WAM Issue 10

Page 1

World Architecture Masters

ISSN 1313-177X

10/ 2009/ 010



Àêàäåìè÷åí ñúâåò Àêàäåìèöè íà MAA ïðîô. Ïèåð Àíäðå Äþôåòåë - Ôðàíöèÿ ïðîô. ßí Õóãñòàä - Õîëàíäèÿ ïðîô. Êèîíîðè Êèêóòàêå - ßïîíèÿ ïðîô. Ìàíôðåäè Íèêîëåòè - Èòàëèÿ ïðîô. Þðèé Ïëàòîíîâ - Ðóñèÿ ïðîô. Áðàéúí Ñïåíñúð - ÑÀÙ ïðîô. Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ - Áúëãàðèÿ

Academic council IAA Academicians prof. Pierre Andre Dufetel - France prof. Jan Hoogstad - The Netherlands prof. Kiyonori Kikutake - Japan prof. Manfredi Nicoletti - Italy prof. Juri Platonov - Russia prof. Brian Spencer - USA prof. Georgi Stoilov - Bulgaria

Editor-in-chief Ãëàâåí ðåäàêòîð ïðîô. Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ, àêàäåìèê íà ÌÀÀ prof. Georgi Stoilov, IAA Academician Îòãîâîðåí ðåäàêòîð NEWS àðõ. Ãåîðãè Ñòàíèøåâ, ïðîô. íà ÌÀÀ

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IAA Academicians Kurt Ackermann Ahmet Vefik Alp Tadao Ando Paul Andreu Rasem Badran Gunter Behnisch Jai Rattan Bhalla Bogdan Bogdanovic Gottfried Bohm Mario Botta Santiago Calatrava Douglas J. Cardinal VitautasI Chekanauskas Peter Cook Charles Correa Justus Dahinden Vakhtang Davitaia Balkrisha Doshi Pierre-Andre Dufetel Richard England Arthur Erickson Ralph Erskine Adrien Fainsilber

Norman Foster Massimiliano Fuksas Frank O. Gehry YuryURY Gnedovski Teodoro Gonzalez De Leon VittorioI Gregotti Nicholas Grimshaw Zaha Hadid Agustin Hernandez Navarro Thomas Herzog Jan Hoogstad Toyo Ito Helmut Jahn Kiyonori Kikutake Rem Koolhaas Vladilen Krasilnikov Lucien Kroll Alexander Kudrjavtzev Henning Larsen Ricardo Legorreta V. Wu Liangyong Daniel Libeskind Fumihiko Maki Imre Makovecz

Richard Meier Manfredi Nicoletti Oscar Niemeyer Jean Nouvel Frei Otto Ieoh Ming Pei Gustav Peichl Cesar Pelli Renzo Piano Yuri Platonov Pedro Ramirez Vazquez Kevin Roche Richard Rogers Moshe Safdie Brian Spencer Georgi Stoilov Paolo Soleri Clorindo Testa Sara Topelson De Grinberg Jim Torossian Jorn Utzon R. Randall Vosbeck Kenneth Yeang Aymeric Zublena

The editors of the magazine World Architecture Masters would like to thank prof. Georgi Stoilov for his amiability submitting materials from theirs private archive at ours disposal for the tenth issue of WAM. Ñïèñàíèå World Architecture Masters áëàãîäàðè íà ïðîô. Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ çà ëþáåçíî ïðåäîñòàâåíèòå ìàòåðèàëè îò ëè÷íèÿ ìó àðõèâ çà äåñåòè áðîé íà WAM.

Ìàòåðèàëè è èëþñòðàöèè îò WAM ìîãàò äà ñå èçïîëçâàò ñàìî ñ ðàçðåøåíèå íà ðåäàêöèÿòà. Materals and illustrations of WAM can be used only with permission of the editor's office.


Georgi Stoilov RK ASTANA






































75 76




ART academy – Moscow











4 Aêàä. Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ, Ïðåçèäåíò íà ÌÀÀ Acad. Georgi Stoilov, President of IAA

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Criteria in the architecture The big truth comes from the heart not the eyes.

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The criteria in architecture are the most important components in the architectural thinking and creating. They contain the values, the goals and the principals of the architectural work. As its dualistic material and spiritual character, the architecture needs criteria in the both spheres. Something more they are in inseparable unity and they penetrate in each other and determine each other. Famous is the formula of functionalism - “the form follows the function” as the other way round “the function follows the form”. How important is having criteria in architecture could be seen in the fact that in the deep antiquity the Roman theorist of architecture Vitruvius sets them as fundament for the architectural creativity and formulates it as - “unity of utility, stability and beauty”. This triple unifying formula remains valid after Vitruvius although the situation changes. The criteria “stability” that used to be executed by Apolodor and Brunelleschi now is responsibility of the engineer. Nobody so far has given a definition of the other criteria “beauty”. We could only look deeper and more precise in the sense and the content of these perceptions, to see their interconnection and to define their dominant power in architecture. It is not an easy task. Not long ago an international jury of experts with different backgrounds showed total difference in the personal criteria and priorities. Outlined are several main criteria: function - quality of the utilitarian content of the object. With no doubt it is an important criteria when we are talking about choosing between projects with the same programme. But when we are estimating an exhibition with built projects and different programmes this is no longer determining. This criteria is necessary for every building, but it does not make the building architectural masterpiece. In the world there are hundreds of hotels “Hilton” with perfect functionality and standard, but none of them is an architectural masterpiece. The function has temporal character and disappears in buildings with long life and becomes memory. Architectural style: aesthetical character of the volumes and the spaces in the architecture. Important mark for the creativity and new ideas in the plastic language of architecture. By epigones with no talent the style becomes fashion, which is not a guarantee for high creativity. In the end of the day every style becomes type of standard. Architectural image (identity, individuality, originality, own character of the object): extremely important criteria, bringing the functional character of the object of the epoch and the author. This is necessary criteria for the perfection of architectural work, but it is also variable in the part of its function. Genius loci (the spirit of the object, poetics, magic, charm, harmony, greatness) Eternal value of the quantum unity of the universe and the personality. This is the absolute component of the perfect creation. There are dead buildings, that keep quite, there are buildings that speak, but there are also buildings that sing - these are the masterpieces. They are eternal in every epoch and style, because incorporate the substance of life - energy.


Georgi Stoilov Çàâúðøèë àðõèòåêòóðà â Ìîñêîâñêèÿ àðõèòåêòóðåí èíñòèòóò ïðåç 1954 ã. è ñïåöèàëèçèðàë óðáàíèçúì â Ïàðèæ ïðåç 1965 ã., çàïî÷íàë òâîð÷åñêàòà ñè êàðèåðà â ãîëÿìàòà øêîëà çà íå åäíî ïîêîëåíèå áúëãàðñêè àðõèòåêòè “Ãëàâïðîåêò”. Êàòî âñåêè òâîðåö Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ å áîãàòà, ñëîæíà è ìíîãîïëàíîâà ëè÷íîñò. Åðóäèðàí ñïåöèàëèñò, êîéòî ñòðàñòíî ïðåìèíàâà îò àðõèòåêòóðíèòå è ïëàñòè÷íèòå ïðîáëåìè êúì òåçè íà åñòåòèêàòà è ñîöèîëîãèÿòà. Íåãîâèÿò òâîð÷åñêè ïúò å ñâúðçàí ñ øèðîê ñïåêòúð îò âúïðîñè: îò àêòèâíîòî ïðîåêòèðàíå äî ðåàëèçèðàíåòî íà çíà÷èìè îáåêòè, îò íàó÷íî-òåîðåòè÷íàòà ðàáîòà äî ïóáëèöèñòè÷íàòà äåéíîñò, îò àäìèíèñòðàòèâíèòå çàäúëæåíèÿ äî çàåìàíåòî íà âàæíè îáùåñòâåíè ïîñòîâå: • Ïðîåêòàíò - àâòîð íà çíà÷èìè ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ è ëàóðåàò íà àðõèòåêòóðíè êîíêóðñè; • Åäèí îò îñíîâàòåëèòå íà Ñúþçà íà àðõèòåêòèòå â Áúëãàðèÿ è íåãîâ ïðåäñåäàòåë â ïåðèîäèòå: 1965 - 1968 ã. è 1977 - 1990 ã.; • Êìåò íà Ñîôèÿ îò 1967 äî 1971 ã.; • ×ëåí - òèòóëÿð íà ðàáîòíàòà ãðóïà “Ôîðìèðàíå è óïðàæíÿâàíå íà ïðîôåñèÿòà” íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ ñúþç íà àðõèòåêòèòå; • Îñíîâàòåë è Ãåíåðàëåí ñåêðåòàð íà Áàëêàíñêàòà êîíôåðåíöèÿ íà àðõèòåêòèòå; • Âèöåïðåçèäåíò íà Ñâåòîâíàòà ôåäåðàöèÿ íà ïîáðàòèìåíèòå ãðàäîâå (ÑÔÏÃ) îò 1970 äî 1976 ã.; • Âèöåïðåçèäåíò íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ ñúâåò çà ðåãèîíàëíà èêîíîìèêà, à íà êîíãðåñà ìó â Ïàðèæ ïðåç 1970 ã. - íåãîâ äîêëàä÷èê; • Îðãàíèçàòîð íà äâå ñâåòîâíè èíòåðêîìóíàëíè êîíôåðåíöèè: “×îâåêúò è íåãîâàòà æèçíåíà ñðåäà â ãðàäîâåòå” - 1972 ã. è “Ïëàíèðàíå è ðàçâèòèå íà ãðàäîâåòå” - 1978 ã.; • Ó÷àñòíèê âúâ âñè÷êè êîíãðåñè íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ ñúþç íà àðõèòåêòèòå îò ñðåäàòà íà 60-òå ãîäèíè íà ÕÕ âåê äî íàñòîÿùèÿ ìîìåíò. • Èíèöèàòîð, îðãàíèçàòîð è ïðåäñåäàòåë íà Îðãàíèçàöèîííèÿ ñúâåò è íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíîòî æþðè íà Ñâåòîâíîòî áèåíàëå è òðèåíàëå íà àðõèòåêòóðàòà “Èíòåðàðõ” îò ïúðâèÿ ñúñòîÿë ñå ïðåç 1981 ã. äî ïîñëåäíèÿ • Îðãàíèçàòîð è ïðåäñåäàòåë íà Ðåäàêöèîííèÿ ñúâåò íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ àëìàíàõ “Àðõèòåêòóðà è Îáùåñòâî” è ñïèñàíèå WAM (Ñâåòîâíè ìàéñòîðè íà àðõèòåêòóðàòà) • Ïðåçèäåíò íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ ñúþç íà àðõèòåêòèòå îò 1985 äî 1987 ã.; • Ïðåçèäåíò íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíàòà àêàäåìèÿ íà àðõèòåêòóðàòà îò 1987 ã. äîñåãà.; • Îñíîâàòåë íà Íàó÷íîèçñëåäîâàòåëñêèÿ àêàäåìè÷åí ïðîåêòàíòñêè èíñòèòóò “Èíòåðïðîåêò” êúì Ìåæäóíàðîäíàòà àêàäåìèÿ íà àðõèòåêòóðàòà.; • Àâòîð íà êíèãè è ìîíîãðàôèè, ñòóäèè è ñòàòèè âúðõó àêòóàëíè ïðîáëåìè íà àðõèòåêòóðàòà - òîâà ñà ñàìî ÷àñò îò çíà÷èìèòå ðóáåæè ïðåîäîëÿíè îò Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ. Êàêâî å Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ çà áúëãàðñêàòà àðõèòåêòóðà ? • Ñ èìåòî íà Ãåîðãè Ñòîèëîâ å ñâúðçàíî ñúçäàâàíåòî íà çíà÷èìè ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ â áúëãàðñêàòà àðõèòåêòóðà - îò ñãðàäàòà íà Ðàäèî Ñîôèÿ, õîòåëèòå “Ðèëà” è “Îðáèòà” â ñòîëèöàòà, ïðåç ãðàäîóñòðîéñòâå-íèÿ ïëàí íà Ìåæäóíàðîäíèÿ ìëàäåæêè öåíòúð â Ïðèìîðñêî è

Graduated in the Moscow architectural institute in 1954 and got his master degree in urbanism in Paris in 1965 he started his creative career in the big school for one generation of Bulgarian architects “Glavproekt”. Georgi Stoilovs versatile and complicated personality passionately goes from the architectural and plastic problems to those of aesthetics and sociology. His creative way is connected with wide spectrum of questions: from the active design - to the realization of important objects, from sciencetheoretical work to publicist work, from administrative responsibilities - to being on important social positions: • Architect - author of important works and laureate in architectural contests • One of the founders of the Union of the architects in Bulgaria and his chairman in the periods: 1965 - 1968 and 1977 - 1990 • Mayor of Sofia: 1967 - 1971 • Member-tutor of the group “Forming and executing the profession” of the International union of the architects • Founder and main secretary of the Balkan conference of the architects • Vice president of the World federation of the fraternal cities: 1970-1976 • Vice president of the International counsellor for regional economics and on the congress in Paris in 1970 - his representative • Organizer of two world intercommunity conferences: “The man and his environment in the cities” - 1972 and “Planning and development of the cities” - 1978 • Participant in all the congresses of the International Union of the architects from the mid sixties to the present moment • Initiator, organizer and chairman of the Organization counsellor and of the International jury of the World biennial and triennial of architecture “Interarch” from the first in 1981 to the last • Organizer and chairman of the Editorial team of the International almanac “Architecture and Society” and WAM magazine (World Architecture Masters) • President of the International union of the architects: 1985-1987 • President of the International academy of architecture: 1987 till now • Founder of the Science discovery academy architecture institute “Interproekt” part of the International academy of Architecture • Author of books and monographic issues, researches and articles on the present problems in architecture - this is only part of the important tasks of Georgi Stoilov What is Georgi Stoilov for the Bulgarian architecture? With his name is connected the creation of important projects in Bulgarian architecture - Radio Sofia, the hotels “Rila” and “Orbita” in the capital, the master plan of the International youth centre in Pirmorsko and the hotels “International”, “Emona”, “Rubin” and “Action” in the resort complexes of “St. Konstantin and Elena” and “Golden sands”, the building OBNS in Pernik, the memorial monument in Buzludja, pantheon in Gurguliat and the arch of freedom in the Troyan Balkan, his recent big realization is the center for aerial traffic in Sofia nd his newest project from the XXI century ecoskyscraper in Moscow, Russia and his big work - series of important communal buildings for the new capital of Kazahstan - Astana. Many of his realizations became emblematic buildings without which is difficult to imagine the contemporary look of our cities, resorts, areas.

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• Author of books, researches, articles, statements on the present aspects in the Bulgarian and world architecture - read on important national and international forums, published in Bulgaria and abroad, active collaborator of many architectural issues in the world. Awarded in prestigious contests and with honour membership of: • Union of the architects in Russia 1986 • American Institute of Architecture 1986 • Federation of architects in Mexico 1986 • Royal institute of Canadian architects 1987 • Union of the Spanish architects 1986 • Union of the architects in the former Czechoslovakia 1987 • Honoured professor of the National polytechnic institute in Mexico 1985 • Honoured professor of the University in Buenos Aires in Argentina 1986 • Honoured professor of the Technical university in Tbilisi, Georgia 1994 • “Doctor Honoris-causa” of the Moscow architectural institute (State academy), Russia 2001


aquarelle • Academician of the French Academy of architecture 1985 • Academician of the Russian academy of architecture and construction science • Academician of the Russian academy of art 2001 • Academician of the Ukraine academy of architecture 2001 • Academician of the International Academy of Architecture 1987 Georgi Stoilov has numerous medals and recognitions. He is awarded with the golden medal “Shinkel” - 1984 and medal for achievements for the polish culture - 1984; medal of the French academy of architecture - 1987; Golden medal of the union of Georgian architects in 1998 and many others. He has the title of Honoured member of the Union of architects in Bulgaria. Arch. Stoilov was “architect of the year” in 2001 for the project for the center for control of the aerial traffic in Sofia. The airport complex is nominated for the award of the European union for architecture “Mies Van der Rohe”. The nomination is given for the conceptual, architectural and technical solution of the complex. On the tenth anniversary world triennial of architecture “Interarch - 2003” he was awarded with the Honour prize of the Union of architects in Russa “Russia Dedal” given for big achievements in the development of international relations with the architects. Creator with great energy, constant generator of new and new ideas, inspiration of initiatives, organizer of important architecture forums - that is Georgi Stoilov for the Bulgarian architecture. XXI century started with series of new problems. New are above all the new environmental problems and sustainable development - this is new philosophy for the evolution of the humanity. The sustainable development is global question concerning the technologies and the social life. These new problems set the task for searching their reflection in new architectural structures. So was born two projects of arch. Stoilov on the theme of “High buildings” The skyscraper was born in the XX century with wide use. But this expensive investment was also the poorest as concept and composition - it was antiarchitectural. It was lacking one of the most important elements - inside space and it became a container with rooms for sentenced intellectual workers. All the predictions show that the high structures will be better developed in the XXI century. This makes necessary the researches for the high structures with inside gardens and the quality of peoples life. Arch. Stoilov creates projects for U-2 and U-3 for the financial and trade center of “Moskva city” on the shore of the river in the Russian capital. The two projects reflect the conclusions from the catastrophe with the two towers twins of the World trade center in Manhattan in New York, USA, that were ruined after the terrorist attack on the 11th September 2001. In the new towers is reflected the concept of the author for new identity, whose roots are in the sense of the creator to express the spirit of the place. The same philosophy arch. Stoilov showed in the project for “Shopping center” - project for the new capital of Kazahstan - Astana. An accent in the volumetric-spatial composition is the atrium giving life to this kind of buildings. An important step in the plastic vision of the author is the project for multifunctional sport hall for 5000 people in Sofia - project reflecting the newest standards and created for international competitions. So the list could be continued. Arch Stoilov keeps creating new and new projects.


Complex RVD (Guide of the airplanes movement airport of Sofia)

Project that got first award on the national contest in 1996 This complicated multifunctional composition has five parts. In spite of the many different functions in the project the unity of aesthetics, volumes and space is accomplished. In the complex could be mentioned the diversity of forms and materials inside and outside. This architecture certainly is free from the “cage” of rationalism and goes back to the complicated organism of medieval castle or monastery bringing with itself contemporary aesthetics. The project was nominated for the European prize “Mies van der Rohe”

Chief executor of the second stage-completion of the building - is the big Bulgarian firm ,,Glavbolgarstroy”, which constructs the division walls, the internal installations, completes to their final outlook the floor, the walls and the ceilings. This happened in synchrony with a number of sub-executors of different importance. From these we must point out those, which have constructed important and big in scale elements of the building, such as: the suspended facade, air-condition installations and the automatics, the roof and the roof insulation, the ceilings. The big and complex object has been build for very short terms, which is a benefit of each of them and with excellent quality of most of the realized works, responding to the stern requirements of the European Standards.



• The hotel part is developed in cylindrical form separated from the basic scope. It has unique separate function and makes softer the visual connection with the city towards which it has been oriented. Just like the other elements of the composition it is often reflected in the flat mirror of the facade behind it, just like the clouds. The game of light, shadows and reflections is very important for the life of this building. • The Northern facade memorizes us expressional plastic appearance. Here too, the side wing protrudes with its sharp edge. The atrium is stopped by a solid, slightly rampant wall, over which comes the bulging wing - its cover that clearly shows on the front façade. The other end of this facade is realized orthogonally and decisively stops the movement of the building towards the open territory





• The building is at first place in many respects, but the most visible of these is the suspended facade. On the one hand it is the biggest one on the Balkan Peninsula with its area of about 20 000 m2, and at the same time it is quite complex. The primary project has been preserved but in technical respect the facade has been developed further in detail and has been strictly worked on by the team of firm ,,Stoa”. This is the secondary firm, which has built the facades in partnership with an Israeli firm that has accepted to cover the financial and bank guarantees. The making of executive plans for such buildings starts after the conclusion of the rough building, when the already built can be photographed very precisely. Firm ,,Stoa” makes this perfectly well, provides software and with firm internal control and exact measuring has been prepared a substantial quantity of drawings.






For the ensuring of the high class of the building, the first step was to choose the right materials. The facade is made from profiles of the German firm ,,Schuco� - a structural facade ,,FW50 SG� - type, at the surfaces that are facing the city, and semi - structural ,,FW 50+) on the facade, facing the airport and within the atrium.




During his visit in Bulgaria Oscar Niemeyer looking at this building said: “This is national architecture and there is no analog of it�. The building is not big, but it has massive inner energy. In the structure are placed editorial offices, halls, radio-studios. The materials used for the facade are contemporary.




The complex is located on Black sea coast in the international resort “Golden sands”. For many years this building was symbolic for the wellknown resort. The complex contains of: luxurious hotel, restaurant, night club, cinema, casino, swimming-pool, sky-club. Two times “International” was awarded with the highest premium “Golden Bull” from the international touristic organization – Madrid. The architecture of this project is based on a system for sun-protection.



The silhouette of the building is formed by light reinforced concrete. In contrast with it are the diverse glass volumes, asymmetrical entrance and the panoramic elevator.


The composition is based on the clear tectonics of stone and glass. This was the epoch of the conversion of the “box� of the modernism to plastic architecture. The planning is square.





The palace of justice is the center of the third power in the country. It should be a warrantor for order, fairness and justice. This is the reason to be chosen an architecture with antique and righteous spirit. The planning is square: in the center is placed big foyer, 12 halls-studios and on the periphery are the cabinets of the jurists.


SPORT AND BUSINESS CENTER CSKA SOFIA In the complex the multifunctional hall has 6000 places, trade mall, high office-hotel tower. In the project is shown the love of the author to plastic forms and new aesthetics.





ART academy – Moscow The programme of the complex is very beautiful and rich. There is music department and ballet with offices and concert halls with 1000 places, theatre department with offices and hall with 600 places, department for plastic art – sculpture, painting and graphics, sports halls, restaurants, inside yard for festivals. It is situated near a forest on the shore of a big lake. All this was inspiration for the author and is shown in the rich architectural composition.



The existing business center of the capital Astana has a huge advantage compared to the new territories. That is way the “Respublic” business center will have a dominant symbolic role in Astana city. The center site is located on the crossroad between two of the main city arteries - “Abaiy” and “Respublica” roads. The size of the site allows for an excellent functional arrangement of the business center. 1.Master plan design The task to create feeling of dynamics and flight is achieved trough simple and vibrant forty stories high vertical block. The feeling of dynamics is enhanced by the rotation of the quadrant form 45 degrees to “facing edges” quadrant. The main entrances are facing the both main roads The cars are entering trough two main entrances - one for the hotel, other for the business center and are connected with the underground parking lots.

area of land proper ty 6 580m2 area of each level 1 063m2 total underground area 30 200m2 total building area above ground level 42 375m2 k = 0,795 note: each office and hotel level is 3,80m high from floor to floor.

Business center “Respublika” Astana, R.K.


2.Functional design 32 by 32 meters layout of the floors was chosen for the rich possibilities of different functional arrangements that it provides. The entrance spaces for the two main functions with their reception areas and security controls are situated on the zero level. Lifts and communications together with lobby bar and bank with exchange office are designed in the spacious hall. The proposed foyer is two levels high 5 meters each.


Level -1 and -2 are containing fitness center with pool, sauna, drugstore and others in very “rich” composition. Natural ceiling lightning in the form of glass pyramids is provided for this area. On the second floor there is services for a business center. On the third floor a conference room of 160 m2 is situated together with 4 business halls, cafe for the employees and office service including internet. Office spaces meeting the standards of the program equipped according to the investor’s demands are designed from 4th to the 33rd floor. The high level of the business standard is met by the design and the equipment of the office spaces. 34th to 38th floors contain the “Luxurious” label hotel apartments. A sky restaurant is situated on the 39th and 40th floor. In our opinion it will attract a lot of clients and bring large revenues with its high standard and spectacular panoramic view. Above it on the gallery there is a gentlemen’s club with picturesque garden available to a few chosen members. The underground parking space is divided onto 5 floors with the area of the site.



According to all this the new class “A� business center will be the most luxurious structure in Astana in its functional arrangement, high standard and quality of service it provides. 3.The architecture of the building is light, accelerated and super modern. The materials used on the facades and in the interior will be of the highest quality: reflective glass, aluminum, and natural materials. We had the task to create a symbolic building for the new capital. That is way we propose a synthesis of vanguard aesthetics with traditional elements.


The design is based on the norms and regulations of the SNIP of Kazakhstan Republic. The structural and other engineering systems will be designed on a latter stage according to the most demanding technical standards of the 21st century skyscraper. In conclusion I wish to express my admiration for the excellent contest documentation and especially for highly professional technical program that inspires for big art in architecture.


The palace of the world and commitment – Astana The republic of Kazakhstan is building its new capital – Astana. Parallel to the active construction of residence and municipal buildings was shown the will to have one building-symbol of the peace and commitment of the human race. The figure of big balloon symbolizes the unity and harmony of the human kind. In the big globe is placed a hall of the populations and under it forum for regular meetings and contacts with groups of different nationalities and religions. The project is waiting for the future great epoch of fraternity of the nations.





RK Astana

The new capital of Kazakhstan - Astana needs developed trade infrastructure of high class. This project which has 40 000 Sq.m. trade space responds to this necessity. The project was supervised by a leading merchandise British company. The architecture of the project has the ambition to bring new spirit and beauty in the boring landscape. The first step of the building of Astana.


The twin skyscrapers in Astana

This is a preposition to enrich the urban landscape of the new capital of Kazakhstan. They are well studied in constructive and functional way.






49 The skyscrapers of the 20th century have some disadvantages. They don`t have the many qualities that the big architecture has - inside space for contacts and the presence of nature. They are containers with rooms for bureaucrats.

50 The present project with a structure of 80 floors has the ambition to get back the most important components of the architecture - space for human contacts and ecology.

51 In the project three towers are united with inner spaces. On every 8 floors are designed new spaces with the elements of squares: parks, shops, restaurants etc. The communication is on two levels - urban in the central core and more intimate on every 8 floors of the block. On the roof is designed communal sky-park.


EUROMED CENTER, MARSEILLE V-TOWER Bourgas Private company in the city of Bourgas on the Black Sea has the ambition to build the first Bulgarian skyscraper. The company organized a contest when the project for V-TOWER got the first award.





57 This 45 floors tower class “A� is high 201m. The project has many functions: tourist companies on the ground floor and on the first floor, restaurants on the second and on the third, offices on the others, VIP apartments, and presidents’ apartments on two levels, sky-plaza and restaurant on the top. The place of the tower on the Black sea coast has intense wind flows during the autumn, the winter and the spring. The body of the tower is flat surface in order to have minimum opposition to the wind. In contrast with this the top of the tower has rich crown which identifies the building.




SPORT-HALL IN SOFIA The project was to build multifunctional sport hall in Sofia for 12 000 visitors. The programme of the building corresponds to the international normative for such buildings.


Eco-skyscraper Moscow This project for 56 floors block with the ambition to create subtle plastic of skyscraper. The project is an answer of the tragedy happened in the World Trade center in Manhattan in which died thousands of people. The functional scheme of the block with central core of communication is not used, but rather free and more protected communication. In this block no victims are possible. In the tower are placed also two parking floors and sky-garden.






Office – hotel complex in Sofia The will of the author to achieve rich big architecture of the past brought to the idea to create spacious composition of three volumes with different heights. The composition unites the aesthetical stylistics and the efficient functional organization.







The embassy of Bulgaria in Cuba The admiration of the author to the fantastic tropical views of Cuba has given birth to this untraditional composition with flowing spaces and particular flexibility. The functionality of the project with bioclimatic architecture with high grade of natural vertical and horizontal ventilation and the sun-protective elements created this vivid architecture.


Complex of ChemistryTechnological Institute (CHTI) – Sofia It was the first awarded in a contest in which 5 academicians of IAA took part. The concept is based on big campus where is located the management and info-center. There are three main halls-magnum and 3 faculties. The space is organized with inside yards like the traditional old English colleges.


For many centuries on the south exists tradition for street-markets. The trade group “Tzum” – Sofia asked the author to create project for a giant trade complex with major flexibility and comfortable walkways for the passing visitors. So this was the answer of the given task. The project of the market is 800 meters long, is has central shopping space and trade lines on three floors. The trade center is divided on sectors regarding on the specifications of the activities of the companies. Although the big size the building is not monotonous, because it is composed by 7 different architectural modules with commune style.

Trade complex “Mall” – Sofia


Trade complex in Sofia The task was to build a complex with big office and trade space. It was the year of 1976 – the period of the dying functionalism. It was necessary to break the “box” of the skyscrapers and to search new architectural plastics. Two towers of the project are designed for offices of “Tabso” and government administration. They are organized on the principal of sightseeing halls. The lower blocks are retails and service. The territory has rich landscaping.


Pantheon Buzludja The monument is built in memory of two heroic epochs: 1878 - Liberation of Bulgaria after 5 century slavery and 1944 - antifascism victory. The monument is located on the top of the Balkan mountain on the Trojan passage. The arch is done from concrete, the sculpture - granite. Architect G.Stoilov Sculptor V. Minkov.


Monument of the antifascists fight Arch of freedom in the region of Lovech architect G.Stoilov sculptor Al. Gigov

Monument of the wars of Bulgaria participated in three wars. Architect G.Stoilov Sculptor As. Popov


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JUIMIA ISHIGAMI, Tokyo, Japan Junia Ishigami questions common understanding of architecture. This allows him to create things beyond trends, established principles and definitions, develop new structures, new spaces and organize the environment differently. He hopes his projects will be able to change the lifestyle of modern architecture radically and fill it with new values.

Þíèÿ Èøèãàìè, Òîêèî, ßïîíèÿ Þíèÿ Èøèãàìè ïîñòàâÿ ïîä âúïðîñ âñåîáùîòî ðàçáèðàíå çà àðõèòåêòóðà. Òîâà ìó ïîçâîëÿâà äà ñúçäàâà íåùà, êîèòî ñà îòâúä òåíäåíöèèòå, îñòàíîâåíèòå ïðèíöèïè è äåôèíèöèè, äà ðàçâèâà íîâè ñòðóêòóðè, íîâè ïðîñòðàíñòâà è îðãàíèçèðà îêîëíàòà ñðåäà ïî äðóã íà÷èí. Òîé ñå íàäÿâà íåãîâèòå ïðîåêòè äà óñïåÿòà äà ïðîìåíÿò ëàéôñòàéëà íà ìîäåðíàòà àðõèòåêòóðà ðàäèêàëíî è äà ãî îáîãàòè ñ íîâè ñòîéíîñòè.

MAIN PROJECTS: Table, Tokyo, Japan, 2005 T. project (first prize in residential architecture project sponsored by the Tokyo Electric Power Company), Tokyo, Japan, 2005 Balloon, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 Kanagawa Institute of Technology KAIT kobo, Kanagawa,Japan, 2008 Yohji Yamamoto Gansevoort street store, New York, USA, 2008 AWARDS: "Low chair and round table" were acquired by the Pompidou Centre, Milan, Italy, 2004 "Small garden of row house" received the SD Prize, Japan, 2005 "Table" received the Kirin Prize, Tokyo,Japan, 2005 "Table" shown at the Basel Art Fair by Gallery Koyanagi and acquired by the Israel Museum, Basel, Swiss, 2006 "T project" received First prize in residential architecture project




IAKOV CHERNIKHOV 1889-1951 Born in Pavlograd (Ukraine). He graduated from Odessa art school (1914) and Leningrad Academy of Arts (1925). In 1927 he founded the Experimental research laboratory of architectural forms and drafting techniques, where he began active experimentation and project development. The problem range that interested Chernikhov, was very wide: Research in the field of geometric ornament and suprematism, development of new methods of teaching graphical and space subjects, issues in theory of constructivism and problems of shaping in modern architecture, design and construction (more than 60 projects.) His legacy consists of more than 50 works on theory of modern architecture and draftsmanship and about 20,000 graphical designs. Best of them are united into the uniquely beautiful books: Foundations of modern architecture (1930), Construction of architectural and machine forms (1931), 101 Architectural fantasies (1933). They brought the author world fame and title of the Soviet Piranesi and became resource books for architects throughout the world.

The lakov Chernikhov International Prize was created to stimulate creativity in the field of architecture aimed at solving current social and cultural problems; to confirm humanistic principles in the art of architecture and also to support experimental, educational and research works in the field of innovative architecture and town planning. The Prize will be awarded every two years to masters of architecture for the best architectural concept. The idea should combine an innovative response to our time and simultaneously offer a professional challenge to the future. Nominees can present designs, buildings, experimental works, fantasies and sketches. The organizational committee appoints a Curator. The Curator writes a manifest and along with the Foundation forms an international Expert board and a Jury. Then, the Curator becomes the head of the Jury. The Jury consisting of authoritative international architects selects the winner from among nominees chosen by the international Expert board. Age requirement for nomination-44. The lakov Chernikhov Prize includes EUR 50 000 and the silver medal with the image of the stamp of the Scientific research laboratory of architectural forms and methods of graphic arts» established by lakov Chernikhov. In the competition 2006 for the main lakov Chernikhov Prize 55 projects have been presented by nominees from 20 countries around the world. Prize curators: Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher (Great Britain). The laureates of the Prize and the holders of medals became Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara (DOGMA, Venice, Italy). In order to increase awareness of the creative heritage of lakov Chernikhov and the Russian avant-garde the first Prize was structured as a festival comprising four additional competitions. In the competition 2008 for the main lakov Chernikhov Prize 76 projects have been presented by nominees from 20 countries around the world. lakov Chernkihov International Prize laureat’s medal. The image of the stamp of the “Scientific research laboratory of architectural forms and methods of graphic arts» (established by lakov Chernikhov in Leningrad, 1927) was used in medal design. «To look more deeply into the space of time is an indispensable challenge of architectural fantasy”. lakov Chernikhov

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Leonard Street, New York

Òàçè 57 - åòàæíà æèëèùíà ñãðàäà å â ìåñòíîñòòà Òèáåðèêà è ùå ïîìåùàâà 145 æèëèùà, âñÿêî îò êîèòî å íà åäèí öÿë åòàæ ñúñ ñâîå ëè÷íî âúíøíî ïðîñòðàíñòâî. Òàçè òèïîëîãèÿ êàðà ñãðàäàòà äà èçãëåæäà êàòî íàòðóïâàíå îò êúùè - äàëå÷ îò òðàäèöèîííàòà ôîðìà íà íåáîñòúðãà÷. Ñúñ ñâîÿòà âèñî÷èíà ñãðàäàòà ñúñ ñèãóðíîñò ùå ïîâëèàå íà ñèëóåòà íà Íþ Éîðê.

Çàâúðøâàíå íà ïðîåêòà: êðàÿ íà 2010 Ñòðîèòåë/ Ñïîíñîð: Alexico Group LLC, New York, NY Ïðåäñòàâèòåë íà êëèåíòà: Eric Anderson Àðõèòåêòóðåí äèçàéí Herzog & de Meuron, Basel, Switzerland Ïàðòíüîðè: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ascan Mergenthaler Ïðîåêòàíòè: Vladimir Pajkic (Associate), Philip Schmerbeck , Mehmet Noyan Åêèï: Zachary Vourlas, Jason Whiteley, Daniela Zimmer, Mark Chan, Simon Filler, Sara Jacinto, Jin Tack Lim, Mark Loughnan (Associate), Jaroslav Mach, Donald Mak, Hugo Moura, Jeremy Purcell, James Richards, Heeri Song, Charles Stone (Associate) Èçïúëíèòåëåí àðõèòåêò Costas Kondylis and Partners, New York, NY Ñòðîèòåëíî ìåíàäæèðàíå: Hunter Roberts, New York, NY Ïëîù íà òåðåíà: 12,500 square feet ÐÇÏ: 425,000 êâ. ôóòà Åòàæè: 57 (+1)



Leonard Street, New York / Herzog & de Meuron

Undoubtedly, this city changes its shape very often. And as of now, new residential buildings are bringing new forms to this skyline. First, we have OMA on the 23rd street with its structural facade and cantilevered volume, and now the 56 Leonard Street building by Herzog & de Meuron, which entered the construction phase. This 57-story residential in the Tribeca area will house 145 residences, each one with its own unique floor plan and private outdoor space. This typology makes the building look like a stack of houses, away from the traditional skyscraper form. I wonder how the concrete structure works on this building, which was done by consultant firm WSP Cantor Seinuk (who also worked on the Freedom Tower).

Location 56 Leonard Street, between Church Street and West Broadway, in the Tribeca Historic District of Manhattan, New York City Schedule Construction Commences: Fall 2008 Projected Occupancy: Fall 2010 Developer/Sponsor Alexico Group LLC, New York, NY Design Architect Herzog & de Meuron, Basel, Switzerland Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ascan Mergenthaler Project Architects: Vladimir Pajkic (Associate), Philip Schmerbeck , Mehmet Noyan Project Team: Zachary Vourlas, Jason Whiteley, Daniela Zimmer, Mark Chan, Simon Filler, Sara Jacinto, Jin Tack Lim, Mark Loughnan (Associate), Jaroslav Mach, Donald Mak, Hugo Moura, Jeremy Purcell, James Richards, Heeri Song, Charles Stone (Associate) Executive Architect Costas Kondylis and Partners, New York, NY Construction Management Hunter Roberts, New York, NY Site Area: 12,500 square feet Building Footprint: 12,500 square feet Building Dimensions Width: 125 feet Depth: 100 feet Height: 830 feet Gross Floor Area (GF): 425,000 square feet. plus technical, parking and structure Floors: 57 above (+1 below) Facade: glass, stainless steel, aluminium, concrete

With this height, it will surely impact the city skyline as you can see on the panoramic above. The building features several interior design details done by Herzog & de Meuron, and also a sculpture comissioned to artist Anish Kapoor.


Ïðîåêòúò Westside

Íîâ öåíòúð çà óâåñåëåíèå è ïàçàðóâàíå â Áåðí-Áðþíåí. Àðõèòåêòúò å ïðîåêòèðàë 1.5 ìèëèîíà êâ.ôóòà - 55 ìàãàçèíà, 10 ðåñòîðàíòà è áàðà, õîòåë, ìóëòèïëåêñ êèíî, ñïà öåíòúð è æèëèùà. Òàçè ïðîãðàìà ñúñ ñìåñåíè íóæäè ðàäèêàëíî ïðîìåíÿ êîíöåïöèÿòà çà ïàçàðóâàíå, çàáàâëåíèå è æèâååíå. Ïðîåêòúò å íà÷èíàíèå íà ADL è Burckhardt & Partner, Bern ñ Rhomberg Bau AG/Strabag AG è å çàâúðøåí ïðåç îêòîìâðè 2008ã. Ñòðóêòóðà: Æåëåçîáåòîíåí ñêåëåò. Ñòîìàíåíà ñòðóêòóðà. Ôàñàäà ñ ïðîèçâåäåíè ìîäóëè ñ äúðâåíè åëåìåíòè è ìåòàë. Äèçàéí, ïðîåêòèðàíå, èçïúëíåíèå Studio Daniel Libeskind



south. This is a unique outside element of Westside Bern-Brünnen. During the day the partly dark tanned window cuts contrast with the light wood facade. At night they are illuminated so that the parts of the structure disappear in the darkness, similar to a picture puzzle, so that from the outside the cuts are recognized as lines. The cubes forming Westside create openings to the many plazas as well as the bath. They are defined by crystalline form with angular sides which look like pieces of rock breaking through cube. The steel concrete construction is designed like a trapezoidal crystal where the structure creates openings, galleries and arcades, complete with shops and catering facilities. The interior is almost entirely plastered white. The grid structure of the crystal is covered with zinc plates at the points where it cuts the facade and the roof. Overall, the crystals and its plazas are designed like boxes; only the design of the glassine crystal of the bath is differing. The pattern of the mall’s alleys is never the same and it is not enclosed. Tentacled cuts create the spaces of the Mall at the facade and enhance the entrances and exits. The northern part of the mall leads to the forecourt of the train station, the senior residency, the hotel and the landscape. The project design creates a new center for shopping and leisure designed not only to attract visitors to the many amenities available at Westside, but also people interested in architecture. The mall and the other adjoining buildings can be used day and night, allowing Westside to become a new district of Bern. ”At the beginning of the 21st century there is a need to address contemporary social needs and desires and an emerging economic potential in order to create a new generation of shopping centers and leisure facilities.” ”The sustainability and long range success of a new facility depends

upon the creation of public spaces which in their functionality and architectural character provide a new identity by fusing together the dimensions of commerce, culture and leisure.” ”The bulk of retail space at the Westside project is organized in the well-tested convention of boxes and their efficient relationship between retail, circulation and delivery. In dialogue and contrast to this convention, the Westside mall is developed into a crystalline structure which articulates public spaces and leisure facilities in a sculptural architecture. This space creates a great variety of scales, perspectives and atmospheres ranging from the grand to the intimate, from the dynamic to the contemplative. This central space orients, attracts and provides unprecedented flexibility for the future needs of the entire complex.” ”Architecture is no longer considered a footnote, but is a fundamental means of engaging and extending the experience of the visitor toward new dynamic leisure horizons. In this way, the entire shopping mall becomes a stage - a veritable vitrine - for public performance. By configuring both the external and internal spaces in an innovative and efficient manner, the complex provides synthetic entertainment for a wide public. It is a place of celebration, enjoyment and consumption in which people can spend many hours in a variety of atmospheres and activities from shopping to dining, swimming to living all within a lively and magical environment. By providing access to audiences of all ages and sectors of society, the new center becomes a multi-layered invitation to all.” ”Westside creates an exciting gateway into the city of Bern as it dramatically positions itself over the highway becoming an icon in the landscape. In its new architectural form for leisure and fun, Westside is indeed destined to become not only a local and regional attraction, but a world class destination.”


Westside is an independent, but integrated district of Bern and has been planned accordingly. The development creates an exciting gateway into the city of Bern as it dramatically positions itself over the major highway and is integrated into the city with its own highway exit and train stop. The several-layer wooden facade connects the city area with the countryside, while emphasizing Westside as a major destination. Right-angled and transverse cut boxes constructed from steal concrete with a prop grid of 8,10 x 8,10 meters are creating sophisticated rooms and generating different external areas at Westside. The concept offers commercial, leisure and living spaces at day and night just like any naturally grown district. This building is not only a landmark, but also an urban organism which attracts the surrounding region, becoming a place of excursions, congresses and seminars, and leisurely activities. In addition to housing, there are fifty five shops, a hotel, a multiplex cinema, a senior residency and a wellness center included in a mixed-use program that radically reinvents the concept of shopping, entertainment and living.

The mall is the spine of the public space, much like the urban scale of a medieval city but adopting the functions of public space in the 21st century. Shops such as Swarovski, Esprit, H&M, L’Occitane en Provence, Wolford and Kinderland can be found at the Westside mall. The design includes lower and higher rooms, alleys and two plazas where the changing of daylight can be noticed through roof cuts. The two plazas each have individual identities. One plaza, reflecting the day, is oriented toward the landscape and opens up at the other end to the bath. The other plaza, reflecting the night, connects to the cinema and the hotel while providing atmosphere for night life and catering. The building design integrates the landscape and the different directions of the site while providing a unique look to the external areas. Extensive window cuts in varying designs open up the facade. This has the effect of creating either a panoramic window for the food court and wellness area or a web of natural light for the circulation area. Furthermore, the views allow you to see the highway, gateway to the living area, the railway tracks and the widespread landscape to the



Daniel Libeskind The Westside project Structure: Reinforced concrete skeleton. Steel structure. Facade with prefabricated modular wooden elements and metal. Schematic Design, Design and Planning of Planting and 책xecution:Studio Daniel Libeskind

The Westside project, a new center for leisure and shopping in BernBr체nnen, is an urban scale architecture project totaling 1.5 million sq. ft. In addition to the 55 shops, 10 restaurants and bars, hotel, multiplex cinema, fun bath with wellness center and housing, this mixed-use program radically reinvents the concept of shopping, entertainment and living. The Westside project is a joint venture between ADL and Burckhardt & Partner, Bern with Rhomberg Bau AG/Strabag AG and was completed in October 2008. The Westside project for Leisure and Shopping in Bern-Br체nnen is an urban scale architectural project totaling 150,000 square meters. Theme park swimming pool with fitness center, shopping, multiplex convention center, hotel and senior housing are all included in this mixed-use program. The aim of the project is to design a space in which the life of a city is reflected. The project also creates a unique integration of architecture and landscape at a large, urban scale.


The new Iberê Camargo Foundation headquarters preserves the collection of more than 4000 works by the master of Brazilian expressionism in nine art galleries. This is the first project by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza in Brazil. The building is an international landmark in architecture and engineering solutions. One of the design’s innovative features is its reinforcedconcrete construction throughout, without the use of bricks or sealing elements, forming curved outlines like a great sculpture to feature the form and movement of the ramps built on all floors. It is built entirely from white concrete, which dispenses with painting and finishing and also brings it a feeling of lightness. All the power and service ducts are inside the walls, insulated with fiberglass, allowing the installation of permanent or temporary dimmable sockets and lighting anywhere in the rooms. Fundação Iberê Camargo in Porto Alegre, Brazil / Alvaro Siza By David Basulto - Filed under: Museums and Libraries , Alvaro Siza, Brazil, Concrete The new building for the Ibere Camargo Foundation in Porto Alegre, Brazil designed by Portugal´s Alvaro Siza, is a big rectangular white concrete structure. It has a big central space enclose by circulations and exhibition spaces. Some of this circulations separate from the main body as arms going out through the facade. I´ve always loved the big white orthogonal Siza buildings, and i think that this form is really informed by brazilian modernists, resulting on sculptural rock in front of the river with an amazing light use, a tradition on Siza´s works.



FOUNDATION IBERÊ CAMARGO ALVARO SIZA VIEIRA location Porto Alegre function museum contributed by MI_MOA




Ó÷àñòèå â INTERARCH`2009, ÊÐÀÅÍ ÑÐÎÊ ÇÀ ÐÅÃÈÑÒÐÀÖÈß: Ôîðìóëÿðèòå òðÿáâà äà ñå ïîäàäàò â Ñîôèÿ ïðåäè 5 Àïðèë 2009. Òàêñà çà ó÷àñòèÿ: Eur 100 çà àðõèòåêòè ïðåäè15 Ìàðò, 2009 (èëè USD ñïðÿìî âàëóòíèÿ êóðñ çà äåíÿ)


Eur 120 çà àðõèòåêòè ñëåä 15 Ìàðò, 2009 (èëè USD ñïðÿìî âàëóòíèÿ êóðñ çà äåíÿ)

Eur 50 fçà ñòóäåíòè ïðåäè 15 Ìàðò, 2009 (èëè USD ñïðÿìî âàëóòíèÿ êóðñ çà äåíÿ)

Ñîôèÿ, ìàé 17 – 20, 2009 Óíèâåðñèòåò ïî àðõèòåêòóðà, ñòðîèòåëñòâî è ãåîäåçèÿ, áóë. "Õðèñòî Ñìèðíåíñêè" 1, 1046, Ñîôèÿ Ìàé 17, Íåäåëÿ 15:00 17:00-19:00 19:00

Îôèöèàëíî îòêðèâàíå INTERARCH’2009, Îòêðèâàíå íà èçëîæáèòå Àâòîðñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ Êîêòåéë çà îòêðèâàíå

Ìàé 18, Ïîíåäåëíèê 10:00-13:00 15:00-19:00

ÔÎÐÓÌ: Àðõèòåêòóðàòà íà 21-âè âåê Àâòîðñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ

Ìàé19, Âòîðíèê 10:00-13:00 15:00-19:00

ÔÎÐÓÌ: Àðõèòåêòóðàòà íà 21-âè âåê Àâòîðñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ

Ìàé 20, Ñðÿäà 10:00-13:00 15:00-18:00 19:00-20:00 20:00

Àâòîðñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ Àâòîðñêà êîíôåðåíöèÿ Öåðåìîíèÿ çà çàêðèâàíå INTERARCH’2009 Ïðîëåòíà àðõèòåêòóðíà ôèåñòà

Áåëåæêà: 1. Óìîëÿâàìå ó÷àñòíèöèòå äà ñå ïðèêà÷àò êúì ïàêåò ñ ïàíåëèòå ôàêòóðà-ïðîôîðìà, êîÿòî ñå èçèñêâà îò Áúëãàðñêèòå âëàñòè çà ñòîéíîñòè, êîèòî íå íàäâèøàâàò EUR 22 (30 USD). 2. Ïàíåëèòå, êíèãèòå è ñïèñàíèÿòà ñ àðõèòåêòóðíà òåìàòèêà òðÿáâà äà ñå äàäàò â ñåêðåòàðèàòà íà ÌÀÀ ïðåäè 15 Àïðèë 2009 (Àäðåñ: Îáîðèùå 35, 1504, Ñîôèÿ, Áúëãàðèÿ) Ìàòåðèàëèòå çà ñòóäåíòñêèòå äèïëîìíè ðàáîòè òðÿáâà äà áúäàò âíåñåíè â ÓÀÑà äî 15 Àïðèë 2009 (Àäðñ: Çàì. Ðåêòîð Áîÿí Ãåîðãèåâ: áóë. Õðèñòî Ñìèðíåíñêè 1, Ñîôèÿ, 1046, Áúëãàðèÿ) 3. Åêñïîíàòèòå íà èçëîæáèòå-êîíêóðñè îñòàâàò ñîáñòâåíîñò íà ìóçåÿ íà Interarch Áúëãàðèÿ 4. Îðãàíèçàòîðèòå ïðåäëàãàò ìàòåðèàëèòå äà áúäàò èçïðàòåíè ñ TNT, DHL èëè äðóãè êóðèåðñêè ôèðìè; 5. Ìîëÿ äà ñå ñâúðæåòå ñúñ ñåêðåòàðèàòà íà lnterarch'2009 çà ïîâå÷å èíôîðìàöèÿ: òåë.: +359 2 9434950, fax: +359 2 9434959, E-mail: iaarch@yahoo.com; Ìîáèëåí: +359 898255302;

Eur 60 çà ñòóäåíòè ñëåä 15 Ìàðò, 2009 (èëè USD ñïðÿìî âàëóòíèÿ êóðñ çà äåíÿ)

ÍÀ×ÈÍ ÍÀ ÏËÀÙÀÍÅ - ïîùåíñêè çàïèñ Áàíêîâî ïëàùàíå â ÅÂÐÎ: Ìåæäóíàðîäíà àêàäåìèÿ ïî àðõèòåêòóðà Ïúðâà èíâåñòèöèîííà áàíêà IBAN: BG17FINV91501003797530 BIC: FINVBGSF áóë. Âàñèë Ëåâñêè 95. 1000 Ñîôèÿ, Áúëãàðèÿ  USD ÍÀ: Ìåæäóíàðîäíà àêàäåìèÿ ïî àðõèòåêòóðà Ïúðâà èíâåñòèöèîííà áàíêà IBAN: BGFINV91501003797527 BIC: FINVBGSF áóë. Âàñèë Ëåâñêè 95. 1000 Ñîôèÿ, Áúëãàðèÿ Òàêñàòà çà ó÷àñòèå ãàðàíòèðà íà âñè÷êè ó÷àñòíèöè ïðèñúñòâèå íà âñè÷êè èçëîæáè, ôîðóìà Interarch' 2009 è êîíôåðåíöèè (êàêòî è êîêòåéëà çà îòêðèâàíå è çàòâàðÿíå) Âñêè÷êè îñòàíàëè ðàçõîäè êàòî ïðåñòîé, òðàíñïîðò è ò.í. ñà çà ñìåòêà íà ó÷àñòíèöèòå. Ôîðìóëÿð çà ó÷àñòèå 1. Èñêàì äà ó÷àñòâàì â èçëîæáà-êîíêóðñ íà àðõèòåêòóðíè ïðîåêòè è ïîñòðîåíè ñãðàäè ñ .............. áðîèé íà ïðîåêòè, ñ............... áðîé ïàíåëè 2.Èñêàì äà ó÷àñòâàì â êîíêóðñ çà êèíãè è ñïèñàíèÿ ñ àðõèòåêòóðíà òåìàòèêà 3.Èñêàì äà ó÷àñòâàì â êîíêóðñà çà ñòóäåíòñêè äèïëîìíè ïðîåêòè 4.Èñêàì äà ïðèñúñòâàì íà lnterarch'2009 êàòî íàáëþäàòåë îò........... äî............. Ìàé 2009 ÈÌÅ Äëúæíîñò Àäðåñ Îôèñ: Äîìàøåí: îôèñ Òåëåôîíåí êîä: âêúùè Ôàêñ: E-MAIL





PROGRAMME Sofia, May 17th – 20st, 2009 University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy1, Blv. Hristo Smirnenski, 1046 Sofia MAY 17, SUNDAY 03PM 05PM-07PM 07PM


MAY 18, MONDAY 10AM-01PM 03PM-07PM


MAY 19, TUESDAY 10 AM-01PM 03PM-07PM


MAY 20, WEDNESDAY 10 AM-01PM 03PM-06PM 07-08PM 08PM


NOTES: 1. THE PARTICIPANTS ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO INCLUDE IN THE PACKAGE WITH THEIR PANELS A PROFORMA INVOICE, REQUESTED BY THE BULGARIAN CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES, BILLING FOR A VALUE NOT EXCEEDING EUR 22 (30 USD). 2. The panels, books and magazines on architecture should be received in the IAA Secretariat before April 15 th, 2009 (Address 35 Oborishte Street, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria) The materials for the Students Diploma Projects should be received in the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy till 15 April 2009 (Address: Deputy Rector Boyan Georgiev : 1blv. Hristo Smirnenski, Sofia 1046, Bulgaria); 3. Exponents of the exhibitions-competitions will remain the property of the Interarch Museum in Bulgaria; 4. The organizers suggest the materials to be sent by TNT, DHL or other express dispatch company; 5. Please, don't hesitate to contact the lnterarch'2009 Secretariat for more information: tel.: +359 2 9434950, fax: +359 2 9434959, E-mail: iaarch@yahoo.com; Cell phone: +359 898255302;

PARTICIPATION IN INTERARCH`2009, DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: The entry forms should be received in Sofia before 5 April 2009. PARTICIPATION FEE: Eur 100 for architects before March 15 th, 2009 (or in USD according to the currency rate of the day)

Eur 120 for architects after March 15th, 2009 (or in USD according to the currency rate of the day)

Eur 50 for students before March 15 th, 2009 (or in USD according to the currency rate of the day)

Eur 60 for students after March 15th, 2009 (or in USD according to the currency rate of the day)

WAY OF PAYMENT- cheque sent by registered post or BANK TRANSFER IN EURO TO: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARCHITECTURE FIRST INVESTMENT BANK IBAN: BG17FINV91501003797530 BIC: FINVBGSF 95, Vassil Levski Blv. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria IN USD TO: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARCHITECTURE FIRST INVESTMENT BANK IBAN: BGFINV91501003797527 BIC: FINVBGSF 95, Vassil Levski Blv 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria The participation fee ensure the attendance to all exhibitions, the forum of Interarch' 2009 and the author`s conferences (as well as the welcome and the closing ceremony cocktails). All accommodations, transport and other expenses are to be borne by the participants. PARTICIPATION ENTRY FORM 1.I would like to participate in the exhibition-competition of architectural projects and built works, with ...... number of projects, with ...... number of panels 2.I would like to participate in the exhibition -competition of books & magazines on architecture 3.I would like to participate in the exhibition-competition of student’s diploma projects 4.I would like to attend the lnterarch'2009 as an observer from..... to.....May 2009 NAME OCCUPATION ADDRESS Office: Home: office TELEPHONE: CODE home FAX: E-MAIL:

3 COMMITTEE OF HONOUR (INVITED): Minister of the Culture - Bulgaria; Minister of the Regional Development and Public Works -Bulgaria; Mayor of Sofia Town; UIA President; UNESCO Representative; UN Resident Coordinator UNDP Resident in Bulgaria;

One of the most significant architectural events in 2009. Open international forum with professional participation of architects and theoreticians from all over the world, profiling a panorama of the tendencies and achievements of the world contemporary architecture. Participants will discuss the “Architecture of XXI Century”, will be engaged in the exchange of ideas with leading masters of the world contemporary architecture and will take part in different sections of the Triennial. INTERARCH '2009 ACTIVITIES 01. AUTHOR`S CONFERENCES BY WORLD MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE; 02. FORUM “ARCHITECTURE OF XXI-ST CENTURY”; 03. Exhibition - competition of Architectural Projects and Built Works. Sections: Architectural Structures of the Future; Innovations and Traditional Architecture; Architectural Identity; Architecture and Ecology; Sustainable Cities; 04. Exhibition-competition of Books and Magazines on Architecture; 05. Exhibition-competition of Student's Diploma Projects from Leading Architectural Schools; 06. Exhibition "Leading Masters of the World Contemporary Architecture - IAA Members"; 07. Exhibition-international competition “Sofia City`21”; 08. Expo of leading firms with production in the field of architecture and building; 01. AUTHOR’S CONFERENCES BY WORLD MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE. INVITED SPEAKERS: TADAO ANDO, PAUL ANDREU, ANDREY BOKOV, MARIO BOTTA, SANTIAGO CALATRAVA, JEAN MARIE CHARPENTIER, MASSIMILIANO FUKSAS, VITTORIO GREGOTTI, TEODORO GONZALEZ DE LEON, NICHOLAS GRIMSHAW, THOMAS HERZOG, STEVEN HOLL, TOYO ITO, HELMUT JAHN, FRANCOISE-HELENE JOURDA, JOHN KAY, KIYONORE KIKUTAKE, REM KOOLHAAS, DANIEL LIBESKIND, RICARDO LEGORRETA, WU LIANGYONG, THOM MAYNE, MANFREDI NICOLETTI, JEAN NOUVEL, FRANK O.GEHRY, KAS OOSTERHUIS, CESAR PELLI, FABIO PENTEADO, RENZO PIANO, AGUSTIN HERNANDEZ NAVARRO, RICHARD ROGERS, MOSHE SAFDIE, ALVARO SIZA, KENNETH YEANG. 02. FORUM “ARCHITECTURE OF XXI-ST CENTURY”. INVITED SPEAKERS: AHMET VEFIK ALP (TURKEY), JUSTUS DAHINDEN (SWITZERLAND), RICHARD ENGLAND (MALTA), KENNETH FRAMPTON (USA), JORGE GLUSBERG (ARGENTINA), JAN HOOGSTAD (THE NETHERLANDS), ALEXANDER KUDRJAVTZEV (RUSSIA), LOISE NOELLE MERELES (MEXICO), JUHANI PALLASMAA (FINLAND), MARIO PISANI (ITALY), LILO POPOV(BULGARIA), DENNIS SHARP (UK), BRIAN SPENCER (USA). 03. Exhibition - competition of Architectural Projects and Built Works. Sections: Architectural Structures of the Future; Innovations and Traditional Architecture; Architectural Identity; Architecture and Ecology; Sustainable Cities. The participants should submit the panels profiling their architectural projects and/or built works with texts, drawings, sketches and color or black-white photos. The layout (to your choice: vertically or horizontally) should be made on solid panels up to 3 mm thick, format A1(84.2cm./59.4cm) Each author may participate with up to two projects, displayed on not more than two panels each. The text should be in English: 1. Title and locality of the project 2. Number of the panels if two panels per project are displayed 3. Name of the author (or team leader) 4. Year of the project and / or year of construction of the built work The panels will remain the property of the Interarch Museum in Bulgaria. All presented projects and/or built works will be selected by a special professional team. International Honorary Awards including: Grand Prix Interarch`2009.Three First Prizes. Awards by Bulgarian and Foreign municipalities and institutions, as well as Laureate` Diplomas will be presented to the laureates of the exhibitioncompetitions of architectural projects and built works by International jury of outstanding architects.

EXECUTIVE BOARD: Georgi Stoilov - President of the International Academy of Architecture(IAA), President of “Interarch-Sofia”; Spiridon Ganev - President of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria(UAB); Dobrin Denev- Rector of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, (UACEG), Sofia;

A CD ROM catalogue with the architectural projects and/or built works presented in the exhibition-competition will be produced if the participants send to the IAA Secretariat till 5 April 2009 (by E-mail or any express dispatch company): one color or black & white photo of the project -10 x 15 cm; short annotation in English, not more than 1 printed page; title of the project; author (team leader) - family name, given name; E - mail, full post address with street, p. code, town, state; date of the project or date of the construction. International Jury: Georgi Stoilov (Bulgaria) - President, Pierre Andre Dufetel (France), Jan Hoogstad (The Netherlands), Kiyonori Kikutake (Japan), Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon (Mexico), Manfredi Nicoletti (Italy), Yuri Platonov (Russia), Secretary Lilo Popov(Bulgaria). 04. Exhibition-competition of Books and Magazines on Architecture. The exhibition will display books and magazines on architecture published after 2006. Three Laureate` Diplomas will be awarded to the best presented books and magazines by the International Jury. International Jury: Jeko Tilev (Bulgaria)- President; Paolo Cucchi (Malaysia), Richard England (Malta), Yury Gnedovskiy (Russia).Brian Spencer (USA); 05. Exhibition-competition of Student's Diploma Projects from Leading Architectural Schools. Architectural Schools are invited to present up to five diploma works of A1 size. The best three presented student`s Diploma Projects will receive Laureate Diplomas. International Jury: Nedialko Bonchev-President (Bulgaria), Ahmet Vefik Alp (Turkey), Boyan Georgiev (Bulgaria), Vakhtang Davitaia(Georgia), Mario Pisani (Italy); 06. Exhibition "Leading Masters of the World Contemporary Architecture - IAA Members". Presentation of the recent architectural works of (in alphabetical order): KURT ACKERMANN, AHMET VEFIK ALP, EMILIO AMBASZ, TADAO ANDO, PAUL ANDREU, RASEM BADRAN, ?NREY BOKOV, DOUGLAS J. CARDINAL, ALBERTO CAMPO BAEZA, GUNTER BEHNISCH, HELGE BOFINGER, ORIOL BOHIGAS, GOTTFRIED BOHM, MARIO BOTTA, MARIO BRUNATI, SANTIAGO CALATRAVA, JEAN-MARIE CHARPENTIER, CHARLES CORREA, JUSTUS DAHINDEN, VAKHTANG DAVITAIA, SARA TOPELSON DE GRINBERG, TEODORO GONZALEZ DE LEON, BALKRISHNA DOSHI, PIERRE-ANDRE DUFETEL, RICHARD ENGLAND, ARTHUR ERICKSON, ADRIEN FAINSILBER, NORMAN FOSTER, MASSIMILIANO FUKSAS, VITTORIO GREGOTTI, NICHOLAS GRIMSHAW, DONALD HACKL, ZAHA HADID, SHIZUO HARADA, ANDREAS GOTTLIEB HEMPEL, HERMAN HERTZBERGER, JAN HOOGSTAD, TOYO ITO, HELMUT JAHN, KIYONORI KIKUTAKE, KARLA KOWALSKI, VLADILEN KRASILNIKOV, ALEXANDER KUDRJAVTZEV, KISHO KUROKAWA, HENNING LARSEN, RICARDO LEGORRETA V., WU LIANGYONG, FUMIHIKO MAKI, IMRE MAKOVECZ, AL MANSFELD, RICHARD MEIER, LEONARD MOSCALEVICH, BENJAMIN MOUTON, AGUSTIN HERNANDEZ NAVARRO, ANDREY NEKRASOV, MANFREDI NICOLETTI, FRANK O.GEHRY, JUHANI PALLASMAA, MARIO PAREDES, GUSTAV PEICHL, CESAR PELLI, FABIO PENTEADO, MIGUEL PEREIRA, RENZO PIANO, YURI PLATONOV, BART PRINCE, ANTOINE PREDOCK, RICHARD ROGERS, MOSHE SAFDIE, JEAN PIERRE SAINTENOIS, HARRY SEIDLER, GEORGI STOILOV, VALENTIN STOLKO,PAOLO SOLERI, CLORINDO TESTA, JIM TOROSSIAN, ERIC VAN EGERAAT, PEDRO RAMIREZ VAZQUEZ, JEAN-PAUL VIGUIER, R. RANDALL VOSBECK, KENNETH YEANG, ABRAHAM ZABLUDOVSKY, AYMERIC ZUBLENA. 07. Exhibition-international competition “Sofia City`21” Projects: Lord Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Massimiliano Fuksas, Dominique Prerrault, G3 (G.Stoilov), ADAIS (G. Bakalov) 08. Expo of leading firms with production in the field of architecture and building.


2 PARTICIPATION FEE till 15.03.2009 - 100 EURO after 15.03.2009 - 120 EURO For students: till 15.03.2009 - 50 EUR after 15.03.2009 - 60 EUR

ÒÀÊÑÈ ÇÀ Ó×ÀÑÒÈÅ äî 15.03.2009 - 100 EURO ñëåä 15.03.2009 - 120 EURO Çà ñòóäåíòè äî 15.03.2009 - 50 EUR ñëåä 15.03.2009 - 60 EUR

Working language: English

Îñíîâåí åçèê íà ðàáîòà: English




XII- TH WORLD TRIENNIAL OF ARCHITECTURE I-st II-nd III-rd IV-th V-th VI-th VII-th VIII-th IX-th X-th jubilee XI-th XII-th

Interarch`81 Interarch`83 Interarch`85 Interarch`87 Interarch`89 Interarch`91 Interarch`94 Interarch`97 Interarch`2000

June June June September June July June June May

03-12,1981 06-12,1983 03-09,1985 21-27,1987 20-26,1989 02-06,1991 20-25,1994 23-27,1997 22-26,2000

Interarch`2003 Interarch`2006 INTERARCH`2009

May May May

19-23,2003 14-17,2006 17-20, 2009

Çà ïîâå÷å èíôîðìàöèÿ ìîæåòå äà ñå ñâúðæåòå ñ ñåêðåòàðèàòà íà “INTERARCH `2009” For more information, please, don’t hesitateto contact the "INTERARCH `2009" SECRETARIAT: Milka Kosturkova- IAA Director, Secretary General of “Interarch”. 35 Oborishte str. 1504 Sofia,Bulgaria, tel.: +359 2 9434950 fax: +359 2 9434959 GSM 0898255302 E-mail: iaarch@yahoo.com Lilo Popov -Deputy President of UAB. 11Krakra str.,1504 Sofia,Bulgaria. tel.: +359 2 9438272 fax: +359 2 9438349 E-mail: sab@ bgnet.bg Patar Penev - Deputy Rector of UASG. 1 Chr. Smirnenski str. 1402 Sofia, Bulgaria, fax:+359 2 8656863 GSM 0882529597

All accommodations, transport and other expenses will be borne by the participants. The detailed program as well as the entry forms will be distributed in the month of September 2008. Deadline for registration 28 February 2009. Íàñòàíÿâàíå, òðàíñïîðò è äð. ðàçõîäè ñà çà ñìåòêà íà ó÷àñòíèöèòå. Ïîäðîáíà ïðîãðàìà, êàêòî è ôîðìóëÿðèòå çà ó÷àñòèå ùå áúäàò ðàçïðîñòðàíåíè ïðåç Ñåïòåìâðè 2008ã. Êðàåí ñðîê çà ðåãèñòðàöèÿ 28 Ôåâðóàðè 2009.



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International Academy Of Architecture

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