Peter Ibrahim - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Peter Ibrahim Fall 2018

The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Fall 2018) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Peter Ibrahim Student ID: 900140937

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), December 2018

Peter Ibrahim Architecture Student

Materials can be manipulated and modified in order to create design expressions that communicate what is unique about that material.

01 Learning from Materiality



Learning from Materiality

3 This stage promotes noticing, play, and exploration. When we give time to tinker with materials we gain an understanding of the affordances, possibilities, and constraints inherent in a variety of making materials.

This stage is to explore any material that might be used in design. The process was used as a launch for us to spend time with and gain familiarity with specific materials at the start of an inquiry. It can was also used at any point in an inquiry when it seems useful to draw or deepen our attention to material properties. Maker activities vary widely. The continuum ranges from totally unstructured exploration, through light touch tinkering activities where the constraints of materials may subtly direct the activities, to moderately organized design challenges, to strictly defined parameters. This process begins at the least constrained end of that continuum. When we had the opportunity to dwell in this mode we were likely to gain considerable knowledge about materials before we move along to designing and making with them. After generous exploration time, we were able to digest the thinking routine, Imagine if‌to reflect on what we learned and consider how the material we just used might be incorporated into an upcoming making endeavor.

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim

Architecture department entrance Conditions: Transitional Zone from a node to the Architecture Corridor. Affecting variables: Fast Movement, Night and Day, Weather conditions

02 Capturing Mobility


Drawing inspiration from the material behavior of cement and foam in it’s expansion from a shell to smaller components. Using the firm materiality of gypsum and foam to create shelves for displaying models. Using the soft materiality of foam alone to create comfortable seating. This is needed in the entrance of the department to reflect the transition from the comfort zone to a more complex multi-layered story. And the process goes vise versa from the department to the pentagon area. Using this process and form to create functional areas. For practicality reasons I chose to fabricate my model using cardboard instead of foam. After creating my model in rhino, I inserted it into Fusion 360. I chose horizontal contour process to emphasize the natural horizontal of the pavilion. Also to mimic the experience of the natural rock I was inspired by. Foam can be shaped accordingly It creates the visual feel of my inspiration. Can seem stiff and solid but also it can seem dynamic and flowing. Foam interacts differently with different materials, so it gives several outcomes, and experiences.


Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim

03 Pattern of Mobility


Implicit surfaces have received increased attention in the design and animation of 3D objects, since they posses some useful advantages over the traditional parametric surfaces. The metaball technique is inherent to interactive design. One can begin with a rough shape consisting just a few metaballs, then add details by simply editing metaballs: add, delete, transform, adjust the parameters of metaballs. However, the metaball technique suffers from two serious drawbacks: first, it requires considerable skill to construct complex objects by properly generating numerous overlapping functions. Second, interactive shape design demands quick feedback when the designer is editing blobs. Unfortunately rendering an implicit surface is often a difficult. task Ray tracing is computational expensive. Polygonalization is either algorithmically complex, or difficult to achieve interactive rates. We start the shape design by first creating a articulated skeleton for the organic body to be modeled. Metaballs are used to approximate the shape of internal structures which have observable effect on the surface form. Each metaball is attached to its proximal joint, defined in the joint local coordinate system of the underlying skeleton which offers a convenient reference frame for position and editing metaball primitives, because the relative proportion, orientation, and size of different body parts are al-


Pattern of Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim



Pattern of Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim



Pattern of Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim


Progress and Other Trials


Pattern of Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Peter Ibrahim

ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) December 2018

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