Best Bidet Converter Kit for Toilets: (2023 Review)

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Best Bidet Converter Kit for Toilets: (2023 Review)

Are you tired of using old-style toilets?

If yes, it’s time to transform your old-style toilets into modern toilets with the help of a bidetconverterkit.

If you feel uncomfortable using your currenttoiletseatorjustwanttoupgradeyourtoilet, youcanuseabidetconversionfortoilets.

Have you ever heard of the bidet?

Even if you have never used a bidet before or never heard about them, no worries, just keep reading this post. Today in this guide, we will tell you everything about bidet converter kits. We’ve also gathered up the top 7 best bidet kits of 2023. So whether you want to replace your toilet seat or justsimplywanttoconverttoilettobidet,thisguidewill surely help you. In the end, we’ve also explained how to select the best bidet for your bathroom and what factors you should consider while purchasing abidetconverterkit.So don’tskipanythingandkeepreadingtilltheend.


What is Bidet?

A bidet is a bathroom fixture specifically designed to wash and cleanprivateparts,mostly after toilet use. Bidets can have hot and cold water faucets that offer a freshwater stream thatyoucancontrol.

These days bidets come in various shapes, sizes, and types, but they all have the same function:tocleanyourself!Anyonewhowantstostaycleanandfreshcanuseabidet.

Types of Bidets

These days, bidets come in various models that suiteverymodernbathroomwithdifferent requirements.Herearefourtypesofbidetsavailableinthemarket:

● FreestandingBidet

● HandheldBidet

● Built-inBidet

● WarmwaterBidet

Comparison Chart and Ratings of Bidet Converter Kit

Washlet C100 Elongated Toilet Bidet Seat






Bio Bidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Smart Toilet Seat





Greenco Bidet Fresh Water Spray





SmarterFresh Faucet Bidet Sprayer for Toilet





Veken VK539 Ultra-Slim Bidet Toilet Attachment









Bio Bidet BB-600 Bidet Toilet Seat


of Bidet Converter Kit (Up To The Minute)

1. Washlet C100 Elongated Toilet Bidet Seat






Get this powerful water spray that comes with adjustable warm water and pressure settings. This will provide a refreshing and effective clean.ManufacturedbyTOTO,thisis a high-tech electronic bidet seat. It is a result of modern technologyandinnovation,which ensures100%cleanlinesswhileofferinggreatcomfort.

It comes with a dual-action spray and oscillating option; this washlet C100 is one of the most popular bidet accessories on the market. Another great feature of this bidet isthatit has a front wash option, more commonly known as “feminine wash.” You can use this to protectyoursensitiveareasfrominfectionsthatcancausegerms.

Super easy to install, this bidet retrofit kit isalsoprettysimpletouse. So what comes in the package? The toilet to bidet conversion kit has a base plate, tee connector, wash-let, and installationhardware.


● Comeswithanadjustablespray

● Designedtocleanthewanditselfbeforeandafteruse.

● Ithasahands-freeairdryerwithawarmer

● Ithasautomaticairdeodorizedwithpowerfulfilterswhichhelpneutralize bathroomodors.


● Itrequiresmorewidthspace.So,checkwhetheryourtoilethasadequatespaceor not.

● Thisbidetconversionseatisnotfortoiletswithfullyskirtedtoiletbowls.That’s whyitcanrestrictthevalveinletfrombeingfilled.


2. Bio Bidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Smart Toilet Seat






Replace your old toilet seat with the Ultimate BB-600 Bidet Toilet Seat. It includes all the most-wantedfeatures,andyoucanaccesseverythingfromthesidecontrolpanel.

Step into the world of conveniencewithstylewiththisbidetconverterkit.Itcomeswithall the HydroFlush technology and latest features; you’ll feel fresh and clean after using the bathroom. You can select the model from a varietyofcomfortableandeffectivebidetwash settings.

Another great feature of this is its 3-in-1 high-quality steel nozzle. That can be used for feminine, vortex, and posterior washes. You can even customize the water temperature, pressure, and nozzle position.Othernoticeablethingsthatyou’llgetinthisbidetareaslow closing lid and warm air for drying. You can also clean this nozzle inside-out to ensure maximumhygiene.


● Comeswithanenergy-savingmode.

● Alongwiththebubbleinfusion,italsocomeswithpulsatingmassagetechnology.

● Environmentally-friendly

● Ithasinnovativeheatingtechnologyandapowerfuldeodorizer.

● Comeswithatouchscreensidepanelandnightlight.


● Lowerwaterpressurethannormalbidets.


3. Greenco Bidet Fresh Water Spray






Forget the old toilet seats with uncomfortable ways to clean. Enjoy the luxury of the modern freshwater bidet converter kit. Made from durable, high quality, and rust-free plastic,theGreencotoiletseatbidetwatersprayerisallyouneedinyourbathroom.

Easy to use, you can literally install this spray within a few minutes. The bidet toilet kit comes with a 34″ hosepipe, main water supply adapter, 1 rubber washer, and 2 adapter washers. It comes to hygiene; this bidet conversion for toilets surely is more hygienic than toiletpaper.Sothereisnodoubtthatitissafeandoptimumforpersonalhygiene.

Another amazing feature about this non-electric bidet also has a nozzle adjustment and controldialforpressure.


● Asthisisnon-electrical,youcanuseiteveninoutdoorbathrooms

● Youcaneasilyinstallitwithouttheneedofanyspecialtools

● Environmentallyfriendly

● Hands-freecleaning

● Suitableforchildren

● Watertemperatureisnotregulated

4. SmarterFresh Faucet Bidet Sprayer for Toilet






Imagine on a cold day; suddenly, while using the toilet, you get cold water; how you’ll feel? Obviouslynotgood.

You can save yourself from this unpleasant experience if you have a smarterFresh faucet bidet sprayer. This spray comes with a faucet diverter valve. So you can set the temperatureaswarmorascoldasyouwantfromthefaucet.

You can install this bidet easily even if you’ve never dealt withanykindofbidetconverter kit. This is the perfect option for those who want a simple design bidet with quick installation. This one has a sleek look and looks almostlikearegularfaucet.Anothergood thing about it is that you can enjoy convenient cleaning directly from the sink hose attachment.

Another reason why this bidet spray is extremely popular is that this faucet sprayer kit is helpful and useful forchildren,olderpeople,andpersonswithdisabilities.Youcanalsouse itforclothdiapering,sinkshowering,surgeryrecovery,andevenasaMuslimshattaf.


● Thisbidetisperfectforkids,peoplewithdisabilities,elders,oranyonewhoneeds assistedcare.

● Easytoinstall&operate.

● Adjustablewatertemperature

● Modern&Sleeklook


● Notsuitableforoutdooruse

● Thiskitfitsonlyontoiletswithremovableaerators


5. Veken VK539 Ultra-Slim Bidet Toilet Attachment






Forget the bidet converter kits with heavy and bulky designs; enter the world of luxury with the Veken VK539 ultra-slim bidet toilet attachment.Yes,withtheslimlinedesign,this toilet sink attachment will make your bathroom look modern and sleek. Plus,itavoidsthe riskofwatersplashingoutofthegapbetweenthebaseandthetoiletseat.

If there is a gap between the base and the toilet seat, there will be chances of water splashing. Just get this product, and there will be no water splashing while cleaning. So,it isamorehygienicoptionascomparedtotoiletpaperandotherfaucetproducts.

It provides a gentler and more hygienic option ascomparedtotoiletpaperandcomeswith a dual nozzle. The product comes with a dual nozzle made from brass which is both durable and flexible. It is suitable for both rear and feminine cleaning. When it comes to installation, it is hassle-free to install, and you don’t have to worry about the toilet seat bumpers as the ultra-slim design of the bidet will perfectly sit beneath the toilet seat withoutleavinganygaps.


● Adjustablewaterpressure

● Modernandsleekdesignwithonlyaquarter-inchthick

● Fitsperfectlywithanytoiletseat

● Convenientcontroldial


● Noadditionaldialforwaterpressurecontrol


6. Bio Bidet BB-600 Bidet Toilet Seat







If you are tired of using only one type of spray, either front or rear, get Bio Bidet BB-600. This one has both front and rear warm water cleanse options. You can also adjust water temperature,pressure,andstreampositions.

Immediately activated with the touch of a button, this product has superb cleansing abilities. You can adjust the settings upto three different levels. Whether kids or elders, everyoneinyourfamilywillsurelyenjoythisbidetconverterkit.

This ultimate advanced bidet toilet seat has smart seating with streamlined comfort and heated seats. The toilet will automatically detect when a person is seated and willensurea properandhygieniccleaningexperience.


● Hands-freecleaning

● Comeswithawarmairdryingfunction

● Itiseco-friendlyasithasanenergy-savingmodefromwhichyoucansaveon yourelectricitybills

● Adjustablewatertemperature

● Kid-friendly


● Lowwaterpressure


7. Kohler K-5724-96 Elongated Bidet Seat





Add the freshness and convenience of usage to your bathroom with the Puretidecleansing toilet seat. This product has a sleek, low-profile seat design that is super easy to install. It hasaslightlyelongateddesignwhichiscomfortabletouse.

This one has a single spray wand that you can adjust according to your needs. Another great thing about this is that it runs on a battery. This means you have to use itmanually, andthat’swhyyoucaninstallitinminutes.

All you need to do is just connect this to thetoilet’swatersupplyline.Ifyouliketochange the position of the spray, you can easily change it and the pressure from the control from the side controlpanel.Anotherbenefitofthisproductisthatitisself-cleaning,soyoudon’t havetocleanitaftereveryuse.

It comes with a quick hardware and installation kit, so you can install it without needing any professional help. The only drawback of this product is that it doesn’t have any temperaturecontrolsettingsormultiplesprayoptions.


● You’llgetanadjustablewaterspraypositionandpressure

● Gettheambientwatercleansingexperience

● Youcaneasilyremovetheproductfromthetoilet

● Easytoassembleanduse


● Nowarmwatersetting

● You’llnotgetanymultiplesprayoptionsforseparatefrontandrearwash


A Perfect Buying Guide for Bidet Converter Kit for the Bathroom

Now you know the top bidet converter kits available in the market, but how to pick the best one for your home? Wherever you go shopping for a bidet kit, you’ve to keep a few things in mind, like whether you want a portable one or a fixed one, or a bidet with various temperaturesettings.


1. Toilet Type

Before ordering your favorite bidetconverterkit,youshouldknowthetypeoftoiletyou’re currently using. Typically the bidets usually come in a fixed height model, buttheremight be chances that you may not have a fixed-height toilet. This simply means you don’t even requireabidetconverterkit.

2. Type Of Bidet

There are two types of bidets available in the market these days: electronic and manual. The manual bidets are usually more affordable than theelectronicones,buttheylackalot ofmodernfeatures,suchaswillnotwarmthewaterforyou.

3. Size

Anotherimportantthingthatyoushouldknowwhilepurchasingyourbidetisthesize.This also impacts the performance of the bidet kit. For example,thesmallerbidetconverterkit has a shorter hose and compact sprayer head than the regular ones. Butifyouhaveatiny bathroomspace,youcandefinitelygowiththesmallbidetoption.

4. Water Pressure

The last essential factor that you should check while placing the order is the water pressure.

If your home has adjustable water pressure, you can go with anything and select either high or low water pressure. Some bidets are available with adjustable features, soyoucan increaseordecreasethepressureandgettherightsetting.

Things to Look for in a Bidet Converter Kit

Apart from theabovefactors,therearealsosomeotherthingsthatyoushouldalsolookfor in a bidet converter kit. What are they? There are things like functionality. Yes, looks do matter, but functionality always comes first. No matter how stylish a bidet is, if it doesn’t work,what’sitsuse,right?


1. Affordability

Of course, this is important as we all have different budget ranges. And some budget converter kits of certain brands come at a more expensive price than others. If you don’t feel comfortable spending that much cash, you can also find the bidet kits at a more affordableratewiththesamefunctionalityastheexpensiveones.

2. Quality

No matter what product you’re buying,qualityisalwaysanimportantelementtoconsider. Trytoinvestinagoodqualitybidetsothatitwillnotbreakonlyafterafewuses.

3. Warranty


Smart people always see this factor while purchasing anything. So, if you want to shop smart, check the warranty period of thebidetconverterkit.Thiswillensurethatyou’llget mostofyourkit.


1. Are Bidets Sanitary?

Yes, bidets are one of the easiest and most sanitary methods to cleanyourself.Toiletpaper is sometimes unable to clean the poo remains, but bidet entirely washes away everything and gives you a clean and fresh feel. That’s whybidetsareamoresanitaryoptionthanthe traditionaltoiletpapersystem.

2. Do You Still Have to Wipe After Using a Bidet?

If you’re using a high-quality bidet and that too properly, there isnoneedtowipetoclean yourself.Thereisabsolutelynorequirementtousetoiletpaperafterusingabidet.

However, if you want to use toilet paper, you canobviouslyuseaclothtowel,washcloth,or toilet paper to dry yourself. These days bidets come with an air-dry feature or function; youcanalsousethat.

3. How to Use a Bidet?

Bidets are easier to use than you think! After you finish pooping (Don’t be shy, everyone poops), check or adjust the water pressure and wash your butt for 30-60 seconds. After this,youcaneitheruseanair-dryfunctionorusetoiletpapertodryyourself.

4. Are Bidets Expensive?

Bidet converter kits that you can easily fit over your toilet seat in your restroom are actually not that expensive. You can get a bidet converter kit for around $30 to a few hundreddollars.However,theinstallationandrepaircostscanvaryfromareatoarea.

If you calculate the amount of money you spend on toilet paper annually, a bidet will becomeaffordable.Youcanactuallysaveupto80percentormore!

5. Are There Any Health Benefits of Using a Bidet Converter Kit?

Men, women, or anyone can use a bidet. It is also great for persons suffering from hemorrhoids or recovering from post-rectal surgery. Toilet paper or tissuesdoesn’tensure complete cleanliness and hygiene. In comparison, bidets offer a refreshing and sanitary waytokeepyouhealthybyremovingbacteria.

The Final Frontier

So, folks, this is all aboutthebidetconverterkit.Ifyouwantaconvenientandcomfortable way to clean yourself, you can gowithabidet.Bidetsareagreatalternativetotoiletpaper.

This is a wonderful way to not only save money but also save our mother planet and a sustainablelifestyle.

From bidet to bidet converter kits, you can pickanyonefromtheabovelistoftopbidetsof 2023. Go through every product and check reviews, pros, and cons and finally, select the product according to your budget and requirement. Transform your bathroom with these bidetconverterkitsandexperienceahygienicandcleanspace.

I hope this in-depth guide on the bidet conversion kit has helped you pick the best bidet attachment for the bathroom. If you find this guide helpful and informative, share it with yourfamilyandfriendsandhelpthemcreatewarmandwelcomingmoderninteriors.

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