Maram Gamal - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio


The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Fall 2018) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Maram Gamal Student ID: 900140560

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), December 2018

Maram Gamal Architecture Student

Its a story, that makes a memory, that is described by a journey, and traced by actions. People live by leaving traces of memories as the day goes by, and Architecture tends to frame it. And that is what i aspire to do. To design live-able frames that people capture their lives within. To convert memories and to make history tangible and immortal. The process of parametric design is that it diverts everything into logic, which by common sense everything is derived from equations and statistics. But nothing visible. Hence understanding the logic and the sequence , that will lead to a design. As of five years of Architecture has passed by, I cant still call myself an architect. The building blocks of me as an architect are still forming, and so little space to best the information, but yet so much to learn. The process of learning the algrothimic approach of tracing the order of design. Architecture has its effect of learning both scientific and humanitarian sciences. I have taught the tool that transfers just a basic 3D space into a place. And then the argument of what makes a space a place. Its the sense of belonging being able to transform feelings and emotions into something tangible, something physical that can be implemented within many lives.

Tools that translate our cognitive thoughts into designs. And for each design that comes with logic there has to be parameters. Some are controlled and some are caused by sequential random variables. And in order to make sense of it and to relate it to the human experience, you have to learn from the human Experience. You abstract behaviors and attitudes and transform them into logics that creates a new human experience.


01 Learning from Matiriality:The Metabolic Kanima



Metabolic Kanima

3 The Metabolic Kanima: A Mythological creature that shape-shifts depending on environmental and external conditioning. Appears when in time need.

Goes through a change of state that depends on the mood surrounding it. It transforms to illogical or unrelated combinations that aims to be an answer of feeling of danger. A shape shifter escapes to forms when in time in need to adjust to a comfortable state. The shape shifter in this analogy is playing a Molecular role in the human body tissues, and the effect of oxygen on it

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

4 Multi-Personality: Different moods and sudden changes. The personality changes everything starting from the behavior, to the shape, to the appearance, and finally to a related but deviated overall. Different people might interpret aspects differently, which makes the personality of the object both internally and externally volatile. This volatility depicts itself in constantly changing perceptions of the same object. Metabolism: Breathing gives it the form generation. The fact that it grows and is effected by air. Air is what controls the environment, and causes humidity. The effects of humidity narrates the changes in the behavior and hence in the characteristics.

Mobility: As it grow, it moves. The movement decides its form and its positioning. And how fast it changes from one form to the other. The form of motion is translated into tension and contraction. Moods and behaviors is controlled by external factors, and that will narrate the final outcome and personality of the kanima. Metabolism: Breathing gives it the form generation. The fact that it grows and is effected by air. Air is what controls the environment, and causes humidity. The effects of humidity narrates the changes in the behavior and hence in the characteristics. Portfolio

Metabolic Kanima


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Metabolic Kanima

7 Studio 456

Location: Dimensions: 10x12 m Function: Architecture students design studio Access: One Entrance Atmosphere: controlled lighting atmosphere, and adequate temperature Mood: Shifting by time factor from Happy to Stressed to Anxious Moods: Happiness, Fear, Anxiety, Exhaustion The places is of nature is divided into work space and zones

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

8 Behavioral Observations of Material PU Foam: slowly observing the attitude, with its mobility to divert in different weather conditions. Controlled variables result in different forms and behaviors. The solidification process is effected by humidity, pressure, and external materials. Each of the states is mentioned on the left, with its similarity to Human muscles. PU foam solidifies as exposed to air, with addition to pressure or force it slims up t micro fibers that holds the structure intact in place. PU foam at wet state: Irregular, inconsistent, GOOEY Semi dry state : Mimics the muscle tissue as it tends to be FIBRE-Y and contracts and relaxes , as partially some of the tissues dry up to 50% their elasticity increases and tends to be hardly separated Contraction and relaxation Dry State: Bone marrow molecular structure , hard shell with soft core, Microscopically its forms air bubbles and solidified network. SOLD DEFINED GEOMETRY Is what controls the environment, and causes humidity. The effects of humidity narrates the changes in the behavior and hence in the characteristics. Portfolio

Metabolic Kanima


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Capturing Mobility


02 ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Capturing Mobility Maram Gamal



Capturing Mobility

13 Retranslating the understanding of the tension and relaxation in the muscle that was abstracted from the mobility of the PU foam. Creating a design logic.

Goal is to create an ever adjusting spatial quality Kanima that best suits the student environment using parametric creation that develops the student’s perspective and to adjust their desired mood. Creating a shape shifting Studio divider that is adjusted to every zone and its characteristics. The first trial was to create the inspired geometry from the mobility of the material and to be translated to physically regenerated 3D model. With a set of complex geometries

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

14 The following model was the final production of the idea. A mass that divides encloses and shape-shift according to needs. Here are four visible composition that shows the sequential transition within the spaces of the model. PHASE A: THE MODEL CARRIER A center piece that elevates and segregate the design model from the remaining of the ground circulation. Easily stretched texture to help increase visibility PHASE B: ANXIETY This Zone is exploding with emotions spontaneously. Having the student working space isolated yet integrated within this working incubator. It separates the workspace from the rest of the zones PHASE C: ORDER The order in formality, and modularity. For working environment and concentration. To help the students focus and gives space for creative minds to explore cognitive dimensions PHASE D: HAPPINESS The scale here of the integrated columns is a bit different and more interactive within the spacing, as a relaxation zone to help students enjoy some Quality Break time.


Also as the model interpretation in creation a studio culture that embraces fun and hard work.

Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Capturing Mobility

17 The model Carrier

Carrying The design 6 model that is of 2x3m in dimensions, in a way to exhibit it, protect it, and display it with ease away from footsteps. To be allocated in the center of the Studio space, to become the center and create an ambulatory.

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

18 PHASE B: ANXIETY “This Zone is exploding with emotions spontaneously. Having the student working space isolated yet integrated within this working incubator. It separates the workspace from the rest of the zones� This zone in specific became an inspiration to reconstructed, and restated. It established beautiful concepts of webbing and connections that was better understood with fabricated physical model. The logic understood was mainly on the selection Vs. Connection abstracted logic, and how can it preform the reverse of the mood (anxiety) to sustain the function it was first granted. Learning from the previous experiments. Understanding the physicality of the produced model to create another logic. The abstraction here came to form a logic of connectivity, but not just on the X and Y axis but on Random variable axis.


Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Capturing Mobility


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Metabolic Kanima


03 Patterns of mobility: Parameters ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

24 Final Proposal Of Sub-Alternative Is to create a piece of furniture as relaxing zone for stressed out students, Can be used to sleep nap, rest, or chill It took the logic of phase B in the first Rhino trail, to create a piece of furniture that shape shifts to fit the architecture students needs of rest. Parameters: Merging the idea of webbing and the hollowness of the bone marrow in the abstracted logic taken from the model trial. And then taking the massing definition and applying a control variable which was a curve that deselected the unwanted Cells


Metabolic Kanima


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal


Stages of the Logic Application


Volume Allocation Populating Cells on a chosen volume, by setting a number of centers to be spread within the chosen volume. Selection Selection of a group of cell centers, and dividing them into lists. One list will be solidified, and the other list is to have another function performed on it. Separation Separation line, acts that any cell it passes through it will get dispatched. Morphing Applying a mesh to the lines that form the parameters of the cells, followed by a smooth curve extrusion that will form the cellular, muscle relation connections that was found in both the PU foam and the Muscular cells.

Patterns of mobility: Parameters


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Metabolic Kanima

29 The Studio heart

The Heart A computer generated piece of furniture, that is designed to be the heart of any design studio. As its design base is inspired by shifting moods, and anxious connections. That creates a balance between the solid and void, hence equating it to the feeling of tension release. Abiding to the design studio behavior if it ranges between happiness and anxiety. It is made to fit different seating positions to create the sense of shape shifting mobility that is a result to external forces. The merge of the Fabric and the fabricated leather compartment is to fit flexible usage and comfort. Each of its cells are detachable to create the highest sense of flexibility in its location.

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal



Patterns of mobility: Parameters


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2018

Maram Gamal

ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) December 2018

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