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‘The Architecture of the Brain’ Experimental Project

‘The Architecture of the Brain’

Experimental Project

Born from the idea that Architects and Neuroscientists could work together ‘The Architecture of the Brain’ is a research centre designed to investigate the affects addiction and trauma can have on the brain’s development. The hope of this project was that by examining the function of the brain within architecturally stimulating spaces, which also inspire the brains of its young patients, some of the long-lasting damage caused to the brain’s connections could be prevented, protecting our younger generations minds.

Main Circulation Stairs for Treehouse, Developmental Room for ages Six - Ten

Development Rooms for ages Birth - Two, Two - Six and Ten - Fourteen, Small Seating Areas, Outdoor Play Area

Flat for Visiting Researchers with private bedroom, bathrooms and communal living areas

Sound Laboratory, Small Seating Area, Light Laboratory

Dark Laboratory, Small Seating Area, Research Laboratory

Teaching Laboratory, Small Library with Stage for readings, Outdoor Seating

Hot Desks, Two individual Offices, Small gathering Space, Relaxed Meeting Area, Formal Meeting Room

Two small Start-Up Units, Large Start-Up Unit that can be divided into two, Small Gathering Space

Lecture Theatre, Atrium Seating, Cafe with Kitchen, Reception, Lobby

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