February 14th, 2016
Press Release Results of the ARCHIGINEER AFRICA 2015 International Competition The ARCHIGINEER AFRICA INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION is an biennial event, born of the shared willing of AFRIKArchi to develop the teaching and the professions of architecture, town planning and construction in Africa . Our aim through this major project is to encourage, stimulate and reward creativity and inventiveness of talents of today and tomorrow , with a view to development of the african continent . This competition, free of charge, is open to young professionals and students enrolled in architecture, town planning and civil engineering schools, universities or polytechnics in Africa and overseas. Participants had the opportunity to enroll alone, or in teams of up to four people. Thus, for this third edition, the chosen topic was « Public space » , in response to real and current issues on the african continent. The competition was launched on 8th October 2013 and was closed on 31st January, 2016 . Like the previous edition , we have registered more than 1 000 participants, professionnals and students enrolled in about 100 schools , universities or polytechnics in Africa and abroad, from more than 50 countries, such as Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Algéria, Belgium, Lebanon, Burkina-Faso, Mali, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Mexico, Kenya, Uganda, Bénin, Madagascar, Tchad, Djibouti, Italia, Gabon, Cameroon, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Nigeria, USA, China, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tanzania, Guadeloupe, Zaire, Pakistan, France, Guinea, Malawi, Portugal, Indonesia, Congo, Rwanda, Niger, Ghana, India. The statistics have once again exceeded our expectations for this third edition. They also demonstrated a real willingness of professionals and students to cultivate a spirit of challenge , to advance architecture, urban planning, civil engineering as major development challenges of Africa. Participants were from both the Maghreb, SubSaharan Africaand abroad, french speaking but also english speaking. To evaluate the projects, AFRIKArchi convened an international and multidisciplinary jury , bringing together architects, town planners, engineers, sociologists... and chaired by the famous moroccan architect and President of Casamemoire, Rachid ANDALOUSSI. The other members of the jury were: Fiona MEADOWS, Franck HOUNDEGLA, Emmanuel AMOUGOU, Monica CORALLI, Francis SESSOU, Seyfeddine CHARRABEN, Jean-Marc LALO, Denis TARGOWLA, Amélie ESSESSE. The jury deliberation was held on 11th February, 2016 at Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Palais de Chaillot in Paris. Following this deliberation, three winners were chosen and five projects received special mentions, and several projects have been selected to participate in the itinerary exhibition. This will take place from March 2016 in several cities accross african cites and oberseas.