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Bathrooms & Kitchens
Saniflo’s new brochure for 2022 details the full range of pumps, lifting stations and accessories and – following customer feedback – more specification and technical data for installers, plumbers and architects to match to their projects.
As the original inventor of the macerator concept, Saniflo has the widest range of products on the market because ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. The brochure showcases all models in the range with useful information including dimensions, technical features, discharge curves and a scannable QR code that directs the reader to further information on the website. There is also a handy section on ‘choosing the right lifting station’ that helps specifiers to determine peak flow and total head to facilitate sizing the optimum product for the job in hand. Installation advice on the Sanifos range of underground lifting stations includes information on soil type, ventilation and where to install.
Brochures can be downloaded from the Saniflo website or hard copies requested on the Saniflo Contact Us page of the website.
For further information visit www.saniflo.co.uk
Over the years, hardly any other material has proven its worth in interior design to the extent in which the laminate has done. Looks, feel and function are combined to get the interplay of elements into all-embracing spatial concepts in a way that couldnt be more natural Above all, it has always been the genuinemetal coated laminates and magnetic boards that are associated with the HOMAPAL name. Yet behind the scenes in Herzberg, many more variations of this modern material are created and produced.
It provides architects, carpenters and joiners in furniture-making and interior designs with the basis for producing the last word in creative design - in doctors' surgeries, bars, hotels, clubs and restaurants, on cruise ships and in shop fitting.
Exclusive Distribution in the UK:
Deralam Laminates Limited Head Office:
T01257 478540 F 01257 478550 E
All images provided by HOMAPAL©
West Coast Park, Bradley Lane, Standish, Wigan WN6 0YR
T 01257 478540 F 01257 478550 E sales@deralam.co.uk
Southern Depot:
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Midlands Depot:
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Reflecting high standards in bathroom design
In 1992 demista revolutionized the bathroom mirror market by introducing a heated mirror pad which adhered to the back of the mirror to prevent condensation from forming on the glass. The inconvenience and frustration of these foggy mirrors was eliminated forever, giving you a clearly perfect steam free mirror without the need for time consuming wiping or costly cleaning products. demista has been proven and accepted nationally and internationally and through its unique reputation and unblemished track record has been the number one choice for specifiers of mirror defoggers for over 26 years. A product range that is available in a large range of standard sizes to suit almost any mirror and bespoke sizes can be supplied if required. In addition to being a trusted name for heated mirror pads, demista also offers electric underfloor heating solutions to offer clients a complete solution in bathroom design.
Reflecting high standards in bathroom design In 1992 demista revolutionized the bathroom mirror market by introducing a heated mirror pad which adhered to the back of the mirror to prevent condensation from forming on the glass. The inconvenience and frustration of these foggy mirrors was eliminated forever, giving you a clearly perfect steam free mirror without the need for time consuming wiping or costly cleaning products. demista has been proven and accepted nationally and internationally and through its We’ve got everything covered! unique reputation and unblemished track record has been the number one choice for specifiers of mirror defoggers for over 26 years. A product range that is available in a large range of standard sizes to suit almost any mirror and bespoke sizes can be supplied if required. demista products have been fitted in some of the worlds most prestigious properties and hotel developments, In addition to being a trusted name for heated mirror pads, demista also offers elecincluding The Burj Al Arab, The Royal Atlantis, Fairmont tric underfloor heating solutions to offer clients a complete solution in bathroom design. Dubai, The Intercontinental O2 and other high value We’ve got everything covered! developments in London demista demista the original and trusted name for mirror heat pads products have been fitted in some of the worlds most prestigious properties and underfloor heating solutions throughout the world. and hotel developments, including The Burj Al Arab, The Royal Atlantis, Fairmont Dubai, The Intercontinental O2 and other high value developments in London demista the original and trusted name for mirror heat pads and underfloor heating solutions throughout the world. To find out more please visit www.demista.co.uk
To find out more please visit www.demista.co.uk
AtAt WorkWork
ThereThere isis aa moralmoral and,and, increasingly,increasingly, legallegal obligationobligation toto recogniserecognise socialsocial andand religiousreligious diversitydiversity inin thethe facilitiesfacilities providedprovided inin thethe workplace.workplace. ManyMany largelarge employersemployers seesee practicalpractical andand commercialcommercial benefitsbenefits inin improvingimproving thethe waysways theythey catercater forfor thethe well-beingwell-being ofof theirtheir staffstaff andand visitors.visitors. ImprovedImproved moralemorale andand loyalty,loyalty, lowerlower staffstaff turnoverturnover andand reducedreduced absenteeismabsenteeism cancan allall bebe veryvery tangibletangible resultsresults ofof enlightenedenlightened staffstaff relations.relations. CorporationsCorporations andand publicpublic serviceservice organisationsorganisations areare beginningbeginning toto catercater forfor thethe spiritualspiritual needsneeds ofof theirtheir workforceworkforce andand customerscustomers byby creatingcreating aa multi-faithmulti-faith roomroom oror prayerprayer roomroom asas wellwell asas providingproviding facilitiesfacilities forfor theirtheir physicalphysical well-being.well-being. ProbablyProbably thethe mostmost widelywidely performedperformed actact ofof ritualritual cleansingcleansing isis wudu,wudu, performedperformed byby MuslimsMuslims beforebefore prayer.prayer. AsAs aa newnew clientclient toldtold usus “Washing“Washing yourselfyourself beforebefore prayerprayer inin aa littlelittle sinksink isn’tisn’t thethe mostmost enjoyableenjoyable experience. ”experience. ” IsIs thisthis youryour washroom?washroom?
AtAt SchoolSchool
SchoolsSchools andand universitiesuniversities areare leadersleaders inin encouragingencouraging multiculturalmulticultural tolerance.tolerance. ProvidingProviding aa multi-faithmulti-faith roomroom helpshelps toto developdevelop interactioninteraction andand mutualmutual understanding.understanding. AfterAfter aa recentrecent WuduMateWuduMate installationinstallation forfor pre-prayerpre-prayer ablutionablution atat aa BirminghamBirmingham school,school, aa teacherteacher informedinformed usus “They“They areare beingbeing usedused regularlyregularly byby thethe studentsstudents whenwhen theythey areare inin thethe PrayerPrayer Room.Room. TheyThey areare reallyreally pleasedpleased withwith themthem andand thatthat wewe thoughtthought ofof themthem beingbeing ableable toto carrycarry outout theirtheir ritualsrituals whenwhen praying. ”praying. ” aa moremore dignifieddignified solutionsolution