Four Walls & A Roof // Architecture + Design Portfolio

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Š 2015 All right reserved Thank you to all the people that made this possible.

“Why did you study so intensively for so long? Isn’t architecture basically four walls and a roof?”

An excerpt from the article ‘The vast majority of the built environment is of unspeakable ugliness’ by Reinier de Graaf

FOUR WALLS & A ROOF portfolio is inspired by an article by Reinier de Graaf of OMA. In the article, he wrote about how he was asked such question shortly after he graduated, and after 25 years later, he still struggle to come up with an answer. Having completed my Bachelor of Science (Arch.) (Hons.) from UiTM Shah Alam, i found myself asking the same question. Hoping to find the answer working with experience practitioner, I am searching for a constructing environment that expose myself to challenges that lead to self-improvement. ARCA

INTRO & CONTENT 12 THEORY & PRACTICE, Semester 02 I learn about organic architecture by Frank Lyold Wright and study the basic elements that defines it.

14 PROTOTYPING PATTERN & TEXTURE, Semester 02 I experiment with the tangiblity of material to create the desired texture and surface.

18 URBAN INFILL, Semester 05 I learn the difficulties of designing in an urban context. The design was articulate to engage with the pedestrians passing by the front of the shop.

22 RETIREE CO-HOUSING, Semester 07 The housing studio teach me about the basic needs of human living. From the project, I learn balancing form and function to create a optimum and cohesive design for the users.

A short walkthrough of the portfolio 13 100m続, Semester 02 I learn how to design a basic function in a limited space that would optimize its users experience.

15 FLAT PACK, Semester 02 I experiment with designing organic mechanism that expand and contract to form a sphere.

20 SUMMER CAMP, Semester 05 The swimming summer camp allow me to explore the relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces. It became a crucial element in making the design idea work based on the activity proposed. 30 Student Lifestyle Hub, Semester 08 I proposed a complex that arrange the program in a continous loops. Related programs are overlap to create layers of spaces that encourage interaction between different users.




“To create a space that never existed is what interest me.� Daniel Libeskind During the second semester of my B.Sc., i began to develop understanding about what design could be and what i could make it become. I started exploring possibilities in design and challenge the boundary set by the brief. The final result involve creating a responsive design that adapt to the users needs.


Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches so sympathetic and well interated with its site that building, furnishing and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated compositions. There are five(5) keywords that represents organic architecture which are HORIZONTALITY, SITE, SYMBOL, MATERIAL and UNIQUE.












“To build a building that becomes a social gathering space, and a public space.� Jacques Herzog In my fifth semester, influenced by the works of Herzog de Meuron and Daniel Libeskind, i started to explore different design form to create an active and passive experience to the users. The human experience in the space become an essential part in design that was pririoties during the whole design process.


URBAN INFILL: RESTAURANT, CENTRAL MARKET DESIGN ISSUES : Unlively cultural spot & lack of hangout area


DESIGN CONCEPT: CONVERGE Move towards one point and join together. This concept is choosen as it best to reflect the situation concerning the whole project as there is the presence of duality is believe can revitalize the surrounding context. (a) Issues : Art & Culture x Hangout Spot (b) Solution : Classic x Modern (c) Target Users : Culture Lover x Hangout Folks DESIGN GENERATOR: (a) Food - Local Delicacies (b) Business Type - Cafe DESIGN STATEMENT: To design a place where artist can practice their art and culture freely. Visitors can witness thier performance while indulging in the local delicacies provided by the food hawkers in the buildings. Precedent Studies:

Mahiko Mano Cafe, Tokyo Hammock replaces chairs to allow customers to relax and take a nap(<120min) as they enjoy a taste of beverage and snack. DESIGN PROCESS


1111 Parking Garage, Miami Design for pedestrians, the building becomes a social gathering space. Local comes for exercisings, doing yoga and even wedding ceremony.


SUMMER CAMP: SWIMMING SCHOOL,TELUK BAHANG DESIGN ISSUES : Lack of dedicated swimming camp that teach young Malaysian how to swim eventhough Malaysia has a high death-by-drowing rate every year. DESIGN CONCEPT: STIMULUS To find what is the perfect element applicable to stimulate people to swim. The fundamentals elements of swimming is examined to find out the most important factors regarding humans experience in swimming. WHAT is swimming? WHERE do people swim? WHY do people want to swim? HOW do people swim? DESIGN STATEMENT: The design a platform that educate childrens and teenagers on the proper way of swimming and also assist overcoming aquafobia. DESIGN STRATEGIES







“All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the person in the space.� Phillip Johnson Semester 07 become a defining moment in my studies as i was face with the challenge of designing with few precedents. A retiree cohousing community in Janda Baik was the project that allow me to clearly see what my pursuit was to become. Task with meeting the needs of a real client, i started to explore the details that often overlook in my early works to create a cohesive experience to the users.


1+1 RETIREMENT COHOUSING, JANDA BAIK Located in Janda Baik, the 1+1 Cohousing is a theoretical pilot project that aims to test the idea of community living among the elderlies in Malaysia. The project test the different interaction between living organism to find a solution to cohesive living environment. Nature is use as medium in the the design to reinstigate the relationship between men and nature, and with each other. The entrance to the building is raised to offer privacy and security without the use of fencing in the front. This allowed the design to appear free rather than confining to the residents. Subtraction is used on the massive volume to allow nature to penetrate the building, creating pockets spaces that enhance interaction for the residents. Continous corridors and walkways allow the masterplan to be a social and elderly friendly design. Site Plan N.T.S.



Human and Human

Human & Nature


Social Ribbon

Green Pockets


Raised Ground

Substract Volume Common House Second Floor Plan(2F) N.T.S. Buffer Zone

Protected Green

Common House First Floor Plan(1F) N.T.S. Social Zone

Green Facade

Raised Platform

Terraces and Verenda

Common House Ground Floor Plan(GF) N.T.S.

Social Ribbon Housing Unit Third Floor Plan(3F) N.T.S.

Interactive Terraces

Housing Unit Second Floor Plan(2F) N.T.S.

Housing Unit First Floor Plan(1F) N.T.S.

Housing Unit Ground Floor Plan(GF) N.T.S.

The design inserted a number of different element to enhance the living environment in 1+1. The facade of the common house facing the living units are made transparent to allow residence have full view of whats happening across the masterplan. The central pond act as a cooling elements as well as visual referrence to the residents. The livings units are develop as series of stacked concrete boxes coherently creating a solid and serene living area for the resident. Terraces on each floor acts as social ribbon that instigate communication between community. nodes are inserted at key points along the social ribbon to stimulate interaction. FORM DEVELOPMENT: 1. Elevate massing

2. Carved courtyard

Living Unit Front Elevation N.T.S.

Living Unit Section N.T.S.

3.Program Zoning

4. Preserve green by subtration

5. Subtract for view and entrance

6. Sun and shadow manipulation

7. Insertion of elements in design. Common House Front Elevation N.T.S.

View from Linking Bridge (2F)

View from outdoor deck (GF)

Common House Rear Elevation N.T.S.




“I believe that architecture is fundamentally a public space where people can gather and communicate, think about the history, think about the lives of human beings or the world.” Tadao Ando In the final semester, using all the knowledge and experience gained from previous works, i propose a design that tries to recreate the experience of a ‘home’ for the students. A design that actively and passively engaging the students is proposed using form, spaces, colour, light and nature. The design is articulated to become a space where student feels welcome and celebrated for their presents.








The initial idea for this project was to create a space that the student feels welcome and comfortable as their own home. The components of what constitutes a home is analyse and redefine to propose a ‘Home for Students’. Schuler Haus is the outcome from that study, becoming a centre where students come afterclass for recreation, studies, relaxation and also food. The design seeks to create spaces that welcomes and celebrates students and their activities using diverse topographies and approaches to achieve a active and engaging design. COMPARISON NORMAL HOUSE



Social: Living Room

Eat: Kitchen


Recreation: Backyard

Social: Common Area

Eat: F&B Area


Recreation: Study: Outdoor Area Learning Area

Study: Bedroom


Contrast Image

Transparent Spaces

Welcoming Entrance

Compact Spaces

Mysterious Adventure

Variety Configuration

Dynamic Form

Dynamic Circulation

Clustered Facade

Site Plan N.T.S.

The design respond to the site climatic condition and position the building axis according to the vista from outside and within UiTM Shah Alam. Circulation around the site that was neglected was taken into consideration and a solution in the form of boulevard and widening of the entrance road was proposed to reconnect the site and its target users. VIEW OF THE SITE


CREATE The site build area is maximise by elevating the whole building mass according to site.

AXIS The centre of the building is open up to the outside to create transparency into the building.

LIFT The right side of the building is raised to create a welcoming entrance.

SUBTRACT Voids are created by subtracted building mass to insert activities and spaces.

CUT The building form is trim and tapered to create a dynamic building form.

EXPLODE The building is broken in clusters to differentiate program and activities, producing subtle variation in the design.


Ground Floor Plan N.T.S

Leisure Garden A quite garden where student are encourage to study outdoor. The fragmentation of the garden blurs the boundary between building and nature.

F&B Area An semi-covered open air space that serve variety of food for students to enjoy.

The Canopy An active landscape that encourage engagement between the students. It can morph according to needs and act as canopy during hot days and as cover during rainy weather.

The Promenade The central area for hosting a weekend market or special outdoor events.

The Water Plaza A water feature that allows student to rest and play with water. Also double as a rainwater collection pond.

The Boulevard Act as the connection between the site and pedestrian route. Welcomes the students to the building.

Multipurpose Hall A space for student to host events such as exhibition or concerts.

The Amphitheater A place for where students can sit and held small impromtu events or session.

First Floor Plan N.T.S

Second Floor Plan N.T.S

Commercial Area Student come to purchase goods and use the available services provided such as printing, convenience store and etc.

Lower Ground Floor Plan N.T.S

Group Study Area An area dedicated to group discussion and works. Position along the main circulation. Quite Study Area A fully air conditioned study area thats also isolated from the outside. Provide a quiet and serene environment for personal studies. Private Study Area An area designed to provide a level of privacy for students in group. An open air mezzanine floor overlooking the group study area below.

West Elevation N.T.S

Section X-X’ N.T.S

South Elevation N.T.S

Section Y-Y’ N.T.S


ORANGE ELEMENT Interaction and communication is an important part of a lifestyle hub. to instigate healthy interaction and comunication, the outdoor has been designed to encouraged social engagement between the student, various typologies of social engaging spaces has been design such as the boulevard, the amphitheatre, the marina, the promenade, the red square and the garden.

BLUE ELEMENT Water elements completes the needs of a space as it provide balance between solid and liquid, hard and soft, static and motion.

GREEN ELEMENT nature is an important part of human lives, its gives comfort and adds serenity to the spaces.


Water System

Ventilation System

SUSTAINABLE FEATURES A number of features has been implemented to reduce the building’s environmental impact. This features covers the aspect of electricity usage and water consumption. Electricity load is reduce by using natural lighting and natural ventilation. Rainwater is collected and stored as part of the water features.

The Arena

The Promenade

The Boulevard

The Water Plaza


© 2015 All right reserved Thank you to all the people that made this possible.

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