Nadine S. Wadieh - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

A R C H 4 7 3 / 3 5 2 2 - D I G I TA L D E S I G N S T U D I O A N D W O R K S H O P Nadine Nazmi Spring 2020

The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2020) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Nadine Sherif Student ID: 900150990

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2020

Nadine Nazmi Architecture Student

Being almost finished through the program always made me reflect over what I have learnt so far and what is still ahead. I am constantly checking the upcoming courses and how the skills gained from all the university courses make me look at architecture in a different holistic manner. I am an architecture student, who is passionate about the design, the meanings that architecture embodies within each perspective and the potential of influencing the inhibitors of that space through it. I have really grown through it all, especially going through this year, I would have never imagied to be where I am today. Coming to reflect on the semester, it was a turning point in the whole program, I was exposed to two different kind of design studios that were demanding and pushed me to approach design differently, and how an experience

can be translated in the various languages of design, for instance structure, materiality, massing. Also, throughout this course I became more familiar with the abstraction process and how it opens up for different people to approach a single inspiration differently, most importantly having testing methodologies to test the abstractions and iterations, In that sense, advanced software modelling complement this process and are tools of design that expand on that initial abstraction not as a random design generator with no sequence in logic, just a final product. On a personal level, I learnt to take it one step at a time and not complicate things. Having a sequential logic of design and learning that there is a sequence in desiging through Rhino and grasshopper made me think deeper not more. This storybook shares my journey through, design abstraction, definitions, layers of research, development, physical/ digital exploration, translating meanings into physicality as much as I could. It was a challenging journey but I learnt not to overestimate my abilities without testing them and to work really hard to push my limits. I hope you enjoy the layers of this story.

Chapter 01- Designing a mobile shelter for homless people inspired from a natural growth process- the turtle’s shell in Al-Minya city. A phenomenon that ehibits multiple growth levels that are governed by a pattern of growth and external stimulus

01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless



A Shelter for the Homeless

3 Defining the context potentials. Individual focus on logic of shelter after gene expression of turtle shell morphology. Choice of Site within El-Minya Due to the city’s adjacency and established courniche with the Nile, and research showing the difficulties in zoning laws and subdivisions, the idea of a floating shelter presented itself and became a key driver for the design. Appearance of the phenomenon As with all living elements the growth of the turtle shell has multiple-layers and dimensions. I chose to explore the gene morphophology that guides the process. A series of gene concentration changes guide the micro and macro transformatiom of the shell and the begining of shell scute formation. The process is kickstarted as gene expressions, domains, are secreted in a pattern of 38 ‘dots’ that are in increased concentations in the middle. Thus intiating the growth of the cells in a lateral manner as the fully developed cells displace laterally to make room for new cells to grow. Eventually the concentration of the domains increases and the new cells begin to conglamorate and pair up in the middle instead of seperating laterally. Eventually the concentrated domains diffuse and take on a negative image that mark the boundaries of the cells that were initiated leading up to the initiation of the ridge cells that are create a hexagonal boundaries between the cells that is sunken down. Abstraction of the parameters From this understanding the logic of weight points was extracted to guide the design decisions, for the skin of the shelter. The idea of having points and assigning certain weights to them that woul eventually give shape to a flat surface. With the points making the skin, the base of a voronoi logic that make up the openings of the skin. ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

4 Design parameters

1. Set a ‘weight’ to the Points. The points manipulating the surface are assigned weights based on the various concentrations of the domains ehibited in the shell morphology. The weights of these points attract the surface to coordinates of the x-y-z dimensions, and also transform through twisting and skewing the surface. 2. Lateral Movement of Elements from a Datum. The elements be it curves or points be displaced in relation to a central datum line. 3. Constructing Openings through Voronoi Patterns The points constructed by rebuilding of the surface are the base points for the generation of a voronoi overlay that make up the openings of the surface.


A Shelter for the Homeless


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



A Shelter for the Homeless


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



A Shelter for the Homeless

9 Architectural translation, translation Plan of the shelter and Site Context. Section showing the shelter and scale.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



Architectural translation, translation Materiality of the shelter. Platform created by the voronoi pattern.

A Shelter for the Homeless


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



The Blank Facade Canvas

Chapter 02- Using Fabric Formworking to experiment with a facade module and extract design parameters from to form a complete facade.

02 The Blank Facade Canvas


These were the main inspirations when the research first started, and the intentions for the experimentations were clearer. Portfolio

The Blank Facade Canvas

15 The sketch shows the initial thinking process and how I envisioned the fabric would form the openings

The Concept - Experiment with fabric to create a unique interplay between solid and void relationships within a single panel that inturn creates an interactive light experience beyond the panel.

Why Fabric? - Aesthetic Finish - Resuable - Volumetric variation - Ease in large scale implementation

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Fa b r i c E x p e r i m e n t a t i o n


The Blank Facade Canvas


Main Materials exihibit different initial variables and in relation they result a different set of outcome variables

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Preparing Fabric


The Blank Facade Canvas


The initial steps after the research was to figure out the type of fabric and technique that lated


vesatile with





The first iteration to the left was a simple iteration to test the how the fabric withstands

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020






Nadine Nazmi



The Blank Facade Canvas


The input parameters are imporant to understand






ters in later stages after the solution is set.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Removing Fabric Formwork

The final step of the experimentation showing the differnet variables marking the output parameters that would be the main drivers in later phases of design generation .


The Blank Facade Canvas


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


The Pane

The Final Outcome of Experimentation

The expiremementation showed potential for various iterations of various shapes of openings and manipulation of the 2d fabric in the 3d sense. However to be

the shrinkage accomodated

in in

volume has later trials.

The resulting form takes volumetric variances which are controlled through points of mixture pouring creating variances in the pouring





The Blank Facade Canvas


Fa c a d e


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


The Facade Parameters The
















The significance of the categorition is to relate how the factors that are set from the beginning affect the output in shape and behaviour. So that an





lations would be possible to emulate in a digital, grasshopper realm.


The Blank Facade Canvas


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



The Blank Facade Canvas


Measurements table

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Chapter 03- Design a parametric facelift for the Blom Bank Model with a responsive parametric second skin to respond to environmental and human aspects implemented through grasshopper.

03 Double Skin Design


3D shot showing the glazed facade to have the second skin

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Outlining the Parameters



Double Facade Design ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Enviromental Parameter: Wind Rose


The Double Skin Facade

35 Enviromental Parameter: Solar Radiation

The facade is totally exposed showing very high solar heat gain. The amount of daylight should be accounted as it links to how the interior conditions are set for the users. The analysis also shows that due to the curved nature of the facade, the western part is self shaded from the building.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Initial arrangemet of functions behind the facade

Rearraging the facade as several compartments according to the differert rearranged functions.

Fuctional Parameter: Building Program


The Double Skin Facade

Defining the experimentation parameters: Governing rules of making the panels

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

37 Experimentation Parameters: Panel Definition

Nadine Nazmi


Defining the experimentation parameters: Governing rules of the skin. Thinking of the skin

Experimentation Parameters: Skin Definition Portfolio

The Double Skin Facade


The Thinking Process

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Controllable Parameters

Independant Parameters

1- Number of openings: Factor dependant on the views, related to the pragmmatic variances within the rearranged functios of the building.

2- Density of panels : Factor dependant on the sun radiation, according to the sun angle thus creating a dynamic looking facade. According to this, we would find that the areas of the facade with the highest solar radiation will be thicker. This will help in decreasing the solar radiation and heat gain on the facade and inside the building.

3- Curvature of Skin: To be able to benefit from the wind, the curvature of the skin is controlled to allow the favourable wind to reach the spaces behind the skin and the double curvature drives the warm wind to be removed.

Correlating the Controlling Parameters Portfolio

The Double Skin Facade


Design Progression: Extruding the Terraces

Figure (1) 3D view, Section of Building Modification, by extending terraces and extra functions in the building. .

Initial Step in the Facade Design By adding the second facade skin, the in-between space can be utilized to have extended terraces, that extend up to 3 m providing a semi-open gathering space that respond to the modified functions behind the first facade. Design Logic The ing give roof.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

terraces on the less exposed western side are a stepped sequence, while the eastern terrace head for the second skin to wrap around All extensions follow the simple curvature

extruded more havis less in area to and extend to the of the first facade..

Nadine Nazmi



Design Pro

The Double Skin Facade

ogression: M o r p h i n g t h e D o u b l e



Testing Spatial Qualities of the first skin modification on Interior Spaces Moving on, I star ted by var y ing the spatial qualities of the interior, as I was adviced to create a variation of the outdoor-indoor spatial relationship. The sec tions of the iterations gave the f ir st thought s of what role would the second sk in play s . Being s ome thing seperate and distant or ene vloping the terraces and near the buildings ’ user s .

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Design Progression: M o r p h i n g t 44

Defining the Governing Logic of the second skin curvature and relation to the building.

Relative Positioning to building The building form creates the opportunity to utilize the wind in a sense that the skin would open up to catch the cool wind into the building and curves outwards to drive the warm air away form the building. Model double curvature through R ic h G ra p h Ma p p in g Open up to catch wind from windward direction.

Attractors Positioning and Logic Four attractor points have been set for the building based upon functional changes that lead to a dynamic pattern of functions behind the facade. The aim of the attractors is to pull the skin closer to the intensity of the function to drive the wind and balance the wind pressure on the second skin. Model through use of attractor P u ll P o int s

Responding to modification of human activity. Portfolio

The Double Skin Facade

he Double Skin 45 Generated skin curvuture is exaggerated in some sections and is limiting the spatial qualities intended for the terraces

The curvature is still exaggerated however interestinng inteplay with the terraces started to emerge.

With the parabola curve the skin was easily manipulated more as in the sections it has dynamic interplay with the terrace spaces as it gets closer and curves around them to actually have a bigger effect on the interior when it comes to allowing the wind throughout. ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Design Progression: D e t a i l i n g t 46

Defining the Governing Logic of the Second Skin Structure and Paneling Detailing.

Materializing the Skin Thinking of the materiality and manner of which the structure relates divides into modules to house the panels. Also, I continued developing the structure in tandem with the panelling logic, that both worked together, not just having a structure that is filled up with panels with no variation.

Compartmentalizing the façade into ‘equal- sized ‘slots

Subdividing the surface with volume flexibility through S u r f a c e box

Panelling Positioning and Logic Then came the last part where I had to test iterations of the panellings’ response to radiation, as the driver of module propagation to have daylight penetration where desired through shading studies to complement the functional modifications.

Responding to sun’s high radiation through varying panel thicknesses filled with cooling solutions.


Model varying thicknesses through W e a v e r b i r d s u b d i v i s io n

The Double Skin Facade

he Second Skin- Structure 47 The structure curves well within the chosen parabola curve, however the panels were still all the same depth.

Testing the member assembly when depth variation is a parameter in the structure as a response to the radiation, As the panels with the solution would be placed within them so to give space for the change in volume they would exhibit as a response to solar r a d i a t i o n .

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Design Progression: D e t a i l i n g t 48

Hydro gel layers and shadow analysis The main aim at this stage testing the best iteration through a quantitative shadow analysis to reach a dynamic quality of spaces through the solid and void of the exterior skin. This iterantion the openings where the same in all panels however with the skin’s curvature there was a dynamic interior aesthetic. However, it was not controllable to match with the functions behind the skin.


The Double Skin Facade

he Second Skin- Panelling 49

A differentiation in the diameters creating a dynamic looking facade, and Implementation of the panelling and testing the daylight penetration, throughout the day.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi

Double Skin Facade Final Logic and Design

Showing the final outcome with the language that 51 of the experimentation, and the layers that were sequentially developed with a final logic of extending the structure skin to canopy the roof.

Western Facade

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Showing the final outcome with a final logic of extending the structure skin to canopy the roof.

Design Logic Final Composition of the second skin showing the the interplay between the solid and void, concave and convex, and heights to be able to provide an interpretation of the experimentation but on a large scale.

SE Facade


The Double Skin Facade

Layers of the Facade


Thermodynamic Panels

Structure Fixing the Panels, and Canopy

Glass Glazing Internal Skin

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


Smart Panel Analysis Each module of the panel configuration is a composed of a elastic material that hold a smart passive cooling substance, Hyrdrogel. The substance in the panels being programmed, expand as small volume of water is pushed through and the substance expands in volume thus inflating the individual panels, in response to their radiation exposure. And deflating as the water content in the substance evaportates and cools the area. Eventually, there is a motion of a series of patterns controlled by the enclosure and exposure of the panels as they expand and contract.

Figure (2) The mechanism of panel density variation Portfolio

Elastic Modules

The Double Skin Facade


Hydrogel Use in passive Cooling

Hydro gel layers and shadow analysis

The Hydrogel is a thermodynamic and is responsive to solar radiation. The mechanism of cooling is that the hydropolymer expands in and retains 500 times their weight in water. Hydrogel is 98% water so as it evaporates, it cools downn the surroundings, and as it loses water it gets smaller and turns back to it’s original solid state. Precedent The figure illustrates a project using the idea of hydrogel as a thermodynamic passive cooling, and how the variation in size alters the feel of the building both internally and externally. But as illustrated earlier, the implementation in the panels of the second skin in the project will be filled with the hydrogel and it would not be exposed.

Figure (3) Placement of Hydrogel filled tiles over highly exposed surfaces and their relative expansion to radiation as a dynamic response.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi



The Double Skin Facade

57 Developed Grasshopper Definition

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2020

Nadine Nazmi


• • • • • • • muacmexico-city found-desi gn-robot-cast-facade-01-05-2017/ construction. html by-form -found-design/

ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) May 2020

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