It was alwaysadreamfor me to studyarchitecture,Iremember whenI was young,Iused to sitandobservethebuildings aroundme,Ifocus on howeachbuildinggives me differentvibe according to itsplaceanddesign.Ialwayshadcommentsand questionsthatIused to sharewith my father of havingdifferent designsolutionformanyplace to haveabetterexperience.
“Architecture shouldspeak of itstimeandplacebutyearnfor timelessness.” I do believe in thisquote.Growing up in Egypt specially in CairoIalwayshadaquestion in my mindwhythese daysarchitects do notconsiderourdesignculture in their buildingdesignspeciallytheresidential.Ifeellike we do nothave anyarchitecturalidentity in most of thebuildingthat was built in thelast 20 years or maybe
more.Isupposethatourgenerationshouldfocusmore on designingbuildingsthatreflectouridentityandenvironmental natureratherthanfocusing on creatingbuildings to standout.
ThesedaysArchitecturebecamemoredeveloped as there is alwaysnewtechnology,newconstructionmethodsandnew applicationsthatallowarchitects to expandand to developnew skills to createuniqueandchallengingdesigns.Thebeauty in architecturethat itis notjustaform of art, itis acombination betweenscienceandart to createabetterlife,andexperience forpeople.
My vision is to createsustainablebuildingsthatreflectsour identity in aunique way thatfocusesmainly on theuser experienceinside my buildings.
Throughout the previous century, the idea of casting concrete in fabrics, or fabric formwork technology, has come up on many occasions and in varied shapes. The following study examines how fabrics have been employed in concrete formwork innovations, including pneumatic formwork, controlled permeable
The choice of fabric is often influenced by the structural strength of the building. The structure of a fabric comprises unique qualities that help determine the shape of the final design. It also impacts the durability of the structure. Fabric structures are energy-efficient and sustainable.
Creating dynamic forms inspired from nature ( deserts ) that acts as Shading Device.
In this trial I used 1:1.5 ratio of water and gypsum
1. Mixing water with gypsum
2. Forming my shape using foil paper
3. Soakingthe mixture on the towel and foil and trying to smooth the surface by hand to achieved the desired shape
In thefirsttrialthe mixture on the towelshowedsome crackingandthe surfacewasnot smoothhowever it gave me thedesired form
In this trial I used 1:1 ratio of water and gypsum
1. Mixing water with gypsum
Expectation: The gypsummixture is toolight, so cracks willformandwont takethe composition of the mold
2. Forming my shape using foil paper
3. soaking the towel in the mixture and cover it all with gypsum
4. Putting the towel on the foil
Aim:Trying to test differenttextures andcreatefull circularsubtraction
Expectation: The modelwillcollapse becausethe mixture,when poured,had differentthicknesses whichwillaffectthe rigidity of it
In this trial the mixture on the towel was much better and the surface was more smoother
( Selected Panel )
In this trial I used 1:1 ratio of water and gypsum
1. Mixing water with gypsum
2. Forming my shape using foil paper
3. Pouring the gypsum on the foil directly
In this trial the mixture on the foil give me the desired shape that I wanted to create
This submission was challenging as it was the first time for me to use gypsum and we were asked to experiment the gypsum to create a form. I tried several times before coming up with these forms, to figure out the right gypsum to water ratio. At first there were many attempts with different materials and methods. I tried making a thick mixture and form the shape with my hand as if it is a plasticine but unfortunately it ended up cracking and it was really hot. I tried pouring the mixture on a mould and it also did not succeedand alsocracked. After several trials I figured out the exact gypsum to water ratio and the technique that I need and then I created my first two succeeded forms.
My first trial, the mixture on the towel showed some cracking, the surface was not smooth, and it also took a lot of time to dry however it gave me the desired form.
My second trial, the mixture on the towel was much better and the surface was smoother
In my final trial I decided to put the gypsum directly on the foil to create the form. I was finally satisfied with its outcome, so I chose this form to be my parameter
The Curvature of Physical model made me explore the perforations more to serve its purpose. Panel is flexible to control the amount of sun light entering & playing with shade and shadow to allow a unique experience. Working on Global Scale then local scale formed coherence and flow.
curved surface to create a shell & create different heights and experiences
Using the grid to create an aesthetically appealing panel
Creating a shading device by cutting into the surface to create shade & shadow
Creating a curved form to act as a shell with curved openings acting as shading device inspired from desert hills
The panel was really promising to see how they may vary when height, number & size of curves changes to create new forms and block sunlight in specific areas creating shade and shadow on the nearby blocks, applied as one of the shading techniques.
Dynamic adaptive display that adjusts itself during the day. Perforations followingdaylightandheightscreatingshadeandshadow
Architecturally,thepanelact as:
• Shading elementswithuniqueshadeandshadowexperience
• Thefinalproduct is aparametricpanelwithbothdynamic
• &visualcharacteristics. In order to controldaylight,
Personally,thisnewexperience of transforminga reallife experiment(gypsum) to a digitalised version,which is thenused architecturally reallyshowstheendlessopportunities to innovation. Iwasfascinated by thewaygrasshopperoperatesbecause it free me fromtheusualtechnicallimitationsand allowed me to release my creativity.Iwasinspiredfromthecurvesandthedessertoutlines as it hasdifferent forms,shapesandsizes
Double skin façades are systems that have two layers, often made of glass, and allow air flows through the intermediate cavity. This area, which can range in size from 20 cm to a few metres, serves as insulation against harsh weather conditions, winds, and noise, enhancing the building’s thermal performance in both hot and cold climates. Double skin façades may have sun protection mechanisms, and the airflow through the intermediate cavity may be mechanically or naturally generated. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.archdaily.com%2F922897%2Fhow-do-double-skin-facadeswork&psig=AOvVaw2ORgES13DfXlHzUilmsAFW&ust=1671346236737000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCIDxhoeIgPwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
In this Project, to explore and parametrically generate a prototype for a building putting into consideration environmental issues, comfort, spatial relation, and human aspects using
The goal of thisproject is to investigateandparametricallyproduceaprototype for abuildingfaçade skinthatusesapassiveapproach to takeintoaccountissues of environmentalcomfort,spatial linkages,andhumanelements.Youmustcreateaparametricallydrivenbuildingskin for the structuredepictedbelow(NationalBank of EgyptBranch,SouthTeseenRd, New Cairo).Youmust design an appropriateenvelopethatoffersadequateshadingandsunprotectionbecausethe building'sprimaryfaçadefacessouthandsouthwest.
During winter, the prevailing wind is mainly driven from the north-north-east and the secondary is from north-north-west
During summer, the prevailing wind is mainly driven from the north-north-west and the secondary is from north-north-east
Direct evaporative cooling, natural ventilation, and solar heat gain are necessary because about 85% of the year is spent outside of one's comfort zone.
Despite the fact that the dry bulk is outside of the acceptable range, solar radiation is generally low throughout the year.
• Creatinga pattern that will change along the sun’s angle and orientation
• Patterns with openings that opens and closes according to the sun
• The openings will be bigger in places that receives less sunlight
• Rotating glass windows to allow natural ventilation
• Creatingvernoithat varies in its opening size according to the sunlight
• Creating windows that open and close automatically to allow nature ventilation
• The vernoialso extrudes according to sunlightsto create shade and shadow
While Experimenting my buildingusing VR technology
I discovered that the facade has many problems But the main problem that grabbed my attention is that the glass panels while it rotates it penetrates the wall
Also Idiscoveredthat the building need to be more exposed to the sun
Ifocusedafter the VR in the glass that penetrates the wall and I tried to solve the problem by adding extra vernoilayer with a rubber material and made the surface from inside all smooth surface while from outside it is extruded according to the sun path to create shade and shadow
TheRadiation analysis Shows that my building is protected mostly from the sun however there are some variables that isneeded to be revisedin my designinorder to avoid the radiation parts from the left part
Rotation is tilted therefore the printer has to create more support in order to ensure structural integrity after tilting
Panel base horizontally touching printer ground so It does not need extra support from the printer therefore will take less time to be printed(It took6hours 23 minutes)