Zeina Enaba - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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A R C H 47 3 /3 5 2 2 - D I G I TA L D ES I G N S T U D I O A N D WO R K S H O P Zeina Wael Enaba Spring 2019

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019



The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realization and analysis.

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba

Zeina Wael Enaba Architecture Student

I am an undergraduate senior Architecture student studying at the American University in Cairo. I see that architecture is an art of coordination, between beauty and brains, we focus on aesthetics but with the structural logic, attention to detail, and again coordination.


FALL 2019

Project Projec Pro jectt 1


In this project we were asked to design a mobile shelter which uses parametric design, and the realization of the use of dierent parameters in the design development process

01 Design of a Mobile Shelter

ARCH Fallallll 2201 2019 AR ARC A RCH 4473/3522 RC 733/ 773/ 3/352 352 522 Fa F 20 0101919

Zeina Enaba


The aggregation process:

The journey to a home is a growth process which is why I chose aggregation as my approach in this design. As it also ads to the layer of uniqueness which would be given to each shelter, as it would be uniquely constructed according to needs.

FALL 2019

Projectt 1


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


NATURAL INSPIRATION Sand Formation process:

Integration and disintegration

FALL 2019

Projectt 1


The Desert Rose Sand

Desert roses or rocks form under very high heat and pressure in extreme conditions in the desert, they are considered to be very rare and expensive. Their relation to each other is on the crystallographic C planes

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


CONCEPTSandTO FORM The Spire from within:

FALL 2019

Projectt 1


The combination for aggregation:

Plan view ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL FAL FA AL LL 201 22019 09

Project Pr Pro P rrojjec jeecct 1


The Spire from within

ARCH Fallalll 201 ARC AR R H 4473/3522 73/3522 Fa F 220199

Zeieinana En Z Zeina E Ena Enaba n bab


FALL 2019

Projectt 1


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019

Project 2


Experimenting with materials and casting techniques in order to analyze and test el physical properties and environmental aspects of the facade in terms of design and functionality.


The Blank Facade Canvas

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


MATERIALPartEXPLORATION I 1 . . On Small Scale Approach: Exploring dierent structural and non structural materials in dierent ways to reach their potential of innovation, starting by physically fabricating the models and then integrating the digital aspects to control the variable and parameters.

FALL 2019

Project 2


First experimentation:

Using the watter bubbles instead of aggregates, forming random voids inside the concrete as they dry absorbing all the moisture.

After drying for 48 hrs:

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


Second experiment:

An attempt in changing the physical properties of the ropes

Before drying

FALL 2019

After drying

Project 2


Third experimentation:

Experimenting with mud to form cracks, and using these cracks as the concrete pattern. --> The cracks were too thin so it did not fit the cement

01-Natural crack pattern

Fourth experimentation:

Using the physical properties of wax on the fabric to create a translucent appearance.

02-Mud Mixture

03-Formed crack pattern

Fifth experimentation:

Manipulation with fabric elasticity in order to see the level of expansion and from it could reach

Pouring the molten wax created translucent rigid fabric

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


Combination logic:

FALL 2019

Projectt 2 Pr


Thinking sketches:

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


MATERIAL EXPLORATION II Part 2 . . Larger scale Approach: Expanding the scope of exploration into a real size of the unit using the same material but on a dierent scale. In order to test the real strength and capabilities of the material on a 1:1 scale.

FALL 2019

Project 2


Structural logic:

Assembly of the materials

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


The Model:

Using the rigidity provided by the concrete, a pattern was created in the frame + integrating with the fabric to create the push and pull eect which allows for integration between both materials.

Malleable material


The In Intersection:

Intersec Intersection between 2 materials was through a material rigid rod which was hanged diagonally on the frame diagona to hold tthe fabric, and allowing for the pouring of the wax.

FALL 2019

Project 2


Effect under light:

The formation of different patterns on the opaque screen placed behind the solid ropes

Movement of the light created different patterns on the fabric, and due to the translucency of the waxed fabric, different light intensities appeared on the surface.

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


M MATERIAL ATERIA AL EXPLORATION EXFinalPProduct LORAT TION III III Approach: A pproach: pp Integrating Int In te ating between the previous ttrials, tegrat rial ri als, s producing pro pr oduc cing the outcome in form of a physical ph hyssic ical a + The digital aspect in order to Control Co ont n ro ol th the e ph p physical ysical parameters and produce pro pr oduc od uce e mu multiple ult ltip iple le iiterations. tera tera te rati tion ti ons. on s.


Project 2


Behavioral Patterns: Realizing the variable, creating organic c pat patterns atte at t rns whic which ch are based on fun functional nctio onal use pattern by Manipulating the formative e parameters deriv derived ved from usage patterns pattterns Taking the humane patterns as inputs inpu putts for pu for the unit unit it equation

Taking the visible actions based on neural decisions and translating them into input manipulating elements shaping the sensed cognitive experienced Configurable elevation panels allows for response to the use of each space The use patterns of the space is shaped by decisions on the numerological level The cognitive experience shaping the use which shapes the elevation panels manipulating cognitive inputs

ARCH H 4473/3522 73/ 73 3/3522 / Falll 20 Fall Fa 2019

Zeina Ena Enab Enabababa


Module Concept

A facade element which is created through dierent positive and negative fields of attraction, reaching an adjustable facade element through the process of push and pull.

Pulled fabric



Steel wires

Schematic section Repulsion FALL 2019

Project 2

Grasshopper trials:

ARCH 473/3522 473 73/ 73 3/ /35222 Fall F ll 2019


Zeina En Zein Enabab


Attraction points

Attraction points + Field

FALL 2019

Project 2

3d Attraction and repulsion

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019


Zeina Enaba


Structural logic and assembly of physical model: Based on the logic of the grasshopper definition this model was constructed

FALL 2019

Project 2


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


The Model:

FALL 2019

Project 2


Forces of the Material

Attraction point

Repulsion point

Constant material Opacity factor of light

Repulsion point

Attraction point

ARCH RCH 473/3522 F Fallll 2019

Zeina Enaba


Light Patterns

FALL 2019

Project 2


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019

Pr j t 3 Project


Inspired from the trials in the previous project, a continuation for the parametric device was implemented through grass hopper to control the variables of the skin.


Parametric Facade skin

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019

Project 3


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


Function of user interaction:

FALL 2019

Project 3


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


Structural logic:

FALL 2019

Project 3


The skin is connected to the building using steel mullions which are connected to the beams of the slabs

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


Number of units in x and y direction

Adjusting the surface were the unit will morph on by having its’ curvature respond to attraction points relative to the spaces across the section.

Dividing the unit into subunits which are scaled to meet with the size of the window, which would then respond to the orientation of the sun

FALL 2019

Project 3

47 Defining the openings which are on the mesh, so that they could be utilized in the sun response.

Connecting the sun path with the centroid of the openings in the unit

Smoothening the edges of the mesh surface using the weaver bird, controlling the level of smoothness.

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019

Project 3


ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


FALL 2019

Project 3


Using Cura, MeshMaker, and Simplify 360 in order to prepare the fabrication model which would be ready for 3d printing.


Fabrication process

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba


3d Printing horizontally:

FALL 2019

Project 3


3d Printing Vertically:

Fabrication horizontally took less supports which means less processing time and less use of material so the vertical option would be more convenient.

ARCH 473/3522 Fall 2019

Zeina Enaba

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