Il Catalogo dei Giocattoli
Prima infanzia First years 2
Disegno Drawing 44
Chiodini Peg 12
Bambine Girls 50
Prescolari Preschool 26
Magnetici Magnetic 52
Costruzioni Building 30
Estivi Summer toys 60
Piste per biglie Marble run 38
Un mondo di giochi made in Italy A world of toys made in Italy
Un monde de jouets fabriqués en Italie Un mundo de juguetes fabricados en Italie Eine Welt der Spielwaren made in Italy Мир игрушек произведенный в Италии Um mundo de brinquedos italianos En värld av leksaker tillverkade i Italien
Prima Infanzia First Years
Trainabile Push toy, Primi incastri Shape-fitting toys, Puzzle, Percorsi e Ingranaggi Pathfinder and Baby gears, Piste per biglie Marble run, Prime costruzioni First building set, Chiodoni XL pegs, Bottoni Buttons
Trainabile Push toy
4180 Quack & Flap Age: 1+
007905 041802
0242 Daisy Shape Sorter
Primi incastri Shape-fitting toys
16 pcs. Age: 1+
0242 4180
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Daisy Shape Sorter Quack & Flap
33 x 31 x 13 18 x 29 x 9
4 6
0,062 0,035
4,20 3,76
007905 002421
Prima Infanzia First Years Primi incastri Shape-fitting toys
4006 Daisy Collana
4007 Daisy Orsetti
4008 Daisy Leprotti
4009 Daisy Polipetti
12 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 040065
10 pcs. Age: 1+
8 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 040072
007905 040089
9 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 040522
007905 040096
4130 Star Links
4135 Animal Links
21 pcs. Age: 1+
4052 Jumbo Bunnies
6 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 041307
4006 4007 4008 4009 4052 4130 4135
18 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 041352
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Daisy Collana Daisy Orsetti Daisy Leprotti Daisy Polipetti Jumbo Bunnies Star Links Animal Links
14 x 16 x 9 14 x 16 x 9 14 x 16 x 9 14 x 16 x 9 19 x 19 x 19 18 x 29 x 9 18 x 29 x 9
12 12 12 12 6 6 6
0,028 0,028 0,028 0,028 0,044 0,035 0,035
2,20 2,20 2,20 1,60 2,50 2,80 2,80
Prima Infanzia First Years Puzzle
0230 Smart Puzzle Fattoria
Double Sided
12 magnetic pcs. Age: 2+
007905 002308
0232 Smart Puzzle Jungla & Savana 12 magnetic pcs. Age: 2+
007905 002322
Double Sided
0236 Smart Puzzle Winnie the Pooh 12 magnetic pcs. Age: 2+
007905 002360
Double Sided
0230 0232 0236
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Smart Puzzle Fattoria 36 x 28 x 6 S. Puzzle Jungla & Savana 36 x 28 x 6 Smart Puzzle Winnie 34 x 27 x 5
6 6 6
0,04 0,04 0,031
5,46 5,49 4,58
Prima Infanzia First Years
Percorsi e Ingranaggi Pathfinder and Baby gears
0295 Fantacolor Labirinto Peg Maze
Double Sided
A game for early writing exercises, learn colours and make associations and sequences. The child’s hand can guide the coloured pegs along a path full of surprises. Age: 2+
007905 002957
0297 Puzzle Labirinto Maze Puzzle
A game for early writing exercises but also for making associations and inventing stories. The child’s hand can guide the characters, vehicles, and animals along the paths full of surprises. Age: 2+
Double Sided
007905 002971
0313 Georello Junior
Colourful and fun cogs which can be turned to make a surprising chain reaction. It can be played with on a level surface or even upright, as it is see-through and double sided. Age: 2+
12 1
6 78
9 10 11
Pronto da Ready from
Double Sided
0295 0297 0313
Product Name
Fantacolor Labirinto Puzzle Labirinto Georello Junior
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
30 x 30 x 8 30 x 30 x 8 30 x 30 x 8
6 6 6
0,053 0,053 0,053
5,25 5,00 -
Prima Infanzia First Years Piste per biglie Marble run
12 1
6 78
9 10 11
Pronto da Ready from
6502 Migoga Junior Basic Set
21 pcs. Contents: 2 straight tracks, 1 S-shaped track, 2 large chutes, 3 flared base pieces, 1 ball-catching base piece, 3 balls (40mm diam.) Age: 18m+
Migoga Junior
The baby version of the ball-track game, made for children aged 18 months and up. Kids will be amazed as the coloured balls slowly roll down the tracks. The time it takes the balls to roll down has been intentionally lengthened to make it more suitable for smaller children.
007905 065020
6512 Migoga Junior Premium Set
43 pcs. Contents: 4 straight tracks, 2 S-shaped tracks, 7 large chutes, 4 flared base pieces, 1 ball-catching base piece, 20 rings, 5 balls (diam. 40mm.) Age: 18m+
actual size 40 mm
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Migoga Junior 21 pcs Migoga Junior 43 pcs
33 x 31 x 13 41 x 41 x 20
4 2
0,062 0,079
- -
Pronto da Ready from
6 78
6502 6512
12 1
007905 065129
9 10 11
Prima Infanzia First Years
Prime costruzioni First building set
4020 Link
4015 Poli Cubi
12 pcs, 12 colours. Age: 2-5
19 pcs, 6 colours. Age: 1+
007905 040201
007905 040157
Chiodoni XL pegs
4152 Daisy Basic Triangoli 13 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 041529
4160 Daisy Maxi
21 pcs. Age: 1+
4162 Daisy Basic Chiodoni
13 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 041628
4015 4020 4152 4160 4162
Product Name
Poli Cubi Link Daisy Basic Triangoli Daisy Maxi Daisy Basic Chiodoni
007905 041604
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
30 x 30 x 8 30 x 30 x 4 29 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 8 29 x 29 x 7
6 6 6 6 6
0,053 0,027 0,042 0,053 0,042
6,7 4,47 3,40 4,90 3,40
Prima Infanzia First Years Chiodoni XL pegs
0270 Daisy Box Chiodoni 28 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 002704
0260 Daisy Box Chiodoni 28 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 002605
0272 Daisy Box Castello 20 pcs. Age: 1+
0262 Daisy Box Castello 20 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 002629
Qubò 19 pcs. Age: 1+
007905 040454
0260 0262 0270 0272 4045
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Daisy Box Chiodoni Daisy Box Castello Daisy Box Chiodoni Daisy Box Castello Qubò
33 x 30 x 14 33 x 30 x 14 33 x 31 x 13 33 x 31 x 13 33 x 31 x 13
4 4 4 4 4
0,062 0,062 0,062 0,062 0,062
4,3 4,5 5,2 5,68 4,99
007905 002728
Prima Infanzia First Years Bottoni ø 40 mm Buttons ø 40 mm
4410 Fantacolor Baby
4414 Fantacolor Baby
Age: 18m+
24 XL pegs dim.46 mm in 3 shapes and 3 colours + 6 pattern cards, carry case. Age: 18m+
4412 Fantacolor Baby
4405 Fantacolor Baby
24 XL pegs dim.46 mm in 3 shapes and 3 colours + 6 pattern cards.
007905 044056
24 XL rounded pegs ø 46 mm in 4 colours + 6 pattern cards, carry case. Age: 18m+
007905 044100
007905 044124
24 XL square pegs dim.46 mm in 6 colours + 6 pattern cards, carry case. Age: 18m+
007905 044148
4401 Pixel Baby
This new version has completely redesigned cards and case, and now comes with handles for easy transportation. After playing with it on a level surface, the card may be inserted into the case to display upright. Contents: 30 XL pegs (46mm diam.) in 3 shapes and 3 colours + 8 pattern cards, carry case. Age: 18m+
007905 044018 2
12 1
2502 Pixel Baby Refill
15 XL pegs in 3 shapes and 3 colours. Age: 18m+
007905 025024
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
9 10 11
2502 4401 4405 4410 4412 4414
Product Name
Pixel Baby Refill Pixel Baby Fantacolor Baby Fantacolor Baby Fantacolor Baby Fantacolor Baby
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
12 x 20 x 5 34 x 29 x 8 32 x 24 x 6 34 x 29 x 8 34 x 29 x 8 34 x 29 x 8
12 6 12 6 6 6
0,015 0,053 0,060 0,053 0,053 0,053
1,56 - 7,89 5,88 6,16 6,20
Prima Infanzia First Years Bottoni ø 32 mm Buttons ø 32 mm
4190 FantaColor Junior 48 large pegs ø 32 mm in 4 colours, 8+8 cards, carry case. Age: 2+
007905 041901
4195 FantaColor Junior Basic
48 large pegs ø 32 mm in 4 colours, 8+8 cards. Age: 2+
007905 041956
4200 FantaColor Junior Minnie ©Disney
4190 4195 4200 4204
Product Name
FantaColor Junior FantaColor Junior Basic FantaColor Junior Minnie FantaColor Junior Jake
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
34 x 29 x 8 36 x 28 x 6 34 x 27 x 5 34 x 27 x 5
6 6 6 6
0,053 0,040 0,031 0,031
6,70 6,40 4,27 4,25
48 large pegs ø 32 mm in 4 colours, 8+8 cards. Age: 2+
007905 042007
4204 FantaColor Junior Jake
48 large pegs ø 32 mm in 4 colours, 8+8 cards. Age: 2+
007905 042045
Prima Infanzia First Years Bottoni ø 32 mm Buttons ø 32 mm
4199 Combi Junior
Double Sided
60 large pegs ø 32 mm in 6 colours, 6 cards, carry case. Age: 2+
007905 041994
4210 Pixel Junior
This new version has completely redesigned cards and case, now with handles for easy transportation. After playing with it on a level surface, the card may be inserted into the case to display upright. Contents: 48 large pegs (ø 32mm) in 6 different colours, 8 cards, carry case. Age: 2+
12 1
9 10 11
007905 042106
2501 Pixel Junior Refill 24 large pegs in 4 colours. Age: 2+
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
007905 025017
2501 4199 4210
Product Name
Pixel Junior Refill Combi Junior Pixel Junior
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
12 x 20 x5 42 x 36 x 7 34 x 29 x 8
12 4 6
0,015 0,049 0,053
1,40 6,02 -
Chiodini Peg
Basic, Modular, Imago WD, Portable, Pixel Evo, FantaColor Transparent, FantaColor Design, FantaColor Daisy, Orto Pixel, Pixel Art, Pixel Photo
22 cm
0282 FantaColor
0283 FantaColor
0284 FantaColor
100 pegs ø 10 mm, small pegboard 16x22 cm. Age: 3+
60 pegs ø 15 mm, small pegboard 16x22 cm. Age: 3+
100 square pegs, small pegboard 16x22 cm. Age: 3+
16 cm 007905 002827
007905 002834
0582 FantaColor
0583 FantaColor
0585 FantaColor
007905 005828
0282 0283 0284 0582 0583 0585
Product Name
FantaColor FantaColor FantaColor FantaColor FantaColor FantaColor
100 pegs ø 15 mm, large pegboard 20x28 cm. Age: 4+
007905 005835
40 pegs ø 20 mm, large pegboard 20x28 cm. Age: 4+
28 cm
150 pegs ø 10 mm, large pegboard 20x28 cm. Age: 4+
007905 002841
007905 005859
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
30 x 29 x 3 30 x 29x 3 30 x 29 x 3 35 x 37 x 3 35 x 37 x 3 35 x 37 x 3
12 12 12 12 12 12
0,043 0,043 0,043 0,057 0,057 0,057
4,00 4,12 4,24 5,80 6,28 5,32
20 cm
Chiodini Peg
0851 FC Modular 2
300 pegs in 4 size (5, 10, 15 ,20 mm), 2 modular pegboard 22x16 cm. Age: 4+
2510 Refill
2511 Refill
200 pegs mixed size, Age: 4+
007905 025109
440 pegs ø 5 mm, Age: 4+
007905 008515
007905 025116
0880 FC Modular 4
600 pegs in 4 size (5, 10, 15, 20 mm), 4 modular pegboard 22x16 cm. Age: 5+
2512 Refill
2513 Refill
200 pegs ø 10 mm, Age: 4+
007905 025123
180 square pegs, Age: 4+
007905 008805
007905 025130
0884 FC Modular 6
700 pegs in 4 size (5, 10, 15 ,20 mm), 6 modular pegboard 22x16 cm. Age: 5+
2514 Refill
2515 Refill
140 pegs ø 15 mm, Age: 4+
007905 025147
60 pegs ø 20 mm, Age: 4+
007905 025154
007905 008843
Product Name
0851 0880 0884 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515
FC Modular 2 FC Modular 4 FC Modular 6 Pixel Refill Pixel Refill Pixel Refill Pixel Refill Pixel Refill Pixel Refill
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
34 x 29 x 8 40 x 34 x 9 40 x 32 x 7 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5
6 4 6 12 12 12 12 12 12
0,052 0,057 0,066 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015
6,40 4,80 9,09 1,71 1,78 1,33 1,54 1,80 1,32
Chiodini Peg
Basic & Imago WD
2122 FC Basic
2123 FC Basic
100 pegs ø 10 mm, small pegboard 22x16 cm. Age: 3+
007905 021224
60 pegs ø 15 mm, small pegboard 22x16 cm. Age: 3+
007905 021231
FC Imago
Fantacolor Imago makes it fun to complete pictures of Sofia or Mickey Mouse using the pegs provided. It’s easy, just place the card on the board, and then insert the pegs in line with the marks.
0975 FC Imago Sofia
300 pegs (ø 10mm) in 6 different colours, 4 pattern cards, large pegboard (28x20cm), carry case. Anni: 3+
007905 009758
0976 FC Imago MMCH
300 pegs (ø 10mm) in 6 different colours, 4 pattern cards, large pegboard (28x20cm), carry case. Anni: 3+
4 pattern cards
2122 2123 0975 0976
Product Name
FC Basic FC Basic Fantacolor Imago Sofia Fantacolor Imago MMCH
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
23 x 20 x 5 23 x 20 x 5 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6
12 12 12 12
0,037 0,037 0,060 0,060
3,70 2,92 7,55 7,55
007905 009765
Chiodini Peg
0920 FC Portable Small
160 pegs mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), small pegboard 22x16 cm, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 009208
0922 FC Portable Small
150 pegs ø 10 mm, small pegboard 22x16 cm, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 009222
0923 FC Portable Small
100 pegs ø 15 mm, small pegboard 22x16 cm, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 009239
0924 FC Portable Small
100 square and triangular pegs, small pegboard 22x16 cm, carry case. Age: 3+
0920 0922 0923 0924 0950 0952 0953 0954 0955
Product Name
FC Portable Small FC Portable Small FC Portable Small FC Portable Small FC Portable Large FC Portable Large FC Portable Large FC Portable Large FC Portable Large
007905 009246
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060
5,56 5,20 5,32 4,48 8,32 7,36 5,44 7,36 5,20
0950 FC Portable Large
280 pegs in 3 mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), large pegboard 28x20 cm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009505
0952 FC Portable Large
270 pegs ø 10 mm, large pegboard 28x20 cm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009529
0953 FC Portable Large
150 pegs ø 15 mm, large pegboard 28x20 cm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009536
0954 FC Portable Large
300 square and triangular pegs, large pegboard 28x20 cm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009543
0955 FC Portable Large
100 pegs ø 20 mm, large pegboard 28x20 cm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009550
Chiodini Peg Pixel Evo
12 1
6 78
9 10 11
Pronto da Ready from
Pixel Evo
0907 Pixel Evo Girl
The new addition to the popular Fantacolor Portable series is “Pixel Evo�: the board and the case have been completely redesigned, and now come with handles for easy transportation. After playing with it on a level surface, the board can then be inserted into the case for display. Another new feature from 2015 is a version especially for girls.
160 pegs mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), in 6 colours, small pegboard (22x19 cm) with handle, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 009079
0934 Pixel Evo
160 pegs mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), in 6 colours, small pegboard (22x19 cm) with handle, carry case. Age: 3+
Pixel Evo girl palette Pixel Evo palette
007905 009345
0917 Pixel Evo Girl 280 pegs in 3 mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), in 6 colours, large pegboard (29x24 cm) with handle, carry case. Age: 3+
e larg
007905 009178
0944 Pixel Evo
280 pegs in 3 mixed size (10, 15, 20 mm), in 6 colours, large pegboard (29x24 cm) with handle, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 009444
0907 0917 0934 0944
12 1
Product Name
Pixel Evo Girl Small Pixel Evo Girl Large Pixel Evo Small Pixel Evo Large
e larg
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
9 10 11
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
32 x 24 x 6 33 x 27 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 33 x 27 x 6
12 6 12 6
0,060 - 0,060 -
- - - -
Chiodini Peg
FantaColor Transparent 0652 FantaColor Transparent
0662 FantaColor Educo
100 pegs ø 20 mm, 4+4 patterns cards, large pegboard with handle. Age: 4+
400 pegs in 4 size (5, 10, 15, 20 mm), 8+8 patterns cards, large pegboard with handle, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 006528 8
007905 006627
0653 FantaColor Transparent
150 pegs ø 15 mm, 4+4 patterns cards, large pegboard with handle. Age: 4+
007905 006535
0656 FC Transparent Cars 2
1900 pegs ø 5 mm in 8 colours, 4+4 pattern cards, large pegboard with handle. Age: 5+
007905 006566
0652 0653 0656 0662
Product Name
FantaColor Transparent FantaColor Transparent FC Transparent Cars 2 FantaColor Educo
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
34 x 27 x 5 34 x 27 x 5 34 x 27 x 5 34 x 31 x 7
6 6 6 6
0,031 0,031 0,031 0,048
3,30 3,30 5,92 5,47
Chiodini Peg
FantaColor Design
0900 FC Design
300 pegs in 3 size (10, 15, 20 mm), large pegboard, carry case. Age: 4+
0906 FC Design Minnie
0902 FC Design
320 pegs in 3 size (10, 15, 20 mm), 6 cardboard shapes, large pegboard, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009000
300 pegs ø 10 mm, large pegboard, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009062
007905 009024
0903 FC Design
160 pegs ø 15 mm, large pegboard, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009031
0905 FC Design
100 pegs ø 20 mm, large pegboard, carry case. Age: 4+
0900 0902 0903 0905 0906
Product Name
FC Design FC Design FC Design FC Design FC Design Minnie
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 5
6 6 6 6 6
0,040 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,037
4,30 4,30 4,60 4,30 4,84
007905 009055
Chiodini Peg
FantaColor Design 0970 FC Design Aquarium 200 pegs in 2 size (5, 10 mm), 10 shaped pegs with lenticular stickers, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009703
0971 FC Design Garden 200 pegs in 2 size (5, 10 mm), 10 shaped pegs with lenticular stickers, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 009710
Double Sided
1820 Combi
300 pegs, 48 magnetic letters, 12 magnetic cards. Age: 4+
007905 018200
0970 0971 1820
Product Name
FC Design Aquarium FC Design Garden Combi
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 6 42 x 36 x 7
6 6 4
0,040 0,040 0,049
5,29 5,29 4,80
Chiodini Peg FantaColor Daisy
0132 FC Daisy
100 pegs ø 10 mm. Age: 3+
007905 001325
0133 FC Daisy
60 pegs ø 15 mm. Age: 3+
007905 001332
2100 FC Daisy
260 pegs in 3 size (10, 15, 20 mm), carry case. Age: 4+
007905 021002
2105 FC Daisy
900 pegs ø 5 mm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 021057
2110 FC Daisy
240 pegs ø 10 mm, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 021101
2115 FC Daisy
150 pegs ø 15 mm, carry case. Age: 4+
0132 0133 2100 2105 2110 2115
Product Name
FC Daisy FC Daisy FC Daisy FC Daisy FC Daisy FC Daisy
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
23 x 20 x 5 23 x 20 x 5 29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7
12 12 6 6 6 6
0,037 0,037 0,042 0,042 0,042 0,042
2,80 2,80 4,36 3,40 3,40 3,40
007905 021156
Chiodini Peg
Orto Pixel stagionalità Orto Pixel seasonality
0835 Primavera-Spring
0836 Estate-Summer
0837 Autunno-Autumn
0838 Inverno-Winter
007905 008355
007905 008362
Orto Pixel
The 4 Seasons Orto Pixel is a toy about fruit and vegetables which are in season in the Meditteranean area. With its illustrated sheets, to be filled in with pegs, it’s an easy and funfilled way to understand the seasons for the different products of the land. Contents: 320 pegs ø 4 mm in 8 colours, 6 pattern cards, pegboard 16x12 cm, seasonality poster, 1 album with fun activities to carry out. Age: 5+
007905 008379
007905 008386
Seasonality poster 48x68 cm. Practice division Fruit and Vegetables. Two languages: Italian and English 6 pattern cards
Orto Pixel
has been developed in collaboration with
Period during which the crops are picked.
0835 0836 0837 0838
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Orto Pixel - Primavera Orto Pixel - Estate Orto Pixel - Autunno Orto Pixel - Inverno
22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6
12 12 12 12
0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019
3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00
Chiodini Peg Pixel Art
0821 Cane-Dog 8
0822 Gatto-Cat
007905 008218
0823 Rana-Frog
007905 008225
0824 Ara-Macaw
007905 008232
007905 008249
Pixel Art Mini
1 pegboard, 1.200 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours, 21x17 cm (frame included), 1 cardboard frame. Age: 5+
0820 Display Pixel Art Mini 8 pcs. 8
007905 008201
0825 Mickey 8
0826 Minnie
007905 008256
007905 008263
0828 Daisy
007905 008270
007905 008287
Pixel Art Mini Disney
1 pegboard, 1.200 pegs ø 4 mm in 7 or 8 colours, 21x17 cm (frame included), 1 cardboard frame. Age: 5+
0829 Display Pixel Art Mini 8 pcs. 8
0827 Donald
007905 008294
0820 0821 0822 0823 0824 0825 0826 0827 0828 0829
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Counter Display Pixel Art Mini - Cane Pixel Art Mini - Gatto Pixel Art Mini - Rana Pixel Art Mini - Ara Mini Pixel Art - Mickey Mini Pixel Art - Minnie Mini Pixel Art - Donald Mini Pixel Art - Daisy Counter Display
24 x 18 x 30 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 24 x 18 x 30
2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2
0,029 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019 0,029
5,00 3,52 3,76 3,76 3,88 3,55 4,00 3,68 3,68 5,20
Chiodini Peg
Pixel Art 6 colours actual size
36,6 cm
32,6 cm
0815 Cane-Dog
0816 Gatto-Cat
0818 Puma
007905 008157
007905 008164
007905 008188
Pixel Art Set 7200
6 pegboards 7.200 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours Age: 9-99
54 cm
41 cm
0801 Gioconda 8
0802 Tutankhamon
007905 008010
007905 008027
0803 Tigre-Tiger 8
007905 008034
Pixel Art Set 10800
9 pegboards 10.800 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours 1 plastic frame Age: 9-99
0801 0802 0803 0815 0816 0818
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Pixel Art Set - Gioconda Pixel Art Set - Tutankhamon Pixel Art Set - Tigre Pixel Art Set - Cane Pixel Art Set - Gatto Pixel Art Set - Puma
55 x 43 x 11 55 x 43 x 11 55 x 43 x 11 41 x 31 x 11 41 x 31 x 11 41 x 31 x 11
3 3 3 6 6 6
0,087 0,087 0,087 0,049 0,049 0,049
8,79 8,94 8,75 8,22 7,80 8,08
Chiodini Peg Pixel Photo
PC Tablet
upload it to www.quercettiart.com
take a photo
0804 Pixel Photo
0810 Pixel Photo
9 pegboards 90x120 pixel 10.800 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours 1 plastic frame Age: 9-99
12 1
9 10 11
007905 008041
NEW 6 78
The popular Pixel Art series now includes Pixel Photo. The classic game with pegs is now a tool to create portraits and landscapes, small or large, which can then be displayed as real pictures. The kits come in versions containing 4, 9 or 16 boards.
Pronto da Ready from
fulfil your portrait
Pixel Photo
33 cm
4 pegboards 4.800 holes 6.400 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours 1 grid Age: 6-99
print the sheets
25 cm
007905 008102
54 cm
41 cm
Chiodini Peg
Pixel Photo
6 colours actual size
2475 Refill-Red
49 cm
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
007905 024751
2476 Refill-Yellow
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
007905 024768
65 cm
2477 Refill-Blue
Pronto da Ready from
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
6 78
16 pegboards 19.200 holes 24.000 pegs ø 4 mm in 6 colours 4 grid Age: 9-99
12 1
9 10 11
0842 Pixel Photo
98 cm
2478 Refill-Black
007905 008423
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
98 cm
98 cm
0804 0810 0842 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480
007905 024782
2479 Refill-White
2x 0842 = 32 pegboards
007905 024775
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
3x 0842 = 48 pegboards
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Pixea Art Photo - 4 tav. Pixea Art Photo - 9 tav. Pixea Art Photo - 16 tav. Pixea Art Refill - Red Pixea Art Refill - Yellow Pixea Art Refill - Blue Pixea Art Refill - Black Pixea Art Refill - White Pixea Art Refill - Green
36 x 28 x 6 55 x 43 x 11 45 x 38 x 9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9 9 x 13,5 x 3,9
6 3 4 48 48 48 48 48 48
0,040 0,087 0,071 - - - - - -
- 11,35 - - - - - - -
007905 024799
2480 Refill-Green
1000 pegs ø 4 mm. Age: 5+
007905 024805
Prescolari Preschool
Educativi Educational toys
8515 Isotta Discovery Car Age: 3+
007905 085158
Product Name
Isotta Discovery Car
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 34 x 9
Prescolari Preschool
Educativi Educational toys
2561 Tubò Pitagorico Age: 5+
007905 025611
2565 Tubò Mickey Mouse Age: 5+
007905 025659
© Disney
2568 Floor Display Tubò 36 pcs.
007905 025680
2569 Floor Display Tubò
2561 2565 2568 2569
24 pcs.
007905 025697
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Tubò Pitagorico Tubò Mickey Mouse Floor Display Tubò Floor Display Tubò
22 x 14 x 5 22 x 14 x 5 23 x 130 x 33 23 x 130 x 33
6 6 1 1
0,015 0,015 0,110 0,110
2,00 2,00 13,10 10,10
Prescolari Preschool Educativi Educational toys
The hidden path offers a second more challenging game mode.
1014 Rami
Age: 4-8
007905 010143
1009 Mini Rami Age: 5+
1009 1014
Product Name
Mini Rami Rami
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
23 x 20 x 5 42 x 36 x 7
6 4
0,018 0,049
1,90 4,50
007905 010099
Prescolari Preschool
Educativi Educational toys
1020 Pallino Age: 4-8
007905 010204
1006 Mini Pallino Age: 5+
1006 1020
Product Name
Mini Pallino Pallino
007905 010068
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
23 x 20 x 5 42 x 36 x 7
6 4
0,018 0,049
2,30 4,80
Costruzioni Building
Ingranaggi Gears, Casette Village, Tecno, Trenini Train set, Tubi Tubation, Tube System
Ingranaggi Gears
2332 Georello Basic
80 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 023327
2341 Kaleido Gears
55 pcs. Age: 3+
2332 2341
Product Name
Georello Basic Kaleido Gears
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
29 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 8
6 6
0,042 0,053
4,90 6,58
007905 023419
Costruzioni Building Ingranaggi Gears
2334 Georello Farm 60 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 023341
2336 Georello Jungle 50 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 023365
2338 Georello Park 126 pcs. Age: 4+
2334 2336 2338
007905 023389
Product Name
Georello Farm Georello Jungle Georello Park
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 8
6 6 6
0,042 0,042 0,053
4,60 5,08 6,40
Costruzioni Building Ingranaggi Gears
6138 Georello Toolbox 165 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 5+
007905 061381
6137 Georello Tech
165 pcs. Age: 5+
007905 061374
6127 Georello Toolbox
165 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 5+
2389 Georello Tech 126 pcs. Age: 5+
2389 6127 6137 6138
007905 023891
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Georello Tech Georello Toolbox Georello Tech Georello Toolbox
40 x 34 x 9 32 x 17 x 24 32 x 23 x 12 32 x 17 x 23
4 4 6 4
0,057 0,061 0,060 0,044
5,80 6,47 7,67 5,40
007905 061275
Costruzioni Building Casette Village
6139 Geoville Toolbox
67 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 3+
007905 061398
6128 Geoville Toolbox
68 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 3+
007905 061282
4090 Geoville 60 pcs. Age: 3+
4090 6128 6139
007905 040904
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Geoville Geoville Toolbox Geoville Toolbox
34 x 29 x 8 32 x 17 x 24 32 x 17 x 23
6 4 4
0,053 0,061 0,044
5,20 6,08 5,84
Costruzioni Building Tecno
6140 Tecno Toolbox
128 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 5+
007905 061404
6125 Tecno Toolbox
128 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 5+
007905 061251
0560 Tecno
80 pcs, carry case. Age: 4+
0560 6125 6140
007905 005606
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Tecno Tecno Toolbox Tecno Toolbox
36 x 28 x 6 32 x 17 x 24 32 x 17 x 23
6 4 4
0,040 0,061 0,044
4,30 4,22 3,60
Costruzioni Building Trenini Train set
6135 Trenino Toolbox 94 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 4+
007905 061350
6126 Trenino Toolbox 94 pcs, storage box with handles. Age: 4+
007905 061268
6106 Trenino Mini 34 pcs. Age: 4+
6106 6126 6135
007905 061060
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Trenino Mini Trenino Toolbox Trenino Toolbox
18 x 29 x 9 32 x 17 x 24 32 x 17 x 23
6 4 4
0,035 0,061 0,044
2,56 5,31 4,87
Costruzioni Building Tubi Tubation
4175 Tubation
4170 Saxoflute
40 pcs. Age: 3+
16 pcs. Age: 2+
007905 041758
4177 Tubation Transparent 70 pcs. Age: 4+
4170 4172 4175 4177
Product Name
Saxoflute Saxoflute Super Tubation Tubation Transparent
007905 041772
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
15 x 18 x 9 18 x 29 x 9 34 x 29 x 8 40 x 32 x 7
6 6 6 6
0,018 0,035 0,053 0,066
1,40 3,40 4,60 7,55
007905 041703
4172 Saxoflute Super 24 pcs. Age: 3+
007905 041727
Costruzioni Building
Tube System
50,7 cm
Playing with Tube System means giving unlimited freedom to your creativity. Everything is within reach, no tools or screws are needed, and assembling the parts is so easy and intuitive that it’s child’s play to design and then build tables, chairs, shelves - or anything that you can think up - thanks to the modular joints and ring-shaped clasps, which can adapt to any situation and be undone quickly and easily. They are made of child-resistant material that can support up to 90kg.
52 ,5
cm 52, 5
Contents: 9 longue tubes 4 short tubes 4 bases 1 panel 1 storage 10 hubs 30 connectors 30 clips 30 hub caps 1 instruction manual
7050 Tube System basic set
120 pcs. Age: 3+ to play Age: 6+ to build
007905 070505
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Tube System
41 x 41 x 20
Piste per biglie Marble run
Bigliodromo Marbledrome, Migoga Marble run, Skyrail & Roller coaster
Bigliodromo Marbledrome
6305 Big Marbledrome
2,7 meters, 50 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 063057
6315 Big Marbledrome
5 meters, 108 pcs. Age: 5+
6305 6315
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Big Marbledrome Big Marbledrome
40 x 34 x 9 52 x 41 x 11
4 4
0,057 0,104
5,48 9,26
12 1
2015 9 10 11
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
007905 063156
Piste per biglie Marble run Migoga Marble run
6535 Migoga Marble Run Basic 45 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 065358
6546 Migoga Marble Run Transparent 45 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 065464
6580 Migoga Marble Run Super 106 pcs. Age: 4+
6535 6546 6580
Product Name
007905 065808
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Migoga M.R. Basic 34 x 29 x 8 Migoga M.R. Transparent 34 x 29 x 8 Migoga M.R. Super 40 x 34 x 9
6 6 4
0,053 0,053 0,057
4,25 4,28 4,85
Piste per biglie Marble run Migoga Marble run
6538 Migoga Marble Run Vortis 75 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 065389
6565 Migoga Marble Run Spinning 90 pcs. Age: 5+
007905 065655
6575 Migoga Marble Run Motor 174 pcs. Age: 5+
007905 065754
6538 6565 6575
Product Name
Migoga M.R. Vortis Migoga M.R. Spinning Migoga M.R. Motor
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 34 x 9 40 x 34 x 9 45 x 38 x 9
4 4 4
0,057 0,057 0,071
4,36 4,81 6,54
Piste per biglie Marble run Migoga Marble run NEW
2530 Marbles
ø 14 mm 100 pcs. Age: 4+
6568 Migoga Marble Run Double Spiral
007905 025307
111 pcs. Age: 6+
007905 065686
6588 Migoga Marble Run Maxi 213 pcs. Age: 8+
2530 6568 6588
Product Name
007905 065884
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
100 Marbles 12 x 20 x 5 Migoga M.R. Double Spiral 45 x 38 x 9 Migoga M.R. Maxi 52 x 41 x 11
12 4 4
0,015 0,071 0,104
2,19 6,12 9,72
Piste per biglie Marble run Skyrail & Roller coaster
6635 Skyrail Roller Coaster Motorized Mini 200 pcs. Age: 8+
6430 Roller Coaster Mini Rail
6435 Roller Coaster Maxi Rail
8 meters, 150 pcs. Age: 6+
007905 064306
6430 6435 6635
Product Name
Roller Coaster Mini Rail Roller Coaster Maxi Rail Skyrail R. C. Motorized
16 meters, 250 pcs. Age: 7+
007905 064351
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 34 x 9 45 x 38 x 9 40 x 34 x 9
4 4 4
0,057 0,071 0,057
5,17 8,30 5,88
007905 066355
Piste per biglie Marble run
Skyrail & Roller coaster
6665 Skyrail Ottovolante Maxi Parallel races, 20 meters, 410 pcs. Age: 8+
007905 066652
6660 Skyrail Ottovolante
12 meters, 230 pcs. Age: 7+
007905 066607
2532 Marbles
ø 14-19 mm, 60 pcs. Age: 4+
2532 6660 6665
007905 025321
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
60 Marbles 12 x 20 x 5 Skyrail Ottovolante 40 x 34 x 9 Skyrail Ottovolante Maxi 52 x 41 x 11
12 4 4
0,015 0,057 0,104
2,08 7,15 11,86
Disegno Drawing
Spirogiro, Sagome Stencils, Lacci Laces
1680 Spirogiro Mandala
1 spirogiro base, 5 yellow gears for spiral decoration, 1 blue gear for geometrical circles, 1 orange gear for mandala drawings, 12 markers and 1 album. Age: 6+
007905 016800
Product Name
Spirogiro Mandala
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 6
Disegno Drawing Sagome Stencils
2645 Stencil Design Farm
4 stencils, 12 markers, 1 album, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 026458
2646 Stencil Design Forest
4 stencils, 12 markers, 1 album, carry case. Age: 4+
2645 2646
Product Name
Stencil Design Farm Stencil Design Forest
007905 026465
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 6 36 x 28 x 6
6 6
0,040 0,040
5,93 5,98
Disegno Drawing Sagome Stencils
2613 Sagome Dinosaurs
4 stencils, 6 markers, 1 album. Age: 5+
007905 026137
2615 Sagome Flowers
4 stencils, 6 markers, 1 album. Age: 5+
007905 026151
2616 Sagome Landscapes
4 stencils, 6 markers, 1 album. Age: 5+
007905 026168
2617 Sagome Animals
2613 2615 2616 2617
Product Name
Sagome Dinosaurs Sagome Flowers Sagome Landscapes Sagome Animals
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6
12 12 12 12
0,060 0,060 0,060 0,060
6,40 6,40 6,40 6,40
4 stencils, 6 markers, 1 album. Age: 5+
007905 026175
Disegno Drawing Sagome Stencils
2601 Sagome Landscapes
2602 Sagome Animals
4 stencils. Age: 5+
4 stencils. Age: 5+
007905 026014
007905 026021
2604 Sagome Vehicles
2605 Sagome Dinosaurs
4 stencils. Age: 5+
4 stencils. Age: 5+
007905 026045
007905 026052
2606 Sagome Flowers
2607 Sagome Fashion
4 stencils. Age: 5+
007905 026069
2609 Sagome ABC - 123 2 stencils. Age: 5+
4 stencils. Age: 5+
007905 026090
2601 2602 2604 2605 2606 2607 2609
Product Name
Sagome Landscapes Sagome Animals Sagome Vehicles Sagome Dinosaurs Sagome Flowers Sagome Fashion Sagome ABC - 123
007905 026076
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1 31 x 26 x 1
12 12 12 12 12 12 12
0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012
3,40 3,40 3,40 3,40 3,40 3,40 2,16
Disegno Drawing Lacci Laces
2171 Filò mini
1 filò board, 4 laces, 4 lacing-pens. Age: 3+
2805 Shapes Filò ABC+123
007905 021712
30 large letters, 10 numbers, 8 large stencils, 20 laces. Age: 3+
0570 Filò
1 filò board, 8 laces, 4 lacing-pens, 9+9 design templates, 1 album, carry case. Age: 4+
007905 005705
0575 Filò Modular 6
6 filò boards, 16 laces, 4 lacing-pens, 4 design templates. Age: 5+
0570 0575 2171 2805
Product Name
Filò Filò Modular 6 Filò mini Shapes Filò ABC+123
007905 005750
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 6 40 x 32 x 7 23 x 20 x 5 32 x 24 x 6
6 6 12 12
0,040 0,066 0,037 0,060
3,40 6,37 3,34 8,87
007905 028056
Disegno Drawing Lacci Laces
2520 Refill Filò
12 laces ø 2 mm, length. 60 cm; 1 lacing-pen; Age: 4+
2521 Refill Filò
12 laces ø 4 mm, length. 40 cm; 1 lacing-pen; Age: 4+
007905 025208
007905 025215
Double Sided
0526 Filò Tablet basic
1 special drawing board with a whiteboard and blackboard; 12 laces ø 2 mm, length. 60 cm; 1 lacing-pen; 12 pattern cards; 1 dry-erase marker and eraser.
Special surface for drawing with the 7 meters of coloured laces. Age: 4+
Double Sided
007905 005262
1 special drawing board with a transparent whiteboard and blackboard; 12 laces ø 2 mm, length. 60 cm; 12 laces ø 4 mm, length. 40 cm; 2 lacing-pens; 12 pattern cards; 1 dry-erase marker and eraser.
0530 Filò Tablet premium Two special surfaces for drawing with the 12 meters of coloured laces. Age: 4+
007905 005309
0526 0530 2520 2521
Product Name
Filò Tablet Basic Filò Tablet Premium Filò Refill - ø2 Filò Refill - ø4
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 5 40 x 34 x 9 12 x 20 x 5 12 x 20 x 5
6 4 12 12
0,037 0,057 0,015 0,015
3,52 4,72 0,56 0,73
Bambine Girls
Bamboline magnetiche Magnetic dress up dolls 4425 Dressy Baby
18 magnetic pcs. Age: 3+
007905 044254
4430 Dressy Baby
30 magnetic pcs, carry case. Age: 3+
007905 044308
4425 4430
Product Name
Dressy Baby Dressy Baby
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
32 x 24 x 6 34 x 29 x 8
12 6
0,060 0,052
8,31 6,72
Bambine Girls
Bamboline magnetiche Magnetic dress up dolls
2930 Fashion Design Lisbeth
2931 Fashion Design Mya
2932 Fashion Design Nita
20 magnetic pcs. Age: 4+
20 magnetic pcs. Age: 4+
007905 029305
18 magnetic pcs. Age: 4+
007905 029312
007905 029329
2933 Fashion Design Lisbeth, Mya & Nita 58 magnetic pcs. Age: 4+
007905 029336
2930 2931 2932 2933
Product Name
Fashion Design Lisbeth Fashion Design Mya Fashion Design Nita Fashion Design
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7 29 x 29 x 7 39 x 29 x 6
6 6 6 6
0,042 0,042 0,042 0,051
3,46 3,50 3,49 6,68
Magnetici Magnetic
Creativi Creative, Mosaici Mosaic, Tablet, Classici Classic, Combi
Creativi Creative
5345 Tablet Creativo
1 board with two magnetic surfaces, 30 g Pasta Panna (modeling clay), 1 plastic mould with 6 animals, 12 coloured markers, 1 dry-erase marker and eraser, adhesive magnets, 1 carry-case. Age: 4+
007905 053454
Double Sided
Product Name
Tablet Creativo
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 34 x 9
Magnetici Magnetic Mosaici Mosaic
5033 Mosaico Magnetico Junior
Double Sided
232 magnetic mosaic tiles. Age: 4+
007905 050330
5034 Mosaico Magnetico Junior
232 magnetic mosaic tiles. Age: 4+
007905 050347
Double Sided
5343 Tablet Mosaico
464 magnetic mosaic tiles. Age: 6+
007905 053430
5348 Tablet Mandala 90 pcs. Age: 5+
007905 053485
Double Sided
5033 5034 5343 5348
Product Name
Mosaico Magn. Junior Mosaico Magn. Junior Tablet Mosaico Tablet Mandala
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
36 x 28 x 5 36 x 28 x 5 40 x 34 x 9 40 x 34 x 9
12 12 4 4
0,081 0,081 0,057 0,057
8,61 8,61 5,93 5,48
Magnetici Magnetic Tablet
5321 Tablet Magnetico Letters Basic
Double Sided
65 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 053218
5323 Tablet Magnetico Numbers Basic
Double Sided
63 pcs. Age: 4+
007905 053232
Double Sided
5341 Tablet Magnetico Premium Letters + Numbers 123 pcs + carry-case. Age: 4+
5321 5323 5341
Product Name
Tablet Magn. L. Basic Tablet Magn. N. Basic Tablet Magn. Premium
007905 053416
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
39 x 29 x 6 39 x 29 x 6 40 x 34 x 9
6 6 4
0,051 0,051 0,057
6,82 6,77 7,01
Magnetici Magnetic Tablet
Double Sided
5355 Tablet ABC
64 pcs + carry-case. Age: 3+
007905 053553
5351 Tablet Premium Uppercase Letters 65 pcs + carry-case. Age: 4+
007905 053515
Double Sided
5352 Tablet Premium Lowercase Letters 65 pcs + carry-case. Age: 4+
007905 053522
Double Sided
5353 Tablet Premium Numbers
63 pcs + carry-case. Age: 4+
007905 053539
5351 5352 5353 5355
Product Name
Tablet Premium U. Letters Tablet Premium L. Letters Tablet Premium Numbers Tablet ABC
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
34 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 7 34 x 29 x 7
4 4 4 4
0,037 0,037 0,037 0,037
4,96 4,82 4,88 4,28
Magnetici Magnetic Classici Classic
5211 Magneta ABC
1 magnetic board, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 2 base supports, 2 cases. Age: 4+
5460 Refill
007905 052112
5461 Refill
40 magnetic lower-case letters. Age: 4+
007905 054604
48 magnetic upper-case letters. Age: 4+
007905 054611
5213 Magneta 123
1 magnetic board, 48 magnetic numbers, 2 base supports, 2 cases. Age: 4+
007905 052136
5462 Refill
5463 Refill
48 magnetic lower-case letters. Age: 4+
5211 5213 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464
Product Name
Magneta ABC Magneta 123 Magnetic Refill Magnetic Refill Magnetic Refill Magnetic Refill Magnetic Refill
007905 054628
48 magnetic numbers. Age: 4+
5464 Refill
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
32 x 24 x 6 32 x 24 x 6 13 x 29 x 5 13 x 29 x 5 13 x 29 x 5 13 x 29 x 5 13 x 29 x 5
12 12 12 12 12 12 12
0,060 0,060 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025
8,80 8,80 2,56 3,23 3,23 3,12 3,32
007905 054635
49 magnetic shapes. Age: 4+
007905 054642
Magnetici Magnetic Classici Classic
5181 Magnetino
1 magnetic board, 48 magnetic lower-case letters, 2 base supports. Age: 4+
5183 Magnetino
1 magnetic board, 48 magnetic numbers, 2 base supports. Age: 4+
007905 051818 8
007905 051832
5241 Magnetic Letters
1 magnetic board, 12 magnetic cardboard shapes, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 1 dry-erase maker, 1 eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+
007905 052419
5243 Magnetic Numbers 1 magnetic board, 10 magnetic cardboard shapes, 48 magnetic numbers, 1 dry-erase maker, 1 eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+
007905 052433
5244 Magnetic Shapes
1 magnetic board, 6 magnetic cardboard shapes, 49 magnetic shapes, 1 dry-erase maker, 1 eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+ 8 007905 052440
5181 5183 5241 5243 5244
Product Name
Magnetino Magnetino Magnetic Letters Magnetic Numbers Magnetic Shapes
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
37 x 27 x 5 37 x 27 x 5 39 x 29 x 6 39 x 29 x 6 39 x 29 x 6
12 12 6 6 6
0,072 0,072 0,051 0,051 0,051
8,90 8,90 7,10 6,80 6,50
Magnetici Magnetic Classici WD Classic WD
5246 Magnetino Princess WD
1 magnetic board, 12 magnetic cardboard shapes, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 2 picture sheets, 1 dry-erase maker and eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+
007905 052464
5248 Magnetino Cars WD
1 magnetic board, 11 magnetic cardboard shapes, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 2 picture sheets, 1 dry-erase maker and eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+
5246 5248
Product Name
Magnetino Princess WD Magnetino Cars WD
007905 052488
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 32 x 7 40 x 32 x 7
6 6
0,066 0,066
7,08 7,03
Magnetici Magnetic
Classici WD Classic WD & Combi
5249 Magnetino Planes WD
1 magnetic board, 10 magnetic cardboard shapes, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 2 picture sheets, 1 dry-erase maker and eraser, 2 base supports, 1 case with handle. Age: 4+
007905 052495
Double Sided
5285 Combi ABC+123
1 magnetic board with carry case, 48 magnetic upper-case letters, 48 magnetic numbers, 22 magnetic cardboard shapes, 3 dry-erase makers and erase. Age: 4+ 8
007905 052853
5249 5285
Product Name
Magnetino Planes WD Combi ABC+123
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
40 x 32 x 7 42 x 36 x 7
6 4
0,066 0,049
7,03 7,66
Estivi Summer toys
Alianti e Missili Gliders & Rockets 3545 Mini Sirius
Catapult launch glider. Age: 4+
007905 035450
3540 Sirius
12 1
Hand launch glider. Age: 5+
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
9 10 11
007905 035405
3565 Libella
Rubber band powered. Age: 6+
007905 035658
3585 Sirius+Libella
007905 035856
Product Name
3540 3545 3565 3585
Sirius Mini Sirius Libella Sirius+Libella
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
43 x 12 x 4 29 x 13 x 5 43 x 12 x 4 44 x 16 x 4
12 12 12 12
0,026 0,025 0,026 0,040
2,18 1,30 1,75 2,64
12 1
2 high performance flying toys. Age: 6+
6 78
Pronto da Ready from
9 10 11
Estivi Summer toys
Alianti e Missili Gliders & Rockets 3599 World of Flight
5 high performance flying toys. Age: 14+
007905 035993
NEW stickers 2
12 1
6 78
9 10 11
Pronto da Ready from
3140 Elifly
1 catapult launch rocket. Age: 14+
007905 031407
3125 Tor
1 parachute rocket. Age: 14+
3125 3140 3599
007905 031254
Product Name
Tor Elifly World of Flight
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
13 x 29 x 5 13 x 29 x 5 34 x 31 x 7
12 12 4
0,025 0,025 0,040
1,90 1,94 2,48
Speciali Special Remix
2121 Fantacolor
100 pegs ø 10 mm, small pegboard (16x22 cm). Age: 3+
2172 Filò mini
2329 Kaleido Gears magnetico
1 filò board (17x17 cm), 4 laces, 1 lacing-pen. Age: 3+
007905 021217
4 gears, 4 optical stickers, 4 magnets. Age: 3+
007905 021729
3546 Sirius Mini
Fuselage with safety shock proof nose, wing, rudder and rubber sling shot. Age: 4+
007905 023297
0451 Allegri Chiodini
5200 Lavagna Magnetica
200 pegs ø 10 mm, 60 pegs ø 15 mm, 2 peg container and 1 pegboard 16x22 cm. Age: 4+
48 magnetic upper-case letters, 1 magnetic board 29x23 cm. Age: 4+
007905 004517
007905 052006
0465 Allegri Chiodini
5201 Lavagna Magnetica
60 pegs ø 15 mm, 100 square and triangular pegs, 100 pegs ø 10 mm, 100 pegs ø 5 mm, 2 peg container and 2 pegboard 16x22 cm. Anni: 4+
2121 2172 2329 3546
48 magnetic upper-case letters, 2 container, 1 magnetic board 29x23 cm. Age: 4+
007905 004654
Product Name
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
Fantacolor Filò mini Kaleido Gears magnetico Sirius Mini
22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6 22 x 17 x 3,6
0451 0465 5200 5201
12 12 12 12
0,019 0,019 0,019 0,019
2,52 2,36 2,42 1,21
007905 035467
Product Name
Allegri Chiodini 260 pcs Allegri Chiodini 360 pcs Lavagna Magnetica Lavagna Magnetica
007905 052013
Dim. Unit (cm) Pcs. Cart. Vol. (cbm) Gros kg
34 x 30 x 3 51 x 30 x 3 34 x 30 x 3 51 x 30 x 3
12 6 12 6
0,054 0,040 0,054 0,040
6,35 4,60 7,90 3,95
Promozionali Promotional
Gift Paper
dim. 70 x 100 cm.
Poster Quercetti
dim. 54 x 50 cm.
dim. 100 x 70 cm.
Shelf Talker
dim. 100 x 3,5 cm.
dim. 130 x 60 cm.
Floor Display
Shelf Unit
In polypropylene dim. 70 x 167 x 38 cm, varied assortments.
Indice Index
Item Product Name Page 0132 FC Daisy 20 0133 FC Daisy 20 0230 Smart Puzzle Fattoria 4 0232 Smart Puzzle Jungla & Savana 4 0236 Smart Puzzle Winnie the Pooh 4 0242 Daisy Shape Sorter 2 0260 Daisy Box Chiodoni 8 0262 Daisy Box Castello 8 0270 Daisy Box Chiodoni 8 0272 Daisy Box Castello 8 0282 FantaColor 12 0283 FantaColor 12 0284 FantaColor 12 0295 Fantacolor Labirinto 5 0297 Puzzle Labirinto 5 0313 Georello Junior 5 0451 Allegri Chiodini 260 pcs 62 0465 Allegri Chiodini 360 pcs 62 0526 Filò Tablet Basic 49 0530 Filò Tablet Premium 49 0560 Tecno 34 0570 Filò 48 0575 Filò Modular 6 48 0582 FantaColor 12 0583 FantaColor 12 0585 FantaColor 12 0652 FantaColor Transparent 17 0653 FantaColor Transparent 17 0656 FC Transparent Cars 2 17 0662 FantaColor Educo 17 0801 Pixel Art Set - Gioconda 23 0802 Pixel Art Set - Tutankhamon 23 0803 Pixel Art Set - Tigre 23 0804 Pixel Photo - 4 tav. 24 0810 Pixel Photo - 9 tav. 24 0815 Pixel Art Set - Cane 23 0816 Pixel Art Set - Gatto 23 0818 Pixel Art Set - Puma 23 0820 Counter Display 22 0821 Pixel Art Mini - Cane 22 0822 Pixel Art Mini - Gatto 22 0823 Pixel Art Mini - Rana 22 0824 Pixel Art Mini - Ara 22 0825 Mini Pixel Art - Mickey 22 0826 Mini Pixel Art - Minnie 22 0827 Mini Pixel Art - Donald 22 0828 Mini Pixel Art - Daisy 22 0829 Display da banco 22 0835 Orto Pixel - Primavera 21 0836 Orto Pixel - Estate 21 0837 Orto Pixel - Autunno 21 0838 Orto Pixel - Inverno 21 0842 Pixel Photo - 16 tav. 25 0851 FC Modular 2 13 0880 FC Modular 4 13 0884 FC Modular 6 13 0900 FC Design 18 0902 FC Design 18 0903 FC Design 18 0905 FC Design 18 0906 FC Design Minnie 18 0907 Pixel Evo Girl Small 16
Item Product Name Page 0917 Pixel Evo Girl Large 16 0920 FC Portable Small 15 0922 FC Portable Small 15 0923 FC Portable Small 15 0924 FC Portable Small 15 0934 Pixel Evo Small 16 0944 Pixel Evo Large 16 0950 FC Portable Large 15 0952 FC Portable Large 15 0953 FC Portable Large 15 0954 FC Portable Large 15 0955 FC Portable Large 15 0970 FC Design Aquarium 19 0971 FC Design Garden 19 0975 Fantacolor Imago Sofia 14 0976 Fantacolor Imago MMCH 14 1006 Mini Pallino 29 1009 Mini Rami 28 1014 Rami 28 1020 Pallino 29 1680 Spirogiro Mandala 44 1820 Combi 19 2100 FC Daisy 20 2105 FC Daisy 20 2110 FC Daisy 20 2115 FC Daisy 20 2121 Fantacolor 62 2122 FC Basic 14 2123 FC Basic 14 2171 Filò mini 48 2172 Filò mini 62 2329 Kaleido Gears magnetico 62 2332 Georello Basic 30 2334 Georello Farm 31 2336 Georello Jungle 31 2338 Georello Park 31 2341 Kaleido Gears 30 2389 Georello Tech 32 2475 Pixea Art Refill - Red 25 2476 Pixea Art Refill - Yellow 25 2477 Pixea Art Refill - Bleu 25 2478 Pixea Art Refill - Black 25 2479 Pixea Art Refill - White 25 2480 Pixea Art Refill - Green 25 2501 Pixel Junior Refill 11 2502 Pixel Baby Refill 9 2510 Pixel Refill 13 2511 Pixel Refill 13 2512 Pixel Refill 13 2513 Pixel Refill 13 2514 Pixel Refill 13 2515 Pixel Refill 13 2520 Filò Refill - ø2 49 2521 Filò Refill - ø4 49 2530 100 Marbles 41 2532 60 Marbles 43 2561 Tubò Pitagorico 27 2565 Tubò Mickey Mouse 27 2568 Floor Display Tubò 27 2569 Floor Display Tubò 27 2601 Sagome Landscapes 47 2602 Sagome Animals 47
Item Product Name Page 2604 Sagome Vehicles 47 2605 Sagome Dinosaurs 47 2606 Sagome Flowers 47 2607 Sagome Fashion 47 2609 Sagome ABC - 123 47 2613 Sagome Dinosaurs 46 2615 Sagome Flowers 46 2616 Sagome Landscapes 46 2617 Sagome Animals 46 2645 Stencil Design Farm 45 2646 Stencil Design Forest 45 2805 Shapes Filò ABC+123 48 2930 Fashion Design Lisbeth 51 2931 Fashion Design Mya 51 2932 Fashion Design Nita 51 2933 Fashion Design Lisbeth, Mya & Nita 51 3125 Tor 61 3140 Elifly 61 3540 Sirius 60 3545 Mini Sirius 60 3546 Sirius Mini 62 3565 Libella 60 3585 Sirius+Libella 60 3599 World of Flight 61 4006 Daisy Collana 3 4007 Daisy Orsetti 3 4008 Daisy Leprotti 3 4009 Daisy Polipetti 3 4015 Poli Cubi 7 4020 Link 7 4045 Qubò 8 4052 Jumbo Bunnies 3 4090 Geoville 33 4130 Star Links 3 4135 Animal Links 3 4152 Daisy Basic Triangoli 7 4160 Daisy Maxi 7 4162 Daisy Basic Chiodoni 7 4170 Saxoflute 36 4172 Saxoflute Super 36 4175 Tubation 36 4177 Tubation Transparent 36 4180 Quack & Flap 2 4190 FantaColor Junior 10 4195 FantaColor Junior Basic 10 4199 Combi Junior 11 4200 FantaColor Junior Minnie 10 4204 FantaColor Junior Jake 10 4210 Pixel Junior 11 4401 Pixel Baby 9 4405 Fantacolor Baby 9 4410 Fantacolor Baby 9 4412 Fantacolor Baby 9 4414 Fantacolor Baby 9 4425 Dressy Baby 50 4430 Dressy Baby 50 5033 Mosaico Magnetico Junior 53 5034 Mosaico Magnetico Junior 53 5181 Magnetino 57 5183 Magnetino 57 5200 Lavagna Magnetica 62 5201 Lavagna Magnetica 62
Indice Index
Item Product Name Page 5211 Magneta ABC 56 5213 Magneta 123 56 5241 Magnetic Letters 57 5243 Magnetic Numbers 57 5244 Magnetic Shapes 57 5246 Magnetino Princess WD 58 5248 Magnetino Cars WD 58 5249 Magnetino Planes WD 59 5285 Combi ABC+123 59 5321 Tablet Magnetico Uppercase Letters Basic 54 5323 Tablet Magnetico Numbers Basic 54 5341 Tablet Magnetico Premium L. + N. 54 5343 Tablet Mosaico 53 5345 Tablet Creativo 52 5348 Tablet Mandala 53 5351 Tablet Premium Uppercase Letters 55 5352 Tablet Premium Lowercase Letters 55 5353 Tablet Premium Numbers 55 5355 Tablet ABC 55 5460 Magnetic Refill 56 5461 Magnetic Refill 56 5462 Magnetic Refill 56 5463 Magnetic Refill 56 5464 Magnetic Refill 56 6106 Trenino Mini 35 6125 Tecno Toolbox 34 6126 Trenino Toolbox 35 6127 Georello Toolbox 32 6128 Geoville Toolbox 33 6135 Trenino Toolbox 35 6137 Georello Tech 32 6138 Georello Toolbox 32 6139 Geoville Toolbox 33 6140 Tecno Toolbox 34 6305 Big Marbledrome 38 6315 Big Marbledrome 38 6430 Roller Coaster Mini Rail 42 6435 Roller Coaster Maxi Rail 42 6502 Migoga Junior Basic Set 6 6512 Migoga Junior Premium Set 6 6535 Migoga Marble Run Basic 39 6538 Migoga Marble Run Vortis 40 6546 Migoga Marble Run Transparent 39 6565 Migoga Marble Run Spinning 40 6568 Migoga Marble Run Double Spiral 41 6575 Migoga Marble Run Motor 40 6580 Migoga Marble Run Super 39 6588 Migoga Marble Run Maxi 41 6635 Skyrail Roller Coaster Motorized Mini 42 6660 Skyrail Ottovolante 43 6665 Skyrail Ottovolante Maxi 43 7050 Tube System 37 8515 Isotta Discovery Car 26 New Product
Colophon Questo catalogo è stato stampato in quattromila esemplari nel mese di Gennaio 2015. Presso Agit Mariogros Beinasco, Torino, con macchina Offset Komori LS540 70x100 a cinque colori. Copertina su carta Symbol Freelife Satin da 200 g/m², pagine interne su carta Symbol Freelife Satin da 115 g/m². Concept, Art direction e impaginazione elettronica: Simona Deidda, Lucia Vezzuso Ufficio R&D Quercetti Composizione: font ad alta leggibilità
font Strada OT di Albert Piggera Copertina: Millo Fotografie: Studio Blu 2.0, Torino Rendering: Francesco Runza Esecutivi e PDF print: Arcastudio, Torino
giocare intelligente.
Made in Italy - Š Quercetti & C. S.p.A. Corso Vigevano, 25 - 10152 Torino, Italy - www.quercetti.com