Julio Reyes - "Tender Mercies" - May 22 - June 13, 2021

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Julio Reyes

Tender Mercies

“ ‘ Te n d e r M e r c i e s ’ i s a n i n t i m a t e c o l l e c t i o m o m e n t s o f q u i e t g r a n d e u r, t r a n s f o r m a seeking to express the dignity within unn something larger that is now lost - a ge u n f o l d s o n l y t o t h e c a r e f u l o b s e r v e r. H e escape from the tumult of modern life an

A l s o Av treasures, tucke

desperately overlooked pered in hushed tones, remind us that lif even the most modest truth, when spok chantments of delusion...giving us reprie where the imitati Within that world, what is an artist to do to seek old truths that have been burie else is looking; and to try in some small w treasure at the

The paintings are expressions of the hea C a l i f o r n i a a n d Te x a s , t h e b e a u t i f u l s o u l majesty of nature, and contemp

I hope you e - Julio

on of egg tempera paintings, focusing on tion, and spirit. In these works, I was noticed moments; the glowing memory of entle revelation, filled with longing, that ere is a quiet place, not presented as an nd it’s kaleidoscope of novelties - but as

ve a i l a b l e d away from sight.

Their stories, whisfe is brief, innocence is fragile, and that ken with conviction, can shatter the eneve from uncertainty and flux, and everyon of grandness. , but to begin again with worn tools, and d and forgotten -- to look where no one way to regain contact with the overlooked e heart of it all.

art, flowing out of my experiences in both ls I have encountered, the breathtaking plations on the gravity of time.

enjoy them.” Reyes

“Looking-Glass” Oil on Panel 30 x 30 Inches


G TEMPERA egg tem·per·a /eɡ ˈtempərə⁄ noun noun: egg tempera an emulsion of pigment and egg yolk, used in tempera painting.

“Egg tempera is a painting medium that is relatively uncommon today. Though made of the simplest materials, powdered pigments and egg yolks, it needs to be created by hand daily, and is not an easy medium to master. “

“There’s definitely something about egg tempera that resonates with me. Egg tempera has the capacity to combine color with line, in a way that is almost like ‘drawing’ with paint. Color, form, and values are built slowly via countless layers of cross-hatching, spatters, and veils of transparencies, which work in harmony, culminating into a final effect that is both beautiful and unique. The process, though arduous, can be described as a kind of intense meditation on the form and nature of light via the smallest increments of change. Building an egg tempera painting is challenging but meaningful process. The finished painting has a beautiful satin luster, that is both subtle and gorgeous, especially when lightly polished with silk after it has cured.”

I mix my palette from pigm coaxing to meld into a pain has a soft luster. It takes m crescendos in a way which is complete, I lightly polish and full luster. The final su

“To create an egg tempera painting, I prepare a panel with an absorbent ground (my favorite is a traditional chalk and marble dust mixture bound in rabbit skin glue), and begin the work with a light pencil or silver point drawing. I reinforce the drawing with India ink, establishing value and form.

ment powders and raw egg yolks - the finest powders need nt, while others mix readily. The paint is thin, translucent, and many layers to build a rich and vibrant surface, and the process h can’t be rushed, or replicated in any other medium. When it h the surface with silk to bring out the painting’s deepest values urface achieves a subtle satin sheen unique to egg tempera.”

“Tempera paintings have exceptional longevity (examples from the first century AD still exist), and were a primary method of painting until around 1500 when it was superseded by the invention of oil painting. Notable examples of egg tempera are Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World. Few artists choose to use this medium today, the most notable American artists in recent history are Andrew Wyeth, Paul Cadmus, Thomas Hart Benton, and Robert Vickery.”

White Caps

Egg Tempera on Panel 28” x 18”


Egg Tempera on Panel 19” x 16.5”


Egg Tempera on Panel 16” x 16.5”


Egg Tempera on Panel 14” x 16”

Amber Waters Egg Tempera on Panel 12” x 20”


Egg Tempera on Panel 14” x 24”

Ozymandias Egg Tempera on Panel 16.5” x 16”


Egg Tempera on Panel 16” x 11”

Above and Below Egg Tempera on Panel 12” x 13.5”

Born of The Sun Egg Tempera on Panel 12” x 12”

Golden Vow Egg Tempera on Panel 9.5” x 12.5”

Moon Song

Egg Tempera on Panel 9.5” x 8”

Summer ’s Ghost Egg Tempera on Panel 9.5” x 12.5”

La Mer

Graphite on Paper 18” x 14”

A l s o Av a


“Looking-Glass” Oil on Panel 30 x 30 Inches

Devil Winds

Egg Tempera and Encaustic on Panel 45” x 62”

Night Moth Oil on Panel 55” x 60”

Golgotha Oil on Panel 27” x 50”

Dark Waters Oil on Panel 30” x 45”

Flower of The Field Oil on Panel 25” x 27”


Egg Tempera and Oil on Panel 24” x 24”

ARCADIA CONTEMPORARY arcadiacontemporary.com | 646-861-3941

421 West Broadway New York, NY 10012

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