1943 Arbutus Yearbook

Page 1

5oth Edition

The ARBUTUS ROBERT D. ANDERSON ... Editor-in-Chief HOWARD L. WHITECOTTON . . . Business Manager

Indiana University



ITH a single ray of moted sunlight focused on its shining surface, Indiana Uni. versity's War Memorial Plaque in the foyer of the Union Building presents a meaningful picture. During the past year this plaque became a more significant symbol than any other since 1918 to students and faculty of the University. As the University went to war in 1942 and 1943, this plaque became a representative token the keynote of LU. affairs. Although it was placed in the Union Building floor between Indiana's flag and the emblem of the United States before this war began, in honor of those "sons and daughters of Indiana University" who took part in other battles, the seal now betokens the spirit of more than a score of Indiana men who have died since Dec. 7, 1941. However, this spirit, absorbed from those men who lost their lives for the United States, has spurred Indiana to new ideas, new practices, and a complete new mode of campus life. Now, with the University girding for war, there is more to college than books . . . and play. Students keep busy the year around under the accelerated program. There are extra sessions in the classrooms; there is . fulltime activity during the summer months. Vlomen have found a working place in wartime education. The following pages mirror in part these innovations in Indiana's way of life.



Students felt the full force of the "cussed" and discussed speed-up program as the summer semester bega n. It was not the usual half-hearted term with a few langu ishing students and several hundred high school teachers , but a full-Hedged , all-out third semester. It was war and the University had adopted a yea r-round scholastic program to enable her students to receive maximum preparation in a minim um of time. l\!Ien students were quick to grasp the opportunity. Relinquishin g pleasant summer vacations and opportunities for summer jobs, they flocked to the University to get in as much education as possible befo re they were ca ll ed to the colors. \Vomen came also, thou gh perhaps in lesse r numbers. Among innovations were seven o'clock cla sses, the di vided-semeste r plan , and front ya rd study sessions. The physical educatio n program continued in full-force , with Saturday classes as a somewhat unwelcome feature. The divided semester, split into two sessions of eight weeks each for the benefit of students who wanted on ly a limited amou nt of "summer l'arn-

keeps the perspiration off the




had many \·isitors during the day

perature and low grades.

more at night.


was conducive to high tem-

in'," was a decid ed success, both acade mically and socially. After a hot day of classes, often from seven until three, the typ ical stud ent took off for the quarries for a cooling dip, dashed to the Commons fo r an icy coke, or j us t rested in the shade of a cam pus tree. It was hot ! The proper summer garb was stri ctly casual. Tee-shirts were greatly in ev id ence amo ng men students, and women dressed in the fam iliar sweaters, skirts, and sad dle shoes. Professo rs joined the trend, many of them doing their chores in shirtsleeves. The gala social affair of the season was the Summer Prom. B ettye Karger, petite Kappa Sigma blonde, reigned as Prom Queen after a surpri si ngly ac ti ve political battle.


belt washed, hair combed . . . what more can a li eutenant ask?



literally points out a point of bu i-


to reduce bridge squabble

to a


ness law.


receives a real military es-

ation in the e\·enings.

cort at the Summer Prom.


did manage to enjoy some recre-


OLD I. U. 'iVi th the sou nd of " H ere Comes the Navy" and " Anchors Aweigh" echoing after them , the Bluejackets, both men and women march to classes and play. Housed 111 th e spaciou s dormitories that once constit uted the l\Ien's R eside nce Center, the Nava l units ha ve been an integral part of the University since the first conti nge nt of yeome n arrived ea rl y in ] uly. Classes of storekeepers, cooks, and bakers succeeded the yeomen in th e fa ll and the 'iV AVES appeared on the scene in O ctober. The now fami li ar sight of 'iVAVES marchin g through th e campus will soon be augmented by siste r serv ice women as SPARS and Women's l\Iarin e R ese rves arrive in Jun e.

to arrive and board the good ship Indiana.



destroyer jumped over the

lazy black sub."



"Tattoo," which wa a

the readin'.

howling success."


and ' rithmetic with emphasis on

When the WAVES came they had their own glee club, but the men had already shown their artistic and journalistic talents. High li ght of the Na val "theatre season" was the yeoman presentation of "Tattoo," a musical comedy, in the Auditorium on the night before Indi ana's Homecoming football game. Th e K ey, now a part of Tuesday's issue of the Daily Student twice a month, replaced Th e Quill as official Navy newspaper when the storekeepers replaced the yeomen. The Bluejackets did their jobs admirably. Their instructors, the administration, their officers, and the student body were well satisfied with them as " typical Indian a students." President Herman B \i\T ells called them " our new alumni" when the first group of yeomen marched through Bloomington rai n to their graduation in the Auditorium.

to a member. of the Navy's first graduating class by Pres. \Vells.


for all good women to come to

the aid of their country."



of the Navy-Kappa Alpha Psi baseball teams shake hands before the tilt.

honest loafin'.


and sailors find a little time for



Alread y known for man y yea rs as a "gold star " unit, the Reser ve OAice rs' Trainin g Corps, under the abl e di rec ti on of Col. Ra ymond L. Shoemaker, has in creased its scope at a dazz lin g pace durin g the past three semes te rs in meeting th e war demand s. The summer semester saw the inno vation of abreviated uniforms, actu al fi eld probl ems durin g the summer nights, and th e establishment of a Quartermaster unit under Capt. Ralph Pratt , Ql\lC.

for better future soldiers.






"sand ta bl es" of today.


Upper: Sgt. Howell g11·es instruction of life insura nce.

watch field units trai n at Camp


L ower: They est of ease.


fl~ ·


the best type

o'er the obstacle course with the great-

In the fall, both the Advanced Infantry and the Quartermaster units w ere expanded by in creased quotas. Sand table in struction showed battle co nditions, marksmanship was emphas ized, and a rea l obstacle course constructed . Field trips to Camp Atterbury by Advanced students proved hi ghl y successfu l. Although a shortage of rifles prevented the Basics from gett ing the all-important manual of arms training, the Crack Drill Squad and Pershing Rifle platoons attain ed unprecedented efficiency in handling weapons . The Indiana University Women's Auxiliary Training Corps was one of the first of its kind in the nation. Established last fall, its classes are taught by t acti cal officers and Advanced R.O.T.C. students. The co urses includ e first aid, map reading, chemical warfare protection , drill fo rmations, and mechanics.


will be a cinch after they complete this




for their nails these W.A.

T.C.'s learn about motors.



I o, this is the color guard, not the rear guard .

Lower: Capt. Logan takes time off from basketball to instruct some \V.A.T.C.'s.


of mercy start their training early.


alm ost a lost a rt, makes a come-

back in P.E.



drape over the parallel bars.


learn five ways to go over a horse.

PHYSICAL ED ENTERS SECOND YEAR WITH NO FATALITIES RECORDED " Iow down on yo ur bac ks - do fifty sit-ups. O.K. , on yo ur stomachs for sevent y-fi ve pushups. Th at's all , fellas, just run aro und the ca mpus today and take yo ur showers. . . . " And that's the men's Physical Ed routine three days a week. The other two da ys - li ght labor on the wrestling mat or in th e swimmin g pool - for rec reation. vVhen this program w as in aug urated a year ago in Febru a ry, there was consid era bl e resentment toward thi s "coolie" routine five days a week for one hour credit. Th en the prog ram was for seniors onl y, but now all men stud ents who aren't married and who are ph ysicall y sou nd indul ge in the grind. In general, most men ha ve gotten used to th e strenuous routine and appreciate the bod y- buildin g properties of Ben l\/Iiller's program. Student in structors in Physica l Education lead the cl asses which consist chi efl y of calesthentics and competitive games for development, and team spo rts for recreation. Frequ ent testin g has revealed the value of this course and recent graduates have written the Unive rsity in thanks for the muscle-hardening program before th ey entered the se rvice.



Don 't bend yo ur kn ees.

if you can keep gomg when

the bars run ou t.



always crowded , are the women's favorites .

ical training.


too, have compulsory phys-



nearl y everyone

fosters the grow th of research papers and Phi Beta Kappas.

even on Saturday.

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES, ALTERED BUT HONORED, TAKE THE WAR IN STRIDE l\rlany of the traditions of Indiana University, the ones that weathered the clra ft, the point-ration system, and had a high priority rating, retained their place in the ' Var Service Pl an. A lthough curtailed a nd altered, with patriotic themes and motifs, activities of all kinds pro ved their worth as builders of morale and initiative among the students. A transition was noti cea ble at Homecoming time when decorations, formerly flowery and elaborate, were blended into th e national vic tory campaign. Other strictly wartime activities incluclecl the scrap cl rive, the sa le of bonds and stamps by campus orga ni zatio ns, and the students' co-operation with the Reel Cross blood donation drives. Gone with gas rationing and tire inspections were the campus "jelopies," and equally absent " ·ith the labor shortage w e re th e Commons waiters. Even the Commons band disappeared before the yea r ended. Bridge and cokes lost their emphasis at the pressure of Saturday classes and intensified study prog rams. Campus politics su ffered most. Once th e home of fierce political battles, mass party meetings, and blarin g ca mpaign s, Indiana was reduced to but one major election this yea r, that being to elect a Junior Prom Queen. Union Board elections arc out for the duration, and Senior office rs ha\·e lon g since been selected on a merit-point basis. Campus rulers found little enthu siasm amo ng the rank and file for orga ni zation proj ects, meeti ngs were so rely neglected ,

MUSIC Commons style, hath power to sooth e the savage mid-term flunker.

AFTER SORORITY RUSH the male students on campus wonder what happened to the beautiful women. 12

and committees usually inacti ve. Nevertheless, dances were still successfu l, the Daily Student continued to print the news, and the ARBUTUS struggled to completion. No, college, like the proverbial " old gray mare," ain 't what it used to be; more classes, less play; longer hours, fewer cokes. But, being that LU. is well over a hundred years old and has gone throu gh several other wars already, we sincerely doubt th at our petty tri als will spell the death knell of "collich."

BRIDGE WILL REMAIN a favo rite pastime as long as there are four people left on campus .


won the last homecomin g deco rations contest for the Tri Delts.



and men may go, but the D ame's Ball li ves on forever.

havi ng run for fifty years, won't let a little thing like a war hind er publication.


DECEMBER GRADS "Never has a clas more truly ea rn ed the right to receive degrees ." And t he 580 Senio rs and postgraduates of t he first mid-yea r graduati ng class in the history of Indiana U ni ve rsity kn ew bette r than anyone else wi1ar th a t par tin g pat on th e back from Dr. H. B ' Veli s, thei r presid ent , meant. For Sund ay afternoon from 2 :30 to 3 :58 o'clock they sat under the mellow li ghts of the Auditorium and hea rd th e fi na l ceremo nies for the D ecembe r Class of 19-J.2, a class bo rn a nd g raduated in t he tra va il of a world at war. Onl y a fe w fa ltering steps removed from actua l pa rti ci pation in some phase of that war; they had felt for three yea rs an d three months th e om in ous pressure of war. 'Va r was a novel break from the routi ne of gettin g read y for that tra nsition fro m hi gh school to coll ege when it first appea red in the head lin es in th at September week en d of 1939. For a time it was a n in teres tin g and fasc in ating drama 011 th e pages of their newspapers.


and commencement speaker James Adams, look ove r a few notes. 14

Then war began to break with increasing irritation into the isolation of their college li ves. The first draft bill . . . th e first registration, but most co llege men deferred or und er the age limit ... the draft age lowe red to 20 . . . then to 18 . . . the speed-up program with compu lsory ph ysical ed ucation .. . the E nlisted Reserve Corps ... the ArmyN avy-Marine college plan. And on this Su nd ay afternoo n, D ec. 20, 1942, they donned caps and gowns, trudged through glistening white snow to take part in a ceremony as old as the institution that has become their alma mater. In th e Fieldhouse they jostled and laughed and the Laws and the Meds sa ng while all waited patiently. Throu gh the snow again in fo rm al procession to the Auditorium, some talkin g, some laughin g, some silent, some unimpressed and some self-conscious ... An hour and 28 minutes later, degrees in hand, a challenge for their future ringing in mi nd , they marched back again to the Fieldhou se. Commencement was over. The December Class of 1942 had passed into a world at war.


del ive rs well-pointed remarks at the Senio r fa rewe ll banq ue t.

* * *

* * *

5oth Edition






Campus Administration Seniors



36 42


ACTIVITIE Athletics Honoraries Beauties




Dances Auditorium Publications

- - - - - - - - - -

86 121 136 146 150 157


172 248 250 258 266 278 285

ORGA IZATIONS Social Organizations Men's Residence Center \\Tomen's Residence H alls









- 316 - 336



- 347 - 350 - 362

aval Training School " Hat" Clubs -




Military Organizations V ario us Organizations -

MEDICAL CE TER l\ [edical School Dental School -



Nurses Training -




Extension Division Advertising









Business Jlfa11ager









THE UNION BUILDING The "cok in g hour" in th e Com mons, three to fo ur p.m.

eentelJ. ofJ Student



Acting director of the flat· o\d Jordan dictates a \ettet·


the A «Coffee flour" reception Genera\ Lounge.


. 1 ...110N'S l)ookstore Entrance to th e v '" in tbe east wing.

forrna\ attire for a dance uH\ON'S f.\urnni fla\\.


Scree n star Gen e Ti ern ey poses " ·ith th e Pi Phi trio af ter th e Bond R a ll y performance.





ROBERT 1{. 51\P..FFER in bis of· ficia\ capacity; guiding, be\ ping stu· dents.

I<-eeper s}'.1~.A1l

of the facts p. I<-lRBY,


scnoo\'s recorder.

B. and Y,.'s favorite inside the west entrance.

\}pper'- \Testa for everyone.


ix of MAXWELL' mad monks relaxing on the step of the Law chool.

The entrance to the SCHOOL OF MEDICINE watches it "dilated pupils" come to and fro.

The appearance of the faculty on the steps of the STUDENT BUILDING awes and helps to acclimate the new freshmen.

D 1~1



i ,-



THE WOMEN'S DORMS '/win .Eejt ai 1000 Block. on 3,J, Sbie.e.t

Mail and fema les predominate.



,,;,nbia,m,U!Ui.L, ?htptcai ed 4<Vun<:di.on


The Service cheers for Indiana.

Below: BEN W. MILLER, men's phys ed boss.


0 ,, u ll









- -





•u o cmm•



•• •


Upper Left: Students can enjoy convocations at the AUDITORIUM. Upper Right: H ea ds of SCHOOL OF EDlrCATlON SMITH and ARNETT. Middle: PROFESSOR J. R. KANTOR of tlw PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT.

Middle: Steps of MAIN LIBRARY. Lower Left: Skull session by PROFESSOR GEORGE K. NEUMANN of the ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT. Lower Ri g ht : Asst. DEAN of ARTS SCIENCES, ARTHUR B. LEIBLE.




oJ .ihe. Po.w.e"'

~lid qui-Jed. ~ '/,,(nio.elld.4fL



rear v ie \\· o f o ur lead in g

adm ini strato rs.


YVard G. Biddle A.B. ' 16 Treasurer

Thomas A . Cookson '06 Sec reta ry

Ora L. ' i\Tild ermuth LL.B . '06 Presid ent J ohn S. H astings LL.B. '24

"'W illi am A. Kunkel A.B. ' 16

Frank E. A llen A.B. ' 16, A.M . '24

P au l L . F eltus '2 1

U z McM urtri e A. B. '08

l\ lrs. Sanford Teter A.B. '93


]. D wight Peterso n A. B. ' 19

PRESIDENT HERMAN B WELLS l\Ieetin g the cha llenge of Pearl H arbor, President \ Vei ls called together his Administrative \Var Council whi ch speed ily formu lated the University \ Var Sen·ice Plan. After one year of operation , the plan has sen·ed it purpose so well that it is being co nsid ered by nume rous other institutions as the possible so lution to their sim ilar problems . Under the admi nistration of Presid ent \N ells, we at Indiana Uni\·e rsity look to a successfu l completion of the war program and to the by-passing of an "educatio nal blackout" which some think will follow the war.

College presidents as a rule are eld erl y, dignified , aloof pedagogues who are ra ther autocratic; but Indi a na University is fortunate to ha ve a young, inspiring ultra-democratic leader in Presid ent H erman B \\Tells. Upon the shou ld ers of this co nge nial executive has been placed the pilotin g of the University durin g the present comp lex war period . H e has eased hi s burden considerably by wise choice of admi nistrative aids and by his ability to secure needed cooperation from his assista nts, the facu lty, and the stude nt bod y.


WARD G. BIDDLE V ice-PIJ,e,J,j,Jeni ad ~l/.eaMVl.e'i There always has to be someo ne aro und a successfu l educational institution such as Indi ana Universi ty to collect the money and to say " no" to man y of the proposals to spend it; to aggressive, effi cient, money-wise \Va rd G. Biddle, recentl y appointed Vice-Presid ent and Treasurer, go these frowned-upon assignments. Returnin g to th e campus in 1923 as Manager of the Bookstore, Mr. Biddle saw it become a flourishing enterprise befo re he mo ved up to th e directorship of the Indi ana Union in 1932. In 1936 he ass um ed the office of Comptroller where he in stalled successful bu siness practi se into Uni ve rsity management. \Vorkin g relentlessly despite ill health , which during past yea rs threatened to keep him from his duti es, the Vice-Presid ent and Treasu rer has im · printed his mark upon such buildings as the Men's Resid ence C enter, the Auditorium, and the fin ancial stabilization of the Indiana Union and the \Vomen's Residen ce C enter.



a.nJ o!J t1J.cu:.uliuu

C alm, sou nd thinkin g H erman T . Briscoe, newly appointed Vice-President, has the job of keepin g th e academic program apace with th e ever-changi ng problems a war co ll ege has to face . A member of the Self-Survey grou p ·w hich was appointed by Presi dent Wells befo re th e present conflict to study the various depa rtments of the University, Dr. Briscoe w as the logical man to se rve in the capacity of academic facilitator. Forty changes, hurried by the stress of the present situ ation , have been mad e almost entirely as a result of the grou p's stud y. The affable educator graduated from the University during the las t war and has had years of teachin g and administe rin g to prepare him for hi s present job. His abi li ty to gai n the friendship and admiration of both th e students and the facu lty has aided him immensely in sol ving many problems which confront him.

Afte r sig nin g fo rty-e lev en fo rm s, th ey' re in schoo l again .

D ean K ate H. Mu eller

D ea n C . E . Edmond son


MRS. LOTTIE KIRBY Associate Dean of ' Vomen

' "· D. THORNBURY Associate Dean of l\!Ien


Left to Ri ght- ~l ilfred Lusher, Frances King, Marilyn Se\\'ard, Jules Hendricks, Blanche Schultz, Lorraine Holsinger, Robert Lucas, Ed Stuart, Sol Blickman, Jane Shabinger, Betty Lou Grimsley, Ed Fleener, Mary E ll en Hazel, Mary Oskard, Laddie Marin, L eo na Menze.


Standing Lloyd Bridges ______ Chairman, Tree Planting Com. Wm. Spencer ________________________________________________ p resid ent

First R ow Rosemary H endr icks _________________________ V ice- President Betty Lou Grims ley____ Chairman, Breakfast Com.

Dav'id Baerncopf ______ Chairman, Invitations Com. Ed StuarL .............. Chairman, Siwas h Comm ittee Absent Justin Frommer_ _________________________________________ Treasu rer

Don F leenor_ _____ Chairman, Peace Pipe Committee Ruth e Edwards __ Chairman, Memorial Comm ittee Bern ice Brown --------------------------------------------Secretary

SENIOR OFFICERS Several rev1s1ons 111 the selection of Sen ior officers were made this year to meet the demands of the speed-up program. First, the Board of Aeo ns and the Board of Standards, at a joint meeting, decided that each graduating class should have officers to perform the necessary du ties pertaining to Commencement. This decision inaugurated the system of having three complete sets of officers each year. Since all Senior offices are filled by students who have amassed large numbers of activity points, it was necessary to revise the point system to give more emphasis to wartime activiti es. Aeons and Standards made the necessary revisions and had them ratified by major campus organizations. William (Skinny) Spencer, D aily Student editor, topped all other fa ll semester aspiran ts for the coveted presidency. As the ARBUTUS goes to press the outcome of the spring semester selection is still in doubt, the race for the top spot ·being between Bob Lucas, Union Board prexy, and Bob Anderson, ARBUTUS editor.


MARY E. AB E L, Gree ncastl e. B .S. S peech, D ec., '.f.2 . . . JAN E LOUISE A C H EN BA C H, Ft. W ay ne. A.B. Eu glish, .·I pril, '43. LS.A.; Pi Lambda Th eta . .. E MMA E . ADAMS, Bl oomin g ton. B .S. Co111111 ercial T ea chiu g, JI ug., '.f.3. L S. A . ; Y.W. C. A . . . . MARJORI E M . ADAMS, Bloo min g ton. rl. B. Latin, , /pri l, '.f.3. Pi L a mbd a Th eta; Y.W.C. A . ; E ta Sig m a Phi; A lph a Lam bd a De lt a ; Spani sh C lub; Cl assi cal C lub; Coe d Co un se lo r.

M a ry Abel

Jan e L. Achenbach

E mm a E. Adams Marjorie M. Adams FR E DDI E C . ADLER, Indi a na poli s. A .B. Spau ish, D ec., '42. K a pp a Kapp a Ga mm a .. . LLO YD R OB ERT AH LF, Te ll C ity. B .S. ,] cco uuting, D ec., '42. LS.A.; Alph a K a pp a P si; Acco untin g Club . . . ~' ILLARD V. ALBRI G llT, B ed fo rd . ,J.B . Gover11111 eut, 11 ug., '43. Pres., Beta Th eta Pi; Stud ent \ Va r Cou ncil ; Sphin x Clu b; Blue K ey ; Co un cil of F ra te rnity Pres id ents; Phi E ta Sig m a; Phi Si g m a Alpha . . . VI CT OR E . ALDRID GE, JR., T e rre H a ute. J .D. Law, ;/ ug., '.f.3. Si g m a Alpha E psilon ; V a rsity Bas eball ; Phi D elta Phi ; Pi Sig m a Alph a.

F reddi e C. Ad ler

Ll oy d R. Ahlf

Wi ll a rd V. A lbrig ht

V ictor E. Aldrid ge

JAN E ALE XA N D ER , T erre 1-bute. A. B . Hist ory, April, '43. Kapp a Kappa G amma .. . MA U RI CE L. ALLC OR N, G ary. 11 .B. G ovem111 e11t, A pril, '.f.3 . L a mbda C hi A lph a . . . D O lA LD \V. A N D ERSO N , Indi a napo li s. B.S. rl ccou uti ng, ,.} ug., ' .f.3. A cacia; G olf ; Accountin g Club .. . ER NEST W . A N D E RS ON, Co rydon. B.S . .'l cco 1wti11 g, .·lu g., '.f.3. LS.A . ; Alph a K a pp a P si; A cco untin g C lu b ; Qua rte rm aste rs' A ssoc ia tion.

Ja ne G. A lexa nd e r M a uri ce L. Al lco rn

D ona ld W . And e rson

E rn est W . A nd e rson ROB ERT D. A D E R SON, A nd e rso n. B .S. G eneral Busin ess, rl pril, '.f.3. Phi K a pp a Ps i ; E dito r, 19+3 AR BUTUS; C ha irman, 19+2 Juni or Prom ; u ni on Boa rd ; Bl ue K ey ; Board of A eons; Stu d ent VVar Coun cil ; Sphi nx C lu b ; D rago n's H ead; C rim so n Stags; Skull and C resce nt ; Phi E ta Sig m a . . . R O BERT S. A N D ERSO ', N ew Albany. B .S. Genera l Business, D ec., '.f.2. Beta G amm a Sig m a; Seni o r M emorial Commi tt ee ; F la me C lub; A lph a Ka pp a P si; Phi E ta Sig m a .. . R O D NEY C. A N D E R SON, llamilton Squa re, N .J . .1.B. J our11a lis 111, Dec., '.f.2. Sig m a D elta C hi ; Dai ly Stud en/; R ed B oo k . .. H E LE N V. AN DR E W S, Bloomin g ton. B .S. JI 0111 e E co110111ics, .·! pril, '.f.J. Y .vV.C.A.

Rohe n D. A nd e n,on Rohe rt S.. \ 11derson Rodn e,· C . .'\ nde r"111 I Jelen \' . A ndre\\ s

WARRE N L. ANG RI C K, Indi a na poli s. ..J.B. Che111islry, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sig m a . .. J U STIN E. ARATA, Mi sha \\'aka. A.B. ll 11at0111 y, D ec., '.f.2. Phi E ta Sigma ; Phi Rho Sig m a; Phi Beta K a pp a . . . vVARR EN \V. ARDAPPLE, \Vest L a fa ye tte. B. S. Business, D ec., '.f.2. Phi D elt a Th eta . .. Jl; LTA A NN ART H UR, And e rso n. A.B. S panish, . l pril '.f.J. K a pp a Alph a Th eta ; E ng li sh C lub; YVomen's Cl ee C lub.

\ V a rren L. An g ri ck

Ju stin E. A rat a

Delb e rt 1':. Atteb e r ry

Edna Ma e Aull>

W a rren ViT. Ard a pple

J uli a A n n Arth ur

D E LB ERT K. ATTE B ERR Y, And e rso n. B.S. Ma11age 111 e11t, D ec., '.f.2. Acac ia; Co ll eg ia te C ham be r of Comm e rce ; Mana g ement C lu b . . . E D N A M AE AC LLS, Mi s ha \\' aka. B .S. Edu cation, ..J ug ., ' .f.3. ~'o m e n ' s G lee C lub; Y .VV .C.A. ; F .T.A . . . . R OY J. A li LT, Te r re Haute. J/ .B. C hemistry, .I pril, '.f.3 . .. E LAI NE AX, J aso nv i ll e. B.l'.S.l\l. M us ic, , / pri/, '.J.J . Pres., K a p pa Al ph a T heta; Pres., M orta r Board ; Sig m a Alph a I ota ; Th eta A lph a Phi; Pro- Mu sic C lub ; V\l.A .A. Boa rd ; Pl eiad es; Jor d a n Riv e r R evue.



.\ ult, Jr.

Ela ine .\ x

ALEXANDER A. AZAR, Ft. vVayne. B.S. /u su.ran ee and R eal Estate, /J ug ., '43. Pres., LS.A.; Alph a K a ppa P si ; Co ll eg iate Chamber of Commerce; Y. M .C.A.; Insurance Club; ARB T US Staff; M anagement Club . . . FORREST J . BABB, JR., Bedford. B.S . M edi cin e, D ec., '42. Skeleton C lub; Phi Rho Sigma . . . NAN CY BADGLEY, Anderson. B.S. Dietetics, /J pril, '43. Kappa Alpha Th eta; Y.W.C.A.; Hom e Economi cs Club ; M anagement Club . .. DAVID A. BA ERNCOPF, Indi ana polis. /J. B. Economics, D ec., '+2. Chairman, Senior Invitations Committee; Union Board; Board of Aeons; Student ViTa r Council; B lue K ey; Skull a nd Crescent; Phi E ta Sigma . Alexander A. Azar Fo r rest J. Babb, Jr. Nancy M. Badgley David A. Baerncopf PA UL R. BAGBY, Charlestown. /J. B. Chemistry, /J pril, '43 .. . JOHN W. BAI LEY, JR., G reen wood. B.S. General Business, /J pril, '43. LS.A. Counc il ; Board of Aeons; B lue K ey; Pres., A lpha Kappa P si; Y.M.C.A.; Co ll egi ate C hamb er of Comm erce; In suran ce C lu b; Acco untin g Club . .. ROSE MARY BAILEY, Gary. B.S. Personn el Management, /J pril, '43. Phi Omega Pi; W .A.A.; Y.W .C.A.; Omicron D elta; Manage ment Club ; ViT.A.T.C . . . . ELSIE M . BAKER, E dw a rd sport. B.S. Elementary Education, A pril, '43. Alpha Lambda D elta ; P i Lambda Theta. Paul R. Bagby

John W. Bailey

Rosemary Bailey

Elsie M. Baker

Ruth M. Baker

Henrietta M . Baldauf

Josephine M. Baldauf

Mary M. Bale

R UTH M. BAKER, New York, N.Y. /J. B. Mathematics, /J ug., '43 . .. H E NRIETTA M . BALDAUF, Evansvi ll e. B.S. Edu cation, I I ug., '43. L S. A. ; W .A.A. ; Pi La mbd a Theta; Coed Co un se lor ; W.A.T.C.; Folio Staff ... JOSEPHINE M. BALDAUF, Evansv ill e. B.S. Elem entary Edu cation, A ug., '.f.3. Pi La mbd a T heta; W.A .T.C.; W.A.A.; Chora l Uni on .. . MARY M . BALES, Gos port. B.S. Com111 ercial T eaching, April, '43. Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Lambda Theta; Omicron D elta; F.T.A.

BETTY SUE BALLARD, Hammond. /J .B. Governm ent, i/ug., '.f.3 . . . J OAN M. BANB R Y, Butler. B .S. Education, D ec., '+2. Pi Lam bd a Th eta ; E ta Sigma Phi; Latin C lub . . . HARRY Vi' . BANKER, Port la nd. A .B. Chemistry, /J ug., '.f.3. D er Deutsc he Verein; M a rching Hundred .. . J ULIA R. BARAN, Gary. /J. B. History, D ec., '42. W.A.A. Board; Cosmopolit an Club.

BEVERLY E. BARKER, Circl ev ill e. B.P.S.M. Musi c, ..Jug., '.f.3. Pro-Mu sic C lu b; F.T.A . ; Dauber's Clu b; Chora l Union ... ROBERT B. BARNETT, F ranklin . 13.S. Edu cation, .·1 pril, '.f.3. Y.M.C.A.; LS.A.; P e rshing RiA es; Am erican C hem ica l Society . . . JOSEPH L. BARRETT, Indianapoli s. B.S. Mark eting, ; I ug., '.f.3. Sigma Alpha Mu ; Sop homore Track Manager . . . K ATH ERI NE BARRON , Bunke r Ilill. :J.B. Chemistry, dug ., '.f.3. Der Deutsche \'erei n; Alpha Lambda D elta ; Iota Sig ma Pi. Beverly E. Barker · Robert B. Barnett

Joseph L. Barrett

Kath erine Barron E MMA R. BARTLETT, Eva nsv ill e. . 1.8 . English, Aug., '.f.3. LS.A.; Y. ViT.C.A.; Alpha Lambda Delt a; Symphony Orc h.; Le Cercle Francais; Folio Staff . . . BETTY A. BATES, Joliet. rl .B. Journa lism, . l pril, '.f.3. Sec., Alpha Omicron Pi ; ARB UTUS Staff; Daily St udent; Pleiades; Theta Sigma Phi . . . GEOR G IA M . BATTLES, Indi anapoli s. B.S. Speech, . lu g., '43. Alpha Kappa Alpha; LS.A.; H ouse Pres id ents' Ass'n; Negro Student Council . . . ALFRED Vi 1 • BACG llM AN, Linton. B .S. General Busin ess, Dec., '.f.2.

Em ma R. Bartlett

Betty A. Bates

Georgia M. Battles

Alfred \V. Baughman


DONALD E. BAXTER, Fowler. B.S. P ersonn el }\fc111age111 e11t, Dec., '42. I.S.A.; Management Club ... BARBARA R. BAYLESS, Cleveland, Ohio. /l .B. So ciology, Dec., './-2. Pi Beta Phi; W.A.A.; G lee Club . . . EDNA J. BAYS, Salsberry. //.B. /Jrts and S cience, 11 ug., '43 . . . ROBERT A. BECK, T e rre Haute. B.S. Ch emistry, /Jug., '43. Sigm a Alpha Epsilon.

Donald E. Baxter

Barbara Bay less


J. Bays

Robe rt A. Beck

W ILLIAM E. BECK, Cloverdale. B.S. Gen eral Business, April, '43. Co ll egiate C hamber of Commerce; Intramural Mgr . . . . JACK L. BECKNELL, Indianapolis. B.S. ;/ d'V ertising, ;/ pril, '43. Sigma Nu; ARB UTTJS Sta ff; Alpha Phi Om ega; Advertising Club . . . WILLIAM F. BECKVi' lTH, Indianapolis. A .8. Education, 11 pril, '43 . . . SARA BED\VELL, Sullivan. , 1.8. Go'Vernm ent, D ec., '42. Kappa Alpha Theta; Y.W.C.A.; Le Cercl e Franca is; Math. Club.

William E. Beck

Jac k L. Beckn ell

Wm. F. Beckwith

Sa ra I. Bedw ell

JOHN Vi' . BEELER, Indi anapolis. 8.S . M edi cin e, Dec ., './-2. Nu Sigma Nu .. RUTH BELLIN SON, Clifton, N.J. , 1.8. Psychology, .4 pril, '43. I.S.A . . . . ROBERT F. BERN HARDT, Evansvi ll e. B.S. Banking and Finan ce, D ec., '42. Phi Gamma D elta; Sophomore Basketball Y! anage r ; Delta Sigma Pi; Skull and Crescent ... PA UL B. BERRY, Grand Rapids, Mich. B.S. Grn eral Business, .-lug., '43. Kappa Sigma.

Jo hn W . Bee ler

Ruth Be ili nson

Robe rt F. Bern hardt

P au l B. Berry, Jr.

EVELYN E . BESINC, Haubstadt. B.S. Secretarial Training, D ec., '42. Socia l C hairm an, LS.A.; Vil.A.A. ; Chi Gamma; Omicron Delta; Coed Counselor . . . D'RANK A. BEST, D'loyd Knobs. B.S. rI ccounting, D ec., './-2 . . . MARVIN J. BEYER, Evansvi ll e. B.S . l l ccou11ti11g, D ec., './-2. l.S.A.; Accounting C lu b . . . JOSEPH B. BLACK, Bloomington. B.S. Statistics, .·l ug., '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Eve lyn E. Besing

Fra nk A. Best

M arv in J. Beyer

J oseph B. Black

G eo rge E . Bland

Loui s H . Bl ess inger

M ary Ann Blew

Mi lton H . Blick

J une E. Bli ckens derfer

Sol Blickman

M elv in A. Block

Robert L. Boden

GEORGE E. BLAND, Freeto ,rn . B.S. G eneral Business, April, '43. P ershing Rifles ; Crack Drill Squad ... LOUIS H. BLESSINGER, Huntingburg . .-1.B. Chemistry, .-l ug., '43. Pres., M.R.C . . . . MARY ANN BLEVi' , Atlanta, Ga. A. B. Journalism, April, ' 4.?. Zeta Tau Alpha; Plciades ; Daily Student; Pan-Hellenic Council; Theta Sigma Phi; Le Cercl e Franca is . . . MILTON H. BLICK, Washington, D.C. B .S. lvfarlieting, April, '43. LS.A. Board; Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi E ta Sigma; Sigma Iota; Pres., F lame Club ; Quartermasters' Ass' n.

JUNE E. BLICKENSDERFER, Gary. B.S. So cial Studies, ..Jug., '43. Alpha Delta Pi; Y.W.C.A . . . . SOL BUCKMAN, Indianapoli s. B.S . rl a ounting, .'lug., './-3. Pres., Sigma Alpha Mu; Pres., Quartermasters' Ass' n; Interfraternity Counci l; Treas., Blue Key ; Phi Eta Sigma; Un ion Board; Stud ent vVar Counci l .. . MELVIN A. BLOCK, Bellemeade. B.S. M edi cint', Dr e., '42 . . . ROBERT L. BODEN, Jeffersontown, Ky. A .B. Jourualism, April, '43. Delta Tau Delta; Sigma Delta Chi; Golf; Daily Student.


DALE E. BOE! IM, Jeffersonville. B.S. Physical Education, .·/ pril, '43. Baseball; I-Men's Club . . . BARBARA JANE BOllNSACK, Evansville. B.S. Busin ess .·l dministration, .·l pril, './.] ... E LEANOR JOAN BOLING ER, Kokomo. B .S. Social Science, D ec., '.f.2 . . . JOHN C. BOLLEN BACHER, II , Bl oomington . :J.B. Geoloqy, .·/ pril, '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Eta Sigma.

Dale E. Boehm

Barbara J. Bohnsack

Eleanor J. Bolinger

John C. Bollenbacher, II

Glenn 0. Bothwell

Mark E. Bo\\"en

Mary V. Bo\\"en

Donald R. Bowles

ll AROLD EARL BONECCTTER, Marion, Ohio. A.B. History, D ec., '.f.2. Lambda C hi A lpha; Interfra ternity Council; Daily Student ... RICHARD E. BOOKO UT, H agersto\\"n. B.S. ,Jcco uutinq, April, '43. LS.A.; Alpha Kappa P si; Quartermasters' Ass'n . . . BETTE BOONE, Ft. Wa yne. .·I .B. Socioloqy, Jl pril, '43. Chi Omega; Y.W.C.A. Counc il ; Women's G lee Clu b .. . JAMES L. BORD ERS, Indi anapo li s. R. S. Medicine, D ec., '42. Phi C hi; Skeleton Club.

GLENN 0. BOTHVilELL, Griffith. B.S. General Busin ess, April,

'43. 1.S.A.; Baseba ll . . . MARK E. BOWE , Franklin. B.S. rl ccou11t inr;, /lug., '43. Phi E ta Sigma; A lpha Kappa P si; Accounting Club ... MARY VI VIAN BOWEN, Lynn. 8 . . Education, April, '43. LS.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Folio Staff; W.A.T.C . . . . DONALD R AY BOWLES, Indi a napo li s. !J.B . Gov1•mmr11 t, D ec., '42.

JAMES T. BRADY, Indi anapolis. B.S. General Business, Dec., '42. D elta Sigma Pi .. . MILDRED ELlZABET ll BRE IMY ER, Portland . .'l.B. ll ome Economics, ..! pri/, '43. LS.A.; Y.W.C.A.; C hora l Un ion; Der Deu tsc he Ve rein; Home Economi cs Club; Folio Staff ... J O H N W. BRENNAN, Ga rrett. B .S. Busin ess 1/dmin istration, rl pril, '.f.J. l.S.A.; P ershin g Rifles . . . WILLIAM LLOYD BRID GES, Knightsto\\"n . .·l.B . Clll'mistry, Dec., '.f.2. LS.A. ; Cnion Board; Phi Chi; Flame Club; Kappa K appa Psi; Der Deutsc he Verein; Skeleton C lub; Marching Hun dred. James T. Brady

Mildred E. Breimyer

John W. Brennan

WilliamL. Bridges

ROBERT FRANCIS BROCKMANN, Indianapoli s. ..J.B. Latin, Dec., '42. Phi Eta Sigma; Pres., Class ica l Clu b; I l istory Club; Pres., Eta Sigma Phi ... NADYNE SHlRLEY BRONSON, Gary. B.S. Ed11catio11, D ec., './.2. LS.A . . . . BERNARD ROB ERT BRONSTEIN, Huntington. B.S. Mark eting , Aug., '43. Sigma A lpha Mu; Sop homore Track Manager; Phi Eta Sigma . . . M ERTON H. BROOKS, I ndianapolis. B.S. Chemistry, Aug., '.f.3. Alpha Chi Sigma.

BERNICE E. BR OWN, Bloomington . .-1.B. Sociology, D ec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Y.W.C.A.; M ortar Board; A.W.S. Council; Coed Counseling Board; Alp ha Lambda Del ta; Board of Sta nd a rd s; Secretary, Sen ior Class . . . C IJI LTON P. BROWN, Bloomington . .-J.B . H istory, rl ug., '43. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Eta Sigma; P ers hing Rifl es . . . H ELEN MARIE BROWN, Mamaroneck, .Y. B.S. Secretarial Trai11i11r;, D ec., '42. Cho ral Union ... MARG ERITE BROVi' N, Ft. Benjamin ll arrison. 11 .B. J ournalism, D ec., '42. Delta Gamma; Daily St udenl ; Theta Sigma Phi. Bernice E. Brown

Chilton Brown

Helen M. Brown

Marguerite A . Brown


MARIE A. BROWN, Franklin. B.S. f-l ome Economi cs, .-1 pri.f, './-3. L S.A.; H ome Economics Club; V,T.A .T.C . . . . TOM C. BROWN, Sullivan. Jl.11. Chemistry, Aug., '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Jordan Riv e r R evue; Pershing Rifl es ... PATSY ANN BRlTE, Chicago, Ill. B.S . H ome E couomics, 1lu g., '43. LS.A.; Y.\\l.C.A.; !J ome Economics C lub ... ERNEST A. BRUNOEllLER, Brazil. B.S. Chemistry, .rl ug., '41.

Marie A. Brown

Thomas C. Brown

Patsy Ann Bruce

Ernest A. Brunoehler

CHARLES \\IJLU AM BRYAN, Hammond. B.S. Edncatio11, April, './-3. Daily Stud ent . .. JOHN H. Bl' C IIANAN, Frankfort. B .S . .-1ccou11ting, ,-/ ug., './-3. Flame Club; Alp ha Kappa Psi; Accounting C lub ... WALTER II. BLTCK, E. St. Louis, Ill. B.S. Gen eral Busiurss, i lpril, './-3. Phi Delta Theta ... GEORGE D. Bl' CKNER, Ft. Wa yne. A .8. Physiology, Dec., './-2. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Track; Nu Sigma Nu; P ers hin g Rifl es; Skeleton C lu b.

Charles W. Bryan John H. Buchanan

Walter H. Buck

George D . Buckner MAX E. Bl' RCMAN, Logansport. B.S. G rueral Busin ess, April, './-3. Kappa Sigma; D elta Sigma Pi; Coll egiate Chamber of Commerce; Scabbard and Blade . . . Tl-IURL CALV I N BURR, Jr., Marion. :l .B. Chemistry, . f ur;., ' ./-3. Marching Hundred; Symphony Orc hestra . . . 1-1 ELEN MARIE B CRTON, Sandborn. B.P.S.M. Pian o, !1 pril, './-3. A lpha Om icron Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Alph a Iota; Pro-Music Club; Jordan River Revue; Coed Counse lor; "Th e Gonde li ers"; Y.W.C .A . . . . DOROTJ l \' M. BUTLER, Fo"·ler. B.S. Srcretarial Traininr;, .·l ug., '43. Ch i Omega; Y. \ V.C.A.; Ch i Gamma.

Max E. Burgman

Thur! C. Burr, Jr. H elen M . Burton Dorothy May Butler

MARY ELISABETH BYERS, Lafayette. 11.B. English, Dec., '42 ... EUGENE JEPSON CADOU, Jr., Indi anapo li s. ;J.B. Joumalism, .-1 ug., '43. Kappa Sigma; Falcon Club; Sports Editor, Daily Student; ARBUTUS Staff; Sigma Delta Chi; Blue Key ... SI DNE'i' N. CAHN, Indianapoli s. B .S . .-ldv ertising, :lu g., '43. Sigma A lpha Mu; Skull and C rescent; Junior Swimm ing Manager; Blue Key; Quartermasters' Ass ' n; Omega Tau A lpha; Advertising Club . . . WILMA JEAN CAIN, Bloomington . .·l .B. Latin, .1pril, '43. Y.W. C.A . ; Eucl id ean Circle. Euge ne J. Cadou, Jr.

Sid ney Ca hn

Wi lma J. Cain

BERT IJA LOCISE CAL HO UN, Gary. B.S. Commercial Tea ching, Dec., './-2. Pres., Alpha Kappa Alpha . . . JEREMIAH CAMERON, Kansas Cit,-, Mo. cl .B. Enr;lish, D ec., './-2. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma . . . RUTll CLAYTON CANATSEY, Morgantown. A.11. Mathematics, .·lu g., './-J. Pres., Forest ll a ll; Euclidean Circ le . . . HARVEY CANTOR, Indianapolis. cl.B. Zoology, .·fur;., '43. J.S.A.; Alpha Phi Omega; Rifl e T eam . Bertha L. Calhoun J eremi ah Cameron

R uth C. Canatsey

H arvey Cantor

James E. Carson

F red S. Carter

Tl IOMAS DELMONT CA RPENTER, Columbus. il .B . ..l natomy, D ec., './-2. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu . . . GEORGE 0. CARRINGTON, JR., \Vilmin gton, D el. "1.B. Chemistry, Dec., '42 . Kappa Alpha Psi; Track; University Th eatre . . . JAMES EDWARD CA RSO N, lndian apolis. 11.S. Personn el J\11 anage111e11t, Aug., './-] . D elta Chi ; Management Club; Alpha Kappa Psi; Co ll eg iate C ham ber of Commerce . . . FRED STCART CARTER, Hammond . B .S . Pre-Med., _,J ug., './-3. Sigma Chi; Pershing Rifles. Thomas D. Car pent er


Geo rge 0. Ca rrin gton,


JAMES J. CARTER, Indianapolis. B.S. Marketing, Dec., '42. Phi Kappa Psi . . . JOHN ]. CASEY, St. Croix. 11.B. Chemistry, II ug., '43 ... BERNADETTE CASSIDY, Madison . B.S. Education, April, '43. Phi Mu ... EMMY LOU CAVANAUGH, Washington. B.S. Genera l Busin ess, II pril, '43. Pres., Alpha C hi Omega; Y. \V . C.A.; Omicron Delta; Management Club; Chi Gamma; Ridin g Club.

BETTY]. CAVENDER, Mishawaka. 11.B. Mathematics, llpril, '43. LS.A.; Vil.A.A.; Jr. Math. Club . . . ELSIE CHALFANT, Griffith. B.S. Edtt cation, II pril, '43. Pres., Alpha Omicron Pi; Pleiades; Vil.A.A. Board; P ers hin g Rifl e Sponsor; R.0.T. C. Sponsor; Pan Hell enic Council; W.A.T.C . . . . CLIFFORD W. CHANDLER, Evansv ille. B.S. Mark eting, D ec., '42 . Pershing Rifles . . . LEAH L. CHAPPELL, Petersburg. 11.B. Hisl ory, /1 pril, '43. Delta Delta Delta. Betty J ane Cavender

Elsie V. Chalfant

Clifford W. Chandler

Leah L. Chappell

Hollace A. Chastain

Ca rl Cheadle

Virginia Childers

Paul V. Chivington, Jr.

John D. C hri stena

Milford P. Christenson

Clyde C. C hri stiansen

Robert G. Claeys

HOLLACE A. CHASTAIN, Indi anapo lis. B.S. Jnwra11 ce, /lug., '43. Sigma Nu; Y.M.C.A.; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade ; Crack Drill Squad . . . CARL CHEADLE, Gary. 11.B. Economics, Dec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Kappa Psi; Junior Football Manager; Skull and Crescent ... VIRGINIA CHILDERS, Aurora. 11. B. lottmalis111, II ug., '43. Board of Standards; Daily Student; Mortar Board; ARBUTUS Staff; Y.W.C.A. Council . . . PA UL V. CHIV! GTO , Jr., Indianapolis. B.S. M edicin e, /lug ., '43. Sigma Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Skull and Crescent.

JOHN D. CHRISTENA, Indianapolis. B.S. Chemistry, llpril, '43. Alpha Chi Sigma; Student Affiliate of American Chemical Society ... MILFORD P. CHRISTENSON, Griffith. B .S. Produ ction Ma11age111 enl, 11 ttg., '43. LS.A.; Y.M.C.A.; Alpha Phi Omega; Mana gement Club; Accounting C lub . . . CLYDE C. CHRISTIANSEN, Miami, Fla. B.S. D e111istry, D ec., '42. Phi Delta Theta ... ROB ERT G. CLAEYS, Mishawaka. 11 .B. Anatomy, Dec., '42. Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Rho Sigma; German Club.

KEITH U. CLARY, Logan port. B .S. Personnel Manag ement, April, '43. Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Club; Management Club . . . BARBARA ANN CLINE, Co lumbu s. /J.B. Hist ory, April, '43. Kappa Kappa Gamma .. . AVERY L. CODD ENS, Mishawaka. B.S. Ch emistry, Aug., '43 . . . . HELEN V. CODY, Hammond. 11.B. English, A pril, '43. Mortar Board; Pres., Morrison Hall; Vil.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Pamarada; F.T.A .; German Club; Interdorm Council. Keith U. Clary

Barbara Ann Cline

Avery L. Coddens

H elen V. Cody

JOHN M. COGAN, Vincennes. B.S. Busin ess ll dmi11istration, !lug., '43. Pres., Phi Kappa Psi; Baseball; Sphinx Club; Skull and Crescent; Falcon Club; Blue Key; Delta Sigma Pi ... WARREN C. COLEMAN, Evansvi ll e. B.S. Mark eting, Dec., '42. Baseball ... MARJANNA R. COLLINS, New Paris. B.S. Hom e Eco nomi cs, April, '43. LS.A.; Home Economics Club . . . ROBERT W. COLLINS, Sheridan. B.S. Marketing, Dec., '43. LS.A.; Advertising C lub; Insurance Club. John M . Cogan

Warren C. Coleman

Marj anna R. Coll in s

Robert W. Co llins


LE\VIS I-I. COMBS, \Vinchester. B.S. .-I dvertisi119, D ec., './-2. Senior Track Manager ; Advertising Club; In su ran ce Club . . . ET H EL E. CONARD, Begton. B.S. H ome E co nomics, !I pril, './-3. H ome Economics C lu b . . . GUY E. CONNER, Bloomington. B.S. Marketi11g, D ec., './-2. I.S.A. Council; Y.M.C.A . . . . KATHRYNE M. CONNER, Co lumbu s. B.S. English, ; / pril, '43.

Lewis H. Combs

Ethel E. Conard

Guy E. Conner

Kathryne M. Conner

BERYL E. COOK, Cloverdale. B .S ..·I cco 1wtin g, Aug., './-2. LS.A . . . . GEORGE D. COOK, Jr., Birdseye . .·1.B. Journalism, Aug., '43. Sigma Pi; Daily Student; P ershing Rifl es . . . JO ll N \V. COOK, Renssela er. rl .13. Speech, ;/ ug., '43. LS.A.; Y.M.C.A. Cabinet . . . VVILLTAM COOK, Bloomington. 13.S. Chemistry, Dec., './-2. Beta Theta Pi.

Beryl E. Cook

George D. Cook, Jr.

John W. Cook

William Cook Vi' ILLT AM S. COONAN, Ne\\'burgh, N.Y. B.S. Physical Education, Dec., './-2. Pres., Phi Kappa; Sphinx Club; Baseball; Phi Epsilon Kappa . . . CHARLOTTE R. COOPER, Anderson. A.B. Spanish, rl pril, './-3. Pres., Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mortar Board; W.A.A. Board; Pres., A lph a Lambda D elta ; A.W.S. Council; Pres., Pleiad es . . . RALPH T. COOPER, H ope. 13.S. 1/ cco u11ti11g, Dec., './-2. Flame Club; Baseba ll ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting C lub . . . JOHN W. CORBIN, Sandborn. B.S. General Busiuess, 1/p ril, './-3. Kappa Sigma; Blue Key; Senior Track Mana _ge r; Delta Sigma Pi; Marching I l undred; Kappa Kapp a Psi; Accoun tin g Club.

William S. Coonan Charlotte R. Cooper Ralph T. Cooper

J ohn W. Corbin

SuZAN~E CORCORAN, \Vashington. B.S. Home E co uomics, April, './-3 ... GUY E. COR ID EN, Jr., Hammond. B.S. l usurancr, Dt'c. , '-/-2. Y .M.C.A.; A lph a Phi Omega . . . C l!RI S COUGIAS, Gary. B.S. Perso11n el Manag emen t, .-1pril './-3 . LS.A.; Management C lub ... ALMEDA M. COX, Ft. vVa yne. B.S. Education, .·lug., './-3. Pro-Music Club; Symphony Orchestra .

Suzanne M. Corcoran

Guy E. Coriden, Jr.

Chris Cougias

Almeda M. Cox

Frances E. Cox

Robe rt D. Cox

Reuben A. Craig

Richard M. Craig

Ray 0. Creager

Robert C. Crews

Robert J. Crites

JamesR. Culveyhouse

FRANCESE. COX, Danvill e..-1.IJ. English, Aug., '43. Y.W.C.A . . . ROB ERT D. COX, Tipton. B.S. Mark eti11g, ,Jug., '43. Pres., Sigma Nu; Union Board ... RECBEN A. CRA I G, Kokomo. /J.B . Chemistry, D ec., './-2. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon; Marching Hundred; M en's Glee Club . . . RIClIARD M . CRA I G, Ft. Wayn e. A.13. Chl'lnistry, .·lug. , './-3. Sigma Alpha Eps il on; S\\'imming; Dolphin Club.

RA\' 0. CREAGER, Ft. VVa yne. B.S. !VlPdicine, D ec., \ 12 .. . ROB ERT C. CRE\VS, Indianapolis. 13.S. :l ccou ntiug, Dec., './-2 . Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Kappa P si; Accounting Club . . . ROB ERT J. CRITES, Bloomington. 13.S. General Busin ess, April, '43. LS .A.; Baseball .. . JAMES R. Cl. L\' E \'JIOL'SE, Gary. 13.S. Business . I cf ministration, .·I ug., './-3.


WILLIAM G. CURRY, Greensburg. B.S. Finan ce, D ec., '42. P ershing Rifl es . . . ROBERT J-I. CUSACK, Indianapolis. /J .B. M edicin e, Dec., '42. D elt a Ups ilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Skull and Crescent; Le Cercle Franca is .. . ROBERT F. CUTLER, La Porte. 8.S. Mark eli11 g, ,/ pril, '43. Phi Delta Th eta ; Seni or Basketball Man ager; Collegiate C hamber of Comm erce . . . MARJORI E R. DAILEY, Bickn ell. B.P.S.M. Musi c, rl ug., '43. LS.A.; Sigma Alpha Iota; Pro-Music Club; F.T.A. William G. Curry

Robert H. Cusack

Wilson L. Dalton

Betty J. Daniels

Anne K. Davis

Denver E. Davis

Robert F. Cutler

Marjorie R. Dailey

WILSON L. DALTON, Bloomington. 11 .8 . Zoology, D ec., '42 .. . BETTY J. DANI ELS, Ft. vV ay ne. 8.S. Education, D ec., '42. Pi Lambda Theta .. . EVELYN R. DANIELS, P eru. B.S. Hist ory, !lug ., '43. Sigma Kappa; Y.W.C.A .... RICHARD C. DATZMAN, Otterb ein . 11 .8. Chemistry, Dec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma.

Evelyn R. Daniels Richard C. Datzman

A lNE K. DAVIS, Pittsb urgh, Pa . B.S. Education, A /nil, '43. Y.W.C.A. . . . DENVER E. DAVIS, Indianapolis. B .S. Busin ess 11 dministration, 11 ug., '43. LS.A .; Y.M.C.A.; Scabbard and Blade: Quarterma sters' Ass' n . . . RA E DAVIS, Ramsey. B.S. Elementary Education, llpril, '43. Y.W.C.A . . .. ROBERT H . DAVIS, JR., Abington, Conn. 11.8. Co'Uernment, 11 ug., '43. Y.M.C.A. Cabinet; LS.A.

Rae H. Davis

Robert H. Davis

R USSELL I-I. DAVIS, Seymour. fl.B. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Theta Chi .. . K EN T C. DAWSON, Elwood. B.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Marching Hundred; Kappa Kappa P si ... LEONA R. D ECKARD, Lyons. B.S. Hom e Economics, // pril, '43. H ome Economics Club; Pi Lambd a Theta; Omicron Nu ... H ELEN L. DEEN, South Bend. ,-/ .8. English , fl pril, '43. Symphony Orchestra; LS.A.

Russell H. Davis

Kent C. Dawson

Leona R. Deckard

Helen L. Deen

E DWARD D. DENTON, J eff er onvill e. B.S. Physi cal Edu cation, ll pril, '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Basketball ... ROB ERT J. DETAMORE, P ortland. /J .B. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega .. . MELVI N L. D ETMER, Risin g Sun. B.S. Manag ement, D ec., '42. Th eta C hi; Scabbard and Blad e ; Advertising Club; Managemen t Club ... JOE F. DEWBERRY, K okomo. B.S. General Business, D ec., '42. Alpha T a u Omega; Scabbard and Blade.

Edward D. Denton Robert J. Detamore Melvin L. Detmer

Joe F. Dewberry

H ELEN JO D E \VEND, South Ben d. B.S. Edu cat ion, 11 ug., '43. Y.W.C.A .; Glee Club . . . CARROL F. DILLO , Wa shin gton. B.S. M ana grment, Aug., '43. Alpha Phi Omega; Crack Drill Squad; P ershin g Rifl es ... WALTER E. DILTS, La Porte . .•1.8. Chemistry, Dec., '42 . . . E DWARD L. DOERR, Eva nsv ill e. B.S. Che111islry, Dec., '42. Alpha C hi Sigma; Student Affiliate Am erica n Chemical Society.

Helen J. Dewend

Carrol F. Dillon

Walter E. Dilts

Edward L. D oerr


BERNARD J. DOLEZAL, Michigan City. ,-/.13 . M edicin e, rlpril, '.f.3. Phi Chi ... FRANCES A. DOLL, Milton . .-1.13. Speech, April, '43 . .. RI C HARD C. DOMEK, Chicago. B.S. Physiwl Education, ,/ pril, '.f.3. LS .A . . . . ROBERT D. DONALDSON, Washington, D.C. B.S. Chem istry, Dec., '.f.2. American Chemica l Society Student Affili a te; LS.A.; Y.M.C.A.


J. Dolezal

Frances A. Doll

Richard C. Domek

Robert D. Donaldson ROBERT 0. DORTON, Bloomington. 13.S. Chemistry, Dec., '42. Student Affiliate of the American C hem ica l Society; Y.M. C.A . . . . R UTH E. DOUGLAS, Bloomington . .r/ .13. Latin, ,/ pril, '43. Eta Sigma Phi; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Lambda Theta ... JOHN W. DROEGE, Seymour. 11.B. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Band; Glee C lub; Pres., Student Affiliate American Chemical Society ... MARYE. D UENWEG, Indianapoli s. A .13. French, ,/ ug., '43. Y.W.C.A.; Le Cercle Franca is.

Robe rt 0. Dorton

Ruth E. Douglas

John W. Droege

Mary E. Duenweg

FRANCES M. DUNCAN, Rushville . .-1.13. Sociology, Dec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Le Cercle Franca is; Y.W.C.A.; ARBUTUS Staff; A lpha Kappa Delta; Coed Counsel in g . .. MARVIN W. D YER , Worthington. 13.S. Co'/11 mercial, Aug., '43. L S.A.; Y.M.C.A . . . . R UT H A. EAGER, Still\\'ater, Okla. Law, rlpril, '43 . .. ED'\VIN P. EASTERDAY, H ammond. 13.S. Chemistry, .·I pril, '43.

Frances M. Duncan

Marvin W. Dyer

Ruth A. Eager

Edwin P. Easterday TOM II. EBB I NGHOUSE, North Manchester. B.S. Che111is1ry, .-/ pril, '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Ups; Jon . . . EDWARD T. EDWARDS, JR., Bloomington . A.B. Physiolo gy, Dec., '.f.2 ... RUTHE ALMA EDWARDS, Gary. rl .B. Math emalics, Dec., '42. Alpha Delta Pi; Pres., Alpha Lambda Delta; W.A.A. Board; Pl eiades; W.A.T.C.; Folio Staff; Oce an id es; Der Deutsche Verein; Euclidean C ircle; Y.Vi' .C.A.; C hairman, Senior M emo rial Comm ittee . . . ROSCOE L. EGGER, Bremen. 11.S. llccounling, .-1ug., '.f.3. LS.A.; Accounting Club; Delta Sigma Pi.

Tom H. Ebbinghouse

Edward T. Edwards, Jr.

Ruth e A. Edwar ds

Roscoe L. Egger

MARY K. ELDER, Derby. B .S. H ome Economics, /lug., '4.?. LS.A.; W .A.A.; A.W.S . . . . ERIC ELLENBOGEN, Bloomington. 11.S. Chemistry, Dec., '.f.2. Pi Lambda Phi . .. R UT H V. ELLER· BUSH, Princeton. B.S . Commercial T eaching, llpril, '43. Y.Vil.C.A.; Om icron D elta; Colleg iate Chamber of Commerce . . . JOHN ELLETT, JR., Coatesville. A .B. :I 11atomy, Aug., ' .f.3. Phi E ta Sigma.

Mary K. Elder

Eric Ellenbogen

Ruth V. Ellerbush

John Ellett, Jr.

Eugene H. En dress

Gordon K. Englehart

ROBERT T. ELLIOTT, Indian apo li s. B.S. General Busin ess, // pril, '.f.3. Sigma Ch i; In surance Club . .. RO BERT M . ELLISON, Vi7 inona Lake. 13.S. Mark eting, D ec., '/.2. Delta Ups il on; Accounting C lu b ... EUGENE H. END R ESS, Evansvil le. B.S. Statistics, f/pril, '.f.3. Alpha Kappa Psi . . . GORDON K. ENGLE HART, Brazil. .-J.B . J ournalism, Dec., '.f.2. Delta Tau Delta ; Daily Student; Sigma Delta Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Skul l and Crescent.

Robert T. Elliott



M . Ellison

JU E E. ENOCH, Ft. Wayne. B.S. Education, II pril, '41. Alpha Chi Omega; A.vV.S. Council; International Relations Club . . . JESSE E. ESCHBACH, II, Warsaw. B.S. General Busin ess, April, '41. Beta Theta Pi ; Soph. Basketball Manager; Management Club; Freshman Debate . . . R UTH M. ESPENLAUB, Evansv ille. A.R. Eng·lish, Dec., '42. Y.W.C.A.; Le Cercle Francais; Der Deutsche Verein . . . MARY L. EVERLY, Spencer. A. B. Botany, Aug., '41. W.A.A.

DOROTHY M. EVERMAN, Russe llvill e. B.S. Advertising, April, '41. Board and Council, LS.A.; Edi tor ial an d Busine s Staff, Folio . . . IVAN M. FARMER, Ri chmond. B.S. ,-I ccounting, II pril, '41. Beta Gamma Sigma; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Accoun tin ~ Club ... RODG E R W. FARNHAM, Butler. B.S. Marketing, April, '41. Flame Club . . . ARTHUR H. FARQUIIARSON, Gary. B.S. General Busin ess, D ec., '41. Delta U psil on, Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Club. Dorothy M. Everman

Ivan M. Farmer

Dean L. Fauber

Anita R. Feiwell

Natale G. Ferrari

Robert C. Fielder

Rodger W. Farnham

Arthur H. Farquharson

DEA L. FAUBER, Chicago, Ill. B.S. Personnel Management, A ug., '41. Delta Chi; Alpha Kappa Psi ... ANITA R. FEIWELL, South Bend. A .B. Joumalism, April, '41. LS.A. Council; Daily Stu dent; Theta Sigma Phi; Pamarada; Board of Standards; Pi Sigma Alpha . . . PATRICIA J . FELIX, South Bend . B.S. General Business, April, '41. Alpha Chi Omega . . . C. LEWIS FERGUSON, Indianapolis. B .S. Insuran ce, A ug., '41. Pres., Alpha Tau Omega; Blue Key; Sphinx Club; Pres., Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Soph. Basketball Manager; Delta Sigma Pi; Insurance Club; Council of Fraternity Pres id ents; Y .M.C.A. Patricia Jane Felix C. Louis Ferguson

NATALE G. FERRARI, Indi anapolis. B.S. Fi11a11ce and Banking, Dec., '41. Q uartermasters' Ass'n; P ershin g Rifl es . . . ROB ERT C. FIELDER, Bloomington. A. B. Arts and Scien ces . . . CHARLES H. FI Kl:HNER, Indianapoli s. B.S. Anatomy, Aug ., '41. Kappa Kappa P si; Marching Hundred . .. JOHN EDWARD FINLAY, South Ben d. B .S. A dvertisi11g, April, '41. Advertising Club; Universi ty Orchestra; Radio Ensemble. Charles H. Finkbiner

John E. Finlay

A FINNELL, E lkh art. A.B. Sp eech, April, '41. Delta Gamma; Le Cercle Franca is; L U. Theatre; Paddock Club . . . CHARLES FISCH, Indianapolis. A .B. Chemist ry, Dec., '42. Pi Lambda Phi; Skeleton Club ... JANET LEE FLEE llART, Rushville. P.G. Kappa Alpha Theta . . . DONALD VANCE FLEENOR, Kokomo. B.S. Personnel Managem ent, Dec., '42. LS.A. Council; Pres., Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Management C lu b; Student War Council; Alpha Kappa Psi; Alpha Phi Omega; Glee Club; Conce rt Band. Ann Finnell

Charles F isch

Janet Lee Fleehart Donald V. Fleenor

DONALD EARL FUCK, Indianapolis . .-J.B . Chemistry, April, '41 ... JAMES H ENRY FLOOD, Mishawaka. B.S. M edicin e, Aug., '41 ... RICHARD E. FLOX, Columbia City. A.B. English, D ec., '42. English C lub; Chora l Union . . . EDNA MARIA FLYN ', Bloomington. B.S. H ome Economics, ."I pril, '-1-1. Home Econom ics Club; ARB CTl' S Art Staff.

Donald E. Flick

James H. Flood

Richard E. Flox

Edna Maria Flynn


LEE RO Y FORD, Indi a na polis. B.S . M arketi ng, .'I ug., '43. Kappa Sigma; ARB UT US Sta ff; Pres., Fa lcon Club; Delta Sigma Pi; C hee r Lead er; U niversity Theatre; Scabbard and Blade ... ROBERT T. FORTNER, Rockv ill e. B .S. !I cco un ting, rlu(J., '43. D elta Sigma Th eta ; M a rchin g Hundred . . . THOMAS C. FOWLER, Evansvil le. B.S. Perso nnel Mana gement, D ec., '42. Sigma Pi ; Man agement Club; Y. M. C.A.; Glee Club; Marching Hundred . . . JACK \V. FOX, Vevay. B.S. Marl<eling, D ec., '42. P res., Acacia; Edito r, R ed Book ; Y.M.C.A. Council; Soph . Swimming Mana ge r. Lee Roy Ford

Robert T . Fortner Thomas C. Fowler

Jack W. Fox \VILLIAYI FOX, South Bend. B.S. Mark etin o, Dec., '42. Ph i Kappa P si; Soph. Basebal l M a na ge r ; R ed B ook . .. BETTY J . FOXV\TORT I-1 Y, Greensburg. B .S. H ome E conomics, rl pril, '43. Il ome Eco nomics Club; E ducati on C lub ... CEC IL C. FRA NKLi l'i, JR., Buffalo, N .Y. B. S. Physi cal Educa tion, April, '43. LS.A.; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Ca ptain, S\\' imming; Kappa Kappa P si; F lam e Club; I-Men's C lub ; Marching Hundred . . . BARBARA C. FRAS ER, Bloomin gton. ,-/.B. Spanish , Dec., '.f.2. D elta Gamma; Y .W .C.A .

William Fox

Betty Jean Foxworthy

Cecil C. Franklin, Jr.

Barbara C. Fraser E LIZABETH \V. FRASER, Bloomington. A.B. Ch emistry, D ec. ,

'42. D elta Gamma; Mortar Boa rd ; Alph a Lambda Delta; Y.W.C.A. Cabi net and Council; Coed Counseling Boa rd ; Iota Sigma Pi; D er D eutsche Ve rein; Student War Council; Senior Si wash Committee . . . MARY L. FRECHTLING, Hamilton, Ohio. /J. B. Ch emistry, .-1ug., '43. D elt a Delta D elta ; Iota Sigma Pi; D elta Phi Alpha; Coed Counsel in g; Y.V\T.C.A.; Der D eutsche Verein; Alpha Lambda D elta . . . CRAIG W. FREEMAN, Anderson . ;J.B. !Iris and Sciences, Aug., '43 ... FORREST Vil . FREEMAN, And erson. B .S., M edicin r, Aug., '43. Elizabeth ·w. Fraser M ary L. Frechtling Cra ig W. Freeman

Forrest vV. Freeman

FRANCES L. FR EE MA N, Bloomington. B. S. M edicine, .·I pril, '43. LS.A.; H ome Econo mi cs Club . . . WILLIAM N. FREY, Kokomo. B.S . Physical Educati on, cl pril, '43. Phi D elta Th eta; Basketball; Pres., Sphinx C lub . . . ROBERT J. FRIE, Logansport. 11 .B. Chem· istry, !I pril, '43. LS.A. ; Y.M.C.A. ; D er D eutsche Ve rein . . . FANNY FRIEDLAND, East Chicago. B.P.S.M. Musi c, llu.g ., '43. Sigma D elta T au; Sigma Alpha Tota; J ordan River Rev ue; ProMusi c Club; W.A.A. Frances L. Freeman

W'illiam N. Frey

Robert J . Frie

Fanny Friedland

E. Patricia Frigge

Arthur W. Frisk

Justin Frommer

Mary B. Fuchs

John R. Funk

Mary Jane Funk

Dean K . Gardner

James L. Garrison

E . PATRICIA FRIGGE, Vin cenn es. A.B. Speech, !lug., '4.?. Kappa Alpha Th eta ; ARBUTUS Beauty Qu ee n ... ARTHUR W. FRISK, H ammon d. B .S. G eneral Busin ess, A fl[! ., '43. Pres., Kappa Sigm a; v'i'restlin g; Blue K ey; Sphinx C lub ; Delta Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Bla de; P ershin g Rifl es . .. J USTI N FROMMER, In dianapolis . .·J.B. Speech, D ec., '.f.2. Sec., Sigma Alpha Mu ; Treas., Senior Class; E ditor, Daily Student; Theta Alpha Phi ; Sigma D elta C hi; Blue K ey; "Cat and Canary; " " H ell-B ent for I-l eave n ;" "The Eve of St. Mark.'' . .. MARY B. FGC HS , Eva nsv ill e . .!J.B . Fin e Arts, rl U(J ., '43. Alpha C hi Omega; Dauber's C lub ; Counc il , Y.W. C.A.

JOH N R. F UN K, K entland . .1.13. Chemistry, Au(J., '.f.3. Y.M.C.A . . . MARY JA NE FUNK, Galveston . .-1.B. Eno lisli, .-I pril, '43 . K a pp a Alpha Th eta ; Y.vV.C.A.; Clee C lub; Le Cercle Franca is ... D EAN K. CARDNER, South Bend . B. S. General Busin ess, II pri l, '43. Sigma Alp ha Epsi lon; Phi Eta Sigma ... JAMES L. GAR RISO N, La\\'rence. rl. B. Chemis try, Dec., '.f.2. Marching Hundred.


ROBERT A. GASTON, Indianapolis. B.S. rldwrtisi11g, D ec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega; Fr. Golf; Chee r Lead er; Y .M.C.A.; Advertisin g Club . . . JERROD J. GERARD, Warsaw. 11.B. Fin e Arts, A pril, '41. Phi Kappa Psi; Daubers Club; Juni or Golf Manager . . . GEORGE D. GERMAIN, JR., Buffalo, N.Y. 13.S. Physi cal Education, April, '41. Pres., Phi Eps ilon Kappa; Phi Delta Kappa; Flame Club; Scabba rd and Blade; Phi Eta Sigma ... HELEN F. GERY, Darlington. 13 .S. Education, Aprii, '41. Alpha Chi Omega. Robert A. Gaston

Jerrod J. Gerard

George D. Germain, Jr.

Helen F. Gery

Mary Jane Geyer

Barbara L. Gibson

Ruth E. Gierz

Ruth V. Gillaspy

Mary E . Giovanini

Arthur H. Girod

Eugene B. Glick

Marian J. Glick

MARY JANE GEYER, Loga nspo rt. B.S. Business, //pril, '41. Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.; Omicron Delta; Co ll eg iate C hamb er of Commerce . . . BARBARA L. GIBSON, Bloomington. A.B. Speech, //pri l, '41. Pi Beta Phi; W.A.A .. .. R UTH E. GIERZ, Chicago. A.B. Latin, D ec., '42. Phi Mu; Eta Sigma Phi . .. RUTI-I V. GILLASPY, Crothersville. B .S. Hom e Eco11omics, 11 ug., '41 . LS.A.; Home Econom ics Club.

MARY ELIZABETH GIOVANINI, Hillsboro. 11. B. English, /lug., '41. Y.W.C.A .. .. ARTH UR H. GIROD, Decatur. 13.S. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi; Skeleton Club; Der Deutsche Ve rein . . . E UGENE GLICK, Indianapoli s. B.S . Personnel Manag ement, D ec., '42. Advertising Club; Management Club; Insurance C lub . . . MARIAN GLICK, Canton, Ohio. 11.B. J ournalism, April, '41. Th eta Sigma Phi; Associate and Night E ditor, Daily Student; W.A.A . ; Cosmopolitan Club; Eng li sh Club; Choral Union; Paddock Clu b.

RICHARD A. GOBLE, Greenfie ld. B.S. G eneral Busin ess, Aug., '41. D elta C hi; Sec., Kappa Kappa Psi; Marchin g Hundred . .. CARL W. GOEB EL, JR., Ft. Wa yne. A .B. Ch emistry, D ec., '42. Acacia; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi C hi; Skeleton Club; D er Deutsche Verein; Phi Eta Sig ma ... SAMUEL P. GOOD, JR., vVarren. B.S. Finan ce and Bankin g, .·I ug., '41. Sigma Nu; Track M anager; ARB UT US Staff; Delta Sigma Pi . . . ViTILLIAM HOWARD GOOD, H ammond. B.S. Mark et i11g, D ec., './2. Kappa Sigma; Pres., Delta Sigma Pi. Richard A. Goble

Carl W. Goebel

Samuel P. Good, Jr. William H. Good

PHIL GOODMAN, Eat Chicago. B .S. Psy chology, ll 11g., '4.?. Sigma Alpha Mu . . . E DWARD J. GORMA N, Ft. W ay ne. 11. B. Governm ent, A pril, '41. Ba seball .. . RICI-I ARD WILLIAM GOSHORN, F t. ViTayne. B .S. B11si11 ess, A 11g. './J. LS .A. Co un cil; Man agement Club ; Y.M.C.A.; Flame Club; Alp ha Kappa P si . . . MARY ELIZABET II GRABOW, Bedford. A .B. Home E co nomi cs, D ec, './2. LS.A.; H ome Eco nomics Club; Daily Student; Le Cercl e Franca is; G lee Clu b; Y.Vi' .C.A. Phil Goodman

Edward J. Gorman

Richard W. Goshorn

Mary E. Grabow

JOI-IN PAC'L GRAF, Indianapolis. rl.B. A natomy, Dec., '42. Sigma Nu; Phi Chi . . . JACK FREDERICK GRAVES, W es t La faye tte. 11.S. 1Vlark rti11 g, D ec., './2. Pres., Kapp a Sigma; Publicity Director, U niversity Th eatre . . . PARKER GRAVES, Robinso n, Ill. 11.S. Public Busin ess A dministrati on, D ec., '42. Pres., Alpha Tau Omega; Pres., Co un cil of Fraternity Pres id en ts; Student War Council; D elt a Sigma Pi; Y.M.C.A.; International Relati ons Club . . . MARGARET GREEN, Zeil er, Ill. ,'/.B. B11sin ess-Journalism, r1 ug., '41. Ad ve rti sin g Club; Daily Student. John P. Graf

Jack F. Graves

P arker Graves

Marga ret Green


MORRIS GREEN, Indianapoli s. ,J .B. Chemislry, Dec., '42. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club; Phi Eta Sigma .. . vVILLIAM E. GREENE, Ber\\"yn, Ill. B.S. Accounting, 11 ug., '43 . . . . GEORGE P. GREGORY, Bloomington. ,-J.B. Ch emistry, Dec., '42. Beta Th eta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Y.M.C.A .; D er Deutsche Verein . . . KATIJRYN R. GREI\IING, Dyer. 11.S. Elementary T eaching, _.J ug ., '43. Alpha Omicron Pi; Future Teach ers of America. Morris Green

William E. Greene George P. Gregory

Kathryn R. Greiving JOH C. GRI ESS, Mt. Vernon. B .S. Chemis!ry, !lug., '43. Alpha Chi Sigma ... ELINOR R. GRIFFITH, Gary. B.S. Hom e E co nomics, .-1 pril, './-3. Hom e Economics Club; Y.\\T.C.A . ; Pres., Omicron Nu . . . BETTY LO U GRIMSLEY, Bluffton. B.P.S.M. Publi c School Musi c, D ec., './-2. Pres., Sycamore Hall; Pres., Sigma Alpha Iota; Pres., Pamara da; Pi Lambda Theta; Student \\Ta r Council ; A.W.S. Council; Y.\\'.C.A .; Chora l Union; Coed Counselor; ProMusic C lub; "The Gondo li ers;" "Caval leria Rusticana ;" " Hansel and Greta l" . . . CHARLES B. GROSS, Vincennes. 13.S. Geueral Busin ess, ,-Ju g., './-3. Kappa Sigma; Scabbard and Blade.

John C. Griess

Elinor R. Griffith Betty Lou Grimsley

Charles B. Gross

ANNE M. GUILL, Evansvil le. B.S. En glish, ii pril, './-3. LS.A .... ELLEN M. GUTMAN, Indianapolis. B.S. Secretarial Train ing, !lug., '43. Le Cerc le Francais; Der Deutsche Verein; Spanis h Club; Cosmopo litan C lu b; LS.A.; International Relations Club .. . ROBE RT L. G \VI N, Shoals. A .B. Governme11!, 11 ug., '43. Sigma Nu; Basketball; Football . . . LUCY J. HADLEY, Indianapolis. /J. B. iifathematics, D ec., '42. E uclidean Circle; Le Cerc le Franca is; Women's Glee C lub. Anne Mirna Guill

Ellen M. Gutman

Robert Lee Gwin

Lucy J. Hadley WILLIAM L. HAEBERLE, Indianapoli s. B.S. Market ing, 11 pril, '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Blue Key; Student War Council; Pres., Phi Eta Sigma; Pres., Tau Kappa A lpha; Delta Sigma Pi; Marching Hundred . . . BETTY E. HALL, Indianapolis. B.S. Education, Dec., '42. Chi Omega; Pi Lambda Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Eucl id ean Circle; Le Cercle Francais; Y .W. C.A.; Senior M emoria l Comm ittee . . . RUTH 0. HALL, Bloomington. B.S. Elemenlary Educatio11, Dec., '42. I.S.A.; Y.W.C.A . . . . \\llLLIAM C. HALL, vVashington, D.C. B.S. General Busin ess, Aug., '43. Delta Upsilon; Track.

William L. JI ae berl e

Betty E ll en H a ll

Ruth 0. Hall

William C. Hall

ROBERT L. HALLER, Ft. Wayne. B.S. M ediciu e, Dec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club . . . B \'RNE E. HALLETT, Indianapolis. B.S. Produ ction Ma11ag eme11t, Dec., '42. Delta Upsilon; Delta Sigma Pi; Accounting Club; Management Club . . . RICHARD H. HALSALL, Gary. B.S. Finan ce, Aug., '43. Delta Upsilon; ARBCTUS Staff; Y.M.C.A . . . . CHARLES 0. HAMILTON, Bloomington. B.S. Pre-M edici11 e, rl ug., '43.

Robert L. Haller

Byrne E. Hallett

Richard H. Halsall Chas. 0. Hamilton

Jack I. Hamlin

( Mrs. ) Hel en C. Hammond

Phyllis A. Hanson

JACK I. HAMLIN, Etna Green. B.S. Finan ce, April, '43. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching Hundred ... (MRS.) HELEN CHAFIN HAMMOND, Bloomington. B.S. Education, D ec., '+2 ... PllYLLIS A. HANSON, Garv. B.S. II istory, .J pril, './-3 . D elta Zeta; Y.W.C.A .... JACK G. HANSEN, La Porte. B.S. Mark eling, .-1ug., './-3. Kappa Sigma; Council of Fraternity Pres id ents; Jordan Riv er Revue; Skull and Crescent.


Jack G. Han sen

ROBERT W. HARGER, Indianapolis. B.S. Medicine, Aug., '1-3. Phi Kappa Psi; Pres., Alpha Phi Omega; Swimming; Skull and Crescent ... DESSA R. HARRIS, Vincennes. B.S. Secretarial Training, Dec., '42. LS.A.; Coed-Counselor; Omicron Delta . .. MARY K. HARRIS, Bloorningtnn. B.S. General Busin ess, II pril, '43. Phi Omega Pi; Management Club; Omicron Delta; Y.~1 .C.A . ... WILLIAM R. HARRISON, Indianapolis. B.S. General Business, April, '4.?. Kappa Sigma; Track; Accounting Club; Delta Sigma Pi. Robert W. Harger

Dessa R. Harris

Mary K. Harris

WilliamR. Harrison

Daniel S. Harsh

Harold K. Harting

Frederick J. Hartley

VerneK. Harvey, Jr.

Margery E. Hasbrook

Laven R. Hasler

Margaret I. Hatala

Mary F. Hayes

Mary E . Hazel

Robert A. Heath

DANIEL S. HARSH, Bluffton. 11 .B. Government, April, '43. LS.A.; Sigma Iota; Der Deutsche Verein; Pershing Rifl es . . . HAROLD K. HARTIN G, Linton. B.S. Personnel Managem ent, A ug, '43. Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi E ta Sigma . . . FREDERICK J. HARTLEY, Munci e. B.S. Accounting, /lug. '43. Alpha Kappa Psi ... VERNE K. HARVEY, JR., Indianapolis. B .S. Medicine, Aug., '43. Skull and Crescent.

MARGERY E. HASBROOK, Indianapolis. A.B. Fine Arts, /lug., '43. Delta Gamma; Mortar Board; Art Editor, ARBUTUS; A.W.S. Council; Pl eiad es; Y.W.C.A. Council; Delta Tau Mu; Oceanides . . . LAVON R. HASLER, Loogootee. B.S. Advertising, A 1tg., '43. Sigma Pi . .. MARGARET I. HATALA, Gary. B.S. Commercial T eac hing, D ec., '42. Parnarada; Vice Pres., Omicron Delta; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Coed-Counseling Board; Board of Standards; Y.W.C.A.; Senior M emorial Committee . . . MARY FRA CES HAYES, Bloomfield. B.S. Ed1tcation, /l ug., '43. Alpha Lambda Delta. MARY ELLEN HAZEL, Bloomington. B.S. Secretarial Training, Dec., '42. Pi Beta Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Pres., Y.W.C.A.; Mortar Board; Student War Council; Omicron Delta; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Coed Counselor; Chi Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Managemen t Club ROB ERT A. HEATH, Bloomington. B.S. Speech-English, April, '43. Union Board; Board of Aeons; Scabbard and Blade; Theta Alpha Phi ... ORDINE M. HEINE, New Haven. B.S. Management, April, '43. Acacia; Basketball; Accounting Club; Managemen t Club ... MARIAN F. HEITMAN, Gary. B.S. Secretarial Training, April, '43. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Y.W.C.A.; Omicron Delta; W.A.T.C.

Ordine M. Heine Marian F. Heitman

WALTER G. H EJNA, North Bergen, N.Y. A.B. Government, Dec., '42. Pres., Lambda C hi Alpha; Pi Sigma Alpha; Interna tion a l

~ Walter G. Hejna

Rosemary Hendricks

R elation's Club; Council of Fraternity Presidents . . . R EBECCA HELD, Morristown. B.S. Commercial Teaching , Aug., '43. LS.A.; W.A.A.; Management Club . .. HENRY M. HELLMAN, Gary. B.S. Chemistry, II pril, '43 ... JULES ORD HENDRICKS, Bloomington . 11.B. Goverum ent, Dec., '42. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Student ~la r Council; Blue Key; Theta Alpha Phi; Y.M.C.A . ; Pres., Pi Sigma Alpha; Pres., Taps; Scabbard and Blade; Pershing Rifles; Der Deutsche Ve rein; Le Cercle Franca is; Jordan Ri ver Revue. Rebecca A. Held

Harry H. Hendrickson

Henry Hellman

William J. Hendrickson

Jules 0. Hendricks I ROSEMARY HENDRICKS, Martinsville. B .S. lns1trance and Secretarial Training, D ec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Vice-Pres., Senior Class; Mortar Board; Pres., A.~l .S.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Co ll egiate Chamber of Commerce; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; Student War Council; Board of Standards; Chi Gamma; Omicron Delta; Insurance Club; Management Club; Coed Counse lor . . . HARRY H. HENDRICKSON, Indianapolis. 11.B. Government, Dec., '42. Sigma Nu . .. ~I ILLIAM JOHN HENDRI CKSON, Indianapolis. B.S. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega ... LORENA HENDRIX, French Lick. B.S. H ome Economics, Aug., '43. LS.A.; Horne Econom ics Club; Y.W.C.A.

Lorena Hendrix


ALV I N L. H ENRY, Seymour. A .B. /Jnatomy, D ec., '42. Theta Ch i; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club . . . JI OWARD J. H ENRY, Knox, B.S. M edi cine, D ec., '42. Kappa Sigma; Track; Blue Key ; Sigma Delta P si . . . LOCISE 1·. HENRY, Indianapolis. :J.B . Sociology, Dec., '42. Negro Student Counc il; "Yo u Can't Take It vVith You; " Vodvil Varieties; Jordan River Revue . . . NANCY L. H ERKLESS, Kn ightstown. B.S . Secretarial Trainillg, Dec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; C hi Gamma; Board of Standards; Management Cl ub; Pres., Omicron D el ta; Y.W.C.A. Alvin L. Henry

Howard J. Henry

Louise V. Henry

Nancy Lee Herkless

CONSTANCE ]. HERMANN, New Albany. B.S. Secretarial Training, / I pril, '43 . Delta Delta Delta; Y.W.C.A.; Omicron Delta ... THOMAS S. HERRI N, Indian apo li s. A.B. Chemistry, D ec., '42 ... PAuL L. HERTENSTEIN, Versailles. B .S. Managem ent, Dec., '42. Pr es., Sigma Pi; Y.M.C.A.; Inter-Fraternity Council ; Scabbard and Blade ... CHARLES R. H ESTER, Charlestown. 11.B. G eo logy, .-I pril, '43. LS.A .; Pershing Rifles.

Constance J. Hermann

Thomas S. Herrin Paul L. Hertenstein Charles R. Hester RI C HARD P. HIATT, Swayzee. B .S. B11si11 ess, Dec., '42. Pershing Rifl es; Rifl e T ea m . . . ROLAND L. HICKS, Lebanon. B.S . .·I dvrrtisi11g, Du., '.f.2. LS.A.; Folio Staff; Daily Student; Y.M.C.A. Cab in et; R ed Book; Adv ertising C lub ; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Alpha Kappa P si . . . NELL JANE HIGGINBOTHAM, Ga ry. B.S. Speech, :lu g., '43. Pres., Phi Omega Pi; Taps; Y.~T .C.A.; Radio Theater; Jordon River Revu e . . . C. KAY HILKERT, Logansport. B.S. Ma11ago11 r11t, D ec., '.f.2. Pres., Kappa Sigma; Track; Cross Country; Pres., Blue K ey ; Pres., Sphinx C lu b; Sku ll and C rescent; Sen ior In vitations Committee.

Richard P. Hiatt

Roland L. Hicks

Nell J . Higginbotham

C. Kay Hilkert

WILLIAM N. HINES, Indianapolis. B.S. Markeling, /I pril, '43 .. JEA E. HINKSON, Dayton, Ohio . .t7 .B. Zoology, April, './-3. Kappa Kappa Gamma . . . ROBERT L. HIRSCHBERG, Gary. B.S. Marketing and R etailing, D ec., '42. Pi Lambda Phi; Junior Wrestling Manage r; Council of Fraternity Presidents; Skull and Crescent .. . MAX vV. HOCKEMA, W est Lafayette. B.S. Marketing, D ec., '+2. Sigma Alpha Eps il on; Inter-Fraternity Counc il ; Advertising Club ; Insurance Club; International-Relations Club; Accounting Club; Col legiate Chamber of Commerce. Robert L. Hirschberg

Max W. Hockema

Ted B. Hodupski David W. Hoelscher

Julian Hoffman

Saul J. Hoffman

John A. Holdcraft

Walter H. Hollis

Donald J. Holmquist

William Hines

Jean E. Hinkson

TED B. I-IODUPSKI, East Ch icago. B.S. M edicin e, !l ug., '43. Y.M.C.A . . . . DAVID W. HOELSCHER, Ri chmond. B.S. B11si11ess . l dministratioll, D ec., '.f.2 . . . JCLIAN HOFFMAN, Belmar, N.J. B.S. Gelleral B11si11 ess, April, '43. Daily Student; Accounting Club; Management Club . . . SAlT ]. HOFFMAN, Hav erhill, Ma s, . B.S. Ma11a gellll'lll, :I pril, '-1.J. Managem ent C lub; Bored If/ alk; Tennis.

JOHN A. HOLDCRAFT, Munci e. B.S . . l cco unting, D ec., '.f.2 . Pres., Lambda Chi Alpha; Associate Business Manager, ARRUTl-S; Senior Invitations Committee; Boa rd of Aeon s ; Sphinx Club; Coll eg iate Chamber of Commerce; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Club; Council of Fraternity Pres id ents . . . JOHN S. HOLLAND, Gary. B.S. General Busin ess, JI pril, '.f.3. Delta C hi ; Y.M.C.A . . . . \VALTER H . HOLLIS, Princeton. 11.B. Ch elll istry, D ec., '.f.2 . .. DONALD ]. HOLMQCIST, Gary. B .S . .·l cco u11ting, D ec., '.f.2. Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting C lu b.


John S. Holland

V. LORRAINE HOLSINGER, Wol cottvill e. B.S. Mark eti119, April, '43. LS.A. Council; Pres., Sycamore Hall; Pres., Morri son Hall; M ortar Board; A.W.S. Co uncil ; Board of Standards; Student War Council; Sec., Y.W.C.A. Cabin et ; P amarada; Coed Counselin g Board; Office Manager, ARB UT US; Collegiate Chamb er of Commerce; Omicron D elta; Chi Gamma; R.0.T.C. Coed Sponsor; Accounting Club ... AINSLEE A. HOOD, Alexandria. B.S. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma ... JOSEPH R. HOPKINS, Ham mond. 8.S. Chelllistry, llu9., '42 . . . H UG H R. HOS S, K okomo. 8.S. Business .4 dlllinistration, II pril, '43. Alpha Kappa P si; Flame Club.

Joseph R. Hopkins

Hugh R. Hoss

John W. Houghton Frances A. Howell

Beatrice M. Hruskovick

Quitteen M. Hudachek

Paul F. Huddl eston

Opal R. Huff

Dorothea Jean Hunter

V. Lorrain e Holsinger

Ainslee A. Hood

JOHN W . HO UG HTON, Huntington . L.L.B. Law, D ec., '42. Phi Ga mma D elta; Junior Swimming Man age r; Deba te T ea m; Student E ditor, "Indiana Law J ourn a l; " Pres., Indiana Law Club; Phi Delta Phi ... FRANCES A. HOWELL, W'a natah. B. S. Education, f/p ril, '43 . . . BEA TRIC E MA E HR USK OV I CK, Whi tin g. B .S. Business, D ec., '42. Zeta Tau Alpha; Y. \V.C.A. Council; Chi Gamma; Omicron Delta . . . QUITTEEN MARY H U DACH EK, Olin, Iowa. B.S. Speech, II u{!., '43. P addock Club.

PA UL F. H UDDLESTON, Waba sh. 11 .8. Che lllistry, D ec., '42. LS.A .; Der Deutsche Ve rein .. . RICHARD LEE H UDSON, Cambridge City. 11.B. Physics, D ec., '42. Phi Eta Sigma ... OPAL R. H UFF, Bremen. B.S. Hom e E co nomics, A pril, '43. LS.A.; Future Teachers of Am eri ca; Hom e Economics Club; Y.vV.C.A. . . . DOROTHEA JEAN H UN T ER, Columbus. /J. B. History, ./Ju9., '43. D elta Gamma; Pres., Future Teachers of America; Coed-Counselin g; Hi story Club; Y.W.C.A. Richard Lee Hudson

RI C HARD 1. H UNTER, Marion . 11.B. Govemment, April, '43. Phi Ga mm a Delta; Swimming; Dolphin C lub ; Jordan River Review; Skull and Crescent . .. THOMAS H USSEY, Martinsvill e. 8.S. A cco unti119, A pril, '43. Sigma Mu ; Alpha K a ppa P si; Orchestra; Sigma Iota ; Phi Eta Sigma; Accountin g Club . . . ROBERT \V. INGELS, K okomo. B .S. Edu catio n, April, '43. Delta Chi; Y .M. C.A . . . . FORREST W. INGRAM, Rockvill e. B .S. Accou11ti119, JI u9., '43. Baseball.

Richard N. Hunter

Thomas Hussey

Robert W. Ingels

Forrest W. Ingram

MILDRE D INMAN, Bloomington. B.S. Secretarial Trai11 i119, April, '43. M anage ment Club; Chi Gamma; Omicron Delta; Y.W. C.A . . . . CLARENCE E. JACKSON , Win slow. L.L.B. Law, April, '43. Law Club . . . MONRO E L. JACOBSON, Iciamesha Lake, N .Y. B .S. Com lll ercial T eachi119, April, '43. Mana geme nt Club; Accountin g Club . . . SIDNEY L. JAFFE, Indi a napoli s. /J .B. Chemistry, A It{!., '43. Pi Lambd a Phi; D er Deutsche Ve rein.

Mildred Inman

Clarence E. Jackson Monroe L. Jacobson

Sidney L. Jaffe E DSON R. JAQ UES, Hammond . B .S. Marketing, April, '43. Qu a rterm asters' A ss'n . .. WILLIAM CU RTIS JEvVELL, Ham mon d. B.S. A cco 1rntin9, D ec., '42. Beta Gamma Sigma; Accounting C lub ... BARBARA L. JOHNSON , Kni ghtstow n. A .B. Piano, April, '43. Pi Beta Phi ; M ortar Board; Board of Standards; Student War Cou ncil; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pleiad es; A.W.S. Co un cil; R.O.T.C. Sponsor; Taps; 1942 Junior P rom Queen; Sigma Alpha Iota; P roMu sic Club; Y.W.C.A .. . . GEOR GE L. JOH SON, Stanton, Delaw a re. B.S. Education, fl pril, '43. Track; I -M en's Club.

Edson R. Jaques

Wm. Curtis J ewell Barbara L. J ohn son George L. Johnson


JAMES F. JOHNSON, Indianapolis. B.S. M edi cine, D ec., 42 ... THELMA E. JOHNSO , Greensburg. B.S. Statistics, ,-J ug ., '43. Alpha Lambda Delta; Chi Gamma; Coed Counse lor; Jr. Math Club; Managem ent C lub . . . WALTER JOHNSON, JR., Culver. B.S. Education, D ec., '+2. LS.A.; Marching Hundred; Euclidean Circle; Y.M.C.A . ; Phi D elta Kappa; Jr. Math Club . . . BlJRTON L. JOHNSTON, E lkh art. 11.S. 11usi11ess, D ec., '42. D el ta Sigma Pi; Management Club.

James F. Johnson Thelma E. Johnson Walter Johnson, Jr. Burton L. Johnston BETTY N. JONES, East Chicago. A.B. History, r1pril, '4.7. Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Y.V.'.C.A.; English Club . . . BETTY ROACH JONES, Indi anapo lis . .-1.B. Covern111e11t, Dec., '42. LS.A. Council; Y .W.C.A.; Council, A.W.S.; Mortar Board; Pamarada; Varsity Debate; Senior Si wash Comm ittee; Coed Counselor; \\I.A.A.; Boar d of Standards; Y. W.C.A.; Kappa Phi; Pi Sigma A lph a; Tau Kappa Alpha; Alpha Lambda Delta ... WILLlAM A. JONES, East Chicago. 11.P.S.M. Musi c, D ec., '42 . . . C LI FFORD H. JOPE, Indi a napoli s. B.S . M edicin e, Dec., '42. Phi Beta Pi. (Mrs.) Betty Norman Jones

(Mrs.) Betty Roach Jones

William A. Jones

Clifford H. Jope

JAMES H. JORDAN, Lynne. R.S . .·l cco u11ti11g, D ec., '42. Alpha Kappa Psi; Kappa Kappa Psi; Flame Club; Marching Hundred . . . MARY E. JORDAN, Rensse la e r. B .S. E11glish, :lpril, '4.7. LS.A.; Kappa Phi; Future Teache rs of Ame ri ca . .. SAM KARNOFSKY, East Chicago. B.S. Busin ess, D ec., '42. Glee Club; Account ing Club; U ni versity Theatre . . . ALFRED E . KAYWORTH, JR., Methuen, Mass. B.S. Physical Education, .·/ pril, '4.7 . Swimming tea m.

James H. Jordan

Mary E. Jordan

Sam Karnofsky

Alfred E. Kayworth

ROSEMARY E. KEANE, Mitchell. B.P.S .M. Music, D ec., '42. Chi Omega; Sigma Alpha Iota; Pro-Music . .. CAROL KEENE, Elkhart. B .S. H om e E conomics, April, '4]. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pres., Paddock Club; Home Economics C lub; Council, A.V.1.S . . . . SAMUEL FISHER KEESEY, South Bend . 11.S. Ma11a ga111e11t, .4 pril, '.f..7. Kappa Sigma . . . MACRI CE WESLEY KENDALL, Lin co ln City. 11.S. Busin ess :ldminislration, Dec., '42. Pershing Rifl es; Crack Drill Squad; Scabbard and Blade; Alpha Phi Omega; Rifle Team.

Rosemary E. Keane

Carol I. Keene

Samuel F. Keesey

Maurice W. Kendall

ROB ERT E. K EN DALL, Jeffersonville. B .S . .·I cco unting, D N.,

'42. Capt., Fr. Rifle Team . . . ROSEMARY KENT, Gary. 11.B . .loumalism, O u ., '-/.2. Night Editor, Daily St11dn1t; Foli o Staff; Der Deutsche \' ere in . . . JACK KIEV.TIT, New Albany. B .S. Mark eting, :l pril, '41. Lambda Chi Alpha . . . DONALD P. KING, Columbus . .·I .B. :I natomy, .-/ ug., '43. Sig ma Pi; Marchin g H und red; Der Deutsch e \' erein; Y.M.C.A.

Robert E. Kendall

Rosemary Kent

Jack E. Kiewit

Donald P. King

Frances L. King

Joyce P. King

Patricia J. King

Mauri ce B. Kirk

FRANCES LEE KING, Evansv ill e. .'l.B . .1011rualis111, D ec ., '4:!. Phi Beta Kappa; Editor, Daily Student; Student \Var Council; Theta Sigma Phi; !l ouse Pres id ents Association; Coed Counselor ... JOYCE P . KING, Thoma svi ll e, N.C . :l. B. H istory, :1pril, '41. Hi story Club; Alpha Lambda Delta . . . PATR ICIA ]. KI JG, South Bend. R.S . Personnel Management, :lu g., '4.7. Pi Beta Phi; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Om icron D elta; Y.V.T.C.A . . . . MAl"RICE B. KIRK, Princeton. //./I. Covemment, .-Jpril, '4.7. Phi Eta Sigma; Y.M.C.A . ; Pi Sigma Alpha.


ROBERT E . K IRK, Bloomington. B.S. Finan ce & Banking, D ec.,

'42. Phi Delta Th eta; Scabbard and Blade ; R ed B ook; Pershin g Rifles; Y.M.C.A . . . . VIOLET KIWAK, Va lp a rai so. 11.B. History, // pril, '41. Hi story C lub; Ge rman Club; Coed Counse li ng; G lee C lu b . . . LEO MARTIN KLEIN, Indianapoli s. B .S. Acco unting, /Jug ., '41. Pi Lambda Phi; Acco untin g C lu b; Glee Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Junior Wrestling Manager; Swimming; Dolphin C lub . . . STANLEY A. KLOPFENSTEIN, Portland. B.S. Marketing- R etailing, D ec. , '42. Phi Gamma Delta ; G lee Club. Robert E. Kirk

Violet Kiwak

Leo M.Klein

Stanley A. Klopfenstein

Katherine A. Knapp

Dorothy F. Knoop

Frances Margaret Knox

Mae Louise Kohr

Thomas A. Koons

Ralph F. Koontz

F lorence Mae Krider

George R. Krsek

KATHERINE ACKER KNAPP, D ecatur. /J.B. Sociology, D ec.,

'42. Alpha Lambda D elta; Alph a Kappa D elta; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Y.W.C.A .. . . DOROTHY F . KNOOP, Gary. B.S. Hom e E conomics, D ec., '42. Pres., Phi Omega Pi; H ome Economi cs C lu b; Future T eachers of Ameri ca; E ducation Club; Y.W.C.A. . . . FRANCES MARGARET KNOX, Indianapolis. B .S. Edu cation, /J ug., '41. Alpha Delta Pi ... MAE LOUISE KOHR, South Ben d. B.S. Education, D ec., '42. Litera ry E ditor, Folio ; LS.A.; Home Economics C lu b; Pi Lambda Theta; Englis h Club; Cosmopo lita n Clu b.

THO MAS ANTHONY KOONS, Munci e. B.S. M edicine, /Jug., '41 . .. RALPH FR EDERI CK KOONTZ, Ft. Wayne. B.S. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Kappa .. . FLORENCE MA E KRID ER, Middlebury. B.S. Education, // pril, '41. LS.A . . . . GEOR GE ROBERT K RSEK, Knox. B.S. Chemistry, /Jug., '41. Phi Eta Sigm a; Der D eutsche Verein ; Jr. M ath C lub ; Student Affiliate, American Chemi cal Society; Alpha C hi Sigma; P ershin g Rifl es; Crack Drill Squad.

R UTH ANN K UE HN, South Bend. B.S. Mark eting, D ec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Omicron D elt a; H ome Economi cs C lub; Y.W.C.A.; Co ll egiate C hambe r of Commerce . . . ARNOLD W . K U KLER, St. Anthony. /J. B. Ch emistry, D ec., '42. Sp hi nx C lu b . .. EDWARD J. KUNTZ, South Bend. B .S. Physical Education, D ec., '42. L S.A.; Pres., Alph a Phi Omega; Phi E psil on K ap pa; F lame C lub . . . NORMA L. KUNZ, Bloomington. /J .B. English, A pril, '42. Pres., L S.A.; Phi Beta Kappa; M ortar Board ; A .W.S. Co un cil ; Pres., H ouse Pres id ents Association; Student War Co uncil ; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; A lph a Lambda D elta; Coed Counse lin g; D a ub er's C lub ; Pres., D er Deutsche Verein; Pi Lambda Theta; Board of Stand a rd s; Pamarada .

Ruth Ann Kuehn Arnold W. Kunkler Edward J . Kuntz

Norma L. Kunz

ANNA KURILOVITCH, N ia ga ra Fa ll s, N.Y . .4 .B. Chemistry, April, '43. LS.A.; Alph a Lambda D elt a; Iota Sigma Pi ; Le Cercle Francais; Cosmopo litan C lu b . . . THOMAS A. KURTZ, Ft. Mye rs, F lorid a. B.S. Law, Dec., '42. Theta Chi; La w Clu b; Phi D elta Phi ... JOSEPH J. K UTCH, Gary. A.fl. Joumalism, Aug., '41. Daily Student; Y.M.C.A . . . . C HARLES A. LABOTKA, Hammond. JJ .B. Chemistry, Aug., '43. Track; Cross-count ry; I -M en's C lu b.

Anna Kurilovitch

Thomas A. Kurtz

Joseph J. Kutch

Charles A. Labotka

NORMA J. LAGENA UR, Indi ana po li s. B.S. Secretarial Training, D ec., '42. Sigma Kappa; Omicron De lt a; Y.W.C.A. ; C hi Ga mma; Coed Coun se lin g . . . JAMES F. LAND, Kokomo. B.S. M edicin e, ,Ju g., '43. Sigma C hi . . . DOLORES E. LANG, Buffa lo, N.Y. B.S. Educatio n, April, '43. Pres., D elta Zeta; Coed Coun se lin g; W.A .A. . . . ELFRIEDA LAN G, Mt. Vernon. rl.B. History, A uq., '+J. LS.A.; Der Deutsche Verein; Delta Phi Alpha; Hi story C lu b. Norma Jane Lagenaur

James F. Land

Dolores E. Lang

Elfrieda W. Lang


LEONARD MARSHALL LASSER, Gary. B. S . .·l11at o111y, !lug., './.] . . . ANNA LILLIA N LATSHAW, Carlisl e. B.S. Educaliou, Aug., './-3. E uclid ean Circle . . . ROBERT 1.. LAL' DEMAN, Bremen. 13.S. Marl1 eting, , I pril, './-3. \'.M.C.A.; Debate T eam . .. SAM ROBE RTS LAL' DEMA N, El"'ood . :I. 13. Zoology, Dec., '42. Phi Gamma D elta; Track.

Leonard M. L,asser

Anna L. Latshaw

Robert L. Laudeman

Sam R. Laudeman

MARY KATHERINE LAWLER, ll ammon d. A.B. Psy chology, .-lug.,'./-]. K appa Alpha T heta; Coed Counse lor ... MARY JANE LAvVSON, Dye r. B .S. Education, Aug., './.] . Alpha Om icron Pi; Y.W. C.A . . . . JOSEPIJINE LEACH, Sullivan. ;J .B. H ome E co uomi cs, : I pril, '4]. Kappa Alpha Th eta; Home Economics Club; Glee Club; Le Cercle Franca is . . . ROB ER T HCGH LEAK, \\TiJliamsport. /J.S. M!'di ci111', Dre., ' ./-2. Skel eton C lub ; Phi Chi; P ers hing Rifl es.

Mary K . Lawler

Mary Jane Lawson

Josephine Leach

Robert H. Leak

AL EXANDER T. LEBAMOFF, Ft. Wayne . .-1.B. Ch emistry, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma . . . ROB ERT }. LE FA YOUR, South Bend. B.S. Grneral Busin ess, i i pril, './.] . Sigma C hi; Skull and Crescent; Accounting C lub; Insurance C lub . . . SYLV IA M. LEGG, Terre Haute . .-J.B. Fin e .his, .4 pril, '4.l. C hi Omega; Y.\\1.C.A .... ROBERT JAMES LEHMAN, Berne. B.S. Mediciue, Dec., '42. Skeleton C lub; Phi Chi.

Alexander T. Lebamoff

Robert J. LeFavour

Sylvia M. Legg

Robert J. Lehman

vVALTER E. LERNER, Elk hart. B .S. Marketing, Dec., '42. Pres., Delta l ' psilon; Associate Ed itor, ARJH' TL'S; Scabbard and Blade; Delta Sigma Pi; I nt erf raternity Council; Senior M emorial Committee . . . RI C HARD P. LETSINGER, Bloomington. /J. B . Govenzm ent, .-1 pril, './.]. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon; Der Deutsche Verein . . . WALTER F. LEWANDOWSKI, JR., Gary. B.S. R etaili ng, A ug ., '43 . Delta C hi ; Sen ior Track Manager ; English Club; Pershing Rifles . . . FRANK MARSHALL LEWIS, Indianapolis. /J.B. Gover11111e111, 11 ug., './.] . Pres., Delta Eps il on; Sophomore Track Mana ger; Pi Sigma Alpha. Walter E. Lerner

Richard P. Letsinger

Walter F. Lewandowski

Frank M. Lewis

Donald L. Licking

Betty J. Lind

Dorothy E . Lindsey

Raleigh E. Lingeman

Irvin Z. Linker

Paul W. Linton

(Mrs.) Helen H. Littell

William J. Little

DONALD L. LI CK I NG, G reensbu rg. B .S . .4 ccouuting, D ec., '4.?. LS.A. ; Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting C lub . .. BETTY J. LI ND, Kenmore, N.Y. B.S. Ph ysical Edu cation. Zeta Tau Alpha; 'N.A.A .; Y.W.C.A.; Paddock C lub . . . DOR OT I I \' ELLEN L1 N DSE Y, Rockport. B.S. Busin ess, JJ ec., '42. L S.A.; Y.\\'.C .A .... RALEIGH E. LI GEMAN, Indi anapoli s. ;] .B. Zoology, D1'c., './-2. Nu Sigma Nu.

IR\'I N Z. LINKER, Louisville, K."' B.S. G eneral Business, Dec., '42. Quartermasters' Ass' n; Pershing Rifles ... PAUL \>,I, LINTON, Shelbyville. B.S . .·/ aouuti ng, . I pril, './-3. L S.A.; Pres., Accounting C lub ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Eta Sigma . . . ( MRS. ) HELEN H. LITTELL, \\lashington, D.C . .·l .B. Spanish, .-lu g., '43. Alpha Omicron Pi; Spanish C lub ; Glee Club . . . vVILLIAM J. LITTLE, Bickn ell. B.S . .-/ 11a/0111y, .-lug.,'./.].


ADAM R. LIVERETT, Indian a poli s. 11 .B. Ba cteriolog y, If pril, '43 . . . H E LEN E . LOFT US, ob lesvill e. 11. B. Psy chology, D ec., '42. LS.A.; W .A.A . . . . JAMES G. LORMA , Conn ersvill e. B .S. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi . . . ALIC E L LOVE, Osgood. B .S. Edu cation, April, '43. LS.A. ; Y. W. C.A.; Educa ti on Club.

AdamR. Liverett

H elen E. Loftus

James G. Lorman

Alice I. Love

Jeanne M . Lowell

Dorothy H . Lowey

Rob ert A. Lucas

Wilfred H. Lusher

Orlena M. Lynn

Robert E. Lytle

Anson M. McAdams

Louis C. McAnly, Jr.

JEANNE M . LOWELL, Kokomo. B.S. Edu catio n, A ug., '43. LS.A.; Y.W.C.A . . .. DOROTHY 1-l. LO W EY, Huntington . B.S. Elementary Education, If pril, '43. Pres., Delta Gamma; Y.W.C.A . . . . ROBERT A. L UC AS , Gary. B .S. llcco unting, ll pri./, '43. Pres., Delta Tau Delta ; Senior Baseba ll M anage r; Student W ar Council; Pres., Union Boa rd; Pres., Dragon's H ead; Boa rd of Aeons; Sphinx Club; Crimson Stags; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue K ey; Accounting C lub .. . WILFRED H. L USHER, Columbus. 11 .B. Journalism , II pril, '43. Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa ; Editor, Daily Student; Associate Editor, ARB UT US; Pres., Sigma D elta Chi; Blue K ey; Phi E ta Sigma; Skull and Crescent; Le Cercle Franca is; Student War Coun cil.

ORLENA M. LYNN, Gary. 11. B. A rts and S ciences, A pril, '43 .. ROBERT E. LYTLE, Marion. B.S. llcco1mti11g, Aug., '43. Accountin g Club; Alph a Kappa P si . . . A SON M. McADAMS, Boswell. B.S. Busin ess, D ec., '42. Beta Th eta Pi . . . LO UIS C. M cA NL Y, Jr., Grosse P ointe, M ic h. B.S. C eneral Busin ess, D ec., '42. D elta U psilon; Jr. Track M g r.

ROB ERT B. McBRIDE, Indi ana poli s. 11. B. Math ematics, April, '43. Alph a Tau Omega; Tennis; Jr. M ath Club . . . WANETA FERN M cC AIN, Franklin. 11.B. Sociolog y, If pril, '43 ... ROBERT M cC ALLISTER, T ell City. B.S. Produ ction Manag emen t, Aug., '43. LS.A.; Y.M.C.A.; Management Club ; P ershin g Rifl es . . . EARL MORTO M cCLu R E, Vin cennes. B .S. A cco 1mting, D ec., '42. LS.A . ; Beta Ga mm a Sigma ; A lpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Clu b; Phi E ta Sig ma.

RobertB. McBride

\Van eta F. McCain Robert McCallister Earl M. McClure

NANCY LO UIS E M cCO W N, Indian apo li s. .1 .13. En glish, .-lpril, '43. ARBUT US Staff ... DONALD T. M cCRAC KEN, P aol i. B.S. Business, D ec., '42. Sigma C hi . . . W' TLLI AM E. M cDAN IEL, Indi anapo li s. A .B . Zoology, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa P si; Skeleton C lub . . . RALPH EARL McDONALD, Indi anapo lis. B.S. D entistry, D ec., './-2. Alpha Tau Omega; Xi P si Phi.

Nancy L. McCown

Donald T. McCracken

WilliamE. McDaniel

Ralph E. McDonald

\VILLIAM GO RHAM M cDONALD , K irklin. B .S. Pre-M ed ., /lu g., '43 . . . HELEN RO SS M cE\VAN , Ga ry. B .S. Edu cation, A ag., '43. L S.A.; W.A.A .; A lpha Gamma Sigma; Cosmopolita n Clu b . . . M ARGAR ET TA YLOR McEWAN, Gary. B .S. Education, rl pril, '43. LS.A.; Alpha Gam ma Sigma; Cos mopol itan Club ; Le Ce rcle Franca is ... JOHN BCSKIRK M cFA DDEN, Rockville. A .B. Coverum ent, .-/ pril, '43. Phi Kappa Psi; Se ni or Intr amural M g r.; Pi Sigma Alpha; I -M en's Club. WilliamG. McDonald

Helen Ross McEwan

Margaret T. McEwan

John B. M cFaddin


RTTA J A NE M cG l ' IR E, M unc ie. . l.B. Govt'rn 111 ent, D ec., '42. LS.A . .. . S IJ ElL A Mc ll C G ll , Shelburn . B.S. Bu siness, .-l ug., './-3. C hi Omega; A. \V .S.; W .A.A . . . . J A M E lJ. McI NTYR E, Au burn . B.S. Mark etin g, .·lu g., './-1. Sig ma C hi ; Fa lcon C lub; Pershin g Rifl es ; \Vres tlin g Man age r . . . K NI G IIT D . McK ESS O N, South Bend . .·I .B . ./ou rualis111 , D ec., './-2. C ity E di to r, Daily Student ; Adv. Mgr., Ath leti c Rev iew ; R ed Boo k ; Sigma D elta C hi ; Flame Clu b.

R ita J ane M cGuire Sheil a J . M cHu g h Ja mes H. M cin tyre

Kni ght D . M cK esson GEOR GE B. M cNABB, JR., Carth age. L. L.B . Law, :lu g., ' ./-.?. Si gma C hi ; D elta Sig ma Pi ; Phi D elta Phi ; La w C lub ; Men's Gl ee C lub; Soph . Basketba ll M a nage r . . . CAR OL McNIER NE Y, T oledo, Ohi o. :J .B. Speech, . lu g., './-J. D elta Ga mm a ... ROBERT AYR E S MacG lLL, In d iana poli s. 11.B. Jourualis111 , :lu g., '41. Phi Gamm a D elta; U ni on Boa rd; M anag ing E ditor, D aily Student ; Pres., Sigma D elta C hi ; Blu e K ey ; Co un cil of Fraternity Pres idents; Phi Eta Sig ma; Skull and C resce nt . . . J O H N E. MACKEY, Indi anapoli s. B .S. M edi cin e, D re., './-2.

Geo rge B. M cNabb, Jr.

Ca rol M cN ierney

Robe rt A. M acGill

J ohn E. Ma ckey

DOROTllY J AN E MA EGERL E I N, Willi ams. B.S. Busin essEdu ca tion, .1 pril, './-J ... MILDRE D M . M A DD OX, Leba non. B.S. Co111111 ercial T eaching, D ec., '42. Accoun tin g C lu b; Beta Ga mma Sig ma ; Coed Co un se lin g; Al pha Lambd a Delta; l. S.A. Council ; Omi cron D elta; C hi Ga mm a . . . LO\VE LL M. M AGNER, Ft. V'ilayne. //.S. Ch r mistry, O l!C., '42. Pres., M en's Res id ence Center; Pres., Alph a Chi Sigma . . . E LSIE CAT I I ERl NE MAI 1 E S, Spring vill e. B.S . Edu cat io n, /I pri l, '41. Y. W .C.A. Dorothy J . M aegerle in

M il dred M . Maddox

Lowe ll M . M agner

E lsie C. M a ines J . DAV I D MA NN , JR ., N as hv ill e. J.D . Law, D ec., '42. Th eta Chi; M en's Gl ee C lu b ; M a rchin g II un d red ; J ord an Ri ve r Revu e; Phi Delta Phi; I. C'. Law C lub . . . FR ANC IS \' ER t MAPLE, Gree ntown . B.S . rl cco wzt i11g, D ec ., '42. A cco untin g Cl ub . . . LADDI E MARIN , K okomo. B. S. Personn el Mana g1•111 e11t, :I pril, '41. P res., M en's Res idence Ce nt er ; Alph a K a ppa P si; Stud ent War Coun cil; Flame C lub; Man age ment C lub .. . BETT Y LO CI SE MARKERT , Loga nsport. B .S. Mar keti ng, D ec., '.f.2. Chi Om ega; Y.W .C.A. ; Coe d Co un se lin g ; Omi cron Delta; C hi G amma; Gamma D elta ; M ath C lub.

J. Da vid M a nn , Jr.

Fra nci, \ ' .M a pl e

La ddi e M a rin

Belly L M a rk ert

RI C HARD P . MARKE Y, Eas t Chi cago. /J.B. Chemistry, /J ug ., '+J. LS.A. . . . E \' ELYN L MARLO\~' £ , Gree nsburg . B.S . H ome t:cono111irs, .·I ug., './-J. T. S.A. ; 1lome Eco nomi cs Club; Folio Staff; M emori a l 1-lall . . . C ATl lARI NE MARNA N, Whiting. B .S. S ecrrtaria l Trainin g, D ec., '42. C hi Omega ; W.A.A. ; Omi cron D elta ; Chi G amma . . . J OE V. MARTIN, Mun cie. B.S . R etailin g, /J ug., './-1. Sig ma A lpha E psil on; Crack Drill Squad ; P ershing Rifles; M en's G lee Club.

Ri chard P. M arkey E ve lyn L. Marl ow e

Catharine J . M a rnan

J oe \' . Martin

MARY J ANE MARTI N, Ft. \Vay ne . .'l .B. Fi ne A rts, !lug., '.f.J. Y.W.C.A.; Pi Lambda Th eta; F uture T eachers of Am eri ca ; Art C lub . .. W I LLIAM H. MARTIN, Martin sv ill e. l.D . Law, ilpril, './-J . . . DON ALD \V. MA SO N, O wens,·ill e. B .S. G enrral Busin ess, Dec., '42. Pr es., Th eta C hi ; Co uncil of F raternity Pres id ents; Scabba rd and Bl a de; P ershin g Rifl es ; Co ll egia te C ham ber of Comm erce ... BEN JAMI N F. MAY, JR., C lay ton, Mo. B.S. Mark etin g, D ec., '42. Sigma Alpha Mu .

M a ry Jan e M a rtin \Villiam H. M a rtin Dona ld \V. Ma >on


Benj amin F. M ay, Jr.

WILLIAM C. MAYFIELD, Bloomin gton. 11.8 . Aualomy, .411.g., '43. L S.A.; Phi Ch i ; D er D eutsc he Vere in ; Gamma D el ta . . . ARI EL MEGNIN, Bedford. B .S. Secret arial Train ing, D ec., '42. LS.A.; Omicron D elt a ... JOHN EDWARD M E illA US, Indi anapo li s. B.S. M edicin e, Aug ., '43. Phi D elta Th eta; Skull and C resce nt . . . DOROTHY M E I SSNER, La Grange, Ill. /J. B. French, ;/ ug., '.f.J. Alph a Omicro n Pi ; Y. V\l.C .A.; Le Cerc le Franca is.

WilliamC. Mayfield

Ariel Megnin

John E. M eihau s

Doroth}~ E.

M eissner

PHILIP EUGENE M ENDEN HALL, Indi anapo li s. B.S. insurance, fl pril, '43. Phi Kappa P si; In surance C lub . . . LEONA M. M ENZE, Ft. Vil ayne. B.S. Joumalis m, .-1 pril, '43. L S.A.; Ed itor, Daily Student; Vil.A.A. Board; Y.W. C. A.; M orta r Boa rd; Chairm an, Board of Standards; Pres., A. Vi' .S.; Th eta Sigma Phi ; Pl eiades; Alpha Lambda D elt a .. . CALV IN A. M ER C HANT, Sou th Bene!. B.S. Histo ry, Apri l, '43. Educa ti on Club ... RI C HARD S IL M ERLEY, South Bend. B.S. Insuran ce, D ec., '42. De lt a C hi ; Symphony Orchestra; P ershin g Rifl es. PhilipE. Mendenhall

Leona M. Menze Calvin A. Merchant Richards H . Merley

HARVEY E. MESSLER, Bradl ey Beach, N.J. B.S. Perso1wel Management, D ec., '42. Sigma Pi ... TH EO DOR E H . M E YER, Framin g ham, M ass. B. S. Busin ess Mana ge ment, fl pril, '41. Alph a Tau Omega; Mana ge ment C lub; M en's G lee C lu b; Chora l Cn ion; Rifl e Club .. . BE ULAH WILLIAMS MILL ER, Ga ry. ri .B. Speech, D ec., '42. D elta Sigma Th eta; Negro Stud ent Council; "T he Vi'omen ;" "Ca t an d th e Canary" . . . DARL C. MILLER, M ar ion. B.S. Finan ce and Banking, II pril, '43 . P hi Kappa P si; In surance C lub ; Soph. Bas ketba ll Manager. Harvey E. Messler Theodore H. Meyer Beulah W. Miller

Dari C. Miller

J ULIA J. MILLER, Ru ss iav ill e. B.S. H ome E cono mics, A pril, '43. Pi Beta Phi ; H ome Economi cs C lu b; Glee C lub ; Y. \\T.C.A .; J ordan Ri ver Rev ue . . . NORMA E. MILLER, Indi anapolis. B.S. Education, D ec., '42. Sigma D elta Tau; W.A.A. Boa rd; Pres., T ennis Club ; Future Teache rs of Am erica ... PATRICIA R. MILLER, Pl ymou th. B. S. Secrelarial Traini ng, 11 ug., '43. Kappa Kappa Ga mm a; Y.W.C.A. ; Coll egiate Chambe r of Comm erce ; Alph a Lambda D elta .. . WILLIAM ANTHONY MI SC H, Gary. 11.8. Chemis try, .!/ ug., '43. D er Deutsche Verein. Julia J. Miller

Norma E. Miller

Patricia R. Miller

\Villiarn A.


W E IR MIT C H ELL, Indi anapo li s. A.8. Che mislry, Dec., '42. Pres., A lph a Phi Omega; Sigma Iota; ARBCT US Photogra ph er . . . . WANDA D . MO CK, South Bend. B.S. Edu cation, II pril, '43. LS.A . . . . JEAN MOFFAT, Bloomington . 11 .B. Hist ory, Dec., '42. K a ppa Kapp a Gamma; Pres., Le Cerc le F ranca is; Y.W.C.A.; Bus. Staff, Uni ve rsity Th ea ter; Alpha Lambd a D elt a; Hi story C lub; Coed Counse lin g ... GEORGE WILLIAM MOHR, K okomo. B .S. Mana ge men l, Dec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega; Pistol T ea m; Pershin g Rifl es; Footba ll; Rifl e T ea m; Mana gement C lu b; Photog raph er, ARBUT US Staff. Weir Mitchell

Vi'anda D . Mock

Jean J. Moffat

George Vi'. Mohr

RI C HARD E. MOHR, Indi ana polis. /J. B. Journalism, D ec., '42. T he Daily Student,· Sigma De lta Ch i; Bored Walk; Alpha D elta Sigma ... HENRY J. MONTOYE , C hicago, Ill. B .S. Physical Education, ..Jpril, '.f.J. Phi Epsilon Kappa .. . JOI-IN PH ILIP MOO N, C rawford sv ill e. 8.S. M anagrm ent, rl pril, '43. D elt a Tau Delta ... BOB E. MOOR E, Ce lin a, Ohio. 8.S. ;/dvertising, Aug., '.f.J. Cab inet, Y.M.C.A. ; De lt a Sigma Pi; P ershin g Rifl es; Sigma Iota .

Richard E. Mohr

Henry J . Montoye

John P. Moon

Bob Eugene Moore


J EA NNE ANN M OOR E, Shelbyv ill e. . l.B. J oumalis m, :lu g., '.f.3. L S.A. Coun ci I ; Y. \•V.C.A. ; Coe d Co un se lin g; T heta Sigma Phi ; A .\V. S. Co un cil ; A lpha La mbda D elt a; Daily St ud e11t ; Inte rna ti onal R elati ons C lub; Le Ce rcle F ranca is; D er D eutsc he Ve rein .. . ROB E RT G RA NT M OORH E AD, In d ia napo li s . .·l .B. Covemm ent, D ec., '.f.2. Phi D elt a T heta ; M a nagement C lub; Cou ncil of F raternity Pres id ents ; P ershin g RiA es ; Base ba ll M a nage r . .. JAM ES E. MORGA N, And erso n. 13 .S. Mark etin g , Dec., '.f.2. A lph a Kap pa P si ; Fl ame C lub; L S.A .; J or da n Ri ve r R evu e ; G lee C lu b ... JOI-I N R. MORIARTY, Indi ana po li s. A .B. C hem istry, D ec., '.f.2. Jeanne Ann M oore

Robe rt G. Moo rhead

James E. Mo rgan

John R. Moriarty

C LE ~ \V. M ORRI S, Ga ry. B .S. Perso 1111 el M a 11age m e11t, ;/ug., '43. Th eta C hi; Alph a K a ppa Psi ; M a nage ment Club . . . L E O MORRIS, So uth Bend. B. S. C h rm istry, :la g., '43 .. . JAM E S E. M ORRI SO N, East G ra nd Rapid s, Mi ch. 13 .S. M arketin g, D ec., '42. Kapp a Si g ma ; ARB UTUS Staff .. . M O RT 1-1. M OSELE Y, P ell v ill e, K y. A .11 . C hem istry, D ec., '42.

Gl enn


Morri s

Leo Morris

Jame E. Morrison

Mort H . Moseley

R OBERT E ARL M OSES, \\Torthin gton. A . B . Chr mistry, D ec., '42 . Phi B eta K ap pa; Phi C hi; Ske leton C lub ; I. U. Ba nd ; D er D eut sche Verein ; Phi E ta Sigma . . . A L FR E D S. M OS K O WITZ, Sc henec tady, N. Y. B.S . . I rro u 11ti 11g, : I pril, '41. Acco untin g C lu b . . . WALT ER SCOTT MO SS, Horse Cave, K y. B .S. 11usi11 ess, A pril, '.f.J . Phi Ga mm a Delt a .. . R E BECC A ]. M OTT, W a rren. 13.S. Comm 1•rcial T rac hi11 g, .-lug., '.f.]. Alph a Omi cron Pi ; Y .\V .C. A.; C hi G amm a; Coed Counse lin g.

M os kowit z

B ETTY J A NE M O WRY, Lafaye tte. B.P.S.M. Musi c, April, ' .f.3. Pi Beta Phi ; Pr es., T heta Alph a Phi; Sig ma Alpha Iota; Y.W.C.A. ; T ap s; Pro- Mu sic C lub ; Co nce rt Choir; Pl eiades; Gl ee C lub; So ph. E ditori a l Staff, ARBl"T CS; " Geo rge and M a rga ret; " " Eve of St. Mark " ... J O HN H EN RY M O YN A HAN , Indi a napoli s. B. S. C1!11era l Busin ess, D ec., './-2. Bein Th eta Pi . . . J O I-I N E . M CC K ER, Loga nsport. B .S. 11 us i11 css, . I pril, './.J . . . ARTH c.· R JO SE PH Ml- LLI N, In d ianapo li s. . 1.11 . Ch1•m is try, D re., '.f.2. Betty Jane Mowry John H . Moyna han

J ohn E. Mu cker

Arthur J. Mullin

C llARLES E DM UN D M C MA~ 1 , K okomo. B .S. Che mistry, .1ug., '.f.J. Phi E ta Sig ma ; Sigm a Iota . . . WILLI AM DA VI SSO N ML1 R C HI E, Bl oo min gton. B .S. G en eral 11usi111•ss, D ec., '42. Phi D elta Th eta ; Studen t \Var Co unc il ; Sca bb a rd a nd Bl ade; P ershin g RiA es . . . GEO R GE M ARI ON M l' RPI lY, F ran klin . B.S . C hr m ist ry, . I ug., '.f.J. D elta C psil on; Sku ll and C rescent . . . JAM ES M . M C.- RPll Y, Ft. \V ayne. 13 .S . . I cco u 11 ti11g, . I pril, '.f.3. D eba te T ea m ; Acco untin g C lub; D elt a Sigma Pi ; Co ll egiate C hamb er of Commerce. Charles E. Mumaw

WILLIAM E L-GE NE M URPll Y, Jr., Huntin gton, W. Va. B .S . .·l cco 1111ti11g, D ec., '.f.2. A ccou ntin g C lu b . . . J OH N J. M URR A Y, Bloomin gton. B .S. // ao u11ti11g, .1 ug., '.f.3. D elta C hi ; Y .M .C. A . Cab in et ; P ershi ng Ri Aes . . . B ERT I-I A L. MY ERS, Indianapoli s. B.S. Ce11 era l 11usi11 rss, D ec., '42. L S.A.; A.\V.S. ; Ocea n id es; Omicron D elta . . . K E 1 T D A V I MYER S, Butler. B .S. Ph ysica l Edu ca tion, .·I ag., '.f.3. Phi E psil on K appa; Football.


Wi ll iamD. Murchie

George M. Murphy James M. Murphy

MARC US GENE MYERS, Andrews. B .S. Publi c Business lld111inistratio11, ll pril, '43. LS.A.; Track ... SUSAN ANN MY ERS , Dayton, Ohio. 11. B. II rt, II pril, '43. Kapp a Kappa Gamma .. . MILDRED BLANCHE NAFE, La Junta, Colo. B .S. Co111m.ercial T eaching, D ec., '42. Y.W.C.A.; Om icron D elta; Co ll egiate Chamber of Commerce . . . JOHN F. NASH, South Bend. 11.B. Education, /lpril, '43. Sigma Alpha Eps il on; Footba ll.

Marcus G. Myers

Susan Ann Myers

Mildred B. Nafe

John F. Nash

Ruth I. Needham

Helen E . Nelson

John R. Nelson

(M rs.) Betty M. Nering

Evar D. Nering

Samuel New

Eileen Newby

William W . Newhard

R UTH IN EZ NEEDHAM, Ft. Wa yne. rl .13. E11glisli, II pril, '43. ELSON, Chi Omega; Chora l Uni on . . . H ELEN ELI ZA BETH Walton. B.S. H ome E co nomi cs, 11 ug., '43. Hom e Econom ics Club; Education Club .. . JOHN ROB ERT NELSON, M a rion . B .S. l11sura11 ce, D ec., '42. Phi Gamm a Delta; Sphinx C lub ; Boa rd of Aeon s; In surance Club; Junior Baseball Mana ge r . . . (Mrs. ) · BETTY M. NERING, Gary. 11.13. Sociology, II pril, '43. Pi Lambda Th eta; Dames Club ; Coed Counselor; Le Ce rcle Francais; Alpha Kappa D elta; Alpha Lambda D elta.

EVAR DARE NERING, Gary. 11. 13. Math ematics, D ec., '42. Theta Ch i ; Stud ent vVar Council; Pres., Eucl id ean Ci rcl e; Pres., Rifl e T eam; P ershing Rifl es . . . SAMUEL NEW, South Bend. B.S. Accounting, D ec., '42. Sigma Alpha Mu; Accounting Club; Sku ll and Crescent; Soph. Football Manager . . . E ILEEN NEWBY, Indianapolis. A .13. Speech, Aug., '43. Pres., Delta Delta D elta; Theta Alpha Phi; Y.W.C.A.; Tennis Club; W .A.A.; Unive rsity Th ea ter; Le Cercle Francais ... WILLIAM WOODWARD NEWHARD, Ft. Wayne. B .S. Mark eting, ll pril, '43. Sigma Chi; D elt a Sigma Pi; M en's Glee Club.

ROB ERT J. NI CHOLS, Knox. B .S. M edici11 e, A ug., '43. Phi Gamma Delta . . . ALBERT NIEMEYER, Jr., Dill sbo ro. B.S. Business, D ec., '42 . . . LEWIS E. NO\VLAN, Frankfort. B .S. Chemistry, Aug., '43. Phi Kappa; Skull and Crescent ... KATH LEEN JOAN O'BANION, Tipton . A .13. Journalism , A pril, '43. Delta Gamma; History Club ; Advertising Clu b; Y.W.C.A. ; Daily Student; ARBUTUS Staff.

' Robert J. Nichols

A lbert Niemeyer, Jr.

Lewis E. Nowlan, Jr.

Kath leen J. O'Banion PATRICK LA WREN CE O'BRIEN, Frankfort. B .P.S.M. Musi c, Aug., '43. M en's G lee Club; "Hansel and Gretel ;" "Cavall eria Rusticana" . . . RI CHARD BRUCE O'BRYAN, Co lumbus. A.B. Pre-Med., A ug., '43. Beta Theta Pi ... KATHLEEN ANN O'CO NNOR, Logansport. A .13. Latin, llpril, '43. Chi Omega; Y.W.C.A.; Eta Sigma Phi . .. RICHARD FRANCIS OFELDT, Spring Lake, N.J. B.S. Law, A pril, '43.

Patrick L. O'Brien Ri chard B. O'Bryan

Kathleen A . O'Connor

Richard F. Ofeldt MARGARET ROSE O' NEAL, Loogoott ee. A .13 . E11glish, D ec., '42. LS.A.; Vil.A.A.; Eng lish C lub; Le Cercle Franca is; Der Deutsch e Verein . . . ROBERT C. ORR, Windfall. B.S . Person11 el Ma11ag em. enl, A ug., '43. Sigma Nu; Alpha Kappa P si; M a na ge ment Club ... MARY P . ORRI SON, South Bend . B .S. General Busin ess, II pril, '43. Pres., Zeta Tau Alpha; Y.W.C.A.; W .A.T.C. ; P anH ell eni c Council; Omicron Delta; Chi Gamma . . . ROB ERT WESLEY OSBOR E, Windfall. 11.13. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Skeleton Club ; Y.M.C.A.; Phi Chi.

Margaret O'Neil

Robert C. Orr

Mary P. Orrison

Robert W. Osborne



( Mrs.) DOROTllY C. OSGAT ll ARP, Yelpen. B.S. /-t ome Eco11omics, . I ll(/., '-1-J. T. S.A.; ll ome Economics Club; Y . \~ 7 .C.A.; A .vV.S . . . . MARY ANN OSKARD, Sou th Bend . . J.B. Sociology, . l ug., '-1-J. Council and Cab in et, Y.vV.C'.A.; Student \Var Council ... JO ll N L. O\'ERSH I NER, Co lumbu s. B.S. Manag e ment, DN., '-1-2. Phi De lta T heta; Y.M.C.A.; Management C l uh; Delta Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blad e . . . C ll ARLES McBEE PARKER, Lind en. B .S . Education, . l ug., '-1-J. T heta Alpha Phi; l "niversity Theater.


(Mrs. ) Dorothy C. Mary Ann Oskard John L. Overshiner Charles M. Parker Osgatharp

R ICl-IARD BENJAMIN PARKER, Logan spo rt. B.S. Management, Aug., '-1-3. Alpha Kappa Psi ... ROBERT PH ILl P PARKINSON, Y orktown. JJ.S. Publi c Busin ess .-/ d111inistrat io11, . I ug., '-1-3. Alplia Kappa P si; D er Deutsc he Verein . . . ROBERT LO UI S PARNELL, Bloomington. B .S. Chemistry, D ec., '-1-2 . Sigma Nu; Pershin g Rifl es . . . E LSA MAE PARRISH, Morocco. B .S. Education, ."I ug., '-1-3. vV.A.T.C.

Richard B. Parker Robert P. Parkimon Robert L. Parnell

Elsa Mae Parrish

MYLES FRA NKLIN PARRISH, Decatur. J.D . Law, D ec., '-1-2. Pres., Phi Delta Phi; La w C lub; Article Ed itor, / 11dia11a Law J ournal . .. JOllN A. PARTENl l EIMER, ll untingburg. B.S. Marketing, .-1 ug., '-/-]. Sigma Chi; Skull and Crescent; D elta Sigma Pi; Scabba rd and B lade; Basketball ... VERA J E AN PATTERSON, Greensburg. B .S. /-lom e Economics, : I pril, '-/-]. Home Economics C lub . . . STANLEY R. PATTON, llardinsbu rg. B .S. Secreta ria l Trainin g, :l ll(/ ., '-/-]. D elta Chi; P ershing Rifl es. My les F. Parrish

John A. Pa rtenheimer

Vera Jean Patterson

Stanlev R. Patton JOHN A. PEARMAN, Terre llaute. B.S. Mana gement, . I pril, '-/-]. Phi Kappa Psi; lat' ! Pres., Collegiate Chamber of Comm erce . . . CARMEL P ECK I NPAl. GH, Mount Summit. B .S. ll omr E conomics, A pril, '43. Alp ha Chi Omega; Sec., !J ome Econom ics C lu b; Y.W.C.A. Council; Coed Counse ling ; A lpha Lambda Delta . . . I NGE ELIZABET! I PELIKAN, Evans,· ill e. U.S. llusinl'ss, ."I pril, '43 . Sigma Kappa; Pres., Pan-H ell eni c Council; Y.~1 .C.A.; Omi · cro n Delta; A .V\l.S.; P le iades . . . J. ROBERT PEN CE, ll arvard, Ill. B.P.S.M. Musir, Dre., '-1-2. Pres., Delta Ch i; Pres., Pro-Mu sic C lu b; Pres., Kappa Kappa Psi; March ing Hundred; Orchest ra.

J ohn A. Pearman

Carmel Y. Pec kinpau g h

Inge E. Pelikan

J. Rob ert Pence

GLADYS JANE P ETERSON, South Bend. d .B. J ourualis111, D ec., '-1-2. L S.A.; Daily Student; Poetry E ditor, F olio; ARBCT US Staff; Editor, Coed R eporter; Advertis ing Club; v\l.A.A.; Oceanid es ; Eng li sh C lub; Cosmopo litan Club; Gamma D elta . .. PHYLLI S GOODWIN PETERSON, Darlington. B.S. Commercial T ea ch ing, . l pri!, '-1-J. Alpha C hi Omega; Y.W.C.A . . . . E\'A E. PEYTO:\', Terre ll aute. JJ. S. Education .. . vVILLIAM PFAFF, JR., Crown Point . . I .B . E co nomics, . I pril, '-/-]. LS.A.; F lame Club; Advertising Club. I

Gladys J . P eterson

Phyllis G. · Pete rson

Eva E. Peyton

Willi am Pfaff, Jr.

Fred G. Pfrommer

Rohe rt D. Pi ckett

Jam e' H . Pi ckrel I

J eann e Pi er-,on

FRED G. PFROMMER, H am mond. LL.fl Law, Aug., '-1-3. Kapp a Delta Rho; Phi Delta Phi; Sph in x Cl uh; Sw imming T ea m; Dolphin Club . . . ROBERT DOYLE PICKETT, Noblesville. 13.S. Medicine, D re., '-1-2. Phi Chi; Der Deu tsche Verein ... JAMES 11. P IC KRELL, East Chicago. 13.S. Ce11rral Busin ess, Dec., '-1-2. L S.A.; Pres., Flame Club; Delta Sigma Pi; Accou nting C lu b . . . JEANNE Pl ERSON, Indianapoli s. B. S. ll ome E ronomics, . I pril, '-1-3. Delta Delta Delta; Y. \V.C.A.; Associate Bu s. Manager, ARB UT()S; Hom e Economics Club; Bored Wal It; Taps; R.0.T .C. Sponsor.


SHIRLEY L. PIETSC H , Ga ry. A .B . S peech, r1 pri l, '43. Pi Beta Phi; Y.W. C.A. ; "Th e M an Wh o Ca me to Di nner" . . . LEROY ER NEST PILLMAN, Va lp a ra iso. B.S. I I cco unti11g, A ug., '43. L S.A. ; A cco untin g C lub ; A lph a K ap pa P si; Co ll egiate C hamb er of Commerce . . . MO NRO E M . PI SER, Mi shaw aka. B.S. Acco unting, ll pri l, '43 . .. WILLIAM E. P OE, M a rtin sv ill e. B.S. Perso1l1zel Mana gement, Dec., '42. L S.A.; Sca bba rd and B lad e.

Shirl ey L. Pi etsc h

Leroy E. P illm an

M on roe M . Piser

Willia m E. Poe

MARY BLANCH E POER, G wynn ev ill e. A. B. G o'Vem111 e11t, D ec., '42. G lee C lub ; C hora l U ni on; LeCe rcle Fra ncai s ; J ordan Ri ve r Rev ue . .. STARLI NG BLAIN E POND ER, Indi a napoli s. B .S. H is tory, April, '43. LS.A. ; Rifl e T ea m . . . PATRIC IA ANN P OOL, Va lp araiso. B .S. Secretaria l T raining, D ec., '42. C hi Ga mma ; Omicron D elta; Y. W .C.A . . . . LE AH LO VE LL .PORTER, Cumb erl a nd, W. Va . A. B. H ome E co nomi cs, April, '43. C hi Omega; H ome Economi cs C lu b; W .A.T.C. Mary B. Poer

Sta rli ng B. Pon der P at ricia Ann Pool

Lea h L. Porter

J ULI A A LIC E PRE SSLER, Fo rt W ay ne. B .S. E ducatio n, A pril, '43. LS.A . . . . E MMA C. PR ESTO N, Avilla. B .S. Edu cation, D ec., '42. W .A. A . . . . HARR Y C. PRI CE, M ontice llo. B.S. A d'Vertisi11 g, April, '43. Phi Ga mma D elta; Track a nd Cross Co untry . .. MAN U EL PRI CE, Yli shaw a ka . B.S. // ccount ing, April, '43.

Julia A. Pressler

Emma C. Preston

H arry C. P rice

M an uel Price

Ra lp h S. Pri ckett

Betty Jane P rin z

Emma L. P rop heter

(M rs.) Naomi R. P ryor

RALPH ST E VENS ON PRI CK ET T, Bloomin gton. B.S. Physics, /lug ., '43. Phi K a pp a P si ; Track; Euc lid ea n C ircl e; Le Cercl e F ra ncais ; Sca bbard a nd Bla de; J ordan Ri ve r R evu e . .. BETT Y J ANE PRI NZ, Loui sv ill e, K y. B.S. H ome E conomics, D ec., '42. Alph a C hi Omega ; H ome Economi cs C lub ; Y. W .C.A. ; A.W. S. ; G lee C lub .. . E MMA L. PROPH ET ER, Bloomin g ton. B.S. H isto ry and En glish, April, '43. Phi Omega Pi . . . MR S. NA OMI R. PRY OR, P ortla nd . B.M. Musi c, Dec., '42. Choral U n io n ; G lee Club; P ro- Music C lu b; "Th e Gond oli ers;" " Cava li eri a R usti ca na ."

ROB ERT MARSHALL RAB ER, I nd ia napo li s. B .S. M edi cine, D ec., '42. Beta T heta Pi . .. E D G AR A LLA N R A D O, I ndi a na poli s. 13.S. M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Beta P i ; Skeleton C lu b ... J EAN M. R AGON, H ammond . A. B. Journalism, D ec., '.f.2. P res., Sigma K a pp a; Pres., T heta Sigma Phi ; D aily Student ; Associate Editor, ARB UTl.IS ; Bored Walk; Y. W. C.A.; A dv erti sing C lu b . . . GERA LD L. R ANS, E lkh a rt. B.S. A ccounting, A ug., '43 . Sku ll an d C rescent ; D elt a Sigma Pi . Robe rt M . Raber

E dga r A. R ado

J ea n M . R agon

Gerald L. Rans

H ELEN KAY RAPER, M ontice ll o. A. B. Fin e A rts, Dec., '42. Ka pp a Alp ha Th eta; D a ub ers C lub ; Y.W.C.A .. .. R OBERT L. RAPHAEL, Eva nsv ill e. B.S. Pre-Med, Aug., '43. Sigma Alph a Mu ; Stud ent Vilar Co un cil; Interfr aternity co un cil ; Skull an d C rescent ; F res hm an D eba te ... RI C HAR D B. RAY L, E lkh a rt. B. S. Busi11 ess . .. BETTYE A NN RECKNER, Eva nsv ill e. A .B. So ciology, D ec., '42. K app a K a pp a Ga mma; W .A .A . ; Y. W. C. A.

H elen K ay Raper

Rohert L. R aphael

R icha rd B. Rayl

Bettye Ann Reckner


LLOYD G LENN R E DI GER, Fo rt 'vVay ne. .l .B . History, A p ril, '+J . .. JO l! N D. R ED M AN, Oak land C ity. B .S. Chemistry, . I pril, './-3. Acacia; K ap pa K ap pa Psi ; M a rchi ng Hu nd red; Concert Ba nd; Der D e u t~c h e Ve rein . . . J O ll N \IV . R ED SEC KER, Gos hen. B. S . Puson n rl J\1m w gement, .-/ pril, '43. M anagement Club; Co ll eg iate C hambe r of Comm erce . . . BETT Y LOU I SE REED, I ndi ana poli s. 11.S. E d u w tion, D re., '/.2. C hi Omega; Y. W .C. A . ; A .W .S.; Le Ce rcle Fra nca is ; Al pha La mbd a De lt a. Lloyd G. Rediger

John D. Redman

John W. Redsecker

Betty L. Reed

E LLA JO R EE D, Fo rt 'v\lay ne. .-1. B . H istory, .·lu g., './-3. K a pp a A lph a T heta . .. GEO RGE R EE D, Jr. , Bloomin gto n. B .S. Ge neral Bu siness, . l ug., '43. Beta Th eta Pi .. . JA M ES A. R EES, 1ob lesvill e. B .S . .-l cco un ti ng, .-lu g., './-3. Acco untin g C lub ; A lph a K a pp a P si . . . BETTY ANNE R EGEL, Eva nsv ill e. B .S. Co mm ercia l T ea ching, D ec., '/.2 . .Pres., Sig ma Kappa; Coed Counse lin g; Y .\V. C.A.; \V.A.A. ; Omi cron D elt a; C hi Ga mm a; G lee Clu b.

Ella J. Ree d

George Reed, Jr.

Jam es A . Rees

Betty Ann Regel CARMEL M . RI CC I , Loga nsport. B .S. General Bu sin ess, D ec., '42. Coe d Co un se lin g; A.W.S .; Y.\ V.C.A.; M anage men t C lub ; Om icron D elt a; C hi Ga mm a . . . H O M ER CO LLI NS RI CE, Roachd a le . .1. B. Go'Vemm ent, .-l pri l, '43. LS.A .. . . ECGE IA KATH LEEN RI C IIARD SON, George to" ·n . .·l .B . En glish, .l/ ug., '43. L S.A . . . . E VA J UNE RI C HARD SON, W es tport . .-1.IJ. J ou rria lism , , /pr i l, '43 . Alph a C hi Omega; P res., Th eta Sigm a Ph i; Coed Cou nse lin g; Execu ti ve Boa rd, W .A .A.; Dai ly St ude nt; Y. 'W. C. A. ; Le Ce rcle Fran ca is; Soph . ARBU T US Sta ff.

Carmel M. Ricci

H omer C. Ri ce

Eugenia K. Richardson

June Richardson

BE 1 RI C HTER, Ga ry. B .S. Ma rketing, rl pri l, '43. Sigma Alph a Mu ; J ord an Ri ve r Revue; Sy mphony Orc hestra ... J OSE PH OR AL RI C K E, Shelbyvill e. B .S. M a nage m ent, :I pril, '43. Sigma C hi ; Union Boa rd ; Sphin x C lu b; B lu e K ey; Pres., Skull a nd C resce nt . .. \VI LTON ADAIR RI G HTSEL, Te rre Ha ute. .1. B. C he mistry, D ec., '42 . . . M AR G ARET BE ARD RI NE H ART, Loui svill e, K y. /J .B. Sociolog y, ..J pril, '43. D elt a Gamm a ; Y. W. C. A.; Span is h C lu b.

Ben Richter

Joseph Oral Rick e Wilton A. Ri ght se l

Margaret B. Rin ehart

R OBERT E DWARD RI NEHART, Loga nsport. R .S. M edi cin e, II ug., '43. L S.A. ; Y.M. C.A.; D er D eutsc he Ve rein . . . H ERB ERT BEN J A MI N RIPL E Y, Mil fo rd. B.S. Ma nage m ent, April, '43. K a ppa K a pp a P si ; Ba nd; Alph a K a pp a P si ; A cco untin g C lu b . . . J UA NITA JCNE ROA C H, G a ry. 11 .B. E ng.fish, llpril, '43. W .A. T .C .. . . PA UL \VI LLI S RO BERT S, Lowell. 11. B . Go'Vernm ent, II ug. , '43. Sigma A lpha E psil on; Footb a ll .

Robert E. Rin ehart

l-1erbert B. Ripley

Juanita J. Roach

Paul W . Robe rts

Benjamin F. Robinson

Freder ick B. Rob in son, Jr.

H ersc hel E. Rock

Charle A. Rockwood

BENJAMI N FRA N KLI N R OBI NSON, Middl etown . B .S. Accountin g, A ug., '/.2. Beta Ga mm a Sigma; A lph a K ap pa P si ; A cco untin g Clu b; Phi E ta Sig ma . . . FRE D ER I CK BROWN ROB I NSON, Indi a napo li s. .·J.B. Go'VPrnm ent, D re., '42. Pe rshin g Rifl es . . . ll ERSC1J E L E DWARD R OC K , New P ar is. B .S. Perso nn rt Mana gemen t, .'/ pril, '43. Flame C lub; K a pp a K a pp a P si; M a rching Hundred ; M anageme nt C lu b; C.A.A . . . . C H ARL ES A. ROC KW OO D, Indi ana poli s, .>I .fl . H istory, D re., ' /.2 . Phi K a pp a Psi ; Scabba rd a nd Bl a de; P ershin g Rifl es.


EUGENE F. RODMAN, Salem. A.8. Chemistry, A ug., '43. Stu dent Affiliate, American Chemical Society; University Theater . . . RYLAND PAUL ROESCH, Indianapolis. A .8 . Chemistry, Dec., '42. Phi Kappa; Phi Rho Sigma . . . JULIA ANN ROHLEDER, Mishawaka. B .S. Edu cation, April, '43. Future T eachers of America; Y.W. C.A.; G lee Club . .. PAT NICHOLOS RONZONE, Elkhart. B.S. Physical Education, April, '43. Delta Tau Delta; Football; Track.

MARY JANE ROPP, Oakland City, B.P.S.M. Musi c, Aug., '43. LS.A.; Orchestra; Choral Union ... MAX 0 . ROSE, Bluffton . 8.S . General Business, D ec., '42. Beta Theta Pi ... A. LEON ROSENBERG, E li za beth, N.J. B.S. llccounti11g, l lpril, '43. Sigma Alpha Mu; Senior Swimming Manager; Phi Eta Sigma . . . JACK MERWYN ROSENBLOOM, Evansvill e. B.S. Ii cco1mting, Dec. '42. Pi Lambda Phi; Accounting Club; Col leg iate Chamber of Commerce.

Mary Jane Ropp

Max O.Rose

Seymour C. Rosenb loom

Janet Kay Ross

A. Leon Rosenberg Jack M. Rosenbloom

SEYMO UR CHARLES ROSENBLOOM, East Chicago. A.8 . Sociology, D ec., '42. Alpha Kappa Delta . . . JANET KAY ROSS, Bell evill e, Ill. A .8. Sociology, Dec., '42. K a ppa Kappa Gamma; Y.W.C.A.; Le Cercle Francai s; Gl ee Club . . . ARTHUR E. ROWE, Mishawaka. A.8. Psy chology, ll pril, '43. LS.A . . . . WILLIAM H. ROWELL, South Bend. 8 .S. Salesmanship, Aug., '43. Th eta Chi; Scabbard and Blade; Co ll eg iate Chamber of Comm erce.

Arthur E. Rowe

William H. Rowell

CHARLES ROGER R UMPH, Sey mour. B.S. Mark eting, D ec., '42. Theta Ch i; Y.M. C.A.; Scabbard and Blad e ... PATRI CK CLYDE RUSS , Fort Wayne. B.S. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma . .. JOHN PERRY R USSELL, Gas City. B.S . lldvertising, D ec., '42. Advertising Club; Col leg iate Chamber of Commerce .. . E LEANORE S. R UTZ, Gary. 8.S. Speech, /l ug ., '43. Sigma K a ppa ; Y.VV.C.A.; A.vV.S.; Uni H rsity Radio Theatre.

Charles R. Rumph

Patrick C. Russ

John P. Russell

Eleanore S. Rutz

WILLIAM KIRKLIN SA I NT, New Castl e. B.S. Pre-M ed, /l ug., '43. Sigma Ch i; Fa lco n Club; Der Deutsche Verein .... GORDON SAVER, New York, N.Y. A .8. Ch emistry, II pril '43. Pi Lambda Phi; Alpha Phi Omega; Bus. M g r., Folio; Rifl e and Pistol Clubs; Univ ersity Theater . . . JANE SA ~T YER , Chicago, Ill. 11.8 . E conomics, April, '43. Chi Omega . . . ALICE KATHRYN SCHAFER, Eva nsvill e. 13.S. Commercial T eaching, D ec., './.2. Sigma Kappa; Y.~T .C.A.; Coed Counseling; A.~T . S.; Omicron D elta; C hi Gamma. William K. Saint

Gordon Saver

Jane Sawyer

Alice K. Schafer

LEONARD SCHATZMAN, Passa ic, N.J . .11 .8. History, A pril, '43. LS.A . . . . 1-1 UBE RT ANTHONY SCHEIDLER, Munci e. B.S. G e11ercli Busin ess, Dec., '42. Beta Theta Pi; Ba sketb a ll ... FRANCIS MARTI N SCHEITLIN, Evansville. B. S. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Phi Lambda U psil on ; Student Affiliate, American Chem ica l Society; Jr. Math Club; D er Deutsch e Verein .. . KATHRYN SCI-IEMEL, Sy racu se, N.Y. 13.S. Physical Education, rlug., '43. .A.G.U. Leonard Schatzman Hubert A. Scheidler

Francis M. Scheitlin

Kathryn Ann Scheme!


ON \'A A. SCI I LEE, l ndianapoli,. l? .S. Ed11catio11, . I pril, './-J. K appa Kapp a Gamma; \V. A.T.C.; Jordan Ri,·e r R enie; R.O .T.C.; Coed Sponsor . . . DONA LD M. SCI I LEGE L, Bra zil. . l .B . Chl'tuistry, . 111!/., './J. Phi Eta Sigma; Band ... El. GENE E. SC llMIDT, Fo rt VV ay ne. . 1.11 . Chemistry, . lu [!., './J. Sigma Alpha Eps il on . . . RIT A MAR\' SC ll NE ID E R, Grand Rapids, Mi c h. . l .IJ . . Iris aud Sr il' ll O' .

LOL" ISE CAT ll ERI NE SC il:-.I ELLE R, Gary . . 1.8. Lati11, D ec., './-2. L S.A.; Le Cerc le Franca is . . . E D\V AR D L. SC I I l' MA N, Jn cli anapo lis . . /./? . . Iri s a nd Scie11 ((', . l ug., './-] . . . E MILY JO SC llW A RTZ, K okomo . . l.B . /J ome Eeouomics, . l pril, '.f.J. Delta De lta De lta; \'. \V .C.A . ; I lome Economics Club; Orchestra; Glee C lub . . . MAR\' ELI Z ABETll SC !-1\VA RTZ, Fort W ayne. B .S. Ed11 ratio11, D rr., './-2. LS.A.; Pi Lambda Th eta ; Future Teachers of Am e ri ca.

E. PE RI N S OTT, Madi son. Jl .S. Perso1111rl .\1a11agemt•11t, D u., hi ; Delta igma Pi; Captain, Scabba rd and Blad e; Counci l of Fraternity Pres idents; Board of Aeons; Blue Key; Sku ll a nd Crescent . . . JOllN SPA IJR SCOTT, R ic hmond. ll .S . . I uatomy, D u ., './-2. Pres., Alpha Tau Omega; De r Deu tsc he \ 'erein . . . ROBE RT PAL- L SCOTT, Ind ianapo li s. 11.S. 1\{edi ciu e, D ec., './-2. Phi Gamma D e lt ~•; Nu Sigma Nu . . . ROBERTA JEAN S OTT, Fort \V ayne. 13.S. Ed11 ratio11, . I pril, '.f.J. I .S.A.; Pre!.., \Ve,t M emorial; Pi Lambda Th eta; Y.\V.C.A.

'./-2. Pres., Sigma

RALPIL L. SEGER, Dubo is. B.S. Physiwl Ed11ratio11, . lpril, '.f.J. Phi Eps il on Kappa . .. ll EL EN M ARY SEL ED O W , Gary. B .S. Grurral /311si11 css, . I ug., './-]. l.S.A.; A. \V .S.; Chi Gamma; Coed Counseling . .. 11 l ' BERT A. SELLER, Green ·astle . . l.B . Chrmistry, . l ug., './-J. Lambda C hi Alpha . . . RlCllARD IJ OC TON SHAF ER, Al ex andria. B. S. Chemislry, D ec., './-2. Theta K appa P si ; Ske leton C lu b.

GE. 'E LA. LOL- I SE S:JAFFER, Arca di a. B.S. Ph ysical Ed11 catio11, D er., './-2. 1.S. i\ .; Mo rtar Board; Pres., \V.A .A.; t ud en t 'v\lar Co un ci l ; Pi Lambda Th eta; Pamarada . . . ELI ZA BETH S IJAI K CN, Greensburg, Ky. IJ .S. Commercial T ea r /Jing, . l ug.,'./-] . . . . C llAR L EEN \'.S H E PPARD, I ndianapolis . . l .11. Psy rhology, . lu g., './-J. Ph i Mu ; \'.W .C.A.; LeCe rcle Franca is .. . MAR S ll ALL LAVVR ENCE S I I ERM AN , Bedford. l? .S. Chrmistry, D re., './-2. St uden t Affiliat e, American C hem ica l Soc iety; Der D eutsch e \'erein; Phi E ta Sigma.

CEC IL G. 1-I E RTZER, Bloomington. B.S. St'Cretarial Trniuiug, D l'C., './-2. Beta Gamma Sigma; Omicron Del ta; Management Club; A lpha Lambda Delta . . . R O BERT K. SI-IIM EL, Fort Wa yne . /J .S. Fiu a u er and /J a11ki11[1, D re., './-2. Pres., Sigma Alpha Eps il on; Kap pa K appa Psi; Del ta Sigma Pi; Ju ni or S"'imm in g Mana ger; Blue Key; Marchin g 11 un d red; Sen ior M emor ial Comm itt ee . . . DOROT l I\' JA _1 r;; S lllMP, Cleve land H e ig ht s, Oh io . . l .B. Spt•1•ch, . l pril, './-]. Kappa A lpha Th eta; Th eta Alpha Phi; Le Cerc le Francai,; Glee Cluh . . . llAR OLI) W I LLARD ll ON K, R ocheste r. . I .I? . . ln atomy- Physiology, D ec., './-2. Phi Rho Sigma.


JOHN SHIRK SHORTLE, T ipton. A.B. Journalism, April, '43. Phi D el ta Th eta; Daily Studeut ... JOE Vil. SIBBITT, Frankfort. B.S. Pre-Med., A ag., '43. Beta Theta Pi ... MERIAM R. SICA OFF, Indianapoli s. B.S. Secretarial Ma11age111ent, .'1 pril, '43. Sigma De lta Tau; Omicron Delta ... RI CHARD SIL VER, Knightstown . B.S. Mediciue, Dec., '42. Phi D elta T heta; Nu Sigma Nu; Ske leton Club.

John S. Shortle

Joseph W. Sibbitt Meriam R. Sicanoff Richard A. Silver

Frank 0 . Sisler

Wilma June Sloan Benjamin F. Small

Robert L. Smart

Barbara A. Smiley

WILLIAM M. SIMMERMON, Lapel. //.B. Chemistry, De c., '42. Phi Kappa P si ; Nu Sigma Nu . . . GEOR GE WILLIAM SIMP SON, M onrovia. A .B. Chemis try, D ec., '42. Xi Psi Phi ... PHYLLIS CLAIRE SIMPSON, M arsha ll , Ill. 11 .B. Sociology, II pril, '43. Pi Beta Phi . . . PALMER C. SI NGLETON, JR., Hammond. A.B. Government, April, '43. Sigma Alpha Epsil on ; Pi Sigma A lpha; Sen ior Wrestling Manager.

FRANK 0. SISLER, Ga ry. //. B. Chemistry, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa Psi; D er Deutsche Ve rein; G lee C lu b; Chora l U nion; Phi Eta Sigma . . . WILMA J. SLOAN, Dyer. B.S. Euglish, Aug., '.f.3. \Iii.A.A . . . . BENJAMIN FRANCIS SMALL, Terre H au te. .l.D. Law, /lug., '43. Phi Delta Phi; Law C lu b . . . JOE RICHARD SMALL, Atlanta. B. S. II ccouuting, 11 ag., '43 . Acco un tin g Club; Alpha Kappa Psi; Co ll egiate C ha mber of Commerce.

JoeR. Small

ROBERT LYLE SMART, Morocco. B .S. General Business, D ec.,

'42. Th eta Chi; Alpha Kappa P si ; Y.M.C.A.; Accou nting C lu b; Crack Drill Squad; Pershing Rifl es; Phi Eta Sigma ... BARBARA A N SMILEY, Vilashin gton. B.S . Perso1111 el, II pril, '43. Kappa Kappa Gamma Y.W.C.A.; Management C lu b; Coed Counse lin g; Omi cron Delta; Chi Gamm a . . . BARBARA SM IT H, Indian apolis. I] .B. Frenc h, Dec., '42. Pres., Pi Be ta Phi; P an-Hellenic Cou nci l ; Le Cercle Franca is; Gl ee C lu b; Y. Vil.C.A. ; Daily Studeul; AR BUTUS Beau ty Queen . . . CLAUDE B. SMITH, M adi son. B.S. Education, 11 ug., '43. Barbara Smith

Claude B. Smith

HELEN LOIS SMITH , Ligonier. B.S . Physical Education, d pril, '43. \Iii.A.A.; Pres., Phys ica l Education Maj or C lu b; Coed Counse lin g; Glee Club . . . JAMES ALBERT SM ITI J, Rochester. B .S. General Busin ess, Dec., '42. Lambda Chi A lph a; Baseba ll ; Coll eg iate C hamber of Commerce . . . MARY ELIZABETH SNAPP , Whiting. , l .B. Freuch, .·l pril, '43. Pres., Chi Omega; Pl eiades; Le Cercle Franca is; \~I .A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; W.A.T.C. ; Un iv ersity Theater Staff; Coed Counse li ng; G lee C lub; Alpha Lambd a Delta ... DONALD F. SNEPP, Indi anapolis . .4.B. English, April, '43. P hi Kappa Psi; A lph a Phi Omega; Scabba rd and Blade ; Le Ce rcle Fra ncais; English Club; Folio Staff. Helen L. Smith

James A. Smith

Mary E. Snapp

Donald F. Snepp

JOHN WILLIAM SNYDER, Willi ston, N.D. B.S . Busin ess, April, '43. Sigma Nu ... MARVIN SNYDER, \lilin slow. B.S. II cco untiug, D ec., '.f.2. Sigma Alpha Mu; Account ing Club; Sop h. Football Manager; Phi Eta Sigma . . . HENRY SOUDER, JR., Grabill. B.S. Basiu ess, /lug., '43 . .. MARTHA LOIS SPARKS, Pensaco la , Fla . 13.S. Secretarial Training, i i pril, '43. LS.A. ; Omicron D elta .


DOROT ll \' SPAl: LD I NG, St. Lou is, Mo. 11 .S. Physical Ed11ca1ion, .·I pril, '.f.3. N.A .G.C.; \-\I.A.A.; Ocean id es . . . WILLIAM ARTH l ' R SPENCER, P eru . .1.11. Journalism, D ec., '.f.2. Theta C hi ; Pres., Seni or C lass; Edito r, Daily Stude nt; Sigma De lta C hi ; cabbard and Blad e ; Sp hinx Club; R ed B ook; ARBUTl)S Staff; Ed itor, Bored JValk; Stud en t War Counc il ; Board of Aeons; Dragons H ead; Skull and Cresce nt ; Blue K ey . . . JUNE T. SPI EGAL, And erson . .1. H. Sociology, ;/ pril, '43. Pres., Sigma De lta Tau . . . MA NUE L SPOSEEP, Wabash. A.B . Ch emislry, D ec., '42. L S.A.; Al pha Omega; Y.M.C.A.; Der Deutsc he Ve rein.

ROBE RT M. SQCIRE, Lyo ns. B .S. Chemistry, !lug ., '43. Der Deutsche \l e rein . . . MICHAEL V.I. STADN IK, Eas t C hicago. :I .11. Psychology, . I pril, '.f.3 . . . BEN 0 . STANDS, La Fonta in e. A. 11. Chemistry, Dec., '42. Sigma Pi ; Rifl e Team; Y. M. C.A . . . . J. RI C HARD STARK, Indi anapo lis. d. 11. Political Science ( D ePauw ), //p ril, '43. Phi Delta Phi; Indi a na Law Journa l Board.

Robert M. Squire Michael W . Stadnik

Ben 0. Stands

J. Richard Stark

MONA L. TEELE, South Bend. B .S. Education, :I pril, '.f.3. Zeta Tau Alpha; Y .W .C.A.; A.W.S.; Classical Club; Le Cercle Franca is ; B ored Walk . . . V IR G I N IA LOl' ISE STEELE, C laypool. 11.S. Secrelarial Training, .·I ug., '.f.3. A lpha Omicron Pi; Y. \Iii.CA . ; W. A.A.; F olio S ta ff; Chi Ga mm a ... RALPH MAliRI CE STEFFY, Logansport. H.S. M edi ri nr, ,·I ug., '.f.3 . .. SARA II IM OGENE STEI NER, Dugge r. .·I .11. Dieletics, Aug., '43. l .S.A .; H ome Economics Clu b; Y. \V.C.A.; D er D eutsc he \' e rein; \V.A .T.C. Mona L. Steele

Virginia L. teele

Ralph M. Stefh

arah f. Stein er

AL BERT A DOLPH STE I NWEDEL, Seymour. B.S. Mark eting, . l ug., '.l.J. Sigma Alp ha E psil on; Y.M.C.A . . . . DORIS ELO I SE STE \' E S, Bloomington . B.S. lfosinl'Ss, du g., ' .f.3. Jr. M at h Club; Omicron D elta; A lph a Lambda Delta .. . JAMES M . STEVENS, Noblesville. d.B. Co'Vnnm ent,. I pril, '43. Kappa Sigma; Glee Club; l ' niversity Opera . . . ROBERT L. STEWART, Su lli va n. 11.S. M edi cin e, D ec., './-2. Sigma Chi; Phi C hi; Phi E ta Sigma.

MAR\' E LL EN STI MSON, Bloomington . . l.B . German, :lpril, 'J.J . Alpha C hi Om ega; D er D eu tsche Ve rein ; Y. V.1.C.A . . . . RACllEL EST ll ER STONER, Tipton . J/.B. Governmen t, ,111g., '.f.J. Delta D elta Delta; Mortar Board; Y. \V.C.A. Cou ncil ; Stud ent \l\lar Council; Coed Counseling; Pres., Alp ha Lambda D elta ; Le Cercle Francais ... FRANC I S E. STOUT, Mun cie. B.S. M edicine, Der., '.f.2. u Sigma Nu . . . JlTIA ll OTTEL STR A I N, Salem . . 1.11. Speech, . I pril, '.f.3. Mortar Board; Theta Alpha Phi; ''The Eve of St. l\1ark ;" " Our To\\'n ;" '·The V.' omen." JOA ' NE F . STRAGSS, North Man chester. B.S. Commercial T eac hing, !I pril, ' .f.3. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pi Lambda T heta; Omicron Delta; Coed Counseling; Glee C lu b; Chi Gamma . . . LANE E. STR OCK, Portland. A .H. Chemistry, Dre., '.f.2. L S.A.; Der D eutsche Vere in; Math C lub . . . EDWARD CARLYLE STUART, E lkh a rt. B.S. Finan ce and Banking, Dec., '.f.2. Executive Council, LS.A.; P res., Student War Council; Pres., Y.M.C.A . ; Pres., Flame C lub; Sigma Iota; Boa rd of Aeons; Co ll egia te C ham ber of Commerce; A lpha K appa P si; D ra gons ll ea d; ARJH'lTS Staff; Sop h. Baseba ll Manager; Phi Eta Sigma . . . JA C K D. STl' R G I S, Blu ffton . .·I .11. Co'Vrrnmenl, D ec., '.f.2. Sigma C hi ; Senior Fo tball Manager; P ershin g Rifl es; Le Cercle Francais; Jr. Math Clu b.

Mary E. Stimson


Rachel E. Stoner

Franci E. Stout

Julia H. trai n

(Mrs.) JOSEPHINE SEARS STGRGIS, Elkhart. B.S. Education, llpril, '43. Pi Beta Phi; W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A . . . . WILLIAM KENNETH STUTSMAN, Madison. B.S . .4 cco1mtin(J, D ec., '42 . . . JAMES FREDRICK SUBLETTE, Indianapoli s. B.S. Perso1111 el Ma11a(J em ent, D ec., '42. Sigma Chi; Associate Bu . Mgr., ARB UTUS; R ed Book; Co ll egia te Chamber of Commerce; Y.M.C.A . . . . ANNE HOPKI NS SULLIVAN, Dayton, Ohio. 11.B. Hist ory, llu(J., '4.7. Kappa Alpha Theta; Y. \V. C.A.; Tennis Club; Omicron Delta. ( Mrs. ) Josephine Sturgis

William K . Stutsman

James F. Sublette

Anne H. Sullivan

Harry D . Sullivan

Virginia M. Summers

John K. Summerville

Martha B. Surratt

Mildred Sutherlin

Robert L. Sutter

Mary M. Swain

Marian Swan

HARRY D. SULLIVAN, Alexandria. 11.B. Journalism, llu(J., '43. Sigma Delta Ch i ; Daily Stude11t VIRGINIA MAY SUMMERS, Spencer. B.S. Speech, JI pril, '43. W.A.A . . . . JOH!\ KELLER SUMMERVILLE, Burns City. B.S . Jlccountin(J, D ec., '42. Acacia; Accounting C lub BERNICE SURRATT, Summitvill e. B .P.S.M. 111usic, llu(J., '43. Pro-Music Club; Future Teachers of America; Symphony Orchestra.

MILDRED SUTHERLIN, Coatesville. B.S . Education, Dec., '42. LS.A .. .. ROBERT L. SUTTER, Indianapolis. B.S. Finan ce, Jlpril, '43. LS.A.; Flame Club; Scabbard and Blade; University Theater . MARY MAXINE SWAIN, Arlington. B.S. Commercial Tea chin(J and Secretarial Trainin(J, Dec., '42. Delta D elta Delta; Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Choral Union; Omicron Delta; Senior Memorial Committee; Alpha Lambda Delta . .. MARIAN SWAN, V\labash. B .S. S ecretaria·l Traini11(J, Dec., '42. Y. V\T.C.A.; Omicron Delta; C hi Gamma.

IRVIN EM IL S\111ANSON, La Porte. B.S. Perso1111el Mana(J e111 e11t, llpril, '43. Delta U psilon; Capta in, Basketball; Union Board; Blue Key; Sphinx Club ; Sigma Delta Pi; Management Club; Scabbard a nd Blade . . . RHAE MARTIN SWISHER, Jr., East Chicago. B.S. Acco1111ti11(J, April, '43. Accounting Club . . . EDWARD J. SZA ULE\VIC Z, South Bend. 11.B. Anatomy and Physiology, D ec., '42. Phi Beta Pi; Y.M.C.A . .. . R UTH ELIZABETH TAYLOR, Boswell. A .B. Sp eech, D ec., '42. Pres., Delta Delta Delta; Sec., Theta Alpha Phi; A.W.S. Council; Jun'ior Prom Committee; ARB UT US Beauty Queen; Y.\111.C.A.; Pl eiad es; Un iv ers ity Theatre; Senior Invitations Co mmittee. Irvin E . Swanson

Rhae M.

Ruth E. Taylor

JEANNE TEANEY, Aurora. A.B. Sp eech, April, '43. Chi Omega; Y.W.C.A.; Bored Walk . . . JAMES E. TEDFORD, Frankfort. B.S. /1 cco u11ting, Aug., '43. Acacia; Photographic Editor, ARBUTUS; R ed Book; Sphinx Club ; Skull and Crescent .. . VIRGINIA THOMAS, Honolulu. /J.B. H ome Economics, D ec., '42. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Hom e Economi cs Club; Y.W.C.A.; Le Cercle Francais . .. ALICE ELIZABETH THOMPSON, Winamac. JI .B. Latin, II pril, '43. Pi Beta Phi; Eta Sigma Phi; Classical Club; Y.W.C.A. ; W.A.A. Jeanne Teaney

James E. Tedford Virginia E. Thomas Alice E. Thompson

DOROTHY COSETTE THOMPSON, Bloomington. 11.B. H istory, II pril, '43. Pi Beta Phi; Le Ce rcle Franca is ... EDNA JEAN THOMPSON, Rensselaer. B.S. Secretarial Training , /lu(J., '43. Chi Omega; Pl eiad es ; Y .W.C.A.; Ch i Gamma . .. GLENN MILTON THOMPSON, Jr., Indian apo lis. B.S. A cco 1mti11g, D ec., '42. LS.A. ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting C lub .. . MARJORIE THOMPSON, Kingman. B.S. Busi11 ess, ll u(J., '43. LS.A.; Board of Standa rd s; Omicron Delta; W.A.A.; Future T eachers of America; Y.W. C.A.; English Club; Educat ion Club; Chi Gamma. Dorothy C. Thompson

E dna Jean Thompson

G lenn M . Thompson, Jr.

Marjorie Thompson


R IC IJARD JOSEP I! THOR~TO 1, Indianapoli s. 11.S. G en eral 11usiness, . I pril, '.f.J. Beta Th eta Pi; P ershin g Rifl es ... \\II LLIAM JAM ES T I LLETT, P eru . . 1.11. E co nomi cs, . I pril, '.f.J. Kappa Sigma; Blue Key; Pi Kappa Delta; Interna ti onal Relati ons Club; l nterfraternity Counc il ; \'.M.C.A.; D ebate . . . JO ANNE TORDELLA, Cary . .·1.8. E co uom ics, . I pril, '.f.J. L S.A.; Boa rel of Standards; P amaracla; vV.A.A.; Y .W.C.A.; vV.A.T.C.; Gl ee Club; Le Cercle Fra nca is ... WILLIAM WALLIS TORRENS, Ter re H aute. 13. S. C/l{'fnistry, . I pril, '.f.J. Sigma C hi ; Alpha Chi Sigma. Richard J. Thornton

\Villiam J. Tillett

Jo Anne Tordella

Vi' illiam W . Torrens

GEORGE CAMEA L TOl'MA, Port llu ron, Mi ch. :1.13. Chemislry, D ec, '.f.2. Council, LS.A.; Flame Club ... BARBARA JOAN TRAVIS, B loo min gton. 11.S. Hom e Economics , .·I ug., '.f.3. LS.A.; I Jome Economics C lub; Y.VV.C.A.; Le Cercle Francais . .. DORIS ll OPE TROGDON, ll onolu lu . .'1.13. Spanish, April, '43. C hi Omega; W.A.A.; Ocean id es; Tennis C l uh . . . AGNES ELLEN TURMAN , Ga ry. :1.13. ll istory, .-/ pril, '.f.3. A lpha Omicron Pi; W.A.A.

George C. Touma

Barbara J. Travis

Doris H . Trogdon

Agnes E. Turman

~' lL LlAivI R. Tl"RNER, Sou th Bend . .1 .8. Pre-Mrd, dug., '.f.3. Phi Gamma Delta . . . . DOR I S E. Tl"TTLE, Indian apo li s. A.8 . E conomics, D re. , '.f.2. Pres., Phi Mu; Y.VV.C.A. Council; Pres., Engli sh Club; Pl eiades . .. MARJORI E JEAN \' ALE, Indianapolis. : 1. 8. Sociology, . I pril, '.f.3. Pi Beta Phi; l"niv e rsity Theatre; Daily Stude nt; Y.~T . C.A.; G lee Club; Le Ce rcle Francais . . . T HIRZA JEA 1 VA~DERMC ELEN, Port Jefferson, N.\". :/ .8 . . I ris and Science.

William R. Turn er

Doris E. Tuttle


J. Vale

Thirza Jean Vandermeulen MARY LO C l E \ 'AND I \' ! ER, Franklin. 8.S. Edncalion, .d pril, '.f.3 . .Delta De lta D elta . . . ALLAN VANDl"REN, Indian apo li s. 11.S . Ph ysirs, D ec., '.f.2. Pres., .Dolphin Cl uh; Phi Kappa Psi; S\\"immin g; Euc lid ea n C i rc le . . . LOLA SARA \' AN ll ORN, M ount Beth el, Pa. R .S. II istory, :I ug., '.f.3. LS .A.; Y. \\l.C'.A.; Hi story C lub; Education Club ... GLEN DA \' I D \' ANN ATTA, Ru shvill e. 8.S. Education, O re., '.f.2. Phi Delta Kapp a; Phi Eta Sigma; Scabbard and Blad e; Delta Sigma Theta.

Mar_, I.. \ ' andi ,·ier

All an \ "anDuren

l.ola S. \' an I lorn

Glenn D. \ ' annaua

MARY LYNN \'ANNATTA, New York, N.Y. :1.8. J ournalism, D I'(., '.f.2. Ch i Omega; Daily St11de11t ; ARB UTl"S Staff; Th eta Sigma Phi; Senior Invitati ons Committee; Alpha Lamh cb D elta . . . \VALT ER J. VANSICIZLE, I ndianapolis. 11 .S. Medi cin e, Dec., '.f.2. Phi Rho Sigma ... RlCIIARD LESTER VEACH, Bainbridge. 8 .S. Mrdi cin r, D ec., '.f.2. Nu Sigma Nu ... T l! EODORE VERNASCO, Misha\\"aka. 11.S. Speech, . I pril, '.f.3. Pres., Theta Alpha Phi ; Sphinx: Club; Pres., Blue IZey; Tap s.

ALEXANDER C. \ ' IAl-, Michigan City. 8.S. Ch e mistry, , l ug., '.f.J. Student Affiliate Am eri can Chemica l Society; D er D eutsche \' erein; Alpha Ch i Sigma . . . l! ELEN MARGARET VIDl NG l l OFF, East Chicago. 11 .S. Ele m entary T ea ching, .·I pril, '.f.3. Jordan Riv er Revu e ; Choral Cnion; Y. \V.C.A.; Taps . . . Cl'RT I S W ILLIAM \ ' IN lJ P, Dillsboro. 11 .S. Physical Education, : I pril, '.f.J. l.S.A.; Phi Eps il on Kappa; Baseball . . . PAUL S. VISHER, Bloomington . .-1.8. Chemistry, D ec., '.f.2. Board of Aeons; Alpha Phi Omega; Englis h Club; Le Cercl e Franca is. Al exa nd er C. \ ' iau

H elen M . \ ' idin~h off


Curti' \\'. \ ' inup

Paul \'i.,her

GAB RI EL THEODORE VOIDA, Indianapolis. B .S . . Sta tistics, 11 pril, '43. LS.A.; A lpha Phi Omega; Euc lid ean Circl e . . . C HARL ES FREDERI CK VOORHEES, La Porte. rl. B . Sociology, D ec., '42. Scabbard and Blade; Pershing Rifl es . . . SHELDON RO GER VIIAGNER, Fort \V ayne. B.S. Ceueral Bus iuess, Dec., '42. Sigma A lpha Mu ... JOHN P ETER WAKELAND, Ch icago, Ill. /J .B. C h emis try, /l ug. , '43. Phi Gamma De lta; Vil restling.

Gabriel T. Voida Charles F. Voorhees Sheldon R. \Vagner John P. Wakeland \VILLI AM THOMAS Vil ALK ER, Anderson. B. S. Finan ce and Bankiug, D ec., './-2. Phi Delta Theta; Co ll egiate C hambe r of Commerce; Delta Sigma Pi; Insurance Club; M anagement Clu b . . . DOROT II Y M. \i\TALL, Remington . . l .B. Fin e /Iris, .·l ug., './-3. Delta De lta Delta; Daubers Clu b; Cos mopo litan Club .. . PHYLLIS ALEAl NE VllALLACE, Jeffersonville. B.S. /-J ome E co 110111ics, ,.Jug ., '43. Phi Omega Pi; Hom e Econom ics Club ; Y. W. C.A . .. . JAM ES H. WALRAVEN, Sel lersbu rg, B. S. Busin ess, D ec., '42 . L S.A. Co unci l ; Alpha Phi Omega; Adve rti sing C lu b. William T. vValker Dorothy M. \Vall

Phylli A. Wallace James IL Walraven

GEO R GE JOSEPH WALTER, 1ew A lbany. B .S. Salesma us/iip, r1 ug., '43. Lambda C hi Alpha; Advertising Clu b . .. R UTH MAE VIIALTER, Co lum bia C ity. B.S. Education, April, '43. D elta Gamma; Ocean ides; Vil.A.A. Board; Y.W.C.A.; G lee C lu b . . . H ERBERT I l . \VARNOCK, Swayzee. B.S. Edu cation, d pril, './-3. Kappa Kappa Psi; Marchin g Hundred . . . MARVIN ]. WATKINS, No rth Vernon. B.S. Mark etiug, D ec., '42. Sigma A lpha E psil on; Baseba ll; I -M en's C lu b. George J. Walter

Ruth Mae \Valter

Herbert H. \Varnock

Marvin J. Watkins

Mary J oan Vllatson

J eane I. \'\'ea rl y

Shirle,- Ann Vi'e h~ei e r

Marth a Jane W ehr

MARY JOAN \VATSON, Marion . .·l .B. Government, .·lug., '43. L S.A.; Y.W.C.A.; Glee Club . . . J EANE I SABELLE WEARLY, Montperi er. 13.S. fl dvertising, A J>ril, './-3. A lpha Omi cron Pi; Adverti sing Clu b . .. SHIRLEY ANN WEHMEIER, C hi cago, I ll. 11.B. H isto ry, rl pril, '43. Kappa A lph a Th eta; Coed Co un se lin g; Hi story Club ; Le Ce rcl e Franca is; G lee C lub ; Y.W.C.A . . . . MARTI-IA JANE WEHR, Evansv ill e. B .S. Euglisli, !I pril, '43. L S.A.; Le Cercle Francais.

MORRIS Vil EI NER, Ra hw ay, N.J. 13 .S. zoolog y and Chemistry, D ec ., '42. D clrn Rho Sigma ; A lpha Ph i Omega . .. ART!l UR L. WEISMANN, Lyndhurst, N.J. ,-I .I?. J ourn alism , ,l ug., './-3. Sigma Pi; Daily St udmt; Cabinet, Y.M.C.A .. . . \VILLI AM L. VilELC ll , Vevay. 13 .S . .·l cw unting, D ec., './-2. Acac ia ... Gl' Y L. \ VELLMA , Bloomington . . l. B. Physical Edurntion, :I pril, './-3. Acacia; Capta in, Baseba ll ; I- Men's Club; Sp hin x Club.

Morris Weiner

ArthurL. Weismann

\Villiam L. Welch

Guy L. Wellman

VIOLET LAV A UG I I N WHIPPLE, Conn ersv i li e. A .B. E11glis li , .-I pril, '43. L S.A.; Coed Counselin g; Y. \i\l.C.A.; A lpha Lambda Delta; D er Deutsc he \/erein; Le Ccrcle Franca is . . . DONALD DODDS \VIIITE, I ndianapolis . . /.13. Cover11me11t, llpril, './-3. Lambda Chi Alpha; P ershing Rifl es . . . JAM ES C. \VlllTE, Elmwood. B.S. C/1rmistry, : I ug., './-3. Flame Club; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Iota; De r Deutsch e \!erein; Phi Eta Sigma . .. SARAH GRACE Will TE, Fort Wayn e. :l .B. Sociology, : I pril, '43. \'iolet L. Whippl e

Donald D. White

James C. \'l'hite

Sarah G. White


MARY L EI ' WIBLE, Kokomo. R.S . S panish and En glish, .-lu g., './-3. Alpha Omi c ron Pi; Spanish C lub ; Y.W.C'.A . .. . WARREN R. \VlDMAN, New Alban y. 11.S. G enera l JJ11si11 rss, . !11(/ ., './-3. Si gma Iota ; Pi stol T eam ; Pershin g RiA es . . . FR E DER ICK A. \VI ECJ( JNG , I ndianapoli s . . I .II. G ova11m e11/, D re., './2. Sigma Chi ; Pershing RiA es; Cra ck Drill Squad .. . JOSl". PI I PRIC E VVILKER SON, Loui s,-ill e, Ky. R.S . Gru eral B11si11 l'ss.

M a ry Lee V\libl e \Varren R. Widman

Frederick A.

J ose ph P . Wilkerson

~'ieckin g

ALLA:\' DAL E \VI I.LA N, Martin sv ill e. 11 .S. Perso nn el Ma11a genir11t, /J N ., ' 12. J. S.A . ; Mana ge ment Club ; Y.M .C' .A .. . . G E ORG E V\llLLIAM \VI LL E FORD, Indian a poli s. 13 .P.S. M . Musi c, .•I pril, ' ./-] . Th eta Alpha Phi; Pro- Musi c Club ; Stud ent Cniversiry Symphon y Orches tra; Co-author, Jordan Ri ve r Revue; '" Th e Man \ \Th o Cam e to Dinn er; " G lee Club . . . DOROTllY MARG UER ITE WILLIAMS, Gary. A.II. H istory, .·I pril, '43. Y .W.C.A. ; Hi story C lu b; Coed Coun se lin g ; Le Cercl e Fran ca is . . . GENE LO~T ELL VVILLIAMS, Indi anapoli s. H. S . Busin ess, rlug., './-3. Kappa Sigma; D elta Sigma Pi; Football. All a n Dal e Will an

Geo rge W. Will efo rd

D orothy M . Willi ams

Gene L. Williams LET IT I A M. \V I LU AMSON, Bluffton. :1.11. Fr en ch, /J ee., '42. Kappa Alpha Th eta ; Phi Beta Kappa; Le Cerc le Fran ca is; W.A.A. ; Alpha Lambd a Delta; Jordan Riv er R ev ue . . . C llARLES ACGUSlTS WILSON, In dianapolis . .4 .B. English , /J ee., '42. Sigma lota; Flam e Club . . HAROLD K EITI I W I LSON, Bloomington. 13.S. 111t111ag em e11 t, /J ee., '42 . Acacia; Juni or Ba sketball Manager; Management Club; Y.M.C.A.; " T he Man VVho Came to Dinn er" ... JO ll N D. WILSON, E,•an sv ill e. .'l .IJ . .-Iris and S cien ce, .-Ill(/. , '43.

Leritia Wi ll iam;on Charl e, .'\ . \Vi lso n

Il aro ld K eith \ Vil son

John D. Wil on

JOHN EDWARD WILSON , T empl e C ity, Ca li f. B.S. Gr11 eral Busin ess, ;/ pril, '43. Sigma Ch i; Sop h. Baseball Manager ... F RED WILT, P end leton, B.S. Ph ysical Education , I I pril, '43. D elta Chi ; Sph in x Clu b; I -Men 's Club; Ass't Track Coac h . . . R CT I l J-1. WINDLE, South Bend . .·I .11. Hi story, April, './-3. Le Ce rcle Fran ca is; Fencin g C lu b; llistory C lu b . . . FLOYD ALVIN V\TlND MILLER, G eneva. 11.S. llusiu ess, .-I pril, './-3. Alpha Kappa Psi; Accountin g Club. J ohn E dward Wil son

Frederi ck L. Wilt

Ruth H . Windl e

F loyd A. Windmill er

M a ry Wi seman

Celi a B. \ Vitczak

Ned E . W ohl fo rd

Caro l L. Wohrer

Fred R. W olf

Jan e E. \ Volf

J a net L. \ Volf

Ruth E. \ Voliung

MARY VVISEM !\N, Free port, N.Y. B.S. English, /lug., '43. Y.W.C.A.; Debate .. . CELIA BARBARA WITCZAK, Buffalo, .Y. 13. ··. Physical Education , D re ., '42. Zeta Tau A lph a; Physical Educat ion Majors' C lu b . . . NED E. WOHLFORD, Gosh en. B .S. Ma11ag r 111 e11t, April, './-] . Delta Upsilon; Delta Sigma Pi; Junior Tra k Manager; Skull and Cresce nt . . . CAROL L. WOHRER , Hayden. B .S. l3usi11 ess, .·I ug., '+3. l.S.A .

FRED RAYMOND WOLF, Indianapoli s. B.S. r1 ccon11ti11g, April, '43. A lpha Tau Omeg a; Union Board; B lu e Key ; Sp hin x C lu b; A lpha Kappa Psi; T ennis; A lph a Phi Om ega; Pershing RiA es; Skull and Crescent . . . JANE ELISABETH WOLF, llamm ond. 11 .S. Physi cal Ed11 calio11, : l ng., '43. LS.A.; \\I.A.A. Board; Archery Club; Ph,-sical Educati on Maj o r Club . .. JA JET L. ~' OLF , Indi anapolis. 13.S. Elem entary T ea ching, 11 ug., './-3. T ennis Club; Arch ery Club ; ~ 7 . A.A . . . . R T l! E. WOI.Iu G, Gree ncastl e. P.G . Busin ess, D ec., '42.


SELMA LE JORE V\IOLV ERTO 1, Indi anapoli s. 11. B. Joumalism, D ec., '42. LS.A.; Daily St udent ; Y.W.C.A . . . . GERALD S. WOODARD , Rockvill e. // .B. Latin, Dec., '42. Cla ss ica l Club ; Y. M . C.A.; Phi Eta Sigma; History Club . .. WARR EN B. WOOLDRIDGE, Kokomo. B .P.S. M . Musi c, D ec., '42. Pres., Delta C hi ; Council of Fraternity Pres id en ts; Y. M.C.A.; Symphony Orchestra; G lee Club; Marchin g Hundred ; Pro Mu sic Club ; " Gondoli ers;" " Cavalleria Ru sti canna" .. . MAX B. WOOLERY, Bloomington. B .S. General Busin ess, ll pril, '43. Sigma Chi; R ed Book; Y.M. C.A. Selma L. Wolverton Gerald S. Vi7oodard

Warren B. Wooldridge

Max Woolery

PA UL THOMAS WORSTER, Conn ersv ill e. B.S. D entistry, Dec., '42. I.S.A. ; Xi Psi Phi; Y.M.C.A.; P ershin g Rifl es . . . VIOLET P. W ULETICH, Ga ry. 11.B. Hom e Economics, April, '43. H ome Economi cs Club . .. E DR EA JAN E YAEGER, Indianapolis. //. 13. Speech, April, '43. C hi Omega; Y.W.C.A . . . . LAWRENCE BLUEFORD YEAGER, Jr., Indi a napo lis. B.S. Management, // ug., '43. Alpha Tau Omega; Falcon Club; Tra ck ; Y .M.C.A.

Paul T. Worster

Violet P. Wuletich Edrea Jane Yaeger Lawrence B. Yeager

MARILYN YOUNG, Fort W ay ne. 11.13. Speech, April, '43. Kappa Alpha Th eta ; Th eta Alpha Phi ; Y. Vi'.C.A.; Radio Theatre; " Th e Eve of St. Ma rk; " Jordan Riv er R ev ue; " What A Life ;" "The W omen" . .. E MILY H. ZANKL, Indi a napo lis. B.S. Business, // pril, '43. Alpha C hi Omega; Ocean ides; M anagement C lub; Omicron Delta; Padd ock Club ... GERALDI NE MARTHA ZIX. Indi anapo li s. B.S. M edi cine, D ec., '42. Ske leton Club .. . VINCENT G. Z UBRAS, South Bend. B. S. Mana ge ment, 11 ug., '43. C heer Leader ; Col legiate Chamber of Commerce. Marilyn Young

Emily Hudson Zank!

Geraldine M. Zix

Vincent G. Zubras

( Mrs.) ED IT H EVANS ZUPPANN, Gary. il.13., Psychology, !lug., '43. LS.A.; Y.W.C.A. . . . LEONA ZWE I G, Fort Wayne. 13 .S., Edu ca tion, d /nil, '43 . ... C HARLES R . BONEWITZ, Hunt in g ton. 11 .B . Governm ent,// pril, '43. L S.A .. . . ALI CE E. HILLERMAN , Bloom in gton. B.S. Education, !l pril, '43.

Edith E. Zuppann

Leona Zweig

Charles Bonewitz

Alice Hillerman

ROBERTA OBERDI NG, Gary. B.S. Business, !lug., '43. A lph a Lambda Delta ; Ch i Gamma; Omicron D elta . . . WILLIAM J. WAYNE, E lkhart. /J. B. Spanish, !lug., '43 . .. JAMES H. WATKI NS, Angola. B .S. General Busin ess, April, '43. Scabbard an d Bla de; K ap pa Kappa P si ; Flame Club; Marchin g Hundred . . . MILDR ED J. ALLGIRE, P aw Paw, Mich. B.S. Education, D ec., '42. R. N. Club ; Vil . K. K ell ogg Fou nd ation Fe ll o\\'ship .

Roberta Oberding William J. Vi'ayne

James Watkins

Mildred J. Allgire


R. 0. T. C. SENIORS VIEW ARMY LIFE .'\1 o indu stri a l tours. accou ntin g a ppre nt iceships, or bu siness inten ·iews do mi na ted th e pe rso nn el placement effo rt for Se ni ors thi s yea r , as trainin g for the arm ed fo rces took prio rit y O\'er peace ti me occ up a ti ons. T he most effective fi eld tr ip fo r Seni o rs proved to be th e A d va nced R. O .T.C. units' tr ips to Cam p Atterbury, . J.O mi les cast of Bl oomin gto n . Th e re th e potent ial offi ce rs re:.:eived instr uct ion of a rm y practices from ac tu a l fie ld units in tra inin g. Th e I.U. Infantry un it saw demonstratio ns of infa ntr y \\·e:tpo ns, compa ny admi nistration , divisio n orga ni z atio n, an d loca l fie ld problems. The Qu a rte rmaste r unit made tou rs throu gh th e w a rehouse, bake ry, la undry, a nd th e T'ost Qu a rte rmaste r oflices. Th e stud ents li vd in barracks a nd ate at reg u la r messes dur in g t heir three-day stay.

DECEMBER GRADS . ENJOY BIG NIGHT The fin al night on campu s of th e first class to be graduated und er the speedup prog ram was speed y - and compact. The three major affairs preceding C ommencement; the farewell banqu et, co-sponsored by th e Union Board and the A.W.S. Council; the Presid ent's reception; and the Senior dance, the Siwash, provided graduation-eve entertainment fo r some 600 stud ents. The gradu ates w ent to Alumni H all in the Union Buildin g at six o' clock fo r the banquet, w alked throu gh th e co rridor to the G eneral Lounge for the Presid ent's reception at eight, then bac k to Alumni H all for the Siwash at nin e. Below a re random snaps of the grads-to-be at different times durin g th e eventf ul evenin g.

Murphy gets a match at the Siwa h.

Seward and Kirk get a fanfare.

Over to the reception.















••M1'9J:••~, ,..----~---l,_ •m•;&:••~r•••••••••••••P.11 ...·~·-··lt"._._.11:...ii:. ,•lm~lr...cM• - ..... .lr:.r..IC..fr.. . . .. -. . . . .

-Collier:S DECEMJIEB 19, 1942






By Representative Jame


The tri I Sa turd Pe-threat h I . ay lv ith h . a !back lvh li1lleIJbraIJd I '.s spectacular o Wowed th e . Where he . VVith th e ~assmg aIJd c1.owds every E Was IJ;i exceptio ru IJIJiIJ va IJsvi]] . .'1ned OIJ th IJ of the A . g - Billy A e JUIJ1 0 e secoIJd ssociat d P IJJerica t r Was se/e squad th · e ress A eams · cted ' is swi I h . ' .n.IJJerica t ' JIJcludiIJg G OIJ a]] the . ve - IPPed ' ea 1J1 JIJ Collie ' ~ r 'a IJt1and n. m1po rtaIJt Ali 1 '-1ce's r s l yJ . cc . agaz1ne. 0111c1a] AIJ-

H ow Bo help ed th e boys win th eir g am e aga in st the G old en Go ph ers of Minn esota.

Hill enbrand skirts left end fo r ya rda ge aga in st Iow a Sea hawk s.


Front Row- Le,,i, Ca ni g li o, M . Saba n, J acoby, Zusga, Lin oni s, Ga rmon, 11 asa pes, and Ron zone.


eco nd Row - L. y ab · ~ i hR~e l Dol owa y, D ew a r, Prege r, Bl ack, D ean , , ~ C Jr Third Row -Scl ipc a, -l u , I , ( er ls, cK inn is, ll ill enb rand, Fige n, Youn g, M oo rehead , and Cow an . Back Row - Bell , Ga mbin o, Z imny, Boc hni cka , Ta\" ener, G albrea th, K okos, ll aro ld, an d T ackett.

A Fei'dHPC'rl

A. ! . ·'Bo" M cMilli n, tW°i llf;;;\ .d J ohn K ov atch, E arl C. "J~ ..~~·e>. \..:.



R. " wede" An der on,



"Knocky'' M cK inni s hits pa y dirt in the opening game against the Butl er Bulldogs.

Mr. William Hillenbrand and a grossly underrated host of sophomores set the stage September 26 for the 1942 grid yea r by crushing the Butler Bulldogs 53-0 to erase the Memorial Stadium sco ring record by 15 points. The effigy of Hillenbrand. was hanging in front of a Butler fraternity house before the game, but after two minutes of play, Hurryin ' Billy bobbed

and weaved throu gh an entire Butler team for 60 yards and a touchdown. From that point, sophs "Knocky" McKinnis, Bob Cowan, Lou Gambino, Bob Dean, and Jimmie Dewar led the parade for seven six-pointers with the steadying help of Earl Doloway. Outstanding performances were given by Linemen Tavener, Hasapes, Pihos, Bell , Brown , and Nash.

12-0 ... ... ...


Gambino shows that well-known smile as he dresses for a scr imma ge.

Indiana's mighty Bomen bitterly disappointed 24,000 Nebraska homecoming fans when they turned farmer and shucked the Cornhuskers to the tune of 12-0. The score doesn' t nearly indicate the vast superiority Bo 's boys had over Nebraska, however. They had 23 first downs to Nebraska's three, and they gained 313 net yards rushing and 81 via the air while the Huskers had only 58 yards total. Captain Bob \'Vhite played his first game of the year, and gained 52 yards in eight trips. Lou Saban played an iron-man, 60-minute performance and threw bod y- breaking blocks for Hillenbrand , Cowan, McKinnis, Doloway and Company. Ed Bell played a sparklin g game in the line, as did Pete Pihos, Mutt D eal, Howard Brown , Johnny Bochnika , and John Tavener. The first touchdown was tallied when Hillen brand broke loose and sneaked through from the 16-yard line. The second carload of paydirt became Indi ana's when McKinnis went 21 yards in four consecutive tries for th e final six points. Oddly enough, with all the ya rds ga in ed, both tallies were set up by recovered fumbles. The rejuvenated Hoosiers were stopped nine times within the 15-ya rd line by H erc ulean stands of the Nebraska line.


Dolowa y throu g h a hole big enou g h for the Marchin g Hundred aga in st Pittsbu rg h.

The dynamite-lad en backs from th e banks of the Jord an expl oded a nd add ed some addi t ion a l smoke to the a lready "smoky" City of Pittsburgh as l\lr. l3ig-Bi ll y Hillenb ra nd pitched t hree perfect strike fo r tou chd ow ns - hittin g Bobby Cowa n twi ce a nd H asapes once to smother the P a nth ers 19-7 . It was so ph omore day fo r th e H oos iers as Cowan , operati ng from r ight half, played a spectacu lar game, a lon g with P ete Pihos, who played 60 minutes of bone-c ru shin g ball a nd big Louie G am bino , who averaged nin e ya rd s a crack throu gh th e lin e.

It wa th e end of th e third qu a rter. Bo's sc rappin ' Hoosier gridders w ere lead ing 6-0 ove r th e m ighty Iowa Seahawks. But, in the long 15 minutes of th e fi nal quarte r, th e Cadets scored fou r touchd ow ns a nd whipped the Bowen 26-6. The Indian a crew just didn 't have th e ma npower to match th e hardened, former-co llege-star lineup of th e Sea hawks. Lou Saba n, " Kno cky'' l\Icl(innis, Pete Pihos, and Ed Bell played su perhuman ball for th e losi ng Crimso n.

Saba n c rosses th e 50-yard strip e aga in st th e Sea ha wk s as Be rni e Bierman, Sta ff, a nd tea m look on.


Bob White is the smashing fu llback who captained Indiana's successful 1942 football team. Captain White sparked the Hustlin' Hoosiers with his line backing ability and his mighty plunges through oppo nents' lines. He holds two remarkable records on the gridiron. In his three years of co llegiate competition no team has scored through his side of the lin e, and he has a yard-gained average of a little over five yards . White, although not the spectacular type of ball player, was a dependable back who could make enough yards for a first down w hen called upon. His knowledge of the game and dependability made Bob a mighty handy man on the gridiron . So, we take our hats off to Bob White - a great captain of a great team.

OJ.t. Kl«)«, Rouied, It was "reserve day" on November 14, and I.U.'s shock troops responded in an impressive manner. The Crimson had a field day in romping over Kansas State 54-0 for a new Memorial Stadium scoring record. The most spectacu lar football gem was turned in by a reserve tackle, Tom Moorehead, who blocked three punts which were turned into tallies. Captain Bob \ Vhite, Patsy Ronzone, Jim D ewar, Bob Cowan, Lou Gambino, Bob Dean, and ] ack Nash displayed their football skills in an amazing fas hion.


Indi ana's nationally heralded backs wen t crazy, the craziest they've gone all year, whi le swamping the Armoraiders of Fort Knox 51-0 at Louisville. The season's totals were seve n wins and three losses. Bill Hillenb ra nd rushed across the first score, and then it was the jack pot, with "Knocky'' McKinnis getti ng three. The season's 256 total points was the hi ghest any Crimson team has ever scored. Some people claim it was I.U.'s greatest grid eleven. W'ith the damsel LUCK with them, they could have easily been undefeated.

In thi s mass of legs and arms, can you locate All-America Hillenbrand go in g over Pittsburgh's ri ght tackle?


BIG NINE Performing before a crowd of 50,000 rabid football fans in the massive Ohio State footba ll stadium at Columbus, Indiana's " never-say-die" Crimson battled Paul Brown 's Iational champion campaigners in a thrill-packed, three-ring, gridiron circus. During the first period, the Ohio powerhouse drove to two scores, but early in the second stanza, the irreproachable Billy (the kid ) Hillenbrand elect rified th e thrill-packed arena by weaving through the entire Bu ckeye eleven for a 5-1--yard run and the first Hoosier score. The Ohioans, not to be denied, pushed another one across to make the tally 19-7 at intermission time. l\tlr. Indiana Fan's hopes went up considerably when on six-pointers by Bob Cow an and Lou Saban, LU. led at the third quarte r 21-19. It was the fourth quarter, however, that ruined the victo ry hopes of our "still fightin' " H oosiers. A dog-tired and injurv-riddled Indiana line fell before the massive manpower of th e State combination a nd grudgi ngly yielded two sco res - the final cou nt read ing : Ohio State 32, Indiana 21. We can always look back on this game and use t he 11·e l I-kn ow n in terroga ti ve, wistful expression, " if." If we'd onl y had a break or two, or if we'd only had an ex tra tackle o r two when the goin g got tough. Y es, things might ha H been different - if.

Hillenbrand pitches against Ohio State in the 3d qua rter.

and Saban catc he r for one of Indiana 's touchdowns.


Cowan stee rs clea r of would-be Iowa ta ck lers at H omecoming ga me, as team mates look on.

point by a fraction of an inch. I owa's H awkeyes came bac k to knot th e score on another Farmer pass, and he provided the margin by booting th e extra point. In dia na, still undaunted, came back in the fi nal stanza and tri ed twi ce for a sco re, and just as the gu n end ed hostiliti es, Saban was ready to try for a fie ld goa l. To sum up this defeat: H a,,·keye Tommy Farmer pitched three strikes, and when all \\"as sa id and done, the hard- hittin g H oosiers struck out.

It was a bitter pill for Coach Bo McMillin , his crew, and a mu ltitud e of homecoming fans to swa llow the hea rtbreaking l+-13 loss to a ha rd-playing Iowa ball club. Indiana led twice. First, when Billy Hill enbrand , w ho did eve rythin g humanl y possible to ave rt defeat, fired a payoff pass to Bob Cowan . Then , after Iowa had evened the cou nt on Tom Farmer's tou chdown pass, Bill y skirted ri ght end for nine yards and a six-poi nter. Then it happened! H illenbrand missed the extra

FRESHMAN SQUAD Front Row - Willi ams, M agg ioli , Svetanoff, C larkson, Mu llin , Kilgal lon, Montagano, Lee, Day, Vita li, Buente. Second Row-Butler, Lake, vVarren, C ra vens, Jackson, C la rk son, Jam es, R abb, Ra in y, Little, Hodges. Th ird Row - Van der M oe re, Sims, Grossman, Ru ss ler, Boba k, Il atfie ld , McK eo n, G uthi er, Gates. Back Row - Pratapas, Herron, Faught, F ield s, Chi twood.


Fac ia l expressions a re a dim e a doze n as Bill y " th e kid" ge t a w ay fro m a Minn eso ta ta ckl er.

V oted the most va luable playe r of th e year by his teammates, L ou Sa ban, the Bo-m en's blockin g bac k a nd smashin g line backer, is th e captai n-elect of the 1943 I. U . footb all squad . L ou was na med by Geo rge H ause r, Minn esota's coach, as the best blocking back of the year af ter their defea t by the H oosiers . Further praise was add ed by Col. Bie rman who sa id he bac ked up t he line with the best of them. Saban , fa mo us fo r his teeth-rattlin g tactics, was named on all th e A ll-S tate teams and w as second strin g o n the A ll - C on fere nce squ ads. H e also w as give n honorable m ention on most of t he A ll-Ameri ca selections.


A fter th e smoke cleared away from In dia na's fo otball blitz. on th e l\l inn esota's perenn ia l national g ridiron leaders, the most stirri ng chapter of th e 19+2 seaso n was recorded. The scoreboa rd read : Indi a na 7, l\Iinn esota 0. It was trul y a g ra nd and g lorious victo ry. No t onl y did t he l\lcl\ IiU inme n beat the G op hers, but th ey w hite-washed t hem for t he first time in te n yea rs. It w as the fi rst H oosier victo ry over l\linn esota si nce 1920, a nd In diana's seco nd w111 111 the 14-ga me se ri es. Th e C rimso n gain ed th eir fi rst victory 111 B ig T en com peti tion a nd firm ly estab lished the bel ief th at the spin e-t in glin g losses of 32-2 1 to Oh io Sta te a nd l+-13 to Iowa neve r shou ld have been. On e sc ribe rema rked th a t alt hough it w as a team victory, the wo rk of Lou Saban, Bob Cowa n, \ Vi lli e Hi ll enb ra nd , a nd t hose two fi ne w in gmen, P ete Pihos and P a ul \ Va lke r, was somethin g to behold. Th e U ni ted Press sa id , "You all know w ho the heroes we re .. . th e pl ay of th ose lin emen - Pete Pihos, P aul \Valker, Bob Zi mny, F red H uff, Eel Bell , Ru ss D ea l, H owa rd Brow n, J ohn Tavener . and Dick Tackett - wo n't fade from the memo ry of Mi nneso ta fo r a long ti me."


<Jlt<J-UHce PwicJue, 20-0 " ... and so it came to pass" as R ev. Gallmeyer would say, but th e fightin' Hoosiers didn ' t have to take to the air to wallop Purdu e 20-0 on a rainsoaked field and retain the Old O ake n Bucket for the third consecu ti ve yea r. Old " J aw n" would have turned over in his g ra ve if he had seen th e way Indian a's backs - \ N hite, Doloway, McKinnis, Hillen brand , J aco by, Cowan , Saban, and D ewar slas hed their way through Purdue's "vau nted " line. Old " J aw n" must ha ve been restless for weeks after the way Indiana's line, headed by center Di ck Tackett, stopped the Boilermaker backs before th ey could get sta rted. Zimn y, Bell, Pihos, \ N alker , and Brown were bri ght spots in the fo rwa rd wall. This end ed th e confe rence season for the bucketkeepers with a .500 percentage-winning two and losin g two. With this record , Indi ana tied for fo urth in the Bi g Ten standing, only one losin g game from a seco nd -place rating in the confe rence ladder. \!\Tith the winning of the annu al rivalry battle, a successful seaso n was ass ured Bo's boys.

Th e co in is tosse d, capta in s shake hand s, and th e big game is on at Purdu e. Three Boil ermaker tacklers close in on Saban at th e Purdu e Sta dium .

The th ird consecutive " I ," sign ifyin g v ictory, is to be a dd ed to the " IP" chai n on the old bucket. Bo holds th e bucket whil e Sen iors look on.


Pi Beta Phi

Sigma Nu

... . F 0 R ...

I. . - U. S. HfBY MINUU t~UNl~ ·''8(J'rHWILLi1N



Delta Delta Delta

Del ts

Alpha Chi

Chi Omega

Judges- Shoemaker, Kirby, Hedges


Upper Left Hoosiers.

Armed forces watching Fightin'

Upper Right name."

"If we don ' t win, I'll be a dirty

Center - The "Duke" tapes \Vhite's ankle as Bell kibitzes. Lower Left - Cheerleader Lee Ford gives out with a big " INDIANA." Lower Right-Army and Kansas State game.

Football Managers -

Wilkins, Bublitz, Hawbaker, and Sturgis.

avy parade during

Footballers Harrell, Young, Moorhead, and Dean don their togs for practice.

Durin g th e hal ves at the las t severa l home basketba ll games, fa ns were ente rta in ed by our crack gy m nas ti c tea m. Th e spect a tors ma rveled at the ama z in g fe ats of Sam Ri fkin , Arnold Trummer, Albert C oa kl ey, Gus Erckm a nn , Bob Greene, Henry } l ontoye, a nd J oe Ri cigli ano - members of the va rsity squ ad. C oached by Otto R y3c r, th e squ ad wi ll face th e fo llowin g schedul e : Feb. 13 - South ern Illin ois Norma l a t Indi a na. F eb. 19 - Penn State 's 19 +2 na tiona l title-holde rs, there. F eb. 20- At th e U. S. ;.\lilita ry Acade my. F eb. 22 - At th e U .S . .:\la va ! Acad em y. F eb. 27 - }l innesota , here. Th e da te fo r the \ Veste rn con fe rence to urn ament is und ecid ed, and since th ere a re onl y Indi ana and l\linnesota which ha1·e tea ms, the winner of th at du a l match will be t he unoAicial Bi g T en winn er.

Al bert C oakl ey Ays through th e air with t he g rea test of ease .

It 's ""o nd e rful ""h at yo u ca n do afte r a se m este r of ph ys ical edu cati o n.

Fro nt R o \\" - C ree ne, E. rckmann , Ri f ki n, T r um mer , C'oa k lei-. Ba ck R o"" - Co ac h R yser, !J en son, M ontoye, Ri c ig li a no, II u rt.

A hand sta nd by E rckm a nn .


Left to Ri ght: Char les Labotk a, Cha rl e T olbert, R obe rt Benckart, T om Jud ge, Ea rl Mitchell, C la rk M cC lure, H a rry Price.

A ll hail Indi a na's unbeaten Cross-Cou ntr y squaclcham ps of the Bi g Ten a nd co-champions of th e nation. Yes, the Crimso n harriers, composed of Earl :r.litchcll, Tom Jud ge, C ha rley L a botka, a nd P au l K endall - stars a ll - pro vid ed Indi a na fa ns with a big thrill when they swept to a tie fo r th e Nation al Inte rco ll egiate cham pion ship at L a nsin g, Michigan, with a su rprisin g P enn State crew. Let's gaze in the unblemished record (crysta l ball ) spor ted by the Billy H ayes-coac hed harriers. Indi a na trimmed Purdu e, 17--J.5, and edged a smooth l\!Ii chi ga n State team, 20-37, in th eir preparato ry du al matches . Then they showed vast superiority in winnin g the State Intercollegia te with 26 points. Notre Dam e, des pite the efforts of Oliver Hunter, w ho just edged Ea rl Mitchell fo r first place, we re second \1·ith 52 a nd Purdue was third with 53 . Next, In dia na romped off with the Bi g T en title by placin g four men in the first 10 for a total of 3-J. d igits. Followin g were Illin ois 69, Purdu e 7-J., Ohio State 82, ' V isconsin 109 and Chicago 11 7. Ea rl Mitchell , speedy H oosie r star, took the indi vidu al title wit h Char ley L abotka second by 20 ya rd s. In diana's other sco rers, P au l K end all a nd Tom Jud ge, finished 7th a nd 8th. The nex t week end I.U.'s potent '-J.2 squad tied for the National cha mpionship, with P enn State at 57 points each, alth ough Ollie Hunter beat litchell for the indi vi du al titl e, th e H arriers from th e Banks of the J ordan placed 2d, 8th, 10th , 13th, and 2-J.th . Rh ode I sla nd State 108 and Notre D ame 14 5, completed th e first four.

Ea rl Mitchell w ork s out on th e Stadium tra ck.

FRESHMAN L escak, Su lli va n, vVi ble, J ones, Mil ne, Es tl e.

Front R ow -Roy Kilby, Ralph Hamilton, J ohn Logan, Captain Ir vin

:,~:~:.~J t~,~:,~;\:~""~:o:e·f!l~~;' H'""· c,,,, 1

Curtis~~drnm ~i]:,~lke , ~~,1~ ng

M ·-

B ack R owScott, Ward Williams, L eRoy M angin. Not pi ctured is Bob Cowan, varsity man from Ft. V\la yne.

Iiams so ab ly fi ll s in. H e is a tricky shot, good rebou nd er, and add s spee d to th e quintet. At th e forwards, a re two of th e best sco rers in th e game today - R a lph Hamilton a nd J ohnny Logan. " H am" is currentl y ·econd in th e Big Ten sco rers and should fin ish th e yea r w ell up in th e conference ·indi v idual sco rers. H e, a lso, has the top ave rage in th e Big Ten fo r total shots. Loga n, a fine ba ll handl e r, is one of th e top sco rers a lth ough he had a late start beca use of in eli g ibility difficulty. H e is in th e first fo ur in th e shooting ave rage. D oes th e tea m have adequate rese r ve st rength ? Indian a ha s th e best, in suc h top-notch performers as Bob Cowan, spee d merchant and ace guar d, Ed D enton , rebounder and shotm ake r de lu xe, Bi ll y M cG inni s, fighter and the "a ppl e of -the crowd 's eye," \ Va rren Lewis, tricky shotmak er, Neil F unk, a tip-in a rtist, Bob Hin es and Jim Smith-classy reboun ders. Roy Kilby, Bi ll Frey, Bob Yo un g, and Leroy Man g in were lost to th e squad because of in eligibility. Any of th ese cage rs w ou ld make fir t five on any ot her tea m in th e nati on - exce pt Indi ana 's all '"inn ers. W ell, th e playe rs and coaches a re of a championship ca liber; now, wa s th e schedul e toug h enoug h ? Indi ana plays the best teams in th e co untry - serv ice tea ms in cluded. Th e Hoosier ll otshots have met a ll th e req uirements of a g reat tea m; so, then - hat's off and keep 'em swi shing . ...

Indi ana's basketeering co mm a nd os, conqu eror of 16 straight foes, current lea der of th e Big T en, a re rated number one in th e nati on as th e spo rt's dead lin e has come. In th e journali sti c w orld th ere is a phra se " more to come," whi ch mea ns that th e sto ry isn't compl ete and th e rest of th e sto ry is to fo ll ow. W ell, th a t's our situati on. Four more ga mes a re yet to be p laye d before th e Cr im son cage rs ha ng up th eir eq uipm en t for th e '+2-43 season . Th ese four games will dec id e the champi on of the w es te rn conference. T hey w ill decide th e national titl ehold er. Th ey wi ll decid e wh eth er th e M cC racken-coached a thl etes will hav e a n unb ea ten year. So, rememb er fans- more to come. \ Vhen any tea m ra cks up 16 consec uti ve " ·in s, th ere are peo pl e behind th e story - peop le wh ose names don' t appear in th e box sco res. In thi s case, the men " ·ho a re hid den in th e fame dust are mento r Branch M cC ra cken, assis tant coach Johnson, and trainer Ferguson. To th ese expe rts of th eir fi eld a g reat d ea l of th e credit is du e. T hen - looking ove r a champion shi p reco rd - there a re th e pl aye rs w ho make up thi s drea m squa d. First, let's look at th e spark- plu g and ca pta in of th e netters. Ir v Swan · son has been th e ty pi ca l Frank M erri well at hl ete - he comes through when th e tea m n ee ds it. Dick Wittenbraker compl etes th e first-five g uard s. Not onl y is '" Witt" a sti cky g uard er, but h e rates among th e best reboun d men. Th en w e come to th e pivot spo t wh ere Ward Wit-


M eet th e captain of th e 19+2-+3 net edition - "Scoote rbug" Swanson. ln· is a three-yea r veteran on a so· far unbeaten and national leading qu intet. '°Scooterbug" - that ni ck nam e \\·as christened because hi s lighting !ipir it is the spark to th e Indiana basketball Bomb. lli s peculiar sty le of sho o tin r~


hi s

amnz in g

acc uracy

wh en th e going gt ts to ugh are a coupl e of the reaso ns that hi s teammates chose him as their lea d e r. A "clutch " ne tte r, he neve r looks goo d in a runawa,-, but in a thri lle r, Swanson i~ th e winning factor. So, he re's to th e ch amp ion ca ptain of a c hampion ball c luh.

'" llam" scores against Ohio State.

v\'illiam s tip s to Loga n to start H oos ie r v icto ry over Purdue.


As the ARBUTUS goes to press, we shou ld like to say that Illinois won the conference. Ind·iana lost to Wisconsin and Purdue in games that were decided by the "breaks."

Upper Left: Hamilton shoots his favorite shot against Michigan.

Upper Right: " Quickie" McGinnis lifts one in.

Low er: Branch and his Fort Wayne Boys Cowan, Young, Hin es, and Hamilton.

FRESHMAN HOOPSTERS Front Row ( left to right ) - Grossman, Wallace, Av ery, Hoffman, Brown, Beck, Schaeffer. Back Row - Coach Johnson, Peyton, Scheider, Ritter, Cox, Mill er, Bennett, Student Manager Kaminski.

Cap ta in S\\'anson rolls one ove r th e r im.

Th e H oos ie r " H yste ria a nd M a dh ous e" break loose a t th e Purdu e ba ttl e.


w. IND I ANA ·------ --- ---- ---- --------------- I I I in ois ------------------·-- --------·-------- -\ Vi sconsin -------- ---- ---- ---- ------------ -Minn esota -- ------ -------------- -----------No rth\\'este rn

9 8 4 4

L. 0 0 4 3

5 Pu rd ue ---------- ---- -- -·---------- -----------Ohi o Sta te -------- --- -·----- ---------------5 lo \\' a ......... --- -- ----------------------- 6 Mi c hi g an ---- -- ----- ----- -- ---- ---- ---------- 1 C hi cago ------------------ ---------------- ---- 0 ( Stand in gs as of A rbu tu s d ea dlin e)

D en ton dri bb les in -

s hoo ts -

th e ba ll ro ll s off r im -

Co \\' a n rebound s a n d sco res.


Beli ev e it o r not, th is shot by Logan w ent in.

Guess who shot! It was Ward v\Tilliams behind th e goa l.

"Scooter" lea ds hi s aggrega ti on onto th e Fi eldhouse gym.

SEASON'S R ECORD Indiana 57, D e Pauw ........................ 58 , Wabash .......................... 64, Ft. Knox ........................ 58, Kentucky ........................ 51, Loyo la ............................ 40, Nebraska ........................ 42, Butl e r ............................ 45, Ohio State ...................... 61, Ohio State ...................... 55, C hi cago .......................... 71, Iowa .............................. 64, Iowa .............................. 53, Purdu e ............................ 32, Mi chi gan ...................... 48, Mi chi gan 51, \Vi sconsin ······················ 53, Wisconsin ...................... 40, Minn esota ...................... 51, Minn esota ...................... 38, Purdu e ............................

40 40 19 52 43 39 27

37 31 27

55 43 35

24 35

44 57

28 39 41

T he chee rl eade rs give out with a YEA -


I ND / AN/I.

root Ross ∎ — Singleton,Vso RS(tri V )olous, Bruner, Archer,

Robbins. Back Row — Stewert, Belshaw.


Billy Thom, undefeated world's titleholder in four divisions, Jr. Middleweight, Middleweight, Jr. Light-heavyweight, and top claimant to the Heavyweight crown, whose profession is wrestling coach of Indiana's always champion squad, says that this is one of his best teams in years. He, also, claims that the Crimson matmen, victorious over Purdue, 17-9, and Ohio State, 20-6, and loser to Michigan, 14-12, have an excellent chance to cop the Big Ten and possibly National titles. And who are we to argue with Coach Thom and his champion-caliber material. At 121 pounds he has Jimmy Angelopolous or Bob Bruner. Mike Rolak, now in the service, would have been at this

Coach Thom shows the boys how.

tokika, Traster, Bocknicka,

spot. At the 128 and 136 pound classes Johnny Archer and Chet Robbins — good conference champion bets — work. John 'Wilson, wrestling in place of injured Don Burns, works the 145 pound class. Another possible champ is Jimmy Wilkinson at 155 pounds. Sig Galonka looks good at 165 pounds. At 175 pounds, the captain and a national titleholder prospect, Harry Traster is unbeaten this year. John Bochnicka, described by Thom as the most promising candidate, is operating at the heavy spot for the first year. The following schedule remains : Feb. 11 — Muhlenburg (Pa.), there. Feb. 12 — Leheigh (Pa.), there. Feb. 13 — Ohio University, there. Feb. 27 — Michigan State, here. March 5, 6 — Conference meet at Northwestern. The national meet location is as yet undecided.

"Grunt and Groaners- Bruner and Wilson warm

B«; 10 e1ta~

Archer a nd Robbins try th eir favor ite str ang le holds.

Capta in Harry Tra ster went undefeated this year.

R ea dy to start his bout is Golonka.

Wrestl e r and Footballer -


John Bochnicka is tough in both.

Champion Ern ie Voge l di ves into th e In d iana pool.

\ Vhen that coach with the u nblemished record in every co ntest - Uncle Sam - took such outstan ding performers as A. 0 . La B erteaux, J im .1\lcLean , A l VanDuran , Lee Savage, a nd Ray Steffy, swimmi ng mentor Dean Ro yer had a grnve problem faci ng him. Then , E rni e Vogel, unbeaten in th e 50 and 100 ya rd crawl stroke, Cecil Franklin, state ch amp in the 200 ya rd breast stroke, D ave lVlcCooe, a nd Ernie Stad ler, sp lashin g ha nd y men came alon g with B ob Linker. H al Glasser, A l K ayworth , Volmer Franz, Dick Cra ig, Jim Curry, C ha rl es T yler, and Ji m Story to form proba bly one of th e best Indi a n;1 squads in m a ny years .

VARSITY SQUAD Front Row- \' oge l, Kaywort h, Coach Roye r, Franz, G lasser. Second Row Ty ler, McCooe, Frank lin, Linker. Back Row - Sto ry, Cu rry, Stad ler.

So fa r this seaso n they ha\·e whipped Cincin nati -J.0-35 a nd Bal l State 60- 15 a nd lost to D ePauw twi ce 25-50 a nd 33--1.Z. Ho\\·eve r, Coach Ro ye r states that if fres h men Lou l\loln a r, Dave Gastinea u, Roge r Buck, a nd Ron Sm iley cou ld ha\·e pa rticipated, the resu lts agai nst DePauw would ha\"C bee n diffe1·ent, as the G ree ncast le at hl etes have lifted th e fres hm an banning rule. The rema inin g schedu le: F eb. 13- Purdu e he re. F eb. 19 - At L oyola (C hi cago) . F eb. 20 - YVisco nsin at th e L oyola pool. F eb. 26 - Bo wlin g Green ( Ohio) here. Feb . 27 - B all State he re. .1\lar. 5. 6- \ Veste rn Conference at Nort hweste rn. :\ lar. 20- State Inte rco llegia t e he re. .1\Iar. 28 . 29 - Natio na l l\leet at Ohio State.

FRESHMAN SWIMMERS Fro nt tin eau, R oye r. Back Ca rroll,

R ow - James, Tay lo r, GasM oln ar, Buck, Coach R. A. R ow - Sm illi e, Kahle, Ma ce, Timm.

E lli s,

Cecil Franklin, champ ion 200-yard breast stroke r, g iv es the photog ra ph er an ex hibition.

F ran z pra ctica ll y hits th e ce ilin g doing this swan di ve.

Breast strok e a rti st is Dave McCooe.

U nbeatab le Ernie Vogel and Coac h R oye r check the tim e.


Victoriou s over Purdue 70-3+ in the onl y match befo re th e ed itor hurri ed this co py off to th e printers, the Crimson indoor tracksters face a tou gh remainin g schedule: Feb.12 - Illinois, here. Feb. 19 - Ohio State, here. F eb. 27 - At Notre Dame. :\l arch +, S - Conference meet at Chi cago. :\l arc h 13 - Illinois T ech R elays at Chi cago . :\ Lar . 20 - Chicago R elays . .\lar. 27 - Purdu e l<.elays. The outdoor sc hedu le had not been arranged at our deadline. \Vh en asked about his individual stars, Coach Bill y H ayes hand ed me th e entry blank for the Big T en .\leet, so, I refrr it to yo u: 160-ya rel clash - Bob Nichols, K eith Lon g, George Colema n, a nd R ay :\leh li g. 70-yard low hurdles - Ri chard Steele, George Johnson. ++O a nd 880 yard s - H a rry Pri ce . L ar ry Falwell, J ames Odell, a nd Clark McClure.

Coac h l-1 ayes, T ommy D ecka rd , fo rm er track srn r, and th e managers tim e th e boys.

Pole Vault - George Colem an, Bob Ni chols, a nd \\T. R. Harriso n. Hi gh ] ump - George J ohnso n and Ernie Voge l Broad Jump - Keith Long and Bob .\lidkiff. Shot Put - Lou Saban , H aro ld Glasse r, and T ed H asa pes.

Front Row - Saba n, Dun can, Labotk a, Long, Ode ll , K elsey, Midkiff, G ood. Row Two-Manager Lewank owski, Davi s, McClure, Steele, Pri ce, M ehlig, Ottenh eim er, Corbin. Row Three- Ha yes , M ye rs, Falw ell , Co leman , F. J ohn son, Am ster, Lockett. Back Row - 11 algas, G. J ohn so n, Ta Ibe rt, l-1 a1-rison, Cla sse r, Nichols, Pri ckett.

11 0

FRESHMAN Front Row- Greenwalt, Walsh, Estl e, Driver, Milne, Sullivan, Lescak, Shannon. Row Two - Nichols, Sapperstein, Field, Brown, Greg McK eon, Gerald McKeon, Mitchell, Fraas. Back R ow - 'Nibl e, Doughtery, Jens, Coac h, v\lilt, Jones, Steele.

• •


- II' 'f' .....

. -"""'- ....





''S afe at hom e," as IJ oos ie rs turn to sp rin g spo rts.

194.2 Se<.Uan

Coach " Pooch" looks his 1942 baseball e rs ove r.

Th e first call for America's favorite game, baseball, found Coach Charles ( Pooch ) H a rrell abundantl y supplied with ve terans Johnn y Logan, Roy E:ilby, L efty Vittoz, and Charli e Shumake r to form th e nucleus of an outstanding com bination. Newly elected Captain Charlie Shumake r led th e va rsity nine to a win over the freshman squad in the an nu al preseaso n tilt. Th e Harrellm en slugged Franklin hurlers all over the lot to the tune of 17-3 in the season open er. The Crimson nin e held their own in Big Ten competition as they edged l\1innesota a nd split a two-ga me se ries with Purdue and M.ichigan each. Other teams who fell befo re the H a rrellmen's "mu rd erer's row" were Iowa , St. Joseph, Butl er, ·v vabash, and Ohio State. When asked about the possibilities of a successful season this sprin g, Coach Harrell sa id that the outlook was doubtful. " There is a question as to whether freshmen will be allowed to com pete in varsity play because of the short span eli gibi lity of t he players on the squad," he added . (Howeve r, the recent ru lin g of the western conference will permit use of c~ lege freshmen on the varsity squad.) It is ce rtain th at Coach H a rrell will produce a team of which the Crimsonites can well be proud.


The Crimson netters experienced a mediocre 1942 tennis seaso n. Even though Coach Ralph Collins had some very excell ent material to work with , it


,,,Jy ;,, the by Z . G. Clevenger that Harry Soutar, professional at the Bloomington Country C lub, would assume th e role as mentor of the Indian a golf team duri ng the 1942 season. Coach Soutar issued a ca ll ea rl y in i\!larch and found , after almost a month of practices, that he had some outstanding shotrn akers with which to form his va rsity foursome . As th e seaso n neared its openi ng, it was fairly ev ident that the four boys who wou ld tee off in the match against l\lichi gan would be Lenny l\Jurph y, H enry Timbrock, state amateur titl e holder, Dan Crave ns, and Bob Boden. The Crimso n tee to cup a rti sts experienced a not too successful seaso n; howe ve r, they ga ined some valuable ex perience which cou ld ha ve been used to g rea t adva ntage t his year if circumstances would ha ve permitted. It is in definite as to wh eth e r I.U. will compete in golf this yea r; howe\'e r, it is certai n th at we will have a golf team. ' Vhether l\lr. Souta r will reassume his rol e as coach is also indefinite. H e did state, however, th a t all who we re interested in golf should come out. A s ye t no schedule has been arranged.

seemed th at hard lu ck awaited the Red and ' i\Thite a t every cou rt. Probably the incident th at proved to be th e heartbreaker of the season came when Dick ' Vood, numbe r one man on the squad, advanced to the semifinals in the sin gles of th e state tournament only to be forced to withdraw because of a leg injury. Th e remaining contestant for Dick to play w as from Notre Dame, a boy whom he had drubbed ea rlier in the regu la rl y sched uled season. The Crimsons won two games of their nine-game schedu le, defeating Dall State and Cincinnati. The prospects for the 1943 season are rather dubious as yet, because of the fact that man y of the boys have answ ered the ca ll to arms. H owever, Coach Collins has retained some of his seasoned racqueteers and with these, along ·w ith fres hmen Bud Brown a nd Jack Cullison, he should present a winning tea m. Jack Reed, John Mathews, and Bob P addock are among those returning to the cou rt. The sched ule for this seaso n is undecided .


Under the direction of Mr. Schlafer, university intramural manager, and the five intramural managers John McFaddin, Dave Ree ves, Larry McFaddin, Dusty Rhodes, and John Scully, the 1942-43 intramural sports program began last fall with the campus organizations teeing off for the first intramural sport, golf. Sigma Nu fraternity captured the 18-hol e contest, but was followed closely from g reen to green by A.T.O. and K.D.R. who came in second and third, respectively. Acacia seemed to have the fastest men on the campus as they ran away with the cross country contest; howeve r, Phi Psi and P.E.K. were not to be forgotten when the final tape was broken. The summer sports were crowded out of the limelight by the entering favorite, football. Although this is touch football instead of the usual tackle, the boys really get rough and when the pile was uncovered Sigma Chi Fraternity was found to be the winner. Following football on the program was codeball in which the S.A.E.'s outkicked the Delts to win the championship. The last sport to be decided thus far was volleyball in which the Pi Lams won the minor league and the Sigma Chis won the major league. The present sta ndings thus far in the intramural race show Sigma Nu and Delta Upsilon tied for first place with 265 points each, Acacia second with 262 ~, and Sigma Chi third with 262. The plans for this summer are indefinite; but if conditions permit, the intramural schedu le will proceed along the same program as was followed last summer. "Softball, tennis, golf, and horseshoe pitching will usher in the summer program," stated Mr. Schlafer.

GEORGE E. SCHLAFER Director of 'intramurals

ORGANIZATION MANAGERS. Each organization h as a n intramu ral man ager who keeps the program runnin g smoot hly .

• 113

T he e\'er-fo ith fu l secretary ou tsid e th e in tram ura l offi ce is R uth u lm et.

Th ere's th e whi te lin e th ey have been looki ng fo r for tw o mi les.

In cha rge of l n t ra m ura ls a re m a nage rs La rry M cFa dd en, "D usty" Rhod es, Dave R eeves, a nd John M cFa d den . Not included in th e pict u re is Jo hn Scu ll y.


INTRAMURALS IN ACTION Upp er Left: Toughest sport on th e program is touch ( ? ) footba ll. Cpper Right: Starting th e grue lling two-mile crosscou ntry race.

Center: H ysteria reaches its peak as stud en ts back th eir frat. Lower Left: A blown up idea of volleyball is Ma ss Volleyba ll. Low e r Ri g ht: Sigma Nu's Platter a nd Gast in th e Pin gPon g playo ffs.


V\There's the ba ll?

2uoie kf1z,. S~, "./lit., ?4haw., !Jnbuunwu:d&., a/UYt't ,irutr.;Ji. !J can ~ ,,when . . . . . "

The ca me ra ca tches hi s ha nd ove r th e net, so hi s tea m loses a poi nt.

G runt a nd groa n tacti cs a re a lso a pa rt of the prog ra m.


Indiana's new physical fitness program has influ enced not only the men, but also the women, as all Juniors and Seniors in the Department are now required to do a little muscle work. Junior and senior women, however, may substitute First Aid, Home Care of Sick, Nutrition, Safety Education, or WATC training. In the fall, outdoor activities were offered as long as the weather permitted. Then all classes came indoors and received co nditionin g exercises, the same type which the men receive for th e remainder of the semester. Faculty members of the D epartment are Prof. Edna Munro, Miss J ane Fox, :M iss Clara Fedler, Miss Helen Yeakel, Mrs. Eloise Ridd er, Miss Marjorie Phillips, and Miss Margaret Brewster. lV[iss Yeakel was in charge of the intramurals, while Gertrude Knelleken was \iV.A.A. head. The Columns beat District II in the volleyball tournament, in which thirty teams participated. Chi Omega won the sw imming intramurals, beating eleven other teams. Other intramurals, including basketball, were also given. Activities which have been offered by the Department this year are hockey, speedball, volleyball, softball, basketball, tennis, golf, swimming, horseback back riding, archery, modern dancing, badminton, bowling, special posture work, group games and exercises, folk dancing and tap dancing.

A.0.Pi's Turman and Chal fant g iv e th eir a ll in intra mural voll eyba ll.

COEDS get a littl e " horse sense" in WOMEN 'S ATHLETICS.

Front Ro\\· - Mir iam Vl' a lth e r, \ ' irg inia Brown, Marianna As hby, !J elen Cody, Agn es Turman, Ju li a Ba log h, E mm a Preston. Seco nd Row - L illi an Sea rs, Dean Summ e rs, G e rtrud e Kn e ll eken, Ruth V\la lt e r, Geneva Shaffer, Lo rrain e H o lsinge r, Ann I [end ri cks, I f a rri er H od ges. Back R ow-B etty Stev ens, Mary Stee le, Betty J. J ones, Ju lia Barron, H e len Sm ith , J a ne \~lo l f, No rma Mill e r, Mrs. Ri dd e r.

WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION H elen Smith :\Ia ri ann a Ashb y

Presid ent Vi ce-Presid ent

Helen Cod y

Sec reta ry

J a ne Wo lf

Treasure r

Tops amon g events sponsored by t he ' V omen 's At hletic A ssocia tion is Pl ay nite, scheduled a t inte rvals t hroughout the year. Providin g an opportunity fo r in forma l dan cin g, team sports, swimming, and table games, at no cost to the participants, Pl ay nite has been a fa vo rite with Univer ity a nd Nava l Trainin g stud ents alike. The acti viti es of ' V .A.A. a re ca rr ied out mainl y throu gh th e seven clubs whi ch a re co-o rdinated throu gh the efforts of a ce ntral governin g board of 21 members. Office rs of YV.A.A. and representati ves from O cea nid es, A rcher y C l ub, the D ance Gro up, Paddock C lub , Ten nis C lub, T eam Sports Club a nd Hi-Hi C lu b make up the boa rd . Facu lt y sponso r of the ' Vome n's At hl etic Associatio n thi s yea r is l\Irs. E loise Ridd er, succeed in g l\,liss C la ra F ed ler, who retired after 20 years of se rvice . Traditiona l fo r th e Associat ion is the Se nior Dinne r whi ch usua ll y precedes commencement in the sprin g. At that time, num e ra ls a nd monog rams a re g ive n to members meeting , V.A .A. requ irements, a nd t he outstand in g senior girl is presented th e ~la X \\ ·e ll medal. Th e new offi cers take the ' V.A .A. oath of a ll egia nce and th e retirin g presid ent hands the gavel a nq th e Preside nt's rin g to he r successo r. ' Vomen stud ents may ga in , V.A.A . membership by belon gin g to on e of the clubs, by ea rnin g ser vice hours, or by pro ving their proficiency in two acti viti es. Team and indi vidual sports provide modes of ent rance.

Business as usua l und e r th e ab le gu id a nce of Mi ss Ed na Mun ro.


Proper tech niqu es in Swimming a re given by th e in structor.

Agnes Turman se rv es in Volleyba ll.

Bowling is includ ed in th e prog ram. Intramura l voll eyba ll is a tough ga me as pl ayed by th e soro riti es.

Th e g irls ge t awa y from it a ll, a nd go ridin i.; in th e co untry.

It co uld be "V" for Victory.


Left: Pr etty la ss plays a ban g-up ga me of tennis in th e Autumn sun.

Center Left: Mod e rn D a nce is one of th e pro g rams "'hich th e coeds ma y enter.

Cente r Ri g ht : A bea uti fu l di ve by a beautiful g irl.

Low e r Left : In arc hery, yo u shoot . ..

Lowe r Ri g ht: a nd th en yo u retri eve.



DRAGON'S HEAD R obert Lu cas . Ir vin E . Swanson R obert D . Anderso n R obert ]. \ Vhite Edwa rd C . Stuart C. K ay Hilkert L en Bunger \ Villiam A Spencer

President Vi ce-P resident Trea urer Secretary

One of th e most honorary of honoraries is Dragon's H ead, the organization whose on ly pu rpose is to devour T-bone steaks and listen to active members tell sto ri es of students " wa y back when." Dragon 's H ea d has no da nces or mo nthl y meetings. It sponso rs no milk fund, gives no benefits for relief fu nd s, a nd has no excuse for its existence. In this fact lies its chi ef claim to campus fa me. T he reason , undoubtedly, is that the D.l\1.0.C.'s wou ld have no ti me to parti cipate in th em. The organi za tion meets twice each year, at w hich times it has induction ba nq uets . l\1embers pledged in th e Fall have an advantage over those taken in the spring in that t hey get two steak dinners. Dubbed th e honorary of honorari es, the group boas ts only the bi ggest and best of ca mpu s rods. To be el igible one must be a senior and ha ve atta ined none but the highest rank in prominent extra curri cu lar activities. l\ l embers must be captain of a major athletic team , ed itor or executive of a major publication or preside nt of one of the many orga nizations.

" .·I mo11g other things ... aero11a1tlical experts."

Fron t R ow-C harl es E. llarrell, ass istant registrar, Dean C. E. Edmondson, Ir v Swanson. Rack Row - Mauri ce Ki rkwood, R obe rt Anderson, William Spencer, C. Kay Hilkert, E d Stuart.


F ron t Row - Mary E ll en H aze l, Char lotte Coo per, E la in e Ax, Julia Strain, H elen Cody, E li zabet h Fraser. Back Ro"" - Norma Kunz, Bernice Bro w n, Barbara Johnson, Geneva Shaffe r, Leona M enze, Rosema ry Hendricks, Betty Jane Roac h Jones.

MORTAR BOARD " How about 4 :00 on Fridays, co uld w e meet then?" " Sorry, I have another meetin g at that time." That's what the members of Mortar Board are up against, for the girls who make up the chapter are probably the thirteen busiest girls on the ca mpus. ext yea r th ey are goin g to ask the D ean of Women for permission to schedu le their meetings at 10 :30 p.m. , so that everyone will be able to attend . At the regu lar noon meetings, along with grabbing for sandwiches and balancing fruit salad on their laps, the members of "Martyr Boredom" manage to work in a discussion of their various projects. Among these projects is the list of ap proved tutors, so very valuable af ter smoke-ups come out. The " Black-tasselled" girls are pro bably best known for their D ames' Ball at w hich time tables are turned and the girls make the dates and pay the bills for one of the gayest evenings of th e year. The function of :M ortar Board is to promo te scholars hip , leadership , and se rvice; and it is on this bas is that new membe rs are elected in the second semester of their junior yea r. Tradition al at I.U. is the cappin g of newly elected members by the retiring chapter at the Founders' D ay exercises.

E laine Ax Betty Fraser Bernice Brown H elen Cody

President Vi ce-Presi dent Secretary Treasurer

"The roddesses pay for a night ( Dam es' Ball) . . and still smile."


Sea ted-:- J ohn H old craft, Mauri ce Kirkwoo d, E d Stuart, J ohn B a il ey, Robert Heath. Standin g - Robert D. And erson, \Villiam Spencer, Robert N elson.

Maurice R. Kirkwood John A. Holdcraft John W. Bailey

President Vice-President Sec reta ry

R obert D . A nderson .J ohn \V. Bailey Robert A. H eath C . Kay Hilker t J ohn A. H oldcraft :\laurice R. Ki rbrnod Robert A . L ucas J ohn Robert Nelson E . Perin Scott \ Villi am A. Spencer Ed wa rd C . St uar t P au l Visher

A eons membe rs proph esy th at th e fly in g m achin e ·is here to stay.


Purported rulers of all they survey, the current crop of Aeons have exerted a guiding hand over the I.U. student body. Referred to by a leading campus wit as the "Peons," the lads who control men's activities have been taking a bit of a ribbing this year. What with a war and a consequent slump in things being done, they seem to be having a little trouble finding something to control. But, they did accomplish something during the year. As a service to aspiring rods who want to know where they stand and to University officials who are faced with selecting various officers and committees, Aeons revised and simplified the antiquated merit point system for student activities.


Facieta 42ain





Members gather in their spacious lounge on the second floor of the Union Building once a week to talk over the condition of the University and advocate improvements or changes they think wise, if any. Currently, the boys are a bit chagrined at the Student War Council for stealing some of their thunder but they console themselves by singing, "There'll Always Be An Aeons." Aeons was founded at the University in 1921 by President Emeritus William Lowe Bryan to serve as a collecting link between students and the faculty. Appointments to the Board are made by President Herman B Wells from among the ranks of campus activity leaders.

":'gi ves

It looks as though ihk

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Colonel before the po∎,,,, r,



To promote and maintain th e hi ghest sta ndard s of co ll ege life a nd to bring about g reate r unity a nd mutual helpfulness amo ng th e women of Ind iana University is the pu r pose of the A ssociat ion of "\Vomen St ud ents. Every coed is a member of this organization and her interests and opinions are represented in a gove rnin g cou nci l. This co un cil is co mposed of thirteen girls, both orga nized a nd ind ependent, elected by th e wom en stu dents in the spri ng of each school yea r. During the yea r, in co-operation with the Union Board , th ey spon so r da nces on Friday nights, the dance openin g the forma l seaso n, an d the Pow-"\Vow. "\VAVES statio ned on ca mpu s we re enter ta in ed at receptions sponsored by A ."\\T.S. in ord e r to better acquaint th em with wom en students.

A.W.S. COUNCIL H andbooks w ere di stributed by th e cou ncil to the bewildered freshman girls whi ch tell about cam pu s customs and its organi zation s. Each fr eshm an has a sophomore coedco un selor who helps a nswe r th e qu est ions of the new student and tries to steer her successf ull y throu g h her first year of college. The A."\V.S. Cou ncil makes th e rules and re gu la tion s which govern th e women stud ents. Th ey a lso supervise a nd appoint th e Board of Standards, the purpose of which is to enforce the A."\V.S. rules.

U ni on-A. Vil.S. dance rs mill aro und entran ce to Alumni H a ll.

Annual Christmas party gave the kiddies a break.


Left to Ri g ht- Jun e Brown, Barbara Joh nso n, Leona M en ze , Pat P eterson, Margaret Kampschaefe r, Marge Ha sb rook , Rose mary H endri cks, No rma Kun z, E lizabeth D ea ne, R ac hel Stoner, M ary Stee le, Ruth Tay lor, Betty Roac h Jon es.

Rosema ry H endri cks


Leona l\!Ienze L eona lVl enze

Vice-Presid ent

R achel Stoner


E li za beth D eane

~' e i g hty

Rosemary Hendricks Leona Menze Rachel Stoner E lizabeth Deane Barbara J ohnson Ruth Taylor Norma Kunz Betty Jane Jones Marge Hasbrook June Brown Mary Steele Margaret Kampschaefer Patty Peterson June Richardson Jean Scott

coe d probl ems di scussed.


Treas urer

Left to Ri g ht - O ra l Ri cke, Ll oyd Bridges, Ir v in Swan so n, Ea rl D olow ay, Robert H eath , P rof. W . A. Cogs hall, Robert D . And erso n, Robert Lu cas, H a rold J ord an, actin g director, Robert M ac Gill, T om Ga llm eye r, Robert Cox, F red W'olf, J ames M cCown .

. }~r es i de nt Vi ce-Presid ent . . Secretary


Robert A. Lucas Robert D. And erson Robert A. M acGill




- ,1lHl tHl D


Q I~,, Q

tHi.D .llHl


tHltl iHl ~

Robert D. Anderson \ V . Lloyd Bridges Robert D. Cox Earl L. Doloway Thomas A. Gallmeyer Robert A. Heath Robert A. Lucas Robert A. :\lacGill J ames A. lVlcKown Oral J. Ricke Irvin E . Swanson Fred R. \Volf

Th e sec retary, prexy, a nd director refer to th e minutes.


The Union Board has certain vague responsibilities. These include meeting each Tuesday night in their room, complete with rogues' gallery of past members and board-of-d irectors' table in the Union Building tower. Their activities there have been hinted to be Bacchan alian revels but Board members insist they adhere to Roberts' Rules in their conclaves . Led by President Bob Lucas, the 1942-43 Board was chiefly noted for their revision of the Union Constitution to include an amendment on selection and election to fit the three-semester school year.

UNION BOARD Other activities included a series of welcome and farewell banquets for freshmen and seniors, respectively, as successive classes came and went in the year's parade. Tom Gallmeyer managed these events. The Union social scene, in co njun ction with A.W.S., ope ned Alumni Hall to dancers on such occasions as the Opening of Formal Season with Al Kavelin in ovember. Bob MacGill was codirector of these functions with an A .\ t\T.S. representative. R ecord Hours designed by Jim McKown ; pep sessions with Irv Swanson; Coffee Hours with Fred \ t\Tolf; GridGraphs and basketball broadcasts directed by Hank Ricke; publications from ARBUTUS editor Bob Anderson; usher service managed by Bob Cox; guide service by Lloyd Bridges; and special projects by Ea rl Doloway completed the Union's program.

. .. and dances fall within the scope of Union Board activi ti es.

Coffee hours, receptions, hobby shows, banquets, movies, gr id -grap hs, tournaments . . .


Principal governing body for women students, the Board of Standards has gained prestige in its four years of existence at Indi ana University. Serving as an advisory board to the dean of women, it is appo inted by senior members of the A.W.S. Council and acts as the judiciary for that group. Previously the board was regarded as a discip lin ary group, but its functions have changed recently because of th e increase of student government in campus housing units. Today, the board encourages the settling of all dispu tes by the various house co unci ls and steps in to mediate only in serious cases or by request.

BOARD OF STANDARDS The principal accomp lishment this year was the rev1s1on of the merit point system for the election of senior class office rs. The Board of Standards met jointly with the Board of Aeons, men's govern in g body, and outlined the ge neral revision needed to comp ly with the University's war program. In a few weeks, th e approvals of the major campus bodies were granted and the revision went into effect. The board has been successfu l in limiting the number of important offices held by women students. Known as the activities limi tations system, the plan is so firmly entrenched al ready that women stu dents now refuse nominations for jobs ( when they have hit th e 100-point limit) - thus making it easier for all conce rned.

Three excee dingly attentiv e members.

No doubt a favorabl e dec ision is in the makin g .


Front Row - J oa nne T ord ell a, Bonnie J o Augu stin e, Leo na M enze , Mary Steele. Back Row- Jan e Han cock, Virginia C hild ers, M a rth a Fetterly, M a rgaret Kime, Berni ce Brown .

L eona Menze


Mary Steele ~largar e t


Secretary Leona Menze Margaret Kime Joanne Tordella Bernice Brown ~1ary teele Virginia Childers ] ane Hancock Martha Fetterly Bonnie Jo Augustine Barbara John on Meriam Sicanoff Anita Feiwell Marianna Ashby Virginia Hawley Betty Stevens Priscilla Phipps


Front R ow- l rv Swanson , T ed Ve rna sco, v\lilliam Siffin , O ral Ri ck e, P e rin Scott, John Corb in. Second Row - So l Hli ckm a n, Dan Banniste r, Sid ney Ca irn , C. K ay H ilk ert, \Villiam Spence r, Robe rt D. Anderson, Robe rt Ma cGill. Th ird Row- \ Villard \ ' . A lbright, J epso n Cad o u, A rt Frisk, \ Villiam 1-l aebe rl e, Jul es H endri cks, Robe rt H ea th , Tom Gallm eye r, Wilfred Lu she r. Top R ow - Rob ert Lu cas, Fr ed Vi'ilt, C. Lou is F e rguso n, John Ba iley, V\larren \Voo ld ridge, Ne il Funk, Jam es M c h::ow n, John Cogan .

\ Vi llard Albright Robert Ander on Dan Banni ter J ohn Bai ley ol Blickman Jepson adou id Cahn J ohn ogan J ohn orbin eil Funk Lou is Furge on rt Fri ke J ame addi Tom Gallmeyer vVilliam H aeberle Robert H eath Jule H endrie . Kay Hilkert P rof. Y eager a nd th e rods partak e of vit ' al s.


Amassers of prodigious totals of acti vi ty points and annu al buri ers of th e moth-eaten bod y of 01' J awn Purdu e are th e members of the Indi ana University chapter of l3lue Ke y, nation al service fraternity. This year's burial , as usual, was a touching ceremony. Pledges waded t h rough ankl e-deep mud to the temporary rostrum set up on th e Gym field , bemoaned the passage of the beloved upstate neighbor, and th en laid his body beneath the sod with utmost tenderness. A fitting tribute was proclaimed by the Ri ght Reverend Thomas Gallmeyer.

1aurice Kirkwood Robert Luca James McCown Robert MacGill Wilfred Lusher Oral Ricke Perin cott Robert Shimel 'Villiam iffin ' Vi lli am pencer Irvin Swan on Ted Verna co Fred ' Vi lt \Varre n 'Voold ridge

BLUE KEY Dedicated to se rvice to the university, th e frate rnity has many acti vities 0 11 a more se ri ous level. Durin g the last yea r, they have aided loca l charities, co-operated in University undertakings and sponsored social affairs. YVithout a doubt the busiest men in l3loomington, the members of Bl ue Key were sti ll trying to find some time when all of them wou ld be free to come to a meeting when they were last heard from. Blue K ey men are at the head of almost every ac ti vity in the Un iversity. A comp lete listi ng of their activities probably would run over onto the next three or four pages, so we' ll mention onl y a few. Prexy Ted V ernasco a lso is president of Theta A lpha Phi . K ay Hilke rt, first-semester president, was president of Sphinx C lub. Bob Anderson is edi tor of the A RB UTUS. Bob l\lacGill is editor of the D aily Studen t.

{j/Ji.ce.IU C. Kay Hilkert Ted Vernasco Ted Vernasco . J epson Cadou J ules H endricks Sol Eli ckman

President Vice-President Trea urer

. . . as th e neophytes chan t on into th e night.

01' Jawn Purdue is low ered ...


Council, Front Row - Lorraine Holsinger, Mary Hawkins, El izabeth Deane, Mary Shields, Alice Love, M ari lyn Vice. Back Row - George Touma, Anita Feiwell, Mi lton Bl ick, orma Kunz, Frank Kralis.

B oard, F ron t Row orm an Michel, Norma Kunz, Al ex A za r, Dorothy E verman. Back Row - Archi e tewe rt, Hal Kun z, Jack Eicholz. E ll en Lindsey, E dwin Duncan , Charles McM ahon.

1. S. '4. B<J<Vul, E"elyn Besing Ed Dunca n J ohn Eicholz Hal Kunz Charle :\lc~lah on A re hie Stewert Frank Kralis

A lex Aza r .

Preside nt

N orm a K unz N orma K unz

V ice-Preside nt

Milton Bl ick D orothy Eve rm an



,4. eouncd

Sec reta ry

M a ry A. H awkins Nor man M ichel

J en Bortner Elizabeth D eane Anita Feiwell Ralph Hedge Lorraine Holsinger Alice Love Jeanne Ann Moore Phillip Tes bit Iren e Sanders Jean Scott :\lary Shield Ruth Thomas Robert Town :\larilyn Vice John Bailey :\lilton Blick Tony Fileff Don Fleenor Irene Harri :\lary Hawkin Ellen Lindsay James Pickrell Ed tuart George Touma

Ch a rles A ll in g

I. .A. wa successfu lly represented in the ARBUTUS beauty contest.


The University chapter of the National Independent Students Association was formed in December, 1937. Upholding the aims of the national association, the campus group attempts to encourage, train and reward worthy independent students, to understand their need s and create a feeling of "esprit de co rps" among them. Participation of independent students in the established campus activity program is encouraged by the association. Tolerance between all groups, races and creeds, and cooperation with the University administration and other student organizations are stressed in its program.

INDEPENDENT STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION The association is governed by an executive board of ten students and a council of 21 students. Council members are selected on th e basis of merit service, by appointments of the executive board and through general campus elections. The executive board, including the officers, is elected from counci l members. The LS.A. offers its members an extensi ve social program; a monthly newspaper, Th e Indiana Independent ; training in managerial, office and comm ittee work; unity and su pport in campus elections; a detailed district system to provide unity among students living in Bloomington residential districts; encouragement for other extra-curricular organizations and unified support of the independent honorary organizations.

with business.

LS.A. mixes fun ...




June 13rown

<3arfotta 13rune

1Jorb CCroqJon

__Jfan; Jane J(finqefsmith

JUNIOR PROM "The" soc ial event of the yea r, the 1943 Junior Prom, became another beautiful memory at two a.m . on the night of :March 26, when Jan Savitt a nd his T op H atters signed off afte r playing four hours of their well-known "Sweet Swin g" orchestrations. Before a capaci ty crowd that jammed Alumni Hall almost to th e exits, Prom Queen :M aril yn Vi ce a nd her "Victory Court" of six atte ndants received the Prom's regal honors in the climax to an evenin g that ended in the wee hours with breakfasts in sorority houses and residence halls. After the crow ning of the Queen, atte nd ants Eudora Clouser, Kate Langell, D orothy Taylor, Jun e Brovvn, Jan e L awson, and Bla nche Shultz, elected in the cam pus campaign for \Var Bond and Stamp sales, each received a doze n roses presented by Prom Chairman Phil Huffin e and Art Frisk, a member of the Prom Committee and ::Vlaster of Ceremonies. A patriotic motif was used in the decorations and programs, a large, white cap ital dome being used for the backdrop behind the ban d. The programs were red, white, a nd blu e with a n American fl ag and a capital dome on the cove rs. All arrangements were made by Prom Chairman Phil Huffin e and Committee members Mary Steele, Marilyn Seward , Art Frisk, an d Frank K ralis. The Student \ Var Council and the Indiana D aily Student cospo nsored the Bond drive to elect the attenda nts. More than $ 135 ,000 worth of Bonds and Stamps were so ld d uring the campaign .

Afa,'"4-n Vice 1943 junio.11, PIUJ.m 2ueen

Prom Committee members M ar il yn Seward, Art Frisk, Frank Kralis, and Mary Stee le keep their eyes on C ha irman Phil Huffin e.

Millin g crow d a\\·a its the Yerd ict in th e Prom Queen electi on.



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First Row - Betty J ane J ones, M a ry ~' i se m a n , D r. La rson, Coach, E li zabeth D ea ne, Mari ann a A shby, M axin e Sta pp. Middl e Row-Lionel Billm an, Robert C urrey, Al Leviton, Robe rt Laud eman, Robert H a rv ey, vVes Ki ely, W ayne Minni ck, Fres hm an Coach. T op Row - Robert Ge mm er, Robert D av is, Al Losche, I-I owa rd Mitchel, Len Schroeter, ~T ait Gadi ent, Willi am Ha eberl e.

DEBATE TEAMS Indiana Unive rsity's debate squ ad has und auntedl y bra ved the nation's transportation difficu lties to brin g honors to Indiana University in debatin g and discussion contests all ove r the m iddle west. The entire men's team composed of \Villiam Haeberle, \ Valter G adient, Bob H arvey, Len Schroeter, and \ Vesley Ki ely received ra tin gs of excell ent in discussion at the Iowa discu sion and debate tourn ament No v. 9. 10, and 11. G adi ent and H ae berle also recei ved excellent ratin gs in debate as th e In dian a squ ad w ent on to take secon d place honors at the Iowa T ou rn ament . Ea rly in D ecember th e 'Vomen's squ ad composed of E lizabeth D eane, .\laxin e Stapp, ~l ar i a nn a Ashby, and l\ lary A nn vViseman parti cipated in the \ Vomen's Bi g T en Discussion co ntest at No rthw estern. Schroeter, L osche, L ev iton, and G emme r later return ed to Chi cago to pa rticipate in the T au K appa Al pha national di scussion contest. Robert G emmer placed third in discussion . Both the men's and the women's squ ads still face a heavy schedule. \ Vith the g race of ODT C oach L arson hopes to take tea ms to both th e men's and w omen's Big T en debatin g tou rn aments and to th e l\1anchester tourn ament.

D eba ter E lizabet h D eane makes a poi nt conv in cin g.


AUDITORIUM Big names in music, internationally known figures in the dan ce and ballet, distin guished personages in drama, ar tists from the l\1etropolitan Opera Company and two of the country's leading symphon y orchestras we re featured att ractions of Indi ana Unive rsity's 1942-43 Audi torium Series. Dete rmination to contin ue the Series, begun last yea r wit h a season ti cket sa le almost the capaci ty of the new lVIusic H all-Audi toriu m, was reached after careful t hou ght of the war situation. T he U niversity adminis tration conclud ed that so fa r as poss ibl e, students and the public in ge neral shou ld be afforded cu ltural opportunities comparable to those in peacetimes. O ct. 14 - T he first series program brought Alec T empleton , famed for his musica l m imicry, to th e University aud ience, in an interestin g and va ried presentation of class ica l

and popular mu sic and seve ral of his own impro visions and pi a nistic a nd voca l impress ions. O ct. 22 - Pu cci ni 's opera " La Boheme," was presented by the New York produ cer, C ha rles L. \ Vagner, with lea din g roles taken by Suzanne Fisher, Hilda Burke, Frances Gree r a nd Arma nd Tokatya n, all of t he lVIetropolitan Opera Compan y. The opera was staged by Desire Defrere of the M etropoli tan, and accompa ni ed by a n orchestra of thirty members. N ov . 12- On his first musica l itin era ry since his recovery from the automobile accid ent of las t yea r which for a time threa tened to term in ate his ca reer, Fritz Kreisler, one of the recognized world's greatest violinists, brought to the Auditorium an interpretation of hi s own works and other vio lin masterpieces .




SERIES Dec. 2 - The American Ballet Theatre, proved that it has retained all the dazzle and glamour of the tradition al Russian ballet, while adding a speed and precision purely American to its production. Dec. 8 - Corneli a Otis Skinner, American actress, presented a program of varied monologues in the Auditorium and , before the program, was made an honorary member of the student chapter of Theta Sigma Phi , national professional journali stic sorority. J an. 14 - l\/Iarian Anderson , beloved American Negro contralto, recaptured th e musical favo r she won the previous Seri es season with her selection of classica l, sem iclassical songs and a satisfactory number of Southern spir itu als. Feb. 3 - Zino Francescatti, violinist who played at the ded ication of the Aud itorium in 1941, replaced the Pan American quintet , previously sched uled .

Feb. 18-America's most popular bariton e, Lawrence Tibbett, thrilled a capacity audience with his presentation of classical and semiclassical selections. March 2 - The l\/Iinneapolis Symphony orchestra, one of the foremost organizations of its kind in America, composed of ninety musicians and conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos, came to th e University during its thirty-n inth musicmakin g season. March 4 - The Martha Graham dancers, led by the woma n who is regarded as havi ng had more infl uence on the dance in America than any other person, gave an exhibition of ar tistry and skilled timin g. March 22 - The Indianapolis Symphony orchestra, under the direction of Fabien Sevitsky, presented its fo urth , and most enj oyabl e concert in th e Auditorium .





UNIVERSITY THEATRE Every year, students, facu lty and townspeople are entertained by the fine produ ctions of the Unive rsity Theatre. The produ ctions are acted and managed by the students themselves under the leadership of Th eta A lpha Phi , national dramatic honorary. E ach play has a student director, " ·ho is responsible to one of the facu lty mem bers. This seaso n's performances ran from ro llickin g comed y to the hea vy drama of war. The season bega n with the world premie re produ ction of "The Eve of St. l\.lark," which is currentl y running on Broadway. Th e recent Broadwa y co med y success, " George \ Vashington Slept Here" fo llowed the next month drawing capacity crowds. A creditable presentation of " l\lrs. :\loonlight" ended the first semeste r's production. The second half of the season again brou ght va riety to the stage with the mysterious and humorous "Arseni c and Old L ace" and the highl y successfu l comedy hit, " Claudia." Catherine F eltu s, now Ka y Craig under contract to Columbia Pictures in Hollywood, returned to her A lma Mater to star as :\lartha Brewster in "A rsenic and Old Lace." The 1943 Jordan Ri ve r R evue, written and acted by students, closed the presentations by the University Thea tre.

l'pper: Th e army tak es co nt ro l in a tav ern (Eve of St. Mark .)

Low er : The \Ve t family li stens to son Quizz' return s home on furlough (Eve of St. Mark. )

Mr. and Mrs. Fuller g i,·e Cnc le the " app le polish" ( George lflashi11gto11 /ept /J er e.)

tales wh en he

Mr. Fuller toasts th e en d of mortgage troubl es ( Georg e lflash i11gto11 Slept J-l ere.)

Cursed with eternal youthful a pp earance, Mrs. Moonlight return s to her aged hu sb and (Mrs . Mooulig ht.)

The ever-youthful Mrs. Moonlight pla ys for her husband (Mrs. Moonlight.)

Th e Brewster family: T edd y, Jon athan , Mortim er, Martha an<l Abby (ll rs enic and Old Lace.)

Dr. Einstein is apprehend ed in th e Brewster livin g room (ll rsenic and Old Lace.)


Front Row- Mari ann e " ' ise man, L ee R. Ford, Maril yn Se ward, J ohn Torphy, J eann e R eese. Back R ow - Bud R oe der, Larry M cFaddin, Beve rl y Shaver, Bud Cas par, E d E lsne r.

UNIVERSITY THEATRE BUSINESS STAFF \Vorking hand in hand with th e actors of the Little Theatre are th e members of the Cniversity Theatre Bu sin ess staff. This group of bu si ness and promotion-mind ed students hand le the printing and distributing of all th e posters, programs, and tickets for each of the pla ys. They are also in complete charge of the sale of season books for the Theatre produ ctions. The staff co-operates with members of Theta Alpha Phi , national dramati c honorary, in an y special proj ect the latter g roup has planned. The personnel of the staff this year consists of three junior manage rs, ass isted by about fifteen sophomores and fres hmen . lVIembers of the staff are chosen by Professor L ee Norvelle, director of the Uni ve rsity Theatre, on the basis of their work the prev ious year and by the reco mmendations of th e managers. The juniors on the staff were: lVIari lyn Seward , ticket and sa les manage r; J ohn Torphy, advertisin g manager; L eroy Ford , publicity manager. The so phomores and fr eshmen were: Ed Elsner, Bud Roed er, l\/Iariann e \Viseman, Jean R eese, Larry McFaddin , P aula Bailey, Beverly Shaver, Mary \ Vhitaker, Betty Freed, Bud Caspa r, A nna O 'Harrow, Ben Howard , Jeanne Ann Moore, Betty Gilmore, and Fleurette l\-IcCillin.

15 6

Out of the clutter of rubber cement, cardboard , mounted senior pi ctures, dirt y g lasses, t ypewriters and books emerged the fi fti eth issu e of th e Arb u tus ; and on time. In fa ct the staffs had to work overtime this year to meet the early schedul e because school end ed a month ea rl y. From 9 in the mornin g until the next mornin g, stud ents slaved to meet the deadlin e on copy, ad s, se nior pictures, a nd anythin g else that had a deadline. O f all th e fi ft y yea rb ooks iss ued thi s one could be known as the one printed in spite of a ll the shorta ges r es ultin g from the \\·a r. The re w ere fil m and flash bulb shortages to worr y Jim T edford , photograph y editor. Howa rd "'\i\Thitecotton , business manage r, had to cope with th e problem of restrictions on paper a nd covers issued by th e \Va r Production Boa rd. And th e other edito rs and staff heads worried about the st udent shortage - there is reall y no stud ent shortage ye t, but th e speed-up prog ram did its best.

E ditor-in -c hi ef Rob e rt D. A nde rso n racks th e bra in fo r id eas.

THE ARBUTUS Not satisfied with th e labor of puttin g out the fi fti eth annive rsa ry iss ue of the Arbutu s, th e stud ents a lso sponsored the annual Arbutus beauty contest a round Th anksgi ving, put on a radio program about the Arbutus \vritten by Sidney C alm , and added severa l inno va tions, such as revisin g th e busin ess a nd editorial staffs, addin g more pi ctures, adding a section for the Na vy, includin g three g radu atin g classes for this year, an d increasing space for the E xtension Di vision. The m ystery of th e yea r is how Editor-in-Chi ef Bob An derson and Bu siness Man ager Howa rd Whitecotton cut all their classes without flunkin g out of school. "An dy" even managed to win a schol a rshi p. Dusty Rhod es, sports editor, probably had the quee rest job on the editori al staff beca use he had to write abou t a ll the sports events before they occurred. B arba ra Bercaw had the sticki est job; she mounted pi ctures with rubber cement. Freshman assistants always ran from Virgini a Hawley, in cha rge of senior acti vities, beca use she always had piles of typing for them. Anoth er thankl ess job w as th at of copy editor which K ath y O 'Ba nion took ove r the second semeste r when Skinn y Spen cer was gradu ated.

Bu sin ess M a na ge r H ow a rd L. Whitecotton puts a fin ge r on costs.


Ironing out prob lems of Seniors' pictures are Associates Jean Schabinger, Bob Gradle, and Virgin ia Hawl ey.

Pat Droit, office manager of the business staff, held that staff together. "Private" Jim Gaddis, before he got that certain questionnaire, was circulation manager and was chairman of the Beauty Contest. The books were kept stra ight this year by conscientious Treasurer Carl Hilgeman. A man's job was abl y handled this yea r by Virginia Cooper, advertising manager, who had to cope with the problem that many com panies ha ve nothing to advertise with the war goi ng on. Other members of the staff performed equally thankless tasks which were just as odd. Brooks Smeeton, of the School of Busin ess, techni cal adviser, of cou rse, soaked up many of these problems .

Associate Editor Lee Ford and Photographic E ditor Jim Tedford comment on a blank pa ge.





Efficiency coup led with beauty is represented by Office Manager Pat Droit and Advertising Manager Virginia Cooper.

Associates Mary Kellie and Barbara Bercaw in close quarters with ports Ed itor Allen Rhodes.


Activity buzzes aro und th e edito rial des k. Betty Compton ( behind desk ), D ori s H ay ward, Charlotte Kupfe rer, Nancy M cKown, P at M ye rs, and Bonnie H odges ( at left typewriter ) , editor i a I assistants, kee p busy on vario us ass ignm ents.

Bettye Karger, J ody Go ld; mith M ohr, and Virginia Bro,,-n tr ade news bet\\"een spurts of energy.

Publi city Mana ger \'irg inia Chi lders, Co py Ed ito r K ath leen O' Banion, a nd Treasurer Car l Ilil ge man w ork sid e by side on th eir res pectiv e jobs.


(Upper left) Peggy Thomas, Louisa Pfretzschner, and Pat Kriegbaum look over page pasteups ... (Upper right) Art Editor Marge Hasbrook gets a bit of advice from Prof. Brooks Smeeton, tec hnical advisor .. . (Lower left) Associate Lorraine Ho lsinger comments on the merits of one of her Senior pages to Jane Schabinger and Bill Hungate ... (Lowe r ri g ht ) Frank Hamilton and Don Estle, advertising men, plan to hi gh pressure a few prospects.

JOHN CAYTON Medical Section Edi tor

Beauties Frigge and Brown watch C irculation Manager Jim Gad di s figure while Contest Manager Marilyn Keck closes her eyes and smi les.


LEE WILLIAMS Staff Photographer

THE DAILY In th e grey brick building that u eel to be red, about thirty camp us characters spend their days and nights in deluded Bedlam to turn out what is affectionate ly known as The 'Vorld 's Greatest College Dail y - but better established as Th e Indiana Daily Student. A beehive of journalistic act1v1ty from 3 p.m. until the sma ller hours of the morning, the office of the campus newssheet houses one of the bestequipped co ll ege newspaper plants in the United States. Th e Student is a member of The Associated Press and has wire service from the world's newsfronts ten hours five days a week. The paper also is a mem ber of the Associated Collegiate Press, the Hoosier State Press Association , a nd the National Editorial Association. Staffed entirely by stude nts majoring and minoring in journalism, the paper provides an excellent la boratory for experimenta l newspaper work. Late in th e spri ng semester a four-page tabloid inse rt, th e publi cation of the Naval Training School, was distributed with Th e Student twice a month. Another bimonthl y insert. The Collegiate Digest, was includ ed in the papers on alternate Tuesdays. This section showed in rotogravure the activ ities of other colleges and universities. All editoria l content of Th e Student is written and edited by student members of the staff. A vari ety of editors work alternate shifts so that school work may be included in the journalism curriculum. The D epartmen t of Journalism keeps check on activit ies of Th e Student through facu lty advisers and by correlation of classroom courses and practica l experience on Th e Student. The staff change twice each semester, so that as many stude nts as poss ible ma y try their hand at va riou s positions in the ed itori al process.

The copy de k loaf

And the reporters work.

"Skinny" explain a linotype.


STUDENT ecJ.doM, ad, ~ ecJ.doM, ~ ,,the, lad 3 ~..




Managing Editors : Summer Semester. Bill Spencer

Jud Frommer Bill Spencer

Frances King Summertime editor. Fall Semester.

Frances King

Wilfred Lusher Leona Menze

' Vilfred Lu sher Spring Semester. Leona Menze

Bob MacGill

Bob MacGill

J ep Cadou

Behind the scrap drive.

From the phone booth.

T he " ticker."


STUDENT SCRIBES AT WORK Th e D aily S t udent was the moving force behind the ca mpu s sc rap dr ive las t fa ll. \ Vith Ed itor Fran ces I..::in g as an edito ria l spea rh ead a nd with th e su pport of the Interfra ternity Pledge Cou ncil, the drive netted some thirty tons of sc rap meta l. Proceeds of the drive , whic h encom passed the entire Uni ve rsity, went to ]\,l onroe County Defe nse su pport. Nearl y a hundred doll a rs was rea lized in return for th e sc ra p collected . Ea rl y in the sp rin g, Th e Student o rga ni zed w ith th e Student \Va r Counci l a plan to elect six a ttendants to the Juni or Prom Qu een on th e basis of \Var Bond s a nd Stamps purchased by stud ents.

Behind the news.

\Vomen 's interests are ca tered to by The Student \\'ith a \\'eekly \\'omen's P age of ne\\'s a lo ng social lines. Twice each semester a special page is dedica ted to the prog ress of \\'Omen's o rga ni zations on ca mpus. At these times. extra issues a re sent to \\'omen 's R eside nce H a ll s. >orori ties. and other 11·o men 's housi ng cente rs. Editorial fea t ures of The St udent interpret ha ppenin gs on campus a nd world-wide ne11·s fronts. These features take the fo rm of exp lan atio n and comment to am pli f> the ne\\'s of the dar.

S.D.X. in the back shop.

Th e Student's sports depa rtm ent, with ma le reporte rs in distin ct demand , recruited several women scribes in th e sp rin g semester. These girl s were tau ght to cove r a normal sports " beat" and to report athl etic co ntests. \Vhile it was necessa ry to observe cau tion 1n sendin g the cub writers into men's locker rooms, Th e Student cl ai ms promin ence as one of the first college papers to break in girl repo rters in the spo rts di vision durin g th e war. Other stud ent spo rts writers managed to acco mpany many ath letic teams on road trips and su pplied th e paper with away-fromhome news of the gam es . Conference on ports.


Lusher and hi "Mill."

Reporters boress.

The Student set out on no editorial crusades during the last school years destined to create great campus interest - aside from the scrap drive and '\Tar Bonds and Stamp election at Prom time. However, The Student was responsible, at least in part. for several innovatio ns a nd improvements to the campu both for tudent we! fare and a more progressive sy tern of administration of tudent affairs. First on the list of campaigns was the series of editoria ls directed at a stabi lization of the Senior Class officers situation.

The paper was ab le to stir up sufficient intere t in the question of election or selection of these officers to conclude the affair with a re\'ised merit point system of election.

The Studen t also backed the sentiments of students who belie,·ed the campus \\'a entitled to a spring \'acation. Thi campaign bore fruit in the successful declaration of a holiday. Other issues of campus interest \\'ere carried to the front in the editoria l columns of The Student.

Four sturd y S.D.X. r epresentati ves stalk unwary Theta Sig.


ALUMNI MAGAZINE Now in its fifth yea r of publi cation, the Indi ana Alumni l\ti agazi ne probabl y covers a wider territo ry th a n a ny other publication of its age in the United States . Started in 1938, whe n the Indi ana A lumni Quarterly a nd the Indian a A lumn us were suspended in favor of a monthl y magazin e, the A lumni Magazi ne w as still in its in fa ncy when war broke ou t . ' V hen th e A lu mni Association slashed membership clues to one-third the regul ar rate fo r a ll alum ni in the a rm ed forces, th e circu lation of t he l\J agazi ne leaped upward, hittin g a new hi gh of 5,750 in 19 43 . Of this number, more th a n 3,000 w ent to alumni in Serv ice, some of whom rece il'ed their cop ies regula rly in New Guin ea, North Africa, Alaska, the Solomons, Indi a, H awa ii , th e Canal Zone, E ngla nd , I celand , Austra lia, a nd on th e high seas. Making li bera l use of photogra phs, the Magazine fea tures news about a lumni in the Service as well as reportin g on cam pu s and alumni news development, th e lates t sports sum ma ri es, and news about the ever-shrinkin g numbe r of a lu m ni in civi li an li fe . T he Magaz ine is ed ited by A lumni Sec reta ry George F . ( Dixie) H eighway, LLB '22. The associate ed ito r is I vy L. C ham ness, AB'06, A l\!1 '28, ed itor of University Publi ca tions. T he classnotes edi tor is Hilda H enwood , AB '32, and t he managin g editor is A ndrew G. Olofson, AB'39.

Left to Right-Andrew G . Olofson, Miss Hild a ll en " ·ood, M iss Ivy Chamness, G. F. H eighway.

THE FOLIO The Folio magazine is the campu s literary publi cation . It 1s published five times during the three-semester school year and contain s the best creative, student writing on campus. Two yea rs ago the magazine was reorganized and is now progressing rapid ly under th e new form. In all aspects it is essenti ally a stud ent magazine. The staff is composed wholly of stud ents, with an adviser from the E nglish D epartment to represent the faculty. All articles published in the magazine are by stud ent authors who, during the course of their classes or leisure time, have written some good fiction , nonfiction or poetry which the other students would enjoy reading. Since the purpose of the Folio is to give an opportunity for publication of student writin gs which would be appreciated by the rest of the student bod y, the eds and coeds are constantly urged to contribute their compositions to the magazme. The st aff of the Folio for the second semester this year is : Literary Editor, Dorothy Hunter McClosky; Business Manager , Ray Howard; Art Editor, P eg Koch; M anaging Editor, Mary A. Hawkins; Circulation Manager, Connie M ackenzie; Faculty Adviser, Mr. C. Bradford Mitchell. Also on the staff are : Donald S1~epp, Evelyn M arlowe, J ayne Berland , J ane Ruble, l\/[ildred Breimyer, Evelyn L evy, Louise Stiefler, Wm. Hugh Jansen, Euge ne Buskirk, Ellen H yman , Anita Slominski, Kay M yers, Ruth Dou gles.

THE RED BOOK "\Vith a special summe r ed ition and the regular fa ll issue, the R ed B ook appeared in new size and form this year. The book - an easy substitute for a Sears catalogue or a doorstop - had a new comp lete list of University personnel, new arra ngements fo r the offices, and the usual in format ion about stud en ts. The n ame, class and school , hometown address, local add ress, social orga ni zatio n affi li ation , and local phone number for eve ry stu dent was included. Membership of social orga ni zations and residence halls was listed w ith a telephone directory of all residence units. l\/[ajor students' organizations were described, University social regulation s were listed and Library rules were included. A calend ar, a Who's ' V ho in the student body, and descriptions of the rel igiou s work on the campus com pleted the book. Ed itor for both editions was ]. "\Varren Fox, who was assisted by Roger E lliso n and 'Varren L ewis. J ames F. Su blette acted as bu sin ess manager and had Charles Dukes, J ohn lVIurray, and J ames Woolery as ass istants. Circulation was directed by James E . Tedford and hi s two assistants, R obert M atthew and R ichard 'Vittenbraker. The R ed Boo k is published und er the auspices of the University Y .M.C.A.



Social Organizations


Men's Residence Center


Women's Halls Naval Training School

250 258

"Hat" Clubs


Military Organizations


Various Organizations



Front Row- C. K ay Hilk ert, William Siflin, Don M aso n, C. Lo ui s Ferguso n, Palm er Sin g leton, M enci a ! M cCarty. Second Row - Vi' a lt Lern er, T erry Coo na n, Vililli am Bannon, J oe Bon ham, Charli e Duk es, Lo ui s Sosin, \Vi llard A lbr ig ht. B ack Row - Warren W oo ldrid ge, G eo rge Fol ey, R obe rt Cox, Sol B li ck m an, Park er Graves, R obert Young, R obert R ap ha el, Robert Priser.


R obert R aphael

Presid ent

R obert Prise r .

Sec reta ry

C harles J aco by


One of th e most importa nt bodies governin g student ac ti vi ty on our ca mpu s is the Counci l of Fratern ity Presidents. Durin g th e past yea r, the counci l has done much towa rd better cementing social and politi ca l relationships between th e orga nized and unorgani zed m ale students ; also, the va nous members of the cou ncil ha ve done mu ch toward aidin g the respecti ve social organ izations in preparin g for the co ming of the se rvicemen to ta ke over the hou ses. Parke r Gra ves, Alph a Tau Omega, se rved as Presid ent of the interfraternity g roup dur in g the fa ll semeste r. Assistant secre tari es aiding Presid ent Graves were Robert Y ou ng, Phi K appa P si, Bob Priser, Delta Upsilon , Ri cha rd Retterer, D elta T a u Delta , and l\!I end el l\1 cCa rty, Sigma Nu. T he under-sec reta ries w ere in cha rge of ru sh, scholarship , publicity and va riou s special events. \Vith the departure of Presid ent Graves to th e Army at mid yea r, Robert Raphael of Sigma A lpha J\,Iu assumed th e pres id ency of th e cou nci l. The first major action u nde rtake n by th e R ap hael regime was that of choosing one fr ate rnity man from amo ng num erous ap pli ca nts for th e annual scholarship given by the coun cil. T he award was mad e to Robert D . Anderso n, mem ber of Phi K ap pa P si social fraternity. A ll Greek-letter social fraternities are eligible to send representa ti ves to the meetin gs of th e cou ncil. No organi za tion is permitted to have more th an one vo te and no two men se r vi ng as officers of th e cou ncil may be chose n from the same frate rnity. ·

"'Now if so meo ne co uld type, w e co uld throw a dan ce."


PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL Pan-H ell enic Association , composed of two members from each soro rity house on campus and the Pan-H ellenic Council , meets once a month in the East P a rlors of the Student Buildin g. The Association hold s a responsibl e position on the ca mpus, in that its purposes a rc to maintain fraternity and interfratcrnity relations on a hi gh plane and to discuss questions of mutu al interest to the fr aternity world. P an-Helleni c promotes schol a rship by awarding three schola rships a year to th e girl s with th e hi ghest average each semester. This pas t year, P an-H elleni c has done its sha re in promotin g the war effort. The Tag Sa le for mo vies to go to LU. men station ed in army ca mps was supported almost 100 % by P anHell cni c ; rush rules were revised in order to save time and mone y for th e w a r effort; Christmas ca rd s were sent by houses belonging to the Association; a donation was made to the Ameri can Red Cross for th e l3lood Bank and Pan -H ellenic took ca re of so li citin g blood donors. Sponsors of the organization are J\,1 rs. Lotti e Kirby and D ea n Kate H. ]\,] uell er. The members of the coun cil besid es the officers of the Association are Mrs. Kirby, l\ Iiss Scranton, Miss Henderso n and /[rs. R amsey.

Wh en memb ers " -alk out of meeting smiling, a ll is well in the soro rity w orld.

Front R ow - In ge P eli kan, Mrs. Kirby, dea n of " ·omen, Wand a M cCo lg in. Back Row - B a rbara Berca w , J\11 • ry Ann Bl ew, M eriam Sican-



First Row - v\lillard Chester, Willi a m Sha rpe, Arthur Barron. Second Row - Mal co lm Fine, Robe rt Builder, J erry Youn g, Berni e athanson, \V ayne Fuson. Third R ow-Geo rge T e rrell, Jr., R onald Hull, Jack Schm idt, C ha rl es Co llin s, William Di edrich . Back R ow - J ames Biddl e, \Villi am Sode rquis t, Leonard R ee l, Ja ck Ne w .


Presi dent

R obert Bu ckler J ack Goodman

Sec ret a ry

Bernie Nathanson G erald L eYi ay


\ Vhile most of th e orga ni zat ions on th e Indiana campu s are steeped in tradition , the interfraternit y pled ge co un cil is one of the relatively few groups which dates its founding date as of a recent period. T his com paratively yo un g organi za ti on, or club orga ni zed for freshmen, was founded in th e fall of 194 J. By this time, the coun cil has formu lated definite plans, its activities and purposes bein g w ell defined and easi ly understood. \Vith th e presid ents of the va ri ous Greek letter rhinie classes serving as th e bod y of th e cou nci l, th e organi zed freshmen have been given a n equal opportunity to sha re commo n expe riences a nd promote interpl edge class gatherin gs. Durin g the past yea r, nu merous dan ces, smokers, hay rides a nd tea dan ces have bee n pl a nn ed th rough th e co uncil; as a res ult, the first-year men have had a better opportunity to meet th e other freshmen and also pl edges of th e soro rities during the va riou s fun ctions. The council has ex pressed its malll idea l as that of seeking to promote better co-operation between a ll pl edges on th e cam pu s.

( l . pper) First-seme ter offi cers ta lk over problems of state. Lower ) " Big Tex" informs hi s co ll eag ues uf th e " whys an d wh erefo res."



The pledge think that hou se dances are the nicest things; espec ially, before and after.

At the Christmas party we can't tell who are having th e most fun, the kids or the Acacia kids.

It's a lie! They aren 't that hard up for dates!


Front Row-Ben Howard, Valparaiso, '45; Quentin Alcorn, Aurora, '45; James Howard, Valparaiso, '45; Frank Zell er, Bloomington, '45; Charles Jarrett, Princeton, '44; Joe Bonham, Hartford City, '45; Don Crooke, Indianapolis, '45; Oscar Smith, Knox, '45; Morris Beck, B loomington, '45; Jam es Shaw, Gary, '45.

Second Row - Floyd House, Bloomington, PG; Guy W ellman, Valparaiso, '43; Joe H eine, Fort Wayne, '43; J ohn R edman, Oakland City, '43; J. Warren Fox, Ve vay, '42; Larry Welch, Aurora, ' 42; Hal Driver, Aurora, '42; Carl Goebe l, Aurora/ '42; John Summerville, Burn City, '42; Keith Wilson, B loomington, '42.

Home of th e "yellow-dog" traditi on, the newest and architecturally cleanest fraternity is that of Acacia. Non-Greekletter, the lod ge is associated still with the Masonic ord er - although a separate organiza tion.

Back Row - J ohn M addox, Hartford City, '44; Mark Rudolph, Indianapolis, '45; Robe rt Gemmer, Indianapolis, '45; Leon Dunkin, Huntington, ' 45; James Gaddis, Frankfort, '44 ; Ed Schienbein, Indianapolis, '44; Don And erson, Indianapoli s, '44; Bob McCracken, Terre Haute, '45 ; Don Mann, Mi chigan City, '45; Jim T edford, Frankfort, '44.

Next door to th e Pi lams, across from the Phi Garns, the men of Acacia dote on th eir newe r house, built in 1938. Incidentall y, the Acacia house may be new, but " D oc" H ouse has bee n around quite a long time. The Colonnade dance and the Goat dinner, in w hich the brot hers are roasted in addi tion to the goat, are traditions. One of th e best rushee sights is the nifty powder room used for social ee-vents. After ru nning the Arbutus beau ty contest , James G ad dis left for the army in December. J ames Tedford remained to work on the annu al. Tedford's a Sphinxer.

f;/jice114 Jack Fox Joe Bonham J ames Gaddis Don Crooks Larry Welch James Tedford


Fred Huff upholds the fraternity on the gridiron, and Gu y Wellman is captain of the baseball team and a member of Sphinx cl ub. In the field of athleti cs is sophomo re vVa r d Williams, bas ketball man.


J ack Fox was ed itor of the R ed Book. Carl Goebel is a Phi Beta, also hold ing mem bership in Phi E ta Sigma and Phi Chi . Charles Jarrett and John R edman rep resent the hou se on Kappa K appa P si, band fraternity.


Quentin Alco rn and J oe Bonh am are Skull and Crescent men, and Ben H oward is a member of the Bu si ness Staff of the University Theatre. Faculty mem bers includ e: William D . Thornbury, assistant dean of me n ; L yle Di eterle, G eoffrey Carmichael and H arold Lusk, all facu lty members of the University's School of Business; and Robert Roye r, sw immin g coach.

Pl~ Fron t Row -Lloyd Miller, Aurora, '46; Ferro! Livingstone, Law rencebu·rg, '43 ; Ea rl Kittle, Lawrenceburg, '46 ; Charles Millspaugh, Alexandria, '46; J ohn Montgomery, Prin ceton, '46; Jay Ruch, Frankfort, '46; James Maddox, Hartford City, '46; Devon M cMurray, New Alban y, '46 ; Dave Strausburg, Frankfort, '46.

Second Row - William Schuldt, Pierceton, '46; G len Smith, Earl P a rk, '46; Art Day, Fo rt Wayne, '46; Frank John so n, Terre H au te, '46; William Thompson, T erre H aute, '46; George Terril l, Lawrenceburg, '46; Connely ·P oo le, South Bend, '45; Bob Skinner, Bedford, '46; Bill McPik e, Bedford, '46; W a rd Williams, ·Co lfax, '45.

Back Row - Bill Thompson, Milan, '46; Bill Detroy, Evansv ill e, '45; Bill Baum, Frankfo rt, '46; Bill Roll, lnd ianapolis, '46; Col vii D ea n, Fort Wayn e, '45 ; Phil Dem aree, West Lafa yette, '46; H erb K ennedy, Aurora, '46; Gene Latham, Evansvill e, '46; Bob Cottingham, Fort Wayne, '46.




Front Row - Di ck Fisherin g, Fo rt W ayne, '45; Robert Bland, Indi anapoli s, '4 5; Frank Co ffin , Indi anapo li s, '4 5; William M ani s, Indianapoli s, '45; \Villiam Ryon, Gary, '44; Donald Gourl ey, Gary, '45; Larry Yeager, Indianapoli s, '44; \Vall y Ya key, Indianapoli s, '45 ; Robert H elm s, Pl ymouth, '45; William ·C roxton, T erre H au te, '45 ; Wa yne Lindqu ist, Gary, '4 5 ; Robert M'ann, D ecatur, '4 5; D onald Routt, South Bend, '45; F rank Mali ff, Win chester, '4 5; Fred P ea k, Indianapoli s, '45; J ohn H a rmon, Pine Village, '45. Second R o"iv- Willi'am J ester, Indianapolis, '4 5 ; Berc . Turne r, Indianapoli s, .'45; Rob ert Lundin, Highland P a rk , lllinoi s, PG; Paul Press ler, Columbia City, '44; Robe rt Smith, Gary, '44; William Wilkins, Gary, '44; Lewis Ferg uson, Indianapoli s, '43; Ja mes \Vil ey, Indianapolis, '44 ; Vi7a rren Hi cks, Indianapolis, '44; Jam es McK own, Marion , '44; Ri chard Edwards, Roa chdal e, '44 ; Roy Kilby, Munci e, '44; Bob Paddock, Indi anapolis, '45; Ja ck H en nen burge r, M ount' Carmel, '44 ; J ames Cla rk, Winchester, '45.

"Four Hoors of fun a nd froli c" - th at 's wh at the lads of A lph a Tau Olllega ca ll the bi g, ramblin g house at 720 East Thi rd Street.

Back Row - Frank Hargrove, Ab erdeen, South Dakota, '4 5; K ermit Wahl, Co lumbia, South Dakota, '4 5 ; Ru ssell Harre ll, Indianapoli s, '43; Ri chard Harkin, Gary,' '45; Walter Edwards, Indianapolis; '4 5; Rob ert Ga ston, In di ·· anapo li s, '42; J oe Dewberry, Kokomo, '43 ; Fred \Volf, Indi anapo li s, '43; Carl Chead le, Gary, '42; G eo rge Mohr, K okomo, '42; William H endr ickso n, Indianapoli s, '42; Robe rt M cB rid e, Indianapoli s, '44; Th eo dore M eye rs, Framingham, Ma ss., '43 ; William C. Seagle, Indianap oli s, '45; Malachi Topping, Terre Haute, '46; Joe Seagle, Indi a na poli s, '46; Ri chard Phipps, U ni on C ity, '46.

In t une with th e ti Illes, th e boys a re going all out in a lll ili ta ry wa y. Th ey co ntributed L ar ry Y eage r, F red P eak, Fred \ Volf, P au l Press ler, Bob l\l cBrid e, \ Va lt E dwa rd s, J oe Drn·be rr>'· Di ck Edwards, and George .:\Iohr to th e Ad\·a nced R.O .T.C. co ntingent. A TO me n did th eir sha re for ca lllpu s social li fe by occupyin g t he attention s of quite a few of the nea rb y Tri -Delts, t hough t hey had quite a battle with the Sig Nus . Currently leadi ng the A TO nu1gua rd in cam pu s ac ti \·ities arc C. (fo r C liffton ) Lewis Ferguson a nd Freddie \Volf. Loui e, in add iti on to bei ng hou se prexy, was a member of Sphin x club , D elta Sigma Pi. Bl ue K ey , and Sku ll a nd Crescent , and served as basketbal l lllanager, pres ident a nd treasurer of the board of directors of the Co llegiate C hamber of Commerce, a nd treasurer of th e Insura nce club.

C. Lewis F erg uson L aw rence Y eager Robert McBrid e Robe rt Helms

Freddi e was a two-let te r ma n in tenn is, a nd a melllber of U nio n board, Sphi nx club, Bl ue K ey, Sku ll and Cresce nt, and A lpha K app a P si.

Lawrence Yeager Richard H arkin




A TO llluscle men speciali z ing 111 tenn is, basketball , baseba ll , foo tball , and go lf are \ Vo lf, Bob "'.\lcBrid e. Bob Paddock, Jim C lark, Bill l\[ a nis, Ji lll \ Vhite, R oy J( ilby, Frank H a rgrove, K ermit \ Va hl, a nd Bob G asto n. Another ATO , Bert Turner, w as preside nt of Sku ll a nd Crescent. F ront Row - Ri chard Carey, Mari on, '46; 'W illi am Cartwr ight, Fort Wa yne, '44 ; Forrest M oo re, Rushvill e, '46; Jack Mill er, Eas t Chi cago, '46; Jam es Biddle, T erre H a ute, '46; Odu s Baldridge, T erre Haute, '46; Th omas Jaqu es, T er re Haute, '46; C ha rl es Norri s, Gary, '46. Second Row - Fred \Vatson, South Bend, '46; Arthur Co ulton, Indian a poli s, '46; Chan Sm ith, Indianap oli s, '45; Robert Gray, W est Lafa yette, '46; Rob ert Ga ll agh er, Gary, '46; Paul \Vhit e, Indi anapol is, '46; Oli ve r Hunter, G reensburg, '46; Robe rt Bes hore, M a ri on, '46; Co rtland Shea, Indianapoli s, '46; 'W illiam E rvi n, Indi anapo li s, '46 ; Jack Beard, Crawfordsv ille, '4-5 . Back Row - Norman Beisel, Indi anapolis, '46; Robert Benn ent, Mattoon, Ill., '46; J. R. H endri cks, Indianapolis, '+6; James White, Indianapoli s, '46; Robe rt Tu erk, Indi anapolis, '46; Low ell P rou d, Sou th Bend, '46; C harl es L. Brooks, Union C ity, '46; Ernie Burke, Indianapoli s, '+6; Dona ld Brya n, Indi ana polis, '46; E dw a rd Lindsay, Robinson, Ill., '46; J ohn Goslin , Roac hd a le, '46.


Big Tex feins work while admiring the great out-of-doors.

The rods rifle ker's old exams.

Cut-throats Party.

Probably one of the best pictures Albright has ever taken. You can't see much of his face.

(Upper} No. 17 from Shortridge has the situation well in hand.

(Lower} "\1\Tell, are you going to sleep or not, Rex'/"


Front Row - Joe C. Cravens, Toledo, Ohio, '4-5; Charles W. Compton, Indianapolis, '44; Peter L. Pihos, Chicago, Ill., '+5; Paul F. Pfenninger, ewca tie, '45; Everett R. Roede r, Webster Groves, Mo., '45; Gene B. Lee, Boswell, '45; Benjamin Richason, Logansport, '45; David W. Gaunt, Anderson, '45; Francis A. Hanley, Muncie, '45; Rob ert C. McAd ams, Boswell, '45.

Second Row - Hubert A. Schiedler, Muncie, '43; Robert M. Raber, Indianapolis, '43; James G. Piper, Montcla'ire, N.J., '43; Carleton S. Smith, Toledo, Ohio, '43; Max 0. Rose, Bluffton, '43; George P. Gregory, Bloomington, '43; Jesse E. Eschb ach, YVarsaw, '43; Anson M. McAdams, Boswell, '43; Allen ·G. Brown, New York, . Y., '43; Horace ~1 • Cook, Bloomington, '43 .

Especiall y adept at han gin g th e " brass and glass" on desirable coeds are the members of Beta Th eta Pi , the " old ca nteen" fraternity. The loca tion of this ce remony is t raditionally the ancient campus \Vellhouse.

Third Row-Dale E. Belles, Gary, '44; John Tavener, Granville, Oliio, '44; Ri chard J. Thorton, Indianapolis, '44; Winfield R. Jones, Bicknell, '44; Mark A . Woodward, Gary, '+4; John Allman, Muncie, '44; Robert C. Fresen, Ch icago, 111., '44; Jerry Littell, Indi anapolis, '44; Richard St.a rr, Bloomington, '45; George E . Galbra-ith, Huntington, '45.

The Betas are in th e milita ry swin g with six members in advanced military and a large contin gent in V-7, th e l\!larin e reserve corps, and the Arm y Enlisted rese rve. Beta Th eta Pi has two representati ves on th e va rsity footb all team . P ete Pihos and J ohn T ave ner are th e bonecrushin g g ridd ers.

Back Row - V\Ti Ila rd V. Albright, Bedford, '+4; G eorge Reed, Jr., Bloomington, '44; Charles E. Oswald, Evansv ill e, '44; Ri cha rd B. O'Bryan, Columbu , '44; Joseph W. Sibbitt, Frankfort, '44; Thomas E. Green, Indianapolis, '44; Rob ert L. Nuffer, Toledo, Ohio, '45; George C. Revington, Monticello, '44; John JI. Moynahan, Jndianapoli, '4+.

After a sli ght recess, the Betas have mo ved back into most of th e campu s' more promin ent ac ti vity groups. V/ illard Albri ght , prexy f rom Bed fo rd , lead s the acti vity men. He is a mem ber of Sphinx club, Blu e K ey and Phi E ta Si gma. Bud Reed and G eorge R ev in gton a re Beta Theta Pi's representati ves in the F alcoln club. Th e roman ce rs of the house a re continuin g th eir assa ults on campus sororities, parti cularl y th e D elta G amma and the Theta hou ses.

(j/j«:elU "\Villard V. Albright Mark A. \Voodward Robert Carl l\lcAdams

Pre ident

Among the more bl ythe and light-hea rted dwell ers of the spaciou s T enth street abod e are Carty Smith, A. G. Brown , Anson ( Beave r ) l\lcAd ams and Y\Tind y J ones. These lads excel at after-midni ght brid ge games and nifty boresses.

Vice-president Treasurer

The Beta military block is led by the old C olonel, one Dick Thornton , offi cer de luxe. Th e lads who " pass th e lo vin g cup around " are especially proud of th eir fr eshm an class, notabl y K enn eth ( Bud ) Brown, R ex Grossman and L eo nard ( Frenchy) R eel.

Front Row -Leonard R ee l, Indian apo lis, '46; Norman Edwards, Columbus, '46; William Hadley, Milwaukee, Wis., '46; William Olds, Warsaw, '46; Jack Cu llison, Muncie, '46; James Jeffrey, Indianapolis, '46.

Second Row - Robe rt Maish, Warsaw, '46; James Havens, Bloomington, '46; F red McKown, Warsaw, '46; Walter Mcintosh, Hardinsburg, '46; John Gray, St. Louis, Mo., '46; Robert Stanley, Indianapolis, '46; Ray Belding, Muncie, '46.

Back Row -Robe rt Cook, Bloomington, '46; Frank Rabb, Indianapoli , '46; Charles Hunt, Indianapolis, '46; Kenneth Brown, Muncie, '46; Louis Abbott, Muncie, '46; R ex Grossman, Huntington, '46; William Sparrenberger, Evansv ill e, '45.



Fron t Row - Harry Lenard, La P orte, '45; Ri chard Gob le, Greenfi eld, '43; Charles H op kin s, Lebanon, '45; Jack Ba rrow, Columbiana, Ohio, '45; Bill D olen, Edinburg, '45; Harry Hoffman, Dillsboro, '46; Bill Johnson, Bloomington, '45; Harold D oug hty, C linton, '45; H o\\'ard Kn ight, \ Vinamac, '43 .

econd Row-Norman Green, Bedford, '+4 ; Bill Cron in, Bridgeport, Conn., '+3; \ ' ' ilfred Lu sher, Indian apo li s, '43; Robert In g les, Pa oli, '43; J ack Salisbury, Bloomington, '43; Buck Woo ldridge, Kokomo, '42 ; Rob ert P ence, Harvard, 111., '42; Bob Bartl ett, Bloomington, '43; B il l Van Fleit, Garrett, '43; Fred Wilt, Pendleton, '43.

Delta Chi grew out of a law fraternity many years ago, but the Indiana chapter is an offshoot from a medical fraternity. The current chapter bears the reputation of ha1·ing a monopoly on track men a nd a well-rou nd ed group of footba ll players.

Back Row - C. K. Sa lm, Madi son, '45; Don Kru eger, Indianapo li s, '43 ; Stan Patton, Hardin sb urg, '43; Stan H olland, Gary, '43; Bob Rose nbu sh, K okomo, '43; Ra lph Du ckwal l, Elkhart, '+4 ·; Bill Low e, Columbus, '+5; Bob \Vhite, Joli et, Ill., '43; Gene Chalik, La Porte, '+5; D ean Fauber, East Chicago, '+3 ; " ' a lter Le\\'anclowski, Ga ry, '43.

Lodged in 11·hat may be described as sort of a Queen Ann sty le cottage, one of the first on th e Quad, the Delta Chi athletic club a lso has a stra nge cou nterba lan ce in the person of D ai ly St ude nt Editor \Vilfred Lu sher, hailed as one of two chief scribe to attain the go lden heights of Phi Beta Kappa last year. Lu sher with the Bl ue K ey, became a tion with

led the fraternity in ex tracu rricu lar activities presidency of Sigma Delta Chi , members hip in Phi Eta Sigma and the Student \ Var Council. H e commu tin g stude nt in D ecember to take a posithe Associated Press in Indianapolis.

But even this spark lin g array of achievements did not shade the athl etic prowess of the Delta Chis. They were led by Football Captain Bob \ Vhite, now married , and Fred Wi lt, national A.A .U. two-mil e champion. \Vhite, \ Vi lt, and Cronin were members of Sphinx Club.

\ Varren \ Vooldridge \ Vi lli am Cronin R alph Duckwall Don Krueger

Oth er Delta Chi ath letes were Charles l~e l sey, Jim Odell a nd Cronin , track, and " Pan cho" Coniglio, th e Bomen's fightin g mid get of prodigious persona lity. \ Valt L ewandowski was senior track manager.

\ Valter Lewandowski

Presid ent

Vice-presid ent


It wouldn't be fair to leave these H e rculea n wonders without mentioning their respon si ble position in respect to Qu ad soro rities. Their proximity with th e Alpha Chis, D elta G ammas a nd tel escopic possibilities with the Chi Omegas give them second rating in the 19.+2 " buffa lo" po ll.

Front Row - Bernie Wil li ams, Bedford, '46; J ohn Murray, Bloo mington, '43; David Parry, East Chicago, '45; Jim Carson, Indianapolis, '43; Robe rt W einantz, Columbu s, '46; George Dickman, Greenfield, '+5.

Second Row-Tom Coniglio, E lizabeth , New J ersey, '44; Bi ll Smutzer, La P orte, '45; Jim Odell, Buffalo, N.Y., '45; Jerry Young, Indi a napoli s, '+5; Dick Bartlett, Bloomington, '4 5; Ralph Cummings, Glen E ll yn, Ill., '46; Bill H anson, La Porte, '44; Hubert Howard, M onon , '4 5.

Back Row - D on Ritter, Aurora, '46; Tom Ah ern, Indianapo lis, '45; Larry E lli ott, P endl eton, '46; Robe rt Amber, LaPorte, '46; Robert Sappenfield, Bedford, '46; ha rl es K el ey, La Porte, '45 ; Edward Nielson, outh Bend, '46.


"Sounds something like one about the Theta . . . ."

This one couldn't have been about a Theta.

And the conversation gets hotter and hotter . . . .

Obviously reading an amusing assignment.

Well, after all, all study and no cards makes dull men out of boys.

Within the hallowed room the game goes on.


Front Row - Edward Svetanoff, Gary, '44; Lee Ru st, Holland, '45; Robert Knight, Ru shvill e, '44 ; Rich a rd Englehart, Brazil, '45; Robert Bod en, Louisville, K y., '43; Jim W eatherholt, Fort Wa yne, '44; Robert Woolford, Terre Haute, '44.

Second Row - Jam es Compton, Franklin, '44; Louis Hutton, Hammond, PG; Wendell Aldrich, Angola, PG; George Foley, Gary, '44; Rob ert Lucas, Gary, '43; John Gallinatti, Gary, '44; Patsy Ronzon e, E lkh art, '43; Howard Davis, Vincenn es, '43.

Back Row- Jim M cDani el, Leba non, '45; Hugh Thornberg, Indianapolis, '44; John Espie, Indianapolis, '45; Marion Ca lbeck, Lagrange, PG ; John Rup ert, Da yton, Ohio, '45; Jim Bopp, Terre Haute, '43; Leslie Little, Indianapolis, '44; \Villiam McCullough, Indi anapolis, '45 ; Steve Jarvis, Hammond, '45; Bill Fraser, Delphi, '4 5.

Scholarship was accentuated for the Delta shelta lads this last year and the concentration on this activ ity seemed to increase the potential powers of the boys who live in segregated dignity in their red brick casi no on E ighth street. Bob Lucas, mi nority leader of the house, led the Delta in activities last yea r as president of Union Boa rd , a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Board of Aeons, Blu e K ey, Phi Eta· Sigma, and Sphinx club. In his wake followed John Gallinatti who was a member of Sphinx club and Falcoln club. Howard Whitecotton w as bu siness manager of the Arbutus.

(!}/j(,ceM, George Foley John Gallinatti John Gallinatti James \Veath erholt Lee Rust Robert Knight


In journalistic circles, Gordon E nglehart and Bob Boden were members of Sigma Delta Chi, with E nglehart servi ng as vice-president of the or gani zatio n and as city ed itor of The Bloomi ngton Star.


The shelta men d idn 't forget athl etics, howeve r, and contributed Patsy Ron zo ne to foo tball , Bob Boden and \ Venda ll Aldrich to golf and Jim \V"eatherholt to track.


Before the between-semesters exodus, J ohn Gallinatti , G eorge Foley, Bob Lucas, and Patsy Ronzo ne were en roll ed in adva nced R.0 .T.C. Members of this social group can offer members of any of the campu s sororities for detailed references, since next to their academic for titude they are noted for social activities.

Front Row- William Dud enhoffer, Jon esboro, '46; Richard Bone, Alban y, N.Y., '46 ; Robert Aix, Gas City, '46; \Vin ston \Varren, Marshall, '44; Richard Coble, Delphi, '46; Cecil G il es, Lebanon, '46 ; Robe rt Laymon, Spence r, '46 ; Art Brown, Indianapolis, '46.

Second Row - Robert Webster, Huntington, '46; Ri chard Montgomery, Huntington, '46; Wa yne Shirling, Lebanon, '46; Larry Bennett, Gary, '46; John Curt is, South Bend, '46; Rob ert Mill er, South Bend, '46; John Eva noff, Hammond, '45; Herbert Rushin g, Gary, '46 .

Back Row -Anthony M ontagano, Elkhart, '46 ; J ohn Andrews, New Castl e, '46; Robert Egli, Indianapolis '46; Allan Stouder, Gary, '46 ; Carl Schaeffer, Delphi, '46; Phillip Frew, Braz·il, '46; Gene Thompson, Lebanon, '46; Ralph F erguson, Miami, F la., '46; Jack Dillon, South Bend, '46; Carl Sauer, New Albany, '45. ·



F ront Row - Rober t Currey, Mi shawa ka, '45; J ohn Atz, Gos hen, '45 ; "William M eloy, Shelby vill e, '45; P aul Disse r, Shelby vill e, '45; F rank Armstrong, Gepeva, '45; J ohn Se im etz, L a P orte, '45; Robe rt Prise r, Goshen, '45; H enry \V eli s, Scottsburg, '45; Lyle \Va rrick, Bloomin gton, '45.

Second Row - Byrne H a ll ett, Indianapolis, '42 ; Lewi s M cA nl ey, D etroit, '42; Irv in Swa nson, La Porte, '+3; James McConn ell, Eva nsvill e, '43 ; Robert Hall, E ast C hic:;igo, '43; Robert M. E llison, Win ona Lake, '42; W a lter Lerner, E lkh a rt, '42; Arthur Farquharson, Gary, '43; Ned W ohl fo rd , G os hen, '43 ; F rank Le.wi s, Indianapoli s, '44 ; \V a rren Carmony, M anilla, '44 ; Robert Van Va ler, G as City, '44.

Back Row - G eorge Murphy, F ranklin, '44 ; Arthur May, South Bend, '44 ; John \Vi Ison, Ev an sv ill e, '44; T odd A shl ey, Shelby vill e, '45 ; F red M cLau ghlin, E lkhart, '44; William Hall, Wa shin gton, D.C., '43; J ames Smith, Shelbyvill e, '44 ; H a rry Traster, Milford, '+3; eil F unk , La Porte, '44; C harl es Bea l, La· P orte, '+4 ; F red Janna sch, Chicago, Ill., '43; Li onel Billman, Logansport, '45.

T he Delta Ups il ons are t he lads known as t he nonsec ret fra tern ity w ith a few secrets, t hank you, inclu din g how they put so ma ny pi ns on K appas t his yea r. T hey had th eir ann ua l R ose Dall as usua l a nd kep t th eir t rade at t he J orda n brisk. Eve n th e me mbers al ways come t h rough t he side doo r, and it is a campus mys tery wh y th ere is no w alk to th e fro nt door, an expa nse of unwalked-upo n law n decorati ng t he entra nce. T w o at hletic capta ins a re D U's. I rv Sw anso n is captai n of th e bas ketball team and Ha rry Traste r is lea der of th e L U. wres tlers . Varsity basketball players include Swa nso n, J im Fu nk, a nd J im Smith. Fu nk is a me mber of t he Sphin x C lub.

(!)IJ«;e114 \Valt Lerner F r ank Lewis

Swa nson is a member of Bl ue K ey, Sphin x, Scabba rd a nd Bl ade, U nion Board, a nd D rago n's H ead. H e is presid ent of t he last orga nization me ntio ned , and is treasurer of the house. Other Scabba rd a nd B lade membe rs a re Traster, \ Va lter Le rn er, a nd D ick Dowden. L e rn er was a ju nio r ed itor of t he Arbutus.

Presid erit

Robert Ellison Charles Beal

Vice-presid ent

Ir.vin Swanson

Treasu rer

C ha rl es Dea l is a D aily Student staff member, and Skull a nd Cresce nt me n are Fra nk Armstro ng a nd R obert Prise r. Tom Judge is t he D U ace on t he t rack, w hil e Fred ::\IcL augh lin is on t he Y .;\l.C.A . ca bin et . Such a re t he varied activi ties of t he D elta Upsilons.


Scholastically incli ned a re J ohn Atz and Bob C urry, Phi Eta Sigma members, J ohn Seimetz leads yells.

F ront Row - \Vill ia m Lodwi ck, Tndi a.napo lis, '46; Clyde Rusk, South Bend, '46 ; Hu g h vVehm eir, Chicago, Ill., '46; Ju stin Probst, East C hi ca go, '46; C harl es D obb, M oreland, '45 ; Robert Rooney, E ast C hicago, '46; Ja ck C urrey, Indianapolis, '46 ; G eo rge Beck, Loui svill e, '45.

Second Row - G eo rge K a rstens, C hicago, Ill., '46 ; Robert Roach, Aurora, '46; Bernard Poracky, V\lhitin g, '45; Low ell Spencer, Mi shawak a, '46; Robe rt Gra f, Eva nsvill e, '46; Bill Sod erqui st, LaPorte, '46; E dward Lake, Will mette, Ill., '46; J ames vVilson, Poseyvill e, '46; John Dreeson, East Chicago, . '46; Don Seidholz, M onti cell o, '46 ; Vi1illiam Van Der M oo re, Indianapoli s, '+6; Norman Beatty, Indi ana poli s, '46. .

Back Row -Arthur Leible, Bloomin gton, '46 ; J ohn Protopa s, Chicago, Ill., '46; J ack Durick, Whitin g , '45 ; vVilli am Turman, C rown P oint, '46 ; Geo rge A ve ry, La P orte, '46 ; M a lco lm vVregge, Indi a na polis, '46; J ames Cla rk son, Chicago, Ill., '46; Robert Styles, East Chicago, '46 ; J ack Goo dm a n, Indianapoli s, '46; Harry Cu th be rtson, P eru, '46.


The best-loved member in the house; the dog, not Funk.

\Volford studies, ers another hand.

"And they all bow down and worship the idol. ..."

" . . . and this bone is the actual proof of the story I have just related!"

and this bone is the actual proof of the story I have just related!"

The versatile Jimmy Clark puts th e boys in that melancholy mood.


Front Row - Francis Carter, Gettysburg, Pa., '46; Martin Hill, Gary, '46; Harold Lockett, ~' ilmin gton, Del., '45; J. Chestine Coffee, Morganfield, Ky., '43; Clifton Carson, Hammond, '44.

Second Row - Floyd C lark, Gary, '46; Hugh McKinnis, Butler, Wilmington, Del., '46; apolis, '44; L. Thomas Miller,

Gary, '46; Howard Powe, Farrell, Pa ., '45; Charles William C. E lliott, Indian Gary, '44.

Th ird Row - Ezra D. Alexander, Indianapolis, '43; Lawrence Falwell , Trenton, N.J., '44; George L. Johnson, Stanton, Del., '43; G. Oscar Cari-ington, ~' ilmington, Del., '43; James B. Clark, South Bend, '43; Fred Johnson , Stanton, Del., '45; Holton Hayes, Indianapolis, '44.

Kappa Alpha Psi was founded at Indiana University on January 5, 1911. Since, it has grown to the extent of 115 chapters. The orga nization is well represented in athletics. In football Kappa Alpha Psi's colors are carried by that bulk of pleasing personality from Pennsylvania, Hugh "Knocky'' McKinnis. "Knocky" is well known on the gridiron for his ability to drive through his opponent's line. Fans everywhere pick him as their favorite.

Ezra D. Alexander Fred T. Johnson James B . Clark .

Not fa r behind in popularity are George "Splinter" Johnso n, Larry "Pretty-boy" Folwell, and Harold "j\1idget" Lockett, all of whom are seen on the track field. Next in line would be Rooster Coffee, (Smilin' J ack) Gettesburg Carter, Holton H ayes, and "Pops" Butler in track and football.


:M oreover Kappa Alpha Psi is well represented in the field of music. Jimmie Clark, popular singer with a campus band, leads the musical activities. Under the direction of Jimmie, Kappa Alpha Psi's most versatile man - athlete, mus1c1an, leader, scholar - the fraternity gained possession of the loving cup for the University sing just before the contest was discontinued for th e duration.

Vice-president Treasurer

Kappa Alpha Psi has leased its home for the duration and have bought a smaller home at 417 E . 9th Street.



Front Row - Fred Pfrommer, Hamm ond, PG; Paul Currey, Bloomington, '44; Thoma s T erpin as, Frankfort, '44; Th eodore Hooker, Frankfort, '45 ; H orace Earley, Brazil, '45.


Second Row - Jam es Bond, Gary, '45 ; H erbert Farrell, Elizabeth, N .J., '44; Vil ilfiam Siffin, Frankfort, '44; Andrew Kabpach, \Vhiting, '45 ; Jon Evans, Gary, '44.

Back Row - J obn · Kokos, Gary, '45 ; Robert Harris, 'Hammond, '+4; Robert Brandt, Arlington, Va ., '43; Fred.erick Harcourt, Milroy, '45 ; William Alter, Saint Paul, '43.

Th e re's a gap of 011l y eightee 11 fee t a nd four i11 ches bet\\·ee n th e KDR ho use ( intima tely k11 own as Vinegar Hill ) a 11cl th e exoti c ha bita t of th e Tri D eltas tru e. A ca mpu s r umo r has it th at th e J<DR's lie i11 bed a11cl pra y th a t th eir baseme11t w ill settl e su d de nl y to th e east to lessen th e ma rgi11 a 11 in ch o r t\1·0. L eadin g th e list of K a ppa D elta Rho acti vities seems to be th e a1111u al melee co 11cl uc ted by th e sophomo re and freshme11 m embers. The brawl comes to a11 e11d when a ll th e co 11 tes tants are clrowni11 g in th e poo ls of th e su11ke11 ga rcl e11s or wh e11 a gladi a to r is deca pita t ed by a misaimecl missil e.

\iVi ll iam Siffin . W ill iam Alter

Bill Siffin , 011e of th e m o re ast ut e stud ents of th e Third Street o rga ni za ti o n, is no t onl y th e presid ent but th e g uardi a11 of th e chapte r a rchi ves which incl udes two schola rship cu ps of o bsc ure o ri gin . Siffin , like his towerin g fo rbea re r, D a 11 B a nni ste r, is a me mbe r of Sphin x Club a nd Blu e K ey. 111 case a nyo11 e wo 11d e rs, B a nnist e r is in law school.

John O'Brien Tom Terpinas Frederick Jewell Fred Harcourt


Vi ce-president


Also a 11 aspi ra 11t to th e lega l bar is Freel Pfrommer, a nothe r Sphi11x represe11ta ti ve. ~fl ig hti es t of th e mites li vi11 g in th e white colo11ial hou se is H erb F a rrell , a varsit y wres tl e r i1~ th e 121-pou11cl b racket wh o held th e na ti o nal A.A. U. title in a lighte r w eight as a fr es hman o n Coach Thom 's g ru nt-a nd- groan roster.

Othe r KDR mu sclemen includ e Joh11 Kakos of th e va rsit y foo tb all squ ad a nd Pau l H e rro11 of th e fres hman team.

Front Row - John Stefanie, Roselle P a rk , .J ., '46; Maurice Huffer, Frankfort, '46; John H eacock, Oaklyn, N.J., '46; William Gal e, Cumberland, '46; Jam es Ritterskamp, Free landvill e, '45.

Second Row - Henry Letherman, Gary, '+6 ; Richard Smith, Batesville, '45; William Sharpe; Aldan, P enn., '46 ; Paul Warren, Indianapolis, '46; Robert Dwye r, Gary, '46.

Back Row-Ri chard Wood, Cincinnati, Ohio, '46; Jack McGill, Brazil, '46; Vil illiam Jen s, Hammond, '46 ; Eugene W ells, P eru, '46; Gordan Spiker, Cumberland, '46.


Miller, Mirvil, Mopey, Morrow .•. here it is!

Dig me sol id with a jive beat, Johnson!

And now if you three scums will assume the angle .•••

"Oh give

Sig heil !

A more powerful Axis, we're sure! 'Cause C. Kay and the judges say we are.


Front Row - Joseph Beckman, Hammond, '44; Gene Figel, Indianapolis, '45; Fielding Morrison, Jeffersonvill e, '45; P au l Dickman, Shelbyville, '45; Ronald Joers, Michi · gan City, '45; Arnold Joe rs, Michiga·n City, _'45; Jarvis Roper, Hobart, '45; Leo Radigan; Gary, '45; Jam es Gallivan, New .C astle, '45. ·

Second Row - Lee Ford, Indi anapo lis, '44; John Corbin, Sandborn, '43; William Harri son, Indianapolis, '43; James Stevens, Noblesville, '43 ; Jack Graves, Lafayette, '43; Kay Hilk ert, Logansport, '43; Samuel Keesey, South Bend, '43; Stewart Cohn, Martinsville, '43; William Good, Hammon d, '43; Ralph Bruner, Jeffersonville, '43; Gene Williams, Indianapolis, '44; Jame Morri son, Grand Rapids, Mich., '43 . .

Somewhat akin to a French chateau, the K appa Sigma house stand s majestically 'way out on Third Street. K appa Sig dances draw a heavy attendance from members of the other lodges.

Back Row - Louis Kiesling, Logansport, '44; Kenneth Hall, lndianapo)is, '44; Jack Hansen, La Porte, '44; Eugene Cadou, Indianapoli , '44; Paul Berry, Grand . Rapids, Mich., '44; Robert Ruser, Warsaw, '44; Arthur Frisk, . Hammond, '44; .Robert Gradle, Hobart, '44; Charles Gross, Vincennes, '44; Edward Madinger, Indianapolis, '44; Gene M eihsne r, Indianapolis, '44; James Ki es ling, Logansport, '44.

One of the traditions is an annual pledge dinner at w hich sophomore waiters torment the rhinies by spilling food , sitting on the laps of freshmen's dates, and concealin g foreign matter in the bill of fare . Kappa Sigma's great lover, ] ames ( Richard) Morrison left in December with his fina l record standing at 21 pinnings during his collegiate career. l\ll or rison, a V-7 man, should uphold that old Navy legend. When he left the cam pus in D ecember via the graduation route, wily C. K ay Hilkert had thin gs pretty well under control , politically speakin g. H e was the president of two major campus orga ni z,a tions, Sphinx and Blu e Key, and a member of num erous others, including Aeons and Dragon 's H ead .

(!J~ Kay Hilkert Arthur Frisk


Ai:thur Frisk Robert Gradle


Gene Willi~ms Lee R. Ford


Successor to Hilkert is varsi ty wrestler, Artie Frisk. Frisk belongs to Sphinx Club, Blu e K ey, Scabbard and Blade, and Delta Sigma Pi. ] ep Cadou holds down the journalistic side of the Kappa Sigma activities roster. He is city editor of The Daily Student, vice-presid ent and treasu rer of Sigma Delta Chi , assistant publ ici ty manager of the Arbutus, vice-p resid ent of Blue K ey, and a member of the Falcoln club. Lee Ford is president of the Falcoln club, publi city manager of the University Theatre, and is a member of Scabbard and Bl ade and Delta Sigma Pi.

Front Row - Glenn Smith, Ga ry, '46; Frank Stewart, Indianapol is, '46; Marshall Samms, Indianapolis, '46 ; Rona ld Hull, Indianapolis, '46 ; Sam Butler, Louisvill e, Ky., '46.

Second Row - Howard Gotcha II, Vincenn es, '44; Donald Leonard, Indianapolis, '46 ; Frank Ha Ilagan, Bloomington, '46; Norman. Alley, Dayton, Ohio, '46 ; Ru sse ll vVilliams, Indi anapo lis, '46; Ernest Postl ewa ite, Hammond, '46; Marl ow Kluter, Ri chmond, '46; Charles Barr, Brucevill e, '46.

Back Row - William Hernl y, '46 ; Ray Doetsch, Chicago, Ill., PG; Edwin Cassid y, Michigan City, '45; Don· aid Galloway, C rawfordsv ill e, '45; Charles Boetel, Easl Chicago, '46; Ru sse ll Eckert; Indianapolis, '46; Seth Eiken· berry, Indianapolis, '46; Charles Howell, ·Chalmers, '4;



Front Row - Robert Dombrosk i, W . New York, N. Y., '43 ; James Smith, Rochester, '42; Robe rt Brasselton, Princeton, '43; Karl Johnson, North Vernon, '44 ; John Holdcraft, Munci e, '42; J oho Ricketts, Lakewood, Ohio, '44; Vincent Cositore, \V. New Yo rk, N.J., '43.

Second Row- John Stone, Ft. Branch, '44; Harold Bon ec utter, Marion, Ohio, '42; Clark M cC lure, Bloomin gton, '44; Charles Clunie, Corydon, '43; Robert Sch a ll er, Crawfordsville, '42; Hubert Sell ers, Greencastl e, '43; Robert R ausch, T erre Haute, '44; Walter Hejna, W . New York, N.J., '42.

Back Row - Jam es Peck, Princeton, '43; Wil bur Legg, Win fa ll, '44; Ear l Mitch ell, And erson, '44; M a rk Huckri ede, Greencastle, '43; George '-'' a lter, New Al ba ny, '43; Mauri ce Allcorn, Ga ry, '43; Donald \Vhite, Indianapolis, '42; Robert Anderson, Sey mour, '43.

Situated in the east end of Bloomi ngton is the castle on the hill , more sacred ly refe rred to as the Lambda C hi Alpha house. Four of th e castle dwellers hail from the J ersey state and are ca rri ed home by the play ing of th e " J ersey Bou nce. " Each year the podwea rers take g reat pleas ure mowing the L am bda Chi footba ll field and law n. L oca ted directl y ac ross from the Music Building, th e boys of the ivy-covered house hear ma ny sweet and melodious refrains; but they ca n com pete with the music love rs with three pi ano-playe rs, two clarin et blow ers and a nation al blu e- ribbon winner on the marimba. \ Vhen the L ambda Chis need relaxation , however, they flop into a ye llow law n chair on the hill and watch the coeds of LU. pass. Natio n-wide acclaim was brou ght to the lodge by Earl Mitchell las t fall when he proceeded to take the measu re of th e best di stance runners Ill th e cou ntry in th e nationcollegia te cross-cou ntry meet at East L ansing, Mi ch. Ea rl is also a Sphinx club ma n.

John Holdcraft Robert Dombroski

Presid ent

Robert Dombroski George \i\T alter


Wilbur Legg . Charles Clunie

Prexy J ohn H old craft leads the ac ti vity parad e being a member of th e B oard of Aeons, Sphinx club , Collegiate Ch amber of Commerce, and Cou ncil of Frate rnity Presidents. \ Vi lbur L egg is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Skull and Crescent, and T ed H asa pes is the ru gged left end of the Fi ghtin ' H oosiers.


Promin ent alu mni on the campus include D ea n H erman T. Briscoe, J oseph A. B atchelor, I. \i\T. A lm, K a rl Bookwalter and Prof. R obe rt Ittn er.

Front Row - P eter Wampl er, Bloomin gton, '45 ; Willi am Ea rl es, Hillsdal e, '44; Edward Mill er, Rochester, '44.

Second Row -Ted Hasapes, Ca mpbell , Ohio, '4 3 ; J ack Ki ewitt, New A lbany, '43 ; Mi cha el Govorko, Mishawaka, '44 ; W ayne Fuson, Terre H aute, '45 ; William Han ey, North Vernon, '45; Robe rt Brown, Mam aronek, N.Y., '44; Vernon Shelton, Gary, '44.

Back Row -

Winston Mumby, Ca lcu tta, Ind ia, '4 5; L.

J. Clark, Greencastl e, '4 5 ; Maurice Swai n, Knoxville, T enn., '45; Robert Williams, Indianapolis, '45; Willi am H a rlan, Michigan City, '4 5; Robe rt Rund, M ar tin sv ill C", '45; Rob ert Porter, Savannah, Ga., '44.


shift takes over for

"Thirteen ball in the corner pocket."

By all means sit this one out l

" .. and then she said to me .. "

Come on now . . . it\ not nearh- so stuff} in the sho" er room, fre>hman.

'Vhat have!






Front Row - Robert Brodhecker, Brownstown, '45; Robert Bruner, Indianapolis, '43; Woodrow Rapp, Seymour, '45; James Dolan, Hartford City, '45; Robert May, Bloomington, ' 44; Volmer Franz, Tell City, '45 : Merrill Brockwa y, New Carl isle, '45; William McClain, Shelbyville, '45; William Cavin, Louisville, Ky., '45.

Second Row - Charles Jacoby, Chicago, Ill., '44; Jack Ramsay, Tipton, '43; George Graessle, Seymour, '42; Rob ert Kirk, Bloomington, '42; Warren Ardapple, West Lafayette, '42; Robert Cutler, La Porte, '42; Claude Spi lm an, Ru shvi ll e, PG; Robert Moorhead, Indianapolis, '42; William C. Miles, Bloomfield, '42; John Overshiner, Columbus, '42; William Kerrigan, Connersv ill ~, '42. ·

Back Row- Howard Brown, Dayton, Ohio, '44; Walter Buck, East St. Louis, Mo., '43; Jack Greene, Eggertsville, .Y., '44; William Roberts, Chicago, '45; Dick Rowland, Bloomington, '44; Chilton B.rown, Bloomington, '44; Tom Vo s, Seymour, '45; James Men sch, Ft. Wayne, '45; John hortle, Tipton, '42.

George Graessle Charles Jacoby Chilton Brown Roy Cobb Robert Moorhead Tom Voss

Hi gh on the corner of Tenth Street and Jordan Avenue at the end of vast, green acreage stands old Phi Delta Theta - alone and aloof from the troubles of the university world below. Serene though it may appear to the mortals in the depths surrou ndin g, the only A lph a chapter on the campus is abundantly agog with political, social, scholastic, and what-have-you activities. It's been rumored by sundry reliable sources - namely the Phi Delt public relations man - that "rods" are so numerous in the ivy-covered, aged Phi Delta Theta bungalow they're spi lling out windows.


"\Ve're that filled up with 'em," say the prairi e-o n-a-hill dwellers. Vice-president

\ Vhat with Sphinx Club prexy Billy Frey; Sphinx Club, grid star, and house president Chuck Jacoby; "Bo's Boy" " Goon" Brown; and Scabbard and Blade's gift to the military world , Bill Murchi e, Jack Ramsey, John Overshiner, and Chilton Brown, one doesn't wonder at the pride of the 50-odd members.


Another rumor has it - this one isn' t from the public relations man - that the proudly expa nd ed chests of the Phi Delts are so pushed out they cause severe congestion and the resultant ejection, through windows, of the luckless "rods." Of course it's only a rumor.

PLeJrru Front Row - Gerald LeMay, Knightstown, '46; Thomas Walker, And erson, '42; George M cC lenahan, Decatur, '45; Willia Hemphill, Franklin, '46; Roy Cobb, Whiting, '45; Arthur White, La P orte, '46.

Second Row - Joe Griffin, Hammond, '46; James D. Blackmore, Bloomfield, '46; Pi erre Poinsette, Ft. Wayne, '46; DeVerle Helvie, Huntington, '45; Basil Lorch, New A lb any, '46; Hugh Jones, Lakewood, Ohio, '46; Paul Mayfie ld, Kokomo, '46; George Arbuckle, Kokomo, '46.

Back Row-Alex Lorch, New Albany, '45; Jack ew, Greenfield, '45; Joe Carey, Indianapolis, '46; Paul Schneck, Seymour, '45; James Clawson, Muncie, '46; John Ingram, Connersville, '46; John Riehl e, Conner ville, '46; Charles Anderson, Franklin, '46.



Front Row-Robert Barclay, Evansville, '45; James Story, West Hempstead, N.Y., '45; George Nichols, Evans,ril le, '45 ; Alan Nolan, Bloomington, '45; Ea rl Ma son, Marion, '45; Robert Jackson, Ft. Wa yne, '45; Robert K eck, Mount Vernon, '45; Ralph Hubley, Whiting, '45; Jack Pressley, Marion, '45; R ay M ehlig, Kokomo, '45 .

Second Row - William Ridgway, Evansville, '42; Robert Purcell, Bloomington, '44; Douglas Web er, Huntington, '42; Richard Hunter, Marion, '43; Robert Nelson, Marion, '42; Rob ert Bernhardt, Evansville, '42 ; W. S. Moss, Horse Cave, Ky., '42; Harry Price, Monticello, '43; Stan Klopfenstein, Portland, '42; John Bollenbacker, Bloomington, '43 ; Pete Wakeland, Chicago, '44.

The "o n campus" location of the Phi Gam's aging abode has been a godsend in more ways than one to members of the Third Street fraternity. The blessings of this position are many, but chi efly it makes the campus a convenient romping ground for the chapter idiot, Fiji, and enables the Fijis to be the latest sleepers enrolled in 8 o'clock classes. During the last year, however, the Phi G arns have deserted their scholastic preoccupation for a more co nvivial spirit as exemplifi ed by President Alan Nolan (also known as " Ready Teddy" ,) but have managed to maintain a high academic average. Social high li ghts of the year are the annu al Pig Dinner dance and the Jefferson Hop given in conjunction with the Phi Psis. The Pig Dinner affair honors new initiates in :March , while the J eff H op is one of the more prominent fa ll affairs. Billy Hillen brand , Indiana's all-America, represents the Phi Garns on the football field, and finds time to be a member of Sp hinx club and the Student vVar Council in addition. Duke E rh ardt, the LU. version of "M r. Five by Five," watches over Billy, a student at hletic trainer. Bob Nelson, retiring prexy, headed the activi ties list by being a member of Sphinx Club, Board of Aeons , Council of F ra ternity Presidents, and as a junior base ball manager. Bob MacGill was the Phi Garn representative in other activities that included bei ng president of Sigma Delta Chi, secretary of the Union Board, managing editor of The Dail y Student, member of Blu e Key, and correspond ent to United Press. Of the 7 4 chapters in the national organization, Indiana' s Zeta chapter last year held the coveted Phi Gamma Delta Cheny cup, presented to th e best chapter of the preceding year.

Back Row - Dan Erhardt, South Bend, '44; Dick Fisher, Greenwood, '44; John Owen, Indianapolis, '46; Tom Purky, Indianapolis, '44; Sheld on Gale, Whiting, '44; William Hill enbrand, Evansville, '44; Bob MacGill, Indianapoli s, '44; Paul Reeb, Sylvania, Ohio, '45; Tim Hanika, Indi anapolis, '46; Leroy Mangin, Washington, '45 ; Bill Turner, South Bend, '43; Jack Po rter, Lebanon, '46.

Robert Nelson . Allan Nolan


William Ridgway Bob MacGill


Robert Bernhardt Tom Purky


PleJytu Front Row - W end ell Klopfenstein, P ortland, '46; Bill ¥\Talton, Mt. Vernon, '46; Merrill Coffin, Marion, '46; T on Langley, Anderson, '46; George Ten Eyck, Cincinnati, '45.

Second Row -Lee Williams, Fort Wayne, '46; William Thomas, Portland, '46 ; King Traub, Indian apolis, '46; William D eidrick, New Albany, '46; Richard Wolf, Marion, '45; Jack Kightli nger, Marion, '46; George Schartlein, Knightstown, '46.

Back Row - Royce Welsch, W olcott, '46; Bud Gates, Indianapolis, '46; Ben Buente, Evansville, '44; Bert Dougherty, Los Angeles, Calif., '46; B rad Kent, Brookston, '46; Thomas Nichols, Knox, '46; Ken Shull, Auburn, '46.


That looks suspiciously like ginger ale to us ... Nothing like news from the alums.

Fiji pleading for a night out; the kid with him plays football.

A better camera might have given us a hint what he's reading.

There's no gettin' around it; shoes have to he shined every so often.

PHI KAPPA Front Row - Franklin Klumpe, L afayette, '44; Robert H oltyman, Indian11poli s, '45; William Mil fo rd, Mari on, '45; Robert Kane, G.ary, '46; Fra ncis Mann, New Haven, Conn., '44.

Second Row - Robert I-I. Bossett, Sp rin g Lake, N.J., '44; Ralph Koontz, Fo rt "\Vayne, '42; William Coonan, Newburgh, N.Y., '43 ; Thoma's H einz, Indi anapolis, '46; james Dan ehy, Fort V\Tayne, '46.

The baby of Indiana University fraternities is Phi Kappa, founded on the campus in 1939 after a national origin in 1889. In spite of its yout h, Phi Kappa has managed to hold its own with other fraternities scholasti call y, sociall y, and athletically.

Back Row - E dwin Nies, Clifton, N.J. , '46; J ose·ph D oherty, Boston, Mass., '4 5; Thomas Hubay, New Britain, Conn., '4S; Gerard H ein z, Indianapolis, '45 i James Ru nnion, Valp a raiso, '45.

• William Coonan Robert Bossett ·Gerard Heinz Franklin Klumpe Francis Maon

:Maintaining a hot riva lry with their brothers at Lafayette, the local Phi Kappa chapter each year engages the Purdue branch in a footba ll feud - the losi ng chapter feeding the winners at a banquet. Another interchapter wager is a troph y which depends on the outcome of the annual lndianaPu rdue varsity grid classic. The brothers dine sumptiously at two annual banque ts, celebrating Mother's Day and Founder's Day. Prime s0cial affairs are the fall steak fries and hay rides. Smokers for Catholic st ud ents are given throughout the year by the fraternity, a national organiza tion for Catholic men.


That man out there "calling them as he saw them" in intramural athletics was Terry Coonan, the Phi K aps' leading B.M .O.C. Coonan is a member of Sphinx C lub, is Phi Kappa "prexy," and is also a varsity baseball player.

Vice-president Treasurer

Bob Bossett garnered his numerals in f©ot ball and is a member of Phi Epsi lon Kappa, physical education frater.nity, and of Skull and Crescent. Jim McGreevey, an outstanding character actor iH University Theatre productions, is a member of Theta A lpha Phi and an assistant in the University Speech department. Frank Klumke is treasurer of the Newman club, to which the Phi Kaps belong 100 per cent. Ralph Kom1tz is alumni secretary of Alpha C hi Sigma.



Front Row - Dan Axe, Bloomfield, '45; A ll en Van Duren, Indianapol is, '43; J. Martin Mill er, I nd ia napo li s, '44 ; All en Busk irk, B looming ton, '4 5; Robert H arge r, In dian apolis, '44; W al ter C ham be rs, Newcastl e, '44; Burton Canaday, And erson, '45; Bill 'Vil son, Greenfield, '4 5 ; Arthur Overbay, Indi a napolis, '4 5; C harl es E ll ema n, Ri chmond , '45; Tim E lfor d, Bloomin gton, '46; Willi am Chenoweth, Richmond , '4 5. Second Row - J er rod G erard, Warsaw, '43 ; D onald Snepp, Indianapoli s, '43; Willi am Simmerman, Lapel, '43; Robert Young, Fort Vil ayne, '4 5 ; Jam es C arter, In di anapo Vi s, '43 ; Phil M end enh a ll, Indi a napolis, '43; D a ri Mill er, Mari on, '43; William Fox, South Bend, '43 ; Ralph Pri ckett, l3loomington, '44 ; Norman Schl emmer, Greenburg, '44; Jam es Thieme, Fort Wa yne, '44; William Rudy, Indi ana pol'i s, '4 5.

" Hi , hi , hi ... P hi Kappa Psi" are the poetic words heard on Phi Psi se renades. Neighbors to the Kappas, t he policebadged boys have been roma ntically inclined, at least somewhat in the past. ...

Third Row- J a mes Ma ce, Sherid an, '44; Sev enn Buschman, Indianapoli s, '44 ; R a leigh Phillips, Brazil, '45 ; John P earman, Terre Haute, '43 ; Robe rt A nderson, And erson, '43; John M cFaddin, Rockv ill e, '43; J ohn Vi7il so n, Bloomington, '4 5; Rob ert Tindall, Greenfie ld, '45; Ri cha rd Adams, Bloomin g ton, '44; 'Villi am Bannon , K okomo, '43; Larry Mc f addin, Indianapoli s, '45 ; Dan Kahle, W est Lafayette, '4 5; Nat Hill, Bloomington, '43.

But this yea r the Phi P si me n have "gone to war" se riously. In the advanced R.O .T.C. cou rse we find all these men from the lodge: Bob A nd erson, Bill Fox, Ji m Carter, Bob Cu lbertso n, Dar! l\ l iller, D on Snepp, Ji m Shake, J ohn Cogan, No rma n Schlemmer, J ohn D ollens, Alan Du nlap, Ralph P rickett, Cha rles Rockwood, Morris H ooper, Bill \ Vi lso n, Burton Canaday, and Charles Tolbert.

Back Row - Charles Rockwoo d, Indianapolis, '43; John Doll ens, North Vernon, '44; Robe rt Bahney, Peru, '45 ; William Hungate, Fountaintown, '45; Bailey Cuard, Spencer, '43; All en Dunlap, Blooming ton, '44 ; R ay M a rr, Columbus, '43 ; G eo rge Lukemeye r, Jasper, '45; Ri cha rd Wa ters, Loga nsport, '45.

The " Joe" men of Phi Psi are the popular J erry Gerard, Bill Fox, and "Ace" l\lace. The politician of the house is " Banks" l\tl cFaddin , senior manager fo r intramurals. A lan Dunl ap is another ma nager ; j unior track for him . President Bill Bannon has led the brothers in their round of smoke rs, informal dan ces, and exchange dinners. Soro riti es ge t a ki ck out of having da nces on the srco nd fl oor, somethin g no other lodge ca n offer legitimatel y.

\rVilliam Bannon John Cogan Norman Schlemmer W alter Ch ambers

Bob A nderson was editor-in-chief of the Arbutus and chairman of the famous Tommy Dorsey Junior Prom. H e w as also on the U nio n Board , Board of Aeons, Blu e K ey, Sp hinx C lub, and in oth er ac ti vities .


Martin Miller William \i\Tilson

President Vice-p resid ent Treasurer

J ohn Cogan, Sp hinxe r, plays base ball for l.U. and Chuck Tolbert runs on the track team. On the A rb utu s w ere Artie Overbay and Bill H ungate.

Front Row- P errin Littl e, Indianapolis, '46; Bill Whitake r, Scotland, '45 ; Dave Gastin ea u, Indi anapo li s, '46; Ja ck Rain ey, Indianapoli s, '45 ; Tim M eglemere, Bloomington , '45 ; Ralph Dashn er, Logansport, '46; Bob Fry, Linton, '45. Second Row - Jim Anderso n, And erson, '46; Ma x H endr icks, New Palestin e, '45; Bob Gramelspacker, Ja sper, '46; Bob Hungate, Fountain town, '46; Jim Shake, Vincennes, '4 5 ; F red Mill er, Indianapolis, '45; Jim Carlin, Indianapoli s, '46 ; J ohn ' Va llace, Ri chm ond , '46. Back Row -Bob Buckl er, Indianapoli s, '46; M au ri ce H oo per, Markl ev ill e, '45; D oug M yers, Logan sport, '46; \ Varren M cC lure, Kokomo, '4 5; George Babcock, Logansport, '46; D ave E lli s, Indi anapo li s, '46; D ave M cCooe, East Chi cago, '44; Tom E ly, Pl ymouth, '45 ; Dick Shambo, Joli et, Ill., '44.


Candles and all, the center table gives Mrs. Hendricks the "apple-polish de luxe." Peering at the scrap book brings back prewar memories to 0-K-pitchforkers.

And if there is anything else you want to know, Little "0" will tell you.

" o I held it lik e th i

" '1,,or !"

"Fi1·e lo"· men on a totem Pole."


Front Row - Eric Ellenbogen, Bloomington, '42; Jack Rosenbloom, Evansville, '42; Louis Sosin, Hammond, '44; William Weinstein, Indianapolis, '43; Robert Hirschberg, G~ry, '42; Fei"ix Bogart, Brooklyn, .Y., PG.

Second Row - Robert l3 egner, Evansville, '43; Allen Levy, South Bend, '43 ;·· Bernard Roth, Gary, '44; Robert Weiss, Hammond, '43; $idney Izs.ak, Indianapolis, '44; Aoe Schuchman, Indianapoli s, '44; Leo Klein, Indianapolis, '43.

Third Row-Edward Sharavsky, Gary, '45; Gordon Saver, New York, .Y., '43; Dave Jacobowitz, Mishawaka, '45; Marvin Kleinman, East Chicago, '44; Howard Cohn, Mount Vernon, N.Y., '43.

Pi L am bd a Phi , the oldest J ew ish fraternity in the country, was organized at Ya le University in 1895. The annual Pilam eve nts includ e an open-house for Jewish women, and a freshman tou ch foot ball game with the freshmen of Sigma Alpha Epsi lon. In its brutal few yea rs of history this ga me has seen the Pi L ams victorious on three occasions.

Back Row ·- Lennard Goodman, New York, N.Y., '44; Walter H. Rodin, Gary, '44; Jack Klin e, Indianapolis, '45; Marcus Goldman, Indianapolis, '44.

Lou Sosin 'Villi am \V einstein


\iVilli am Weinstein Robert Weiss

Vice-presid ent

J ack Rosenbloom Robert Begner

In the field of activities Pi L ambd a Phi is represented by Ed Bell, iron man right tac kl e on th e H oosier eleven; Sid I zsak, number two man on the tennis team. Bob Hirschberg, pas t president of the house, was Junior wrest I in g manager last year. L eo Klein , member of Phi E ta Sigma is now Junior wrestling man age r; Bill W ein stein is a member of the va rsity debate squad and las t yea r's winn er of the intramural debate tourn ey; H owie Cohn is a feature spo rts writer for the D aily Student, and Gordon Saver is associate ed itor of the Folio and has ap peared in several Uni ve rsity Theatre plays. Pi L am bd a Phi was formerly Phi Beta D elta until it merged with the national orga nization on February 1, 194 1. Prominent alu mni includ e Arthur Garfield H ayes, international lawyer, Arthur L oew, of L oew's Inco rporated , and Louis B. Mayer, of l\/Ietro-Goldwyn- 1\!Iaye r.


Front Row - Rob ert Gla zier, Indi anapolis, '46; Leonard chroetter, Hammond, '45; Robe rt Safe r, Indianapolis, '45; Bernie Nathanson, Indianapolis, '46; Lester Ottenheim er, East Chicago, '44; Ru sse ll Bernstein, Chicago, Ill., '46; Joseph Shamitz, Indian apo lis, '44; .Milford Larn er, Asbury Park, .J., '46 .

econd Row - M elvin Fleisher, Roches ter, N.Y., '45; Jose ph Baer, Indian apo lis, '46; David Zuravel, South Bend, '46; vVilliam Berger, Indianapolis, '46; Leonard Lasky, Marion, '45 ; Jack Frank, South Bend, '46.

Third Row- Yale F ri edman, Mi shawaka, '46 ; Arthur Schiller, Indianapolis, '46; H erbert Kahn, Brooklyn, N.Y., '46; Sidney Becker, 0 sinin g, N. Y., '46; Richard Lewis, Gary, '45 .

Back Ro"· -Arnold P erry, Muncie, '46 ; Robert Siegel, Milwaukee, W·is., '46; Stanley J. Zeckel, Nobl esvill e, '45 ; Charles Aidman, Frankfort, '46.



Front Row- Ernest Vogel, Ft. \Vayne, '45; E el Me lvin, Terre H aute, '44; Cletus Krnyer, South Bend, '45; C ha rl es Pierce, New Albany, '44; Bob Harris, Bloomington, '45; Bil l Benckart, Bloomington, '45; Bob Harvey, Bloomington , '45; Bob Rob inson, Ft. Wayne, '45; Eel E lsne r, Seymour, '45; Jack Hicke, Te·rre Haute, '44; Dick Wood, Ter re Haute, '45; Tom Reese, Indianapoli s, '45; Tom Rees, La Porte, '45; James Eastman, South Bend, '45; Freel Carpenter, Indianapolis, '45. Second Row-Ja ck Nash, South Bend, '43; Bill Haeber ly, Indianapolis, '43; Marvin Watkins, North Vernon, '43; Dick Letsinger, Bloomington, '42; John Logan, Richmond, '43; J. Grant Moore, Bedford, '43; D. K . Gardner, South Bend, '43; Robert Shimel, Fort vVayne, '43; Max Hockema, Lafayette, '42; Jules Hendri cks, Bloomington, '42; Jack Hamlin, ,Etna Green, '42; Ed Easterday, Hammond, ' 43; Paul Roberts, Evansv ill e, '43; Palmer Sin g leton, Hammond, '43; Joe Martin, Munci e, '44; Reuben C ra ig, Kokomo, '43.

Famous for large pledge classes and infamou s for flinging snow at unsuspectin g Delta Gammas are the boys who wear the diamond-shaped pin of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Third Row- John Gaddis, Anderson, '45; Don Main, Anderson, '45; T om Gallmeyer, Fort Wayne, '44; Di ck Craig, Fort Way ne, '44; Bob Beck, Terre Haute, '44; Dick G harst, Terre Haute, '45; Dean Needham, Fort Wayne, '44; John Torphy, Bloomington, '44; Ralph Ham ilton, Fort Wayne, '44; Bob Benckart, Bloomington, '44; Louis Howe, Cincinnati, O hi o, '44; Elmer Va nes, Hammoncl, '44; Eugene Schmidt, Fort Wayn e, '44; Tom Brown, Su lli van, '44.

During the last yea r the boys marshalled their forces for an all-out pinning cl rive on campus sorori ti es, notabl y th e Pi Phis and A lph a Chis. Apparen tl y, they were pretty successfu l. Proudest tradition of the house is the annual G ypsy Dance which they will tell you is unmatched by any other sim ilar frolic on the campus.

Back Row - Bob Sullivan, B loomington, '44; Bill Moore, New A lbany, '44; Paul Narcowich, Gary, '45; Gilbert Gambi ll, Terre Haute, '45; Bob D ean, Bloomington, '45; Jim McDonald, Shelbyville, '45; Joel Dobbins, Indianapolis, '45; John Scull y, Gary, '45; Robe rt Maxwell, Indianapo li s, '45; Rob ert Hin es, Fort Wa yne, '45; Paul Walker, Wichita, Kansa , '45; Albert Steinwedel, Seymour, '44.

vVhile quite scho lastica lly inclined , the wearers of th e violet find time for an adequate number of social functio ns includin g dinn ers, record dances and picnics. H oldin g down a fitting place on the S.A.E. mantel is the troph y denotin g last summer's intramural champio nship.


S.A.E. also has her share of representatives amo ng the at hletic contingent. Jack Nash and Bob Dean played quite a bit of football for "Bo" McMillin. Ralph Hamilton a nd " Ozzie" Logan starred on the Crimson bas ketball squad. Bob Bencka rt ran cross-country and E rni e Vogel was one of th e aquatic mainstays. Tom (Reverend) Gallmeyer is carrying on where Bob Gates le ft off in activiti es . He is on the Union Board, a nd is a member of Sphin x Club, Blue K ey, Skull and Crescent, and Phi Eta Sigma.

Robert Shimel Palmer Singleton


l\/Iax Hockema . Torn Gallmeyer


Marvin Watkins


Bill H aeberle is a former president of Phi Eta Sigma and 1s active in University debate. He is also a member of Blue Key. Front Row - Wilbur Burton, Indianapolis, '45; Wendell Godwin, La Porte, '46; Paul Logan, Indianapolis, '46; Ward McCarty, Rochester, '46; J er ry Kasting, Indian apo lis, '45; Jim Winter, Fort Wayne, '46; John Vl a ller, vVas hi ngton, '45; vValter Gadi ent, New Albany, '45; William Good, Linton, '46. Second Row - John Smith, Gary, '45; Lester Ha yner, Fort Wayne, '45; Jim Mill er, Edinburg, '46; Harry Cartwright, Anderson, '46; Don Bock, Spencer, '45; August Casper, Indianapoli s, '4 5 ; Robert Matthew, Anderson, '45; George Moore, Anderson, '46; J. B. Black, Bloomington, '43; Jennings Stiles, Bloomington, '44; Jack Goodrich, Shelbyville, '46. Back Row - Don Clapp, Indianapolis, '46; Tom Cleveland, Hammond, '46; lorman Gardner, South Ben d, '46; Allen Karch, Carm i, Ill., '45; Eel Colby, Chicago, Ill., '46; Robe rt Shaul, Terre Haute, '46; Bob Rudi se ll, Indian· apolis, '46; Damery Durgy, Hammond, '46; Jack Overmeyer, Rochester, '45; Charl e J ucld, Akron, '4 5; Robert Sturm, Fort Wayne, '45.







Lounge lizards, 1943 style.

Oh, to watch these greenhorns study!

always the fraternity magazine to read. (Upper left) Are those all scholarship trophies?

(Left) He lightly applies the match, then . ..


Fron t Row- Sheldon Wagner, Fort \ Vayne, '43; Ben Richter, Gary, '43; Leon Rosenberg, El izabeth, N.J., '43; Jud Fromm er, Indianapolis, '43; Sid Ca hn, Indianapolis, '44; Sol Blickman, Indian apo lis, '44; Robert Bronstein, Huntin gton, '44; M arvin Snyder, Winslow, '43; Sherman 'Neinstein, Fort VVayne, '43; Morton . Goldberg, New Castle, '44; Ben May, Clayton, Mo., '43.

Second Row - Samuel ew, South Bend, '43; Lou Moseson, Louisville, Ky., '45; Irving Sablosky, Indianapoli s, '45; Dave Pearlman, Lafayette, '45; Harold Drebin, Connersvill e, '44; Leonard Prywe ller, South Bend, '44; Irving Summerfield, Indianapolis, '44; Robert Raphael, Evansville, '44; Phil Goodman, East C hicago, '44; Jay J . Mervis, Eas t Ch icago, '44; Joseph Barrett, Indianapolis, '43. .

The leadin g campus repository of the "brain" - that unusual specimen - is the domicile of Sigma Alpha Mu. The boys in the " ol' brown House" on North Fess Street really shine in their scholastic endeavors. They walked off with the Interf raternity Scholarship Cup and their pledges, not to be outdone, brou ght home the Phi Eta Sigma trophy, emblemati c of supremacy among the fraternity pledge classes.

Back Row -Richard Friedland, Indianapol is, '45; Melv in Nevel, Mishawaka, '45; Robert Gumbiner, Gary, '45; Sylvan Baer, Loni vi ll e, K y., '45; Jack Jaffee, Indianapolis, '45; Robert Romer, Indianapolis, '45; Robert Dann, ew Castle, '45; Sanford Zeigler, Munci e, '45; Edgar Siegel, Conve rse, P.G.; Doovid Barskin, Martinsville, '43; Robert Linker, Louisville, K y., '45; Herbert Lipner, East ·C hicago, '45; Robert Levin, Indianapolis, '45; Herbert Vine, Louisville, Ky., '45.

Sigma Alpha l'vlu, however, didn 't confi ne her activities to scholarship. S.A.M. dances, with free food for all, drew droves from over the campus. Bond-bu ying is anoth er one of their strong points. Sigma A lpha Mu racked up sa les totaling more than $-J.7,000 to rank over all other organ izations in the campus bond drive.

Sol Blickman Phil Goodman


Sidney Cahn Irvi ng L. Sablosky


Robert Bronstein . Herbert Vine


Among annual traditions are a football classic with the Delta Shelta lads, with the losers throwing a party "complete with refreshments." Another custom is a Thanksgiving Eve dinner when pledges take the upper hand and lay clown the law to the actives. The 26-man pledge class kept the sophomores' knees shakin g most of the year. President of the house and one of the outstanding rods is Sol Blickman. Sol was chairman of th e Summer Prom and held down a seat on the Union Board. He also hand led the Blue Key funds as treasurer, was a member of Phi E ta Sigma, and prexy of the newly formed Quartermaster Association. J ucl Frommer was edi tor-in-chi ef of the summer Indiana D aily Student and also was active in University dramatics. Juel had lead parts in several plays and was a member of Theta Alpha Phi , Blue Key, and Sigma Delta Chi.

PL~ . Front Row-Edward Komisarow, Ft. Wayne, '46; Jay Mark s, Louisville, Ky., '46; E dward Reich, Indianapolis, '46; Mal co lm Fine, Louisville, Ky., '46; Donald Dreyfus, Gary, '46; Larry Mervis, East Chi cago, '46; Gerbert Barnett, Indianapolis, '46.


• l

Second Row - Jerry Koplov, Kokomo, '46; Edward Saag, Louisv ille, Ky., '46; Harold Goodman, Ea t Chicago,· '46; WilEam M arcus, Gary, '46; Arthur Grossman, Louisville, Ky., '46; Arthur F leishaker, Louisville, Ky., '46; Robe rt Baerncopf, Indi anapo li s, Ind ., '46; Robert Turbow, East Ch icago, '46; Leon Plank, Muncie, '46. Back Row -Bernard G lazer, Anderson, '46; Irving Roge r, Lafayette, '46; Arthur Kornhauser, E li zabeth, N .J., '46; Rober t Bernstein, Hammond, '46; Kenneth Schwartz, Gary, '46; Clarence IVJ:ann, Henderson, K y., '44; Kenneth Levin, Ter-re Haute, '45; Albert Leviton, South Bend, '46; Edwa rd Bernstein, East C hi cago, '46. .




Front Row - Joe Hold ern ess, Angola, '45 ; J ohn Draper, Gary, '45 ; Mike Saban, La Grange, Ill., '45 ; Joe Black, Gary, '45; Bus Prikle, Rockville, '45 ; D a le Karlon, Hammond, '45 ; Frank Hamilton, Terre Haute, '45 ; Charl es Ossenberg, Evansville, '45 ; Jerry McNamee, Hammond, '45 ; Jam es Harrison, Ft. Way ne, '45 ; Rob ert Akin, Indi anapo lis, '45 ; Richard Baum, Elkhart, '45 ; William Newhard, Ft. Wayne, '45. Second Row - Joe K lotz, Noblesville, '44; Ralph Hansell, Kokomo, '44; James Mcinty re, Auburn, '44; Fred \Vi eking, Indianapolis, '43; \Vally Torrem, T erre Haute, '43; Robert Le Favour, outh Bend, '43 ; J ohn Wil son, T emple City, Calif., '43; Perin Scott, Madison, '43; Max Woolery, Bloomington, '43; Robert Elliott, Indianapolis, '43; James Sub lette, Indi anapolis, '43; Dale Swihart, Elkhart, '43; Bud Borneman, Elkhart, '43.

The boys who j ust hate to be called "S ig Chis" li ve in that ancient ma nse t hat r eposes stately just across Seventh Street fro m Dunn M eadow.

Back Row -Richard Stull, Bloomington, '45 ; Jam es Wool ery, Bloomington, '45 ; Ri chard Mason, R.R. 5, Mun cie, ' 45 ; Jam es Dewar, Oak Park, 111., '45 ; Paul Chivington, Indi anapoli s, '45 ; Fred Carter, Hammond, '45 ; Jim Land, Kokomo, '44; Gil Bosse, Evansvill e, '45 ; Richard \Vittenbraker, New Castle, '44; Warren Lewis, Newcastle, '44; George D eck, Indianapolis, '45 ; Lou Saban, La Grange, Ill., '44; Lou Monk, Gary, '45 ; Don Baker, Indianapolis, '44.

Th e lads who wear the white cross a re duly proud of the fac t th at th ei r branch w as the sixth chapter of th e nation al fra ternity to be established and is th e oldest Sigma Chi chapte r that has been in co ntinuous existence since fo undin g. The lodge is sli ghtly heavy on th e athleti c sid e w ith such muscle lumin aries as L ou Saban, Jim D ewar, Dale Sw ihart, J oe Black, and fik e Saban, all of the football team, and Dick vVittenbraker, and W arren L ewis who both perfo rm o n the hardwood court. Cu rrent leaders of the Si gma Chi acti vity parad e are Oral ( Hank ) Ri cke and P erin Scott, who is also presid ent of the house. Ricke was able to claim membership in Sphinx Club, Union Board, and Blue K ey and had se rved as Junior Prom Qu een campaign chairman fo r the successful Barbara J ohnson. Scott ra nked as a member of the Boa rd of Aeons, vice-president of D elta Si gma Pi , captain of Scabba rd and Blade, and t reas urer of the Coun cil of Fraternity Preside nts.

(!J!jiceM. Perin Scott Oral Ricke Oral Ricke Richard Wittenbraker

Three Sigs a re mem bers of A lph a Chi Si gma, science fr aternity. T hey are Wittenbraker, \ Vally Torrens, and J ohn L ybrook.

Richard Whittenbraker John Wilson




F our boys from the lod ge, in addition to Scott, are members of D elta Sig, the busin ess experts being John P artenheime r, ·vv arre n L ewis, Bill N ewhard , and Frank H amilton. Attemptin g to perpetu ate th e Sigma Chi tradition on The D ail y Student, w hi ch w as las t ca rri ed on by D ann y ( Scoop ) H olthouse, are Ed Land is and G ene Lud wig, also a Sigma Delta Chi member. Front Row - Willard C hester, Elkhart, '46; Dave G ephardt, And erson, '46 ; Jam es Kil ga ll on, Oak Park, Illinois, '46 ; Richard Carlton, Mari on, '46 ; K ent Lentz, F t. Wa yne, '46; Jack Goelzer, Indianapolis, '46 ; Geo rge W elch, Rockville, '46 ; Em erso n Di xon, Hammond , '46; \Villiam Walla ce, Lafayette, '46 ; Richard McN abb, Carthage, '46.

Second Row - Ed Symon, G a rrett, '46 ; Jam es Col e, South Bend, '46; F red Cook, Evan sv ill e, '46 ; J ack J ackson, Hou ston, T exa s, '45; Fred F ields, Muncie, '45; Bud Timm, Hammond, '46 ; Everett Kramer, H ammond, '46; T om Co lli er, D env er, Co lorado, '46 ; Jam es T oy, J r., Huntin gton, '46; James Kubl ey, Pl ymouth, '46.

Back Row - Rob ert H ansen, Huntin gton, '46; William Walters, Ja sonv ill e, '46; Ge ne Ludwi g, K okomo, '44 ; Dave I sler, Indian apolis, '46 ; Ri cha rd Sta rr, G ary, '45; George Rh etts, Marion, '46 ; Robert Moss, Bloomin gton , '46 ; Richard Moss, Bloomington, '46 ; Cha rl es Cleveland, Plymouth, '46.


That's right, cover an honor with an honor.

(Upper right) Even Mac looks gloomy in this gloomy photo.

(Right) Wittenbraker in a natural position.

Dish it out, but fast, Major! What a beautiful background for a pledging!

If you think footballers ~re dumb, just sit in on a hand with these gentlemen.


Front Row- William Hammer, Middletown, '45 ; Tom By rd, Ladoga, '45; Wally Dunn, Indianapolis, '45; Virgil Ging, Falmouth, '44; Orville Platter, North Vernon, '44; . Charles Ludwig, Tipton, '45. Second Row -Allan Rh odes, Owensboro, Ky., '45; Toin Hussey, Martinsville, '43; Richard Laymon, St. Joseph, Ill., '45; Harry H en drickson, Indianapol'is, '42; Jack Becknell, Indianapolis, '4:i ; Robert Gwin, Shoals, '43. Third Row-Tom. Wilson, Vermilion, Ohio, '45; John Williamson, Fort Wayne, '45 ; Phi l Huffine, Tipton, '45; Charles Walker, Nashvil le, '43; Joe Adki"ns, Indianapolis; '45; Richard Bobilya, Fort ~r ayne, '45; Bob Parnell, Bloomington, '42; Robert Cox, Tipton, '43.

The Sig Nus celebrated their Fiftieth Anniversary on the campus last yea r, but that didn't stop a mysterious thief from filching the electrical replica of the "Great White Star" from the front of the li mestone house that borders the limits of downtown Bloomington on Kirkwood (not Maurice) Avenue.

Fourth Row- Sarri Good, Warren, '43; James Biddle, Anderson, '45; 'William Eppley, Indianapolis, '45; Robert ' Gast, Warsaw, '44; Jack Snyder, Williston, N.D., '43. Top Row - Mendell M cCarty, Pendleton, '45; George Williamson, F~rt Wayne, '44; John Vail, M"ichigan City,· '44.; Dave Reeves, . New Market, '43.

Despite the still-unsolved loss of the five-armed sign, th e record of the Anniversary is thus far unequalled for pomp and ceremon y and speeches by prominent University Sig Nus. Although the four stakes and dwelling place behold - if you

(!)Ui.ce/td. Robert Cox. David Reeves Robert Gast . Robert Cowan . J ames Biddle Sam Good


only prima-facie evidence of a new house is a painted marker, it looks as if the future of the Kirkwood kids will be a sight to can tell anything from floor plans.

It was generally a hard year for the Sig Nus, however, what with someo ne stealing their highl y prized sign and the Union stea lin g the theme of their annual Ballroom Brawl. They still had Kirkwood , however, this year as an instructor in the School of Business.



Prexy Bob Cox led the pack of rodnies last year as a member of Sphinx Club, Union Board, and Blu e Key. David Ree ves captured the honor of knowing more people on the campus than anyone else and ac ted as Senior Intramural Manager. His understudy, " Dusty" Rhodes, was Junior manager and sports editor of the Arbutus. Alumni Herman B \i\Tells is president of the University and \Vard G. Biddle is Comptroller.

Front Row - Jam es Bryant, Vincennes, '46; George Morris, Indianapolis, '46; Ralph Thompson, Fort Wayne, '43 ; Jack Cravens, Linton, '46; Charles Ford, · Pennsgrove, N.J., '46; John Rousseau, Fort Wayne, '46. Second Row-John Pentecost, Tipton, '46; John Holmes, Fort Knox, Ky., '46; Dick Hasler, Newberry, '45; Robert Cravens, Li"nton, '45; Richard Miller, Lebanon, '45; Max Botkin, P arker, '46; Robert Orr, Windfall, '43.

Third Row-Keaton Landis, Warsaw, '46; Bob Midkiff, Knightstown, '45; ~T illiam Wagner, Anderson, '46; Mack Payton, Ri chmond, '46; Wayne Chandler, Anderson, '43; Robert \Vil son, Indianapolis, '46; James ~Toa d, Princeton,. '4.6; Jerry French, Bloomington, '46. Back Row - Holl ace Chastain, Indianapolis, '44; Charles Collins, Fort Wayne, '46; Rob ert Wood, Indianapolis, '46; Ralph Gaston, Indianapolis, '46; Dick Fisher, Fort Wayne, '46.



Front Row - Chri t A. Blassaras, And erson, '43; Willi am F. Gardner, Gary, '44; Maurice David, Nashville, '43; C harles C. Benedict, Vevay, '43; Charles W. Dukes, Georgetown, Ill., '44.

e .

Second Row - Maurice D. Hawbaker, South Bend, '43; Arthur L. Weismann, Lyndhurst, N.J., '43; Walt H. Zuhl , St. Joseph, Mich., '44; Thomas D . Fow ler, Evansville, '42; Norman Nico la i, Indi anapolis, '43.


Almost in va riably one ca n find where Sixth crosses Indiana, a red ress. Probably, if the occasion is as Dan Prege r is co llecting I.O.U. 's brothers.

Back Row - Charles R. Paul, Evansville, '44; Ben 0. Stands, La Fontaine, '43 ; Daniel A. Preger, South Bend, '43; Paul L. Hertenste in, Versai ll es, '42 ; vVill iam J. Braley, Versailles, '43 .

at the Sigma Pi lodge, hot ca rd game in progusual , "Dou ble-Shuffle" from the less fortunate

The Sigma Pi Chapter was installed in 1924, prior to which it was the loca l organization, K appa Ch i. It is now presided over by Earl Doloway, varsity foot ball player, Sphin x club associate, Union Board member, and member of Scabbard and Blade. Other representatives of the chapter in campus activities are Daniel Preger and Charles Chesbro, football players ; Charles Dukes, Y.M.C.A. cabinet member, and Alpha Kappa Psi initiate; \ Valt Zuhl, varsity golfer, who shows promise of fo llowing the path of Henry Timbrook, an earlier Sigma Pi golfer; M aurice H awbaker, also an Alpha Kappa Psi and junior footba ll manager; and Blaine ashold, the remaining Skull and Crescent member.

(j~d, Earl Doloway


Charles Dukes


Daniel Preger .


Foremost among Sigma Pi festive occasions is the annu al Orchid Formal. Other social affairs besid es occasional radio dances include a Pledge Dinner and Dance, a State D ance, and a Christmas Party. An additional custom , which has grown exceptiona lly popula r in th e past semester, is reso rted to by th e freshmen when they battle with the sophomores. No longer are they content with overpowering the numerically inferior sophomore class and depositing them in the nearby Ri ver of Jordan. Nowada ys they poun ce upon an unsuspecting soph, bundle him in a ca r, proceed to the sunken gardens pond , and throw him bodily into the slim y mu ck.

Front Row - Stanley J. Sega l, East Chicago, '44; Ralph Brown, So uth Bend, '46; Lavon Hasler, Loogootee, '43; Jack Fross, South Bend, '46; G~orge Kunz, Hammond, '46.

Second Row - Ma x A ll ison, Kokomo, '43; Charles Shea rer, Kokomo, '43; Robert L. Day, Farrell, Pa., '46; Robert Newman, South Bend, '46; Rodger Buck, South Bend , '46.

Back Row - Thomas Xanders, Syracuse, '44; Lawrence Phipps, Fort Wayne, '44; Le land Chandler, Friendsh ip, '44 ; William Blanford, South Bend, '44; Paul Farris, F lora, '45.

2 14

Larry Phipps seems to think the scene is amusing.

The commander dishes it out.

Who says Doloway isn't the smoothest man in the backfield?

And they only have eyes for the Alpha Chis.

quiet slumber around here we like.

Gin rummy, not bridge, we'll wager.


Front Row- James P. Sumner, Battle Creek, Mich., '45; Joseph A. Haas, Gary, '4-1- ; Glenn ~T. Morris, Gary, '44; Donald W. Mason, Owensville, '42; Delbert Detmer, Rising Sun, '43; ·Russell H. Davis, Seymour, '42; Robert H. Bublitz, Gary, '44.

Second Row - John Bochnicka, North Jud on, '45; Richard . Engli h, Terre Haute, '42; '¥illiam B. Burger, Noblesville, '45; ~T illiam R. Armbruster, Richmond, '45; Bernard J. Kelly, Auburn, '46; William A. Spencer, Peru, '42; William C. McGinnis, Hall, '45; William Rowel, South Bend, '43.

Third Row - Russell Detmer, Rising Sun, '42; '45; Townsend Taylor, Marengo, '45; Robert L. Howden, Mount Vernon,

The old "Ox Ranch" buzzed with aet1v1ty this year. Knock poker experts and all-night bore es infested the big brick house with the white columns and green shutters.

D ea l, Bicknell, '44; Melvin L. William L. Small, Knightstown, outh Bend, '44 ; Philip I. Bird, Smart, Morroco, '42; Robert F. '45.

Owners of the shortest path to the campus from th€ Quadrangle and the best view of the sorority houses, Theta Chi men revel in these advantages. Traditions at the ranch were observed enthusiastically this yea r, a couple of them being: The annual Pig Dinner, a rousing party; the Barn Dance, tops in informality; Kangaroo Court, which no freshman forgets, and plenty of sophomore ponclings in the pool behind the DG house. It is said that the first offieial clay of winter is declared when the house's ping-pong table i taken off the front porch, and the first clay of spring when the table reappears.

Don Ma on '] oseph A. Haas E. D . Eutzler Glenn Morris Delbert Detmer

Russell Deal and John Bochnicka are va rsity football players, D ea l wearing the black and white Sphinx topper. Other athletes are basketball player Bill M cGi1~nis and pole vaulter George Coleman.

Pre ident


Roger Rumph has been president of Y.l\tl.C.A., and Evar ering president of Euclidean Circle. N ering is al o a member of the Rifle team and has served on the Student \ ,Yar Council.


William Rowell, Don l\Iason, Melvin Detmer, and William Spencer are all Scabbard and Blade members. Rowell is vice-president and Detmer secretary. Bob Smart is lieutenant co lonel in R.O.T.C. , crack drill squad man, and a member of Phi Eta Sigma. Spencer is former editor-in-chief of The Indiana Daily Student, a member of Blue Key, Sphinx, Sigma Delta Chi, Dragon's Head, Board of Aeons, \ iVar Council and was president of the enior class.

Front· Row - John Chogas, Logansport, '46; William B. Boyer, Richmond, '45; Morris R. Romine, Bloomington, '46; Jack E. Schmidt, Hammond, '46; W'illiam Wilson, D etroit, Mich .,. '46; Al Vender Hayden, South Bend, '45; Morgan Ketcham, Cleveland, Ohio, '46.

Second Row - Dwight Kitmer; Robert Co ey, Perrysville, '46; Robe rt Groman, La Porte, '46; Robert Clauser, Muncie, '46; F. C. Issac , Seymour" '46; Charles Ewing, Evansville, '46.

Third Row - Morris Schmidt, Mount Vernon, '46; Philip Ferguson, Lynchburg, Va., '46; Jack Barnett, Evansville, '46; Richard Hornberger, Fort Wayne, '46.


Hay's office

. en rnasse. Vocal Cho r cl s per f orrn1ng,

Mail call at la,t. Now to see if . . .


Front Row-Jeanne Scharnberg, Michigan City, '44; Mary Edith Strachan, Terre Haute, '45; Patricia Heath, Rob inson, Ill., '45; Patricia Mungovan, Fort Wayne, '44; Emilie Richards, Roanok e, '44 ; Miriam Wise, Milan, Mich., '44; Mary Fuchs, Evansville, '44; Joan Huffington, Evansville, '45; Barbara Lyons, Terre Haute, '45; Ruth Alice Carey, Westville, '45.


Second Row - Mary Ellen Stimpson, Bloomington, '43; Suzanne Corcoran, vVashington, '43; June Richardson, Westport, '43; Emily Zank!, Indianapolis, '43; June Enoch, Fort Wayne, '43; Emmy Lou Cavanaugh, Washington, '43; Betty Jan e Prinz, Louisville, Ky., '43; Phyllis Peterson, Darlington, '43 ; Patricia Fel'ix, South Bend, '43; Helen Gery, Darlington, '43.

Back Row-Helen Turner, Kokomo, '44; Nancy Whipple, Valparaiso, '44; Rebecca Phipps, Pendleton, '44; Suzanne Weav er, Chicago, Ill., '43; Marion June Specht, Gary, '44; Patricia Droit, Evansville, '44; Maril yn Craig, New Castle, '45; Priscilla Phipps, Peridleton, '45; Carmel P eckinpaugh, Mount Summit, '44; Barbara Mail, Robinson, Ill., '45; Mary Lou Carmichael, Bloomington, '44.

If a boress is started, look to the house high on a windy hill overlooking the Quadrangle. Never a dull moment is experienced by the wearers of the Golden Lyre. Their activities may be listed as politicianers, card sharks, boressers, "desert island gals," and joe's; however, there are those who take it upon themselves to uphold the more serious activity life. Campus presses roll due to the able assistance of June Richardson , women's editor of The Daily Student and president of Theta Sigma Phi; Emily Richards, reporter extraordinary for the Bored Walk; and Pat Droit, Office Manager of the Arbutus and also member of Pleiades.

Emmy Lou Cavanaugh Emily Zank! . Miriam \Vise .


Bewildering freshmen consult the three oracles better known as Coed-Counselors, but much better known as Prissy Phipps, Marilyn Craig, and Barbara Mail.


The water-logged girls of Oceanides are Emily Zank! , Marilyn Kreigbaum, and Marilyn Hull. Among the yearly events of a more conscientious nature are the various social functions: namely, the Christmas party in honor of the Deans, at which time "razz" gifts are presented "With Malice Toward one"; and a party given for the underprivileged children in Bloomington. The annual winter formal· dance was held before Christmas, sans programs, the dance program expense money being used to purchase a war bond.


Front Row - Janet Davisson, Winchester, '45; Julia Bollenbacher, Washington, '46; Joan Whipple, Valparaiso, '46; Marilyn Kriegbaum, Richmond, '46; Joan Arnold, Terre Haute, '46; Jeanne Dixon, Marion, Ohio, '45.

Second Row- Rachel Veit, Union ·City, '46; Ann Richardson, Jeffersonvill e, '46; Mary Alice Murphy, Huntington, '46 ; Pat M yers, Indianapolis, '46; Virginia Winn, Logansport, '44; Norma Curdes, Fort Wayne, '46.

Back Row - Nancy Church, Bloomington, '46; Barbara Jackson, Indianapol'is, '46; Norma Brown, Louisville, Ky., '45; Mary McFarland, Vincennes, '45; Dorothy Knight, Chicago, Ill., '45; Ruth Clifford, Chesterton, '44; Barham Reininga, Washington, '46; Lola Rodriguez, Ft. Wayne. '46.



Front Row - Ca ridoyne Gray, Bloomington, '43; June Blickensde rfer, Gary, '42; Frances , Knox, Indianapolis, '44; Ruth e E dward, Ga ry, '42.


Second Row- Victoria Stevens, Indi anapolis, '43; Janet Conn, Anderson, '45; Mrs. Meeton, Housemother, Marjorie Whitman, Ga ry, '46 .

Back· Row - Lois Scott, Bloomington, PG; Ann Hoare, South Bend, '43; Louisa Pfretzscbn er, Buffalo, N.Y., '45; Jan e Hoare, South Bend, '+2 ; Priscilla Mi ya t, Greenwood , '44.

" \Ve all came up from Dixie Land" cou ld well be the slogan of the sorority that was started at Wesleyan Female College, facon, Georgia in 1851. The wearers of the diamond take pride in the fact that theirs is the oldest secret society among women. In 1926, Alpha Delta Pi orga nized on the I.U. campus. The A. D. Pi's have seven marching \ V ATC members Ruthe Edwards, senior; Priscilla J\Iiyat, junior; Louisa Pfretzschner, sophomore; and Betty Bowlby, A li ce Springer. Connie McGavin, and Audrey Mundy, freshmen. The gi rls ca n be heard trouping across the li ving room shouti ng "about face " and other commands in the evenin g.



Ru the Edwards Vicky tevens

In the fall the girls had a very interesting experience. \tVhen the \VAVES came to town , they brought an Alpha Delta Pi with them that had graduated from Sophie ewcomb College in Iew Orleans, Louisiana. Penny \Vhite escorted several of the girls through the "S hip" and told of many of the acti vities of the \ VAVES.

P resident

Vicky Stevens Louisa Pfretzschner


] u ne Blickensderfer


Top ranking activity gi rls in the hou se are Ruthe Edwards, a member of Pleiades, Alpha L am bda D elta, Pi Lambda Theta and Ocean ides; Vicky Stevens had a part in "The Eve of St. J\Iark," and is a member of Theta Alpha Phi and Pleiades; Lou Pfretzschner is an office manager of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce, Chi Gamma, and is on the Arbutus Staff.

Frqnt Row - Alice Springer, Indi ana polis, '46; Betty Bowlby, Gary, '46; Constance M cGavin, Munster, '46; Ruth e Pawlik, Jeffersonville, '46.

Back Row -Audrey Mundy, Bloomington, '46; Gene McCaughan, Kokomo, '45; Al ice Munns, Crawfordsv ill e, '46; Mary Lu Robb, Princeton, '46.


ine more song gong. Yeh, swing it!

Another plug for Coca-Cola.

One of those slow, dreamy waltzes.

(Upper left) Quick shot. Dates due soon. {Left) It looks as though the proverbial gang is all here.


First Row - Elsie Cartwright, Bloomington, '46; Arlena Primm, Indianapolis, '46; Louise Henry, Indianapolis, '43; Ruth Goodner, Indianapolis, '46; Ollie Evans, Indianapolis, '46.

Second Row- G rayce White, Fort Wayne, '43; Jane Harding, Gary, '44; La Verne Mente rs, Indianapolis, '43; Juanita Graves, Indianapolis, '45; Minyon Washington, Trenton, N.J., '45.

Back Row- Willa Bridgewater, Indianapolis, '46; Eva Hatcher, Indianapolis, '44; Izona Thomas, Indianapolis, '46; Pauline Sharp, Indianapolis, '46; Mary Emma DuValle, Indianapolis, '46; Beatrice Lewis, Bloomington, PG.

December 16, 1922, the Alpha Gamma club was established as the Tau chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha at Indiana University. The chapter was rather successful in its various undertakings because of the aid rendered by a congenial group of patronesses. The girls remained residents of Dargon House until September, 1941 , when, with the help of the administration and Alese :M orris, visiting member and Social Director of Negro students, they opened the first Negro sorori ty house on the campus. In J anuary, 1942, Tau chapter entertained an honorary member, lVI arian Anderson, with a reception for faculty members and friends in the Student Building. Bertha Calhoun Jean Lee


Georgia Battles


Jean Lee Ruth Phillips

Bertha Calhoun was a December graduate, the third Negro to get a B.S. in Business. She is the first Vice-President of the Negro Student Council, was Secretary of Dargon House, and AKA Basileus. G eorgia Battles, Indianapolis, is Anti-Basileus and D ean of Pledges. She is a speech major, President of the Elms, a member of the Interracial Commission, Negro Student Council, H ouse Presidents' Association, was Vice-President of Dargon House, and took part in "The Eve of St. Mark."


The Grammateur, :M axine Shane, is Assistant Secretary of the Negro Student Council and Secretary of Dargon Hou se. Jean Lee, Tamiochus, is the only Negro Coed Counsellor. The 1942-43 initiates are Juanita Graves and La Verne Minters, both from Indianapolis. Six girls were rewarded with I vy Leaf pledge pins because of high scholastic standing. They were Elsie Cartwright, Ollie Evans, Eva Hatcher, Robbie Jackson, Arlena Primm, and Izona Thomas.

Left to. Right - Jean Lee, Fort Wayne, '45; Ruth Phillips, Indianapolis, '44; Bertha Calhoun, Gary, '43; Maxine Shane, Indianapolis, '45; Georgia Battles, Indianapolis, '44.



Front Row - Ra e Davis, R amsey, '43; Rebecca Mott, Warr n, '45; Berle Crowe, Indiana H a rbor, '45; Irene V. Liber, Gary, '44; Dorothea Mitch ell, P aris, Ill., '45; Mari an G. Kendall, Ru shville, '45.

Second Row- Virginia L. Steele, C laypool, '44; Mary Lee Wible, Kokomo, '44; Dorothy M eissner, La Grange, Ill., '45 ; Agnes Turman, Gary, '43; Mrs. H a ig, Bloomfield; Elsie Chalfant, Griffith, '43; Betty Bates, Joliet, 111., '43; J ea ne V.Tearly, Monti cello, '43; Helen H. Littell, Bloomington, '43.:

Back Row- Juanita Faun Parker, Coatesvi ll e, '44; Pegg); Thoma s, Newberry, '45; Virginia Coop.er, Kokomo, '44; Rose Jean Spencer, Crawfordsvi lle, '44; Kathryn Gre iving, Dyer, '44; Mary Jan e Lawson, Dyer, '44; Doris Steinmetz, Evansville, '44; Kathryn Current, Topeka, '44; Betty Bowen, Hill sboro, Ohio, '45. ·

The house with the little Crosley out in fron t, identifie.; the A 0 Pi house on East Seventh street, just a two-minute dash from Phys Ed classes and strategically located to watch the passi ng parade of D elts and Sigma Chis. Tradition by now, is the pool in the patio of th e hou se, reputed to hold water of ice-cold temperature, as the sisters who ha ve been ducked in it well know. These du ckings occu r wh en a member takes a fraternity pin , although du ckings frequ entl y a re not restricted to such forma l occasions. The patio pool is also home for occasional goldfish or turtles which rarely survive.

(!J/jJC<VU '

The fact that the mailman gets to the house before time to leave for nine o'clocks makes him one of the A 0 Pi's favorite people.

Elsie Chalfant .


Virginia Cooper


Rose Jean Spencer

President E lsie Chalfant heads the list of A 0 Pi bi g shots. She is a member of P leiades, the \ i\T. A. A. board and is an R. 0. T. C . sponsor. Betty Bates is vice-president of Theta Sigma Phi, journalistic honorary, a night editor of The Dai ly Student and a member of Pleiades.


House vice-p resid ent and also a Pleiades member is Vi ro-inia Cooper. Virginia is also advertising manager of the Arbutus and a member of Omicron Delta, business honorary. Rose Spencer is on the Y. l\11. C. A. cabinet , and Doris Steinmetz is on \ V. A. A. boa rd.

First Row-Rachel E. Bair, Bourbon, '46; Rosemary Laughlin, Salsberry, '46; Jane Coffman, Salem, '46; Carolyn Sprague, Paris, 111., '46; Kitsy Mason Swain, Bloomington, '46; Mary E. Bell, Bloomington, '46; Peggy Brooks Nunn, Evansville, '46.

Second Row - Sue Geoghegan, Gary, '46; Doris Schory, Kokomo, '46; Emma Vance Moosmiller, New Albany, '44; Marianne Fauber, East Chicago, '45; Viv'ian Parry, Valparaiso, '45; Evelyn Cooper, South Bend, '46; Joan Keller, Crawfordsvil le, '46; Martha Jean Madden, Indianapolis, '45; Shirley Johnson, Gary, '46.

Back Row - Carolyn Crabb, Kingman, '46; E il ee n Kruege r, Indianapolis, '44; Norma Parker, Stilesvil le, '45; Rosemary Man cini , Connersv ill e, '45; Philli • K ·mp, Un ion City, '46; J eanne Balfe, Terre Haute, '46; Martha Houlehao, Crawfordsville, '46; Joann e Yaste, Hnntington, '46; Wilma Nell Keck, Bloomington, '46; Jan ice Trotter, Paoli, '45.


Terpsichore and a II it stands for.

He's her nightly in spiration. But lipstick for homework?

It's this darn homework that gets me down.

Just one more hand and I'll hit those books ..

\Ve'll bite ... are they comin' or goin'.


Front Row - Jeanne Teaney, Aurora, '43 ; Betty Jeanne Gilmore, Kentland, '45; Dorothy Butler, Fowler, '44; Bettee Schutz, Gary, '44; Paddy Price, Hindafe, Ill., '44; Sheila Mc Hugh, Shelburn, '44; Bette Boone, Ft. \Vaync, '43; Mary Anne Minton, New Albany, '45; Marion Tirmenstein, Indianapolis, '45.

Second Row -Kath'!een O'Connor, Logansport, '43 · Jane Sawyer, Chicago, Ill., '43; Catherine Marnan, \;.;1hiting, '43; Betty Ellen Hall, Indianapolis, '43; Betty Reed, Indianapolis, '43; Mrs. Grace Doland, Chaperone; Mary . Snapp, Whiting, '43 ;·Sylv ia Legg, Terre Haute, '43; Ro"dy Keane, Mitchell, '43; Fritzie Yaeger 1 Indianapolis, '43:

Back Row-Marilyn Walker, Pendleton, '44; Martha Spradling, Morocco, '45; Patricia Newhouse, New Albany, '43; Margaret Pauline, Terre Haute, '44; Marjorie Snapp, Whiting, '45; Leah Porter, New Cumbe rland, W. Va., '43; Betty Marker, Logansport, '43; Jean Thompson, Rensselaer, '44; Ruth Need ham, F t. Wayne, '43; Lynn· Van Natta, New York City, N.Y., '43.

" \Ve're southern born" Chi Omegas sing 1n telling of their founding at the University of Arkansas in 1895. The favorite sere nade melody, however, fails to mention the assets of the lod ge, includin g one stone open fireplace in the back ya rd one quartet composed of Bette Boone, Ruth Needham , Jane Hancock, and J eanne Teaney; one stone terrace for serenades, and enviable proximity to the Auditorium. Favorite annual functions includ e the Bowery Dinner and the Star Dust Ball. Chi O's commemorate their southern founding with two E leusi nian banquets each year.

(!)l/U:-e/U Mary Snapp Betty Louise Reed · Betty E llen Hall

Yielding to the ca ll of duty were Mary Snapp, Marilyn \Valker and Jane Hancock, all members of the \ i\T ATC. On hand to see that A.\V.S. rules are st rictly obeyed is Jane Hancock, member of the Board of Standards, while Betty H all , Pi Lambda Theta member, holds up the scholarship.

President Vice-president

Pleiades' members include Mary Snapp, Jean Thompson and Paddy Price. Bett y J ea n Gilmore is a member of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce, the University Theatre staff, and is a Coed Counselor, l\/Iary Anne Minton also is a Coed Counselor. Song-leader Rosemary Keane is president of the Pro-l\!Iu sic club and belongs to Sigma Alpha Iota. while Doris Trogden is an Oceanides member. Lynn Van Natta is on the staff of the Daily Student and is a member of Theta Sigma Phi and Alpha Kappa Delta.


PL~ First Row- Mary Ellen T ewksbury, Long Beach, Calif., '44; Jayne MacDonald, New Albany, '44; Ann Crossley, Wheaton, Il l., '46; Nan Crossley, Wheaton, Ill., '46; M arJOne Roth, Terre Haute, '46; Patty Bake, Pems Grove, N.J., '46; Mary Lou \;,;Tilk erson, Indianapolis, '45.

Second Row - Jean Blocker, Hasbrouck Hgts., N.J., '45; Gloria Ritenaur, Huntington, '45; Jane Hancock, Morocco, '4+; Ann Elford, Bloomington, '46; Jane Ma rt in, Hinsdale, Ill., '45; Patty Moon, Hobart, '46; Barbara Barr, New Albany, '46.

· Back Row- Nancy Beagley, Brook, '46; Jo Ann Grab·· horn, Indianapolis, '46; Phyllis Ludwig, Lafayette, '+6; Martine Gran t, New Albany, '46; Sarah Meil y, Logansport, '43; Betty Hillsamer, Marion, '46; Jodie Ellington, And erson, '46.



Front Row - Elsie H a thawa y, Winamac, '+5; Paula Bailey, Fort Vi' a yne, '4 5; Beve rl ee Muff, Ri chmond, '+4; Mary Lamb ertus, Ind ianapolis, '+5; Joan Go ld smith, I ndi a napo li s, '4 5; P a tri cia G lossb renn er, Indi a n apo li s, '+6 ; J ean J ohn son, P ao li , '+4; Patri cia Wall , R eming ton, '44 ; Marion Batty, Chicago, Ill., '45.

Second R ow - Jan e H e rmann , New Alban y, '43; Ma xin e Sw a in , Arlin g ton, '+2 ; Josep hi ne Schw a rt z, K okomo, '43; Betsy Lightn er, Grand Rapid , Mic h., PG ; Ra chel Stoner, Tipton , '+3; Mrs. Gibson, H ousemoth er ; Ruth T aylor, Bosw ell, '42; J ea nn e Pi erso n, Indianapol is, '+3; Yid~ Seaman, T ay lorv ill e, Ill., '42; Lea h Liibs C ha pp ell, P ete rsburg, '43; M ary Loui se Vandivi e r, Franklin, '43; V irg ini a Hawl ey, P eru, '+4.

Third Row- Mary Loui se Frechtl in g, H a milton, O hi o, '44; Mary Kn e pp e r, E tna Green, '46; Phy lli s Johnson, Bloomington, '45 ; B etty Ann Lav engood, Marion, '+3 ; M arjo ri e Mill er, Decatur, '44; Audree In gram, Co nn e rsvi ll e, '44; Mary K elli e, K okomo, '++ ; Betty Graves, In dianapoli s, '46 ; o rm a Iri ck, K okomo, '45 ; M a rga ret Cunn in g ham, Bl oomin g ton, '+5 ; E li zabeth Ann Schmidt, l ndianapoli s, '4 5 ; Beve rl y Shaver, C hi cago, 111., '45; Ma ry Helen Whita ke r; Indi anapo li s, '45.

Liv ing just a Ston e's throw from Socia l Science a nd w ithin smell ing distance of Cada\·er Castle, these gi rl s known on cam pu s for their friend ly sm iles, have a ll go ne out fo r patriotism. The money th ey used to spend for dance bands, they contributed this year to U ncle Sam fo r war bond s. T hrn hy depicting wh at they had gi\·en up for th e war: tires. elates, hose, rnr lers, etc., everyt hin g but V I CTO RY , the trip le D elta ga ls ca ptured the con:tcd cu p gi\·en for t he best H omecoming decoratio ns. This disp lay inc luded one poor sister ( identity \\·ithhe ld ) \1·ho had just "give n up.''

Fourth Row - Ann Sha ck lefo rd, L adoga , '44; Caro l J ean Martin , Crown P oint, '4+ ; Annabelle Mill e r, M anila , '+6; J oa n H olm burg, South Bend, '+5; Ei leen ew by, Indianap oli s, '43; Eudora R ae C lauser, Ri chmond, '+4.

H igh up 011 the acti\· ities ladde r is Ruth T ay lor, who is a member of A.\ \T.S. Cou nci l, Secretary of Th eta A lpha Phi , Pleiades, and in Co ll egiate \\Th o's \ Vho. Oth er B.\\T. O.C.'s includ e Ra chel Sto ner - l\lorta r Board, A.\ V.S. Counci l, Co-Chairman of Coed Counse lin g, and Y.\ V.C.A. Cabi net; Virginia H awl ey - Board of Sta nd ards, A rb utus Staff, a nd Boa rd of Direc to rs of Co ll egiate C ham ber of Commerce; Beve rl y Sha\·e r - C hi G amma Presiden t, Secretary of Student \Var Counci l, and Y .\ V.C.A. Cou nci l; J ea n J ohnso n, Telegraph Editor of Th e Indi ana D a il y Stud ent ; Ei leen Ne\\·by a nd Evelyn Steffa n arc members of Theta A lph a Phi; and :darjorie l\lil ler a nd :\lary Frechtl ing belong to Iota Sigma Pi , women 's chemist ry honorary. Three of the Beauty Queens chose n in the A rb utus co ntest w ere "'.'darilyn O'La\·crty. J oan H olmberg, and Eleanor F er reri.

Ruth Taylo r Eileen Newby R achel Stoner Emily Jo Schwartz Virginia H awley

Presid ent Vice-presid ent Treasure r

Front R ow-B etty Lou Dunkin, P eo ri a, Ill. , '46; V ir gi nia M cCo rmi ck, Vin ce nn es, '+5; Gloria Burba nk, Fort V\lay ne, '45; Betty Anne Fatch, Ga ry, '4 5; Marye ll a Wil son, Bl oom in g ton , '+6; H elen M ae Mi chael, Frankfo rt, '45; Nancy Dilks, Ri chmond, '44; Patty Gabe, Indian apolis, '+6.

Back R ow- M a ry DeYal, L afayette, '46; Mary E leanor \ V itm er, M arion, '46; E ll en Ha ze l, Baltimo re, Md., '44; Ali ce Yost, D eca tur, '4 5 ; E laine Bowe rs, K okomo, '46; E leanor Fe rre ri, Conn e rsv ill e, '46; Barba ra Lee Smith, Ind ianapo li s, '46; Jo E ll en Burrou g hs, I ndianapolis, '45.

22 8

Among those attending, the Arbutus Mohr's.

And wise little girls they are.

With a little more exposure this would have made a pleasing picture. Ah, light!

This game i>n't as somnolent as it looks.

And why go to bed when life is so interesting?

The prexy, the house mother, and the pretties 1•bserve the old English custom.


4clizies Front Row — Jeanne Beard, Lansing, Mich., '45; Jane Schabinger, Evanston, III., '44; Elizabeth Thomas, Terre Haute, '44; Patty Peterson, Indianapolis, '45; Marge Hulett, Hammond, '45; Jean Morrison, Kokomo, '45; Betty Morrison, Kokomo, '44; Joan Robinson, Columbus, '45; Kitty Lou Barth, Milwaukee, Wis., '45 ; Mary Pat Doyle, Bloomington, '45; Fran Wall, Toledo, Ohio, '45 ; Peg McDonald, Bloomington, '45.

Second Row — Ruth Walters, Columbia City, '43 ; Bobby Fraser, Bloomington, '42; Carol McNierney, Toledo, Ohio, '43; Dorothy Lowey, Huntington, '43 ; Mrs. Louise Pleasants, house mother; Jean Schabinger, Evanston, Ill., '44; Kathy O'Banion, Tipton, '43; Marguerite Brown, Fort Benjamin Harrison, '42; Margaret Rinehart, Louisville, Ky., '43 ; Ann Finnell, Elkhart, '43 ; Dorthea Hunter, Columbus, '43.

It's still Sigma Chi time out Delta Gamma way, but the draft sifted out the White Cross horde in favor of a contingent from the neighboring S.A.E. mansion during the wartime year.

Back Row — Bobby Bercaw, Whiting, '43; Phyllis Catt, Rensselaer, '44; Betty Jane Lusk, Bloomington, '44; Pat Pettibone, Crown Point, '44; Bobby Meek, Newcastle, '44; Marge Hasbrook, Indianapolis, '43; Ginny Boughan, Brazil, '44; Martha Rupel, Indianapolis, '44; Jane Konold, Milwaukee, Wis., '44; Pat Kreigbaum, Rochester, '45; Marian Griffin, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, '44; Pat Gibson, Lagrange, '45; Alice Light, Fort Wayne, '45.

After an acid defeat at the wandering hands of the Sig Alphs in the annual snow fight last winter, the Delta Gammas have presented the rights to their extra lot to the Military Department for use as an auxiliary ground for commando training. It is worthy of mention in these hallowed pages that the Anchor Girls have begun to use their back balcony for a choirloft during serenades, deserting the more public front facade and the turmoil of Jordan avenue after midnight. It's still impossible to get near that balcony though, boys!

Dorothy Lowe∎ Jean Schabinger


Barbara Bercaw


Marguerite Brown led the activity parade among the seagoing sisterhood last year as women's editor of The Daily Student, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, treasurer of Theta Alpha Phi, and honors in Journalism at the December graduation. Kathy O'Banion was copy editor of The Arbutus. Marge Hasbrook was art editor of the yearbook. Hasbrook joined the boress twins, Jean and Jane Schabinger of the Pleiades' roster. Patty Peterson and Marge Hasbrook were members of the A.W.S. council. Betty Morrison acted in dual capacity as treasurer of Sigma Alpha Iota and a seat on the Y.W.C.A. council. Ruth Walter made plans with the W.A.A. crowd, and paddled through the filtered brine of the Women's pool with Marian Griffin and the Oceanides splashers.

Ple4e4 Front Row — Pat Scantlin, Rensselaer, '46; Jane Ruble, Bloomington, '46; Betty Harlos, Lebanon, '46; Jane Stevens, Columbia City, '46; Patty Kibler, Bedford, '46; Mary Jane Reed, Madison, '46; Sarah Painter, Alexandria, '45; Pat Galloway, Indianapolis, '45; Libby Lyon, Madison, '46.

Second Row — Priscilla Pierson, Indianapolis, '45; Eloise Greer, Martinsville, '45; Peggy Wickman, Wilmette, III., '46; Marge Benckart, Bloomington, '46; Betty Penny, Springfield, Ohio, '46; Lois Ford, Goshen, '44; Phyllis Tomlinson, Bloomington, '46; Jean Mutz, Indianapolis, '45; Jean Smith, Owensboro, Ky., '46; Martha Casey, Huntington, '45.

Back Row — Marcia Barnum, La Porte, '46; Jo Ann Hendren, Bloomfield, '45; Lois Hilkene, Indianapolis, '46; Nancy Pfohl, Goshen, '46; Betty Lee Fultz, Andrews, '46; Lois Sarty, Hinsdale, Ill., '46; Margie Fisher, Kokomo, '46; Mary Jane O'Banion, Tipton, '46; Jean Emmons, Rochester, '46; Kitty Lee Brown, Bloomington, '46.



Front Row - Mary Jane Sny de r, Gary, '46 ; Frances Lostutter, Co lumbu s, '45; Betty Lou Hin shaw, Kokomo, '45; Bunny Flaningam, Thorntown, '44 ; Betty Lu Wenger, Kokomo, '44; Sally Walker, Indianapolis, '44; Mary Jean Fitzpatrick, Anderson, '45; Al ice Ann Louden, Bluffton, '45 ; Patsy Craig, Gary, '45.

Second Row - Patricia Frigge, Vincenn es, '43; Sa lly Bedwell, Su lli van, '43; Shirley Wehmei er, Chicago, Ill., '+3; Maril yn Young, Fort vVayne, '43 ; Letty 'W i lli am son, Bluffton, '42; Elaine Ax, J asonv-ille, '43; D orothy Shimp, Clev eland Heights, Oh io, '43; Julia Ann Arthur, And erson '43; Mary Jan e Funk, Ga lveston, '43; I-Jelen Kay Raper, Monticello, '42; Anne Su lli van, Dayton, Ohio, '43.

The N a1·y school has crea ted its problems li fe of th e uni versity.


Third Row - E leanor Houghton, Fort vVayne, '44; Em ily G lossb renn er, Indianapolis, '44; Maryalice Malconson, Oak Park, Ill., '44; Grace Kratz, Gary, '45 ; E lla J o Reed, Fort VVa yne, '45 ; Virginia Brown, Indianapoli s, '4 5; Joan Browning, Toledo, Ohio, '45; Charman Fra zee, Rushvill e, '44; Jan et Schenkel, Huntington, '44.

the social

\ Vhe reas th e Thetas w ere o nce fr ee of an y official ju risd icti on beyo nd th e ed icts of D ean K a te (a nd kn ew it ), yo u've now got to du ck th e Sho re P olice and a ny oth er yeo men con venient to make a tacti cal entran ce on th at particu la r res id ence fo r da tes o r less con ve ntional purposes. Furtherm o re, th ose of th e J( .A.T. siste rhoo d claim th at th e bl a re of bug les make cuttin g 8 o'c locks almost a thin g of th e pas t. It ca n't be sa id . howe1·e r, th at th e Th etas ha ve objected to th e intr us ion of th e accountin g fl eet as id e from th e necessi t y of las hin g a ll 1Yindow shades to th e Aoor.

Fourt h Row - Mary Lee K eith er, New Albany, '44; Harriett Hod ges, Loui svill e, K y., '44; Rosann e Rawlings, New Castl e, '44; Margaret K ec k, U nion City, '4 5 ; Nancy Badg ley, Anderson, '43; Betty Old acre, Riv er Forest, Ill., '4 5.

Back Row - El sie Ann Locke, Indianapolis, '44; Marcia Warren, Indi anapo li s, '44; Mary Lawl er, Hammond, '44 ; Nelle Bernard, Muncie, '44; Bonni e Jo Au g ustin e, South BerlCI, '45; Frances Neal, Nobl esvill e, '4 5.

\Vith th e inspiration of Prexy Virgini a B ro wn , th e K a ppa A lpha Thet a rnca bula ry has bee n rev ised to includ e such stock phrases as " the qui ck embrace."

(!J/Ji-cel/.dE laine Ax Virginia Brown

A sid e from th ese ac ti viti es, th e " bl ac k and gold" curies ma naged to d r um up trad e in the ca mpu s roddess circl e with E lain e Axe as spearhea d. She was presid ent of th e chapter a nd presid ent of .'\·Iorta r Boa rd , a member of Sigma A lpha I ota, Pl eiades, and Th eta Alph a Phi.

Sally \ Valker Nelle Bernard

Oth er Th etas in Pl eiades w ere Betty Lu \Venge r a nd Sa ll y \\Ta lker. Ch a rm an Frazee was elected to Beta G amma Sigma a nd L etty \Villi amso n t o Phi Beta Kappa. Bonni e J o A ug ustine 11·as sec reta ry of Y.\ V .C.A . and membe r o f th e Boa rd of Stand a rd s.

Letty \ Villia mson Betty Lou Hinshaw


Vi ce-presiden t


Front Row - P eggy Trusler, Indianapoli s, '+4-; Maril yn K eck, U nion City, '+4; Anna J ean O' Harrow , Bloomington , '+6 ; Conni e M acK enzie, G ary, '46; Ruth Ann Hamilton , Indianapolis, '46. Seco nd Row - Ruth Kaun, H amm ond, '+6; Susie Foly, Alpena, Mi ch., '46 ; P at Co leman, Da yton, Ohi o, '4 5; N an cy Montgo mery, New Alb a ny, '45; Marj ori e H odso n, South Bend, '45; Ru sty McKown, W a rsaw, '45. T hird Row- Patsy K elvi e, K okomo, '4 5; Susie Countryman, Indi anapoli s, '46 ; Mary Landis, Go vern ors I sland , N. Y., '+6 ; Doral Bau g h, T oledo, Ohi o, '4 6; Kitty Lu H offman , Co ral Gabl es, F la., '46. T op Row - Betty Durbin, T oledo, Ohi o, '+6; M a ry Ann Al ex and er, Bloomin g ton, '46; Barba ra Bin fo rd , J31 oomington, '46; Ca rolyn W eir, Bl oomin gton, '46; E ,·a Tagga rt, French Lick, '45 ; Marg aret Snoke, South Bend , '+6.


Rush week; hence formal attire.

"Open back."

\Vhat no bridge game on that table?

( l'pper) picture.

\\'anted: One man to complete a

(Lo wer) Strange bedfellows I have known.


Fi·ont Row-Bo-Peep McMillan, Bloomington, '45; Sarah Gambil l, Wichita Falls, T ex., '45; Virginia Thomas, Honolulu, Hawaii, '42; Jane Hines, Auburn, '43; Doris Hay ward, Hammond, '45; Kay Guffin, Gary, '45; Betty Wulfman, Huntingburg, '43; Joanne Strauss, North Man - · chester, '43 ; Mim Malon ey, Peru, '44.

Second Row-Jean Moffat, Bloomington, '42; Maril yn Seward, Bloomington, '44; Jeanne ·R eese, Brazil, '45; Bill y Jean Nees, Frankfort, '44; Su sie Gavit, Bloomington, '44; Rita Ann F isher, Logansport, '44; En id Reed, Evansc ville, '45; Rosemary H endricks, Martinsville, '43; Margaret Hillis, Kokomo, '44; Elza Marques, Rio de Janeiro, . Brazil, PG; Barbara Smiley, Wa shington, '43.

Third Row-Ruthann Gep hart, Newcastle, '45; Nancy Haskett, Bloomington, '45; Caro l K eene, E lkhart, '43; Dori · Wilson, Bickn ell, '4 5; Marie Andrews, Fort Wa yne, '45; Nancy Lee Herkless, Knightstown, '43; Pat Mill er, Plymouth, '43; Charlotte Cooper, And erson, '43; Mary Gray, Ri chmond, '44; Ruth Ann Kuehn, South Bend, '42; Doris Joseph Pittsburgh, Pa ., '44; Patty Lou Wingert, Bloomington, '44.

A lthough Ded e Lun g was absent fr om her usual refrigerated hau nts in the KKG house this year, th e Kelvinator Kids maintained th eir mysterious ability in the art of the C lammy C lasp and managed to beat th e 11 :30 Frid ay ni ght dea dline to th e front door before the sea rchli ghts bega n to play on stragglin g couples. The K appas claim to have indul ged with abandon 111 knittin ' mittin s last winter, but more re li able sou rces report they w ere stav in g off another interior cold snap . ::VI ay be they w ere just wa itin g for th e Phi P sis to dra g another one off for a qui ck water cu re in the su nken gardens. The Phi P sis bring us to a nother problem: l\l onopo ly of ente rprise a nd proximity of locatio n.

Back ·Row- Janet Ross, Bell eville, Ill., '42; Ann Sayles, Indianapolis, '45 ; Ann e H endricks, Bloomington, '44; Barbara Cutsha ll, Brazil, '44; Betty Rae Davis, San Antonio, Tex., '43; Jane Alexand er, T erre Haute, '43; Jan e Shook, Indianapolis, '45; Bettye Ann R eckn er, Evansville, '42; Kathryn Langell, South Bend, '44; Ju anita Waugh, Brookston, '45; P atty \ Vatt, Nob lesville, '44; Harri et Rhetts, Marion, '44; Susie Pugh, Hammond, '45; Bill y J ane Grubb, Wabash, '44.

Charlotte Cooper Joanne Strauss ancy Lee Herkless

Rosema ry H endri cks headed the list of Kappa activity girls. She was vice-presid ent of the Se nior Class, preside11t of A .\V.S ., and a mem ber of the Y.vV.C.A. cabinet, Mortar Board, and Beta G amma Sigma. Berni ce Brown, secretar y of the Senior C lass, was also vice-presid ent of th e Y.\V.C .A. , and a member of th e Board of Stand a rd s, lVIortar Boa rd , and Phi Beta Kappa.


Anothe r mem ber of the Y .\V.C.A. cabin et was M a ril yn Seward , who also belon ged to the Student \ Var Coun cil , University Th eatre Staff, a nd Pleiad es . Sara h Gambill , Doris Haywa rd , J ea nne R eese, a nd Ann Sayles acted as coed-coun se llors this fa ll. J ea nn e R eese, " BoPeep" J\ilcMi llin , and Doris \ Vi lso n were give n so phomore :!\fortar Board recognition.

Vice-president Treasurer

Front Row - Suzann e Ca ubl e, Bl oomin gton, '46; M ary Sue Ta y lor, Bloomington, '46; V irg ini a Thompson , In dianapoli s, '46; Carolyn Smith, P eru, '46; M a ri on Lower, Gary, '46; Sara Chapman, T oledo, Ohio, '46.

Second Row -Anna Jan e Buskirk, Bloomin gton, '46; Barbara Jam es, Waukegan, Ill., '46; Dorothy Woodward, Bl oomington, '45; Lynn Buchanan, Mari on , '45; Peg vVork, E lkhart, '45 ; J o H eitm a n, Gary, '43; M a ry Jo M cGu ire, Indianapoli s, '45 .

Third Row - M errill Babcock, Logansport, '46 ; H elen H oa dl ey, Bloomington, '45; Sa ll y Ballard, French Lick, '4 5; Barbara Kiger, Indi ana polis, '45; Jo Shrod e, Mount Vernon, '45.



Front Row - \Vanda McColgin, Milan, '44; Bernadette Cassidy, M adison , '43; Joann e McGee, Greenwood, '45; Connie Nicoara, Gary, '45.

Second Row - Georgeanna Leist, Columbus, '45; Doris Turtle, Indi anapolis,. '42; Charlotte Grosskopf, Indian apolis, '45; M a rcil e Irl e, Columbus, PG ; Doris Franz, Indianapolis, '4 5; Irma Wilson, Princeton, '46.

Third Row - Maxin e McCol g in, Milan, '45; Ruth Gierz, Chicago, Ill., '42; Betty Ploughe, E lwood, '46; Charlee n Sheppard, Indi anapolis, '++.

There seems to be some co nfusion about the Phi i\lu house . . . where's the front door? It's a quiet, unassuming stucco house 011 the Quad, but sollle architect had a nightlllare and put the front door 011 the side ( a 11·ar from th e street) and an extra opening 011 the fro nt to face God, the 11·orld a nd th e S A.E.'s (w hich is some colllbi11atio11.) G lossing over all lll e11tio11 of the most beautifu l pri vate sunken ga rden 011 ca mpus. the most inte resting fu nction of the Phi :'du girls is their northern prcsnvat ion of so uthern cus toms in honor of the so rority's Di xie heritage. This element includes the a nnual Dixie Day Dinner and Sout hern Ball which high li ght t he Phi l\Ju social progralll.

Doris Tuttle \ Vanda McColgin Wanda McColgin Bernadette Cassidy

They a lso boast of a quintet of piani sts and a n imitator of Sophie Tu cker in top billing on th e house entertainme nt shift.

Ruth Gierz Joann e McGee

As a 11 in ce ntive for hi gher scholarship , the pledges and ac tives race each year for the best academic average . As a reward for the winnin g group, th e losers feed th eir victims in the scholastic melec at a plenteous dinner and then pay all bills for an evening's entertainme nt.


Vi ce-presi dent


Two Pleiad es caps decorate the cran ia of the Quad organiza tion 's rodesses, \Vanda :\lcColgin and Shirley Earl.

Front Row-H azel Alfke, Indi anapolis, '46; Nancy Spindler, H ebron, '+6; Anne Pierce, \Ves tmont, N.J., '+6; C harl otte May H ook, Co lumbu s, '+6; Jan et Fedle r, Ce dar Lak e, '46.

Second R ow - Phyllis Spind ler, H ehron, '45; Betty P ennington , Bloomington, '46 ; Ca th erine Hause, Fort ~' ayne, '44; R ebecca Young, Louisvill e, Ky., '45 ; Shirl ey Ann Hunt, Martin sv ill e, '46; C hri stina Man ship, Noblesville, '4 6.


(Left) The Navy apparently has situation in hand.

Oh, the virtues of a good boress !

\Vh at? Four non-Culbertsons?

( l - pper ) Ti,·e session on wax, com· ing up! (Lo"'er ) \Ve dance floors.


these crowde<l


Front Row - Lorene Rey nolds, Indianapolis, '43; Rosemary Bailey, Gary, '43; Rhea McColl, New Albany, '44; ue Hart, Kokomo, '44; Mary K. Harris, Bloomington, '43.


Second Row - Becky Guard, North Bend, Ohio, '4+; Jeanne Griffith, Indian apoli s, '43; Sherry Cook, Birdseye, '4+; Marjorie Ca ttelle, Sturgis, Mich., '++; Nell Jane Higginbotham, Gary, '+3.

Back Row - Dorothy Knoop, Gary, '+2; Lucille Val entine, Noblesville," '45; Carolyn Da,, is, Crnwfordsv ill e, '43; Jane Ketring, Goshen, '45; Marthada Vaughn, V\las hington, D.C'., '44; Josephine Eicher, Wakarusa, '++.

Under the guidance of the sapphire a nd the pearl, the members of Xi Chapter of Phi Omega Pi have been recognized in many campus activities. One of the most outsta ndin g gi rls was Elizabeth Buchanan, Preside nt of Iota Sigma Pi. Nell Hi gginbotham was a member of Pl eiades as well as Taps. Artist Lorene R eynold s was a member of D elta Tau ;\lu, and members of Omicron Delta were Rosemary Bai le r, }larjorie Cattelle, J ean ne Griffith, R ebecca Guard , and Mary K. Harris. The latter was also secretary of the ~l a n agement Club. Sophomore Virginia Shwitzer has been acti ve in coedcou nselin g. Sue H art \\·as secretary of the cabinet and counci l of Y.\V.C.A. , a nd Rhea .H cColl has had parts in several of the university theatre productions. lVlarjorie Cattelle also represented the hou se in \V.A.A.

(!)/jicel/4. Marthada Vaughn


Marge Cattelle


Jeanne Griffith


Other activities, numerou s and va ried, includ e the eternal boress, usually in front of the bi g, comfortable fireplace in the li ving room. Although they do not neglect the scholastic side of school, the P .O.P.'s definitely prefer midnight snacks to the midnight oil. Annual events great ly anticipated by the girls include the Rose Dinner, the Brown County Breakfas t , and the Pentagon Prom. Their patriotic sp irit is evidenced by the fact that five of the girls were members of the adva nced \V.A.


Bottom to Top- Marjorie Roya lty, Bloomington, '45; Betty Buchanon, Bremen, '++; Margu erite Kumpf, Spencer, '46; Halcyon Gunthorp, Jeffersonvill e, '46; Caroline \Vhiteman, Monrovia, '46; Phy llis Vi'a llace, Jeffersonvill e, '+4 ; Carolyn Mooshy, Indianapolis, '46; Mary Lou Tosh, Pekin, '46.



Front Row - Mary F ik e, Bloomington, '45; J ea n Rheubottom, Wakarusa, '45 ; Margi e Hamm ers ly, Wa shington, '44; Maxin e Price, Bloomington, '4 5 ; Marjori e Chester, Elkhart, '45; B etty Jane Mowry, Lafayette, '43; Jean Weil, Fo rt Wayn e, '45; Shirley Pietsc h, Gary, '43 .


Second R ow - Henrietta Parrish, Bloomington, '45; Maril yn Taylor, Gary, '44; Mary L. Ackerson, Goshen, '45; Mary Ryan, Hibbing, Minn., PG; Barbara \liTell s, Logansport, '44; Roberta Swan, Ga ry, '43; B arbara Johnson, Knightstown, '43; Bettyj an e Mitchell, Indianapolis, '45; Mary Ann Sexon, Indianapolis, '45.

Third Row- Barbara G ibson, Bloomington, '43; Mary Elizabeth Cook, Salem, '44; K atherine Kuntz, Fort Wayne, '45; Georgia Viii Ison, Mount Carmel, Ill., '44; .Carolyn Bash, Warsaw, '44; Barbara Bayless, Shaker Heights, Ohio, '43; Julia Mill er, Russiaville, '43; Betty Thompson, \Vinamac, '43; Louise Cookson, Bloomington, '44; Marianna Ashby, Ladoga, '44.

Situated within walking distance of any spot on campus and within hikin g distance of the quad is th e Pi Beta Phi hou se. The prime requisite fo r pledgi ng is an S. A. E. pin o r Iikel y prospects of one. The " Phi Beta Phis fou nd Ange ls in Disgu ise" when four of their five entrants in the beauty co ntest came through. Jun e B rown was chosen "Queen," and Shirl ey Pietsch was one of the final four.

Back Row - Jun e Brown, Indianapolis, '44; Marjori e Val e, Indi anapolis, '43; Barbara Smith, Indianapoli s, '43 ; Patricia King, South Bend, '43; Gloria Li en hart, Wakarusa, '4 5 ; Betty Freed, T e rre Haute, '45; Alice Bernard, Muncie, '43; Mary Ellen Ha ze l, Blo'o mington, '43 ; H elen Busard, Rush v ille, '44; J ea n Holland, Bloomington, '45.

'Vithin the Pi Phi hou se are severa l well -known organizations. The members of the "+" Club wear their ha ts, signifying th e secret order - even while putting up their hair at ni ght. '.\lembers of " H.E ." C lub - not co ncerned with H ome Eco nomics or men - meet monthly to oppose the laws of gravity by balancing their cra niums on the hard fl oors of the Pi Phi mansion. The club members sport the appropriate co lors - black and blue. To carry on the tradition that Pi Phis are "activ ity kids," Barbara J ohnson and lVIary E llen H azel have graced the bonds of Mortar Boa rd a nd "' V ho's \ Vho." Mary Ellen, past president of Y., V.C.A., was a Beta Gamm a Sigma, while Barbara besides being 19+2 Prom Queen, is a member of Pleiades, Sigma Alpha Iota, A.,V.S. Council and Board of Standards.

Martha Fetterly Judy Miller . Helen Busard .

Presid ent Vice-president Treasurer

Other activ ity gi rls are Jun e Brown, Betty J ane Mowry, lVlarianna As hb y, and :Vlartha Fetterly. P. S. - Do rothy Thompson's Phi Bete key proves th at Pi Phis rnn be brains, and what is better proof than th e fac t that all twenty-two pledges made their grades!

Front Row - Barba ra Wilkin s, Gary, '46; Lucille P eters, T er re Haute, '44; G lad ys H eid enreic h, Indi anapo li s, '46 ; Ruth Ford, Indianapolis, '46; Gloria Hu ffe r, Co lum bus, '4 5; Barbara Porter, Indianapoli s, '46; Mary E ll en Barrett, Fo rt W ayne, '46.

Second Row - Martha Hadl ey, New Albany, '+6; J acqLie lin e Simpson, M a rshall, Ill., '45; Phyllis Simpson, Marshall, Ill., '44; Virginia \Veil s, Logansport, '46; Marjorie McNabb, Fort W ayne, '46; Charlotte Kupferer, Lancaste r, Pa., '45; Marcia M c Vaugh, P endl eton, '46; Lois J ea n Fe rguson, Indian apo li s, '46; Virginia Dill, Pl a in fi eld, '46; Maurin e Leas, Fort V\l ay ne, '45.

Back Row - E lea nor Beecher, Knightstown, '4 5; Betty J o Funk, And erson, '+5; Jane Williams, Indianapolis, '46; Jean Claudon, Valpa raiso, '46.



I guess there's nothing like holding hands with a bannister. Where, oh where is my date?

Rush week: Two out of three are al ready in, smiles Barbie.

Everything but the food.

Three smi lin g beauties . . . .

· · · and ~hree more.


Front Row - Blanche Schultz, T er re Haute, '44; Phyllis Levey, Indi anapolis, '45; Fanny Friedland, East Chicago, Ill., '44.

Second Row-Louise Stiefter, Marion, '45; Jun e Spiega l, And erson, '43; Norma Miller, Indian a polis, '43; M eriam Sica noff, Indianapolis, '43.


Back Row-Lilli e Jean Yoffe, Seymour, '44; Sylvia Cawn, Barbourville, Ky., '45; Ann e Gold, Muncie, '45; Lorrain e Cross, Buffalo, N.Y., '46.

Upsilon of Sigma Delta Tau climaxed a successfu l year w hen awa rded the Pan-Hellenic Scholarship Cup for keeps, after winning it for three straight years. One of the top ran kers in scholastic achievements is Sophomore Louise Stiefler, member of A lpha Lambda Delta. She is also a member of Hillel Junior Counci l, and a Coed Counsellor.

June Spiegal Norma Miller Blan che Schultz Louise Stiefler

The Waves and Yeomen have been frequent guests of the Sigma Delta Taus' for dinners and dances, and the wearers of th e Torch proudl y claim to be doing th eir bit for national defense and morale in ma ny ways. First aid, knittin g, and WATC are a few of the hi gh lights of a co ncentrated war effort.

Presi<l enr

H eadi ng the list of prominent activities girls is Blanche Schultz, vice-president of Hillel Student Counci l, member of Student \ Var Counci l, of Student Cabinet on Reli gion, and a recent member of the Board of Standards. Sig Delt Meriam Sicanoff is treasurer of Pan-H ell en ic Association, Hillel Social Chairman, a member of the \ t\TATC advanced corps, and also of the Board of Standards . Anot her top acti vi ti es woman is Norma Mi ller, president of Tennis Club and a Board member of \IV.A.A. orma is also the campus Women's Intramu ral Ping-pong Champion. Fanny Friedland, a junior in the 'M usic School, has been initiated into Sigma A lpha Iota, musica l honorary.



Sigma D elta Tau was former ly Sigma Phi Upsilon on the campus and merged with the national organ ization , April 20, 1940, w hich was founded in 1917 by seven women at Cornell.

Front Row - E llen H yman, Indiana polis, '46; Bobette Zimmerman, Lafaye tte, '46; Dora Lieberman, Evansville, '46; Bette · M ed ow, South Bend, '46.

Second Row - Suzanne Cohen, Indianapolis, '46; Go ldie Katz, Indi anapoli s, '45 ; Louise Spiege l, And erson, '46; Judith Grusin, Eva nsville, '45; Joan Jackson, Indi anapolis, '46.

Back Row - Fra nces Unge r, Chicago, Ill., '45; E laine I saacso n, D ayton, Ohio, '46; Julia Aise nstadt, New York, N.Y., '46; June Gole, Michiga n City, '46; Dorothy Chaikin, Ga ry, '46.



Fro nt Row - Z a ma ~' hir e, South Bend , '++; Norma Roof, And e rson, '+5; M a rj o ri e Cook, Da yton , O hi o, '45; P aulin e Sexson, Indi anapol is, '4 5; Gera ldin e Schroeter, Hammond; '45; Ruth ~' irh e rspoo n , Prin ceton, '+5; H elen Hild e rbrant, Evan svill e, '44; Bettye Karge r, Evansvi ll e, '44.

Secon d Row - Lucy Jan e Hadl ey, Indi anapo li s, '+3; Norma Lage naur, Indian apolis, '43; Ali ce Schafer, Evansvi ll e, '43; J ea n R agon, Hammond , '43; Betty Rege l, Evansv ill e, '43 ; In ge P elikan, Evansvi ll e, '43; Evel y n Daniel s, P e ru, '+3; Eleanore Rutz, Gary, '43 .

Back Row - J ea nette Siwietz, Gary, '+5 ; Jea nn e K endall, Evansv ill e, '45; Mary Jun e Larso n, Hamm ond, '+5 ; K athryn Hi ckro d, Fort Branc h, '4+ ; Mari a n VVilli a ms, Marengo, '45; a ncy Doolittl e, ~' aukegan, Tl!., '45; M·ary Sabin , Dana, '++; Berry Jayne Compton, H a mmond, '+5; Nov ella No rth cott, Indianapolis, '45.

Friendly atmosphere a nd homelike surro un dings were the keynotes of li fe in " \ Vi ndso r L odge" on J ordan A ,·enu e where t he coeds of Tau chapter of Sigma K appa spend the gayest and happiest hours of their li ves a t Indiana Unive rsity. Durin g the 19 +2-+3 school year, seve ral campus honors rolled in th e fro nt door of th e chapter house. At th e first Summer Prom under the University's new wartime speedu p program, Bett ye K arge r, sophomo re, reigned as qu een. Then au tumn came and with it ca me th e time for P e rshing Rifl es to elect a n hon orary ca pta in . Marga ret ( l\rla rcy) .\lann , a freshma n pledge, w a lked a\rn y with that distinction, an honor th at seldom goes to a fr eshman. In her attractive ,,·hite a nd blu e uni fo rm , " :'.\I arcy" drilled with the campus military unit.

Jean Ragon . Helen Hilderbrant

Another campus position held by a mem ber of Sigma K appa is th at of the presidency of th e Pan -H ell enic counci l. In ge Pelikan , senior, who is also a member of Pleiades, served in that capacity.

Kathryn Hickrod

Helen Hild erbrant . Mary June Larson



Trea urer

Represe ntin g the chap ter 111 the University Orchestra w ere N ovcl la Northcott a nd Norma A lyea, freshm en. In the journalistic fie ld, th e Sigma K appa representative was J ea n R ago n, a member of th e ed ito rial staff of Th e Indi a na Daily Student a nd president of Theta Sigma Phi. Amo ng Tau chap ter's tradition s are af ternoon teas and " joe" parties for th e other sororities on the cam pus.

Front Row - Mary Frances T errell , J onesboro, '46; Margaret Mann , Tndi a napo li s, '+6; J o Ann Mullin s, Vincenne , '+6 ; Am eli a Tipli ck, Indian apol is, '46; D o rothy Clau se n, Gl en E ll yn, Ill., '+6; Lu cill e C la use n, G len E ll yn, Ill., '46.

Second R ow - E li za beth C la y, No rth Sa lem, '+5; Norma Al yea, Heb ron, '46; E lea nor Hall, New Rochell e, N.Y., '46 ; Rose ma ry Hodson, Middl etown, '+6; P eggy Mill bern, South Bend, '4 5; Dorothy Ja ggers, Fort VV ayne, '+6 ; Ba rbara Spong, Tndi anapolis, '46.

B ack R ow - Va Jeska Stri ckland, Owensvi ll e, '46; Martha Brahos, Hammond, '44; J ea n Stoddart, H a mm on d, '45; J oa n Simmons, T erre H au te, '4 5; Virgini a J o rd an, H ag rstown, '46; Virginia Ho fe r, Fo rt W ay ne, '46; Judith ]hight, Indi anapolis, '46; D oris Ann e Fo lz, Evansv ill e, '+6.


Well, thing.




"Then the Momma Bear said to the Poppa Bear.••. "

This is the Army, Mrs. Jones.

Two-time telephoning twice tangles the truth, no doubt.

Nothing like a quick snack before hitting the books. What was that bid?


Front Row - Beatrice Hruskovick, Whiting, '43; M ona Steele, South Bend, '43; P at ri cia Orrison, South Bend, '43; M a ry Ann Blew, Atlanta, Ga., '43; Mary Florence Mill er, Lynn, '45.

Second Row- Betty Bireley, Fort Wayne, '43; Celia Witczak, Buffa lo, N.Y., '42; Rose Ellen Gray, Ind·ianapolis, '44; Jane Best, Floyds Knob, '45; Irene Carson, Indianapolis, '44.

Back Row - Betty Hamvas, Owensboro, Ky., '45; Virginia Rush, Indianapolis, '45; Rosemary O'Hara, Indianapolis, '42; Betty Lind, Buffalo, N.Y., '42.

Phone calls at the Zeta Tau Alpha house for Betty wi ll be answered by any one of seven members. Favorite pastimes of the Z.T.A. house are playing bridge and singing, with knitting running a close third. Traditions of the sorority are the "Bowery" party given every fall for the actives by the pledges and a Christmas party planned for the pledges by the actives.

Patricia Orrison Mona Steele Beatrice Hruskovick

In spite of being the only sorority on campus with three living rooms, the girls are drawn by fall and spring weather into the back yard for their after-dinner " boress." Leading the activity race are Mary Ann Blew, senior, a member of The Daily Student, Theta Sigma Phi, Pleiades, and corresponding secretary to Pan-Hellenic. Virginia Rush, sophomore, is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and Alpha Lambda Delta. Beatrice Hruskovick, senior, and Irene Carson, junior, belong to Omicron Delta and Betty Hamvas, sophomore, to Alpha Lambda Delta. Mona Steele is a member of Pi Lambda Theta.

President Vice-president Treasurer

Z.T.A.'s are proud of their three future officers, Pat Orrison, senior, and Mary Flo Miller and Betty Ann O'Farrell, sophomores, who are in W.A.T.C. Betty Ann is also a member of the Arbutus staff. Pat is a member of Omicron Delta. The A lph a Xi chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha was founded at Indiana University in 1922. On October 15, 1898, the sorority was founded nationally at Virginia State College as "The Three Question Marks" and later adopted the Greek letter title.

PL~ Front Row- Betty Ann O'Farrell, St. Petersburg, Fla., '45; Bettie Stiber, South Bend, '46; Sarah Ann Coultas, Tell City, '44; Kay Fryback, Decatur, '45.

Second Row - Betty 'Vaddell, Brownsbu rg, '46; Margaret Kranik, Gary, '44; Ruth Gearhart, South Bend, '46; Alayse Moritz, Fort Wayne, '45 .

Back Row - Elizabeth Morris, South Bend, '46; Margaret Peters, Bloomington, '46; Simone Copin, Buffalo, N.Y., '44; Betty Hollis, South Bend, '46; Ione J ean Tracht, Fort Wayne, '46.


Front Row - \Villiam ll oltzman, Ed Be rman, \Villiam Briggs , Ja ck Keit ze r, John Payne, Don Ho les, Jo e 'v\lilke rson. Second Row - Paul Pi ckett , K en neth C'lark, John Edmiston, Charles Mumaw , Mort Gellman, Saul Can z, Forres t Freeman, Ri chard Smit h. Third Row- llugh D eal, Jam es Sale, John \Vehste r, Jam es I los tett e r, R obe rt Saxton, Ralph C'o llin s, hea d ma ste r, Loui > Blake, \Villi am Murphy. Top Row - Tom Stephenson, C'ra ig Freeman, Rob e rt J.ytle, Loui s Bl ess in ge r, 1l oward l .eg um, Frank Lett, Dari ll ogue, Richard Flox.

Front Row - \Varren \\' idman, T ed M ohr, Di ck And e rson, Ross \Villiam s, Wil liam Lawso n, Don 'vVal strum. J ohn Kru ege r. Second Row- Dan Harsh, K enneth H a n ·ey, Arnold Kunkl e r, E d Barnum, \Villi am Misc h, T op Row - Nick Angel, Richard Douglas, Jam es Volpert, \Villi am C'haney, John Farrell, Robert P ark in son, Ralph Steffy.

Front Row - Jo e \Vil e r, C ha rl es Park e r, J ohn Ril ey, Ted l lodupsk i, Manu e l Pri ce, George Slick. Secon d R ow - Robe rt Marin , Stan ley Compton, William Donovan, Marlin Inman, Edwa rd Kuntz, E dward Appl ega te, \V eir Mitche ll. Top Row - J. D. Mann, Charles Parks, Ralph Vogel, Laddi e Marin, \Valt e r J ohn so n, Sidney Lind sey.


MEN'S RESIDENCE CENTER The Navy moved in - and the men of MRC fou nd other quarters. ' Vh en th e U .S. Navy moved into North, South, and ·\Vest halls, buildin gs which had comprised l.Vl en's R esid ence Center, the students mo ved to a new home in the four houses on Forest Place. Despite fewer fe llows and changed surroundin gs, l\tlRC traditions, includin g the represe ntative gove rnment, we re carried on as usual. A gay sem iformal dance was held in Alumni H all on No v. 13, and th e traditional "Sweethea rt Swing" on Feb. 19 pro ved co lorful. Hayr id es, exchange dinners, and parties give n by th e indi vidual hou ses round ed out th e social prog ram. Lou Bless inger ser ved as presid ent both semesters. H e was ass isted by Bob l\/l ehil ovich and Tom Koons, business manager and social chairman for the first semester, and Jim l\lurph y and J oe vV iler, during th e seco nd semester. The MRC sena te fo r the first semester was composed of Norman Michel , Bob Rin ehart, C harles Mumaw, J ohn \ Vebster, l\/Iort Gellman , Arnold Kenkler, T ed Hodupski , Bill Dono va n, and N ick A ngel. The second-se mester senate includ ed Bob C legg, Don Smith , l\lort Gell man , Di ck Vorapai eff , Bob L ytle, Tony Fileff, Dick And erso n, Bob Marin, and R alph Vogel. l\lr. Ralph Collins, who was headmaste r durin g 19+2-+3, and lVlrs . Coll in s occupied an apartme nt adjoi ning the main office in Lincoln House.

Left to Ri g ht - T ed 1-Iodup ski, John Vi'ebste r, Cha rl es Muma"', M o rton G ellman, Vi1 illi am D onova n, Loui s Blessinger, lorm an Mi chae l, 1 ick Ange l.

Front R ow - J ohn M atth ews, Jam es Vi' hite, Char les York, Jam es Murphy, M ax D ann e r, Gera ld R ans. Secon d Row-Louis Puthoff, Donald Sm ith , Willi am M atthe\\'s, C ha rl es M cMahon, J ohn E icholz, M erton Brooks, R obert C legg. T op R ow-Rob ert Town s, Al ex A za r, J ames Futerterkn echt, Robe rt B ryan, Ma x M agner, Vililli a m Bryan, Dona ld C hri sti ana, Ri cha rd Land\\' erl en.


---~ ,_



Left to right - Lois Tabbert, freshman representati ve; l\!Iary Esther Graves, freshman representati ve ; Esther Sosh nick, treasu rer ; Betty D avis, ·secretary; Marilyn Vice, social chair man; Virginia Berkey, social chairman; Mary Steele, president; Rita Cosgrove, vice-president.

FOREST HALL Although still in its infancy, Forest H all already has, since its establishment six years ago, won a place for itself amo ng cam pus organizations. With its tradition of hi gh scholarship and noteworthy achievement in the field of student government, Forest Hall owes much of its past and fu ture to Miss Maude Jones, resident cou nselor, and her staff. In addition to the man y social activities, the hall publishes each spring the Forest Folio, co ntainin g ca ndid sketches of the coed residents and their role in campus life. Unofficial reports have created the general impression th at in the near fu ture F orest Hall will have become a vital proj ect in the University's wartime program, at least for the duration. The council this year includes Rita Cosgrove, Mary Steele, E ther Soshnick, Mary Es ther Graves, Marilyn Vice, Virgini a Berky, Betty D avis and Lois Tabbert. Marjorie Mardis is grad uate cou nselor, and G eneva Williams, night chapero ne.

Never a dull moment with th e "2 po int-plus" ga ls.

25 1

Front R ow - J ea n Oswa lt, Bonita B eck, E lea nor F errari , D oro th y J aggers, !\l a rga ret !\la nn , J ea nne B alfe, Betty \ Vaddell , !\lildred Dumes, J o Ann Mullins, J oa n Grabhorn , l:..::athleen D e Naut, Louise Baloff, :Miri am Black.

Seco nd Row - ~lary O skard, H elen Jo D ewe nd , Doris Koskinen, Peggy Hall ock, Na ncy Beagley, Val eska Strickla nd , l\I ary Beman , Vi olet Kiwak, Virgini a Ju dso n, Erna Graves, l\l a ry Cru ll , Ph yllis Simborg, Ph yllis Ludwi g, J ea n Co llins.

T hi rd R ow - Boris Rose, Betty Hallett, Virginia Kidd , J oa nne Tordel la, H elen Cod y, A nn Gravow , Lois Chitwood , Alice Springer, l\,f a ry Baga n, Rosa lie Ton ey, Betty Protsma n, Caro lyn Crabb, l\l a rtha Houlehan.

F ourth R ow - Berth a Abel, Frieda R en fro , Jo yce Kin g, B etty Newgent, J ane Lawrence, Billy J o Gra ves, Julia Ann l(n a rr, :\lary A nn P eters, E lai ne Bowe rs, Doral Baugh, Kit ty L ou H offm a n, ~l ary J ane Sutherland , Georgia John so n, Suzanne Stewart , J a ne Gardner.

Fifth Row - :\Iary Yenne, :\Iart ha D own en. :.\Iarj o ri e Boy les, J a ne Grosveno r, Bett y Fry, K at he rin e Barro n, Norma Roberts, Virginia Spencer, Shirl ey Pi e rce. l\largery F isher, Co nstance H u ntin gton , Y von ne Lon g. J a net : \L iller, Doris H ook, E leanor l(a pera. H elen l\l artin.

Sixt h R o\1· - .Juli a R ohleder, Edna Aulls, R ose ma ry Bowyer, ~lary :\lonroe, P atti Deitze r, E lea nor T oth . H elen H ones~. :\ l aq~a ret , nokc. Loi s Sa r t ~· . H elm Kime. P at Scantlin , :\l arjorie Pratt. ~orma Lee Pennin g. J ean H umphrcy, Lucille C hristi e, l\Iarjorie Cote. J ea n Perry, H elen :\le:\ lake n . Ti na B razi l.


MORRISON HALL Hel en Cod y Mary O skard Betty Fry

President Vice-Presid ent Secretary

Joyce Kin g


Irene R isley

Social Chairman

~\l orrison Hall , renamed last year in honor of Sarah Park Ylorrison , th e first In diana coed, enj oys the distin ction of bein g the ve ry newest of the 'rnmen's dorms on the quadrangle. Fa vorite pastimes of the gi rl s are pajama parties, in fo rma l af te rnoon teas at the end of the week , and " boressin g" in the smoker. The terrace is idea l for sunbathin g by day or se renades by night. An nua l events are th e forma l dinner in honor of gradua tin g seniors, the sprin g dance in combi nation with the other women 's dormitories " ·i th a bi g name-band and the C hristm as party fo r needy children. l\-Iorriso n is also proud of its B.\V.O .C.'s, petite prexy, H elen Cody, who is treasu rer of ~lortar Board , member of P amarada and a \ V.A.A . board member; J oyce I:..::ing, Phi Beta K appa; Jo Anne Tord ella, Pamarada member and member of the Boa rd of Standards; l\I ary Oskard is acti 1·e on th e St ude nt \ Var Council a nd in Y.\ V . . A. J a ne Gardner and Louise Baloff represent the pulchritud e amon g l\I o rriso n coeds for they w e re among th e chosen twenty-five in th e "A rbeauty" co ntest.

Front Row - Ruth Tracey, Jane Stevens, Mary Jane Mill er, Martha H eilm an, Emma Lou Goshorn, Barbara Knox, Peggy Milb ern, Lou ise Bruse, ~T ilma Dome, Waneta McCain, Lncy Townsend, Annese Brown, P eggy Goebel, Barbara Wilkin s, Evelyn Strolovitz.


Second R ow - Nancy M cCo wn, Martha Bancroft, Ione Tracht, Lucy Wakefield, Martha Ma cDouga ll , Leona Zweig, Lorrain e Hol sin ge r, E ln ora M cCa in, Rose ma ry Hodson, Maril yn Mill er, Lucille Clausen, Caroly n Smith, Barba ra H odges, Patri cia Luck enbill.

Betty Lou Grimsley Corrine Hamilton . Mary Ahlf . Helen Smith

Third R ow - Esther Sposeep, Mary Alys ~T e rk off, Margaret Cu rti s, Dori s Schory, Barbara B etzne r, Ruth Ann Hamilt on, Betty Lou Grimsley, R osemary K ei l, D orothy Smith, Dorothy Clausen, Judy Bright, Delores Schmidt, Phyllis W ebb.

President Vice-Presid ent Secretary Treasure r

Fourth Row - Trene Sanders, C hri stin e Benninghofen, Betty Ritchi e, Betty Lee Fults, Patri cia Myers, Norma Curdes, Marj ori e Pearce, Lois Min er, Jane \~l illiams, Charlotte I-l ook, Ann Pi erce, Barbara Spong, Miriam Murphy, J oa n Devin, Phy lli s K emp, Jo Ann Whipple, Rach ea l Veit, Betty Rennet, Barbara Davis. Fifth R ow - P atty C rews, Ruth Kral, Joan \Vin ey, Carry! Runn er, Doris Clarke, Marjorie Roth, Chr istin e Manship, Barbara Stands, LaVon Cartwr ight, Jane Ray, J ean Shelburn, Lois Hilk ene, Ruth Kaun, Mary Duenweg, Jane Williams, Mary Jane Straub, Ann Ri chardson.

On the east side of the dormitory quadrangle is Sycamore Hall, the home of the majority of the dormitories' girls. This hall is equipped with almost every convenience includin g smokers, kitchen ettes, laundry, and hair washing and drying room. In the " rec" room there is equipment for playi ng cards, ping-pong, shuffl eboard , and a phonograph for dance mu sic. Both the rec room and the livin g room are music rooms with pianos and radio-phonograp hs. L ead in g activity gi rl s are President Bett y Lou Grimsley and ·M a rgaret H ata la. This year Betty Lou is president of Sigma Alpha Iota, president of Pamarada, on the Student War Council, a member of Pi L ambda Theta, and Pro-music club and J\largaret is chai rman of Coed ou nse lin g, on the Collegiate C hamber of Commerce, a member of Omicron Delta, and Pamarada. Both of these girls have been chosen for the well-known " \Vh o's \Vh o."

Sixth Row - Virginia Denk, Patricia MacQuivey, Jo H oover, Virginia I-l astin gs, Pat Kibler, Betty Boaz, Martin e Grant, Betty O' H ara, Susan Countryman, Beverly Falconbury, Joan Arnold, Ann Rust, Betty Diehl. Seventh Row -Vi rg ini a ~l right, Alberta Annis, Orleana Lynn, Doroth.1· ~T illiams, El Donna Poole, Beverly Gonser, Marvelle Gi lbert, Margaret Cal low ay, E lm a Keglovic h, Sa rah McKinley, Sue Lapping, Betty Borders. E ig hth Row- Mary Brad·say, Ruth Fr iedman, Spindler, M a rth a \Vil son, Marj or ie Frankenstein, mary Whomes, Jean Tabbert, Donnabelle Secrist, Ahlf, Edna lla uenstein, Margaret ll atala, Martha Virginia Ell erbush, Mary Jan e G eyer, Berna Lee ford, Corinn e ll am ilton, Jan et vVolf, Mar.1· Lou Barbara Reininga, Beulah Beesing.


Nancy RoseMary Byrne, CrawR evel,

J ea n Scott . Evelyn Riarlowe Henrietta Baldauf Alice Love

President Vice-Presiden t Secreta ry Treasurer

WEST MEMORIAL HALL " Remem ber the days yo u've spent here, R emember w hen you' re away-" So go th e first two lin es of l\!l emo ri a l H a ll 's theme so ng, and how significantl y th ese words rin g through the memories of past a nd present resid ents of the dormitory. Atmosphere of fun , stud y, happi ness, a nd play min gle togeth e r to aid in drawi ng th e girls into mutual understandings a nd li fe- lon g fr iend ships. M:emori al H a ll, the first of the fo ur dormitories to be constructed to mee t the needs of an everi ncreasing enrollment of women stud ents on th e Indian a University campus, was th e rea li za tion of the dreams and plans of Dr. A gnes E . \ Vells, fo rmer D ean of \ Vome n. Th e li vely spirit within the dormitory demands a va riety of entertainment. Some of the more importa nt activities includ e pajama pa rti es, dances, facu lty dinne rs, a forma l din ner hono rin g grad uating senior wom en, coffee hou rs, a nd numerous teas. Favorite pastimes includ e dancin g in th e rec reation rooms, takin g joy- rid es in the eleva tor, boressin g in th e smoker on the third floor, and ga th erin g in rooms for midni ght snacks.

25 4

D oris M illen H elen Vidinghoff


Alma Twin eham


Ma ry Lou Hawkins

EAST MEMORIAL HALL The towers of Memorial silhouetted against the sky will always arouse happy memories in the hear ts of us who have li ved there. They are the fulfillment of a dream and , reaching skywa rd , they have sym boli zed E du cation , Service, Reli gion , and Recognition. Memorial, the P embroke of the Middle West, is the oldest of 'IV-omen 's Reside nce H alls, and , like a sentinel stand s guard befo re t hem . Th e Gothic archway is the entrance to the court arou nd which are built the other three halls. The bro nze plaque in th e floor of the archway, a memorial to women who served their cou ntry during the first World W ar, is as sacred to them as 1s the one in the Union Building. Like every college coed, the ga ls of Memorial delight in boressing until th e "we sma' hours," indulging in midnight snacks, and gatheri ng in the smoker and "rec" room for nonscholarly acti vities . There are some social functions trad itional with Memorial. One is the forma l dance in the fall , another the Rin g Dinn er for seniors. The frequent social get-togethers however includ e pajama parti es, si ngs, snack tables, mixers, coffee hours, teas, and facu lty dinners.




Front R ow - E ld o nna Rink enbu rg, 1l a mmon d ; Ruth Sc ism, Eva nsvill e; Paulin e ll oe lscher, Evansville; G lori a Cra ig, C hi ago, 111. ; Sue Ballard, H ammond; \ ' iolet VV uleti c h, Gary; Betty Ne ll e St a nl ey, Sa lem; E ll en Lindsey, R ockpo rt. Second R o w - Phyllis Bundy, F t. VV ay ne; F lo rence Krid e r, Middl ebu ry; Vi rg ini a Baker, Indianapolis; Marjorie Yo ung, Loogootee; N'rncy Cleveland, Hammond; Mar_,. A li ce Marian, Battl e Cround; Josephi ne Baldauf, Evansv ill e; Har roly n Dill ey, Ca ry . Back R ow - B etty Barnard, Indianapolis; E lean o r D oer r, B uffalo, N . Y.; Dorothy H eipl e, lli nsdal e, 111.; Doroth _,. T heis, Evansvill e ; Jane Obenchain, Sout h Bend; Doris Krnnho rg, Middl etown, 0.; C laire Kibby, Indi anapo li s; H en ri etta Ba ld auf, Evansv ill e ; Barbara Cl ine, Co lumbus; Jean K en it z, Oak Park, Ill.

COLUMNS Throughout th e past few years, 01;e of the most tradi ti o nal la ndmarks o n our cam pus has been the Co lum ns. Situ ated just north of the Union Buildin g, t he white-pil lared domi cile is but a few steps to th e Commons, coke dates a n d bridge games. B esid es bein g q ui t e close to the Commons, th e o lumns is on the direct route to th e Bu siness a nd Economics Building, which million s of people dai ly ha ve to take. As a co ncession to oglers, the second fl oo r porch was added. A most favorab le opini on of its possibilities has bee n reported by those wh o like sun bat hs, the "J\larch ing H undred," and Sigma C hi 's. As a patriotic sac rifice, the Columns has been turned into a mi lita ry barracks housin g five adva nce mi litary stud ents a nd o ne poor private, a member of the bas ic trainin g course. In the darkness of a sunny Bloomi ngto n da \\·n, th('se \V.A.T.C. cadets d ri ll a nd dri ll a nd drill. A lso a prod uce r of femi nin e biceps, the Co lum ns boasts a n int ramura l vo lleyba ll cham pionship t eam which has its O\\'ll training tabl e a nd coach. E linore D oer r is a member of O cea nides, Doris K ronborg of the T ennis C lub, a nd E ll en Lind sey is on th e board o f th e I S.A.


PRYOR MANOR Soon af ter the first contin gent of Navy trainees arrived on th e campus last summer, it was fou nd that new dormitories would be necessary to r eplace those cont racted for by the yeomen; as a result, Pryor Manor became a new landmar k at Indi ana. T he ind epend ent group, w ho spend the new house on a co-operative basis, soon found that it was possible to spare many expenses and enjoy extras on the share-all plan. A nother drawing card for new residents was the id eal location of Pryo r Manor which is close to th e Business and Econom ics Buildin g, a few steps from th e Commons and directly behind the A.0.P. house. At th e start of the Fall semester, Donald Baxter was selected to act as president of Pryor lVI ano r. Also chose n to se rve as hou se officers were Norman Grile, John Cook, and Carl Hil geman. Among campus lead ers resid ing in the house are Jack Blem ker, sophomore basketball star, H oward Whitecotton, ARBUTUS bu si ness manager, and E nsign Ralph Cooper, softball and varsity baseball lumin ary. During the Fall, the hou se ranked in the runner-up spo t in intramural football and bas ketball ac ti vities.

D on Baxter Norman Grile J ohn Cook . Carl Hil gema n

Front Row - Ca lv in Turley, La Porte, '45; No rm an G ril e, Ft. Wayne, '43 ; Roscoe Egger, Jr., Bremen, '43; Donald Baxter, Fowl er, '+2; Richard Ofe ldt, Sp rin g Lake, N.J., '43. Second Row- Robert Poler, Sharpsvi ll e, '45; Leonard Boeg lin , Huntin gburg, '44; Donald Leakey, New Lisbon, '45; Ca rl Hilgeman, Huntingburg, '44; J osep h K. Bush, Bloomington, '45 ; Willi s Donahue, Mi ami, F la ., '44; J ohn W . Cook, R ensse laer, '43 . T op R ow - F red Voge l, U pper Darby, P a ., '43; H oward Whitecotton, Kokom o, '43; Thom Rice, M ono n, '4 5; H arold Blenker, Huntin gbu rg, '44; Boyd Purce ll, Stil esvi lle, '45 ; Ralph Cooper, Hope, '42; Ernest Bundy, Salem, '44.


Presid ent Vice-President Secreta ry Treasurer




Indi ana's war effort j umped ahead las t Jul y 15 as the U .S. N aval T raining Schoo l fo r Y eomen officially opened on cam pus; but the bl ue j ackets began to a rri ve fo r t ra inin g as earl y as June 4. N ormall y a vacati on month , Jun e - already turned into just another school-goin g month - loomed increasin gly important as the administra ti ve staff, or ship's company, arri ved. Y eomen began their studi es und er the direction of P rof. E lvin S. Eyster July 2 1, six cl ays af ter the official openin g of the school. By Sept. 23, the school had begun its t ra nsformation into a t rainin g ship fo r storekeepers. N ow, all enlisted pe rsonnel goin g to classes are either storekeepers or cooks and bakers . T he storekeepers, w eari ng crossed keys on their arms, attend classes in the regular classrooms of the campus and the cooks and bakers slave on the galleys of the Union.


R ea l Navy vvere the women sent to the campu s as the first women storekeepe rs in U .S. nava l history. It was easy to see that they meant bu sin ess in this g rim era of war from the time th ey came into Bloomin gton, October 9. Nove l, yes, for these first white-ca pped \ VA VES were onl y at three unive rsities and colleges for enlisted personnel training. The nove lt y, but not the seriou s pu rpose, had w orn off when th e class, 600 stron g, graduated on F ebruary 1. The \\TAVES were in stru cted through i11doctrination trainin g a nd storekeeper schoo lin g, while extracurricular act iviti es includ ed such thin gs as their g lee club and " happy hours." B y th e time th ese women storekeepers left to fill their assig nm ents at other statio ns, releasi ng hun d reels of me n fo r clut)' with th e fl ee t, th ey had made a profound im p ress ion on officers, instru cto rs, and th e Uni1·ersi t)'.

• • • Reduced admissions to ath letic contests a nd a coordinating co mmittee for rec reation headed by the Navy School edu ca tional dir ector, Prof . Elvin S. Eyster, helped provid e entertainment for the liberty hours of th e sa ilors and WAVES on campus. In addition th ere a re dances in th e Union Build in g and aboard "ship." Each week end the Navy men and women c ruise down town and many d rop anchor at the Monroe County Ser vice Center where dan cing and refreshments a re provided for all uniformed g ues ts of Bloomin gton. At ship's ser vice in old North H all of the fo rmer l\Ien's R esidence Center the re is a post office, ba rbe r shop , and ship's store where va rious ar ticles arc sold a t reduced prices to naval personnel. The sa ilors a nd \ VA V ES also find time to get together for "sin g so ngs" in the loun ges of the ba rr ac ks which once made up MRC.

I t's rough goi ng fo r t he me n and wome n of U ncle Sam's fl eet even before they go to sea. Ea rl ier risers of camp us mi ght see t he ' i\TAVES and blu ej ac kets w iping t he sleep out of t heir eyes at 6 a.m., mut terin g somethin g abou t murderi ng the bugler. T hen it's eat, go to classes, drill , study a nd th en play. Taps sound at 9 :30. ' Vomen receive t heir indoc trination t ra in ing - " boot camp " on campus direct from t he rec r uiti ng stations of th e nation. Th e m en, picked for special ized trai ning, are harde ned to the Navy rou tin e before arriva l in Bloomi ngto n. To supp lement classroom wo rk a nd stud ies, th e blu ejackets and ' V A V ES have physical t rai nin g consist ing of hard enin g exercises, swimmi ng and com petitive sports. T hese are supervised by their Athletic Officers and the fac ilit ies of t he U niversity a re utilized.


Combining the talents which, prior to hostiliti es, had enabl ed them to work as artists, script writers and actors, members of the first class of yeomen ever to graduate from the University, gave their show, "Tattoo," before an audience of approximately 5,000 persons in the Auditorium, Oct. 23. More than 750 persons were turned away because of the lack of seating space. Directed by three former Hollywood performers, the musical was easily one of the campus hi gh li ghts of the year.

An integral part of the University now, the Naval Training School on campus has been responsible for the turning out of some of the best train ed yeomen, storekeepers, cooks and bakers in the se rvice. Schooled in LU. classrooms, the University has adopted them as a special kind of alumni. Their singing as they march to class has become a part of Indiana's wartime tradition.


pper left) And after the march is O\'er, the band members "you k11 0\\' what" .. (U pper right ) G ene Ti ern ey and Chester .'.\ Iorris lend the Holl y\\'ood atmosph ere to the campus \\'ith a n a uction .. . ( ~Iidd l e left ) B a nd members and dates watch 1110\'ies at a summe r session picnic ... (:'.\liddle right) In the fa ll there a re pl edge dances and th en more pl edge dances . .. ( Lower lef t ) Aeons and guests look hap py af ter a hea lth y lun cheo n .. . ( Lower ri ght) If you r ecogni ze neither t he beauties nor th e pool yo u just are n ' t in th ere.



Front Row - H oldcraft, Ne lson , 11 il kert, SH"anson, \Volf, Anderson, Albright. Second Ro" · - Coonan, Pfromm er, W ellman, Fr isk, D oloway, Vernasco, Saban, Mitche ll. Th ird Row -Ted fo rd, Siffin, F unk, Spence r, Kendall , Fergu so n, Deal. Back R ow- Kunk ler, Ri cke, Frey, Hil lenbrand, H ouse, K ru ege r.

.MeHtite/Ld. ( not in picture)


Dan Bannister Joe Black J ohn Cogan Robert Cox \ Vi ll iam Cronin J ohn Galli natti Tom Gallmeyer Charles J acoby Robert Lu cas Robert \ Vhite Fred \ Vi lt

C. K ay Hilkert


\ Villi am Frey \Villiam F rey


Oral Ricke Ted Vernasco


J ohn Cogan

H owa rd Brown J ames Brown Sheldon Gayle Robert Gradle Nat U. Hill Fred Huff Ph il Huffine \Varren Lewis D an Preage r George Reed Patsy Ronzo ne Larry Yeager

" If th e hat fi ts, wear it."


Sphin x Club helps out the University by announcin g its pledges at home footba ll games, thereby increasing the attendance. Thus is the g reat work of servin g the University and fos tering good fellowship on campus done. This year the Betas go t a man into the club afte r th e sli ght LS.A. alliance a cou ple of years back, and the presiden t of the club was surprised w hen his house won the organi zation 's Homecom in g decorations prize. Politics, it can be seen , often rears its head in the club, and Sphinx men are good at that. The black and w hite lid s sported by the suave members of this jolly-good-fellow organization often appear to be dirtier th an their accompanyin g senio r co rds. Junior men are pledged to the club in the Wellhouse, thus putting that edifice to a practical use.

SPHINX CLUB The ve ry in fo rm al Table "VVaiters' Ball is a traditional even t sponso red by th e club. The da nce profits are used as scholarships to aid two sophomore men. Dad's Day is one of the club's annua l projects, and a new facu lty member is invited to become an honorary Sphinx man each year. Members meet for informal banquets freque ntl y. J ust bein g "a good fe llow" of junior standing is the on ly requirement for membership, although the club's roster includes ma ny - even most - big " activity" me n. Pledges of Sphinx Club will tell any body that the club's initi ation beats anythin g they ever saw . If they are not outstandin g before initiation, at least a part of them are after the rite i performed.

Sphinx' Table \Vaiters' Ball is a Fall high light.

The rods know how to make 'em smile.

vVhen the Flame club w as fo un ded by a n ente rp risin g group of ind epend ent stu de nts in 193+, it was sta ted that the main acti vities of the o rga ni za tion wo uld be d irected toward culti va tin g bette r st udent-faculty-ad ministration relations. With this id eal still bein g emplo yed tod ay, the F lame club stands as the leaclin cr inde pend ent body 0 11 our camp us. The members of th e hono ra ry may be seen \\·ea rin g sma ll white " bea ni es" with app ro pri ate reel bands to ca rry on the flame atmosph ere. While the chi ef purpose of the o rga ni za tion has been revealed abo ve, it shou ld be of fu rther in te rest for all st udents to rea lize the work which th e members have cl one to encourage co-operation amon g ind epend ent and orga ni zed men .

FLAME CLUB F lames ha ve accomplished with success th e rol es assigned to them as participants in such campus-wid e acti viti es as scrap collection s, athletic tag clays, an d the w ar-sta mp da nces. Each semester the Fla me clu b selects its new membe rs from amon g the independ ent men , basin g its selecti ons upon th e schola rship , cha racter, a nd attit ude of those el igi ble fo r selection. Forma l pled ge services a re conduc ted before the " etern a l flam e" whi ch is loca ted in the genera l lou nge of the Union. Rob ert H. Shaffer of the School of Bu sin ess 1s servi ng as a d visor fo r th e g roup , a nd it rema ins his d uty to see to it that the Flames m ainta in a spirit of devotion towa rd their G oel , th eir alma mater. a nd their fe llow stud ents.

A mi no r hand wo un d gets trea tm ent and sym pa tll\· from F lames ter»

P rexy Ed Stua rt looks a hit out of pla ce w ithout hi s head piece.


Front Ro\\" - James Angelopolu s, Jam es \ Vatkins, Ted H odup ski, R a lph Coope r, George T ouma, George G ermain . Second Row -Ri cha rd Gos horn, Ll oyd Brid ges, Robe rt Sutter, Robe rt H oss, D on Spence, Jam es Morga n. Third Row - Ed\\"ard Stu a rt, Kni g ht M cK esso n, Cecil Frank li n, Jo hn Buchanan, C ha rl es Vilil son, J ames J ordan. Back Row - H erschel Rock, Roge r Farn ham, Robert S. And erson, J ohn Bail ey, Warr en \~' idman, Ed\\"ard Kunt z, Jam es Pi ckrel.

Edward C. St uart Milton H. Blick R obert S. Anderso n G eorge G ermain

Presid ent

Robert S. Anderson

.I ames A ngelopol us Vice-President

Ralph Cooper . Richard Goshorn

Sec retary

James E . Morgan \ Villam P faff


V\lh erever th ere are Fla mes, th ere are boresses.


John Bailey :\lilton H. Blick Lloyd Bridges J ohn Buchanan Robert Burrus Ralph Cooper Roger Farnham Cecil Franklin George Germain Richard Goshorn Ted Hodupski Robert Hos James Jordan Richard Klaer l\lonroe Koontz Edward Kuntz Kni ght l\lcKesson Laddie l\larin .J ames :\lorgan \ Vi lli am Pfaff James Pickrel Herschel Rock Don Spence Edward Stu art Robert Sutter George Touma James \ Vatkins John \ Vebster Jarnes \Vhite \ Varren \ Vidman Charles \ Vilson

Front Row - In ge P elikan, Betty Lu vVenge r, Char lott e Coop er, Betty Bates, E lsie Cha lfant. Second Row - Margery T-Ia sbrook, Paddy Pri ce, Mary Snapp, D ori s Tuttl e, Leona M enze, M a rilyn Sewa rd . Back Row - Jean Thompson, P atri cia Droit, Jane Sc habinger, J ea n Sc habinger, E lain e Ax, Hetty M owry, B a rbara J ohn son .

J::laineAx Betty Bates J:: lsie C hai fant Charlotte Cooper Pat Droit Ruthe Edwards i\large H asbrook Barbara Johnson Betty J a ne :\l owry L eona .\lenze In ge Peli kan Paddy Price .J ane Schabinger Jean Schabinger .\larilyn Seward ~lary Snapp R uth Taylor J ean Thompson Doris Tuttle Betty Lu \ V enger ~lary Anne Blew Ju 11 e Brown Virginia Cooper '.'lei Hi gginbotham \ Vanda .U cColgin Vicky Ste,·ens Sa ll y \ Valker Pat \Vall

Charlotte Cooper


Betty L u \ Vc nger

Vi ce-President

Padd y Price


.\lary Snapp


Pl eiad e


see double.

Did yo u ever see all th e soro rities get alon g except under the guiding influen ce of th e all-powerful Pan-H ellenic Association? W ell, if in no other case, all the Greek L ette r girls make a go of working a nd playing together in Pleiades . The only a rgu ments that a re ever witnessed at the meetin gs of the histori ca l gro up a re co nce rnin g who is to get the extra sa ndwich or the leftover "coke." The "who doesn't have a one o'clock a nd will wash the si lverware af ter a Friday noo n meeting" qu es tion sometimes leaves th em unwashed. Pleiad es as a social organization is mad e up of representati ves from each so rority who are chosen fo r their social prom inence, campus ac ti viti es, house acti vit ies a nd ge ne ral popularity and personality. Two dates are traditionally set for the pledging of new members; di e annual Pow-\i\Tow in the fall, and ea rly dawn on the morning of the Junior Prom in th e sprin g.

PLEIADES Numerou s Pleiades act1v1t1es during the school year included a da nce give n co-opera ti vely with Sphinx Club, the fo rmation of a special cheerin g section at football games to help boost and co-ordinate the cheering ability, and the entertainment of \i\TAVES who a re stationed on the campus. As members of one of th e " hat clubs," Pleiad es socialites wear the well-known blue and go ld hats which, thou gh often left han ging on the dresser at home on meetin g day, are never forgotten during the rain y season . It has been rumored that these winged and star studded hats were desig ned by Lilly Dache when she was at the height of her c reati ve genius.

Th e ca meraman sa id smil e; and th ey did .

So thi s is how gossip ge ts from soror ity to sorority.


One of the first of the " hat" w ea rin g o rga ni za tions on the ca mpus was Sku ll and Crescent, sop homore men 's honorary. The members may be distinguished by th eir ora nge and green caps. In the pas t, this organi zation enfo rced the wearing of pod s by all rh inies, but late ly that function has not been stressed, ei ther because the members are too bu sy, or because they fi nd th emse lves a smalle r minority than in past years. Each yea r Skull and C rescent picks two outsta ndi ng sophomo re me n from each frat ernity and seven from the dormitories. Th ese men elected to Sku ll a nd C resce nt are those chosen as " most likely to succeed" along social and scholas tic lin es.

SKULL AND CRESCENT This yea r the organi zation sponsored a dance early in M a rch. The money was put into the fraternity 's annu al scholars hip fund which is awa rd ed to th e ou tstandin g membe r of the sophomore class. Sku ll and C rescent has an annual dinner a nd thea ter pa rty immed ia tely fo llowin g initiation. The fi rst o rga ni zation of its kind on the campus, Skull and Cresce nt was organized in 1922 and has eight chapters in the Bi g T en schools. In sp ite of recently organi zed sim ilar sophomore honoraries, Skull a nd Crescent still hold s the top spot amo ng so phomore o rga ni zat ions on th e Indiana campus a nd is often referred to as th e " junior Sp hin x C lub."

Be in g a socia l honora ry, Skull and C resce nt membe rs learn th e soc ial " mu st kn ows."

T o be up on cur rent eve nts, comic strips mu st be close ly fo ll owe d.


Front Row- Jam es Bond, H a rry Leonard, J oe Barnum, Qu en tin Alcorn, Frank Armstron g , R ichard Stull, R obe rt Knight. Second Row - Wall y Dunn, Dan Baker, Lee Rust, Vi' ilbur Legg, T ed Hook er, C lark McClure, Rob ert Priser, A l Nolan, B ert Turn er. Top Row - Fielding M orrison, T om Voss, Vil alter Cory, Blaine Nas hold, Ri chard Voripaieff, M a rk Colman, E rni e Vogel, Charles Tolbert, R obe rt Howd en.

Bert Turner


Dan Baker Blaine S.

Vice-Presid ent ashold


Lee Rust

Quentin Alcorn Joe Bonham Bert Turner William Seagle William Dolen Harry Leonard Lee Rust Robert Knight Frank Armstrong Robert Priser Ted Hooker J ames Bond Fielding Morrison Gene Figel \ Vi lber Legg Clark McClure Tom Voss Volmar Franz Alan Nolan John Bonsib John Bossett Jam es Runnion


R ex mu st ha ve spotted a coed and lost interest in th e ga me.


Charles Tolbert Larry McFaddin Marc Goldman Ed Sharavsky Ernie Vogel Robert Dean San Zi egler Robert Linker Gil Bosse Richard Stull \ Vall y Dunn Phil Huffine \ Vi ll iam Giant Blaine N ashold Robert Howden \ Vi lli am Mankin \ Valt Cory Richard V oripaieff Dan Baker Joe Carlisle Robert Schwartz Pat Cassidy Dave H ay

Front Row - Jam es Shin e, Sta n Compton, Jack Eicholz, Don Bishop, P au l Chasman . Second Row - J oe Bea n, Bruce M cArt, Arcadiu s J. Stewert, E d Dun ca n, Bob Saxton. Back Row- C ha rl es Alling, Bill M atth ews, Bob King, Bruce Cook, C harles McMah on.

J ohn Loui s Eicholz, ] r. J oh11 Louis Eicholz, Jr. H a lbe rt\\' . J-.:: unz Robe rt .\l. Towns \ \' illiam .\l. .\latthews Robert Kin g D on Bishop Robert Sax ton Charles Y o rk T ony Fileff Stan C ompton Ch a rl es .\lc.\l ahon .\I icke y Lc\·i Ra ymon cl Fo rste Bruce Cook Paul Ch asma n Art Purd y Ed\\·i11 L. Dun can J oseph Bea 11 .\lo rt Gell man J Robert Shi11e \\Ta]tcr .\la rtinson \ Villiam Ca rroll A rcadius J . Stewe rt

H albert YV. Kun z . R obert l\I. To\\'ns \ Villi am l\l. ~l a tth e ws

The pres id ent (ce nter ) and hi s bud di es have a laugh.


Pres id ent Vice-Presiden t Secreta ry Treasurer

Bru ce .\lcA rt Ch a rl es Allin g J ohn .\l a rshall Richa rd B utl er H a l H a ncock Robert Grimes .\lax J ohnso n D ona ld Ru ggleby Thomas .\liller Ralph Vogel J ames Gish N ed Smith

Sigma Iota, whose members can be distinguished by their maroon hats with white band s, is th e sophomore honorary serv ice fraternity for independ ent students at the University. The organization provides a means of brin gin g together outstandi ng independent sophomore leaders on th e campus. At the end of each semester, members of Sigma Iota select a gro up of pledges from a list of stud ents recommend ed by the facu lty advisors of the fres hman class. These pledges a re chosen on the basis of scholars hip, activity, and leadership achievemen t during their fres hman year. D onald Smalley of the D epartmen t of English is facu lty advisor of the organization.

SIGMA IOTA The purpose of Sigma Iota is threefold: To promote better spirit and loyalty among all students towa rd the University; to encourage participation in campus acti vities, and to cooperate with all other campus organizations. This fraternity performs such activities as passing out cop ies of school cheers and so ngs at athletic events and helping to sponso r pep sessions and victory parades. Each Christmas, Sigma Iota entertains eight underprivileged Bloomington children and sponsors a Clothe-a-Child drive to help some of the poor children of Bloomi ngton. This yea r the group also helped sponsor the camp us ' ;\/'ar-S tamp Dance.

G ivi ng th at old tooth pas te smil e.

" So she sa id to m e . . . "


Front Ro"· -A rt Ove rb ay, Art May, J ep Cadou, G eo rge Fo ley, Jame s Harrison, Ja mes Wool e ry. Second Row - P au l Dickman, Robe rt Ha yes, R obert Bencka rt, Lee Ford, John Ga llinatti, J ames Brown, Wil li a m M oo re. Third Row - Ri chard Eng lehart, J a mes Storey, 'W illi am Hun gate, Joe Cravens, Ri cha rd Starr, James Mcinty re. Back Ro\\· - Fi eldin g M o rri son, R obe rt Hin es, Larry Yeager, Robert Van Valer, Jam es Sm ith , Leroy Mangin, Loui e How e.



Paul Di ckman Jam es Brown .

One of the newest and most promising honor · a ries to have its fou ndin g on this campus, is the Falcon Club. The orga ni zation was fou nd ed in Apri l of 19 41 w hen eleven sophomores decided that what this cam pu s needed was one honorary in w hich the members could be entirely free from the political aspect which is so prevalent in many other organizations which are in operation at the present time. The principles on which the organization was founded a re as fo llows: to promote a mutual frie nd ship between the members of the organization, and th e student body as a whole; to revi ve forgotten and dying campus traditions; and to back all pep sessions and rallies sponsored by the various participating groups. The members of this sophomore honorary can be di stin guished on cam pus by their black hats which a re adorn ed w ith the white falco n on top .


' Vi lli am Hungate

Falcons a lso " wolf ."


F ro nt Row - No rm a Kun z, J ea n Scott, Betty Lou G rim sley, Lorra in e H olsi nge r, Virg ini a C hild ers, Sa ra h M cKinl ey. Middl e Row - M a rga ret H a ta la, E li zabeth D ean e, H elen Smith, Ge neva Shaffe r, Betty Jane J ones, M a ry Stee le. Bac k Row - Juli a Strain, H elen Co dy, Miri am \V alth er, Leo na M enze, J ea nne M oo re, M a ril y n V ice, J oa nn e To rd ell a.

PAMARADA E lizabeth D ea ne . L or raine H olsinger Sa rah l\l cKinley "'.\liriam ' Va lther

P amarad a, a sister orga niza ti on to the Flame cl ub, un affili ated men's upperclassmen honorary and the newest " hat" on campu s, was organi zed during the fall semester to recognize outstanding women students not affili ated w ith social so roriti es. Pamarada hopes to present more clea rl y the view and position of ind epend ent women st ude nts with a medium of expression in campus affairs. Charter members announced at the tradi tional Povvwow precedin g H omecomin g a re No rma Ku nz, Evelyn Besin g, J can Scott, D oroth y Everman, Helen Smith, Frances Kin g, H elen Cody, J oanne Tordella, Joan Banbury, Betty Lou Grimsley, M argaret H atala, L eona M enze, Betty J ane J ones, G eneva Shaffer, and J uli a St ra in. Those pledged later in the semester incl uded Virginia Child ers, M arilyn Vice, J eann e A nn Moore, Anita Feiwell , M ary Stee le, Elizabeth D eane, Lorraine H olsin ge r, Mi riam ' Valther and Sarah M cKinley. Miss D eane was elected P resident; Miss Holsinger, Vice-Presid ent ; Miss i cKinley, Secretary, and Miss \ Valther, T reas urer.

President Vice-P resident Sec retary Treas ure r

A coup le of busy P ama rada membe rs ta ke tim e out fro m th eir acti viti es to enjoy a coke.


Front R ow - James vVatkins, \ Villiam P oe, Thoma s Le vi, I Jarry Pri ce, Maj o r . R. Sm ith , Pe rin Sco lt, Maj o r Fenwi ck R ee d, Samuel K eesey, J ose ph Dewbe rry, Charles Gross, Arthur Fri sk. Secon d R ow - Robert Su tt er, Robe rt Kirk , Rodge r Farnham, Harry I I endri ckson, Donald Ma son, \Villiam Murc hi e, Mauri ce K endall, harl es Rockwood, Donald Sn epp, Mauri ce Kirkwood. Third Row-Robe rt Be rnhardt, William Row ell , v\lilliam H acker, William Spencer, Lee l"or<l, Ra lph Prick ett, Gerald Ran s, John Cogan, Donald M cC rnck en. Ba ck Row - J ohn Pa rtenheimer, Jul es I l end rick , Charle Voorhees, R oger Rum ph, lax Burgman, R obe rt Cox, Chilton Brown, H oll ace Chastain, Leon Sachleben, Robe rt H ea th.

Perin Scott James \ Vatkins J ames \ \T atkins \Vill iam Rowell


First Lieutenant

Charles Voorh ees Ralph Prickett

Second Lieutenant

\Vill iam Rowell \Vill iam Frey

First Sergeant

Military Ball brings out Col. R ockwoo d and comp a ny.


Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military fraternity, was founded at the University of \,\lisconsin in 1904. The organization is modeled after that of the United States Army. Company F of Indiana University, the second regiment of the fraternity, was installed at the first national convention of Scabbard and Blade after the World War I , 1920. The organization seeks to develop in its members the qualities of efficient dfficers - co-operating with the War Department and the Military F aculty. Its aim is improvement of the Indiana Uni ve rsity R.O.T.C. units. All men in advanced R.O.T.C. whose military and academic grades are high and who show a general fitness of mind, body and character are eligible for membership. New members are chosen each semester by the Military Faculty and the active members of the fraternity.

SCABBARD AND BLADE The organization attempts to unify more closely the Military Departments of various Universities, spread intelligent information concerning the military requirements of our country, and develop the traits of leadership. Among the activities of Scabbard and Blade are the Cosponsorship of the Band Benefit Ball and the Military Uall at which the five coed sponsors are announced for the year. It has been the purpose of the organization to promote the interests of the Army or other service detachments. This yea r the fraternity promoted the blood-donor drive.

• .. and as g uards of honor.

Blade membe rs excell in rev iews ...


The pride o f th e R.0.T.C.

H ol lacc Chastain L eo n


Sach leben

Captain l st Li eute nant

Chilton Brown .

2d Lieutenant

\V. E . .\IcCalment

2d L ieutenant

\Vi lliam \ Varne

2cl Li eute nant

Eugene Corbi n

l st Srrgeant

Boy meets g irl ... 19+3 sty le.


Lt. John ]. Pershing organized an expert drill unit at the University of Nebraska in 1894. Later, chapters were established in other universities and the organization took its name from G eneral Pershing. The local unit has been active on this campus for approximately twelve years. Until the present crisis, drills were held twice weekly to prepare for competition in annual intercollegiate drill meets. The new purpose of this organization is to serve the Universi ty's war effort and to train its members in all phases of army instruction.

PERSHING RIFLES Under the sponsorship of Major F. T. R eed of the Military department, plans have been made to offer a variety of co urses that will help P ershing Rifl e members after induction into the armed services. Extensive courses in weapons stress those not usually studied in the regular R . 0. T. C. curriculum. An obstacle course was built east of ] ordan A venue by the members of Company A-3 last summer. This was one of the first to be bui lt on any campus. Each Thursday the company holds a retreat in front of the Union building. The unit is inspected every Monday night and medals are awarded to the neatest cadets and to the best drilled cadets. Margaret Mann is the coed sponsor and she part1 c1pates in the retreats and marches with Company K, the tradition al Pershing Rifle company at the regular R. 0. T. C. reviews.

" Toward better service in th e future."



Robert Shimel Louis H owe

1st Sergeant

Louis Howe J ack H amlin

Drum M ajor

R obert Burruss John Atz The renowned Indi ana U ni vers ity R.O.T .C. R egim ental B and - widely known as the A ll-American Marching Hundred- has achieved much of its fame thro ugh its quick-stepp in g cadence, its stirri ng music, and its whirlwind fo rmations at foo tball games throughout the natio n. T he band's ab ility is not limited to its gri diro n performances, howeve r , as is shown by its fi ne conce rts in the summer and sprin g, both in the auditorium and outdoors, and its participation in the trad iti onal pep sessions. Besides this busy schedul e, the band has appeared in pat rioti c rallies, band drives, Navy D ay, and A rmisti ce D ay parades. For its performance at the P resen ta ti on of th e Army-Navy " E" A wa rd to the ~,I axo n Construction Company, at Burns City, Indiana, the band received a cash gift from R .C.A . for its part in the patrioti c ce remony. One of the finest personnels of the band - made possible by the keen competition of the largest turnouts for band in yea rs - under the able leadership of Gerald Doty, made the yea r a stellar one in th e annals of the band.


F irst Row - James Bie hl, Jack Hamlin, \ V illi am John so n, Gene \\loo dward, D elb ert D etmer, Louis H owe, E ld on Jann, Fra nk Kralis. Secon d R ow - John Sherwoo d, M a rli n Inman, Richard Goble, Co l. R. L. Shoemake r, Ri cha rd Klaer, R ichard Fis her, H erb VVarnock, Marvin K ern. Back R ow - D on Kru ege r, Ed Schum ann, J erry Yo un g, Jam es Yod er, \\l illi am Platt, James J ord an, Cec il Franklin.


G ene Woodward Don Krueger vVilliam Johnso n Richard Goble

Presid ent Vi ce-Presid ent Treasurer Secretary

One of the most prominent honorary groups on the Indiana campus si nce its inauguration here in the early weeks of 1900, Kappa K appa Psi remains the outstanding musical fraternity in the cou ntry. With twenty- nine chapters located in various prominent music schools, the organization stand s as the age nt of recogniti on for outstanding bandsmen and musical stud ents. The local chap ter holds two meetings every mon th , stri ving in all gatherings to provide both recognition and good times for deserving musicians. vVhile the meetings are usually hi gh spots for the members, many banqu ets and picnics are hel d throughout the year. At these latter functions " I " swea ters and achievement medals are awarded . Each semester the organization plays host to a gro up of freshmen , offerin g the first-year musicians an opportunity to better know the campus music and mu sicians via an informal smoker and boress.


F irst row- Marvin ~T atkins, Jack Fox, \'i'illi am Curry, Hub ert Scheidl er, William Fox, Denver Davis, Capt. R a lph Pratt, Q.M.C., Sol Blickman, Edson Ja cq ues, Donald Mason, Gl en Thompson, James Carter, John Oversh in er. Second row - Ordine 1-1 ein e, Fores t Ingram, Norman Gri le, Joseph Small, Sheldon ~Tagner, Mauri ce Kirkwood, M end el Pise r, Jack Hamlin, Milton Blick, E dward Tomlinson, Samuel K eesey, Robert And erson. Third row - Walter L ern er, Richard Bookout, Mil es Shookman, Ri chard Hiatt, Rob ert Bernhardt, Robert Cutler, Jack R amsey, Gerald Ran s, Thomas Hu ssey, Rob ert Mehilovich, Samuel Good. Fourth row- Benjamin Robinson, Donald H olmquist, R oge r Rumph, Ll oyd Ahlf, Dari Mill er, E rn est And erson, R obe rt Luca s, J ohn Gallinatt i, R obert Sullivan, Robe rt Shimel, Laddie Marin, William 1-Iaeberle. Fifth row- Joseph Barrett, Rich ard Cag ley, Vincent Zubras, Max Burgm an, Roy R ichards, John Bailey, Rob ert Purce ll, Thomas P erk ey, James Voldpert, Howard Knight, John Bowger.

Soon after the esta blishment of the Quartermaster unit of the Reser ve Officer's Training Corps at Indiana University, the fifth unit of its kind in the co untry, its members recog ni zed the need for a formal organization; so they petitioned the Quartermaster Association, a national organization heretofore made up primarily of only officers in the Quartermaster Corps of the U.S. Army, for permission to establish a chapter at the University. These original members recognized their responsibilities as fu ture officers in the U.S. Army; and under the able tutelage of their facu lty advi sor , Captain Ralph Pratt, they outlined their objectives. These are: 1. To further t heir knowledge of the functio ns and duti es of members of the Quartermaster Corps. 2. To do all in their power to further the prese nt war effort a nd prepare themselves individually for their respo nsi bilities as citizens and reser ve officers a ftcr the war. 3. To act as a sponsoring body for all campus functions of a military nature. The program has consisted mainly of bimonthly meetings, during which films were shown to the members presenting su bjects which supp lement their classroom and field training.

Left to right- Capt. Pratt, advisor, So l Blickman, pres ident, Denv e r Davis, vice-president, E d Jacques, treas urer.


BETA GAMMA SIGMA Organized in 1913 at the University of Southern California and the University of Illinois to recognize scholarship among business students, Beta Gamma Sigma has theoretically become the Phi Beta Kappa of the School of Business. The membership of this honorary is made up of the business students who are in the upper two per cent of the junior class and the upper ten per cent of the senior class. The Indiana Alpha chapter was installed at the University in 1923 and al mo t every school which is a member of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business now has a chapter. Beta Gamma Sigma presents each year, to the student who has the highest average at the end of the first two and a half years, the ·vVilliam A. Rawles Key. The organization also places the name of the outstanding business sophomore on the Beta Gamma Sigma scholarship plaque each year. The latter award is determined by an exam ination and the grade standing of the student at the end of his second year. The plaque-award winner is presented with a gold key and the student in second place receives a silver key. The winners' names are inscribed on a name plate and mounted on a board which hangs in the dean's office and in this way the honors are made public.

Students Robert S. Anderson Ivan Farmer Mary Ellen Hazel Rosemary Bend ricks "W illiam Jewell Maurice Kirkwood Donald Licking Mildred Maddox Morton McClure vValter Robbins Benjamin Robinson Cecil Shertzer Milton Blick Charman Frazee Kenneth Gardner lVIarian Heitman Andrew Irvin Robert Lucas Leona Menze Ruth Woliung

Faculty I. W.Alm Morris C. Barker Joseph A. Batchelor \ Vard G. Biddle Wallace T. Buckley Geoffrey Carmichael Elvin S. Eyster Clausin D. Hadley J. Edward Hedges Sarah D. Kirby Harold F. Lusk James E. Moffat Stanley A. Pressler Alva L. Prickett Harry C . Sauvain Elizabeth W. Thomson David\¥. Thompson George A. Wagoner Robert E. Wal den Herman B ~Tells


OMICRON DELTA President Secretary Historian

Inge Peliken Sarah McKinley Virginia Cooper

The members of the group try to carry out th eir purpose with both a social and an instructional program. l'vleeting monthly, the organization hears men of different vocations talk on subjects of interest in the professional field . Omi cron Delta is represented on the Board of Di rectors of the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce and was instrumental in the reorganization of Chi Gamma on th e campus. Those who ha ve aided in furthering the cause of this orga nization are l'vliss Lula W estenh ave r and Mrs. Esther D. Dray of the School of Business.

Omicron Delta, honorar y organization for Junior and senior women in the School of Bu sin ess, se rves as an aid to the coed preparing to en ter the business world . The organization was founded by Kathryn Daubenspeck, a se nior in the School of Business in 1938. She a nd a g roup of junior and senior women in that schoo l organi zed the Greek letter sorori ty for the purpose of developing better business a nd professional women, to stimu late local organization and co-operation , and to gather a nd distribute informati on about vocational opportunities.

Top Picture Front R ow -Besse Barich, R ebecca Gard, Ann e E lfo rd, Jean Thomp son , Mary Jane Geyer, Betty R ege l, Virginia E ll erbu sh, Mildred Nafe. Second Row - Mary K . H arris, Barbara Bon hu sk, Lillie Yoffe, Virginia H aw ley, Margaret Hatal a, Pat Orrison, No rma Curtis, Norma Lagenaur, Alice Schafer, Mildred Day. Back Row - Sarah McKinley, Carol J ea n Martin, Jan e H ermann, Marth a Rupel, Florence Kreider, Rose Jean Spenser, Jeanne Griffith, Marj ori e Cattelle, Elizabeth Sharkun. Top R ow - Cec il Schertze r, Mildred Inm an, E ll en Lind say, Dorothy Everman, E mma Vance M oosemu ell er, Rose mary Bai ley. Bottom Picture Front Ro''" - E mili e Richard s, Pat Mungovan, Nancy H erkl ess, Ka y Sitler, Mary Thompson, Virginia Steele, Irene Sanders. Second Row- Lucy Townsend, Jean Scharenberg, Mick ey ' Veiss, Esth er Sos hni ck, J oanna h Strauss, J o H eitm an, J ean ne ' Vearly, Virgin ia Cooper. Th ird Row -Lo rra in e Hol singer, E il ee n Kru ege r, Pat Felix, Phylli s Peterson, Charmon Frazee, Barbara Smiley, Emma Lou Cava naugh, E mm a Vance M oose mill er, Betty M a rk er. Back Row - Maril yn Seward, Rosemary H en dri cks, Mari a n Jun e Speck, P at Dro it, Pat Kin g, Ruth Harris, Eve lyn Besing, Loi s Sparks.


Front Row - M ax Burg man, Ja ck R amsay, Louis Fe rguson, M a rga ret Hatala, D onald Fleenor, Maxin e Swa in, E dward Stuart, J ohn Holdcraft, Alex Azar. Back Row - William Siflin, Betty G ilm ore, I van Farmer, Mr. Shafer, adv iso r, Virginia Hawl ey, J oe l D obb in s.


C. L ouis Ferguson

Vice-Presid ent

A lex Azar Virgi nia Hawley

Secretary T reas urer

Jack R amsay .

The membership of the organi zation is composed of all students in the School of Busin ess, and its policies and projects are formu lated and adm ini stered by a Board of Directo rs. ~Iembership on thi s Board is one of the hi ghest achievements attai nable by students in the School of Business. This year the C.C. of C. took one of its greatest steps forward by esta blishin g a divisio nal organization through which more members can parti ci pate in the active work of the Chamber, thereby increasing its va lue to the membership-at-large by providing trainin g opportunities for futu re bu si ness and civic leaders.

The Collegiate Chamber of Commerce w as founded at Indiana University in 1936. As the Academic work of th e School of Busin ess develops those knowledges and skills necessa ry for business, so the Collegiate Chamber of Commerce was developed to fill the special needs of business and professional students. The club brin gs together those who wish to co ntribute thei r par t in the co ntinu ation of American id ea ls and standards in their present campu s community and their community of the future as they take their places in business and the professions.


Front Roi\" - Norma n Gr il e, M aur ice Kirkwood, Dick Ra y l, Tom W a lker, Byrne H a ll ett, Bill Good, Bill H arr ison, Sa m Goo d. Second Roi\" - J ohn Corb in , \Va lt Le rn er, J ohn Qy e rshin e r, J ack R a msey, Frank Il ami lton, Roscoe Egge rs, Be rt John so n, Ja ck R edsecke r, P a rk e r Craves. T hird Ro\\"-John A llm a n, B ill 'Nil kerso n, D ea n Nee dam , Ir v in S\\"anson, Garman \Voker, Vi rgil G in g, Paul P ress ler, Bob Gast. Fo urth Row-Larry Y eage r, Jim Pi ckera l, J e rry Ma cNamee, Ned \Voh lfor d, Jim H a r rison, Bill Hoodl ey, Nei l Funk, Max Bu rgma n, P erin Scott, J e rry Scott, J e rry R ans, J im Murph,·. F ifth Ro\\· -A ll en Rh odes, John P a rt enh eim e r, Robe rt G radl e, D a le Karlan, G il Bosse, \V arren Lew is, Lee R. Fo rd, Art Frisk, Louis F e rg uso n, James G addi s, Phil Huffin e.


\ Villiam Good

On e of the largest of profess ional frat erni ties, Delta Sigma Pi was fou nd ed at New Yo rk U niversity for the purpose of establishin g a nd maintaini ng leadership in the field of busin ess admin istration and commerce . Approxim ately thirt y profession al fraternities , embraci ng at least nin e of the professions, with nearly one thou sa nd chapters in the lea din g colleges and universities throu ghout the United States and Ca nada a nd havi ng a total members hip of over a quarter of a million professionally trained men, a re members of the Profess ion al Interfrate rnit y Co nference. Delta Sigma Pi was a charter member of thi s Conference . Amon g D elta Sig's many activiti es are the maintainin g of a l arge a nd effective alumni organization , the adm inistration of a perso nnel placement service on a national basis, the publi cation of a quarterly magazin e, th e presentation of a schola rship key each year to th e graduatin g stude nt who has t he hi ghest scholastic average in the School of Business, cooperation with the Coll egiate Chamber of Commerce, sem imonthly professional meetings, smokers, and initiation banquets. Facu lty members of the group includ e P rofs. James Moffa tt , Claire Barker, and Harold Lu sk.

. President

P au l Pressler P er in Scott

Vi ce-Pres id en t

Toh n P arte nh eimer . _ Ied YVohl ford


Sam Good


ALPHA KAPPA PSI Alpha Kappa Psi is a professional business fraternity for men, founded at New York University in 1904. The Indiana Uni versity chapter, Beta Gamma, was founded in 1927. The purpqse of the fraternity, as stated in the Constitution is "To foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance, to educate the public to demand and appreciate higher ideals in these walks of life and to promote and advance in our great institutions of learning courses leading to the degrees in commercial sciences." Beta Gamma has been busy conducting a resea rch for the School of Business regarding vocations; it held professional meetings in an attempt to further educate the members in the fields of commerce and finance. Various picnics, banquets, and dances were also held in an attempt to give the members a wellrounded program. For the first time, Beta Gamma has been active in intramural activities, and it didn't do a bad job of taking care of its opponents. The welcoming of twenty new members into Beta Gamma climaxed the semester's activities. Only those who intend to graduate and who have passed their first year's examinations successfully are admitted to membership.

James Volpert Richard Fisher

Vice President

Laddie Marin


Row One-Edward Stuart, Glen M orris, Floyd Vilindmill er, Tony F il eff, Mauri ce Hawbaker, Richard Fisher, Jam es Rees, J ohn Murra y, Robert McCa llister, Richard Goble. Row Two - Ri chard Goshorn, John Buchanan, J ohn Vilebster, Ri chard Bookout, Robert Lytle, Ray Howard, Ralph Vogel, Charles M cM ahon, Edward Mill er, Mark Bo;ven, Ronald llicks. Row Three- Jam es Jordan, Robert Cre\Ys, John Hold craft, Joel D obb ins, Robert Harris, \Valter Robb in s, Josep h Atkins, Eugene Endress, M orton McClure. Row Four- J-farold Harting, Robert Bublitz, Harold Hancock, Sidney Lindsey, Edwin Applegate, Ralph Cooper, Leroy Pillrnan, Ernest Anderson, Paul Linton. Row Five- Ll oyd Ahlf, Glenn Thompson, Rob ert Orr, D ea n Fauber, Donald Krueger, Richard Parke r, Benjamin Robinson, James McKown, Thomas Hussey, James Morgan. Row Six -Alex Azar, Robert Zobel, Robert Anderson, John Bailey, Laddie Marin, Joseph Gallagher, Robert Hass, Donald Licking, Jam es Vo lp ert.




P aul Linton Benj amin R obinso n ~\l o rt o n

l\l cClure

l\Iil d red l\laddox .

Founded in 1938 to furth er th e interest of accountin g stud ents a nd to crea te a cl ose r rela tionshi p among stud ents, facu lty and practi ci ng accou ntan ts, th e Indi a na A ccountin g Club has taken anothe r step forw a rd durin g th e pas t year. Th rou gh the use of a qu esti onn aire and new s lette rs, the club has now established a definite co ntact with pas t g radu ates of the Acco unting de par tment and is ac tin g as a clearing house fo r these a lumni. In a ddition th e club is a ttem ptin g to do its pa rt in the N atio n's \\·a r effo rt by es tablishing a pe rsonal co rrespond ence \Yith fo rmer me mbers who a rc now in the a rmed for ces . A lthou gh somewh a t curtail ed by th e Uni ve rsi ty's present speed-up program , the club's annu a l lecture se ries has co ntinu ed to stimulate interest a mong acco untin g stud ents by bring in g to th e campus practicin g acco unta nts \\'h o ha\·e int rod uced the practi ca l sid e of accountin g to the stud ents. Speakers heard durin g th e present yea r includ e l\llr. Joseph Baerncopf, public accountant fr om In dia napolis ; l\lr. T roy Thurston , public accountant a nd tax authority a lso from Indi anapolis; and ~Ir. Richa rd Halloran , \Vorks A ccou nta nt fo r th e R.C.A. l\ I anufacturin g Co. in Bloomin gton.

President Vice-Presid ent Treasurer Secretary



Doroth y Everman

T he Indiana University Advertising C lub was fou nd ed O ctober 14, 1942. Its purpose is " to form an organization to rew ard those students of merit and ability havi ng a vocationa l interest in advertising; and to fu rth er the interest of the stud ents of adverti sing at l.U. and the advertising profess ion as a whol e." To attain quali fications fo r memberships, students must ha ve at least a 1.5 average in academi c courses and a " B " average in all advertising courses. H e must have had at least one advanced advertisin g course and be recommend ed by advertising professors . Charter mem bers are Dorothy Everman, John Russell, Roland Hi cks, Robert Collins, L ewis Combs, Bill Fox, Robert G aston , Bill Pfaff, Bill Cronin , Gladys P eterso n, J ames \ iValraven, Evelyn Besin g, Ruth Ku ehn , Benj amin :M ay, Robert Ellison, Bob And erson , M aurice Kirkwood , and L aw rence Frommer. Professo r Brooks Smeeton of the Marketi ng D epartment is facu lty advisor.

Bill Pfaff . Vi ce-Presid ent and Treasurer Secretary

K athleen O ' Banion

Front R ow - J ean \Vea rly, K athleen O ' Banion , Shirley W ehmeier, Dorothy Everman. Second Row - Brooks Smeeton , advisor, J oe \Viler, Rod ger Farnham, Bill Pfaff, Morton Gold berg, Bob Anderson.

CHI GAMMA The members of Chi Gamma, organization of fres hme n and sophomore women in the School of Busin ess, have been concentrating their interests this yea r on the defense industries and the opportunities for women in th e field s of work r ecently opened to women throu gh the war. The aim of Chi G amma is to foster the study of business and adva nce commercial and education al in terests of the Uni ve rsity women. It attempts to promote a closer affili ation between the commercial world and the studen ts of business. Sponsors are Miss Lulu Westenhaver, Founder Miss Sarah Kirby, and Mrs. Esther Bray. And so Chi G amma is off to " bi gger and better business." The officers during the las t year were: First semester, Presid ent, Beverly Shaver; Vice-President, l\llary Cook; Secretary, Betty Gilmore ; Treasurer, Katherine Hickrod. Second semester, Presid ent, Norvella Northcott; Vi ce-Pres ident, K ay McCauley; Secretary, Betty O'Hara; Treasurer, Marjorie Cook.

Front Ro\\' - J a net Cann, Doris C larke, M a rj orie Cook, Mary J a ne Hoese!, Marian Tirm enstein , J ea n Shelburn e, Beu lah Besing. Second Row -Pat Jo M a dd en, Marga ret C urti s, Betty G ilmore, Kitty Lou H offman, Ann Lee Carter, M a rtha Jean M add en, Kay M cCa ul ey, Esther Beeke. Th ird Row - Helen Shipps, G ene M cCaughan, Louisa Pfretzsc hn er, Ali ce Yost, Helen Kim e, Prisc ill a Phipps, Beverly Gonse r. Back Row - Ba rbara C reighton, Katherine Hi ck rod, Mary lea H awk in s, Beve rly Shave r, Betty O'Hara, Rosema ry Keil, E li zabet h C lay.


F ront Row - Miriam M eloy, Betty Bates, J ea nn e M oore. Second Row - Leo na Menze, M a rgue rite Brown, Jean Rago n, Virginia Childers, Maril yn Vice. Third R ow - Lynn VanNatta, F rances King, Marian G li ck, Jun e Ri char dson, Ro sema ry K ent.

J ean Ragon June Richardso n


June Richardson Betty Bates


l\larguerite Brown Marilyn Vice


Donna Carpenter l\/Iargaret Green J eanne Johnson Kathleen O'Banion B etty Stevens

Somet hin g funn y in the sc rapbook of mod es t T heta Sigs?


Even under the stress and strain of the speed -up program, Theta Sigma Phi scribes have carried on normally, presenting both the Matrix T abl e and the R azz Banquet as usual. One of the few men to speak at the traditional Matrix dinner, Jan V altin, author of the cu rrent best-seller "O ut of the Night," spoke to the outstanding " 400" women stud ents and townswomen , in addition to th e men ad mitted to th e balco ny. In the middle of the second semester the razz was dished out agai n but in the milder manner which was taken over las t yea r. Every year the proceeds from the Razz banqu et go into a scholarship fund for an outstanding woman student on campus not a member of Theta Sigma Phi.

THETA SIGMA PHI At the weekly Tuesday luncheons, several prominent speakers appeared, amo ng whom were J ea nette Covert Nolan , Hoosier author of books on J ames Whitcomb Riley and other books, and Miriam l\1ason Swain , writer of many children's stories. Both a re alumn ae of Theta Sigma Phi . With Sigma Delta Chi, Theta Sigs heard Everett Watkins, \ Vas hin gton correspond ent for the Indi anapolis Star, spea k "off the reco rd " on critical questions in the news. The war, too important fo r anyone to ignore, is the second once since th e fou nd ing of the University chapter of Theta Sigma Phi. This chapter was begun in 19 13, fo ur years after the national organization was established at the University of Washin gton. Miss Miriam Meloy, secretary of the D epartme nt of Journalism, was this year's adviser.

Snoopin g through the fi les for razz banquet m aterial.

Purity Press

Not a se ri ous gal in th e bun ch -

result of ori g in al qui ps.

Front R ow - Eugene Ludwig, Harry Su lli van, R obe rt Bod en, Eugene J. Cadou, Jr. Second R ow - Ri chard M ohr, P rof. J ohn E. Stemp el, Wilfred Lush er, Paul H . vVagne r, facu lty advi so r, Knight M cKesso n. Bac k Row - R ober t M acGil l, Gordon E ng lehart, William Spencer, Jud Frommer, Rod ney And erso n.

SIGMA DELTA CHI \Vilfred Lusher R obert l\IacGill Gordon E nglehart J ep Cadou Kni ght l\I cK esso n J ep Cadou

The duties of Sigma Delta C hi are chiefl y co nnected with the establi shment of a free press for the Indian a campus. B y natu re of a professional fraternity for journalists, the SD X group is composed of men who dream their future lies in the turbulent swirl of th e newsrooms of metropolitan papers.

P resid ent Vice-President Treasurer

Spo nsors of th e annu al Bl anket Hop to pro vide warmth to LU. ath letes w ho go bro ke in later li fe, the pulp-mo ngers of 1943 managed to chalk up a substantia l loss for the yea r's dance, which featured Art Jarrett in th e M en's Gym. SDX also sponso red several projects little known to most stude nts. They ma ke the award of the lea ther medal, th e Brown D erby (a n A l Smi th creatio n ) and the seni or key chain to outstandin g personalities of the campus each sprin g. These awards were give n in former years at the Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron Banquet, w hi ch wartime restrictions on beefsteak brought to an ignominious end last year. In less lean times, th e student scribes meet each Tuesday noon in their Don Mellett den of the Union Bui lding to discuss subj ects peculi ar to the professiona l journalist. O ccasional guest speakers enlivened the program with talks on these subjects. The chapter each yea r awards a troph y to the outstanding journalist on campus.

Aft er the Blanket Hop it was a long, cold winter for S DX.


TAU KAPPA ALPHA vVilliam Haeberle Tau Kappa Alpha, organized on a national basis in 1915, is an honorary forensic society. Briefly translated, this means that the outstanding debaters on the campus have organized with the hope of promoting additional opportunities for getting unsus · pecting audiences into auditoriums. For several years it has sponsored the annual intermural debate tournament and the Bryan oratorical contest; but with the war, add itional opportunities have presented themselves. A committee composed of E lizabeth Deane, YValter Gadient, and Bill Haeberle was appointed to advance Tau Kappa Alpha's plan for providing speakers for campus organizations. Late in the season a speaker's bureau to provide speakers from the campus for organizations in any part of the state was planned. Dr. 0. C. Larson is facu lty advisor for Tau Kappa Alpha which was formed by a group of undergraduate students from Butler, DePauw, \ i\Tabash, Notre Dame, and Indian a in 1908. In 1914, the group was reorganized on the basis of independent college chapters, and the local chapter was begun in 1915.

Elizabeth D ea ne

President Secretary-Treasurer

Dr. Larso n referees a min or discu ss ion.

First Row - E li zabeth Deane, Betty Jane Jones, Marianna Ashby, Maxine Stapp, Mary Wiseman. Top Row - Dr. Larson, Robert Harvey, Wayne Minnick, Walt Gadient, Wes Kiley, v'i'illiam Haeberle.


Front Row - Jun e Bro\\"n, Julia Stra in, Eve lyn Steffan, Pepper Young, Bo-Peep McMillin , Eil ee n Newby, Ruth Ta y lor. Middl e Row- Char les Parker, V icky Steven, Marilyn Se\\"ard, Elaine Ax, Dorothy Shimp, George Vililleford. Back Row-Dan Baker, Jules H endricks, Ted Vernasco, John McGreevy, Jud Frommer, Doovid Barskin.


Ted \' rrnasco June Bro\\"n Eileen :\1 e\1·by Leo Jones Ruth Taylor Elaine ..-\:\. Dan Baker Stell"a rt Colrn John :\I cG reevy Bo-Peep ~Jc:\lillin Bett) Jane ~\lowry Charles Parker .\laril) n Sell"ard D orotl1) Shimp En·lyn Steffan Ed Strother Julia Strain Victoria Stn·cns J ohn Torphy George \\' illcford ::\laril) n Young Patt) Lou\ \ ' inger lules Hendrick J ohn :dcGreeq• I ud Frommer Doo\·id Barskin

Ted V ernasco Jun e Brown Ruth Ta ylor Ei leen Newb y L eo Jones .

Presid ent Vice-President Sec retary Treasurer

Th e profess ional touch!


Theta Alpha Phi , the national honorary society fo r those w ho have mastered the art of actin g and play production , contributes mu ch to the success of the Uni versity Theatre. The members hold bimonthl y su pper meetings in thei r newly fu rnished Green Room in the Little Theatre. At these meetings, the members read and hear reviews of current plays and plan variou s annual projects. This year agai n Theta Alpha Phi took on the production of a stage show in connection w ith the annu al ARBUTUS Beauty Contest.

THETA ALPHA PHI Indi ana is the birthplace of Theta Alpha Phi. The first chapter was founded on Feb. 14, 1922. Membership in th e society entails a high scholastic average and at least fifty points in any type of theatre activities, includin g actin g, technica l assistance, bu siness management, and publicity. Awards are presented by the group each year to the outstanding actor and actress of the year. The Neizer Award, for outstanding freshman actors, and the P au l H ochgeiger Award for distin guished service to the theatre are also presented annually. Prof. L ee N orvelle is sponsor of the group, and is the national president of the Theta Alpha Phi.

Theta Alpha Phi jn acti on in " George Washington Slept H ere."


Front R ow- M elvin Bowman, J ohn R end a ll, Paul Voge l, Edwar d Easterd ay, Al ex Viau, M e rton B roo ks. Secon d R ow - G eo rge H a m, M ax M agner, \Va ll y T or rens, M e rl e Krid e r, Ralph K oo ntz, Donald C hri stina, Dr. May, fac ulty ad v iso r. Back R ow - John G ri ess, Geo rge Kresk, Walte r Ra czy nski , Jam es vVhite, William Hartin g.


:Max l\!Iagner \Vall y Torrens M erle Krider .

One of th e oldest honorary fratern iti es on th e Indi ana campu s is Alpha Chi Sigma, the organization devoted to the men intendin g to carry out their life work in some branch of th e vast field of chemistry. While the first chapter of this nation ally famous chemistry honorary was instituted around 1900 at the Uni versity of Wisconsin , our chapter , Epsilon by rank, became the fifth group to all y in th e year 1908. T his organization is a sen ior charter member of the Professional Interfraternit y Council which attests to the sturdy foundations and alliances upon which our local chapter was founded . Since there are now more than fi fty chapters of Alpha Chi Sigma located at various lea din g schools of chemistry, it has become necessary that certai n codes or objectives be set forth for all w earers of the hexagonal-shaped pins. Those objectives seek to bind the members with the ties of true and lasting friend ship, to cause all active members to strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession , and to aid all members in pursuit of their tasks as chemists or in t he chemical field.

President Vice-P resid ent Treasurer


IOTA SIGMA Pl To crea te an interest in C hem ist ry among women students and to promote practical appli cat ion of C hem istry by women are objectives of Iota Sigma Pi, national honorary chemistry organi zation. The National Chapter was established in 1902 and the Indi ana Chapter was fou nd ed in 1929. Qualifications for membership require B ave rage in a minimum of 20 hours of Chemistry and a ge nera l average of B. This year they are planning to ed it a sheet of the year's activities to supplement a magazine which the National Office publishes. They plan to co-operate more closely w ith the Iota Sigma Pi members at the Medical C enter in Indi anapolis. This sprin g, a subchapter of these members will probably be chartered. Social activities include an annual formal banquet honoring fac ulty members in the Chemistry Department and a tea for women enrolled in advanced chem istry. A luncheon meeting is held in the Commons every other week. The Iota Sigma Pi key is six-sided. The Greek letters are in the center with a diamond and crescent at eith er end joinin g the organic and inorganic.


(!JIJi,ce/U Presid ent

Mary L. Frechtlin g


Esther McGinness

R ec. Sec.

Katherine Barron

Corres. Sec.

Phyllis Myers

Treasurer .

Margaret Keller

Historian Faculty Sponsor

Evelyn Sisson Mrs. R alph Shriner


Anna Kurilovitch Evelyn Sisson Phyllis Myers Esther McGinness Marjorie Mi ller K atherine Barro n Margaret K eller Mary Louise Frechtling

LE CERCLE FRANCAIS T he French Club, more forma lly known to its members as Le Cercle Francais, meets once a month to give adva nced stu dents of French an opportu nity to become more conversant with the language and better acqua in ted with th e men and women w hom they meet dail y "o n the other side of the desk." Membership in the C l ub is by in vitation on ly, and the prospective members are recommended by facu lty and club members. lU embers are required to have a speaking knowledge of French, and the meeti ngs a re conducted in this language. At each meeting a program is presented whi ch may co nsist of such varied entertainment as a play or ski t, special voca l or instrumental m usic, lect ures by persons who have studi ed in France or w ho may be native Frenchmen. An in variable fin ale to the program is group singing of popular French songs a nd rou nds which are rend ered with much enthusiasm and gusto . The meeting is concluded wi th the singin g of " L a Marsei ll aise," after which refreshments are se r ved. l\Iademoisell e Antoinette Billant of the Department of French is the Faculty sponsor of th e C l ub.


J ean Moffat Marvelle Gilbert

Vice-President Secretarv

Becky Bartlett

Memk!U Becky Bartlett Alice Bernard Ca th erin e Bosworth Vernon Buchanan E ugene Buskirk M a ry Ca rdin a l Dudl y C ha se E il ee n Co lli er Emma Colton R obe rt Co ttin gham Ge nev ieve Cougias Nancy O'Neal Daniel M ary Dawson E li zabeth D ea ne James de Paolo Robert D etamor e Joseph Doherty Richard E hrli ch Alice Garris

Betty Hall Dorothy H en derson Ann e H endricks E li zabeth Ann Hill s Helen H oa dl ey Dorothy J ackso n Max J ohn son Barbara Ketcham Jan e Detcham Cletus Kruyer Ch arlotte Kupferer Orlena Lynn Nancy Ma son Charles Math er Margaret McE\\" an Dorothy M eiss ner J ea n Moffat Richard Mohr Eileen Monaghan

Kathryn Myers Jane Needham Fred erick P ea k Carmen Ruff Carolyn Ruff Jane Schabinger Jean Schabinger Emmy Shiv ely Anita Slominski Barbara Smith Mary Snapp Rach el Ston er Wm. Ray Turner A lm a Twineham J ean W ei l Dorothy vVilliams Ruth Windle Dotty \Voodward


' ·:.~··· ".....


Front Row- Ruthe Edw ard s, Margaret Ke ll ar, Dr. Co ra Henne!, Anna Latshaw, Ruth Canatsey. Second Row - M yro n Benn er, Dr. P eter Scherk, Dr. K. P. \ Vi lli ams, Dr. Fritz W ey !, H . E. Wolfe, Emi l Artin. Top Row-Henry C. Price, Robe rt M eyer, Evar Nering, John Pruett, E dwin E asterda y, Robert Donse lm an.



J ohn Pruett .

Vice-P resident

Ann e Latshaw


Any male member of the stu de nt body can jud ge " fi gu res" and "curves," but only students of advanced mathematics ca n really make use of them . These adva nced students compose the membership of Euclid ea n Circle. Under th e leadership of Dr. Cora B. H enn el, round-table discussions, student papers, and various games and prob lems w hich require mathematica l ca lcu lation s are prese nted at the monthly meetings. Two social programs also are given dur in g the year, includi ng a C hristmas dinner at the hom e of Dr. Agnes E. \ Veli s.

Cahn M.C.'s in the Commons.



Actor Chester M orri s auct ions off a handk erchi ef.

Lt. Littell coac hes band fro m above.


Glen Allen M ax P . Allen Edward A. Saberniak C. A. Murray Roger M . Shaw

Members of Phi Delta K appa, th e honorary scholasti c organization for men in the school of E ducation , are selected from th e senior cl ass and graduate stud ents af ter ri gid examinations of their scholarship and personal qualifications. T he ideals of the organi zation are scholarship , se rvice and leadership. Phi D elta Kappa is an acti ve as well as an hono ra ry fra ternity. Programs relatin g to rece nt developments are give n durin g the yea r. Prominent alumni of Phi D elta K appa are Presid ent Emeritus Willi am Lowe Brya n, D ean H. L . Smith , and D eV/ itt l\1orga n, superintend ent of the Indian apoli s city schools.

. Presid ent Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Faculty Adviser



L enora Gu tstein J udy K eesling Phoebe Crookes Bett y :. lor ri son

Spea kin g of mu sic, t he re is Sigma A lph a Iota 0 11 the campu s, na ti ona l professio nal mus ic fra ternity for wome ll ou tstand in g in musica l ac hieveme nt a nd ability. Sigma A lph a I ota w as fo und ed at t he 111versity of :\l ichi ga n in 1903. Iota Epsi loll chapter \\'as es tablished Oil th is cam pus ill 1939 wit h seventee n cha rte r members. Th ere a re at p rese ll t fo rtyfi ,·e acti,·e mem bers of I ota E psiloll , t \\'enty-o ll e of whom a rc Oil th e campus. The prill ci pa l aims of th e o rga lliza tioll a rc to promote a nd dignify th e musica l p rofess ioll for ll'OmC ll , to fu rther the deve lopme llt of music ill A me rica; and to ra ise th e sta 11 da rds of prod uctio n in mus ic a moll g the \\·o men st ude nts in ,·a rious u11i,·crsi ties, co lleges, a nd collse r vatories. Each year Sigma lpha Iota a nd P ro- :.I usi ·Club gi,·e a join t rece ptioll for ne\\' studell ts in the :.I u ic Schoo l. :\l us ica les a re held each mo nt h at wh ich time prog rams a rc presented by mem bers of Sigma A lpha Iota o r by other mu sicia ns ou tsid e th e orga ni za tioll. Amon g th e na tional hono rar y m embers a rc R ose Bamptoll , Kirsten Fl agstad, l\l yra H ess, Lily P o ns, and Glad ys wa rthou t , a ll of the l et ro poli tan Opera C ompan y.

P res ide nt Vi ce-Presid ent Sec reta ry T reasu re r

Front R ow - Betty Barn ey, R osemary K ean e, J ean Guthri e, M a rj o ri e Da il ey, M ax in e Ma cog lin, Fa nny F ri eland. Second Row - H elen Burton, Ph oebe C rookes, Lenora Gut stein , Betty Lou G rim sley, Betty M o rri so n, Lena Helen Martin. Back Row - Alma Twi ne ha m, Virg inia Bush, Ch e ryl R ecciu , Ruth H old ema n, Betty J a ne M owry, Ba rba ra J ohn son, E lain e Ax .


Front Row - D orot hy Ma ege rl ein, C harm an F razee, Joanne Strauss, Dorothy Low ey, Betty Dani els. Seco nd Row -Betty G rimsley, E li zabeth Hull , J oa n Banbury, J ea n Scott, E lsie Bake r. Back Row - Mona Stee le, Ruth G ierz, Lola Va n H orn , Mary Sc hw artz, Jan e Achenba ch.

Pl LAMBDA THETA Pi L ambda Theta is the national scholasti c honorary for women in education. Its members are selected from those senior and graduate wome n w ho have shown evidence of high scholars hip , outstandin g leadership, and exceptional promise in the field of edu cation. To honor women stud ents in education and to foster in them professional interest and pride, Pi Lambd a Theta was founded in 19 10 at th e Universi ty of Missouri, the first of 62 chapters. Iota chapter was established on this campus ten yea rs later. The organization meets month ly and its profession al programs includ e reports by members, pan el discussions, and talks by experts from the facu lty and outside. Townswomen and graduates as well as stud ents make up th e organization. Prominent facu lty advisors includ e :M rs. Emmett Arnett, Miss Montana Grinstead, and Miss J essie Burks.

J oan Banb ury



J ea n Scott

Vice-Presid ent

Ruthe Edwa rd s

Cor. Secreta ry

L eona D ecka rd

R ec. Sec retary

Ruth Douglas

Treasu rer


.\ lyles F . P arrish Benj ami n F. Sma ll J ohn H oughton . J ames , V. J ac kson J. D avid M a nn , Jr. Claude M. Spi lma n Ri cha rd \ Vathen \ Vi ll is K. Kun z

Feeling th e need for law stud ents of a hi gher scholastic ca libre, a n honora ry for law stud ents, Ph i Delta Phi , was founded at In dia na University in 1900 for th e ca rryin g out of principles of scholarship an d law. That corrupt practises a nd improper codes of ethics have been the result of some commo n unity amo ng th e law ye rs of America, has on many occasions been testified. Phi D elta Phi , whi le primaril y a n o rgani zat ion for rewardi ng scholastic accom plishments, has neve rtheless impelled its members to adopt rigid codes of sound law principles and ethics. Those who were among th e fou nd ers of thi s lega l g roup placed the present orga nization on a firm foundation when they avowed th at the members would hold to the c reed th at scholars hip is the lamp that li ghts the pat h to true justice; therefo re, the fraternity only selects for membership those from junior and senior law classes who ha ve disp layed excellence in scholastic endeavors. One ou tstandin g proof of the calibre of the men who are members of Phi Delta Phi might be an examination of the cou ntr y-" ·ide membership rolls, whereupon one might note the names of President Roosevelt, Chief Justi ce Stone, Paul l\tlcN utt, \ Vend ell Willkie, and Bern a rd C. Gavit.

Preside nt Treasu rer Clerk H istorian

Fron t Row- Fred Goudy, Benj am in Sma ll , J ohn H oughton, M yles F. Parri sh, J. David M a nn , Jr., M agnus F. ll eubi. Second Row - Joe T. Angerm eier, 011'en ]. Ne ig hbou rs, J ame s vV. Jackson, Victor E. Aldridge, Bud Mills, George B. M cNabb. Back Row - Fred G. Pfromm er, C lau de M . Spi lm an, Willi s K. Kunz, T homa s Kurtz, Robe rt Lee Mill en, Jam e Dilt .



Robert Bartlett James Flood


Dean Rhamy


The Skeleton Club, the group of illustratious students better known as the little men in white jackets, is composed of all the boys studying medicine, or to put it in Maxwell Monastery language, those boys who couldn't make law school. The purpose of the club is to give the medics a chance to discuss hearts and lungs with their present friends and future rivals before they leave school. The ulterior motive behind this organization is to eliminate such "shop talk" in later life for the sake of society. The club maintains a lounge on the first floor of the Medical Building to encourage such discussions . At their meetings every three weeks these students broaden their knowledge by talking over the more serious medical problems of the times. Socially, the club sponsors an annual spring dance and a number of picnics, and each year participates in a bloodthirsty gridiron struggle with the law students. One of their outstanding features this year was the selection of a Cadavre Queen during an afternoon program in the Commons.

Doc Black drums up excitement for the Cadaver Qu ee n election.


Front Roi\' - Roge r Elli so n, Charl es M cMahon, Ed\\'ard Dun ca n, Rob e rt John Atz, \Vil bur Legg, C eo rge \\'einland , Milton Blick. Seco nd Roi\' - 1l enry C'. Pri ce, I rving Sab losk.'-, Louis M oseson, Jam es Cish, Lee ll yndman, Chester Davi s, Di ck Land\\' e rlin. Th ird Roi\' - Phil li p Lahr, C ha rl es Jackson, \Vil liam II ungate, R obert To\\'n s, Rob e rt Appl eby, T om T e rr ell , \Villi am ll oadley, Ma x John son, Mark Bo\\'en. Fourt h Roi\' - 'v\'illiam Ha ebe rl e, 'vValte r Gad ient, Ralph Seger, Lo"·e ll llarlan, Sylvan Ba e r, Cou rtn ey Sega l, Ed E lsne r, il e rman Au e rbach. Curre~-,

PH I ETA SIGMA Charles .\lc.\lahon Lowell H a rlan \Villi am Matthews Robert Towns

President Vi ce- Presid ent Sec retary Treasurer

Phi Eta Sigma is a n honorary scholastic organization open to a ny man of th e Freshman class wh o has obtained at least a 2.5 schol as ti c ave ra ge during the first semester of his Freshman year, or ha brou ght his grades up to thi s sta ndard during his second semester. Phi Eta Sigma 's purpose is "to encou rage hi gh scholastic a ttainment among Freshman men. " The Indi ana Uni ve rsity chapter \\'as founded on :!\lay l 9 , 1930 . .\lr. Rob ert Royer, assistant D ea n of .\l en a nd V a rsit y swimmin g coach, is facu lt y ad\·isor to the o rganization. T he activities of Phi Eta Sigma ha ve been pri maril y a long scholas tic and social lin es . The orga nization has presented award s to th e sophomore making the hi ghest scholastic a\·erage , and to the so phomore member of Phi Eta Sigma who makes the hi ghest average of those members in his class . Through its co unse lo r corps and other projects, the orga ni z ation helps Freshman stud ents plan stud y hours and improve their method s of study. A smoker is held in the fall for all Freshm en who ha ve attained a hi gh scholastic standing in hi gh school. A banquet is held each sprin g in co njunction with A lpha Lambda Delta, the honorary sc holastic orga ni z ation for Freshmen v.:omen.


Front Row -Theim<. V?ainwright, Betty Davis, Joan Go ld smith, Dor is Franz, Velm a Ra e P earson. Second Row - Dorothee Lansing, Virg ini a Rush, Betty Hamvas, Edna Ha venste in, Janice Trotter, Margaret Duckworth. Back R ow - Patricia Gibson, Kay Kunt z, C harl otte Grosskopf, J ean William s, M ary E li zabet h Mill er, Betty Schooley, J ea n Ma x in e Nave l.

ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA " ]\!laking the grade" is the requirement for membership in A lpha L am bd a Delta. Freshman girls with an average of at least B + are selected each sprin g and fall for this honorary organization. The third-semester students are initiated in the fall with the second-semester students. Betty A. Davis Irene H arris Edna Havensti ne Joan Goldsmith .

Alpha Lambda Delta was founded at the Universi ty of Illinois in 1924 by D ean Maria Leonard. Its aim is " to promote intelligent li vin g with an increased appreciation of the love of stud y and the cultural phases of campus life .... " Girls are acti ve during their freshman and sophomore years, althou gh they retain th eir membership for all four years. They sponsor each year a cu ltural program for the women on campus. They endeavor to awaken in freshman women a sense of responsibility for achi evemen t as a fou nd ation for later life. Each fall Alpha Lambda Delta hold s a tea at which time D ean Mueller talks to the new initiates. A banqu et is held each spring in conjunction with Phi Eta Sigma, the honorary scholast ic organization for Freshman men .


President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Front Row -Bob M oo re, C har les Duk es, J ohn Murra y, Dennis Norman, Ed w ard Stu a rt. Seco nd Ro"' - C la rence E lli ott, Kar l J ohn son, R oger Rum ph, J ohn Ba il ey, Freel M cLaughlin, vVi lli am Funk , E dwin Dun ca n. Back ro w - John Eic holz, Robe rt Davis, Arthur Reim ers, M erv in Smith, Roger E lli son, Co urtn ey Seagle, R obe rt M atth ew, '~'a rr e n L ewi s.

Y. M. C. A.

Roger Rumph J ohn , V, Bailey Karl R. Johnso n J ules 0. Hendricks Fred L. McLaughlin

Conducting religious se rvices, directing boys' clubs, sponso ring the University Sing, pub lishin g th e R ED BOOJ(, help ing new Freshmen become acqu ainted with the cam pu s, pro vidi ng panel discussion teams for high school s, a nd ma ny other activities are included in th e broad program of the Univers ity Y.l\1.C.A. now in its fift y- third yea r on the campus. Si nce its origin on I ovember 4, 1891 , the Y. l\l. C .A. has bee n known as a pion eering orga ni zatio n w hi ch has contributed many permanent features to cam pus li fe. In addition it em phasizes the trai ning of leaders in its work. The University Y.M.C.A. is gove rn ed by an Advisory Boa rd of facu lty and tow nsmen, a Student Cabi net of upperclassmen, a nd a Freshman Council. All men on the cam pus are eligi bl e for membership. A fu ll-time general secreta ry is employed to direct th e wor k. Some new prog ram se rvices of t he current year a re a "small loan" fund, the travel clearing house, the Co-op H ouse and more specialized personal co unseling.

President Vice-Presid ent Secretary Treasurer


Front Row -Ann Hendricks, Mary Ann Oskard, Betty Morrison, Marilyn Seward, Miriam Walther. Middle Row - Lorraine Holsinger, Charmen Frazee, Mary Ellen Hazel, Bernice Brown, Bonnie Jo Augustine, Rosemary Hendricks. Back Row-Dorothy June Humphries, Julia Strain, Marilyn Walker, Mrs. Fox, Betty Fraser, Nelle Bernard, Rose Jean Spence.

Y. W. C. A. Each fall, activities planned to acquaint new women students with the campus open the program of the University Young Women's Christian Association. These activities offer an opportunity to meet other freshmen while dancing at the Frolic, to know religious leaders and organizations through the Freshman Breakfast and to become acquainted with the Y.W.C.A. at the "joe" party and dessert hours in the Women's Halls of Residence during the first week of school. During the year "Y" members meet regularly in informal round-table groups to discuss philosophy, music, international relations and social, personal and economic problems. The service groups strive to aid under-privileged children in Bloomington, as well as to lead Girl Scout troops and the Girl Reserves in the city schools. In co-operation with the University Y.M.C.A. the group sponsors seasonal worship services, the allUniversity "Sing" and a variety of social activities. Characterized by faith in the ability of each individual to create and contribute to the social whole, the Y.W.C.A. is an organization where different personalities may meet on the ground of common belief and form valuable friendships.

Betty Morrison Ann Hendricks Bonnie Jo Augustine Charmen Frazee .


President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Front Row - Robe rt Kreutze r, Jo hn Archer, \Villiam Kl einm a n, G us Erckmann, J a mes Od ell , Denni s No rman. Second Ro\\' - Donal d Hurn s, !J enry M ontoye, E rn est Stat le r, Ralph Segar, Alfred Ka .nrnrth, vVilliam I lack e r, Cu rti s Vinup. T hird Ro\\'- Jam es \Vilkin son, J ohn Enchni g ht, K eith T.ong, D av id McCooe, Anthony Beisman, Chau nc.'· Linhart, K ent M yers, H e rbe rt Broad\\'ell. Last Row-C eci l Fra nkli n, Ed\\'a rd Kunt z, Ri c hard Dom ek, Arnolrl Trummer, Robe rt Basse tt, Marvin Groh, Carl Pri est, Frederick 11 uff.

PHI EPSILON KAPPA J ames \ Vilkinson K ent l\lyers . Ed ,,·a rd K untz

President Vice-Presid ent Treasu rer

The " mu sc le" men of the ni\'ersity a re th e members of Phi Epsilon K appa. They sometimes ca n be seen du rin g intermissio ns of basketball games presentin g stunt performa nces that would cause numerous kind s of knots in most students' muscles. Th e fraternity is a n hon orary for those who have been outsta ndin g in th e fie ld of ph ysica l educa tion Th e orga ni zation has monthl y meetings at which time lectures are gi\'e n by coaches of va riou s Uni,·ersi ty sports. Q,·e r nin et y per ce nt of th e members are instructors in the ph ys ica l fit ness program of the University. Found ed in 19 13 at th e Norma l Co ll ege of the American Gymnasti c Union , the loca l chap ter was established on the campu s in the fall of 1913. Dr. K a rl Brookwoth , Dr. \Vill ard Patty, Dr. Ben ~lill e r, coaches Billie I-I ayes and Robert R oyer a re the facu lty advisors of Phi Epsil on Kappa.

M o re than 90 % of Phi E psil on Kapp a men are phys. ed. in stru ctors.


NEWMAN CLUB The l ewma n Club at Indiana University is one of the 500 such Catholic clubs in the United States and Canad a. Each are und er th e guid ance of a Chaplain appointed by the Bishop in whose diocese the co llege is located. As a club of Catholic Culture and C atholic Fellowship , the ewma n Club is organi zed in or der to deepen the spiritu al li ves of its members, to weld the Catholic stud ents into a common union , and to assist th e co ll ege and its stud ents whenever possi ble. Activities of the ewman Club range from Corporate Communions, discussio n stud y clubs, retreats, lectures and debates to parties, dances, picnics, and dramati cs. The Chaplain for the Indi ana Chapter of the Newman C lub Federation is Father Thomas ]. Kilfoil, D.S.T. Th e Office rs for the past year ha ve been James Volpert, Preside nt; Kathlee n O'Connor, Vice-President; Anne E lford, Record in g Secretary; Nlarjorie A. Benckart, Corresponding Secretary; Frank Klumpe, rfr easu rer.

In for m a I recep ti ons ty pify Ne \\"m an C lu b acti vities.

Before ration in g, "coffee hou rs" w ere held in the General Lo un ge of th e Cnion Bu ildin g.

Front Row -Anne E lfo rd, Jan et Fed ler, M a rj ori e B encka rt, Marily n H owa rd , Mariruth H ow ard, Kathl ee n O'Connor. Back Row - Arnold Kunkler, J ohn Muck er, Jam es Volpert, J ea n Artaud , Joseph Gallagher.



Medical School Dental School Nurses Extension Division




316 336 347

--··-·.... -

INDIANA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER On a tract of fi fty acres on W est l\ Iichi gan St ree t in Indi anapolis, stand the buildin gs of the In diana U ni versity M edical Ce nte r. H ere the stud ents in the varying stages of th eir fo rmal t rai ning experiment with fo rceps, listen to heart beats, and attem pt to diagnose, und er the care ful su pervision of the med ical facu lty, the various di seases of their patients. The M edi cal School Buildin g itself, the Robert W. L ong H ospital, the James Whitcomb Riley M emori al H ospital for Children, the "\iVilliam H . C olema n H ospital fo r Women, two nu rses' residence halls, a Clinical Bu ilding, the School of D ent istry Buildin g, th e Rotary Con valescents H ome, and the State Board of H ealth Buildin g make up the In dianapolis Medical Center. The T ra inin g School fo r urses, w hich is included in the Medical C enter, was opened in 19 14 and its trainin g co urses are und er the capable direction of Miss Co rd elia Hoeflin. Besid es t ra inin g nurses, however, on e of th e functions of thi s school is the instru ction of dietiti ans who are unde r the super vision of Mrs. Lute Troutt. Their training includ es a year of internship whi ch imm edi ately follows th eir graduation from courses in di eteti cs. They serve, during the cou rse of their internship , in va rious capacit ies ra ngin g from the preparation of diets for di abetics to managin g th e cafeterias th at are on the campu s fo r the employees and the stud ents. The facilities of the enti re Center for the study of th e many bra nches of medi cine make it possible for Indian a Uni versity to contribute annu ally its share of t rain ed persons to help the sick and the sufferin g.



Lt. Co l. Ira F'. P ea k admini ste rs oa th to n ew m em be rs of B ase H os pita l C ni t T h irty-two.

T he co lor gua rd rece ives th e salute of th e B ase H os pit a l Un it a t th e openin g of the ne w E mh a rdt H os pital.


T op -They cou ld be cookin g up a " -itch's bre\\· o r just plain bre\\·. Middl e L eft- For proof that th e " ·ornan rul es, look at these anxious eyes. Middl e Right- C ribs and cribbaf:!;e a re includ ed in the rneds' itin e rary. Low e r L ef t -

w e\\ ? Low e r Ri ght -

One " ·ould think that thi s shot had been posed -

Note takin g ca n be so pl easa nt.


NEVIN E. AIKEN, Fort ·wayne. 111.D. llledicine, D ec., '42. Pres., Theta Kappa Psi ... ' i\TILLIAl\I S. AITKE , T er re H aute. D.D.S. D en tistry ... JAM ES ,i\T. ASHER, New Augusta. 111.D. 111edici11 e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi . . . . . . WARREN PHILIP BALL, Muncie. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42 . Ph i Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi. vVarren Philip Ball

ROBERT ]. BALLARD, Lebano n. M.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon ... ROBERT F. BARTON, Ligo nier. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42 . .. EVART M. BECK, Anderson. 111.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42 ... STEPHEN RICHARD IlELUK, Gary. M.D. 111edicin e, Aug., '43. Alph a Chi Rho; Phi Beta Pi. Robert J. Ballard

Robert F. Barton

Evart M . Beck

Stephen Ri chard Beluk

JACK C. BLACKSTO IE, Indianapolis. M.D. M edicine, D ec., '42 . Sigma Chi; Phi Chi ... IRWIN BLEI' i\TEISS, New York, N.Y. M.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Beta Kappa . . . VICTOR L. BOE RGER, Fort ' Vayne. Jl!l.D. M edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Club . .. CHARLES T. BOTKIN , Indianapolis. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi.

CLARENCE E. BOYD, Indianapolis. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club ... JAMES E. BRENNAN, Bedford. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club ... CARLOS B. BRE,VER, Indianapolis. 111.D. 111edi cin e, D ec., '42 . Sigma Nu; Nu Sigma Nu ... DAN BRIGHT, JR. , Clinton. 111.D. llfedicin e, D ec., '42 . Pres. , Junior Medical Class. C la rence E. Boy d

J ames E. Brennan

Carl os B. Brewer

Dan Bri ght, J r.

LELAND G. BROW , Muncie. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . . . STE,i\TART D. BROW , New Albany. M.D. 111edicine, Aug., '43 . Phi Chi; V. Pres., Junior Medi ca l Class ... THOMAS BROWN, Sullivan . 111.D. M edi cine, D ec., '42 . .. DAVID L. BUCKLES , Hartford City. M.D. 111edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Beta Pi. Leland G. Brown

ROLLA D. BURGHARD, Indianapolis. 111.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Chi ... JOHN 0. BUTLER, Indianapolis. 111.D. 111edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Beta Pi; Y.M.C.A.; Phi Eta Sigma ... KATHRYN E . . CAMPBELL, Boonvill e. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42 . Nu Sigma Phi; D er D eu tsche Verein; Y.vV.C.A.; Chorus ... SAM ,t\T. CAMPBELL, Indianapolis. M.D. M edi cin e, Aug., '43 . Theta Chi ; Phi Beta Pi.


Stewart D. Brown

Thomas Brown

David L.Buckles

HARRY F. CARPE TIER, Sarue. 111.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma ... JOHN E. CATON, In dianapo lis. 111.D. 111edicin e, D ec.. '42 . Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Jr. Editor, ARBUTUS . . . ROBERT A. CHRISTMAN, M a rion.111.D. llfedi rin e, Aug .. '43. Delta Upsi lon; Nu Sigma Nu ... JO SEPH H. CLARK, Rossville. 111.D . ll1edicinP, D ec ., '42. Phi Chi. Harry F. Carpentier

John E. Caton

Robert A. Christman

Joseph H. Clark

William A. Clunie

Vactor Connell

Norman R. Cook

Robert A . Cornell

Herbert L. Cormican

Alexander Francis Craig

James Harvey Crawford

John A. Crawford

\VILLIAM A. CLUNIE, Corydon. 111.D. lll edicin e, D ec., '42. Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Chi .. . VACTOR CONNELL, Bloomington. 111.D. 111edirin e, D Pc., '42 . Phi Chi; Skeleton Club ; Der Deutsche Verein ... NORl\IAN R. COOK, Indianapolis . 111.D . 111edirin e, D ec., '42. Sigma Chi; V. Pres., Freshman Medical Class ... ROBERT A. CORNELL, Crawfordsville. lll.D. llfedicine, D ec ., '42. Nu Sigma Nu.

HERBERT L. CORMICAN, Elkhart. 111.D. Jll edirin e. D ec., '42 . Delta Upsi lon; Phi Chi; Sku ll and Crescent ... ALEXANDER FRA CIS CRAIG, Gary. Jll .D. llledicine, D ec., '42. Delta Tau Delta; Nu Sigma Nu . . . JAMES HARVEY CRA\VFORD, Evansvi lle. 111.D. 111edicine, D ec., '42 . Skeleton C lub . .. JOHN A. CRA\VFORD, Indianapolis. 111.D. llledicine, D ec., '42 .

HUB ERT R. DAGLEY, Bloomfield. 111.D. llledi ci11 e, Aug., '43 . Phi Chi; Skeleton Club . . . \ i\TILLIAl\1 D. DAI NACHER, \ Vabash. M.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Sigma Pi; Wrestling; I Men's Club; Phi Chi ... BERNARD DAVIDSON, Elkh art. ll1.D. ll1edicin e, D ec., '42. Fr. Cross Country; Sec., Der Deutsche Verein; Phi Eta Sigma . . . JOHN]. DeFRIES, Milford. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu.

HILBERT H. DeLA\VTER, Indianapolis. 11 1.D. M edicine, '43. Phi Chi . .. 1\-lELVIN H. DENNY, Madison. llf.D. ll l edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Chi; Pershin g Rifles .. . PAUL A. DES JEAN , Indi anapolis. 111.D. lll edicine, D ec., '42 . .. BETTY JOY DICKERSON, Indianapolis. 111.D. ll1edirin e, Aug .. '43 . I. S.A. Board; Phi Beta Kappa; V . Pres., A.\ V.S.; Nu Sigma Phi; Iota Sigma Pi; Y.\V.C.A.; Coed Counselor. Hilbert H. DeLawter

Melvin H. Denny

Paul A. Des J_ean Betty Joy Dickerson

\ VILLIAM L. DONHAM , Bicknell . 111.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Chi ... EVERETT F. DONNELLY, Lucerne. 111.D. Medicin e, Aug. , '43. Phi Beta Pi ... JOS EPH E. DUKES, Dugger. 111.D. Jl!ledicin e, Aug., '43 . Sigma Pi; Phi Beta Pi . . . RICHARD BROWN DUNHAM, Worthington. Jlf.D. 111edicin e, D ec., '42. William L. Donham

Everett F. Donn ell y

Joseph E. Dukes

Richard Brown Dunham


l\lAX l\l. EARL, Indianapo lis. 111.D . .M edicin e, D ec., '42 ... GAILE. ELDRIDGE, Indian apo lis. Jll .D. llledicin e. D ec .. '42. Delta Tau Delta ... ROBERT \V. El\ l'.\ l ONS, Lapaz. 111.D. llledicin e, D ec ., '42. Theta Kappa Psi . .. NICHOLAS EGNATZ, JR., H ammond. lll.D. 111edirin e, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma.

CLIFFORD E . ERNST, Indi anapo li s. Jll.D. 1llerlici11 e, Aug .. '-13. Theta Chi; Phi Chi; Y.::\l.C.A. ; Skeleton Club; l\larching Hundred; Intern ational Relations Club ... ED\ VARD J. ETTL, South Bend .111.D. lll edicin e, Aug., '43. D el ta Upsi lon; Skeleton Club; Nu Sigma Nu ... J Al\IES C . FARR, Parago n. 111.D. llledicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club; Der Deutsche V erein; Y.l\l.C.A.; Treas., Sophomore Class . . . RAL PH E. FAUCETT, Indi anapoli s. lll.D. Jlledicin e, D er., '-1-2. Th eta Chi; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club. Clifford E. Ernst

E dward J. Ettl

James C. Far r

Ralph E. Faucett

HENRY L. FEFFER, Brooklyn, N.Y. Jll.D . Jlledi cin e, D ec., '42. Phi Delta Epsilon ... l\IORRIS R. FERG SON , Hobart. 111.D. Jl!edi cin e, Aug., '43. Phi Beta Pi; l\larchin g Hundred; Treas., Junior Cl ass ... \VILLIAl\I B. FERGUSON, Indi anapolis. Jll.D. llledirin e, D ec., '42. D elta T au D elta; Theta Kappa Psi; Baseball; Track ... JAl\l ES 0. FISH , South Bend. B.D. llledicin e, Aug., '43. Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu. Il enry L. Feffer

Morri, R. Fergt.,on

William B. Fergu"lll

Jame, 0. Fish

GERALD E. FISHER, Lebanon. 111.D. Jll edicin e, Aug., '-13 . Phi Rho Sigma ; Sec., Junior l\l edica l C lass ... OSCAR A. FODOR, Sout h Bend. 111.D . ll1edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Chi ... JEAN LOU FOLEY, Indianapolis. lll.D. Jl1ediciu e, du g., '43. Sec., Nu Sigma Phi . . . Y\TILLIA'.\l B. }ORD, 'Vest Point. 111.D. lllcdiciu e, Aug., '43. Phi Beta Pi. Gerald E. Fis her

Oscar A. Fodor

Jean Lou Foley

William B. Ford

WilliamL. Fran klin

Car l A. Freed

John E. Freed

Jo hn v\1. Funk

\VlLLIA:\l L. FRANKLIN, In dia napoli s. lll.D. llledicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi . . . CARL A. FREED, Attica. 111.D. llledicin e. D ec., '42 . Kap pa Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi C hi .. . JOH r E. FREED, JR., Terre Haute. 111.D. lll l'dicin e, Aug., '43. Sigma A lph a Epsi lon; Nu Sigma Nu . . . JOHN 'V. FUNK, '.\l arion. 111.D. llledicin e, dug., '-13 . Phi Chi.

ROBERT A. GARRETT, Indi anapo lis. Jll.D . llledicin e, Aug .. '43. Sigma Chi; Nu Sigma Nu ... EVERETT '"· GAUNT, Anderson. 111.D. llledirin e, D ec., '42. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu; Pres., Sophomore l\!ledical Class; Skeleton Club . . . \VILLIAl\l J. GERDING, Fort \Vayne. 111.D. Jlledirin e. D ec., '42. V. Pres., Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Club ... JACK R. GLOSSON , Rockvi ll e. lll.D. 111 edicin e, dug ., '43. Phi Chi; Skeleton Club. Robert A . Garrell


E,·erelt \\' . Caunc \\'illiam

J. Cercling .Jack R. Clo>son

]. DAVID GOLDMA , Indianapolis. M .D. Medicin e, D ec., '42 . Phi Delta Epsilon . .. RI CHARD P. GRIPE, Indianapolis. 111.D. 111edicin e, Aug., '43. u Sigma u; Skeleton Club .. . WAYNE E. GRODRIA , Indianapo lis. 111.D. Jllfedicin e, D ec., '42 . Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Club . . . DONALD R. HAMPSHIRE, Ind ianapolis. 111.D . M edicin e, D ec., ' 42. Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club. J. David Goldman

Richard P. Gripe Wayne E. Grodrian

Donald R. Hampshire

M. RICHARD HARDING, Indianapolis. M.D . M edicine, Aug., '43. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Beta Pi; Treas., Skeleton Club; Phi Eta Sigma ... W I LLIAM VARNER HARE, Evansville.111.D.111edici:ne, Aug., '43 ... BYRON . HARRISON, Chand ler. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa Psi; Skeleton C lub . .. JACK ]. HATFIELD, Indianapolis. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . Delta Tau Delta.

ROBERT E. HAYES, Indianapolis. M.D. M edicin e, D ec ., '42 . Skeleton Club ... ARVIN T. HE DERSO , Ridgeville. lllf.D. A1edicine, Aug., '43. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Y.M.C.A.; Photographer, Bored Walk . . . DON W. HERROLD, Grass Creek. M .D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. P hi Chi . . . J OHN A. HETHERI NGTON , Indianapolis. lllf.D. lllfedicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club. Robe rt E. H ayes

Arvin T. H ende rson

Don V\' . H erro ld

John A. Hetherington

HARLEY B. HIESTA D , Pennville. 111.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi; Skeleton Club . . . KENNETH A. H I LL, Paragon . 111.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma . .. GILBERT ]. H I MEBAUGH , Speed. M .D . M edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Chi; Skeleton Club .. . JAMES R. HIMEBAUGH, Greenwood. Alf.D. Jl1edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi. Harley B. Hiestand

Kenneth A. Hill

Gilbert J . Himebaugh

James R. Himebaugh

GENE F. HINCHMAN, Geneva. M.D . M edicine, Aug., '43. Delta Upsilon; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Alpha Phi Omega . . . ZIGFIELD HODURSKI, East Chicago. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43 . . . ]ERO IEE. HOLMA , JRJ., Indianapolis. 111.D. lllediciue, D er., '42. Phi Chi; Skeleton Club ... ]. GUY HOOVER, Boonville. M .D. Alfedici:n e, D ec., '42. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Chi. Gene F. Hinchman Zigfield Hodurski

Jerome E. H olman , Jr.

J. Guy Hoover

\VILLIAl\I E. HORAN, Lafayette. 111.D. M edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club ... ROBERT HORTON, Huntington. M.D. M edicine, D er ., '42. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; u Sigma Nu ... WILLIAM HORST, Crown Point. M.D. 111ediciu e, D ec., '42 . Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alpha . . . CARL D. HUCKLEBERRY, Indianapolis. 111.D. 111edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma. William E. H oran

Robert Horton

V\lilliam H orst

Ca rl D. Hu ck lebe rry


RICH ARD R . HUGHE S, In dianapo lis. Jl l .D. 1llediri11e, Aug . . '43 . D elta Tau D elta; Nu Sigma Nu . . . PAU L E. H U.\ lP H REY, Terre H aute. 111.IJ. Jllr-diti11 e . A 11 g. , ' .f.3. Theta C hi; Nu Sigma Nu .. . JOH N G. H UNTER, Versaill es. Jll.D . Jllcdiri11 e, Aug. , '43. Sigma Chi ... \VILLIA.\I .\l. H USE, JR ., Indi anapo lis. M.n. 1llerlici11 e, A11g., '43. Kappa Sigma; N u Sigma Nu. Richard R. Hughes Paul E. Humphrey

John G. Hunter

William M. Huse, Jr.

ERNEST ANT HONY IACONETTI , So 11th Bend. Jll.D. 1lledici11 e, D ec., ' 42. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega A lph a . . . ROG ER C. I SE:\I HO UR . L eba non. 111.D. Jll crliri11 e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi ... Tl-10.\lAS J A.\ IES. JR. , Vincennes. 111.D . Jl erlici11 e, D er .. '.f.2. Phi Chi . .. ALBl;\I A. .J AN KO\VITZ , Gary. 111 .D. Jll rrliri11 c . D a .. '.f.2 . Phi

C hi . Ernest Anthony Iacon etti

Roger C. Isenhour Thomas James, Jr. Alb in A. Jankowitz

PAULE . JARR ETT, l\lu ncie 111.IJ . Jll rdi1ine . A11g ., '43 . Phi C hi .. . JA.\IES S. JEWETT, Carmel. 111.D. Jllrdiri11 e, D ec., '42. Kappa D elta Rho; Phi C hi; Der D eutsche Vcrein ... CHA R LES 0 . J OEST. Con ners\·ille. ill.D. 111 erli<"in e, ,.Jug . , ' 43. Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton C lub ... J. MERRILL JOH '.'l'SON, .\lilltO\rn. 111.D . ll1 edici11 e, A 11g .. '.f.3. l'hi Chi ; Skeleton Club.

ROBERT E. J OH='JSON, ~lunci e. 111.D. ll1edici11 e, Aug., '43. Phi Chi ... ROBERT F. J O:\IES , Vin cennes. 111.D. ll1erlici11 e, Aug. , '43 ... ED\ VARD C . KATTANY, In dianapolis. Jll.D. 1lledi ci11 e, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa Psi . . . CARLETON A. KECK. Eva nsvi lle. ill.D. Jll edi ciu e, ,Ju g . , '43 . Phi Gamma D elta; Nu Si gma Nu; Skeleton C lub; Theta Nu Epsi lon. R obe rt E. J o h11 ,o n

Robe rt F. J o nes

Edward C. Kattan y

C arl eton A. K ec k

\VILLIA .\I .\l. J-.::ELLY, Goshen. 111 .D . 1llcdici11 e. D ec., '42. Phi J( appa Psi . . . E LGIN P. KINTN E R, North .\Ian chcstcr. Jll.D. 11Iedici11 e, Aug., '.f.3 ... FRED-· RI C1( L. KI ECHLE, In dia napo lis. Jll.D. Jllcrlirine, A 11g., ' ..f.J. Phi Lambda Upsilon . . . C HA RLES E. J(Ii\l E. Bloomi ngto n. 111.D. 1lln liri11 e , D re., '.J.2. D elta Tau D elta; Nu Sigma N11 . 'W illiam M. Kell y

Elgin P. Kintn e r Fredri ck L Ki echl e

Charl es E . Kime

Robe rt A . Kimmi ck

R. Ve rn on Kin z ie

ll e rsc he l S. K o p p

ROBERT A. U.\l.\ll CK, .\ Iob il e, A la. 111.D . Jll Nliril/(" A 11g., '.f.3 . Si gma C hi ; Phi C hi . . . R. VERNO : 1 Kl NZ l E. Nort h .\lanchcstcr. 1ll.D. 1llc d ici11 r' , D ec . . '.f.2. Skeleto n C l11 b .. . J ULIUS .\ I. KLAUS. Ga ry. M.D. 1llrdi ri11 e . A11 g .. '.f.J. Phi C hi ; Skeleto n C lub ; Scabbard and

Bl ade; Pershing Ril les ... HERSCHEL S. J(OT' P, Indi anapo lis. 111.f). 1ll crliri11 e . D ec., ' .f.2. A lpha Tau Omega; Phi C hi ; Phi Eta Si gma.

32 4

Juliu s M . Kl aus

HAROLD E. KOSANKE, Hammond. M.D . Medicine, Aug., '43. Sec., Phi Gamma Delta; Sec., Phi Beta Pi; Marching Hundred . . . ROBERT E. LAFOLLETTE, New Salisbury. A1.D. Aledicin e, Aug., '43 . LS.A; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Flame Club; Sigma Epsilon Theta; Der Deutsche Ve rein; Y.1\1.C.A .... C. \V. LAMBERT, Indian apolis. Al.D. Jlledicin e, Aug., '43. Sigma Nu; Nu Sigma Nu . .. \ VARD LARAMORE, Knox. A1.D. Jlledicine, D ec ., '42. Phi Beta Kappa.

ROGERT E. LINGEMAN, Muncie. M .D. Medicin e, Aug., '43 ... JACK :!.\I. LOCKHART, Indianapolis. Jll.D.

Aledicin e, D ec., '42. Sigma Chi; Nu Sigma Nu; Treas. , Senior Medical Class . . . JAMES Z . LOGAN. Ind ianapo lis. A1.D. Jlledi cin e, D ec., '42 . . . ROBERT :.\I. LOHMAN, Fort \Vayne. A1.D. 111edicin e, Aug., '43.

THEODORE l\IAKOVSKY, Valparaiso. M .D. Jll edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma . . . JOHN]. MARLO\VE, East Chi cago. Jll.D. Aledi cine, D ec., '42 . Phi Chi; Skeleton Club; Cosmopolitan C lub . . . JOE lH . MARTIN , West Lafayette. A1.D. Aledi cin e, Aug., ' 43. Sigma Chi; Phi Chi; Theta Alpha Phi ... RICHARD L. MASON , Marion. A1.D . A1edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Pi; I'hi Eta Si gma; C amera Club; Bus. Staff. University Theatre; Skeleton C lub; Der Deutsche Verein.

JOHN l3. MASTERS, Indian;ipolis. M.D. Jllediciu e, Aug., '43 . . . ROBERT :.\I. MAURER, Brazil. M .D .

Jl1edicin e, D ec., '42. Kappa Delta Rho; Pres., Phi Chi; Alpha Omega Alph a ... JOHN l3. M cCLELLAN, l\Iuncie. A1.D. A1edi cin e, Aug. , '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club ... FLETCHER \V. McDOWELL, l\Iunci e. Jll.D. Jl1edicin e, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa Psi; Skeleton Club. J ohn B. M asters

Robe rt M. M a urer John B. M cC lell an

Fletcher W . Mc Dowell

JOHN D. l\lESCHUl", Indianapolis. Jll.D . Jlledicine, Aug., '43 . Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Club;

Scarlet l\Iasqu e ; Alpha Pi . .. SHERl\lAN l\lINTO . . 1 , JR. , New A lbany. Al.D. Jlledicine, D ec., '42 . ... Ht: N RY P. MILLER, Fort \ Vayne. Al .D . AI edirin e, D ec., '42 . .. JACK B. l\lILLER, \Vinslow. Jll .D. Jll cdi cin e, dug. , '43. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Phi Omega; Theta Nu Epsi lon; Skeleton Cl11b. John D. Meschuk

Sherman Minton, Jr.

H enry P. Miller

Jack B. Mill er

\ VILLIAl\l ]. l\lILLIKAN . Indianapolis. Jll.D . Jlledici11 e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi . .. EARL H. l\lITCH E LL, Marshall. Jll .D. AlPdicin e, dug., '43. Si gma Pi; Phi Beta Pi ... ROBERT ~l. l\lITCHELL, Indian apolis. Jll.D. Aledirin e. Aug., '43. Nu Si gma Nu; Phi Eta Si gma . . . JACKSO'.'J W. ~lODISETT, Terre Haute. Jll .D. Jllediciu e, Aug .. 43. Si gma Pi; Phi Chi. Willi am J. Millikan Ea rl H. Mitchell

Robert I-I. Mitchell

J ac kson W . M odi sett


ROBERT A. MORRIS, Rochester. M.D. Medicin e, Aug., '43. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon; Nu Sigma Nu ... LEWIS E. MORRISON, II. Indianapolis. 11!!.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu . . . JONAS STASYS NAUJOKAlTIS , ·w orchester, Mass. M. D. M edicine, Aug., '43 ... ANTHONY C. NOLKE, JR., Mishawaka. Jl!l.D. 111 edicine, D ec., '42. Nu Sigma Nu; Pres., Skeleton Club. Robert A. Morri s

Lewi s E. Morri son II

J onas Stasys N au jokaitis

An thony C. Nolk e, J r.

Jose ph P. Ornelas

D onald Scott Painter

R usse ll H . P a lmer

J ack W . P atterson

WilliamK. Patterson

Lo ,,-e ll F. Pete rson

Char les Hobert Plank

Ernest I I. Price

JOSEPH P. ORNELAS, Gary. M .D. M edicin e, Aug., '43 . . . DONALD SCOTT PAINTER, Garrett. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43. D elta Chi; Theta Kappa Psi; Der Deutsche Verein .. . RUSSELL H. PALMER, LaGrange. M.D. M edi cin e, Aug., '43. Phi Rho Sigma . . . J ACK \ V. PATTERSON , Peru. 111.D. 111edi cin e, D ec., '42. Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching Hundred.

WILLIAM K. PATTERSON , Indianapolis. M.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Chi .. . LOVVELL F. PETERSON, Plymouth . 111.D. 111edicine, Aug., '43 . Phi Beta Pi . . . C H ARLES ROBERT PLANK, Logansport. M. D. M edicine, Aug., '43. Treas. , Phi Beta Pi; Marching Hundred ... ERNEST H. PRICE, Greensburg. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . Nu Sigma Nu.

J. 0. PRICE, Indianapolis. M.D. Jl!ledicin e, D ec., '42 . . . WENDELL PROUGH , I3luffton. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . . . DALE S. RAINES , Terre Haute. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Chi ... DON QUINN RANDALL, Bunker Hill. 111.D. 111edici11 e, Aug., '43. Phi Chi.

J. 0 . Price

W en dell Prough

D a le S. R aines

Don Quin n Ra ndall

MAURICE M. RATH , Newark, N .J. M.D . M edicine, Aug., '43 . . . H AROLD E. RENDEL, Mexico. M .D. 111edicine, D ec., '42 . Sigma Pi; Phi Chi; Interfraternity Council; Skeleton C lub . . . ALTON H . RIDGWAY, P enn vi lle. 111.D. 111edicin e, D ec., '42. Alpha Omega Alpha ... EVERED EARL ROGERS , Somerset. 111.D. M edicine, Aug., '43. Nu Sigma Nu. M au rice M . Rath

H a rold E. Rend el

Alton H . Ridgway Eve red Earl Rogers

STUA RT \V. ROSE, Muncie. 111.D. 111edicine, D ec., ' 42. Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu .. . IRA M. ROSENTHAL, Brooklyn , N .Y. 111.D. 111 edi cine, A ug.,'43. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Alph a Nu ... EVELYN G. ROSS , North Manchester.111.D. 111edicine, Aug., '43. Nu Sigma Phi; Skeleton Club ... ROBERT L. ROUEN, Goshen. 111.D. M edicin e, D ec., '42. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club. Stuart v\7. Rose

Tra M. Rosenthal

Eve lyn G. Ross

Robe rt L. Rouen


HO,VARD H. ROWE, Rocheste r. M.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . Th eta Kappa Psi . .. MAX , V. RUDICEL, Huntington. lllf.D. lllfedicine, Aug., '43 . .. STEPHEN]. RUDOLPH , JR. , Indi anapolis. M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43 . Phi Rho Sigma . . . CLYDE E. RUSH , Muncie. M.D. lllf edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Chi. Howard H. Rowe

Max VI'. R udicel

Stephen J. Rudolph, Jr.


Clyde E. Rush


ROBERT L. SALB, Jasper. M.D. Medicine, D ec., '42 ... MORRIS SALZMAN, Indianapolis. M.D. Medicine, Aug., '43 . Phi D elta Epsilon; Phi E ta Sigma ... MALCOLM 0. SCAMAHORN, Indi anapolis. M.D. M edicin e, A ug., '43 . Sigma N u; Phi Beta Pi; Kappa Kappa Psi ... HIRAM T. SEXSON, Indian apolis. 111.D. llfedi ci11 e, D ec., '42. D elta Tau Delta; Nu Sigma Nu; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi E ta Sigma; Sphinx Club. Robert L. Salb

Morris Salzman

Malcolm 0. Scamahorn

Hiram T. Sexson

\VILLIAM CHARLES SCHAFER, Decatur. 111.D . Jllfedicin e, Aug., '43. Theta Kappa Psi . . . CLEO M. SCHAUWECKER, Clay City. M .D. M edicin e, D ec., '42 . . . ROB E RT L. SCHMIDT, Evansville. M.D. M edicine, A ug., '43 . Theta Kappa Psi ... ROB E RT A. SCHUMAKER, Terre H au te. 111.D. 111edici11 e, D ec., '42 . Nu Sigma Nu; Skeleton Club. Vl' illiam C harl es Sch a fer

C leon M. Schauwecker

Robert L. Schmidt

Robert A. Schumaker

TOM GEORGE SHELLER, Indian apoli s. M.D. Jlledicine, D ec., '42. Theta Kappa Psi ... JOSEPH L. SHERIDAN , Kokomo. lllf.D. lllfedicine, Aug., '43 . Phi Beta Pi ... . ALEXANDER SHEVCHIK, Indi anapolis. 111.D. M edicine, D ec ., '42 . . . G EORGE W . SMITH. 111.D. M edicine. Tom George Sheller

Joseph L. Sheridan Alexander Shevchik George W. Smith

GLOSTER J EROME SMITH, Kokomo. 111.D. M edicine, D ec., '42. Kappa Alpha Psi ... FAE H. SPURLOCK, Greencastl e. M .D. 111 edicine, D ec., '42 . Phi G amma D elta ... GEORGE ED, VARD STAUFFER, Elkh art. AI.D. lllfedicine, D ec. , '42. Sigma Epsilon Theta; Th eta Kappa Psi ... CHESTER A. STAYTON, Indi anapolis. 111.D. M edicine, Aug., '43 . Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Beta Pi. Gloster Jerome Smith

Fae H. Spurlock

George Edward Stauffer


Chester A. Stayton


PAUL W. STEELE, O akland City. M .D. M edicin e, Aug., '43 . Phi Beta Pi; Mu Tau Kappa . .. DONALD E. STEPHENS, Marion. M .D. M edicine, Aug., '43. Phi Kappa Psi; Nu Sigma Nu . . . EDWARD BERTRAM STOECKEL, JR., Linton. M .D. M edicine, A ug., '43 .. . JEAN T. STOOPS, \ Vabash. 111.D. M edi cine, D ec., '42. Phi Beta Pi. Paul W. Stee le


Donald E. Stephens Edward Bertram Stoeckel

J ea n T . Stoops

'.\lARCELLA L. SU LLIVA. T. ~fort h :.\l anchester. ill.D. Jl ctlicin e, Ang., '.f.3. Nu Sigma Ph i ... ROBERT E. S\ VITZER. Cronm·e ll. 1ll .D. 1ll ediri11 e. D ec.. '.f.2. Theta Kappa Psi ; Ce ntral Laboratory Extern .. . J OSE PH P. SZOKOLAl , South Bend. 111.IJ . Jll !'dirin c, D u .. './.Z. A lph a Om ega A lph a; Theta J-.: appa Psi; Skeleto n C lub; D er D eutsche Ve rein ... FRED \ V. TE'.\1 PEY, JR .. Jll.D . Al NlicinP, Ang., '43 . Marcella L. Sullivan

Rob ert E . Switzer

Joseph P. Szokolai

Fred W . Tempey, Jr.

DAVID L. TENNANT , Larn·ill. Jll.D. Jlll'dirine. D rr., '42 ... EDGAR A. THO.'\lPSON, Indianapo lis. Jll.D. 1lledici11e, D er., '42. Phi Beta P i ... ALLEN H. TWY'.\lAN , East C hi cago. 1ll.D . Jll n lirine. D ec., '42 . Pi Kappa Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kap pa . . . LORING UNGER, F arml and. Jll.D. 1ll ediri11 e, Ang., '.f.J. Phi hi. David L. Tennant

E dga r A. Thompson

Allen H. Twyman

Loring Unger

JO SEPH I NE VA. FLE ET, Indianapolis. ill.D . M erlirn1 e, Ang., '.f.3. Nu Sigma Ph i; Iota Sigma P i . C. PO\VELL VAN !\l ETE R , Indi anapo li s. 1ll .D. M e di cin e, D er., '42 . Beta Th eta Pi; Nu Sigma Tu DEAN T. VER PLANK, G ary. Jll.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43. Phi Chi . .. ROBERT \ V. VERl\lILYA, Brow nstoll"n. Jll.D . Jll edicin l' , D ec., '42. Phi Rho Sigma. Josephine Van Fleet

C. Powell Van Meter

Dean T. Verplank

Robe rtW. Vermilya

LA\VRENCE J. VOGEL, Lamar. Jll.D. Al erlicin e, D ec., '42 .. . FLOYD B. \ VALKER, Fort W ay ne. Jll.D. 1lledicine, A 11g .. '43 . Phi Rho Sigma GEORGE R. \VEBER , Pete rsbu rg. 1ll .D. M edirine , Ang., '43 . Phi Beta Pi . .. JOHN R. \ VEBE R, Fort \ Vayne. Jll .D. Jllcrlicine, Aug., '43 . Th eta K appa Psi ; Ske leton C lub. Lawrence

J. \' ogel

Floyd B. vValker

George R. Weber

John R. Weber

ROBERT C. \ VEBER, l\lun cie. Al.D. Jlledicin e, D ec .. Tew York , N.Y. Jll.D. Jlledicin P, Aug., '.f.J . Phi Delta Epsilon . .. B. K E'.\ l PE R \ VESTFALL , Leba non. Jll.D. Jll edicin e, Aug., '+J . Phi K appa Psi; Nu Sigma Nu; Theta Nu Epsilon; Skeleton Club ... REX K. \ VHITE'.U AN , Loga nsport. Jll.D. Al edicine, D ec., '42. Phi Beta Pi.

' 4:!.. Phi C hi . . . DAVID '\VE I NER,

Robert C. Weber

David \Vein er

Ralph D. Wigent

Hugh L. Williams

B. Kemper Westfall

R ex K. Whiteman

RALPH D. \ VIGENT, Columbia City. Jll.D . Jlledirin P, Ang., '43 .. . H UGH L. WILLIAM S, Martinsv ille. AJ.D. llf l'diL" in 1•, ,111g., '43. Phi Eta Sigma; Lambda Chi Alpha . .. ALBERT]. \ VI SC H , \Vhitin g. Jll.D. M edicin e, Aug., '42 ... LEE ROY \ VOODS, Corvallis, Ore. Jll.D. Jlledicin P, Aug., ' 43. D elta Tau D elta; Phi Beta Pi.



J. \\'i sch

Lee Roy Wood


R. WOOLLI N G , In dianapolis. 111.D.

Jlfedicine, A ug., '43. Phi D elta Th eta ; Phi K appa Phi ; Ph i

C hi ; Blue K ey ; Phi E ta Sigma . . . FRAN K A. YORJ..:: , Middletown . Jll.D. Jl!edicine, A ug., '43 . Th eta C hi .. . RO BE RT 0 . ZI N K , ' Vashington. Jll.D . Jl l ediri11 e, d ug., '43 . .. J A ;\lES , V. YOU G , In dia napo lis. JIJ .D. Jlledici11 e, D ec., '42 . De lta C hi; Ph i Chi. Kenneth R. Woolling

Frank A. York

Robert 0. Zink

James W. Young

U pp er Left - F rom th e ex press ions, th ey co uld be boilin g skuil s. U pp er Ri g ht anim a ls. Lo wer Left Lower Ri g ht -

Th e in stru ctor helps id entify th e tin y mi c rosco pi c '·So I sa id to thi s chi ck, ye h, I'm a docto r." LI FE goes on as usua l.


Front R o\\' - Robe rt Cra ig, R obe rt Mitchell , J ohn Caton, Robe rt H orton, Ed"'ard E ttl, Kemp \Vest fa ll , J ames F ish, Le\\"is M orri so n, J ohn D ef ri es, Ernest In co netti. Second R ow - Norris Kuoy, C . W . L ambert, Robert Garrett, R obe rt M orris, Ernest Price, C ha rl es K im e, Ja ck R einh ard, Robe rt With am, G lenn lr\\'in, R obe rt Corne ll. Third Ro \\" - \Vi ll iam llu se, J ohn Ma ste rs, J ohn F ree d, Robert Lohman, Pa ul Humphrey, \ Villiam Twyma nn, ~l i l li a m Sta rk s, Ra ymond M orph ew. Back Ro\\' - Philip H enn essee, Eve red R odge rs, Car leton Keck, Ri cha rd Rey nold , Alfred Sym mes, Paul McGuff, R obert Joy, No rm an H as ler, H ar ry O' D ell.


Paul E . Humphrey

Presiden t

Robert :\1. L ohm an

Vi ce-Preside nt

\ Vi ll iam 11. Hu se,


Nu Sigma Nu was fou nded at the University of i\lichi gan in 1882 by six students of t he School of ~iedi ci n e and the B eta-Eta charter vvas granted to In d iana U ni ve rsity in 1908. With chapters in leading med ical schools t hroughout the United States a nd Canada its membership totals well over 12,000 me n. It cla ims amo ng its ranks such names as Mayo, O sler, Cushin g a nd oth ers w ho have contributed brillia ntl y to t he theory and practice of m edicine. The loca l chapter hold s monthl y meetin gs to which prominent local al um ni are in vited to lecture on va rio us practica l phases of medicine. A pledge chapter of fres hman stud ents is mai ntained on the Bloomington campus and seve ral joi nt meetin gs are held du rin g the school yea r. Top social event is the annua l Nu Sigma Nu initiation fo llowed by a forma l dance and banquet. :M em bership in the Fraternity is limited to those holdin g or seekin g an M.D. degree, w ho are proficie n t in their wor k a nd w ho are of good moral character.

Sec retary


Front Row - Mrs. Ruth H ep ner, Margaret Davis, Mrs. Phyllis Gi ll Hi ll sa mer, Jean Lou Fo ley, Eve lyn Ross. Rear Row - Caro lyn Mann , Betty Joy Dickerson, Kathryn Ca mpbe ll , Dorothy Mainland, J osep hin e Van F lee t, Marcella Su lli van .

NU SIGMA PHI Nu Sigma Phi is a nation al medical fraternity founded in 1898 at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at the University of Illinois. Its chapters are placed only in medical schools which have class A rating. The guiding principle of the fraternity during its existence has been the endorsement of scientific investi gation, intellectual advancement and social development. G amma, the Indian a University chapter, was established in 1909. Present membership includ es twelve students, about sixty grad uate physicians and several graduate members. Dr. Frances Brown of G amma chapter is now N ational oble Grand. The chapter has been represented in the past on the national roster of offi cers by Dr. Mary Norris, Dr. Olga Bouke-Booher, Dr. Jane Ketcham, and Dr. Lillian B. Mu eller. The annual picni c and formal banqu et were discontinued this year for the duration. At monthly meetings, papers are read, medical cases presented and latest advances in medicine are discussed.

Josephin e Van Fleet

Presid ent

Betty J oy Dickerson


D orothy V. l\I ainland .



front Row - Da vid Buckl es, l'a rl Mitc hell , J. Mill er, \V. Crodrigan, J. Duk es, E. Thompson, II. Kosa nk e, Dr. olonion, R. ll a rding, \V. llarc, R. Mason. Second Row - L " 'oods, \\'. ford, J. Butl e r, S. Beluk, M. Nan Do rn, R . Tuck e r, E. Donn ell.1·, 1. Ferguson, G. \Vebe r, R. 1\: imhrou g h. Third Row - M. Scamaho rn , J. Sheridan , R. Jo est, \V. Juq.(esen, B. B arnes, R. Lind ensc hmid t, 11. Sm ith, C . Marshall, L. P ete rson. fo urth Row- B. J\rnold, II. Leibioda, II. Lovett, Bonaventuba, B. Flahe rty, C. Sta.,·ton, J. \ 'a n >latta.


f.:dgar Th om pso n H arold 1\:osanke Bill Ferding Ri chard Hardin g l faro ld 1\:osanke :\ l auri ce Fergu so n Robert Pl a nk .

Confronted , as all Uni1·e rsity organizatio ns 11·ere, wit h the speed-up of th e \ Var Scrl'ice P rograrn, Omicron A lph a Zeta of !'hi B eta l'i made necessa r)' cha nges in her actil'ities during th e year. 1lowe1·e r. a lterations \\'ere sli ght, and ,, ·e re mostl)' in the form of improl'ements. Just as the Freshmen found th eir course telescoped so that they were initiated ii; • 01·ember, so did they find the traditional initiati on banquet and dance t elesco ped together into one e1-e11i11 g in stead of two At this banquet the 11e11· oflice rs 11·e rc inst a lled, and the Se ni ors of the organi;-,arion \\TIT prese nted 11·ith Phi B eta Pi kevs b)' the fraternit y. As the Seniors graduated and le ft for their 11e11· inte rn es hips, the chapter was a lready plannin g a ru sh program for Janu a ry, and so 11·hen sp rin g arri1·ed, th ey we re well started tow a rd thci r ne11· pro:; ram for t hat school year. This program co nsisted chiefly of monthly meetings, with lectures and disc uss ions 11·ith members of the facu lt y as the chief features.


Vi ce-Presid ent

Secreta r)'

Treas ur er


PHI CHI Although the skull and cross bone.s is their insignia, there is nothing dead about the meetings or social affairs of Phi Chi, professional medical fraternity. The I. U. chapter is one of the sixty-four chapters that are active on the campuses of the outstanding medica l schools of the cou ntry. Close fellowships as well as numerou s outstanding socia l functions are enjoyed by the members. lHembership of this fraternity is limited to the extent that pledges must ha ve a certai n minimum average in their first year of medical schoo l. The fraternity is act ive 011 both the l3loomin gto n and Indianapo lis campuses with both groups getting together severa l times during the year at joint meetings. The Indianapolis group has regular meetings eve ry two weeks at which time talks or films 011 various medical topics are presented. Phi Chi boasts many prominent alumni. Among these are outstanding physicians of Indianapoli s a nd Bloomin gton including men on the medical school facu lty.

Dean T. Verplank


Harold B. Houser


Stewart D. Bro\\·n


First Ro\\'-Robe rt Vi' eber, Jam es Asher, ll ersha ll Kopp, Jam es Jell'ett, M elvin Denn.1-, '"' illiam Clune, H erbert Corm ican, Robert Maurer, Eva rt Bech, Phillip Ball, Robert Roven, C harl es Bothin, James Young, Thomas James, Gilbert 11 im ebaug h. Second Row-W'illiam Millikan, C. Adrian Freed, llarl ey lli estand , \Villi am Donham, Jerry Holman, John Crn 1do rcl, Oscar Fodor, John Marloll'e, \'\7 illiam Franklin, John Funk, Roll o Burghard, llilbert D eLawter, Jack Moli sett, Gene llin chman. Third Roll' -Robert Jenkins, George \'\ 7estfa ll, Paul \Vi senbaugh, Grant Johnson, C lyde Ru sh, Robe rt Johnson, Robert Zi nk, Don H er rold , Don Randall, John Co llign on, Phillip Anthony, Ken neth Woollin g , C lifford Ernst, J. M. John son. Fourth R oll'- llarolcl ll ouse r, Richard Smi th, Robert Lancet, Leland Doll'narcl, Gen e Beav er, Eel Sll'etts, Robert Chattin, Claude Holm es, Charles Cure, David Jon es, Eclll'in Gregg, J. M. Klaus, Joe Hugel, John McClellen. Fifth R o11· -Robert Lafollette, Paul Jerrett, Stell'art Broll'n, Jack Glosson, Hal R enda!.


Front Row - Nicholas Egnatz, Alexander Shevchek, Ralph Wi gan t, Theodore Makovsky, Ru sse ll Palmer, Harry Carpentier, Floyd \Valk er, John H etherington, Dwight Schuster. Second Row - Willi am H ora n, Carl Huckl eberry, Donald Whorton, Richard Griffith, Rob ert Hammieri, Preston Houk, Mi cha el McGrath, Earl Sidebottom, Clement Kelly, James Brennan. Third Row - Kenneth C lin e, Alan Johnston, Paul Siebenmorgan, Rob ert Vermilya, R ex Joseph, Clarence Boy d, R oya l Ne hr, C harl es Gregory, J ohn Ripl ey, D onald Taylor.


Michael F. l\lcGrath R ex ::\I. J oseph Harold \V. Shonk

Yes, even medical stud ents and doctors must take some time off for a little w ell-deserved relaxation. It w as partially for this purpose that Phi Rho Sigma, national medical fraternity, was organized. One of the aims of this unique Greek letter fraternity is to brin g the medics together in a social rat her than a purely academic way. The two-fold objective of the group is to promote good fellowship among congenial men in medical schools in th e United States and to encourage hi gh standards of professional work. Emphasis also is placed upon social contact between the students at the University's Medical Center in Indianapolis and the large alumni chapter in th e Hoosier state capita l. The grou p meets once each month in the homes of Indianapolis physicians at which time there are informal di scussions on medical problems as well as on numerous topics dealing with current events. Each winter the Phi Rho Sigma brotherhood sponsors a formal dinner and dance in Indian apolis, and annual C hristmas and spring banquets form the group's social events in Bloomington. Despite the social emphasis, such activities are not the so le interest of the group, for each year the fraternity makes loa ns to worthy junior and se nior medica l students who are Phi Rho Sigma members.

President Vice-President Secretary


THETA KAPPA PSI Theta Kappa Psi was founded in 1877 as the first medical fraternity in existence. The Gamma Upsilon Chapter was established at Indiana University in 1924. The primary purpose of this group is to promote friendship, character, and scholarship amo ng members of the fraternity and students throughout medical schools. Business meetings are held twice each month at which time interesting and instructive speakers, medical motion pictures, literature reviews, and informal discussions are featured. Among the social functions of the fraternity are informal outi ngs, pledge banquets, and the senior farewell party. Topping the socia l calendar is the annual initiation fo llowed by a banquet and dance. l\!Iany alumni return at this time to renew old acquaintances and to make new ones. Outstanding alumni of the fraternity include Dr. Culbertson . of the Division of Clinical Pathology and director of central laboratories at the Medical Center, and Dr. Boyd, head of the Center's Neurology and P sychiatry department.



John R. ' "7ebe r Donald S. Painter . F.



First Row - Geo rge Sta uffer, vVilliam Ferguson, F letcher McDowell, Robe rt witzer, Byron H ar rison, Edward Kattany, H oward Rowe, Tom Shellar. Second Row - \Villi am Schmidt, Elmer Billinge, Robert Schmoll, Robert Duffner, J ohn Weber, Miller Thornburg, Nev in Aiken. Third Row- William Koontz, John Horton, Joseph Szokd i, Donald Painter, Roger Smith, James Fitzpatrick, Richard Minczewski.


President Vice-President Treasurer


\ VILLIA'.\I S. AITKIN, Terre H aute. D .D .S. D entistry, du g., '43. Psi Omega; J unior American D ental Association; V.-Pres., Freshman C lass ... THO:\IAS TAGGART ARTH R, D ayto n, Ohio. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43 . Xi Psi Phi . . . ROBERT AUST! r BABCOCK, Rochester. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Delta C hi ; J unior America n D ental Association . . . ROB E RT NATHAN BERMAN, Evansvi lle. D.D .S. D entistry, ;] ug., '43 . Sigma A lpha Mu; Alph a Omega. William S. Aitkin T homas Taggart Arthur

Robert A ustin Babcock

Robe rt Nathan Berman

\ VILLIAl\I BORl\IAN, Indianapolis. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Sigma A lph a l\Iu ; Alpha Omega; Jr. Bus. '.Igr., ARBUTUS .. . ED\ VARD BR0 1 STEIN , H a rtfo rd , Conn. D.D.S . D entistry, D ec., '42. A lpha Omega; Junior America n D ental Association ... ROB E RT ROY CLARK. \ Valkerton. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42 . Delta Sigma Delta; Jun ior America n D ental Association . . . \ VILLIAM MARK COl\ IB S, Bloomfi eld. D.D . . D fn tistry, A ug., '43. William Bor.man

Edward Bronstein

R obe rt R oy Clark

William Mark Combs

\ VILLIAM E. D A VIS, In dianapolis. D .D .S. D en tistry, D ec .. '42. Junior American D ental Association ; Pres., Senior C lass, '-1-1 . .. L EE CA'.\IERON EADS, Indianapolis. D.D.S. D entistry, A ug., '43. Xi Psi Phi; Junior American D ental Association ... STAN LEY E . E PSTE IN , Spotswood , N..f. D .D. S . D eutist ry, D ec., '42 . A lph a Om ega ... DAVID LEO F E RRE LL, l\Iurfreesboro, Tenn . D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. ~T illiam

E. Davis

Lee Cameron Eads

Stanley Eugene Epstein

David Leo Ferrell

\VILLIA'.\I CECIL FITZPATRICK, E hrnod . D .D.S. D entistry, ;] ug., '43. Junior America n Dental Associatio n; Xi Psi Phi; Sec.-Treas., J unior Class . . . HAROLD DAVID F RST, Sauga tu ck, l\ li ch. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec .. '42 . Pres., Xi Psi Phi; Junior America n D enta l Association; Pres., Junior Class . . . RA FAE L FORTU IQ GARCIA, Indi anapo lis. D.D.S. D en tistry , Aug .. '43 .. . \ VESLEY CARL GOOD , South Bend. D.D.S . D en tistry, D ec ., '42 . Xi P si Phi; Junior America n Dental Association. William C'tcil Fit'lpatrick

ll arold David

Rafa el Fortuno



\Ves l e~

Carl Cood

DAVID LO U I S GROHER, Canaan, Conn. D.D. S. D entistry, D 1'c., '42. A lph a Omega; Junior America n Dental Associatio n ... GEORGE A. G \ VI:\IN, Ioblesvi lle. D.D .S. D l' ntistry, D ec ., '42. Sigma Chi; Delta Sigma Delta; Junior Ame rica n D ental Association; D enta l Editor. ARBUTUS .. . PAU L P. HARRIS, H obart. D.D.S. D nz tistry, dur; .. '-1-2 ... ARTHUR A. HELTZEL, .A kro n. D.D.S. n 1·ntistry, ,-/ ug., './-3. Xi Psi Phi; J unior American D ental Associatio n. David Louis Groh er

George A. Gwinn

Paul P. Harri

Arthur A. I !eltzel

JJ orace Stiver Hollar

Ceorge \\' en clall Jame'

Samuel Denni'

J11>eph Robert

~an e


HORAC E STIVER HOLLA R , Indi anapolis. D.D .S. D cn tist ry, Aug .. '43. D elta Sigma Delta; J unior American D ental Association . .. GEORGE \VE'.\fDALL J N \I ES. Indianapoli s. D.D.S . D entistry , D ec .. '4-2. Xi P si Phi . .. SAl\lUEL DENNIS KANE, Reve re. .\lass. D.D.S. D entistry. D ec .. './-2. A lpha Omega; J unior America n D ental Association; Treas., C lass '-1-2 . . . JO SEPH ROB E RT KA F.:\lAN . .:\ lidd leton, Conn. D .D.S. D entist ry. ,-/ ug .. '43. A lph a Omega; Junior American D enta l Association.


WILLIAM PAUL KELLER, Indianapolis. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Sigma Chi; Delta Sigma Delta; Unive rsity Theatre ... WAYNE F. KIRCHOFF, Freelandville. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Psi Omega; Junior American Dental Association ... ROY L. KIXMILLER, Edwardsport. D.D .S. D en tistry, Aug., '43. Psi Omega; Junior American Dental Association . . . MELVIN MATTHEW KLOTZ, Terre Haute. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Psi Omega; Junior American D ental Association.

William Paul Keller

Wayne F. Kirchoff

Roy L. Kixmiller

Melvin Matthew Klotz

Robert Walter Langohr

D. Robert Lindborg

Joshua William Lytle

James F. Matlock

C harles J. McFall

W. Carson McGuire

Gilbert L. Mellion

James R. Mertz

Jack B. Nirenstein

John T. Oba


D.D.S. Dentistry, D ec., '42. Xi P si Phi; Junior American Dental Association; V.-Pres., Senior Class ... D . ROBERT LIND BORG, La Porte. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Junior American D ental Association; Sec.-Treas., Freshman Class; Pres., Xi Psi Phi; Student Council . . . JOSHUA WILLIAM LYTLE, Union City. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Acacia; Delta Sigma D elta; Student Council . . . JAMES F. MATLOCK, Indianapolis. D.D.S. D en tistry, Aug. , '43. Junior American Dental Association; Sec.-Treas., Sophomore C lass; P si Omega. CHARLES J. McFALL, Shelbyville. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Delta Tau Delta; Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association; ARBUTUS Staff . . . vV. CARSON McGUIRE, Auburn . D .D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Xi Psi Phi . . . GILBERT L. MELLIO , West Haven, Conn. D.D.S. D entistry. Aug., '43 ... JAMES R . MERTZ, Brendonwood. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Xi Psi Phi ; Kappa Sigma. WILLIAM D . MICHELI, M.D. M edicin e, Aug., '43 .. ROBERT P. ICKELS, Terre Haute. D .D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Alpha Tau Omega; Forum; Junior American Dental Association; Tennis Team; Alpha Phi Omega . . . JACK B. NIRENSTEIN, Hartford , Conn . D.D .S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Alpha Omega; Junior American Dental Association . . . JOHN T. OBA, Honolulu. D .D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Junior American Dental Association. \Villiam D. Micheli Robert P.


ROBERT GEORGE PICKARD, Indianapolis. D.D.S. Dentistry, D ec., '42. Delta Sigma Delta ; Junior American

Robert George Pickard

M elvin A. Ritter

Alden H. Poorman Charles F. Pope, Jr. Walter J. Raibley

D ental Association; Z eta Psi . . . ALDEN H . POORMAN , Huntin gton. D.D.S. D entistry, D ec., '42. Junior American D ental Association . .. CHARLES F. POPE, JR. , Cincinnati , Ohio. D.D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Sec., Xi Psi Phi; Junior American Dental Association ... vVALTER J. RAIBLEY , Boon vi lle. D .D.S . D entistry, Aug., '43. Junior American Dental Association. MELVIN A. RITTER, Morgantown. D.D.S.D entistry, Aug., '43. Delta Sigma Delta ; Junior American Dental

R. Quen tin Royer

Irvin g R. Rutkin

Frederick M. Schaff er

Association; Student Council; Molar Club; l.S.A. ... R. QUENTIN ROYER, Lagrange. D .D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43. Delta Chi; Xi Psi Phi; Alpha Phi Omega; Student Council; Pres. , Sophomore Class . . . IRVING R. RUTKl r, Indianapolis. D .D.S. D entistry, Aug., '43 . .. FREDERICK M. SCHAFFER, Indianapolis. D.D.S. D entistry, Dec., '42. V.-Pres., Junior American D ental Association; Student Council; Psi Omega; V.-Pres., Junior Class. 339

CLARK H. SCHOLL, Springfield, Ohio. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Phi Kappa Psi; Xi Psi Phi ; V.-Pres., Junior Class . . . NOBLE H. SEVIER, Dugger. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43 . . . JOHN B. SHAW, Valparaiso. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association ; Pres., Freshman Class . . . MARSH E. SHUMAKER, Pomeroy, Ohio. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Delta Sigma Delta ; Junior American Dental Association ; Student CounCil. Clark H. Scholl

Noble H. Sevier

John R. Shaw

Marsh E. Shumaker

HARLAN SHUPERT, Warsaw. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43 .. . JEAN W. SPEAR, Yoder. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Xi Psi Phi ; Junior American Dental Association . . . SAMMY M. STARCHER, Weston, W.Va. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Delta Sigma Delta; Sec., Senior Class; Junior American Dental Association . . . PAUL STORKEY, Miamisburg, Ohio. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. IlarI an Shupert

jean W. Spear Sammy M. Starcher

Paul Storkey

EDWARD J. TRAFIDLO, Torrington, Conn. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association . .. CHARLES E. WALKER, Loogootee. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Delta Sigma Delta ; Junior American Dental Association . . . FLOYD W. WEATHERFORD, Franklin. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Junior American Dental Association . . . ROBERT F. WHITE, Indianapolis. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Psi Omega ; Junior American Dental Association. Ld

d I. Trafidlo Charles E. Walker

Flo∎ d Weatherford

Robert F. White

CLIFFORD A. WICKS, Hanna. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Xi Psi Phi . . . EUGENE F. YODER, Pittsboro. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Acacia ; Glee Club ; Junior American Dental Association ; V.-Pres., Student Council . . . RICHARD E. YOUNG, Kokomo. D.D.S. Dentistry, Dec., '42. Phi Delta Theta; Delta Sigma Delta; Pres., Senior Class ; Junior American Dental Association . . . JAMES C. ZIMMERMAN, Valparaiso. D.D.S. Dentistry, Aug., '43. Xi Psi Phi. Clifford A. Wicks Eugene F. Yoder Richard E. Young

James C. Zimmerman


First Row - Joseph R. Kaufman, Samuel D . Kan e, Robert N. Berman, Edward Bronstein, Ja ck B. Nirenstein. Second R ow - Sidney To rwitz, Oscar Sega l, Ernest R egis, Stan ley E . Epstein, William J. Borman. Third Row - Carl Stoner, Erwin Goldenberg, Irving Rohin sky.

ALPHA OMEGA The joining of two sma ll dental fraternities in 1909, Ramach Fraternity, established in 1906 at the P ennsyl va nia College of Dental Surgery, and Alpha Omega Fraternity, estab lished in 1907 at the Unive rsity of l\laryland, has grow n and thrived into the g reat professional organization which Alpha Gamma Chapter proudly finds itself a part of today. This oldest and foremost J ewish dental fraternit y in existence embraces over fifty subordinate chapters from coast to coast and from Canada to the Gulf. To further its ideal of ethical practice, Alpha Omega presen ts annually, awards "For meritorious contributions to the Art and Science of Dentistry." Achievement Medals, Junior Scholarship Awards, Annual Outstanding Chapter Award, and a fraternal , co-operative spirit makes th e members of Alpha Gamma Chapter ever co nscious of their fraternal heritage and obli gations.

\ Vi lli am Borman

Presid ent

Edward Bronstei n


D av id L. Grohcr


Since 1928 , an active Indianapolis Alumni Chapter has rendered guida nce to the undergraduate members. Only this yea r, due to need for dentist in the Armed Forces, the Alumni Chapter finds itself depleted of members. To the general advancement of the dental profession; to the virtu es of truth and wisdom; to carry forth the fraternity's id eals of scholars hip and fellowship; to total victory over the oppressors of a free, democratic way of life; to all this the members of Alpha Omega firmly dedicate themselves.


XI PSI PHI The first dental fraternity at the Indiana Dental College was Theta chapter of Xi Psi Phi in 1893. It is the second dental fraternity which was organized natio nally and now boasts twenty-five chapte rs in leading universities in the United States and Canada. The Xi Psi Phi fraternity is a brotherhood of men chosen from those who have made their decision for a career in the practice of Dentistry. It is a secret organization only so far as it pertains to its private, personal and confidential affairs. The Fraternity declares that the brotherhood establi shed through the years is based on a simple und erstandin g, which hon ors these principles knowledge, morality, friend ship. The Faternity further declares for a higher develo pment of manliness and sportsmanship, encouragement of college spirit, and pledge of our support and co-operation to the Presidents and Faculties of the several universities. It stands without reservation or alibi for one hundred per cent loya lty to but one flag, and to all it signifi es, the flag of our nation.

fJ/jweMD. Robert Lindberg


Carson W. McGuire .


R. Quentin Royer


Cla rk H. Scholl .







v •


I\ )

' Front Row - Harold Da v id Furst, Paul Harris, Thomas Taggart, Arthur Rafael Garcia, Wesley Carl Good, R. Quentin Roye r, Arthur A. Heltz el. Second Row-Roger W. Langohr, W. Carson McGuire, James R. Mert z, Jam es Zimmerman, Cecil vV. Zitzpatrick, Lee Cameron Eads, P aul E. Starkey. Back Row - D. Rob ert Lindb erg, C ha rl es F. Pope, Jean Spear, George W end ell Jam es, C lark H. Scholl. M embers not appearing in picture - Fred Logan, Elda Sc hoenherr, Roger Ish, Chauncey Parker, E rni e James, Paul Worster, Charl es O'Brien, Geo rge Simpson, John King, Doug Weber, Russel \Vhitmore, Ralph McDonald, Robert Rya n.

34 2




Front Row -Robert SI in kn rd, Edward A. Bromm, Victor De Frank, Joshua William Lytle, Charles E. \Va lk er, Sammy Starcher, Robert B. Stone. Second Row - Melvin A. Ritter, Russell W. Goebel, Robe rt G. Pickard , Arthur E. Gustavson, Jam es Wesn er, Edward J . Trafidlo. Third Row-James Van Ausdal, Horace S. Hollar, Low ell R. Renshaw, Robert R. C lark, Ri cha rd E. Young, Rob ert Makielski, William Van Horn. Fourth Row - George A. Gwinn, Jack Viii Ikins, J ohn B. Shaw, Harold W. Roth, Char les J. McFall, Cyrus M. Hud so n, James W. Powers, \ Villiam P. Keller. Members not in picture - Marsh Elliott Shumaker, M erle A. Niederhofer, Robert B. Arbuckle, Arthur Chevalier.

DELTA SIGMA DELTA Home, though not at home; brothers , though not in blood; comfort and clean satisfactory enjoyment. These are some of the benefits derived from the associations in this fraternity. To understand how it is possible to have these pleasant condition , it is necessa ry to explain why, where, and on what the Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity was founded. In 1882, three dental students of l\Iichigan were invited to spend an evening in the home of a medical fraternity. They were so favorably impressed with the advantages derived through such an organization , that they immediately began plans for a fraternity of dental students. This was the inception of the first dental fraternity. Within a short time, these three, with the addition of four others, took out the first charter in the name of Delta Sigma Delta. In the fo llowing years thirty-three chapters have been established. The subordinate chapters are in charge of officers selected from the members, who are seniors, and are directly responsible to the Deputy Supreme Grand Master, who represents the Supreme Grand Master locally. The D. S. G. M. lives at the chapter hou e and is an invaluable aid to the members, professionally and fraternally.

George A . Gwinn Robert Roy Clark . Sammy Starcher \ Vi lli am Lytle


President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

DENTAL STUDENT COUNCIL As each school in th e University must h ave som e so rt of co-o rdinat ing bod y between the students and facu lty, th e School of D enti stry es tablished in 1939 a Student Cou ncil com posed of the class office rs a n d two members of each class which are a ppointed by the pres id ents of the va 1·ious classes to ca r ry out this work. The facu lt y is represented by Dean \ V illiam H. Crawford a nd suc h members of th e facu lty as are called in from time to tim e to se ttle a particu la r probl em co nfron tin g the de n tal stude nts . .;\Ject in g each month , th e m embe rs of the Council represe nt t he st udent body a nd prese nt any problems which may d is rupt the schoo l's program a nd may be so lved in this orga ni zatio n. The Counci l a lso disc usses g ri eva nces b rought to its attention a nd proposes measures to a llev iate them. A lthough the Student Cou ncil has bee n in existe11ce onl y a few yea rs, it recently has become a n efficient, closely knit orga ni za tion which a id s material ly in th e mutu a l bette rme nt of th e School from the sta ndpoint of both facu lty a nd stu de nt bod y. R espect for the ex istence of stud ent prob lems on t he pa rt of th e facu lt y, and a desi re to se ttle th em, has led to the success of the D enta l Student Council.

Front R ow- Rober t A . Maki elsk i, \Villi am C. F itzpatri ck, William E. D av is, Sa mmy Ma x Starche r.

Back R ow - Robe rt B . Ston e, William Mark Combs, Harold Eugene F. Yoder, Ri cha rd E. You ng.


vV. R oth ,


The J un ior America n D ental Association was founded in 193 +, th e seco nd of its kind to be established in the United States. The organization co nsiders prob lems likely to confront the d enta l grad uate and its purpose is that of g uidan ce among prin ciples advocated by the association fo r a successf ul a nd worth y dental caree r. Th e association w as organized at Ind ia na in 193+ a nd this yea r they a re proud to boast of a 100 perce nt membership of those elig ible fo r membership. A great dea l of the success of this orga ni za tion ca n be contri buted to the ha rd work a nd g uidan ce of Dr. Harr y J. H ealey, faculty adv iser, ap pointed to his job by th e American D ental Associatio n. Th e membership in the Associatio n is l imited to so phomores, juniors a nd senio rs in good standin g in th e profession al school. Upon g radu a tion , all members a utom atica ll y become senior members of the Am~rica n Dental Association. Aside from th e purpose of givin g the stud en t a stabl e beginning in or ga ni zed de ntistry and equipping him for a full and usefu l ca ree r in the dental profession , the association also gives an annual Jr. A .D.A. dan ce w hich is one of the outst a nding social activities of th e Dental School's acad emic yea r.


Top Row - Roy Kixmill er, Wayne Dunlop, Vi1 ayne Kirchoff, Fred Schaeffer, Robert White. Bottom Row- Vi' illiam Mi cheli, M elvin Klotz, Mark Combs, Harlan Shupert, William Aitken. M embe r not appearing in picture-James Matl ock. Pl edges - James Shroye r, Andy Beck, James Baker, Edgar D eJ ean, Robert Gates.


Jam es F. Matlock Meh·in Klotz ~lark


Some dentists, at least, believe in using modern, painless methods and th e practice of instilling confidence in their patients. Psi Omega, dental fraternity, has set up as its id ea ls " exerting its inAuence untiringly for the adva ncement of the dental profess ion in the methods of teaching, of practice, and of jurisprud ence." Founded nationally at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery in 1872, the Omega chapter at Indi a na University was organized in 1903. Current topics pertainin g to dentistry are the order of the monthly m eet ings of the Indi anapo lis School of Dentistry cam pu s at the club room in the Colu mbia Club. Preparing for an onslaught of new pledges, the fraternity has a smoker on the Bloomington campus in the fall of each year. Other than its high ambitions for the practical efficiency of its members when they begin fitting braces, placing inlays, and filling and pulling teeth, the fraternity hopes to cu lti vate the social qualities of its members, to surrou nd each with friends to whom he ca n turn for ad vice and assistance, and by means of a quarterly jour nal, "The Frater," to keep its members in touch with ot hers and to assist them in all of their lauda ble undertakings. Dr. \Villi am Barb of Indianapolis is the deputy councilor of the organization .

Grand ~laster Junior Grand :'.\laster Secretary

Robert \Vhite


R oy Kixmiller



NURSES -- --~----------------------

E LLE , l .J A;-.JE BA IXOU R, Anderson. G .N., Aug., '.J.3. A lpha Omi cro n Pi ; Sec .. Juni or C lass .. . .\JARY J--:ATH ERlNE BATTRA:\ l , .\larti11S1·ille. G.~' .. ,-/ pril. '.J.3 ... BLESS I NG B EAS LEY. I ndianapo lis. R.X .. April. '.J.3 . Chora l U ni on . .. CAROL B. BRO\\";-.J, Spring Green. \ Vis. C.N .. April, '-J.3 . Basketball.

I Ellen Jane Balfour

Mary Katherine Batt ram

Blessing Beasley

Carol B. Brown

l\lARY 1-.:ATHERINE C LA RK , Co lumbia City. C.N. , D er ., '-J.2 . A lph a Chi Omega . .. .J A;-.JET A. CR \J G . Indi anapo lis. G.X .. ,·/ 11g .. '-J.3. Pi Beta Phi ... ::\J AR lLYN W. FULK, G.N . . .. ELSIE ::\1. GAULJ--:E. Anderson. C .N., D<'r .. '..J.2.

Mary Katherine Clark

Janet A. Craig

Marilyn W . Fulk

E lsie M. Gaulke

.\lARGARET A 1-lEID E.\ l AN, Seymou r. R .N., A ug., '43. Vicc- P. , Senior C lass . . . H ELEN LOIS H EN RY. And erson. G.N .. Aug .. '43 . . . LAURA ANN HIR ETI E R, Gree nfi eld. G .N., A pri/. '43 . K appa Alph a Th eta DOROTHY L. HOCKER , Vincennes. C .N .. Aug., '43. Margaret A. Heideman

Helen Lois II enry Laura Ann Hireti er Dorothy L. Hocker

Gl~ACE ROWENA ./A::\lI SON, \Vest L afayette. G.N .. Aug., '43. Basketball . .. JO ANN K ELL E R, Indian apolis. G.N., D ec., '42. Pi Beta Phi; Pres., J unior C lass ... DOROTHY l\lARIE J(OLL\l EYER, C li fford. G.N .. Aug .. '43 . Vice- Pres., Se ni or C lass . .. HELEN LOI S HE N RY, April, '43. Chi O mega; Y."\V. C .A.; Socio logy C lub . Grace Ro" ena Jami,on

Jo Ann Kell er

Dorothy Mari e Kollmey er

Jean France; l.oucks

Z E LPH A GARNET l\l A RTIN , Lu ce rne. R.N. , d pril. '43 ... LORRAINE ANNETTE '.\lASON. Gary. G.N .. D ec., '42 . C hora l C lub . .. .\lARY E . .\l cK EE, H owe. G.N .. dug .. '.J.3. Sec .. Ph i Om ega Pi; Y.\ \T.C.A.; D er D eutsche Verei n ; Treas., Junior Class . . . DOROTHY ~IIKLER , G .N. Zelpha Garnet Martin

Lorraine Annette Mason

Mary E. McKee

Marjori e K. Mill er

Dorothy :\'orman

Ph' Iii, Jean(), ler

Dorothy Mikler

~lARJORI E K. MILLER , Seymour. G.N., D er., '42. Chora l C lub; Basketball . . . DOROTHY NO JUl AN . •'\nd crson. C.\· .. D <'c ., '42. Treas., eni or C las ... PHYLLIS JEAN OYLER, Galveston. R.N .. d pril, '43. A lpha Omi cro n Pi ; Pres., Se nior C lass . . . '.\lARY LOU PRICKETT, Kokomo . G.N., April, '43 .



I.nu Prickett

Lauretta Grace Robbins

Ruth Mary chroer

Barbara Louise Strauss

Jean Adele Tillotson

LAURETTA GRACE ROBBINS , McCool. R.N .. dpril, '43. Pres., Freshman Class . . . RUTH ~IARY S HROER, Dale. G.N. , April. '43. Phi Mu; Y.W.C.A.; Der Deutsche Verein BARBARA LOUISE STRAUSS, Indi anapo lis. G.N .. Aug. , '43. Alpha Xi Delta ... JEAN ADELE TILLOTSON, Franklin . G.N. , D ec., ' 42. Pi Beta Phi; Choral Club.

Ruth L. \Vampl er

Frances Jean v'l'oods

Dora Belle VI' ray

RUTH L. WAMPLER, Bicknell. R .N. , April, '43 .. . FRANCES J EAN \VOODS , Arlington. G.N. , Aug., '43 . . . DORA BELLE WRAY, Bedford. G.N. , Aug., '43. Sec., Senior Class; Choral Club.

Student nurses find th e suns hin e pleasant and healthful.


Above -A cho ral group of a dult members is shown he re durin g a rece nt rec it a l.

U ppe r Left - Sta nl ey Bielecky, in structor in Art at th e Calumet Cente r, w o rk s with an enthusiastic Art stud ent.

ppe r Ri g ht- Ex tension stud ents at Ca lum et Ce nte r pla y tenn is before and af te r cla sses on th e attractiv e tennis co urts adjoining th e a dmini strati on building.

A v iew of New Albany, one of the citi es Ci ty extens ion area .


th e Falls


execisiaie Director

R. E. Cavanaugh

Associate Director ..... W. S. Bittner

gxectsliue Secteta✓ ieS Indianapolis

Mary B. Orvis

Fort Wayne

Floyd R. Neff


Hugh W. Norman

South Bend

Lynton K. Caldwell

Falls City

Floyd I. McMurray R. E. Cavanaugh

This war year finds the five extension centers — Fort Wayne, Calumet, Falls City area, South BendMishawaka, and Indianapolis — faced with teacher shortages here and there and confronted with added responsibilities. Although gasoline rationing has not curtailed the travel of any of the instructors, some of the students who used to drive fifty or eighty miles to school have given up extension work. In fact the war has reduced the extension enrollment about one-fourth. People are busier, work longer hours, perhaps work on night shifts, and of course many men are in the service or have money to go to college. However, the centers are meeting the needs by offering an increasing number of timely courses, such as, Interior Decoration in Wartimes, Problems of International Peace, Who's Who in Europe's War, Foundations of American Democracy, Cultural Approach to Latin America, Religious Life and Thought in the Orient Today, Leaders of Asia, Contemporary World Problems, and various languages which have grown in importance since the war. The centers reach all over the State with Indianapolis in a central location. Calumet serves many of the workers in the Gary-Hammond region, and Fort Wayne and the South Bend-Mishawaka centers in the north. The Falls City center is unique in that it serves several towns around Jeffersonville rather than one city alone.

The centers were organized originally to give students of regular college age, who are financially unable to attend college, the chance to take university work. Many students of Indiana University began their first years at an extension center with the same precise care that University students receive. The other purpose for which the centers were organized was to provide training of special interest to adults. Many graduate students have obtained further training through extension work. In addition to the special timely courses mentioned, the Extension Division offers a wide selection with everything from accounting and chemistry to sociology and journalism courses. A large number of the instructors are regular members of the Indiana University faculty. For people who are not close to a center, or who merely need one course, the Bureau of Correspondence Study offers a variety of courses by mail, many of them under university instructors. With headquarters in Bloomington with the main office of the Extension Division, the Bureau recently has adapted itself to the war, too, by offering courses at special reduced rate to men and women of the Armed Forces. There is still a further reduction if these students enroll through the United States Armed Forces Institute. However, they must have been in the service four months to be eligible for this aid.



Helen Duncan

Correspondence Study Bureau . Louise R ogers Pub li c Di scussion Bureau :\l rs . Ade la Bittn er Publi c "\ \Te lfare Bureau . :\lrs . .i-his Burke

An Insid e \"iew of a Mo,·ie Projector.

T he Bl oom in gton oAice of the Extcnsion Divisio n is the n ucleus of the organization which furni shes education for perso ns all O\·e r the state. Guiding th e entire setup is Robe rt E. Cavanaugh, who has bee n associa ted with the Exte nsio n Di vision as d irector si nce 1921 . B efore th at time he w as superintend ent of the Sa lem school s and in the last w ar served w ith th e lectu re bureau of the State Council of D efe 11se . His job in ge neral is to keep his fi nger o n all of th e exte nsio n ce nters of th e State. A s associate dire ctor of the Extension Di1·isio 11 , "\V. S. Bittner is equa ll y busy. H e is taking an important place in the war as a member of th e ad,·isory com mittee of the U.S . Armed Forces Instit ute. Fo r twelve yea rs he has bee n sccretarytreasu rer of the ;'\J ationa l U ni,·ersity Extension Association . U nder th e leadership of L. C. L a rso n , wh o came to th e U ni ve rsit y in 19+0, the Bureau of AuclioVi sua l Ai ds has bee n pla ying a n impo rta nt pa rt in makin g avai la ble education al films to va ri ous groups and clubs in the State as ,,·e ll as to classes on campu s. The B ureau has become more important than ever as a center for fi lms from the Office of "\ Var In formatio n , Office of Ci,·ili a n D efe nse, the Trea sury Departm ent and the Co-ordinator of InterAmerica n Affairs. I n the past year, many films ha,·e been prese n ted on t he "\ Vo1 Id Affairs se ri es by the Bureau in co-o pe ratio n with t he Comm ittee 011 In terpreta t ion of th e "\Var E ffort. At seve ral hours once each w eek in A lu m ni H a ll , fi lms ha,·e bee i prese nted 011 current aff airs to fu rn is h the campus with bac kgrou n ds on Ru ssia , La tin America, problems of t he \\·ar a nd va rious vita l topi cs .

An Arbutus Qu ee n is photograp hed by th e ex tension photographer.


(Bloomington Extension Officers continued) Records

Mrs. Esther King

Audio-Visual Aids Bureau L. C . Larson Assistant in Administration . Carolyn Guss Assistant in Production . . L. F. Evans

Dialogue to accompany the film is recorded through this microphon e.

The completed film is placed with books which it explains.

The bureau also has co-operated in the production of films with Coronet, which produces films as well as magazines. Some of the educational and instructional films produced a re Tumbling, Letter to Grandmother, and l\11ake-Up. The Bureau always films football games, basketball, theatre programs and other important events on campus such as the election of an ARBUTUS Beauty queen. With a function simi lar to that of the Bureau of Audio-Visual Aids, the Bureau of Public Discussion under Mrs. Adela Bittner loans booklets, pamphlets, clipped articles and other materials out over the State on almost any topic through the Package Library. Many materials are borrowed by clubs and community groups for discussion panels, speeches, and the like. The Bureau is in charge of the Drama Loan Service and the annual high school achievement tests. ot satisfied with all its other efforts to educate people on topics both current and past, the Extension Division also has been instrumental in maintaining the War Information Center of the University. As with the Package Library mentioned above, pamphlets are loaned all over the State with facts about the A lli es, the Axis, and topics which promote a better understanding of the war. The University center is one of the three key war information centers in Indiana; the other two are at Notre Dame and Purdue. Mr. Bittner is chairman of the University center.



F. R. Neff Executive Secretary

Ind -X Club. Left to ri g ht: Jun e Goldsmith; Ellen Harry, vice-president; Margaret Cox; Jam es H ou lihan, treasurer; Eugenie Car lin ; Dav e A za r; J ean G old smi th ; Alan Templ e, sec retary; Jam es Benninghoff, pr es id ent; and Clifford Springe r.

The Fort 'Vayn e Extension center esta blished in 19 17 has grow n rapidly in r ecent years, a11d now accOllllllOdates mo re tha11 1200 stude11ts. The ext e11sio11 offers daytillle as well as evening classes to stude11ts a nd ad ults of Fort 'Vay11e a11d other northe rn Indi ana cities. To aid th e stud ents i11 tra11sfe rri11 g either to the l3loo111i11 gto11 cam pu s o r from Bloomi ngto n to Fort 'Vay ne, th e exte nsion a rra 11 ges its calendar to coi11 cid e with that of t he Bloom in gto11 campus . Th e gove rnin g body of the stud ents at the extension is very act ive in its sponsoring of stude nt activ iti es a11d has a vo ice in th e adlllini stration of Universit y regulation s co nce rnin g stude 11t affairs.

Bill Sip les, Mr. Neff, and Jun e Go ld sm ith.

It is possib le for one to complete two yea rs of co llege work in th e Fort \Vayne ex tension center. C lasses are offered in all of the four yea rs' work a nd also graduate students are enroll ed. The extension is proud of th e achie vement of its stud e11ts scholast icall y, their support in extracurri cular activities, a nd finally their success in the bu siness or professio nal world. This yea r the exte nsio n ce11te r was r eprese nted for the first time on the sta ff of the Arbu tu s. Th e Fort ' Va y11 e staff was effi cie11tly managed by l\liss J ea n Gold sm ith , who had as he r ass istants seve ral enthu siasti c stude11ts of th e extension .

Scho larship stud ents di scuss qualifications.




oJ llJ.<Vd

Presid ent


J ean Goldsm ith Clifford Springer

V . President Sec.-Treasurer

Mary Alice Herman June Goldsmith Patsy Bane

U ni ve rsity Th eatre. Left to right, on sta ge, Dan She r\\'oo d, facu lty advisor; John ~I e ll s; J ohn M yers; P au l Johnson; Alice Spe lm an; Florence Springe I; and C lifford Springe r.

Evidence of the dramatic talent and interest in theatrical productions on the Fort YVa yne campu s is found in the theatre group. This bod y of students, directed by D an Sherwood, was organized for students to secu re practi cal experience in th eatrica l prese ntations. The stud ents enjoy thi s type of school work , and present several one-act plays each semester. Under the guidance of their president, Jean Goldsmith , they presented three one-act plays during th e '42-43 fall semester; namely : "The Tiger's Claw"; " B.D."; and " The Terrible l\!I eek. " This semester they ha ve presented: "C urses, the Villain is F oiled ," " Darkness," "A Girl in Every Part. "

There is tim e for w ork but thi s 1s the time to sin g.

Several stud ents are watching the rehea rsal fo r one of the plays, presented by the Theatre grou p, in the picture above. " Practice :Makes Perfect" cou ld be th e motto of this group of dramatists as they rehea rse continu ously until th ey are certa in that each scene is as nearl y perfect as they can make it. Between rehea rsals and schoo l work, students find time to enj oy informal "get togethers." Around th e pi ano in the pi cture below are: Rita \Velsch, Di ck Brouwer, l\tlac Arick, Martha Crow, J ack Parker and lVlary A nn F lorence, sin gin g popular so ngs to the accompa niment of P au l John so n. The University Theatre group spo nso rs informal dances severa l times a year. Below, stud ents of the Extension are shown enjoyi ng themselves at one.

Informal dances a1:e attended by a ll st udents.


Alan T empl e

Pres id ent Vice- Preside nt

E ll en H a rry

Sec retary

Jea n G oldsmith


June G old smith

F aculty A d viso r Dr. D onald C a rmon y

Seated a round th e ta bl e are: Jun e G old smith , treas ure r ; M ac A ri ck ; D av e A zar; T om Essex ; J ean C old smith, sec reta ry; Dr. Dona ld Ca rmony, facu lty ad v iso r; Alan T empl e, standin g, pres id ent ; R omay ne R edi ge r ; D oroth y Seely; J ohn W ell s ; H aro ld Fuhrman . Seated to th e left of th e tab le a re : R alph Siebold; K eith Cove rd a le; and J ack Roberts. Sea ted to th e ri g ht of th e ta bl e are: E ll en Harry, v ice- pres id ent; A nn ~' i s e , an d D a,-e Steig meyer.

The F orum g roup of F o rt 'Vay ne is an acti ve organiza tio n of extension st ude nts whi ch meets each week to discuss probl ems of both na tional a nd local importance. Such an o rgani zation crea tes bette r un de rstanding of these probl ems amon g stud ents and affo rds th em a cha nce to get better acquainted with each othe r. Thu s it se rves as a nucleus of the social acti vi ty of the center togeth er with the Ind -X club and Thea tre Group. Durin g th e first semester, students w e re organized in a system of fo rum pa nels and presented both

T ryin g to fin d th e Mi ss in g E lement.

pro and con arg uments on give n subj ects. Thi s semester fo rum programs have been altered to the ex tent that seve ral outside speakers have spoken to th e g roup at certain meetin gs and stud ent pa nels have been continued for th e remaind er. Dr. :M eye r of the F edera l C ouncil of C hu rches a nd R abbi D optl ett were two of th e gues t speake rs this semester. The Forum is und er the superv ision of D r. D onald Carmon y, history instru ctor at th e ex tension , a nd is guid ed by Ala n T emple, fo rum presid ent.

Registrar's offi ce -

Fo rt

~r ayn e.

Army Air Corps R ese rve pilots shown here are being train ed at the South Bend-Mishawaka center.

SOUTH BEND EXTENSION Harp tec hniqu e exp lai ned in Music Lecture.

Not only do regular students attend the South Bend-Mishawaka ce nter, but since this Fall th e Cener has been training about seventy you ng men to become Army Air Corps Reserve pilots and upon graduation about seventy more take over. The pilot training is in co njunction with the Indiana Air Service and the Stockert Flying Service. The men receive technical training from instructors at the Bendix airport at South I3 end , and a re tau ght English, mathematics and physics by the Extension Division. Lieut. Rex Pastor is in charge of military science and discipline, and L. K. Caldwell, executive secretary of this Extension center, is the co-ordinator of the program, which is under the general direction of the Civil Aeronautics Administration War Training Service. Besides the pilots in training, also pictured above is an instructor explaining harp techniqu e in the music appreciation lecture series. Also Earl vVebb is shown directing work in technical drawing in a pre-engineering trainin g class. Not to be outdone by the musically minded Calumet Area center, the center at South Bend sponsors a fine lyric choir of mixed vo ices which is now in its second year. The South Bend-Mishawaka cen ter itself was established in 1933. In addition to contributing to the war effort by the training of the pi lots, this cen ter offers such courses as Leaders of New Asia, Interpretations of International News, and Outposts of the Americas.


CALUMET CENTER Last year, 2,0 13 perso ns took advantage of the opportunity to get educational training at t his Center in one or both semeste rs or during the summer t erm. This year +30 Ca lumet R egion students w ere on the Bloomington campu s durin g the first semester. Some of the current popular cou rses offered co ncern postwa r reconstru ction , Asia and the war, effective speaking for lead ers in liberty, reli giou s life a nd thou ght in the Orient toda y, and other timely courses. In t he Student Loun ge the center presents a Student hour of lectures and fr ee discussions with various spea ke rs. C lasses meet at the Center' s Administration Buildin g, th e Roosevelt Hi gh School in East Chicago, the Hammond Hi gh Schoo l, and th e Horace J\Iann School of Gary. l\lr. Norman , th e executive director of th e Ca lumet Extension Center, is shown here in th e front offi ce at the Administration Building. Here students registe r, pay their fees, and ge t ass istan ce in planning their co ll ege curriculum. Hund reds of men and women from the industries of the Calumet , The \Vorkshop of Ameri ca, are se r ved by the Ca lumet center, whi ch is located in East Chi cago . Students co me from man y of the manufa cturin g towns in th e northwest corner of the State. Some of th e nea rby towns se rved are Gary, Hammon d, \ Vhiti ng, Hobart, East Lansin g, Crown Point, and so me of th e towns in Illinois. A s a co mmunit y se rvice to train persons who are capable of pa rti cipatin g in worthy community undertakings, the Center has established a Speakers' Bu r eau. It provides t a lks for such proj ects as Boy Scout work, Armisti ce D ay, and Educatio n \Neek. The ad ministration buildin g fo r the Cal umet Center, estab lished in 1932, is located in pleasa nt , campuslike surroundings in East Chicago near Rooseve lt Hi gh Sc hool. Shown on page 359 is the golf cou rse nea r the Ex t ension buildin g. Just beyo nd the grou nds of th e buildin g are oil tanks, ship canal s, a nd factories.

E ntran ce to Ca lum et Cen ter.

Mr. Norman 's offi ce at East C hicago.


A part of th e String Section of th e Calumet Symphony Orchestra .

Chicago. It is open to both men and women. This year the Calumet and Fort YVayne centers assisted in gathering material for the extension section of the ARBUTUS. A committee of seve ral students was selected to sell copies of the book to students in the extension center and help finance the section in any way they cou ld . l\1 iss Mavis Burton of Gary was the chairman of this ARBUTUS committee in the Calumet area . She was assisted by: Tony Lenzo , East Chicago; Ralph Armstrong, Edward Lobas, Lillian Last , all of H ammo nd ; and Betty Hunt of East Chicago. These students were also active in extracurricular activities at the Extension, such as the: La Boheme Club, Farrar Choral Group, "Calumet Ind ex," student publi catio n, and forum groups.


Where the South Bend-Mishawaka center emphasizes pilot training, the Calumet center stands out for its emphasis on music. Part of the string section of the Calumet Symphony Orchestra is shown in the picture above. The orchestra was organized in 1935. and is condu cted by Robert 'Vhite, who also is th e co ndu ctor of the East Chicago l\rlale Chorus of the center. Another musical group is the Farrar Choral Club with members from various cities, which was organized in 193 1 for women si ngers. l\lary Lois C lark is the conductor. An older organization is the Hammond Orpheus Choir which was begun in 192+. Conducted by George Calder, the choir gives co ncerts of choral music loca ll y and An excellent park and go lf course surrounds the Center" s Administration Building.

Calumet's ARBUTUS Staff Chairman

Mavis Burton Tony L enzo


Staff l\lembers: Ralph Armstrong Edwa rd Lobas Lillian L as t Betty Hunt

INDIANAPOLIS EXTENSION Students come from commurnt1es from miles around to the Center which is about one-half block away from the War l\1emorial in Indianapolis. The Building which is at 122 East Michigan street is shown in the picture at left. Some special features of this center are the record reci tal s and the emp loymen t service which is offered. Like the other centers it offers timely courses amo ng which some of the most popular are "Foundations of American Democracy," "New World Set Up," and "Cultural Approach to Latin American." Also offered are courses in Japanese, cryptology, First Aid, and Russian. Besides the regular academic courses and special lectures series, a series of courses are presented for bankers sponsored by the American Bankers' Association in co-operation w ith the Real Estate Board. R ecentl y a series was presented in conjunction with ce rtain insurance o rganizations.

l\ll iss Mary Burchard Orvis is the executive secretary of the Indianapolis ce nter. Mr. Cavanaugh, head of the entire Extension Division, divides his time between Indianapolis a nd Bloomington with an office at both cities.

Shown above are students in one of the accounting co urses at the Indianapolis center. The man shown working in the chemistry laboratory is a member of the Indian apolis Symphony Orchestra, which shows how varied are the occupations of th e students who attend the various centers.


FALLS CITY AREA The only Extension center in the southern hills of Indiana, the Falls City area center is not centrally located in any one city, which makes it unique from the other four Extension centers. It serves people around Jeffersonville, Scottsburg, Charlestown, Madison , Corydon, New Albany, and Seymour, with people crossing the Ohio River from Louisville to take courses at the center. In fact, many of the instructors are from the University of Louisville, and approved by Indiana University. One of them is a war refugee. The youngest of the five centers, the Falls City area center was organized to include Charlestown so that it would take in many of the defense workers in that area. The main office of the center is at the Jeffersonville High School. Floyd I. McMurray is the executive secretary of this center. Representative scenes of the area covered by this center are shown here. The home is the Lanier mansion, one of the showplaces along the Ohio River, typifying the friendl y atmosphere surrounding students in our southern Indiana extension . The other picture shows a view from above Louisville and the River which is near the va rious centers of the Falls City area .

An ove r-th e-r iver view of the city of Louisville.

Like the other ce nters, the Falls City area center offers many courses concerning the war in addition to its regular curriculum of chemistry, accounting, commercial geography, engineering drawing, interior decoration and other courses.

The Lanni er M ansion at M adi son.

ADVERTISING AND INDEX Akron Su rgica l H ouse, lnc................................. 387 City Securities Corporation .................................. 382 C laypool H ote l ·-- --·-·-----------·---·----··-·-·--------·-·-·-··--36-t Coca-Co la ·----------·---- --- --·-----·-·-·----· ------------·-·-·--·---37 1 T. M. Crutcher D enta l D epot ............. ____ ________ 38"7

I..::ahn Clothin g Co.·-- ---·----··------------ -·-----·----------·--386 Ke! ler-C rescen t Co·---------·-·- --· -·---- -----· -·------· ......... 369 Kin ga n & Co ... ·--·------··-------·-------·-·-------·-··-··---·-·----3 76 L eo nards L unch ShoP- ------- -·----·-----·-·---------·---------376 l\ l iles Laborato ries -------·--------·--·-- -------·----------·-·-··365 l\ l onroe Cou nty State Bank ...... -·-·-------·--------·-·-·-·-385 :\lutual C hi na Co. --------· ---·------··------·-----------·-----·382 Pitman-Moo re Co. -------·-·-·----------- ---- ------------·····--363 R ansom & Rand olph Co .. ·--·--·----------------------·-·-·---37-+ Red Book -·-------·-----------··--------··------ -·--·------------------385 Rendezvous ---- ------·-·-··--·-------···------- ---·---------·--··--·-37 1 Rone l\lu sic Co· --·-----·--··-----··-··------·-··----·--------··----370 Se vi!le Res tau rant --------·-------··---·----------·----·----·-· __ .362 H en ry C. Smith ers Roofing Co·-------··---· --------·----385 Su ll iva ns ... ---------------------·---·---·--·------·------ ----·---·-·-·3 75 Sunshin e C leaners -------·------------------------·----------·----386 Varsity P harmacy -------·-·-------· -·---------------------------- 377 S. S. ·w hite D ental ::VIfg. Co· ------ ·---------·----··---·---367 Wi les Dru g Co·-- ·---·-·-----·---·---·----- ·-- -·--------·----------375

Dand ale ------- ---·-·----------------·--·----·-----·----·-·-·-----------386 E llis Fl ora l Co·---------·---·-·-· -·----·--------·--------------···--·370 Feltu s Printin g Co· ---·-·--------------------·-·---· -· -·--·-·---· 386 F irst Nationa l Bank .. ·---·-----·------·-···---·-- -·----··--·--- 377 Gables ·-·----· ·--·----- --- ---··-- ------ ---·---· -· -···-----------····-·--383 Na th an Ha le ------------·------- ·--------------------------------·-· 3 70 H aze l Ph otograph er --· --------·--- ·-·-·----------·---·---------378 H eckman Bindery ·---------------·-·---· -· ------·---·-··-----·---362 G eo. Hi tz and Co ....... ----------- ---·--·-·-- ------ --- -·---·---380 H ome L au ndry ----·-··--·-·-·-·---·--------·---·····---···········37 5 In diana Business Co llcge ........ ---·--- --- ·····--· --·------·-- 379 I. U. Bookstore ---- ----------·-- -·-·--------···--------------------373 I. U. Printing Plant ·-·--------------·---·-·------· ---·-·------- 383 Indi ana Roof ----·-·---- -·-·-----------··---·-·------·--------··--·-.366 Johnso ns Creame ry ·-----····------··-·--------- ---·---·-·---·--.38 1

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SEVILLE RESTAURANT We're DOGgone sure You'll like our work!!






rrJt is no small thing to know th

what we make-' may depend ther life shall be preserve



A Abbott, Loui e W ......................................... 181 Abe l, Be rtha Ma e ...................................... 252 Abe l, Mary E .............................................. .44 A cacia ........................................................ 17 6 Acco unting Club ...................................... 290 Achenbach , Jan e L. ............................44, 303 A cke rso n, Mary L. ....................................241 Adam s, Emma E ......................................... 44 Adam s, Marjorie M ...................................44 Ad a ms, William R ................................... 202 Adkins, J oe T ................................... 213, 289 Adl e r, Freddie C ......................................... 44A eons, Board of.. ........................................ 124 Ah e rn, Thomas C ....................................... 182 Ahlf, Ll oy d R ....................................... 44-, 289 Ahlf, Mary E ............................................. 253 Aidman, Char les L. ..................................20 5 Aix, Rob ert ................................................ 18 5 Ai se nstadt, Juli a ...................................... 243 Akin , R obe rt G ......................................... 210 Albri g ht, Willard V .................................. . ................................#, 132, 172, 18 1, 266 Al co rn, Quinten E ........................... 17 6, 273 Aldri ch, W endell R. .................................. 18 5 Aldridge, Victor E ............................. 44, 30+ Al exa nd e r, Ez ra D ................................... 189 Al exa nd e r, Jan e G ............................ .44, 23 5 Al exa nd e r, M a ry Ann .............................. 232 Alfke, Ha ze l G ......................................... 237 All corn, M a urice L. ............................ 44, 194 All en, Max P ............................................. 301 All en, Richard G ....................................... 301 Alley, Norman R ....................................... 193

Allgire, Mildred J ....................................... 79 Alling, Charles C ....................................... 274 All ison, Max L. .......................................... 214 Allman, John R ................................. 181, 288 Alpha C hi Omega .................................... 218 Alpha Chi Si g ma ...................................... 298 Alpha D elta Pi .......................................... 220 Alpha Kappa Alpha .................................. 222 Alpha Kappa Psi .................................... 289 Alpha Lambda D elta ................................ 307 Alpha Omicron Pi .................................... 224 Alpha Tau Omega .................................. 178 Alter, vVilliam H ..................................... 190 Alumni Magazine .................................... 166 Alyea , Norma Jean .................................. 244 Amber, R obert J ....................................... 182 Anderso n, C harl es ...................................... 197 Anderson, D o nald W . ........................ 44, 17 6 Anderson, E rn est W ...................44, 284, 289 And e rso n, J a m es E . .................................. 202 And e rson , Ri ch a rd M ............................... 248 Anderson, R obe rt D . .................................. 44, 122, 124, 128, 132, 158, 202, 266, 284, 291 And e rson, Robert L. .................................. 19+ Anderson , R obe rt S . ................. .4-+, 269, 289 Anderson, R odn ey C ........................... 44, 29+ Andrew s, E lsie M . .................................. 23 5 Andrew s, H elen V .....................................44 Andrew s, J ohn R. .................................... 18 5 Angel, N icko las V ........................... 248, 249 Angelopo lous, Jimmi e G ............... 106, 269 Angermeier, J oe J ..................................... 304 Angrick, Warren L. ....................................44 Annis, Alb e rta M ....................................... 253 Appl eby, R obe rt E ..................................... 30 6


Appl egate, Karl E ............................. 248, 289 Arata, Justin E ............................................. 4'~ Arbuckl e, George D ................................... 197 Arbutus ...................................................... 158 Arch e r, J o hn E ................................... 106, 310 Ard a ppl e, vVarren W ....................... 44, 197 Armbruster, William R. .......................... 217 Armstrong, Franklin S. .................. 18 6, 273 Arnold, J oan B ................................... 219, 253 Arthur, Julia Ann ................................ 44, 232 As hby, Marianna .............. 118, 15 1, 241, 29 5 Ashley, Edw in 0 ....................................... 186 A .W .S. Council ........................................ 126 Attebe rry , Delbert K ................................. 44 At z, John A ......................................... 18 6, 306 Aud itorium ................................................ 152 Au e rbach , Herman L. ................................ 306 Aug ustine, Bonni e J o ................ 131, 232, 309 Aul ls, E dna Ma e .............................. 44, 252 Ault, R oy .................................................... 44 Avery, Geo rge R. ...................................... 18 6 Ax, E lain e .......... +4, 123, 232, 270, 29 6, 302 Axe, Dani e l M ........................................... 202 Azar, Al exand er A .......45, 134, 249, 287, 289

B Babb, Forrest J ...........................................45 Babcock, George H ................................... 202 Babcock, M e rrill ...................................... 235 Bad g ley , Nancy Mari e ........................ 4 5, 232 B ae r, J ose ph Allan ................................. .20 5 B ae r, Sylva n B e rnard ........................ 209, 306 Ba e rn co pf, D av id .................................... ..45 Bae rn copf, R obe rt L. ................................ 209

Ba g an, Mary E ....... ----······-----·--·-······--··------252 Bagby, Paul R. ...... ·-----··--··-·--····----········------4 5 Bahney, R obe rt S·····--··-·---- -- ···-········--····----202 Bail ey, John vV., Jr. ...... -----------··-············-··· ····--··----····---·4 5, 124, 132, 2 69 , 284, 289, 308 Bail ey, Paul a J ayne·-----·---------····--·······-····228 Bail ey, R osemary ···-··----··-··---------+2, 238, 28 6 Bair, R ache l E ........................................... 22+ Bake, Rita Patri cia .·----····------····--···-····----··227 B a ker, D an F ·---····-··-·--------······------···-273, 29 6 B a ker, Donald A. ·-·----··---·---·····-·············-··210 Baker, E lsie M. -·--········----····--···-······..+5, 303 Bak e r, Ruth M . ·-·-··----···--------·-···········--····--45 Bake r, Virginia Loui se ...... ------·---------····----256 B a uld au f, H enri etta M . ----···-··-----·-···+5, 256 Bauld au f, J ose phin e M .....................4 5, 256 Bald ridge, Odu s L. .................................... 179 Bal es , Mary M ... ·---··-·------····--········---··--·····45 Balfe, J ea nn e R· ----·-···-······-· ---------·····224, 2 52 Ballard, B etty Sue .............................. 4 5, 256 Ba 11 a rd, Sa 11 _ ,. ·····-------·--···-----·-·····----·········-23 5 Baloff, Loui se ·-·-·······---------·······-·····- 144, 2 52 Balog h, Ju Iia Anna ·-····----------------··-------- 118 Banbury, Joa n M ....... ----------------------·--·+5, 303 Bancroft, Martha ············--------------·······-·--.25 3 Banke r, Harry Wil son ...... ---------------···----··-.45 Banniste r, Dan \ V ..................................... 132 Bann on, \Villi a rn G ........................... 172, 202 Baran, Juli a Ruth ........................................ 4 5 Ba relay, R obert W ·------····------····--····---------- 198 Ba rich , B esse ··-·---------- ----------······----····----·· 286 Barke r Beverl y ----····--------------·----- --·····--·--- -..45 Barna rd, Betty Ann e ...... ----··--------·····-··--·.2 56 Barn ett, H e rb e rt B. ····-······-·········-·····--·---- 209 Barnett, Ja ck L. ······---·--·····-----········-····-·-·-·-219

Barnett, Robert B ....................................... 45 Barney, B etty J ea n .................................... 302 Barnum, Edw in N. ······----··········-·---·----·-·· 2+8 Barnum, Jose ph ........................................ 273 Barnum, Marcia Jan e .............................. 231 Baron, Arthur G ....................................... 174 Barr, Barbara J· ----····-·----·-····------------·-······227 Barr, C harles L. ........................................ 193 Barrett, J ose ph L. ........................ 4 5, 209, 28+ B a rrett, Mary El len .......... _______ _______ .......... 241 B a rron, Kath e rin e ·-·-··----··-·-- --------···-··4 5, 252 Barrow, John J· -·--············-·--------------····---- 182 Barskin, Doovid B ....... ----··----- --· ··---- 209, 296 B a rth, Kitty Lou ........................................ 231 Bartl ett, Emma R. ....... ---···--·----------······--·--·--4 5 B a rtl ett, Richard J. ····----·---····--·-··-····-···-·· 182 Barl ett, Robert C ............. ---·----------····----·· 182 Baseba 11 ····--·-·-······----········--······----····--------·· 112 Bas h, Caro ly n B ...................................... .241 Basketb a II ····-···--···-··-········-······--··-·-············· 100 Bates, B etty A ..................... 4 5, 224, 270, 292 Battles, Georgia M .... ·-·····------·-··--------4 5, 223 Batty , Marion E· ------····----·-·····-·········--·····228 B augh, Doral J. -----···············--····--·-·-·-232, 252 Ba ug hrnan, V.Til liarn -··---·····-····----····------····4 5 Ba urn, Rich a rd V.T. ·····-····--······-······-····----·· 210 Baum, V.Tilli arn H. ··-······-·-·-·-----··----····-····· 17 6 Baxter, Donald E ........... --·-··-------·------46, 257 Ba y less, Barbara R. ............................ 4 6, 241 Bays, Edna Jun e ---····--·-··-·-···-···---·······-·····-46 B eagl ey, Nancy Jan e ................ 142, 227 , 252 B ea I, C harl es A., J r ....... ----··----- ---········--· .1 86 Beam, Josep h S......................................... 274 B ea rd, J eanne D·- -----····-···-·- ---·······---··-·······23 1 B ea rd, John H ·----·····-················--------·········· 179 B eatty, Norman J· --··-·····--··-·····------·-········ 186

B eauti es . ----- ------- ----------·-····---··-------- --········· 13 6 Beck, All en M ....................... --··--------·------· 17 6 B ec k, Bonita B. ····-·----········--······---···-------- 252 B eck, G eo rge T., Jr ................................. 186 B eck, R obe rt A ....... ----·····---------------·-···-46, 206 Beck, vVi II i am E. ----···-········----·······--·-------··.46 Becke r, Sidney ·······-·-··········----·-·---····--------20 5 B eck man, Josep h K ....... ----·······-----·········--- 193 B eckn e ll , Jack L. ------···---··-·----------····----+6, 213 B eckwith , Willi a m F ........ ---------·-··---···---··.46 B edw ell, Sara I.. ...... ---·-------·-····-·-- --····46, 232 B eec her, E linor L. .................................... 241 Beeke, Es ther R ------·····-········-·····----····-----·291 B eele r, J ohn v.1................ -·---------------········-.46 B egne r, Rob e rt ·---···---················----------------205 B eise l, No rman \ V ................................... 179 R eism a n , Anthony J ···-·······--···-····--·-·-------3 10 B eldin g, R ay T·--- ---····--·-·-··-·---·--------········-- 181 B el I, Edward ----·····-··---··----·----·-- -----------····-·8 8 B ell, M a ry E . ·················-··········-- ··------ --····224 Bell e r, Dal e ··-·----·---·········-········--········----·-·- 181 B el Iiso n, Ruth ---------------··---·····-·-------------·---·-+6 B enckart, Marjoria A ............................... 231 B enckart, Rob e rt G ........................... 206, 276 Benck a rt, Wil Iiarn E ................................. 206 B enedi ct, C harles D .... ·--····----·-·--·----·-·-----214 B enn er, M y ron E ............. ----··-····-··----·-·-···- 151 Benn ett, Lawren ce ]. ................................ 18 5 Benn ett, Mary E. ------··········--·-------·····-····--253 B enn ett, R obe rt H ·----··········------··------··----·· 179 Benninghofen, Chri stin e .......................... 2 53 B e rcaw, Barbara ...................... 159, 173 ,231 Berger, V,l illiarn M ye r ..... ___________ .............. 205 Berkey, Virginia F ..................................... 251 B e rman, E dward J· --·-···-········--·-------··········248

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Dancers throughout the state travel to The Indiana Roof to dance every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday ' neath slow ly moving clouds and twinkling stars . Colorful Spain furnished the inspiration for this magn ificent ballroom, where dancers move rhythmically over the mirrorlike dance floor to the music of a parade of nationally famous dance orchestras . Every facility for your convenience and comfort will be found in the resplendent surround ings of this enchantingly beautiful dance and show place .

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Be rnard, A li ce M . ................................... .2+l Be rnard, Ne ll e C ............................. 232, 309 B e rnhardt, R obe rt F ........... +6, 198, 278, 28+ B e rn stein , E d\\'ard .................................. 209 B e rn stein , R obe rt 0 ................................. 209 B e rnstein , R usse ll ...................................... 20 5 B e rry , Paul B., Jr ................................. +6, 193 B es hore, R o he rt K ..................................... 179 B es i ng, He u la h 1' ................................. 25 3 ,29 L Besing, Eve lyn E ................................. +6, 28 6 Bes t, Do rothy J ......................................... 2+7 Best, F rank A ............................................... 46 Beta Gamma Sigma ................ ................285 Beta Theta Pi .............................................. 180 Beye r" Marvin J ......................................... 4 6 Biddl e, Jam es B . .. ............................ 17+, 179 Biddle, Jam es \-\ 7. ...................................... 2 13 Bi e h l, Jam es A ........................................... 283 Billman , Lion e l .................................. 15 1, 186 Bin fo rd, Barbara J ................................... 232 Bi rd, Phi Ii p L. ............................................ 217 Bi re ley, Hett\' J ean .................................... 2+7 Bishop, G eo rge D ..................................... 27+ Bla c k, Joe 11. ........................................ 88 , 210 Bla c k, J osep h B ..................................... +6, 207 Black, Miri am ............................................ 252 Bla c kmore, Jam es D . ................................ 197 BI a ke, Lo u is D ........................................... 2+S Bland, G eo rge J:;; J. ........................................+6 Bl a nd, R obe rt E . ........................................ 179 Bl andfor d, "Villiam E ............................. 2 1+ Bl assa ras, Cr ist A ..................................... 2 1+ Bl e nker, Dona Id ...................................... 101 Bl e nk e r, l I a ro ld J ..................................... 2 57 Bl ess in ger, Loui s ll.. ................... +6, 2+8, 2+9 Hi e \\' , M a ry An n .......................... +6, 173 , 2+7 Bli c k, M ilton 11. .................. +6, 13+, 28 +, 306

Bl ickensd e rfe r, Jun e E l le n ........................ +6 Blickman, So l ........ + 1, +6, 132, 172, 209, 28+ Bl oche r, J ea n ............................................ 22 7 B lock, M elvin A ........................................... 46 B lue K ey .................................................... 132 Boa rd of S tan dard s ................................ 130 Bobak, H enry .............................................. 93 Boaz, He tty R .............................................2 5 3 Bobi lya , C laud e M ..................................... 213 B oc hni cka, J o hn .......................... 88, 106, 21 7 B ock, Do n C ............................................. 207 Boden, R obe rt L. .......................... +6, 18 5, 29+ B oeg lin, Leonard A ................................... 257 Boe hm , D a le E .............................................47 B oe te l, Charles l-I.. ..................................... 193 Boga r t, Fe li x A ........................................... 20 5 Bohnsack, B a rb a ra .............................. +7, 286 B o li nge r, E lea nor ....................................... .+ 7 Bol lenb a c h e r, J ohn .......................... --47, 198 Bol le nba c he r, Julia .................................. 2 19 B ond , J a m es I.. ................................... 190, 273 Bone, Ri c h a rd I.. ....................................... 18 5 B o necu tte r, 11 a ro ld E ........................... 47, 19+ Bone witz, C harl es R. .................................. 79 Bonham, J oe M ................................. 172, 17 6 Boo ko ut, Ric har d E ..................... +7, 28 +, 289 B oon e, Bette ........................................ +7, 227 Bopp, Jam es .............................................. 185 Borders, B etty J o........................................ 2 53 Bord e rs, Jam es L. ........................................ +7 Bo rn em an, H arold A ................................. 2 10 B osse, G ilbe rt B ................................. 2 10, 288 Bassett, R obert l-J ...............................20 1, 310 Bothwell, G le nn 0 ....................................... +7 Botkin, M ax L. ............................................ 213 Boughan, Virginia L. ................................ 23 t B o ,,·e n, B etty Lou ...................................... 221-


Bowen, M a rk E ........................... 47, 289, 306 B owen, Mary \' .......................................... .+ 7 Bow e rs, E laine Lou .......................... 228, 252 B o \\'l by, Betty J ......................................... 220 B o w les, Donald R. ......................................+7 Bowman, M e lvin C ................................. 298 B o\\'yer, John, J r. ...................................... 28+ B owye r, R ose mary .................................... 2 52 B oy les, Marj o ri e J ..................................... 252 Bradwa y, Mary E .....................................253 Brady, James T ........................................... 47 Brah os, Marth a H ..................................... 2++ Bra ley, Willi am J ..................................... 2++ Brandt, R obert D ....................................... 190 Bra ze lto n, R obe rt E ................................... 19 -~ Bra z i I, M ary E ...........................................252 Breimye r, Mildred E ................................ .47 Brenn a n, J o hn W ...................................... .47 Bridges, \-\l illi am L. .............. +3, +7, 128, 269 Bridge\\' a te r, Willa L. .............................. 223 Br iggs, Bi I ly J ........................................... 2+8 Bright, Judith A ............................... 2++, 2 5.l B roadwe ll , 1le r ber t E ............................... 3 10 B rockmann, R obe rt F................................. +7 Brockway, M e rrill 1.................................. 197 Brodh ec ke r, R obe rt M ............................... 197 Bron so n, Nadyne S ..................................... +7 B ronstein, B e rnard R. ........................ +7, 209 Brook s, C harl es L. ...................................... 179 .Brooks, M e rton l-1.. ..................... +7, 2+9, 298 Brown, All e n G ......................................... 18 1 Brown, Annese E . .............................. 2+3, 253 B ro \\' n, A rt ................................................ 18 5 Brown, Bernice E ................. +7, 123, 13 1, 309 B ro"'n, C hilton ............................ +7 , 197, 278 Brown, I l e le n M . ........................................ +? Brow n , H owar d K . .................................. 197

lFe welcome this opportunity to congratulate you upon the completion of y our college work, and extend sincere wishes for your success. Serving you has been a pleasure, a pleasure which C--~hope will continue throughout your career. To those of you who plan to enter mi litary service, may we remind you that S. S. White Equipment and other products wi ll continue to be a part of your daily life. Brushing-up on their operation and techniques now will prove of value later . Always remember S. S. White field repres e ntatives, branches and dealers stand ready to assist you. You who will serve at home in private practice will be confronted with the greatest demand ever placed upon dentistry for the conservation of public health . H ere again we can assist, for nothi ng will do more toward promoting efficiency, extending service, and conserving your health, than a properly designed, well-equipped office.



Brown, Ja mes L. ··········------·-----·-·····---··------276 Brown, K enn et h J. ------·-··-----·---·--····--·-····-- 181 Brown, Kitty L. ·-·-----·-----··--------·-··------·-----231 Brown , M . Jun e ........ 127, 137, 161, 241, 296 Brown, Marguerite A ............... 47, 231, 292 Bro wn , Mari e A . ........................................ 48 Brown, No rman E . ....................................219 Brown , R a Iph C. ··----·--·--·-··········-············-2 l+ Bro wn, Rober t E. ····----········--··----··--·-······ 19+ Brown, Thom as C .... ........................... 47, 20 6 Brown, Virg ini a N ........................... 11 8, 232 Bro,vning, J oan J ....................................... 232 Bruce, Patsy A ............................................. 48 Brun e, Ca rl otta J ·-····-····--············-··--········- 138 Bruner, Ralph vValdo, Jr. ...................... 193 Brun e r, R obe rt Ladd ........................ 106, 197 Brunoehl e r, Ca rl John ................................ 48 13 ru se, Lou ise .............................................. 25 3 Bryan, Cha rl es \Vi lli am .................... ........ 48 Brya n, Donald H oward .......................... 179 Bryan, R obert E ......................................... 24-9 Brya n, Vil illiam E . .................................... 24-9 Brya nt, J ames H. ····--······--··--··-·-·············--213 Bublitz, Robe rt 1-1.. ............................. 2 17, 289 Buc han an, El iza beth ................................ 23 8 Buchanan, John H ....................... +8, 269, 289 Buc hanan, Mary L. .................................. 235 Bu ck, Rodger L. .............................. 109, 21+ Buck, Vi' a Iter H . ........................................ 197 Buck le r, Robert P ....................................... 202 Buckn e r, George R ..................................... 48 Buen te, Benjamin E ............................. 93, 19 8 Bund y, Ernest F......................................... 257 Bund y, Phy lli s J ....................................... 256 Burbank, G loria L. --··················-----·······--228 Burge r, Bill y B ........................................ .217 Burgman , Max E ......... 43, 278, 284, 287, 288 Burk e, Edmund L. ...................................... 179 Burr, Thur! C ............................................. 48 Bu rroughs, Jo E ll en ····--·--·-··--···············--228 Burton, H elen M. ········----·-············--····+8, 302 Burton, Wilbur E. ····---···--·····-··-·············--207 Busa rd, 1-1el en Fra nces ............................241 Bu sc hmann , Cha rl es S............................... 202 Bush, J osep h K. ..........................................257 Buskirk , Allen V. ····--·········-·-····--·--········---202 Hu ski rk , Ann a Jan e .................................. 23 5 Bu ti e r, C harl es 1-1....................................... 189 Butler, Dorothy M. --··-----·--················+8, 227 Butle r, Vi' illi a m H . .................................. 193 Bye rs, M ary E. ·······--·---········-············-··-······48 Byrd , Jam es T .......................................... 213 By rn e, M artha 11 ....................................... 253

c Cadou, Eugene J .........48, 132, 19 3, 276, 294 Cag ley , Rich a rd P ................................... 28+ Cahn, Sidney ····--·····-·-····---··--·--··48, 132, 20? Cain, Wilma J ............................................. 48 Ca Ibeck, Marion J. ....................................185 Ca Ihoun, Bertha L. .............................. 48 , 223 Ca llaway, Marjori e ................................. .253 Cameron, J eremiah -·-·--····-·-···-···--··············48 Canaday, R ea d B .......................................202 Cana tesy, Ruth C ................................ .48, 15 l Can n, Janet ····--······························---····--·--291 Can tor, Harv ey ·····---·-···········-··----············--48 Carey, J ose ph A . ...................................... 197 Ca rey , R ichard F. .................................... 179 Carey, Ruth A . .......................................... 219 Ca rli n, Jam es ····-··-----···············--··-············202 Car lton, Richard S. --··--····--········--········----210 C'a rm ichea I, Bett y L. .................................. 2 1) Carmony, Warren .................................... 186 Carpenter, F red A . ----··············--· ----··---····--20 6 Carpente r, Thomas D . ..............................48

Carrell, \Villi a m L. .................................. 109 Car rin g ton, George 0., J r .................48, 189 Carson, Clifton L. .................................... 18 9 Carson, Iren e C . ........................................ 247 Carson, James E . ................................ 48, 182 Carte r, Ann Lee ........................................291 Carter, Fra ncis L. ..................................... 18 9 Ca rter, Fre d S..................................... 48, 210 Carte r, J ames J . .......................... 49, 202, 284 Ca rtwri g ht, E lsie E. L. .............................. 223 Ca rtwri g ht, H arry P . ---·--····--····----·········· 207 Ca rtwright, Le Von Faye ........................253 Ca rtwri g ht, Willi a m A ........................... 179 Casey, John J .............................................49 Casey, M artha A. -·----····--· --·--·-················231 Cassidy, Bernadette C .................... .49, 237 Cass id y, Hu g h E . ...................................... 193 Catt, P hylli s K. ........................................231 Ca ttel le, M ar jo ri e E ......................... 238, 286 Cauble, Suzanne ........................................ 23 5 Cavanaugh, E mmy Lo u............ 49, 2 19, 286 Cavende r, Betty J a ne.................................. 49 Cav in, Wi 11 i am R. .................................... 197 Cawn, Sylv ia M ....................................... 243 Cha ikin , Dorothy .................................... 24- 3 C halfant, E lsie V ......................... 49, 22+, 270 Cha lik , E ugene G ..................................... 182 Cha mbers, Vilalter S.. ··--····--·····--·----········202 C hand !e r, Cl i !ford W .................................49 C handl e r, Leland ···············-·-·········-··-·---··-214 Chand ler, \V ay ne S . .................................. 2 13 C haney, William L. ·-··--····--·····--··-········--·-2+8 C ha pm a n, Sara Jan e .............................. 23 5 Chappe ll , Lea h L. ................................ +9, 228 C hasma n, Paul .......................................... 274 Chasta in, 1-l olla ce A ...................49, 2 13, 278 C head le, Car l .................................... 49, 179 C heno" ·e th, V\lilli am A ............................. 202 C hes bro, C har les A ..................................... 88 C hester, M arge ry E. .................................. 241 C hester, Willard 1-1 ................•.......... 174, 210 Chi Gam ma ·--·--············-····--··········-········--29 1 C hi O mega ---·--·-··--·····-----·-············-----······· 226 C hild e rs, Virgini a .............. 49, 131 , 277, 292 C hitwood, Lois M ..................................... 252 C hitw oo d, M o rri s E ..................................... 93 C hi v in g ton, P au l V., J r. ..................49, 2 10 C hogas, John A .........................................2 17 C hri ste na , John D ....................... 49, 249, 298 Chr istenson, M ii for d P ............................... 49 Ch ri stiansen, Clyd e C' .................................49 Chr ist ie, Lu cill e I ..................................... 252 Churc h, Na ncy 1-1..................................... 219 Claeys, R obe rt G ......................................... 49 Clapp, Donald L. ......................................207 Cla rk, E dw a rd F. --······--····--····-·-·--············ 18') Clark, Jam es B. ········--··············-----· -······--· 189 Clark, Jam es R. ........................................ 179 Cla rk , K en neth P. ····----··--·········-·-··········-·248 Clark, L. J. -·-----···--········--········--················ 194 Clarke, Doris M. ····--····---·······--····--253, 29 1 Cla rk so n, Jam es A ............................... 93, 186 C lark on, William K ................................... 93 C lary, K eith e ............................................ .49 C lou den, J ea nne M ................................... 241 C lausen, Doroth y A ......................... 244, 253 C lausen , Luci ll e C . .......................... 244, 253 C l a use r, C har les E ................................... 217 C Ia wson, Jam es E ..................................... 197 Clay, E li zabe th J ............................. 244, 291 C legg, R obe rt G ....................................... 2+9 C leve land, C ha rl es A . .............................. 210 C leve la nd , Na ncy A .................................256 C leve land, Thoma s C .............................. .20 7 C lifford , Ruth C. ........................................ 219 C lin e, Barbara Ann ............................ 49 , 256 C louser, Eu do ra R. .................................... 228 C lun ie, C ha rl es R. ···---····--·····--·-···--·-······--194


Coa kl ey, Albert ····---···--········-··········--··-······98 Cobb, R oy C ............................................... 197 Cob le, C har les R. ...................................... 185 Co dd ens, Avery L. -···--····--····················-·-···49 Cody, H elen V........... 49, 11 8, 12 3, 252, 277 Coffee, J. C. Chestin e................................ 189 Co ffin , Franklin D . .................................. 179 Coffin, M e rrel D ....................................... 198 Coffman, Jan e M ....................................... 224 Cogan, John M ........................... 49, 132, 278 Co hen, Suzanne ....................................... 243 Co hn, ll owa rd .......................................... 205 Cohn, Stewart II. --···········----······-········-·-·-· 193 Cole, James S ........................................... 210 Co leman, Patricia .................................... 232 Coleman, W ii rren C. ·····--·--·-·--·····---···········49 Co ll eg iate C hamber of Commerce .......... 287 Co lli e r, Thomas M ...................................2 10 Co llin s, Charles F ............................... 17+, 213 Co llin s, Irma J . ........................................ 252 Co llin s, Marjanna R . ................................ +9 Co ll in s, Robert Vi' ...................................... .49 Combs, Lewis H. --········--········--················5 0 Comp ton, Betty J ....................................... 244 Compton, C harles \'V . .............................. 181 Compto n, G eo rge S. ........................ 2+8, 274 Compton, H arold J. .................................. 185 Con a rd, E th el E ........................................... 50 Conigl io, Ca rmine T ......................... 88, 182 Conn, Janet Lee .......................................... 220 Conn e r, Guy E ............................................. 50 Conner, Kat hryne M. ····-----·--········---·-·······50 Cook, Bery l E ............................................... 50 Cook, Bruce C. ·-··--·····-········--················----274 Cook, Frederick H . .................................... 2 10 Cook, Geo rge D . .......................................... 50 Cook, Horace Vil . ................................ 50, 181 Cook, John \V ..................................... 50, 257 Cook, Marj o ri e K . ····-·-·----····--····---.2+4, 29 1 Cook, Mrs. M arjor ie L. ............................ 238 Cook, Mary E .......................................... .24 1 Cook, Roy R ..................................... .......... 181 Cookson, C . Louis e................................... .241 Coonan, Willi a m S................... 50, 172, 20 1 Coope r, Char lotte R ............. 50, 123, 23 5, 270 Cooper, Eve lyn F . .......... ..........................224 Cooper, R a lph T. .................. 50, 257, 269, 289 Cooper, Virginia A . ................ 159, 224, 286 Copin, Si mone .............................. .............. 247 Corbin, John Vi' ·····--·--·--------50, 132, 193, 288 Co rco ran, Su zanne M ......................... 50, 219 Co rid en, Gu y E ........................................... 50 Co ry, Vi' alt e r H ......................................... 27 3 Cosgrove, Rit a Ma ry ................................ 251 Cositore, Vin cent L. .................................... 194 Cossey, Rob e rt E .........................................2 17 Cote, Marjori e Y ....................................... 252 Cottingham, Rober t Vi' ·-···--·-··--····· ··-·····-·- 176 Cougias, Ch ris ····--····-···-·····---··-· ................ 50 Cou lt as, Sarah A .......................... ........... 247 Cou lton, Arthur --·---···········-········ ............. 179 Counci l of F ra tern ity Pres id ents ............ 172 Council of Fraternity Pl ed ge Presidents ·····-····--········--····--················-··· 174 Coun tryman, Susan A ..................... 232, 253 Cowan, R obert ...................................... 88, 93 Cox, A lm eda M ........................................... 50 Cox, Frances E . .......................................... 50 Cox, R obe rt D . ............ 50, 128, 172, 213, 278 Crabb, Miri am C ............................... 224, 252 Craig, G loria ···----···--·······--······-··········-·····256 Cra ig, M ari lynn ····--····----·············-··········219 Craig, P a tsy Ruth ...................................... 232 Craig, Reub en A . --·········----·····-·--·-····5 0, 206 Craig, Richard M . .............................. 50, 206 Cravens, Jack R. ...................................... 213 Crav ens, Joe C . .......................... 93, 18 1, 276 Cravens, Robert L. ....................................2 13

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C ra\\'fo rd, B e rn a L. .................................. 2 53 C reage r, Ra y 0 ........................................... 50 C reighto n, B a rba rn J ............................... 29 1 Cr e w s, Patty Ann ................................... 253 Cr e w s, R obe rt C . ................................ 50, 289 Crites, Rob e rt J. ........................................ 50 Cronin, \Vi lli am J ..................................... 182 C rooke, D on a ld F ..................................... 176 C roo kes, Ph oebe J ..................................... 302 C ross- C o untr,· T ea m .................................. 99 Cross ley, Ann ............................................ 227 Crossl ey, Nan B . ........................................ 227 Cro\\' e, B e ry l A ......................................... 224 C ro xt on, \Villiam L. ................................ 179 Crull, M a ry F ............................................. 252 Cullison, J o hn L. ........................................ 181 Cu l vey ho use, Jam es R. .............................. 50 Cu mmin gs, Ralph L. .................................. 182 Cunn in g h am, Margare t E . ...................... 228 Curd es, Norma K ............................... 2 19, 253 C urre nt, Kathry n A ................................... 224 Currey, R obe rt S ....................... 151, 186, 306 Curry, Ja c k R. .......................................... 186 Curry , Paul B. .......................................... 190 Curry , Samu e l vV . .................................... 10 8 Curr_,-, vVilliam C . .............................. 51, 284 Curti s, J ohn C ........................................... 18 5 C urti s, Marga ret L. .......................... 233, 291 Cusa c k, Rob e rt 11 ......................................... 5 1 Cuthbe rtson, !!arr~· K ............................... 186 Cu tl er, Rob e rt F ......................... 5 1, 197, 284 Cuts hall, Barbara .................................... 23 5

D Dail ey, Marj o r ie R ............................ 5 1, 302 Dai ly Stud ent ............................................ 162

Dalto n, \\'il son L. ........................................ 5 1 Dances ........................................................ 1+7 Danehy, Jam es .......................................... 201 Dani els, B etty J . ................................ 5 1, 30 3 Dani els, Eve ly n R. .............................. 5 1, 2++ Dann, Robert 1-1 ....................................... 209 D a shn e r, R.a l p h L. ...................................... 202 Datzman, Ri c hard C ................................... 5 1 David, Mauri ce A ..................................... 21+ Davi s, Ann e K ........................................... 51 Da v is, Barbara M . .................................. 2 53 Davis, Be tty A . ................................ 25 1, 307 Davis, Be tty R. .......................................... 23 5 Davis, C arol y n J ....................................... 23 8 Davis, Ch est e r E . ...................................... 306 Davis, D e nv e r E . .............................. 5 1, 28+ Davi s, l-l o\\'ard B . .................................... 185 Davis, Ra e 1-1 • .................................... 51, 22+ Davis, Rob e rt ll . ........................ 5 1, 15 1, 308 Davis, Russe ll H . ................................ 5 1,2 17 Davisson, Jan et E ....................................... 219 Daw son, K e nt C ........................................... 5 1 Day , Carl .................................................... 176 Day , Rob e rt L. .................................... 93, 2 1+ Deal, Russe ll J ............................. 88, 2 17, 266 Deal e, Hu gh S ........................................... 243 D eam, Calv in \ V ....................................... 176 Dean , Rob e rt T ..................................... 88, 207 D ean e, Eli zabeth ...... 12 7, 13+, 151, 277, 288 D ebate Team ............................................ 15 1 Deck, Geo rg e H ......................................... 2 10 Decka rd, Leona R. ...................................... 51 D ee n, H elen L. .............................................. 51 D eit zer, Patricia J ..................................... 252 Delta C hi .................................................... 182 D elta D elt a Delta .................................... 228 Delta Gam m a ............................................ 230


Delta Sig ma Pi ........................................ 288 D elta Tau Delta ...................................... 18+ Demaree, Philip D ..................................... 17 6 De Naut, Kathl ee n G ............................... 2 52 D e nk, Mary V ........................................... 2 53 De nto n, Ed D ....................................... 51, 101 D etamore, R obe rt J ..................................... 51 Detm e r, D elbe rt 0 . .......................... 21 7, 283 D etm e r, Melvin L. .............................. 51, 2 17 D etroy, \Villi am P ................................... 176 De vin, J oa n R. .......................................... 2 53 D e vo l, Mary J an e ...................................... 228 D e \\'ar, Jam es A ................................... 88 , 210 D e"' be rry, J oe F ......................... 51, 179 , 2 78 D e"' e nd, I Jelen J o .............................. 51, 2 52 Di c km a nn, G eo rge P . .............................. 182 Di c kmann, \V. Paul .......................... 193 , 276 Di edri c h, \ Vi lli am J ......................... 17+, 198 Di ehl , Betty Ann ........................................ 2 53 Dilks, Nan c_v J-1 .••..•••••••.•••.••.••.••••.••.•..••••.•••. 22 8 Dill, Virgini a A ........................................ .241 Dill ey, H arro lyn L. .................................... 2 56 Dill on, Carrol F . ........................................ 51 Dill on, Ja c k D . .......................................... 18 5 Dilts, James F . .......................................... 30+ Dilts, \ Valter E . .......................................... ' l Disse r, Paul R. .......................................... 18 6 Dixon, J eann e E ....................................... 219 Dixon, Ralph E ........................................... 210 Dobbin s, Joel T ......................... 20 7, 287, 289 Dobbs, C h arles E ....................................... 186 D oe r r, Edwar d L. ...................................... 5 1 Doerr,Elinore J . ...................................... 2 56 Doetsch, Ra y mond N ............................... 19 3 Do herty , J ose ph F ..................................... 201 Dolan, Jam es D ......................................... 197 Dolaway , Ear l L. .................... 88, 90 , 128, 26 6

D olen, William K. ____ ______________________ ____ ___ ___ 182 D oleza l, Be rn a rd J ---------·--·---------------- --------5 2 D oll , F ran ces A .__________________ _____ ___ ________________52 D oi lens, J ohn R -------- ---------- -------- -- ----------- -202 D ombrosky, R obe rt V\l.___ ___ _______ _______ _________ _l 94 D ome, Wilm a E·---·-------------- ---------- -- ----------25 3 D omek, Richard C. ______________ _____________ ___ 52, 310 D ona hu e, Wi 11 is L. _____________ ____________ ___________ 257 D onald son, Robe rt D .__________ ___ __________ _________ __52 D onova n, V\l illi a m H ._____________________ _248 , 249 Donse lm a n, Robe rt W .____________________________l 51 D oo littl e, N a ncy E . ____________ ________ _________ _______244 D o rton, Robe rt Q ______ ____ _______ ____ __ __ _____ ___ ___ _____ 52 D o ug herty, Be rt E.__________ _____ __ ___ __ ______________ l 98 Do ug hty, H a rold J --------·------- ---··-------------- 182 D oug!as, Ea rl R. ________________ _________ ___ ___________ -248 D oug las, Ruth E ----·----·---------··---·------------------5 2 D own en, M a rth a E ll en ___ ___________ ________________ 252 Doy le, M a ry P ----------·---------· -- ---· --------··------23 l D rago n's 1-J ea d ________________ ____________ _______________ _122 Dra pe r, Jo hn M ··------------------ --- ------------------ 210 D rebi n, H aro ld ---------·--·--· --·- ---- -·--- -------------209 D reb in , J ohn J ·------·--·----·---- -------- ----- --- ------- 186 Drey fu s, D on a Icl J ·------------------------------------209 Dri ve r, H a I V. __________________________ __________ ______ l 7 6 Droege, J ohn V\l ._________ _________________ ________________ 52 D ro it, P a tri cia.___________________ 159, 219, 270, 28 6 Duck w a ll , R a ! ph W .___ ____________________________ _l 82 Du ckwo rth , M a rgaret L. ---- ---------------------- 307 Dud enh offe r, Willi am H .______ __________________ 185 D uenw eg, M a ry E. _______________ ____ ______ _____ 52, 253 Duk es, C ha rl es W. ________ _________ ___ 172, 21 4, 308 D um es, Mi Id red L. _______________ _____________________ 252 Dun can , Ed wi n L. ____________ __ l 34, 27+, 306,308 D uncan, F ra nces M .______________________________ ______ 52 D unki n, Betty Lou ______ _____________________________ -228 D unk in, Leon S. __________________________________________ l 76 Du nl ap, A lan A. ---·----·---·-··---·----··--------------202

Dunn, W a ll ace C. --··----·· ---- --------------2 13, 273 Durbin , E li zabe th ---- ------ -------- ---- -------------- 232 Durgy, V\l illi a m D. -------··--··--·····--········-·-- 207 Duri ck, J ack W- ---·--····--····--·---········---·-···-- 186 Du Va Ile, M a ry E- ------·--·--············-··---··-···--223 Dwye r, Robe rt J- --··-----·-----··-··--·······-··-·-·--·- 190 D ye r, M a rvin W .... ·-----------· ---·----··--------------5 2

E Eage r, R uth A ----------------·--- ·---···-·········---····5 2 E arl es, Vii i Iii a m H -·-·------·-----·-·-·--·------------- 19+ Ea rley, H o race F· -·---- ----·----·-·-----·----·-··-·--·- 190 E aste rd ay , E d \\" in P. ____ ___ ___ 52, 151, 206, 298 E astm a n, Ja mes T- ------·-·------·--·----·--··-·-····- 20 6 Ebb in g house, T om l-1. __ _____ _________________________ 52 Eck ert, R usse l I A· --·-··-·--·-·--·-----------···---·-·-· 193 E dmi ston, J ohn l !._ ___________________________________ 2+8 E dw a rd s, Ed w a rd T. --·----·--·--·-··-··--···----·-·52 E dward s, Norm a n R. ---·---·-··--------·--·--·-·---- 181 E dw a rd s, Ri ch a rd A. ··-·---·-·--·--·-·· ------·---· 179 E dward s, R uth e A. ______________ +3, 52, 220, 300 E dwa rds, V\la lter T-l. -------·-----·----···---·-·-··-- 179 Egge r, Roscoe L. ---···---------·--------5 2, 257, 288 E g li , Jam es R. ·-·-··--·-··-··----·---·--·--·----·--····- 18 > E ic her, J ose phin e B -··-·-----------··--·-------·····--23 9 E icholz, J ohn L. __________________ 13+, 2+9, 27+, 308 E ik enbe rry, Seth F.________________________________ .. __ l 93 E ld e r, M ary K ----···--·------·------------·--·----·--·---5 2 E ley, T homa s C--·-·-- --··----·--·-·--··-- --------------202 E l fo rd, Ann e B. -·-·--·--·----· --·-·--·-·--·----·-22 7 ,2 86 E lfo rd , Willi am T . -····--·----·--·-·---------·----·· 202 E ll ema n, C ha rl es P ·-··-··-------·----·-··--------·· 202 E ll enbogen, E ri c ---·---------··-----------·--·--5 2, 20 5 E ll erbus h, R uth V. _______________ _____ 52, 253, 286 El lett, J ohn ···-··--·-··-··---··--··-·--···--------·--··----··52 El Ii ng ton, J o A nn ___ ··---·----·-·····---···---·-----··-227


RENDEZVOUS • • • "'"''I a Aur,Je1aoud, f;o.IJ,


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E lli ott, C la rence ----··----·---------··-·-- ----·-··------ 308 E lli ott, J ose ph L. -·-···---------- -----·----------····-··· 182 E lli ott, R obert T . ··--------·---------·-----------5 2, 210 E l Iiott, W i 11 iam C·----·----·------··------··----··------ 189 E lli s, D avis W ·-------------·-·----··-·---···---- 109, 202 E lli so n, R obe rt D . ---- -------·---------·---·--·------- 306 E lli so n, Robe rt M ._______________ _______ .. 52, 186,308 E lsne r, E dw a rd P. ---- --·- -·--- -··---- 156, 206, 306 Emmons, C ha rl otte J. --------------------··----···-23 1 E ndress, E uge ne H ----------- ------·--··-······5 2, 289 End wri g ht, Jo hn R. ______ ________ ____________________ 310 Eng lehart, Go rd on K . __ ______ ________ 52, 185, 294 E ng le ha rt, Ri ch a rd ]-I._ __ _________________ __l 85, 276 Eng li sh, Ri cha rd S------- ------·---··------·- --------··2 17 Enoch, Jun e ----------------·------·-------------·----53 , 2 19 Epp ley, G a rri ott V\l._____________________________ _____ 2 l 3 E rckm a nn , Gu s ·---·-------------------------··-·--98, 310 Er ha rdt, Da n L.·--···-----·--------------------··--·-·- 198 E r vin , W il li ain J.------------ -------------------------- 179 Esc hba c h, J esse E. ______________________________ 53, 181 Es penl a ub, R uth M ·------ ---·--··----··--------------·-5 3 Es pi e, J ohn C. ____________________________________________ l 85 Est!e, Do n a Icl E -----------··--------··------ ------------ 161 E uclid ean C ircle -·--·-----·----·----·--------·------·-·· 300 Ev a no ff, J o hn S.·--·------------·---··-----·---------·-- 18 5 Eva ns, J 0 11 V\l. _________________ ___________________________ l 90 E va ns, 0 11 ie R -------------------·----------·-·--------- 223 E ' •e r h-, M ary L. __________________________________________ 53 E,-e rman , Do rot hy M .________ 53, 13+, 286, 291 E " ·ing;, C ha rl es J. --------------·-------·--------··-----217

F Fa Icon C lub ------···-------------·---··-·--·-·------------- ! 76 Fa Icon bu ry, Beve rl y E. ____________________________ 25 3 Fa Iwe! I, La u re nee J ·---------------------------------- 189 Fa rm er, I v a n M ·----------------------------------5 3, 28 7 Fa rnh a m, R od ge r V\ 1. __________ 53, 269, 278 , 29 1

Farqu h a rson, Arthur II , _________ ___ _____ ___ 53, 186 Farre l I, I l e rbert E- ----······------ --- ·--····--··---··· 190 Farre l I, J o h n F ............. ___ ,, _____________ __ __ .... ___ -248 Farr is, Pau I G ................................ ____________ _2 14 Fa tc h, B e tty Ann .. __________ .... ----·-·----·- ·--- -.... 22 8 Faub e r, Dea n L. .......................... 53, 182, 289 Faube r, Mari an n e ______ ........... _.. ________________ 22+ Faug ht, Ste w a r t R ......... ·-·---- -- -·--- --- ---------·--- 93 F edl e r, Jan e t M· ---------·--·--··-----·-----------·---.. 237 F e iw e ll, Anita R . ____ __ ... ______ ..... __ _____ _____ 53 , 13+ F e li x:, Patri c ia J.----.. ------·------·----5 3, 219 , 28 6 Fergu so n , C. L e\\' is................ ----·----- .. ·--------· ...................... 53 , 132, 172, 179, 26 6, 287, 288 F e rg u so n, Loi s J. ______ .............. _____________ ..... 2+ 1 F eq.~u so n, Phi Ii p R . __ .. __________________ __,, ________ 2 17 F e rg uso n , Ra Iph B. ·--..·----------------- ------------- 18 5 F e rr a ri , Na ta le C . .............. ___________ .... ___ __ .. __ 5 3 F e rre ri , E leano r E . .................... 1++, 228, 252 F ett e rJ,·, M a rt ha ] ..... ________________ .. ______________ 13 l F ie ld, l l ar ry C. ___________ .. ___ ............................ 93 Fi e ld e r, R ob e rt C .......... _______ .... _______ ., _____ .... __ 5 3 Fi e ld s, F r ed VV ... ________ .. ________ ,,. _______ ,, .. ______ .. 2 l 0 F ige l, Cen e M. ______ ........ ·-----.. ·----·----·---·--... 193 Fi le, M a ry R. .... _________ .... _. ___________________________ 2+ 1 F i le ff, A 11 ton e ------- ---------·------------------- ·-·-.... 28 9 Fin e, Ma lco lrn I J . __________ ,, ___ .... _, _________ I 7+, 209 F in kb i n e r, Cha rl es 11 ........... _______________ .. ___ .. 5.l Fin lay, John E .... ____ ... ______________ .. __________ ....... 53 F inn e ll , Ann ________________ ........ _______ ___ 53, 23 l Fisc h, Ch a rl es ·--------·------·--------------- ___ .. ____ .. __ 5 3 F is h e r, D o n a ld R. ______ -----·--·------------ _________ 2 13 Fish e r, M a rjori e L. .............. _.. ___________ 23 1, 252 Fi s he r, Ri c ha rd L. ·-------·--.. ·--·--- 198 , 283 , 2 86 F ish e r, Rita A. ----------------· ______ ... 235 F is h e r i n g, Ri c h a rd IL _______ ,_____ __________ I 79 F itz patri ck , l'vla ry .J-----·-.. ·--·-----·---·--------.... 23 2 Flam e Cl ub ____________ .... _.. _____ ____________ ___ 268 Flani n gam, Lu c il e ----·-------·-.. --------- ______ .... 232 Fle e h a rt, Jan et L. ............ __ ., ___________________ .. __ 53 F lee nor, E d . ............. ___ .. _.. ______________________ .... _.+l Fl ee nor, Do nald \'. ____ .... ______ .. ______ +3, 53, 287 f le isc h ak e r, Arthu r I l .__________ ,, ______________ .... 209 F le is he r, M e h · in !) _____ .. ____________ ... _______ .. ___ 20 5 F li c k, D o nald E. ________ ,,_,, ___ .. _______________________ 53 Fl ood , J ames IL ____ ,_________ ., ____ ... _. _____ 53 Fl ox , Ri c hard E. _____ . ________ .. _______ __________ _53 , 2+8 F ly nn, Ed11a M . ______ .. ............ ________________________ 53 Fo ley , G eorge E . ............... _________ l 72, 185 , 276 Fo ley, S usa11 M. -----· _______ ..... ____ __ __ ,, .. _____ .. ___ 232 Fo li o ......... ____ __ ........................ _____________ ,_ .... 167 Fo lz, Do ri s A . ..................... ______ ... ____________ _2++ Foot ba 11 -------·- --·---·--·-·-....... _______ ., ____________ .... 86 For d , C h a rl es F . _________ .. ________ .. _________ _2 13 Ford, Lee R oy ___ ------·- .. ·-·----·-·-.. ·-·--____ ........ __________ 5+, 156 , 159, 193 , 276, 278, 288 f o rd , Lo is M . ·-----·-·---.... ·---.. ·--- ------------- -...... 23 1 Ford , Ruth E. ------.. ----·-·- ........ ------- ______________ 2+1 Fortn e r, Rob e rt T. --- .. ·--·----------- ------.. --.. ------5·~ Fowl e r, Thoma s C ........... ____________________ 5+, 21+ Fox, J ack VV. ------------------·-·--·----·-.. 5+, 17 6, 28 + Fo x, V\' ill iam __ -------- ......... ___________ 5+, 202, 28+ Fox:\\'orthy , Betty J .. _.. __ .. ____ ·---------.... 5+ F r ank, jack E ._______________ ........ ___ _________ _20 5 Frank e n ste in, Ma rj OI"\' c. __ .... ____ ,_______ ,, .. ____ 2 5 3 F rankl in, C ecil C. ________ 5+, 108, 269, 283, 310 F r a n z, D o ri s L. ----·-----.............. __________ 237, 307 Franz, \ ' o lmar A . --------·-------- _________ LOS, 197 Frase r, Barbara C . ............ ____ .. _____ ______ _5+, 23 l Fraser, E li za b eth \ V. ___ ., _____________ 5+, 123, 309 Fra se r, Wi 11 iam S. _______ ......... ----- -·-----........ 185 F r a zee, C h arma n ------------.. 286, 303, 309, 232 Frec h ti in g, Mary L. ........... _________ ________ 5+, 228 Free d , B ett_,- ............ ________________ .. ., _____ ___ ........ 2+ 1 Free ma n, Crnig vV . ................ .. __________ 54, 2+8 Free ma n, Forrest \V ......... __________ .... __ __ 5+, 2+8 F reem an, Li 11 i an F. . ......... ________ __ ........ ________ 5+ French, J e rry ______ ______ .......................... ---- .... 2 13 Fr ese n, R ob e rt C ..................... __ .. ___ , _____ .... _l 8 1

F re \\', Phi Ii p E ........................................... 18 5 Frey, William N .. _______ .... ........ __________ ,, __ 54, 26 6 Fr ie, R ob e rt J , _____________ _______________ ________ .... __ .... )+ Fri edl a n d, Fann y ________ .... ________ ____ 5+, 2+3, 302 F ri edl a nd , Ri c h a rd A . .............................. 209 Fri edm an, Ruth F. ________________________________ .... 253 Fr iedm a n , Ya le -------- .... ---·-·-- .. ·· --·--·--·----- ... -20 5 F r igge, E lm a P- .. ··-------- ................ 54, 16 1, 232 Fr isk, Arthu r VV. __ 5+, 132, 193, 266, 278, 288 Fromm e r, Ju stin ___.. ______ ......... +3, 5+, 29+, 296 Fromm e r, L a \\'ren ce J . .. --------·-- ----------- -- ----209 Fross, J ack f\ _____ .. __ .. __________ .. ___________ ,, _________ .. 2 1+ F ry , Jam es R . ............................... ____ _____ .... 202 Fry, Mary ---- .. ·- ---- ----- -- ·---- ........... ____ .. __ _________ 252 Fry ba c k, Mary K. _---- -·-------·----- ________________ 2+7 Fu c h s, Mar_,- JL _____________ .. __________________ 5+, 2 19 Fu It s, B etty lee ·--·--- ----- .................... __ _23 I , 25 3 F unk, B e tty J o --·--·--------............ _______ _______ 2+ 1 Funk, J o hn R . ____ __ _______ .. ________________ _________ ...... 5+ Funk, Ne il E .... ___________ 10 1, 132, 186, 266, 28 8 Funk, Mary Ja n e --- -----·---------------- ______ 5+, 232 Funk, W i 11 i a m R. ........ ----.. ··---.. ----------------- 308 Fuso n , VVa y n e E._. ________ .......... __________ .1 7+, 19+ F utte rkn ec ht, Jam es ____ .... _, _____ ____________ .... 2+9

G Gab e, Patricia ___ ________ _______ ., __________________ .... 22 8 Gaddis, Jam es P . ___ , ____________ ...... 16 1, 176, 288 Gaddis, J o h n W . .......................... ___________ .. 20 6 Gad ie nt, \'\'alter ---- .. ··----·-·· 15 1, 207, 29 5, 306 Glabrait h , G eo rge ··-·----...................... 88, 181 Ga le, S he ld on .................... --------· .. ·---·---·---- 198 Ga le, Wil li am R . .......................... __________ . 190 Ga I la g he r, J osep h ________ ,, ______________ _________ .... 289 Ga 11 ag he r, R ob e rt ............................ ________ l 79 Gal lin att i, J o hn ........................ 185, 276, 28+ Ga lliv a n , J ames .................... ___ ................ 193 Gal lm eye r, T homas ________ .... ______ I 32, 128, 20 6 Ga Ilow a y , Pa t r ic ia . -----·-·---- .. ---- .............. .2 31 Ga ll oway, \~' i lliam ---- ................ __________ ... 193 Gambill , Gi lbe rt \V. ·-----·-·------ .. ____________ .. 207 Cambi 11 , Sara h __ ..... ____ .... __________ ____ . ___ _______ 23 5 G a mbino, Lu c ie n /\ ........................ ______ 88 , 89 Gan z, S aul _____ ........................ __________________ .2+8 Ga rdn e r, D ean _____ _______ ................. ______ 5+, 20 6 Gardn e r, D o ri s __ ------- ............ ____ L+ 5, 252 Ga rdn e r, No rm an .................. ________ .... 207 Ga rdn e r, \ Vi l I ia m F . ...... _.____ __________ .... 21+ Ga rmon, Chuck ---------------· ___ 88 Ga 1Ti so n , J a m es L ee ............ -----·--· _____ ......... 5+ Ga ~ t , R ob e rt "''-----·--··-··---- .. -· .-2 13, 288 Ga st in e au , D a v i ~I C ............. ___ ,.____ _l 09 , 202 Ca ston, Ralph V.' . ------ -·----·-·-... ___ .2 13 Ga stan, R obe rt A ................... ------------55, 179 Gates, Be rna rd T. ·-·----- .... ----··-·----·---·--·---- .... 93 Gates, Co rd o n 0. -------·---·-------------------------. 198 Gaunt, Da v id \~' · --·-·--·--· .... ·-·-·--------·--------- 18 1 Gav it, Susa nna ---------.. ----············----- ......... 23 5 (; ea r ha rt, Rut h .................... _,. _____ -------- ..... 2+7 G el Im a n , M o rton A ............. _., ___________ 2+8, 2+9 Gem m e r, 11 i ram R. _____ ___ ......... ___ ... _____ l 5 1, 17 6 G eogh egan, Su e ------------·---... ..... _____ .22+ C ep ha rclt, Da v i cl A ......................... __________ 2 10 G e p h art, D av id A . .............. ·--·--·----____ 2 10 G e phart, Ruth ci nn ___________ ... _.... __ ...... 23 5 C er a rel, J e rrod _____ ---------·-·-·- .. -..... ______ 55, 202 G er main, G eo rge D ._________ ,,, ................ 5 5, 26'1 G e ry, I le le n F ......................... ____ .. ________ 55 , 2 19 C en r, Man· Jan e __ .... _. __ .. ______ 55 , 253 , 286 G h a rst, Ri c h a rd E. ______ .. ____ ,, ______________________ 206 G ibson, Barbara L ________ ,,_ .. ______ ... _.... 55 , 2+ 1 Gibso n , Patri c ia ____ ... _____ ............... ____ 23 1, 307 Gi e rz, Ruth --------- ......................... 55, 237, 30 3 G i Ib e rt, Mar ve l le j. .................. ___________ ____ .2 53 C i Jes , C eci I G . ____ .... ______ ,,,_ ...... ----·-----------·-·- 18 i G ill aspy , Ruth _-------···------··-----·-- .... ---·--- .. ____ )) G i Im o re, B etty J .. __________ ,, __________ _227, 28 7, 29 1


G in g, V irg il L, ______ ,___ ........................ .2 13, 288 C iova n in i, Mary E ...................... _____________ .... 5 5 G i rod, A rt h u r I 1..... ----·-···-···------·--------------.. 5 5 Gi s h, Jam es R. ____ _______ ________ ,_ ....................... 306 G lassor, I I a ro ld N ·------·--··-·- .. ·--··-.... __________ 108 G laze r, B e rna rd S. ____ ............................... -209 G la z ie r, R obe rt L. __________ ____ ,_________ ,, ............ 20 5 C li ck, E uge n e B . ---- .... --------.. -- .. ··---------------·5 5 Gl ick, M arian .... ___________ ............... ________ 55 , 292 Glossbre nn e r, E mil y ._. _____ .......................... 232 G lossbre nn e r, Patri c ia ·-------·-·---- .... __________ -228 Cobl e, R ic h a rd f\ ___________ ,, ____ 55 , 182, 283, 286 Godwin, VV e nd e ll E ................. __________ .... ___ _207 Goebe l, Ca rl W. ---- ...................... ........ 55 , 176 Goebel, M argar et ----·- ··---·----·-·---.. -- ___ ,... ____ 2 5 3 Coel ze r, 1l enry ............................ ___________ 210 Go ld , Ann e ________ ...... 2+ 3 Go ldb e rg, M o rton P. ____________ _____ _209, 29 1 Go ldm a n, Marc us ---·------·-· ............... 20 5, 273 Go ld smith , Jna n ...... _____ ............... ______ 228, 307 Col e, Jun e ... ____________________ ...... ____ , _______ 2+3 Go lf _______ .......... -----·-·---..................... 11 2 Go lonka, S ig mund ] ...................... _______ 1or, Gonse r, Be ,·e rl y M. ______________ ............. -253, 29 1 Good, Bi ll y R. --------· ------·--.............. __________ 207 Good, Sa mu e l P. __________ .. __ .... 55 , 2 13, 28+, 288 Good, W il liam 11 . _________________ .. _____ 55 , 193 , 288 Goodman, 11 a ro lcl F. _________ _____ 20Q Goodman, Jo hn T. __ ________ .. ______ ,___ .. ______ ... __ . l 86 Goodman, Le nnard S. ··-·-·----···----- _______ ... _20 5 Goodman, Ph il ------- .... ·-··---·---- _______ \5 , 20 '.) Good ri c h , Ja c k S. _ ____ 20 7 Go rm an , Ed " "Hd J·---------·---·-.. 5 5 Gosh o rn, Emmalou ______ ................... __________ 2 51 Gosho rn, l~ i c hard \'\'. ____________ .... 55 , 269, 286 Gos lin, J o hn \ \' ... _____ ,, __ ................ . 179 Gotsc h a 11 , Charl es ll ------ -------·-- ----__ I 9 .I Goud y, Fre d \ V. __ __ JO+ Cour ie_,., Donal d D .......... ___ 179 Govorko, Mi c ha e l R. .. 19+ G r ab horn, .Joa n e __________ ................. ·-·--------227 Grabo\\', M a ry E ................................ _________ 5 5 Grad le, R obert E. ___ ,, ___ I 59, 193, 2R8 C r a ess le, G eo rge G. __________ .. ______________________ 197 Graf, J o hn P . ·- ·---------·----·-· _______ .. 5 5 Gr af, Rohe rt L. ·--·----·---·---·-- ..................... 186 Gram e lspa c he r, R ob e rt E. _________ _202 Grant, Martin e M ..... _______________________ _227, 25 3 G raves, Betty A . ____ .. _______________ ,,______ .. 228 Grav es, Bi ll y J o ________ .................... ------- ____ 252 Grav es, Erna ......... ___ ................... __ 2 52 Grav es, j ack F. _ ...... ____________ 55 , 193 Crav es, Jua ni ta ____ _____ ,.__________ ___ 22 3

Grav es, Mary ---------- ----------------- 2 5 l Grav es, Park e r ____ ·----- -----·-···-·-·- .. 5 5, 172, 28 8 Gra_,., Ca rid orne ... ____________ ........................ 220 (~ r ay, M ary A. ----··--····- ---------------· .... -235 Gra y, R ob e rt L ------............ _______ l 79 Gra y, R obert T. ·--------_____ l 8 1 Gra,·, R ose __________ ---···-.. ··--··-·-·-· -· .-2+7 G reen , Marg a ret .................... ________ 55 G ree n, M o rri s . ___ ,............ ______ ,, ______ 56 Gree n, No rm an K . ____ _____ _182 Gree n, Th oma s E . . ................ ----·-·-·--· 18 1 Gree n e, R obe rt T. ........ 98 Gree n e, \ Vi 11 iam E . ---- .................... __ .. _______ 5 6 Gree no, J o hn S. _______ .. ________ .................. ______ I 97 G ree r, E lo ise ........ -----------·---·-··---·-------- _____ 23 1 Grego r,·, G eo rg e P. _______ .... ______ ,, _______ ___ 56, 18 1 Gre i v in g, K a thry n . _______ 56, 22+ G ri ess, J o hn ................ _________ _.. ____________ 56, 298 G rifli n, Jose ph A . ----------- ·---·-· .................... 197 Gr iflith , M ar ian ----·--_____ ... -2 3 1 G riffith , E lin or ....... ___ ......... ________ .... ----·· ·-- --56 Griffit h , J e ann e _____________ ., ____ ,, ______ ,, __ .23 8, 286 Gri le, No rm an ............................ 2 57 , 28 +, 288 G rim s ley, Hett,· L ou ___ ----·---·----------------·- .. ·--- ............ ..4 1, +2, 56 , 2 53, 277, 302, 303

* *


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* * *

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Groh, M arvin D ......................................... 310 Groman, R obe rt M .................................. 217 Gross, Charles B ......................... 56, 193, 27 8 Grosskopf, C h a rl otte ....................... .237, 307 Grossman, Arthu r D . ................................ 209 Grossman, R ex D . .............................. 93, 181 Grosvenor, Mary Jane .............................. 252 Grubb, Bil li e Jane .................................... 235 Grusin, Judith .......................................... 2+3 Gua rd , Bai ley ............................................ 202 Guard, R ebecca .......................................... 238 Gruffin, Ca th e ri ne .................................... 235 Guill, Anne .................................................. 56 Gumbiner, L. Rob ert .................................. 209 Gun th a rp, llalcyo n L. .............................. 238 Gut hi e r, Willi a m ........................................ 93 Gut hri e, Jeanne ........................................ 302 Gu tm an, E ll en ............................................ 56 Gutstein , L eno re ........................................ 302 Gw in, R obe rt L ee ................................ 56, 2 13 Gym Team .................................................. 98

H 1-1 aas, Joseph A ......................................... 217 H acker, 'Nm. C ................................. 278, 310 H a dl ey, Lu cy J ..................................... 56, 2++ H ad ley, M a rth a H . .................................. 241 H adley, ViTm. H . ........................................ 181 Ha ebe rl e, Vil illiam L. .................................. .................... 56, 132, 151, 206, 284, 295, 306 Ha ll, B etty E ll en ........................ 56, 227, 303 H a ll , E lea no r K . ...................................... 244 H al l, K enn eth ............................................ 193 Hall , Ru t h O ................................................. 56

Hall, 'vVm. C . ........................................ 56, 186 H al la ga n, l<'rank P ..................................... 193 Hall er, Robe rt Lewis .................................... 56 Hall ett, Betty Ann .................................... 252 H a ll ett, Byrne E . ........................ 56, 186, 288 H a ll ock, Marga ret A ................................. 252 Hal sa ll , Richard ll ..................................... 56 Ham, George E ......................................... 293 Hamersly, Margie E ................................. 2+1 Hamilton, Char les 0. ····-··························56 H amilton, Frank I. .................. 16 1, 210, 288 H a milton, Phy li ss C. ............................ .... 253 H am ilton, Ralph A . .................. 10 1, 102, 206 Hamilton, Ruth A . ............................ 232, 253 H amlin,] ack I. .................. 56, 206, 283, 28+ Hamm e r, Jay W ......................................... 213 H ammond, Mrs. 11 elen N ......................... 56 Hamva s, E li zabe th A ................. 1+2, 2+7, 307 H ancock, Frede ri ck II . .............................. 289 H ancock, Jan e .................................... 131, 227 Han ey, Vi'illiam K. .................................. 19+ H anika, Tom C ......................................... 198 l-1 anley, Francis A ..................................... 18 1 Han se ll, Ralph E ......................................... 2 10 H ansen, Jack G . .................................. 56, 193 Han sen , R obe rt C . .................................... 2 10 H anson, Phy lli s A . ...................................... 56 Hanson, \ V i 11 ia m E. . ............................... 182 H arcourt, F red e rick L. .............................. 190 H arding, Fredd ie J ................................... 223 Harger, Rob e rt W ............................... 57, 202 Harg rove, Frank K ................................... 179 Harkin, Ri cha rd J. .................................... 179 H arlan, Lo w e ll B . ........................ ............ 306 Harlan , Vil illiam L. .................................. 1 9•~ H a rlos, Be tty J o ... ....................................... 231



Il a rman, John 179 II a rre ll , Ru sse l I E ............................... 88, 179 l la rri s, Dessa R. .................................. 57, 286 ll ar ri s, Mary K . .......................... 57, 238 , 286 ll a rri s, Rob ert D . .............................. 190, 289 H a rri s, R obe rt P . ............ .......................... 2011 I l a1-r iso n, James l. .................... 2 10, 276, 28~ 1l arrison, Vi' illi am R. ................ 57, 193, 288 I l arsh, D aniel S ................................... 57, 2+8 I ! a rt, Barbara Sue .. .................................. 238 I lartin g, H arold K . ............................ 57, 289 Ila rting, \>Viii iam F . ................................ 298 I la rtl ey, Fred e rick J ..................................... 57 Ila rvey, R ob e rt 0 . .................... 15 1, 20 6, 295 Harv ey, Ve rn e K . ................................ 57, 2+8 I l asapes, T heodo re N .........................88, 1 9·~ ll asbroo k, M arge ry E ... 57, 127, 16 1, 23 1, 270 I J askett, ancy A ..... .................................. 23 5 lla sle r, Jam es R ........................................ 2 I 3 lla s le r, L~v o n R . ................................ 57, 2 1+ H a stin gs, Virg inia J ................................. 253 ll atala, Margaret I.. ... 57, 2 53, 277, 286, 287 11 atcher, Eva M ......................................... 223 H atfield, Milton 11. ...................................... 9 3 11 a thaw ay, Elsie L. .................................... 228 I !au enstein, Ed n a K ......................... 253, 307 H a ug h, R obe rt C ....................................... 186 1l ause, Ca th e rin e J ..................................... 237 1l avens, Jam es D ....................................... 181 H a wbak e r, M au ri ce D ....................... 2 1+, 289 ll awkins, Mary Lo ui se ............................ 134 I l a wk in s, M ary lea .................................... 29 1 ll aw ley , Virginia .............. 159, 228, 286, 287 H ayes, I lo Iton ............................................ 189 11 ayes, M ary Frances .................................. 57 r I ayes, R obe rt E . ........................................ 276

THERE ARE MANY UNCERTAINTIES AHEAD! Yet we k no w that eventually most o f y ou will , wh e n the times perm it, b egin the p1·acti ce o f de ntistry.

W h en th at time a rrives we wan t yo u to rem e m b er th at we ca rry in stoc k an d on displ ay, a comple te lin e of th e diff ere nl mak es of e quipmen t for yo ur compa 1·i sou and s tud y.




I J ayne r, L es te r D .. ---······-····-----·----······-··---· 207 I [ aywa rd, Dori s J ···········-----·---------·-··--····- 23 5 11 a ze I, Marj o ry E. --------·-------·--··-··-···········228 ll azel, Mary Ellen ........ +I , 57, 123, 2+ 1, 309 l leacock, John R. ............ ----··--····----······------ 190 J I ea th , P at ricia E. ·-·-··--·--------------------····---2 19 l lea th , R obert A ................... 57, 128, 132, 278 H eidenre ich, C lad ys ··--···------------····· I+ ", 2+ 1 I I el i man , Ma rt ha Lee·--·-·-----·----····----··-····-25 3 H ein e, Ordin e M·--------·-····------····57, 176, 28+ ll ein z, C e ra rd L. -------·················--······--·--- 201 1l einz, Thomas A. ----·······----·-------·········--·-201 I le ipl e, Dorothy M ......... ·----------·········---····-256 ll eitman, M a rian F ..................... 57, 23 5, 286 l l ejna, Walter C·---·----····--------····-·--····57, 19+ l l eld, R ebecca A ..... ----···-·--------··-----------··--····57 1-1 el Iman, 11en ry ···········-··--------------···········--· 57 11 elm s, Robert J ·········---··-------------·····-··-···-- 179 l l ei vie, De \ ' erle D· ----·-----------················--·- 197 ll emphi ll, \ Villiam '\' ............................... 197 11 end ren, Jo An n----···-····---------·--··········-····· 231 H endricks, Anne C ..................... 11 8, 23 5, 309 H endricks, R osema r.1· ----·--···-···········--····--··-·-··-···------···---·-+3 , 57, 123, 127, 28 6, 23 5, 309 H endri cks, Jul es 0. +I, 57, 132, 206, 278, 296 l lend ri ckson, I I a rry I I. ------··------57 , 2 13, 278 H endr ickson, v\l ill iam J ..................... 57, 179 11 en cl r ix, Lore na ···-···----·-----····--·····--·····---··-·57 I l end ryx, J. R ---·-········---------····-- ···········--··· 179 I J en cl ryx, \ 'Va rren M. ······----·-·-····----·········· 202 I I enn ebe rger, John A ..... ·-------····----------···-·· 179 I l enry, Alvin L. ·······-··--·-----------··············----58 I I en ry, I Iowa rd J. -----·-···-----·-····---········-·····5 8 H enry, Lo ui se \'. ·····-········-·--·-··-·····----58, 223 lI enson, Eben C. ·-·····--·------------·-·--··---······-- 98 li c rkl css, Nancy L. ...................... 58, 23 5, 286 H e rmann , Constance J. _____ , ________ 58 , 228, 286 Hernl ey, \ ;>\l i\liam M ·----·---····----·-·············· 193

I fe rrin, T homas S·-----------··---······-·----········----58 1l erron, \ Villiam P· --·----······-------····------------93 ll e rt enste in , Pau l L. ............................ 58, 21+ I l ester, Charl es R ... ·----·---·----------·----------·--····58 I I etzne r, Barbara A· -------···--·······-·-··-·----···· 253 11 eub i, Ma g nu s F. _______ ·-········-----·-------········30+ lli att, Ri c hard P·----····----·····-----···-·····-··58, 28+ 11ickey, Jo hn T. ·····-·-········-------·----------···---206 11 ickro cl , Kathryn E .......... __________ __ ____ .2++, 29 1 ll icks, R o land L. ·---····--·----·----·····--·------58, 289 11 icks, \ Varren L. ----·---········---·----·····-·······- 179 li igg inbothom, Nel l J ......................... 58, 238 l l ild e rbrandt, H e len M· ·---·------·----··--·---····2++ 11 i lgema n, Car I L ---------····-···---···-----···-··--··25 7 l-1 ilk ene, Lo is -·-···--·-············-··-···------- 231, 253 Hi lke rt, C. Ka y .... 58, 122, l 32, 172, 193, 266 11 i11, Martin L. ··············--··-------------·--------·· 189 I I ill, Nat l· . ----·······---·--··-··--·----··· ···---·······--· 202 1-l ill enbrand, \Villiam .... 86, 88, 9+, 198, 266 11 ii le rman, A l ice E· -·- ···--····--······-- ------ ········-- 79 l-1 i II is, Margaret E.············----·--·------ ---------- 235 l l ill sa m e r, Hetty Lou ............ ____________________ 227 l-1in es, Jan e ····-···----·-··----····--------·------·······---- 23 5 I li nes, R obe rt L. ·-----··············---- 101, 207, 276 11in e , V\lill iam ---·--··- ···················---· ···-··-·····5 8 1-1 in kso n, J ea n ····--······---············-------·-·---·-·-··5 8 J-1 inshaw, Hetty Lo u.·-········-----·----------- ----·- 232 1-1 irsch berg, Rob ert L. .......................... 58, 205 I l oad ley, 11elen ··--·-··---·---··--·----····----··········23 5 Hoad le.1-, \ Villiam l-1. ········----····----·-·-288, 306 1-1oa re, Flo rence -------·--··········----------····-···----220 H oa re, Jan e -·-·----······--······-·--------···--------·····220 H oc kema, Max \ V ... -------·········---·--------5 8, 206 H odges, Ba rbara -···---············-····-------····-····253 H odges, Dwayn e \V. ----·-------·--·------·-·-···-····93 J l odges, I l a rri ett ···-···················---·-·· 11 8, 232 1-l o cl so n, M arge ry ·-··----··--····----····------·······-232 H odson, Rosemary ············---··-- ------··-244, 253


Hodup sk i, Ted B ................. 58, 2+8, 2+9, 269 Hoelsc her, David \V ..................... ----··--------58 H oe lscher, Paulin e ·---·--·----·--······--··-------····2 56 H oese I, Ma r.1· J ane ... ·--------··-······----···----···· 291 H ofe r, \ ' i rgi n i a --------·--·-------··------··---·-------·· 2++ H offman, 1-1a rry E·--·---------········---------------- 182 l loffman, Julian ----····----······--···-··-·------········58 H offm an, Kitti· Lou ···-----····-····· 232, 2 52, 291 Hoffman, Sau I J. ·······---·-----····----····-----·----·---58 Hop;u e, .Jesse D· ----···-······---······-----------········ 2+8 I-lo ldcra ft, J oh n A .... -----···-·--·---·-----------------· ·--···--····-----···········58 , 12+, 194-, 26 6, 287, 289 1-Io ld eman, Ruth ·······-·-··----·············---·····---3 02 ]-] o ld e rn ess, 11 a rry J· -···············-·----------·-·- 210 Holland , J ohn S ................................... 58, 182 Holland, Mary J ea11 ···-·········-·-····------·--·····2+1 H o lli s, Betty D. ····--···-··---··--··········-----------2+7 Holli s, Walter IL ····----········---·········--·-····-·-·58 Ho lmberg, Juan ······-···-·---··········---·--- 1+3, 228 I Jo im es, John L. .... ----···· ·-······-····---····-------- 213 J--1 ol i nquist, Do na Icl J. -----····---··------··----58 , 284 H ols inger, Virginia L. -·----···-······-----------····· ........ +1, 59, 118, 13+, 161, 253, 277, 286, 306 H o ltz man , Paul \\' ............................. ______ 2+8 H o ltzman, R obe rt P. ···-··········-····-----·---···- 201 H oness, 11 elen E ......................................... 2 52 Honorari es ············--·-·····-··········-·--·······-··---- '21 H ood, Ainslee A ........................................... 59 H ook, Charlotte ············----·········-··-·····237, 253 Hook, Do ri s ··············-··········-·-··-··········------- 2 52 Hook er, Char les T ............................. 190, 273 Hoop e r, Mauri ce R. ............................ 10 1, 202 H oover, Jose phin e ········---·--··----······---------·253 J-1opkins, Charles D ....... ·--········---····-·-------- 182 Hopkin s, Jose ph R ·--·--------··················--···--·-59 Hornhe rp;er, Richard C ..................... ________ 2 17 I-loss, H ugh R. ......... ---············-·········---- 59, 269

Houghton, E leanor ---·-----------·-------- ·----·------ 232 Ho u g hton, John W. --·----·----·---------·---- ·59 , 304 Hou leh an, M artha ··-----··--·--·- --··--- ·----224,2 52 House, F loyd ---·---------·----·---------·--- ·····- 176,2 66 Howard, B e rn a rd ········--······----·------------·-··- 176 How a rd, Hube rt H . ---·---·----···-····--·-··-------· 182 I-Iowa rd, Jam es ----- ·---·----··---·----·--·----·-·······- 176 Howard, Ra y A. ·········-····---------··--·---·------·· 289 H o wd en, Rob e rt F ............................. 217, 273 H o we, L o uis I 1.. ......................... 206, 276, 283 Howe ll, C harl es L. ·-----·----·---·-------·--·--- ··-- 193 Ho w e ll, Fran ces A. ----------·----···--·-··--··--------59 Hru skov ic k, B e atrice ---·--·····---------···--·59 , 247 Hubay, T homas L. -·-----·······--·-······--···--·----201 Hub ley, Ra lph I. ........................................ 19 8 Hu c ke ri ecl e, Mark 11................................. 194 H uclac h ek, Quitt een ------------·····-----···--·-··----·5 9 H ucld leston, Pau I --········--·-········-- ---------------·59 H ucl son, R ic h a rd L. .... ---·------------ --·----·-------- 59 J-I u ff, Fred ------·-- -- ·-······---·------··········-----88, 310 1-1 uff, Op a l R. -·---·······--····-------·----------·----·----59 l Iuffe r, Glo ri a ------··-····------------·-·-·····-·--------2+1 Hu ff e r, Mau r ice R. ·········--·----··-·----·--······--- 190 Huffine, Ph i I C ................................... 213, 288 H u ffingto n , Joann e ·----·----·---- ·---- ·-···--· 14 5, 2 19 Hul ett, M a rg e ry ---········-········------·------------· 23 1 Hu ll , R ona Id l l.. ............................... 17+, 193 Humphrey, J ea n ········----------· ··········· --------·· 2 52 Hump h r eys, D oro th y .............................. 309 Hungate, Robe rt B. --·-----·---------·········· ·-----·· 202 Hungate, \ V illiam J. 106, 16 1, 202, 276 , 30 6 Hunt, Charl es D. ---············---·----·---------·-----· 18 1 Hunt, Shirl ey ----·-······--------·-·······-··--·----·--·· 23 7 J l unte r, Doroth ea --·······---·--·-······----·----59, 23 1 Hunter, 0 1i ve r M. --·-·····--·--·-·-·--·----····--·-·- 179 l l unt er, Ri c h ard N. --------·-----·-·········--·59, 198

Huntington, Cons~ance P ......................... 2 52 H ussey, Thom as .................. 59, 2 13, 284, 289 Hutton, J ose p h L ---·----·----·----·--------------------- 185 H y ma n , E l Ien --·----····------·· ----·------·------····-·· 243 H y ndman, Lee A. ------·--------·----------·---·· ··--·-306

1-J LS.A. ---······--·-·· --· ··--·----·-------·- ·------·-------··-··· 134 In ge ls, Robe rt W ................................. 59, 182 I n g ram , Aud ree ·····------····-···----···--·----· --·-··228 Ing ram, Forrest vV. ··-····------------······ ··-5 9, 28+ In g ram, John W. -----·---- ······-----·--------···- --·· 197 I nman, Mar lin R. --------------- ·-----·---··---248, 283 I nman, Mildre d --------·--·-·---------··--- --------5 9, 286 I ntramura ls, M en -·--·--·········---· ··--·--·---------- 11 3 In tram u r a ls, Wom e n --··········--·--------·-····--- 11 7 Iota Sigma Pi .............................................. 299 I ri ck, Norma L o ui se ---···---------·--·----·----·----· 228 Ir le, Marc ile ············---·--······--·---------·--·-····-239 I saacs, John C. ............................................ 2 17 I saacso n, E l a i n e -----·---·-··· ··----·-···--·--··--· ··---2+ 3 I sle r, D av id L. ............................................ 210 I zsa k, S idn ey A ......................................... 20 5 Jackson, Barbara A. ------ ··---·-··------·----·-----·-2 19 Jack son, C h a rl es E . ........... :........................ 306 J ackso n, C la re nce E. ·········-·--·---·······-·-- ·-··--59 Jackso n, Jack L. ---·-·--·-···--··------·-------·--·-----210 Jack son, Jam es W . .................................... 30+ J ackson, J oa n B . -----·----·-- ····--------·--------·-·---2+3 Jackson, R obe rt I. --······················--·--·------·· 198 Jacobowitz, Da v e F ................................... 20 5 J acobso n, M on roe --······--·--·--·-······---·------- ·-··-59 Jacoby, Char les P ................................. 88 , 19 7 Jaffe, Jack ---·----·-------·-···--·······----·-------·------·--2 09

Jaffee, Sidn ey L. -· ---- ·----·--------------··--------------5 9 Jaggers, D o roth y ---------------· ····--···---··2+4, 2 52 James, Barbara A. -·-----·--------------····· ·--------23 5 James, J o h n M. -------· -----------· --·----·------------ --109 Jann, E ldo n G----------------------------·--------------283 J a nnasc h , Frederick W ............................. 18 6 Jaqu es, E d son l L .---------· ------------··--··--·-5 9, 284 Jaqu es, Thomas -------··----·-----------------·--·----- 179 Jarr ett, C h a rl es W- -----------·--···------------------· 176 Jarvis, Steph en R -------·----· ---------------------·--·- 18 5 J e ffr ey, Jam es M ....................................... 18 1 J e n s, Wi 11 i a m F ..... ------·------------ ·---·------------ 190 Je ste r, W ill iam F ....................................... 179 J e w e ll, Wi ll ia m C ..................................... 59 J oe rs, A rn o l cl vV. ---· ---·----- ·---- --------------------19 3 J oe rs, R on a Icl A. --------·-·········-·--· ---------------- 193 J o hn so n, Barbara 59 , 123, 127, 2+1, 270, 302 Johnson, Frank L. -------···-·---------------·---------- 176 J o hn son, F re d T. ---·------·-------·---- ··--·---·-------· 189 J o hn so n, George L. --····-----·· ·----······-----·59, 189 Johnson, Geo rg ia ---·----------·-------·----·-------·--2 52 J o hn son, J a m es F. ---·------------ -------· ---------·----60 Johnson, Kar l R. ------·-·· ··-------- ------·-·--· 194, 308 Johnson , Ma ry J ea n -------·--·---··---·-------------·228 Jo h n so n, Ma x E. --·----·--·----···--·-----·----·----·--- 306 J o hnson , Phy 11 is ------···--· --------- ·-·· ···---------·----228 J o hn son, R obe rt B. ----·---- ·---·----- ·-- --------·---·-288 John so n, Shirl ey ····---··----·-- -· ·----------·--·-······ 224 Johnson, Th e lm a ·····-··· ------ -··-··--·---·--------·-·-·· 60 J o hnson, \ Va lte r ---·····--------------··--·-------6 0, 248 Johnson, William D. ·····--·---------·------ 182, 283 J o hnston, Burton L. .................................... 60 J o n es, Mrs. B etty No nnan .......................... 60 Jones, Mrs. Betty R oach ___ ________ _________ __ __ _____ _ -·------------·---·-6 0, 118 , 123, 127, 151, 277, 29 5 Jones, Hugh M. -----·----·---··---·-----·--·-·---------·· J 97

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] ones, vVil I iam A. ·---·-------·-··--------·-------------60 J ones, \Vin fie Id R. -- -- --- ------··-··--------------·-·· 181 J o pe, C Ii ffo rd l l. ·-------- ----------------··-··----------60 Jordan, J ames H. ··--·-----------60, 269, 283, 289 J o rdan, Mary E. --------·-------·--·----------------------60 Jordan , \ ' i rgi n i a ··-··--···--··-·-····-·····-·······-·-·.24+ Josep h, Dori s ______ -------------···-···--·-··-·-23 5 Judd, C harl es A. ·---··-·-·--·--··-·-·-·-···---·······-207 Jud so n, \ ' irginia ........ -·-····--·-··-··-··········-··-252 Junior Prom .................. ---····------···-·-------·· l+6

K Kahl e, Dan B .................................... 109, 202 Kahn, H e rbe rt A ...................................... 20 5 Kalapach , Andre w M ............................... 190 Kampschaefer, Marga ret ........................ 127 Kan e, Rob e rt E ........................................... 201 Kap e ra , Eleanor ........................................ 252 Kappa A lph a P si ·····-····--·········--·-·--········ 188 Kappa Alpha Theta ................................ 232 Kappa D e lta Rho .................................... 190 Kappa Kappa Gamma ·----------·--··-·---------·2 3+ Kappa Kappa Psi ·-·---·-·--·······----···-··········283 Kappa Sigma ............................................ 192 Karch, ]-Jen ry A ........................................ .207 Karge r, B ettye J ................................. 142, 24+ Karl en, Dal e A ................................. 210, 288 Karnofsky, Sam ----·----------·------------------·-·-----6 0 K a rs tens, G eo rge J ··---·····--·······---····--········· 186 Ka sting, Gerald E ................................... .207 K a t z, C o ldi e ............................................. .243 Kaun, Ruth ........................................ 232, 2 53 Ka y \\·o rth, Alfr ed E ................... 60 , 108, 310 K ean e, R ose mary ........................ 60, 227, 302 K eck , M a rgaret .......................................... 232 K eck, M a ril yn ___________________ ................. 161 , 232 K eck, Ro be rt A. .......... K eck, Wilma .....

-······---··-··--···· 198 _________________ .224

K ee ne, Ca ro l ............ ----------------------- ----6 0, 23 5 K eesey, Samuel F ................ 60, 193, 278, 284 K eg lovich, Elma ...... --·--·-·--··-·--·-·--····-··-· .2 53 K eil , R ose mary -·--·--·-··-----···-·------- ····-- 253, 291 K eith, Mary L ee .................................... .... 232 K eit ze r, John E ........................................... 248 K e ll ar, Margaret .................... .300 ___________ 224 K e ll e r, J oa n .............................. K elly, B e rnard J-- -------· ......... 2 17 Ke lsey, C harl es V ..................................... 182 K e lli e, Mary E ................................... 159, 228 Kel v ie, P atsy ............................................ 232 K emp, Phy lli s ·-·--------------------------------- 224, 253 Kenda 11 , J ea nne ........................................ 244 K endall, Marian ........................................ 224 Kendall, M a uri ce \ V . ........................ 60, 278 K e nd a ll, P au l .................. ..................... 26 6 Kenda 11 , R obert E. ·---··------·--------·--·--···--····--6 0

Pho ne : 5335

K e nitz, J ean e ·-····--·-·--·--······-··-···---······-··-··-- 25 6 Kenn ed y, 1--1 e rbert C ................................... 176 K enn e ll y, G eo rge K ................................... 106 Kent, R ose mary ·-----·-··--·····---······-·--------6 0, 292 K ent, Wi lli am B . ···-·······-·····-······--·-··--···-·· 198 Kerins, Jam es F ·····-··-·······-··-····-·····-·······-·-··8 S K e rn, Mar v in R ____ ................................... 283 K e rr igan, \Villiam F ................................. 197 Ketchum, Morgan Z.. ........................... 2 17 K etring, B e rtha J .......... --··--· ·-······---·····--··· 2 38 Kibby, C lara ·-·-··-·--·········· ----·-·······-··-------256 K ibl er, Patri cia ............................... .231, 253 Kidd, Virgin ia ·--·--·-·-·······--····-··--······----····2 52 Kies I in g, Jam es E. ·-·------------·-------------------- 193 Kies ling, Loui s A . .................................... 191 Ki ew it, Jack E--·--·---··--····--····-··-·-····----6 0, 19+ Kige r, Barba ra ................ ............... 23 5 Kight Iin ger, J ack S ................................... 198 K il by, Roy ·--···------·--··--·--------······-----·-· 101, 179 K iley, \Ves ley J- --------·--·-·--·--···--·--···-· l 51, 29 5 Kilg a ll on, Jam es E ............................. 93, 210 Kim e, H e len ......... -----······-·--······2 52, 291 Kim e, Margaret ----····-·-··-·--·-----·-··--·-·--·· .. 131 Kin g , D onald P. ----·-·-··-··-··--·-·-·-·---6 0 Kin g , Frances ----··---·····--·- .... .+ 1, 60, 163, 292 King, Joyce ......................................... 60, 2 52 King, Patricia . . ·--·····--·--··--·--·-60, 2+1 , 2gr, K in g , Rob e rt N. ----·-·-·······-- --·----·-·--····-·-- 274 K i ntn e r, D"·ight L. .................................... 217 Kirk, M au rice 13. ·--···-··--····-··-···············--····60 Kirk, R obe rt E. ··----·-·-···---·--·-·--····6 1, 197, 278 Ki rk\\' ood, Mau ri ce R. ·---·······-··--------------···· ·-·--·--···-···-····-· ............. 122, 124, 278, 284, 288 Kittl e, Ear l S. --·-·····---·····--·······-··········· 17 6 K i \\"ak, V io let .................... 61, 252 Kl aer, Dick vV ..... -·······-·--·--·····---··-····------- 28 3 K lein, L eo M ...... ---------------------------------6 1, 205 K le inman , Mar v in L. ------·-··--·---·---------···· 20 5 Kle inman, W i 11 i a m ···-·-----------··--·--···-·--···-3 10 K line, Jack M ---- ···············--·----------····-···-···- 20 5 Klinge lsm ith , Mary Jan e .......................... 141 K lopfens tein , Stanley A ..................... 61, 198 K lopfenstein, W e nd e ll D. ..... .......... 198 K lotz, Joseph G ........................................... 2 10 K l ump e, Franklin A ................................. 201 K l ut e r, Marl owe JI._ ____ ·-··--·····--···-- _____ 19 3 Knapp, Kath e rin e ·-·······-·······---·-····-····-·-···· 61 Knarr, Ju li a --------·--··--·-· .................... 252 Knel le ken, G e rtrude ··--·-·····--·--·······-··------ 1J 8 Knepper, Mary .. -------------·--·· -···-·-·--·-·-···-· .228 Knight, Dorothy . ---··-·--········ ------···-·-·---····2 19 Knight, l-I o\\'ar d D. ·---·------···-··--------- 182, 284 Kn ig ht, R obert L. . ................. 185, 273 Knoop, Doro thy __________ 61, 238 Knox, Barbara .. -----··-·········25 3 Kn ox, Frances .... ........................ 61, 220 Kohr, Ma e ______ --------·------· --------------------------- 61 Kakos, John T. ·-- --·· --------- ··---------........ 88, 190


K om isa ro \\·, Ed \\·a rd R. _________________________ ... 209 Kon o ld , D oro thy ·---------------------------------------23 1 Koons, Thoma s A ........ ___________________ 61 Koontz, Ralph F ........ __________________ 61, 201, 298 Kop e lov, Jerom e I[. ___________________ 209 K o rn ha use r, Arthur A. ________________ ............ 209 Koskin e n, Doris ...... ----------------------------------252 Kra I, Ruth ............. -------------------------------------25 3 Kra l is, Frank A ________________ 13+, 283 Kram e r, Everrett -------·------------------------------210 Kranik, Margaret ______________ ....................... 2+7 Kratz, G race ......... ---------------------... 232 K re ut ze r, Robe rt G ......... -... -------------- -- ------3 10 Krid e r, Flo ren ce ----·--·------------------6 1, 256, 286 Krid e r, Mer le M. ------------------------·----·-·------ 298 Kri egba um , Maril y n ......... ......... 219 Krieghbaum, Patricia _ --- ------------- 161, 231 J.;:ronborg, Dori s ______ ...................... 256 Krsek, George R ....... ______________________ 6 1, 298 Kruege r, Dona ld 11. ·------ --------- 182, 283, 289 Kru ege r, E il ee n ___ ............ 22+, 286 Kruege r, John E. ------------------ ___________ 2+8, 266 Kru ye r, Cletus 11 ........ __________ .. _206 Kubl ey, Jam es ]), ______________ _______ .... 210 Ku e hn, Ruth Ann ...... _____ 6 J, 235 Kumpf, R ose ___________ ------------------- ______________ 23 8 Kunkl e r, Arn n ld vV. ________________ .... 6 1, 2+8, 266 Kuntz, Ed\\"arcl J. __________ .... 61, 2+8, 269, 310 l(untz, Kather ine _____________________________ 2+1, 307 Kun z, George T. ............................ ... 21+ Kun z, Ha Iba rt \V. -------·----------------------------1 3+ Kun z, Norma ................ 6 1, 123, 127, 134,277 Kun z, \Villi s K. ________________________________________ 304 Kupfere r, Cha rl ot te __ _______________ 2+1 Kur il ov itch, Anna _____ 61 Kurtz, Thoma s A .. _______________ 61, 304 Kutch, Josep h

J ...... --------------------------------------6 1

L ___________________ 61 Labotka, C h ar les A. _____ _ La genau r, Nonna Jan e..... .61, 24+, 286 Lahr, Philip A ............................................. 306 Lak e, Edwa rd \ •V. _______ .. 93, 18 6 Lambda Ch i Al pha ____________________________________ l 94 Lambe rtu s, Mary __________ ........... .228 Land, James F. . ____________________________ 61, 210 Lan cl is, Jo e K. .......................................... 213 L a ndi s, Mary C ..... -------------------·-------····-------232 Land\\'erlen, Richard V. __________________ 249, 306 Lan g, D o lores ·---------------·--·-··- -----·-···-------- ----61 Lang, E l fri ed a \ V. -------------------·------------------6 1 Lan ge l I, Kat hry n ______ --------------------- _________ 235 Langley, Thomas E ld on ................. ___________ l 98 Lan sing, D o roth ee _______________ ___ _________________ 307 L ap pin g, Marth a Sue ...... _________________________ 213 Larn e r, Mil fore M ......... -------------·-----------20 5






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Laughl in, R ose mary --·--·---------·------------------ 224 Lav engoo d, E li za beth Ann _·-·----·--··-···--·---.228 L a w ler, M a ry ---·----·--·-·-·-------·---------·----6 1, 232 Lawrence, J ane Ann e ________________________________ 2 52 Law son, M a ry Jan e ---·------···--···········-·6 1, 22+ Law son , Wil li a m G. ····--··--------·--·-------·---.248 Lay mon, Ri ch a rd S. ---·------------------------------21 3 L aym on, R obe rt J. -------·---·-------------------------- 185 L eac h, Josep hin e ----- --·-------·-·----··---·---··--·----6 1 L ea k, R obe rt H -------··---·-------------------------- ------62 Leakey, D ona ld J ----·--·---··--------------------------257 L eas, M a ur in e E l len------··---·--·----·------------ --241 L ebamoff, A lexan d e r T- ----·-··---·------------------62 L ee, Gene B . ---·--------------·--·---------------- -------- 181 L ee , J ea n ----------··---·------------------- ·---·--------------223 LeFavour, R obert J.-----··--- ·----·------------6 2, 210 L egg, Sy lvia ----·--------- ·· --··----------------------62, 227 L egg, V..' il bu r Ste ph en ·--·----·--·-- 194, 273, 306 L egum , H o w a rd ---·---··---·---------- ·---·----------·· 248 L ehm an, R obe rt J- ---------·--------- ·---·-----·-----·----6 2 L eib le, Arthu r B ·-·-·--·----·--·----··-······--····--···· 186 L eist, George-Anna ···························-------237 L e M ay, G e ra Icl If.. _________ , ___________________________ l 97 Len a rd , Harry R. ·-··--· -·----- ------------------ 182, 273 L entz, K ent A I len ___________________________________ ___2 l 0 L eona rd, D on a Icl 0·--·--···-----·--·----------······· 193 L e rn e r, \l'ilalte r E. ________ 62, 172, 18 6, 284, 288 L eth e rman, H enry L -------·--···-···-···--·---·-- ·-190 L etsin ge r, Ri ch a rd P ..·-·-----·-·-·---·--------6 2, 206 L ett, Frank Ii n ---·--·---- ------··--·--·-·----·----··--··--248 Levey, Phy lli s J ea n ________________ ________ ____________ 243 L ev i, Mal co lm ~'- ---·····--·----- --·---··--------·····-8 8 L ev i, Thoma s T-I. -·--·--·----···------·-----···---------· 278 L ev in, K en neth E . -··-····-·-··---·--·-------·------·.209 L ev in, R obe rt K. ------···--·----·------·--·· ·--·----·---209 L ev ito n, A lbe rt J ---··-·-··----·--------·--··--- 151, 20 9 L ev y , Al !en J ·--·------·----···-- ·---··-·-··--·-·--·-·-·--20 5 L ewa nd ow ski, Walte r F ·----·-···-·---··-··-62, 182 L e\\'i s, Beatryce ··---·--·--·----·-·----·---·····----·- ---·223 L ewi s, Frank M . -·-·-··-·-·-·-·---·-·--· --·--·-·-·62, 182 L ew is, Ri ch a rd ---·-·-··--··--·-·--···-·--·-··-··-·· -·-- .205 L ewi s, Warren ~'----·----··--·· 101 , 2 10, 288 , 308 Lib e r, Irene V. --- ··-··--· ·-----·----·-·-- ·······-·-------224 Licking, Dona ld L. -··- ·-------------··········--6 2, 289 Li ebe rm an, Dora -·----··· -- ···-··----·--·-··-·----------243 Li en hart, G lo ria L.·--····-·----·----·-··-····· 144, 24 1 Light, Alice J- -··---···-··-·---···-·--···-··-····---------23 1 Li g htn e r, E li za b eth M· ----·--·---·-··-···-··--------228 Lind, Betty J -----·-· ···-----------------·---------- --62, 247 Lindq uist , J. ~T a y n e·---·····--·---·--·-· · ··-- -------- 1 79 Lind say, E dward E. ·--·-----··-·-----·---- ·····----179 Lind sey, D o rothy E . ··--·--·-·----··-- 134, 2 56, 286



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L asse r, L eo na rd M- ---·---·--·-·----------·--------------62 L a th a m, Eugene G ·-----------------·-- ·--·---·-------- 17 6 L a tshaw, Anna -- ·---------------------------------6 2, 300 Laud em an, R obert L. __________________________ 62, 151 Laud em a n, Sam R. _____________ __________________ ___ ____ 62



L a rson, M a ry J un e ___ ·······--------·----------------- 244 La sky, L eo n a rd J ay _____ _______________________________ 20 5

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Lind sey, Sidn ey R . -------·-·-----------··---··248, 289 Lin geman, Ral eigh E·--···-···-- ------·····-----··-·-··62 L in ke r, Bob S. ---··- ···--·----·--···----··-····· 10 8, 209 L in ke r, I rv in Z. -·---·-·------------··---··----·--·-·---··62 Li non is, Franci s E--·-----·------------------ ··----·-----88 L in ton, P a u I ~' ·· -·-·-··-··--·--··-·--·----·-----·--·---· - 289 Lipn e r, 1-J erbe rt D ·--·· ---·-- ·----···-----··--·--------209 L ittell, ( Mrs.) H e len H ---·-·-- ---·-----·--- --62, 22+ Li ttel I, J osep h J. -·--··---···-·-· -----·------·--·-------- 181 L ittl e, L es !ie E. --····-·--·----·--·-·--·----·----·--·-·-·· 18 5 Littl e, P e rin ---··------·--·--···-----····--···-----·--93 , 202 Little, William J. --····--··-·----------------·-----·-··-·62 L ivingston, D e lmar ----·--·-·-····-·-··----···--·-··- 176 Locke, E ls ie Ann __ ·-·--·--·----·--·-·----··--···-------.23 2 Lockett, I J a ro ld J ··-··--·------·------------------------ 18 9 Lod\\'ick, Byron ~' · --·-·-··--·---········--------·---·· 1 86 Logan, J oh n A. ----· --·-·-----·-···--·--·-------- 101, 207 Logan, Paul H. --·-·--·---·--··---·--·-····--···--·-·--·.207 Long, Eve rett K. ·-- ·····--·----··------·--·----·---··· 310 Long, Yvonn e E . --····-·----··-· ··---···-------------··-252 Lorch, Al ex ander l l . ·-·--·---------·-------··------- 197 L o rch, Basi l H . ·-·-·--·----·-- ·-·----·----·----·--·-·-- 197 Lo che, Alb ert C- -··-·--·-·----------·-··------·--·----·· 15 1 Lostutte r, F ran ces V ·· -·-·--·--·-·····-··-·--·--·----232 Loud en, A li ce Ann ·--··-·-·--·-·--····-·----·-·--·-·--232 Love, Al ice L --·---· ·-··------·--···-··----·------63, 134 L ow e, W i I li a m F .·--·--·-·--·----·-····-·--·----·--·----· 182 Low ell , J eann e M· ------------···-··-·---------·--·-·····-63 Low e r, M arion M· ----·-···-··-··-········-·--· --·------235 L owey, D o rot hy H ... ·--·-·--·--·-· ------ 62, 231, 303 Lucas, R obe rt A. ____ +l , 6 3, 128, 132, 185, 284 Ludwi g, C har les R. -------·--·------·--·--·-.213, 294 Lu d wig, E uge ne ·--·····---··-----·-·---··-··---------·.2 10 Lud\\'i g, Ph y ll is G . -·--· -·· -·---- ··------------227, 2 52 Luk emeye r, George T ·--··-····-·--·----··---·-----· 202 Luk en bi 11, Patricia A. ·---···---·----·---------·----··25 3 Lundin, R obe rt W ·---·----····---···--··--·----·---··- 179 Lu her, ~ ' i If red H ·----·--·-· ··-·---------·----·--·-·--· ·--------·----··-·-·----·-·-··4 1, 63, 132, 163, 182, 294 Lusk, Betty J ··-···--··--· ----·--·--······-----··-·-··---··-231 Ly nn, Orl ena M.·-·-·-··-··----·------·--------··-6 3, 253 Lyon, Ba rbara A . ---·----·--·-··---·-·--·----·---------2 19 Lyon, E li z ab eth J. -·-··-- -·-----··--····---··--·-·--·---23 1 Lytl e, R ob e rt E.-···---···--·--·-··-·····---63 , 248, 289

M M cA dam s, Anson M . ----·-··--- ·---- ----------6 3, 18 1 M cAd a m s, R obe rt C . ····--··----·----·---··-·-···--· 181 M cAnl y, Lo uis C. --···-···-·-·--·····--··---·----6 3, 186 M cA rt, Bruce A· -·-·--·-·····-···-··---·--·-··--·-··---·274 M cBrid e, R obe rt B- ---·--··-·----·-··-·--·--··---6 3, 179 M cCa in , E ln o ra J. ·-·--·--·-·----···-·-··-----·--··--· 253 M cCa in, Wan et a F. --- ·------ ·-··----·-------6 3, 253 M cA lli ste r, R obert -·----·-··----·-··---------. 63, 289 M cCa rty, M en d el 0 . ·--····-·--·········-·-- 172, 2 13 M cCa rty, W a rd A. ····-··-·--·----·---··--··-·--··--207 M cCa ug han , Veva G ... ____ ____ ___________ .220, 291



M cCa ul ey, Ca th e rin e L..·-·-·---·---·-·--·-·-··---.291 McC la in, \Vi lli a m T. ·-··---··----·---·--·--·-·-··-·· 197 M cC lena ha n, Geo rge R -·-··---··-·-·--·--·-·--·--- 197 M cC lure, C lark T. ·-·-·-··---------·-··--·-- 19+, 27 3 M cC lure, Ea rl M . -·--·-·· --------·-··-···------63 , 289 M cC lu re, Wa rren N . ·-·- ----· -··-·-·--··--···-··-··-202 M cCo lgin, Ma x in e ---·-·----·----·····--··--·.237,302 McCo lg in , vVa nda ·-·······-··---·--· -·-··-··- 173, 237 M cCo ll , Rh ea -············-·· ·--···-·········-·····-·····238 M cConn e ll , Ja m es F. ·-·--···--·-······----······--·· 186 M cCooe, Da v id L. --·----·-·--···--· ·--· 108, 202, 310 M cCo rm ick, Virg ini a ........ ____ .................... 22 8 M cCo wn, Nancy L. ....... ·-··---··--··-·--··-··-63, 253 M cC ra cken, Donald T. --··-·-·----····--.... 63, 278 M cC ra cke n, R obe rt S . ........ -- .......... __ ........ 176 M cC u ll o ugh, Will A ·---··-··---·---- ··-·-··-·-··---· 185 M cDani e l, Jam es M . ---·--··--···-·--------·--·----- 185 M c Dani e l, Wil liam E. ---·-·-------·-·--··--··-----···6'l M c Donald, Jam es E . .................... -........... 207 M c Do n a ld , Jan e ................ -----····---............ 22~ M c Donald , M a rga ret ··--·-··---····--···-···········231 M cdo nald, R a lph E . ····--··---······--·--··--·---··--6 3 M c D ona ld , \ V illi am G. -··---···-···-·--···--··--·---63 M c E\\'an, 11 el en ····-----------·--·---···-------·---··--··6 3 M cE wan, M arga ret --······---··--·--·--···-------··--· 63 M cF'ad din , John B. ····----------··----··------6 3, 202 McF'addin, Lawrence B. -·----·-·-··-·-·-- 156, 202 M c Far lan d , M a ry E . ·-·----··--······-----··----.... 219 :'v!cGa v in , Co nstan ce --··---·----···--------··-··----220 McG ee, Joann e .......... -............................... 237 McG ill , John N. ·---···--··-·--·-··········--·--------·· ] 90 M cGinni s, C urti s B ..... ·-····--·····--··-···· 101, 217 M cG reevey, J o hn \ V. ···-----·············-----·-·-··296 M cG uire, M a ry J. ---- ··---····-··---·----·--·----·--·235 M cGu ire, Rita ·-----··---·-----·------·--·-----·--··--··----64 M e ll ug h, Sh eila ··----··--·-···--···------····--·-64, 227 Mcintos h, Walte r S . ..... -.......................... 18 1 Mcintyre, James 11 . --····-·--··-·-·----6+, 2 10, 276 M cK eo n, W . Grego ry.·-·---··-·-··------------------9 3 M cKesson, Knight D .. _______________ 64, 269, 294 M cK inl ey, Sara h --·-·····-·------·-··--· 253 , 277,286 M cKinni s, H ugh L. ........ -----·-·-· ···· 88, 89, 189 M cKown, F red ---·--·-·-·----·---·-·-···--··-·---···---- 18 1 M cKown, Jam es A .. ______ ..... 128 , 132, 179, 289 M cKow n, M a ry J. ·---·----··----·--···-·-···-··----·· 232 M cLa ughlin, Freder ick L. ................ 186, 308 M cM a hon, C h a rl es E·--·----··· ··--···------·-------··· -·--··-··--·····----·····-·--····· ] 34, 249, 274, 28 9, 306 M cMak en, H elen ·--·-·----······--··----.............. 252 M cMillin, F le urette M ................. ----23 5, 296 M cMurray, De Von ........ -- .. ·-··-· -·········--·-·--· 176 M cNaa b, George B. ··--·-·· ·· -----···-·64, 210, 304 M c Tabb, Marjori e B. ··--·--·--··---······---··--··241 M cNabb, Ri chard C. --·----·--··········--··---·----2 10 M cName e, Ge rry G· ·····--------··--·----··-· 210, 283 M cN iern ey, Caro l ...... -..................... ----64, 231 M c Pik e, William C -- --·---·--··--·-----···-------·--· 176 M cV au g h, Marcia M ----· ·--·-------·----·- ··-···--24 1 M acDouga ll , Marth a --··------··---·····--······--2 53

eon9"-cduL~ ..io . .the

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ol 194:2.-43

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Lannis L. Hazel Photogra pher Pho ne : 2002 401 E. Kirkwood (5 th Street )

Ma ce, J ames E ........................................... 202 MacG ill, Robert A ..... 6+, 128, 132, 198, 294 Mackenz ie, Co nstan ce .............................. 232 Mackey, J ohn E ........................................... 64 M acQu i vey, J eann e .................................. 253 M a dd en, Martha ..............................224, 29 1 M a dd en, Patri c ia ...................................... 29 1 Madd ox, Jam es B . .................................... 176 Maddox, J ohn R. ...................................... 176 Madd ox, Mildred ........................................ 6+ Madin ge r, E d\\'ard P ................................. 193 Ma ege rl ein, Dorothy J ....................... 64, 303 M agg ioli, Achi ll e F ..................................... 93 M ag ner, Lo\\' e ll M ..................... 64, 2+9, 298 M a il, Barbara .......................................... 219 Main , Dona ld G ......................................... 20 6 Main es, El sie C ........................................... 64 M a ish, Robe rt D ......................................... 181 Mal comso n, Marya li ce ............................ 232 Maliff, Frank E ......................................... 179 Mal oney, M a ry M ..................................... 23 5 Man ci ni, R osemary .................................. 224 M angin , L eroy F ....................... 101, 198, 276 Mani s, William A ..................................... 179 M a nn, C larence M . .................................. 209 Mann, D ona ld E ....................................... 176 Mann, Franc is B . ...................................... 201 M ann, Juli us D ........................... 64, 248, 304 Mann, Marga ret K ................... 143, 244, 252 M a nn , Robe rt L. ........................................ 179 M a nship, C hri stin a .......................... 237, 253 Mapl e, Fran cis V ......................................... 64 Marching Hundred .................................. 282 Marcus, \ Vi lli a m E ................................... 209 Marian, M a ry A .......................................256 M a rin, Bob ................................................ 248 Marin, Laddi e .............. ..4 1, 64, 248, 284, 289 M arke rt, Betty L. ........................ 64, 227, 286

Ma rkey, Ri cha rd P ....................................... 64 M arks, Je ra ld M ....................................... 209 M ar low e, E ve ly n ........................................ 64 M arn an, Ca th a rin e ............................ 64, 227 Ma rques, E lza ............................................ 235 Ma r r, Ray .................................................. 202 Ma rtin , Caro l J ea n .......................... 228, 28 6 M artin , Em il y ............................................ 227 M artin , H elen I. ........................................252 Marrin , J oe V . .................................... 6+, 20 6 M artin , Lena .............................................. 302 M arrin , M ary Ja ne .................................... 64 Martin , Willi a m H ..................................... 64 Ma so n, D ona ld V.1....... 64, 172, 2 17, 278, 284 Ma so n, Ea rl J ............................................. 198 M ason, Ri c har d C . .................................... 210 M at th ew, R obe rt A . .......................... 207, 308 M atth ews, J ohn E . .................................... 249 Ma tth ews, \ Vil li am M . .................... 249, 274 Ma x \\' ell , Robe rt B .....................................207 Ma y, Arthur A . ................................ 186, 27 6 Ma y, Benj a min F . .............................. 64, 209 Ma y, R obe rt N . .......................................... 197 M ay fie ld , P aul P . ...................................... 197 Ma yfi eld, Wi lli am C ................................. 65 M edo"', B etty ............................................ 243 M ee k, Barbara .................................. 142, 231 M eglemre, T homa s C ................................. 202 M egnin , Ari el .............................................. 65 M eh il ov ich, R obe rt M ............................... 284 M ehli g, Ra y mond B ................................. 198 M ei haus, J ohn E ......................................... 65 M ei hsne r, Ge ne L. .................................... 193 M ei ly, Sara Jan e........................................ 22 7 M eissner, D orothy .............................. 65, 224 M eloy, Bill R . ............................................ 186 M eloy, M e r iam .......................................... 292 M elv in, E d,1·in H ....................................... 206


M end en ha ll , Philip E ......................... 65 , 202 M ensc h, James R. ...................................... 197 M en' s R es id ence Cen ter. ........................... 248 M en ze, Leona M .......................................... . .............. 41, 65, 12 3, 127, 131, 270, 277, 292 M e rchant, Ca lvin A ................................... 65 M e rl ey, Rich a rd s H ..................................... 65 M e rvi s, Ja y J ............................................. 209 M ervi s, Lauren ce R. ..................................209 M ess le r, Har vey E ....................................... 65 M eye r, Robe rt ............................................ 300 M eyer, Th eodo re 11. .......................... 65 , 179 Mi c hael, H elen M ae .................................. 228 Mi chel, Norma n H ............................. 13+, 249 Midkiff, R obe rt E ....................................... 2 13 Mil es , Will iam C ....................................... 197 Mil fo rd , vVilli am E ................................... 201 Millb e rn , P eggy ................................ 244, 2 53 Mill en, Robe rt ............................................ 304 Mill e r, A nnabe ll e ...................................... 228 Mill e r, Beulah VI' ................. ........ .............. 65 Mill e r, D a ri C ............................. 65 , 202, 284 Mill e r, E dw a rd \ V . .......................... 194, 289 Mill e r, E sth e r J. ........................................ 252 Mill er, Fr ed e ri ck L. .................................. 202 Mill e r, James C ......................................... 207 Mill e r, John L. .......................................... 179 Mill e r, Jo hn M . ........................................ 202 Mill e r, Julia ........................................ 65 , 241 Mill e r, Laur ie T ....................................... 189 Mill e r, Ll oy d .............................................. 176 Mill e r, M a ril y nn ...................................... 2 53 Mill e r, M a rj o ri e J . .................................... 22 8 Mill e r, M ary E li zabeth ............................ 307 Mill e r, Mary F . ........................................247 Mill e r, M ary J ean .................................. 253 Mill e r, Norma .............................. 65 , 11 8, 243 Mill e r, P a tri c ia R . .............................. 65, 23 5 Mill e r, Ri chard S. .................................... 213 Mill e r, Rob e rt M ..................................... 185 M ill s, Leon J. ............................................ 304 Mill spau g h, C ha rl es R ............................. 176 Min e r, Lo is ................................................ 2 53 Minni ck, \ Vay ne C ................................. 29 5 Minton, Mar ~·- Ann e ................................ 227 Mi sch, V,l illi a m A. ............................ 65 , 248 Mitche ll, Betty jane .................................... 24 1 Mitchell , Doroth ea \' . ...................... 143, 224 Mi .t che ll , Ear l .................................... 194, 266 Mitchell , H owa rd vV .... ......................... 151 Mitchell , vVe ir .......................................... 2+8 Mi yat, Pri scilla J . .................................... 220 M offat, J ean J ............................................. 23 5 M oh r, George V. 7 illiam ............................ 179 M ohr, Ri chard E . ...................................... 294 M ohr, T edd y .............................................. 248 M oln ar, Loui s ............................................ 109 M onk, Louis P . ........................................ 210 M on roe, Man· .......................................... 252 M onta ga no, Ton y .............................. 93, 185 M ontgom ery, J ohn R. .............................. 176 Montgome ry, Na ncy A . ............................ 232 M ontgo me ry, Ri ch ard C ........................... 185 M ontoye, H enry J. .............................. 98, 310 M oo n, P a tri c ia Lou .................................... 227 M oo re, Bob E . ............................................ 308 M oo re, Fo rrest N . ...................................... 179 M oo re, Geo rg e R. ...................................... 207 M oo re, G ran t J . ........................................ 206 M oo re, Jeann e Ann .................... 66, 277, 292 M oo re, W illi a m H . .......................... 207, 27 6 M oo rh ea d, Robe rt G . ........................ 66, 197 M oo rh ea d, T hom as .................................... 88 M oos hy, Caro ly n L. ................................238 M oos mill e r, E mma ............................ 224, 286 M o rgan, Jam es E ....................... 66, 269, 289 Mori a rty, J ohn R. ...................................... 66 M o ritz, Aloyse ......................................... .247

Morri s, E li za beth ...................................... 247 Morris, Geo rge W ................................... 213 M orri s, Gl enn W . ...................... 66, 217, 289 Morri s, L eo .................................................. 66 Morrison, E li zabeth J. .............. 231, 312, 309 Morri son, F ieldin g R. .............. 193, 273 , 276 Morrison, J ames Ea rl ........................ 66, 193 Morrison , J ean .......................................... 231 Mortar Boa rd ............................................ 123 M ose ley, Mort H ......................................... 66 M oses, Rob ert E ......................................... 66 M oseson, L oui s J ............................... 209, 306 M os kow itz, Alfred S ................................... 66 M oss, Richard W . .................................... 210 Moss, Robert L. .......................................... 210 M oss, ·w a iter S . .................................. 66, 198 Mott, Reb ecca ··················----·····--·----··--6 6, 224 M owry, Betty Jan e ............ 66, 241, 270, 302 M oyna han, Jo hn H ............................. 66, 181 Mucker, John E ........................................... 66 Muff, Beve rl ee .......................................... 228 Mull en, \ Vil li am R. .................................... 93 Mullin, Arthur J. ........................................ 66 Mullins, Jo Ann ................................ 244, 252 Mum aw, Charl es E ..................... 66, 248, 249 Mumby, Winston W ................................. 194 Mund y, Audr ey M ................................... 22 0 Mun gova n, M a rga ret P atri cia ...... 219, 286 Munn s, Alice C ....................................... 220 Murchi e, W illi am D ........................... 66, 278 Murphy, G eo rge M ........................... 66, 18 6 Murphy, Jam es M ............................. 65, 288 Murphy, M a ry Alice .............................. 21 9 Murphy, Mirian J. ......................................253 Murphy, William E ......................... 66, 248 Murray, C ha rles W ................................. 301 Murray, J ohn I. .................. 66, 182, 286, 308 Mutz, J ea n P . .......................................... 231 M ye rs, Berth a .............................................. 66 M ye rs, J ames D . ........................................202 M ye rs, K ent D . .................................. 67, 310 M ye rs, M arcus C . ...................................... 67 M ye rs, P atri cia .................................. 219, 253 M ye rs, Susan ................................................ 67

N N a fe, Mildred .................................... 67, 286 Narcow ich, Paul J. ····-······-··················----207 Nash, John F ................................... 66, 88, 206 Nasholcl, B la in e S ..................................... 273 Na than so n, Bernie H ....................... 174, 20 5 Navel, J ea n .............................................. 307 Navy ·····-··············--·-······--·-························--258 Neal, Fran ces Ross .................................. 232 N eedh am, D ea n B ............................... 206, 288 Needh am, Ruth .................................. 67, 227 Nees, Billie Jean ........................................ 235 Neighbours, Owen J ................................. 304 N elson, H elen E ........................................... 67 Ne lso n, J ohn R ..................... 67, 124, 198, 266 ering, ( Mrs.) Betty -May ...................... 67 N ering, E var Dare .............................. 67, 300 N eve l, M elvin J ......................................... 209 New, Ja ck L. ......................................174, 197 New, Samu el ··········--····--········--············67, 209 Newvy, E il ee n ............................ 67, 228, 296 Newgent, B etty J ean ................................ 252 N ewhard, \lil illiam W ......................... 67, 210 Newh ouse, Patrici a E ............................... 22 7 Newman C lub ............................................ 311 Newman, Rob ert L ee .................................. 21+ Nichol, G eorge P ....................................... 198 N ichols, Rob ert J ......................................... 67 Nichols, Thomas I-I. .................................. 198 Nicoara, Corn eli a ...................................... 237 Nico lai, Norman A ................................... 214 N ielsen, Edward M ................................... 182

Ni em eye r, Al be rt ........................................ 67 Nies, Edw in J .......................................... .201 Nolan, Alan T . ................................ 198, 273 Norman, D ennis R ay........................ 308, 310 Nor ris, Charles F ....................................... 179 No rthcott, Nove ll a .................................... 244 ow lan , Lewis E. ........................................ 67 Nuffer, Robert Loui s.................................. 181 Nunn, P eggy .............................................. 224

0 O'Banion, K athl een ............................ 67, 231 O'Bani on, Mary Jane .............................. 231 Ob ench ain, Jane ........................................ 256 Oberding, Roberta ...................................... 79 O' B rien, Patri ck .......................................... 67 O'Bryan, Ri chard B ........................... 67, 181 O'Conner, Kathleen ............................ 67, 227 Od ell, J ames L. .................................. 182, 310 O'Farre ll , Betty Ann ................................ 247 Ofeldt, Ri chard F ............................... 67, 257 O'Hara, Betty .................................... 253 , 29 L O'H a ra, R ose mary .................................... 247 O'I-Iarrow, Anna J ean ...................... 145, 232 O'Laverty, M eril yn D ............................... 142 Oldacre, Mary E ....................................... 232 Olds, Wil li am I-I ......................................... 181 Om icron D elta ····--··············---·-·····-·········--286 0 ' eil , M a rgare t ........................................ 67 Orr, Robe rt C ............................... 67, 213, 289 Orrison, Mary P ......................... 67, 247, 286 Osborn e, R obe rt \ V ..................................... 67 Osgatha rp, Mrs. D orothy C ..................... 68 Oskard, Mary Ann .............. 41, 68, 252, 309 Osse n berg, Ch a r 1es F ................................. 210 Osw a Id, C h a r Ies E ................................... 18 l Oswa It, J ean ............................................ 252

Overbay, Arthur S.............................202, 276 Overmye r, jack K ..................................... 207 Overshin er, John L. ............ 68, 197, 284, 288 Ow en, John E ............................................. 198

P-Q Paddock, R obert F ..................................... 179 Painter, Sa r a .............................................. 231 Pama rad a .................................................. 277 Pan hel leni c Council ---·-·······----·-·--·--·------- 173 Park, Carl .................................................. 176 Park er, C harl es M . .................... 68, 248, 296 Park er, Juanita F ..................................... 224 P a rk er, Norma F . ......................................224 Park er, Ri ch a rd B. ............................ 68, 289 Parkin son, Robe rt P ........................... 68, 248 Parks, Charl es L. ...................................... 248 Parn ell, Robert L. ................................ 68, 213 Parri sh, E lsa ................................................ 68 P a rri sh, J-1en ri etta .................................... 241 Parrish, M y les F ................................. 68 , 304 Pa rry, David I-I . ...................................... 182 Parry, V ivian ............................................ 224 Parten heim er, John A ............... 68, 278, 288 P att erson , Vera .......................................... 68 P atton, Stan ley R. ................................ 68, 182 P a u 1, C h a rl es R. ........................................ 214 Pa u Ii ne, M a rgaret .................................... 227 P a \\· lik, Ruth .............................................. 220 P ayne, Ja ck R ............................................. 248 Pay ton, M ack ............................................ 213 Pea k, Ira F red eri ca .................................. 179 Pearce, M arge ry ...................................... 253 P ea rlman, D av id B .................................. .209 Pea rman , J ohn A ............................... 68, 202 P ea rson, Ve lm a .......................................... 307

INDIANA BUSINESS COLLEGE Marion , Muncie, Logansport , Anderson,

Kokomo , Lofayelle, Columbus, Richmond , Vincen nes, ond ( Central ) Indianapolis Young men, women

( si ngl e or married ) who want

to prepare quic kly for pl easant , profitabl e, patriotic service. Many more are needed .

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cording to ability, application, ond previous training . For Bulletin, interested persons are requested to write the points they prefer to attend , ar

Indiana Business College INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA


P eck, Jam es F ............................................. 194 P ec kinpaugh , Ca rm el ........................ 68 , 219 P e lik an, In ge ...................... 68 , 173, 2++, 270 P ence, J ohn R. .................................... 68, 182 P ennin g, Norma ........................................ 252 P ennington, B etty ...................................... 237 P enny, B etty .............................................. 231 P en ecost, Jo hn VV .....................................213 P e rry , Arn old 13 ......................................... 205 P e rshin g Rifl es .................................. 280, 281 Pete rs, J-1elen .............................................. 241 Pete rs, Marg aret ........................................ 247 Pete rs, M a ry Ann .................................... 252 P ete rson, G ladys .......................................... 68 P ete rson , Patrici a .............................. 127, 231 Pete rso n, Phy lli s .......................... 68, 2 19, 286 P ettibon e, Patri c ia .................................... 231 P e.non , Eva ................................................ 68 Pfaff, \'Villiam .................................... 68 , 291 P fe nnin ge r, Pau l ...................................... 181 Pfohl, Nancy .............................................. 231 Pfretzsc hn e r, Louisa ................ 16 1, 220, 291 Pfromm e r, F red G ............. 68, 190, 26 6, 30+ Phi Ep silon Kappa .................................. 310 Phi E ta S igma .......................................... 306 Phi D elta Kappa ...................................... 301 Phi D elta Phi .......................................... 304 Phi D e lta Th eta ...................................... 196 Phi Gamma De lta .................................. 198 Phi Kap pa .................................................. 200 Ph i Kappa P si ....................................... ... 202 Phi Mu ...................................................... 236 Phi Om ega Pi .......................................... 238 Phillip ~, Ral eigh ........................................ 202 Phillips, Ruth Louise .............................. 223 Phipp s, C harl es R. .................................... 179 Phipp s, La \\' rence A . ................................ 2 1+

Phipp s, P risc ill a Ann ...................... 219, 291 Phipp s, R ebecca ........................................ 219 Pi Beta Phi .............................................. 240 Pi ckett, P a ul .............................................. 248 Pi cke tt, R obe rt D ......................................... 68 Pickrell, Jam es 1-1.. ....................... 68, 269, 288 Pi e rce, Ann e ...................................... 237, 253 Pi e rce , C harl es .......................................... 207 Pi e rce, Shirl ey ............................................ 252 Pi e rson, J ea nn e .................................... 68 , 228 Pi e rson, Pri sc ill a ........................................ 231 Pi etsc h, Shirl ey .......................... 69, 140, 241 Pih os, Pete L. ........................................ 88, 181 Pi Lambda Phi .......................................... 204 Pi Lambda Th eta .................................... 303 Pi IIman, Leroy .................................... 69 , 289 Pip e r, Jam es G . ........................................ 18 1 Pirkl e, 1-1 ube rt C ....................................... 210 Pi se r, Monro e M ................................. 69, 284 Plank, Leo n .............................................. 209 Pl att, Wil liam M ..................................... 283 Platte r, O rva l R. ........................................ 213 Pl eia d es ...................................................... 270 Plough e, E li sabeth .................................. 237 Poe, \ Vil li a m E ..................................... 69, 278 P oer, M ary .................................................. 69 Poin sette, Pi e rre ........................................ 197 P ole r, R obe rt ............................................ 257 P ond e r, Starl in g 13 ....................................... 69 P oo l, Patri c ia .............................................. 69 P oo le, Conley Y ........................................... 176 P oo le, E ld onna .......................................... 253 Poracky , B e rn a rd F ................................. 186 P o rte r, Barbara ........................................ 2-H Porte r, Lea h ........................................ 69, 227 P o rte r, R obe rt M ....................................... 194 Pos tl e\\'aite, E rnes t F ................................. 193

Geo. Hitz &Co. lfHOLESALE

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3 80

Powe, 1-l o\\' a rd E ....................................... 189 Prat apas, J ohn A ................................. 93, 186 Pratt, M a rj or ie .......................................... 252 Prege r, Daniel A ................................. 88, 214 Press le r, Julia .............................................. 69 Press le r, Paul R. .............................. 179, 288 Press ley, J ackson B ................................... 198 Preston, E mma .................................... 69, 11 8 Pri ce, H arry C . .......................... 69, 198, 278 Pri ce, I l en ry C. ................................ 300, 306 Pri ce, M a nual ...................................... 69, 248 Pri ce, Ma x in e ............................................ 241 Pri ce , Padd y ...................................... 227 , 270 Pri ckett, Ralph S ........... .............. 69, 202, 278 Pri es t, Car l A ............................................. 310 Primm, Arlena .......................................... 223 Prin z, B etty ........................................ 69, 219 Prise r, R obe rt M ....................... 172, 186, 273 Probst, Justin L. ........................................ 186 Proph ete r, Emma L. .................................... 69 Protsman , Betty Ann ................................. .2 52 Proud, Lo"'e l I J ......................................... 179 Pru ett, John R. .......................................... 151 Pryo r, ( Mrs.) Na omi R. ............................ 69 Pry\\'e ll e r, Leona rd .................................. 209 Pu b Iicat ions .............................................. 158 Pu g h, Sa ra h ............................................. .23 5 Pu reel1, Boyd ............................................ 257 Purce ll , R obe rt A ............................... 198, 28+ Purky, T om E ................................... 198, 28+ Puth off, L e\\'i s A ....................................... 249 Q .M.C. A ssoc iation ................................. 28+

R Rabb , Frank M .. .. .................. 93, 181 Rabe r, R obe rt M ................................. 69, 18 l Ra czynski , Wa lte r A ............................... 298 Radigan , Leo R ......................................... 193 Rado, E dga r A ............................................. 69 Ra go n, J ean M . ........................ 69 , 2++, 292 Rain ey, John L........ .. ............ 93 , 20'.! Ram say, Jack R. ................ 197, 284, 287, 288 R ans, Cera Id L. .................. 69, 278, 28+, 288 Rap e r, I Jelen K ................................... 69, 232 R apha e l, R obe rt L. ...................... 69, 172, 20 9 R a pp, John \ V . ........................................ 197 R asor, R ohe rt L. ....................................... 193 Rau sch, Robert J .................... .................. 19+ R a"' lin gs, R os ann e ................................. 232 Ra y , Jan e .................................................... 253 R ayl, Ri cha rd B ................................... 69, 288 R ecc iu s, L illi an ....................................... 302 R ec kn e r, B ett,·e A .............................. 69, 23) R ed Book ................................................... 167 R edige r, Lloy d G ...................................... 70 R edman , John D ................................... 70, 176 R edsac he r, John \ V ............................. 70, 288 R eeb, Pa u I l I.. ............................................. 198 R ee d, B etty L. ......................................70, 227 R eed, E lla J. ........................................ 70, 232 R ee d, E nid M ........................................... 23 5 R eed, G eo rge ........................................ 70, 181 R ee d , M a ry Jan e ...................................... 23 1 R ee l, Leo nard R ............................... 17+, 181 R ees, Jam es A . .................................... 70, 289 R ees, Thomas K ......................................... 206 R eese, J ea nn e C . ............................... 156 , 235 R eese, Thoma s \' ...................................... 206 R eeves, Oa vid A............... .. ........... 213 R ege l, Betty A ............................. 70, 2++, 286 R eich, J. Ed"·a rd ...................................... 209 R eim e rs, Arthur VV ................................... 308 R einin ga, Barbara J ........................... 219, 2 53 R endall, J ohn L. ........................................298 R enfro, F ri eda A ..................................... 2 52 R e\'e l, M a r,· L. .......................................... 253 R evin g ton, Geo rge .................................... 181

R eyno Id s, Lorene -------------------------------------- 23 8 Rh etts, G eo rge M. ____________________________________ 210 Rh etts, Harri ett ------------ ----------------- -----------23 5 Rh e ubottom, Mary J- -------------- -- ------- ----- ----241 Rh od es, All an R. ________________________ 159, 213, 288 R icc i, Ca rm el M. ____________________________ _______ _______ 70 Rice, Hom e r C. ------------ ------------------------------ 70 Rice, T om E. -------------------------------- --- ---------257 Ri cha rd s, E mili e L ------ --------- --- -------- 21 9, 28 6 Ri chard s, Roy W . ------------ --- --- -------- ---- ------284 Ri ch a rd so n, Ann --------------------------------21 9, 253 Ri chard so n, E ugenia K. -- ----------------- --------- 70 Richard so n, E. Jun e ____________ ___ ___ 70, 219, 292 Ri ch a rd so n, Benjamin F. -------------------------- 181 Ri chter, Ben ---------------------------------------- 70, 209 Ri cig l ia no, Jose ph -------------------------------------- 98 Ri cke, J. O ra I ______________________ 70, 128, 132, 266 Ri cketts, John A. _____________________________ _________ 194 Ridgw ay, William ------------------------------------ 198 Rifkin , Samu el --- ------------------------------ --- ------- -98 Ri g htse l, Wilton A ._____________ ______ _________________ 70 Ril ey, J ohn ---------------------------------------- --------2+8 Rin eha rt, M a rga ret ------------------------ --- -70, 23 1 Rin e ha rt, Robe rt E- ---- ----------------------------------·; 0 Rin ke n berg, E l don na -- ------------------------------ 25 6 Ripl ey, 11 e rb e rt B- --- ------------------------- ---------- 70 Ritchi e, Betty J an e.... ________________________________253


Ritenour, Gloria --------------------------------------227 Ritte r, Dona ld E .______________________________________ 182


Ritters'rnmp, Jam es J. ------------------------------ 190 Roach, Juanita --------------------------------------------70 R oac he, Robe rt D. ____________________________________ 186 Rob b, Mary Lu ___________________________________________ .220 Robbi ns, C heste r C .__________________________________ 106 R obb in s, D. \Va Iter _________________________________ .28 9




1 91 2

o rma ------------------------------------ ----252 Roberts, R obe rts, P au l W .__________________________ ________ 70, 206 Robe rts, Wil Iiam T. __________________________________ J 97 Rob in son, Benjamin F. ______________ 70, 284, 28 9 R ob in son, Fred e ri ck B. ------------------------ ---- .70 Robinso n, Joan --------------------------------- ---------23 1 Robin son, Robe rt ----------------------------------------206 Rock, H e rschel E- -------------------------------- 70, 269 Rock wood , C harl es A, ________________ 70, 202, 278 R odi n, Vi' a Ite r --------------------------------------------20 5 R od man, Eugene ----------------------------------------7 1 Rod ri guez, Caro ly n ---------------------------------- 2 1'l R oede r, Eve rett -------------------------------- 156 , 181 R oesch, R y Iand p _________________________________________ 71 R o"'er, l rv in r: B--------------------------------------- 209 R ohl ed e r. Julia A n n __________________________ 71, 252 Roll, Willi am C- --------- --------------------- ---------- 17 6 Romer, Robert F _______________________________________ 209 R omi ne, M orr is R. ______ _____________________________ .2 17 Ron zon e, Pa schal N ..... __________________ 71, 88, 185 Roof, No rm a C-- -----------------------------------------2++ Rooney, R obe rt A. _________________________ _____________ I 86 R ope r, Jarvis -------------------------------------------- 193 R opp, Mary Jan e ________________________________________ 71 R ose, Dori s J ea n -------------- ------------------------2 52 Rose, M ax 0----------------------------------------- 71, 1 81 R osenbe rg, A . Leo n ________________________ ___ _71, 209 R osenbloom, J ack M ·-------------------------- 71, 205 Rosenb loom , Sey mour ---------------- ------- ---------7 1 Rosenb ush, Robe rt l) ________________ ____________ __ ___ l 82 R oss, Jan et K ay ________________ __ ______________ ____ 71, 23 5 R ot h, Be rna rd -------------------------------------------- 20 5 R oth , M a rj o ri e M a y ------- ------------------- 227, 253 Roussea u, J ohn Vi'---------------------------- --- ------21 3 Rou tt, Don J-L ______________________ ___ ___ ________ _________ J 79 Ro"'e, Arthur E --------------------------- ----------------7 1 Row ell, \ Villiam 11 ..................... 7 1, 217, 278 Rowl a nd, Wi ll iam R. ________________________________ 197 Rov a Ity, Marjori e --------------------------------------23 8 Rubl e, E lea no r J- ---------· ------------------ ----------- 231 Ru ch, Jak e D- -------------------------------- -------------- 176 Rud es ill, Robe rt L. ___________________________ __ _______ 207 R udo! ph , M ark 1-1 --- ------------------------ -------- --176

Rudy, Vii i 11 iam B ....... --------------------------------202 R ump h, C har les R. .............. 7 1, 278, 28+, 308 Rund, Rob e rt L ------------------------------------------ 19+ Runn e r, Cary l C. ___________________________________ ___ 25 3 Runni on, J ames D- ------------------------------------20 l Rup el, M ar tha Ann __________________________ 23 l, 28 6 Rupert, J ohn M ___________________________________________ I 85 Ru sh, V irg ini a ------------------------------ ----2+7, 307 Ru shin g, l le rb e rt -------------------------------------- 18' R usk, C ly d e ---------------------------------------------- 186 R uss, Patri ck C. ____________________________________________ 7 1 R usse l 1, John P ._______________ _____________________________ 7 1 R uss le r, \Vi 11 iam ----------------------------------------93 Ru st, Lee Roy ----------------------------- ------- 18 5, 27 3 Ru st, Ma rt ha Ann ____________________________________ 2) l Rutz, E lea no re ·-----------------------------------7 1, 2++ Ryan, Mary E. ------------------------------------------2+1 R ya n, William C. -------------------------------------- 179

s Saag, Ed"' a rd ------------------------------------------209 Saba n, Louis I 1. ...................... 88, 9+, 210, 266 Saban, Mi cha e l ----------------------------------88 , 2 10 Sab in , M a ry A ------------------------------------------.2++ Sablosky, Tr v in g L. __________________________ 209, 306 Sac hl eben, Leon J. ------ ------------------------------278 Sa fe r, R ob e rt I- ------------------------------------------ 20 5 Sa int, Vii i 11 i am --------------------------------------------71 Sa le, Jam es F, ________ ______________________ ______________ 2+8 Sa li sb ury, C. Jackson ________________________________ t 82 Sa Im, Connor )( _________________________________________ I 82 Sa mm s, Marshall N ....... ---------------------------- 193 San de rs, Irene ---------------------------------.25 3, 28 G Sap pen fi eld , R obe rt ---------------------------------- 182 Sa rty, Lo is Ann e ________________________ I++, 23 1, 252 Saue r, Carl L., JL---------------------------------- 18) Saver, G o rd on ------------·------------- ------- --- 71, 20 5

3 81

Sa wye r, Jan e -------------------------- ------------7 1, 227 Sax ton, Robert F.______________________________________ 27+ Say les, Ann -Mari e --------·------- ------------------23 5 Sea bba rd a nd BI a d e --------------------------------273 Sca nt Iin, Patri cia ----------------------------23 1, 252 Sc habi nge r, J ean An n ______________________ J 59, 270 Sc hab in ge r, Robe rt a Jan e +1, 161, 23 1, 270 Sc ha eff e r, Car l ____ ----------- -------------------------- 185 Sc h a fer, Al ice ---------------------------- 71, 2++, 28 6 Se ba li e r, R obe rt \-\1 ___________________________________ l 9+ Sc harn berg, J ea nn e --------------------------2 19, 386 Sc hat zle in, G eo rge M .______________________________ J 98 Sc hatzman , Leona rd ----------------------------------7 1 Sche idl e r, 11ub e rt A _____________________ 7 I, 18 1, 28 + Schei ti in , Fr a nc is M .__________________________________ 71 Sc hem e!, Kathryn Ann ________________________________ 7 l Sc henke l, Jan et ------------------------------------------232 Sc hi enb e in, Ed w a rd I.. ...................... I 0 I, 176 Sc h ii !e r, Arthur --------------- -------------------------20 ) Sc hl ee, So n_,-a A .__________________________________ 72, 1++ c hl ege l, D ona ld ---------------------------------------- 72 Sc hl emm er, No nn an C. ___ ___________________________ 202 Sc hmidt, Da Iton ----------------------------------------217 Sc hm i cl t, D olores R. ____________________________________ 25 3 Sc hmidt, E Ii za beth -----------------------------------.22 8 Sc hmidt, E uge ne E. ------------------------.. 72, 207 Schmidt, Ja ck E------------------- ---------------- 17+,217 Sc hn eck, P a u I E----------------------------------------- 197 Sc hn eid e r, Rit a ----------------·--------------------------- 72 Sc hn ell e r, Loui se ----------------------------------------72 Sc hoo ley , E li za beth ---------------------------------- 307 Sc hory, Do ri s )( __ _____________________________ 22+, 253 Sc hro ete r, G e ra Id i ne --------------------------------24+ Sc hroe te r, Leo na rd ------ ---------------------- 151, 20 ) Schu chman, Abe ·-------------------·-----------------205 Sc h u Icit, \ Vi 11 i am S- ------ ---------------------------- 17 6 Sc hult z, B lanch e --------------------------------4 1, 243

China -

Glass -


G ifts and Novelties

We have the following Indiana University alumni

for the home in o ur organization

J. Dwigh t Peterson .......... ' 19

Ri chard C. Lockian .......... '30


E. W. Barre tt.. .................. ' 26

128-132 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, Ind.

El eanor Meek ............... '30

No ble l. Bid di nger .......... '33 Margaret Todd ................ '30 C. W. Wea the rs.............. ' 17

William C. Me nk e (an lea ve of a bsence wi th U.S. Navy } ........................ '41

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Schumann, Edwa rd ............................ 72, 283 Schu t z, Bettee ............................................ 227 Sc hwart z, Em il y Jo ............................ 71, 228 Sc hwart z, K enn eth .................................. 209 Sc hwart z, Mary E ............................... 71, 303 Sc ism, Ruth E ............................................. 256 Sclipcea, John .............................................. 88 Scott, E llswo rth P . ...... 71, 132, 210, 278, 288 Scott, James M . ........................................ 288 Scott, J o hn S ................................................. 72 Scott, ( Mrs .) L ois G ............................... 220 Sco tt, R obe rt P ............................................. 72 Scott, R oberta J ean .................... 72, 277, 303 Scott, Ste rlin g C . ...................................... 101 Scully, John .............................................. 207 Seagl e, Joseph B ......................................... 179 Seagle, YVilliam C ........................... 179, 308 Seaman, Vida ............................................ 228 Seats, Lil lian .............................................. 118 Secrist, Donab ell e .................................... 253 Segal, Stanley .................................. 214, 306 Sege r, R a lph L. ............................ 72, 306, 310 Seidhol z, Donn .......................................... 18 6 Se im etz, J o hn J ......................................... 186 Seledso"·, ]J elen ........................................ 72 Sell e r, Hubert .................................... 72, 194 Se ward, M ar il yn ....................................... . ................... .+ 1, 156, 23 5, 270, 28 6, 296, 309 Sexson, Mary Ann ...................................... 241 Sexson, Norma Pau lin e ............................ 2++ Shackelford, Anna .................................. 228 Shafe r, Ri chard .......................................... 72 Shaffer, Geneva .................. 72, 11 8, 123, 277 Shaikun, E lizabeth ............................ 72, 286 Shake, Jam es .............................................. 202 Shambo, Ri chard ...................................... 202 Shamitz, J osep h ...................................... 205

Shan e, Max ine .......................................... 223 S ha rabsky, E dw a rd ................................ 20 5 Sharpe, .P;iul ine ........................................223 Sharp e, W il li;im ................................ 174, 190 Shaul, Robe rt K ....................................... 207 Shav e r, Heve rl y ........................ 156, 228, 291 Shaw, Jam es .............................................. 176 Sh ea, Co rtland .......................................... 17 9 Sh eare r, Charl es E ................................... 214 Sh e lton, Ve rnon ........................................ 19+ Shelbu rn e, J ean E ............................... 253 , 291 Sheppard, C harl een .......................... 72, 237 Sher m;in , Mars hall .................................... 72 She rt ze r, Cec il ............................................ 72 Sh e rwood , John R. ..................................283 Shields, Mary A. ...................................... 134 Sh im e l, R obe rt ............................ 72, 206, 28+ Sh imp, Dorothy .......................... 72, 232, 296 Sh in e, Jam es R. .......................................... 27+ Sh ipps, I Je len ............................................ 291 Sh irlin g , \ Va y ne ...................................... 18 5 Shon k, l l aro ld ............................................ 72 Shook, Ja ne ................................................ 23 5 Shookman, Mil es ...................................... 284 Sho rt le, J ohn ...................................... 73, 197 Shrode, Jo Ann ........................................ 23 5 Shull, K en neth .......................................... 198 Sibbitt, J ose ph .................................. 72, 181 S icanoff, M e riam ........................ 73, 173 , 243 Siege l, E dg ar ............................................ 209 Siegel, Rober t JL ....................................... 20 5 Siffin, 'Nil li am .......... 132, 172, 190, 26 6, 287 Sigma A lp ha Eps il on ............................ 20 6 Sigma A lpha Mu .................................... 208 Sigma C hi ................................................ 210 Sigma D elta C h i ...................................... 294 Sigma D elta Tau .................................... 242


Sigma Iota ................................................ 27+ S igma Kapp a ............................................ 244 Sigma Nu .................................................. 212 Sigma .Pi .................................................... 214 Simborg, Phy lli s ...................................... 252 Simm e rmon , \Vi lliam M ..................... 73 , 202 S immons, Mild red .................................... 244 Simp so n, George ' ' ' ·····································7 3 Simpson, Jacqu elin e .................................. 241 Simpson, Phyllis C . .......................... 73 , 2+1 Sims, William H ......................................... 93 S ing leton, P a lm er C ............. 73, 106, 172, 206 S isle r, Frank 0 ........................................... 73 Sitl er, Mary .............................................. 286 Siwi etz, J ean ette ...................................... 244 Ske leton C lub ............................................ 305 Skinn e r, R obe rt N ..................................... 176 Skul l and Cresce nt ............................ 272, 273 Slick, George B ......................................... 248 Sloan, ~l iJma ........................................... :73 Small, Benjam in F . ............................ 73, 304 Smal l, J oe R. ........................................ 73, 284 Small, ~' illiam L. .................................... 217 Smart, R obe rt L. .............................. 73, 217 Smiley, Barbara ........................ 73, 2 35, 286 Smilli e, R on .............................................. 109 Sm ith , Barbara .................................... 73, 241 Smith, Barbara L ee .................................. 228 Smith, Ca rl R. ....................................... 190 Smith, Car leton S . .................................... 181 Smith, Caro ly n .................................. 23 5, 253 Smi th, C laude B ......................................... 73 Smi t h, Dona ld R. ...................................... 249 Smith, Dorotha .......................................... 253 Smith, Glenn C. ..................................... 193 Smith, G lenn D . ....................................... 176 Smit h, H elen L. .................... .... 73, 118, 277


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Smith, J ames A . .................................. 73 , 194 Smith, J a m es J . ........................ 101 , 186, 276 Smi th, J ea n ................................................ 23 1 Smith, J ohn I-I . ........................................ 207 Smith, M erv in S ....................................... 308 Sm ith, Oscar B ......................................... 176 Smith, Phillip R . ...................................... 248 Smith, Robe rt F ....................................... 172 Smith, Walla ce C . .................................... 179 Smutzer, H a rry W ..................................... 182 Snapp, Marj o ri e L. .................................... 227 Snapp, M a ry E. .. ...................... 73 , 227, 270 Snepp, D ona ld F . ........................ 73 , 202, 278 Snoke, M a rgaret ................................ 232, 2 52 Snyde r, John W . ................................ 73 , 213 Snyder, Marvin .................................. 73, 209 Snyder, Mary Jan e .................................. 232 Soderquist, Ca rl W ........................... 174, 186 Soshnick, Es ther .............................. 25 1, 286 Sosin, Lo ui s A ................................... 172, 205 Soudel', H enry ............................................ 73 Sparks, Martha .................................. 73, 286 Sparrenberger, vVilli a m H . .................... 181 Spaulding, Dorothy .................................. 74 Specht, Marian ................................ 219, 286 Spence, Donald ........................................ 269 Spencer, L owe ll E . .................................. 186 Spencer, Mary ............................................ 252 Spence r, R ose ............................ 224, 286, 309 Spencer, Willi a m A ................................. .. 43, 74, 122, 124, 132, 163 , 217, 266, 278, 294 Sphinx Club ................................:............. 266 Sp iegal, B etty L ....................................... 243 Spi ega l, Jun e ...................................... 74, 243 Spilker, Gordon E ..................................... 190 Sp ilm an, C laud e M ........................... 197, 304 Spindl er, Nancy L. ............................ 237, 253

Sp indl e r, Phy lli s ........................................ 237 S pong, Ba rb a ra .................................. 244, 253 Sposee p, Es th e r .......................................... 253 Sposeep, Manu el .......................................... 7+ Spradling, M a rth a .................................. 227 Sp rague, Caro lyn ...................................... 224 Sp rin ge r, Alice .................................. 220, 252 Squire, R obe rt M ..................................... 7+ St ad le r, Ernest F ....................................... 108 Sta dnik, Mi cha e l \V ................................... 7+ Stands, Barbara ........................................ 253 Stands, B en 0 . .................................... 74, 2 14 Stanley, Betty N ....................................... 2 56 Stanley, John R. ........................................ 181 St app, M ax in e .................................. 151, 29 5 Stark, Ri ch a rd A ......................................... 74 St ar r, John R. ............................................ 2 10 Sta rr, Ri cha rd .................................... 18 1, 27 6 Steele, M a ry .............. 11 8, 127, 131, 2 51, 277 Steel e, M ona ................................ 74, 247, 303 Steele, V irg ini a ............................ 74, 22+, 286 Stefan ie, J o hn ............................................ 190 Steffan, Eve lyn .......................................... 296 Steffy, Ralph M ................................. 74, 24-8 Steiner, Sa rah 1.. ......................................... 74 Steinmetz, D o ri s ........................................ 224 Steinwed el, A lbe rt A ........................... 7+, 207 Stephenson, Thomas G ............................. 248 Stevens, B etty Jane .......................... 231, 253 Stevens, Betty L ou .................................... 11 8 Stevens, D o ri s .............................................. 74 Stevens, J a m es M . .............................. 74, 193 Stevens, Victoria ................................ 220, 296 Stewart, Frank R ....................................... 19 3 Stewart, R obe rt L. ...................................... 74 Stewart, Suzanne ...................................... 252 Stewert, Arcad iu s J ................... 106, 134, 274


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St ib e r, B etti e ............................................ 247 Sti eAe r, L ou ise ............................................ 243 St il es, J ennin gs E ..................................... 207 Stirn ·o n, M a ry E ll en ........................ 7+, 2 19 Stoddart, J ean .......................................... 244 Sto hl e r, Mauri ce 11.. ................................. 101 Ston e, J o hn J. ............................................ 194 Ston er, Ra c hel .............................. 74, 127, 228 Sto ry, Vernon J ........................... 108, 198, 276 Stou d e r, A ll an L ......................................... 18 5 Stout, Francis E ........................................... 74 Strachan, Mary E ..................................... 219 Stra in, Julia H ........... 74, 123, 277, 296, 309 Straub, Mary Jan e .................................. 253 Strausburg, D av id .................................... 17 6 Strauss, J oan ne .................. 74, 23 5, 286, 303 Strickland, Va leska .......................... 244, 252 Strock, L ane E . .......................................... 74 Stro lov itz, Eve ly n .................................... 253 Stuart, Edward C ........................................ . ....... .41, 43, 74, 122, 124, 269, 287, 289, 308 Stull, Ri ch a rd B ................................. 210, 2 73 Sturgis, Jack ................................................ 74 Sturgis, Mrs. Jose phine Sears.................. 75 Sturm, Rob ert J ......................................... 207 Stutsman, vVilli a m K ................................... 75 Styles, R obe rt E ......................................... 186 Sub lette, James F ............................... 75, 210 Sulli va n, Anne .................................... 75, 232 Sullivan, Harry D ............................... 75, 294 Sullivan, R obe rt E. .. ........................ 207, 284Summerfield, Irv in g L. ............................209 Summers, D orothy .................................... 11 8 Summers, Virginia ...................................... 75 Summerville, J o hn K ......................... 75, 176 Sumner, J a m es P ....................................... 217 Surratt, Martha .......................................... 75

Sutherl a nd, Mary J ane ___ _________ __ ________________ 252 Suther Ii ne, M a ry ----------------------------------------? 5 Sutter, R ob ert L. __________________________ 7 5, 269, 273 Svetanoff, Ed ward R- ----··---··········---·---93, 18 5 Swain, Jam es M. ---- --- -----··--·········-···--------- 194 Swain , Kitsy ------------------------ -----·--·-····--····--224 Swain, Mary M ax in e ---------------- 75, 228, 287 S"-a n, M a ri an --·---------------·····-··--·-····-· -··-------7 5 S"-an, Rob erta ------------------------------------------2+ l Swanson, l r v in g ------·······-----·· -·····---·---····-···· .... 75, 101, 102, 122, 128, 132, 186, 266, 288 Swihart, Dal e ···----------------- ------········-----·--·-2 10 Swimming ··---··-····------------------------------ 108, 109 Swish e r, Rha e -------- --------···-···-----------------------75 Symon, Willi a m E ................................... 210 Szau lewi cz, Edward J- -- -·----------·----------···-7 5

T Tabb e rt, J ea n ----·· -----------------------------···-····2 53 Tabb e rt, Lois ····------------···-····------------·····-··--25 1 Tack ett, Ri chard D. ______ --·--··-···--··- ____________ 88 _T aggart, Eva ------------------------···-···-------------2 32 Ta sh, M an· Louise .... --------------·-····-··-------- -238 Tau 1':a ppa Alpha _______ ------------·······-------- -29 5 Tav e11de r, John H . _______ ---···-·---- ---------- 88, 181 Ta,·lo r, David M_ ----··------····· ------------ 10') Taylor, M a ri h·n ----···-····---·--------····-·-······--- 2+ 1 Ta y lo r, M an· Sue ------------····-----··---··-··--···-- 23 5 T ay lor, Ruth ------ ------------------------75, 228, 296 Tay lor, Towns end John ···-··-------·--···------- 217 1 "ea ney , Agn es ···-------------···-··--------------7 5, 227 T edford , Jam es E- -------------- 75, 159, 176 , 266 T en Eyck, George L. ________________________________ I 98 T enni s ___ ---------------···----- -·-··------------------------ 112 T e rpi nas, Th omas M ..... --------·-······------------ 190 T e rrell , Mary f. ----····---------------···--·--····---- -2++ T e rre ll , Thoma s K . ----···-··········-··-·-····--···· 30 6 Terrill, C eo rge M. ···-----·-···-····---------- 17+, 176 T ewkshu ry , Mary El len ___________________________ -227 Th eis, Dororh,- ···-··----------- ------·-···--···-··-··--- 2 56 Th eta A lpha Phi -------------------- -·····-·-··-····-296 Th eta Ch i ···--·-· _________ 216 Th eta Sigma Phi -·-····--···-····------------- -292 Thi eme, _Jam es E ... ---------·······-···-····--··--···- 202 Thoma s, El iza beth ____ -----·--·····-···-------------- 23 l Thomas, I zona ····-··-· --···-···-····-···----·-··-····- 223 Thomas, Margar et . --------------··- - _______ I 6 1, 22+ Thoma s, \ ' i rg i n ia ···-------------·-··-···---··---7 5, 23 5 Thoma s, 'vVilli am B. ----------------·-··------------ 198 Th omp so n, A Iice -··--------·-······-··-··-------------·-·· 7 5 Thompson, Do roth y --···-····--------···--··----- 75 Thomp so n, Edna ________ 75 , 1+3, 227, 270, 286 Thompson, Emmert G . --·-··-····-··-------------- 18 5 Thompso n, Cl e11n M. ··-···------···-75 , 28+, 289 Thompso n, Joh11 B. --------·-··-··--·····-··-----··-- 176 Thompson, Marjori e ------------------- -···-----------7 5 Thomp son, Man- M. ··-·--····--------.... --2+1, 286 Thompson , Ralph G_ ----·-···--····-····------------ 213 Thompson, Thoma s 'vV. --····-···--······--·------- 176 Thompson, \ ' i rg i n i a --------·-····--···--·-··-····-- 23 5 Thornburg, I I ug h A -------···--···--···-······--···- 185 Thornton, Ri c ha rd J- --·--··-·--··-·-····--···- 76, 181 Ti IJett , \\ Ii 11 i a m J·-------·-··-·····-····--··-···-····-··--7 6 Timm, francis M ·--------·--····-·--··-····-··· 109, 210 Ti nda 11 , R obert L._ _____________________________________ 202 Tipli ck, Amelia .. ---------··--···--·-----------··-··--244 Tirm ens te in, Marian ------------------------ 227 , 291 T o lb ert, Leste r C. ___ ------------------···-··---------- 273 T omlin son, Edward M_ -----------·----------··· -284 T om Ii nson , Pin-IIis ------······-····-······------------ 231 T oney, R osa Iie ··-----------------------------····------- 252 Toppin g, Mal ac hi C. ---- .. ·-··-··--- ------- 179 Tord ella Jo Ann e ______________ 76 , 131, 2 52, 277 Torphy , John L -------------------------- 156, 206 Torrc11s, \ \lilliam \\' ___________________ 76, 210, 29S T ouma, G eo rge C. ______________ 76, 134, 269 T oth , E leanor --·-·· ---·--·------------------------------ 252

T o wn s, R obe rt M. -----------····-········-----249, 306 T o wn se nd, Mildred ·······-------------------2 53, 28 6 Toy, Jam es J ,________________________________ .............. 210 Tracey, Ruth -------------··-··------ ---------- --------- ---253 Tra cht, lonej ean -------- --·-········-------- ----2+7 , 25 3 Track ··-····-····-··-··-··-------·--···--····--···-·----------- 110 Tra ste r, Harry B ..... ----·······-····-·········106, 18 6 Traub , King R. --------·-··························-··· · · 1 9~ Travis , Barbara ----··········-······· .. ·-········--------76 Trogdon, Dori s -------··-··--·-······------ -- ------ 76, 139 Trotte r, Jan ice ------- -·····-·········--·----···-22+, 307 Trumm er, Arnold J- ----·-·····-·-·····---------98 , 310 Trus le r, Margaret _ -----······---·-······-------.. --- 232

Tu e rk, Rob e rt P . ____ ------···-···-····--···---------··· l79 Tu rbow, Roh e rt 'v\l _____________________________________ 209 Turl ey, Ca Iv in E- --·-···--·········--·-------··-·····-- 257 Turman, Agnes ----····--···-····-····---76, 118 , 224 Turman, \ Villiam E ............. --------···-····---- l8 6 Tu m e r, 11e len ------------·-···-·····-·····--···--------- -219 Turner, 11e rb e rt \\I. ----··-····- .. ---- .. ·--··· 179 , 27 3 Turn e r, \Nil liam R. --------·-·-·--···--··-··-·-76 , l 98 Tutt le, Dor is ___ -·-····-- ---------16, 237, 270 Twineham, A lma --------------------···-·-···--------- 302 T _,-le r, Charles IL _ -·········-·--- -108

U-V l · nge r, I' ra nces ----·--····-·······-·---········--------- -2 +l C n ion Hoa rd ···----··-····---··-···-·····-·--··· _________ l2 8 l . ni ve rsity Th eatre ---·····------------- l 5+ Va i 1, J o hn J I ______________________________________________ _z 13 \I a le, Marjori e

------··-···---- -------------- 7 6, 241 \'a le nt in e, Lu c i Ile -------··-····--------------------- .23 8 \ ' and e rm e ul en, Th irza -------··········-······-···-- 76 \ ' an De r Moe re, \ Villiam A .. ___________ 93, l 86 \'andi v ie r, M ar,- Loui se .. ------------·-·-···· 76, 228 \'an Duren, A IIan ------···-·····--··-··----------76 , 202 Vanes, l ~ lm e r L. _________________________________________ .20 6

\ ' an l'l e it, \V i Iliam E. ----···------·····-··----------- l 82 \'an 11o rn, Lo i a ·-----------····------·-·--·--·-··-· 7 6, 303 \' an n at ta , CI en D ·---------------------------------------- 7 6 \ ' anNatta, Mary Lrnn ................ 76, 227, 292 \ ' an Sick le, v\I a Ite r J ·-----------------·--···--···-------- 7 6 \ ' an\'a le r, R obe rt R. ........................ 186, 27 r, \'aughn, Marthad a ---···-·····-··-····-··-··········238 \ 'e ach, Rich a rd L. -··-··--···--··-·-·····-···--·------·---76 \ ' e it , Rach el _________ ···--------------------- 219, 25 3 \'c rna sco, Theodore ____________ 76 , 132, 266, 29 6 \ ' iau , A lexa nd e r c. ______________________________ 76, 29 8 \ ' ice, Maril y n .. ________ ____ I 3+, 2 5 l , 277, 292 \ ' idinghoff, I Jelen . ___ 76 \'in e, I le rh e rt ···-···-··-···----------···-·········-···--- 209 \'inup, Cu rti s ---····----···--······------- 76, 31 0 \'i she r, Paul . -------------------- 76 \' ita Ie, Dominick ----------·-----------------------------93 \ ' o~e l, Ern es t 11 . -----··-·-·····-··-··-·· I 08, 206, 273 \' oge l, Fr ed T. ---·- -----·-···· -·--··--·-·-········-····- 257 Voge l, Paul \ V. ---·--------·······-···-···---------------298 \ 'oge l, Ralph f. -------------------·--------·-----2+8, 289 \ 'o ida, Cabri el T- ----------·-··--·-·-········------------77 Volp e rt, Jam es F. ______________________ 2+8, 28+, 289 \' oo rh ees, Charl es I' ___ __________________________ 77 , 278 \' o ri pa ieff, Ri ch a rd M ..... __________________________ 273 \ 'oss, Th oma s Calhra it h .................. 197, 273

w \ -\l a dd ell , Ben,- J ean ________ ____ __ ____________ 24-7, 252 'vV agne r, Sh eldon Roge r ____________ 77, 209, 28+ W agne r, \ Nilliam ----··--···--··-----··--··------------ 213 W a h I, K e rm it E . ____________________ ____________ ________ I 79 \ Vain wright, Th elma -····--·-········------------ -307 'v\I a kefi e ld, Lu ci le ------------·-·-···-- --------···-· --- 25 j v\lak elancl, Jo hn P. _____ ____________ _____________ 77, l 98 \ Va Ik e r, Charl es L. ··--···------·--------------------21 3 \ Va Ike r, Mar il y n ------------···---·-···-···· ___ 227, 309 Vil a Ike r, Pau l K. ··--······----------····--·-··-- --88, 207

38 4

Vila Ike r, Sara . ------····--·-·-····--·- -----······--------232 \\la Iker, William T. ···-········------77, 197, 288 \ Nall, Dorothy ------·-······-···-···----------···-77, 228 \ Va 11, f rances ------------····--·-·-····---------- 1+3, 231 Walla ce, J ohn A. --------···-···--------·--·-····--·-- -202 Wa lla ce , Phy lli s A. ------------------····--···-77, 23 8 W a lla ce, William ·-·····------------------------------- 210 v\la li e r, John E. ----·-·········------------------------- 207 Wa Ira ve n, Jam es 11 ............. -------------------····· 77 Vi' alstrum, Arthur D .... ·-··------------·-····---·--- 2+8 v\l alte r, Geo rge J- -- ----------·-··----····--------77 , 19+ Walte r, Ruth ------·-·······-···-···--77 , 11 8, 23 l Walte rs, 'vVilliam IL ···-····------------------------ 21 0 v\la It he r, Miriam ----··---------------- 11 8, 277, 309 'v\l a lton, Vi' il li am M. ________________ ______________ ____ l 98 \-\'ampler, P ete r --------··-····--------·----···--------- 194\\larnock, H e rbert J l.. _________________________ 77, 283 'v\larr en, Marcia ···- ·········---·----···--········- ___ 232 V\l a rr en, P a u I M. ··--···-····-··-···-···-···--····--·-· l 90 Warren, Ross \•V. ---------·-··-··------·-·····-···--··- 185 v\l arren, R oyston D. ---····-··-·-···------------------93 \Va rri ck, 1l om e r L. ____________________________________ I 86 Wate rs, Rich a rd J ·----··--·-····---------------------- 202 Watkin s, Jam es J J _ ----------------------79 , 269, 278 Vi 1 atkins, M arvin J. ···-····--·---------77, 206, 28+ Vi' a tson, f rede ri ck E. --------··----·-··--·-·····----- 17'J \V atso n, Mary . --··-···----------------·····---····77 \V a tt, Patri c ia Ann ___________________________________ 235 'v\l a ugh, Juanita ···---·-·-··--------------------···-----2 35 Wa y ne, Wi 11 iam J. ----··---------------------------··-·· 79 Vil earl y, Jeane --· -··--···-·······---77, 22+, 28 6, 291 Vil eath e rholt, Jam es Vi' ·---------------------------- 1~) 'vVeav e r, Suzanne ··-···-····-··----··· _______________ _2 19 Vi'ebh, Ph ,-1Jis ··-------------···--·-·-····-··---------···-25 3 Vileber, Dougl as M- ------------·-·-··--···----------- 198 Vilehste r, J ohn R. -·····-···--····-····-2+8, 2+9 , 289 V11 ebste r, R obert -----····--···----------------------- 18 5 Vile hm eie r, Hugh _______________________ 186 Vi'e hm eie r, Shirl ey -------·-···----------77 , 232, 29 l W ehr, Ma rt ha --------·-·······-··-·--·-····---------------- 77 W eil, J ean ____ -----------·---···-····-····--··· __________ .2+1 Vi'e inantz, R obe rt ·-·-··-··-··-----···-·· ----··--·-·· 182 \Vein er, M orris --··--····-····-··-··-··--------------------77 \-\Ie in land, C eo rge c. ________________________________ 3or. \V ein stein, Norman \'\l·-··--------------····---··-- 20 i \•Vein stein , She rm an -----------·-··----------------- 209 W eir, Carol y n ----------------------·------------------- 232 Vi'e isma nn, Arthur L. ____________ ___ ___________ 77, 21 + W eiss, Rob e rt B. __ ______________ ____ ____________ ________ 205 \ Ve Ich, G eorge A. ---·-------------------·· ____ -210 Vile lc h, William ------------··---···---····-· ____ 77 , 176 Vi'e llman, Gu,- ----···-····----------·-····-·· ____ 77, 176 \\le i ls, Barbara ----·········-···---···--·--·-··· _______ -2+1 \Ve li s, Eugene 11 . ···-····--·-----·------------- _____ I 90 W e lls, H enry H. ------------··-·-------------·----·-···- 186 W ei ls, \'i rg ini a ···--··--·-···------···-·······--·-· ____ .z+ l \V elsc h, R oyce ·-----·-····--------·------····-·- _______ I 9~ W enger, Betty Lu ------·-··--··-··------------- 232, 270 W erk hoff, Mary ----·-····--·--------------------------- 25 3 Vil hippl e, Jo Ann --------------··--------------219, 2 53 Vil hi pp le, Nanc,· J ean --------···--· __________ 219 \Nhi pp le, \ "iolet -----·-····-··--······--···---------···-···· 77 \Vhita ker, Vi1 illi am ···----- ---······--------- ________ 202 Whitake r, Mary ll elen ----·····--· ______ 228 \"' hi te, A rt h u r E. ----···------·-··--·----------·····--- 197 White, Donald D. ···-··------------------------77, 194 White, J ames C. ------------···-···-··--77 , 249, 298 \Nhite, Jam es D. ··-------------···-------··------------- 17q v\lhite, P au l J. ------·--·-------····--------------------- 179 'vVhite, R obe rt J. ---····------------------- 88, 91, 182 Vi 7hit e, Sarah . ------·------·--------···· ___ 77 , 223 White, Zama ... --------··-···---------------------- _____ 2++ \ Vhiteco tton, Howard ----·····------------- 158, 257 Vi'hiteman, Ruth ·····-·-··--·-·- -------------------- .. 238 Whitm a n, Marj ie ··-------------···--·---·· ___ 220 Vi 7 hom es , R osa Iind ·---- --- -- -- ---- ------------ - ___ __ _2 53 Vi1 ihl e, Marv Lee __________________________________ 78, 22+ Wi c kman, P eggy -------------···--·-·----·--····--·-· 231

Widman , W a rren R. ____ ________________ 78 , 248, 269 Wi eckin g , Fr ederick A --------------- -------- 78, 21 0 Wil er, J ose ph A -------- --- ----------------------248, 291 "\l\1il ey, Jam es F----- ---- ---- ----·---------------··-------- 179 Wilk erson, J ose ph P --··-- -------····----· --·--- -78, 248 "\l\1ilkerson, M a ry Lou -- --··----------- ------ -------227 Wilkin s, Barba ra Ann ---··-- --- -------- ----241, 253 Wilkin s, Wilfred Geo rge ·----------------------- 179 "\l\l ilkin son, J ames ----·--·····-··------------- 106, 310 Will an, All a n D------- ---------------------------------- 78 Will efo rd , Geo rge "\l\1_________________________ 78, 296 Wi Iii ams, Bern a rd F . -------------------------------- 182 Willi ams, D orothy ------------------------------78, 253 William s, E dw a rd R. -------- ---------------------- 248 Willi ams, Gene L. -- ------------- ---------------78, 193 Willi ams, J a ne ------- ------ ---- --------- ----- ---241 , 253 Willi ams, Lela nd I-I. ---------·-------------- 161, 198 Williams, Mari an ------------------------------------ 244 William s, M a ry J ean --------------------------------3 07 Wil Iiams, R obe rt E. -----------·---------------------- 194 William s, Ru sse ll S. -------- --------------------93, 193 Willi ams, W a rd M . ------------------------ 101, 176 Willi amson, Geo rge E. ----·----------------------- 213 Willi amson, J ohn M . ------------------·- -- ---------- 213 Willi amson, Letiti a M . -----·----------------78, 232 Wil so n, C ha rl es A. -- --------·----------------- 78 , 269 Wi Ison, D ori s -·------------------------------------------23 5 Wil son, Geo rg ia ----------------------------------------241 Wil son, H arold K . ····----·------------------- 78 , 176 "\l\l iJ son, Irm a Jea nn e -------·------------------------ 237 Wil so n, J am e C. -------------·---------·---------- ---- 186 Wil so n, J ohn D . ---------------··----------------- 78, 186 "\l\1il son, J ohn E. ----- ----------·------------------ 78, 210 W ilson, J ohn W . ------------------------------ 106, 209 "\1\1i1 son, M a rth a --------------··------------------------ 25 3 Wil son, M a rye Ila --- ---·----·--·-----------------------228 Wil son, Robe rt E --------------··-------------------------213

Wil son, T homas D . ---------··-------·------- ....... 213 Wil son, Willi am C. --------·--------------------- ... 217 Wil son, William F. ----------- -----------------------202 Wilt, Frederi ck L. ___________ ___ __________ 78, 132, 182 Wi nd le, Ruth ------------·------·------------------------·· 78 Windmill er, Fl oy d A ..... ---------------------- 78, 289 Win ey, J oa n ----------------------------------------------25 3 Winge rt, Patri cia ---------·----------------------- -----23 5 Winn, V irg in ia -------------------- ---------------------- 21 9 '/\linter, J ames F ...... -------·---------------------------207 "\/\Tise, Miri a m ------------·--·--------------------21 9, 286 Wi eman, M a ri a nn e ---------------------------------- 156 "\l\1iseman, Mary --------------------------78, 151, 295 Witcza k Ce li a -------------··----------------------- 78, 247 With erspoon, Ruth ------------------------------------244 "\l\7 itm er, M a ry E leano r ______________________________ 228 W itt enb rake r, Ri cha rd "\l\1. __ ______________ 10 1, 210 W ohl fo rd , Ne d E-------------------------78, 186, 288 "\l\' oh rer, Ca rol --------------------------------------------78 "\1\1oker, Ga rm a n ---------------------------------------- 288 "\l\1olf, F red R. -----------·--·--------------- 78, 179, 266 "\l\1oJf, J a ne ---------- ---------------------------------- 78, 11 8 W olf, Ja net --------------··---------·----------------78, 253 W olf, Ri ch a rd D . ---- ------------- --------------------- 198 "\1\1ol i u ng, Ruth ·--------··-------------------·------------- 78 vV .A.A. -------- ---------------- -------------------------------- 11 8 \ l\l ood, Ja mes Y. ----------------- --------------- -- ------213 Wood, Ri cha rd G. ---·--------------------- ----------- 206 \l\1ood, Ri cha rd L. ------------------ --------- --------- 190 \l\loo d, R obe rt N. --------------------------------------2 13 \ l\l ood a rd , Cera Id S- ----------··--·---------------------79 \l\lood wa rd , Dorothy --------·---------------------- -23.) "\l\1oodwa rd , J ene C. ---------------------------------- 283 ' l\lood w a rd, M ark A. ______________________________ l 81 \ l\loo ldrid ge , W a rren B. ...... 79, 132, 172, 182 W oo lery, J ames C. ----------------------------210, 276 "\l\1oo lery, M ax B. --------------------------------7 9, 210

"\l\1ool fo rd , Robert A. ________________________________ 185 Wo rk , Marga ret ---------------------------- ------------23 5 W orster, Paul T- -------------------·---------- -- ----------79 "\1\1rege, M a lcolm L. _______________ _____ _______________ _l 86 W rest Iin g -------------------- ---------··--------------------- 106 Wri g ht, Virg inia --------------------------------------25 3 Wul eti ch, Violet ·---------------------------------79, 256 "\1\1u lfm an, Betty ------------------·---------------------235

X-Y-Z Xa nd ers, P a ul T. _______________________________________ 214 Y aege r, E d rea ----------------·----------·--------79, 227 Ya key, "\l\la ll ace R. ___________ ________ _________________ 179 Y aste, J oanne ---------------------- ---------------------- 224 Y eager, La wrence B. ____________ 79, 179, 276, 288 Yenn e, M a ry Lou ise .... ------------ --- ---------------252 Yoder, J ames M .______ __________________________________ 283 Y off e, Lilli e --- ----- --------------------------------24 3, 286 Yost, A 1ice ·--------------------------------------- 228, 29 1 Yo un g, Ge ra ld D. ------- -------------174, 182, 283 You ng, Margo rie --------------------------------------256 You ng, M a ril yn --------------------------79, 232, 296 \ ' .M .C.A. -------------------------·--------------------------308 Youn g, R ebecca ________________________________________ 237 You ng, Robert A. ------------------------------ 172, 202 Young, R obe rt H . -------------·--------------------------88 \ ' .W. C .A. -------------------------------------- -------------- 309 Zabe l, Robe rt L. ----------------------------------------289 Za nk!, E mil y ---------------------···--------------79, 219 Zeckel, Stanl ey J ----------------------- ---------------- 205 Ze ig ler, Sanford E- -------------------- -------··------- 209 Ze ll er, F rank lin ----------------------·----------·-------- 176 Ze ta Tau A l pha·-- --------------------------------------- 246 Z imm erm an, Bobe tte --------------------- --- ---- ----243 Z imn _v, R obe rt J. ------------------------------------------88 Z ix, Ge ra ld ine --------------·--------·--------------------7 9





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Zubras, Vincent G. ------79, 284 Zuhl, Walt H. ______ __2 14 Zuppann, Edith E ._ ___ ,,,, ____ 79 Zuravel, David S. ____ . _________ ___ _zo; Zuzga, Josep h T. ______ ---------- ------· ------.... 88 Zweig, Leona . __________________________ ,,_79 , 253

MEDICAL STUDENTS Aiken, Nevin E. __________ _ Anthony, Walter P. Asher, James vV ........... __ _ Ball, Warren P .. _.. __ . Ballard, Rob ert J. Barton, Rob e rt F_ B eck, Evart M· ----·····--

________ 320, 33; _______________ ,_ .. 3 3 3 ________ 320, 333 ----·------- 320, 3 33 ...... 320 ____ 320 ___ 320, 333

Beluk, Stephen ______ _ __ .... 320, 332 - ____ 320 Blackstone, Kack C. Bleiweiss, Irwin .... -- -----·- ·- ----.. --- ---- ...... 320 ______ .320 Boerger, Victor L. ____ _ Botkin, Char les T. _.. ____ ,_ _____ 320, 333 _320, 334 Boyd, Clarence ..... -_____ 320, 334 Brennan, James E. _________ _ __ ,,_,, ____ 320 Brewe r, Carlos B. __ _ ______ 320 Bright, Daniel ... _________ , Brown, Stewart D. _____ _,,_ __ 333 Buckles, David L .-------·------ ---·------·----- _____ 332 _____ 33 3 Burghard, Rolla D ._. Butler, John O, _________ _ _332 _______ 331 Campbell, Kathryn __ ------ ___ 321, 334 Carpentier, Harry F.

Caton, John E--- -· -----------···--·----·-····· __ 321, 330 C hattin , Rob e rt E. _ _____ ,, ______ 333 C hri stman, Robert A· -------·------------ _________ 321 Clark, Joseph H-.........._. .._ 321 Clunie, " ' illi am A .. ______ _____ 321, 333 Coll ignon, Crban J... ......... -333 Connell, Vactor _____ ...... _.. _321 Cook, Norman R ...... .......... 321 Cormican, H e rb ert L. .......... .......... 321, 333 Cornell, Robe rt A.. .. ___ .... _...... 321, 330 Craig, Alexander F. _ ... _......... _. 321 Crawford, John A. .... .. ......... 333 Dagley , Hubert R .. _321 Davi s, Margaret ..... 331 De Fries, John J. ................... _.. 32 1, 330 De Lawter, Hibe rt H ........ .. ........ 32 1,333 Denny, Melvin I-!.. . .. .............. - ...... 333 Dickerson , Betty Joy .... .... 331 Donham, William L. .... 333 Donnelly, Everett . .. .......... 332 Dukes, Joseph ------------------.... 332 Earl, Max M .. _.. . ......... 322 Egnatz, Nicholas ___ ... 322, 3H Ernst, Clifford ___ ....... .. .. 333 Ettl, Edward J-- -------- ............................. 330 Ferguson, Morris R ._ ..... 332 Ferguson, William B. .. .. .... 33 5 Fis h , James 0 .. .. ............. --- ---- --------... 330 ,, __ 3 3 3 Fodor, O sca r . ,, ____ 3 31 Foley, Jean _ Ford, William B. . ............... _. . ... -.. 332 ____ .. 333 Franklin, William L. .... _....... . ....... 333 Freed, Carl _ ....... 330 Freed, John E ...... Funk, John W. ___ _ ------·------···· .. -------- 333 Garrett, Robe rt A . ........ _.. ___ .. ...... 330 ................ 3 33 Glosson, J ac k


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Goldman, J ose ph D . ................................ 323 Gripe, Ric hard ........................... ............. 323 Grodr ian , \Vay ne E . .............................. 332 Harding, Myron ············-····-······ ............. 332

~:~;is:.il~;:n··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ H enn essee, Philip .................................... 330 Hepn er, Ruth ( Mrs. ) ····-·······-··-·-···-········331 Herrold, Don ............................................ 333 Hetherington, J ohn .................................. 334 Hi esta nd, Harl ey ...................................... 333 Hill sa me r, Phy lli s ( Mrs.) ...................... 331 Himebau g h, G ilb e rt ................................ 333 Hinchm a n, Gen e ············--·-··············-···--·- 3 3 3 J-!olm a n, J e rom e ............................. :.......... 333 Horan, VVilliam E .................................... 334 Horton, G. Robe rt... .................................. 330 Huckl ebe rry, Carl ---················ ................ 334 Hugh es, Ri chard R ................................... 324 Humphrey, Paul ...................................... 330 Hu se, William M ....................................... 330 J aconetti, Ernest ·····--·····----················3 24, 3 30 James, Thomas --·-····-···················--·-·······--- 33 3 Jarrett, Pa u I ·-··············-··-·-········--·······-······3 3 3 Jewett, Jim ................................................ 333 Johnson, J. M e rrill. ............. ...................... 333 Johnson, Robert E ..................................... 333 Johnston, Alan ····················-·····------·········· 334 Katteny, Edward ········-·················-··-····----335 Keck, Carlton ·············--·····-··-····-··-··-·-······- 330 Kime, C ha rl es E ....................................... 330 Klaus, Julius ............................................ 333 Kopp, Herschel ·························--··--······-··333 Kosanke, Harold .............................. 325, 332 La Fo ll ette, Rob e rt E ................................. 333 Lambert, C. W ........................................... 330 La ramore, Ward ...................................... 325

Lohman, Robe rt M ..................................... 330 M cC lell a n, John B ..................................... 333 Mc Dow e ll, Fl etc he r ................................ 335 Mak ovs ky, Th eodo re .............................. 33+ Mainland, Dorothy ··-·-··-···············-···-······33 1 Mann, Carol ····-············-······--········--··········3 3 l Marlow e, J o hn J --------·····--············-········--- 333 Mason, Ri c ha rd L. .................................... 332 Maste rs, John H ......................................... 330 Maure r, Robe rt M ..................................... 333 Mill e r, Jac k B ............................................. 33 2 Millikan, ~' illiam .................................... 333 Mitch ell, Earl H ....................................... 332 Mitchell, Robe rt H ................................... 330 Modi se tt, J ackson ·-------------·---·--·-·············3 33 M orri s, Robe rt A ............................... 326, 330 Morri son, Lewi s E ..................................... 3 30 Naujokaitis, J on ........................................ 326 Nolke, T ony C ........................................... 326 Painter, Donald S· -···---·-·--·-··········-···-------- 33 5 Palm e r, Ru sse ll ·······-····-···········-··-·-··-·······334 P eterso n, Low ell -·····--······-······-····--··-·-·······332 Price, E rn est ----···-····-·······--·-······--···-··········330 Randall, Don ---·······-·-··------·-·---·-··············· 333 Roge rs, Evered E ....................................... 330 Rou en, Robe rt L. ........................................ 33 3 Ross, Evelyn ·············-····-··-·-····-··--···------·--- 3 31 Rowe, Howard J-1 ............................. 327, 335 Rudice l, Max W ....................................... 327 Rush, C ly d e E ........................................... 333 Scamahorn, Mal colm 0 ........................... 332 Shell er, Tom .............................................. 335 Sheridan, Joseph ······-·--······-····················- 327 Shevchik, Al exan d e r ····---······-··----·········-··3 34 Stauffer, Geo rge ······-·-···--·-------··-·-------··-·-··33 5 Stayton, C hester -···--··-···········---------··········· 332 Sullivan, Marcella __ ·····-···········-------· 328,33 l


Switzer, Robe rt E ............................. 328, 335 Szoko lai, J. P ............................................. 33 5 Thompson, Edgar A ................................. 332 Van Flee t, J ose phin e ................................ 331 Vermi lya, Robert ················----·-············-··· 33+ Walk e r, F loyd B ......... ----········--····-··-········ 334 W eber, George R. ...................................... 332 W ebe r, John R ........................................... 335 ~'eb e r, Robe rt ·············--·····--····-·-··-······---- 333 ~ 1 es tfall, B. K emper ................................ 330 Wigent, Ralph .......................................... 334 ~loo d s , Lee Roy ........................................ 332 W oo ling, Kenn eth R. ................................ 333 Young, James W ....................................... 333 Zink, Robe rt 0 ........................................... 333

DENTAL STUDENTS Aitkin , William ................................ 338, 346 Babcock, Rob e rt ············--··············---- 338, 341 Berman, Robert N ..... ........................ 338, 341 Borman, William ............................ 338, 341 Bron ste in, Edward ·---·········-----·····--·338, 341 C lark, Robert P·······-····----·------------····338, 343 Combs, William M ................... 338, 344, 346 Davis, William E ............................. 338, 344 Dunlop, Walte r ........................................ 346 Eads, Lee C ......................................... 338, 347 Epstein, Stanl ey ·-----····----·-····· .. ··-···---338, 341 Ferrell, David L -----·-·-·······-·······--········---- 3 38 Fitzpatrick, ~T m . c ................. 338, 342, 344 Furst, Harold D ................................. 338,342 Garcia, Rafael .................................. 338, 342 Good, W es ley C ............................... 338, 342 Groke r, David L. ...................................... 338 Gwinn, George A ............................. 338, 343 Harris, Paul P .... ---·----·······--··-····-······ 338, 342

H elt ze l, Arthur ............................... 338, 342 H ollar, Horace S .............................. 338, 343 James, Geo rge \i\I ............... .. 338, 342 Kan e, Samuel .................................... 338, 341 K a ufman, Joseph R. ........................ 338, 341 K ell e r, William P ............................. 339, 343 Kirchoff, W ay ne F ........................... 339, 346 Kixmill er, Roy L. .............................. 339, 346 Kl otz, M elvin M ............................... 339, 346 Langohr, R obert ~ 1 ..... . ....... ....... ..... 339, 342 Lindbo rg, Dani el R. .......................... 339, 342 Lytl e, Joshua W ............................... 339, 343 M atlock , Jam es F ....................................... 339 McFa ll, Charl es J .... ......................... 339, 343 McGu ire, ~' a lt e r C ......................... 339, 342 Milli on, Gilb e rt L.. .................................. 339 M e rt z, Jam es R ................................... 339, 342 Mi c he li, William D ......................... 339, 346 N ic kels, Robert P ....................................... 33 9 N irenstein , Ja ck B ........................... 339, 34 1 Oba, John T ............................................... 339 Pi cka rd , R obe rt G.......... ...... 339, 343 Poo rm a n, All en l-I.. ................................... 339 Pope, C har les F ................................. 339, 342 R a ibl ey , Walte r J ..................................... 339 Ritte r, M e lvin A. ............. ..... 339, 343

Royer, R obe rt ................................... 339, 342 Rutkin , Irv ing R. ....................................... 339 Sc haffer, Fre d eri ck M ............................... 339 Sc hol l, Clark H . .............................. 340, 342 Sevier, Nobl e H ......................................... 340 Shaw, John B ..................................... 340, 343 Shumake r, Marsh E ................................... 340 Shupe rt, H a rlan B . ........................... 340, 346 Spear, J ean ~' - ······· ......................... 340, 342 Starche r, Sammy M ................... 340, 343, 344 Starkey, P a ul E ................................... 340, 342 Trafidl o, E dward J. .......................... 340, 343 ~' a lk er , Char les E ............................. 340, 343 ~l hit e , Robe rt F.................. .340, 346 W ic ks, C lifford A ..... ............ ............ 340 Y od e r, E ugene F .............................. 340, 344 Y ou ng, Rich a rd E ........................... 340, 34 3 Zimm e rman, James C ...................... 340, 342

NURSES Balfour, E ll en Jan e.................................. 348 Ba ttram , M a ry K .................................... 348 Bess ley, Bl ess in g ................ . ...... 348 Brown, C a rol .......... 348 C la rk, M a ry K. ........................ ....... 348

Crai g , Jan et .............................................. 348 Fulk, Maril y n .......................................... 348 Gaulk e, E lsie .......................................... 34~ H e id eman, Marg aret .............................. 34h H enry, H elen ............................................ 34~ Hireti er, Laura .......................................... 348 H ocke r, Dorothy ...................................... 348 Jamison, Grace ....................................... 348 K ell e r, Jo Ann .......................................... 348 Kollm eyer, Do rothy .................................. 348 Loucks, J ea n ............................................ 348 Martin, Z elp ha ........................................ 348 Ma so n, Lorrain e ...................................... 348 McKee, Mary ............................................ 348 Mikl e r, Ooroth ........................................ 348 Mill e r, M a rj or ie ...................................... 348 Norman , Dorothy .................................... 348 Oy le r, Phy lli s .......................................... 348 Prick ett, M ary Lou ................................. 348 Robb in s, Lauretta ................................... 349 Sc hroer, Ruth Mary ................................. 349 Strauss, Barbara ....................................... 349 Till otson, J ean ........................................ 349 Wampl e r, Ruth .......................................... 349 ~ 1 oo d s, Fran ces .......................................... 349 \Vr ay, Dora Bell e ............................... 349

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ln ov e rcomin g produ cti on diffic ulti es of th e 50th edition of th e A R BL"Tl' S ca used b,- th e war, pe rh aps mo re suppo rt and a d v ice wa s nee d ed thi s yea r th an durin g an y previous publi ca ti on of th e book. Th e Sta ff w elcomed and encouraged th e help of a nyone in te reste d enoug h to wand e r in to R oom 312, G ni on Buildin g. A most imp ort a nt ste p fo nvard thi s ye ar wa s th e establi shin g of a Boa rd of Co nt ro l to d etermin e th e ge ne ra l poli cy and hear recomm endations from th e E ditor, Busin ess M a na ge r, and th e T ec hnical Ad v iso r. Performing admirabl y during its first yea r of existence, th e Boa rd w as m a d e up of E. Ross Bartl ey , Directo r of th e News Bu reau, chair man; \Va rd G . Biddle, Vice-Pres id ent and Treasur er, rep rese nted by his ass ista nt, R obert Burton; Cl a ud e J. Black, Purc hasing Agent ; J ohn E. Stemp el, H ead of th e Journali sm Depa rtm ent; J. Edward H edges, Acting Director, P e rso nn el a nd Pl ace ment Bureau; L. L. Fishe r, Cas hi e r a nd Tick et M a na ger; La rry H udson, A ss istant Cas hi e r; a nd Brooks Sm eeton, In structo r in M a rketing a nd T ec hni ca l Advi so r, 1943 ARB UT U S. Both th e Ed itor a nd th e Bu siness Manage r w e re a lso memb e rs of th e Board . Th e ca rtoon s th a t se rv e as subdivi sion pages are th e work of no less an art ist than th e immortal D on H e rold, Indian a U niv e rsity', fam ous humori st. Th e ca rtoons used in th e 1943 ARB UTUS are re prints from th e 1912 and 1913 yea rbooks. Don H ero ld w as a staff memb e r in ' 12 a nd heca m e editor - in -c hi ef th e fo ll owing year. ~l e believ e hi s humo r to be as mod e rn now as 30 ,-ea rs ago. Th e fo ur sets of 3-color di v ision pages w e re d es ign ed by J ose ph C. A. Low, In stru cto r in Fine Arts. Mr . Low did consi d era bl e re· searc h to fi nd materi a l whi ch w ould ty p'ify the "gay nin eti es" in contra st to our prese nt pe riod. Hi s " th en and now" th em e is base d on th e 50th a nni ve rsa ry year, and th e fir st publication o f 1894. Seve ral write rs w e re borrowed from th e Daily S tudent from tim e to tim e to mak e va ri ous sect ions of th e ARB U T U S mo re readabl e. Th e D ece mb e r Gr a du a ti on story is reprinted from a n artic le by Paul H. Wa g ner, In stru ctor in Journ a li sm, which appeared in th e D ec. 21 issue of th e Daily S tudent. Bill Spencer, Bob Ma cG ill, and

J ep Cadou , a ll Daily St11dr11t edito rs, w ere res ponsibl e for mos t soc ial organ iza ti on write- ups, whil e Joe Kutch contri bu ted th e ad mini strativ e offi c ial s' art ic les. M acy Broid e wrote th e Navy secti on and Di ck M ohr ca pti oned th e soc ia l orga ni za t ion in for mal pi ct ures. Th e pictur es of th e Bea uty Qu ee ns, th e Buildings, th e int rodu cti on, and most gro up shots w e re tak en by th e Burea u of Visual E d ucation of th e Ex tension Di v ision p hotogra ph e rs. Ll oy d F. Evan s is in c harge and All an F. Graham is hi s hea d photograph er. Th e Ha ze l Studio took th e Se ni o r pictures, a nd ~le ir Mitchell, Bob Ca rroll , C eo rge Mohr, Ralph H ansell , Art Ove rb ay, a nd Lee ~l illi ams contributed in forma l shots. Th e fou r pi ctures of th e Fa ll s C it~· Ex tension Center w e re rep rodu ce d with th e permi ss ion of Caufie ld and Shoo k, In c. Bes id es offi cial staff m embe rs, man y oth e r stud ents w o rk ed consc ienti ously tow a rd posit ion s on nex t yea r's staff. Among th e man y na m es reco rd ed w e re Rac hel \' eit, M a ry Ali ce ~le rkh off, Ann Ri cha rd so n, Betty Ann Fa tch, G loria Burbank , Ly nn e K eck, Barbara Betzn e r, Mary Alice Murphy, No rm a Curdes, Betty O ' H ara, Kay M cCauley, Mary Jan e H oese !, Marge H odso n, Susan Fo ley , C len Smith, Mary Kn epp e r, M a ril y n Hull , an d Bob Young. Th e "s pecial " circ ul ati on staff workers w ho help ed se ll ARB UT l/S's incl ud ed : Caro ly n Smith, Jo Ann ~' hippi e, Barbara P orter, M artha H odl ey, P a t Kib le r, M a rge Fi s her, Ruth Trace,-, Betty Dun ca n, Be tty Durbin, Mari on Tirm enstein, Anna Jan e Bu skirk , Frank Armstrong, Jim Mill e r, Bi ll Good , Dick H a rnh e rge r, C ha rl es Ludwig, Barbara Binford, Ruth Ann H a milton, J a ne ~l iJJiam s , E laine Bow ers, D ori s C lark, Ann J-! eckenhoue r, and Barbara Smith. Th e Indi anapoli s Engraving Co mpany m a d e th e engravings for th e 19+3 ARB C T l/S, and our hats go off to Nob le Ropkey of th at compan y for th e spl endid co-opera ti on w e rece ived . Anothe r three chee rs go to A. A . Brentano a nd h is staff at K ell e,._ Crescent Co., E van sville, printers of th e ARB UTCS, for th eir fin e se rvice and int e res t in th e publi ca ti on.

P.S. - -ApoL°'fuu .io MiM- Beit'le Ka/I,~ Summe11, PIUJ.ffl, 2uee11-, ~ A4 a. ..~ o!J S«;ma Kappa. (AtOt K~ S«jlna, cu. ?'Ludd o.n ~ 5). f!Jthu e'MMd. A~ _,/'tDffl ApeeJeJ-up ,p4oJucUtu.t. An<Uf' a.Uo. k e-xcu4.eci. </~



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