50 minute read

Jim Greenwood

The IU greek system contains 31 fraternities and 22 sororities, many of which are on the North Jordan extention. Other sites where greek houses are located include Third Street across from Jordan Hall and the Seventh and Woodlawn area, which includes the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, 441 N. Woodlawn Ave.
Greeks see herculean growth
'The greek system arrived at IU in 1845 when the Pi chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity was established. But it wasn't until 1870 that the first women's "fraternity," Kappa Alpha Theta, appeared on campus.
The Thetas were called a fraternity because the word "sorority" didn't exist until 1874 when a faculty member at Syracuse University in New York created the term for Gamma Phi Beta.
More than 110 years later, IUBloomington has become home to 31 fraternities and 22 sororities — one of the largest greek systems in the country. As big as it is today, the greek system has weathered tough times and has experienced numerous changes.
Alice Manifold, who pledged Alpha Phi sorority in 1952, is a Bloomington resident who has witnessed many of these changes. "Perhaps the biggest change," she said, "is that the rules are much more relaxed today than they were 20 or 30 years ago."
Manifold said that at that time there was no such function as a "keg" — activities revolved around dances and punch parties. Sororities had regularly enforced curfews; a member caught out after curfew or discovered sneaking out of the house could have her pin lifted, Manifold said.
She added that the greek system was more traditional when she was a pledge. Singing was a major activity. When a woman became pinned or lavaliered to a fraternity member, his entire house would serenade her—and then dump its brother in the Jordan River.
The most drastic change Manifold witnessed was the greek system's decline in popularity during the late 1960s and early '70s. Drugs, the war in Vietnam and individualistic attitudes sent the system into a tailspin. During this period, some people condemned the values of greek

organizations. As a result, the number of new members declined. Assistance from many chapters' national headquarters could not combat the growing apathy, and a few chapters folded. At IU, declining membership forced Alpha Xi Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Theta Xi and Sigma Gamma Rho to close in the 1970s. While Phi Mu and Tau Kappa Epsilon also are active on campus today, they also were inactivated.
Interest and enthusiasm have increased in the '80s. This year, IU had the largest number of women in the country participating in sorority rush, and Alpha Delta Pi was recolonized to meet the need for more sororities on campus.
This renewed interest seems to be representative of a national trend toward increased participation in greek organizations.
Nationally, sorority membership has increased 34 percent in the last 10 years. Fraternity membership also has increased nationally; in the past decade, the average size of a chapter has increased by 47 percent — from an average of 34 members in 1971 to an average of 50 members in
Interfraternity Council President John Shannon believes renewed interest in the greek system is a result of renewed interest in the values it offers. "Fraternities and sororities are very positive stepping stones to future endeavors," he said. "The greek system provides training and experience for future jobs."
Manifold said she believes it is the bonding process of sisterhood and brotherhood that attracts so many people. "It is a special bond that you share with complete strangers who may be in another chapter somewhere else in the country," she said. "And it is the friendships you make here that will last a lifetime."
Lynne Randazzo
The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at IU was the first "female fraternity" to appear, in 1870. From the 1907 class, left, to the 1985 group, above, the Thetas have remained one of IU's most active sororities.

In 1904 a fraternity was founded by the Masons, called "Acacia," a Greek word meaning "forever lasting." In 1916, the IU chapter was founded, and the members have lived in their present home on Third Street since 1938, although a few wings have been added to the house over the years. George Pinnell, University executive vice president and IU Foundation president, is an Acacia alumnus.

Front Row: Eric Kritzer, Bill Ziegert, George Sorrells, Greg Pink, Brant Lieske, Oli Kolar, Steve Kominiarek, John Liedtky. Second Row: Evan McBroom, Doug Edwards, Ric Fitzgerald, Gene Judd, Steve Haines, Kris Kallembach, Todd Marshall, Guy Cook, Darrell Dolan, Bill Akers, J.P. Simmons. Third Row: Mark Cannon, Steve Schmidt, Brad Kupper, Andy Long, Steve Gerono, Jeff Hilligoss, Cary Sierzputowski, George Grubb, Steve Reed, Jeff Farren, Mike Akers, Brian Gilman, Richard Daugherty, Mike Hewlett. Back Row: Paul Krackhardt, Kelly Schwedland, John Westby, Rich Simmons, Bill Donavon, Derik Ekrem, Bret Benefiel, Scott Robbins, Dan Oakley, Kevin Mayes, Troy Eakins.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded at Barnard College in 1909 by seven women who had been unable to join a sorority and decided to form their own social group instead. On Oct. 24,1984, the sorority celebrated its 75th anniversary with an appearance on the "Today" show.

Front Row: Betsy Goldberg, Judy Brenner. Missi Shainberg, Risa Bernard, Pam Fox, Lori Greenbaum, Susan Pfeifer. Second Row: Lynn Seidenberg, Denise Miller, Amy Hoyles, Kathy Papazian, Karen Murrie, Alexis Gladstone, Debbie Wise, Randi Hopmeier, Jodie Zahara. Third Row: Nancy Becker, Beth Weiner, Susan Bisno, Jane Neff, Alisa Lambert, Suzy Simon, Kande lken, Beth Jacobson, Karen Goldberg, Brenda-fay Tamsky. Fourth Row: Nancy Werman, Alisa Shamis, Cheryl Levin, Betsy Greenbaum, Julie Sinykin, Judy Ellman, Susie Blumenfeld, Lauren Fishman, Nancy Black, Jolie Hollander, Patti Foster, Laurie Eisendrath. Fifth Row: Tami Weitzman, Randi Spiegal, Carolyn Bergan, Jane Talman, Rebecca Garber. Cindy Pass, Terri Manis. Sixth Row: Laura Podhurst, Vicki Sanders, Lucy Rosser, Joan Bierman, Becca Labowitz, Judy Hopmeier, Marla Mayster, Mary Jo Schimpf, Rhonda Wiviott.
Alpha Chi Omega
Front Row: Hope Pearson, Shari Eckert, Robin Lipka, Kelly Bricker, Kate Laughlin, Christine Buchanan, Kathy Szmagaj, Joy Beanblossom, Paige Fowler. Second Row: Kelly Corbett, Diane Barkocy, Beth Lapata, Renee Morse, Nichole Clare, Colleen Jennings, Gigi Buday, Maria Carucci. Third Row: Dee Webber, Missy Coons, Mimi Hiatt, Michelle Lalioff, Kenitra Koon, Jenni Warner, Tracy Grimm, Kendra Pearl, Sue Johnson, Ann Pugh, Donna Eshleman. Fourth Row: Barb Roberge, Beth Christopher, Tonya Thomas, Sherri Kostoff, Katy Graham, Ann Milton. Julie Schenkel, Amy Weisfeld, Shelley Spencer, Missy Mamula, Lauren Dapper, Diane Bultemeyer. Fifth Row: Laura Mole, Mary Jo Hendker, Mandy Ogan, Lisa Bianchi, Mary Beth Wilkas, Sandy Maddy, Tammy Garris, Roberta Duchak, Kelly Eshleman, Kristi Throop, Trenli French, Mom Berry.

The Alpha Chi Omega sorority was founded at DePauw University in 1885. The seven original founders were all music students, which explains why they chose the Greek lyre as their pin. The IU chapter was installed in 1922, and the members moved into their present home on North Jordan in 1950.

Alpha Delta Pi
Front Row: Kelli Sorg, Dottie Mickle, Lisa Bulen, Hillary Keene, Marian Green, Amy Ludwig, Eileen Schvimer, Ilene April. Second Row: Heather Feeley, Amy Zoeller, Andrea Roberts, Elizabeth Alderman, Kelly June Fagan, Stephanie Dean, Maureen Redmond, Jenny Hawkins, Elizabeth Goodknight, Besty Joseph. Third Row: Jane Kutch, Challen Camp, Susan Denaro, Diane Cafferetta, KarenLee Ryan, Janet Gries, Patty Thomas, Connie McCale, Ronda Lakin, Nancy Howard, Donna Smith. Fourth Row: Beth Brinkmoeller, Kelly Riggles, Tess Johnson, Sonya Cupp, Rio McGoy, Tami Fleischer, Karen Grabinski, Chris Emde, Jenny Barton, Laura Scheff, Linda Reaven, Charlotte Weston. Fifth Row: Jen Bidle, Susan Hopkins, Jeni Brown, Meg Griffin, Karen Peterson, Becky Rice, Gail Martin, Dana Mackey, Julie Tisdale, Michelle Peters, Julie McMath, Amy Plotkin, Mindy Bird. Sixth Row: Kelly Johnson, Lisa Offutt, Angela Bobzien, Mary Bowers, Jennifer Moffatt, Bonnie Odesky. Sharon Thomas, Stephanie Poulakidas, Sue Noonan, Janey Muse, Jane Blayne, Jenny Snyder. Seventh Row: Sue Lamoree, Lynn McLaughlin, Gina Fleenor, Mary Buyno, Jenny Seeger, Jenny Scott, Beth Tafay, Susan Newkirk, Peg Slater, Gina London. Not Pictured: The Madge.

New Sorority Excels
A fter their first year, the "new kids" on the block are doing just fine in the greek system.
These "new kids" are the women of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. After recolonizing a dormant chapter last April, ADPi has progressed rapidly and is forming a strong chapter, said Jennifer Moffatt, chapter president.
But this progress has not come easy. Moffatt said it was a year of hard work and determination that brought ADPi to be accepted by all greeks.
After moving into a hall in Ashton Center this fall, 77 women began meeting and living with their "sisters." Moffatt said this was especially difficult at first because the women didn't know each other. "We knew we were supposed to be a sorority, but we didn't know what we were supposed to do," Moffatt said. "You knew the girl down the hall was your sister, but who was she?"
On Oct. 4, 77 women were initiated into the national organization. Moffatt said that with the new membership, a great deal of pride and enthusiasm took over.
They quickly became involved in many activities, such as Homecoming, Greek Week, Greek Retreat and intramurals. "We decided to make ourselves known and become actively involved," Moffatt said. "We wanted to prove our existence to ourselves and to the rest of the greek system."
During formal rush in January, the ADPi's took 17 pledges, maintaining their quota. Moffatt said their membership now includes 89 women — a figure the national organization is thrilled about.
Not only did rush go well, but the ADPi's also received a second-place scholarship ranking among the 22 sororities on campus.
With the help of alumnae, other greek organizations and University officials, the women of ADPi are finding their niche on the Bloomington campus.
Jennifer Davis

Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Gamma Delta's present chapter house, which is located on the highest spot on campus, was built on the first plot of land purchased on North Jordan. Before moving to this location, the Alpha Gams lived in what is now the Career Placement Center, 625 N. Jordan Ave.

Front Row: Lisa Baker, Karen Vislisel, Cindy Backer, Linda Roehers, Leslie Somers, Moira Corcoran, Debbie Smith, Meg Freeman, Chris Johnson, Brenda Steftenagel. Second Row: Vanessa Sanchez. Susan Osher, Martha Posey, Linda Richards, Kim Bauer, Karyn Jackson, Cathy Kaiser, Jeni Pesa, Elise Fleishaker, Lisa Bash, Audrey Sofianos, Julie Mosier. Third Row: Joy Thomas, Jill Bahr, Loralee Curnow, Barb Snyder, Maggie Simpel, Jenifer Hart, Ann Shakun, Sheryl Holman, Joan Fitzgerald. Fourth Row: Sarah DeKraay, Carol Deitchman, Becca Fields, Jennifer Hutchinson, Vicki NewlI, Debbie Allen, Jackie King, Kim Taylor, Jill Davis, Ann Shafer, Jill Wamen, Ann Rennemann. Fifth Row: Amy Benko, Meri Leffler, Elise Rosier, Lynne Burks, Kathy Daubel, Tammy Trapp, Jill King, Dana Stewart, Candace Connor, Carrie Craft, Beth White, Candy Phillips, Becky Dalton, Teresa Miltner.

Alpha Omicron Pi

The Beta Phi chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed at IU in 1916. The first house was at 411 S. Henderson. Later the chapter moved to 728 E. Third St., and in 1922, to 703 E. Seventh St. Finally in 1955, the chapter moved to its present location on Tenth Street. AOPi is the only IU sorority that does not have a crest.
Front Row: Teresa Ward, Bobbie VValz, Amy Stinson, Leah Mitchell, Margo Hays, Lisa Sneath, Debbie Jackson, Ann Flodder. Second Row: Robin Jackman, Patty Shaw, Susan Riely, Katie Springman, Marilee Evans, Lisa Niedenthal, Ellen Fowler, Liz Ruff, Lisa Kemp, Tish Powell. Third Row: Carol DellaRatta, Marcy Bledsoe, Amy Clock, Beth McCoy, Melissa Courson, Lisa Walton, Georgia Eblin, Danielle Darling, Julie Speer, Denise Ayres, Mary Kay Macri. Fourth Row: Carmen Bish, Jody Jones, Amy Sanders, Jane Stinson. Cathy Reas, Pam Zielinski, Mandy Kolehmainen, Kim Stephens, Lorinda Meier, Amy Prokap, Julie O'Conner, Christa Hart, Carla Beck. Fifth Row: April Graham, Lynn Davis, Vickie Wagner, Michelle Ellers, Krista Lucas, Kelly Ingram, Lisa Roach, Susan Rudolph, Debby Jones, Elizabeth Miller, Darci Hilgers, Lisa Madden. Back Row: Dani Hall, Anne Gubbins, Helen Flanagan, Marcy Watson. Anne Foy, Becky Drake, Michelle Winslow, Alice Clark, Ruth Arnold, Dutch Hermer, Keli Owen, Laura Ralston, Lisa Macri, Lynn Tornabene, Linda McCreery.
AO n

Alpha Phi

The Beta Tau chapter of Alpha Phi was colonized at I U on March 21, 1946, with 19 members. Today Beta Tau is among the top 10 Alpha Phi chapters in the nation. Alpha Phi was the first sorority to have a chapter house and was the first to go international. The sorority was also the first to have a 50-year written history and an endowment fund, and it started the National Panhellenic Council. The "visiting delegate," today known as the field representative, was also initiated by Alpha Phi.
Front Row: Heather Wallace, Lynne Randazzo, Sandy Kircoff, Sara Corya, Sherry Snyder, Laura Parry, Brenda Glock, Patty Aldridge, Susan Schnackel, Margie Wineman, Lisa Hughney. Second Row: Michelle Dolgin, Anne Walley, Charlene Brittain, Corrine Cranford, Julie Randolph. Cami Hatcher, Cathy West, Karen Foersterling, Lynne Scheinkoter, Lisa Mikisma, Jennifer Dunfee, Margaret Huffman. Third Row: Christina Szostak, Mary Ann Kseniak, Linda Lovell, Kim Stoeffer, Gail Grieger, Lisa Boehlke, Lisa Schnarr, Kara Wircoff, Abby Conkle, Debbie Deters, Barb McGaney, Ann Luebbe, Jennifer Davis, Beth Bush, Anne-Marie Funk, Lynn Glover. Fourth Row: Kitty Hult, Marie Quinley, Karen Greene. Kathleen Alhand. Carolyn Gosling, Peggy Fisher. Andi Redler, Lori Bridwell, Cassie Conner, Laurie Jones, Barri Kaufman, Ann Parson, Jan Venderly, Jill Kreger, Julie Albrecht, Kim Stifle, Leigh Dunlap, Lisa Faulkner. Not Pictured: Cindy Earls, Cindi Barnett, Diane Boone, Peggy Britton, Diana Clark, Cathy Crump, Fontaine Galoozis, Tammy Harding, Beth Harrington. Jeanna Hoess, Joy Jesionowski. Beth Jeske, Krista Jones, Kelly Keys, Linda Liss, Michelle Mager, Maureen McNamara, Michelle Mills, Susan Nelligan, Cathy Newell, Suzie Phillips, Diane Polihironis, Leslie Reicher, Laura Rittmaster, Lisa Routsolias, Lisa Wildman, Lisa Zember, Mary Ellen Voight.
Alpha Sigma Phi
Although Alpha Sigma Phi was first founded at Yale College in 1845, the fraternity remains one of the youngest houses on the IU campus. But this year, the members celebrated and burned their mortgage. They are now one of the few chapters on campus to own their own home.

Front Row: Gregg Koons, David Buls, Joe Jacobs, Dan Tomkiewicz, David Bell, Joe Woerner, Jim Bass. Second Row: Bill Paskoff, Ron Lisch, Mark Lewis, Mike Brown, Mark Pollock, Brian Logan, Jim Garvie, Joe Breitbach, Jim Patton, Jeff Lind. Third Row: Paul Legge, David Hon, Dave Nosbaum, Jeff Eder, Steve Lang, Justin Stimson, Mark Springer, Joe Powers, Jeff Berning, Don Collins, Andy Owen. Greg Chester, Greg Marks, Pat Ballard, Scott Mills, Scott Miller, Mike Whitacre, Kurt Terhar. Not Pictured: Evan Bacon, Tim Calabrese, Scott Eaton, Chris Hernandez, Tom Hinkley, Curt Johnson, Joe Landfair, Mike Micholas, Alan Parks, Jim Struhs, John Hegg.
Alpha Tau Omega
Alpha Tau Omega was the first fraternity founded after the Civil War in 1865 at the Virginia Military Institute. The Delta Alpha chapter was founded at IU in 1915. Alpha Tau Omega was the first fraternity to initiate "Help Week" in place of "Hell Week," during which time pledges participate in community service activities instead of traditional hazing. Famous ATOs include Art Linkletter, Len Dawson and Jack Kemp.

Front Row: Brad Trotter. Bob Johnson, Bob Nyquist, Bob Salstein, John Poole, Greg Werd. Second Row: Tim Krauss, Guy DeStefano, David Bok, Bob Desmond. Steve Marks, Steve Laudick, Rich Johnson, Dan Holtzman. Third Row: Steve Campbell, Kirk Bastyr, Malcomb McMicheal, Pete Gallette, Rob Grace, Todd White, Jody Sheperd, Mark Yeager, Jim D'Altorio, Eric Ruder. Fourth Row: Brian Bradley, Scott Federspill, Rich Crabtree, Brian Garvey, Mike Lee, Mark Fink, Steve Dierks, Ray Anderson. Bob Regnery, Dave Marks, John Fenoglio, 0. Khalil, Mike Johnson, Cole McNary. Fifth Row: Todd Lanscioni, Steve Vallery, Steve Ross, Jeff Cyzon, Eric Schade, Pat Inks. Keith Dillon, Carter Austin, Greg Scheler. Sixth Row: Guy Banks, Mike Doody, Bob Desmond, Mike O'Conner, Brad Schotanus, Jeff Kovesdy, Frank Tabachka, Bruce Bufe, Greg Toombs, Chris Johnson, Rob Lane, Mike Costello, Tom Hawkins. Greg Doman, Brad Galbraith, Jim Jeffries.
Beta Theta Pi
The Pi chapter of Beta Theta Pi, IU's oldest fraternity, came to campus Aug. 27, 1845. Its first house stood between what are now the Acacia and Alpha Tau Omega houses, but one night in 1927, the house was destroyed by fire. The Betas lived in two more houses before settling in their present home at 919 E. Tenth St. Many of the buildings and classrooms on campus have been named for members of Beta Theta Pi — Owen, Maxwell, Kirkwood and Wylie halls, and the Beta symbol, the dragon, sits atop Maxwell Hall. In' addition, the Wellhouse was patterned by Theodore Rose in the shape of his Beta pin.

Front Row: Chuck Chamness, Mike Katsis, Jim Mather, Kent Webb. Second Row: Jeff Edgerton, Scott Daily, Tim Gavin, Alex Brown, David Brinker, Doug Lauter, Joe Greenlee, Greg Waples, Dave Brown, John Lugar, Ken Gandy. Third Row: Mike Darling, Fritz Eibel, Kurt Olsen, Marty Filipowski, Clay Callender, Dan Izenson, Mike Benninghoff, Phil Shriner. Fourth Row: C.J. Graf, Jordan Ehrens, Brad Sammons, Greg Beck, Joe Billingsley. Todd May, Charlie Petry, Dave Link, Rich Barrett, Al Bodine, Spero Pulos, Dan Morris. Fifth Row: Ken Saf ran, Dan Stevenson, Andy Hippenmeyer, Dave Martinez, Rod Hummerickhouse, Tom Bailey, Tim Frantz, Andy Cron, Dan McQuilken, Garth McClain. Sixth Row: Donnie Morris, Sam Houston. John Cleary, Brad Shirer, Dave Stouder, Bryan Elliot, Dan Biery, Rich Tautigian. Seventh Row: Pat Crowe, Gary Sanders, Mike Wolfert, Alex Perez, John Matheson, Tim Dembinski, Pat Detteer, Rob Mesch, Russ Gruelle, Mark Friedrich, Mark Holtzlander, Tom Booth. Eighth Row: Chris Wolfa, John Raith, Zach Miester, Tom Bedsde, Rob Schweitzer, Lief Erikson, Dan Murphy, Dave Lugar, Mitar Vranicj, Scott Hartman, Jack DeHaven, Will Fox. Steve Bellamy. Ninth Row: Ed Shelley, Mark DeLisle, Scott Gore.
Chi Omega

The Theta Beta chapter of Chi Omega was established at IU in 1922. Once located across from the Sigma Kappa house, the Chi O's have since moved to their present home on the North Jordan extension. The sorority's colors are cardinal and straw, and its symbol is the owl.
Front Row: Sue Best, Cathy Beach, Amy Spindler, Suzy Swift, Deb Dye, Patti Ladd, Cheryl Nelson, Julie Gugeon, Robin Stuckey, Jane Skrentny, Kathy Schottle, Diana Guglielmo, Lisa Gerage. Second Row: Lynne Grusy, Dana Doyle, Krista Kelly, Allison lovino, Kandy Nonweiler, Amy Nicolette, Meg Lavey, Mo Casserly, Kathy Snider, Noel Leet, Karen Cooks, Jenny Davis, Deanna Gage, Stacy Goldman. Third Row: Ellen Wenzel, Ann Jansons, Melissa Burelli, Annette Stebbins, Sue Beidron. Lisa Cleland, Carrie Brown, Laurie Stevens, Lisa Timberman, Brigette Nordyke, Dorrine Tompary, Rindy Scrogham, Lora Roslansky, Kelli Jack, Jennifer Chase. Fourth Row: Cara Pry, Lisa Snyder. Lisa Weber, Mia Skouros, Laurie Brady, ,Jaylene Loue, Susie Williams, Bonnie Bright, Lisa Gherardi, Jenny Jahn, Jamie Baum, Teressa Sexton, Audrey Tomalin, Shelly Fritz, Sabra Hunter. Not Pictured: Sonia Angell, Lori Back, Jennifer Davis, Kristi Dodd, Kathy Fitzgerald, Heidi Faust, Lisa Field, Kathi Giles, Maria Guglielmo, Juli Kennedy, Sherry Kohlmeyer, Debbie Brady, Mary McDonald, Pam Meisel, Jeane Morton, Dale Murphy, Jackie McLaughlin, Robin Rich, Donna Ruhn, Debbie Schwartz, Dianne Liotti.
Chi Phi
On Nov. 15, 1958, Chi Phi received its charter and became the Iota Delta chapter. The 34 original brothers lived at 814 E. Third St., next door to the Delta Delta Delta house, in a building which now serves as the IU Admissions Office. In June 1964, the fraternity moved to 1400 N. Jordan and became the first house on the extension. In 1971 the house was nearly destroyed by fire but was rebuilt as it stands today.

Front Row: Mark Foley, Mike Lee, John Sharpe, Steve Givin, Brad Cornell, John Hornak, John Garman, Bill McGuire, Joe Amucucci. Second Row: Greg Nickleson, Phil Coligon, Mike Kirkoff, Dave Hennie, Mark Lushel, Ken Lampos, Spark Johnston, Mike Sais, Pierre Dewey, Ken Aull. Third Row: Scott Hughes, Brent Roberts, Tim McNelis, Brian Grey, Tony Friebuger, Ryan Theriot, Todd Arnold, Gonge Hatfield, Ken Foster. Sig Fleck, Brent Carmichael, Rock Hilger, Keith Wester, Scott Broughton. Fourth Row: David Hogsley, Chris Ballard, Pat Magee, David Hondo, David Clase, David Wave, Tom Petty, Tom Duke, Tony Montana, Mark Bollenger, James Cangany, David Osbourn, John Hitchcock.
Delta Chi
The Delta Chi chapter at 1U was awarded the most improved chapter by the national fraternity and has increased its membership immensely. Delta Chi members have a joke about living in a "backwards" house. When the current Delta Chi house was being built, it was thought that North Jordan would run behind the house instead of in front of it — thus the house was built backwards.

Front Row: Glenn Rosswurm, Carl Rommel, Rich Van Schouwen, Dave Adelsperger, Vinnet Sohoni, Rod Forbes. John Kim, Bill Adams, Gerry Newhart. Second Row: Harold Vore, Tom Troup, Chip Washienko, Bill Washienko, Brent Ohlmann, Dave Campbell, Mike Sperry, Keith Kirkham, John Hogan, Ron Nemec. Third Row: Ron Kassoff, Cito Mamaril, John Valentine, John Nassos, Bryce Berg, Joe Lazzara, Mike Meade, Rick Schilling, Tom Leddy, Dan Kroft, Ed Ketcham. Fourth Row: Steve Lamore, Paul Digangi, Rick Decraene. Fifth Row: Mike Wright, Chris Ruoff. Sixth Row: Mark Kiger, Dave Rodgers, Greg Diamond, Charlie Roer, Dan McAteer, Trent Turner, Mark Zanoni, Brian Heeren, Steve Tackitt, Dennis Cuffel, Bob Oliker, Matt Welker, Bill Engle, Matt Hein. Not Pictured: Jeff Smith, Kevin Spence, Brad Sakaguchi, Jeff Thomas, Gary Sexton, Dave Bolz, Greg Buck.
Delta Delta 'Delta
The Delta Omicron chapter of Delta Delta Delta was founded in 1917. The sorority has always been at its home on Third Street, although additions have been made to the structure. The Tri Delts' colors are silver, gold and blue, and their symbol is the trident.

Front Row: Julia Mair, Stephanie Scopelitis, Heidi Schafer, Beth Hill, Dana Getz, Sharon Hellman, Kathy Miller, Nicole Evenson, Dawn Beeber, Teri Burd. Second Row: Joan Simmermaker, Tish Hendershot, Amy Hilbrich, Alisa Sturker, Karey Lentz, Laurie Killer, Mom Dot, Lori LaRosa, Angie Ranalli, Sally Swain. Third Row: Susan Schnorf, Jean McCarthy, Lisa Dotson, Kris Smith, Bridget Cooney, Annette Reichart, Robin Smith, Suzy Kaiser, Candace Wolf, Kim Daly, Sharon Hellman, Melissa Prohaska, Nan Belshaw. Back Row: Jill Eastman, Chris Lierman, Dana Tyte, Joan Metzger, Catharine Price, Janie Ostoich, Lynn Holloway, Suzanne Schroeder, Jill Nichols, Nancy Grannan.
Delta Gamma
The local chapter of Delta Gamma was granted a charter on Dec. 10, 1891. The Theta chapter was the twelfth active chapter. The current house on Jordan was built in 1925-26, with additions made in 1949 and 1960. Prior to this, the sorority was on Third Street in the current Admissions Building. The anchor in the front lawn is from the USS Indianapolis and was given to the Theta chapter by the Theta Chi fraternity.

Front Row: Barbi Nation, Emily Miller, Libby Ferguson, Connie Kirchoff, Lisa Winkle, Beth Liechty, Kate Thomas, Diane Speski. Second Row: Jill Wohlrab, Karen Smith, Debbie McGlaughlin, Eunice Minn, Karrie Retterer, Angela Farley, Kristen Kiley, Kathy Merges, Katy Oliver. Third Row: Tiffany Nelson, Liz Carlson, Holly Hapak, Laura Larson, Alicia Accardo, Laurie Levin, Amy Oxenrider, Becky Hollingsworth, Susie Salin, Elizabeth Maddock, Gigi Spears, Mary Wilson. Fourth Row: Sally Harre, Ellen Magrini, Terri Keating, Nancy Nolan, Mom Bayse, Lizzie Hendricks, Karen Cooley, Betsy McKee, Cheryl Patten, Carol Furr, Challen Sullivan, Karen Jefferson, Marcie Shuman, Ann Murphy, Terri Muraski.

Delta Tau Delta
The Beta Alpha chapter of Delta Tau Delta came to IU in June 1887. Since then, the Delts have resided in nine different homes. Built in 1965, their current house is occupied by 65 men. Delta Tau Delta was the first national fraternity to ban hazing, in 1929. Famous Delts include Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren Berger and actor Jim Nabors.

Front Row: Kevin Halloran, Jim Bandy, Rick Jolcover, Doug Buday, Gene Fox, Eric Patt, Chris VanNatta, Tim Portolese, Damon Stoner, Steve Huston, Steve Aronsqatty, Fred Miesch. Second Row: Dave Bruggen, Paul VanDierendonck, Neil Cohen, Mike Buck, John Shannon, Tim Powers, Brian Depp, Brad Nagel, David Arganbright, Dan Madden. Mark Elwood, Dave Strietelmeier. Third Row: Rich Swenson, Mark Daum, Brian Halloran, Paul Damm, Mike Barthel, Mitch Mick, Jeff Rasmussen, Matt Gibbs, Tim McDaniel, Jeff Yochum, Steve Ginn, Will Link, Ted Rechel, Brain Storrer, Rich Gerdy, Brad Selvin, Scott Noblitt, Kevin Bozarth, Mike Cohn, John Ebling. Fourth Row: Ted Twinney, Dennis Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Todd Vicsik, Brad Bucknam, Mark Spinks, Tracey Parrish, Marc Enkoff, Rich Keller, Chuck Hagy, Bob Craig, Rob Hudson. Back Row: Joe Muldoon. Phil Fruits, Shawn Pettit, Dave Snook, Rob Raley, Scott Joseph, Dirk Schanble, Steve Hipsky, Dewey Akers, Rob Green, Mark Fowler.
Delta Upsilon
Once known as the Anti-Secret Confederation, Delta Upsilon was founded in protest to the growing number of secret societies on college campuses. Although this is no longer the fraternity's purpose, the chapter still continues a non-secret policy. The significance of the fraternity's motto is public, and there is no secret grip or password.

Front Row: Matt Purcell, Brad Allen, Brian Barkes, Jay Hexamen, Joe Rietreld, Brett Fleitz, Jeff Eskew, Bill Birmingham. Brett Fryar, Mike Hoops, Tim Burke. Second Row: Rick Nelson, Monty Marvel, Rich Delano, Lee Ekert, Rich Miller, Doug Grove, Bruce Fiedler, Scott Church, Jeff Audet, Tom Swayzee, Kevin Kruger, Dave Ball, Randy Elliot. Third Row: Brett Thomas, Bill Enright, Brian Bell, John Hetzel, Jon Lindenberg, Kurt Delk, Chad Secrist, Mike Kochavar, Jeff Hash, Brent Fiedler, Matt Repast', John Ailing, Matt Erzinger. Fourth Row: Cory Johnson, Kevin Holden, Jeff Pangburn, Kevin Rayles, Greg Haner, Dave Alani, Rick Hettler, Bob Krug, Pete Sletzer, John Laut. Fifth Row: Dave Halpburn, Doug Ritzel, Jeff Weir, John Childress, Todd Bradle. Sixth Row: Pete Chojnacki, Bob Joseph, Terry McConkey, Kurt Pfluger, Jim McKibbon, Rich Levin, Phil Giordano, Chris Messina, Frank Fosco, Rob Grossi, Steve Schopf, Dave Kurpius, Frank McNichols.
Delta Zeta

Delta Zeta's old house, currently the Speech and Hearing Building, on East Seventh Street, was the fifth DZ house in the nation. Delta Zeta also holds a first in that its pin is the only pin put in the Smithsonian Institution because of its beauty.
Front Row: Beth Lynch, Lisa Calvert, Suzi Springer, Beth Rydstrom, Dana Ramsey, Cindy Sauer, Beth Hayduck, Tonya Rondot, Beth Journell, Kerry Conolly. Second Row: Carolyn Bertsch, Trisha Tyner, Elena Rossi, Marilyn Bertsch, Lisa Norton, Tammy Eby, Debbie Rechsteiner, Sherean Malekzadeh, Katie Ohlman. Third Row: Nancy Rubush, Marie Stumpf, Pam Derin, Rennette Yoder, Becky Baranyk, Connie Krueckeberg, Cindy Hammel, Cindy Harlow, Stephanie Stephens. Tracy Bartley. Fourth Row: Mary Hitchcock, Karin Kassabian, Kimberly Anderson, Lisa Balog, Kathy Jossem, Sharon Gregg, Patti Carroll, Kim Kelly, Denise Warford, Cindy Heady, Paula Wilder, Kim Baker. Fifth Row: Laurie Smith, Katie Wetmore, Ann Cassady, Kathy Krueckeberg, Lisa Vicars, Angela Dry, Katie Manley, Holly Herrick. Sixth Row: Hope Stuffle, Carolyn Ray, Tina Edwards, Faune Curtis, Anne Ho, Laurel Carter, Debbie Kayser, Elizabeth Curtis, Risa Rifkin, Shelly Steeves. Seventh Row: Debbie Richards, Molly Kuehn, Jenny Miller, Susan Lawson, Teneen Davis, Kathleen Friel, Anne Carle, Danine Mele, Stephanie Trombino, Linda Deane, Tina Greider. Eighth Row: Noreen Vallone, Donna Wurz, Cindy Fritch, Beth Chapman, Karen Yehle, Karen Cramer, Susan Mignano, Sally Delp, Karen Levy.
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta became part of the IU sorority system in March 1957 and was officially recognized by its national organization the following November when its 53 members were initiated. The sorority was founded in 1874 at Syracuse University in New York, and it was there that a faculty member created the word "sorority" especially for the Gamma Phis.

Front Row: Susan Mellot, Julia Smith, Susan Maginn, Sally Stevens, Julie Byrd, Cathy Miller, Paulette Hamby. Second Row: Ann Teets, Pam Pawlowski, Jane Hartshorn, Jenny Walton, Michelle Lecklitner, Laurie Webber, Kristi Kemerly, Debbie Weisser, Brooke Heathcotte, Lisa Van Epps. Third Row: Liza Chapman, Marcia Kuper, Jenny Moore, Eva Kresich, Jamie Allison, Jan Barnett, Linda Pick, Meg Urizarri, Libby Lake, Lori Harvey, Allison Johnson. Fourth Row: Tina Childress, Debbie Little, Lisa Warburton, Carol Drumm. Liz Kaznak, Gina Gordon, Barb Dietrich, Betsy Kim, Mary Ellen Boney, Holly Gallatin, Nancy Stillabower, Nadine Shetler, Cami Crane, Ann Topolewski, Mary Beth Jacob. Fifth Row: Karen Brown, Linda Welch, Missy Sampson, MaryJane May, Judy Martino, Michelle Kessler, Karen Schandt, Beth Maginn, Lisa Lepley, Martha Johnson, Cathy Robson, Katie Coven, Gabrielle Abrams.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Front Row: Dana Harris, Margot Bronson, Lee Kennedy, Brooke Sterrett, Margaret LaPata, Lisa Peterman, Rhonda Nicely, Liz Weimuth, Allysa Bennett. Second Row: Karen Hindman, Meg McKnight, Beckey Arnold, Sandi Stevenson, Julia Dorsett, Carolyn Miske, Cathy Cleary, Inga Hammond, Lynne Kassing, Suzanne Mrnka. Third Row: Lisa Pitt, Courtney Leatherman, Laura Hamouz, Carolyn Bielefeld, Mom D., Cathy Schroeder, Holly Haight, Christine Curtis, Maureen MacDonald, Suzanne Knotts, Lisa Valiani. Fourth Row: Leslie Young, Sara Wilkins, Lynn Bolino, Karen Alley, Shelly Wilkin, Kelly Callahan, Lisa Gorman, Laura Rector, Laura Reardon, Carolyn Wilder, Cathy Hundt, Tonya Thompson, Cezanne Carroll. Fifth Row: Libby Girod, Beth Walsh, Margaret Garvey, Ann Adinamis, Kathy Schumann, Maeve Lynch, Kiki Roll, Laura Hann, Tansey Berry, Ann Nelson. Sixth Row: Diane Bielefeld, Julie Leydia, Dee Davis, Julie Nielsen, Diane Rostomian, Deb Lovell, Ann Graber, Laura Herron, Sally Renth, Meg Matson, Julie Martin, Jennifer Drogosz, Kelly O'Rourke, Laura Joly.

Kappa Alpha Theta holds two firsts in the history of sororities. The Thetas were the first Greek-letter fraternity for women, established at DePauw University in 1870. That same year, Beta chapter was installed at IU and became the first women's fraternity on this campus. At 1U, Thetas wear oversized Theta pins, an honor granted only to the Alpha and Beta chapter members.

Kappa Delta

The Sigma Upsilon chapter of Kappa Delta was installed in 1955, with 18 charter members. But today, the sorority is home to more than 80 college women. The Kappa Deltas' colors are olive green and pearl white, and their flower is the white rose. The KD's public motto is "Ta Kala Diokonen," meaning "Let us strive for all that which is Honorable, Beautiful and Highest."
Front Row: Ann Dillan, Pam Messer, Diane Muoio, Julie Butler, Lora Brown, Gina Boyle, Mary Poison, Kim Menshaw, Sherry Peters. Second Row: Stephanie Garrett, Debbie Mirsch, Chris Frye, Amy Manger, Julie Lewis, Barb Musselman, Melissa Matney, Dawn Mauenstein, Sue Bollheimer, Tiffany Skaggs, Chrissy Mick, Allison Beaurline, Robin Ellis. Third Row: Bess Mink, Maria McChesney, Tara Conwell, Rena Brandt, Pam Gates, Stefanie Gray, Laura Gonzalez, Jennifer Grimes, Wendy Rietz. Fourth Row: Reva Chrisman, Beth Davidson, Kristie Schmidt, Susie Dorer, Laura Dempsey, Julie Ponder, Kim Hinkle, Ellie Swift, Dawn Plumb, Renee Hicks, Jennifer Klosinski, Linda Olds, Laurie Turkington. Fifth Row: Nancy Etson, Jean Weathers, Lisa Krumwiede, Janet Martell, Carla Lowry, Jamie Dishinger, Abby Musser, Linda Bill, Julie Stuchkus, Lauren Robinson, Heather Webb, Kathy Karavitis, Julie Gonzales, Lisa DeClark, Grace Marrison. Sixth Row: Molli Elliott, Dee Valverde, Jennie Reinsmith, Ann Macakaja, Sue Ann Butler, Sherrie Mathies, Andrea Witte, Missy Lee, Annik Adamson, Susie Pugh, Shellie Bill, Jennie Kho, Margot Mosier.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
The national fraternity of Kappa Sigma was established at the University of Virginia in 1869. The Beta Theta chapter was established on the IU campus on Jan. 25, 1900, with four members. The current chapter residence is 1411 N. Jordan on the extension. Famous Kappa Sigs include Robert Redford, Senator Robert Dole, IU President John Ryan, and pro-football player Bert Jones.

Front Row: Jim Wainwright, Dave Harris, Alan Riffle, Greg Fox, Todd Burkhart, Joe Meek, Craig Oleksy, John Ryle, Mark Bullington. Second Row: Bill Gray, Steve Lains, Nick Brown, John Spilman, Mike Hammond, Lenny Schmidt, Kevin Kelley, Mike Mazurek, Dan Paitsely, John Plenge, Jeff Schumaker. Third Row: Dave Guibo, Kurt Kubon, Bob Schurer, Drew Myers, Todd Conklin, Mike Ryan, Doug Fox, Randy Wilhoite, Mike McRaith, Jim Brown, Bruce Hanley, John Cross. Fourth Row: Greg Guy, Dan Raitray, Darrel Schimpf, Dave Gustafson, Joe Cushing, Jon Mellon, Aiden Moriarty, Randy Strause, Buck Miller, Mike Markey, Tony Menringer, Joe Ford, Tory Prasco, Ron Dyler, Jeff Mazzola, Vito Loletto, Tom Stergar, Todd Slusser, Fifth Row: Scott Brown, Tom Schoettle, Seth Hoffman, Mike Sabd, Matt Bauer, Jay Boddiker, Ed Warm, Joe Burke, Mike Sullivan, Todd Vaka, Chris Smotherman, Gary Maddox, Jim Bianlardi, Bob Bruno.
Kappa Sigma
The national fraternity of Kappa Sigma was established at the University of Virginia in 1869. The Beta Theta chapter was established on the IU campus on Jan. 25, 1900, with four members. The current chapter residence is 1411 N. Jordan on the extension. Famous Kappa Sigs include Robert Redford, Senator Robert Dole, IU President John Ryan, and pro-football player Bert Jones.

Front Row: Jim Wainwright, Dave Harris, Alan Riffle, Greg Fox, Todd Burkhart, Joe Meek, Craig Oleksy, John Ryle, Mark Bullington. Second Row: Bill Gray, Steve Lains, Nick Brown, John Spilman. Mike Hammond, Lenny Schmidt, Kevin Kelley, Mike Mazurek, Dan Paitsely, John Plenge, Jeff Schumaker. Third Row: Dave Guibo, Kurt Kubon, Bob Schurer, Drew Myers, Todd Conklin, Mike Ryan, Doug Fox, Randy Wilhoite, Mike McRaith, Jim Brown, Bruce Hanley, John Cross. Fourth Row: Greg Guy, Dan Raitray, Darrel Schimpf, Dave Gustafson, Joe Cushing, Jon Mellon, Aiden Moriarty, Randy Strause, Buck Miller, Mike Markey, Tony Menringer, Joe Ford, Tory Prasco, Ron Dyler, Jeff Mazzola, Vito Loletto, Tom Stergar, Todd Slusser, Fifth Row: Scott Brown, Tom Schoettle, Seth Hoffman, Mike Sabd, Matt Bauer, Jay Boddiker, Ed Warm, Joe Burke, Mike Sullivan, Todd Vaka, Chris Smotherman, Gary Maddox, Jim Bianlardi, Bob Bruno.

Lambda Chi Alpha

In 1880, a group of men and women formed a literary society, known as the Eureka Society. The group existed for about 40 years before disbanding in 1917. The women went on to form Sigma Kappa, and the men founded the Alpha Omicron chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha. The fraternity's colors are gold, green and purple, and their public motto is "Every Man a Man." The Lambda Chis occupied two homes before moving to their present home on Third Street in 1925. The fraternity house is unique because it is a "ritual house." This means some of its interior and exterior architectural structure has meaning known only to members of the fraternity. One famous Lambda Chi was President Harry Truman.
Front Row: Rick Reichnadter, Darryl McLinden, Gary Loebig, Tim Taylor, Mark Boggs, Ted Neff, Jim Mallett, Paul Spencer, Darren Smith. Second Row: Pete Stawick, Mike Morris, Keith Hill, Troy Gilbert, Joe Goldstein, Bill Murray, Ed Sreniawski, Brian Cooper, Jay Levinger. Third Row: Bob Cunningham, Fred Putt, Brad Howard, K.C. Clark, Brad Dettmer, Scott Smith, Kelly McClarnon, Mark McCants, Bill Stawick, Drew Conrad, Hunt Waycott, Keith Russell. Fourth Row: Paul Ford, Bob Sodetz, Jeff Hiatt, Mike Jackson, Brad George, Pat McCarthy, Tom Dunning, Matt Behringer, Eric Hartke. Fifth Row: Ed Shakun, Tom Anderson, Pat Lynch, Glenn Wiley, Bryan Hite, Jeff Jones, Andy White, Brad Short, Gerry Adkins, Randy Wright, Ken Dickey, Vic Roos, Andy Zay, Eric Lauer. Back Row: Marc Cabraja, Darrin Hopping, Tom Davis, Bill Kring, P.D. Baugh, Greg Scott, Chris Mahon, Bert Beihoff, John Hodges, Gib Palmer, Steve Rupkey.

Phi Gamma Delta
The local chapter of Phi Gamma Delta was colonized at IU in 187 1 . It was the sixth fraternity on campus at that time, and the original number of members totaled seven. The Fijis were the first chapter on campus to have a volunteer house mother. They were the first fraternity at IU to own their chapter house. The house was bought in 1902 by Joseph Swain, president of 1U. Nationally, the Fijis hold a 26-year record for the highest all-men's fraternity grade-point average.

Front Row: Jordy Curts, Mark Senese, Jeff Moody, Andy Hackman, Andy Dethrage, Jeff Cox, Rob Tripp, Jim Duncan, Second Row: Jay Jansen, Barclay Grayson, Charles Spalding, Dan Tyte, David Largent, Dan Cusick, Aaron Lawson, Jeff Taylor, Bruce Eyre. Third Row: David Dee, Jeff Johnson, Pat Williams, Stuart Wade, Jon Emery, John Desmore, Scott Casey. Fourth Row: Scott McCallum, David Cursick, Greg Moore, Jeff Jinks, Dan Shirley. Fifth Row: Tom Herendeen, Mark Hamilton, Brandt Wright, Mike Miller, Ted Adam, Brian Arnett. Sixth Row: Mike Mays, Lee Maddox, John Fletcher, Paul Mariani, Al Morrison, David Frey, Mike Evans, Jim Rapp, Brian Gallmeier, Dan Effrein, David Seim, David Breide, David Moore, Doug Strobel. Seventh Row: Chris Lawler, Jon Steels, Jeff Wilt, Mike Smith, Tom Froehle, Scott Wharton, Art Dragoo. Eighth Row: Phil Dickman, Rob Tully, Rod Hackler, Mike Stowell, Todd Fettig, Pete Mariani, Tom Peck, John Franz, Steve McGarvey, Mike Rowe, Bruce Zimlich, Joe O'Conner, Jay Curts, Rob Olds.
Phi Delta Theta
The IU chapter of Phi Delta Theta is the second-oldest in the country, starting one year after the fraternity's 1848 founding at the University of Miami in Oxford, Ohio. House colors are azure and argent.
Senior Ron Rawald, the 1984-85 president of the IU Student Association, is the 1985 Phi Delt president.

Front Row: Steve Smith, Ed Gann, Dave Slack, Brad Woolley. Second Row: Bill McMurray, Brad Belcaster, Paul Schuler, Jeff Ulrich, Don Baum. Ron Thomas, Ken Smith, Jon Truchan. Bryan Urban, Steve Rohm. Third Row: Bill Miles, Dwight Lee, Chris Matzke, Randy Ban, Jeff Gamble, Pat Walsh, Dave Morton, Scott Lewin, Ken Eagleson, Doug Ricker, Craig Nifong, Bill Richards, Ron Rawald, Greg Oesterling. Fourth Row: Mark Graham, Joe Kempf, Curt Kelso, John Whitehead, Kirk Covington, Dan Morrison, Mike Herold. Mark Glotfelty, Mike Hardamon, Brian Swift, Jim Gurbach, Pete Tattersfield, Mike Williams, Mike Lauer, Pete Shawaker, Dave Marcelletti, Kevin Smith, Jim Williams, Greg Bock, Andy Scott, Dave Schwabe. Back Row: Scott Nunley, Steve Surface, Rob Maznac, Jim Sujoreny, Scott Reedy, Brad Greenburg, Joe Brower, Brian Ebling, Mike Maley, Kevin Helmkamp, Ted Wells, Steve Henderson, Vince Noone, Mike Firsich, Kurt Riegner, Jim Nawrocki, Chris Conley, Mike Cierello, Jeff Jackson, Don Effinger. John Ervin, Eric Konkel, Ryan Burke, Eric Nelson.
Phi Kappa Psi
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Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was founded in 1852 at Jefferson College in Cannonsburg, Pa., by students who joined together to help those who had been afflicted by a typhoid epidemic which was sweeping the country. The IU Phi Psi chapter was founded in 1869 when Delta Psi Theta, a local fraternity, joined the national organization. It is one of the oldest fraternities on this campus. The fraternity was the first to build a house at IU, which was located on Third Street.

Front Row: John Mahrdt, Jim Parrott, Tim Harshbargen, Chris Stouder. Jeff Palizzotte, Steve Dierckes, Rip Russell, Rick Herdrick, Tom Reichard, Gayne Underwood, Richard Haysahi. Second Row: Charlie Roberts, Jim Risk, Mike Robins, Craig Hume, Alex Misahel, Mike Kapp, Jon Nagy, Chris Kravas, John McCormack, Kerry Borosh, Mike Bulgarelli, Carm Aiello, John Clifton, Todd Lemon. Third Row: Mike Smith, Kevin Hartnett, Rob Palmer, Steve Fife, Kurt Herron, Rich Amendola, Andy Parker, Stuart Mitchell, Frank Guengerich, Greg Walsh, Dave Ruebeck, Dan O'Rourke. Fourth Row: Tom Theobald, Brad Meyer, Bill Tahy, Chris Tirone, Mike Beaty, Tom Gutwein, Steve Caron, John Balaguras, Kirk Parker, Jeff Glock, Jerry Blair. Back Row: Jack Niekamp, Garrett Hart, Mike Laskey, Kevin Knotts, Steve lkenberry, Jeff Taylor, Curt Churchman, Jerry Blanton, Kent Compton, Kirk Enright.
Phi Mu
Phi Mu sorority is the second-oldest national women's organization. Founded in 1852 in Macon, Ga., the sorority was called the Philomathean Society, but in 1900, they adopted the Greek name Phi Mu. Although the name has changed, the form of initiation, secret password, sign and motto adopted by the founders are the same today as in 1852.

Front Row: Donna Tsang, Ellen Arnold, Pam Stewart, Joelle Hollander, Julie Schrader, Mika lnokuti, Amy Jones, Beth Heitzman, Christine Nolan, Amy Pecar, Melissa Habney, Sylvia Pratt. Second Row: Kelly Skehan, Donna See, Sarah Fortner, Chris Ratanen. Lisa Gigante, Jenny Klatt, Brenda Ingalls. Kim Harrison, Lori Carver, Mindy Mundy, Margie Mebane, Ellen Rabinowitch, Beth Veach, Sue Ebert. Third Row: Stacey Hoskins, Cindy Miller, Sue Schwantes. Kelly McDonald, Chris Rothstein, Susan Fennimore, Kelly Patterson, Sari Miller, Nancy Noe, Anne Keys, Kelly Kennedy, Amy Douglas, Paula Hart, Gwen Barry. Back Row: Laura Haffner, Janet Groves, Frieda Medema, Colleen Kelley, Annie Mardis, Mary Fields, Nancy White, Cindy Pomeroy, Lois Hurwitz.
Pi Beta Phi
The Beta chapter of Pi Beta Phi was founded on the IU campus in 1893, and their house was built in 1916. The Pi Phis were the originators of the Mini 500, and they were also the first sorority to establish a philanthropy project. Mrs. Wrigley, of Wrigley's gum fame, was a Pi Phi. The sorority's symbol, the arrow, can be seen on each pack of Wrigley's gum.

Front Row: Angie Thompson, Susan Fleisher, Kathy Coble, Lisa Clark, Julie Gugliemo, Shelly Coate, Chris Jegen, Tammy Irons. Second Row: Jane Newman, Kim Carlton, Heidi Hipskind, Chris Siomopoulos, Dawn Greer, Jacquie Miles, Carrie Page, Carrie Wylie, Kristen Schmidt, Laura McGannon. Third Row: Maureen Murphey, Lisa Parrot. Fourth Row: Lori Dellefield, Laura Mungai, Angie Bailey, Lori Pollert, Sara Risk, Linda Walcott, Rene Ricci, Mary Beth Noel, Shannon Thomas, Nancy Burke, Sheila Hughes. Beth Cranny. Fifth Row: Lynne Hamilton, Maggie Gregory, Beth Zimlich, Lori Jones, Libby Wylie, Chris Philipbar. Gina Copple, Lisa Phillips, Kathy Lawton, Ann McMullen, Lucy Heimer. Sixth Row: Amy Whitt, Kendra Barr. Seventh Row: Jeanne White, Wendy Allen. Eighth Row: Joan Kinny, Annette West, Joan Dullghan, Ann Georg.
Pi Kappa Alpha
The Delta Xi chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was established at IU in 1950. Its first residence was at 801 E. Third St., but it moved to its present home in 1965, which had been the Alpha Xi Delta House. Each year the Pikes put out the "Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl" calendar which features several sorority women.

Front Row: Eric Simpson. Rick Mullen, Chris Cunningham, Scott Calvert. Eric Wegner. Second Row: Mike Neiderpruem, Jeff Kruse, Sam Moore. Scott Mack, Bren Fries, Sam Terry. Joe Lueken. Craig Pesenye. Third Row: Mark Hodoval, John Herron, John Lundstrom, Kevin Gulley, Phil Lehmkuhler, Jeff Stogsdill, Tim Keith. Fourth Row: Todd Bohelman, Andy Green, Mick Hubner. Greg Eaton, Jeff Olbina, Brett Efrock, Pete Tenhula. Ray Barclay, Scott Richards, Randy Wilson, Steve Markham. Back Row: Tom Morrone, Jim MacAbee, Ron Jenci. John Buchannon, Mark Meyer, Mark Veach. Kevin Fenimore, Ted Kleist. Mike Ferguson, Dave Marsh, Jeff Sheehan. Eric Vogler, Chad Sander. Rob Schneider, Carl Urban.
Pi Kappa Phi
Pi Kappa Phi celebrated its 80th year of existence in 1984. The fraternity was started at the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C.
Fraternity colors are gold and white with the auxiliary color of royal blue. Each year, the chapter raises funds for its national philanthropic project, Play Units for the Severely Handicapped.

Front Row: Chris Smith, Sean McCarthy, Jeff Mitchell, Ben Kim, Paul Hayden, Duke Regan, Lionel Smith, Brett Chambers, Ryann Fowler, Max Fawley. Row Two: Randy Schauman, Kevin Condon, Matt Brooks, Jay Meadows, Nate Smith, Dan Mikesz. Row Three: Andy Gremos, Lahai Sogbandi, Allen Ernst, H.T. Flint, David Davis, Tim Elfreich, Paul Terzino, Jerry Molnar, Lem Lopez. Row Four: E.A. Campbell, Rick Blessing, Jeff Higgins, Tom Tarr, Ed Smith, Curt Keifer.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the largest national fraternity. The IU chapter was installed in 1907, and it moved to its present home on North Jordan in 1929. Distinguished alumni from IU's Gamma chapter include Ernie Pyle, famous war correspondent, for whom the School of Journalism is named.

Front Row: Corey Geltz, David Welsh, Jerry Connolly. Don Scott, Roger Simpson. Mike Haas, Richard Zochowski. Second Row: Scott Adams, Kenny Kemker, Jim Homrighausen. Cliff Bishop, Steve Simon. Steve Chareas, Charlie Hinkle, Mike Murphy. Steve Doerk, Dan Welsh. Steve Revere, Third Row: Erik Throop, Rob Bartles, Dave Thompson, Marc Mueller, Jonathan Feinberg. Joe Paris, J.T. Snyder, Andy Hillis. Polly LaRouche, Jim Kiernan, John Brom, Harold Fischer, Paul Will, Greg Wallander. Fourth Row: Rick Dubish, Chuck Schegel. Bret Conway, Pat Knutson, Lloyd Free, Toni Longi, Scott Hughes, Pat Goodknight, Nick Rovai. Bret Dinkel, Mike Knutson, David Hunt, Steve Cory, Brian Cory. Fifth Row: John Nation, Mike Dickman, Todd Zellmer, Craig Barrette, Henry Stadler, David Reynolds, Chris Fletchall, Steve Day, Jeff Blalock, David Prescott Osterbrock, Andy Kubiak.
Sigma Alpha Mu
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The Sigma Zeta chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu was colonized on the IU campus in 1922. Since that time, the chapter has been located in the current Admissions Building, the present Sigma Alpha Epsilon house and 7 O6 E. Eighth St. The fourth house, a newly built milliondollar facility on the extension, houses 66 men. The presidents of Warner Bros., Orion and United Artists and the chairman of ABC are all Sigma Alpha Mus.

Front Row: Rich Kaufman, Barry Samuels, Joel Goldman, Mike Margolis, Eric Bauman. Second Row: Joel Kingsley, Evan Rossio, Dan Fogel, Mark Siegel, Steve Klauber, Steve Sicherman, Scott Posner, Jim Zeilinger, Charlie Gottlieb, Mike Elfenbaum, John Falcone. Third Row: Jeff Bassock, Dave Adams, Jeff Safrin, Adam Miller, Howard 'toffee, Greg Levy, Mike Guggenheim, Dave Margolis, Ed Freeman, Howard Morrison, Paul Greenland, Jeff Schankerman. Fourth Row: Bobby Weiss, Steve Krug, Pete Malnak, Barry Snyder, Dave Kurlander, Alan Ehrlich, Fred Wittenbaum, Mike Strip, Neal Kahn. Mike Shapiro, Scott Hodes, Fred Siegel, Alan Tanenbaum, Joel Kaplan, Jay Kopelson, Ed Gershman. Back Row: Chuck Miller, Jeff Echt, Dave Baum, Ralph Windle, Josh Chaet, Jim Epstein, Marc Sorin, Tom DeKovin, Benjy Klayman, Jeff Bramson, Andy Markowitz, Craig Katz, Alan Whitman, Steve Gartenberg, Todd Rhodes, Brad Cohen, Brian Katz, Paul Coplan, Scott Soloman, Andy Cohen, Jimmy Linder.

Sigma Chi

The Lambda chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity was colonized at IU 126 years ago. The national philanthropy of the fraternity is the Wallace Village for Children in Denver. Famous Sigma Chis include John Wayne, Tom Selleck, David Letterman, Barry Goldwater and Dr. William DeVries.
Front Row: Boyd Zoccola, Tony Accardo, Carl Queisser, Andy Travis, Cary Campbell, Dan Rose. Mike Kirkwood, Mike O'Donnell, Dan Callender, Jim Zoccola. Second Row: John Cosgrove, Clark Cummins, Scott Somner. Pete Broecker, Dave Clause, John Demaree, Rick Held, Steve Queisser, Scott Weil, Geoff Curtis, T.J. Hooker. Third Row: Tom McGowan, Tony Werner, Mark Sarno, John Reoder, Jason Brown, Rich Hall, Robert Buday, Andy Fernandez, Max Eckern, Mark Gorman, Steve Sulhrdn, Tobey McCaig, Scott House, Mike Davis. Matt Kenney, Matt Stadler. Brow Bradburn, Ken Dawes, Pete Humbaugh, Jethro Brown, Mike Rutherford, Tim Morris, Steve Greenberg. Scott Curnow, Chris Egbert, Mark Feesh, Steve Stress, Neal Sanders. Back Row: Keith Woodhouse, Jim Cumming, Jim Null, Jeff Harris, Jim McGuff,.Scott Rouzer. John Cumming. John Goetter, Bill Mullen, Andy Drake, S. Doug Myers, John Burnside, Brian Pahud. Todd Tichenur, Chris Tonner, George Rumpf, Dale Dellacqua, Kevin Smith, Eric Wahlstrum, Joe Gradison, Scott Strubel, Andy S. Drake.
Sigma Delta Tau
Sigma Delta Tau was founded at Cornell University in 1917. The Upsilon chapter was founded at IU in 1940 by seven women. The sorority's national philanthropy is the prevention of child abuse. SDT donated an ambulance to the American Red Cross during WWII through the sale of war bonds, as well as two flying fortresses, named the Torch of Sigma Delta Tau and the Spirit of SDT. Actress Suzanne Pleshette is among the famous Sigma Delta Taus.

Front Row: Ellen Shepp, Elise Benovitz, Fran Bank, Andi Cohen, Marcie Spitz, Laura Friedman, Julie Mason, Tammy Leibowitz, Shari Solomon, Anita Shapiro. Second Row: Janice Babendir, Reeva Blumenthal, Amy Cohen, Lori Aronson, Margot Fine, Sharyn Albert, Alison Cohen, Marcia Herman, Julie Cohen. Third Row: Anne Wolk, Tracy Miller, Karen Lowe, Jill Ripes, Jill Rosen, Andrea Lieberman, Dana Rosenstock, Jenny Getzug, Tammy Skilken, Eileen Heisler, Lorrie Green. Fourth Row: Rachel Reagler, Stef Asin, Cynde Citron, Marica Friedland, Susan Bernstein, Beth Jaffe, Cindy Platzer, Sheri Hammel, Susie Sachs. Debbie Turek, Debbie Levitan, Sherry Weiner, Wynne Zelen. Fifth Row: Julie Bernstein, Wendy Platt, Susie Goldman, Debbie Burman, Wendy Rado, Caryn Stein, Jane Gabovitch, Helene Edelstein, Marcie Seagal, Ellen Brenner, Lisa Schwartz, Myra Klopman. Debbie Trotsky, Heidi Weinstein, Chris Peterson, Jane Zuckerman, Sharon Maier, Lisa Fingold, Susan Stern, Amy Zuckerman, Leigh Regenstrief, Steph Spardone, Claudia Bender.
Sigma Kappa
Founded at Colby College in 1874, Sigma Kappa came to IU in 1918. In 1984, Sigma Kappa received the National Panhellenic Award, and the IU chapter also received the Most Panhellenic chapter on campus. Lambda Chi Alpha is its brother fraternity, and the first woman to be initiated into Phi Beta Kappa, Mary Lou Cawer, was a Sigma Kappa.

Front Row: Kelly Doane, Lori Matusoff, Patricia Blessing, Amy Higgins, Jennifer Thompson, Debra Lopez, Laura Kheip, Carolyn Kiawitter, Nancy Henderson. Second Row: Linda Brizendine, Susan Schultz, Wendy Lohart, Denise Yankus, Laura Yao, Chris Becker, Betsy Barth, Jennifer Spoor, Cathy Colwell. Sue Asper. Third Row: Cyndi Hmielewski, Angie Cook, Cathy Thorton, Norma Bartkowicz, Sheree Davis. Risa Rarick, Joan Napier, Pam Dibona, Andrea Crawford, Julia Wagner, Becky Banfield, Amy Christenson, Kandise Kersting, Tami Dick. Back Row: Denise Deer, Jill Quyle, Sharon Letsinger, Maribeth Radar, Mary Ann Clark, Amy Strawn, Sue Kilham, Anita North, Ann Marie Yanan, Molly Sullivan, Lisa Nay.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
The IU chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded in 1931, but it disbanded for 10 years and recolonized in 1947. The fraternity now is going strong with six Buchanan Cups to its credit. The Buchanan Cup is an award given by the national fraternity to the outstanding chapter in each region.

Front Row: Chuck Torrec, Andy Vance. Kerry Johnson, Mike Parker, Eric Elliot. Mark Zetzer, John Washburn, Ray Stein, Steve Douglass, Ty McDaniel, Keith Chval. Second Row: John Oakes. Scott Thayer, Scott Reid, Kieth Rodgers. Joe Teghtmeyer. Tom Schermerhorn, Rocke Blair, Dave Klapheke, Mom Zerkel. Tom Evans. John Koontz. John Darner, Doug Ausenbaugh, Chris Bohm, Paul Sasber. Third Row: Mike Petro, Roman Stienburg, Sam Mangianmele, Brad Eichenhauer, Tim Luker, Mike Slade, Ted Guzeck, John McKay. G.R. Orr. John Frost. Brad Taylor. Fourth Row: Andy Prestor. Tim Sugar. Pete Glesing, Dean Nepiekoj, Mike Murray. Mark Janusz. Steve Bryie. John Nowicki, Berry Allen. Bill Lewis. Mike Nowlan, Frank Cilia, Bill Rosenstihl, Mark Dumoulin. Fifth Row: Kevin Lipka, Greg Battreall, Scott Dodson, Rob Youngman. Doug Gray, Mike Jones, Mark Bennison, Brian Rhoades, Andy Noble, Bret Kay. Back Row: Jack Mcheen, Jay Gucky. John Gilley, Chris Wahlers, Joe Parrott, Frank Dileo. John Norlag, Mario Soto.
Theta Chi
Theta Chi has been responsible for a number of IU landmarks. The small "island" in the middle of Jordan near the Musical Arts Center and Read Quad is made out of bricks from the Theta Chis' first house and is shaped in the form of their pledge pin.

Front Row: John Pappas, Tom Svoboda, Ken Soren, Jeff Moore, Brian Will, Tara, Derek Perrigo, Tonka, Don Gardner, Eric Cooper. Second Row: John Argento, Bob Gramman, Don Stradling, Phil Thomas, Jeff Mascari, Phil BeMiller, Rich Miller, Scott Brady. Eric Wallien, Shawn Simmons, Dave Schisla, John Schurtter. Third Row: Shawn Mulholland, John R. Saul, D. J. Sirota, Tom Endicott, Scott Kennedy. James Bible, Karl Frank, Jeff Denson, Roger Burnett, Dwayne Dixon, John Heer, Ray Berger. Fourth Row: Mike Kuhlman, Guy Fuchs, Father Myles Smith, Mark McCann, Chris Waites, Jay Ralstin, Greg Lancelot, Rick Shirley, Mike Rueter, Jim Davis. Chris Strout, Mike Dumm, Scott Wade. Scott Weghorst, Colin Contos. Back Row: Marquis Bresnan. Mike Gardner, Kelly Newcomb, Joe Almon, Mark Fox. Jeff Keller, Curt Leatherbury, Chris Bible, Daine Smith, Gene Wolf, Matt Coffman, Brian Kernaghan, Devin Baker, Scott Perkins, Greg Rasmussen, Ed Ryan, Brian Reedy, Randy Grote, Jack Craven, Jerry Moran.
Zeta Beta au
Zeta Beta Tau was founded in New York City in 1898. The Beta Gamma chapter was colonized at IU in 1947. ZBT was the first fraternity to have a National Permanent Endowment Fund Corporation, which finances housing and furnishings for ZBT chapters. Burton Baskin, founder of Baskin Robbins ice cream, and Leonard Bernstein are famous ZBTs.

Front Row: Matt Ouimet, Cary Tucker, Bruce Parr, Ken Brandt. Second Row: Eric Bloom, Scott Shimberg. Stuart Kantoff, Scott Bentkover, Marc Levine. Mike Rock, David Weinstein, Rob Rafelson, Pete Covitz, Lance Wogalter. Third Row: Steve Heller, Harold Kugelman, Kevin Holmer. Mike Medow, Steve Oppenheim, Brian Posen. Alvin Grossman, Scott Russ, Steve Varon, Steve Moritz. Fourth Row: Ted Rubenstein, Gary Morris, George Dickstein, Ed Izsak. Dave Eichel, Jon Brinkman, Mike Wasserman, Marc Jacob, Steve Ross, Steve Berman. Steve Hoffman, Eliot Wineberg, Doug Denning. Back Row: Marc Solomon. Pete Goldsmith, Jon Mendelsohn. Joel Cohen, Jack Goldberg, Steve Cohen, Mike Sandler, Howard Stolberg, Steve Newman, Scott Tauber, Mike Taitel, Neil Baron.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Zeta Tau Alpha, the third-largest national sorority, came to IU in 1922. Before moving to its present location in 1957, the sorority lived in a house behind the Musical Arts Center called Oxford Manor. Zeta's symbol, a five-pointed crown, was made famous by John Hallmark, of Hallmark cards, in recognition of his wife, who was a Zeta.

Front Row: Robyn Murray, Laura Anspach, Lynn Giolas, Lisa Bodine, Kim Sackman, Joyce Gjertson, Jody Ripberger, Terri Travis, Kristi Morgan, Betsy Smith, Sandy Valaitis. Second Row: Dianne Benner, Holly Nortman, Amy Reed, Blair Wheeler, Chris Cain, Sheila O'Donnell, Nancy O'Conner, Allison Long, Kathleen O'Mahoney, Kim Brenner, Bridget Henry, Susie Pils. Third Row: Jana Earley, Gail Bilyeu, Cindy Summers, Lisa Fleisher, Kim Stone, Laurie Ragner, Lorri Kohen, Debbie Bridgers, Natalie Head, Colleen Killian. Fourth Row: Karon Klem, Donna Zelinger, Karen McVay, Blair Wittmer, Janell Simpson, Amy Hostetler, Debbie Currin, Elsie Keller. Back Row: Laura Hazelwood, Karen Miller, Maureen Jefvert, Lora Schweers, Heidi Rudolf, Patrice Crimmins, Kara Riessler, Laura Daus, Stacey Gengnagel, Jama Carper, Lisa Lancaster, Allison Delaney, Debbie Yerbic.

Front Row: Barry Margolin, Ed Forman. Steve Wilensky, Dan Balser, Bob Zuckman, Ross Gordon, Mike Weil, Vic Cohen. Second Row: Tom Weil, Tod Friedenberg, Brian Speck, Steve Rabin, Tod Lipsich, Scott Perlson, Scott Sonkin, Phil Hamburg, Jon Sinder, Jeff Kaolin. Third Row: Mike Rosenberg, Mark Geller. Steve Cohen, Jim Greenstein, Ken Tucker, Scott Margolin, Howard Hollander, Scott Himelstein. Greg Berke, Steve Klapper, John Goldenberg. Fourth Row: Ricky Appelseis, Craig Miller, Brian Sureck, Adam Berebitsky, Scott Yonover, Art Mandebaum, Hadley Engelhardt, Todd Balber, Dan Siegel, Ken Goldberg, David Shane. Scott Spero. Fifth Row: Ken Rollins, Joel Mandel, Adam Berebitzky, Joel Fink, Neal Becker, Ron Schacter, Brian Kayman, Dan Frisch, Charles Nathan. Sixth Row: Jim Frisch, Todd Greenberg, Marc Katz, Steve Lander, Gregg Stern, Greg Stark, Andy Leary.
Alpha Epsilon Pi, one of the largest Jewish fraternities in the country, was colonized at IU by members of the Purdue chapter in 1955. Its first home was located at 420 N. Park Ave., and the fraternity later built its present home on the North Jordan extension.
Delta Sigma Theta

Front Row: Regina Gary, Jeanette Pope, Linda Turner, Taffanee Woods, Julie Brown, Christina Bythewood, Lisa Morris. Tonya Simmons, Donna Smith, Rochelle Boyd. Back Row: Sandra Brown, April Kennedy. Diedra Anderson, Clotide Bolling, Margaret Bagley, Belinda Matheny, Kathy Foster, Judy Evans, Carole Guess. Not Pictured: Marva Berry, Doreena Brown, Lois Brown, Sheronda Bazzell, Paula Curry, Lisa Hayes, Tasha Jackson, Cherry Killebrew, Arnee Love, Alicia Menetre, LaTrille Miller, Cathy Nunley, Tina Parrott, Angela Ross, Vanessa Starkes, Crystal Taliefero, Sheri Gibbs.
Front Row: Vic Minatel, Seong-Ku Mitter, Jeff Goodman, Jill Witter, John Hefner, Bob Harig, Mike Chapman, Tracy Mills, Mike Joksimovic. Second Row: Ed Hackett, Kevin Egan, Mike Kaiser, Tom Solon, Mike Owens, Jay Dykstra, Bob Farber, Jeff Collier, John Elmer, Lou Ellsworth, Kevin Kissane, Ned Kantor. Third Row: Greg Watts, Phil Le Master, Rich Qualter, Judd Hansen, Dan Kiesle, Bob Pilat, Jeff Fritz, Mark Riley, Mike Skiruin, Dave Fiszer, Ken Moran, Jim Tully, Eamonn Killeen, Kevin Fitzsimons. Fourth Row: Ed Pawlowski, Liam Forde, Rick Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Tom McMahon, Steve Early, Tim Reagan, Pat Rohan, Keith Bartz, Jim Berger, Kevin Bourke, Ron Skowronski, Ray Daub.
The Evans Scholars fraternity is unique in that all members are golf caddies who exhibited academic achievement in high school. They received Evans Scholarships in order to further their education. The scholarship fund is made possible through contributions from Evans Scholars alumni, various golf associations and golfers nationwide.
Kappa Delta Rho

Front Row: David Waltman, Kevin Banning. Len Farrel, Jim Flake, Larry Wheeler, Jeff Williams, Jeff Reininga, Bradley Goble, Tim Gardner. Second Row: Greg Andis, Mike Kemp, Jeff Gregory, Rich Pedott, Brad Hren, Stu Robinson, Jeff Clark, Ford Goble, Chris York, Mitch Bunner, Al Jackson. Third Row: James Evanson. Paul Shrawder, Kurt Madden, Greg Ham, Mark Raper. Dodge Andis, Paul Cornwell, Jack Birch, Ken Marciniak, Bob Doom. Fourth Row: Allen Akin, Dean Jackson, Mike Mutka, Tom Wheeler, Bruce Bunner, Pat McCubbin, Duane Roller, Ken Johnson, Dan Bailey, Kevin Palmer.
Kappa Delta Rho was founded at IU on April 9, 1926, when a local fraternity, Sigma Eta Chi, joined the national organization. In 1979, KDR left campus, but it recolonized the chapter in 1981. The fraternity's original house was on North Jordan in what is now the Evans Scholars house. In 1978, the fraternity moved to its present location on Third Street. Kappa Delta Rho was the only fraternity on the IU campus to remain open during WWII. Country music singer Barbara Mandrell is an honorary KDR Little Sister.