22 minute read
ROW 1: Myrna McCollum, Donna Fulps (President), Mary Organ, Nancy Olander, Mrs. F. H. Miner (Housemother), Melicent Rohe (Vice-President), Sue Reasoner (Secretary), Sara Shirley, Nancy Louck (Treasurer). ROW 2: Nancy Poppaw, Gretchen Van Huysen, Karen Campbell, Ann Blackburn, Janis Gossard, Mary Alice Hines, Kay Boardman, Barbara Hull, Barbara Cash, Nancy Reeves, Edwina Purdue, Nancy Blacklidge. ROW 3: Susan M. Kiakle, Marty Branaman, Ina Risch, Ann Godfrey, Carole Staples, Pat Decker, Ann Fishback, Norma Bussies, Gail Bruening, Linda Walker, Nadine Leu, Pam Lowe, Judy Fetzer, Helen Poloncak. ROW 4: Ginny Van Eck, Julie Fuller, Joyce Chenoweth, Andrea Onweller, Sarah Newell, Dorothy Ellen Meeker, Mary Brown, Mary Ann Steele, Mary Gregg, Joan Miller, Catherian Bowen, Nancy Lear. ROW 5: Sandra DeVries, Barbara Shankland, Betty Mikel, Rosemary Williams, Judy Hine, Phyllis Keller, Janet Hamilton, Karen Funk, Sandy Kemp, Anne Miller, Judy Huston, Irene Van Sipma.

At last their dream came true! The Alpha Chis, first sorority to break ground on New Fraternity Row, moved into their new house this Spring.
With the excitement of moving, the Alpha Chis still had time for activities. Nancy Louck was president of FTA and a member of Mortar Board. Linda Walker was a Student Senator, Andy Onweller served as President of Junior Panhel, and Mary Brown was President of the Red Cross.
The pledges won first place for their Cream and Crimson Day display last Spring, and the Alpha Chis placed second in pit decorations for the Little 500.
The Alpha Gams honored their pledges at the Pearl Prelude, and in the Fall the girls donned costumes for the Suppressed Desire dance. They continued their social whirl with the Little 500 Parents' weekend and faculty buffets. The annual scavanger hunt sponsored by the pledge class sent the other sorority pledges throughout town at the Panhel outing.
This year Fall Carnival and Homecoming were under the direction of Carolyn Zanin, a member of Union Board. Other Alpha Gams, Sue Lienhart and Jane Ann Stouder, were on Y Cabinet, and Barbara Doran was pledged to Enomene. The Alpha Gams were especially proud of winning first place in the IU Sing.
ROW 1: Patty Loux, Margaret Gross, Judy MacLaren, Katie Worth, Myrnalie Ayres, Carolyn Zanin (Secretary), Mrs. Cornelia Pope (Housemother), Janet Townsend, Jeanne Kovalak, Clara Jarrell, Carol Lieberum, Mary Ellen Combs. ROW 2: Carla Rogers, Sara Anne Maze, Carolyn Whitmer, Carol Engstrom, Natalie Smith, Gloria Mueller, Peggy Sinex, Rosemary Lusher, Mitzi Coppes, Marty Cornick, Maryann Scott, Mary Esther Matthews, Ruth Ellen Donaldson, Dorothy Reasor. ROW 3: Jackie Taylor, Janis Rossow, Karen Clouse (Vice-president), Nada Stilinovich, Diane Davis, Suzanne Lienhart, Elnora Clark (President), Janet Hinkle, Gloria Marchand, Mary Ellen Borman, Sarah Brown, Elaine Jordan, Louise Stienecker, Jeanne Narta. ROW 4: Karen Aukerman, Rosie Linde, Barbara Sanders, Doris Kemper, Bonnie Brown, Jane Richards, Ellen Anderson, Mariellen Scott, Barbara Doran, Jane Ann Stouder (Treasurer), LaRue Waldkoetter, Mary E. Steinkamp, Janet Sovine, Nancy Boyd.

ROW 1: Lillian \\ alker, Marguerite Watson, Corinne Cooper, Anice Deal, Mildred Sanders (President), Martha Carothers, Joyce Williams, Marilyn Harris (Secretary). ROW 2: Wanda L. Royster, Marie Hall (Vice-president), Shirley Jones, Carole Boyd, Gertrude D. Nance, Lloyce A. Burton, Cora Lee Smith, Shirley A. Millcnder. ROW 3: Marilyn Hendricks, Barbara Harris, Marilyn Gaines, Frances E. Smith, Pearlene Butler, Dolores M. Foisikes, Geraldine E. Ingram (Treasurer), Olivia Shaw.

The Alpha Kappa Alpha pledges were busy winning second-place honors in the Theta Olympics, while their actives were working elsewhere on campus. Louise Tyler and Francis Smith were members of the IU Foundation. Francis was also a member of SAC, Sigma Alpha Iota, and secretary of Pleiades.
The sorority's social events included the Ivy Leaf Ball, the Initiation Dance, and the Homecoming Dance, given with Alpha Phi Alpha. The AKAs also joined the Kappa Alpha Psis to present a PJ party which was a great success. A more serious event which they observed was their Founder's Day.
The January issue of Mademoiselle Magazine featured a survey of a typical state university. IU was chosen as the school and two AOPis, Marty Dickinson and Jeanine Harwood, were featured in the sequence.
The AOPi social calendar kept the girls busy with the AOPineapple Party, the Senior Dance, and the Founder's Day Banquet. When December came with all its festivities, the AOPis gave a Christmas dinner and played Santa Claus to some children in Bloomington.
AOPis were proud of their sisters, Jeanine Harwood, vice-president of Enomene; Patt Kozacik, copy editor of the Arbutus; Roslyn Johnston, Jan Moore, Jan Polivka and Ann Stone, members of the Belles, and Judi Polivka, member of SAC. Elaine Laird, Marilyn Roser, and Becky White were members of Pleiades.
ROW 1: Marilyn Roser (Treasurer), Elsie Barrett, Nona Neff, Sylvia Bode, Ann Murray, Mrs. A. W. Kuerst (Housemother), Marjorie Scudamore, Rosie Smiley, Joan Davis, Barbara Weaver, Janice Flora. ROW 2: Judi Polivka, Carol Kuder, Jeanine Harwood, Suzanne Krauss, Elaine Laird, Janet Polivka, Cass Armstrong, Carolyn Feutz, JO, Ann Marley, Grace Berry (Secretary), Sandy Stenhouse, Sandra Schleeter. ROW 3: Becky White, Annette Baade, Charlotte Kirchner, Sandra Puterbaugh, Ann Spurgeon, Barbara Kirkeiner, Susan A. Roach, Judy Enlow, Rosalie Hasewinkle, Nancy Wygant (Vice-president), Patt Kozacik. ROW 4: Kay Ward, Marjorie Grinstead, Susan Enlow (President), Nancy Wilson, Janet Moore, Connie Brown, Dorothy Schmitz, Martie Dickinson, Kathie Cloe, Marilynn Bolitho, Barbara Owens, Pat Hargus.

ROW 1: Diane Allman, Dotti Dowling, Joan Lawrence, Jananne Callahan, Sharen Perkins, Mrs. Jean Rogers (Housemother), Judy Wright, Ann Erwin, Marlene Chambers, Susan Armstrong, Suzanne Delbauve. ROW 2: Evelyn Hollihan, Cynthia Brokaw (Treasurer), Diane Hoffman, Ann Hoskinson (Vice-president), Peggy Lennox, Jacki Gairing, Tina Primavera, Jo Ann Baldwin, Kay Ellen Conn, Betty Hocker, Kay Blackmore. ROW 3: Sandra Bratton, Judy Crom- well, Jan Newcomer, Jody Piper, Jane Noblitt, Kay Spicer, Ann Acheson, Kay Hurst, Carolyn Burtzner, Kay Sherman, Nancy Challinor, Evelyn Bredemeyer (President), Pat Curtis. ROW 4: Sue Ledden, Diane Wilson, Jane Petersen, Mary Lou Romeiser, Myrna L. Burgoyne (Secretary), Doris Bartels, Nila Fox, Beverly Wright, Nancy Day, Susan McMillan, Judy Pritchard, Peggy Boyer, Marjie Donahue, Sue Helms.

Last Spring the Alpha Phis found themselves dressed as Easter bunnies to help the Lambda Chis in their annual Easter egg hunt. They entertained the new pledges with a dinner dance, Alpha-Phi-Esta. Exchange dinners, Parents' weekend, banquets, a faculty tea, open houses, and backing the Acacias in the Little 500 filled their social calendar for the year.
Yvonne Fox, Phi Beta Kappa; Marlene Chambers, secretary of Union Board; Judy Pritchard, chairman of Rush Workshop; Pat Curtis, vice-president of FTA; Nancy Day, advertising manager for the Arbutus, and Sue Helms, member of SAC were outstanding Alpha Phis. Alpha Phi is also represented in Enomene, Pleiades, Oceanides, AWS Council, and Pi Lambda Theta.
Last Fall the Alpha Xi Deltas learned not to trust a motor! At the last moment the motor on their Homecoming display broke down, and the moving parts became motionless. However, the pledges and some of the dads came to the rescue and a little manual labor saved the day. The Alpha Xis point with pride to Clara McDuffee, secretary of the Young Republican Club, Sue Groh, ex-officio member of the Student Senate, and Cathy Mossholder, town-girl representative for AWS. The Alpha Xis are especially proud of Rosemary Eves who is studying voice in Germany on a Fulbright scholarship.
Alpha Xi Delta social events this year included their annual Rose Ball, Dads' Day and Mothers' Weekend.
ROW 1: Ann Houser, Catherine Mossholder, Thelma Walton, Mrs. Cora Plew (Housemother), Bernice Patterson (President), Carol Arden, Sue Leggett. ROW 2: Margie Lewis, Patricia Gaskey (Vicepresident), Luanne Fuller, Eleanor Patton, Clara McDuffee, Rita Zahn (Secretary), Bailiata Ketterman, Valerie Barany. ROW 3: Dolores Pace, Sue C. Groh, Barbara Booth, Laura Lee Everly, Patricia Wiesjahn, Suzanne Reuter-Lorenz (Treasurer), Nancy Beldon, Sue Ann Via11.

ROW 1: Gloria Gautreaux, Sylvia Huss (Vice-president), Sue Stow, Shelby Velte, Judy Willen, Mrs. Kirby (Housemother), Pat Mitchell, Nancy Porter, Beverly Leuthart, Roberta Hess, Dolly McGowan, Shirley Black. ROW 2: Josephine Astesano, Kay Baldwin, Nancy Griner, DeAnna Janovic, Shirley Fields, Connie Achor, Sue Charlesworth, Pat Minnis, Shirley McAlpine (Secretary), Judy Cann, Janice Minder, Ruth Dreier (President), Katie Wisner. ROW 3: Dawn Tamcsin, Brenda Ely, Barbara Ayres, Linda Cortelyou, Sandy Sallach, Ann Stoeckley, Karen Pierce, Jay Haskell, Pauli Eckert, Marilyn DuValle, Carolyn Slazas, Bonnie Boger, Betty Sigler. ROW 4: Ann Whiting, Kriss Johnson, Judy Atkinson, Sharon Morris (Treasurer), Mary Lou Dowell, Sally Ann Sharp, Charlene Rockhill, Jan Stamats, Pat Urban, Peg Stoltz, Nancy Fisher, Sherry Pelz, Colleen Nash, Wyana McDow.

The Chi O's social scene began early this year with an open house for their new house mother, Mrs. Kirby, and the Fall dance, "Chi-Opium." It wasn't long before violets and Spring showers came to campus that the Chi Omegas presented their Carnation Ball.
Honors, yes, there were many of them for the Chi Os. Shirley McAlpine, Sylvia Huss, and Kay Baldwin were tapped for Mortar Board. Shirley was also a member of Pleiades and Kay was an Editor-in-chief of the Daily Student. Sandy Sallach, Union Board; Ruth Drier, Y Executive Board, and Colleen Nash, Arbutus Queen, were other campus notables.
With the excitement of building a new wing, the Tri Delis were eager to begin the school year. Their first endeavor won for them a first place at the Fall Carnival. When Christmas came they played Santa for their dates at the Tree Trimming Party and with the Fijis gave a party for the children from Christian Center. In the Spring they gave the annual Pansy Breakfast.
People in the news included Margie Varady, president of Pleiades; Yvonne Belcher, Union Board; Cookie Graham, president of the Spanish Club; Shirley Schawnholt, Phi Beta Kappa, and Marilyn Austin, Mortar Board and Student Senate Cabinet. Other Tri Delis were members of SAC, Arbutus, Alpha Lambda Delta, Y, AWS, and Enomene.
ROW 1: Alice Graham, Helene Eargood, Nancy Blue, Sue Hutner, Nancy Webster, Marjorie Varady (Vice-president), Mrs. Helen Ogle (Housemother), June Ripperger, Kitty Teague, Bonnie McQuilkin, Yvonne Belcher, Mimi Marquet, Marjie Heiser. ROW 2: Sandra Pitzer, Sarah McCollum, Patricia Johnson, Jean Stegman, Cindy Hoover, Nancy Patterson, Eleanor Schmedel, Connie King (Secretary), Lois Erikson, Judy LaFollette, Shirley Schwanholt, Sue Elliott, Barbara Anderson. ROW 3: Sarah Tritch, Allene Osborne, Mary Ann Finnell, Mary Jo Rollison, Patricia Alexander, Janet Witte, Nancy Harger, Suzi Willits, Josue Ferguson, Judy Plessinger, Marilyn Austin (President), Judy Walter. ROW 4: Abby Zook, Gretchen Ehlert, Jane Tansey, Joyce Root (Treasurer), Barbara Henninger, Ann Reinecke, Carolyn Riehl, Barb Meyers, Virginia Burton, Gail Rice, Jane Ann O'Connor, Janet Emerson, Carol Cason, Janet Hodges.

ROW 1: Karen Keller, Linda Gray, Sue Wyatt, Penny Puckett, Carol Wilson, Sandy Jones, Sara Mitten, Jan Casner, Sandra Davis, Margie Brown, Mary Orzech, Helen Tozier. ROW 2: Marcie Robinson, Sally Gerber, Jane Barker, Ann Morrison, Mary Ellen Fox, Mary Sue Harter, Judi Middleton, Ruth Ann Sill, Barbara Campbell (Secretary), Sue Davis, Sue Ellen Moore, Eva Groth, Jo Ann Moore (President), Kathryn Pence. ROW 3: Bette Starkey, Anne Turner, Margaret Mary Crowe, Diana Martin, Ann McDowell, Lois Kett, Nancy Schubert (Vice-president), Barbara Browning, Bette Metzer, Joyce Hartford, Sue Wright, Roxanna Kuhn, Luanne Morris. ROW 4: Judy Weinmann, Sue Reid, Phyllis Apple, Susie Paine, Sylvia Sparks, Reed Mitchell, Jo Hagen, Jane Painter, Margie Weston, Carol Vukovich, Suzanne Keck.

The DG's Homecoming display, the "IU Show'em Boat," won first place in the sorority division and another first place was taken by the DGs in the IU Sing. Other honors won by the girls were their third straight victory in the DG-Theta Little 500 and the Delta Gamma regional activities award. Ruth Ann Sill and Phyllis Stewart were on the Junior Prom Queen's court and the Arbutus Queen court respectively.
Socially they enjoyed the Christmas dance, Spring formal, and a Halloween party with the Kappa Sigs for the children in the University Apartments. They also had a caroling party with the Phi Delts and a square dance with the Thetas.
The Delta Sigma Thetas and their dates enjoyed themselves at the Fall Roundup wiener roast relaxing and listening to the experiences of the Summer. Later in the year they donned costumes for the Masquerade Party. The Peppermint Ball and Pledge Dance were highlights of the Spring semester.
With all this fun the DSTs found time to be active in campus organizations. Helen Emile, Pi Lambda Theta; Charlotte Waterford, Omicron Delta; and Gloria Randle, AWS Board of Standards, were their activity girls.
ROW 1: Doris Thompson, Floretta Ford (Vice-president), Fay Wilkey, Gloria Randle, Addie Goudeaux, Jacqueline Henry (President), Celestine Curtis, Levolia Singleton, Thelma M. Perry. ROW 2: Patricia Lea McGill, Bessie Donaldson, Gloria Dixon, Marsha Bradley, S. Yvonne Jackson (Treasurer), Melba J. Countiss, Betty Green, Roselyn Greene, Jessie Norman. ROW 3: Shirley Lewis, Eula Hunter, Delphia Lacy, Helen A. Emile, Charlotte Waterford (Secretary), Mildred Morgan, Louise Isom, Joyce L. Williams, Kathlyn C. Hill.

ROW 1: Saundra Ball (Vice-president), Marilyn Maule, Janet Nelson (Treasurer), Norma Spires, Barbara Strubbe, Dorothy Kretsch, Mrs. Mabel Hougland (Housemother), Jane Andorfer, Gini Smith, Dorothy Hood, Nan Derhammer, Darlene Van Auken, Joyce Lusk, Karen Gast. ROW 2: Angie Vitello, Diane Kester, Marcia Manley (Secretary), W. Sue Goodman, Pat Phelps, Liz Tar% in, Joan Arthur, Fran Broderick, Marian Myers, Nancy D. Poteet, Amelia Stuart, Marjorie A. Fouts, Phyllis Barrett, Ann Eakins. ROW 3: Bobbie Ann Jager, Marlene Bloom, Barbara Knoll, Gwen Whitesell, Sylvia Seidel, Paula Victors, Marjorie Rodebeck (President), Marilyn Hampton, Loree Kraut, Janice Galbreath, Marian Johnson, Linda Robbins, Susan Kretsch. ROW 4: Margie Boone, Nancy Bell, Marsha Spruill, Shirley Sandelands, Norma Sue Greene, Nancy Patton, Linda I,. Hesoun, Aldora Graf, Ginger Baker, Betty Molland, Darlene Blocker, Joan Friend, Barbara Bixel, Leandra Scott.

One of the highlights of the DZ's social calendar was their annual Fall costume dance. Their colonial style house was turned into a circus Big Top as the couples danced in their circus costumes. The DZs also had Dad's Weekend, Dames Ball dinner, Mother's Weekend, and a Spring formal.
In addition to having a busy social year, the DZs were well represented in campus activities as shown by Marjorie Rodebeck, Mortar Board; Angie Vitello, secretary to the Supreme Court; Ann Eakins, student senator; Dorothy Kretsch, AWS Board of Standards; Norma Spires, treasurer of Tau Beta Sigma, and Marcia Manley, treasurer of the WRA.
The Theta pledges spent an evening in "Fantasia" at the Spring pledge dance. Later they tied for first place at the Theta Olympics. Denise Lor was a special guest at the Theta house for the Little 500 weekend. Marty Hartzell, secretary of the Senior Class and a member of Mortar Board; Cindy Benzel, treasurer of Panhellenic; JoAnn Woodfill, president of Enomene, and Sally Branson and Sandy McCrory led the list of outstanding Thetas.
The girls are looking forward to the addition of a new wing and redecoration of their house. Here they will be able to add the Scholarship Trophy and the first-place trophy for backing the winning Little 500 team.
ROW 1: Jane Dixon (Vice-president), Leona Wallace, Carol Collins, Jill Quinn, Janet Rumbaugh, Mrs. Alfred Rodecker (Housemother), Barbara Beal, Carole Litherland, Shirley Gregg, Delene De Witt, Susan Kaegi. ROW 2: Kay Oedekerk, Jan Foulkes, Ann Savage, Lucinda Benzel, Sandy McCrory (President), Maureen Lahey, Mary Orr, Sharon Nulf, Linda Gaskins, Sandy McNear, Barbara Caine, Nancy Miller, Jane Davis, Jody Nusbaum. ROW 3: Joan Erickson, Jo Ann Woodfill, Cynthia Byrne, Kay Kendall, Mary Poolitsan, Micki McGreevy, Sue Schuler, Betsy Starkey, Helen Topolgus, Jane Ransel, Barbara Bigge (Treasurer), Carole Cheek, Mary Fackler (Secretary), Sally Branson, Martha Hartzell. ROW 4: Tisha Mead, Linda Smith, Jo Ann Hall, Elizabeth Matthew, Phyllis Jarrard, Jean Capel, M. George Hunter, Jill Strictland, Soni York, Carol Schilling, Diane Barber, Kay Fisbeck, Martha Pohlmeyer, Gretchen Keehn, Sarah Cook, Nancy Green.

ROW 1: Dorothy Howland, Nancy Hupp, Ga. lc Huminsk), Barbara Bedwell, Elizabeth Shattuck (Secretary), Elaine Kerr, Candy Cummings, Marlene Himsel. ROW 2: Sun Yunker, Doris Moran, Sharla Gambill, Claudette DeCory, Belle Jenkinson, Ann Lynn Smith, Anne Mahorney, Marcia Most, Merilyn Meyers. ROW 3: Marshia Clark (Treasurer). S. Coleen Smith, Carolyn Furlong, Carol Nichols, Susan Hull, Marc Lee jelliics, Doris Roth, Patricia Keates, Esther Coates. ROW 4: Patsy Gallahan, Kay Snyder, Elizabeth Johnson (President), Nancy Sovine, Dwayne Sovola, Suzanne Pearman (Vicepresident), Tallie Freeman, Carotin Kessler, Barbara Deutsch, Becci Engle.

"It won't be long," all the KDs sighed. They were referring to the fact that soon they would move into their new home on New Fraternity Row.
The Kappa I)elts and Phi Kappa Taus again sponsored the jitterbug contest before the Fall Carnival. The girls also enjoyed entertaining their dates at their Fall and Spring dances.
An exciting event happened when one of their members, Charlotte Hughes, was crowned junior Prom Queen last year. Other KDs were also busy making known the name of IU's newest sorority on campus. Pat Keates served as corresponding secretary of Enomene and Kay Snyder was appointed to SAC and was secretary of Panhellenic.
The Kappas combined their brains and talents and won third place for their Fall Carnival booth and honorable mention for scholarship at their national convention. They also won the Miniature 500 trophy for the second straight year last Spring.
The Kappas were justly proud of Bunny Perrotta, Sweater Queen, and Mary Richardson, Homecoming Queen. Bunny, Sue Smith, and Merle Miley were cheerleaders, while other Kappas were busy in Enomene, Oceanides, AWS, YWCA, IU Foundation, Pleiades, and the Daily Student. Carolyn Baker and Barb Bassett were members of Mortar Board.
ROW 1: Jane Raub, Delene Smith (Secretary), Rosalie Sheline, Judy Switzer, Mary Richardson, Merle Miley, Sharon Wylie, Barbara Bassett (President), Gretchen Terrell, Abby Strain, Mary Ann Hostetter, Janet Bechtold. ROW 2: Emily Crowder, Margot Rowley, Inger Wold, Janet Bushy, Nancy Currier, Martha Ritter, Janet Steger, Kit Hartnett, Sue Smith, Marie Kingdon, Cynthia Ballantine, Carol Cooper, Diane Terry. ROW 3: Mary Holsclaw, Nancy Stuart, Maryann Wilson, Barbara Meyer, Nancy David, Sue Minninger, Patricia Moll, Letitia Perrotta, Sally Hatfield, Janice Grebe, Joyce Webster, Phyllis Rich, Donna Buck. ROW 4: Sheila McCarty, Jane Hicks, Nancy Jones, Marge Scheidler, Sonya Ringwald, Mary Kay Phillips, Connie Roberts, Carolyn Holder, Barbara Brown, Caroline Buckner, Catherine Craig, Judy Asmus (Vice-president), Marsha Mackanos, Betsy Schnaiter, Marlyn Grebe (Treasurer), Mary Ann Moorman, Gayle Swick.

ROW 1: June Schmidt I icasuim), McMillan, Pal l'ouder, Willa Bedell, Meredith Zara (Vice-president), Carol Meyer (Secretary), leggy Brunswick, Mary Ann Farcus, Norma Sering. ROW 2: l'hyllis Condra, Cynthia Vandevert, Anita Parent, Julia Henderson, Linda Arterburn, Beau Seward, Delores Shay, Doris Rhinesberger (President), Mary Johnson.

All Summer the Phi plus eagerly anticipated their return to campus. The reason: their new Georgian style house! The Phi Mus held open houses for the faculty and alumni. Their annual Spring Pledge Dance, Homecoming, the Steak and Bean Dinner, Fall Carnival, and exchange dinners rounded out their social activities for the year.
Doris Rhinesberger was chairman of AWS Board of Standards, vice-president of AWS Council and a member of the Senate Advisory Committee. Julia Henderson was elected to Alpha Lambda Delta and Tau Beta Sigma, and Mary Ann Farcus served as assistant secretary of Panhel and is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and Pleiades.
The Pi Phis were pleased to welcome their sisters from the University of Louisville as their first guests in their enlarged house. The Fall pledge dance, Swiss Chalet, opened the Pi Beta Phi social season. Later the Pi Phis and Kappas presented the "Monmouth Duo." The Pi Phis joined the SAE's in the IU Sing and teamed with the Sigma Nus for the Little 500.
Their well-knowns included Nancy Crouch, president of Mortar Board; Martha Crays, president of Alpha Lambda Delta; Nancy Siegfried, president of Omicron Nu; Linde Schmidt, Student Senator; Nancy Witte, Homecoming Queen court, and Marilyn Hallett, Arbutus Queen court.
ROW 1: Connie Goodknight, Arline Lockerbie, Judy Seese, Judy Bond, Sue Lefler, Barbara Stevens, Mrs. Frederick Smith (Housemother), Patty Wise, Joan Hattendorf, Sara Franke, Virginia Reed, Barbra Embrey. ROW 2: LuAnn Calkins, Nancy Weaver, Sandy Schroeder, Mary Keyes, Nancy Witte, Marty Crays, Carol Ragan, Ginny Sly, Joan Brown, Margie Stanforth, Nancy Crouch. ROW 3: Jean Scott, Judy Movius, Carole Reder, Nancy House, Betsy Craw- ford, Marcia Garrett, Barbara Hibner (Vice-president), Nancy Siegfried, Becky Norman, Sara Sparks, Carol Shaner (Treasurer), Dianne Johnson, Janice Hill, Jean Turner. ROW 4: Lou Ann Tangeman (President), Carol Purves, Yolanda Breeden, Nancy Bugg, Jill Luellen, Laura Jean Passow, Carolyn Todd, Nancy Scheid, Donna Whiteman, Marilyn Hallett, Linde Schmidt, Kathy Kirkland, Amy Lou Ponton, Sally Buchanan, Janet Conger (Secretary).

ROW 1: Paula Levenstein, Tobe Saperstein, Nance Goldstein, Sandy Benjamin, Nancy M. Ross, Mimi Schloss (Treasurer), Mrs. Sue Mendes (Housemother), Fran Borish, Myrna Golden (Secretary), Bonnie Shanok, Julie Frankenstein, Gale Symons. ROW 2: Meta Freeman, Ann Alpert, \‘'ini Glassner, Luanne Rosenzweig, Barbara Rosensweet, Marlene Braun, Carol Kalver (President), Marlene Goldzwig, Linda Ruth Gordon, Jan Gould, Goldijean Shaikun, Laura Mueller. ROW 3: Lois Zelicknian, Marlene Klapper, Harriet Spasser, Lois Cohen, Judy Weil, Sandra Solotkin, Harriet Burgheim, Ellen Glickstein, Maxine Mages, Rita Lynn Klapper, Beverly Schechter. ROW 4: Barbara Jane Strauss, Frances Schutz, Winnie Levin, Shelia Fienberg, Catherine DeCosta, Lois Massel, Jackie Rubenstein, Loris Slutsky, Judy Selig, Sue Kaufman, Dale Schnair.

The pinlight torch of SDT now shines over a new doorway. Last Summer the white frame house on Jordan underwent a thorough remodeling. The front was limestoned, the entrance was changed, the yard was landscaped, and new rooms and an enlarged dorm were added. Outstanding SDTs were Marlene Braun, president of Panhel and a member of Mortar Board; Barbara Strauss, Pleiades and YWCA cabinet, and Meta Freeman, AWS Board.
SDT pledges washed cars to raise money for a house gift and shined shoes to raise money for their Barbara Siegel Memorial fund scholarship, which is awarded to one deserving member each year. New initiates were honored each semester with the annual Spring and Winter formals.
Dedication services and open houses marked the completion of work done to the Sigma Kappa house. The house was redecorated and an addition with study rooms, a dining room, kitchen, and sun deck was added.
Their social calendar was filled with a pledge open house, the Lavendar Lane dance, and the Faculty Buffet. The girls still found time to take an active role in activities. From 300 North Jordan came the treasurers of the Y, Senior Class, and Pleiades, two majorettes, and the President of WRA. Sigma Kappas were also members of Mortar Board, Y Cabinet and Council, Pi Lambda Theta, Theta Sigma Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, the Belles, and Oceanides.
ROW 1: Suzanne Steckley, Mary Norma Bassett, JoAnn Kixmiller, Kathryn Weiland, Miriam Hogemeyer, Mrs. Ruth Wooton (Housemother), Rosemary McIntosh, Jan Cork, Cynthia Bash, Donna Jo Neal, Sue Holmes. ROW 2: Mary Lou Pauer, Gloria Ankers, Gail Gallinger (President), Rowena Green, Betsy Kroger, Charlene Elmore, Jo Pearson, Debris Dillard, Margaret Stahl, Jo Ann Varkony, Marty Neff. ROW 3: Judy Stucky, Ann Galvin, Jo Anne Marshall, Susie Emrick, June Hauenstein, Mary Jane Porter, Donna Sue Hageman, Anita Duncan, Lynn Tuttle, Mary Jane Musgrave, Joan Burdsall, Roberta Colbert, Isobel Richardson, Janice Myers. ROW 4: Lois Bowers, Laura Tesh, Karen Abrell, Joy Colnitis, Pat Bless, Nancy Janney (Secretary), Yvonne Buckles, Mary Ruth Hartman, Joanne Cravens, Nancy Fields, Marilyn Asher, Judy Reick (Treasurer), Beverly Melton, Dorothy Wilson.

ROW 1: Mary Angela Savio, Roberta Mastey (President), Mrs. Helen Sieron. ROW 2: Lois Jane Paloski (Secretary), Patricia Richardson, Cahill (Housemother), Barbara Overdeck (Treasurer), Earlene Roberta Wierzba, Kathleen Vaughan.

Socially, the Theta Phi Alphas got underway with their annual Halloween party for the pledges. Christmas provided the theme and atmosphere for the next event, the Candy Cane Strut. A gaily decorated Christmas tree and colorful candy canes added to the holiday atmosphere. At this time the Christmas trees, which were used as decorations, and toys were taken to church and distributed among the children.
As the season progressed, the Theta Phis presented their pledges at the White Rose Formal and gave faculty teas. One of their members, Earlene Sieron, was awarded a Little 500 Scholarship.
A special treat was in store for the ZTA alumnae when they returned to campus for Homecoming this year. The collegiate chapter showed them the plans and the site of their house which will be built on New Fraternity Row next year.
The ZTAs enjoyed a Fall pledge dance, a faculty tea, and a Spring pledge dance, Moments to Remember. One of their members, Ruth Hargis, was chosen state sweetheart of Sigma Nu and was also elected to the Arbutus Court.
The ZTAs claim Nancy Blaisdell, vice-president of the Junior Class, who with Joyce Weigle is also a member of Pleiades. Debby Van Arsdall was tapped to be a member of Mortar Board and Ruth Padgett was selected as a member of Enomene.
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ROW 1: Wilma J. Ebert (Secretary), Avis Anderson, Nancy J. Smith, Joyce Weigel (President), Ruth Hargis, Elizabeth Mihok, Loyce Blackburn, Lois Rea. ROW 2: Barbara J. Lockhart (Treasurer), Jane Kraemer, Carolyn Wisner, Nancy Blaisdell, Mary Ann Guenin, Mrs. Walter J. Stahlschmidt (Housemother), Janet McMurtry, Alice Peters, Kay Connerton, Janet Harding. ROW 3: Nancy Hershman, Joy Miller, Pearlann Pelko, Dorothy Feiertag, Kathy Brady, Mary Ruth Padget, Brenda Rarick, Sandra Troyer, Sylvia Traumer. ROW 4: Sharon Reid, Anne T. Sherburne, Phyllis Wood, Carolyn Michel, Nadine Holmes, Emily York, Joan Cralle, Helen Viney, Henrietta Thompson, Elma Pandak, Nancy Endwright.