Student Portfolio
Lara Akram Farouk Fall 2022
The American University in Cairo (AUC)
School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture
ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019)
Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis.
Student name: Lara Akram Farouk
Student ID: 900191752
© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019
Lara Akram Architecture Student
My name is Lara Akram. I am currently a 21-year old student at the American University in Cairo. I have been in this Architectural Engineering Undergraduate programme for three years and I am in my fourth year. I graduated from Nefertari British International School in 2019.
This was my second time working with Rhino in this online course. The first time I worked with Rhino was in another digital course in my second semester, which was a less advanced version of this course. Whereas in this current course it was more productive and creative as I was able to experiment with a new interface, which is Grasshopper. where I learned about paramatric designs and how to experiment with my ideas through
materials like gypsum.I was also able to learn how to create different structures like towers and trusses.
This course was one of the most interesting that I took in the architecture department. It was capable of making us think creatively when trying to transform a simple shape made of gypsum into something that could be done in real life.
In a nutshell, this course was really beneficial for me as it was an eye-opener for me in various aspects of the architecture field. On top of that ,I would like to thank Dr. Sherif as well as Dr. Passant and their excellent assistants. I would not be able to achieve these outputs and projects without their feedback and assistance.
Contents: 01 Learning from Materiality 02 Transforming Gypsum into Grasshopper: Paramatric Block 03 The Paramatric Facade
Table of
Learning From Materiality
Antelope Canyon the wave Arizona
Lara Akram
Gypsum Model Trial a Test of Sand Dunes in Arizona with Fabric
The purpose of this chapter is to explore materiality while using gypsum or any other materials that are flexible that will allow you to create different forms that are dynamic as well as using a specific formwork not soaking.
The chapter will shed light on 3 different trials that were done using gypsum. As the number of trials increases, the time to make the model is shortened and the amount of effort required is less. Moreover,the professionalism increases.
All in all,in the three trials, there were different approaches taken; new variables, new materials, as well as new concepts were taken into consideration in order to come up with the anticipated results.
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Experiment 1
The concept for this trial was the sound wave and how it is transferred in the air. Where the sound wave moves in a specific rhythm.
Thus, my aim in this trial is to mimic the sound waves by using gypsum, water, and mesh fabric material.
Materials used
Water White Gypsum Foam Plate
Mesh Fabric Plastic Bottles
The ratio of water to gypsum is 3:2 Problem: paste is very loose, needed to decrease water, needed a formwork to shape the gypsum on
Portfolio 4
Steps :
a- Formwork Fabriction
Get two plastic bottles that will be the main form work for the model as well as foam board to act as the secondary formwork to rest the model on it.
b- Preparing Materials
The material was mixed with a fine ratio of water and gypsum powder, and then it was mixed using my hand. Afterwards, get a mesh fabric and cover the bottles with it in order to create openings and ensure that the model is one single wave like my inspiration.(Using the soaking method)
c- Material Drying
The model was left to dry ,and it did not take long time to dry as there was a single thin layer of gypsum was applied due to soaking the mesh fabric once.
Time for hardening : 30 min
d- Final Result & Reflection
After the gypsum harden, I tried to move the mesh fabric from it but was not successful.This is due to the thin layer of gypsum applied and the soaking method was not useful and efficient & there were no variables.
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Experiment 2
The concept for this trial was inspired by Arizona’s sand dunes/ mountains and their curvature, as well as their inclusivity like a cave. The sand waves in Arizona are unique and make its visitors have a memorable experience.
Thus, my aim in this trial is to mimic the curvature of the Arizona Sand Dunes and how they provide a unique experience for their visitors.
Materials used
Water White Gypsum Foam Plate
Plastic Bottles
Aluminum Plate
The ratio of water to gypsum is 1:2 Variable : Change in the size of plate & Radius Result : height , number of vaults, thickness, width
Portfolio 6
Lara Akram
Steps :
a- Formwork Fabriction
Get two plastic bottles that will be the main form work for the model as well as Aluminum plate to act as the secondary formwork to rest the model on it.Using Casting not soaking method.
b- Preparing Materials
The material was mixed with a fine ratio of water and gypsum powder, and then it was mixed using my hand. Afterwards, I start cutting the plastic bottles into half using cutter to create the cave foarm.
c- Creating Variables
In order to create a paramatric panel on grasshopper.I had to identify variables for my model that changes in relation to another variable. Thus, in started setting 3 main variables: 1- aluminum plate (to measure the height of model & width) 2- size of bottle 3- radius of semi circle.
d- Material Addition & Drying
I added the gypsum on the main formwork which is the semi plastic bottle.Then the model was left to dry ,and it took long time to dry as i added gypsum on levels to achieve a thickness.Then I used the medium size alum. plate to adjust & support the model.
Time for hardening : 1.5 hours
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Final Result:
Inspiration Pictures:
Arizona Dessert cavity inside it a tourist which shows the cavity idea & sun penetration Taken from tousistic
Arizona Dessert cavity inside it a tourist which shows the different extrusions & waves Taken from tousistic
The main inspiration pictures are of people’s experiences in the Arizona Desert and in the caves, as well as the cavities created in them, which I tried to make use of in my gypsum model. This was shown through the distortion of the plastic bottles, which allowed me to create the wavy shape inside and reach the idea of cavities.
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Gypsum model Pictures:
Shots of the gypsum model from different angles
Reflection: This has been a successful trial where I was able to produce a gypsum model with variables, which then helped me to design my single paramtric panel. However, there was difficulty to adjust the gypsum in specific places on the plastic bottle.
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Experiment 3
The concept for this trial was inspired by Arizona’s sand dunes/ mountains and their curvature , as well as their inclusivity like a cave.
The sand waves in Arizona are unique and make its visitors have a memorable experience.
Thus, my aim in this trial is to mimic the curvature of the Arizona Sand Dunes and how they provide a unique experience for their visitors.
Materials used
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Water White Gypsum Foam Plate The ratio of water to gypsum is 1:2 Variable : Change in the size of plate & Radius Result : height , number of vaults, thickness, width Plastic Bottles Aluminum Plate
Steps :
a- Formwork Fabriction
Get two plastic bottles that will be the main form work for the model as well as Aluminum plate to act as the secondary formwork to rest the model on it.Using Casting not soaking method.
b- Preparing Materials
The material was mixed with a fine ratio of water and gypsum powder, and then it was mixed using my hand. Afterwards, I start cutting the plastic bottles into half using cutter to create the cave foarm.
c- Creating Variables
In order to create a paramatric panel on grasshopper.I had to identify variables for my model that changes in relation to another variable. Thus, in started setting 3 main variables: 1- aluminum plate (to measure the height of model & width) 2- size of bottle 3- radius of semi circle.
d- Material Addition & Drying
I added the gypsum on the main formwork which is the double semi circle plastic bottle.Then the model was left to dry ,and it took long time to dry as i added gypsum on levels to achieve a thickness.Then I used the larger size alum. plate to adjust & support the model. Time for hardening : 1 hours
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Final Result:
Inspiration Pictures:
Reflection: This has been a successful trial where I was able to produce a gypsum model with variables, which then helped me to design my single paramtric panel. On top of that, I was able to mimic the curvature of the mountains in Arizona Dessert.
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Arizona Dessert cavity inside it a tourist showing the cavity idea & sun penetration Taken from tousistic
Shots for the Gypsum model from different angles
Chapter Reflection:
Trial 2 Trial 3
This part of the course was interesting as it was my first time to experiment with models with gypsum and try to apply my concept through different methods. However, it was challenging for me to adjust the ratio and the gypsum on the formwork and try to come up with a form that would create variables for me. Anyways, I was able to get to a conclusion for the model, which is:
1. A larger radius requires less width of aluminium plate (smaller plate).
2. The larger the spreads in the plate (the larger plate), the more I divided the large circle in half.
Thus, the radii of the opposite sides of the plastic form have an inverse relationship.
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Single panel Paramatric design
Transforming Gypsum to Grasshopper: Paramatric Block
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Curvi with different curve sizes on both sides.This creates the minor shape of the panel
The Segments
The division of the 1 big curvi surface into multiple curves
Creating a line with points & segments to create attractor points
& produce a curve
Height of the Curves
Varied to create a flow of shape with one side being higher
Controlled by changing height of the points on the curve
Distance between the two curves front & back of the Main Curve
Combining the 2 final trials togeather in order to make single panel
Lara Akram ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 17 Outline Curve Number of Curves Distance bet. curves Number of minor shapes on the main curve Changing the U&V of the minor shape create curvature Segmented line create surface with specific W& H&L Varying the surface of the main Curve Variation in the thickness,Height & density Creating an organic shape Curves along a line Creating different sizes of the curves at both ends Creating a mesh & soild &void Daynamic Surface INPUT OUTPUT OPERATION/ PROCESS Paramatric Workflow
Combining The Final Two Trials
Close up of the sand dunes
creating gypsum model (trial 2)
Transform it into Grasshopper to replicate it
Creating multiples of the single unit
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1 2 3 4
Final Result (Multiple sand waves)
Taking trial 3 as my major model that will replicate on it the single unit
As the nature of the snad mountains in the desert having another tiny sand waves.
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Final Result (Few sand waves)
The single panel module was derived from identifying the main features of the expermentation model & come up with basic geometrical components on grasshopper, which produced parameters that could be changed & produce different iterations.Thus,I mixed both final trials of gypsum to create a curve meshed surface
Main GH Commands
Constructing attracting points and setting range between them
Mirror the Curve on the x plane and move in X direction. To create the alternating curves effect that the bottle did in the gypsum
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Point 2 3 Sine Curve Multiplication Interpolate Move & Mirror Loft Mesh + WeaveBird Mesh 1
Divide curve into equal segments then connect the points togeather by interpolate & then connecting the two ends with a line Loft to create the curve surface
6 5 4
1-Constructing attracting points and setting range between them
3- Divide curve to equal segments then connect the points by interpolate
2- Mirror the Curve on the x plane and move in X direction.
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4- Loft to cretae the weavy surface
5- Using plug in Weave birder & Mesh + to create the basic shape replication to create the cluster of panels.
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Lara Akram Portfolio 24 SINGLE PANEL VARIATIONS 2 4 5 3 1 0 The Basic Shape of single Panel Changing Height & keeping Number of Segments constant& length Changing Number of Segments Changing distance between both ends Changing U of the mesh Min Min Min Max Max Max Changing V of the mesh
Lara Akram ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 25 7 8
6 Changing T0 in weavebirder Changing T1 in weavebirder 7 Changing the sine curve to interpolated curve Changing the sine curve to Perlin curve
Lara Akram Portfolio 26 PROPAGATION OF THE PANEL Cluster Objective: Overlapping the panels in which it creates different voids between the panels ,this would 1-Allow the sunlight to enter in an intresting way through the gaps created by the mesh as well as the the overlapping 2-Alloows for different light intensity to enter Constant Parameters: 1-Height 2-length 3-Thickness Possible Variable Parameters: 1-Curvature 2-Density of the mesh U&V 3-Number of curves 1- Adjusting the curves 2- Adjusting the U&V 3- Making an Array to produce cluster
Shots For Cluster
3d Shot from rendered view on Rhino
3d Shot showing various openings for sun penetration
Side View showing different cavities created
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Making each panel with Different U& V for the mesh 1 2 Changing the sine curve to interpolated curve
More Dynamic But the there are less voids and more solids in certain spaces so there are spaces will not have light entering
Mostly flat and there is only one major curve along the panel that is repeated.This makes the cluster looks boring
3 Changing the sine curve to Perlin curve 4 Changing T0 & T1 in weavebirder
Less Dynamic and less voids .Also, its curves are not that recognized,its mostly flat
More dynamic but less voids
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The reason for choosing this cluster technique is because:
1-Changes in local settings provide more aesthetically pleasing patterns that balance the panel's liveliness.
2-It's crucial to keep panel protrusions on the façade to a minimum to prevent awkwardly sized 3D holes where light enter like when we changed T0 & T1.
Projects of overlaping mesh creating a flowy/dynamic facade
Many, small perforations of varying size create interesting light patterns & variation in solid &void.
Also, I faced difficulty creating the cluster as the laptop kept crashing.However, I learned a lot from this phase of the course.Moreover, I faced some challenges in creating a dynamic cluster with my static, simple gypsum model.
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The Final Cluster panel (final Outcome of project 1)
Chapter Reflection:
This chapter was challenging a little bit at first, as it was difficult for me to transform the gypsum model into a panel and then a cluster. However, as we were approaching the final submission of the project, I had reached a good stage of the gypsum model transformation.
In addition, the most interesting part was learning new techniques in grasshopper that we won’t be able to learn in the lab, like the weavebird plug-in and how it’s able to produce various parametric patterns with different variations.
Overall, this was a beneficial and informative stage in the course that enabled us to create a facade in the following chapter.
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Lara Akram
Paramatric Facade for the National Bank
The Paramatric Facade
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Project Description
In this project, the objective is to explore and parametrically generate a prototype for a building façade skin that takes into consideration issues of environmental comfort, spatial relations and human aspects using a passive approach. You are required to develop a parametrically driven building skin for the building shown below (National Bank of Egypt Branch, South Teseen Rd, New Cairo). The main façade of the building is in a South/Southwest orientation, and so you are required to devise an appropriate envelope that provides adequate shading and sun protection.
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The paramatric facade showing cavities
Double Skin Facade
IntroductionDouble Skin Facade is an innovative type of building facade, aims to enhance the thermal performance of glass envelopes. The typology, the way that the air cavity is ventilated, and the materials that make up the DSFs all affect how they physically behave. Natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, and combination modes of ventilation are all possible
Basic Principle
In DSF, the façade is divided into two glass layers which are the "skins“ that surround an air cavity which is typically utilized to house and protect the shading system as well as to control airflow. Also, serves as insulation against harsh winds, noise, and temperatures, increasing the building's thermal efficiency in both low- and high-temperature conditions.
The ventilated air cavity serves as a thermal buffer between interior and exterior glazed wall.
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open natural convection Closed natural convection forced convection
Due to the influence of buoyancy (gravity), air is circulated in the central cavity. The lower portion of the outer skin is where the air enters, and the higher portion of the outer skin is where the air exits.
Air is trapped between the two crusts, where it spontaneously circulates because the heat fluxes of the inner and outer crusts are different. This system operates by natural convection. However, because the central compartment is blocked, this approach does not allow for natural ventilation.
A fan moves hot air from the central gap to the room space or building entrance. In this technique, the apparatus warms the air
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Double skin Façade Systems
These predate the invention of insulating glass, which was made to keep light entering buildings while enhancing the soundproofing and insulating capabilities of the wall system.
While the outer layer of insulating glass decreases heat-transmission loss, the heated utilized air between the glazed layers is evacuated through the cavity with the aid of fans, tempering the inner layer of glazing. Additionally, fresh air is provided via HVAC, eliminating natural ventilation. It causes the air space between the two glass layers to become a component of the HVAC system.
This consist of conventional curtain or thermal mass wall system inside a single glazed building skin
Combination of any two the above mentioned DSF systems used in a situation where any among them does not accommodate to the building system involved
Environmental Performance
Cold climates
Air buffer functions to prevent heat loss & to reduce the need for internal heating systems, sun-heated air trapped in the hollow can heat areas outside the glass.
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Hot Arid climates
To reduce solar gain and the need for cooling in warm areas, the cavity can be vented outside the building. Through the chimney effect, wherein variations in air density produce a circular motion that causes warmer air to escape, extra heat is expelled. The air in the cavity is forced out as the temperature inside rises, providing a mild breeze while insulating against heat gain.
“from Arch Daily”
Optimization: Simulation & Mechanism control Strategies : Concept:
The building comes from experience of the ocean: “as an endless surface and in an immersed perspective as depth” & informs the spatial and organizational concept of the building.
The lamellas are capable of massive reversible elastic deformations as they are made of glass fiber reinforced polymers. The intention was to produce kinetic skin that was continuously incorporated. Used biomimetic strategy to achieve movement
Internal spaces are defined by the continuous surface, which shifts its direction.As surface changes, it produces horizontal levels that envelop the foyer & transform it into livable places for the Exhibition.
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Technical Details
Internal Building Structure
Coloumns & Slabs to hold the facade
Interior Facade Layer
Trible glazed, fixed windows and wooden insulating panels that can be open opened to access space between facade layers
Metal Open Work Deck
Facade Substructure
Glued laminated timber, vertical elements have light scattering function to maxmize natural interior lighting
Exterior Facade Layer
sliding glass panels
Metal Railing
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Section for
They use two layers of single glazing separated by a distance of 250 mm to 900 mm, sealed, and enabling fresh air into the building by a regulated method, such as an HVAC system or box type window that penetrates the overall double skin with shading devices built into the cavity.
Twin Face System
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1 - Cavity 2 - Laminated
3 - IGU 4 - Aluminum
5 - Bracket 6 - Cavity Grill 7 - Cavity Shade 8 - Interior Shade 9 - Radiant Floor/ Flooring
Buffer System DSF
A single glass building skin consists of a typical curtain or thermal mass wall system. The outside glass could be laminated, insulating, or safety glass. Shading tools might be present. For cleaning, this system needs an interior space of at least 500–600 mm.
Site Analysis
Prevailing wind from NNW
June-Sept warm at all times Sept-December warm but sun is needed before noon
*T. Comfortable hours= 49% (green & Blue)
*Natural Ventilation adds 30% more comfortable hours in the year (green)
*A big portion of the remaining hours are in winter which require heating
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Precedent :
“From Arch Daily”
The ‘revolving bricks serai’ building is located in a residential area of arak in Iran
The design resembles a rippling wave that takes over the façade of the revolving bricks serai building
The façade features individual blocks arranged according to parametric design
Natural light filters through while protecting the privacy of what goes on inside the building
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Research Outcomes :
This research was beneficial and informative for the next stage of the course, where I was able to understand how the double-skinned facades work. as well as its details and how they work with the curtain walls.
In addition, I was able to search for precedents that have parametric facades similar to my concept, which helped me understand the structure of their facade. As a result, I was inspired by how they used the parametric facades in conjunction with the activities held in the building.
Overall, this research was crucial to knowing how to design an efficient facade for the required building.
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Responsive Façade that changes the panel orientation & Scale along with the cavities/ protrusion of the waves according to angle of incidence. Sunlight filtration through perforations on the panels; as well as to capture wind into the building. This would mimic the idea of the Arizona desert cavities and how they create interesting experience for the visitor. This would be applied according to the functions, spaces and
in the building.
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for the facade
Parameters Derived Parameters: • Concavity / waves /distance of protrusion • Angle of Rotation • Size of perforation Density of cubes New Parameters: • Number of moveable/ responsive panels • Number of different sizes of cubes • Size of cavity • Location of rotated panels The Gabs between Cubes Reception Main Entrance & Waiting Area Open Offices Private Offices Technicians Rooms Cafeteria & Lounge Meeting Rooms Events Hall
incase of wind/ high intensity of sunlight
The façade changes rotation, scale allowing for different cavities at different areas
The façade changes protrusions to allow more sunlight incase the power cut off. As well allows for wind to enter
Progress Work
Progress 1
Isometric Section for the fa-
& floors
Typical Floor Plan
Section showing activities
Facade Elevation
1-There were parts of the facade that were flying, and this gave the feeling of inaccuracy.
2-There should be plans with different protrusions creating balconies and mezzanine floors.
3-Should think about the structure and how these flying pixels would be held together.
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Elevation for the facade with the structure attached
The Cavities in plan view
Show cavities in section
Closer look at the pixel variation and the structure Interior Shot for the pixels
1-There are parts were the structure connection with the pixels is incorrect
2-There should be plans with different protrusions creating balconies and mezzanine floors.
3- There should be secondary structure other than the rods attaced to two side walls .
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Progress 2
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Analysis: Solar Penetration: Solar Radiation: View Analysis: Facade at 8 AM Facade at 12 PM
Enviromental Analysis Progresswork Enviromental
Facade at 4 PM
There is more solar penetrations at 4 pm and concentrated at the south part of the building. Thus needs to be adjusted at this part.
There is high solar radiadion at 12 pm and concentrated at the edges of the slabs. Thus, the distance between pixels need to be reduced.
The view analysis shows that any visitor would be able to see clearly at all times. There could be adjustments in the pixels by adding rotation along with the scaling and different extrusions.
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Experiencing Facade in VR
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1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14
Using the VR to experiment with the efficacy of my facade was a really beneficial experience. I was able to experience the shadows that the facade created as well as determine if my concept was achieved or not.I figured out a few problems in the structure of the facade that needed to be adjusted.Also, the pixels needed some rotation, so I added a rotation component to my definition and made the pixels smaller to give a more immersive experience and allow more sunlight.On top of that, I was able to experiment with the cavities.
Things noticed need to be changed
1- In pictures 1.6 and 11.1, they show that the spacing between pixels needs to be bigger and the extrusions less.
2 -There are areas that the sunlight cannot reach, so if we applied another adjustment to the facade, like rotation to the pixels, this might allow different sunlight to enter, which would create more dynamic movement for the facade.
3 -On the roof, there should be another structure supporting the main structure of the facade, which are the pipes.
4 -The structure rods attached to the columns and the pipes attached to the wall have incorrect connections. This could be seen in pictures 8 and 13.
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5 10 15
3D Fabrication
Trial 1
Using Cura to adjust the Fabrication file.First, I exported the facade alone without the structure and this required more supports from the Printer; thus it had take 16 hours and 39 min for fabrication.
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Trial 2
After trial 1,I adjusted the structure as well as the facade to give me less supports on Cura and at the end the model will take around 6 hours and 40 minutes for fabrication.
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Paramatric facade to National Bank
Adjusting Paramatric Facade
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1-Dividing Surface into rectangular panels
2- Creating Cavities by MD sliders
3- Adjusting pull points to create surface by evaluate surface
4- using graph mapper to create different cavities protrrusions
6- creating attractor curves for scaling & extrusion
5- Dividing the surface into Quads/ Pixels of facade
Lara Akram Portfolio
7- adding rotation component to make the facade more dynamic
8- Creating Structure (pipe) 9 - Creating secondary structure 10 - Ladybug component for enviromentgal analysis
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Enviromental Analysis: Solar Penetration: Solar Radiation: View Analysis: Facade at 8 AM Facade at 12 PM
After Facade Adjustments
Facade at 4 pM Conclusion
There is more solar penetrations at 4 pm and concentrated at the south part of the building. However, the amount of light is not high.
There is high solar radiadion at 8 AM and concentrated at the edges of the slabs. Thus, I think this would be suitable time for the most solar radiation as its before working times so no harm.
The view analysis shows that any visitor would be able to see clearly at all times. 90% could be seen from the facade
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Facade in
Ground Floor 1 1 : 200 1st level 2 1 : 200 2nd level 3
1 : 200
1 : 200
1 : 200 3rd Level 4 1 : 200 4th level 5 1 : 200 Roof 6
Ground Floor 1 1 : 200 1st level 2 1 : 200 2nd level 3 1 : 200 3rd Level 4 1 : 200 4th level 5 1 : 200 Roof 6
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Checked Drawn Date Project
Floor Plans: Ground Floor Third Floor
First Floor Fourth Floor Top Floor Second Floor Mezzanine
Isometric Section of the Facade:
Terrace on the roof for Events
Balacony created at the Events Hall floor
Second Floor Mezzanine Over lookin the first floor which is open offices
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Section of the Facade:
Whereas inside, I tried to design the cavities to give the feeling of closure or the mountain knealing down on someone.Which would give intresting experience for the visitor
Reception Area
Mezzanein Floor for the Events Hall Area. Overlooking the offices
Mezzanein Floor for the Events open offices
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Different protrusions creating balaconies for users to interact with the facade
The enclosure on the roof was designed to give the feeling of the mountains in the Arizona Desert.
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Portfolio 66
first structure are Slabs
2- attached to it horizontal Rods
3- The Horizontal Rods attached to it another set of rods fixed between the two walls in the building
4- Another Secondary structure but its Vertical rods in order for the little pixels to rotate
5- The facade is adjusted on the structures.
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Shots For the final facade
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Shots from Lumion to the Balaconies ,double height floors and roof.
Shot from the balacony and how people could interact with the facade Arizona desert inspiration shot
SShot that gives the same feeling of enclosure in the Arizona Desert
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Arizona desert inspiration shot
Shots For the final facade
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Course reflection
This was one of the most beneficial courses at the university, but it was difficult because grasshopper requires more than one semester to learn to do parametric on your own, but it was possible with the help of the TAs and doctors.Also, for me, the most challenging part of the course was the first, as I did not know the target from experimenting with gypsum or if we needed to get inspired by something.
Thus, I struggled in the phase after that, which resulted in producing a non-dynamic panel and not as I expected, but afterwards I was able to catch things up and do the concept that I targeted from the beginning.
This course was one of the most interesting that I took in the architecture department. It was capable of making us think creatively when trying to transform a simple shape made of gypsum into something that could be done in real life. In a nutshell, this course was extremely beneficial to me because it opened my eyes to many aspects of the architecture field.
On top of that, I would like to thank Dr. Sherif as well as Dr. Passant and their excellent assistants. I would not be able to achieve these outputs and projects without their feedback and assistance.
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• Double-skin facade. Double-Skin Facade - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2022, from,thermal%20energy%20loss%20in%20 buildings.
• Souza, E. (2019, August 20). How do double-skin façades work? ArchDaily. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from https://www.archdaily. com/922897/how-do-double-skin-facades-work
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