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Things to Look for in a Bidet Converter Kit
Apart from theabovefactors,therearealsosomeotherthingsthatyoushouldalsolookfor in a bidet converter kit. What are they? There are things like functionality. Yes, looks do matter, but functionality always comes first. No matter how stylish a bidet is, if it doesn’t work,what’sitsuse,right?
1. Affordability
Of course, this is important as we all have different budget ranges. And some budget converter kits of certain brands come at a more expensive price than others. If you don’t feel comfortable spending that much cash, you can also find the bidet kits at a more affordableratewiththesamefunctionalityastheexpensiveones.
2. Quality
No matter what product you’re buying,qualityisalwaysanimportantelementtoconsider. Trytoinvestinagoodqualitybidetsothatitwillnotbreakonlyafterafewuses.
3. Warranty
Smart people always see this factor while purchasing anything. So, if you want to shop smart, check the warranty period of thebidetconverterkit.Thiswillensurethatyou’llget mostofyourkit.
1. Are Bidets Sanitary?
Yes, bidets are one of the easiest and most sanitary methods to cleanyourself.Toiletpaper is sometimes unable to clean the poo remains, but bidet entirely washes away everything and gives you a clean and fresh feel. That’s whybidetsareamoresanitaryoptionthanthe traditionaltoiletpapersystem.
2. Do You Still Have to Wipe After Using a Bidet?
If you’re using a high-quality bidet and that too properly, there isnoneedtowipetoclean yourself.Thereisabsolutelynorequirementtousetoiletpaperafterusingabidet.
However, if you want to use toilet paper, you canobviouslyuseaclothtowel,washcloth,or toilet paper to dry yourself. These days bidets come with an air-dry feature or function; youcanalsousethat.
3. How to Use a Bidet?
Bidets are easier to use than you think! After you finish pooping (Don’t be shy, everyone poops), check or adjust the water pressure and wash your butt for 30-60 seconds. After this,youcaneitheruseanair-dryfunctionorusetoiletpapertodryyourself.
4. Are Bidets Expensive?
Bidet converter kits that you can easily fit over your toilet seat in your restroom are actually not that expensive. You can get a bidet converter kit for around $30 to a few hundreddollars.However,theinstallationandrepaircostscanvaryfromareatoarea.
If you calculate the amount of money you spend on toilet paper annually, a bidet will becomeaffordable.Youcanactuallysaveupto80percentormore!
5. Are There Any Health Benefits of Using a Bidet Converter Kit?
Men, women, or anyone can use a bidet. It is also great for persons suffering from hemorrhoids or recovering from post-rectal surgery. Toilet paper or tissuesdoesn’tensure complete cleanliness and hygiene. In comparison, bidets offer a refreshing and sanitary waytokeepyouhealthybyremovingbacteria.
The Final Frontier
So, folks, this is all aboutthebidetconverterkit.Ifyouwantaconvenientandcomfortable way to clean yourself, you can gowithabidet.Bidetsareagreatalternativetotoiletpaper.