March 2014

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A newsletter devoted to the preparations of the 2014 Synod March 2014 • Volume 1, Issue 5

District Gatherings Mark the Next Phase of Synod Preparatory Efforts The next phase of the Synod preparatory efforts – in the form of listening and prayerful dialogue – has been underway in Archdiocesan District Gatherings since February. A “district” in the archdiocese is considered a geographical area – perhaps a specific county or region of the archdiocese – consisting of a select number of parishes. Each parish is sending up to10 representatives to be a part of the District Gatherings.

district comprises approximately 8-16 parishes. District Gatherings are taking place through the end of March, on Saturdays, with a full-day agenda. Here’s a summary of what is being covered at District Gatherings: Welcome and Opening Prayer Video: Alive and Well: The Faithful Affirm the Church

This video captures the essence of what took place at the Parish Sessions. “Here, discussion and discernment is Archbishop Jerome Listecki and Bishop taken to the next level,” said Rich Harter, Donald Hying both speak about the wonderful aspects of our Church and director, Evangelization Office and the feedback they heard in the areas of member of the central office planning Word, Worship and Service. Individuals team. “It’s at the District Gatherings where we are challenging the faithful on from a few parishes give witness to the fruitful ministries of their parish and the what will strengthen the mission of the archdiocese and speak about where we Church and how we can foster greater can strengthen our mission. All faithful intentional discipleship.” are encouraged to view this video: www. There are a total of 15 districts in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, and each

See Efforts, Page 3

Eight Background Papers Help to Shape District Gatherings Background Papers on eight areas of the Church’s mission have been written, and are being used as information to help shape the discernment and discussion at the District Gatherings. Bishop Donald Hying has written an introduction for each background paper which focuses on intentional discipleship. The topics include:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Catholic Social Teaching Cultural Diversity Evangelization Formation Leadership Liturgy Marriage and Family Stewardship

Each background paper discusses current cultural realities, theological foundations and issues to be addressed and considered, specific to each topic. Synod Background Papers can be found at ArchSynodPapers.

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March 2014

Archbishop Listecki Calls for Faithful to Pray for the Synod We are within three months of the Archdiocesan Synod. The last Synod in the Archdiocese was held in 1987. The Synod will be an important moment in the life of the archdiocese; so, we need to seriously reflect over the next few months to prepare spiritually.

A Synod is not just an organizational meeting held to determine priorities. It is a process of discernment to help shape the future vision of the Archdiocese. I have pledged that I will put every effort into fulfilling the priorities established by the Synod. Therefore, we need to be open to the movement of the Spirit. Prayer is one way to focus our attention on the necessity to plead for the Holy Spirit’s direction. I have prepared a Synod prayer and a shorter version has been adapted for use at Mass, parish gatherings or in small group meetings. I am asking all of the Synod delegates, Synod facilitators and parish leaders to join me in spiritual preparation for the Synod. (See Spiritual Preparation schedule, page 3).

Prayer in Preparation for the Synod

From May 29- June 6, the entire archdiocese will be invited to join in praying a novena for the Synod. Grounding the work of the Synod in prayer reminds us that as Church we are about God’s work.

O Lord, we accept your invitation to enter into the great mystery of your love and presence within your Church.

I believe that energy is building around the upcoming Synod. Many have already participated in Parish Reflection Sessions that were held in October and November. To date, more than 15,000 responses have been processed. I am extremely appreciative of the pastors, priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful that have offered their insights.

Relying on this spiritual intimacy, help open our hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit as we fashion our response to the cries of the poor who struggle to know Jesus.

The District Gatherings, which have been taking place in February and March, take the process one step further. Parishes were invited to send eight parish leaders and two or three high school students, in addition to their pastor/ administrator/ parish director, associate pastor and parish delegate. This process will help refine the initial input we have received. Prayer and participation will be essential as we move toward the Synod, so let us commit ourselves to becoming intentional disciples of Jesus, learning how we might LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

Through word and sacrament, you lead us into communion with you.

(Pause and silently mention your personal intentions) We give you thanks O Lord, for the men and women who have offered their lives as gifts to build His Church. Renew within us the “fire” that burns with the love of the Lord for our brothers and sisters. As we seek to fulfill our responsibilities through the Archdiocesan Synod, we stand with St. John the Evangelist, patron of the archdiocese, who was charged to care for Mary, Mother of the Church. Asking their intercession, we offer this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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March 2014

Bishop Hying: Spiritual Preparation is Paramount to Spirit-led Synod Understanding that the Synod is a Spirit-led process of discerning God’s will for the future of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the participants are asked to prepare themselves in advance for this gathering through a disciplined and intentional process of spiritual preparation. Synod delegates, facilitators and pastoral leaders, are invited to participate in the following spiritual offerings leading up to the Synod: March 5 – April 14 Lenten daily e-mails based on the Scriptures following a three-fold format of “Listen-Discern-Respond” April 5 Morning of retreat for Synod delegates and facilitators exploring how the

resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost call us to new life and empower us for mission. Scriptural focus: Luke and Acts of the Apostles April 14 Special Holy Week video blog by Bishop Donald Hying on the spiritual riches of the Triduum April 21 – May 26 Six weekly Monday emails exploring the spiritual call of the Easter season focusing on the resurrection and the Holy Spirit May 29 – June 6 A novena for the Synod including various spiritual practices, including prayer, specifically on “O Antiphons” of the Holy Spirit All faithful in the Archdiocese are invited to pray daily for the participants, preparation and success of the Synod (see Synod Prayer, opposite page).

Efforts, from Page 1 Calls to Strengthen the Parish Small groups are assembled at these gatherings to discuss Calls to Strengthen the Mission of the Church. The “calls” are seven challenges identified in parish sessions, and include: 1) Media and Culture 2) Social Media, Technology and Traditional Media 3) Catholic Church’s Image 4) Busyness of Family Life 5) Adult Formation for Intentional Discipleship 6) Building a Culture of Invitation and Involvement and 7) Development of Parish Leadership. Small groups discuss ideas on how we can respond to these challenges,

including ‘quick hits’ and innovative ideas and initiatives. Intentional Discipleship Intentional Discipleship is a focal point for discussion, and is introduced with a video titled, Intentional Discipleship: Our Fundamental Catholic Identity. Here Bishop Hying discusses how intentional disciples live and what makes them different in carrying out their faith. The video is intended to generate inspiration and thought on how we can foster a greater culture of intentional discipleship. Eight Areas of the Church’s Mission Small groups discuss how to strengthen the mission of the Church

in one of the following eight areas: 1) Catholic Social Teaching 2) Cultural Diversity 3) Evangelization 4) Formation 5) Leadership 6) Liturgy 7) Marriage and Family and 8) Stewardship. Various leaders in the Archdiocese have written Synod Background Papers on each of these topics. Small groups discuss ways to address these key issues. The results of the District Gatherings will be used to shape the Synod, which will take place on June 7-8, 2014. All faithful are encouraged to keep the efforts and participants in prayer.

marzo 2014

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El Arzobispo convoca a los fieles a que oren por el Sínodo En seis meses se llevará a cabo el Sínodo arquidiocesano. El último Sínodo en la arquidiócesis fue en 1987. El Sínodo será un momento importante en la vida de la arquidiócesis; de modo que, necesitamos reflexionar seriamente durante los próximos meses para prepararnos espiritualmente.

La oración es una de las maneras en que debemos enfocar nuestra atención en la necesidad de pedir la guía del Espíritu Santo. Para ayudarnos, escribí una oración sinodal, la cual también se encuentra disponible en versión corta para usarse en las Misas, reuniones parroquiales y reuniones de grupos pequeños. Pido que todos los delegados sinodales, facilitadores sinodales y líderes de las parroquias se unan conmigo en preparación espiritual para el Sínodo.

Un Sínodo no es solamente una junta institucional que se realiza para determinar prioridades. Es un proceso de discernimiento que ayuda a formar la visión futura de la arquidiócesis. Yo me he comprometido a poner todo mi esfuerzo para cumplir las prioridades establecidas por el Sínodo. Por eso, necesitamos estar abiertos a la energía del Espíritu.

Toda la arquidiócesis está invitada a unirse para rezar un novenario por el Sínodo, del 29 de mayo al 6 de junio. Al basar el trabajo del Sínodo en la oración nos recuerda que como Iglesia estamos encomendados hacer el trabajo de Dios. Creo que la energía está aumentando a medida se acerca el

Sínodo. Muchos ya han participado en las sesiones de reflexión parroquiales que se llevaron a cabo en octubre y noviembre. Hasta la fecha, más de 15,000 respuestas han sido procesadas. Estoy tan agradecido con los pastores, sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos y laicos fieles que han compartido sus percepciones. Las reuniones de distrito, que se llevarán a cabo en febrero y marzo, son el próximo paso en el proceso. Las parroquias están invitadas a enviar ocho líderes parroquiales, dos o tres líderes de las preparatorias, así como sus párrocos, administradores, directores parroquiales, pastores asociados y el delegado parroquial. Este proceso ayudará a refinar las respuestas que hemos recibido. La oración y la participación serán esenciales al prepararnos para el Sínodo, de modo que tenemos que comprometernos a ser discípulos intencionales de Jesús, aprendiendo a AMARNOS LOS UNOS A LOS OTROS.

Las reuniones de distrito marcan la siguiente fase de los esfuerzos preparatorios para el Sínodo La siguiente fase de los esfuerzos preparatorios para el Sínodo- a través de la escucha y el diálogo en oración- ha dado inicio por medio de las reuniones distritales arquidiocesanas desde el mes de febrero. Un “distrito” en la arquidiócesis es una área geográficaposiblemente una ciudad especifica o un condado (municipio) de la arquidiócesis – que consiste de un

número selectivo de parroquias. Cada parroquia enviará a 10 representantes para ser parte de las reuniones distritales. “En estas reuniones, el diálogo y el discernimiento pasan a otro nivel,” dijo Rich Harter, Director de la Oficina de Evangelización y miembro del equipo de planificación de la oficina central. “Durante las reuniones distritales el reto de los fieles será discernir sobre lo que

fortalecerá la misión de la Iglesia y cómo podemos fomentar aún más el discipulado intencional”. Hay 16 distritos en la Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee y cada distrito está aproximadamente compuesto de 10-15 parroquias. Las reuniones distritales se llevarán a cabo durante del mes de marzo, normalmente los sábados con una agenda de todo un día.

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