Carol Hossam - AUC - ARCH 432/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Carol El Assiouty Spring 2019

The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Carol Elassiouty Student ID: 900151139

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

Carol Elassiouty Architecture Student

personality and push me to act indefrent a lot of time for self protection. I am schocked of today’s world but have ope in humanity. I am unable to define myself alone, my soul so I do it through the comparison with others. What I learned

Who I am Defining my self through activities and events will be the easiest way to start: - Architecture student - Ultimate frisbee player - Bigger sister of three - Graduate of Sacre coeur school - former Scout member However the real me, is much more complex. I can say that I am this combination of a otivated hardworking person that tries to find her passion and bigger aim in life. I am consience of my surrounding yet sometimes intentionly becomes disconnected to find my peace. I want to fight for human rights for acceptance and inclusion all the time something that greatly affects my

This course was very different for me, not only because it is my first time being in this process of producing a parametric design using new softwares like Rhino and Grashopper, but also because of the sequence of this process. In most design courses we start by learning about the function of the space and then moving to the plans and the form comes at the very end. Unlike most of our design courses, in this studio we all started by generating a form inspired from nature. Without considering the function we jumped into creating creative, out of the box forms that I later on discovered that it was not the best in terms of functionality. This process was eye opening then as it exposed me to another way of designing. However, I concluded that it is better to always try as much as possible to take into consideration the form and the function of the design from the very start.

Lightening photo related to the studied phenomena

01 Learning from Nature


Fulgurite “Petrified lightning� is a permanent record of the path of lightning in earth, and is called a fulgurite, after fulgur, the Latin word for lightning.� It is hollow glass-lined tubes with sand adhering to the outside.The glass lining of a fulgurite is naturally produced silica glass (Lechatelierite). The fulgurite has certain characteristics, it varies in color, depending upon the type of sand from which they were formed The inside tends to be lustrous and somewhat irregular and the outside is rough sand The glassy portion usually includes tiny bubbles which are formed by moisture trapped when the fulgurite cools suddenly after the lightning has passed. The more quartz the whiter the color. As for the process, it is known that the high temperature of the lightening stroke fuses the sand, blast of a billion Joules radiates through the ground, It branches through it like the root system of a tree and solidify it in a way that keeps the memory of the lightening in the ground. Conditions for this process are the following: -Existing sand high in silica or quartz -At least 1,800 degrees Celsius/3,272 degrees Fahrenheit of lightning. Conclusion: Manifestation of the Power of Lightning. The lightening is the force that affects mouvement of the snad and its final shape.


Learning from Nature


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Learning from Nature


Sugar snake in creation

“The end product highlights the hidden qualities of the altered element and demonstrates the power of the stimulus.” After studying the fulgurite natural phenomena in group and comming up with the previous quotation; it was time to individually search for a physical experimentation for further insoiration. The sugar snake was my choice for this stage. Seeing the lightening force affecting the shape and movement of the sand, the chosen experimention included the same efffect of force in the transformation of an object’s form and movment. In fact, in the sugar snake experiment, the gravity and weight forces affect the movement of the snake, they obstruct its straight path and transform it into a curling one.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Physical experimentation Black Snake The reaction occurs when sugar combusts (burns) in the presence of oxygen. This produces carbon dioxide gas and water vapor (also a gas), which pushes more of the sugar/baking soda mixture upwards. Some of this additional sugar heats up but doesn’t have access to any oxygen, so instead of burning, it undergoes thermal decomposition, producing solid carbon and more water vapor. This solid carbon now gives the snake some shape, and also gives the snake its black color. Lastly, the baking soda also decomposes in the heat, producing solid sodium carbonate, and carbon dioxide gas and water vapor. The sand in this experiment doesn’t chemically react with anything in the growing snake. Instead, it evenly distributes the heat from the burning lighter fluid to the sugar and the baking soda, ensuring a slow, steady burn and the growth of a long carbon sugar snake. The black snake movement traces the movement of the molecules (The carbonate molecules) when subjected to the stimuli the curling effect partially results from disappearance of carbon molecule from vertical direction However, the weight, gravity force and friction force are the main drivers of the curling movement of the black snake. It is due to the attractive force of gravity that the form of the snake is generated.


Learning from Nature


Soluble carbohydrates

C6H12O6 Glucose

C12H22O11 Sucrose (powdered sugar) Or



Baking soda


Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3

The common component of sand is silicone dioxide in the form of Quarts





Chemical reactions: 2 NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 &C2H5OH + 3 O2 = 2 CO2 + 3 H2O Time Vs Dimensions Density Vs Curling distance

25 20 15 10


5 0


2 Series1

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

3 Series2

Carol Elassiouty

This photo shows the idea that will be introduced in the chapter: the role of various forces in movement and form generation


Capturing Mobility: Conceptualizing, Modeling & Prototyping


Site analysis Analysing the site, the main parameter I focused on were the solar analysis along with people movement and activities.Through the study of people behavior on site I came up with the following conclusion: The facades are the attractive forces on site. Actually they attract people to behave around them as people tend to sit and interact around a solid surface to avoid total exposure.

As a response, the buildling best placement was decided to be in the center to create extra interactive spaces. Thus the root is the center


Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Concept Generation


Scanned with CamScanner

Less formal activities Denser center

Denser Sides

Dense mouvement

A lot of reflection happened next, if the facades are the forces of attraction, and people and the enviroment are the main parameters, where the density should be? -In the center and then attracted by the facades or -The main building attracted by the facades, fading

Scanned with CamScanner

The concept generation phase started with reflection on the sugar snake movement along with people movement on site. The spiral continual movement cause by forces like gravity was literally sketched to show the different intensity of people movement and activities on site. And the formal Vs Informal activities that takes place.

Capturing Mobility

Less forma l activities

Scanned with CamScanner


sketching ideas

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

More form al activities

Carol Elassiouty


Progress Work Implementing the concept, many layers existed before reaching the final shape. First I had to think of the structure form and came up with the idea of the building being stretched between the facades to provide a continuation for the existing labs and promotes connectivity. After experimenting with a smooth surface, it was time to try and use the structure of space frame, that demanded triangulation of the building surface. However, It was a fail due to the limitation of rhino to triangulate a surface, thus grasshopper was the solution at this stage. Moreover, moving away from form generation of the whole building, the modules that will be implemented on the facade, the same concept was applied. Attraction forced for the modules are the sun light that the module extend in reaction to it. Th triangulate modules from flat to attracted and extruded specially in the south for self shade where they are also smaller in size to minimize solar heat inside the building.


Capturing Mobility


From denser sides

To denser center

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Capturing Mobility

17 The model ready to be exported as STL file for 3D printing

Final Submission Reaching the final stage I realized that the surface had to be more smooth and with a shape that can accommodates the function therefore I had to change it. The concept of facades as attraction forces remained but the shape was changed a bit for functionality and connection between the important labs. The modules of the surface at this stage were only mapped in two case South and North. Divided and extruded Vs. Larger in scale with less extrusion. After finalizing the shape it was time to reducing its size and making it ready for 3D printing which was the final step shown in the following picture. The pipes used in the building represents its frames structure. I had to use grashopper at this stage to triangulate the mesh and apply the extrusions.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Grashopper definition

Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling

21 This photo captures the panels of the building from inside, showing their pattern and variety in scale


Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling and Documentation ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Following the sun path Mobility of the building faรงade according to Sun path. Just like the form of the building, the faรงade panels has its own attractive forces that affects its movement. The panels movement are both environmentally functional and creates and interesting and comfortable user experience. -The panels are attracted by the sunlight, that affects the length of its extrusion. The more the radiation is direct and causes strong heat, the more the panel extrude to permit the entry of light while shading to minimize the heat. -The panels vary in their size according to their position to controle the intensity of light entering the building; commonly it is larger in the faรงade portion facing North Subdivided triangulations in the faรงade portion facing South At this particular stage, the panels movement was done using Grasshopper attraction points and curves.


Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling




Fa รงa d


ef ac in

gS ou t

h Faรงade facing North

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Panels mouvement according to sun path

Strong radiation on the facade facing South Portfolio

Sun path changed with heat focused on the center

Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling


A balanced facade with relatively same extrusion all throughout ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

More extrusion of the North panels, informative of the sun location Carol Elassiouty


Grashopper definition Lunch Box plug in was used


Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Use of Plug in for enviromental analysis The first definition of grasshopper was done through the use of attractive curves and points, and with the knowledge of the sun path. The second definition was done using the plugin Lady Bug, to automatically draw the sun path and replace the attractive points with the radiation analysis.

Panel Extrution with the variation of sun radiation intensity


Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Panels mobility Concerning the panel movement, two movements exist following different parameters: 1- The panel Shrink and extend according to sun radiation (fig. 1) This movement affect the type of light needed in the space. When the extrusion happens, the direct light combined with heat is transformed to more ambient light through the self shading effect. 2- The scaling movement, the transparent end of the panel change its scale to control the intensity of light entering the building (fig.2) Unsuccessful Folding technique

P.S. the panels of the South faรงade are smaller in scale, as the subdivision has better control of the light. The Mouvement: The panel is formed from two triangles the base and the top that start at the same point and get separated when the panel operates to provide self shading and alter the amount of light that enters the building The top triangles is scale as shown in the following figures The panel extrusion is achieved through retractable tubes hinged in the triangles The following image is a retractable radio antenna that has a movement similar to that needed for the panels


Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling


Case of Isosceles triangle

Case of right angle triangle

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Panel details B-B









TILES 0.02 m TILES 0.02 m SAND & MORTARSAND & MORTA 0.04 m 0.04 m R.C 0.15 m R.C 0.15 m D.P.C 0.02 m D.P.C 0.02 m TILES 0.02 m P.C 0.1 m P.C 0.1 m SAND & MORTAR 0.04 m R.C 0.15 m D.P.C 0.02 m section P.C 0.1 m



Detailed Scale 1:10 A-A


Patterns of MobilityConceptualizing, Modeling


Different iterations of the panel:

Electro-active polymer

The larger scaling to control the intensity of light entering the building The extrusion to transformed the direct light to ambient light through the self shading effect.

The Grashopper definition


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Final Project

35 Ghosty Exterior shot of the building


Final Project ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Layout Scale 1:400 Portfolio

Final Project


Main Entrance

Exhibition space

Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:200

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Access To adjasant lab

First Floor Plan Scale 1:200


Final Project


Entrance connecting existing labs to newly created ones

Stepping platforms

Exhibition Space

Retractible seating area, context and user driven

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


Section Scale 1:200 Portfolio

Final Project


Main Entrance

Access to already existing labs

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Stepping platforms

unobstructed circulation on site

Carol Elassiouty


West Elevation Scale 1:200


Final Project


East Elevation Scale 1:200

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Final Project


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Final Project


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty



Final Project


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Carol Elassiouty


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ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) May 2019

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