Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
The university is but an intellectual midwife dedicated to delivering the genius of the young. The desire for knowledge heralds her entrance,. her exit precedes the wisdom mature. In the buildings and woodlands her substance is found, in the being of teachers her life. And the proof of her skill is the cry of discovery sounded each day from the lips of the young
First the melody of a single instrument, the harmony of two... that one may understand the music of the full orchestra
Inquirite youth: to these Old Wisdom shall her mystery reveal
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And what of man-created majesty can equal God's crown among the leaves?
From the alphabet of dreams...
and the primer of reality .. . flows the beauty of man's signature...
And all around the freedom song of laughter...
IL I fit!
The face shines proof of a many-chambered throbbing heart
Pigeons grounded and still as the leaves
Autumn beauty .. . prelude to the long, cold winter
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In a frame of green foliage, the Wellhouse stands as picturesquely as it did in distant days gone by.
This is our campus ... a shady path ... a small wood .. a bubbling stream . . . meadows . . . beauty. Our campus can be a quiet haven, a place of peace and serenity created not so much by man as by nature. Only nature with her eternal touches can make modern buildings a part of campus, only nature . . . a soft cover of ivy against the walls . . . a small woods nearby . . . a wide blue sky. As the days and years go by students gradually become accustomed to this beauty, and it is no longer the revered thing it once was. But an alumnus returning to the campus sees its beauty again as for the first time . . . and remembers.
An old face in a familiar setting
Where, amid solitude, one can observe solitude
These, the new citizens of a century-old community . . . come to bring new life to ancient traditions
A lone survivor of between class desertion
Teeming, bright, busy by day; vacant, dark, still by night
The hell rings, and then evacuation begins . . . classes are over.
A university is more than a collection of books and a group of buildings. The university is people . . . whether they be students, faculty members, or maintenance men. It is people searching for knowledge, for an understanding of themselves, their friends, the world . . . of all existence. Their quest for wisdom is never ended and never satisfied. The more they learn, the more they realize how little they know. So it is among I.U. students. No matter whether they come from Indiana or another country, they are all Hoosiers . . . in the I.U. sense .. . on their endless ways to a common goal.
A last minute check will save extra trips.
aa. Waiting taxis are mute evidence of a vacation ended.
What's really exasperating is that in only nine
all this stuff must be packed and hauled back home again.
After a long day, at last going home, ready to hit the books
It's time for a rest as the bags seem to get heavier. Details, details, always details
No matter what the method, each year the same . . . noise, people
irrohariett ,__
Knowledge pours forth and notes are written as the lecture continues.
And what bustling corridor, what solitary corner, holds not the evidence of man's search for knowledge
The young man and the skill
Nature's silence . . . a study haven. 29
Scholarly students study 'side sundry sites.
Final exams ... the grade doesn't include posture.
Studying is work, at the Commons or anyplace else.
In 1824, a small State Seminary of ten students was started in Bloomington. One hundred thirty-one years later, the institution . . . now a university with nearly 13,000 students . . . is expanding still more with a new Union, a Humanities Building, and a Law Building. Indiana University is a school of progress whose structural development is closely connected with its educational advancement. Students today take for granted the modern facilities of the many new buildings, and few realize that the "old" places like Maxwell and Alpha Halls once represented progress. Today the past of the University is emphasized by the atmosphere of tradition which many of its structures create.
T...e...r...m...(space)...p...a...p...e...r typist
Catalogue and pen . . . standard equipment in the library
.. and in the stacks.
A lifeline to an education, an IU in miniature, an integral part of the University University... this is a division. It is a stepping stone, a solution to an education for those persons who must remain at home, work throughout the year, or increase a grade average. It is a university in one's own backyard, a vital vein in the great system of education. Through this vein flows the knowledge which gives the students . . . understanding... inspiration . evaluation... introspection. When a student has finished his job, he can say to the world .. . "I have studied ... I have worked . I am complete"
On the verge of steel and oil, natural beauty and educational enlightenment
Oblivion of all but study
Calumet Founded 26 years ago, The Calumet Division serves the western part of Lake County. Its main office, built in 1939, is located in East Chicago; however, classes meet in Hammond as well. Over 1,270 students enrolled this Fall. Each center usually offers a subject in adult education which is unique to other University branches. Calumet has a popular series of lectures on "Crime and the Criminal in Modern Society." Another course is "Writing for Fun and Profit." Today the Division has an extensive business program in addition to a good English department. The Calumet and Gary Centers co-operate in giving a special Certificate in Accounting. This is awarded to students who complete a specified curriculum of 47 hours, 27 of which must be in accounting.
Time out from individual work for conferring
A limestone building . . . IU tradition found in the Calumet
The climax of any lecture, emphasis of the important point
Age has no effect upon the joy of creation.
Carefully prepared movies enhance the learning process.
Informal discussion stimulates clear, rapid thinking and effective speaking.
The Earlham Division is a joint organization operated by Indiana University and Earlham College. Two buildings in Richmond have been used since the Center's founding in 1946. They have enough room to accommodate any further increase in the present enrollment of 440 students. Credit courses which are taken at the Center are transferable to either institution as long as the student meets the regular requirements. Like most IU divisions, Earlham has a well-developed business program; however, its arts and sciences courses are equally as good. Noncredit subjects include "The Ice Age in Whitewater Valley."
Something for everyone
Kokomo The Indiana University Center at Kokomo is now in its 13th year. Since 1944, it has grown steadily in both enrollment and the number of courses offered. Today there are over 800 students attending classes. Of these, approximately 500 persons are taking credit courses which fulfill the requirements for a degree. The Kokomo Center has followed the rest of the University in requiring every undergraduate business student to pass a comprehensive written examination in his junior year. Other students, who are taking subjects which satisfy their personal interests, are offered such popular noncredit courses as stock-market analysis, real estate, and retailing. The Center buildings have been improved this year. The conference room and the lecture room, known as the Coach House, were remodeled. A student lounge was built, and several rooms were redecorated. The Center also sponsors a number of extracurricular activities such as the Civic Theater Group and the Foreign Film Series. A short, whispered conversation in the library
Some listen, others pause for a smile during lecture.
"Time outs" are typical of college everywhere. 37
Fort Wayne
Office secretaries check the records.
Library privileges provided for students
Founded in 1917, the Fort Wayne Center is the second oldest division. In Spring of 1957, it had an enrollment of 2200 students, making it the third largest IU branch. The Division now uses rooms in Central High School and a building which was first put into use in 1939. Through an arrangement with the Art Center in Fort Wayne, a student may progress towards an A.B. degree in fine arts or a B.S. in art education. The Center provides social sciences and humanities, while the art school offers applied art courses. Special noncredit lecture series are offered to Fort Wayne residents as a means of broadening their education and fields of interest. Among these courses are such subjects as insurance, "The World Struggle for Power and Peace," and home furnishing. The Fort Wayne Center now offers a variety of awards to students enrolled at the Division. Among these are partial fee-remission scholarships which are given to valedictorians and salutatorians of Indiana high schools.
Students and professor clear up a point.
Students congregate in lounge
A diagram clarifies a vital question and may appear as a test question. 39
Gary The Gary Division was founded in 1948. A large, modern building is now being built to replace the present one. It will be completed in the Summer of 1959. The Center has an enrollment of over 1600 students, most of whom are following undergraduate courses. There is, however, a limited number of postgraduate courses. The Center also has an adult-education division which offers residents an opportunity to pursue special or vocational interests. The Gary Division Library contains over 10,000 volumes and is open to students 12 hours a day. The students themselves operate a newspaper which is called the Ingot. Outstanding scholars are eligible to receive one of several organizational awards which pay for part or all of the student's tuition. For those who study with an aid . . . college outlines
A library . . . a way to the past, present, and future
Foundation of a building and soon in its halls of knowledge . . . a foundation for learning
Getting assistance from a helpful clerk
An interview, whether for a job or activity, is important.
Founded in 1916, the Indianapolis Center is the oldest Indiana University division. In 42 years, it has grown into one of the largest IU branches, with an enrollment of 2675 students. The Center now occupies two buildings at different places in the downtown sector of the city. One of the buildings contains offices and classrooms; the other houses an extensive library. Because of the nearness of the Medical Center, several undergraduate courses for nursing and dental hygiene are offered, in addition to the regular studies. Division students are permitted to use the new Student Union, which has a dance floor and swimming pool. Their representatives serve on the Union Board, which provides numerous social activities. A Student Council is elected by the Center student body.
A witty instructor and an occasional humorous incident are appreciated by a receptive class.
In a small, informal group, the class can profit from a free exchange of ideas.
INDIANA UNIVERSITY Dowti towN (*spilt fq
A stimulating lecture inspires questions. Good notes are often the secret of success.
The builder of education must have his tools and a place of distribution.
Enlightened education penetrates the inner darkness.
Time now to listen . . . and learn 44
Jeffersonville The Southeastern Center at Jeffersonville was founded in 1941. It had an enrollment of 391 students who attended classes in one room of Jeffersonville High School. Since then it has grown to an enrollment of 1381 persons, only 77 of whom are full-time students. Many persons from Kentucky and the southernmost parts of Indiana attend the classes. Until recently, the Center occupied quarters in various high schools. A new building, however, was completed last December. The structure was dedicated in April, when President Herman B Wells attended the opening. The 600,000-dollar edifice provides facilities for classrooms, a library, several science laboratories, and administrative offices. It is the only Indiana University class building which is completely air-conditioned. The Center has a very active extracurricular program which includes a Student Council; Alpha Delta Kappa, honorary fraternity; and a student newspaper, the Southeastern Student.
Concentration is included at this informal conference.
Pencils fly as the lecture goes on.
Conversation and relaxation are synonymous as coeds findtime fur a break. 45
South Bend -Mishawaka The South Bend-Mishawaka Center is the largest division, with an enrollment of 3786 students. Because of its size, the Center holds classes in the YWCA, as well as in Central High School. Architects are drawing plans for a new building which will consolidate the Center in the future. Since its founding in 1933, the Division has expanded not only in enrollment, but also in the educational program itself. Today it has one of the most extensive adult-education programs in the state. Adult residents of the two cities are offered everything from speed reading to gerontology, problems of the senior citizens. For students who plan to get a college degree, there are the usual preparatory courses. There is also a limited number of postgraduate subjects offered. The South Bend-Mishawaka Center is a school which is as complete in activities as it is in classes. For French students, there is the Alliance Francaise, a national club. For persons interested in journalism, there is the quarterly IU Center News. Any Division student may belong to the South Bend Center Student Council.
Quiet surroundings are essential for effective study.
Everyone has his own favorite study position.
The bookstore provides study supplies for IU students attending classes in their own Michiana area.
Eager students and well-qualified instructors . . . classes are alike in these respects at Bloomington and South Bend. 47
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Visual aids help students to interpret facts more correctly.
Progress in faculty-student understanding
Schoolwork momentarily forgotten, thinking goes on.
Five friends approach a mutual experience in learning.
The Vincennes Division is the newest IU center. In 1950, the Division of Adult Education founded the Center to serve southwestern Indiana. Since then, enrollment has continued to grow to its present peak of one hundred eighty-five students. The Division is operated by Vincennes University in cooperation with Indiana University. Classes also are presented in Washington High School in Washington, Indiana. A range of courses is offered throughout the fields of adult education and graduate and undergraduate instruction. Several unusual courses offered for adult education include such subjects as oil painting, contemporary drama, and ceramics. There are also regularly scheduled business and education programs for all fully enrolled students. A few graduate courses in education are offered, including psychology of individual differences and the administration of elementary schools.
Man is not man . . . He is Men
A test flunked, a pin returned, a game lost, an argument started . . . and thus a person becomes unhappy. Some keep their problems to themselves .. . others seek the help of a friend to share their worries. Sharing problems with each other gives the moral support which helps people to face life's troubles. Happiness grows and grows when it is shared. An amusing incident, a funny joke, a wonderful time . . . makes a closer friend. A group of people together . . . and laughter becomes contagious. Sharing experiences, good and bad, gives fuller meaning to friendship and greater understanding of each other.
Pain with a postmark . . .
friendship, faith, and time alone will ease the weight of loss.
1 he satisfaction of having someone to tell, to share A cheerful smile . . . a helping hand Cheering up helps to bring a temperature down.
Excited winners share joy.
Smiles of elation crown the new king.
Joy is contagious as a new queen is named.
To share one's wisdom and knowledge . . . to grow
Bachelor king celebration begins with hand shaking.
Here the enthusiasm ...contagious Here the spirit ...perpetuated from generation to generation
Early in spring, the campus begins to prepare for one of the greatest collegiate events in the United States, the Little 500. The whole Little 500 weekend is a classic within itself . . . a whirling, pulsating, hustle and bustle of activities and special events. Since the first race began in 1951, its popularity and importance have steadily increased among the students and nation at large. In 1956, over 15,000 people attended the race. Today, everybody gets in on the act! Men ride in the race. Women's housing units sponsor all-girl tricycle teams in a Miniature 500. Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Gamma sororities compete in the Little Little 500. There's the Sprocket Hop held in the Men's Quad, the Theta Chi Bicycle Bounce, and the Acacia Ice Cream Social. The whole, glorious round of celebration is climaxed by the race itself Saturday afternoon and the Little 500 Variety Show that night. The next evening, dead-tired students sit down at desks and try to crack a book. The gaiety is over. They cringe at the thought of approaching finals. The students try to concentrate but can't . . . they think back over the fun-filled, madcap weekend and . . "It was great!"
ROW 1: Gene McGarvey, Bill Armstrong, Jill Strickland. ROW 2: Nancy Jones, Sue Charlesworth, Linda Silver, Sandy Schroeder. ROW 3: Brad Laycock, Norm Spaulding, Dave Albright, Doug Shue.
The presence of Jill Corey enhances the fruits of victory.
Teammates demonstrate required speed ...
and skill of exchanging during race.
Hugh O'Brian (Wyatt Earp) talks to fans.
Girls keep track as laps pile up.
In a burst of energy, a Sigma Nu rider, his face a tense mask, spurts to victory. 56
"His all for others"
Twisted pileup of arms, legs, pedals, wheels
Disaster strikes as rider's bike goes out of control.
A last briefing . . . a final rest . . . a deep concentration
Tension broken, victors and backers are ecstatic.
Hear the hum of life. It sounds in the bubbling of laughter, in the buzzing of whispers Old idea, now reality . . . busses to carry rushees between houses
Rushee or active—the smile's still the same
There it is . . . the last, long walk . . . an eternity to the dimness of the door. Within, the vague shadows of women waiting . . . without, the nervous and slightly frightened girls who must make that last walk. A final step to the door and then it is too late to turn back. The rushee steps inside and arms reach out to welcome her, then suddenly the warmth and friendliness of the girls envelop her and she is at ease. This is sorority rush . . . anxiety and nervousness, but a common bond of understanding and appeal.
Introductions, talk and cigarettes—symbols of rush
Conversation and excitement fill an already crowded room.
Activies consider finishing touches to highlight rush party.
Rushees exchange excited thoughts before passing over threshold of sorority
Dinner ... talk ... and men rush. Eager and excited . . . slightly uneasy and a little selfconscious ... this is the rushee. The fraternity man seems calm and assured. He tries to make his guest relax; he tries to see beyond the rushee's facade. He must impress and yet not seem overbearing, and he must break the tension which exists between them.
Active and rushee meet . . . the first step in a potential fraternal friendship
assuredly this is only a memento, just for decoration.
Mealtime, a time for food, fun, and first impressions
Voices joined in cheerful song—only one evidence of fraternity spirit With informality the keynote, getting acquainted continues.
Friendly chatting—brotherhood's beginnings
pleasure-bent crowd
The carefree excitement of Fall Carnival
in a world of dancing balloons in the never-never land of pied pipers and rainbows stuck together with cotton candy.
Carnival crowds . . . colorful costumes
Stuffing kleenex in chicken wire, construction from bottom up "Little Jack Horner" ... no plum in this pie
Personal talent attracts business to carnival cause.
Painting crew industriously works on its booth
"Reach for the sky," the trombone seems to shout. Snatch of backhills is transplanted to fieldhouse
Swirling masses of people eddying around the booths ... gay stands with barkers drawing in a crowd ... weary performers pulling themselves together for one last show ... the happy excitement of a fun-filled evening ... this is Fall Carnival! It's a night of fun and lightheartedness and the climax of many weeks' work. In early fall, housing units throughout campus choose themes for their shows. The booths they build take ingenuity, planning, and plenty of work. For weeks before the big night, skits are practiced, costumes made, and material for the booths gathered. When at last the night before the Carnival comes, everyone goes to the I.U. Fieldhouse and begins to put up their booths. Some working through until noon the next day, the weary students build the stands. If anything goes wrong, they must improvise quickly, for time is their enemy. Only a minor fire, quickly extinguished, mars the final hours of preparation. At last, the hour is here. The doors open and Indiana walks in to see the wonders of the House of Wax, the Red Sullivan Show, Little Cal City, and "Can It Be Done in Eighty Days?" One can never quite see all the gaily decorated booths, and it is only when weariness calls him home that he finally leaves the Fieldhouse and the Fall Carnival.
The season separate by look, by feel, is yet witneis of the Winter's sound traniferred to a warm green stage
A bright place of learning set in shade of darkness
Rigging a sailboat on cool, still Lake Lemon
1RC residents take advantage of sun and warm weather.
An ROTC squadron marches "over hill:
ummer heat, sweat and hard work accompany paper.
"My heart is turning home again.' 67
Lift but the cover of this book; look but a single page
niversity presidents enjoy a game.
Board members share a joke. A noted psychologist at work.
To many students, the faculty are only shadows who exist from nine to five o'clock. When their official jobs are done for the day, their reality ends for the students . . . until the next morning. The only time that a student thinks of faculty members as being individuals is when he needs the advice or help of a teacher. The faculty member teaches during the day, holding a position of importance. He is a person who is respected and admired; but despite the position of dignity which he holds in the eyes of many persons, he is a man. When he goes home at night, he is just another citizen, a church member, a next-door neighbor. He likes to relax as much as any student, to laugh and to talk, to enjoy a pleasant evening with good company. Only the students who work with faculty members in outside activities or organizations have the chance to look past their superficial titles ... to find the human beings. Despite the difference in age or experience, the faculty member leads a life very similar to that of a student. It is one of fun and sorrow, hopes and disappointments, friends and enemies. He has his own personal problems, his good and bad days. There are times when he doesn't want to go to work. either; but because his responsibility is great, he comes.
past the title bearer, And you shall find imprinted there the spirit of a true friend.
A faculty member gets in on the act.
Dean Shaffer temporarily dismisses his official duties.
Branch McCracken after a change from coach to cook
Victory... victory springs from the heart Sharing nourishes its success, success can only be a measure of spirit
Programs still have value after a game is over.
Beauty and spirit fire Hoosier halftim
Football contests are banner events.
Card section provides color
Marching "100" members await the time when they will be out there playing.
Hot dogs and Cokes add to atmosphere.
Exciting and vivid ... the variegated pattern of I.U.
Glee, hope, and excitement add up to the Hoosier spirit.
This is sports spirit . . . the thrill of a score, the agony of a team at bay, the joy of a successful last-minute stand. While teams fight hard, fans subconsciously are in the thick of battle . . . blocking that player, making that basket, or driving in a last intense effort to overtake the man ahead to win the big race. Sadness follows defeat, and elation accompanies the win. The greatest part of sports spirit, however, is that of pride, pride in the team that does its best. Pride is that unmeasurable quantity that drives a team along the wave of victory or supports it when its best is not good enough. Half the strength in a game is the combined spirit of the crowd and the team. With it, no team can be little. Without it, there can be no team.
Few things are greater than creation... One of them is tradition
Homecoming Queen, beauty on parade . . . . . . more beauty, and the beast
Greeks went sky-high in backing the Crimson.
Free speech... a golden sword Forged on an anvil of belief
Voting requirement: one must be an I.U. student.
Convention delegates applaud their party's candidate.
Students return to school, and they begin again the conventions and campaigns which fill the political year on the I.U. campus. This is one university activity in which every student may take a part. At this time they are all citizens, student citizens, voting for their future campus leaders and organizers. As the Independent and Organized Parties vie for the various campus offices, the students themselves can consider the platforms of the parties and the merits of each candidate. To many individuals, class elections are occasions of seriousness, chances to gain experience in the practice of the democratic process of government. Campus politics and elections are to many the I.U. version of national and international affairs.
To vote, one first must register.
Voting, the manifestation of a student's tree will
The crowd gathers around a campaign car . . . a symbol of a democratic election at I.U.
Costumed performers handle the stage pay of their stage toil. I.U. sings. In the 1957 manner, a campus honors Kaddiwampus, an ancient North American Indian chief, whose spirit was once worshiped by competitive singing. "Tribes" in the I.U. "nation" work at a feverous pitch for weeks in preparation of the annual event. Anyone is allowed to enter. time, talent, co-operation, and competitive spirit are the offerings which contribute to the climax, the two-night musical contest. Kaddiwampus honors a few winning "tribes" with golden trophies and the favor of the "nation." Vibrant and sensual calypso joins campus rhythms.
Two members of production number wait for their cue.
An extended pause before the performance
Music is a part of every individual, a way of expressing one's inner feelings. It is not always confined to well-organized groups. Some persons find satisfaction in the late-hour jam sessions which result in a friendly little band. Other individuals fulfill an ambition by singing with a dance band or perhaps by belonging to a musical group. For some people music has a purpose ... not in education or culture ... but in life and Love.
And their joy was heard in the melodies ... in the songs of American tradition Music in its many forms starts with a man and his instrument.
The A/led-Law Boress
. . . a melee of bones, derbies, and canes; of spirited competitors and cheering arbitrators
Each poised on a compass point Tong a needle line . . .
The scene is set the teams poised for the tug of war Suddenly the battle of the brawn is on and the men pull as if their lives depend upon drawing their opponents into the muddy Jordan A little give, a little take a few shouts, a few cheers but still the conflict continues A moment of suspense as both teams remain adamant The rope is stretched taut Then a little more brawn .. . or is it spirit? .. . and with a yell of defeat the losing side goes tumbling into the water It is over Muddy and wet the losing team is helped out of the Jordan by the jubilant winner Grudges vanish. giving way to mutual weariness.
The apprentice of knowledge appears as labor on the textured brow, as patience in the hands of skill ... as imagination from the young
The test is collected, and now—worriedly—they begin to compare answers.
For a lab technician, this is nothing unusual. An inspiration ... the formation ... and soon a creation
A fact gatherer breaks for a hit of wool gathering. Light to reveal to science the mysteries of man
Last effort to make a good grade . . . before-final cramming
Coffee to stay awake . . . cigarette to keep calm
The duty of a university is to teach .. . the purpose of a student . . . to learn, through activities, campus life, classes and studies. Through study the student gains knowledge; through the time spent in studying, he gains patience and wisdom. To study and to learn is to grow within oneself. The first glance at a problem shows to the student only a maize of intertwined difficulties. Through the confusion which its newness creates comes the feeling that this particular problem can never be learned or understood. Long hours are spent in studying, drudging a path towards the solution. Finally through the confusion comes a ray of understanding. Then the exhaustion, mental turmoil, and the problem itself disappear, giving way to the assurance that one has learned.
A pleasant evening spent at home . . . dissecting
An after-class explanation helps to straighten out a student's confusion.
Quiet meditation... Warm companionship A universal friend... the coffee break
Coffee, cigarette, sports talk . . . and a perfect break
Hurried cup for harried student
General activity in the Commons as a campus relaxes between classes
Contemplation over coffee
Carefully planned "Commons Hour" in action
The gang together or one apart Relief is spelled... break
Card-game relaxation has its trying moments.
Unlike textbooks, news must have immediate attention.
A break
from duty for drinking, reading, and talking
Relaxing outside the library may cause better concentration later.
Nice day ... outdoor work away from books
Pausing to admire a work-of-art sandwich
Honors Day: Time ,,ut to recognize good work.
A pause in nemorium of I.U.'s founders
A coed's dream . . . to be out after hours; but it lasts only until the buzzer rings ending the fire drill.
New dorm decor . . . result of a friendly boress
A grin of anticipation for the caricaturist's handiwork
A favorite relaxation . . . time out to play pool The Melon Mess lived up to its name.
Finals are dawning . . . But the new Arbutus comes first. 95
Time out for a polio shot
Students go out to meet nice weather when it comes.
A coke break . . . time for dreaming and discussing
Three bandmen listen to their director in comfort.
Why does it always have to be up on five?
To a winter wonderland . . . the added touches of two happy girls
Mermen take breather during practice session.
"The first issue of the Student is presented thus . . . with allegiance to no faction, subservient to no motive of exultation, pure in tone, seeking the common good . . ." This has been the policy of the Indiana Daily Student since its first publication, issued on February 12, 1857. By reporting campus, national, and international news, it has grown and become an important part of Indiana University. In the past 99 years, it has changed from a four-page, monthly paper of three columns to a larger, daily publication. Such men as Ernie Pyle, war correspondent, and William Lowe Bryan, former University president, have edited the Student, helping to make it one of the best college dailies in the country. Working on the Student is an adventure of experience, valuable throughout life. Jobs are available for reporters, photographers, businessmen, and editors. Individuals learn by their mistakes. They learn that working in a large organization carries heavy responsibility. Facts must be checked! Articles must be proofread! Deadlines must be met! Today approximately 45 journalism students work an average of 15 hours a week in one of the busiest buildings on campus, the Ernie Pyle Memorial Building. With all their work and long hours, journalism students still find time to relax. At the end of each semester they have a "Swing In, Swing Out" party at which new staffs are announced and outstanding staff members are honored.
Sleepy Man is confronted by a product of the Mechanical Age
The tangle of events of a complex society must be sifted, interpreted, and presented simply enough to digest over breakfast.
A momentary pause from the grind
• •
-•• •
• • ..••■■ • 1. 11.
A copyreader organizes her work.
A short break . . . a time to think
The "slot man" inside and copyreaders outside the rim edit stories.
Many people and many jobs make up an annual.
Not all Arbutus work is paper work ... time out for beauty 100
Good use is made of lights and time.
that the rememberance of things past
caught in the moment, molded in the hours may be held in memory's hand The Arbutus? Yes, it is a yearbook .. . a collection of pictures . . . of people .. . and events . . . a reference book for blind dates . . . and in later years a pleasant reminder of days past. But to the people who made it, the book means much more than this. To its creators the Arbutus was a test of abilities and responsibility. May 15, the day it is released, is the culmination of all the work, all the failures, all the successes . . . and mistakes. It is the end of late hours spent in the office and the constant feeling of pressure which weighs upon most of the staff. For the first time, the people who made it . . . the photographers, the copy writers, the typists, and the organizers . . . for the first time they see their work in print. Then they judge themselves and their work. In enrollment chaos, the annual got some subscribers.
Book bolstering and imagination required for creativeness
General staff receives pointers on yearbook from "Big Four". 101
Shades of reality Shaped by the private within, expressed to share Art is man's attempt to capture life and form. Down through the ages, he has tried to represent it in the materials about him. With clay and stone, metal and paint, he has struggled to portray life . . . as he sees and understands it. Our heritage is his success and his failures. Students who study fine arts can learn through the study of art in classrooms and through its practice in studios. From the classrooms they gain a knowledge of the masters and their methods. In the studios, they make use of what they have learned. Plain, lifeless materials are combined and transformed into gleaming beauty in the substance of a stone statue, an oil portrait, or a piece of jewelry. This is the artist's greatest reward .. . to progress by his own skill and effort to the culmination of his talent and ideas.
Thread grows into cloth.
Understanding leads to appreciation, this pair finds.
Transforming reality into black lines on a white plane
The universal appeal of stories told through pictures .. Pressing . . .
carving . .
.. attracts intrigued observers to the Newspictures of the Year and molding pieces of art
The unseen waves of communication ... the airborn pulse of the century
Experience and education become one, as Indiana University's Department of Radio and Television gives its students the opportunity to participate in all phases of radio and television production. The department has two basic purposes . . . to train its students thoroughly and to bring entertainment, education, and information to the public. The small Radio and Television Building houses the department; news and events of the world serve as its lifeline. With the radio work centered around WFIU and television programs relayed to Station WTTV for transmission, the department offers students experience in a continually expanding field of broadcasting. Through the work of the students and the staff of the radio and television department, the University and the state are both educated and entertained.
IU is on the air over WFIU.
The unseen TV announcer 104
Experts report for a distance audience.
The clock is a mute observer of the backstage activities . . . a show in itself.
Cameras are ready, technicians alert, actors tense . . . and the adventure in T.V. is about to begin 105
Problems of government are considered . . . and solved. The thinking of a group, the heart of a people . . . student government in progress
Today, friend, one has a game. Tomorrow... a guide to the world.
Elections .. . decisions . . . policies made and changed .. . a spirit of competition and of teamwork . . . successes and failures ... student government prospers and advances. From early Fall to the last days of June, campus politicians work to give the student body an efficient self-government. Popular and unpopular issues are raised, and the student body praises, criticizes, or ignores them. A third party was formed as a compromise between the Organized and Independent parties. Discriminatory clauses were debated over many weeks. It was recommended that women not wear sports apparel in the Commons, and the Senate Elections Committee set a precedent by disqualifying the freshman Organized slate for not registering on time. Unfortunately, the Student Body never realized the time and deliberation which went into decisions that effected the whole campus.
If these young hopes and ideals endure after maturity then peace is possible
Preparations begin long before sessions.
Each problem requires consideration.
Contact . . . check . . . double check
A small sign towards world understanding
The building of ties between nations
Communication solidifies action. 109
People... a nation's most valuable resource Their training .. . its greatest strength
The Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Indiana University helps to fulfill the future military needs of our nation. The program is devoted to classroom and drill field instruction. The total program, however, contains many activities. The Army contains Scabbard and Blade, military honorary, and Pershing Rifles, drill team. The Air Force has honoraries for both underclassmen and advanced students. Sabre Air Command is composed of basic trainees, while advanced candidates for officers belong to Arnold Air Society. The Air Force also has a drill team and a recently formed Angel Flight for women. The most important campus activity sponsored by the military department is the Military Ball, presented every Spring.
Proper handling of arms . . . an integral part of drill 110
f Mil Ball Queen receives trophy from Cadet Commander
Hundreds of cadets pass briskly in review .. .
A panorama of men, both big and little . . . the hope of a nation
Drilling in the open sharpens appetites.
... with heads held high.
Last-minute instructions before the parade
Taking it easy after hard work
No parade is complete without the Colors. 111
Music rises from man's creativeness A reflection of a Creator Sousa, Verdi, Beethoven, Berlin . . . this is I.U. music, a collection of the works of all ages and all styles. In the School of Music there is an organization for every musical interest. Several popular singing groups, including the I.U. Queens, the Singing Hoosiers, and the Belles of Indiana, have toured throughout the United States and to foreign countries. The Marching Hundred also travels with the athletic teams to various games and meets. Classical productions are presented by the Symphony Orchestra and Opera Workshop. These are perhaps the best known musical groups on campus; however, there are many others which are equally as good. Belonging to any one of these organizations takes work and time. Some persons may have joined them because they are in the music school, and others, simply because they like music. The long hours spent rehearsing give the organization members valuable experience and training. Led by competent, respected instructors from the School of Music, these groups not only provide musical entertainment for campus and publicity for the university, but also make available to students a chance to combine activities and enjoyment with college credit.
Up these stairs . . . the world and a future
Marching 100 thrills stands by adding spirit and color to gridiron game with dazzling half-time show
The director, the bright lights, the audience ... all inspiring to the singers
And from the harp the background for the beauty of song Two hundred voices poised to crescendo in "The Messiah"
Wisdom ... a tool Its wielder... a guardian of the future
Tomorrow's teachers, today's students . . . both learn together.
The primary student teachers .. . 114
. . . become oriented to the challenges of the child.
Intensified emotions and dramatic reality are clothed in the simplicity and tragedy of "Antigone."
Within self lies the answer of expression One has but to search... For some the key is ready-made
Antigone listens to her uncle quietly but not understandingly.
"Born Yesterday," he but not they
The climax of the scene ... a man dead in "Dial M for Murder" 117
The student theater is to many persons a world of hope, hard work, and ambition. Their efforts are rewarded by great personal satisfaction of their achievement and a public appearance of themselves and their work. Even to other persons who are not a part of it, the student theater offers entertainment, an evening's enjoyment, a minute's rest from daily routine. Elements of the old and the new, the classical and the modern, can be found in the many plays which were presented by the students. "Petticoat Fever," "Antigone," "Dial M for Murder," and "Picnic" . . . these plays are representative of the great variety which existed in this year's productions. The annual Jordan River Review presented "Springtime for Stephanie" this year. The bouncy comedy was written, produced, and acted by the students themselves. A serious moment in Shakespeare's comedy "As You Like It"
A drinking song from "Cavalleria Rusticana" . . . a chance for an exuberant cast to sing its loudest and its best 118
Innocence confronted .. .
as anger grows .. .
but a woman's ways .. .
always win.
"Petticoat Fever" . . . a modern play . . . a modern couple
Audience-eye view . . . Irish actors build up tension toward plot's climax
Two Dublin Players get ready for "Juno and Paycock Agnes Moorehead is queried at an informal reception.
And Ted Heath's band played on .. .
Emotion and make-up centered in a .spotlight A lifetime for applause... Echoed by a million yesterdays
Dig that beat! The Hambones
Atlantic editor Edward Weeks gave an address.
Roberta Peters was among the famous appearing at IU.
Fernando Germani was here from Vatican City.
IU saw dancing different from the Alumni Hall variety.
Actress (Devra Korwin) ...
Lampshade, padding, and clodhoppers add to one another's comedy. Throughout the years University officials have developed an entertainment program whose purpose is the appreciation of outside culture. As a result of this program many productions are brought to campus from all over the world. The Auditorium, Convocation, and Celebrity Series presented a great variety of cultural performances. "No Time for Sergeants" was the first Celebrity Series production this year. Among the other plays was "The Rivalry," starring Agnes Moorehead and Raymond Massey. This Auditorium presentation was followed by the world-famous pianist Claudio Arrau. Both the Indianapolis and the Boston Symphony Orchestras appeared at the Auditorium for concerts. The Obernkirchen Children's Choir of Germany, which became known to the United States through television appearances, was the final presentation of the "Aud" Series. The Celebrity Series brought back popular Roberta Peters, Metropolitan Opera star. The Convocation Program brought the Dublin Players and their presentation of the play "Juno and the Paycock." For those interested in journalism, Edward Weeks, literary critic and editor of the Atlantic Monthly, was a guest speaker for the Convocation Program.
Actors (Ralph Lowe, Leon Janney) ...
Director of "Damn Yankees"
This youth, industrious Their hands, willing Their energy, unending
Jobs . . . kitchen to Library, dishwashing to cardfiling
Indiana University has established several systems to help students pay their ways through college. With the aid of the Student Employment Office, a student may find work as a smalltown reporter, as a clerk in the Bookstore, as a waiter in a University dining hall, or even as a babysitter. If he has sufficiently high grades, he may apply for resident or academic scholarships. Among the many scholarships awarded each year are the "Little 500" grants, which receive their money through the famous "Little 500" bicycle race. Last year over a hundred working students each received one of these grants. A graduate student has the advantage of higher-paying positions. While he is attending the University, he may even work as a graduate teaching assistant in the department of his choice. He may obtain a counselor's scholarship which appoints him counselor of one of the halls of residence and which provides him with room and board for the year. He may also be eligible for a Fulbright or Rhodes scholarship. These scholarships send a student abroad to study. Even the G.I.'s are not excluded from an aid program. Through the G.I. Bill of Rights approximately 2000 veterans at IU are receiving financial aid. Many of the hundreds of foreign students on campus are also being helped by the exchange-student program.
Many local stores largely supported by students are largely staffed by them too.
IU students help maintain the buildings that they use.
A practical course in rifle salesmanship
Confusion causes frustration which causes agitation Which brings confusion which causes frustration which...
Faculty advisers counsel entering freshmen.
One out of many tiring, boring, disgruntling lines
All this just for an education!
Lines of tables, lines of workers . . . and lines of registrants Just as one thinks it's over . . . "Subscribe?" "Buy?" "Give?" Confused and frustrated, anyone? Take it in your stride. This is only enrollment and registration, the time which all students eagerly anticipate as they buy compasses and gather maps of the Fieldhouse. Actually, the system of enrolling has been greatly simplified and condensed in the last few years, but as for registration ... hundreds of students still wander around the center of the Fieldhouse, clutching in their hands orange and white IBM cards and schedules of classes. After finally deciphering the small subject signs over the tables and waiting an hour or two for the instructors to come back from lunch, the student suddenly discovers that he is in the wrong line. Eventually he does enroll in all his courses, but he now faces a 7 : 30 class.
And where the key is but a pen behold the glittering treasures Reciting dates, theories, and facts, students file slowly into the exam room. These are finals; these are the times which will tell the result of the study, or its lack, which has gone into a semester's work. As the tests are passed out, the students experience a final wave of despair and anxiety . . . then there is time for nothing but the questions and problems. The two hours which students spend in each final may mean the difference between passingor flunking the course. Those who have studied well throughout the semester may "ace it," and others might just "luck out." The result of the test and the course is a grade, a promise to oneself to do better, or pride in one's work. It may mean the monthly check from the government or the scholarship that keeps a person in school. Whatever the result, finals will roll around again the next semester, bringing with them the same worries, the same fears . . . the same question, "Can I do it?" Heads are silently bowed as the final goes on.
The mechanics ... the outward motions are but symbols of the inner activity ... analysis, synthesis...
At any angle . . . effort . . . climax to past work
Empty chairs, sole witnesses to this last-minute effort
Framed by bunting, members of the Class
- stand ready to graduate from an old and enter a new life.
Graduates stream to their places on the Stadium field that they may receive their tickets to the future.
the music of the full orchestra
Who are prouder today . . . friends of the graduates, standing during a solemn part of the program . . .
. or the graduates themselves, as they wait for the ceremony to begin?
Go^ Harold W. Handley, '32,
recciNeci an honorary
LL.D. degree from President Herman B Wells.
Together for the last time, receiving the official farewell 132
Band, gowns, pillars ... all part of the pomp
Surrounded by success, an atmosphere of quiet satisfaction A moment of joy, of relief, anticipated for four years.
The end of a beginning . . . this is graduation. Four or more years of learning are climaxed in the diploma which each graduate receives. Commencement brings with it both joy and sorrow, for it closes the pages of one of the happiest chapters of life and opens to another that is more serious, yet more fulfilling. Some students may work towards an advanced degree, but for most the part of life spent on campus . . . the classes, the exams, the activities . . . suddenly ceases to be. Formal education of books and research ends with graduation. Most education now comes from living with other people and learning from life itself. As the graduate receives his diploma, a new world opens up to him. He is no longer one among a few . in a student body. He is one among many in an adult community. The cap and gown are replaced by the suit of responsibility. The education which he has received provides the basis for a job in his chosen vocation. Natural ability, the incentive to work, and his reaction to surrounding competition will direct his advancement and success. School gave him the wings. Graduation gave him the license. Now . . . sky's the limit!
On the eve of a beginning...
A bit of Old English yuletide
stars and hearts spangle bright
Disaster struck IU this year! For the first time in many seasons, Santa Claus did not visit the campus. United Nations work kept President Wells, Saint Nick, away from home; but he sent his pixie helpers to "Christmas Eve on Campus." Christmas is the time of the year which students most eagerly anticipate, a chance to see old friends again, to be with one's family, to celebrate religious events, and to rest from classes and activities. No matter what is being celebrated . . . Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas . . . any holiday is a chance for old acquaintances to recall the happy and sad times of the past and to build memories for the future.
Guests and singers enjoy Madrigal Dinner festivity.
Alumni Hall looked like a castle for madrigal diners.
Giving a preview of campus Christmas Eve 135
Serene laughter borne on a wave of melody through a night of dream
Pre-party preparations
An informal approach to regular rhythm
Royal couple . . . honored with leading dance
Which pain is greater, that of creation or that of acceptance?
Last-minute mopping and propping So close a friend .. . Tribute to the resigned ever-waitin' male
And he sent me a corsage this big. POWDER ROOM
so easy to tease . . . such happy smiles . . . what a wonderful dance!
Pianists sets soft mood at intermission.
Equality in eating with no preference for dress 139
Arbutus Queen
Marlyn Grebe The college girl . . . a paradox Sometimes a pixie in a cocktail dress Sometimes a sweater clad gamin Always a friendly warm companion With the natural happy sophistication Of true beauty
Phyllis Mason The cover girl . . . poised and vibrant With a constant sparkle Gay charm Her smile . . . contagious
Bee Browning The girl next door . . . a quiet loveliness With a love for the beauty about her A study of serenity
Diane Wilson The career girl . . . a young miss With a quick perception An expressive face Her features . . . classic
Sue Charlesworth The modern girl . . . a coed With imagination With sparkling eyes and a pony tail
The Administration ... the heart of the university, expresses its influence through the schools, bureaus, and offices under its direction. Through the efforts and guidance of the officials and governing boards, broader and better facilities offer the student opportunities for a full academic, social, and personal growth.
Board of Trustees
Left to right: (seated) John S. Hastings, president, and Mrs. Mar .Hickam, C. Walter McCarty, Earl B. Pulse, Fenwick T. Reed, R. Maurer, vice-president. (Standing) Ray C. Thomas, Willis secretary.
President Herman B Wells
President Wells and colleagues at a United Nations gathering
On hand for a special event
In his study, amid books, he finds a minute to rest.
President Wells for the past year, has combined his duties as a college president with those of a delegate to the United Nations. President Wells was U. S. representative on Committee Four, the Trusteeship Committee. The Committee's most important function, according to Dr. Wells, was "giving administrative help to countries on their way to independence." While in New York, the President kept in touch with University activities through wires and correspondence. When his advice was needed, he was telephoned. During weekends that he spent on campus, he completed necessary paper work of his office, and attended faculty and council meetings and campus functions. This year President Wells moved from his home, one of the oldest in Monroe County, to the president's house located on campus. Once occupied by former President Emeritus William Lowe Bryan, the home was remodeled for the convenience of Dr. Wells and his mother, Mrs. Grandville Wells. Mrs. Wells and son enjoy candlelight dinners
A gracious lady and a gracious smile Dr. Wells and mother relax among world travel souveniers 151
Herman T. Briscoe, Vice President and Dean of Faculties
Hoseph A. Franklin, Vice President and Treasurer
John W. Ashton, Vice President and Dean of Student and Educational Services
Wendell W. Wright, Vice President and Director of Administrative Studies and Institutional Relations
Faculty Council
Seated (left to right): Prof. Ivan C. Rutledge, Prof. Harry C. Sauvain, Dean Leon H. Wallace, Prof. William R. Breneman, Dean Pressley S. Sikes, Prof. Byrum E. Carter, Assoc. Prof. Mary Elizabeth Campbell, Dean Frank T. Gucker, Miss Louise Rarick, Assist. Prof. Mary Gaither, Dean Ralph E. Cleland, Dean Rob-
ert H. Shaffer, Robert N. Robinson. Standing: Prof. Sid Robinson, Prof. Taulman A. Miller, Assoc. Prof. Philip B. Daghlian, Rufus Reiberg, Prof. Harry G. Day, Assoc. Prof. Henry H. Remak, Dean Arthur S. Daniels, Prof. Newell H. Long.
Distinguished Award Professors Byrum E. Carter, associate professor of government, is the youngest recipient of the Frederic Bachman Lieber Award. This award is given for excellence in teaching. Dr. Carter respects the intelligence of his students and demands the use of their ability. Emil J. Konopinski, professor of physics, was chosen as the winner of the Leather Medal Award. The award goes to the faculty member who has done the most to bring distinction to the University during the past year. Dr. Konopinski was the first expert to state that it was safe to build a hydrogen bomb without destroying the universe. Merritt Lawlis, assistant professor of English, was the 1956 winner of the Brown Derby Award. Philosophy Professor Henry B. Veatch Jr. is two-time winner of the award which is presented each year to the "most popular professor" by Sigma Delta Chi. Dr. Veatch, winner of the award in 1954 and again in 1957, is known to his students as a dramatic and lively lecturer.
Byrum E. Carter
Emil I. Konopinski Merritt E. Lawlis and Henry B. Veatch Jr.
Distinguished Service Professors
Jerome Hall
K. P. Williams
11111111011111 '1111111'1
Tracy Y. Thomas T. M. Sonneborn
John R. Moore H. J. Muller
The title of Distinguished Service Professor was first bestowed upon three professors by the Indiana University Board of Trustees in 1953. Only four other scholars have been honored by receiving this title since that time. Professor Jerome Hall, School of Law, is one of the 1957 selections. This outstanding legal scholar has brought distinction to himself and to the University through his legal writings and lectures. K. P. Williams, professor of mathematics at IU since 1909, was also selected in 1957. He is author of Lincoln Finds a General, a book describing the Union side of the Civil War. Professor T. M. Sonneborn, Department of Zoology, is one of the University's best-known scientists. Chosen in 1953, he is famous for his studies in genetics and cancer research. Professor H. J. Muller, Department of Zoology, was also chosen in 1953. He is the recipient of the 1946 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his studies of the effects of x-rays on living organisms. Selected in 1956, Professor John R. Moore has been teaching English at IU for 35 years. He is the world's leading authority on the life and works of Daniel Defoe. Professor Tracy Y. Thomas was also selected in 1956. He has written several articles and memoirs on his researches in mathematics.
Robert W. Thompson
Professors in the News Professor Robert W. Thompson, Dept. of Physics, discoverer of the Theta particle of the atom, is now directing the construction of the world's largest cloud chamber for the study of cosmic rays. Professor Samuel Yellen, Dept. of English, is a wellknown writer of fiction and poetry. He recently published a book of short stories entitledThe Passionate Shepherd which won critical acclaim. Indiana University has grown in importance partly through the energies of Professor Henry Hope, Chairman of the Dept. of Fine Arts. A leading figure in national art affairs, he has built the I.U. department into one of the nation's leading art schools. Professor Allan Mitchell, Dir. of Research in the Dept. of Physics, is a representative of the university and one of the leaders in the Midwest University Research Association. The organization was set up in the hopes of constructing a giant atom smasher. This project would involve cooperation among all universities. Professor S. F. Otteson, Director of the Bureau of Business Research, has the major responsibility for his bureau's bringing fame to the School of Business through its research and publications.Business Horizons is a new quarterly publication just begun this year. Professor Walter H. Laves, Chairman of the Dept. of Government, was a representative to the United Nations and was on the governing board of UNESCO. He is consultant for the technical assistance program of the U.N. This program was set up to help other countries economically. 156
Samuel Yellen Henry Hope
S. F. Otteson
Walter H. Laves
Allan Mitchel
Counseling aids students in the solving of various problems which they face during their college life. The office provides personal counseling in regard to future vocations, finances, and academic adjustment. If necessary, it refers students to clinics and other counseling agencies which have been organized to handle specific problems. By working with campus leaders, the office hopes to create favorable attitudes, environment, and personal development for all students. A leadership training course is taught by Dean Shaffer to promote discipline and development of student government and leadership. Robert H. Shaffer, Dean of Students
William D. Martinson, Director of Counseling
Leo R. Dow ling, Associate Dean of Students
Junior Division is concerned with all students entering Indiana University for the first time. The division acts as a transitional department through which the new student must pass before turning to his particular area of concentration. Each student is assigned a faculty counselor who informs him of the requirements that should be fulfilled for admittance to the particular school of his choice. The freshman is also helped with any other academic problems he might have. Each year the division holds a High School-Junior Division Conference. Through the conference, the Junior Division hopes to find methods of improving the first-year student's adjustment to college life. Pressly S. Sikes, Dean of Junior Division
Leroy E. Hull, Assistant Dean of Junior Division
Clum Bucher, Associate Dean of Junior Division
provide food and rooms for students living in University housing, textbooks and supplies available at University bookstores, a publishing and duplicating department, and talent from throughout the entertain-
Service Enterprises
ment world.
Indicative of the continuing progress made by this self-supporting organization are the new additions to the Indiana Memorial Union Building. Bowling alleys, craft shops, an outdoor terrace, and shuffleboard courts are included in the west wing, which was completed this Fall. The east wing, upon completion, will provide another cafeteria, a table service dining room, private dining rooms, offices, guest rooms and apartments, conference rooms, and an auditorium.
George Olsen, Halls of Residence Director
Robert L. Mossholder, Publications Director
Lawrence L. Davis, Auditorium Manager
Harold W. Jordan, Director of Service Enterprises, Director of the Indiana Union
Buildings and Grounds H. E. Pearson, Supt. of Buildings and Grounds
repairs and maintains the university academic buildings and the 1600 acres of campus with a staff of 309 men. Specialized workers employed by this department recently remodeled Maxwell Hall, converting it from an academic building to an office building. Heat and power are also provided by the department for the Union Building, dormitories, athletic and academic buildings. The department's office is presently a showplace of the future Indiana University, containing miniature scale models of planned construction on campus.
Nature provides her continual problems. Remodeling is part of a day's work.
Constant effort .. .
keeps the job don( well.
Secretaries and Office Workers are the gears that keep a university turning. To them falls the task of keeping the records, answering the phone calls, mailing the notices, and the thousand tiny, important jobs which create order in this vast undertaking. Many students are employed on a part-time basis by the various departments of the university. Wives of students and Bloomington residents comprise the staff of full-time employees. Separately, each person is an employee with his own definite job. Together, they comprise their own kind of team. Tons of paper and gallons of ink . . . all in type
Duties range even to the handling of photographs.
Thousands of records give complicated simplicity.
Mechanical efficiency meets modern demands.
Behind the service titles is found the
Library Central Housing Office E. Ross Bartley, Director of News Bureau
key to a smoothly run university Many university personnel bureaus and services have a great influence upon the student's personal adjustment to college life, health, and happiness. The Student Activities Office regulates all social and extra-curricular programs. Organized to help the student's financial problems, the Scholarship Office provides information about and distributes various scholarships that are available on campus. International Services assists the foreign student in solving problems that are related to his personal and academic adjustment to the university. The Central Housing Office provides information regarding available housing facilities. The Office of Veteran Affairs informs the veteran of his educational rights and benefits. The Student Employment Office assists students in securing part-time employment. The Health Service offers treatment to the student and maintains his health record. The ReligiousChapel Guild conducts weekly colloquies and provides information about all religious activities available to students. The News Bureau collects and distributes information about organizations, individuals, and events that pertain to the university's activities. The Audio-Visual Center provides educational films and pictures. Combined, these offices and agencies provide a foundation on which students may build toward a successful college career. Virginia Rogers, Student Activities Director
Scholarships and Financial Aids
Leo R. Dowling, Assistant Director of Office of Veteran Affairs, Advisor to Foreign Students
Office of Veteran Affairs 166
Student Health Service
College of Arts and Sciences is a direct projection of the original Indiana State Seminary, which taught only Latin and Greek. More than half of the total faculty and student enrollment are included in its 46 areas of instruction. Expansion of the building program in the college is represented by Elisha Ballatine Hall, which is to be completed by the fall of 1960. This new humanities building will provide 103 much-needed classrooms and 375 offices.
Frank Gucker, Dean
Enter and learn the dynamics of language, study the art of a master's pen. Art can be found, captured, and studied in many ways.
Social study . . . the study of a people Government . . . vital, intricate, rewarding
Hopeful artists practice an ancient skill.
Appreciation of man's attempt to understand
Study of science . .. the challenge of a future
111 '114
.•••• Amu dak .
014. '•
Abramson, Allen Charles, A.B. Ahlgrim, Helen Rose, A.B. Ahn, Hee Ok, B.S. Aiken, Wallace Kirkland, Jr., B.S. Albright, David Edward, A.B.
Alishouse, Marjorie Ann, A.B. Allen, Barbara Ruth, A.B. Allen, John N., B.S. Allen, Paris M., A.B. Allen, Patricia E., B.S.
Allin, James Frederick, Jr., A.B. Allmann, David William, B.S. Alltop, William O'Bannon, A.B. Alt, Thomas Henry, A.B. Alther, Robert Charles, Jr., A.B.
Ancel, Steven Harlan, A.B. Anderson, Barbara Mae, B.S. Archibald, Shirley, B.S. Armentrout, Wayne Lee, A.B. Armitage, Kenneth, A.B.
Asch, Joseph Harry, A.B. Asher, Marilyn Louise, A.B. Ast, Doris Anne, A.B. Baker, Jack Wilson, B.S. Baldwin, David Allen, A.B.
Barry, Robert John, A.B. Bates, Devon Alan, A.B. Batts, Marion Monroe, A.B. Bechtold, Janet Yvonne, A.B. Bedell, Willa Burke, B.S.
Bedwell, Barbara Ann, A.B. Begley, Robert William, A.B. Bennett, Barbara Leona, A.B. Bennett, James Francis, B.S. Benzel, Lucinda, A.B.
Berkey, Nancy Kirk, A.B. Berndt, Allen Keith, B.S. Bird, Martha Louise, A.B. Birder, Abraham 0., A.B. Bless, Pat E., B.S.
Bowles, John Edward, A.B. Bowman, Loretta Lee, B.S. Brady, Kathleen Sharon, B.S. Brock, Opal Alice, B.S. Bronstein, Rosemary, A.B.
Brooks, Caroline Stewart, A.B. Brooks, Kenneth Herbert, A.B. Brossart, John William, A.B. Brown, Mary, A.B. Brown, Robert Evan, A.B.
Brumback, Gary Bruce, A.B. Buchanan, Sally Kay, A.B. Buck, Donna Ruth, A.B. Burnett, William Edmond, A.B. Burton, Donald Loring, A.B.
Burton, Doris-Jean Roth, A.B. Burton, Edward Lee, A.B. Burton, Jerry Rex, A.B. Bush, Sharon Rae, A.B. Bustt, Edward Robert, A.B.
Calenberg, Thomas Wayne, B.S. Canright, John Emory, A.B. Carmichael, Jack, A.B. Carter, James Richard, A.B. Cazelais, Bebette Mignonne, A.B.
Cerda, Helen, A.B. Chandler, Ralph Wallace, A.B. Charlesworth, Sue Ann, A.B. Chenoweth, Joyce Karen, A.B. Chick, Leo Robert, A.B.
Chochos, Liberty Zoe, A.B. Christensen, Carl, B.S. Clark, John Bruce, A.B. Clevenger, Richard, B.S. Cogdell, Charles Robert, A.B.
Compton, Jerry Lawrence, A.B. Cooper, Roberta Corinne, A.B. Cougias, James, Jr., A.B. Crabill, Phillip Jon, A.B. Crawley, William Edward, A.B.
Cregar, James M., A.B. Crewell, Larry Joe, A.B. Grist, Robert Vincent, A.B. Cronin, Joe Francis, B.S. Crow, Joan, A.B.
Cumberland, William Stuart, A.B. Cummings, Sandra Ann, A.B. Cummins, Larry, A.B. Currier, Nancy Jean, A.B. Dannerbeck, Francis Joseph, A.B.
Dauler, George Philip, B.S. Davidson, Carol Rose, A.B. DeCory, Claudette Kay, B.S. DeCosta, Catherine, A.B. Denton, Victor Haynie, A.B.
DeRudder, Ronald Dean, B.S. Dewey, James Richard, A.B. Dick, Thomas Phillip, A.B. Dickson, Charles Richard, A.B. Dinin, David, A.B.
Doering, David, A.B. Dorman, Daniel, A.B. Downen, John David, A.B. Driskell, Richard Gerald, A.B. Duke, Frank Daly, A.B.
Elliott, Daniel Robert, A.B. Erickson, M. Joan, A.B. Esckelson, Gene Kenneth, A.B. Eshleman, Ira Clayton, A.B. Eshleman, Lindley Heath, A.B.
Felder, Susan Merica, A.B. Ferguson, David A., A.B. Fisher, Nancy Ann, A.B. FitzGibbon, Sally Ann, A.B. Fleming, Joan Louise, A.B.
Foley, Ann, A.B. Foulkes, William Howard, IV, A.B. Fouts, Marjorie Ann, B.S. Frank, Judith Ann, A.B. Frankovitz, Treva Gertrude, A.B.
Frappier, Marian Joyce, B.S. Freeman, Alice A. Talent, A.B. From, Arthur H. L., A.B. Gaddis, William Russell, A.B. Gallay, Sheila Lossie, A.B.
Ganchiff, Robert Lee, A.B. Garcia, Robert H., A.B. Gasaway, Judy Ann, A.B. Gaydosh, Lawrence John, A.B. Genrich, Bonnie Jeanne, A.B.
Geshwiler. Joseph Elton, A.B. Gewurz, Henry, A.B. Gibbs, Charles Parker, A.B. Gold, Stuart Milton, A.B. Goldman, Richard David, A.B.
Goldstein, Melvin Earl, A.B. Grabill, Doris Evelyn, A.B. Graf, Aldora, A.B. Gray, Linda Sue, A.B. Green, Betty Jean, B.S.
Green, Jana Lee, B.S. Greenstein, Samuel, A.B. Groninger, William Dean, A.B. Gross, Margaret Ann, A.B. Gross, Michael Jonathan, A.B.
Gugel, Lorenz Walter, A.B. Hall, Amos Stanley, A.B. Hall, Richard Eugene, A.B. Hammond, Jaqueline Carlyeen, A.B. Happel, William Keith, A.B.
Harbin, Billy Joe, A.B. Harker, Albert Coyner, A.B. Harper, Mary Yvonne, B.S. Hart, Elinor, A.B. Hattery, Florence Ann, A.B.
Havey, Judy, A.B. Hawley, Richard Ray, A.B. Hayes, Donald Charles, B.S. Heiman, Jacqueline Kaye, A.B. Herget, Marilyn Jean, A.B.
Hippensteel, Robert Carl, A.B. Hively, Richard Lee, B.S. Hokanson, William Alvin, A.B. Holder, Carolyn Ann, A.B. Holmes, Virginia Anne, A.B.
Holt, John Volney, A.B. Houk, Judith Ann, A.B. Howe, David Allen, B.S. Huff, Douglas, A.B. Hunt, Roger C., B.S.
Hunter, Mary George, A.B. Jacoby, Glenn Patrick, A.B. Jinks, James Clifford, A.B. Johnson, Albert Cedric, A.B. Johnson, Dianne, B.S.
Johnson, Vernard Leonell, A.B. Jones, Nancy Ellen, A.B. Jones, Ralph Howard, A.B. Jontz, Jon Phillip, A.B. Juddakis, Isabel Nijole, B.S.
Kacer, Daniel John, A.B. Kaiser, Rosemary Caryl, A.B. Keeley, Beverley Ann, A.B. Keilman, Dennis Jude, A.B. Kellum, Kathryn Ann, A.B.
Kemp, Sandra Lee, A.B. Kennedy, David Boyd, A.B. Kierspe, Nancy Jane, A.B. Kimbrough, Charles Maybery, A.B. Kirby, Robert Ward, B.S.
Kitajima, Noritaka, A.B. Korcak, Jerome Michael, A.B. Kosatka, Judith, A.B. Kroczek, Thomas Alan, B.S. Ku, Chia Wei, B.S.
Kulka, Stanley Joseph, A.B. LaFollette, Julia Ann, A.B. Lahey, Maureen Annette, A.B. Lakind, Barry, A.B. Lambert, G. Joy, A.B.
Lambert, Martha Jane, B.S. Landes, Clifford Reign, A.B. La Tour, Edward Joseph, B.S. Lauterbach, Lawrence Walter, A.B. Laycock, Janette Ruth, A.B.
LeBurkien, Michael Philipe, A.B. Leeson, Mary Carolyn, B.S. Legg, James Clifton, B.S. Lieberum, Carol Ann, A.B. Lockerbie, Arline Mae, A.B.
Loughlin, Naomi Margaret, A.B. Lowe, James Jay, A.B. Luty, Doris Anna, A.B. Lydy, David Lee, B.S. Lyskowinski, Edwin Arnold, A.B.
McCabe, Larry Mike, B.S. McCan, Jean Franklin, A.B. McCollum, Sarah Ann, A.B. McConnaha, Stuart Alyn, A.B. McCullough, Thomas Frederick, B.S.
McDow, Wyana, A.B. McLaughlin, Robert Louis, A.B. McSherry, Sara Kay, A.B. Marconi, Richard Dale, A.B. Martin, Bob Alonza, A.B.
Martin, Janna, A.B. Martin, Marian Elizabeth, A.B. Mathers, Gerald B. II, A.B. Mathews, David Lane, B.S. Matsunami, Betty Hiroko, A.B.
Matthew, Elizabeth Ann, A.B. Medich, Joseph Michael, A.B. Michelson, Marilyn W., A.B. Millburn, Jane Ann, B.S. Millender, Shirley Anne, A.B.
Mitchell, James Paul, A.B. Molland, Betty Mae, A.B. Moreira, Pilar, B.S. Morris, Ruth JoAnne, A.B. Morrison, Stella Margaret, B.S.
Moshak, John, A.B. Mount, James Lee, A.B. Mueller, Charles George, A.B. Mueller, Sondra Rody, A.B. Musgrave, Mary Jane, B.S.
Myers, Janice, A.B. Napper, Karl Frank, A.B. Nash, Shirley Ann, A.B. Need, David John, A.B. Neese, Sandra Anne, A.B.
Nesaule, Beate, A.B. Newman, Justine, A.B. Nichols, Carl Thomas, A.B. Nist, Joan Margaret, A.B. Northrup, Jack B., B.S.
Nusbaum, Jo Ann, A.B. Oglesby, Mabel, B.S. Olson, Franklin Don, A.B. Osborn, Fred Glen, A.B. Osmon, Herbert G., A.B.
Owen, John Frederick, A.B. Owens, Charlene Deloris, B.S. Padula, Michael Joseph, A.B. Painter, Jane Bond, A.B. Paler, Vernon Modesto, A.B.
Parker, John Stephen, B.S. Parker, Richard Mack, A.B. Partenheimer, Vern Phillip, A.B. Patterson, Keith Alden, B.S. Peacher, Jerry Lee, B.S.
Petry, Robert Franklin, B.S. Pico, Clarence Wayne, A.B. Pinkham, Chester Allen III, A.B. Pirie, Robert Gordon, B.S. Plotke, Peter Michael, A.B.
Pohlmann, William Clark, A.B. Polivka, Judith Marie, A.B. Poolitsan, Mary Catherine, A.B. Poteet, Nancy Dell, A.B. Powell, Roy Bleeker, A.B.
Ragland, Penelope Anne, A.B. Ragland, Thomas Edward, A.B. Rankin, Jane Fair, A.B. Ransel, Jane Ellen, A.B. Ransford, John William, B.S.
Reed, Jon Richard, B.S. Reynard, Mary Jo, B.S. Rieser, John Abel, B.S. Riesmeyer, James Frank, A.B. Robinson, Roger Frank, A.B.
Root, Phyllis Darlene, A.B. Roser, Marilyn Claire, A.B. Rossin, Elinor, A.B. Rountree, Clyde Branan, A.B. Rufe, Morris Earl, A.B.
VA Russell, Victor Herbert, A.B. Sacopulos, Eugenia, A.B. Sampanis, Leo, A.B. Sandelands, Shirley Jean, A.B. Sands, James Wilmington, B.S.
Saperstein, Tobe Jean, A.B. Savage, Ann Elizabeth, A.B. Scharlach, Norma Jean, A.B. Schmidt, Linde Lawien, A.B. Schon, James Lee, A.B.
Schooley, David J., A.B. Schowe, Glenn Allen, A.B. Schwalbe, Louise, A.B. Schneider, William Arthur, A.B. Schrenk, George Louis, B.S.
Schroeder, Sandra Kay, A.B., B.S. Schuelke, Phyllis Ann, B.S. Schuler, Sue Ann, A.B. Schumacher, Richard Rardin, A.B. Schudder, Virgil Elmer, A.B.
Seidensticker, Helen, A.B. Seward, Beaudette R., A.B. Shaw, Gail Ellen, A.B. Sieron, Jerry Kenneth, B.S. Silver, Linda Kay, A.B.
Simpson, George Wilfred, A.B. Sinnett, David Barth, A.B. Smith, David McMullen, A.B. Smith, Evrett F. E., A.B. Smith, Gene William, A.B.
Smith, Marlene Kay, A.B. Smith, Patsy Jo, B.S. Smith, Ronald Haldeman, A.B. Snyder, Kay, B.S. Snyder, Norman Karl, A.B.
Sohn, Anton Paul, A.B. Sprengelmeyer, James, A.B. St. Leger, Francis William Hugh, A.B. St. Martin, Ronald Francis, A.B. Staggs, Stephen Douglas, A.B.
Stark, Ronald L., A.B. Steckley, Suzanne Cramer, A.B. Stevens, Edward Clark, A.B. Stoltz, Peggy Ann, A.B. Stouder, Jane Ann, A.B.
Stove, Jeanne Lorraine, A.B. Strauss, Barbara Jane, A.B. Straw, William Thomas, B.S. Streaty, Charles E., A.B. Strege, Violet Gay, B.S.
Strickland, Jerald Wayne, B.S. Strickland, Jill Elizabeth, A.B. Stucky, Judith Anne, A.B. Summers, William Dean, A.B. Sutton, Richard Alan, A.B.
Talbot, Sara Davidson, A.B. Talesnick, Nora Jane, A.B. Tamcsin, Dawn Edith, A.B. Tan, Binky, A.B. Taylor, Patricia Lee, B.S.
Thomas, Patricia Arnold, A.B. Thompson, Donald John, Jr., A.B. Thorson, Barbara Jane, A.B. Turner, Jane Lefley, B.S. Turner, Kenneth Jerome, A.B.
Uhles, Edward C., Jr., A.B. Van Senus, Robert A., A.B. Varkony, JoAnn Carole, A.B. Wade, Douglas McAllister, A.B. Wade, Jack Leslie, B.S.
Wagner, Julia Courtland, A.B. Wagoner, Anne Turner, A.B. Wagoner, Dale Eugene, A.B. Walton, Thelma Pearl, A.B. Watt, Barbara Lorraine, A.B.
Weasner, Paul Dean, A.B. Webb, Mildred Elizabeth, A.B. Weber, Luise Mardel, B.S. Weinstein, Philip B., A.B. Wellman, Gene M., B.S.
Whalen, Edward Leonard, A.B. Williams, Judith Ann, A.B. Williams, Richard Norman, B.S. Willits, Suzanne Ray, B.S. Winter, Doyle Gene, A.B.
Wisner, Carolyn Ann, B.S. Wolfe, Joseph Andrew, B.S. Wolfe, Ronald Clifton, A.B. Wooldridge, Corrine Ruth, A.B. Woolls, Esther Blanche, A.B.
Wright, David Eugene, A.B. Wright, Diana Carleen Alpers, B.S. Wright, Fredric A., A.B. Young, John Smith, A.B. Young, Joseph, A.B.
Zatorski, Jeff, A.B.
School of Business
Quiet study conditions may be found in the library.
was named the School of Commerce and Finance by the Board of Trustees in 1920. Business courses were previously offered in a two-year commercial program in the College of Arts and Sciences. The name of the school was changed to School of Business Administration in 1933 and then was shortened to School of Business in 1938. A new development in the school is the junior comprehensive examination. Its purpose is to give students an opportunity to integrate their knowledge of basic business courses in preparation for their senior year. This year the school introduced BUSINESS HORIZONS, a quarterly publication containing articles about current, live, controversial issues of interest to business executives and professors.
The Placement Bureau helps to place graduates in new jobs.
Round table discussion in session.
Shelves of business references help with research.
Arthur M. Weimer
Business Seniors Alberts, Jerrold Stanley, B.S. Allen, Robert L., B.S. Allen, Robert Spencer, B.S. Ailing, James Winslow, B.S. Almon, James Earl, B.S.
Alt, Donald Philip, B.S. Anderson, Jack Leo, B.S. Andrews, Jack Barnett, B.S. Anthony, James LeRoy, B.S. Antrim, Robin Joseph, B.S.
Applas, Richard Emerson, B.S. Armstrong, Kenneth James, B.S. Ashley, Richard Harold, B.S. Autrey, Ruth Helen, B.S. Baber, John Lewis, B.S.
Badiac, Bruce Allen, B.S. Baer, Jerry W., B.S. Baker, Bruce Hart, B.S. Bales, Robert Henry, B.S. Ballentine, Robert James, B.S.
Banziger, Milton Robert, B.S. Barnes, Ronald H., B.S. Barnett, Eddie Gene, B.S. Baron. Larry Wayne, B.S. Barr, Jack Barry, B.S. Barrett, Jack Edward, B.S. Barwick, T. Harold, B.S. Bassett, Martin Marshall, Jr., B.S. Bauer, John Thomas, B.S. Baylis, Herbert Jackson Jr., B.S.
Becker, Irwin Allen, B.S. Becker, Lawrence Dale, B.S. Beckett, George Logan, B.S. Beeker, Glen E., B.S. Belding, James Arthur, B.S.
Bengston, Ronald Carl, B.S. Benham, Richard Ervin, B.S. Bereolos, James Peter, B.S. Beres, Robert Emery, B.S. Bergsman, Barry R., B.S.
Bergstedt, Alan Wendell, B.S. Berkshire, James Allen, B.S. Betts, Thomas Russell, B.S. Biddle, James Arthur, B.S. Biel, Kent Mellor, B.S.
Biggs, Gerald Paul, B.S. Biggs, Robert Miller, B.S. Bishop, James Gerry, B.S. Blackburn, James Richard, B.S. Bloom, Marian Jean, B.S.
Bohlander, Robert Gene, B.S. Bone, David Alexander, Jr., B.S. Boose, Elsie Mae, B.S. Booth, Richard Lawrence, B.S. Borcherding, Ronald Gene, B.S.
Borman, Mary Ellen, B.S. Borton, Larry J., B.S. Boss, Beryl Eugene, B.S. Bowman, John Wesley, B.S. Boyll, Robert Claude, B.S.
Brooke, James Lauer, B.S. Brown, Bill Chapman, B.S. Brucato, Frank James, B.S. Bugg, Nancy Ruth, B.S. Burns, James Vreeland, B.S.
Cagiantas, James S., B.S. Cantor, Melvin D., B.S. Caress, John Hugh, B.S. Carlson, Ronald Lamar, B.S. Carlton, David William, B.S.
Carpenter, Jerry Lee, B.S. Cassaday, Kenneth Wayne, B.S. Cassell, Billie Gene, B.S. Caudill, Robert W., B.S. Cellini, Lawrence Benvenuto, B.S.
Chalfant, Joe Shaw, B.S. Chamberlain, James Louis, B.S. Chan, Marilyn Victoria, B.S. Chandler, Jerome Nelson, B.S. Chantrasmi, Ben Bantheung, B.S.
Chastain, William Nelson, B.S. Cheesbrough, Leon R., B.S. Chew, Phillip B., B.S. Chochos, Chris Cosmo, B.S. Chreste, William Henry, Jr., B.S.
Clark, James Samuel, B.S. Clarke, John Patrick, B.S. Cleary, Dolores Jeannette, B.S. Clifford, Robert Henry, B.S. Cohen, Louis Fredric, B.S.
Cohen, Ronald Sheldon, B.S. Cole, Peter Stratton, B.S. Collings, John W., B.S. Cook, George Robert, B.S. Coon, Emery Ellis, Jr., B.S.
Cordill, Alan, B.S. Cortelyou, Linda Lou, B.S. Couch, Daniel M., B.S. Cox, David Christman, B.S. Cronin, Richard James, B.S.
Crowe, Harold William, B.S. Cummins, George Smith, Jr., B.S. Cunningham, R. Kent, B.S. Curtis, James Edward, B.S. Curtis, Michael Riley, B.S.
David, Nancy Ann, B.S. Davis, Richard Joe, B.S. Deam, Donner McKinley, B.S. Dees, William Archie, B.S. DeItoro, Wilfred James, B.S.
Denny, Jerry A., B.S. Denny, Joseph Charles, B.S. Denunzio, David L., B.S. Dickman, Kenneth George, B.S. Dill, Ramon Finley, B.S. Dillon, Robert Kenzie, Jr., B.S. Ditlinger, Donald Edward, B.S. Divine, Jack Vern, B.S. Dotson, Gerald Dane, B.S. Dottenwhy, Richard Edward, B.S.
Douglas, John Hilton, B.S. Dowling, Dorothy Louise, B.S. Downer, John D., B.S. Doyle, Joseph Raymond, B.S. Doyle, Thomas Edward, B.S.
Due, Oscar Elsworth, B.S. Dunigan, Warren Devon, B.S. Duvall, Lynden Pectol, B.S. Duvin, Robert Phillip, B.S. Early, Rexford C., B.S.
Easter, Benjamin Franklin, B.S. Eastridge, Charles Joseph, B.S. Ede, James C., B.S. Edmondson, Frank Kelley, Jr., B.S. Edwards, Robert Alan, B.S.
Eickman, Charles Harry, B.S. Elmer, Gregg Alan, B.S. Elwood, Richard, B.S. Emerson, Lloyd Allen, B.S. Engelking, Fred Joseph, B.S.
Enkoff, Carl Glen, B.S. Enoch, John Gordon, B.S. Erwin, Rose Ann, B.S. Etter, Thomas Peter, B.S. Fackler, William N., B.S.
Fahey, Kenneth Thomas, B.S. Fara, Thomas Ray, B.S. Felder, George Frank, Jr., B.S. Fenster, Ira, B.S. Fenstermaker, James, B.S.
Ferguson, Richard J., B.S. Fetterer, Edgar David, B.S. Feutz, Carolyn Jane, B.S. Fields, Tevis Landon, Jr., B.S. Figg, Julia Joann, B.S.
Finke, Robert Harold, B.S. Fishman, Stuart Charles, B.S. Fitzgerald, Ann, B.S. Fitzgerald, Gerald Lee, B.S. Ford, Gerald L., B.S.
Forsha, Charles Edward, B.S. Fowler, Eugene Charles, B.S. Fowler, Ronald K., B.S. Friend, Edward Isaac, B.S. Fry, William Rolland, B.S.
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Furlong, Timothy, B.S. Furr, Marjorie Ann, B.S. Gage, Frederick Howard, B.S. Gallinatti, Dean George, B.S. Geary, Thomas Emmet, B.S.
Gee, Samuel Byron, B.S. Genrich, Carl B., B.S. Gharst, John Dale, B.S. Gibbs, James Paul, B.S. Gilcrist, Philip Myron, B.S.
Gilman, Ray D., B.S. Gish, Bart Leon, B.S. Glancy, Thomas James, B.S. Glasel, Dean Joseph, B.S. Glazier, Harry, B.S.
Glenn, Tom Alexander, B.S. Gmerek, Marion Joan, B.S. Goddard, Don Richard, B.S. Goldberg, Howard, B.S. Goldberg, Stephen Ross, B.S.
Goodman, Wilma Sue, B.S. Gordon, Charles Elwood, B.S. Govert, Lester Raymond, B.S. Grande, Donald Irving, B.S. Grandson, Jean Taylor, B.S.
Gray, Max Lee, B.S. Gray, Robert Wingfield, B.S. Grebe, Marlyn Joyce, B.S. Greenball, Melvin Neal, B.S. Greenwald, William Louis, B.S.
Gregory, Orville Wilson, B.S. Griffin, William David, B.S. Griffith, Allen Leland, B.S. Grostefon, Jack Russell, B.S. Grove, Jerry Earl, B.S.
Grunewald, James Franklin, B.S. Gude, John S., B.S. Guerrero, Joaquin Castro, B.S. Gushwa, Roy Edward, Jr., B.S. Hagan, Arthur Robert, B.S. Hamilton, Thomas Wilford, B.S. Hanock, Franklin Noel, B.S. Harris, Chester Ray, B.S. Harris, Richard Lee, B.S. Harris, Robert, B.S.
Harris, Walter Warren, B.S. Harrow, Helen Mae, B.S. Hart, Neal Franklin, B.S. Harvey, William Lee, B.S. Hawblitzel, Mayr Ann, B.S.
Hawkins, Raymond Warren, B.S. Hawkins, Robert Marvel, B.S. Hayes, Robert Hunter, B.S. Hays, Jack G., B.S. Heiliger, Forrest Harold, B.S.
Heiman, Ray Allan, B.S. Heiwig, Stephen Dale, B.S. Helfrich, John William, B.S. Hendricks, Edwin Howard, B.S. Hess, Stanford Kenneth, B.S.
Hill, Donald Joseph, B.S. Hindman, Barry Lee, B.S. Hinton, Charles Bruce, B.S. Hipskind, Joseph Frederick, B.S. Hodges, Janet Kay, B.S.
Hodges, Richard Shouse, B.S. Hoham, Harry William, B.S. Holdeman, Stanley Jay, B.S. Holinko, Joseph Charles, B.S. Holle, Karlton, B.S.
Hollingshead, Billy Mac, B.S. Hoover, Cynthia Ann, B.S. Horr, Douglas Paul, B.S. House, Nancy Jane, B.S. Houser, Charles Robert, B.S.
Hudson, Charles Raymond, B.S. Huffman, Barbara Jean, B.S. Hufford, Floyd William, B.S. Hughey, James U., Jr., B.S. Huish, Paul Earl, B.S.
Hurrell, Wilson Albert, B.S. Hutslar, Robert Howard, B.S. Irish, Robert Louis, A.B. Jackson, Thomas Edward, B.S. Jacobs, Arthur David, B.S.
Jacobs, Stephen Leon, B.S. Jacobson, Jerome Allen, B.S. Janney, Nancy E., B.S. Jaquess, Wayne Keneipp, B.S. Jennings, Roselyn Joyce, B.S.
Jeshow, J. Ronald, B.S. Johnson, Larry Edmond, B.S. Jones, Everett Leslie III, B.S. Kahl, Lawrence Gene, B.S. Kalina, Eugene Steve, B.S.
Kamin, Donald Jerome, B.S. Karras, J. George, B.S. Kase, Dale La Verne, B.S. Keene, Robert Bascom, B.S. Kelleher, Conrad John, B.S.
Kelley, Barbara Jean, B.S. Kelly, Robert Sylvester, B.S. Kenley, Donald Eugene, B.S. Kenninger, Robert Lee, B.S. Kent, Fred Jay, B.S.
Kenworthy, Roger Allen, B.S. Kerr, Ned Joseph, B.S. Kiefer, Arnold Carl, B.S. Kiefer, Donald Louis, B.S. King, Jack Alan, B.S.
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King, Janet Marlene, B.S. King, William James, B.S. Kissinger, Joseph C., B.S. Kizer, Noble Edgar, B.S. Klausner, Jack Marvin, B.S.
Koehlinger, James Frederick, B.S. Koepke, Karl 0., B.S. Koher, David Louis, B.S. Komorowski, Norman Theodore, B.S. Koon, Robert H., B.S.
Kraus, Howard Owen, B.S. Kring, Robert Allen, B.S. Krueger, Charles Henry, B.S. Kuder, Carol, B.S. Kuhlmeier, Ralph Clayton, B.S.
Lagerwall, Sylvia Ruth, B.S. Lagerwall, Theodore Wayne, B.S. Lain, Ray Prichard, B.S. Larrick, Robert Carl, B.S. Lasker, Jack G., B.S.
Laubner, Albert Bernard, B.S. Lavengood, Ned R., B.S. Laycock, Read Bradford, B.S. Leman, D. S., B.S. Lerch, Ronald Lee, B.S.
Levesque, Gerald Ernest, B.S. Levin, Lewis Morton, B.S. Lieber, Eugene Glen, B.S. Linder, Paul Artell, B.S. Lindsey, Jay Frank, B.S.
Linnemeier, Thomas Jay, B.S. Little, Dale Kenyon, B.S. Littlewood, Robert Charles, B.S. Lively, Floyd Robert, B.S. Lough, Phillip Donald, B.S.
Love, William Curtis, B.S. Lovisa, Roman Anthony, B.S. Lowe, Dorothy Mae, B.S. Lowe, Gerald Keith, B.S. Lower, Joseph James, B.S.
Lucas, Daniel Edward, B.S. Luker, Howard E., B.S. Lunte, Walter Francis, B.S. Lurie, David Michael, B.S. McComb, William Russell, Jr., B.S.
McCormack, Ronald William, B.S. McCullough, Boyd Lee, B.S. McDowell, Ann Kathleen, B.S. McGarvey, Eugene J., Jr., B.S. McGrath, John D., B.S.
McKeever, James Ivan, B.S. McKinsey, Gerald Lee, B.S. McPike, David Dean, B.S. McQuilk in, Bonnie Jo, B.S. MacGillivray, Douglas Dean, B.S.
MacLennan, John Charles, B.S. Malson, David Arthur, B.S. Marls, Ronald Howard, B.S. Marshall, Robert Paul, B.S. Marsteller, Charles Earl, B.S.
Martin, Donald Merritt, B.S. Matthews, Mary Esther, B.S. Mayhall, Dale K., B.S. Melnik, Donald C., B.S. Merritt, James Lewis, B.S.
Metcalfe, Paul Vincent, B.S. Meyer, Fred. M., B.S. Meyers, Eugene Joseph, B.S. Meyers, Frances Janice, B.S. Michal, Victor Joe, B.S.
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Mikiska, Jerry Keith, B.S. Miller, Anne Carolyn, B.S. Miller, Dale Franklin, B.S. Miller, Don Robert, B.S. Miller, Douglass Wayne, B.S.
Miller, Joan Anne, B.S. Miller, Joseph, B.S. Miller, Lew Russell, B.S. Miller, Richard Donald, B.S. Miller, Thomas Lowell, B.S.
Milsten, Malcolm, B.S. Minkow, Bernard Aron, B.S. Miraglia, Rock Joseph, B.S. Mitchell, Robert Kenneth, B.S. Mitchell, Thom Elliott, B.S.
Mitchell, William Richard, B.S. Moblo, Ronald Jerome, B.S. Moore, Billy Ross, B.S. Moore, Harold Ray, B.S. Morgan, Jack Noble, B.S.
Moriarty, Russell Lee, B.S. Moser, Ted W., B.S. Moss, Gerald Leon, B.S. Mulligan, John Charles, B.S. Muraida, Cyril Leo, Jr., B.S.
Murdakes, Jim, B.S. Mysliwiec, John Ted, B.S. Narter, Irwin Harold, B.S. Neiswender, Daniel Frederick, B.S. Nelson, Alan Andrew, B.S.
Nesbitt, Wanita Carolyn, B.S. Neuman, Robert Paul, B.S. Nichols, C. Eugene, B.S. Niespodziany, Harry Stephen, B.S. Noblitt, John R., B.S.
Nolan, James Darrell, B.S. Norman, Donald Everett, B.S. Obremskey, Peter Lawrence, B.S. O'Leary, Patrick, B.S. Oliver, Ruth Gore, B.S.
O'Malley, J. Peter, B.S. O'Neal, Cedric Carter, B.S. Overmyer, David Wilbur, B.S. Pace, Theodore Passales, B.S. Page, Max Franklin, B.S.
Palmer, John Marion, B.S. Parker, Ferris H., B.S. Parker, Harry Lee, B.S. Parker, Jerry Dale, B.S. Patrick, Daniel W., B.S.
Paulauski, Barbara Ann, B.S. Payne, Richard Allen, B.S. Peachin. Edward, B.S. Peck, Don William, B.S. Percifield, William Lester, B.S.
Perkins, Donald Lee, B.S. Peters, Donald E., B.S. Petkovich, Charles Robert, B.S. Petroich, Ronald John, B.S. Pickerill, Robert Louis, B.S.
Pittman, Charlene Grace, B.S. Pitts, Jack Vail, B.S. Plaskett, Edward L., Jr., B.S. Plessinger, Judith Ann, B.S. Polk, Mary Evelyn, B.S.
Pomp, William Charles, B.S. Popyk, Raymond Robert, B.S. Powell, Phillip Eugene, B.S. Pramuk, Richard Joseph, B.S. Prieboy, Joseph John, B.S.
Pritchard, Judy, B.S. Puckett, Kenneth, B.S. Quiggle, Gerald Wayne, B.S. Ramey, Harold Kendall, B.S. Raney, James Russell, B.S.
Ranostaj, Jerry, B.S. Rans, Donald Lynn, B.S. Rausch, Albert Waddell, B.S. Rea, William Harvey, B.S. Ready, Robert, B.S.
Reed, Douglas Lee, B.S. Reed, John Francis, B.S. Rees, Donald Wayne, B.S. Regan, Michael Joseph, B.S. Regas, Carole, B.S.
Regenovich, Paul, Jr., B.S. Rekus, Bernard Whaley, B.S. Re Mite, Roy Michael, B.S. Rent, Charles Edward, B.S. Reynolds, Barbara Jean, B.S.
Rhodes, Van Mater, B.S. Rice, Ellis M., B.S. Rice, Stanley Deane, B.S. Richardson, Dona Lee, B.S. Riecken, Forrest Gilbert, B.S.
Riely, Richard James, B.S. Ritter, Martha Ann, B.S. Roach, Armand D., Jr., B.S. Robbins, Alan M. R., B.S. Robbins, Gene Elmer, B.S.
Roberts, Robert Jerome, B.S. Robinson, Don Lee, B.S. Rodenberg, Joseph Harris, B.S. Roellchen, Thomas Allyn, B.S. Roesch, William Ellsworth, B.S.
Romers, Grace Marie, B.S. Roop, Franklin Eugene, B.S. Rosenfelt, Donald Alan, B.S. Rosenthal, Roi H., Jr., B.S. Rossow, Russell Craig, B.S.
Roth, Donald Paul, B.S. Rouhier, Jack A., B.S. Roush, John A., B.S. Rupp, Robert Charles, B.S. Russell, William Joseph, B.S.
Ryan, James L., B.S. Ryan, John Howard, B.S. Sainato, Dominie Vincent, B.S. Salrin, Ralph E., B.S. Sammons, James Edward, B.S.
Santelik, John, B.S. Sappenfield, Phyllis Ann, B.S. Schaaf, Jerry Charles, B.S. Schaler, Bernard A., B.S. Scharf, Edward Willis, B.S.
Schimizzi, Ned Vincent, B.S. Schlehuser, Donald Wayne, B.S. Schmeling, Eugene Leonard, B.S. Schmidt, Robert Rudolf, B.S. Schmitt, Thomas Alan, B.S. Schooler, Frank Richard, B.S. Schrader, William Raymond, B.S. Schulz, Richard Albert, Jr., B.S. Schuster, John E., B.S. Scott, Donald Ames, B.S.
Seltzer, Roger Irwin, B.S. Shroat, John Harvey, B.S. Shue, Charles Douglas, B.S. Shuel, Donald Ames, B.S. Schultes, William Albert. B.S.
Schuman, Minot Keith, B.S. Scott, John Toner, B.S. Sekerez, Zarko, B.S. Sherman, Raymond Phillips. B.S. Shula, Robert Joseph, B.S.
Shuman, Larry Allan, B.S. Siegel, James Charles, B.S. Simmons, James Gordon, B.S. Sirkus, Sanford William, B.S. Skievaski, Jack, B.S.
Smith, Dana LaFayette, Jr.. B.S. Smith, Donald Howard. B.S. Smith, Edward Eugene, B.S. Smith, James 0., Jr., B.S. Smith, Margaret Inez, B.S.
Smith, Phyllis Kay, B.S. Smith, Richard Nelson, B.S. Smith. Samuel Lee, B.S. Smith, Terry Clayton, B.S. Smith, Virginnia Lee, B.S.
Sohn, William Peter, B.S. Souligny. Donald J., B.S. Spaulding, Norman William, B.S. Speer, Howard Sheldon, B.S. Spencer, Thomas Allen, B.S.
Spindler, Parker Jerome, B.S. Sriver, Eugene Robert, B.S. Stanley, Karol V., B.S. Steckley, Philip Richard, B.S. Steen, Harold Alvin, B.S.
Stefan, Richard Joseph, B.S. Stelling, Jerome Patrick. B.S. Stern, Walter Phillip, Jr., B.S. Stewart, William Lee, B.S. Stoner, Clifford Edward, B.S.
Stout, James L., B.S. Stratman, Joseph Robert, B.S. Strick, Gerald Henry, B.S. Stuart, Nancy Jean, B.S. Sullivan, David Andrew, B.S.
Sullivan, Neil Edward, B.S. Susic, Philip Anthony, B.S. Sutherland, Warner Charles, B.S. Sutton, David LeRoy, B.S. Svetanoff, Gerald N., B.S.
Swift, Sarah Anne, B.S. Swift, William Donald, B.S. Szanyi, John Louis, B.S. Tarnow, Robert Cameron, B.S. Taylor, Jacqualin Sue, B.S.
Te Vault, Carol Carson, B.S. Thoman, Harold William, Jr., B.S. Thomas, Riette Doris, B.S. Thompson, Henrietta Moss, B.S. Thompson, Glenn Eugene, B.S.
Thompson, Jerry Lee, B.S. Thompson, Shirley Anne, B.S. Thornburg, Robert Erskine, Jr., B.S. Timberlake, Robert Gene, B.S. Tiplick, Dan, B.S.
Tipps, Ralph Eugene, B.S. Tomczak, John Joseph, B.S. Townsend, Janet Elaine, B.S. Traumer, Sylvia Beatrice, B.S. Trenary, David K., B.S.
Trense, Charles Frederick, B.S. Trethewey, Joseph Thomas, B.S. Trowbridge, Hugh Dwight, B.S. Turbin, Donald Gene, B.S. Turbowitz, Leslie David, B.S.
Underhill, Thomas Willard, B.S. Ungar, Tom W., B.S. Urdal, Robert Michael, B.S. Uzlac, Sam, Jr., B.S. Vangel, Stephen James, B.S.
Velasquez, Peter John, B.S. Very, Lawrence Edward, B.S. Vincz. Albert Andrew, B.S. Vitello, Angeline Rose, B.S. Vucich, David Joseph, B.S.
Waggoner, James Paul, B.S. Walker, Thomas D., B.S. Wallace, Kenneth William, B.S. Walter, Charles James, B.S. Wampler, Joseph Davis, B.S.
19 1
Watts, Kenneth Philip, B.S. Weddle, John 0., B.S. Weiss, Ronald Marc, B.S. Wesolowski, Richard Peter, B.S. Wetzel, Walter John, B.S.
Whitaker, John Russell, B.S. Whitlow, Robert Dale, B.S. Wible, Ralph William, B.S. Wiegman, David Paul, B.S. Wiggs, Buddy Lee, B.S.
Wigner, Jack Phillip, B.S. Wilkins, Robert Gene, B.S. Williams, Joyce Leatrice, B.S. Williams, Laurence Allen, B.S. Williams, Richard Dee, B.S. Williams, Roy Martin, B.S. Willsey, Filmore Wayne, B.S. Wilson, Fredrietta Jean, B.S. Wilson, Jon Landon, B.S. Wilson, Richard Stephen, B.S.
Wimmer, Ronnie Joe, B.S. Winner, Stephen Eugene, B.S. Wirts, Stephen G., B.S. Wittman, Charles Franklin, B.S. Wohlfeld, Lowell, B.S.
Wolff, Phyllis Irene, B.S. Wolgast, Donald Richard, B.S. Wood, David Scott, B.S. Woodmansee, Basil Elvin, B.S. Works, Carl Gene, B.S.
Worley, Daniel Eugene, B.S. Wright, Beverly Jean, B.S. Wright, Emmet Gordon, B.S. Wrigley, Thomas Grainge, Jr., B.S. Wrobleski, James A., B.S.
Wyman, Norman Ray, B.S. Yerkes, William Porter, B.S. Young, Vern R., B.S. Zivich, Donald Alexander, B.S. Zuckerberg, Marvin Joseph, B.S.
Zurcher, Carl Joseph, B.S.
School of Education
Wendell W. Wright, Dean
in addition to developing future teachers, advises the public schools of the state about educational problems. Under the school's direction, the Division of Research and Field Services conducts school surveys, conferences, and workshops. In an attempt to solve vital problems of specialized instruction, the new Department of Special Education offers training for the teaching of the exceptional child. A graduate nursing program is also conducted by this school.
Relief maps are used as teaching aids.
Playground fun . . . an enjoyable part of a day's work.
Education courses are often informal with a lot of good-natured fun.
Classes might be over . . . but not the studying.
Education Seniors Abrell, Karen S., B.S. Adams, Mary Ellen, B.S. Alegre, Gladys Fumiko, B.S. Alexander, Patricia Joan, B.S. Alley, James Richard, Jr., B.S.
Allison (Mrs.), Susan Ann, B.S. Alt, Richard Matthew, B.S. Armey, Carol Ann, B.S. Armstrong, Susan, B.S. Arthur, Joan, B.S.
Ashley, Nancy Hueston, B.S. Babb, Jane Louise, B.S. Baer, Barbara Allen, B.S. Baker (Mrs.), Kathleen Merrill, B.S. Baldwin, Jo Ann, B.S. Barclay, Suzanne, B.S. Barlowe, Philip Conrad, B.S. Bassler, Elaine Regina, B.S. Bastin, Kay Ann, B.S. Bazil, Constance, B.S.
Beals, Reita Johnson, A.B. Beerbower, Joanne Arlene, B.S. Belcher, Marlene Yvonne, B.S. Bellessis, Pete B., B.S. Benjamin, Sandra Eileen, B.S.
Bisel, Karen Patricia, B.S. Blaisdell, Nancy Mae, B.S. Boger, Bonnie Jean, B.S. Bough, Betty Jean McRae, B.S. Bowley, Beverly Ann, B.S.
Bowman, Sarah Jeannette, B.S. Boyer, Peggy Lu, B.S. Bradley, Marsha Lenora, B.S. Brafford, Ward Lee, B.S. Branson, Julia Alice, B.S.
Brinklow, Robert Graham, B.S. Bristol, Mary Emily, B.S. Brooks, Edward Glen, B.S. Brothers, Helen Jane, B.S. Brown, Joan Marie, B.S.
Browning, Barbara Ann, B.S. Bruening, Gail Ann, B.S. Budlove, June Rose, B.S. Burgess, Evelyn Harriet, B.S. Burgess, Robert Joseph, Jr., B.S.
Burgoyne, Myrna LuAnne, B.S. Burris, Barbara Jean, B.S. Byrd, Katherine Frances, B.S. Cash, Barbara Jane, B.S. Cassady, Patricia Isabelle, B.S.
Chambliss, Virginia L., B.S. Chochos, Athena N., B.S. Clark, Marshia Lou, B.S. Clouse, Karen Deane, B.S. Colbert, Roberta Suzanne, B.S.
Coleman, Edith Mary, B.S. Coleman, William Martin, B.S. Coles, Norma Henrietta, B.S. Collins, Carol Ann, B.S. Conrey, Edward Krieger, B.S.
Costin, Marjorie Ann, B.S. Crum, Nancy Lee, B.S. Curry, Jacqueline June, B.S. Curtis, Celestine, B.S. Curtis, Patricia Ann, B.S.
Cusick, Carole Mae, B.S. Deal, Anice Amelia, B.S. DeLong, Paul Hugh, B.S. Deutsch, Barbara Ann, B.S. Diamondis, Gail, A.B.
Diggs, L. Sharron, B.S. Dittrich, Joan Arlene, B.S. Dixon, Gloria Inez, B.S. Donaldson, Ruth Ellen, B.S. Doneff, Phyllis B., M.S.
Dressel, Jean Frances, B.S. Druckamiller, Patricia Lee, B.S. Dudas, Rose S., B.S. Duwe, Elizabeth Margaret, B.S. Eckert, Pauline Mae, B.S.
Eggers, Judith Lenore, B.S. Ely, Brenda Sue, B.S. Emrick, Margaret Eileen, B.S. Engstrom, Carol Ann, B.S. Ensweiler, William John, B.S.
Etter, Grayce Beth, B.S. Evans, Lois Ann, B.S. Ewing, Rosemary, B.S. Fancher, Floyd Russell, B.S. Fernandez, Lillian, B.S.
Fields, Janet Marie, B.S. Fishman, Anita G., B.S. Fleming, Patricia Ann, B.S. Foulkes, Mary Ann, B.S. Franke, Margaret Suzanne, B.S.
Fricke, Jack Williams, B.S. Fricke, Suzanne Lucille, B.S. Friend, Joan, B.S. Galle, Pauline A., B.S. Ganchiff, Ruth Hargis, B.S.
Gaskey, Patricia Ann, B.S. Gebhart, Ellen Marie, B.S. Gettelfinger, Rex A., B.S. Gibson, Marilyn Kaye, B.S. Glogas, Ethel Eleanor, B.S.
Glover, Richard David, B.S. Golden, Myrna Linda, B.S. Goldstein, Eunice, B.S. Goldzwig, Marlene, B.S. Gordon, Linda Ruth, B.S.
Gould, Janet, B.S. Green, Rowena Lou, B.S. Greer, Barbara Ann, B.S. Griffith, Shirley Ann, B.S. Grostefon, Don Arthur, B.S.
Gruszkos, Esther Catherine, B.S. Hakes, Richard Owen, B.S. Hall, Marie, B.S. Hames, Janice S., B.S. Hammaker, Richard Harry, B.S.
Harris, Barbara Jean, B.S. Harris, Bertha, B.S. Harris, Beverly Mae, B.S. Harris, Walter 0., B.S. Hartnett, Kathleen Marie, B.S.
Hartung, Marcia Ann, B.S. Hayes, Edward James, B.S. Hayes, Marilyn R., B.S. Hicks, Robert E., B.S. Hillery, Joyce Ann, B.S.
Hoffman, Diane Elizabeth, B.S. Hoffman, JoAnn Kathryn, B.S. Holston, Sally Jo, B.S. Horn, Normand Lee, B.S. Hostetler, Dorothy Ann, B.S.
Hupp, Nancy Ann, B.S. Hutcherson, Sylvia Carol, B.S. Hutner, Suzanne Wolf, B.S. Jacqmain, Ralph Joseph, B.S. Johnson, George William, B.S.
Hostetter, Mary Ann, B.S. Houchin (Mrs.), Shannon Rae, B.S. Hower, Mary Lou, B.S. Hudson, Joan Alyce, B.S. Hudson, Nancy Sweetman, B.S.
Johnson, Richard Larry, B.S. Jones, Arthur Eugene, B.S. Jones, Ross Marcus, B.S. Jones, Sandra Sue, B.S. Kaserman, Anna Margaret, B.S.
Kaufman, Judith Carol, B.S. Kelly, Larry Joe, B.S. Kemper, Doris Ann, B.S. Kendall, Phyllis Kay, B.S. Keneipp, Kathryn Lee, B.S.
Kerr, Charles Robert, B.S. Kester, Diane, B.S. Kett, Lois Jeanne, B.S. Keyes, Mary, B.S. Kimmel, Barbara June, B.S.
King, Constance Susan, B.S. Kittinger, Ann Elizabeth, B.S. Kixmiller, Jo Ann, B.S. Klinke, Mary Elizabeth, B.S. Koger, Ronald Gene, B.S.
Komoroske, Judith Ann, B.S. Kopchik, John, B.S. Kraut, Loree Lou, B.S. Kretsch, Dorothy Jeanne, B.S. Lacy, Delphia Ann, B.S.
Landshaum, Suzanne Etta, B.S. Larrick, Madonna McMurry, B.S. Lasseigne, Mary Wilson, B.S. Lattak, Agnes Therese, B.S. Lee, Barbara Dykers, B.S.
Legan, Betty Jane, B.S. Lienhart, Suzanne, B.S. Linde, Rose Marie Hildegrade, B.S. Lowe, Venda Lawrence B.S. McCallister, Phyllis Kay, B.S.
McDuffee, Clara Ann, B.S. McElfresh, Mary Ann, B.S. McKenna, William Edward, B.S. McMillin, Delano Roy, B.S. McLaren, Judith Ann, B.S.
Mages, Maxine Charlotte, B.S. Marley, Jo Ann, B.S. Marshall, Jo Anne, B.S. Melaven, Norma Jean, B.S. Melton, Beverly Ann, B.S.
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Melvin (Mrs.), Elizabeth Nan, B.S. Metcalfe, Carrie Ellen, B.S. Meyer, Barbara Grace, B.S. Mikuta, Grace Jean, B.S. Miles, Phyllis Jean, A.B.
Miller, Nancy Lee, B.S. Milligan, James Ronald, B.S. Moore, Martha Louise, B.S. Morris, Luanne, B.S. Mosson, Nelson Ray, B.S.
Murphy, Janice Louise, B.S. Murphy, Sarah Catherine, B.S. Narta, Jeanne Annette, B.S. Narter, Marcia Tobin, A.B. Nettles, Catherine Pearl, B.S.
Newman, Marlene, B.S. Nichols, Glennadee Adele, B.S. Norris, Donna Regina, B.S. Nulf, Sharon Lee, B.S. O'Connor, Jane Ann, A.B.
Ostertag, Minton, B.S. Owen, Dora Ellen, B.S. Pacheco, Angela Margarette, B.S. Page, John Patrick, B.S. Paloski, Lois Jane, B.S.
Pandak, Elma Marie, B.S. Patton, Eleanor Ruth, B.S. Patton, Nancy Ellen, B.S. Pearman, Suzanne Kay, B.S. Peffley, Carol R., B.S.
Pekarsky, Ann, B.S. Pence, Kathryn Jo, B.S. Periolat, Clement Forrest, B.S. Perry, Huegroe, B.S. Petersen, Jane Ellen, B.S.
I 1
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Piel, Janet Ruth, B.S. Pitman, Carroll Jack, B.S. Poer, Meredith Van, B.S. Pohlmeyer, Martha Agnes, B.S. Potter, John Robert, B.S.
Prasco, Nancy Jean, B.S. Pruett, Robert Eugene, B.S. Purdue, Edwina Margaret, B.S. Radcliffe, Betty Jo, B.S. Rand, Jude Ann, B.S.
Raper, Jack Wier, B.S. Reeves, Nancy Sue, B.S. Rice, Jean Sievers, B.S. Richards, Katharine Jane, B.S. Rider, Hugh L., B.S.
Ritter (Mrs.), Lucy Mae, B.S. Roach, Robert C., B.S. Robinson, Marcella J., B.S. Rodgers, Phyllis Carole, B.S. Rogers, Alice Emma, B.S.
Rosensweet, Barbara Lou, B.S. Ruhe, Frances Antoinette, B.S. Rutz (Mrs.), Marlene Bloom, B.S. Sanders, Milred Ruth, B.S. Schnaiter, Elizabeth E., B.S.
Schneider, Karl Edward, B.S. Schumacher, Sharon Ann, B.S. Scott, Margaret Jean, B.S. Scott, Maryann, B.S. Sell, Virginia M., B.S.
Sering, Norma Kay, B.S. Session, Mabel Haynes, B.S. Shattuck, Elizabeth Jane, B.S. Shimer, Marjorie Ellen, B.S. Shipley, Donald Lee, B.S.
Sieron, Earlene Ruth, B.S. Simmons, Diane, B.S. Simon, Stephanie Irene, B.S. Smith, Anita Ellen, B.S. Smith, Marjorie A., B.S.
Smith, Natalie, B.S. Snepp, Barbara Ellen, B.S. Sopko, Carol Sue, B.S. Spencer, Darrell Vern, B.S. Speth, Paul Hubert, B.S.
Staples, Carole Rene, B.S. Stasco, Yvonne, B.S. Steeves, Sue Ann, B.S. Stein, Ellen Marcia, B.S. Steinkamp, Mary Earlene, B.S.
Stenhouse, Sandra Ann, B.S. Stienecker, Sara Louise, B.S. Stilinovich, Nada Ann, B.S. Sutherlin, Richard Schuyler, B.S. Switzer, Judy Lee, B.S.
Talty, Shirley Ann, B.S. Tasto, Kathleen Mary, B.S. Teel, Judith Diane, B.S. Thomas, Neal M., B.S. Thomas, Veneita Gail, B.S.
Thompson, Jack Seaward, B.S. Tiemann, Frances Lorraine, B.S. Todd, Linda Ann, B.S. Tritch, Sarah Ann, B.S. Ujdak, Gerald Joseph, B.S.
Vail, Marcia Lou, B.S. Van Sipa, Irene Louise, B.S. Wagner, Norman G., B.S. Walker, Lilian Jo Ann, B.S. Walker, Linda Kay, B.S.
Waterfield, Jane Fl, A.B. Waterford, Charlotte Ann, B.S. Webber, Jane Carolyn, B.S. Weiland, Kathryn Lou, B.S. Wells, Shirley H., B.S.
Werry, Norman Arnold, B.S. White, Eugene Kenneth, B.S. Whiteman, Donna Marie, B.S. Whybrew, Judith Gail, B.S. Widner, Jack, B.S.
Wild, Richard Albert, B.S. Wilson, Carol Lynn, B.S. Wilson, Diane Delores, B.S. Wilson, Melville Duanne, A.B. Winter, Nancy Ruth, B.S.
Witte, Janet Marie, B.S. Witty, Eleanor Ann, B.S. Wray, Norma Jean, B.S. Wright, Judith Gay, B.S. Wright, Susan, B.S.
Yalowitz, Geraldine Harriet, B.S.
Wilfred C. Bain, Dean.
Individuals like this comprise the biggest band.
The mellow tones from the strings give evidence of many hours practice.
School of Music offers to the student an opportunity to prepare for a career in music and a chance to study music for aesthetic values. Many outstanding artists make up the faculty who teach the more than 220 courses, direct the vocal and instrumental groups, and offer private instruction. In keeping with the growth of the university, the number of students has more than doubled since 1947, and facilities of seven buildings are accessible to them. Plans are now underway for another building to be constructed behind the School of Music Building.
"Perfection and a piano"—I.U. Singing Hoosiers and Hoosier Queens, set to music.
Music Seniors Arnholt, William F., B.M. Athey, Margaret Ann, B.M.E. Barry, Beverly, B.M.E. Batley, Irma Jean, B.M.E. Brown, Jacqueline, B.M.
Clark, Margaret R., B.M.E. Corcoran, Kenneth Byron, B.M.E. Countiss, Melba Jean, B.M.E. DeWitt, Delene Claire, B.M. Fargood, Helene Lucretia, B.S.
Farcus, MaryAnn, B.M.E. Feiertag, Dorothy, B.M. & B.M.E. Findley, Cynthia, B.M.E. Flolo, Shirley, B.S. Foncannon, I.inda, B.M.
Hatfield, Michael, B.S. Hessert, Norman, B.M.E. Holmes, F. Nadine. B.M.E. Ingram, Geraldine, B.M.E. Kaufman, Marian, B.M.E.
Kimes, Cynthia, B.S. Kimmel, Jo, B.M.E. Klotz, Elinor. B.M.E. Lai, Frieda, B.M. Lee, John, B.S.
Liva, Howard, B.M.E. Lyerly, Jacquelyn, B.M. Matthews, Caryl, B.M. Murvihill, James, B.M.E. Peterson, Robert B.M.
Piper, Joan, B.M.E. Polivka, Janet, B.M.E. Pouder, Patricia, B.M.E. Reid, Sara, B.M.E. Reid, Sarah Sue, B.M.E.
Rhodes, Patricia, B.S. Scott, Mariellen, B.M.E. Simpson, Viola, B.M.E. Smith, S. Colleen, B.S. West, Carol, B.M.E.
Wheatley, Gordon, B.M. & B.M.E. Wilson, Sharon Ann, B.M. Yarling, Jeanne, B.M.E. Zartman, Vance, B.M.E.
School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has a new director this year, Dean Arthur S. Daniels. Moving into the 3 1/2 -million-dollar addition to the Fieldhouse, whose plans are underway, will provide the Department of Athletics with better facilities for offering a wider range of recreational courses. Additional progress is shown by the plans for a new athletic plant. Bradford Woods, a camp maintained by the school, provides a laboratory for developing future recreational leaders. It also gives children an opportunity to enjoy outdoor experiences.
Arthur S. Daniels, Dean.
The women study the "fine arts" of HPER.
Locker rooms are orderly and clean . . . an indication of a smoothly running organization.
Coordination of mind and hands
111111ft, .
. . necessary attributes for HPER excellence.
Bender, Jerry Lee, B.S. Brodie, Donald C., B.S. Brodigan, Paul Patrick, B.S. Bromelmeier, Roy Glenn, B.S. Cabel, James Richard, B.S.
Caffey, Harold Lorenzo, B.S. Colston, Jeanette, B.S. Cook, Winifred Ann, B.S. David, Ronald Clifford, B.S. Dilling, Janice Marie, B.S.
ik Ae.
Eddy, Anna Louise, B.S. Erickson, Nancy Jo, B.S. Foster, Delmond Doyle, B.S. Haas, Marjorie, B.S. Hart, Alan George, B.S.
Hitchner, Philip Lester, B.S. Holland, Augustus Daniel, B.S Holmes, John M., B.S. Honda, Ron V., B.S. Hutsell, Kay Westly, B.S.
Israel, Virginia Lee, B.S. Kimbo, Conney Mathew, B.S. Klim, Richard John, B.S. Koontz, Lyle Jean, B.S. Leach, William 0., B.S.
Lessing, Sophie, B.S. Manley, Marcia Dee, B.S. Marker, Rue Dee, B.S. Miller, Mona Gayle, B.S. Minnich, Phyllis Sue, B.S.
Mooren, Yvonne Barr, B.S. Murphy, Marilyn Jean, B.S. Pennock, Gerald Maurice, B.S. Rawlings, Charles Harry, B.S. Robinson, Leonard Carl, B.S.
Ruge, Fred S., B.S. Shook, Joseph A., B.S. Smith, Suzanne, B.S. Snapp, William Edward, B.S. Spencer, David A., B.S.
Staniunas, Gretchen Maja, B.S. Walterhouse, Hilary Dale, B.S. Welborn, Richard Earl, B.S. Wesp, Carole Christine, B.S. Wolfe, James William, B.S.
Wright, Jeryl Lee, B.S. Yeager, Marion Ernest, B.S.
School of Law was the first state university law school in the Midwest. Highlight of this year was the dedication of the new building when honorary degrees were conferred upon Chief Justice Earl Warren; Herman C. Krannert, industrialist and president of Inland Foundation; and Kurt F. Pantzer, attorney-at-law. A five-year grant of $250,000 from the Inland Foundation has aided in the development of an experimental program in legal techniques. This grant provides funds for an increased teaching staff and for scholarships and fellowships.
Law library is a quiet retreat for serious study and research.
As problems are shared, solutions are shared.
Leon H. Wallace, Dean
Chief Justice Earl Warren, speaker at the law dedication, is applauded by dignitaries.
Imposing facade of the new law building.
Roomy law library provides modern study facilities. 209
Law Graduates Ackerman, Raymond, J.D. Antcliff, Clifford, L.L.B. Bath, James, L.L.B. Bedwell, Jesse, L.L.B. Bradford, J. W., L.L.B.
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Breskow, Sheldon, J.D. Brooks, Gene, L.L.B. Brown, Roger, J.D. Byrum, Bill, L.L.B. Cantwell, Donald, L.L.B.
Cardwell, Richard, L.L.B. Clarkson, Jack, L.L.B. Cochran, J., L.L.B. Cohen, Michael, L.L.B. Connell, Daniel, L.L.B.
Cummins, James, L.L.B. Dalmbert, R., L.L.B. Douglas, Herbert, L.L.B. Elmore, David, J.D. Feeney, F. J., Jr., L.L.B.
Fets, Margaret, L.L.B. Freihofer, William, J.D. French, W. B., L.L.B. Gregory, Hayden, L.L.B. Grenert, Ronald, L.L.B.
Grogg, Vincent, J.D. Hadley, Walter, L.L.B. Hall, William, L.L.B. Harris, Robert, J.D. Heiney, John, J.D.
Hilt, Harold, L.L.B. Hofmann, Leroy, J.D. Holloway, Joseph, L.L.B. Horton, James, L.L.B. Hume, John, J.D.
Ives, Joseph, L.L.B. Jacobs, Andrew, Jr., L.L.B. Jensen, Preben, L.L.B. Jessup, Robert, L.L.B. Johnson, Phillips, L.L.B.
Jones, William P., L.L.B. Jose, Frank, L.L.B. Kassing, Lester, L.L.B. Lawley, Robert, L.L.B. Laymon, Maurice, L.L.B.
Mann, R. G., L.L.B. Marchand, James, J.D. Messer, Frank, L.L.B. Montalto, Agnes, J.D. Meyers, David, L.L.B.
Morrow, Joseph, L.L.B. Nesbitt, John, L.L.B. Nipper, Oscar, L.L.B. O'Connell, Edward, L.L.B. Pratt, Lewellyn, J. D.
Quaintance, Richard, L.L.B. Quigg, James, L.L.B. Reifsteck, William, L.L.B. Rider, Harry, L.L.B. Roth, Robert, J.D.
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Ryan, Patrick, L.L.B. Ryan, Thomas, J.D. Ryckman, William, L.L.B. Schnoor, Davis, L.L.B. Seely, Douglas, L.L.B.
Seidensticker, James, L.L.B. Shreve, Larry, L.L.B. Silverman, Marvin, L.L.B. Sisler, Louis, L.L.B. Slagle, Jack, L.L.B.
Slenker, G. R., Jr., L.L.B. Smith, Gordon, L.L.B. Smith, Roger, L.L.B. Stalcup, Wayne, L.L.B. Stump, Perry, L.L.B.
Trockman, Howard, L.L.B. VanDorn, Carl, L.L.B. Wakeford, Norene, L.L.B. Ware, Robert, L.L.B. Watson, Joe F., L.L.B.
Williams, Albert, L.L.B. Wilson, Gordon E., L.L.B. Wilson, Harry A., L.L.B. Wilson, Robert C., L.L.B. Witham, Martin, L.L.B.
Wood, James Scott, L.L.B.
School of Medicine is at the medical center in Indianapolis. Students in their final three years have access to the hospitals, clinics, and residences that are maintained here through the aid of state appropriations and memorial donations and funds. Through these facilities, opportunities for extensive instruction, practical experience, and research are provided. Construction of the six million-dollar Medical Science Building is to be completed in 1958. At this time the first-year curriculum, which is now taught on the Bloomington campus, will be moved to Indianapolis.
Dr. fohn D. VanNuys, Dean
Records are kept up to date.
1 Impromptu conference . . . idea sharing time
. . . between class exchange.
Lab work is an important part of the medical program.
Medicine Graduates Adler, George Joseph, M.D. Angel, Virgil E., M.D. Armbrust, Earl, Jr., M.D. Austin, Donald Castle, M.D. Barden, Tom Preston, M.D.
Bargmeyer, Ernest M., M.D. Beison, Richard Anthony, M.D. Black, James M., M.D. Blau, Robert Ivan, M.D. Bowers. George W., M.D.
Bradley, Richard V., M.D. Braulin, Robert Justice, M.D. Bressler, Franklin Duane, M.D. Brown, Howard Sidney, M.D. Carter, William D., M.D.
Childress, Richard Hall, M.D. Cimino, William Lewis, M.D. Cohen, Harold A., M.D. Collins, Robert, M.D. Coons, Frederick William, M.D.
Curry, Robert Barnhill, M.D. DeBrota, John, Jr., M.D. Dixon, Fritz Roland, M.D. Donahue, James Mathew, M.D. Drake, James Richard, M.D.
Dupler, Lee Forrest, M.D. Ellsasser, Michael Gordon, M.D. Estrich, David Louis, M.D. Farmer, Charles Dudley, M.D. Feigenbaum, Harvey, M.D.
Fipp, George John, M.D. Fortuna, Frank William, M.D. Fox, Richard Frederick, M.D. Fukumoto, Richard Isamu, M.D. Fulton, William Hall, A.B.
Gibson, Alois Eugene, M.D. Glascock, John Custer, M.D. Graham, William Eugene, Jr., M.D. Graves, Richard Harwood, M.D. Gregory, Robert Leon, M.D.
Gutierrez, Peter Emanuel, B.S. Hagman, Norman A., M.D. Hall, William Richard, M.D. Hatton, Richard F., M.D. Hayden, Gould Dwight, B.S., M.D.
Heckman, Edward Lentz, B.S., M.D. Hedges, James Kenneth, M.D. Helmer, Fredric Allan, A.B., M.D. Hohl, Richard David, M.D. Holl, Carl W., Jr., M.D.
Hull, DeWayne L., M.D. Huneke, John Willard, M.D. Jankowski, Ernest Bernard, M.D. Johnson, Earl Hunt, M.D. Johnson, William Herbert, M.D.
Karnafel, Eugene Thaddeus, M.D. Klepinger, Carol Ann, M.D. Kozacik, Michael Andrew, M.D. Krause, Friedrich, M.D. Kuipers, Fred Merrill, M.D., B.S.
Kurtz, Richard, M.D. Landers, Henry Cornelius, M.D. LaPorte, Samuel Russell, Jr., M.D. Lee, Paul Ralph, M.D. Lee, Raymond Allen, M.D.
Lindley, Sheldon King, M.D. Loomis, S. Dale, A.B., M.D., M.S. Lunsford, Thomas Eugene, M.D. McConnaughey, Hal David, A.B., M.D. McLaren, Daniel Edward, M.D.
Marketto, Don Lawrence, Jr., M.D. Matthew, Guy, M.D. Miller, Kenneth Devon, A.B., M.D. Miofsky, William Eugene, M.D. Moenning, John Edward, A.B., M.D.
Moneyhun, James Emmett, M.D. Moran, William Joseph, M.D. Mullican, William Stanley, Jr., M.D Nash, Franklin David, A.B., M.D. Neher, John Lewis, M.D.
Newman, Daniel Marquette, M.D. Newnam, Philip Deward, M.D. Pagedas, Thomas Constantine, M.D. Pantzer, John G., Jr., M.D. Pappas, Paul Nick, M.D.
Pregent, James Irvin, Jr., M.D. Pribble, Robert Howard, M.D. Ranck, Benjamin Albert, M.D. Rau, Charles Albert, M.D. Rea, Thomas John, M.D.
Reed, Ronald Riley, M.D. Reynolds, Ralph Edward, M.D. Rhamy, Donald E., M.D. Rhynearson, Hal Robert, M.D. Rice, Ronald Bennett, M.D.
Riggs, Wendell A., M.D. Robinson, Earle Uriah, Jr., M.D. Rohdes, Fred David, M.D. Rohrer, Bryce Barton, M.D. Roth, Nathan Hirsh, M.D.
Schaab, Eric, M.D. Scherschel, Thomas Roger, M.D. Schieve, Donald Reynolds, M.D. Scudder, James Peterson, M.D. Seybert, Thomas Charles, M.D.
Sheline, Alan Eugene, M.D. Sidell, James Paul, M.D. Smith, Stephen Dudley, M.D. Sproull, Terrence R., M.D. Stemle, Duane L., M.D.
Stieglitz, Lawrence DeLong, M.D. Stone, Robert Charles, M.D. Storey, Ben Charles, M.D. Terbush, Edward Lamont, M.D. Thomas, Charles Richard, M.D.
Tolbert, Robert Daniel, M.D. Trick, Otho Lee, M.D. Turner, Roderick H., M.D., M.A. Vaught, Richard Loren, M.D. Vogel, Melvin Dean, M.D., A.B.
Voyles, Harry Elwood, Jr., M.D. Warbinton, Fred P., M.D. Ware, John Reed, M.D. Warren, Robert J., M.D. Welborn, James York, M.D.
White, Nicholas, B.S., M.D. Willeutts, Harrison David, M.D. Williams, Carl N., A.B., M.D. Williams, Harold Warren, M.D. Woodall, Robert -Louis, A.B., M.D.
Wunsch, Charles Martin, M.D. Zandstra, Kathleen Joan, M.D. Zaremski, Sherman Charles, M.D.
Division of Optometry
Henry W. Hofstetter, Director.
Students develop the skill of lens measurement.
the newest division in the university, was created in 1951 by the Indiana General Assembly. First-year courses were offered that fall. Funds and gifts, given through the Indiana Optometric Association, aid in the support of this program. Clinical practice and classes are conducted in the Student Health Center, Jordan Hall, and Meyers Hall. When the first-year medical and dental students move to the Medical Center at Indianapolis, however, the division plans to make its permanent home in Meyers Hall.
Precision work . . . checked and rechecked.
Students learn to polish and grind lenses.
Optometry lab practice includes more than work on human subjects.
Optometry Seniors Berger, Robert Donald, M.O. Byrd, Kenton Fawcett, B.S. Cheek, Joe, M.O. Currie, Clarence R., B.S. Detraz, Ray Hart, B.S.
Dooley, Brooks Edward, B.S. Eads, David Martin, M.O. Escol, Dennis M., B.S. Eversman, Thomas L., M.O. Gray, Dickey Wayne, M.O.
itik it h.
Hale, Phillip Sisler, B.S. Hall, Richard Dee, B.S. Hormuth, James Otto, M.O. Isenbarger, Karl, M.O. Kirby, William Franklin, B.S.
Aka' 44) ha
Landaw, Claude David, M.O. McNaughton, Thomas Marvin, B.S. Mahan, John Thomas, M.O. Miller, Edward Eugene, M.O. Moore, Jack Frederick, M.O.
Nirk, Eugene William, M.O. Rosche, Herman Frederick, M.O. Shick, Charles Riley, M.O. Underwood, William, M.O. Van Nus, Frederick, M.O.
Vore, Robert 0., B.S.
School of Dentistry was the ninth dental school in America and has been active for 75 years. The fundamental courses for the first year are offered on the Bloomington campus, while courses for the remaining three years are offered at the Medical Center in Indianapolis. The final years of study involve diadactic work and clinical practice. Facilities are provided for this experience in the Dental School Building, for which an addition is being planned. The student may study to be a general practitioner or he may specialize in one of several fields. A program for dental hygienists is also offered. Precision work calls for steady hands
. . . and much careful study.
Dr. Maynard K. Hine, Dean
New equipment
. . . and to up date techniques
. . . are used in practical work.
Dentistry Graduates Allman, William James, B.S., D.D.S. Baird, Janis Lee, R.D.H. Beatty, Ralph Emerson, D.D.S. Becker, Judith Elaine, R.D.H. Berkowitz, Howard, D.D.S.
Binford, Nancy Faye, R.D.H. Boyd, Jack Howell, D.D.S. Boyd, Russell Conda, Jr., D.D.S. Buche, Ann, C.D.H. Burgess, William Lee, D.D.S.
Burns, Walter Richard, D.D.S. Byerly, Delmar Wade, D.D.S. Casey, Cardinal Mourice, D.D.S. Cassingham, Robert Jack, D.D.S. Childes, George Thomas, D.D.S.
Conrad, Margaret Deanne, R.D.H. Cope, Dallas Thurman, D.D.S. Cox, Patricia Ann, R.D.H. Crawford, Martha Jo, R.D.H. Cromwell, William Lewis, D.D.S.
Doss, Donna Sue, C.D.H. DeWitt, Walter Calvert, Jr., D.D.S. Engleman, Jack L., D.D.S. Erwin, Robert B., D.D.S. Fischer, Robert Eugene, D.D.S.
Frazier, Robert L., B.S., D.D.S. Gaunt, Josephine, R.D.H. Gillig, William Conrad, D.D.S. Gilmore, H. William, D.D.S. Guthrie, Carol Ann, C.D.H.
Haag, Judith Ann, C.D.H. Hamilton, Carolyn Sue, C.D.H. Hart, William Robert, D.D.S. Hoehn, Elizabeth May, R.D.H. Hott, Robert Eugene, D.D.S.
Houk, Margaret Cecile, R.D.H. Janssen, Guy Hugh, D.D.S. Kaminski, Thomas Simon, A.B., D.D.S. Kaufman, Rossya Berucha, R.D.H. Kendrick, John William, Jr., D.D.S.
Kesling, Peter Crawford, D.D.S. Kleehammer, Daniel Stephen, D.D.S. Koenig, Leo John, D.D.S. Krach, Jack Frederick, D.D.S. Kraybill, Sue Linelle, C.D.H.
Kuzmic, Robert G., D.D.S. Lecklitner, Donald Max, D.D.S. Leer, Jerry Harmon, D.D.S. Lentz, Jerry Owen, D.D.S. Leuenberger, Walter Austin, Jr., D.D.S.
Lobdell, Linda Lou, R.D.H. McCarthy, Grace Ellen, C.D.H. McCavit, Keith Dennis, D.D.S. Malwin, Jarl Eldon, D.D.S. Mattern, Robert Lee, D.D.S.
Merkel, Ralph George, D.D.S. Miller, Kenneth Orlan, B.S., D.D.S. Moon, Robert Allen, B.S., D.D.S. Moran, James Michael, B.S., D.D.S. Nienaber, Patricia Ann, C.D.H.
Norman, Richard Daviess, D.D.S. Pate, Frank Edward, D.D.S. Pearson, David Lee, D.D.S. Perez, Jaime, D.D.S. Perotti, Robert Adam, D.D.S.
Poindexter, Byron Kay, D.D.S. Portolese, Frank Anthony, D.D.S. Puccio, James S., D.D.S. Reibel, Janet Anne, R.D.H. Rohn, John William, D.D.S.
Ruble, James Frederick, D.D.S. Sagraves, Glen 0., D.D.S. Shaffer, William L., D.D.S. Slamkowski, John Stanley, D.D.S. Smith, Ann Kay, R.D.H.
Smith, Marvin Dewitt, B.S. Snyder, Judith Ann, C.D.H. Strempel, Kurt Frederick, A.B., D.D.S. Tompkins, John Aaron, D.D.S. Traicoff, Donald, D.D.S.
Turchi, John Turchi, D.D.S. Uebelhoer, John Joseph, D.D.S. Ueber, Paul Frederick, D.D.S. Urschel, Lewis James, D.D.S. Urschel, Margory, R.D.H.
Walker, James Carhart, D.D.S. Willian, David Eugene, D.D.S. Winder, George E., B.S. Witherspoon, William Charles, D.D.S. Zumbrun, Jacqueline Kay, C.D.H.
School of Nursing
was established in 1914 as a part of the School of Medicine at Indianapolis. It enjoys the benefits of instruction and clinical experience that is provided by the faculty and hospitals of the Medical Center. A new addition to the Ball Residence for Nurses was completed this fall. The school has previously offered a three-year diploma and a four-year degree program, with first-year classes of the degree program being taught on the Bloomington campus. The diploma program, however, will he discontinued after August, 1959. The capping ceremony is a long awaited event.
Student nurses take time out for a hit of relaxation.
Emily Holmquist, Dean
Laboratory techniques . . . in detail
Students back from a day's work as public nurses
Note-taking .
. a part of practical work
Adamkovics, Mirdza M., B.S., G.N. Ammon, Elgene Kay, G.N. Berg, Patricia Rae, G.N. Bond, Carolyn Sue, B.S. Branson, Lou Ann, G.N.
Breen, Louise Margaret, G.N. Brooks, Anita Joan, G.N. Brumbaugh, Joyce Kay, G.N. Buxton, Donna Joyce, G.N. Clark, Margie Ann, B.S., G.N.
Deckard, Sandra Joan, G.N. Decker, Sharon Kaye, G.N. Dell, Jane Ann, B.S. Dusing, Susan Rae, G.N. Edwards, Nela Helen, G.N.
-.2.4. ..d
, ....
Eytchison, Barbara Diane, G.N. Ferrier, Gwendelyn Anne, B.S. French, Nancy L., B.S. Frye, Phyllis Marie, G.N. Gardner, Marilyn Sue, B.S.
Greiner, Cardyn Mary, B.S., G.N. Harbolt, Sharon Joy, B.S., G.N. Harrigan, Phyllis Jacqueline, B.S., G.N. Hartnett, Sharon Kay, G.N. Hengstlee, Nancy Elaine, B.S., G.N.
Hickman, Judith Ann, G.N. Holloway, Lynette Elizabeth, B.S., G.N. Hynes, Kathlene, G.N. Keneipp, Elizabeth Ann, B.S., G.N. Laws, Esther Mae, G.N.
c Lucht, Mary Jo, G.N. McKnight, Judith Jenean, B.S. Meredith, Ethel June, G.N. Miller, Maridell, B.S., G.N. Miller, Marjorie Faye, B.S., G.N.
Miller, Marjorie M., G.N. Miller, Shirley Ann, B.S., G.N. Miller, Theresa Marie, B.S., G.N. Newcom, Jane Ellen, G.N. Overpeck, Rosemary, B.S., G.N.
Peister, Judith Ann, B.S., G.N. Renick, Frances Yvonne, G.N. Ruesch, Eileen, B.S. Schmid, Pauline Wieder, B.S. Stuckey, Janis Carolyn, G.N.
Taylor, Eva Lue, G.N. Via, Rosemary Louise, G.N. Wheeler, Jane Ann, G.N. White, Addie Jeanne, B.S., G.N. White, Vonelle Addie, B.S., G.N.
Wiles, Martha Jane, G.N. Williams, Jean Ann, G.N. Williams, Jeanne Rose, G.N. Woodling, Carolyn Ann, B.S.
1 4
No one really sees a touchdown A set shot, or a two-base hit No one except the player His feat is reward for hours of work A childhood dream come true A dream of heroism with a rusty water pistol Of whisking a pig-tailed princess to safety On the cross bar of a tno-wheekd silver stallion It is a buttress of hope that holds the head high And welds the shoulders into twin barricades Against the unknown, the future I want to... I can ... I will... I will
LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Hicks, line coach and coach in charge; Wilbur Stevens, backfield coach; Bernie
Howard Brown, Freshman Coach
Miller, assistant backfield coach; Lou McCullough, end coach; John Townsend, assistant line coach.
Charles McDaniel, Freshman Line Coach
Although the signing of Phil Dickens, Head Football Coach at the University of Wyoming, heralded the dawning of a new era in IU football, his one-year suspension by the Big Ten Conference for alleged illegal recruiting laid bare one of the basic reasons for Indiana's football demise . . . lack of interest in football by many alumni and friends of the University. Coming to IU with Dickens was his entire staff, which included Bob Hicks, line coach later appointed coach in charge; John Townsend, line coach; Lou McCullough, end coach; Wilbur Stevens, backfield coach, and Bernie Miller, assistant backfield coach.
Phil Dickens, Head Football Coach
Ticket-stub quarterbacks... At a cleat-scarred field of envy... On which Friday's nobody... Becomes Saturday's hero...
ROW 1: Walter Smoot, Norm Mackin, Don Noone, Russ Burns, Ray Slampyak, Mel Piontkowski, Willie Jones. ROW 2: Tom Campbell, Delnor Gales, Marty Cerza, Pete Piccirillo, Bob Battaglia, Norm Craft, Dave Whitsell, Mike Rabold. ROW 3: Charles Taylor, Howard Hamilton, Joe DeFillippo, Mike Mondovics, Jim Yore, John Aveni, Tony Aloisio, Elvin Caldwell. ROW 4: Joe DeSalvo, Wayne Brusewitz, Dave Mounts, Tom McDonald, Ron Miller, Sam Congie, John Razmic, Bill Takacs,
Tom Cousineau, Dan McGrath. ROW 5: George Klutinoty, Charles Kelly, John Sungail, Don Howell, Jerome Ward, Bob Perna, Fred Unger, Willie May, Bob DeMarco. ROW 6: Tom Kendrick, Dale Dumke, Don Weik, Don Brodie, Bob Lawrence, Bob Boak, Joe Moore, Bob Corrigan, Ken Hubbart. ROW 7: Bruce Coligan, Eddie Fritz, Vic Jones, John Meegan, Ray Plain, Dan Nolan, Ted Smith, Ted Aucreman, Steve Filipowski.
AMbig, The competitive spark blares the dissonance of contact, conquest . . . the whistlesounds the pitch-type of civilization. Truth wears a worried mask.
Running, walking, then falling forward
The referees' dance signifies IU tally. giro
The 1957 IU football team began its season under a double handicap . . . it was forced to play without the tutelage of its new coach, and it had to adapt itself to a new style of play, "The Side-Saddle T." Although the team finished the season with but one victory, and that over a nonconference opponent, Villanova, several factors augured well for the future. This year's harvest of freshman talent, with a year of practice under the single-wing system, will add depth to the squad; the schedule will give the team a chance to develop into a more cohesive unit. Several lettermen . . . Mike Raybold, Norm Craft, Tony Alosio, John Razmic, Tom Kendrick, Steve Filipowski, and Vic Jones . . . will be returning. Finally, the team itself. This was not a squad of the play-dead variety. It took its licks, and came back with more of the same. As the season progressed it became evident that although in some cases ability was lacking, there was never a shortage of determination.
Heading for a loss in a rough-and-tumble situation
23 1
A heads-up
sport... with a hands-down standard
ROW 1: Dick Shellback, Gebre Gugsa, Chaveng Raengsuwan, Ilan Rothmuller, R. H. Sumutki, Ed Kesl, Isidro Echeverria. ROW 2: John Carmody,
The 1958 IU soccer team improved its previous season's showing handily by climbing from fourth to second place in the Midwest Collegiate Soccer Conference. Forced to juggle his lineup, Coach Joe Guennell's changes were well-justified. At season's end Reginald Horseman, Isidro Echeverria, Geza Czull, Tom Turpin, and Ilan Rothmuller were named to the all-conference team, with Rothmuller also being chosen for AllAmerican honors.
Yann Graff, John Shellenberger, Arne Hylin, Kwang Kim, Geza Czull, Bill Elberty, Charley Ray, Tom Turpin, Ian Thompson, and Abdel Moneim.
Bounce pass . . . head style
Last words of strategy before the game
Speed and teamwork result in an IU goal. Close-knit defense and skillful feinting are important.
Spontaneous adagio leaps are quite common.
After the start each man adapts himself to the course,marshaling his strength for the finish.
Run for the running! The prize is yourself ...your school
ROW 1: Dick Pond, Wayne Drewlinger, Bill Abele, Tony Pentino. ROW 2: Bill Cogdell, Charles Cogdell, Naverne
Wille, Ccach Gordon Fisher, Char Ron Long.
Siesky, Dick Scheider,
The IU cross-country team, hard-hit by graduation and injuries, finished fourth in Big Ten competition. Although two key men, Dick Long and Wayne Drewlinger, were sidelined with ailments, Coach Gordon Fisher received fine performances from Tony Pentino, Ron Long, Bill Abele, and Naverne Wille. Other men to watch were Bill Cogdell, Charles Cogdell, Dick Scheider, and Charles Siesky.
Easy jogging, essential in loosening up the day before the race
A true athlete doesn't think he's losing because he's at the rear. He's just temporarily out of first place.
Victory... the total Of diverse efforts, Many being little known "I like to treat each man the way I'd like to be treated myself." Such is the philosophy of Dwayne "Spike" Dixon, head athletic trainer at IU. A charter member and one of the founders of the National Athletic Trainers Association, Dixon has been just off-stage . . . ready when needed . . . at almost every IU athletic event since 1946. A man who would rather talk about the athletes he has attended than of his own accomplishments, he has been called on to demonstrate and lecture about his profession in the United States and Europe.
"Spike" demonstrates his technique for students Jerry Bradley, Ray Baggett, and Bud Taylor, while Jim Brisnahan looks on.
Assistant Trainer Jim Brisnahan applying diathermy.
Dwayne "Spike" Dixon has devoted 16 years to helping athletes play at the best of their ability.
ROW 1: Bill Balch, Jerry Thompson, Archie Dees, Frank Radovich, Norm Witte, Lee Aldridge. ROW 2: Bode Hill, Sam Gee, Gene Flowers, Ray Ball, Bob Wilkinson. ROW 3: Coach Branch
McCracken, Jim Hinds, Glen Butte, Bill Stewart, senior manager; Pete Obremskey, Allen Schlegelmilch, Assistant Coach Ernie Andres.
Ten men on a statistical see-saw... At a game of chance through a hoop Branch McCracken, Head Coach
Ernie Andres, Assistant Coach
Lou Watson, Freshman Coach
The 1958 version of the "Hurryin' Hoosiers," under the dynamic coaching of Branch McCracken, caught fire in mid-season and went on to burn a path all the way to the Big Ten Championship. This was McCracken's fourth triumph in the last six years. At the season's start there was little doubt as to the make-up of the front line. On hand at center was All-
`Hurryin' Hoosiers"
American Archie Dees, while at the forward posts hardcharging Pete Obremskey and sharp-shooting Jerry Thompson could count on help from tall sophomore Frank Radovich. It was at the two back court spots that McCracken had cause for concern. After much experimentation, the right combination was welded from the talents of senior Sam Gee and sophomore Bob Wilkinson. Both developed good shots, and consistently harassed opposing dribblers with their fly-paper nearness. The winning quintet, which went on to the NCAA regionals, was aided by Jim Hinds, Allen Schlegelmilch, and Ray Ball. The Hoosiers lost the first round of the NCAA finals to Notre Dame, 94-87. Plagued by below-par ball handling and passing, the team . . . whose shooting averaged topped its rivals' . . . had an unusually poor night from the free-throw lane.
Pre-game nervousness finds an outlet in practice . . . cohesiveness and spirit add a stabilizer in confidence.
After their triumph over Michigan State, the Hoosiers were greeted at Kister's Air Field.
Excitement boils high in last minutes of State game. Nine teams were determined to see the Hurryin' team unseated from its lofty perch. Last season the Macmen pulled a share of the title out of the proverbial bag. These nine teams were really determined. The "experts" counted IU out because of its poor preconference showing . . . one victory in seven games. The competition, however, was of high-grade calibre. (Kansas State was ranked No. 1 nationally.) Michigan State, with a veteran squad back from last year plus All-American Johnny Green, and Ohio State, with five lettermen seniors and All-American Frank Howard, were looked on as the best bets to take the crown. BUT, Gee and Wilkinson put fire into the ball club. Radovich, the Hammond sophomore, came up with several terrific performances as "fireman." The senior front line . . . Dees, Obremskey, and Thompson . . lived up to expectations. The white-haired "sheriff" molded this group into a running, rebounding, scoring, and winning team. The outcome was the title . . . Big Ten Basketball Champions. Part of celebration hi-jinx on way to greet team.
Coach McCracken receives hero's tribute.
The tall man controls the ball.
As the pace heightens some fall behind. All out effort .. .
Good for two, as I.U. pours it on.
Tension mounts as players fight for the ball. . . . produces unusual poses.
A sharp eye, a steady arm, and a deadly weapon
Row 1: Joe Harrell, Tom Miller, Marvin Knecht, Tom Althauser. Row 2: Dick Tuttle, Bob Urdal, Larry Lauterbach, Dick Mantel. Row 3: M/Sgt.
A rifle is as good as the man behind it.
Willard Reed, Mike Halus, Vern Petri, Mike Mensovich, Capt. Jack Darden.
The slightest motion can cause a near miss.
a test of skill
The rifle team got off to a fine start this year by finishing second in a three-way meet with Northwestern and Michigan. This year's squad consisted of last year's best marksmen, all of whom had shown considerable improvement. The team had a very good chance of wresting the conference title. Top scorers were Dick Tuttle, Kim Miller, team captain; Mike Halus, rifle club president; and Bob Urdal. Other steady performers were Bob Denham and Vern Petri. Promising newcomers were Pete Rogers, Dick Mantel, and Mike Mensovich. Skill comes from practice and the advice of others. Familiarization brings success.
One century's weapon ... Becomes another's toy
Row 1: Harry Beratis, Don Norman, Joe Rodenberg, George Murphy, Ben Edwards, Fred Gehrke. Row 2: Coach Stuart MacClintock,
This year's I.U. fencing team had six men returning from last year's sixth place Big Ten unit. In experience, two members of the squad boasted unique training. Captain Harry Beratis fenced in Athens, Greece, in 1956, and also received instruction in Milano, Italy, from the Italian Olympic coach. Beratis, who fences with the epee, defeated the world's champion in one bout. Beratis also was selected twice to represent I.U. in the Big Ten and NCAA championships. Don Scott, who fences with the foil, spent two years in Germany fencing in a series of different tournaments. Other standouts were Ed Ehler, saber; Joe Rodenberg, epee; and Don Norman, foil.
Albert Kudsi-Zadeh, Peter E i se nd rat h, Don Scott, Jim McCoy, Harold Spencer, Ed Uhles, Fritz Marquardt, Abel Ismail, assistant coach.
Agility counts .
The secret of skill lies in basic fundamentals.
. . . in a sport where reflexive action means success.
Row 1: John Parks, Dick Kennady, Ron Davitt, Gerald Miki, Barry Yap, Ron Honda. Row 2: Don Kan, Don Jones, Richard Hori, Les Nakamura, Jay Lewis, Mel Goldstein. Row 3: Coach
Now if you'll just turn your arm a little more .. .
James Counsilman, Minot Schuman, Wayne Geggie, Jim Huestis, Tony Gallo, Dick Tanabe, Ed Fedosky.
The 1958 I.U. swimming team shaped up as a wellrounded aggregation that was probably only a year or two this side of the national title. The team had been assembled by the late Robert Royer, who for years had coached I.U. champions of Big Ten, national, and Olympic caliber. After Mr. Royer's untimely death in December, I.U.'s future in swimming was entrusted to Dr. James Counsilman. Coach Counsilman, who had been national breast stroke champion in 1942, could be considered a Casey Stengel in swim trunks. This year's team, captained by Ron Honda, had men who were hungry, and able to break records. Sonny Tanable, Les Nakamura, John Parks, Lew Cook, Barry Yap, and Dick Kennady were a few of the names to be seen in the headlines. Bob Blann and Minot Schuman handled the diving duties. Frank McKinney and Bill Barton headed the list of talented freshmen. McKinney, no newcomer to winning ways, finished third in Olympic back stroke competition. He was also national 100 and 200 meter champion. Barton eclipsed the existing freshman record in the butterfly event and, as the season progressed, showed signs of carving his own personal niche in the record books.
A pleasureful pastime . . In the regimen of a schedule
Row 1: George Breithaupt, Ron David, Jeryl Wright, Ron Walden, George Fisher.
Self discipline ... a key to winning form.
Row 2: Frank Zody, Issac Anderson, Coach Otto Ryser, Paul Brown, Panya Chottikhun.
Hours of practice produce effortless grace.
High trapeze daring... With Hellenic self mastery The gymnastics team, coached by Otto Ryser, posed a serious threat this season in the competition for first place in the Big Ten standings. Bolstered by the return of such standout competitors as Ron David, Ron Walden, Jerry Wright, Panya Chottikhun, and Frank Zody, the overall strength of the squad lay in its versatility and depth. David, one of the best tumblers to develop in some time, can also collect winning points on the trampoline—and in two other events. Outstanding performances in three different events were also turned in by Wright, whose speciality was the trampoline; Walden, who usually worked on the rings, and Chottikhun, who was the team's leading side horse exponent. Promising newcomers were Paul Brown, Jerry jacquin, Issac Anderson, George Fischer, Leonard Bryson, Larry Ryser, and Larry Miltenberger. Each twist is timed to perfection.
Strength, agility, and daring . . . gymnasts' tools
A fuzing of strength and balance.
Ambition beneath perspiration and linament Strength and speed... a universal language
This year could very easily have been the "year of years" for Coach Charley McDaniel's wrestling team. The squad, which was a holdover from 1957, had been heavily beset by injuries that season. Although the talent had been evident, it had never been in abundance. With the exception of Joe Shook, sidelined with torn shoulder ligaments, the team has remained intact so far, with each man at times showing signs of being a Big Ten winner. Bill Gallo, Don Morrison, Paul Blane, and Norm Komorowski all turned in high scores. However, the man to watch was Nick Petronka, who . . . barring injury . . . seemed sure to be in contention for national honors in the 147 lb. class.
Initial impact . . . aggressive advantage . . .
Row 1: John McKenzie, Don Morrison, Paul Bane, Nick Petronka. Row 2: George Ihnat, Bill Gallo,
Fred Redeker, Norm Komorowski, Fred Lamb.
. . . partial escape . . . double dilemma
Racket-guided missiles ... On an asphalt-covered chessboard
Row 1: Jack Fitzpatrick, Ilan Rothmuller, Bob Gray, capt. Row 2: Coach
Bill Landin, Dean Dixon, Harry Garnette, Al Harker, Jerry Parchute.
A powerful calling card A word from the wise
The tennis team, coached by Bill Landin, former Northwestern mentor, was forced to fluctuate in its performance this year while being in the process of rebuilding after last year's loss of experienced players. This year's squad had talent, but in different stages of development. At the top of the ladder, playing number one for the second year, was Jerry Parchute, who looked as if he might be a good bet for Conference honors if he could find someone of comparable ability with whom to practice. Playing in the number two spot was Bob Gray, last year's Big Ten number six champion. Bill Petric and Dean Dixon alternated between the third and fourth spots. Jim Fitzpatrick played number five, Harry Garnette was sixth, and Ilan R othmuller played in the number seven slot. Al Harker was eighth man, while Steve Haynes and Denny Lors looked as if they would achieve varsity status by next year.
Row 1: Mike Curtis, Harold Caffey, Bob Hudson, manager; John Miller, Charles Cogdell. Row 2: Ronald Long, Jim Wright, Craig Toensing, Berry Williams, Bill Abele, Bob Moore, Naverne Wille, Dick Schneider. Row 3: Gordon Fisher, coach; Gary Wells,
Reg Sheppard, Charles Siesky, Willie May, Reg Laconi, Dick Pond, Jim Guendling, Bob Held, Jim Lavery, assistant. Row 4: Wayne Drewling, Bill Cogdell, Joe Carroll, Gerry Johnson, Ernie Baird, Bruce Bernard, Al Thompson, Mike Smith, Ray Spivey.
Taut calf muscles, fluttering stomachs .. . Hearts versus seconds .. . man's eternal race High stepping at the right time.
And to the winner
The 1958 I.U. track team, which was Big Ten outdoor and indoor victor last year, looked as if it might notch the Conference title again this year. Leading the way for Coach Gordon Fischer's squad was Olympic great Greg Bell. Bell again proved invaluable, not only in defending his title as Conference broad jump champion and as a sprinter, but also as a member of the half-mile relay team. Willie May, Big Ten hurdles champion, and Tom Campbell continued to turn in the two best performances in that event. Naverne Wille handled the distance chores, while sophomore help came from Al Phillips in the sprints, Ray Spivey in the hurdles, and Dick Pond in the mile event. Other men who carved a place for themselves in I.U.'s track future were Joe Carroll, pole vaulter, Reggie Laconi, quarter miler, and Mike Smith, half miler.
Well done from a teammate.
And now it's my turn.
Winter parlor putting... blisters in Spring Tee-shot concentration ... geometry in the rough Prayers from a sand trap ... locker room legends
ROW 1: Darl Kriete, Jim Brucker, Jon Sommer, Ron Wannemuchler, Dave Dellinger.
ROW 2: Shercll Johnson, Bart Spillman, Ron Terrell, Coach Robert Fitch.
Jim Brucker measures a tough shot.
Ron Royer exhibits winning form.
The golf team was sophomore-strong this Spring as seven of the nine starting positions were filled by the best of last year's freshman contingent. After the Fall practice rounds had been completed, Coach Robert Fitch felt optimistic about the squad's chances of making the first division in Big Ten conference play. Ron Royer was the number one man on the team. Royer, who has won many of the junior championships in the state, also set a new course record on the IU links with a 65. Darl Kriete and Bart Spillman, juniors, also turned in top scores, while sophomores Jon Somers, Jim Brucker, Dick Barth, Tom Cable, Ron Wannamueller, and Sherrell Johnson rounded out the rest of the squad.
ROW 1: Junior Peacock, Larry Atkinson, John Anderson, Gary Kozak, Roosevelt Taylor, John McNarney, Ron Beams. ROW 2: Pete Hicks, Amos Powell, Phil Elder, Don Gehle, Jim Kenney,
The IU baseball team took to the diamond this Spring with many questions to be answered. Having finished in the Big Ten cellar last year, it remained for Coach Ernie Andres to fashion a starting unit out of a handful of regulars and a host of untested juniors and sophomores. Bill Smith, a control artist with a wide assortment of pitches, handled the tough assignments, while Larry Atkinson, Paul Michaels, John Lloyd, Gary Kozak, and Phil Elder shared the other mound duties. Joe Cushing and Bob Lawrence alternated at first base. Ron Beams, Junior Peacock, Jim Kenney, Bill Noone, and Johnny Anderson divided the infield tasks. In the outfield, Left Howe, Don Forman, John Corder, and John McNarney performed capably. Catching chores were handled by Norm Young and Dave Wilson.
hill Noone, Don Forman, Jim Howe. ROW 3: Joe Cushing, Paul Michaels, Buck Smith, Norm Young, Art Harris, manager; Coach Ernie Andres, Arnie Heltzer, John Lloyd, Dave Wilson.
The foulest of all fouls . . . right back at the umpire
To lean back and swing from the heels... the budding of individuality
A hit looks good to a runner off base.
Two down and two to go after t take-out play.
Two-way stretch, and the glove man wins.
Straight ahead for baseball's longest ninety feet.
Out! By a country smile.
Coach Andres calls last Fall meeting until Spring. Diamond-struck
Youth may fade . . . memories never.
Participation in group sports builds...
If only there were such concentration in classes .
Robert L. Stumpner, Director of Men's Intramurals.
The game is almost ended and the score is close, but there's still that one last chance to win.
physical and mental health and a share in school spirit.
A game of rapid reflexes and paddle skill Spectators cheer their teams as a swimmer leaves the block to start his lapin an intramural relay race.
Even physical-ed competition is keen.
Despite all defensive efforts, another basket is made.
Keeping track of the tiny, resilient ball is difficult indeed.
An advantage gained may soon be lost in a fast-moving game.
The fairer sex joins in the pleasure that comes with recreation.
Miss Hilda Sherwin plans women's recreation.
Late afternoon . . . the best time for spirited exercise
Warming up for the women's doubles
Only learning now, but someday they may be champions.
, ol;, 4
Girls strain to get ball, as teammates tense in anticipation
Girls plunge into races as they represent their housing units.
Determined slugger represents team's desire to win intramural game
. . . the indescribable feeling Of being part of Indiana itself A part ofan institution more, More than academic pursuits A part of understanding one's self and others Learning when to lead—to follow Knowing the deep-felt thrill Of satisfying another's need Leading the student body, In charge of a small committee, Just knowing that to this school You belong . . .
Student Government
Executive To give the students a chance to express their views in a democratic manner and to help formulate policy, student government was set up in 1948. Modeled after the U. S. government, student government is divided into three branches . . . executive, legislative, and judicial. Working with Ed Whalen, this year's student body president, is the Senate Advisory Board, composed of presidents of campus organizations. New this year is the Committee on Philanthropic Endeavor. COPE'S general aims are co-ordinating local fund drives, distributing Fall Carnival funds, and approving and supervising all special and emergency projects.
Ed Whalen, President
President's Cabinet
ROW 1: Laura Jean Passow, personnel director; Ed Whalen, president. ROW 2: Al Lehman, secretarytreasurer; Jay Frank Lindsey, attorney general; Karen
Gast, secretary, student affairs; Norm Spaulding, special assistant, public relations; John Nash, secretary, campus welfare.
Senate Advisory Board
LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Kassing, Liberty Chochos, Bernie Minl.(m, Ed Whalen, Janet Noblitt, Judy Hine, Jerry Moss.
Senate Executive Committee
ROW 1: Robert P. Kassing, Bernie Minkow, president; Robert Dabagia. ROW 2: Grace Zury, David R. Weber, William R. Fry Jr., William R. Cast, Martin J. Flynn, Erlene Black, Kit Hartnett, Sara McSherry.
Legislative Directing the legislative branch of student government this year is Bernie Minkow, vice president of the student body. Previously the only form of student government, the Student Senate now shares its powers with the executive and judicial branches. Activities which highlighted the year were the sponsoring of a leadership training program, the elaborating of the student health program, and the exchanging of ideas through the recently-joined National Student Association. Bernie Minkow, Vice President
Senatorial Assistants
ROW 1: Sherrill Miller, Nancy Litvin, Shelby Velte, Jo Ann Dolence, Renie Breskin, Charlene Hanson, Diana Brown, Sue Frew, Jay Haskel, Carole Manalan, Hannah Pastor. ROW 2: Bessie Wegener, Susan Kretsch, Sharon Eissler, Pat Minnis, Mary Fattu, Beverly Mead, Sue Metcalfe, Sondra Mueller, Judy Fechtman, Margaret Farley, Kathy Keneipp, Joy Foulkes, Judy McMinds. ROW 3: Howard Cohen, John Scheiner, Kenneth Klein, Peter Eisendrath,
Stephen Kroczek, Stephen Beeler, Norman Shepherd, Chauncey C. Lake, Charles Locke Jr., Paul R. Stoffer, James W. Morrison, Donald L. Harle. ROW 4: Don Skillman, Richard M. Turnak, Robert Grimes, Jeffery Krueger, George P. Smith, David Grebe, Steve Foster, Stanley Stein, Bob Worrell, John Clifton, Les Bradshaw, Barclay Cale, Larry Seng, Richard Furlow, Herb Krug, John Hasler.
ROW 1: Dixie Hinesley, Sandy Giroux, Susie Stouder, Linda Chapple, Marilyn Effinger, Nancy Dildine, Camella Kyger, Ann Bradford. ROW 2: Joani Broun, Diane Neher, Janet Noblitt, Cathy Tipton, Martha Boorman, Glenda Maris, Jo Anne Kimmel, Dorothy Benko, Sara Jones, Patricia Johnson, Cindy Grant. ROW 3: Ginny Pugh, Judy Movius, secretary; Bar-
tiara Kroger, Pat Alsop, Diane Roe, Ann Mahan, Meris Morrison, Barbara Doran, Cynthia Ostrom, Rocky Cohn, Margarett Stahl, Marna Alexander. ROW 4: Thomas R. Horn, David Beams, John Keedy, Allan H. Miller, William Paul Vititoe, Kent Owen, Richard Schwartz, Robert Morris, John Fechtman. Jerry Neal, Philip Murray.
Student Senate
ROW 1: Sara Kay McSherry, Marcia Norman, Harriet R. Hersh, Kit Hartnett, Sandra Smith, Erlene Black, Jan Foulkes. ROW 2: Grace Zury, Barbara Shankland, David Weber, Bill Cast, Martin J. Flynn,
Zuha}r Hilbawi, Bernie Minkow, vice president. ROW 3: Will Rand, Larry Admire, Robert P. Kassing, Robert C. Dabagia, Larry M. F. Olshan, Mike Hornak, George C. Roberts, Stan Rice.
Student Elections Commission LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Edwards, Wayne Armentrout, Kay Davis, Joan Erikson, Judy
Plessinger, Sue Smith, Sandy Jones, Fred DelToro, Bob Neuman.
Judicial Chief Justice Doyle Winter and eight associate justices, all seniors, comprise the Student Body Supreme Court. Aided by a court reporter and faculty advisers, the court embodies the judicial branch of student government, coequal with the executive and legislative branches. This highest student court may hear cases brought by any student, organization, or department. The court also reviews cases on appeal from lower campus judicial bodies such as Judicial Board, MRHA Court, or the Board of Standards. The court interprets the student government constitution and the laws of the Student Senate, and, with faculty members, sits as the Student Conduct Committee. The 1957-58 court established commissions on honor, history, forms and ceremonies to make independent studies and recommendations. Doyle Winter, Chief Justice
Student Supreme Court
LEFT TO RIGHT: JoAnne Beerbower, Marlene Smith, Linda Schmidt, Roger Selt-
zer, Doyle Winter, chief justice; Deane Malaker, Bill Pohlman, Dave Baldwin.
Senior Class
Bill Fry, President
As freshmen they came to the university uncertain and a little in awe of this large school. The first year they studied hard and perhaps better than at any other time. As sophomores they became interested in campus affairs and were part of the many events which take place on campus. As juniors they spent their time in house or dorm activities. But the fourth year, the Senior year, is the time when they look ahead, for their interest lies with the future. Within them all is the desire to graduate. As Seniors they are a little saddened, for everything they do is for the last time . . . the walks across campus . . . the dances in the Men's Quad . . . the basketball games .. . the friendly boresses. At the same
Senior Class Officers
ROW 1: Dorothy Kretsch, director; Pat Fleming, director; Connie King, secretary. ROW 2: Ray Gillman, treasurer; Bill Fry, president; George Cook, director; Gene Kalina, vice president.
time this year is new, different, and exciting. In early Fall comes the first display of their importance as senior pictures are scheduled and taken. Within a few weeks the men are proudly wearing the symbol of their class rank, senior cords. The Siwash and Senior Week are special events all their own, but throughout the year, they take job interviews or student teaching. The senior year of college is an end . . . an end to life as a student. It is the last time for studies every night and for the familiar, exciting social whirl. Now they can look back at all they have done and all they have been . . . yet they can also look forward. In a few months they will leave this life, but they will gain a new world.
Senior Siwash Committee
ROW 1: JoAnn Varkony, Kit Hartnett, Elinor Rossin. ROW 2: Jack Wade, Robin Antrim, Joe Rodenberg.
Junior Class
One of the biggest, most eagerly anticipated events of the social year, the Prom, is sponsored by the Junior Class. A "big name" band is hired and hours are extended to 4 a.m. After the dance, a traditional breakfast is served in the wee hours of the morning. The flurry of activity on this week-end is typical of . . . the junior year. Bob Dabagia, President
Junior Class Officers
ROW 1: Harriet Burgheim, director; Margie Weston, secretary; Erlene Black, director. ROW 2: Dave Ambler, director; Mike Hornak, director; Martin Flynn, president; Fred Sabatini, vice president.
Junior Prom Committee
ROW 1: Pat Urban, Judy Enlow, Ann Alpert, Marcia Norman, Shelby Velte. ROW 2: Larry Seng, Marsha Makanos, Bette Starkey, Bill Cast.
Sophomore Class
The sophomore is a special person on a campus. He is young enough to have most of his college career ahead of him, yet old enough to awe the easily impressed freshmen. With the indignities of green beanies, study table, and having to ask directions passed on to someone else, he can take his lordly place among "those who know." Sophomores this year kept up with modern times and foreign affairs by naming their annual Sophomore Cotillion "Sputnik." Bob Flynn, President
Sophomore Class Steering Committee
ROW 1: Alice Stouder, female director; Carole Stowe, secretary; Linda Marsh, female director. ROW 2: Dave Bower, vice president; Larry Blair, male director; Harold Southard, male director; Bob Dabagia, president; Terry Albright, treasurer.
Sophomore Class Of ficers
ROW 1: Pat Ulsas, Carol Shigley, Marila Miller, Sherry Lockley, Ann Bradford, Mary Ann Setre. ROW 2: John R. MacLennan, Ralph Cohen, Carol Stowe, Bob Cochran.
Freshman Class
Jim Anderson, president ROW 1: Pete Sherman, Susie Lehman, Tom Costello. ROW 2: Max Spaulding, Jon Sandleben, Karen Boling, J. Mark Summers.
All the old customs were new to the entering freshmen, who eagerly but confusedly became familiar with Freshman Camp, Orientation Week, Freshman Frolic, the green beanie, pledge ribbons, and three billion blind dates. Within a short while, however, they had elected officers and had become old hands at the collegiate arts of avoiding study, pulling boresses, and playing bridge. The Freshman Tyronian, based on Dante's Inferno, was the Class' big event of the year.
ROW 1: Beth Howell, female director; Ellen Schetiler, treasurer; Mary Frances Lamb, secretary. ROW 2: Paul Stoffer, male director (independent); Bob Hicks, vice president; Mick Schlems, male director (organized); Jim Anderson, president.
Union Board
The Indiana Union is the only organization on campus in which every student is automatically a member. The Union was founded in 1909 by John Whittenberger, who was then a student at IU. The organization's purpose is to promote the interests of IU and its students through many diversified activities and facilities. A number of the Union's activities have become traditional. These major events include the Barbecue, Fall Carnival, New Faces, Cheerleaders' Conference, Fine Arts Festival, Campus Quiz Bowl, Opening of Formal Season, Madrigal Dinner, Christmas Eve on Campus, and the Easter Parade.
Union Board in session, Bob Shula, presiding.
Dean Shaffer and Dr. Lusk, Adult Advisors
Mary Brown, group activities; Mike Moss, activities promotion.
Left to right: Marty Flynn, social; Jane Ransel, leadership development.
Left to right: Yvonne Belcher, student faculty relations; Dave Dering, culture.
Left to right: Ginny Sly, secretary; Bob Shula, president; Barry Bergsman, vice-president.
Left to right: Sana Franke, Personnel; Nancy Blaisdell, Special Events; Sandy McNear, Communications.
Board of Aeons
r7:—.A;aikaimer Jerry Moss, president
ROW 1: Jerry Moss, president; Al Bergstedt. ROW 2: Bernie Minkow. ROW 3: Marty Flynn, Doyle Winter, Tom Kendrick,
Bob Kassing, Barry Bergsman, Gene McGarvey, Ed Whalen, Bill Cast.
Lett to right: Bernie Minkow, Ed Whalen, Barry Bergsman, Tom Kendrick (standing).
Left to right: Marty Flynn, Gene McGarvey, Barry Bergsman, Bernie Minkow.
The Board of Aeons is composed of 12 undergraduate men appointed every year by President Wells from the top student leaders. The organization was created to provide a liaison between the administration and the student body. The Board interprets the needs of students and reports them to the administration. The University then can create policies that will best serve the whole campus. Any problem that may affect the student, such as activities, taxation, cultural events, sports, and studies, is considered by the Board in order to provide a solution that will contribute to a better University. Left to right: Marty Flynn, Gene McGarvey, Bill Cast, Al Bergstedt.
Gene NTcGarvey, president
William S. Armstrong, Director
The biggest project of the I. U. Foundation is the planning of one of the most anticipated events of the year, the Little 500. Every Spring this nationally recognized event is presented in the football stadium. All proceeds go toward scholarships. The IU Foundation, founded seven years ago, consists of one hundred outstanding junior and Senior campus leaders. The organization also administers university gift funds to be used for scholarships.
Jill Strickland, vice-president
ROW 1: Ray Lain, Roger Seltzer, Bernie Minkow, Ed Whalen, Roland Williams, Bob Watson, Alan Robbins. ROW 2: Nancy Tarnow, Sue Smith, Janet Sandidge, Dene Yalowitz, Judy Young, Sandy Schroeder, Ginny Sly, Kay Smith, Sharon Wylie, Cora Lee Smith, Bonnie Shanok. ROW 3: Jeanne Stove, Linda Smith, Margie Weston, Nancy Jones, Linde Schmidt, Carol Schilling, Mary Winquist, Kay Snyder. Ann Stoeckley, Kay Ward, Sue
Roach, Judy Whybrew, Sally Tritch. ROW 4: Larry Small, Ed Stevens, Bill Stewart, Tom Walker, Sam Huston, Davy Wade, Bill Snapp, Bob Townsend, Norman Spaulding. ROW 5: Jack Widner, Dave Sinnett, Bob Shula, Jerry Schaaf, Jim Strickland, John Wetzel, Ed Wall, Gene E. Robbins, Bill Cast, Jack Wade, Fred Sabatini.
ROW 1: Jack Douglas, Norm Care, Dave Beldus, Don Brodie, Dan Byron, Fred Dressel, Jerry Baer. ROW 2: Liberty Chochos, Rose Dudas, Anice Deal, Esta Glazer, Judy Hine, Ann Foley, Ann Fitzgerald, Wendy Barron, Jan Foulkes, Karen Gast, Janet Bechtold. ROW 3: Marcia Garrett, Judy Havey, Nancy Challinor, Joan Fleming, Harriet Hersh, Ann Bouillet, Nancy Beldon, Marsha Mackanos, Nancy Bell, Harriet Burgheim, Sue Charlesworth, Kit Hartnett, Sara Hayes, Sana Franke, Jack Graham. ROW 4: Lou
ROW 1: Neill Petronella, Dave Riggs, Hugh Rider, Steve Riggins, Jay Frank Lindsey, Ted Moorman, William D. Swift. ROW 2: Jo Anne Morris, Doris Moran, Gayle Huminsky, Sandy McNear, Judi Polivka, Jane Ransel, Ann Morrison, Sandy Kemp, Kathy Keneipp, Phyliss Mason, Mary Jane Musgrave, Lucinda Benzel, Marie Kingdon, Cathy Mossholder, Sue Ellen Moore. ROW 3: Sue McVaugh, Jan Martin, Dee Janovic, Connie King, Laura Passow, Joan Erickson, Nancy Blaisdell, Elizabeth Caldwell, Judy Plessinger, Phyd Keller, Nancy Neubauer, Mary Poolitsan, Martha
Cohen, Ron Cohen, Martin Flynn, Joe Franklin, Doyle Winter, Jim Alling, Barbara Doran, Pat Brooks, Cathy Craig, Marlene Callis, Joani Brown, Bob Gingery, Tom Cone. ROW 5: Barry Bergsman, Ed Friend, Ray Gilman, Larry Baron, Spencer Allen, Bob Bloecker, Ron David, George Cook, Tony Amdur, Jack Heidt, Max Eubanks, Dave Dinin, Dave Ambler, Marty Bassett, Skip Harrell, Bob Edwards, Dave Baldwin.
Ritter, Mary Richardson, Andrea Onweller. ROW 4: Pat Fleming, Marjie Heiser, Sara Kay McSherry, Erlene Black, Barbara Johnson, Jim Nash, Dave Mikesell, Mike Quinn, Jerry Moss, Lynn Rans, Doug Shue, Gene Kalina, John Reed, Kay Kellum. ROW 5: Bob Kassing, Mike Moss, Tom Kendrick, Bob Neuman, Jim Kneisley, Jim Trnouse, Archie Dees, Pete Obremskey, Gene McGarvey, president; Jerry Pollock, Sheldon Marrs, Dan Poore, Barry W. Johnson.
AWS Council
Left to right: Beverly Wright, treasurer; Joan Fleming, secretary; Linda Walker, president; Pat Fleming, vice-president.
AWS Council, executive body of the AWS, is chief coordinator of the Association's program to promote greater spirit of unity and cooperation among the women students. Established in 1895 as the Women's League, the council includes the president, vice-president, ten class representatives, and one representative each from WRH Executive Board, Panhellenic Council, Town Women, WRA, and the YWCA Cabinet. At the annual AWS mass meeting, the council is elected and five awards to outstanding freshman and sophomore women are presented.
ROW 1: Pat Fleming, vice president; Linda Walker, president; Judith Oberman, Marian Godeke. ROW 2: Jan Foulkes, international A.W.S. vice president; Barb Burris, Ann Morrison. ROW 3: Liberty Chochos, Joan Fleming, secretary; Cathy Craig. ROW 4: Karen Ullstrup, Elise Williams, Carol Schilling. ROW 5: Mary Ann Pulse, Beverly Wright, treasurer; Mary Ann Barbre.
AWS Board of Standards Lett to right: Pat Fleming, president; Sally Ann Poindexter, vice-president.
ROW 1: Sharon Nulf, Joan Fleming, Maxine Eckerty, Pat Fleming, Judy Enlow, Vivian DuBow, Marcia Norman.
In the fall of 1939, the AWS Board of Standards was introduced to the IU campus. It was created to perform the functions of a judiciary board and to act as an advisory council to the Dean of Women in her work with students. In its 19 years growth, the purpose of the board of standards has shifted to include the establishing of standards for women students' conduct, manners, and dress. Twelve representatives, chosen from a balance of classes and housing units, comprise the board.
ROW 2: Laura Jean Passow, Sally Poindexter, Joy Foulkes, Barbara Johnson, Erlene Black, Nanci Olenick.
Kay Smith and Sue Smith
Judy Plessinger and Bob Edwards
Student Athletic Committee
Founded only last year, the Student Athletic Committee works to promote greater interest in athletics, especially during football season. Greeting the freshman with a rally during orientation week, sponsoring the homecoming parade and rally, and the burning of Jawn Purdue are examples of the activities for which the committee is responsible. Committee members are presently anticipating the completion of the new athletic building, which will allow them to enlarge the scope of their activities.
Judy Plessinger, Bob Edwards, Kay Smith and Sue Smith
ROW 1: Marjie Heiser, Ginn Sly, Cookie Morrison, Merle Miley, Nancy Webster, Sue Smith, Sharon Wylie, Kay Smith. Nancy Tarnow, Sally Weisbarth. ROW 2: Judi Policka, Joan Erickson, Linda Smith, Nancy Beldon, Judy Plessinger, Laura Jean Passow, Mary Ellen Winquist, Nancy Challinor, Judy Young, Nancy Bell,
Bunny Perrotta, Ann Fitzgerald, Sue Charlesworth. ROW 3: l'homas A. Miller, Mike Quinn, Dick Bartick, Norman W. Spaulding, Ed Wall, James E. Dice, Bill Hokanson, Jack Heidt, Bob Neuman, president; Fred Deltoro, secretary; Bob Edwards, treasurer; Fred Sabatini, John Scheiner, Dave Beldus.
Indiana University's Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa has been active since 1911. Originally the organization was a secret fraternity. Under the influence of John Quincy Adams, however, its policies changed. Today it is an honorary society for the upper 10 per cent of the graduating seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences.
The highest recognition a student in the School of Business can receive is an election to Beta Gamma Sigma. Founded in 1913 at the University of Southern California and the University of Illinois, its Alpha chapter was installed at Indiana University in 1923. Initiation is held twice a year.
William C. Gore Jack L. Graham Robert Harris Gayle Eugene Hayes Barbara J. Hibner Gilbert W. Higgins James Stewart Hislop Janet K. Hodges Donald A. Hoffman John B. Hoglund Stanley Jay Holdeman David John Hyde Barbara Anne Johnson Kenneth Byron Johnson Robert Edward LaPierre Jay Frank Lindsey Howard E. Luker David Michael Lurie Phillip Dale Manners William R. Martin Thomas J. Mattern William McCormick, Jr. Joseph W. McFarland Richard L. McIntire James E. McNabney Lester E. Miles Bernard A. Minkow Robert K. Mitchell Robert L. Oppenheim Jerald D. Petro James E. Phillips Franz K. Piller
David E. Albright William O'Bannon Alltop Doris Anne Ast David Allen Baldwin Pierre Henri Boulle Edward Robert Bush Oliver Michael Colvin Arthur Harvey Leigh From Aldora Graf Florence Ann Hattery
Richard Ray Hawley Carol Ann Lieberum Michael Joseph Padula Veiner P. Partenheimer William Clark Pohlmann Margaret Regina Sheviak Darcy Jane Stouder Jeanne Lorraine Stove Richard Kennith Wertz Edward L. Whalen
Earl N. Palke James L. Platt Russell A. Rae Martha A. Ritter Alan M. R. Robbins William E. Roesch Richard A. Ruddell James H. Rushton Phillis A. Sappenfield Bernard A. Schaler Roger I. Seltzer Joseph E. Shiprek John H. Shroat Clifford E. Stoner Philip M. Swadener Henry K. Terkhorn Agnes L. Tietig Helen M. Tozier George J. Valiska Suzanne R. VanMatre Richard D. Wagner James E. Weber Robert D. Whitlow Fredrietta J. Wilson Albert J. Wright Emmet Gordon Wright Charles A. Zebendon
Robert E. Crowe Donald A. Dalka Margaret E. Dodd Thomas L. Dusthimer Richard Elwood Clayton S. Emmert Richard E. Freiburger George H. Fryman Roger A. Fulton Frederick H. Gage
Faculty William C. Cleveland Benjamin F. Thomas Bachelor of Science in Business Jack E. Ahern John L. Baber Thomas R. Betts Miriam Bleyer Richard L. Booth Regina S. Box Dale A. Britten Gene F. Carpenter Leon R. Cheesbrough Panya Chottikhun Richard 0. Christian Frank J. Claeys Ronald S. Cohen Richard M. Cosel
Doctor of Business Administration Nylen W. Edwards Harrison L. Grathwohl Ronald R. Larson Howard D. Lowe Stephen Paranka Harold F. Puff William G. Scott Master of Business Administration Laurence Berlin Ray B. Bressler, Jr. John R. Canan David W. Cravens Arthur B. Feagles Robert S. Felton Joe R. Fritzemeyer George S. Gamble, Jr. Roger W. Garrison Roger J. Groseclose Paul K. Hall William Hughes Donald F. Istvan Victor Kellan John D. Kenlon John L. Mason Paul L. Nappe David W. Ortlieb Dale J. Perkins Joseph V. Quigley Alfred H. Schmidt Eugene L. Shanahan George B. Simmons William D. Stuhldreher
When a freshman woman makes a grade of 2.5 the first semester or a 2.5 cumulative for both semesters, she has the honor of becoming a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. The primary objective of this organization is to promote scholarship and intelligent living among the women of Indiana University.
Kathie Munk, president; Miss Mary E. Gaither, advisor.
Alpha Lambda Delta highlights its yearly activities with an annual banquet honoring pledges and outstanding senior women. An award is presented to the senior girl who maintained the highest grade average.
ROW 1: Diana Boisson, Louise Wilke, Sandie Smith, second vice president; Tommie Dekle, first vice president; Mary Gaither, Kathy Munk, president; Martha Harris, secretary; Sharon Myers, treasurer; Marilyn Trent, Katy Swank. ROW 2: Lee Pryor, Rosemary McIntosh, Louise Rarick, Elyssa Lindner, Sherry Mills, Sandra Dragoo, Lois Young, Libra Jan Cleveland, Barbara Susan Rose, Janet Lea Bowers. ROW 3: Joyce Hobson, Diana Arvin,
Helina Oinas, Kathie Dibell, Betty Bennett, Zita Dapkus, Linda Forst, Katherine Hill, Mary Kay Hawblitzel, Carolyn Sternberg, Sandy Heiman, Ann Bradford. ROW 4: Patricia Lambrecht, Connie Pearson, Mary Fattu, Sondra Mueller, Diane Calligan, Phyllis E. Brown, Mary Jo Burton, Ann Johns, Carol Stowe, Sharon Friend, Janet McMahan, Joan Esterline.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom Telle, historian; John Nash, president (seated); Arthur G. Goodman, vice-president; Albert Kudsi-zadeh, secretary.
Freshmen men fortunate enough to make a 2.5 average are initiated into Phi Eta Sigma, national scholastic fraternity. To promote a higher standard of learning and to encourage high scholastic attainment among freshmen men, the fraternity was established at the University of Illinois in 1923. The IU chapter was founded in 1930. Each year, Phi Eta Sigma distributes freshmen orientation booklets concerning methods of studying. The honorary also combines with Alpha Lambda Delta to act as hosts for visiting high school pupils on scholarship day.
ROW 1: Albert Kudsi-Zadeh, secretary; David Carter, Glenn R. Hackney, David D. McPike, William R. Bartok, James P. Fletcher, Austin Ritterspach, Dan Rodkey. ROW 2: Tom Gehring, Howard Friedman, William Moores, Paul Abbott, J. Lee Aiken, Al Benshoff, Don Johnson, Gordon M. Saks, Ellis M. Rice. ROW 3: Ernie Lockridge, Morris Sorrells, Robert Fuller, Larry Blair,
Dick Barth, Bob Duncan, Douglas Reed, Pete Horn, John Linson, David H. Williams. ROW 4: John Quakenbush, Phillip Mosbaugh, Barclay Cale, John Clark, Tom Telle, John Nash, Dick Elpers, Warner Wilson, Emmet G. Wright, Ned J. Bradley, Terry Albright.
Left to right: Carolyn Holder, historian; Judy Plessinger, vice-president; Jane Ann Stouder, secretary; Nancy Berkey, president; Sandy Jones, social chairman.
Mortar Board
ROW 1: Barbara Cash, treasurer; Sandy Schroeder, Sarah Tritch, Sue Charlesworth, Helen Seidensticker, Linda Walker. ROW 2: Joan Erickson, Nancy Blaisdell, Dene Yalowitz, Nancy Berkey, Judy Whybrew, Lucinda Benzel, Sandy Jones. ROW 3: Barbara
Mortar Board is made up of senior women outstanding in scholarship, leadership, and service. Each member must have a minimum grade average of 1.8. The organization sponsors the unique Dames Ball, at which the "dames" experience the responsibilities and assume the courtesy and initiative that are the traditional requirements of male escorts. Each year, at the Sophomore Recognition Tea, Mortar Board honors outstanding sophomore coeds. New Mortar Board members are "tapped" in their junior year at an annual spring mass meeting.
Jane Strauss, Ann Foley, Judy Plessinger, vice president; Nancy Jones, Jill Strickland, Carolyn Holder, Linde Schmidt, Kay Snyder, Jane Stouder, secretary.
ROW 1: Bonnie Shanok, Gloria D. Randle, Doris Moran, Bette Starkey, Gayle Huminsky, Jeanine Harwood, Dorothy Kretsch, vice-president; Cora Lee Smith, Doris Thompson, Mary Ann Pof f e n b erger. ROW 2: Marjie Heiser, Judi Polivka, Kathy Weiland, Mary Ann Farcus, Wanda Royster, Dawn Tamcsin, Bonnie Brown, Janice Dilling, Merle Miley, Yvonne Belcher, Dottie Reasor, Sue Charlesworth, treasurer. ROW 3: Willa Bedell,
Sandy McNear, Harriet Burgheim, Connie King, social chairman; Nancy Blaisdell, Judy Enlow, Kathy Brady, Nancy Challinor, Joyce Hodges, Andrea Onweller, Ann Morrison, Marie Kingdon, Sana Franke, secretary. ROW 4: Nancy Bell, Ruth Padget, Barbara Strauss, president; Janna Martin, Charlene Rockhill, Laura Jean Passow, Carol Schilling, Beverly Wright, Judy Hine, Carolyn Michel, Catherine Craig, Pat Curtis, Margie Weston.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Dorothy Kretsch, vicepresident; Mary Ann Farcus, publicity chairman; Barbara Jane Strauss, president; Sana Franke, secretary; Connie King, social chairman.
Pleiades, derived from the Greek word for "sail," is the name of a group of stars in the constellation Taurus. With a parallel theme of excellence above the normal world, Pleiades honors organized junior and senior women who are outstanding in scholarship, activities, and service to their sororities and to the university.
One of the goals of freshmen women is to become a member of Enomene. The word enomene was derived from the Greek word meaning "unity." Promoting unity between the freshmen and the sophomore women and encouraging leadership are the primary purposes of Enomene. The IU Chapter, which was organized in 1951, pledges five per cent of the freshmen women each year. The pledges must have a 1.8 average and participate in at least two campus activities. Members may be recognized by the white pods with the Enomene insignia which are traditionally worn by initiates during Greek Week and at the AWS Mass Meeting.
ROW 1: Nancy Scott, Sally Poindexter. ROW 2: Pat McCord, Sherry Mills.
ROW 1: Phyllis White, Diana Boisson, Nancy Scott, vice-president; Nancy Mentendiek, Margie McConnel, Sue Woodfill, Ann Bradford, Mary Sue Martin. ROW 2: Barbara Child, Judy Pressler, Suzie Eberhart, Martha Joan Polley, Jean Wertz, Katie Berry, Jacque Wooden, Dian Hoodelmier, Beverly Carmichael. ROW 3: Janet Noblitt, Jill Moody, Sylvia Bill, Kathy Munk, 79
Mary Louise Roberts, Pat McCord, recording secretary; Kathie Dibell, Sherry Mills, president; Martha Harris, Pam Jessup, Gail Cassen. ROW 4: Elise Williams, Diane Roe, Vicki Jane Gore, Tommie Dekle, Susan Hoover, Mary Jo Burton, Mary Ann Pulse, Mary Lee Phillips, Barbara George, Karen Ullstrup, Alice Stouder, Judy Wigginton.
Pamarada activities honorary for independent junior and senior women
ROW 1: Wendy Barron, Marian Godeke, Erlene Black, Liberty Chochos, Patricia Thomas, president; Peggy Thompson, secretary; Kay Smith, Dorothy Hostetler, vice-president; Deardra Roesch. ROW 2: Marilyn Greiner, Marlene Smith, Sharon Rae Bush.
Harriet R. Hersh, Dene Yalowitz, Roberta Wysong, treasurer; Ann Foley, Joan Esterline, Linda Silver, Ann Fitzgerald, Judith Oberman.
Tomahawk honorary service organization for independent sophomore men
ROW 1: Don Poore, Robert Adams, treasurer; Bob Bloecker, Fred Dressel, David R. Weber, vice-president; Al Lehman, president. ROW 2: Louis Sorio, David Major, Charles Baker,
Richard Wright, Terrill D. Albright, Jim Hill, Austin Ritterspach. ROW 3: Larry Summers, Daniel Horton, John Foster, Edward Wall, Patrick Sanders, Larry Warshawsky.
ROW 1: Roger Seltzer, Jack Widner, Martin Flynn Jr., Bill Cast, Bernie Minkow, treasurer. ROW 2: Jay Frank Lindsey, David Albright, Bob Shula, president; Barry Bergsman, secretary; Gene
Blue Key, activities honorary for junior and senior men who have achieved leadership in campus organizations, strives to encourage intellectual attainment and foster desire for service to IU. Cremating the effigy of Jawn Purdue, complete with funeral orations, and the awarding of the fire bell after the IU basketball classic are two traditions originated by Blue Key. Each year it presents a recognition award and a scholarship award to the two outstanding freshman men.
McGarvey, Jerry Moss, vice-president. ROW 3: Gene Kalina, Lou Cohen, Ed Whalen, Jack Scott, Bob Neuman, Doyle Winter, Bill Fry.
Blue Key
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jerry Moss, vice-president Bernie Minkow, recording secretary and treasurer; Barry Bergsman, corresponding secretary; Bob Shula, president.
ROW 1: Carl T. Eakin, sponsor; Robert Harris, treasurer; Arnold Abramjon, Glenn P. Jacoby, John Moshak. ROW 2: Robert Heid, Michael J. Padula, vice-president; Fred Del Toro,
Robert Kenninger, Larry Warshawsky, Keith Patterson. ROW 3: Bob Hughes, Patrick Sanders, Bob Bloecker, Ralph Weeks, Karl Koepke, secretary; Ted Moser, president; Fred Dressel.
ROW 1: Ted Moser, president; Michael Podula, vice-president; ROW 2: Karl Koepke, secretary; Ralph Weeks, historian; Robert Harris, treasurer.
The purpose and ideals of Flame Club are symbolized in the organization's emblem, which is divided into four quadrants, representing God, Institution, Learning, and Fellowship. To be eligible for this national honorary for junior and senior independent men, one must have a 2.0 accumulative and have shown qualities of leadership in campus activities. Traditionally, the upkeep of the Wellhouse is financed by sponsoring an annual dance with Pamarada. The Wellhouse Waltz also contains one of the most popular Queen contests of the year. 295
activities honorary for organized junior men
ROW 1: Arnie Heltzer, John Gourley, treasurer; Leon Brillant, president; Bill Balch, secretary; Joe Kamman, vice-president. ROW 2: Charles A. Fritz, Roger Seltzer, Phil Johnson, Dale Little, James Wrobleski, John Scheiner, Ronald Moblo, Lou Cohen. ROW 3: Charles Calloway, Neill Petronella, Ronald Lerch, Robert Strongwater, Jerry Werden, Earl Nolting, Kenny Carr, Richard
J. Thomas, Robert Newell. ROW 4: H. 0. Dodson, Richard Wolcott, Jim Schrum, Roger Wolcott, Roy Bromelmeier, John Washburn, William E. Miller Jr., Dick Sutton, Lester Govert, Dave Riggs. ROW 5: Tom Mote, Don Fiege, Pete Sowerwine, Don Weber, Jack Heidt, Marty Kroot, Robert Hope, Bill Brattain, Garey Conrad.
Sphinx honorary social organization for upperclass men
ROW 1: Karl E. Schneider, Robin Antrim, J. J. Fenstermaker, William Sohn, secretary; Joe Wampler, treasurer; Jay Lindsey, president; Jack Wade, vice-president; Jerry Moss, Bob Shula, Dennis Escol, Bernie Minkow. ROW 2: Ronald Borcherding, Tom Walker, Marty Flynn, Robert Hoskins, Robert S. Allen, Dave Mikesell, Bill Karm, Charlie Shoemaker, Dave Denton,
Lloyd Emerson, Roger F. Robison, Gene Kalina. ROW 3: Dave Malson, Bill Pomp, Jack Widner, Barry Bergsman, Gene McGarvey, George Cook, Ronald Webb, Everett Jones, Jerry Ford, Tom Glendening, Jim Koehlinger. ROW 4: Don Rosenfelt, Dick Bishopp, Don Schroeder, Tim Furlong, Jack Heidt, Brad Laycock, Joseph Doyle, Dave Dinin, Jack Douglas, John Noblitt, Bill Fry.
ROW I: Bob Cochran, Dick Crosser, Dave Musial, Gene Pustandrovich, Jay Lewis, Fred Robbins, Fritz Hill, Jim Fulwider, John Foltz. ROW 2: Jack Fitzpatrick, Jerry Winkler, Larry Blair, Jim Turner, Ferd Spangler, Bruce Heine, Bob Ake, Gordy Durnil, Ed Wallis, John R. MacLennan. ROW 3: Ed Bill, Neil Diverstein, Sammy Singerton, Frank J. Otte, Paul Hiatt, George
Buckingham, Jack F. Douherteen, Ron Kirshbaum, Cliff Norris, Bob O'Neel. ROW 4: Bill Vititoe, Wayne Dawson, secretary; Herbert Busby, Jim Bruner, Bob Deputy, president; Jim Clements, vice-president; Don McGivern, Mike Hyde, George Miller, Ralph Cohen, Vedder Brocker.
Skull and Crescent Left to right: Sammy Singer, treasurer; Wayne Dawson, secretary; Bob Deputy, president; Jim ( lements, vice-president.
Skull and Crescent, national honorary of organized sophomore men, was installed at IU in 1932 to promote unity among fraternity men on campus. Sponsoring the first all-campus dance, the Sweater Hop, initiates the activity season for Skull and Crescent. This year its members also went to the Indiana-Ohio State football game and participated in half time events with a similar group from Ohio State. Each year Skull and Crescent gives one award for outstanding academic achievement and one to the outstanding senior.
Alpha Delta Sigma and Gamma Alpha Chi advertising honoraries for men and women
ROW 1: Gay Violet Strege, Carol Demange, Pat Slott, Judi Middleton, Jo Anne Morris, Judy Figg, Kay Kellum, Ann Sappenfield. ROW 2: Jill Frank, Bette Starkey, Jane Thomas, Margaret Smith, secretary; Dagnija Blomkalns, Margie Weston, Zonda Stanley, Riette Thomas, Sara Mitten. ROW 3: Gerald Fitzgerald, J. George Karras, David L. Koher, Keifer R. Calkins II, James
R. Blackburn, William L. Greenwald, Hadley W. Fruits, Thomas R. Fara, Fred J. Engecking, John A. Rieser. ROW 4: Jean Halterman, faculty advisor; Jack Pitts, Darrell Blanton, Charle F. Wittman, James Biddle, Robert R. Schmidt, Joe Chalfant, John Edward Bowles, James Lytle, Jim Showalter, Tom Glenn.
Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity
ROW 1: Robert H. Koon, secretar); Charles R. Houser, president; Thomas E. Doyle, vice-president; William H. Rea, Charles Krueger, treasurer; John Graham, Billy R. Moore, Jack B. Andrews. ROW 2: Glenn R. Hackney, Al Keller, Karl Koepke, Gene E. Robbins, Rich Applas, Milton R. Banziger, Paul Ray Goodus,
Jon Sommer, David W. Overmyer. ROW 3: G. W. Starr, faculty; Tevis L. Fields Jr., Dale L. Kase, Ron Bengtson, Glenn E. Thompson, Clayton Emmert, Al Bergstedt, Barry L. Hindman, James Brucker, Ted W. Moser, Dave Wood.
Omicron Delta business sorority
LEFT TO RIGHT: Janet M. King, Janet Townsend, Elsie Mae Boose, Judy Pritchard, president; Charlotte Waterford, Beverly
Wright, secretary; Charlene Pittman, Carolyn Feutz, vice-president; Carol Kuder, Ann Erwin.
Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry honorary
ROW 1: Marvin Hunt, Chester A. Pinkham, Roger F. Robinson, Joseph G. Moser, Richard E. Hall. ROW 2: Donald Anderson,
James McMahan, Charles H. Davis, George W. Simpson, Thomas E. Ragland, Larry H. Hundley, Leo Sampanis.
Pi Lambda Theta
national honorary for women in the school of education
ROW 1: Carmen B. Carlos, Connie King, Sarah Tritch, Shirley Karlson, Alice Rogers, president; Barbara Snepp. ROW 2: Marcia Hartung, Sharon Rae Bush, secretary; Sana Franke, Kathleen Fults, Maxine Dunfee, advisor; Gloria Dixon, Pat Curtis. ROW 3:
Elizabeth M. Duwe, Anna Antonicei, Joyce Stoops, Barbara Dykerslee, Jean Mikuta, Pauline Schmid, Jane L. Babb, vicepresident; Evelyn Eckerman.
Theta Sigma Phi
national professional fraternity for women in journalism
ROW 1: Mick; Webb, secretary; Barbara Watt, president; Ruth Padget, Sara Mitten. ROW 2: Judy Havey, Margie Weston, Ann Bouillet, Carolyn Holder, vice president; Judy Williams, treas-
urer; Kay Kellum. RON\ Virginia Reed, Peggy Graham.
Ga^ Strege, Arlene Neubauer,
Sigma Delta Chi national journalism honorary for men
ROW 1: Wayne Armentrout, president; Bill Summers, vice-president; David Albright, secretary; Gus Lumpe. ROW 2: John
Canright, Rex Redifer, Dick Monroe, Dick Carson, Larry Warshawsky, Joe Geshwiler, Bob Garcia, Deane Kingsbury.
Phi Delta Phi national law fraternity
ROW 1: Walter F. Hadley Jr., Frank A. Webster, Lester A. Kassing, Preben Jensen, Al Teagle, Jim Droege, James F. Fitzpatrick, Barry S. Jellison, Lewis T. Wireman. ROW 2: Jerry Newman, Robert Miser, Verl G. Miller, Roger H. Smith, Jordan D. Lewis,
Robert C. Ware, Thomas M. Reeder, John M. O'Brien. ROW 3: Hillard J. Trubitt, Howard Trockman, Dick Cardwell, Leroy W. Hofmann, Robert W. Roth, Richard L. McIntire, John H. Sweeney, Jon A. Bulkley, Frank W. Messer.
Alpha Delta Theta national fraternity for medical technologists
ROW 1: Betty Bishop, Melinda Priest, Donna Jo Provo, Janet Bowers. ROW 2: Shirley Scott, Ronna Smitherman, Sherry Pelz, Jeanne Rohrer, vice president; Judy Stitzer, president. ROW 3:
Jo Pearson, Marilyn Herget, Zoetta Keller, Bettylyn Robbins, treasurer; Joan Burdsall, Lois Ann Francis, Jay Haskell, secretary.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia professional honorary fraternity for sophomore men in music
ROW 1: 105N and R. Liva, Jerry D. Pierce, Roger A. Fortna, Bob Platt. ROW 2: Carl Horne, Norman Hessert, vice president; John
R. Nalezny, Michael Hatfield, secretary; Larry Shriner, James Herding.
Kappa Kappa Psi honorary band fraternity
ROW 1: Howard R. Liva, Joseph Thomas Tretheway, Eugene K. White, vice-president; Dr. Ronald D. Gregory, sponsor of local chapter, national president; Charles W. Lybrook, Lance H. Jo, Ron Carmony. ROW 2: Walton Wilson, Don R. McCullough, Donald E. Ritter, Robert L. Griffiths, John R. Nalezny, Wm. E.
Brattain, Phillip D. Rowe, Roland W. Unkuri, Robert S. Tennyson, Irving A. Blontz. ROW 3: Harry Huxol, George Carey, James Bailey, C. Eugene Nichols, treasurer; Eugene Hasselfeldt, president; Gayl Doster, Leslie Bradshaw, David Ison, Buz Rufe, Ken Grandstaff, Richard S. Sutherlin.
Sigma Alpha Iota professional honorary for women in music
ROW 1: Mary Sue Martin, Beverly Barry, Lee Pryor, Carolyn Whitmer, Pat Mitchell, Joyce Hobson, Delene DeWitt. ROW 2: Patricia Lambrecht, Cynthia Findley, Joan Bickel, Julie Ferguson, Sally Bush, Kayleen Jensen, Jane Simpson, treasurer; Colleen Smith, president. ROW 3: Judith Thornburg, Elyssa Lindner,
Karen Fisher, Sylvia Harris, Carol Shigley, Sue Reid, Jody Piper, Caryl Matthews, Rosalie Bent. ROW 4: Charlotte Isgrigg, Rosemary McIntosh, Carol Robinson, Sally Ann Sharp, Mary Ruth Hartman, Peggy Stoltz, Betty Bennett, Janet Polivka, Jeanne Yarling, Barbara Shields.
Tau Beta Sigma music honorary
LEFT TO RIGHT: Beverly Barry, secretary; Pat Minnis, Charlene Robinson, Julia Henderson, president; Sarah Spain, Beverly Ann
Bowley, vice president: Leonore Torode, Kay Smith.
Mu Phi Epsilon music honorary
LEFT TO RIGHT: Joyce Goldsworthy, Nancy Jung, treasurer; Ruthlee Figlure, Geraldine Ingram, secretary; Marion Major,
Leonore Torode, Janice Zimmerman, Myrna Trowbridge, Skaidrite Lidums, president; Marilyn Trent.
Sigma Iota Epsilon honorary management fraternity
ROW 1: Denton L. Moir, Kenneth P. Juhn, Donner M. Deam, Irwin Dickstein, William R. Campbell, Edward J. Morrison. ROW 2: Robert Rehder, Rocco Carso Jr., treasurer; Danilo
Orescanin, Gayle Hayes, secretary; Emmct G. Wright, Horace A. Shonle, John H. Porter.
Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity
ROW 1: Mike Magoloi, Tom Connell, Russ Boyd, Ray Maesaka, Robert Moon, James Grimes. ROW 2: Clay Dunton, Charles Clayton, Robert Spedding, H. William Gilmore, president; Jerry
Leer, Richard Henry, Donald Jennings. ROW 3: Max Lecklituer, Bill Allman, Jim Ruble, Ralph E. Adams, Duke Arens, Frank Wright, James Hennigar, Guy Janssen, Gene Hedrick.
Omega Delta optometry honorary
ROW 1: Ray Hart Detraz, Jim Wellington, Dick Patrohay, Phil Grush, Don Connor. ROW 2: Brooks Dooley, Leon Favede, John Mahan, president; James Hormuth, Philip George, Carl
Golightly. ROW 3: Dickey Wayne Gray, Wayne Ten Cate, Phil Hale, H. W. Hofstettes, faculty adviser; Michael TeVault, C. David Landaw.
Omega Epsilon Phi optometry fraternity for men
ROW 1: Frederick F. Sprunger, Charles Corner, Jerald Strickland, Robert Robb, James Carty, Dennis Escol. ROW 2: Karl Isenbarger, Richard Dee Hall, secretary; William Baldwin, adviser; Jack Moore, Frederick Van Nus, James Rual Clark, J. Joe Cheek.
ROW 3: Donald Eberly, Thomas Eversman, James Stieglitz, Charles Shick, president; Herman Frederick Rusche, Kenneth Kimmell, Richard Hosea, Robert Berger.
Psi Chi psychology honorary
ROW 1: Margaret Sheets, Brenda Rarick, Aldora Graf, president; Barbara Scholl, Jane Stouder, Barbara Ennis. ROW 2:
Thomas W. Hall, Clyde B. Rountree, secretary; Leon H. Levy, sponsor; Gary Brumback, Tom McConnell, treasurer.
Theta Alpha Phi speech and theater honorary
ROW 1: Nancy Kierspe, Sandra Moore, Barbara Miles, Judy Frank. ROW 2: Gerald Horn, John Staley, Charles Kimbrough,
Dave Ferguson, Billy Harbin, Durward McDonald.
Psi Omega
dental fraternity
ROW 1: Richard S. Hembroff, Robert L. Mattern, Jack Krach, Thomas Kaminski, Ralph Merkel, W. Joe Hilton, Don Nesler, Mike Conway. ROW 2: Robert Woodburn, Jerry Cartmel, Wayne Abbott, Ed Pfafflin, Ronald Sherck, Don Norwood, J. P. Farmer, Kurt Strempel, Ray Dennany, George Bulfa. ROW 3: W. David
Xi Psi Phi
dental fraternity
Leyda, G. J. Childes, R. J. Cassingham, Reece '1 ownsend, Del Byerly, Glen Sagraves, John Libke, Harold Brewer, Ronald Scheele, Donald Nollke, Joseph Minnis, W. Richard Leyda, Jack Engleman.
When it was founded at the University of Michigan in 1889, the Xi Psi Phi dental fraternity took its name from the beginning letters of three Greek words meaning "Hospitality Is the Life of Friendship." After establishing the chapter in Indianapolis in 1893, the men of this honorary have strived to make friendship its most important theme.
Carrying out this theme, Xi Psi Phi sponsors frequent parties and dances to provide a more complete social life for the honorary's members and alumni. The fraternity also invites outstanding men from the field of dentistry to speak at meetings, thus providing a more substantial basis upon which members can build their professional lives.
Having the distinction of being founded at Indiana University in 1922 and being the only national honorary society for nursing in the United States, Sigma Theta Tau is dedicated to the goal of promoting high professional standards. This society fosters the development of leadership qualities by stimulating intellectual advancement and by encouraging desirable personal and social characteristics. The various groups of individuals who may be considered for membership include undergraduate students working toward a baccalaureate degree, faculty members, and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession of nursing.
Jayne Bruner
Maidell Miller
Nancy Hengstter
Marilyn Franz
Marilyn McConnell
Carolyn Woodling
Carolyn Cassity
Delta Sigma Pi business honorary
ROW 1: Ray Lain, historian; Frank Zimmerman, Chuck Levenhagen, Joe Hipskind, Craig Toensing, Jim Koehlinger, Jack Graham. ROW 2: Richard Fleck, Kiffen Gilbert, Carl Zurcher, Jay Charon, Bob Blecker, Fred DelToro, Ray Hawkins. ROW 3:
Norman Brown, Doug Reed, president; Warner Wilson, Wilson Hurrel, secretary; Bernie Schaler, senior vice president; Bob Keene, John Lawrence, junior vice president; George Cook.
Scabbard and Blade military honorary
ROW 1: Bernie Minkow, Jack King, Gerald L. McKinsey, Fred DelToro, Robert J. Johnson, faculty adviser; Robert K. Dillon, vice president; Ronald Koger, Doug Shue. ROW 2: Doyle G.
Winter, Jack M. Klausner, Ronald P. Allison, William Pohlmann, president; Steve Wirts, Robert Ballentine, Stephen Goldberg, Herb Osmon, Jack Pitman.
Arnold Air Society
ROW 1: Robert J. Shula, Jay F. Lindsey, Douglas S. Leman, area adjutant; Vance A. Zartman, Roland E. Williams, area executive; Stanley D. Rice, commander; Frank K. Edmondson Jr. ROW 2: J. Eugene DeWees, Frank L. Zimmerman, Jack Douglas, Robert Skaggs, Paul Pack, Bill Karm, Thomas W. Hall, Jack Graham, Patrick P. Tripiciano. ROW 3: Roger A. Fortna, Gordon C. Greider, Philip G. Burch, Richard J. Thomas, Jerry K. Lowe, Robert Gray, Don W. Peck, Charlie Cogdell. Dave Riggs. ROW
4: Ed Peachin, Keith K. Ritter, Jerry C. H. Schaaf, John R. Nalezny, Donald L. Smith, Larry H. Hundley, Walter 0. Harris, Lynn Rans, adjutant; Bob Townsend, Earl Pontius. ROW 5: Lawrence Skelton, William L. Miller, Donald L. Burton, Jack Schulz, Gary Wells, Pete Obremskey, Jack Heidt, Joe Butterworth, John R. Noblitt, executive officer; David Percy, Mack Wootton, Hugh Robertson.
Angel Flight
ROW I: Phyllis Barrett, Mary Lou Marshall, Ann Lindley, Darlene Blacker, Judith Kennady, Barbara Strubbe, Pat Minnis. ROW 2: Dawna Maine, Joanne McDowell, Sally Ann Sharp, vice president;
Sherry Beth Delz, Sharon Ogle, Doris-Jean Burton, treasrer; Judith Anne Stratton, secretary; Marilyn Joyce Rice, president; Mrs. Walter Milburn, sponsor.
ROW 1: 1st Lt. Philip Thieme; Capt. Richard J. Haas, armor adviser; Sfc. Dalbert Whitham, armor adviser; Capt. Ronald P. Allison. ROW 2: Warren G. Davis Jr., supply officer; 1st Sgt. Roger N. Butler; Robert B. Denham, drill master; Charles Baker, company clerk; Robert P. Sleeth, public information officer.
Perching Rifles
ROW 1: Capt. Arthur Samuel, adjutant; Lt. Col. Larry Warshawsky, executive officer; Capt. Clayton Moran, faculty adviser; Col. Paul Metcalf, regimental commander. ROW 2: Lt. D. Warren McCullough, supply officer; Capt. Dave Best, finance officer; Lt. Donald Weber, information officer; Lt. Jack Schuster, assistant finance officer; Capt. James McCoskey, expansion officer.
ROW 1: Joseph N. Crawford, Robert H. Hartman, Avery Carmack Jr., Gary Kapperman, Dave Leukhardt, John H. Ridge, Michael J. Kmak, Frederick J. Eley, Paul C. Govert. ROW 2: Irving Levy, Larry Rothrock, Delano Newkirk, John A. Harrold, David A. Harrison, Laurens Carner, William Borrowman, Jerry Hogue, Thomas Malone. ROW 3: Michael Cohn, George H. Kellams, Vaughn Keith Michael Jr., Phillip Harris, Steve Thom, Jerry Stelmach, James R. Hasler, Dennis Lawson, Bill Dinkledine,
Bradley Hastings, Tom Kand. ROW 4: Dale A. Bourdon, Frank C. Tinsley, James E. Sylvester, George R. Crawford, Jerry R. Sprinkle, Kent L. Ritter, James E. Holder, John O'Neill, William L. Bailey, Dan M. Waters, David L. Kingen. ROW 5: Michael Kopernik, Darwin M. Short, Lance Freehafer, James H. Hickman, Steve Simon, Dick Meyer, Buddy Nash, David Miller, Steve Hand, Ronald Patton, John L. Hickman, Charles R. Grizzle, Alan Day.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Col. Fred DelToro, Lt. Col. Dean Gallinatti, Major Jerry Baer, Capt. Jerry Spindler, Capt. Allen Griffith.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Lt. Col. Ronald P. Allison, Major F. Robert Lively, 1st Lt. Larry Baron, 1st Lt. Gerald McKinsey, 1st Lt. Bernie Minkow. LEFT TO RIGHT: Lt. Col. Stephen Goldberg, Major Richard Stefan, 1st Lt. John D. McGrath, 1st Lt. Ronald C. David.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Lt. Col. Joe Chalfant, Major Jerry L. Boss, Capt. David Funk, 1st Lt. Robert Urdal.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Capt. Jack King, Capt. Ray Heiman, Capt Karl Schneider, Capt. Leslie Turbowitz, Capt. Gene Robbins, Capt. Larry Shuman.
ROW 1: Jerry W. Baer, Jack A. King, Dale K. Little, John R. Miley, Gerald L. McKinsey, Karl E. Schneider, Bernard A. Minkow. ROW 2: William R. Fry, Martin M. Bassett, Ed Whalen, Stephen Goldberg, Fred DelToro, George F. Felder Jr., Gregg
Elmer, Doug Shue, Bob Lively. ROW 3: Jerry L. Boss, Ronald P. Allison, Bob Dillon, Joe Chalfant, Don Rees, William C. Pohlmann, Gene E. Robbins, Ron David, Dean G. Gallinatti, Richard J. Stefan.
Air Force Drill Team
ROW 1: Richard W. Edmunds, Arthur V. Sipf, Ronald E. William, commander; Samuel E. Shrum, adviser; Donald Smith, Bob Watson, executive officer; Richard Thornburg, first sergeant. ROW 2: Jerry Wright, Sherrill Modlin, Gilbert R. Johnson,
Lynn Nichelson, Ken Williamson, Robert J. Chiswell, Bill Gillespie, Ted Findley. ROW 3: Jon L. Todd, Raymond M. Bauer, Robert A. Young, Vernon D. Wegert, David R. Sparks, William K. Noble, Charles W. Schwartz.
Accounting Club
ROW 1: Arnold M. Abramson, Michael J. Regan, Roy M. ReMite, Gordon M. Saks, Donald E. Ditlinger, Garland J. Miller, C. Allen Lehman. ROW 2: Thomas Wrigley Jr., Donald E. Brewer, Allan H. Miller, Don Schultheis, James H. Job, Robert E. Lytle, Robert K. Mitchell, Jerry Quiggle. ROW 3: Dan J. Richardson, Ture A.
Nelson, William H. Chreste Jr., Phil Sherman, treasurer; Donald W. Schlehuser, Tom E. Brendle, James U. Hughey Jr. ROW 4: Gene Fowler, Russell Hedstrom, John West, William Rea, Don Holt, Richard Elwood, Oscar Due, Jack L. Graham.
ROW 1: G. Da,. id Sherick, David J. Vucich, Don Campbell, Ruth Gore Oliver, Phyllis Wilson, Mark Pastor, Billy R. Moore, George E. Hahn. ROW 2: Fred Patcheak, Jerry A. Hughes, Melvin N. Greenball, Richard Izen, Fred H. Gage, Jack Wigner, David Malson, James Harfield. ROW 3: Ernest E. Baird, Eugene J.
Kulczyk, Sanford Sirkus, John H. Shroat, James L. Brooke, president; Jack M. Schuster, Arthur R. Samuel, Dale F. Miller, second vice-president. ROW 4: Edward Peachin, John Berdis, John Weldy, Gene E. Robbins, Robert S. Thayer, Ronnie Wimmer, Don R. Miller, James D. Weaver, James 0. Smith.
Finance Club
ROW 1: Suzanne L. Hemphel, Carol G. Crissman, secretary; Barbara Doran, treasurer; Karen Chellberg, Mary Lou Baake. ROW 2: Tom Dixon, Ron Bengtson, president; Robert Clifford, Don Weaver, Jon Armstrong, Theodore Noell. ROW 3: Mike
Hyde, Charles Eastridge, Stephen Vangel, Eugene J. Meyers, William P. Givens, vice president; Clayton Emmert, Ned J. Bradley, James S. Shaver.
Square and Compass social club for campus masons
ROW 1: Dana Smith, vice president; John F. Reed, James A. Graham, Harold K. Ramey, treasurer; Stuart A. McConnaha, president; John S. Glassford, secretary; James L. Mahler, Jack V. Divine, James H. Perry. ROW 2: John Weldy, Russell L. Fruits, Jerry D. Parker, William J. Russell, Dave Allen, Buddy L. Wiggs, Dick Wilson, Donald L. McCoy, Charles R. Fisher,
John Ransford. ROW 3: Carroll E. Foster, Ned R. Lavengood, Erwin L. Neier, D. Kent Denmary, Kiffin E. Gilbert, Robert W. Amos, James E. Fields, James D. Weaver, James C. McConnell, James E. Owens, Phillip G. Durbin, Garland D. Anderson, Robert T. Clark.
Marketing Club
ROW 1: Karen Lynn Meyer, Nancy Kroeger, Elsie Mae Boose, Marilyn Chan. ROW 2: D. Warren McCullough, Richard Wolcott, Edward L. Plaskett, Donald H. Smith. ROW 3: Philip Susic,
Robert P. Marshall, Jerry C. Schaaf, William F. Sammons, David L. Koher.
ROW 1: Alan Cordill, Ronald Jeshow, Robert Boyll, Judy Figg, secretary-treasurer; Lyn Stone, Joan Miller, Ginny Van Eck, Edward Scharf, Rodger Vignolo, Thomas Williams. ROW 2: Romey Lovisa, Buddy Wiggs, Richard Wolcott, Roger Wolcott, Jerry Grove, Jack Pitts, Cyril L. Muraida Jr., Charles Eickman, vice president; Edward Fromm, Jack C. Chambers, Gary L. Chase. ROW 3: Dave Hedges, Don Rosenfelt, Robert Hoskins,
Ted Moser, Tom Mote, Don Weik, Bob Bradach, Joe Wampler, Dave Carlton, Tom Drehobl, Leon Zolkowski, Bill Tanner. ROW 4: James Biddle, Charles F. Wittman, William Fackler, George Piepho, Bob Roberts, Gary Hildreth, John West, Everett Jones, president; Steve Wirts, Gary Wells, Thomas G. Marks, Robert L. King, Dave Wiegman, Joe Chalfant.
Society for the Advancement of Management
ROW 1: Marilyn Hayes, Janet Townsend, Riette Thomas, Carol Demange, Ann Stone, Shirley Thompson, secretary; Ann Sappenfield, Sylvia Traumer. ROW 2: James H. Perry, Robert E. Beres, Jerry Ranostaj, Donner M. Deam, James Anthony, James P. Gibbs, James L. Merritt, Russell Fruits, Garland Miller, Ronald H. Barnes. ROW 3: Albert W. Rausch, Alan Cordill, Richard D. Miller, Gerard Libbing, Donald Hill, Ellis M. Rice, James E. Curtis, Donald H. Smith, Donald A. ZiN ich, Philin Thieme, James
Garver. ROW 4: Joe Emerson, Sukit Chullanandana, Paul V. Metcalfe, Bart L. Gish, Russell Craig Rossow, Allen Kolb, William C. Love, William R. Thornell, James C. Ede, Jack G. Hays. ROW 5: Edgar D. Fetterer, Phil Susic, Kenneth Cassaday, Rolland Stephens, Jack M. Klausner, Joe Hagee, Stephen Heiwig, Gerald J. Ujaak, William Urschel, Tom Frank, Franz Piller, James Brooke.
ROW 1: Terry Smith, Edward Dernule, Wayne Jaquess, treasurer; John Helfrich, vice president; Carl Genrich, vice president; Pat Lowe, Thomas E. Doyle, president; John E. Barto, vice president; Ray Moore, Karlton Holle, Charles Hudson. ROW 2: Ronald Carlson, Robert G. Timberlake, James A. Mogge, James L. Hammond, Jack E. Neely, Harry L. Parker, Milton R. Banziger, Boyd L. McCullough, Ferris Parker Jr., Warren Dunigan Sr., William H. Threadgill, Joaquin C. Guerrero. ROW 3: Robert M. Urdal, Russell E. Mahoney, J. J. Fenstermaker, Joseph C. Kisslinger, Tom Althauser, Jack W. Fricke, William Gough, Basil E. Wood-
mansee, David W. Overmyer, William F. Aicardi, Jack V. Divine, Edward L. Plaskett Jr., George B. Dean. ROW 4: Joseph R. Stratman, Bernard W. Rekus, James L. Chamberlain, Karl 0. Koepke, Howard H. Hall, Keith K. Ritter, John R. Noblitt, James A. Biddle, Douglas L. Reed, Jerome N. Chandler, Keith Piper, Ted Moser, Bob Gilliom, Richard S. Testut, Kenneth W. Wallace. ROW 5: Stephen L. Jacobs, Robert M. Silverman, Jerry Martin, Thomas E. Jackson, Ned R. Lavengood, David L. Sutton, Bernard Schaler, James Kneisley, Gayle Hayes, Jack Skievaski, Terry Shirk, Cyril A. Palak, Carl W. Walczak.
National Education Association
ROW 1: Anita Roser, Rosalie Fleck, Janet Bechtold, Rosalie Sheline, president; Philmena Zappia, Laurel Kardin. ROW 2: Joan Merchant, Judy MacLaren, Jane Zimmerman, vice-president; Brenda Ely, Sandy Stenhouse, Pat Snow, Joann Kixmeller. ROW 3: Judy Anderson, Joan Weir, Sandra Mayer, Betty Lehman, Pat
Urban, Beverly Mead, Alice Rogers, Judy Zimmerman, secretary. ROW 4: Carol Cramer, Janice Grebe, Carol Buckner, George Johnson, Fred Ruge, Jack Carmichael, Tom Osborne, Judy Fechtman, Susie Fisher.
ROW 1: Connie Bivens, Carolyn Weigle, Mary McMillan, June Budlove, Dorothy Kretch, Betty Hocker, Diane McCullough, Susie Armstrong, Dorothy Hostettler, Earlene Sieron. ROW 2: Janet King, Charlene Pittman, Marcia Hurt, Sarah Murphy, Pat Meier, Rowena Green, Sharon Stickler, Judy Cromwell, Ann Kettinger, Janie Cleland. ROW 3: Marge Costin, Sharon William-
son, Louise Weber, Joan Brown, Lorene Scherer, Nancy Bell, Barbara Ball, Linda Todd, Joan Detrick, Lois Kett, Mary Ellen Fox, Bunny Perrotta. ROW 4: Sue Bogan, Janet McMahan, Sara Hansert, Jo Ann Buldwin, Jane Weber, Dorothy Schmitz, Phyllis Brown, Kathy Keneipp, Pat Curtis, Lillian Fernandez, Janet Steger, Barbara Kerkeiner, Arlene Prokrifehek, Judy Komoroshe.
Association or Childhood Education
ROW 1: Maryann Wilson, vice president; Karen Stucky, president; Harriet Schilit, secretary. ROW 2: Norma Sering, Gladys Alegre, Connie Daugherty, Ethel Glogas, Anice Deal, Joan Arthur, June Budlove, Philomena Zappia, Dorothy Kretsch, Ann Kittinger, Diane Kester, Lillian Walker. ROW 3: Joan Tapp, Edith Coleman, Barbara Snepp, Patricia Druckamiller, Janet Fields, Phyllis Rodgers, Jo Ann Marley, Arlene Pokrifcak, Judy Komoroske, Marjorie Costin, Joan Davis, Mary Charlotte Young, Anita
Roser. ROW 4: Rita McNamara, Elizabeth Melvin, Mary Tousley, Janet S. Jenkins, Judy Neff, Mabel Session, Margery Cira, Lois Jane Paloski, Sandy Stenhouse, Anna Kaserman, Ellen Gebhart, Linda Todd. ROW 5: Pattye Maier, Lillian Fernandez, Doris Vavrek, Joan Dittrich, Katie Hilt, Barbara Jean Harris, Jane Webber, Barbara Kirkeiner, Marjory Brauer, Angela Pacheco, Loree Kraut, Jane Peterson, Debbie Subow, Pat Curtis, Susan Kretsch.
Home Economics Club
ROW 1: Nancy Leach, Margaret Gross, Thelma Walton, Jacqueline Hammond, Linda Crabtree, Helen Snively. ROW 2: Catherine Smith, Marilyn Kleinschmidt, Karin Stone, Jan Aikins, Caroline Brooks, Suzi Willits, president; Nina Lewis, Jana Green, treas-
ROW 3: Barbara Ann Bray, Sunnye Adams, Jan Wallace, Vicki Jane Gore, secretary; Mary Crenshaw, sponsor; Diana Wright. Jean Capel, vice president; Deanna Gilharn, Lois Dittenmore.
Social Service Club
ROW 1: Norma Scharlack, Fran Calderon, Mindy Lehman, Fran Hurst, Barbara Anderson. ROW 2: Norma Sullivan, Betty Green, Judith Selig, secretary; Nora Talesnick, president; Patricia Lyons,
Theodora Allen, faculty. ROW 3: Chia-Weiku, Stan Wisniewski, Connie Bradt, Evelyn von Herrmann, faculty; Shirley Nash, Roberta Wysong, Donald E. Orth, Walter H. Olds.
Speech and Hearing Club
ROW 1: Edwina Purdue, Ann Pekarsky, Pam Lowe, Jane Raub, Janice Bornstein, Delia Patterson, Cora Lee Smith. ROW 2: Sharon Nulf, president; Linda Walker, Brenda Rarick, Suzanne Lienhart, secretary; Mary Brown, Nancy D. Poteet, Lois Cohen, Fran Borish. ROW 3: Vivian Roe, Bette Metzger, Gloria Kwiat,
Joan Friend, Suzanne Pearman, Barbara Strauss, Irene Van Sipma, Dolores M. Fowlkes, Sue Charlesworth. ROW 4: Dale Schnair, Gladys Crawford, Robert Milisen, Vincent H. Knauf, James R. Alley Jr., Edward W. Hasse, Dean E. Williams, Bob Watkins, Nancy Beldon, Barbara Deutsch.
Radio and TV Club
ROW 1: Gay Violet Strege, Jo Anne Morris, secretary; Annette Boode, Zonda Stanley, Mary Jane Musgrave, Jeri Suer, Jacque Wooden, Syrell Sapoznick, Mary Ann Schatz. ROW 2: Dennis Escol, Joe Cronin, president; Phyllis Kroening, Judi Middleton,
Kay Ward, Marilyn Lurnb, Marjorie Roberts, Ed C. Stevens, Jon Reed, Ron Shufflebotham. ROW 3: John A. Rieser, Gerald Jorgensen, vice president; Ken Fahey, Tom Calenberg, treasurer; George Arfeld, Jon McKesson, Joe Chalfant, William Jordan.
Debate and Delta Sigma Rho national forensics honorary
ROW 1: Howard Cohen, Carol Wilson, Eugenia Sacopulos, Delta Sigma Rho secretary-treasurer; Nancy Challinor, Doris Ast, Delta Sigma Rho vice president; Peter Sfikas. ROW 2: Don Henrichs,
David Lurie, Delta Sigma Rho; Tom Frank, Charles H. Edwards, LeNoir E. Zaiser, Gus Sacopulos, Delta Sigma Rho; Dana L. Smith.
Skeleton Club
- 1 ROW 1: Robert Church, Virginia Crider, Ann Hattery, Marilyn Asher, Barbara Bedwill, Jan Laycock, Thomas Nichols, Clyde Johnson, David M. Smith. ROW 2: Douglas J. Wilson, Tom Alt, treasurer; Kenneth H. Brooks, Marvin E. Mishkin, Donald A. Doneff, John L. Yarling, Dean P. Holt, Louis T. Greenberg, Gary Babcoke, Stuart Gold. ROW 3: Samuel Thompson, Gary Gieseke, Richard Wertz, Clarke Smith, Murray DeArmond, R. Scott Hall, William Ringer, Jack Bland, Jim Mount, Don Herendeen, Leon H. Osmon, Kenneth Armitage, Richard Schu-
macher. ROW 4: Anton Sohn, Bob Fuson, Rod C. Perkins, John Spangler, Richard R. Hawley, Kenneth A. High, Michael A. Taylor, Russell Meyer, Lloyd W. Lempke, Jon P. Jontz, John E. Heumann, Sam Sheppard, Tom Herendeen, Vic Russell. ROW 5: Don Thompson, Robert V. Crist, president; Gene Maddock, Henry Gewurz, Hal Ochsner, Larry Cummins, Edward R. Bush, Jay S. Reese, Daniel R. Elliott, William L. Hildebrand, James Wenger, Willis Marshall, John M. Records.
Cresset nursing club for women
ROW 1: Janet E. Kelley, Lucy C. Ritter, Rebecca E. Thomas, M. Jeanne Taylor, Elizabeth Lukaszczyk, Fae Bridges, Virginia Myers, Shirley Karlson, Vibhavan Isarankura. ROW 2: Eleanor L. Allen, Delores Resler, secretary; Roberta B. Clouser, Glennadee A. Nichols, Joanne Guendling, Marjorie Smith, Virginia Sell,
Martha Lyon, Eleanor L. Twiggs, Dora R. May. ROW 3: Magdalene Fuller, vice president; Barbara D. Lee, Mary Rita Murphy, Anna E. Antonicci, president; Mary Jean Haehl, Laurence Totman, Doris Blake, Patricia Miller, Betty Ann Beyer, treasurer; Carol Miller, Joyce Stoops.
ROW 1: Marilyn R. Cline, Margaret Davis, secretary ; David M. Dersch, vice president; Mike Hartigan, Tom Russell, John Matsis, Joan Esterline, Jean Redman. ROW 2: Byron L. Annis, William K. McGarvey, Tom Lucas, Dave Bennhoff, Tom Arnold, Joe Williams, Leo Sampanis, William Schultz, president; David R. Weber,
LEFT "10 RIGHT: Tom Lucas, historian; Margaret Davis, secretary; David M. Dersch, vice president; William Schultz, president; Burton Rogers, treasurer.
John M. Wambo. ROW 3: Rudy Kachmenn, George W. Sonells, Steve Ferguson, Clyde B. Rountree, John Foster, William A. Schneider, Thomas E. Henson, Thomas A. Troeger, Steve Stouder, James D. Frey, C. E. Kaslow, faculty adviser; Nicholas Pappas.
The scalpel of a doctor and the drill of a dentist might easily be symbols for Alpha Epsilon Delta, the honorary for premed and predent students who maintain a 2.0 cumulative. AED does its best to encourage excellence in scholarship and to stimulate an appreciation of education in dentistry and medicine. As a professional honorary, it bands together students who have similar interests and goals. This year the organization presented an open-panel discussion of socialized medicine and sponsored a premed-predent conference in Indianapolis.
Pre-Clinical Class Nurses
ROW 1: Roberta Kovack, Jane Scott, Jeannann Jackson, Donna Villiger, Jo Lynne McDonald, Alice Conyers, Ann Gilkey, Virginia White, Jane Hawke, Janet Lempk e, Linda Pruitt, Saundra McClintic. ROW 2: Joyce Jeffrey, Luanne Schneider, Dorothy Scott, Anne Diefenbaugh, Donna Bartels, Sylvia Donnovan, Joyce A. Holloway, Sue Holmes, Patricia Campbell, Suzanne Campbell, Judith Kovach. ROW 3: Marianne Paschke, Billie Jean Marsh, Norma Jean Lockhart, Donna Lee Atkinson, Sandra Kay Polk, Mary Lee Woodruff, Carole Joan Leedke, Jane Ann Fetters, Betty Joan Eppler, Judith Ann Hodson, Jane Ann Mahan. ROW 4: Charlene Whetsell, Ann Walker, Kay Witham, Sue Shafer, Bonnie Johnson, Jane Backer, Anne Carr, Sally Lou Pickering, Pat Newlin, Julie Parson, Frances Brock. ROW 5: Sarah Archer,
Margaret Thompson, Gayle Fuqua, Dawn Snyder, Betty J. West, Janice Mundt, Phyllis Siefker, Nancy Kendall, Marilyn Deppe. ROW 6: Sandra Van Dame, Frances Rose Burnham, Barbara Ann Prosser, Anita Demants, Jamesetta Petway, Nanette Needham, Judith M a rc hi n o, Margaret Bowers, Beverly Ganus, Mickey Harlan, Nita Hudson. ROW 7: Carol Stricker, Lynn Elithe Jacobs, Claudette J. Gowdy, Patricia Sopata Wallis, Martha Miller, Linda Given, Linda Trautwein, Janet Gillon, Joan Rightsell, Nancy Kitchell, Helen Bondurant. ROW 8: Janis Hazenfield, Sharon McMurtry, Marilyn Thomson, Sharon Hill, Linda Mahorney, Beverly Poling, Mary Hiday, Sharon Smich, Carolyn Memering, Martha Crowell, Arlene Ryle, Kathryn Nickey.
Junior Class Nurses ROW 1: Audrey Corne, Marilyn Dixon, Patricia Snyder, Sharon Ward, Mary Ann Gregg, Edith Corne, Joyce Ann Cox, Kennetha Hoppes, Sally Nichols, Ramona Sparks, Eleanor Brown. ROW 2: Shirley Arnold, Rosalie Bu a n n o, Rosalind Schnaiter, Janice Bradley, Elizabeth Gray, Gayla Michael, Ruth Osborne, Pam Mack, Suzanne Warner. ROW 3: Jean Brollier, Norma Laflin, Karen Helt, Marlene Anderson, Ann Forney, Sandra Nentrup, Pat Brown, Emma Lou Anderson, Carole Lambert, Sue Ann Jacobson, June Moore. ROW 4: Ellen Jean Adams, Ruthann Johnson, Mary Grinwold, Alberta Brock, Jan O'Blenis, Miriam Weimer, Barbara
Whippo, Janet McMillan, Roselle Vlcek. ROW 5: Rosalyn Stiver, Norma Traub, Ada Kittredge, Dorothy Carol Hightshue, Mary Hayes, Margaret Ullman, Anita Stewart, Judy Rea. ROW 6: Gloria Romine, Mary Ruth Judd, Anita Werner, Deanna Cooper, Onda Jane McKeever, Carol Redicker, Donna Reas, Judy Rohr, Pat Donahue. ROW 7: Sarah Emerson, Barbara Housand, Susan Shuck, Kay Otterman, June Brose, Annette Sottong, Louanne Vanderkleed, Pat Mikovich, Marlyn Pegan, Betsy Ann Atkinson, Nancy Wahnsiedler, Jacquelyn Kienfer, Marilyn S. Jones.
Nurses Student Council
ROW 1: Dorcas Rock, director of counseling and activities; Ann Forney, treasurer; Deanna Cooper, vice president; Gwen Fierrier, president; Janet Stuckey, secretary; Martha Akers, assistant director of nursing education; Emily Holmquist, Dean of the School
of Nursing. ROW 2: Judy Hickman, Sarah Emerson, Nancy Hengstler, Gayle Fuqua, Joyce Perry, Anita Werner, Janet McMillan, Mary Hiday, Janis Hazenfield, Marjorie Rash Miller.
Nurses Basketball Team
ROW 1: Margaret Thompson and Carol Stricker, cheer leaders. ROW 2: Phyllis Frye, Carolyn Memering, Marilyn Gardner, Sharon Hill. Betsy Atkinson, June Brose, Jean Ann Williams.
ROW 3: Jonelle White, Nancy Hengstler, Miriam Weimer, Elgene Ammon, Linda Given, Sarah Archer, Sally Pickering, Shirley Miller.
ROW 1: Gloria D. Randle, N. Margaret Loughlin, Joyce Marie Thompson, Betty Green, Roselyn Greene, Frances Jones, Ella L. Simmons, Lillian Walker. ROW 2: Clara Williams, Huegroe Perry, Roberta Wysong, secretary; Charles Rent, Marva Williams, Susanne Jospe, vice president; Gerald W. Wilson, president;
Janice Williams, Isabelle Turner. ROW 3: Joan M. Lacy, Elizabeth A. Gude, Anita Hughes, Viddell L. Heard, Herbert Bryant, Bernard W. Southgate IV, Christine Taylor, Darcy Stouder, Clarence Cobb, Tom Collins.
Cosmopolitan Club
ROW 1: Tason Sofia Rebeca, Barbara Allen, Denise M. L. Downing, vice president; Arvind Kumar Parikh, president; R A NI, Elaine Sears, Sonia Velarde. ROW 2: Marilyn Chan, H. R. Machiraju, Cleodie Macdonald, Jan Miracle, Roy Filby, Sarah
Zimmerman, treasurer; Margaret Loughlin, Irene Trinkun. ROW 3: Martha Edelstein, George Arfeld, John C. Evans, Dr. Walter E. Burnham, Brian Corbishzey, Hilmi Ibrahim, Rokmantoro Hadi Sumukti.
Hawaiian Club
ROW 1: Lawrence Ikezaki, Sumie Hisanaga, secretary; Myra Fujii, Betty Matsunami, Vernon Paler, vice president. ROW 2:
Bert Kobayashi, Leslie Nakamura, Nori Kitajima, Ronald Tsuchiya, Richard R. Hori, treasurer; Wayne Tuck Takemoto, Gil Asona.
Alpha Phi Omega boy scout honorary
ROW 1: Dennis Sheets, Jack Huffman, Jim Carr, James Hill, vice president. ROW 2: Bob Wade, Robert Luz adder, Richard Bracken, secretary; Bob Williamson, treasurer; Arthur Gjertsen.
ROW 3: D. Kent Demmary, A. Norman Brown, Morris Binkley Jr., Bill Stillman, Ron Johnson, president.
Independent Party Executives
ROW 1: Martha Bird, Liberty Chochos, Erlene Black, second vice chairman; Carol Stowe, secretary; Susie Ellis, Barbara Cahill. ROW 2: James D. Nolan, Paul R. Stoffer, David R. Weber,
Bob Bloecker, Jim Anderson, Bob Gingery. ROW 3: Patrick Sanders, Bill K. Summers, first vice chairman; Bob Kassing, Bob Worrell, chairman; Jim Bond, John Kopchik.
Collegiate Democrats
ROW I. Mary Angela Savid, Mary Anna Kizer, Myrna Lee McCann, Judy Ann Henry, Eugenia Sacopulos, Frances Tiemann, Constance Bazil. ROW 2: Dianne Johnson, treasurer; Barbara Bixel, president; Nancy Bugg, Martha Edelstein, Esther Gruszkos, Lona Gail Day, Susie Ellis, secretary; Barbara Littell. ROW 3:
Peter Sfikas, Paul Govert, Dana L. Smith, John Patrick Page, Patricia Jan jecic, Stan Wisniewski, George C. Roberts, James Pickett, Frederick Eley. ROW 4: Jack Hieseke Evans, Don Henrichs, Don Hall, A. Deane Malaker, Michael Slobodkin, Bob Worrell, Ned Lavengood, Gus Sacopulos, Charles Forsha.
ROW 1: Sam Congie, Jerry Wright, Bill Leach, Ralph Wible, Ron Long, Ron Terrell, Mike Rabold, Nick Petronka. ROW 2: Bob Blann, George Fisher, Ron Walden, Howard Hamilton, Bob Denham, Harold L. Caffey, Craig E. Toensing, Charlie Cogdell, Larry Atkinson, Berry Williams Jr., Joe Harrell, Joe Shook, William Gallo. ROW 3: Bill Gallo, Don Brodie, Dean Dixon, Bob Urdal, Mike Halus, Darl Kriete, Leon Favede, Minot
Schuman, John Anderson. ROW 4: Panya Chottikhun, Donald Kau, Conney Kimbo, Elvin Caldwell, Sammie Gee, Gene Flowers, William Abele, Pete Piccirillo, Tom Kendrick, Tom McDonald, Fred Redeker, Bill Bane, Frank Zody. ROW 5: James E. Yore, Willie May, John Aveni, Jerry Parchute, Pete Obremskey, Norman Craft, Jerry Thompson, Arch Dees, Bill Balch, Ray Ball, Deck Kennady, Ron David, Gary Wells, Bob Grey, vice president.
I-Men's Club
LEFT TO RIGHT: Archie Dees, Robert Gray, Tom McDonald, Tom Kendrick, Howard Hamilton, Joe Shook.
A white "I" on a red sweater means I-Men's Club to its 150 members. The club works to provide unity among athletes and to promote Cream and Crimson Day. This May event gives the former and present IMen a chance to compete against each other. The Cream and Crimson Day Queen is chosen by votes of spectators attending the games of this "all sports day." Attendance at a particular game counts one vote for the particular candidate representing that sport.
ROW 1: C. Wesp, Ann Bradford, Cynthia Walsh, George Ann Gerlach, Linda Gullion, Dixie Hinesley, Patty Pike. ROW 2: Barbara Gerhold, Malissa Lovell, Barbara Dunlap, Ann Morrison, Pat Minnis, Nancy Neubauer, vice president; Shirley Hedrick, Janet Sander. ROW 3: Marilyn Greiner, Janice Dilling, Becky
White, Sue Rich, Liz Scribner, Margie Nelson, Gail Moll, Judi Clabaugh, Rosie Graves. ROW 4: Cathy MacKay, president; Sherry Mills, Maureen Schmidt, Marilyn Moats, Mary Ann Wilkens, secretary; Judy Fechtman, Joan Esterline, Ann Eddy, Phyllis Jarrard, Betsy Williams.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Barb Keener, Oneida Klus, Barbara Burris, vice president; Marilyn Greiner, secretary; Sandra Spuzich, Judy
Herrold, treasurer; Wini Cook, president; Sharon Booth, Barbara Kirkeiner, Marilyn Murphy, Jane Kilpatrick, Marian Godeke.
Sailing Club
ROW 1: Nancy Blue, Sarah Tritch, Connie King, Lynn Barker, Nancy Jo Erickson, Mary Baake, corresponding secretary; Marjorie Kildner, recording secretary; Eleanor Schmedel, treasurer; Jane Lidster, Cynthia Bash. ROW 2: Tom Dering, Charlie
Cogdell, Charles Sampson, vice commodore; Mick Shlens, Don Johnson, Don Weber, Chuck Edwards, Ed Bradley, fleet captain; J. Stuart Jones, Jerry P. Birge, commodore; George N. Thompson.
Flying Club
ROW 1: Jack Northrup, Tom McConnell, vice president. ROW 2: Richard Stassus, Bob Walden, Bob Biggs, president.
MRHA Photo Club
ROW 1: George Stokes, Peter Jensen, Tom Lawall, Joseph Stratman, secretary; Kurt Lamber, Alan Ross. ROW 2: John Moshak, Bob Urdal, treasurer; John Mutka, Ray Brooks, Phillip Jon Crabill, Larry Nelson, Jack Hays. ROW 3: John Downen,
Robert Thayer, Don Henrichs, Norman Brown, president; David Miller, Carl Colgart, Peter Brown, Don Hall, vice president; Bill Cogdell.
Contest Alumni on Campus
ROW 1: Janet Bowers, Sue Leisey, Parmula K. Weedman, vice president; Barbara Fiechter, Jane Anne Rockey, Rosemary McIntosh, Barbara Ewbank, Mary Frances Lamb, Betty Mason, Jane Borho, Mary Jane Merkle. ROW 2: Peggy Caldwell, Barbara Anne Johnson, Mary Seeb, Jane Kilpatrick, Jonell Meimeyer, Linda Sons, Margaret Aurell, Louise Rarick, Ann Stone, Brenda Kay Bardos, Judith Leaf. ROW 3: Sandra Dahlstrand, Sandy
Dragoo, secretary-treasurer; Deborah Boughner, Bonnie Brown, Marjorie Roberts, Mary Ruth Hartman, Sharon Banning, Pat McCord, Joyce Ohl, Sarah Zimmerman, Elise Williams, Rose Dudas. ROW 4: Skaidrite Varkalis, Patricia Snow, David R. Weber, president; David Dersch, Jon Sandleben, Ralph Weeks, Don Walters, James Long, Bill Vititoe, John H. Ridge, Carol Ann Duff, Linda Anne Forst.
Campus Christians
ROW 1: Marjorie Alishouse, Nancy Tower, Nancy Smith, Carolyn Dickson, secretary; Janet McMahan, Sue Anne Tankersley, vice president; Sue Ann Tanksley. ROW 2: Robert Huber, director;
James Simon, Joe Bill Carter, Morris Binkley Jr., Jim McMahan, treasurer; Perry Sampanis, Jim Legg, president.
Westminster Foundation
ROW 1: Ann Foley, Joan Jolly, Barb Bixel, Jay Haskell, Jane Felger, Louise Lerch, Betty Denney, Carol West. ROW 2: M. Lee Goddard, Marilyn Morris, Mary Wennerstrom, Carl Wiuff, David Doering, Betty Erdel, Connie Bradt, Holly Nelson, Barbara Wil-
liams. ROW 3: Thomas E. Wurtz, Richard Bracken, George Rey, Russell Hedstrom, Richard George, Ned R. Lavengood, Tom Frank, Ron Johnson, Paul Riley, Frederick Lotze.
ROW 1: Marianne Pinard, treasurer; Mary Lou Feeney, secretary; Fr. Francis X. Grollig, Mike Hornak, president; Margery Cira, vice-president; Andrea Kraynak. ROW 2: Mary Eula Routt, Frances Randazzo, Joan Medved, Barbara Vokurka, Dorinda Redrup, Barbara Ewbank, Mary Ann Hubbuch, Jane Borho, Miriam Stemle, Ellie SoIms. ROW 3: Patricia Cole, Marilyn Trapp, Sandra Smith, Anna Puisans, Kathleen Regan, Zita Dapkus, Frances Grandys, Lois Jane Paloski, Bunny Per-
rotta, June Grigonis, Mary Jane Henle. ROW 4: Barbara Raynor, Arlene Pokrifkak, Judy Komoroske, Stephanie Simon, Carol McPherson. Patricia J. Janjecic, Lorenza R. Arnold, Ann Schubert, Mary Ellen English, Marilyn Mosier, Mary Lou Hansen, Judy Hmura, Anita Klosinski. ROW 5: Kevin Huff stitter, Phil Susic, Jack Heidt, Garey Conrad, Larry Gaydosh, Stephen Vangel, Charles Lasher, Ed Wallis, Stan Wisniewski.
Left to right: Marianne Penard, treasurer; Margery Cira, vice-president; Mike Hornak, president; Mary Lou Feeney, secretary.
Planning for next year's new center has been the main interest of the IU Newman Club, religious organization for Catholic Students. The club strives to keep students in touch with religion away from home and to promote intellectual and social activities through such activities as the Newman Forum, Halloween and Easter dances, lectures, and weekly Sunday night dinners.
Hillel Foundation
ROW 1: Rena Lerrinsky, Nora Talesnick, corresponding secretary; Rabbi Mark Fraenkel, director; Maxine Mages, president; Tom Steuer, assistant director; Steve Fine, vice president; Sherrill
Miller. ROW 2: Carole Manalan, Renee Siegle, Joel Congress, Albert Kudsi-Zadeh, Lynn Rae Echt, Lois Cohen, Gail Cassen, Susan Rostov.
ROW 1: Marjie Heiser, Sally Bush, Sarah Tritch, secretary; Nancy Bell, vice president; Judy Hine, president; Jean Stegman, Sue Lienhart, Katie Wisner, Barbara Shankland. ROW 2: Alice Jo Stouder, Rosanne Zink, Roberta Fishman, Karen Keller, Kit Hartnett, Marie Kingdon, Mari Tolle, Marty Branaman, Katie Worth, Jane Reynolds, Gloria Randle, Sandy Silver, Phyllis White, Marlene Smith, treasurer; Judy Zimmerman, Tommie Dekle. ROW 3: Mary Ellen Combs, Jeanine Harwood, Joan Davis, Marcia Manley, Helena McNary, Jacque Wooden, Barbara Schellie, Susan Hoover, Bonnie Brown, Kay Ward, Sue Hays, Judy Hinds, Sara Jones, Dorthy Reasor, Sandra Dragoo, Nancy
Purkhiser. ROW 4: Barbara Ennis, Barbara Child, Nancy Mentendiek, Judy DeGrazia, Annie Waterman, Connie Pearson, Joyce Myers, Dessa Trautwein, Mary Ann Pulse, Kathy Keneipp, Kathie Dibell, Cora Lee Smith, Susan Kretsch, Judy Whybrew, Joyce Chenoweth, Anita Duncan. ROW 5: Becky Byrant, Janet Prentice, Harriet Burgheim, Elizabeth Caldwell, Diane Roe, Laura Jean Passow, Dorothy Benko, Betty Erdel, Judy Records, Phyd Keller, LaRue Waldkoetter, Marsha Vance, Becci Engle, Saundra Haseman, Jo Ann Hall, Judy Huston, Elise Williams, Ann Lindley.
ROW I: Gale Symons, Shirley Millender, Janet Crabtree, Susie Stuart, Bobbie Hess, assistant chairman. ROW 2: Barbara Anne Johnson, Wanda Royster, Fay Alfultis, Donna Hammer, Linda Plunkitt, Doris Thompson. ROW 3: Mary Lou Marshall, Sally
Gerber, Lois Ann Francis, Lois Young, Carol Robinson, Ann Foley, vice-president; Judith Zander, Brenda Rarick. ROW 4: Marian Johnson, Pat McCord, Marilyn Renaker, Pat Urban, secretary; Joan Burdsall, Anne Smith, Sheilah Wilson, Jane Allen.
ROW 1: Jo Ann Hall, Judy Whybrew, Katie Wisner, Margie Weston, Joyce Chenoweth. ROW 2: Sarah Tritch, secretary; Marlene Smith, treasurer; Judy Hine, president; Ann Foley, Nancy Bill, vice-president, Jean Stegman.
The organization with a - heart for humanity" is the YWCA. Besides sponsoring the IU Sing, Christmas Eve on Campus, all-campus worships, and the "hanging of the green," the YWCA works with children at Knight House, on Pigeon Hill, and those who are handicapped by curable paralysis. Each year the "Y" also sponsors the student leader program for incoming freshmen. During the activities of LUNA, members and foreign students collaborate to make foreign dolls and produce the international doll show.
ROW 1: Roger Seltzer, vice-president; Jack Widner, president; John Collings, Jack Douglas, secretary; Joe Denny. ROW 2: Ron
LEFT TO RIGHT: John Collings, treasurer; Jack Widner, president; Roger Seltzer, vicepresident.
Reinking, Neil Diver, John M. Clifton, John Nash, Herb Farnham, James Frey, Ivan Willenberg.
Part of the international organization, IU's branch of the Young Men's Christian Association strives to perpetuate more wholesome community and welfare for individual students. The year 1891 marks the division of the Joint Christian Association into the YWCA and the YMCA. They still, however, work together in sponsoring various projects. At IU, both organizations sponsor Freshman Camp, where some two hundred freshman have a chance to become acquainted with outstanding upperclassmen and with each other. Sponsoring the IU Sing, designed to promote good relations between housing units, and the Turtle Derby, which raises money for underprivileged children, are typical of their numerous activities.
ROW 1: Sandy Kemp, Marlene Goldzwig, Malissa Lovell, Nadine Holmes, Dorothy Kretsch, Karen Clouse, Dawn Tamcsin. ROW 2: Sarah Tritch, Sandy Schroeder, Kay Snyder, Judy Pritchard,
Girls going through rush this year were lucky, as far as upperclassmen were concerned. Panhel, the governing body for all sororities, provided buses for the appreciative rushees. In addition, counselors helped individuals to decide on the "right" sorority. These counselors, sorority members themselves, also kept rush on schedule by enforcing the new rule limiting the time each rushee could stay at a house. Other Panhellenic activities included selecting a steering committee for Greek Week, issuing a Greek paper, awarding scholarships, and serving as a sorority judicial board.
Nancy Beldon, Julia Henderson, Delores Fowlkes, Carolyn Feutz, Nancy Jones, Helen Seidensticker.
Parthel Lucinda Benzel, President
ROW 1: Dotti Dowling, Lucinda Benzel, president; Karen Gast. ROW 2: Marie Heiser, Janet Townsend, Brenda Ely, Andrea Onweller, vice president; Gayle Huminsky, Carolyn Nichel.
Junior Panhel
ROW 1: Janice Bornstein, Katie Berry, treasurer; Judy Schwartz, Ruthlee Figlure, Dorinda Kirtley, Annette Hutmacher, Janise Johnson. ROW 2: Ruth Hardaway, Judy Foster, Dolores Vanator, Ann Kindley, Lorene Scherer, Nancy McCaslin, Marlene Callis,
Janice Sue Bartle. ROW 3: Sandy Carpenter, Suzy Milliner, Diane Roe, president; Barbara Davis, Pat Stinson, Marsha Vance, vice-president; Connie Pearson, Dana Richardson, Patricia Lyons.
ROW 1: Melvin Goldstein, Bob Cochran, Jack Fitzpatrick, Bob Watson, treasurer; Jack Phillips, Gene Douglis, Bill Pomp, vicepresident. ROW 2: Fred Sabatini, John Scheiner, Ray Gilman, Don Myers, Mike Quinn, Tom Brendle, Bill D. Swift, Jim
Gene McGarvey, President
Fulwider. ROW 3: Larry Seng, Frank K. Edmondson Jr., Jerry Ford, Mike Hyde, Larry Olshan, Gene McGarvey, president; Jack F. Douberteen, Herbert Bushy.
The year 1909 marks the introduction of Interfraternity Council to the IU campus. From its beginning IFC has strived to promote a friendly interfraternity relationship and to create the best possible attitude between the community and campus. Its powers gradually increased throughout the years until today it has full power to enact and enforce the rules by which the IU fraternities are governed. Every spring, Greek Week is sponsored by IFC and Panhellenic Council.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Bill Pomp, N ice-president; Gene McUarN secretary; Bob Watson, treasurer.
president; Sam Huston,
LEFT TO RIGHT: Sam Huston, William Swift, Mike Quinn, chairman (seated); Don Myers, Jerry Stump, Ray Gilman.
ROW 1: Mark Himelstein, Max Spaulding, treasurer; Wally Fosnight, Jack McClain, Jerry Martin, Larry Fulwider, secretary; Gary Chase. ROW 2: Don Skillman, Steve Thom, Dave Felts, Pete Sherman, Jim Walter, Ray Gliva, Graham Sefton, Morton
Levinsky. ROW 3: John Keedy, Guy Kornblum, Wally McClure, Steve Foster, Kent Owen, Bruce Bonner, Thomas Costello, David Arbuckle, Pat Leonard.
Jr. IFC LEFT TO RIGHT: Jim Walter, vice-president; Max Spaulding, treasurer; Larry Fulwider, secretary; Wally McClure, president.
The burning question during Greek Week, as far as pledges are concerned, is who will win the Freshman-Sophomore tug of war across the Jordan. A pledge victory means a bonfire and the end of pods for another year; a defeat, that the pledges must repress a tear, square their shoulders, and bear the beanie for another six weeks. These ceremonies are two of the events sponsored by Junior Interfraternity Council, the organization made up of a representative from each fraternity pledge class.
LEFT TO RIGHT: (seated) Glenn Jacoby, Robert Kenninger, Lawrence Kahl, Bob Dolphin. Charles Wildy, Dave Sinnett, Joe Williams, Terry Albright, Larry Bricker, Terry Smith, Jerry
The MRC Board of Governors, composed of governors from North Hall, South Hall, West Hall, and both Cottage Groves, works to unify the activities of MRC and to define the policies of each individual unit. Moving with the progressive trend at 1U, the Board established this year a center newspaper. True to tradition, they also sponsored dances and various other social activities.
Zonker, Bernard Parlock, John Auld. Standing: Bill Hawkins, Gene Robbins, Tom Hildebrand.
MRC Board of Governors LEFT TO RIGHT: Dave Sinnett, vice-president; Joe Williams, president; Terry Albright, secretary.
Men's Quad Unit Councils
ROW 1: Sheldon R. Marrs, James Hayes, Ray Welch, John Richardson, Dick Tuggle, James Riesmeyer, Will Rand, James Hill, Don Deganutti, Otto L. Linn, Phil Tyndall. ROW 2: Ronald Fowler, Charles Lehner, William H. Chreste Jr., Dan Poore, Larry Summers, James Anthony, Robin Baumann. John Kopchik,
James Gibbs, Charlie Hartman, Stephen Louck, Bob London. ROW 3: Michael J. Regan, Roy M. ReMite, Kenneth J. Turner, Philip Poppe, Nick Karanovich, James Long, Bernard L. Welch, Don Schultheis, Marian Boultinghouse, Kenyon Bailey, John Bales, Dave Pringle.
ROW 1: Harvey Kraut, David A. Kirchoff, Kenneth W. Wallace, James Hill, Dan Poore, Will Rand, John Reed. ROW 2: Ned V. Schimizzi, Don Barr, advisor; Ron Math, Don Schultheis, Kenneth J. Turner, John Kopchik, Robert London. ROW 3: Patrick
Sanders, vice-president; Allan Klob, secretary; Dave Ambler, president; Marian Boultinghouse, John Foster, Edward Wall, Ken Grandstaff, Tom Albertson.
ROW 1: Norman Hassfurder, David Major, Roger A. Fortna, John H. Jackson, John Bruce Clark, Tom Albertson, Thomas W. Hall, Frank Kaslewicz, Thomas L. Miller, Peter L. Shideler, Wayne Smith, Doug Shue, Harvey Kraut. ROW 2: John Reed, Jim Showalter, Don Meyer, Richard Wright, Harold Adelman, Dick Laidlaw, Bob Hughes, George Bourne, Ron Maris, David
R. Weber, David A. Kirchoff, Fred Patcheak, Ken Grandstaff. ROW 3: Ronald Bargerhuff, Louis Elsner, Walt Harris, Jerry Werling, Allen Arnett, Kenneth W. Wallace, Austin Ritterspach, Ned V. Schimizzi. ROW 4: John Foster, Kaye R. Schulz, C. Eugene Nichols, Daniel B. Horton, Eugene R. Sriver, James D. Bailey, Wayne L. LaVoncher, Stephan H. Earl.
MQ Board of Governors ROW 1: Dave Ambler, president; Patrick Sanders, vice-president. ROW 2: Tom Albertson, asst. business manager; Al Kolb, secretary; Ed Wall, business manager.
To promote unity in dorm activities and create spirit in campus activities, the Men's Quad Board of Governors sponsors such activities as a Homecoming display, open houses, and a Fall Carnival booth. Annually, a struggle for supremacy between the various units of the Quad is determined by a lively tug of war across the Jordon. On Saturday night of the Little 500 weekend, the governors sponsor a dance, traditionally called the Sprocket Hop.
Trees Center Board of Governors
ROW 1: James W. Fox, advisor; Norman Wyman, vice-president; James P. Duncan, president; William Fackler, secretary. ROW 2:
Vernon M. Paler, Thomas Cone, Leland R. Trapp, John D. Gharst, Albert B. Laubner, Donald G. Coffey.
MRHA Judicial Court
LEFT TO RIGHT: Joseph Thomas Tretheway, Gordon Rosenau, A. Deane Malaker, chief justice; John Churio, George W. Barger.
ROW 1: Pat Sanders, Bob Cassing, Al Kolb. ROW 2: Norman Wyman, Dave Sinnert, William Fackler. Joe Williams, Terry Albright. James P. Duncan, Dave Ambler.
Executive Board Bob Cassing, President
The MRHA Executive Board co-ordinates the activities and sets the policies of the Men's Residence Halls. The board is composed of the president, vicepresident, and secretary of the Men's Quad, MRC, and Trees Center. An addition to the board this year was an athletic council which sponsored a bowling league for the three centers. Plans are being made for a handbook to be distributed next year. The board also sponsors an annual banquet for the governor of each unit.
Executive Board
ROW 1: Liberty Chochos, president; Dianne McCullough, vice president; Marian Godeke, secretary; Clara Lee Miller, advisor. ROW 2: Rose Dudas, Beverley Daube, Barbara Johnson, Kathy
Keneipp, Esta Glazer, Christine Hiland, Margie Metcalf, Dora Owen, Jean Wilson.
Judicial Court
ROW I: Nancy Berkey, Lila Argue, advisor; Linda Silver, chairman. ROW 2: Wendy Barron, Dent Yalowitz, Harriet Hersh, Elinor Rossin.
ROW 1: Richard Girsch, Rosie Rosenzweig, Stanley Cooperman, Anita Duncan, Jack Anderson, Bill Ludington. ROW 2: Carol
Lieberom, Cliff Warren, Nelson Smith, Elmo Holder, Jane Stouder.
Twenty-three years ago
Folio began as a student
LEFT TO RIGHT: Stanley Cooperman and Nelson J. Smith III, co-editors.
literary magazine. Through the years, it has grown into a nation wide magazine with writers contributing from throughout the world. The contents of Folio, however, are not limited to professional writers off campus, but include student and non-professional contributions of literary quality. During its growth, four Folio stories received national honorable mention and were reproduced in a volume of Best Short Stories.
Daily Student
Julia Wagner, campus editor Gus Lumpe, city editor
To several thousand IU students, the Daily Student is as much a part of the morning as is black coffee, orange juice, and toast. To over 60 staff members, it means work, time, headaches, and a lot of pride. Working on a $60,000 budget, the Daily Student is still today the only paper read by many of the students on campus. There is a tradition of ninety years of journalism with the Student, and as the people who are a part of it change, the Student develops and grows.
Bob Wall, photography editor
John Canright, chief editorial writer Don Scott, reporter
Dean Kingsbury, night editor
LEFT TO RIGHT: Wayne Armentrout, David Albright, Dick Carson, Bill Hokanson, quarterly editors in chief.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Bill Summers, circulation manager; John E. Bowles, office manager; Jim Showalter, advertising manager;
Edward Brooks, state advertising manager; Riette Thomas, assistant advertising production manager.
Lett to right: Pete Plotke, Jeff Gillaspy, Rex Redifer.
ROW 1: Ann Bouillet, Judy Williams, Helen Jane Probst, Peggy Graham. ROW 2: Jerry Graff, John Canright, Marsha Spruill,
Ruth Padget, Gus Lumpe, Bob Wall, Larry Warshawsky, Bob Garcia, Dean Kingsbury.
Not only a record of isolated events, but a story depicting the growth of progress and tradition at Indiana University, the Arbutus has grown from a small publication in 1894 to a $50,000 business in 1958. Overseeing the entire production is the Big Four, composed of the editor in chief, the managing editor, the business manager, and the personnel director. Directly under them, the Major Staff contains the heads of the various sections . . . contracts, treasury, office, advertising, publicity and promotion, circulation, personnel, and photography. There are also staff editors for art, schools and administration, narrative, residences, seniors, picture scheduling, organizations, sports, and copy. Beneath the Major Staff work some 125 students comprising a General Staff. The work on the book's story of the year extends from a Spring training program to the next year's month of March. Over a thousand pictures are included within its pages. All in all, the Arbutus is a large organization, with a large responsibility, that offers a great deal of experience and training. Gail Shaw, Editor in Chief
Norman Linton, Personnel Director
Dick Monroe, Managing Editor
Louie Cohen, Business Manager
Ray Lain, publicity and promotions manager; Sylvia Lagerwall, treasurer; Guerry McNabb, advertising manager
Beverly Carmichael, seniors manager; Donna Becker, organizations manager; Eleanor Schmedel, residence manager
Dick Izen, scheduling manager; Bruce Hinton, circulation manager
Virginia Reed, art editor; Mary Ann Wilkens, cutlines; Diana Arvin, narrative editor
ROW 1: Jacquie Hancock, Joanne McDowell, Bette Starkey, Carol Shigley, Glenn Schram, Morris Binkley, Beverly Mead, Julianne Gillespie.
ROW 1: Desanie Manyin, Carla Rogers, Karen Jo Fisk, Cathy Tipton, Cynthia Garland, Connie Wyatt, Mary Jo Sims, Paula Gayle Garber, Dottie Reasor, Dixie Hinesley. ROW 2: Carol Wilson, Judy Freedman, Carlene Hanson, Dana Richardson, Jay Haskell, Carolyn Peyton, Susan Eichelkraut, Judy Ann Kessler, Judy Foster. ROW 3: Donna Becker, Nancy Brown, Anita Klo-
sinski, Patricia Janjecic, Jane McWhinney, Anita Duncan, Mary Ann Wilkens, Myrna Saffel, Jane Baker, Georgia Eisermann. ROW 4: Stan Wisniewski, George Smith, Donna Burd, Virginia St. John, Ruth Autrey, Suzann Mitten, Diane Calligan, Pat Pudlow, Rose Kariger, John Linson, Don Scott.
For the recluse, solitude •
For the extrovert, an expansion of friendship For the introvert... an opportunity for understanding others For the cosmopolitan ... a meeting of all races, creeds For the activities collegian... a center of activity For all, a beginning of life-lasting ties For the independent, independence
Campbell House
ROW 1: Larry Brown, John Quimby, Richard Compton, Edward James Hayes, treasurer; William H. Chreste Jr., Robert London, governor; James Long, Harrison M. Davis Jr., Jack Clarke, counselor. ROW 2: Gary Davis, Frank Bartal, Ned Marshall, George Rudwell, Norman Greenwald, Ronald Small, F. Robert
Linely, Gordon L. Sims, Patrick Showers. ROW 3: David Bassler, Rolland Stephens, William Bruce Furnish, M. S. Gram IV, Mike Wolcott, Herbert Bryant, Jim Northrup, Bill Schuck, Stanley Kaminski, Viddell L. Heard.
Cedar Hall
ROW 1: Earline Sieron, Sally West, Dorothy Hostetler, Peggy Caldwell, Minnie Bowen, Mary Lamb, Sue Green, Diane Flanigan. ROW 2: Bessie Garnet, Carol Kesl, secretary; Luise Weber, Skaidrite Lidums, Jonell Neimeyer, Jeanne Hiatt, Ella Simmons, Georgie Collins, Mary Dixon. ROW 3: Mary Ellen Adams, Eva Sharon McDonald, Lois Rolf, Helen Baker, Mildred Morgan,
Clara Williams, Betty Bourland, vice-president; Beverly Daube, president; Rose Fenwick, Jo Anne Morris. ROW 4: Christine Chilcote, Wanda Hood, treasurer; Karen Boling, Connie Besel, Pat Amos, Joan Brown, Donna Northrop, Bonnie Flowers, Arlene Dabbert, Veronica Jaworski, Barbara Speer, Kathlyn Hill.
Dewey House
ROW 1: Peter Shideler, Arie A. Isaac, James D. Bailey, secretary; Dan Palmer, Janet Sandige, sweetheart; Thomas W. Hall, Thomas L. Miller, Stephan H. Earl, treasurer; Ken Grandstaff, governor. ROW 2: Thomas Wolfrum, Rabourn L. Bordman, Walter W. Sylvester, Dennis J. Keilman, Richard D. Goldman,
Gerald E. Levesque, Jerry G. Graff, Travis L. Bauer, Richard A. Stamper, counselor. ROW 3: Jon Marshall Waters, Samuel Clarence Cox, George Appleyard, George W. Simpson, David Pearson, Phillip A. Monger, Jim Bereolos, Wally Pascale, Walter E. Paynett.
Dunn House
ROW 1: Don Meyer, John H. Jackson, David A. Kirchoff, governor; William E. Stillman, secretary; Louis J. Elsner, Ronnie J. Wimmer, treasurer; Emmett E. Innskeep, counselor. ROW 2: Jimmie B. Beeler, Mark S. Weller, Jerry A. Hughes, Michael L. Raseta Jr., Edward Wall, Rod Kirchoff, William J. Moore, Robert W. Luzadder, Larry J. Pipher. ROW 3: Jerry Segal,
Jerry Lee Badskey, Phil Summers, Doughlas Fresh, Steve Simon, Gene Jeric, Jim Goodrich, Tom Rader, Gary Hughes, Harve Wilson. ROW 4: David L. George, Fred V. Sanders, John E. Bowles, Edward I. Suter, Edward M. Parsons, Gayl W. Doster, Joe C. Shafer, Gary E. Becker, Floyd E. Thurston, Lance L. Hinchman, Ronald Conner.
ROW 1: Ronald Bargerhuff, Robert White, counselor; John Reed, governor; Wayne Smith, secretary; Barbara Lembke, Shirley "Shey" Black, Gloria Kwiat, sweethearts; Doug Shue, Jim Showalter, Dale Anthony Bourdon, treasurer. ROW 2: Ted Petersen, Al Corns, Jack Huffman, Kenneth S. Warbritton, George W. Barger, Bill Schrader, Larry Rothrock, Jan Mahin, Joe Asch, Jim Nahrwold, Ron Keller. ROW 3: George Snay, Forest Feighner, Larry Miltenberger, Jim Mills, Peter Spurbeck, Tom Albertson,
Jim Babcock, Tom Gollmer, Steve VanCleve, Tom Russell, James Kernodle. ROW 4: Phillip L. Bond, Bernard F. Brewer, Norman Chappell, Larry Ratts, Jack Ayers, Jerome G. Greene Jr., Fred A. Weisenberger, Mel D. Press, Gordon L. Morrison, George Marks, Kent Lindquist. ROW 5: Richard VanWieren, Keith K. Ritter, Freeman Martin, Richard Bezile, Carl N. Golgart, Jerry Hooker, Paul W. Oakes, Edward Vondrak, Joseph J. Quinn.
John Reed, Governor
"First in the Quad" might well describe the Dodds House Gargoyles. For the fourth straight year Dodds House was named the outstanding Men's Quad unit. It also was the top dorm in intramural sports for three straight years. Of the eight Little 500 trophies in the Quad, the Gargoyles possess six.
Dodds House
The Gargoyles have initiated many traditions that have been followed later by other units. Choosing a unit sweetheart and having pins bearing the unit crest were their ideas. At Christmas the Gargoyles decorate the outside of Dodds House with a huge wreath.
Elliott House
ROW 1: Don Schultheis, governor; Jerin Juillerat, Gary McCormack, Wayne Pavel, Jack Barr, Roy Moon ReMite, Don Holt, Ira Lee Judge, Mike Skiz Regan, treasurer. ROW 2: Louie Roth, James Darrow, Donald Marton, Ronnie Walton, Dale Kline, Buck Buchanan, Fred Peterson, James M. Perry, Larry Frye. ROW 3: Phil Tyndall, Dave Pringle, Dick Murphy,
Bob Hicks, Billy H. Martin, Thomas G. Barefoot, Bud Polley, David R. Runyon, Phillip Strauss, Otto L. Linn, secretary. ROW 4: Jerry Compton, Bill Corbitt, Charles Radcliffe, Hugh Smith, Jim Stieglitz, counselor; Robert L. Langdon, Robert Brosius, Harvey Yeary, Fred Nagy.
Ferguson House
ROW 1: Jack L. Huffman, James M. Kindler, Ev King, Marvin D. Girtz, Marshall D. Heinold, Eddie G. Barnett, Peter Sfikas, Donald L. Harle. ROW 2: George Polk, John Zike, Keith Gran, counselor; Donald Ullstam, Roy Simpson Jr., Jim Barrett, Harold
Hartman, Donald E. Brewer, Don A. Hall, secretary. ROW 3: Ray Anderson, Dave Dagwell, Eldridge Baker, Michael Graf, Paul DeLong, John Foster, governor; Dave Ambler, Peter Brown, David Stanger, Ramen Hill.
Forest Hall
ROW 1: Barbara Jill Cummins, Suzanne Lois Hemphel, Elaine Odenkirk, Beverly Berman, Jean Schwestka, Sharon Schneider, Carla Behrens, Thelma Corner, Carol Hayes. ROW 2: Mary Ann Whitcomb, Liberty Zoe Chocos, Yvonne Lea, Athena Nicki Chochos, Sharon Ford, Charlotte Hensley, Mary Ellen McMillan, Carol R. Berns, Barbara Jean Burris, Paula Wright. ROW 3: Sandy Carpenter, Janet M. King, Martha J. Harrison, Frances Randazzo, Liz Scribner, Jeanette Hornbaker, Barbara Ris, Ginny Amos, Joy Harbart, Irene Trinkun, Arleen Goodman, Virginia
Gray. ROW 4: Margiree Carpenter, Nancy Kingston, Betty Jean Converse, Dawn Brumback, Beth Glenn, Toni Lee Ailey, Elaine Rosenberg, Katherine Hill, Henrietta Kurrie, Biruta Trokss, Ellen Gebhart, Sharon Zee, Patricia Kerby. ROW 5: Jan Adcock, Linda Von Cleave, Sue Myers, Judie Bloom, Andrea Kraynak, Geraldine Ingram, Julia Ann Olcsan, Sandra Greves, Marilyn Mosier, Margery Cira, Connie Bradt, Jackie Snyder, Rosemary Adeney, Anne Lay, Jody Byrd, Patsy Newhouse.
ROW 1: Ann Lucas, Betty Bishop, Sue Tarnow, Jane Day, Judy Marie Laval, Kay Sears, Wandi Bussey, Barbara Rodgers, Charlene Robinson, Sandra Fowler. ROW 2: Myra Fujii, Bev Adkins, Kaye Flueckiger, Pamala Brown, C. A. Mossholder, Mary Jane Leistner, Judith Zander, Bat bara Jane Rogers, Susan Henline, Johanna Gaiser, Arlene Shaw. ROW 3: Barbara Neiley, Sarah French, Marlene Kuester, Allene Vaughan, Joyce Wright, Sarah Catherine Murphy, Mary Jane Hobson, Nancy Lee Smith, Diana Brown, Judy Byrne, Barbara Ketterman, Deborah Boughner, Susan Donziger, Carolyn Friedman. ROW 4: Judy Crooks,
Carole Patton, Debbie Leffert, Mary Ruth Wysong, Julia Miller, Doris Pollert, Nancy Martin, Marcia Beard, Betty Sue Crum, Barbara Scholl, Virginia Tobin, Lannie Fergus, Nancy McCormick, Ruth Pifer. ROW 5: Jane Montgomery, Barbara Jean Yentz, Joanna Cox, Carol Stowe, president; Joy Vee Brown, Judy Waugh, Joanna Ings, Charlene Cook, Earlie Palmer, Phyllis Skinner, Judith Campbell, Jeanne Harrison, Melinda Malmberg, Carolyn Ricke, Marjorie Mattie, Beth Howell, Carol Annis.
Hull House
ROW 1: Don Tanner, Jesse Viers, Kenneth J. Turner, governor; James Riesmeyer, Patsy Newhouse, sweetheart; Ronald Fowler, secretary; Sheldon R. Marrs, James W. Krieger, Jerry Scarbrough. ROW 2: Donald Floyd, Richard Whitaker, Steven J. Malta, Bill Ellmore, David Clayton Hightshue, Edwin C. Hiatt, Fred B.
Dressel, Dean Mitchell, Vernon Yenne, Donald Buchholz. ROW 3: Gary Hayes, Ray Peterson, Bob Bloecker, Max Johnson, Jim McCoy, Edward L. Morris, Ray Kent, Gerald Mathers, David Hanna, John Weldy.
Harding House
ROW 1: Edward C. King, Charles Plummer, Ronald W. Schultz, Bryan W. Lenahan, James E. Schroeder, George E. Behnke Jr., secretary; Gary Marcus, Robert L. McCormick, James E. Metcalfe. ROW 2: John A. Harrold, Phil Paulson, William E. Wilson, David Doering, David Bleeke, James Mohr, Phil Geberin, Dave Barksdale, Gary Barksdale, Pancho J. Pancheff. ROW 3:
Dan Rodkey, Jack Fricke, Gilbert R. Johnson, Terry Conley, Richard Klar, Gerald M. Stonesifer, Lee A. Ransaw, David D. Wilson, Victor Megenity, Larry Coon. ROW 4: Jim Toppe, Bruce Motsinger, Robert Green, Jerry Miller, Thomas F. Martin, counselor; Jim Woodhams, Jack Schulz, W. E. Penn, Joe Hammons, Byron McClarren, Morris E. Phillips Jr.
Harney House
• ROW 1: Arnold W. Wright, Ron White, Ron Alesia, Marge Sartoris, sweetheart; George F. McPherson, James Kostopoulos, Tom Altenderfer. ROW 2: Howard R. Liy a, Harry M. Campbell, Bill J. Guinn, Bill Irwin, Norman Hessert, Michael C. Canine, Joseph Peters, Larry McKown, Will Rand, governor;
Don Deganutti. ROW 3: Jerry Feinstone, Daniel Doerr, Charlie Hartman, secretary; Jerry Sprinkle, Robert G. Guthrie, counselor; Bruce Hunsicker, Philip Poppe, treasurer; Ronnie Ponsler, Bud Whitaker, Ned D. Snyder.
Hummer House
ROW 1: Jerry Stelmach, secretary; James Hill, governor; Ray Welch, treasurer; Bill Laswell, Robin Baumann, John Richardson, Thomas Davis, Bernard Welsh. ROW 2: Alan Henderson, David Polk, Max Apple, James Nicely, Noel Kimmel, Jack Abel,
Dick Albright, Tom Gehring, Bill Dinkledine. ROW 3: Charles Grizzle, Michael Abbott, John Zimmer, Robert Wagley, A. Julian Eckensberger, Larry Shriner, Richard Casteen, Larry Herron, Bozidar Horn.
Hickory Hall East
ROW 1: Warren G. Davis, Wendell L. Perry, Timothy L. Yarling, counselor; Jeanne C. Yarling, Lynda Fitch, sweetheart; Richard E. Melsheimer, Forrest R. Evans, Robert Hattery. ROW 2: Larry Griffy, Jack M. Kratt, William A. Schwender, John D. Gharst, governor; Fernley Murray, I. M. Naksoon, Bill Borrow.
man, Eldon Joe Canady, Mar y Hunt. ROW 3: Jack D. Hutchison, Erwin L. Neier, Roger N. Butler, Andrew Soforic, Earl C. Rowe, Nick Kolosci, Gerald Benkie, Floyd Romack Jr., Max Page, Frank Tinsley, William Amos.
Hickory Hall West
ROW 1: Timothy L. Yarling, counselor; Jeanne C. Yarling, counselor; Lynne Archer, Shirley Scott, sweethearts; E. Duane Elbert, counselor. ROW 2: Edward R. Kesl Jr., Wayne S. Takemoto, Robert L. Carithers, Gordon M. Saks, Dan P. Eicher, Romey Lovisa, Robert Boyll. ROW 3: Alan J. Ross, Joseph Thomas Tretheway, Bill Engel, David Dersch, David J. Miller, Nicholas Pappas, Boyd L. McCullough, Richard A. Payne, Ferris H. Parker. ROW 4:
1 _ Eugene J. Kulczyk, Clifford R. Landes, Dixie Powers, Denny Berdis, Henry L. Jones, Dave Engel, Paul Pfeifer, Edwin L. Hall, James M. Davis. ROW 5: Richard W. Thornburg, Ronald R. Tsuchiya, George B. Dean, Stuart M. Olney, Robert Sadenwater, George R. McMath, William Fackler, William F. Meier, James William Wolfe, Leland R. Trapp, governor; Chester A. Pinkham.
Jenkins House
ROW 1: Harold Adelman, Bruce Clark, secretary; Kenneth Wallace, governor; Elaine Odenkirk, Kaye Schulz, sweethearts; Dick Laidlaw, Alan Begley. ROW 2: Allen Teboe, Paul Wasson, William McCormick, Jack Brankle, Lawrence Young, Chester
Root, Michael Fisher, Ronald Lind. ROW 3: K. Don Shoultz, Larry Lyon, Charles Stuckey, Stephen Tomlinson, Virgil Grunkemeyer, Jim Herbenar, Richard Bryner.
Lowe House
ROW 1: Joel Markey, Jim Bartel, Roosevelt Taylor Jr., John Bales, treasurer; Marian Boultinghouse, governor; Kenyon Bailey, Leon Cheesebrough, George I. Beckett, Richard L. Johnson. ROW 2: James Miller, Richard L. York, Chico Tinkle, Bill Goode, David C. Lind, Bud Hyer, John Boxell, Patrick Jones, James A. Hammelman, Daniel C. Freeland, John D. Todd, Mike Vogt. ROW 3: Steven Josephson, Gerald Kline, John Downen,
Richard L. Sharp, counselor; Thomas A. Thiery, Richard E. Ford, Philip M. Frank, Terry D. Shor, William K. Wortman, Ken J. Roller, Dale F. Miller, Leland W. Wilson. ROW 4: Wayne Hinkel, Robert Rock, Jerry L. McAhren, Jim Roy, Horter Leatherman, Dorman Ray, Robert Pickerill, Robert Szakovits, Lauren Cutner, Paul Kachoris, Paul Carr, Jim Yarber, Charles Engle, Kurt Markel.
ROW 1: Donald G. Coffey, governer; Richard B. McIntyre, Doris Davis, sweetheart; Richard W. Robertson, treasurer; C. Stephen Mansfield, James R. Ukockis, secretary. ROW 2: W. Mihay, Charles Lightner, William K. Morioka, Theodore Noell, Donnie Day, Joe Hall, counselor; Don Luhrsen, Benjamin F. Easter, Kenneth D. Gibson, Lance Jo, Bruce Sodervick, Benjamin R. Graber, Warren Ronald Wade, Jerry Grove, counselor. ROW 3: Vernon E. Leininger, Albert S. Vitale, Paul Holmgren, Ray A. Cox, C. Reginald Currie, Buddy L. Wiggs, Gene W. Smith, Dick Wilson, John McKenzie, Craig Ellison, William Mahl, James Mitchell, Dick Angle, Jack W. Bixler, George F. Burke.
ROW 4: Parviz T. Bagheri, Robert Fuller, Charles Lasher, William Stedman, Wayne Kochert, Elzie Davis, Kent Ritter, R. D. Hill, Kent C. Frey, Paul W. Moore, Stephen R. Blackburn, James L. Briggs, Frederic S. Brandenburger, Harold L. Spencer. ROW 5: Earl R. Addie, Robert L. King, Robert E. Gecowets, David S. Orem, Jerome G. O'Drobinak, Dave Hackbirth, James P. Duncan, Thomas G. Marks, Ronald C. Schad, Harold Rodgers, Ray A. Muston, Thomas E. Osborn, Vora J. Hamblen, Russell C. Smiddy, Wayne Drewlinger, John R. Ripley, V. Leonell Johnson.
Donald G. Coffey, Governer
Laurel Hall became the largest domitory in MRHA when the north and south sections of Laurel consolidated this year. The purpose of the consolidation was to increase interest in dorm activities. Even though Laurel has been a men's dorm for only three years, it received the over-all trophy for being the outstanding men's dorm last Fall. The nickname of "Caesars" for the dorm was chosen in a contest this year. Last Fall Laurel Hall was the instigator of the plot to seize "Bernardine," causing much anguish to Linden Hall, owners of Bernardine, a lovely female cardboard figure.
Laurel Hall
Linden Hall East
ROW 1: Bill Ridge, Peter Cole, Tom Cone, governor; Pat McCracken, Fred Buehl, counselor; Max Eubanks, secretary; Bill Page. ROW 2: Larry Dean Andrews, Jerry L. Conwell, Kenneth J. Armstrong, Norman R. Shepherd, Edward L. Probst Jr., John Fleener, Keith Martin, Robert Cullers, James Barrett, William Sutton, Donald R. Chapman, Thomas I. Atkins. ROW 3: Ronald Bell, Norman Wyman, Dick Hicks, Harold Ritchie, Philip Ritchie, Ron Wakefield, Rich Moser, Ed Ziege, Conrad Criss, Jim Anderson, Dan Searles, Martin Joachim, Rich Kormelink. ROW 4:
Morris Meyer, Robert Carmien, Raymond Gliva, Kenneth Dilger, Joe Boeglin, Jack Mart, W. Scott Ramsey, Ed Strain, Paul J. Vire, George R. Crawford, Donovon Garlets, John Cline, Tom Scott, Tom Lucas, Jerry Parrett. ROW 5: Larry K. Wallace, Michael Shlens, Ralph Slabaugh, Ronald E. Short, Mac Mason, John R. McFarland, Jon A. Stroble, James L. McKnight, James Schon, Joseph Burris, William Lane, Frederick M. Schultz, Loren L. Henry, Dick Norris, Dexter D. DeWitt.
Linden Hall West
ROW 1: Sabi Hisham, James P. Coahran, Bob L. Morgan, Gudrum Ziege, John Ransford, Nattethong Suvanatad, Barry Byrd. ROW 2: Vernon Paler, governor; Anthony Grasso, Jim Guendling, secretary; Seward Guy, Bill Gillespie, John Reimer, Donald Watkins, John Cunningham, Barry Gold. ROW 3: Thomas
Byers, Robert Irwin Friedman, Larry R. Bennett, Rex A. Gettelfinger, Edward Burton, James Bell, Robert Clifford, Ziad Keilany. ROW 4: Charles Sampson, William P. Leonard, Robert J. Kyff, Eugene J. Meyers, treasurer; Alan R. Isley, counselor; Chuck Murray, James Richardson, George Naanes.
ROW 1: Virginia Carolyn Dawson, Sioe Tjoan Kwee, Zita Gay Pieters, Elaine Makris, Janet Ann Sirkle, Ruth Eleanore Corean, Joyce Maurine Perkins, Fran Hurst, Carol Henry. ROW 2: Patricia Harrod, Rosemary Wright, Ardis Patterson, Jo Ann Krejsta, Leslie Ann Jackman, Phyllis Ann Donner, Vicky Budzinski, Nancy Fowl, Laura Evans, Marjorie Lee Cartwright.
Because of its collegiate Gothic architecture, Memorial Hall is often nicknamed "The Castle." It is the oldest dormitory for women and was completed in 1926. Before Memorial was built, the University rented Alpha Hall to house the women students. The Memorial Plaque under the archway is dedicated to Indiana University women who have served in wars. The name "Memorial" is derived from this plaque. One of the favorite relaxation spots is the downstairs recreation room called "The Stable". Lanterns with electric light bulbs provide a rustic atmosphere. Pegs along the wall are similar to those on which riding saddles are hung.
ROW 3: Sue Vingee, June Frantzen, Mary Challman, Shirley K. Spear, Judy Sparks, Anne Rasmussen, Letty Lowdermilk, Janet Loney, Helen Kokosa, Carol Battles. ROW 4: Rosemary Latshaw, Fay Mosbaugh, Betty Jo Spears, Joy Elaine Gideon, Sandra Reed, Lyn Stone, Judy Susan, Louise Robbins, Judy Lucas, Sue Walters, Lynn Whybrew.
Marian Godeke, President
Memorial Hall
ROW 1: Helen Storey, Athena Pagedas, Syrell Sapoznick, Georganne Cree, Barbara Price, Jayne V. Thomas, Shiela Kissinger, Lucinda Kemper, Sonia Ann Cook. ROW 2: Susan Waggoner, Doris Dicks, Anna M. Amlis, Shirley Silvers, Margaret Silvers, Julie Hawkins, Josephine Gray, Barbara Tripplehorn, Mary Eula Routt, Aima Shell, Diana Klein. ROW 3: Patricia Gordon, Patty Jean Watson, Sandy Brooks, Carol Lee Harness, Margaret
Aurell, Sue Vonderbeck, Phyllis Kroening, Lois Jane Paloski, Ramona Newton, Glenda Robb, Kay Smith, secretary; Joy Lambert. ROW 4: Joy Wasson, Sara Kay McSherry, Jolene Sue Carroll, Linda Schulte, Lou Ann McDowell, Mary Anne Woodword, Ilona Grubaums, Ann Eddy, Darlene Kallaus, Nancy Fisher, Nancy Bastedo, Mary Lou Hanser, Joan Hansen, treasurer.
ROW 1: Lisa Kaiser, Joanne Prall, Dee Anderson, Karen Fisher, Sandra Cole, Joyce Clifford, Sylvia Jones, Sonia Bechaka, Molly Mann, Carolyn Weigle, Carol Day, Marlene Voegeli. ROW 2: Melinda Pinard Rau, Thelma Walton, Mary Ellen Selby, Nila Emenhiser, Marianne Helen Karr, Norma Sullivan, Virginia Macrow, Nancy Meyers, Mary Michaels, Anna Puisans, Shirley Rae Richard, Gretchen Finney. ROW 3: Arlene Georgia Malis, Carolyn Anne Mayer, Norma J. Hinshaw, Rebecca Lou Hobbs,
Mary Jane Henle, Louise C. Mony, Greta Martin, vice president; Margaret A. Shattuck, Martha L. Lloyd, Donna Kay Phillips, Marian Godeke, president; Sarah Pratt. ROW 4: Sandra Burke, Barbara Raynor, Brenda Gerking, Veronica Trees, Sara Jean Atkinson, leva Jansons, Zita Dapkus, Marilyn Hooker, June Clarkson, Virginia Hendershot, June Grigonis, Jacqueline Monroe, Janet Radeski, Sharon Albertson, Shirley Cantrill, Susan Walton.
Morrison Hall
ROW 1: Lois Herron, Julia Davis, Sandra Hooker, Judy Neff, vice president; Sue Petrie, Beverly Milburn. ROW 2: Ann Fitzgerald, Judy Hmura, Judy McMinds, Eleanor Lou Pfleeger, Kay West, Carol Honda, Beverly Bertram, Florence Wondrack, Donna Ray King, Ann Scott, Anna Brown. ROW 3: Nancy Laswell, Linda Crandle, Delphia Lacy, Anita Klosinski, Karen Frantz, Barbara King, Mara Jane Carter, Judy Ann Henry, Myrna McCann. Beverly Sarringhaus, Eleanor Ellen Overdeck, Mary
ROW 1: Penny Logan, Mary Ogle, Joy Reed, Judie Shepherd, Joan Auble, Barbara Fiechter, Nancy Regan. ROW 2: Donna Joan Divich, Cynthia McCallister, Maureen Lindsay, Janis Micu, Lois Ann Smith, Jackie Novick, Joan Anger, Connie Omoto.
Lou Hower. ROW 4: Mary Griffith, Celeste McMillan, Carlene Sue Hanson, Ann Downey, Renie Breskin, Donna Will, Joan Anderson, Karine Stone, Judy Bobick, Joan Polley, Jan Sandidge, Janet Jenkins. ROW 5: Barbara L. Coblick, Karen J. Barker, Myra Kay Slavens, Jo Anne Graham, Jane Emerson Bold, Carol Anderson, Judith S. Bowman, Sandy Erickson, secretary; Particia E. Medler, Barbara Shields, Jane Polson, Uree Fox, Joan M. Lacy, Sandra S. Barker.
ROW 3: Dixie Gaye Moore, Ellen Hackney, Sonya Brown, Jane Kinder, Judy Lee Lamble, Shirley Ann Caldwell, Valerea Klus, Rosalie Bent, Gloria Kwiat, Christine Hiland, president.
Nichols House
ROW 1: Jerry Pontius, Michael Horney, Nick Karandvich, secretary; Larry Warshawsky, treasurer; Betsy Kemmer, John Kopchik, governor; Tom Johnson, Jim Gibbs, Don Sheller. ROW 2: Moneim Abdel, Roger Meyer, Jan Helbert, James Hickman, Irving Levy, James McConnell, M. Assardo, Richard Molitor, Jack Robinson, Webster Street. ROW 3: John Lawell, Joel
Burden, Dennis Curtis, Gene Fowler, Robert Mikhel, George Niemiec, Jack Mcllroy, Leon Favede, Wayne Benner, Clyde Lennon. ROW 4: Jenny Ranostaj, David Niedringhaus, Robert Dewaree, Reginald Ferguson, M. W. Gray, Harold Southard, Dan Waters, Reid Nodell, David Spalding, Bill Noone.
North Cottage Grove 1 1111111i LL111111
ROW 1: Larry Dawson, Bruce Heathcotte, Gordon Pirie, Joseph Elliott, Joan Kuder, sweetheart; Roger Singleton, Tom Kand, Larry Bricker, governor; William T. Hilderbrand. ROW 2: Dave Boner, Jerry Hogue, social chairman; Tyrone Keesling, Terry Bricker, treasurer; Allen Johnson, athletic chairman; Jeff Lan-
drum, Larry Denney, secretary; Norman Franklin, counselor; Bryan Heathcotte. ROW 3: Billy Hawkins, Joseph Janus, scholarship chairman; Gary LeMaster, Dean L. Mattox, Chuck Edwards, Louie Farshee, Warren W. Nelson, James D. Bussen, V. Lawrence Lowe.
North Hall B, home of the Barons is better known as "Baron Manor." The nickname, Barons, was adopted by the hall in connection with the naming of the units in MRC. Several units bear titles of English nobility. In Medieval England the Barons, with their domains, were vassals of higher ranking lords or of the king. Three years ago the Barons adopted their pin which is a shield with a tournament steed in the upper corner and the letter "B" in the lower corner. The Barons hold an annual Christmas party for their dates. Entertainment includes decorating the Christmas tree.
ROW 1: Paul Stoffer, Jon Clark Holtzman, Barry N. Dunn, social chairman; Lynn A. Oberlin, Hugh Totten, scholarship chairman; John D. Beyler, treasurer; Thomas W. Morgan. ROW 2: Gerald House, Roy Inman, Larry Ritzert, William D. Silcox, Dick (Curley) Morrison, Jerry Lynn Robbins, Gene E. Robbins, Cecil W. Hembree, Elmer H. Carroll. ROW 3: Charles W. Kindermann, Ralph Laubecher, Robert A. Kring, F. Robert
Robert Dolphin, Governor
North Hall Barons
(Kelly) Kellstrom, James L. Borton, counselor; George Arfeld, Robert Dolphin Jr., governor; Robert Yancey. ROW 4: Dave Sinnett, John D. Jones, athletic chairman; Bill Briscoe, Lynn Nickelson, Walter Wm. Chase, H. Wade Altevogt, Mel R. Rake, Herb Hoeltke, Robert Witham, Gerald Swisher, S. Dale Wagner, Dick Monroe.
Lawrence Kahl, Governor
North Hall Cavaliers
ROW 1: Tom Dixon, Richard Odell, Bob Picciotto, Law rence Kahl, governor; Peggy Christie, sweetheart; Jon Wittenberg, Russell Johnson, Don Goddard, Bob Grenert. ROW 2: Ben Benjamin, George Bridges, secretary; William Duncker, Rolando Palas, Sinan Rawi, Bob Everitt, David Harris, Jack V. Divine, Ronald J. Petrovich. ROW 3: John II. Ridge, Enrique J. Machuca, Joseph R. Stratman, Michael Landy, Ken Williamson,
The North Hall Cavaliers derive their name from a group of men in historical England, who united to support King Charles I in his struggles with Parliament. The North Hall Cavaliers believe that they are closely united to make the dorm a better place in which to live. The Cavaliers have an annual Spring Steak Fry held at McCormick's Creek, and they hope to make their Christmas Dance an annual affair. The Cavaliers have had an organizational pin for three years. The pin is in the form of a blue shield, centered with the bust of a Cavalier.
Jack T. Frantz, Richard C. Osburn, Daniel D. Garigan, Roland L. Hockett, Noel A. Perry. ROW 4: Joe Williams, George Hamman, counselor; Richard Dolenar, Donald N. Jones, David E. Johnson, John C. Rogers, Larry B. Oswalt, Alan A. Nelson, John Henry Hart, Arthur E. Jones, Warren L. Bailey, John E. Williamson.
Oak Hall
ROW 1: Gladys Alegre, Rosalie Fleck, Allegra Johnson, Patricia Keefer, Marilyn Chan, Sofia Rebeca Tason, Ann Piper, Sonia E. Velarde. ROW 2: Sue Leggett, Lorena Rogers, Linda McCloud, Maola Tesec, Carolyn Bickmeier, Judy Anderson, Mar y Ann Crowe, Gloria D. Randle. ROW 3: Sharon Robinson, Ann Blackburn, counselor; Barbara Bowman, Carolyn Patton, Rose
ROW 1: Lillian Walker, Nancy Bennett, Louise Rarick, Nancy Chaloupka, Linda Hocker, Doris Thompson, Vickie Denney. ROW 2: Janey Hosler, secretary; Mary Lou Shull, Mary May Hanlon, Marjorie Roberts, Roselyn Greene, Sonja Cox, Barbara Cahill. Dawn Veteto. ROW 3: Kay Basting, Frances Jones,
Dudas, president; Lilly Hamlet, Karen Rosenthal, vice president; Celestine Curtis, Brenda Carney. ROW 4: Agnes Prikosovits, Mary Davis, Suzanne Clarke, Arlene Collins, Barbara Kilgore, Sharon Suzanne Weibel, Alice Sprinkle, Jerrelyn Davis, Shirley Nash, Angela Pacheco.
Aggi Lattak, treasurer; Eileen T. Reidy, Elizabeth A. Gude, Janice Williams, Sarah Winters, Joyce Marie Thompson, Doris Davis. ROW 4: Toni Gooliak, Mary Noel, Esther J. Fischer, Shawna Schlitz, Christine Taylor, Joan Schweiger, Elma L. Brooks, Dorothy M. Lowe, Isabelle Turner, Charlene Cobb.
Pine Hall
ROW 1: Sandra Glass, Beverly Cook, Patty Hall, Betty Mason, Kathcrine F. Byrd, Eugenia Sacopulos, president; Lois Mason, Judith McCall rey, Susan Buss, Joan Jacobs. ROW 2: Phyllis Wilson, Sharon Bush, Ann Slattery, Maggie Fitzgerald, DeAnn Jensen, Linda Sons, Barbara Carr, Judy Dickman, Linda Free-
man, Phyllis Dill, Patricia Snow. ROW 3: Jo Miller, Linda Marsh, secretary; Sally Tragesser, treasurer; Beth Davis, Marianne Graham, vice president; Phyllis E. Brown, Barbara Fry, Lorenza R. Arnold, Mary Ellen Winquist, Patricia Ann Pratt, Margaret R. Espensebied, Elaine McVay.
ROW 1: Judith Dixon, Margaret Mary Anstett, Jane Borho, Sara Lea Hayes, Janice Benham, Sybil Withem, Mary Ann Hubbuch, Helen Snively, Patricia Jeanne Harris, corridor advisor. ROW 2: Barbara Anne Johnson, Joyce Leatrice Williams, Catherine Smith, Joan Crow, Marlene Muth, Judy Waldon, Gloria Dixon,
Barbara Ewbank, Patricia Ann Williams, Susanne Kay VanMarcke. ROW 3: Jeanne Stove, Elinor Klotz, Maryrose Wade, Marilyn Havens, Patsy Spencer, Charlotte Waterford, June Calender, Joyce Ohl, Claudia Galik, Joy Leedy, Leanne Lattak, Janice Calloway.
North Hall Friars
ROW 1: Bernie Meyer, Bill Solloway, Anthony Bonta, Donette Bushaw, sweetheart; Glenn Jacoby, governor; Dale Schell, Bill Hanna. ROW 2: Joseph Corey, James O'Connor, Max Ewart Blue Jr., Daniel J. Buckley Jr., William R. Wilson, William E. Depew, John FL Hannon, Richard Furlow, Louis F. Iorio, treasurer. ROW 3: Albert Giuliano, Paul Leak, Ron Rosin, Al Cox,
counselor; Charles E. Iles, Lowell Beer, Jack Evans, John Mutka, Phillip Jon Crabill, secretary. ROW 4: Robert Neuhauser, Ronald Kozlowski, Grant Gansinger, Richard Altenhof, Darwyn L. Herbst, Kermit B. Thomas, Leslie Fenimore, David L. Tate, Warner D. Wilson, Patrick G. Morris, Theodore A. Chandik.
Parks House
ROW 1: Richard Wright, David Major, treasurer; Roger Fortna, Howey Kraut, governor; Judd Lowenhar, Staff Wilburne. ROW 2: Phillip Shirley, Pete Huestis, Steve Orrell, Mike Stagg, Francis Solms, Malcolm E. Stern, Thomas Horka, George Walls, Clark Johnston. ROW 3: Dale Glenn, John Gross, Robert Ballentine, Chuck Mitchell, Loren Saunders, Jamey Aebersold, Robert
McCoskey, Paul Schmidt, William Adams, Gary Long. ROW 4: Rex Ehrhart, William Yerkes, Walt Harris, Stephen Dygert, Bill Wiley, James Cummins, Ted Schrock, Russell Clinton, George Smith, Jerry Jacob, Sammy Singer, Richard Paige, Martin Downey.
Rollins House
ROW 1: Nancy Cox, Eugene R. Sriver, Nancy Johnson, Daniel Horton, Lois Chambers, Ron Maris, governor; Debbie Dodson, Frank Kaslewicz, secretary; Beth Davis, C. Eugene Nichols, treasurer; Nancy Weiller. ROW 2: Rod Laymow, counselor; Patrick Sanders, William Keever, Robert C. Kuss, Gerald McKinsey, John J. Brant, Richard Clouse, Robert E. Puscheck, C. Eugene
Smith, James H. Graver. ROW 3: Bill Bailey, Kenneth Hannum, Bob Hughes, Thomas S. Hirschmann, David Kent Blase, Bob Shipman, Larry Robb, Max Mykrantz, Den Cannoot. ROW 4: Dave Arch, W. F. Lunte, Hal Stine, Robert R. Schmidt, Hal K. Green. Sherrill D. Miller, Edward D. Dare, Robert L. Heid, John Cass.
R uter House
ROW 1: Fred Patcheak, treasurer; Jerry Werling, Norman Hassfurder, Elaine Markis, queen; Allen Arnett, George Bovrne, secretary; Allen Klob. ROW 2: Ronald Robbins, John Pieratt, Jon Micu, Jack Hays, counselor; Mike Montgomery, Richard Fleck, David Beldus. ROW 3: Mike Findley, Fred Scott, Don
Tillman, Robert D. Smith, Gerold W. Gattshall, John J. Krebs, Jack E. Bill, Denny Lawson. ROW 4: Herschel Zehr, Alfred E. Neuman, Lowell M. Swaidner, Robert H. Griffith, John T. Sherrier, L. Thomas Zunk, Allan Zukerman, Dan Krivoshia, Allen R. White.
Smithwood Wing I
ROW 1: Nancy Goldenberg, Louise Schwalbe, Carol James, Judy Leaf, Karen Sims, Judy Wolfe, Pat McCracken, Nancy Turpin, Sally Raup, Linda Cotner, Nancy Bennett, Virginia Kiefer, Enid Aungst. ROW 2: Stephanie Brunke, Joan Dittrick, Judy Kale, Nancy Stuart, Katharine Anderson, Alana McDaniel, Alice Boger,
Barbara Goins, Rebecca Larrick, Donna Becker, Connie Vaughn, Sherrie Schelm. ROW 3: Barbara Feiock, Rosalie Waltz, Becky Manship, Roslyn Murphy, Phyllis Bower, Judy Keyak, Dolores Rugenstein, Margaret Maly, Mildren Raichle, Ruth Blakesley, Barbara Sims, Shirley Hedrick.
ROW 1: Sharon Smith, Genevieve Pride, Janet Sauder, Linda Liechenstein, Barbara Glick, Connie Holton, Anne Biggerstaff, Sharon Tucker, Donna Metcalfe, Rosalie Cherry. ROW 2: Camille Coffel, Susan Reeve, Sharon Dine, Mary Jane Radcliffe, Janice Aikens, Ann Scheib, Bobbe Neal, Cynthia Beaman, Amanda Lamb, Annis Myers, Nan Anderson, Sharon Fetter. ROW 3: Pat Lowe,
Gretchen Downs, Carol Reese, Janice Denham, Mary Kirkham, Judy Fleetwood, Karen Gourley, Sonya Howard, Mary Iannuzzi, Melitta Reinacker, Kay Gilbert. ROW 4: Pamela Hayter, Debbie Subow, Dorothy Brodie, Chloe Gott, Madonna Guckien, Nancy Williams, Marilyn Morris, Judy Powell, Sharon Veale, Joan Jolly, Hudner Southworth, Mary Brodie.
Row 1: Betty Legan, Faye Brownlee, Maxine Rotenberg, Roberta C. Cooper, Rindie Redrup, Susie Dienhart, Roberta Felix, Nancy Davis, Beverly Schaub. Row 2: Elizabeth Lusher, Jean Cash, Roberta Krapower, Nancy Weiller, Mary O'Neal, Lucille Liechty, Patricia Raines, Susan Lehman, Jean Adsden, Linda Tilett, Row 3: Sue Whitelock, Jane Thomas, Rosalie Robison, Maxine
Klein, Diana Irish, Norma Schroeder, Ruth Ann Simon, Barbara Lembke, Lynn O'Neill, Zonda Stanley, Martha Bird, Barbara Johnson, President. Row 4: Carolyn Both, Sue Beeker, Charlene Stellhorn, Phyllis Beane, Greta Foogde, Mary Ann Setre, Carol Shigley, Mary Ann Pitzer, Leno Prosser, Jean Michelson, Sherry Redmon.
Row 1: Mary Fisher, Connie Daugherty, Judy Annis, Linda Gutwein, June Budlove, Cathi Bates, Carol Creech, Gloria Reed, Jan Kuhn, Judy Whiteford, Phyllis Peck. Row 2: Jane E. Brock, Judy McCoy, Marcia Hartung, Martha Ellen Small, Marie Louise Moore, Donna Stocking, Sheila Gallay, Maxine Thurston, V. Anne Holmes, Barbara Gordon, Ann Sappenfield, Vice-President; Sandy Parries, Margaret Marie Barnett. Row 3: Barbara Shaw, Karen Russell, Carol Bantz, Linda Abraham, Karen Jennings, Myrna Rosenberg, Jan Paul, LaVonne Kay
Gratzer, Sharon Eissler, Judith Stouder, Corla Ann Foss, Bev Clarke, Marcia Shapiro. Row 4: Patricia Piatek, Nikki Sue Whitney, Nancy Cuskaden, Judy Reed, Carole Warner, Jocelyn Moore, Sandra Grau, Mary Zudock, Mary Baake, Nancy Bryan, Judy Price, Edwina Hirsbrunner, Patricia Reed, Rebecca Kay Conrad. Row 5: Jayne Swinford, Janet Esterline, Joan Esterline, Barbara Jean Harris, Joan Langerman, LaDonna J. Smith, Sharon Banning, Janet Johnson, Karen Chellberg, Secretary; Dalene Elzey, Linda Miles, Judi Clabaugh, Gail Moll.
Smithnood Wing II
Row 1: Louise Kodicik, Marilyn East, Shirley Thompson, Carolyn Page, Patricia Cole, Dessa Trautwein, Peggy Thompson, Marie Di Camillo, Linda Zaft, Judith Oliver. Row 2: Grayce Etter, Judy Kessler, Patricia Druckamiller, Janet Fields, Judy Teel, Jane Simpson, Suzanne Wolfe, Cathy Krause, Elaine Taub, Mary Ellen Shulmier. Row 3: Sylvia Simerly, Jacquelin L.
Murphy, Janet Henkel, E. Carole Harting, Patricia K. Kelly, Susan Mills, Karen Ellenwood, Sandra Summe, Peggy Fiedler, Lavon Portman, Barbara Williams, Nancy Bair. Row 4: Marjie Donahue, Carol Davidson, Holly Nelson, Joy Yockey, Alice Strain, Mary Wennerstrom, Jane Jordan, Marion Gmerek, Marilyn Campbell, Barbara Schultz, Donna Boles, Rose M. Wright.
ROW 1: Nancy Renneker, Connie Wyatt, Georgia Eisermann, Susan Eichelkraut, Judy Vukelick, Sally Fleming, Ana Stephan. ROW 2: Sue Plessinger, Judy Donaldson, Lynn Mercer, Lois Chambers, Audrey Muster, Jane Rae Dillon, Mary Kay Cook, Marilyn Talbott, Rebecca Boram, Peggy Perry, Donna Farwell. ROW 3: Catherine Stuteville, Judy Steiner, Kay Condra, Sarah Duncan, Nancy Meeker, Gretchen Graf, Anita House, Phyllis McDonald, Barbara Bockhorst, Sandra Dahlstrand, Anna Kaser-
man, Margaret Sartoris, Barbara Vokurka. ROW 4: Betty McGregor, Sue Leisey, Sharon Wainscott, Patricia Gillespie, Lois Seigel, Carolyn Beardsley, Barbara Kroger, Judi Grant, Glenda Marls, Carol Feldman, Judy Young, Judy Williams, Dona Richardson, Judy Bahler. ROW 5: Georgette Runda, Carolyn Peyton, Pat Whiteley, Sara Pike, Maralee Cox, Stephanie Winston, Ann Johns, Sue Frew, Jo Ann Dolence, Linda Galbraith, Pat Quinn, Mara Isaks, Natalie Herrold, Ann Hilsmeier, Lynda Loeber.
ROW 1: Elaine Levitan, house manager; Judith Becker, Harriet Hersh, Sandra Schwalm, Ruth Kahn, Jeannie Fassburg Janet Pennel, Judith Oberman. vice president; Wendy Barron, scholarship chairman; Barbara Flowers, secretary. ROW 2: Elaine Nusbaum, Sharon Sondgerath, Margaret Ann Porter, Esta Glazer, president; Nancy Almquist, Juliana Jordan, Judy Komoroske, Judy DeGrazia, Helen Kaszuba. Cathy Gille. ROW 3: Joan
Marie McCarty, Judith Ann James, Donna Mae Porter, Barbara Jane Sheperd, Dixie G. Frey, Roz Gelfman, Sandra Jo Smalley, Susan Page, Myra Jane Lorber, Chandra Ober, Ellen Scheffler. Phyllis Clevenger. ROW 4: Judith E. Shaw, Jane R. Loveland. Margaret I. Smith, Carol Ann Duff, Barbara Sue Kirschner, Sondra Mueller, Sharon Kay Wegner, Carol Bart, Judy Herrold, Beverly Mead, Brenda Mather, Marjorie Gildner.
ROW 1: Sherrill Miller, Helen Marcovitch, Donna Jo Provo, Jean Maiyo, Sylvia Morgan, Bobbie Mullen, Katherine Prather, Sherilyn Clay. ROW 2: Mary McClure, Nancy Neuhauser, Joan Weir, Anna May Rudolph. Judith Sugarman, Laurel Rardin, Linda Gullion, Mindy Lehman, Phyllis Wolff. ROW 3: Sharon
Stickler, Doris Luty, Virginia Poe, Gerry Novak, Patty Scharrer, Jackie Sue Smith, Carol Versteeg, Anita Ennis, Juanita Barr. ROW 4: Catherine Nettles, Lynda Fitch, Topsy George, Karen Funk, Judy Fechtman, Barbara Bridge, Margaret Wimer, Nancy Klein, Annette Katz, Joyce Brunner. Linda Oatman.
Smithwood Wing III
Him 4
111111111116Lk ROW 1: Mary Ann Lefavour, Shirley Miller, Sonya Voit, Mary Emelie Watson, Jane Zygmont, Doris D. Burks. ROW 2: Mary Lou Ooley, Kathy Keneipp, president; Marlene L. Graff, Eva Groth, Patty Ann O'Neill, Jane Raibourn, Judy Akers. ROW 3: Mildred Marie Pierce, Suzanne Moffitt, Cynthia McClure, Judith
Ann Rasmussen, Dena M. Moore, Janice Darlene Titus, Janice Kay Slavens, Ann Louise Fulkerson. ROW 4: Marilyn Bernstein, Beverly Ann Bowley, Sue Metcalfe, Hilda Maria Curtis, Patty Prince, Judith Nicely, Marilyn Jane Williams, Annie Warner.
ROW 1: Marcia Hyde, Peggy Miller, Linda B. Fisher, Phyllis Segal, Judith L. Pownall, Arlene Gulley, Peggy Christie, Judith C. Wilson, Gloria Jean Cortese, Nikki Musselman. ROW 2: Barbara Kay Nogg, Linda Beth Conn, Sue Ann Stukey, Tamara Blase, Carolyn Sternberg, Mary Alta Hopkins, Janet McGown,
Edith Sternfield, Elaine Eskitch, Lenore Peachin, Sara Lynne Gerow. ROW 3: Elsa M. Rosenak, Mary A. Rozich, Ladonna S. Erickson, Sheilah R. Wilson, Ruth Lynn Wheeler, Jane Mayer, Sherry Scott, Mary Yates, Ann E. Gehrke, Cynthia Bryant, Judy Ahring, Ann Gilman, Mary Underwood.
ROW 1: Paula Bryant, Cynthia Walsh, Fran Borish, Nancy Wood, Eileen Gotteiner, Marcia Hurt, Marilyn Effinger, Pat Mendenhall. ROW 2: Judith Kay Smale, Claire Nelson, Jo Ann Shoupe, Bonita Sue Simms, Patti Last, Judy E. Hurley, Pat Behning, M. Kay Edmonds, Marilyn Gobert, Pam Beecher, Linda Ashton. ROW 3: Sharon Rice, Lois Schroeder, Alice Hopman,
Marcia Hoelscher, Donna Hogan, Beth Bassett, Gayle Joan Shively, Virginia Pry, Becky White, Susie Ellis. ROW 4: Marlene Schwartz, Jacqueline Charlson, Merle Brody, Pat Pudlow, Marjorie Gross, Margaret Goldberg, Carolyn Ann Fields, Judy Dyer, Lona Gail Day, Joyce Ann Slavens, Clara Claudine Eppen, Barbara Kay Littell.
ROW 1: Judy Jo Burkhardt, Marilyn Allgood, Kay Anne Ax, Marcia Jane Morton, Debbie Dodson, Nancy Jane Stiles, Marcia Katz, Barbara Kay Miller, Suzanne Landsbaum, Nancy Leach, Lynn Vandervort. ROW 2: Mary Pers, Judith Stachura, Eleanor Bowes, Judy Neff, Jane McCullough, Jan Rossow, Lois Riemersman, Marilyn Fowler, Sally Gwynne Waldron, Carolyn Gilmer, Jean Anne Teush. ROW 3: Karen Ann Hesgard, Judith
Lynne Wilson, Sharon Lee Williamson, Sharon Lucile Friend, Elinor Ann Leith, Mickey Richards, Susanne Flick, Jana Green, Nancy Johnson, Jean Gustafson, Skaidrite Varkalis, Miriam Stemle. ROW 4: Joyce Helene Sedan, Judy Kay Taylor, Jane Butterfield, Arlene Pokrifcak, Lynne Fitzwater, Myrna Nuzum, Donna J. Snyder, Phyllis J. Fults, Linda Sue Alsop, Judy Starr, Gretchen King, Joan Wittenberg, Elizabeth Ann Sherry.
Smithwood Wing IV
ROW 1: Jane Anne Rockey, D. Diane Sittler, Nancy Anne Berry, Irene Ruth Weinberg, Sharon Patricia O'Meara, Linda Chapple, Sarah Albin. Nancy Stauffer, Margaret Gardner, Mary Huber, Carolyn Oldham, Sandy Schieber, Nancy Cox, Donna Lakin. ROW 2: Parmula K. Weedman, Jean C. Getschman, Janet G. Usher, Jane McFadden, Ann Conrad, Jan Kelly, Katie Hilt, Marge Roth, JoAnn Dunham, Judy Broshears, Betsy Kemmer, Jane Maxam, Sue Spivey, Judy French, Carol Caplan. ROW 3:
ROW 1: Bettijeane Hicks, secretary; Marie Chanall, Lynda Powell, Jill Carroll, Barbara Morgan, Rosemary Bambace, Phyllis DuBrow, Nan Bender, Sharon Seaman, Roberta Fishman, Phyllis Silverman, Linda Sutton, Suzanne Krinsky. ROW 2: Peggy Graham, Carol Newson, Theresa Harris, Nancy Conwell, Doris Applegate, Marian Kurtz, Rita Tidd, Joy Aibus, Bernice Zeldin, Barbara Wische, Carole Sue Brummett, Renee Lewis, Carolyn Purkhiser, Nancy L. Tower. ROW 3: Jane Affleck, Sandra
Susan Kirk, Karen Lee Kemper, Ann Smiley, Judy Stitzer, Nancy Ruth Jones, Patricia Ahl, Carole Motuliak, Dolly Woodruff, Barbara Donald, Sally Chase, Marilyn Mignin, Janet Kuder, Merrily Davey, Becka Bender. ROW 4: Barbara Cressow, Linda Dee Schlehuser, Anna Ruth Gee, Juliann Schutte, Ruth Autrey, Carolyn Dickson, Joan Timmons, Jane Milam, Suzann Mitten, Joan Kuder, Jane Sovine, Cynthia Ostrom, Judy Milo, Janice Hansen.
Roberts, Carole Seacat, Janet Small, Darlene Sue Puckett, Lynn Thompson, Sue McNaughton, Gail Hagen, Anne McClellan, Linda Bernd, Joan Ziller, Barbara Suttles, Toby Fester. ROW 4: Bette Farbman, Mary C. Young, Judy Freedman, Phyllis Bluestein, Carol Berss, Patricia Mattison, Joy Murback, Marcia Duning, Ann Grieber, Mona Miller, Carol Woodmansee, Ester Gruszkos, Sharon Soash, Penny Cutler, Vnice Hesiben.
ROW 1: Norrita Mitchell, treasurer; Elaine C. Rutkowske, Joyce Ann Baldwin, Elizabeth Queisser, Barbara Eastburn, Madelein Ross, Betty Greene, Ann Benkert, Nancy Millholland, Judith Friedman, Susan Lipton, Dixie Lee Worthington. ROW 2: Nancy Poffenberger, Martha Carothers, Sonja Bowman, Sandy Young, Sandi Miller, Esther Liberman, Paula Garber, Henriette Thomas, Patricia Brooks, Jo Ann Moore, Mary Rita Hoctel,
Kit McKeague, Carol Wilson. ROW 3: Sally Badgett, Rosalie Kaiser, Ethel Stoops, Barbara Bortz, Charlotte Kasperek, Rose Mary Stahl, Pat Kemmerling, Mary Kay Hawblitzel, Marilyn Mattox, Diane Neher, Nan McLaughlin, Pat Baldwin. ROW 4: Judy Kilgour, Sandy Feldman, ZoEtta Keller, Phyllis Ewer, Lois Halub, Emily Stonerock, Elaine Karen Johnson, Barbara Michelson, Becky Nicolini, Katie Sargent, Lynne Weaver, Gail Mason.
Marjorie Metcalf, President Smithwood Wing IV is the southeast "arm" of the women's X-shaped dormitory. Wing IV, along with Wing III is at present the youngest dorm on campus. Both wings were opened in September, 1955. The Wing IV students publish a bimonthly newspaper, -The Wing IVum," which reports their dorm activities as well as campus events. Each spring Wing IV has a recognition banquet. This dinner honors women who have made achievements in scholarship, or campus and dorm activities.
South Cottage Grove
ROW 1: Abdul-Amir Al-Rubaiy, Earl Lee Chestnut, Jerry Wright, Terry C. Smith, governor; Gary Brown, Charles Schefer, Darwin Wilkeson, secretary; Larry Lopp, Jim Burns. ROW 2: Myron Curry, Joe Carroll, Richard D. Wright, Jerry Martin,
Frank Merli, counselor; Tom Schering, David Lloyd, Ralph J. Schoettmer, Peter J. Vukovich, Raymond Leising, Mike A. Dorfman.
South Hall A Buccaneers
ROW 1: Avery Carmark Jr., Thomas Castaldi, Donald Smith, Jay H. Gould, James A. Joerger, Robert W. Carver, treasurer. ROW 2: Kenneth C. Watson, Craig E. Toensing, William Gough, secretary; Richard R. Hori, Bernard M. Parlock, governor; Al Frymier, John F. McNarney, Bruce Reynolds, Bob Sleeth. ROW 3: Carl J. Zurcher, James H. Job, Stanley 1. Trager, James E.
Sylvester, E. Steven Hager, Daniel J. Kacer, Vernon L. Trapp, James E. Buescher. ROW 4: Trent Toensing, Thomas William Alley, John J. Lawrence, Gerald J. Ujdak, Michael Slobodkin, Allen Berndt, Robert W. Lott, Louis W. Kibler, scholarship chairman; Lawrence Heiliger, William R. Stover.
South Hall B Knights
ROW 1: Charles Corner, Lawrence Miles, Robert E. Pruett, John Churio, Peter L. Jensen, treasurer; Ken Wyneken, secretary. ROW 2: Curtis Jones, Reggie Sheppard, James L. Neafus,
athletic chairman; Egbert Sherrod, Gary Harmon, counselor; Ray Brooks, social chairman and fire marshal; Dave Cole, acting governor.
Stockwell House
Ire ROW David J. Chizek, William L. Tyler, John 1'. Mattsis, Ned V. Schimizzi, governor; Wayne L. Lavoncher, treasurer; Bob Parsons, David J. Vucich, Michael J. Kmak, Don Barr, counselor. ROW 2: Lowell Ken Nuito, William H. Hutto, Robin R. Holder, Don Ramon Dubois, David F. Frank, Carl Horne, Paul D.
Brown, Ray Allan Horton, Alan W. Sidel. ROW 3: Robert L. Shone, David L. Schroeder, Leroy N. Haertel, David A. Miller, Harold E. Ball, William L. Bailey, David L. Kingen, Ralph M. Stoner.
Sycamore Hall
ROW 1: Dora Owen, president; Elinor Rossin, Frances Tiemann, treasurer; Ann Pekarsky, Barbara F. Sherman, Julie Clapp, Linda Law, Rosalie Childers. ROW 2: Barbara Lou Bassett, Mary Glen Boyer, Pat Slott, Eileen Davis, counselor; Martha Harris, vice president; Ann Matthews, Robin Zolla, Miriam Weimer. ROW 3: Mary Anna Kizer, Janet Louise Seids, Sue Ann Tanks-
ley, Sue Ann Adamson, Sue Bogan, Marilyn Herget, Dana Gilbreath, Janet Huettner, Jane Felger, Heather Marcus. ROW 4: Jesse Reilly, Judy Thornburg, Joy Mohr, counselor; Kay Ann Bastin. Harriet Schlit, Linda Foncannon, counselor; Joan Henry, counselor; Marjory Brauer, Marcia Peters, Beverly Bullions, Dikka Nelson, Arlene Lyons, Sybil Crooks.
ROW 1: Betsy Bilderback, Joan Guist, Taksina Atthakor, Norma Scharlach, Linda Hamm, Suzette Conkle, Patricia Lavengood, Melanie Martin, Eunice Goldstein, Lynda Shaul, Janice Lindenberg, Constance Bazil. ROW 2: Janet Bowers, Barbara Roussey, Jane Allebaugh, Carol Mager, Barbara Bennett, Abby Ervin, Diana Bickel, Janice Zimmerman, Jean Wertz, Alice Fishback, Gayle Altheide, Sandy Daily, Bernadine Bogan. ROW 3: Judith Cole, Peggy Lee Thomasson, Cynthia Findley, Barbara Watt,
Elsie Mae Boose, Kathryn Phares, Carmona McClanahan, Nora Talesnick, Rhoda Ricks, Patricia Gilligan, Sherry Kay Holland, Nancy Lobo, Ann Davis, Betty Marie Kelly, Nina Jo Lewis. ROW 4: Ruedeane Read, Sally Queisser, Miriam Melvin, Vicki Jane Gore, Mary A. Handy, Helen R. Booher, Patricia Joan Janjecic, Karen Sue Rowland, Lois Evans, Martha Edelstein, Xenia Blom, Donna Kaye Hercey, Margaret Farley, Ernestine Jantuah, Betsy Campbell, Joy Foulkes, Kay Piatt.
ROW 1: Virginia Aldridge, Carolyn Burkey, Suzanne Barclay, Carole Webster, Stacia Walters, Vicki Kasdan, Judi D. Freedman, Elaine M. Kotler, Mary Jane Merkle. ROW 2: Lenora Wallace, Treva Frankovitz, Melinda Lumm, Miriam Stark, Sally Burtzner, Kay Gillett, Nancy Kay Fowler, Marlene Kremzier, Christine Freeman, Patricia Flowers. ROW 3: Ada M. Wilson,
Marcia Tolchinsky, Geraldine Coican, Sheila Freid, Gale Alpert, Susie Augspurger, Rene Kuhn, Ginny Pugh, Joan Medved, Martha Street. ROW 4: Beryl Stutsman, Carol McPherson, Frances Grandys, Carole McGivern, Leonore Torode, Bettylyn Robbins, Darlene Tharp, Barbara Hallinin, Apryl Burkhart, Sandra Lee Doolittle, Susan Sturdevant, Suzanne Savage.
ROW I: Elaine Donato, Julia Hamilton, Phyllis Ferguson, Martha Kay Holt, Carolyn R. Walker, Beverly Weaver, Nyla Crone, Carole Allen, Sharon Crain, Anita Smith. ROW 2: Linda Silence, Charline Molter, Nancy L. Beavers, Margaret Wright, Sue Miller, Priscilla Jane Edson, Carol Mast, Denie Sandefur, Janet Purkhiser, Sue Hall, Mary Helen Rohr. ROW 3: Helen Ahlgrim, Marilee Hermon, Darlene Spindler, Jill Bill-
man, Gerrie Dolinsky, Barbara Ann Bra}, Lois Ann Frances, Sue Tankersley, Patricia White, Carolyn Donoho, Judith Campbell, Jessica Stronach. ROW 4: Sarah Sweet, Sharrie Broyles, Joann Manushaw, R. Karen Mondragon, Sue Newton, Barbara Boeldt, Carol Yasosky, Joan Fleming, Ann Schubert, Ann Carson, Nancy Dean, Roberta Wysong, secretary; Patricia Lyons.
Todd House
ROW 1: Richard L. Lattimer, counselor; Douglas Abrams, Charles Lehner, James Anthony, treasurer; Julie Jordan, sweetheart; Larry Summers, Gus Lumpe, secretary; Dan Poore, governor. ROW 2: Tom Renaldi, Walter Olds, Kirh Kiltz, William Moore, Harlan Brown, J. J. Harms, Bob Deaton, James Helvie, Ralph Pack. ROW 3: Philip Clevenger, Elvin K. Leffel, Larry
Wagner, Fred Brouwer, Bill K. Summers, Ronald E. Reas, John J. Kindler, Gordon H. Rosenau, Gary F. Fairbanks, Charles E. Gordon. ROW 4: Byron Zint, Richard Mattick, Max Mohler, Jon Sandleben, Steve Osborn, Carl L. Robbins, Robert Davis, Warren Munson, Jeff Gillaspy, Ron Gottschalk.
Weatherwax House
ROW 1: Helen Wolf, Katy Swank, Connie Houston, treasurer; Marilyn Kistler, vice president; June Cousins, Barbara Gerhold. ROW 2: Judith Anderson, Karen Walker, Patricia Lambrecht, Phyllis Minnich, Susan Bright, secretary; Beverley Keeley, Jean
Wilson, president. ROW 3: Marianne Heinemann, Greta Jackson, Beverly Kline, Carol Newby, Netha Loyce Harmon, Nada Lukovich, Mary Louise Mahrenholz.
39 1
West Hall II Grim Reapers
ROW 1: George Dow, Tommy Phillips, Michal Crowe, Karin Stone, sweetheart; Harvey Rau, William Meredith, Paul Schnepf, Gerald Niccum. ROW 2: Charles Baker, treasurer; Gene Linden Wilkinson, Norman L. Baxter, counselor; Ronald G. Curtis, Michael R. Albright, James Michael Lorber, Richard D. Beaver, Robert Harris, Arnold Abramson. ROW 3: Joseph Crawford,
John L. Thompson, Dan Weninger, Kenneth Doehrman, George D. Congen, Don Walters, Gary Kapperman, George H. Murphy Jr., John Lorber, Homer L. Elliott. ROW 4: Michael J. Padula, Robert L. Kenninger, governor; Vernon D. Wegert, Mark Lamey, Rod Ruckriegle, secretary; Bill Day, Terry Albright, Richard A. Streaty, Ture A. Nelson, David H. Williams, Larry E. Zahm.
ROW 1: Carl Smith, Billy R. Moore, Bob Leffert, scholarship chairman; Fred W. Faust, Shirley Silvers, queen; James Nagy, John Hollingsworth, Floyd Fancher, Marland J. Myers. ROW 2: Robert S. Thayer, John L. Szanyi, Don V. Pickett, Robert S. Hart, Don Gehle, Fred McCain, Randy Lietzke, Ed Bahieda, Jack Ruff, counselor; Oscar E. Miller Jr., William S. Merrell II. ROW 3: Don Wagoner, Don Steiner, Alfred C. Neuman, Alan R.
Diodore, Ron Reising, Jim Stout, John A. Fenker, secretary; Charles H. Krueger, Ronald E. Mertens, Bill Black, Bill Miller, Bill Cavanaugh, Gerald Johnson. ROW 4: Dwain Graham, Joe Rice, John D. Auld, governor; Richard J. Bast, treasurer; J. Mark Summers, J. Ray Harty, John D. Craft, Jim Patrick, Jim A. Dye, Stephen Vangel, Dick O'Neal, Bob Huggins, Skip Vertesch.
West Hall IV Saints opproptu
ROW 1: Larry McElhiney, Cort Carrington, Dick Izen, treasurer; Cathy Centlivre, sweetheart; Ray Higginbotham, John C. Carney Jr., Ron Brown. ROW 2: Don Henrichs, Jerry L. Zonker, governor; Edward LaTour, Bob Szabo, August Schischka, Daniel Alan
:mil li OK III
Day, Tom Power, secretary. ROW 3: Paul G. Wagner, counselor; Larry Mazur, Glenn Schram, Lee Van Tornhout, Bernie Vacendak, Henry C. Townes, Garry D. Colgrove, Peter Diamondis, Allen H. Miller.
Towers Center
Indiana University continues to grow. With this growth comes a process of continual advancement, reorganization, and development. New systems are considered; new ideas are tried. Towers Center now begins to take shape. With it rises a new concept in the university's housing . . . coeducational dormitories. Ex-
perimentally tested at IL in ‘,,us pa,t, coeducational dorms appear to have been successful, perhaps even as another step in a trend towards de-concentration of all-men and all-women dormitories. Don't forget Towers Center. Watch it. It may be a doorstep to the future.
Life... life is to share, to belong, to love...
"Home sweet home" .
but don't forget the homework.
Breakfast with a welcome, young guest-of-honor
In the fall of 1946, the whole university was talking about the little city of trailers on Woodlawn Avenue. These trailers and the old Hoosier Courts were the first university housing for married students. Today married housing is no longer spectacular or new, but the combination of student and married life is still an interesting, often difficult one. Over 1057 students are living in the various married units spread over the campus. Both husband and wife might attend school. In addition, the problems of work, finances, and a growing family must be faced. Without the facilities, aid, and environment of married housing units, few couples could overcome the obstacles involved in obtaining an education.
Studying is best in early evening ...
Husband helps with wife's tasks
. . . and visa versa.
and Junior has the right idea.
Ask of life but a chance to prove yourself .. . Then stand and dare the world
Homework is the same . . . necessary, tedious
When Indiana University was founded in 1820, no housing was provided for the students. They either lived in town or commuted. Now, only about one-fifth of the total enrollment on campus is living "out in town," while five hundred of our 13,000 students are commuting. The university and the fraternity system have provided housing for the remaining 10,000 students. The girls who live in town have formed a club called the "Townettes." Like dorms, this group participates in campus social activities.
Housekeeping . . . elbow grease, patience, time
The weekly package of "many splendored things"
A world traveler takes a trip . . . on paper.
After supper comes time to relax, read, or study.
Home, a good meal, a good pipe . . . a good life
From the deeply rooted human need to belong grows the fraternity, grooming gracious, thoughtful, and truly educated individuals. The pin sparkles, symbolic of the togetherness bond symbolic of the traditions, of the future shared by its wearers.
to. ROW 1: James C. Gillen, Abe Bixler, Richard K. Anderson, J. Thomas Bauer, John R. Noblitt, Ames Shuel, David K. Trenary, Karol V. Stanley, Norman Spaulding, vice president; Robert Petry. ROW 2: Jerry Kabelin, Bill Smith, Don Wagner, Robert McLaughlin, Dave Allen, Gary Martzolf, Norm Care, Jack McClain, Kent Hartman, Larry Small, Jon Micu, John Emley. ROW 3: James Carlson, Joe Jupin, George Caraway, James Weaver, Jerry Garrison, Dennis Smith, Dave Bowen, Jim Wright, Hugh Robertson, Fred Garver, Tom Dugger, Bob Townsend,
treasurer; Max Spaulding. ROW 4: Stan Hood, Duane Bobeck, Max Gollmer, Don Johnson, Gordon Wright, Lee Haertel, Bill Geroff, Bill Jordan, Blaine Johnson, John Finley, Larry Risk, Darrell Blanton, Mike Findley, Richard N. Smith. ROW 5: Jim Turner, Robert D. Smith, Billy Phillips, Herbert Busby, John K. Kidd, Terry D. Wien, Max Anderson, Bob Held, Don Sanders, John Clark, secretary; Dave Dale, Stan Young, Terry Lottes, Mack Wootton, president.
Mack Wooton, President Acacia, a Greek word meaning "forever lasting," was the name selected for tht' fraternity founded by the Masons in 1904. The IU chapter of Acacia was installed in 1916. The Acacias have lived in their present house on Third Street since 1938. The Acacia Ice Cream Social traditionally brings to a close the Little 500 festivities. On the evening following the race, thousands of people gather on the Acacia lawn to eat ice cream and to socialize. Each Christmas Acacia, together with a sorority, sponsors a party for children from the Masonic Children's Home in Franklin, Indiana. 399
ROW 1: Barbara Cash, vice president; Sandy Kemp, president; Mrs. T. H. Miner, house mother; Linda Walker, Gail Bruening. ROW 2: Susan Kinkle, Edwina Purdue, Gretchen Van Huysen, Karen Campbell, Janis Gossard, Pam Lowe, Judy Figg, Nancy Reeves, Nancy Lear, Nancy Blacklidge. ROW 3: Marty Branaman, Sandy Bruening, Sharon Wilson, Mari Tolle, Jacque Wooden, Penny Newbern, Judy Spiker, Kathie Dibell, Joyce Chenoweth, Stephanie Simon, Ginny Vaneck, Diana Arvin, Ann Godfrey, Carole Staples. ROW 4: Kay Bergguist, Andrea On-
Sandy Kemp, President
weller, Joan Miller, treasurer; Judy Sullivan, Barbara Schellie, Becky Davis, Jane Hall, Ann Fishback, Cathy Bowen, Dian Hoodelmier, Phyllis Althoff, Sue Hays, Helena McNary, Julie Fuller. ROW 5: Marsha Vance, Mary Brown, secretary; Elise Williams, Saundra Haseman, Barbara Shankland. Pat McCord, Janet Hamilton, Sylvia Harris, Judy Hine, Phyd Keller, Anne Miller, secretary; Linda Forst, Judy Huston, Irene Van Sipma, Jo Goken, Betty Mikel.
The Alpha Chi Omegas are a part of Indiana. The sorority was founded at DePauw University in 1885 by a group of seven girls in the Music School. Because music is so much a part of their history, they chose the lyre as their pin. The local Alpha Chi chapter was installed at IU in 1922. The university bought their old house on North Jordan Avenue after the sorority planned to build a new one. This fall the Alpha Chis moved into their new house on North Jordan Avenue. One of the highlights of the social season was an all-campus and faculty open house held just before Christmas.
Alpha Epsilon Pi, the newest fraternity on campus, was colonized by active members of the Purdue chapter in March of 1955. This fall they moved out of the Halls of Residence and into their home at 420 North Park Avenue. AEPi, the largest Jewish fraternity in the United States, has 67 chapters and five colonies. They are represented on nine of the Big Ten campuses. The colony here has not yet received its chapter charter.
Eric Greenhut, President
The AEPis received the IFC award for scholarship improvement in the spring of 1957. Their trophy case also holds the IU-Purdue AEPi traveling trophy for scholarship.
ROW 1: Melvin Goldstein, Marshall Andich, Jacob Newman Levy, Tony Amdur, treasurer; Eric Greenhut, president; Herbert Rubin, Fred Fogle, Joel Congress. ROW 2: Don Miller, Harry Cybulski, Jerry Sigalow, Allan Miller, Robert Brown, Melvin
aft ti
Greenball, Morton Levinsky. ROW 3: Byron Annis, Philip Fishman, Arthur Miller, Peter Plotke, Stephen Pulver, Robert Tillim, William Silverman, vice president.
ROW 1: Desanie Manyin, Mary Ellen Combs, Marjorie Reid, Maryann Scott, Karen Jo Fisk, Janet Townsend, Susie Stouder, Jane Lamar Coen, Judy MacLaren, Margaret Gross. ROW 2: Ruth Ellen Donaldson, secretary; Katie Worth, Carla Rogers, Dorinda Kirtley, Peggy Sines:, Marty Cornick, Lillie Boles, Mary Matthews, Carol Engstrom, Dottie Reasor, Judy Foster. ROW 3: Carolyn Whitmer, Shirley Clark, Alice Stouder, Mary Ellen Bor-
man, Karen Clouse, president; Karen Aukerman, Mary E. Steinkamp, Suzanne Lienhart, Jeanne Narta, Kay Willie, Louise Stienecker, Diane Davis, vice president; Dixie Hinesley. ROW 4: Becky Bryant, Donna Burd, Marilyn Renaker, Rosie Linde, Janet Hinkle, Jane Stouder, Mariellen Scott, Diane Calligan, Ellen Anderson, Carolyn Faith, Barbara Doran, Bonnie Brown, LaRue Waldkoetter, Judy Mock.
Karen Clouse, President
This year Alpha Gamma Delta celebrates its tenth year at Indiana University. The Alpha Gams lived for three years on North Fess Street. In 1950 they moved to their present location on North Jordan Avenue. There was one drawback, however, as North Jordan did not exist until 1952. But the campus was moving north. Soon a road was built, and more houses were added. In 1954 the Alpha Gams added a new wing to their house. This fall the girls welcomed their first sorority neighbors to New Fraternity Row with a chuck wagon breakfast, "North Jordan Round-Up."
The year 1922, marked the installation of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority on the IU campus. Originally the Alpha Gamma social club, it was founded in 1921 for the purpose of affiliating with the national sorority. This year the IU chapter had an alumnae homecoming. Among the distinguished women present was Dorothea Cole, international model. On campus the Alpha Kappa Alphas are active in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Counsel on Human Relations. The IU sorority contributes time and money to these groups. Dolores Fowikes, President
ROW 1: Martha Carothes, vice president; Shirley Millender, Lillian Walker, secretary; Cora Lee Smith, corresponding secretary; Iris Carita BonDurant, Betty Jo Radliffe, Betty Greene, Thelma Corner. ROW 2: Corinne Copper, Ruth Hardaway, Wanda Royster, Mildred Sanders, Marie Hall, Constance Williams, Gertrude Nance, Beverly McFarland, Mary Riddle.
ROW 3: Anice Deal, Doris Williams, Alice Roberts, Adrienne Griffin, Jacqueline Dixon, Christine Taylor, Margaret Ann Porter, Marjorie Orr, Barbara Harris. ROW 4: Barbara Jean Harris, treasurer; Margaret Smith, Elizabeth Gude, Adelle Cooks, Anita Hughes, Carmen Colby, Charlene Owens, Geraldine Ingram, Dolores Foeulkes, president; Sandy Carpenter.
IU's Beta Phi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was the second AOPi chapter in Indiana. The AOPis have lived in several houses since they arrived on campus in 1916. In 1954 they moved into their new home at 901 E. Tenth Street. The AOPis have received an achievement trophy from the National Convention in recognition for their philanthropic projects and for helping other Indiana AOPi chapters organize. Five years ago the AOPis originated the daily "Coffee Hour" in the Business School to help the students and professors become acquainted outside the classroom. Carolyn Feutz, President
ROW 1: Anita Roser, Mary Lou Marshall, corresponding secretary; Carolyn Nicholas, Pattye Maier, Ann Murray, Mrs. A. W. Kuerst, house director; Joan Davis, Wilma Jane Williams, Karen Lynn Meyer, Philomena Zappia, Marilyn Roser, Linda Coate. ROW 2: Marjorie Costin, Nona Neff, Sandy Stenhouse, Judy Tegeler, Suzie McConnell, Annette Baade, Carolyn Feutz, president; Sue Roach, Jo Ann Marley, vice president; Barbara Kirkeiner, Susie Gutzweiler, Fran Asquite, Nancy Crawford, Dorothy Benko, Carol Kuder, treasurer; Sue De Croes. ROW 3:
Ronna Smitherman, Melly Sutherland, Janet Polivka, Mary Ann Cortese, Pam Jessup, Suzanne Krauss, Julie Ferguson, Sarah K. Hansert, Bobbie Sturcke, Kay Ward, Ann Stone, Jeanine Harwood, Janet Noblitt, Cathy Tipton. ROW 4: Judi Polivka, recording secretary; Rosalie Hasewinkle, Judy Enlow, Pat Stinson, Ann Furr, Marti Dickson, Nancy Kroeger, Sharon Booth, Sharon Ogle, Jo Anne Kimmel, Dorothy Schmitz, Janet Gilchrist, Ellen Mahin, Cathy Centlivre, Roslyn Johnston.
In 1947 the Alpha Phis were installed on the IU campus. Their house was formerly a private home. The Alpha Phis remodeled it by adding a wing and refacing the original frame structure. The Alpha Phis have originated a project which they hope will be handed down from year to year. This project is "The Toy Shelf," a room above the National Bank in downtown Bloomington. In this room are all kinds of toys which were bought or made by the members of Alpha Phi. These toys may be borrowed for sick children. When the child is well again, the toys are returned to the Toy Shelf.
ROW 1: Mary Sue Martin, Patty Pike, Maxine Eckerty, Betty Hocker, Judy Cromwell, Jo Ann Baldwin Mrs. Jean Rogers, Nanette Wolgast, Jananne Callahan, Jerrajean Wolfe, Sue Armstrong, Ann Erwin. ROW 2: Judy Wright, Beverly Carmichael, Ann Marshall, Sandy Girovx, Marty Boorman, Carol Gainey, Sylvia Bill, Jody Piper, Sue Walters, Dottie Johantgen, Diane Hoffman, Marianne Wise, Barbara Solaro. ROW 3: Abby Polk, Sandra Bratton, Tina Primavera, Louise Lerch, Carolyn Burtzner,
Judy Pritchard, President
Kay Spicer, Carol Robinson, Judy Pritchard, president; Nancy Challinor, Kay Hurst, Ann Acheson, Rosemary Moore, Pat Curtis, Myrna Burgayne. ROW 4: Doreen Koval, Cynthia Skelly, treasurer; Mary Lou Romeiser, Diane Wilson, vice president; Peggy Boyer, Barbara Davis, Sherry Mills, Beverly Wright, secretary; Sally Pyle, Ann Carto, Susan McMillan, Nancy Day, Donna Jo Milles, Jane Petersen, Sally Swope, Sara Gerhart.
C. G. Works, President
ROW 1: Charles Corner, G. C. Works, president; Freeman Martin, secretary; Edward M. Parsons, vice president; Robert Douglas, treasurer; Isaac Anderson. ROW 2: Thomas E. Hawkins, Gilbert R. Johnson, Eugene R. Harris Jr., Arnold W. Wright,
This year the men of Alpha Phi Alpha are living in the dorm. The major interest of the chapter is the building of a fraternity house. The men are working together towards this common goal. The Alpha Phi Alphas are hosts for a weekend each year to the Regional Fraternity Council of Alpha Phi Alpha. In this region Purdue and IU have collegiate chapters, and Gary and Indianapolis have graduate chapters. Each year approximately 65 including guests attend the council. The weekend is a combination homecoming for IU graduates and a meeting for all chapters in this region.
Charles E. Rent, James M. Perry. ROW 3: Egbert Sherrod, Jerome G. Green Jr.. Walter Bellamy, James D. Beck, Perry Pace, Curtis Jones.
ROW 1: John G. Enoch, vice president; Robert P. Marshall, Rudy Kachmann, Robert S. Ford, R. Bradford Laycock, Archie Dees, Bill Karm, president; Jack Wade, Clyde B. Rountree, Bill Cumberland, Kent Cunningham. ROW 2: Edward Whalen, Donald A. Zivich, Richard Snyder, Kurt Peters, Jay Lewis, John Gregg, James Pfeifer, Fred Schwendenmann, John Becker, Jim Bellis, Mike Huffman, Fred M. Meyer, Jack C. Chambers, Popeye Painter, Suds Sutherland. ROW 3: Jim C. Sanders, John Reid, Neill Petronella, Robert Stoner, William Bolinger, Bruce Heine, Jim Palmer, Robin Pelworth, Jim Murphy, Jim Grant, treasurer; Philip Cox, John Colglazier, Donald Feldkamp, William
In 1949, the IU Alpha Tau Omega pledge trainer, Bob Lollar, thought of a new idea in fraternity tradition. Inspired by the ill-feeling directed toward fraternities because of the preinitiation "Hell Week", he originated "Help Week." The idea of fraternity pledges doing a community service before being initiated has since spread throughout the country. "Help Week" projects range from chopping wood for a widow and five children to building a dog pound for the city of Bloomington. Each year the county welfare association is contacted for pledge class project suggestions.
F. Snyder, D. Warren McCullough, David A. Riggs, Robert F. Becknell, E. William Bailey. ROW 4: Dan Byron, Richard Keating, Tom Keating, Mike Regan, Tom Funkhouser, Stan Laycock, Paul Hendricks, Stan Tillman, King Norton, William F. Hohlt, Guy Kornblum, Steve C. Ferguson, Larry Harrell, Richard Stoner, John Thornton. ROW 5: Tim Habbee, Jim Van Senus, Dale Allen, Herb Farnham, John Gourley, Dave Pelz, Terry Rowland, F. R. Radovich, George Miller, Jim Roggee, Allan Schlegelmilch, Bruce Dwyer, Bill Ervin, Dick Huntzinger, Dennis Hanaghan, Jay Habig.
William Karn, President 407
ROW 1: Beth McPeek, grad counselor; Nancy Beldon, president; Mrs. Plue, house mother; Kitty Hill, treasurer; Cathy Mossholder. ROW 2: Thelma Walton, Sue Ann Allison, Carol Brower,
Adrienne Weissberger, Luanne Fuller, Marianne Penard. ROW 3: Sally Lueisser, Pat Weisjohn, Sandy Erickson, Connie Bennett, Judy Herrold, Barbara Ris, Barbara Ketterman, vice-president.
Nancy Beldon, President
Alpha Xi Delta was installed at IU by alumnae and national officers on April 13, 1946. The first initiates lived in private homes in the Bloomington area. In the fall of 1946, the Alpha Xis took members of Phi Omega Pi into their sisterhood. The Phi Omega Pis, a former national sorority which disbanded in 1946, lived at 1012 East Third Street, the present site of the Alpha Xi Delta House. The Alpha Xi's Third Street home, acquired from the Phi Omega Pis is now being completely remodeled. By next fall the girls will be all smled in a new southern style limestone home.
ROW 1: Michael D. Barker, William W. Wells, Joe A. Greenlee, Michael R. Curtis, William D. Swift, president; Dean G. Gallinatti, vice president; Clifford Norris, Stephen S. Riggins, Arnold H. Duemling, recording secretary; Russell E. Mahoney, treasurer. ROW 2: James W. Fulwider, Ned Michaels, Chauncey C. Lake, Bob Snell, Doug Dubrouillet, Moffett D. Mutz, Jim Gordon, Donald Fox, Thomas Philip Hermansperger, Anthony A. Windell, R. David Becker, Bruce Moorhead. ROW 3: Mack Richey, John Quakenbush, Dennis Preston, Bob Weldy, Tom McConnell, Barry W. Cartmell, Robert Campbell, Gary Hanna, Steven Heck-
man, John MacLennan, Eugene R. Culler Jr., Larry E. Harris, Philip W. Norris, Carl Crude. ROW 4: Harry Hoham, Tom Althauser, Larry Baron, Delbert Jones Jr., Donald Suchma, Bill Hurst, Jan Downer, Dale Tyte, Allen Langdon, Dick Chalfant, Jack Benedix, David Arvin, Richard Landis, Duke Fisher, Frank Starr, Bill Alltop. ROW 5: John Foley, William J. Purcell, Dennis Sharp, Bill Baxter, William F. Sammons, William R. Pugh, Ray C. Collins, Fred Herzog, James E. Sammons, Richard Myers, Jonathan Comer, John Danielson, Ron Costlow, David C. Mosir, David Arbuckle, William Burnett, Ned Michaels.
William Swift, President Pi chapter of Beta Theta Pi, IU's oldest fraternity, came to campus August 27, 1845. Their first house stood between what are now the Acacia and ATO houses. One night in 1927 the house was destroyed by fire. The Betas lived in two more houses and finally settled in their present home at 919 East Tenth Street. The familiar Wellhouse was patterned by Theodore F. Rose in the shape of the Beta pin. In fact, college row has much Beta lore: Owen, Maxwell, Kirkwood, and Wylie Halls were named for members of Beta Theta Pi, and the Beta dragon sits on top of Maxwell Hall.
ROW 1: Pat Urban, secretary; Karen Pierce, Dawn Tamcsin, president; Mrs. Mildred Rupert, house mother; Sue Charlesworth, vice president; Linda Cortelyou, Nancy Fisher, treasurer. ROW 2: Shirley Black, Gloria Gautreaux, Shirley Scott, Dawna Maine, Sandy Johnson, Shelby Velte, Barbie Bender, Julie Orvis, Lila Wahlbring, Kaye McMurray, Bobbie Hess, Dolly McGowan. ROW 3: Katie Wisner, Dee Janovic, Pat Minnis, Judy Willen, Eva M. Fodor, Pauli Eckert, Barbara Ayres, Brenda Ely, Connie
Dawn Tamcsin, President
Achor, Jay Haskell, Joanne Sims, Pat Mitchell. ROW 4: Joanne McDowell, Janice Minder, Sandy Moore, Judy Cann, Lynn Longstreet, Carolyn Slazas, Jane Sparks, Betty Bennett, Bonnie Boger, Beverly Clarke, Wayna McDow, Connie Pearson. ROW 5: Anne Waterman, Kriss Johnson, Sherry Pelz, Judy Arkinson, Sally Sharp, Peg Stoltz, Jan Stamats, Mary Ann Wilkens, Charlene Rockhill, Mary Lee Phillips, Pat Ulsas, Joyce Meyers, Ann Stoeckley, Marilyn Moats.
Each year the local chapter of Chi Omega awards the Social Science Prize to the outstanding woman in that field. She is selected by Social Science faculty members. This award is part of the national sorority's philanthropic project. The local organization was founded in 1922 as the Theta Beta Chapter. Shortly afterwards, the members moved into their new house on Jordan Avenue, where the sorority still resides. The Chi Omegas, as a part of their service activities, cosponsored a Christmas party this year for foreign students on campus. This was the third year that this event had been presented.
A "Bleed the Greeks" drive was sponsored by Delta Chi Fraternity this year. For the fourth year the fraternity aided the Red Cross in its blood drive by waging a special campaign for donations. A trophy was awarded to the fraternity or sorority having the highest percent contributing to the drive. Delta Chi was installed on campus in 1925. Since 1953, it has sponsored an annual dinner for Thailand students. The affair has been recognized not only by campus officials, but also by the President of the United States.
Dick Bishop, President
ROW 1: Ron Bengtson, treasurer; Allen Spencer, secretary; Dick Bishop, vice president; Jim Bruner, Joe Kamman, president; Al Benshoff, corresponding secretary; Mike Pat Bova, Mike Paul Bova, Ron Long. ROW 2: Dennis Sheets, John A. Roush, Relton C. White, Terry J. Fisher Jr., Wayne L. McLean, James E. Roush, David Wilson, Alfred J. Settina, L. Clark McCam-
mon, Bill Laswell. ROW 3: Dave Wolfe, Richard M. Wolcott, Roger A. Wolcott, Jerry Winkler, Floyd Romack, Bob Lumsden, Don Dearie, Jim Lowenthal, John Cass, Alan J. Ross. ROW 4: Ray Gilman, Lee Hays, Donald Mentzer, Larry Isom, Jerry Isom, Gareth Wells, Ron Wichern, Pete Piccirillo, Fred Redeker, C. Jack Stangle, Laurie Cellini.
ROW 1: Marian Martin, Aniko Lenkefi, Marjie Heiser, Sarah Tritch, president; Mrs. Henryetta Hanna, housemother; Yvonne Belcher, vice president; Mimi Marquet, Mary Ann Finnell, Helene Eargood. ROW 2: Lois Erikson, Eleanor Schmedel, Jane Reynolds, Sue Elliott, Barbara Child, Bonnie McQuilkin, corresponding secretary; Nancy Webster, Nancy Blue, Sandy Silver, Carolyn Sue Cowen, Barbara Anderson. ROW 3: Judy Pressler, Marti An Meyer, Marcia Ahrens, Sue Alice Wampler, Judy LaFollette, Jean Stegman, Ann Boyle, Josue Ferguson, Judy Ann Walters,
Sarah Tritch, President
Nancy Patterson, Nancy Mentendick, Annette Hutmacher, Joyce Krueger. ROW 4: Connie King, Janet Witte, Deanna Gilham, Sarah McCollum, Connie Shick, Susan Hoover, Marilyn Marker, Suzi Willits, Cindy Hoover, recording secretary; Nancy Harger, Marilyn J. Miller, Patricia Johnson, Betty Bell. ROW 5: Kay Davie, Janet Hodges, treasurer; Carol Ann Babb, Nancy Cunningham, Fay Alfultis, Lynn Barker, Barb Myers, Gini Burton, Jane Babb, Judy Records, Ginnie Stewart, Gretchen Ehlert, Judy Plessinger, Mary Jo Rollison, Pat Alexander.
Delta Delta Delta became a part of the IU sorority system in 1917. The first Tri-Delts lived in the house which is now attached to the front of the infirmary. The Jordan Hall area south of the infirmary was then a romantic garden spot. In 1925 the Tri-Delts moved to their present location on Third Street. Visitors to the Tri-Delt house pass through a triangle formed by three tall pine trees on the front lawn. This carries special meaning because the pine and the delta are both Tri-Delt legendary symbols.
The Delta Gammas came to Indiana in 1898 and have moved twice before moving to their present location on Jordan Avenue. Early this spring ground was broken for a new wing. Each year preceding the Little 500 Race, the DGs and Kappa Alpha Thetas clash in the Little Little 500, which features egg balancing bike riders. The winning team is presented an egg beater trophy. Every spring the DGs sponsor the White Cane Drive to raise money for the Indiana Association of Workers for the Blind. Helping the blind is the DG's national philanthropic project.
Helen Seidensticker, President
ROW 1: Linda Gray, Joyce Hobson, Marcie Robinson, Mary Orzech, treasurer; Helen Seidensticker, president; Barbara Browning, recording secretary; Luanne Morris, vice president; Sue Dalton, Carol Wilson, Alison Unversaw, Linda Solier. ROW 2: Annette Voorhees, Diana Martin, Linda Spence, Nancy Neff, Sally Gerber, Susan Cullen, Diana Boisson, Margie Brown, Sue Ellen Moore- Sally Herrick, Judi McFarland, Sally Mitten.
ROW 3: Carole Sue Wyatt, Roxanna Kuhn, Bette Metzger, Mary Ellen Fox, Joyce Hartford, Randy Wellington, Ann Morrison, Punk Crowe, Fay de Fenelon, Jana Hotaling, Sally Poindexter. ROW 4: Ann McDowell, Jill Moody, Susie Paine, Jo Hagen, Conchita Irion, Jane Painter, Reed Mitchell, Carol Vukovich, Margie Weston, Mary Lou Roberts, Kathy Munk, Suzy Milliner, Jane Cook, Nancy Purkhiser.
ROW 1: Wayne Ten Cate, Don Brodie, Tom Spencer, corresponding secretary; Jerry Ford, vice president; Gene Kalina, president; Bob Allen, Joe Miller, recording secretary; Jim Moss, Everett Jones. ROW 2: Philip F. Johnson, Dan E. Fleming, Dave W. Hedges, Thomas V. Doty, Gary Barksdale, John Tuel, Thomas Williams, Larry Fulwider, Roger Wop, Robert Hoskins, Bob O'Neel, Ronald E. Zimmerman, Bill Beck, Jim Black, Met Studor. ROW 3: Bruce Bernhart, Joseph J. Lower, Leon Zolkowski, Donald R. Wright, treasurer; David Teetor, Donald
Weik, Duane E. Reed, Tom Muteboat, Bob Kidd, Dan Neehan Jr., Gary Chase. ROW 4: Russell Smith, John Foltz, Fritz Hill, Tom Maloney, Raymond Cooper, David Barnes, Gordon Munson, John B. Washburn, Robert D. Lee, James G. Cast, Dave Shaw, Matt Milligan, Thomas D. Drehobl, Gordon Campbell. ROW 5: Dave Gleason, Bill Nasser, Douglas E. Robertson, Gary Niemann, Edward Cockerill, Bob Young, Dave Huncilman, Dan Harrigan, Tom Frank, Gary Hildreth, John West, Robert J. Witham, Charles E. McCabe. George E. Piepho, Michael D. West.
The Delt Street Dance has been a tradition of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity since 1859 when it was introduced at Bethany College in Virginia. Originally the event was called the Rainbow Dance because of the festive colors of the decorations. Because of its popularity, the dance became an annual affair presented by all chapters. Eventually the name was changed to Street Dance.
Gene Kalina, President
Delta Tau Delta has presented this dance annually for students at IU since 1951. A holdover from the original Rainbow Dance is the use of colored streamers for decorations. There is no admission charge.
ROW 1: Doris Thompson, corr. secretary; Kathlyn Hill, recording secretary; Gloria Randle, vice-president; Celestine Curtis. ROW 2: Betty Green, Melba Countess, Inez Dixon, Roselyn
Greene, Wynelda Bahner. ROW 3: Phyllis Rodgers, Catherine Nettles, Earlean Carter, Charlotte Waterford, president; Doris Kirk, Delphia Lacy, social chairman; Joyce Williams, treasurer.
Charlotte Waterford, President The local chapter of Delta Sigma Theta was installed on the IU campus in 1949. Each year the sorority has had its regular meetings in the Student Building. Each semester the chapter plans a special service project in which all members participate. Last year the chapter took part in various campaigns and activities waged on campus. During the summer Delta Sigma Theta entertained at a reception in Gary for a representative from Ghana who was on a government tour to inspect educational and recreational facilities in the United States. 415
ROW 1: Tom Fritz, Charley Locke, Mike Wiley, Bill Stewart, Thomas Burkhart, Bob Cochran, Dale Little, Peter Chastain. ROW 2: Bruce Black, Donald Muehlhausen, Jim Miller, Donnivan Massey, Don Scott, Jack Rich, Greg Rogers, Lloyd H. Williams, Dick Hardy. ROW 3: Robin Holder, James Stewart, Jack Hueni, Jim Alling, president; Sam Smith, Bill Wiley, Larry Mahlan, Ron Wolfe, Stephen Beeler, Norm Komorowski, treasurer; Stan Thompson. ROW 4: Jan K. Gardner, Larry R.
Don Weaver, President
Admire, vice president; Jon S. Armstrong, Stephen J. Havens, Robert H. Finke, Dale Balcihorn, Bill C. Brown, Brad Poling, Donald E. Weaver, Charles Faulkner, Michael Mellinger, John Ayers, Larry Wible. ROW 5: Keith Ault, John Havens, James Shaver, Mike Hyde, John Van Senus, Steve Kilpatrick, Norb Witte, Leslie Bradshaw, Bob Sanders, Bill Miller, Sam Uzelac, Steve Grove, Steve Foster, Frank Irish.
Delta Upsilon was founded at Williams College in Massachusetts in 1834. Because the DU's were opposed to secret societies existing before the Civil War, they have always been a nonsecret organization. The DU's are the only fraternity at IU that has an open initiation. The families, fiancees, and pin women of all the fraternity members may attend the service. Every chapter of Delta Upsilon has a firetruck. The Firemen's Fling, the DU's annual dance, is planned around the firetruck. All the dates for the dance are brought and taken home in the firetruck.
Dorothy Kretsch, President
The Indiana chapter of Delta Zeta, one of the first five sororities on campus, was the fifth chapter of Delta Zeta to be formed. When the IU chapter was installed in 1909, the girls lived in a house located on the site of the future Humanities Building. In 1923 the girls moved to their present location, a colonial style house across from the Union Building on Seventh Street. In 1954 the chapter added a wing to the east side of the house which doubled its size. Every Christmas, the DZ's give a party for the patients at Madison State Hospital.
ROW 1: Constance Bivens, Angeline Vitello, Deanna Goff, Virginia Smith, Sue Goodman, treasurer; Mrs. Hougland, housemother; Dorothy Kretsch, president; Barbara Strubbe, Marilyn Mavle, Karen Gast. ROW 2: Phyllis Barrett, Jan McGeorge, Marcia Manley, secretary; Joan Arthur, Sandra Dragoo, Lorene Scherer, Nancy Poteet, first vice president; Diane Jeffries, Sue Kretsch, Diane Kester, Sharon Swain. ROW 3: Marilyn Ottenback, Gwen
Whitesell, Barbara Knoll, Janice Galbreath, Marian Johnson, Joyce Dovers, Marilyn Hampton, Lillian Fernandez , Shirley Sandelands, Rosie Graves, Donna Hosea, Diani Pierce. ROW 4: Dana Richardson, Nancy Bell, Linda Robbins, Linda Horner, Nancy Patton, Barbara Thomas, Aldora Graf, secretary; Darlene Blacker, Betty Molland, Rose Kariger, Janie Baker, Loree Kraut, Mary Fattu, Maggi Sheets.
ROW 1: Mary Jane Rowe, Nancy Tarnow, Sandi Huestis, Barbara Vogel, Mrs. Richardson, Malissa Lovell, Connie Caile, Donna Jo Provo, Dottie Koerner. ROW 2: Laurel Rardin, Mary Klinke, Reta Dickerson, Carolyn Meshberger, treasurer; Nancy Fisher, Margaret McDonald, Marcia Latimer, Carol Mast.
ROW 3: Shirley Flolo, Janice Dilling, secretary; Jill Frank, Sharon Duke, Delma Raether, Sue McVaugh, Carol Zimmerman, Jane Allen, Janice Thomas. ROW 4: Sally Bush, Mary Conrad, Judy Larsen, Janna Martin, Nancy Heath, Sara Powell, Sanna McGee, Janet McMahan, Joyce Hodges.
Malissa Lovell, President
Gamma Phi Beta is IU's newest sorority. Its chapter was introduced to the campus in March, 1957. The sorority was officially recognized by its national organization the following November when its 35 members were initiated. Gamma Phi has 67 chapters and is represented on nine of the Big Ten Campuses. The sorority was founded in 1874 at Syracuse University in New York state. The word sorority was created especially for the Gamma Phis by a faculty member of Syracuse. Gamma Phi became the first organization to be officially called a sorority, rather than a fraternity.
ROW 1: William Simons, Lawrence Williams, Viddell Heard, Barry Johnson, president; Theodore Findley, Kenneth Gibson. ROW 2: Clarence Currie, Fernley Murray, Roger Bert, Leonard Lawrence, vice-president; Emery Williams, Vernard Johnson, Fred
Johnson, Robert Tucker. ROW 3: Richard Scott, James Harper, Lee Ransaw, Herbert Bryant, John Due, Earl Rowe, James Smith, Warren Springfield, Earl Goosby.
Barry Johnson, President
Kappa Alpha Psi has the distinction of being the only national fraternity founded at Indiana University. From January 5, 1911, and its ten founding members, the fraternity has grown to a national organization of ten thousand men. Alumni and undergraduate chapters now number over 200. Kappa Alpha Nu was the original name, but in 1914 it became Kappa Alpha Psi. Befitting its Indiana founding, the flower of the fraternity is the trailing arbutus, once common in southern Indiana. Plans for the future of Kappa Alpha Psis IU chapter include building a new house.
Jill Strickland, President
The Thetas claim two firsts in the history of sororities. Kappa Alpha Theta was the first Greek-letter fraternity for women. It was established at Indiana Asbury College (now DePam's, University) in 1870. That same year Beta chapter was installed at IU and became the first women's fraternity on this campus. At IU the Thetas wear oversized Theta pins, an honor granted only to the Alpha and Beta chapter members. As an annual project, the Thetas sponsor the "Theta Olympics," a contest between the pledge classes of all sororities.
ROW 1: George Ann Gerlach, Peggy Keck, Rita Baldridge, Mrs. Rodecker, house director; Nancy Scott, Camella Kyger, Mary Ann Mericle. ROW 2: Ann Savage, Carol Rapp, Jo Traylor, Barbara Beal, Linda Gaskins, Delene De Witt, Shirley Gregg, Ann Bradford, Sue Ellen Woodfill, Lucinda Benzel, vice president. ROW 3: Joan Thursfield, Kay Kendall, treasurer; Katy Bigge, Charlotte Isgrigg, Louise Wilke, Sharon Nulf, Sandy McNear, Barbara Caine, Sue Schuler, secretary; Nancy Bond,
Andy Grant, Jody Nusbaum. ROW 4: Joan Erickson, Jo Ann Woodfill, Mary Lehwald, Lois Young, Gretchen Keehn, Mary Poolitson, Sarah Jane Miller, Elizabeth Matthew, Betsy Starkey, Sandra Smith, Judy Hicks, Sharon Myers, Barb Shank. ROW 5: Sarah Hammel, Linda Smith, Pat Dixon, Sarah Cook, Jo Ann Hall, Betsy Williams, Jill Strickland, president; Mary George Hunter, Jean Capel, Carol Schilling, Phyllis Jarrard, Ann Bouillet, Jeri Suer, Sue Smith, Maureen Lahey.
Kay Snider, President
ROW 1: Judy Green, Barbara Bowyer, Judy Zimmerman, Gretchen Ernst, Mother Williams, Carolyn Helmke, Linda Plunkitt, Dorothy J. Howland, Mary Ann Poffenberger. ROW 2: Carol Levy, Susan Myers, Kay Loudermilk, Esther Coates, Sally Humphrey, Kayleen Jensen, Pat Polits, Judy Schwartz, Doris Moran, Beth Jackson, Gerry Davis. ROW 3: Carol Nichols, secretary; Elizabeth J. Shattuck, Kay Snyder, president;
Kappa Delta has been the fastest growing sorority on campus during the past three years. The chapter was installed at IU in 1955 with 18 charter members. Its membership now numbers more than 50 persons. The KD's new house on Fraternity Row was dedicated this year. While waiting for completion of their house, the girls lived as a group in Trees Center and later in the Women's Quad. The KD's raise funds each year for a crippled children's hospital in Virginia, which is the Kappa Delta national project. They also give weekly assistance to the recreation program at the Christian Center.
Collen Smith, Belle Jenkison, Mary Ann Leavitt, Marcia Most, Anne Mahorney, Gayle Huminsky, Helen Kirk, Claudia Klik. ROW 4: Jackie Moon, Sandra Kanouse, Diane Simmons, Marilyn Schwab, Sally Putt, Sharon Hatcher, Dwayne Sovola, Mary Ann Barbre, Suzanne Peaoman, Rebecca Engle, vice president; Martha Colvin, Carol Chaney, Barbara Deutsch, Susan Huff.
In 1926, Sigma Eta Chi, a local IU social club, affiliated with the national fraternity Kappa Delta Rho. Later that same year the new KDR's moved into the white house on Third Street which they now occupy. A third floor was added to the building in 1931.
Jim Koehlinger, President
Row 1: Harry R. Lee, James Gambrell, William F. Keever, Jack Widner, Jim Koehlinger, president; Ka ye Williams, Ronald L. Lerch, David M. Littig, Dave Hay, Stan Rice, Bob Platt, Ross Davis. Row 2: Robert Ake, Emery E. Coon Jr., James E. Hertling, Deland L. Newkirk, Robert T. Leaman, Jerry G. Lucas, Weldon H. Leimer, Stephen D. Beeker, Bruce Hinton, Wallace J. Fosnight; Ray P. Lain, vice-president. Row 3: Minot Schuman,
On the lawn in front of the KDR house stand three tall trees. They were planted in 1946 as living memorials to three fraternity brothers who lost their lives overseas in World War II. Last October, the Kappa Delta Rhos had an open house for the Errol Garner Trio after its appearance at the IU auditorium.
Tom McComb, Dave Arch, G. Mauri James, Marshall French, T. J. Linnemeier, Bob Barry, Max Schulze, Dennis Hippensteel, Robert Poynter, Robert Green. Row 4: Chuck Murray, Sam Smith, Wendell Ham, Don Schroeder, Dick Meyer, Roy Bromelmeier, Jim Clements, senior vice-president; Dick Byrd, Dave Sparks, Glenn Schowe, Steve Hand, Jim Blackburn.
Nancy Jones, President
Kappa Kappa Gamma, the second oldest sorority at IU, was founded in 1870. Delta, the oldest continuously existing chapter of the 84 Kappa chapters in the nation, was installed here in 1872. The greatest claim the IU chapter has to tradition of the national fraternity is the fraternity ritual, written by one of Delta's charter members. Through the years, the Kappas have lived in six homes. In 1925 the present house on Third Street was built. Hawthorne Lane was put through between the Kappa and Phi Psi houses in 1925 because of an IU rule that no sorority could be next door to a fraternity.
ROW 1: Janet Bechtold, Mary Ann Hostetter, Jane Raub, Rosanne Zink, Saralee Allen, Rosalie Sheline, Sharon Wylie, Martha Ritter, vice president; Mary Richardson, Margot Rowley, Susie Walker, Phyllis White, Susie Stuart. ROW 2: Donna Buck, Nancy Currier, Gayle Swick, Katie Berry, Merle Miley, Judy Hinds, Sara Jones, Sue Smith, Janet Steger, Kit Hartnett, Carol Conner, Abby Strain, Mary Holsclaw. ROW 3: Suzie Eberhart, Marsha Mackanos, Janet Busby, Judy Barrett, Judy
Wigginton, Janet Prentice, Nancy Jones, president; Betsy Schnaiter, Joyce Webster, Judi Binz, Gretchen Chickedantz, Margie Nelson, Nancy Dildine, Marie Kingdon. ROW 4: Janice Grebe, Maryann Wilson, Mary Ann Pulse, Susie Fisher, Barbara Brown, Karen Ullstrup, Carolyn Holder, Caroline Buckner, Ellen Rowley, Catherine Craig, Tommie Dekle, Bunny Perrotta, Marlyn Grebe, Suzy Minninger, Nancy David.
Don Scott, President
The men of Kappa Sigma give a very special birthday party each year for George, their 170 lb. St. Bernard dog. George en joys his custom-built doghouse and a private water fountain, besides the run of the campus and of the Kappa Sig house. Also sponsored annually by the Kappa Sigs is the ''Most Useless Man on Campus" contest. The idea developed in 1952 when an active kicked a rushee out of bed so he could sleep there himself. His brothers voted him unanimously the most useless man and challenged the campus to find a more unworthy person for the title.
ROW 1: Wendell Baker, George Cook, Joseph Peter O'Mally, David Dietz, Charles Shoemaker, Donald Skillman, Peter Griffin, James Wilhoit, Robert Grimes, Richard Compton. ROW 2: James Kindler, Arthur Czimer, Richard Turnak, Richard Bienco, Charles Levenhagen, Robert Smith, James Davis, Clyd Lockard, Robert Matthew, William Tewell, Daniel Gillan, John Brant, Stephen Crittenden, Charles Fritz. ROW 3: Ed Showalter, Maurice Shore, George Polk, Larry Brown, Rex Fenn, Walter
Stern, John Wilhoit, James Bingham, Lawrence Very, Patrick O'Leary, Allen Day, James Hammelmon, Robert Berlien. ROW 4: Jack Fitzpatrick, Robert Miche, Peter Sowerwine, Bill Gwinn, Ray Anderson, George Carey, Ronald Webb, Rocco Miraglia, John Cravens, Bernard Vecindak, Robert Healy. ROW 5: John Gude, Ronald Kaiser, Robert Hudson, Kurt Carlisle, Donald Fiege, Ned Kerr, Thomas Geary, Donald Scott, Tex Roof, John Weddle, John Needles, William Marshall.
N. Franklin Hart, President The IU chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha was officially designated as a fraternity in 1917. Before then they were a literary club known as the Eureka Society. Lambda Chi is the originator and sponsor of the colorful Easter egg hunt held on the university campus each spring for the children of Bloomington. The merchants of Bloomington assist the Lambda Chis by donating prizes for the event. The chapter's idea of entertaining children in traditional Easter fashion has been adopted by a number of other Lambda Chi chapters throughout the nation.
ROW 1: Rue Dee Marker, Kenneth Himsel, Robert Walters, secretary; John Bloom, Sarah Jane Miller, crescent girl; N. Franklin Hart, president; Mrs. Ora Thrasher, house mother; Hugh L. Rider, John F. Phillips, George E. Hahn, vice president; James 0. Smith Jr., treasurer. ROW 2: Tom Altepeter, Jim Cregar, Jack Douglas, Karl Schneider, Don Roth, Jack Morgan, Larry Lee Blair, David V. Deeg, Jim Gray, Don W. Conner, Fritz Eley, Joe Doninger, John H. Emhuff ROW 3: Charles Rawlings, Robert Rupp, Paul Govert, Ronald Stedman, Roger
Clark, F. Wm. Hugh St. Leger, Robert Tennyson, Thomas Will, Frederick Lotze, Charles Lybrook. ROW 4: Philip G. Burch, James F. Pickett, G. Reed Mason, Robert W. Grimes, James P. Fletcher, Donald Wise, Theodore P. Prange, Robert L. Shone, John Ojala, Joe F. Williams, Herbert E. Schmidt, Jim Carr, Tom Purris. ROW 5: John A. Schram, Larry J. Bruner, Roger L. Miller, W. Terence Joyce, Bruce R. Thompson, George J. Korinek, J. Richard Elpers, James S. Carmichael, Wally McClure, Jerry Blume, Bob Stockwell, Paul Hiatt, Bob Heyde.
4 ROW 1: Jon Rickert, Dave Malson, Alan Cordill, William Sohn, John M. Records, Mrs. Glenn Bays, Bill Snapp, president; "Sable," mascot; Edward Brooks, J. J. Fenstermaker, Chuck Stoltz, Daniel Elliott, John C. Montgomery. ROW 2: Don Jackson, Richard Charlesworth, Joe Emerson, John Black, Howard Sites, Roger Chase, Bill Chapman, Kirk Roberts, John Linson, Hal Mufford, Tom Gerhart, Ron Royer, Dick Stassus, John K. Ward, Dick Riegner, J. Ronald Jeshow, Samuel Grobyseltzer, Donald Poopers. ROW 3: John Nash, Mike McGregor, Jim Bushhorn, Dill Dorrell, Glen R. Covey, Doug Linsmith, Jim Nash, Bob Duncan, Jim Burrell. Dean Shull, Bill Calhoun, Al
William Snapp, President
Litz, Ed Wagoner, Mel Gray, Russ Seiler, Steve Nasser, Charles Clark. ROW 4: Bob Blumer, James H. Irwin, Ralph E. Daum, Emil Lee Weber, John Dickson Yancey, James Howard Webb Jr., John D. Bailey, J. Lee Aiken, Ron Tracy, Tom Moore, Dave Lankard, Gaylord Kurtz, Joe D. Clawson, Daniel E. Leckrone, Michael J. Brennan, H. Frederick Oliver. ROW 5: Jon Bausback, Jack Stenacker, Joseph Hart, Larry Nussmeyer, Fred Spahr, William B. Blake, John R. Kessler, George W. Dunn, Jim Kneisley, Joe Hagee, Ron Zukowski, Tom Coble, Dick Barth, Gale Conley, Jim Moody, Terry Buckles, Phil Klinger, George Klutinoty II.
The cherished traditions of Phi Delta Theta find expression in its IU chapter. The most obvious tradition is its architecture, a castle motif. Inside their castle, the Phi Delts have a blue room, originally intended for chapter meetings. In the IU chapter house, the blue room is maintained for entertaining guests. "She Delta Theta Weekend," held annually by all Phi Delt chapters, begins on Friday with a formal pledging of the men's dates. Saturday morning the pledges have pledge details, including a cleaning of the Jordan Street castle. Saturday night, the coed initiation includes a gift of a traditional Phi Delt paddle.
ROW 1: Jim Bolitho, Ed Brantner, David Carter, Paul Elsea, Junior Peacock, Willis D. Taylor, Jerry Tardy, Kenneth C. Carr, Ed Stirdley. ROW 2: Jim Merritt, Gene Middaugh, Neale Moosey, Jean Mollendorf, Bill McGarvey, William Moores, Jerry Beach, Jim Wilhite, John Ashman, Joe Baxter, John McCarty. ROW 3: Bill Spivey, Jerry Dixon, Dick Pond, Jerry Wright, Jack Mehoff, Dick Modling, Mike Obremskey, Bob Wylie, Don Dice, Bill Miller, Daniel Webster Crofts. ROW 4: James W. Morrison, Don W. Peck, Gene McGarvey, Mila McCormick, David Morris, Frank J. Otte, Ted Moorman, William E. Jenkin, Robert W. Byrne, Stu Mitchner, Stephen D. Staggs, Ernie Lockridge, Dave
Eitman, Robert E. Crowe, Carl W. Bond. ROW 5: Dick Alt, Tom Winks, Bill Dunham, Jim Harbridge, Billy Porter, Jim Frey, Jerry Jasinowski, Ronald Hunt, Thomas Costello, Le Noir Zaiser, Bob Hoover, Jim Bromm, Dave Bennhoff, William Schultz, Tom Betts, treasurer; Dave Mikesell, secretary; Roger Pardieck. ROW 6: James W. Strickland, Samuel B. Gee, Robert C. Bromm, James H. Sackett, Bo Hjelt, Charles P. Gibbs, Pete Obremskey, Jack Williams, Jerry Thompson, Jim Kanouse, Clifford Burns, Phil Sosinski, James E. Dice, James R. Hastings, Bob Bailey, Dick Hurley, "Chucks" McGinnis, Joe Butterworth, Skip Harrell.
Roger Pardieck, President The Phi Gams, who are forbidden by tradition to write their name in Greek letters, installed their local chapter in 1879. Although Phi Gamma Delta has the only fraternity house on University property, it has assured a continued tenancy by recently renewing its longterm lease. The original house has been expanded several times. The building was nicknamed "Beechwood" by the alumni and undergraduates because of beech trees that once surrounded the site. When an addition was added in 1951, the trees had to be cut down. A cross-section of one of them has been kept as a souvenir.
Phi Gamma Delta
ROW 1: Ronald J. Petrovich, Lester R. Govert, vice president; Edward J. Lunney, Kenneth L. Bohney, Donald Chiappetta. ROW 2: Patrick Showers, Herbert Tragesser, Donald Sucec, Frank J. Huemmer, treasurer; James A. Burch, James A. Wrobleski, Ronald Prebys. ROW 3: Vincent Daniels, Dick
Strozewski, Don Outh, John Schuster, Raymond R. Popyk, James R. Raney, Michael A. Vanden Bossche, Ken Kaufman. ROW 4: Kenneth Gettelfinger, Victor Michal, William Day, Mike Kearney, secretary; Larry Gaydosh, president; Garry Conrad, Mike Hornak, Lawrence Seng.
Larry Gaydosh, President
If you hear someone calling "Pledge!" and you see a big collie running in answer, don't be surprised. It's probably one of the Phi Kappas calling to the mascot they have had for eight years. Phi Kappa Fraternity is one of two national Catholic fraternities. It was founded in 1889 in the East. Phi Kappa Fraternity has been on this campus since 1939. The IU chapter was formerly known as the Torch and Skull, a social club. Each Christmas the Phi Kappas have a Christmas party for underprivileged children of Bloomington.
ROW 1: Bill Boice, Jim Wellington, Don French, Bob Gray, treasurer; Jack King, secretary; Bob Burt, Hans Wuelfing, Tom Spackman, John Tiegler. ROW 2: Bob Martin, Jan Regnier, Sam Huston, Larry Shuman, Dan Tiplick, Pat Fidieke, Dick Shuman, Bob Newell, Don Goss, Dick Crosser. ROW 3: Dave Bucher, Marty Flynn, Lou Sharp, Jack Riggs, Bob Greene, John Robinson, Mike McCoy, Jerry Lewis, George Thompson, John Button, Paul Abbott, Dave Delinger, Jim Law. ROW 4: Ralph Lockerbie, Dick
Davis, Ed Bill, Bob Bixby, Jack Whisler, Phil Mazzio, Bob Bratton, Steve Ellis, Joe Wampler, Dave Carlton, Fred Wright, vice president; Dave Esakson, Tom Walker, president. ROW 5: Ed Wallis, Phil Costas, Vern Young, Carl Napper, Charlie Kendall, John Parks, Kent Owen, Marty Granholm, Jim Ulrey, Bruce Anglemyer, John Shoup, Steve Stouder, Dan Roberts, Nelson Heinrichs, Dave Atha.
A typhoid epidemic provided the inspiration for the founding of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity in 1852. A group of students at Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, decided to band together in order to serve those afflicted by the disease. The IU Phi Psi chapter is one of the oldest fraternities on this campus. They have been here since 1869 when Delta Psi Theta, a local fraternity, joined the national organization. Phi Kappa Psi was the first fraternity to build a house on this campus. They completed and moved into their present home on Third Street in 1912.
'lye" Tom Walker, President
One of the youngest fraternities on campus, Phi Kappa Tau, was installed in 1949. The IU chapter was formerly a group of ex-servicemen. The three-year old jitterbug contest which the Phi Taus originated at IU has made the fraternity one of the top contributors to the Campus Chest during the Fall Carnival. . litterbug contests are now being sponsored by Phi Kappa Tau chapters in the East. This year an auction was added to th-2 jitterbug contest. Deans' jobs for a day were among the auctioned items. The Phi Taus are making the auction an annual event.
Ned Lavengood, President
ROW 1: James R. Carter, Gene Lieber Jr., Ed Bass, Herbert Sisson Jr., Richard L. Korty. ROW 2: William L. Miller, Thomas E. Wurtz, treasurer; Wallis B. Lewis, Jon L. Wilson, Russell T. Hale, William J. Russell. ROW 3: Lawrence H.
Skelton, R. Charles Alther Jr., R. Gilbert Thompson, Paul A. Linder, Ned R. Lavengood, president; Gary Conn, Phillip W. Duckemin.
Joy Brown, President
Because the original chapter of Phi Mu was founded in Georgia, the IU chapter often uses a southern theme for its social affairs. On one occasion, the group even had typical Southern flowers flown to Bloomington for dance decorations. The local chapter house was built when the organization was founded on campus in 1920. It was remodeled and increased in size in 1956 to carry out the sorority's traditional Georgian architecture. A two-way fireplace is one of the features of the house. This year, a special Christmas tree carried out the sorority colors of pink and white.
ROW 1: Norma Sering, Joan Tapp, secretary; Karen Branstrator, Marjorie Ent, treasurer; Mary Zimmerman, Janet Crabtree. ROW 2: Bessie Wegener, Nettie Jane Myer, Marlene Callis, Marlene M. Cytacki, Dona Hollaway, Marilyn Murdock, Janice Sue Bartle. ROW 3: Willa Bedell, Anna Kathleen Graves, Pat
Pouder, Shirley Lambert, Jenny Dickson, Marilyn White, Peggy Brunswick, Nancy Jo White. ROW 4: Rita McNamara, Karen Winje, Cynthia Vandevert, Beau Seward, Julia Henderson, president; Daine Zuejnieks, vice president; Sarah Spain, Letitia Wolcott, Sue Sieboldt.
Row 1: Chester A Pinkham, Robert R. Skaggs, treasurer; Jerry L. Bender, Roland E. Williams, Michael P. Skehan, John E. Eisele. Row 2: William Ensweiler, Richard G. Driskell, David E. Rice, Stephen C. Haas, Phillip R. Gohr, vice president; Sherrill L. Modlin, Jerry Stump, president; William D. Madren,
James E. Mur. ihill. Row 3: Robert J. Parenie, Jim Legg, Walter H. Henderson, Floyd Rush, Kenneth G. Dickman, Edward R. Bush, R. M. Chambers, Arthur U. Schneider, John T. Rockwell, Thomas E. Alsip, secretary.
Jerry Stump, President The local chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, which was founded at IU in 1949, raises its fraternity flag and the American Flag daily on the flag poles on the front lawn. The house itself is one of the oldest buildings of its type in the area. The home was constructed before the turn of the century. As a part of the national organization's philanthropic project, the Phi Sigma Kappas took an active part in the Cerebral Palsy Drive on campus this year. During the Spring the chapter also played host at the annual banquet presented in honor of all campus housemothers.
ROW 1: Connie Goodknight, Sue Lefler, Pat Scott, Nancy J. Kierspe, historian; Sandy Schroeder, president; Mother Smith, Sana Franke, vice president; Joan Hattendorf, Ann Sullivan, Lee Pryor, Barbara Embrey. ROW 2: Ginny Sly, Mary Ann Neal, Arline Lockerbie, house manager; Martha Crays, Nancy Weaver, Judy Movius, Nancy Witte, Ann Gerrish, Patricia Wise, Ginny Pugh, Nancy Neubauer, Nancy Richwine, Nancy Webster, Margie McConnell. ROW 3: Jean Scott, social chairman; Nancy McCaslin, Betsy Crawford, Libra Jan Cleveland, Becky Stoner, Dianne
Johnson, Mary Keyes, pledge supervisor; Fran Kremer, Karen Bowen, Barbara George, Nancy J. House, recording secretary; Nancy Stern, Donna Hammer, Deborah Walden, Joani Brown. ROW 4: Sherry Lachey, Sally Buchanan, corresponding secretary; Lea Garling, Nancy Bugg, Linda Fulford, Diane Roe, Laura Jean Passow, Donna Whiteman, rush chairman; Amy Lou Ponton, Linde Schmidt, treasurer; Jill Luellen, Jane Klock, Karen Roettger, Sally Wertz, Mary Lou Buhr.
Since the Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi was founded on the IU campus in 1893, the local sorority has progressed in its building program and in its activities. The house itself is symbolic of this progress. The original home was built in 1916. This part still stands as the east section of the front of the house. Later, the accommodations were increased by the west addition, including the colonial-style entrance. A southeast wing was completed last Spring. The Pi Phis were the originators of the Miniature 500, which has since become a part of the Little 500 weekend activities.
Sandy Schroeder, President
ROW 1: Chester Root, Ronald Russell, Don Campbell, John Frazier, Bob Williamson, treasurer; Bob Watson, president; Pete Libby, Jerry Graff, Fred Lamb, secretary. ROW 2: Thomas Hartley, Dee Saul, Robert Carter, Garry Colgrove, Donald R.
DeJarnett, Paul D. Eshleman, Roland W. Unkuri, George D. Williamson, William H. Hutto Jr. ROW 3: George H. Hess, Arthur Savich, Wes Rawlin, Bob Roberts, Richard Linback, Richard George, Bill Putorti, Daniel J. Biro, Ture A. Nelson.
Bob Watson, President
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of their installation, members of Alpha Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi held an anniversary banquet December 8. The chapter had 16 members when it received its charter in November, 1947; by 1957 it had 38 members. The Pi Kappa house is located on East Eighth Street. Formerly the Sigma Phi Epsilon house, it was made the new residence of Pi Kappa Phi in January, 1955. Among the Pi Kappas' philanthropic projects this school year was the sending of a CARE package to Yugoslavia. 434
ROW 1: Arie A. Isaac, Mike A. Doraman, secretary; Lewis Levin, treasurer; Michael Rosenberg, president; Jordan A. Abrams. ROW 2: Ted Friedman, Sammy Singer, Dave Divin, Irwin
Narter. ROW 3: Barry Lakind, Allen Abramson, Bob Silver. man, Larry Mazur, Ira Fenster.
n III III IIMTA II rAa- I iii`-'
Mike Rosenberg, President Alpha Theta Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi received its charter in 1928. Since that time the chapter has occupied two houses, one on Third Street and one on Sixth Street. Members of Pi Lambda Phi are presently living in the dorms while awaiting the construction of a new house. The chapter has purchased a lot on North Jordan Avenue. Plans for a new house have been drawn up and have been approved by the University and national fraternity administrations. For Homecoming weekend, the Pi Lams had a hayride on Friday night, followed by their annual buffet dinner-dance at the University Hotel on Saturday.
II A (1)
ROW 1: Tim Furlong, president; John Staley, John Dittmer, Denny Lortz, Mike Quinn, Jack Graham, Jay Frank Lindsey, vice president; Tom Terrell, John Greene, Bab Votaw, Tom Horn. ROW 2: Dick Leonard, Pete Dodson, Tom Cress, Frank McKinney, Bill Fobes, David Strupp, Kent Combs, James McFrye, Steve Everly, John Kord, Fred Steingraber, Ferd Spangler, Paul Hibner, Don Jones, Martin Bassett, William Griffin, Bob Lewis. ROW 3: James Treanor, Stan Hurt, Sherrell Johnson, Mike Hartigan, Bill Castell, Tom Davidson, Joe Caalfant, Jim Simmons, Jack Kitzmiller, John Keedy, Herb Osmon, Phil
Dauler, Steve Earl, Humble Pie. ROW 4: Tom Hufford, Mike Williams, Pete Elmer, Lloyd Hyde, Bob Edwards, Tom Glenn, treasurer; Bill Swift, Tom Telle, Tom Arnold, John Root, Jim McClain, Danny Danforth, Jan Hartman, Dave Thulin, Dick Kremp, Arne G. K. Hylin. ROW 5: Guerry McNabb, Robert M. Talbot Jr., Bart L. Spillman, Richard 0. Jones, Bob Deputy, Mike McNaughton, Tom Goris, Art Hagan, William Pohlmann, William C. Balch, David Balch, Steve Wirts, Dennis Evans, Jack Jordan, Bill Givens, Tom Schwark, Pete Horn, Larry Grabhorn, Neil Diver, Boliver Shagnasty.
Timothy Furlong, President Sigma Alpha Epsilon was installed at IU in 1907. Its first home was at the present Weatherwax House site. The SAE crest may still be seen imprinted on the sidewalk in front of the house. In 1929 the SAE's moved to Jordan Crest Gables, their present home. The SAE's sponsor a Sports Car Rally every Spring. All sports car enthusiasts are invited to compete in a race which is set up by the Sports Car Club of America with a predetermined time limit. This limit depends largely on the observation of laws and safety measures, along with distance timing.
ROW 1: M. A. Salomon, Bob Duvin, Jack Klausner, Sanford Sirkus, Stanford Hess, Ronald S. Cohen, president; Malcolm Milsten, secretary; Gerald Strick, Bob Neuman, Ed Peachin, Howard Draus, Jerrold S. Alberts. ROW 2: Ken Goldberg, Mark Himelstein, Phil Goodman, David Fine, Joel Bornstein, Alan Rosenbaum, Richard Goldman, Alan Robbins, Mark Pastor, Arthur Samuel, Ronald Richards. ROW 3: Howard Cohen, Jerry Moskawitz, Robert Hess, Jerry Poling, Gene Adler, Marvin Benn, Jack Schuster, Howard Friedman, Stephen Novitsky, Jerry Chip,
James Harfield, Daniel Fromhoff. ROW 4: Albert Kudsi-Zadeh, Ronald Live, Irwin Prince, Stephen Cohen, Tom Lindauer, Mike Dann, Sheldon Cooper, Alan I. Sherman, Jim Klineman, Lewis Rothbard, Larry M. F. Olshan, Bunny Solomon, Harold Kessler. ROW 5: David Rothberg, Ronald Berebitsky, Stan Neimark, Bob Forman, Herb Krug, Ralph Cohen, Joseph Alpert, Harold Hamburg, Harold Albert, Leon Brillant, Tom Steuer, Steve Fine, Dan Goldman, Steve Rosen, Howard Zukerman.
Ronni Cohen, President
The Founders' Cup award was given to Sigma Zeta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu last year for being the best of the national fraternity's 51 chapters throughout the United States. That same year the chapter's Scholarship Foundation, whose funds are donated by friends and alumni, awarded four scholarships to IU students, none of whom was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Although the chapter dates back to 1922, its present house was not constructed until 1954. The Sammies' home was the first fraternity house to be built at IU for many years.
ROW 1: Joe Harrell, Jim Baldauf, Ron Walden, Jim McCaslin, secretary; Al Harker, president; Bill Pomp, vice president; Gene Eggers, Dick Hudelson. ROW 2: Bob Baechle, Michael E. Parr, John L. Irvine Jr., Dave Musial, Jerry G. Martin, Jim Brucker, Carl Scering, Richard Abdon, Bill Fry, Dave Richardson, Bruce G. Martin, Pete Rogers. ROW 3: Denis C. Lee, Bill Fagaly, James Trobaugh, Jerry Neal, Phil C. Weigand, Norman A. Rumpf, Rich Applas, Vedder Brocker, Jim Kenney, Jon Som-
met-, Phil Murray, Roy Jenks, Bob Mace. ROW 4: Jon Gast, Charles Culver, Charles Kay, Tom Umphrey, Don E. Carlile, Ron Frazier, Doug Wade, Tom Davis, Thad Rudd, Joe Franklin, Gene Schmeling, treasurer; Jim McCallum, Al Clampitt, Kim Rogers. ROW 5: Bill Vititoe, Mike Halus, Thomas Jackson, Lynn Sternly. Jack Heidt, Norman Craft, Dave Sutton, Ernest William Smith, Bob Brafford, Dick Nieland, Art Harris, Barry L. Hindman, Charles A. Melangton, Dave Wood.
This year completes a century on the IU campus for the Sigma Chis. Nationally founded in 1854 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, the Sigma Chis established Lambda Chapter here in June, 1858. The Sigma Chi Melon Mess has become a campus tradition. This Fall's Mess was the eleventh of its kind. The Sigma Chis originated the event to be held the first night of school as a kick-off for the year. The event now includes entertainment, street dancing, and a watermelon-eating contest.
Al Harker, President
ROW 1: Tobe Saperstein, Barbara Rose, Hannah Pastor, Harriet Gail Baron, Nancy Litvin, Janice Bornstein, Nancy Ross, Lois Eisenberg, Suzanne Levy, Myrna Golden, second vice president. ROW 2: Sally Weisbarth, Marlene Goldzwig, president; Wini Glassner, Leah Lipis, Ruthlee Figlure, Mary Ann Schatz, Maxine Mages, Ann Alpert, Janet Gould, Marcia Schuller, Bonnie Shanok, first vice president; Susan Rostov. ROW 3: Marian
Beil, Lynn Rae Echt, Barbara Rosensweet, Harriet Spasser, Sandy Heiman, Doris Roudman, Susan Gittelman, Dale Schnair, Lois Cohen, Linda Ruth Gordon, Mimi Iskow. ROW 4: Carole Manalan, Marna Alexander, Ellen Peirce, Harriet Burgheim, treasurer; Barbara Strauss, Catherine DeCosta, secretary; Judith Selig, Suellen Kaufman, Rocky Cohn, Ellen Stein, Gail Cassen, Gale Symons.
Marlene Goldzwig, President The Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau received its charter in 1940. Before joining the national organization, it had been Sigma Phi Upsilon. After living on Third Street, the SDT's settled down in their present home on Jordan Avenue. This house was remodeled two years ago. A traditional award, created while the sorority was still local, is the loving cup awarded to the pledge who has contributed most to her pledge class. A scholarship also has been established by the chapter in memory of a member, Barbara Seigel, who died of heart disease three years ago. 439
ROW 1: Suzanne Steckley, secretary; Jo Ann Kixmiller, Eloise Walker, Kathryn Evans, Mary Jane Thevenow, Mary Jane Musgrave, president; Isobel Richardson, Cynthia Bash, Mary Jane Lidster, Eleanor Solms, Patricia Wallace. ROW 2: Kathy Weiland, first vice president; Rosemary McIntosh, Carole Owens, Jo Pearson, Janice Meyers, Dolores Vanator, Phyllis Ann Mason, Rowena Lou Green, corresponding secretary; Judy Stucky, treasurer; Margaret Stahl, JoAnn Varkony, Mary Lou Feeney. ROW 3:
Jeanne Rohrer, Nancy Brown, Ann Lindley, Judy Smalley, Lynn Tuttle, Susie Emrick, Joan Burdsall, Kathleen Regan, Dorothy Wilson, Anita Duncan, Mary Jo Sims, Grace Campbell, Deloris Dillard. ROW 4: Pat Fitzgerald, Ann Mahan, Yvonne Buckles, Joanne Cravens, Mary Ruth Hartman, Susan Shaul, Meris Morrison, Mary Jane Porter, Virginia St. John, Nancy Janney, Jane McWhinney, Myrna L. Saffel, Barbara Boyer, Beverly Melton, second vice president.
Mary Jane Musgrave, President
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Tau Chapter of Sigma Kappa was installed at IU on January 4, 1918. The petitioning group was composed of members of the Independent Literary Society, which was organized on campus shortly after Sigma Kappa was founded at Colby College in 1874. The Sigma Kappas' first home was at the corner of Sixth Street and Indiana Avenue. They moved once before buying their present home on Jordan Avenue in 1924. In the Spring, the Sigma Kappas gave an open house for alumna Laurel Hurley when she starred in the Metropolitan Opera Company's production of "La Perichole."
ROW 1: Robert E. Wickinson, Donald M. Colter, Dave Wiegman, Phil Malvase, Bill Cast, president; Edward Fromm, Fred Jay Kent, Jerry Lowe, Philip R. Steckley. ROW 2: Kenneth Hammond, Bill Steinborn, Steve Thom, David Grebe, Tom Kroczek, Bob Dabagia, Bill Groninger, vice president; Mike Whitesell, Tony Pafflin, F. Dexter Green, David Ernst, Richard Young. ROW 3: David Payne, Ronald Heath, Stephen Kroczek, Philip Daulton, Bob Stoelting, Steve Weber, Joel R. Smith, Daryl Beaman, Winton D. Woods Jr., Chuck Thulin, Jeff Krueger, Ron Paskins, Dick Testut, Michael Alexander, Dave
Medaris. ROW 4: John S. Parker, Steve Stockberger, Reid Crosby, Joe Cummings, Tom Dimmich, Dave Percy, Bob Bradach, Dick Fox, John O'Neill, Harry Alexander, Arden Walgamuth, Dave Beams, Floyd Roth, Fred Sabatini. ROW 5: Don Rees, Larry Owen, Sam Fitzsimmons, Bud Olsen, Bruce H. Baker, Dick Cantwell, George Barr, Bill Hurst, John M. Clifton, Charles Wible, Roger S. Kellison, Jack L. Ernsting, Joe Magers, treasurer; George E. Rey II, E. Barclay Cale, John Miller, John Hickman, Wilson Hubbell, John P. Parker.
Bill Cast, President Each year the Sigma Nus cosponsor a Christmas party for all foreign students at IU. The party is designed to bring the Christmas spirit to students from all countries who are not able to travel home for Christmas. The IU chapter of Sigma Nu was founded in 1892. Their first meetings were held in a room above the Princess Theater. Dr. Frank Beck, one of the founding members, donated his home in Bloomington for the first Sigma Nu house. The Sigma Nus had several homes before moving to their present site on North Jordan in 1954.
Thomas B. Glendening, President
In 1948, Delta Phi Sigma, a three-year-old local club, affiliated with the national social fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon. After living on Eighth Street for a number of years, the Sig Eps moved to their new house on North Jordan Avenue. The house has a bright red door which is a tradition with the Sig Ep chapters all over the country. This organization's national project is a camp for underprivileged children. Every year the local Sig Ep chapter helps to raise funds for the camp.
ROW 1: Ronald White, Ray Moore, Howard Fisher, Ned D. Snyder, William R. Bartok, Tom Glendening, president; Jim Siegel, William J. Moore, Victor M. Sereda, Ron Beams. ROW 2: Gerald Kirsch, Frank P. Ross, Thomas Horka, Ron Pavelka, Jim Schrum, Dave Denton, Dick Sutton, historian; Phil Gay, Jack M. Kraft, Joe Venezia, William Treadgill. ROW 3: Jan Helbert, Tom Dering, Dave Bone, Wayne Studer, Gary Craw-
ford, Dean Mills, Tom Downing, Dick Greene, James Kostopoulos, Tom Altenderfer, Charles Gati, Jim Searcy, Ed Stevens. ROW 4: Ed Youngman, Ron Smoots, Don Weber, Jerry L. Boss, William M. Davis, Stanley E. Fowler, Norman K. Snyder, Richard Daniel, John Meyer, Graham Sefton, Don Dayhoff, Phil Lehman.
For the last five years, Sigma Pi Fraternity has organized and has sponsored the Basketball Homecoming Rally. It is designed to create more spirit among the students and alumni for the coming basketball season. The Beta Chapter at IU was installed in 1924. Formerly, the Sig Pis occupied a small house which stood between the present ATO and Acacia houses. In 1927, they moved to their present home. The Four Freshmen were guests of the Sigma Pis last Summer and entertained for the Summer rush parties at Lake Tippecanoe. Stanley Holdeman, President
ROW 1: Charles E. Calloway, Dwight R. Gillespie, secretary; Jack H. McDonald, Jerry N. Werden, David A. Felts, William Wingate Jr., Robert W. Caudill. ROW 2: William E. Anderson, Daniel S. Weaver, Lloyd A. Emerson, Robert N. Miser, Mike Cord, Amos S. Hall, vice president; Melvin Richards, Stan Holdeman, president. ROW 3: Noel Wiley, Frank Bogard, Bill Mc-
Kinney, Roy West, Jerry Schaaf, treasurer; Philip C. Barlowe, Bill Brattain, Ronald Hoff. ROW 4: George Buckingham, Gordon Durnil, Ron David, Jack Douberteen, Charles Sampson, David L. Koher, Roger F. Robison, Victor H. Russell, Jim McKeever.
ROW 1: Richard Carson, Richard Hosea, Virgil Scudder, vice president; Lawrence W. Lauterbach, president; Mrs. Pearl Freeman, house mother; Jim L. Orr, secretary; Danny R. Frew, Allan W. Keller, treasurer; Bob Cummings. ROW 2: Ernest Eugene Baird, William R. Himebaugh, Russell W. Wood Jr., Don D. Wagoner, Bart L. Gish, Marion M. Batts, Tom D. Nesbitt, Ron Carmony. ROW 3: Bob Massengill, Dale Thomas, Bill Black, Kenneth Lakes, Patrick Tripiciano, Ronald E. Johnson, John W.
Maddox, Jerry C. Preusz, Bill Collins, Allen L. Griffith. ROW 4: Thomas Wrigley Jr., Ted W. Lagerwall, Richard A. Bracken, Mike R. DeShincoe, Russell E. Hedstrom, Michael C. Liste, Paul Ray Goodus, Don P. Johnson, Tom E. Brendle, Joe E. Beardsley. ROW 5: Williams Chambers, Charles Conner, Jon Markland, George Rickert, Jerry Harty, Patrick Slingsby, Thomas Liston, James E. Sisk, Craig Rossow, Lawrence Kocol, Norb Kudele, Tom Riley.
Lawrence Walter Lauterbach, President
The Gamma Kappa Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is one of the newer fraternities on campus. It was installed in 1950 when the first 34 members were initiated. In 1951 the TKE's moved from a small private home at 315 East Kirkwood to their present home on Seventh Street. A unique feature of the TKE house is a patio fountain, located in the center of the house. The house was first built for a Spanish couple who wanted the fountain for small fish. Now the fountain is used decoratively to gain unusual effects at social events.
ROW 1: Ronald Borcherding, president; Robert Kelly, Robin Antrim, Robert H. Gerdts, Dan L. Moore, Don Myers, Fred Robbins, Tony Cooperider, David McClure, Frank Zimmermann, Roger Tobias, Richard Tuggle. ROW 2: Larry Eglen, Richard J. Thomas, Harry Schoger, Earl Nolting, secretary; Terry Stokes, treasurer; Max Mykrantz, Phil Hitchner, Warren Perry, Phil Lehman, Ed Conrey, L. L. Zimmermann. ROW 3: Jack Schofer,
Gordon Greider, Bill Kachel, Jim McCoy, John Wambaugh, Dan Davisson, vice president; John H. Ryan, Robert Hope, Forrest Paddock, Jim E. Davis, John E. Zike, Larry Ruff. ROW 4: Sam Esposito, Tom Schmitt, Ross Downs, Wally Kock, Joseph Doyle, Armand Roach Jr., Bruce Bonner, Don McGivern, Gordy Gilbert, Tom Pedersen, John Boone, Jerry Spindlar, Tom Byrum, Dick Hitchner.
Ronald Gene Borcherding, President
Alpha Iota Chapter of Theta Chi was founded at IU in 1920. The Bicycle Bounce, an event that has become an important part of the Little 500 weekend, was originated by the Theta Chis in 1951. The first year, Jordan Avenue was blocked off, and the dance was held in the street. Later the Theta Chis built their tennis court, and since then the dance has been there. An informal carnival atmosphere prevails with pennants, flags, popcorn, and cotton candy. This dance, open to "all rhythmic feet and happy faces," is held after the Variety Show, the night before the bicycle race. 445
ROW 1: Bob Hinds, Larry E. Johnson, John Scheiner, Dick Monroe, Pitt, mascot; Alfred E. Nueman, Wayne Arthur Grebe, Thomas Morgan, Lewis T. Wireman. ROW 2: Alan Baumgartner, Robert A. Kring, Timothy C. Brown, Robert A. Yancey,
Raymond W. Gliva, Ronald R. Tsuchiya, R. Michael Wolcott, Jerry D. Allbright, H. Wayne Dawson, Lynn Rans, president; Fred Rodeman, secretary; Willis Clark, vice president.
John Alden Scheiner, President
Every Christmas the Alpha Tau Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity sponsors a party for handicapped children of Knight House. The chapter has carried on this Christmas party tradition since 1949, the year the organization was installed. Theta Xi bought its present house, on North Jordan Avenue, in 1953. The chapter was the first male Greek organization to live on New Fraternity Row. Theta Xi is the only national fraternity with a definite, written purpose. This document consists of seven different goals and ideals set up as standards for ultimate fraternal development.
ROW 1: Jerry Jacobson, treasurer; Lou Cohen, Steve Goldberg, Bernie Minkow, Martin Flynnherg, Roger Seltzer, president; Franklin Miroff, Jerry Moss, Barry Bergsman, Don Grande, Dean Glasel. ROW 2: Kenneth Bern, Burt Roger, Richard Mantel, Pete Sherman, Aaron Liberman, Pete Eisendrath, Barry Schutz. ROW 3: Seymour Prywellen, Gene Douglis, Robert Berebitsky, Myron Weinberger, Harry Sax, Norman Goldman, Larry Adler,
Ed Friend, Moe Silverman. ROW 4: Warren Ackerman, Iry Siegle, Jerry DeVorkin, Bob Ziker, David LuN ie, Mike Ross, Richard Lees, Buddy Yosha, Jerry Pollock. ROW 5: Ned Rosenthal, Max Schwartz, Joseph Rodenberg, Lee Chaskin, Barry Goldman, Stanley Stern, Richard Schwartz, Les Tankel, Ron Kirshbaum, Robert Garek.
From a group of eight men when it was installed in 1947, the Beta Gamma Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau has grown to an organization of 73 students. Once a private home, the chapter house on North Park Avenue has had two additions, nearly quadrupling its original size. At noon on the day of the Big Switch, a Spring house dance, the ZBT's evacuate their home, whereupon their dates move in and proceed to decorate for the evening's affair. The chapter takes active part in philanthropic projects such as the local March of Dimes and Heart Fund drives.
Nadine Holmes, President
September, 1957, saw the Zeta Tau Alpha members of IU in a new chapter house on North Jordan Avenue. Three stories high, the Indiana-limestone building contains 31 sleeping rooms and a half-dormitory. In honor of their new home the Zetas held a High Society dance last fall. The Alpha Xi chapter of ZTA was installed in 1922. The sorority's former house, located on South Jordan Avenue, was purchased by the Exchange Club of Bloomington and made into the new home of Knight House, a residence for children handicapped in speech and hearing.
ROW 1: Nancy Jean Smith, Avis Anderson, Polly Ann Clark, Jean Noland, Mrs. Walter Stahlschmidt, house mother; Nancy Claire Meyers, Barb Keener, Janice Johnson, Joyce Blackburn, Loyce Blackburn. ROW 2: Carole Schwenn, Pat Gregor, Liz Mihok, Jane Kraemer, Barbara Mann, Alice Peters, Beverly Parks, Sylvia Traumer, treasurer; Nancy McCorkel. ROW 3:
Jan Burkhard, Elyssa Lindner, Nancy Blaisdell, Margie Fischer, Ann Frankenfield, Nadine Holmes, president; Carolyn Michel, vice president; Brenda Rarick, Carolyn Jenkins, Oneida Klus. ROW 4: Carole Regas, Marilyn Gibson, Ann Osborn, Phyllis Wood, Joan Bickel, Deanne Sparr, Marcia Rimstidt, Kathy Brady, Penny Schaefer, Elma Pandak, Ruth Padget.
New York, New York A.B. History Hillel Foundation, Jr. IFC, Skull & Crescent, Union Comm. Ch. AHLGRIM, HELEN ROSE
Hobart A.B. Biology YWCA, Sycamore Chorus AHM, HEE OK
Seoul, Korea B.S. Home Economics AIKEN, WALLACE KIRKLAND, JR
Indianapolis B.S. Geology OX, Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Colfax A.B. Journalism Daily Student ( Managing Ed.) , IU Foundation, Phi Eta Sigma, Scabbard and Blade, Sigma Delta Chi ( Sec.) ALISHOUSE, MARJORIE ANN
Bainbridge A.B. Latin and English YWCA, Campus Christians ALLEN, BARBARA RUTH
ARMITAGE, KENNETH Fort Wayne A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta, Campbell House ( Sec.) ASCH, JOSEPH HARRY
Long Branch, New Jersey A.B. Police Adm. Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Little "500", Intramural Football ASHER, MARILYN LOUISE
Roachdale A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Delta Phi Alpha, Skeleton Club, YWCA A ST, DORIS ANNE New Castle A.B. Speech & Theatre Alpha Lambda Delta, Soph. Class Dir., Delta Sigma Rho (Sec.-Treas.) BAKER, JACK WILSON
Bloomington B.S. Geology Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Spelunking Club
South Bend A.B. Sociology Cosmopolitan Club (Corres. Sec.) , Social Service Club, NAACP, IU Collegiate Democrats, Forum Club
Windfall A.B. Economics Blue Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Sphinx Club, Student Supreme Court, IU Foundation
Indianapolis B.S. Journalism
Fort Wayne A.B. Economics KAP ( Sec.) , Falcon Club
Gary A.B. Zoology Omega Psi Phi
Gary B.S. Social Service Panhellenic, Delta Sigma Theta ( Pres. ) , Social Service Club ALLIN, JAMES FREDERICK (Jr.)
South Bend A.B. Chemistry
Glen Rock, New Jersey A.B. Government ,PET (Corres. Sec.) , Falcon Club, IFC, IU Young Republicans, Westminster Foundation, YMCA ANCEL, STEVEN HARLAN
Indianapolis A.B. Government BT, Hillel Foundation, YMCA ANDERSON, BARBARA MAE
Cleveland, Ohio B.S. Social Service AAA (Pub. Ch., Librarian) , Social Service dlub, Sailing Club ARCH/BALD, SHIRLEY
Spiceland B.S. Med. Tech. YMCA, Alpha Delta Theta ARMENTROUT, WAYNE LEE
Speedway A.B. Journalism Board of Aeons ( Sec.-Treas.) , Daily Student ( Ed.) , Sigma Delta Chi (Pres.) , IU Foundation
Gary A.B. History Acacia BLESS, PAT
Greencastle B.S. Med. Tech. Alpha Delta Theta ( V-pres.) , YWCA, Contest Alumni on Campus BOWLES, JOHN EDWARD
East Chicago A.B. Journalism Alpha Delta Sigma (Pub. Ch.) , Daily Student ( Adv. Mgr.) , MRHA Photo Club, IU Col. Dem.
South Bend A.B. Economics KA ( Treas.) , Enomene (Pub. Ch.) , Alpha Lambda Delta BURTON, EDWARD LEE
Anderson A.B. Math MRHA Exec. Bd., Student Ath. Comm., Tree Center Bd. of Goys., Linden Hall ( Gov., Soc. Ch.) BURTON, JERRY REX
Bedford A.B. Economics Finance Club ( Sec.) , Chess Club (Sec.), Marketing Club, Spanish Club, Cavaliers ( Sch. Ch.) BUSH, SHARON RAE
Lizton B.S. Medical Record Librarian
Evansville A.B. Eng.-Am. Lit. Alpha Lambda Delta, Pamarada, Pi Lambda Theta, WRH Social Co-ordination
Edwardsburg, Mich. B.S. Home Ec. ZTA, Jr. Panhel, Hoosierettes, Omicron Nu. Home Ec. Club, Smithwood II (Corr. Adv.)
Indianaolis A.B. Anatomy & Physiology ( V-pres., Sec. ) Alpha Epsilon Delta, Falcon Club, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club
Vincennes B.S. Home Ec. Home Ec. Club, Wesley Foundation
Gary B.S. Radio & Television MRC Sec. Bd. ( Pres. ) , Radio & Tele. Club ( V-pres., Treas.) , WFIU ( Chief Announcer) CANRIGHT, JOHN EMORY
Muncie A.B. Government IU Young Republicans
Jamestown A.B. Chemistry THE ( Sec.)
McCordsville A.B. Home Ec. Home Ec. Club, Smithwood III House Council and Referral Bd.
Hammond A.B. Anatomy & Physiology SAE ( V-pres., Sec.) , Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club ( Treas.)
Louisville, Ky. A.B. Speech & Theatre Alpha Lambda Delta, Forest Hall ( V-pres.)
1Vaba rh A.B. Latin Eta Sigma Phi ( Pres.) , F.T.A., YWCA
Muncie A.B. Botany Arnold Air Society, Aud. Usher Corps, Spelunking Club, Wesley Foundation
Peru B.S. Chemistry
Indianapolis A.B. Mathematics BOIL Phi Eta Sigma
South Bend A.B. Government Pi Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Rho, M.R.C. Sec. Coun., Intercollegiate Debate
Danville, Illinois A.B. Art EKE, F.T.A., YWCA, IU Foundation
Evansville B.S. Physics Sailing Club
Indianapolis B.S. Voc. Home Ec. (Rush Ch. ) , YWCA, Home Ec. Club
Sullivan A.B. Anatomy & Physiology EA, Alpha Epsilon Delta BEGLEY, ROBERT WILLIAM
Indianapolis A.B. Mathematics
Go then A.B. Anatomy & Physioloey Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, United Student Church (Pres.), Delta Phi Alpha BROSSART. JOHN WILLIAM
Indianapolis A.B. Police Adm. Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Law Club, Maple Hall ( Sch. Ch. ) BROWN, MARY
West Lafayette A.B. Speech Correction A X1-1 ( Sec.) , Jr. Panhel ( Treas.) , Union Board, YWCA (Proj. Council) , Jr. Prom Steering Comm. BROWN, ROBERT EVAN
Indianapolis A.B. English Smithwood I Corr. Adv., Westminster Foundation
Carmel A.B. Government A Ell, IU Foundation, IU Civil Liberties Union, YMCA, Dunn House ( Sch. Ch.)
Evansville B.S. Dentistry /AE, Freshman Baseball, Varsity Baseball AWS Council Rep., Pleiades, BENZEL, LUCINDA
New Castle A.B. Psychology S.A.M., Psi Chi
South Bend A.B. French (Corres. Sec.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA, Union Comm. Ch.
Webster Groves, Mo. A.B. Comparative Lit. ICAO ( V-pres.) , Mortar Board, Jr. Panhel ( Pres.) , Panhel ( Pres.) , Sen. Adv. Bd. BUCK, DONNA RUTH Logansport BERKEY, NANCY KIRK A.B. Eng. Lit. Middletown, Ohio EKE ( Social Ch.) A.B. Speech and Theatre AAA ( Sch. Ch. ) , Mortar Board BURNETT, WILLIAM EDMOND ( Pres. ) , Theta Alpha Phi Evansville (Sec.-Treas. ) , Enomene, Alpha A.B. Philosophy Lambda Delta ( Treas.) BON
Chesterton A.B. Journalism
Bloomington A.B. Geology +ET ( Soc. Ch.) , YMCA, Falcon Club, LUNA, Crimson Bull CAZELAIS, BEBETTE MIGNONNE
Westville A.B. Spanish
Gary A.B. History Phi Alpha Theta CHANDLER, RALPH WALLACE
Plymouth A.B. Economics Indiana Law Club, S.A.M.
South Bend A.B. Speech & Hearing Therapy XS/ ( V-pres.) , Pleiades ( Soc. Ch., Treas.) , Mortar Board, IU Foundation Steering Com., YWCA (Cab.) CHENOWETH, JOYCE KAREN
Indianapolis A.B. French A X.C2, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Sigma Iota, YWCA ( Promotion Commis., Co-ord., Exec. Brd.) CHICK, LEO ROBERT
Hammond A.B. Journalism Daily Student
Marion A.B. English WRH ( Pres. ) , AWS Council, IU Foundation, Senate Adv. Brd., Forest Hall ( Pres.) CHRISTENSEN, CARL W.
Avilla B.S. Geology
Kokomo A.B. History Jenkens House ( Sec. and Sch. Ch.) CLEVENGER, RICHARD LEE
Columbus B.S. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma
Greentown A.B. Geography Arnold Air Soc., Sailing Club, Varsity Athletics, Geography Club, YMCA COMPTON, JERRY LAWRENCE
Needham A.B. Chemistry Tomahawk, YMCA ( Student Leader ) , Intramural Sports, Am. Chem. Soc.
Evansville A.B. Eng. Lit. AKA (Sch. Ch.) , NAACP, Jr. Panhellenic COUGIAS, JAMES, JR.
Gary A.B. Government
Fort Wayne A.B. Psychology MRHA Photo Club, Friar ( Sec.) , IU Young Republicans CRAWLEY, WILLIAM EDWARD
Indianapolis A.B. Psychology Campus Christians, Spelunking Club
Richmond A.B. Journalism Daily Student, IU Foundation, YMCA, Sigma Delta Chi CREWELL, LARRY JOE
Bloomington A.B. Journalism Daily Student GRIST, ROBERT
Springfield, Ohio A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta, IU Young Rep. ( Dir. ) , Phi Eta Sigma, +AO ( V-pres., Sec.) , Skeleton Club ( Pres. ) CRONIN, JOE FRANCIS
Salem B.S. Radio & Television Alpha Delta Sigma, IU Newman Club, Radio-Television Club (Pres.) CROW, JOAN
Indianapolis A.B. English Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA, Modern Dance Workshop CUMBERLAND, WILLIAM STUART
Anderson A.B. Zoology ATC2 ( Sec.)
Bloomington A.B. English Lit. KA, Arbutus, Daily Student, YWCA CUMMINS, LARRY
Harlan A.B. Anatomy & Physics Alpha Epsilon Delta, MQ Unit 2 (Treas.) CURRIER, NANCY JEAN
Wilmette, Illinois A.B. Spanish EKE ( Corres. Sec.) , AWS Council, Spanish Club ( Treas.) , YWCA, Phi Sigma Iota DANNERBECK, FRANCIS JOSEPH
Fort Wayne A.B. German German Club, Delta Phi Alpha
Plymouth B.S. Social Service EAE (Chaplain) , Westminster Foundation ( Pres.)
Muncie A.B. French ( Treas. ) , Arbutus, Phi Sigma Iota, Aud. Usher Corps
V elpen A.B. Latin Wesley Foundation, YWCA DECORY, CLAUDETTE KAY
Columbus B.S. Language Arts KA, AWS Council Committee
Highland Park, Ill. A.B. Social Science EAT ( Sec.) , Hillel Foundation, Social Service Club DENTON, VICTOR HAYNIE
Marion A.B. Geography
Bloomington B.S. Geology
Walkerton A.B. Economics Trees Center Brd. of Gov., Laurel South Governor DICK, THOMAS PHILLIP
Jasper A.B. Biology Phi Eta Sigma, Spelunking Club ( V-pres.) , MRHA Photo Club (Pres.) DICKSON, CHARLES RICHARD
Henryville A.B. Pre-Med
Brooklyn, New York A.B. History 11.14, Falcon Club, IFC, Sphinx Club DOERING, DAVID
Elkhart A.B. Philosophy Union Brd., YMCA, Westminster Fnd. ( Sec.-Treas. ) DORMAN, DANIEL
Indianapolis A.B. Medicine ZBT, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Sailing Club, Skeleton Club DOWEN, JOHN DAVID
Shelburn A.B. Geology
Indianapolis A.B. Math (PIK ( Pres.) , Falcon Club, Jr. IFC DUKE, FRANK DALY
Owensboro, Ky. A.B. Geography
Evansville A.B. Anatomy & Physiology +AO ( Pres. ) , IFC, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club, IU Young Republicans, YMCA ERICKSON, M. JOAN
Connersville A.B. Biology KA 0 (Corres. Sec.) , YWCA, Mortar Board, Enomene, IU Fnd., Alpha Lambda Delta ( Pres. ) ESCKELSON, GENE KENNETH
Marion A.B. Spanish Cosmopolitan Club, Phi Sigma Iota, Spanish Club ( Treas.-Sec.) ESHLEMAN, IRA CLAYTON
Indianapolis A.B. Philosophy +AO (Chorister) , YMCA, Jr. IFC, IU Young Republicans, Westminster Foundation ESHLEMAN, LINDLEY HEATH
Marion A.B. Chemistry Wesley Foundation
Rensselaer A.B. Eng. Lit. KA ( Treas. )
FERGUSON, DAVID A. Jeffersonville A.B. Theatre & Interp. Theta Alpha Phi, German Club, Alpha Delta Kappa
Columbus A.B. English Smithwood I Corr. Advisor FLEMING, JOAN LOU/SE
Marion A.B. Government EX ( Pres., Sec. ) , Scabbard & Blade, Pi Sigma Alpha, IU Young Republicans
A.B. Chemistry +FA (Counselor) , IU Young Republicans, YMCA
Marion A.B. Pre-Med
Fort Wayne A.B. Pre-Med. +FA
Fort Wayne B.S. Social Service Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, Queens, Student Senate, Social Service Club
Indianapolis GOLD, STUART A.B. English Fair Lawn, N. J. AWS Bed. of Standards, AWS Alpha Epsilon Delta, Hillel Found., HART, ELINOR Gary Council, Sycamore Campus Act. Ch. Skeleton Club, (PA,1■ A.B. German Hillel, German Club, FOLEY, ANN GOLDMAN, RICHARD DAVID Smithwood Corr. Advisor Paris, Illinois Glencoe, Illinois A.B. English A.B. Zoology HATTERY, FLORENCE ANN Alpha Lambda Delta, IU Fnd., Hillel, IU Foundation, Pershing Celina Mortar Brd., Pamarada, YWCA Rifles, YMCA, IU Young A.B. Anatomy & Physiology ( 2nd V-pres. ) , Westm. Fdn. Republicans Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Delta Phi Alpha, FOULKES, WILLIAM HOWARD IV GOLDSTEIN, MELVIN EARL Skeleton Club Evansville Bloomfield, N. J. HAVEY, JUDY A.B. Dentistry A.B. Zoology Indianapolis Arbutus, YMCA, IU Young LEH, IFC A.B. Journalism Republicans, Westminster Fnd. Daily Student ( Assoc., Night, GRABILL, DORIS EVELYN Asst. ed. ) , YWCA, Theta Sigma F OUTS, MAR JORIE ANN Grabill Phi, Morrison secretary Indianapolis A.B. Home Ec. B.S. Med. Record Librarianship HAWLEY, RICHARD RAY AZ, YWCA, IU Newman Club, GRAF, ALDORA South Bend IU Young Republicans Hammond A.B. Anatomy and Physiology A.B. Psychology Alpha Epsilon Delta ( V-pres. ) , FRANK, JUDITH ANN AZ (Corres. Sec.) , AWS, Psi Chi Phi Eta Sigma, Delta Phi Alpha Indianapolis ( Pres. ) , Gamma Delta ( Sec., A.B. Speech & Theatre V-pres. ) HAYES, DONALD CHARLES XII, Enomene, Theta Alpha Phi Oakland City (V-pres.) GRAY, LINDA SUE B.S. Chemistry Wabash Phi Lambda Upsilon, Student Affil. FRANKOVITZ, TREVA GERTRUDE A.B. Social Service of the Am. Chem. Soc. Indianapolis AI', Panhel Rush Coun., YWCA A.B. French HEIMAN, JACQUELINE KAYE Proj. Coun., Soc. Ser. Club Hillel Fnd., Campus Act. Co-ord. Indianapolis ( Soc. Ch.) Pres., Sycamore Corr. Adv. A.B. Home Ec. A <I>, Home Ec. Club, GREEN, BETTY JEAN FRAPPIER, MARIAN JOYCE IU Dames Club, YWCA Gary Bloomington B.S. Social Service B.S. Home Ec. HERGET, MARILYN JEAN NAACP, Social Serv. Club, Cincinnati, Ohio Omicron Nu Honorary, YWCA, Wesley Foundation, A.B. Bacteriology Home Ec. Club Delta Sigma Theta Alpha Delta Theta, FREEMAN, ALICE A. TALENT Wesley Foundation GREEN, JANA LEE Westfield, New Jersey Mt. Vernon HIPPENSTEEL, ROBERT CARL A.B. Spanish Home Er. East Chicago Union Board, Wesley Fnd., YWCA B.S. Home Ec. Club ( Treas.) , FTA, A.B. Psychology Smithwood III Sec., FROM, ARTHUR H. L. Walnut Hall Sec. HIVELY, RICHARD LEE South Bend North Liberty A.B. Physiology GREENSTEIN, SAMUEL B.S. Chemistry Alpha Epsilon Delta, Hillel Fnd., Indianapolis Phi Eta Sigma ( Treas.) , Skeleton HOKANSON, WILLIAM ALVIN A.B. Anatomy and Physiology Club, Phi Beta Kappa Chesterton Alpha Epsilon Delta, Falcon Club, A.B. Journalism Skeleton Club, EA M GADDIS, WILLIAM RUSSELL Daily Student ( Ed. ) , Fairmount Marching 100, Sigma Delta Chi, GRONINGER, WILLIAM DEAN A.B. Government Student Athl. Corn., YMCA Logansport A.B. Philosophy GALLAY, SHEILA LOSSIE HOLDER, CAROLYN ANN EN ( V-pres. ) , Phi Eta Sigma, Belleville, N. J. Monticello IFC, YMCA A.B. Mathematics A.B. Journalism NAACP, Hillel Fnd., IU Collegiate KKF (Pub. Rel. ) , Arbutus Copy Democrats, Laurel Hall ( Treas. ) GROSS, MARGARET ANN Ed., Mortar Board ( Hist.) , Kramer Theta Sigma Phi, Daily Student GANCHIFF, ROBERT LEE A.B. Home Ec. Bloomington YWCA, IU Newman Club, APA HOLMES, VIRGINIA ANNE A.B. Eng. Lit. Baltimore, Maryland EN (Brd. Standards, Ath. Ch., GROSS, MICHAEL JONATHAN A.B. English Reporter) , Delta Sigma Pi, YMCA New York, New York Oceanides, Smithwood I Music Ch. (Pub. Ch.) A.B. Zoology GARCIA, ROBERT H.
Marion A.B. Theatre & Interpretation IU Theatre, Delta Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, Pershing Rifles
New York, New York A.B. Journalism & Eng. Daily Student (City Ed. ) , Sigma Delta Chi, German Club
Fort Wayne A.B. Chemistry KAP
Kendallville A.B. Police Adm. Eli ( V-pres. ) , Lambda Alpha Epsilon ( Pres.) , Varsity Athletics
Muncie A.B. History Library Science Club
Oakland City B.S. Physics
Acton A.B. Social Science AWS Council, IU Fnd., Senate Adv. Brd., YWCA, WRH Exec. Brd. GAYDOSH, LAWRENCE JOHN
Richmond A.B. Slavic Studies ,VIC (Pres., Treas.) , Arbutus (Circ. Sup.) , Falcon Club, Sphinx Club
Indianapolis A.B. Spanish X11 ( Asst. Chp. Corres.) , Arbutus, Phi Sigma Iota, Union Board, YWCA
Beech Grove A.B. Journalism KE, Arbutus, Daily Student, Sigma Delta Chi, Singing Hoos.
South Bend A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta ( Treas.) , Delta Phi Alpha, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club
Plainfield A.B. Chemistry IU Young Republicans
HAMMOND, JAQUELINE CARLYEEN A.B. Fine Arts Intra-varsity Christian Fellowship Slottsburg A.B. Home Ec. HUNT, ROGER C.
Kappa Phi ( Pres. & Treas.) , Home Ec. Club, YWCA, Smithwood IV Cultural Ch.
New Harmony A.B. Geography Geography Club ( V-pres. and Treas.) , YMCA HARBIN, BILLY JOE
Acton A.B. Comparative Lit.
Bloomington B.S. Language Arts
New Castle A.B. Fine Arts KAO
East Chicago A.B. Police Adm. Flame Club, Lambda Alpha Epsilon, MRC Brd. of Goys., Unit Councils
Indianapolis B.S. Home Ec. LIB+ ( Homecoming) , Home Ec. Club, IU Col. Dem., St. Sec.-Treas. Ind. Home Ec. Assoc. JOHNSON, VERNARD LEONELL
Elkhart A.B. Sociology Kappa Alpha Psi, Chess Club, NAACP JONES, NANCY ELLEN
Evansville A.B. English KKI' (Pres.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, Mortar Board, Panhel ( V-pres. ) , IU Foundation JONES, RALPH HOWARD
Westfield, N. J. A.B. History
Silver Lake A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta, Skeleton Club JUDDAKIS, ISABEI NIJOLE
East Chicago B.S. Chemistry Cosmopolitan Club, IU Newman Club, Stu. Affi. of Am. Chem. Society KACER, DANIEL JOHN
Whiting A.B. Psychology Gamma Delta
Kendallville A.B. English
Michigan City A.B. History Phi Alpha Theta, Soc. Chrm., Cul. Ch., Treas. of Weatherwax House KEILMAN, DENNIS JUDE
Dyer A.B. Government IU Newman Club, IU Young Republicans, Unit Councils, MQ Unit 6 ( Treas.) KELLUM, KATHRYN ANN
Kokomo A.B. Journalism Daily Student, Gamma Alpha Chi ( Pres. ) , Theta Sigma Phi KEMP, SANDRA LEE
Anderson A.B. Home Ec. AXE ( Pres.) , AWS Brd. of Stand., Enomene ( Pres. ) , YWCA ( 1st V-pres. ) , IU Foundation KENNEDY, DAVID BOYD
Ann Arbor A.B. Economics
Fort Wayne A.B. Speech & Theatre HIED (Historian) , Theta Alpha Phi ( Sec.-Treas.) , Jordan River Revues KIMBROUGH, CHARLES MAYBERY
Highland Park, Illinois • A.B. Speech & Theatre Theta Alpha Phi, Singing Hoosiers KIRBY, ROBERT WARD
Indianapolis B.S. Geology Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Kapaa, Kaliai, Hawaii A.B. Zoology Hawaiian Club
New York, New York A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, Tomahawk, Cosmopolitan Club, Anthro. Club KOSATKA, JUDITH
Fox River Grove, Ill. A.B. Fine Arts IU Young Republicans, YWCA
B.S. EN, Singing Hoosiers
A.B. Economics Arnold Air Society, IU Collegiate Dem., German Club, Men Q 15 ( Ath. Ch.,) , Wesley Fnd.
Tai-Peh, Tai Wan
B.S. Social Service MCCABE, LARRY MIKE Social Service Club, Chinese Student Muncie Assoc. B.S. Radio & Television Radio & TV Club, N. Hall Friars ( Soc. Ch.) KULKA, STANLEY JOSEPH
East Orange, N.J.
A.B. Radio & TV Alpha Lambda Delta, IU Newman Club, Radio-TV Club ( Sec.) , Theta Sigma Phi MORRISON, STELLA MARGARET
B.S. Vocational Home Ec. Home Ec. Club, Omicron Nu MOSHAK, JOHN
A.B. Zoology
A.B. Zoology
A.B. Slavic Studies Slavic Club, IU Newman Club, Unit Councils, Friar Hall ( Treas. )
MCCOLLUM, SARAH ANN A.B. Journalism AAA, Union Comm. Ch., Daily Student
A.B. Home Ec. Home Ec. Club, Jr. Panhel, YWCA, AWS Spec. Proj. Comm. AAA LATOUR, EDWARD JOSEPH
B.S. Physics West Hall IV Social Chairman LAHEY, MAUREEN ANNETTE
A.B. English NAB Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA Cab., Y-Lines LAMBERT, G. JOY
Harvey, Illinois
A.B. Fine Arts Steering Com. Soph. Cotillion and Jr. Prom. LAKIND, BARRY
Fair Lawn, N. J.
A.B. History Hillel Fnd., Sphinx Club LANDES, CLIFFORD REIGN
A.B. Economics 4,40, Arbutus, Daily Student, Friar Hall ( Treas.), W. Hickory Hall ( Soc. Ch. ) , IU Young Republicans
Flossmoor, Ill.
A.B. English Student Senate, Com. on Philanthropic Endeay.
MARCONI, RICHARD DALE LAUTERBACH, LAWRENCE WALTER Hobart A.B. Biological Science South Bend A.B. Government MARTIN, BOB ALONZA TKE ( Pres. & Chaplain) , IFC, Scabbard & Blade, Skull & Crescent, Mount Vernon A.B. Chemistry Rifle Team ( Sgt. at Arms) LAYCOCK, JANETTE RUTH MARTIN, JANNA Wabash Downers Grove, Ill. A.B. Anatomy & Physiology A.B. History Alpha Epsilon Delta, YWCA 1. 4, 13 ( Student Coun.) LEBURKIEN, MICHAEL PHILIPE MARTIN, MARIAN ELIZABETH Gary Indianapolis A.B. Government ZBT (Sec.), Hillel ( Pres. & Treas. ) , A.B. Bacteriology AAA Pi Sigma Alpha, YMCA ( Coun. Position) MATHERS, GERALD B. II Hymera LEGG, JAMES CLIFTON A.B. History Windfall B.S. Physics MATSUNAMI, BETTY HIROKO ,DEK, Campus Christians, Haina, Hawaii Phi Eta Sigma, German Club, A.B. Bacteriology Protestant Stu. Coun. Alpha Lambda Delta, Hawaiian Club ( Sec.) LIEBERUM, CAROL ANN
A.B. English Alpha Lambda Delta, Folio, IU Newman Club LOCKERBIE, ARLINE MAE
North Judson
A.B. English Lit. NAB, ( Sch. Ch.) , Enomene, IU Collegiate Dem.
A.B. English Lit. 11134, ( Sch. Ch. & Hse. Ch.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, Enomene, IU Fnd., YWCA Cab., Exec. Sec. Stu. Body
South Bend
South Bend
A.B. Government IU Forum, Slavic Club, IU Collegiate Dem.
Winnetka, Illinois
A.B. Sociology Cosmopolitan Club ( Soc. Ch. ) , Social Work Club, Forum Club, IU Collegiate Dem.
A.B. Home Ec. EAT ( Song Leader, Historian) , Hillel
East Chicago
A.B. History Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Alpha Theta
A.B. Sociology AKA, Arbutus, NAACP, Pleiades, Sen. Asst., YWCA ( Hse. Council)
A.B. Am. Lit.
A.B. Zoology German Club, Student Leader, YMCA, Unit 6 ( Soc. Ch.)
B.S. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma ( Pres. ) Marching 100, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Evan. Un, Bre. Stu. Fshp. (Pres.)
Hollywood, Florida
A.B. Slavic Studies Slavic Club, Flame Club, Phi Eta Sigma, Tomahawk, West Hall 2 ( Soc. Ch.)
A.B. Sociology Memorial Hall Rec. Ch.
Memphis, Tennessee
Hutsonville, Illinois
A.B. English AZ, Arbutus, IU Young Repub., Sen. Asst., Jordan River Revue
AKA ( Soc. Ch.) , NAACP
A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Skeleton Club
A.B. English X0, Daily Student, YWCA
A.B. History Acacia, Jr. IFC, Delta Phi Alpha
A.B. Psychology EAE, Phi Chi, Scabbard and Blade, RAGLAND, PENELOPE ANNE Singing Hoosiers, YMCA Bloomington A.B. Geography OWEN, JOHN FREDERICK Alpha Lambda Delta, Belles, New Harmony Geography Club ( Sec. & V-pres.) A.B. Geography RAGLAND, THOMAS EDWARD Geography Club
B.S. Radio & TV EK ( Pres. ) , Belles, Radio & Television Club, Steering Committee
Crown Point
A.B. Zoology MRC Brd. of Govs. ( Pres.) , Jr. Union Brd., Athl. Usher ( Chm.) , West Hall Governor
A.B. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma ( Pres.) , Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching 100, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon
A.B. Fine Arts A.B. Journalism MUELLER, SONDRA Daily Student ( Assoc. Ed.) , Sigma Delta Chi, Square & Compass West Lafayette A.B. French and History Club ( Endr. & Pres.) Phi Sigma Iota, Sen. Asst., Alpha Lambda Delta, Union MCCULLOUGH, THOMAS F. Service Awd., Strikettes ( Pres., Logansport V-pres.) B.S. Radio & TV Radio & TV Club MUSGRAVE, MARY JANE
A.B. Government
Gary B.S. Home Ec.
South Bend
A.B. Am. Lit. Panhel, YWCA, Pleiades, LUNA, Panhel Rush Coun., Aud. Usher NAPPER, KARL FRANK
A.B. Zoology YMCA, Dodds House Social Chairman NASH, SHIRLEY ANN
A.B. Social Service Social Service Club, Oak Hall ( Rec. Chairman) NEED, DAVID JOHN
A.B. Physiology & Anatomy Alpha Epsilon Delta ( Pres.) , MQ Board of Governors, Sailing Club ( Comm.) NEESE, SANDRA ANNE
A.B. Government NESAULE, BEATE
A.B. Government Alpha Lambda Delta, Eta Sigma Phi, IU Forum, Pine Hall Corr. Adv. NEWMAN, JUSTINE
A.B. Anatomy & Physiology RE ( Pres.) , Alpha Epsilon Delta, Skull and Crescent, YMCA NIST, JOAN MARGARET
A.B. Comparative Lit. X!1, Alpha Lambda Delta, IU Newman Club NORTHRUP, JACK B.
South Bend
B.S. Med. Tech. Alpha Delta Theta, NAACP, Wesley Foundation OLSON, FRANKLIN DON
A.B. Geology
A.B. English Lit. Alpha Lambda Delta, IU Fnd., Eta Sigma Phi, Union Steer. Com ., NAB
A.B. History Cosmopolitan Club, Hawaiian Club (V-pres.) , Trees Cntr. Brd. of Govs., Unit Coun., Linden ( Gov.)
B.S. Geology Square & Compass Club, Trees Cntr., Arts Coun., Linden West Sch. Ch.
A.B. History
Anahola, Hawaii
B.S. Geology EN ( Sec. ) , Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma, Sailing Club, Stu. Elec. Commis.
B.S. Radio & TV Radio & TV Club, Marching 100, MQ Brd. of Govs., Union Committee Ch.
A.B. Economics Real Estate Club, Falcon Club, Phi Eta Sigma PATTERSON, KEITH ALDEN
Crown Point
B.S. Physics Campus Christians, Flame Club, Todd House ( Sch. Ch.) PEACHER, JERRY LEE
REYNARD, MARY JO B.S. Med. Tech. Alpha Delta Theta
B.S. Radio & TV Cosmopolitan Club, Radio & TV Club, Alpha Delta Sigma RIESMEYER, JAMES FRANK
Wonewoc, Wisconsin
A.B. History Unit Councils, Hall House Sch. Ch., Phi Alpha Theta
A.B. Chemistry III, Alpha Chi Sigma, Sphinx Club
B.S. Physics
B.S. Physics Acacia Pico, CLARENCE WAYNE
A.B. Philosophy EN ( Sch. Adv.) , Marching 100 PINKHAM, CHESTER ALLEN III
A.B. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma PIRIE, ROBERT GORDON
Dundas, Ontario, Canada B.S. Geology
A.B. Journalism AEII, Daily Student ( Ngt. Ed., Assoc. Ed., Asst. Ed.) , Pyle-ettes (Sec.) , IU Col. Dem. ( V-pres.) POHLMANN, WILLIAM CLARK
A.B. Economics EAE, Phi Beta Kappa, Marketing Club, Scabbard & Blade ( Pres.) , Stu. Supreme Ct.
B.S. Geology Cosmopolitan Club, IU Flying Club, Sigma Gamma Epsilon POL/VKA, JUDITH MARIE Hinsdale, Illinois NUSBAUM, JO ANN A.B. Fine Arts Lancaster, Ohio AOII ( Record. Sec.) , Pleiades, A.B. French IU Foundation, Sm. Ath. Comm. NAB ( House Mgr.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, POOLITSAN, MARY CATHERINE Phi Sigma Iota Bloomington OGLESBY, MABEL IRENE
Beaver, Pennsylvania
A.B. Spanish Smth. 4 Corridor Adv., Spanish Club, Phi Sigma Iota ROSER, MARILYN CLAIRE
Fort Wayne
A.B. Government AOII ( Treas.) , Pleiades, Senatorial Assts., YWCA ROSSIN, ELINOR
A.B. Spanish Sycamore Hall Sec., WRH Judicial Board
A.B. Psychology Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Chi, Ana RUFF, MORRIS EARL
A.B. Fine Arts Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching 100, Unit Councils, Linden Hall Ath. Ch. RUSSELL, VICTOR HERBERT Lapel A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Ell ( Sec.) , Little 500, Skeleton Club, Phi Beta Pi SACOPULOUS, EUGENIA
A.B. Zoology NAB
A.B. English Delta Sigma Rho ( Sec.) , IU Col. Democrats, Unit Councils, Pine Hall Pres., WRH Exec. Brd.
A.B. Speech & Hearing Therapy AZ ( Soc. Ch., 1st V-pres.) , Campus Christians, Speech & Hearing Club, YWCA, A.C.E.
A.B. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club
Georgetown A.B. History AZ, Blue Key, Board of Aeons, Campus Christians, Mortar Board, Student Sen. SANDS, JAMES WILMINGTON
Kempton Lafayette A.B. English A.B. Speech & Theatre A FA ( Treas.) , Mortar Board, AWS Brd. of Standards, AWS Coun., Mortar Board, Smth. I Pres., Enomene, Pleiades, YWCA IU Foundation, WRH Exec. Brd. STOVE, JEANNE LORRAINE
Nassau, Bahama, B. W./. B.S. Med. Tech. Cosmopolitan Club, Laurel Hall ( Sch. Ch.)
Indianapolis A.B. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma
Newcastle A.B. Bacteriology Alpha Lambda Delta, Pine Hall Pres., WRH Exec. Board
West Terre Haute A.B. Zoology IU Foundation, MRHA Exec. Brd., Stu. Ath. Comm., Baron Manor Gov., V-pres. Brd. of Goys.
Indianapolis A.B. Spanish 2',AT
Jasper A.B. English Lit. KA 0, IU Orchestra
Fort Wayne A.B. Social Service Social Service Club, Wesley Foundation, Smth. 2 House Mgr. SCHMIDT, LINDE LAWIEN
Fort Wayne A.B. Chemistry 11114, ( Treasurer ) , Enomene, Pleiades, Mortar Board, Stu. Senate, Stu. Supreme Ct. SCHON, JAMES LEE
Fort Wayne A.B. Government IU Forum ( Pres., V-pres., Treas.) , Linden East SCHOOLEY, DAVID J.
Auburn A.B. Physics 11011 ( Treas.) , IU Newman Club, Little 500 SCHOWE, GLENN ALLEN
Jeffersonville A.B. Economics KAP ( Pres.) , Arbutus (Org. Ed., Asst. Mg. Ed.) , Male Director, YMCA
Warren A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club, Wesley Foundation SMITH, EVRETT F. E. Greensburg A.B. Physiology & Anatomy SMITH, GENE WILLIAM
New Albany A.B. Zoology
Bloomington A.B. Linguistics Alpha Lambda Delta, Student Senate, Student Sup. Ct., Pamarada, YWCA ( Treas.) SMITH, PATSY JO
Salem A.B. Speech & Hearing Therapy, EAT, Mortar Board, Pleiades (Pres.), Speech & Hearing Club, YWCA Cab. Ch. Pub. Affairs, LUNA STRAW, WILLIAM THOMAS
Griffin B.S. Geology Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma
Kokomo A.B. Chemistry
Shelbyville B.S. Radio & TV Gamma Alpha Chi, Senatorial Asst., Theta Sigma Phi ( Soc. Ch.) , YWCA Cab., Radio-TV Guild STRICKLAND, JERALD WAYNE
Princeton B.S. Optometry Falcon Club, Omega Epsilon Phi
STRICKLAND, JILL ELIZABETH Milan Indianapolis B.S. Home Ec. Home Ec. Club, Smth. 3 Corr. Adv. A.B. English Lit. K A 0 ( Pres.) , Mortar Board, AWS Brd. of Standards, IU Fnd. SMITH, RONALD HALDEMAN (V-pres.) , Panhel, Student Kokomo Sup. Court A.B. Government SNYDER, KAY
Logansport B.S. Radio-TV ATO, ( Pres., Rush Ch.) , IFC, IU Foundation, Phi Eta Sigma, Sphinx Club, YMCA Cab. WAGNER, JU LIA COURTLAND
Excelsior, Minnesota A.B. Journalism Daily Student
Indianapolis A.B. English ANNE TURNER ( Treas.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, WAGONER, Bloomington YWCA, Delta Phi Alpha SCHRENK, GEORGE LOUIS A.B. Eng. Lit. Seymour AP, F.T.A., Alpha Lambda Delta, SUMMERS, WILLIAM DEAN B.S. Physics Arbutus Fort Wayne Phi Eta Sigma SNYDER, NORMAN KARL A.B. Journalism Lebanon WAGONER, DALE EUGENE Daily Student ( Ngt. Ed., Circ. SCHROEDER, SANDRA KAY A.B. Government Mgr.) , Sigma Delta Chi ( V-pres.), Bloomington Fort Wayne D1, 111 ( V-pres.), Falcon Club, A.B. Music IM Sports. Campus Masons A.B. Comparative Lit. Varsity Debate Club, Jr. IFC, Acacia ( Hse. Mgr.) , Scabbard & 11B el, ( Pres.) , Pleiades, Panhel, IU Young Republicans Blade, Skull & Crescent, SUTTON, RICHARD ALAN Mortar Board, YWCA, Union Sphinx Club Coatesville Comm. Ch., IU Stu. Publ. Comm. SOHN, ANTON PAUL A.B. Sociology Indianapolis WALTON, THELMA PEARL ( Historian) , Falcon Club SCHUELKE, PHYLLIS ANN A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Loogootee Fort Wayne Alpha Epsilon Delta, IU Young TALBOT, SARA DAVIDSON A.B. Home Ec. B.S. Vocational Home Ec. Republicans, Sphinx Club ( Sec.), South Bend ALI ( Soc. Ch.) , Wesley Omicron Nu ( Pres.) , Pi Lambda YMCA ( Exec. Comm.) , +AO A.B. English Foundation, Home Ec. Club Theta ( Rec. Sec.) Oak Hall Cul. Ch., Walnut SPRENGELMEYER, JAMES Hall AWS Rep. WATT, BARBARA LORRAINE SCHULER, SUE ANN Hammond Fountaintown Cincinnati, Ohio TALESNICK, NORA JANE A.B. Physiology & Anatomy A.B. Journalism A.B. Art History Indianapolis 4, KT ( Treas.) , French Club, Campus Christians, Daily Student KA 0 ( Record Sec.) Alpha Epsilon Delta, Crimson Bull, A.B. Social Service (Ed-in-chief) , IU Fnd., Enomene, Social Service Club ( Pres.), SCHUMACHER, RICHARD RARDIN Junior Prom Theta Sigma Phi ( Pres.) Hillel ( Corres. Sec.) Elkhart A.B. Anatomy & Physiology WEASNER, PAUL DEAN S T. LEGER, FRANCIS WM. HUGH TAMCSIN, DAWN EDITH Alpha Epsilon Delta, Seymour Bloomington Shaker Heights, Ohio Skeleton Club, OX A.B. Math A.B. Slavic Studies A.B. Sociology AXA, Slavic Club, YMCA, Xli ( Pres.) , Enomene ( V-pres.) , WEBB, MILDRED ELIZABETH SCUDDER, VIRGIL ELMER Singing Hoosiers Indianapolis Bloomington Pleiades, Panhel, Jr. Panhel, A.B. Journalism A.B. Radio & TV Pres. Cab. S T. MARTIN, RONALD FRANCIS TKE ( V-pres.), Kappa Kappa Psi, Bloomington Daily Student, IU Foundation, TAN, BINKY Theta Sigma Phi Marching 100, Radio & TV Club A.B. Economics Manila, Philippines Rifle Team, I-Men's Assoc. SCHWALBE, LOUISE A.B. Sociology WEBER, LUISE MARDEL East Orange, N. J. Jell ersonville STAGGS, STEPHEN DOUGLAS TAYLOR, PATRICIA LEE A.B. Astronomy B.S. Home Ec. Buffalo, New York Greenfield Kirkwood Society Home Ec. Club, YWCA, Pine A.B. Zoology B.S. Med. Tech. Cul. Ch., Aud. Usher Corps., IU Young Republicans SEIDENSTICKER, HELEN Alpha Delta Theta ( Pres., Jud. Inter-Var. Chr. Felshp. Indianapolis STARK, RONALD L. Bd.) , YWCA, Memorial ( Treas.) A.B. French WEINSTEIN, PHILIP B. Crothersville THOMAS, PATRICIA ARNOLD AP ( Pres.) , Mortar Board, Indianapolis A.B. Psychology Fort Wayne A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Cosmopolitan Club, NAACP Panhellenic A.B. Literature Alpha Epsilon Delta, Falcon Club SEWARD, BEAUDETTE R. Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha STECKLEY, SUZANNE CRAMER Rockville Lambda Delta, Dragonettes, WELLMAN, GENE M. Kendallville A.B. Spanish Pamarada ( Pres.) , Homecoming Hammond A.B. English Memorial Corridor Advisor, B.S. Pre-Dent Comm. SK ( Sec.) , Jr. Panhel, YWCA, 4-, M (Rush Ch.) Usher Corps SHAW, GAIL ELLEN
Cloverdale B.S. Social Science KA ( Pres.) , Mortar Board, IU Foundation, Pleiades, YWCA, Panhellenic
Griffith A.B. English Arbutus ( Ed-in-chief ) , Adv. Club, Enomene, Gamma Alpha Chi, Senate Advisory Board
Princeton A.B. Anatomy & Physiology Indianapolis Alpha Epsilon Delta, Jr. Interf rat. A.B. Radio & TV `,.'FE ( Pres.) , Soph. Male Dir., IFC, Council ( Treas.), Skeleton Club, Skull & Crescent, Stu. Ath. Comm., Union Comm. Ch. Union Comm. Ch.
Terre Haute A.B. Economics Pres. of Stud. Body, Pres. of Jr. Class, Blue Key, IU Foundation, Board of Aeons
Winchester A.B. Journalism Daily Student ( Camp. Ed.) , Theta Sigma Phi ( Treas.) , WRH Exec. Bed., Cedar ( Pres.)
South Bend B.S. Chemistry Student Affiliate of Am. Chem. Society
Evansville A.B. Art History X0, Belles, IU Orchestra, Sigma Alpha iota ( Soc. Ch.)
Whiting A.B. Sociology Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Kappa Delta, Enomene, FacultyStud. Rel. Comm.
Schenectady, New York Elmhurst, Illinois B.S. Radio TV B.S. Home Ec. A Xlt, Home Ec. Club, Union Brd. Comm., YWCA, Memorial Sch. Ch. WILLITS, SUZANNE RAY Grabill B.S. Home Ec. TURNER, KENNETH JEROME AAA ( Soc. Ch.) , Home Ec. Club Warsaw A.B. Government ( Pres.) , YWCA MQ Brd. of Goys., Unit Councils, WINTER, DOYLE GENE Hall House Governor Bloomington UHLES, EDWARD C., JR. A.B. Government Whiting Board of Aeons, Stud. Sup. Ct. A.B. History ( Ch. Justice) , Stud. Sen. Speaker, Marching 100, Spelunking Club, 1U Fnd., Blue Key Varsity Ath., MQ I ( Soc. Ch.) , WISNER, CAROLYN ANN Concert Band Indianapolis B.S. Med. Tech. VAN SENUS, ROBERT A. Alpha Delta Theta, Alpha Hammond A.B. Anatomy Lambda Delta, Arbutus, YWCA, Enomene, ZTA ( Corr. Sec.) IU Young Republicans, YMCA, Square & Compass Club, WISNIEWSKI, STAN E. Freshman Football East Chicago VARKONY, JOANN CAROLE A.B. Math Cincinnati, Ohio YMCA, IU Newman Club, A.B. English Lit. Social Service Club IU Young Republicans, YWCA, WOLFE, JOSEPH ANDREW Union Comm. Ch., Jordan River, Akron, Ohio B.S. Optometry Omega Delta WADE, DOUGLAS MCALLISTER Indianapolis WOLFE, RONALD CLIFTON A.B. History Liberty ( House Mgr.) , Insurance A.B. Government Club, IFC, Sen. Asst., Singing AT (Publications Ch.) , IU Hoosiers ( Bus. Mgr.) Young Republicans, Sen. Asst. WOOLDRIDGE, CORRINE RUTH
Bloomington A.B. Zoology Alpha Epsilon Delta, German Club, YWCA, Chapel Guild ( Sec.) , Weatherwax ( Sec.) WOOLLS, ESTHER BLANCHE
Jeffersonville A.B. Fine Arts
Loogootee A.B. Psychology
Huntingburg B.S. Home Ec. Home Ec. Club
Anderson A.B. Pre-Med
Marion A.B. Economics
Bloomington A.B. Anthropology Anthropology Club, Freshman Football ZATORSKI, JEFF
Hammond A.B. Chemistry Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
Benton Harbor, Michigan B.S. Insurance EA St ( Historian), Falcon Club, Hillel Foundation ALLEN, ROBERT L. Bloomington B.S. General Business AMA, III Young Republicans, ATA, Singing Hoosiers, Wesley Foundation, YMCA ALLEN, ROBERT SPENCER
Evansville B.S. Public Business Admin. AX ( Soc. Ch.), Jr. IFC, Sailing Club, YMCA, Sphinx Club ALLING, JAMES WINSLOW
Evanston, Illinois B.S. General Business AT ( President) , Arbutus, Skull and Crescent, YMCA ALMON, JAMES EARL
Owensville B.S. Finance Accounting Club
Fort Wayne B.S. Accounting
B.S. General Business
B.S. General Business Skull and Crescent, Scabbard and Blade, YMCA, Jr. Interfrat. Council
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM, Delta Sigma Pi
B.S. Finance Arbutus ( Business Mgr.) , Blue Key, Dragon's Head, Falcon Club, Senatorial Assistants
B.S. Accounting Alpha Kappa Psi, MRC Bd. of Gov., BAUER, JOHN THOMAS Stud. Election Comm., West Hall 4 Indianapolis B.S. Management ( Gov.,Sec., Treas.) LAM, Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching 100, YMCA ANTHONY, JAMES LEROY
B.S. Marketing SAM, Marketing Club, Sailing Club, YMCA, Todd House ( Treas.) ANTRIM, ROBIN JOSEPH
Warsaw B.S. Management
Wilmington, Delaware
B.S. Personnel Management /AM, Pershing Rifles, YMCA, Little United Nations Assembly, Little 500 BECKER, IRWIN ALLEN
OX ( V-pres.) , Jr. IFC ( V-pres. ) , Stud. Ath. Comm., Pershing Rifles, Sphinx Club ( Pres. )
B.S. Marketing EX, Alpha Kappa Psi, Marketing Club, Falcon Club, I.U. Young Rep., Scabbard and Blade ARMSTRONG, KENNETH JAMES
B.S. General Business
B.S. Secretarial Training Arbutus, Omicron Delta BABER, JOHN LEWIS
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club BADIAC, BRUCE ALLEN
Fort Wayne
B.S. General Business EAM BAER, JERRY W.
Miami Beach, Florida
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Hillel Fnd., IU Fnd., Scabbard and Blade, Union Comm. Chairman BAKER, BRUCE HART
B.S. Insurance IN ( Pledge Trainer) , Insurance Club, YMCA BALES, ROBERT HENRY
B.S. Management Alpha Kappa Psi BALLENTINE, ROBERT JAMES
B.S. Marketing /AM, Arbutus, Hillel Foundation
B.S. Marketing SAM, Marketing Club BECKETT, GEORGE LOGAN
B.S. Finance AX ( Treas.) , Alpha Kappa Psi, Skull and Crescent, Stud. Elect. Comm., Finance Club ( Pres.) BENHAM, RICHARD ERVIN
B.S. Marketing 1AM, Marketing Club BEREOLOS, JAMES PETER
BARNES, RONALD H. B.S. Insurance Falcon Club ( V-pres.) , I-Men's Ass'n., IFC, Skull and Crescent BARNETT, EDDIE GENE
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club BARON, LARRY WAYNE
B.S. Marketing BON ( Soc. Ch., Intramural Ch.) , Falcon Club, IU Young Republicans YMCA BARR, JACK BARRY
B.S. Management
B.S. Marketing TKE, Marketing Club
B.S. Management YMCA, SAM
BONE, DAVID ALEXANDER, JR. Gary B.S. Management Westminster Foundation ( President) , ./4,E
Winnetka, Illinois
B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Bd. of Aeons, ( V-pres. ) , MRHA Exec. Bd. ( Treas.) , Phi Eta Sigma ( Pres. ) , W. Hall ( Gov. ) BERKSHIRE, JAMES ALLEN
B.S. General Business Scabbard and Blade, Linden Hall ( Treas. )
B.S. Marketing OX ( President) , Falcon Club, Sphinx Club, YMCA, Marketing Club BORMAN, MARY ELLEN
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta, YWCA, FTA, Alpha Gamma Delta ( House Mgr.) BORTON, LARRY J.
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, North Maple Hall ( Secretary)
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club
South Bend
B.S. Production Management /4, E, Sailing Club, SAM
Hanover, New Jersey B.S. Marketing Marketing Club
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Collegiate Democrats BARRETT, JACK EDWARD
B.S. Personnel Management /AM
B.S. Accounting B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club, Accounting Club Falcon Club (Bowling Sec.) , Hillel Foundation, IFC ( V-pres., BIGGS, ROBERT MILLER Corres. Sec.)
B.S. Finance SAM, Wesley Foundation, Finance Club
Louisville, Kentucky
B.S. Transportation IU Flying Club ( Pres., Treas., Director) , Transportation Club
B.S. Management
B.S. Marketing Management Club, Marketing Club, IU Young Rep., YMCA, Real Estate Club, +AO ( Soc. Ch.) CORTELYOU, LINDA LOU
B.S. General Business SAM, Real Estate Club, Marketing Club, Accounting Club
B.S. Marketing Cosmopolitan Club, Marketing Club, IU Newman Club
B.S. Accounting O ( Treas. ) , Accounting Club, Jr. Interfrat. Coun., Skull and Crescent, Sphinx Club
Colon, Rep. of Panama
B.S. Marketing XS-2 ( Personnel Ch.) , YWCA
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, IU Young Republicans, Skull and Crescent, Stud. Ath. Comm.
B.S. Marketing
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Newman Club, SAM
Bangkok, Thailand
B.S. Marketing Senatorial Assistants, Union Comm. Ch.
BIEL, KENT MELLOR Terre Haute B.S. Finance Finance Club
B.S. Marketing
West Deal, New Jersey
B.S. Business Education BB+, AWS Board of Standards, AWS Council, IU Collegiate Democrats, Omicron Delta
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM, Photography Club
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma ( Pres. ) , Radio and TV Club, Radio and TV Guild, Scabbard and Blade
+PA ( Treas. ) , Beta Gamma Sigma, YMCA
CHASTAIN, WILLIAM NELSON B.S. Marketing KE ( House Mgr., Rush Chairman ) , New Albany B.S. Business Chemistry Alpha Phi Omega, Marketing Club Alpha Chi Sigma, American Chemical Society, SAM, Alpha BOYLI., ROBERT CLAUDE Terre Haute Chi Sigma ( V-pres., Pres., Treas. ) B.S. Marketing CHEESBROUGH, LEON R. Marketing Club, Tomahawk, Overland Park, Kansas Hickory Hall ( Treas. ) B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, BROOKE, JAMES LAUER Accounting Club Plymouth B.S. Accounting Accounting ( Pres.) , SAM, Student CHEW, PHILLIP B. Union City Advisory Council, Lowe House B.S. Marketing ( Treas.)
South Bend
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Management I-Men's Ass'n., IU Newman Club, Varsity Athletics, Dodds House ( Ath. Ch.) ,
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, Acacia ( Treas. )
Royal Center
B.S. General Business KE ( Pres. ) , Sr. Class Dir., B.S. Accounting Interfrat. Council, MQ Board of (Alumni Sec.), Accounting Club Gov., Sphinx Club CELLINI, LAWRENCE BENVENUTO COON, EMERY ELLIS, JR. Chicago, Illinois Kokomo B.S. Marketing AX, Arnold Air Society, Marching B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Finance Club, 100, University Bands, Marketing YMCA Club, Little 500
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, MQ Board of Governors, Dewey House ( Governor)
BANZIGER, MILTON ROBERT B.S. Management Alpha Kappa Psi LAM, ( Director of Personnel ) ,
Aberdeen, South Dakota
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, YMCA
South Bend
CARLTON, DAVID WILLIAM Sheridan COHEN, RONALD SHELDON B.S. Marketing B.S. Marketing Lafayette Marketing Club, Falcon Club, B.S. Accounting Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club Jr. Interfraternity Council, EAM ( Pres. ) , Hillel Fnd., Jr. Skull and Crescent BLOOM, MARIAN JEAN Interfrat. Council, Sen. Assist., Chicago, Illinois Skull and Crescent CARPENTER, JERRY LEE B.S. Business Education Argot IU Newman Club, Omicron Delta, COLE, PETER STRATTON B.S. Insurance YWCA, AWS Bowling League, La Porte Smithwood II Corridor Advisor B.S. Marketing CASSADY, KENNETH WAYNE BLACKBURN, JAMES RICHARD
Chicago, Illinois
Fort Wayne
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta, YWCA, FTA, Sycamore Hall ( Corridor Advisor)
B.S. Marketing Blue Key ( Sec.) , Board of Aeons, Union Board ( V-pres.) , YMCA (Council)
B.S. Marketing Alpha Phi Omega, Class Officer ( Sergeant-at-Arms)
B.S. Insurance Insurance Club, IU Young Republicans, Unit Councils, Lowe House ( Treasurer )
B.S. General Business /AM, Scabbard and Blade, Tomahawk, YMCA
Wheaton, Illinois
B.S. Accounting Auditorium Usher, MQ ( Soc. Ch.) CLARK, JAMES SAMUEL
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, IU Collegiate Democrats CLARKE, JOHN PATRICK
South Bend
B.S. Accounting MQ Board of Governors, Accounting Club CLEARY, DOLORES JEANNETTE
Terre Haute
B.S. General Business Jr. Interfraternity Council, Sailing Club, Varsity Athletics CUMMINS, GEORGE SMITH, JR.
B.S. Real Estate Scabbard and Blade, Real Estate Club, SAM, Marketing Club
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Transportation Transportation Club ( Sec.) , SAM
B.S. General Business IU Young Republicans, Varsity Ath. DAVID, NANCY ANN
B.S. Business Education KM', Omicron Delta, YWCA (Sec.) DAVIS, RICHARD JOE
B.S. Marketing Falcon Club, Scabbard and Blade DEAM, DONNER MCKINLEY
B.S. Finance Finance Club ( V-pres. ) , Trees Center ( Arts Council Pres. ) , Rogers ( Sec.)
B.S. Insurance ATC2 ( Wor. Sent.) , Dragon's Head, I-Men's Ass'n., Stud. Ath. Comm., Unit Coun., Var. Ath., YMCA
B.S. Personnel Management SAM, IU Newman Club, Sailing Club
B.S. Production Management IU Young Republicans, SAM, Sigma Iota Epsilon
Mt. Carmel, Illinois
B.S. Marketing B.S. Accounting Delta Sigma Pi ( Pres.) , Flame Club Accounting Club, IU Young Republicans ( Sgt.-at-Arms) , Stud. Ath. Comm. ( Sec.) , MRC ( Soc. Coord.) EASTER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Peru DENNY, JERRY A. B.S. Marketing Columbus Marketing Club, Society B.S. Marketing Advancement of Management DENNY, JOSEPH CHARLES EASTRIDGE, CHARLES JOSEPH Columbus English B.S. Business Management B.S. Finance Bell, Arnold Air Society, SAM, Finance Club Singing Hoosiers, YMCA ( Public Relations Dir.) EDE, JAMES C. Knox DENUNZIO, DAVID L. B.S. Marketing Riverside, California SAM B.S. Accounting Accounting Club EDMONDSON, FRANK KELLEY Bloomington DICKMAN, KENNETH GEORGE B.S. Gen. Business Admin. Indianapolis ,DICT ( Rush Ch.) , Sphinx Club, B.S. Personnel Management Arnold Air Soc., Interfrat. Council, 4■ IK ( Social Ch. ) , Jr. Interfrat. IU Young Republicans, YMCA Coun., Sphinx Club, YMCA DILL, RAMON FINLEY
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, SAM DILLON, ROBERT KENZIE, JR.
B.S. Marketing Scabbard and Blade (V-pres.), Sphinx Club ( V-pres.) , YMCA (Ch. ) , Union Comm. Ch., SAE ( Sec. ) DITLINGER, DONALD EDWARD
North Vernon
B.S. Business IU Newman Club DIVINE, JACK VERN
La Porte
B.S. Personnel Management Wesley Foundation, SAM, Square and Compass Club, MRC Glee Club DOTSON, GERALD DANE
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, Marketing Club, SAM DOTTENWHY, RICHARD EDWARD
B.S. Gen. Business Admin. IU Fnd., Stud. Ath. Comm. (Treas.), YMCA ( Rec.) , Jr. Prom Steering Comm. ( Soc. Ch. ) EICKMAN, CHARLES HARRY
B.S. Business Education ( V-pres., Philanthropy Ch.) , Panhell, Pres.'s Cab., YWCA, ILIs Rush Coun. DOWNER, JOHN D.
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, IU Young Republicans, YMCA DOYLE, JOSEPH RAYMOND
B.S. Marketing <I3 X. ( V-pres., Rush Ch.) , IU Newman Club, Sphinx Club, Marketing Club DOYLE, THOMAS EDWARD
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing Alpha Kappa Psi ( V-pres.) , Marketing Club, SAM ( Pres., V-pres. of Pub.) , Hoosier Cts. ( Coun.) DUE, OSCAR ELSWORTH
Sandborn B.S. Accounting
Accounting Club, Phi Eta Sigma DUNINGAN, WARREN DEVON
Coal City
B.S. Management
New Albany
B.S. General Business Falcon Club, IU Fnd., Sphinx Club, St. Comm. of Little U.N. Assoc., Gen. Ch. of Gr. Wk.
B.S. Marketing AT ( Alumni Relations) , Marketing Club, Advertising Club, Marching 100
B.S. Finance Jr. Interfrat. Coun., Little 500
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club ENOCH, JOHN GORDON
B.S. Marketing U1'B( V-pres.) , Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club, YWCA ERWIN, ROSE ANN Columbus B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta ETTER, THOMAS PETER
B.S. Gen. Business Admin. SAM, Geography Club, Newman Club FACKLER, WILLIAM N.
Fort Wayne
B.S. Business Admin. Trees Cent. Bd. of Gov's. ( Sec. ) , Hickory West ( Gov. ) , MRHA Exec. Bd., Marketing Club, Trans. Club
B.S. Secretarial Training AOH ( Pres., Rush Ch.) , Omicron Delta ( V-pres.) , YWCA
B.S. Business Administration Alpha Kappa Psi
B.S. Accounting Trees Center Bd. of Gov. ( Schol. Ch.) , Hickory ( Gov.)
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club ( Sec., Treas.) , Theta Alpha Phi, Modern Dance Workshop FINKE, ROBERT HAROLD
B.S. Management SAM
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Delta Sigma Pi, SAM GILCRIST, PHILIP MYRON
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Advertising, B.S. Marketing A MY ( Soc. Ch.) , Jr. Interfrat. Coon., I-Men's Assoc., Varsity Athletics, SAM Skull and Crescent, YMCA
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, IU Young Republicans, YMCA
ELWOOD, RICHARD B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Accounting Club, Beta Alpha Psi
Terre Haute
B.S. Personnel Management SAM
New Albany
B.S. Insurance EAE ( Rush Ch., Soc. Chi , Falcon Club, YMCA, Stud. Ath. Comm., Gr. Wk. Comm.
B.S. Gen. Business Administration I-Men's Assoc., IU Young Republicans, Scabbard and Blade, Varsity Athletics
B.S. Personnel Management 11011 ( V-pres., Soc. Ch. ) , SAM
B.S. Marketing Falcon Club, Marketing Club ( V-pres. )
B.S. Business-Journalism Daily Student
B.S. Real Estate ( V-pres., Scholarship Ch.) , Arnold Air Soc., Sphinx Club, YMCA ( Sec.)
B.S. Personnel Management Real Estate Club, IU Young Rep's., Sphinx Club, YMCA, SAM
B.S. Accounting
B.S. Marketing ZBT (Public Relations Comm. Ch.), Hillel Foundation, YMCA, Greek Week Discussion Leader
B.S. Marketing Arbutus, Marketing Club, ILT Fnd., Pamarada, Stud. Ath. Comm. FITZGERALD, GERALD LEE
Hans mond
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Advertising Club FORD, GERALD L.
B.S. General Business ATA ( V-pres.) , Transportation Club ( V-pres.) , Interfrat. Coun., Sen. Assist., Skull and Crescent FORSHA, CHARLES EDWARD
B.S. Transportation Transportation Club FOWLER, EUGENE CHARLES
B.S. General Business Sr. Class Treas., Falcon Club (Pres.) , Interfrat Council, Outstanding Junior Award GISH, BART LEON
New Palestine
B.S. Personnel Management Management Club, Gamma Delta (Pres.) , TKE, AFROTC Precision Drill Team
B.S. Accounting
.:1)K ( V-pres. ) , SAM, Little 500, Falcon Club, IU Newman Club GRANDE, DONALD IRVING
B.S. Finance ZBT ( Sec.) , Interfrat. Coun. (Ch. of Jud. Brd.) , Sen. Assist., Stud. Ath. Comm., YMCA (Cab. Memb.) GRANDSON, JEAN TAYLOR
B.S. Fine Art Smithwood ( Art Chairman) GRAY, MAX LEE
B.S. Marketing Flame Club, Tomahawk, Marketing Club GRAY, ROBERT WINGFIELD
Huntington, West V a.
B.S. Finance +K.* ( Treasurer) , Arnold Air Soc., I-Men's Ass'n. ( V-pres. ) , Varsity Athletics GREBE, MARLYN JOYCE
B.S. Business Education KM` ( Treasurer) , Omicron Delta, AWS (Charm Clinic) GREENBALL, MELVIN NEAL
B.S. Accounting Arbutus, Beta Gamma Sigma, Hillel Foundation, AEII ( Treas.) , Beta Alpha Psi (Charter Applicant ) GREENWALD, WILLIAM LOUIS
Mansfield, Ohio
B.S. Marketing AEII ( Treas.) , Arbutus, Beta Gamma Sigma, Hillel End., GREGORY, ORVILLE WILSON
B.S. Accounting
B.S. Accounting Unit Councils, Trees Center (Soc. Co-ord.) , Rogers ( Sec., Hist.) , Hickory ( Soc. Ch. )
B.S. Marketing Freshmen Swimming Team, Ziff GLAZIER, HARRY
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Marketing Club, Hillel Foundation
B.S. Gen. Business Administration `:AE, SAM, Arnold Air Society, YMCA GRIFFITH, ALLEN LELAND
B.S. Gen. Business Administration GROSTEFON, JACK RUSSELL
Star City
B.S. Transportation Transportation Club, SAM
Michigan City
GLENN, TOM ALEXANDER GROVE, JERRY EARL B.S. Accounting Washington Accounting Club, MRHA Exec. Bd., Huntington B.S. Marketing B.S. Marketing MQ Bd. of Gov., Lowe House Alpha Delta Sigma, Advertising Jr. Class ( Male Dir.) , IU Found., ( Gov. ) , MQ ( V-pres.) MAE ( House Manager, Treasurer) , MRHA Exec. Bd. ( V-pres. ) , MQ Club, Marketing Club Brd. of Go ys. ( Pres.) , Laurel FOWLER, RONALD K. (Council) Anderson GMEREK, MARION JOAN B.S. Gen. Business Admin. Whiting GRUNEWALD, JAMES FRANKLIN Marketing Club, IU Young Rep. B.S. Accounting Dyer Unit Council, MQ ( V-pres., Sec. Omicron Delta, Accounting Club B.S. Marketing Council, Sec. ) , Forum Club FRIEND, EDWARD ISAAC
B.S. Marketing Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade, Skull and Crescent, Union Comm. Ch., YMCA
B.S. Management MRC ( Athletic Chairman, Glee Club) , North Hall ( Athletic Manager)
B.S. Marketing KM (Rush Ch. ) , SAM, Marketing Club
South Bend
B.S. Business Education AMI ( Rush Ch.) , Arbutus, AWS Committees, Union Comm. ( Ch.) , SNEA
GAGE, FREDERICK HOWARD (Rush Ch., Soc. Ch., Steward), Albion B.S. Accounting Marching 100, Pershing Rifles, Accounting Club Skull and Crescent
Jamaica, New York
Griffith B.S. Management
GOLDBERG, HOWARD Paterson, New Jersey W inamac FAHEY, KENNETH THOMAS B.S. Marketing B.S. General Business Brookfield, Illinois 2'X (V-pres.) , Senior Class ( Pres.), Marketing Club, Student B.S. Gen. Business Admin. Marketing Club, Little 500 President's Cabinet, Sphinx Club, Radio and TV Club ( Summer Ch.) , Student Senate WFIU Staff Announcer, Trees GOLDBERG, STEPHEN R OSS Cent. Arts Coun. LaPorte FURLONG, TIMOTHY B.S. Finance New Albany FARA, THOMAS RAY Hillel Foundation, Scabbard B.S. Real Estate La Porte and Blade, ZBT ( V-pres.) ( Pres., Sec.) B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club, GOODMAN, WILMA SUE FURR, MAR JORIE ANN Advertising Club FELDER, GEORGE FRANK JR.
B.S. Accounting ( Treasurer) , Accounting Club, Omicron Delta GORDON, CHARLES ELWOOD
B.S. Gen. Business Administration SAM, Marketing Club, YMCA, MQ (Glee Club )
Barrigada, Guam
B.S. Gen. Business Cosmopolitan Club, IU Newman Club, SAM, IU Real Estate Club GUSH WA, R OY EDWARD, JR.
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club HAGAN, ARTHUR ROBERT
Robinson, Illinois
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Management Club, Falcon Club, YMCA HAMILTON, THOMAS WILFORD
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing
B.S. Management SAM ( Assist. Prog. Dir.) , IU Coll. Dem., Stud. Sen., Wesley Fnd., Demolay (St. Mater Council)
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM HARRIS, ROBERT
Calumet City, Illinois
B.S. Marketing Beta Gamma Sigma, Management Club, SAM, Flame Club, Phi Eta Sigma, West Hall II ( School Ch.) HARRIS, WALTER WARREN
New York City, New York B.S. Business Education Hillel Foundation
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing EX ( Soc. Ch., Exec. Coun.) , Alpha Kappa Psi, Marketing Club, IU Young Republicans, YMCA HINTON, CHARLES BRUCE
B.S. Business Education AAA ( Treas.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, IU Fnd., Omicron Delta, Phi Lambda Theta HODGES, RICHARD SHOUSE
B.S. General Business BOB ( Sec.) , Singing Hoosiers
B.S. Personnel Management OF, Unit Councils
B.S. Accounting SII( Pres.) , Accounting Club
B.S. Office Man. and Sec. Train. Omicron Delta, Pine Hall ( Library Ch.)
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, SAM, Lowe House ( Scholastic Ch.)
South Bend
New Castle
B.S. General Business Delta Sigma Pi, Marketing Club, MRC Bd. of Gov. ( Pres. ) , MRHA Exec. Bd., West Hall III ( Gov.) HAWKINS, ROBERT MARVEL
B.S. Transportation SAM, Transportation Club HAYES, ROBERT HUNTER
Fort Wayne
B.S. General Business Admin. SAM HOLLINGSHEAD, BILLY MAC
B.S. Marketing German Club, IU Young Rep.'s, Sailing Club, YMCA, Unit 15 ( Soc. Ch.) HELFRICH, JOHN WILLIAM
B.S. Management SAM ( V-pres. Programs) HENDRICKS, EDWIN HOWARD
B.S. Business Education B.S. General Business Marketing Club, Management Club, AOH (Treas.) , Oceanides, Omicron Delta, YWCA ( Soc. Comm.) Flame Club, MRC Board of Gov., West Hall II ( Sec., Treas.) KUHLMEIER, RALPH CLAYTON Lawrenceburg KENT, FRED JAY B.S. Real Estate Evansville B.S. Marketing Real Estate Club, Marching 100, YMCA, So. Cottage Grove KENWORTHY, ROGER ALLEN (Soc. Ch.)
B.S. Marketing SAM, Alpha Delta Sigma, Arbutus ( Adu. Man., Contracts Man. ) , Hillel Fnd., Sphinx Club JACOBSON, JEROME ALLEN
B.S. Textile Merchandising SR( Rec. Sec., Act. Ch.) , Arbutus, Marketing Club, YWCA, Omicron Delta, Union Comm. Ch. JAQUESS, WAYNE KENEIPP
B.S. Marketing HUGHEY, JAMES U., JR.
Fort Wayne
B.S. General Business
B.S. Finance ( Ch. of Governing Board, Rec. Sec.) , Finance Club, Scabbard and Blade KING, JANET MARLENE
B.S. General Business Omicron Delta, YWCA, FTA
YMCA, SAM ( Treas.)
B.S. Finance Finance Club, Accounting Club, Omicron Delta
South Bend
B.S. Marketing Real Estate Club, IU Young Rep.'s YMCA, Marketing Club
B.S. General Business KS, Arnold Air Society, YMCA, Insurance Club
Owensville B.S. Management
B.S. Business Education AAA ( Soc. Ch., Recording Sec.) , Omicron Delta
New Albany
B.S. Accounting Phi Eta Sigma, Roger Hall ( Gov.)
B.S. Business Education Alpha Lambda Delta, Cosmopolitan Club, Enomene, Pine Hall ( Sec.)
B.S. General Business West Hall ( Ath. Mgr.)
Crown Point
B.S. Industrial Marketing Marketing Club, IU Newman Club, IU Young Rep., YWCA
ZBT ( Treas. ) , Accounting Club, Falcon Club
Hammond B.S. Accounting
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Business Administration HORR, DOUGLAS PAUL ES ( Sec. ) , Advertising Club, East Chicago Philosophy Club, IU Newman B.S. Accounting Club, Jr. Interfrat. Council, YMCA HOUSE, NANCY JANE HAYS, JACK G. Terre Haute Odon B.S. General Business Admin. B.S. Management ( Sec. ) , IU Collegiate TEE, SAM, IU Young Rep.'s, Democrats, Omicron Delta, YWCA Wesley Foundation HOUSER, CHARLES ROBERT HEILIGER, FORREST HALL Valparaiso Elkhart B.S. Marketing B.S. Management Alpha Kappa Psi ( Pres., Treas.) , MRC Bd. of Gov., Wesley Fnd. Alpha Omega, Tomahawk, Sigma ( Treas.) , SAM ( Dir. of P u b. ) , Theta Epsilon, Parks House ( Sec.) MRC ( Hospitality Ch.) HUDSON, CHARLES RAYMOND Indianapolis HEIMAN, RAY ALLAN B.S. Personnel Management Warsaw Pershing Rifles, SAM, B.S. Marketing ROTC Rifle Club ElI( V-pres.) , Marketing Club, Interfrat. Council, IU Newman HUFFMAN, BARBARA JEAN Club, Scabbard and Blade HEIWIG, STEPHEN DALE
A.B. General Business Admin. M ( Class President) , Hillel Foundation
B.S. Personnel Management Finance Wesley Foundation, YMCA, SAM RAP ( V-pres., Soc. Ch.) , Arbutus, Finance Club, Auditorium Ushering JACOBS, ARTHUR DAVID ( Sm. Man. ) Whiting B.S. Accounting HIPSKIND, JOSEPH FREDERICK MRC Bd. of Gov., Accounting Club, South Bend SAM, South Hall ( Gov.) B.S. General Business Delta Sigma Pi JACOBS, STEPHEN LEON
Tell City
B.S. Gen. Business Administration AXA ( Pres.) , Jr. Interfraternity Coun., Skull and Crescent, YMCA
Valley Station, Kentucky
B.S. General Business ATA ( Scholarship Ch.) , Marketing ( Pres.) , IU Young Rep., Sphinx Club, Greek KAHL, LAWRENCE GENE
Sellersburg B.S. Business
Marketing Club, IU Young Rep.'s, MRC Bd. of Gov., Cavaliers ( Gov.) KALINA, EUGENE STEVE
Swayzee B.S. General Business
B.S. Production Management SAM ( Pledge Trainer), Hillel Fnd., Scabbard and Blade, Skull and Crescent, YWCA KOEHLINGER, JAMES FREDERICK
Fort Wayne B.S. Accounting
South Bend
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing III, Alpha Delta Sigma, Daily Student, Marketing Club, SAM, IU Newman Club, Jr. Interfrat. Coun.
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Advertising Club
B.S. General Business ( Treas. ) , I-Men's Ass'n., Varsity Athletics, SAM
B.S. Marketing Alpha Kappa Psi, YMCA, SAM, Marketing Club KEENE, ROBERT BASCOM
Indianapolis B.S. General Business Accounting Club, Management Club B.S. Marketing Delta Sigma Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, South Hall ( Treas., Soc. Ch.) HUISH, PAUL EARL
Lansing, Illinois
La Porte
B.S. Marketing Alpha Kappa Psi ( Sec.) , Marketing Club KRAUS, HOWARD OWEN
B.S. Real Estate Admin. SAM, Real Estate Club, Hillel Foundation, YMCA
B.S. General Business Delta Sigma Pi, Ritual Chairman, Phi Eta Sigma, SAM, Marketing Club, Real Estate Club
B.S. Secretarial Training
B.S. Management SAM
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club
Charleston, Ill.
Indianapolis B.S. Accounting
B.S. General Business RAP ( Pres., V-pres. ) , Arbutus ( Pub. Prom. Layout) , Delta Sigma Pi ( Pub. Ch.) , Falcon Club, IU Fnd. LARRICK, ROBERT CARL
B.S. Accounting KS, Accounting Club LASKER, JACK
Clayton, Mo.
B.S. Management SAM, Hillel Fnd., Student Ath. Comm., Varsity Athletics LAUBNER, ALBERT BERNARD
Louisville, Kentucky
Springfield, Ill.
B.S. Business Administration ATS2, Arnold Air Soc., IU Fnd., ( Steering Comm.) , Marching 100, Sphinx Club, Stud. Ath.Comm.
Fort Wayne
Elizabeth, New Jersey
B.S. Management Management Club, Flame Club, IU Newman Club, SAM, YMCA LEVIN, LEWIS MORTON
Forest Hills, N.Y.
B.S. Marketing ( Sec., Treas.) , Marketing Club, Pershing Rifles, Skull and Crescent, Union Comm. Ch. LIEBER, EUGENE GLAN
Centralia, Ill.
B.S. Marketing +KT ( Ath. Ch.) , Unit Councils, Varsity Athletics LINDER, PAUL ARTELL
B.S. Business Administration MKT ( V-pres.) , IU Young Rep.,
Chicago, Ill.
B.S. Marketing
B.S. Finance Arbutus ( Treas. ) , Gamma Delta, IU Young Rep., Omicron Delta, Sen. Assist.
B.S. Transportation Transportation Club ( Treas.) , Square and Compass Club
B.S. Finance Marketing Club, Finance Club, Trees Center, Bd. of Gov., Laurel Hall ( Gov., Sec., Ath. Ch.)
East Chicago
Jr. Interfrat. Council, Wesley
B.S. General Business SAM, Hillel Foundation, IU Student Union
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing TEE, Marketing Club, Anthropology Club, IU Young Rep.'s, Skull and Crescent
KAMIN, DONALD JEROME B.S. Accounting SAM, Accounting Club
East Chicago
LEMAN, DOUGLAS S. RAP ( Pres.) , Delta Sigma Pi Bremen ( Sec.) , Interfrat. Council, ( Treas.), B.S. Finance Sphinx Club ( V-pres.) AXA, Arnold Air Soc., IU Coll. Dem., Skull and Crescent, KOEPKE, KARL 0. Sphinx Club B.S. Management Alpha Kappa Psi, Flame Club (Sec.), Management Club, MRC (Hosp. Comm.) North Hall, (Treas.)
B.S. General Business Peekskill, N.Y. IU Newman Club, Unit Councils, Marketing Club, Finance Club, SAM Trees Center, ( Bd. of Gov's., Business Man.) , Laurel H. (Treas.) KIZER, NOBLE EDGAR Lafayette LAVENGOOD, NED R. B.S. General Business Wabash Pershing Rifles, IU Real Estate Club B.S. Management MKT ( Pres. ) , Interfrat. Coun., KLAUSNER, JACK MARVIN Westminster Fnd., YMCA, SAM
B.S. Urban Real Estate and Econ. ATA ( Pres. ) , Sr. Class ( V-pres. ) , Sen. Assist., Sphinx Club, Stud. Election Commission
Fnd., Hickory Hall ( Soc. Ch.) LINDSEY, JAY FRANK
B.S. Real Estate SAE ( V-pres.) , IU Fnd., Phi Eta B.S. Marketing Sigma, Pres.'s Cab., ( Att. Gen.) , OF, Marketing Club, Baron Manor (Ath. Ch., Soc. Ch., Hosp. Comm.), Sphinx Club MRC ( Glee Club) LINNE MEIER, THOMAS JAY Fort Wayne KRUEGER, CHARLES HENRY B.S. Finance Mishawaka B.S. Finance REP ( Sec.) , I-Men's Assoc., Alpha Kappa Psi ( Treas.) , Sailing Club, Scabbard and Blade, Real Estate Club, SAM Skull and Crescent, Var. Ath.
B.S. General Business Sphinx Club, ( Senior Member of Directors)
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Marching 100, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club ( V-pres.) , Marketing Club, Flame Club, Tomahawk
B.S. Marketing Alpha Kappa Psi, Marketing Club, SAM, Flame Club ( Pres.)
South Bend
B.S. Marketing Marketing, Senatorial Assistants
B.S. Insurance and Actuarial Sci. Phi Eta Sigma
East Chicago
B.S. Business Education B.S. Business Law AAA (Corr. Sec.), Omicron Delta, IU Young Republicans, Scabbard YWCA, Sen. Assist., Little UN and Blade, Westminster Foundation Assemb. ( Sec. ) LOUGH, PHILLIP DONALD MAC GILLIVRAY, DOUGLAS DEAN
Terre Haute
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Business Club, Stud. Ath. Comm., Tomahawk, YMCA, MRC ( V-pres. ) , Unit Councils LOVE, WILLIAM CURTIS
B.S. Management Unit Councils, Harding House (Counselor), SAM, Ruter House ( Sec.) LOVISA, ROMAN ANTHONY
South Bend
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, W. Hickory Hall ( Ath. Ch., Soc. Ch.) LOWE, DOROTHY MAE
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta, Singing Hoosiers, Walnut Hall ( Soc. Ch.) , Oak Hall ( V-pres.) LOWE, GERALD KEITH
B.S. Marketing EN ( Soc. Ch., Bd. of Standards), Arnold Air Society, YMCA LOWER, JOSEPH JAMES
Gary B.S. Marketing
B.S. General Business Varsity Athletics MAC LENNAN, JOHN CHARLES
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
MARSHALL, ROBERT PAUL Michigan City B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Freshman Class ( Pres.) , Jr. Interfrat. Counc., Stud. Senate MARSTELLER, CHARLES EARL
B.S. Accounting Delta Sigma Pi, Accounting Club, Scabbard and Blade MARTIN, DONALD MERRITT B.S. Accounting
B.S. Accounting AFA, Accounting Club, Omicron Delta, YWCA, Dean's Honor List,
MAYHALL, DALE K. B.S. Gen. Business Administration
MELNIK, DONALD C. B.S. Marketing 04;, Marketing Club, SAM, Falcon Club, YMCA, Accounting Club MERRITT, JAMES LEWIS
B.S. General Business Admin. BT, Delta Sigma Rho ( Pres.) , Varsity Debate Team, SAM
B.S. Insurance +FE (Rush Ch. ) , Campus Christians, Real Estate Club, Accounting Club, SAM, YMCA
B.S. General Business YMCA, SAM
B.S. Production Management SAM, Regimental Headquarters of Pershing Rifles (Regimental MCCORMACK, RONALD WILLIAM Commander)
New Castle
B.S. Personnel Management Trees Center Board of Gov., SAM, Hickory ( Treas.) , MQ (Soc. Ch.), Maple ( Gov. ) MCDOWELL, ANN KATHLEEN
B.S. General Business A sk ( Sec., Rush Ch. ) MILLER, JOAN ANNE
Fort Sheridan, Illinois
B.S. Business AXE ( Treas. ) , Marketing Club, Omicron Delta, Panhellenic ( Rush Counselor)
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, YMCA
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM, Business Horizons ( Adv. Art Dir.)
B.S. Marketing Alpha Kappa Psi, SAM, Marketing Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Real Estate Club, Maple Hall ( Soc. Ch., Treas.) PALMER, JOHN MARION
B.S. Business
B.S. Accounting ATE ( Pres., Treas.) , Falcon Club ( Pub. Ch. ) , Interfrat. Council ( Treas.) , Delta Sigma Rho
Union City
B.S. Finance Accounting Club, Finance Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration I-Men's Ass'n., IU Newman Club, Varsity Athletics, YMCA, University Rifle Team (Captain)
B.S. Marketing Unit Councils, MRC Glee Club, Marketing Club, Cavaliers (Ath. Ch.)
Fort Wayne
Tulsa, Oklahoma
B.S. Gen. Business Administration IU Young Republicans, Skull and Crescent, YMCA PATRICK, DANIEL W.
B.S. Gen. Business Administration
B.S. Business Education
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta, YWCA, Union Comm. Ch., Mem. Hall ( Sch. Ch.)
B.S. Accounting EAM (Rec., Alumni Rec. ) , Accounting Club, Hillel Foundation, NEUMAN, ROBERT PAUL Hopkins, Minnesota YMCA B.S. Marketing IU Foundation, MINKOW, BERNARD Student Athletic Comm., South Bend Stud. Senate, Union Brd., SAM B.S. Accounting ZBT, Beta Gamma Sigma, Blue Key NICHOLS, C. EUGENE (Rec. Sec., Treas. ) , Bd. of Aeons, Indianapolis Stud. Sen. ( Pres.) , V.P. of Stud. B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Kappa Kappa Psi, MIRAGLIA, ROCK JOSEPH ( Treas. ) , Marching 100, M. 100 Indianapolis Council (Pres.) , Rollins House B.S. Production Management K (Pres. )
East Chicago
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Newman Club, SAM, Maple Hall ( Treas.) PEACHIN, EDWARD
B.S. Accounting EAM ( Sec., Rush Ch.) , Arnold Air Soc., Acct. Club, Hillel Fnd., Var. Ath. ( Swim. Mgr.)
B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Accounting Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration
South Bend
B.S. General Business EX, Skull and Crescent ( Pres.) , Sphinx Club MITCHELL, WILLIAM RICHARD
Burnham, Illinois
B.S. Finance Finance Club, Trees Center ( Arts Council), Linden Hall ( Treas.)
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing BT ( Pres.) , Blue Key ( V-pres. ) PACE, THEODORE PASSALES Brd. of Aeons, ( Pres. ) , Soph. Class ( V-pres.) , IU Fnd., Pres. Cab. East Chicago B.S. Marketing Daily Student, SAM, Marketing MULLIGAN, JOHN CHARLES Club, Finance Club LaPorte
B.S. General Business
B.S. Marketing
B.S. General Business SAM
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing Real Estate Club, Marketing Club, SAM, MRC Bowling League and Glee Club
B.S. Production Management B.S. Marketing Z441, Falcon Club, Marketing Club, Student Senate, SAM K Kr, SAM, Smithwood ( V-pres.) NARTER, IRWIN HAROLD PARKER, HARRY Gary B.S. Marketing Clinton B.S. Personnel Management Marketing Club Student Senate, American NEISWENDER, DANIEL FREDERICK Legion, SAM
B.S. Transportation Spelunking Club, YMCA
B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Accounting Club, Beta Alpha Psi ( Charter Applicant)
B.S. Transportation MRHA Photo Club ( Treas.) , Transportation Club
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, MQ Brd. of Gov., Unit Councils, Rollins House ( Gov., Soc. Ch.)
B.S. General Business Geography Club, Marketing Club, YMCA, SAM, Real Estate Club
B.S. Accounting Tomahawk ( Pres.), MQ Brd. of Gov., Accounting Club, MRHA Arts Council ( Bus. Man. ) , MQ ( Business Mgr.)
B.S. Marketing ,Pli sP, Marketing Club, SAM, Falcon Club, IU Young Republicans MILLER, JOSEPH S. Brazil MALSON, DAVID ARTHUR B.S. Management Rushville ATE (Rec. Sec.) , IU Collegiate B.S. Accounting ( Treas.), Wesley Foundation, Democrats, Skull and Crescent, Sphinx Club, YMCA YMCA, Accounting Club
South Bend
B.S. Production Management Arnold Air Society ( Exec. Off.) , SAM, Sphinx Club, Union Comm. Ch., Acacia (House Mgr. ) NOLAN, JAMES DARRELL
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Unit Councils, Cavaliers ( Treas.) , Exec. Brd. for Indep. Party NORMAN, DONALD EVERETT
Louisville, Kentucky
B.S. Marketing +FA, Arnold Air Soc., IU Young Rep., American Market. Ass'n. PERCIFIELD, WILLIAM LESTER
B.S. Accounting E sPE ( Treas.) PERKINS, DONALD LEE
B.S. Insurance Arnold Air Soc., Delta Sigma Delta, Falcon Club, Pershing Rifles, Skull and Crescent PETERS, DONALD E.
Gary B.S. Management
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Marching 100, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade, Fencing Team
B.S. Gen. Business Administration +FA (Rec. Sec.) , Arnold Air Soc., I-Men's Ass'n., IU Fnd., Stud. Ath. Com ., Varsity Ath.
B.S. Transportation Falcon Club, IU Newman Club, Nu Sigma Nu, Student Senate, SAM
Arbutus, Falcon Club, Pershing Rifles
B.S. Gen. Business Administration YMCA,Rifles Club, SAM
B.S. Business Education IU Newman Club, Omicron Delta
B.S. Accounting Alpha Epsilon Psi, Accounting Club, Flame Club, Trojans (Sch. Ch.)
Terre Haute
B.S. Marketing 4,K1
B.S. Management E<PE ( Sec.) , Jr. Interfrat. Council, SAM (Faculty Reporter)
B.S. Marketing la, Marketing Club
B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club, Little 500, IU Marketing Club
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Business-Chemistry Marketing Club, SAM, Flame Club, American Chemical Society
B.S. Textile Merchandising
Findlay, Ohio
B.S. Finance Blue Key, Bd. of Aeons, Interfrat. Coun. ( Pres.) , IU End. (Pres.) , Sphinx Club
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. General Business B.S. Accounting IU Newman Club, Varsity Athletics Accounting Club, SAM MCKEEVER, JAMES IVAN
B.S. Accounting EN ( Pres.), Interfrat Council, Accounting Club
B.S. Business Education AXE ( Sec.), Enomene, Omicron Delta
B.S. Real Estate IU Real Estate Club ( Treas.) MORIARTY, RUSSELL LEE
B.S. General Business Marketing Club, Real Estate Club
South Bend
B.S. Finance KE( V-pres. ) , Delta Sigma Pi, Finance Club, Falcon Club, Jr. Interfrat. Council
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta, YWCA, Future Teachers of America
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club ( V-pres.)
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Management Club, Square and Compass
B.S. Accounting B.S. Accounting II li$ ( Soc. Ch. ) , Alpha Delta EKE SAM, Smithwood ( V-pres.) Sigma, Marketing Club, Advertising Club, Skull and Crescent, YMCA SCHAAF, JERRY CHARLES
Miami, Florida
B.S. Marketing (Treas. ) , Alpha Delta Sigma, Arnold Air Soc., Daily Student, Marketing Club, Accounting Club
East Chicago
B.S. Textile Merchandising AAA, Arbutus (Res. Ed.) , IU Fnd., Mortar Brd. ( V-pres. ) , Stud. Ath. Comm. ( V-pres.)
B.S. Accounting B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Newman Club, Arbutus, Hillel Foundation, Unit Councils, Elliott House Scabbard and Blade ( Treas.) , Intramurals
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, SAM
B.S. Textile Merchandising Z TA ( Soc. Ch. ) , Marketing Club, Gamma Alpha Chi, Jr. Panhellenic
B.S. Marketing
Fort Wayne
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, MRHA Exec. SCHIMIZZI, NED VINCENT Brd., MQ Brd. of Gov., Phi Eta Mishawaka Sigma, Dewey-Admirals ( Soc. Ch. ) B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club IU Young Reps., MQ Brd. of Gov. ROOP, FRANKLIN EUGENE
B.S. Marketing IU Stud. Union, Marketing Club, N. Cot. Grove ( Soc. Ch.) , MRC ( Soc. Comm., Treas.)
B.S. Insurance Delta Sigma Pi, Insurance Club, IU Newman Club, Little 500, SAM
B.S. Marketing Daily Student ( Advertising Salesman) , Marketing Club, SAM
B.S. Accounting Martinsville IN (Brd. of Standards), Accounting B.S. Management Club, Falcon Club, YMCA SAM
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Hammond B.S. Gen. Business Administration ( Sec., Rush Ch.) , Falcon Club, B.S. Accounting IU Newman Club, Accounting Interfrat. Council, IU Fnd., Skull Club, SAM and Crescent, Sphinx Club Hammond
B.S. Finance 1U Forum, Square and Compass Club
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Advertising Club, Real Estate Club, SAM
B.S. Management NAACP, Alpha Phi Alpha, SAM
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing Daily Student, IU Newman Club, Marketing Club, Finance Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration SAM
Granada, Minnesota
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, SAM RAMEY, HAROLD KENDALL
West Lafayette
B.S. Accounting Square and Compass ( Program Ch. and Treas.) RANEY, JAMES RUSSELL
B.S. Management SAM
B.S. Gen. Business Administration KAP ( V-pres.) , Arnold Air Soc. (Comm. ) , Interfrat. Coun., Skull and Crescent ( V-pres.) , Stud. Sen. RICHARDSON, DONA LEE
San Pierre
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta RIECKEM, FORREST GILBERT
B.S. Management Alpha Kappa Psi, IU Flying Club, Inter-Varsity, SAM, Elliott House ( Soc. Ch.)
New Albany
B.S. Marketing
RAUSCH, ALBERT WADDELL B.S. Gen. Business Administration
B.S. Accounting Alpha Kappa Psi (Master of Rituals) , Accounting Club READY, ROBERT
B.S. Business Law Trojans, Law Club, Wesley Fnd., Young Republicans Club REED, DOUGLAS LEE
South Bend
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Delta Sigma Pi ( Pres.) , Phi Eta, Varsity Debate, SAM
B.S. General Business
B.S. Business Education HET ( V-pres. ) , Alpha Lambda Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma, Enomene, IU Fnd., Omicron Delta (Rec. Sec.)
Paterson, New Jersey
B.S. Business Education WRA, Oak Hall (Cor. Adv.)
B.S. Accounting OE ( Pres.) , Arnold Air Society ( Adj.) , Accounting Club, SAM
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Finance A*, IU Young Reps., Real Estate Club, Finance Club
B.S. Marketing IU Young Republicans, Marketing Windfall Club, Real Estate Club B.S. Business Education Ad, (Rush Ch., Pres.) , Jr. Panhel, RICE, ELLIS M. Omicron Delta ( Pres. ) , Panhel (Gen. Rush Ch.), Union Comm. Ch. Monticello B.S. Management SAM, Phi Eta Sigma PUCKETT, KENNETH PRITCHARD, JUDY
B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club, Unit Coun., YMCA, Unit 18, ( Soc. Ch. )
South Bend
Fort Wayne
Indianapolis B.S. Accounting
ex ( Treas.) , Accounting Club, Falcon Club ( Sec., Var. Ath.)
Evanston, Illinois
B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, IU Fnd., Stud. Ath. Comm., Sophomore Football Mgr. ROBBINS, GENE ELMER
B.S. Accounting Alpha Kappa Psi, Accounting Club, MRC Brd. of Gov., MRC Sec. Coun., ( Pres.) COPE ( Treas.)
ROTH, DONALD PAUL Crawfordsville B.S. Marketing AXA, Marketing Club, IU Newman Club, IU Young Republicans, Marching 100 ROUHIER, JACK A.
South Bend
B.S. Marketing I-Men's Ass'n., Unit Councils, Var. Ath., Capt. Var. Golf, Hoosier Cts. Coun. Member ROUSH, JOHN A.
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club SCHMELING, EUGENE LEONARD
Fort Wayne
B.S. Accounting ES ( Treas.) , Accounting Club, YMCA, SAM SCHMIDT, ROBERT RUDOLF
Louisville, Kentucky
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, SAM, Delta Alpha Epsilon, Rollins House (Lt. Gov.)
B.S. Accounting IU Newman Club, Accounting Club
B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club, Marketing Club, SAM
B.S. Marketing 4^ Ii* ( Soc. Ch. ) S/EGEL, JAMES CHARLES
B.S. General Business ZEE( Schol. Ch. ) SIMMONS, JAMES GORDON
Cincinnati, Ohio
Marketing Club, Advertising Club, Stud. Ath. Comm., YMCA SIRKUS, SANFORD WILLIAM
B.S. Accounting SAM ( Treas.) , Accounting Club
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM, YMCA, Wesley Foundation
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, IU Collegiate Democrats
B.S. Gen. Business Administration EX ( V-pres.) , YMCA, IU Newman Club
B.S. General Business Flame Club, IU Collegiate Democrats, Union Councils, SAM, Dodds House ( Soc. Ch.)
B.S. Accounting
B.S. Marketing Arnold Air Soc., Blue Key, ( Pres.) , *FA (Rush Ch.) , Arnold Air Soc., Blue Key ( Pres.) , Union Board ( Pres. )
B.S. Finance
South Bend
B.S. Marketing TEE ( Pledge Trainer & House Mgr.) , YMCA, SAM, Marketing Club, AFROTC Precision Drill Team
B.S. Production Management Arnold Air Soc., I-Men's Ass'n., Varsity Athletics, YMCA, SAM
B.S. Marketing Arbutus, Daily Student, IU Collegiate Democrats, IU Newman Club, Sailing Club
B.S. Management
B.S. Management Cosmopolitan Club, Rifle Club, SAM
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, YMCA
B.S. Gen. Business Administration
Fort Wayne
B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Accounting Club, YMCA, Ushers Corps., Rogers H ( Treas.)
B.S. Gen. Business Administration Marketing Club, MRC Brd. of Gov., SCHULTES, WILLIAM ALBERT Unit Coun., YMCA, Cavalier Hall Crane ( Pres.) B.S. Management RUPP, ROBERT CHARLES SCHULTZ JR., RICHARD ALBERT Indianapolis Hampton, New Jersey B.S. Finance B.S. Transportation AXA, Finance Club IU Flying Club, Marching 100, RUSSELL, WILLIAM JOSEPH Spelunking Club, ( Treas.)
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, ( Treas.) , MQ Brd. of Gov., Hummer House
B.S. Production Management B.S. Accounting Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, Accounting Club, IU Foundation, SAM, IU Newman Club, Phi Eta Sigma, Scabbard and Blade, Sec. of MRC Dodds House ( Gov.) SCHARF, EDWARD ELLIS
Beech Grove
New Jersey
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Marketing A ( Pres. ) , Marketing Club, Falcon Club, Interfrat. Coun., B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Newman Club, Sphinx Club Unit Councils, Elliott House ( Soc. Ch., Ath. Ch. ) ROSENTHALL JR., ROI H. REMITE, ROY MICHAEL
Terre Haute
B.S. Marketing Skull and Crescent, Marketing Club, Management Club SCOTT, JOHN TONER
B.S. General Business Flame Club, Sailing Club, Spelunking Club, Square and Compass Club, Delta Sigma Rho
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Advertising Club, Management Club, Marketing Club SMITH, JR., JAMES 0.
AXA ( Treas.) , Campus Christians, Accounting Club, Jr. Interfrat. SMITH, MARGARET INEZ
B.S. Marketing Belles, Gamma Alpha Chi ( Sec.) , Jr. Panhellenic, Smithwood II ( V-pres. ) SMITH, PHYLLIS KAY
B.S. Textile Merchandising IU Ind., Pamarada, Stud. Ath. Comm., Tau Beta Sigma, Memorial ( Sec., Treas. ) SMITH, RICHARD NELSON
B.S. Law Alpha Phi Omega, YMCA, Real B.S. Accounting Estate Club, Acacia ( Historian) Alpha Kappa Psi, Arbutus ( Treas. ) • IU Young Rep. (Dir.) , Scabbard SMITH, SAMUEL LEE and Blade, BB Mgr. New Albany B.S. Marketing SEKEREZ, ZARKO Sailing Club, Student Marketing Gary Club B.S. General Business SMITH, TERRY CLAYTONG SELTZER, ROGER IRWIN Hammond Highland Park, Illinois B.S. Public Business Admin. B.S. Finance MRC Board of Gov., Singing ZBT ( Pres. ) , Beta Gamma Sigma, Hoosiers, SAM, S. Cottage Blue Key, Stud. Sup. Ct., YMCA, Grove ( Gov.)
B.S. Elementary Education AZ, YWCA, ACE, FTA SOHN, WILLIAM PETER
Salem, N.J.
B.S. Secretarial ( Treasurer), KKP Omicron Delta, Smithwood I
B.S. General Business
B.S. Marketing SAM
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Marketing Cheerleader ( 3 yrs.) , IU Fnd., Marketing Club, Pres. Cab., Stud. Ath. Comm., Acacia ( V-pres.) SPEER, HOWARD SHELDON
Cleveland, Ohio
Mishawaka B.S. Transportation
ATA (Corres. Sec. ) , Transportation Club ( Pres.) , IU Young Rep., YMCA SPINDLER, PARKER JEROME
B.S. Marketing 4'X ( Secretary) Marketing Club, Flame Club
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Management Club Falcon Club, IU Newman Club, SUTHERLAND, WARNER CHARLES
B.S. Marketing Union Board SUTTON, DAVID LEROY
Fort Wayne
B.S. Personnel Management Falcon Club, SAM, EX (Associate, Executive Comm. ) SVETANOFF, GERALD N.
B.S. Business Law Arbutus, Daily Student, Kappa Alpha Mu SWIFT, SARAH ANNE
Evansville B.S. General Business
B.S. General Business SAM, IU Rifle Club, Men's Quad Rifle Club, Rollins House (Athletic Chairman)
Fort Wayne
South Bend
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Arbutus, Daily Student, IU Collegiate Democrats, YMCA, Acacia STECKLEY, PHILIP RICHARD
B.S. Marketing YMCA, Union Committeeman STEEN, HAROLD ALVIN
B.S. Gen. Business Administration YMCA STEFAN, RICHARD JOSEPH
Chicago, Illinois
STELLING, JEROME PATRICK B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, Real Estate Club STERN, WALTER PHILLIP, JR.
New Albany
B.S. Marketing KE, (Rush Ch.) , Marketing Club, Advertising Club, Falcon Club, Jr. Interfraternity Council STEWART, WILLIAM LEE
B.S. General Business Skull and Crescent, Stud. Ath. Comm., YMCA, Sr. Mgr. of Varsity Basketball, AT ( V-pres.) STONER, CLIFFORD EDWARD
B.S. Business Law Beta Gamma Sigma, Law Club, IU Young Republicans, Wesley Foundation STOUT, JAMES L. Tipton B.S. Gen. Business Administration Flame Club, MRC Board of Governors, West Hall 3 ( Gov.) STRATMAN, JOSEPH ROBERT
B.S. Marketing _;AM ( Historian) Hillel Foundation, YMCA, Advertising, Marketing Club,
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club TOMCZAK, JOHN JOSEPH
B.S. Marketing IU Newman Club, MQ Bd. of Gov., Sailing Club, Marketing Club, Nichols H. ( Soc.Ch. ) TOWNSEND, JANET ELAINE
B.S.Personnel Management APA (Sch. Ch.), Arbutus (Office Mgr.), SAM, Omicron Delta, Panhellenic TRAUMER, SYLVIA BEATRICE
B.S. Personnel Management Delta, SAM ZTA ( Treas.) IU Newman Club, Omicron TRENARY, DAVID K.
B.S. Marketing Union Comm. Ch., Marketing Club, YMCA ( Exec. Assist.) , Comm. of Philanthrop. Endeavors, Acacia TRENSE, CHARLES FREDERICK
B.S. General Business 11011 ( Pres.) , V-pres., Rush Ch. Soc. Ch.) , Falcon Club ( V-pres.) , Interfrat. Coun., IU Young Reps.
Glencoe, Illinois
South Bend
B.S. Finance IU Newman Club, Sen. Assist., Stud. Elections Comm., Unit Councils, Rogers R ( Treas. ) TARNOW, ROBERT CAMERON
B.S.Marketing Marketing Club, SAM, Square and Compass TAYLOR, JACQUALIN SUE
B.S. Business Education B.S. Management A PA ( Treas., Pres., Pledge Class ) SAM, IU Newman Club, MQ Bd. Omicron Delta, YWCA of Gov's, Scabbard and Blade, FTA, Jr. Panhellenic, Stud. Ath. Comm., Elliott H. (Gov •)
B.S. Management Business Club, Skull and Crescent, SAM, Town Hall Board TIPLICK, DAN
B.S. Public Business Admin. IU Newman Club, SAM
B.S. Real Estate Delta Sigma Pi, Marketing Club, Real Estate Club, IU Flying Club, SAM
B.S. Business Education AAA ( Marshall) Omicron Delta, YWCA, THOMAN, HAROLD WILLIAM, JR.
B.S. Marketing Gamma Alpha Chi, Hellel End., SAM Daily Student, Marketing Club, THOMPSON, GLENN EUGENE
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club, SAM TRETHEWEY, JOSEPH THOMAS B.S. Business Education (Pres.) , MRHA Jud. Bd. IU Fnd., Kappa Kappa Psi, Trees Center Board of Govs.
AZ ( Sec.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, Sen. Assoc., IU Newman Club, AWS, Omicron Delta, VUCICH, DAVID JOSEPH
East Chicago
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club, Wesley Fnd. WALKER, THOMAS D.
New Albany
B.S. Marketing 44{4' ( Pres. ) , Interfrat. Coun., Skull and Crescent ( Pres. ) , Sphinx Club, Stud. Ath. Comm.
Elementary Education Panhellenic WILLIAMS, LAURENCE ALLEN
Woodruff, South Carolina
B.S. Personnel Manager KA*, Interfrat. Council, Sphinx Club, SAM, Air Force Drill Team WILLIAMS, RICHARD DEE
B.S. Marketing IU Young Rep., Jr. Interfraternity Coun., Singing Hoosiers, YMCA, Marketing Club WILLIAMS, R OY MARTIN
B.S. Finance *KT ( V-pres.) , Arnold Air Soc., Interfrat. Council, Sphinx Club WILLSEY, FILMORE WAYNE
B.S. Insurance Insurance Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration SAM, Flame Club, MQ Brd. of Govs. ( Hospitality Comm.) , Jenkins House ( Gov.)
WILSON, FREDRIETTA JEAN B.S. Management SAM, Weatherwax House ( Pres.) WILSON, JON LANDON
Flora, Illinois
B.S. Management Hoosier Courts ( Mayor) , IU Bowling Team
B.S. Marketing 'PKT ( Treas., Rush Ch.) , Falcon Club, IU Young Rep., Marketing Club, Air Force Drill Team
New Albany
B.S. Marketing OK* ( Soc. Ch., Rush Ch.) , Coun., Sphinx Club ( Treas.) Marketing Club, Jr. Interfrat.
New Albany
B.S. Marketing Jr. Interfrat. Coun., MRHA Exec. Bd., Marketing Club, Trees Cntr. Bd. of Go ys., Laurel H. ( Gov.)
B.S. Business AT (Rush Ch., Brd. of Directors) , SAM
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, MRHA, Photo Club, Dunn House ( Treas. )
B.S. Marketing KE (Rush Ch.) , Falcon Club,
B.S. Marketing IU Young Republicans
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing
B.S. Finance Finance Club ( Treas.) , Hillel Fnd., Aud. Usher, Real Estate Club, SAM ( Treas.)
B.S. Marketing YMCA, Marketing Club, SAM TURBOWITZ, LESLIE DAVID B.S. Marketing 11/1(1 ■ (Pres., Ath. Ch., Social Ch.), Interfraternity Council UNDERHILL, THOMAS WILLARD
B.S. Business Marketing B011, Marketing Club, IU Young Republicans, YMCA UNGAR, TOM. W.
Cincinnati, Ohio B.S. Marketing
ZBT, Daily Student, Hillel Fnd.
Chicago, Illinois
East Chicago
B.S. Marketing Alpha Delta Sigma, Advertising Club, Unit 13 ( Ath. Mgr.) WETZEL, WALTER JOHN
Evansville B.S. Transportation
EN ( Treas.) , Falcon Club, Skull and Crescent, Union Comm. Ch., Transportation Club WHITAKER, JOHN RUSSELL
B.S. Real Estate Real Estate Club
B.S. Marketing .E.1E ( Chaplain ) , Marketing Club, Scabbard and Blade WITTMAN, CHARLES FRANKLIN
B.S. Marketing
B.S. Insurance Insurance Club, Hillel Fnd., Union Comm. Work, YMCA WOLFF, PHYLLIS IRENE
B.S. Business Education Omicron Delta,YWCA, AWS, WRH WOLGAST, DONALD RICHARD
B.S. Production Manager I-Men's Assoc., Varsity Athletics, SAM, Ed. of Management Newspaper, MRHA, Photography Club
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, Advertising Club, Beta Alpha Psi, Marketing Club
B.S. General Business EN (House Mgr.) , I-Men's Ass'n.
B.S. Finance Alpha Kappa Psi, Falcon Club, Scabbard and Blade, IU Young Republicans, EX ( Soc. Ch.)
B.S. Marketing ( Pledge Instructor) , YMCA, Hungarian Relief Fund ( Treas.) Marketing Club
B.S. Gen. Business Administration SAM
B.S. Accounting B.S. Finance AT ( Soc. Ch.) , Union Comm. Ch., Alpha Kappa Psi, Deans Honor Roll Fresh. Class Steering Comm., Accounting Club, Jr. Union Brd. THOMPSON, HENRIETTA M OSS Logansport VANGEL, STEPHEN JAMES B.S. Business Education Gary ZTA (Rush Ch.) , Omicron Delta B.S. Finance (Rush Chairman) Finance Club, IU Collegiate Democrats, IU Newman Club THOMPSON, JERRY LEE South Bend VELASQUEZ, PETER JOHN B.S. Gen. Business Administration Marion B.S. General Business I-Men's Association, Varsity Athletics Management Club, Accounting Club, Real Estate Club THOMPSON, SHIRLEY ANNE Indianapolis VERY, LAWRENCE EDWARD B.S. Office and Sec. Training New Albany Omicron Delta, SAM ( Secretary) B.S. Marketing KE (Rush Ch.) , Marketing Club THORNBURG, JR., ROBERT E. Bloomington VINCZ, ALBERT ANDREW B.S. Accounting Indianapolis Accounting Club B.S. Finance
Logansport B.S. Accounting and Bus. Ed.
Fort Wayne
B.S. Marketing Marketing Club WIGNER, JACK PHILLIP
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club, IU Young Republicans, Tomahawk, YMCA WILKINS, ROBERT GENE
B.S. Marketing Real Estate Club, Marketing Club, MRC ( Business Mgr.)
South Bend
B.S. Accounting Interfraternity Coun., Sphinx Club, YMCA, A ■FA ( Pres.) WORLEY, DANIEL EUGENE
B.S. Business Education A ( Sec. ) , AWS Council ( Treas.) , Omicron Delta ( Sec. ) , YWCA ( Soc. Ch.) , Vice-Ch. of Organized Party
B.S. Management Phi Eta Sigma, SAM, Hoosier Courts ( Councilman) WRIGLEY, THOMAS GRAINGE, JR.
B.S. Education AZ, ACE, YWCA
B.S. Speech and Theater IU Young Republicans, Alpha Psi Omega, YWCA
B.S. Accounting Sailing Club, Accounting Club
B.S. Education AAA, YWCA, Pi Lambda Theta (V-pres.)
B.S. Business Administration 4, K ( Pres.) , Falcon Club, IU Newman Club
B.S. Speech Theta Alpha Phi, Brown County Playhouse, Indiana State Teachers College
Michigan City
B.S. Accounting Accounting Club ( V-pres.) , MRHA Exec. Brd., Trees Center Brd. of Govs. ( V-pres.) , Linden H. ( Gov.)
Clarendon Hills, Illinois B.S. Language Arts A4,
B.S. Language Arts
B.S. Education ZR, ACE, FTA, YWCA, Belles, Union Comm. Ch.
B.S. Biological Science
B.S. Education Oak ( Pres., Hse. Coun. ) , WRH Executive Board, ACE, FTA
B.S. Marketing 4, A0, Alpha Delta Sigma ( Treas. )
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, Alpha Lambda Delta
B.S. General Business Arbutus, Delta Sigma Pi ( Treas.) IU Fnd., MRC Brd. of Govs., SAM
B.S. Education IU Collegiate Democrats, FTA, ACE
B.S. Education ( Hse. Mgr.) , WRA, YWCA, Denison University, DePauw
B.S. Education
B.S. Business Education FTA
Kukuihaele, Hawaii
B.S. Education Hawaiian Club, ACE, IU Newman Club, Oak and Walnut (Corridor Advisor) ALEXANDER, PATRICIA JOAN
B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy ALLISON (MRS.) , SUSAN ANN
Fort Wayne
B.S. Social Studies +PA
B.S. Language Arts Alpha Lambda Delta, Sycamore ( Treas.) ARMSTRONG, SUSAN
South Bend
B.S. Elementary A4, ( Philanthropy Ch.) , Jr. Panhellenic ( Sec. ) , ACE, AWS (Rep.) ARTHUR, JOAN
B.S. Education AZ, Jr. Panhellenic, YWCA, IU Young Republicans, ACE
Skokie, Illinois
B.S. Education AAA ( V-pres.) , YWCA, Pleiades, Union Board
B.S. Education IU Newman Club, ACE, FTA
Beech Grove
B.S. Education MAT, Jr. Panhellenic, Panhellenic (Rush Couns.) , ACE BISEL, KAREN PATRICIA
B.S. Education Stud. Ath. Comm., YWCA, Pi Lambda Theta, Wesley Foundation, Referral Bd. BLAISDELL, NANCY MAE
B.S. Education ZTA, Junior Class ( V-pres.) , Pleiades, Mortar Board, Union Board
B.S. Social Studies MRC Bd. of Gov., FTA, IU Young Republicans, S. Hall Knights ( Treas.) BURGOYNE, MYRNA LUANNE
B.S. Education A4, ( Hse. Mgr., Recording Sec.) , FTA, YWCA, IU Young Republicans BURR/S, BARBARA JEAN
B.S. HPER and Biology Alpha Lambda Delta, WRA ( V-pres., Sec. ) , Sycamore (Rec. Ch. ) , AWS Council
B.S. Education XS/ ( Asst. Sec.) , YWCA, FTA, ACE
B.S. Business Education Pine ( Hse. Mgr. ) , FTA
Tell City
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, FTA BOWLEY, BEVERLY ANN
B.S. Language Arts Tau Beta Sigma, FTA, Hoosierettes, Arbutus
Niles, Michigan
B.S. Education Morrison ( Soc. Ch.) , WRA, ACE, Belles, Union Board, Sec. of Social Co-ordinate COLLINS, CAROL ANN
Terre Haute
B.S. Education KAO, Stud. Ath. Comm.
CONREY, EDWARD KRIEGER B.S. Social Studies South Bend WRH (Judicial Bd.), Youth Hostel, B.S. General Science IU Newman Club, Cedar ( V-pres. ) OX ( Hse. Mgr.) , Sphinx Club, Skull and Crescent BROWNING, BARBARA ANN COSTIN, MARJORIE ANN Indianapolis Belief ontaine, Ohio B.S. Biology B.S. Education If (Rec. Sec., Historian) , Arbutus, YWCA, FTA, ACE Enomene, YWCA, Sweetheart of Sigma Chi CRUM, NANCY LEE
B.S. Elementary Education B.S. Education Stud. Supreme Court, AWS AM] (Rush Ch.) , YWCA, Council, IU Foundation, Pi Lambda ACE ( Treas.) Theta, Mortar Board
New Albany
B.S. Education YWCA, DePauw
B.S. Real Estate Arbutus, Sailing Club, Varsity Athletics, YMCA, Real Estate Club
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education YWCA, FTA, ACE
B.S. Education ACE
B.S. General Nursing Cresset
South Bend
B.S. Education Sigma Gamma Rho, NAACP, ACE
B.S. Education Hillel Foundation, IU Young Republicans
EH, Daily Student, Marching 100
M.S. Education
ATCt ( Soc. Ch., Pub. Ch. ) , SAM, Falcon Club, IU Young Rep., Union Comm. Ch.
Ale, ACE, Panhellenic, Pi Lambda Theta
B.S. Business Education APA ( Pres., V-pres. ) , IU Young Republicans, Panhellenic
Bedford B.S. Language Arts
East Chicago B.S. Gen. Business Administration
Gary B.S. Education
B.S. HPER IU Collegiate Democrats
B.S. Biology
B.S. Management 4,1i*
B.S. Education KA ( Treas.) , YWCA, AWS Council
B.S. Social Studies APA (Recording Sec.) , FTA, YWCA, IU Young Republicans, Union
B.S. Language Arts Sycamore ( Scholarship Comm.) , William Woods College
B.S. Fine Arts Forest ( V-pres., Referral Board) , Student Senatorial Asst., Arbutus, YWCA
B.S. Education Ale, Walnut ( V-pres.) , Jr. Panhellenic, NAACP, Oak (Union Board Rep.)
B.S. Real Estate IU Young Republicans, Wesley Fnd., Real Estate Club, SAM
B.S. Education FTA, ACE, IU Newman Club, Indiana State Teachers College
B.S. Nursing Education Cresset
B.S. General Business FTA
Owensboro, Kentucky
Fort Wayne
B.S. Fine Arts WRA
Freeport, Kansas
B.S. Nursing Education Pi Lambda Theta, Cresset, Sigma Theta Tau ECKERT, PAULINE MAE
B.S. Fine Arts XS2, IU Newman Club, Union Comm. Ch., Senatorial Asst., FTA, Stud. Elections Comm. EGGERS, JUDITH LENORE
B.S. Education Stud. Ath. Comm., ACE, WRH Executive Bd., Smithwood II (Pres.) ELY, BRENDA SUE
Terre Haute
B.S. Education X12 ( Soc. Ch.) , ACE, Panhellenic, YWCA Cabinet
B.S. Education liA, Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA
B.S. Education Smithwood I ( Cultural Ch.) , FTA, YWCA CURTIS, CELESTINE
Gary B.S. Education
Michigan City
B.S. Biology APA ( Scholarship Ch.) , YWCA
410, ACE
B.S. Art Education 4, IK, MRC Photo Club, Union Photo Club
B.S. Education A4, , Pi Lambda Theta, ACE ( Sec.) , Alpha Lambda Delta, FTA ( Pres., V-pres.) CUSICK, CAROLE MAE
B.S. Social Studies
B.S. Education AKA, IU Orchestra, ACE, Roger Williams Foundation DELONG, PAUL HUGH
South Bend
B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy, KA (Rush Ch.) , AWS Charm Clinic, Speech-Hearing Club DIAMONDIS, GAIL
South Bend
A.B. Language Art B.S. Social Studies, Math Greek American Club, Trees AXS2 ( V-pres. ) , Pi Lambda Theta, Center ( Sch. Ch.) Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, DIGGS, L. SHARRON Enomene
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, Stud. Ath. Comm., IU Collegiate Democrats, Jr. Prom ( Ch.)
Crown Point
B.S. Business Education Wesley Foundation, YWCA, FTA, Sycamore (Religious Ch.) Ew1NG, ROSEMARY
B.S. Language Arts Oak ( Pres. ) , Pamarada, WRH Executive Bd., University Singers, Referral Bd. FANCHER, FLOYD RUSSELL
B.S. Education Trojans ( Treas.) , Unit Councils, MRC Arts Council, FTA FERNANDEZ, LILLIAN CONNIE
B.S. Education AZ (Charm Ch.) , YWCA, FTA, ACE FIELDS, JANET MARIE
B.S. Education YWCA, FTA, ACE
B.S. Education Hillel Foundation, Smithwood I (Referral Bd.)
B.S. Speech (Corresponding Sec., Alumni Ch.) , YWCA, FTA
B.S. Language Arts Memorial ( Publicity Ch., Soc. Ch.) , Sailing Club, YWCA, Arbutus
Michigan City
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education Smithwood II ( Pres., V-pres., Sec. ) , Stud. Senate, AWS Bd. of Std., Enomene
B.S. Language Arts Oak ( Soc. Ch.) , Daily Student, IU Newman Club
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education A0I1 Sigma Alpha Iota, Westminster Foundation, ACE FRANKE, MARGARET SUZANNE
Arlington Heights, Ill.
B.S. Education IIBh( V-pres., Pledge Trainer ) , Union Bd., Alpha Lambda Delta, Pleiades FRICKE, JACK WILLIAMS
B.S. Education ACE, Wesley Foundation
B.S. Language Arts Cedar ( Pres. ) , Pi Lambda Theta, Pamarada ( V-pres. ) , WRH Executive Bd., Queens
Star City
B.S. Business Education
East Chicago
B.S. Education IU Collegiate Democrats, IU Newman Club, ACE, FTA HAKES, RICHARD OWEN
B.S. Language Arts ETA (Bd. of Standards, Pres. )
B.S. Social Studies IU Newman Club, YWCA GEBHART, ELLEN MARIE
B.S. Math and Chemistry GIBSON, MARILYN KAYE
B.S. Spanish and English ETA, Spanish Club, FTA
B.S. English and Spanish
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Education MAT ( V-pres., Sec.) , YWCA, Unit Councils, Hillel Foundation GOLDSTEIN, EUNICE
University Heights, Ohio
B.S. Language Arts Daily Student, Enomene, Hillel Foundation GOLDZWIG, MARLENE
Middletown, Ohio
B.S. Education MAT ( Pres., V-pres., Sec. ) , Stud. Ath. Comm., Panhellenic, YWCA GORDON, LINDA RUTH
Joliet, Illinois
B.S. Language Arts EAT ( Hse. Mgr., Soc. Ch. ) , Forest (Corridor Advisor) , Hillel Foundation, YWCA
B.S. English MAT, Senatorial Asst., Jr. Panhellenic, Arbutus, Daily Student, YWCA
B.S. Language Arts K K F ( Song Leader, Vespers Ch.), FTA, YWCA, Westminster Foundation HOUCHIN ( MRS.) , SHANNON
B.S. Education AKA, ACE
B.S. Social Studies Morrison ( Treas., Referral Bd.) , IU Young Republicans, Kappa Phi, Library Sci. ( Sec.)
Cedar ( Sec.)
B.S. Education
Fort Wayne
Mount Vernon, Washington
B.S. Education Smithwood 3 ( Pres.) , FTA, WRH Executive Board, YWCA ( Soc. Ch.)
Oak Lawn, Illinois
B.S. Education AZ, Young Republicans, Westminster Foundation, FTA, YWCA, ACE KETT, LOIS JEANNE
B.S. Speech AP ( Soc. Ch.) , YWCA, AWS Council KEYES, MARY
B.S. Education 1111 ,13 (Pledge Supv.) Stud. Ath. Comm., YWCA KIMMEL, BARBARA JUNE
Lakewood, Ohio
B.S. Nursing Education Cresset HARRIS, BEVERLY MAE
B.S. Education KA, Union Comm. Ch., Jr. Panhellenic, YWCA HUTCHERSON, SYLVIA CAROL
B.S. Business Education HUTNER, SUZANNE WOLF
B.S. Mathematics Parks House ( Ath. Mgr. ) , Quiz Bowl
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education KKI' ( Activities Ch.) , ACE, Arbutus, Student Senate, Pi Lambda Theta, YWCA
B.S. Biological Science
Paducah, Kentucky
Henderson, Kentucky
B.S. Language Arts Pi Lambda Theta, YWCA, Alpha Lambda Delta, FTA, Library Science Club HAYES, EDWARD JAMES
B.S. Language Arts Campbell House ( Soc. Ch., Treas. IU Orchestra, IU Newman Club HAYES, MARILYN
B.S. Business Education YWCA H ICKS, ROBERT E.
B.S. Education AAA, Jr. Panhellenic
B.S. Social Studies West Hall II ( Ath. Ch.) , MRC Glee Club JOHNSON, RICHARD LARRY
B.S. Social Studies Lowe House ( Treas., Ath. Ch.) , Marching 100
B.S. Social Studies JONES, ROSS MARCUS
B.S. Biology
Cincinnati, Ohio
B.S. Education Alpha Lambda Delta KING, CONSTANCE SUSAN B.S. Education AAA (Corres. Sec.) , Enomene (Rec. Sec. ) , Class Sec. (4) , Pleiades ( Soc. Ch.) KITTINGER, ANN ELIZABETH
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education ACE, Wesley Foundation ( Sec.) , FTA, YWCA, Sycamore (Religious Ch.) KIXMILLER, JO ANN
Downers Grove, Illinois
B.S. Education FHB ( House Mgr.) , Young Republicans KOGER, RONALD GENE
New Castle
B.S. General Science Scabbard and Blade KOMOROSKE, JUDITH ANN
B.S. Education Newman Club, ACE, FTA, Forest Hall ( Social Ch. ) KOPCHIK, JOHN
B.S. Social Studies MQ Bd. of Gov., Nichols House (Gov. ) , Collegiate Democrats
B.S. Education FTA, NAACP, YWCA
B.S. Education AZ ( Pres.) , AWS Bd. of Standards, Pleiades ( V-pres. ) , Director ( 4 )
B.S. Education ( Soc. Ch.) , FTA, ACE, IU Young Republicans, YWCA ( Projects Coun.)
B.S. Education Hillel, FTA, Smithwood 3 (Campus Activities Ch.)
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, Sailing Club, IU Newman Club
B.S. History Acacia ( V-pres.), IFC, Jr. IFC, Marching 100, Skull and Crescent
A.B. Education A011, Hanover College ( 1, 2) , FTA
B.S. Speech-Hearing AM (Rush Ch. ) , Speech and Hearing Club ( Sec.) , YWCA ( Executive Coun.) LINDE, ROSE MARIE
Michigan City
B.S. Education APA, YWCA, ACE, FTA, Student Coun. of Ed. School LOWE, VENDA LAWRENCE
Fort Thomas, Kentucky B.S. Education
East Chicago
B.S. Language Arts Newman Club MCMILLIN, DELANO R OY
South Bend
B.S. Social Studies Student NEA, YMCA, National Coun. for the Social Studies
Winnetka, Illinois
B.S. Education MAT ( Rush Ch.) , Hillel (Pres., Sec.) , Jr. Week Steering Comm. MARLEY, JO ANN
B.S. Education A011 ( V-pres. ) , ACE, FTA, Arbutus, YWCA ( Housing Conn.) MARSHALL, JO ANNE
B.S. Education 1K, Union Comm. Co-Ch., Wesley Foundation, YWCA MELAVEN, NORMA JEAN
B.S. Education Smithwood II ( Soc. Ch.) , Campus Christians
B.S. Education AZ ( Standards Ch. ) , ACE, Union Bd., YWCA, FTA
B.S. Spanish-French Phi Sigma Iota, Hoosierettes
B.S. Education
B.S. Social Science Morrison ( Hse. Mgr. ) , YWCA
B.S. Nursing Education Cresset, Pi Lambda Theta, Young Republicans
MACLAREN, JUDITH ANN B.S. Education Indianapolis Zli (Rush Ch.) ACE, FTA, YWCA B.S. Education AFA, ACE, FTA, YWCA, KLINKE, MARY ELIZABETH Union Bd., Young Republicans
B.S. Education
B.S. Education AP ( Rush Ch.) , AWS Coun., IU Foundation, Mortar Bd., Panhellenic
B.S. Education
East Chicago
B.S. Education
LATTAK, AGNES THERESE B.S. English Oak Hall ( Treas.)
B.S. Chemistry-Mathematics KAO ( Treas.)
South Bend
B.S. English and Speech Arbutus, FTA, YWCA ( Stud. Leader) , Sycamore (Corridor Advisor)
B.S. Education B.S. Education Forest (Cultural Ch.), ACE, YWCA GETTELFINGER, REX A.
South Bend
B.S. General Nursing Cresset
B.S. Education Student Congress, Fort Wayne Center
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education
New Harmony B.S. Education
B.S. Education
B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy AZ ( Historian) , Speech and Hearing Club, ACE, YWCA
Michigan City
Robinson, Illinois
MELTON, BEVERLY ANN B.S. Education SK( V-pres. ) , ACE, FTA, YWCA, Protestant Student Council MELVIN (MRS.) , ELIZABETH
Lake Worth, Florida B.S. Education ACE, Sailing Club
Crown Point
B.S. Education Pine Hall ( Treas.) , ACE, Pi Lambda Theta
Fort Wayne
B.S. Biological Science MOORE, MARTHA LOUISE
B.S. English Memorial Hall ( Treas. ) MORRIS, LUANNE
B.S. Education AP ( V-pres. ) , YWCA, FTA, Sailing Club ( Treas.)
Paris, Illinois
ROACH, ROBERT C. Delphi B.S. Biology
B.S. Speech and Hearing KA ( Pres.) , Panhellenic, Speech and Hearing Club, President's Cabinet, YWCA
Bloomington B.S. Art
B.S. Speech and Hearing Speech and Hearing Club PENCE, KATHRYN JO
Fort Wayne B.S. Education
B.S. Nursing Cresset
New Albany
B.S. Education AP, YWCA
B.S. Education ACE
AP ( House Mgr.) , FTA, Arbutus, YWCA, Pi Lambda Theta
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta ( Pres.) , ACE, FTA, YWCA
Beverly Shores
B.S. Social Studies Newman Club, Finance Club, Freshmen Basketball ( Mgr.)
Wilmette, Illinois
B.S. Education EAT ( Social Ch.) , YWCA, Hillel
B.S. Social Studies Student Senate, NAACP
B.S. Language Arts Hanover College ( 1) , FTA, Alpha Lambda Delta, YWCA
B.S. Education ACE, NEA, Newman Club
East Chicago
B.S. Business Education
B.S. Education APA ( Social Ch.) , ACE, FTA, YWCA NARTER, MARCIA TOBIN
University City, Missouri
A.B. Education
B.S. Nursing Education Cresset NORRIS, DONNA REGINA
B.S. Education
Fort Wayne
B.S. Speech and Hearing RAE (Rush Ch.) , Oceanides ( V-pres.) , Pi Lambda Theta, Alpha Lambda Delta
Fort Wayne B.S. Speech
Daily Student, Young Republicans, Hillel, YMCA OWEN, DORA ELLEN
B.S. Speech and Hearing Sycamore ( Pres. ) , WRH Executive Bd., Speech and Hearing Club, Wesley PACHECO, ANGELA MARGARETTE
East Chicago
East Chicago
B.S. Education A<F, ACE, FTA, YWCA, Young Republicans ( Dir.) , Oceanides ( Treas.) PIEL, JANET RUTH
Harvey, Illinois
B.S. Business Education Newman Club PALOSKI, LOIS JANE
East Chicago
B.S. Social Studies West Hall 2 ( Sec.) , FTA, Flame Club, Scabbard and Blade, Unit Councils POER, MEREDITH VAN
Fort Wayne B.S. Education KM)
B.S. Chemistry-Mathematics PRASCOE, NANCY JEAN
B.S. Physical Science Wesley Foundation, FTA PURDUE, EDWINA MARGARET
B.S. Education Sycamore Hall ( Art Ch.) , Baptist Church Choir, Sycamore Choir
B.S. Education APA, Alpha Lambda Delta, Enomene, Pleiades, YWCA, Pi Lambda Theta SNEPP, BARBARA ELLEN
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, ACE SOPKO, CAROL SUE
B.S. Education IU Rifle Club SPETH, PAUL HUBERT
Floyd Knobs
SCHNEIDER, KARL EDWARD B.S. Social Studies AXA ( Pledge Trainer ) , Sphinx Club, YMCA
B.S. Education AXE ( Social Ch.) , YWCA
B.S. Speech
B.S. Education ( Social Ch.) , YWCA
B.S. Speech-Theatre APA, FTA SELL, VIRGINIA M.
Toledo, Ohio
B.S. Biology REEVES, NANCY SUE B.S. Language Arts
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Education EAT, Daily Student, YWCA, Hillel Foundation, Panhellenic STEINKAMP, MARY EARLENE
Gas City
B.S. Education APA ( Activities Ch.) , YWCA, ACE, FTA, Pi Lambda Theta, Jr. Panhel
B.S. Education YWCA, FTA, ACE, AWS Charm Clinic, AWS Representative Council
B.S. History AXA ( Social Ch. ) , Singing Hoosiers, Pershing Rifles
Crown Point
KA ( Sec.) , AWS, FTA, YWCA
B.S. Education
South Bend
B.S. Education Forest Hall ( V-pres.) , Referral Board ( Ch. ) , ACE, YWCA TRITCH, SARAH ANN
B.S. Education AAA ( Pres., Chaplain) Mortar Board, Panhel, YWCA Cabinet ( Sec. ) U JDAK, GERALD JOSEPH
South Bend
B.S. Education Spelunking Club, SAM, MRC Glee Club, MRC Hospitality Comm. VAIL, MARCIA Lou
Chicago, Illinois
B.S. Education AXE, YWCA Speech and Hearing Club WAGNER, NORMAN G.
B.S. Education AKA ( Sec.) , FTA, NAACP ( Pres. ) , YWCA, Senate Advisory Board
B.S. Education 1011 ( Social Ch.) , ACE, FTA, IU Newman Club, Senatorial Assistant
Brazil B.S. Language Arts
B.S. Education Belles
( Sec.) , ACE, YWCA, Wesley Foundation, Auditorium Usher Corps
Gary B.S. Education
B.S. Education
B.S. Art Education AKA, NAACP, YWCA
B.S. Education History Club, IU Newman Club
B.S. Education
B.S. Education
B.S. Education APA, FTA, YWCA, Panhel (Rush Counsellor ) , IU Newman Club
Brownsburg B.S. Education
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education Sycamore Hall ( Treas. ) , FTA, IU Collegiate Democrats, ACE
B.S. Social Studies KKP ( Pledge Trainer) , YWCA ( Cabinet) , Oceanides ( Treas.)
B.S. Education YWCA, FTA, AWS Charm Clinic
B.S. Education
B.S. Education IU Flying Club, YMCA, IU Newman Club, Sophomore Cotillion
B.S. Education
B.S. Education ACE, FTA
B.S. Language Arts Campus Christians
B.S. Education AZ ( Social Ch.) , ACE, Young Republicans ( Sec.) , FTA, YWCA
B.S. Education AXE ( Board of Standards) , FTA, Newman Club, Young Republicans
B.S. Education Pi Lambda Theta, Young Republicans
B.S. Education APA, FTA, ACE, Jordan River Review, Newman Club
B.S. Nursing Education Cresset
B.S. Education FTA, IU Newman Club
B.S. Education FTA, YWCA Housing Council, KA ( Social Service Ch.) , Linden Hall ( Treas.)
B.S. Speech and Hearing AXE, AWS Council, Jr. Union Bd., AWS ( Publicity Ch.) , Union Comm. Ch.
B.S. Education O'l'A( Pres.) , ETA, ACE, Newman Club, Junior Panhellenic
B.S. Business Education ZTA ( P. A.) , YWCA
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education South Bend YWCA, Unit Councils, Sailing Club B.S. Art Education AKA ( Pres.) , NAACP, YWCA, PITMAN, CARROLL JACK IU Foundation
B.S. Education RAND, JUDE ANN Oak Hall ( House Mgr.), ACE, FTA La Crosse, Wisconsin B.S. Education PAGE, JOHN PATRICK
SUTHERLIN, RICHARD B.S. Education Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching 100
New Albany
B.S. Education K Kl'( Rush Ch.) , YWCA, Oceanides, ACE
B.S. Education TALTY, SHIRLEY ANN FTA, Newman Club, Pine Hall Bloomington ( House Manager) , Theta Phi Alpha B.S. Education
Michigan City
B.S. Education AXE, AWS ( Pres.) , Mortar Board, Stud. Senate, Senate Advisory Board
Fort Wayne
A.B. Education Union Board, YWCA, Westminster Foundation WATERFORD, CHARLOTTE ANN
B.S. Education AZE, Panhel, NAACP, Omicron Delta WEBBER, JANE CAROLYN
East Gary
B.S. Education FR( V.-pres.) , Pleiades, Enomene, YWCA ( Housing Council) WELLS, SHIRLEY H.
B.S. Education Marching 100, NAACP WHITE, EUGENE KENNETH
B.S. Education Kappa Kappa Psi ( V-pres.) , Marching 100 ( V-pres. ) Wesley Foundation, YMCA
B.S. Education II13 ,1, (Rush Ch.)
B.M.E. Voice Marching 100, Singing Hoosiers, University Singers, Vars. Four Quart., I.U. Opera Productions
B.S. Voice Falcon Club, Sailing Club, Singing Hoosiers, YMCA, Inter. colleg. arts, Council (Pres.) , LITA
B.M.E. Music Educ. Arnold Air Soc. ( Comm.) , Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Kappa Lambda, University Singers
Cleveland, Ohio
New Augusta
B.S. Education Arbutus, Mortar Board, Pamarada, President's Cab., YWCA (District Rep.)
Zeigler, Illinois
Arlington Heights, Ill.
B.M.E. Trumpet I.U. Orch., Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching 100, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, I.M.E.A. Jr. Cl. Rep.
B.M. Violin Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma Alpha Iota, Kappa Alpha Theta
B.M. Opera & Musicology Walnut & Oak ( music ch.) , Pi Kappa Lambda
B.S. Education
B.S. Education KAP (Corres. Sec.) , Dragon's Head, Sphinx Club, YMCA ( Pres. )
Fort Wayne
New Albany
B.S. Education AT ( Soc. Ch. ) , YWCA, Intercollegiate Debate, FTA, Union Service Award WILSON, DIANE DELORES
B.S. Education ( V-pres.) , Enomene, Fresh. Class V-pres., Alpha Epsilon Delta, YWCA WILSON, MELVILLE DUANE
A.B. Education Wesley Foundation, YMCA WINTER, NANCY RUTH
B.S. Education
Fort Wayne
B.S. Education AAA (Marshal)) , AWS Council, YWCA WITTY, ELEANOR ANN
B.S. Education Arbutus, ACE, WRH Executive Board, Smithwood I ( Pres.) WRAY, NORMA JEAN
B.S. Education Westminster Foundation WRIGHT, SUSAN
B.S. Education ( Corres. Sec. ) , YWCA, Union Personnel Staff, FTA, Sailing Club YALOWITZ, GERALDINE
Chicago, Illinois B.S. Education
AWS Board of Standards, Mortar Board, Pamarada, Pi Lambda Theta
Thedf ord, Nebraska
B.M. Voice Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Univ. Sing.
Pascagoula, Mississippi B.M.E. Voice Educ.
B.M.E. Music Educ. I.U. Orch., Sigma Alpha Iota, Tau Beta Sigma ( Sec. 2 yrs.) BATLEY, IRMA JEAN
Winchester, Illinois
B.M.E. Music Educ. Belles, Enomene, Sigma Alpha Iota, recording secretary
De Motto
Fort Wayne
B.M. & B.M.E. Voice Sigma Alpha Iota ( V-pres.)
North Manchester
B.M.E. Voice Alpha Lambda Delta, Belles, Campus Christians, Enomene, Sigma Alpha Iota
Huron, South Dakota B.S. Voice Belles
B.M. Voice Alpha Lambda Delta, Belles, Sigma Alpha Iota, Pi Kappa Lambda HATFIELD, FRANK MICHAEL
B.S. Radio & Television I.U. Orchestra, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia ( Sec.) HESSERT, NORMAN DALE
Fort Wayne
B.M.E. Music Educ. I.U. Orchestra, Marching 100, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia ( V-pres.) HOLMES, F. NADINE
B.M.E. Music Educ. Panhellenic, University Singers, ZTA ( Pres.) INGRAM, GERALDINE
B.M.E. Voice Mu Phi Epsilon ( Sec. ) Forest ( V-pres. ) KAUFMAN, MARIAN JEAN
E. St. Louis, Ill.
B.M.E. Clarinet Sigma Alpha Iota, Symphonic Wind Ensemble KIMES, CYNTHIA ANN
B.S. Voice & Journalism Cosmopolitan Club, Daily Student, Mu Phi Epsilon ( Sec. & V-pres. ) University Singers KIMMEL, JO ANNE Greenville, S. C. B.M.E. Piano Senatorial Assistants, University Singers, YWCA, Hickory Hall (Corr. Advs.) , 5011 KLOTZ, EL/NOR ANN
B.S. HPER Varsity Athletics ( Football) BRODIGAN, PAUL PATRICK
B.M. Organ
B.M.E. Music Educ.
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n., Football
B.M.E. Voice Jr. Panhellenic advisor, Panhel Council, Pleiades, Sigma Alpha Iota, Student Ath. Comm.,
Wichita, Kansas
B.M. Piano
B.M.E. Music Educ. Marching 100, <I, IK ( V-pres. ) PETERSON, ROBERT ALLEN B.M. Theory Unit Councils, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Hickory (secr.) PIPER, JOAN
B.M.E. Voice Belles, FTA, Sigma Alpha Iota, ( Song leader) POLIVKA, JANET CORRING
Hinsdale, Ill.
B.M.E. Music Educ. Belles, Sigma Alpha Iota, ACM POUDER, PATRICIA ANN
B.M.E. Harp Belles, I.U. Orchestra REID, SARA ELIZABETH
M.M.E. Voice M.E.N.C. Club, Queens (Corres. Sec. ) , Chancel Choir, Smithwood I (Mu. Ch.) REID, SARAH SUE
B.M.E. Music Educ. Queens, Forest Hall (Mus. Ch.) , AT ( Song leader)
St. Louis, Mo. B.M.E. Voice
B.M.E. Music Educ. Sigma Alpha Iota ( Treas.) , MENC SMITH, S. COLLEEN
B.S. HPER American Rec. Soc. ( Treas.)
Fort Wayne
B.S. HPER KAP, Freshman Swimming Mgr. CABEL, JAMES RICHARD
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n., Varsity Athletics COLSTON, JEANETTE
Kirkwood, Missouri
B.S. HPER ARS, Tau Beta Sigma
Fort Thomas, Kentucky
B.S. HPER PEMM ( V-pres.) , WRA, Pamarada, Southern Ind. Bd. of Officials ( Sec. ) DAVID, RONALD CLIFFORD
Cincinnati, Ohio
B.S. HPER III, I-Men's Ass'n., IU Foundation DILLING, JANICE MARIE
B.M.E. Music Educ. Sigma Alpha Iota, Christian Science Organization (Pres. & Sec. )
Cleveland, Ohio B.S. HPER
AZ, Bowling Club ( Pres.) , WRA ( Treas.) , YWCA (Cabinet) MARKER, RUE DEE B.S. HPER AXA, Campus Christians, YMCA
South Bend
B.S. HPER PEMM, Oceanides, American Rec. Soc. ( V-pres.)
Lindsan, Ontario, Canada
B.S. HPER PEMM, Modern Dance Workshop, Oceanides
New Harmony B.S. HPER
B.S. HPER American Rec. Soc., Sailing Club, Westminster Foundation
Omaha, Nebraska
B.S. HPER OX, Phi Epsilon Kappa HAAS, MARJORIE
B.S. HPER American Rec. Soc., Hillel Foundation HART, ALAN GEORGE
Rahway, New Jersey B.S. HPER
B.S. HPER Phi Epsilon Kappa ( Sec.) SHOOK, JOSEPH A.
Washington, Pennsylvania
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n.
B.S. HPER B.S. HPER Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Athletics KliF, Cheerleader, Enomene, Gamma Alpha Chi, Oceanides, HITCHNER, PH/LIP LESTER Student Ath. Comm. South Bend,
East Chicago
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n., Kappa Alpha Psi, Sphinx Club, Varsity Athletics, YMCA
B.S. HPER Football Mgr.
B.S. HPER r!B ( Sec.) , PEMM, Oceanides
B.M. Music Educ. Queens ( accompanist) , Xli
B.M. & B.M.E. Music Educ. I.U. Orchestra, Marching 100, I.U. Opera
La Grange, Illinois
B.S. HPER IFC, Skull and Crescent
B.M.E. Music Educ. Alpha Lambda Delta, Tau Beta Sigma ( Treas.) , Westminster Fnd., Pi Kappa Lambda
Indianapolis B.S. HPER
B.S. HPER 4, 1C ,1, , Arnold Air Soc., I-Men's Ass'n., Varsity Athletics
Buffalo, New York
Middletown, Ohio
Stoughton, Massachusetts
B.S. Organ Sigma Alpha Iota ( Ed. & Pres.) , Amer. Guild of Organists, RadioTV Club, KA
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n.
B.M. Piano Alpha Lambda Delta, Pi Kappa Lambda, Sigma Alpha Iota ( chap.)
B.S. Voice Belles, University Singers, ,AAA
Henderson, Kentucky
B.M.E. Music Educ. Belles, Sigma Alpha Iota, Pine Hall ( Cultural, Music Ch.)
St. Louis, Mo.
Duquesne, Pennsylvania
B.M.E. Voice Delta Sigma Theta ( Schol. Ch.) University Singers, Trees Center Choir
Honolulu, Hawaii
B.S. HPER Hawaiian Club, I-Men's Ass'n., Pershing Rifles, Varsity Athletics
B.S. HPER FAO, (Pres.) , IU Foundation, IU Newman Club, IU Young Rep's. SPENCER, DAVID A.
Indianapolis B.S. HPER YMCA
B.S. HPER I-Men's Ass'n., Varsity Athletics (Football, Wrestling)
J.D. Law Law Club, Phi Delta Phi, Brd. Editors Indiana Law Journal
L.L.B. Law
J.D. Law
L.L.B. Law
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Phi Delta Phi, Editor-inChief Indiana Law Journal
Fort Wayne
jalo, New York B.S. HPER
WRIGHT, JERYL LEE Carmi, Illinois B.S. HPER SPA, I-Men's Ass'n., Phi Epsilon Kappa, Sigma Delta Psi YEAGER, MARION ERNEST
North Vernon
B.S. HPER American Rec. Soc. ( Treas.) ( Pres.) , Phi Epsilon Kappa
J.D. Law Delta Theta Phi, Law Club IVES, JOSEPH T. JR. Delphi L.L.B. Law JACOBS, ANDREW JR.
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Indiana Law Journal
L.L.B. Law Alpha Kappa Psi, Law Journal, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Delta Phi
J.D. Law Law Club, Hillel, Phi Delta Phi, .`,'AM ( Pres.) BROOKS, GENE EDWARD
New Harmony
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Delta Theta Phi BROWN, ROGER WILLIAM
J.D. Law Delta Theta Phi (Pres.) CANTWELL, DONALD BYRON
Fort Wayne
L.L.B. Law Beta Gamma Sigma, Law Club, Phi Delta Phi, Brd. of Editors Indiana Law Journal
A.B., L.L.B. Law Flame Club, Phi Delta Phi, Law Club SMITH, GORDON
L.L.B. Law Young Republicans ( Pres.) , Phi Delta Phi (Clerk) WAKEFORD, NORENE JUNE
J.D. Law Law Club, Young Republicans ( Pres.) , Phi Delta Phi ( Treas.) , Brd. Editors Indiana Law Journal FREIHOFER, WILLIAM ALBERT
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Phi Delta Phi GROGG, VINCENT FRANKLIN
Cincinnati, Ohio
L.L.B. Law Newman Club, Phi Delta Phi, Young Republicans HARRIS, ROBERT EUGENE
Richmond J.D. Law
J.D. Law
M.D. Medicine Phi Delta Epsilon, Skeleton Club COONS, FREDERICK WILLIAM
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Fencing Team
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
Alton, Illinois
Rochester, New York
J.D. Law
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Campus Christians, Phi Delta Phi, Rogers "V" ( Pres. )
M.D. Medicine Alpha Phi Omega ( Treasurer) , Psychology Club, Phi Chi, Skeleton Club ANGEL, VIRGIL E.
O'CONNELL, EDWARD HERBERT JR East Chicago M.D. Medicine Albany, New York
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Chi
J.D. Law Phi Delta Phi
L.L.B. Law
Washington, D.C.
L.L.B. Law Law Club, Phi Delta Phi, Indiana Law Journal
J.D. Law
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi, Student Senate, Skull and Crescent ( Pres.) , Union Board
Rolling Prairie
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Senior Medical Class Treasurer, Phi Chi Secretary
L.L.B. Law Delta Theta Phi ( V-pres.) , Law Club
South Bend
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
CARTER, WILLIAM D. Gary M.D. Medicine
L.L.B. Law Iota Tau Tau
L.L.B. Law Law Club
M.D. Medicine Flame Club, Men's Quad, Board of Governors, Nu Sigma Nu
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu
South Bend
L.L.B. Law Law Club
L.L.B. Law Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Delta Phi, Senior Associate Indiana Law Journal, Orator Med-Law Boress
Springfield, Illinois
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi
Fort Wayne
L.L.B. Law
Plainfield, New Jersey J.D., L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
L.L.B. Law Freshman Class ( Pres.) QUIGG, JAMES ROBERT
Phi Chi
South Bend
L.L.B. Law Phi Delta Phi
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club
J.D. Law Phi Delta Phi, Law Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, IU Newman Club
East Chicago
M.D. Medicine Phi Beta Kappa FUKUMOTO, RICHARD ISAMU
Aiea, Oahu, Hawaii M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine TKE, German Club ( Pres.) , Phi Eta Sigma, Sphinx Club, Phi Beta Pi GIBSON, ALOIS EUGENE
M.D. Medicine Skeleton Club, Nu Sigma Nu GLASCOCK, JOHN CUSTER
Terre Haute
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon ( V-pres.) GRAVES, RICHARD HARWOOD
M.D. Medicine Phi Rho Sigma, Am. Youth Hostel ( Pres.) GREGORY, ROBERT LEON
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club GUTIERREZ, PETER EMANUEL
East Chicago
M.D. Medicine Blue Key, Phi Rho Sigma, Skeleton Club, Sec. of Ind. Chap. of Stud. Amer. Med. Assoc.
M.D. Medicine MRC Board of Governors, Phi Beta Kappa, Skeleton Club DRAKE, JAMES RICHARD
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club, Skull and Crescent
West Baden Springs
M.D. Medicine Soph. Med. Class (Pres.) , IU Newman Club, Nu Sigma Nu, Sr. Council in Med. Sch.
M.D. Medicine Young Republicans, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club, Skull and Crescent, YMCA BARDEN, TOM PRESTON
Beech Grove
Rome City
M.D. Medicine +AO, Alpha Delta Sigma, HAGMAN, NORMAN A. Alpha Epsilon Delta, No Sigma Nu, Gary Skeleton Club M.D. Medicine ‘1, X, No Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa DEBROTA, JOHN JR. Indianapolis HALL, WILLIAM RICHARD M.D. Medicine Indianapolis Phi Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, M.D. Medicine Skeleton Club Skeleton Club
L.L.B. Law Delta Theta Phi
M.D. Medicine Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine 1AM ( Pres. ) , Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Epsilon ( V-pres. ) , Phi Eta Sigma
M.D. Medicine M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, German Club, IU Newman Club, Men's Quad Board of Governors, Skeleton Club Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
L.L.B. Law Law Club
J.D. Law Phi Delta Phi (Historian) , Law Journal
M.D. Medicine +BIT, German Club ( Pres.) , MRC Bd. of Gov's, Skeleton Club, Tomahawk
Fort Wayne
J.D. Law
East Chicago
L.L.B. Law Phi Alpha Delta, Law Club, Collegiate Democrats
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
Opolis, Kansas
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine ATE, Alpha Phi Omega, Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine E, Vice-President of Senior Medical Class, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa
N. Manchester
M.D. Medicine Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma, HELMER, FREDERIC ALLAN Skeleton Club, Alpha Epsilon Delta South Bend M.D. Medicine ESTRICH, DAVID LOUIS Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Eta Sigma, Bloomington Skeleton Club M.D. Medicine President of Medical Class 1956-57 HOHL, RICHARD DAVID
Michigan City
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu, Omega Delta Tau
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine No Sigma Nu, Sigma Pi
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu
M.D. Medicine Newman Club, Nu Sigma Nu JANKOWSKI, ERNEST BERNARD
South Bend
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club JOHNSON, EARL HUNT
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Zeta JOHNSON, WILLIAM HERBERT
South Bend
M.D. Medicine Newman Club, Phi Chi KLEPINGER, CAROL ANN
Terre Haute
M.D. Medicine M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Rho Sigma ROHDES, FRED DAVID Indianapolis MORAN, WILLIAM JOSEPH M.D. Medicine Indianapolis I-Men's Association, Skeleton Club M.D. Medicine I-Men's Association, IU ROHRER, BRYCE BARTON Newman Club, Pershing Rifles, Wakarusa Varsity Athletics M.D. Medicine MULLIGAN, WM. STANLEY, JR. ROTH, NATHAN HIRSH Vincennes Indianapolis M.D. Medicine M.D.Medicine Phi Chi Phi Delta Epsilon NASH, FRANKLIN DAVID SCHAAB, ERIC Indianapolis Auburn M.D. Medicine 7. BT, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Eta Sigma, M.D. Medicine Bell, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Union Board, Varsity Athletics Kappa, Skeleton Club, Student Supreme Court NEHER, JOHN LEWIS
South Bend
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club, Student American Medical Association
M.D. Medicine Alpha Delta Theta, IU Newman Club, No Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine *AO, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
M.D. Medicine I-Men's Associaiton, Nu Sigma Nu SCUDDER, JAMES PETERSON M.D. Medicine ,ETA, Nu Sigma Nu
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta KURTZ, RICHARD
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta
M.D. Medicine 4TA, Nu Sigma Nu ( V-pres. and Treas.), Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club PANTZER, JOHN G. JR.
M.D. Medicine ATA, No Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club, YMCA LEE, PAUL RALPH
M.D. Medicine Skeleton Club, Phi Beta Pi
M.D. Medicine Phi Beta Pi
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine AT& Nu Sigma Nu, Pres. of Med. Class
M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Phi Beta Pi
M.D. Medicine Board of Aeons, MRC Board of Governors, Skeleton Club ( Pres.)
M.D. Medicine Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Eta Sigma MCCONNAUGHEY, HAL DAVID
M.D. Medicine 1U Newman Club, Skeleton Club, Skull and Crescent MCLAREN, DANIEL EDWARD
M.D. Medicine A.B. Depauw Skeleton Club, Beta Theta Pi ( Secretary) MILLER, KENNETH DEVON
M.D. Medicine Blue Key, Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club, Sphinx Club, Varsity Athletics, YMCA, Delta Phi Alpha
Fountain City
M.D. Medicine MQ Bd. of Gov., Nu Sigma Nu, Senatorial Ass't., Singing Hoosiers REED, RONALD RILEY
M.D. Medicine A.B. Anatomy Jr. Class ( V-pres.) , Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Rho Sigma, Skeleton Club STEMLE, DUANE L.
M.D. Medicine IU Newman Club, Nu Sigma Nu, Union Board STIEGLITZ, LAWRENCE DELONG Milford M.D. Medicine Campus Christians, Cosmopolitan Club, Student Supreme Court, Varsity Ath. STONE, ROBERT CHARLES
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi, Skeleton Club
Tell City
B.S. Optometry Omega Delta FADS, DAVID MARTIN
M.O. Optometry Omega Epsilon Phi, Eat and Speak Club ESCOL, DENNIS M.
M.D. Medicine
B.S. Optometry AEII( Pres.) , IFC, Sph i nx Club, IU Foundation, Omega Epsilon Phi, Union Comm. Ch.
New Albany
M.O. Optometry Omega Epsilon Phi
Terre Haute
M.D. Medicine ANA, Skeleton Club
M.D. Medicine Phi Chi
B.S. Optometry Eat and Speak Club, Omega Delta
HALL, RICHARD DEE Bloomington M.D. Medicine B.S. Optometry *AO, ( Treas.) , Alpha Epsilon Delta, No Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club l'N, Eat and Speak Club, Omega Epsilon Phi, Singing Hoosiers, Optometry Sch. Cl. Pres., 1959 WHITE, NICHOLAS
Paterson, New Jersey
M.D. Medicine 1-Men's Ass'n., Phi Chi, Skeleton Club, Spelunking Club, Varsity Athletics
WILLEUTTS, HARRISON DAVID M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Skeleton Club, Greentown M.D. Medicine Phi Beta Pi Phi Beta Pi, IU Newman Club SHELINE, ALAN EUGENE WILLIAMS, CARL N. Fort Wayne Gary M.D. Medicine M.D. Medicine 13011, Alpha Epsilon Delta, A.B. Zoology Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Eta Sigma
M.D. Medicine Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club, Phi Beta Pi
SIDELL, JAMES PAUL Monroeville M.D. Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta, Skull and Crescent
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine Phi Beta Pi, Skeleton Club
West Lafayette
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine No Sigma Nu
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine M.A. Anatomy
Gronau-W est I alen, Germany
M.O. Optometry Omega Delta ( Scribe) ISENBARGER, KARL
M.O. Optometry Omega Epsilon Phi KIRBY, WILLIAM FRANKLIN
Covington, Kentucky
B.S. Optometry Eat and Speak Club, Omega Delta
LANDAW, CLAUDE DAVID M.D. Medicine Goshen Falcon Club, IU Young Republican, M.O. Optometry Phi Eta Sigma, Skeleton Club Omega Delta WOODALL, ROBERT LOUIS MCNAUGHTON, THOMAS MARVIN Washington Washington M.D. Medicine B.S. Optometry WUNSCH, CHARLES MARTIN IN, Eat and Speak Club, Omega Indianapolis Delta, III Flying Club ( Pres., M.D. Medicine Board of Directors) Alpha Lambda Delta, Skeleton Club MAHAN, JOHN THOMAS ZANDSTRA, KATHLEEN JOAN
M.D. Medicine Hillel Foundation, Phi Beta Pi ( Sec.) , MRCA Exec. Council, Spelunking Club
M.O. Optometry Omega Epsilon Phi, Eat and Speak Club
M.O. Optometry Omega Delta ( Pres.,
1957 )
M.O. Optometry ATS2 ( V-pres.) , Omega Delta MOORE, JACK FREDERICK
South Bend
M.O. Optometry Omega Epsilon Phi ( Treas.) NIRK, EUGENE WILLIAM
Colorado Spring, Colorado M.O. Optometry
ROSCHE, HERMAN FREDERICK Newburgh STOREY, BEN CHARLES BYRD, KENTON FAWCETT M.D. Medicine M.O. Optometry Washington New Albany Acacia ( V-pres.) , Alpha Epsilon TIS'E, Omega Epsilon Phi M.D. Medicine ) B.S. Optometry Delta, Nu Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club Soph. Class (Sec.), Jr. Class (Treas. ), Omega Delta, MRC Glee Club, SCHICK, CHARLES RILEY No Sigma Nu, Skeleton Club REYNOLDS, RALPH EDWARD Eat and Speak Club, West Hall II Bloomington Indianapolis ( Soc. Ch.) M.O. Optometry TERBUSH, EDWARD LAMONT M.D. Medicine Omega Epsilon Phi ( Pres.) Mooresville CHEEK, JOE M.D. Medicine RHAMY, DONALD E. Greentown UNDERWOOD, WILLIAM Nu Sigma Nu M.O. Optometry Marion Kokomo 21\'', Omega Epsilon Phi M.D. Medicine M.O. Optometry THOMAS, CHARLES RICHARD Acacia ( V-pres.) , Falcon Club, Bloomington CURRIE, CLARENCE R. Jr. IFC ( Pres.) , Student Senate, VAN NUS, FREDERICK M.D. Medicine Gary YMCA Bloomington Phi Beta Pi, Skeleton Club, B.S. Optometry M.O. Optometry Union Board KA* ( Sec.) , NAACP, IFC, RHYNEARSON, HAL ROBERT Eat and Speak ( Pres.) , Omega Ed gewood Omega Epsilon Phi, Skull and Epsilon Phi ( Historian) TOLBERT, ROBERT DANIEL M.D. Medicine Crescent Hoosier Crts. Representative Vincennes Phi Chi DETRAZ, RAY HART M.D. Medicine RICE, RONALD BENNETT YORE, ROBERT 0. Vevay AX, Phi Chi Plymouth B.S. Optometry Indianapolis B.S. Optometry Omega Delta ( Historian) , M.D. Medicine TRICK, OTHO LEE Eat and Speak Club, Omega Eat and Speak Club ( Treas.), Bell, Falcon Club, Nu Sigma Nu, Indianapolis Phi Eta Sigma, Hoosier Crts. Coun. Epsilon Phi Skeleton Club, Skull and Crescent M.D. Medicine
East Chicago
B.S., D.D.S. Dentistry Delta Sigma Delta, Falcon Club, YMCA
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi ( Soc. Ch., Rush Master) FRAZIER, ROBERT L.
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi ( Sec.) LOBDELL, LINDA Lou
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
B.S., D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega (Jr. Grand Master)
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S. Dentistry Alpha Phi Omega, Psi Omega, Junior Class Sec., Student Council ( Sr.)
D.D.S. Dentistry Class V-pres. ( Fr.) , Xi Psi Phi
West Lafayette
West Lafayette
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene I.U. Newman Club, Union Corn m. Ch., The Cottages ( V-pres.) BURGESS, WILLIAM LEE
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega
D.D.S. Dentistry Acacia ( Alumni Sec.) , Delta Sigma Delta, Junior American Dental Association
South Bend
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S. Dentistry
G.N. Nursing Jr. Carnival EDWARDS, NELA HELEN
D.D.S. Dentistry Senior Class Pres., Am. Dent. Assoc., Xi Psi Phi ( V-pres. )
G.N. Nursing
G.N. Nursing
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi, Am. Dent. Assoc.
B.S. Nursing Alpha Lambda Delta, Student Council, IUMC Choraliers ( Pres. )
D.D.S., B.S. Dentistry Senior Class V-pres., Delta Sigma Delta, Pershing Rifles, "P-Men's Assoc., Varsity Swimming NIENABER, PATRICIA ANN
G.N. Nursing Junior Class ( Sec.) , IUMC
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
B.S. Nursing
D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
North Judson
A.B., D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega KAUFMAN, ROSSYA BERUCHA
Witchita Falls, Texas
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene Class Sec. Treas. (Jr., Sr.) KENDRICK, JOHN WILLIAM
D.D.S. Dentistry Junior American Dental Assoc., NAACP PEARSON, DAVID LEE
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi
D.D.S. Dentistry Blue Key, Junior American Dental Association
D.D.S. Dentistry
Vega Baia, Puerto Rico PEROTTI, ROBERT ADAM
D.D.S. Dentistry
G.N. Nursing
KUZMIC, ROBERT G. DEWITT, WALTER CALVERT, JR. South Bend Evansville D.D.S. Dentistry D.D.S. Dentistry LECKLITNER, DONALD MAX Doss, DONNA SUE Lafayette Evansville D.D.S. Dentistry R.D.H. Dental Hygiene LEER, JERRY HARMON ENGLEMAN, JACK L. Indianapolis Petersburg D.D.S. Dentistry D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega LENTZ, JERRY OWEN
W inamac
D.D.S. Dentistry Am. Dent. Assoc., Xi Psi Phi
G.N. Nursing
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene Medical Center Union Board
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi, Stud. Council
R.D.H. Dentistry
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi, Junior American Dental Association, Senior Class Secretary
West Newton
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees
B.S. Nursing
KLEEHAMMER, DANIEL STEPHEN D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega, Junior American Valparaiso Dental Association D.D.S. Dentistry AXA ( Soc. Ch., Rush Comm. ) POINDEXTER, BYRON KAY Skull And Crescent, Sphinx Sandborn Club, Student Elections Comm. D.D.S. Dentistry Junior American Dental Assoc. KOENIG, LEO JOHN Delta Sigma Delta Elkhart D.D.S. Dentistry PORTOLESE, FRANK ANTHONY Mishawaka KRACH, JACK FREDERICK D.D.S. Dentistry Evansville Psi Omega, Junior American D.D.S. Dentistry Dental Assoc. Psi Omega
D.D.S. Dentistry
B.S. Dentistry Pershing Rifles
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi ( Pres.) , Class Treas. (Soph., Jr.)
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Ind. Student Nurse Ass'n. Nat'l. Student Nurse Ass'n.
D.D.S. Dentistry
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
Fort Wayne
D.D.S. Dentistry Delta Sigma Delta
D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega
Crown Point
G.N. Nursing
D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega, Junior American Dental Association
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S., A.B. Dentistry Tomahawk, Psi Omega, MRC Bd. of Governors
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Junior Class Pres., Delta Sigma Delta
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
Huntington, West Virginia
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Delta Sigma Delta ( Pres.)
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S. Dentistry
D.D.S. Dentistry Delta Sigma Pi
D.D.S. Dentistry
G.N. Nursing
D.D.S. Dentistry
Michigan City
Elbert eld
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
D.D.S. Dentistry Alpha Omega, Dental School Class Treas.
D.D.S. Dentistry T,A E, Arbutus, Skull and Crescent, Delta Sigma Delta, YMCA
Fort Wayne
D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi URSCHEL, LEWIS JAMES D.D.S. Dentistry
Fort Wayne
D.D.S. Dentistry SAGRAVES, GLEN 0. D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees YWCA
D.D.S. Dentistry Psi Omega WINDER, GEORGE E.
Fort Wayne
B.S. Dentistry
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees YWCA
D.D.S. Dentistry
R.D.H. Dental Hygiene
Crown Point
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees IUMC Choraliers HARTNETT, SHARON KAY
G.N. Nursing Jr. Carnival
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Ind. Student Nurse Ass'n.. Nat'l. Student Nurse Ass'n.
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Sigma Theta Tau
Gas City
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees BERG, PATRICIA RAE
G.N. Nursing
B.S. Nursing Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma Theta Tau
ROHN, JOHN WILLIAM D.D.S. Dentistry Xi Psi Phi
B.S. Nursing
D.D.S. Dentistry
R.D.H. Dentistry
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Nursing
G.N. Nursing Senior Class ( Pres.) , Jr. Carnival, Student Council HOLLOWAY, LYNETTE GLICK
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees HYNES, KATHLEEN
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Wesley Foundation, YWCA
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees IU Newman Club
G.N. Nursing IUMC Choraliers, Jr. Carnival, Campus Christian Fellowship
Hindsboro, Illinois
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Campus Christians, Jr. Class ( V-pres.) , YWCA MILLER, MARJORIE FAYE
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Student Council, Union Board, YWCA
G.N. Nursing Sr. Class ( V-pres.)
MILLER, SHIRLEY ANN Crown Point Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Student Council MILLER, THERESA MARIE
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Campus Christians
G.N. Nursing
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Student Council, Nurses' Christian Fellowship PFISTER, JUDITH ANN
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees RENICK, FRANCES YVONNE
G.N. Nursing
Indianapolis B.S. Nursing
Allentown, Pennsylvania
B.S. Nursing Cresset, Pi Lambda Theta
Brown, burg
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees WILES, MARTHA JANE
G.N. Nursing IUMC Choraliers
G.N. Nursing Campus Christians, Student Council
G.N. Nursing
G.N. Nursing
G.N. Nursing
G.N. Nursing Sr. Class ( Treas.) , IUMC Choraliers, Jr. Carnival
B.S. Nursing Jr. Class Pres., Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Student Council
Decatur, Illinois
Warrington, Florida
Nursing Major B.S. and G.N. Degrees Campus Christians
The lines of the University draw us together. We work . . . we study . . . we make friends. In the end, we graduate. As Seniors, our names become part of the permanent record kept by the school . a story of learning and potential, of the coming of age .. . a story of life at Indiana University.
General Index A 364 Abbott, James Michael 308 Abbott, Trayne 372 Abdel, Moneim Abdel M. 438 Abdon, Richard Louis 364 Abel, Jack M. 254 Abele, William R. 380 Abraham, Linda Lee 295 Abramjon, Arnold Abrams, Douglas Melvin 391 435 Abrams, Jordan Allen Abramson, Allen Charles...169, 435 Abramson, Arnold M...315, 332, 392 194 Abrell, Karen Sue Acacia 399 315 Accounting Club 320 ACE 405 Acheson, Ann 410 Achor, Constance J• 210 Ackerman, Raymond J. 447 Ackerman, Warren 325 Adams, Ellen Jean 194, 358 Adams, Mary Ellen Adams, Ralph 305 320 Adams, Sunnye Dell 377 Adams, William Howard 389 Adamson, Sue Ann 342 Adcock, Janice Claire 367 Addle, Earl Ronald 346, 366 Adelman, Harold D 362 Adeney, Rosemary Joy 362 Adkins, Beverly Sue 437 Adler, Eugene Elliot 214 Adler, George Joseph 447 Adler, Laurence W. 416 Admire, Larry Richard 380 Adsen, Jean 377 Aebersold, Wilton J. 385 Affleck, Barbara Jane 287 Ahern, Jack E. 385 Ahl, Patricia Ann 169, 390 Ahlgrim, Helen Rose 169 Ahn, Hee Ok 412 Ahrens, Marcia Susan 383 Ahring, Judy Charlene 318 Aicardi, William F 314 Air Force Drill Team 289, 320, 426 Aiken, J. Lee 169 Aiken, Wallace K. Jr 379 Aikins, Janice Mae 362 Ailey, Tony Lee 297, 422 Ake, Robert Loren 383 Akers, Judith Ann 326 Akers, Martha 437 Albert, Harold B. Alberts, Jerrold S. 179, 437 370 Albertson, Sharon Kay Albertson, Thomas J...345, 346, 360 Albin, Sarah Eleanor 385 Albright, David E. ....54, 169, 287, 294, 301, 352
Albright, Michael Rush Albright, Richard J Albright, Terrill D. 275, 289, 344, 348, Albus, Joy Ann Aldridge, Lee Edward Aldridge, Virginia Lee 194, 320, Alegre, Gladys F. Alesia, James Ronald Alexander, Harry Lee Alexander, Marna G. 270, Alexander, Michael E. 194, Alexander, Patricia J Alfultis, Fay 337, Alishouse, Marjorie Ann . 169, Allbright, Jerry David Allebaugh, Jane Allen, Arvon Dale Jr. Allen, Barbara Ruth 169, Allen, Carole Anne Allen, Dale Allen, David James Allen, Eleanor L Allen, Jane Louise 337, Allen, John Nimer Allen, Paris M. Allen, Patricia Ellis Allen, Robert Lee 179, Allen, Robert S 179, Allen, Saralee 423, Allen, Theodore Alley, James R. Jr 194, Alley, Thomas William Allgood, Marilyn Yvonne Allin, James F. Jr. Ailing, James Winslow. .179, Allison, Ronald Paul 310, 312, 313, 194, Allison, Susan Ann Allmann, David William .222, Allman, William James .169, 287, Alltop, William 0. Almon, James Earl Almquisr, Nancy Ellen Aloisio, Tony Lee 274, Alpert, Ann Sharon Alpert, Gale Suzanne Alpert, Joseph M Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Delta Epsilon Alpha Delta Theta Alpha Epsilon Delta Alpha Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Phi Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Tau Omega Al Rubaiy, Abdul Amir H Alsip, Thomas Eugene Alsop, Linda Sue Alsop, Patricia Joan Alt, Donald Philip
392 364 392 385 283 390 375 364 441 439 441 412 412 334 446 389 407 327 390 407 399 323 418 169 169 169 414 296 529 321 321 387 384 169 416 314 408 169 305 409 179 382 229 439 390 437 299 298 302 323 401 298 288 405 406 328 407 387 432 384 270 179
194, 427 Alt, Richard Matthew Alt, Thomas Henry 169, 423 364, 442 Altenderfer, Thomas K. Altenhof, C. Richard 377 Altepeter, Thomas R. 425 Altevogt, Homer Wade 373 Althauser, Thomas L...242, 318, 409 Aitheide, Gayle Leigh 389 Alther, Robert C. Jr 169, 430 Althoff, Phyllis L. 400 Ambler, David Allan 274, 345, 346, 361, 398 Amdur, Anthony Bruce 401 Ameis, Anna 370 Ammon, Elgene 326 Amos, Patricia Ann 358 Amos, Virginia L. 362 Amos, William Craig 365 Ancel, Steven H. 169 Andersen, Avis Rowland 448 Anderson, Barbara Mae 169, 321, 412 Anderson, Carol Jean 371 Anderson, Delores Rae 370 Anderson, Donald Lowell 299 Anderson, Ellen Liven 402 Anderson, Emma Lou 325 Anderson, Isaac R 248, 406 Anderson, Jack Leo 179 Anderson, Jack Warren 350 Anderson, James T 276, 296, 329, 368 371 Anderson, Joan De Anne 391 Anderson, Judith Ann 319, 375 Anderson, Judith Gail Anderson, Katherine A. 379 325 Anderson, Harlene Anderson, Maxwell G 399 Anderson, Nan Louise 379 Anderson, Raymond A.. 361, 424 Anderson, Richard Kent 399 443 Anderson, William Earl Anares, Ernie 238 Andrews, Jack B 179, 298 Andrews, Larry Dean 368 Andrich, Marshall 401 Angel, Virgil E. 214 Anger, Margaret Joan 371 Angle, Richard Lee 367 Annis, Byron L. 323, 333, 401 Annis, Carol Elizabeth 362 Annis, Judith Kay 380 Anstett, Margaret M. 376 210 Antcliff, Clifford G. Anthony, James Le Roy 179, 322,* 345, 391 Anronicci, Anna E 300, 323 Antrim, Robin Joseph 179, 273, 296, 445 Applas, Richard E.....179, 298, 438 Apple, Max Wayne 364 Applegate, Doris Jo 385 Appleyard, George T. III 359 Arbuckle, David Lee 409
Arbutus Arch, David Edward 378, Archer, Judith Lynne Archer, Sarah 325, Archibald, Shirley Arens, Duke Arfeld, Jorge M.. .322, 327, Argue, Lila Armbrust, Earl Jr Armentrout, Wayne Lee 169, 271, 347, Armey, Carol Ann Armitage, Kenneth 169, Armstrong, Jon S Armstrong, Kenneth J. .. .179, Armstrong, Susan ... 194, 319, Armstrong, William S. 54, Army ROTC Arnett, Allen 346, Arnholt, William F. Arnold Air Society Arnold, Lorenza Ruth 335, Arnold, Shirley Arnold, Thomas F. Arnold, Thomas Lee 323, Arthur, Joan 194, 320, Arvin, David E Arvin, Diana C 288, 355, Asano, Gilbert T Asch, Joseph Harry 169, Asher, Marilyn Louise 169, Ashley, Richard Harold Ashley, Nancy M. Ashman, John Gregg Ashton, John Ashton, Linda Rae Asquith, Claire Frances Assardo, Maurice R 169, 287, Ast, Doris Anne Athey, Margaret Ann Atkins, Thomas Irving Atkinson, Betsy Ann 325, Atkinson, Donna Lee Atkinson, Judith L. Atkinson, Sara Jean Atthakor, Taksina Auble, Joan Elizabeth Aucreman, Ted Lee Augspurger, Susan A. Aukerman, Karen Ann Auld, John Dean 344, Ault, Fredrick Keith 392, Aungst, Enid Marie Aurell, Margaret M. 333, Austin, Donald Castle Autrey, Ruth Helen ...179, 356, Aveni, John Patrick AWS-Board of Standards AWS-Council Ax, Kay Anne Ayers, John Phillip Ayers, John Raymond Ayres, Barbara Ann
351 422 365 326 169 305 373 349 214 352 194 323 416 368 405 282 313 378 204 311 376 325 323 436 417 409 400 328 360 323 179 195 427 152 384 404 372 322 204 368 326 325 410 370 389 371 229 390 402 392 416 379 370 214 385 229 285 284 384 416 360 410
B Baade, Annette Kathryn Baake, Mary Kathryn Babb, Carol Ann Babb, James Lowell Jr Babb, Jane Louise Babcock, James L Babcoke, Gary Allen Baber, John Lewis Backer, Jane Badgett, Sally June Badiac, Bruce Allen Badskey, Jerry Lee Baechle, George Robert Baer, Barbara Allen Baer, Jerry W. 179, Bagheri, Parviz T Bahleda, Ed Arthur Bahler, Judith Ann Bahner, Iradge Bailey, E. William Bailey, James Daniel Bailey, James 0. Jr. Bailey, John Douglas Bailey, Kenyon Glenn Bailey, Robert Leon Bailey, Warren La Rue Bailey, William Lee. .312, Bain, Wilfred C. Bair, Nancy Ann Baird, Ernest Eugene 254, Baird, Janis Lee Baker, Bruce Hart Baker, Charles Ray Baker, Eldridge A Baker, Helen Ester Baker, Jack Wilson Baker, Jane Baker, Kathleen B. M. Baker, Wendel Lee Balch, David Robert Balch, William Charles. Balchorn, Dale Baldauf, James C Baldridge, Rita Ann Baldwin, David Allen 169, 195, Baldwin, Jo Ann Baldwin, Joyce Ann Baldwin, Patricia Sue Baldwin, William R Bales, John Edwin Bales, Robert Henry Ball, Barbara Ball, Harold Eugene Ball, Ray Neff Ballentine, Robert J.. 179, Bambrace, Rosemary Carol Bane, Paul W. Jr. Banning, Sharon Sue Bantz, Carol Jean Banziger, Milton 8...179, Barbre, Mary Ann Barclay, Suzanne .. Barden, Tom Preston Bardos, Brenda Kay Barefoot, Thomas George Barger, George William.. Bargerhuff, Ronald L. Bargmeyer, Ernest M Barker, Janet Lynn Barker, Karen Jo Barker, Lyn Barker, Michael D. Barker, Sandra Sue Barksdale, David Lee Barksdale, Gary Trent Barlowe, Philip C. Barnes, David Ward Barnes, Ronald Herbert Barnett, Eddie Gene Barnett, Margaret M. Baron, Harriet Gail Baron, Larry Wayne. 179, Barr, Donald John Barr, George Louis Barr, Jack Barry Barr, Juanita Carol Barrett, Jack Edward Barrett, James Earl Barrett, James Robert Barrett, Judith L. Barrett, Phyllis Lee Barron, Wendy Harriet 293, Barry, Beverly B.....204, Barry, Robert John Bart, Carol Ann Bartal, Frank Robert Bartel, Jim Bartels, Donna
332, 195, 179,
346, 345, 378, 315, 179,
272, 319,
310, 333, 298, 284, 195,
347, 346,
363, 195, 179, 313, 345, 179,
423, 311, 349, 303, 169,
404 380 412 300 412 360 323 287 325 386 179 359 438 195 314 367 392 381 415 407 359 303 426 366 427 374 388 202 381 444 222 441 392 361 358 169 417 195 424 436 436 416 431 420 287 405 386 386 306 366 179 319 388 238 377 385 251 380 380 318 421 390 214 333 361 360 360 214 412 371 332 409 371 363 414 443 414 179 361 380 439 409 388 441 361 382 179 361 368 529 417 382 304 422 382 358 366 325
Barth, Richard Carl 289, Bartick, Richard Joseph Bartle, Janice Sue 340, Bartley, E. Ross Barto, John Eugene Bartok, William R 289, Barwick, Thomas Harold Bash, Cynthia Tobin 332, Bass, Edwin Milton Bassett, Barbara Lou Bassett, Beth Ann Bassett, Martin M. Jr. 179, 314, Bassler, David M Bassler, Elaine Regina Bast, Richard Jude Bastedo, Nancy Lois Bastin, Kay Ann 195, Basting, Kay Frances Bates, Catherine F. Bates, Devon Alan Bath, James Batley, Irma Jean Battaglia, Robert L Battles, Carol Lynn Batts, Marion Monroe 169, Bauer, John Thomas 179, Bauer, Raymond Michael Bauer, Travis Lane Baumann, Paul Robin 364, Baumgartner, Alan 5 Bausback, Jon Robert Baxter, Joseph D. Baxter, Norman Lee Baxter, William D Baylis, Herbert J. Jr Bays, Mrs. Glen Bazil, Constance 195, 329, Beach, Jerry Joe Beal, Barbara Ann Beals, Reita Lois Beaman, Cynthia Doreen Beaman, Daryl E 270, Beams, David Curie Beams, Ronald Ned Beane, Phyllis Kay Beard, Marcia Ann Beardsley, Carolyn Beardsley, Joe E Beaver, Richard David Beavers, Nancy Louise Bechaka, Sonia Harra Bechtold, Janet Y. 169, 319, Beck, James D Beck, William H Becker, Donna Lee . 355, 356, Becker, Gary Earl Becker, Irwin Allan Becker, John Edward Becker, Judith Sari Becker, Judith Elaine Becker, Lawrence Dale Becker, R. David 310, Beckett, George Logan 180, Becknell, Robert F. Bedell, Willa Burke .169, 291, Bedwell, Barbara Ann 169, Bedwell, Jesse Haddon Beecher, Pamela Jane Beeker, Glen Edgar Beeker, Stephen Donald Becker, Sue Carole Beeler, Jimmie B. Beeler, Stephen Charles Beer, Lowell Henry Beerbower, Joanne A 195, Begley, George Alan Begley, Robert W. Behning, Patricia Anne Behnke, George E. Jr Behrens, Carla Rae Beil, Marian Ruth Beison, Richard Anthony Belcher, M. Yvonne 195, 278, 291, Belding, James A. Beldon, Nancy Jane 286, 321, 339, Beldus, David John 286, Bell, Elizabeth Bell, James Max Bell, Nancy E 286, 291, 319, 336, Bell, Ronald Keith Bellamy, Walter Bellessis, Pete Bill Bellis, James Oren Bender, Barbara Ann Bender, Jerry Lee 206, Bender, Nan S Bender, Rebecca Ann Benedix, John Roderick Bengtson, Ronald C. .180, 298,
426 286 431 164 318 442 179 440 430 389 384 436 358 195 392 370 389 375 380 169 210 204 229 369 444 399 314 359 345 446 426 427 392 409 179 426 389 427 420 195 379 441 441 442 380 362 381 444 392 390 370 423 406 414 379 359 180 407 382 222 180 409 366 407 431 323 211 384 180 422 380 359 416 377 272 366 169 384 363 362 439 214 412 180 408 378 412 368 417 368 406 195 407 410 432 385 385 409 411
Benham, Janice Marie Benham, Richard Ervin Benjamin, Benjamin H. Benjamin, Sandra E. Benkert, Ann Therese Benkie, Gerald Edward Benko, Dorothy Marie 270, 336, Benn, Marvin Howard Benner, Wayne Richard Bennett, Barbara Leona. .169, Bennett, Betty Lou 288, 303, 410, Bennett, Constance M. Bennett, James Francis Bennett, Larry R. Bennett, Nancy Claire 379, Bennett, Nancy Faye Bennhoff, David F 323, Benshoff, Allen B. Bent, Rosalie E. 303, Benzel, Lucinda 169, 282, 340, Beratis, Harry Berdis, John Dennis 315, Berebitsky, Ronald N 437, Bereolos, James Peter 180, Beres, Robert Emery Berger, Robert Donald 219, Bergquist, Kay E Bergsman, Barry R. .180, 279, 280, 281, 294, 296, Bergstedt, Alan W. 180, 280, 281, Berkey, Nancy Kirk. .169, 290, Berkowitz, Howard Berkshire, James Allen Berlien, Robert Gerald Berlin, Laurence Berman, Beverly Joan Bern, Kenneth Steven Bernard, Joseph Bruce Bernd, Linda Mae 169, Berndt, Allen Keith Bernhart, Bruce D Berns, Carol Ruth Bernstein, Marilyn Berry, Katherine J 292, 340, 423, Berry, Nancy Anne Berss, Carol Ann Bert, Roger Bertran, Beverly Ann Besel, Connie Carol Best, David Melvin Beta Gamma Sigma 180, 287, Betts, Thomas R. Beyer, Elizabeth Ann Beyler, John David Bezile, Richard Thomas Bickel, Diana Lee Bickel, Joan Marie 303, Bickmeier, Carolyn Rae Biddle, James Arthur . .180, 317, Bidwell, James Carl Biel, Kent Mellor Bienco, Richard Bigge, Katherine Marvin Biggerstaff, Anne Lee Biggs, Gerald Paul Biggs, Robert Miller 180, Bilderback, Elisabeth A Bill, Edgar Howard Bill, Jack Edward Bill, Sylvia Ann 292, Billman, Jill Binford, Nancy Faye Bingham, James Emerson Binkley, Morris E. Jr 328, 334, Binz, Judith Ann 423, Bird, Martha L. 169, 329, Birge, Jerry P Biro, Daniel James Bisel, Karen Patricia Bishop, Betty Arlene 302, Bishop, James Gerry Bishopp, Richard Clyde 296, Bititoe, Bill 319, Bivens, Constance Ann Bixel, Barbara Jean 329, Bixler, Abraham 0. 169, Bixler, Jack Warner Black, Bruce H Black, Erlene Dee .269, 274, 282, 285, 293, Black, James M Black, James William Black, John E. Black, Shirley Ann 360, 410, Black, William Charles. .392, Blackburn, Ann S.
374 195 386 365 404 437 372 389
603 408 169 386 441 375 427 411 371 420 244 365 447 359
306 400 447 298 349 222 180 424 287 362 447 254 385 387 414 362 383 529 385 385 419 371 358 312 287 427 323 373 360 389 448 375 318 298 180 424 420 379 180 332 389 297 378 405 390 222 424 356 529 380 332 434 195 362 180 411 333 417 334 399 367 416 329 214 414 426 460 444 375
Blackburn, Billye Loyce 448 Blackburn, Bobbye Joyce 448 180, 422 Blackburn, James R Blackburn, Stephen R. 367 Blacker, Delores D 311, 417 Blacklidge, Nancy A. 400 Blair, Larry L. 275, 289, 297, 425 Blaisdell, Nancy Mae 195, 279, 282, 291, 448 323 Blake, Doris Joanne 426 Blake, William B. 379 Blakesley, Ruth Marie 323 Bland, Jack Dean 298, 399 Blanton, Darrell Lee 383 Blase, Tamara Jane 378 Blase, David Kent 214 Blair, Robert Ivan 363 Bleeke, David A 169 Bless, Pat E. 287 Bleyer, Miriam Bloecker, Robert Alan 295, 329, 363 389 Blom, Xenia Elisabeth 298 Blomkalns, Dagnija 303 Blontz, Irving A 425 Bloom, John David 362 Bloom, Judith Lynn 180 Bloom, Marian Jean 294 Blue Key 377 Blue, Max Ewart Jr. 412, 332 Blue, Nancy 385 Bluestein, Phyllis Ruth 423 Blume, Jerry Mac 426 Blumer, Robert W. 229 Boak, Robert John 280, 281 Board Of Aeons 399 Bobeck, Harold D 371 Bobick, Judith Mary 381 Bockhorst, Barbara Kay 368 Beoglin, Joseph Otto 390 Boeldt, Barbara Ann 389 Bogan, Bernadine 319, 389 Bogan, Sue 443 Bogard, William F 379 Boger, Alice Dorothy 195, 410 Boger, Bonnie Jean 180 Bohlander, Robert G. 428 Bohney, Kenneth L Boisson, Diana Nellie .288, 292, 413 371 Bold, Jane Emerson 381 Boles, Donna Kay 402 Boles, Lillie Dale 278, 358 Boling, Karen Colleen 407 Bolinger, William S. 427 Bolitho, James Morey 427 Bond, Carl Wilford 420 Bond, Nancy Sue 360 Bond, Phillip Leon 325 Helen Bondurant, 403 Bon Durant, Iris Carita 442 180, Bone, David A. Jr 372 Boner, David Ira 445 Bonner, Bruce Edward 377 Bonta, Anthony R 322 Boode, Anne He 389 Booher, Helen Rose 445 Boone, Robert Turpin 270, 405 Boorman, Martha L Boose, Elsie Mae .180, 299, 317, 389 Booth Richard Lawrence... 180, 287 331, 404 Booth Sharon Marietta 381 Boram, Rebecca Raye Borcherding, Ronald G. 180, 296, 445 Bordman, Raborn L. 359 Borho, Jane Marie.. 333, 335, 379 Borish, Fran Martha 331, 384 180 Borman, Mary Ellen Bornstein, Janice J....321, 340, 439 Bornstein, Marvin Tevie 437 Borrowman, William 312, 365 Bortel, James Lawrence 329 Borton, James Lewis 373 180 Borton, Larry Jarvis Bortz, Barbara Ann 386 180 Boss, Beryl Eugene Boss, Jerry Lee 313, 314, 442 Both, Carolyn E. 380 Bough, Betty Jean 192 Boughner, Deborah Lee. ...333, 362 Bouillet, Ann Ward .300, 353, 420 Boulle, Pierre Henri 287 Boultinghouse, Marlan T.. 345, 366 Bourdon, Dale Anthony... 312, 360 Bourland, Elizabeth J. 358 Bourne, George E. 346, 378 Bova, Michael Paul 411 Bova, Mike Pat 411 Bowen, Catherine B. 400 Bowen, David H. 399 Bowen, Karen Ann 433 Bowen, Minnie Blanch 358
275 Bower, David 379 Bower, Phyllis Jean 214 Bower, George W. Bowers, Janet Lea .288. 302, 333, 389 325 Bower, Margaret 384 Bowes, Eleanor Kathryn Bowles, John Edward 169, 298, 352, 359 Bowley, Beverly Ann. .195, 304, 383 Bowman, Barbara Arlu 375 180 Bowman, John Wesley Bowman, Judith Suann 371 Bowman, Loretta Lee 169 Bowman, Sarah J 195 Bowman, Sonja Lee 386 421 Bowyer, Barbara Ann Box, Regina S. 287 Boxell, John Frederick 366 Boyd, Jack Howell 222 Boyd, Russell Conda Jr.. .222, 305 Boyer, Barbara Ann 440 Boyer, Mary Glen 389 Boyer, Peggy Lu 195, 405 Boyle, Catherine Ann 412 Boyll, Robert Claude . .180, 317, 365 Bracken, Richard A...328, 334, 444 Bradach, Robert M 317, 441 Bradford, Ann Holt .270, 275, 288, 292, 331, 420 210 Bradford, J. W. 332 Bradley, Edmund J. 195 Bradley, Marsha 289 Bradley, Ned Jackson 214 Bradley, Richard V. 303, 416 Bradshaw, Leslie A. Bradt, Connie Lou...321, 334, 362 Brady, Kathleen 5....169, 291, 448 438 Brafford, R. Robert 195 Brafford, Ward Lee Branaman, Martha Ann....336, 400 Brandenburger, Frederick 367 366 Brankle, Jack Amos 195 Branson, Julia A. 431 Branstrator, Karen Ann Brant, John J. 378, 424 427 Brantner, Edward S. 303, 443 Brattain, William Edwin. 405 Bratton, Sandra Kay 320, 389 Brauer, Marjory Jane 214 Braulin, Robert J Bray, Barbara Ann 320, 390 248 Breithaupt, George 315 Brendel, Thomas D. 444 Brendel, Tom 426 Brennan, Michael John 342 Brendle, Tommy Edward 153 Breneman, William R. 371 Breskin, Irene 210 Breskow, Sheldon A 214 Bressler, Franklin D. 287 Bressler, Ray B. 360 Brewer, Bernard F Brewer, Donald Edwin. .315. 361
308 Brewer, Harold 344, 372 Bricker, Larry R Bricker, Terry J. 372 382 Bridge, Barbara J Bridges, George Byron 374 ..... 323 Bridges, Wilma Fae... Briggs, James Lee 367 391 Bright, Susan Eleanor Brillant, Leon I 437 195 Brinklow, Robert G. 152 Briscoe, Herman Briscoe, William Cole 373 195 Bristol, Mary Emily 287 Britten, Dale A. Brock, Alberta 325 Brock, Frances 325 Brock, Jane Ellen 380 Brock, Opal Alice 169 Brocker, Vedder Jay 297, 438 Brodie, Donald Charles .206, 229, 414 Brodie, Dorothy Jane 379 Brodie, Mary Ann 379 Brodigan, Paul Patrick 206 Brody, Merle Judith 384 Brollier, Jean 325 Bromelmeier, Roy G. 206, 422 Bromm, James Alan 427 Bromm, Robert Charles 427 Bronstein, Rosemary 169 Brooke, James Lauer 180, 315 Brooks, Caroline S 170, 320 Brooks, Edward Glen . .195, 352, 426 Brooks, Elma Lou 375 Brooks, Gene Edward 211 Brooks, Kenneth Herbert 170, 323 Brooks, Patricia M 386 Brooks, Raymond Roy 388 Brooks, Sandra Rosalind 370 Brose, June 325, 326 Broshears, Judith Enid 385 Brosius, Robert Henry W. 361 Brossart, John W. 170 Brothers, Helen Jane 192 Brouwer, Fredric Perry 391 Brower, Carolyn Sue 408 Brown, Anna Frances 371 Brown, Barbara Ann 423, 529 Brown, Billy Chapman 180 Brown, Bonnie Ruth 291, 333, 336, 402 362 Brown, Diana 325 Brown, Elanor 387 Brown, Gary Dean Brown, Harlan K 391 214, 228 Brown, Howard Sidney. 204 Brown, Jacqueline .270, 433 Brown, Joan Ann . 195, 319, 358 Brown, Joan M. 362 Brown, Joy Vee 358, 424 Brown, Larry Gregg 413 Brown, Margie Ann 170, 278, 321, 400 Brown, Mary. 440 Brown, Nancy Ellen
310, 328 Brown, Norman A 362 Brown, Pamala Jeanneen 325 Brown, Pat 388 Brown, Paul Douglas 248 Brown, Paul Edward ... 361 Brown, Peter Iddings Brown, Phyllis E. . . 288, 319, 376 170, 401 Brown, Robert Evan 210 Brown, Roger William Brown, Ronald Max 393 Brown, Sonya M 371 Brown, Timothy Charles 446 416 Brown, William G. Browning, Barbara A. 195, 413 Brownlee, Fay 380 390 Broyles, Sharrie K. Brucato, Frank James 180 Brucker, James G. 256, 298, 438 Bruening, Gail Ann 195, 400 Bruening, Sandra L 400 Brumback, Dawn Louise 362 Brumback, Gary Bruce 170, 307 Brummetr, Carole Sue 385 Bruner, James W 297, 411 Bruner, Jayne 309 Bruner, Larry Joe 425 Brunke, Stephanie 379 Brunner, Nelda Joyce 382 Brunswick, Margaret R 431 Brusewitz, Wayne R 229 Bryan, Nancy Jeanne 380 Bryant, Cynthia 303 Bryant, Herbert Jr.. 327, 358, 419 Bryant, Paula Sue 384 Bryant, Rebecca Anne 336, 402 Bryner, Richard F 366 Buanno, Rosalie 325 Buchanan, Bert L 361 Buchanan, Sally Kay 170, 433 Buche, Ann 222 Bucher, Clum 159 Buchholz, Donald Harry 363 Buck, Donna Ruth. 170, 423, 529 Buckingham, George E. .297, 443 Buckles, Terry Ned 426 Buckles, Yvonne S. 440 Buckley, Daniel J. Jr 377 Buckner, Caroline E.. .319, 423, 529 Budlove, June Rose 195, 319, 320, 380 Budzinski, Victoria L. 369 Buehl, Frederick Helm 368 Buescher, James E. 387 180, 329, 433 Bugg, Nancy Ruth. 433 Buhr, Mary Louise Sulfa, George 308 301 Bulkley, Jonathan A. Bullions, Beverly Ann 389 428 Burch, James Albert 311, 425 Burch, Philip G. Burd, Donna Louise 356, 402 Burden, Joel Peter 372 Burdsall, Joan Elaine 302, 337, 440
195 Burgess, Evelyn H. 195 Burgess, Robert J. Jr Burgess, William Lee 222 Burgheim, Harriet Ann 274, 291, 336, 439 Burgoyne, Myrna L. 195, 405 367 Burke, George F Burke, Sandra Jean 370 Burkey, Carolyn 390 448 Burkhard, Janet L Burkhardt, Judy Jo 384 416 Burkhart, Thomas Henry Burkhart, Apryl Joann 390 Burks, Doris D 383 Burnett, William Edmond 170, 409 Burnham, Frances R. 325 Burnham, Walter 327 Burns, Clifford H. 427 Burns, James V 180, 387 Burns, Russell Edmund 229 Burns, Walter R 222 Burrell, James F 426 Burris, Barbara Jean 195, 284, 331, 362 Burris, Joseph Bernard 368 Burton, Donald Loring 170, 311 Burton, Doris Jean 170, 311 Burton, Edward Lee 170, 368 Burton, Jerry Rex 170 Burton, Mary A 292 Burton, Mary Jo 288 Burton, Virginia Lee 412 Burtzner, Carolyn Sue 405 Busby, Herbert McComb 297, 342, 399 423, 529 Busby, Janet Lee Bush, Edward Robert . .287, 323, 432 Bush, Sally Karen. .. 303, 336, 418 Bush, Sharon Rae.170, 293. 300, 376 Bushaw, Don Ette Dee 377 426 Bushhorn, James R. Buss, Susan Pearl 376 372 Bussen, James D Bussey, Wanda Jean 362 170 Bustt, Edward Robert Butler, Roger Nelson 312, 365 390 Butner, Mary Ann Butte, Charles Glen 238 384 Butterfield, Jane Butterworth, Joseph C.... 311, 427 222, 308 Byerly, Delmar Wade Byers, Thomas Ray 368 Byrd, Barry Neil 368 362 Byrd, Joline Kay 195, 376 Byrd, Katherine F 219 Byrd, Kenton F. 422 Byrd, Richard Lee 362 Byrne, Judith Virginia 427 Byrne, Robert W. 407 Byron, Dan Pierce 210 Byrum, Bill Byrum, Thomas Michael 445
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C Cabel, James Richard 206, Caffey, Harold L. Cagiantas, James Sam 329, Cahill, Barbara Lee Caile, Constance Sue Caine, Barbara Louise Calderon, Frances 282, Caldwell, Elizabeth L. Caldwell, Elvin T Caldwell, Peggy 333, Caldwell, Shirley Ann Cale, Edgar Barclay Jr... .289, Calenberg, Thomas W... .170, Calender, June Alice Calhoun, William Reagel Callahan, Jananne M Calligan, Diane Rae...288, 356, 340, Callis, Marlene Dana Calloway, Charles E Calloway, Janice Carol Campbell, Betsy 315, Campbell, Donald H. Campbell, Gordon Hurst Campbell, Grace E. Campbell, Harry Melvin 362, Campbell, Judith May Campbell, Karen Campbell, Marilyn J. Campbell, Mary E. Campbell, Patricia Campbell, Robert Norman Campbell, Susan Campbell, Thomas Leroy Campbell, William R. Campus Christians Canady, Eldon Joe Canan, John R. Canine, Michael C Cann, Judith Eleanor Cannoot, Den Canright, John Emory 170, 301, 351, Cantor, Melvin D. Cantrell, Shirley Ruth Cantwell, Donald Byron Cantwell, Richard W 320, Capel, Jean Marie Caplan, Carol Jo Caraway, George A .210, Cardwell, Richard Wyatt. Care, Norman S Caress, John Hugh .303, Carey, George Bolinger Carithers, Robert Lloyd Carlile, Donald Edwin Carlisle, Kurt A. Carlos, Carmen B Carlson, James Wesley 180, Carlson, Ronald Lamar 180, Carlton, David W. Carmack, Orion A. Jr. .. .312, Carmichael, Beverly Ann 292, 355, 170, Carmichael, Jack K. Carmichael, James S Carmien, Robert F. Carmony, Ronnie Lee 303, Camel, Laurens R. Carney, Brenda Carney, John Calvin Jr .386, Carothers, Martha Ann Carpenter, Gene F. Carpenter, Jerry Lee Carpenter, Margiree Carpenter, Sandra L. 340, 362, Carr, Anne Carr, Barbara Lee Carr, James Edward 328, Carr, Paul Allen Carrington, Cortland V. Carroll, Elmer H Carroll, Jill Ann Carroll, Jolene Sue Carroll, Joseph E. 254, Carto, Rocco Jr Carson, Ann Carson, Richard Lee .301, 352, Carter, Byrum E 153, Carter, Costella E. Carter, David Warren 289, Carter, James Richard 170, Carter, Joe Bill Carter, Mara Jane
206 254 180 375 418 420 321 336 229 358 371 441 322 376 426 405 402 431 443 376 389 434 414 440 364 392 400 381 153 325 409 325 229 305 334 363 287 364 410 378 353 180 370 210 441 420 385 399 301 388 180 424 365 438 424 300 399 318 317 387 405 319 425 368 444 312 375 393 403 287 180 362 403 325 376 425 366
373 385 370 387 305 390 444 154 415 427 430 334 371
Carter, Robert C. Carter, William 0 Cartmel, Jerry Cartmell, Barry W. Carto, Annette C Cartwright, Marjorie L. Carty, James W. Carver, Robert W. Case, Kenneth C. Casey, Cardinal Mourice 195, Cash, Barbara Jane Cash, Willie Jean Cass, John Edgar 378, Cassaday, Kenneth W Cassady, Patricia 1 Cassell, Billie Gene 292, 336, Cassen, Gail R. .222, Cassingham, Robert Jack. Cassity, Carolyn Cast, James Grey Cast, William Ronald 269, 274, 280, 281, 282, 294, Castaldi, Thomas Edward Casteen, Ric hard Castell, William T Cate, Wayne Ten 180, Caudill, Robert W. Cavanaugh, William E. Cazelais, Bebette M 180, Cellini, Lawrence B. 393, Centlivre, Catherine C Cerda, Helen Cerza, Mark Chalfant, Joseph S .181, 313, 314, 317, 322, Chalfant, Richard Lee Challinor, Nancy Elaine 286, 291, 322, Challman, Mary K. .375, Chaloupka, Nancy Elise. 181, Chamberlain, James L 317, Chambers, Jack C 378, Chambers, Lois Ann Chambers, Robert M Chambers, William Dean Chambliss, Virginia L Chan, Marilyn Victoria 181, 317 327, Chanall, Marie A Chandik, Theodore A. 181, Chandler, Jerome N. Chandler, Ralph Wallace Chaney, Carol Sue Chantrasmi, Ben B Chapman, Donald R. Chapman, William E. Chappell, Norman P. 270, Chapple, Linda Charlesworth, Richard A Charlesworth, Sue Ann 54, 145, 170, 286, 291, 321, Charlson, Jacqueline A. Charon, Jay Alan 317, Chase, Gary Lee Chase, Roger Dean Chase, Sally Brooks Chase, Walter William Chastain, Peter Stephen Chastain, William N .219, Cheek, Jimmie Joe Cheesbrough, Leon R..181, 287, Chellberg, Karen M. 170, 336, Chenoweth, Joyce K. Cherry, Rosalie Dee Chestnut, Earl Lee Chew, Phillip B. Chiappetta, Donald D Chick, Leo Robert 423, Chickedantz, Gretchen J.. Chilcote, Evelyn C. Child, Barbara Ann. .292, 336, Childers, Rosalie Childes, George Thomas Childress, Richard H Childress, Thomas A. Jr. Chip, Jerry Norman Chiswell, Robert James Chizek, David John 192, Chochos, Athena N Chochos, Chris Nick Chochos, Liberty Zoe 170, 284, 269, 293, 329, 349, 248, Chottikhun, Panya Chreste, William H. Jr. 181, 315, 345, Christensen, Carl W. Christian, Richard 0.
434 214 308 409 405 369 306 387 427 222 400 380 411 180 195 180 439 308 309 414 441 387 364 436 414 443 392 170 411 404 170 229 436 409 405 369 441 318 407 381 432 444 195 375 385 377 318 170 421 181 368 426 360 385 426 410 384 310 414 426 385 373 416 181 306 366 380 400 379 387 181 428 170 529 358 412 389 222 214 308 437 314 388 362 181 362 287 358 170 287
Christie, Peggy Ann 374, Church, Robert Allen Churio, John 347, Cimino, William Lewis Cira, Margery Rose. .320, 335, Clabaugh, Judith Ann 331, Claeys, Frank J Clampitt, Alan Kent Clapp, Julia Ann Clark, Bruce Clark, Charles M. Jr Clark, James Ruel Clark, James Samuel Clark, John Bruce. 170, 346, Clark, John W. Clark, Margaret R Clark, Marshia Lou Clark, Polly Ann Clark, Roger Lee Clark, Shirley Ann Clark, Willis Pulliam Clarke, Beverly Beth Clarke, John Patrick 318801; Clarke, Suzanne E Clarkson, Jack Clarkson, June Williams Clawson, Joe Dean Clay, Sherilyn L. Clayton, Charles Cleary, Dolores J Cleland, Janie Cleland, Ralph E. Clements, James D. 22988 Cleveland, Libra Jan 7, Cleveland, William C Clevenger, Phil Lee Clevenger, Phyllis M. Clevenger, Richard L. Clifford, Joyce A Clifford, Robert H 181, Clifton, John M. Jr. 338, Cline, Johnny Woodrow Cline, Marilyn Ruth Clinton, Russell M. Jr Clouse, Karen D. 195, 339, Clouse, Richard Dean Clouser, Roberta B Coahran, James P Coate, Linda Sue Coates, Esther A Cobb, Charlene 327, Coble, Thomas Culver Coblich, Barbara Cochran, J Cochran, Robert L. 275, 297, 342, Cockerill, Edward M Coen, Jane Lamar Coffel, Camille Coffey, Donald Gibbs 347, Cofield, Donald Dean Cogdell, Charles Robert 170, 254, 311, Cogdell, William Keith Cohen, Harold A Cohen, Howard Irving 322, Cohen, Louis F. 181, 294, 354, Cohen, Lois Suzanne. .321, 336, Cohen, Michael Allen 210, Cohen, Ralph Alexander 275, 297, Cohen, Ronald Sheldon .181, 287, Cohen, Stephen Frand Cohn, Carolyn R. (Rocky) .270, Coican, Geraldine Ann Colbert, Roberta Suzanne Colby, Carmen Rosita Cole, David Joe Cole, Judith Rae Cole, Patricia Ann 335, Cole, Peter S. Cole, Sandra Kay Coleman, Edith Mary 196, Coleman, William Martin Coles, Norma H. Colglazier, John P Colgrove, Garry Dale 393, Coligan, James Bruce Collegiate Democrats Coller, Donald Maynard Collings, John W 181, Collins, Arlene Ann Collins, Carol Ann Collins, Georgie Ann Collins, Ray Charles Collins, Robert Collins, Tom Arlis
383 323 388 214 362 380 287 438 389 366 426 306 181 358 399 204 195 448 425 402 446 410 375 210 370 426 382 305 181 319 153 4 32 32 287 391 382 170 370 368 4368 41 323 377 402 378 323 422 404 421 375 426 371 210 416 414 402 379 367 328 332 254 214 437 447 439 312 437 437 437 439 390 195 403 388 389 3 681.8 370 320 196 196 407 434 229 329 441 338 375 196 358 409 214 327
Collins, William FL Jr Colston, Jeanette Colvin, Martha Jo Colvin, Oliver Michael Combs, Kent Long Combs, Mary Ellen 336, Corner, Charles 388, Comer, Jonathan Steven Comer, Linda Jane Comer, Charles 306, Comer, Thelma 362, Compton, Jerry Lawrence. 170, Compton, Richard Arthur. 358, Comstock, Joseph B. Jr Condra, Kay Emily Cone, Tom 347, Conger, George Dean Congie, Samuel Ernest Congress, Joel M. Conkle, Suzette Louise Conley, Gale Winans Conley, Terry Lyn Conn, Irvin Garrett Conn, Linda Beth Connell, Daniel R. III Connell, Tom Conner, Carol Ann 423, Conner, Charles Knox Conner, Donald W. Conner, Ronald E Conrad, Ann Engelman Conrad, Garey Lyle 335, Conrad, Mary E. Conrad, Margaret Deanne Conrad, Rebecca Kay Conrey, Edward K. 196, Contest, Alumni of Campus.... Converse, Betty Jean Conway, Mike Conwell, Jerry Lee Conwell, Nancy Carol Conyers, Alice Cook, Beverly Jean Cook, Charlene Helen Cook, George R 181, 273, 296, 310, Cook, Jane Grace Cook, Mary Kay Cook, Sarah Irene Cook, Sonia Cook, Winifred Ann 206, Cooks, Adell Coon, Emery Ellis Jr 181, Coon, Larry C. Coons, Frederick W Cooper, Deanna 325, Cooper, Raymond N. Cooper, Roberta C. 170, Cooper, Sheldon Louis Cooperider, Anthony B. Cooperman, Stanley Roy Cope. Dallas Thurman Copper, Corinne Corbishzey, Brian Corbitt, Billy Dean Corcoran, Kenneth Byron Cord, Charles Michael Cordill, Marion Alan. .181, 317, Corean, Ruth Eleanore Corey, Joseph George Come, Audrey Come, Edith Cornick, Martha Wilma Corns, Alan Edward Corrigan, Robert F 181, Cortelyou, Linda Lou Cortese, Gloria Jean Cortese, Mary Ann Cosel, Richard M Cosmopolitan Club Costello, Thomas Eugene...278, Costin, Marjorie Ann 196, 319, 320, Costlow, Ronald Neal Couch, Daniel M. Cougias, James Jr Counsilman, James Countiss, Melba J. 204, Cousineau, Thomas R. Cousins, Naomi June Covey, Glen Richard Cowen, Carolyn S. Cox, Alfred Charles Cox, David Christman Cox, Joann Arline Cox, Joyce Ann Cox, Maralee F.
444 206 421 287 436 402 406 409 379 388 403 361 424 328 381 368 392 229 401 389 426 363 430 383 210 305 529 444 425 359 385 428 418 222 380 445 333 362 308 368 385 325 376 362 424 413 381 420 370 331 405 422 363 214 326 414 380 437 445 350 222 403 327 361 204 443 426 369 377 325 325 402 360 229 410 383 404 287 327 427 404 409 181 170 246 415 229 391 426 412 377 181 362 325 381
378, 385 Cox, Nancy Lee 222 Cox, Patricia Ann 407 Cox, Philip Robert 367 Cox, Ray Allen Cox, Samuel Clarence 359 375 Cox, Sonja Ann Crabill, Phillip J. ...... ..170, 377 Crabtree, Janet C.....320, 337, 431 392 Craft, John David 229, 438 Craft, Norman Alloy Craig, Catherine Ross 284, 291, 423, 529 Crain, Sharon Lee 390 319 Cramer, Carol Angela 371 Crandle, Linda Claire 287 Cravens, David W. 440 Cravens, Joanne M. 424 Cravens, John Raymond 433 Crawford, Betsy Ann 442 Crawford, Gary Phillip Crawford, George R. 312, 368 321 Crawford, Gladys Crawford, Joseph N. 312, 392 222 Crawford, Martha Jo 404 Crawford, Nancy C 170 Crawley, William Edward Crays, Martha Kay 433 370 Cree, Georganne 380 Creech, Carol Jean 170, 425 Cregar, James Michael 320 Crenshaw, Mary 436 Cress, Thomas Lyle 324 Cresser Club Cresson, Barbara Jean 385 170 CreweII, Larry Joe 323 Crider, Virginia F. 368 Criss, James Conrad 170, 323 Crist, Robert Vincent 424 Crittenden, Stephen J 319, 405 Cromwell, Judith Anne 222 Cromwell, William Lewis Crone, Nyla Ann 390 322 Cronin, Joseph Francis 181 Cronin, Richard James 362 Crooks, Judith Lee Crooks, Sybil Ann 389 441 Crosby, Reid Clipp 297 Crosser, Richard H. 170, 376 Crow, Theda Joan 181 Crowe, Harold William 413 Crowe, Margaret Mary 375 Crowe, Mary Ann 392 Crowe, Michael Crowe, Robert Edward 287, 427 Crowell, Martha 325 409 Crude, Carl 362 Crum, Elizabeth Sue Crum, Nancy Lee 196 413 Cullen, Susan E 409 Culler, Eugene R. Jr. Cullers, Robert Lee 368 Culver, Charles William 438 Cumberland, William S. ...170, 407 Cummings, Joseph King 441 444 Cummings, Robert Lee 170 Cummings, Sandra Ann Cummins, Barbara J. 362 181 Cummins George S. Jr. Cummins, James Patrick .. 210, 377 Cummins, Larry Edward ....170, 323 Cunningham, John C 368 412 Cunningham, Nancy L. ..... Cunningham, R. Kent 181, 409 219, 419 Currie, Clarence Roy Currie, Reginal 367 Currier, Nancy Jean 170, 423 Curry, Jacquelin June 196 Curry, Myron Dean 387 214 Curry, Robert 196, 375, 415 Curtis, Celestine 372 Curtis, Dennis Lee Curtis, Hilda Maria 383 181 Curtis, James Edward Curtis, Michael R.....181, 254, 409 Curtis, Patricia A. ....196, 291, 300, 319, 320, 405 Curtis, Ronald Glenn 392 Cusick, Carole M. P 196 380 Cuskaden, Nancy Lucia Cutler, Penny A. 385 Cutner, Lauren David 366 401 Cybulski, Harry 431 Cytacki, Marlene Marie 424 Czimer, Arthur Daniel
Mom, Chris, Charlie, Pete, and Nick
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Dabagia, Robert C....269, 275, 441 Dabbert, Arlene Louise 358 Daghlian, Philip B 153 Dagwell, David D 361 891 Dahlstrand, Sandra Lee 333, 338 Daily, Sandra Sue Daily Student 354, 339596 Dale, David Clark Dalka, Donald Alfred 287 210 Dalmbert, R 413 Dalton, Susan Danforth, Danny D. 436 Daniels, Arthur S. 153, 205 428 Daniels, Vincent W. 409 Danielson, John David 437 Dann, Bruce Michael Dapkus, Zita 288, 335, 370 Darden, Jack 242 Dare, Edward David 378 Darrow, James F. 361 Daube, Beverley Faith Daugherty, Constance M. . 3 429 0,335880 Dauler, George P. 171, 436 Daulton, Philip Michael 441 Daum, Ralph E 426 Davey, Merrily 385 David, Nancy Ann...181, 423, 529 David, Ronald C 206, 248, 313, 314, 443 Davidson, Carol Rose 171, 381 Davidson, Thomas W 436 412 Davie, Kay Elizabeth Davis, Ann Kay 389 Davis, Barbara Jean 340, 405 Davis, Beth 378 Davis, Charles H. 299 Davis, Diane Kay 402 Davis, Doris Mae 367, 375 Davis, Eileen E 389 Davis, Elizabeth Jane 376 Davis, Elzie Harold 420 Davis, Gary Lee 358 Davis, Geraldine S. 421 Davis, Harrison M. Jr 358 Davis, James Edward 445 Davis, James Lewis 424 Davis, James M. Jr 365 Davis, Jerrelyn 375 Davis, Joan Bamber . . 320, 336, 404 Davis,Ju K alyia Maude 371 Davis 271 Davis, Lawrence L 161 Davis, Margaret Louisa 3375 323, 324 Davis, Mary Jane Davis, Nancy 380 400 Davis, Rebecca Jane 181 Davis, Richard Joe Davis, Robert Earl 391 Davis, Ross Newton 422 Davis, Thomas Willard 438 Davis, Thomas William 364 Davis, Warren Glenn Jr. 312, 365 Davis, William Max 442 Davisson, Daniel S 445 Davitt, Ronald Rodney 246 Dawson, Howard Wayne 297, 397, 446 372 Dawson, Larry Dean 369 Dawson, Virginia C 4370 312, 424 Day, Allen Reece Day, Carol Lee Day, Daniel Alan 393 367 Day, Donald Joseph 153 Day, Harry G 362 Day, Jane Bee Day, Lona Gail 329, 384 405 Day, Nancy Ellen 392, 428 Day, William Roy 442 Dayhoff, Donald Gene Deal, Anice Amelia. .196, 320, 403 181, 305 Deam, Donner M. 318, 365 Dean, George B. 390 Dean, Nancy A 411 Dearie, Donald H 325 De Armond, Murray M. 391 Deaton, Robert Lee 322 Debate Club 214 De Brota, John De Cory, Claudette Kay De Costa, Catherine 171, 417391 404 De Croes, Carol Sue 425 Deeg, David Vernon Dees, William Archie 181, 238, 282, 330, 407 De Fenelon, Fay C. 413 229 De Fillippo, Joseph C. Deganutti, Donald J 345 De Grazia, Judith A. 336, 433847 De Jarnett, Donald Ray Dekle, Tommie Kline 288, 292, 336, 423, 529 Dellinger, David Larry 256 De Long, Paul Hugh 196, 361 De Long, Richard Hugh 361 Delta Delta Delta 412 Delta Epsilon Delta 305 413 Delta Gamma
Delta Sigma Pi Delta Sigma Rho Delta Sigma Theta Delta Upsilon 181, DelToro, Wilfred J. Delz, Sherry Beth ...271, 286, 295, 310, 311 Demange, Carol Ann Demants, Anita De Marco, Robert A. Demmary, David Kent Denham, Janice Darlene Dennany, Ray Denney, Betty Ann Denney, Larry W. Denney, Vickie Diane 375, Denny, Jerry A. Denny, Joseph Charles 181, 296, Denton, David Arnold Denton, Victor Haynie Denunzio, David Lee De Pew, William E Deppe, Marilyn Deputy, Robert John 297, Dering Dave Dering, Thomas Earl 332, Dernulc, Edward C. Jr.. . . . . . Dersch, David M .323, 324, 333, De Rudder, Donald D. De Salvo, Joe Deshincoe, Michael R Detraz, Ray Hart Detrick, Joan Deutsch, Barbara Ann 196, 321, De Vorkin, Jerry Bruce Dewaree, Robert De Wees, Joseph Eugene Dewey, James Richard De Witt, Delene Claire.204, 303, De Witt, Dexter D. De Witt, Walter Calvert Jr.. . . . Diamondis, Gail Diamondis, Peter J. Dibell, Kathryn Bliss 288, 292, 336, Di Camillo, Marie J Dice, Donald Jess 286, Dice, James Earl Dick, Thomas Phillip Dickens, Phil Dickerson, Reta Elaine
310 322 415 416 313 314 298 325 229 328 379 308 334 372 441 181 338 442 171 181 377 325 436 278 442 318 365 171 229 444 219 319 421 447 372 311 171 420 348 222 196 393 400 381 427 427 171 228 418
Dickinson, Marcia Ann Dickman, Judy Marie 181, Dickman, Kenneth G. Dicks, Doris Jean Dickson, Carolyn Jane 334, Dickson, Charles R Dickson, Virginia Lee Dickstein, Irwin Lloyd Diefenbaugh, Ann Dienhart, Margaret S Dietz, David Clary Diggs, L. Sharron Dildine, Nancy Jane 270, 423, Dilger, Kenneth H Dill, Phyllis Ann Dill, Ramon Finley Dillard, Deloris Dilling, Janice Marie 206, 291, 331, Dillon, Jane Rae Dillon, Robert K. Jr. 181, 310, Dimmich, Thomas Cortez Dine, Sharon Kay Dinin, David 171, 296, Dinkledine, William Lee. .312, Diodore, Alan Robert Ditlinger, Donald E. 181, Dittemore, Lois D. Dittmer, John Avery Dittrick, Joan Arlene..196, 320, Diver, Neil L 297, Divich, Donna Joan 318, .181, Divine, Jack Vern Dixon, Dean Alan Dixon, Fritz Dixon, Gerald A. Dixon, Gloria Inez 196, 300, 376, Dixon. Jacqueline L Dixon, Judith Rose Dixon, Marilyn Dixon. Marye Louise Dixon, Patricia Kay Dixon, Thomas Dale Dodd, Margaret .378, Dodson, Deborah Anne Dodson, Peter Doehrman, Kenneth R. 171, 334, Doering, David Doerr, Daniel Louis Dolenar, Richard W
404 376 432 370 385 171 431 305 325 380 424 196 529 368 376 181 440 418 381 314 441 379 435 364 392 315 320 436 379 338 371 374 252 214 427 415 403 376 325 358 420 374 287 384 436 392 363 364 374
Dolence, Jo Ann Dolinsky, Geraldine M. Dolphin, Robert Jr. Donahue, James Donahue, Marjorie Ann Donahue, Pat Donald, Barbara Irene Donaldson, Judith Kay Donaldson, Ruth E Donato, Elaine M. Doneff, Phyllis Doninger, Joseph F Donner, Phyllis Ann Donnouan, Ann Donoho, Caroyln J Donziger, Susan Myra Dooley, Brooks Edward Doolittle, Sandra Lee Doraman, Mike A Doran, Barbara R. Dorfman, Michael Alan Dorman, Dan Dorrell, Dillon R. Doss, Donna Sue Doster, Gayl William Dotson, Gerald Dane Dottenwhy, Richard E. Doty, Thomas Veirs Douberteen, Jack F. 297 Douglas, Herbert K. 296, 311, Douglas, Jack. Douglas, John Hilton Douglas, Robert Milton Douglis, Gene R. Dow, George Scott Dowing, Tom Dowling, Dorothy L. Dowling, Leo R Downen, John D. Downer, John D. Downey, Ann Rose Downey, Martin L Downing, Denise M. L. Downs, Gretchen Day Downs, Ross B. Jr Doyle, Joseph Raymond 182, Doyle, Thomas Edward 182, Dragoo, Sandra Sue 288, 333,
196, 196,
342, 338, 342, 182, 158, 171, 182,
381 390 373 214 381 325 385 381 402 390 323 425 369 325 390 362 219 390 435 402 387 171 426 222 359 181 181 414 443 210 425 182 406 447 392 442 340 166 366 409 371 377 327 379 445
296, 445 298, 318 336, 417
Drake, James Drans, Howard Drehobl, Thomas David... .317, Dressel, Fred B. Jr. 295, Dressel, Jean F. Drewlinger, Owen W. 254, Driskell, Richard G 171, Droege, James Burton Druckamiller, Patricia..196, 320, Du Bois, Don Ramon Du Bow, Vivian Dubrouillet, Frank D. Dubrow, Phyllis C. Duchemin, Phillip W. Dudas, Rose Sophie 196, 333, 349 Due, John Dorsey Jr. Due, Oscar Elsworth 182, Duemling, Arnold Hugh Duff, Carol Ann 333, Dugger, Thomas Mack Duke, Frank Daly Duke, Sharon Ruth Dumke, Dale Ernest Duncan, Antia Louise 336, 350, 356, Duncan, James Paul...347, 348, 289, Duncan, Robert E. Duncan, Sarah Lewis Duncker, William L. Dunfee, Maxine Dunham, Jo Ann Dunham, William F. 182, Dunigan, Warren D. Duning, Marcia Louise Dunlap, Barbara Dunn, Barry Neal Dunn, George W. Dunton, Clay Dupler, Lee 297, Durnil, Gordon Kay Dusthimer, Thomas Lee Duvall, Lynden P. 182, Duvin, Robert Philip 196, Duwe, Elizabeth M Dwyer, Bruce M. Dye, James Alvin Dyer, Judith Kay Dygert, Stephen Lynn Dykerslee, Barbara
214 437 414 363 196 367 432 301 381 388 285 409 385 430 375 419 315 409 382 399 171 418 229 440 367 426 381 374 300 385 427 318 385 331 373 426 305 214 443 287 182 437 300 407 392 384 377 300
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Eichelkraut, Susan Eicher, Dan Palmer Eickman, Charles H. Eisele, John Eugene Eisenberg, Lois Merle Eisendrath, Peter Eisermann , Georgia H..... Eissler, Sharon Jean Eitman, David F. Elbert, Elmer Duane Eley, Frederick John 302, Ellenwood, Karen Sue Elliott, Daniel R. 171, Elliott, Homer Lee Elliott, Joseph Earl Elliott, Suzanne B. Ellis, Sue Lynne Ellison, Ernest Craig Ellmore, William A Ellsasser, Michael Gordon Elmer, Gregg Alan Elmer, Pete Elmore, David Gant Elpers, John Richard Elsea, Paul W. Elsner, Louis James Elwood, Richard 182, Ely, Brenda Sue. .196, 319, Elzey, Dalene Ann Embrey, Barbara Kay Emenhiser, Nila Ruth Emerson, Joseph R. Emerson, Lloyd A. .182, Emerson, Sarah Emhuff, John Hayden Emley, John La Mar Emmert, Clayton Stahley . Emrick, Margaret Eileen. Engel, Bill Engel, David Lee
E Eads, David Martin Eakin, Carl T .. . . Eargood, Helen L. Earl, Stephan Harding .346, 359, Early, Rexford C East, Marilyn Anne Eastburn, Barbara Jean 182, Easter, Benjamin F. Eastridge, Charles J Eberhart, Suzanne L. . . 292, 423, Eberly, Donald Willis 336, Echt, Lynn Rae Eckensberger, Alex J. Eckerman, Evelyn Mae 196, Eckert, Pauline Mae 285, Eckerty, Maxine L. Eddy, Anna Louise. . . .207, 331, . Ede, James C. ......... . 327, 329, Edelstein, Martha Edmonds, M. Kay Edmondson, Frank K. Jr. 182, 297, Edmunds, Richard W. Edson, Priscilla Jane Edwards, Ben E 271, 436, Edwards, Bob Edwards, Charles F. Edwards, Charles H. Jr. .322, Edwards, Nylen W. 182, Edwards, Robert Alan Effinger, Marilyn Ruth 270, Eggers, Eugene S. Eggers, Judith L. Eglen, Larry K Ehlert, Gretchen W Ehrhart, Rex Alan
219 297 412 436 182 381 386 367 182 529 306 439 364 300 410 405 370 182 389 384 311 390 244 698 372 332 287 286 384 438 196 445 412 377
356, 381 365 182, 317 432 439 244, 447 356, 381 380 427 365 329, 425 381 323, 426 392 372 412 329, 384 367 363 214 182, 314 436 210 289, 425 427 346, 359 287, 315 340, 410 380 433 370 426 296, 443 325, 326 425 399 287, 298 196, 440 365 365
Engel, William M 365 Engelking, Fred J 182 Engle, Charles Frank 366 Engle, Rebecca Sue 336, 421 Engleman, Jack L. 222, 308 English, Mary Ellen Ann 335 Engstrom, Carol Ann 196, 402 Enkoff, Carl G 182 Enlow, Judy Arlene 274, 285, 291, 404 Ennis, Anita Lou 382 Ennis, Barbara Jo 307, 336 Enoch, John Gordon 182, 407 Enomene 292 Ensweiler, William John .196, 432 Ent, Marjorie Ellen 431 Eppen, Clara Claudine 384 Eppler, Joan 325 Erdel, Elizabeth Joan 334, 336 Erickson, La Donna S 383 Erickson, (Margaret) Joan 171, 271, 282, 286, 420 Erickson, Nancy J. 207, 332 Erickson, Sandra D. 371, 408 Erikson, Lois Ann 412 Ernst, David Michael 441 Ernst, Gretchen 421 Ernsting, Jack L. 441 Ervin, Abby Lynn 389 Ervin, William Charles 407 Erwin, Rose Ann 182, 299, 405 Erwin, Robert B. 222 Esckelson, Gene Kenneth 171 Escol, Dennis Morton 219, 296, 306, 322 Eshleman, I. Clayton 171 Eshleman, Lindley H. 171 Eshleman, Paul D. 434 Eskitch, Elaine Andrea 383 Espenschied, Margaret R 376
Esposito, Sam .. Esterline, Janet Esterline, Joan Louise 288, 293, 323, 331, Estrich, David Louis Etter, Grayce Beth 196, Etter, Thomas Peter Eubanks, Max E Evans, Dennis E. Evans, Forrest R. Evans, Jack Gieseke 329, Evans, John Claussen Evans, Kathryn Darby Evans, Laura Frances Evans, Lois Ann 196, Everitt, Robert Henry Everly, Stephan Saylor Eversman, Thomas L.. .. . . .219, Ewbank, Barbara Ann. .333, 335, Ewer, Phyllis Ann Ewing, Rosemary
Fackler, William N 182, 317, 347, Fagaly, William Arthur Fahey, Kenneth T Fairbanks, Gary F Faith, Mary Carolyn Falcon Club Fancher, Floyd Russell Fara, Thomas Ray Farbman, Bette Sandra Farcus, Mary Ann Fargood, Helene Lucretia Farley, Margaret Aileen
348, 365 438 182, 322 391 402 296 196, 392 182 385 204, 291 204 389
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Farmer, Charles Dudley Farmer, J. P. Farnham, Herbert L 338, Farshee, Louis Michael Farwell, Donna Fassburg, Phyllis Jean Fattu, Mary Elizabeth 288, Faulkner, Charles H. Faust, Fred William Favede, Leon Francis Feagles, Arthur B Fechtman, John Carl Fechtman, Judith Ann .319, 331, Fedosky, Edward John Feeney, F. J. Jr. Feeney, Mary Louise 335, Feiertag, Dorothy L. Harry Feigenbaum, Feighner, Forest D. Feinstone, Jeremy Feiock, Barbara Ellen Felder, George F. Jr 182, Felder, Susan Merica Feldkamp, Donald F Feldman, Carol E Feldman, Sandra Lynne Felger, Jane Maurine 334, Felix, Roberta Sue Felton, Robert S Felts, David Allen Fenimore, Harold L. Fenker, John Arthur Fenn, Rex K Fenster, Ira 182, Fenstermaker, James J. 182, 296, 318, Fenwick, Rose Marie Fergus, Mary Leann Ferguson, David A Ferguson, Josue Nafe Ferguson, Julia Kay 303, Ferguson, Phyllis Gail Ferguson, Reginald L Ferguson, Richard J. 323, Ferguson, Stephen C Fernandez, Lillian C. 196, 319, 320, Fesler, Toby Mardel Fets, Margaret Fetter, Sharon Jean Fetterer, Edgar David Feutz, Carolyn Jane 182, 299, 329, Fiechter, Barbara Ann 333, Fiedler, Peggy Ann Fiege, Donald Richard Fields, Carolyn Ann Fields, Janet M 196, 320, 182, Fields, Tevis L. Jr Fierrier, Gwen 182, 298, Figg, Julia Joann Figlure Ruthlee 304, 340, Filby, Roy Filipowski, Stephen Jr Finance Club Findley, Cynthia Louise 204, 303, Findley, Michael D. Findley, Theodore P. 314, Fine, David Carl .. Fine, Stephen David 336,
214 308 407 372 381 382 417 416 392 372 287 270 382 246 210 440 204 214 360 364 379 314 171 407 381 386 389 380 287 443 377 392 424 435 426 358 362 171 412 404 390 372 182 407 417 385 210 379 182 404 371 381 424 384 381 298 326 400 439 327 229 316 389 399 419 437 437
182, Finke, Robert Harold Finley, John Marvin Findley, Mike Finnell, Mary Ann Finney, Gretchen Fipp, George John Fischer, Esther Janet Fischer, Margie Ann Fischer, Robert Eugene Fishback, Alice Jane Fishback, Elizabeth A. Fisher, Duke De Fisher, George Albert Fisher, Gordon Ross D. Fisher, Howard Earl Fisher, Karen Kay 303, Fisher, Linda Beth Fisher, Mary Anna Fisher, Michael Lewis Fisher, Nancy Ann 171, 370, 410, Fisher, Susie Diane. .319, 423, Fisher, Terry J. Jr Fishman, Anita G Fishman, Philip Michael Fishman, Roberta Sue 336, Fishman, Stuart Charles Fisk, Karen Jo 356, Fitch, Lynda Rose 365, Fitch Robert Fitzgerald, Ann H. .182, 286, 2 93, Fitzgerald, Gerald L. Fitzgerald, Margaret L Fitzgerald, Patricia L Fitzgibbon, Sally Ann Fitzpatrick, James F Fitzpatrick, John A. 252, 297, 342, Fitzsimmons, Samuel Lee Fitzwater, Lynne Ellen Flame Club Flanigan, Diane 310, Fleck, Richard Grover Fleck, Rosalie Louise 319, Fleener, John Thomas Fleetwood, Judith Kay Fleming, Dan Eugene Fleming, Joan Louise 171, 284, 285, Fleming, Patricia Ann 196, 273, 282, 284, Fleming, Sally Lee Fletcher, James Charles Fletcher, James P Flick, Susanne Eleanor 204, Flolo, Shirley Ann Flowers, Barbara Jean Flowers, Bonnie Kay Flowers, Lindsey Eugene .238, Flowers, Patricia Joann Floyd, Donald Joseph Flueckiger, Kaye A. Flying Club Flynn, Martin John ...269, 274, 278, 280, 281, 294, 296, Fobes, William W. II Fodor, Eva Maria Foeulkes, Dolores
416 399 378 412 370 214 375 448 222 389 400 409 248 254 442 370 383 380 366 418 529 411 196 401 385 182 402 382 256 371 182 376 440 171 301 424 441 384 295 358 378 375 368 379 414 390 285 381 289 425 384 418 382 358 315 390 363 362 332 447 436 410 403
Fogle, Fredric Matthew Foley, Ann 171, 293, 334, Foley, John David Folio Foltz, John William 297, Foncannon, Linda Joan .204, Foogde, Greta Elizabeth Ford, Gerald L. .182, 296, 342, Ford, Richard Edwin Ford, Robert Shields Ford, Sharon Marie Forman, Robert Alan Forney, Ann 325, 182, Forsha, Charles Edward Forsnight, Wallace Forst, Linda Anne . 288, 333, Fortna, Roger Allen 302, 311, 346, Fortuna, Frank William Foss, Carla Ann Foster, Delmond D. Foster, John Arthur 323, 345, 346, Foster, Judith Kay . 340, 356, Foster, Stephen Malcolm Foulkes, Jane Helen Foulkes, Joy Katherine 285, Foulkes, Mary Ann Foulkes, William H Fouts, Marjorie Ann Fowl, Nancy Lynn Fowler, Eugene Charles ..182, Fowler, Marilyn Mae Fowler, Nancy Kay Fowler, Ronald K. . .182, 345, Fowler, Sandra Anne Fowler, Stanley E. Fowlkes, Dolores M. 321, 339, Fox, James Donald Fox, James Walker Fox, Mary Ellen 319, Fox, Richard Austin Fox, Richard Frederick Fox, Uree Marlene Francis, Lois Ann 312, 337, Frank, David Fichman Frank, James Thomas 322, 334, Frank, Jill Ann 298, Frank, Judy Ann 171, Frank, Philip Melvin Franke, Margaret S. 196, 279, 291, 300, Frankel, Mark Frankenfield, Amelia A .152, Franklin, Joseph Arnold Franklin, Norman Duffy Frankovitz, Treva G. 171, Frantz, Jack Thomas Frantz, Karen Louise Frantz, Marilyn Frantzen, June Dee Frappier, Marian Joyce Frazier, John David Frazier, Robert Frazier, Rollond Orvis Freedman, Judith Davis Freedman, Judith Helen _356, Freehafer, Lance Dunkin Freeland, Daniel C. Freeman, Alice Talent
401 337 409 350 414 389 380 414 366 407 362 437 326 329 422 400 377 214 380 207 361 402 416 284 389 196 171 171 369 372 384 390 363 362 442 403 409 347 413 441 214 371 390 388 414 418 315 366 433 336 448 438 372 390 373 371 309 369 171 434 222 438 390 385 312 366 171
Freeman, Christine Freeman, Linda Lee Freeman, Pearl Freiburger, Richard E. Freid, Sheila Lois Freihofer, William A. French, Judy Kay French, Marshall E. French, Sarah Frances French, W. B. Fresh, Douglas Eston Freshman Class Frew, Danny Ray Frew, Sue Ellen Frey, Dixie Gwen Frey, James Douglas 323, 338, Frey, Kent Conn Fricke, Jack W. 196, 318, Fricke, Suzanne L Fried, Deborah Joan Friedman, Carolyn Sue Friedman, Howard Friedman, Judith M. Friedman, Robert Irwin Friedman, Ted Friend, Edward Isaac 182, Friend, Joan Friend, Sharon Lucile Fritz, Charles A Fritz, Edward John Fritz, Thomas Arthur Fritzemeyer, Joe R From, Arthur H. L. 171, Fromhoff, Daniel B Fromm, Edward John 317, Fry, Barbara Louise Fry, William Rolland ...182, 269, 273, 294, 296, 314, Frye, James Frye, Larry H. Frye, Phyllis Fryman, George H. Frymier, Albert Edward Fujii, Myra Tokiko 328, Fukumoto, Richard Fulford, Linda Lee Fulkerson, Ann Louise Fuller, Julie Ann Fuller, Luanne Fuller, Magdalene Fuller, Robert Earl Fulton, Roger A. Fulton, William Hall Fults, Kathleen W. Fults, Phyllis Jane Fulwider, James William 297, 342, Fulwider, Larry Dean 343, Funk, David Leonard Funk, Karen Jane Funkhouser, Tom Lynn Fuqua, Gayle 325, Furlong, Timothy . .183, 296, Furlow, Richard Harold Furnish, William Bruce Furr, Marjorie Ann 183, Fuson, Robert Lee Future Teachers of America. .
390 376 444 287 390 210 385 422 362 210 359 276 444 381 382 427 367 363 196 196 362 437 386 368 435 447 321 384 424 229 416 287 287 437 441 376 438 323 361 326 287 387 362 214 433 383 400 408 323 289 287 214 300 384 409 414 313 382 407 326 436 377 358 404 323 319
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G 171 Gaddis, William Russell Gage, Frederick H....183, 287, 315 405 Gainey, Carol Jean 362 Gaiser, Johanna M. 153, 288 Gaither, Mary E 381 Galbraith, Linda Lou 417 Galbreath, Janice P 229 Gales, Delnor Ferdon 376 Galik, Claudia Dale 171, 380 Gallay, Sheila L 196 Galle, Pauline A. Gallinatti, Dean George 183, 313, 314, 409 246 Gallo, Antonio M 251 Gallo, William 287 Gamble, George S. Jr. 422 Gambrell, James Ralph 298 Gamma Alpha Chi 171 Ganchiff, Robert Lee 196 Ganchiff, Ruth H. 377 Gansinger, Grant N 325 Ganus, Beverly 356, 386 Garber, Paula Gayle Garcia, Robert H.... 171, 301, 353 416 Gardner, Jan Kenton 385 Gardner, Margaret C 326 Gardner, Marilyn 447 Garek, Robert S 374 Garigan, Daniel Dennis 356 Garland, Cynthia Lois 368 Garlets, Donovan Glenn 433 Garling, Leagene 358 Garnett, Bessie Louise 252 Garnette, Harry James 399 Garrison, Jerry L. 287 Garrison, Roger W Garver, Frederick W. 399 171 Gasaway, Judith A 197 Gaskey, Patricia Ann 420 Gaskins, Linda Jean 438 Gast, Jon Stuart 268, 340, 417 Gast, Karen Lynn.. 442 Gati, Charles George 378 Gattshall, Gerald W. 222 Gaunt, Josephene 410 Gautreaux, Gloria Ann 442 Gay, Philip Kratz Gaydosh, Lawrence John 171, 335, 428 183, 424 Geary, Thomas Emmet 363 Geberin, John Phillip Gebhart, Ellen Marie..197, 320, 362 367 Gecowets, Robert Eugene 385 Gee, Anna Ruth Gee, Samuel Byron...183, 238, 427 364 Geganutti, Don 246 Geggie, Wayne Douglas 392 Gehle, Don Earl 364 Gehring, Thomas A. 383 Gehrke, Ann E. 244 Gehrke, Fred Carl 382 Gelfman, Rosalyn H 171 Genrich, Bonnie Jeanne 183, 318 Genrich, Carl B. Jr 292, 433 George, Barbara Lynn 359 George, David L 334, 434 George, Richard Lee 382 George, Topsy Jean 337, 413 Gerber, Sally Maxine 445 Gerdts, Robert Henry 405 Gerhart, Sara Jennings 426 Gerhart, Thomas Francis 331, 391 Gerhold, Barbara Linda. 370 Gerking, Brenda Lea 331, 420 Gerlach, George Ann Geroff, William Robert 399 383 Gerow, Sara Lynne 433 Gerrish, Thursa Ann 171, 301 Geshwiler, Joseph E. 385 Getschman, Jean Carole 428 Gettelfinger, Kenneth J 197, 368 Gettelfinger, Rex A 171, 323 Gewurz, Henry Gharst, John Dale .183, 347, 365 171, 427 Gibbs, Charles Parker 183 Gibbs, James Paul Gibbs, James Roberts 345, 372 214 Gibson, Alois Gibson, Kenneth Dorcel....367, 419 197, 448 Gibson, Marilyn Kaye Gideon, Joy Elaine 369 323 Gieseke, Fred Gary Gilbert, Gordon Walter 445 Gilbert, Kay 379 Gilbert, Kiffin Emil 310 Gilbreath, Dana Lee 389 Gilchrist, Janet Ann 404 Gilcrist, Philip Myron 183 Gildner, Marjorie Jean 382 Gilham, Deanna V 320, 412 323 Gilkey, Ann
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Gillaspy, John J. 353, Gille, Catherine E. Gillen, Daniel Earl Gillen, James Calvin Gillespie, Dwight R Gillespie, Julianne D Gillespie, Patricia A 314, Gillespie, William W. Gillett, Kay Arlene Gillig, William Conrad Gilligan, Patricia C. Gilliom, Robert Warren Gillon, Janet Gilman, Ann Gilman, Ray Dallas 183, 273, 342, Gilman, Shirley Ann Gilmer, Carolyn Sylvia Gilmore, H. William 222, Gingery, Robert Eugene..... 270, Giroux, Sandra Kay Girsch, Richard Lee Girtz, Marvin Dean Gish, Bart Leon 183, Gittelman, Susan Giuliano, Albert G Given, Linda 325, Givens, William Phillip Gjertsen, Arthur Glancy, Thomas James Glascock, John 183, Glasel, Dean J Glass, Sandra Kay Glassner, Winifred N. Glazer, Esta Isa 349, Glazier, Harry Gleason, David C. 296, Glendening, Thomas B.. Glenn, Elizabeth Jane Glenn, G. Dale .183, Glenn, Tom Alexander. Glick, Barbara Ann 368, Glira, Raymond 197, Glogas, Ethel Eleanor . Glover, Richard David .... 183, Gmerek, Marion Joan 384, Gobert, Marilyn Sue 183, Goddard, Don Richard Goddard, Merl Lee Godeke, Marian Lucille .284, 293, 331, 349, 369, Godfrey, Margaret Ann Goff, Deanna Gohr, Phillip Roy Goins, Barbara Carolyn Goken, Jolan Kay Gold, Barry Alan 171, Gold, Stuart Milton Goldberg, Howard Goldberg, Kenneth A Goldberg, Margaret L. Goldberg, Stephen Ross 183, 310, 313, 197, Golden, Myrna Linda Goldenberg, Nancy E. Goldman, Daniel Roger Goldman, Norman H Goldman, Richard David 171, Goldman, Richard M. .197, Goldstein, Eunice Faye. Goldstein, Melvin Earl 172, 246, 342,
391 382 424 399 443 356 381 368 390 222 389 318 325 383 411 383 384 305 329 405 350 361 444 439 377 326 436 328 183 214 447 376 439 382 183 414 442 362 377 436 379 446 320 197 381 483 374 334 370 400 417 432 379 400 368 323 183 437 384 447 439 379 437 447 359 437 389 401
Goldsworthy, Joyce C. Goldzwig, Marlene .197, 339, Golgart, Carl William Gollmer, Max Henry Gollmer, Thomas Lee Goode, William Albert Goodknight, Mary C. Goodman, Arthur Gilbert Goodman, Phil J. Goodman, Wilma Sue 183, Goodrich, James Paul Goodus, Paul Ray 298, Gooliak, Antoinette Goosby, Earl Gordon, Barbara Sue Gordon, Charles E Gordon, James Kenner Gordon, Linda Ruth 197, Gordon, Patricia Ann Gore, Vicki Jane 292, 320, Gore, William Gorham, Charles Edward Gossard, Janis Jane Gott, Chloe J Gotteiner, Eileen Joan Gottschalk, Ronald Lowell Gough, William J. Jr 318, Gould, Janet 197, Gould, Jay Hawbaker Gourley, John Phillip Gourley, Karen Margaret Govert, Lester R. 183, Govert, Paul Cletus. .312, 329, Gowdy, Claudette J. Graber, Benjamin R. Grabhorn, Larry Lee Grabill, Doris Evelyn Graf, Aldora....172, 287, 307, Graf, Gretchen Graf, John Michael Graff, Jerry Gordon..353, 359, Graff, Marlene Lee Graham, H. Dwain Graham, Jack Leonard 287, 310, 311, 315, Graham, Jo Anne Graham, John Ridgway Graham, Margaret K...300, 353, Graham, Marianne Graham, William Gram, Moltke S Gran, Keith Lamont Grande, Donald Irving. .183, Grandson, Jean Taylor Grandstaff, Ken William 303, 345, 346, Grandys, Frances E. 335, Grant, James Lee Grant, Judith Ann Grant, Lucinda Alice 270, Grasso, Anthony Michael Grathwohl, Harrison L Gratzer, La Vonne Kay Grau, Sandra Gail Graver, James Harrison Graves, Anna K. Graves, Richard Graves, Rosemary 331, Gray, Dickey Wayne Gray, Elizabeth Gray, James Edward Gray, Josephine Davis
304 439 360 399 360 366 433 289 437 417 359 444 375 419 380 183 409 439 370 389 287 391 400 379 384 391 387 439 387 407 379 428 425 325 367 436 172 417 381 361 434 383 392 436 371 298 385 376 214 358 361 447 183 359 390 407 381 420 368 287 380 380 378 431 214 417 219 325 425 370
172, 413 Gray, Linda Sue 426 Gray, Melville A. Gray, Mosses William 372 Gray, Robert Wingfield 183, 252, 311, 330 Gray, Virginia Rose 362 441 Grebe, David Copley Grebe, Marlyn Joyce 141, 183, 423, 529 446 Grebe, Wayne Arthur Green, Betty Jean ... 172, 321, 327, 415 441 Green, Frederick Dexter Green, Hal Keith 378 Green, Jana Lee 172, 320, 384 Green, Jerome 406 Green, Judith Ann 421 422 Green, Robert Dale Green, Robert Lee 363 197, 319, 440 Green, Rowena Lou Green, Sue Ellen 358 Greenball, Melvin Neal 183, 315, 401 Greenberg, Louis T 323 Greene, Betty Mae 386, 403 Greene, Jerome G. Jr. 360 Greene, Johnny Corder 436 Greene, Richard A. 442 Greene, Roselyn R....327 375, 415 Greenhut, Eric 401 Greenlee, Joe A. Jr. 409 Greenstein, Samuel 172 Greenwald, Norman Irvin 358 Greenwald, William L. 183 Greer, Barbara Ann 197 Gregg, John Palmer 407 Gregg, Mary Ann 325 Gregg, Shirley Ann 420 Gregor, Patty Rae 448 Gregory, Hayden W 210 Gregory, Orville Wilson 183 Gregory, Robert 214 Gregory, Dr. Ronald D. 303 Greiber, Ann Sophia 385 Greider, Gordon C. 311, 445 Greiner, Marilyn R. 293, 331 Grenert, Robert Louis 374 Grenert, Ronald Lee 210 Greves, Sandra Jane 362 Griffin, Adrienne Marie 403 Griffin, Peter James 424 Griffin, William David ....183, 436 Griffith, Allen L 183, 313, 444 Griffith, Mary Ellen 371 Griffith, Robert Hugh 378 Griffith, Shirley Ann 197 Griffiths, Robert Lee 303 Griffy, Larry Boyd 365 Grigonis, June Ann 335, 370 Grimes, James 305 Grimes, Robert Warren 425 Grimes, Robert William 424 Grinwold, Mary 325 Grizzle, Charles R. 312, 364 Grobyseltzer, Samuel 426 Grogg, Vincent F 210 Grollig, Fr. Francis X. 335 Groninger, William D... 172, 441 Groseclose, Roger J 287 Gross, John Nevin 377 Gross, Margaret Ann ..172, 320, 402 Gross, Marjorie Jeanne 384 Gross, Michael J. 172 Grostefon, Don Arthur 197 Grostefon, Jack R. 183 Groth, Eva Birgitta 383 Grove, Jerry Earl .. 183, 317, 367 Grove, Stephen Roger 416 Grubaums, Ilona leva 370 Gruenwald, James F. 183 Grunkemeyer, Virgil R. 366 Gruszkos, Esther C....197, 329, 385 Gucker, Frank 153, 167 Guckien, Madonna Rose 379 Gude, Elizabeth Anne..327, 375, 403 Gude, John S. 183, 424 Guendling, James J. 254, 368 Guendling, Joanne G. 323 Guerrero, Joaquin C 183, 318 Gugel, Lorenz Walter 172 Guinn, Bill Joe 364 Guist, Joan Elizabeth 389 Gulley, Arlene Judith 383 Gullion, Linda Ann 331, 382 Gushwa, Roy E. Jr 183 Gustafson, Jean Ellen 384 Guthrie, Carol Ann 222 Guthrie, Robert G. 364 Gutierrez, Peter 214 Gutwein, Linda Elaine 380 404 Gutzweiler, Susan Ruth Guy, Seward Allen 368
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H Haag, Judith Ann Haas, Marjorie Haas, Richard J. Haas, Stephen Charles Habart, Joy Habbe, Timothy Alan Habig, Jay Joseph Hackbirth, David W. Hackney, Ellen E. Hackney, Glenn Richard 210, Hadley, Walter F. Jr Haehl, Mary Jean Haertel, Leroy Norman Hagan, Arthur Robert Hagee, Joe Gordon Hagen, Gail Juanita Hagen, Jo Ann G. Hager, Eric Steven Hagman, Norman Hahn, George A. Hahn, George Edward Hakes, Richard Owen Hale, Phillip Sisler Hale, Russell Thomas 172, Hall, Amos Stanley Hall, Don Alan 329, Hall, Edwin Lee Hall, Howard Herbert Hall, Jane Elizabeth Hall, Jerome Hall, Jo Ann 336, 337, Hall, Joseph Victor 367, Hall, Marie 197, Hall, Patricia Ann Hall, Paul Kenneth Hall, Richard Dee 219, Hall, Richard Eugene 172, Hall, Ruble Scott Hall, Sue Lynn Hall, Thomas Ward 307, 311, 346, Hall, William Hall, William Hallinin, Barbara Jean Halub, Lois Halus, Michael Bruce 242, Hamblen, Vora Junior Hamburg, Harold Elliott Ham, Wendell Hames, Janice Sue Hamilton, Carolyn Sue Hamilton, Howard E 229, Hamilton, Janet Hamilton, Julia E. Hamilton, Thomas W. Hamlet, Lilly Edna Hamm, Linda Lou Hammaker, Richard Harry Hamman, George W Hammel, Sarah Ruth 366, Hammelman, James Alan 337, Hammer, Donna Marie . Hammond, James Louis Hammond, Jaqueline C.....172, Hammond, Kenneth Hugus Hammons, Joseph R Hampton, Marilyn Sue Hanaghan, Dennis M. Hancock, Helen J. 312, Hand, Stevens Carl Handy, Mary Alice Hanlon, Mary May Hanna, David A. Hanna, Gary English Hanna, William Francis Hannon, John Henry Hannum, Kenneth Jerrold Hanock, Franklin N. Hansen, Janice Lee Hansen, Mary Lou Hanser, Mary L Hansert, Sarah Kaye 319, Hanson, Carlene Sue 356, Hanson, Joan Happel, William K. Harbin, Billy Joe Harbridge, Malcolm J Hardaway, Ruth H. Hardy, Richard E Harfield, James Louis 315, Harger, Nancy Harker, Albert Coyner .172, 252, Harlan, Mickey Harle, Donald Lincoln Harmon, Gary Lee Harmon, Netha Loyce Harms, Jerry Joe Harness, Carol Lee Harper, James Leslie Harper, Mary Yvonne Harrell, Allen Harrell, Joseph Paul 242, Harrell, Larry Ludwig Harrigan, Daniel J. Harris, Barbara
222 207 312 432 362 407 407 367 371 298 301 323 399 183 426 385 413 387 214 315 425 197 219 430 443 361 365 318 400 155 367 420 403 376 287 306 299 323 390 359 210 214 390 386 438 367 437 422 197 222 330 400 390 183 375 389 197 374 420 424 433 318 320 441 363 417 407 356 422 389 375 363 409 377 377 378 183 385 335 370 404 371 370 172 172 427 403 416 437 412 438 325 361 388 391 391 370 419 172 427 438 407 414 403
Harris, Barbara Jean 197, 320, 380, 403 197 Harris, Bertha Ellen 197 Harris, Beverly Mae 374 Harris, David James 406 Harris, Eugene A. 376 Harris, Jeanne 409 Harris, Larry Edward Harris, Martha Ellen 288, 292, 389 312 Harris, Phillip Lee 183 Harris, Richard Lee Harris, Robert 183, 287, 295 210 Harris, Robert E. Harris, Sylvia Carol 303, 400 385 Harris, Theresa Harris, Walter Owen . .197, 311, 377 184, 346 Harris, Walter W. 438 Harris, Welton W. II 312 Harrison, David Allen 362 Harrison, Jeanne Ann 362 Harrison, Martha J. Harrod, Patricia Mae 369 Harrold, John Andrew. 312, 363 184 Harrow, Helen Mae 207 Hart, Alan George 172 Hart, Elinor Hart, John Henry 374 426 Hart, Joseph Edward Hart, Neal Franklin .184, 425, 427 Hart, Robert Allen 392 Hart, Robert Stanley 392 222 Hart, William Robert Hartford, Joyce Ann 413 Hartigan, John Michael. .323, 436 381 Harting, Elizabeth C. Hartley, Thomas G. 434 Hartman, Charles Allen. .345, 364 Hartman, Harold Kay 361 Hartman, Jan Kilmer 436 Hartman, Kenton Shane 399 Hartman, Mary Ruth .303, 333, 440 Hartman, Robert H. 302 Hartnett, Kathleen M .197, 273, 269, 336. 423, 529 Hartung, Marcia Ann ..197, 300, 380 392, 444 Harty, Jerry Ray. Harvey, William Lee 184 Harwood, Jeanine Kay 291, 336, 404 Haseman, Saundra Lou . .. .336, 400 404 Hasewinkle, Rosalie Dee 302, 334. 356, 410 Haskell, Jay 312 Hasler, James Robert 321 Hasse, Edward Witmer .. . 303 Hasselfeldt, Eugene R... 346, 378 Hassfurder, Norman L. 427 Hastings, James Roland 312 Hastings, Jay Bradley 148 Hastings, John S. 421 Sharon Marie Hatcher, 204, 302 Hatfield, Michael 433 Hattendorf, Joan E Hattery, Florence Ann 172, 287, 323 365 Hattery, Robert R. Jr. 214 Hatton, Richard 416 Havens, John William 376 Havens, Marilyn 416 Havens, Stephen J 172, 300 Havey, Judy 328 Hawaiian Club 184 Hawblitzel, Mary Ann 288, 386 Hawblitzel, Mary Kay 344 Hawkins, Bill 370 Hawkins, Juliana Hawkins, Raymond Warren .184, 310 184 Hawkins, Robert Marvel 406 Hawkins, Thomas Eugene Hawkins, William S 372 Hawley, Richard R.. .172, 287, 323 422 Hay, Charles David 214 Hayden, Gould Dwight 362 Hayes, Carol Marianne 172 Hayes, Donald C. 197, 345, 358 Hayes, Edward James Hayes, Gary Max 363 Hayes, Gayle Eugene .287, 305, 318 Hayes, Marilyn R. 197 325 Hayes, Mary 184 Hayes, Robert H. Hayes, Sara Lea 376 Hays, Jack G 184, 378 411 Hays, Lee Wayne Hays, Sue Ann 336, 400 Hayter, Pamela E 379 Hazenfield, Janis 325, 326 424 Healy Robert Thomas . .327, 358, 419 Heard, Viddell Lee 441 Heath, George Ronald 418 Heath, Nancy Norton Heathcotte, Bruce Roger 372 Heathcotte, Bryan 372 Heche, Donald Joe 289 215 Heckman, Edward Lentz 409 Heckman, Stephen Paul 317, 414 Hedges, David William. 215 Hedges, James Kenneth 305 Hedrick, Gene Hedrick, Shirley Mae 331, 379 Hedstrom, Russell E. .315, 334, 444
Heid, Robert L 295, 378 Heidt, John Joseph 286, 296, 311, 335, 438 184 Heiliger, Forrest H 387 Heiliger, Lawrence W. 172 Heiman, Jacqueline G 184, 313 Heiman, Ray Allan 288, Lais 439 Heiman, Sandra 297, 407 Heine, Bruce Logue Heinemann, Marianne A 391 210 Heiney, John Henry 361 Heinold, Marshall D. 340 Heiser, Marie Heiser, Marjorie .282, 286, 291, 412 184 Heiwig, Stephen Dale Helbert, Jan Edward 372, 442 Held, Robert Clinton 254, 399 184, 318 Helfrich, John W 215 Helmer, Fredric Allan 421 Helmke, Carolyn Louise 325 Helt, Karen Helvie, James Clifford 391 Hembree, Cecil \Vess 373 Hembroff, Richard S 238 Hemphel, Suzanne Lois 362 Hendershot, Virginia A. 370 Henderson, Alan Dale. 364 431 Henderson, Julia Marie.304, 339, Henderson, Walter H. 432 329 Hendricks, Donald Gene 184 Hendricks, Edwin Howard 407 Hendricks, Paul R. Hengstter, Nancy 309, 326 381 Henkel, Janet Lee Hengstler, Nancy 326 Henle, Mary Jane 335, 370 Henline, Susan Jane 362 1-knnigar, James 305 322, 393 Henrichs, Don Lee Henry, Janet Carol 369 Henry, Joan Louise 389 Henry, Judy Ann 329, 371 368 Henry, Loren Lee Henry, Richard 305 Hensley, Charlotte A 362 366 Herbenar, James Gene Herbst, Darwyn Leroy 377 323 Herendeen, Donald E. 323 Herendeen, Tom Lee Herget, Marilyn Jean. .172, 302, 389 Hermansperger, Thomas Philip . 409 390 Hermon, Marilee 413 Herrick, Sally Ann Herrmann, Evelyn Von 321 Herrold, Judith Ann ..331, 382, 408 Herrold, Natalie May 381 Herron, Larry Ray 364 371 Herron, Lois Ann Hersh, Harriet Ruth 293, 349, 382 .302, 422 Herding, James Edward. 409 Herzog, Fred David 484 Hesgard, Karen Ann Hesiben, Unice Mae 385 434 Hess, George H. III 437 Hess, Robert Marshall Hess, Roberta L. 337, 410 84, 437 Hess, Stanford K. Hessert, Norman Dale 204, 302, 364 425 Heyde, Robert Dewey Hiatt, Edwin Lee 363 291, 425 Hiatt, Oscar Paul Hiatt, Patricia Jeanne 358 287 Hibner, Barbara J. 436 Hibner, Paul D. Hickman, James Hamilton. .312, 372 Hickman, John Lawrence. 312, 441 326 Hickman, Judy Hicks, Bettijeane 385 228 Hicks, Bob 420 Hicks, Judy Joan Hicks, Richard Haehl 368 Hicks, Robert E. 197, 276, 361 Hiday, Mary 325. 326 Higginbotham, Ray W 393 Higgins, Gilbert W. 287 High, Kenneth Arvo 323 Hightshue, David C. 363 Hightshue, Dorothy Carol 325 Hiland, Christine 344, 371 Hildebrand, Tom 344 323 Hildebrand, William L. Hilderbrand, William T. 372 Hildreth, Gary Ray 317, 414 238, 308 Hill, Bode Hill, Donald Joseph 184 Hill, Fred Turner Jr 297, 414 Hill James 328, 345, 364 Hill, Katherine Joann ..288, 362, 408 Hill, Kathlyn Clarice 358, 415 Hill, Ramen Anders 361 Hill, Robert David 367 Hill, Sharon 325, 326 Hillel Foundation 336 Hillery, Joyce Ann 197 Hilsmeier, Ann Lee 381 Hilt, Catherine Joanne 320, 385 210 Hilt, Harold 308 Hilton, Joe W. Ilimebaugh, William R. 444
437 Himelstein, Elliott M. 425 Himsel, Kenneth Wayne Hinchman, Lance 359 Hindman, Barry Lee..184, 298, 438 238 Hinds, James Edward Hinds, Judith Allen. .336, 423, 529 446 Hinds, Robert Eugene Hine, Judith Foulke 269, 291, 336, 400 221 Hine, Maynard K. Hinesley, Dixie Ann 270, 331, 356, 402 366 Hinkel, Wayne Ralph 402 Hinkle, Janet Sue 370 Hinshaw, Norma Jean Hinton, Charles Bruce 184, 355 422 422 Hippensteel, Dennis Jay 172 Hippensteel, Robert C. 184, 310 Hipskind, Joseph F. 380 Hirsbrunner, Edwina J 378 Hirschmann, Thomas S 328 Hisanaga, Sumie 368 Hisham, Sabi 287 Hislop, James Stewart 207, 445 Hitchner, Philip L. 445 Hitchner, Richard L. 172 Hively, Richard Lee Hjelt, Bo Erik Juan A .. .. 427 Hmura, Judith Ann 335, 371 Hobson, Joyce S. 288, 303, 413 Hobson, Mary Jane 362 319, 405 Hocker, Betty Lou Hocker, Linda Kay 375, 441 Hocketr, Roland Lee 374 Hoctel, Mary Rita 386 184, 287 Hodges, Janet Kay Hodges, Joyce Marilyn 291, 412, 418 184 Hodges, Richard S Hodson, Judith Ann 325 222 Hoehn, Elizabeth May Hoelscher, Marcia Lyn 384 Hoeltke, Herbert H. 373 Hoff, Ronald Lee 443 Hoffman, Diane E 197, 405 Hoffman, Donald A. 287 Hoffman, Jo Ann 197 210, 301 Hofmann, Leroy W Hofstetter, Henry W. 217 Hogan, Donna Lee 384 Hoglund, John B. 287 Hogue, Jerry Wayne , 312, 372 Hoham, Harry William 409 Hohl Richard David 215 Hohlt, William Fredrick 407 Hokanson, William A.. 172, 286, 352 Holdeman, Stanley Jay .184, 287, 443 Holder, Carolyn Ann 172, 290, 300, 423, 529 350 Holder, Elmo Franklin 312 Holder, James Edgar Jr. 388, 416 Holder, Robin Rand 184 Holinko, Joseph C. 215 Holl, Carl W. Jr. 207 Holland, Augustus D. 389 Holland, Sherry Kay 431 Hollaway, Dona Rae 184, 318 Holle, Karlton 184 Hollingshead, Billy Mac 392 Hollingsworth, John M. 210 Holloway, Joseph W. 325 Holloway, Joyce Holmes, F. Nadine...204, 339, 448 207 Holmes, John M. 172, 380 Holmes, Virginia A 367 Holmgren, Paul R. 326 Holmquist, Emily .423, 529 Holsclaw, Mary Loretta. 197 Holston, Sally Jo 323 Holt, Dean Prosser Holt, Donald Ray 315, 361 172 Holt, John Volney Holt, Phyllis Lynne 390 Holton, Connie Marie 379 373 Holtzman, Jon Clark 320 Home Economics Club 371 Honda, Carol Hisako 207, 246 Honda, Ron 399 Hood, G. Stanley 358 Hood, Wanda Lee 292, 400 Hoodelmier, Diana T. 360 Hooker, Gerald Alan Hooker, Gladys Marilyn 370 371 Hooker, Sandra Lee 184, 412 Hoover, Cynthia Ann 427 Hoover, Robert T Hoover, Susan Alice. 292, 336, 412 156 Hope, Henry 445 Hope, Robert William Hopkins, Mary Alata 383 Hopman, Alice Jeanne 384 Hoppes, Kennetha 325 Hori, Richard R. .. _246, 328, 387 Horka, Thomas Gene 377. 442 219 Hormuth, James Otto 364 Horn, Bozidar T. 307 Horn, Gerald S. Horn, Normand Lee 197 289, 436 Horn, Peter John 270, 436 Horn, Robert Thomas
274, 335, 428 Hornak, Michael Jr. 362 Hornbaker, Jeannette E 302, 388 Horne, Carl W 417 Horner, Linda Kay 372 Homey, Michael Fred 184 Horr, Douglas Paul 346, 378 Horton, Daniel B 210 Horton, James C. 388 Horton, Ray Allan 417 Hosea, Donna Jean ..306, 444 Hosea, Richard Earl.. Hoskins, Robert J. . .296, 317, 414 375, 441 Hosler, Janey Carolyn Hostetler, Dorothy Ann 197, 293, 319, 358 Hostetter, Mary Ann .197, 423, 529 413 Hotaling, Jana Bolton 222 Hoh, Robert Eugene 197 Houchin, Shannon Rae 417 Hougland, Mabel 172 Houk, Judith Ann 222 Houk, Margaret Cecile 381 House, Anita L. 325 Housand, Barbara 373 House, Gerald Wilbur 184, 433 House, Nancy Jane 184, 298 Houser, Charles Robert. Houston, Connie Elaine 391 342 Houston, Sam Howard, Sonya Lee 379 172 Howe, David Allen 276, 362 Howell, Beth 229 Howell, Don Joel Hower, Mary Lou 197, 371 421 Howland, Dorothy Joyce 229 Hubbart, Kenneth Gary 441 Hubbell, Frank Wilson Hubbuch, Mary Ann 335, 376 Huber, Mary Mildred 385 Huber, Robert 334 Hudelson, Richard Earl 438 Hudson, Charles R. 184, 318 Hudson, Joan Alyce 197 Hudson, Nancy S. 197 Hudson, Nita 325 254, 424 Hudson, Robert Charles Huemmer, Frank James 428 Hueni, Herman J. 416 246 Huesds, Jim Huestis, John Peter 377 Huestis, Sandra Lee 418 Huettner, Janet Sue 389 Huff, Douglas 172 Huff, Susan Valerie 421 Huffman, Barbara Jean 184 Huffman, Jack Lee .328, 360, 361 Huffman, Mike Edwin 407 Hufford, Floyd W. 184 Hufford, Thomas Earl 436 Huffstetter, Kevin K 335 Huggins, Robert James 392 Hughes, Anita Lillian .. 327, 403 Hughes, Bobby Charles 295, 346, 378 Hughes, Gary Wayne 359 Hughes, Jerry Alan 315, 359 287 Hughes, William Taylor 184, 315 Hughey, James U. 184 Huish, Paul Earl 215 Hull, DeWayne L Hull, LeRoy 159 323 Humann, John 210 Hume, John Tandy III . Huminsky, Gayle Anne 282, 291, 340, 421 421 Humphrey, Sally Jo 414 Huncilman, David Lister 299, 311 Hundley, Larry 215 Huneke, John Willard 364 Hunsicker, Bruce W. Hunt, Marvin Perry 299, 365 172 Hunt, Roger C. 427 Hunt, Ronald Arthur 172, 420 Hunter, Mary George 407 Huntzinger, Richard Lee Hupp, Nancy Ann 197 427 Hurley, J. Richard Hurley, Judith Elaine 384 .184, 310 Hurrell, Wilson Albert. Hurst, Frances J 321, 369 405 Hurst, Kay Julayne 409 Hurst, William Charles 441 Hurst, William Walter Hurt, Marcia Ann 319, 384 436 Hurt, Stan Charles Huston, Julia Jayne 336, 400 282, 342 Huston, Sam Mead. Hutcherson, Sylvia C 197 Hutchison, Jack Dale 365 412 Hutmacher, Annette M. Hutner, Suzanne W 197 Hutsell, Kay Westly 207 184 Hutslar, Robert H Hutto, William H. Jr. 388, 434 Huxol, Harry 287, 303 436 Hyde, Lloyd P Hyde, Marcia Louise 383 Hyde, Michael A... 297, 342, 416 Hyer, Lowell H 366 Hylin, Arne G. K. 436
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lannuzzi, Mary Illani 379 Ibrahim, Hilmi Mohamed 327 I hnat, George 251 Ikezaki, Lawrence T. 328 Iles, Charles E. III 377 I-Men's Club 330 Independent Party Executive Committee 329 Indiana University Foundation 282-283 Indiana University Flying Club.. 332 Indiana University Sailing Club.. 332 Ingram, Geraldine E. 204, 304, 362, 403 Ings, Joanna 362 Inman, Roy Norman 373 Inskeep, Emmett Edward 359 341, 342 Interfraternity Council .. lorio, Louis Frank 377 413 Irion, Maria Conchita 380 Irish, Diana Miriam Irish, Frank E. Jr 416 184 Irish, Robert Louis Irvine, John L. 438 Irwin, James Herbert 426 Irwin, William A 364 Isaac, Arie Arnold 359, 435 Isaks, Mara 381 Isarankura, Vibhavan 323 Isenbarger, Karl 219, 306 Isgrigg, Charlotte May 303, 420 Iskow, Maxine 439 Isley, Alan Ray 368 Ismail, Abdel Hafez 244 Isom, Jerry Ray 411 Isom, Larry Kay 411 303 Isom, David Len Israel, Virginia Lee 207 Istvan, Donald Frank 287 Ives, Joseph T. Jr. 210 Izen, Richard S. 315, 355, 393
Jackman, Leslie Ann Jackson, Donald Lee
369 426
Jackson, Greta Jackson, Jamie Beth Jackson, Jean Anne Jackson, John Harrison... .346, Jackson, Thomas Edward 184, 318, Jacobs, Andrew Jr. Jacobs, Arthur David Jacobs, Gerald Henry Jacobs, Joan Jeanette Jacobs, Lynn Elithe Jacobs, Stephen Leon 184, Jacobson, Jerome Allen. 184, Jacobson, Sue Ann Jacoby, Glenn P. 172, 295, 344, Jacqmain, Ralph Joseph James, Carole Lee James, Glen Maurice James, Judith Ann Janjecic, Patricia Joan 329, 335, 356, Jankowski, Ernest Bernard Janney, Nancy E. 184, Janovic, De Anna Doris 282, Jansons, Ieva 222, Janssen, Guy Hugh Jantuah, Ernestine A. Janus, Joseph Paul Jaquess, Wayne Keneipp .184, Jarrard, Phyllis Ann 331, Jerome J. Jasinowski, Jaspe, Susanne Jaworski, Veronica C. Jeffreys, Joyce Jeffries, Janet D. Jellison, Barry S. Jenkin, William Ernest Jenkins, Carolyn L Jenkins, Janet Sue 320, Jenkinson, Annabelle Jenks, Roy Eugene Jennings, Donald Jennings, Karen Jennings, Roselyn J Jensen, De, Ann Fay Jensen, Kayleen Diane 303, Jensen, Peter LeRoy 210, Jensen, Prebem Jeric, Gene Anthony Jeshow, J. Ronald ...185, 317,
391 421 325 359 438 210 184 377 376 325 318 447 325 377 197 379 422 382 389 215 440 410 370 305 389 372 318 420 427 327 358 325 417 301 427 448 371 421 438 305 380 184 376 421 388 301 359 426
292, Jessup, Pamela Mae Jessup, Robert L. Jinks, James Clifford Jo, Lance Hayami Joachim, Martin Dewey Job, James Harold 315, Joerger, James Allen Johantgen, Dorothy L Johns, Ann 288, Johnson, Albert C. Jr Johnson, Allegra Nisi Johnson, Allen Wayne Johnson, Barbara Anne 282, 285, 287, 349, Johnson, Barbara Anne 333, 337, 376, Johnson, Barry Worth 282, Johnson, Blaine Johnson, Bonnie Johnson, Clyde W Johnson, David Edward Johnson, Dianne ....172, 329, 332, Johnson, Don Philip Johnson, Donald Johnson, Earl Hunt Johnson, Elaine Karen Johnson, Fred W. Jr. 197, Johnson, George W. Johnson, Gerald H. ..... . .254, Johnson, Gilbert R. ..314, 363, Johnson, Janet Lucille Johnson, Janice Ann Johnson, Kristanya ..185, Johnson, Larry Edmond Johnson, Marian June 337, Johnson, Max Douglas 378, Johnson, Nancy Kay 270, Johnson, Patricia Ann Johnson, Philip F. 198, Johnson, Richard Larry Johnson, Robert J Johnson, Ronald E....328, 334, Johnson, Russell Ivan Johnson, Ruthann Johnson, Sandra Sue 256, Johnson, Sherell W. Johnson, Tom Johnson, Vernard L...172, 367, Johnson, William Herbert Johnston, Clark S Johnston, Roslyn
404 210 172 367 368 387 387 405 381 172 375 372 376 380 419 399 325 323 374 433 439 449 215 386 419 319 392 406 380 448 410 446 417 4363 384 412 414 366 310 444 374 325 410 436 372 419 215 377 iO4
Jolly, Joan Daryl Jones, Arthur Eugene Jones, Curtis N. Jones, Delbert R. Jr. Jones, Donald Charles Jones, Donald Norman Jones, Everett L. III 185, 296, Jones, Frances Ann Jones, Henry Lavalle Jones, James S. Jones, John David Jones, Marilyn S Jones, Nancy Ellen, 54, 172, 282, 339, Jones, Nancy Ruth Jones, Patrick Jones, Ralph Howard Jones, Richard Allen Jones, Ross Marcus Jones, Sandra Sue... 198, Jones, Sara Jane 270, 336, Jones, Sylvia Gayle Jones, Victor Worrell Jones, William P. Jones, Willie Daniel Jontz, Jon Philip Jordan, Harold W. Jordan, Jane Esther Jordan, John English Jordan, Juliana Jordan, William C. Jorgensen, Gerald Coe Jose, Frank A. Josephson, Steven D. Joyce, William Terence Judd, Mary Ruth Juddakis, Isabel Nijole Judge, Ira Lee Juhn, Kenneth Paul Juillerat, Jerin Fred Jung, Nancy Margaret Junior Class Junior Class Nurses Junior Infraternity Council Junior Panhellenic Jupin, Joseph A
334, 379 198, 374 388, 406 409 246, 436 374 317, 414 327, 375 365 332 373 325 423, 529 385 366 172 436 198 271, 290 423, 529 370 229 210 229 172, 323 161 381 436 382, 391 322. 399 322 210 366 425 325 172 361 305 361 304 274 325 343 340 399
K Kabelin, Jerrald T 399 Kacer, Daniel John 173, 387 Kachel, William C 445 323, 407 Kachmann, Rudolf Kachoris, Paul John 366 Kahl, Lawrence Gene 185, 344, 374 Kahn, Ruth 382 Kaiser, Kay J. 370 Kaiser, Lisa Catherine 370 Kaiser, Ronald A. 424 Kaiser, Rosalie Ann 173, 386 Kale, Judith Lizabeth 379 Kalina, Eugene Steve .185, 273, 282, 294, 296, 414 Kaliaus, Darlene 370 Kamin, Donald Jerome 185 Kaminski, Stanley T. 358 Kaminski, Thomas Simon 222, 308 Kamman, Joe Arvel 411 Kan, Don 246 Kand, Tom 372 Kanouse, James W 427 Kanouse, Sandra Sue 421 Kappa Kappa Psi 303 Kapperman, Gary Ray 312 Karanovich, Nick A. Jr.. 345, 372 Kardin, Laurel 319 Kariger, Rose Juleen 356, 417 Karlson, Shirley Mae 300, 323 Karm, William George 296, 311, 407 Karnafel, Eugene Thaddeus.... 215 370 Karr, Helen Karras, J. George 185 390 Kasdan, Abby Victoria Kase, Dale La Verne 185, 298 Kaslow, C. E. 323 Kaserman, Anna Margaret 198, 320, 381 Kaslewicz, Frank X. 346, 378 Kasperek, Charlotte A 386 Kassing, Lester Alden 210, 301 Kassing, Robert Paul 269, 280, 329, 348 Kaszuba, Helen D 382
Katz, Annette Kay Katz, Marcia Lois Kaufman, Judith Carol Kaufman, Kenneth Luke Kaufman, Marian J Kaufman, Suellen Kaufman, Rossya Berucha Kay, Charles F Kearney, Michael F. Keating, Richard J Keating, Thomas John Keck, Margaret Denton Keedy, John Cameron Keefer, Patricia Marie Keehn, Gretchen Keeley, Beverley A. Keene, Robert B Keener, Barbara J Keesling, Tyrone Keever, William Floyd Keilany, Ziad K. Keilman, Dennis Jude Kellams, George Harold Kellan, Victor Kelleher, Conrad J. Keller, Allan Walter Keller, Karen Lois Keller, Phyllis Sue. 282, Keller, Ronald E Keller, Zo Etta Gayle Kelley, Barbara Jean Kelley, Janet Eloise Kellison, Roger C. Kellstrom, F. Robert Kellum, Kathryn Ann 173, 282,
382 384 198 428 204 439 222 438 428 407 407 420 270, 436 375 420 173, 391 185, 310 331, 448 372 378, 422 368 173, 359 312 287 185 298, 444 336 336, 400 360 302, 386 185 323 441 373
298, 300 Kelly, Betty Marie 389 229 Kelly, Charles W Kelly, Jane Ann 385 198 Kelly, Larry Joe Kelly, Patricia Kay 381 Kelly, Robert S. 185, 445 Kemmer, Elizabeth N. 372, 385 Kemmerling, Patricia A 386 Kemp, Sandra Lee 173, 282, 339, 400 Kemper, Doris Ann 198 Kemper, Karen Lee 385 Kemper, Lucinda Gayle 370
Kendall, Nancy 198, Kendall, Phyllis Kay .. Kendrick, John William Jr . Kendrick, Thomas B. E. 229, 280, 281, 282, Keneipp, Kathryn Lee. .198, 282, 319, 336, 349, Kenley, Donald Eugene Kenlon, John D Kennady, Judith Kennady, Richard M. Kennedy, David Boyd Kenney, James Edward Kenninger, Robert Lee 185, 295, Kent, Fred Jay...... 185, Kent, Raymond Ray Jr. Kenworthy, Roger A Kerby, Patricia Jo Kerkeiner, Barbara Kernodle, James Gordon Kerr, Charles Robert Kerr, Ned Joseph 185, Kesl, Carol Ann Kesl, Edward Robert Kesling, Peter Crawford Kessler, Harold Dean Kessler, John Russell 356, Kessler, Judith Ann 198, 320, Kester, Nancy Diane 198, Kett, Lois Jeanne Ketterman, Barbara Ann . 362, Keyak, Judith Ellen 198, Keyes, Mary Lee Kibler, Louis Wayne Kidd, John Kenton Kidd, Robert Charles Kiefer, Arnold Carl Kiefer, Donald Louis Kiefer, Jacquelyn Kiefer, Virginia Carole 173, 315, Kierspe, Nancy Jane Kildner, Marjorie Kilgore, Barbara E. Kilgour, Judith Kay Kilpatrick, Jane Ellen 331, Kilpatrick, Stephen L Kiltz, Kirby . . ...... Kimbo, Conney Mathew
325 420 222 330 383 185 287 311 246 173 438 344 441 363 185 362 319 360 198 424 358 365 222 437 426 381 417 319 408 379 433 387 399 414 185 185 325 379 433 332 375 386 333 416 391 207
Kimbrough, Charles M Kimes, Cynthia Ann . Kimmel, Barbara June Kimmel, Jo Anne. ...204, 270, Kimmel, Noel F. Kimmell, Kenneth Wayne Kinder, Jane Adeline Kindermann, Charles W. Kindler, James McLeod 361, Kindler, John Jacob King, Barbara Sue King, Constance S .198, 273, 282, 291, 300, King, Donna Ray King, Edward Charles King, Everett Edward King, Gretchen Virginia . King, Jack Alan. 185, 310, 313, King, Janet Marlene 185, 299, 319, King, Robert La Vern 317, King, William James Kingdon, Marie Ella 282, 291, 336, 312, Kingen, David Lynn 301, Kingsbury, Deane Kingsbury, Preston D. Kingston, Nancy Lou Kinkle, Susan Mary Kirby, Robert Ward .. Kirby, William Franklin 345, 346, Kirchoff, David Alan Kirchoff, Rodney Mac Kirk, Helen Kirk, Susan Rose Kirk, Willie Doris Kirkeiner, Barbara Jean 320, 331, Kirkham, Mary Anna Kirsch, Gerald M Kirschner, Barbara Sue Kirshbaum, Ronald M Kirtley, Dorinda Lou Kissinger, Joseph C. Kissinger, Sheila D. Kisslinger, Joseph C. Kistler, Marilyn Sue 171, . Kitajima, Noritaka . Kitchell, Nancy
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173 204 198 404 364 306 371 373 424 391 370 332 371 363 361 384 314 362 367 185 423 388 353 351 362 400 173 219 359 359 421 385 415 404 379 442 382 297 402 185 370 318 391 328 325
198, 319, 320 Kittinger, Ann E... 325 Kittredge, Ada 436 Kitzmiller, John L. Kixmiller, Jo Ann ....198, 319, 440 Kizer, Mary Anna 329, 389 183 Kizer, Noble E. Jr 363 Klar, Richard J. Jr Klausner, Jack Marvin 185, 310, 437 222 Kleehammer, Daniel Stephen 370 Klein, Diane June 380 Klein, Maxine D. 382 Klein, Nancy Ann 320 Kleinschmidt, Marilyn 215 Klepinger, Carol Ann 207 Klim, Richard John Kline, Beverly J. 391 361 Kline, Dale Alan 366 Kline, Gerald Duane Klineman, James Mayer 437 Klinger, Philip Wayne 426 Klinke, Mary Elizabeth . 198, 418 Klob, Allen 378 Klock, Jane 433 Klosinski, Anita Louise .. 335, 356, 371 Klotz, Elinor Ann 204, 376 Klus, Oneida Ruth 331, 448 Klus, Valeria Louise 371 Klutinoty, George II 229, 426 312, 388 Kmak, Michael John Knauf, Vincent Herbert 321 Knecht, Marvin J. 242 Kneisley, James Owen .282, 318, 426 Knoll, Barbara Ann 417 Kobayashi, Setsuya 328 Kochert, Wayne Joseph 367 Kock, Wally 445 444 Kocoe, Lawrence Kodicik, Louise R. 381 Koehlinger, James F. ... . 185, 296, 310, 422 Koenig, Leo John 222 Koepke, Karl Otto . .. 185, 295, 298, 318 Koerner, Dottie J. 418 Koger, Ronald Gene 198, 310 Koher, David Louis...185, 317, 443 Kokosa, Helen Marie... .. 369 Kolb, Allen Richard..345, 346, 348 Kolosci, Nicholas S. 365 Komoroske, Judith Ann .... 198, 319. 320, 335. 382 Komorowski, Norman T. 185, 351, 416 185, 298 Koon, Robert Henry 207 Koontz, Lyle Jean 154 Kononpinski, Emil J. Kopchik, John Jr. . .. 198, 329. 345, 372 312 Kopernik, Michael E. Korcak, Jerome M. 173 Kord, John Phillip 436 425 Korinek, George J Kormelink, James R. 368 407 Kornblum, Guy Orville Korty, Richard L. 430 173 Kosatka, Judy Kostopoulos, James R. 364, 442 Kotler, Elaine Myrna 390 Kovach, Judith 325 Kovack, Roberta 325 Koval, Doreen Cicille 405 215 Kozacik, Michael Andrew Kozlowski, Ronald E. 377 Krach, Jack Frederick 222, 308 Kraemer, Jane Lee 448 Krapower, Roberta 380 Kratt, John Matthias 365, 442 Kraus, Howard Owen 185 Krause, Catherine D. 381 Krause, Friedrich 215 Krauss, Suzanne 404 Kraut, Harvey 345, 346, 377 Kraut, Loree Lou 198, 320, 417 Kraybill, Sue Linelle 222 Kraynak, Andrea J. 335, 362 Krebs, John Joseph 378 Krejsta, Jo Ann 369 Kremer, Frances Ann 433 Kremp, Richard Edward 436 Kremzier, Marlene Gail 390 Kretsch, Dorothy J. .. ...198, 271, 291, 319, 320, 339, 417 Kretsch, Susan Gayle 336, 417 Krieger, James William 363 Kriete, Darl 256 Kring, Robert Allen ..185, 373, 446 Krinsky, Suzanne 385 Krivoshia, Daniel 378 Kroczek, Stephen E 289, 441 Kroczek, Thomas Alan 173, 441 Kroeger, Nancy Joan 317, 404 Kroening, Phyllis Diane. 322, 370 Kroger, Barbara Ann 270, 381 Krueger, Charles Henry 185, 298, 392 Krueger, Jeffrey Lynn 441 Krueger, Joyce Ann 412 Krug, Edwin Herbert 437
Ku, Chia Wei Kudele, Norb Thomas. .185, Kuder, Carol Ann. Kuder, Janet Kuder, Joan Kudsi, Zadeh Albert A. 244, 289, Kuester, Marlene V. A. Kuhlmeier, Ralph C Kuhn, Irene Elsa Kuhn, Janice Lee Kuhn, Roxanna Kuipers, Fred Merrill Kulczyk, Eugene James. Kulka, Stanley Joseph Kurrie, Henrietta B. Kurtz, Gaylord Leland Kurtz, Marian Joyce Kurtz, Richard M Kuss, Robert C. Jr. Kuzmic, Robert G. Kwee, Sioe Tjoan . Kw iat, Gloria 321, Kyff, Robert James Kyger, Camella Jane
173 444 299, 404 385 372, 385 336, 437 362 185 390 380 413 215 315, 365 173 362 426 385 215 378 223 369 360, 371 368 270, 420
L Lackey, Sherrill C 433 Laconi, Reginald L 254 Lacy, Delphia Ann. .198, 371, 415 Lacy, Joan Margo 327, 371 325 Laflin, Norma 173, 412 La Follette, Julia Ann Lagerwall, Sylvia Ruth 185, 355 185, 444 Lagerwall, Theodore W. 173, 420 Lahey, Maureen Annette. 204 Lai, Frieda Jan Hwa 346, 366 Laidlaw, Richard E. Lain, Ray Prichard 185, 282, 310, 355, 422 409 Lake, Chauncey C. 444 Lakes, Kenneth Ray 385 Lakin, Donna Marie Lakind, Barry 173, 435 Lamb, Amanda Lou 379 251, 434 Lamb, Fred Joseph Lamb, Mary Frances 276, 333 Lambert, Carole 325 Lambert, Grace J 173, 370 Lambert, Martha Jane 173 Lambert, Shirley Ann 431 Lamble, Judy Lee 371 Lambrecht, Patricia Sue 288, 303, 391 219 Landaw, Claude David 215 Landers, Henry Cornelius 173, 365 Landes, Clifford Reign 252 Landin, Bill 409 Landis, Richard H 372 Landrum, Jeffry Erle 198, 384 Landsbaum, Suzanne E.. 374 Landy, Michael 368 Lane, William Tandy 409 Langdon, Allen Eugene 361 Langdon, Robert Lee 380 Langerman, Joan Rita 426 Lankard, David Reid 215 LaPorte, Samuel Russell 287 La Pierre, Robert Edward 198 Larrick, Madonna M. Louise 379 Rebecca Larrick, 185 Larrick, Robert Carl 418 Larsen, Judith Ann 287 Larson, Ronald R. 335, 367 Lasher, Charles W. 185 Lasker, Jack Gram 198 Lasseigne, Mary M 384 Last, Patricia Ann 371 Laswell, Nancy Ruth Laswell, William Thomas 364, 411 418 Latimer, Marcia Kay La Tour, Edward Joseph. 173, 393 369 Latshaw, Rosemary 198, 375 Lattak, Agnes Therese 376 Lattak, Leanne 391 Lattimer, Richard Lee 373 Laubecher, Ralph G. 185, 347 Laubner, Albert B... Lauterbach, Lawrence W. . 173, 242, 444 362 Laval, Judy Marie Lavengood, Ned R 430 185, 318, 329, 334, 389 Lavengood, Patricia L 254 Lavery, James 157 Laves, Walker H. 346, 388 La Voncher, Wayne Lee 389 Law, Linda Jo 372 Lawell, John Thomas 210 Lawley, Robert Todd 154 Lawles, Merritt E. Lawrence, John J 310, 387 449 Lawrence, Leonard E 229 Lawrence, Robert Earl Lawson, Dennis Leo 312, 378 362 Lay, Anne Patricia
323 Laycock, Janette Ruth Laycock, Read Bradford . 407 54, 185, 296, 173, 407 Laycock, Richard S. 210 Laymon, Maurice 378 Laymow, Rod 362 Lea, Edith Yvonne 422 Lea, Harry 320, 384 Leach, Nancy Sue 207 Leach, William Otis Leaf, Judith Ann 333, 397 Leak, Paul Richard 377 422 Leaman, Robert Thomas 400 Lear, Nancy Kay 366 Leatherman, Horter L. 421 Leavitt, Mary Ann Le Burkien, Michael P. 173 223, 305 Lecklitner, Donald Max. 426 Leckrone, Daniel E Ledman, Betty Joan 319 198, 323 Lee, Barbara Dykers 438 Lee, Denis Charles 204 Lee, John Ralph 215 Lee, Paul Ralph 414 Lee, Robert D 325 Leedke, Carol Joan Leedy, Joan Joy 376 Leer, Jerry Harmon 223, 305 447 Lees, Richard Ivan Leeson, Mary Carolyn 173 Le Favour, Mary Ann 383 391 Leffel, Elvin Keith Leffert, Debra Ann 362 Leffert, Robert Lewis 392 Lefler, Sue A. 433 198, 380 Legan, Betty Jane Legg, James Clifton ..173, 334, 432 Leggett, Carol S. 375 382 Lehman, Arlene Marsha Lehman, Charles Allen 268, 315 321 Lehman, Mindy 442, 445 Lehman, Philip H. Lehman, Susan Jane 278, 380 Lehner, Charles Warren. 345, 391 Lehwald, Mary C. 420 Leimer, Weldon Hugh 422 Leininger, Vernon E. 367 Leisey, Wanda Sue 333, 381 Leising, Raymond A. 387 Leistner, Mary Jane 362 Leith, Elinor Ann 384 Leman, Douglas Scott 185, 311 Le Master, Gary Keith 372 360, 380 Lembke, Barbara C. 325 Lempke, Janet 323 Lempke, Lloyd William 363 Lenahan, Bryan Walter 412 Lenkefi, Aniko 372 Lennon, Clyde Paul 223 Lentz, Jerry Owen 436 Leonard, Richard P. 368 Leonard, William P. 334, 405 Lerch, Louise 185, 422 Lerch, Ronald Lee 336 Lerrinsky, Rina 207 Lessing, Sophie 223 Leuenberger, Walter Austin Jr 312 Leukhardt, David Lee .310, 424 Levenhagen, Charles R. 186, 359 Levesque, Gerald E. 186, 435 Levin, Lewis Morton 401 Levinsky, Morton Paul 382 Levitan, Elaine Claire 421 Levy, Carol Jean 312, 372 Levy, Irving Joseph 401 Levy, Jacob Newman 307 Levy, Leon 439 Levy, Suzanne Kay Lewis, James Kermit. 246, 297, 407 301 Lewis, Jordan Dale 320, 389 Lewis, Nina Jo 385 Lewis, Renee Louise 436 Lewis, Robert David 430 Lewis, Wallis Bruce 308 Leyda, David 308 Leyda, Richard 434 Libby, Peter Cope 447 Liberman, Aaron 386 Liberman, Esther 308 Libke, John 332, 440 Lidster, Mary Jane 304, 358 Lidums, Skaidrite 186, 430 Lieber, Eugene Glen Lieberum, Carol Ann. 173, 287, 350 379 Liechenstein, Linda 380 Liechty, Lucille Y. Suzanne Lienhart, 198, 321, 336, 402 392 Lietzke, Randolph Carl Lightner, Charles A. 367 434 Linback, Richard E. 366 Lind, David Clare 366 Lind, Ronald Lee 437 Lindauer, Thomas Dan 198, 402 Linde, Rose Marie H Lindenberg, Janice R. 389 Linder, Paul Artell 186, 430 Lindley, Elizabeth Ann 311, 336, 440 215 Lindley, Sheldon King
Lindner, Elyssa A. .. 288, 303, 448 360 Lindquist, Russell Kent 371 Lindsay, Rose Maureen Lindsey, Jay Frank ...186, 268, 282, 287, 294, 296, 311, 436 358 Linely, Ed Robert Linn, Otto Louis 346, 361 186, 422 Linnemeier, Thomas Jay 426 Linsmith, Douglas Franz Linson, John Carmen..289, 356, 426 354 Linton, Norman L. Lipis, Leah Judith 439 Lipton, Susan Rebecca 386 444 Liste, Michael Collins 444 Liston, Thomas S. Littell, Barbara Kay 329, 384 422 Littig, David M. 186, 314, 416 Little, Dale Kenyon 186 Littlewood, Robert C. Litvin, Nancy Rose 439 426 Litz, Allan Lee Liva, Howard Robert 204, 302, 303, 364 437 Live, Ronald Lively, Floyd Robert. .186, 313, 314 387 Lloyd, David Laurence 223 Lobdell, Linda Lou Lobo, Nancy Celeste 389 424 Lockard, C. Edward 416 Locke, Charles F. A. Jr. Lockerbie, Arline M 173, 433 325 Lockhart, Jean Sherry 275 Lockley, Lockridge, Ernest Hugh 427 Loeber, Linda Constance 381 Logan, Penelope 371 London, Robert Francis....345, 358 Loney, Janet Diane 369 Long, Gary Vincent 377 Long, James Lee 333, 345, 358 153 Long, Newell H Long, Ronald Eugene 254, 411 410 Longstreet, Patricia L 215 Loomis, S. Dale Lopp, Larry Gene 387 382 Lorber, Myra Jane Lortz, Gilbert D. Jr. 436 Lott, Robert Wayne 387 Lottes, Terry David 399 Lotze, Frederick C. 334, 425 Louck, Stephen Herbert 345 Loudermilk, Kay Lynn 421 Lough, Phillip Donald 186 Loughlin, Naomi M. 173, 327 Love, William Curtis 186 Loveland, Jane Ryan 382 Lovell, Malissa C. ...331, 339, 418 Lovisa, Roman Anthony 186, 317, 365 369 Lowdermilk, Letitia J. 186, 375 Lowe, Dorothy Mae 186, 441 Lowe, Gerald Keith 287 Lowe, Howard D. 173, 311 Lowe, James Jay 321, 400 Lowe, Pamela Anne 379 Lowe, Patricia Carol 318 Lowe, Patrick 198, 372 Lowe, Venda Lawrence 377 Lowenhar, Judd Byron 411 Lowenthal, James Harry 414 186, Lower, Joseph J 370 Lloyd, Martha Lou 368 Lucas, Alfred Thomas 362 Lucas, Ann Elizabeth 186 Lucas, Daniel Edward 422 Lucas, Jerry Gene 368 Lucas, John Thomas 369 Lucas, Judith Ann . 323, 324 Lucas, Thomas... 350 Ludington, George W. Jr. 433 Luellan, Jill 367 Luhrsen, Donald Eugene 323 Lukaszczyk, Elizabeth 186, 287 Luker, Howard Eugene 391 Lukovich, Nada 322 Lumb, Marilyn Louise Lumm, Melinda Lee 390 Lumpe, Gustav H 301, 351, 353, 391 411 Lumsden, Robert Donald 428 Lunney, Edward Joseph 215 Lunsford, Thomas Eugene 186, 378 Lunte, Walter F. Lurie, David Michael .186, 287, 322 Lusher, Elizabeth Ann 380 278 Lusk, Dr. H. F. 447 Luvie, David Luty, Doris Anna 173, 382 Luzadder, Robert W. 328, 359 Lybrook, Charles W. 303, 425 Lydy, David Lee 173 204 Lyerly, Jacquelyn J. 366 Lyon, Larry Frank Lyon, Martha Helen 323 Lyons, Arlene 389 Lyons, Patricia Elise . . 321, 340, 390 Lyskowinski, Edwin A 173 Lytle, Robert Eugene 315
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Mc McAhren, Jerry Lee McCabe, Charles Edwin McCabe, Larry M McCaffrey, Judith Ann McCain, Frederick L McCallister, Cynthia McCallister, Phyllis K. McCallum, James J. McCan, Jean F. 329, McCann, Myrna Lee McCarthy, Grace Ellen McCarty, Curtis J. McCarty, Joan Marie McCarty, C. Walter McCaslin, James Lee McCaslin, Nancy Anne 340, McCavit, Keith Dennis McClain, James Ford McClain, Jack William McClanahan, Carmona M McClarren, Byron A. McClellan, Elizabeth A. McClintic, Sandra McCloud, Linda Kay McClure, Cynthia Ann McClure, David E McClure, Mary Hughes McClure, Wallace B. 343, McCollum, Sarah Ann 173, McComb, Thomas Victor McComb, William R. Jr McConnaha, Stuart A. McConnaughey, Hal David McConnell, Flora S. McConnell, James C McConnell, Margaret M.....292,
366 414 173 376 392 371 198 438 173 371 223 427 382 148 438 433 223 436 399 389 363 385 325 375 383 445 382 425 412 422 186 173 215 404 372 433
McConnell, Marilyn McConnell, Thomas Lee 307, 332, McCord, Patricia J • 292, 333, 337, McCorkel, Nancy R McCormack, Gary E. McCormack, Ronald W. McCormick, Mila McCormick, Nancy Kaye McCormick, Robert L. McCormick, William Jr. . 287, McCoskey, James L. McCoskey, Robert Dale McCoy, James A. McCoy, James Arthur McCoy, Judith Ann 69, McCracken, Branch McCracken, Patricia J. 368, McCullough, Boyd Lee 186, McCullough, D. Warren 312, 317, McCullough, Dianne E.. .319, McCullough, Don Rex McCullough, Jane 228, McCullough, Lou McCullough, Thomas F. McDaniel, Alana D McDaniel, Charles McDonald, Eva Sharron McDonald, Jack H. McDonald, Jo Lynne McDonald, Margaret S. McDonald, Phyllis C. 229, McDonald, Thomas M. McDow, Wyana 173. McDowall, Lou Ann McDowell, Ann K McDowell, Joanne ...311, 356, McDuffee, Clara Ann
4tp. -4TTRICO.
300 409 406 448 361 186 427 362 363 366 312 377 363 445 380 238 379 365 407 349 303 384 318 173 379 228 358 443 325 418 381 330 410 370 186 410 198
198 McElfresh, Mary Ann McElhiney, Larry David 393 McFadden, Jane Lynn 385 McFarland, Beverley J 403 McFarland, John R 368 McFarland, Joseph W 287 McFarland, Judy Ann 413 McFrye, James E 436 McGarvey, Eugene J. Jr .54, 186, 280, 281, 282, 294, 296, 341, 342, 427 McGarvey, William K. .323. 427 McGee, Sanna Lee 418 McGeorge, Janet H. 417 McGinnis, John Blair 427 McGivern, Carole J. 390 McGivern, Donald H. 297, 445 410 McGowan, Dolly Luann McGown, Janet Norma 383 McGrath, John Daniel 186, 229, 313 McGregor, Betty Dee 381 McGregor, John Michael 426 Mcllroy, John Barber 372 McIntire, Richard Lee 287, 301 McIntosh, Margaret R 288, 303. 333, 440 McIntyre, Richard B. 367 McKeague, Katherine T 386 McKeever, James I 186. 443 McKeever, Onda Jane 325 198 McKenna, William E. 251, 367 McKenzie, John E. McKesson, Jon D. 322 McKinney, Frank Edward 436 McKinney, William E. 443 McKinsey, Gerald Lee 186, 310, 313, 314, 378 368 McKnight, James L. McKown, Larry Lee 364
McLaren, Daniel Edward 215 McLaren, Judith Ann 198 McLaughlin, Nan 386 McLaughlin, Robert L. 173, 399 McLean, Wayne L. 411 McMahan, James H 299, 334 McMahan, Janet Carol 288, 319, 334, 418 McMath, George R. Jr. 365 McMillan, Celeste Ann 371 McMillan, Janet 325, 326 McMillan, Mary Ellen 319, 362 McMillan, Susan Edna 405 McMillin, Delano Roy 198 McMinds, Judith Arlene 371 McMurray, Marlene K. 410 McMurtry, Sharon 325 McNabb, Guerry B 355, 436 McNabney, James E. 287 McNamara, Rita Kay 320, 431 McNarney, John F. 387 McNary, Helena Jane 336, 400 McNaughton, Carolyn S 385 McNaughton, Michael J 436 McNaughton, Thomas M 219 McNear, Sandra Jean 279, 282, 291, 420 McPeek, Beth Lee 408 McPherson, Carol Jean....335, 390 McPherson, George F. 364 McPike, David Dean 186 McQuilkin, Bonnie Jo 186, 412 McQuinn, Mike 282 McSherry, Sara Kay 173, 269, 282, 370 McVaugh, Catherine Sue...282, 418 McVay, Elaine 376 McWhinney, Norma J..... 356, 440
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M 244 MacClintock, Stuart 327 MacDonald, Cleodie J 438 Mace, Robert Brandt 186 MacGillivray, Douglas 327 Machiraju, Hanumantha R 374 Machuca, Enrique J 325 Mack, Pam 423, 529 Mackanos, Marsha M MacKay, Catharine M. E. 331 229 Mackin, Norman Louis MacLaren, Judy Ann 319, 402 186 MacLennan, John C MacLennan, John R. .275, 297, 409 Macrow, Virginia Lynn 370 323 Maddock, Gene Edward 444 Maddox, John William 432 Madren, Bill D. 305 Maesaka, Ray Mager, Carol Ann 389 441 Devon Magers, Joseph Mages, Maxine Charlotte...198, 336 Magoloi, Mike 305 270, 325, 440 Mahan, Ann Jo 219 Mahan, John Thomas 404 Mahin, Ellen Louise Mahin, Jan David 360 Mahl, William F 367 Mahlan, Fred Larry 416 Mahoney, Robert Edwin 318 409 Mahoney, Russell Eugene 421 Mahorney, Anne E. Mahorney, Linda 325 Mahrenholz, Mary L. 391 Maier, Patricia Lee 320, 404 Maine, Dawna June 311, 410 Maiyo, Jean Lucille 382 Major, David Wayne 346, 377 304 Major, Marion Randolph 274 Makanos, Marsha 369 Makris, Elaine Malaker, Albert Deane.272, 329, 347 370 Malis, Arlene Georgia 362 Malmberg, Melinda Page 312 Malone, Thomas Michael 414 Maloney, Paul Thomas Malson, David Arthur 186, 296, 315, 426 Malta, Salvatore J. 363 441 Malvase, Guy Philip Malwin, Jarl Eldon 223 Maly, Margaret Ann 379 Manalan, Carole J. 336 Manley, Marcia Dee 207, 336, 417 448 Mann, Barbara Sue Mann, Molly Rose 370 211 Mann, R. G. Manner, Phillip Dale 287 Mansfield, Stephen 367 Manship, Rebecca Kay 379 Mantel, Richard Morris.. 242, 447 Manushaw, Joann Cecilia 390 Manyin, Desanie 356, 402 Marchand, James Edwin 211
Marchino, Judith Marconi, Richard Dale Marcovitch, Helen Joy Mares, George Marcus, Gary Marcus, Heather L Maris, Glenda Lee Maris, Ronald H. 186, 345, Markel, Kurt Heinrich Marker, Marilyn Jane Marker, Rue Dee Marketing Club Marketto, Don L Markey, Joel Francis Markis, Elaine Markland, Jon Lewis Marks, Thomas G. 317, Marley, Jo Ann 198, Marquardt, Fritz Hans Marquet, Mimi Jean Marrs, Sheldon Rex. 282, Marsh, Billie Jean Marsh, Linda M Marshall, Ann Elizabeth Marshall, Jo Anne Marshall, Mary Lou. . 311, Marshall, Ned Louis Marshall, Robert Paul .198, Marshall, William H Marshall, Willis H. Jr. Marstellar, Charles E. Mart, Jack Leslie Martin, Billy H. Martin, Bobby Alonza Martin, Bruce G. Martin, Clinton Keith Martin, Diana K. Martin, Donald M. Martin, Freeman Martin, Greta Kay Martin, Janna .174, 282, Martin, Jerry Gene Martin, Jerry William Martin, Keith Martin, Marian E. .292, Martin, Mary Sue Martin, Melanie Ann Martin, Nancy Ellen Martin, Thomas Frank Martin, William R Martinson, William D. Marton, Donald Martzolf, Gary Edwin Mason, Betty Lou Mason, Edward M. Mason, Gail Reed Mason, John L Mason, Lois Jean Mason, Phyllis Ann Massengill, Robert Massey, Donnivan Lee Mast, Carol Lynne Mather, Brenda Carol Mathers, Gerald B. II Mathews, David L Matsis, John Peter
325 173 382 360 363 389 270, 381 346, 378 366 412 207, 425 317 215 366 378 444 367, 420 320, 404 244 412 345, 363 325 275, 376 405 198 337, 404 358 317, 407 424 323 186 368 361 173 438 368 413 186 360, 406 370 291, 418 438 318, 387 368 174, 412 303, 405 389 362 363 287 158 361 399 333, 376 368 386, 425 287 376 282, 440 444 416 390, 418 382 124, 363 174 323
VARSITY PHARMACY "Prompt" Prescription Service Free Delivery 110 S. Indiana Ave.
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172, 328 Matsunami, Betty H 223, 308 Mattern, Robert Lee 287 Mattern, Thomas J 174, 420 Matthew, Elizabeth Ann 215 Matthew, Guy 424 Matthew, Robert Allen Matthews, Anna Rose. 389 Matthews, Caryl Eve 204, 303 Matthews, Mary E. 186, 402 Mattick, Richard Arthur 391 362 Mattie, Marjorie P. Mattison, Patricia Ann 385 Mattox, Dean Lloyd 372 Mattox, Marilyn Lee 386 Mattsis, John P. 365, 388 Maule, Marilyn M 417 Maurer, Mary R. 148 Maxam, Jane Harmon 385 May, Dora R 323 May, Willie Lee 229, 254 Mayer, Betty Jane 319 Mayer, Carolyn Anne 370 Mayer, Jane 383 323 Mayer, Russell Mayhall, Dale K 186 Mazur, Lawrence D 393, 435 Mead, Beverly Elayne 319, 356, 382 Medaris, David M. 441 Medich, Joseph M. 174 Medler, Patricia E 371 Medved, Joan Katherine .335, 390 Meegan, John Lewellyn 229 Meeker, Nancy Lynne 381 Megenity, Victor C 363 Mehoff, Jack 427 Meier, Patricia 319 Meier, William F. 365 Melangton, Charles A. 438 198 Melaven, Norma Jean 416 Mellinger, Michael Owen 186 Melnik, Donald Casmer 365 Melsheimer, Richard E. Melton, Beverly Ann .198, 440 Melvin, Mrs. Elizabeth Nan.199, 320 Melvin, Miriam 389 Memering, Carolyn 325, 326 Memorial Hall 369 Mendenhall, Patricia K 384 Mensovich, Michael 242, 292 Men's Quad Board of Governors 345, 346 Mentendiek, Nancy E 336, 414 411 Mentzer, Donald Maurice Mercer, Lynn 381 Merchant, Joan Agnes 319 Meredith, William A. 392 420 Mericle, Mary Ann Merkel, Ralph George 223, 308 Merkle, Mary Jane 333, 390 Merli, Frank J 387 Merrell, William Squire 392 Merritt, James Lewis 186, 427 Mertens, Ronald Edward 392 ... . 418 Meshberger, Carolyn S. 211, 301 Messer, Frank Wilburn Metcalf, Marjorie Sue 349, 386 Metcalf, Paul 312
Metcalfe, Carrie Ellen Metcalfe, Donna Metcalfe, James Edward Metcalfe, Paul V. 186, Metcalfe, Suzanne Fern. . Metzger, Bette Lou 321, Meyer, Barbara G. Meyer, Bernard Andrew Meyer, Dack Meyer, Donald Lee 346, Meyer, Frederick M. Jr.. 186, Meyer, John Richard Meyer, Karen Lynn 317, Meyer, Martha An Meyer, Morris Fredrick Meyer, Richard A. Meyer, Roger Neil Meyers, Barbara Jean Meyers, David Meyers, Eugene J 186, Meyers, Frances Janice 186, Meyers, Nancy Carol Meyers, Nancy Claire Michell, Carolyn Michael, Gayla Michael, Vaughn K. Jr Michaels, Mary Agnes . Michaels, Ned Michal, Victor Joe 186, Michel, Carolyn Sue Michelson, Barbara Enid Michelson, Gail Jean Michelson, Marilyn W. ... Michie, Robert M. Jr Micu, Janis Micu, Jon Thomas 378, Middaugh, Ralph Eugene 298, Middleton, Judith A. Mignin, Marilyn Blair Mihay, William G Mihok, Elizabeth J Mikesell, Arthur D. 282, 296, Mikhel, Robert Edward Miki, John Gerald Mikiska, Jerry Keith Mikovich, Pat Mikuta, Grace Jean 199, Milam, Carolyn Jane Milburn, Beverly J. Milburn, Mrs. Walter Miles, Barbara Jo Miles, Lawrence Edward Miles, Lester E Miles, Linda Mary Miles, Phyllis Jean Miley, John R Miley, Merle Elizabeth 286, 291, 423, Milisen, Robert Millburn, Jane Ann Millender, Shirley Ann 174, 337, Miller, Allan B Miller, Allan Harvey . .270, 315, Miller, Anne Carolyn 187, Miller, Arthur G Miller, Barbara Kay
199 379 363 312 383 413 199 377 422 359 407 442 404 412 368 312
372 412 211 368 440 370 448 291 325 312 370 409 428
448 386 380 174 424 371 399 427 322
385 367 448 427 372 246 187 325 300 385 371 311 315 388 287 380 199 314 529 321 174 403 401 393 400 401 384
228 Miller, Bernie 427 Miller, Bill 323 Miller, Carol Elizabeth 349 Miller, Clara Lee Miller, Dale Franklin . .187, 315, 366 315 Miller, Dale Ingram 312, 388 Miller, David Alan 365 Miller, David Joseph 187, 315 Miller, Don Robert 401 Miller, Donald David 187 Miller, Douglass Wayne 219 Miller, Edward Eugene Miller, Garland Jacob 315 Miller, George Gaston 297, 407 416 Miller, James Howard 366 Miller, James Stephan Miller, Jerry Stephen . 363 Miller, Joan Ann . . .187, 317, 400 376 Miller, Joanne F. 254 Miller, John Eldridge 441 Miller, John Maurice 414 187, Miller, Joseph S. 362 Miller, Julia Anne 215 Miller, Kenneth D. Miller, Kenneth Orlan 223 187 Miller, Lew Russell 309 Miller, Maidell Miller, Margaret Lue 383 Miller, Marjorie Rash 326 Miller, Marila M. 275 412 Miller, Marilyn Joan Miller, Martha 325 207, 385 Miller, Mona Gayle 199 Miller, Nancy Lee Miller, Oscar E. Jr 392 Miller, Patricia L. 323 Miller, Richard Donald 187 Miller, Roger Lee 425 229 Miller, Ron James Miller, Sandra Louise 386 420, 425 Miller, Sarah Jane 336, 382 Miller, Sherrill Ann 378 Miller, Sherrill Duane 326, 383 Miller, Shirley Ann 390 Miller, Sue 153 Miller, Taulman A. 286 Miller, Thomas Andrew . Miller, Thomas Lowell. 187, 346, 359 301 Miller, Verl Gene 416 Miller, William J. 430 311, Miller, William Lee 392 Miller, William Webster 405 Mines, Donna Jo 386 Millholland, Nancy E. 199 Milligan, James R 414 Milligan, Matthew 340, 413 Milliner, Suzanne L. 442 Mills, Emil Dean 360 Mills, James Stanley Mills, Sherrill Lynn 288, 292, 331 405 381 Mills, Susan Patricia 385 Milo, Judy Wilma 187, 437 Milsten, Malcolm 360 Miltenberger, Larry J 410 Minder, Janice Lee 400 Miner, Mrs. T. H
Minkow, Bernard Aron 187, 269, 270, 280, 281, 282, 287, 294, 296, 310, 313, 314, 447 207, 391 Minnich, Phyllis Sue 423, 529 Minninger, Sue C. 308 Minnis, Joseph Minnis, Patricia C.. 304, 311, 331, 410 215 Minofsky, William Eugene 327 Miracle, Aleatha Janet 187, 424 Miraglia, Rocco J 447 Miroff, Franklin I. 301, 443 Miser, Robert Newman. 323 Mishkin, Marvin Eli 157 Mitchel, Allan Mitchell, Charles K. 377 Dean Earl Mitchell, 363 174, 367 Mitchell, James Paul 386 Mitchell, Norrita Jean...... Mitchell, Patricia A 303, 410 Mitchell, Reed Mayo 413 Mitchell, Robert K. .187, 287, 315 Mitchell, Thom Elliott 187 Mitchell, William R. 187 Mitchner, Stuart P 427 Mitten, Sara L 298, 300, 413 Mitten, Suzann 356, 38 5 Moats, Marilyn Weaver... .331, 410 187 Moblo, Ronald Jerome Mock, Judith Jean 402 Modlin, Richard Alan 427 Modlin, Sherrill Lee 314, 432 Moenning, John Edward 215 Moffitt, Suzanne Jane 383 Mogge, James Arnold 318 Mohler, Max Edward 391 Mohr, James Robert 363 Mohr, Rea Joy 389 Moir, Denton Le Roy 305 Molitor, Richard D. 372 Moll, Gail Helen 331, 380 Molland, Betty Mae 174, 417 Mollendorf, Jean Drees 427 Molter, Charline E 390 229 Mondovics, Michael F. 390 Mondragon, Regina K 359 Monger, Phillip Allen 215 Moneyhun, James Emmett 370 Monroe, Jacqueline M. Monroe, Richard R 301, 354, 373, 446 211 Montalto, Agnes Mary 362 Montgomery, Jane S 426 Montgomery, John C Montgomery, Michael J 378 370 Mony, Louise C 426 Moody, James Tyne 292 Moody, Jill 421 Moon, Jacqueline Ann 223, 305 Moon, Robert Allen Moore, Billy Ross .187, 298, 315, 392 445 Moore, Danny L. 383 Moore, Dena Marie Moore, Dixie Gaye 371 187 Moore, Harold Ray 306 F. 219, Moore, Jack Moore, Jo Ann 386
380 Moore, Jocelyn Lou 155 Moore, John R 229 Moore, Joseph Jr 325 Moore, June 380 Moore, Marie Louise 199 Moore, Martha Louise 367 Moore, Paul Wilson 318, 442 Moore, Ray 405 Moore, Rosemary Moore, Sandra Jane 315, 410 282, 413 Moore, Sue Ellen 426 Moore, Thomas Sidney Moore, William J 359, 442 Moore, William L. 391 207 Mooren, Yvonne Barr 427 Moores, William B 409 Moorhead, Bruce B. 282, 427 Moorman, Ted Moosey, Neale Anthony 427 Moran, Clayton 312 215 Moran, William Joseph 282, 291, 421 Moran, Doris Mae 223 Moran, James Michael 174 Moreira, Pilar Morgan, Barbara L 385 Morgan, Jack Moble 187, 425 Morgan, Mildred H 358 Morgan, Robert Lee 368 382 Morgan, Sylvia Joy Morgan, Thomas Wayne. .373, 446 187 Moriarty, Russell Lee Morioka, William K 367 Morris, Edward Lewis 363 Morris, Jo Anne 298, 322, 358 Morris, Luanne 199, 413 Morris, Marilyn Gay 334, 379 Morris, Patrick George 377 270, 427 Morris, Robert David Morris, Ruth Jo Anne 174, 282 Morrison, Ann Larsh ..282, 284, 286, 291, 331, 413 251 Morrison, Donald B. 305 Morrison, Edward J. 360 Morrison, Gordon L 427 Morrison, James W. 270, 440 Morrison, Meris Elaine. 373 Morrison, Richard W 174 Morrison, Stella M 211 Morrow, Joseph Trent 384 Morton, Marcia Jane Mosbaugh, Ida Fay 369 Mosbaugh, Phillip G. 289 299 Moser, Joseph G Moser, Richard John 368 Moser, Ted W. 187, 295, 298, 317, 318 174, 295 Moshak, John 409 Mosier, David Claude Mosier, Marilyn 335, 362 294, 437 Moshowitz, Jerry Moss, Gerald Leon . .. ....... ..187, 280, 281, 282, 294, 296, 447 414 Moss, James Schafer Moss, Michael E. C 278, 282 Mossholder, Catherine A. 282, 362, 408
161 Mossholder, Jack M. 199 Mosson, Nelson Ray 421 Most, Marcia Louise Mote, Thomas N. 317 Motor Board 290 Motsinger, Bruce Wayne 363 Motuliak, Carole Ann 385 Mount, James Lee 174, 323 Mounts, David Garver 229 Movius, Judith Anne 270, 433 MRC Board of Governors 344 MRHA Executive Board 348 MRHA Judicial Court 347 MRHA Photo Club 333 Muehlhausen, Donald L. 416 Mueller, Sondra R....174, 288, 382 Mufford, Hal 426 Mullen, Roberta Jane 382 Muller, H. J. 155 Mullican, William Stanley Jr.. . 215 Mulligan, John C. 187 Mundt, Janice 325 Munk, Katherine L.. . 288, 292, 413 Munson, Gordon Robert 414 Munson, Warren Grant 391 Mu Phi Epsilon 304 Muraida, Curil L. Jr 187, 317 Murbach, Joy Lynne 385 Murdakes, James 187 Murdock, Marilyn J. 431 Murphy, George H. Jr. 244 381 Murphy, Jacquelin Lova 407 Murphy, James Robert 199 Murphy, Janice Louise Murphy, Marilyn Jean 207, 331 Murphy, Mary Rita 323 Murphy, Richard Marette 361 Murphy, Roslyn Claire 379 Murphy, Sarah C.. . . .199, 319, 362 404 Murray, Ann Sonia Murray, Charles S. 368, 422 Murray, Fernley E. 365, 419 Murray, Philip William... 270, 438 Murvihill, James Edmund . 204, 432 Musgrave, Mary Jane 174, 282, 322, 440 Musial, David John 297, 438 383 Musselman, Nikki Lu A Muster, Audrey Jean 381 Muston, Ray Allen 367 Muth, Marlene 376 Mutka, John Anton 377 409 Mutz, Moffett Dale Myer, Nettie Jane 431 Myers, Annis Nadyne 379 Myers, Don Carroll 342, 445 174 Myers, Janice Myers, Joyce Kay 336, 410 392 Myers, Marland Joseph 409 Myers, Richard Allen Myers, Sharon Eileen 288, 420 Myers, Susan Joyce 362 421 Myers, Susan Kathryn Myers, Virginia Maribee 323 Mykrantz, Max Elmore . . . .378, 445 187 Mysliwiec, John Ted
N NAACP Naanes, George Earl Nagy, Frederick Frank Nagy, James John Nahrwold, James Lange Nakamura, Leslie H. 246, Nalezny, John R. . .302, 303, Nance, Gertrude D Nappe, Paul L. Napper, Karl Frank 199, Narta, Jeanne Annette Narter, Irwin Harold 187, Nartor, Marcia Tobin 282, Nash, James M Nash, John Arthur 268, 289, 338, Nash, Shirley Ann . . . .174, 321, Nash, Wilkie Collins Nasser, Stephen C Nasser, William John Neafus, James Lee Neal, Bobbe Carole 270, Neal, Gerald Lee Neal, Mary Ann Need, David John Needham, Nanette Needles, John S. Neehan, Dan Jr. Neeley, Barbara Ann Neely, Jack Edward Neese, Sandra Anne 320, Neff, Judith E. Neff, Judith Kay Neff, Nancy Ann Neff, Nona Joyce 270, Neher, Diane Eleanor Neher, John Lewis Neier, Erwin Lewis Neimark, Stanley Calvin Neimeyer, Jonell Ruth 333, Neiswender, Daniel F 187, Nelson, Alan Andrew Nelson, Claire Frances Nelson, Dikka Ann 331, Nelson, Margaret E 315, Nelson, Ture A. Jr. 334, Nelson, Virginia Holly . Nelson, Warren Williams Nentrup, Sandra Nesaule, Beale Nesbitt, John Robert Nesbitt, Thoman Dean Nesbitt, Wanita C. Nesler, Don Nettles, Catherine P.. .199, 382, Neubauer, Arlene Faye Neubauer, Nancy . . 282, 331,
327 368 361 392 360 328 311 403 287 174 402 435 199 426 426 375 312 426 414 388 379 438 433 174 325 424 414 362 318 174 371 384 413 404 386 215 365 437 358 187 374 384 389 423 434 381 372 325 174 211 444 187 308 415 300 433
Neuhauser, Nancy J. Neuhauser, Robert Wayne Neuman, Alfred E.. . . .378, Neuman, Robert Paul .187, 271, 282, 286, Newbern, Paula E. Newby, Loveda Carol Newhouse, Patsy Joette. Newkirk, Delano Lee Newlin, Pat Newman Club Newman, Jerry W. Newman, Justine Newman, Marlene Jo Newman, Philip Deward Newman, Ramona Newsom, Carol Ann Newton, Sue Ann Nicely, James Edward Nicely, Judith Lorene Nichel, Carolyn Nichelson, Lynn Owen. Nicholas, Carolyn J Nichols House Nichols, C. Eugene 187, 303, Nichols, Carl Thomas Nichols, Carol Annette Nichols, Glennadee A. Nichols, Sally Nichols, Thomas Nickelson, Lynn Nickey, Kathryn Nicolini, Rebecca Anne Niedringhaus, David A Nieland, Richard W Niemann, Gary Erwin Niemiec, George Henry Nienaber, Patricia Ann Niespodziany, Harry S. Nipper, Oscar Nirk, Eugene William Nist, Joan Margaret Noble, William Keith Noblitt, Janet Kay 269, 270, Noblitt, John R. 187, 296, 311, Nodell, Reid Franklin Noel, Mary Elizabeth Noell, Henry Theodore Nogg, Barbara Kay Nolan, Edwynna D. Nolan, James Darrell Noland, La Wanda J Nollke, Donald Noone, Donald George Noone, William Patrick Norman, Donald Everett. Norman, Marcia Belle Norman, Richard Daviess
382 377 392, 446 294, 437 400 391 362, 363 312, 422 325 335 301 174 199 215 370 385 390 364 383 340 314 404 372 346, 378 174 421 199, 323 325 323 373 325 386 372 438 414 372 223 187 211 219 174 314 292, 404 318, 399 372 375 420 383 229 187, 329 448 308 229 372 187, 244 274, 285 223
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Norris, Donna Regina Norris, E. Clifford Norris, Philip Winter Norris, Richard Dean North Cottage Grove North Hall Barons North Hall Cavaliers North Hall Friars Northrop, Donna Clara Northrup, Jack B. Northrup, Jim Lee Norton, King S Norwood, Don Novak, Geraldine L Novick, Jacquelyn Ann Novitsky, Stephen Jay Nuito, Lowell Ken Nulf, Sharon Lee 199, 285, Nurses' Student Council Nurses' Basketball Team Nusbaum, Elaine Judith. Nusbaum, Jo Ann Nussmeyer, Larry Joe Nuzum, Myrna Anita
199 297, 409 409 368 372 373 374 377 358 174, 332 358 407 308 382 371 437 388 321, 420 326 326 382, 420 174 426 384
O Oak Hall Oakes, Carl W Oakes, Paul William Oatman, Linda Lucille Ober, Chandra Kay Oberlin, Lynn Audubon Oberman, Judith Naomi 284, O'Blenis, Jan Obremskey, Michael J. Obremskey, Peter L 187, 238, 282, O'Brien, John Michael Oceanides Ochsner, Harold C. Jr. O'Connell, Edward H. O'Connor, James M. O'Connor, Jane Ann Odell, Richard Carl Odenkirk, Virginia E O'Drobinak, Jerome G. Ogle, Mary Joan Ogle, Sharon Lea Oglesby, Mabel Ohl, Lavonne Joyce Oinas, Helina Ojala, John G. Olcsan, Julia Ann Oldham, Carolyn S Olds, Walter Hutson
375 360 360 382 382 373 293, 382 325 427 311, 427 301 331 323 211 377 199 374 362, 366 367 371 311, 404 174 333, 376 288 425 362 385 321, 391
O'Leary, Patrick Olenick, Nanci Starr Oliver, Harry F. Oliver, Judith Diann Oliver, Ruth J. Olney, Stuart M. Olsen, Armin Boone Olshan, Larry Alan Olson, Franklin D. Olson, George O'Malley, Joseph P O'Meara, Sharon P Omoto, Constance E. O'Neal, Cedric C. O'Neal, Mary E O'Neal, Richard Clarel O'Neel, Robert V 0 Neill, Donald John O Neill, Marolynn L. O Neill, Patty Ann Onweller, Andrea 282, 291, Ooley, Mary Lou Oppenheim, Robert L. Orem, David Simeon Orescanin, Danilo Orr, Jimmie Lee Orr, Marjorie F. Orrell, Stephen Doyle Orth, Donald E. Ortlieb, David W. Orvis, Julia Ann Orzech, Mary Frances Osborn, Ann Mason Osborn, Fred Glen Osborn, Fredrick S. Osborn, Thomas Edward.. Osborne, Ruth Osburn, Richard C. Osmon, Herbert E Osmon, Herbert G. Osmon, Leon Herbert Ostertag, Minton Ostrom, Cynthia Anne Oswalt, Larry Brent Otte, Frank Joseph Otterbach, Marilyn Otterman, Kay Outh, Don Otteson, S. F. Overdeck, Eleanor May Overmyer, David Wilbur 187, Owen, Dora Ellen . .. .199, Owen, John Frederick Owen, Kent Christopher Owen, Larry Franklin Owens, Carole B Owens, Charlene D.
187, 424 285 426 381 187, 315 365 441 342, 437 174 161 187, 424 385 371 187 380 392 297, 414 312, 441 380 383 340, 400 383 287 367 305 444 403 377 321 287 410 413 448 174 391 319, 367 325 374 310 174 323, 436 199 270, 385 374 297, 427 417 325 428 157 371 298, 318 349, 389 174 270 441 440 174
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P 406 Pace, Perry Jr. 187 Pace, Theodore P. Pacheco, Angela M....199, 320, 375 Pack, Ralph William 391 445 Paddock, Forrest Glenn Padget, Mary Ruth 291, 300, 353, 448 Padula, Michael Joseph... .... 174, 287, 295 441 Pafflin, Tony 381 Page, Carolyn Ann Page, John Patrick 199, 329 187, 365 Page, Max Franklin 382 Page, Susan Ann 368 Page, William Joseph 370 Pagedas, Athena C 215 Pabedas, Thomas Constantine. 377 Paige, Richard Emil 413 Paine, Susan Kay 407 Painter, Charles R. 174, 413 Painter, Jane Bond 318 Palak, Carl W. 374 Palas, Ronaldo Paler, Vernon Modesto 174, 328, 347, 368 287 Palke, Earl N. Palmer, Daniel Authur 359 362 Palmer, Earlie Mae 407 Palmer, James LeRoy 188 Palmer, John Marion Paloski, Lois Jane 199, 320, 335, 370 293 Pamarada Pancheff, Pancho I 363 199, 448 Pandak, Elma Marie Panhellenic 339, 340 215 Pantzer, John Pappas, Nicholas 215, 289, 323, 365 287 Paranka, Stephen 252 Parchute, Gerald E. 427 Pardieck, Roger Lee 432 Parenie, Robert J. 327 Pariku, Arvind 311 Park, Paul Park, Yeon Soo Parker, Ferris Harmon 188, 318, 365 Parker, Harry Lee 188, 318 188 Parker, Jerry Dale 441 Parker, John Philip 174, 441 Parker, John Stephen 174 Parker, Richard Mack 448 Parks, Beverly 377 Parks House 246 Parks, John Emory Parlock, Bernard M. 344, 387 Parr, Michael Edward 438 Parrett, Jerry Lee 368 380 Parries, Sandra C. Parson, Julie 325 359, 406 Parsons, Edward M. Parsons, Robert Eugene 388 174, 287 Partenheimer, Verner Jr.. Pascale, Walter Vincent 359 Paschke, Mary Ann 325 441 Paskins, Ronald Paul Passow, Laura Jean 268, 282, 285, 286, 291, 336, 433 Pastor, Hannah C. 439 Pastor, Mark David 315, 437 Patcheak, Frederick A.. 315, 346, 378 Pate, Frank Edward 223 Patrick, Daniel Willard 188 392 Patrick James W. Patterson, Ardis Ruth 369 Patterson, Delia Anne 321 Patterson, Keith Alden 174, 295 Patterson, Nancy Anne 412 Patton, Carole Ann 362 Patton, Carolyn Gay 375 199 Patton, Eleanor R. 199, 417 Patton, Nancy Ellen 312 Patton, Ronald Lee Paul, Janet Ann 380 Paulauski, Barbara Ann 188 Paulson, Phil Harold 363 Pavel, Wayne Allen 361
Pavelka, Ronald Peter Payne, David C Payne, Richard Allen Payne, Walter Eugene Peacher, Jerry Lee 188, 311, Peachin, Edward Peachin, Lenore I Peacock, Lewis J. Pearman, Suzanne Kay 199, Pearson, Connie Sue 288, 336, Pearson, H. E. Pearson, David Lee Pearson, Josephine Ann. .188, Peck, Don William Peck, Phyllis Jean Pedersen, Thomas H. Paley, Carol R. Pegan, Marlyn 199, Pekarsky, Ann Pelworth, Robin Pelz, David Todd Pelz, Sherry Beth Penaia, Mavanne Pence, Kathryn Jo Penn, William E Pennel, Janet Sue Pennock, Gerald M. Percifield, William L. Percy, David George Perez, Jaime Periolat, Clement F Perkins, Dale J. Perkins, Donald Lee Perkins, Joyce Maurine Perkins, Rod C. Perna, Robert A Perotti, Robert Adam Perrotta, Letitia L 286, 319, 335, Perry, Huegroe Perry, James David Perry James Monroe Perry, Joyce Perry, Margaret B. Perry, Noel Alan Perry, Warren Earl Perry, Wendell Lee Pers, Mary Jean Pershing Rifles Peters, Alice Faye Peters, Donald Eugene Peters, Joseph D Peters, Kurt Michael Peters, Marcia Carol 199, Petersen, Jane E Petersen, Theodore R. Peterson, Frederick Ross Peterson, Ray Howard Peterson, Robert Allen Petkovich, Charles R. Petri, Vernon John Petrie, Sue Petro, Jerald D. Petroich, Ronald John Petronella, Peter N. Petronka, Eppie N. Petrovich, Ronald John. Petry, Robert Franklin Petway, Jamesetta Peyton, Carolyn Dale Pfafflin, Ed Pfeifer, James F Pfeifer, Paul Andrew Pfleeger, Eleanor L. Phares, Kathryn Jane Phi Beta Kappa Phi Delta Phi Phi Eta Sigma Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Phillips, Donna Kay Phillips, Jack W. Phillips, James E. Phillips, John F. Phillips, Mary Lee Phillips, Morris E. Jr. Phillips, Tommy Levon Phillips, William Pi Lambda Theta Piatek, Patricia D. Platt, Frances Kay Picciatto, Robert S.
442 441 188, 365 359 174 315, 437 383 427 321, 421 340, 410 162 223, 359 302, 440 311, 427 380 445 199 325 321, 389 407 407 302, 410 335 199 363 382 207 188 441 223 199 287 188 369 323 229 223 423, 529 199, 327 311 361, 406 326 381 374 445 365 384 312 448 188 364 407 389 220, 405 360 361 363 204 188 242 371 287 188 282, 407 251 .374, 428 175, 399 325 356, 381 308 407 365 371 389 287 301 289 302 370 342 287 425 292, 410 363 392 399 300 380 389 374
229 Piccirillo, Peter G 392 Pickens, Donald E. 188, 366 Pickerill, Robert Louis 325, 326 Pickering, Sally Pickett, Don Vincent 329, 392 425 Pickett, James Finley 175 Pico, Clarence Wayne 199 Piel, Janet Ruth 414 Piepho, George Earl 317, 378 Pieratt, John Richard 417 Pierce, Diane Lee 302 Pierce, Jerry Dale 410 Pierce, Karen Lee 383 Pierce, Mildred Marie 369 Pieters, Zita Gay 362 Pifer, Ruth Ann 331, 405 Pike, Patricia J. 381 Lucinda Pike, Sara 287 Piller, Franz Karl Pinard, Marianne 335 Pinkham, Chester A., 3rd 175, 299, 365, 432 229 Piontkowski, Melvin L. Piper, Ann Kathleen 375 204, 303, 405 Piper, Joan Pipher, Larry Joseph 359 Pirie, Robert Gordon 175, 372 199, 310 Pitman, Carroll Jack Pittman, Charlene Grace 188, 299, 319 188, 296 Pitts, Jack Vail 380 Pitzer, Mary Ann 229 Plain, Ray Scott Plaskett, Edward L. Jr 188, 317, 318 287 Platt, James L 302, 422 Platt, Robert Alan 291 Pleiades Plessinger, Judith Ann .188, 271, 282, 286, 290, 412 381 Plessinger, Susan Joan Plotke, Peter Michael..175, 353, 401 363 Plummer, Charles R. Plumkitt, Linda Lane 337, 421 295 Podula, Michael 382 Poe, Virginia Ann 199 Poer, Meredith Van 291, 421 Poffenberger, Mary Ann. Poffenberger, Nancy Sue 386 Pohlmann, William C. 175, 272, 287, 310, 314, 436 199 Pohlmeyer, Martha Agnes 223 Poindexter, Byron Kay 413 Poindexter, Sarah A. .285, 292, Pokrifcak, Arlene Joan.320, 335, 384 Poling, Beverly 325 416 Poling, Brad Poling, Gershon N. 437 421 Polito, Patricia 204, 303, 404 Polivka, Janet C. Polivka, Judith M. 175, 282, 286, 291, 404 405 Polk, Carolyn Abby 364 Polk, David Patrick 361, 424 Polk, George Arthur 188 Polk, Mary Evelyn 325 Polk, Sandra K 362 Pollert, Doris Jean 292, 371 Polley, Martha Joan 282, 447 Pollock, Jerome Paul 371 Poison, Roberta Jane Pomp, William Charles 188, 296, 342, 438 254, 427 Pond, Richard Starr 364 Ponsler, Ronald 311 Pontius, Earl Arthur 372 Pontius, Jerry Devon 433 Ponton, Amy Lou 175, 282, 420 Poolitsan, Mary C... 426 Poopers, Donald .282, 345, 391 Poore, Daniel Earl. Poppe, Philip Lee 345, 364 188, 428 Popyk, Raymond Robert. 382 Porter, Donna Mae 305 Porter, John H. 382, 403 Porter, Margaret Ann 440 Porter, Mary Jane 427 Porter, William C. 381 Portman, Lavon 223 Portolese, Frank Anthony Poteet, Nancy Dell. .175. 321, 417 199 Potter, John Robert 204, 431 Ponder, Patricia Ann
379 Powell, Judith Gail 385 Powell, Lynda Lee 188 Powell, Phillip Eugene 175 Powell, Roy Bleeker 418 Powell, Sara Ann Power, Thomas Dale 393 Powers, Jonathan Dixie 365 Pownall, Judith Lynne 383 422 Poynter, Robert Eugene 370 Prall, Joanne Naomi 188 Pramuk, Richard Joseph 425 Prange, Theodore Paul 199 Prasco, Nancy Jean 382 Prather, Ruby Katherine 211 Pratt, Lewellyn H. 376 Pratt, Patricia Ann 370 Pratt, Sarah Seeton 428 Prebys, Ronald Thomas 325 Pre-Clinical Class Nurses 215 Pregent, James Irving Jr Prentice, Janet Lee ..336, 423, 529 360 Press, Melvyn David 292, 412 Pressler, Judith A. Preston, Dennis Richard 409 444 Preusz, Gerald C 215 Pribble, Robert Howard 370 Price, Barbara Lucille 380 Price, Judith Ann Pride, Genevieve May 379 188 Prieboy, Joseph John 302 Priest, Melinda Mae 375 Prikesevits, Agnes J. 405 Primavera, Bettina A. 437 Prince, Irwin Joseph 383 Prince, Patricia Ann 345, 361 Pringle, David Loder Pritchard, Judy. 188, 299, 339, 405 368 Probst, Edward Louis Jr. 353 Probst, Helen Jane 319 Prokrifehek, Arlene 325 Prosser, Barbara Ann 380 Prosser, Sonia Leno 302. 318, 382 Provo, Donna Jo 199, 388 Pruett, Robert Eugene 325 Pruitt, Linda 384 Pry, Virginia Ann 288, 303, 433 Pryor, Lee 447 Pryweller, Seymour Przybylinski, Donald G 307 Psi Chi 308 Psi Omega 223 Puccio, James S 385 Puckett, Darlene Sue 188 Puckett, Kenneth 356, 384 Pudlow, Patrica M 287 Puff, Harold F. 270, 390, 433 Pugh, Virginia D 409 Pugh, William R 335, 370 Puisans, Anna Regina 148 B Pulse, Earl Pulse, Mary Ann ........ ... 284, 292, 336, 423, 529 401 Pulver, Stephen Henry 409 Purcell, William J Purdue, Edwina Margaret 199, 321, 400 390 Purkhiser, Janet G Purkhiser, Nancy Jean .336, 385, 413 425 Purris, Tom 378 Puscheck, Robert Edwin 297 Pustandrovich, Gene 434 Putorti, William Jr 421 Putt, Sally Jo 405 Pyle, Sarah Jane
Q 211 Quiantance, Richard C. 289, 409 Quakenbush, John P 386 Queisser, Elizabeth Ann 389 Queisser, Sally Ann 211 Quigg, James Robert 188, 315 Quiggle, Gerald W. 287 Quigley, Joseph V. 358 Quimby, John Merl 360 Quinn, James Joseph 381 Quinn, Patricia Ellen Quinn, Thomas Michael 286, 342, 436
229 Rabold. Michael John Radcliff, Mary Jane 379 361 Radcliffe, Charles H 359 Rader, Thomas Owen 322 Radio and Television 370 Radeski, Janet 199, 403 Radliffe, Betty Jo 238, 407 Radovich, Frank R 287 Rae, Russell A 418 Raether, Delma Mary 175 Ragland, Penelope Anne Ragland, Thomas Edward. 175, 299 383 Raibourn, Mary Jane 379 Raichle, Mildred Lois 380 Raines, Patricia Anne Rake, Mel R. 373 188 Ramey, Harold Kendall 368 Ramsey, W. Scott 215 Ranck, Benjamin Albert 199 Rand, Jude Ann 345, 364 Rand, William Medden.. Randazzo, Frances A 335, 362 Randle, Gloria Dean 291, 327, 336, 375, 415 Raney, James Russell 188, 428 175 Rankin, Jane Fair 188, 372 Ranostai, Jerry Rans, Donald Lynn 188, 282, 311, 446 Ransaw, Lee Andrew 363, 419 Ransel, Jane Ellen ...175, 278, 282 175, 368 Ransford, John W. 200 Raper, Jack W 420 Rapp, Carol Louise Laurel J. 382. 418 Rardin, Rarick, Brenda Ann 307, 321, 337, 448 Rarick, Louise R. . .. . .... 153, 288. 333. 375, 441 Raseta, Michael L. Jr 359 Rasmussen, Anne E 369 383 Ann Rasmussen, Judith 360 Ratts, Larry Dean 215 Rau, Charles Albert Rau, Harvey P. 392 370 Rau, Melinda Lee Raub, Jane Alice .. 321, 423, 529 Raup, Sally 379 188 Rausch, Albert Waddell Rawi, Sinan A. 374 Rawlin, Charles W 434 Rawlings, Charles H. 207, 425 Ray, Dorman Allen 366 335, 370 Raynor, Barbara Ann 229 Razmic, John Peter 325 Rea, Judy 215 Rea, Thomas John 188, 298, 315 Rea, William Harvey, 389 Read Ruedeane S. 188 Ready, Robert Dale 325 Reas, Donna 391 Reas, Ronald Edwin Reasor, Dorothy Lou 291, 336, 356, 402 323, 426 Records, John Merritt 336, 412 Records, Judith 251, 411 Redeker, Fred William 325 Redicker, Carol 301, 353 Redifer, Rex 323 Redman, Geneva Jean 380 Redmon, Sherry Kay Redrup, Dorinda J. .... ..335, 380 Reed, Douglas Lee ...188, 310, 318 414 Reed, Duane Eldon 148 Reed, Fenwick T. 380 Reed, Gloria Elaine 188 Reed, John Francis 282, 345, 360 Reed, John Morgan. 175, 396 Reed, John Richard 371 Reed, Joy Arlene 322 Reed, Jon 380 Reed, Judith Elaine 380 Reed, Patricia Ann 216 Reed, Ronald Riley 369 Reed, Sandra Lois 300, 355, 356 Reed, Virginia E.. 242 Reed, Willard 301 Reeder, Thomas M. 188, 314, 441 Rees, Donald Wayne Reese, Carol Jeanne 379 323 Reese, Jay Shireman
379 Reeve, Susan 200, 400 Reeves, Nancy Sue 07 Regan, Mary Kathleen 407 .. 33455,, 3 Regan, Michael John Regan, Michael Joseph 188, 315, 361 371 Regan, Nancy Marie 188, 448 Regas, Carole B. 188 Regenovich, Paul Jr. 305 Rehder, Robert Richard 223 Reibel, Janet Anne 153 Reiberg, Rufus 407 Reid, John Thomas 402 Reid, Marjorie Ann 204, 303 Reid, Sarah Sue 375 Reidy, Eileen Therese 211 Reifsteck, William E. 389 Reilly, Jesse Lou 368 Reimer, John Charles Reinacker, Melitta K 379 338 Reinking, Ronald Leo Reising, Ronald George 392 188, 318 Rekus, Bernard W. 153 Remak, Henry H. Re Mite, Roy M..188, 315, 345, 361 Renaker, Marilyn Kaye. ...337, 402 391 Renaldi, Thomas Wayne 381 Rennaker, Nancy Jane Rent, Charles Edward 188, 327, 406 323 Resler, Delores Gail 41751 Rey, George Elza 334, 441 Reynard, Mary Jo 188 Reynolds, Barbara Jean 387 Reynolds, Bruce Hunt 336 Reynolds, Jane 412 Reynolds, Mary Jane 216 Reynolds, Ralph Edward 216 Rhamy, Donald E 204 Rhodes, Patricia M 189 Rhodes, Van Mater 216 Rhynearson, Hal Robert 432 Rice, David Earl 189, 289 Rice, Ellis M 200 Rice, Jean Sievers Rice, Joseph Francis 392 311 Rice, Marilyn Joyce 216 Rice, Ronald Bennett Rice, Sharon Kay 383 Rice. Stanley Deane..189, 311, 422 416 Rich, Jack Edward 331 Rich, Susan Carol 370 Richard, Shirley Rae 200 Richards, Katharine Jane Richards, Mary E 384 443 Richards, Melvin A 437 Richards, Ronald P 315 Richardson, Dan Jay 156, 417 Richardson, Dana L 438 Richardson, David Earl 189, 381 Richardson, Dona Lee 440 Richardson, Isabel Jo 368 Richardson, James A Richardson, John .... ...345, 364 Richardson, Mary M.. .282, 423, 529 409 Richey, Mack David 433 Richwine, Nancy Anne 362 Ricke, Carolyn June 444 Rickert, George William 426 Rickert, Jon Edward 389 Ricks, Rhoda Sybil 403 Riddle, Mary Antonia 211 Rider, Harry 200, 282, 425 Rider Hugh L. 312, 333, 373 Ridge, John Holland 368 Ridge, William C 189 Riecken, Forrest G. 426 Riegner, Richard Homer 189 Riely, Richard James 384 Riemersma, Lo • s Jean .175, 322 Rieser, John Abel 175, 345, 363 Riesmeyer, James F. .282, 409 Riggins, Stephen Stuart David Alan. ...282, 311, 407 Riggs, 216 Riggs, Wendell A. 325 Rightsell, Joan 444 Riley, James Thomas 334 Riley, Paul David 448 Rimstidt, Marcia J. Ringer, William Alfred 323 Ripley, John Robert 367 362, 408 Ris, Barbara Mildred Risk, Larry Charles 399 Ritchie, Harold Dean 368 368 Ritchie, Philip Lee 420 Ritter, Carl Ritter, Donald Earl 303
Ritter, Keith Korwin..311, 318, 360 312, 36273 3 Ritter, Kent Leroy 200, Ritter, Lucy Mae C. Ritter, Martha Ann 189, 282, 287, 423, 529 Ritzert, Larry Wynn 373 .189, 445 Roach, Armand D. Jr. 200 Roach, Robert C 282, 404 Roach, Susan Ann Robb, Glenda Lorene 33778) ( Robb, Larry Lee 306 Robb, Robert Francis Robbins, Alan M. R.. 189, 282, 287, 437 Robbins, Bettylyn Marie ..302, 390 391 Robbins, Carl Lyle 297, 445 Robbins, Fredrick E. Robbins, Gene Elmer. .189, 282, 298, 313, 314, 315, 344, 373 Robbins, Jerry Lynn 373 417 Robbins, Linda Lee 369 Robbins, Louise Marie 434 Robbins, Robert Wesley 378 Robbins, Ronald 0 403 Roberts, Alice J. 329 Roberts, George C. 426 Roberts, Harrison K. Roberts, Marjorie D. .322, 333, 375 292, 413 Mary Louise. Roberts, Robert J. .189, 317, 434 Roberts, Sandra Jean 385 414 Robertson, Douglas E. Robertson, Hugh Lee 311, 399 Robertson, Richard W. 367 303, 337, 405 Robinson, Carol Ann 716722 Robinson, Charlene Bush.30.4 ., 223360 189 Robinson, Don Lee Robinson, Earle Uriah Robinson, Jack Ray Robinson, Leonard C. 200, 413 Robinson, Marcella Jane. 153 Robinson, Robert N. Robinson, Roger Frank. 175, 299 153 Robinson, Sid Robison, Roger Frank 296, 443 Robison, Rosalie 380 Robison, Sharon Yvonne 375 225, 326 Rock, Dorcas Irene Rock, Robert Roger 366 Rodkey, Jane Anne 333, 385 Rae 291, 410 Rockhill, Charlene Rockwell, John Thomas 432 Rodeman, Frederick E 446 Rodecker, Mrs. 420 Rodenberg, Joseph H. .189, 244, 2723) Rodgers, Barbara Jean 362 Rodgers, Harold T. 367 Rodgers, Phyllis C. .200, 220, 415 Rodkey, John Daniel 289, 363 Roe, Carole Diane 270, 292, 336, 433 321 Roe, Vivian 189 Roellchen, Thomas A 293 Roesch, Deardra Joan 189, 287 Roesch, William E. 433 Roettger, Karen Gayle 447 Roger, Burton. 2401 319 Rogers, Alice Emma 200, 330 362 Rogers, Barbara Jane 416 2 356, 40 Rogers, Carla Ann Rogers, Gregory Lee 405 Rogers, Mrs. Jean 374 Rogers, Johnny C 438 Rogers, Kim Alan 375 Rogers, Lorena Ann 438 Rogers, Peter Heiskell 165 Rogers, Virginia 407 Rogge, James Delbert 216 Rohdes, Fred David 223 Rohn, John William 325 Rohr, Judy 216 Rohrer, Bryce Barton 302, 440 Rohrer, Jeanne Ann Rolf, Lois Dora 366 Roller, Ken J. 412 Rollison, Mary Jo 365, 4 5 Romack, Floyd Alfred 405 Romeiser, Mary Lou 189 Romers, Grace Marie 325 Romine, Gloria 424 Roof, Texas K. 189 .. . Roop, Franklin E. 366, 434, 436 Root, Chester Eli III 175 Root, Phyllis Darlene
Rosche, Herman Frederick .. . 219 288, 439 Rose, Barbara Susan 437 Rosen, Steven Howard 383 Rosenak, Elsa M. Rosenau, Gordon Henry. .347, 391 437 Rosenbaum, Alan W. Rosenberg, Elaine Tanya 362 435 Rosenberg, Michael 380 Rosenberg, Myrna Minnie Rosenfelt, Donald Alan .189, 296, 317 Rosensweet, Barbara Lou... 200, 439 Rosenthal, Karen L. 375 189 Rosenthall, Roi Jr. Rosenzweig, Rosie F. 350 Roser, Anita Louise.. 319, 320, 404 Roser, Marylin C 175, 404 Rosin, Ronald James 377 Ross, Alan J 365, 411 442 Ross, Frank Peter Ross, Madeleine Eunice 386 447 Ross, Micah S. Ross, Nancy Miriam 439 Rossin, Elinor Sue 175. 273, 349. 389 Rossow, Janis Emaryne 384 Rossow, Russell Craig 189, 444 Rostov, Susan Lee 336, 439 Rotenberg, Maxine S 380 Roth, Donald Paul 189, 425 Roth, Floyd Collins 441 Roth, Louis Lee 361 Roth, Marjorie Ann 385 Roth, Nathan Hirsh 216 Roth, Robert Wayne 211, 301 Rothbard, Lewis Irwin 437 Rothberg, David Alan 437 Rothmuller, Ilan J. 252 Rothrock, Larry Ray 312, 360 Roudman, Doris C. 439 Rouhier, Jack A. 189 Rountree, Clyde Branan 175, 307, 323, 407 411 Roush, James Edward 198, 411 Roush, John Allen Roussey, Barbara Ann 389 Routs, Mary Fula 335, 370 Rowe, Diane 340 Rowe, Earl Clayton 365, 419 418 Rowe, Mary Jane Rowe, Phillip D. 303 Rowland, Karen Sue 389 Rowland, Terry Lee 407 Rowley, Ellen Marie 423, 529 Rowley, Margot Mary 423, 529 Roy, James I 366 426 Royer, Ron Lee Royster, Wanda Lee.. 291, 337, 403 Rozich, Mary Ann 383 Rubin, Herbert Gene 401 Ruble, James Frederick. 223, 305 Ruckriegle, James R. 392 Rudd, Thad Benedict 438 Ruddell, James H. 287 Rudolph, Anna May 382 Rudwell, George H. 358 Rufe, Morris Earl 175, 303 Ruff, Jack H. 392 Ruff, Larry Kurtis 445 Ruge, Fred Schmidt 207, 319 Rugenstein, Delores Mae 379 Ruhe, Frances A. 200 Rumpf, Norman Arthur 438 Runda, Georgetta Kay 381 Runyon, David Roy 361 Rupp, Robert Charles 189. 425 Rusche, Herman F. 306 Rush, Floyd Jr. 432 Rushton, James H 287 Russell, John Thomas 323, 360 Russell, Karen Zoe 380 Russell, Ronald 434 Russell, Victor Herbert.175, 323, 443 Russell, William Joseph...189, 430 Rutledge, Ivan C. 153 386 Rutowske, Elaine Clara 200 Rutz, Marlene Suzan 189 Ryan, James L. 189, 445 Ryan, John Howard 211 Ryan, Patrick N. 211 Ryan, Thomas 211 Ryckman, William E. Jr. 325 Ryle, Arlene 248 Ryser, Larry Otto
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Biof)ri teeth
S Sabatini, Frederick A.. 274, 282, 286, 342, 441 427 Sackett, James Homer Sacopulos, Eugenia 175, 322, 329, 376 322, 329 Sacopulos, Gus 365 Sadenwater, Robert J. 356, 440 Saffel, Nlyrna Lucille 223, 308 Sagraves, Glen 0 332 Sailing Club 189 Sainato, Dominic V. 315, 365 Saks, Gordon Mark 437 Salomon, M. A. 189 Salrin, Ralph E Sammons, James Edward...189, 409 317, 409 Sammons, William F 175, 229, 323 Sampanis, Leo 344 Sampanis, Perry Sampson, Charles W...332, 368, 443 Samuel, Arthur Ray...312, 315, 437 390 Sandefur, Carole Dene 175, 417 Sandelands, Shirley J 331 Sander, Janet Lee Sanders, Donald Lee 399 Sanders, Fred Vernon 359 407 Sanders, James Fredric Sanders, John Patrick.. 295, 329, 345, 346, 378 200, 403 Sanders, Mildred Sanders, Patricia 348 416 Sanders, Robert J Sandidge, Janet Brodie.282, 359, 371 Sandleben, Jon Gilbert.278, 333, 391 175 Sands, James W 189 Santelik, John P Saperstein, Tobe Jean 175, 439 322, 370 Sapoznick, Syrell Sappenfield, Phyllis A. 189, 287, 298, 380 Sargent, Katie Anne 386 Sarringhaus, Beverly S. 371 364, 381 Sartoris, Margaret May.. Sander, Janice 379 Saul, Dee C 434 Saunders, Loren Lee 377 Sauvain, Harry C 153 Savage, Ann Elizabeth 175, 420 390 Savage, Mary Suzanne Savich, Arthur W. 434 Savio, Mary Angela 329 Sax, Harry Allan 447 309 Scabbard and Blade 363 Scarbough, Jerry Gene 438 Scering, Carl D 216 Schaab, Eric Schaaf, Jerry Charles 189, 282, 311, 443 367 Schad, Ronald Charles 448 Schaefer, Penny Schaler, Bernard A. 189, 287, 310, 318 189, 317 Scharf, Edward Willis Scharlach, Norma ...175, 321, 389 .. 382 Schaffer, Patricia Ann 322, 439 Schatz, Mary Ann 380 Schaub, Beverly Ann 308 Schelle, Ronald 387 Schefer, Charles R 276, 382 Schaffer, Ellen May 379 Scheib, Ann Marie Scheiner, John Alden..286, 342, 446 . 377 Schell Dale Alvin 336, 400 Schellie, Barbara Jean Schelm, Sherrie Diane 379 319, 417 Scherer, Lorene Sue 387 Schering, Thomas Eugene 216 Scherschel, Thomas Roger 385 Schieber, Sandra Rae 216 Schieve, Donald Reynolds 320, 389 Schilit, Harriet F Schilling, Carol Ann 282, 284, 291, 420 Schimizzi, Ned V 189, 345, 346, 388 Schischka, August A. 393 Schlegelmilch, Allen 238, 407 189, 315 Schlehuser, Donald W 385 Schlehuser, Linda D 276 Schlem, Mick 375 Schlitz, Shawna Schmedel, Eleanor K. 332, 355, 356, 412 189, 438 Schmeling, Eugene L. 300 Schmid, Pauline Wieder 287 Schmidt, Alfred H. 425 Schmidt, Herbert Ernest Schmidt, Linde Lawien 175, 272, 282, 433
331 Schmidt, Maureen Schmidt, Paul Edgar 377 189, 378 Schmidt, Robert R. 189, 445 Schmitt, Thomas Alan 319, 404 Schmitz, Dorothy Ann 321, 439 Schnair, Dale A. 200, 423 Schnaiter, Elizabeth 325 Schnaiter, Rosalind 432 Schneider, Arthur U. Schneider, Karl Edward 200, 296, 313, 314, 425 325 Schneider, Lou Ann 254 Schneider, Richard Schneider, Sharon A. 362 Schneider, William A 175, 323 392 Schnepf, Paul Gustav 211 Schnoor, Davis Schoettmer, Ralph J. 387 445 Schofer, John George 445 Schoger, Harry G. Jr 307, 362 Scholl, Barbara Jane Schon, James Lee 175, 368 189 Schooler, Frank R Schooley, David John 175 Schowe, Glenn Allen 175, 422 Schrader, William R. 189, 360 Schram, Glenn Norman. .356, 393 425 Schram, John Allison Schreiber, George E. 175 Schrock, Theodore Ross 377 David L. ....... Schroeder, 388 296, 422 Schroeder, Donald Lee 363 Schroeder, James Edwin Schroeder, Lois Mareta 384 Schroeder, Norma Jean 380 Schroeder, Sandra Kay 54, 175, 282, 339, 443 Schubert, Ann Darlene 335, 390 Schuck, William Mark 358 Schudder, Virgil Elmer 175 Schuelke, Phyllis Ann 175 175, 420 Schuler, Sue Ann Schuller, Marcia 439 Schulte, Linda Nell 370 190 Schultes, William A. Schultheis, Don Wayne 315, 345, 361 Schultz, Barbara Ruth 381 Schultz, Frederick M. 368 Schultz, Ronald W. 363 Schultz, William F. Jr. 323, 324, 427 Schulz, Jack Harold 311, 363 Schulz, Kaye Ronald 346, 366 Schulz, Richard Albert Jr 189 Schulze, Max Henry 422 Schumacher, Richard R. 175, 323 Schumacher, Sharon 200 Schuman, Minot Keith 190, 246, 422 312, 315, 437 Schuster, Jack 189, 428 Schuster, John Edward 385 Schutte, Juliann E 447 Schutz, Barry M. 421 Schwab, Marilyn Mae 175, 379 Schwalbe, Louise Schwalm, Sandra Sue 382 Schwark, Thomas E 436 314 Schwartz, Charles W. 421 Schwartz, Judith Ann 384 Schwartz, Marlene 270 Schwartz, Richard M. Schweiger, Joan L. 375 407 Schwendenmann, Fred C. Schwender, William A. 365 448 Schwenn, Carole Sue 362 Schwestka, Lorelei Jean Scott, Della Ann 370 244 Scott, Don F. Scott, Donald Marcel 352, 416 189, 424 Scott, Donald William 325 Scott, Dorothy A. Scott, Fred Jewel 378 Scott, James Richard 325 190, 294 Scott, John Toner 200, 433 Scott, Margaret Jean 204, 402 Scott, Mariellen F 200, 402 Scott, Maryann 292, 420 Scott, Nancy Jane 433 Scott, Patricia E. 419 Scott, Richard Eugene Scott, Sharon Anne 383 Scott, Shirley Ann. .302, 365, 410 Scott, William G. Scribner, Elizabeth G. 331, 362 216 Scudder, James Peterson 444 Scudder, Virgil E. 366 Sczakouts, Robert Seacat, Carole Dene 385 Seaman, Sharon Lynn 385 442 Searcy, James F. Vere 368 Daniel Searles, 327 Sears, Elaine C
Sears, Myra Kay Sedan, Joyce Helene Seeb, Mary Elaine Seely, Douglas D. Jr Sefton, Graham Segal, Jerome Harold Seidensticker, Helen .176, Seidensticker, James Seids, Janet Louise Seigel, Lois Seiler, William R. Jr Sekerez, Zarko Selby, Maryellen Selig, Judith Fran Sell, Virginia May Seltzer, Roger I. .190, 272, 282, 287, Seng, Lawrence Eugene
362 384 333 211 442 359 339, 413 211 389 381 426 190 370 321, 439 200, 323 294, 338, 447
274, 342, Senior Class Sereda, Victor Michael Sering, Norma Kay. .200, 320, 200, Session, Mabel Haynes Setre, Mary Ann 275, Settina, Alfred J Seward, Beaudette R 176, Seybert, Thomas Charles Sfikas, Peter Michael. .322, 329, Shafer, Joe Cadman Shafer, Sue Shaffer, William L Shaffer, Robert, Dean of Students 69, 153, 158, Shanahan, Eugene L Shank, Barbara Ann 336, Shankland, Barbara Dee Shanok, Bonnie H.. .282, 291, Shapiro, Marcia Lee Sharp, Dennis Michael Sharp, Richard Lee .303, 311, Sharp, Sally Ann. 200, Shattuck, Elizabeth J. Shattuck, Margaret Ann Shaul, Harriett Lynda Shaul, Marlene Susan Shaver, James Stanley Shaw, Arlene Betty Shaw, Barbara Jean Shaw, David Barton Shaw, Gail Shaw, Jerald Kenneth Shaw, Judith Ellen 328, Sheets, Dennis Wayne 307, Sheets, Margaret Lynne. Sheline, Alan Eugene Sheline, Rosalie Ann ..319, 423, Shell, Alma Jane Sheller, Donald Foster Shepard, Barbara Jane Shepherd, Judith Ann Shepherd, Norman Ray 254, Sheppard, Reginald J Sheppard, Sam Sherck, Ronald Sherick, G. David Sherman, Alan I. Sherman, Barbara Faye .278, Sherman, Pete Richard. 190, Sherman, Raymond P. Sherrier, John T Sherrod, Egbert Harris 388, Sherry, Elizabeth Ann Sheviak, Margaret R. Shick, Charles Riley 219, Shick, Constance Ann Shideler, Peter L. 346, Shields, Barbara J 303, Shigley, Carol May 275, 303, 356, Shimer, Marjorie Ellen Shipley, Donald Lee Shipman, William Robert Shiprek, Joseph C. Shirk, Terry Chafee Shirley, Phillip Ray Shively, Gayle Joan Shlens, Michael 332, 296, Shoemaker, Charles C Shone, Robert Larry 388, Shonle, Horace Abbott Shook, Joseph A. 207, Shor, Terry Donald Shore, Maurice Ray Short, Darwin Marcel Short, Ronald Eugene Shoultz, K. Don Shoupe, Jo Ann Showalter, James Joseph 346, 352, Showalter, Paul E
428 273 442 431 320 380 411 431 216 361 359 325 223 278 287 420 400 439 380 409 366 410 421 370 389 440 416 362 380 414 354 176 382 411 417 216 529 370 372 382 371 368 388 323 308 315 437 389 447 315 378 406 384 287 306 412 359 371 380 200 200 378 287 318 377 383 368 424 425 305 330 366 424 312 368 366 384 360 424
358, 428 Showers, Patrick James.. 211 Shreve, Larry W. Shriner, Larry Guilford....302, 364 190, 287, 315 Shroat, John H. 442 Shorim, James 314 Shrum, Samuel E 325 Shuck, Susan Shue, Charles Douglas ....54, 190, 282, 310, . 314, 346, 360 Shuel, Donald Ames . „ .190, 399 Shuffiebotham, Ronald T. 322 Shula, Robert Joseph ...190, 277, 279, 282, 294, 296, 432161 Shull, Harry D. Jr. Shull, Mary Louise 375 Shulmier, Mary Ellen 381 190, 313 Shuman, Larry Allan Sidel, Alan Wayne 388 Sidell, James Paul 216 Sieboldt, Sue Ellen 431 Siefker, Phyllis 325 Siegel, James Charles 190, 442 Siegle, Irvin 447 Siegle, Renee 336 Sieron, Farlene Ruth. 200, 319, 358 Sieron, Jerry Kenneth 176 Siesky, Charles L. 254 Sigalow, Jerome L. 401 Sigma Alpha Iota 303 Sigma Delta Chi 301 Sigma Iota Epsilon 305 Sigma Theta Tau 309 Sikes, Pressley S. 153 Silberman, Harold A 159 Silcox, D. William 373 Silence, Linda Kay 390 Siler, Edward Irving 359 Silver, Linda Kay 54, 176, 293, 349 Silver, Sandra Jean , 412 333168, Silverman, Morris Silverman, Phyllis Sue 385 Silverman, Robert M. 435 Silverman, William C 401 Silvers, Margaret C 370 Silvers, Shirley Jean 370, 392 Simerly, Sylvia Irene 381 Simmons, Diane 200, 421 Simmons, Ella Louise 327 Simmons, George B Simmons, James G 190, 428367 Simmons, Ruth Ellen 358 Simms, Bonita Sue 384 Simon, James F 334 Simon, Ruth Ann 380 Simon, Stephanie Irene 200, 335, 400 312 Simon, Stephen Harley 359 Simon, Steve 419 Simons. William 176 Simpson, George Wilfred 361 Simpson, Roy Junior 204, 381 Simpson, Viola Jane Simpson, George W 299, 359 Simpson, Jane 303 358 Sims, Gordon Lee Sims, Karen Kay 379 410 Sims, Joanne Elizabeth 440 Sims, Mary Jo 356, 402 Sinex, Margaret 297 Singerton, Sammy 372 Singleton, Roger A. Singer, Samuel L.....297, 377, 435 Sinnett, David Barth 176, 282, 344, 348, 373 Sipf, Arthur Vernon 314 369 Sirkle, Janet Ann 190, 315, 437 Sirkus, Sanford W.. 444 Sisk, James Earnest 211 Sisler, Louis 430 Sisson, Herbert A. Jr 426 Sites, Howard Fred 385 Sittler, Delta Diane 311, 432 Skaggs, Robert Ray Skehan, Michael Paul 311, 405 Skelly, Cynthia Ann Skeleton Club Skelton, Lawrence H 190, 318 Skievaski, Jack 424 Skillman, Donald Rex 362 Skinner, Phyllis Ann 368 Slabaugh, Ralph T. 211 Slagle, Jack 223 Slamkowski, John Stanley 229 Slampyak, Raymond 376 Slattery, Ann 383 Slavens, Janice Kay 384 Slavens, Joyce Ann 371 Slavens, Myra Kay 410 Slazas, Carolyn Jean
312, 387 Sleeth, Robert Paul 211 Slenker, G. R. Jr. 444 Slingsby, Patrick G. 329, 387 Slobodkin, Michael E. 298, 389 Slott, Patricia Ann Sly, Virginia Lee 279, 282, 286, 433 384 Smale, Judith Kay 385 Small, Janet Kay 282, 399 Small, Larry Kent 380 Small, Martha Ellen 358 Small, Ronald Ernest 440 Smalley, Judith Ann 382 Smalley, Sandra Jo 325 Srnich, Sharon 367 Smiddy, Russell C 385 Smiley, Olive Ann 200 Smith, Anita Ellen 390 Smith, Anita Louise 223 Smith, Ann Kay Smith, Anne 337 378, 392 Smith, Carl Eugene 320, 376 Smith, Catherine May Smith, Colleen .282, 291, 303, 321, 403, 421 323 Smith, Clarke 336 Smith, Cora Lee 190, 322, 329 Smith, Dana L. 176, 323 Smith, David M. 399 Smith, Dennis .190, 317 Smith, Donald Howard. 311 Smith, Donald Lee 387 Smith, Donald Paul 190 Smith, Edward Eugene 438 Smith, Ernest W. 176 Smith, Everett E. Smith, Mrs. Frederick 433 176, 367 Smith, Gene William 211 Smith, Gordon Richard 361 Smith, Hugh Allen 382 Smith, Jacqueline Sue Smith, James 0. Jr...190, 315, 425 419 Smith, James Sylvester 441 Smith, Joel Ray 286, 293, 304 Smith, Kay 380 Smith, La Donna Jean Smith, Linda Ann. ...282, 286, 420 371 Smith, Lois Ann Smith, Margaret Inez 190, 298, 382, 403 200, 323 Smith, Marjorie Ann Smith, Marlene Kay 176, 272, 293, 336 Smith, Marvin Dewitt 223 Smith, Michael Lee 254 Smith, Nancy Jean 448 Smith, Nancy Lee 334, 362 Smith, Natalie 200 Smith, Nelson J. III 350 Smith, Patsy Jo 176 Smith, Phyllis Kay... 190, 282, 370 Smith, Richard Nelson . . . .190, 399 Smith, Robert Alton II 424 Smith, Robert D 378, 399 Smith, Roger H 211, 301 176 Smith, Ronald H. 414 Smith, Russell Earl 204 Smith, S. Colleen Smith, Samuel Lee . . .190, 416, 422 Smith, Sandra Ellen. .288, 335, 420 Smith, Sharon 379 Smith, Stephen Dudley 216 Smith, Susan Irene 286, 420 Smith, Suzanne . . 207, 271, 282, 286, 423, 529 Smith, Terry Clayton ..... 190, 229, 318, 344, 387 Smith, Virginia Lee 190, 417 Smith, Walter E. 346 Smith, Wayne 360 Smith, William R 399 302, 404 Smitherman, Ronna R... Smithwood, Wing I 379 Smithwood II 381 Smithwood, Wing III 384 Smithwood IV 386 Smoot, Walter Kenneth 229 442 Smoots, Ronnie Lee Snapp, William Ed . . . .207, 282, 426 Snay, George Bennett 360 409 Snell, Robert Byron 200, 320 Snepp, Barbara Ellen 421 Snider, Kay Snively, Helen Irene 320, 376 Snow, Patricia Ann . 319, 333, 376 325 Snyder, Dawn Snyder, Donna Jane 384 362 Snyder, Jacquelyn M. Snyder, Juanita Kay 176, 282, 339, 421 223 Snyder, Judith Ann Snyder, Ned De Wayne. .. .364, 442
176, 442 Snyder, Norman Karl 325 Snyder, Patricia 407 Snyder, Richard A 407 Snyder, William F. Jr 385 Soash, Sharon Annette 321 Social Service Club Society for Advancement of 318 Management 367 Sodervick, Bruce Werner 327 Sofia, Tason 365 Soforic, Andrew 176, 323 Sohn, Anton Paul Sohn, William Peter. .190, 296, 426 405 Solaro, Barbara C. 413 Solier, Linda Lou 377 Solloway, William J 335, 440 Solms, Eleanor J 377 Solms, Francis Edwin 437 Solomon, Bernard D Sommer, Jon William .256, 298, 438 382 Sondgerath, Sharon Rose 323 Sonells, George W. 155 Sonneborn, T. M. Sons, Linda Ruth 333, 376 275 Sophomore Class 200 Sopko, Carol Sue 289 Sorrells, Morris Lee 427 Sosinski, Philip G 325 Sottong, Annette 190 Souligny, Donald J. 387 South Cottage Grove 387 South Hall A Buccaneers 388 South Hall B Knights 275, 372 Southard, Harold 0. 327 Southgate, Bernard IV 379 Southworth, Hudner L 385 Sovine, Ruth Jane 421 Sovola, Dwayne S. 424 Sowerwine, Peter Von 426 Spahr, Frederick T. 104, 411 Spain, Sarah Ann 297, 436 Spangler, Ferd John Jr... 323 Spangler, John Samuel 314, 422 Sparks, David Ross 410 Sparks, Jane Ann 369 Sparks, Judith Ann 325 Sparks, Ramona 448 Sparr, Helen Deanne 439 Spasser, Harriet F 372 Spaulding, David Spaulding, Max F .278, 343, 399 Spaulding, Norman W. .. 54, 190, 268, 282, 286, 399 369 Spear, Shirley K. 369 Spears, Betty Jo 305 Spedding, Robert 321 Speech and Hearing Club 358 Speer, Barbara Ann 190 Speer, Howard Sheldon 413 Spence, Linda Nell 411 Spencer, Allen 200 Spencer, Darrell Vern 207 Spencer, David Andrew 244, 367 Spencer, Harold Lee 376 Spencer, Patsy Ann 190, 414 Spencer, Thomas A 200 Speth, Paul H 296 Sphinx Club 405 Spicer, Kay 400 Spiker, Judith Ann 256, 436 Spillman, Barton Lee 390 Spindler, Darlene M. Spindler, Parker Jerome 190, 313, 445 427 Spivey, Arthur W. Jr. 254 Spivey, Raymond Douglas Spivey, Susanne 385 176 Sprengelmeyer, James T. 419 Springfield, Warren R. Sprinkle, Alice Ann 375 Sprinkle, Jerry Ray 312, 364 216 Sproull, Terrence R Spruill, Marsha Faye 353 Sprunger, Frederick F 306 331 Spuzich, Sandra Ann Square and Compass 316 Sriver, Eugene Robert.. 190, 346, 378 St. John, Virginia 356, 440 425 St. Leger, F. Wm. Hugh Stachura, Judith Ann 384 Stagg, Michael John 377 Staggs, Stephen Douglas . .176, 427 270, 440 Stahl, Margaret J 386 Stahl, Rose Mary 448 Stahlschmidt, Mrs. Walter 211 Stalcup, Wayne 436 Staley, John M 410 Stamats, Janet Lee 359 Stamper, Richard A. 361 Stanger, David Henry 411 Stangle, William Jack 207 Staniunas, Gretchen M
190, 399 Stanley, Karol V. Stanley, Zonda Kay.. 298, 322, 380 200, 400 Staples, Carole Rene Stark, Miriam E. 390 196 Stark, Ronald Lee Starkey, Bette L. 274, 291, 298, 356, 420 409 Starr, Frank Clinton 298 Starr, G. W. Starr, Judith 384 200 Stasco, Yvonne 0 Stassus, Richard G. 332, 426 385 Stauffer, Nancy R 190, 441 Steckley, Philip R Steckley, Suzanne C. 176, 440 425 Stedman, Kenneth Ronald Stedman, William Arthur 367 190 Steen, Harold Alvin 200 Steeves, Sue Ann Stefan, Richard Joseph 190, 313, 314 Steger, Janet Lynn . . .319, 423, 529 Stegman, Jean M. 336, 412 200, 439 Stein, Ellen Marcia 441 Steinborn, William E Steiner, Donald Paul 392 Steiner, Judith W 381 436 Steingraber, Frederick 200, 402 Steinkamp, Mary E 380 Stellhorn, Charlene J 190 Stelling, Jerome P 312, 364 Stelmach, Jerry J 216 Stemle, Duane L 438 Stemle, Lynn John Stemle, Miriam Helen 335, 384 426 Stenacker, John L. Stenhouse, Sandra Ann 200, 319, 320, 404 381 Stephan, Anna Louise 358 Stephens, Rolland R. 377 Stern, Malcolm Eugene 433 Stern, Nancy Lee 190, 424 Stern, Walter P 288, 383 Sternberg, Carolyn L 383 Sternfield, Edith R 336, 437 Steuer, Thomas M Stevens, Edward C. .176, 282, 322, 442 228 Stevens, Wilbur 325 Stewart, Anita 416 Stewart, James G. 412 Stewart, Virginia H. Stewart, William Lee 190, 238, 282, 416 Stickler, Sharon Elaine... .319, 382 Stieglitz, James Allen 306 Stieglitz, Laurence DeLong . .216, 361 Stienecker, Sara L. 200, 402 Stiles, Nancy Jane 384 Stilinovich, Nada Ann 200 Stillman, William Earl. .328, 359 Stine, Hal 378 Stinson, Patricia J. 404 Stirdley, Ed 427 Stitzer, Judith Ann 302, 385 Stiver, Rosalyn 325 St. John, Virginia R. 356, 440 St. Leger, Francis W. H. 176, 425 St. Martin, Ronald F 176 Stockberger, Stephan 441 Stockwell, Robert Max 425 282, 410 Stoeckley, Ann R Stoelting, Donna S. 380 441 Stoelting, Robert K Stoffer, Paul Raymond 276, 329, 373 Stokes, David Terry 445 Stoltz, Charles Robert 426 Stoltz, Peggy Ann .176, 303, 410 Stone, Charlotte A 404 Stone, Elizabeth Ann 333 Stone, Lynn 317, 369 Stone, Karin Mae... .320, 371, 392 Stone, Robert Charles 216 Stoner, Clifford Edward... .190, 287 Stoner, Ralph Milton 388 Stoner, Rebecca Ann 433 407 Stoner, Richard Alvin 407 Stoner, Robert Gene Stonerock, Emily Luise 386 Stonesifer, Gerald M. Jr. 363 386 Stoops, Ethel Louise Stoops, Joyce Mae 300, 323 216 Storey, Ben Charled 370 Storey, Helena M Stouder, Alice Jo 275, 292, 336, 402 Stouder, Darcy Jane 287, 327 Stouder, Jane Ann .176, 290, 307, 350 380 Stouder, Judith Stouder, Stephen R. 323
270, 402 Stouder, Suzzette 190, 392 Stout, James Leroy .. Stove, Jeanne L. .176, 282, 287, 376 Stover, William R 387 Stowe, Carol Ann 275, 288, 329, 362 423, 529 Strain, Abigail June Strain, Edwin Helt 368 Strain, Mary Alice 381 Stratman, Joseph Robert 190, 318, 374 311 Strattan, Judith Anne Strauss, Barbara Jane 176, 291, 321, 439 Strauss, Phillip B 361 176 Straw, William Thomas 176 Streaty, Charles E. 392 Streaty, Richard Andre 390 Street, Martha Jean Street, Webster G. 372 Strege, Violet . .176, 298, 300, 322 Strempel, Kurt Frederick . 223, 308 190, 437 Strick, Gerald H Strickle, Carol 325, 326 282, 427 Strickland, James W. Strickland, Jerald W. 176, 306 Strickland, Jill E.. .54, 176, 282, 420 Stroble, Jon Alan 368 Stronach, Jessica M 390 Strozewski, Richard R. 428 311, 417 Strubbe, Barbara Ann Strupp, David John 436 Stuart, Nancy Jean 190, 379 Stuart, Susan Kay . . .337, 423, 529 Stuckey, Charles Alton 366 Stucky, Janet 320 Stucky, Judith Anne 176, 440 Stucky, Karen J. 320 Student Athletic Committee 286 Student Government 268, 272 442 Studer, Wayne Ashley Stuhldreher, William D 287 Stukey, Sue Ann 383 Stump, Jerry Dunkin 342, 432 Stump, Perry 211 Stunt, Jerry 432 404 Sturcke, Barbara Ann 390 Sturdevant, Susan Agnes Stuteville, Catherine J. 381 390 Stutsman, Beryl Ann Subow, Deborah 320, 379 428 Sucec, Donald N. 409 Suchma, Donald W. 322, 420 Suer, Jeri Cecile Sugarman, Judith Ann 382 Sullivan, David Andrew 190 Sullivan, Elizabeth A 433 Sullivan, Judith A. 400 Sullivan, Neil Edward 191 Sullivan, Norma P. 321, 370 Summe, Sandra Sue 381 Summers, Bill K. 352 Summers, John Mark 278, 392 Summers, Larry Dean 345, 391 Summers, Phillip Max 359 Summers, William Dean .176, 301 Summers, William K. 329, 391 Sumukii, Rukmantoro H. 327 Sungail, John Peter 229 Susan, Judith Kaye 369 Susic, Philip A 191, 317, 335 Sutherland, Mary Alice 404 Sutherland, Warner C 191, 407 Sutherlin, Richard S 200, 303 Suttles, Barbara Jean 385 Sutton, David Leroy. .191, 318, 438 Sutton, Linda Jane 385 Sutton, Richard Alan 176, 442 Sutton, William Carey 368 Suvanatad, Nattethong 368 Svetanoff, Gerald N 191 Swadener, Phillip M 287 Swaidner, Lowell Myron 378 Swain, Sharon Lynn 417 Swank, Kathryn E. 288, 391 Sweeney, John Hays 301 390 Sweet, Sarah Frances 423, 529 Swick, Gayle Irene 191 Swift, Sarah Anne Swift, William Curry 436 Swift, William D. 191, 282, 342, 409 Swinford, Jayne Kay 380 Swisher, Gerald E. 373 Switzer, Judy Lee 200 Swope, Sally Bain 405 Sycamore Hall 388 Sylvester, James Edward.... 312, 387 Sylvester, Walter W. 359 Symons, Gale F 337 Szabo, Robert Joseph 393 191, 392 Szanyi, John Louis
T Takacs, William Edward Takemoto, Wayne S 328, Talbot, Robert M. Jr. Talbot, Sara D. Talbott, Marilyn Dee Talesnick, Nora Jane 176, 321. 336, Talty, Shirley Ann Tamcsin, Dawn E..176, 291, 339, Tan, Binky Tanabe, Dick Tankersley, Sue Anne Tanksley, Sue Ann 334, Tanner, Donald Lee Tapp, Joan Elaine 320, Tardy, Jerry Frederick Tarnow, Nancy Jo . . . .282, 286, Tarnow, Robert C. Tarnow, Suellen Tason, Sofia Rebeca Tasto, Kathleen M. Tate, David L Taub, Elaine Tau Beta Sigma Tau Kappa Epsilon Taylor, Charles Thomas Taylor, Christine 327. 375, Taylor, Jacqualin S. Taylor, Judy Kay Taylor, Marilyn J Taylor, Michael Alan Taylor, Patricia Lee Taylor, Roosevelt Jr. Taylor, Willis Dawson Teagle, Allen W Teboe, Allen McKinzie 201, Ted, Judith Diane Teetor, David Tegeler, Judith Lynn 289, Telle, J. Thomas Tennyson, Robert Scott .. 303, Terbush, Edward Lamont Terkhorn, Henry K Terrell, Ronald Raymond Terrell, Thomas H. Tesec, Maola Testut, Richard S. Jr. 318, Teush, Jean Anne Te Vault, Carol Tewell, William Howard
229 365 436 176 381 389 201 410 176 246 390 389 363 431 427 318 191 362 375 201 377 381 304 444 229 403 191 384 323 323 176 366 427 301 366 381 414 404 436 425 216 287 256 436 375 441 384 191 424
Tharp, Darlene Sue Thayer, Robert Sherwood... 315, Theta Alpha Phi Theta Sigma Phi Thevenow, Mary Jane Thieme, Philip R. Thiery, Thomas Allen Thom, Constance F. Thom, Stephen A 312, Thoman, Harold W. Jr. Thomas, Barbara K. Thomas, Benjamin F Thomas, Charles Richard Thomas, Henriette Lynn 298, Thomas, Jane R. Thomas, Janice Thomas, Jayne Vee Thomas, Kermit Boyd Thomas, Michael J. Thomas, Neal Markle 176, Thomas, Patricia A. Thomas, Ray C. Thomas, Rebecca Ellen 311, Thomas, Richard Jess. Thomas, Riette Doris298, Doris..191, Thomas, Robert Dale Thomas, Tracy Thomas, Veneita Gail Thomasson, Peggy Lee Thompson, Bruce Reinier Thompson, Donald J. II . 176, Thompson, Doris J 291, 337, 375, 415, Thompson, Edward Allen 191, Thompson, Glenn E Thompson, Henrietta M. Thompson, Jack S. Thompson, Jerry Lee. .191, 238, Thompson, Joyce Marie. 327, Thompson, Margaret A 293, 325, 326, Thompson, Marilynn Thompson, Ralph Gilbert Thompson, Robert W. Thompson, Samuel R 191, Thompson, Shirley Anne. Thompson, Stanley W. Thomson, Marilyn Thornburg, Judith 303, Thornburg, Richard W 314, Thornburg, Robert E. Jr. Thornton, John Howard Thorson, Barbara Jane Thrasher, Ora
390 392 307 300 440 312 366 379 441 191 417 287 216 386 380 418 370 377 287 201 293 148 323 445 352 444 155 201 389 425 323 441 254 298 191 201 427 375 381 385 430 156 323 381 416 325 389 365 191 407 176 425
Threadgill, William 1-1. Thulin, Charles Norman Thulin, David Earl Thursfield, Joan A Thurston, Floyd E. Thurston, Maxine A Tidd, Rita D. Tiemann, Frances L. 201, 329, Tietig, Agnes L. Tillett, Linda Tillim, Robert Lewis Tillman, Don Leon Tillman, Stanley M 191, Timberlake, Robert Gene. Timmons, Joan Claudette Tinkle, Charles E 312, Tinsley, Frank C Tiplick, Dan Tipps, Ralph Eugene Tipton, Mary Catherine 270, 356, Titus, Janice Darlene Toalson, Robert Frank Tobin, Virginia Emily Todd House Todd, John David Todd, Jon Larry Todd, Linda Ann.. ..201, 319, .254, 310, Toensing, Craig E. Toensing, Trent David Tolbert, Robert Daniel Tolchinsky, Marcia S. 336, Tolle, Marisa La Rae Tomahawk Tomczak, John Joseph Tomlinson, Stephen Lee Tompkins, John Aaron Toppe, James Allen 304, Torode, Leonore D. Totman, Laurence E. Totten, Hugh Wilson Tousley, Mary E Tower, Nancy Lou .......334, Townes, Henry Carol Townsend, Janet E 191, 299, 340, Townsend, John Townsend, Reese Townsend, Robert Bruce 282, 311, Tozier, Helen M. Tracy, Ronald Robert Trager, Stanley Ivan Tragesser, Herbert A. Tragesser, Sarah L.
318 441 436 420 359 380 385 359 287 380 401 378 407 318 385 366 365 191 191 404 383 445 362 391 366 314 320 387 387 216 390 400 293 191 366 223 363 390 323 373 320 385 393 402 228 308 399 287 426 387 428 376
Traicoff, Donald 223 Trapp, Leland Ray 347, 365 Trapp, Marilyn Ann 335 Trapp, Vernon Le Roy 387 Traub, Norma 325 191, 448 Traumer, Sylvia B Trautwein, Dessa S 336, 381 Trautwein, Linda 325 420 Traylor, Jo Ann 442 Treadgill, William Treanor, James Edwin 436 Trees Center Board of Governors 347 Trees, Veronica Ann 370 191, 399 Trenary, David K. 191 Trense, Charles F. Trent, Marilyn 288, 304 Trethewey Joseph T 191, 303, 347, 365 216 Trick, Otho Lee 327, 362 Trinkun, Irene 311, 444 Tripiciano, Patrick P Tripplehorn, Barbara K 370 Tritch, Sarah Ann . . .201, 282, 300, 332, 336, 339, 412 438 Trobaugh, James E. Trockman, Howard Pierce .211, 301 323 Troeger, Thomas A. 362 Trokss, Biruta M 191 Trowbridge, Hugh D. Trowbridge, Myrna D. 304 Trubitt, Hillard J 301 Tsuchiya, Ronald Ryozo 328, 365, 446 419 Tucker, Robert N. Tucker, Sharon Elaine 315, 379 414 Tuel, John Carrell Tuggle, Richard Allen 345, 445 191 Turbin, Donald Gene 191, 313 Turbowitz, Leslie David.. Turchi, John 233 424 Turnak, Richard Michael Turner, Isabelle E. 327, 375 Turner, James L. 297, 399 Turner, Jane Lefley .... .... 176 Turner, Kenneth J....176, 345, 363 216 Turner, Roderick H. Turpin, Nancy Ellen 379 242 Tuttle, Carl Richard 440 Tuttle, Lynn Twiggs, Eleanor Lucille 323 Tyler, William L. III 388 Tyndall, John Phillip 345 409 Tyre, Dale William
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385 191, 416
Usher, Janet Gay Uzelac, Sam
U Uebelhoer, John Joseph Uhles, Edward C. Jr Ujdak, Gerald Joseph Ukockis, James R Ullmann, Margaret Ullstam, Donald R. 284, Ullstrup, Karen Ulsas, Patricia Sue Umphrey, Thomas J. Underhill, Thomas W. Underwood, Mary E. Underwood, William T. Ungar, Tom W. Unger, Fred William Unkuri, Roland W. Unversaw, Alison J. Urban, Patricia L. 274, 319, Urdal, Robert Michael .... 191, 242, Urschel, Lewis James Urschel, Margory
223 177, 244 201, 387 367 325 361 292, 423 410 275, 438 191 383 219 191 227 303, 434 413 337, 410 313, 318 . 223 223
V Vacendak, Bernard A. Vail, Marcia Lou Valiska, George J. Vanator, Dolores J. Vance, Marsha K. Van Cleve, Stephan A. Van Dame, Sandra Vanden, Bossche Michael Vanderkleed, Louanne Vandervort, Lynn A Vandevert, Cynthia W. Van Dorn, Carl Edson Van Eck, Virginia Vangel, Stephen James 191, Van Huysen, Gretchen M. Van Marcke, Susanne K Van Matre, Suzanne R.
393, 424 201 287 440 336, 400 360 325 428 325 384 431 211 317, 400 335, 392 400 376 287
Van Nus, Frederick Van Nuys, John D. Van Senus, James R. Van Senus, John F. Van Senus, Robert A Van Sipma, Irene L. .201, Van Tornhout, Lee Van Wieren, Richard D. Varkalis, Skaidrite Varkony, Jo Ann Carole 177, Vaughan, Allene Vaughan, Connie Mae Vaught, Richard Loren Vavrek, Doris Jean Veach, Henry B. Veale, Sharon Lynne Velarde, Sonia Ester Velasquez, Peter John Velte, Shelby Ann Venezia, Joe A Versteeg, Carol Joanne Vertesch, Paul Francis Very, Lawrence Edward. Veteto, Glenda Dawn Viers, Jesse Franklin
219, 306 212 407 416 177 321, 400 393 360 .333, 384 273, 440 362 379 216 320 154 379 327, 375 191 274, 410 442 382 392 191, 424 375 363
Vignolo, Roger Ernest Villiger, Donna Vincz, Albert Andrew Vingee, Charlotte S Vise, Paul Joseph Vitale, Albert S. Vitello, Angeline Rose... 191, Vititoe, William Paul . .247, 270, Vlcek, Roselle Voegeli, Marlene Mary Vogel, Barbara Ann Vogel, Melvin Dean Vogt, Michael John Volt, Sonya Anne Vokurka, Barbara Jean 335, Von Cleave, Linda Voyles, Harry Elwood Jr. Vonderbeck, Sue Vondrak, Edward Voorhees, Annette V Vore, Robert 0. Votaw, Robert Barnett Vucich, David Joseph .191, 315, Vukelick, Judith Anne Vukovich, Carol Jean Vukovich, Peter J.
317 325 191 369 368 367 417 438 325 370 418 216 366 383 381 362 216 370 360 413 219 436 388 381 413 387
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Wade, Bob Wade, Douglas M.....177, 282, Wade, Jack Leslie 177, 273, 282, 296, Wade, Maryrose Wade, Warren Ronald Waggoner, James Paul Waggoner, Susan Mae Wagley, Robert Allen Wagner, Donald W. Wagner, Julia C 177. Wagner, Larry Eugene Wagner, Norman Gene Wagner, Paul Gerald Wagner, Richard Donald Wagner, Shirley D. Wagoner, Anne Turner Wagoner, Dale Eugene Wagoner, Donald Dirk. .392. Wagoner, John E. Wahnsiedler, Nancy Wainscott, Sharon B. Wakefield, Ronald Wayne Wakeford, Norene June Walczak, Carl W. Walden, Deborah Walden, Robert 248, Walden, Ronald Lee Waldkoetter, La Rue A.... 336, Waldon, Judith Anne Waldron, Sally G Walgamuth, Arden Dee Walker, Ann Walker, Carolyn R Walker, Eloise Walker, James Carhart Walker, Karen Anne Walker, Lillian Jo Ann 201, 291, 327, 403, Walker, Linda Kay 201, 284, 321, 423, Walker, Susanna Walker, Thomas D 191, 282, 296, Wall, Ed Wall, Frank Edward. 282, 345, 346. 352, Wall, Robert Thomas Wallace, Janice Sue Wallace, Kenneth W 191, 318, 345, 346, Wallace, Larry Keith 153. Wallace, Leon M. Wallace, Lenora Lee Wallace, Patricia J. Wallis, Edward B 297. Wallis, Patricia Sopata Walls, George Phillip Walsh, Cynthia L. 331, Walter, Charles James Walter, James Andrew Walter, Judy Ann Walterhouse, Hilary D. Walters, Donald Lee Walters, Robert Warren Walters, Stacia 369, Walters, Sue Carolyn Walton, Ronnie Joseph Walton, Susan Arline Walton, Thelma Pearl 177, 320, 370, Waltz, Rosalee Wambaugh, John W Wambo, John Mack... ...... Wampler, Joseph D...191, 296, Wampler, Sue Alice Wannemuehler, Ronald F. Warbinton, Fred P Warbritton, Kenneth S. Ward, Jerome Earl Ward, John K. Ward, Kay Ellen 282, 322, 336, Ward, Sharon Ware, John Reed 211, Ware, Robert C Warner, Ann Sayers Warner, Mary Carole Warner, Suzanne Warren, Clifton Lanier Warren, Robert J Warshawsky, Larry H. 295, 301, 312, 353,
328 438 407 376 367 191 370 364 399 351 391 201 393 287 373 177 177 444 426 325 381 368 211 318 433 332 438 402 376 384 441 325 390 440 223 391 436 400 529 499 286 359 353 320 366 368 208 390 440 335 325 377 384 191 343 412 207 333 425 390 405 361 370 408 379 445 323 317 412 256 216 360 229 426 404 325 216 301 383 380 325 350 216 372
Wartz, Tom E Washburn, John B. Wasson, Loretta Joy Wasson, Paul Waterfield, Jane F Waterford, Charlotte A. 201, 299, 376, 412, Waterman, Anne E 336, 312, Waters, Dan Marshall Waters, Jon Marshall Watkins, Donald Lee Watkins, Robert W. Watson, Joe F. Watson, Kenneth Carl Watson, Mary Emelie Watson, Patty Jean Watson, Robert E. 282, 314, 342, Watt, Barbara Lorraine 177. 300, Watts, Kenneth Philip Waugh, Judith Ritchie Weasner, Paul Dean Weatherwax House Weaver, Beverly Carlene Weaver, Daniel Stephen Weaver, Donald Eugene Weaver, James David 315, Weaver, Nancy Lou Weaver, Ruth Lynne Webb, James Howard Webb, Mildred Blanche Webb, Mildred Elizabeth 296, Webb, Ronald John Webber, Jane Carolyn 201. 3 1 9, Weber, David R. 269, 312, 323, 329. 333, Weber, Don Nicholas..312, 332, Weber, Emil Lee Weber, James E Weber, Luise Mardel..177, 319, Weber, Stephen Jon Webster, Carole Eileen Webster, Frank A. .423, Webster, Joyce Adele. Webster, Nancy Jane..286, 412. .192, Weddle, John Orville .333, Weedman, Parmula K. Weeks, Ralph Harmon. .295, Wegener, Bessie Anna Wegert, Vernon Delano Wegner, Sharon Kay Weibel, Sharon Suzanne Weigand, Phil Clayton Weigle, Carolyn Marie. 319, 214, Weik, Donald Elmer Weiku, Chia Weiland, Kathryn Lou. 201, 291, Weiller, Nancy Ellen 378, Weimer, Miriam Kay .325, 326, Weinberg, Irene Ruth Weinberger, Myron H Weinstein, Philip B Weir, Joan Elizabeth 319, Weisbarth, Sally Ann Weisenberger, Fred A Weiss, Ronald Marc Welborn, James York Welborn, Richard Earl Welch, Bernard Leroy 345, Welch, Ray Robert 345, Weldy, E. Robbins Weldy, John William 315, Welk, Don Weller, Mark Schriefer Wellington, Randy Wellman, Gene Merlin Wells, Gareth A. ... 254, 311, 317, .149, 150, Wells, Herman B. Wells, Shirley H. Wells, William W. Weninger, Edgar Daniel Wennerstrom, Mary H. 334, Werden, Jerry Neil Werger, James Werling, Jerry Erwin 346, Werner, Anita 326, Werry, Norman Arnold 292, Wertz, Jean Frances Wertz, Richard K 287, Wertz, Sara Lynne Wesolowski, Richard P. Wesp, Carole Christine 207, West, Betty J 204, West, Carol Ruth
289 414 370 366 201 415 410 372 359 368 321 211 387 383 370 434 389 192 362 177 391 390 443 416 399 433 386 426 177 300 424 320 346 442 426 287 358 441 390 301 529 433 424 385 333 431 314 382 375 438 370 229 321 440 380 389 385 447 177 382 286 360 192 216 207 362 364 409 363 317 359 413 177 411 151 201 409 392 381 443 323 378 352 201 389 323 433 192 331 325 334
West, John Ashton .315, 317, West, Kathleen M West, Michael D. West, Roy Lee West, Sally Lynne Westminster Foundation Weston, Marjorie C 274, 282, 291, 298, 300, 192, Wetzel, Walter John Whalen, Edward L. .177, 268, 269, 280, 281, 282, 287, 294, 314, Wheatley, Gordon Eugene Wheeler, Ruth Lynn Whetsell, Charlene Whippo, Barbara Whitaker, John R Whitaker, Richard Arlen Whitaker, Robert Joel Whitcomb, Mary Ann White, Allen Russell 201, White, Eugene K. White, Jonelle White, Marilyn E White, Nancy Jo White, Nicholas White, Patricia Sue White, Phyllis Diane. 292, 336, 423, White, Rebecca Jane 331, White, Relton Calvin White, Robert K. White, Ronald Melvin White, Ronald Neal White, Virginia Whiteford, Judith G. Whiteley, Pat Ann Whitelock, Susan E. 201, Whiteman, Donna Marie Whitesell, Gwen Lanier .229, Whitesell, Michael W. Whitham, Dalbert 192, Whitlow, Robert Dale .303, Whitmer, Carolyn Ross. Whitney, Nikki Sue Whybrew, Judith G. .201, 282, Whybrew, Norma L Wible, Charles Stephen Wible, Frances Kay Wible, Larry Lee Wible, Ralph William Wichern, Ronald Lee Wilkinson, Robert E. Widner, Jack .201, 282, 294, 296, 338, Wiegman, David Pau1.192, 317, Wien, Terry Donald Wiesjahn, Patricia J Wigginton, Judith S.. 292, 423. Wiggs, Buddy Lee... 192, 317, 192, Wigner, Jack P Wilburne, Edward S. Wild, Richard Albert Wildy, Charles Henry Wiley, Michael F. Wiley, Noel Hance Wiley, William D 377, Wilhite, James Kirkman Wilhoite, James Edmond Wilhoite, John Leland . 288, Wilke, Florence L Wilkens, Mary Ann..331, 356, Wilkeson, Darwin E. Jr. .. 192, Wilkins, Robert Gene Wilkinson, Gene Linden Wilkinson, Robert E. 238, Will, Donna Rae Will, Thomas Francis Wille, Naverne Willen, Judith Ann Willenberg, Ivan Lee Williams, Albert Ray Williams, Barbara Rose. 334, Williams, Berry Williams, Carl Williams, Clara 327, Williams, David H. Williams, David Michael Williams, Dean E Williams, Doris Jean Williams, Elise 284, 292, 333, 336, Williams, Elizabeth Ann. .331, Williams, Emery Emile Williams, Harold Warren Williams, Jack Williams, Janice L 327,
414 371 414 443 358 334 413 282 407 204 383 325 325 192 363 364 362 378 303 326 431 431 216 390 529 384 411 360 364 442 325 380 381 380 433 417 441 312 281 402 380 336 369 441 402 416 192 411 441 422 441 399 408 529 367 315 377 201 344 416 443 416 427 424 424 420 410 387 355 392 441 371 425 254 410 338 211 381 254 216 358 392 436 321 403 400 420 419 216 427 375
Williams, Jean Ann Williams, Joseph F. 343, 344, 348, 374, Williams, Joyce L. ..192, 376, Williams, Judith Ann ...... ... 177, 300, 353, Williams, Kent Williams, K. P. 192, Williams, Laurence A. Williams, Lloyd H. Williams, Marilyn Jane Williams, Marva Jean Williams. Nancy Lynn Williams, Patricia A. Williams, Richard Dee Williams, Richard N. Williams, Robert 0 Williams, Roland E 282, 311, 314, Williams, Roy Martin Williams, Thomas R 317, Williams, Wilma Jane Williamson, George Dale Williamson, John Edward ..... Williamson, Ken Howard..314, Williamson, Robert E. 328. Williamson, Sharon Lee....319. Willian, David Eugene Willits, Suzanne Ray ..I77, 320, Willsey, Edmore W Wilson, Ada Mary Wilson, Carol Eleanor ...356, Wilson, Carol Lynn 201, 322, Wilson, David Dewey Wilson, David Isaac Wilson, Diane D. _144, 201, Wilson, Dorothy E. Wilson, Douglas James Wilson, Fredrietta J...192, 287, Wilson, Gerald Warren Wilson, Gordon E. Wilson, Harry A Wilson, Harve Clark Wilson, Jean 192, Wilson, Jon Landon Wilson, Judith C. Wilson, Judith Lynne Wilson, Leland Wayne Wilson, Maryann. .320, 423, Wilson, Melville Duane Wilson, Phyllis Jean 315, 192, Wilson, Richard Stephen. Wilson, Robert C. Wilson, Sharon Ann Wilson, Sharon Lynn Wilson, Shelilah Ruth 337, Wilson, Walton W. Jr. Wilson, Warner Dean 289, 310, Wilson, William Edwin Wilson, William Robert Wimer, Margaret Ann 192, 315, Wimmer, Ronnie Joe Windell, Anthony Ade Winder, George E. Wingate, William G. Jr Winje, Karen Anna Winkler, Jerry W. 297, Winks, Thomas S. Winner, Stephen E. Winquist, Mary Ellen 282, 286, Winston, Stephanie K Winter, Doyle Gene.... .... 177, 272, 280, 294, Winter, Nancy Ruth Winters, Sarah Jane 301, Wireman, Lewis T Wirts, Stephen G. 192, 310, 317, Wische, Barbara Jane Wise, Donald Kay Wise, Marianne Wise, Patricia J. Wisner, Carolyn Ann Wisner, Kathleen Sue 336, Wisniewski, Stanley E. 321, 329, 335, Witham, Kay Witham, Martin . Witham, Robert James....373, Withem, Sybil Lee Witherspoon, William Charles . 201, Witte, Janet Marie Witte, Nancy Jane Witte, Norbert W. 238, Wittenberg, Joan Marie Wittenberg, Jon Albert
326 425 415 381 422 155 419 416 383 327 379 376 192 177 434 432 192 414 404 434 374 374 434 384 223 412 192 390 386 413 363 411 405 440 422 391 327 211 211 359 349 430 383 384 366 529 201 376 367 211 204 400 383 30 3 377 363 377 382 359 409 223 443 431 411 427 192 376 381 310 201 375 446 436 385 425 405 433 177 410 356 325 211 414 376 223 412 433 416 384 374
Wittman, Charles F. 192, 317 Witty, Eleanor Ann 201 Wiuff, Carl Jr. 334 Wohlfeld, Lowell 192 Wolcott, Letitia Ann 431 Wolcott, Richard M. 317, 411 Wolcott, Robert Michael 358, 446 Wolcott, Roger Anthony 317, 411 Wolf, Helen Mary 391 Wolfe, Dave 411 Wolfe, James William. .. .207, 365 Wolfe, Terrajean 405 Wolfe, Joseph Andrew 177 Wolfe, Judy Davida 379 Wolfe, Ronald Clifton.. 177, 416 Wolfe, Suzanne 381 Wolff, Phyllis Irene 192, 382 Wolfrum, Thomas H. II 359 192 Wolgast, Donald Richard Wolgast, Nanette 405 Women's Recreation Association 331 Wondrack, Florence S. 371 Wood, David S. 192, 298, 438 211 Wood, James Scott Wood, Nancy Elizabeth 384 Wood, Phyllis Kathryn 448 444 Wood, Russell W. Jr 216 Woodal, Robert Louis Woodburn, Robert 308 Wooden, Jacqueline Sue 292, 322, 336, 400 420 Woodfill, Jo Ann Woodfill, Sue Ellen 292, 420 Woodhams, James Robert 363 Woodling, Carolyn 309 192, 318 Woodmansee, Basil E. Woodmansee, Carol Ann 385 Woodruff, Dolly Ann 385 Woodruff, Mary 325 441 Woods, Winton D. Jr. Woodward, Mary Anne 370 Wooldridge, Corrine R 177 WooIls, Esther Blanche 177 Wootton, Mack Edward. . .311, 399 414 Wop, Roger 192, 406 Works, Carl Gene 192 Worley, Daniel E 289, 329 Worrell, Robert P Worth, Kathryn Ann 336, 402 Worthington, Dixie Lee 386 366 Wortman, William Keith 201 Wray, Norma Jean 331 WRA 349 WRH Executive Board WRH Judicial Court 349 287 Wright, Albert Junior 364, 406 Wright, Arnold Wood Wright, Beverly Jean 192, 284, 291, 299, 405 Wright, David Eugene 177 Wright, Diana C 177, 320 Wright, Donald Ramon 414 Wright, Emmet Gordon 192, 287, 289, 305 Wright, Frank 305 Wright, Gordon Louis 399 Wright, James Irving 254, 399 Wright, Jerry Joe. . ..314, 387, 427 Wright, Jeryl Lee 207, 248 Wright, Joyce Marie 362 Wright, Judith Anne 405 Wright, Judith Gay 201 Wright, Margaret Lois 390 Wright, Paula Ann 362 Wright, Richard Dale 377 Wright, Richard Downs 346 Wright, Rose Marie 381 Wright, Rosemary D 369 Wright, Susan 201 Wright, Wendell 152, 193 Wrigley, Thomas G. Jr. 192, 315, 444 Wrobleski, James A. 192, 428 Wurtz, Thomas E. 334, 430 Wyatt, Carole Sue 413 Wyatt, Constance Willis.. 356, 381 Wylie, Robert Reed 427 Wylie, Sharon Margaret ..... 282, 286, 423, 529 Wyman, Norman Ray 192, 315, 347, 348, 368 Wyneken, Kenneth Paul 388 Wysong, Mary Ruth 362 Wysong, Roberta Lou 293, 321, 327, 390
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Yalowitz, Geraldine H... ..... 201, 282, 293, Yancey, John Dickson Yancey, Robert Alfred 373, Yap, Harold Barry Yarber, James Orlan Yarling, Jeanne 0....204, 303, Yarling, John Lewis Yarling, Timothy L. Yasosky, Carol Ann Yates, Mary Susan Yeager, Marion Ernest Yeary, Harvey Lee Yellins, Samuel Yenne, Vernon Lee Yerkes, William Porter... .192, Yockey, Joy Lee Yore, James Edward York, Richard Lee Yosha, Louis Buddy Young, John Smith Young, Joseph W Young, Judith Ann. 282, 286, Young, Lawrence C. Young, Lois V 288, 337, Young, Mary Charlotte... 320, Young, Richard Sudlow Young, Robert Allan 314, Young, Sandra Kay Young, Stanley Lee Young, Vern Rex Youngman, Edward R. YMCA YWCA 336,
349 426 446 246 366 365 323 365 390 383 207 361 156 363 377 381 229 366 447 177 177 381 366 420 385 441 414 386 399 192 442 338 337
Zaft, Linda B. Zahm, Larry Eugene Zaiser, Le Noir Edward . . . . 322, Zander, Judith Ann ...... 337, . .. Zandstra, Kathleen loan Zappia, Philomena R. 291, 319, Zaremski, Sherman Charles 204, Zartman, Vance Allen Zatorski, Jeffery Zebendon, Charles A Zee, Sharon Rae Zehr, Herschel D. Zeldin, Bernice Toby Ziege, Edgar Arthur Ziege, Gudrun Marie 361, Zike, John Edwin Ziker, Robert Colman Ziller, Joan Loretta Zimmer, John F. Zimmerman, Carol Ann Zimmerman, Frank L 310, Zimmerman, Jane Zimmerman, Janice E 304, Zimmerman, Judith Carol 319, 336, Zimmermann, Larry Lee Zimmerman, Mary K Zimmerman, Ronald E Zimmerman, Sarah E .327, Zimmermann, Frank L. Jr. Zink, Rosanne 336, 423, Zint, Byron Alton 192, Zivich, Donald A. Zody, Charles F Zolkowski, Leon F. 317, Zolla, Robin Marcy Zonker, Jerry Lee 344, Zuckerberg, Marvin J Zudock, Mary Ann Zukerman, Allan B. Zukerman, Howard L. Zukowski, Ronald J Zumbrun, Jacqueline Kay Zunk, Thomas Zurcher, Carl Joseph..192, 310, Zury, Grace Elaine Zygmont, Jane M
381 392 427 362 216 404 216 311 177 287 362 378 385 368 368 445 447 385 364 418 311 319 389 421 445 431 414 ,1V333 529 391 407 248 414 389 393 192 380 378 437 426 223 378 387 269 383
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Makers of eagle Metal Furniture for Borne and Office
1958 Arbutus Staff Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief Gail D'Angelo Shaw Managing Editor Richard Monroe Art Editor Virginia Reed Art Staff Anita Duncan Joan Hanson Dixie Hinesley Ann Schubert Mary Jo Sims Copy Editors Wayne Armentrout Barbara Watt Copy Staff Dana Richardson George Smith Narrative Editor Diana Arvin Narrative Staff Patti Last Jack Linson Lynda Loeber Nancy Meyer Bobbie Meyerowitz Glenn Schram Mary Ann Wilkens Organizations Editor Donna Becker Organizations Staff Nancy Dean Nancy Leach Lois Riemersma Connie Throm
Picture Editor Tony Amdur
Sports Editor Kent Nixon
Contracts Staff Paula Garber
Photographers Irwin Becker Larry Bruner Bill Cogdell Richard Graber Herb Hoeltke Arne Hylin Jack Ojala Don Scott Bob Thayer Boscoe Wathan
Business Staff
Publicity and Promotion Manager Ray Lain
Residence Editor Eleanor Schmedel Residence Staff Suzanne Mitten Jill Frank Bonnie Brown Jane McWhinney Betty Starkey Scheduling Editor Dick Izen Scheduling Staff Nancy Dean Margaret Nelson Patricia Parric Yvonne Lea Kay Berquist Carolyn Helmke Gretchen Ernst Carol Battles Shirley Clark Carol Wilson Jane Baker Pat Pudlow Cathy Centlivre Sue Ann Newton Sandy Parries Schools and Administration Editor Ann Mahorney
Business Manager Lou Cohen Advertising Manager Guerry McNabb Advertising Staff Judy Goble Dick Leonard Jay Haskell Marilyn Mignin Barbara Sims Circulation Manager Bruce Hinton Circulation Staff Cynthia Garland Margery Zash William Threadeill Ann Piper Joanne McDowell Carol Mager Allen Kolb Wallace J. Fosnight Marcia Beard David Fine Carol Creech Schools and Administration Staff Judy Freedman Senior Section Editor Beverly Carmichael Senior Section Staff Marge Costin Sara Gerhart Barbara Davis Judy Fisher Contracts Manager Nancy Day
Publicity and Promotion Staff John S. West Ron Waggoner Virginia St. John Judy Ann Kessler Treasurer Sylvia Lagerwall Treasurer's Staff Rose Kariger
Personnel Staff Personnel Director Norman L. Linton Office Manager Gwen Whitesell Office Staff Ruth Autrey Karen Fisk Cathy Tipton Daniel Talbott Dottie Reasor Anita Klosinski Julianne Gillespie Sara Gerhart Judy Foster Donna Burd Merle Brody Carol Battles Pat Wallace Katie Worth Myrna Saffel Jean Gustafson Nancy Brown
Acknowledgements For their many helpful suggestions, their aid in removing difficulties, their attention to details, and their patience with our many demands, we wish to extend our sincere thanks to: Gretchen Kemp, Jim Mahler, Poynter McEvoy, William Martinson, and William Campbell, our faculty advisory board; Dolores Schreck, our secretary; Dick Merriman, and Howard
Belschwender of the C. E. Pauley Company, our printers; Dick Brier, Frank Persell, Jerry Ralston and Margaret Carey of the Indianapolis Engraving Company; Jack Bundy of the S. K. Smith Company, our cover suppliers; and Jerry Carlon of the Dexheimer-Carlon Studios, our senior portrait photographer Gail, Dick, Louie, and Norm
Man's greatest gift is creation. His greatest hope... acceptance: The value of life can be weighed On the scales of association and understanding. One of being's greatest joys is working Side-by-side with others— To the accomplishment of a goal worthwhile. In the world of Arbutus, the world of expression, We give our thanks to those who worked... To those who were... our people.
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Managing Editor
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