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My Scheme is situated along Lodge Lane, Liverpool. The chosen site is a segment within a previously designed masterplan which focused on Educa on, Sport and connec vity via a new cycle route connec ng exis ng Routes with Se on Park to the South. Lodge Lane is currently made of a central spine hos ng a diverse range of business with tradi onal terrace wings growing off this.

The New scheme aims to create spaces focused on Educa on and Trade whilst also providing new public realms and connec vity which are currently lacking along the busy Lane. The scheme aims to follow the exis ng urban fabric of rows spreading off the main lane. However rather than just housing this focuses around providing educa on and start-up business opportuni es for the locals. These educa on, career and training environments will be accessible to all ages whilst also crea ng a public forest space which can connect to the local schools nearby and act as a “Forest school” bringing the community back to nature. Subsequently helping improve locals’ livelihoods and job prospects. Suppor ng this are the new Startup business and market spaces, mirroring the sites’ current iden ty as a place for unique trades. All being supported via the new connec vity to surrounding areas via the Bicycle route.

Integrated Design 1: Op ons for resilient living

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