aw is hiring:
COMMUNICATION COLLABORATOR Architecture Workroom Brussels wants to strenghten its team with a communication collaborator. Architecture Workroom Brussels (AW) is a social workplace for spatial issues. With an intensive program of collaborations, lectures, debates, exhibitions and workshops, AW wants to play an important role in the public debate by bringing together various social and professional parties, reaching a larger audience and raising awareness, nurturing better-informed citizens and professionals, exposing the opportunities of different actors and encouraging a critical social debate. We are looking for someone who knows how to translate the work, future strategies and stories of professionals to a wider audience.You will be the first communication collaborator within AW, and you will be part of a dynamic and committed team of architects and researchers.You will be responsible for the communication of AW in general as well as for various of AW’s specific projects. Job description The communication collaborator: - develops a communication strategy for AW, together with external expertise; - ensures the translation and implementation of the communication strategy into concrete actions, for both a professional and a wider audience; - activates specific target groups (such as experts, students, schools, partners, professionals, press, governments, local residents, ...); - develops a strong network with press, partners, etc; manages the new AW website, which will be launched soon, as well as newsletters and social media. Here you mostly provide your own input, but also receive input from colleagues and (internal and external) partners; - writes short articles for the website and newsletter; - prepares announcements per event (posters, information sheets, ...); - ensures the follow-up of documenting the events (photography, video recordings, ...) by third parties; - is responsible for the daily follow-up, draws up the planning for
Architecture Workroom Brussels European Centre for Innovation in Architecture and Urbanism
communication and documentation and follows this up. Profile We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic candidate, who: - holds a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in communication, marketing or similar acquired through relevant experience. Experience in a communication or PR function is a plus point; - has in-depth knowledge and / or interest in social change, in particular in relation to climate change and urbanization, and in the search for the right methodologies to attract a broad audience; - can successfully use digital communication and storytelling for this; - is completely in touch with social media and knows how to use this for your purpose; - can work independently, and is also a team player; - is well organized, can withstand stress, and can manage a multitude of tasks at the same time, without losing the overview; - communicates fluently in Dutch and has a good basic knowledge of French and English, both verbally and in writing; - can manage budgets; - is hands-on and has a proactive, entrepreneurial and solution-oriented personality; - interest in cultural production (organising exhibitions, public events, etc.) is an asset. What is Architecture Workroom? AW is a cultural think-and-do tank for innovation in architecture and the broad spatial practise, policy and development. As initiator, mediator and platform, AW creates the space and conditions for developing new spatial practices and strategies (design research, cartography, process design, policy design, etc.), and thus focuses on translating the major transitions and challenges of our time into new types of projects and
aw transformation programs, and on forming customized coalitions and new commissioning duties. AW consists of a team of 20 designers and researchers, and is led by three partners. AW’s extended strategic lines of action focus on: visionary and affordable housing, space for renewable energy, water and biodiversity, healthy food, shared mobility, circular economy and ports, caring neighbourhoods and the productive city. As a platform for design research and knowledge sharing, AW contributes to the broad social debate, to professional practice and knowledge development, and to the renewal of urban development and policy. Brussels, small cosmopolitan and Capital of Europe, is the ideal base - and also often the laboratory - for AW to contribute to the national and international debate on shaping the urbanising world in which we live. We offer - a challenging and varied job in a dynamic and exciting arts organization in full construction; - a full-time contract for an indefinite period (38-hour week); - remuneration and the terms of employment are in accordance with the difficulty of the position, suitable for a small socio-cultural organization and depending on qualifications and experience (PC 329.01). Interested? Send your motivated letter of application and CV at the latest on Monday 17 February 2020, to for the attention of Sylvia van den Hurk.
Architecture Workroom Brussels   European Centre for Innovation in Architecture and Urbanism