aw is hiring:
JUNIOR RESEARCH COLLABORATOR Architecture Workroom Brussels (AW) wants to strengthen its team with a junior research collaborator (m/f), in view of several ongoing projects, including the You Are Here 2020 research en cultural trajectory.You will be part of a dynamic and committed team.You will offer support in the management, supervision and implementation of AW’s projects. Employees of AW undeniably have at least one specific agreement: they have a design-oriented background and / or have a strong affinity for space, architecture or the future of city and landscape. Based on this shared motivation, the team performs various tasks depending on the various initiatives and processes: in addition to cultural production (exhibitions, publications, etc.), this also includes ‘design research’ (test sites, regional explorations, etc.), and ‘making substantive progress’ and (supervising) management of knowledge sharing and development, initiation and exploration processes for new transformation programs, policy, etc. Job description For this vacancy we are looking for a profile that wants to help build the overall story of AW, the drafting of the design agenda, the setting up of the partnerships and the translation of research processes into cultural products, through the support of the curators among others. The job involves the following tasks: - collecting and structuring insights about overarching and complex themes into a clear and coherent story, and translating that into text and / or image (bundling and in-depth research and editing); - formulating and drawing up new project and process plans in function of substantive breakthroughs, as well as (helping to) form partnerships with pertinent private and public actors; - (helping to) translate the insights into cultural products for both an expert and professional audience (online platform, etc.) and a wider audience; supporting and preparing the curatorial work;
Architecture Workroom Brussels European Centre for Innovation in Architecture and Urbanism
- preparing and assisting with workshops with design agencies, entrepreneurs, governments, citizens, experts, farmers, port companies, etc.; - coordinating of trajectories of prospective design research, the organisation and practical elaboration of the actions; - analysing and synthesising the work delivered; - the follow-up of the budget, the planning and the administration of the projects. Profile We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic and talented candidates: - who hold a Master’s Degree in architecture, urban planning and/or related disciplines( cultural sciences, communication, urban studies, transition management, etc) or similar expertise from experience; - who is driven by involvement in social and spatial issues, particularly in relation to climate change and urbanization, and prepared to take the complexity as a starting point; - who has a naturally investigative and analytical attitude; - who is able to approach complex issues in a structured way, to synthesise them and to translate them into work processes; - talent in organising and management; - who is prepared to work in a multidisciplinary team (in terms of content, production); - fluent in Dutch, French and/or English, both verbally and in writing; - who possesses a vision and knowledge of the theory, practice and the latest developments related to architecture and urban planning; - interest in culture production (organising exhibitions, public events, publication of books etc.); - knowledge of basic software packages: Adobe
aw Creative, Microsoft Office; - who is results-oriented and able to perform well under pressure; - who is flexible in terms of working hours, not a nineto-fiver. What is Architecture Workroom? AW is a cultural think-and-do tank, facilitating innovation within architecture and the broad spatial practise, policy and development. As initiator, mediator and platform, AW creates the space and conditions for developing new spatial practices and strategies (design research, cartography, process design, policy design, etc.), and thus focuses on translating the major transitions and challenges of our time into new types of projects and transformation programs, and on forming customized coalitions and new commissioning duties. AW consists of a team of 20 designers and researchers, and is led by three partners. AW’s extended strategic lines of action focus on: visionary and affordable housing, space for renewable energy, water and biodiversity, healthy food, shared mobility, circular economy and ports, caring neighbourhoods and the productive city. As a platform for design research and knowledge sharing, AW contributes to the broad social debate, to professional practice and knowledge development, and to the renewal of urban development and policy. Brussels, small cosmopolitan and Capital of Europe, is the ideal base - and also often the laboratory - for AW to contribute to the national and international debate on shaping the urbanising world in which we live. We offer - cooperation on an independent basis for an indefinite period; - the remuneration and terms of employment are in accordance with the weight of the position, consistent with a medium-sized cultural organization and dependent on qualifications and experience. Interested? Send your motivated letter of application and CV, including portfolio, at the latest on Monday 14 October 2019, to to the attention of Sylvia van den Hurk.
Architecture Workroom Brussels   European Centre for Innovation in Architecture and Urbanism