37 minute read
The Acacias were hosts to 5,000 persons at the annual Little 500 Ice Cream Social. Other social events included the Fall Pledge Dance, Spring Colonnade, Iron Triangle, and a Christmas party for the Masonic Orphans Home.
Acacia BMOC's are Dave Trenary and Larry Small, YMCA executive assistant to the president and freshman counselor respectively; John Noblitt, Union Board, and Bill Cunningham and Karol Stanley, members of Alpha Delta Sigma. Bill Jordan and Jim Nagel, baseball, and Bob Nugent, golf, were Acacia's athletes.
IU Acacias won the 1956 Indiana Achievement Award for the best chapter in the state. House distinction was also won as Bill Jordan, sophomore, was crowned "Bachelor of the Year."
ROW 1: William T. Cunningham, Gene K. Davis, James G. Bailey, Lloyd G. Novak, James H. Riley, James D. Weaver, Dale E. Wagner, Gordon L. Kester. ROW 2: Gordon Coffin, John Emley, Larry Smith, Michael Witte, Lewis Dennis Smith, Dave Bowen, Dick Watkins, Richard Anderson, Dave Barksdale, Larry Kelly. ROW 3: Roger Hole, Donald Wagner, David Wagoner, Norman W. Spaulding, Ted Ringas, Jim Nagel, Ames Shuel, Karol V. Stanley, Robert Petry, Robert L. McLaughlin, David K. Trenary, Thomas D. Goder, Larry K. Small. ROW 4: George Caraway, Duane Bobeck, Robert Griffiths, Jim Turner, Terry Lottes, Larry Risk, Herbert Busby, William Phillips, Jerry Garrison, Bill Jordan, Bob Nugent, Bill Cassell (Treasurer), Norm Care, Blaine Johnson, Stanley Young, Bob Townsend, Richard N. Smith. ROW 5: Frederick T. Bauer, John R. Noblitt, John K. Kidd, David C. Dale, Kurt Newman, Tom Gullion, J. Thomas Batter, Robert C. Held (Vice-president), Milt Carlson, Thomas Weaver, Max Anderson, John Clark, Terry Wien, Abe Bixler, Jerry Partiell, Mack Wootton (Secretary), Hugh Robertson.

ROW 1: Fred Fogle, Dennis Escol (President), Byron Annis, Herbert Rubin, Melvin Goldstein, Joel Congress. ROW 2: Don Miller, Don Rosenfelt, Howard Radar, Ivan R. Greenhut, Arthur From, Marc Lansky. ROW 3: Eric Greenhut (Secretary), Peter M. Plotke, David Block (Vice-president), William C. Silverman, Tony Amdur, Kenny Kaplan.

A new national fraternity was welcomed to Indiana this year. The Alpha Epsilon Pis, the first fraternity to appear on campus in the last ten years, were busy getting acquainted with their new house and the ways of fraternity life.
In the Fall, the AEPis enjoyed their first big dance, "Bohemian Heaven." It wasn't long afterward that the Pledge Dance came, and it also proved to be an unforgettable event.
AEPis could be found working on the Daily Student, the Arbutus and the Rifle Team. Dennis Escol, manager of the Belles, was also on the IU Foundation, and Alpha Epsilon Pi was represented in the Falcon and Sphinx clubs.
The Alpha Phi Alphas are living now in NI RC, but they are looking forward to the day when they can move into a house of their own.
Members of Alpha Phi Alpha participated in many activities this year. Don Ward was President of NAAPC and a member of Sphinx Club, IU Foundation, and the cross country team. The Alpha Phi Alphas also worked with their national organization on Citizenship Week, and were active in intramural sports.
This year they celebrated their tenth year on campus with a homecoming dance, a skating party, and their annual Fall and Spring formal dances. The crowning of the Alpha Phi Alpha queen was the highlight of the Spring formal.
ROW 1: Clarence D. Morris, Richard Bradley (Vice-president), Charles H. Scott, James S. Wells, Kenneth M. Barnes, Walter B. Todd, Charles E. Rent, Clarence 0. Wilkerson, Melvyn L. Wise. ROW 2: Albert Morris Jr., Frederick L. Jones, Richard J. Dawson, Alpheus H. Fields, Paul C. Harrison, Ray E. Williams, Alfred B. Phillips, Leslie L. Guster (Secretary), Robert M. Douglas, Doyal R. Hoggatt. ROW 3: Atterson Spann, Thomas Hardaway, Calvin 0. Atchison, John L. Avery, Freeman Martin, Donald M. Ward (President), Edward Parsons, Perry Pace Jr., William A. Shields, Curtis Jones, Frederic Bowles.

ROW 1: Chimes G. Reed, Donald A. Leak, Gene McNitry, Gary Gieseke, Dean Dewey, Halfred E. Taylor, Thomas A. Ritchie, Bruce W. Smith. sic\ en S. Stavron, Ted Booher, Jack L. Wade (President). ROW 2: William Bolinger, Rudy Kachmann, Steve Rollings, Jim Palmer, Bob Ford, Bill Karin, Don Viehmann, Bill Cumberland (Secretary), Don Feldkamp, Fred Schwendenmann, Mike McFadden, Jay Lewis, Bill Stearley, Jim Capehart. ROW 3: Richard D. Defreeuw, David A. Riggs, I). Warren McCullough, Neill Petronella, John E. Regan, George F. Walterhouse, Edward I.. Whalen, John G. Enoch, Jim Grant, Ronald Craig, Bruce Heine, James Craig, Larry Rampy, John Reid. ROW 4: Dan P. Byron, James R. Billingsley, Fred G. (Nance, Clyde B. Rountree, Michael J. Regan, R. Bradford Laycock, Richard S. Laycock, Gene Woolpert, Paul R. Hendricks, Richard J. Keating, Thomas Keating, William H. Dunfee, Richard L. Huntzinger, Larry L. Harrell. ROW 5: Robert P. Marshall, Ronald L. Burnett, James D. Rogge, John D. McGrath, Terry L. Rowland, John Gourley, Archie Dees, Frank R. Radovich, Herb Farnham, Dave Ellison, Jim Harris, Tom Funkhouser, William Hohlt.

The men of ATO were proud of their members who served as officers of various campus activities. Jim Capehart was a Student Senator and a member of Union Board. Don Leak headed the YMCA and Jack Wade and Ed Whalen served as Y Cabinet members. Ed was also a Student Senator and was President of the Junior Class.
Tau chapter's social calendar was highlighted by the VMI dance with the Sigma Nus.
ATOs were also justly proud of Archie Dees, center on the basketball team. A new rooter of Archie and the team has been added, a puppy, Cosmo, the official ATO mascot.
The influence of Beta Theta Pi at IU is evident all over campus. Six buildings, including the new law building, derived their names from former Indiana Betas, and the Wellhouse is a replica of the Beta pin. Beta Theta Pi is not only the oldest fraternity on campus, but is also the oldest West of the Allegheny Mountains.
The Betas won first places in the "Bleed the Greeks" blood drive and the jitterbug contest. They also claim nine varsity athletes. The Betas were represented in activities by Joe Denny, YMCA cabinet; Steve Riggins, Student Senate; Bill Swift, vice-president of Falcon Club; and Bill Baxter, male director of the Freshman Class. Betas also had men in Blue Key, Sphinx Club, Skull and Crescent, and Falcon Club.
ROW 1: Steve Riggins, William Swift, Harry Hoham (Secretary), Albin B. Hayes (President), Dale Gallinatti (Vice-president), Russell Mahoney (Treasurer), William Wells, Robert J. Suhrheinrich. ROW 2: Edward M. Gass Jr., Dale W. Tyte, David Becker, Bob Snell, Bob Osborn, Russell Heltsley, Dick Tuttle, Jim Fulwilder, Frank Starr, Bruce Moorhead, Mike Curtis. ROW 3: Louis F. Meek, Mike Barker, Cliff Norris, Arnold Duemling, Dean G. Gallinatti, Dick Myers, William Baxter, John C. Pearson, Bill Hurst, Ralph Elston, Ralph Montgomery. ROW 4: Bernie L. Grunza, Kenneth R. Smith, Don C. Chambers, Tom Althauser, Roger K. Montgomery, Larry Baron, John Kingsley, Joe DeFillippo, Keith Roberts, Keith Barnett, Richard Fox, Barry W. Cartmell, Tom McConnell, John Machennan. ROW 5: William F. Sammons, Steve Filipowski, David E. Arvin, Fred Herzog, John W. Dyer, Fritz Krueger, Mack Richey, Fritz King, Jack Kern, Bob Walker, James Dailey, Harry Cooper, James E. Sammons, Richard H. Landis, Jan Downer.

ROW 1: 'rim: Bundy, Jerry Winkler, Dale M. Ehrlich, Terry J. Fisher, Jim Whittaker, Bill Troutner, Joseph Orear, Richard Wolcott, Michael Stacy. ROW 2: Howard A. Bartlett, David J. Moore, Relton C. White, Wayne I.. McLean, Larry K. Isom, Allen B. Benshoff, John F. Charles, Lee W. Hayes, John P. Hooning, John A. Roush, Fred Settina. ROW 3: Bay Gilman (Secretary), Ron Beng- ston, Spencer Allen, Bill Baker, Fred C. Gehrke (Treasurer), Clint Warkow, Max Wilson, Joe Kaufman, Bob Nelson, Roger A. Wolcott. ROW 4: Ed Humphrey, Jim Bruner, Dean Apple, Jerry Isom, Armond Akey, William A. Myers, Robert Killian, Dick Nieland, William Stangle, George Rafferty (Vice-president), John R. New (President), Dan Rodriguez, Laurie Cellini, Frank A. Welk.

President Eisenhower recognized Delta Chi for their annual Thailand Students' Dinner. Other honors the Delta Chis received were third place in the 1956 Little 500 and a TV set for the best float in the Armed Forces Day parade.
The busy men took time out to enjoy the Depression Ball, Blue Champaign Formal and the Seashore Swing. This year for the first time, they included the sororities in their "Bleed the Greeks" blood drive.
Delta Chi BMOC's are George Rafferty, head of the card section; John New, vice-president of Sphinx Club and member of IU Foundation; Ray Filman, vicepresident of Falcon Club; Bob Nelson, Sailing Club Commodore; John Hooning, President of Flame Club; Clint Warkow, vice-president of IFC, and Dave Whitsell, varsity football player.
The Delts claim two members of the football team and captain of the tennis team. Eight of the Singing Hoosiers who went to the Far East were also Delts. Members of Delta Tau Delta were found in various activities. Gus Sacapulos and Ted Bushman represented IU at the National Debate Contest. Jack Pummea was treasurer of IFC, Tom Brewer was on Y Cabinet, and Nick Roknick was a member of IU Foundation.
Socially speaking, they sponsored the fifth annual street dance, had a PJ Dance and Spring Formal. The Delts and Alpha Chis gave Halloween and Valentine's Day parties for the children of Bloomington.
ROW 1: James V. Grief, Tom Brewer, Paul R. Sullivan (Vice-president), William Kravas, Chuck Gannon, Nick Roknich Jr. (President), William C. Walsman, Gus Sacopulos, Lawrence Fleming, William F. Baker, Elam Huddleston, Bruce Mortensen. ROW 2: Frank Chase, John Foltz, Randall Kempf, George Pustandrovich, Paul T. Maloney, Thomas R. Williams, Don Brodie, Gene Kalina, Donald Wright, Ray Tichenor, Roger Vignolo, Raymond Cooper, J. Herbert Blatz. ROW 3: Fred Bauer, Dan Rodkey, David Warnimont, Bill Beck, Louie Raw, Bob Allen, John Largura, Jim Cast, Tom Frank, Ted Bushman, Robert E. Lee, Michael D. Wiest, Bob O'Neel. ROW 4: Bob Mendell, Bob Nellis, Jim Miller, Jim Plymate, Dave Gaul, Gary Hildreth, John Washburn, Tom Mote, Fred Leer, Jerry Kirkman, Charles Eickman, Dave Huncilman, Jack Ritchey, John H. Jackson. ROW 5: Douglas E. Robertson, Paul Fissinger, David Barnes, Doug Hollingsworth, Richard Alan Hilgemeier, Everett Jones, Joe Miller, Dan Harrigan, Jack Pumnea (Treasurer), Wayne A. Tencate, Jerry Ford, Tom Spencer (Secretary), David Gleason, Dave Cox.

ROW 1: Ronald K. Ward, Donald L. Muehlhausen, Mike Wiley, Bruce Black, Phil Watts. Richard Ferguson, Dale Little, John Ayers, Larry Wible, Lloyd Williams, Tom Price, Stan Thompson, Bob Cochran, Steve Shreiner. ROW 2: Richard W. Ray, Ken Handy, Ed Davis, Mike France, Bill Stewart, George Shirley, Bob Davis, Stephen Havens, Jim Luellen, Ron Wolfe, Douglass Miller (Secretary), Norman Komorowski, Tom Krueger, Jim Ernsberger. ROW 3: Ray Christiansen Jr., Richard Williams, Nevin W. Meredith (Vice-president), Glenn Jenkins, Bill C. Brown, Jim Ailing, Bob Finke, Leslie Bradshaw, Thomas Meredith, Charles Faulkner, Jon Armstrong, Earl Carter, Thomas Tucker. ROW 4: Bill Miller, Larry Admire, Mike Hyde, 'Tom Kennedy, Bob Littlewood, John Van Senus, Norb Witte, Tom Kilpatrick, Brad Poling, Sam Lizelac, Dick Hendricks, Don Weaver.

The highlights of DU's campus activities included winning the Participation Award at the Fall Carnival and sponsoring the Sweater Queen. Their prize possession is their new firetruck, complete with the DU mascot, "Dup." They entertained royally at the Firemen's Fling and the Rose Ball.
The Delta Upsilons claim Jim Platt, vice-president of Union Board and president of Blue Key; Ron Yenerich, vice-president of the Student Body and chairman of IFC Judicial Board, and Don Weaver, president of Junior IFC. Norb Witte and Ray Ball, varsity basketball players, and Norm Komoroski, wrestling, are DU's contribution to campus athletics.
The men of Kappa Alpha Psi are making definite plans to build a new house in the near future. One of the most important events of the year for the Kappa Alpha Psis was their 41st Founders Day celebration.
The Kappa Alpha Psis claim many outstanding athletes. Jim Browning was a member of the IU swimming team, and Brealon Donaldson was a member of the track team. Barry Johnson played with the football and baseball teams, and Tom Campbell participated in football and track. Charles Dillard, member of the football squad, was also a member of the IU Foundation. Carroll Dickinson is a member of the Advisory Board of the Student Senate.
ROW 1: Donald J. Whittaker, William L. Jackson, Barry W. Johnson, Thomas Campbell (Vice-president), Glenn A. Talley, Scott Williams, Frank Whiting. ROW 2: Leonard Lawrence (SecretaryTreasurer), James F. Browning, Brealon Donaldson Jr., Carroll A. Dickinson (President), Robert Lee, Leroy Keith, Clarence R. Currie, Larry Tharpe. ROW 3: E. Mansfeld Goosby, Vernard L. Johnson, Francis L. Rowe, Elwin T. Caldwell, Charles T. Dillard, George J. Gaskin, Albert Rush, William H. Nettles, Darrell Ramon Talifarro.

ROW 1: Richard A. Holmes, Robert A. Platt, Jim Koehlinger, Ron Reinking, Bruce Hinton, Jack Widner, Dick Burcham, Bob Limeberry. ROW 2: David Linville (Treasurer), Stan Rice, John P. Little, C. David Hay, Robert Ake, Don Nelson, Skip Cloys, Emery Coon Jr., Ray Lain (President). ROW 3: Minot Schuman, Larry Gugel, Ron Huffer, Dave Smith, Kent Arvin, Jim Hertling, Weldon Leimer, Roger Meeks, Ivan Willenberg. ROW 4: Sam Smith, Tom Linnemeier, Don Tyler (Vice-president), Roy Bromelmeier, George Neal, Jim Clements, Glenn Schowe, Ron Sampson, Bob Barry (Secretary). George Kozak.

Properly costumed couples danced a Spring night away at the KDR Rodeo Dance. The Winter Formal, Spring Dance, Pajama Pledge Party, Mothers' and Dads' Weekends, and the traditional Venison Banquet were other occasions enjoyed.
Kappa Delta Rho was represented well on campus by Kent Arvin, business manager of the Arbutus and Supreme Court Justice; Glenn Schowe, a director of the Junior Class and assistant to the managing editor of the Arbutus, and Jack Widner, Jim Koehlinger, and Ron Reinking, Y Cabinet members. Ron Huffer, football; Tom Linnemeier, track, and Minot Schuman, swimming, are the varsity KDR athletes. With all these activities the men won fifth place among fraternities in scholarship.
The star and crescent of the Kappa Sigma pinlight shines down on the house as the music of Hoagy Carmichael sets the mood for the "Stardust" Ball, an annual dance given by the Kappa Sigs in honor of their famous alumnus. The Most Useless Man on Campus contest and the Granary Ball are other annual Kappa Sigma events.
Notable Kappa Sigs are Joe Hughes, President of the IU Foundation and the IFC; Jerry Ball, treasurer of the Junior Class; Jim Poledor, senior swim manager; and Bob Sobczak and Howard Hamilton, varsity football players. The Kappa Sigs won the National Kappa Sigma Scholarship award.
ROW 1: Charles A. Fritz, Jerry Nickels, Jack Frizpatrick, David Dunbar, Charles Shoemaker, David Holder, John Wilhoite, David Dietz, Chuck Castor, Dan Gillen, Tom Barnhisel. ROW 2: John Huestis, Sam Stephens, James Poledor (Treasurer), Walter Shake, Joe Hughes (President), Gerald Gattshall, Tex Roof, Walt Stern, Lawrence Very, Thomas Nichols, Robert Study. ROW 3: Charles R. Heena, Robert E. Rudolph, Paul E. Showalter, Jerome W. Doyle, J. Peter O'Malley, Ronald J. Webb, Don Scott, John R. Cravens, Pat O'Leary, Robert C. Judson, Paul D. Baier, Darrel Pedigo. ROW 4: Anthony P. Beeler, George Cook, George Riverhouse, Kurt A. Carlisle, Jerry Ball, Ned Kerr, John Nichols, Rock Miraglia, Tom Geary, John Weddle, James Petit Jr., John Gude, Don Fiege.

ROW 1: Don Wise, Tom Altepeter, Don Roth, Lloyd Milliken (President), Mrs. Ora Thrasher (Housemother), Steele Burkey, Charles Rawlings, Thomas A. Potter, Douglas S. Leman. ROW 2: Jack Douglas (Vice-president), George E. Hahn, Jim Fletcher, Larry Lee Blair, Fritz Lotze, Arleigh Hudspeth, Joe Doninger, Bob Walters, Robert Rupp, Jim Gray, Karl Schneider, David Sausser, Phil Burch, Jay Whelchel, Charles Lybrook. ROW 3: Clarence Dawson, Thomas Purvis, Robert Baker, Morris Weyand, John W. Vanck, Pierre Ferverda, Robert M. Stockwell, James W. Laswell (Treasurer), Jack Morgan, Kenneth Himsel, Steve Kline, John NV. Bowyer, John H. Emhuff, Jim Clifford, John M. Wambo. ROW 4: Hugh L. Rider, Rue D. Marker, William R. Schaaf, Allen F. Love, Robert W. Grimes, John D. Bloom, Phillip L. Hartman, Francis C. Walters, Richard M. Lake, Robert L. Smith, John F. Phillips, Don W. Ping, Phil Chew, Jerry Emerson, John Schram, Chuck Jones. ROW 5: Bill Foreman, Joe Barnes, Ted Prange, Don Thompson, Paul Hiatt, Bob Heyde, Roger L. Miller, Kenneth R. Doehrman, Terry Joyce, Richard Elpers, John Edward Ramsey, Garland E. Kincaid (Secretary), James G. Fill, John E. Kirkpatrick, David W. Allman, Tom Marchand, Richard Nierman, Hugh St. Leger, James 0. Smith, Ed L. Simpson.

Dances played a major role in the activities of the Lambda Chis. On the Fall and Spring agenda were two gala affairs, the Political Ball and the White House Ball. The Alpha Phis joined the Lambda Chis in sponsoring their annual Easter egg hunt for Bloomington children. The men also sponsored the date contest for Robert Q. Lewis last Fall.
Members of Lambda Chi Alpha were found in the Marching Hundred and the Singing Hoosiers. Jim Laswell, a director of the Senior Class; Jack Douglas and Bob Stockwell, Y Cabinet members, and Jack Morgan, treasurer of the Real Estate Club, were other Lambda Chi activity men.
The men who live in the "castle on the hill" have more than a new house to make them proud. They have been honored by being named the outstanding Phi Delt chapter in the state.
The Phi Delts boast of Mike Rabold and Joe Bicek, varsity football players; Bill Snapp, vice-president of YMCA, and Y cabinet members, Jim Nash and Andy Sohn.
Socially speaking, the Phi Delts enjoyed the annual Miami Triad, Beachcomber's Ball and the Fall pledge dance. The Phi Delis and Smithwood Wing I sponsored a winning booth at the Fall Carnival, their version of "The King and I."
ROW 1: David A. Malson (Treasurer), Wandelohr R. Dunn, Chuck Stoltz, Lloyd Lempke (President), Mrs. Glenn Bays (Housemother), Robert V. Grist, Bruce J. Hopkins, James S. Raber (Counselor), Charles H. Warneke. ROW 2: Eddie Brooks, Roger Chase, Hal Hufford, Larry Kennedy, Charles Clark Jr., James R. Bushhorn, David V. Allspaw, J. Ronald Jeshow, Clifford R. Landes, Howard F. Sites, J. Edward Wagoner, Dick Riegner, Jerry Cartmel, John Kachur, J. J. Fensternaker. ROW 3: Dean Shull, Ralph E. Daum, Jim Goetcheus, Don Jackson, Bob Kaser, Mike Taylor, Larry Quilling, John Ward, Jim Spear, John Cole, Dick Stassus, Barry Green. ROW 4: Larry Sandman, Carl Golightly, Joe Emerson, Anton Sohn, William Sohn, David Dale, Tom Gerhart, Jim Nash, Don Moore, Jon Rickert, John Heumann, Gordon Graham, Ken Hartley, David Harris, Philip Davis, Tom Deters, John Poling. ROW 5: Bill Chapman, Ted Czarnecki, Mike Ripperger, Glen R. Covey, Terry Shirk, Bruce Furr, Dave Snapp, Gil Berry, Dan Elliott, Dave Lankard, Bob Jackson, Bill Snapp, Bob Duncan, Dan Leckrone, Phil Klinger, Thomas Moore. ROW 6: Jay Aiken, John Black, Jack Stenacker, Dick Barth, Ron Zukowski, Joe Swope, George Rich, Jim Kneisley (Secretary), John Nash, Bob Worrell, Joe Hagee, Jack Clarke, Gale Conley, John E. Williams, James A. Hague, Thomas C. Coble, John L. Courter, Jerry J. Burgdoerfer, John M. Records.

ROW 1: David M. Bentley, Richard Hodges, James L. Merritt, Fred C. Dyar, Daniel W. Whitmer, Kenneth C. Carr, Herbert A. Miller, Dick Neal, Joseph Baxter, Junior Peacock. ROW 2: David Carter, David Thomas, Bill McGarvey, Dave Eitman, Ernie Lockridge, Bill Schultz, Phil Sosinski, Ron Hunt, Mike McCormick, Bill Spivey, Fred Hammond, Paul Elsea, Frank Otte, Joe Moores, John McGinnis, Richard Barrett. ROW 3: Roger L. Pardieck, Noble E. Kizer, Jack A. Jeffries, Jack T. Scott, Steve Staffs, Richard Carrel, Gene McGarvey, Bob House, Steve White, Jim Sackett, Dick Hurley, Stu Mitchner, William C. Jenkin, Robert W. Byrne, Joe Cork, Michael Hopping, David Babcock. ROW 4: Don W. Peck, Tom Winks, James A. Cusich, Harold A. Harrell, James D. Frey, Dave Mikesell, Lenny Zaiser, Donald Carrel, Joseph C. Butterworth, Carl W. McCollum, Tom Betts, Ron Burns, Bob Hoover, Jerry L. Kraner, Dave Leller, Duane Zaring. ROW 5: Flavian E. Myers Jr., James N. Strickland, David P. Barrett, Jim Browne, Dick Alt, Samuel Gee, Bob Bailey, Pete Obremskey, Jack Williams, Jerry Thompson, George Ginn (President), Jim Bailey, Tom Troeger, Jim Kanouse, Clifford Burns, James E. Dice, Jim Hastings, Dave Bennhoff, John Lewis, Bill Porter.

Indiana's Phi Gamma Delta chapter was named the best in the nation. The Fijis also won first place in the Little 500, the campus scholarship trophy, a first place in the IU Sing, and the intramural sports trophy.
Outstanding activity men are Neil Hinchman, President of Union Board and Scabbard and Blade, member of Blue Key, Board of Aeons, and IU Foundation; George Ginn, President of Student Athletic Committee, member of Blue Key, Arnold Air Society, and IU Foundation; Bob Shula, Union Board; Herb Miller, President of Falcon Club; Pete Obremskey, Jerry Thompson, and Sam Gee, varsity basketball; Jack Scott, treasurer of the Arbutus; Jim Merritt and Skip Harrel, YMCA cabinet, and Carl McCullom, varsity baseball.
Women living in a fraternity house? Yes! Every year during Mothers' Weekend, the Phi Kappas move into the dorm, giving the rooms to mothers. Other highlights of this year's social season included the annual Winter and Spring formals.
Winning the campus scholarship improvement award caused much excitement in the house. Activity-wise, the Phi Kappas boast of Larry Sent, vice-president of Skull and Crescent; Mike Hornak, treasurer of Newman Club and IFPC social chairman; John Commons, treasurer of Sphinx Club; Bill Bell, member of Sphinx Club, and Larry Gaydosh and Jim Wrobleski, members of Falcon Club.
ROW 1: William Bell, John R. Commons (President), Kenneth Kaufman, Donald Sucec, Carl M. Wolak (Secretary), James A. Burch (Treasurer), Ronald T. Prebys, James A. Wrobleski, Donald Chiappetta, John P. Eichorst. ROW 2: Thomas V. Langdon, Frank J. Huemmer, William E. McCarty, Kenneth J. Gettelfinger, John E. Schuster, Larry Seng, John R. Kosin (Vice-president), John A. Dynes, Philip L. Eckstein, James R. Raney, Herbert A. Tragesser, Edward J. Walczak. ROW 3: Lester Govert, John Marek, John R. Brooks, Ray Kovacik, Mike Kearney, Jerry Niehaus, Larry Gaydosh, Victor Michal, Mike Hornak, Mike Vanden Bossche, John Overmyer.

ROW 1: l'hilip Costas, Bob A. Martin, Samuel R. Thompson, John MacLennan, Stephen M. Smith, Kenneth L. Di!titian (Treasurer), John 1'. Shoup, Tom Walker, Dick Crosser. ROW 2: Dan Merrell, Thomas E. Spackman, Tom Mack, Roger Nelson, Wayne Timberman, Bob Gray, Robert Lucas, Bill Purcell, Ron Taylor, Bill Kerr, Jack King, Vane McHargue, Dave Esakson, Jim Wellington, Jim Kahn, Guy Bell, Philip Mazzio, Bill Hutto, Richard B. Harris. ROW 3: John Collie Jr., Bob Bixby, Bill Canter, Hans Wuelfing, Marty Flynn, Larry Shuman, Ronald Gruenert, Ken Quanz, Sam Huston, Barnes Latham, Edward A. Schowalter, Ronald Moblo, Da% c I)clliugcr, Ron Brunger, Barry Yap, Jerry Rusk. ROW 4: Carey Spicer, Harry Garnette, Pat Fiedeke, Mo Morrison, Jim Cabel, Dick Wertz, Bob Burt, Joe Wampler, Fred Wright, Jack Whisler, Jack Riggs, Bob Bratton, Ed Wallis, Dan Tiplick. ROW 5: Jerry Woods, Vern Young, Alex Costas, Gene Maddock, Tom Dusthimer (President), Tom Lord, Pete VanDerzeyde, Paul Jasper, Jim Ulrey, Dick Ruddell (Vice-president), Marty Granholm, Ed Selig, Joe Schaub, Dan Roberts, Charles Johnson, Steve Ellis, Edward Heath.

The Dance of the Golden Veil saw the conversion of the Phi Kappa Psi house to an Arabian castle. Other social events at the house were the Jeff Hop and the Roman Holiday.
The Phi Psis and Kappas won third prize for their Fall Carnival booth. The Thetas and DGs were with the Phi Psis for the IU Sing and Little 500, respectively.
In activities were Wayne McHargue, sports editor of the Arbutus; Tom Walker, IFC Judicial Board, and Marty Flynn, vice-president of the Sophomore Class. Phi Psis in sports include Ron Battreall, Pete Vanderzeyde, Tom Lord, Barry Yap, Jim Cable, Bill Kerr, Dick Wertz, John Parks, Ken Dillman, Bob Gray, and Wayne Timberma n
The Phi Kappa Taus were pleased with their scholastic improvement last semester. They came from thirtieth to fourteenth place among the fraternities. The Phi Taus converted their house into a castle and presented "A Night in King Arthur's Court." They joined the KDs again to present the jitterbug contest before the Fall Carnival.
The men of Phi Kappa Tau were proud of their activity men, Art Coyne, editor of the Crimson Bull and adjutant of Arnold Air Society; Bob Alther and Dick Loudermilk, directors of the Young Republican Club; Ned Lavengood, President of the Presbyterian Student Center, and Rafe Cloe, distinguished ROTC cadet.
ROW 1: James R. Gaiter, Holm W. Neumann, Jim Sprengelmeyer (Treasurer), Doyle Bottom, Bascom Slemp, Rafe H. Cloe, Robert A. Trowbridge, Tom Wurtz. ROW 2: Harry Beratis, Mark E. Engledow, Robert C. Alther Jr., Robert L. Zipser, Arthur E. Coyne (President), Benjamin F. Howery, Phillip W. Duchemin, William L. Miller, Roy M. Williams (Vice-president). ROW 3: Eugene Lieber, Frank K. Edmondson Jr., Dean A. Jenkins, Jon L. Wilson, Wallis B. Lewis, Ned R. Lavengood (Secretary), R. Gilbert Thompson, R. G. Loudermilk, William J. Russell, Lawrence H. Skelton.

ROW 1: Robert J. Hardy (Treasurer), John W. Fritts, Roland E. Williams, Leland G. Ayer, Richard G. Driskell (Vice-president), Norwin T. Coachran, James E. Murvihill, Larry L. Bowen, Bill D. Madren, Bob Skaggs, Chester A. Pinkham, Bernard H. Dailey. ROW 2: David Earl Rice, Stephen C. Haas, James C. Legg, William J. Ensweiler, David Lee Slater, Tom Boyer, Frank J. Geiss (President), Jerry D. Stump, Phillip R. Gohr, Jerry L. Bender, Parker W. Hand. ROW 3: Harry R. Fouts, Jack Chambers, James P. Hawkins, Floyd Rush, L. Craig Miller, Edward Bush (Secretary), Ken Dickman, Ben Beckes, Roger Butler, Gordon E. Kelley, Arthur U. Schneider, Tom Alsip.

The Phi Sigma Kappas honored their queen at their annual Moonlight Girl Dance. They danced at a Hobo Hop, two pajama dances, and other theme parties which amounted to a full schedule on their social calendar for the year. They hope to have their new house on New Fraternity Row completed by next year.
Frank Geiss, President of the fraternity, was a night editor of the Daily Student, and Bob Hardy was treasurer of the Accounting Club. The Phi Sigs sent three men from the chapter to their national convention at Glacier Park, Montana. This was the first year since the chapter's founding in 1949 that they were represented at the convention.
The pledges of Pi Kappa Phi are looking forward to living in the new fraternity house which should be completed in 1960. The, other members are eagerly awaiting the day when they can see the ground work begun and the actual plans taking shape.
While all this excitement was stirring up the Pi Kaps, they still found time to entertain at their annual Rose Ball formal in December. More dances and a banquet filled the social calendar for the Pi Kaps. The Left Bank dance was the highlight of the Spring semester, while the pajama pledge dance was the featured event of the Fall semester.
ROW 1: Fred Lamb, Peter Libby, Robert E. Watson (President), Thomas Hartley, Ronald S. Timmons, Jackie L. Smith. ROW 2: Richard D. Cavinder, Chuck Perschon, Vaughn Wood, Gene Pelizzoni, Jim Taylor, Jim Bishop, Richard Roos (Treasurer), Bob AiL

Williamson, Gerald L. Brown, Dee C. Saul. ROW 3: Daniel J. Gamble, John Polianos, William Putocti, Arthur Savich, David Maclead, Bob Roberts, Dick Boyle, Daniel Biro, Paul Eshleman, Edward McCain.
ROW 1: Stuart Kahn, Leslie Turbowitz (President), Irwin Narter, Jerry Segal, Phillip Strauss, Jordan Abrams (Secretary). ROW 2: Ted Kreines, Bob Silverman, Bernard W. Ebstein, Barry Lakind, Joel Engel, Mike Rosenberg (Treasurer), Mike Dorfman. ROW 3: Allen Abramson, Mel Canton, Dave Dinin, Larry Mazur, Barry Miller, Don Dorfman, Ralph Levitt, Clark Feldman.

The 24 Pi Lambda Phis are anxiously awaiting the construction of a new house. They have a lot on New Fraternity Row and expect to move in by the Fall of 1957.
Their major annual social events included the Spring Formal and a Homecoming dance. The pledge and active awards were given to Irwin Narter and Robert Pine, respectively.
Edward Kreines, Mike Rosenberg, and Jordan Abrams were members of Skull and Crescent, while Bob Silverman and Dave Dinin belonged to the Sphinx Club. Jerry Segal and Larry Mazur devoted much time to the work of the Interfraternity Pledge Council.
The SAEs were busy this year with the Little 500 Reception and the Sports Car Rally. The Gypsy Dance was a great success and the faculty and students enjoyed the Apple-Polisher's Banquet. The chapter roster looked something like a football program with Brad Bomba, Eugene Cichowski, Tom Kendrick, Ted Ross, and Tom McDonald all playing on the team.
Campus politics claimed two SAEs—Jack Taylor, chairman of the Organized Party, and John Craig, a Supreme Court Justice. Mike Brutton was editor-in-chief of the Arbutus and a member of Blue Key. Mike Quinn was a finalist for Bachelor of the Year, and Brad Bomba was President of the I Men's Club and on Board of Aeons.
ROW 1: Robert M. Talbot Jr., G. Philip Dauler, Tony Pfaffiin, Martin M. Bassett Jr., Jack R. Graham, Pete Dodson, Mike Quinn, Guerry McNabb, George L. Gray Jr., Fred Steingraber, Bob Deputy. ROW 2: Lloyd Hyde, Dan Palmer, Jack Taylor (Vice-president), Mike Brutton, Tom Lucas, Del Demaree, Richard Curry, Don Rumbaugh, Jim Bennett, Fred Spangler, Jim McFrye, Tom Cress, Tom Terrell, Bob Lewis, Pete Cullen, Jerry Van Dyke. ROW 3: James L. Lundquist, Arthur R. Hagan, John G. Lowe, Bill Griffin, William Cooper, Michael Colvin, Tom Davidson, Bob Edwards, Tom Alt (Secretary), Jay Frank Lindsey, Arne G. K. Hylin, Herb Osmon, Neil Diver, Tom Schwark, Joe Stratton, William Schmal, Bill Caste11, Bob McKinney, Bill Givens. ROW 4: David J. Strupp, Barton L. Spillman, Sherell W. Johnson, Richard Fox, Roy W. Kern, J. Michael Hartigan, Tom Kendrick, Tom McDonald, Kent Combs, Bill C. Swift, Gordon Simmons, Pete Elmer, Terry Notari, John Conger (Treasurer), Dennis Evans, David Balch, Ken Sparks, Tom Glenn. ROW 5: Rod Perkins (President), Don R. Droege, Tom Goris, Tim Furlong, Joe Chalfant, Homer C. Groves, Dave Ison, Steve Wirts, Ted Ross, Bradford Bomba, Bill Balch, William Pohlmann, Phil White, Kenny Kemp, Richard Solaro, Bob Dillon, Tom Arnold, Mark Maire, Jack Jordan, Gordon Elsner.

ROW 1: Arnold H. Spellman, Klaus H. Permer, Marshall J. Stein, Ronald S. Cohen (Treasurer), Robert P. Neuman (President), Ben H. Levin (Secretary), Sanford J. Horwitz, Michael D. Finkelstein, Neil F. Sandler. ROW 2: James Harfield, Mark Pastor, Alan Robbins, Robert Irish, Herbert M. Berman, Sandy Sirkus, Jack Klausner, Ronald M. Weiss, Stan Hess, Ronald Richards, Malcolm Milsten, Harvey S. Ross, Howard 0. Kraus, Albert Kudsi-zadeh. ROW 3: Nate Sabel, Jerry Strick, Ed Peachin, Al Pearlman, George Feldman, Harvey Himelstein, David Drutz, Jack Schuster, Dick Bartick, Lewis Rothbard, Daniel Goldman, Arthur Samuel, Jerry Chip. ROW 4: Bernard Solomon, Donald Norman, Howard Ladin, Jerrold Alberts, Steve Jacobs, Harold Kessler, Ralph Cohen, Robert Duvin, Al Rosenbaum, Jim Klineman, Leon Brillant, Steve Fine, Tim Lindauer, Irwin Prince, Samuel Greenstein, David Fine. ROW 5: Richard Goldman, Richard A. Weisfeld, Steve Cohen, Bob Forman, Harold B. Albert, Herb Krug, Tom Steuer, Marty Kroot, Howard Zukerman, S. Gerald Marx, Stanley Weinstein, Burt Remis, Joe Alpert, Sheldon Cooper, Harold Hamburg, Larry A. Olshan, Barry M. Pliskin, Iry D. Berger.

Each year the Sammys entertain at their Homecoming Dance, Winter and Spring Formals, Initiation Dance, Birdland Party, and Pajama Party. Last year they were host to eight chapters in the SAM regional conclave.
The brothers didn't overlook the intellectual aspect of fraternity life as they won the Fall pledge scholarship trophy and finished second in campus scholarship. Other honors they won were first place in intramural golf and the Sammy regional basketball tournament.
The SAMs claim Mike Moss, President of the Sophomore Class; Arnie Spellman, a Supreme Court Justice, and Bob Newman, Union Board.
The Sigma Chis began their social program with the annual Melon Mess. A record breaking crowd of 8,000, including President Wells, attended. A Night on a South Sea Island was enjoyed by all the Sigs and their dates. Daughters and sisters of Sigs were entertained at the Lady Legacy Dinner. The Sig Chis, Phi Delts, and Betas were entertained by the music of Les Brown last Spring at the Miami Triad.
Notable Sigs were Ron Schneider, President of the Senior Class and Student Senator; Bill Fry, Student Senator; Al Wharry, President of the Insurance Club; Duffy Franklin, captain of the baseball team, and Bill Pomp, IFC Executive Committee.
ROW 1: Robert T. Curless, William Mace, Dick Berg, Ron R. Schneider (Vice-president), Duffy Franklin, Bob Beutter (President), Kent Sullivan, Joe Harrell. ROW 2: Ted Cunliffe, Bob Fesler, Charles Gaston, Ron Walden, Bruce Martin, Jim Brucker, Bill Kern, Jon Sommer, Dave Musial, Roy Jenks. ROW 3: Chuck Culver, Vedder Brocker, Alan Clampitt, Jim Kenney, Bill Pomp (Secretary), James Trobaugh, Gene Schmeling, Larry R. Wallace, Dave Wood, John Hamilton, Carl Scering, Charles Hay. ROW 4: Ernest W. Smith, William R. Fry, Rock J. Engler, William P. Vititoe, Richard E. Applas, Barry L. Hindman, R. H. Hayes, Norman A Rumpf, Jim Connolly, Jim Fisher, Barry Gemmer, Bud Witte, Jim Cosgrove. ROW 5: Lynn W. Syemle, Jim McCaslin, Mike Halus, Jerry Rainbolt, Doug Wade, Larry Bond, Charles Conkle, David Sutton, Jack Heidt, Al Wharry, W. W. Harris, Thomas E. Jackson, Eugene S. Eggers Albert C. Harker, Bob Farmer.

ROW 1: Philip Steckley, James McNabney, Jim Soukup (President), Daryl Beaman, Robert K. Kennedy, John Kauffman, Stephen J. Weber, Jerry L. Smith, W. D. Woons Jr., Mike Whitesell. ROW 2: Fred Sabatini, George Abel, Donald West, Bob Wruble, D. William Silcox, Sam Fitzsimmon, Joe Magers, Fred Kent, John Bowers, Jerry Lowe, Chuck Thulin, Bob Matthews, Elliott Merchant. ROW 3: Jerry Ruff, Jim West, Neil Morehead, Charles Hickman, Jack Wilson (Vice-president), John Pell, Ed Sullivan, Clarence Pico, Bob Ganchiff, Bill Cast, Dick Lehman, Horace Harrison, Gary Gordon. ROW 4: Fred Green, John Parker, Richard Testut, Dave Baldwin, Dave Percy, Reid Crosby, Ralph Wible, Dave Wiegman, John Wetzel (Treasurer), Dick Parient, Steve Stockberger, Larry Owen, Barclay Cale, Tom Kroczek, Al Helms, Ron Paskins, Arden Walgamuth. ROW 5: Clarence Doninger, Bruce H. Baker, George L. Barr, Robert D. Reid, Jim Thompson, Woody Ratterman, Dick Johnston, Don Rees, John Cidulka, John Clifton Ir., Jim Barnes, Dick Cantwell, Chuck Linke, Armen Olsen, Charlie Wible, John Brasseur.

Sigma Nu won first place in the IU Sing, the Howdy Wilcox trophy, second place in intramurals, and the Spring pledge class scholarship trophy. They rate high socially as they entertained their dates at the Bar Room Brawl and the VMI dance and with the Chi Os gave a foreign student Christmas party.
Sigma Nu activity men Clarence Donniger, President of the Student Body, and Jim Soukup, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, are members of Board of Aeons, ILJ Foundation, and Blue Key. Dick Lehman, Union Board, Student Senate, and Blue Key; Dave Baldwin, IU Foundation; Bill Cast and Fred Sabatini, Phi Eta Sigma and Skull and Crescent, are other outstanding members.
The Sig Eps returned to school last Fall with happy hearts. Their new limestone house was ready for occupancy and the men were eager to enjoy it. The house was a perfect background for the gala events scheduled for the year. Included in the agenda were record dances, exchange dinners, Homecoming, Mothers' and Dads' Day, the crowning of the fraternity sweetheart at the annual Queen of Hearts Ball, and the Speakeasy pledge dance.
From behind the traditional Red Door came Bill Petrich, varsity tennis; Ron Barnes, manager of the basketball team, and Dick Roth, manager of the freshman basketball team. The men and their activities kept the name of the Sig Eps before the campus all year.

ROW 1: Ron Davis, Jack Mysliwiec, Bill Percifield (Treasurer), Ed Stevens (President), Clark Byrum, Toni Brodhecker, Peter Houser, Larry Jones (Vice-president), Don Weber. ROW 2: Phil Susic, Gene Michaels, Nick Slabaugh, S. Blair Purcell, Jim Siegel, Don Andorfer, Dick Sutton, Dave Fryer, Ron Barnes. ROW 3: Ron White, Bob Schindler, Dean Gage, Jim Searcey, Tom Dering, Don Dayhoff, Dick Greene, Dave Denton, Dick Roth, Dale Hooper, Don Sparks. ROW 4: Jerry Kirsch, Jim Schrum, Joe Venezia, Mike Holland, Merrill Rayburn, Everett Donoho, Dan Grecu, William J. Smith, Tom Glendening, Gene LeBoeuf, Phil Lehman. ROW 5: Joe Tittle, Thursten Custer, Joe Kubisz, Norm Snyder, Jerry Boss, Don Schmidt (Secretary), Dave Zoch, Dan Angel, Paul Petro, Ron Smoots, Jim Ellis.
ROW 1: Doug Boggs, Tom Collins, Robert Caudill, Dwight Gillespie, Roger Robison, John R. Thornbury, Stanley Holdeman, E. Thomas Ellison, James McKeever (President), Lino DeMichieli. ROW 2: Ed Klinge, Amos Hall, Jack Heaton, Don David, Richard C. Laudick, Gordon Durnil, Lloyd Emerson, George Buckingham, Arthur Pankop, Joe Joyjack, William Miesch, Ronald Purdue. ROW 3: Bill Brattain, Noel Wiley, Jerry Werden, Robert Miser, Ben Barnhart, Theodore Hall, Philip Barlowe, Rollin Brown, Jack Douberteen, Dennis Dewey, David Koher. ROW 4: William Bogard, Richard Sharp, Jay Grimes (Vice-president), Jerry Schaaf, Charles Blevins, Jerry Clark, John Craft, William Irmscher, Jim O'Donnell, Ron David, Erich Wild, Victor Russell (Secretary), Dan Weaver.

During the year the Sig Pis had several dances including their Fall pledge dance, the Hayloft Hassle, and their Formal. The pledges laid pledge rules aside at their annual pledge-active football game and on Turnabout Day. Sigma Pi hopes to build either an addition to their house or a new home.
Members of Sigma Pi who were active on campus include: Jay Grimes, member of the tennis team; Ron David, captain of the gymnastics team; Ray Slampyak, member of the IU football squad, and Amos Hall, varsity baseball player. The Sigma Pis also have four members in the Marching Hundred. Robert Miser, Phi Beta Kappa, won a Krannert Law Scholarship.
The men of Tau Kappa Epsilon are members of the fastest growing fraternity on campus. In this, their fifth year on campus, they have sixty-five members. Again this year, for the fourth time in five years, Tau Kappa Epsilon brought home a Fall Carnival trophy. The Christmas formal, Holly Berry Hop, and the Spring formal, Red Carnation Ball, highlighted TKE's social season. Also outstanding were the Fall and Spring pledge dances.
This year the IU chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was host for the fraternity's state day. They participate in many all-campus activities and hold league championships in basketball and bowling.
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ROW 1: John Pearson, Virgil Scudder, Allen Griffith, Norm Blackwood, Vern Partenheimer, Gene Francke, Jerry Strickland, James Carty. ROW 2: Warren Davis, Allan Keller, Ken Lakes, William Himebaugh, Jack Walknetz (Vice-president), Ronald Johnson, Marion Batts, Marvin Knecht, Thomas Wrigley. ROW 3: John Sanford, Dick Rockstroh, Kenneth Wright (Secretary), Larry Lauterbach, Ron Unger, Bill Grogg, Phil Johnson, Merrill Miller, Paul

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Goodus, Frank Schooler. ROW 4: Pat Tripiciano, Ted Lagerwall, William Chambers, Russell Hedstrom, Jerry Dreesen, Lary Kochal, Ellsworth Smith, Jack Moore, Max McCullough (Treasurer), Bart Gish. ROW 5: Thomas Downen, Richard Hosea, Robert Sharp, Jim Orr, Russell Rossow, Joe Rusche, James Bentley, Thomas Reed, Ronald Ogle, Denis Laymon, Danny Frew, Charles Conner, Robert Fee (President).
ROW 1: Ronald Borcherding (Secretary), Robert Deily, Robin Antrim, Ed Conrey, Don Myers, Fred Robbins, Frank Zimmerman, Carl Dentice, James Murray. ROW 2: Jerry Babb, Robert Mings, David Talarico, David Stokes, W. P. Abraham, Joseph Liston, Phil Hitchner, Ronald Gerth, Richard Shelly, Earl Nolting, Larry Ruff. ROW 3: John Schafer, Tom Ferverda (President), Dan Davisson, Ross Downs, Phil Lehman, William Marshall, Tom Schmitt, John Boone, Dick Schumacher, Gordon Greider, Wes Stoppenhager. ROW 4: Jerry Long, James Weber, Joe Rice, Robert Hope, Joe Doyle (Vicepresident), Armand Roach (Treasurer), William Weber, Charles Rinehart, Donald McGivern, Thomas Hexamer, James Scott,Torn Pedersen, Jerry Spindler.

Corn stalks, pumpkins, and scarecrows on the Theta Chis front yard? Yes, it's the annual Barn Dance. This dance opened the social calendar at Theta Chi this year, followed by their annual Pajama Dance and the Spring formal, Dream Girl Ball, at which their Dream Girl was crowned.
The entire campus enjoyed Theta Chi hospitality at the sixth annual Bike Bounce. Outstanding Theta Chis on campus include Tom Ferverda, Judicial Board, and Joe Rice, secretary of Junior IFC. Theta Chis in athletics are Carl Dentice, captain of the tennis team; Armand Roach, track, and Frank Zimmerman, baseball.
The Theta Xis and their dates enjoyed an evening at an Hawaiian Luau. Everyone wore sarongs and leis and feasted on poi and barbecued pig. The Theta Xis also entertained at their French Cabaret costume dance and the Installation Ball.
The men were proud that they placed second in the nation for the most outstanding improvement among Theta Xi chapters. This could be due to Art Wallace, President of Delta Sigma Pi; Bill Lambert, vice-president of the Senior Class and a member of IU Foundation; Jerry Svetanoff, Arbutus chief photographer, and Dick Monroe, Arbutus narrative editor.
ROW 1: Larry E. Johnson, Max A. Richey, John A. Scheiner, Dick Monroe (President), William P. Lambert, Don Melnik, Don Clark, Art Wallace. ROW 2: Edwin Burkhardt, John Odle, Michael Livezey, Thomas Ward, Fred Rodeman (Treasurer), Willis Clark (Secretary), Joe Willman, Dan Coach. ROW 3: Jerome Hinde, Bill Rudolph (Vice-president), Howard R. Bamberg, Lynn Rans, Ronald Tsuchuja, Tom Allesee, Donald L. Danley, William L. Harvey. ROW 4: Richard DeLong, Gerald N. Svetanoff, Don Hoagland, Dave Moore, Jim Smith, Dick Schlagenhauf, Ronald Davitt, Jim Becker, Sam Watts.

ROW 1: Jerome Daniel, Robert Shlens, Melvin Slavin, Robert Oppenheim (Treasurer), Jerry Moss (President), Stephen Goldberg (Vice-president), Robert Borns, Robert Ungar, Don Lowenstine. ROW 2: Jerry W. Baer, Kenneth Bern, Gary W. Fisher, Joe Zuckerberg, Allan L. Cohn, Barry Bergsman, Arnie Heltzer, Jerry Jacobson, Danny Dorman, Burton Roger, Jerry Frisch, Don Grande (Secretary), Bernie Minkow. ROW 3: Stu Fishman, Gene Douglis, Robert Berebitsky, Joel Levy, Edward Friend, Phil Weinstein, Howard Speer, Phil Frank, Larry Glass, Brand Ross, Seymour Pryweller, Mike LeBurkien, Melvin Goldstein. ROW 4: Allen Bright, Myron Weinberger, Jack Lasker, Jerry Pollock, Sherwin De Vorkin, Ron Kirshbaum, Stan Levine, Mike Ross, Richard Lees, Steve Ancel, Larry Adler, Lou Cohen, Barry Schutz. ROW 5: David Lurie, Carl Hollander, David Benditzson, Franklin Miroff, Joseph Rodenberg, Leslie F. Tankel, Howard R. Benditzson, Dean Glasel, Zachary Rosenberg, Tom Ungar, Art Zweig, Edward Wolf, Max Schwartz, Michael Bailie.

Last year Beta Gamma won ZBT's highest honor— best chapter in the nation! It is the youngest chapter ever to receive the award. They also ranked high in activities. Representatives are Jerry Moss, Board of Aeons and Blue Key; Barry Bergsman, Union Board and Blue Key; Roger Seltzer, Y Cabinet and chairman of IU Sing; Bernie Minkow, Blue Key; Arnie Heltzer, varsity baseball and Bob Oppenheim, IU Foundation Steering Committee.
Each year ZBT presents its Heidelberg Hop, Homecoming Dance, Winter Formal, Pledge Dance, Big Switch, and Founders Day Spring Formal. Victor Borge was a guest of the brothers this year, while the pledges were hosts to an all campus boress.