Moustafa Mohamed - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Moustafa Mohamed Kandeel Spring 2019

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Moustafa Mohamed Student ID: 900143272

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

Moustafa Kandeel Architecture Student

you’re gone to remind people of your efforts. You can ultimately live a life much larger and longer than your own mortality allows because the buildings that you design will represent you. My passion beside architecture is something I consider a little bit weird which is mystery. I love questions that do no have an answer or the things that are difficult or impossible to understand or explain. I believe that half of our life is understandable and the other half cannot be understaned even if we sometimes pretend or think that we understand those things. i believe that these dark un-understandable were created to open to us more things new discoveries that appears when we try to understand the un-understandable things in life. My name is Moustafa Abdelmohsen Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Amin Gadallla Kandeel. I was born in 1997 in Kuwait and lived thier for 18 years which I think is one great thing in my life to be attached to two countires, my original country Egypt and the place where I raised, Kuwait. vvvv In high school I decided to be an architect because the most beautiful aspect of architecture as a profession is how the industry embraces the individuality of each person. Of course, designing buildings is in itself a fulfilling creative pursuit; but even beyond that you are allowed, and in fact encouraged, to have a style which can manifest beyond your work. Moreover, Perhaps the greatest advantage of being an architect is having a lifetime’s work that remains after

A spider web, spiderweb, spider’s web, or cobweb is a structure created by a spider out of proteinaceous spider silk extruded from its spinnerets, generally meant to catch its prey.

01 Learning From Nature: Orb Spider Web

2 In this stage, we as student groups and members are asked to explore different natural phenomena, living organisms that are particularly inspiring in terms of their ability and mechanism to transform. We did extensive analysis that demonstrates the formal and behavioral logic of these phenomena with the objective of understanding and identifying sources of inspiration for the projects. Orb web is classic, wheel-shaped webs constructed in a vertical plane. It has spokes like a wheel with a spiral design. It can be used for both trapping its prey or hiding from its predators. Spider uses its own body as a tool of measurement: spaces between the spirals is directly proportional to the distance between its back legs & its spinners. Each spider web begins with a single thread being released into the wind called the bridge. This forms the anchor point and basis for the rest of the structure. If the free end of the thread has caught on to something! the spider then cinches the web and attaches it to the starting point. The spider then drops a loose thread under the bridge to crawl down on and attach a bottom anchor composing a V shape. As the spider walks along the initial structural threads, it creates more frame threads, then the radius threads. A non-stick auxiliary spiral is created next. vvThe spider then spirals in on the web, laying out sticky thread and using the auxiliary spiral as a reference.


01: Orb Spider Web


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



01: Orb Spider Web

5 This figure svhows how secondary frames affects the strenght and stresses of the orb spider web.

Orb webs are multifunctional structures, the main function of which is to stop the kinetic energy of the impacting prey, while minimizing structural damage. There is no single explanation for their remarkable strength and ductility. Slight variation in the geometry markedly affects the prey-capture ability of spider orb webs. The structure of orb web consists of, bridge line, primary frame, secondary frame, moorings, radial threads, spiral threads. There are some rules that spiders follow in each web they create. Spiders systematically avoid connection between primary frame and radial threads aligned with the mooring, by interposing secondary frame threads. They also avoid contact between the ends of neighboring segments of the secondary frame. These two rules shows the importance of secondary frames. Secondary frames allow more load distribution and thus more toughness and power to the whole structure. The longer the length of the secondary frame the more energy absorbed by the web and thus, eliminates more week points of the structure.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



01: Orb Spider Web

7 This figure svhows how orb spider webs deform as a reaction to insects that has electrical charge

Capture success of spider webs has been associated with their microstructure, ornamentation, and wind-induced vibrations. New evidence suggests that statically charged objects can attract silk thread, but web deformations induced by charged insects have not yet been described. Here, we show under laboratory conditions that electrostatically charged honeybees, green bottle flies, fruit flies, aphids, and also water drops falling near webs of cross-spiders induce rapid thread deformation that enhancesv the likelihood of physical contact, and thus of prey capture. The thread deformation result in changes to the whole structure but more obvious near the interaction point between the nuetral web and the positively charged element that comes near the thread. In the interaction point, the threads get closer to each others which also deform the rest of the threads. The degree of the deformation of each thread depends on the distance between the thread and the point of interaction.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

8 Inspirations 1- The diving bell spider is an architectur-

al mastermind. Agyroneda aquatica must breathe air, but that’s tricky when the diving bell spider lives its entire life underwater. But like all good designers, the diving bell spider is an adept problem-solver with an ingenious solution: it builds what amounts to a tiny oxygen tank. This tank, if you will, is an air bubble trapped in the spider’s silk. Its web is indeed shaped like a diving bell, spun among underwater vegetation. The spider makes periodic trips to the surface and pokes its abdomen out of the water, gathering air among hydrophobic hairs to form a bubble, which it deposits in the beautifully designed bell. True to its inspiration, the pavilion resembles a glassy bubble streaked with web-like strands. It’s actually a plastic membrane essentially supported by layers of black carbon fiber composite material applied by a big robotic arm programmed to mimic the spider. Conclusion: Abiding by the rules of the spider adoption to its own environment and how to follow the same sense and sequence to build something that really achieve architecture with strong structure and logic.


01: Orb Spider Web

9 Intention:

It is required to design an extension for the architecture department. As student who spent 4 years working in the architecture department in its studios, labs and corridors, the experience of the department lacks an important element. which is the Time Factor. Time is forgotten once anyone enters the department that it can reachs a point where a one connot tell if the sun is still there or it is gone. Therfore, the intension of this building is to emphasize the time factor and strenthen the time recognition and experience. As concluded from the inspiration and the previous analysis of orb spider webs, following the same rules that spiders abide by to form thier webs can be inspiring to end up with structure and form. This form could be utilized to achieve the time experience required by also taking the essence of how spider webs adapt to external factors. In other words, the adabtability of spiders and webs have a logic and a sequence that could be understood to extract its essence and apply this essance to reach an experience that respond to time inside the building.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

The previous scientific explaination of the orb web with its structure and its response to external factors open wide horizons to conceptualize and then model a form that is inspired by orb webs.

02 Capturing Mobility: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


Site Selecion & Analysis We were asked to chose one of SSE courtyards to build our model as an extension to the architecture department. the southern courtyard of SSE was chosen because of its ease of accessibility as it has direct access from From outside the campus (bus gate, the main auc gate) and from the architecture department (outdoor stair). Moreover, it is recognisable by architecture students as it has multi-functional use By student of architecture when doing their physical applications.


02: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


Environmental Analysis The hieghts of SSE building that surrounds the courtyard mostly prevent direct sun light and radiation when the sun altitude is low (East from 8:00 to 11 AM and West from 2:00 to 5:00 PM). While in the time between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM virtical sun rays reach the courtyard meaning that some treatment is needed to be done in the roof and southern Facade to encounter high solar radiation.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


Form Generation The first iterationts of the model was inspired by the actual spiderweb by drawing it actually then abstracting it to be more smooth and functional. After that, the secondary beams was done in three dimensions instead of being actually in two dimentions in the real spider web. As a result, the form was generated that gave the sense of a spider web; however this form was not intended to be like that, the actual phenomena generated this form with slight interferance by me.


02: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


The problem with this form is that it was very rigid to deform and transform into real functional building that suits the site that its is supposed to be in. However, there was an obvious pattern and shape in the facade that resulted from following the actual structure of orb spider webs with just conncting the secondary beams in three dimensional way. This pattern is more of a diamond shape that gave the potential tobe developed into a main structure and panels or openings in the building.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

16 The next step was to reach a form that reflects the phenomena and also respond to the site that it will exist in. the functionality of the form reached was also taken into consideration, as it is architecture at the end of the day which deals with spaces and their functionalities. The form intended to create negative spaces between the new building and the existing building beside it which allows for exterior working space beside the building. Grasshopper was the link between the form Generated and the pattern of facade and openings that was reached by the previous iterations. what was needed is to explore a difinition that connects the surfaces and curves cteated and the diamonds shape pattern that will give it the structure and the facade shape


02: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



02: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



02: Conceptualizing & Modeling Orb web


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

Applying rules, relations, constraints and parameters, and develop proposals into parametric models that express continuous variation and in-depth explorations of patterns of mobility.

03 Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling

24 In this stage, we were asked to identify a parametric logic for their proposed shape shifting faรงades, including all rules, relations, constraints and parameters, and develop our proposals into parametric models that express continuous variation and indepth explorations of patterns of mobility using Grasshopper. So from stage one when we studied the phenomena, there was obvious mechanism of the orb web when positively charged insect pass, the threads get closer to each others which also deform the rest of the threads.


03: Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling

25 At the begining, the idea was about how the curves of the diamond shape are formed. It is generated by connection points on axis with each others that at the end form the curve. By the same logic and mechanism that the spider web deform with, the four sides that has the points of the curve rotete around fixed point. When the four sides rotate towards each other the opening gets smaller till it closes completly. Also, it can be applied as a responsed to a stimuli just as webs. webs respond to electrically charged insects, while this panel could respond to environmental problem that was analyzed previously which is reducin solar radiation from roof and southern facede. the higher the solar radiation, the smaller the opening of the panel.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

26 Mechanism The panels have the same idea of the basic shutter curtains that exists in many houses which is small louvers that rotate with 90 degree angle and then pulled to be gathered together and thus open the curtain. Another idea that can be implemented in the panel mechanism is rubber silicon sheets. Rubber silicon sheet is a material that is newly discovered which shrinks when its temperature goes down and expand when the temperature increases. By testing this material and expermenting with it, it could reach a result of the direction of its expansion and thus can be used to move the four arms of the window panel without elictrical interference.


03: Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling

27 Physical Model 1:5 The physical model was fabricated with lasercut mdf wood. middle rail was needed to govern the movement of the arms while opening and closing the panel. Mechanical motor with sensors could be added and coded to interact with the solar radiation that the panel is exposed to. In other words, a sensor can detect the amount of solar radiation and thus give the motor order to open the panel to a certain size that suits the amount of solar radiation. Since each panel has its own direction and location in the facade, multiple sensors to each panel can be applied to determine the size of each panel independantly and thus achieve the optimum solar radiation resistance and natural light possible.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



03: Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


8:00 A.M


12:00 P

03: Patterns of Mobility: Parametric Modeling



3:00 P.M

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

The Final product of all previous studies, iterations, experimentations and results. Translating all this findings into architecture that could be constructed in real life.

04 Visualization


Ground Floor Plan 1:200


03: Visualization


First Floor Plan 1:200

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


Section A-A 1:200


03: Visualization


Elevation 1:200

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel



03: Visualization


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


Exterior shot 1:00 P.M


03: Visualization


Exterior shot 5:00 P.M

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


Interior shot 12:00 P.M


03: Visualization


Interior shot 6:00 P.M

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel


Exterior shot 9:00 A.M


03: Visualization


Exterior shot 2:00 P.M

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Moustafa Kandeel

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019


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Soler, A. and Zaera, R. The secondary frame in spider orb webs: the detail that makes the difference. Sci. Rep. 6, 31265; doi: 10.1038/srep31265 (2016). Eberhard, W. G. Effects of orb-web geometry on prey interception and retention. Spiders, Webs, Behavior and Evolution 70–100 (1986) Opell, B. D. Economics of spider orb-webs: The benefits of producing adhesive capture thread and of recycling silk. Funct. Ecol. 12, 613–624 (1998). Sensenig, A. T., Agnarsson, I. & Blackledge, T. A. Adult spiders use tougher silk: ontogenetic changes in web architecture and silk biomechanics in the orb-weaver spider. J. Zool. 285, 28–38 (2011). Sensenig, A. T., Lorentz, K. A., Kelly, S. P. & Blackledge, T. A. Spider orb webs rely on the radial threads to absorb prey kinetic energy. J. R. Soc. Interface 9, 1880–1891 (2012). Victor Manuel Ortega-Jimenez & Robert Dudley Spiderweb deformation induced by electrostatically charged insects

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019


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Soler, A. and Zaera, R. The secondary frame in spider orb webs: the detail that makes the difference. Sci. Rep. 6, 31265; doi: 10.1038/srep31265 (2016). Eberhard, W. G. Effects of orb-web geometry on prey interception and retention. Spiders, Webs, Behavior and Evolution 70–100 (1986) Opell, B. D. Economics of spider orb-webs: The benefits of producing adhesive capture thread and of recycling silk. Funct. Ecol. 12, 613–624 (1998). Sensenig, A. T., Agnarsson, I. & Blackledge, T. A. Adult spiders use tougher silk: ontogenetic changes in web architecture and silk biomechanics in the orb-weaver spider. J. Zool. 285, 28–38 (2011). Sensenig, A. T., Lorentz, K. A., Kelly, S. P. & Blackledge, T. A. Spider orb webs rely on the radial threads to absorb prey kinetic energy. J. R. Soc. Interface 9, 1880–1891 (2012). Victor Manuel Ortega-Jimenez & Robert Dudley Spiderweb deformation induced by electrostatically charged insects

ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) May 2019

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