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Inspired by the sense of community and culture of Lodge Lane, this scheme provides a housing solu on that can grow with its residents needs. Lodge lane is currently made of a central spine with tradi onal terrace wings growing off it. One of these rows that has been lost to me will be re-densified and host the scheme, plugging into the surrounding context.

This new terrace row aims to grow with the community via a range of expansion op ons. Rather than being set in stone these expansions will be based on the individual occupants’ preferences. For example an occupant with older offspring rather than needing to “Fly the nest” can now simply expand their home for a significantly lower cost than a mortgage, whilst s ll crea ng a private space. Or instead the modular expansions may provide a new space for working from home, moving in parents, leisure and so on. With these being many of the driving factors for reloca ng to a new property this instead creates a sense of sustainability via adapta on and a rigidity to the close community. This will be achieved via the use of off site modular CLT construc on working on a grid so expansions may interact with each other. Ranging from a smaller addi on for those with less garden space, an individual “garden room”, a two-storey structure with a mezzanine level or a combina on of all.

These terrace rows are flanked by bungalows and several exis ng terraces, the implementa on of these new bungalows provides a less common typology for the site. These can cater to different needs of occupants, poten ally a re red couple or a person with limited mobility. Whilst these lower forms help to let as much natural light into the site as possible alongside the direct north orienta on.

These two types are then brought together in a communal outdoor passageway, in which each dwelling can access directly. This is a space which can bring all the residents together and over me could create a strong small-scale community. It can host a play space for younger children, local community gardening, local BBQ’s or just a place for neighbours to stop and talk to one another. Natural light isn’t an issue thanks to the bungalows and passive surveillance is achieved via lower fence lines and balconies. This flexibility to not only the terraces but also this outdoor space aims to create a se ng for any genera on to grow alongside one another. Cul va ng a community that can grow and come together rather than being enclosed by the individual confines of a tradi onal back-to-back terrace.

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