Hana Bayoumi- AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

Hana Bayoumi Fall

The American University in Cairo (AUC)

School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture

ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Fall 2022)

Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis.

Student name: Hana Bayoumi

Student ID: 900191375

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

Hana Bayoumi Architecture Student

My name is Hana Bayoumi and I’m a 21 year old architecture student at The American University in Cairo. This is my 7th semester at the university, and so far, I can only describe my journey in architecture in one word: rollercoaster. Personally, every semester for me is a new adventure full of ups and downs. I definitely learn a lot about myself as a student and as a person especially when facing challenges.

At the begining, I thought that architecture will prepare me to become a designer, but from what I’ve been taught in last 3 and 1/2 years, architecture is much more than designing. It is about thinking outside the box, constantly finding creative solutions to any type of problem and learning how to go beyond your comfort zone.

In the Digital Design Studio & Workshop course, I’m learning how to create complex design forms digitally using Rhino and Grasshopper by controlling the forms’

parameters. At first, it was very challenging and new for me to use the softwares to create a form abstracted from an actual physical form, but once I understood the mechanism, I became able to complete the tasks. The more I work and use the softwares, the more I become adapted to the systems, allowing me then to work better, quicker and more functional.

Movement of waves

Main inspiraton for final panel and cluster

Material Exploration

Storybook Portfolio VIII


Create physical forms with water and gypsum using different techniques.

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Fabric Forming

What is fabric forming?

Fabric forming is a building technology that relies on using fabrics or membranes as the main material for concrete moulds. In other words, the facing material of concrete moulds is their structural membranes. What makes this type of formwork unique is its high flexibility and its ability to deflect under the pressure of concrete

Why use fabric forming?

- Create super complex structures and surfaces

- A reusable and inexpensive material

- An ecofriendly material that reduces the energy consumption and materials

- Light in terms of weight

- The surfaces are perfectly finished and smooth

History of fabric forming

The concept of fabric forming originally started during the era of the Roman architecture, but was actually created after the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. The inventor of fabric forming is the German builder and aviator Gustav Lilienthal in 1899. Ever since then, his work has been developed by many builders and constructors throughout the time like James Waller and Guruvayur Ramaswamy. Some of the materials that were used for experimentation are papers and cotton.

Techniques of fabric forming

- A concrete-filled tube as an arch form

- Nylon fibre reinforcement for concrete predating modern interests in the use of steel and polymer fibre reinforcement

- The use of dry cement-filled bags that require the addition of moisture instead of pumping concrete into empty bags

Storybook Portfolio X

Domains of application

Mattresses, shuttering, sleeves and open troughs

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Nylon and plaster for the integration of structural and sculptural form

Rubber membrane for a a full-scale model

Double-curvature thin shells for concrete trusses


Storybook Portfolio XII


A Cyprus bin under construction in Nakuru, Kenya

Waller’s first fabric-formed roof

The ruins of the Taq-I Kisra palace at the ancient city of Ctesiphon

Ybarra Hotel Tres Islas (1972) – Panel on plastic facade

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Trial 1

Step 1: put 1.5 cups of water and 2.5 cups of gypsum in a bucket

Step 3: manipulate form of foil to act as the body of the form

Step 2: mix the water and gypsum for 5mins until it becomes liquid

Step 4: pour the mixture on foil and let it rest

Storybook Portfolio 14

Final form inspired from the eagle movement


Elaborate the use of foil with other materials. The form created is dynamic but could be enhanced with perforations or patterns. Create a more volumetric form.

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Trial 2

Step 1: Prepare a setup. The foil is the body of the form

Step 2: put 1 cup of water and 2 cups of gypsum in a bowl and mix them for 5mins until they become liquid


Step 3: manipulate form of foil to act as the body of the form

Step 4: pour the mixture on foil and let it rest

Storybook Portfolio 16

Final form


The final form was not smooth and the edges of the objects are not clear in the form. Yet, the structure itself is strong and the water/gypsum ratio is correct. The form is more volumetric and than the previous submission.

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Final Trial

Step 1: Prepare a setup. The fabric is the body of the form and is initially supported on hangers

Step 2: put 1 cup of water and 2 cups of gypsum in a bowl and mix them for 5mins until they become liquid

Step 3: dip the fabric in the mix until its fully covered with it

Step 4: replace the fabric at its setup position and wait for it to dry

Storybook Portfolio 18

Final form


The final form is very dynamic. The edges are of the form are clear and the structure is strong. The water/gypsum ratio is correct. Yet, the surface is till not smooth.

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Hana Bayoumi ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022

Movement of waves

Main inspiraton for final panel and cluster

Parametric Building Block 02

Storybook Portfolio 24


Transform digitally the final form created with water and gypsum into a panel

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Storybook Portfolio 26
Location of fixed points
points Height
Varying width Radius Number of fixed points Distance between fixed
Width Form Parameters

Workflow Diagram




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Design Workflow

Rhino steps:

Step 1: draw 3 lines

Step 2: rebuild their points and change their orientations (x-y planes)

Step 3: divide curves and move points in z-plane

Step 4: loft curves

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Final panel form

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Grasshopper steps:

Storybook Portfolio 30
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Variations of a Single

Manipulation of curves:


Manipulation of points:

Portfolio 32

The panel can vary in form by manipulating the orientation of each point on the curves, affecting then the 3D form, or by changing the length and direction of each curve, affecting the 2D form.

Hana Bayoumi 33

Movement of waves

Main inspiraton for final panel and cluster

Parametric Cluster 03

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Create a cluster of panels with the created panel Objectives

Design Workflow

Rhino steps:

Step 1: draw 3 lines

Step 3: divide curves and move points in z-plane

Step 2: rebuild their points and change their orientations (x-y planes)

Step 4: loft curves

Storybook Portfolio 38

Step 5: create a bounding box

Step 6: create a surface and a surface box for it

Step 7: box morph using bounding box and surface box

Step 8: scale some panels with cull pattern and render

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Grasshopper steps:

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Final cluster form

Hana Bayoumi 43

Variations Of Cluster

The cluster can vary in form by manipulating different parameters in the panels and their arrangement in the cluster.

Manipulation Of Panel Orientation:

Instead of being oriented horizontally, a panel can be oriented be vertically, changing then the form, openings, dimensions of the cluster. Such decision will be based on environmental factors and context of the facade on which the panels will

Storybook Portfolio 44

Manipulation of panel size:

The width and length of each panel will also affect multiple factors on the facade.

A single manipulation in the positionning of the cluster will affect the location of the openings and shaded areas on the facade.

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Project 02

Movement of waves

Main inspiraton for final panel and cluster

Parametric Modeling

Storybook Portfolio 50


Research the concept of double skin facades and apply it to create the cluster of panels on the facade of the National Bank of Egypt - South 90 Road branch.

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Concept Of Double-Skin Facades

Defining a double-skin facade

A double skin façade is a structural term that refers to the 2 vertical layers of a building with a cavity area between them for air flow. The maximum distance between both layers is 20m.

Role of double-skin facades in hot climates

- Insulate against extreme temperatures, winds, and sound

- The outer layer decreases the building room’s gain of the direct solar heat

- Reduce energy consumption

- Allow natural ventilation

Storybook Portfolio 52

Components of a double-skin facade


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Study Of Precedents

1. Business Promoting Center, Germany

2 layers of single glazing sealed and allowing fresh air into the building through a controlled means: HVAC system or box type window.

Storybook Portfolio 54

Insulating glass to maintain daylight into buildings while increasing sound and insulating properties of the wall system.

Buffer Double Skin Façade: produces a buffer in between the internal and external part of a building whereas the cavity serves as an insulation in such a way that the heat gained in the cavity can be evacuated in summer by the stack effect.

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2. The Zurich Blue Building, Zurich


Storybook Portfolio 56
interior curtain wall and aluminum frame

Exterior façade curved glass modules and stainless steel micro-perforated curve sheet modules with shining polished finishing.

This system creates ventilation, allows environmental and acoustic control and emphasizes transparency

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Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages of double-skin facades

- Reduced energy consumption: reduces the need to heat or cool the inside of the building

- Natural ventilation

- Acoustic insulation

- High Energy Performance: the facade will make the most of the natural light and ventilation

- Strength & Durability: can withstand harsh winds and rain and acts as a layer of protection against the sun

- Cost-Effective: lowering heating and electric bills

- Aesthetic Appeal: adds a unique style and character to a building to make a strong statement

Disadvantages of double-skin facades

-Higher initial cost of construction

- Space consumption: the air gap width can vary from 20 centimeters to a few or more meters, which reduces the inner spaces

- It may fail to function properly if the context changes significantly

- Extra maintenance and operational costs: cleaning, inspection, servicing, maintaining, and operating of the design

Storybook Portfolio 58

Environmental Analysis Of Site



Prevailing wind direction is North-West followed by the North direction

The sun path starts at the South-East and ends at the South-West

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- From April to September, the temperature will mostly be high => shading devices & cooling

- From September to December, the temperature will mostly be average => shading devices

- From December to March, the temperature will be low => heating

It can be deduced that the site is highly exposed to sunlight and minimal air, therefore, shading devices are needed.

Storybook Portfolio 60 Temperature

Conceptual Ideas Section


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Progress Of Facade Design

Phase 1


More access to northern air

Storybook Portfolio 62


Create more overlapping slabs.

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473/3522 - Fall 2022
Storybook Portfolio 64 Phase 2


Adjust size of panels and distances between them.

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- Fall 2022
Storybook Portfolio 66 Phase 3
Hana Bayoumi 67

Panel forms are identical and must be adjusted according to the environmental analysis

Must connect the frame to the slabs

Strong curvature in the facade

Storybook Portfolio 68 VR

Panel openings do not clash with the slabs

Orientation of each panel is unique in each floor

Slab shape changes at each floor (can be seen from the distance between the external facade and the columns)

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1. Bake the needed layers from Grasshopper to Rhino 2. Make sure they’re all connected to one another 3. Offset all layers 0.02cm 4. Group all layers 5. Select group and export it as STL 6. Import the STL file in Snapmaker 7. Generate code

Printing time: 99 hours

The form is not to scale, this is why the printing time is extremely long

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Fabrication File Process
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Prefinal Phase

Minimal access to the facade


Sun Path On Site

High exposure to sunlight

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Storybook Portfolio

Sunlight Hours Analysis Before

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Storybook Portfolio 76 3D



Showing how each slab has a unique shape and depth at different points

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Storybook Portfolio

Sunlight Hours Analysis After

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Storybook Portfolio

Sunlight Hours Analysis

Before After

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1. Bake the needed layers from Grasshopper to Rhino 2. Make sure they’re all connected to one another 3. Offset all layers 0.02cm 4. Scale the layers to fit in a 30x30x30cm box 5. Group all layers 6. Select group and export it as STL 7. Import the STL file in Snapmaker 8. Generate code

Previous printing time: 99 hours New printing time: 1h05mins Rotate the form . Feedback

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Fabrication File
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Phase 1

Phase 2

Storybook Portfolio

Sunlight Hours Analysis

Before Phase 1 Phase 2

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Storybook Portfolio

After Sunlight Hours Analysis

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Solar Radiation Analysis

Storybook Portfolio

Sunlight Hours Analysis

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Storybook Portfolio 90 3D



Showing how each slab has a unique shape and depth at different points

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Storybook Portfolio 92 Plans

Facade details

Steel frame

Metal shading panels Glass facade

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Steps on Grasshopper

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Steps on Rhino

Storybook Portfolio 96
1.Create 3 curves 2.Tween through curves 3.Loft curves 4.Create each slab and patch

5.Put surface and slabs on the building

6.Connect panels to surface and create their openings based on the sun radiation analysis

7.Create frame

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1. Bake the needed layers from Grasshopper to Rhino 2. Make sure they’re all connected to one another 3. Offset all layers 0.02cm 4. Rotate the layers to be parallel to the 2D plane 5. Scale the layers to fit in a 30x30x30cm box 6. Group all layers

Previous printing times: 99 hours ; 1h05mins

New printing time: 46mins

Storybook Portfolio 98
Fabrication File
7. Select group and export it as STL 8. Import the STL file in Snapmaker 9. Generate code
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• Lizzie Crook |22 April 2021 Leave a comment (2021) Ten ways in which architecture is addressing climate change, Dezeen. Available at: https://www.dezeen.com/2021/04/22/architecture-climate-change-earth-day/ (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

• Staff, P.M.and A.I.A. (no date) Four ways architects can fight climate change, The American Institute of Architects. Available at: https://www.aia.org/articles/6074306-four-ways-architects-can-fight-climate-cha (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

• Long-term plans: To build for resilience, we’ll need to design with-not against-nature (2021) Metropolis. Available at: https://metropolismag.com/viewpoints/resilience-sustainability/ (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

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• Stinson, L. (2019) Wave-shaped apartment building completes in Denmark, Curbed. Curbed. Available at: https:// archive.curbed.com/2019/1/2/18161951/wave-building-denmark-henning-larsen (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

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• Iitvegar (2013) Double-skin facade, IIT Building Science Blog. Available at: https://iitbuildingscience.wordpress. com/2013/10/10/double-skin-facade/ (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

• Souza, E. (2019) How do double-skin façades work?, ArchDaily. ArchDaily. Available at: https://www.archdaily. com/922897/how-do-double-skin-facades-work (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

• ArchDaily (2021) Façade anchor system - hybrid façade anchor from Hofmann Facades Group, ArchDaily. Hofmann Facades Group. Available at: https://www.archdaily.com/catalog/us/products/26464/facade-anchor-system-hybrid-facade-anchor-hofmann-facades?ad_source=nimrod&ad_medium=widget&ad_content=shorthead_products (Accessed: December 17, 2022).

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