AMC Aspects 03/09

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Space and time united in “Trinity” This project is awarded from publishing house Atlas Style with crystal plastic, silver medal of Interarch 2009 and honor diploma

Project of “Inter building project” Ltd. Designers: arch. Emil Sardadrev, arch. Alexander Sardarev, arch. Damian Sardarev

The “Trinity” is a project based on the idea of union. The task was to have a project with three different volumes for three different companies united in one corporation. The project allows every company to preserve its identity and in the same time to remain connected with the others. The union is achieved by volumetric and spatial design of the building. Visually this architectural philosophy is achieved through light “rifts” in the volumes. This approach allows special dynamics of the building and the way in which it is perceived


in the urban environment in the different periods of the day. The “Trinity” has become 4D project, uniting the spatial dimensions with the fourth one of time. As expressions are used different façade divisions and materials and those of the volumes. In the image of “high” building is looked for connection with raster pixel images. The façade surfaces are decided as suspended raster facades with an inclination of 5% vertically. The contours of the plans are governed by this logic as the

acute angles are near to the inclination of 81º up to 88 º. Light net is foreseen in the zones of union of the façade surfaces and the connection in between that change their direction depending on the surface in which they are placed with the aim to give more dynamics of the composition and different aesthetical influence. It is suitable to realize these elements with diode or neon sources of light.

Text: arch. Emil Sardarev


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The Garden of Apollo “The hands want to see. The eyes want to caress” Goethe Office/Name of Architechts Richard England Collaborators Albert Borg Costanzi, Stephen Buttigieg City/Country St Julians / Malta

A section of the architect's residence, remodelled in 2007 as a work area and cloistered courtyard. The interior houses a studio providing work spaces and meeting areas, while the walled garden provides an enclosure designed specifically as a meditative locus of calm and tranquility; a form of allegorical and illusory stage-set, evoking Giorgio de Chirico’s enigmatic Mediterranean canvasses, where dream-like architectural images are juxtaposed with statuary to produce overall metaphysical effects of serenity and stasis. The architect has always believed that architecture must provide a sensorial experience and that the creation of any architectural space is not only about art, science and craft, but more so, about emotion, memory and story telling. The garden of Apollo is primarily designed as a secret garden, its objective is to create a theatrical oasis which enables one to distance oneself from the chaotic intrusions of everyday life, and to act as an antidote to contemporary man’s mechanised and turmoiled life-style. The garden is dedicated to Apollo the mythological god of proportion, music, poetry and magic. Coloured casts of this Greek sun god stand on pedestals as if guarding and protecting this enclave of quiescence. The materials utilized are Malta stone, concrete block and hardstone local paving. Planting around the area includes ambrosia, hyacinth and other nectared flowers all strongly associated with this mythological god. Use, is also made of the lush layered background of the main garden in the spatial illusion tradition of the ‘borrow scenery’ of the Japanese Kara-Senzui gardens. This is a work conceived as a “built” poem to enable one to engage in dream and desire while evoking an architecture which reflects the architect's belief that built environments should above all provide soul enhancing ambiances.



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