The Record Magazine Issue 23 (February 2020)

Page 8

2 0 1 9 AU S T R A LI A N C AT H O LI C YO U T H F E S T I VA L

‘REBUILD MY CHURCH’ WORDS Jamie O’Brien and Gavin Abraham


housands of young Australian Catholics have

Archbishop Costelloe’s opening address drew upon the

been challenged to “go out and rebuild” God’s

exhortation that St Francis of Assisi received 800 years ago

Church on the opening day of the 2019 Australian

and a similar encouragement from Pope Francis in more

Catholic Youth Festival.

recent times.

The opening session of the Festival, which drew 5500

He combined God’s request to St Francis – “Go and rebuild

young people from across Australia, featured a Welcome

my Church, which is falling into ruin” – with Pope Francis’

to Country, high-tempo music, inspirational speakers and

comments at World Youth Day 2016 in Poland.

moments of prayer.

Archbishop Costelloe challenged young people: “Get up off

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, the host of the

your couches, go out and help rebuild my Church. Help it

Festival as the Archbishop of Perth, welcomed pilgrims and

to set out on new and uncharted pathways. Help stop the

encouraged them to bring every part of themselves to the

Church, my Church, from falling into ruin.”


Internationally renowned singer-songwriter, Fr Rob Galea

“You are welcome here with your questions, with your

from the Sandhurst Diocese, used the Festival’s opening

hopes, with your dreams. You are welcome here with your

session to invite delegates to be open to the voice of God

doubts and with your fears. You are welcome here with

in their lives.

your hesitations and you’re welcome here with all your

“I pray that throughout this time, as we gather here as a

enthusiasms,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

family, as we gather here as Your people, that You give us

“God is real. Christ is alive. The Church of which you are

the grace to hear You speak,” Fr Galea said.

a part is yearning to help you and to hear you, to teach

“Lord, we don’t want to walk out of this place the same way

you and to learn from you, to challenge you and to be

we walked in. We know that when You speak, our lives,

challenged by you.”

our hearts are changed forever. So Lord, we give You the



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