ]E A'1 ll ·\l:H" '4 1, J\l adi sun HELE'< HAl l,EL\11HE '41. Newb urgh BETTY Lou I IAY l> E'i ·44, Park Rid ge, lll. JE AN ll trFF '44, Ind ia nap oli s (A IWLYN J o11N,o:-1 '4 1, Cro"n Poinl E \ ELY\ ] OJ\TZ ·41 , Si lve r Lak e RosEMAnY KEA NE ·43, J\ li1 chcll J\lAHTHA KEELTY "4.3, Madi so n
Sixth Row
KA THLEEN o·ca :-1N rn '43, Loga nsporl VELLA Ln: P ACE "42, R e nssela e r !\1 •nr. 1IHFT P AITLT\E '44, Terre H aule LEAH Powrrn '43, New Cu mber la nd , \V.Va. J3ETTY l{ Ern ·4 3, In d ia na pol is C1BBU:E'i ROMl'IES '41. Lawre nceb urg B ETTY JE AN RowE ·42, Mi l waukee, W iEc . l~ t . EA"\'OH SA'I DS '42, Tl1ree Ri vers, M ich. D 0BOT ll Y ~K I N 1\'l·: H '42 , Eas t Chi cago
_\I AnY SNAP P '42, Whilin g .l1 LI A S TEWAH T ·44, Au rora DonO Tll Y ST 1xc11coM 1: ·114, Cu lvl'I' J 1-, ANNE TEA'IEY •1.3, A1 1rnra LY \N VA '<NA TTA '43, Ch illi cul he, "\111 . MAHY \ VE 11 °42, F1. Wa yne Euz1\llET lf .T . WrnBrn ·.ii, Car y J A\E \ Vi-:11Kl'>C ·114. Ri chmo nd .Fi11Tz1 YAECEH 'LJ..3. Jn d ia napul is 0
CHI OMEGA Founded at th e U niversity of Arkansas 1895 Theta Beta chapter founded at J ndiana Universit y 1922 lin ety-fi ve chapters
DELTA DELTA DELTA Fou nd ed Boston, Massachu setts, 1833 Delta Om icro n fo unded at Indian a U niversity 1911 Ei ghty-nin e ch apters
!RGINIA Austin leads th e B.W.O .C.'s of th e Tri hou se, bein g active in P leiad es, Mortar Board, Th eta Sigma Phi , ni ght editor of the Daily S tudent, the Bored W alk staff, and hon orar ) sponsor of P ershing Rifles. Glenn a Dean e Hunter is a member of the Coed Co un selin g Board and is secretary of the A.W.S. Council. Relda Hoelocker is a member of Th eta Si gma Phi and the Bored Walk staff and is women's editor of the Daily S tzident. Also journalistically minded is Jeanne Gifford , wh o is on th e Bored W alk and Daily Student staffs. Mary Carson is Vice-President of th e Pan -H ellenic Counc il a nd is a member of T aps and P leiades. ancy Elli s also belongs to P lei ades. Mi lli e Cox is a member of the Y.W.C .A. Cabin et and is State Secr etar y of the Hom e Economics Associa ti on. Ruth Ta ylor is a member of the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet and was a n Arbutus beauty queen . Mus ically minded is Margy Hall, a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and th e P ro-Music Clu b. Pat Wall was a member of th e court of th e H omecoming Qu een.
First Row J AJ\ E ADAM S '44, Pa toka R unr A NTHONY '43, Pari s, Ill. V 1HCI NJA A USTIN '41, Zi onsvill e R UTH M ,\ RCA HET B AI LEY '43, G r ee n wood D o HOTH Y BAH KEH '44, Kok omo .M ARI LYN B 1R '42, N ew A lb an y JVI ARCA HET B o 1-1NEB T '42, J asp er B AHBAHA B ll ll K '~·2 , D eca l m
Fourth Row A IJDHEE I NCHAM '44, Co nn er svill e JEAN ] 0 1-I NSON '44., P aoli MARY K EL LI E '44, K ok om o MARJ OR IE MELL EN '42, Spring fi el d, Ohi o JVIAHY M IDDLETON '43, Fra n klin A LWYN M t LLEn '42, East Chi cago .M ARY ELIZABETH l\II LLER '42, l\lanill a ] F.A N O'Bn YA NT '44, J eff er sonvill e
Vm GI NIA AUSTI N -·-·-···-··-··- ·----·-···--·- .. ·------ President !£ARY C ARSON _,, ____ ....... __ .. __ ______________ Vice-President BETTY ]A NE C AM PB EL L .............. ---------- .. -___ ,, ___ __ _____ ,, ______ ,, _____________________
S ecretary T reasurer
Third Row
Seco"'l Row B ETTY J A ' F. C AM PBE LL '42, O wensbor o, K y. _\ IARY CA H>ON ' 42, L a fayett e E u oOHA CLA SEil '44, Ri chmo nd M 1LL1 E Cox '42, Sher i dan D o HOTHY D A ' IEL '42, In d i anapoli s B AHB AHA T EMMA HY '44, W illi am spnrt NA NC Y E LL IS '42, E lkh art P -\ THICIA F LF.TCl-IEH '44, Jndi a n a po li ~
Fifth Row
P ATHTA FRE NC H '43, Pr i nceton BE ATR ICE F u oc c ''•2, Ft. W ay ne ]EA N'E G tFFORll ·42, Ch icago BETTY H ARSH '41, Blu ff ton B AHl!AH A J OAN Ilu ;r. 1'<s '44, Pr i nceton REI.D A H o r.LOCKEH ',I] , La P ort e MA HJ OH ll-: HOM AN ·43, So u th B end C u·: N~ A D EA~ I·: l lt 1Y rEH ' 42, Willi am spo r t
Sixth R ow
l\l AHY P ALM Ell '41, J eff er son vill e D OHOTHY P EA HSON '44, Bl oomin gton J EANNE Pn: nso N '42, Ft. W ay ne L AV AHN R EE HUNC '43, Indianapoli s M AHY R l'SS EL L '42, P ari s, 111. EM ILY SCHWA RTZ '43, K okomo V IDA f: AM AN '43, T ayl or villP, Jll. r\ N1XA S HACKE LFOR D '44, L ado ga
D o 1wT11Y SHAFEH '43, Jn dj anap oli s h : AN St-IEIFFf.LE '41 , llarnrn on<l BETTY SMALL ·42, V i ncenn es R AC HEL STO '.'I EH '44, Tipto n Rt TH T ,1YI.OH '43, B osw ell BETTY Ti CK '43, L ou i svill e, K y. D o HOTHY w ~ 1..1 , '4-1, R em i ngto n V 1v 1~ N W oo os '42, Ft. Way ne
llT ST AI\ DI NG Delta Ca111ma "rodcl ess'' js ifarf J an e Straub . wh o is a member of 1orlar Boa rd. th e Board of Sta nd ards. Pi Lambda Th eta, a nd is also th e Pres id ent of Y.W.C.A. In Ple iades. L o ui se Samu elson. Ma rj ori e H eid enreich , a nd Gerr y Cates represent Delta Gamma. Members of Th eta A lph c1 Phi a re Cha rl otte F ield s, Mary .l a ne Stra ub , anrl Eli za beth La ni er. E lizabeth has had th e lea d in seve ral l Jri ivers il) Th ea ter pla ys durin g th e past ) ear. Belly F raser is a rn e rnber of lota S ig rn a Pi. a wo me11 's chemi ca l fraternity, a nd Do rolh) Lower is Sop ho mo re As ista nt of the Busi ness staff of th e A rbutus. T hi s yea r J ane Sch a bi nger was chosen to reign as th e first qu ee n of the Dolphin Club, wh il e Ma r· j ori e H asbrook , wh o is also interested in s wim· min g. is a rn e mhe r of Ocea n ides . Membe rs of Al ph:1 Lan1hda Delta are H a rri et Yenne. Mary J a nr S tra ub. 8 E' tl ) Fr a~e r. a nd Vesta McC lell a n.
Presid en t Vice -President PAT ~\T 1c 11 OLS ----· -----------·- --···-········--·--------- Secretary K AT I! ER I I\E D u RH Ai\-C --···--···------··------------ Treasurer L OU ISE SAMUELSON ··················-··-··--····--- -
MARY ] ANE S TR AUB ---··--·····------·-----
First Row JvfAHG tlll ET i\NT lllt lS ·44 , Jndi a napoli ' BAHBAl! A B1-: nc:Aw ·~ 4, Whilin g B t1HBAl1A Bn o w N ·44, Su lli va n ,\I AHGLIEHITE Bn ow'I ·43, Jnd ianapoli;< WI NIFRED l>HO\\"\ ·44, Li zlon C ·IH OLY'i C 01\IPBEl.I. '42. Andrr!'on .J E,\ \'iE CLE\IE\TS ·.1 ~, ll e nd Pr!'on. Ky. 1\1 .\ t! Y Rt Tll CH -1 \E\S ··12, Tull'do, Ol1 in ,\l ARJO HI E C:1 TLEn '42 , La P orlt' .\l.AHIE D ~1 1 s ·- 11 , Bl o111n in glun
St>co 11d Row
Fourth Row Do nonr Y Low EY '4.'l, Hunlin gln n BETTY ] ANE Lt sh: ·41] , Bloo 111in g lo n \1 1,;;TA J\ lcC LELLA \ '4.3, Chi cago 11 1-: 1.1-:" 131-:'l"n J\ lcLt LA' ". I. I, F1. \Va)ll< ' CAROL J\ l cNuR'\Y ·.1.3, Toledo, Ohi11 BETTY l\ l oHHl~O' ·,14, Kokomo PEGGY i\ IORR JSO' -,~:z . Kokomo PAT N1c1101." " L'l. SpencPr KAT HL F.E;\ O'B ·l\1 0\ '43 , T ipl ll ll S 11m1.F:Y P1.o\rn ··1-2. \licl1i gan C i1 y
T lrird Row
.ln A'l Dov 1.1-: '42, B lnorn in glon K ·\TllEBI 'lE 0 U Hll A~ I ''12, Jndi a na po]i , PAT E:DGEWO HT ll 'tl.3, Vi c lor C 11 AIU.O TT E F IEL DS '4 1, Bl oo min gton \ IBGl.\l.o\ F1.0 HY '42, In d ianapol is J\ ""ETTI·: F o nn '42, Sou 1h Bend n IH BA BA FHA,EH ·43 _ Bl on ming lolll BETTY FH A,, EH '42, l3lno111i 11 g;t o11 C1-: 1un Co1 TE" ··12, lndi a napnli ' .\1'1ff llA ll AHTMA\ '42, Evan!>v ill c
Fifth Row
:\ 1 ~Ht:EHY
ll ASB IWOh: '44, ln dianapo l i~ :\l .\fU Oll lE llEI DE1'HE ICll ·,I] , B ick 1wll 111-: 1.1-:r> 111 1 ~ 1 PllHEYS ·43, Bicknel l OOHOTll LI I ll 1'iTEH ·4 ,1, Culu111b11' E 1. 1ZI BETl l ll t TCll l 'iG;; '42, Jndi a 11 ap11 li >< JI IJ ITll JO\E,; '44, J\nd1·n•on \I '\C Y KEGLEY '42 . .I ndianapol is l·: 1.1 z11<ETl l L1\1E11 '41. F1. \\'a)nf' \ \\\ \ l1BY LlPPE\COTT '4-1 , S1111 1h Ho·nd \I \Ht: \BET LoHE\Z ··11 , l ndi ,rna poli,
S ix th Row
.J A' I·: R1 \E ll /1HT ·111 , l.n11i sv ill e, Ky. fll >' BGo\HE T RI NE llf\ H'I' '4 3, L o1 1i $v ill f', K y. C1 1AHLOTTE R l' l'l'EH '4 1, Evansv i Ile \T lll A S,1~ 1 ~ is ·.12, :\Insco\\', l dalt n _\I 01t!Y J\~" SA>1'VIS '43, 'Indianapoli s l ,Ot !S E SA .\l t ELS<JN '4 1, Sp rin g fi t>.ld. Ohio J A\ 1-: Sc 11 AB l 'IGEH '4 tl. Evanston, lll. .l 1-:.1 \ Sc1111B1 \CEH ·4 1., Evan s ton , Ill. .\li1HY S1 ,A 'I SC ll\l •ILZ '42, B lonrnin g lo n Pi-:ccY S 11 A1 L ' ll. T t· 1Tf' ll a 11 le
J A-..E S'\llTll '42, Rocl1 e, lcr ,\ 1AllY J A\E STHA tlll '•11 , Evan;w ill C' J\1 •lll.1 01! 11·: STl'Ch:Y 'tl3, Fl. Way11c £ 1.01 ,i-; ST t \ IP "12, Richmond Eu z lllETll T 11 0\IAS '4 1. Terre I la11 lc P11 YI.LI >' 1\1\ "< Tov ·4 :~ . I I 11n1in ~ ln11 A 1un:u . WELTEH ·11.), Gary ll ~1rn1n Yn\E ·.1J. c:t .. 11·land , Ohin .\I IM.10 111 1-: Zi1-:1 :1.1-: i: '11-1. .\li d1 iga11 Ci ly
DELTA GAMMA Found ed at Lewi s College 1874 Th eta chapter found ed at Indiana University ] 898 Fifty chapters
KAPPA ALPHA THETA F o und ed a t DePauw Univers ity 1870 Beta cha pter found ed at Indiana niver s it y 1870 Sixty-four ch apters
CTJVJTJES absorb th e tim e and interest of Kappa Alpha Th etas. Amon g th ese varied interests, scholarship and departm ental clubs occupy a promin ent position. Mar y Susan Stull is a member of Phi Beta Kappa , Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Tau Kappa Alpha, Theta Alpha Phi, P leiades, the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, and is president of the A.W.S Council and vice-presid ent of the senior class. Ann e Louise Cole was freshm an Bored Wal h Qu een, Arbutus Beauty Queen for 1940, and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. Kathryn Jane Alexander is president of Mortar Board, a member of the Board of Standards, Pleiades and Alph a Lambda Delta. Mar y Rees is a member of th e Board of Standards, is social chairman for A.W.S. , and belongs to Alpha Lambda Delta and th e Y.W.C.A. Cabinet. Nancy Biddle i;; active in the Daubers Club and served on the 1941 Juni or Prom Commi ttee. Marie Turgi is also n Pleiades member. Lett y William so n is a coed counselor and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta .
First Row KATHRYN J. AL EXAN DEH '41, Bl oo rnin gl on SA HAH L. AnNOLD ·44, G r ee nfi eld J u uA ANN ARTHL"R '43, Anderson ELAINE Ax '43, Ja son vill e J ANE R. AXTEL '41, Indi an apoli s B ETT Y J EANNE BAKEH "43, Bluffl on BO NN IE M. R AKEH "41, Bl11ff1011 SA BA 0. BEDW EL L '43, Sulli van N ELLE C. BEH NAllD "44 , Mun c i e
Fourth Row l fEL EN F. H OLLAND ·44, Bl oo min g l on ELEANOll A NN J-l ouc 1-1TON '44, F1. Wa y ne SAn AJ-1 A. H ULL '44, C ice r o D o non1 Y J UNE J-! UM l'HH EYS '44, Bl oom in g l on HELEN 0. J o 1-1Ns '41, East Ch icago MARY L EE KEITH '44, 1ew Albany J osEP lll NE L EACH '43, Sulli va n Don OT HEA NEU ll ALTS EH '41, Bluffton lVI All.I Oll lE N 1E "41, Jluntin g ton
Seco 11tl .Row
President RowE ..................... ......... Vice-President FLEEHAHT ............................. . Treasurer
T URGI ..... ............... ....................
Third .Row
JEA N E. Il EHNA 1m '42, Muncie NANCY W. BIDDL E '42, Bl oomin g ton L Al lllA J ANJ-: BOB BITT '44, Kokomo B ETTY C. Bo1-1 ~N N ON '42, T err e Haut e MAHJOH IE L. CA nB '41, Pi1t shurgh , Pa. ADALI NE C HA"VJB EHS '41, 1cw Cas il e A r<NE LOill SE CO LE '41, Bl oo min g to n ANN C. E LLEH '43, Oak Park , lll. .l EA"'11:Tn : EsAHEY '42, Bl oo rnin glon
Fifth .Row
Li;c 1L E FLA NIGAM ·44, Thorn 1o n DoLOHES FLEICHER '41, W est P alm B each , F l a. C HAHLOTTE L. FLEMING '42, lndianapoli s C HAH MAN FHAZEE '44, Ru sh vill e MARY J. F UNK '42, Galveston .JA NE GILLESPI!-: '4 2, In d i anapoli s AN NE HAHHIOTT '43, T erre H aut e J\I AH IANGE NEEN HEL VIE '42, Valparaiso ·I I A1rn1 ETT L. I l o Dr.Es ·114, Lnui ,v ill e, Ky.
Sixth .Row
J\OHMA L. 0VEHIJ AY "42, Indianapoli s B AHBAHA RA NG '42, W ashin g Lon HEL EN K. R APER '43, MonLicello MAHY F. Ri-: Es ·42, La P ort e P11orn E J. R EVJNGTON '41, 1o n1i cel1 o LELA J. R o~s '42, Bl oo min g ton EuzABETl l G. R owE '41, G l en Ellyn, JTI. .J ANET W . Sc H ENKEL ·44, 'JI unt in g ton .Mll.DHED E. Sc 11 M IJJT "41, D ay l on , Ohio D o1WT ll Y J. S 1-11 ~ p '43, Muncie
C LAHE M. SNYU EH ·~· l, GenC'va, N.Y. JO AN S PBAV '42, FrankforL MA 1lY SUSAN STULL '41, Bloomington Tl'JA BI E J. T UHG! '1Jl , New Castl e SAHA J\NN WALKEB '44, Indi ana poli s S 111 nLEY ANN WEHMEIEH '4-3, C hi cago BETTY I .011 WE NGrn ·44, K okomo Vrncl NI A S. WI LLS '44, Jncli an apoli ' J ANE E . WINTEHS '42. Indianap oli s MAHILYN YOUNG ·43, F1. Wayne
1z a t1011 s a re Phylli s G ill, rn e mbe r of Alph a La mbd a Delt a. and Der De utsch e Verein , a nd Em J ea n Cr aig, Presid e nt of th e gro up, m e mber of the I 11Le rnali o nal Relations Clu b and th e Educat io n cl ub . Mem bers of the 1e wrnan Club a re Bell y Freese. Kalhr) n Bri scoe, H ele n Vo igt. a nd D o na Carpen ter . Belo ng in g Lo Le Ce rcl e Franca is are Betty Freese, H elen W hile. Carol) n Davi s. Ali ce Ri ch ards. a11d H ele n Voigt. J ea nelle S trau J is a member of th e Ch em istr y Clu b. th e Euclid ea n Circle, and th e Ed uca ti o n Clu b. ujcally mind ed Virg ini a L ee Ho1rnrd belongs to th e Pro-Mu sic Club and th e G lee Club. Oth er me mbe rs of th e Glf'e Cl uh a r e Caro l~ 11 Davi s. Be tti e Vogel. and A li ce Ri c hard s. Carol )n D av is was a So ph on10 rf' n1 cmh c r o( th e Ed ito ri al :-La ff ,, f Lh e Arbutu s.
EvA JEAN CHA l G ______ ___ _____________ ___________ __ ____ Pres ide11l VJRGL\'IA
LE E H o\l'AHD
_____ ____ __ _______ Vice- Preside11 /
BETTY FHEl': SE ___ ____________________ ______________ __ ____Secretary J EAN ETTI':
UB ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ _________ _____ _____ T reasurer
F irst Ruw K AT llHY N 1\ 11.EE 'IE B 1u sco 1-: ·43_ T <' 1-r0 H aut<' DO'\A J_ CAHl'E''t tH -4 L T au nt o n_ \l a •• · 1-: vA .lt·: ~'\' CHA IC '4]_ Ft. Wa y1w C:AllllLY N ]. D -111 s ·,12. Evan sv ill t'
Secn nd
Roi ~
'43. In d iana poli s \ ' 1H c;1'1~ LEE !I OWAIUl '41, Bl oo min g to n J\ l ·IHY J. LEI\ I ~ '42, l ndi a na Ha rbo r J\1 -IHCI EHIT E J\1 11.L:; "-12_ Bloomini,r lon
EPR~SE~ lT\ C K a~pa _ ? ella in ca mpu s o rga:1-
Third Row 1\ 1~RlETT _~ l\T tJH Pl!Y ''IL CalvC'l' lon
J E 1'ETTI·: D.
STH •ll IJ --12. Ft. W ay ne> B ETTYE /\. \ OGEL -,12, Evnn svill C' J\1A IU OH ll·: A. \ OG l·:L ·4 L Evan sv ille · ll i-:u:'I I ,, \ 0 1cr 'll. Jcfff'rso nvi l l.>
Founded at Farmville State College fo r Women 1902 Sigma Upsilon chapter founded at Indi ana Uni versity 1923 Seventy chapters
KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA F o u nded a t M o 11 111 oulh Coll ege 1870 Del la ch a pter fo und ed a t Indi a na U niver s ity 187:2 Seventy-fo ur c hap te rs
APP A "roddesses" who participate in campus activiti es includ e Bett y Jo Han so n, member of Mortar Board, Pleiades, Theta Alpha Phi, and wh o is Busin ess Manager of th e Uni ver sity Theatre; Mad elyn Pugh, member of Pleiades, Theta Sigma Phi , and who is campus editor of The Daily Student and on the Editorial staff of the Arbutus. Mary Stuart Hayes is a member of Pleiades, Oceanides and the W.A.A. Council. Helen Thi eme is secretar y of th e Pan-Hellenic Council. Mary Elizabeth H end ricks is president of Chi Gamma and Rebecca Morris is vice-president. Shirley Maloney r eigned as qu een of the annual Law Taxi dan ce. Members of Alpha Lambda Delta are J ea n Moffat, Bernice Brown , J oa nne Strauss, Charlotte Cooper, and Rosemary Hendricks, th e last two servin g as presid ent and secretar y, r espectively. Berni ce Brown is on th e A.W.S. Counc il and Mary Sailors and Rebecca Morris are members of Omi cron Delta. Dede Lun g was a member of th e Homecoming Qu een's court. Phyllis Burge a nd Jan e Alexander are active in the Un iversity Thea tre.
First Row BEH NICE BHOWN '4.3 , Bloomin gton PHYLLIS BUHGE '4-3, Kokomo M AHTH A CA LI BLt: '43, Bloomington KATE COLE '43, P eru CHARLOTTE Coo PER '43, And er so n BETTY CU LL '41, North Vernon J OAN CuR DES '43, Ft. Wayn e BARBARA CUTSHALL '44, Brazil i\ IAHGAnET A :'IXE DRISCOLL '43, Indianapoli s
Fourth Row DED E LuNr. '42, K oko mo MARY M. MALO NEY '44, P e ru S 1-1rn1.EY l\l ALO NEY '.+ l , P eru ] EA N MOFFAT '43, Bloomington BECKY Mo1m1 s '•l2, ob lesvill e ] ANICE POPE '42, French Li ck Br.TTY JA NE PRATHEH ·44, Pal estin e, 111. i\ ADELY N P uc1-r '42 , Indianapoli s BETTYF. R i::c:K NE!l '43, Ev a n s vil l ~
H ELEN TmEME ······················-----------------B ETTY CULL ··········------------··----··-· ··------------
HARRIET R UTLED GE ----··----------·---- ----·-------·
Seco 11d Row
President Secretary Treasurer
Tlr.irrl Row
FRA NCES D uNCA N '43, H11 sh vill e BECKY ENDR ES '43, Ru hville PATRI CIA FAILING '44, Indianapoli s l\1ARY ELLE N F1HES '43, P eru E~ rr LY GAHD NER '41 , Ft. Wayn e S usA:'l ," A GAVIT '44, Bloomington R UTH GoHOA N '42, Bryan , T exa s BETTY J o HA NS ON '4] , Bloomingion MARY ELIZABETH l-lr.NDHlCKS '1i2, Martin svill e
Ro s EMAHY l-I ENDHICKS ·43, Martin svill e NANCY LEE H ERKL ESS '43, Kni ght stown MARY ELLE N J:-l1NES '43, A uburn ]EA N H uGrn:s '44, Ft. Schu yle r, 1_y_ Loi s H uTH l NGA LLS '43, Bedford CAROL KEE NE '43, El khart Jl r-:LE NE K UEH N '41, South Be nd Rt:nr A NN K u rnN '43, South Bend MARJOR IE LITTLE "43 , Indianapoli s
Sixth Row
Fifth Row ]OANNE R EED '43, Bloo mington ]-JARH IETT RH ETTS '44, Marion JA NET Ro ss '43, Bell evi li e, 111. l·lARHI ET RUTLEDGE '4-2, Indianapoli s MARY SA ILORS '42 , Sou th Bend M ~RILYN SEWARD ·44, Bloomington BARBARA SM IL EY '43, Washin g ton J OANNE SrnA USS "43, 1orth Manch es ter TT ELE N THIEME '42, Ft. Wayn e VrnGI NIA THOMA S '43, H onolulu , Hawaii
Ji-:AN NE THOMPSON '43, T erre l lau te JA NE To uRNEH '43, Bl oo mington ]E,\ N Vo ss '41, Seymour BECKY WALLEY '41, Ft. Wayn e PATTY WATT '44, Noblesvill e Mm1AM WEDEKI NG '41, Dal e PATTY Lo WINGERT ' 41, Bloomington B ETSY WOLFE '4-2, Indianapoli s M1LL1F: ] ANE Wor.LAXD '44, Sh elbyvill e BETTY \V LFMAN '44, Huntingburg
CTI VE in the Della Alp~1a c:haple r "is Vi rge11 1 • member of Pi Lambda I heta , Beta Ga mm a ig111a. a nd Om ic ro n '\u . Ber) I A nn l3ro11 · nell is edilor of lh e Coed Reporlrr. on lh e la fI o[ lhe Daily Stude11/ , a membe r o[ lh c Y.\V.C.A. cahinel. ai1d js on lh e W.A.A. boa rd . Marc il e Irle i~ al ::;u on lh e \\! .A. A . boa rd and is o n Llw Y.\V.C.A. t·o u11 t· il. Du ri s Tullle is a l,,-.o 011 lh e Y.W.C.A. t·u u11c il and 11 as app uinled lo lhl' Sludcnl SclfCu1ernin g co n1111illee. Dorolh) Lun·oc k rcp rcsc nls th e house in Della Tau Mu. ar t honorar~· - } O)C:C S milh . pres id enl of th e h ouse. is Treasurer o[ \V.A.A. Phi :Mu has ma ny pro111i11 e11l alu11111 ac 011 thi s ca mpus. amo ng lh r m NJiss Clara Fed ler of lh c Ph) s ica l Ed ucation dcparlnw nt. Phi Mu is proud lo claim as ho norar) members Slo11 c11 all J arbo n a nd R.o herl E. Lee. Th r nali o nal o rga lliza li o; 1 111 a inlai ns a tra vellin g hea llh clinic .in lhe slate of Geo rg ia 1d1ich co nlacts lh e i!'olalr d dislr ir ls of th e slalc and fu rni s hes med ica l a id lo those \\h u need it.
A 1oo re. a
J OYCE S.\ 1ITH ________________________________________ _ MAHCI u :
] HU:
Preside11 /
Vice- Preside11t BEHYL ANN BtWW N l, LL -------------------------- -- Secretary S 111HLIC)ANNE BH A LI" ' _________ -·--·-···----------- Treasurer -----------------------· _________
First R ow S lll Hl.EY\\\I·:
llBAl. E)
·-12. \\h ilillf!
Bno11' \El.L
'12. \ alparai,o
C11 -1TTE\ '.J2. Elkhart
li u . \E
Fi . Wa)nt'
Third Ro w
Sec niul Row Do1u ' C: HOl'I' ·11 I. 1)011 ll (·' r o Crn\l', !! I. 11f:LE \ II OLTO \ '.J I, o,goud
\ 11<c 1"\ 11 _\ loo1a: · 11. Tnn· I l a 11it'
.\ I IHCll.E 1111.1._ ··12. C:ol11111IJ 11 0
.l orc1-. S"111-r1 1 \ 12. \
Do110·111 v L1 econ: · 1.3 . .l oli e l. ]II . \\ \\Ill _\ lcCOl.G IN ·-1-1., _\ l il a n
\I IHG IH ET SCOTT '.J.3. Co1111l'r" ilil' alpara i ~u
Co1Hwr, 1ill<· Do1:1' T t "TT1.1-: ··13. I ndi a 1wp1,J i, '. !.).
PHI MU F ounded at Wesleyan College for Women in 1852 Delta Alph a chapter founded at Indiana University 1920 Sixty-four chapter
PHI OMEGA Pl F o und ed a l U nivers ity o [ Ne braska in 19 10 Indi a na chaple r fo unded in 1922 T we nty-five c hapte rs
EMBERS of Phi Omega Pi devote their time to numerous acti vities on the campus. Georgeanna Giovanini is a member of Omi cron Delta , Management Club, secr etar y of the Acco unting Club, and a member of th e Board of Director of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce. Jane Bottorff is corresponding ecretary of the Panhellenic Counc il and is active in th e radio th eatre. Lorene Reynold ':;, Mary K. Harri s, Marthada Vaughn , and Winni e Werts serve on A.W.S. Committees. Coed Coun selin g requires much of the time of Carolyn Davis, and Leota Brun er. Margaret Ann Stout serves on the Board of Standards, and the Y.W.C.A Council. Rosemary Bailey and Rhea McColl are members of W .A.A. Winnie Werts i3 acti ve in th e Fife, Drum, and Bu gle Corps, Glee Club, and th e Choral Union. Marthada Vaughn participated in th e Stud ent Government Committee. In addition to servin g as secretary of her sororit , Doroth y Bottorff is a member of Omi cron Delta. Delta Tau Mu claims Lorene Reynolds.
First Row R osE~ I ARY
BATLEY '43, Car y DOROT HY BOTTORFF '42, l ndi anapoli s J Al\'E BOTTORFF '41, In d ia na poli s LEOTA BR UNER '41, Bl oom in gton MARJOHIE CATTELLE '44, S turgis, .l\.li ch .
NI NI _____ ____ ___ _.. ..... .. ______
Vice -President DOROTHY BoTTOlffF --- ---- ---- -- ------ --------- ---- Secretar')' CAROLYN D AVIS ----- ------ -- --- ---- ------- --- ---- ----· · Treasurer
J ANE Bo TTO RrF ---- --- -- -- --- ------------- ---- -
Thir<l Row
Seco 11tl Row CAROLYN DAVIS '43, Crawford svill e CEORt; EANN A GIOVA NINI '41, Hill boro MAnY ELIZABETH GIOVAN INI '44, l-1ill sboro MILDR ED ll AINES '44., So uth Be nd MARY K . JI ARH IS '43, Bloo min g ton
Fourth R ow JOA NN E SHOEMAKER '44,, Brazil MAHGARET A NN STO UT '43, Middl etown ELEANOR TAYLOR '41, Madi son BETT Y J ANE TROWBRllJGE '44, Crawfo rd svill e MARTI-TADA VAUG HN '44, W ashin gto n, D.C. Wr NN IE WERTZ '43, Ladoga
H1 ccrNBOTHAM '4.3, Gary DoHOTHY KNOOP '42, Gary MARY MAHLMA N PG , Bi smar ck , .D. R1JE •I McCOLL '44, ew Albany Loru:NE REYNOLDS '43, Indianapolis ALICE R OBINSON '44, Indi anapolis
ARGARET Lou Ma y leads the fi eld in activi ti es with membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Mor ta r Board, the Pres idency of Classical Club , Y.W.C.A. cabin et, and membership in Eta Si gma Phi_ Th eta Alph a Phi , and W.A.A. She is on the business staff of th e U niversity Theatre, and she serves as Secretar y of the Seni or Class. An other Mortar Board member is Jan et Hamer ly who head s Omicron Delta, is a member of the Collegiate Chamber of Co mmerce and on the W.A.A. board. Peg Smith is also a member of the W.A.A. board, and in additi on she is pres id ent of th e Dance cl ub. and a member of Theta Alpha Phi, and VicePresident of Pleiades. Other Pleiades members are Vara Judd and Madeline Scull y. J ean Esden is a member of th e Y.W.C.A. cabinet, Mary Elsner is Junior Business Manager of University Theatre, a member of th e Board of Stand a rds, a nd Asso ciate Busin ess Man ager of the A rbutus. J ean Di ckson is also an Associate Editor of the Arbutus; Sara J ean H ayes and Bett y J a ne Mowr y arc Sophomore Assistants.
Lo u l\ifAy
DD -········ ..
J EAN }oJJ KSON ... .. .
. ····--·-- President .. . V ice-President Sec retar y ................ Treasurer
Firsl Row W 11..LO UCHBY ALLEN '42, Washin gton ML'RIEL ANDERSON ·42, In d iana poli s MAR IANNA As 1rnY '44, La doga BABBARA BAYLE s '43, Shaker Height s, Ohi o ) OAN BoMALA SKI '42. Ja sper AGNES Bn owN '42, In diana poli s H ELE~ BUS ARD '44, R ushv ille J , ~E C 1LNON ··B, l lammon d J ,Ul I ~E COOK>'ON ·4+, Bloom inglon
SPco 111l Rnw R urH CooKSON '43, Bloomin gton Vrnc INIA D AV IS '41, Indiana poli s .I EAN DI CKSON '42, Lowell MAHY El.SNEil '42, Sey mour h:AN Es DEN '41, F ayettevill e, N .C. BETTY E FEHB ELL '41, F ortvill e M AHTH A FETTEn LY '44, Elkhart Lo is FRA NK '42, Ft. Wayne AUD REY C JRSON '41, Bl oo min gton BARBARA C rnsoN '43, Bloo min glon
Third Row R un1 H AM ACHER ·42, L011 cl I J A\'ET JI AMEBSLY '41, Was hi nglo n l\ IAHGIE J-IA'1Ell>LY '.J4 , Washi ngton SABA J EAN H AYES "42, Washin gton W YNAN OA INT-Hour '4-1-, P a rk Rid ge, Ill. DoR o nrY JA NSEN '42, Indiana pol is BAHllARA J OHNSON '43, Kni ghtstown J EAN J o 11 NSON '41, Ha mm ond VARA J UDD '41, S turgis, M ich . Eu zARETH Knrn '42, T oledo, Oh io
Fourth Row DonoTJIY KI NG '43, Birmin gha m, Mi ch . M ART HA LYNC H '44, Eva nsv ille M ARGIE Lou MAY '41, B loo min gton BETTY MAYES '4-1, Vi ncen nes BETTY JIJcCOHM ICK '41, Vi nce nnes MARJ OHIE i\JcTNTYRE '4-4, East Chi cago JEAN k K EE '44, Indianapoli s MAnIA N i\1Yrns '42, Mayfield, K y. J uuA MI LLER "43, R ussiavi ll e BETTY MOWRY '43, Lafaye tte
Fifth Row M ARY R uTJr P ALMER PG , L eban on J-IE LEN P LETCHEll '41, Ft. Wayne J Ai\"E P UL LEY '42, Wa rren FH ANCES R EN FR O '41, S partanburg, S .C. CAllOLY R o BEH TSON '42, Brown stow n R i: TH R ocrns '41, Bloomin gton MADELI NE SCULLY '42, Gary J OSEP HI NE EA RS '43, Elkhart BA RBARA SM ITH '43, In dianapoli s P EGGY SMI TH '41, Phil adelphi a, Pa.
Sixt h Row ALI CE E . THO MPSON '43, Winama c DonoTHY TH OMPSON '43, Bl oomin gton MARY TH OM PSON '44, Win amac M ARGA RET T OR PHY '42, Bloomin gton M AR.J OBIE VALE '43, Indi ana poli s 1ARY J A ' E W ALL '44, Ph oenix, Ari z. SA RAH J . WALSH '44, Balt imore, Md . JOA NNE W ATSON '43, Elkh art BARBARA WELLS '44, Logansport MAHGARET W ELSH '42, Vin cenn es
PI BETA PHI Founded at Monmouth College 1867 Indiana Beta Chapter found ed at Indian a University 1893 Eighty-four chapters
F ound ed at Corn ell U niver sity 1917 LT psil on hap ter fo und ed at Jndi a na 11 iversity 1940 Seventeen ch ap ters
ETTY Holland , president of the chapter, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Iota Sigma Pi , and the A.W.S. Board of Standards. Jeanne Sacks is a member of Tap , and the U niversity Radi o Guild. Journalistically-minded members are Betty Savesky, a member of the Daily Student staff, Alpha Lambda Delta , and the A.W.S. publicity committee, and Rose teiber, who is on the Busines staff of th e Arbutus, the women's varsity debate sq uad, and the A.W.S. Board of Standards. Juliette Abraham is cheer leader. Members of the Hillel stu· dent council are Mildred Horowitz, Shirley Fin e, and Evelyn Slung. Loretta Din ess is a member of th e Inter-Reli gious Cabinet. Gerri Levine is a member of Taps, the Univer ity Th ea tre Busin ess staff, th e University Radio Guild and is a coed cou n elor. Sigma Delta Tau was formerly Sigma Phi Upsilon here on th e campus and was merged with th e national organiza ti on Apri l 20, ] 940. Th e sorority for Jewish coeds is noted for hi gh scholarship a nd has been at the head of the g rad e ratin gs for a number of semesters.
First Row Al'NETTE ABEL '44, Ma ri on J ULIETTE ABRAHAM '44, Evansvill e BETTY JEA N BEITMAN '44, Indianapol is Brn NAD INE DEE '42, Indian apoli s LoiiETTA D1 NESS '42, Ga r y S HIRLEY Fr NE '42, New Albany
President Vice-Presiden t SHALAN S KY ....................... ...... ... Secretary HORO WITZ ............... ................... Tr easurer
BETTY HOLLAN D . .................. .. .......... ...... JEA NNE SACKS ............... .. ................ ALBERTA MILDRED
Second Row F ANNY FRIEDLA ND '44, East Chi cago TH ELM A GERNSTE JN '44, New Castl e R1 vA 11 HASSAN '44, Ft. Way ne BETTY B. H ELMAN '43, Indianapoli s BETTY HOLLA ND '41, And erson MILDR ED HonowITz '42, Brookl yn, N.Y.
Fourth Row J EANNE SACKS '42, Indianapoli s BETTY J. SAVE KY '42, Mari on ALBERTA SHALA NS KY '42, Indi ana poli s EVELY N SLUNG '42, Seymou r ] UNE SPIEGA L '43, Anderso n RosE STEIIJER '43, Ft. Wayn e LILLIS J . YoFFLE '44, Seymour
Thircl Row JACQ UELYN JosE PH '44, Shelbyville GERALDINE LEVI NE '43, Aurora A NNE LEVI NSON '44, Cincinnati, Ohi o PHYLLIS L. MAIERSO '44, Indianapol is R t:TH MARKS '43, Louisville, Ky. FLORENCE L. MILLEH '42, E ast Chicago
HE Sigma Kappa house may certainly be more than proud of one of its members, Ch arlo tte Jeanes. She is the President of the English Club, Treasurer of the Y.W.C.A., a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, and thi s yea r was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Ano ther outstandin g member of the sorority is Virginia Trickey, wh o is editor of the Panhellenic Rush Rules Book, an ac ti ve member of Theta Sigma Pi , and night ed itor of the Daily Student. Betty Iiederh a us is a member of the W.A.A. Board , while H a rri et Kri egbaum is a membe r of Alph a Lambda Delta. The Indiana Univer sity Fife, Drum , and Bugle Corps claim s Elsie Gi esma n a nd ] nge P elikan as membe rs. Members of Chi Gamma are Norma Lagena u r, Alice Sch afer , a nd Betty Ann e Regel , whi le Harri et Kri egbaum , Do ri s K on in g, and Do ri s N icholson belon g to Omicron Delta. Coed Counselors from the h ouse are Jean Ragon , Dor othy Hathaway, No rma Lage na ur. Elsie Iesman . Tn ge P eli ca n, an d 13ett,- A nn e R egel.
Preside11 t Vice- Presiden t BETTY MoLDTHAN -------------------------------------- Sec retary l-1 E l. EN S OMERVILLE ----------- ----------------------- Tr easurer HARRIET KRIEGBA UM
---------- ---- _____________ __
Do1us KO NING ----------------------------------
First Row
MARTHA BAR NETT '44, Mitchell DOROTHY DIERKING '44, Jeffersonvill e EL"IE G1F.SMAN '43, Evansville J\ ] ~BT ll A GHEGG ·44, Greenwood DOROTHY HATHAWAY '43, Laurel CHARLOTTE ]EAN F.S '41, Indianapolis
Third Row
Seco nd Row
Dams KONING '42, Indi anapoli s HARRI ET Kn1 EGBAUM '41, Warren MARGARET KRIEKHA US '41, Eva nsvill e NORMA LAGF.N t\ UR '43, Indianapoli s BETTY J\'loLDTll AN '41, l ndia na pol is BAnB ,\HA \[YEH >' '44, Bloom ington
Fourth Row
ALICE ScHA FEH '43, Evansville ] EANNE SCHOONOVER '44, Huntington Woods, Mich. HELEN SHERTZER '44, Bloomington VIRGINIA TRICKEY '41, Indianapolis MARIAN WELRORN '42, Terre Haute ZAMA WHITE '44, South Bend WINIFRED YOUNG '44, South Bend
DORIS NICHOLSON '42, Evansvill e BETTY NIEDERHA US '42, Evansville VmGINIA OGLE '44, Indianapoli s INGE PELIKAN '43, Evansville J EAN RAC.ON '43, Hammond BETTY ANNE REGEL '43, Evansvill P ELEANOR RuTZ '44, Gary
SIGMA KAPPA Founded at Colby College 1874 Tau chapter founded at Indiana University 1918 Forty-eight chapters
ZE11A TAU ALPHA Found ed at Virgini a State Norm al Sch ool 1898 Alpha Xi chapter founded at Indiana Uni versity 1922 Sixty-fo ur chapters
OST active in the Z.T.A. house is Georgia Vor· President of the local chapter and a member of Mortar Board. She is also Vice-President of W.A.A. , a member of Pleiades, and of Alpha Lambda Delta. Also active is elda Johnson who belongs to Mortar Board and is President of W.A.A. Katie Kirk and Mary K. Weimer are both members of Pleiades. Katie Kirk is Secretary of th e organization. Betty Coleman is Secretary of Chi Gamm a, Business Sch ool organization for women. tell a Kennerly is one of th e cheer leaders. Representin g th e house on th e Y.W.C.A. cabin et is Beatri ce Hruskovick. Doris Conn er is a member of th e Busin ess Staff of the 1941 A rbutus. A unique function of the local chapter is the observance of two traditional parties each year. at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. At Thanksgiving the pledges must entertain the actives at a dinner. At Christmas the tables are turned when the actives honor the pledges, presenting the outstanding pledge of the year with a large pledge pin.
First R ow VF.RA BRETZ '41, Huntingburg DORIS JEA N CONNER '43, And er so n MARY EMAHISER '42, Akron LOIS FA ULSTI CK PG, Royal Oak , Mi ch . CAROL GRIFFIN '42, H am mond
President Vice- President PATRICIA OLMSTEAD ............................... Secretary NELDA J OHNSON ...................... _ ........... Treasurer
GEORGIA VoRGANG ................................... BETTY Lo u PHILLIPS ........
Third Row
Second Row B bATBl CE H1rnsKOVICK '43, W hil in g NELDA .l OH NSON '41, Indianapoli s BARBARA KEYES '44, Marion M~ 1ff CA Tll EH INE K 1H K '4 l. Marlin svill e BETTY KOLLMAN '42, Ft. Wayne
Fourth Row MARTHA STEDMAN '42, A urora MARY VAN DREW '42, F t. Wa yne N ANCY VA N MATRE '42, In dia napoli s GLORCIA VORCA NC '41, J efferson vi lle ARMADA WARD '41, Da nville MARY KAY WnMER '41, Cnlumb us
Runr LEE '41, T ell City MADONNA MORITZ '42, Ft. Wayne ELEANOR NIC HOLAS '41, Indianapoli s PATRICIA OLMSTEAD '42, Beaver, Pa . BETTY Lou PHI LLIPS '42, Indianapol is BETTY Ross SEIBERLING '43, Marion
DELTAZETA F ounded at Miami University 1902 Epsil on chapter founded at Indiana U niversity 1909 Fifty-six chapter s
ELTA ZETAS of Indiana Uni versity have been making a name for themselves in vari ous campus organizations und er the leadership of Jane Hudso n, th eir President. Jane is a member of the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, the W.A.A. Board , and is President of the Hikin g Club. She is also adept at sketchin g and is in demand by groups to give her "chalk-talks." Another hobby of the versatile house Presid ent is her ability to make small wood fi gures, th e carving of which takes up her leisure time. Elizabeth Dawso n is also a member of the W.A.A. Board , as are Dolores La ng and Ph yll is Hanson. Elizabeth is a lso a member of th e ] ndian a University Fife, Drum , and Bugle Corps, and is past President of the P a nhelleni c Council. Julia Butt captured th e title of Intramural Pin gpon g champion fr om a fi eld of over fi ft y girls. Vivian Johnson is a m ember of Omicron Delta. The Nati onal President of Delta Zeta, Mrs . H . M. Lund y, is an alumna of Epsilon chapter.
President ····-····---------- -·· ----·-- .Vice- Pres ident ] ULIA B UTT _______ ____ ....... . ........ ·· ----- ___________ Sec retary ELIZABETH DAWSON ·····-- ---- ------- ----·· _______ __ Treasurer
JA NE H UDSO N ·--·············· · -·--··------ -- ··········· · BARBARA
__ ___________________________ ___President
__________________ ___ _________________ Pres z:dent
ROXANA WERTZ ______ _________ _________________ Vice-Pr esident
JEA N MEESE __ ____________________________________ Vice-President
HELEN VmrNGHOFF ___________ _______ ________________ Secre/.ctry
MARIAN K UHN ____________________ __ __________ __________ Sec retary
CATHERINE CHERRY ________________________________ Treasurer
MAXINE MORRISON ____________ __ ____________________ Tr easurer
Relaxin g at the piano a re Marjori e Elliott, J eann e Morri s, Genevieve Barker , Ruth Dippell, a nd J ane Irwin . . . Comb ined co un cil s of East and Wes l Memorial. Seated: Margaret Hatala, Roxa na Wertz, Nelli e Walter s, Marian Kuhn, Ca th erine Cherry, Lu cy Bachm a n. Standin g : H elen Vidinghoff, Carol Jon es, J ean Meese . . . Th e an nu al Rin g Dinn er given in honor of th e Se niors . . . J erry Pool e presid es over a boress in th e East Parlors .. . Thomas an d H enry in a close ma with Werlz, Carl so n, an d Ball cheerin g fr om th e sid elin es.
Th e Memorial Hall arch is the gateway to the co urt around which is clustered th e four dormitories for 600 girls. Its four familiar towers symbolize Education , Service, Reli gion , and Recreation. They also represent th e reali zation of a dream of Dr. Agn es Wells, who worked and planned for thi s dormitory- perhaps foreseein g that it would some da y be only the beginning of a complete housing plan. The East wing, where the sun shines first, publishes a year book, the " Towers," and the West wing publishes th e " Castle Chronicles." These books review academic and social achi evements of the year. Self-government under the A.W.S . constitution is practiced by the residents of the Hall.
On the social sid e Memorial has teas, dances, and pajama parti es. It also joins with the other three dormitories in the Sunday afternoon coffee hour. The traditional Senior Rin g Dinn er is held ever y year on November 15, on th e anniversary of the Memorial dedi cation . At the fall formal dan ce this year the girls did without costly decorati ons and donated the money to the Student Refu gee fund . Miss Elizabeth Scranton is social director of the W est win g of Memorial, Miss Helen DeVol is social director of the East wing. Miss Violette Maloney is th e first graduate counsell or on the campus and Miss Phyllis Goshorn is Memorial nurse.
...... President .... .Vice-President . .......... Secretary . . _ .......... ... Treasurer
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j OJ-J SON -------------------------------------------- President
J A NE TY NER -------------------------------------- ___ //ice-President REBE CCA
----- ------ ---------------- ----------- T reasarer ] st Sem ester _____________________ .Secretary- 2nd Semester
PATT Y REM A LEY ________________ Sec retaryH ELEN CODY
E:ECH HALL is o ne of th e ve r v newest do rmitori es o n i h ' ) campus, being occ upi ed for th e first t1111 e thi s yea r. Desp ite the Hall 's ex treme you th , it is an unu s ua ll y active in stituti o n. Of it ' o ne hundred fourt een r es id ents, sixty-fiv e are Fres hm e n. I n answe r to frate rnit y ser ena des, th e girls a lwa) s in g " Beech H a ll Gi 1-I"" to th e tun e of "Whe n Da y l s Don e" . Thi s yea r. three b ig dances we re held , includin g th e " Barn Dance" in October, th e " Powd er Puff Pro m" in Dece mber, a nd th e "'Beech Ball" in th e s pring . Beg innin g a traditi o n, th e Juni o rs honored th e Seniors at a Seni o r-Valentin e formal dinn er in F ebruar y. Th e Seni ors we rP prese nted with Wed ge wood plates th a t were centered with a pi cture of th e Me morial Hall towers, desig ned b y D .A. R., an d sent fr om En gland in o ne of th e few ships cros in g th e war zon e. Th e dormitory co nta in s the dining hall for both Beech and Sycam or e Hall girls. Th e buildin g was com pleted sh or tl y after Syca mo re H all and is furni shed in th e same wa y throu gh o ut. Mi ss Lorrain e Lind sey is social director of the H a ll. Durin g th e first semester Miss Elizabeth Mann was ni ght cha pero ne. a nd M is;; Ge raldin e Drury fill ed th a t positi o n durin g the seco nd seme te r. Fran ces Yearick is Soc ial Chairm a n fo r th e Hall .
Fourth row: Haag, Kiwak , Frakes, Markert, Stei nm eiz, J ane Schabin ge r, Dro it, J ean Schab in ger, P eckinpau gh, Applegate, I-T ackney, Given, Ko ch. F ifth row : Scheulk e, McQuee n, F erri er , Poer , Davis, Newland , Spe ncer, Lockrid ge, Lowell , Gra bow, Moo smiller, Grayson, J ones, Gli ck, Gri ese!, Hou se, Tob ias. Sixth row: Wolfe, Hester , John son, Rohl eder , Burket, Da ugherty, Netter, Billie Basset.t, Betti e Bassett, Keehn , Ri sley, P ass, Yea rick, Kin g.
Firsl row: Grimes, Woylovich, Tyn er , J ackso n, Cody, Gray, Martin , Rawlin gs, Wi se, Oska rd , Koskin en, Sa nders, Dewend , Hi ggins. Seco nd row. Q11alkinbu sh, Dun ca n, Radcliff, Stoltz, ReMal ey, Townse nd , Ham, Wible, Braun, Mou , Ri chard s, Vaughn , Lilli br id ge. Third tow: Mi ss Lindsey, Bron so n, Archib ald, Brown, Wall, Worland, Pat e, Sch uck, Mclnl yre, Trad er , Leonard, Claman, Smith , Se!eclsow , Bow man, Varga.
FOREST HALL President Vice- President BONNI E Bo uc I-IA HD --------- ----------------------------------- Sec retanCA HOL K EESLING ----- ------------------- ------------------------ Tream rer
B ETTY S TI CH ----- ---- -------------------- -------- ---------- --- ---MA HCU E:HIT E R i::r::VES --------------------------------
'f ak i ng ii ea sy in 1h c ln11 nge a r c M argar el W inkl rpl eck , Be ll y li ch , S 11 e A uch , a nd M uri el Coll ins . .. O n 1h e way up- H ilda Lea se, Ma rjo ry S mi 1h, Ha rri et P owers, K ay S ill er , M a ril yn Vice, J ea n H eld , a nd .T11n e Ri c ha rdso n ... El m ira S hi ckeclan z provides a li1il e a fl er-d inn er e nl erl a inm e nl . . . h 's a de ba lable po inl - a nd whi ch r eco rd do you wan I ? . . . Ca 1c hin g 11p o n r eadin:r ma i ler in lh e Libe . . . lh e Fo res! H a ll o rches lra wi lh Elmi ra Sc h ic kedanz direcli ng .
LTHO UGH F or est H all w_as built o nl y five years ago. th e first a ngle of wh at has n ow become th e q uadran gle of th e W o men's R eside nce Halls. T he governm ent i entirely in th e han ds o f a stud ent co un cil, o ne of Lh e first alle mpts o n thi s ca mpu s to 111stall a self-governin g b od y. Th e Co un cil is aid ed b y Mi ss Ma ude Jones, social direclo r. F orest H all's a nnu al pu blicati o n, lh e Forest Folio, enfo ld s withi n its gr een a nd gold covers th e pi ct ure, n a me, an d add ress of each r esid ent ; candid sh ots and r emi ncl -
A it hel ped to fo rm
ers of the year's da nces a nd v arti e Thi s yea r's social acti viti es includ ed two forma l dan ces, a fac ulty tea, a snack-supper after each h ome foo tball ga me, a nd a paj am a p arty ever y mo nth . Always hi g h in cholarship, For est rated first o n th e ca mpu s durin g lh e first semesters of 1940 a nd 1941. Guard ing th e h ealth of th e coeds is Mi ss Leo na Ke rb y, nurse, and guardin g th e ex its a nd e ntra nces again st poss ible late-co mer s is Mi ss M a ri a n Re pka, ni ght ch apero ne.
From the ver y outset with the selection of the staff and the lettin g of contracts, man y individuals rendereJ valuable assistance to the staff of the 1941 Arbutus and we wish to express our deep appreciati on for their tireless efforts in our behalf. We are especially ind ebted to the Comptroller's of· £ice fo r their excellent ad vice and assistance in th e fi. nan cial admini stration of thi s yearbook as well as the man y worthwhile suggesti o ns co ntri buted. We are ind ebted to the members of the contract committee- Ward G. Biddle, Cla ud e Black, L. L. Fi she r, John E. Stempel, and Paul L. Feltu s- for handlin g the important technicaliti es of the lettin g of contracts. Also we wish to thank th e contracting compani es who cooperated in giving prompt ser vice on deliver y, a nd in man y cases in givin g rush service: the Staffo rd E ngraving Co., for art work and engravin g; DexheimerCarlon Studios, and the Indi ana Uni versity Extension Division for photograph y; the Samu el R. Guard & Co. , Inc., fo r printing th e book ; and th e Kin gsport Press, In c., for designin g and producin g the cover of thi s book. We wish to th ank Dean C. E. Edm ondson and the members of the selection committee in assurin g us that we had a competent staff, and L. A. Keisler, Busi ness Adviser, and Andrew G. Olofson, Editori al Adviser, fo r th eir day by day assistance, an d technical advice. For editorial advice and assistance we are ind ebted to The Indiana Daily Student, The R ed Book, The /11 diana Alumni Magazine, The Indiana Athletic Review, Mi ss Ivy Chamn ess of the Publi ca ti ons Office, and E. Ross Bartley of the News Bureau. We are also ind ebted to George Zupani c and Robert Phillips for techni cal ad vi ce in th e preparati on of the ori gin al layo ut of the 1947 A rbutus. Ph otos used in thi s year book were obtained th ro ugh th e courtesy of th e Milwazikee Journ al, l ook Magazine, th e Chicago Daily News , and th e Makio , yearb ook of Ohi o State U ni versity. Th anks are du e Ray Howard a nd Meredith Bratton fo r their assista nce with th e 1941 A rbutns Beauty contest. Th e staff is grateful fo r th e assistance given by no nstaff members Nate Kaplan , Barb ara Jean Cotton, Rob ert Johnson , Bernard Winner, and also the followin g Freshmen wh o are tr ying out fo r 1942 staff positions: Margaret Antibus, Betty Jean Beilman, Mary K. Belch , Helen Busard, Louise Cookson, P at Droit, Lewis Ferguson, Marth a F etterly, James Gaddi s, Max Gilso n, Jack Hansen, Virginia Hawley, Dorothea Hunter, Wy nand ::i Int-Hout, Marselda Jacobs, Mar y Jean Johnson, Mary Kelli e, Robert Kni ght, Willi am Leonard, Betty Jane Lu sk, Carmel P eckinpaugh , Willi am Sanders, Irene Sand ers, Jan e Schabin ger , Jean Sch abin ger, Jean Spencer , Marilyn Seward, Rachel Stoner, James Tedford , Richard Terwilli ger, Jam es Thi eme, Sally Walker, Bar bara Wells, Betty I.u Wenger, ancy Whipple, Mary Lee Wible, a nd Gus Yochem.
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S PI N K -A R MS H OTE i. . S TO N E's
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Red Book It's New It's Modet•n l.U.'s S"7 ankiestRestaurant
A Com plete Director y of Indian a U ni versity
College Inn
One of the Many Services of the University Y.M.C.A.
EXCELLENT FOOD AT Out About October 10th
INDEX A ................................38 Abdon, William .................. 269, 366 A bel, Naomj ...... i\bousamra, Roger ............. ..................... 79 Adams, Marjorie . ............... .......... ....... 286 .4.dams, lli chard ................... ........... 342 A.iken, evi n E. .......................................125 Aikman, Ri chard ... 64, 79, 274, 287, 316 Aitken, William ................. ... .......... .137, 139 Albrecht, Carma ................................ 38 Albright, Vi ctor F . ......... 38, 108, llO, 121 Aldridge, Vi ctor ....... ................................. 38 Ale, Margaret ............................................. 38 Alexander, .lane .......................................301 Alexander, Kath er in e ...... 78, 266, 270, 277 378 All en, Frank . ...... ................ ................ 21 Allen, Fred K. ....... llO, 122 Allen, Will oughby .............. 77, BO, 245, 389 Allyne, Lawrence ............ 287 Alward, John ........ ..........122 Anderson, Carl ........................................190 Anderson, Donald W. ...... ............ ......319 .............. 224 Anderso n, Edward H. Anderson, H. B. ........ ... ... .. llO, 122 ............ 86 Ander son, James R. ... Anderson, Muri el ....... .................... 388 Anderson, Robert D. ................ ..... 250, 342 ....... ... 334 Anderson, Robert L . ................ Angel, Nickolas .... ............... 359 Angelopolous, Jimmie G. ...................... 225 ...... 290, 340 Ankenbruck, Martin P . Anthony, Ruth 0 . .................................324 Antibu s, Margaret E. .......... 377 An tonacci, Robert J . .86, 224, 225, 325 An trim , Jam es G. ................. 35 Appl egate, Albert E. ......... ll7 , 125 Arata, Ju stin ....... ............ 287 .................38 Arburn , Rosemary ,\ rcher, Milton ........ ..... 324 ....... 82 A rchihal d, Joanna .... Ard11ppl e, Warren W. ..... 3.36
Arehart, ] ea n ................... . ..... ............64 Armstrong, Loi s E. ........ ..................... 280 Arm strong, Mary J . .... ................. 270, 364 Armstrong, Paul C. .. ..... ...... .. 205, 209, 2ll Armstrong, Willi a m S . .. 229, 230, 278, 35.) Arnold , Robert W. .............. 190 Arnold , Sara h L. .. ... ..................... 244 Arthur, Julia A. .......... ..... 244, 378 Asbury, Donald E. ............. 38, 359 Ashby, Marianna .... ..... 388 ................... 130 Asher, Cynthi a .......... Ashley, Barbara .......... .................. .88 ...... 86 Atkin son, Mary J . Atteberry, Delbert K. ...... 3 ll Atz, Robert J. .................... 288, 329 Aungst, Betty ] . .................. ............... 58 Austin, Edwin .......... . .. ............... ... ... 51 ............ 104, 346 Austin, Robert Lee ...... Austin, Virginia B. ........38, 45, 266, 277, 374 ........... 319 Avery, James E . . ....... 99, 378 Ax , Elai ne ... . ......38, 378 Axtell, Jane . Axtell, Robert J . ··················· ....... 123 .................330 Aynes, James P .
B Babcock, Robert ...... 139, 141 Bach., Steve C. ..... ... ............326 Bachman , Lucy E. . ... 86, 397 Badell, Phillip J. . .... ........... 102, 329 .................. 359 Baerncopf, David A. Bailey, Albert L. ..........................342 Bailey, John D. ..... 64, 79 Bail ey, John W. .... ........ 81, 291 . ... 38 Bailey, Lyle B. Bail ey, Rosemary ...... .................... 387 Bailey, Ruth M . .......................................374 ................... 378 Baker , Betty J. .... Baker, Bonni e M. .... 38, 378 ........ 64 Baker, Paul H .
lu.Tn t" negTejhment Drink
In S terili:z;ed B o u les
Baker, Robert W . ....................................337 Baker, William M . ....................................359 Baldwin, Fred ....................... ... 136, 139, 141 Baldwin, Garza .................... ................. 333 ..... 223, 290, 325, John J . Ballard, John M. ....... 64, 296 ......... .122 Ballard, Rob ert ....... ... Baltz, Willi am M. ... . ................... 86 .... 330 Bannister, Dan W. Bannon, William G. .282, 342 ..............330 Baran, Charles .. Bard, Paul F . . ................ 59, 306 Barker, Doroth y E. .................. .............. 374 ......... 397 Barker, Gen evieve C. .............64 Barker , Gilb ert J . .. Barlow, Billy K. .... 353 ....... 96, 99 Barnes, Bernice .... Barnes, Margueri te . ...................... 373 .....~ ....... 296 Barnett , J ack C. .... ..............392 Barnett , Martha C. Barrett. Joseph L. .................349 Barskin, Doovid B . . ...................... 231, 349 Ba rter, Robert F . .................... 3 8, 274, 326 Bartlett, Robert C. ............................. 325 Bartley, Edward R . ........ 77, 78, 247, 278, 316, 339 Bartley, Max ....... ................................. 338 Bartling, J eanice M. ..................370 Bash, Robert D. .......... ......... ....38, 350 Bash, Wallace E. ....................... 108, 123 Bassett , Dan ...................... ...... 193, 350 Bassett, Margaret A . ............................. 127 ........ 38 Basse tt , Mart ha L. Bat es, Betty A. ......370 Bates, Naomi R. ............. .64, 277, 370 Batt on, Donald E. .26 1, 269, 274, 326 Bayl ess, Barbara R. .....................388 Beal, Charl es A. ....... ..........329 Beall , Mary H. ........ 127 Beard , Victor R . ..................................... 102 Beatty , Herbert L. .............. 86 Beaver, Howard W. ... ... ...... llO, 122 Beck, Merrill E. ................... 64, 79, 3 19
The Gables
ELLIS FLOlVERS Corsages 8 Dance
Ce nt e r-Pi ece ~
D eco ra tion~
Ph one 4060
Where Real Student Democracy Is Expressed
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Be k, Rob ert A. . ................. 80 Beck, R obert a J. ................. 64 Beckma n, John F. ....... 102, 104 Beckman , Jo hn G. ..356 Bedwel l, Sara I. ... ...................... 378 Beg ner , Robert ........................................ 344 Be ight s, R aym ond S. .. ......... 94, 99 Be isel, No r ma n W . .... ............................320 Beil man, Be tt y .I . .......... .... 391 Hell , Donal d W . ............. 296 Bell. J a mes 1-1 • .......... •....................... 96, 319 Bel ler, R aymo nd ......... . ........... ... 345 Be ll es, Dale E. .... ..... 322 Bdu k, S teph en R. ....... . ............... llO Be nc ka rt, Robe rt G. ................................ 219 Be nder , K eith ......... .....338 Re nerl e ui , Bart P . .... 86, 219, 229 Benedi c t, Charl es D. . ... 354 Be nn ett , K e nn eth T-f. . ....... .110, 330 Henn iga n, J a mes B. ... ... 341 Bc nnin g ho ff , iVl a rj ori e J . ........................ 373 Benson, P a ge W . ........... .......... 64, 278, 322 Ben ward , Bru ce C. ........... 287, 358 Be rcaw, Ba rbara .... ................... ......... 377 Ber ma n, RoberL N. ......................... 139, 349 Bernard , J ean E. . ...................... 378 Re rn a rd, ell e C. ....... ............378 Bern ha rd t, RoberL F . ............ 78, 282, 338 Bernin g, Ru th L. ... .......... 38, 60 Be rry, 1-1 up;h H. .. ......................... 38 Bes t, M orr i; M . ............. ..... .............. 359 Beth ea , Rob er t 0 . ................................... 359 Bib ler, Rob ert W . ....................... ..... 359, 363 Bidrl le, Na ncy W . ................... 247, 273, 378 Biddl e, \V'a rd G. ........... 21, 23 Bill e rbec k. A rl e ne M. . ............... 373 Billings, Doro thy J . .................................370
Bill ings, Hu gh F . ....... ................................ 64 Bir, l\lari lyn M . ..................................... 37'1 Bixl er , Dea n D. ..... ....................... .. 338 Black , Dav id C. ..... ........ 319 Bl ack , J oe M . .......... 39, 220, 223, 274, 278 Bl ack, Ri chard H . ..... .. .................... ..... .. 349 B lack, Winifred L. ..................39, 277, 370 Black more, Ruth J . .... ........ 39 Blackwe ll , Ri chard B . .............................. 359 Bla nd , Geo rge E . . ..... 296 Bli c km a n, Sol ... 282, 287, 316, 349 Bl ocke r, C lyde E . ......................... .... 86, 334 Bl oom, George F . ...... 64, 11 7, 122, 22 1 Bloom, Willi a m M. ... .................. 1011 Bloo mer, Gertrud e E . ........... ........... 39, 258 Boaz, Rober t C . ..... ...... ......... ........... 229, 320 Bobbiu , L. J a ne ........... 244, 378 Bocksta ltl er , Th eodore E . ........................34 6 Boehn e. John W . ........ ........338 Bogart , F elix A. ....... ........57, 345 Bohannon, Be tty C. . ......... .......378 Bohn ert , Mar garet A . ... ...374 Bolin ge r, Ray mond K . . ... 64, 79, 320 Boll enbacher , John C. ................ 287, 338 Bo rna lask i. Joa n .......388 ............................ 86 Bomm erlin , Mar y . Bona th , Bell y . .....370 Bonec uller, H a rold £ . . ..........334 Boo her , Cra ig E. ............. ..... 320 Boo ko ut , Ri chard E. .......... ........... 79 Born e man , Harol d A . ...........................350 Bornma n, Willi a m J . ..... .137, 139, 140, 144 Boro ug h, P a ul L. ........ ......... 226, 359 Bosarl , Ro bert G. ............... ..... 228, 337 l:loswe ll , John G. ........ . ............. 39, 333 Both well , Gl enn 0 . ..................................359 Bott or ff , Doroth y E . ................ ......... 80, 387
4 06
Bott orf f, l\1 a ry J . .... . ............... 39, 387 l30 11 che, Ma rl ha N. ........... 281, 370 Boug hm a n, Joe D. ........................ llO, 123 Bowe n, Oti s ............................................. 122 Bo11 ma n, Bett y \I . ....................... ..............64 Bow ma n, R ebecca J . ... ......... 39 Boyd , Doro th y L. ............. 96, 366 Boyd , Th omas M. . .................. . ............ 39 Boye r, Belly J . ......... 373 Boye r, Robe rt l\1. ....... 39 Boy n Ion , E d gar T. . ........... 346 Brad y, Th oma s R . ........... 350 Bra galone, A lfred A. ........... 193. 229 Bral ey, S hirl eya nne . ......................385 Brasus, Leonard R. . ......341 Bra u n, J a mes A. ....... ....... 319 Braun , Mari a n E . . ........... 373 Bray ton , Lee .. .................................. 110, 124 Brenn a n, J a mes E . .......... ...... ................. 296 Bre tz, J ohn .................................... 110, 123 Bretz, Vera L. ............ 86, 394 Bre tz, W. Dani e l ..... 102, 10'1, 10.5 Bric km a n, l\lorri s .. . ....................... 64 Bridgeford , R obert ................ . ......... 354 Bridges, Wil liam L. .......... ......... 288 Bri e r, My rl le C. ................ ........... 281 Bri ggs, J a me D. ......... .... 337 Bri ght , Robert L. ......... ................. 330 Brink , John C. ..... ....... 123 Bri scoe, Kathryn A. .... ....... 381 Broc kma n, Robert F . ......... 287 Broderi ck, J a mes T . ................................. .51 Broe rtj es, Vern on H . ..64, 212, 218, 229, Bro mm , Ed wa rd A. B ro nste in , Be rn a rd R . Bronstein , E d ward .....
274, 295, 319 ........... .320 ..........349 ........ .1 39, 144
Brooks, George W . ·---------------- -------------- -------86 Brooks, Harry T. ---·------- 193, 229 Brooks, Hazel ___ _ _______________ ___ 86 Brown , Agn es P. __________________________388
Bucha, (Mrs.) Mary .............. ___________65, 86
Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
Bu ck ma ster, Margie L. ............ 239, 366 B uckn er, George D. ··--··--··---·····346 Bugel, Jam es C. ----·-·······-- 109 Bulmer, Robert -----·--·····-·····251, 319 Bun ger, Len E. __ 78, 282, 306, 346
Allen G. ------------------- _______ 322 Ann ese E. _______________________________ 370 Barbara ] . ____________________________________ 377 Bernice E. _________ 270, 286, 301, 382 Byron L. ___________ 65 Charles R. ______________ 64 Chilton P . --- --------- ---------- _____ 296, 337 DeWitt ---- --------------_____________ 110 Eleanor ________ _______ 86 Euge ne W . ------ ---.. 295, 319 _________ 329 ] a mes L. --------- ---·------] un e ------- ------__ ___ ______________ 306 Leland G. _______________________ ____ 110, 118 l\farguer ite A. _____________________________ 377 Robert C. __________ ________ __ ________ 64
Brown, Rob er t V. ----------------- -- ·----------39, 359 Brown, Stewart D. ____ __________ 110, 118 Brown, Th omas C. _---------------- _________ 296, 346 Brown, Win ifred L. ___ ____ ___________ 377 Brownell , Be ryl A. _____ 281, 285, 385 Browning, Wil li am ___________ ____ __ 110, 121, 252 _____________ _______ 227 Brownstein, J uliu s R. Bruner, John J. _--------------------_________ 333 Bruner, Leota G. ___ __________ 39, 387 Bruner, Ralph W . -------- -- -·---- _____ 316, 333 Bruner, Robert L. ____ ____ 225, 337 Brunner, Clarence E. _ ______ 220 Brunner, R aymond B. ___________________ 341 Bruns, Roy H. _________ ___ 65, 316, 353 Bryan, Dr. William Lowe ________________ 22, 223 Bryan, Frankl in A. _____________________________ __ ___ 122 Bubli tz, Robert H. ____ _____ 359, 363 Bucchi a neri, Mik e R. _________________ 193, 229
303 W. THIRD ST. PHONES: 6506-6660
Bu cha, Paul A. ------··· ---------------------··--···------77 Buchmei er, Jose ph A. ____ ---------------····--·- 124 Bu ckl ey, Earl E. ________________ 39, 314
Bunger, Martha J . ·----······-······--····--···-39, 366 Burch, Eve lyn G. ····--····--·····---------------------39 Bu rch, ] ack V. -------·-·-·····-··39 Burge, Phyllis L. ____ ___________ 301, 365, 382 Burghard, Rolla D. .. ____________ 110, 334, Burk, Barbara J. ____ -----··-··-··---······-·-··------374Burke, (Mrs.) Chr is ········ ··---------------------- 149 B urks, Ally N . __ __ __ 139, 141, 142 Burnell, Rob ert E. ----···--·······-229 Burney, .J ohn D. ...... ________ 39 B urns, Donald F. __ __ --- -·····-224 Burn s, J ea n E. ·---·-______ ___ 58 Burnworth , Norman C. .... _______ 104 Burru ss, R obert F. _______ . ____ 288, 359 Burton, H elen M. _______ ..... 99, 370 Burton , Robert H . ··-·--···· ... 319 Bu sard, H elen F. __ __ ····--···-------388 B usc hmann , Charl es S. _______________________ 342 Bush, Aulden K. . ....... 139, 14.1 Buskirk, Everette C. _____________ 96 _________ .39, 334 Bussar d, Frank W. Butl er, Gene .... ----------------··---- ·· __________ ___ ___ 356 _____ ___ 39 Butl er , John Butler, R icha rd E. _________________ 342 Byers, John ---··-·· ____ --------···-· _____ 333 _____ 329 Byers, John G. Byrd, ] a mes T. --··-· ----------·-··---- ... 353
MEATS Free De1i very
c Cado u, Eugene J . --- -----------· - ---··-333 Cahn, Sidney --·-··-------···-·-·-·····--····--349 Cali , John .J. -···--·· -------- ----··--···-···-39, 325 Call, Dean ] . .... ---·--------------- -··-·-.337 Callon, H elen F. -----·--- --····86 Cal non, ] ane E. ·-···-····· .....388 Cam pbell, Betty ]. .. ---------··----·· ____ 374 Campbell, Carolyn J. ____ 377 Campbell , Sam. W. . ......356 Ca ntow, Lawrence A. ····--····--·-···-----------··llO Ca rl son, Edward H. ----··----··-·-···--·--·- ......333 Carmony, Warren ___ ------------···----------- ------329 Carpenter, Dona ] . _ -- ······--··-·-·-··-------------381 Carpenter, Robert L. ·---------------------······-·--39 Carpentier, Harry F. ----------··-- ...... 109, 124 Carr, Edward R. ···-··-- ············--··-·------··--·-325 Carr, Marjorie L. ····--· _____ 39, 245, 378 Carroll, Arthur B. ______ ---····--··-·359 Carson, Mary A. _ _____ 277, 364, 374 Carter, Fred S. ------·-··-··········296, 350 Carter, ] am es ] . _______________ 342 Carter, LeRoy T. --------------·---- ----···----·-····320 Cartwri ght, Rob ert H. ·---··---·· ·-·-··-·-----------86 ··---······-···· _____ 269, 298, 306 Case, Fred E. Cash, Robert S. -------------·-·········--------65, 342 Cathcart, Thomas M. ····------·---··········65, 322 Cat1.el le, Marjorie E. --··--····--····------- -·-----387 Caub le, Martha L. ___ _____ 382 Caudill, C. Milton ····--··- ------------·--- ________ 326 Cava naugh , Emmy L. . -----··-···-·····-···-·--366 Cavanaugh, Robert E. __ 26, 146 ____________ 353 Chad wick, R ex H. ···---· Chalfant, Elsie V. ---------···-······-··-· ___________ 370 Chalik, John P. ..... _______ 65 Chambe rs, Adaline --------·-····--··-·--····39, 378
200 N. WALNUT ST. PHONES: 6341-6342
Chambers. Wa lt er . ...................... 225, 342 Chark ins, Leo . J . ................... 138, 139, 141 Chat t en, Bell y l\I. ................................. 385 Cha tt in , Robert £ . .................................320 Chead le, Ca rl ------·-··-·········----·---79, 282, 320 Cli l' rry, Ca th eri ne E. ........65, 80, 270, 397 Ches ter. Roger 11. ---····-····· ····---·--·------· .... 350 Chiddi ster, Da niel L. ..... 34, 65, 228, 269, 274, 278, 329 Child ers, T hel ma J\L ·····-------·-··--·-·····-··--87 Chincr)', Randa ll N. ------·-·····- ···---- ....... 346 Chivin gton. P a ul V. ......... ........ 350 Chri stenson , l\li If ord P. ············------------290 Chri stian sen, lyde C. ····--------············----337 Chri st ma n, J ack Tl. ·--·----·----·---···-·------87, 359 Chri stoph ersen, Carl L. ----·--···--··------------·-39 Chv·1t, J aco h J\1. --·---······---........ 349 Cie• ielski , Jose ph F . ....................... _______ 87 Cin koske, Bern a rd F . .............. 65, 296, 341 Cla rk, Jam es B. ·····-----··························--·-229 Cla rk, Raym ond T-l. ·---········---·---·········-·--·-··87 Cla rk, Robert ................................. .1 39, 142 Clar ke, J ac k W. ··--··---·-----·-----········ .......... 325 Cla rke. P a tricia A . .... ······· ········--------------370 Clary. Keith ····---·-·-·-··-----·- 79, 81, 287 Clegg. Robert C. --------·---·--·--····--·-···· .......359 Cl <' mens, J\f ay na rd -----···· ······---------·----------·-·65 ( :lenwn t•, ] ea n . ·---··········----------244, 377 Cl ift on. J a nws R . ______________ 87. 220, 221, 229 Clin e, Geo rge W. ·················------ ... 11 0, 124 Closst> r, J ean D. -------··--·- .......... 39, 43, 373 Cl ouser, Eudo ra --- ----········· .............. ________ 374 Cl unie, Cha rl es R. -----·-·····---·----·---· ........ 334 Coa n, Max B. -----------··--·-·--·-····· ............ 319 Coa ts, Charl es E. ----··· -·-·------·········· .96, 319 Cobun. Doris J . ----·-························· ...... ..370 Coc hran. Ll oyd \V . ··--·-········--·-------65 ________ IO, 212, 215, 216, Coc hra n. Roy B. 217. 322 C11fft.e. J anws F . __ -·-----·--··· ...... 103, 341 Coga n. J ohn :\T. _________ 3 ~2 Cog,hal l, Wilbu r A. ....... 31, 269 Co ht" (", Ma rge ry D. ..... 370 Co hen. Sey mour ..... .102 Cohen, Sidn ey ............................ ...... 65 Co h n, I fowa rd .... .................... ..... 34.5 Cohn, Stewa rt 11. ---·· ....333 Cole. '\nne L. .......................... .4 0, 241, 378 Co if' . Ka le .... ---···------·--·--·---··---·-····· __________ 382 Colem an. Ha ro ld D. ................ 345 Coleman . Warren C. -----·-- -----····--· ........ 221 Coll ett e. Will iam R. --·-················----· ...... 3.53 Coll ier. Barbara K . ........... -----------····- .......65 Colli ns, Ra lph L. .. 228 Co lIi ns. Robert ..........38 Com b><. Fl oyd C. -------··--·-····-··-- ............. AO Comb s, Mar ian L. ..... .4 0, 373 Comp ton, Ha rol d G. ........ 326 Con ley, lrene L ---·--·----·-···...... 385 Conn , Hadley L. . ..... 217. 316, 330 Conn ell , John L ------······-···-..... 353 Conner, Dori s J . ........................... 25 1, 394 Co nner, El ea nor C. ................... _________ 370 Conner, Rolw rt :\f. .............................. 65. 78 ---··--·--·---··· ...... 370 ( :ook . F ra nces L. Coo k. Georg(' D. -----------··-------·354 ___ 322 Coo k. I fora ee W. Cook, Robert ...... __ ................... 26 1 Coo kso n, Louise C. ......................... ....... 388 Cook so n, Ru th E . ..... -·----- ·········· ···--·-·-----388 Coo kso n, Th omas . ................................. 21 Cool ma n. Bett y ·---·-··----------------------130 Co umh , . Lo;rnn L. ··----···---·-----...... 333 Cno mh s, Mar ion ...... 43 Coo na n, Wil li am S. _____ ....... 282, 296, 34-1 Coo per, Charlott e ..... .... 286, 382 Cno pf" r. C iIbe rt F. ....... 65, 79, 190. 229,
274. 295, 316, 350 Cooper. J\l ildred ;\I. .. ----------------------·········370 Cuup r r, Philip S. __________ 35, 65, 77, 78, 226, 265, 274, 287, 298, 346 Coo per, \ i rgi ni a A. ·····----------·--·---------··370 Co rbin , Haro ! I V. ............ 282, 333 Corbin , Jo hn W. -----···---···-···--333 Corn ea, Za cha ry J . ·------- ------···-···--·--·----·-87 Corra l lo, P eter P. ---·------· ------·-···----------· 227 Co,,g ruve, T lwm as E. .... ----------------- .....337 Cos ner, Rob t" rt R. _______ ---------········---·-··--65 Cossman, ,\l ax ----------··----·· ......... 65, 212, 217 Cu\\ an, \ irginia L. .......................... .40, 366 Co x, J esse 11 . .................... -----··············------79 Cox, J\ la rgueritf' L. ________ ----------·····-------·--··366 Co x, J\ l illi e ,\I. -·-····--·-·------- .............. 281, 374 Cracra ft, Gru el' N. --------·-- -·--·····--·--------···-342 Crai g, 1\ lexa nder ................ ------·······--····--123 Cra ig, Eme r ~o n C. --·----- .................... 65 , 320 Cra ig, Eva J. ...... 87, 364, 381 Cr iµ: . l{ .. 1d 1l·n A. ____ .) 46 Cra ig, Ri cha rd 1\1. ----··········------·· 226 Cram er, 11 erbcrt L. ---------- _______________ 230, 3112 Cra nd al I, :\I a rt ha ·······-···------·······---·--·-------127 Crave ng, Dan J\ I. --- ---·-··-----·----·--·---·------------337 Cra ve ns, 1\l a ry Ruth ----·· -----·-··················377 Crews, Robert C. __________ 79, 81, 287 ..............65, 370 Criley, Pa tricia Cri smore. Basi I -------·········--· ---·--------------------65 Cro ni n, Wil li a m J . .... --···---····--···-----325 Crook, J an1 P>< W. ·--··-------- ----······----·-···-----320 Cropp, Do ri " J. ------- ·----------·---------385 Cropp , Geo rg<' ,\1. ............ ........... 353 C ro s bi ~ , J ame; C. ----------·--·····--- .. 333 Cros by, Hobart f: . ....... .......... 224, 291, 359 Crnm , :\la rth a 1• ·---- ·------·- _ ....•• 65 Cu ll. BPtt y J\ 1. .......... _____________________ .4-0. 382 Cul nia nn. Loui s C. ·····-------· ..... 65, 81, 319 Cummin s, La \ ern e W. ....... ....... 288 Curdcs, Joan J . .... ·----··----365. 382 Curr y, Joh n -·--------------_296 Cu rti s, El n0ra D. _______ ....... 87, 285 Curti s, ll aro ld L.. ..... 65, 359 Cu sack, Robert 11. . ···--·------------····282, 329 Cu tle r, Bett y-;\ lay ... ....... 286 Cu tl er, Cha ri l's E. ............ _......... 359 Cut Ier, J\l a rjory L. ........ -·-········--··---------377 .... 337 Cutler. Rri bert F . ..... ___ . .... Cut sha ll , Barbara .... 382
n Da lli e, Dona ld F. Da mm. Wil la rd 11.
··-········------·.:3 11 .. 1.18, l.39, 140. 141. 11-2 Da ni el, Doro thy P. ... ·---- -------·--·- ____ 374 Dani f' ls, BC' tt y J _ . - -- --··------ _____ 286 Dani els<•n , Dona ld C. ..... .197, 222, 229. 350 _____ 349 Da nn , Do nald 11. Da rlin g. Doro th y R. .... llO, 127 Dauer, Adel r R. ..... . -- - .366 Dw id. J\fa uricc \ . ___ _ .... 287. 35 t Dav is, Carolyn .................. ·····--····----·----··387 Dav i!". C·1roly11 .I . ............. ____ .38 1 Davi", Cl rn rl<» .... 295 Dav i..:, Dona ld A. . .77, 78. 81, .320 Davi >, Geo rge P. ___ ........................... 66, 326 Dav is, I le lcn L. .... ..... 80, 366 Da,·i;:, ll ell e 1~ D. ................................. 58, 270 .111 , 122 Davis, .l a me,; J\I. Dav is, J ose ph P . __ ... 320 Davis, J\ la ri e H. JIO , 377 .228, 312 Davis, R ichard M. Davis, Ri ckird R. _______ 3 5 ;~ Davi s, Robert '.\'!. ................................... 320
4 08
Davis, \ ' irginia A . .......................... ..40. 388 Da vis, Will ia m £. ____ ..... 137. 139. HO. Jell Dav ison, P a ul E. ... .............. 224 Dawson , E liza beth A. ....... ...... AO Deahl , EJoi, e -----·--·--··········- ------···-·- ........ 360 Deal, George E. _ - -·-··· ....... 66. 290 Deal, J\l a ry L. -···-······--------·-·--40 Dec ker, Brn ce E. .34' 66, 265, 274, 358. 359 Dec, Bern ad in e R. ----·--· .391 De Fra nk, Albert ... 139, H~ De Fra nk, Victor .139. 142 Deit emeyer, Ma ry L ... .... 66, BO oy, Mari on \' . ....... ---··· _____________ .342 De l.ay. Richard ---------···· ............ 356 Delph , Willi a m C. --······--·-............. 87 Ue111as, Ray mond L ................................320 Denni R. I la rry ,\1. .......... ·--------- ............. AO Denton, Ed ward D. ·-·------.256 ..... 108, Ill . 12'1 Dl' ppe, Ch a rl es F. ... ....... 111. 125 Depu ty. Roll a nd ..... de Roin, No ble N. ..... 320 Desmond , Albert X . . ---·- ................ 296, 359 De" berr y, Joe F. ............. __________ .. 320 Di ('k, J ac k ·-- ·----....... 11 l. l 21 Dic kerma n, Cla re nce C. ___ --------·· ............. 40 Di {' kc rson, Bett y J oy .........35, 60, 11 l , 266. 270. 3 18 .... 25 1, 388 Di ckso n, J ean C. ... 66, 311.9 Di !' ter, Herm a n J\1. 290, 325 Didi C' r, Leo F. Dil' m. Alfred 11. --- 341 IJi erk ing, Do rothy .3n .3H Di gg ins, \'a nce \V . 66. 80, 81 Di ke, Gera ldi nC' 1\1. Dill 1111 . ·11 ..i en F. .4 0 Di lt R. .la nw, .... 66. 322 Dilt s, ]{o bert L ."122 Din Pss, LorPtt a 13. _ ........ 391 Dippell , R11tlt \ ·. ... 3 97 Dob bins, RolJC' rt A. 66, 296, 333 Dob rin , Leo ....... _·111 Dod d, Eli za beth _________ ......... 1::10 Doerf lein . Rosa li e i\ I. ..... 2 18 Dolaway, Ea rl L. .. 193, 20 1, 202, 2:!.9. :-;51 Doll ens. Jo hn R . ........ ·----.. 342 Do nnell y, l-le len B. ....... _____ 366 Donne ll y, Robert W. ........ ....... 111 , 12 1 Donoghu e, Roge r L __ . ----·--- ................ 40 Dool ill le, Douglas £ . ............6fi Dow ney, Robert F. ........66, 288, :338 Doyl e, Jo an ___ . . .....17 Do yle, J am es 11. .......... .... .330 Drain , Da n T. ___ ::156 Drehi n, 1-larol d ____ .349 Dri sc oll , Ma rga ret A. . ..382 Dri ve r, Hal V. ............ 256, 319 ..... 87, 205, 206, 211 . Dro , Robert C. . 220, 221, 229, 278, 320 Dro it , P at ri cia F. -------··-- ..... ... .366 Du ck\\a ll. Ralph W. ... ::125 ....359 Dud as, \li la n A. .. 87 Du d ll'y, Ma ry C. Du l' rr, Rn he rt J . ... 87 II I. 11 8. 35 I Du h. l'~, .l o"ep h E. 19:-J. 229, 3S:> Du mk f' , \li kf' .... ....... 66 . 19.), 194. 200. Du111 kC'. Ray .\'I. _ 229. ;-;5;; Dun ca n, Fran ces :\1 . --·-·---- .. 231, 38'.! .... 149 Dun ca n, I lelen ..... . ...... 2:?0. 221, 326 Dun ker, Donald J . :-; 19 D1111 kin , Ri chard W. ______ 3,12 Dunlap, Ala n 1\. ___ _ ..... 377 Du rham , Kat h(' rin e F. _110 Dyke, Wil liam B.
* * * * * *
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E E.'aso n, J ohn C. ..........................................78 Eas t, Gilbert L. ........................................ 350 Ea stm a n, Jose ph R. ............... 111 , 121 Ebuin ghouse, Ern est R . ............... ..... 40, 139 Eberhart, Lloyd E. . ............................ .......66 Ede lman , I sid ore S . ................................. .40 Edge rton, Francis \V . ................................ 66 Edgeworth , Patricia R. .. .... 377 Edward s, Edward H . ................................ 359 Edwards, Ri chard K . ................................. 87 Edwards, Ruth e A. .......................... 58, 369 .... 354 E ga n, l\lauri ce M. .... .................... Egge rs, K a thryn J. ................................. 373 .E.h er enma n, F orrest ..................................325 E hrh art, ll owa rd \I . ..................................66 E ifl e r, Robert K. ................................ 66, 319 E isin ge r, Robert W. ..295, 296, 338 ............. 226, 338 E lder, William L. .... Elkin s, Jun e L. .................... 366 E ll er, Ann C. .... ....................... 365, 378 E lli ott , Ca rl L. .................... ............. 288 ...................................66 Ell iott, Frank \I . l::l li ott, I lowa rd R . .. ....................... 193, 329 El li ott , l\ larjorie L. .. ............397 Elli s. l ancy 0 . ................................. 277, 374 Ell i; o n, Rober t M. .... .. ............ 329 Ell wa nge r, Ri cha rd N . ..................... 66, 337 Elmore, Hobert L. ... ............ 346 E.l sne r, Mary A . ............ 273, 285, 301, 388 ...... 80, 394 Erna hi ser, Mary R. .... Endres, Rebecca ........ . ........... 382 Enge lman , Geo rge T . ............... .40, 306, 356 Engl ehart , Gordo n K. ............ 282, 287, 326 Eng lehart , Otto T . ... .. .................. .41, 326 Engli sh, R ichard S. .... ............. 356
Enoch, Jun e E. ....................... ...... 366 Epstei n, S ta nl ey E . ....... ......... 139, 144 Enlm a nn , Robert £ . ................................. 337 Erhardt , Dan L. ........................................ 338 Ern st, Clifford £'. ............. ............... 111, 118 E sarey, Jan e tt e D . .......... .......................... 378 ............. .41, 329 E scott, .I va n .......... Esde n, J ea n ............................... 4 1, 281, 388 E smo n, John T . .......................................... 359 . .......... .......325 Et cheso n, Warre n W. Eutzler, E. D. ....................................... ... 359 Evan s, David S . ...... ....... .................. .41, 291 Evan s, J on W . .......................................... 330 E va ns, L loyd F . ................................. .41, 149 ........... 102, 104 Ew ba nk , Ge rald 11. .....
F a irchild , J ack C.
...34, 66, 78, 274,
287, 296, 329 Fai lin g, Patri cia M . ............................... 382 Falber, Ben ........... .................................... 356 F a lkiner, Ri c hard B. ......291, 359 Fall s, John D. ................. . ...... 356 Fappi a no, Frank D. ..... .. ......67 Fargo, Margare t T ........... 59, 247, 270, 306 Fari s, Ma ry F . ....... ......373 Fari s, Phylli s R. ........................................ 373 Farl ow, J am es J . ...................................... 103 Farquharso n, Art hu r II. ...................... 329 F arr, J a mes C. ....... ......... 109, 124 Farrell , H erb ert E . . . .... 225 F a rri s, J ohn J. ......................... 325 Faul sti ch, Otta L. .......... ... 394 ...... 295, 353 F echtrnan , Robert I I. ...... F eeger, Charl es A ... .......... 78, 230, 278, 342 F eierta g, Ri chard B. . ........... 41, 314, 350
F eighn er, J ack .......................................... 229 ~'eintu ch, Ja ck S. ....................... 139, 141 F eldman , Francis ............ 138, 139, 141, 144 F eldman, Martin ...................... 141 F elix , Patri cia J . ..................................... 366 F elt s, Man on W. . ........ .................. 67 F elt us, Paul L. . .... 21, 269 F erg uso n, Cecil B. ........... ....326 F erg uso n, Clift on ............... ..... 256, 320 F er g uso n, Mary L. ............ ........... 336 F erg uso n, W illi a m B . ................. ............ 125 F en ara, Jo seph F . ......................... lll, 122 Fe rrell , (Mrs.) Bellye .................... ..41, 388 F errell , Mars B . ............................ .Lil , 121 F errey, Edgar E. ............... ............. 346 . ...... 67, 80 F err ier, G. Mavaline ....... F eu erl y, Martha J . .. ......388 F e ut z, Bett e J . ...................................... .. 370 Fi eld s, Charlolle J . .. .............. .. .41, 53, 377 Fin e, Shirl ey W . . ............................391 Fink , Dale F. ... .... .4-1 Finkl e, Alex L. ...... 41 Finkl e, Bernard .......... ..349 ..349 F inkle, Lou is .... ... ... ...... ..... Finn ey, Charl es F. ................... 290, 325 Fi rebau g h, Rob e rt C. ...................... 111 , 118 Fires tein , Ra y .... ... .111 Fi sch, Cha rl es .... ................. . .... .345 Fi sche r, J a mes \V . ............ 190, 354 Fi sh, J a mes C. .. . .................... ll l , 333 Fishe r, R alph E. . ............... 354 ..... 338 F ishe r, R ichard L. ...... 102, IO-I. Fi she r, Ru ssell I f. Fi she r, Wi ll iam L. .................67, 322 Fit zpatri c k, J a mes S. . ... 143 Flah e rty , Bernard E. ...................... 41 Flanin ga m, Lu cil e .... ..... 373
The Booli Nooli A Carnpus /11 stit11 tio11
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business men do not send out salesmen whose
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printing is a valuable aid in securing /\business ... Good printing builds confidence in your firm and its product.
If faithful fulfillment of your specifications by skil/ecl craftsmen, with capable management, means anything to you, you will want to clo business with us.
Fleeharl, A. Clark ......... ................... 67, 322 Fleenor, Donald V. .......... .......... 79, 290, 359 Fl ei scher, Dolores ..... .. ....................... 67, 378 Flemin g, Charl otte L. .... ........ 378 F letcher, H erndon ..... ........................356 J'letcher, Patricia A. . ... ................ 244, 374 Flood, I ames H. ....................................... 359 Flora, Hilda A. ........................................ 41 Flory, Virginia M. ... ................................ 377 Flox, Richard E. .................. .................... 359 Fluck, Arthur. J. ........................................320 Foellinger, Roberl J . ... ... 67, 296, 356 Foley, George E. ................ ......... ...... 326 F'ord, Annette ............... ................... 377 Ford, George R. ... . ...... ...... .... ... 330 Ford , Lee R. .............333 Foreman , Warren E. ................... 320 Forrest, Doroth y B. .........................67, 373 Forsyth, John C. ..................319 Foss, Betty M. ..... 59, 298, 306 roster, Dean ... ................ 212, 330 Fo te r, Harry W. ..... 67, 319 roster. John E . .......... .......... ......... 67, 338 ..... 354 Fowl er, Thoma s C. .... Fox , Jack W. ....282, 319 F ox, John W . .... . ....................67, 278, 342 ..................... 345 Fox. Millon M. ....... Fox , Willi a m .......................................... 34-2 Fraker. Clayton L. .. .............. ......... 67 Fraling, Belly L. .... ... . ............. 366 Fran ce. Ri chard B. ............................ 79 Fran cis, Cht>ster E . ........ 87, 20S, 220, 221. 256 Frank, Elli ott H . ..................................... 138 Frank, Lois .I. . .............388 Frank , Robert E. .... 251 , 353 Franklin, Cecil C. ... 226. 288 Fra nz. Rnbnt W. ...61, 67, 29S, 296
Fraser , Barbara C. .................................. 377 Fr: •.ser , E lizabeth W. ..... 60, 61, 377 ~>.ee, Charman ................ . ........378 Frazer, Ri cha rd D. ...... .........359 Frazi er, J arnes L. ...... ................. ............ 87 Frazier, Jo h n R. ... . ....... ..... 67 Freed, John E. ................ ..... ... lll , 346 Freela nd , Low ell P . ... ..... 57 Freeman , J ames M. .... ...... 67 Free e, Dorothy E. .......... .................381 French , Patri a M. .......................37 '~ Frese n, Robert C. .... 359 Frey, Edward C. . ....... ..67 Freyn, Alma L. ... .. 245, 25 1, .165, 366 Fri edland, Fanny ..... .......... .. .. .. 391. Fri es, Mary E. ..... ..........382 Fri she, Christoph er C. ......... 67, 359 Fri sk, Arthur W. . ................ 225 Froberg, (Mrs.) Ru th L. ...... .5 1, 369 . ...366 Froeschk e, Mary M. . Frohman, Charles E. ...330 Frommer , Ju stin .... .. ..... 349 Frommer, Lawrence .) . ........ ... .... .349 Fruechtenicht, Arthur H . .. .. 102, 103, 338 Fry, Ros mary ....... ............... ..............366 F'udgt>. Bea tri ce A. ......... .374 Funk , .T . Hugh ........67, 269, 274, 278, 295, 296, :'!22 Funk, Mary J . ........................................378 Funk , Nei l E . . ................................ ...... 329 Furr, .J " Ill e• R. ............... 287 ..... 119, 14 1, 14.'l
C a bl e, Jacb. \1. 288, 359 Cadd is, J am es I'. 319 Ca ff, .I allf' .......................... .. ......... 28 1, 366
Ga hm , Walter D . ....... ... 193. 194, 199, 202 Cale, .Tames F. . .....359 Callinatti, John 'I. .. 326 Gambill, Gilbert W. ... 346 Gans, Frank A. .......... . .................338 Gan stin e, Percy R. ...... ..... 67, 81 Garderw ine, Forrest K. ....... .. ..41, 57, 254 Ca rdne1·, Dean K. ..... 346 Gardner, Federi c B. ....... 111 Gardn er, Grace E. ................ ....... .41 , 38:~ Gard ner, ed E. ..... 96 Gargett, Robert A. .. ....67 Carn er , Melvin L. ........... 67 Gary, Margaret L. .......... .41, 369 Cast, Robert W. .......... ...... .. ... 353 Caston. Robert A. "" .... . ..... ... ..227 Caston , Walter R. ........... 87 .. ... 106, 118 Gat ch, Dea n Willi s D. Gates, Gerry A. . .......... 277, 364, 377 Cates, Robert E. ......... 224, 247, 269, 301. 306, 316. 346 Gaunl , Everell W. .109. 123 Gavi t, Susa nn a C. ........... 382 Gayl e, S heldon S. .. ............... 338 Gay nor, J ames K. ..... 354 Gelman , Lemar C. .. . ... 345 .... 342 Gerard , J errod 1. ..... Gerdi ng, William J . ..... .. ..... . .. 122 Cerustein, Th elma B. ...... 391 Gerste nhaber, Sidney D. . .. .. ..... 193, 34.'i Gery, Helen F. ............ ....... 366 Crtz, Raymond J. .. ...... ... .. I 2S Charts, Ri chard E. . ....................... 346 Gibbens, Earl V. . ... .......... .........353 Gibso n, udrey F. ... .. Al , 388 Gibson. Ba rbara L. ...... 388 Gibson. John M. ... 329 Ci e~ man , El•it> A. . .392
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G ifford , J ea nn e ...... . ............ 374 Gilchri st, J . Willi am ..... 139, 141 .67 , 224 Gill , Dani el F. ........ ... . .......... Gill espi e, Jane ..... .......378 Gilli am, Tomm y R. ... . ............. 41, 325 COlliatt, P a ul T. .................. 296 Gilmore, Allen G. ........ 287, 342 Gilmore, Russell A. .... ............ 41, 326 Gin g, VirgH L. .... ..................................... 296 Giovanini , Geor gea nna ......... 79, 81, 381 Giovanini , Ma ry E . .................. 67, 80, 387 Gittleman , I. Wilson ................................ 349 Givan, George M. ....353 ........... 41 Given, Frances A. .... G iven, Rober t L. ... ............. ...... 350 Give ns, P a ul S. .............. 51 C Iass, Jea n C. . .. .. . .. ... .... .... 245 ................... 369 G lenn , H elen I. ........ 34:) Gli ck , E uge ne B. Glidewell , Ma rvin E. ...... 41 Glimpse, Charl es C. .............................. 330 Glover, J ames J........................ 67, 79, 329 Gnagy, George K. ........................... 96 Gobl e, Ri char d A. ................... 359 Go dsey, Ellis B. ..................... 78 ............. 287, 319 Goebel, Carl W. Goebel, Ru ssell W. .. ..................... 139, 319 Gold , Fri eda Y. .......... ....... ................... 41 Goldberg, Milton S . ..................... 296, 345 Goldber g, Morton P . ............ 282, 306, 349 Goldstein, Robert R . ............................... 349 Gommel , Mar garet J. ...................... 41, 248 Gonzal ez, Jose . ......... ...... .......... 41 Good, Bob L. ..................... 358, 359 Goo d, Samu el P. ............... 350 ........... 13C', 140, 141 Goo d, Wesley C. Good, Willi am H . ....................................... 78
............349 Goodma n, Ph ili p .lll , 122 Goodri ch, Albert . Go rdon, Ruth J. ................. 382 Gorm an, Ed ward J. ................... . ........ 359 Graessle, Geor ge C. ............. 337 Gra f, Jo hn P . ....................... .... 350 Graves, J ack F . ...... 301 , 333 Cra ves, Mary E. .80, 81, 366 Gra ves, P arker ... . ......... 25 1, 320 G ray, Ca ridoy ne ...........369 .... 124 Gree n, Charles E. Green, Doro th y A. .... ..... 370 Green, Philip E. ... ...... 342 Green , Richard H . ...................... 41 G ree n, Thomas E. .... ......322 Greenberg, Whi tney J. ...... 349 . ............ ... 320 Greenburg, Roll a nd E. .................. 342 Greenough, Charl es K . Gregg, E dwin E. ...................................... 320 ...... 392 Gregg, Ma rth a A. Gregory, George P . .............. 287, 322 Gregory, Willi am C. ..... ....... 350 .... 329 Greili ng, Willi am R. Grey, Philli s ....... ....................................... 80 Gr idl ey, J am es 0 . .... 84, 87, 205, 229, 256 Griffin , Carol M. .......... ......394 foiffith, Ell ogen e .. 80, 370 .......... 81 C ril e, John L. ................... .... 326 Crimes, Irvin L. Grim sley, F ra nkli n S. . ...................... 326 Groh, Marvin D. ................. ...............221 Groh er , Dav id L. . ... 139, 141 Grom er , Roscoe L. ....... 136, 139, 140, 141, 142 Groves, Carol L. .............................. ......... 42 Grun feJd , R udolph ....... .4-2, 345 Gutermuth , E mma E . .............................. 87
Gut stei n, Lenora A. Gwaltn ey, E th a n E. Gwin, Robert L. Gwi nn , George A.
................ ... 97, 99 ..... ll l , ll8 ......... 287 ....... .1 39, 141, 142
H Hackney, Ma ri a nn e R. ................. 42 ......... 306, 359 Haeberle, Willi am L. Hai nes, Mil dred R. . .........387 Halfast, Ri cha rd W . ............................... .124 ....................... 286, 373 Ha ll, Betty E. . Hall , J ack R. .... ........ ll l, 121 Hall, Lucill a J . ......... 42, 53 .................................... 320 H all , Robert S. Hall , Robert T . ... ..... ........ ............ 226 Hall , Sheld on L. ....... 136, 139, 140, 141, 143 l lall , Will ia m C. ....................................... 329 Halsall, Ri chard H. .... 329 Halstead, Norm a A. ..................... 37::1 Hamacher , Ruth M . .................................. 388 Ham ersly, J a net I. ............. 77, 80, 266, 388 ........................ 388 Hamersly, Margie E. .............................359 H amilton, Frank I. Ham ilton, Ralph A. .......... 287 Hampshire, Donald R . .......... 108, 124 Ha ncher, Cat heri ne J . ....... 80, 366 Hancock, Betty J . ..................................... 87 Ha ncoc k, Fl oy d A . ...... ............................. 326 ll and ley, Sta nl ey D. ................... ..... 329 Ha nl ey, Marshall £'. ...... 59, 306, 322, 359 Ha nn ah, J ack W . .... ....................... .ll l , 123 Hansell, Ralph E. ........ 350 Hansen, .lack G. ........333 ........360 Ha nsen, Robert P. ..................
81tiltli11g Se rvice Ge n eral Contructi rr g
Bloomington , Indiana
Serving Bloomington
Hughes Bros.
and University Organizations
CoIDpany Everything in Building Material Since 1882
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Mana ger
Han son,
Be tt y Jo .... 34, 42, 53, 266, 277,
301, 364, 382 H a rb augh, John D. ................... 288 Hard e n, Murra y E. .. .................... 111, 121 Hardin g, M. Ri chard .... 109, 111 , 118, 122 H ardy, Lester L. ............................ lll, 121 Hare, Laura ..................... 112, 127 Hare, William V. ............ . ........338 H a rger , Robe rt W . ........ . .... 226, 342 H ar k Iess, Be lly L. ........... ........... 373 Harm e ier , Robert L. .................. 41 Ha rmon, Foste r .......... ......... 301 Harpe r, Mary J . ....................................... 286 Harpster , Venitia E. . ......... ....... ..... 370 ll arri ott , Ann e ............................... 378 Harri s, Archi e H . .... 87, 193, 197, 212, 216 H arri s, Be tt y J . ....... .42, 60, 266, 270, 373 Harri s, Mary K. .......... .......................387 H a rri son, Byron N. . ........................ 125 H ar ri on, Ri cha rd C. ....................... 360 Harsh , Betty C. ........ .... 42, 374 H arsh, Dani el S. . ............. 291, 296, 360 H ar tbank. Be ll y H. .....370 H a rtin g, William F. ..... ..... ........ 42 H ar tl ey, Frederi ck ] . .........360 Hartman , Martha A. .....377 H a rtm a n, William C. . ........... 42 Harvey, Vern e K. ...... ............. 360, 362 Ha sh rook, Marger y E. .......... 377 Ha sbrook, Thoma s C . ......................316, 333 l lasewink el, Carroll W. . .... ......... 112, 122 Hass, George H . ........ ................... 333 H assa n, Hi va h Jane ......... 391 H astin gs, John S . ........................................21 H asty, Donald R. ..... .............314, 325 H a tala , Margare t I. ................................ 397 Hat che tt , James A. ... ......................... 42 Hatfi eld, Benjamin F . ................................ 42
4th at Monon R.R.
Hatfi eld , Jo hn R . ..................................... 326 H a thaway, Doro th y G. .... . .............392 Hau enste in , Caroline .................................. 87 Hau gh, Robert C. ..... ............................... 329 H a upt, E li za beth M . .................................. 98 Hau selmire, H ele n ............... 373 Hawbak er , Ma uri ce D. . ...... ...... ... 296, 360 Hawk , Ed gar A. . ................... 123 Ha wkin s, H owa rd R . . ... 102, 104, 337 H ayd e n, Be tt y L. .................... 373 .Hayes, J ea nn e K. . ................... 388 Hayes, Joseph A . .... ................................. 149 Ha yes, Pat ........ ...... . ............. 291 Ha ymond , John F. . ............. 360 Ha ys, Walt er P. . . ... 360 Hazel, Jo hn G . ................................. .42, 356 H eal y, William .J . .......... 138, 139, 141, 142 H edges, Ed gar L. ................... 218 H edri ck, Phil ip W . ....... ......................... 112 H eide nreich, Mar jori e L. ................ 80, 377 H e ise, Elain e R. .......... 370 H e it z, Ruth M. ....... . ................... 42 H eld , Ri chard \11. ......... ..334 H elm an , Betty B. .......... 391 H elm s, .John R. . ......... 288 H elm s, Halph L. ........................ .............. 320 H el vie, Mariangeneen ..............................378 H e mm er, Lo ui se A. ................. 80 H e nd erso n, Arvin T . .......... ll2,- 118, 346 Tl e nd erson, .John l\L ............ . ........... 329 H e nd er son , Lowell L. ...... 112, 123 He ndre n, A ll e n T. .... ............. 342 H e ndri c ks, Jul es 0. .......... 296, 346 H e ndri c ks, Mary E . ............ 77, 80, 82, 382 H e ndri cks, Rose mary ...... 77, 286, 298, 382 H e ndri cks, William H . ............................ 288 H endri c kso n, H arry l l. ............................ 350 H e ndri ckso n, William J ...........................320
Dial 611.5
ll enl ey, Ja111 es W . ................................... 322 Henn essee, Philip C. ....... 11 2, 118 ]-Jennin g, Willi am F . .............. 1.39, 141, 142 H e nn on, Dal e F . . ................................ 42 H erb ert, Edward C. ........................ 193, 229 H eriti er, C. Jules ..................................... 123 H erkl ess, Nancy L. . ...................382 H erro ld , Don W . ..... ...... 112, 118 H ert e nstein , Paul T.. .......354 H e s, Fred F . ............................... 96, 325 H ester. Earlin e F. ................... ..42 H es to n, Joseph ...................... ......... 10:3 H e ubi , John E. .. ..... 11 2, 122 H e witt, Will iam T . . .............. 356 Hiatt , Charl es E'. ....................... .42, 295 Hibn e r, Nolan A. ....................... 112, 124 Hi c ks, Warre n L. ......................... 320, 360 Hi estand , Harl ey B. . ............................. 295 Hi es tand, Orri s S. ..... .............. ...... .42 Hi gginboth am, Nell J . .......... 387 Hi gg in s, Barba ra J . ... .... 242, 374 Hi gg in s, Geraldin e M ..............................370 Hilbe rt , J ea n A . ....................................... 366 Hil genb er g, .Joseph C. ............................320 Hil ke rt , C. K ay ... ....... 212, 218, 282, 333 Hill , Margaret F. ... .... .. ............... ...... 87 Hill , Na thani el U . .................................. 342 Hill , Ri chard T . .......................................... 87 Hilli s, J ay 1-1. ....................................51, 334 H imm els ba ch, Ge rard R . ........ ..4.2, 57, 325 J-lindman , Th oma s M . .... ......................... 333 Hines, Mary E . ...... .............................. 382 Hi ott , Llo yd A . .......................................... 356 Hir ch, R alph K. . .................................. 360 H irsch ber g, Hobe rt L. .................... 282, 345 Hi sey, Mary K . ............................ .............. 42 Hit ch, Virginia E . .................................... 366 H ockema, Max W . .......................... 296, 346
Hodges, Harri ell L. ····· ·············· .............378 Hodgin , Johnni e L. ...................... 42 H oelocker, R elda A . .................. 42, 45, 374 Hoffman , Everell G . ..................... 220, 221 H offman, Mar ion L. ........ ...........369 Hoffm an , Robert M . ............................... 350 H offm an, Sau l J . ..................................... 360 H offman , Stanley I-I. .............................. 256 H oge, Henry W. . ................. 42 H oh e, John W. ...............330 H oldcraft, John A . .................. 79, 251, 334 ·Holdren, Bob R . ............................. 356, 360 l loll and , Betty I. .................. 43, 47, 60, 391 Holl a nd, H elen F . ................................... 378 Holl and, H enry T. .... ................ 43 Holl a nd , Jo hn W. .. ........... 47 Hollin gsworth , Ma ur ice C. ............ 112, 121 Holm es, Cla ude D. ....... . ............350 Holsa pple, H arold E. ........ ........ 287 Hoil house, Da n C. ................................ 350 Holt oll , Helen C. ....... ......385 Homan, Marj ori e F . .......... ........ 374 Hoover, Amm on W. .... . ...................... 358 Ho pper , Mary J. ........... ........... .... ..... 80 H ora n, Wi lli a m E. . ................ .1 24, 227 Horn ocker , Lavo n J-1 . ............. 87 H orow itz, M il dred V. .... . ...............391 H orton, Willi am E. ............... 228, 229, 350 H orva th , John G. .............. ............ .291 Hostetter , Da vid S. ........... .......... 325 H ostetter , Irwin S . ........................ 112, 123 H o ughton, Eleano r A . .............................. 378 Houghton, John W . .......................... 47, 338 Ho uk , Ri cha rd J. ...................... 42, 53, 341 Hovermal e, Mary J . ... ............................. 366 Howard , Ar thu r W . .................................. 96 H owa rd , V irginia L. ..... ............. ................ 381
H owe, Loui s H . ................ ................. 360 Hruskovi ck, Bea tri ce M . .......................394 Huff, Fred .................................................... 193 Huff, H arry E . .......................................... 326 Huff, J ea n .................................................. 373 Huffman , Carr ie J. . ......................... 286 Hu ghes, Geo rge S. .. .............. 43, 322 Hu ghes, H elen M. ..... .................... 370 Hu ghes, J ea n ............................................ 382 Hull , K enn eth T . ...................................... 333 Hull , Sarah A . ................ ................. 378 Hum mel , Ru sse l M . ........................ llO, 112 Hu mmon s, Fra ncis D . .............................. ll2 Humph rey, Paul E . .. .ll2, 118, 356 Hu mphreys, Doroth y J . ................ 378 Humphreys, Helen L. ..............................377 H umphreys, Joe ............................. 112, 122 Hundl ey, Donald F . ....................... 220, 221 lei unl, Robert W. ...... ...... 291, 360 Hunter , Doro th ea J. ............................377 1-1 unter, Glenn a D. ... ......... 270, 374 II unter, Ri chard N. ... . ....... 282, 338 Hunter , Willi am 1-J . ... 69, 295, 316, 320 Hursh, H arold J . .... .... 193, 194, 195, 197,
198, 200, 202 Hu se, Willi am M . .......... 112, 118, 123, 333 Hutchin gs, E li zabet h R. . ................. 377 Hutchi so n, Ri chard A . ............ 69, 316, 326 Hu tton, J . Lo u is .... ......................... 326 H ylton, Delm er P. ..... 79, 81 , 360 H yndman, J ohn R. ........... .43, 314
I Im es, Ral ph B. ....... .................. 43 I mes, (Mrs.) Ruth . ........ 34, 43, 266, 281 In gall s, Lois R . ...................................... 382 In gels, Robe rt W. ........ . ............. 325 In gra m, A ndree J . ................................. 374
DANOALE Fine Foods Steaks
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Tngwell , Guy B . .............................. 108, 121 Int-Hou t, Wynan da .................................. 388 Irle, Ma rcil e A . ........................................ 385 Ir vin , Andrew ............................................ 287 Irwin , Doro th y J . .................................... 397 Irwin, Glenn W . ........................................320 Isaacs, Vi vian ...................................... 96, 370 I zsak, Si dn ey A .......................................345
J J ackowsk i, l-J en ry F. . ............................ 354 J ackson, Clarence E . ............................ 69 J ackson, P hil ip R. .................................. 319 J acobow it z, Dave F. ..................... 345 J affe, S idn ey ..... ................345 J am es, Ern est K. ..................... 326 J ames, Geo rge W. . ...l 39, 141, 143 J ames, Miriam R . .............................. 43, 261 J ansen, Doroth y M. ...................388 Ja y, John ............ 35, 69, 78, 269, 274, 290 J ean es, Cha rlotte A. . . ..... 43, 281, 392 J enkin s, Da ni el L. ........ 296, 333 J enkin s, J ohn G. ........ . ..................... 69 J enk in s, Jose ph K. ............................. 333 J enk ins, Marcell eo us ..... 212, 217, 229 J enkin s, Ray mond P . . ................... 333 J ennin gs, F . Lamont .............................. 360 J erram , Da vid C. .... ...................... 290 John s, H elen ....... .................88, 378 J ohnso n, An na B . ..................................... 43 J ohn so n, An ne E. ....... . ................ 51 John so n, Barbara L. ....... 98, 99, 244, 248,
286, 388 J ohn so n, J ohnso n, J ohn so n, J ohn son, J ohn so n,
Carol yn C. ........................ 43, 373 Don E'. ............. ................. 112 Fra nces C. ........................... 98 Geo rge L. ................................. 212 Im oge ne G . .................................. 43
J ohn so n, J. J\ lc rr ill 11 2, 11 8 .J ohn so n, .l ea n l\I. .. .43, 388 John so n, Lew is C. .... ......... 358 J oh nso n, Mary E. ........... .43 .J ohn son, Ma ry J . .... ......... 374· J ohn so n, Ne lda J\1. ....... 88, 266, 285, 394 J ohn so n, Rober! Ed wa rd s .... 358, 360 , 363 J ohn so n, Robe r! Elm er .... 113, 118 J ohn son, Roher! Euge ne ............ 78, 333 J ohn so n, Robert 1-1 . ..... 350 Joh rn,on , Vi vian D. ........ .......... 69 J nhn slon. Edward \. .... ............ 326 J nncs, Ca rol A. .................. 397 .lnn c!', Cha rks .J . ......... 113. 118, 122 J 11n rs, l~ rn e;; I C. .......... 212 J ones, .Judith A. ............. 377 .J onrs. l\1 yron ...... 69, 346 .J nnrs, Ro y E. ................ ................ 319 J on es, Th omas E. ........... .43 J 11ne~, Winfi eld R. . .........322 .l nnl z, Evel yn A. ...... 4.3, 373 Jordan. Ha rold E. .. .... ..26 J ord a n. J a mes H . ...... 79, 81. 288, 29 1, 360 .l Me ph, ll erherl L ........................ 11 3, 122 J osep h. J accp1 elyn ..... .......... ... 391 J nyl'e, ;\ lari nn D. ....... ............ 226 Judd , \ "ara ..... ........... .4:1, 277, 388 .J urki e11 icz, Wail er S. . .......... 193, 229
K Kalh. Evl'r<'l l I.. ....... 1211· Ka ll >, Rober! D. ............................. 320 Kal e r. .J a 111 r s ............ 1 13 .... 43, 1J 8 Karn men, Th elm a Karn pschaP fer, K at herin e E. ............. 43 Kan e, Ca 1nphell G . ........ 212, 215, 216, 217 218, 269
Kane, Sa 111ue l .... 139, 144 .................69 Ka rgacos, Robert E. Ka rse ll , Wil li a m A . ...... 117, 123 Ka11 a ny, Edward C. ..117, 125 K a 11 erh enry, John W. . ........ 69, 295, 322 Ka tz, !\. Mar lin .... 102, 345 K a ufma n, Bernard ......... 69, 274 , 316, 345 K ea ne, Rosemar y L ............373 Kec k, Willi a m H. ...........69, 78, 220, 223, 224, 278, 295, 338 KeP ll)', \l a rlh a E. .............. 373 Kee ne, Ca ro l I. .... . ...... 382 K eg ley, a ncy J. .................. ..... 377 Keh, S hen M ing ... ......... 44 Ke hr , Eli za he1h .\ . .................. ......389 Keith , 1\ lary Lee ............................. 2'1.5, 378 Kell er, ~lar ga r e l ............................ 60 Keller. Will ia 111 P . .................. :i l , 139. 350 K ell t>y, J ack E. ............... 44 K elli e, Ill a ry E. ........... 374 K end all, Paul .... 212 , 217 KC' ndri ck, Willi a m M . .................. 1 13, 12.'l Ke nn a rd Gene ]\ J. .. .........320 Krn nedy , Dav id J . ........ 41-, 329 KC' nn ell y, Geo rge K. . .............. ..... 337 103 K cnl, J a 111cs T. Kenl , Ro~e m a ry 25'1· Kern , Barba ra A. ..88 K ern , Bern a rd D. ...... ............ 58 Kern , Ern rsl L. ............ 360 .... 358, 360 Kern , Gene B. Kern , J\la rvin R. .................... 79, 288 K ern , Ray mond A. ...... 44, 288 ........... 88 Kerr, Melvy n H . Kerriga n, Willi <un F. ... 282, 337 . 104, 341 Kerwi n, Jose ph E. .... K esler, Rober! H. ....... ...... 329
11 iI I
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....... 391 Keyes, Bar ba ra Kryes, S hirl ey A. ......... :16/i .............. 3SO K eyser, J o'!: ph E . ... ............................360 Ki ely, J ohn T . . Ki es lin " , Lnis ......... 69, 370 Ki ewit , J ack E. ......... :160 Kilb y, Hoy .. . . . ...... ........... 287 Kim e, Char les E. ........... Jl 8, l 23 Ki111111i ch , H. obcr1 A. .. l B , lJ 8, :)60 King, Donald P . :1s 1J. K in g, Doroth y S. . 388 Kin g, Franc-C's L ...... ........... 286 Kin g, J ohn E. ........... 287 Kin g. P a ulin e W. ... 44Kin g, Willi a rn 0. .. l :J8. J"{C). 111 , 142 Kintn er, Burlon E. .... lH , 122 Kintn er. '.\1. Qu entin . .......... 11:), 122 Kirk, Ma ry C. ................. 88. 277, 39 I Kirk. Roh er! E. ......... 337 Kirkw oo d. l\fa 11ri cP rt. 78, .287, 3S3 Ki rsch. George A . ..... 77, 351 Ki shel, .Jose ph ,\I. ..... ::iss, 360 Ki sil er, .J ohn L. .........69. 255. 274, 360 Ki stner, .T ack J\'I. ..... 78 K lafs, Fra nk A. ...... 88. 22'i. 229 Kl a mer. Cha rles 1-1 . .. . .... 11 3 . 121 K la 11s, Jnli 11 s \T. .... 11:1, 118 Kle ifge n. W illi a m J\. .............. 2 14 Kl ei n, Lro l\ 1. ........... 226, 345 Kl ein er!. .l ane E. 1-1. 277. ;173 K IC'v la, Wi lliam D . ..................... 96, 99 , 288 K lima sze wski . H enr y J . .226 . .. 330 Kliml ey, l knr y J . .... Klin ge lh off Pr, C:a lvin II. ........... :) 19 K lil zma n, l\1 a uri cC' 11. . ......... 34S Kl otz, Joseph G. ... .... 350
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Klulh, Roberl G . ...................................319 Knapp , Kenneth D. . ............. 69, 333 Knapp, Phyllis H. ... .................. 44, 370 Knight, Howa rd 0. ........................... 325 Knight, Leonard L. ...........................44 .................. 326 Knighl , Robert L. Kn oop, Dorolhy F. ..................... 387 Koester, Ri chard J . ............69, 77, 316, 341 Kohl , .lune K . ........................................... 370 Kohr, Mae L. .......................................... 258 Kollman , Celia E. ............ .......... 80, 82, 394 Konigh, Dori s J. ..... ........................ 392 ...... .......... .......... 44, 295 Kooken, John 0. Koo n, Ceci l W. ........ .....................69 Korshak , All en S . ...................................349 Kosank e, Harold E . ...... 109, 113, ll8, 122, 338 K os man , Michael T . .... 220, 221, 222, 223, 229 Ko snoff, Albert ...................................... 345 Koster, Ri chard L. ..................................350 K owal, Michael G . ........ 136, 138, 139, 140, 141 , 143 K owal ski , Ri chard C . ... ..........................319 Kraja, Mylio S. ...... ....................... 356 Krajac, Martin ......... ................................ 122 Kresler, Leon E. . ................. .108, 113, 123 Kreyling, Kurt W . ..................................322 Krick , Frank J . .......................................329 Kri eble, William W. ............ 108, ll3, 124 Kriegbaum, Eloise .... ............................... 366 Kri egbaum, Ruth H . ..........................69, 392 Kri ekhau s, Margaret R. .................. 44, 392 Kri se, Thomas H . ........................... 223, 338 Kru eger, Donald H . .................................. 360 Kru eger, John E . .................... 217, 247, 358 Krumwiede, Walter G . ..... ....................... 329 Ku ehn , Carl C. .... 110, 113, 117, 123, 252
Ku ehn , Helene E. ........... ........... 44, 124, 382 Ku ehn, R111h A. .......................................382 Kuhn , Marian F. ................................88, 397 Kuhn, Virginia L. ......................38, 44, 366 K11 kn, Frederi ck L. ........................ 117, 122 Kunkel , Lo11i s E . ...................................... 356 K11nkel, William A. ...................... ............21 Kunkl er, Arnold W . ..................................360 Kunz, Norma L. ........................286
L LaFoll eu e. Forrest R . ............ 117, 121, 125 LaFoll ett e, Rohert E . ...................... 113, 118 Lagenaur, Marvin T . ..............................360 Lagenaur, orma J . ................................392 Lambert, C. \V. .................... 113, 118, 360 Lambo, Vincenl A . ..........................358, 360 Lampton, Mary K. .................................. 366 Land, Freeman M. ...... .....69, 295, 320 Land, James F . .......................................... 350 Land, Ri chard 1. .......... . .................... 342 La ndi s, Edwin L. ............................304, 350 Lang, Gladys 0. ........................ .... 88 Lange, Oscar W . ........................................ 334 Langohr, Ri chard B. ................................ 102 Lan gohr, Rohen \V . ...... 137, 139, 140, 141. 143 Lani er, D. Elizabeth ................ 44, 245, 377 Lanlz, Harold L. ................................ 44, 322 Laswell, Herb ert B. ............................97, 99 La1 shaw , Charl es W . ... .... 125 Laud eman , Martha J . ........ ....................366 Laudeman, Sam R . .................................. ..338 Laupu s, Jam es L. ...................................... 337 La11x , Robert W . ........................................ 314 Lawl ess, William C . .................................... 70
-t J7
La" re nee. an ford J-1 . ........... .....................41 La zza ra , An ge lo .................... ............ 224, 225 Leach, J osep hin e ......................................378 Lea hy, Jame iVL ...............•.............•. ....... 258 Leb ioda, ll enr y S . .................................. 360 Lee, Inna ........... ................... .44 Lee, John W ........................................... 224 Ll'e, Lelia R. .... ............... ......................88 Lee, R. Wend ell ........................................88 Lee, Ruth .......................................394 Lee, Th omas 0 . .......................................... 70 Lees, harl e R. .................. 70, 79, 81, 291 Le Favour, Robert J . .............. 221, 282, 350 Leff, Abe .................................. 11 3, ll8, 345 Lefforge, Ruth l'vl . ....................................369 Legeman, Charl es F. ............ 251, 301, 322 Legg, Sylvia M . ................................ 245, 373 Lehman, Mauri ce F . ... ............................. 353 Lehsten, Nelson G . ............................ 88, 360 Leibinger, Edward J . ................................ 88 Le inin ger, John .................................. 79, 353 Leman, Ardal e. W . ..................................333 Leman, William J . ................................... 333 Leo nard, Charles S . .......................... 103, 342 Leo nard , William .................................... 356 Lerner , Walter E . ............................ 25 1, 329 Letsinger, Mary E . ....................................70 Letsinger , Ri chard P . ............................346 Letsinger, Robert L. ........................ 287, 346 Levin , Howard ................................ 228, 349 Levin, Marian L. ....... ................................. 70 Levin e, Geraldin e ....................................391 Levinso n, Ann e ........... ............................... 391 Levy, All en J . ............................................345 Levy, am ..................................................349 Levy, arnu el ............... ...............................349 Lewandowski , Walt er F . .......................... 219 Lewis, Adrian A . ............................ 193, 202
Bl' TflE
912 Odcl Fell ow Bui lding - lncl ianapo li
Lewis, Carl ___ ______ _--------------------- _______________ 254 Lewis, Frank M. ---------·······---329 Lewi s, Marcel J. ········--·--·-------- --------··-----·· 113 Lewi s, Mary J. ----·---··- ····------- ----· ----·----··--381 Lewis, Ri chard S. .... ........ 296, 314, 333 Lewis, Ted B. ··-··-----·· ········--··------------ --337 Lewis, Willi am G. __ __ --- ---------- --··----------70 Liber, Irene V. -------··----------------·-···370 Liff, Selma _ ---------··-------------- ________ __44 Lind, Louis G. ________________ ______________ 44 Lindborg, Daniel R. ..... 137, 139 Ling, J ohn F. ---- ----- -------------..... .113, 121 Lingeman, Raleigh E. .... _____________ 350 Linnemeier , Robert W . . ________________________ 44 ........... 287 Linto n, P aul W. _ Lippincott, Anna, M. ----------------------- -377 Lisius, Roland R. ----· ______________ ___________ _103 Littell, Harry B. ___ ___________ 296 Little, Leon H. . ___________ 360 Littl e, Marjorie J _ _____________ 382 Livesay, Myrtl e D. _________ 44, 58 Livin gston e, John L ___ ________ 70 Lockman, Robert D. ___________ 192 Lockwood, Cecil __ __ ---- --·--- -- ------- --- -333 Logan, John A. ..... 221, 346 Long, George F. ------ -----.. ______________ 325 Lorenz, Margaret H . _ _______________ 44, 377 Loughery, Ri chard M. ________ 44, .3 16, 325 Lowenstein, Alan E. ..... 360 Low ery, Charles C. ----·--------------------- 139, 143 Lowey, Dorothy H . ____________ 25 1, 377 L ucas, Dorothea E. ........ 88 L11 cas, Robert A. ____ --·----··------ ----- ------------ -326 Lu ccock, Doroth y K. ·----------------·..... 385 Ludwick, Virginia A. ·-------------------------- ---366 L11ff, Basil B. _________ ....... 44, 360 L11ga r, Wi ll iam R. ___ 75, 228, 229, 338
Lung, Virgi nia A. -------------------------382 Lusher , Wilfred H . .... 250, 287, 325 Lusk, Betty J . -----------____ 58, 377 Lyhrook, John C. ----·------____________ _350 Lycas, John -------------- ···-------_____________ 296 Lyddan, Pat H. ____________ 138, 142 Ly nch, Martha ___________ 388
McDonald, Ralph E. _____ --····--------320 McFadd en, Edward B. __________ 45 McFaddin, John B. ----------------------------------345 McGreevey, John W. _____________ ... 341 McGuire, James P. _ .. 193, 194, 35.3 McGurk, S. Wells __ _____ 193, 326 Mcllveen, Mary E. ___________ __ _________ _370
John B. -----------···---------------------------- --334 William A. ---···------------- ---------·------·350 Joshua W . ----- ------------------------- 139, 142 Robert E. --- --- -·--·----------- ---- ------ .....360
Mcintosh, Robert L. -·--···--·-·····---·-···--- 337 Mcintyre, 1ames H . -·-····· --- --------------------350 Mcintyre, Marjori e L. ________________ 388 McKee, J ean E. -------·-------------------388 McKesson, James ----------- ________________ 102, 103 McKissick, Wendell B. ___________ ____ 51 McLaughlin, Fredrick L. ·-----------------------290 l\k Laughlin, Gordon C. _----------------------326 McLucas, Helen B. ______ 45, 377 McMal,on, Harold ---------·------- _...... 70 McMurtrie, Uz _____ --- -----··- --------- ---- ---21 McNabb, George B. -------------------·-- ... 78, 350 McNierney, Carol ______________ _377 .J cPike, Barbara J. ......... 366 McShane, Leo D. ______ _326 MacCaa, Mary A. ........373 Mace, Jamc·s E. ___ ---·-·--------. ----- ______ __ 342 MacGill, Robert A. --- ----------------------------- --338 lVIackel, Frederick 0 . -----------·--------- -- -113, 118 Mac!· - ''· Charles J. ----------------- __ __________ 103 l\laddox, John R. ------------·--------- _______ _319 Ma~Pr , fo'ln H . ______ -------·------ ·--- ____ ________ 124 l\fag,·1, M: ldred -, . ---·-- -- -----70 Maggart, Don1 ld R. ----·---------------------···319 Mahlman, Z. Mary ______ ---·------- ----··---------387 l\b:erso n, Pl:~l li s L. _ ---------- -··-·--------391 l\Ja i worm, Barney J _ _____ ___________ ___ 326 Malchow, Howard L. . ___________ 319 Maloney, J\fary M. -------------------- --------------382 Malon ey, Shirl ey E. ________ 45, 105, 244, 382
Lyon, Lyon, Lytle, Lytle,
M McAdams, Anso n M --------- ____________________ 322 McAdams, Hugh B. -----_______________ 322 McAnly, Louis C. --------·-_____ 217, 329 McBride, Mildred M. ___ 96, 98, 99 McBride, Robert B. ________ ........ 58, 320 McCartney, Donald H . ----------------------------124 McClellan, Vesta H. __________________ __ ____ 286, 377 McClelland , Donald C. ·------------------ _____ _322 1cClintock, Norma L. _________________ __ _58, 370 McClure, Robert L. _----···-----------------------342 McColgin, Wanda I. ----------------------· ..385 McColl, Rhea ................. --------- ----------- ... 387 McComb, William W. ... 333 McConnell, James F . --------·-·····-- _________ __329 McConnell, Robert B. ____________________ 253, 353 McCooe, David L. -------..... 226 McCormi ck, Betty A. ---------·--------------45, 388 lfcCormick, John F . -------..... .45 ............. 353 McCormick, Robert S. ____ ~1cCra ck en , Howard L. __ ...... 204 McCreary, Jay .... .... 205, 256 McDaniel, John C. --·--·---········--···--· ____ 333 McDonald, Bette B. ................ ....373 McDonald, George D. ........... ..... 296
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Mann, E. Mary ...................................... 270 Mann, Julius D. ...................................... 356 Marianos, Thomas L. ................45, 57 Marin, Laddie ........................................360 Marks, Arnold ........... ... 288, 306, 349 .................... 391 Marks, Ruth .............. Marlette, Robert H . .................................. 45 Marnan, Helen M. ............................ 88, 373 Marr, Griffith .... ................................. 123 .......... 70, 325 Marshall, Harold C. Martin, Charles F . .................. ll7, 118, 122 .....................51 Martin, Clyde E. .. Martin , Effietee ......................................... 88 fartin , Gra ham E. .......... ..45, 193 .................346 Martin, J oe V. ......... ...................356 Martin, Kemp F. .... Martinson, Marjorie J . ................. .........369 ..... 296, 338 Mason, Donald W. ... Mason, Ri chard L. .......................... 113, 118 Massey, Vera May ................ 45, 46, 53, 266 Mathias, Doroth y J . .............................369 Mathias, Jim W . .....................................353 Matthews, J erome N. .............................. 322 Matthews, Virginia A. ..............................373 Maxwell, Allan .. ................ .........322 Maxwell, J oe T . ................... 295, 296, 356 Maxwell, Leslie H. ...................... 322 May, Arthur ............................................. 329 May, Benjamin F . .... ..............349 ..... 34, 45, 53, 266, May, Margaret L. 281, 388 ..........337 May, Robert N. Mayes, Betty R. ....... ....................... 45, 388 Meckstroth, Donald R. ................70, 346 ................360 Meeker, James W. Meese, J ean ............. ............ 70, 397 ..342 Mehl, Ri chard W. .... ......337 Meihau s, John f;. ....
Meihsner, Gene L. ................................. 33.3 Mei ssner, Dorothy E. .................370 Mellen, John R. ............ 113, 118 ..................375 Mellen, Marjorie L. ......70, 230, 322 Mellinger, Frank J. Mellion, Gilbert L. ...................... 139 Meloy, Florence N. .......... ............... 51, 80 Mendenhall, William J . ........................351 Menk e, Robert H. .... 45, 205, 211, 229, 256, 298, 350 Menke, William C. ...... 70, 197, 205, 229, 256, 269, 278, 350 Mertz, James R. ................................ .... 139 Mervi s, Jay J. .......................................... 349 Meyer, (Mrs. ) El sie L. .......................... 45 Meyer, Robert L. .... ............... 45, 57, 274 Meyer, Ted A. ....... 70 Meyer, Theodore H. ..........................360 Meyers, Paul F. .....................................338 Mi chel, Norman H. ... .......360 Michener, Richard S . ......... ... 139, 141, 142 Middleton, Mary L. . ....................... 375 Miklozek, John C. ...................... ........... 113 Mik ulas, Edward A. .... 70, 212, 217, 295 Miles, Ethel M. ............ ........... 88 Miles, Helen J . ..... 373 Mil es, William C. ................... 337 Miller, Alwyn E. .......... ............ 364, 375 Miller, Charles J ............................ 113, 122 Miller, Dari C. ................... ....... 344 Miller, Florence L. ............................391 Miller, Francis E . ............................... 70, 360 Mi ll er, George F. ... ....... 70, 350 .... 89, 277, 366 Mill er, Helen C. Miller, Jack B. .... ..... 118, 329 ..... 388 Miller, Julia J. Miller, Max L. ................ 70, 342 Mill er, Marli n ............ .............................. 342
42 1
Miller, Marvin L. ........... 34, 70, 250, 269, 274, 278, 307' 333 Miller, Mary E. ...................375 Miller, Mickey M. .................. ..............329 Miller, Nathan J . .... ..................... 344 ......... 104, 105 Miller, Paul C. Miller, Ral eigh S . ................. 114, 124, 125 ................... 325 Miller, Ri chard K. Millikan, Bryant K. ....................... 45 Million, Ali ce J . ..................................370 Mill s, Helen M. ....................... 381 Mill s, Leon J. ......... .......... 70 Miner, Rose mary ..... ................... 366 Mi sch, William A. ................................... 360 Mi stro vich, Joseph M. ...................70, 81 Mitchell , Earl H. ..... ............ 114, 219, 354 Mitchell , Effie M . ....................................... 45 ... 136, 138, 139, Mitchell, Frank S. 140, 141 .... 114, 118, 360 Mitchell , Robert H. ....................................... 291 Mitchell , Weir Mitchum, R. Robert ................. ...........353 Mocas, Christo T . ............ .................... 45 Mock, Ernest L. .............. 70, 79, 316, 334 Moeller, K enn eth W . ............ 193, 278, 356 Moffat, J ean J . ........................ 281, 286, 382 ..296, 320 Mohr, George W. ................ Moldthan, Mary B. .......................... 89, 392 Moon, John P . ................... ..................... 326 Moore, Donald R. ...............360 Moore, Helen I. .......... ......... 89, 369 Moore, Vi rgene .......... ........ 71, 80, 385 Moorh ead, Robert G . ...................... 296, 337 Moran, (Mrs.) Betty J. ......... ............ 298 Morga n, James E . ... ................................ 79 Morgan, Wilma F . ... ................... 89 Moritz, Madonna R. .. ................... 395
St. , Indianapoli s
Co11 ve 11ie 11t aml desirable location facing 11 ew War Mt>111orial Plaza aml three blocks from cente r of city
Reasonable rates: Sin gle ................. $2.50 and up Double ................ $4.00 and up also apartments for permanent guests
All morlern conveniences Coffee Shop - Dining Rooms - Beanly Parlor - Valet and Barber
Telephon e- Lincoln 2.%1
PEERLESS ELECTRlC SUPPLY CO. ELECTRICAL DISTRlBUT ORS Comm e1·cial a nd Resid ential Lighting Fixtures Universa l Electric Applian ces Toastma ster Products Emerson radio- Clark electri c water heaters Silex & Hamilt on Beach ap pliances Complete lin e of electri c wirin g suppli es
122 S. Meridian Street I ndianapol.i s
22-24 W. 9th And erson
Henry C. Smither Roofing Company Will
Reputable Roofing and Sheet Metal
JOHN SEXTON & CO.-Chicago -Brooklyn
Contractors since 1868 430 S. Meridian St., Indianapoli s "
4 22
Confessions of a Coed!
. and best by far , He has a Chevrolet!"
University Chevrolet Co., Inc. BLOOMINGTON, IND. Phone 6346
lorphew, Raymond ________ 46, 360 Morrical, Ru ssell J . ....... 114, 122 Morri s, Fred F. .........230, 353 Morri s, J ac k D. ... .. ......... 231, 326 Morris, James W. _ ....................... 46 Morri s, J eanne L. ... ---··-·············397 Morris, Maynard F. ......... 71, 356 Morris, Rebecca A. ____ .. 82, 382 Morri s, Richard 0 . ----· ··········-211 Morris, William M. ·--------··--··-······ ··253, 329 Morrison, Elizabeth J . ---··-·········· ......... 377 Morrison, J ames E. ___ ·-·· ··------··--··. _______ __333 Morri son, Marjorie M. _____ 377 Mosemiller, Roy L. _________________ .-46 Mosson, Lester H . ..... 138, 141 Motter, Thomas A. __ 71, 205, 229, 256, 346 Mowry, Betty J. ________ 53, 98, 99, 25 1, 388 Muir, Alexander F. ........... 57 Muir, H elen B. .... _________ 89 Mumaw, Charles E. ........ 361 Mungovan, Margaret P. ................366 Munsee, J ack R. . .... 46 Munson, Donald E. ...... 287 Murchie, William D.' .337 Murphy, George M. ..329
Murph y, H arry L. ·····-···-·227 ..........381 Murph y, Mari ella ... Murphy, Mauri ce P. . - -- .261, 329 - __46 Murray, H omer H . .. . _________ 46 Murray, John W. ___ . Murtau gh, Ju stin J ..... ........ 46 Muse, Viol et F . .... .. ...46, 258 _______ 392 Myers, Barbara J . _______ 281 Myers, Edwina K. Myers, George W. ·-·-····· ·-····-··-····----337 ________ 319 Myers, J ames A. Myers, Marian __ - --· - - ____ 80, 388 Myers, Mary M . _ ·-------··-····-366
N Naddeo, Michael __________ 193, 229 Nash, Jack F . .. 193, 229, 346 Needham, Dean B. ____________ _________ 346 Ne ff , Ri chard B. _______ _____ __ 338 Neighborgall, Bett y J. ________ 244, 373 Nelson, Ri chard V. ···------------------350 Nelso n, Roberta L. . -----··-··------------------------338 Nelson, Virgil K. ..... .... 78, 291, 361 Nerenberg, Robert W. ____ 349 ering, Evan D. ····-·····----314, 356
And They All Drink
De p e n.dti'ble Milk Products S i.n ee
Nes bitt , Byro n D. .... .... 287, 346 Nes lm a nn , Ralph 1-1 . . ....... 114, 121 Ne u, .M orga n D. ---------------··--·-·--··------···-··356 Ne uhau se r, Doroth ea M. ... 89, 378 1eum a n, R ichard E. ____ 320 New, Sa mu el ·-----······-·349 ewso m, Charl es I. ---------------------·-·· .......... 71 N icholas, Elea nor M. ____________________ 46, 395 N icholas, Sophi a ---····· ________ _46, SO, 59, 266, 273, 306 Nicholas, Wilbur H. -------------·--·-··--········356 Nicholl s, Elizabeth ... ..38, 46, 277, 366 Nichols, Martha L. ............................. 377 Nichols, Orville W. ......... 71, 211, 338 icholson , Charles A. ___________________ 71, 338 Nicholson, Dori s E. ________ 80, 392 N icholso n, William R. ·--·-----····--·-····46 Nickas, Harry ··--·-·-·-·····71 Nickels, Rober! P. ____ ........... 139, 141 N icola i, or man A. ______________ 219, 296, 354 ie, Marjori e E. ...... ........ 71, 378 Ni ebau er, Robe rt L. ·-·-----·----···----··287 N ieder ha us, Betty ............. ..... 392 Niederho fer, Merl e A. . ..... 139, 141, 142 liJI , John I-I. ·-----·--_______________ 117, 125
..... ::S46
Niven , William E. Nock, Ernest £. Nolan, Val Jr.
.. 71, 295, 296 ...... 34, 46, 265, 269, 274, 298, 338 ....... 342 Noland. I ame' E. .. .112, J 14, 125 No ni e, Leo R . .. 46, 281 Norman , Marjorie D. .71, 273 Norman , Rachel R. .... 71 Norman , William A. . .......... 125 Norton, Hora ce .................. . ...... 341 lowlan. Lew i' E. . ........... 370 unn , Marga ret J. . 356 J ye. Fred W . .. ....... 46 Nrewan der. \1 ildred I·:.
0 O'Banion, Kathl ee n J. ......... 377 O'Bri en, Charles \ -_ ................ 3.30 O'Bri en, H ele n E. ............ 373 O'Bri en, John H. ... ... .... 330 O' Bryan , Ri chard B. . ......... 322 O' Bryant , J ea n M. ........375 O'Co nnor. Kathl ee n A . ........ 373 O'Connor, Ri chard P. .............. 341 O'Don nell, Mary M. ........................ ... 46 O'Donnell, Patricia ............................ 46, 366 Oexmann. James R. ........................... .........46 Ogd e n, Betty A. .................................... 366 Ogle, Virginia .......................................... 392 Old en burg, Robert F. . ... 71, 333 Oli ve r, Jack W. .... ..Tl, 325 Olmstead , Patricia J. .. ..................... 395 Olvey, Ottis N. .......... 114, 123 Ool ey, Clarence E. ........... ..229 Ornela,., Joseph P. ... 47, 118 Orr, J amP.s C. 71, 356
Osborn, K en neth M. . ... 192 ........... 80 Osborne. Mary L. ... Oswald, Charles E. .... . .... .... ...322 Overbay, Norma L. . ....365, 378 Overbec k, Karl .... ....... 71 Overb eck, Thelma ............ .....................89 Overmy er, J ay W . ........................ 114, 122 01·enny<'r, Robe rt C. ...............47, 295, 296 Ove rshin e r, J ohn L. ..............................33'1
p Padd ock, Mary £. ..... 47, 366 Page, Vella L. .......... ............373 Paint er, Donald S. .... .......... 114, 322 Painter, John R . . . .78, 251, 350 Painter, Joe ....... ............. 314 Paku c ko, Michael ;vi. ........ ............ 226, 229 Palme r, Mary J. ............47 Palm er, Mary R. .............. 89, 375, 388 Panos, France ........ 47 Pare nt , J e.:n .................................... 47, 366 Parker, George F. . ............ ... 47 , 118, .~34 P arker , J ean ...... .. ... 47 P arker, Philip T. ..... ..... 337 Parkinson , Robert P. .................... 361 Parrish , Myles F. .................................. 10:~ Parri sh, Ri chard K. .................... 114, 121 Par ri sh, Robert J. .. .................... 104, 354 ...... .. 287, 35ll Part e nh eimer, John A. Partlow , Orval R . ........................ .... 71, 79 Patton, E. Catherine .... .... ..... .. . ...... 47 Patton, Stanley R . ...................... .......... 325 Paulin e, Ma rga ret J . .............................373 Paul son, John A . ......................... 361 P eacock. Robert C. ..1 21, 124 Pear<.:e, Roy V. ...... . ............... 114
........375 P earson, Ellen D . . ......... 366 P eckinpau gh , Carmel Y. ............ 287 Pedi cini , Joseph L. .. 47 Peek, Mary R. .... ..... 392 P el ikan , Inge E . ............ 99, 288 Pence, John R. 71, 79, 81, 291 P endl eton , G. Robert ... 370 Pendry , Re ba J . ... ......... 227 Penning, Frank A. ............. 89, 218 P ersinger , Delmar M. .. 223, 320 Peters, J erome H. . .114, 118 Peterson, Lowell F . .226, 330 Pfromme r, Fred G . .. . . ........ 273 P hill ipp, Emma L. ... . ... 47 , 53, 354 Phillippe, James R. ...... 395 Phillips, Elirnbeth L. . .................... 51 Piat os. Jose ]. Pi c kard, Wil ma L. ...... 7 I P ickard, Robert C. ......... 139, 141, 142 Pierce, Claude D. .................. 139, 337 Pi e rce, Will ard F . ........ ........ . 326 Pi e rpont, J u Anne .... . ..248, 306 Pi erson, J ea nn e ...... 251, 375 Pin g, Ronald S. ..138, 139, 141 P iper , James C. . ..... .301 Pitkin , William V. . ......... 47, 353 P lace, Robert B. ... 319 Plank, C. Robert .... ll4, Jl8 Plank, Dorma s L. .......334 P la tt , Robert M. ....... 360 P la tt , William ............................ ...... 99, 288 P la tt er, Orval R. ...... 35:1 P letcher, Helen L. ................. ...... 89, 388 ]'loner, Shirley ]. .... ............ 377 Po lhe mu s, Warren C. ................ ll7, 123 Pollom, R. Louise . ..366 Poo le, Geraldine C. ... 397
lwv.• 1/,,, /ullowi11!{ I mlia1111 l 11irPr .<i t .1 ll1111111i in our org a11iz utin11:
' 19 '30 NOBLE L. BIDDINGER '33 MARGARF.T TODD , ex '30
to have hatl a ro le i n the progress of
A. ex '40
B~J \'ING TO N-W ILlj IAll S, In u.
'17 '26
'30 '30
I 11vestme11t Securities Jndia na p oli s
41 7 Circle T o we r
11 1
Women 's Swim ming Poo l School of Education Stores and Service Buildin g Medical · Building Ph ysical Science Building Busin ess Administration Hall of Music Buildin g
Dis•i e
i , . ... •
• I !\'V ITATJON S •
• Dr, >R
n ..o,,·n
INDIANA P YTHIAN BLDG. ln tli a n apo li!'
II •••
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111 ·12·1
«_It zs no small thing to know that
on what we make, may dep end whether lije shall be preserved or shall perish.» Tl1 e P i tman -Moore L a b o r a t ory W ork er's C re ed
Po pe. Charl es F. ................................. 139 P ope, Jani ce L. ............ ..... ...... .....382 Popperl er, Philip E . ............................... 350 Porter, Leah L. ....... ..... ....................373 Powell , John W . ............................ 89, 227 Power, Samu el H . ............ ............... 102, 103 P owers, Harri et E. ........ . ................72, 80 P owers, Robert G. ......... ............. 78, 350 P rather, Betty J . .................................. 382 Prall, Ralph M . ........................................ 360 Preger , Dani el A. .... ................. 193, 354 Price, Byron E . ................... 138, 139, 141, 142, 252 Price, Ernest H . ....................................... 123 Pri ce, George F. ... .................... 329 Pri ce, Harry C. ......................... 212, 338 Price, Robert F . ..................................... 342 Price, Th omas W . .................................... 342 Prickett, Ralph S. ... ............. 47, 342 Pri ckett, Ruth J . . ............ ...... .......... 129 Prinz, Betty J. ..... ...................366 P ro pp, Ma rjori e M. ............. ....... 89 ...... 47, 58, 370 P ro ud , Frances E. Pruill, Bett y J . .. .....................370 Prusiecki . Ray mond J. .......... ....... 354 Pru siecki , Walt er S. ........ 354 Pryo r, Ri chard C. .... .................. 124 Pryweller , Leo na rd .... 349 Pugh, Madelyn L. .......251, 277, 382 Pull ey, J ane ....... .. .............. ............ 388 Purcell , John K. ... . ...... 320 Purcell , Robert A. ...........58 P urcell , R. E. ...... .................. ..47, 338 Purkey, Rex ford D. ...............................353
R Raber, Robert M. ..................... .......322 Ra bin, Joseph Y . .............................. .......... 344 Raczynski , Walter A. . ............. 345 Radigan, Joseph B . ................................. 333 Ragon, J ean M. ................... .........392 Rahder t, Karl G. ............. ........ 78, 291 Rahe, Marjori e A . .................................... 72 Raines, Dal e S. ........................................ 114 Ramsay, Jack R . .............. .......................337 Randall, Don Q..................................... 114 Randall, F rederi c D. ................................ 258 Ran g, Barbara H . ............. ...................... 378 Rankin , Robert F. ......................333 ........ 361 Rans, Gerald L. . Raper, Helen K . . ..................... 378 Raphael, Robert L. ........................306, 349 ...............344 Rappaport, Gersten ...... Rappaport , Harold ....................................344 Rasor, Roberl L. ....................................333 Ra thfon , Waller F . ....... 334 Rau ch, George W. .......... 72, 23 1, 326 Ravenscro ft, Philip H . ... ................... 47 Ray, J ack N. . ............ 72 Rayl, Ri chard B. ... ...........361 Reckn er, Bet.lye A. .. .......... 382 Reddi ng, Charl es A. ...... .............350 Reddin g, Lowell G . ................................ 123 Redm an, Ge neva :\1 . .... ....89 Red man , John D. ........... 288 Reed, Bett y L ................ ..... 286, 373 Reed, Geo rge ...... .... .... ............ 322 Reed, Joann e W. ............. 382 Reed, Jo hn D. ................ ........ 350 Reehlin g, La \ia un L. ....... 364, 375 Rees, Ma ry F . ........... 270, 28 1, 378
Reese, Keith C. ...................................... 320 Reeves, David A . ..................... .............353 Reeves, Meredit h E . ................................. 89 Regas, William J . .................................... 72 Regel , Belly A. ....................................392 Regentin e, Ru ssell C. ................................72 Rehm, Richard T . ............ 72, 193, 295, 322 .........338 Reinh ard , Jo hn J. .. Ren fro, Fra nces L. .... ................... 388 Reno, Roberl G. .... ...................... 47 Reppert, Roland L. .. ............. 114, 123 Reser, Robert M. ... .....................337 Rev inglo n, George D. ................322 Revin gton, Phoebe J . ..................... 47, 378 Rey nolds, Lorene C. ....... ........... 387 Rh etts, Cha rl es C. ................... 47, 296, 350 Rh etts, Ha rri ett ...................... ....... 382 Rh oda, Robert L. ............ 193, 319 Ri ce, A. Loui se .......................................... 89 Ri ce, Wi ll ia m B . .............. .............. 72, 79, 81 Ri chards, Frances J . ..................366 Ri chard so n, Edga r .... ............. ..... 72 Ri chard so n, Jun e .... ................25 1 Ri chardso n, Loy L. ....................................337 Ri chardso n, Ruth ........... ....... .................366 Ri chter, B,en ......................................... 349 Ri cigli ano, Estell e ........................... 88 Ri cke, Oral J . . ................. 350 Ri cks, Georgia M. .................... 47 Ridgway, Willi am L. ...................338 Ril ey, Mary E. .. ............................370 Ril ey, P aul H . ....... . ............ 102, 212 Ril ey, Will iam J. .. .................. 102 Rin ehart , Jan e ...... ............47, 377 Rin ehart, Margaret B. ................. 377 Ripl ey, H erbert B. ...... 79, 81, 288 Ripley, John W. ........... ........... 190
WHEN YOIJ DECIDE TO PRACTICE After se1·ving with the country's armed force s, you wi11 h e inte r este d in comparin g th e diffe rent typ es of equipment mauufactm·ed.
Fo1· your convenience, we have at all times five compl e te model offices lo a ssist in your selection.
A .''iclwol of Spt>cializatio11 . . . . . Here, >t ud ent s co nce ntrat e upon specifi c co urses; drive towa rd definit e ob jecti ves; prepare th oro ughl y for desirab le, promi sin g positi ons of th eir choice. Thi s is th e
Geo. Hitz &Co.
Jiulimrn Busine,.,; Collt"!i!;•' of Indianapoli s. The other are at Marion, Munci e, Loga nsport , And erso n, Kokomo, Lafayette, Columbu s, Ri chmond and Vincenn es-Ora E. Butz, Presi dent. F or Bufl etin , telephone or wri te th e J. B. C. nea rest you, or Fred W. Case, Prin cipal
Central Business f:olle~e
Fruits and Vegetables
Architects & Builde r s Bld g. Pen n a. ancl Vermon t Sts. Indianapolis
Honor Brand Frosted Foods
National Library Bindery Company of l ndiana, fnc. r
S µecialists in
Canned Foods
Uni versity, Co ll ege, Publi c and Private
PLASTIC BINDING Yearbooks, Annual s, E'tc. 546 S. Meridi an, Indianapoli s, Ind ia na Ph one: LI ncol n 8238
Ri sley, Foresl A. ________ ___ __ ________ 212, 228 ........... 319 R iller, K enneth W. R itz, Albert S. --------------- ·· _________ ___ _____ 124 .. 273, 306 Roach, Belly J . ·----Robb, Rob ert G. --··---______________ __320 Robbins, David W. -----------·· ---·-·-·----------- 79 Robbins, Henry S. ---------·-342 Rob erts, Dean P. .... ---·-·-·-····-72 Robertso n. Carolyn W. ____________________ 388 Robey, Evelyn J . ----------------··-·-· ___________ 369 Robinson, Alice B. -----------··----- _________ __ 387 ....... 79, 287 Robinson, Benjamin F . ___ __ _72 Robinson, Frank H . Robinson, J . J. ___________ 269 ________________ 319 Robi son, Maurice A. --······Ro ck, Herschel E. .... ____ ______ 288 _____ 316, 319 Rod enberger, Arthur E. Roe, Evelyn R . ............ 286 ....... 341 Roesch, Ryland P. ________________ 47 Rogers, Henry C. Rogers, James C. _____________ 337 Roger s, Loui se ______________ 149 Rogers, Robert H. ________ 337 ...... 89, 388 Rogers, Ru th ] . ____ 89, 229, 244, 325 Rolak, Bruno J. .... Romin e, Robert D. ______ 251, 287, 356 Rom ines, C. Cha rl ee n ....72, 248, 373 Rose, Dor is M. _____ ·· ·---·------------------ ---·-········89 Rose, Embree R . ......... 114 ...............342 Rose, John B. ---····--··---·- ...........322 Rose, Max _______ 227, 342 Rose, Steph en C . Rose, Stuart W. ------------------·- -· __________________ 124 Rose, Truman E. ------··-·-·····-···342 Rosenbarger , Ern est E .. 138, 139, 141, 142 Rosenberg, A. Leo n ...... 287, 344 Rosenb erg, Albert ______________ 102, 344, 345 _______ 349 Rosenbl oo m, Seymour C.
Rosenbu sh, Robert D. --------····---·----306, 325 Rosenstein, Mau r ice E ... 138, 139, 141, 144 -···--·--··----------349 Rosenth al, Ira M. Ross, Janet K. --- -----------····· ____________________ 382 Ross, Lela J.__ _________ 281 , 301, 378 Roth , Harold W. ------- --------------·-·····-···-·-·354 Roth, Virgini a L. -----··----··· -369 Ro thb erg, Manu el F. ------- ·····--···· -·- -······-349 Rothrock, Ph ilip W. ____________________ 114, 123 Rothschild, Sanford -----------------········344 Rotter, J. Bernard ......... -----···-··-···-·344 Rottingha us, Roberl B. . ............ 319 Rouen, Robert L. _______________________ .. 110 Rowe, A. Thomas --·--··········47 Rowe, Eli zabeth G. __________ 47, 53, 378 Rowe, Eli zabeth ] . ________________ 281, 298, 373 Rowe, Howard H . ---------------···· 125 Rowla nd , William R. ........ 337 Royer, R. Qu entin ....... 139 Royer, Robert A. ____ .. 226 Royer, Willi am A. _______ 287 Ru cinski, Edward A. ____________ 193, 198, 229 Rudolph, Harley H. .................. 226, 353 Rud olph, Steph en J. ____________ 114, 118, 361 ... 48, 370 Ruffin g, Rosemary Runn er, Meredith N. _____________________ 127 Runyan , Ri cha rd F. ..48, 57, 353 ..... 296 Rupert, Th oma s M. Rupper, Charlott e JVL .... 377 Ru sh, Clyde £". _________________________________ 114 .. 361 R ush, J ohn M . .. ___ --------·-··_______________ 48, 375 Ru ssell , Ma ry D. _______________ 48, 319 Ru ssell , Ri chard H. Ru tledge, Harri et .T. ________________ 382 Rutz, E leanore S. ________ _______________ 392 . ··-------···333 Rya n, John P. Rya n, Leroy L. ... ______________________ 58, 320 Rymarowi cz, Lilli an M. ..... 258
s Saban, Robert J. Sablosky, Marvin E. Sabol, Albert R . Sacks, J eanne Saffery, Ell is J . Sailors, Mary E.
..290, 291, 361 ·----·····217, 349 _________ 193, 199, 229 ............ 391 _______________ 72 ____________ 382
Saint, William K. --------------·········· ·····--·---350 Saladin, Mahl en G. --------------··· ...... 72 Sali sbury, Charl es J. ___________________ 325 Sa mm s, Mary A. ....... ·······----·-··-· .......377 ..............377 Samms, Cynthia ·----··- ·· _________ 353 Samms, V. William ______ 72, 377 Sam uelson , Lou ise M . . ....... 354 Sam uelson, Ri chard K . Sanborn , Kenneth D. ----------------·· _____________ 341 Sand ers, Doro th y W. ..... 58 Sander s, Lyman A. .. _..........322 __________ 72 Sa nders, Raymond ... Sande rs, William H . _____ _____ 346 Sandock, Loui s F. ______ 114, 290 Sa nd s, El eanor M. .. ·····---------------------····-373 Sa nford, Robert E . ........... 353 Sa ntangelo, Joseph A. ______ 114, 125 Sarengach, Nicholas W. ____________________ 361 Sargent, Mary R . ·--· ·····--------··· ---- ----·· -···-48 Savage, Schuyler L. ___________ 226 Savesky, Betty J . _______________ 391 Saxton, Floyd M. --- ·· ·_______ 72 .. .. ... 124 Sayle, Robert P. ... Sayler , David E. ___ . _____________ 353 Schabin ger, J ean A. .....377 Schabin ger, Roberta ] . ------------------------377 ... 205, 229, 256, Schaefer, Herman H . 278, 320 Sc ha efer, Robert M. _____ 361
WEBER EQUIPMENT Th e D e ntal Eq u ipment of D igni ty a11tl High Q u alit y Va lue l;ior1y -on e y ea rs ago, t h e Foundel' of o ur Company inven ted
a nd
or ig in ated
th e
Spittoo n .
a nd
l ate1·
develo ped th e fi 1·s t co111 bi11 a.ti o n of unit equip m en t eve 1· ln trodu ced for n se by th e dental profession . 'J~h e poli cy of t h e \.Yeber Compan y h as always b een that o f c o n s tru c t i ve ad ,·an ce m ent and pl'i ce ma,intenance. No g-reat f'r Yah 1e is to b e found in de ntal ec1niprnent th a n i s f01t nd in t h e W ebe r Hne of tod a.y. Th e follow i ng se l' v i ces arc a t t h e co mmru1d of all de ntal s tud ents. free of c h argeOffi ce P l anning and Offi ce D ecoJ'ati ng Lo ca.t i o 11 A n a l, ·s is
rrad i<'t" Co un ~e llin g In divid u a l l-fr l11s n nd Ins t ru ctio ns
A com n lete se t of 1 0 Co un sel1in g Broclnll'es
~rnppli ed
purch aser of W e bel' Equi1prne n t. deliver ed each ing th e Jil'~t .vea.1·. wh e n mos t needed .
month <ll 1r ~
All eq ui1Hne nt. sold 011 liberal tel'm s and endor!";e<'I h y f il'~i line deal f' r s everywh er e. Don ' t be sa tisfied uni.ii yo u hnv P in !O; p ePtPd th e 00 111pl et e l ine W ebe1· ha s to offer.
Canton, Ohio
Th e S. . White Master Unit and Motor Chair surp ass all previou s ]evels of b eauty, con venience a nd comfort in d e ntal opera tin g equipm ent. Ever y de tail of th eir d esi gn and constru ction is a vi sible d emon stra tion of th ese two maxim s: (1 ) Simplicity is far more app ealing to th e eye than excess adornm ent (2 ) correct form enhances function.
FREE OFFICE PLANNING SERVICE Nothin g will d o more toward fillin g th e appointment hook of th e new practi ce th an good offi ce impress ions. L et u s h el1> you plan an offi ce 1hat will in pire yo ur pati ents to r e f e r th e ir fri e nd s.
TH E 211
Only th e S. . White Master U nit and Motor Ch air provide th e op erating facilities d emand ed by d ental pra cti ce tod ay in th e stirrin g simpli city and b ea uty of modern stylin g. Every d ental d ealer who di stributes S.S.White Equipm ent invite you to visit his showroom wh er e yo u will find the S. S. White Master Unit and Motor Chair on display. After yo u have seen and teste d each thoroughl y let him t ell you how easily you can own an S. S. White Master Unit and Motor Chair, and wh y th ese offer th e gr ea test protection to yo ur inves tm ent and give you the most for e very dollar inves ted.
0. PA.
Schafer, Ali ce K. ______ ____________ ___ ___ 392 Schafer, William C. ____________ ___ 125 Schaffer, Frederick M. ___ _______, _______ 139, 141 Scharn berg, J eanne K. -------··-------- ----------366 Schaub, David W. ------------------- - ___________ __ _361 Scheidl er, Hubert A. _____________ ______________ _322 Schell , Harry D. ________________________________ 114, 121 Schenkel, Jan et W. _______________ ___ __373 Scherschel , John P . -------------- ______ 115, 124 chi ckedanz, Elmira G. _________ _____ 96, 98, 99 Schi enbein, Edward L. ______________ 287 Schilling, Mary E. _______ _______ _48, 364, 369 Schimpf£, William V. ---------------- ______ _____ 361 chlaegel, T ed F . ________ _______________ 123 Schlafer, George E. ______ ----------- ---------- ____ 230 chlam ersdorf, George A. ------ ----- ___ ______ 72 _______ 240 Schlee, So nya -------------------_______ 342 Schl emm er, No rman C. Schmalz, Jam e L. ___ ____ 333 _____ 377 chmalz, Mary usan __ Schmi dt, Harold J . __ _______ 221, 227 Schmidt, Loren .112, 115, 125 Schmidt, Mildred E. ________________ 48, 378, 322 Sdrnabel, Ralph D. _______________ 288, 361, 363 Schn r. id er, Berni ce M. ______ ________ 73 choger, Dani el R. ------------------- ________________ 73 Scholl , Clark H . ____ ______ 139 choonover, .I ea nn e E. ----------- __________ 392 Schri cker, H enry F. ____________ 251, 288, 353 Schroeder , Helen J . ____________ 73, 80 chu chman, Abe ______________________________ 344 Schuchman, Gabriel ______ 115 Schu elke, Ada L. _ _________________ 89 Schulth eis, Jam es 0. _____________ 73 chultz, Edna ___ ----------------______ 48, 61 Schwartz, Emily Jo __________ 375 Schwartz, Stanl ey ---------------- ___________________ 344 co lt, David F. _------------------------------------354
__ 350 Scott , Ellswo rth P. ------------______ -320 Scott , John S. ------------------Scott , Marga ret A. ------______ 335 ________ ________ 73, 322 Sco tt , Philip M. Scull y, M. Mad eline ___ 244, 277, 388 _____________________ 375 Seaman , Vida Sears, Josephine K. ______________________ 244, 388 Seele, .J ohn ------- ------- -- _______ 75, 278, 316, 337 Seiberlin g, Betty R. _______________________________ 395 Self, Victor G. ________ 288, 361 _____________ 73 Seman chik , John ____ Sembowe r, Dea n Charle$ J. ______ 24, 265 ___ 57 Se mbower , Charl es W. Servaa s, Beurt R. ____ _________ --48, 329 Sevier, obl e )-[. _ _____ 139 Seward , Marilyn A. ______ ------------· --- ________ 382 Sha ckel ford , Anna M. _______ 375 Sha ckelford H . Mark __ 48, 322 Shafer, Dorothy M. ____ 375 Shaffer, Richard P . ____ ________________ 320 Shalan sky, Alb erta ------------------- ---- _________ 391 ______ 136, 138, 139, Shanteau , 0 . Loui s 140, 141, 142 Shaul , Margaret A. ----------_________ 73, 377 Sha w, John B. ------____ 139, 142 Shaw, Margaret B. ______ __48, 50 Shaw, Robert D. ----------________ 361 Sheedy, Willi a m l. ____________ 314 ________ 127 Sheeley, Faye G. _______ Sheiffele, Flora ] . _89, 375 Shelby, Herschel F . ______ ____ 361 Shera, Ben M. ------------ ---------------------- ______ 326 Sherfey, Mary ]. ------------ ------------------ ______ 127 Shert ze r, H elen M. ---------- ------------------ ____ 392 __________________________ 73 Shertze r, Martha Ma e Shevchi k, Alexanrl er ------------------- ____ ]1 7, 124 ______________________ 344 Shifrin , Philip ____ Shillin g, Robert E. ______ 73, 81, 361
himel, Robert K. ------------------· __ ___________ 346 Shimp, Dorothy J. _____ ____________ 373 Shockl ey, Quentin 0. ------------319 ___________ 337 Shoemak er, Gloria J _ ____ hoemak er, Raymond ____ ________________ 295 Sholt y, Will ia m M. . _______________ 122 Shook, Wa yne L. __________ ____ 356 _____________ 329 Short, Rob ert W. ___ Shu gart, Joe A. ________________________ 1J5, 125 Shumaker, Charl es J . _ ______ 221, 229, 334 Shumak er, 1arsh E. ____ _______ 139, 142 Shumak er, Merl e ----------________________ 220 Shumak er, Robert L. _____________________________ _287 Shupert , H arlan B. ------_____ 137, 139 Sibbitt, Joseph W. ---------------·· __________________ 322 Sickenberger, Samu el F . ____________ 356 Siegel, Edgar ______ 190, 349 ___________________ 330 Siffin, William .T . __ Silb erstein, ] esse ___________________ 344 Sill , Robert W. _____________ 73, 227, 274, 319 Sil ver, Ri chard A. __________________________ 337 Sil verman , Ha rold P. ---------------- _________________ 4/l Sil verm an, Na than --------- ___________ ________________ _73 Simmermon, William M. ---------------·--------342 Simmons, John P. -·------------ --------------------325 inclafr, Irm a ] Pa n --------··------ ___________________ 48 Sin ger, Ralph C. ___________________ 350 Sisso n, Helen M. ----------------------- --------------- 127 Skalski , Stephen ________________ _48, 361, 362 ________________ 373 Skinn er, Doroth y J. Slab au gh, Carlyle B. _____________ 115, 122 Sliph er , Stephen _____ -------------- __ 73, 78, 350 Slough, Major- Ca rl P . _______ _________ ___ 102 Slun g, Evelyn H. --------- --------- -----···-----------397 Small , Betty A. ---------------------- _________________ 375 Small, Dolores J. ------------------ __ _______________ 370 Small , Richard E. ---------------------··----····-----354 Smart, Robert L. ______________ 79, 81, 287, 296
71ie 1941 Arbutus )d- /J~
KINGSKHAFT COVER Manufacturer s of di sLin ctive covers [or th e Deb ris of Purdu e, th e Dom e of otre Dame a nd for man y oth er yearboo ks of lead in g coll eges a nd hi gh schools in lndi a na a nd throughout th e nation.
Kingsport Press, lnc.-Kingsport, Tenn. Chicago Office
325 West Huron Street
Compliments of
Fraternity Gifls Favors Jewelry and Trophies
209 Massachusetts Ave.
By Taylor Wilson
Indianapol is, Indiana
4 29
S me lhu rsl, George E. ......................73, 361 S mi ley. Barbara A . .................................382 S mith , Barbara .... ......................... 243, 388 S m ith , Be lly J . ................... 258, 306 m it h, Ca rl eton . ............................. ...... 322 S mi th , Charl es . .... .............. ...................334 Sm it h, Clifford A. ....................... 73, 79, Ul S mi th, Doro tha L. .......................48 S mith , Franc is F . .............................. ....319 . mi t h, Franklin H . ........73, 193, 200, 201,
2?9. ::78, 295, 354, S mi th , George M . . 138, 139, 141 S mith, Gh1 G. ... .. 2<l l , 316. :.019 _ mith , H elen L. ....... ............................285 S 111j1 h , Dr. J. H . ................................... 156 S mi th, J ane B . .............. .................. ..248, 377 S mith , Jo hn L. ....................................... 326 S mit h, fo yr.e .................................... 285, 385 S mith , '< ,:1 °1 h L. ........................... 193, 356 S mith , La• .. ,c., V . ................................. ll5 S mith , Ma1 ~ .. 1·· L. ........ 48, 53, 277, 388 S mith , Marjory A . ............................... .. .48 S mith , Marvin H . .................. 48, ?.31, 349 S mith , Melvin .................................. '?4, 349 . ..................... 73 S mjth , Omer E . S mit h , Ph ili p L. ........................... 49 Sm ith , Robert F . ........................ .320 S mith , a mu el .l . .............................. 115, 125 milh. Yirgil H . .............................. 102, 103 nu th , W illiam S. . ............. 193, 194, 226 S na p p, Mary r: . .....................................373 S na pp. Ri chard A . ....................... ... 287, 337 , nepp , Don:il <l F . ............................ 290, 306 S nyder , lur e 1\1. .............................. 49, 378 S nyder, H enry B . ................................. 326 S nyder, Marvi n ..................... ..... 287, 349
nyder , 1auri ce C. .................................... 124 ohl , W illiam I. .......................................... 337 o mervill e, Helen I. ..... .................... .49 omervill e, John W . ............................353 ~o, : .. : "'ii ' . ........................................ 344 Sou lar , J 1 •.i.·s ........................................227 '-' Pt•r ks, .J oe C........................... 224, 225 Sp arko. ~ c l"' \ ha H. .......... ............... ......... 73 'pan1ding, George W. .............................. 73 ~ p en ce r, Hel e n Ma r ................ ................ 370 Spe ncer, R icha rd Bru ce .......................334 S pe ncer , Ri cha rd Brun e r ..... ..............338 S pencer, Rose .J. .................. 370 S pe nce r, Wi lli a m A. .............................. 356 S per q •, R a lp h A . ............................ 73, 346 pi ega l, June T . .................................... 391 pi lma n, la ude M . ....................................337 S plitt orff, P a ul W . ................... .... ............. 329 pray, J oa n ................... ...........................378 S prin ger , John C. .................. 211 , 319, 342 S purri er, Hel en .f. .....................................49 pu th , Carl B. . ............................ 115, 121 S1a ff el d 1., H a rol d R. . ............ .............. ..... 73 S tan ds, Be n 0 . ..... ............ 354 la nley, Ma rgaret .................................. 49 I.arc her, a mrn y M . ............... 139, 141, 142 Sta uffe r, Geo rge E. .......... .......... 125 ta yton, hes ler A . ....................... ll5, 342 S tedm a n, Ma rth a A . .................................395 S teele, J a nn e .......................................... .49 leel e, Lowell R . ..................... ....... 115. 122 S teel e, Virginia L. .................................. 370 S te ffe n, Juliu s T . ................................... ll5 S teff y, Ra lph M . .............................. 226, 361 S te ibe r, R ose J. .................. 251, 306, 391 te in , H owa rd E . ............................ 49, 333 te in , M . George .............................. 73, 344 S te inm e iz, Mar y R . ................49, 277, 370
teinwede l, A lbert A . .................... 287, 346 S teph enson, Dan 0 ................................ 319 S te ph enson, Th o mas G . ........................ 361 S teve nson , Ma ry L. ................ .............. 89 S t cve nso n, R ode rick M . ......... ... .......333 te wart , J ul ia ,\ I. .................................... 373 lewa r t, Rober \ A . .................................. .49 ........ .......................... 49 S ti c h, Bett y S ti e Oe!·, Da vid N . ................ 138, 139, 252 S tirn n, Mary E. ...... .......... 366 • tin chcomb , Doro th y 1\ 1. ........................ 373 S tingl e, J a ne .E:. ........................... .... ..... 366 t irlin g, John C . ...................................356 tock, Darrell A . ................... 139, 141, 14:3 toeckel, Edwa rd 13 . ............................ 11 5 toeckl ey , Edwa rd C. ........................ 73. 295 togd ill , Wi lli a m J . ...............................333 Stoikow itz, Fra ncis R . . ............... 291, 361 S t111lma ier , Corinn e C. ............................366 to ner, Morr is 1\f. ........................... 139, 141 S toner , R achel E. ........ 375 . to ner , Ri cha rd B. . ...... 34, 74, 269, 274.,
278, 306, 35;; S toops, Bett y ........................................... 49 torey, Des t iny E. ......................... 11 5 S toul, El dred W . .......................... 139, 143 ......................... 273, 387 to ut, la rgare t , \raesser, Rober t B. . ...... .74, 295, 319 S t ra ga nd, G eo r:~c J . ................ l '\9, l 41, ·143 S tra u b, J eano ett D . ...................... 58, 38 1 lraub, Mary J . .............. 49. 53. 266. 273, 28 1, 298, 377 ........................... 382 S tra uss, J oan ne F. Stra us,;, L il a F . .............. 89 S trn de ll. f' rit ziC' M. ················· ............... 89 S t uar t, Ed11 a rd C . ................ 79. 25 1. 287, 291, 36 I St uck y, ll l arj oric R. . ........ 377
T. M. Crutcher
For th e Best In Meats Ask for Kingan' s
Dental Depot
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l{othe-Wel ls & ilauer Co. Indianapolis
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Supply Co.
210 South Capitol Ave. , Indianapolis
Plumbing Fixtures
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Enamel and Vitreous Wa re See yo ur Plumber at once for an estimate
A Time Saver-Easy lo Use Makes Neal Model s A si rnol e de vice for casting neat , self-a.rticu1atj c; b ·1,,i ·iaw s t.on e o r plaster models for i r: l ays, crown s and h rl t;rf. , . Th e slidin g fr a mes are adjustable to make models ,, r :r.ny r e · Quired Je ng-th M odels of rig-ht or left side ca..1 b e made by re ve rsing position of irames . 'rhe T-Iock, cast in heel o.f uppe r and Jowel' m_o deln keeps them in coITeCt centric 1·ela tion . The frames . 'I-loci< former and metal parts att ach ed to Bakelite block a 1·e of rustless steel.
J. U. Perry Company
PRTCJ<}-(;o.t. No. 901-Complete with illustrated
" The Hou se of a Thousand Models" 131
Stu ll , Mary S . ............ 34, 49, 53, 59, 266, 270, 277, 281, 306, 378 Stull , Roger L. .. .... 301, 306, 346 St ump , Eloise ..... 377 Stu nkard, Rob ert M. . .. .. 326 Sturgis, Jack D. .. ....................... 350 St utsman, Robert E. .. ...... 296 S ubl ette, J arnes F. ............ ...... 251, 350 Sullenger , Adron A. ...................... ll5, 121 ............349 Summerfield, Irving L. .... 193, 353 Swain, Rob ert F. . .. .....................326 Swank, Robert L. . Swanson, Irvin E. .. ............................. 329 .. .................. 251, 346 Swayze, John A. Swayze, Robert W . ..................................... 74 .. .........................330 Swets, Edward J. ... Swihart, E. Dale ................ 197, 198, 200, 229, 350 Switzer, Mary L. .. ................366 .. ............ .. 125 Switzer, Robert E. Sylvester, John E. ................ 74 Szyrnanczyk, Edward A. ......................... 74
T Tack, Paul E. ........ 49, 361 Taggart, Helen E. ....................................385 Tambone, Joseph A............................ 74, 341 Taylor, Barbara J . .. ................................ 89 Taylor, Ellen L. ......................................369 Taylor, Mary E . .................................. 49, 387 Taylor, Pauline .... .. .................... 277, 366 .. ................... 320 Taylor, Robert G. Taylor, Ruth E. ... .. ....................375 Taylor, Thomas R. .. ............................... 333 Taylor, Verna Dell .................................... 366 Teaney, Agnes J . ..................................373
T edford, Jam es E. .......... 319 .. ......337 Teer, Jam es F. .. Templin, Robert E. .. ..... 74, 322 T ennell, Mary Jo ......... .. .......369 T erwilliger, Richard H. .. .....320 Tetek, Bernard M. .......... ........... 192, 326 .. ........ 21 Teter, Mrs. Sa nford F. Tharpe, Jack M. .. .................. 102 Thieme, H el en C. ....... 364, 382 Thi eme, James E. ....................342 .. ... 224· Thorn, Coach W. H . Thomas, Elizabeth A. .. ......377 Thomas, Virginia E. ... .. ....... 46, 382 Thompson, Alice E. ................................ 388 Thompson, Dorothy C. ...... 388 Thompson, James D. ......._....... 57, 74, 350 Thompson, J eanne M. .........382 Thompson, John P. . .. ..... .. 102, 104 Thompson, Kath eryn C. ................... 364, 366 ..90, 285 Thompson, Lois R. .... Thompson, Mary M. .. ...... 388 Thompson, Meyers ... .. ......... 354 .. ............... ll5, 121 Thompso n, William R. .. .................. 322 Thornton, Ri chard J. .. ............ 74 Tiede, Merle H. .......... Tiernan, Martha J . ............ .. .................370 Tierney, Gordo n P. .. ................ 337 Tillman, Bette A. .. .. 35, 38, 49, 273, 366 ............. ....... 193, 202 Tipmore, Floyd L. .. ............... 49 Tobi n,, Phylli s S. Tofil, ,r,, J. ..... .............. 193, 195, 199, 229 Tolliver, Wayne E. . .. ......... 212, 217, 218 Tomlinson, Edward M ............................. 337 Tomlinson, Joy K . .................................... 74 Tordella, Jo Anne ................... .. ...... 349 Torno, Samuel ...... .. .. 58, 296, 346 Torphy, Margaret A . ........................ 80, 388
NEw YoaK. N. Y.
Torphy, Wi.lliarn L. ........... 229 Torrance, Jeremiah W. .. ........... 103, 338 .. ...................... 382 Tourner, Jane F. .... Townsend , Rob ert E. .. ...............350 Toy, Phyllis A. ..... .................... 377 Traster, Harry B. .. ..................... 224, 225 Trent, Nelda R . ...................................... -49 Trickey, Virginia R. .. ................ 49, 392 Trimble, James W . ........ 193, 224, 229, 325 Trockman, Philip 1. ............................349 Troutt, Lute ......................... _.. .. ...... 128 .. ............387 Trowbridge, Betty J. ..... Troy, Joseph H. .. .............................356 .. .........349 Tu chman , Joe .... Tuck, Betty .......... .. ...........375 .. .............. 49 Tumey, Morri s J. Turb ow, Morton B. .. .............. 349 .. ........... 356 Turflinger, Robert J . ..... Turgi, Marie J. .. .49, 277, 364, 378 Turgi ., Rob ert W. .. ................................ 322 Turley, Robert M. . ................. 49 Turn er, Jack F. . ................................. 319 Turner, .Tack J. . .. .............................361 Tuttle, Arthur W. ............ 74, 79, 81, 291 Tuttle, Doris E. .............................. 385
u-v Udell, William N . .... ........... 291, 361 Uebelhoer, Urban L. ................ 79, 81 Ulen , Earl C. .. ......... . .. ........ 49, 190 Ullom, Bettye Joe .. :49, 364, 369 Unger, Melvin H. .. .. .................344 Uremovich, Emil .. 193, 198, 229, 334 Va il, George A. .......... ll5, 122 Vale, Marjorie J . .. ........................... -........388
Vana , amue l C . _____ ............................... 361 \ 'an r endonk, Fay E. ............................50 \an Arsdel, Arthur ................................ 361 \' anatta . J ohn C. .. .................. SO, 250, 326 \an Drew, Mary E. .................................. 395 Van Oure n, Allan ...................................... 226 Van Du sen, Roy R . ...................................50 Vanfl eet, Josephin e ........................60, 115 \ 'an Fl e i1 , Ba rbara ................................... 50 \'an Fl e il , William E. ........................... 325 Van Horn , Wilbur H . .............................. 228 Va n Horn , William A . ............................ 320 Van Maire, an cy ................................... 395 VanM e le r. Cyril P . ................................. 123 \'a n alla , \l a ry I.. ................ 2S l , 286, 373 \ 'a n Pd1 , Margarel W . ............................ 90 \ 'an Ri esse n, Robe rt I-I . ................. 74. 338 \ 'an Tat ge, ~largare l E. ..........................50 \'au ghan , Doroth y ............................... 50 Vau ghn , Mar1hada J . ............................. 387 Ve il, J oan ........................ 25 1, 281. 298, 366 Ve rmil ya, Rober! W . ................................ 124 Verna co, Th eo dore ................................... 53 \'e rplank , Dean T . ......................... .l 15. 118 \ ickrey. Evelyn R. .. ............................ 50 \ idinghoff , Helen M . ..............................397 \ ie. John T . ................................................334 \ ' ishe r, Paul ............................................ 353 \ ' itti 1ow, Loui se E. .. ...................... 90, 370 \'i vian , Donald E . ................................... 116 Voge l, Bettye . ........................................ 381 Vogel, Marj ori e A . .................................... 381 Voigt, Helen L. .... ............................ 50, 381 Volpert , Jam es F . ..................................361 Von Zw eygberg, Lennar! ....................31 , 94 \' organ g, Geor gia L. ................ 90, 266, 277, 285, 364, 395 \ oss, Ba rb ara J . .. ............................ 50, 382 Voss, Walt e r F. .. .........................337
w Waddl e, Edward L. ................. 102, 104, 105 Waggo ner , William R . ............................ 337 Wa g ner, heldon R . .. ........................ 349 Wai11 , Hilda P. ......................................90 Wak eland , John P . ........................ 225, 338 Waldon, W illiam W. .............................. 192 Walin g, Bu ford F . .................................... 50 Walke r. harl es L. ..................................353 Walker, Robert J . .................................. 334 Walk er, nn ..........................................378 Wall , Doroth y M. ..................................375 Wall , Ma ry J. .. ............................ 245, 388 Wallace, John H . ....................................50 Wallace, Maj or D . ....................................361 Walley, Rebecca A . .......................... 90, 382 Wal sh , , arah J . ...................................... 388 Walstru m, Arthur D . ............................... .361 Walt er , Geor ge J . .................................... 334 Walter , elli e C . .................................... 397 Walt on, William J . ..................................330 Walt z, Dona ld R. .................................... 75 Waltz, J o eph E. .. ................................ 330 Wampl er, W . J ean .................................. 50 Ward , Armada J . .. ....................... 50, 395 Warren, Claud e M . ...................... 102, 104 Warriner, James B. .. .................. 112, 116 Wasserman , Irvin L. .......... 72, 265, 298, 349 Wat on, Mary J. ................................388 Wall , Patri cia A . ..................................382 Way, El eanor I. ................................ 50, 370 Wayne, William J . .......... :............. 290, 296 Weatherford , Floyd W . .................... 139, 141 Weath erwax , Robert S . ............................ 50 W ea ver. Marj ori e L. ..............................370 Weber. Douj!;l as M . .................................... 338 W eber , George R . .................................... 116
W e be r, Robe rt R . ................................. 228 We bste r, Joh n R . .................................. 361 Wede kinj!;, Miriam .... ____ ................. 50. 382 Wehme ie r, S hirl ey A . ............................ 378 W eikart , Mauri ce A . .................... 104, 341 .. ..... 344 W ein er , Herbe rt W. .... ......... Weinland , Mary C. .................................. 285 We instein , herman ................................349 W eir, Willi a m F. ...... ...............................50 W e lborn , Marian E . .............................. 392 Wellman . G uy L. .......................... 2?. l. 319 We ll s, Barbara J . .. ..............................388 W ell s, I Inman B ... .. ...... 18, 19, 26S Well s, . am ue l M . ........ 57, 75. 254. 265, 278, 298. 329 W eim e r. \'lary K . .............................. 277. 39S W elp , De nni s A . ........................ 139, 141 , 142 Welsch, Mary L. ................................. 37.3 We lsh, Margaret L. .................................... 388 W elt er, E. A rd ell .................................. 377 We ngPr, Be ll y L. ........ .............. .............378 Werber , El izab eth ................................ 373 Werkin g. J a ne E. .................................. 373 We rn er. Stanl ey D. ............. .. .......... 344 We rt , Winni e B . ................................... 387 We rt z, Roxana R. .. .............................. 397 Wesse lman , Harry H . .............................361 West fall , John B. ............................. 108. 123 Whal ey, Leo n E. .. .................................. 75 Whal ey, Ro be rt E . ........................ .. .... 75 Whallon , J. T. .................................... ll6 Whall on, ( Mrs.) ] . T . ........................ 126 Whippl e, an cy J. .................... .. .. 366 Whippl e, Vi ole! ..................................... 286 White, Eu ge ne C . ...... 193. 195. 197 , 201 , 202, 229 Whit e, Geo rge A . ....................................361 White, Leo 11. ...... .................... 1.39, 141 , 142 Whit e, Marj ori e 0 . ... ................. 90, 245, 366 Whit e, Robert J. .. ...... 193. 201 , 229, 325 White, " ' alt e r E. ......................................353 White , Zama D. . ................................... 392 Whit eman , Rex K . .................................... 122 Whitfi eld , John S. ......................... .. .......329 Whitl ock, Fran c is C . .............................. 122 Wibl e, Everest E . ........................................ 50 Wibl e, Mary L ee ...................................... 370 Widaman , Joh n D . .......................... 104, 192 Widman , Warren R . .............................361 Wi ec k ing, J• rederi ck A . ........................... 350 Wi eth o ff, lifford A . ........................ 278, 322 Wilcox, H oward . ........57, 278, 295, 320 Wild ermuth , Ora L. ..................................2·1 Wil e r, Jose ph A .....................................361 Wil ey, J ame F . ........................................320 Wilh elmu , Gilbert 1. ............................326 Wilke n, Arn old M . .. ...................... 75, 77, 79 Wi lkin s, Ja c k B. .. .................................. 288 Wi lkin , Wilfred G . ................................ 361 Wilkin so n, E. Le nora ........ 58, 90, 285, 369 Williams, Betty J . ...................................... 51 William s, harl es E'. ............ 116, 121 , 125 Williams, Edward C. . ........... 78, 337, 361 William s, ene L. ....................................333 William•, C ordon R. .................................. 354 Wil li ams, Hu gh L. ..................................116 William , Robe rt D . .................................. 90 Willi a mso n. George E . .........................353 \Vil lia m•o n, Wa nda L. .............................51 Will s, \'irgini a S. .. ................................378 W ilso n, Ben ........................... 224, 225, 229 W il so n, Donald C. ...................................320 Wi lso n, Harold K . ....................................319 Wil so n, John E. ...................................350 Wil son, M. Taylor ...............................322 Wil •o n, i\rurl yn E. .. .............................. 218 Wil son , Robert J. ........................ 295, 346
\Vil on. uza nn e ......... .. ................369 Wilt , F'rt>deri c k L. .......... . 212. 216, 325 Windmill er , Fl oyd A. ........ 79, 81, 21 2 Win gert , Patri cia L. ..................382 Win ski , Ja ck L. .........................349 Winters, Jan e E. .. ...................... 378 Win ters, .J oan L. ..................... 366 Wi se, A I fred P. ..287, 36 l \Vi sehcar: , Rex ..... 193, 342 \ isni ewski , ta nl ey A. .. ...... 296 ... 116, 12 1 Wi ss ma n, William L . Witham , Robert L. ..... ... .. ..........320 Wi11 enbrak er , Ri chard \V . .. ... 287 ed E . .. .......... 329 W ohlfo rd , ............... .79. 228. 320 W olf, Fred R. ..... 7;. 333 Wolf. Ri cha rd E. \ olfe. B tsy J . . ............. 382 ~ olfe, \'\' alt e r I. . ...342 Wol ve rt on, 1ildred K . .. ......... 5 1 .. .. .. 228, 229 Wood , J am es B. ___ Woodburn. Dr. Jam es A. .. .. 262 .......356 Woodhull , Be njamin I. Woods, Mary Jo ........ .. ....... 5 1 .............375 Woo ds, Vi vian E. ..... \ ood wa rd. Mark A. ......... .. .............322 Woo ldrid ge, Warre n B. ..... 288. 325 Woo le ry, ~lax B. .............350 . ........... 320 W ocJ lcy, Willi a m ............. Worl a nd , Milli e J . .............. 382 Worley, Jose ph P . .. .. 117, 123 Wo rl ey, Ri chard I-I . .............. _....... 225, 342 Wri gh1 , Do nald R. .................................... 342 Wri ghl , Mary Jo ............................5 1, 369 Wri ght . T ommi e C . ........................361 , 363 Wri ght. William T. . .... .. ..........64, 329 Wu e nn , Fl oyd L . ........ ... .. .................356 \ ulfm a n, Be ll y J . .. .................... 245. 382 Wunk e r, , "ift E. ..................................319 Wurt z, Ro bert .................................. 139, 141 Wyall , El • ie M . ......................................... s l
Y-Z Yaeger. Ed rea ] . .................................... 373 Ya rlin g, Ri cha rd W . ................................ 334 ea p; r, Lawr ence B . ...................... 287, 320 YC'ari c k, Fran ces E . ................. _...... 75. 80 .. .................. 97 Ye ll e n, Da ve . ................. .. Y enn e, H arri e t A. . ....................... 96, 377 Yeo man , David C. .......................... 75, 326 Yochem. A ugust . .............................. 3 19 Yoc um. Ri c ha rd S . .................................. ll6 Yoc um. William S. ................................. 116 Yode r. Euge ne F. .. ................... 139. 141 Yode r, Qu e ntin E . ............................... 75 Yo ffe, Lilli e J . ........................................... 391 York , Fra nk A . ........................................ 116 York , Wall e r K . ..............................75, 353 You ll , Ru1h C . ............................................ 90 Youn g, Jam es P . .................... 223, 278, 353 Youn g, Maril yn .....................................378 Yo un g, Ri cha rd .................... .1 39. 141, 142 Yo un g, (Mrs.) Velm a J . ........................90 Youn g, Winifred A . ..............................392 Y oun g, \ oo d o n C . ........................ 11 6, 121 Za hrt e, Gerald W . ..................................330 Za nk! , y H . ....................................... 366 Za nk! , Rob r t H . ...................................338 Zell er , John H . . .....................................342 Zi egler, Ma rj ory L. ..................................377 Zimm er , A ndrew M . ...... 209, 229, 244, 350 Zimm er, Harold L. ........ 90, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 201 , 202, 229, 278 Zimm t> rman , Ja ck ........................... 139, 141 Zimm e rman , Robert ......... 51 Ziperm Rn, H askel l ...... ...116 Z" e ig, W arren .......... ..361 Z" ern cr, E rnest J . . .. 320