Hagar Ibrahim- AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Hagar Ibrahim Fall 2022
Picture Generated by Midjourney- Attribution- Non commercial 4.0 International

The American University in Cairo (AUC)

School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019)

Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis.

Student name: Hagar Ibrahim Student ID: 900191174


The American University in Cairo (AUC), October 2022

Hagar Ibrahim Architecture Student

able to develop responsive, inventive, and smart buildings.

I am also very interested in fluid architecture and integrating movement in my designs to create dynamic structures and compositions. I have found interest in experimenting with different programs like Rhino, Maya, 3d Max and grasshopper for computation design.

I’m a senior at AUC studying architecture engineering, and my name is Hagar Ibrahim. I am incredibly passionate about environmental design, sustainability, and the role that design and architecture play in tackling the complex, ever-evolving societal issues. Additionally, I’m interested in energy-efficient building optimization and green building practises. What fascinates me the most is  the structural and tectonic design of buildings, and I hope to work in the field of computational design to be

Picture Generated by Midjourney- Attribution- Non commercial 4.0 International

01- Project 1

The Blank Facade Canvas

The Parametric Facelift 02- Project 2

Table of Contents

Experimental Project to physically explore with different materials and fabrication techniques. Using flexible fabric formwork to produce a structurally efficient and innovative form reflecting the concept

The Blank Facade Canvas


2Material Exploration Stage

Part 1.1

Initial Experimentation

The Blank Facade Canvas Portfolio

Materials Used

Experimenting with different materials and their ability to create flexible form work

Water Gypsum Powder Wire Wood Sticks Fabric

Hagar Ibrahim ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 3

Attempt 1

Water to Gypsum Ratio: 2:1

Method: Dipped fabric in Mix of water and gypsum Powder then placed over wood structure to take its form


- Wood structure not strong enough as the structure won’t stand

- Gypsum ratio 2:1 worked well and didn’t crack while drying

Portfolio 4
The Blank Facade Canvas

Attempt 2

Water to Gypsum Ratio: 2:1


Created a grid using wood sticks and wired and protruding elements to create form for fabric form then the fabric was Dipped in Mix of water and gypsum Powder then placed over wood structure to take its form


- Fabric dried with mix and didn’t take tbhe form of it which wasn’t the goal

- Wood structure held the fabric soaked in the mix well

Attempt 3

Water to Gypsum Ratio: 2:1


To make sure model stands freely,Create form using wire and wood for structural support of wire form. Then dip fabric in gypsum and place on cubic form


-Structure wasn’t stable and the trial wasn’t different than the ones before

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 5
Hagar Ibrahim

Material Exploration Stage


Second Set of Experimentation

Portfolio 6
The Blank Facade Canvas
1.2 Maintain shape of form after removing the formwork to creat
desired outcome

Materials Used

Experimenting with different materials and their ability to create flexible form work

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 7
Hagar Ibrahim
Water Gypsum Powder Wire Wood Sticks Foam Boards Plastic Bags

Attempt 1

Water to Gypsum Ratio: 2:1


Create a formwork that can hold the intended shape after pouring the gypsum mix.

Portray part of a room being demolished Show competence in creating a balanced concrete mix

Created the form using foam boards and lined it with plastic sheets for the form to be removed easily. Then wood stickes were added on the side to create thickness. Last the paste was added inside the form

Result Fail:

• Thickness was too thin

• Form needed a structural element inside to hold it

• Maybe use a wire mesh next time

Attempt 2

Water to Gypsum Ratio: 2:1


A method that can create an organic form

• Create form using balsa wood and wir

• Pour mix in plastic bags and place in form so they take the shape

Result Fail:

• Form was too fragile

• Didn’t work out as the planned concept

• Structural element would have helped the form to maintain its shape and use proper form work rather than placing the paste in plastic bags

Derived Parameters to Panel Translation

Part 1.3

Create Panel from derived parameters to create a cluster that has different itterations and look at the different parameters and the variations that can be created from the panel

Pipe thickness of grid around units
Multiple attractor points Solid and Void
Inflation to each unit to give it a thickness
Cylinders on different planes and axis Boundary for the different points of the 3D forms Curve points and degree of curvature Number of solid and voids Radius and length of cylinders Wire diameter (structure)

Workflow Diagram

Attempt 1

Create cylinders on different axis the create two seperate list to have solids and voids

Step 1:

Create a region on grasshopper to be a boundary box for the cylinders then populate 3D cube to get a random number of points which will later be the centroid for the cylinders

Step 2:

The population will be the origin for the plane which the cylinders will rest on. For the feasibility of the workflow, the size of the plane should be decreased to be able to visualize the cylinders.

Step 3:

Rotate the 3D Planes around the three axis points then ensure that the random rotation around the axis does not exceed number of points and the rotation range is from 0- 180 degrees. After that Create cylinder geometry and add radius and length then move to planes.

Grasshopper Code:

• Create Region, using Center Box

• Add dimensions

• Create Populate 3D and add count of points

• Create Plane surface and add to points to be its origin

• Adjust Plane size (X,Y)

• Rotate 3D of planes on x axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Rotate 3D of planes on y axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Rotate 3D of planes on y axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Connect output of X axis to Geometry in rotate 3D component

• Rotate 3D of planes on Z axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Rotate 3D of planes on z axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Connect output of y axis to Geometry in rotate 3D component

• Make plane origin the center of the points thwnrotate 3D of planes on x axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Download Lunch Box Plug In to divide list into two items. One for solid cylinders and one for void cylinders

• Use command Random split list to do so

Development of the form Part 1.4

From the previous trial on grasshopper the derived cluster had no variations. Panel was repeated on a square grid which didn’r lead to an interesting outcome. Therefore, I wanted to work on developing different iteration for the form to create an interseting composition



Create a composition and sworming which gradualy engulfs it as the number of voids of cylinders increase to create a correlation between the number of voids of the cylinder and the sworming attack

Changing parameters:

• Size of cylinder

• Solid or void cylinder

• Length of Cylinder

• Number of Cylinders

Grasshopper Code:

• Create a grid around the repeated composition for the sworms to rotate around it.

• Sworms using culebra

Translation of the Workflow Diagram Part1.5

Further development of the form to create more iterations and different cluster compositions using grasshopper

Inspiration from Midjourney for second digital attempt: Pictures Generated by Midjourney- Attribution- Non commercial 4.0 International Changing parameters: • Repeated triangular pannel • Solid and Voids • Mesh surrounding triangular subdivision • Size Variations Pipe arpund triangular units subdivisions for variety of sizes Inflation Attractor points

First Digital Attempt After changing Form

• Setting up triangular grid and placing points

• Merge subdivision of triangles

• Create inflation for subdivisions

• Setting attractor point and creating a list based on distance

• Further subdividing two lists from dispatch around attractor points

• Solid and void for List B from triangular subdivisions

• Create inflation for solids

• Create cull pattern for dispatch list of bigger sub division from triangular grid
• Create inflation for solids of big subdivision
• Merge all Breps and create pipes for grid lines

Different variations and possibilities of the single panel design


Creating different variations for the triangular pannel to come up with interesting forms for the cluster

Variation 1:

• Solid and Voids around attractor points

Variation 2:

• Subdivisions and different sizes of triangular panels around attractor points

Variation 3:

• Pinching of pannels to a specific point

Variation 4:

• Inflating and scaling the triangular units

• Subdivisions for different sizes

Cluster Design Part1.7

Propagation of the single unit into a cluster of panels to experiment with different iterations

Cluster of triangular modules to create different variations

Grasshopper Code:

• Creating a surface and dividing it to 4 Quad panels

• Create list item to hold each panel seperately and subdivide the panels to triangles

• Rotate 3D of planes on x axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Create an atrractor point using the MD slide to move the point around the panels

• Subdivisions List A

• Subdivisions List B

• Further subdivide the panels to triangles

• Create pipe for grid lines after subdivision

• Further subdivide List A: Create pipes for contour + create inflation

• Rotate 3D of planes on y axis

• Construct domain range from 0- 180 degrees

• Connect output of X axis to Geometry in rotate 3D component

• Further subdivide List B: Scale and extrude

Different Propagations Part 1.7 • Solid and Voids • Horizontal Contour lines filling voids • Different sizes for Panel subdivisions • Scale and Extrusion in smallest subdivisions • Pinched surface • Big Sub division sizes + solid and Voids Global Parameters: Local Parameters: • Number of pannels • Subdivisions • Attarctors • Pipe Thickness • Solid and Void • Extrusion and scale of subdivisions • Number of Horizontal Lines • Extrusions to Point The different Iterations in one panel

Different Iterations for Cluster Design

Part 1.8

• Number of pannels

• Subdivisions

• Attarctors

• Pipe Thickness

• Louvers to allow small amount of light inside the space

• Maximum Shading

03Small openings with solid material to diffuse light and prevent direct sun light inside space

Maximum privacy

• Opening to admit light inside the space

Explore and parametrically generate a prototype for a building façade skin that takes into consideration issues of environmental comfort, spatial relations and human aspects using a passive approach.

The Parametric Facelift

Picture Generated by Midjourney- Attribution- Non commercial 4.0 International

What are DSFs Part 2.1

double skin facades and identifing their uses

Double Skin Facade

DSF is a two skin layers that allow air to pass through the middle cavity.

Façade systems is like a building envelope which protects and separates the building from outside environmental factors.

• 20cm- a few meters

• Insulation against:

• - Harsh weather conditions

• - Winds

• - Noise

• Also, enhancing the building’s thermal performance in both hot and cold climates.

The two glass layers may have sun protection mechanisms, and the airflow through the intermediate cavity may be mechanically or naturally driven.

Sketch to Visualise DSF

Environmental Analysis

Double Skin Facade Components

Example of the Flowchart of the simulation process for the double skin facade

Zoning for building

Problems inside building


A 7 storey Commercial Bank located on North 90th Street. The building has a striking curtain wall facade oriented towards the south west direction

Breathable and Responsive

skin with voids to allow air in Geometric forms to forming a pattern Web around forms to maintain the shape Protruding shapes Contraction and expansion
Skin Picture Generated by Midjourney- Attribution- Non commercial 4.0 International Breathable

Understanding the Responsive Facade

the Mashrabiya
architecture using sliding pole to fold the plates inward
Part 2.4 Precedent 1: Bahar Towers Responsive Facade Modernizing

The façade of the building includes two layers that inflate or deflate depending on the amount of sunshine. 104 cushions and an ETFE membrane are present on the south façade. Each cushion is attached to this membrane, which only permits the desired quantity of sunlight to enter.

The facade is made up of What is ETFE membrane which is a plastic derivative that is frequently used as a building material. The material is identified by high light and UV transmittance, temperature resistance and extremely low weight

Creating a breathable skin which breathes, contracts and expands as the sun moves

A dynamic system as it is controlled by a computer. There are membranes in each cushion which are controlled to allow the desired amount of light and heat into the building.

Precedent 2: The Quilted Cube by Enric Ruiz- Barcelona, Spain



Part 2.5 Change Facade form Subdivide surface and create structure

Create horizontal louvers in less private spaces

Subdivide the part for the private areas to two parts

Subdivide the private part to smaller triangles

Create louvers and inflations that are static

Subdivide panels near the most private offices and scale them down
Random split inflated panels to 2 to move according to sun attractor Leave inflatted panels in second set Split panels again to static louvers and inflated panels

Rendered Shots on Rhino

Shots not showing the full experience inside the building

VR Experience and shots

Structure not correctly attached to slab First Floor not protected from the sun Too dark space below inflated facade Entrance is blocked by structure

Pre Final Digital Attempt Part 2.7

Attempting to create the responsive facade

Creation of Facade

Placing different attractor points on facade surface to play with facade form and to form terraces and enclosed spaces with it

Subdivide the surface to triangles Removing panels from near entrance

Create pipes for structure to attach to all slabs

Split facade to two parts, bigger one for the public, smaller one for private areas

Create louvers for less private areas

Split more private parts again to two sections, one for the more private areas which will have smaller subdivisions

private part to two to create inflations and scale the subdivisions
subdivisions to shade CEO’s office and private offices
Split subdivision to inflations and louvers Scale

Divide private part to two to create inflations and scale the subdivisions

Responsive facade which inflates and deflates

Responsive facade which inflates and deflates

Structure Sub-structure Louvers Sub-structure Bigger Louvers Responsive Inflating Panels Vertical Panels for Private Areas
Slabs Primary

Room is extended to facade, facade acts like the wall

Double height space to create a more interesting visual to a bigger part of the facade

Section 1

Section 2

Roof garden shaded to create a comfortable outdoor area while reducing heat island effect

Private office spaces shaded by smallest subdivisions that are scaled down

Private meeting room spaces and terraces exposed to responsive facade which contract and expand depending on sun intensity

Public part has the biggest subdivisions and no inflating panels, just louvers to allow as much light in and be visible from the outside

Responsive Module Mechanism

Facade is pulled from points inward to create self shading as well

Connection of slab with facade, people can have direct interaction with facade
Outside Inside

Facade Analysis: Attempting to create a responsive facade

Solar Radiation

Responsive Facade

March 9:00am March 3:00pm

June 9:00am June 3:00pm

Sun Path analysis

• Temperature gets colder in winter, sun angle decreases , therefore longer shadows.

• Temperature gets hotter in summer, sun increase decreases therefore shorter shadows.

Wind analysis

Analysis showing wind coming from North direction with the highest speed. Away from the curtain wall

Shadow Analysis and 3D chart

File Fabrication Part 2.9

Attempting to create the responsive facade

Attempt 1

• First attempt to creating file showed that the file will take 1 day and 15 minutes to print.

• Problem 1: Inflated panels thickness are too thin, they are less than 0.01

• Surface was way less than the 30x30x30 box so it was scaled to fit inside it

• Problem 1: Model wouldn’t rotate or lay flat as the surface is curved and can’t be rested on flat surface

• Inflation panels thickness was increased to 0.02

• Problem 2: file will take longer to print as there are a lot of meshes and thicker thicknesses

Attempt 2


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©All rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) May 2019

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