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Dwelling: A lived interior

Dwelling: A lived interiorDwelling: A lived interior

Interior is a crucial aspect of dwelling because it is where the inhabitation occurs. Interior is a crucial aspect of dwelling because it is where the inhabitation occurs. The The understanding of the interior here is more than just the presence of space located understanding of the interior here is more than just the presence of space located within the architectural boundaries. While the interior is often represented as the within the architectural boundaries. While the interior is often represented as the inside space, for the inhabitants of an interior, the interior is the “lived” space, not inside space, for the inhabitants of an interior, the interior is the “lived” space, not merely represented or conceived (Lefebvre, 2011). The idea of dwelling as a lived merely represented or conceived (Lefebvre, 2011). The idea of dwelling as a lived interior suggests how the dwelling performs to accommodate the everyday living interior suggests how the dwelling performs to accommodate the everyday living practice of its inhabitants. From the perspective of dwelling as a lived interior, the practice of its inhabitants. From the perspective of dwelling as a lived interior, the spaces of the dwelling is produced not solely by the designers; space is produced and spaces of the dwelling is produced not solely by the designers; space is produced and reproduced over time by the acts of the users while inhabiting the space. reproduced over time by the acts of the users while inhabiting the space.


The making of the interior is the materialisation of the domestic living practice. The making of the interior is the materialisation of the domestic living practice. Baudrillard (1996) suggested the idea of “man the interior designerBaudrillard (1996) suggested the idea of “man the interior designer” (p. 26) ” (p. 26) to reflect to reflect on the active role of the dwellers in dominating, controlling and ordering their on the active role of the dwellers in dominating, controlling and ordering their environment. The interior is understood as the system of objects that is the product of environment. The interior is understood as the system of objects that is the product of the inhabitants’ acts in organising the objects of their surroundings, attaching values, the inhabitants’ acts in organising the objects of their surroundings, attaching values, meanings and identity to the environment. Coupled with the idea of “man of meanings and identity to the environment. Coupled with the idea of “man of relationship and atmosphere”, Baudrillard further indicated that interior operates “not relationship and atmosphere”, Baudrillard further indicated that interior operates “not only between the objects that comprise it but also between the human beings who live only between the objects that comprise it but also between the human beings who live in it” (p. 43). Therefore, the dwelling interior is understood as the resultant of the in it” (p. 43). Therefore, the dwelling interior is understood as the resultant of the ordering process performed by the dwellers, while at the same time becoming the ordering process performed by the dwellers, while at the same time becoming the setting that provides the relationship and atmosphere for the dwellers. setting that provides the relationship and atmosphere for the dwellers.

As a lived interior, dwelling becomes a site of domestic practice that involves various As a lived interior, dwelling becomes a site of domestic practice that involves various aspects of spatial occupation. For the inhabitants, a dwelling is a site for an individual aspects of spatial occupation. For the inhabitants, a dwelling is a site for an individual self, as he moves in between the private and public domain of the world, and moves self, as he moves in between the private and public domain of the world, and moves along the past, the present, and the future; “From this arise the phantasmagorias of along the past, the present, and the future; “From this arise the phantasmagorias of the interior--which, for the private man, represents the universe. In the interior, he the interior--which, for the private man, represents the universe. In the interior, he brings together the far away and the long ago” (Benjamin, 2002, p. 6). The dwelling brings together the far away and the long ago” (Benjamin, 2002, p. 6). The dwelling contains the temporal dynamic that is part of the inhabitants’ life--as a dynamic site of contains the temporal dynamic that is part of the inhabitants’ life--as a dynamic site of past traces, current events, as well as the future vision. past traces, current events, as well as the future vision.

The understanding of the dwelling basically requires the comprehension of the The understanding of the dwelling basically requires the comprehension of the inhabitants’ spatial stories. Dwelling contains the narratives of everyday life, as the inhabitants’ spatial stories. Dwelling contains the narratives of everyday life, as the “territory where the basic gestures of ‘ways of operating’ are deployed and repeated “territory where the basic gestures of ‘ways of operating’ are deployed and repeated from day to day” (Certeau et al., 1998, p. 145). Interiors lived by the inhabitants are the from day to day” (Certeau et al., 1998, p. 145). Interiors lived by the inhabitants are the interiors which contain spatial stories, in which various operations are established interiors which contain spatial stories, in which various operations are established (Certeau, 1984), manifested through various aspects of the domestic environment. (Certeau, 1984), manifested through various aspects of the domestic environment. The stories are full of secrets, manoeuvres and strategies, conflicts and negotiation, The stories are full of secrets, manoeuvres and strategies, conflicts and negotiation, which are usually known only by the inhabitants. Therefore the process of which are usually known only by the inhabitants. Therefore the process of materialising the dwelling as the lived interior should begin with understanding the materialising the dwelling as the lived interior should begin with understanding the inhabitation stories from the dwellers’ perspective. inhabitation stories from the dwellers’ perspective.

Image by Alya Hasna Rizky Riandita

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