The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Fall 2018) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Shahenda ElEraky Student ID: 900151238
Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), December 2018
Shahenda ElEraky Architecture Student
tions. This would give us an overview of the language of our fabricated models would give off. This stage gave us quite an insight about materials with respect to light, structural integrity, economic efficiency, user experience, architectural language conveyed. Moving on from the first hand experience of experimenting with material, we have learned rhino, as a form generating tool, with no limits to our imagination. Rhino has been quite an imagination stimulator as it is so different from the rest of the programs used. It’s flexibility has been the key factor. It is the key program when thinking massing and architectural language as it focuses completely on form. I am shahenda , as an architecture student, this course has been the ultimately complimenting tool to design. Starting off with experimentation of material, we have learned different aspects of material through trial and error. Next, I have always been so ambitious in design forms and ideas; however, digital implementation has always been a struggle. our digital abilities are merely limited to the programs we have been using like autocad, revit and photoshop. In this course, we have mastered skills that would help us to stimulate our imagination and design ambitions. Experimenting with material has been a helpful tool to model design. It was such a realistic process as to how this specific material would react with real-life condi-
Moving on from the form generation,Next stage has been the parametric integration that gives the f. Since rhino has been a form generating tool, grasshopper has been the logical implementation of the form. Both programs are complimentary and are adequate to create an unlimited yet sequential logic design.
First hand experimentation with a variety of materials to understand the cause and effect of variable factors.
01 Understanding Material
2 EXPERIMENTING WITH FOAM: Material Brief: Spray foam insulation or spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is an alternative to traditional building insulation such as fiberglass. A two-component mixture composed of isocyanate and polyol resin comes together at the tip of a gun, and forms an expanding foam that is sprayed onto roof tiles, concrete slabs, into wall cavities, or through holes drilled in into a cavity of a finished wall. “Spray foam� is also an informal term used to refer to various plastic foam materials that are used in building construction to provide thermal insulation and minimize air infiltration. Polyurethane and polyisocyanurate are two types of foam used in this application. Sprayed compressable foam. Texture: experimented with humidity effect. Property: settles and take the shape of the mold. experimentation process: - Humidity Conditioning. - Application of pressure
Understanding Materials
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Understanding Materials
5 Foam reaction with respect to Light.
Polyurethane Foam provides a complete, seamless building envelope, creating a more comfortable indoor environment for the life of your home. So, it has a relatively insulative character; however, it manipulates light penetration instead of completely blocking it. Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation can be categorized into two different types: light-density open-cell spray foam insulation and medium-density closed-cell spray foam insulation. Both types of SPF are thermoset cellular plastics comprising millions of small cells. Because of its variable density composition which depends on the humidity and compressibility of the foam , the light penetration intensity varies with the process variables of the foam drying up.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Understanding Materials
Combining Foam with a complimenting material, Gypsum.
Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO4¡2H2O.[3] It is widely mined and is used as a fertilizer, and as the main constituent in many forms of plaster, blackboard chalk and wallboard. The gypsum exhibits material properties that compliment the foam. Gypsum is more structurally stable than foam. However, foam penetrares light, while gypsum completely blocks light. so this combination can also be used for light manipulation. The gypsum is such a brittle material; however, the foam is a ductile one. Tenacity:Flexible, inelastic Luster:Vitreous to silky, pearly, or waxy Streak:White Diaphaneity:Transparent to translucent
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Implementation of form design while learning new graphical tools for the implementation.
02 Capturing Mobility
12 The site is located at the outskirts of the campus, where it is visible and accessible to different user groups.
The site is a place where the university assembles vegetation for nuturing and distrubuting them among campus.
The site is of a 360 view, making it visible from everywhere and value each facade equally.
Limitation: the accessibility points to the site are rather hidden.
Capturing Mobility
13 The site consists many vegetations of many types, giving the natural character unity but with diversity.
The surrounding elevation is of a higher platform, making it more visible and providing shade.
The site is experienced by several user groups: people of auc and outsiders.
The site is surrounded by many water features, providing a natural expression as well cooling.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
View and orientation; controlling line of vision through openings corresponding to site.
Transitionofofstates: states em ex Transition ens from solid centra node then aturning into
Capturing Mobility
Concept; creating an abstract exhibition where you can experience all types of vegetation at once.
xhibited,from as everything lightmerging a solid centralized al node. light structures.
Enhancing visual connectivity and experiential symbiosis: as if the site is living within the pavillion. This is created through creating an abstract exhibition that corresponds to the site’s exisiting surroundings, through the manipulation of the openings as well as the form. Creating the analogy of a tree and making it the primary source inspiration as it the most dominant feature on site, taking the idea of branching out with transitional states from one solid center the starting point of the form genertation.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
1- The model implements the transition of states concept, but structurally unstable.
2- The model has been blocking the light; neglecting site connectivity.
3 & 8: the model has not been stable as it rises from ground, neglects also site connectivity.
4- The site creates the tree analogy to literal and sturcturally impossible openings.
Understanding Materials
5- The structure is based on subtractive elements; however, it isn’t structurally stable & not coherent with concept.
6- This has been the closest to the form as it structurally stable and functional and echos the concept greatly.
7-This has been an initial idea where openings failed to stabilize as it needs structure on a perpendicular axes.
9- The model isn’t continuous and isnt structurally stable without a perpendicular axes of structure.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Understanding Materials
The final product after many ittirations of trial and error.
The model impelements the visual connectivity that corresponds to site’s surroundings. The model has been structurally stable enough to endure the live loads. The model exhibits a central node that the structure branches out from. Also, intensity is reflected upon the model, tranisitional states are reflected upon the form’s fluctuating ductility.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Turning the form generated into a parametric design with a sequential logic to the abstraction of the form.
03 Pattern Of Mobility
Pattern of Mobility
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Stripped form.
1- Setting the surface done on rhino as the morph surface.
2- Creating lines derived from the isocurves of the form itslelf.
3- Giving a thickness extrusion for the strips and creating a waffle shape at the base for stability.
Pattern of Mobility
Structure: It is structurally unstable, it can withstand its own weight but not live loads.
Conecpt: It shows the idea of transition of states; however, it doesnt creates the diversity of branching out.
User Experience: The pavillion provides the corresponding views but doesn’t shade effectively, however directs.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Pattern of Mobility
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Nested form
1- Setting the surface for the surface application.
2- creating a central sphere and populating rantion points around it.
3- creating pipes once, or surface offsets from of lines whose radius’ derive from the populated points.
Pattern of Mobility
Structure: The pavillion is structurally unstable, it can used only as an abstract structure, not a functional one.
Concept: The concept is strongly exhibited as it camouflages with the organic surrounding, and the nest opens at the corresponding viewsas the radius increases.
User Experience: The user experience a gynamic setting for the irregular patterns with fluctuating intimacy zones.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Pattern of Mobility
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Vornoi cells
1- Setting the surface of application. Then populating onto it the vornoi random cells.
2- Setting attraction points towards corresponding views for the pattern openings fluctuation.
3- Setting a line corresponding with the circulation that fluctuates the modules heights to produce a variety of initmacy.
Pattern of Mobility
Structure: it is structurally stable and can withstand its own load and live loads.
Concept: It corresponds to the organic character of the site as well as camouflaging in a sense.
User Experience: The user experiences daylight manipulation, for it enters through the vornoi cells that fluctuate according to the view corresponding.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Pattern of Mobility
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Pattern of Mobility
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
Waffle Form
1- Setting points that correspond to the boundary of the surface.
2- Setting lines that are parallel to the virtual boundary created.
3- Creating a bounding box around the surface.
4- Creating a grid of the waffle shape.
Pattern of Mobility
5- Morphing the grid onto the rhino created surface.
6- creating an extrusion of the y-axis grid.
7- creating a grid of the x-axis while bounded by the box.
8- Extruding the surface into form.
ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018
Shahenda ElEraky
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ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) December 2018